A Security Analysis of the
Data Distribution Service (DDS)
Federico Maggi,
Rainer Vosseler
Trend Micro Research
Mars Cheng, Patrick Kuo,
Chizuru Toyama, Ta-Lun Yen
TXOne Networks
Erik Boasson
Víctor Mayoral Vilches
Alias Robotics
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Published by
Trend Micro Research
Written by
Federico Maggi,
Rainer Vosseler
Trend Micro Research
Mars Cheng, Patrick Kuo,
Chizuru Toyama, Ta-Lun Yen
TXOne Networks
Erik Boasson
Víctor Mayoral Vilches
Alias Robotics
Stock images used under license from
For Raimund Genes (1963-2017)
1 Introduction
2 DDS and Real-Time
Publish-Subscribe (RTPS) Packets
3 Findings: Vulnerabilities and
4 Attack Scenarios: Autonomous
Driving Proof of Concept
5 Research Methodology and
Technical Details
6 Recommendations and
We analyzed the Data Distribution Service (DDS) standard, a middleware technology that
drives billions of devices and mechanisms such as railways, autonomous cars, airports,
spacecraft, diagnostic imaging machines, luggage handling systems, industrial robots,
military tanks, and frigates. We discovered and reported multiple security vulnerabilities
in DDS: 13 were given new CVE IDs (in November 2021) from the six most common DDS
implementations, plus one vulnerability in the standard specications.
We spent one month scanning and found hundreds of distinct public-facing DDS services
from over one hundred organizations from industries like telecommunications, cloud,
software, and research from different countries. Some were identied and affected by the
newly identied CVEs. Others were identiable via nearly 90 internet service providers (ISPs)
through hundreds of leaked private IP addresses and other internal network architecture
details. These are considered signicantly dangerous because DDS is not supposed to be
deployed on public-facing endpoints. Vulnerabilities can serve as openings for initial access
to a targeted system via supply chain compromise or service discovery. Furthermore, our
scanning results show that the post-exploitation impact can range from denial of service
(DoS) to loss of control or safety.
We advocate for the continuous security testing of DDS and other related critical technology.
We also provide actionable recommendations to use for a secure DDS integration. In the
short term, we recommend mitigation procedures such as network service scanning, network
intrusion prevention, network segmentation (such as avoiding DDS exposure to public-
facing networks), network trafc ltering, execution prevention, and periodic auditing. In
the long run, we recommend implementing supply-chain management processes to ensure
that critical software components such as DDS are properly tracked in derived software, as
well as implementing continuous security testing (for example, continuous fuzzing).
This research was accomplished through the collaboration of Trend Micro Research and
TXOne Networks (Federico Maggi, Mars Cheng, Patrick Kuo, Chizuru Toyama, Rainer
Vosseler, and Ta-Lun Yen), ADLINK Labs (with Erik Boasson, one of the inventors and core
developers of DDS), Alias Robotics (with Víctor Mayoral Vilches, Robotics Architect), and
Trend Micro Zero Day Initiative (ZDI).
4 | A Security Analysis of the Data Distribution Service (DDS) Protocol
1 Introduction
Even within the industry, a big percentage of practitioners are unaware that the Data Distribution Service
(DDS) drives systems such as railways, autonomous cars, airports, spacecraft, diagnostic imaging
machines, luggage handling, industrial robots, military tanks, and frigates, among others. It has been in
use for about a decade, and its adoption continues to steadily increase.
We discovered and reported vulnerabilities in DDS that warranted new CVE IDs: Five with a score of ≥ 7.0,
four with a score of > 8.5, one vulnerability in the standard specications, and other deployment issues in
the DDS software ecosystem (including a fully open production system).
Successful exploitation of these vulnerabilities can facilitate initial access (MITRE ATT&CK Technique ID
TA0108) via exploitation of remote services (T0866, T0886) or supply chain compromise (T0862), and allow
the attacker to perform discovery (TA0102, T0856) by abusing the discovery protocol. The consequences
of successful exploitation, in any of the critical sectors where DDS is used, range from denial of service
(T0814) via brute forcing (T0806), to loss of control (T0827), or loss of safety (T0880). The DDS protocol
itself can also be abused to create an efcient command and control channel (T0869). Based on our
analysis, we recommend mitigations such as vulnerability scanning (MITRE ATT&CK Mitigation ID M1016),
network intrusion prevention (M1031), network segmentation (M1030), lter network trafc (M1037),
execution prevention (M1038), and auditing (M1047).
1.1 Findings in Brief
United States
South Korea
Hong Kong
Figure 1. We found exposed DDS systems in 34 countries, including vulnerable ones,
identied via distinct IPs leaking data
5 | A Security Analysis of the Data Distribution Service (DDS) Protocol
Given this technology’s versatility, we analyzed and discovered multiple security vulnerabilities, resulting
in 13 new CVE IDs
for the six most common DDS implementations.
This includes one vulnerability in
the standard specications and other deployment issues in the DDS software ecosystem (including a fully
open production system). These vulnerabilities have been patched or mitigated by the vendors since we
reported them.
By measuring the exposure of DDS services, in one month we found over 600 distinct public-facing DDS
services in 34 countries affecting 100 organizations via 89 internet service providers (ISPs). Of the DDS
implementations by seven distinct vendors (one of which we were initially unaware of), 202 leaked private
IP addresses (referring to internal network architecture details), and seven supposedly secret URLs. Some
of these IP addresses expose unpatched or outdated DDS implementations, which are affected by some
of the vulnerabilities that we’ve discovered and disclosed in November.
During our research, we interviewed key DDS users and system integrators to collect their feedback on
our ndings and the importance of DDS for innovation in their respective sectors. In this research paper,
we analyze and discuss the specications of DDS and the six most actively developed implementations
maintained by certied vendors and with millions of deployments worldwide. We also released an
open-source software: a Scapy-based dissector
and several fuzzing harnesses for three open DDS
1.2 Background, Scope, and DDS Applications
DDS is a standardized middleware software based on the publish-subscribe paradigm, helping the
development of middleware layers for machine-to-machine communication. This software is integral
especially to embedded systems or applications with real-time
requirements. Maintained by the Object
Management Group (OMG),
DDS is used in all classes of critical applications to implement a reliable
communication layer between sensors, controllers, and actuators.
DDS is at the beginning of the software supply chain, making it easy to lose track of and is an attractive
target for attackers. Between 2020 and 2021, 66% of attacks focused on the suppliers’ codes.
While we
were in the process of doing this research, we encountered an exposed source-code repository hosting
a proprietary implementation of DDS. Left open, this would have let an attacker infect the source code
(MITRE ATT&CK T0873, T0839).
6 | A Security Analysis of the Data Distribution Service (DDS) Protocol
DDS implementors and
standard contributors
ROS 2-based software
(including DDS)
Custom DDS-based software Controlled systemsOMG Standard DDS distribution
Control software developer
or system integrator
Figure 2. DDS is a standardized software library used for software-based controlled systems,
directly or via ROS 2
Notably, the following companies and agencies use DDS (note that this is not an exhaustive list of currently
using the technology):
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) at the Kennedy Space Center
Siemens in wind power plants
Volkswagen and Bosch for autonomous valet parking systems
Nav Canada and European CoFlight for air-trafc control
DDS is the foundation of other industry standards such as OpenFMB
for smart-grid applications and
Adaptive AUTOSAR,
among other sectors that we identify in the next section. The Robot Operating
System 2 (ROS 2), which is the de facto standard operating system for robotics and automation, uses
DDS as the default middleware. We also noted that, according to a condential document leaked online,
NVIDIA has listed DDS as a tool for system-virtualization and cloud-computing applications, mainly for
exchanging data within and across virtual machines.
7 | A Security Analysis of the Data Distribution Service (DDS) Protocol
software C++
Vendor C:
Vendor B:
Vendor A:
struct HelloWorld
unsigned long index;
string message;
Control app
Figure 3. Simplied software-based control system with actuators, controller, sensors,
communicating by exchanging data over DDS.
From a software developer standpoint, DDS is a communication middleware that facilitates interoperability
of processes across machines in all main programming languages. From another viewpoint, DDS is a
data-centric, publish-subscribe communication protocol that allows developers to build a exible shared
data “space” or “bus” for virtually any application that requires two or more nodes to exchange typed
Figure 4. A DDS minimal working example in C++ with a participant, which writes a message on the
“HelloWorld” topic using Cyclone DDS
2 DDS and Real-Time
Publish-Subscribe (RTPS) Packets
There are many software-based controlled systems in the world that connect sensors, actuators, and
controlling and monitoring applications. DDS was invented for such systems, with a strong focus on
interoperability and fault tolerance. It is optimized for publish-subscribe and peer-to-peer applications
as most applications can’t afford a single point of failure. The middleware relies on multicast (group
communication or data transmission to multiple recipients) for discovery, allowing everything to run
without needing initial congurations.
8 | A Security Analysis of the Data Distribution Service (DDS) Protocol
From a programmer’s perspective, DDS is a powerful application programming interface (API), as
exemplied by the minimal working example in Figure 4. On top of the plain byte-streams and C-strings,
DDS supports serialization and de-serialization of any built-in or custom data type through a dedicated
interface denition language (IDL). This function allows developers to create any complex type system,
similar to but more powerful than Protobuf.
It also features all the usual data values like integers, oating
points, and structures, among others. Recently, the concept of type evolution has been added, so the
existing types can be extended and evolved
instead of creating new types only. As a result, the data
types can become as complex as the application or developers need it to be.
Figure 5. An example of a packet structure of an RTPS message with a DATA submessage
9 | A Security Analysis of the Data Distribution Service (DDS) Protocol
The DDS layer is encapsulated into real-time publish-subscribe (RTPS) packets, which for now can be
considered as a collection of sub-messages (such as timestamp, discovery, data, and security metadata),
as shown in Figure 5. Given the strong dependency between DDS and RTPS, we focused our research
on RTPS for increased generality.
Because of its exibility, DDS and its underlying layers do not come as a ready-to-use, off-the-shelf
product like other middleware tools (such as Message Queuing Telemetry Transport or MQTT). Rather,
DDS is a programming library that developers use to build custom middleware protocols with advanced
features such as custom data types, quality of service (QoS) policies, network partitioning, authentication,
and encryption.
