March 2007
Government of Pakistan
COVER THEME: The front page theme shows the nature of disaster risks in
Pakistan and the importance of National Disaster Risk Management
Framework towards addressing the challenges of disaster risk management.
Hazard risks are indicated in the form of information (on the map of
Pakistan given in the background and through pictures of flood, drought,
earthquake, landslide, fire and cyclone hazards in the left bar) about
various types of disasters that have hit Pakistan. The information and
pictures on disasters and hazards that have hit Pakistan is not comprehensive
but indicative. In the center, the drop of water falling in the ocean refers to
the National Disaster Risk Management Framework being the first step
towards developing national capacities for disaster risk management.
Published by: National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), Government of Pakistan.
Produced by: Courtesy UNDP Pakistan
Design & Prining by: Communications Inc.,
First Published in papaerback in March 2007
Sections of this paper may be reproduced in magazines,
newspapers and reports with acknowledgements to the
National Disastor Management Authority
Government of Pakistan.
Copies available at:
NDMA, Prime Minister’s Secretariat,
Constitution Avenue, Islamabad-Pakistan
Ph: 92-51-9222373, Fax: 9204197
Table of Contents
Acronyms vi
Message from the Honourable President v
Prime Minister's Message vii
Preface ix
Executive Summary xi
Priorities for Five Years xiv
1. Disaster Risks in Pakistan 3
1.1 Hazards 3
1.2 Vulnerabilities 7
1.3 Dynamic pressures 8
1.4 Future disaster trends in Pakistan 11
2. Gaps, Challenges, Strengths and Opportunities 15
2.1 Gaps and challenges 15
2.2 Strengths and opportunities 15
3. Organization Working on Disaster Management 19
4. Sectoral Policies & Protocols with Links to Disaster Risk Management 23
5. Vision, Mission, Scope, Guiding Principles and Process 27
5.1 Vision 27
5.2 Mission 27
5.3 Implications of the mission 27
5.4 Guiding principles 27
5.5 Hyogo Framework of Action 28
5.6 Scope 28
5.7 Duration 28
5.8 Process 29
6. Priorities for Disaster Risk Management 33
6.1 Institutional and legal arrangements 33
6.2 National hazard and vulnerability assessment 34
6.3 Training, education and awareness 35
6.4 Promoting disaster risk management planning 36
6.5 Community and local level risk reduction programming 38
6.6 Multi-hazard early warning system 39
6.7 Mainstreaming disaster risk reduction into development 41
6.8 Emergency response system 43
6.9 Capacity development for post disaster recovery 44
7. Structure for Disaster Risk Management 49
7.1 National Disaster Management Commission 49
7.2 National Disaster Management Authority 50
7.3 Provincial (Regional) Disaster Management Commission 52
7.4 Provincial (Regional) Disaster Management Authority 53
7.5 District and Municipal Disaster Management Authority 53
7.6 Tehsil and Town Authorities 54
7.7 Union Councils 55
7.8 Community Based Organizations 55
8. Roles and Responsibilities of Key Stakeholders 59
8.1 Ministries 59
8.2 Departments 73
8.3 Technical agencies 76
8.4 Other key stakeholders 77
8.5 United Nations agencies 79
8.6 Donors 81
8.7 Non-governmental organizations 82
9. Annexes 83
Annex I: NGOs working on Disaster Risk Management 85
AnnexII: National Consultation Workshop 87
AnnexIII: NGOs Consultation Workshop 89
AnnexIV: Donors Consultation Workshop 91
AJ & K Azad Jammu and Kashmir
AKPBS Aga Khan Planning and Building Services
APPNA Association of Physicians of Pakistani
Descent of North America
BEF Balochistan Environmental Foundation
BWASA Balochistan Water and Sanitation Agency
CBOs Community Based Organizations
CCB Citizen Community Boards
CCI Chamber of Commerce and Industry
CWS Church World Service
DCO District Coordination Officer
DDMA District Disaster Management Authority
DRM Disaster Risk Management
DRR Disaster Risk Reduction
EDO Executive District Officer
EOC Emergency Operations Centre
ERC Emergency Relief Cell
ERRA Earthquake Reconstruction and
Rehabilitation Authority
Federally Administrated Tribal Areas
FHA Focus Humanitarian Assistance
FAO Food and Agriculture Organization
FFC Federal Flood Commission
GSP Geological Survey of Pakistan
GOP Government of Pakistan
HFA Hyogo Framework for Action 2005-2015
IASC Inter-Agency Standing Committee
IOM International Organization for Migration
IRP International Recovery Platform
IRSA Indus River System Authority
IUCN The World Conservation Union
JCSC Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee
MSA Maritime Security Agency
MDMA Municipal Disaster Management
NA Northern Areas
NDMA National Disaster Management Authority
NDMC National Disaster Management
NDMO National Disaster Management
Ordinance, 2006
NESPAK National Engineering Services of
NEOC National Emergency Operations Centre
NIM National Institute of Management
NRECC National Radiation Emergency
Coordination Centre
NGOs Non-governmental Organizations
NWFP North West Frontier Province
OCHA Office for Coordination of Humanitarian
PARC Pakistan Agricultural Research Council
PCRWR Pakistan Council of Research in Water
PCSIR Pakistan Council for Scientific and
Industrial Research
PDMA Provincial Disaster Management
PDMC Provincial Disaster Management
PEC Pakistan Engineering Council
PEOC Provincial Emergency Operations Centre
PMD Pakistan Meteorological Department
PRCS Pakistan Red Crescent Society
SDF Sangi Development Foundation
SDPI Sustainable Development Policy Institute
SOPs Standard Operating Procedures
SUPARCO Space and Upper Atmospheric Research
TMA Tehsil Municipal Administration
TRDP Tharparkar Rural Development
UNDP United Nations Development Programme
ISDR International Strategy for Disaster
UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund
UNHCR United Nations High Commission for
WAPDA Water and Power Development Authority
WFP World Food Programme
WHO World Health Organization
WRRC Water Resources Research Centre
WWF World Wide Fund
Message from the Honourable President
The Earthquake of October 08, 2005 highlighted Pakistan’s vulnerability to disaster risks.
With the current transition in economy, the importance of disaster risks for the society
may increase. Therefore, it is satisfying to note that the federal government has
committed itself to address the issues of disaster risk reduction and preparedness in
comprehensive manner.
With the inception of National Disaster Management Commission (NDMC) at the National
level and its entities at Federal, Provinical, District and Local Government level, the
concept of Disaster Risk Management has been transformed from reactive to a proactive
one. These institutes will proactively respond to Disaster Risks and shall cater for risk
reduction, preparedness, response and recovery. In formulating plans for Disaster Risk
Management the unfortunate but rich experience of 8 October 2005 must provide the
guidelines, especially the concept of “One Window Operation” that made the relief
operation, the most successful one in country’s history.
The National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) is expected to play an effective
role in implementation of policies, strategies and programmes for Disaster Risk
Management chalked out by the NDMC with a view to ensure reduction in disaster risks,
and to enable the country to tackle any further disasters in an organized and efficient
manner. For this purpose, the NDMA should maintain close liaison with all government
departments at federal and provincial levels.
I see the National Disaster Risk Management Framework to serve as a guide for the work
of all stakeholders. I am quite hopeful that the federal government will ensure through
close monitoring that priorities identified in the Framework are implemented by all
I wholeheartedly wish that this Framework and its implementation meet great success
and pray that Almighty protect us from all such disasters in future (Ameen).
General Pervez Musharraf
Islamic Republic of Pakistan
Prime Minister’s Message
Over the past few years, Pakistan’s economy has seen a sharp growth, which has made a
positive impact on the lives and livelihoods of the people. This growth is, however, not risk
free. The development infrastructure in hazard prone areas is at risk from disasters,
could negatively affect the pace of growth. Besides, supply of services to
communities could also be affected by disasters. At the time of disasters of big
magnitude, relief and recovery activities may require reallocation of development
resources, as was the case in the earthquake of eight of October.
Realizing the nature of close linkages between disasters and development efforts, the
Government of Pakistan has embarked upon developing and implementing appropriate
strategies to reduce vulnerabilities to disasters and controlling the negative
consequences of disasters on development plans. I am glad to recognize that the National
Disaster Risk Management Framework has been developed, which will guide the work of
National Disaster Management Commission, and all stakeholders in the country.
To realize the vision and objectives of this Framework, the federal government is
committed to allocate requisite financial resources in annual budgets. The government
expects that all stakeholders, particularly the line ministries and provincial/regional
governments will pay serious attention towards establishing institutional mechanisms,
developing capacities and implementing strategies in their respective domains. The
federal government shall work closely with the provincial and regional authorities and
would strive to integrate disaster risk reduction in all development policies and
The government would welcome the support and participation of international donors, UN
agencies, NGOs, media, research and academic institutions and the private sector, in
achieving the vision of the Framework. In my capacity as Chairman of the National
Disaster Management Commission (NDMC), I shall closely supervise the progress of the
implementation of this Framework. The National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA),
being the policy implementation organ of NDMC, I expect that all ministries,
departments, agencies will fully support the NDMA.
I pray that the Almighty may save us from calamities in the future, Ameen!
Shaukat Aziz
Prime Minister
Islamic Republic of Pakistan
The loss of life and property and the challenges that were faced in the aftermath of
October 2005 earthquake affecting Azad Jammu and Kashmir and the NWFP province
exhibited the need for establishing appropriate policy and institutional arrangements to
reduce losses from disasters in future. The earthquake tested the resilience and capacity of
Pakistan and its people to overcome catastrophes.
The need for strong institutional and policy arrangements has been fulfilled with the
establishment of the National Disaster Management Commission (NDMC), the National
Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), and the passing of the National Disaster
Management Ordinance, 2006.
This Framework prepared with active participation of multiple stakeholders serves as a
vision document for leading the way towards a safer Pakistan. The Framework provides
guidelines to coordinate activities of numerous stakeholders. It also sets out priorities for
mobilization of resources from donors and development partners of Pakistan to
implement strategic activities during the next five years.
The journey towards a safer Pakistan requires cooperation of all concerned ministries,
departments, technical agencies, armed forces, provincial governments, UN agencies,
media, NGOs, donors, private sector and most of all the vulnerable communities.
The Framework has been formulated through a consultative process involving multiple
stakeholders, from government ministries and departments, technical agencies, UN
agencies, NGOs and donors. This has helped in identification of gaps, needs, priorities
and strategies for further action.
The immediate priorities will be addressed by NDMA in a systematic manner in
collaboration with relevant stakeholders. Considering the fact that disaster risk
management is a provincial subject, the cooperation and political will of the provincial
governments through the Provincial Disaster Management Authorities (PDMAs) would be
critical for successful implementation of priorities identified in the Framework.
Extensive feedback was received from stakeholders during the consultation process.
NDMA has tried to integrate the essence of comments of all stakeholders to the possible
extent, while finalizing the Framework. We were not able to incorporate certain valuable
comments, which were out of the scope of a National Framework. I take this opportunity to
sincerely thank all the stakeholder agencies and individuals who contributed to the
conception and compilation of this important document. I also deeply appreciate the
valuable services rendered by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in
formulation of the Framework.
I am confident that the implementation of Framework will lead to a Pakistan safer from
Lt. Gen. (Retd.) Farooq A. Khan
National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA)
Executive Summary
Pakistan is in transition from a predominantly rural and agrarian to an industrial, service
based and urban economy. The economy has been growing at an impressive average of
more than 6 % over the past few years due to macro-economic policy directions pursued by
the government. Natural disasters threaten sustained economic growth by causing
shocks, as the October 2005 earthquake did. The quake caused a loss of 5.2 billion USD
which is staggering when compared to national budget for 2006-07 which was about USD
billion. This amount was much higher than the total allocations for social sector
development. Similarly, the economic damages suffered from 14 major floods, since
1947, have been estimated as USD 6 billion
. The drought of 1998-2001 demonstrated that
this phenomenon could have serious political, economic and social repercussions.
Sustainable development in agriculture, livestock, water resources, food security and
environment sectors is seriously threatened by droughts, particularly in Balochistan,
Southern Punjab, Tharparkar and D.I.Khan in NWFP. The drought of 2001 reduced
economic growth rate to 2.6 % as compared to an average growth rate of over 6 %
Therefore, it is not a coincidence that areas which experience disasters frequently, are
amongst the poorest regions; e.g. Balochistan, Tharparker, Cholistan and Northern areas. In
order for Pakistan to ensure continuity of current economic growth in the medium to
longer terms, it must address risks posed by natural disasters.
Pakistan is vulnerable to disaster risks from a range of hazards including avalanches,
cyclones/storms, droughts, earthquakes, epidemics, floods, glacial lake outbursts,
landslides, pest attacks, river erosion and tsunami. Human induced hazards that threaten
the country include transport, industrial, oil spills, urban and forest fires, civil conflicts
and internal displacements of communities due to multiple factors. High priority hazards
in terms of their frequency and scale of impact are:- earthquakes, droughts,
flooding, Wind Storms and Landslides that have caused widespread damages and losses
in the past.
A number of factors lay behind vulnerabilities of Pakistani society to hazards. These
include poor construction practices, poor livestock and agricultural management, and
fragile natural environment, weak early warning systems, lack of awareness and
Education and poverty. Poor communication infrastructure and lack of critical facilities
aggravate vulnerabilities of communities. In mountainous regions the non-availability of
safer land for construction, scattered settlement patterns and harsh climatic conditions
further intensify vulnerabilities. The size and growth of human and animal population,
environmental degradation resulting from poorly managed urban and industrial
development processes, and climate change and variability are major dynamic pressures
that increase vulnerabilities of Pakistani society. In the coming decades frequency,
severity and impact of certain hazards may increase which might lead to greater social,
economic and environmental losses.
A reactive, emergency response approach has remained the predominant way of dealing
with disasters in Pakistan till now. The Calamity Act of 1958 was mainly concerned with
1 Federal Flood Commission of Pakistan.
2 Qureshi, A. Sarwar and Smakhtin, V. Extracting Wetness from Dryness: Water Harvesting against Droughts in Pakistan.
organizing emergency response. A system of relief commissionrate at provincial level
was established. An Emergency Relief Cell (ERC) in the Cabinet Secretariat was
responsible for organizing disaster response by the federal government. The awareness of
policy makers, media, civil society, NGOs, UN agencies and other stakeholders remains low
about disaster risk management. The situation is relatively better with regards to flood
and drought mitigation. A number of government agencies and NGOs have been
implementing mitigation measures for these hazards. However, until recently, country
lacked a systematic approach towards disaster risk management.
Realizing the importance of disaster risk reduction for sustainable social, economic and
environmental development, the GOP has embarked upon establishing appropriate policy,
legal and institutional arrangements, and implementing strategies and programmes to
minimize risks and vulnerabilities. In this regard, National Disaster Management
Ordinance 2006 has been passed, the implementation of which would be ensured by the
National Disaster Management Commission.
The National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) will be the focal point for
coordinating and facilitating the implementation of strategies and programmes on
disaster risk reduction, response and recovery. Similarly, Disaster Management Authorities
will be established at provincial, regional, district and municipal levels. NDMA would
provide technical guidance to national and provincial stakeholders about formulation of
plans, strategies and programmes for disaster risk management. NDMA would also work
towards capacity development of national, provincial and local stakeholders in
collaboration with PDMAs and DDMAs.
The National Disaster Risk Management Framework has been formulated to guide the
work of entire system in the area of disaster risk management. It has been developed
through wide consultation with stakeholders from local, provincial and national levels.
The Framework envisions, “To achieve sustainable social, economic and environmental
development in Pakistan through reducing risks and vulnerabilities, particularly those of
the poor and marginalized groups, and by effectively responding to and recovering from
disaster impact”.
Nine priority areas have been identified within this framework to establish and
strengthen policies, institutions and capacities over the next five years: These include:-
Institutional and legal arrangements for DRM
Hazard and vulnerability assessment,
Training, education and awareness,
Disaster risk management planning,
Community and local level programming,
Multi-hazard early warning system,
Mainstreaming disaster risk reduction into development,
vii) Emergency response system, and
ix) Capacity development for post disaster recovery.
Roles and responsibilities of key national, provincial and local stakeholders have been
defined in the present Framework. Broadly speaking, all stakeholders are expected
to undertake following actions to promote disaster risk management;
Integrate risk assessment in the planning and design stages of all new
Assess vulnerability of people, infrastructure, assets and services related to
their sector,
Develop disaster risk management plans,
iv) Integrate vulnerability reduction measures in their programmes,
v) Develop technical capacities of their departments/sectors to implement
disaster risk management strategies, and
Allocate funds for disaster risk management in annual development budgets.
Other responsibilities of the stakeholders include:-
Conduct post disaster damage and loss assessments,
Organize emergency response as per the mandate of the department; and
Organize recovery and rehabilitation as per the mandate;
The principles established in the Framework are:
promoting multi-stakeholder, multi-sectoral and multi-disciplinary approaches,
reducing vulnerability of most vulnerable social groups,
strengthening community and local level risk reduction capacities,
combining scientific and people’s knowledge,
developing culturally, socially, economically and environmentally relevant
strengthening sustainable livelihood practices,
acquiring specific capacities in view of the hazard-risk profile of the area and
country, and
working with other countries, and the international community to promote disaster
risk reduction.
