Citation: Bilicka, Katarzyna, Danjue
Clancey-Shang, and Yaxuan Qi. 2024.
Long-Term Orientation and Tax
Avoidance Regulations. Journal of Risk
and Financial Management 17: 102.
Academic Editor: Thanasis Stengos
Received: 28 October 2023
Revised: 16 February 2024
Accepted: 17 February 2024
Published: 1 March 2024
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Journal of
Risk and Financial
Long-Term Orientation and Tax Avoidance Regulations
Katarzyna Bilicka
, Danjue Clancey-Shang
* and Yaxuan Qi
National Bureau of Economic Research, Center for Economic and Policy Research, Oxford University Centre
for Business Taxation, Park End Street, Oxford OX1 1HP, UK; [email protected]
Jon M. Huntsman School of Business, Utah State University, Logan, UT 84322, USA
Department of Economics and Finance, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China;
* Correspondence: [email protected]
Abstract: In this paper, we explore the relationship between the culture of the country where a
multinational corporation (MNC) is headquartered and the MNC’s stock market reaction to tax
avoidance regulations. Specifically, we examine the different responses of MNCs following the
implementation of the 2010 UK reform that restricted profit shifting for a specific group of firms. We
find that, in countries with short-term-oriented cultures, MNCs affected by this reform experienced
positive stock market responses relative to their unaffected counterparts. This is not found in
long-term-oriented cultures. This difference in response can partly be explained by the differing
perceptions of the role tax havens play in tax minimization practices between more long-term-oriented
cultures and those oriented towards the short term. We provide evidence that investors from more
future-oriented cultures may recognize the short-lived effectiveness of a regulation ex ante, and thus
price the quasi-exogenous market shock differently than their more short-term-oriented counterparts.
Keywords: long-term orientation; debt shifting; multinational companies; tax avoidance; stock
market responses
1. Introduction
Stock markets incorporate investors’ forward-looking expectations. According to the
classic Intertemporal Capital Asset Pricing Model (ICAPM), asset prices are fundamentally
determined by solving the representative agent’s intertemporal consumption–investment
problem (Merton 1973). However, the extent of the forward-looking behavior displayed
by the representative agent and its consequent impact on asset prices remain empirical
questions. In this paper, we aim to shed light on the answers to these questions using
a cultural perspective. Specifically, we investigate whether the forward-looking culture
of a multinational corporation’s (MNC) home country plays a role in determining how
responsive the stock market is when pricing new information.
To gauge the degree of forward-looking culture in each country, we use a metric
that is part of the set of measures developed by Geert Hofstede and his colleagues to
capture various dimensions of a country’s cultural characteristics (Hofstede 1984, 1991;
Hofstede and Minkov 2010). The six dimensions of national cultures include power distance,
individualism, uncertainty avoidance, motivation towards achievement (formerly known
as masculinity), long-term orientation, and indulgence. These measures have been adopted
by numerous studies that investigate the impacts of national cultures on social, economic,
and political outcomes.
In this paper, we focus on one particular measure, a country’s
long-term orientation, which captures the nation’s tendency to focus on the future. A long-
term-oriented culture places great emphasis on persistence, while its short-term-oriented
counterpart focuses on quick results. The previous literature suggests that a country’s
long-term orientation is associated with many corporate practices. The authors of (Kitching
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et al. 2016) find that, in countries with more long-term-oriented cultures, the cost stickiness
in managerial resource adjustment is less pronounced. Lievenbruck and Schmid (2014)
show that companies in long-term-oriented cultures hedge less. Both Wang and Esqueda
(2014) and Haq et al. (2018) document that firms borrow less in more long-term-oriented
cultures. Graafland and Noorderhaven (2020) document that the joint force of economic
freedom and long-term orientation in a country promotes the corporate social responsibility
practices of firms in that country. A country’s long-term orientation is also documented to
be associated with stock market behaviors. Chang and Lin (2015) find that stock markets in
countries with more long-term-oriented cultures herd less. Khan et al. (2021) show that a
long-term-oriented culture has a moderating effect on investors’ representativeness bias
when making investment decisions. Hoang et al. (2022) find that a long-term-oriented
culture had a mitigating effect on the negative reactions of the stock market during the
COVID episode. Several of these findings align with the notion that a culture oriented
towards the long term is inclined to prioritize the long-term performance and enduring
impacts of incidents and decisions. However, research on the effect of this particular
cultural dimension on the financial market’s response to the implementation of regulations
is limited. More specifically, we know little about whether the long-term effectiveness of a
particular regulation is reflected in the financial market responses across different cultures.
In this paper, we explore the role of a country’s long-term orientation in mediating the
effects of an anti-tax avoidance regulation on financial markets.
