Pregnancy, Newborn
Child and
Adopted Child
Fact Sheet: Pregnancy, Newborn Child and Adopted Child
Got questions?
If you still have questions after reviewing the information
here, check out UCnet (
You’ll nd general information, UC publications and forms,
and details on benet plans. Summary plan descriptions
for UC’s Basic and Voluntary Disability plans are at To review the specic benets
you’re enrolled in, log in to your UCPath online account at
Adding a new member to your family? Congratulations! It’s a
wonderful time, but it can be nerve-racking, too, as you make
preparations both at home and at work. This fact sheet can help
you get ready for the time you’ll be o work for pregnancy,
childbirth or adoption. Getting familiar with how to set up your
time on leave and how your benets coverage works can bring
peace of mind as you prepare for this life-changing event.
This fact sheet covers the various leave provisions available for
taking time o from work, how your disability benets work to
replace wages while you’re on leave during a pregnancy and/or
following childbirth, which UC-sponsored benets you may be
able to continue while on leave caring for your new child, the Pay
for Family Care and Bonding program, and how to enroll the child
in benets.
If youre a new parent who is not giving birth, most of the
information in this fact sheet applies to you. The exception is the
information about Basic and Voluntary Disability; because youre
not giving birth, you’re not eligible for pregnancy disability coverage
under these plans. You may, though, be eligible for parental bonding
leave and the Pay for Family Care and Bonding program. For an
example of how various leave options might work for parents who
are not giving birth, please see the example on page 7. If you have
questions, reach out to the individual or oce responsible for
coordinating leaves at your location.
If you’re a sta employee covered by UC’s Personnel Policies for
Sta Members (PPSM), the information in this fact sheet applies
to you.
If you’re a faculty member, please see the Disability Benets for
Faculty Fact Sheet available online ( as
well as the family-friendly policies section of the Academic
Personnel Manual ( You can also
contact your Academic Personnel Oce for more information
about the policies that apply to you.
If you’re governed by a collective bargaining agreement, some
of the information in this fact sheet may not apply to you. Your
local Benets Oce can give you the details.
Before Your Child Arrives: What You Need to Know
Before Your Child Arrives:
What You Need to Know
Federal and state laws, as well as UC policies, determine how
much time you may be able to take o for the birth or adoption
of a baby and be assured your job is waiting for you when you
return. These rules also aect whether you have benets
coverage, and for how long, during your leave.
Whether you receive pay or replacement of your income for any
part of your leave depends on a number of factors—including
whether you are eligible for Pay for Family Care and Bonding
during your parental bonding leave, have accrued sick leave or
vacation days and whether you are enrolled in Basic Disability
only or both Basic and Voluntary Short-Term Disability.
Because there are so many factors to consider in planning your
pregnancy and/or parental bonding leave, it can get compli-
cated. The examples on pages 6 and 7 help explain how leave
and pay provisions work together, but it’s also important to talk
to your supervisor and the individual or oce coordinating your
leave as soon as you can prior to taking your leave.
The following provisions describe the types of protected leave
available when you are disabled by pregnancy, childbirth and/
or a related medical condition (pregnancy disability leave)
and when you take leave to bond with your newborn or newly
adopted child (parental bonding leave). Parental bonding leave
is available to both mothers and fathers. It is also available for
foster care placements.
Depending on the purpose of your leave and your eligibility
status, your leave may qualify for Family and Medical Leave (FML)
under the federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), Califor-
nia’s Family Rights Act (CFRA), and/or California’s Pregnancy
Disability Leave Law (PDLL). These statutes provide job protec-
tion while you are on leave and reinstatement rights. They also
require that UC continue to pay the employer portion of your
health insurance premiums during your leave.
To be eligible for leave under the FMLA and/or CFRA, you need
to have worked at UC for at least 12 cumulative months and
must have worked at least 1,250 hours during the 12 months
immediately before the date you wish to begin FML. To be
eligible for leave under PDLL, you simply need to be employed
and disabled by pregnancy.
The FMLA and CFRA generally entitle an eligible employee to up to
12 workweeks of leave for qualifying reasons. If your leave qualies
under both statutes, it runs concurrently under both. Pregnancy
disability leave qualies under the FMLA and PDLL, but not under
CFRA. Parental bonding leave qualies under both the FMLA and
CFRA, provided that the leave is taken within 12 months of the
birth of your child or, in the case of an adoption or foster care
placement, within 12 months of the child’s placement with you.
Under PDLL, you may take up to 4 months of medically neces-
sary leave for disability related to pregnancy, childbirth and/
or a related medical condition. You may also use this leave for
prenatal care. If you are eligible for leave under the FMLA, the
rst 12 workweeks of your pregnancy disability leave will run
concurrently under the FMLA and PDLL; the remainder of the
leave up to the 4-month maximum will be only under PDLL. If
you are not eligible for leave under the FMLA, your pregnancy
disability leave will only be under PDLL for the entire leave.
If you are a birth parent and eligible for leave under the FMLA
and CFRA, your leave entitlement under CFRA will not be used
during the pregnancy disability portion of your leave. Therefore,
you may have up to 12 workweeks of leave available under CFRA
to use for parental bonding after the pregnancy disability
portion of your leave concludes. Please note that if you return to
work after your pregnancy disability leave and decide to take
parental bonding leave later, you may need to satisfy the
eligibility requirements described earlier.
You may continue certain benets while you are on leave under the
FMLA, CFRA and/or PDLL, and UC will continue to pay its portion
of your medical, dental and vision plan premiums (see Table 1).
