Student Examinations Handbook
1. Examination Schedule, Weightage and Duration
1.1 The conduction of Examination and awarding grades in a particular course/result processing
at MUJ is fairly decentralized process under the supervision of Controller of Examinations
1.2 The following evaluation scheme across all programmes (except programmes of Faculty of
Design) will be implemented and effective from the Academic Year 2023-24:
Mid Term Exam (MTE) : 30 marks weightage
Class Work Sessionals (CWS) : 30 marks weightage
End Term Exam (ETE) : 40 marks weightage
1.3 The duration of MTE examination will be 1 hour and 30 minutes, and the duration for ETE
will be of 3 hours (effective from the academic year 2023-24).
1.4 MTEs and ETEs are scheduled as per the Annual Academic Calendar notified by the Registrar.
1.5 The schedule of examinations for some of the Common Courses and Open Electives Courses
offered across the specializations and programmes will be sent by the Office of CoE, while
the examinations for the other courses of the concerned departments and the programmes will
be scheduled by the respective departments.
1.6 The Programme/Course-wise Examination schedule for MTE and ETE will be informed to
the students at lease one week prior to the commencement of the examinations by the
respective department/Office of CoE.
2. Mid Term Examination
2.1 Single Mid Term Examination will be conducted for each course as per the Annual Academic
2.2 Re-Mid Term Examination is conducted only for those students who are unable to appear in
the Mid Term Examination due to some genuine reason on medical grounds only, provided
they have informed the concerned authorities before commencement of examination. Upon
recommendations of the Committee constituted by the Head of the Department (HoD),
students will be permitted to appear for the Re-Mid Term Examination in a course which
he/she has missed.
2.3 Guidelines for Re-Mid Term Examinations
a. Re-Mid Term Examination will cover the syllabus completed till date.
b. If a student misses both MTE and Re-Mid Term, s/he will be awarded ‘0’ Marks under
MTE component.
3. Make-up Examinations
3.1 Makeup Examinations are conducted along with the Regular ETE of a semester, only for the
courses running in that semester.
3.2 Students who obtain F or I grade in ETE, are allowed to take Make-up Exam in the respective
3.3 Makeup Examinations in courses of immediate preceding semester will be conducted soon
after the regular End Semester Examinations of that semester. That is immediate makeup
examinations in odd semester courses will be conducted soon after the declaration of the odd
semester results, while immediate Makeup Examination in the Even Semester courses will be
conducted soon after the declaration of the Even Semester results. No Special Makeup
Examinations shall be scheduled for the students who miss the opportunity mentioned.
3.4 Grades Applicable in Makeup Examination
a. The grade boundaries for Makeup Examination will be the same as those in the
immediately preceding ETE for specific course.
b. Students who miss the ETE due to genuine reason (on medical ground) in a particular
course, his/her application for awarding I (Incomplete) Grade will be considered by the
CoE office based on the recommendations of the Head of the Department, and the Dean
of the Faculty, only if the approval reaches the office of the CoE before the declaration
of results. No request would be entertained after the declaration of results.
c. All students who appear in these Examinations (except those having I grade in the ETE),
will be awarded one grade lower than what they have secured as per 3.4(a). However, a
student who secures an E grade will retain the same grade.
4. Summer End Term Examination
Grades Applicable in the Summer End Term Examination
4.1 The grade boundaries for the Summer End Term Examination will be the same as those in the
immediately preceding ETE for the specific course.
4.2 All the students who appear in the Summer End Term Examination (except those having I
grade in the ETE), will be awarded one grade lower than what they have secured. However,
a student who secures an E grade will retain the same grade.
5. Result Declaration
5.1 The Office of CoE will declare the results within 15 days of completion of grade moderation
and its due approval from the Dean of the concerned Faculty and Apex Committee.
5.2 The result of a student will be put on hold, based on the instructions of the competent
authority, if s/he has not paid his/her dues (fee and library) or there is a case of disciplinary
action pending against him/her.
