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Tow Truck Operators Licence
Renewal Application
To avoid delays in processing your application, please read this form carefully, and fill it in completely.
Fair Trading requires that personal information is provided as part of this application. The information is used by Fair
Trading to assess eligibility for a tow truck operators licence under the Tow Truck Industry Act 1998.
The application will only be assessed if all the required information is provided, payment of the required fee has been
made and the declaration on the final page is signed by all relevant persons. If you need help with this application
including eligibility criteria, please contact Fair Trading on 13 32 20.
In the course of assessing the application Fair Trading may need to consult/share information with other government or
private sector organisations. The information provided by you will be retained at Fair Trading and may be available for
inspection upon written request by the licence holder.
Before your application can be processed you MUST:
complete the form in full
pay the required fee, and
supply all the required documentation (see page 7)
The documentation mus
t be current and in the name of the licensee.
COVID-19 lodgement of ren
In line with the NSW Public Health Order to stay at home, and to protect the community and reduce the spread of
COVID-19, we ask licence holders to lodge their renewal paperwork via email
If email is not
an option, you may return the form via post to: Fair Trading, PO Box 972 Parramatta NSW 2124.
In the event of ongoi
ng closures across the State, receiving renewals via email will ensure your application can still be
lodged and queued for processing.
Please contact us on 13 32 20 if you have any questions.
*Accept only
credit card payments for email lodgement.
If renewal is NOT RECEIVED by licence expiry date:
Your licence is d
eemed to have expired (work performed under an expired licence is illegal).
Expired licenses can be restored (using this form) up to 3 months after the due date.
If the licence is expired for a period exceeding 3 months, restoration may not be an option and you may need to
Application for Tow Truck Operators Licence Renewal:
1 Year - 16TTOP-1Y, 3 Year - 16TTOP- 3Y, 5 Year - 16TTOP-5Y
July 2020 - BR
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Section 1. Business details
a. Please specify type of business ()
Company (Give details below)
Name of company
Sole Trader
b. Registered business name (1)
Business name (2)
Business name (3)
Business name (4)
c. A.C.N.(if a company)
d. A.B.N. (must be registered to applicant)
e. Business address (where you store your towing records)
f. Postal address
g. Phone
h. Mobile
i. Email
j. Do you hold, or have you ever held a tow truck
operators licence (
No Yes - Licence Number
Section 2. Director's / Partner's /Sole Trader’s
Shareholder's / Close Associate's Details
(Copy of photo ID required)
Please give details for each person who is a director of your
company, a partner in your business, and/or a close associate
of your business. If you are a sole trader you must include your
personal details. A close associate is a person who has a
'relevant interest' in your business. This could include a
person who has a financial interest in your business (such
as a person who has invested in your business and/or is
entitled to receive an income from your business), or a person
who makes decisions that can impact on your business
(such as a person you employ in a managerial position).
If any person has ever used another name or identity
please include these details as requested.
If insufficient space, please attach another sheet
Full Name (1)
Residential address
Date of birth
Relationship to business
Previous Name Used (if applicable)
Full Name (2)
Residential address
Date of birth
Relationship to business
Previous Name Used (if applicable)
Full Name (3)
Residential address
Date of birth
Relationship to business
Previous Name Used (if applicable)
Application for Tow Truck Operators Licence Renewal: 1 Year - 16TTOP-1Y, 3 Year - 16TTOP- 3Y, 5 Year - 16TTOP-5Y July 2020
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Section 3. Criminal History
Fair Trading is required to check with police regarding any
criminal history for an applicant. If any of the persons listed in
Section 2 have lived outside of NSW or overseas within the
past 10 years, the person(s) must provide a national criminal
history record check from the relevant police or an Australian
Criminal Intelligence Commission accredited body for that
period in that jurisdiction.
Note: If you currently reside in a state or territory other than
NSW, these documents must be dated within 6 weeks of the
date of receipt of this application.
Note: Criminal history checks must be issued by police
directly or an Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission
accredited body. Failure to declare this information will
delay your application
Section 4. Towing Category
For all new applications please specify the type of towing work
that the vehicles on this licence will undertake ()
Category A Accident Towing (4 digit plates)
Category BTrade/Breakdown (3 digit plates)
Please nominate the Motor Registry/Service Centre in NSW
from which you would like to collect your new tow truck
number plates.
