School of Physics
M.Sc. (Physics)
Course Structure and Course details
March 2016
Semester I Total No. of Credits : 24
Course No.
Name of the course
Contact hours and Credits
Experiments in
Mathematical Methods I
Classical Mechanics
Electromagnetic Theory I
Electronics I
Quantum Mechanics I
Physics Lab I
Electronic Circuits Lab.
Physics Lab II
Digital Electronics Lab.
Semester II Total No. of Credits : 24
Course No.
Contact hours and Credits
Experiments in
Semester III Total No. of Credits : 24
Course No.
Name of the course
Contact hours and Credits
Experiments in
Statistical Mechanics
Solid State Physics
Particle Physics
Optics and Laser Physics
Physics Lab V
Solid State Physics Lab.
Physics Lab VI
Laser Physics Lab.
Semester IV Total No. of Credits : 21
Name of the course
Contact hours and Credits
Experiments in
Atomic and Molecular
Nuclear Physics
Optional I
Optional II
Optional III
Optional I has to be chosen from Optional Papers A. Optional II and III can be chosen from
either A or B.
Optional Papers: A
PY554O1. Advances in Optics and Photonics
PY554O2. Advanced Condensed Matter Physics
PY554O3. Quantum Field Theory
PY554O4. Advanced Electronics
Optional Papers: B
PY555O6. Advanced Statistical Mechanics
PY555O7 General Theory of Relativity
PY555O8. Advanced Quantum Mechanics
PY555O9. Many Body Theory
PY555O10. Phase transitions and Critical Phenomena
PY555O11. Dynamical systems and Chaos
PY555O12. Semiconductor Physics
PY555O13. Probes of Condensed Matter
PY555O14. Liquid Crystals
PY555O15. Quantum Optics
PY555O16. Optoelectronics
PY555O17. Nonlinear Spectroscopy
PY555O18. Lie Groups & Lie Algebra
PY555O19. Ultrafast Phenomena
PY555O20. Advanced Quantum Mechanics and Many body Theory
PY555O21. Low-temperature Techniques
PY555O22. Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
PY555O23 Advanced Particle Physics
PY555O24 Quantum Theory of Solids
PY555O25 Signals and Systems
PY555O26 Advanced Solid State Physics Lab.
PY555O27 Physics of Materials
PY555O28 Ferroelectrics & Electroceramics
PY555O29 Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics
PY555O30 Coherence & Quantum Interference
PY555O31 MEMS Theory & Laboratory
PY555O32 Integrated Optics Theory & Lab.
PY555O33 Advanced Computational Techniques
PY555O34 Nanostructuring by various methods (lasers, ion beams, sputtering etc.)
PY555O35 Optical Cooling
PY555O36 Optical Resonance and Two-level Atoms
PY555O37 Mathematical Methods III
PY555O38 Nonlinear Optics
PY555O39 Experimental Methods
Any student opting to earn an extra credit can do so by choosing an additional project or a
reading course or an optional paper.
Semester 1
PY401 Mathematical Methods I
Fourier series and Fourier transforms, their properties & applications. Definition and properties
of Dirac delta function.
The method of separation of variables for partial differential equation, boundary value
problems involving use of Fourier expansion.
Linear ordinary differential equations with constant coefficients and the Euler equation. The
Frobenius method of series solution. Fuch’s theorem. Polynomial Solutions.
Geometrical representation of complex numbers. Functions of complex variables. Properties
of elementary trigonometric and hyperbolic functions of a complex variable. Differentiation,
Cauchy-Riemnann equations. Properties of analytical functions. Contours in complex plane.
Integration in complex plane. Cauchy theorem. Deformation of contours. Cauchy integral
representation. Taylor series representation. Isolated and essential singular points. Laurent
expansion theorem. Poles. Residues at an isolated singular point. Cauchy residue theorem.
Applications of the residue theorem.
Laplace transform & applications.
Recommended books :
1. Mathematics for Physicists Dennery & Kryzywicki
2. Orinary differential equations R. L. Rabenstein
3. Complex Variables & Applications R. V. Churchill
4. Partial Differential Equation for Scientists G. Stephenson
PY402 Classical Mechanics
A brief and quick review of Newtonian mechanics of a particle and a system particles.
Lagrangian Formalism : force, potentials, conservative systems constrains, generalized
coordinates. Lagrange equations, variational principles, conservation theorems and symmetry
properties. Lagrangian of a charged particle in an electromagnetic field. Two body central
force problem, scattering due to simple potentials like central force fields.
Hamiltonian formalism, conjugate momenta, conservation laws, Hamiltonian of a charged
particle in electromagnetic field.
Poisson brackets and their properties, equation of motion. Canonical transformation.
A brief introduction to the Hamilton-Jacobi’s Theory and action angle variables.
Theory of small oscillations, normal modes of the system.
The kinematics of rigid body motion, infinitesimal rotations, the Coriolis force, rigid body
equations of motion.
Recommended books :
1. Classical Dynamics J. B. Marion
2. Classical Mechanics H. Goldstein
3. Mechanics Landau-Lifshitz
4. Classical Mechanics A. K. Raichaudhuri
5. Classical Dynamics Jog & Rana
PY403 Electromagnetic Theory – I
Maxwell’s equations for electrostatics and magnetostatics in differential and integral form.
Electrostatic potential and electrostatic field due to point charges and continuous charge
distributions. Electrostatic field energy. Boundary value problems and their solutions by
separation of variables. Method of images and Green functions. Multipole expansion. Electric
dipole and quadupole moments. Dielectric materials. Polarization. Maxwell’s equations for
electrostatics in presence of dielectric materials. Boundary value problems in presence of
Introduction to vector and scalar potentials in electrostatics. Gauge transformations, magnetic
field and vector potential for simple steady current configurations. Force and torque on current
carrying conductors. Magnetic multipole expansion.
Dia, para and ferro-magnetic materials, Maxwell’s equations in presence of magnetic materials.
Time varying fields. Faraday’s Laws of induction. Maxwell’s equations of electrodynamics.
Magnetic field energy. Self and mutual inductance.
Recommended books :
1. Introduction to Electrodynamics Griffiths
2. Electrodynamics of continuous media Landau & Lifshitz
3. Classical Fields Landau & Lifshitz
PY404 Electronics I (3 credits)
p-n Junction diode operational principle, diode circuits and applications as half wave, full wave
and bridge rectifier, Filters and wave shaping circuits. Reverse bias breakdown, Zener diode
as voltage regulator. Load line.
Transistor Amplifiers : BJT Structure and operational principles, The CE, CB and CC
configurations. Load line, operating point, transistor as switch, Transistor biasing, AC models,
Vo ltage amplifier, Power amplifier. Concept of feedback.
Low-frequency amplifiers. The transistor hybrid model and the h-parameters for a transistor.
Conversion formulae for the h-parameters of the different transistor configurations. Analysis
of a transistor CE amplifier at low frequencies using h-parameters.
The field effect transistor and its small signal model. The CS and CD amplifiers at low
frequencies. Biasing the FET. The CS and CD amplifiers at high frequencies.