Priorities for Five Years
1. Institutional and Legal Arrangements (DM authorities
Strengthening of NDMA
Formation of PDMCs and PDMAs
Formation of DDMAs, MDMAs
Strategy on implemantation of building codes
Drafting of land-use plans for five cities
Development of insurance schemes for disaster risk
Establish National Institute for Disaster Management
2. National Hazard and Vulnerability Assessment
Vulnerability Atlas of Pakistan
Digitization of Vulnerability Atlas for selected areas
Study on impact of climate change on glaciers and ice cap
3. Training, Education and Awareness
Curriculum development for NDMA, PDMA, DDMAs
Training for NDMA, PDMA, and district and municipal DM
Media Orientations
Awareness for policy makers, politicians
Integrate DRM in the syllabus of Civil Services Academy,
NIMs, Administrative Staff College, Defence College,
Regimental Centres and armed forces training institutions
Offering courses in selected universities and colleges
4. Promoting Disaster Risk Management Planning
Inputs on drafting of National, Provincial and Ministerial
National Emergency Response Plan
Provincial and Regional Disaster Risk Management Plans
Time Cost
Frame Year-wise USD
(in years) (in million)
12-5 3-5
1 2-5 3-5
1 2
1 2.5
1-2 .075
2 .02
1 .6
1 2.8
2-3 .023
1-3 .14
1-5 .025
2-5 .02
2-3 .14
5 .16
1 .029
1-2 .042
Disaster Risk Management Plans of Selected Line Ministries
District/Municipal Disaster Risk Management Plans
5. Community and Local Level Risk Reduction
Training, awareness materials for communities & local
Community Risk Assessment and Planning
Implement small scale mitigation schemes
School preparedness in high risk regions
6. Multi-hazard Early Warning System
2-3 .075
2-5 .025
2-5 .01
3-5 4
3-5 .6
Stakeholder workshops to strengthen institutional
arrangements for EWS
Flash Flood Warning System in NWFP
Flash Flood Warning System in Balochistan
Cyclone Warning Centre
Communicable disease surveillance system for Health
1-2 .02
1 3.5
2-3 7.6
3-5 2
7. Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Reduction into
Sectoral guidelines on mainstreaming DRR
Courses for line ministry officials on mainstreaming DRR
Implementation of pilot projects on mainstreaming DRR
Lessons learnt from pilot projects on mainstreaming DRR
8. Emergency Response System
National EOC established with a Data Centre EOCs
established at provincial and regional levels EOCs
established in 50 districts
SOPs developed for national, provincial and district levels
Common Assessment methodology for damage, loss and
needs assessment developed for use of all stakeholders
Two Core Search and Rescue Teams
Six Search and Rescue Teams established in provincial and
regional capitals and key industrial cities
Training for EOCs, Civil Defence Academies
National, provincial and district level drills
National Disaster Management Fund
9. Capacity Development for Post Disaster Recovery
Training curriculum for recovery managers on needs
assessment and programme design and implementation
Lessons learnt from earthquake recovery
1-2 .137
1-2 .11
3-5 3
5 .06
1-2 3.8
2-5 8.6
1 .084
1 .04
1-2 3.6
5 3
3-5 .1
.03 .03
2 5
3-5 .054
2 .03
USD 60.563
Disaster Risks in Pakistan
Disasters in future would be more frequent and
their social, economic and environmental
impacts higher than before.
Disaster Risks in Pakistan
1.1 Hazards
Pakistan’s exposure to natural hazards and disasters could be ranked between moderate
to severe. Natural hazards including avalanches, cyclones and storms, droughts,
earthquakes, epidemics, floods, glacial lake outbursts, landslides, pest attacks, river
erosion and tsunami pose risks to Pakistani society. A variety of human-induced hazards
also threaten the society, economy and environment. They include industrial, transport,
oil spills, urban and forest fires, civil conflicts and internal displacements of
communities. High priority hazards in terms of their frequency and scale of impact are:-
earthquakes, droughts, flooding, Wind Storms and Landslides that have caused
widespread damage and losses in the past. Given below is an overview of the key hazards
that threaten Pakistan.
The Indo-Australian plate upon which Pakistan, India and Nepal lie, is continuously
moving northward and sub-ducting under the Eurasian plate, thus triggering earthquakes in
the process and forming Himalayan mountains. Within the Suleiman, Hindu Kush and
Karakoram mountain ranges, the Northern Areas and Chitral district in NWFP, Kashmir
including Muzaffarabad, and Quetta, Chaman, Sibi, Zhob, Khuzdar, Dalbandin, the Makran
coast including Gwadar and Pasni in Balochistan are located in high or very high risk
areas. Cities of Islamabad, Karachi and Peshawar are located on the edges of high risk
areas. Four major earthquakes have hit Pakistan in 20th Century including: 1935 Quetta
1945 Makran coast earthquake,
Seismic Zones of Pakistan
1976 Northern Areas and the
Seismic Factor Possible
Zones Catagory
Very High
Ground Accelaration Damage
High Hazard
g/5 to g/10 Major
g/10 to g/15 Moderate
g/15 to g/20 Minor
IV Low Hazard g/20 or Less Negligible
Pakistan Meteorological Department
Kashmir/NWFP quake. Seismologists like Dr. Roger Bilham and associates believe that
one or more great earthquakes may be overdue in a large fraction of the Himalayas
They also don’t rule out the chances of ruptures in the range of 7.5 Mw. to 8 magnitude in
Balochistan area
The incidence of drought is becoming increasingly common in Pakistan with substantial
consequences upon sustainable development in sectors of food security, livestock,
agriculture, water resources, environment and hydro-electricity. Low rainfall and
extreme variations in temperature characterize the climate in Pakistan. About 60 per
cent of the total land area is classified as arid, which annually receives less than 200 mm
rainfall. The main arid rangelands include Cholistan, D. G. Khan, D.I. Khan, Kohistan,
Tharparkar and Western Balochistan
. Average annual precipitation in Balochistan and
Sindh provinces is about 160mm as compared with 400 mm in Punjab province and about
630mm in NWFP province. Rainfall variability during different seasons is also considerably
. Climate in lower southern half of the country is arid and hyper-arid. Some areas
remain drastically dry in each region and are always vulnerable to drought with a small
negative deviation from low mean rainfall. Certain areas experience two-three drought
years in every decade.
Drought at the end of Dec. 2000
Pakistan Meteorological Department
Fifty six (56%) percent of the Indus river basin lies in Pakistan and covers approximately
70% of the country’s area (IUCN, 2005). Generally major floods in the Indus basin occur
3 Himalayan Seismic Hazard, Roger Bilham, Vinod K Gaur, Peter Molnar.
4 Kashmir quake of October 8 2005: A quick look report, Mid America earthquake centre, MAE Report No. 05-04 Ahmed Jan Durrani et al. 5
Dr. Chaudhry, Q.Z., Meteorological Drought in Pakistan,
6 Halcrow, Analytical paper 4., Livestock, Feed and Fodder Development, Balochistan Rural Development and Drought Mitigation Project.
in late summer (July-September) when South Asian region is subjected to heavy monsoon
rains. In upper to mid reaches of the Basin, generally tributaries like Jhelum and Chennab are
mostly the cause of flooding. Major flooding is mainly associated with the monsoon low
depression that develops in the Bay of Bengal and move across India in west/north-
westerly direction to enter Pakistan. River floods particularly hit Punjab and Sindh while
hill torrents tend to affect the hilly areas of NWFP, Balochistan and northern areas.
Districts of Charsadda, Mardan, Nowshera and Peshawar in NWFP are exposed to risks
from flooding in the river Kabul. Flash floods also hit hilly and mountain areas of Punjab,
which may cause landslides and road erosion. Cloud Burst Flash Floods (CBFF) could also
occur over Lahore (as it happened in 1996), Rawalpindi, Islamabad and Jhelum
. Floods in
Pakistan can also occur due to dam bursts; e.g. the floods in Pasni due to Shadi Kot dam
burst in February 2005. In recent years, vulnerabilities of large cities to flooding have
increased. Cities like Karachi, Lahore and Rawalpindi have experienced flooding due to
inability of sewerage system to cope with heavy rains. Fourteen major floods that have hit
the country since 1947 caused economic losses and damages worth USD 6 billion.
The regions of Kashmir, Northern Areas and parts of the NWFP province are particularly
vulnerable to landslide hazard. Aside from the young geology and fragile soil type of
mountain ranges, accelerated deforestation is a major cause behind increased incidences of
landslides. Small scale isolated landslide hazards happen frequently in the above
mentioned regions. Frequency of landslides may increase in future since the forest cover is
shrinking by 3.1% (7000-9000 ha taken away annually)
7 Written Comments, November 2006, Flood Forecasting Division, Pakistan Meteorological Department. 8
PARC, 2002, National Action Program to Combat Desertification in Pakistan.
Pakistan also has a history of tsunami disasters. A big tsunami was experienced on 28
November 1945, due to an earthquake of magnitude 8.3, offshore Makran Coast
. The
tsunami produced sea waves of 12-15 meters height that killed at least 4000 people in
Pasni and adjoining areas. Karachi, about 450 kms from the epicentre, experienced 6
feet high sea waves which affected harbour facilities. The fact that cities like Karachi lie
close to potential epicentres for large submarine earthquakes, demands attention for
enhancement of local capacities for disaster risk reduction, early warning and response in
order to reduce losses from tsunami events.
Coastal belt of Pakistan (especially in Sindh) is highly vulnerable to cyclones and
associated storm surges. Fourteen cyclones were recorded between 1971 and 2001
Cyclones can cause large scale damage to coastal areas of Sindh and Balochistan. The
cyclone of 1999 in Thatta and Badin districts wiped out 73 settlements and killed 168
people and 11,000 cattle. Nearly 0.6 million people were affected. It destroyed 1800
small and big boats and partially damaged 642 boats, causing a loss of Rs. 380 million.
Losses to infrastructure were estimated at Rs. 750 million. Climate change may increase
the frequency and intensity of storms and could cause changes in their tracks. Although
the frequency of cyclones along Pakistani coast is low, yet they cause considerable
damage, when they occur.
Glacial lake outburst flood (GLOF)
Another likely scenario that can come into play is the burst of glacial lakes in the
upstream of Indus basin due to heat waves, a phenomenon termed as Glacial Lake
Outburst Flood (GLOF). A recent study found that, of the 2420 glacial lakes in the Indus
basin, 52 are potentially dangerous and could result in GLOF with serious damages to life
and property. The study has also indicated that global warming can increase the
potential of GLOF in future
The Kashmir region and northern areas in Pakistan experience avalanches on a regular
seasonal basis. Local people in the hazardous region and tourists are vulnerable to this
hazard. A study conducted by WAPDA in 1985-89 under the Snow and Ice Hydrology
Project, identified the potential avalanche paths.
Transport and industrial accidents
Transport accidents are a common phenomenon in Pakistan. Particularly the train system is
notorious for collisions. Plane crashes and road accidents are not uncommon events
either. Ports in Karachi and Gwadar are also at risk from marine accidents too. In August
2003 the oil wreckage of Tasman Spirit, a Greek oil ship caused colossal environmental
losses and health hazards for businesses, port workers and adjacent communities at
9 Wikipedia,
10 Pakistan Meteorological Department, 2006, National Plan: Strengthening National Capacities for Multi-hazard Early Warning & Response System.
Indus Basin River system-flooding and flood mitigation, H. Rehman, and A. Kamal.
Karachi. About 28,000 ton oil spilled all over the harbour area, which affected marine life in a
major way.
The growing industrialization particularly within urban settlements in cities like
Faisalabad, Gujranwala, Karachi, Hyderabad, Quetta, Lahore, Sialkot, Peshawar and
elsewhere can be a source of major industrial and chemical disasters. The neighbouring
India suffered from Bhopal Gas leakage in 1985, in which 5000 people were killed and
enormous health problems were experienced by citizens of Bhopal.
Urban and forest fires
With growing urbanization and industrialization in the country, risks of urban fires are on the
rise. CNG gas stations are installed in all urban areas and the gas is also sold at small stores
for household use. Sale of petroleum products within residential areas is also
in cities. These practices pose major fire risk in urban areas, while urban services are
generally poorly equipped to fight these risks. The northern regions of
Pakistan and
AJK are prone to forest fires.
Civil conflicts
Pakistan is ethnically, linguistically, religiously and culturally a diverse society. This diversity has
some times led towards civil conflicts amongst various social groups and has impacted
upon women, children and minorities. For example, Pakistan suffered sectarian
during the 1980s and 1990s. These conflicts caused loss of life and damage to property,
while creating insecurity for various social groups in the affected areas. The hosting of
about 6 million Afghan refugees also damaged the social fabric of Pakistan.
1.2 Vulnerabilities
Main causes of vulnerability to hazards in Pakistan include; poor quality of construction
housing stock, buildings and infrastructure
(particularly rural), fragile natural
environment, poor livestock and agriculture management practices, weak early warning
systems, lack of awareness and education and poverty. Lack of communications
infrastructure and critical facilities further aggravate vulnerabilities of communities in
post-disaster situations.
Most of the rural housing in Pakistan is adobe, which is extremely vulnerable to hazards
like earthquakes, floods and landslides. In Kashmir, FATA, NA and NWFP, people build
houses by pilling stones upon each other without any reinforcement. The indigenous
practice of light-weight, timber-laced construction has given way to more massive
masonry and reinforced concrete construction which provides adequate protection
against harsh weather but is often poorly constructed to withstand strong earthquakes
The urban housing and infrastructure suffers from lack of implementation of building
codes. The mushrooming of slums and urban poverty has further compounded unsafe
construction practices. Even a city like Quetta that was devastated by an earthquake in
1935 doesn’t follow safer construction practices. Reasons lie in lack of political will,
business interests, corruption, lack of information and trained man-power.
12 Mid America Earthquake Centre: Report No. 05-04l.
Fragility of natural environment in upstream areas of Indus river basin has also
exacerbated conditions of vulnerability. Due to massive deforestation, the rate of soil
erosion is quite high in the Northern region. Pakistan has been left with only 4 % forest
and vegetative cover, in contrast to the required 25 % percent, thereby experiencing an
intense and uninterrupted discharge of water, especially during monsoon seasons. This
coupled with increasing snowmelt in the Himalayan glaciers has intensified flood and
landslide risks. Pressures upon forests and other natural resources need to be released in
order to reduce vulnerabilities.
Overgrazing of marginal lands in Balochistan and Tharparkar, and cultivation of water-
intensive crops, such as rice and sugar cane, has worsened the drought conditions. A
many-fold increase in livestock population in arid zones has led to overexploitation of
range-lands without providing them the time to recover. Simultaneously, extensive
installation of tube-wells in Balochistan has accelerated extraction of ground water,
which is lowering the water tables very fast. Solutions to drought and water shortage
problems in arid zones require modifications in agricultural and livestock management
practices; e.g. reduction in the size of livestock population to make it compatible with
carrying capacity of rangelands and replacement of water-intensive crop varieties with
drought resistant crops.
A little below one-third of Pakistani people are living under poverty-line, many of whom
are inhabited in hazard prone areas. This social segment which struggles to cope with
daily life risks can not be expected to make disaster risk reduction a priority, and
therefore suffers severely from disasters.
The peculiar vulnerabilities of mountain communities in Northern Pakistan are caused by
physical isolation, scattered settlement patterns and harsh climatic conditions.
Development of infrastructure for health, education, safe drinking water and sanitation is
usually overlooked due to high construction costs and nature of the terrain. Complexity of
physical isolation is further compounded by fragile ecosystems susceptible to soil
erosion, landslides and loss of bio-diversity. Often there is no other possibility than to
build a house or road in a position known to be at risk. Mountain people lack access to
hazard-resistant building technologies and construction materials. Vulnerabilities of
mountain communities could be exacerbated in post-disaster scenario by road cuts,
inability to receive relief supplies and harsh climatic conditions.
1.3 Dynamic Pressures:
Population growth, urbanization, industrialization, the resultant environmental
degradation and climate change/variability and gender power imbalances are working as
major pressures behind the increasing vulnerability of Pakistani society and economy to
Population growth and size
Growth and size of Pakistan’s population have become a major dynamic pressure,
negatively affecting all aspects of social, economic and environmental life. Population
has grown by 350 per cent since independence in 1947. Pakistan will be the second
largest contributor to global population, after China, with a contribution of 133 million till
Population growth works in
multiple ways to create and
exacerbate vulnerabilities.
Increased population has
pushed people to move and live
in hazard prone locations,
which were traditionally
considered as un-inhabitable;
e.g. flood plains, steep slopes
and coastal areas. Population
growth in upstream locations
has increased the demand for
fuel wood, fodder and timber,
which leads to uncontrolled
forest cutting, and causes
intensified erosion and higher
peak flows. This results in
severe flooding in densely
Livestock and droughts in Balochistan
Balochistan houses about 20 % per cent of the national livestock.
Estimated livestock population in Balochistan in 1999 was: 1,402,000
cattle, 213,000 buffaloes, 10,761,00 sheep and 10, 098,000 goats. The
population of livestock in Balochistan has grown by nine-hundred per cent
since 1947 rising from 2,327,000 to 22,483,000 heads. The total available
dry edible matter output per year (in normal years) amounts to 3.3 million
tones against a feed requirement of animal population, of some 6.3 million
tones. Hence the range lands carrying capacity has been exceeded over
the years by growing animal population.
The drought of 1998-2002 had severe impact on livestock population in
Balochistan. As per estimates of an FAO/WFP joint mission’s report,
farmers lost up to 50 per cent of their sheep and up to 40 per cent of their
goats in the drought in the form of higher mortality and forced culling. It is
estimated that 10. 65 million livestock were affected and 2.18 million
perished. In Sindh 5 million livestock were affected and 30,000 died.
