Brieng Note
For up-to-date knowledge relating to healthy public policy
Methods of Economic Evaluation: What are the
Ethical Implications for Healthy Public Policy?
November 2014
Introduction: The ethical
implications of economic
Decision making in healthy public policy,
as in all
policy areas, increasingly involves taking
economic efficiency into consideration. Efficiency
is the extent to which sought-after benefits can be
obtained for the lowest possible cost, and the
tools that measure it are economic evaluations.
Efficiency is, however, but one of the many
possible criteria according to which policy options
can be judged. There is a range of other values
and objectives that we may want policies to fulfill.
Deciding between at times divergent values is an
ethical enterprise, and the use of economic
evaluations can have profound ethical
The first paper in this series introduced some of
the general ethical issues that arise when
economic evaluations are applied in healthy
public policy.
While there are a number of
diverse methods of economic evaluation, all of
them share several fundamental, underlying
assumptions that have ethical implications. Most
prominent among these are the assumptions of
individualism in methodology and utilitarianism in
ethics. Methodological individualism is the
assumption that, simply put, all “we’s” can be
reduced to collections of “I’s”; in other words, all
social phenomena can be explained with
reference solely to the actions and beliefs of
individual human beings. Such an assumption
tends to promote values such as individual
autonomy and can conflict with values such as
social solidarity and community empowerment
that are based on a more holistic understanding
of communities.
Healthy public policies are policies that usually fall outside
of the scope of the health sector, but which can
nonetheless have important benefits for the health of the
population while pursuing other aims. Examples of healthy
public policies can include social housing policies, traffic-
The second major assumption, utilitarianism,
defines good and bad purely in terms of “utility.
In the version of utilitarianism most common in
economics, more utility stems from that which
people would prefer given a choice between
several options. The more people’s preferences
are satisfied, the better; hence, this version is
often called the “preference-satisfaction view.” As
with individualism, there are important ethical
ramifications stemming from the assumption of
utilitarianism. For example, almost any value
judgment can be termed good an individual only
has to prefer it. However, if we imagine, as we
sometimes do in public health, that some
preferences can be conditioned and may actually
be harmful, then a conflict can arise. Another
series of issues comes from the maximizing
nature of utilitarianism: its main goal is to
maximize the number of satisfied preferences,
not to reach a certain distribution of satisfied
preferences. In a conflict between the two broad
goals of public health, the maximization of health
gains for the whole population and the reduction
of health inequalities between subpopulations,
economic evaluations will prioritize the first goal
over the second, thus potentially leading to
recommendations that will tend to exacerbate
Although economic evaluations are evidence-
informed and use hard numbers to gauge
efficiency and, as such, their results may seem to
be similarly hard facts, they are not value-free. At
the most fundamental level, they are based on
assumptions that can lead to significant ethical
questions in policy decision making.
Yet such ethical questions do not only stem from
these deep-down assumptions. Economic
evaluations vary according to the question under
study and the methods they use; each method
calming policies, zoning bylaws to restrict the number of
fast-food outlets near schools, etc.
This first paper is available here:
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Methods of Economic Evaluation: What are the Ethical Implications for Healthy Public Policy?
also has its own, specific ethical implications. The
aim of this paper is to highlight the ethical issues that
arise from the differences between methods of
economic evaluation. Although these methods
broadly share the key assumptions just described,
they differ substantially in their specifics, most
notably in how they calculate effects.
The various methods of economic evaluation for
public policy generally, and healthy public policy
specifically, all seek to find the most economically
efficient policy option to pursue. This usually means
determining the option with the most “bang-for-the-
buck.” To locate this best choice, it is necessary to
determine the costs of competing policy options as
well as their effects in other words, to gauge how
the relationship between costs and effects is
distributed across alternatives, including, as always,
the option of maintaining the status quo. This paper
begins by looking at how costs are determined
across the various methods of economic evaluation.
Costing, while not trivial, has ethical issues that are
largely shared by all methods. The differences
between methods, on the other hand, truly emerge
when looking at how they measure and value the
effects stemming from policy options. Indeed, the
question of defining and measuring effects is often
the harder one and the one that has broader ethical
implications. It will be discussed at length in the third
section with a breakdown by method. The fourth
section will focus on the important issue of whose
point of view is the appropriate one to adopt in
decision making. The paper will conclude with some
thoughts on method choice and what it might mean
to use the right tool for the job in a policy context.
List of the main acronyms
CBA Cost-benefit analysis
CCA Cost-consequence analysis
CMA Cost-minimization analysis
CUA Cost-utility analysis
MCDA Multi-criteria decision analysis
QALY Quality-adjusted life year
WTP Willingness-to-pay
Calculating costs
Regardless of the method used to evaluate a policy,
costs and effects are somehow compared. While
there are numerous approaches to treating effects,
costs are universally analyzed in dollar terms. This
does not, however, make costing an easy or ethically
neutral process. Indeed, the resources to be used in
each policy under consideration have to be correctly
identified, measured and valued (Brouwer, Culyer,
van Exel, & Rutten, 2008) and each of these steps
provides its own set of concerns.
The first challenge in costing a policy option often
lies in simply correctly identifying costs. In general,
costs are any resources necessary to bring a policy
option about. They include outlays as well as
ongoing expenses; they can be explicit or sometimes
merely implicit. Further, some evaluations can
include all negative consequences as costs.
The breadth of healthy public policy means that the
resources interventions utilize are not always limited
to one ministry, one level of government or one
agency nor do they often arise solely from direct
health care (Simoens, 2009). A full list of resources
to be costed can include not only the physical
materials and staff time required but also items such
as productivity gains or losses, time diverted by
family and caregivers and much more. For example,
a recreation program for seniors might require
equipment purchases, updates to existing
infrastructure, new staff positions for activity leaders
as well as transportation and caregiver time costs
associated with bringing participants to and from the
It may be the case, whether explicitly or implicitly,
that only some costs are taken into account in an
evaluation. Such selectivity may, for example, stem
from narrowing the perspective to include only those
costs borne by a particular agency; the issue of
perspective will be discussed in more detail on
pages 13-14. Taking into account only some costs
while ignoring others is not necessarily problematic;
it may be desirable, depending on the situation. If we
want to positively discriminate in favour of a certain
population, for example, it may be relevant to ignore
some of the costs borne by the rest of society and
focus only on those borne by this group in the
analysis. At other times, however, a more
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Briefing Note 3
Methods of Economic Evaluation: What are the Ethical Implications for Healthy Public Policy?
circumscribed point of view can be detrimental an
incomplete accounting of costs can lead to a less
than optimal policy choice. For example, if not all
costs are taken into account, then policies can
appear to be more beneficial than they would have
been, had a comprehensive cost analysis taken
Once resources have been correctly identified, they
have to be measured. Here, the potential issues are
more methodological than ethical. Different methods
of measurement can produce different cost
estimates. Measures can use different scales; for
example, there can be differences between the
macro-level total cost of a service and more micro-
level costs like that of service cost per user, which
can vary depending on anticipated users. Measures
can also vary depending on their source. Whether a
cost analysis is based on past cost studies, current
statistics or best prospective estimates matters and
can lead to different outcomes (Brouwer et al.,
2008). Finally, extrapolating costs further and further
into the future also poses difficulties as uncertainty
both about the size of costs and whether particular
costs will be actualized grows the further we
project into the future. A full accounting of the ethical
implications of uncertainty is too broad a topic to
include in this paper.