2.1 Research Scope: RTPS, DDS, and
Robot Operating System 2 (ROS 2)
In addition to the DDS standard specications, we focused our investigation on the six DDS implementations
listed in Table 1. These implementations are used globally and have customers and users in the critical
sectors identied in the same table. Because DDS depends on RTPS as a lower-layer standard protocol,
each DDS implementation ships with its own RTPS implementation. In other words, DDS data is contained
as a sub-message within RTPS, thereby focusing on both protocols.
In addition, the Robot Operating System 2 (ROS 2), which is the default standard operating system (OS)
for robotics and automation, has DDS as its default middleware. For this reason, the impact of each
vulnerability extends beyond DDS alone, and includes all ROS 2 instances.
2.2 DDS Applications and Impacted Sectors
DDS and RTPS are used to implement industry-grade middleware layers as they are designed for mission-
critical applications. For example, when the articial intelligence (AI) of an autonomous car needs to issue
a “turn left” command, DDS is used to transport that command from the electronic control unit (ECU) (the
car’s “brain”) down to the steering servomotors. The same instance also happens when speed sensors
send information from the motor up to the ECU. We veried that the DDS runs successfully on starter kit
making any autonomous vehicle based on this hardware and software stack susceptible to our
Another example is when an airport operator inside the air trafc control tower needs to illuminate the
runway. In modern airports, these specic signals
are transmitted via software, and DDS is used to
ensure timely delivery of those commands.
Table 1 lists examples of where DDS is used in critical industries, including external resources that offer
estimates on how many devices in each sector exist or are expected to exist in the near future.
10 | A Security Analysis of the Data Distribution Service (DDS) Protocol
Sector Example Use Cases Notable Users
and networks
Software-dened networking
(SDNs) technologies
Appliance Life Cycle
Management (LCM) tools,
including 5G
Defense Industry
Command and control (C&C)
Navigation and radar
Launch systems
National Aeronautics and
Space Administration (NASA)
NATO Generic Vehicle
Architecture (NGVA)
Spanish Army
Virtualization & Cloud
Inter- and intra-
communications of security
operations centers (SOC)
Power generation and
Sunrise Wind
Medical devices’
Magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI), computerized
tomography scans (CT
GE Healthcare
Medical Device Plug-and-
Play interoperability program
(MD PnP)
Precision mining
Mining system automation
Geological modeling
Atlas Copco
Industrial internet
of things (IIoT) and
Universal middleware Robot Operating System
(ROS 2)
AWS RoboMaker
Public and private
Autonomous vehicles
Air trafc control (ATC)
Railway management and
Volkswagen and Bosch
Coight Consortium
(Thales, Selex-SI)
Nav Canada
Table 1. Overview of the most notable DDS use cases.
11 | A Security Analysis of the Data Distribution Service (DDS) Protocol
2.2.1 Telecommunications and Networks
Optical transponders,
such as Fujitsu’s 1FINITY T600 series, provide the foundation for 5G
transport, and these use DDS to function and optimize communication between components.
the system for conguring and monitoring this networking equipment is built using DDS. Conguration
settings and updates are distributed via DDS to all the blades, then a DDS application congures the
hardware accordingly.
DDS is also being tested for software-dened networking (SDN) technologies
so it can be integrated
in the next-generation of networking control planes. In particular, a comparison of DDS versus other
solutions showed signicant performance improvements in SDN applications.
2.2.2 Defense Industry
The typical usage of middleware technology in the defense industry include systems for navigation,
weaponry management, mapping, radar, and power management. From a threat perspective, there
is interest from adversaries at the state and non-state level. One recent example is the ThreatNeedle
malware, which was documented to be used by the Lazarus group to target defense companies.
The most notable use of DDS in this sector is NASAs launch control system at Kennedy Space Center
(KSC) using one of the world’s largest supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems with over
400,000 control points.
Other use cases are for C&C services (such as for bridging Ethernet networks
to tactical radio equipment on the eld), which requires efcient and reliable data transport in challenging
conditions. Some system integrators such as MilSoft and KONGSBERG specialize in using DDS for
defense applications. The Spanish Army uses Fast-DDS for C&C applications,
while an unidentied
defense technology company uses OpenDDS for its connectivity framework.
2.2.3 Data Centers, Virtualization, and Cloud Computing
There are over 7.2 million data centers worldwide,
with each containing thousands of servers and
together form the hardware foundation required for cloud and traditional computing.
Middleware technology in virtualization and data-centers span from high-level software (for managing
virtual and bare-metal machines in data centers and efcient protocols for data exchange) to low-level
enhancements (for improving how computing cores and virtual machines (VMs) communicate between
each other). In all these applications, DDS is a natural choice as DDS implementations (such as those from
Object Computing,
ADLINK Technology,
and Gurum Networks
) come with built-in
or add-on integration services. It can be used across distributed networks to create the appearance
of one uniform DDS-based network. This can also be one of the reasons why we found exposed DDS
endpoints on the internet.
12 | A Security Analysis of the Data Distribution Service (DDS) Protocol
For example, according to a public document marked “condential”, NVIDIA is exploring the application
of OpenDDS for inter-VM/inter-SoC communication “to transfer data from one VM to another in a multi-
virtual machine environment.”
2.2.4 Energy
Driven by changing climate challenges and goals, the energy sector is undergoing signicant changes and
innovation. Owing to emerging and available IIoT solutions, an entire spectrum of issues are covered, such
as clean and traditional power generation, storage and management, and distribution from companies
themselves to the end users being adopted by states.
DDS is being used in these applications and is predicted to become more popular in the future. For
instance, OpenSplice Vortex (now ADLINK Cyclone DDS) is used at the large scale fusion reactor system
in the Culham Centre for Fusion Energy,
RTI Connext DDS is used in distributed power generation by
and LocalGrid uses DDS for smart-grid distribution and control
and for research.
2.2.5 Healthcare
DDS enables interoperable data connectivity for medical devices and clinical systems. For example,
it is used by the MD PnP interoperability program,
which facilitates the adoption of open standards
and interoperable technologies in integrated clinical environments (ICE).
Companies such as GE
Healthcare use this connectivity to work with over 200 hospitals with a command center software in
different countries with its applications to process real-time needs.
RTI Connext DDS is used in MRI
and CT scanning equipment and for hospital patient safety and integration of clinical decision systems.
ADLINK’s OpenSplice DDS is used to integrate medical tablets and in medical panel computers.
2.2.6 Mining Industry
While less visible to the public, the mining industry is fertile ground for innovation in information and
communication technologies (ICT). For example, OpenDDS is used by Plotlogic for precision mining
through geological modeling, which helps reducing waste in the process.
RTI Connext DDS used by
Komatsu for mining machinery integration and control,
while Atlas Copco is using OpenSplice Vortex to
create a common platform for mining system automation.
2.2.7 IIoT and Robotics
In 2020, the International Federation of Robotics (IFR) estimated that 373,000 industrial robots were
installed globally, which was a huge jump compared to 2011, when they estimated 89,000. The market for
professional service robots (such as for transportation, logistics, cleaning, and hospitality) grew in 2020
by 12%, with 1,067 companies specializing in service robots worldwide (a 17% increase from 2019).
13 | A Security Analysis of the Data Distribution Service (DDS) Protocol
DDS plays a fundamental role to the robotics sector because it is the default middleware of ROS 2, which
is the rapidly growing, de facto standard OS for consumer, service, and industrial robots, as well as for
autonomous systems in general.
Some would say that ROS is to robotics what Ubuntu and Linux is for
computing. Particularly, Eclipse Cyclone DDS has been chosen to be the default DDS implementation in
ROS 2.
From 2019, the adoption rate of ROS 2 went from less than 5% to more than 50%. According to ROS
Metrics, 55% of the downloads of ROS are ROS 2, which points to a DDS layer.
The ROS ofcial docker
image has been downloaded more than 10 million times. AWS RoboMaker, a simulation service used
by robotics developers such as iRobot,
is based on ROS 2.
49, 50
While these numbers do not directly
indicate the number of robots running ROS 2, it implies a growing trend and interest in the sector.
As more sectors make use of robots running ROS 2 for operations, more devices and machines can
become vulnerable to attacks that abuse gaps in DDS. As noted by the Rochester Institute of Technology,
differently than with ROS, “network vulnerabilities are directly tied to the functionality in ROS2 with their
new DDS standard,”
and their conclusion is that most of the security issues found during the research
are brought in by DDS, also conrmed by other researchers.
2.2.8 Public and Private Transportation
Public transportation is an immense industry and another use case for DDS. There are 1.1 million railway
lines worldwide, transporting 4,150B passenger-kilometers (pkm).
ProRail uses OpenSplice Vortex for
distributed railway network management, in a system chosen by the Dutch railway network.
There are also more than 10,000 (expected to become 44,000) airports in the world,
each with an average
of 2.5 runways (up to 36).
An airport runway has thousands of control points, and even if only 1% of
them were using DDS (conservatively), this would make roughly 250,000 DDS nodes (up to approximately
1.1 million). The ATC towers in Spain, the United Kingdom, and Germany use eProsima Fast-DDS, while
Coight Consortium (Thales in France, and Selex-SI in Italy) in European Air Trafc Management (EATM)
use OpenSplice Vortex for ight data processing.
Nav Canada uses RTI Connext DDS for the same
In the private transportation sector, the adoption of ICT is also growing signicantly, with more than 54
million autonomous cars expected in 2024 (almost twice if compared to 2019 estimates).
The number of
sensors (from 60 to 100 per car) and the real-time management needed for autonomous vehicles’ control
applications call for efcient middleware technology. DDS has been chosen by several autonomous
driving solution developers to respond to these requirements.
As an example, Volkswagen’s Driver-
Assistive and Integrated Safety system uses DDS to combine radars, laser range nders, and video to
assist safe operation. It tracks the driver’s eyes to detect drowsiness, detects lane departures, avoids
collisions, and helps keep the car within the lane. Apex.AI,
Clearpath, and Auterion’s PX4 autopilot are
just some examples of the new players in the autonomous driving landscape. We had a conversation with
the engineers of one of the Indy Autonomous Challenge teams, who conrmed the use of DDS as their
in-vehicle data plane.
