InkolJM, etal. J Immunother Cancer 2024;12:e006781. doi:10.1136/jitc-2023-006781
Open access
Pyroptosis activates conventional type I
dendritic cells to mediate the priming of
highly functional anticancer T cells
Jordon M Inkol,
Michael J Westerveld,
Shayla G Verburg,
Scott R Walsh,
Jodi Morrison,
Karen L Mossman,
Sarah M Worfolk,
Kaslyn LF Kallio,
Noah J Phippen,
Rebecca Burchett,
Yonghong Wan,
Jonathan Bramson ,
Samuel T Workenhe
To cite: InkolJM,
WesterveldMJ, VerburgSG,
etal. Pyroptosis activates
conventional type I dendritic
cells to mediate the
priming of highly functional
anticancer T cells. Journal for
ImmunoTherapy of Cancer
2024;12:e006781. doi:10.1136/
Additional supplemental
material is published online only.
To view, please visit the journal
online (https:// doi. org/ 10. 1136/
jitc- 2023- 006781).
Accepted 13 March 2024
Department of Pathobiology,
Ontario, Canada
Department of Biomedical
Guelph, Ontario, Canada
Department of Medicine,
McMaster University, Hamilton,
Ontario, Canada
Pathology and Molecular
Medicine, McMaster University,
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Correspondence to
Dr Samuel T Workenhe;
sworkenh@ uoguelph. ca
Original research
© Author(s) (or their
employer(s)) 2024. Re- use
permitted under CC BY- NC. No
commercial re- use. See rights
and permissions. Published by
Background Initiation of antitumor immunity is reliant on
the stimulation of dendritic cells (DCs) to present tumor
antigens to naïve T cells and generate effector T cells that
can kill cancer cells. Induction of immunogenic cell death
after certain types of cytotoxic anticancer therapies can
stimulate T cell- mediated immunity. However, cytotoxic
therapies simultaneously activate multiple types of cellular
stress and programmed cell death; hence, it remains
unknown what types of cancer cell death confer superior
antitumor immunity.
Methods Murine cancer cells were engineered to
activate apoptotic or pyroptotic cell death after Dox-
induced expression of procell death proteins. Cell- free
supernatants were collected to measure secreted danger
signals, cytokines, and chemokines. Tumors were formed
by transplanting engineered tumor cells to specically
activate apoptosis or pyroptosis in established tumors and
the magnitude of immune response measured by ow
cytometry. Tumor growth was measured using calipers
to estimate end point tumor volumes for Kaplan- Meier
survival analysis.
Results We demonstrated that, unlike apoptosis,
pyroptosis induces an immunostimulatory secretome
signature. In established tumors pyroptosis preferentially
activated CD103
and XCR1
type I conventional DCs
(cDC1) along with a higher magnitude and functionality
of tumor- specic CD8
T cells and reduced number of
regulatory T cells within the tumor. Depletion of cDC1 or
and CD8
T cells ablated the antitumor response
leaving mice susceptible to a tumor rechallenge.
Conclusion Our study highlights that distinct types of cell
death yield varying immunotherapeutic effect and selective
activation of pyroptosis can be used to potentiate multiple
aspects of the anticancer immunity cycle.
Immunotherapy has demonstrated success
in many types of human cancers.
However, a
few human cancers poorly respond to immu-
notherapy due to tumor intrinsic barriers of
T cell priming and trafficking into the tumor
or immunosuppressive microenvironment
preventing cytotoxic CD8
T cells to kill
cancer cells.
Therefore, there is a need for
therapies that can subvert the intratumoral
immunosuppression by reigniting the anti-
cancer immunity cycle to elevate the magni-
tude and functionality of T cells within the
Chemoradiotherapies render tumors
to emit danger signals, cytokines, and
chemokines thereby stimulating the anti-
cancer immunity cycle.
3 4
these biomolecules regulate the activity
of antigen presenting cells as well as the
trafficking of cytotoxic T cells into the
Indeed, chemoradiotherapies,
photodynamic therapy,
oncolytic viruses
and many other immunogenic
cell death (ICD) inducers can modify the
tumor microenvironment and often facili-
tate the eradication of established tumors.
However, most cytotoxic anticancer treat-
ments simultaneously activate a mixture
of premortem stress and programmed
cell death. Furthermore, chemotherapies
directly impact the quantity and/or func-
tionality of immune cells, complicating the
Chemoradiotherapies activate the immune re-
sponse, although the contribution of individual
stress and cell death to anticancer immunity re-
mains unknown.
This study shows that pyroptosis, unlike apoptosis,
is an immunostimulatory type of cell death activat-
ing type I conventional dendritic cells to prime dura-
ble T cell- mediated antitumor immunity.
The implications are pyroptosis inducing agents
should be further tested for development as anti-
cancer therapies for patients with cancer.
on August 2, 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright.http://jitc.bmj.com/J Immunother Cancer: first published as 10.1136/jitc-2023-006781 on 4 April 2024. Downloaded from
InkolJM, etal. J Immunother Cancer 2024;12:e006781. doi:10.1136/jitc-2023-006781
Open access
interpretation of mechanisms contributing to clinical
effects and outcomes driven by specific types of cancer
cell stress and cell death.
Depending on the type of cytotoxic agent and
cellular pathways engaged, during ICD, cancer cells
can die by apoptosis,
and ferroptosis.
In most scenarios, cell death takes
place in the background of premortem endoplasmic,
oxidative, and mitochondrial stress.
As a result,
the individual contribution of premortem stress and
cell death pathways to anticancer immunity is largely
Anthracycline and oxaliplatin activate
apoptosis along with autophagic stress response to
emit immunostimulatory secretomes.
procell death proteins to drive specific types of cell
death is unraveling immunological outcomes.