If you are on pay status during your leave—because you are
using Pay for Family Care and Bonding or accrued sick leave,
vacation, Paid Time O (PTO), or Compensatory Time O
(CTO)—your portion of the premiums will continue to be
deducted from your paycheck as usual. If you choose to continue
benets during an unpaid leave, you’ll receive billing statements
from UCPath once you’re placed on unpaid leave.
If you’re a sta employee covered by Personnel Policies for Sta
Members (PPSM) and have already used up your leave entitlement
under the FMLA, CFRA and/or PDLL but need more time o for the
same reason, you may be able to receive Supplemental Family and
Medical Leave for up to 12 additional workweeks or until the end
of the calendar year, whichever occurs rst. However, your
aggregate absence from work for pregnancy disability leave,
parental bonding leave, and Supplemental Family and Medical
Leave generally may not exceed seven months in a calendar year.
UC’s health premium contributions don’t continue during Supple-
mental Family and Medical Leave. For more information, please see
If you’re an academic appointee, you may be eligible for time o
under a policy known as Family Accommodations for Childbearing
and Childrearing. You’ll nd information in the Academic Personnel
Manual atles/
apm/apm-760.pdf. Or check with your local Academic Personnel
Before Your Child Arrives: What You Need to Know
If you need additional time o following leave under the FMLA,
CFRA and PDLL, you have other options, depending on your
appointment and your situation. Check with the person or oce
coordinating your leave to nd out about the options available
to you. And see the Leave Without Pay Fact Sheet at
You may be able to receive pay or income replacement for some
or all of your leave, depending on a number of factors. Here are
the options.
If you’re an employee with full, mid-level or core benets, you’re
eligible for Basic Disability. For expanded coverage, you must be
enrolled in and paying premiums for Voluntary Short-Term and/
or Voluntary Long-Term Disability.
Under these plans, pregnancy disability is dened as the period
that a person is unable to work due to pregnancy and/or child-
birth. (If you’re adopting, you’re not eligible for pregnancy disabil-
ity benets.) Generally, disability benets begin two weeks before
your expected delivery date and continue for six weeks after the
birth of your child (eight weeks if you have a caesarian section).
If your delivery is late, the disability plans allow for a longer
prepartum period. (Your doctor will need to verify your delivery
date.) If it’s medically necessary for you to take more time away
from work—for instance, if your doctor puts you on bed rest for
the last several weeks of your pregnancy—the disability plans may
provide a longer period of disability income. Depending on your
situation, it may be possible to take pregnancy disability leave on
an intermittent basis, or as part of a reduced work schedule.
The portion of your pay that you’d receive during pregnancy
disability leave covered by disability plan benets depends on
the type of coverage you select. The options are:
Basic Disability
This plan covers up to 55% of your eligible monthly
earnings to a maximum of $800 per month. You’re covered at no
cost to you. The six-month benet period includes a 14 calendar
day waiting period before you begin receiving benets, and you
must use up to 22 days of sick leave, if available. While you’re
receiving Basic Disability income, UC continues to pay its
portions of your medical, dental, vision and life premiums.
Voluntary Short-Term and/or Long-Term Disability
Voluntary Short-Term and/or Long-Term Disability plans oer
more comprehensive coverage than Basic Disability—60% of
your eligible earnings, with a maximum benet of $15,000 per
month. The start date and duration of your benets depend on
the type of coverage you choose.
As with Basic Disability, the six-month benet period for Volun-
tary Short-Term Disability includes a 14 calendar day waiting
period, and you must use up to 22 days of sick leave, if available.
Since benets last for 6 months, this is a good option to cover a
standard pregnancy leave, along with other short-term needs such
as illnesses, minor surgeries, etc. Since Voluntary Short-Term
Disability coverage is employee-paid and supplements Basic
Disability coverage, the income you receive is partially taxable.
Voluntary Long-Term Disability benets don’t start until six
months after your date of disability or when Voluntary Short-
Term Disability benets end, whichever is later, and benets can
last until your Social Security normal retirement age. This type
of plan doesn’t pay for the rst six months of disability, so it will
not oer benets during a standard pregnancy leave.
Three key things to know about Voluntary Disability and
It’s often a really good idea to sign up. This plan allows you to
replace substantially more of your salary during your time o.
It’s wise to choose Voluntary Short-Term Disability or both
Voluntary Short-Term and Long-Term Disability. Remember
that for most pregnancies, the disability period begins two
weeks before birth and ends six weeks after birth. If you opt
for Voluntary Long-Term Disability only, you’re unlikely to
receive voluntary disability benets for your pregnancy.
It’s to your advantage to enroll when you’re rst hired. If
you’re considering having a baby, it’s best to sign up during
your period of initial eligibility, or PIE—usually a 31-day
period that starts on your hire date. If you try to enroll or add
coverage later, you’ll have to submit a statement of health,
which could disqualify you based on a current or preexisting
medical condition (including pregnancy). Unlike other
benets, Voluntary Disability isn’t usually open for enrollment
during UC’s annual Open Enrollment period.
During Pregnancy Disability Leave
You have the option to use any accrued vacation days during a
leave for this purpose. If you’re a sta employee covered by
PPSM or an academic appointee covered by the Academic
Personnel Manual (APM), you also have the option to use any
accrued sick leave. (Most pregnant employees use accrued sick
leave during the disability plan’s required waiting period before
wage replacement begins.) Otherwise, please refer to the
University policy or collective bargaining agreement that applies
to you to determine whether using accrued sick leave is optional
or required before taking this type of leave as unpaid.