Having identified and measured resources, the final
task in preparing a cost analysis for an economic
evaluation is to place a value on these resources. In
economic evaluations it is typical to value resources
at their “opportunity cost” as per standard economic
theory (Simoens, 2009). Opportunity cost refers to
the value a resource has in its next best alternative
use. Standard economic theory assumes that in a
free and competitive market, opportunity costs are
reflected in market prices. Indeed, many items, from
signposts to entire buildings, can be bought on the
market and are thus relatively easy to cost. Other
things, however, are much harder to accurately value
and for this reason may not always be included. As
discussed earlier, depending on the context, this kind
of omission can have important ethical implications.
Time and care are two examples of resources that
do not have well-defined market prices. For example,
time and productivity lost at work can be included in
some health-related economic evaluations. While an
individual’s wage is seen to be a good proxy for this,
it is not always clear what wage to use. Options are
plentiful and so, difficult questions abound. Should
one use the average national wage or a regional
wage, the mean or the median? Perhaps instead
one should use the average wage of the particular
demographic at which a program is aimed? If so,
how is this group defined and how does this skew
the cost of a program? These are some of the
questions that may arise. There is also the question
of those who do important work but do not get paid,
such as informal caregivers, who are predominantly
women (Brouwer et al., 2008). It is important to
consider how their time should be included and how
it should be valued especially since this increases
program costs and so may be only reluctantly
These are not merely technical problems; they reflect
deep ethical questions about how we value people,
their energy and time. On the one hand, we may
want to value all people and their time equally simply
on the basis of the principle of equality. On the other
hand, we may be more interested in equity and
targeting disadvantaged groups. Here, using the
actual valuations of lower-income individuals’ time
will lower costs and potentially make policies
directed toward them more attractive in comparison
with other options targeted at the general population
or other groups. Similarly, if we want to ensure that
policies take into account issues of gendered work
(both in and outside the household), then valuing
caregiver time appropriately can be a good starting
place and open up space for taking concrete steps to
value caregivers during policy implementation.
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Methods of Economic Evaluation: What are the Ethical Implications for Healthy Public Policy?
Calculating costs Summary
To calculate costs, one must:
a) Identify all types of relevant resources
b) Measure the quantity of each type of resource
c) Evaluate how much these resources are worth
Questions to keep in mind to identify ethical
Are all relevant costs included (kinds of
resources and quantity of each kind)?
Are the ways the resources are valued,
especially those without well-defined market
prices (people’s time, for instance), at risk of
skewing the results in favour of interventions
benefiting and/or burdening some
Calculating benefits and other effects:
The different approaches to economic
The other side to determining the costs of a policy is,
of course, calculating the benefits it will produce if
implemented. It is here that the various methods of
economic evaluation truly differentiate themselves.
Like costs, benefits have to be identified, measured
and valued; unlike costs, however, there are myriad
ways to accomplish these tasks, particularly the task
of assigning value to benefits. The four main
methods of economic evaluation will be described
below with a focus on the ethical implications arising
from each.
One of the oldest methods of economic evaluation is
cost-minimization analysis (CMA). It is also the
simplest method because it does not require benefits
to be calculated. In order for this to be possible, CMA
can only be applied when benefits are assumed to
be nearly uniform, both in scope and in nature,
across the policy options being considered. Indeed,
the most important step in performing a CMA is to
determine whether it is appropriate for the given
situation: it is crucial that the expected outcome of
whatever policy options are being considered be
essentially the same (Jefferson, Demecheli, &
Mufrod, 2000).
Both the relevant direct benefits those factors
which the policy in question aims explicitly to
improve and indirect effects those factors on
which the policy in question has a positive or
negative effect but which are not among its stated
aims, such as productivity gains should be equal.
Only in such a situation can benefits be safely
ignored and the analysis focus merely on costs. An
example where CMA might be appropriate is a
decision over whether to use public or private
procurement for the delivery of a given project,
whether it be several kilometres of bike path or a
new health facility. In such situations, what counts as
the most efficient course of action is the lowest-cost
means that achieves the desired end.
Nevertheless, there may be ethical implications
stemming from the use of CMA even in such
seemingly clear-cut situations. In the decision
between public and private procurement, assuming
that benefits are equal because the end product is
the same can omit important potential indirect
effects. For example, public procurement can create
and maintain expertise within public administrations
that can later aid in other public projects. The
question of how much value we place on such
expertise is itself an ethical one, but one that cannot
be posed within the bounds of a CMA. More complex
varieties of evaluation make space for such indirect
benefits to be potentially uncovered and the resulting
broader ethical questions to be considered.
Cost-minimization analysis (CMA) Summary
Ranks options deemed to have the same direct
and indirect effects according to their costs. The
least costly option is deemed the more efficient.
A question to keep in mind to identify ethical
Do the options compared really have the same
direct and, especially, indirect positive and
negative effects?
Few policy decisions are so clear-cut as to warrant
CMA, and more nuanced methods of economic
evaluation have been devised and put to use,
including in decision making for healthy public policy.
An important method, developed early in the history
of modern economics but still maintaining notable
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Methods of Economic Evaluation: What are the Ethical Implications for Healthy Public Policy?
popularity, is cost-benefit analysis (CBA). Indeed,
although CBA is what many people associate with all
economic evaluations, it is but one, concrete method
with its own defining features, strengths, limitations
and ethical implications.
Defining features
CBA is firmly grounded in traditional welfare
economic theory this means that, in short, it seeks
the maximization of net gains in social well-being as
measured by satisfied individual preferences. Its key
assumption is that not only all costs, but all effects of
an intervention can be expressed in monetary terms.
Once costs and benefits are translated into dollar
amounts, policy recommendations boil down to
seeing which policy option under consideration
results in the highest ratio of benefits to costs.
Expressing benefits in dollar terms, however, is not
an easy task. The primary difficulty lies in finding a
means to translate the multitude of possible,
otherwise incommensurable benefits and other
effects that a policy can generate things as
disparate as improvements in health, greater
employment, better public safety and so on into
dollar amounts. To deal with this issue, evaluations
have to choose how many effects to “monetize.” One
question is which effects to include: on one end of
the spectrum is a choice to directly monetize the less
controversial effects and leave more difficult-to-value
effects out of the equation. On the other end lies
translating all effects into monetary terms. Many
evaluations fall somewhere in between.
A second, more challenging question is how to come
up with those monetary valuations. Again, there are
two broad options. One method is commonly called
“revealed-preference valuation.” It uses existing data
on prices and behaviours to glean information about
how people value things. For example, gauging the
value of peace and quiet due to living in a traffic-
calmed neighbourhood might involve calculating the
average price difference of similar homes in two
neighbourhoods one traffic-calmed and one not
that are otherwise very similar.
The other option is referred to as “contingent
valuation” and frequently makes use of the
willingness-to-pay (WTP) framework. With WTP,
individuals are asked how much they would be
willing to pay for particular benefits and the answers
to such questions are used to generate valuations.