In 2010, Worldwide Debt Cap (WDC) was implemented in the UK to limit the amount
of debt that MNCs can hold in the UK relative to their total worldwide debt. The threshold
was put at 75%, creating a treated group of firms—those that had their debt levels in the
UK above this limit—and a control group—those that did not. We choose the WDC to
study our question of interest for two reasons. First, the quasi-experimental variation
that WDC created allows us to identify the causal effects of a regulation on stock markets
by comparing outcomes for treated and control groups. Second, previous works in the
literature have documented the stock market impacts of the WDC on affected MNCs and
the transient nature of these impacts. Specifically, applying the WDC as a quasi-natural
experiment, Bilicka et al. (2022b) find that the affected MNCs experienced higher stock
market returns and less frequent occasions of extremely negative returns; the MNCs with
worse corporate governance qualities or with access to tax havens drive the results. These
results imply that firms with substantial information asymmetry experienced significantly
positive stock market responses to the WDC, supporting the idea that investors see tax
avoidance as a potential tool to facilitate managerial rent extraction, and anti-tax avoidance
regulations have positive effects on firm values as they curb the agency problem. However,
Bilicka et al. (2022a) find that the affected MNCs responded to the WDC by adjusting their
cross-country debt allocations and real operations to circumvent the reform, and it took on
average three years to finish the adjustments. This is consistent with the transient nature of
the stock market impacts of the WDC documented in Bilicka et al. (2022b), which shows
that the difference in stock market response between the affected and unaffected MNCs
only lasted for three years.
Since the positive stock market response to the WDC is short-lived for the affected
MNCs, in this study, we investigate whether the long-term orientation dimension of the
culture in an MNC’s home country plays a role in explaining the crosssectional variation of
the stock market impact of this reform. If the capital market focuses on long-term effects
and investors recognize the transient nature of the effectiveness of the WDC, we would
expect to see less significant positive market reactions to the implementation of this reform;
potentially, the long-term adverse impact of the WDC on an MNC’s cash flows may even
outweigh its positive effect in curbing agency problems, and lead to a negative overall
influence on firm values. On the other hand, in a market that is more short-term-oriented
when investors are pricing a new piece of information, we would expect to see a stronger
positive reaction to the WDC. Consistent with our hypothesis, we find that only the affected
MNCs headquartered in countries with short-term-oriented cultures experienced positive
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stock returns following the implementation of the WDC. In addition, affected MNCs from
short-term-oriented cultures are the only ones that experienced significant reductions in
the frequency of extreme negative returns. We also find that, in the context of the WDC
reform, an MNC’s access to tax havens may be perceived differently by a country with
a long-term-oriented culture compared to a country with a culture oriented towards the
short term.
Our study documents novel evidence on the effectiveness of financial regulations in
connection with the national cultures of countries where MNCs are headquartered. In
recent years, the issue of multinational tax avoidance has surged to the forefront of policy
discussions. A widely employed tactic by multinational corporations (MNCs) to reduce
their global tax liability involves strategically allocating debt across various tax jurisdictions.
In response, nations worldwide have implemented various anti-tax avoidance measures
aimed at mitigating this specific method of profit shifting (Carrizosa et al. 2020; Serrato
2018). The conventional perspective on corporate tax avoidance suggests that engaging in
such practices can provide opportunities for managerial rent extraction, and stock markets
are found to associate tax avoidance and corporate practice that facilitates tax avoidance
with negative connotations (Desai and Dharmapala 2009; Desai et al. 2007; Desai and Hines
2002). Tax avoidance practices are also linked to higher crash risks in the stock market (Kim
et al. 2011). An anti-tax avoidance regulation such as the WDC may mitigate the agency
problem, especially for the worse-governed MNCs Bilicka et al. (2022b). On the other hand,
theoretically, tax planning should enhance the shareholder wealth as it positively affects
corporate cash flows. Therefore, the implementation of anti-tax avoidance regulations could
potentially disrupt cash flows and subsequently have an adverse impact on the overall
value of the company (Goh et al. 2016; Lim 2011; Mills 1998). We complement this literature
by taking a cultural perspective. We provide evidence on how the long-term orientation
dimension of a national culture affects the market reaction to the implementation of an
anti-tax avoidance regulation, when the regulation pertains to cross-country markets. We
document that more future-oriented cultures may recognize the short-lived effectiveness of
a regulation ex ante, and price this quasi-exogenous market shock differently than their
more short-term-oriented counterparts.
We also contribute to the literature that studies the association between a country’s
culture and its financial market dynamics. Chui et al. (2010) show that individualism
is positively associated with stock market trading volume and volatility, as well as the
profitability of the momentum trading strategy. Dang et al. (2019) document robust
evidence that firms in more individualistic cultures exhibit higher levels of crash risk,
possibly caused by earnings management, excessive managerial risk-taking, and investors’
difference of opinion and overconfidence. Ashraf (2021) and Hoang et al. (2022) both study
the COVID-19 episode and find that the uncertainty avoidance and long-term orientation
dimensions of a culture have moderating effects on stock markets’ reactions to negative
information. In this study, we investigate how a culture’s long-term orientation manifests in
financial markets in the context of an anti-tax avoidance regulation, previously documented
for its short-lived effectiveness.
