July 22, 2022
Table of Contents
Overview .............................................................................................................................. 2
Health and Safety Guidelines for Students, Faculty and Staff .................................... 2
COVID-19 Prevention
............................................................................................. 3
Authority and Responsibility. ...................................................................................... 3
Identification and Evaluation of COVID-19
.............................................................. 4
Participation .............................................................................................................. 4
Employee/Student Screening .................................................................................... 4
Building/Room Check ............................................................................................... 5
Correction of COVID-19 Hazards ......................................................................................... 5
Control of COVID-19 Hazards .............................................................................................. 5
Face Coverings .......................................................................................................... 5
Air Filter and HVAC Cleaning and Retrofits and Outdoor Air ....................................... 7
Handwashing Facilities ............................................................................................... 7
Cleaning and
............................................................................................ 8
Personal Protective Equipment ................................................................................... 9
COVID-19 Testing ...................................................................................................... 9
Investigating and Responding COVID-19 Cases ................................................................. 9
Personal Identifying Information of COVID-19 Cases or Persons w/Symptoms ........ 10
System for Communicating
................................................................................................. 10
Training and Instruction ...................................................................................................... 11
Reporting, Recordkeeping and Access ............................................................................... 12
Exclusion of COVID-19 Cases ............................................................................................ 13
................................................................................................... 13
Multiple COVID-19 Infections and COVID-19 Outbreaks… .................................................. 14
COVID-19 Testing ...................................................................................................
COVID-19 Investigation, Review, and Hazard
......................................... 15
Major COVID-19 Outbreaks ................................................................................................ 16
Employer Provided Transportation ....................................................................................... 17
Mental Wellness Resources................................................................................................. 18
Guidance for Child Development Centers ............................................................................ 19
Guidance for Athletics ......................................................................................................... 25
Guidance for WHC Coalinga Residence Halls ...................................................................... 33
Guidance for Food Service Facilities ................................................................................... 39
Mega Events ....................................................................................................................... 46
Appendixes.......................................................................................................................... 47
The West Hills Community College District COVID-19 Prevention Program is intended to provide
the foundational framework of procedures and protocols to ensure application of best practices,
consistency in application, and minimum requirements to District leaders and all employees in
COVID-19 Prevention for occupants of the District Office, West Hills College Coalinga, West Hills
College Lemoore, West Hills College Coalinga-Firebaugh Center, the Farm of the Future in
Coalinga, and three child development centers throughout the neighboring rural communities.
The West Hills Community College District, a trusted steward, actively engages, encourages,
enriches and empowers students, faculty, staff, and communities to reach their full potential
academically, socially, and economically. In keeping the relentless pursuit of student success at
the forefront of the decision-making, the District resumed in-person instruction and services
beginning fall 2021 to support student success. In-person instruction and services continue to be
provided as permissible and allowable by local, State, and Federal regulations and are subject to
This guidance is based on the best available current public health data; county, state, and national
best practices guidelines, Cal/OSHA regulations (Standard 3205) also known as “Emergency
Temporary Standards (ETS)”, and the practical realities of managing college and District office
operations. The availability of three new vaccines provides the single most effective strategy to
protect the health and safety of our employees and students. Vaccines are currently accessible
and available for all students and employees (
Fresno County/Kings County). As advancements
are made, practices evolve, and regulations are revised, guidance will be updated accordingly.
This program reflects the full scope of issues that campus communities need to address ranging
from day-to-day site-based logistics to the social and emotional well-being of students, faculty and
staff, instructional methodology, and campus-based sports & extracurricular activities.
The pandemic will continue to be a dynamic and evolving situation. This program is
subject to change at any time based on orders from local health departments, the
California Department of Public Health, CalOSHA, or the State of California. Policies and
protocols will be adjusted as the regulations change and any changes will be shared with
employees, students, and the District Community.
Health and Safety Guidelines for Students, Faculty, and Staff
West Hills Community College District will establish, implement, and maintain an effective,
written COVID-19 Prevention Program, based on the Cal/OSHA regulations (Standard 3205)/
Emergency Temporary Standards (ETS), which includes the following components:
COVID-19 Prevention Program (WHCC COVID-19 Prevention Program)
1. System for Communicating (Authority and Responsibility)
2. Identification and Evaluation of COVID-19 Hazards
3. Investigating and Responding to COVID-19 Cases in the Workplace
4. Correction of COVID-19 Hazards
5. Training and Instruction
6. Face Coverings
7. Other Engineering Controls, Administrative Controls, and Personal Protective Equipment
8. Reporting, Recordkeeping, and Access
9. Exclusion of COVID-19 cases, Testing, and Identification of Who Has Had a Close Contact
10. Return to Campus Site Criteria
COVID-19 Prevention Program
West Hills Community College District’s COVID-19 Prevention Program (CPP) is developed utilizing
regulation from the California Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board Emergency
Temporary Standard (ETS) and includes an on-going risk assessment and updates will occur
accordingly. The Program is developed in consultation with the Fresno County Department of Public
Health and the Kings County Department of Public Health and readily shared with all employees and
Authority and Responsibility
Chancellor Kristin Clark has overall authority and responsibility for implementing the provisions of this
CPP. In addition, all managers and supervisors are responsible for implementing and maintaining the
CPP in their assigned work areas and for ensuring students and employees receive answers to
questions about the program in a language they understand.
All employees are responsible for using safe work practices, following all directives, policies and
procedures, and assisting in maintaining a safe work environment.
All employees and students are responsible for completing the daily screening questionnaire via the
West Hills Safe App. or via the “At Home Pre-Screening Form” on a computer. Once cleared
employees and students are required to check in at each District location they enter by scanning the
QR code that is located at each room entrance.
All employees and students are responsible for informing their supervisor/instructor or informing the
District via C19@whccd.ed
u or via the West Hills Safe App. of any positive COVID-19 diagnosis, the
presence of any COVID-19 symptoms, or of being in close contact with an individual who has tested
positive for COVID-19. (See definition for “close contact”.)
Persons responsible for implementing the program:
West Hills Community College District Office
Kristin Clark, Chancellor
Becky Cazares, Associate Vice Chancellor, Human Resources
West Hills College Coalinga
Carla Tweed, President
Shaun Bailey, Director of Maintenance & Operations/Auxiliary Services
West Hills College Lemoore
James Preston, President
Joshua Allen, Director of Maintenance & Operations/Auxiliary Services
West Hills College Coalinga, Firebaugh Center
Bethany Azevedo-Matos, Dean
Child Development Centers
Isabella Gutierrez, Director
Coalinga, Farm of the Future
Terry Brase, Director
Fresno County Health Agency:
Rais Vohra, Interim Health Officer for the Fresno County Department of Public Health
1221 Fulton Mall
Fresno, CA 93721
Kings County Health Agency:
Milton Teske, Health Officer for the Kings County Department of Public Health
330 Campus Drive
Hanford, CA 93230
OFFICE (559) 852-2876
Identification and Evaluation of COVID-19 Hazards
We will implement the following at our campuses:
Conduct site-specific evaluations using the Appendix A: Identification of COVID-19
Hazard’s form.
Evaluate potential exposures to all persons at, or who may enter, our campus
Review applicable orders and general and industry-specific guidance from the State of
California, Cal/OSHA, and the local health departments related to COVID-19 hazards
and prevention.
Evaluate existing COVID-19 prevention controls at our campuses and the need for
different or additional controls.
Conduct periodic inspections using Appendix B: COVID-19 Inspection form as needed to
identify unhealthy conditions, practices, and procedures related to COVID-19 and to
ensure compliance with the District’s COVID-19 policies and procedures.
Faculty, and staff are required to participate in the identification and evaluation of COVID-19
hazards by participating in the COVID-19 training via the Keenan and Associates, SafeColleges
Program, and by obtaining a copy, and making themselves familiar with the West Hills Community
College District COVID-19 Prevention Program.
Employee/Student Screening
We screen our students, faculty and staff to our campus sites by utilizing the mobile app., West
Hills Safe. Students, faculty and staff will be required to fill out a self-assessment questionnaire
each day they are on one of our campus sites. We ask that they complete this questionnaire each
day they are on one of the District’s sites.
1. Download and install West Hills Safe to your phone. (The app is available in both the Apple
App Store for iOS devices and the Google Play Store for Android devices.)
2. When you log into West Hills Safe, you will be directed to sign-in with your West Hills
3. Within the app., you will receive a daily reminder (M-F) at 7:00 a.m. to complete the Daily
Pre-Screening form at home. If you tap on the notification, you can fill out the form
4. The
Daily Pre-Screening form will reset every day at 11:59 p.m.
5. Based on the answers you provide in the Daily Pre-Screening form; the app will issue you
a Campus Pass with the current date displayed. A “green” Campus Pass indicates you
are clear to come in person to a campus/district site. A faculty or staff member may request
to see your Campus Pass for that day before allowing you to enter a room or building. The
pass must be “green” to enter a campus building, classroom, or district site. The pass
may be shown on a smartphone or if you do not have a smartphone, you will be able to
print your Campus Pass from a computer station on the campus/district site.
6. A “red” Campus Pass means that you are NOT clear to come in person to the
campus/district site and you should stay home. You will be instructed on how long you
must wait before you may visit the campus/district site. The District’s contact tracer will
contact you with additional information as to when you can return to campus/district site.
7. If you do not have a smartphone, you can fill out the “At Home Pre-Screening Form” on
a computer and print out your Campus Pass at home or you will be able to print your
Campus Pass from a computer station on the campus/district site.
Building/Room Check
As students, faculty and staff move around each campus site, they will be required to check into
buildings and classrooms by scanning the QR codes posted on doors and walls as they enter
but not when exiting the building/classroom. Each QR code will identify who is in any given
room or building at any time. This information will assist the respective campus contact tracer in
contacting potential COVID-19 exposures if there is a reported COVID-19 case. This information
will be restricted to only those who are authorized to conduct contract tracing.
Correction of COVID-19 Hazards
West Hills Community College District shall implement effective policies and/or procedures for
corrective unsafe or unhealthy conditions, practices, policies and procedures in a timely manner
based on the severity of the hazard. This includes, but is not limited to, implementing controls
and/or policies and procedures in response to evaluations. Unsafe or unhealthy work conditions,
practices or procedures will be documented on the Appendix B: COVID-19 Inspection’s Form,
and/or through the District’s Work Order System and corrected in a timely manner based on the
severity of the hazards.
Should unsafe or unhealthy working conditions, practices or procedures be identified, they will be
corrected as soon as possible and will be the priority of the Maintenance and Operations crew at
each campus site. Follow-up to ensure the corrections are made is done by each campus site’s
respective Director of Maintenance and Operations or the individuals identified for implementing
the program shown on page 3 of the COVID-19 Prevention Program.
The District has an on-line system where employees and students can submit safety concerns
via an online form:
West Hills College Coalinga: Safety Concern/Accident Report (
West Hills College Lemoore: Campus Safety Report (
Face Coverings
Control of COVID-19 Hazards
West Hills Community College District will provide students, faculty and staff with face coverings
and will ensure they are worn when required by the District, and where required by orders from
the California Department of Public Health (CDPH
a. WHCCD will ensure that required face coverings are clean and undamaged, and that they
are worn over the nose and mouth. Face shields are not a replacement for face coverings,
although they may be worn together for additional protection.
b. When individuals are required to wear face coverings under this section, the following
exceptions apply:
1. When an individual is alone in a room or vehicle.
2. While eating or drinking, provided individuals are at least six feet
apart and outside air supply to the area, if indoors, has been maximized to the
extent feasible.
3. Employees wearing respirators required by the employer and used in compliance
with section 5144.
4. Individuals who cannot wear face coverings due to a medical or mental health
condition or disability, or who are hearing-impaired or communicating with a
hearing-impaired person.
5. Specific tasks which cannot feasibly be performed with a face covering. This
exception is limited to the time period in which such tasks are actually being
c. Individuals exempted from wearing face coverings pursuant due to a medical condition,
mental health condition, or disability shall wear an effective non-restrictive alternative,
such as a face shield with a drape on the bottom, if their condition or disability permits it.
If their condition or disability does not permit a non-restrictive alternative, the individual
shall be tested at least weekly for COVID-19 (if an employee-during paid time and at no
cost to the employee).
d. WHCCD shall not prevent any individual from wearing a face covering when not required
by this section, unless it would create a safety hazard, such as interfering with the safe
operation of equipment.
e. When face coverings are not required by this section or by sections 3205.1 through
3205.4, WHCCD shall provide face coverings to individuals upon request, regardless of
vaccination status.
f. WHCCD shall implement measures to communicate to the District community face
covering requirements on District premises.
Fully-vaccinated Employees
When an employee has been fully vaccinated, the vaccination status must be confirmed by the
District’s Human Resources (HR) Department. The process for submitting proof of vaccination
status to the HR Department is as follows:
1. Employee uploads a copy of their vaccination record (exact spelling of name and birthdate
on vaccination record must match employment record) to the West Hills Safe smartphone
2. HR Department confirms status of full vaccination of employee.
3. West Hills Safe app. will provide employee with a blue pass that the employee will be able
to use as evidence that their vaccination status has been confirmed.
4. For those individuals without a smartphone, there will be a process for individuals to scan
and forward an electronic copy of their vaccination record (exact spelling of name and
birthdate on vaccination record must match employment record) to HR. HR will then
confirm status of full vaccination of the employee and grant authorization for the employee
to work without a face covering, if allowable per current CDPH or local health
department(s) guidelines.
5. Employees will be updated on current guidelines per text message, email and/or
myWestHills staff portal as guidelines change.