Unlike in the revealed-preference method, here the
dollar amount that a benefit is worth can be elicited
directly. There are many ways of doing this, from
asking explicitly how much one would pay for the
benefit to engaging individuals in bidding games,
asking them to choose between monetary gambles
involving the benefit in question or using other
proxies from which dollar values can be derived. For
example, imagine wanting to determine the
subjective value of being able to walk to work. Such
a valuation could, for instance, be useful in
evaluating the benefits of urban planning policies.
One way of eliciting WTP would be to ask how much
work time someone would be willing to forgo to be
able to walk to work (described as, say, the time it
took the employer to relocate to the new, walkable
location). Here, the proxy is the individual’s wage
rate and multiplying it by the time potentially forgone
gives a dollar value. Another means of obtaining the
same information would be via a bidding game: the
individual is asked whether she would hypothetically
pay $X for being able to walk to work; if she answers
in the affirmative, the same question is asked with a
higher bid, if she answers in the negative, the bid is
lowered. This continues for several rounds to reach a
more precise figure.
CBA has important strengths, especially as it can be
applied to the evaluation of healthy public policy.
Chief among these is universality: CBA could
potentially be used in contexts where the choice is
between policies that come from completely different
fields, for example those that are clearly health-
oriented and others that lack health-promoting
components (Jefferson et al., 2000) albeit this is
not frequently done in practice. As such, CBA
evaluations can be used to advocate for healthy
public policies on efficiency grounds in policy areas
where many other options may not be targeted, even
partially, at health improvements. Cost-benefit
analyses give healthy public policy advocates the
potential to find a common language with their peers
across a wide range of fields.
Another strong suit of CBA is its flexibility to handle
any and all types of benefit (Schlander, 2010). Any
benefit potentially resulting from a policy that does
not have a well-defined market value can regardless
be expressed in monetary terms using the various
tools that elicit willingness-to-pay. Thus, benefits as
disparate as improvements in air quality and
increased protein intake can be compared on the
same metric. As the benefits stemming from many
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healthy public policies can be quite diverse, this
flexibility is all the more an asset for this particular
class of policies. Even critics of the WTP framework
on which CBA is based admit that, particularly in
today’s conditions of scarcity of public resources,
CBA is a tool that can help policy makers wisely
earmark every valuable dollar across a range of
competing and vastly different uses (Cookson,
The major limitation of CBA stems, in many ways,
from the same facts of its universality and flexibility
that are its greatest strengths. It is hard enough to
enumerate all the tangible and intangible benefits a
policy may bring about; translating all of these into
dollar terms adds an entirely new layer of difficulty.
This is especially so for benefits that do not have
well-defined market prices. Gauging their value can
potentially introduce inaccuracies and biases. It is
not always clear how to design the tools to obtain
valuations, whom to ask and how to interpret the
results, in particular for WTP-based methods.
Ethical implications
Indeed, the WTP framework raises a number of
ethical issues (Cookson, 2003) when applied to
healthy public policy. The first issue often raised is
that WTP is closely tied to income levels (Gold,
Siegel, Russell, & Weinstein, 1996). Critics believe
that rather than measuring one’s willingness to pay
for health-related improvements, benefits as they are
valued under CBA instead are more a measure of
one’s ability to pay for them. The same health
outcome or health determinant may be given a much
lower dollar value by a low-income individual than it
would be by a wealthy individual merely on the basis
of a bias stemming from different income levels. In
general, monetary valuations generated by WTP
may reflect income and wealth levels in addition to
the importance attributed to them by those
questioned. In practice, this means that using CBA
based on WTP to compare policy options will tend to
rank as more efficient options that primarily benefit
the wealthy compared to options that primarily
benefit less well-off individuals.
Aside from income, other biases can also potentially
impact WTP valuations (Cookson, 2003). “Scope”
effects can inflate the value of relatively small
benefits. Studies have shown that people often
appear to value reductions in harm at a similar,
standard amount, regardless of the size of the
reduction (Cookson, 2003). Thus, harm reductions
that lead to the extension of life by, respectively, a
year and a decade could receive very similar dollar
values in two different studies, even from the same
respondents. “Budget constraint bias,” on the other
hand, leads people to value the same benefit more
highly when it is presented in isolation than if it were
presented as one among several other competing
options. These and other similar biases together
constitute “framing” effects in short, the context, or
frame, within which something is presented matters
to our understanding and evaluation of it.
Framing is an ethical challenge for all valuation
methods. Under revealed preference valuation, it
simply manifests itself differently. For example, there
is a fundamental question about the extent to which
differences in so-called shadow prices (those real-
world prices used as proxies for things without
market prices) actually conform to differences in
values (Wegner & Pascual, 2011). That is, the
implicit framing of a market transaction may not allow
for an expression of the full range of possible
motivations behind valuation and choice. A related
ethical consideration is that revealed-preference
valuation takes as given the current distribution of
goods. As such, the benefits of policies that also
impact strongly on distribution may not be accurately
reflected in revealed-preference studies (Hausman,
2011). For example, a housing program that impacts
on real estate prices in a broader region will also
change the shadow prices that could have been
used to justify it.
While valuation methods have to deal with a range of
difficult-to-value goods, the question of the value of
human life is often a lightning rod for attention.
Valuing human life is a central concern in particular
for policy options that impact on health via
differences in mortality. What is actually valued
(whether via contingent or revealed-preference
methods) is an increase in the risk of death. For
example, the wage differences between more or less
risky types of otherwise-similar occupations may be
compared. On a more practical level, many of the
same framing issues discussed above apply to this
problem as well and result in a wide range of
estimates for the value of a statistical life, for
example ranging from one million to eight million
dollars in the US (Ashenfelter, 2006). The exact
value of a statistical life that is used in an economic
evaluation can have a drastic impact on the resulting
efficiency of interventions, especially when
comparing interventions that save lives with
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Briefing Note 7
Methods of Economic Evaluation: What are the Ethical Implications for Healthy Public Policy?
interventions that do not. Finally, once an estimate is
established, questions of equity can also arise,
especially between older and younger individuals.
CBA takes any life saved as having the same value,
while (as we shall see) other methods may value life
differently depending on the statistical number of
years of life remaining (i.e., based on age).
A second issue that can arise in relation to all
valuation methods is that of adaptation to existing
conditions (Dolan, 2001), whether negative health
states or broader negative health determinants.
While in an acute health context, studies try to place
value on pure health benefits, healthy public policy
often deals with health determinants, and so is
interested in valuing these. Studies that either ask
the general population for valuations or gather these
from market price proxies will tend to reflect the
potentially unhealthy social norms of the day. For
example, someone who fully depends on his or her
car for transportation may not value transportation
alternatives much because the car has been
naturalized for that person as THE method of getting
from A to B; similarly, policies may reflect this and
under- or over-price other means of transportation. In
response, an argument can be made in favour of
asking or studying the choices of those who suffer
from a condition to value potential remedies and this
could also be extended to health determinants. For
example, those who live in very polluted
environments may have both the special knowledge
of what it is like to live with such a burden and the
most to gain from potential policy decisions aimed at
remedying it. On the other hand, aside from special
knowledge, those who experience a particular
condition may have adjusted to it, in addition to the
fact that they may have a lesser “ability to pay” than
those living in healthier environments. As such,
those in the example may be so accustomed to their
polluted environment as to place far less value on
living with lower levels of pollution. Whether to
accept this last argument requires hard thinking
about the role of paternalism in public policy.