The rest of this paper is structured as follows. Section 2 discusses data and our
empirical strategies. Section 3 provides a discussion of the empirical results. Section 4
2. Data and Empirical Strategy
2.1. Sample Construction
We construct our data sample following Bilicka et al. (2022b). First, we collect financial
and stock market information for all MNCs that maintained at least one subsidiary in the
UK in 2010 from multiple data sources. The initial sample of MNCs is extracted using
Osiris by the Bureau van Dijk (BvD). Then, we use the CDs of Osiris to extract subsidiaries
of these MNCs year by year. Our analysis is restricted to subsidiaries where the MNC holds
a majority ownership stake of 50% or more, thereby indicating effective control. For the
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UK-based subsidiaries, we extract financial data from the FAME dataset to construct the
ratios of UK debt to worldwide debt of an entire MNC. MNCs were subject to the WDC if
this ratio exceeded 75% in 2010. These MNCs form our treatment group. Note that our use
of subsidiary-level data is only for the purpose of constructing the debt ratios.
We collect consolidated financial data for the MNC groups from Osiris, and stock
market data from DataStream. The list of tax havens adopted to construct the dummy for
tax haven access is from Bennedsen and Zeume (2018). Combining these data sources, our
sample covers financial and stock market data for each MNC at the group level. Our main
analysis focuses on the period of three years prior to and post the WDC, but we collect data
during the full period of 2003–2016 to establish the longer-term dynamics in the data we
study as well. We obtain the culture measure from Hofstede’s website
and merge it with
the corporate financial and stock return data.
2.2. Variables of Interest
In this paper, we study the stock market response to the WDC in connection with
the culture of an MNC’s home country. Following Bilicka et al. (2022b), we construct five
return measures to investigate the effect of WDC on the MNCs’ stock market performance:
annual buy-and-hold return (
Raw Ret
against FTSE100 (
Al pha UK
against S&P500 (
Al pha US
), annual abnormal return against FTSE100 (
Abn Ret UK
), and
annual abnormal return against S&P500 (Abn Ret US).
We also construct four measures to examine the impact of WDC on the incidence
of extremely negative returns the MNCs experience. Following Kim et al. (2011), the
crash risk indicator variables,
Crash UK
Crash US
, equal one for a firm-year if the firm
experiences one or more crash weeks in the UK (US) market; otherwise,
Crash UK(US)
is equal to zero.
Following Chen et al. (2001), we compute the negative skewness vari-
Neg Skew UK
Neg Skew US
, as additional measures to assess the occurrence of
extremely negative returns.
Bilicka et al. (2021) document that it took the affected MNCs about three years to adjust
their operations in response to the WDC; after that, their overall tax avoidance practice
involving debt did not vary from prior to the regulation. Bilicka et al. (2022b) show that
the stock market positively responded to this regulation over the 3-year window after the
WDC, but then the affected and unaffected converged after. As the adjustments in both real
operations and stock market measures were short-lived, we study whether the markets in
more long-term-oriented cultures can foresee the time limit on the effectiveness of the WDC.
We adopt the long-term orientation measure developed by Hofstede (1991) and amplified
by Hofstede and Minkov (2010), which captures a national culture’s tendency to focus on
the future. We obtain this measure from Hofstede’s website and merge it with the corporate
financial and stock return data. We then split our sample by the median of this measure,
and form the sample with MNCs headquartered in countries with longer-term-orientated
cultures, and MNCs headquartered in countries with shorter-term-orientated cultures.
2.3. Empirical Approach
We use the difference-in-differences (DID) approach to investigate the differential
stock market responses of MNCs to the 2010 UK reform. MNCs that were subject to the
reform, i.e., those with debt ratios above the reform threshold, are in our treated group.
The unaffected MNCs, with debt ratios below the threshold, are in the control group. Our
approach relies on comparing outcomes of treated MNCs to those of control group MNCs.
The identifying assumption behind this method is that the evolution of stock markets
would be the same for both treated and control group MNCs in the absence of the WDC.
As such, we estimate the following model:
= α + βA f f ected
× Post
+ γX
+ η
+ δ
+ ϵ
is one of the stock return variables;
A f f ected
is a dummy variable that equals
one if the MNC
is affected by the reform;
is a dummy variable that equals one
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from 2010 onward;
is a set of control variables, such as firm size (lagged logarithm
of total assets), book-to-market ratio, stock return, and stock return volatility.
is the
year fixed effect,
is the firm fixed effect, and
is the error term. Consequently, the
effect of the WDC is identified by comparing stock returns of each treated firm before
and after the reform relative to stock returns of control group MNCs, i.e., estimating the
difference-in-differences (DID) coefficient on
A f f ected
× Post
. The coefficient of interest
is β.
We consider the following stock market variables: the annual buy-and-hold return
(Raw Ret),
’s estimated by regressing daily returns against S&P500 (Alpha US) and
FTSE100 (Alpha UK) indices, and abnormal returns based on CAPM model in which
the market portfolio is proxied by either S&P500 (Abn Ret US) or FTSE100 (Abn Ret
UK) indices.