During Parental Bonding Leave
If you’re a sta employee covered by PPSM, you may use any
accrued vacation days and up to 30 days of accrued sick leave for
this purpose each calendar year. If you’re an academic appointee
covered by the APM, you may use any accrued vacation days for
this purpose. Otherwise, please refer to the University policy
or collective bargaining agreement that applies to you regard-
ing options and requirements related to the use of accrued sick
leave and vacation.
Family and Medical Leaves (FML) that qualify for the Pay for
Family Care and Bonding (PFCB) option are those leaves taken
under the FMLA and/or CFRA for qualifying reasons including
parental bonding. (PFCB is not available during a pregnancy
disability leave.) The PFCB pay option provides 100% of an em-
ployee’s eligible earnings for up to eight workweeks per calendar
To be eligible to use the PFCB pay option during an FML leave
for parental bonding, the leave must be taken in a block of at
least one workweek.
If you elect to use PFCB for a qualifying FML block leave rather
than using paid leave accruals or taking the leave without pay,
you must continue to use PFCB until you either exhaust your full
eight workweeks of PFCB for the calendar year or that qualify-
ing FML block leave ends. If your qualifying leave ends before
you have used the full eight workweeks of PFCB for the calendar
year, the remainder is available to use during a qualifying FML
block leave later in the calendar year.
For additional information, refer to:
Academic appointees—Academic Personnel Manual 715
(Leaves of Absence/Family and Medical Leave)
Policy-covered sta employees—Personnel Policies for Sta
Members 2.210 (Absence from Work)
Represented employees—contact your local Labor Relations oce
These examples show how dierent types of leave and disability
benets may combine during a variety of pregnancy, childbirth
and adoption scenarios to provide time o. They also show how
much pay you earn and whether UC’s contributions to health
benets continue.
Before Your Child Arrives: What You Need to Know
Before Your Child Arrives:
What You Need to Know
Baby born
An uncomplicated pregnancy and delivery
Robin plans to begin pregnancy disability leave two weeks before the baby is due. Robin is enrolled in Voluntary Short-Term Disability
and is eligible for leave under the FMLA and CFRA and for income replacement from PFCB. Robin has three days of accumulated sick
leave and ten days of vacation and plans to use ten days of accrued paid leave during the disability waiting period. Robin had an uncom-
plicated delivery on June 5, midway through Week 3 of the disability period. Following is the timeline for Robin’s leave.
Week Weeks 1 through 2 Weeks 3 through 9.5 Weeks 9.5 through 12 Weeks 13 through 15
Waiting Period:
3 days of sick leave,
7 vacation days
Pay and benets
continue as usual
60% of eligible earnings through
Basic and Voluntary Short-Term
Disability (partially subject to
income tax)
Robin pays employee portion of
premiums to continue benets
UC continues to pay its portion of
premiums for medical, dental, vision
and life insurance benets
100% of eligible earnings
through PFCB
Robin’s portion of
premiums to continue
benets are deducted from
PFCB income
UC continues to pay its
portion of premiums for
medical, dental, vision and
life insurance benets
100% of eligible earnings
through PFCB
Robin’s portion of
premiums to continue
benets are deducted from
PFCB income
UC continues to pay its
portion of premiums for
medical, dental, vision and
life insurance benets
Pregnancy disability leave under FMLA and PDLL Parental bonding leave
under FMLA and CFRA
Parental bonding leave
under CFRA
Date eligibility for disability benets begins*
* Under UC-sponsored disability plans, the date of disability is the date determined by the insurance carrier that the plan member is unable to continue working.
Before Your Child Arrives: What You Need to Know
A complicated pregnancy and delivery
Medical problems related to pregnancy require Fadhili to stop working and go on bed rest at the end of the fth month of pregnancy.
Fadhili is eligible for leave under the FMLA and CFRA and is enrolled in Voluntary Short-Term Disability. During the disability waiting
period, Fadhili exhausts all paid leave accruals. Fadhili has a caesarian delivery on March 1 (Week 16 of the leave) and continues to be
disabled for eight weeks after delivery. Fadhili is eligible for PFCB and decides to use it during parental bonding leave after disability
benets end. Following is the timeline for Fadhili’s leave.
Week Weeks 1 through 2 Weeks 3 through 12 Weeks 13 through 16 Weeks 17 through 24 Weeks 25 through 28
Waiting Period:
8 days of sick leave,
2 vacation days
Pay and benets continue
as usual
60% of eligible earnings through Basic and Voluntary Short-Term
Disability (partially subject to income tax)
Fadhili pays employee portion of premiums to continue benets
UC continues to pay its portion of premiums for medical, dental, vision
and life insurance benets
100% of eligible
earnings through PFCB
Fadhili’s portion of
premiums to continue
benets are deducted
from PFCB income
UC continues to
pay its portion of
premiums for medical,
dental, vision and life
insurance benets
Pregnancy disability leave under FMLA and PDLL Pregnancy
disability leave
under PDLL
Parental bonding leave under CFRA
Date eligibility for disability benets begins*
* Under UC-sponsored disability plans, the date of disability is the date determined by the insurance carrier that the plan member is unable to continue working.
Parental bonding leave for parents who have not given birth
Jaime, a sta employee covered by PPSM, is adopting a newborn on March 31. Jaime is eligible for parental bonding leave under the
FMLA/CFRA, and has accrued 10 days of sick leave and 10 vacation days. Jaime decides to take 24 weeks of parental bonding leave, us-
ing 12 weeks of statutory FML followed by 12 weeks of Supplemental FML. Jaime uses PFCB during the rst 8 weeks, then uses accrued
sick leave and vacation, and then takes the remainder of the leave without pay.