High frequency models of amplifier circuits. Analysis of a specific BJT or FET amplifiers.
Operational Amplifiers : Differential Amplifiers, Characteristics of an ideal Operational
amplifier. Inverting and Non-inverting amplifiers. Summing circuits, integration and
Differentiation. Applications of operational amplifiers zero crossing detector, voltage level
detector, smoke detector, phase shifter, instrumentation amplifier, Oscillators and Waveform
Recommended books:
1. Integrated Electronics by Millman and Halkias
2. Electronic Pronciples by Albert Malvino
2. Operational Amplifiers and linear Integrated circuits by Robert Coughlin and Frederick
F. Driscoll
PY405 Quantum Mechanics – I
Review of linear algebra and introduction to Hilbert space. Dirac Bra-Ket notations, Fock
Schrodinger wave equation. Ehrenfest theorem, stationary states and their properties.
Postulates of Quantum Mechanics. The general solution of wave equation and its applications
to Harmonic oscillator, delta function potential, potential well in three dimensions. Hydrogen
atom and rigid rotator. Wave packets and the uncertainly principle. General formulation of
uncertainly principle. Time development of wave packets.
Angular momentum. Commutation relations, eigen-functions of the angular momentum
operators, matrix representation of angular momentum operators.
Introduction to perturbation theory.
Scattering Theory, Central force problem, partial wave analysis Born’s approximation, optical
theorem bound states and resonances. Schrodinger and Heisenberg pictures.
Recommended books :
1. Quantum Mechanics L. Schiff
2. Quantum Mechanics E. Merzbacher
3. Practical Quantum Mechanics S. Flugge
4. Quantum Mechanics Mathews and Venkatesan
5. Quantum Mechanics M. P. Khanna
6. Principles of Quantum Mechanics P. A. M. Dirac
7. Lectures on Quantum Mechanics G. Baym
PY406 Physics Lab I - Electronic Circuits Lab.
1. (Diode) Clipping and clamping circuits
2. (Diode) Rectifier circuits
3. Regulated power supply circuit (Zener)
4. Common emitter (single stage) amplifier
5. Common source JFET amplifier
6. Multivibrators (Astable, Monostable, and Bistable)
7. Phase shift oscillator
8. Operational amplifier applications
PY407 Physics Lab II - Digital Electronics Lab.
1. Verification of TTL Ics
2. Universal Gates
3. Adders and Subtractors
4. 7-Segment Display
5. Encoder, Decoder, MUX and DEMUX
6. Arithmetic using Decoder Ics
7. Flip-Flpos (SR, JK, MS-JK)
8. Flip-Flop ICs, Ripple Counters
9. Synchronous counters (up/down/random)
Semester 2
PY451 Mathematical Methods II
Groups, fields, vector spaces, Linear dependence. Basis subspace, Dimension, Linear
functions, Linear operators, Inverse and rank of an operator.
Eigenvalues and Eigenvectros. Matrix representation, Change of basis.
Norm and Inner product. Cauchy-Schwarz. Inequality. Orathogonality and completensess.
Hermitian, unitary, projection operators. Positive operators. Change of orthonormal basis.
Orthogonalization procedure.
Direct sum, quotient and tensor product of vector spaces.
Definitions and examples of physically important finite groups. Point groups, multiplication
table, subgroups, cyclic groups, center, classes, cosets, Lagrange Theorem. Representations of
finite groups, Irreducible representation characters, orthogonality theorem, Schur’s character
table. Simple applications to small oscillations and selection rules in molecular spectra.
Recommended books :
1. Mathematics for Physicists Dennery & Kryzywicki
2. Complex Variables & Applications R. V. Churchill
3. Linear Vector Spaces R. R. Halmos
4. Theory of Finite Groups L. Jansen and M. Boon
PY452 Numerical Methods
1. Roots of algebraic and transcendental equations : One point and two-point iterative
Such as bisection method, inverse interpolation and Newton Raphson methods.
2. Matrix operations and simultaneous linear equations : Matrix addition, multiplication
and inversion. Solution of simultaneous linear equations by matrix inversion methods.
3. Interpolation : Linear interpolation, Lagrangian interpolation, Newton’s interpolation
(different forms).
4. Integration : Newton-Cotes formulae, Gauss quadrature.
5. Ordinary Differential equations : Initial value problem Taylor’s algorithm, Euler’s
methods, Runge-Kutta, and Predictor-corrector methods.
Recommended books :
1. Introduction to Numerical Methods T. R. McCalla
2. Numerical Methods that work F. S. Acton
3. An Introduction to Numerical Analysis K. E. Atkinson
4. Numerical Recipes W. H. Press
PY453 Electromagnetic Theory – II
Maxwell’s equations of electrodynamics. Time dependent scalar and vector potentials. Gauge
transformations. Coulomb and Lorentz gauges. Wave equation. Plane wave solutions.
Polarization. Poynting’s theorem. Conservation of energy. Momentum and angular
momentum of electromagnetic fields.
Reflection, refraction and dispersion. Propagation in conductors and plasmas. Skin effect.
Propagation in Waveguides.
Retarded potentials. Lienard-Wiechert potentials. Radiation from a moving point charge and
oscillating electric and magnetic dipoles. Multipole expansion for radiation fields.
Introduction to special theory of relativity. Lorentz transformation. Transformations of
electromagnetic fields under Lorentz transformations.
Recommended books :
1. Introduction to Electrodynamics Griffiths
2. Electrodynamics of continuous media Landau & Lifshitz
3. Classical Fields Landau & Lifshitz
4. Classical Electodynamics J. B. Marion
PY454 Electronics II
Introduction: Number system, digital signal and gates. Boolean algebra and Simplification of
Boolean Functions. Minimization by Korong Maps . Don’t care conditions.
Combinational logic design: design concepts, Design procedure, Combinational functions and
circuits, binary adder-subtractors, magnitude comparator, Decoder, encoder, multiplexers,
demultiplexer. Design of combinational circuits using MUX logic.
Sequential logics: latches, Flip-flops: R-S, J-K, Master slave J-K, D type and T type Flip Flop.
Characteristic table and characteristic equation, Excitation tables, state equation, state diagram,
state reduction, design of a sequence detector using state table.
Sequential circuit design, Registers, Shift registers, Synchronous Counters, Asynchronous
Counters, Arbitrary sequence counter design and construction.
Data Converters: Analog to Digital data converters, Digital to analog data converters.
Memory: RAM, Memory decoding, ROM, PLA, PAL, Any other topic (eg. Logic families,
microprocessors, FPGA ) at the discretion of the course instructor.