Sources: FAO Crop and food supply assessment mission to the Balochistan province of
Pakistan, June 2000, and Contingency Plan for Drought affected Districts of Balochistan, 2006.
populated plains. Population density in hazard prone regions also means greater loss of life
and property in case of disasters. If the population growth trends continue at current rates,
a far greater number of people would be living in areas prone to earthquakes,
and droughts in the coming years. In order to arrest the rising trends of
vulnerability, Pakistan must confine the growth in its people.
The expansion in animal population in arid and drought prone areas of Pakistan has also
been enormous. A five to nine fold increase in livestock population in Tharparkar and
Balochistan regions respectively has outstripped the carrying capacity of local
rangelands. In-turn this effects local climate and weather patterns, resultantly
exacerbating dry and drought conditions. The size of livestock in these regions needs to
be reduced in order to minimize pressures upon local carrying capacity. This can be
facilitated by providing mechanisms to export livestock from arid regions to other parts
of the country. Alternative means of livelihoods could be promoted to diversify the
sources of income in arid zones and to minimize extensive dependence upon livestock
based livelihoods.
Urbanization, industrialization and environmental degradation
Pakistan is in transition from an agricultural and rural to a modern industrial economy.
This gradual shift entails rapid urbanization, infrastructure development, environmental
degradation, soil erosion and water and air pollution etc. Urban expansion is happening
faster due to high rural-urban migration. The preference for development of
infrastructure and services in urban centres coupled with opportunities for jobs and
higher incomes have acted as pull factors in attracting educated and uneducated rural
lots to cities. With urbanization, consumption patterns shoot-upwards drastically. City life
Urbanization in Pakistan
Pakistan’s cities are expanding much faster than the overall population. At
independence in 1947, many refugees from India settled in urban centers.
Between 1951 and 1981, the urban population quadrupled. The annual
urban growth rate during the 1950s and 1960s was more than 5 percent.
Between 1980 and early 1994, it averaged about 4.6 percent. In 1994, 32
percent of Pakistanis were living in urban areas. Urban population was
estimated at 47.7 million in 2001 using the growth rate of 3.5 per cent.
Estimates suggest that during 1951-98 when the overall population grew
by almost 4 times, the urban population rose by 7 times. The population
of urban areas in Pakistan was about 17.8 per cent of the total population
in 1951, which rose to become 33 percent in 1998.
demands better services and
more natural resources (land,
water, forest) to sustain life
styles. Growing industrialization
also require more water, timber
and mineral resources. This
leads to accelerated
exploitation of natural
resources in countryside and
upstream, thus degrading the
environment; e.g. cutting of
forests, depletion of ground and
surface water resources and
land clearance for development. Studies indicate that environmental degradation in
Pakistan may lead to land erosion and soil degradation, which could enhance landslides
in Northern Areas, Kashmir and Muree Hill tracts. It could also increase torrential rains
and flooding. The clearing of mangroves along with reduced volumes of water discharge
in the ocean in coastal Sindh has led to sea intrusion. The loss of this natural barrier
could expose coastal communities and infrastructure to escalated frequency of storms
and flooding.
Climate change and variability
As per observations of WWF Pakistan, global warming is causing damage to Pakistan’s
environment. Among the impacts felt and seen are biodiversity loss, shifts in weather
patterns and changes in fresh water supply. A study carried out by GTZ for WAPDA to
analyze trends in temperature and precipitation in the Northern Areas for the last century
(Archer, 2001) found that at Skardu seasonal and annual temperatures have risen than
the last century. Mean annual temperature has increased by 1.4o C with the mean annual
daily maximum rising more than 2.35 o C. The winter temperatures have risen far more
than summer with an increase of upto 0.51o C in winter maxima per decade since 1961.
Temperature increase might cause an upward shift of almost 400 meters in the frost line.
It might impact upon the snow and rain patterns and the availability of snow for melt
during summer, which is a major source of water in many rivers. Observations of the
World Glacier Monitoring Service based in Switzerland indicate that mountain glaciers in
the Karakorams have been diminishing for the last 30 years. Experts believe the flow of
water in rivers increased during the decade of 1990-2000 in comparison to 1975-1990,
which means melting of more ice upstream. Researches also indicate that some of the
Glaciers in Pakistan have retreated significantly in the recent past. Scientists believe
this is an indicator of climate change, resulting in more snow melt. Changes in the
climate denote that the incidence of flash flooding and extreme flooding can increase
during the next few decades. Studies conducted by SDPI also indicate that with a doubling
of CO2, average rainfall in South Asia would increase between 17-59 per cent
. This will
be associated with a doubling in the frequency of high rainfall events. Variable monsoons,
also anticipated, could mean more droughts. Experts also believe that further desiccation
of arid areas due to warming would endanger food production in the plains unless a lot
of trees are planted there.
Gender power imbalances
Countries having experienced large disasters demonstrate that the cost of ignoring
gender in disaster response, recovery and preparedness is tremendous. This results in
overlooking the damages, needs and priorities of most vulnerable in times of disaster
and worsens existing poverty and inequity. Lack of gender sensitive assessments and
programming intensify the existing political, social and economic inequality. In-spite of
devastation they cause, natural disasters provide opportunities for social and economic
change. Women should be empowered as equal stakeholders to act as key resource,
before, during and after disasters in reducing loss to lives, household economy and in
reducing break-down of social safety-nets.
1.4 Future Disaster Trends in Pakistan
The analysis of hazard risks, vulnerabilities and dynamic pressures bring home a scenario of
more people living in and around hazard-prone areas. New settlements would continue to
spring-up with expanding population in hazard prone areas. This trend may worsen over
the years since population of Pakistan is expected to be doubled in another 25-30 years.
At the other end, the frequency, severity and intensity of certain hazards is on the rise; e.g.
droughts, flooding, soil erosion and landslides, resulting from environmental
and climate change. From these scenarios it could be concluded that
disasters in
future would be more frequent and their social, economic and environmental impacts
higher than before. Regions that previously were not prone to certain hazards (e.g.
droughts, flooding), may experience them in future.
13 Dr. Shaheen R. Khan, Does Climate Change Matter in Pakistan.
Gaps, Challenges, Strengths and Opportunities
A number of situations in the aftermath of October 08 earthquake
could be described as favourable opportunities to promote
Disaster Risk Management in Pakistan
Gaps, Challenges, Strengths and Opportunities
2.1 Gaps and Challenges
Emergency response has remained a predominant approach in Pakistan to deal with
disasters until recently. The Calamity Act of 1958, the national policy for disaster
management prior to the passing of National Disaster Management Ordinance 2006, was
mainly concerned with emergency response. Pakistan Civil Defence was the focal agency
for responding to disasters till 1970. In the aftermath of 1970 cyclone in the then East
Pakistan (now Bangladesh), the Emergency Relief Cell (ERC) was established, which
became the government’s focal point for emergency relief in disaster hit areas. Reasons
behind this reactive approach by policy makers might be related to the relatively lower
socio-economic impact of disasters in the past. By no means, it implies that no work was
being undertaken on disaster risk management in the country. Organizations like the
FFC, PARC, and a number of NGOs have been implementing programmes and initiatives
in relation to drought, earthquake and flood mitigation. Communities in drought prone
areas have developed ingenious methods to reduce the negative impacts of droughts.
However, disaster risk management remains a relatively new concept for majority of the
policy makers, UN agencies, donors, civil society organizations and for common people.
Historically disasters have been occurring in localized areas in each province or region,
and their affects have been limited mainly to the local communities. Consequently, the
establishing of appropriate policy, institutional and legal arrangements to deal with issues
of risk and vulnerability was not given priority at higher levels. Therefore, Pakistan lacked
such mechanisms and institutions. There was a lack of political will and capacities for risk
analysis and risk reduction. Lack of disaster risk management plans also remains a major
gap. Even the districts and regions that have suffered from frequent hazards don’t have
plans, except a few. Pakistan lacks application of building codes for construction of
housing and infrastructure in hazard prone areas. This could be attributed to lack of
political will, lack of trained construction workforce, lack of monitoring and evaluation
mechanisms, corruption, and apathy. Although specific agencies (e.g. WAPDA, FFC) have
developed systems and procedures to deal with certain hazards, Pakistan also lacks an
effective system for emergency response, e.g. Emergency Operations Centres, response
plans, SOPs to deal with various hazards and capacities in search and rescue, fire fighting,
medical first response, evacuation etc.
2.2 Strengths and Opportunities
A number of situations in the aftermath of October 08 earthquake could be described as
favourable opportunities to promote disaster risk reduction in Pakistan. These include:
i) Heightened awareness among highest level decision-makers, officials, media and civil
society about disaster risks and vulnerabilities, ii) Enhanced commitment of donors and
the UN for establishing institutional arrangements and developing capacity on disaster
risk management, iii) Approval of the National Disaster Management Ordinance 2006,
establishment of NDMC, and the NDMA, and iv) Commitment of the NDMA leadership.
Existing disaster risk management system also has a number of strengths. For example,
Pakistan has relatively well developed systems for flood mitigation, preparedness and
response. Provincial revenue departments have policies, systems and procedures in place
for disaster relief, particularly for floods and droughts. Pakistan armed forces are
generally well experienced in managing various kinds of disasters. A number of
departments including agriculture and irrigation departments have been implementing
drought mitigation strategies. Some NGOs have extensive experience in community level
disaster risk reduction and preparedness. NDMA will build upon the above mentioned
strengths and opportunities, while developing systems for disaster risk management
Organizations Working on Disaster Risk Management
Key agencies which have made interventions on
Disaster Risk Management
Organizations Working on Disaster Risk
A number of goverenment
in Pakistan include:
Preparedness and Response
Recovery & Reconstruction
institutions currently working on disaster risk management
Federal Flood Commission
Provincial Irrigation Departments
Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA)/ Dams safety council
Armed Forces
Civil Defence
Emergency Relief Cell
Fire Services
National Crisis Management Cell (NCMC)
Pakistan Meteorological Department
Provincial Communication and Works
Provincial Food Departments
Provincial Health Departments
Provincial Relief Commissioners
Provincial Agriculture and Livestock Departments
Rescue 1122
Space and Upper Atmospheric Research Commission (SUPARCO)
Earthquake Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Authority (ERRA)
Provincial Irrigation Departments
Sectoral Policies & Protocols
with Links to Disaster Risk Management
An effective disaster risk management system could be
developed by linking with multi-sectoral policies and protocals
Sectoral Policies & Protocols with Links to Disaster
Risk Management
Being a cross-cutting theme, disaster risk management has close links with all
development sectors. Given below is a list of national sectoral policies and international
protocols that have implications for disaster risk management and vice-a-versa. The
NDMA would strive to build linkages with these policies and protocols for the
implementation of the
Sector / Agency
Climate Change
Disaster Management
Disaster Management
Disaster Risk Management
Hazardous Waste
Ozone Layer
Poverty Reduction
Water Resources
Legislation / Document
Agricultural Perspective and Policy
Convention for Biodiversity (CBD), June 1992
Framework Convention on Climate Change (UN FCCC), June 1992
Convention for Combating Desertification, October 1994
Medium Term Development Framework 2006-2010, Planning Commission
Ten Year Perspective Development Plan,
2001-2011, Planning
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), 2000
SAARC Disaster Management Plan (yet to be finalized)
ASEAN Regional Forum - Draft Plan for Mutual Cooperation
Hyogo Framework of Action 2005-2015
National Conservation Strategy 1992
National Environment Action Plan (NEAP), 2001
National Environment Policy 2005
Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants , 2001
Basel Convention on the control of Trans-boundary movement of
hazardous waste and their disposal, 1994 July
Vienna Convention for the Protection of Ozone layer and the Montreal
Protocol, December 1992
Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper
(Draft) National Water Policy, 2006
Vision, Mission, Scope,
Guiding Principles and Process
To achieve sustainable social, economic and
environmental development in Pakistan
through reducing risks and vulnerabilities,
particularly those of the poor
and marginalized
Vision, Mission, Scope, Guiding Principles and
5.1 Vision
To achieve sustainable social, economic and environmental development in Pakistan
through reducing risks and vulnerabilities, particularly those of the poor and marginalized
groups, and by effectively responding to and recovering from all types of disaster events.
To manage complete spectrum of disasters by adopting a disaster risk reduction
perspective in development planning at all levels, and through enhancing institutional
capacities for disaster preparedness, response and recovery.
5.3 Implications of the mission
Develop institutional arrangements and technical capacities of key national,
provincial and local stakeholders to undertake risk assessments (hazard,
vulnerability, capacity mapping) in multiple development sectors,
Develop coordinated disaster risk management plans at national, provincial and
local levels;
Integrate and implement disaster risk reduction strategies in sectoral
development plans and programmes of line ministries and departments;
5.4 Guiding principles
Focus upon most vulnerable social groups; e.g. children, women, elderly,
Promote community and local level preparedness culture;
Follow multi-disciplinary and multi-sectoral approaches
Combine scientific knowledge with social knowledge;
Make development policy, planning and implementation risk-sensitive;
Develop culturally, economically and environmentally relevant technologies for
safer construction in different parts of the country;
Promote sustainable livelihood practices in areas at high risk from multiple
Establish and strengthen partnerships amongst multiple sectors; e.g.
government, private sector, media, insurance, NGOs, civil society
organizations, UN and donors;
Work with other countries and international community to promote disaster
risk reduction;
Acquire specific capacities/capabilities keeping in view hazard-risk profile of
the country;
Develop disaster risk management plans from district level upwards in view of
specific requirements of the local area;
5.5 Hyogo Framework of Action
The vision, mission and priorities of the National Framework have been developed in
harmony with the Hyogo Framework of Action (HFA) 2005-2015, which was agreed by all
nations in January 2005 in Kobe Japan during the UN-World Conference on Disaster
Reduction (WCDR). The expected outcome of HFA at the end of ten year period is “the
substantial reduction of disaster losses, in lives and in the social, economic and
environmental assets of communities and countries”.
In order to attain this output HFA calls for adopting the following goals:
(a) The more effective integration of disaster risk considerations into sustainable
development policies, planning and programming at all levels, with a special
emphasis on disaster prevention, mitigation, preparedness and vulnerability
(b) The development and strengthening of institutions, mechanisms and capacities at
all levels, in particular at the community level, that can systematically contribute
to building resilience to hazards;
(c) The systematic incorporation of risk reduction approaches into the design and
implementation of emergency preparedness, response and recovery programmes
in the reconstruction of affected communities.
5.6 Scope
This framework intends to provide direction and guidelines to all national, provincial
and local stakeholders. The framework includes aspects of vulnerability reduction and
capacity building of key institutions and communities to address disaster risks. It provides
for implementation of policies, strategies and programmes for all three phases of disaster
risk management; including pre-disaster (risk reduction and preparedness), during
disaster (response and relief), and post-disaster (rehabilitation, recovery and risk
5.7 Duration
The priorities set-out in this framework are for next five (5) years period. It is expected
that all relevant stakeholders would actively participate in implementation of identified
priorities. It is proposed to update and revise the framework after five years based upon
risk analysis at that time.
5.8 Process
The Framework has been developed through an extensive consultation process.
Consultations were undertaken by UNDP between February-April 2003 to seek inputs from
national and provincial stakeholders to prepare a National Disaster Management
Programme (NDMP). This process identified gaps in the system in Pakistan and provided
recommendations to address them. With relation to this initiative, the Cabinet Division
held consultations with large number of provincial and national stakeholders. The
Framework has greatly benefited from the National Disaster Management Programme
The Draft Framework was circulated among provincial and national stakeholders in early
November 2006 by the NDMA. Written comments were received from more than 30
government agencies, NGOs and donors. Besides written feedback, a national
consultation workshop was held on 27 November 2006 to seek opinions and inputs from
government departments, UN agencies and the donors. A consultation meeting was also
organized with NGOs on December 07, 2006. A special meeting with donors was organized on
09 December 2006. The stakeholder consultations provided important inputs regarding gaps,
priorities and capacity building needs. The framework was revised based upon feedback
from stakeholders. During its inaugural meeting held on March 5, 2007, the highest policy
making body on disaster risk management in the country, National Disaster Management
Commission (NDMC) approved this framework.
The lists of participants of the consultation workshops held with govt. departments, NGO,s UN agencies and donors are given in Annex II, III
and IV
Priorities for Disaster Risk Management
Multi-disciplinary strategies are required
to promote disaster risk reduction and to
develop capacities for disaster preparedness,
response and recovery at national, provincial,
local and community levels.
Priorities for Disaster Risk Management
6.1 Institutional and Legal Arrangements
Key Issues
A system of National and Provincial/Regional DM Commissions, and Authorities is proposed
in the NDM Ordinance 2006 to facilitate implementation of disaster risk management
activities in the country. The National and Provincial/Regional Commissions would be the
policy making bodies, while the DM Authorities would be the implementing and
coordinating arms. Experience of other countries demonstrates that establishment and
maintenance of effective disaster management committees is a challenge, particularly
in countries that are not frequently affected by disasters. Maintaining Disaster
Management Committees at the higher level (e.g. province) could be even more difficult,
since disasters are issues of local importance, in many cases. Nevertheless the formation
of multi-sectoral DM authorities is essential to develop and implement effective disaster
risk management strategies. Establishment of technical committees on various aspects
would also be required. Legal instruments, guidelines and procedures will also need to
be developed.