We then split the sample by the median of the Hofstede long-term orientation measure
(Hofstede 1991), and conduct the aforementioned regression analysis on the sub-sample
of MNCs headquartered in countries with more long-term-oriented cultures, as well as
those headquartered in countries with more short-term-oriented cultures. Note that such a
measure captures a national culture’s tendency to focus on the future. As the stock market
responses to the WDC are documented to be short-lived, we examine whether the financial
markets in countries with cultures with different levels of long-term orientation recognize
this time limit and respond accordingly.
We further investigate the roles that tax havens play in mediating the effects of the
WDC in different cultures. As suggested by the literature, tax avoidance practices are more
problematic for firms with higher levels of information asymmetry. A potential channel
through which the WDC can increase firm values is to alleviate the information asymmetry
and curb potential agency problems. Bilicka et al. (2022b) find that the positive stock
market responses are mostly driven by worse-governed firms and firms with access to
tax havens. However, a more future-focused culture could view tax havens as a potential
tool for further tax avoidance practice in the future, while a more short-term-oriented
culture could be inclined to focus on the potential improvement in the current information
asymmetry for firms with access to tax havens. Hence, we examine the differential effects
of the WDC on firm values depending on whether a firm has access to tax haven affiliates.
We do that for both MNCs headquartered in countries with long-term and short-term
orientation cultures. We use this analysis to draw inference into the role of a culture’s
long-term orientation dimension in explaining the link between the anti-tax avoidance
regulation and the firm values.
As the WDC can potentially improve the information environment for the affected
MNCs in the short term, we also examine the effect of the WDC on the occurrence of
extremely negative returns. We use
Crash UK(US)
NegSkew UK(US)
to measure the
occurrence of extremely negative returns, and investigate whether the impact of the WDC
plays out differently in long-term-oriented cultures and short-term-oriented cultures.
3. Empirical Findings
3.1. Descriptive Statistics
In this subsection, we discuss the summary statistics for the variables in our empirical
analysis. Table 1 provides the summary statistics for the MNCs in the two sub-samples
split by the long-term orientation dimension of the countries’ cultures.
is the book-to-
market ratio.
is the standard deviation calculated using daily returns for each
firm-year combination.
is a dummy equal to 1 when an MNC has at least one tax haven affiliate in the
firm structure where it owns more than 50% shares of that affiliate.
is the ratio of
profit and loss before taxes to total assets, and
is the ratio of long-term liability to
total assets.
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Table 1. Summary statistics: long- vs. short-oriented cultures.
Variables N Mean Sd Min p25 Median p75 Max
Panel A: MNCs from Long-Term-Oriented Culture
Raw Ret 3920 9.067 52.23 94.71 24.36 3.025 32.90 393.7
α US 3902 0.0125 0.187 0.975 0.0861 0.0109 0.113 3.225
α UK 3902 0.0117 0.183 0.984 0.0863 0.0141 0.112 3.378
Abn Ret US 3737 2.669 44.87 178.4 23.93 3.866 20.59 380.3
Abn Ret UK 3737 1.462 44.72 178.3 24.52 4.985 19.07 342.6
Long-term orient 3920 79.75 12.38 52.90 73.55 87.41 87.91 100
Volatility 3920 2.583 1.359 0.648 1.831 2.349 3.085 52.61
Haven 1060 0.673 0.469 0 0 1 1 1
Roa 893 0.0723 0.125 0.694 0.0240 0.0645 0.115 1.471
Leverage 3736 0.215 0.157 0 0.0833 0.200 0.325 0.841
Assets 3788 12,423 31,367 1.038 402.0 2146 9378 376,881
BM 1039 0.267 0.656 0.000436 0.0362 0.0797 0.181 4.197
Panel B: MNCs from Short-Term-Oriented Culture
Raw Ret 10,842 14.94 78.20 99.94 25.34 5.792 37.53 1774
α US 10,761 0.0357 0.497 1.524 0.0757 0.0224 0.121 43.87
α UK 10,761 0.0382 0.497 1.544 0.0799 0.0295 0.130 43.90
Abn Ret US 9634 8.600 73.54 371.8 24.60 0.120 27.15 1787
Abn Ret UK 9634 5.993 73.65 481.9 26.53 2.385 24.52 1771
Long-term orient 10,842 37.76 12.37 6.801 25.69 36.02 51.13 51.13
Volatility 10,842 3.044 6.939 0.123 1.742 2.429 3.500 676.0
Haven 6118 0.617 0.486 0 0 1 1 1
Roa 5276 0.0505 0.643 33.52 0.0225 0.0766 0.137 1.138
Leverage 9437 0.226 0.370 0 0.0563 0.191 0.323 25.04
Assets 10,401 6523 28,432 0.0173 101.6 659.9 3064 797,769
BM 6119 0.214 0.543 0.000436 0.0268 0.0627 0.153 4.197
Summary statistics for variables in the full sample. Panel A reports for the MNCs from long-term-oriented cultures,
and Panel B reports for the MNCs from short-term-oriented cultures. Raw Ret is the annual buy-and-hold return,
US and
UK are
’s estimated by regressing daily returns against S&P500 and FTSE100 indices, respectively,
Abn Ret US and Abn Ret UK are abnormal returns based on CAPM model in which the market portfolio is proxied
by either S&P500 or FTSE100 indices, respectively.
is in USD millions.
is the book-to-market ratio.
is the standard deviation calculated using daily returns for each firm-year combination.