Finally, people appear to care about their relative
position on a continuum of well-being and not just an
absolute level (Frank & Sunstein, 2001); in short, this
is the idea of “keeping up with the Joneses.” A
person may care not only how well off she is, but
whether she is as well off as those in some relevant
comparison group, such as neighbours, colleagues
at work or some other grouping. If this is the case,
then equity and social solidarity (both ways of
conceptualizing smaller relative differences) may not
figure prominently in valuation methods. Valuation
methods that place more value upon absolute
benefit outside distributional concerns may
undervalue the contributions of increasing inequality.
Cost-benefit analysis (CBA) Summary
This method transforms all costs and benefits into
dollar values, using either revealed preferences or
willingness-to-pay to impute price to benefits that
do not have clear market prices. It then ranks
options according to their Net Present Value
(benefits minus costs) or their benefit-to-cost ratio
(benefits divided by costs). A Net Present Value
(NPV) above $0 or a benefit-to-cost ratio above 1
means that an option is cost-saving.
Questions to keep in mind to identify ethical
Are all relevant costs and benefits included in
the evaluation?
Is the evaluation comparing interventions or
policies positively or negatively affecting
groups of different income levels? If so, is the
evaluation comparing ability-to-pay instead of
Are there any major biases (scope, budget
constraint, framing) that could have affected
the results of the evaluation?
If the value of a statistical life was used, was
the figure appropriate and could it have
produced different results had it been different?
Could adaptation to existing conditions have
skewed the evaluation results?
In the past several decades, cost-effectiveness
analysis (CEA) and its offshoots have become
important, even dominant, modes of economic
evaluation, especially in acute health contexts
(Donaldson & Shackley, 2003). Developed in order
to counter some of the perceived weaknesses in
CBA, CEA focuses on maximizing health, health-
related gains or some other appropriate unit rather
than purely monetary efficiency (Weinstein & Stason,
1977). CEA has been attractive because it avoids
the question of whether benefits can accurately be
valued in dollars on the basis of subjective
preferences as well as the ethical issues and biases
stemming from the use of WTP.
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Defining features
Instead of valuing benefits in monetary terms, CEA
leaves them in natural units appropriate to the
problem being solved. In acute health policy, units
can vary from symptom-free days to life-years
gained to cases avoided; in broader healthy public
policy, they could also include items such as bicycle
trips taken, levels of atmospheric pollutants,
community centre registrations, the number of
people below a poverty threshold or the frequency of
food bank use. CEA is a means of including benefits
in evaluations that allows for disparate policy options
to be easily compared as long as these different
options aim to affect the same variable.
Most policy decisions have aims that can be
expressed in quantitative measures; CEA isolates
these measures and looks at how efficiently they can
be positively influenced by a given policy or group of
competing policies. For example, a CEA study of
several policy options to reduce poverty, an
important health determinant, could present its
results as the cost per percentage-point reduction in
the poverty rate. The most cost-effective policy is
then the one for which this cost ratio is lowest. A
number of different measures can sometimes be
used to look at the same phenomenon in this
example, other measures could include the cost per
household whose income rises above the low-
income cut-off or the cost per percentage-point
reduction in the proportion of households that use
food banks. In constructing CEA studies, authors try
to focus on measures which best represent the
stated policy aims.
CEA takes pricing or valuing benefits out of the
equation. What matters in CEA is how efficient a
given policy option is at securing its desired aim in
terms of that aim. The ability to compare the effects
of interventions in terms of very specific outcome
measures has significant advantages in tractability
and relative transparency. Data on many outcome
measures for both health and health determinants
are either readily available or relatively easy to
gather. Such data is also often additionally
segmented by gender, age, race and socio-
economic status, making it possible for analysts to
focus on particular subgroups. Using money as an
intermediary to establish the value of various
benefits, as in CBA, adds a layer of complexity and
ambiguity to economic evaluations. It is possible to
ask not only whether a policy option is worthwhile but
whether a benefit is correctly valued. CEA studies
remove the second question and allow policy makers
to compare the costs of impacting on their desired
aims directly. This is done by constructing what are
called Incremental Cost-Effectiveness Ratios (ICER)
that measure how much a unit gain in the relevant
outcome measure would cost over and above a
relevant alternative either the “do nothing” case or
another proposed intervention.
The concreteness of CEA, however, also gives rise to
limitations. Since it lacks a unifying unit of measure,
CEA is only able to accommodate one type of effect
at a time (this is the textbook version; see cost-
consequence analysis [CCA] below for an idea of how
multiple measures may figure in practice). If a given
policy option positively impacts a number of factors,
these benefits have to be looked at separately. The
more disparate these factors are, the harder it is to
compare them and gauge the overall efficiency or
desirability of a particular policy option. This is
especially relevant to healthy public policy, where
policy aims and effects are often wide ranging. For
example, if we are looking at air pollution, then
increases in high-quality bicycle infrastructure and
more effective, mandatory catalytic converters for cars
may both significantly reduce air pollution; however,
bicycle infrastructures may also improve health
outcomes via greater physical activity.
A second, related limitation is the need for direct
comparability. That is, CEA requires that the effects
of interventions need to impact on at least some of
the same variables for them to be compared. While
this is good for gauging the efficiency of various
options at achieving a singular or closely related
goals, it makes it difficult to look at the allocation of
funds between distinct competing uses. There are,
however, some more general measures, such as life-
years gained (health effect) or CO
equivalents (environmental effect), that make more
broad comparisons possible. Unlike CBA, which
looks at all benefits in terms of money and so has a
universal standard of comparison, the usefulness of
CEA can be limited in debates about which goal, out
of a possible range of goals, could be achieved most
efficiently with given funds (Rudmik & Drummond,
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Methods of Economic Evaluation: What are the Ethical Implications for Healthy Public Policy?
Finally, there is a tension between clinical efficacy
and population efficacy. Many of the values for
outcome measures in CEA evaluations are taken
from experimental studies; these, however, may not
accurately reflect what happens once an intervention
is applied beyond the laboratory or clinical trial.
There are many potential dynamics and interacting
factors within real-world populations that can change
how well an intervention achieves its stated goals.
Ethical implications
CEA does not include the same kind of subjective
component in valuing effects, thus lowering the
number of ethical issues stemming directly from its
application to policy decisions. While CBA is prone to
various biases because the valuation of benefits
depends on individual opinion, the natural units used
in CEA lead to few controversies themselves. Ethical
issues arise when we consider which measures are
appropriate to a given policy question and how policy
benefits are distributed. For example, a CEA of
interventions to decrease childhood obesity could
rank an intervention focused on after-school fitness
programs as very cost effective due to large forecast
average changes in program participation and
resulting reductions in obesity. It is, however,
possible that the gains from this intervention be
unequally distributed as the availability, quality and
accessibility of after-school fitness programs can be
highly dependent on socio-economic status.