Appropriate systems, procedures and plans would be developed to facilitate effective
working of the NDMA. This would also include acquiring staff and resources. Subsequently
the formation of provincial/regional Commissions and Authorities will be encouraged in
four provinces, the AJK, FATA and NA. Efforts will be particularly undertaken to form DM
Authorities in prioritized hazard prone districts, municipalities and cantonments. The
local level DM Authorities would include Nazims, DCOs, police chiefs, civil defence, fire
services, EDOs for agriculture, education, health, and works and rural development
sectors. They would also include representatives of local Red Crescent societies, NGOs,
civil society, private sector and media. Detailed functions of Commissions and Authorities
have been discussed in Section 7: Structure for Disaster Risk Management. However, the
Commissions and Authorities can further detail out their functions after their
Initiatives will be undertaken to develop guidelines, standards and procedures. This may
include updating of existing building codes and development of land use plans etc.
Implementation of building codes is a major challenge. A consultation process will be
undertaken with relevant agencies to develop strategies to promote implementation of
building codes particularly in major urban centres; e.g. Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad,
Peshawar, Quetta, Muzafarabad, Faislabad, Gujranwala, Sialkot etc.
National Institute of Disaster Management will be established to promote training and
education in the government and non-government sectors at all levels.
National Disaster Management Authority is functioning effectively;
Provincial/ Regional DM Commissions and Authorities are established and
About 50 District/Municipal DM Authorities are functional in highly hazard
prone districts, municipalities and cantonments;
Locally appropriate building codes available for hazard resilient construction;
A report on issues and strategies related to implementation of building codes
Land use plans are available for at-risk cities and districts;
NIDM functional and offering course on disaster risk management.
6.2. National Hazard and Vulnerability Assessment
Key issues
No systematic information exists in Pakistan about relative vulnerability of various local
areas (districts, municipalities) to impending hazards. In the absence of such information
it is difficult to identify priorities and make decisions on allocation of resources for risk
reduction. Risks and vulnerabilities are dynamic and they change over time and space.
Therefore, it is essential to develop mechanisms and systems for continuous monitoring
of hazard risks, and vulnerabilities. This instrument would enable decision makers at all
levels to take effective decisions to develop risk reduction policies, strategies and
A Vulnerability Atlas of Pakistan will be prepared. This would include hazard maps
indicating the location of various hazards with zonation of risk levels; e.g. low, moderate
and severe. The Atlas will also include analysis on vulnerability of settlements, housing
stock, important infrastructure and environmental resources. It will indicate location of key
settlements in hazard-prone areas. The analysis will describe the types of existing
housing stock in hazard-prone areas, and the potential of damage to various housing
categories. The Vulnerability analysis will identify key infrastructure and environmental
resources in each local area that are prone to damage and loss from prevalent hazards.
Vulnerabilities of various social groups in hazard prone areas will also be analyzed.
Experts would undertake assessment based upon scientific analysis of the geology and
past history of hazards. They would also review secondary data from the 1998 census and
other sources. Consultations with selected communities and stakeholders would be
organized to assess hazard exposure, disaster impact and vulnerabilities.
A disaster inventory will be developed in order to facilitate analysis on disaster and
vulnerability trends. A national consultation will be organized to define the scope of
database and categories of information that needs to be covered. The database will be
developed through an analysis of past disasters and their impact. This will be done by
reviewing secondary data from government sources as well as from media reports. The
reports, charts and maps produced by the database will provide analysis on trends and
patterns of risks and vulnerabilities. The analysis of small, medium and large scale
disasters could provide proxy indicators for disaster risk. In this way underlying trends
could be determined at a much lower cost and with less effort than with other
methodologies. A computerized database will be produced and managed by NDMA. The
database will be made available online, so that any interested stakeholders could access
it. The PDMAs and DDMAs would be involved in managing the database at provincial and
district levels.
Major water resources of Pakistan lie in the frozen north. Damage to the glaciers and ice
caps would enhance disaster risks of various kinds. A study would be conducted to asses
any negative impact of climate change on glaciers and ice cover in Northern Pakistan.
Information on spatial distribution of selected natural hazards and vulnerable
areas made available in digitized form as a decision making tool for risk
reduction programming. The Atlas will be published and disseminated widely to
stakeholders at all levels.
An online open-source database will be available for use of local, provincial
and national decision makers and practitioners interested in developing
programmes for risk reduction or conducting research on risk and vulnerability
A study on the impact of climate change on glaciers and ice caps in the North
6.3 Training, Education and Awareness
Key issues
Enhancing knowledge and skills of decision makers and at-risk-communities is essential in
order to promote a culture of safety and prevention. Purpose of training, education and
awareness raising activities would be to develop a cadre of experts at national,
provincial and local levels that is able to analyze risks and develop and implement
disaster risk management activities.
DRM education, training and awareness is required in multiple sectors; e.g. civil servants,
development ministries at provincial and national levels, staff of district, provincial and
national DM authorities, staff of technical agencies, UN staff, NGOs, media, politicians
and most importantly communities. Enhancement of knowledge and skills of students
would also be pertinent in order to enable future generations to deal with disaster risk
Training and education would involve orientation about disaster risks and vulnerabilities,
skill development on risk assessment, vulnerability reduction, hazard mitigation and
emergency response management. Specialised training in areas of response would also
be needed; e.g. search and rescue, first aid, fire fighting, evacuation, camp management
and relief distribution. Considering the importance of media the NDMA and PDMAs will
establish partnerships with electronic and print media and develop awareness of media
NDMA and PDMAs will focus on following five priority areas to enhance knowledge and
develop technical skills on disaster risk management in Pakistan.
i) Conduct courses for district and municipal DM authorities in hazard prone areas,
ii) Organize media orientations about its role in promoting disaster risk management
and community preparedness,
iii) Develop public awareness materials (e.g. posters, brochures, booklets, videos) for
orientation of parliamentarians, senators, bureaucrats, politicians etc,
iv) Integrate disaster risk management education in the syllabus of Civil Services
Academy, the NIMs, Administrative Staff College, National Defence College,
Regimental Centres & armed forces training institutions including Staff College,
v) Work with the Ministry of Education to integrate disaster risk management
component in school, college and university syllabus,
Technical skills and knowledge of district and municipal officials in hazard
prone areas enhanced on disaster risk reduction and preparedness,
Curriculum on disaster risk management available for training of district,
municipal, and provincial and national officials available,
Curriculum for media orientation on disaster risk reduction and preparedness
Awareness of parliamentarians, senators, members of political parties,
members of bureaucracy, chambers of commerce & industry enhanced about
disaster risk reduction strategies;
Curriculum for training of civil servants available and incorporated in the
syllabus of civil service academy and other civil and military training
institutions; and
Short term courses on disaster risk management offered in schools, colleges
and universities;
6.4 Promoting Disaster Risk Management Planning
Key issues
Objectives of DRM planning are to minimize adverse effects of hazard/s through effective
disaster risk reduction, preparedness and adequate, timely and coordinated response.
The plans would include strategies for disaster risk reduction and measures for disaster
preparedness. Disaster risk reduction actions may include; dykes, dams, safer
construction, retrofitting, rainwater harvesting, relocation, community organizing,
training, awareness raising, and provision of safer sources of livelihoods etc.
Preparedness involves development and regular testing of warning systems and plans for
evacuation and other precautionary measures to be taken during a disaster alert period. It
also entails education and training of officials, intervention teams and communities in
search and rescue, fire fighting, evacuation, mass casualty management etc.
Establishment of policies, standards, organizational arrangements and operational plans to
be executed following a disaster is also crucial. Effective plans also consider securing
resources; e.g. stockpiling supplies and earmarking funds.
It is important to clearly define roles of stakeholders and to strengthen coordination
amongst concerned agencies. It is also essential to ensure reliable lines of communication as
well as arranging alternative lines for emergency communications; and sensitize the
media about importance of correct information and alternative information mechanisms.
NDMA will take the lead in formulating National Disaster Response Plan. The plan will
define roles and responsibilities of federal ministries, departments and other entities
with regards to national level disaster response. The Plan will help various line ministries,
departments and entities to collaborate in providing needs-based efficient response.
NDMA will also work with selected federal ministries to support them in development of
sectoral disaster risk management plans. As a first priority, these ministries may
include:agriculture, defence, education, environment, health, infrastructure, housing and
works, telecommunications and information, shipping and ports and water and power.
Provincial DM Authorities would formulate disaster risk management plans for their
respective regions. The plans would include analysis of hazard-prone areas
(districts/municipalities), vulnerabilities, resources available, strategies for risk
reduction, and responsibilities of various stakeholders for disaster preparedness and
NDMA will support PDMAs to particularly work closely with DDMAs and MDMAs in selected
hazard-prone districts and municipalities to assist them in development of disaster risk
management plans.
National Disaster Response Plan available, which clearly defines roles and
responsibilities of federal, provincial and local stakeholders in case of disaster
Disaster risk management plans of Provincial/Regional Disaster Management
Authorities available,
Disaster risk management plans of selected federal ministries at federal and
provincial levels available,
Disaster risk management plans of 50 hazard-prone districts and municipalities
(from various provinces and regions) available,
6.5 Community and Local Level Risk Reduction Programming
Key issues
Community and local level programme implementation is the heart of disaster risk
reduction strategies. Disaster risks are essentially local in terms of their impact, as well as
response. The local communities, local infrastructure and local economy are directly
affected by disasters and women, children and elderly are usually disproportionately
affected. At the same time local communities and authorities are first responders to any
disaster situation. Historical analysis of disasters also demonstrates that most disaster
events are localised in their scale, affecting few villages, municipalities or districts.
Mega-disasters happen rarely, requiring extraordinary response from provincial and
national authorities; e.g. the earthquake of October 2005. Considering this characteristic of
disaster risks, it is imperative that risk reduction programmes are implemented at
level for capacity development of local officials, communities, civil society
organizations and other players; e.g. builders, contractors, masons, teachers and
doctors. The utilization of resources and energies at this level will have a lasting impact.
Effective local authorities, local research institutions, educational institutions, NGOs and
community groups can play an important role in this work. Additionally, it is essential
recognize women as equal stakeholders in all decision-making processes (like
development of disaster risk management plans at village, UC and District level) and an
essential resource in response, recovery, reconstruction and preparedness.
In order to materialize goals and objectives of the National ordinance and the present
Framework, community and local level risk reduction projects and programmes will be
designed and implemented in selected districts and municipalities
districts/municipalities). These may include local level programming on drought and
flood mitigation or earthquake vulnerability reduction in priority regions in all four
provinces, the AJ& K, FATA and NA. The programmes may cover other hazards, depending
upon the outcomes of local risk assessment and prioritization by stakeholders.
Considering the fact that historical focus of disaster mitigation in Pakistan has mainly
remained on structural mitigation- e.g. embankments, dykes, dams etc- the current
strategy would emphasize more upon non-structural aspects of mitigation along with
structural mitigation.
The programmes would focus on community organizing, training, awareness-raising,
masons training, and volunteers training on search and rescue, first aid, evacuation, fire
fighting etc. Based upon local risk assessment small scale schemes for mitigation,
strengthening of livelihoods and local early warning systems would be implemented.
Disaster preparedness activities will also be implemented at village, neighbourhood, city
and school levels.
Local institutions for DRM established and strengthened at village and town
Technical capacity of community organizations, masons, school teachers
enhanced to deal with disaster risk reduction and preparedness issues
Awareness of vulnerable communities and local stakeholders increased about
hazards, risks, vulnerabilities, risk reduction and disaster preparedness;
Small structural mitigation schemes implemented in most vulnerable villages
and towns, and livelihoods of vulnerable groups strengthened;
Institutional and technical capacity of schools in vulnerable villages and towns
enhanced about risk reduction and preparedness strategies-
6.6 Multi-hazard Early Warning System
Key Issues
The primary objective of a multi-hazard early warning system (EWS) is to generate
advance warnings and thus improve capacity of decision makers and communities to take
appropriate action prior to occurrence of a hazard. It consists of collection,
consolidation, analysis and dissemination of risk information. An effective EWS involves
availability of technology for hazard monitoring, technical capacity of scientific
institutions to analyse observation data and make decisions regarding issuance of
warning, application of multiple channels to communicate warning messages, and
mechanisms for community action. EW has the potential to contribute significantly to
reducing disaster losses. It is a proactive political process in which various institutions
collect, analyze and generate information to help prevent likely negative consequences of
hazards by taking precautionary actions.
Pakistan needs to strengthen its early warning capacities for droughts and flooding which
occur frequently and cause high impact. EWS will need to be developed for cyclones and
tsunami, which although are low in frequency but could have high impact. Strengthening of
monitoring and analysis capabilities with relation to seismic risks and landslides would also
be a priority.
Technical and operational capacities of relevant scientific organizations (e.g. PMD, FFC,
WAPDA, GSP, Ministry of Health etc) to monitor and predict hazards with maximum lead
time would be developed. This will be done by improving and expanding the existing
technological networks. It will also include facilitating multi-agency interface, and
strengthening the sharing of technical information about hazards amongst multiple
agencies. The role of media will also be enhanced to improve dissemination of warnings.
Linking communities with warning agencies would be an essential component. Initiatives
will be taken to build capacities of communities in early warning by connecting them and by
providing necessary warning equipment. This component will be covered under the
Priority Area 6.5. Community and local level risk reduction programming.
Flood forecasting system for NWFP and Balochistan
Considering the environmental degradation and climate change, the incidence of flash
flooding and river flooding in NWFP is expected to rise in coming years. Therefore
enhancement of early warning capacities over there is an important requirement. The
purpose of flood forecasting system is to provide as much advance notice as possible of
an impending flood. The higher reliability of forecasts and additional lead time would
result in improved dam water management, flood fighting and evacuations from areas
likely to be affected by floods. At present the PMD has networking of four radars at
Karachi, R. Y. Khan, D. I. Khan and Islamabad. WAPDA also manages a flood telemetry
network of 24 stations in upper catchments of Punjab, NWFP and AJK. The network is
being strengthened by installing another 20 stations further upstream. The PMD Radar
installed at Islamabad covers only surrounding areas and doesn’t cover the hilly areas in
Northern part of the country. Thus, installation of flood forecasting equipment would
improve capability of PMD, FFC and relevant organizations in improving the warning
systems for NWFP. Given new developments in the areas of Gwadar coast and the risks
of flooding, it would be important to strengthen early warning capacities for flash
flooding in coastal belt and Northern Balochistan. This may include installation of
weather radars and rain gauges in addition to establishing of institutional arrangements
for warning.
Tropical Cyclone Warning Centre
Objectives of establishment of Tropical Cyclone Warning Centre (TCWC) are to minimize
losses in the coastal areas of Pakistan. This activity will have two components: i) transfer of
advanced technology, experience and training that will enhance the forecast and
warning capabilities; and ii) infrastructure enhancement of the PMD to enable effective
warning communication and education and training of emergency managers.
Drought Monitoring and Warning System
Government of Pakistan has established a National Centre for Drought/Environment
Monitoring and Early Warning System at the PMD. Support will be provided by NDMA to
the Drought Monitoring and Warning Centre under the National Framework in order to
expand the network of rain gauges and research and training for technical staff for this
Drought and Environment Monitoring and EWS system.
Tsunami Early Warning System
The PMD intends to develop capacity for monitoring and prediction of Tsunamis in the
Arabian sea. This would be done through installation of sensors, ocean buoys, tidal gauges
and technical capacity building of the staff of PMD. The soft side of tsunami warning system
would involve drills with local rescue forces (e.g. civil defence, police, coast guard, fire
services, Red Crescent volunteers and NGOs), and awareness raising of communities.
Earthquake research capacity
GOP is interested in developing capability for earthquake research. This might include
upgrading and expansion of PMD’s existing seismic network of 6 seismic stations and
establishment of a team of seismic experts for research on seismicity of Pakistan.
Planning commission has already approved the projectUp-gradation of Seismic Network
of Pakistan”.
Disease early warning system
The Ministry of Health (MoH) is required to manage a disease early warning system, with a
combination of reporting from health facilities, the community, and media, to identify
possible outbreaks of communicable diseases and take action to control them. Ministry of
Health would also implement a program in collaboration with Diagnosis Inc. about
hepatitis monitoring, which will be eventually extended to cover the whole country.
Institutional Arrangements for Early Warning
A range of stakeholders are involved in an end-to-end EWS; e.g. hazard monitoring and
forecasting agencies, NDMA, PDMAs, media and user departments, e.g. agriculture,
health, information, police, fire services, Red Crescent, PNRA, irrigation departments
etc. Interface and partnerships amongst these stakeholders are critical. Forums would be
established to facilitate communication and dialogue amongst stakeholders for improving
the EWS. Strategies will also be dveveloped to improve communication of warning to at-
A study group on prediction of earthquake and research on seismicity of
Pakistan established,
Network of rain gauges of the National Centre for Drought/Environment
Monitoring and Early Warning expanded,
Technical capacity of staff of the National Centre for Drought Monitoring
enhanced in data-collection, analysis and prediction of drought phenomenon,
Flood forecasting and warning systems established in NWFP and Balochistan,
Technical and operational capacity of the PMD and other stakeholders
developed to monitor and predict tsunamis in the Arabian sea,
Multi-sectoral forums exist regarding issuance of early warning and strategies to
improve warning communication,
Media personnel’s awareness enhanced about scientific aspects of early
warning and the role of media in communicating early warning messages.
6.7 Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Reduction into Development
Key issues
An important priority of NDMA will be to promote the adoption of a risk sensitive
approach in development planning and programming in all sectors. The purpose of this
effort would be to ensure that all development infrastructure in hazard-prone areas is
built to higher standards of hazard resiliency; e.g. schools, hospitals, roads, bridges,
dams and telecommunications infrastructure etc. This can be done by incorporating risk
and vulnerability assessment into project planning stage, and including vulnerability
reduction measures in project implementation in case the proposed projects are found
vulnerable to hazard risks.