14 | A Security Analysis of the Data Distribution Service (DDS) Protocol
3 Findings: Vulnerabilities and
The complexity of parsing dynamic and custom-dened data types (known to be prone to bugs) makes
DDS a security-critical building block. A single vulnerability will impact the rest of the software stack.
Aside from software vulnerabilities, we found DDS hosts being incidentally exposed on public-facing
networks such as the internet.
Open source
Fast-DDS eProsima EMEA Apache License 2.0 C++ 2014
Cyclone DDS Eclipse Foundation
project, driven by
EMEA Eclipse Public License 2.0
and Eclipse Development
License 1.0
C 2011
OpenDDS OCI NABU Custom C++ 2005
Connext DDS RTI NABU Extensions are open
C++ 2005 (NDDS –
CoreDX DDS TwinOaks NABU Not open source C 2009
Gurum DDS GurumNetworks APAC Not open source C
Table 2. A list of DDS implementations that we analyzed in this research.
Note: ADLINK conrmed that for the purpose of analyzing the RTPS layer, OpenSplice and Cyclone DDS
are essentially the same. We decided to focus on Cyclone DDS because it is the most accessible and
most actively developed of the two.
This section summarizes previous security work on DDS and covers the most relevant ndings on the
network, as well as the conguration attack surfaces of DDS and RTPS, concluding with other ndings
on the DDS software ecosystem. We disclosed our ndings between April and December 2021 through
Trend Micro’s Zero Day Initiative (ZDI) program with the support of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure
Security Agency (CISA) given the importance of the applications for which DDS is used. As a result of
our disclosure, the CISA released the ICS Advisory (ICSA-21-315-02 [4]).
We also detail our research
methodology in the subsequent section, “Research Methodology and Technical Details.”
15 | A Security Analysis of the Data Distribution Service (DDS) Protocol
3.1 Known DDS Vulnerabilities
As shown in Table 3, other researchers before us have analyzed DDS from a security standpoint and
showed now-patched vulnerabilities that could allow local or remote attackers to compromise a system
or conduct DoS-based attacks.
ATT&CK ICS Surface Reference Scope Weaknesses (CWE)
T0866: Exploitation of
Remote Services
Connext DDS
CWE-122: Heap-based
buffer overow
T0866: Exploitation of
Remote Services
2017-A-0097.NASL CWE-190: Integer
T0814: DoS
T0866: Exploitation of
Remote Services
2017-A-0097.NASL CWE-502:
Deserialization of
untrusted data
T0866: Exploitation of
Remote Services
2017-A-0097.NASL CWE-120: Buffer
TA0043: Reconnaissance
T0518: Remote System
CWE-319: Cleartext
transmission of sensitive
T0814: Denial of Service
Cyclone DDS
CWE-787: Out-of-
bounds write
Cyclone DDS
CWE-787: Out-of-
bounds write
Table 3. Known DDS-related vulnerabilities with attacker pre-requisites and consequences highlighted
(according to the MITRE ATT&CK
We noted that four out of seven publicly known vulnerabilities have yet to be assigned a CVE ID, specically
for reconnaissance Nessus scripts exist. The lack of a CVE ID prevents tracking patches, exploits, and
network signatures, making identication and monitoring also difcult for security teams and researchers.
We also noted that CVE-2019-15135 affects all DDS Security extensions, which adds condentiality,
integrity, and authentication to DDS.
When abused, CVE-2019-15135 allows an attacker to collect
information about the DDS nodes in a network due to the verbosity of the DDS security layer. The layer
sends cleartext metadata such as endpoint identiers, internal IP addresses, vendor, and product version.
The vulnerabilities that we categorize as CWE-406 in Table 4 also target the discovery protocol, but this
time we found that it can be exploited to reect and amplify network trafc.
16 | A Security Analysis of the Data Distribution Service (DDS) Protocol
3.2 New DDS Vulnerabilities
As DDS is the default middleware of ROS 2, all the vulnerabilities we discovered also affect ROS 2, as
highlighted in Table 4.
ATT&CK ICS Surface Vector CVE Scope CVSS Weaknesses (CWE)
T0804: Brute
Force I/O
T0814: DoS
T0827: Loss of
T0880: Loss of
T0856: Spoof
of Reporting
CVE-2021-38425 Fast-DDS,
7.5 CWE-406: Network
CVE-2021-38429 OpenDDS,
CVE-2021-38487 Connext DDS,
CVE-2021-43547 CoreDX DDS,
RTPS packet
CVE-2021-38447 OpenDDS,
8.6 CWE-405: Network
CVE-2021-38445 OpenDDS,
7.0 CWE-130: Improper
handling of length
CVE-2021-38423 Gurum DDS,
8.6 CWE-131: Incorrect
calculation of buffer
CVE-2021-38435 Connext DDS,
CVE-2021-38439 GurumDDS,
8.6 CWE-122: Heap-
based buffer overow
Supply Chain
T0873: Project
File Infection
Cong. XML le
CVE-2021-38427 Connext DDS,
6.6 CWE-121: Stack-
based buffer overow
CVE-2021-38433 Connext DDS,
CVE-2021-38443 Cyclone DDS,
6.6 CWE-228: Improper
handling of
syntactically invalid
CVE-2021-38441 Cyclone DDS,
6.6 CWE-123: Write-
what-where condition
Table 4. A summary of our ndings across the main DDS implementations and standard specication
The vulnerabilities affecting the network attack surface allow an attacker to perform spoong,
reconnaissance, automated data collection, and denial of service (DoS), affecting the control of an
exposed system. The vulnerabilities affecting the conguration attack surface can affect the developer or
system integrator, potentially compromising the integrity of the software supply chain (which means an
attacker targets a DDS developer or system integrator when exploiting one of these vulnerabilities).
17 | A Security Analysis of the Data Distribution Service (DDS) Protocol
3.2.1 Vulnerabilities in the DDS Standard Specication
The built-in RTPS discovery protocol is used in peer-to-peer networks to discover the locator of each
participant (such as IP address and UDP/TCP port or offset in shared memory). The “chatty” nature of
this discovery protocol and the fact that it expects a reply from each contacted participant, paired with
easy-to-spoof transport protocols such as the User Datagram Protocol (UDP), make RTPS vulnerable to
network reection and amplication. Condentiality and authenticity for this data is not protected even
with DDS Security, making it possible for an attacker to spoof the information.
CVE Scope
% of attack duration
(Total experiment duration = 139s)
CVE-2021-38425 Fast-DDS, ROS 2 master branch 9.875 100.0
CVE-2021-38429 OpenDDS, ROS 2 >= 3.18.1 18.68 24.17
CVE-2021-38487 Connext DDS, ROS 2 >= 6.1.0 2.011 84.17
CVE-2021-43547 CoreDX DDS, ROS 2 > 5.9.1 32.82 18.14
Table 5. The network reection and amplication vulnerability with bandwidth amplication factor (BAF)
is calculated as the ratio between outbound and reected trafc
Note: Implementations not reaching 100% attack duration likely have a timeout mechanism.
(*) A full mitigation will require relevant changes in the RTPS specication.
To measure the amount of reected trafc, we created a setup similar to the situation depicted in Figure
6 and let the DDS nodes run for as long as they would keep running. The longest running node was
based on Connext DDS (at 139 seconds), which we kept as a reference. Table 5 shows that the BAF
is greater than one, meaning there is asymmetric network ows although the values are at the order of
magnitude lower than modern amplication attacks (note that Memcached can reach 10,000 to 51,000
However, the network bandwidth in embedded systems is also lower than, for example, what can
be afforded by internet nodes.
This built-in discovery feature can be abused by an attacker for remote discovery and ngerprinting. As
described in our methodology (“Source Code and Binary Fuzzing”), we sent RPTS discovery probes to
the entire IPv4 space (except for the no-scan subnets) and received answers from 643 hosts (excluding
obvious honeypots). Notably, tens of hosts never stopped sending trafc to us, even if we only sent them
a single 288-byte packet.
18 | A Security Analysis of the Data Distribution Service (DDS) Protocol
1 2
1 2
3 3
Torque sensor
Multicast destination
Main controlSpeed sensor
Collision sensorEngine
Torque sensor
Multicast destination
Main controlSpeed sensor
Collision sensorEngine
Figure 6. By spoong the participant locator, any participant can pretend to be anyone else, and the
receiver is forced (as per specication requirement) to answer back until a valid acknowledgement is
This new network-reection vulnerability that we found is not the only instance of a specication-level
vulnerability. In 2015, researchers analyzed the DDS Security 1.0 specications and theorized a scenario
where unauthorized nodes are able to inject data into or read data from the DDS network.
This possibility
was conrmed in 2017 through practical experiments that found that an attacker could be allowed to
perform network reconnaissance.
In 2018, another demonstration showed that the default and most common settings of the DDS security
extension do not prevent a malicious DDS entity to act as a man-in-the-middle within a DDS network.
By anonymously subscribing to existing data streams (called “topics”) and republishing multiple (even
altered) copies of such data, the authors demonstrated four other attacks in an air trafc control scenario,
leveraging only corner cases in the DDS specications.
In 2019, researchers demonstrated that the most recent revision of the DDS security specications
(version 1.1) allows an attacker outside the DDS network to perform reconnaissance through passive
This was possible because the cryptographic parameters are exchanged in cleartext during the
handshake phase, thus exposing identifying information about the nodes in a network (CVE-2019-15135).
The authors used this leaked information to show that an attacker can reconstruct the network topology,
which facilitates subsequent selective DoS or exploitation of vendor-specic vulnerabilities.
19 | A Security Analysis of the Data Distribution Service (DDS) Protocol
3.2.2 Vulnerabilities in the Main DDS Implementations
Much like any application layer, data serialization and deserialization are the most critical functions
because they handle external (and therefore untrustworthy) data. This is where “data” and “instructions”
intermix. Malformed data can turn into unwanted application behavior, ranging from crashes in memory
read-or-write primitives. This means that an attacker can send data to the UDP socket of a running DDS/
RTPS node, and has the opportunity to “play” with RTPS (de)serialization functions, thereby potentially
triggering a vulnerability. The same reasoning applies to parsing XML les, with the difference that these
are not delivered via network sockets but via static les.