Employees who wish to get the vaccine will be permitted to take up to four hours of paid time
during work hours for each of their primary COVID-19 vaccination doses (excluding booster
shots), which will not count against their sick or vacation time. Employees opting to take leave for
their vaccine must submit a “Request for Time Off” to their supervisor at least one business day
in advance and, after receiving their vaccine, submit their vaccination card through the West Hills
Safe App. Human Resources will verify the vaccination record and time usage. The District will
provide reasonable time and paid sick leave to employees to recover from side effects
experienced following a primary vaccination dose. If the employee experiences side effects from
the vaccine, the District may require the employee to use already accrued paid sick leave when
recovering from side effects experienced following a primary vaccination dose.
Fully-vaccinated Students
When a student has been fully vaccinated, the vaccination status must be confirmed by the
District’s Human Resources (HR) Department. The process for submitting proof of vaccination
status to the HR Department is as follows:
1. Student uploads a copy of their vaccination record (exact spelling of name and birthdate
on vaccination record must match student record) to the West Hills Safe smartphone app.
2. HR Department confirms status of full vaccination of student.
3. Students will be updated on current guidelines per email and/or myWestHills student portal
as guidelines change.
Management is responsible for enforcing the COVID-19 Prevention Program, which includes the
enforcement of face coverings when applicable.
Air Filter and HVAC Cleaning and Retrofits and Outdoor Air
West Hills Community College District will ensure that air filters and HVAC systems are properly
maintained. For buildings with mechanical or natural ventilation, or both, WHCCD shall maximize
the quantity of outside air provided to the extent feasible, except when the United States
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Air Quality Index is greater than 100 for any pollutant or
if opening windows or maximizing outdoor air by other means would cause a hazard to
employees, for instance from excessive heat or cold.
West Hills Community College District has installed Needle Point Bi-Polar Ionizers onto existing
air-handlers, mini-spits, RTU’s (roof top unit) and Bard units. Bipolar ionization first arrived in the
United States in the 1970s as a tool to control pathogens in food manufacturing. It was effective
during the SARS outbreak of 2004, as well as more recent outbreaks of MERS and norovirus and
various strains of influenza. Bipolar ionization is used in large hospitals and airport terminals at
LaGuardia, O’Hare, LAX and San Francisco International Airport.
Handwashing Facilities
The District has evaluated its handwashing facilities and found that there are adequate restrooms
throughout the buildings to ensure students, faculty and staff can have quick and easy access to
wash their hands frequently.
Students, faculty and staff are encouraged to use as much time as they need to wash their hands
frequently. When it is not practical to go to a handwashing facility, the District will provide effective
hand sanitizer. The District has provided training to employees that addressed the proper way to
wash their hands
and to allow for at least 20 seconds each time. Provision or use of hand
sanitizers with methyl alcohol is prohibited.
Cleaning and Disinfecting
Routine Cleaning
West Hills Community College District has implemented cleaning and disinfecting procedures,
which may include:
1. Identifying and regularly cleaning frequently touched surfaces and objects, (such as,
doorknobs, elevator buttons, equipment, tools, handrails, handles, controls, phones,
headsets, bathroom surfaces, and steering wheels. The District shall inform employees
and authorized representatives of cleaning and disinfection protocols, including the
planned frequency and scope of cleaning and disinfection.
2. Cleaning of areas, material, and equipment used by a COVID-19 case during the high-
risk exposure period, and disinfection of the area, material, or equipment if indoors and
will be used by another employee within 24 hours of the COVID-19 case.
3. Cleaning and disinfecting will be done in a manner that does not create a hazard to
4. Training to its custodians prior to the beginning of each semester as long as the District is
requiring specialized cleaning and disinfecting needed during the COVID-19 emergency.
5. A schedule for cleaning based on CDC guidelines,
and performed cleanings at least once
a day or as often as needed.
Cleaning and Disinfecting when Someone is Sick
West Hills Community College District has established protocols if there has been a someone
who has tested positive for COVID-19 in any of the facilities within a 24 hour period, which may
Before cleaning and disinfecting
1. Close off areas used by the person who is sick and do not use those areas until after
cleaning and disinfecting.
2. Wait as long as possible (at least several hours) before you clean and disinfect.
While cleaning and disinfecting:
1. Open doors and windows and use fans or HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air
conditioning) settings to increase air circulation in the area.
2. Use products from EPA List N
according to the instructions on the product label.
3. Wear a face covering and gloves while cleaning and disinfecting.
4. Focus on the immediate areas occupied by the person (utilizing data from the District
app. West Hills Safe) who is sick or diagnosed with COVID-19 unless they have already
been cleaned and disinfected.
5. Vacuum the space if needed. Use a vacuum equipped with high-efficiency particulate air
(HEPA) filter and bags, if available.
6. While vacuuming, temporarily turn off in-room, window-mounted, or on-wall recirculation
heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems to avoid contamination of HVAC units.
7. Do NOT deactivate central HVAC systems. These systems provide better filtration
capabilities and introduce outdoor air into the areas that they serve.
Personal Protective Equipment
West Hills Community College District evaluates the need for personal protective equipment to
prevent exposure to COVID-19 hazards, such as gloves, goggles, and face shields, and provides
such personal protective equipment as needed to students, faculty and staff.
Upon request, West Hills Community College District shall provide respirators (N95 masks) for
voluntary use in compliance with subsection 5144c)(2) of Title 8 to students, faculty or staff. West
Hills Community College District shall encourage the use of respirators and that the individual
requesting the respirator is provided the correct size.
When and if applicable, the District provides and ensures use of eye protection and respiratory
protection in compliance with section 5144 when employees or students are exposed to
procedures that may aerosolize potentially infectious material such as saliva or respiratory tract
Surveillance Testing of Employees
To expand current COVID-19 health and safety practices, West Hills Community College District
may implement a COVID-19 testing program protocol for all employees. If implemented,
employees who are fully vaccinated and have uploaded verification of their vaccine to the West
Hills Safe App will be opted out of the weekly testing. Mobile testing may be scheduled at WHC
Coalinga (includes District staff), WHC Lemoore, and an alternative option may be provided for
employees at the Firebaugh Center.
Testing of Symptomatic Employees
West Hills Community College District shall make COVID-19 testing available at no cost to
employees with COVID-19 symptoms, during paid time.
Investigating and Responding to COVID-19 Cases
West Hills Community College District has an effective procedure to investigate COVID-19 cases.
This includes procedures for seeking information from students, faculty and staff regarding
COVID-19 cases and close contacts, COVID-19 test results, and onset of COVID-19 symptoms,
and identifying and recording COVID-19 cases utilizing Appendix C: Investigation COVID-19
Cases form. WHCCD shall report information about COVID-19 cases and outbreaks to the
appropriate local health department as required by Labor Code 6409.6.
West Hills Community College District will utilize the smartphone App West Hills Safe to contact
trace individuals who may have been in close contact with any individual who tests positive for
COVID-19. This information will be restricted to only those who are authorized to conduct contract
The following actions will take place when there has been a COVID-19 case at any of the West
Hills Community College District sites:
1. Determine the day and time the COVID-19 case was last present on any of the campus
sites, and, to the extent possible, the date of the positive COVID-19 test(s) and/or
diagnosis, and the date the COVID-19 case first had one or more COVID-19 symptoms,
if any were experienced. WHCCD shall maintain records of the steps taken to implement
the written COVID-10 Prevention Program in accordance with section 3203(b).
2. Utilizing the app. West Hills Safe contact tracker data, determine who may have had a
close contact. This requires an evaluation of the activities of the COVID-19 case and all of
the West Hills Community College District location, which may have been visited by the
COVID-19 case during the infectious period.
3. Within one business day of the time West Hills Community College District becomes aware
of the COVID-19 case, West Hills Community College District shall give written notice in
a form readily understandable by the students, faculty and staff that the individuals may
have been on the premises at the same worksite/site as the qualifying individual within the
infectious period. The notice shall be written in a way that does not reveal any personal
identifying information of the COVID-19 case. Written notice may include, but is not limited
to, personal service, email, or text message if it can reasonable be anticipated to be
received by the individual within one business day of sending. The notice shall include the
disinfection plan per the guidelines of the federal Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and
required by Labor Code section 6409.6(a)(4)
. The notice will be sent to the following:
a. All students, faculty and staff at the worksite/site during the infectious period.
b. Independent contractors and other individuals at the site during the infectious period.
4. If the exposure occurred to a West Hills Community College District employee during their
working hours, within one business day of the time the District becomes aware of the
COVID-19 case, West Hills Community College District shall provide the notice required
by Labor Code section 6409.6(a)(2) and (c)
to the authorized representative of any
employee at the worksite during the infectious period.
5. Make COVID-19 testing available at no cost during working hours, to all employees of
West Hills Community College District who had a close contact in the workplace and
provide them with the information on benefits with the following exceptions:
a. Employees who were not present at the workplace during the relevant exposure
b. COVID-19 cases who returned to work and have remained free of COVID-19
symptoms, for 90 days after the initial onset of COVID-19 symptoms or, for COVID-19
cases who never developed symptoms, for 90 days after the first positive test.
6. Investigate whether campus conditions could have contributed to the risk of COVID-19
exposure and what could be done to reduce exposure to COVID-19 hazards.
Personal Identifying Information of COVID-19 Cases or Persons with COVID-19
West Hills Community College District will ensure that personal identifying information of COVID-
19 cases or persons with COVID-19 symptoms, and any medical records, shall be kept
confidential unless disclosure is required or permitted by law. Unredacted information on COVID-
19 cases shall be provided to the local health department, CDPH, the Division (OSHA), and
NIOSH, immediately upon request, and when required by law.
System for Communicating
West Hills Community College District’s goal is to ensure that there is an effective two-way
communication with students, faculty and staff of the West Hills Community College District, in a
form they can readily understand, and that it includes the following information:
Who employees should report COVID-19 symptoms and possible hazards to, and how the
system will help spread additional cases of COVID-19.
That students, faculty and staff can report symptoms and hazards without fear of reprisal.
West Hills Community College District’s procedures or policies for accommodating
students, faculty and staff with medical or other conditions that put them at increased risk
of severe COVID-19 illness.
Access to COVID-19 testing when testing is required. In the event the District is required
to provide testing because of a workplace exposure or outbreak, the District will
communicate the plan for providing testing and inform affected employees of the reason
for the testing and the possible consequences of a positive test.
Information about any potential COVID-19 hazards, what is being done to control those
hazards, and West Hills Community College District’s COVID-19 policies and procedures.
Training and Instruction
West Hills Community College District will provide effective training and instruction that includes
the District’s Prevention Program policies and procedures, which were established to protect the
students, staff and faculty from COVID-19 hazards and how to participate in the identification and
evaluation of COVID-19 hazards.
The training will include the following information:
For employees:
Information regarding COVID-19 related benefits to which the employee may be entitled
under applicable federal, state or local laws. This includes any benefits available under
legally mandated sick and vaccination leave, if applicable, workers’ compensation law,
local governmental requirements, West Hills Community College District’s leave policies
and leave guaranteed by contract, and this section.
Information on the COVID-19 policies; how to access COVID-19 testing and vaccination;
and the fact that vaccination is effective at preventing COVID-19, protecting against both
transmission and serious illness or death.
The fact that:
o COVID-19 is an infectious disease that can spread through the air when an
infectious person talks or vocalizes, sneezes, coughs or exhales.
o COVID-19 may be transmitted when a person touches a contaminated object
and then touches their eyes, nose, or mouth, although that is less common.
o An infectious person may show no symptoms.
o Particles containing the virus can travel more than six feet, especially indoors, so
physical distancing, face coverings, increased ventilation indoors, and respiratory
protection decrease the spread of COVID-19 and are most effective when used
in combination.
The right of employees to request a respirator for voluntary use, without fear of
retaliation, and West Hills Community College District policies for providing the
respirators. Employees voluntarily using respirators will be trained according to section
5144(c)(2) requirements:
o How to properly wear respirators.
o How to perform a seal check according to the manufacturer’s instructions each
time a respirator is worn, and the fact that facial hair can interfere with a seal.
The importance of frequent hand washing with soap and water for at least 20 seconds and
using hand sanitizer when employees do not have immediate access to a sink or hand
washing facility, and that hand sanitizer does not work if the hands are soiled.
Proper use of face coverings and the fact that face coverings are not respiratory protective
equipment. Since COVID-19 is an airborne disease, N95s and more protective respirators
protect the users from airborne disease, while face coverings primarily protect people
around the user.
The conditions where face coverings must be worn at the workplace.
Employees can request face coverings from the employer at no cost to the employee and
can wear them at work regardless of vaccination status, without fear of retaliation.
COVID-19 symptoms, and the importance of obtaining a COVID-19 test and not coming
to work if the employee has COVID-19 symptoms.
Information on West Hills Community College District COVID-19 policies and how to
access COVID-19 testing and vaccination, and the fact that vaccination is effective at
preventing COVID-19 and protecting against both transmission and serious illness or
All employees will participate in COVID-19 training via the Keenan and associates, SafeColleges
Program. All completed trainings will be logged into the WHCCD Training System and Human
Resources can access all data related to this requirement.
Reporting, Recordkeeping and Access
It is West Hills Community College District’s policy to:
Report information about COVID-19 cases and outbreaks from any of the West Hills
Community College campus sites to the local health departments (Fresno/Kings)
whenever required by law, and to provide any related information requested by the local
health departments required by Labor Code section 6409.6.
Maintain records of the steps taken to implement the written COVID-19 Prevention
Program in accordance with section 3203(b)
Make the written COVID-19 Prevention Program available on the District’s webpage, and
to students, employees, authorized employee representatives, and to representatives of
Cal/OSHA immediately upon request.
Use the Appendix C: Investigating COVID-19 Cases to keep a record of and track all
COVID-19 cases. For employees, the record will include the employee’s name, contact
information, occupation, location where the employee worked, the date of the last day at
the workplace, and the date of a positive COVID-19 test.