Board size
is the
number of people on the board.
is a dummy equal to 1 when an MNC has at least one tax haven affiliate in
the firm structure that it owns more than 50% shares of.
is the ratio of profit and loss before taxes to total
assets, and Leverage is the ratio of long-term liability to total assets.
Table 1 shows the means, medians, and distributional information for the firms from
countries with more long-term-oriented cultures (Panel A), and from countries with cultures
that are more short-term-oriented (Panel B). We can see that the firms from the more long-
term-oriented cultures on average have smaller return measures and are larger in size.
They are largely comparable to the MNCs from more short-term-oriented cultures in other
firm and return characteristics, such as occurrence of extremely negative returns (
negskew), volatility, board size, access to tax havens, and leverage.
3.2. Stock Market Returns
In this subsection, we investigate the effect of the WDC on the stock market returns of
the affected MNCs. We also split the data by the median of the MNC headquarter country
long-term orientation, and conduct the analysis on each sub-sample separately.
In Table 2, we present our results with five stock market return measures on the full
sample over 2007–2013. As found in Bilicka et al. (2022b), stock markets respond positively
to the WDC, as the difference-in-differences coefficients,
, as outlined in Equation (1), are
positive and statistically significant across all specifications. Effective tax avoidance can
lead to a positive shock to the corporate cash flow, as it allows the firm to pay less tax.
Consequently, an anti-tax avoidance rule can cause decreases in the firm value, because
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it limits potential tax savings and reduces after-tax income for an investor. However, tax
avoidance can also provide means to conceal unfavorable information and questionable
corporate practice, and serve as a tool for managerial rent-seeking. From this point of view,
the anti-tax avoidance regulation can curb the agency cost by limiting these rent-seeking
activities and alleviate information asymmetry. As such, anti-tax avoidance regulation can
increase the firm value. The results we present are in line with the second view. Across
a broad set of measures, the stock market returns of affected firms have increased after
the WDC.
Table 2. Annual stock returns: baseline results.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Dep. Var Raw Ret Alpha US Alpha UK Abn Ret US Abn Ret UK
treated = 1 × post = 1 14.59 *** 0.06 *** 0.04 *** 19.48 *** 17.93 ***
(3.54) (4.32) (2.81) (4.34) (4.20)
MNC level controls
Firm FEs
Year FEs
Observations 7139 7139 7139 6745 6745
This table reports the estimated effects of the WDC on MNCs’ raw and abnormal returns over the window of
2007–2013. Raw Ret is the annual buy-and-hold return, Alpha US and Alpha UK are
’s estimated by regressing
daily returns against S&P500 and FTSE100 indices, respectively, Abn Ret US and Abn Ret UK are abnormal returns
based on CAPM model in which the market portfolio is proxied by either S&P500 or FTSE100 indices, respectively.
treated denotes firms that failed the gateway test in 2010; post is 1 from 2011 onwards. In all columns, we control
for lagged logarithm of total assets, book-to-market ratio, stock return, volatility, and negative skewness against
FTSE100. t-statistics in parentheses. *** denotes significance at the 1% level. Standard errors are robust and
two-way clustered over MNC group and year.
We also plot the dynamic evolution of the annual buy-and-hold return,
, in
Figure 1 over a longer time horizon. As documented in Bilicka et al. (2022b), the other
return measures follow a similar pattern. We can see that the MNCs affected by WDC
outperform firms in the control group after the reform, but only over the first 3-year period.
After three years, the return measure largely converges between the control and the treated
groups. This short-lived outperformance is consistent with the finding in Bilicka et al.
(2022a): the affected MNCs took about three years adjusting their debt and operations, and
finished around 2014. Therefore, from then on, the improved information environment
due to the WDC does not prevail anymore, as firms are likely to go back to shifting profits
using alternative methods. Hence, investors perceive that they may go back to the old
practices associated with aggressive tax avoidance behavior. Since the effects of the WDC
on both corporate operations and stock market responses only lasted for a limited period,
we further investigate whether the different time horizons of investors make a difference
for MNCs’ stock market behaviors post WDC. We use the long-term orientation dimension
of a culture as a proxy to capture the variation in investors’ time horizons across different
financial markets. Our goal is to examine whether stock markets can recognize the time
limit on the WDC’s effect found in our empirical analysis and respond accordingly.
Table 3 presents the results. Panel A presents the results for MNCs from countries with
cultures that are more long-term-oriented, and Panel B presents the results for MNCs from
countries with cultures that are oriented towards the short term. We can see that the positive
stock market responses to the WDC documented by Bilicka et al. (2022b) and shown in
Table 2 are driven by the firms headquartered in countries with short-term-oriented cultures.