Week Weeks 1 through 8 Weeks 9 through 12 Weeks 13 through 24
100% of eligible earnings through
Pay and benets continue as usual
Remains on pay status, using accrued
sick leave and vacation
Pay and benets continue as usual
Leave is unpaid
To continue benets, Jaime must pay
employer and employee portion of
Parental bonding leave under FMLA
and CFRA
Parental bonding leave under FMLA
and CFRA
Parental bonding leave as
Supplemental FML under the Absence
from Work policy
Baby born
Continuing Your Benets:
What You Need to Know
Before Your Child Arrives: What You Need to Do, Continuing Your Benets: What You Need to Know
Before Your Child Arrives:
What You Need to Do
At least 30 days before you think you’ll need time o for
pregnancy disability and/or parental bonding, talk to your
manager to give notice. Contact the individual or oce respon-
sible for coordinating leaves to discuss your options for time o,
arrange to continue your benets during your leave and apply
for disability benets if you are pregnant.
UC oers an Adoption Assistance Plan to support eligible faculty
and sta employees who wish to expand their immediate fami-
lies through adoption. Employees who are eligible pay for their
adoption expenses and then submit claims for reimbursement
after the adoption is nalized. The Plan provides reimbursement
of up to $5,000 per adoption for qualied expenses such as
agency fees, legal fees and court costs. Learn more at
Here are the steps to take to get your pregnancy disability
benets started, if you’re eligible for disability coverage:
See your doctor. To receive benets, you need to have your
physician certify the date your pregnancy disability began.
File your claim online and check on its status at [code: UNIVERSITY]. You can also call
Lincoln at 800-713-7384 to initiate a claim over the phone. For
more details about the claims process, please see Your Guide to
Filing for Disability, at
Tell the insurance carrier when your baby is born. You can
report the baby’s birth to Lincoln Financial online at their
mobile-friendly site, Create an account
(using the claim number you were given when you rst
submitted your maternity claim), choose “Report a Birth” and
ll in the requested elds.
If you are being paid by UC during an approved Family and
Medical Leave (FML)—by using PFCB, accrued sick leave,
vacation, Paid Time O (PTO) and/or Compensatory Time O
(CTO)—you are considered to be on “pay status.” Your benets
will continue and your premiums will continue to be deducted by
The information on pages 9 and 10 summarizes the benets you
may and may not continue while you are on an approved leave
and you are not on pay status with UC, the costs of continuing
benets, and what you’ll need to do.
Since you won’t be receiving a paycheck from UC, you’ll need to
make arrangements with UCPath before your leave to pay any
premiums while you are on leave.
Remember that when you’re making changes to your benets, it’s
your responsibility to meet the deadlines set by UC and the insur-
ance carriers. Be sure to leave yourself enough time to do this.
For benets you choose not to continue (or if you don’t pay your
premiums on time while you’re on leave and not being paid by
UC), your coverage will end on the last day of the last month for
which premiums or contributions have been paid.
You won’t accrue vacation or sick leave while on leave without
pay. For additional details, see the personnel policy or collective
bargaining agreement that applies to you.
If you have a service credit purchase in progress, your payroll
deductions will end when you go o pay status.
Continuing Your Benets: What You Need to Know
Benet Length Cost to you What you need to know
Medical While on approved leave: Up
to 2 years
You will pay your portion of the
medical premium for the
duration of any of the following:
The six month Basic/Voluntary
Short Term Disability period
The four month PDLL period
The 12 week FMLA or CFRA
If you are still on leave after
exhausting the above, you will
pay the full premium (your
portion and UC’s).
If you are o pay status while on leave, you will need to
pay your portion of premiums through UCPath.
If you’re enrolled in the UC Health Savings Plan, you
can continue to use the funds from your Health Savings
Account (HSA) to pay eligible expenses. You may also
continue to contribute to your HSA while you are
enrolled in the plan.
Dental, Vision Up to 2 years While on leave under the FMLA,
CFRA and/or PDLL: no cost
(coverage paid entirely by UC)
After that (while on approved
leave): Full premium
If your leave is under the FMLA, CFRA, and/or PDLL,
UC’s contributions to the cost of premiums continue
throughout that period. After that (while on approved
leave), you will need to pay the full premiums through
UCPath to continue benets.
Accident, Critical
Illness and Hospital
Indemnity; Legal
Up to 2 years Your premium N/A
Basic, Core Life Up to 4 months, beginning the
month after your leave begins
None N/A
Supplemental Life Up to 2 years Your premium. If you become totally disabled while enrolled, you may
qualify to continue your coverage without paying the
premium. Contact the carrier for information.
Basic Dependent
Life, Expanded
Dependent Life
Up to 4 months (up to 2 years
if you continue Supplemental
Your premium N/A
Death and
Up to 2 years Your premium N/A
Health Flexible
Spending Account
If you continue participation,
eligible expenses you incur
during your leave are
reimbursable. If you do not
continue participation, only
expenses incurred through the
end of the last pay period in
which you contributed are
If you are on an unpaid
approved leave, you may
continue coverage but suspend
contribution payments during
your leave, provided you return
to work in the same plan year.
If you continue coverage under
COBRA, you may make after-tax
contributions through the end
of the plan year (Dec. 31).
Before your leave begins, complete the appropriate form
for your location to continue or cancel your coverage and
choose a payment option for when you return to work.
You can keep the same monthly contribution, which will
reduce the annual amount you put in, or increase your
monthly contribution to make up for contributions you
missed while on unpaid leave. Contact the individual or
oce coordinating your leave for details.
Be sure to submit your claims to WEX by the ling
deadline. If you are enrolled through the end of the
plan year (Dec. 31), you may carry over up to $610 of
unused funds to the next plan year.
Renters insurance
To end of contract year Your premium You’ll pay premiums to the insurance company directly.