NDMA will work with the National Planning Commission and the Ministry of Finance in
order to integrate disaster risk reduction into the National Development Plan and the
National Poverty Alleviation Strategy. NDMA will also work with ministries on integration
of disaster risk reduction into sectoral policy, planning and implementation. It would
develop technical guidelines on incorporating risk assessment into sectoral project
planning and sectoral vulnerability reduction. NDMA will also work closely with the
National Planning Commission to develop criteria for assessment of development projects
with a risk reduction lens. NDMA would conduct national and provincial workshops for
selected line ministries to orient them on integrating risk assessment in programme
planning and design, and to include vulnerability reduction in programme
implementation. NDMA may initiate pilot projects with selected line ministries on
mainstreaming of risk reduction in order to show case for others. Prior to initiating pilot
projects, the NDMA will organize a review of current status on mainstreaming DRR within
the line ministries and departments and produce case studies of good practice. Pilot
projects on Mainstreaming DRR in five (5) selected ministries will be undertaken with
following sub-activities
Establish dialogue and working group with the sectoral ministry/department
Plan pilot activity to integrate DRM considerations in a planned or ongoing
programme in the selected sector
Implement pilot activity
Document experience and lessons learnt during the project implementation,
Identify ways to extend mainstreaming in other programmes of the Ministry
and/ or other interested ministries/sectors
Insurance sector has played a very important role in many countries in promoting disaster
mitigation at family and business levels. NDMA would work with insurance companies to
explore the possibilities and develop schemes for promotion of insurance for shelter and
business against natural disasters.
A section on integrating disaster risk reduction included in the National
Development Plan and in the National Poverty Reduction Strategy.
A set of sectoral guidelines on mainstreaming DRR, and criteria on assessment of
development projects from a risk reduction perspective available for the use of
development ministries and the Ministry of Planning and Development.
Curriculum of national and provincial workshops on mainstreaming DRR
Technical capacity of selected federal line ministries increased on integrating
risk reduction into development plans and programmes;
Case studies on previous experience of line ministries on mainstreaming DRR
Lessons learnt from pilot projects on mainstreaming DRM available;
Cost-benefit analysis of integrating risk reduction into development sectors
6.8 Emergency Response System
Key issues
The inability of Pakistan’s existing emergency response system to deal with large scale
catastrophes was highlighted in the aftermath of October 2005 earthquake. The
government had to appoint a Federal Relief Commissioner (FRC) to organize emergency
response. However, this was a stop-gap arrangement. It is imperative to develop a system
under the management of the NDMA to organize effective disaster response at national,
provincial and district levels. This would imply development of institutional mechanisms
and technical and operational capacity of involved agencies. A revamping of the Civil
Defence Department at federal and provincial levels would be critical. The organization is
extremely weak at both these levels. The provincial governments need to undertake
proper overhauling of Civil Defence departments to enable them to organize search and
rescue, fire fighting, first aid and other response activities. This needs to be coupled
with strengthening of the Civil Defence training academies. Other agencies that need to be
strengthened include, the ERC, PRCS, police and fire services, muncipalities ministries of
Interior and health and the National Volunteer Movement. Moreover forums need to be
strengthened for collaboration between armed forces and above-mentioned agencies.
Emergency Operations Centres would be established at National, Provincial and District
levels under the overall supervision of NDMA, PDMAs and DDMAs respectively. The NEOC
would serve as a hub for receiving early warning and issuing necessary instructions to
response agencies. The EOCs would lead coordination and management of relief
operations in affected areas. Civil Defence, armed forces, NCMC, fire services, police,
ambulance services, Red Crescent, Edhi Foundation and other related agencies will be
coordinated by the EOCs at respective levels.
Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) will be drafted, which would define roles of
federal, provincial and local agencies for their involvement in emergency response.
Methodology and common system for post-disaster damage, loss and needs assessment
will be developed for collaborative action among multiple stakeholders. It will include a
standardized framework for damage and loss assessment, common reporting formats,
data-collection methodologies, and roles and responsibilities of stakeholders. It would
also include SOPs about activation, deployment, reporting and de-activation of
assessment teams.
A database will be developed to record disaster response resources available with
different departments at district, provincial and national levels. This would allow
authorities to mobilize the resources and deploy them in affected areas at the time of
disaster. Based upon an agreed list of resources and equipment, the departments will
submit lists of resources available with them to the DDMA, PDMA and NDMA. The database
will be made available on line, so that all stakeholders can access this information when
needed. The PDMAs, DDMAs and MDMAs will manage the databases at provincial, district
and city levels.
Two federal Search and Rescue teams will be established with capacity to respond to all
kind of disasters. Pakistan Civil Defence will be closely involved in the development and
management of SAR teams. Additional search and rescue teams will be developed at
provincial levels on as needed basis. Priority would be to form such teams in provincial
and regional capitals and in industrial cities like Hyderabad, Sukkar, Gujranwala,
Faisalabad, Sialkot, and Hub Industrial Estate. In this regard, training academies of
Pakistan Civil Defence will be upgraded with provision of relevant equipment and
enhanced skills of the trainers.
Relevant national, provincial and local agencies will be encouraged by the NDMA, PDMAs
and DDMAs to establish Godowns for stockpiling essential relief items for timely provision of
relief to the disaster affected people.
A National Disaster Management Fund would be established in order to enable the federal
government to organize emergency response effectively. The fund would also be used for
monetization of the disaster affected areas to support recovery of survivors. Possibilities
for establishing catastrophe financing schemes will be explored with the Banks,
international donors and insurance sector agencies.
Emergency operation centres established at national, provincial and district
levels in 50 districts;
Standard operating procedures available for emergency response at national,
provincial and district levels;
A common assessment methodology available for the use of multiple
A database about district level resources for emergency response available;
Two search and rescue teams functional for quick and safer rescue of trapped
individuals in case of a disaster;
Search and rescue teams for dealing with multiple hazards established in
provincial and regional capitals and key industrial cities;
4 Training institutions of the Pakistan Civil Defence upgraded with latest
facilities to train emergency responders;
A National Disaster Management Fund established and managed by the NDMA.
6.9 Capacity Development for Post Disaster Recovery
Key issues
Government of Pakistan established Earthquake Reconstruction and Rehabilitation
Authority (ERRA) to manage the recovery effort in the aftermath of October 2005
earthquake, however, ERRA would accomplish its mission in few years time. In order to
manage future recovery programmes in an effective manner, it is essential to put in place
institutional arrangements and systems. Therefore, NDMA will work on capacity building
for post disaster recovery. NDMA would strive to benefit from the experiences being
gained by ERRA in disaster recovery and lessons learnt from the earthquake recovery. In
this regard NDMA would closely coordinate with ERRA to ensure that experiences gained
by ERRA over the next few years are integrated into the working of NDMA for better
recovery management.
NDMA will work on following five areas as priority in order to organize effective recovery
programming in future:
i) Guidelines for recovery needs assessment and recovery programme design and
management for multiple sectors,
ii) Database on technical capacity of relevant stakeholders in designing and
implementing recovery programmes. This will be prepared to keep track of
capacities that have been developed through recovery and reconstruction
programming after the earthquake,
iii) Identify lessons learnt from earthquake recovery by different stakeholders; e.g.
the ERRA, line ministries, district authorities, UN agencies and NGOs. Lessons
learnt exercises will help to identify gaps in recovery programming and identify
areas for capacity building. In this regard, NDMA will also consider the work done
by the UN International Recovery Platform (IRP) in Kobe.
iv) NDMA will conduct orientation workshops for line ministries and other
stakeholders on post disaster recovery programme design and implementation.
v) Federal and provincial ministries would be required to develop their sectoral
strategies for organizing recovery after disasters;
A system on recovery needs assessment and programme planning established,
Methodology on recovery needs’ assessment and guidelines on recovery
programme planning developed,
A roster on recovery capacity of various agencies available,
A booklet on lessons learnt in recovery programming produced that would
comprise of experiences of Pakistan earthquake response and the IRP
Curriculum on training of recovery programme managers available.
EME.- -
Structure for Disaster Risk Management
A holistic disaster risk management system requires
the establishment of organizational infrastructure
at all levels.
Structure for Disaster Risk Management
7.1 National Disaster Management Commission
Government of Pakistan has established the National Disaster Management Commission
(NDMC) as the highest policy and decision making body for disaster risk management. The
NDMC is responsible to ensure coordination in its broadest sense; to oversee the
integration of disaster risk management issues into sectoral development plans, and to
oversee the implementation of this policy through the NDMA. The Commission consist
Prime Minister, who is the chairperson, ex officio;
Leader of the Opposition in the Senate,
Leader of the Opposition in the National Assembly,
Minister for Communications,
Minister for Defence,
Minister for Finance,
Minister for Foreign Affairs,
Minister for Health,
Minister for Interior,
Minister for Social Welfare and Special Education,
Governor NWFP (for FATA),
Chief Ministers of all provinces,
Prime Minister AJ&K,
Chief Executive Northern Areas,
Chairman JCSC or his nominee,
Representative (s) of Civil Society,
Any other person appointed or co-opted by the Chairperson
Chairman of NDMA will be the secretary to the Commission
The National Commission would perform following functions.
Lay down policies on disaster risk management,
Approve the National DRM Framework and Emergency Response Plan,
Approve plans prepared by Ministries or Divisions of the federal government in
accordance with National Framework and Plan,
Lay down guidelines to be followed by Federal and Provincial Authorities,
Arrange for, and oversee, the provision of funds for risk reduction, preparedness
and response and recovery measures, and
Provide support to other countries affected by major disasters as may be
determined by the federal government.
Take such other measures for risk reduction, preparedness and capacity building as
it may consider necessary,
In addition, NDMC may constitute an advisory committee or committees of
experts in disaster risk management,
Meetings: NDMC will meet twice a year (before the start of monsoon and winter seasons,
during which seasonal hazards may occur), when early warning thresholds indicate need,
and when a disaster strikes.
7.2 National Disaster Management Authority
Disaster Risk Management is a multi-sectoral, multi-discipline and timely response
undertaking. National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) has been established to
serve as the focal point and coordinating body to facilitate implementation of disaster
risk management strategies. This necessitates NDMA to directly interact/ communicate
with all stakeholders, including Ministries, Divisions, and Departments in relaxation to
normal communication channel. All ministries , divisions and agencies which are likely to
participate in disaster risk management shall procure all relevant items, stock them
necessary and supply them as directed by the NDMA for meeting any calamity or
disaster. Being an intricate and time sensitive activity disaster risk management requires
be conducted as a one window operation through the NDMA. For this purpose, to
institutionalize the operations , all stake-holders including government departments /
agencies and armed forces will work through and form part of NDMA in all stages of
Disaster Risk Management. NDMA aims to develop sustainable operational capacity and
professional competence to undertake the following tasks:
Coordinate complete spectrum of disaster risk management at national level, Act
as Secretariat of the NDMC to facilitate implementation of DRM strategies, Map
all hazards in the country and conduct risk analyses on a regular basis,
Develop guidelines and standards for national and provincial stakeholders
regarding their role in disaster risk management,
Ensure establishment of DM Authorities and Emergency Operations Centres at
provincial, district, and municipal levels in hazard-prone areas,
Provide technical assistance to federal ministries, departments and provincial DM
authorities for disaster risk management initiatives,
Organize training and awareness raising activities for capacity development of
stakeholders, particularly in hazard-prone areas,
Collect, analyze, process, and disseminate inter-sectoral information required in an
all hazards management approach,
Ensure appropriate regulations are framed to develop disaster response volunteer
Create requisite environment for participation of media in DRM activities,
Serve as the lead agency for NGOs to ensure their performance matches accepted
international standards, e.g the SPHERE standards.
Serve as the lead agency for international cooperation in disaster risk
management. This will particularly include, information sharing, early warning,
surveillance, joint training, and common standards and protocols required for
regional and international cooperation,
Coordinate emergency response of federal government in the event of a national
level disaster through the National Emergency Operations Centre (NEOC),
Require any government department or agency to make available such men or
resources as are available for the purpose of emergency response, rescue and
Declare a National Disaster Awareness Day (to commemorate 08 October
Earthquake) and conduct awareness raising activities at the occasion,
Establish a National Disaster Management Fund, and
Perform any other function as may be required by the NDMC.
7.2.1 Technical Committees
The NDMA, PDMA and DDMAs may establish Technical Committees in order to facilitate
coordination and enable optimum use of available skills and resources. Technical
Committees will focus on specific disaster threats and issues, which may not have been
covered as part of the stakeholder responsibilities in the Framework. Technical
Committees could assist local, provincial or national authorities in identifying issues and
problems and devising solutions. The specific areas that could be covered through the
establishment of TCs are:
Cyclones, storms, winds
Disaster risk communication
Early warning systems
Industrial and mines accidents
Land slides, earth slides and avalanches
Laws, procedures and standards
Locust/pest infestation
Major transportation accidents
Marine disasters, including oil spills
Refugees/displaced persons
Urban and forest fires
Any other future calamity
7.3 Provincial (Regional) Disaster Management Commissions
Since Disaster Risk Management is a provincial subject, the provincial/regional
governments will have crucial role in implementation of disaster risk management
policies, strategies and programmes. Each provincial/regional government will form a
Provincial (regional) Disaster Management Commission (PDMC) which will be chaired by the
Chief Minister. Leader of the opposition and a member to be nominated by him will also
form part of the PDMC. Other members will be appointed by the Chief Minister. They may
include stakeholders from provincial/regional ministries and departments, civil
defence, Red Crescent, police, fire services, university faculty, research institutions,
civil society organizations, representatives from commerce, industry and insurance
sectors, and other technical experts in the province/region. Provincial/Regional
Commission will facilitate links between national objectives and provincial/regional
priorities. The Director General, Provincial (Regional) Disaster Management Authority
(PDMA) will serve as the Member/Secretary of the PDMC with focal point responsibilities for
disaster policy, planning and implementation.
The Provincial (Regional) Disaster Management Commission shall:
Lay down the provincial/regional disaster risk management policy,
Develop provincial/regional disaster risk management plan in accordance with
guidelines laid down by the National Commission,
Ensure that disaster risk management plans are formulated by all ministries,
departments, and district/municipal authorities;
Review the sectoral development plans of provincial departments and ensure that
risk reduction measures are integrated therein,
Approve disaster risk management plans prepared by provincial/regional
Review implementation of the plans, and
Oversee the provision of funds for risk reduction and preparedness measures.
7.4 Provincial (Regional) Disaster Management Authorities
The Provincial/Regional Authority will be headed by a Provincial/Regional Director
General with the status and powers of a Secretary. The DG will be appointed by the
Provincial government. The Authority will serve as secretariat of the Provincial/Regional
Commission. It will work upon development, implementation and monitoring and
evaluation of disaster risk management activities in vulnerable areas and sectors in the
province. The provincial/regional authority will have responsibilities for the following.
Coordinate complete spectrum of disasters in the province/region,
Formulate provincial/regional disaster risk management plan,
Continuously monitor hazards, risks and vulnerable conditions within the
Develop guidelines and standards for provincial/regional and local stakeholders
regarding their role in disaster risk management,
Ensure preparation of disaster risk management plans by all districts,
Coordinate implementation of provincial disaster risk management plan in
accordance with the National Framework,
Promote education, awareness and training on disaster risk reduction and
Provide necessary technical assistance and advice to local authorities for carrying
out their functions effectively,
Coordinate emergency response in the event of a disaster, through the
Provincial/Regional Emergency Operations Centre (PEOC),
Develop specific capabilities to manage threats that exist in the province/region,
Perform such other functions as may be assigned by the Provincial/Regional
7.5 District & Municipal Disaster Management Authorities
District Disaster Management Authorities shall be established by the provincial
government in hazard prone areas on a priority basis. The District Authority will comprise
of the Nazim, District Coordination Officer (DCO), Police Officer, ex-officio, EDO health
and Tehsil Nazims. The local government can nominate other officers as members of the
DDMA or MDMA. They may include EDOs for education and agriculture, Red Crescent,
NGOs, media, private sector, fire services, or any other local stakeholders. Municipal
Disaster Management Authorities (MDMA) will be established in urban areas and cities on
similar lines.
The DDMA and MDMA will:
Formulate district disaster risk management plan, based upon local risk
assessment, and coordinate its implementation,
Review development plans of government departments and provide guidance on
mainstreaming disaster risk reduction measures in these plans,
Continuously monitor hazards, risks and vulnerable conditions within the district,
municipality, or cantonment areas,
Prepare guidelines and standards for local stakeholders on disaster risk reduction,
Conduct education, training and public awareness programmes for local officials,
stakeholders and communities,
Encourage involvement of community groups in disaster risk reduction and
response by providing them necessary financial and technical assistance for
implementing community level initiatives,
Examine construction in the area and if hazard safety standards have not been
followed, direct the relevant entities to secure compliance of such standards,
Invest in specific capabilities according the requirement to manage all types of
threats peculiar to local area,
Undertake appropriate preparedness measures at district level; e.g. maintain an
early warning system, identify buildings to be used as evacuation sites, stockpile
relief and rescue materials and identify alternative means for emergency
In the event of a disaster, organize emergency response through the District
Emergency Operations Centre (DEOC),
Maintain linkages with the Provincial Disaster Management Authority and the
Relief Department, and
Perform such other functions as the Provincial Authority may assign to it.