The coefficients on the difference-in-differences term,
treated =
× post =
1, are estimated
to be positive in Panel B, and significant in four out of five specifications; this is not the case
in Panel A. The firms headquartered in countries with more long-term-oriented cultures
generally do not respond to the WDC significantly and, looking at the direction of the
coefficients, the response tends to be negative. Given that the effectiveness of the WDC is
documented to be short-lived, as Figure 1 demonstrates, our finding is consistent with how
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Hofstede defines the long-term orientation measure: a country’s tendency to focus on the
future. When a country where an MNC is headquartered is more inclined to focus on the
long-term effect of a shock, investors appear to foresee the transient nature of the WDC’s
impacts and do not price it into the firm value.
Raw Return
(relative to 2010)
Failed gateway test Did not fail gateway test
(a) Stock return
Crash US
(relative to 2010)
Failed gateway test Did not fail gateway test
(b) Crash risk
Figure 1. Annual stock return and crash risk measures—dynamic plots. Note: These figures plot the
average annual buy-and-hold return measure and the crash risk measure from each year benchmarked
against year 2010 for both the treated and control groups. We obtain the return measure by regressing
on year dummies corresponding to each of the years 2003–2016, and the crash risk measure
by regressing
Crash US
on those year dummies. We omit the year 2010; hence, the measures are
relative to 2010. Standard errors are robust and two-way clustered over MNC group and year. We
plot the 95% confidence interval.
Table 3. Annual stock returns: long-term culture vs. short-term culture.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Dep. Var Raw Ret Alpha US Alpha UK Abn Ret US Abn Ret UK
Panel A: long-term-oriented cultures
treated = 1 × post = 1 16.56 0.11 0.09 24.54 34.56 **
(0.64) (1.20) (0.99) (1.47) (2.11)
Observations 861 861 861 825 825
R-squared 0.564 0.495 0.472 0.320 0.305
Panel B: short-term-oriented cultures
treated = 1 × post = 1 11.33 ** 0.05 *** 0.02 21.33 *** 16.30 ***
(2.33) (2.88) (0.93) (3.96) (3.17)
Observations 5035 5035 5035 4864 4864
R-squared 0.359 0.240 0.328 0.113 0.134
This table reports the estimated effects of the WDC on MNCs’ raw and abnormal returns over the window of
2007–2013. t-statistics in parentheses. ***, ** denote significance at the 1% and 5% level.
3.3. Tax Haven Access
In this subsection, we interact the difference-in-differences term from Equation (1)
with a dummy variable indicating whether a given MNC has access to any tax haven
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subsidiaries. Access to tax havens may indicate that a firm is more “aggressive” in tax
avoidance practice (Gumpert et al. 2016; Hines and Rice 1994). Consistent with this remark,
Dowd et al. (2017) show that, when shifting profits, firms are more likely to shift more to
tax havens. Hence, MNCs that have access to tax havens are more likely to be subject to
agency problems due to being more “aggressive” and engaging in more complex financial
arrangements that could lead to less information transparency. Bilicka et al. (2022b) find
that MNCs with access to tax havens drive the positive stock market responses they find
for the affected firms post WDC, consistent with the view that the WDC can mitigate the
agency problem for aggressive tax avoiders. However, investors who focus more on the
future may hold the view that having access to tax havens suggests that these MNCs can
still engage in tax avoidance in the future, which does not help fix the agency problem.
Therefore, we expect to see negative signs for the coefficients on the triple interaction terms
in the sub-sample of MNCs headquartered in countries with long-term-oriented cultures,
and positive signs for the same triple interaction coefficients on the sub-sample of MNCs
headquartered in countries with short-term-oriented cultures.
In Table 4, we present results on the effects of the WDC on stock market returns,
including the triple interaction with the tax haven dummy. Our goal is to investigate the
potentially differential response of the MNCs that have tax haven affiliates in their structure.
In Panel A, we show the results using MNCs headquartered in countries with cultures
that are more long-term-oriented, and in Panel B using MNCs headquartered in countries
with cultures that are oriented towards the short term. The coefficients of the three-way
interactions are significantly negative in Panel A, and mostly positive, but insignificant
in Panel B. In the long-term-oriented sub-sample, any improvement in the stock market
performance in response to the WDC (suggested by the positive coefficient on the term
treated =
× post =
1 that we estimate), is canceled out by having access to tax havens.
These results align with the definition of the Hofstede long-term orientation measure, i.e., a
culture’s tendency to focus on the future. Since the cultures oriented towards the long term
focus on the future, they view the access to tax havens as convenient future platforms for tax
avoidance. Hence, the WDC is likely ineffective in curbing agency problems and improving
information transparency. The short-term-oriented cultures, instead, are not concerned with
the future impacts of the access to tax havens the way their long-term counterparts are.