Put differently, CEA assumes that a unit of the
benefit of interest is worth the same amount no
matter how it is gained or to whom it accrues
(Schlander, 2010). Examples such as the one above
point to the fact that this kind of equal treatment can
negatively impact equity. Despite the seemingly
clear-cut nature of natural units such as obesity
rates, equity considerations can arise in CEA as
much as in other evaluation methods.
Cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA) Summary
This method ranks options that aim at the same
goal. It ranks them according to their ratio of cost
per X gained, where X can be any natural unit
(e.g., life years gained, km of cycle tracks, etc.).
Questions to keep in mind to identify ethical
Does the evaluation compare interventions or
policies which are likely to have positive or
negative effects other than the one (variable X)
on the basis of which they are compared?
Does the evaluation compare interventions or
policies which are positively or negatively
affecting different groups of the population?
The limitations imposed by CEA, particularly the lack
of comparability across different intervention goals,
have led to the development of offshoots that
increase flexibility while maintaining the focus on
direct measures of health and well-being. The major
offshoot of CEA that has gained widespread
acceptance in economic evaluation for policy
making, particularly in health and health-related
disciplines, is cost-utility analysis (CUA). Rather than
compare efficiency across single benefits as does
CEA, CUA instead analyzes the impact of
interventions on a broader measure of quantity and
quality of life (Wagstaff, 1991). One of the primary
difficulties lies, then, in defining a unit of measure
that is at once complex enough to reflect some of the
complexity behind the very broad notion of quality of
life, but that is also tractable and generalizable
across a range of policies and interventions that aim
at different health- and wellness-related ends. The
measure that has gained the most acceptance is the
Quality-adjusted life yearor QALY (pronounced
kwa-lee) for short (Weinstein, Torrance, & McGuire,
Defining features
The QALY is a measure of general health benefit
and so can be used even in comparisons of policies
that affect a variety of health-related domains. It
combines the gain in quality of life over a number of
years. Health quality is measured on a scale from 0,
signifying death, to 1, signifying full health. Hence,
for example, two years at 0.4 quality or one year at
0.8 quality are both worth 0.8 QALYs.
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To determine where health states are placed on the
0-to-1 scale, studies are constructed that ask
individuals about their health-related preferences
through a variety of questionnaires. The results are
tabulated and various health states and health
improvements are transformed into QALY values. A
raspy cough, a broken limb or a life-threatening
tumour can each be judged to variously impede
quality of life depending on who is judging and in
what circumstances. Nevertheless preference-based
measures that directly ask people to judge their
current or imagined health state are the most
prevalent (Brazier, Ratcliffe, Tsuchiya, & Solomon,
2007). The QALY thus has an important subjective
component. Who is asked, how they are asked and
in what context all of these factors can impact the
final QALY metric.
Once health states are valued in QALYs,
interventions can be “costed” by calculating how
much each QALY gained would cost under a given
intervention again always in comparison with a
relevant alternative. Policy options can be analyzed
in terms of their average cost per QALY gained in
comparison to a relevant alternative, the “do nothing”
case or in comparison to a desired threshold
(Simoens, 2009). For example, the UK has for some
time adopted a threshold of £20,000-£30,000
(+/- $35,000-$50,000) per QALY as acceptable for
new health technologies and therapies in acute care
(National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence,
2011) and many other jurisdictions have
implemented similar measures.
In some respects, CUA is a type of cost-
effectiveness analysis (CEA) that shares some of the
strengths of cost-benefit analysis (CBA). Like CBA,
CUA allows for comparability across a range of
interventions that have differing aims. Any policy that
impacts health or health determinants can be valued
in terms of QALYs gained. Yet, CUA is also more
constrained than CBA in that it does not give equal
weight to all preferences. Indeed, preferences for
goods outside health are completely disregarded
(unless they are included in costs).
CUA further differentiates itself by anchoring its
valuations of benefit somewhere between pure
subjectivity and objectivity. In generating QALY
values, subjective estimations of quality modify an
objective measure, namely a year of life gained. As
such, the QALY is thought to describe something
neither completely objective, such as the natural
measures used in CEA, nor completely subjective,
such as the dollar values in WTP. Rather, it is
something in between. The QALY is an attempt to
produce a measure that corresponds to the desires
of the population on a closed, 0-to-1 scale that also
somehow mirrors an objective health and well-being
CUA was largely developed for use in health
economics and economic evaluations of acute care
interventions. Although the QALY is a relatively open
and broad measure, healthy public policy is much
broader than acute care and its impacts on health
are often less tangible, spread over a longer
timeframe and more indirect. In addition, the main
aim of healthy public policy is not always explicitly
improving the health of the population. Therefore,
some of the intended benefits stemming from healthy
public policies might be hard, if not impossible, to
capture via CUA.
In addition to this difficulty particular to healthy public
policy, several general methodological difficulties
stem from the QALY’s subjective component. First, a
number of factors from the choice of survey method
to the way questions are framed to the number of
alternatives presented can all influence the values
that an individual gives to particular health states
(Brazier et al., 2007). Subjective valuations of health
are context-dependent to such a degree that there is
debate whether they are elicited or, indeed,
constructed during a survey (Brazier et al., 2007).
Second, evaluations of the same condition can also
vary substantially based on general health state as
well as a host of socio-economic factors (Dolan,
2001). For example, individuals with a given health
condition may either over- or under-value
improvements in health compared to values derived
from the general population, depending on whether
they have grown accustomed to the negative
impacts of their condition or strongly desire to be rid
of them. Finally, there may be conflict between the
objective factors that define health states and
individuals’ subjective experiences of these same
states. That is, while someone may perceive two
health states as equivalent from a subjective point of
view, one state can have much greater and more
debilitating long-term consequences than the other.
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Methods of Economic Evaluation: What are the Ethical Implications for Healthy Public Policy?
Ethical implications
Beyond the methodological limitations just listed,
CUA also raises a number of ethical issues. A
number of these are related to the equity of
intervention outcomes. A central theme concerns the
questions: To whom will QALYs accrue in the
interventions themselves? Should all health
improvements of the same QALY value be treated
equally? For some, “a QALY is a QALY,” which
means that a QALY is worth the same no matter who
receives ita kind of blanket equality. Others argue
that this simple maximization of QALYs could
potentially lead to various kinds of discrimination.
Below are two examples to illustrate this.
First, some argue that QALY maximization can
discriminate against the old as younger individuals
may be able to derive greater total benefit from
health improvements over the course of their
lifetimes (Harris, 2005). For example, providing a
health-improving intervention to a 20-year-old saves
many more QALYs than providing the same
intervention to a 60-year-old simply because the
average 20-year-old will live for much longer than the
60-year-old, enjoying, say, 60 rather than 20 years of
higher-quality life on average. There have been
rejoinders to this view. One type of response has
focused on methodological adjustments, suggesting
they may be sufficient to counter discrimination
claims; changes could include the incorporation of
equity weights or the use of alternative
questionnaires (Round, 2012). Others suggest a
response on the level of alternative ethical principles
(for example, the idea that all individuals are entitled
to “fair innings” most broadly, opportunities to
attempt to live as one wishes, which are, on average,
used up with age) (Tsuchiya, 2000). A somewhat
related concern is that regarding those living with
disabilities, who some claim are placed in a situation
of “double jeopardy” (Harris, 1995): not only do they
experience a lower QALY level due to an existing
health condition or persistent health determinants,
they are also penalized in any further life-extending
QALY calculation. For example, persons with chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) will have, in
general, a lower quality of life than people without
chronic conditions. If two life-extending interventions
are compared, where one benefits people with
COPD and one benefits people without a chronic
condition, then, assuming the costs are equal, the
intervention benefiting people with COPD would
have to extend their life much more just to be
deemed as efficient as the intervention benefiting
people without a chronic condition, because each
year of life gained is worth less QALYs for people
with COPD.