23 24
Activation of necroptosis by RIPK3 dimerization, but
not apoptosis after caspase 8/9 expression, elicits
potent antitumor immunity.
23 24
In the same study,
necroptosis driven by RIPK3 lacking RIPK1 interac-
tion domain failed to activate NF- kb mediated inflam-
mation and consequently failed to initiate protective
anticancer immunity.
In contrast, another study
reported terminal cell lysis by expressing mixed
lineage kinase domain like pseudokinase (MLKL)
mRNA activated potent anticancer immunity.
studies highlight that so much remains unknown
about how distinct types of cancer cell death can
shape the overall intratumoral immune landscape
and anticancer effect.
Pyroptosis is one of the immune- stimulatory cancer
cell death modalities and it can be induced by chemo-
therapy, photodynamic therapy,
18 26
and OVs,
T cells
and NK cells.
Irrespective of the type
of pyroptosis- inducing stimuli and upstream signaling
cascade, the cleavage of the gasdermin family of proteins
by caspases and granzymes is a terminal event during
18 33–36
Enforced expression of full- length gasdermin E
protein promotes granzyme mediated pyroptosis initi-
ating T cell- mediated anticancer effect.
detailed mechanisms by which pyroptosis modifies
the tumor microenvironment and how it modulates
antigen presentation to prime antitumor T cells
remains unknown. Using two murine tumor models,
we report that unlike apoptosis, driven by dimeriz-
able (dd) C- terminal caspase- 8 (dd- C
- Cas8), pyro-
ptosis, activated by N- terminal gasdermin E (N
induced a higher amount of calreticulin on the cell
surface, emitted danger signals ATP and HMGB1, as
well as cytokines and chemokines. These biomole-
cules potently stimulated conventional dendritic cell
(cDC1) and associated expansion and intratumoral
recruitment of antigen- specific cytotoxic CD8
cells and lower amounts of regulatory T cells within
the tumor thereby promoting anticancer effect and
extension of the overall survival of tumor- bearing
Pyroptosis emits danger signals and proinammatory
cytokines and chemokines
To define the immunological events and anticancer
outcomes after induction of apoptosis and pyroptosis,
we developed genetic models of rapid and synchronized
cell death by inducibly expressing procell death proteins
(figure 1A,D). Doxycycline (Dox) treatment activated
the expression of dd- C
- Cas8 (figure 1B) and N
(figure 1E) in mouse colon cancer (MC- 38) and lung
cancer cells derived from K- ras
mice (KP1.9)
(online supplemental file 2). Expres-
sion of dd- C
- Cas8 activated apoptosis, as evidenced
by cleavage of caspase 3 (figure 1B). In addition, expres-
sion of procell death proteins, dd- C
- Cas8 and N
showed reduced cellular metabolism used as a proxy to
measure cell viability (figure 1C,F and online supple-
mental file 2). Pyroptotic but not apoptotic cells showed
elevated surface expression of calreticulin (figure 1G) and
higher amounts of danger signals HMGB1 (figure 1H),
and ATP (figure 1I, online supplemental file 2) in cell-
free supernatants. In addition, compared with untreated
controls, pyroptotic cells emitted significantly increased
amounts of proinflammatory cytokines and chemokines
(IL- 1β, IL- 2, IL- 16, IL- 9, CXCL9, CX3CL1, and CCL3)
and decreased of eotaxin (CCL11) and G- CSF (figure 1J
and online supplemental file 3). On the other hand,
apoptotic cells emitted higher amounts of cytokines
and chemokines (IL- 2, IL- 9, IL- 11, IL- 20, IFN-γ, IFN-β,
eotaxin, CCL10, CCL21, CCL22) (figure 1J and online
supplemental file 4). Cytokines and chemokines downreg-
ulated during apoptosis include IL- 1a, IL- 16, LIF, G- CSF,
(figure 1J and online supplemental file 4). In addition to
the remarkable differences in the types of cytokine and
chemokines emitted, there were notable differences in
the kinetics of their secretion. Pyroptosis- induced cyto-
kines and chemokines increased over time from 2 hours
to 4 hours. In contrast, most of the cytokine and chemo-
kines emitted during apoptosis showed transient increase
at the 2 hour time point and declined by the 4 hour time
point (figure 1J).
Established tumors of MC- 38- dd- C
- Cas8 or MC- 38-
Gas expressed the procell death proteins after
feeding of mice with a Dox- medicated diet (figure 2A,B).
Analysis of 44- plex cytokines/chemokines in pyroptotic
tumor homogenates showed significant increase in
IL- 1a, IL- 6, IFN-β, IL- 16, CXCL2, CCL21, and CCL22
(figure 2C and online supplemental file 5). Furthermore,
pyroptotic tumors had decreased levels of cytokines and
chemokines associated with protumor macrophages, and
myeloid- derived suppressors cells (CCL2, CCL5, M- CSF)
(figure 2C and online supplemental file 5). On the other
hand, apoptotic tumors showed significantly higher levels
of IL- 9, IL- 4 and CXCL2 and significant downregulation
of IL- 16, CCL5, IFN- b, LIF, IL- 17, GMCSF (figure 2C and
online supplemental file 6). Overall pyroptosis induces
a profound immune- stimulating cytokine profile in vivo.
on August 2, 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright.http://jitc.bmj.com/J Immunother Cancer: first published as 10.1136/jitc-2023-006781 on 4 April 2024. Downloaded from
InkolJM, etal. J Immunother Cancer 2024;12:e006781. doi:10.1136/jitc-2023-006781
Open access
Figure 1 MC- 38 cells undergoing pyroptosis express calreticulin on the cell surface and emit higher level of HMGB1 and
ATP. (A, D)Schematics of respective apoptosis and pyroptosis effector proteins. (B, E)Immunoblots showing expression of
dd- C
Cas8 or N
Gas in Dox- treated MC- 38 cells. (C, F)Kinetics of cell viability after inducible expression of N
Gas (N=5)
or dd- C
Cas8 (N=5). Error bars, SD. P values were determined using two- way ANOVA with Tukey HSD with signicance
indicated (****p<0.0001). (G)ELISA showing HMGB1 in cell- free supernatants of pyroptotic cells (N=3). Error bars, SD. P values
were determined using two- way ANOVA with Tukey HSD with signicance indicated (****p<0.0001, ***p<0.001, **p<0.01).