By focusing on RTPS (de)serialization and XML parsing functions, we discovered nine vulnerabilities
allowing an attacker read-or-write access to the stack or the heap, and up to 6 bytes into the instruction
pointer. We summarize this nding in Table 6.
CVE ID Scope Patched Description
CVE-2021-38447 OpenDDS,
>= 3.18.1 Slowloris behavior by forcing the allocator to allocate
1-byte chunks in a loop via malformed RTPS payload.
CVE-2021-38445 OpenDDS,
>= 3.18.1 Failed assertion condition causing runtime to exit
abruptly via malformed RTPS payload.
CVE-2021-38423 GurumDDS,
Unpatched Segmentation fault by forcing deserialization of a
malformed RTPS packet.
CVE-2021-38435 Connext DDS,
>= 6.1.0 Segmentation fault by forcing deserialization of a
malformed RTPS packet.
CVE-2021-38439 GurumDDS,
Unpatched Heap overow causing segmentation fault by forcing
deserialization of malformed RTPS data.
CVE-2021-38427 Connext DDS,
>= 6.1.0 Stack overow via malformed XML le with up to 6
bytes write access to instruction pointer.
CVE-2021-38433 Connext DDS,
>= 6.1.0 Stack overow via malformed XML le with up to 6
bytes write access to instruction pointer.
CVE-2021-38443 Cyclone DDS,
>= 0.8.1
master branch
Multi-byte heap-write via malformed XML le.
CVE-2021-38441 Cyclone DDS,
>= 0.8.1
master branch
Null dereference and heap-write primitive (up to
8-bytes) via malformed XML le.
Table 6. Vulnerabilities in the network and conguration surface of the six target DDS implementations Network Attack Surface
The main focus of our technical analysis has been on using coverage-guided fuzz-testing to nd
vulnerabilities in the RTPS-parsing routines of all DDS implementations. This led to the discovery of
various memory errors (CVE-2021-38423, CVE-2021-38439, CVE-2021-38435) that an attacker in the
network could abuse to abruptly interrupt normal operations and, in some cases, gain code-execution
20 | A Security Analysis of the Data Distribution Service (DDS) Protocol
capabilities (recall that not all embedded systems can afford memory protections such as W^X or address
space layout randomization (ASLR), which are enabled by default on server-grade hardware and software).
We show concrete examples in the subsequent sections on how to nd good fuzz targets for RTPS
implementations and prepare them for popular frameworks like OSS-Fuzz and UnicornAFL. As part of
our research, we release the fuzz targets packaged in a format compatible with the OSS-Fuzz repository.
As of November 2021, all three open-source implementations of DDS are integrated into the OSS-Fuzz
repository and are being continuously fuzzed. Conguration Attack Surface
In addition to focusing on the network, we noticed that most DDS implementations are highly dependent
on XML les for conguration. XML les can represent a stealthy attack vector because these are text-
based. By rst scripting a RADAMSA-based le fuzzer — later converted into an AFL-based fuzz harness
we found XML-parsing vulnerabilities in almost all DDS implementations (CVE-2021-38441, CVE-
2021-38443, CVE-2021-38427, and CVE-2021-38433), and one implementation using an XML library
unmaintained since 2010 (CVE-2021-38437). An attacker could trigger such vulnerabilities with a simple,
malformed XML le.
Details about the impact of these vulnerabilities and how we used fuzzing to nd them are in the subsequent
sections (“Research Methodology and Technical Details”).
3.3 DevOps Failures in the DDS World
We looked at the auxiliary tools used by DDS users, developers, and system integrators such as Docker
images, development environment, and continuous integration systems and found that DevOps ows are
not always built with security in mind. Sometimes, projects are created with outdated Docker images in
ofcial repositories, cloud-integration services are built with a fragile threat model, and a development
backend has been left fully exposed. This leaves a wider vulnerability and attack surface that threat actors
can exploit.
3.3.1 An exposed CI/CD pipeline
While monitoring for exposed continuous-integration/continuous-deployment (CI/CD) systems via
Shodan, we found that one of the DDS developers left their custom CI/CD environment fully exposed to
the internet with default credentials.
Unfortunately, we did not receive a response from this vendor despite our numerous attempts to inform
them of this gap, including our attempts through brokers and CERTs. Fortunately, the exposed system
was properly locked down after a few months. If left exposed, a malicious actor could have wiped, stolen,
or trojanized their most valuable intellectual property (the source code).
21 | A Security Analysis of the Data Distribution Service (DDS) Protocol
Figure 7. An exposed CI system used by a DDS developer with default access credentials in plaintext
3.3.2 Outdated Docker Images with Vulnerable Packages
To complement our understanding of the security posture of DDS vendors, we briey looked at the
available Docker images related to or based on DDS implementations.
Table 6 shows that most of the Docker images related to DDS products are outdated or, with a few
exceptions, contain software packages affected by known vulnerabilities. Figure 8 shows an example
output for two of the images.
Automatically Detected Vulnerabilities
(docker scan) - CVSS
Docker Image Downloads Last Updated Low Medium High
objectcomputing/opendds 10K+ Nov. 2021 48 30 2
3.5K Jul. 2021 40 30 2
2.5K Nov. 2020 49 75 5
eprosima/micro-xrce-dds 114 Jul. 2021 19 6 1
eprosima/fast-dds:2.4.0,2.4.1 8K+ Nov. 2021 0 0 0
ros:foxy 10M+ Nov. 2021 31 11 0
Table 7. Known vulnerabilities found in the Docker images related to DDS
22 | A Security Analysis of the Data Distribution Service (DDS) Protocol
Figure 8. Screenshots of Docker scan (via Snyk) on DDS-related Docker images
3.4 RTPS and DDS Hosts Exposed on Public-
facing Networks
We discovered hundreds of distinct IPs reecting packets to our collector, with some of them still
continuing to send us data from day zero. We received data from all six DDS “avors,” plus one (namely
ETRI Technology) that we were initially unaware of.
How we post-processed the data:
We extracted printable strings, and used regular expressions to extract URLs, IP addresses, and
version numbers from any payload after each RTPS submessage header.
We enriched each IP with metadata from the Maxmind GeoIP
database, which also contains
information about country, ISP, and organization (sometimes the latter two are the same).
We pivoted the data along various axes to obtain breakdowns per country, vendor, ISP, organization,
and presence of leaked information (such as private IPs).
Table 8 shows the data classied according to DDS vendor, conrming that our initial selection of the
six DDS implementations matches the popularity of these platforms. We used the version information
(when available) to estimate how many services are running outdated versions of DDS. Note that “N/A”
means that we were unable to nd any version information, making the estimation a lower bound of the
real numbers. We decided to avoid any deeper scanning that could potentially show the said information
for legal and ethical matters: Since DDS is a protocol used in a controlled system, deeper scanning may
trigger unwanted behavior, and the risks of affecting systems connected to the physical world are higher.
23 | A Security Analysis of the Data Distribution Service (DDS) Protocol
# Distinct
# of IPs with
outdated DDS
# of distinct
Total data
Average RTPS
payload size
eProsima - Fast-RTPS 426 N/A 1,838 264,008 1,436,387
PrismTech Inc. -
OpenSplice DDS
126 39 1,163 452,668 3,892,244
Real-Time Innovations,
Inc. - Connext DDS
65 19 473 100,764 2,130,317
ADLINK - Cyclone DDS 14 10 102 23,652 2,318,824
ETRI Electronics and
Research Institute
8 N/A 85 62,968 7,408
TwinOaks Computing, Inc.
- CoreDX DDS
4 N/A 26 3,424 1,316,923
Object Computing
Incorporated, Inc. (OCI) -
1 N/A 3 252 84
Table 8. Exposed DDS endpoints by vendor
Note: We were not aware that ETRI Technology was a DDS vendor when we selected the six DDS
implementations of the study. The estimated number of outdated instances is a conservative guess
based on the limited version information when present in the RTPS responses.
Figure 9. According to publicly available IP metadata, the organization types or verticals most affected
by the exposure include universities and research centers, followed by a private internet service
provider (ISP), which is an umbrella category that hides many other business types. Notably, we found
exposed DDS instances hosted on all major cloud providers.
4 5%
24 | A Security Analysis of the Data Distribution Service (DDS) Protocol
3.4.1 Leaked Private Network Details
Without engaging any in-depth scanning, the RTPS packets that we received sometimes contained data
that is supposed to be condential, which may give an advantage to an external attacker willing to learn
about the internal details of a network.
Almost 63% of the publicly accessible endpoints exposed at least one private IP (for example,
and, a total of 202 private IPs. In addition, we found seven Rebus
URLs, which reference
internal endpoints. All the URLs contained a keyword that uniquely identied a leading manufacturer of
telco equipment. All the URLs were also leaked by DDS endpoints found in the network of the same
Swedish ISP. We believe that the said ISP uses the DDS to manage broadband equipment via a lifecycle
management (LCM) API.
# of distinct
leaking IPs
Sample leaking
rebus://189e7bcfd0d57544/*/com.[REDACTED].lcm/0.6.0 4 5.REDACTED.223
rebus://bc9e87ae06b3ff7d/*/com. [REDACTED].lcm/0.6.0 1 80.REDACTED.182
rebus://bab9fb616d333a5b/*/com. [REDACTED].lcm/0.6.0 1 78.REDACTED.219
rebus://38a05b31a1be9bfd/*/com. [REDACTED].lcm/0.6.0 1 83.REDACTED.232
rebus://271e3b4b87cf5fa1/*/com. [REDACTED].lcm/0.6.0 1 84.REDACTED.123
rebus://bc9e87ae06b3ff7d/b5a0002/com. [REDACTED].pfs.
1 80.REDACTED.182
rebus://189e7bcfd0d57544/cd40002/com. [REDACTED].pfs.