Reference books:
1. Digital Logic and Computer Design, M. Morris Mano, Prentice-Hall India Pvt. Ltd.
2. Digital Electronics: Fundamental Concepts and Applications, C. E. Strangio, PHI.
PY455 Quantum Mechanics – II
Perturbation methods. Rayleigh-Schrodinger perturbation theory, degenerate case,
applications, variational methods. WKB approximation. Time dependent perturbation theory,
Fermi’s Golden rule. Semiclassical radiation theory, interaction of charged particles with
electromagnetic fields, polarizability of a system, Photo-electric effect, Einstein’s A, B
Spin. Stern Gerlach experiment, Pauli’s two component equation, addition of angular
momenta. Identical particles, symmetrization postulate, Bose and Fermi-statistics, Pauli
exclusion principle. Helium atom, Spin in a time dependent magnetic field, Hartree-Fock
method. Symmetry in quantum mechanics, space and time displacements, rotations, space
inversion, time reversal, Spin-orbit coupling, j-j coupling, Zeeman effect.
Quantum mechanics of molecules, Born-Oppenheimer approximation.
Relativistic Quantum Mechanics, Klein Gordon equation, Dirac equation, properties of Dirac
Matrices, positive and negative energy states. Free Dirac particle in an external electro-
magnetic field.
Recommended books :
1. Quantum Mechanics L. Schiff
2. Quantum Mechanics E. Merzbacher
3. Practical Quantum Mechanics S. Flugge
4. Quantum Mechanics Mathews and Venkatesan
5. Quantum Mechanics M. P. Khanna
6. Principles of Quantum Mechanics P. A. M. Dirac
7. Lectures on Quantum Mechanics G. Baym
PY456 Physics Lab III - Modern Physics Lab.
1. Charge of an electron (Millikon Oil drop)
2. Band gap of a semiconductor
3. Franck-Hertz Experiment
4. Wavelength of Laser (Scale diffraction)
5. Brewster angle (Polarization)
6. Fresnel Biprism
7. Photoelectric effect
8. Microwave Optics
9. e/m of an electron
PY457 Physics Lab IV - Microwave and Nuclear Physics Lab.
1. Klystron
2. Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR) + Smith chart
3. Directional Coupler + Magic Tee
4. Horn Antenna (radiation patterns)
5. Dielectric constant of solids (von Hippel's method)
6. Dielectric constant of liquids (liquid plunger method)
2. GM Counting System
3. Mass attenuation coefficient of β radiation
4. Gama spectroscopy with SCA
5. Mass attenuation coefficient of γ radiation
6. Gama spectroscopy with MCA
Semester 3
PY501 Statistical Mechanics
Basic Statistical ideas : Probability concepts, states of classical and quantum systems.
Isolated systems : Microcanonical ensemble, statistical entropy, most probable state. Systems
in thermal and diffusive contact. Conditions for equilibrium. Canonical and grand canonical
ensemble, and partition functions.
Thermodynamics : Extensive and intensive variables, laws of thermodynamics, various
thermodynamic potentials and their connection with partition functions.
Ideal Fermi and Bose gases : Distribution functions, classical limit. Electron gas in a metal.
Black body radiation. Debye theory. Bose Einstein Condensation.
Elementary ideas about phase transitions of different kinds. Examples of some phase
Recommended books :
1. Thermal Physics C. Kittel
2. Statistical Physics L. D. Landau and E. M. Lifshitz
3. Problems in Thermodynamics and
Statistical Physics P. T. Landsberg (Ed.)
4. Introduction to Statistical Mechanics F. Reif
PY502 Solid State Physics
Chemical binding, crystal structure, X-ray diffraction, reciprocal lattice and Brillouin zones.
Lattice vibrations, phonons, thermal properties.
Free electron gas, Band theory of solids, Semiconductors, Transport properties.
Magnetism : Dia-, para-, ferro-, antiferro and ferrimagnetism.
Superconductivity : Experimental survey, Thermodynamics of superconductors, Londons
equations. High lights of BCS theory results.
If time permits : Elastic properties, Dielectric and Ferroelectric materials, Optical properties
of solids.
Recommended books :
1. Introduction to Solid State Physics C. Kittel
2. Solid State Physics J. S. Blakemore
3. Principles of Solid State Physics R. A. Levy
4. Principles of the Theory of Solids J. Ziman
PY503 Particle Physics
Special theory of relativity and kinematics.
Classification of fundamental interactions and elementary particles. Yukawa’s proposal on
meson exchange.
Symmetries and conservation laws.
Nother’s theorem in classical mechanics, (ii) continuous space time symmetries and associated
conservation laws of momentum, energy, angular momentum. Lorentz invariance, (iii)
Symmetries in quantum mechanics. Discrete Symmetries, Parity, Charge conjugation and time
reversal (iv) Examples of determination of intrinsic quantum numbers, mass and spin, (v)
Charge independence of nuclear forces, isospin and strangeness. Application of isospin
invariance to pion nucleaon scattering, (vi) Starngeness charm and other additive quantum
numbers, (vii) Resonance and their quantum numbers with special reference to pion nucleaon
scattering. Gell Mann Nishijima formula.
Violation and symmetries : Isospin violation in electromagnetaic interactions, Parity non-
conservation in weak interactions, CP violations and K
Experimental techniques : Cycolotron, synchrotron, linear accelerators, colliding beam
experiments, intersecting storage rings and stochastic cooling. Detectors for photons, leptons
and hadrons.
Recommended books :
1. Introduction to High Energy Physics Perkins
2. Introduction to Particle Physics Griffiths
3. Invariance Principles & Elementary Particles Sakurai
4. Introduction to Particle & Nuclear Physics T. Ferbel and A. Das
PY504 Optics and Laser Physics
Laser and its applications (introductory).
General Physical principles behind amplification : Spontaneous emission. Stimulated effects.
Lasing action Role of feedback (cavity). Comparison with blackbody radiation.
Cavity design : Caussian beam in spherical mirror cavity, longitudinal and transverse modes.
Losses and Q-factor.
Different Laser Systems : Gas Lasers, solid state, free electron, liquid state and excimer lasers.
Operation principle and design specifics. Output characteristics.
Modelocking, relaxation oscillations and Q-switching.
Single mode laser theory : (a) Rate equation, (b) Semiclassical theories. Ideas about
Recommended books :
1. An Introduction to Laser & their Applications O’Shea, Callen & Rhodes
2. Introduction to Laser Physics K. Shimoda
3. Laser Physics M. Sargent, M. O. Scully & W. E. Lamb
4. Lasers Siegman
5. Lasers Svelto
6. Quantum Electronics Yariv
PY506 Physics Lab V - Solid State Physics Lab.
1. x-ray diffraction
2. Ni resistivity
3. Levitation of a Superconductor
4. B-H loop
5. Hall effect
6. Thin film deposition
7. Measurement of thickness of a film
8. Determination of Tc of a Ferroelectric materials
PY507 Physics Lab VI - Laser Physics Lab.
1. Laser characteristics
2. Gouy phase
3. Pancharatnam phase
4. Speed of light
5. PD-PR characteristics
6. Acousto-Optic effect
7. Electro-Optic effect
8. Magneto-Optic effect
9. Laser Doppler Anemometry
Semester 4
PY551 Atomic and Molecular Physics
Hydrogen atom spectrum, introduction to approximation methods for stationary states -
perturbation theory and variational principle.
Fine structure of H atom spectrum: spin orbit interaction and other relativistic corrections ,
perturbation theory estimates, other hydrogen like systems.