(H)Extracellular ATP secretion at different time points post apoptosis (N=5) and pyroptosis (N=5). Error bars, SD. P values were
determined using two- way ANOVA with Tukey HSD with signicance indicated (*p<0.083). ((I)Heatmap of Log
fold changes
of cytokines and chemokines secreted 2 and 4 hours after induction of pyroptosis (N=3) and apoptosis (N=3) compared with
baseline at 0 hour for each respective group. Hierarchical clustering distance was dened on Pearson correlation coefcients.
ANOVA, analysis of variance; dd, driven by dimerizable; HSD, honest signicant difference.
on August 2, 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright.http://jitc.bmj.com/J Immunother Cancer: first published as 10.1136/jitc-2023-006781 on 4 April 2024. Downloaded from
InkolJM, etal. J Immunother Cancer 2024;12:e006781. doi:10.1136/jitc-2023-006781
Open access
Pyroptosis preferentially activates type I cDCs
To evaluate the immune landscape after cell death, we
established chimeric tumors by transplanting a mixture
of parental MC- 38 along with either MC- 38- dd- C
- Cas8
or MC- 38- N
Gas cells. Prior to establishing tumors, we
confirmed that parental and N
Gas expressing cells
have similar in vitro growth kinetics (online supplemental
file 7), as a result, transplantation faithfully recapitulated
chimeric tumors that activate apoptosis (online supple-
mental file 8) or pyroptosis after feeding of mice with
Dox- medicated diet (online supplemental file 8).
To define the early processes influencing adap-
tive immunity after induction of cell death we quanti-
fied cDC within the tumor and draining lymph nodes
(figure 3 and online supplemental file 9). Within the
tumor, unlike apoptosis, pyroptosis preferentially
induced a 24- hour time peak of cDC1 quantity with a
higher phagocytic capacity as evidenced by uptake of
ZsGreen expressed in tumors (figure 3A). Moreover,
pyroptosis activated cDC1 had expressed SIINFEKL
epitope in the context of MHC (figure 3A). Consistent
with this, pyroptosis exposed tumors showed elevated
cDC1 activation markers including CD40, CD80 and
CD86 (figure 3B). Tumor draining lymph nodes showed
a delayed but similar pattern of pyroptosis- specific
increase in cDC1 quantity, phagocytic activity, antigen
presentation and costimulatory molecule expression at
the 48- hour time point (figure 3C,D). Both apoptosis
Figure 2 Pyroptotic tumors have an inammatory cytokine and chemokine signature. (A, B)Immunoblotting of N
Gas (N=3)
or C
Cas8 (N=2) in tumor homogenates harvested 6 hours after Dox- medicated diet. (C)Heatmap of log2 fold changes of
cytokines and chemokines in pyroptotic (N=5) and apoptotic (N=5) tumor homogenates 24 hours after induction compared with
untreated control homogenates of each respective group. Hierarchical clustering distance was dened on Pearson correlation
on August 2, 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright.http://jitc.bmj.com/J Immunother Cancer: first published as 10.1136/jitc-2023-006781 on 4 April 2024. Downloaded from
InkolJM, etal. J Immunother Cancer 2024;12:e006781. doi:10.1136/jitc-2023-006781
Open access
and pyroptosis increased the total cDC2 count within
the tumor, although pyroptosis had significantly higher
number (figure 3E). Both types of cell death had intra-
tumoral peak of cDC2 mediated phagocytic activity at
the 24- hour time point (figure 3E). However, only pyro-
ptosis exposed cDC2 showed elevated expression of
SIINFEKL epitope (figure 3E). Both types of cell death
stimulated CD40 expression in cDC2, although apop-
tosis induced CD80 and pyroptosis preferentially acti-
vated CD86 (figure 3F). In the tumor draining lymph
node, apoptosis and pyroptosis exposed mice did not
show significant difference in cDC2 quantity, phago-
cytic activity, antigen presentation and costimulatory
molecules expression. However, both apoptosis and
Figure 3 Intratumoral pyroptosis preferentially activates conventional type I dendritic cell (cDC1) in the tumor and draining
lymph node. Quantication of total cDC1 within the tumor (N=4) and TdLN (N=4) as well as phagocytic capacity and antigen
presentation (A, C).Evaluation of costimulatory marker presence on conventional type I DCs (B, D).Quantication of total
cDC2 within the tumor (N=4) and TdLN (N=4) as well as phagocytic capacity and antigen presentation (E, G).Evaluation of
costimulatory marker presence on conventional type I DCs (F, H).Error bars, SD. P values were determined using two- way
ANOVA with Bonferroni correction with signicance indicated. *p <0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001, ****p<0.0001; ANOVA, analysis of
variance; ns, not signicant.
on August 2, 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright.http://jitc.bmj.com/J Immunother Cancer: first published as 10.1136/jitc-2023-006781 on 4 April 2024. Downloaded from
InkolJM, etal. J Immunother Cancer 2024;12:e006781. doi:10.1136/jitc-2023-006781
Open access
pyroptosis exposed mice had a higher cDC2 quantity
and phagocytic activity (figure 3G,H).