Contact the insurance company for information.
Bright Horizons
Caregiving Services
Length of your leave None You pay only for the services of any caregiver you hire.
Continuing Your Benets:
What You Need to Know
Continuing Your Benets: What You Need to Know
Benet When coverage ends What you need to know
Basic, Voluntary Short-Term
and Voluntary Long-Term
Disability (for coverage of
disabilities other than the
current pregnancy)
Coverage ends the last day of “active employment”
as dened in the Basic, Voluntary Short-Term and
Voluntary Long-Term Disability Plan booklets.
You don’t need to continue paying premiums for
Voluntary Disability coverage while you are receiving
disability benets. Your payments will be discontinued
when you’re placed onto an unpaid leave or a paid leave
that does not allow for continuation of these plans.
Business Travel Accident
Workers Compensation
Last active day at work before disability or leave begins N/A
Dependent Care Flexible
Spending Account
Contributions and coverage stop during leave without
You can still be reimbursed for eligible expenses you
incurred through the end of the pay period for which
you made your last contribution. Be sure to submit your
claims to WEX by the ling deadline; otherwise you’ll
lose any money left in your account.
Tax Savings on Insurance
Premiums (TIP)
Pretax contributions stop during leave without pay. Monthly premiums you may be paying to continue
your health coverage will be made on an after-tax basis.
Check with your accountant about deducting them
from your taxes.
Parking/Commuter Contributions and coverage stop during leave without
Unemployment Insurance Last active day at work N/A
ScholarShare Your payroll deductions stop during leave without pay. N/A
Continuing Your Benets: What You Need to Do, More Options for Continuing Your Benets
For any benets you choose to continue, contact UCPath to
arrange to pay your monthly premiums, as needed. You should
do this as soon as you know you want to continue your benets.
If your leave is an approved leave under the FMLA, CFRA and/
or PDLL, you have the option to continue being reimbursed for
eligible expenses if you’re participating in the Health Flexible
Spending Account (Health FSA). To set this up, you’ll need to ll
out the appropriate form for your location.
If your health plan covers only a certain service area, a change in
your permanent address could aect your eligibility. So be sure
to keep UC posted on your correct address.
If you’ll be living elsewhere for more than two months during
your leave, and you’d like to transfer to a UC-sponsored medical
or dental plan in your new location, contact your local Benets
Oce. You’ll need to transfer within 31 days of the date you
leave the original service area. And check with your medical
and dental plan carrier about whether you, and/or eligible
family members, need to select a new primary care physician
or dentist.
If you don’t return to work, you (and/or eligible family members)
may have the option to continue medical, dental, vision,
employee assistance program and health exible spending
account benets under COBRA or CalCOBRA. The federal
COBRA period runs for 18 months; if you have exhausted this
coverage period, you and/or eligible family members may be
able to extend your UC-sponsored medical coverage under
CalCOBRA for up to an additional 18 months, depending on
your medical plan. CalCOBRA is not available for UC Care, UC
Health Savings Plan and Core.
You may also want to explore your options through the health
insurance marketplace established under the Aordable Care
Act. In California, you can nd information at or
call 800-300-1506.
Though it’s not required, UC will oer COBRA continuation
coverage to eligible enrolled domestic partners, and/or domestic
partner’s children or grandchildren. See the “Eligible Relatives”
chart on pages 1314 of A Complete Guide to Your UC Health
and Welfare Benets ( for details on family
members who may qualify.
Deadlines: You’ll need to apply no later than 60 days from
the date you lose coverage by reason of a qualifying event, or
60 days from the date you receive notice of your continuation
rights—whichever is later. Talk with your local Benets Oce
about how to apply, or go to
For certain plans—medical, legal, Basic Life, Supplemental
Life, Basic Dependent Life, Expanded Dependent Life, Senior
Management Life and Accidental Death and Dismemberment
(AD&D)—you may be able to convert your UC- or COBRA-
sponsored coverage to an individual policy. Note that convert-
ing to an individual policy may provide you with fewer benets
than you’d have by continuing coverage through UC. You can’t
convert dental or vision benets to an individual policy.
Deadlines: You need to apply for conversion no later than 31
days after your UC-sponsored coverage ends. If you’ve extended
your medical coverage under COBRA and want to apply for
conversion after the COBRA period, you need to do so within
31 days after your COBRA coverage ends. (This assumes your
coverage has been continuous; if you no longer have coverage,
then you’re not eligible to convert to an individual policy.)
To learn about applying for conversion coverage, see You’ll also nd information
there about applying for Life and AD&D coverage.
More Options for
Continuing Your Benets
Continuing Your Benets:
What You Need to Do
More Options for Continuing Your Benets, Retirement and Savings: How They’re Aected by Your Leave
Retirement and Savings: How
They’re Aected by Your Leave
If you’re enrolled in Supplemental Life, Basic Dependent Life,
Expanded Dependent Life, Accident, Critical Illness and/or
Hospital Indemnity insurance, you may be eligible to continue
coverage with the same benets, provisions and premium rates
as the UC-sponsored plans.
Deadline: You’ll need to apply for the portability benet within
31 days after the date your coverage ends. Contact UCPath with
questions about how to apply.
During any portion of your approved leave when you are
receiving pay from UC, contributions toward your primary
retirement benets will continue and you will continue to accrue
retiree health service credit and University of California
Retirement Plan (UCRP) service credit, if applicable.If you
receive PFCB, you will receive 100% of the retirement service
credit you would have earned in your normal work eort.
During any portion of your leave when you are not receiving pay,
contributions toward your primary retirement benets will stop.
You will also stop accruing retiree health service credit and
UCRP service credit, if applicable.