Many electron atoms: central field approximation and the periodic table, Hartree- Fock
equations, exchange interaction.
Optical spectra of atoms, spectroscopic terms, Fine structure and hyperfine structure, Zeeman
effect, electron paramagnetic resonance and nuclear magnetic resonance.
Molecules and clusters, Born Oppenheimer approximation, electron states in Hydrogen
molecule ion and hydrogen molecule. Other diatomic molecules. Rotational, vibrational
spectra of diatomic molecules, nuclear spin effects.
Polyatomic molecules, symmetry classification of vibrational states, Rotational states, infra-
red spectroscopy and Raman spectroscopy. Atom-atom and electron atom collisions.
Titles of the Books
1. Theory of atomic spectra - Condon and Shortly
2. Quantum Mechanics of one and two electron atoms - Bethe and Salpeter
3. Physics of Atoms and Molecules - Bransden and Joachim
PY552 Nuclear Physics
Properties of Nuclear forces-deutron problem, n-p scattering
Nuclear Shell Model and Collective Model
Alpha Decay-Systematics and theory
Beta Decay-Fermi Theory, Selection Rules
Gamma Decay and Internal Conversion, Selection rules
Nuclear Reactions-Cross Sections, Compound Nucleus
Nuclear Fission and Fusion
Recommended books :
1. Introductory Nuclear Physics Kenneth S. Krane, John Wiley
2. Physics of Nuclei and Particles E. Segre
3. Elements of Nuclear Physics W. E. Burcham, Longman (1986)
4. An Introduction to Nuclear Physics W. N. Cottingham and D. A.
Optional Papers A
PY554O1 Advances in Optics and Photonics
Syllabus and books recommended for this course will be provided by the faculty teaching this
PY554O2 Advanced Condensed Matter Physics
Elastic properties.
Dielectric and Ferroelectric materials.
Optical properties of solids.
Magnetism: Langevin Diamagnetism and Paramagnetism; Van Vleck Paramagnetism, Crystal-
field effects; John-Teller effects; Adiabatic demagnetization; Landau diamagnetism, Pauli
paramagnetism, The De Haas-Van Alphen effect, Molecular field theory of ferromagnetism;
Heisenberg-exchange interaction; Spin Waves; Slater-Puling Curve; Shape, magnetocrystalline
and other types of anisotropy; Origin and observation of ferromagnetic domains; Brief
introduction to antiferromagnetism & Ferrimagnetism, Different types of magnetic
Superconductivity: Basic properties of superconductors. Phenomenological thermodynamic
treatment.Two fluid model; Magnetic behaviour of superconductors, intermediate state,
London’s equations and penetration depth, quantized flux. Pippard’s non-local relation and
coherence length. Ginzburg-Landau theory, variation of the order parameter and the energy
gap with magnetic field, isotope effect; electron-phonon interaction and cooper pairs, brief
discussion of the B.C.S. theory, its results and experimental verification; (p- and d- wave pairs).
Dc and ac Josephson effects, SQUID; Brief introduction to High temperature superconductors.
PY554O3 Quantum Field Theory
Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formulations, variational principle, Euler-Lagnrange equation,
invariance of action and conservation laws, review of field quantization, quantization of guage
field, invariance of electromagnetic field under Lorentz transformations, electromagnetic field
in the Lorentz guage. Proca field.
Interaction of an electron field with the radiation field, discussion of guage invariance and
minimal coupling – CPT theorem.
Covariant perturbation theory, S-matrix expansion in the interaction picture, Feynman
diagrams and Feynman rules for Q.E.D. Thompson scattering, Compton scattering and Miller
scattering. A brief introduction to charge and mass renormalization, Bethe’s treatment of Lamb
Recommended books :
1. Advance Quantum Mechanics J. Sakurai
2. Relativistic Quantum Fields. Vols. I & II Bjorken and Drell
3. Quantum Field Theory Mandl
4. Particles and Fields Lurie
5. Quantum Theory of Fields. Vols. I & II Weinberg
PY554O4 Advanced Electronics
Syllabus and books recommended for this course will be provided by the faculty teaching this
Optional Papers B
PY555O6. Advanced Statistical Mechanics
The Ising model: Multicomponent order parameters: The N-vector model: Exactly soluble
models: Ising chain and a few other examples.
The reromalization group (RG) approach, Real-space and momentum-space RG methods and
application to simple models.
Quantum fluids: BCS theory of superconductivity, liquid helium
Langevin and Fokker-Planck equations, Fluctuation-dissipation theorem. Linear response
theory, non-equilibrium phase transitions.
Recommended books :
1. Equilibrium statistical physics M. Plischke and B. Bergesen
2. Modern theory of critical phenomena S. K. Ma
3. A modern course in statistical physics L. E. Reichl
4. Statistical Mechanics J. K. Bhattacharya
PY555O7 General Theory of Relativity
Eotvos experiment, principles of equivalence and principle of general covariance.
Tensor algebra and calculus, metric tensor, Christoffel symbols, geodesics covariant
differentiation, parallel transport, curvature and scalar tensor.
Einstein’s equation, Schwarchild solution, classic tests of general relativity.
Cosmological principle, Robertson-Wallace metric Hubble constant.
Physics of the early universe.
Recommended books :
1. Theory of Relativity P. G. Bergman
2. Gravitation & Cosmology S. Weinberg
3. General Relativity & Gravitation M. G. Bowler
4. Introduction to General Relativity Narlikar
PY555O8. Advanced Quantum Mechanics
Syllabus and books recommended for this course will be provided by the faculty teaching this
PY555O9. Many Body Theory
Systems of identical particles, Symmetric and anti-symmetric wave functions;
Interacting electron gas, Hartree and Hartree-Fock Approximations:
Second quantization for bosons and fermions, Time-dependent operators-Schrodinger,
Heisenberg and interaction representations, Perturbative treatment of interacting electron gas
problem, Random phase approximation.
Green function, Self energy, Dyson equation, Equation of motion method.
Diagrammatic perturbation theory, Wick’s theorem, Feynman diagrams, applications to:
electron gas, and many boson systems with condensed phase.
Recommended books :
1. Many Electron Theory S. Raimes
2. Quantum Many-Particle Systems J. H. Negele & H. Orland
3. Quantum Theory of Solids C. Kittel
4. Many Particle Physics G. D. Mahan
5. The Many-Body Problem W. E. Perry
6. The Many-Body Problem D. Pines
7. Green Functions in Solids E. N. Economou
8. Interacting Fermi Systems Nozieres and Pines
PY555O10. Phase transitions and Critical phenomena
Syllabus and books recommended for this course will be provided by the faculty teaching this
PY555O11. Dynamical Systems and Chaos
Review of Hamiltonian dynamics: Special emphasis on the Hamiltonian-Jacobi theory and
action-angle variable. Solutions of Hamilton’s equations etc., canonical transformations, phase
space dynamics.
Integrable models: Definition of integrability for Hamiltonian systems, KAM theorem,
classical perturbation theory.