Section 5. Council Requirements
Note: All applicants must have council approval for their place
of business. Additionally, for category A towing, holding yards
must also have council approval. Fair Trading may require
proof of council approval.
a) Business Address - Does your business address have current
local council approval that allows you to conduct the business
to which this application relates OR have you been advised by
your local council that approval is not required for you to
conduct your proposed business (e.g. under home occupation
Yes No
If you are applying to conduct Category B towing ONLY go to
section 6.
b) Holding Yard(s) (Complete this section for Category A
accident towing ONLY)
Note: You must have one holding yard within 10 km of your place of
business that complies with Fair Trading’s Holding Yard Policy, for the
secure storage of towed motor vehicles. If each of the tow trucks listed
on your application has a GCM of 20 tonnes or more, you are exempt
from the requirement to have a holding yard. Your holding yard must
have current local council approval for the storage of crash damaged
vehicles, and approved for access to operators, drivers, police and
authorised officers 24 hours a day seven days a week.
Does your holding yard(s) have current local council
Yes No
Holding yard 1. Owned Leased
Holding yard 2. Owned Leased
Holding yard 3. Owned Leased
Section 6. Vehicles
You must provide details of vehicles that you either
currently operate or intend to operate, under the
authority of your licence. If insufficient space, please
attach additional vehicle details on a separate sheet.
NOTE: All tow trucks operated by the licensee must be
registered and insured in the name of the
licensee and
have a minimum load capacity of 1200kg (load capacity
= GVM Tare)
If one or more of your tow trucks is leased from another
person or company (not a financial institution) you must
provide a copy of the current lease for that vehicle.
Vehicle rego no. Make & type (e.g. Ford tilt tray)
Owned Leased
If leased name of lessor:
Vehicle rego no. Make & type (e.g. Ford tilt tray)
Owned Leased
If leased name of lessor:
Vehicle rego no. Make & type (e.g. Ford tilt tray)
Owned Leased
If leased name of lessor:
Vehicle rego no. Make & type (e.g. Ford tilt tray)
Owned Leased
If leased name of lessor:
Vehicle rego no. Make & type (e.g. Ford tilt tray)
Owned Leased
If leased – name of lessor:
Vehicle rego no. Make & type (e.g. Ford tilt tray)
Owned Leased
If leasedname of lessor:
Application for Tow Truck Operators Licence Renewal: 1 Year - 16TTOP-1Y, 3 Year - 16TTOP- 3Y, 5 Year - 16TTOP-5Y July 2020
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Section 7. Tow Truck Drivers
Under section 17(2) (g) of the Act all tow truck operator licence applicants must provide details of all tow truck drivers that
are employed or engaged by the applicant to use or operate tow trucks as part of the applicant's business. If insufficient
space, please attach additional details on a separate sheet.
Full Name (1)
Driver Certificate Number Commencement Date
Full Name (2)
Driver Certificate Number Commencement Date
Full Name (3)
Driver Certificate Number Commencement Date
Full Name (4)
Driver Certificate Number Commencement Date
Full Name (5)
Driver Certificate Number Commencement Date
Full Name (6)
Driver Certificate Number Commencement Date
Full Name (7)
Driver Certificate Number Commencement Date
Full Name (8)
Driver Certificate Number Commencement Date
Application for Tow Truck Operators Licence Renewal: 1 Year - 16TTOP-1Y, 3 Year - 16TTOP- 3Y, 5 Year - 16TTOP-5Y July 2020
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Section 8 – Disclosure
If you answer Yes to any of the following questions, please provide full details on a separate sheet.
Has the applicant or a close associate of the applicant within the period of 10 years
before the application was made, been refused a licence?
Yes No
Has the applicant or a close associate of the applicant within the period of 10 years
before the application was made, had his or her licence permanently revoked?
Has the applicant or a close associate of the applicant within the period of 10 years
before the application was made, been the subject of disciplinary action under
Division 4 of Part 3 of the Tow Trucks Industry Act 1998 that resulted in the close
associate being disqualified from holding a licence or having his or her licence
suspended or permanently revoked?
Yes No
Has the applicant or a close associate of the applicant subject to firearms
prohibition order under the Firearms Act 1996?