Table 4. Heterogeneity: access to tax havens.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Dep. Var Raw Ret Alpha US Alpha UK Abn Ret US Abn Ret UK
Panel A: MNCs from countries with long-term-oriented cultures
treated = 1 × post = 1 77.24 0.21 0.25 * 75.78 * 40.91
(1.59) (1.58) (1.83) (1.81) (0.99)
treated = 1 × post = 1× haven 122.39 *** 0.40 *** 0.41 ** 117.00 *** 89.17 **
(2.59) (2.61) (2.49) (2.85) (2.20)
Observations 815 815 815 792 816
R-squared 0.602 0.557 0.539 0.353 0.311
Panel B: MNCs from countries with short-term-oriented cultures
treated = 1 × post = 1 1.20 0.04 0.00 11.69 6.90
(0.13) (1.51) (0.03) (1.14) (0.69)
treated = 1 × post = 1× haven 5.93 0.01 0.01 2.88 3.26
(0.60) (0.23) (0.20) (0.26) (0.31)
Observations 4783 4783 4783 4660 4660
R-squared 0.380 0.266 0.333 0.167 0.189
This table reports the estimated effects of the WDC on MNCs’ raw and abnormal returns in connection with an
MNC’s access to tax haven over the window of 2007–2013. t-statistics in parentheses. ***, **, * denote significance
at the 1%, 5%, and 10% level, respectively.
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3.4. Occurrence of Extremely Negative Returns
To complement our investigation on the differential impacts of the WDC on the
stock market returns of the affected MNCs, we examine the occurrence of extremely
negative returns as an alternative outcome variable. As shown in Part b of Figure 1,
the dynamic effect of the reform on the occurrence of extremely negative returns for the
affected firms disappears in 2014. This time limit leads us to conduct a regression analysis
on the sub-samples of MNCs divided based on the long-term orientation dimension of
their headquarter countries’ cultures. We present the results in Table 5. In columns (1)
and (2), we report results using dummy variables indicating whether a “crash” type of
incident happens in a given year, and in columns (3) and (4) using the negative skewness
measures. In columns (1) and (3), we show the likelihood of an extremely negative incidence
benchmarked against the US market and in columns (2) and (4) against the UK market.
Panel A presents the results for MNCs headquartered in countries with long-term-oriented
cultures, while Panel B presents the results for MNCs headquartered in countries with
short-term-oriented cultures.
Table 5. Crash risk.
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Dep. Var Crash Risk US Crash Risk UK Neg Skew US Neg Skew UK
Panel A: MNCs from long-term-oriented cultures
treated = 1 × post = 1 0.17 0.23 0.69 * 0.65 *
(1.19) (1.60) (1.72) (1.74)
post 0.05 0.08 ** 0.44 *** 0.48 ***
(1.57) (2.35) (5.48) (6.27)
MNC level controls
Firm FEs
Year FEs
Observations 3984 3984 3984 3984
R-squared 0.021 0.027 0.052 0.066
Panel B: MNCs from short-term-oriented cultures
treated = 1 × post = 1 0.07 ** 0.03 0.20 ** 0.20 **
(2.27) (0.82) (2.42) (2.40)
post 0.34 ** 0.14 *** 1.30 *** 1.57 ***
(2.45) (3.12) (3.85) (2.81)
MNC level controls
Firm FEs
Year FEs
Observations 5035 5035 5035 5035
R-squared 0.023 0.029 0.069 0.086
The dependent variable is one of the proxies for extremely negative returns.
is based on whether
the firm-specific weekly return has dropped 3.2 standard deviation below the annual average in a particular
year estimated against FTSE100(S&P500).
is the negative skewness of the weekly return in a
specific year estimated against FTSE100(S&P500). In all columns, we control for lagged logarithm of total assets,
book-to-market ratio, stock return, volatility, leverage, and ROA. In columns 1 and 3, we control for lagged
UK crash risk and in columns 2 and 4 we control for lagged US crash risk. t-statistics in parentheses. ***, **, *
denote significance at the 1%, 5%, and 10% level, respectively. Two-way firm and year clustered standard errors
in parentheses.
Again, MNCs headquartered in countries with cultures with different levels of long-term
orientation behave differently. Previously, Kim et al. (2011) documented the association
of the occurrence of extremely negative returns with tax avoidance activities, and Bilicka
et al. (2022b) showed that the affected firms experience less occurrence of extremely negative
returns post WDC . We only find significant empirical results consistent with these previous
findings in the sample of MNCs headquartered in countries with short-term-oriented cultures.
The WDC significantly reduced the crash risk the affected MNCs were subject to, but only for
those MNCs headquartered in countries with short-term-oriented cultures.
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4. Conclusions
In this paper, we examine the differential stock market reactions to a change in anti-tax
avoidance regulations, depending on the national culture of the country where the MNC
is headquartered. Using the introduction of the Worldwide Debt Cap (WDC) reform in
2010 in the UK as a quasi-natural experiment, we examine the role played by the long-term
orientation dimension of national cultures in the impacts of the WDC on stock market
behaviors of the MNCs affected by the reform.