Exclusion of COVID-19 Cases
and Individuals Who Had a Close Contact
Where there is a positive COVID-19 Case or Close Contact at one of West Hills Community
College campus sites, West Hills Community College District will limit transmission by:
COVID-19 Cases
A. WHCCD shall ensure that COVID-19 cases are excluded from the campus sites until the
District’s return-to-campus criteria are met.
Close Contacts
WHCCD shall reference and review current CDPH guidance for persons who had close
contacts, including any guidance regarding quarantine or other measures to reduce
transmission. WHCCD shall develop, implement, and maintain effective policies to prevent
transmission of COVID-19 by persons who had close contacts.
B. For employees excluded from work, WHCCD shall continue and maintain employees’
earnings, wages, seniority, and all other employee rights and benefits, including the
employee's right to their former job status, as if the employee had not been removed from
their job. Employers may use employer-provided employee sick leave for this purpose to
the extent permitted by law. Wages due under this subsection are subject to existing wage
payment obligations and must be paid at the employee’s regular rate of pay no later than
the regular pay day for the pay period(s) in which the employee is excluded. Unpaid wages
owed under this subsection are subject to enforcement through procedures available in
existing law. If an employer determines that one of the exceptions below applies, it shall
inform the employee of the denial and the applicable exception.
EXCEPTION 1: The employee received disability payments or was covered by workers’
compensation and received temporary disability.
EXCEPTION 2: The employer demonstrates that the close contact is not work related.
C. This section does not limit any other applicable law, employer policy, or collective
bargaining agreement that provides for greater protections.
At the time of exclusion, the employer shall provide the employee the information on
Return-to-Campus Criteria
The following return to campus criteria shall apply to COVID-19 Cases. WHCCD will
demonstrate it has met the applicable requirements below:
A. COVID-19 Cases, regardless of vaccination status or previous infection, who do not
develop COVID-19 symptoms or whose COVID-19 symptoms are resolving, shall not
return to any of the campus sites until:
1. At least five days have passed from the date that COVID-19 symptoms began or, if
the person does not develop COVID-19 symptoms, from the date of first positive
COVID-19 test;
2. At least 24 hours have passed since a fever of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or higher
has resolved without the use of fever reducing medications; and
3. A negative COVID-19 test from a specimen collected on the fifth day or later is
obtained; or, if unable to test or WHCCD chooses not to require a test, 10 days
have passed from the date that COVID-19 symptoms began or if the person does
not develop COVID-19 symptoms, from the date of first positive COVID-19 test.
Please upload a copy of the negative test to the West Hills Safe App. in order to
be cleared to come back onto campus.
B. COVID-19 cases, regardless of vaccination status or previous infection, whose
COVID-19 symptoms are not resolving, may not return to any campus site until:
1. At least 24 hours have passed since a fever of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or higher
has resolved without the use of fever-reducing medication; and
2. Symptoms are resolving or 10 days have passed from when the symptoms began.
C. Regardless of vaccination status, previous infection, or lack of COVID-19 symptoms, a
COVID-19 case shall wear a face covering at the campus site until 10 days have passed
since the date that COVID-19 symptoms began or, if the person did not have COVID-19
symptoms, from the date of their first positive COVID-19 test.
D. The requirements in this section shall apply regardless of whether an employee has
previously been excluded or other precautions were taken in response to an employee’s
close contact or membership in an exposed group.
If an order to isolate, quarantine, or exclude an individual is issued by a local or state
health official, the individual shall not return to the campus site until the period of isolation
or quarantine is completed or the order is lifted. If no period was specified, then the period
shall be in accordance with the return to campus criteria.
Multiple COVID-19 Infections and COVID-19 Outbreaks
This section will apply if three or more individual COVID-19 cases within an exposed group (core
group) visited any campus sites during their infectious period at any time during a 14-day period.
When there are three or more cases within a core group (or when 10% of any core group tests
positive for COVID-19 or per the CCCAA guidelines for athletic teams), the COVID emergency
response team from the respective campus site and HR will convene to identify strategies, which
may include alternate instructional/worksite/residence hall accommodations and to review
mitigation measures to ensure continued health and safety for the students and staff of West Hills
Community College District.
This section will stay in effect until there are no new COVID-19 cases detected in the exposed
group for a 14-day period.
COVID-19 Testing
West Hills Community College District will offer COVID-19 testing at no cost to its employees,
within the exposed group, during employees’ paid time in a manner that ensures employee
confidentiality, except:
Employees who were not present at the workplace during the relevant 14-day period(s);
For returned cases who did not develop COVID-19 symptoms after returning to work, no
testing is required.
COVID-19 testing shall consist of the following:
All individuals in the exposed group, regardless of vaccination status, are immediately
tested and then again one week later. Negative COVID-19 test results of employees with
COVID-19 exposure shall not impact the duration of any quarantine, isolation, or exclusion
period required by, or orders issued by, the local health department.
After the first two COVID-19 tests, West Hills Community College District will continue to
provide COVID-19 testing once a week at no cost, during paid time, to all employees in
the exposed group who remain at the workplace, or more frequently if recommended by
the local health department, until no new COVID-19 cases are detected for a 14-day
Employees who had close contacts shall have a negative COVID-19 test taken within three
and five days after the close contact or shall be excluded and follow the return to campus
requirements starting from the date of the last known close contact.
West Hills Community College District shall make additional testing available at no cost to
employees, during employees’ paid time, when deemed necessary by Cal/OSHA through
the Issuance of Order to Take Special Action, in accordance with title 8, section 332.3.
West Hills Community College District will continue to comply with the applicable elements of the
COVID-19 Prevention Program (CPP), as well as the following:
1. Individuals in the exposed group shall wear face coverings when indoors, or when
outdoors and less than six feet apart (unless one of the face-covering exceptions indicated
in the CPP apply).
2. West Hills Community College District will give notice to employees in the exposed group
of their right to request a respirator (N95 masks
) for voluntary use.
3. West Hills Community College District will evaluate whether to implement physical
distancing of at least six feet between persons, or where six feet of physical distancing is
not feasible, as much distance between persons as feasible.
COVID-19 Investigation, Review and Hazard Correction
West Hills Community College District shall immediately perform a review of potentially relevant
COVID-19 policies, procedures, and controls and implement changes as needed to prevent
further spread of COVID-19. The investigation and review shall be documented and include:
Investigation of new or unabated COVID-19 hazards including:
o West Hills Community College leave policies and practices and whether
employees are discouraged from remaining home when sick.
o West Hills Community College District’s COVID-19 testing policies.
o Insufficient outdoor air.
o Insufficient air filtration.
o Lack of physical distancing.
The review shall be updated every 30 days that this section continues to apply, in response
to new information or to new or previously unrecognized COVID-19 hazards, or when
otherwise necessary.
Implementing changes to reduce the transmission of COVID-19 based on the investigation
and review. West Hills Community College District will consider:
o Moving indoor tasks outdoors or having them performed remotely.
o Increasing outdoor air supply when work is done indoors.
o Improving air filtration.
o Increasing physical distancing as much as feasible.
o Requiring respiratory protection in compliance with section 5144
Buildings or Structures with Mechanical Ventilation
West Hills Community College District will filter recirculated air with Minimum Efficiency Reporting
Value (MERV) 13 or higher efficiency filters, if compatible with the ventilation system. If MERV-
13 or higher filters are not compatible, we will use filters with the highest compatible filtering
efficiency. WHCCD will also evaluate whether portable or mounted High Efficiency Particulate Air
(HEPA) filtration units or other air cleaning systems would reduce the risk of transmission and, if
so, implement their use to the degree feasible.
Major COVID-19 Outbreaks
This section applies if twenty (20) or more individual COVID-19 cases in an exposed group, visited
any of the campus sites during their infectious period within a 30-day period. This section will stay
in effect until there are fewer than three COVID-19 cases detected in the exposed group for a 14-
day period.
West Hills Community College District will comply with the Multiple COVID-19 Infections and
COVID-19 Outbreaks section, except that the COVID-19 testing, shall be required of employees
in the exposed group, regardless of vaccination status, twice a week or more frequently if
recommended by the local health department. Employees in the exposed group shall be tested
or shall be excluded and follow the return to campus requirements starting from the date that the
outbreak begins.
In addition to complying with the CPP and Multiple COVID-19 Infections and COVID-19 Outbreaks
addendum, West Hills Community College District shall take the following actions:
Provide employees in the exposed group with respirators (N95 masks) for voluntary use
in compliance with section 5144(c)(2) and determine the need for a respiratory protection
program or changes to an existing respiratory protection program under section 5144 to
address COVID-19 hazards.
Separate by six feet (except where we can demonstrate that six feet of separation is not
feasible and there is momentary exposure while persons are in movement) any individuals
in the exposed group who are not wearing respirators required by the CPP and used in
compliance with section 5144. When it is not feasible to maintain a distance of at least six
feet, individuals are as far apart as feasible.
Evaluate whether to halt some or all operations at the workplace until COVID-19 hazards
have been corrected.
Implement any other control measures deemed necessary by Cal/OSHA through the
Issuance of Order to Take Special Action, in accordance with title 8 section 332.3.
COVID-19 Prevention in Employer-Provided Transportation
This section applies to employer-provided motor vehicle transportation, which is any
transportation of an employee during the course and scope of employment, including
transportation to and from different workplaces, jobsites, delivery sites, buildings, stores, facilities,
and agriculture fields, provided, arranged for, or secured by an employer regardless of the travel
distance or duration involved. The following exceptions apply:
This section does not apply if the driver and all passengers are from the same household
outside of work, such as family members, or if the driver is alone in the vehicle.
This section does not apply to employer-provided transportation when necessary for
emergency response, including firefighting, rescue, and evacuation, and support activities
directly aiding response such as utilities, communications, and medical operations.
This section does not apply to employees with occupational exposure as defined by
section 5199, Title 8, when covered by that section.
This section does not apply to public transportation.
To the extent feasible, WHCCD shall reduce exposure to COVID-19 hazards by assigning
employees sharing vehicles to distinct groups and ensuring that each group remains separate
from other such groups during transportation and during work activities.
WHCCD shall review CDPH
and local health department recommendations regarding face
coverings and implement face covering policies that effectively eliminate or minimize transmission
in vehicles.
WHCCD shall provide training to employees on CDPH and local health department
recommendations, if applicable, regarding face coverings and WHCCD COVID-19 Policies.
Please see Training and Instruction section of the CPP for additional information.
Upon request, WHCCD shall provide respirators for voluntary use to all employees in employer
provided transportation.
WHCCD shall exclude drivers and riders with COVID-19 in employer provided transportation prior
to boarding shared transportation by ensuring that employees utilize the West Hills Safe App daily
health screener before accessing any of the campus sites or District vehicles.
WHCCD shall ensure that vehicle windows are kept open, and the ventilation system is set to
maximize outdoor air and not set to recirculate air. Windows do not have to be kept open if one
or more of the following conditions exist:
The vehicle has functioning air conditioning in use and excessive outdoor heat would
create a hazard to employees.
The vehicle has functioning heating in use and excessive outdoor cold would create a
hazard to employees.
Protection is needed from weather conditions, such as rain or snow.
The vehicle has a cabin air filter in use and the U.S. EPA Air Quality Index for any pollutant
is greater than 100.
WHCCD shall provide hand sanitizer in each vehicle and ensure that all drivers and riders sanitize
their hands before entering and exiting the vehicle. Hand sanitizers with methyl alcohol are
Mental Wellness Resources
Free, confidential mental wellness resources are available to employees and students as
SISC Members (Classified, Management, Confidential)
CVT Members (FT Faculty)
West Hills College Coalinga Student Wellness Counseling Referral
West Hills College Lemoore Student Conduct/Concern Reporting Form
Guidance for Child Development Centers
Reference: California Department of Public Health
West Hills Community College District’s Child Development Centers can help protect children,
families, and staff and slow the spread of COVID-19 by using California Department of Public
Health Guidance for Operating Child Care Programs during COVID-19.
The following plan is a supplement to the West Hills Community College District COVID-19
Prevention Program and outlines strategies that the Child Development Centers will use to
maintain healthy environments and operations, lower the risk of COVID-19 spread in the
programs, prepare for when someone is sick with COVID-19, and support coping and resilience.
This supplemental plan does not replace any federal, state, local, or public health and safety laws,
rules, and regulations with which the programs must comply.
Children and COVID-19
While fewer children have been sick with COVID-19 compared with adults during the pandemic,
children can be infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19, can get sick with
COVID-19, and can spread the virus to others. Most children with COVID-19 have mild symptoms,
and some have no symptoms at all. The symptoms of COVID-19 in children are similar to
symptoms of other common illnesses, like colds, strep throat, influenza, or allergies. Like adults,
children who have COVID-19 but have no symptoms can still spread the virus to others. For more
information, visit COVID-19 in Children
Children with underlying medical conditions are at increased risk for severe illness from COVID-
19. Although the number of children who have been hospitalized with COVID-19 is low compared
with adults, one third of hospitalized children with COVID-19 are admitted to the intensive care
unit. Additionally, a small number of children might develop a rare but serious condition associated
with COVID-19 called Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C
). Although the risk
for death among children is low compared with adults, some children in the United States have
died from COVID-19.
Reports have shown that children in childcare settings can become infected and spread COVID-
19 to others in the childcare program, at home, and in the community. Some staff and household
family members might be at increased risk of severe illness. For example, people who are older
and have underlying medical conditions are at increased risk for severe illness from COVID-19.
For information about who is at increased risk, visit People at Increased Risk
. However, childcare
programs support children’s social-emotional, behavioral, and mental health while fostering early
learning development. Childcare programs can also help serve children in need through nutrition
programs, special education services, and after-school programs. In addition, childcare programs
support parents with reliable and safe care so they can return to work. The benefits of keeping
childcare programs open should be weighed against the risks posed by COVID-19 spread in the
Additional information has shown that a comprehensive, multipronged approach for COVID-19
prevention strategies might help slow transmission in the early care and education setting.