Chaos in Hamiltonian systems and maps: Simple chaotic Hamiltonian systems, Lyapunov
exponents, Poincare sections, power spectra, Kolmogorov entropy and other systems, noise
analysis in electrical circuits, measures of chaos in Hamiltonian systems, simple maps, area
preserving maps, fixed point and poincare Birkohoff theorems.
Dynamics of dissipative systems: Dissipative systems and turbulence, strange attractors,
Lorentz and Rossler attractors.
Non-linear evolution equations and solitons: KDV equations, inverse scattering, application
in particle and condensed matter physics.
Brief introduction to semi-classical and quantum chaos, examples from particle physics and
condensed matter physics.
Numerical simulation of chaotic systems.
Text books :
Chaos and Integrability in Non-linear Dynamics by M. Tabor (Wiley)
Regular and stochastic motion by Lichtenber & Lieberman
Chaos in Guage Theories by Biro Muller (World Scientific)
PY555O12. Semiconductor Physics
Intrinsic and Extrinsic Semiconductors. Chemical binding in Semiconductors Typical
Examples of Energy Band Calculations, Kinetic phenomena/transport properties, Diffusion of
electrons and holes and recombination effects
Characteristic Properties of Semiconductors and their determination.
Elemental Semiconductors (Ge, Si, Se and Te) and their properties, Important semiconductor
compounds. Doping/Implantation in Semiconductors.
Defects in Solids: Grain and twin boundaries, Point Defects, line defects and planar defects or
dislocations and their effects on solid state properties. Radiation damage in Solids and its
effects on lattice and electronic properties, colour centres. Detection and study of defects by
XRD, Electron Microscopy, and RBS/Channeling.
Introduction to Disorder: substitutional and structural disorder, short range and long range
Recommended books :
1. Introduction to Solid State Physics C. Kittel
2. Semiconductors R. A. Smith
3. Energy Bands in Semiconductors D. Long
4. Solid State Electronics S. Wang
PY555O13. Probes of Condensed Matter
Investigation of structural and physical properties of solids using the following experimental
X-ray diffraction, neutron scattering, ion-beam channeling, electron microscopy,
EPR/NMR/NQR, Mossbauer spectroscopy, positron annihilation, and other nuclear techniques.
Thermal properties-specific heat thermal conductivity, thermal expansion, Differential
Scanning Calorimetry Transport properties-ac and dc conductivity, Hall effect,
Magnetic susceptibility, Magnetisation, Hystresis
Raman scattering and other optical probes
Recommended books :
1. X-ray Diffraction H. P. Klug and L. E. Alxander
2. Methods of Experimental Physics Vol.21-Solid –State Physics
3. Nuclear Methods J. W. Mundy et. al. (Editors)
4. Handbook of Microscopy, Applications in Materials Science.
5. Solid State Physics and Chemistry S. Amelinckx et al. (Editors)
6. Techniques of Metals Research R. F. Bunshah (Editor)
7. Other books as prescribed by the instructor
PY555O14. Liquid Crystals
Mesomorphism in anisotropic fluids and amphiphilic systems: Nematic, cholestric and smectic
(A, B, C and other exotic) phases of long rod like molecules; Nemataic and columnar phases
of discotic molecules; Micelles; Hexagonal, cubic and lamellar phases of amphiphilic
molecular systems.
Elastic continuum theory of liquid crystals; Defects and dynamics; Hydrodynamics and
equilibrium theories.
Phase transitions and critical phenomena in liquid crystals; Phase diagrams of liquid crystalline
mixures; Polar liquid crystals, frustration and re-entrant phenomena; Glassy states;
Ferroelectric liquid crystals.
Liquid crystals in electric and magnetic fields; Electro-hydrodynamic instabilities; Kerr effect;
Electro- optical effects; Twisted nematics and smectics.
Magnetic resonance and dielectric response in liquid crystals; Order parameters and molecular
motions; Studies on oriented solutes.
Liquid crystal displays (active matrix, passive matrix and RMS responding displays) and
optical communication devices; Application of liquid crystals in image and signal processing.
Recommended books :
1. The Physics of Liquid Crystals (2
Edition) P. G. de Gennes and J. Prost
2. Liquid Crystals (2
Edition) S. Chandrasekhar
3. Thermotropic Liquid Crystals-Fundamental G. Vertogen and W. H. de Jeu
PY555O15. Quantum optics
Quantum theory of Radiation second quantization; Quantum statistical description of the
radiation fields; Coherent states; Photon correlations; Squeezed states and applications; Theory
of several process using second quantized formalism; spontaneous emission and stimulated
emission; second order process, multiphoton absorption, and ionization with description of
some experimental results.
Recommended books :
1. Introduction to Quantum Optics Baldwin
2. Statistical Theory of Radiation Louisell
3. Coherence & Quantum Optics Mandel & Wolf
PY555O16. Optoelectronics
Introduction; Review of optics
Optical waveguides: Planar slab waveguide and circular waveguide (optical fiber); modes, numerical
aperture; attenuation and dispersion in waveguides; fabrication and characterization of waveguides;
coupling between optical sources and waveguides
Semiconductor optoelectronics: Basic semiconductor and device physics, optical properties of
semiconductors, p-n junctions, optical absorption, amplification, semiconductor lasers, photo-detectors
and noises, quantum well devices
Optoelectronic devices: EO effect, phase and intensity modulator, interferometric and electro-
absorption modulator
Optical communication system
Recent trends: Optoelectronic fibers; organic optoelectronics; photonic crystal fibers
Reference books:
Introduction to fiber optics, A. Ghatak and K. Thyagarajan, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,
UK 1998
Fundamentals of photonics, B.A. Saleh and M.C. Teich, Wiley Interscience, NJ, USA 2007
Fundamentals of optoelectronics, C.R. Pollock, Irwin Inc., USA 1995
Quantum electronics / Optical electronics, A. Yariv
Optoelectronics, Wilson and Hawkes
Optoelectronics and Photonics, Kasap
Fiber optic communications, Palais
PY555O17. Nonlinear Spectroscopy
Brief introduction to tunable laser sources and linear spectroscopy; Physical principles
underlying various spectroscopic techniques and line broadening phenomena; Resonant two
and three level models for nonlinear response to intense laser radiation. Saturation
spectroscopy, hole burning; coherent Raman spectroscopy, resonant four wave mixing for
coherent anti-stokes Raman scattering; multiphoton ionization methods; life time
measurements, Quantum beat spectroscopy, Hanle effect; Picosecond and femtosecond
spectroscopic techniques for probing ultra fast dynamics, four wave mixing for determining
dephasing times using intense incoherent light.
Recommended books :
1. Introduction to Nonlinear Spectroscopy M. D. Levenson
2. Nonlinear Laser Spectroscopy V. S. Letokhov & V. P. Chebotayev
3. Laser Induced Dynamic Gratings H. J. Eicher, P. Gunter & D. W. Pohl
PY555O18. Lie Groups & Lie Algebra
Continuous groups, Lie groups, examples like transition and rotation groups. Lorentz group,
SU(2) 7 SU(3) groups. Statements of Lie’s theorem, Lie algebra, standard form of Lie algebra.