1 155.REDACTED.59
Table 9. Rebus URLs and a sample of the corresponding IPs being leaked
Following the zero trust principle, every component of a software supply chain should at least be analyzed
for the presence of known security vulnerabilities. It is also a common best practice to continuously
update software versions. Despite these common security practices, related security incidents
reminding everyone that Docker images and Docker Compose les are mistakenly used “as is,” even in
critical deployments.
25 | A Security Analysis of the Data Distribution Service (DDS) Protocol
4 Attack Scenarios: Autonomous
Driving Proof of Concept
The impact of any vulnerability in the DDS can be fully appreciated only by considering how it’s embedded
in a nal product, considering that the middleware is at the very beginning of the software supply chain.
However, showcasing the effects of an exploit is not as direct. First, because each vertical will have
different requirements, priorities, and operational conditions, making it difcult to create representative
attack scenarios. Second, the importance of the systems where DDS is used puts barriers on accessing
testbed devices for offensive research purposes.
DDS implementors and
standard contributors
ROS 2-based software
(including DDS)
Custom DDS-based software Controlled systemsOMG Standard DDS distribution
Control software developer
or system integrator
Design bugs
- Affect most implementations
- Difficult to fix, can only be mitigated
- Affect extra tools used by developers
- Can be exploited to target developers
- Affect a specific implementation
- Example XML parsers of DDS configuration
- Affect DDS protocol implementation
- Can be exploited from the network
- Can cause DoS or affect real-time-ness
- Attackers can target developers or
system integrator
- Wider impact on the rest of the
software products
Auxiliary tools vulnerabilities
Supply chain
Protocol vulnerabilities
Figure 10. We discovered vulnerabilities affecting the design and implementations of DDS
26 | A Security Analysis of the Data Distribution Service (DDS) Protocol
For those two reasons, we followed three approaches:
1. We launched an attack against a software-based simulation of an autonomous-driving mobile robot
based on the ROS 2 stack, which uses DDS as its default middleware.
2. We reproduced the same attack against a small, physical autonomous-driving mobile robot prototype
(again based on ROS 2) in a controlled environment, the same prototype used to develop a full-
edged autonomous-driving control software.
3. To cover the other sectors, we used the MITRE ATT&CK Industrial Control Systems (ICS) framework
to describe an abstract attack scenario by visualizing where and how a hypothetical attacker could
take advantage of security gaps in DDS.
4.1 Simulation: Attacking an Autonomous
Driving Platform
Before using DDS to control a real, physical machine, we created a simulated environment using Gazebo,
a simulator used by roboticists to test algorithms, design robots, perform regression testing, and train AI
systems using realistic scenarios. The software stack that runs on the simulated vehicle is the same that
runs on the real TurtleBot3 (see the next section), and the simulator guarantees delity of the virtual world
thanks to the physics engines.
CVE ID Description Scope CVSS Root Cause
CVE-2021-38447 An attacker sends a specially crafted
packet to ood target devices with
unwanted trafc, resulting in a DoS
OpenDDS, ROS 2 8.6 Resource
CVE-2021-38445 Do not handle a length parameter
consistent with the actual length of the
associated data
OpenDDS, ROS 2 7.0 Failed
Table 10. Vulnerabilities used to showcase the effect of a DoS attack against a simulated autonomous-
driving platform
The teleoperated autonomous-driving mobile robot runs a ROS 2 graph that moves it in a 3D-simulated
world, avoiding obstacles thanks to a Lidar sensor, exactly like the sensor used by TurtleBot3.
Both CVE-2021-38447 and CVE-2021-38445 affects OpenDDS, leading ROS 2 nodes to either crash
or execute arbitrary code due to DDS not handling the length of the PID_BUILTIN_ENDPOINT_QOS
parameter within RTPS’s RTPSSubMessage_DATA submessage properly. With the Scapy RTPS layer (),
creating an exploit for these vulnerabilities is as easy as setting the parameterLength to 4 null bytes, as
exemplied in Figure 10.
27 | A Security Analysis of the Data Distribution Service (DDS) Protocol
Figure 11. Sample exploit payload for CVE-2021-38447 and CVE-2021-38445
Figure 11 shows the mobile robot moving in a 3D environment with nine obstacles (seen as white circles),
with the Lidar sensor “seeing” clear ways (blue areas) that the robot can take. On the left side, the
controlling loop printing debug information about the velocity along each axis can be seen.
Figure 12. The output of the operating node (see the velocity) that sends a command to the robot via
DDS (left) and the tele-operated autonomous-driving mobile robot moving in a 3D-simulated world and
avoiding obstacles “seen” by a Lidar sensor (right)
28 | A Security Analysis of the Data Distribution Service (DDS) Protocol
We created an attacker on the network that sends an RTPS payload with parameterLength set to 4 null
bytes, causing the DDS layer underneath the ROS 2 node to crash abruptly. The Lidar sensor is still
sending information about obstacles, but this is not delivered in time (if at all), causing the control loop to
miss deadlines. Consequently, the robot will be blind to obstacles or won’t see them in time.
4.2 Experiment: Crashing a Miniature
Autonomous-Driving Mobile Robot
After successfully testing CVE-2021-38447 and CVE-2021-38445 on a simulated robot, we replicated the
same setup in the physical world using a TurtleBot3.
This time we used CVE-2021-38435 against RTI
Connext DDS, which causes a segmentation fault. The TurtleBot3 is a small but powerful mobile robot
used to prototype autonomous-driving control algorithms. As shown in Figure 13 and as described on
the manufacturer’s website, the TurtleBot3 is used to design and test autonomous vehicles driving in
miniature smart cities. We installed on the TurtleBot3 the same software stack we used to control the
virtual robot in the 3D simulated world, and used stuffed toy animals as obstacles, as shown in Figure 14.
Figure 13. The TurtleBot3 autonomous vehicle prototype in a testing lab by ROBOTIS. We used the
same device in a home-based setting to showcase the effect of a DDS node crashing while operating
the mobile robot. Images courtesy of ROBOTIS.
29 | A Security Analysis of the Data Distribution Service (DDS) Protocol
Figure 14. The ROS 2 computational graph (top left, with velocity command “/cmd_vel”) of the
teleoperated autonomous-driving mobile robot. The CVE-2021-38435 exploit against the RTI Connext
DDS layer of ROS 2 prevents the robot from seeing the obstacle in time to stop.
In normal conditions, the information about obstacles sent by the Lidar sensor is received and processed
before the deadline. The process ensures there is enough time for the control signal to be sent, received,
and actuated by the motors to avoid the obstacles. When we exploit CVE-2021-38435, the RTI Connext
DDS node crashes and causes the ROS 2 node to crash as well. This experiment conrms the exploitability
of CVE-2021-38435 from the network.
4.3 DDS Vulnerabilities Through the MITRE
We conclude this section by contextualizing the CVEs affecting DDS products within the MITRE ATT&CK
ICS framework. The result is intended for the use of security engineers for threat modeling or to prioritize
vulnerabilities, even future ones. Table 11 highlights the techniques and tactics that are more likely
associated with the CVEs that we discovered.
30 | A Security Analysis of the Data Distribution Service (DDS) Protocol
Remote Services
Supply Chain
Module Firmware
Spoof Reporting
Remote System
Remote Services
Project File
Persistence Evasion Discovery
Application Layer
Denial of Service
Brute Force I/O
Module Firmware
Spoof Reporting
Loss of Control
Loss of Safety
Command and
Inhibit Response
Impair Process
Table 11. The MITRE ATT&CK ICS matrix contextualizes the vulnerabilities that affect the DDS
implementations and specications
Successful exploitation of these vulnerabilities can:
Allow an attacker to perform discovery (TA0102) by abusing the discovery protocol (T0846): discovery
must be possible even if DDS Security extension is present, which makes DDS easily discoverable.
This empowers the attacker with reconnaissance capabilities, which we conrmed by conducting an
internet-wide scanning campaign, identifying hundreds of endpoints.
Facilitate initial access (TA0108) via
º exploitation of remote services (T0866, T0886), as shown in the previous section by crashing a
mobile autonomous vehicle, or
º supply chain compromise (T0862), which attackers have been increasingly leveraging in many
critical software stacks. To corroborate this hypothesis, we found fully exposed CI/CD pipelines
from one DDS vendor, which could have allowed an attacker to modify the source code of that
implementation at their will.
The consequences of successful exploitation, in any of the critical sectors where DDS is used, range from:
inhibiting response function via denial of service (T0814),
impairing control processes via brute force (T0806),
attacking impact range from loss of control (T0827) or availability (T0826), to loss of safety (T0880).
The DDS protocol itself can also be abused to create an efcient C&C channel (T0869).
31 | A Security Analysis of the Data Distribution Service (DDS) Protocol
5 Research Methodology and
Technical Details
Figure 15 provides an overview of the research methodology we followed. We analyzed each DDS
implementation from two main angles: network and source or binary code. We wanted to have a
deep understanding of the low-level details of the RTPS network layer to craft arbitrary test packets, and
prove that it is possible for an attacker to mass scan a network and map the attack surface. In a parallel
investigation, we manually studied the original or decompiled source code, with the main goal to nd
good fuzz targets (i.e., functions that receive and process untrustworthy data like network packets).
DDS implementors and
standard contributors
AFL++ fuzzing
harness (source)
Internal fuzzing
VulnerabilitiesPOC on autonomous
driving robot
Public internetContainerized DDS
Oracle application
Exposed services
Google OSS-Fuzz
Code analysis
Disclosure coordinators
Open source release
Network fuzzing
Scanner testing
Open source
OMG Standard
DDS distribution
AFL++ fuzzing
harness (source)
Dissector and
packet generator
RTPS/DDS scanner
Coordinated disclosure
Figure 15. Diagram of the research methodology and workow we used: The numbered items indicate
the sequence of steps we followed throughout this research, beginning with the development of a
packet dissector
32 | A Security Analysis of the Data Distribution Service (DDS) Protocol
5.1 A New Scapy Layer to Dissect and Forge
RTPS and DDS Data
Although Wireshark already includes an RTPS dissection plugin, we needed something more scriptable.
Since we spent some time manually crafting RTPS packets at the beginning, we decided to develop a
RTPS Scapy-based dissector. We released the resulting Scapy layer as open-source code under the GNU
General Public License v2.0.