7.6 Tehsil and Town Authorities
Institutions at this level are the frontline of disaster risk reduction and response. For
many departments this is the lowest level of administration where they interface directly
with communities; agriculture, education, health, police, revenue and others. Extension
workers of above departments could play a significant role in promoting risk reduction. For
example agriculture extension workers could promote awareness of drought, flood or
cyclone resistant crops. Health workers could raise people’s awareness about potential
diseases that may occur after a flood or drought and how to prepare for them. Education
officials could work on school disaster preparedness. Similarly Tehsil Authorities have an
important role in organizing emergency response and relief; e.g. damage and loss
assessment, and recovery needs assessment. Tehsil and town Nazims will lead the risk
reduction and response operations with the help of Tehsil or Town Municipal Officer in
consultation with the DDMA. Other key players include; extension workers, police, fire
services, community organizations (COs), traditional leaders and NGOs. Appropriate local
structures would be established for risk reduction and preparedness.
7.7 Union Councils
Union Councils are the lowest tier in the governance structure. Elected representatives
from village and ward levels form these bodies. These bodies have an important role in
allocation of resources for local development works. Union Councils can play an
important role in advocating demands of communities to the District Councils and DM
Authorities. Community demands may include requests for allocation of resources from
local budgets for hazard mitigation and vulnerability reduction activities; e.g. spurs for
flood control, rainwater harvesting structures for drought mitigation, vocational training
for livelihoods to reduce vulnerability etc. Therefore, it will be important to develop
orientation and knowledge of local political leadership at this level. More capable Union
Councils may develop local policies and guidelines for vulnerability reduction.
7.8 Community Based Organizations
In order to promote community level disaster risk management activities, the capacity of
existing community organizations will be developed and enhanced by district and tehsil
authorities. In the absence of community organizations, new groups would be
established to work on disaster risk management. CBOs will be trained about local early
warning system, evacuation, first aid, search and rescue, fire fighting etc. Linkages would be
developed between CBOs and relevant local agencies; e.g. agriculture, banks, health and
veterinary services to promote disaster preparedness. Skills and knowledge of CBO
leadership will also be developed in financial management, people management,
resource mobilization, interpersonal communication and presentation and negotiation
skills. The provision of Citizen Community Boards (CCBs) in Local Government Ordinance
(LGO 2001) provides a good opportunity to organize communities and mobilize resources for
local level disaster risk management.
Structure for Disaster Risk Management
Roles and Responsibilities of Key Stakeholders
A developmental approach to disaster risk management calls for
participation of multiple stakeholders from public and private sectors
and from civil society and international community.
Roles and Responsibilies of Key Stakeholders
Disaster Risk Management is a multi-sectoral, multi-disciplinary and timely response
undertaking. National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) has been established to
serve as the focal point and coordinating body to facilitate implementation of disaster
risk management strategies. This necessitates NDMA to directly interact/ communicate
with all stakeholders, including Ministries, Divisions, and Departments in relaxation to
normal communication channel. All ministries , divisions and agencies which are likely
to participate in disaster risk management shall procure all relevant items, stock them
if necessary and supply them as directed by the NDMA for meeting any calamity or
disaster. Being an intricate and time sensitive activity disaster risk management requires
to be conducted as a one window operation through the NDMA. For this purpose to
institutionalize the operations, all stake holders including government departments /
agencies and armed forces will work through and form part of NDMA in all stages of
Disaster Risk Management.
Roles and responsibilities described in this part refer to functions that are expected to
be performed by concerned stakeholders with relation to disaster risk reduction,
preparedness, response and recovery after disasters. Not each stakeholder has a role in
each phase of disaster risk management. Functions of certain stakeholders are more
relevant to disaster risk reduction, while those of others are more related to disaster
preparedness and response. Together all of them cover the range of functions required
to address the complete spectrum of disaster risk management. The list of functions
given below is only an indicative one. It is expected that each stakeholder would develop
their own organizational/sectoral strategies and plans for disaster risk reduction,
preparedness, response and recovery. These plans would include detailed information
about sectoral risks, vulnerabilities, vulnerability reduction strategies and resources
allocated by the ministry/department or agency. Each stakeholder is expected to submit
the organizational plans to DDMA, PDMA or NDMA respectively in order to ensure
coordination of efforts.
Each stakeholder must nominate a focal point for disaster risk management, who would
be responsible for coordinating with the DDMA, PDMA and NDMA respectively. The
respective DM Authorities would provide technical guidance and support to stakeholders
in carrying out their functions. Stakeholders must develop technical capacities in order
to perform their functions. NDMA, PDMA and DDMA would launch capacity building
initiatives in this regard. In case of disaster, the DDMA, PDMA or NDMA (as needed) will
be the lead agencies to organize emergency response with the help of relevant
8.1 Ministries
Develop a disaster preparedness and response plan for involvement of Pakistan
armed forces in response operations in close coordination with and according to
specific requirements of local civil authorities;
Submit the Ministry’s plan to NDMA in order to ensure effective coordination;
Assess vulnerability of assets, infrastructure and personnel of the Pakistan Armed
Forces to disaster risks and integrate vulnerability reduction measures;
Prepare inventory of resources that are available with armed forces for relief,
rescue and evacuation;
Equip military response teams to perform various tasks; e.g. search and rescue,
evacuation, fire fighting, first aid;
Integrate disaster risk management education into the syllabus of National
Defence College, Staff College, Regimental centres and Armed Forces training
Conduct drills/simulations with army personnel and other stakeholders about
disaster response operations;
Deploy armed forces for disaster response upon receipt of instructions from the
Assist communities in evacuation, and rescue the trapped groups and individuals
during disasters;
Provide essential first aid as required and transport injured to the hospitals;
Undertake aerial and field assessment in collaboration with other stakeholders to
identify needs of survivors;
Deploy helicopters and other air services for emergency response, relief delivery
and for recovery of affected people;
Assist civilian authorities in reconstruction and rehabilitation of infrastructure as
Develop a disaster risk management plan for the Ministry covering aspects of risk
reduction, preparedness and response and curriculum development on disaster
risk education;
Identify and inventory vulnerable educational institutions and infrastructure of
the Ministry in hazard-prone areas;
Implement actions to reduce vulnerability of built infrastructure in education
sector in hazard-prone areas, e.g. retrofitting, renovation, rebuilding etc;
Construct all new schools, colleges, universities and other educational buildings
located in hazard-prone areas to higher standards of hazard resilience;
Develop capacities in schools of hazard prone areas to cater for additional water,
sanitation and other administrative chores to house affected populations in the
event of disaster;
Conduct orientation programmes to raise awareness of education authorities,
professors and teachers about disaster risks in hazard-prone areas;
Develop curriculum for schools, colleges and universities on disaster risk
management, particularly in hazard-prone areas;
Implement school, college and university level activities to enhance awareness of
students and to promote overall preparedness in educational institutions through
conducting drills, reducing vulnerability etc;
Encourage local educational authorities and teachers to prepare school disaster
response plans and their implementation;
Allocate funds for safer construction and disaster preparedness activities at
school, college, and university levels in hazard-prone areas;
Develop disaster risk management plan with relation to Ministry’s mandate;
Incorporate Natural Disaster Risk Assessment in the Environmental Impact
Assessment (EIA) guidelines;
Develop technical capacities of the staff of ministry to undertake disaster risk
assessment and disaster risk reduction activities in the environment sector;
Undertake assessment of vulnerability of natural resources
(forest, lakes,
streams, mangroves, coral reefs, protected areas, coastal areas) to natural and
human induced hazards;
Implement programmes for conservation and rehabilitation of natural resources in
order to reduce risks of natural hazards; e.g. reforestation, mangrove
plantation, combating desertification, conservation of special natural resources;
e.g. wetlands, lakes, reefs, mangroves, and coastal areas;
Allocate resources for implementation of programmes to conserve and
rehabilitate the natural resource base, particularly in up-stream areas of the
Indus River basin;
Develop mechanisms for assessment of environmental losses and damages in the
aftermath of disasters and their rehabilitation;
Finance and Revenue
Coordinate with NDMA about needs for financial resources to promote disaster
risk management programmes in hazard-prone areas;
Allocate financial resources to NDMA and other line ministries and departments
for implementation of disaster risk management activities as part of their
development plans;
Allocate funds for the establishment of a National Disaster Management Fund,
which could be utilized to organize mitigation, emergency relief and to monetize
the affected areas;
Monitor and evaluate utilization of funds by relevant authorities and ministries on
disaster risk management;
Encourage financial service sectors and local capital markets to develop schemes
for financing disaster risk reduction measures by families and community
Incorporate provisions in micro-finance schemes to have flexible repayment
schedules for recipients who have been affected by a disaster;
Food, Agriculture and Livestock
Develop disaster risk management plan to deal with hazards and disasters with
relation to ministry’s mandate and assets;
Allocate funds in annual budget for implementation of disaster risk management
activities in hazard prone areas;
Undertake vulnerability and risk analysis for food, agriculture and livestock
sectors in hazard-prone areas, particularly in relation to floods, droughts,
cyclones and locust;
Coordinate with NDMA and jointly identify appropriate actions for reducing
vulnerability of food, agriculture and livestock to disaster risks;
Coordinate with PMD, FFC and research institutions to establish warning systems
for identification of risks to food, agriculture and livestock sectors;
Develop capacity and raise awareness of staff of ministries at federal and
provincial levels, local extension workers and farmers on disaster preparedness
for food, agriculture and livestock sectors;
Promote contingency crop planning to deal with year to year climate variations
and crop diversification including use of hazard resistant crops, to deal with shifts in
climate patterns;
Ensure sustainable livelihoods in areas of recurrent climate risks (i.e. arid and
semi-arid zones, flood and drought prone areas) by promoting supplementary
income generation from off-farm (e.g. animal husbandry) and non-farm activities;
Promote effective insurance and credit schemes to compensate for crop damage
and losses to livelihoods due to natural hazards;
Assist in saving crops, agricultural land and livestock in disaster situation;
Make available inputs like seed plant, fertilizers and agricultural equipment to
victims of disasters on credit basis;
Survey and investigate extent of damages to crops and livestock;
Ensure adequate availability of food stocks in disaster situation;
Organize ration depots at location required by the local authorities;
Foreign Affairs
Develop operating procedures to fast track requests for aid and to facilitate
deployment of international response teams, and receive relief goods in case of a
large scale disaster in the country;
Share with NDMA the operating procedures for requesting and receiving disaster
relief from international community;
Develop and maintain inventory of Embassy focal points and other aid giving
organizations in order to quickly organize requests for assistance in case of
Coordinate with foreign countries to receive aid in case of a major catastrophe;
Coordinate with international technical organizations and relevant UN agencies
receive technical and financial assistance for disaster risk reduction and
Coordinate the deployment of aid given by Government of Pakistan to any other
countries, in case of a disaster;
Maintain liaison with NDMA in order to ensure collaborative efforts for disaster risk
Act as focal point for managing all aspect of healthcare preparedness, response
and recovery in a disaster situation in close coordination with the NDMA;
Prepare disaster risk management plans for each level of health care facilities,
including management of mass casualties, and epidemics and submit this plan to
the NDMA for better coordination of efforts;
Provide technical support in all health related areas to NDMA through the newly
established Emergency Preparedness and Response Centre of the Ministry;
Conduct hazard based mapping of all health care facilities, including vulnerability
assessment (infrastructure and organizational setup) and integrate hazard
resilience measures;
Develop a disease surveillance system to identify hotspots for communicable
Enhance disaster management capacities of health work force (all cadres at all
levels) in collaboration with Provincial ministries;
Prepare protocols and guidelines to address all priority public health issues as
part of preparedness, response and recovery plans;
Integrate disaster preparedness and response capacities into all existing and
future health programs at federal, provincial and district level;
Establish emergency health operation to ensure better coordination and
mobilization in emergency/ disaster situation at all levels;
Set-up medical camps and mobilize emergency health teams including mobile
hospitals, to be deployed in the event of a disaster;
Mobilize all available health resources and possible assets for emergency
Build effective linkages and coordination with all national, regional and
international health agencies/ stakeholders;
Device strategies for community involvement in all aspects of emergency
preparedness, response and recovery plans with regards to health sector;
Housing and Works
Prepare a disaster risk management plan with relation to Ministry’s programs,
infrastructure and mandate;
Develop national building codes for safer construction of houses, buildings and
infrastructure in hazard-prone areas for multiple hazards; e.g. earthquakes,
floods, landslides, storms/cyclones;
Develop sample designs of house, high-rise buildings and infrastructure (bridges,
roads) for safer construction in hazard-prone rural and urban areas;
Promote sample-safer-designs through media and other channels in order to
enhance mass level awareness and application;
Promote compliance and enforcement of local building laws requiring prescribed
standards under national building codes in hazard-prone urban areas;
Conduct training of builders, contractors and masons on safer construction
Allocate funds to promote safer construction practices;
Implement pilot programmes on safer construction in hazard-prone areas to
enhance awareness;
Monitor construction of government buildings and infrastructure in hazard prone
areas to ensure that safer construction techniques are followed;
Develop guidelines on conduct of damage and loss assessment to infrastructure and
housing sectors in the wake of a disaster, and conduct assessments after disasters;
Incorporate disaster risk assessment in the planning process for construction of
new roads and bridges;
Promote use of hazard risk information in land-use planning and zoning
Organize emergency repairs for restoration of public transport routes;
Industries, Production and Special Initiatives
Develop disaster risk management plan with regards to the mandate of the
Develop guidelines for industrial sector to ensure safety of industry and its
production processes in hazard-prone areas;
Establish systems to monitor implementation of guidelines by industrial sector;
Develop system of incentives and disincentives for industry to promote
application of disaster safety measures;
Implement awareness raising programmes for industrial sector including Chambers
Commerce and Industry (CCI) on integrating disaster risk assessment and
vulnerability reduction in project planning and implementation stages;
Prepare inventories of industries based upon the type of chemicals and raw
materials used in their products and the dangers posed by various types of
Initiate demonstration programmes on industrial disaster preparedness;
Develop safety codes for all industries to reduce risks of industrial and chemical
hazards and to ensure vulnerability reduction from natural hazards;
Develop SOPs for emergency response to industrial disasters;
Develop physical capability to manage all types of likely industrial disasters
including chemical disasters;
Monitor and encourage implementation of safety codes in industry;
Information and Broadcasting
Develop a communication action plan to ensure the availability of communication
services in case of the occurrence of a disaster;
Coordinate with the NDMA to receive information about the disaster risks and
preparedness strategies, particularly about community preparedness;
Train the staff of communications ministry and the private sector media personnel
from electronic, and print media to raise their awareness about disaster risks and the
role of media in promoting community preparedness
Implement programmes on awareness raising of vulnerable communities in high
risk areas of the country;
Information Technology
Ensure safety of telecommunication infrastructure in hazard-prone areas;
Develop alternative technologies to facilitate telecommunication during disaster in
affected areas, in case of the collapse of mainstream communication systems;
Coordinate with NDMA and the National Emergency Operations Centre (NEOC) to
ensure the provision of alternative communication technology and services to
disaster survivors and response agencies;
Maintain through the National Telecommunication Corporation (NTC) a pool of
telecom equipment preferably satellite/wireless based for provision and
establishment of emergency telecom network. For procurement of liaison
equipment, necessary funding will be arranged by NDMA.
Liaison and coordinate with international bodies, NGOs for resources arrangement on
urgent basis during relief operation and disaster mitigation;
Focal Ministry for telecom resource management during disaster relief operations;
Develop trained manpower working in subordinate organizations like NTC and SCO
and could be called in emergency for restoration purposes;
Liaison and coordinate with member administrations of International
Telecommunication Union (ITU) and Tampere Convention for arrangement of
assistance in the shape of telecom equipment and human resources for
restoration of telecom services during and after disasters;
Ensure that ITU based standards and practices are implemented by the operators;
Prepare Ministry’s plan for disaster preparedness and response in order to deal
with any eventualities caused by natural or man-induced hazards; e.g. floods,
droughts, earthquakes, conflicts, nuclear accidents etc;
Submit Ministry’s plan to NDMA in order to ensure coordination of efforts;
Maintain peace and security in affected areas;
Ensure safety of relief goods being sent to affected areas from other parts of the
Provide security to volunteers, government officials, and staff of international
NGOs and UN agencies working in affected areas;
Ensure safety of most vulnerable survivors; e.g. children, elderly, and women by
saving them from criminal elements that might want to take advantage of the
situation of chaos;
Train the police personnel in emergency response skills; e.g. rescue, medical first
aid, fire fighting, evacuation and warning;
Operate through Police Telecommunication, the wireless and tele-printer network
for disaster information and messages to all concerned departments and agencies;
Provide assistance to District, Provincial and National Disaster Management
Authorities in disaster warning, rescue, relief and evacuation operations;
Enhance capacities of the National Crisis Management Cell to deal with crisis
situations created by terrorist and criminal activities in accordance with the
mandate of the NCMC;
Share the plans of the NCMC with NDMA for better coordination and effective
Revamp the Federal and Provincial Civil Defence departments. This may involve
strengthening the legal mandate of Federal Civil Defence to include actual
response as its responsibility, directing Provincial Civil Defence offices to report
to the Federal Civil Defence, upgrading of the Civil Defence Training Academies,
provision of appropriate equipment to Civil Defence offices to enable them to
perform its functions related to search and rescue, fire fighting, bomb disposal
Take actions in coordination with provincial and municipal governments for
revamping of the fire services in major cities and towns, in order to enable them to
deal with fire incidents.