Has the applicant or a close associate of the applicant subject to a weapons
prohibition order under the Weapons Prohibition Act 1998?
Yes No
Has the applicant or a close associate of the applicant subject to a serious crime
prevention order under the Crimes (Serious Crime Prevention Orders) Act 2016?
Has the applicant or a close associate of the applicant within the period of 10 years
before the application was made, been convicted or been found guilty
(but with no conviction being recorded) of the following offences (regardless
of whether the offence was committed in New South Wales):
(i) an offence relating to the possession or use of a firearm or imitation firearm
(within the meaning of the Firearms Act 1996) or other weapon?
(ii) an offence involving the supply or possession of a prohibited drug within the
meaning of the Drug Misuse and Trafficking Act 1985?
(iii) an offence involving the cultivation (for a commercial purpose), supply or
possession of a prohibited plant within the meaning of the Drug Misuse and
Trafficking Act 1985?
(iv) an offence relating to organised car, boat or trailer rebirthing activities under
section 154G of the Crimes Act 1900?
(v) an offence of dealing with property suspected of being proceeds of crime under
section 193C of the Crimes Act 1900?
(vi) an offence involving the recruitment of another person to carry out or assist in
carrying out a criminal activity within the meaning of section 351A of the Crimes Act
(vii) an offence involving participation in a criminal group or participation in any
criminal activity of a criminal group within the meaning of Division 5 of Part 3A of the
Crimes Act 1900?
Yes No
(viii) the offence of contravening a serious crime prevention order under section 8 of
the Crimes (Serious Crime Prevention Orders) Act 2016?
(ix) an offence under section 74 of the Firearms Act 1996 relating to a firearms
prohibition order?
(x) an offence under section 34 of the Weapons Prohibition Act 1998 relating to a
(xi) an offence involving an assault of any kind against a person?
Yes No
(xii) an offence involving fraud, dishonesty or stealing?
Yes No
(xiii) an offence involving robbery (whether armed or otherwise)?
Yes No
(xiv) the offence of habitually consorting with convicted offenders under
section 93X of the Crimes Act 1900?
Application for Tow Truck Operators Licence Renewal: 1 Year - 16TTOP-1Y, 3 Year - 16TTOP- 3Y, 5 Year - 16TTOP-5Y July 2020
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(xv) the offence of contravening a public safety order under section 87ZA of
the Law Enforcement (Powers and Responsibilities) Act 2002?
(xvi) an offence of making, using or interfering with unique identifiers under
section 154H of the Crimes Act 1900?
xvii) the offence of having possession of a motor vehicle, vessel or trailer
where the unique identifier has been interfered with under section 154I
of the Crimes Act 1900?
(xviii) the offence of having possession of an identification plate not attached
to the motor vehicle or trailer to which it relates under section 154J of
the Crimes Act 1900?
Does the applicant or any partner, Director or shareholder have proceedings for an
offence pending against them?
Section 9Declaration by applicant. Must be completed by each person listed in Section 2.
I/we authorise NSW Fair Trading to obtain information and/or records, including but not limited to my/our driving
licence records and the currency of my/our driver licence, criminal records, charges pending, events, transcripts of
proceedings against any of the persons listed in Section 2, from its own records or the relevant Australian and/or
overseas agencies.
I/we understand that NSW Fair Trading may legitimately use this information to determine the outcome of this
application for a tow truck operator's licence and in the administration of that licence.
I / we acknowledge that information may be placed on an annual register open to the public.
I / we declare that the information contained in this application is true and correct in every detail. I / we consent to
the disclosure of information needed to verify the contents of this application.
NOTE: It is an offence under the Crimes Act 1900 to make a false or misleading statement in this document. The
maximum penalty is imprisonment for two years or a fine of $22,000 or both.
Name (1)
Signature Date
Name (2)
Signature Date
Name (3)
Signature Date
Name (4)
Signature Date
Application for Tow Truck Operators Licence Renewal: 1 Year - 16TTOP-1Y, 3 Year - 16TTOP- 3Y, 5 Year - 16TTOP-5Y July 2020
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Important Information:
The following documents MUST be supplied with your application.
All insurance, vehicle registration and business name documents must be current and in the name of
the applicant/licensee.
Section 1.