Childcare programs should make decisions about reopening and continuing operations based on
available data including levels of community COVID-19 transmission
(spread) and the childcare
program’s ability to implement appropriate prevention strategies (risk reducing actions) to stay
open safely and protect children, staff, and administrators.
Taking Actions to Lower the Risk of COVID-19 Spread
To slow the spread of COVID-19, West Hills Community College District Child Care Centers
implement and adhere to multiple prevention strategies:
Staying Home When Sick
Wearing a Face Covering that Covers the Nose and Mouth when required by the District
or CDPH.
Avoiding Crowds
Improving Ventilated Indoor Spaces
Frequent Handwashing
Regular and Consistent Cleaning and Disinfecting
The CDC has strongly encouraged vaccination as one of the most important tools to end the
COVID-19 pandemic. Licensees and providers are eligible to receive vaccinations at no expense.
There are several ways to obtain vaccination. Please see PIN 21-06-CCP
for more information
on vaccine safety, benefits, and how to get the vaccine.
Staff that are fully vaccinated may upload a copy of their vaccination record via the West Hills
Safe app.
Employee/Student Screening
West Hills Community College District screens students, faculty and staff to our campus sites by
utilizing the mobile app., West Hills Safe. Students, faculty and staff are required to complete a
self-assessment questionnaire each day they are on one of our campus sites. Parents of children
will be asked to download the app. and complete the health screening for their child. When they
arrive at their Child Development Center Site, they will scan the QR Code each day they drop off
their child. This will provide the contact tracer with information of who is on site any particular day,
should there be a COVID-19 Case.
Download and install West Hills Safe to your phone. (The app is available in both the Apple App
Store for iOS devices and the Google Play Store for Android devices.)
1. When you log into West Hills Safe, you will be directed to sign-in with your West Hills
2. Within the app., you will receive a daily reminder (M-F) at 7:00 a.m. to complete the Daily
Pre-Screening form at home. If you tap on the notification, you can fill out the form
3. The Daily Pre-Screening form will reset every day at 11:59 p.m.
4. Based on the answers you provide in the Daily Pre-Screening form; the app will issue you
a Campus Pass with the current date displayed. A “green” Campus Pass indicates you
are clear to come in person to a campus/district site. A faculty or staff member may request
to see your Campus Pass for that day before allowing you to enter a room or building. The
pass must be “green” to enter a campus building, classroom, or district site. The pass may
be shown on a smartphone or if you do not have a smartphone, you will be able to print
your Campus Pass from a computer station on the campus/district site.
5. A “red” Campus Pass means that you are NOT clear to come in person to the
campus/district site and you should stay home. You will be instructed on how long you
must wait before you may visit the campus/district site. The District’s contact tracer will
contact you with additional information as to when you can return to campus/district site.
6. If you do not have a smartphone, you can fill out the “At Home Pre-Screening Form” on
a computer and print out your Campus Pass at home or you will be able to print your
Campus Pass from a computer station on the campus/district site.
Child Development Center Student Screening
West Hills Community College District will ask parents and guardians of children to complete a
daily assessment via the West Hills Safe app. for the children to ensure they are COVID-19
symptom free prior to entering each site.
Building/Room Check
Parents of children will be asked to download the West Hills Safe app. When they arrive at their
Child Development Center Site, they will scan the QR Code each day they drop off their child.
Each QR code will identify who is in any given room or building at any time. This information will
assist the respective campus contact tracer in contacting potential COVID-19 exposures if there
is a reported COVID-19 case. This information will be restricted to only those who are authorized
to conduct contract tracing.
Face Coverings
WHCCD Childcare providers ensure compliance with the current District and CDPH Guidance for
the Use of Face Coverings.
When there is an order for face coverings, or when face coverings are voluntarily worn, WHCCD
ensures that Childcare providers are familiar with the Guidance for the Use of Face Masks and
keep in mind the following:
Never place face masks on babies or children under 2 years of age because it poses a
danger and risk for suffocation.
Children should not wear face masks while sleeping.
Providers must ensure the use of face masks does not cause children to overheat in hot
See CDPH Masks for Kids: Tips and Resources.
Learn more from CDPH's Get the Most out of Masking. Surgical masks or higher-level
respirators (e.g., N95s, KN95s, KF94s) with good fit are recommended for adults.
Physical Distancing and Stable Groups
West Hills Community College District will apply physical distancing as an additional safety
layer between groups of children and staff to reduce the spread of COVID-19, whenever
Childcare settings typically have a stable group model with the same groups of staff and
children each day, and licensees and providers should consider continuing to implement
stable groups as a best practice.
Hand Washing and Hygiene
West Hills Community College District utilizes personal hygiene practices referenced in Title 22
CCR sections 101216(e)(2) and 102416(c)
to reduce the risk of infection. Staff are trained and
monitored to ensure they follow these recommended health precautions and universal
preventative health practices.
Isolation for Illness
West Hills Community College District Childcare programs will exclude or isolate any child,
student, or staff showing symptoms of COVID-19. The District will follow “isolation for Illness”
requirements pursuant to Title 22 in CCR sections 101226.1(a)(1) and 101226.2
Food Service and Mealtimes
West Hills Community College District will implement the following measures during mealtime to
help mitigate the spread of COVID-19.
Moving tables to spread children out or the use of name cards to provide adequate
spacing of children.
Following proper handwashing, cleaning, and disinfection practices before and after
eating utilizing the CDC and CACFP
COVID-19 food handling guidelines.
Implementing outdoor mealtimes if space and weather allow.
Investigating and Responding to COVID-19 Cases
West Hills Community College District has an effective procedure to investigate COVID-19 cases.
This includes procedures for seeking information from students, faculty, staff and parents of
childcare center children regarding COVID-19 cases and close contacts, COVID-19 test results,
and onset of COVID-19 symptoms, and identifying and recording COVID-19 cases.
West Hills Community College District will utilize the smartphone app. West Hills Safe to contact
trace individuals who may have been in close contact with any individual who tests positive for
COVID-19. This information will be restricted to only those who are authorized to conduct contract
The following actions will take place when there has been a COVID-19 case at any of the West
Hills Community College District sites:
1. Determine the day and time the COVID-19 case was last present on any of the campus sites,
and, to the extent possible, the date of the positive COVID-19 test(s) and/or diagnosis, and
the date the COVID-19 case first had one or more COVID-19 symptoms, if any were
2. Utilizing the app. West Hills Safe contact tracker data, determine who may have had a close
contact. This requires an evaluation of the activities of the COVID-19 case and all of the West
Hills Community College District location, which may have been visited by the COVID-19 case
during the infectious period.
3. Within one business day of the time West Hills Community College District becomes aware of
the COVID-19 case, West Hills Community College District shall give written notice in a form
readily understandable by the students, faculty and staff that the individuals may have been
on the premises at the same worksite/site as the qualifying individual within the infectious
period. The notice shall be written in a way that does not reveal any personal identifying
information of the COVID-19 case. Written notice may include, but is not limited to, personal
service, email, or text message if it can reasonable be anticipated to be received by the
individual within one business day of sending. The notice shall include the disinfection plan
per the guidelines of the federal Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and required by Labor
Code section 6409.6(a)(4). The notice will be sent to the following:
a. All students, faculty and staff at the worksite/site during the infectious period.
b. Independent contractors and other individuals at the site during the infectious period.
4. If the exposure occurred to a West Hills Community College District employee during their
working hours, within one business day of the time the District becomes aware of the COVID-
19 case, West Hills Community College District shall provide the notice required by Labor
Code section 6409.6(a)(2) and (c) to the authorized representative of any employee at the
worksite during the infectious period.
5. Make COVID-19 testing available at no cost during paid time, to all employees of West Hills
Community College District who had a close contact in the workplace and provide them with
the information on benefits, with the following exceptions:
a. Employees who were not present at the workplace during the relevant exposure
b. COVID-19 cases who returned to work and have remained free of COVID-19
symptoms, for 90 days after the initial onset of COVID-19 symptoms or, for COVID-
19 cases who never developed symptoms, for 90 days after the first positive test.
6. Investigate whether campus conditions could have contributed to the risk of COVID-19
exposure and what could be done to reduce exposure to COVID-19 hazards.
Cleaning and Disinfecting
Routine Cleaning
WHCCD has implemented cleaning and disinfecting procedures, which may include:
1. Identifying and regularly cleaning frequently touched surfaces and objects, (such as,
doorknobs, elevator buttons, equipment, tools, handrails, handles, controls, phones,
headsets, bathroom surfaces, and steering wheels. The District shall inform employees
and authorized representatives of cleaning and disinfection protocols, including the
planned frequency and scope of cleaning and disinfection.
2. Cleaning of areas, material, and equipment used by a COVID-19 case during the high-
risk exposure period, and disinfection of the area, material, or equipment if indoors and
will be used by another employee within 24 hours of the COVID-19 case.
3. Cleaning and disinfecting will be done in a manner that does not create a hazard to
4. Training to its custodians prior to the beginning of each semester as long as the District is
requiring specialized cleaning and disinfecting needed during the COVID-19 emergency.
5. A schedule for cleaning based on CDC guidelines and performed cleanings at least once
a day or as often as needed.
Cleaning and Disinfecting when Someone is Sick
WHCCD has established the following protocol if there has been an individual who has tested
positive for COVID-19 in any of the facilities within the last 24 hours:
Before cleaning and disinfecting:
1. Close off areas used by the person who is sick and do not use those areas until after
cleaning and disinfecting.
2. Wait as long as possible (at least several hours) before you clean and disinfect.
While cleaning and disinfecting:
1. Open doors and windows and use fans or HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning)
settings to increase air circulation in the area.
2. Use products from EPA List N according to the instructions on the product label.
3. Wear a face covering and gloves while cleaning and disinfecting.
4. Focus on the immediate areas occupied by the person (utilizing data from the District app.
West Hills Safe) who is sick or diagnosed with COVID-19 unless they have already been
cleaned and disinfected.
5. Vacuum the space if needed. Use a vacuum equipped with high-efficiency particulate air
(HEPA) filter and bags, if available.
6. While vacuuming, temporarily turn off in-room, window-mounted, or on-wall recirculation
heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems to avoid contamination of HVAC units.
7. Do NOT deactivate central HVAC systems. These systems provide better filtration
capabilities and introduce outdoor air into the areas that they serve.
Mental Wellness Resources
West Hills Community College District offers free, confidential mental wellness resources
students, faculty and staff as follows:
SISC Members (Classified, Management, Confidential)
CVT Members (FT Faculty)
West Hills College Coalinga Student Wellness Counseling Referral
West Hills College Lemoore Student Conduct/Concern Reporting Form
Additional Information
Please refer to the District’s COVID-19 Prevention Program for the following sections:
o Correction of COVID-19 Hazards
o Air Filter and HVAC Cleaning and Retrofits and Outdoor Air
o Training and Instruction
o Return-to-Campus Criteria
Guidance for Athletics
Reference: CCCAA COVID-19 Recommendations-updated 10/21/2021
West Hills Community College District’s Athletics’ Programs help protect students and staff slow
the spread of COVID-19 by using California Community College Athletic Association (CCCAA)
COVID-19 Guidance, National Collegiate Athletic Associations (NCAA) COVID-19 Guidance,
Centers for Disease Controls updated COVID-19 Guidance, California Department of Public
Health COVID-19 updated Guidance, and CalOSHA’s updated Emergency Temporary Standards
The following plan is a supplement to the West Hills Community College District COVID-19
Prevention Program and outlines specific strategies that the District’s athletic programs will use
to maintain healthy environments and operations, lower the risk of COVID-19 spread in the
programs, prepare for when someone is sick with COVID-19, and support coping and resilience.
This supplemental plan does not replace any federal, state, local, or public health and safety laws,
rules, and regulations for which the programs must comply. Additional information not found in
this supplement, can be found in the COVID-19 Prevention Program (CPP).
Return to Campus Considerations
The first two weeks after any return to campus (for example, after a summer break) deserve
special consideration because student-athletes routinely travel from outside of the local area. It is
recommended that all West Hills Community College District student-athletes test upon campus
Consideration should be given for testing, masking and physical distancing for unvaccinated
prospective student-athlete(s) coming to campus. Testing recommendations are a negative PCR
2 days or antigen 1 day before visit. West Hills Community College District will require those
traveling with prospective student-athletes who visit campus to wear face coverings indoors,
throughout the campus visit, regardless of vaccination status.
The traditional transition and acclimatization period still needs to be considered due to the limited
activity by student-athletes during the pandemic. Consideration for a gradual return to activity is
outlined in the NSCA document
Daily Health Screening
West Hills Community College District will screen our student-athletes at our campus sites by
utilizing the mobile app., West Hills Safe. Student-athletes will be required to fill out a self-
assessment questionnaire each day they are on one of our campus sites. We ask that they
complete this questionnaire each day they are on one of the District’s sites.
1. Download and install West Hills Safe app. to your phone. (The app is available in both the
Apple App Store for iOS devices and the Google Play Store for Android devices.)
2. When you log into West Hills Safe, you will be directed to sign-in with your West Hills
3. Within the app., you will receive a daily reminder (M-F) at 7:00 a.m. to complete the Daily
Pre-Screening form at home. If you tap on the notification, you can fill out the form
4. The Daily Pre-Screening form will reset every day at 11:59 p.m.
5. Based on the answers you provide in the Daily Pre-Screening form; the app. will issue you
a Campus Pass with the current date displayed. A “green” Campus Pass indicates you
are clear to come in person to a campus/district site. A faculty or staff member may
request to see your Campus Pass for that day before allowing you to enter a room or
building. The pass must be “green” to enter a campus building, classroom, or district site.