6. Malpractice
Based on the reports submitted by the Invigilators, Department Exam Coordinators and HOD’s,
the committee constituted to control the malpractice activities pertaining to the examinations, will
recommend a suitable punishment referring to the guidelines framed to control the cases of
Guidelines to Control the Malpractice/Unfair Means
Types of Malpractice
Mid Term Examination
End Term Examination
Practical Examination
1.1 Possession of mobile phones / smart watch / ear
buds / headphones or other electronic gadgets
1.2 In open book examination carrying any material
prohibited by the department like solution
manual etc.
1.3 Major scribbling on question paper (like solving
question or other exam related content)
1.4 Chatting with other students
20% of the maximum marks
shall be deducted from the
marks obtained by him / her
in MTE of this course
20% of the maximum marks
shall be deducted from the
marks obtained by him / her
in ETE of this course
20% of the maximum
marks shall be deducted
from the marks obtained
by him / her in PRE of this
2.1 Found with course related material in mobile
phones or on chit or scribbled on parts of body,
hall ticket/id card, calculators, etc., but not found
using it.
2.2 Refuses to give his/her statement in the
50% of the maximum marks
shall be deducted from the
marks obtained by him / her
in MTE of this course
“0” marks shall be awarded
in this course
“0” mark shall be awarded
in PRE of this course.
3.1 Misbehaving/ Misconduct with Invigilator or any
other exam officials.
3.2 Found copying from course related material in
mobile phones or on chit or scribbled on parts of
body, hall ticket/id card, calculators, etc., and
found using the same.
3.3 Exchange of Answer script/question
paper/textbook/notebook etc. with another
3.4 Taking answer booklet outside examination hall
without submitting to the room invigilator *
3.5 Destroying evidence.
3.6 Carrying of fake identity card (i.e., carrying
another student’s id card to take own exam) / non-
availability of authentic identification card or
exam hall ticket except for temporary id card
issued by the department or Directorate of
Student Welfare.
3.7 Found copying from fellow students answer
3.8 After two warnings in any exam (MTE/ETE) in
Current semester if student is caught engaged in
malpractice in a semester.
3.9 Repeated offence of activities under level 1 in a
3.10 Leaving examination hall without permission.
“0” mark shall be awarded in
MTE of this course exam.
“0” marks shall be awarded
in all the courses exam
excluding labs
“0” shall be awarded in
this course.
Repeated offence of any type of malpractice in the
same semester (other than level 1)
“0” mark shall be awarded in
all the courses of current mid
Student found taking photo of question paper/
circulating photo of question paper/showing question
paper to students standing outside exam hall or found
aiding in leaking of question paper
“0” mark shall be awarded in
all the theory courses of
Impersonation, Severe Misconduct/ Threatening exam
officials or fellow students, destroying answer booklet,
disrupting examination.
Shall be debarred for one year (current semester and following regular semester)
*Cases shall be forwarded to the Directorate of Student Welfare for necessary disciplinary action.
Deputed committee may recommend suitable punishments for the case of indulgence in activities listed/not listed in above mentioned guidelines.
7.1 Grading
The Relative grading system is followed when the number of students in a course is more than 25
and absolute grading otherwise. Grades are calculated based on the mean (m) and standard
deviation () of the total marks secured by the students in each course. Marks obtained in the in-
semester and end-semester examinations are added together and a 10-point grading system is used
to award the student with an overall letter grade for the course.
7.2 Letter Grading System
Letter Grades and Grade points are as shown below:
Letter Grade A+ A B C D E F/I/DT/S/U
Grade Point 10 9 8 7 6 5 0
A student who earns a minimum of 5-grade points (E grade) in a course and S (satisfactory)
grade in the mandatory learning courses is declared to have successfully completed the course
and earned the credits assigned to it.