Tumor-specic CD8
T cells drive the antitumor response
during pyroptosis
We next examined if the cDC1 response generated
during pyroptosis translated into tumor specific CD8
cell response. For this, we established chimeric tumors
expressing the LCMV glycoprotein gp33 epitope. Seven
days after start of Dox- medicated diet, we quantified T
cell responses in the blood or within the tumor. Pyro-
ptosis generated higher number of tumor infiltrating
T cells compared with apoptosis that also showed a
moderate T cell infiltrate compared with control tumors
(figure 4A). Both apoptosis and pyroptosis showed equiv-
alent increase in gp- 33 specific CD8
T cells in the circu-
lation (figure 4B, online supplemental file 10); however,
pyroptosis primed antigen experienced CD44
cells displayed a higher activation pattern as defined by
CD69 expression (figure 4C). Consistent with the propor-
tion of activated T cells, pyroptosis primed cytotoxic T
cells showed a higher killing capacity against cocultured
gp33 expressing MC- 38 cells (figure 4D). Restimulation
of TILs with a cocktail of peptides (gp33, and MC- 38
neoantigens, Adgpk, and Rpl18) followed by intracellular
cytokine staining (ICS) revealed only pyroptosis exposed
tumors had a higher IL- 2
, TNF-α
or concurrent IL- 2
and TNF-α
T cells suggestive of polyfunctionality
(figure 4E–H, online supplemental file 11). Surprisingly,
pyroptosis- induced antigen specific T cells did not secrete
IFN-γ (figure 4G). Consistent with highly functional cyto-
toxic T cells, pyroptosis exposed tumors had a lower
quantity of T
within the tumor (figure 4I).
Pyroptosis extends survival of tumor-bearing mice in cDC1
and T cell-dependent manner
Given the higher magnitude of activated cDC1 and cyto-
toxic T cell response, we evaluated the antitumor bene-
fits of pyroptosis in prophylactic and therapeutic settings.
MC- 38- N
Gas and MC- 38- dd- C
Cas8 tumor- bearing
mice were fed with Dox- medicated diet to eradicate
primary tumors within 7 days (figure 5A). Rechallenge
of pyroptosis and apoptosis exposed mice with parental
MC- 38 tumors on the contralateral flank conferred 40%
and 85% long- term survival, respectively (figure 5B,C).
All the naïve mice challenged with MC- 38 tumor cells
showed 100% tumor growth. Apoptosis, but not pyro-
ptosis, exposed mice fully succumb to the second tumor
rechallenge done at 100 days. In addition, 40% of the
pyroptosis exposed mice remained refractory against
subsequent rechallenges done at 200 days (figure 5C).
We next examined if the induction of pyroptosis results
in therapeutic benefit. Induction of pyroptosis slowed
the growth of chimeric tumors (figure 5D) and extended
the median survival of mice (median survival of 29 days,
25% of the mice remained tumor- free) compared with
apoptosis (median survival of 12 days, no tumor- free
mice) (figure 5E). The treatment benefit was consistent
in large chimeric MC- 38 tumors where induction of pyro-
ptosis displayed extension of median survival (online
supplemental file 12, apoptosis having 12 days median
survival vs pyroptosis conferring 20 days median survival).
The anticancer effects of pyroptosis extends to a non- T
cell inflamed KP1.9 tumor model since pyroptosis expo-
sure prolonged the median survival of tumor- bearing
mice (median survival of parental tumors—11 days,
KP1.9+KP1.9- N
Gas chimeric tumor without Dox-
medicated diet- 14 days, KP1.9+KP1.9- N
Gas chimeric
tumor fed with Dox- medicated diet—19 days) (online
supplemental file 13). Collectively, the findings suggest
that in prophylactic and therapeutic settings pyroptosis
provides better antitumor immunity than apoptosis.
To determine the antitumor contribution of cDC1, we
assessed tumor growth and survival in wildtype versus
mice that lack cDC1. While pyroptosis protected
80% of the wildtype mice on tumor rechallenge, Batf3
mice lacking cDC1 were fully susceptible to tumor
rechallenge (figure 6A) even after transfer of wildtype
T cells (figure 6B). Furthermore, the depletion
of CD8
T cells but not CD4
(online supplemental file
14) completely ablated the antitumor immune response
of pyroptosis rendering mice susceptible to the tumor
rechallenge (figure 6C).
In this study, we elucidated that synchronized and rapid
cancer cell apoptosis and pyroptosis have remarkable
differences in danger signal, cytokine, and chemokine
emission as well as anticancer effect dependent on cDC1
and CD8 T
Our findings that show pyroptosis stimulates anti-
cancer immunity through the release of danger signals
and proinflammatory cytokines is in line with results
from previous reports.
28 32
Consistent with the role of
cDC1 in pyroptosis, we found higher level of chemokines
CCL21 and CCL22 in pyroptotic tumor homogenates. It
is tempting to speculate these chemokines to be associ-
ated with the cDC1- mediated anticancer immunity.
A recent scRNA seq identified CCL22
cDC1 population
after CD40 agonist therapy in MC- 38 tumors.
In addi-
tion, CCL21 is a CCR7 ligand, and it is crucial for cDC1
trafficking into the draining lymph node. In our study,
the contribution of cDC1 during pyroptosis- mediated
antitumor immunity was best confirmed using Batf3
mice where loss of cDC1 completely ablated the anti-
tumor response. Supporting this, pyroptosis exposed
tumors and draining lymph nodes are endowed with
a higher quantity of cDC1 displaying uptake of dying
cancer cells, activation markers and presentation of the
antigens in the context of MHC. Previous studies have
elucidated that intratumorally injected necroptotic fibro-
blasts elicit cDC1 dependent antigen presentation and
T cell activation.