The pass may be shown on a smartphone or if you do not have a smartphone, you will be
able to print your Campus Pass from a computer station on the campus/district site.
6. A “red” Campus Pass means that you are NOT clear to come in person to the
campus/district site and you should stay home. You will be instructed on how long you
must wait before you may visit the campus/district site. The District’s contact tracer will
contact you with additional information as to when you can return to campus/district site.
7. If you do not have a smartphone, you can fill out the “At Home Pre-Screening Form” on
a computer and print out your Campus Pass at home or you will be able to print your
Campus Pass from a computer station on the campus/district site.
COVID-19 Education
Every West Hills Community College District student-athlete and all athletics personnel should be
mindful of symptoms that might preclude exercise/sport participation either because of personal
risk or risk of transmission of an illness to others. Any individual who is feeling unwell should avoid
entering the athletics department (or other social space) and should speak with an athletic trainer
or coach regarding symptoms so that a management plan can be developed. Physical distancing
and masking for unvaccinated individuals remain the most effective strategies for preventing the
spread of COVID-19. West Hills Community College District student-athletes and athletic
personnel understand the importance of wiping down shared equipment or tables as part of
standard precautions for infectious diseases.
Preventative Measures
West Hills Community College District ensures student-athletes and staff are trained with proper
handwashing guidelines to include washing hands before eating, after using the restroom, or after
coughing or sneezing into the hand; washing their hands with soap and water for at least 20
seconds; or using hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol when handwashing facilities are not
Face Coverings
West Hills Community College District will provide clean, undamaged face coverings/N95 masks
and ensure they are properly worn over the nose and mouth when individuals are indoors and/or
when riding in any vehicle when traveling for college related activities, when required by the
District or by orders from the California Department of Public Health (CDPH). Students are
encouraged to wear face coverings outside when social distancing is not possible or when face
coverings are required. Otherwise, face coverings are not required outside, unless there is an
West Hills Community College District will provide face coverings regardless of vaccination status
to students:
When required by the District or CDPH.
When an employee had COVID-19 or had close contact with a COVID-19 case and returns
to work.
Vaccinated student-athletes:
Pursuant to NCAA and CCCAA Guidelines, fully vaccinated student-athletes may engage in
athletic activities without wearing a face covering or physical distancing. Please see “Face
Coverings” Section of the CPP for additional details on voluntary vaccine record self-reporting
Fully vaccinated student-athletes:
Can resume activities that you did before the pandemic.
Can resume activities without wearing a face covering or staying 6 feet apart, except
where required by the District, federal, state, local, tribal or territorial laws, rules and
regulations, including local business and workplace guidance.
If you travel in the United States, you do not need to get tested before or after travel or
self-quarantine after travel. However, you will still be required to wear a face covering on
planes, buses, trains and other forms of public transportation traveling into, within or out
of the United States, and in U.S. transportation hubs such as airports and stations.
You need to pay close attention to the situation at your international destination before
traveling outside the United States or before traveling into the United States from another
country. There are international-specific recommendations for those who travel
You should still watch out for symptoms of COVID-19, especially if you’ve been around
someone who is sick.
People who have a condition or are taking medications that weaken the immune system
should talk to their health care provider to discuss their activities. They may need to keep
taking all precautions to prevent COVID-19.
Un-vaccinated student-athletes:
West Hills Community College District will provide clean, undamaged face coverings (respirators-
N95 masks) when requested from students who are not fully vaccinated and ensure they are worn
when indoors, or when riding in any vehicle when traveling for college-related activities when
required by the District or CDPH.
West Hills Community College District will ensure that face coverings are clean and undamaged,
and that they are worn over the nose and mouth if there is an order in place. Face shields are not
a replacement for face coverings, although they may be worn together for additional protection.
When student-athletes are required to wear face coverings, the following exceptions apply:
When a student-athlete is alone in a room or alone while riding in a District vehicle.
While eating or drinking on West Hills Community College District campuses, provided
other students are at least six feet apart and outside air supply to the area, if indoors, has
been maximized to the extent feasible.
Specific activities which cannot feasibly be performed with a face covering. This exception
is limited to the time period in which such activities are actually being performed.
Student-Athletes Requesting Face Covering Exemptions-Regardless Of Vaccination Status:
Student-Athletes who cannot wear face coverings due to a medical or mental health condition or
disability, or who are hearing-impaired or communicating with a hearing-impaired person may
request a face covering exemption when there is an existing District or CDPH mandate by
completing a Face Covering Exemption Form (Appendix F). Individuals granted an exemption will
[email protected] in order to maintain face covering exemption.
Student-Athletes exempted from wearing face coverings due to a medical condition,
mental health condition, or disability shall wear an effective non-restrictive alternative,
such as a face shield with a drape on the bottom, if their condition or disability permits it.
Student-Athletes who are exempted from wearing a face covering due to a medical or
mental health condition, or disability and cannot wear a non-restrictive alternative must
physically distance at least six feet from others and either be fully vaccinated or tested at
least weekly for COVID-19.
CCCAA Definitions
A Fully Vaccinated individual is one that is 14 days after the last shot in the vaccine
A Booster Eligible individual is one that is 5 months after second dose of Moderna and
Pfizer or 2 months after first dose of Johnson & Johnson.
Date of positive test and/or start of symptoms is considered Day 0, the next day is
considered Day 1.
Vaccination Categories
Fully Vaccinated and Up-To-Date-Fully vaccinated and has received booster, fully
vaccinated and not booster eligible, and individuals with a documented COVID-19
infection in the past 90 days.
Fully Vaccinated and Not Up-To-Date-Fully vaccinated and booster eligible but has not
received booster.
Unvaccinated-Not Vaccinated or Not Fully Vaccinated.
Testing and Masking Strategies
(per CCCAA COVID-19 Minimum Requirements for Athletics updated1/21/22)
and Up-To-Date/
Fully Vaccinated and Not
Baseline Testing
PCR test and negative result, or two antigen tests and negative results on non-
consecutive days for all student-athletes (regardless of whether they are in
season or not) and all athletics personnel, administered within a MAXIMUM of
five (5) days of report date or before return to campus, whichever is earlier.
Out of Season
Surveillance Testing
No testing required, unless
symptomatic and/or close
contact exposure.
Low to Moderate County Transmission Level:
PCR or antigen 50% of all student athlete and
athletic personnel weekly.
Substantial to High County Transmission
Level : Weekly PCR or 3x weekly antigen on
nonconsecutive days for ALL student athlete
and athletic personnel.
In Season/Competition
(including NTS)Testing
No testing required, unless
symptomatic and/or close
contact exposure.
Weekly PCR or 3x weekly antigen on
nonconsecutive days for all student athlete
and athletic personnel.
PCR test and negative result within three
days prior to the first competition of the week
or antigen test and negative result within one
day prior to each competition.
(Continue antigen
test 3x weekly if fewer than three competitions.)If
getting PCR results within 3 days is not possible and
access to antigen is limited/not possible, institutions
may adopt a consistent seven-day window for
testing by sport or sports for the regular season and
may adjust the testing cycle for post-conference
Team Outbreak
If sustained increased transmission (Outbreak) on a team, test ALL
symptomatic individuals or individuals with close contacts within 5 days of
exposure, regardless of vaccination status.
Sustained increased transmission is likely occurring if:
Team of <50: Concurrent positive cases of three or more
Team of >50: Concurrent positive cases of five percent or more
and Up-To-Date
Fully Vaccinated and Not Up-To-Date/
Quarantine is not necessary if
symptoms are not present, wear
a mask when not doing athletic
activities. Diagnostic test on day
Quarantine can end:
After day 5 if symptoms are not
present and a negative PCR or
Antigen test from day 5 or after and
a mask is worn around others for
another 5 days. *
*Participation in athletic activities between
days 6 to 10 can be considered without a
mask following a negative PCR or Antigen
After day 10 if unable or choose not
to test and symptoms are not
(Positive Test)
After day 5 if symptoms are not present or resolving and a negative
PCR or Antigen test from day 5 or after and a mask is worn around
others for another 5 days.*
*Participation in athletic activities between days 6 to 10 can be considered
without a mask following a negative PCR or Antigen test.
After day 10 if unable or choose not to test and symptoms are not
present or resolving.
Note: Isolation should continue if fever is present until it resolves, even if that is
longer than 10 days. If symptoms other than fever are not resolving, continue to
isolate until symptoms resolve or until after day 10.
Training and
Competition Masking
coverings when not on playing surface or participating in activities or as
directed by your county and/or local health agencies.
Outdoors: No masking requirements are required or as directed by your county
Team Travel Masking
Other Athletic
Activities Masking
(team mtgs.,
advising, etc.)
Wear a well-fitting mask in indoor settings or as directed by your county and/or
local health agencies.
local health agencies.
Per CDPH, masking is required for all vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals in health care
environments including athletic training facilities.
Investigating and Responding to COVID-19 Cases
West Hills Community College District has an effective procedure to investigate COVID-19 cases.
This includes procedures for seeking information from student-athletes regarding COVID-19
cases and close contacts, COVID-19 test results, and onset of COVID-19 symptoms, and
identifying and recording COVID-19 cases.
West Hills Community College District will utilize the smartphone app. West Hills Safe to contact
trace individuals who may have been in close contact with any individual who tests positive for
COVID-19. This information will be restricted to only those who are authorized to conduct
contract tracing.
The following actions will take place when there has been a COVID-19 case at any of the West
Hills Community College District sites:
1. Determine the day and time the COVID-19 case was last present on any of the campus
sites, and, to the extent possible, the date of the positive COVID-19 test(s) and/or
diagnosis, and the date the COVID-19 case first had one or more COVID-19 symptoms,
if any were experienced.
2. Utilizing the app. West Hills Safe contact tracker data, determine who may have had a
close contact. This requires an evaluation of the activities of the COVID-19 case and all
of the West Hills Community College District location, which may have been visited by the
COVID-19 case during the infectious period.
3. Within one business day of the time West Hills Community College District becomes aware
of the COVID-19 case, West Hills Community College District shall give written notice in
a form readily understandable by the student-athletes, that the individuals may have been
on the premises at the same site as the qualifying individual within the infectious period.
The notice shall be written in a way that does not reveal any personal identifying
information of the COVID-19 case. Written notice may include, but is not limited to, personal
service, email, or text message if it can reasonable be anticipated to be received by the
individual within one business day of sending. The notice shall include the disinfection plan
per the guidelines of the federal Centers for the Disease Control (CDC) and required by
Labor Code section 6409.6(a)(4)
. The notice will be sent to the following:
a. All students, faculty and staff at the site during the infectious period.
b. Independent contractors and other individuals at the site during the infectious
4. Investigate whether campus conditions could have contributed to the risk of COVID-19
exposure and what could be done to reduce exposure to COVID-19 hazards.
Personal Identifying Information of COVID-19 Cases or Persons with COVID-19
West Hills Community College District will ensure that personal identifying information of COVID-
19 cases or persons with COVID-19 symptoms, and any medical records, shall be kept
confidential unless disclosure is required or permitted by law. Unredacted information on COVID-
19 cases shall be provided to the local health department, CDPH, the Division (OSHA), and
NIOSH, immediately upon request, and when required by law.
Medical Clearance for Return to Activity after COVID-19
Recommend following the updated exercise recommendations from the American
Society for Sports Medicine and the American College of Cardiology.
Medical evaluation is not required for individuals that are asymptomatic or have mild
illness. However, medical evaluation is still recommended for individuals with moderate
or more severe illness. Consider using the COVID-19 Medical Clearance and Return to
Activity form for those individuals and/or return to play progression.
A medical professional should determine the severity of an individual’s illness
(asymptomatic, mild, moderate, or severe).
A return to play progression should be individualized and followed for each student-
athlete based on the symptoms experienced, severity of symptoms, length of symptoms,
and medical evaluation.
System for Communicating
West Hills Community College District’s goal is to ensure that there is an effective two-way
communication with student-athletes and staff of the West Hills Community College District, in a
form they can readily understand, and that includes the following information:
Who individuals should report COVID-19 symptoms and possible hazards to, and how the
system will help limit the spread of additional cases of COVID-19.
That student-athletes can report symptoms and hazards without fear of reprisal.
West Hills Community College District’s procedures or policies for accommodating
student-athletes with medical or other conditions that put them at increased risk of severe
COVID-19 illness.
Where testing is not required, how student-athletes can access COVID-19 testing.
Information about any potential COVID-19 hazards and West Hills Community College
District’s COVID-19 policies and procedures.
Continued Relevance of Transition Period and Return to Activity Considerations
It also remains that the structure of activity during the identified transition and acclimatization
periods (for example, after material breaks from physical activity) warrants careful consideration.
West Hills Community College District is aware that COVID-19 has increased the complexities
and will continue to impact health and safety considerations related to returning to athletics and
preseason activities. Traditional transition and acclimatization considerations (for example,
cardiovascular conditioning, heat, altitude) are still relevant, and when coupled with the physical
and nonphysical impacts related to COVID-19, they can create complex reentry challenges for
Recommendation No. 3 of the NCAA’s Inter-association Recommendations: Preventing
Catastrophic Injury and Death in Collegiate Athletes speaks to the vulnerability of student-athletes
during the first week of activity of a transition period in training and the importance of establishing
a 7 to 10 day initial transition period during which student-athletes are afforded the time to properly
progress through the physiologic and environmental stresses placed upon them as they return to
required activities. West Hills Community College District will ensure that the student-athletes’
well-being is on the forefront of all decision making while re-transitioning back to traditional
instruction and athletic activities.
Cardiac and Exercise Considerations for Resumption of Exercise After COVID-19
The COVID-19 virus can potentially negatively impact any endothelial structure, including the
heart and lungs, thereby posing a potential risk to individuals who return to exercise post-infection.
