Office of Academic Policy & Systems August 2023 Edition
High School
Academic Policy Guide
High School Academic Policy Guide Updated April 5, 2024 1
TABLE OF CONTENTS ....................................................................................................................................................2
I. KEY SHIFTS FROM PREVIOUS YEARS UPDATED AUGUST 2023..........................................................................6
II. GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS UPDATED AUGUST 2023 .................................................................................7
A. Diploma Types ..............................................................................................................................................7
1. Minimum Credit Requirements.........................................................................................................................9
2. Minimum Assessment Requirements ............................................................................................................11
B. Course Credits.............................................................................................................................................12
1. English Language Arts......................................................................................................................................13
2. Social Studies...................................................................................................................................................13
3. Math ................................................................................................................................................................14
4. Science.............................................................................................................................................................15
5. World Languages.............................................................................................................................................16
6. Physical Education Updated August 2023....................................................................................................18
7. Health Education Updated August 2023 ......................................................................................................19
8. Arts Education .................................................................................................................................................20
9. Electives...........................................................................................................................................................21
C. Assessments................................................................................................................................................22
1. Regents and World Language Exams Updated August 2023 .......................................................................22
2. NYSED-Approved Alternatives and the 4+1 Policy Updated August 2023 ...................................................24
3. Appeals to Graduate with Low Scores on Regents Examinations Updated August 2023............................25
4. Special Determination to Graduate with a Local Diploma in June 2022 Updated August 2023..................27
5. Safety Net Flexibilities Updated August 2023 ..............................................................................................27
6. Regents Exam Waivers Updated August 2023 .............................................................................................29
7. Schools using Performance-Based Assessment Tasks (PBATs) in Lieu of Regents Exams ..............................30
D. Diploma Endorsements...............................................................................................................................30
1. Arts Endorsement............................................................................................................................................31
2. Seal of Biliteracy ..............................................................................................................................................31
6. Honors Designation Updated April 2024......................................................................................................33
8. Mastery in Science Designation Updated April 2024...................................................................................34
3. Career and Technical Education (CTE) Endorsement......................................................................................31
4. Career Development and Occupational Studies (CDOS) Endorsement ..........................................................32
5. Seal of Civic Readiness ....................................................................................................................................33
7. Mastery in Math Designation Updated April 2024 ......................................................................................34
9. Service Seal......................................................................................................................................................35
High School Academic Policy Guide Updated April 5, 2024 2
E. Commencement Credentials ......................................................................................................................35
1. Career Development and Occupational Studies (CDOS) Commencement Credential ...................................35
2. Skills and Achievement Commencement Credential ......................................................................................36
F. Graduation Policies and Procedures...........................................................................................................37
1. Promotion and Grade Level ............................................................................................................................37
2. Graduation Cohort Policy ................................................................................................................................38
3. Tracking Student Progress Toward Graduation ..............................................................................................40
4. College and Career Advising and Awareness Updated August 2023 ...........................................................41
5. Certifying Students for Graduation .................................................................................................................42
6. Early or Late Graduation Updated August 2023 ..........................................................................................44
7. Student Participation in Commencement Ceremonies...................................................................................44
G. City University of New York (CUNY) Proficiency and Admissions Requirements .......................................45
1. CUNY Four-Year Colleges.................................................................................................................................45
2. CUNY Community Colleges..............................................................................................................................45
III. COURSE CREDIT POLICIES AND PROCEDURES....................................................................................................46
A. Credit-Bearing Courses ...............................................................................................................................46
B. Non-Credit-Bearing Courses .......................................................................................................................47
C. Additional and Fractional Credit for Courses..............................................................................................48
1. Additional Credit .............................................................................................................................................48
2. Fractional Credit..............................................................................................................................................48
D. Interdisciplinary Courses ............................................................................................................................49
E. Additional Ways to Earn Credit...................................................................................................................50
1. Online and Blended Courses Updated August 2023 ....................................................................................50
2. Internships and Service-Learning ....................................................................................................................51
3. Independent Study..........................................................................................................................................52
4. Credit by Examination .....................................................................................................................................53
5. Awarding High School Credit for College Courses...........................................................................................54
6. Earning Credit after Previously Failing a Course .............................................................................................54
F. Transfer Credit ............................................................................................................................................55
1. Previous School Location.................................................................................................................................55
2. Grade and Cohort Placement of Transfer Students Updated August 2023 .................................................57
G. Grade 8 Course Acceleration Updated August 2023 ...............................................................................57
IV. POLICIES FOR SPECIAL POPULATIONS ................................................................................................................59
A. English Language Learners (ELLs)................................................................................................................59
1. New York State Identification Test for English Language Learners (NYSITELL)...............................................59
2. New York State English as a Second Language Achievement Test (NYSESLAT)