Casimir invariants, roots and cartan classification of semi-simple Lie groups. Root diagrams
for SU(2), SU(3) and SU(N). Dynkin diagrams.
Basic and irreducible representations of SU(2) & SU(N). Young tableau and its uses for
Clebsch-Gordon decomposition. Classification of elementary particles in terms of
representations of SU(3), SU(4) and SU(6), Dynamical symmetries, symmetry group of
hydrogen atom.
Recommended books :
1. Classical Groups Wybourne
2. Lie Groups & their Lie Algebra Gilmore
3. Continuous Groups of Transformations Eisenhart
PY555O19. Ultrafast Phenomena
Syllabus and books recommended for this course will be provided by the faculty teaching this
PY555O20. Advanced Quantum Mechanics and Many body Theory
Syllabus and books recommended for this course will be provided by the faculty teaching this
PY555O21. Low-temperature Techniques
Production of low temperatures; Principles of gas liquefaction & basic thermodynamics;
Liquefaction cycles; Liquefaction and refrigerator systems; Philips liquid nitrogen and liquid
helium plants, storage and transfer of liquid gases; Heat exchangers; Cooling with liquid
helium; Dilution refrigerators; Adiabatic demagnetization; Nuclear demagnetization; Heat
transfer; Temperature measurement and control; Thermal contact and isolation; Design of
cryostats, vacuum techniques and materials for low temperature work. Devices based on
superconducting properties.
Recommended books :
1. Experimental Techniques in Low Temperature Physics G. K. White
2. Experimental Cryophysics F. E. Hoare et al.
3. Cryogenic Systems R. Barren
PY555O22. Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
Historical Perspective; Finite size effects on physical properties (Optical, Magnetic,
Mechanical and Transport properties) of materials; Properties of quantum structures such as
quantum dots, quantum wells, nanowires, layered materials.
Fabrication of nanostructured materials and devices
Top-down and bottom-up approaches of nanomaterial synthesis; Physical and Chemical Vapor
deposition, Vapour-liquid-solid synthesis, Chemical synthetic protocols; Sol-gel;
Hydrothermal synthesis; Mechanical milling; Nanocluster deposition; Other novel methods of
nanomaterial synthesis.
Lithographic techniques: electron beam lithography, x-ray lithography, nanoimprint
lithography, dip pen lithography.
Scanning probe and tunneling Microscopy; X-ray diffraction; Electron Microscopy; scanning
near field optical microscopy; X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy; photoluminescence and
Raman spectroscopy with emphasis on information that can be extracted about nanomaterials
such as size and shape of particles, crystal structure, nanoscale optical, transport and magnetic
Special materials
Graphene and other layered materials, carbon nanotubes etc.
Single electron devices; sensors; resistive memories; nano-electro mechanical systems;
plasmonics; drug delivery; therapy and diagnostics; energy harvesting, storage and generation;
superhydrophobic surfaces.
Recommended textbooks
Introduction to Nanotechnology , by Charles Poole and Frank Owens (Wiley publishers)
Nanotechnology: Principles and Practices by Sulabha K. Kulkarni, (Springer)
Fabrication Engineering at the Micro- and Nanoscale (The Oxford Series in Electrical and
Computer Engineering) 4th Edition by Stephen A. Campbell
PY555O23 Advanced Particle Physics
Advanced Particle Physics (M.Sc. IVth Semester Optional B)
Introduction to Lie Algebra of SU(2) and SU(3) Multiplets
Gell-Mann-Okubo Mass formula
Quark and Quarkonium states
Justification of color
Relativistic kinematics
Scattering cross-section, Life-times
Introduction to S-matrix,
Feynman diagrams and Matrix elements
Electromagnetic form factors,
Basic idea on parton model and deep inelastic scattering
Weak Interactions, V-A theory,
Pion decay, Muon decay
Charged current Neutrino-electron scattering
Neutral current Neutrino-quark scattering
Cabibbo Theory, CKM mechanism,
Gauge Symmetries
Ideas about spontaneous Symmetry breaking
Salam-Weinberg model and its simple tests
Recommended Books:
1. Quarks and Leptons: Halzen and Martin
2. Gauge Theory of Weak Interactions: Walter Greiner and Berndt Muller
3. An Introduction to standard model of particle physics: W. Cottingham, D. Greenwood
PY555O24 Quantum Theory of Solids
Second quantization
Fermion Fields, Hartree-Fock Approximation, RPA, Plasmons
Quantization of Lattice in 3 dimensions and phonons, Specific eat.
Electron-phonon interaction and resistivity in metals, Electron-phonon interaction
in ionic solids and polar semiconductors and Polarons
Quantization of Spin wave, Ferromagnetic and Anti-ferromagnetic Magnons, Specific heat.
Superconductivity and BCS theory
Green’s functions and their applications in solid state physics (one or two examples)
Books :
1. Quantum theory of solids – C. Kitten
2. Many particle physics – G. Mahan
PY555O25 Signals and Systems
Basic Continuous-time and Discrete-time signals; LTI Systems and their properties
Time-domain analysis of LTI Systems : Convolution of continuous-time and discrete-time
signals; Impulse response and convolution representation of continuous-time and discrete-time
signals; modeling and realization of systems described by linear differential and difference
equation with constant coefficients.
Frequency domain analysis of continuous time LTI systems : Response of systems to complex
exponential signals, Fourier series representation of periodic signals Fourier Transform of a-
periodic signals, properties of the Fourier Transform, Frequency response of systems described
by linear differential equations with constant coefficients and Form-II realization, Analysis of
First and Second order systems.
Laplace Transform analysis of continuous time signals : The Laplace Transform, its region of
convergence, properties and its relation to FT; System transfer function, Laplace transform
analysis of systems described by linear differential equations with constant coefficients, pole-
zero plots and their interpretations.
Analysis of Ideal filters, filter transformations and their realization-Butterworth, Chebychey,
elliptic and inverse filters
Frequency domain analysis of discrete-time systems : Discrete time Fourier series and Fourier
Transform and their properties;
Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT), properties of DFT, FFT algorithms
z-Transforms: Definition and properties, rational z-transforms and their regions of
convergence, inverse z-transform, z-transform properties, System response function for systems
characterized by linear difference equations with constant coefficients.
Sampling: The sampling theorem and aliasing, interpretation in frequency domain
Reconstruction of signals from its samples using interpolating filters-ideal low-pass, zero- and
first-order hold.
Frequency domain sampling, decimation and interpolation
Realizztion of discrete-time systems for sampled signals from continuous time specifications.
Probability, random signals, spectral densities, white noise and 1/f noise, separation of signals
from noise.
Signals and Systems: A. V. Oppenheim and A. S. Willsky, Prentice Hall
Digital Signal Processing- A Computer-based Approach: S. K. Mitra, McGraw-Hill
Signals Systems and Transforms: C. L. Phillips and J. M. Parr, Prentice Hall
Introduction to Signals and Systems: D. K. Lindner, McGraw-Hill
Introduction to Digital Signal Processing: Johny R. Johnson
Optional at the discretion of the instructor, if time permits
PY555O26 Advanced Solid State Physics Lab
1. Electrical resistivity of Ni in the temperature range 77K 770K to separate out different
scattering contributions to total resistivity and to study the magnetic phase transition.