Although preliminary data suggested that athletes with prior COVID-19 infection should undergo
cardiac screening, follow-up publications have recommended a tiered approach based on severity
of symptoms. Based on emerging evidence from the Outcomes Registry for Cardiac Conditions
in Athletes, a group of experts from the American Medical Society for Sports Medicine and the
American College of Cardiology have developed an algorithm of considerations and
recommendations related to pre-participation cardiac screening, testing and exercise, which is
available on the AMSSM website
Please refer to the District’s COVID-19 Prevention Program for the following sections:
o Correction of COVID-19 Hazards
o Air Filter and HVAC Cleaning and Retrofits and Outdoor Air
o Cleaning and Disinfecting
Mental Health Wellness Resources
West Hills Community College District offers free mental health wellness resources to students:
West Hills College Coalinga Student Wellness Counseling Referral
West Hills College Lemoore Student Conduct/Concern Reporting Form
Guidance for West Hills College Coalinga
Gordon Residence Hall and Ivans Residence Hall
References: CDC COVID-19 Guidance for Shared or Congregate Housing and CalOSHA ETS Guidance
West Hills Community College District’s Gordon and Ivans Residence Halls can help protect
students, and staff slow the spread of COVID-19 by using CDC’s Guidance for Shared or
Congregate Housing during COVID-19.
The following plan is a supplement to the West Hills Community College District COVID-19
Prevention Program (CPP) and outlines specific strategies that the Gordon and Ivans Residence
Halls will use to maintain healthy environments and operations, lower the risk of COVID-19 spread
in the programs, prepare for when someone is sick with COVID-19, and support coping and
This supplemental plan does not replace any federal, state, local, or public health and safety laws,
rules, and regulations, for which the program must comply.
Non-resident guests will not be allowed access to Gordon or Ivans Residence Halls.
Daily Health Screening
West Hills Community College District will screen our students and staff on our campus sites by
utilizing the mobile app., West Hills Safe. Students, faculty and staff will be required to fill out a
self-assessment questionnaire each day they are on one of our campus sites. We ask that they
complete this questionnaire each day they are on one of the District’s sites.
1. Download and install West Hills Safe app. to your phone. (The app is available in both the
Apple App Store for iOS devices and the Google Play Store for Android devices.)
2. When you log into West Hills Safe, you will be directed to sign-in with your West Hills
Community College credentials.
3. Within the app., you will receive a daily reminder (M-F) at 7:00 a.m. to complete the Daily
Pre-Screening form at home. If you tap on the notification, you can fill out the form
4. The Daily Pre-Screening form will reset every day at 11:59 p.m.
5. Based on the answers you provide in the Daily Pre-Screening form; the app. will issue
you a Campus Pass with the current date displayed. A “green” Campus Pass indicates
you are clear to come in person to a campus/district site. A faculty or staff member may
request to see your Campus Pass for that day before allowing you to enter a room or
building. The pass must be “green” to enter a campus building, classroom, or district
site. The pass may be shown on a smartphone. (If you do not have a smartphone, you
can fill out the “At Home Pre-Screening Form” on a computer and print out your Campus
Pass at home or you will be able to print your Campus Pass from a computer station on
the campus/district site.)
6. A “red” Campus Pass means that you are NOT clear to come in person to the
campus/district site and you should stay home. You will be instructed on how long you
must wait before you may visit the campus/district site. The District’s contact tracer will
contact you with additional information as to when you can return to the campus/district
COVID Status Upon Arrival
In order to ensure the safety of all resident students, the college requires that each student either present
a negative PCR Test from administered within 5 days of the arrival date or receive an Antigen Test upon
arrival to the Residence Halls. Negative tests will result in the student being able to move in to their
regular assigned room, a positive test will result in the student having to isolate (see the section, Isolation
For Illness).
Symptomatic Students
Any student feeling that they are experiencing COVID-like symptoms should immediately report their
status to the Residence Hall Staff. RH staff will submit the student to an Antigen Test to determine their
COVID status. Students testing positive will be required to move to isolation. Those students testing
negative should still proceed with caution and it is recommended that they wear a mask while in the
presence of others for five days.
Students who have been exposed to COVID 19 and are not up to date on COVID vaccinations are
recommended to:
Stay home and quarantine for five days and wear a well-fitting mask. Get tested 5 days after the
exposure. Watch for symptoms until 10 days after you last had close contact with someone with COVID-
Student who have been exposed to COVID-19 and are up to date on COVID vaccinations are
recommended to:
Get tested 5 days after the exposure. Watch for symptoms until 10 days after you last had close contact
with someone with COVID-19.
The vaccines currently available in the United States are effective at preventing COVID-19 and
are important tools to stop the pandemic. West Hills Community College District strongly
encourages its students to get vaccinated, after consulting with their physician, so that they can
resume activities
that they did prior to the pandemic.
Vaccinated Students
Students that are vaccinated must upload a copy of their vaccination record via the West Hills
Safe app., and it must be confirmed by the District’s Human Resources (HR) Department. The
process for submitting voluntary proof of vaccination status to the HR Department is as follows:
1. Student uploads a copy of their vaccination card (exact spelling of name and birthdate on
vaccination card must match student record) to the West Hills Safe smartphone app.
2. HR Department confirms status of full vaccination of student and notifies student via the
West Hills Safe app., if allowable per current CDPH or local health department
3. The student’s app. displays a blue pass on their phone which will allow them to show proof
to the dorm staff of vaccination status and will also allow them to move around campus
without a face covering, if allowable per current District, CDPH or local health department
4. Students will be updated on current guidelines per text message, email and/or
myWestHills student portal as guidelines change.
Isolation for Illness
West Hills Community College District has established the following protocol in the event a student
becomes infected with COVID-19 (Isolation). Please refer to the “Investigating and Responding to
COVID-19 Cases” section of the COVID-19 Prevention Program for contact tracing information.
Isolation keeps someone who is infected with the virus away from others.
Per Fresno County Department of Public Health, local residence hall students may be sent
home to isolate. Out of state students will be isolated on campus or at an off campus
A staff member will be assigned to ensure that the student is provided meals and have
any other needs met during isolation .
The student may not leave their room other than to use the restroom and shower facilities
or to seek medical attention.
Students will communicate via text, phone, or email with housing staff to order food. Staff
will deliver food to the student room door, knock, and leave food tray on the doorstep.
Student will not open door until the staff member has left the area to limit exposure.
Student laundry will be laundered by the Athletics Equipment Manager at the athletics
laundry room and returned to the student. All laundry from quarantined/isolated student
will be placed in a mesh bag by the student. Bags are not to be opened by any staff
member. Place mesh bag with clothing inside into laundry machine and wash. Remove
bag from washer and dump entire contents into a dryer. Dry laundry and return to bag.
Mesh bag and laundry will be returned to the quarantined/isolated student by leaving the
bag outside of the student’s room and knocking on door. Student should open door only
after the staff member has left the doorway.
In the case that a student in isolation needs to be transported to a hospital, an ambulance
will be called to do so. A student in isolation who needs travel arrangements for doctor
appointments will be driven to that appointment by WHCC volunteer staff.
Please refer to the “Return-to-Campus Criteria in the COVID-19 Prevention Program for
quarantine/isolation specifics.
Cleaning and Disinfecting
Routine Cleaning
The District has implemented cleaning and disinfecting procedures, which may include:
1. Identifying and regularly cleaning frequently touched surfaces and objects, (such as,
doorknobs, elevator buttons, equipment, tools, handrails, handles, controls, phones,
headsets, bathroom surfaces, and steering wheels. The District shall inform employees
and authorized representatives of cleaning and disinfection protocols, including the
planned frequency and scope of cleaning and disinfection.
2. Cleaning of areas, material, and equipment used by a COVID-19 case during the high-
risk exposure period, and disinfection of the area, material, or equipment if indoors and
will be used by another employee within 24 hours of the COVID-19 case.
3. Cleaning and disinfecting will be done in a manner that does not create a hazard to
4. Training to its custodians prior to the beginning of each semester as long as the District is
requiring specialized cleaning and disinfecting needed during the COVID-19 emergency.
5. A schedule for cleaning based on CDC guidelines,
and performed cleanings at least once
a day or as often as needed.
Cleaning and Disinfecting when Someone is Sick
West Hills Community College District has established the following protocol if there has been a
sick person or someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 in any of the facilities within the
last 24 hours:
Before cleaning and disinfecting
1. Close off areas used by the person who is sick and do not use those areas until after
cleaning and disinfecting.
2. Wait as long as possible (at least several hours) before you clean and disinfect.
While cleaning and disinfecting:
1. Open doors and windows and use fans or HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air
conditioning) settings to increase air circulation in the area.
2. Use products from EPA List N
according to the instructions on the product label.
3. Wear a face covering and gloves while cleaning and disinfecting.
4. Focus on the immediate areas occupied by the person (utilizing data from the District
app. West Hills Safe) who is sick or diagnosed with COVID-19 unless they have already
been cleaned and disinfected.
5. Vacuum the space if needed. Use a vacuum equipped with high-efficiency particulate air
(HEPA) filter and bags, if available.
6. While vacuuming, temporarily turn off in-room, window-mounted, or on-wall recirculation
heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems to avoid contamination of HVAC units.
7. Do NOT deactivate central HVAC systems. These systems provide better filtration
capabilities and introduce outdoor air into the areas that they serve.
Air Filter and HVAC Cleaning and Retrofits and Outdoor Air
The West Hills Community College District will ensure that air filters and HVAC systems are
properly maintained. The college will also ensure that fresh air is increased by opening windows
and doors to the maximum extent possible without causing hazards to the students, staff and
faculty. The West Hills Community College District utilized guidance from the California
Department of Public Health, Interim Guidance for Ventilation, Filtration, and Air Quality in Indoor
The West Hills Community College District will install Needle Point Bi-Polar Ionizers onto existing
air-handlers, mini-spits, RTU’s (roof top unit) and Bard units. Bipolar ionization first arrived in the
United States in the 1970s as a tool to control pathogens in food manufacturing. It was effective
during the SARS outbreak of 2004, as well as more recent outbreaks of MERS and norovirus and
various strains of influenza. Bipolar ionization is used in large hospitals and airport terminals at
LaGuardia, O’Hare, LAX and San Francisco International Airport.
Handwashing Facilities
The District has evaluated its handwashing facilities and found that there are adequate restrooms
throughout the buildings to ensure students, faculty and staff can have quick and easy access to
wash their hands frequently.
Students, faculty and staff are allowed to use as much time as they need to wash their hands
frequently. When it is not practical to go to a handwashing facility, the District will provide hand
sanitizer. The District has provided training to employees that addressed the proper way to wash
their hands and to allow for at least 20 seconds each time. Provision or use of hand sanitizers
with methyl alcohol is prohibited.
Laundry Rooms
West Hills College Coalinga will provide disposable gloves, hand soap, cleaning, sanitization, and
disinfectant supplies to laundry facilities for residents and staff to clean and disinfect buttons,
knobs, and handles of laundry machines, laundry baskets, and shared laundry items. Supplies
will be available for check out at the desk.
Educational Materials
West Hills College Coalinga will provide educational materials to residents including videos, fact
sheets and posters with information about COVID-19 and how to stop the spread of germs, how
to wash your hands, and what to do if you feel symptoms, and how to stay healthy.
Correction of COVID-19 Hazards
West Hills Community College District shall implement effective policies and/or procedures for
corrective unsafe or unhealthy conditions, practices, policies and procedures in a timely manner
based on the severity of the hazard. This includes, but is not limited to, implementing controls
and/or policies and procedures in response to evaluations. Unsafe or unhealthy work conditions,
practices or procedures will be documented on the Appendix B: COVID-19 Inspection’s Form or
through the District’s Work Order system and corrected in a timely manner based on the severity
of the hazards.
Should unsafe or unhealthy working conditions, practices or procedures be identified, they will be
corrected as soon as possible and will be the priority of the Maintenance and Operations crew at
each campus site. Follow-up to ensure the corrections are made is done by each campus site’s
respective Director of Maintenance and Operations or the individuals identified for implementing
the program shown on page 3 of the COVID-19 Prevention Program.
The District has an on-line system where employees and students can submit safety concerns
via an online form: WHCC Safety Concern/Accident Report (
Mental Wellness Resources
West Hills Community College District provides free confidential mental wellness resources for its
students: West Hills College Coalinga Student Wellness Counseling Referral
Guidance for Food Service Facilities
West Hills Community College District’s Food Service Programs can help protect students, and
staff slow the spread of COVID-19 by using CDPH Guidance, CDC Guidance, CalOSHA
Guidance, and Fresno County Department of Public Health.
The following plan is a supplement to the West Hills Community College District COVID-19
Prevention Program (CPP) and outlines specific strategies that the Food Service Programs will
use to maintain healthy environments and operations, lower the risk of COVID-19 spread in the
programs, prepare for when someone is sick with COVID-19, and support coping and resilience.
This supplemental plan does not replace any federal, state, local, or public health and safety laws,
rules, and regulations, for which the program must comply.
Food Services COVID-19 Designated Point of Contact
The District has identified Jay Darnell, Food Services Manager, as the on-site resource for any
COVID-19 related concerns.
Daily Health Screening
West Hills Community College District will screen our students and staff to our campus sites by
utilizing the mobile app., West Hills Safe. Students, faculty and staff will be required to fill out a
self-assessment questionnaire each day they are on one of our campus sites.
1. Download and install West Hills Safe app. to your phone. (The app is available in both the
Apple App Store for iOS devices and the Google Play Store for Android devices.)