During your leave, your UCRP or Savings Choice contributions
and any Capital Accumulation Provision (CAP) balance you may
have will remain on deposit. You don’t have the option to
withdraw them. You’ll still be eligible for any UCRP benets that
you were eligible for when your leave began.
If you have a UCRP service credit purchase in progress, your
payroll deductions will stop if you go o pay status. Once you
return to pay status, your retirement plan contributions and
retirement savings deductions will start up again automatically,
and you will start accruing service credit again. At some
locations, deductions for a UCRP service credit purchase in
progress resume automatically. At other locations, you may need
to reactivate them. Check with your Benets Oce about the
requirements at your location.
Contributions to the Retirement Savings Program (the DC Plan,
403(b) Plan and the 457(b) Plan) stop with your last paycheck.
When you return to work, your retirement savings deductions
begin automatically.
403(B) LOANS
If you have taken a loan through the 403(b) Plan, within 90 days
of your last day on pay status, you may:
Make monthly payments
Make a full payment covering the period you’ll be o pay
Repay the total outstanding amount of the loan before you go
o pay status
Suspend 403(b) loan repayments for up to 12 months during
your disability leave
More Options for
Continuing Your Benets
If you want to cover your new child in your UC-sponsored
insurance plans, complete the UC enrollment process
through UCPath within 31 days. Forms completed through
your doctor, hospital or the plan itself are not sucient. If
you have questions, contact your leave coordinator.
For details on how to arrange these options, contact Fidelity
Retirement Services at, or 866-682-7787.
When you return to work, you may need to resume payments.
Depending on the terms of your loan, your payment amount
may change, as you may need to repay the same amount over
a shorter period. At some locations, your payments will restart
automatically. At others, you’ll need to contact your local Payroll
Oce to get them started again.
If you leave UC employment, you must repay your loan in full
or arrange to make payments within 90 days from the date your
employment ends.
If you’re receiving Basic Disability income, both you and UC
contribute to Social Security based on your disability income. If
you’re receiving Voluntary Disability income, neither you nor UC
You have 31 days after the birth to add your child to your
benets. For adopted children, the 31-day period starts the date
you take physical custody of the child or the date you have the
legal right to control the child’s health care, whichever is earlier.
Coverage for the child will start on the child’s date of birth or
During this 31-day period, you may also enroll yourself and other
eligible family members in health plans (if not enrolled), change
health plans, or enroll or increase your coverage in Supplemental
If you miss this deadline, you can still enroll your child in your
medical plan at any time, but there will be a 90-day waiting
period before the child can receive any benets. For some plans,
if you miss the 31-day window you must wait to enroll the child
during Open Enrollment, which is usually in November.
If you’re already enrolled in Basic or Expanded Dependent Life
with child coverage, your child will be covered automatically
24 hours after birth. Adopted children are covered from the date
of adoption.
If you’re enrolled in an HMO and choose a primary care
physician for your child, and the physician is part of a dierent
medical group than the primary care doctor of the parent who
gave birth, please contact your medical plan. The plan may
require the child to be enrolled in the same medical group as the
parent who gave birth until the rst of the month after the birth.
In some plans, the child’s primary care doctor for the rst 31
days must be the doctor of the parent who gave birth. Check
with the plan to nd out when you may select a new primary
care physician for your child.
You may also want to enroll in the Health and/or Dependent
Care Flexible Spending Accounts. If you’re already enrolled,
you can increase your contributions, if you want. For more
information, see the Family Changes Fact Sheet at
As part of the enrollment process, you’ll be asked to provide
documentation to verify your new family members’ eligibility for
coverage. (You’ll nd more information about this at
During Your Time O: What You Need to Do
During Your Time O:
What You Need to Do
Adding your child to your benets in UCPath is a two-step
process. First, go to “Life Events” to add your child as a
dependent. Next, go to each plan in which you want to enroll
your child and check the box next to your child’s name. Make
sure to follow all steps to submit your enrollment.
After your elections are complete, you will receive a submis-
sion conrmation statement via email. Contact UCPath if
During Your Time O: What You Need to Do, When You Return to Work
Note also that if a family member loses eligibility for benets
during your leave, you’re responsible for disenrolling that person
on UCPath. If you don’t do this, you or your family member may
be liable for the full cost of coverage for the period during which
the family member was not eligible.
You may want to include your new child as a beneciary of
your benets, too. You can update beneciaries for the UC
Retirement Plan (UCRP), life insurance and AD&D by going to
UCnet and signing in to your UC Retirement At Your Service
(UCRAYS) account. For your 403(b), 457(b) and DC Plan
accounts, update beneciaries by signing in to your account on If you’re enrolled in the UC Health
Savings Plan, you may update your HSA beneciaries at
When you come back to work after pregnancy disability leave,
you have the right to be reinstated to the same position, in
most circumstances. If you’re returning from parental bonding
leave under FMLA and/or CFRA, you have the right to come
back to the same position or, at the department’s discretion, an
equivalent position. After Supplemental FML, you may return to
the same position or, at the department’s discretion, to a similar
one. Talk with your supervisor about your specic situation.
You begin accruing vacation and sick leave again once you return
to pay status if you’re eligible.
Contact your leave coordinator as soon as you return to work.
At a minimum, you’ll need to review your benets within 31 days
after you return to work. When you return, you’ll need to follow
the appropriate process to restart your benets. If you return
to work in a new appointment, that appointment will determine
your benets eligibility.
The chart on pages 16 and 17 shows what happens to benets
once you’re back at work and what actions you need to take to
restart them or make other changes.