5.1.1 Crafting RTPS probes with Scapy
Without going into the details of our Scapy RTPS implementation, note that it can be used to
programmatically create RTPS packets by writing Python code (as shown in the Figure 14 computational
graph), like any other Scapy layer. In practice, that’s seldom what a researcher would do, especially for
“thick” protocols with lots of options.
Figure 16. With the Scapy RTPS layer, a developer can create arbitrarily complex (and unexpected but
valid) RTPS packets
Instead, the developer’s typical workow can be:
1. Intercept trafc. Use Tcpdump or Wireshark to collect the trafc generated by the “hello world”
example typically provided with a DDS distribution.
2. Extract UDP payload. Use Scapy (or manually via Wireshark) to select the packet of interest and
extract the UDP payload (which contains the RTPS layer, as shown in Figure 15).
3. Dissect with the RTPS class. Pass the extracted payload to the Scapy RTPS class, which will
automatically dissect it.
4. Generate Python code automatically. Use Scapy’s built-in .command() method to output the Python
code that will declaratively generate the packet that has just been dissected. If necessary, modify the
packet so obtained (as exemplied in Figure 21).
33 | A Security Analysis of the Data Distribution Service (DDS) Protocol
5. Test modied packet against oracle. Either use Scapy’s built-in send()/sendp() functions or Python’s
socket module to send the packet to a target oracle DDS endpoint and check if it triggers the desired
Figure 17. The UDP payload contains the RTPS header and subsequent data
The following section briey describes how, almost by accident, we discovered the amplication
vulnerability while dissecting and modifying packets during the early stages of the development of our
Scapy RTPS layer.
5.1.2 Finding the Amplication Vulnerability
Although network fuzzing via Scapy was not directly effective in our research, creating a Scapy layer
helped and motivated us to investigate all the RTPS packets’ elds in depth. The activity led us to nd
the amplication vulnerability (CVE-2021-38425, CVE-2021-38429, CVE-2021-38487, CVE-2021-43547).
In the long run, we recommend that developers and users leverage our Scapy RTPS layer or similar
libraries — as a building block for building continuous network fuzzers for RTPS and DDS.
34 | A Security Analysis of the Data Distribution Service (DDS) Protocol
The goal of the RTPS discovery phase is to send “probe” packets (e.g., to multicast addresses) and
wait for responses from new locators. Locators could be IP-port pairs (see the PID_DEFAULT_UNICAST_
LOCATOR in Figure 16, right side of the screenshot) or memory offsets in a shared-memory transport.
Before reading the specications in depth, we assumed that an RTPS discovery packet would allow us
to restrict the locator to the IP addresses within the network the machine is connected to, and would not
blindly send RTPS data to any IP-port found in the locator eld. On a second read, however, this is exactly
how discovery works by design.
Figure 18. In case of UDP or TCP transport, the locator is the IP-port pair
We discovered this by setting the PID_DEFAULT_UNICAST_LOCATOR to the rst IP address that came
to mind (in this case, the Google DNS, because it’s easy to type at “”). Almost immediately, a ow
of outbound packets came from the DDS node, as shown in Figure 17 and 19.
Figure 19. We found the amplication vulnerability almost by accident, by setting the PID_DEFAULT_
UNICAST_LOCATOR to the rst IP address that came to mind and easy to type
35 | A Security Analysis of the Data Distribution Service (DDS) Protocol
3.2 Source-code and Binary Fuzzing
Of all the implementation vulnerabilities that we disclosed for this research, all but three have been found
through source-code or binary fuzzing, and three through scripting a le-format input mutator (RADAMSA).
There are many fuzzing tools freely available to researchers, and we chose one based on what has been
used successfully for years by the largest public fuzzing platform (Google OSS-Fuss), which uses a
combination of AFL++, libFuzzer, and Honggfuzz. Although the choice of the specic tool can inuence
the efciency of a fuzzing campaign, we focused our attention on the most important piece: nding good
fuzz targets and writing good fuzzing harnesses.
5.2.1 Source-code Fuzzing with AFL++ and libFuzzer
We used AFL++ for fuzzing with multiple sanitizers in LLVM. AFL++ requires the project compile with the
latest version of LLVM and the build system of some DDS implementations required some work. Aside
from this, most of the effort in this phase went into nding the right fuzz target and implementing a
harness while keeping the code deterministic (for example, no threading).
From the high-level viewpoint depicted in Figure 20 and 24, we were interested in nding the most self-
contained function in charge of processing data coming from the network. We found a repeating pattern
in all the DDS implementations: upon receiving network data (i.e., recv() or some abstraction on top of
it), there are one or more deserialization functions in which we likely nd a switch-case control structure,
used to dispatch the RTPS sub-message IDs to the right routine.
Given the importance of nding the right fuzz target, we dedicate the remainder of this section to showcase
some examples of fuzz targets.
DDS Node A
DDS Node B
RTPS module
valid “RTPS” preamble?
error handling
- vendor ID
- version
Figure 20. Abstract representation of the data ow in a typical DDS/RTPS message exchange.
From a fuzzing perspective, the deserialize() step is the fuzz target.
36 | A Security Analysis of the Data Distribution Service (DDS) Protocol
We began with the supplied Docker images or make les to compile example programs, run them under
GDB, and inspect debug traces, like exemplied for OpenDDS in Figure 21.
Figure 21. Starting from a debug trace, we found interesting functions and explored further by manually
looking into the source code with the aid of Visual Studio Code engine
By following the function calls with the aid of the code analyzer part of Visual Studio Code, we were able
to see that all three DDS implementations were using very similar procedures for deserializing network
payloads. In particular, we found that they all had a switch-case to handle the RTPS sub-message types,
as exemplied for OpenDDS in Figure 25.
Figure 22. Typical switch-case control structure found similar in all DDS implementations. Each of the
branches takes care of one RTPS sub-message type (e.g., DATA, INFO_DST, HEARTBEAT).
37 | A Security Analysis of the Data Distribution Service (DDS) Protocol
In some cases, we adjusted the source code right before the beginning of the de-serialization to dump the
binary data being passed to the rst function. This was useful to conrm that it was the network payload
that we expected the function to receive, as exemplied for Cyclone DDS in Figure 26.
Figure 23. (Top screenshot) In some cases, we inserted a memcpy() to directly fuzz the input in the
right place when it was not possible to further decompose the function into a smaller, self-contained
fuzz target. In other cases, we used the original code to dump the data received by the de-serialization
routine to verify that we found the right fuzz target (bottom screenshot). CVE-2021-38445 (OpenDDS): Failed Assertion Check in RTPS
Figure 24. Example harness for OpenDDS RTPS deserialization routine written for AFL++ using
persistent mode
Using the harness (shown in Figure 27) we found out that, in OpenDDS v3.17, while receiving a RTPS
packet with valid headers, with DATA sub-message, any attached serialized sub-data segment with a
parameterLength of 0 will cause an assertion to fail in Serializer::doread, which subsequently called
Serializer::smemcpy with a const char* from of zero.
38 | A Security Analysis of the Data Distribution Service (DDS) Protocol
This vulnerability can be exploited via the network even without authorization and can cause the DDS
node to crash. It cannot be developed into a buffer overow so it does not grant any code-execution
More specically, Serializer::doread does not check for segments of 0 length and continues to handle the
messages. This is passed by RtpsCoreTypeSupportImpl.cpp near bool operator >>(Serializer& outer_strm,
::OpenDDS::RTPS::Parameter& uni), which extracts size information from parameterLength but does not
check if it is a valid value. It only makes sure extracting values from the serializer is successful. CVE-2021-38445 (OpenDDS): Memory exhaustion
The opposite occurs with CVE-2021-38445 explained in the previous section, wherein the serializer is
tricked into allocating very large chunks of memory. AFL++ found a crash in OpenDDS’s serializer: While
deserializing data with parameter ID type 0x55, it does not sanitize the value in its length eld. This allows
attackers to exhaust a server’s memory by crafting a packet with a very large number in that eld.
In bool operator>>(Serializer& strm, ::OpenDDS::RTPS::FilterResult_t& seq) (RtpsCoreTypeSupportImpl.
cpp:1977), a check should be made to make sure it never allocates more memory than it’s allowed, or a
hard limit should be implemented. CVE-2021-38441 and CVE-2021-38443 (Cyclone DDS): XML Parsing to
Some DDS implementations had networking functionalities plugged deep into the application code, which
required some mock functions in the harness, as exemplied in Figure 28 for Cyclone DDS.
Figure 25. Cyclone DDS harness required a mock network subsystem. The actual fuzzing is happening
at line 86, where we pass the conguration initializer a pointer memory-mapped XML le.
39 | A Security Analysis of the Data Distribution Service (DDS) Protocol
The harness in Figure 28 found several crashes, which led to two vulnerabilities. One is exemplied in
Figure 29, a multi-byte heap-write primitive. Upon checking the source code, we noticed that there were
multiple inputs that can lead to a heap overow in the XML parsing routines. This causes at least a crash
and can be exploited to write in the heap, potentially overowing into the stack. Without heap protections,
this vulnerability is exploitable as it is a write primitive of at least 8 bytes, and certainly causes the program
to crash in the best case.
Figure 26. Backtrace of a crash found by libFuzzer on Cyclone DDS, which led us to CVE-2021-38441,
a multi-byte heap-write primitive.
5.2.2 Binary Fuzzing with UnicornAFL
The trial licenses for RTI Connext DDS, CoreDX DDS, and Gurum DDS grant access only to binary
distributions of the libraries. After compiling the example programs that ship with the original software
distribution, we used GDB to inspect run traces. This turned out to be quite verbose given the presence
of several debug symbols. We lled the missing information by inspecting the listing via Ghidra and IDA
Pro. This allowed us to nd interesting fuzz targets, as seen in Figure 30.
For coverage-guided fuzzing we used UnicornAFL, which is a fork of AFL++ that uses the Unicorn
emulation engine to “execute” the target and employs block-edge instrumentation in a similar fashion to
AFLs QEMU mode.