2. When you log into West Hills Safe, you will be directed to sign-in with your West Hills
3. Within the app., you will receive a daily reminder (M-F) at 7:00 a.m. to complete the Daily
Pre-Screening form at home. If you tap on the notification, you can fill out the form
4. The Daily Pre-Screening form will reset every day at 11:59 p.m.
5. Based on the answers you provide in the Daily Pre-Screening form; the app. will issue you
a Campus Pass with the current date displayed. A “green” Campus Pass indicates you
are clear to come in person to a campus/district site. A faculty or staff member may
request to see your Campus Pass for that day before allowing you to enter a room or
building. The pass must be “green” to enter a campus building, classroom, or district site.
The pass may be shown on a smartphone or if you do not have a smartphone, you will be
able to print your Campus Pass from a computer station on the campus/district site.
6. A “redCampus Pass means that you are NOT clear to come in person to the
campus/district site and you should stay home. You will be instructed on how long you
must wait before you may visit the campus/district site. The District’s contact tracer will
contact you with additional information as to when you can return to campus/district site.
7. If you do not have a smartphone, you can fill out the “At Home Pre-Screening Form” on
a computer and print out your Campus Pass at home or you will be able to print your
Campus Pass from a computer station on the campus/district site.
Before students or staff are allowed to enter any food service facilities, they must first use the
West Hills app. to scan the QR code at each entry point. This information will assist the respective
campus contact tracer in contacting potential COVID-19 exposures if there is a reported COVID-
19 case. This information will be restricted to only those who are authorized to conduct
contract tracing.
Cleaning and Disinfecting
Routine Cleaning
The District has implemented cleaning and disinfecting procedures, which may include:
1. Identifying and regularly cleaning frequently touched surfaces and objects, (such as,
doorknobs, elevator buttons, equipment, tools, handrails, handles, controls, phones,
headsets, bathroom surfaces, and steering wheels). This includes dining service facility
objects, (such as kitchen equipment handles, surfaces, tables, chairs, and serving
equipment). The District shall inform employees and authorized representatives of
cleaning and disinfection protocols, including the planned frequency and scope of cleaning
and disinfection.
2. Cleaning of areas, material, and equipment used by a COVID-19 case during the high-
risk exposure period, and disinfection of the area, material, or equipment if indoors and
will be used by another employee within 24 hours of the COVID-19 case.
3. Cleaning and disinfecting will be done in a manner that does not create a hazard to
4. Training to its custodians and food service staff prior to the beginning of each semester
as long as the District is requiring specialized cleaning and disinfecting needed during the
COVID-19 emergency.
5. A schedule for cleaning based on CDC guidelines,
and performed cleanings at least once
a day or as often as needed.
Cleaning and Disinfecting when Someone is Sick
West Hills Community College District has established the following protocol per the guidelines
of the federal Centers for Disease Control (CDC) if there has been a sick person or someone who
has tested positive for COVID-19 in any of the facilities within the last 24 hours:
Before cleaning and disinfecting
1. Close off areas used by the person who is sick and do not use those areas until after
cleaning and disinfecting.
2. Wait as long as possible (at least several hours) before you clean and disinfect.
While cleaning and disinfecting:
1. Open doors and windows and use fans or HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air
conditioning) settings to increase air circulation in the area.
2. Use products from EPA List N
according to the instructions on the product label.
3. Wear a face covering and gloves while cleaning and disinfecting.
4. Focus on the immediate areas occupied by the person (utilizing data from the District
app. West Hills Safe) who is sick or diagnosed with COVID-19 unless they have already
been cleaned and disinfected.
5. Vacuum the space if needed. Use a vacuum equipped with high-efficiency particulate air
(HEPA) filter and bags, if available.
6. While vacuuming, temporarily turn off in-room, window-mounted, or on-wall recirculation
heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems to avoid contamination of HVAC units.
7. Do NOT deactivate central HVAC systems. These systems provide better filtration
capabilities and introduce outdoor air into the areas that they serve.
Face Coverings
West Hills Community College District will provide students, faculty and staff with face coverings
and will ensure they are properly worn over the nose and mouth when required by the District and
where required by orders from the California Department of Public Health (CDPH), when indoors
and when riding in any vehicle when traveling for college/business-related activities. When face
coverings are required indoors, students, faculty and staff are encouraged to wear face coverings
outside when social distancing is not possible. Otherwise, face coverings are not required outside.
Face shields are not a replacement for face coverings, although they may be worn together for
additional protection.
West Hills Community College District will provide face coverings regardless of vaccination status
When required by the District or CDPH.
When an employee had COVID-19 or had close contact with a COVID-19 case and returns
to work.
When there is an outbreak.
When riding in employer-provided motor vehicle transportation or when traveling with
another individual(s) for a college/business related reason and an order is in place.
When individuals are required to wear face coverings, the following exceptions apply:
When an individual is alone in a room or vehicle.
While eating or drinking at a campus site, provided individuals are at least six feet apart
or outside.
Individuals who cannot wear face coverings due to a medical or mental health condition
or disability because they are hearing-impaired or communicating with a hearing-impaired
person, or when an individual performs specific tasks that cannot be performed while
wearing a face covering. This exception is limited to the time period in which such tasks
are actually being performed.
Individuals Requesting Face Covering Exemptions-Regardless Of Vaccination Status-
When Face Coverings are Required
Individuals who cannot wear face coverings due to a medical or mental health condition or
disability, or who are hearing-impaired or communicating with a hearing-impaired person may
request a face covering exemption by completing the Face Covering Exemption Form (Appendix
F). Individuals granted an exemption may be subject to weekly COVID-19 testing. Test results
must be submitted weekly to
in order to maintain face covering exemption.
Individuals exempted from wearing face coverings due to a medical condition, mental
health condition, or disability shall wear an effective non-restrictive alternative, such as a
face shield with a drape on the bottom, if their condition or disability permits it.
Individuals exempted from wearing a face covering due to a medical or mental health
condition, or disability and cannot wear a non-restrictive alternative must physically
distance at least six feet from others and either be fully vaccinated or tested at least weekly
for COVID-19. For employees, the testing must be during paid time and at no cost to the
West Hills Community College District shall not prevent any individual from wearing a face
covering when not required by this section, unless it would create a safety hazard, such as
interfering with the safe operation of equipment. When face coverings are not required by this
section, West Hills Community College District shall provide face coverings to individuals upon
request, regardless of vaccination status.
Social Distancing
West Hills Community College District will provide social distance seating for individuals when
eating or drinking when face coverings are required
West Hills Community College District ensures staff are trained with proper handwashing
guidelines to include washing hands before eating, after using the restroom, or after coughing or
sneezing into the hand; washing their hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds; or using
hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol when handwashing facilities are not available.
System for Communicating
West Hills Community College District’s goal is to ensure that there is an effective two-way
communication with students, faculty and staff of the West Hills Community College District, in a
form they can readily understand, and that it includes the following information:
Who employees should report COVID-19 symptoms and possible hazards to, and how the
system will help spread additional cases of COVID-19
That students, faculty and staff can report symptoms and hazards without fear of reprisal.
West Hills Community College District’s procedures or policies for accommodating
students, faculty and staff with medical or other conditions that put them at increased risk
of severe COVID-19 illness.
Where testing is not required, how students, faculty, and staff can access COVID-19
In the event the District is required to provide testing because of a worksite/site exposure
or outbreak, the District will communicate the plan for providing testing and inform affected
employees of the reason for the testing and the possible consequences of a positive test.
Information about any potential COVID-19 hazards and West Hills Community College
District’s COVID-19 policies and procedures.
Investigating and Responding to COVID-19 Cases
West Hills Community College District has an effective procedure to investigate COVID-19 cases.
This includes procedures for seeking information from students, faculty and staff regarding
COVID-19 cases and close contacts, COVID-19 test results, and onset of COVID-19 symptoms,
and identifying and recording COVID-19 cases.
West Hills Community College District will utilize the smartphone app. West Hills Safe to contact
trace individuals who may have been in close contact with any individual who tests positive for
COVID-19. This information will be restricted to only those who are authorized to conduct contract
The following actions will take place when there has been a COVID-19 case at any of the West
Hills Community College District sites:
1. Determine the day and time the COVID-19 case was last present on any of the campus
sites, and, to the extent possible, the date of the positive COVID-19 test(s) and/or
diagnosis, and the date the COVID-19 case first had one or more COVID-19 symptoms,
if any were experienced.
2. Utilizing the app. West Hills Safe contact tracker data, determine who may have had a
close contact. This requires an evaluation of the activities of the COVID-19 case and all
of the West Hills Community College District location, which may have been visited by the
COVID-19 case during the infectious period.
3. Within one business day of the time West Hills Community College District becomes aware
of the COVID-19 case, West Hills Community College District shall give written notice in
a form readily understandable by the students, faculty and staff that the individuals may
have been on the premises at the same worksite/site as the qualifying individual within the
infectious period. The notice shall be written in a way that does not reveal any personal
identifying information of the COVID-19 case. Written notice may include, but is not limited
to, personal service, email, or text message if it can reasonable be anticipated to be
received by the individual within one business day of sending. The notice shall include the
disinfection plan per the guidelines of the federal Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and
required by Labor Code section 6409.6(a)(4)
. The notice will be sent to the following:
a. All students, faculty and staff at the site during the infectious period.
b. Independent contractors and other individuals at the site during the infectious period.
4. If the exposure occurred to a West Hills Community College District employee during their
working hours, within one business day of the time the District becomes aware of the
COVID-19 case, West Hills Community College District shall provide the notice required
by Labor Code section 6409.6(a)(2) and (c)
to the authorized representative of any
employee at the worksite during the infectious period.
5. Make COVID-19 testing available at no cost during paid time, to all employees of West
Hills Community College District who had a close contact in the workplace and provide
them with the information on benefits with the following exceptions:
a. Employees who were fully vaccinated before the close contact and do not have
COVID-19 symptoms.
b. COVID-19 cases who returned to work and have remained free of COVID-19
symptoms, for 90 days after the initial onset of COVID-19 symptoms or, for COVID-19
cases who never developed symptoms, for 90 days after the first positive test.
6. Investigate whether campus conditions could have contributed to the risk of COVID-19
exposure and what could be done to reduce exposure to COVID-19 hazards.
Return-to-Campus Criteria for COVID-19 Cases and Close Contacts
Please refer to the “Return-To-Campus” criteria section of the CPP.
Training and Instruction
West Hills Community College District will provide effective training and instruction that includes
the District’s Prevention Program policies and procedures, which were established to protect the
students, staff and faculty from COVID-19 hazards and how to participate in the identification and
evaluation of COVID-19 hazards.
The training will include the following information:
For employees:
Information regarding COVID-19 related benefits to which the employee may be entitled
under applicable federal, state or local laws. This includes any benefits available under
legally mandated sick and vaccination leave, if applicable, workers’ compensation law,
local governmental requirements, West Hills Community College District’s leave policies
and leave guaranteed by contract, and this section.
Information on the COVID-19 policies; how to access COVID-19 testing and vaccination;
and the fact that vaccination is effective at preventing COVID-19, protecting against both
transmission and serious illness or death.
Employees can request face coverings, at no cost to the employee, and can wear them at
work without fear of retaliation.
Policies for employees for providing respirators (N95 masks), and the right of employees
to request a respirator for voluntary use as stated in this section without fear of retaliation
and at no cost to employees. Whenever respirators are provided for voluntary use under
this section or sections 3205.1 through 3205.4:
1. How to properly wear the respirator provided.
2. How to perform a seal check according to the manufacturer’s instructions each
time a respirator is worn, and the fact that facial hair interferes with a seal.
All employees will participate in COVID-19 training via the Keenan and associates, SafeColleges
Program. All completed trainings will be logged into the system and Human Resources can
access all data related to this requirement.
Additional Measures to Increase Sanitation and Disinfection
West Hills Community College District may utilize the following methods to increase
No food items or containers are shared between tables such as condiment bottles, salt and
pepper shakers, or breadbaskets.
Non-food items that may be used by multiple customers, such as menus, will be disinfected
between each use or modified to be a single service item, such as a disposable paper
Utensils and food-ware are properly washed, rinsed, and sanitized for an adequate contact
time (time required for utensils to be submerged in the sanitizer) OR only single-service
utensils and food-ware are used.
Disinfection wipes or hand sanitizer (at least 60% alcohol) are provided at customer tables.
Touch free motion detectors are used to dispense soap and paper towels.
Mental Wellness Resources
West Hills Community College District provides free confidential mental wellness resources for its
students and staff:
West Hills College Coalinga Student Wellness Counseling Referral.
West Hills College Lemoore Student Conduct/Concern Reporting Form
SISC Members (Classified, Management, Confidential)
CVT Members (FT Faculty)
Additional Information
Please refer to the District’s COVID-19 Prevention Program for the following sections:
o Identification and Evaluation of COVID-19 Hazards
o Correction of COVID-19 Hazards
o Air Filter and HVAC Cleaning and Retrofits and Outdoor Air
o Personal Protective Equipment
Mega Events
Requirements for Attending and Hosting Mega-Events
Release Date: December 31, 2021; updated March 17, 2022
Reference Number: NR21-372
Updated Requirements for Events
CDPH has released updated requirements for attending mega events
, such as concerts and
sporting events. Guidance for Mega Events is found in the State of California’s Beyond the
Blueprint for Industry and Business Sectors Guidance Document
These recommendations will continue to be updated as CDPH continues to assess conditions on
an ongoing basis. California must be vigilant to maintain situational awareness through
surveillance and be ready to pause or reinstate a higher level of protective mitigation
recommendations or requirements. The most recent guidance can be found on the California
Department of Public Health webpage.
Mega Event Questions and Answers are located on the California Department of Public Health
Appendix A: Identification of COVID-19 Hazards
All persons, regardless of symptoms or negative COVID-19 test results, will be considered potentially infectious.
Particular attention will be paid to areas where people may congregate or come in contact with one another, regardless
of whether students or employees are performing an assigned class or work task or not. For example: classes,
meetings, trainings, entrances, bathrooms, hallways, aisles, walkways, elevators, break or eating areas, cool-down
areas, and waiting areas.