The types of cytokines and chemok-
ines emitted during necroptosis
and our tumor pyro-
ptosis are remarkably different and it remains intriguing
how distinct ICD- associated secretomes shape cDC1
on August 2, 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright.http://jitc.bmj.com/J Immunother Cancer: first published as 10.1136/jitc-2023-006781 on 4 April 2024. Downloaded from
InkolJM, etal. J Immunother Cancer 2024;12:e006781. doi:10.1136/jitc-2023-006781
Open access
Figure 4 Pyroptosis induces a polyfunctional antitumor antigen agnostic T cell response (A)Quantication of the number
of inltrating CD8
T cells in chimeric tumors 7 days after activation of apoptosis (N=5) or pyroptosis (N=5). Error bars,
SD. P values were determined using one- way ANOVA with Bonferroni correction with signicance indicated (*p<0.0083).
(B)Quantication of the frequency of LCMV- gp33- specic CD8
T cells in circulation after activation of pyroptosis (N=5) or
apoptosis (N=5) in chimeric tumors. Errors, SD. P values were determined using one- way ANOVA with Bonferroni correction
with signicance indicated (*p<0.0083). (C)Pyroptosis elicits signicantly higher frequency of antigen experienced CD44
T cells within the spleen (N=4). Error bars, SD. P values were determined using Student’s t test with signicance
indicated (****p<0.0001). (D)Percent specic lysis of MC- 38- gp33 cells after coculture with pyroptosis (N=4) and apoptosis
(N=4) stimulated CD8
T cells. Error bars, SD. P values were determined using two- way ANOVA with Tukey HSD with
signicance indicated (****p<0.0001). (E–H)Analysis of IL- 2, TNF- a, IFN- g and IL- 2
coexpressing CD8
T cells after
restimulation with a peptide cocktail (Adgpk and Rpl18 and gp33) (N=5). Error bars, SD. P values were determined using
one- way ANOVA with Bonferroni correction with signicance indicated (****p<0.0001, ***p<0.0002, **p<0.001). (I)Analysis of
regulatory T cells isolated from apoptosis (N=5) and pyroptosis (N=5) exposed chimeric tumors. Error bars,
SD. P values were determined using one- way ANOVA with Bonferroni correction with signicance indicated (***p<0.0002).
ANOVA, analysis of variance; HSD, honest signicant difference.
on August 2, 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright.http://jitc.bmj.com/J Immunother Cancer: first published as 10.1136/jitc-2023-006781 on 4 April 2024. Downloaded from
InkolJM, etal. J Immunother Cancer 2024;12:e006781. doi:10.1136/jitc-2023-006781
Open access
heterogeneity and functionality. Hence, this model of
pyroptosis can be exploited as a ligand- free system to
understand numerous aspects of cDC1 biology including
chemotaxis factors that facilitate cDC1 trafficking as well
as transcriptome changes that dictate the role of cDC1 in
antigen uptake and presentation.
Pyroptosis activated a high proportion of circulating
and tumor infiltrating cytotoxic T cells (TILs). ICS
analysis of TILs after restimulation with the neoantigen
peptide cocktail showed secretion of IL- 2 and TNF-α but
not IFN-γ. In addition, pyroptosis primed cytotoxic T
cells isolated from spleen of tumor- bearing mice had a
higher proportion of rapidly reactivated antigen expe-
rienced CD44
expressing T cells that exerted
robust killing of cocultured tumor cells. Consistent with
these qualities of pyroptosis primed T cells, we observed
higher protection conferred to pyroptosis, unlike apop-
tosis, exposed mice at 100 days after the rechallenge.
Future studies will investigate if the functionality of
pyroptosis primed T cells is mediating the long- term
protection against rechallenge. It also remains to be
seen if pyroptosis primed T cells can infiltrate non- T
cell inflamed tumors and function in highly suppressive
tumor microenvironments. At the least, the finding of
Figure 5 Antitumor immunity generated by pyroptosis confers extended survival of tumor- bearing mice in therapeutic and
prophylactic settings (A)Tumor growth kinetics after feeding Dox- medicated diet to MC- 38- N
Gas (N=7) or MC- 38- dd-
Cas8 (N=7) tumor bearing mice. (B, C)Overall tumor growth and survival of contralaterally implanted MC38- gp33 tumors
in the presence or absence of a prior tumor apoptotic (N=7) or pyroptotic exposure (N=7). P values were determined using
log- rank (Mantel- Cox) test with Bonferroni correction with signicance set at p<0.016. (D, E)Overall tumor growth and survival
of apoptosis (N=7) and pyroptosis (N=7) exposed chimeric tumors. P values were determined using log- rank (Mantel- Cox) with
Bonferroni correction with signicance set at p<0.016. **p<0.0016.
on August 2, 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright.http://jitc.bmj.com/J Immunother Cancer: first published as 10.1136/jitc-2023-006781 on 4 April 2024. Downloaded from
InkolJM, etal. J Immunother Cancer 2024;12:e006781. doi:10.1136/jitc-2023-006781
Open access
reduced T
in pyroptosis exposed tumors is suggestive
of its broader immunostimulatory effects in the tumor
Our findings highlight that pyroptosis provides supe-
rior systemic and long- lasting antitumor immunity
compared with apoptosis. Hence, approaches to activate
cancer cell pyroptosis via pharmacological or genetic
methods can be translated into patients with cancer to
reignite the anticancer immunity. In fact, some cancers
evade immune attack by downregulating the pyroptosis
effector gasdermin proteins. Hence, targeted delivery
of gasdermin A3 provided potent anticancer effect.
addition, engineered OVs have successfully delivered cell
death payloads such as MLKL to induce necroptosis.