40 | A Security Analysis of the Data Distribution Service (DDS) Protocol
In practice, we dumped the context of a running process with GDB and prepared a harness (see Figure
31) that lets UnicornAFL restore that context, set registers and memory state, the RIP register, and start
emulation. Like AFL, UnicornAFL will take care of mutating the input, passing it to the fuzz target, and keep
track of the coverage. The main shortcoming is that we had to re-implement some memory management
functions (e.g., malloc, memset).
This approach is inherently slow due to emulation, but was good enough for initial vulnerability research.
It costed us a few hours of AWS EC2 computation (c5a.8xlarge), and we found that AMD EPYC machines
were three times faster than Intel Xeons while fuzzing using UnicornAFL.
Figure 27. Finding fuzz targets in RTI Connext DDS, CoreDX DDS, and Gurum DDS required us to
reverse engineer the binary libraries, which was easy as the vendor did not use any anti-reverse
engineering measures
41 | A Security Analysis of the Data Distribution Service (DDS) Protocol
Figure 28. We used the debug trace and the decompiled code (see Figure 30) to create a harness for
UnicornAFL based on the template provided by Nathan Voss
75 CVE-2021-38435 (RTI Connext DDS): Segmentation Fault on
Malformed RTPS Packet
The UnicornAFL instrumentation that we prepared found a segmentation-fault in the RTPS deserializer
in RTI Connext DDS when receiving a malformed packet. This would cause runtimes to exit immediately
and a DoS. In particular, the RTICdrStream_skipStringAndGetLength() function does not properly check
inputs, using the result straight from RTICdrStream_align(), thus triggering a segmentation fault. Both
publisher and subscriber are affected. CVE-2021-38439 and CVE-2021-38423 (Gurum DDS): Heap Overow
and Segmentation Fault
While using UnicornAFL on Gurum DDS fuzz targets, we discovered that there is a heap overow in the
RTPS routine that handles payload parsing. This causes a segmentation fault leading to DoS.
More specically, the crash is triggered in rtps_read_AckNackMessage() function when called in read_
Submessage(), which creates a multi-byte heap overow condition. We found this crash by using a
harness that passes RTPS payload directly to the rtps_read_Data(…, buf, len, …) function through the
buf argument.
42 | A Security Analysis of the Data Distribution Service (DDS) Protocol
Another case we found is in the rtps_Parameter_load2() function, which does a type conversion from a
buffer and does a check to exclude specic IDs. During this conversion, we found some inputs causing a
segmentation fault. We veried that this is exploitable via network by crafting a packet based on the crash
dump provided by the fuzzing engine.
5.2.3 Scripting RADAMSA to Mutate XML Files
At the beginning of this research and before using AFL++ and UnicornAFL, we used RADAMSA directly,
with some simple shell scripting (see Figure 32). Without any prior knowledge on the target software, this
simple technique can be surprisingly effective at nding crashes, which can also lead to the discovery of
Figure 29. A simple scripting of RADAMSA can lead to surprising results CVE-2021-38427 and CVE-2021-38433 (RTI Connext DDS): Stack-
based Buffer Overows Python Bindings
The simple “harness” shown in Figure 32 allowed us to nd two vulnerabilities; one could be exploited
beyond just a crash to control a pointer using a malformed XML le.
When the length of an attribute value in a conguration XML le is longer than a certain limit, RTIXMLObject_
lookUpRef() would trigger a buffer overow. If the length is exactly 894 characters, we could overwrite RIP
register (see Figure 33). We have not investigated further, but we see the possibility of preparing a ROP
chain for this target. However, the XML parser does not accept arbitrary hexadecimal characters, so we’re
limited within the Unicode range.
43 | A Security Analysis of the Data Distribution Service (DDS) Protocol
Figure 30. Register state and sample crash cases in RTI Connext DDS Connector (Python bindings)
found with RADAMSA from the original XML conguration le.
A variant of this vulnerability is in RTIXMLDtdParser_getElement(), which does not properly validate the
length of an element prior to copying it to a xed-length stack buffer. Unmaintained XML Parsing Libraries
Unfortunately, we discovered that Gurum DDS uses ezXML, an open-source XML library that has been in
beta status since 2006 that has never been updated. The mailing list of the project has been silent since
2010, showing that no users are actively discussing it. The latest version was 0.8.6, but an inspection of
the binary code revealed that the developer changed the version number to 1.0.0, which was the only
change. EzXML currently has 16 known vulnerabilities (eight in 2021),
all with medium to high severity
ratings and have never been xed.
Probably because of its small footprint, we discovered that ezXML is also used in many embedded
applications like router rmware, and has hundreds of downloads per week. We have reached out to
Gurum DDS several times about this and other vulnerabilities since the summer of 2021 and have
received no response.
5.2.4 Integration with Google OSS-Fuzz
One-shot fuzzing campaigns are useful but can only reveal bugs in the current version. Fuzzing should be
considered as a security-oriented regression testing process and, like unit testing, should run continuously
as part of the CI/CD pipeline. For this reason, we decided to contribute to the public OSS-Fuzz initiative
by Google, which encourages open-source developers to integrate their projects in their continuous-
fuzzing infrastructure. This is of particular importance for critical open-source projects, which form the
foundation of larger and widely used software distributions (for example, server software).
44 | A Security Analysis of the Data Distribution Service (DDS) Protocol
DDS Implementation
Google OSS-Fuzz Integration Status
Fuzz Harnesses
Previous Current
eProsima Fast-DDS Integrated Integrated fuzz_XMLProles
Eclipse Cyclone DDS Not integrated Integrated fuzz_cong_init
OCI OpenDDS Not integrated Integrated None
Table 12. Before we started this research, only Fast-DDS started integrating fuzz harnesses as part of
their code base
As shown in Table 12 when we started this research, there was only one DDS implementation that had
integrated a fuzzing harness into the Google OSS-Fuzz. While developing a fuzzing harness on a local
computer requires deep understanding of the software’s internals, integrating it into a public fuzzing
infrastructure like Google OSS-Fuzz requires even more effort. This is because the security researcher
needs to develop the harness and package it by following the infrastructure’s conventions, ensure that
the target project’s pipeline is not impacted, talk to the target project’s lead developer so that they
understand what the initiative is about, obtain their permission, send a pull request, and wait for the
OSS-Fuzz maintainers to process the integration request. This is easier said than done, although we have
found fertile ground while talking to all three open-source DDS developers.
We encourage other researchers to contribute with new fuzzing harnesses, hopefully including the open-
source parts of the closed-source DDS distributions.
5.3 Internet-wide Scanning for RTPS Endpoints
We wanted to demonstrate how an attacker could leverage the RTPS built-in discovery protocol for
automated, large-scale reconnaissance of RTPS/DDS endpoints. We found hundreds of exposed services
as a byproduct, which was unexpected. Understanding that RTPS/DDS was designed for local-network
applications, we did not expect to nd more than a couple of endpoints exposed by mistake. Not only did
we nd several hundreds, but 35 of them have never stopped sending responses to our scanner despite
the fact that we only sent them one single RTPS packet.
After trying to use readily available internet scanning services (such as Shodan, Censys, and LeakIX), we
ended up implementing our own scanning prototype because of the intricacies of the RTPS discovery
phase. This makes it a bit convoluted to correctly ngerprint a service.
45 | A Security Analysis of the Data Distribution Service (DDS) Protocol
Figure 31. The dashboard of our DDS-scanning system allows analysts to explore the data
5.3.1 Challenges of RTPS/DDS Reconnaissance
In summary, the main challenges of RTPS/DDS reconnaissance are:
Dynamic and arbitrarily large port range. Depending on the number of participants in a RTPS/DDS
network, there can be tens of thousands of ports to check. The formula to calculate the port is dened
in the specications,
and each implementation has distinct defaults, as shown in Table 13.
Latency and connectionless nature. Although RTPS/DDS are transport-agnostic, the de facto
standard is to use UDP, which makes efcient scanning techniques useless. To verify if there is a
valid RTPS/DDS endpoint bound to a given address (IP and UDP port), we need to wait for an answer,
which may or may come within a few seconds. Given the size of the public IPv4 space, it’s impractical
to wait for answers upon each request.
Addressing information at application layer. Addressing information is exchanged at the application
layer. Sending a valid RTPS packet to the correct UDP port (for example, the default 7400 discovery
port) does not guarantee a response, even if there is an RTPS service running. To trigger a response,
the RTPS discovery packet must include correct locator information (for instance, IP and UDP port),
which will receive a response.
46 | A Security Analysis of the Data Distribution Service (DDS) Protocol
Vendor UDP Discovery Port
7200 7399 7400 7401 7410 7411 7412 7413
Core DX
Cyclone DDS
Connext DDS
Min. Scan Set
Table 13. Assuming up to one DDS domain and at least one participant, we tested the open UDP ports
of each of the six reference implementations. All those marked with checks could detect any of the
identied ports just by scanning for four ports listed on the last row of the table.
5.3.2 Scanning Approach
Given the challenges mentioned in the previous section, we implemented a distributed scanning system
(see Figure 19) that we rst validated in a private network against all six DDS implementations, under the
simplifying assumption that the developer would not go too far from the “default” set of ports listed in
Table 13.
25Gbps instance
Zmap probing
RTPS discovery
Figure 32. We used spoofed RTPS discovery messages sent via ZMap to collect answers from valid
DDS endpoints and ltered echoed and invalid responses
47 | A Security Analysis of the Data Distribution Service (DDS) Protocol
As shown in Figure 20, we created a template RTPS packet (using our Scapy RTPS layer, as shown in
Figure 21) with a parametric locator IP and port number. We then generated an actual RTPS discovery
packet by xing the locator IP and port numbers according to the collector that we set up to receive the
(reected) packet. The collector will know what packet to expect given its IP and port number. Since there
are several honeypots that simply reply to every request by echoing trafc they receive, the collector
lters these “echoed” packets and keeps only valid responses. The collector checks if a received RTPS
packet is valid by using the Scapy layer to dissect it and checks whether the globally unique identier
eld (GUID) is new.
25Gbps instance
Zmap probing
Template RTPS
packet DB
packet and not
mere echo?
