Vedder Price P.C. is affiliated with Vedder Price LLP, which operates in England and Wales, Vedder Price (CA), LLP, which operates in California, and Vedder Price Pte. Ltd., which operates in Singapore.
Elizabeth N. Hall, Blythe E. Lovinger, Grace L. Urban and Haley P. Tynes
March 2019
Recent developments require employers to reevaluate their lactation and nursing policies and practices to ensure that they
are in compliance with newly enacted local laws in New York City and Illinois.
Changes to New York City Lactation Laws: Effective March 17, 2019
Since 2007, New York City emp
loyers with four or more employees have been required to provide reasonable unpaid
break time (or to allow an employee to use paid break/meal time) to express breast milk in the workplace, for up to three
years following the birth of a child, and to make r
easonable efforts to provide a room, other than a restroom, to express
milk in private.
Additional lactation
-related obligations for New York City employers with four or more employees go into effect on March
17, 2019. For example, by that date, a covered
employer must provide lactating employees with a sanitary “lactation
room,” which is not a restroom, and which has, at minimum, an electrical outlet, a chair, a surface on which to place a
breast pump and other personal items, and nearby access to running
The lactation room must be made available to
the employee for lactation purposes only when it is needed (and notice to other employees regarding the same is
required), and a refrigerator and the room itself must be in “reasonable proximity” to the e
mployee’s work area.
Notably, the required lactation room must be provided unless the employer can establish an “undue hardship,” in which
case the employer must engage in a cooperative dialogue with the employee to determine alternative accommodations
issue a final written determination to the employee that identifies any accommodation(s) that were granted or denied.
In addition, by March 17, 2019, a covered employer in New York City must implement a written lactation room
accommodation policy, which
states that employees have the right to request a lactation room and identifies the process
(as outlined in the Administrative Code) by which an employee may request a lactation room.
All new employees must
receive the lactation room policy upon hire.
ges to Illinois’s Lactation Law: Effective August 2018
Like many employers in New York, Illinois employers with five or more employees have been required, since 2001, to
provide employees with reasonable unpaid break time to express breast milk, in an appr
opriate room that is not a toilet
Effective August 2018, the Illinois Nursing Mothers in the Workplace Act was amended.
Now, Illinois employers with at least
five employees must provide “reasonable break time” each time an employee needs to express
breast milk, for up to one
year following the child’s birth.
While the break time “may” run concurrently with any other break time, the employee’s pay
cannot be reduced due to the time spent expressing milk or nursing a baby
meaning, in effect, that any additional break
time needed to express milk or nurse must be paid. Further, covered employers in Illinois who do not provide the requisite
break time must show, if challenged, that providing the breaks is an “undue hardship”
a heightened burden than that
previously imposed under the Act.
Lactation Law Update:
New York and Illinois
Vedder Price P.C. is affiliated with Vedder Price LLP, which operates in England and Wales, Vedder Price (CA), LLP, which operates in California, and Vedder Price Pte. Ltd., which operates in Singapore.
Employers should act quickly to ensure full compliance with all of the requirements of the new lactation laws.
If you have
any questions concerning New York City’s or Illinois’s lactation laws please contact
Elizabeth N. Hall at (312) 609-7795,
Grace L. Urban
at (312) 609-7619, Blythe E. Lovinger at (212) 407-7770, Haley P. Tynes at (212) 407-6997 or any other
Vedder Price attorney with whom you have previously worked.