Lastly, engineered OVs expressing gasdermin or those
OVs naturally activating pyroptosis
should be rigorously
evaluated in humanized mouse settings to evaluate their
anticancer effect against patient derived xenografts.
Cell culture
Murine colon adenocarcinoma (MC- 38) was maintained
in Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle’s media supplemented with
10% fetal bovine serum (FBS) and 100 U/mL of peni-
cillin/streptomycin (P/S). KP 1.9 is a cloned lung adeno-
carcinoma cell line that arose spontaneously in a K- ras
mouse model. KP 1.9 cells were a generous gift
from Prof. Alfred Zippelius (University Hospital Basel,
Switzerland), who originally developed the cell line. KP
1.9 cells were maintained in Iscove Modified Dulbecco
media with 10% FBS and 100 U/mL P/S.
Generation of stable N terminus gasdermin E and caspase 8
expressing cell lines
N- terminal gasdermin E (N
Gas) and dimerizable (dd)
C- terminal Caspase 8 (dd- C
Cas8) DNA sequences
were cloned into the piggyBac (pB) vector (pB- TET)
downstream of a Dox inducible TRE- tight promoter
Figure 6 Pyroptosis- induced antitumor immunity is reliant on BATF3
DCs and T cells (A)Comparison of survival after tumor
rechallenge in naïve (N=8) and pyroptosis (N=8) exposed BATF3
or wildtype (N=8) C57bl/6 mice. P values were determined
using log- rank (Mantel- Cox) test with Bonferroni correction with signicance set at p<0.016. (B)Comparison of survival in
naïve and BATF3
pyroptosis exposed mice after adoptive cell transfer of CD8
cells. P values were determined using log-
rank (Mantel- Cox) test with signicance set at p<0.05. (C)Comparison of survival in naïve or pyroptosis exposed mice with or
without CD4 (N=7), CD8 (n=8), or CD4 and CD8 (N=8) T cell depletion. P values were calculated using log- rank (Mantel- Cox)
test with Bonferroni correction with signicance set at p<0.0033. *** p<0.0001; **** p<0.00001. DC, dendritic cell.
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Open access
as previously described.
MC- 38- gp33 and KP- 1.9 were
transfected using a lipofectamine 3000 (Invitrogen) and
the three vector constructs PB- TET- N
Gas or PB- TET-
dd- C
Cas8 (response plasmid with cell death protein
of interest), PB- CAG- rtTA- Neo (expresses regulatory
protein, rtTA), and pCyL43 (plasmid that encodes for
transposase) in a ratio of 10:5:2, respectively. Trans-
fected cells were selected using neomycin and clones
were screened for inducible expression of procell death
proteins. Cell death activating MC- 38 cell lines were
used to express ZsGreen- SIINFEKL, a fusion protein of
the fluorescent protein ZsGreen and SIINFEKL epitope.
The expression of ZsGreen- SIINFEKL was normalized
between MC- 38- dd- C
Cas8 and MC- 38- N
Gas cell
lines by selection of subclones with equivalent geometric
mean fluorescent intensities (online supplemental file
Animal experiments
Female C57/Bl6 mice aged 6–8 weeks old (Charles
Rivers Laboratories) were subcutaneously implanted
with 2 million tumor cells as described previously.
For therapeutic settings, chimeric tumors were estab-
lished by injecting 1×10
parental MC- 38- gp33 or
KP- 1.9 cells together with 1×10
MC- 38- gp33 or KP- 1.9
cells with an inducible cell death cassette. 12–14 days
after implantation, tumors achieved a treatable tumor
volume (80–150 mm
). Prior to start of treatment mice
were randomized among groups to ensure an equal
tumor volume across treatments and controls. For all
studies requiring inducible expression of procell death
proteins mice were fed 625 mg/kg Dox- medicated diet
(Envigo Teklad, Madison USA). In prophylactic experi-
ments, mice were rechallenged with 2×10
MC- 38- gp33
cells injected subcutaneously on the contralateral flank
after eradication of the primary tumor. Batf3
were purchased from The Jackson Laboratory. For T cell
depletion studies, mice were injected intraperitoneally
on day 0, 3, and 7 with either isotype or 250 mg anti- CD4
(clone GK1.5, BioXcell) and anti- CD8 (Clone 2.43, BioX-
cell). For all experiment groups, tumors were measured
every 3–4 days with tumor volumes of 1000 mm
as endpoint.
Quantication of cell viability
Intracellular ATP was measured using the CellTiter- Glo
kit (Promega) as a surrogate marker for cell viability.
At stated time point, cells were lysed then following the
manufacturer’s instructions and luminescence reading
measured using the Enspire multimode plate reader
In vitro quantication of extracellular HMGB1, ATP, cytokines,
and chemokines
Cell- free supernatant from dying and control cells were
harvested after centrifugation of the media at 2000 rpm
for 10 min. All samples were immediately frozen at −80°C.
Extracellular HMGB1 was quantified using an ELISA kit
developed by Shino Test (IBL International). The ELISA
was conducted according to the manufacturer’s instruc-
tions. For extracellular ATP analysis, supernatants were
analyzed using an ENLITEN ATP assay kit (Promega)
according to manufacturer’s instructions. Cell- free super-
natants were shipped to Eve Technologies for 44- Plex
murine cytokine/chemokine analysis.
Quantication of surface calreticulin expression
Expression of surface calreticulin after apoptosis or pyro-
ptosis was quantified using flow cytometry. Briefly, cells
were seeded at a density of 150,000 cells/well in a 6- well
plate and allowed to adhere for 16 hours before treatment
with Dox for stated time points. Cells were then collected
and washed with PBS before staining with Fixable Viability
Stain 510 and anti- calreticulin- PE (EPR3924, 1:5000).