To all public IPs Received packets
Figure 33. Starting from a template RTPS packet, the spoofer instantiates it for a given collector (IP and
port) and sends it out via ZMap. The collector uses the RTPS packets sent out to decide whether the
received packets are valid and not simply duplicates of what was sent out.
The following section briey outlines how we analyzed the data that we received from the collector.
48 | A Security Analysis of the Data Distribution Service (DDS) Protocol
Figure 34. Template RTPS discovery packet with parametric locator information highlighted
49 | A Security Analysis of the Data Distribution Service (DDS) Protocol
6 Recommendations and
Following the MITRE ATT&CK® nomenclature, we recommend the implementation of mitigation best
practices such as:
Periodic vulnerability scanning (M1016) to detect the presence of unpatched services
Deploying network intrusion prevention (M1031)
Network segmentation (M1030)
Filtering of network trafc (M1037) to detect spoofed DDS messages and prevent the exploitation of
the reection vulnerability
Execution prevention (M1038) to reduce the exploitation of memory errors
Periodic auditing (M1047).
6.1 Short-term Mitigations
While typically found in all modern hardware and software environments, we understand that protections
such as address-space layout randomization (ASLR), executable space protection (ESP), data execution
prevention (DEP), no-execute (NX), and write XOR execute (W^X) are not always applicable to the use
cases where DDS runs. The most notable example is a low-power embedded system with minimal
resources such as a eld sensor. However, when applicable, such protections eliminate exploitability,
leaving DoS as the only viable tactic for an attacker.
Our internet-wide scanning revealed hundreds of exposed DDS endpoints, which we hope the maintainers
are aware of. Unfortunately, some of those instances were running unpatched or otherwise outdated
versions of DDS, thus vulnerable to some of the weaknesses that we discovered. We recommend never
exposing a DDS endpoint unless necessary and securing it with DDS Security in those cases. Despite
all the optimization, time-critical applications require stripped-down versions of DDS to meet deadlines,
as conrmed by developers and technologists working in the air-trafc-control and autonomous-driving
elds. We are aware that adding a security layer like a simple VPN (not recommended) or the DDS Security
extension (recommended) implies even higher overheads, which are unacceptable in certain scenarios.
50 | A Security Analysis of the Data Distribution Service (DDS) Protocol
If patching is not possible, or in cases where a patch is not available (such as the amplication vulnerability),
we recommend deploying IPS rules to spot forged or malicious packets. Trend Micro™ TXOne™ Networks
EdgeIPS Pro™, EdgeIPS™, and EdgeFire™ customers are protected under rule 1137699 ICS DDS RTPS-
mode Amplication Attack (CVE-2021-38429). Similarly, there are endpoint protection rules that can be
congured to detect anomalous XML les.
6.2 Supply Chain Management of Critical
When dealing with supply chain security of critical software such as DDS, proper supply chain
management processes allow immediate contextualization of a new vulnerability within the myriad of
downstream software utilizing a certain library. DDS is just one of the many critical libraries used in
embedded applications, and considerably easy to lose track of. We’re surprised to discover that MITRE
has a specic CWE number to track the use of unmaintained third-party components (CWE-1104), but
found it unfortunate that this tool is not used in cases like ezXML. We believe that using CWE-1104 is a
simple but practical and effective way to pinpoint security-sensitive components in the software supply
chain. The mere use of an unmaintained component is a weakness, especially if that component carries
known vulnerabilities.
6.3 Shift-left Approach and Continuous Fuzzing
The second most pressing need after managing current active assets is to make the code base more
amenable to the integration of automated security-testing tools. Taking fuzz-testing as a representative
example, we advocate that all critical software libraries such as DDS should be developed with a strong
orientation to security testing, on top of traditional unit testing. The situation has improved greatly, thanks
to initiatives such as OSS-Fuzz. But there’s still a signicant gap between security engineers and software
engineers, resulting in tedious manual code reviews, unwanted modications in the code to integrate
security checks, and so on. Viewed as a whole, these gaps cause delays in the wide scale adoption
of available security tools. The positive and engaging response by ADLINK, which went to the point of
assisting Trend Micro researchers in creating good fuzz targets against their own code base,
serve as an example to the entire software-engineering industry.
51 | A Security Analysis of the Data Distribution Service (DDS) Protocol
1 Object Management Group. (Apr. 2015). “OMG Data Distribution Service (DDS) - 1.4, formal/2015-04-10.” Accessed on Feb.
15, 2022 at https://www.omg.org/spec/DDS-SECURITY/1.1/PDF.
2 Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency. (Feb. 1, 2022). “ICS Advisory (ICSA-21-315-02): Multiple Data Distribution
Service (DDS) Implementations (Update A).” Accessed on Feb. 15, 2022 at https://www.cisa.gov/uscert/ics/advisories/icsa-
3 Object Management Group. (2019). “DDS Vendor directory Listing.” Accessed on Feb. 15, 2022 at https://www.omg.org/dds-
4 Ta-Lun Yen, Federico Maggi, Erik Boasson, Victor Mayoral-vilches, Mars Cheng, Patrick Kuo, and Chizuru Toyama. (Nov.
11, 2021). “The Data Distribution Service (DDS) Protocol is Critical: Let’s Use it Securely!” presented at the Black Hat Europe
Briengs, London. Accessed on Feb. 15, 2022. at https://www.blackhat.com/eu-21/briengs/schedule/index.html#the-data-
5 Federico Maggi and Victor Mayoral-Vilches. (Nov. 29, 2021). GitHub. “RTPS contrib layer · Pull Request #3403 · secdev/
scapy.” Accessed on Feb 16, 2022 at https://github.com/secdev/scapy/pull/3403.
6 “Real-time” is used in a generic and non-strict (hard real-time) manner in DDS specications. We were unable to nd timing
guarantees (hard real-time, rm real-time, or soft real-time) provided in any of the reviewed documents. For the purposes of
this research, we conclude that DDS targets remote soft real-time communications at best, leaving rm and hard real-time
interactions to other technologies.
7 Object Management Group. (Apr. 2015). “OMG Data Distribution Service (DDS) - 1.4, formal/2015-04-10.” Accessed on Feb.
15, 2022 at https://www.omg.org/spec/DDS-SECURITY/1.1/PDF.
8 ENISA. (2021). ENISA. “ENISA Threat Landscape 2021.” Accessed on Oct. 2021 at https://www.enisa.europa.eu/publications/
9 UCA International Users Group. (2022). OpenFMB Users. “Open Field Message Bus (OpenFMB).” Accessed on Nov. 29, 2021
at https://openfmb.ucaiug.org/.
10 Kai Richter and Emilio Guijarro Cameros, “AUTOSAR and DDS: A Fresh Approach to Enabling Flexible Vehicle Architectures,”
Mar. 02, 2021. https://www.rti.com/blog/fresh-approach-to-enabling-exible-vehicle-architectures (accessed Nov. 29, 2021).
11 Google. (n.d.). Google. “Protocol Buffers.” Accessed on Feb. 15, 2022 at https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers.
12 For future security research, recall that complex type systems can be used for type-confusion attacks.
13 Renesas. (Nov. 30, 2021). Renesas. “R-Car H3e-2G & H3 & M3 Starter Kit.” Accessed on Nov. 29, 2021 at https://www.
14 Aeronautical Information Manual. (n.d.). FAA. “Section 1. Airport Lighting Aids.” Accessed on January 2021 at https://www.
15 Real-Time Innovations (RTI). (Oct. 22, 2015). Real Time Innovations. “Generic Vehicle Architecture – DDS at the Core.”
Accessed on Nov. 29, 2021 at https://www.slideshare.net/RealTimeInnovations/generic-vehicle-architecture-dds-at-the-core.
16 Johan Scholliers, Pasi Pyykonen, Ari Virtanen, Alina Aittoniemi, Fanny Malin, Maija Federley, and Stella Nikolaou. (2020).
TRA2020 for 8th Transport Research Arena, TRA 2020 - Conference cancelled” in Proceedings of TRA2020, the 8th Transport
Research Arena, Rethinking transport – towards clean and inclusive mobility. “Automated Valet Parking using IoT: Design,
user experience and business opportunities.” Accessed on Nov. 29, 2021 at https://www.tracom./sites/default/les/media/
publication/TRA2020-Book-of-Abstract-Tracom-research-publication.pdf (p.69).
17 ADLINK Tech. (2010). ADLINK Technology. “Coight Consortium Selects Vortex OpenSplice DDS Middleware for Next
Generation European Flight Data Processor.” Accessed Feb. 01, 2022 at https://www.adlinktech.com/en/Coight.
18 Fujitsu. (Mar. 12, 2018). “Fujitsu Accelerates Path to 5G and Conscious Networks with Next-Generation Variable Optical
Transport - Fujitsu United States.” Accessed Dec. 02, 2021 at https://www.fujitsu.com/us/about/resources/news/press-
19 UK 5G Innovation Network. (n.d.). “ADLINK Technology.” Accessed on Dec. 2021 at https://uk5g.org/5g-supplier-directory/
52 | A Security Analysis of the Data Distribution Service (DDS) Protocol
20 ADLINK Technology. (2020). ADLINK Technology. “Vortex OpenSplice Selected by Fujitsu for 1FINITY Networking Platform.”
Accessed on Dec. 13, 2021 https://www.adlinktech.com/en/Fujitsu.
21 A. Llorens-Carrodeguas, C. Cervello-Pastor, I. Leyva-Pupo, J. M. Lopez-Soler, J. Navarro-Ortiz, and J. A. Exposito-Arenas.
(Apr. 2018). “An architecture for the 5G control plane based on SDN and data distribution service,” in 2018 Fifth International
Conference on Software Dened Systems (SDS), doi: 10/gnn4gf, pp. 105–111.
22 Elizabeth Montalbano. (Feb. 26, 2021). Threatpost. “Lazarus Targets Defense Companies with ThreatNeedle Malware.”
Accessed Feb. 01, 2022 at https://threatpost.com/lazarus-targets-defense-threatneedle-malware/164321/.
23 Object Management Group. (June 05, 2019). DDS Foundation. “Case Study: NASA Launch and Control Systems.” Accessed
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55 | A Security Analysis of the Data Distribution Service (DDS) Protocol
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