In coordination with provincial and municipal governments arrange appropriate
equipment, training and supplies for the personnel of fire services in all provincial
headquarters and other major cities and towns;
Coordinate with NDMA regarding the development and implementation of
strategies for revamping of the Civil Defence department and Fire Services;
National Crisis Management Cell (NCMC), Ministry of Interior
Manage a round the clock Operational Control Room;
Collect information on emergencies of all sorts in the country;
Coordinate with Provincial Crisis Management Cells (PCMCs);
Coordinate with other agencies to gather relevant information; e.g. casualty
figures etc
Coordinate plans for emergency response in case of crisis situations;
Law, Justice and Human Rights
Develop appropriate laws and regulations to ensure the provision of relief and
recovery packages to disaster survivors;
Monitor the situation of human rights in affected areas and take action on human
rights violations of disaster survivors; e.g. denial of aid, capturing of property,
kidnapping of children or women, and harm to elderly;
Work with relevant UN agencies; e.g. Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC)
and the IOM to ensure the human rights of affected people;
Prepare reports about potential bottlenecks that may hinder certain vulnerable
groups of disaster survivors from receiving relief and rehabilitation packages;
Implement programmes to raise awareness of the staff of ministry on human
rights and disasters;
Local Government and Rural Development
Develop disaster risk management plan with regards to the mandate of the
Undertake vulnerability analysis of the local government property and
infrastructure located in hazard-prone areas;
Incorporate disaster risk assessment in planning of projects for construction of
local government and rural development infrastructure;
Integrate vulnerability reduction strategies in the construction of new
infrastructure located in hazard prone areas;
Allocate additional funds for disaster risk assessment and vulnerability reduction for
local government infrastructure;
Organize orientations for staff of the Ministry and local authorities in
hazardprone areas on disaster risk assessment and vulnerability reduction;
Monitor the performance of local authorities in integrating disaster risk
assessment and vulnerability reduction in local development projects;
Provide its training institutions namely AHKNCRD and MTRI Karachi for training of
district, municipal authorities and line ministries.
Petroleum and Natural Resources
Develop disaster risk management plan with regards to the mandate of the
Develop guidelines for safety in oil/gas, fire and mining sectors;
Integrate risk assessment and risk reduction in planning and implementation of
projects in the above sectors;
Implement awareness raising programmes for staff in the oil, gas, fire and mining
Develop SOPs for emergency response to disasters in the above sectors;
With assistance from the Geological Survey of Pakistan (GSP) conduct research on
hazard mapping and produce user friendly maps;
Planning and Development
Base planning upon hazard risk maps available with the NDMA and other technical
agencies; e.g. PMD, FFC, WAPDA, SUPARCO and circulate these to all development
ministries and departments;
Develop guidelines on incorporation of disaster risk assessment (and vulnerability
analysis) in project identification, design and planning;
Organize orientations for line ministries about the guidelines on risk assessment;
Issue policy directive to all line ministries about incorporating disaster risk
assessment (and vulnerability analysis) in project design and planning;
Make mandatory the inclusion of vulnerability reduction measures in
implementation of development projects, if located in hazard-prone areas;
Monitor the progress on implementation of vulnerability reduction measures in all
development projects in hazard-prone areas;
Obtain and maintain data on public sector infrastructure in hazard-prone areas in
order to plan vulnerability reduction initiatives and organize reconstruction
Assist the NDMA in evaluation of losses and damages;
Population Welfare
Develop disaster risk management plan with regards to the mandate of the Ministry;
Conduct research on population growth, settlement trends and vulnerability
patterns in hazard-prone areas;
Consult with the NDMA and other technical organizations to identify strategies to
influence patterns of settlement and population growth in hazard prone areas;
In collaboration with relevant stakeholders, launch programmes for awareness
raising of people about linkages between population density, growth and
vulnerability to disasters;
Ports and Shipping
Assess vulnerability of port facilities, infrastructure and services to natural
disasters; e.g. cyclones, tsunami, oil spills, coastal flooding, fire etc;
Develop technical guidelines on vulnerability reduction strategies for ports
infrastructure, facilities and services;
Develop disaster risk management plan and acquire specific capabilities to reduce
losses to infrastructure and services of the ports and shipping industry;
Integrate vulnerability reduction methods in construction of new infrastructure at
Implement vulnerability reduction strategies for existing infrastructure, facilities
and services;
Conduct training and drills for staff and management of the Ministry and ports and
shipping industry about disaster preparedness;
Develop plans to carryout services of shipping transportation through alternative
means in case of disaster impact upon port facilities;
Develop disaster risk management plan with regards to the mandate of the Ministry;
Identify vulnerabilities of train infrastructure to natural disasters in hazard-prone
Develop strategies to reduce vulnerabilities of train network and infrastructure to
natural disasters;
Implement actions for vulnerability reduction of train network in Pakistan, so
that the damages and losses to train network are lower in case of disaster;
Prepare strategies and acquire capabilities for quick rehabilitation of train
network and services in case of disaster impact;
Identify alternative strategies for continuity of services of Pakistan railway in
case of a severe disaster impact upon train network;
Develop guidelines and procedures to receive and transport relief goods to
disaster-affected areas in a quick manner;
Coordinate transportation of relief goods with the NDMA and relevant local
Allocate trains for on-time and safe transportation of relief goods to affected areas;
Develop technical capacities of the Ministry staff to undertake risk assessments
and risk reduction in railways network with relation to natural and human-induced
Science and Technology
Develop disaster risk management plan with regards to the mandate of the
Assess vulnerability of infrastructure and facilities of the Ministry in hazard-prone
Implement strategies to reduce vulnerabilities of infrastructure and facilities to
Develop guidelines for disaster risk assessment and vulnerability reduction for
the infrastructure and facilities of the Ministry in hazard-prone areas;
Develop awareness of the staff of ministry on the role of science and technology in
disaster risk management;
Undertake research to explore the role of Ministry in promoting disaster risk
Develop technologies for better disaster preparedness and disaster response; e.g.
emergency communications technologies in case of damage to the mainstream
communication infrastructure;
Social Welfare and Special Education
Prepare ministry’s plan to address disaster vulnerabilities of most vulnerable
social groups; e.g. minorities, women, disabled, children before, during and after
Submit Ministry’s plan to NDMA to ensure coordination of efforts;
Allocate funds in the annual budget of the Ministry for disaster preparedness
activities for most vulnerable social groups;
Develop awareness and capacities of the Ministry staff about the role of social
welfare in disaster risk management;
Conduct research to identify most vulnerable social groups in hazard- prone areas;
Implement awareness raising, and preparedness programmes with most
vulnerable social groups;
Prepare inventories about potential post disaster needs of most vulnerable social
groups through conducting assessments in hazard prone areas;
Make institutional (establishment of a committee, establishment of outreach
offices during disasters, legislation if needed etc) arrangements for provision of
relief and recovery assistance to most vulnerable social groups;
Manage post-hospitalization care, recovery and rehabilitation of poor and
vulnerable casualties;
Manage upkeep and rehabilitation of all vulnerable groups in post disaster
Coordinate efforts with NDMA and the Ministry of Law, Justice and Human Rights
ensure that needs of most vulnerable social groups are addressed during
Develop disaster risk management plan with regards to the mandate of the
Coordinate with the NDMA and other scientific agencies to gather information
about hazards and risks prevalent in tourist areas;
Enhance awareness of tour operators, hotel management, transporters and other
stakeholders in tourism industry about high risk areas and the need for disaster
preparedness strategies in tourism industry;
Develop guidelines for various stakeholders in tourism sector on disaster
preparedness; e.g. the tourism industry and the relevant authorities;
Publish materials for tourists about seasonality of hazards and risks in areas of
tourist attraction and print details of agencies from which they could seek help;
Put up evacuation route maps in tourist areas and in hotels in case of a disaster;
Encourage hotels and guest houses to organize evacuation drills with their staff;
Link the tourism industry with the mainstream early warning systems; e.g. PMD, FFC;
Encourage business owners to formulate preparedness plans for their businesses;
Build capacity of the staff of Ministry on disaster preparedness in tourism sector;
Youth Affairs
Develop disaster risk management plan with regards to the mandate of the
Make institutional arrangements to raise awareness of youth about disasters and
role of youth in disaster preparedness;
Establish teams of volunteers to work in post disaster situations for provision of
relief and organizing response;
Develop capacities of youth volunteers on first aid, fire fighting, camp
management, tenting, information management, and security, and search and
Organize drills with youth groups in hazard-prone areas on evacuation, first aid,
fire fighting and other aspects;
Support youth volunteers to implement awareness raising and disaster
preparedness activities in their villages and towns;
Coordinate with the NDMA and other relevant authorities for deployment of
volunteer youth teams for assistance in emergency response;
Water and Power
Develop disaster risk management plan with regards to the mandate of the
Monitor and manage the dams and reservoirs for irrigation releases from the point of
view of specific hazard peculiar to that area;
Assess disaster vulnerability of existing dams, reservoirs and power sector
infrastructure in hazard-prone areas;
Implement strategies to reduce vulnerability of existing dams, reservoirs and
power sector infrastructure against disasters;
Incorporate disaster vulnerability assessment in design and planning of future
projects on water and power sector infrastructure development;
Include vulnerability reduction measures in the construction of water and power
sector infrastructure in hazard-prone areas;
Provide telemetric data from rain gauge stations and flood data from Indus River
Basin to the Flood Forecasting Division of the Pakistan Meteorological
Conduct studies on possibilities of dam failures and develop contingency plans;
WAPDA (Dams Safety Council)
Carry out periodic inspections of dams and advise WAPDA and provincial
governments regarding repairs and maintenance of dams and reservoirs;
Review the plans of new dams to ensure adequate safety of structures;
Review the plans and specifications for enlargement, modifications, major
repairs, revival or abandoning of dams / reservoirs;
Keep close liaison with International Commission on Large Dams based in Paris;
Women Development
Develop disaster risk management plan with regards to the mandate of the
Raise awareness of decision makers and staff at the Ministry about special
vulnerabilities and capacities of women with relation to disasters;
Make institutional arrangements for involvement of women in disaster risk
Promote awareness amongst women in hazard-prone areas about disaster risks
and disaster preparedness;
Develop capacities of women’s organizations on disaster risk management;
Ensure that needs of women survivors are addressed in post disaster situations
during the relief, rehabilitation and reconstruction phases;
Facilitate participation of women in the management of relief, rehabilitation and
reconstruction activities;
Support post-disaster rehabilitation of livelihoods of women survivors, who mostly
work in the informal sector and are ignored;
8.2 Departments
Civil Defence
Assist local administration / armed forces in rescue, evacuation and relief
Supplement disaster-response equipment of the armed forces;
Save lives by rapid extrication of persons trapped beneath debris or in buildings
damaged by a natural or man made disaster;
Render first aid to injured persons and transport them to nearest hospitals;
Ensure evacuation of damaged buildings/structures including demolition of
damaged structures to avoid further loss of life and properties;
Provide quick and effective search and rescue coverage, protection and operation in
case of any disaster;
Build public confidence by introduction of more effective measures for their
protection and ensure adoption of requisite preventive measures by the
Assist in restoration of essential traffic so as to carry out rescue work without
any hindrance or obstruction;
Assist in debris clearance and restoration of essential services to the affected
Search and defuse unexploded bombs in the affected areas;
Recruit/induct operational staff for SAR teams with required specialized skills;
Enhance capabilities of the existing Search and Rescue teams of Pakistan;
Coordinate airlifting of relief goods from abroad by the PIA;
Coast Guards
Develop capacities in emergency response; e.g. evacuations, rescue, first aid etc;
Keep liaison with the District, Provincial and National DM Authorities and PMD;
Identify safer areas/buildings to be used as evacuation shelters, when needed;
Warn coastal communities through public address systems and face to face contacts;
Assist most vulnerable families in evacuation to safer sites;
Conduct search and rescue to assist the trapped individuals, families and
Coordinate with the Maritime Security Agency (MSA) about any ocean related
Emergency Relief Cell (Cabinet Division)
Develop policies and arrangements for procuring relief items on a fast track basis;
Procure relief items, when needed;
Stockpile relief items in collaboration with national and provincial EOCs, Civil
Defence, Red Crescent, and other stakeholders;
Make arrangements for receipt of international assistance;
Make arrangements for receipt of international response teams;
Fire Services
Purchase and maintain fire fighting machinery and equipment;
Develop fire risk monitoring systems in urban localities;
Raise awareness of citizens and stakeholders; e.g. hotel, restaurant, shop owners,
petrol pump owners, about potential fire risks and strategies for combating fire;
Develop technical skills of volunteers on fire fighting;
Deploy fire fighting teams;
Conduct fire fighting drills on regular basis;
Federal Flood Commission (FFC)
Prepare flood protection plans for the country;
Review and approve flood protection schemes prepared by provincial
governments and concerned federal agencies;
Make recommendations regarding regulation of reservoirs for flood control;
Review damage to flood protection works and review plans for restoration and
reconstruction works;
Implement measures to improve flood forecasting and warning system;
Prepare a research program for flood control and protection;
Standardize designs and specifications for flood protection works;
Evaluate and monitor progress of the National Flood Protection Plan
KANA Division
Handle disaster risk management related issues in Northern Areas and the AJK;
National Logistics Cell (NLC)
Prepare contingency plans and SOPs of the NLC regarding its responsibilities in
transportation of emergency relief supplies;
Act as coordinator of road, rail, air and sea transport during a disaster for relief
Plan and organize the movement of logistics from base(s) to forward location(s);
To liaise, coordinate and plan with all major transport companies / organizations
involved in transportation of goods on behalf of NDMA , to meet any eventuality;
Detach a small part of contingent to be embedded with NDMA as and when
Provincial Irrigation Departments
Develop capacities of the irrigation department to mitigate floods and droughts;
Complete repairs of flood protection works in the pre-flood season;
Assist local authorities and communities in building rainwater harvesting tanks
and systems in arid zones;
Review the plan for regulation of water supply;
Position machinery and materials near vulnerable points for emergency repairs;
Inspect breaching of sections and carry out final survey;
Provincial Relief Departments
Provide adequate support to local administration through co-ordination with
provincial departments and agencies;
Provide necessary funds to the area administration for relief work;
Supervise the work of area administration regarding relief provision;
Assess losses and request federal / provincial governments for providing relief;
Pakistan Meteorological Department
Observe hazards and generate meteorological, geophysical and phonological data;
Analyze data for issuing forecasts and warnings for aviation, agriculture, shipping,
ports, irrigation etc
Issue forecasts and warnings for any approaching events that might cause damage
and loss to life and property;
Disseminate warning about hazards to relevant users through speedy
communication in coardination with NDMA;
Scrutinize, compare and publish data for appraisal of long term weather trends
and earthquakes;
Analyse extreme events observed in the past and their future trends; e.g. climate
change, weather modification, land-ocean-atmosphere interaction, seasonal
weather prediction.
Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission (SUPARCO)
Provide services of Pakistan Communication Satellite (PAKSAT) for communications
with disaster-hit areas;
Provide services in disaster forecasting, monitoring and damage assessment using
satellite and remote sensing technologies for floods, cyclones, oil spills, dust
storms, droughts, earthquakes, tsunami and glacier depletion;
Establish appropriate facilities to acquire and process satellite data for study of
storms, monsoons, cloud movements, dust storms, cloud top, land and sea surface
temperatures, and other meteorological atmospheric processes;
Undertake studies / surveys on environmental conditions;
Provide remote sensing and satellite maps after disasters in order to show their
Provide remote sensing and satellite maps for hazard risk zones to enable relevant
agencies to take measures for minimizing damages to population and property;
8.3 Technical agencies
The technical agencies listed below have a very important role of research,
training/education, early warning and technology development for disaster risk reduction
and response. These agencies have technical know how about hazards and disasters and
they can help in identification and implementation of solutions. NDMA and line ministries
would work closely with these and other technical organizations in order to develop and
implement disaster risk management programmes.