The UG students must secure minimum 35% marks in the End Term Examination and overall,
to obtain a passing grade in any theory of the courses. While the PG students must secure 40%
of marks in the End Term Examination and overall to obtain a passing grade in any theory of
the courses.
A student who is eligible for, but fails to appear in, the end-semester examination, will be
awarded 'F' Grade. However, if s/he fails to appear in the End Semester Examination due to
valid reasons, (including medical, non-payment of dues or other family reasons) s/he will be
awarded an 'I' (incomplete) grade. Relaxation to the award of 'I' grade is permissible, only if
prior approval has been given by the Dean of the concerned Faculty before the start of the
If a student is not eligible to appear in the End Semester Examination owing to his/her not
fulfilling the minimum attendance requirements in any course, s/he will be awarded a 'DT' grade
(detained) and has to re-register for the course(s) at the next available opportunity.
8.1 The overall performance of a student will be indicated by two indices: Grade Point Average
(GPA) & Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA).
8.2 GPA is the weighted average of the grades obtained in a semester.
8.3 CGPA is the weighted average of the grades up-to and including any semester. The details of the
calculation of GPA and CGPA are given below.
8.4 After the results are declared, grade cards will be issued to each student, which will contain the
list of courses for that semester and grades obtained by the student, GPA of that semester.
8.5 Calculation of GPA and CGPA: Each letter grade is converted into grade points as mentioned
above. These grade points (Gi) are weighted with the number of credits (Ci) assigned to the course.
The Grade Point Average (GPA) is the weighted average of Grade Points awarded to a student in
a semester. The weighted average of GPA of all semesters at any point of time is the Cumulative
Grade Point Average (CGPA) at that point of time.
n = Number of courses registered,
Ci = Course credits,
Gi = Grade point, N = Number of semesters.
Example of calculation of GPA and CGPA
Grade Points
Ci * Gi
Mechanics of Solids
Basic Electronics
Mechanical Engg. Science
Engineering Physics
Comm. Skills in English
Basic Workshop Practice
Engineering Physics lab
Credits =25 GPA = (36+40+32+28+32+27+9+8)/25 = 8.48
Total credits earned = 102
CGPA = 8.48x25 + 8.62x25 + 8.24x26 + 8.42x26 = 860.66/102 = 8.44
Instructions to the students
No student will be allowed to enter the examination hall after 10 minutes from the scheduled
commencement of the examination under any circumstances. Likewise, no student is allowed to
leave the examination hall before half-an-hour from the scheduled end of the examination (both
for Mid-Term and End Term Examinations).
Enter details on the cover page, only at the space provided for the purpose.
Students should read the question paper and the instructions carefully before writing the answers.
Students should write the question number clearly in the left margin of the answer book. Rough
work done must be crossed out clearly and this will not be read and considered by the examiner.
Use of washroom will not be allowed except under the emergent circumstances.
No Supplementary answer-books will be issued, hence; students should write on both the sides of
the paper and complete all answers/solutions in one booklet itself.
Students should not bring any books, notes, slips of papers or any written material to the
examination hall, including gadget/device/object like electronic watches with memory,
logarithmic/mathematical/statistical/scientific tables, programmable calculators, laptop
computers, personal stereo systems, walkie-talkie sets, paging devices, mobile phones etc. of
unfair assistance.
Students must check their pockets, surroundings and ensure that no objectionable materials are
After finishing the exam, student should handover the answer book to the invigilator.
Students shouldn’t look for receiving assistance from other examinees or giving assistance to them
(both verbal and non-verbal gestures) in the examination hall on any matter pertaining to the
subject of the examination.
Students shouldn’t allow any other student to copy from his/her answer books or attempt to copy
from the answer books of other candidates.
Students shouldn’t be writing any matter on the body parts (like palm, hand, legs, clothes etc.)
relevant to the examination.
Students shouldn’t be using obscene or abusive language in the answer books or writing any appeal
in the answer book for more marks or offering inducements/threats to valuers.