Consistent with the literature, we find that MNCs affected by the reform were associ-
ated with higher subsequent stock market returns than their unaffected counterparts after
the reform; however, the effect disappeared after three years. This is consistent with the
evidence that multinational firms eventually moved debt and real operations away from
the UK in response to the reform, thereby diminishing the effects of this anti-tax avoidance
regulation. In line with the transient nature of the WDC’s impacts on the affected MNCs’
stock market performance, we find that investors from countries with cultures oriented
towards the long term appear to recognize that these impacts can be short-lived. When
dividing our sample by the median of the Hofstede long-term orientation dimension of
the national culture, we find that the positive stock market response to the WDC and
the decrease in occurrence of extremely negative returns are primarily driven by MNCs
headquartered in countries with short-term-oriented cultures. Cultures with different terms
of orientation also view the role of tax havens in this episode differently. Investors from
countries with long-term-oriented cultures focus more on the future, thereby viewing the
access to tax havens as a future potential to circumvent the anti-tax avoidance regulation.
Investors from countries with short-term-oriented cultures, by contrast, do not exhibit such
a future-oriented view.
From a policy perspective, we provide evidence on the extent of anti-tax avoidance
regulations’ effectiveness, focusing on the heterogeneous impact of these regulations, which
varies depending on differences in countries’ long-term orientation. We document that
the long-term orientation dimension of a country’s culture plays an important role in
explaining the cross-country variation in the stock market responses to the WDC. This
heterogeneous effect that depends on the forward-looking perspective of the investors
in a given country is important for policy makers as they consider implementing similar
anti-tax avoidance regulations in the future. As of January 2024, many countries have
started implementing a Global Minimum Tax to curb the global tax avoidance practices of
The evidence we provide in this paper highlights that regulations that limit profit
shifting affect the stock returns of MNCs across countries differentially, and these effects
should be taken into account by policy makers as they implement these new regulations
targeting MNCs. While our goal in this paper is to make inferences about the general
effectiveness of anti-tax avoidance regulations, we acknowledge that this study focuses on
a single reform. Conducting a comparative analysis involving other anti-tax avoidance
regulations could offer additional insights on the effectiveness of such regulations in other
countries and further inform policy makers. This is beyond the scope of the current paper
but is a promising avenue for further research.
Finally, and more broadly, our findings not only advance the field of international finance,
but also have implications for how long-term beliefs affect asset prices in a global setting. This
addresses a key question in asset pricing research: the significance of incorporating investors’
long-run return expectations into asset pricing (Brunnermeier et al. 2020).
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, K.B., D.C.-S. and Y.Q.; methodology, D.C.-S.; software,
D.C.-S.; validation, K.B. and D.C.-S.; formal analysis, D.C.-S.; investigation, K.B. and D.C.-S.; resources,
K.B. and Y.Q.; data curation, K.B. and Y.Q.; writing—original draft preparation, D.C.-S.; writing—
review and editing, K.B. and D.C.-S.; visualization, K.B. All authors have read and agreed to the
published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Data Availability Statement: Data can be provided upon request
J. Risk Financial Manag. 2024, 17, 102
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Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
For instance, Beugelsdijk et al. (2021) present an overview of the business studies that have applied the Hofstede cultural
measures since 2006.
See, accessed on 1 April 2022.
Raw Ret
is obtained by compounding monthly returns within each year.
Al pha UK(US)
is the CAPM alpha against FTSE100
Abn Ret UK(US)
is the CAPM adjusted abnormal return against FTSE100 (S&P500) using
estimated from monthly
returns over the previous 36 months.
A “crash week” is defined as a week when the firm-specific weekly return drops 3.2 standard deviations below their annual
mean value, with 3.2 chosen to generate a frequency of 0.1% in the normal distribution. The firm specific weekly return is defined
= ln(
+ ϵ
, where
is obtained from the regression of weekly return
on weekly market index returns
and its
leads and lags.
The negative skewness (Neg Skew) are computed as follows,
Neg Skew
= [n(n 1)
]/[(n 1)(n 2)(
is the firm-specific weekly return for firm
in week
, and n is number of available weekly returns in year
. The
negative skewness measures are also estimated against both FTSE100 and S&P500.
Bilicka et al. (2022b) show that before the WDC, the MNCs in the control group were in general significantly larger, but did not
have significantly different ROAs and leverage. There is also no significant difference in the stock market performance between
control and treatment groups before the WDC, except for alphas in the US. Treated group is defined as firms with gateway test
ratios above 75% in 2010, therefore has higher gateway test ratios, as expected.
The graphs in Figure 1 also suggest that there was no significant difference in stock market performance between treated and
control groups before WDC. Standard errors of coefficient estimates overlap in most years prior to the reform. Further, the lack of
differential trend evolution between treated and control group firms in years immediately after the financial crisis, but before the
WDC reform, suggests that the financial crisis affected all firms in our sample to a similar extent.
See, accessed
on 1 February 2024.
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