Beyond equity concerns about the distribution of
quality of life, a final ethical question that has been
raised is whether the very notion of adjusting for the
quality of life is ethically warranted. Some question
this central assumption of CUA on the basis of an
ethical principle called the “rule of rescue,” the notion
that saving the life of an identifiable person (often
thought to be in immediate peril) should trump
quality-based cost effectiveness that operates on
statistical averages (McKie & Richardson, 2003).
Those who support this rule assume that we simply
react differently to identifiable others and should
implement policies that allow us to act on this kind of
reaction. For some proponents, the rule of rescue is
ethically valuable rule-following that works, in dire
circumstances, to affirm a shared social commitment
to human life (MacLean, 1986); others have tried to
integrate this type of concern into the ethical
framework of maximizing total social good that
underlies the QALY approach (McKie & Richardson,
2003). More generally, these kinds of arguments in a
milder form point to another kind of equity
consideration: for greater attention to more severe
A different way that equity considerations enter into
economic evaluations is through the fact that many
interventions are aimed at subgroups, whether
demarcated by age, health condition, gender,
ethnicity, socio-economic status or some other
criterion. Overall, if equity is to be taken into account,
then doing so can occur when ascertaining both the
inputs of evaluations (the values given to particular
effects of policy options) and their outputs (the final
distribution of QALYs). Two options for dealing with
existing inequities before the presentation of results
are to derive QALY values from particular subgroups
rather than the general population or to establish
separate thresholds for various subgroups (Bobinac,
van Exel, Rutten, & Brouwer, 2012). “Segmenting”
by subgroup or forming profiles of intended policy
beneficiaries can give a truer picture of what policies
would mean for those who have the most to gain
from them. It can give disadvantaged subgroups a
voice (by the proxy of using their QALY valuations).
Finally, it could also be a means of acknowledging
the background assumption and value that
individuals are the best judges of their own welfare,
mitigating the risk that the preferences of a general
population reference group are generalized and
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Methods of Economic Evaluation: What are the Ethical Implications for Healthy Public Policy?
“imposed” (Birch & Donaldson, 2003) on others. On
the other hand, such initial segmenting is rare and
difficult in practice. QALY values are generally
derived from studies of the general population; as
Section Putting it together: Decision criteria
(pages 14-15) will show, however, attention to
subgroups can be deferred until later in the
evaluation process.
Cost-utility analysis (CUA) Summary
This method ranks options according to their ratio
of cost per QALY gained (which is a broad
measure combining quantity and quality of life)
and/or assess whether an option falls below a
given efficiency threshold (e.g., $50,000/QALY).
Questions to keep in mind to identify ethical
Are some of the evaluated policies or
interventions likely to have effects that will not
be fully captured by QALYs, either because
they are not health-related or they relate to a
broader conception of health than QALYs?
Is the evaluation comparing healthy public
policies with acute care interventions? Since
healthy public policies may have stated aims
other than improving health, their full effects
are likely not to be captured by CUA and they
may for this reason compare unfavourably to
acute care interventions.
Is the evaluation comparing interventions or
policies targeting different age groups? If so,
CUA will tend to favour policies or
interventions targeting younger people
Is the evaluation comparing some
interventions or policies targeting disabled or
chronically ill people with interventions
targeting people without those conditions? If
so, CUA will tend to favour interventions
targeting people without those conditions
(double jeopardy).
Defining features
With the varying strengths and limitations of different
methods, it is not surprising that increasing numbers
of evaluations seek to combine elements from
different methods to better support policy decision
making. Cost-consequence analysis (CCA) is the
most prominent means of synthesizing methods and
presenting their results. In brief, CCA combines a
number of outcome measures in one evaluation,
while keeping each one separate. Rather than
aiming at a single measure of efficiency, such as a
cost per quality-adjusted life year (QALY), CCA
commonly presents a table that lists a number of
benefit (and cost) measures for each intervention
being considered. These measures can include
changes in natural units (CEA), changes in QALYs
or cost-per-QALY ratios (CUA), particular costs in
dollars, particular benefits valued in dollars (CBA),
cost-benefit ratios (CBA) and more. An evaluation of
a social housing program may include changes to
homelessness rates, changes to child poverty rates,
changes in QALYs, cost per housing unit, cost per
1000 population and so on.
This strategy answers some of the criticisms raised
against other methods. For example, while a single-
measure CEA is difficult to apply to comparisons of
interventions with differing aims, CCA’s inclusion of
multiple outcome measures gives policy decision
makers greater flexibility in looking at a wide range of
interventions. Furthermore, each of CBA, CEA and
CUA seeks to provide a single number that
represents intervention efficiency and so clearly
demarcates costs and effects. While costs are
regularly presented in cost tables across methods,
the various effects are lumped together and one or a
small handful of overall measures of efficiency is
often produced as a final result. CCA makes it easier
to examine positive and negative outcomes
separately. For example, while a QALY measure
aggregates beneficial and adverse effects, these can
be separated out in a suitably designed CCA. This is
especially the case for healthy public policy, where
intervention effects are wide-ranging and impact
many areas of human life, sometimes in opposing
ways. Finally, because CCA presents measures
separately, it can offer a greater wealth of
information than each alternative method on its own;
a CCA evaluation can include changes in QALYs,
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Methods of Economic Evaluation: What are the Ethical Implications for Healthy Public Policy?
changes in natural units, benefits valued in monetary
terms, effects of equity calculated separately and so
At the same time, such disaggregation removes the
ability to easily compare interventions from an overall
efficiency standpoint. Indeed, the more measures
are presented, the harder it can be to get a full
picture of an intervention’s effects especially in
comparison with others. Separating out measures
also means that some intervention effects are
presented in natural units and so the same
weaknesses of limited comparability that were
discussed in the section on CEA also apply in part to
CCA. Lastly, since the table presented in a CCA is
not a single measure of efficiency, it is necessary to
either choose one particular measure (cost per
QALY thresholds, cost-benefit ratios, etc.) out of the
table as most important a difficult task or grapple
with synthesizing the various measures into a
decision, which brings its own difficulties.
Ethical implications
Disaggregation puts greater onus on decision
makers. Decision makers have to be ready to rank
the importance of the various efficiency measures
presented in a CCA evaluation; with such
evaluations, decisions are based on more than
ready-made efficiency measures. On one hand, this
gives decision makers more flexibility in the ethical
principles that guide decisions. Whether they place
greater emphasis on economic efficiency, equity,
solidarity or other values, those choosing which
interventions to pursue can focus on and rank
measures to reflect their particular hierarchy of
values. For example, a CCA that compares
interventions in municipal zoning regulations may
include measures of both the health-related as well
as the socioeconomic impacts of the various options.