For benets you opted not to continue, there’s a deadline
for starting them up again. It’s generally within 31 days of your
return to work, based on your Period of Initial Eligibility (PIE).
Your PIE is the time during which you (and/or eligible family
members) are allowed to enroll in UC-sponsored benet plans.
After a leave, your PIE starts the rst day of eligibility (for
example, the day you return to work or pay status). It ends 31
days later, or, if the 31st day falls on a weekend, on the next
working day. UC denes a working day as a normal business day
(Monday through Friday, excluding holidays) for UCPath.
The specics of re-enrollment vary depending on the length of
your leave:
If your leave of absence is less than 120 days or you return
in a new plan year, you’ll need to complete a Health Benets
Reinstatement Form and submit it to the UCPath Center.
For unpaid leaves greater than 120 days, you will be notied
via email to enroll via UCPath Online.
Regardless of the length of your leave, it’s important to re-enroll
in benets within your PIE. If your leave was 120 days or more,
you may need to provide documentation to verify your relation-
ship with your enrolled family members.
During Your Time O:
What You Need to Do
When You Return to Work
When You Return to Work
If you miss the PIE window for enrollment, some benet
plans allow you to enroll during Open Enrollment, usually in
November. For other plans, though, you may be required to
submit a statement of health to the insurance company, with
no guarantee that you’ll be accepted. That’s why it’s best to sign
up during your PIE upon returning from leave.
Most UC faculty and sta have free access to Bright Horizons
Care Advantage and its Sittercity database of childcare
resources. The database includes resources for both fulltime care
and emergency backup care. UC gives you free access, then you
nd the caregiver and arrange for care and payment. To learn
more, check out You may also nd onsite
childcare or information about local childcare resources at
your UC location.
UC’s family-friendly environment includes support for parents
who are breastfeeding. There is private space available for
lactation purposes at all UC locations, and the university will
provide lactation break time for nursing parents. For more
information, please contact your location’s Human Resources
ScholarShare is California’s 529 college savings plan. You can
make contributions to ScholarShare through payroll deduction.
Visit the ScholarShare website ( for more
information and the payroll deduction form for UC employees.
You might want to consider purchasing UCRP service credit for
the time you were on leave. Generally, the cost of a service credit
purchase depends on when the leave occurred, its length, your
age and how long you wait to elect the purchase. The sooner you
start this process, the less it will cost you. (For more details
about service credit purchases, see the UCRP Service Credit
Purchase Guide, at Savings Choice participants
do not have the option to purchase retiree health service credit.
Deductions for a UCRP service credit purchase that was in
progress before you began your leave should restart automati-
cally when you return to work. If not, though, you’ll need to
contact your local Payroll Oce to get them started again.
Depending on the length of your leave, you may owe additional
interest on a purchase in progress for the period of your leave. If
so, you will be oered a separate payment plan election for the
additional amount due (to be repaid after the original purchase is
Tip: Check your enrollments
Once you have returned from leave, be sure to review your
rst pay stub or your Benets Summary page via UCPath
online to ensure you are enrolled in the benets you have
chosen. If questions or problems crop up, contact UCPath
right away.
Returning to Work
Returning to Work
Benet What happens when you return What you need to do Deadline
Medical, Dental,
If you retained coverage while on leave, it
should continue when you return to work.
If you didn’t continue coverage, you may
re-enroll in the same plans with the same
coverage as before if your leave was less
than 120 days and it ends in the same plan
year in which it began.
If your leave was 120 days or more, you may
enroll in any UC-sponsored plans for
which you’re eligible. You may be asked to
document family members’ eligibility.
If you’re enrolled in the UC Health Savings
Plan, contributions to the Health Savings
Account resume automatically.
The UCPath Center will assess the length
of the leave and determine if any election
changes occurred, then email you to inform
you of your reinstatement options.
If you’ve been out of your medical or dental
plan’s service area, you may transfer back
to your previous plan. You may also need to
choose a new physician and/or dentist.
You can conrm, change or stop your
Health Savings Account contributions on
Within 31 days after
your return to work
Accident, Critical
Illness and Hospital
If you continued coverage during your
leave, it should continue. If you didn’t, and
your leave was less than 120 days, you may
re-enroll in the same plans with the same
coverage as before. If your leave was 120 days
or more, you may enroll in any UC-sponsored
plan(s) for which you’re eligible.
Contact UCPath to nd out if you need to
Within 31 days after
your return to work
Legal If you continued coverage while on leave, it
should continue. If you didn’t continue
coverage, you may re-enroll when you return.
Contact UCPath to nd out if you need to
Within 31 days after
your return to work
Basic Life, Core Life Coverage resumes automatically No action needed None
Supplemental Life,
Basic Dependent Life,
Expanded Dependent
If you continued coverage during your leave,
it should continue.
If you didn’t and your leave was less than
120 days, you may re-enroll in the same
plans with the same coverage as before. If
your leave was 120 days or more, you may
enroll in any UC-sponsored plans for
which you’re eligible. You may be asked to
document family members’ eligibility.
Contact UCPath to nd out if you need to
Within 31 days after
your return to work
Accidental Death and
If you continued coverage, it should
continue. If you didn’t, you may re-enroll at
any time.
Contact UCPath to nd out if you need to
Health Flexible
Spending Account
If you continued participation, your
contributions for the rest of the plan year
will be automatically adjusted according to
the contribution option you chose before
your leave. If you didn’t, and your leave was
less than 120 days, you may re-enroll for the
rest of the plan year and your annual
contribution must be the same as before
your leave. If your leave was 120 days or
more, you may enroll for the rest of the year
and choose a new annual contribution.