Data were acquired on BD FACS Canto II and analyzed
in FlowJo.
Quantication of cytokines, chemokines, and cell death
proteins in tumor homogenates
Tumors were resected from mice and diced into small
pieces before being homogenized in tissue extraction
solution (50 mM Tris, pH 7.4, 250 mM NaCl, 5 mM EDTA,
2 mM Na
, 1 mM NaF, 20 mM Na
, 1 mM b- glyc-
erophosphate, 1% NP- 40). Tumors were incubated for
30 min on ice and debris was clarified by three sequential
steps of centrifugation at 14,000×rpm for 10 min at 4°C.
Tumor homogenates with equal concentration of protein
were shipped to Eve Technologies (Calgary, Canada) for
44- Plex murine cytokine/chemokine analysis.
Isolation of immune cells
Tumors were resected and weighed before being placed
into RPMI containing Liberase TL Research Grade
(250 µg/mL; Roche) and DNase I (1 mg/mL; Sigma-
Aldrich). Tumors were minced with scissors and incu-
bated at 37°C for 35 min for enzymatic digestion. Tumor
pieces were subsequently crushed against a 70 µm filter
to generate a single cell suspension. Cells were washed
with PBS containing 2% FBS and 1 mM EDTA. Leucocytes
were isolated from each respective single cell suspension
using a EasySep Release Mouse Biotin Positive Selection
Kit (Stem Cell Technologies) in conjunction with an
anti- CD45.2- Biotin (Clone 104) according to the manu-
facturer’s guidelines. Tumor draining lymph nodes were
harvested and pressed against a 70 µm filter and rinsed
with Hanks Balanced Salt Solution. Blood was collected
from the retro- orbital sinus and red blood cells were lysed
using ACK buffer (150 mM NH
Cl, 10 mM KHCO
, and
0.1 mM Na
EDTA, pH 7.3).
Surface and intracellular staining of immune cells
Leucocytes were incubated with Fc block (anti- CD16/anti-
CD32) and stained with fluorescently labeled antibodies
and Fixable Viability Stain 510 (BD Biosciences). The
following antibodies were obtained from BD Biosciences:
anti- CD11c- APC- Cy7 (HL3, 1:200), anti- Ly6C- RB545
(AL- 21, 1:100), anti- CD40- BV711 (3/23, 1:100),
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InkolJM, etal. J Immunother Cancer 2024;12:e006781. doi:10.1136/jitc-2023-006781
Open access
anti- CD80- BV650 (16–10 A1,1:100), anti- CD86- PE- CF594
(GL1, 1:100), anti- I- A
- PE (AF6- 120, 1:100), anti- CD103-
PE- Cy7 (M290, 1:100), anti- CD64- BV786 (X54- 5/71,
1:100), anti- CD3- FITC (17A2,1:200), anti- CD8- APC- Cy7
(53–6.7, 1:100), anti- CD44- PE (SB/199, 1:100), anti-
CD69- APC (H1.2F3, 1:100), anti- CD4- APC- Cy7 (RM4- 5,
1:200), anti- IFN-γ-APC (XMG1.2, 1:100), anti- IL- 2- PE
(JES6- 5H4, 1:100), and anti- TNF-α-BV421 (MP6- XT22,
1:100). The following antibodies were from eBioscience:
anti- FOXP3- PE (FJK- 16s, 1:100), anti- CD11b- Pacific Blue
(M1/70, 1:100), and OVA257- 264 (SIINFEKL) peptide
bound to H- 2Kb Monoclonal Antibody (eBio25- D1.16
(25- D1.16))- PE. Anti- XCR1- BV421 (ZET, 1:100) was
purchased from Biolegend. For ICS analysis, leuco-
cytes were stimulated with gp33 (KAVYNFATM), Rpl18
(KILTFDRL), and Adgpk (ASMTNMELM) peptides
(Biomer Technologies) (1 µg/mL per peptide) for
4 hours at 37°C. GolgiPlug (BD Biosciences) was added
for the last 3 hours of incubation. Cells were stained as
above in addition fixation and permeabilization using
Cytofix/Cytoperm solution (BD Biosciences). To obtain
absolute counts of cells, CountBright Absolute Counting
Beads (ThermoFisher Scientific) were added to samples
following manufacturer’s instructions. Other reagents
included the Tetramer H- 2D(b)- LCMV- gp33- 41- PE from
the National Institutes of Health Core facility. Data were
acquired on a BD FACSCanto II and a Cytek Northern
Lights with downstream analysis completed using FlowJo
In vitro cytotoxicity assay
MC- 38- gp33 cells were labeled with 3 µM carboxyfluo-
rescein succinimidyl ester (CFSE; BD Biosciences) and
seeded in a 96- well plate at 10,000 cells per well and
cocultured with CD8
T cells from the spleen for 10
hours. CD8
T cells were stained with fixable viability
stain 510 (BD Biosciences) and evaluated by flow cytom-
etry. Per cent specific lysis was defined previously as: %
specific lysis=100×(%specific cell death−% basal cell
death)/100−%basal cell death, where basal cell death
is the viability of MC- 38- gp33 cells without T cells and
specific lysis is the viability of CSFE positive MC- 38- gp33
Cells were lysed using radioimmunoprecipitation buffer
(10 mM phosphate, 137 mM NaCl, 1% NP- 40m 0.5%
sodium deoxycholate and 0.1% sodium dodecyl sulfate)
supplemented with phosphatase inhibitor cocktail
(1.2 mM AEBSF, 13.6 µM bestatin 12.3 µM E- 64 112 µM
leupeptin1.16 µM pepstatin) and protease inhibitor
cocktail (Millipore Sigma, Massachusetts, USA). For
measuring HMGB1 cell- free supernatants were used.