Decision makers interested in pure health-related
efficiency could focus on CEA or CUA measures,
while those interested in equity and poverty
reduction could also take into account measures of
income distribution or the like.
This kind of ethical flexibility can also be seen as a
reflection of a broader conflict between substantive
and procedural justice. That is, what is more
important: the content of a decision or how it is
reached? Methods other than CCA that produce
easily comparable efficiency measures side with the
latter; transparency is a key value, but it comes at
the cost of a loss of complexity and diversity in
decision criteria. In contrast, CCA gives policy
makers greater leeway in the conclusions they can
draw from an evaluation, but at the cost of
procedural clarity. While the recommendations
resulting from a CBA or CUA are generally
unambiguous and easily reproducible (at least in
theory and despite the fact that these
recommendations may be taken more or less into
account in the actual decision), those resulting from
a CCA can differ depending on the values and
interests of those receiving the evaluation.
Cost-consequence analysis (CCA) Summary
This approach combines several methods (CBA,
CEA and/or CUA) in one evaluation of efficiency
without integrating the results into one comparable
unit. It thus presents results in a table, where each
option is a row and the results of different methods
are in columns.
A question to keep in mind to identify ethical
What are the most important criteria for this
particular decision and how are they reflected
in the various methods presented? In other
words, on what basis should recommendations
be made?
Evaluations and perspective
These final thoughts about the use of CCA point
directly to a broader ethical issue that is an important
factor across methods of economic evaluation:
whose perspective is the correct one to adopt, both
in an evaluation and the ensuing decision-making
process? No matter which method is used,
evaluations can be performed from different
perspectives, which can limit both the costs and, in
the case of CBA, the effects that are taken into
account (Simoens, 2009). Policies can be
considered from a societal perspective, from that of a
large-scale unit such as a government ministry,
agency or regional government unit, from that of a
particular site such as a hospital, workplace, or
community centre, or from that of an individual
intervention beneficiary. Some costs and benefits
relevant from one perspective may not be relevant
from another. For example, foregone employment
earnings may be relevant to an individual who is
hospitalized due to a long-term condition resulting
from a polluted environment and should also be
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14 Briefing Note
Methods of Economic Evaluation: What are the Ethical Implications for Healthy Public Policy?
taken into account from a societal perspective.
These foregone earnings, however, are not of
interest to the hospital or broader health
administration unit performing the treatment. As a
result, from the health unit’s point of view acute
treatments may seem more cost effective, while
socially they may actually be less efficient than other
strategies for dealing with pollution, simply because
of the costs ignored by the health unit.
The field of healthy public policy is particularly
sensitive to such differences in perspective. Costs
borne by one ministry or agency often translate into
benefits for another unit, possibly also at a different
level of government or far removed in time. For
example, while the costs of a bike lane are short-
term and may be borne purely by a municipal
transportation authority, it could be argued that the
greater portion of positive health effects end up
being reflected in lower health expenditures by
provincial and federal health ministries over a much
longer time period. There is thus a tension between
ensuring completeness in calculating costs and
benefits on the one hand and taking on a narrower
perspective that may be more relevant to specific
decision makers on the other. Some of this tension
can be resolved if it is made explicit in the decision-
making process.
Within evaluations themselves, the question about
perspective becomes one about which perspective
should be assumed by those questioned for
valuations. There is an important difference between
asking people to value things from their own
individual point of view or as if they were taking on
the societal perspective (Dolan, Olsen, Menzel, &
Richardson, 2003). It is unlikely that one perspective
is clearly superior and there are good reasons to
believe that the perspective undertaken should
depend on context, namely on the interventions to
which the results of the evaluation will be applied
(Dolan et al., 2003), and that, additionally, multiple
perspectives may sometimes need to be presented.
For example, a decision about how to allocate public
funds across several programs impacting aspects of
well-being (such as physical fitness or exposure to
environmental pollutants) to varying degrees may be
more amenable to being valued from a societal
perspective. On the other hand, a decision over
different means to alleviate the same specific
condition, such as a particularly high level of
environmental pollutants in one region, may be
better served with valuations from an individual point
of view (perhaps even from those to be impacted by
the planned intervention).
Given that decision makers may not have input into
the design of valuation methods, it is essential that
they are aware of the influence the perspective
adopted can have on the results of evaluations. It
may also be possible for them to actively engage
with the results of evaluations by imagining
alternative perspectives if necessary. CCA, for
example, provides decision makers with significant
latitude in choosing the criteria and values that will
guide policy choice.
Perspective Summary
The perspective from which the efficiency of
policies or interventions is assessed determines
the range of costs and benefits (or effects) that
could be considered for inclusion.
A question to keep in mind to identify ethical
Is the perspective the right one, in the given
context, to capture all relevant costs and
benefits and other effects of the
interventions/policies compared?
Putting it together: Decision criteria
The broadest ethical implication stemming from the
use of economic evaluations is that they are limited
in the ethical principles they can take on board. The
majority of both their proponents and opponents
accept that these methods are firmly grounded in
utilitarian ethics. This theory defines good and bad
as the extent to which the consequences of actions
serve to increase or decrease utility, variously
defined as pleasure, preference-satisfaction or some
other individually based criterion. As such, evaluation
methods should be placed in broader decision-
making context if one wants to take into account the
principles that underlie other ethical theories, notably
those in which rights or duties play a role in judging
what is good or right (Adler and Posner, 2006).
As mentioned above, there is much to be said for
making the ethical considerations and challenges
posed by each evaluation method explicit, especially
in the face of principles and values beyond
efficiency, such as equity and solidarity. Weighing
the results and recommendations given by an
evaluation against other desirable options may add
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Methods of Economic Evaluation: What are the Ethical Implications for Healthy Public Policy?
another step to the decision-making process,
especially given that the former produces tidy values
and numbers whereas the latter are notoriously hard
to concretely value and quantify.
To deal with this last difficulty, attention may need to
be paid to conflicts in the decision-making process.
In the simplest case, a CCA with several CEA
outcome measures may require decision makers to
debate which criterion should be chosen as most
representative of the issue at hand, especially if
different criteria point to different policy
recommendations. Going further, some have
suggested that economic evaluations may be made
compatible with other ethical principles given certain
modifications for example, “filters” that devalue or
exclude those effects that infringe upon the rights of
certain groups at the expense of the good of others
can mimic rights-based principles (Lowry &
Petersen, 2012). Such techniques fall broadly into
the category of sensitivity analysis, which looks at
what happens to the results of evaluations if certain
factors (such as the valuations of specific costs or
benefits, the degree of importance we place on
future events and so on) are varied.