2. Thermoelectric power in doped semiconductors down to 77K for the measurement of
band gap and the type of carriers.
3. Hysteresis loops of soft and hard magnetic materials using electronic integrator method.
4. Ferromagnetic resonance measurements to determine magnetic anisotropy, spin re-
orientation temperature and spin-wave excitations in magnetic systems.
5. Meissner and magnetic suspension.lavitation effect and / or zero resistance
phenomenon in high temperature superconductors.
6. Determination of elastic constants of a cubic crystal by ultrasonic velocity
PY555O27 Physics of Materials
Chemical bonding in solids, Transition metal oxides: Structure of oxides and methods of
structure determination, Perovskites, bronzes, ferrites and various oxide families, Metal
insulator transition. Superconducting materials, Ferroelectricity and related phenomena,
Magnetism in oxides, Glasses and glass ceramics.
Metals and alloys: Phase diagrams of single component, binary and ternary systems, diffusion,
nucleation and growth. Diffusional and diffusionless transformations. Mechanical properties.
Metallic glasses. Preparation, structure and properties like electrical, magnetic, thermal and
mechanical, applications.
Liquid Crystals: Mesomorphism of anisotropic systems, Different liquid crystalline phase and
phase transitions, Few applications of liquid crystals.
Polymers: Physical properties and applications of polymers.
Recommended books :
1. Inorganic solids D. M. Adams (John-Wiley)
2. Phase transformation in metal and alloys D. A. Porter and K. E. Easterling
3. Fundamental of thermotropic liquid crystals deJen and Vertogen
4. Electronic properties of polymers H. Kuzmany and S. Roth
5. Metallic glasses K. Moorjani
PY555O28 Ferroelectrics & Electroceramics
Nature of ceramics. Processing and Microstructural Characterization of ceramic materials.
Linear and nonlinear dielectrics. Pyro-, piezo- and ferroelectricity in solids. Ferroelectrics as
polar dielectrics. Theories of Ferroelectric phase transitions. Various families of ferroelectrics-
Barium Titanate. Lead Titanate. KTP etc.
Domains in ferroelectrics and their experimental observation: Polarization switching
Applications to memories and displays, Non-switching applications including electro-optic,
nonlinear-optic, piezoelectric, pyroelectric and elasto-optic applications. Emerging areas such
as nanomaterials.
Solid State Ionic materials, Structure, Electrical and electro-chemical Properties and
applications to fuel cells, batteries and chemical sensors.
Recommended books :
1. Introduction to Ceramics Kingrey
2. Principles and Applications of Ferroelectric
and Related Materials Lines and Glass
3. Ferroelectric Materials & their Applications Xu
4. Superionic Solids-Principle and Applications S. Chandra
PY555O29 Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics
Atoms in free space and in a generalized cavity. Weak and strong interactions regimes of cavity
QED. Perturbative domain of cavity QED. Fermi Golden Rule, enhancement and inhibition
of spontaneous emission, frequency shift. Atom near a mirror, atom in FP cavity. Atom-feild
interaction in a high-Q cavity. Vacuum field Rabi splittings. Experimental results on
enhancement/inhibition of spontaneous emission, vacuum Rabi splitting. Other cavity QED
Recommended books :
To be prescribed by the Instructor.
PY555O30 Coherence & Quantum Interference
Coherence induced novel effects: Electromagnetic field induced transparency; ultra high
refractive index, lasing without inversion, inversion without lasing, control of efficiency of
nonlinear optical output by extra resonant intense radiation, elimination of Kerr-nonlinear
effects, correlated emission laser. Quantum interference, EPR arguments on quantum
interference, Bell’s inequality, coincident detection, two photon interferrometry, experimental
verification of Bell’s inequality, quantum non-demolition measurement, quantum
transportation, quantum eraser, quantum computer.
Recommended books :
To be prescribed by the Instructor.
PY555O31 MEMS Theory & Laboratory
An overview of microelectromechanical devices and technologies
Physics in microscopic world, scaling issues
MEMS in Electrical technology
Applications : RF MEMS, Optical MEMS, Lab on a Chip, MEMS based Sensors
Micromachining technologies
Basics of microfabrication technologies
Bulk micromachining
Surface micromachining
Materials encountered in micromachining processes and their properties
Silicon in micromachining
Process steps involved in micromachining
Etching for micromachining
Packaging and related issues
Introduction to Microsystem Design
Modeling Strategies.
CAD for micromachining
Introduction to ANSYS.
Case Study
RF MEMS Switch
1. MEMS & Microsystems, Design and Manufacturing, Tai- Ran Hsu, TMH.
2. RF MEMS: Theory, Design, and Technology, Gabriel M. Rebeiz, Wiley-Interscience.
Reference Books
1. Fundamentals of Microfabrication, Marc Madou, CRC Press, ISBN 0-8493-9451-1
2. Introduction to Microelectromechanical Microwave Systems, H.J. De Los Santos, Artech
3. Microsystem Technology W.Menz, J. Mohr, O.Paul, Wiley-VCH.
1. Introduction
CAD tools for MEMS design and simulation.
Familiarisation of ANSYS: modeling, material attributes, meshing and elements,
choice of solvers, loads and load steps, post processing.
Coupled field simulation.
3D structure drawing in ANSYS
Design Examples.
2. Specific cases
Simulation of a cantilever structure – Model, Harmonic and Transient analysis.
Cantilever based chemical sensor design – by mass sensing route.
Cantilever based RF switch
Membrane based RF switch
Membrane based piezoresistive pressure sensor
Interdigitated structure based MEMS devices
Optical micromirror
Any other examples suggested by the instructer.
PY555O32 Integrated Optics Theory & Lab
Semiconductor Lasers: Optical emission - Optical absorption and gain - Gain co-efficient
Quasi Fermi levels and inversion - The semiconductor diode lasers - Modulation in
semiconductor lasers - DFB and DBR lasers.
Optical wave guides: The planar wave guide - The longitudinal wave vector β. - Eigen values
for the slab waveguide - Optical mode confinement. - Systematic wave guide - Properties of
modes - Number of modes in a wave guide - The numerical aperture.
Spatial modes in a step index waveguides: TE and TM modes - Hybrid modes - LP modes - V
number and cut-off - HE
mode - Total number of modes in a step index wave guide - Power
confinement in a step index wave guide.
Coupling: Coupling of source to fiber using Lens, Prism and grating.
Optical devices: Waveguide modulators: Linear electro-optic effect, and the electro optic phase
modulators Electro optic intensity modulators; Electro-absorption modulators; Acousto-
optic modulators.
WDM: Fiber couplerss – Waveguide couplers Interferometer Multiplexer – Grating filter
Tunable source – Tunable filter
Optical Amplifiers: Semiconductor optical amplifiers. Erbium-doped fiber amplifier.
Optical Detectors – Detector noise.