To re-enroll, contact UCPath. Within 31 days after
your return to work
Returning to Work
Benet What happens when you return What you need to do Deadline
Renters insurance
If you continued coverage, you may resume
payroll deductions. If not, you may re-enroll
at any time.
To resume payroll deductions, contact
UCPath. To re-enroll, contact the
insurance company.
Bright Horizons
Caregiving Services
You may use this benet again when you
return to an eligible position.
No action needed None
Basic Disability Coverage resumes automatically on your
rst full day actively at work.
No action needed None
Voluntary Short-Term
and/or Long-Term
If your leave is less than 120 days, you will be
automatically re-enrolled into your previous
Basic and Voluntary Disability plans. If your
leave is 120 days or longer, you will have a PIE
to enroll via UCPath online in Voluntary
Short-Term Disability, Long-Term Disability
or both.
If you need to re-enroll, you can do so via
UCPath online.
Within 31 days after
your return to work
Business Travel
Accident Insurance,
Workers Compensation
Coverage resumes automatically on your
rst full day actively at work.
Nothing None
Dependent Care
Flexible Spending
If your leave was less than 120 days, you may
re-enroll for the rest of the year and your annual
contribution must be the same as before.
If your leave was 120 days or more, you may
enroll for the rest of the year with a new
annual contribution.
To re-enroll, contact UCPath. Within 31 days after
your return to work
Tax Savings on
Insurance Premiums
Contributions resume automatically when
you return to pay status, unless you opt out.
To opt out, contact UCPath. Within 31 days of
your return to work,
or during the next
Open Enrollment.
Contributions resume automatically when
you return to pay status, unless you opt out.
To opt out, contact your Payroll Oce. None
Coverage resumes automatically your rst
day actively back at work.
Nothing None
ScholarShare Contributions resume automatically when
you return to pay status, unless you opt out.
To opt out, contact your Payroll Oce. None
UCRP service credit
At some locations, deductions for a service
credit purchase that was in progress when
your leave began will restart automatically
when you return. At others, you’ll need to
restart them.
If you owe additional interest for your leave
period on a service credit purchase that was
in progress before your leave began, UC will
add it to your balance. Your payroll
deductions won’t go up; instead, the
payment period will be extended.
You may purchase service credit for the time
you were on leave.
Contact your leave coordinator to nd out
if you need to restart your service credit
purchase payments.
Contact your leave coordinator or check
the UCRP Service Credit Purchase Guide if
you want to purchase service credit for the
time you were on leave. The cost depends
on when the leave occurred, its length,
your age, and when you start the service
credit purchase.
Restart service credit
purchase payments
as soon as you return
to work.
No xed deadline for
purchasing service
credit, but the sooner
you start, the less it
will cost you.
If You Don’t Return to UC Employment
If You Don’t Return to
UC Employment
If you end employment while on pregnancy disability leave or
after a leave for bonding with your child, most of what you need
to know, and do, is covered in the Termination of Employment
Fact Sheet at
termination-of-employment.pdf. You can ask your local Benets
or Human Resources Oce for more information about
continuing group coverage.
If you have a service credit purchase in progress and have
completed 12 or more monthly payments, you may make a lump
sum payment within 60 days after your separation from UC
employment to complete the purchase.
For California Unemployment Insurance, your coverage stops
the last day you are actively at work. Depending on your
circumstances, you may or may not be eligible for unemploy-
ment insurance benets. Contact your local oce of the
California State Employment Development Department. If you
work outside California, contact the state agency for your
Please note: If you’re on an approved leave under the FMLA,
CFRA and/or PDLL and you don’t return to work after your leave,
you could be liable for the health plan premiums that UC paid
during any unpaid portion of your leave. UC has the option to
recover its share of these premiums from you. You won’t,
though, be liable for these premiums if you haven’t returned to
work because of a serious health condition or other reasons
beyond your control. If you have any questions about this, please
contact UCPath.
By authority of the Regents, University of California Human Resources,
located in Oakland, administers all benet plans in accordance with
applicable plan documents and regulations, custodial agreements,
University of California Group Insurance Regulations, group insurance
contracts, and state and federal laws. No person is authorized to pro-
vide benets information not contained in these source documents,
and information not contained in these source documents cannot
be relied upon as having been authorized by the Regents. Source
documents are available for inspection upon request (800-888-8267).
What is written here does not constitute a guaranteeof plan coverage
or benets—particular rules and eligibility requirements must be met
before benets can be received. The University of California intends to
continue the benets described here indenitely; however, the benets
of all employees, retirees, and plan beneciaries are subject to change or
termination at the time of contract renewal or at any other time by the
University or other governing authorities. The University also reserves the
right to determine new premiums, employer contributions and monthly
costs at any time. Health and welfare benets are not accrued or vested
benet entitlements. UC’s contribution toward the monthly cost of the
coverage is determined by UC and may change or stop altogether, and
may be aected by the state of California’s annual budget appropria-
tion. If you belong to an exclusively represented bargaining unit, some
of your benets may dier from the ones described here. For more
information, employees should contact their Human Resources Oce
and retirees should call the UC Retirement Administration Service Center
In conformance with applicable law and University policy, the University
is an armative action/equal opportunity employer. Please send inquiries
regarding the University’s armative action and equal opportunity
policies for sta to Systemwide AA/EEO Policy Coordinator, University
of California, Oce of the President, 1111 Franklin Street, 5th Floor,
Oakland, CA 94607, and for faculty to the Oce of Academic Personnel
and Programs, University of California, Oce of the President,
1111 Franklin Street, Oakland, CA 94607.
Pregnancy, Newborn
Child and
Adopted Child
Fact Sheet: Pregnancy, Newborn Child and Adopted Child
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