Certificate of Incorporation – Company applicants only. Available from
Record of Registration of Business Name required if the certificate has expired since the last
application (sole traders, partnerships & companies)
Certificate of Currency for public liability insurance for your place of business
Section 2.
Latest Annual Company Statement/Extract which shows current directors' and shareholders' details.
Required for company applications. Available from
Copy of photo ID required for all directors and shareholders e.g. [Drivers licence/proof of age card (front
and back), Passport]
Section 3.
National criminal history record check (if applicable) Required if a person in section 2 has lived
interstate or overseas in the 10 years preceding the application. If the person currently lives
interstate this document is required from the Police in the state of residence with each
application and must be dated within 6 weeks of the date of the receipt of this application.
Section 5b. (Accident towing O
NLY - unless exempt)
Certificate of Currency for public liability insurance for your holding yard(s)
Proof of ownership of the holding yard this would be either
A copy of a current rates notice if the licensee / applicant owns the property, or
A valid commercial lease agreement between the owner of the property and the licensee / applicant
A copy of a current rates notice for the property combined with a signed and dated letter of
permission from the owner of the property, confirming that the licensee / applicant has permission
to use the property as a tow truck holding yard for the storage of damaged vehicles.
A property lease it is not required again until it is renewed for a further term.
Section 6.
Certificate of Currency for on hook (towed vehicle) insurance for each vehicle to be operated under
licence OR a completed exemption form for licences operating solely under clause 10 of the
Copy of current vehicle registration papers or on hold receipts.
Copy of lease for tow trucks not owned by applicant (if applicable) also required when the lease is
renewed for a further term.
** Exemption policy and form available from the NSW Fair Trading website.
Section 7
All current tow truck driver details to be provided.
Section 8
Disclosure must be read by each person listed in section 2. Further details must be provided for items
marked yes.
Section 9
Declaration must be signed by each person listed in section 2.
Application for Tow Truck Operators Licence Renewal: 1 Year - 16TTOP-1Y, 3 Year - 16TTOP- 3Y, 5 Year - 16TTOP-5Y July 2020
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IMPORTANT Eligibility Requirements:
All applicants are eligible to apply to renew for 1 year.
You must have held your operator licence continuously for 3 years to be eligible to renew for 3 or 5 years. Reasons for
non-continuity include your licence being suspended, revoked or lapsed.
A full list of the fees and charges is available on the NSW Fair Trading website
centre/fees2/tow-truck-fees. The fee contains a non-refundable application fee which is retained by NSW Fair Trading if
your application is refused.
Your application must be accompanied by payment of the correct fee. Please calculate your fee, and fill in the appropriate
total below:
Metro Authority
1 year
3 year <(see eligibility requirements above)>
5 year
Application fee $1090 (*$382) $2505 (*$382) $3921 (*$382) *non-refundable fee
Per Category A Plate $409 $1228 $2046
Per Category B & C Plate $388 $1164 $1941 T OTAL $_______________________________
Country Authority
1 year
3 year <(see eligibility requirements above)>
5 year
Application fee $701 (*$382) $1341 (*$382) $1980 (*$382) *non-refundable fee
Per Category A Plate $162 $487 $812
Per Category B & C Plate $155 $465 $775 TOTAL $_______________________________
Fair Trading accepts the f
ollowing forms of payment:
MasterCard & Visa – (processing fee surcharge will apply)
Bank/Personal Cheque all
cheques made payable to Fair Trading.
Money Order all money orders made payable to Fair Trading.
Application for Tow Truck Operators Licence Renewal: 1 Year - 16TTOP-1Y, 3 Year - 16TTOP- 3Y, 5 Year - 16TTOP-5Y July 2020
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Application for Tow Truck Operators Licence Renewal: 1 Year - 16TTOP-1Y, 3 Year - 16TTOP- 3Y, 5 Year - 16TTOP-5Y July 2020
Case number
Officer Date / /
A fee must be paid on lodgement of the application form.
Pay by credit card or PayPal using the following link:
Step 1 – Click on the link or type the URL into your web browser
Step 2 – Follow the instructions online to complete the payment
Step 3 – When the lodgement fee is paid online you will receive a receipt number.
Please record the receipt number below before lodging the application, not providing this
information may result in delays in processing your application.
Receipt number:
Note: If you are having difficulty lodging the application please contact NSW Fair Trading on 13 32 20.