1."Fundamentals of Optoelectronics," C.R. Pollock
2."Fundamentals of Optical Waveguides" Katsunari Okamoto
3. "Optical Electronics in modern communications," A.Yariv
4. "Optoelectronics: an introduction to materials and devices," J.Singh
5. “Laser ElectronicsJ.T.Verdeyen
6. “Optical Fiber Communications” G. Keiser
1. Connectorization of fibers.
2. Measurement of losses in a fiber.
3. Measurement of Information Capacity of a digital optical communication link
4. Driver for a VCSEL.
5. Fabrication of a planar wave guide.
PY555O33 Advanced Computational Techniques
Syllabus and books recommended for this course will be provided by the faculty teaching this
PY555O34 Nanostructuring by various methods (lasers, ion beams,
sputtering etc.)
Syllabus and books recommended for this course will be provided by the faculty teaching this
PY555O35 Optical Cooling
Brief survey of atomic spectra, including hyperfine interaction. Atomic ensemble, its
interaction with resonant radiation, resonance fluorescence, energy momentum conservation,
spontaneous emission line width, thermodynamic equilibrium. Optical pumping to new
equilibrium state.
Collision studies, microwave transitions, applications of optically pumped ensembles:
Magnetometer, atomic clocks, weak interactions. Coupling of centre of mass motion with
internal excitation by radiation and its use in cooling atoms, various cooling mechanisms:
Doppler cooling, Optical molasses, Thermodynamic limit to lowest temperature, light shifts,
gradient cooling – Sisphus cooling, optical pumping and cooling, coherent population trapping
states, velocity selective coherent population trapping states. Ultra cold state, velocity
distribution and quantum mechanical properties. Atomic maser and applications of cold beams.
Recommended books :
To be prescribed by the Instructor.
PY555O36 Optical Resonance and Two-level Atoms
Resonant interaction of simple atomic systems with intense radiation field; Optical coherent
transients such as free induction decay, optical nutation, photon echo, stimulated photon echo,
and Ramsey fringes from separated fields; Area theorem, self induced transparency;
Spontaneous emission and resonance fluorescence with excitation by intense radiation; Super
radiance and cooperative phenomena; optical bistability, chaos in optical systems, spatial
temporal patterns.
Recommended books :
1. Two Level Atom Allen & Eberly
2. Lasers Eberly & Milloni
3. Lasers & Quantum Optics Sargent & Meystre
PY555O37 Nonlinear Optics
Coherent interactions of radiation field with gaseous and solid state systems
Nonlinear optics : Introduction, second and third harmonic generation, third order
nonliniarites, parametric amplification and oscillation, phase conjugate optics, anisotropic
nonlinear media, dispersive media.
Guided wave optics : Planar dielectric wave guides, coupling of radiation to optical wave
guides, distributed feedback lasers, electro-optic modulation and mode couplings in wave
guides, fabrication of planar optical wave guides.
Optical fibers: step index and graded index fibers, attenuation, dispersion and propagation of
light in fibers.
Nonlinear phenomena in guided wave geometry, Quasi phase matching, cascaded second order
nonlinearity. Nonlinear optical fibres. Solitons in optical fibres.
Recommended books :
1. Principles on Non-linear Optics Y. R. Shen
2. Non-linear Optics N. Bloembergen
3. Non-linear Optics R. W. Boyd
4. Non-linear Optics Butcher & Cotter
PY555O38 Mathematical Methods III
Part 1. Topology and Differential Geometry [25 lectures]
1. Simple introduction to basic Topology: Topological Spaces , Topological Invariants,
Topological Equivalence. (10 Lectures)
2. Homotopy: Homotopy Type, Paths, the Fundamental Group, Homotopy groups. Uses of
Homotopy in Physics.(Five Lectures)
3. Differentiable Manifolds: Definition of Manifold, Calculus on Manifolds, Differential
forms, Connections, Curvature, integration on Differential Forms, Electrodynamics in
terms of differential forms.(10 Lectures)
Part 2:Group Theory and Representations[20 lectures)
a) Review of Group Theory and Representations, Representations of finite groups.
Application to crystallography.(8 lectures)
b) Lie Groups and Lie Algebras and their representations.(6 lectures)
c) Familiar Lie groups and Lie Algebras in Physics. (6 Lectures)
1. Main Text: Lectures on Advanced Mathematical Methods in Physics, Sunil Mukhi and N.
Mukunda, World Scientific (2010).
2. Topology by E.M. Patterson, University Mathematical Texts .
3. Differential Geometry for Physicists and Mathematicians, Jose P. Vargas World Scientific
4. Mathematics for Physics, Michael Stone and Paul Goldbart, Cambridge University Press
5. Falicov,L.M. Group Theory and Its Physical Applications (Lectures in Physics)( Univ of
Chicago Press,1966)
6. Lichtenberg, D.B, Unitary Symmetry and Elementary particles (Academic Press,1978)
PY555O39 Experimental methods
Important classes of materials: Metals; Alloys; Metallic composites; Polymers; Ceramics,
Glasses and crystals; Preparation of materials: glasses, crystals, thin films.
Phase diagrams, the Phase Rule; soluble, partially soluble and insoluble systems, Solid
solutions and compounds; single and multiphase materials; Ordering phenomena in
substitutional alloys; super lattices
Characterization : Metallography, microstructural characterization using Optical microscopy;
Diffraction techniques; Production of X-rays, crystal Structure determination using X-rays,
Neutrons and Electrons; Thermal analysis using DSC,DTA,TGA; Phase transitions;
Electron Microscopy: SEM, TEM, STM; Compositional characterization using EDAX, WDS
Properties of Materials:
Electrical and galvanomagnetic properties, Ionic conductivity, Production of magnetic fields
and Magnetic properties of materials; basics of Multiferroics - temperature dependence of
electrical and magnetic properties; DC and AC methods; Use of Lock-in-amplifier to improve
Signal/noise ratio. Modern experimental techniques using computer interface with data
acquisition for automation.
Thermal properties : Specific heat; Thermal sensors, Thermal expansion, Thermal
conductivity; Elastic/mechanical properties; Defects in solids: Point defects, vacancies,
dislocations; Burgers vector; effect of Irradiation, Strength of materials; work hardening;
failure mechanisms; fatigue; micro- and nano-indentation, typical engineering applications.
Vacuum techniques: Vacuum Pumps, pressure gauges; Thin films & applications: Methods
of deposition, measurement of thickness, Optical absorption using spectrophotometer, optical
properties of materials; Surface studies using AFM, DFM, SNOM
Cryogenic techniques: Cryogenic fluids, cryostats, feed-throughs, temperature control to low
temperatures, Properties at low temperatures
Reference Books:
Experimental Physics: Modern Methods by R. A. Dunlap (1997 Ed.) – Oxford University
Solid State Chemistry & its applications by Anthony R. West (2007 Ed.)– John Wiley &
Advanced practical physics by Worsnop and Flint
Building Scientific Apparatus by Moore, Davis, Coplan and Greer
Experimental Techniques for Low-Temperature Measurements - Jack Ekin( 2006)