Total protein extracted from cells or tumor homogenates
and cell- free supernatants were resolved using 7.5%–
15% sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electro-
phoresis and transferred to nitrocellulose membranes.
Membranes were blocked in Intercept
(TBS) Blocking
Buffer (Li- Cor Biosciences) followed by incubation
with primary antibodies. The following antibodies were
purchased from Cell Signalling Technologies: anti-
Gasdermin E (Cat#40618, 1:3000), anti-β-actin (Cat#4967,
1:6000), and anti- Cleaved- Caspase- 3 (Cat#9661, 1:3000).
The following antibodies were purchased from Abcam:
anti- Caspase- 8 (Cat#ab25901, 1:3000). Membranes were
then probed with secondary antibody conjugated to an
infrared dye (IRDye 800CW Donkey anti- Rabbit IgG,
1:6000) and analyzed using an Odyssey DLx scanner (Li-
Cor Biosciences).
Treated and control tumors were excised from eutha-
nized mice and fixed in 10% formalin for 48 hours and
then transferred to 70% ethanol before being embedded
into paraffin blocks. Five µm thick tumor sections were
deparaffinized prior to incubation in citrate buffer at
95°C for 15 min. Tumor sections were blocked with Inter-
(TBS) Blocking buffer (Li- Cor Biosciences) before
addition of primary antibody. Anti- Gasdermin E (Cell
Signalling Technologies, 40618) was diluted in Inter-
cept Blocking Buffer with 0.2% Tween- 20 and used at a
working dilution of 1:500. Primary antibody was incubated
overnight in a humidified chamber at 4°C in the dark.
Signal amplification was completed using an anti- rabbit
secondary antibody conjugated to Alexa- 488 (Abcam,
ab150077, 1:10,000). Secondary antibody incubation was
performed at room temperature in a humidified chamber
in the dark for 2 hours. Sections were counterstained with
diluted DAPI (Abcam) for 5 min at room temperature
in the dark. Slides were rinsed with MiliQ water before
imaging with the Leica DMLB fluorescent.
Statistics and reproducibility
For each statistical test used, normality of the distribution
and equality of variance between groups was evaluated
beforehand. For differences in means, one- way analysis
of variance (ANOVA), two- way ANOVA, Student’s two-
tailed unpaired t- test, and non- parametric Kruskal- Wallis
test were used. The Holm Šidák method was used to
correct multiple comparisons. For analyzing differences
between experimental groups in Kaplan- Meier survival,
the log- rank (Mantel- Cox) test was used with 525 mm
endpoints. Bar graphs are shown as mean±SD. The null
hypothesis was rejected for p<0.05. All statistical tests and
analyses were carried out using GraphPad Prism V.9.
X Jordon M Inkol @always_jord, Michael J Westerveld @MikeWesterveld1 and
Samuel T Workenhe @samworkenhe
Acknowledgements We thank the University of Guelph Centralized and Isolation
Animal Facility staff for help with animal studies.
Contributors JMI and STW conducted most of the experiments presented in
the paper together with MJW, SGV, SRW, SW, KK, NP and JM. MJW and SRW
helped with in vivo experiments involving immune cell analysis. SGV, SW, KK and
NP conducted ATP, HMGB1 and calreticulin quantication and immunoblotting
experiments. JM helped with the tissue section and staining studies. KM nancially
supported the preliminary in vitro experiments of this study when STW was a
postdoctoral fellow in her lab. RB, YW and JB provided p14 splenocytes. JMI and
on August 2, 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright.http://jitc.bmj.com/J Immunother Cancer: first published as 10.1136/jitc-2023-006781 on 4 April 2024. Downloaded from
InkolJM, etal. J Immunother Cancer 2024;12:e006781. doi:10.1136/jitc-2023-006781
Open access
STW prepared the gures and wrote the manuscript. STW conceived, supervised,
and is the guarantor for the study.
Funding STW is funded by Canadian Institute of Health Research (PJT 185868 and
PJT 190071), SickKids New Investigator award (NI23- 1064R), Cancer Research
Society (ID# 942502 and 1056603), Ontario Institute for Cancer Research funding
from The Joseph and Wolf Lebovic Cancer Genomics and Immunity Program.
Competing interests None declared.
Patient consent for publication Not applicable.
Ethics approval Mice were maintained at the University of Guelph Isolation Facility
and all procedures were completed in compliance with the Canadian Council on
Animal Care and approved by the University of Guelph Animal Care Committee
(Animal Utilization Protocol (AUP) # 4487).
Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.
Data availability statement Data sharing not applicable as no datasets generated
and/or analyzed for this study.
Supplemental material This content has been supplied by the author(s). It has
not been vetted by BMJ Publishing Group Limited (BMJ) and may not have been
peer- reviewed. Any opinions or recommendations discussed are solely those
of the author(s) and are not endorsed by BMJ. BMJ disclaims all liability and
responsibility arising from any reliance placed on the content. Where the content
includes any translated material, BMJ does not warrant the accuracy and reliability
of the translations (including but not limited to local regulations, clinical guidelines,
terminology, drug names and drug dosages), and is not responsible for any error
and/or omissions arising from translation and adaptation or otherwise.
Open access This is an open access article distributed in accordance with the
Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC BY- NC 4.0) license, which
permits others to distribute, remix, adapt, build upon this work non- commercially,
and license their derivative works on different terms, provided the original work is
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is non- commercial. See http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/.
JonathanBramson http://orcid.org/0000-0003-2874-6886
Samuel TWorkenhe http://orcid.org/0000-0001-9521-3903
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