Evaluation of potential site exposures will be to all persons at the specific site, or who may enter the specific site,
including fellow students, coworkers, individuals of other entities, members of the public, and independent contractors.
West Hills Community College District will consider how individuals and other persons enter, leave, and travel through
the site, in addition to addressing stationary locations.
Person conducting the evaluation: Date:
Name(s) of student, employee and/or authorized employee representative that participated if
employee representative
Interaction, area,
activity, work task,
process, equipment
and material that
potentially exposes
to COVID-19
Places and Times Potential for COVID-
19 exposures and
affected, including
members of the
public and employees
of other employers if
Existing and/or
additional COVID-19
prevention controls
Appendix B: COVID-19 Inspections
Name of person conducting the inspection:
Location evaluated:
Exposure Controls Status Person Assigned to
Date Corrected
Ventilation (amount of
fresh air and filtration
Additional room air
Surface cleaning and
disinfection (frequently
enough and adequate
Handwashing facilities
(adequate numbers
and supplies)
Disinfecting and hand
sanitizing solutions
being used according
to manufacturer
PPE (not shared,
available and being
Face coverings
(cleaned sufficiently
Face shields/goggles
Respiratory protection
Appendix C: Investigating COVID-19 Cases
All personal identifying information of COVID-19 cases or persons with COVID-19 symptoms,
and any employee required medical records will be kept confidential unless disclosure is
required or permitted by law. Un-redacted information on COVID-19 cases will be provided to
the local health department, CDPH, Cal/OSHA, the National Institute for Occupational Safety
and Health (NIOSH) immediately upon request, and when required by law.
Date COVID-19
case became known to District:
Name of person conducting the investigation:
Name of COVID-19 case and contact information:
Student Employee
Names of employee’s representatives involved in the investigation if applicable:
Date investigation was initiated:
Locations where the COVID-19 case was present at West Hills Community College
District during the infectious period, and activities being performed:
Date and time the COVID-19 case was last present and excluded from West Hills
Community College District:
Date of the positive or negative test and/or diagnosis:
Date the case first had one or more COVID-19 symptoms, if any:
Information received regarding COVID-19
test results and onset of symptoms (attach
Notice given (within one business day, in a way that does not reveal any personal identifying
information of the COVID-19 case) of the potential COVID-19 exposure to:
1. All students and/or employees who were in close contact.
2. Authorized representatives of employees (If applicable, the notice required by Labor
Code section 6409.6(a) (2)and (c)).
WHCCD COVID-19 Contact Tracing Table
Name of
that was notified
Testing was
Was this
*except from
testing and if
so, why?
Was the
per the
Exclusion of
Was the
from the
Exclusion of
Name of
of employee
of applicable
*Exempt from testing:
a. They were fully vaccinated before the close contact and did not develop COVID-19 symptoms.
b. They returned to work per our return-to-campus criteria and have remained symptom free for 90 days or, for those that
never developed symptoms, for 90 days after the initial positive test.
**Excluded per WHCCD’s Exclusion of COVID-19 Cases and Individuals who had a Close Contact requirement.
***The names of those exempt from WHCCD’s Exclusion of COVID-10 Cases and Individuals who had a Close Contact requirement
a. They were fully vaccinated before the close contact and did not develop COVID-19 symptoms.
b. They returned to campus per our return-to-campus criteria and have remained symptom free for 90 days or, those that
never developed symptoms, for 90 days after the initial positive test.
Appendix D-Definitions
Booster Eligibility:
To determine when someone is eligible for a booster, please reference the CDC website.
Close Contact:
Being within 6 feet of a COVID-19 case for a cumulative total of 15 minutes or greater in
any 24-hour period within or overlapping with the infectious period, regardless of the use
of face coverings, unless close contact is defined by regulation or order of the CDPH. If so,
the CDPH definition shall apply.
EXCEPTION: Employees/Individuals have not had a close contact if they wore a respirator
required by WHCCD, whenever they were within six feet of the COVID-19 case during the
infectious period.
COVID-19: Coronavirus disease 2019, an infectious disease caused by SARS-CoV-2 (severe acute
respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2).
COVID-19 Case:
A person who:
Has a positive “COVID-19 test”; or
Has a positive COVID-19 diagnosis from a licensed heath care provider; or
Is subject to a COVID-19 related order to isolate issued by a local or state
health official; or
Has died due to COVID-19, in determination of a local health department or
per inclusion in the COVID-19 statistics of a county.
COVID-19 Hazard:
19. Potentially infectious materials include airborne droplets, small particle aerosols, and
airborne droplet nuclei, which most commonly result from a person or persons exhaling,
talking or vocalizing, coughing, sneezing, or from procedures performed on persons which
may aerosolize saliva or respiratory tract fluids.
(Written) COVID-19 Prevention Program:
Employers shall establish, implement, ad maintain an effective, written COVID-19
Prevention Program, which may be integrated into the employer’s Injury and Illness
Prevention Program required by section 3203, or be maintained in a separate document.
COVID-19 Symptoms:
Fever of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or higher, chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty
breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat,
congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, or diarrhea, unless a licensed health care
professional determines the person’s symptoms were caused by a known condition other
than COVID-19.
COVID-19 Test:
A test for SARS-CoV-2 that is:
Cleared, approved, or authorized, including in an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA), by the
United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to detect current infection with the SARS-CoV-
2 virus (e.g., a viral test); and
Administered in accordance with the authorized instructions.
To meet the return to work criteria set forth, a COVID-19 test may be both self-administered and
self-read only if another means of independent verification of the results can be provided (e.g., a
time-stamped photograph of the results).
Exposed Group:
All employees at a work location, working area, or a common area at work, where an
employee COVID-19 case was present at any time during the infectious period. A common
area at work includes bathrooms, walkways, hallways, aisles, break or eating areas, and
waiting areas. The following exceptions apply:
For the purpose of determining the exposed group, a place where persons momentarily
pass through while everyone is wearing face coverings, without congregating, is not a
work location, working area, or a common area at work.
If the COVID-19 case was part of a distinct group of employees who are not present
at the workplace at the same time as other employees, for instance a work crew or
shift that does not overlap with another work crew or shift, only employees within
that distinct group are part of the exposed group.
If the COVID-19 case visited a work location, working area, or a common area at
work for less than 15 minutes during the infectious period, and the COVID-19
case was wearing a face covering during the entire visit, other people at the work
location, working area, or common area are not part of the exposed group.
NOTE: An exposed group may include the employees of more than one employer. See
Labor Code sections 6303 and 6304.1.
Face Covering:
A surgical mask, a medical procedure mask, a respirator worn voluntarily, or a tightly
woven fabric or non-woven material of at least two layers that completely covers the nose
and mouth and is secured to the head with ties, ear loops, or elastic bands that go behind
the head. If gaiters are worn, they shall have two layers of fabric or be folded to make two
layers. A face covering is a solid piece of material without slits, visible holes, or punctures,
and must fit snugly over the nose, mouth, and chin with no large gaps on the outside of the
face. A face covering does not include a scarf, ski mask, balaclava, bandana, turtleneck,
collar, or single layer of fabric. This definition includes clear face coverings or cloth face
coverings with a clear plastic panel that otherwise meet this definition and which may be
used to facilitate communication with people who are deaf or hard-of-hearing or others who
need to see a speaker’s mouth or facial expressions to understand speech or sign
language respectively.
Infectious Period:
The following time period, unless otherwise defined by CDPH regulation or order, in which
case the CDPH definition shall apply:
For COVID-19 cases who develop COVID-19 symptoms, from two days before they
first develop symptoms until all of the following are true: it has been 10 days since
symptoms first appeared; 24 hours have passed with no fever, without the use of
fever-reducing medications; and symptoms have improved.
For COVID-19 cases who never develop COVID-19 symptoms, from two days before
until 10 days after the specimen for their first positive test for COVID-19 was
Isolation: To keep someone who is sick or testing positive for COVID-19 without symptoms away
from others.
Presumptive Positive:
A presumptive positive test result means an individual has tested positive for the virus at a
local or state level, but it has not yet been confirmed by the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention (CDC).
Qualifying Individual:
Any person who has any of the following:
A laboratory-confirmed case of COVID-19, as defined by the State Department of
Public Health.
A positive COVID-19 diagnosis from a licensed health care provider.
A COVID-19 related order to isolate provided by a public health official.
Quarantine: To separate and restrict the movement of someone who was exposed to COVID-19 to see
if they become sick.
Recently Recovered:
Recovered from COVID-19 within a period of 90 days after the initial onset of COVID-19
symptoms, or for COVID-19 cases who never developed symptoms, for a period of 90 days
after the first positive test.
Returned Case:
A COVID-19 case who returned to work pursuant to subsection (c)(10) and did not develop
any COVID-19 symptoms after returning. A person shall only be considered a returned
case for 90 days after the initial onset of COVID-19 symptoms or, if the person never
developed COVID-19 symptoms, for 90 days after the first positive test. If a period of other
than 90 days is required by a CDPH regulation or order, that period shall apply.
A respiratory protection device approved by the National Institute for Occupational Safety
and Health (NIOSH) to protect the wearer from particulate matter, such as an N95 filtering
facepiece respirator.
To minimize in-person interactions for a limited amount of time.
“Worksite,” for the limited purposes of section 3205 through 3205.4 only, means the
building, store, facility, agricultural field, or other location where a COVID-19 case was
present during the infectious period. It does not apply to buildings, floors, or other locations
of the employer that a COVID-19 case did not enter, locations where the worker worked
by themselves without exposure to other employees, or to a worker's personal residence
or alternative work location chosen by the worker when working remotely.
Appendix E-West Hills Safe App.
Sample: QR Code, “Entry Denied” Message, Passes
Appendix F
Face Covering Exemption Form
Face Covering Exemptions may be granted for students or employees who cannot wear face
coverings due to a medical or mental health condition or disability, or who are hearing-impaired
or communicating with a hearing-impaired person. Individuals granted an exemption will be
subject to weekly COVID-19 testing. Test results must be submitted weekly by uploading
a copy (photo) of the test results to [email protected] in order to maintain Face Covering
Students or employees exempted from wearing face coverings due to a medical condition, mental
health condition, or disability shall wear an effective non-restrictive alternative, such as a face
shield with a drape on the bottom, if their condition or disability permits it.
The above-named individual CANNOT tolerate a face covering due to one of the
conditions listed above, but can wear an effective non-restrictive alternative, such as a
face shield with a drape on the bottom.
The above-named individual CANNOT tolerate any kind of face covering due to one of the
conditions listed above.
Additional comments:
Submit completed form to or mail it to:
Attn.: Human Resources
275 Phelps Avenue
Coalinga, CA 93210
Patient Name: Date of Birth:
Employee ID or Student ID Number:
Healthcare provider/Physician name:
Signature: Date:
Phone Number:
*COVID-19 Emergency Temporary Standards Frequently Asked Questions (
Appendix I
Exclusion Requirements for Individuals
Who Test Positive for COVID-19 (Isolation)
Table 1
Requirements apply to all employees and
students, regardless of vaccination status,
previous infection, or lack of symptoms.
Individuals who test positive for
COVID-19 must be excluded from the
campus site for at least 5 days.
Isolation can end and individuals may
return to the campus site after day 5 if
symptoms are not present or are
resolving, and a diagnostic specimen*
collected on day 5 or later tests
If an employee is unable or chooses
not to test
and their symptoms are not
present or are resolving, isolation can
end and the employee may return to
the workplace after day 10.
If an individual has a fever, isolation
must continue and the individual may
not return to work until the fever
If an individual’s symptoms other than
fever are not resolving, they may not
return to work until their symptoms
are resolving or until after day 10 from
the positive test.
Individuals must wear face coverings
around others for a total of 10 days
after the positive test, especially in
indoor settings.
Antigen test preferred.
*COVID-19 Emergency Temporary Standards Frequently Asked Questions (
Requirements for Individuals
Who Are Exposed to Someone With COVID-19 (Quarantine)
Table 2
Requirements apply to employees who are:
Unvaccinated; OR
Vaccinated and booster-eligible
have not yet received their booster
Refer to CDC COVID-19 Booster Shots to
determine who is booster eligible.
Individuals must be excluded from the
campus site for at least 5 days after
their last close contact with a person
who has COVID-19.
Exposed individuals must test on day
Quarantine can end and exposed
individuals may return to the campus
site after day 5 if symptoms are not
present and a diagnostic specimen
collected on day 5 or later tests
If an individual is unable or chooses
not to test and does not have
symptoms, quarantine can end and
the individual may return to the
campus site after day 10.
Individuals must wear face coverings
around others for a total of 10 days
after exposure, especially in indoor
If an exposed individual tests positive
for COVID- 19, they must follow the
isolation requirements above in Table
If an exposed individual develops
symptoms, they must be excluded
pending the results of a test.
Individuals are strongly encouraged to
get vaccinated or boosted.
WHCCD/Employer is not required to exclude asymptomatic individuals in this category if:
A negative diagnostic test is obtained within 3-5 days after last exposure to a case;
Individual wears a face covering around others for a total of 10 days; and
Individual continues to have no symptoms.
*COVID-19 Emergency Temporary Standards Frequently Asked Questions (
Requirements for Individuals
Who Are Exposed to Someone With COVID-19
(No Quarantine Required)
Table 3
Requirements apply to employees who are:
Boosted; OR
Vaccinated, but not yet booster-
Refer to CDC COVID-19 Booster Shots to
determine who is booster eligible.
Individuals do not need to quarantine if they:
Test on day 5 with a negative result.
Wear face coverings around others
for 10 days after exposure, especially
in indoor settings.
If individual test positive, they must
follow isolation recommendations in
Table 1.
If individuals develop symptoms, they
must be excluded pending the results
of a test.