Arid Zone Research Institutes (Quetta, Bahawalpur, D.I.Khan, Omer Kot)
Water and Sanitation Agency (WASA)
Centre for Applied Molecular Biology (Lahore)
Centre of Excellence in Water Resources Engineering (Lahore)
Council for Works and Housing Research (Karachi)
Geological Survey of Pakistan (GSP)
Global Change Impact Study Centre, Islamabad
Indus River System Authority (IRSA)
Maritime Security Agency (MSA)
National Centre for Drought/ Environment Monitoring and Early Warning System
National Centre of Excellence in Geology, University of Peshawar
National Engineering Services of Pakistan (NESPAK)
National Institute of Oceanography (NIO)
Pakistan Agricultural Research Council (PARC)
Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resources (PCRWR)
Pakistan Council for Scientific and Industrial Research labs (PCSIR)
Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC)
Survey of Pakistan
Universities of Agriculture (Faisalabad, Tandojam, Rawalpindi, Peshawar)
University of Marine Sciences
Water Resources Research Centre (WRRC)
Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA)
8.4 Other key stakeholders
Undertake analysis to identify high risk areas for the banking sector lending
Develop insurance and lending services against natural hazard risks for housing,
industrial and infrastructure sectors;
Coordinate with relevant city authorities or NDMA to receive guidelines for
construction of Banks in high risk areas;
Encourage implementation of safer construction guidelines by the bank
beneficiaries (including individuals and companies);
Insurance sector
Undertake analysis to identify high risk areas for the insurance sector;
Develop insurance services against natural hazard risks for housing, industrial and
infrastructure sectors;
Coordinate with relevant city authorities or NDMA to receive guidelines for
construction in high risk areas;
Encourage implementation of safer construction guidelines by users of insurance
services (including individuals and companies);
Before a disaster
Provide analysis on sources and process of risk generation and patterns of risk
and vulnerabilities;
Disseminate warning messages to at risk communities in an easy to understand
language through multiple channels, while being sensitive to people’s access and
timing issues;
Provide information to communities about precautionary measures they can take to
avoid loss of life and property from hazards;
Advocate to decision-makers to take appropriate actions for disaster risk
Highlight the need for involvement of communities in disaster preparedness;
During an emergency situation
Inform the public with timely and factual information about the extent of
disaster, losses caused and the current situation of hazard;
Advise public about actions to be taken during the emergency period in order to
avoid further losses; e.g. evacuation, unsafe areas, water purification techniques
Inform about actions being taken by authorities/aid groups to save lives and
Relay messages concerning welfare of isolated or trapped groups for the benefit of
families, relatives, friends and rescue teams;
Facilitate communication among affected people and their relatives, friends,
families in other parts of the country or world;
Highlight needs of survivors to make sure that all groups of people affected by the
disaster receive appropriate aid, irrespective of their social, ethnic, political status;
Highlight the need for application of minimum standards to ensure that minimum
needs of disaster survivors in terms of water, sanitation, shelter, food and health
are met;
Communicate about potential secondary risks to minimize further loss or damage;
After a Disaster (Post-Disaster Phase)
Appeal for assistance from all parties to meet the needs of survivors;
Communicate about rehabilitation and reconstruction plans of authorities, UN
and NGOs, others in the affected areas;
Encourage survivor participation in recovery through conducting surveys and
communicating the opinions of public to authorities;
Influence for integrating risk reduction in rehabilitation and reconstruction
Pakistan Red Crescent Society
Develop disaster risk management plans at national and branch levels (82 district
branches) in high risk areas;
Develop teams of volunteers for disaster preparedness and response;
Train volunteers in emergency preparedness and response (e.g. evacuation, first
aid, fire fighting, early warning etc);
Implement community level programmes on disaster risk reduction and
preparedness including drills and simulations;
Work closely with local authorities to conduct joint assessments of damages,
losses and needs of disaster survivors,
Coordinate operations of national and international components of Red Cross/Red
Crescent Movement, operating in disaster area,
Launch appeal for international assistance through the IFRC and the ICRC;
Coordinate with DM Authorities and the UN coordinator for post-disaster relief
Private sector
Undertake hazard and risk analysis during design and planning stages of new
infrastructure and industry;
Identify and implement alternative options in order to reduce risks of natural
hazards to infrastructure and industry; e.g. change location
Implement vulnerability reduction measures in case of construction of
infrastructure and industry in high risk areas;
Develop disaster preparedness and response plans for industrial units and
industrial zones;
Undertake drills at industrial unit level in order to prepare for any catastrophic
8.5 United Nations agencies
United Nations agencies are crucial partners in disaster risk management. In concert
with government and other stakeholders, the UN works to improve disaster risk
management systems, support effective national policies and strengthen institutions. In
order to ensure coordinated initiatives, all UN agencies are expected to work in close
harmony with NDMA and take directions from the NDMA about national priorities for risk
management and response. In the context of UN reform under which “One UN” system is
being introduced in Pakistan, it is expected that UN agencies will be able to deliver in a
more cohesive manner.
UN agencies shall participate in National Disaster Management Forums for the
purpose of information and experience sharing.
Participate in Technical Committees dealing with specific disaster types.
Provide financial and technical support for disaster risk management and
preparedness capacity development in addition to responding to humanitarian
The UN agencies present in Pakistan contribute to disaster risk management through
planned programmes in their respective area of expertise as below:
FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization)
Support technological advancements in production, storage and marketing of
agriculture, fisheries and livestock products,
Conduct annual crop surveys critical for addressing food security issues,
Assist in emergencies by providing agriculture inputs like seed, fertilizer,
medicines/vaccines, animal feed, pesticides/insecticides, water systems,
Provide advice to the Government for rehabilitation of agriculture sector
following a disaster,
ISDR (International Strategy for Disaster Reduction)
Increase public awareness about risks, vulnerabilities and disaster risk reduction,
Obtain commitment from public authorities to implement disaster reduction
Stimulate inter-sectoral partnerships, including the expansion of risk reduction
Improve scientific knowledge about disaster risk reduction,
Promote the application of Hyogo Framework of Action in order to achieve
sustainable social, economic and environmental development,
OCHA (Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Response)
Organize emergency response in the wake of major disasters that could not be
managed by national authorities;
Lead the IASC at international, national and local levels in order to organize a
coordinated response by all stakeholders,
Launch consolidated appeals to mobilize resources for emergency response by
multiple members of the IASC,
UNDP (United Nations Development Programme)
Provide technical assistance to government on formulation of policy, development of
institutions and plans for disaster risk reduction,
Develop capacity of government agencies and departments on disaster risk
Implement programmes on disaster risk reduction at local level in hazard prone
Serve as chair of the UN Disaster Management Team to coordinate relief,
rehabilitation and recovery initiatives after a disaster episode,
UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees)
Serve as the lead UN agency for protection, survival and eventual repatriation of
refugees to their original homeland,
Ensure that displaced persons fleeing their homeland are treated with compassion
and care humanity requires in times of crisis,
UNICEF (United Nations Children’s Fund)
Train service providers to enhance delivery of affordable and quality public
services to address the needs of most vulnerable,
Water and sanitation development, particularly in times of disaster episodes,
WFP (World Food Programme)
Provide food aid security in times of emergencies,
Contribute to environmental management for sustainable development,
Support institutions and communities for rehabilitation of disaster affected areas,
WHO (World Health Organization)
Assist in developing technical skills and training programmes, knowledge
management and sharing of best practices in emergency health services
Provide medical assistance in case of disasters
8.6 Donors
The donors could be divided into multi-lateral and bilateral donors. Multi-lateral donors
include the World Bank, Asian Development Bank (ADB) and Islamic Bank etc. The
bilateral donors include the governments of economically developed countries, who
provide development assistance to Pakistan. Considering their influence on the recipient
governments, the donors can play a very important role in promoting disaster risk
reduction in the country through following strategies and actions.
Make disaster risk reduction a criteria for provision of development assistance,
Incorporate risk assessment in project formats and planning processes,
Develop guidelines for partners on integrating risk reduction in programme
design, planning and implementation,
Monitor assisted initiatives to ensure that risk reduction is included in
Support capacity building projects for disaster risk reduction,
Advocate and support joint disaster assessment frameworks,
8.7 Non-governmental organizations
NGO's are important partners in disaster risk management. They can particularly
contribute in mobilizing communities and developing local level capacities in early
warning, disaster preparedness and response. They also implement programmes for
community vulnerability reduction; e.g. strengthening livelihoods, safer construction
practices, drought mitigation. A number of NGOs are currently working on disaster risk
reduction, preparedness and response in Pakistan. A list is given in Annex II. In order to
forge a closer link with NGOs, the National Disaster Management Authority will:
Encourage NGO participation in disaster risk management activities. In specific
terms NGO's will be encouraged to participate in training, public education,
damage assessment, rehabilitation and construction projects in hazard prone
Invite NGOs to participate in the formulation of disaster risk management plans at
Federal, Provincial, District and community levels in order to share resources and
information. NGOs shall link up with the NDMA to ensure that strategic policy and
implementation addresses their concerns.
NGOs can leading the way by doing cutting edge work,
with those who need it the most.
Annex I
NGOs Working on Disaster Risk Management
This list is not exhaustive and may not cover all organizations working on disaster risk
management in Pakistan.
Action Against Hunger
Aga Khan Planning and Building Services (AKPBS)
Association of Physicians of Pakistani Descent of North America (APPNA)
Balochistan Environmental Foundation
CARE International
Church World Service (CWS)
Citizen’s Foundation
Concern Worldwide Pakistan (CWP)
Doaba Foundation
Eco Friends Society
Focus Humanitarian Assistance (FHA)
GTZ (German Technical Cooperation)
Hamdam Development Organization
International Organization for Migration (IOM)
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
International Rescue Committee (IRC)
Islamic Aid
Islamic Relief
Jhelum Valley Human Welfare Society (JVHWS)
Khwendo Kor
Laar Humanitarian Development Programme (LHDP)
Mercy Corps
Muslim Aid
Pakistan Fisher Forum (PFF)
Pakistan Participatory Development Initiatives (PPDI)
Pakistan Red Crescent Society (PRCS)
Pattan Development Organization
Plan International
Roots Work
Rural Development Policy Institute (RDPI)
Sangi Development Foundation
Sangi Welfare Society
Sindh Agricultural and Forestry Workers Coordinating Organization (SAFCO)
Tharparkar Rural Development Programme (TRDP)
Worldwide Fund for Nature
World Vision
Young Sheedi Welfare Organization
Yar Muhammad Sameejo Education and Development organization (YMSESDO)
Annex II
National Consultation Workshop
on the Framework, 27th November 2006
List of Participant’s
Ministries, Govt & Provincial Departments
# Participant’s Name
1 Aamir Masood Khan
2 Ahmed Kamal
3 Allah B. Kausar
4 Ammar Jaffri
5 Arshad
6 Arshad Mehmood Kiyani
7 Aurangzeb
8 Farah Arbab
9 Hafeez Ur Rehman
10 Hazrat Nabi
11 Iftikhar
12 Imran Iqbal
13 Irfan Ullah Khan
14 Jehanzeb Khan Aurakzai
15 Mahboob Ali
16 Mansoor Saleem
17 Muhammad Abbas Khan
18 Muhammad Aftab
19 Muhammad Ahmad Khan
20 Muhammad Altaf
21 Muhammad Hanif
22 Muhammad Hayat Khan
23 Muhammad Ilyas Khan
24 Muhammad Latif Shad
25 Muhammad Salim
26 Muhammad Salim Khalid
27 Muhammad Younis
28 Muneer Ahmad
Deputy Secretary
Admin Officer
Deputy Director
Assessment Specialist
Research Fellow
Additional Secretary
Assistant Commissioner
Director General
Acting Director General
Director Operation
Home Secretary NAS
Joint Secretary
Assistant Commissioner
Chief Scientist
Deputy Secretary
Director General
Scientific Officer
Chief Geologist
Deputy Secretary
Ministry of Local Govt
& Rural Development
Geological Survey of
Planning &
Ministry of Population &
Provincial Relief NWFP
Ministry of Social
Ministry of Health
Pakistan Nuclear
Regularity Authority
Ministry of Railways
Relief Commissioner
Northern Areas
Ministry of Interior
Ministry of Agricultre,
Food & Live Stock
Relief & Rehabilitation
Deptt AJK
Ministry of Civil
Pakistan Agriculture &
Reseach Council
Ministry of Defence
Relief Sindh
Pakistan Meteorological
Geological Survey of
Ministry of Agricultre,
Food & Live Stock
Location Tele No
Islamabad 051-9203524
Islamabad 0333-5657030
Islamabad 051-9257182
Islamabad 051-9260944
Islamabad 051-5610332
Islamabad 051-9208590
Islamabad 0333-5581440
Islamabad 051-9213899
NWFP 0300-5727035
Islamabad 0333-2291743
Islamabad 051-4611792
Islamabad 0333-2996855
Islamabad 0300-8544685
Islamabad 051-9204233
Islamabad 051-9207990
Gilgit 05811-50208
Islamabad 051-9204428
Islamabad 051-9209531
AJK 0300-9710265
Islamabad 051-9216102
Islamabad 051-9220385
Islamabad 051-9271430
Karachi 0300-3096356
Islamabad 051- 9250367
Islamabad 051-9202618
Islamabad 051-9257182
Islamabad 051-9209697
Qamar Uz Zaman
Rizwan A. Khan
Russell Nasarullah
Sajjad Zaidi
Shafi Ghazi
Secretary Relief &
Crises Management
Director Operation
Relief Punjab
Pakistan Red Crescent
Islamabad 0301-5993399
Lahore 0300-9440230
Islamabad 051-4610968
Islamabad 051-9250409
Islamabad 051-9260237
34 Syed Ghazanfar Ali
35 Christophe Caze
36 Imran Ashraf
37 Suleman
38 Olivia
39 Timhatton
40 Farhana F. Stocker
41 Kamran Sharif
42 Karim Nayani
43 Neelofar A. Qazi
44 Rayana Bou. Haka
45 M.Zafar Iqbal
46 Saeed A. Khan
47 Zubair Murshed
48 Maj Gen. Farooq A. Khan
Assistant Commissioner Planning &
Deputy Police Attaache Embassy of France
Advisor European Union
Asstt Economic Advisor Embassy of Japan
Disaster Risk Reduction
Programme Manager DFID
Representative OXFAM-GB
UN Agencies
Advisor UN OCHA
Advisor ISDR
Programme Manager UN Habitat
Operations Manager WHO
Assistant Resident
Sr. Member NDMA NDMA
DRR Advisor NDMA
Annex III
NGO Consultation Workshop
on the Framework, 7th December 2006
List of Participant’s
Sr # Participant’s Name Designation
1 Aadil Mansoor Special Project Manager
Rural Support Programme
Network (RSPN)
Location Tele No Fax No
Islamabad 051-2829115
Yar Muhammad Sameejo
Ahsan Mehboob
Aslam Awan
Atta Rajar
Ayub Qutub
Azmat Ullah
Bakht Jahan
Daanish Mustafa
David Vioweriz
Dawn Wood-Menic
Dorothy Blane
Fatima Ihsan
Fatima Naqvi
Fawad Khan
Fida Soomro
Hafsa Qutub
Iftikhar Ahmad
Ishrat Jabeen
Jamila Nawaz
Jawaria Afzal
Kashif Hameed
Project Director
Executive Director
Head of Delegation
Executive Secretary
Design Evaulation /
Reporting Manager
Country Director
Policy and Gender
Programme Manager
Research Associate
Programme Coordinator
Research Associate
Deputy Country
Programme Officer
Programme Coordinator
Programme Officer
Executive Coordinator
Educational Society &
HOAP International
Sindh Development
Society Hyderabad
Pakistan Institute for
Developoment and
Research (PIEDAR)
Internation Federation of
Red Cross (IFRC)
HOAP International
King’s College London
Malteser International
Mercy Corps
Concern Worldwide
Action Aid - ERP
Institute for Social &
Environmental Transition
Laar Humanitarian
Development Programme
(LHDP) Sindh
Pakistan Institute for
Developoment and
Research (PIEDAR)
Tharparkar Rural
Development Programme
SUNGI Development
Centre of Research &
Development (CRCD)
Balochistan 0838-6034100 0838-6034100
Islamabad 051-2855907-8 051-2857096
Islamabad 051-2606815
Islamabad 051-2820379
Islamabad 051-9250416 051-9250418
Islamabad 0301-8560671 051-2857096
Islamabad 0304-5285032 051-2654395
Islamabad 051-2878081
Islamabad 051-2270449
Islamabad 051-2651524 051-2651526
Islamabad 051-2654432 051-2653491
Rawalpindi 051-5524196
Badin 0333-2527893 0297-861959
Islamabad 051-2820379
Islamabad 051-2653491
Islamabad 051-2653491
Abbottabad 0992-333414 0992-331726
Islamabad 051-2653491
Islamabad 051-4862368 051-4862367
Khizer Farooq
Khawaja Arif
Liaqat Ali
Maj Gen. Farooq
Mansoor Nadeem
Maqbool Khattak
Mehwish Abbas
Mia Haglund
Mr. Erk Roeloffs
Mr. Sartaj Abbasi
Muhammad Junaid
Muhammad Naseer
Nadeem Iqbal
Noreen Haider
Nusrat Nasab
Okello Hamisi
Omer Farooq
Palwasha Bangash
Shahzad Hashmi
Sikandar Brohi
Suleman G. Abro
Suleman Khan
Syed Kamal Shah
Tariq Bhatti
Zubair Murshed
Zulqarnain Iqbal
Programme Coordinator
Manager Monitoring and
Programme Coordinator
Chairman PMIC NDMA
Programme Coordinator
Regional Manager
Personal Assistant
Country Director
Project Director
Executive Director
Consultant Work &
Programme Officer
Disaster Prepardeness
Public Affair Consultant
Senior Programme
Relief and
Rehabilitation Manager
Senior Coordinator
Dialogue Coordinator
Programme Strategy
Coordinator Outreach
DRR Advisor
Programme Officer
MRSTA Welfare Society
Aga Khan Planning &
Jehlum Valley Human
Welfare Society (JVHWS)
Doaba Foundation
Pakistan Fisherfolk Forum
Khuuendo Kor
Church World Services
Plan International
International Rescue
Committee (IRC)
Root Work
Rural Support Programme
Network (RSPN)
Islamic Relief Pakistan
Mercy Corps
Rural Development Policy
Institute (RDPI)
Focus Humanitarian
Assistance Pakistan
Islamic Relief Pakistan
Action Aid - ERP
Centre of Research &
Development (CRCD)
Pakistan Participatory
Development Initiatives
Sindh Agricultural and
Forestry Workers
Coordinating Organization
International Rescue
Committee (IRC)
Care International
Rural Development Policy
Institute (RDPI)
Concern Worldwide
0477- 650885
0477- 650885
Annex IV
Donors Consultation Workshop
on the Framework, 9th December 2006
List of Participants
M. Zafar Iqbal UNDP
Edwin Brunner SDC
M. Imran Ashraf EU
Rajah Rehan Arshad The World Bank
E. John Blunt Asian Development Bank
Ichiro Kobayashi JICA
Tsutomu Shimizu JICA
Tim Hatton DFID
Prime Minister's Secretariat,
Constitution Avenue, Islamabad-Pakistan
Ph: 92-51-9222373, Fax: 9204197