Another option that is gaining popularity (Marsh,
Lanitis, Neasham, Orfanos, & Caro, 2014) is Multi-
criteria decision analysis (MCDA), which can be
used to systematize and quantify the conflicts
between potentially divergent principles. In an
MCDA, the authors of evaluations and decision
makers have the opportunity to take into account a
range of criteria separately; these can include things
like economic efficiency and equity, but also access,
appropriateness, integration into the health system
or community empowerment. Measures of economic
efficiency can be used as composites (cost per
QALY, NPV) or disaggregated into the values of
particular effects. The results are usually presented
in a table with criteria along one axis (cost per QALY,
ratio of benefit to cost, equity, etc.) and policy
options along another. The table can be evaluated
qualitatively and a subjective decision made; going
further, it is possible to translate the criteria into
quantitative scales. Each option is then given a score
on each criterion and each criterion is given a weight
(e.g., cost per QALY [30%], ratio of benefit to cost
[50%] and equity [20%]). This allows decision
makers to arrive at a composite score for each
option. The process of creating scales and weights
allows decision makers to focus on the competition
between values and even to involve stakeholders to
identifying weights, or the importance of competing
criteria (Baltussen & Niessen, 2006). MCDA allows
for a decision procedure that can lead to the choice
of a single outcome, while at the same time being
procedurally transparent about how ethical value
conflicts were resolved.
Finally, as policy effects are calculated according to
individual valuations, the resulting perspective
reflects what individuals rather than a community as
a whole think policy priorities should be. Some worry
not only that this is too limiting, but that it also may
reflect the values of individuals as consumers rather
than as citizens of society with a common interest in
the well-being of its members (Mooney, 2009).
Efficiency need not necessarily be at odds with the
opinions of a more engaged community, but there
may be significant benefits to a more deliberative
process that involves citizens (Schlander, 2008).
All of the possible biases listed above point to a
general ethical challenge for those using the results
provided by evaluations: how to acknowledge
collective preferences and values, while at the same
time being able to question whether they replicate
harmful norms or reflect injustices or inconsistencies.
Using tools like MCDA or simple explicit
consideration of conflicting values is one way that
decision makers can navigate this ethical challenge
by explicitly acknowledging their own values and
Putting it together: The right method
for the job
The outgrowth of new methods of economic
evaluation and the refinement of existing methods
are good news for the policy community. Despite
some of the ethical and methodological challenges
described for each method, evaluations are crucial in
helping decision makers come to policy choices that
both promote public health and get the most out of
public funds. Awareness of the strengths and
limitations of each method may introduce
complications into the decision process, but such
awareness is ultimately enabling, especially when
value conflicts can be made explicit in the decision
process. Individuals armed with more insight into
how evaluations are constructed, what biases they
can carry and why they lead to the recommendations
they do may no longer see them as black boxes but
as a more integral part of the policy-making process.
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16 Briefing Note
Methods of Economic Evaluation: What are the Ethical Implications for Healthy Public Policy?
Given the distinct strengths and challenges of each
method, there may be situations when one is more
appropriate than another or even when two methods
can give conflicting results. Indeed, a recent study
from the UK (Peters & Anderson, 2012) describes
just such a conflict. The authors examined whether
mandatory speed zones are a cost-effective means
of preventing road injuries. Using both CBA and
CUA, they found that the policy recommendation
differed depending on the method and background
assumptions. In particular, using CUA the authors
found that the cost-per-QALY of implementing the
speed zones was above the UK’s standard threshold
for areas with both low and high injury rates. Using
CBA, on the other hand, it turned out that although
the costs outweighed the benefits in low injury areas,
the opposite was true of high injury areas, where
benefits outweighed costs and the policy of
implementing speed zones would be recommended.
The authors noted that CBA can take into account a
greater range of benefits, such as the absence of
productivity losses, in the calculation of the value of
prevented casualties and this may help account for
some of the difference in results.
Studies such as the one just described highlight the
need to be attentive to all the difficult methodological
and ethical issues that can be revealed upon closer
examination of economic evaluations. When trying to
determine which policy option should be adopted in
a given situation, it matters greatly which effects are
included, how they are calculated, how they are
valued, whose perspective is adopted and how other
ethical principles are negotiated. Each method has
its own particular biases. While these are
unavoidable to some degree, recognizing them can
help make decisions clearer and illuminate their
rationales. This is especially important in healthy
public policy, which is very broad in the scope of
policy areas it encompasses and where policies from
across different fields are often placed side by side.
Attention to the methods of economic evaluation
recognizes that every potential intervention and
policy choice has to be examined individually. There
are no hard and fast rules for efficiency, but much
policy work is stronger when efficiency is taken into
account with a simultaneously open and critical eye.
Here are some questions stemming from the issues
raised in this document that can help guide such an
approach to the use of economic evaluations in
policy making:
Is the method of economic evaluation appropriate
to the policy question (e.g., is it flexible enough to
take into account the important potential effects of
the proposed policy or policies)? If not, what other
information needs to supplement that provided in
the evaluation in the decision-making process?
Is equity a factor in the particular policy decision?
If so, were equity considerations included in the
economic evaluation (either in the inputs or at
some stage in the decision-making process)? It
may be helpful to identify potential biases in
different measures and methods and their impact
on equity-seeking groups in particular. Finally, to
what extent do equity considerations possibly
conflict with efficiency considerations, requiring
more nuanced decision making?
What is the appropriate perspective to be taken in
a particular policy decision? Would any important
costs or benefits be left out or added with a
change in perspective? Could the interventions in
question benefit from taking multiple perspectives
into account (e.g., that of society, an
administrative unit, the beneficiaries themselves,
etc.)? If so, is it possible to do this within the
confines of the existing evaluation or is it
necessary to seek out additional information?
Are there reasons to also focus on community-
building and participation in a particular policy
decision? If so, is it possible to provide space for
community engagement in the policy process
that complements the results of evaluations?
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Baltussen, R. & Niessen, L. (2006). Priority setting of
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Birch S. & Donaldson, C. (2003). Valuing the
benefits and costs of health care
programmes: Where’s the extrain extra-
welfarism? Social Science & Medicine, 56,
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Briefing Note 17
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Tel: 514 864-1600 ext. 3615
Email: Twitter: @NCCHPP
18 Briefing Note
Methods of Economic Evaluation: What are the Ethical Implications for Healthy Public Policy?
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November 2014
Author: Michal Rozworski, Independent Researcher
Editing: Olivier Bellefleur, National Collaborating Centre for Healthy Public Policy
Rozworski, M. (2014). Methods of economic evaluation: What are the ethical implications for healthy public policy? Montréal, Québec:
National Collaborating Centre for Healthy Public Policy
The NCCHPP would like to thank the following reviewers:
Astrid Brousselle, Associate Professor, Département des sciences de la santé communautaire, Centre de recherche de l’hôpital
Charles-LeMoyne, Université de Sherbrooke, Canada Research Chair in Evaluation and Health Care System Improvement
Claire Gram, Population Health Policy Consultant, Vancouver Coastal Health
Gabriel Tremblay, Senior Health Economist, Adelphi Values
The National Collaborating Centre for Healthy Public Policy (NCCHPP) seeks to increase the expertise of public health actors across
Canada in healthy public policy through the development, sharing and use of knowledge. The NCCHPP is one of six centres financed
by the Public Health Agency of Canada. The six centres form a network across Canada, each hosted by a different institution and
each focusing on a specific topic linked to public health. The National Collaborating Centre for Healthy Public Policy is hosted by the
Institut national de santé publique du Québec (INSPQ), a leading centre in public health in Canada.
Production of this document has been made possible through a financial contribution from the Public Health Agency of Canada
through funding for the National Collaborating Centre for Healthy Public Policy (NCCHPP). The views expressed herein do not
necessarily represent the views of the Public Health Agency of Canada.
Publication N°: 2743
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