B. Students with Disabilities............................................................................................................................60
1. New York State Alternate Assessment (NYSAA)..............................................................................................61
High School Academic Policy Guide Updated April 5, 2024 3
2. Transition Services for Students with Disabilities Updated August 2023 ....................................................62
C. Testing Accommodations for English Language Learners and Students with Disabilities..........................63
D. Academic Intervention Services (AIS).........................................................................................................64
E. Response to Intervention (RTI)...................................................................................................................65
F. Medically Necessary and Hospital Instruction Updated August 2023.....................................................65
G. Home Schooling..........................................................................................................................................66
H. Students in and Returning from Court-Ordered Settings Updated August 2023....................................66
V. PROGRAMMING AND SYSTEMS POLICIES ..........................................................................................................67
A. Term Models...............................................................................................................................................68
B. Scheduling in STARS....................................................................................................................................68
1. Course Codes...................................................................................................................................................69
2. Course Titles ....................................................................................................................................................69
3. Section Properties ...........................................................................................................................................70
4. Push-in/Pull-out Instruction ............................................................................................................................70
VI. GRADING POLICIES AND PROCEDURES ..............................................................................................................71
A. Grading Policies ..........................................................................................................................................71
B. Course Marks and Report Cards .................................................................................................................73
1. Course Marks Updated August 2023............................................................................................................73
2. Report Cards Updated August 2023.............................................................................................................74
3. Competency-Based Learning Updated August 2023....................................................................................75
C. Transcript Updates......................................................................................................................................75
D. Calculation of Grade Point Average (GPA) and Rank..................................................................................77
VII. ATTENDANCE, DISCHARGE, AND OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES .........................................................................77
A. School Calendar ..........................................................................................................................................77
B. Daily Session Time and Student Schedules.................................................................................................77
C. Attendance, Discharge, and Strategies for the Reduction of Chronic Absenteeism Updated August
2023 80
D. Student Records Retention and Transfer ...................................................................................................81
1. Changes to Student Records ...........................................................................................................................82
VIII. APPENDICES........................................................................................................................................................84
A. Credential, Diploma, and Endorsement Codes in ATS................................................................................84
1. Credential Codes .............................................................................................................................................84
2. Diploma Granting Codes .................................................................................................................................84
3. Diploma Endorsement Codes..........................................................................................................................85
B. Course and Exam Marks Tables Updated August 2023 ...........................................................................86
C. Forms ..........................................................................................................................................................89
D. Impact of COVID-19 New August 2023....................................................................................................91
1. Graduation Requirements...............................................................................................................................91
Assessments ....................................................................................................................................................92
3. Diploma Endorsements...................................................................................................................................92
4. Graduation Policies and Procedures ...............................................................................................................93
High School Academic Policy Guide Updated April 5, 2024 4
5. Additional Ways to Earn Credit .......................................................................................................................93
6. Grade 8 Course Acceleration...........................................................................................................................94
7. Course Marks and Report Cards......................................................................................................................94
8. Student Records Retention and Transfer........................................................................................................94
High School Academic Policy Guide Updated April 5, 2024 5
The following are new policy changes and/or flexibilities for the 2023-24 school year to create more equitable and
supportive learning environments for all students. These policies are also addressed in their corresponding
sections of this guide.
Special Appeal
Due to the continued impact of COVID-19 on teaching and learning, NYSED approved the Special Appeal, a
flexibility for students to appeal Regents scores between 50-64 on Regents exams taken from June 2022-August
2023 to meet the assessment requirements for any diploma type. Schools should continue to submit Special
Appeals for students who are eligible after subsequent completion of coursework.
Individual Arts Assessment Pathway (IAAP)
Students may also meet the requirements for the Arts +1 option through the Individual Arts Assessment Pathway
(IAAP), which consists of a portfolio review process of select artistic work and reflections in Dance, Music, Theater,
or Visual Arts.
Medically Necessary Instruction (MNI) and Hospital Programs
The New York State Education Department (NYSED) increased the minimum instructional hours for students in
MNI and hospital programs from 10 to 15 hours per week for middle and high school students (grades 6-12).
21+ Students
Students with IEPs who turned 21 within the 2022-23 school year may remain enrolled or re-enroll for 2023-24 to
meet graduation requirements and/or transition to adult/postsecondary programs. This includes students who
were already extended in the 202223 school year.
The New York City Department of Education (NYCDOE) has a new four-level competency-based grading scale that
has numeric equivalents. This optional grading scale will be available in STARS in September 2023.
High School Academic Policy Guide Updated April 5, 2024 6
New York State Education Department (NYSED) Commissioner’s Regulations Part 100.5 establishes the
requirements for earning a high school diploma in New York State. To meet diploma requirements, students must
earn specific course credits and pass specific assessments, typically Regents exams or NYSED-approved
alternatives. These regulations and additional local policies from New York City Department of Education
(NYCDOE) are described in this guide.
High schools also serving elementary and middle school grades should refer to the Elementary and Middle School
Academic Policy Guides for information applicable to these grade levels.
For academic policy and systems questions, schools can refer to the academic policy and systems resource
webpages, or contact their academic policy, performance, and assessment specialists.
suite of applications is the NYCDOE’s official record of students’ programs, grades, and
progress toward completing academic requirements.
STARS reflects academic information for all
NYCDOE public school students in grades K12. All high schools must use STARS to enter
information about the instruction and supports students are receiving throughout the school day;
to reflect student-teacher-subject relationships; and to enter student grades and credits earned.
To ensure that STARS data accurately captures students’ academic programs and outcomes, high
schools must follow the guidelines described in the High School Course Code Directory and on the
STARS wiki. STARS is managed by the NYCDOE's Office of Academic Policy and Systems (OAPS).
See the section of this guide on scheduling in STARS and visit the STARS wiki for more
A. Diploma Types
NYSED’s Part 100.5 defines the minimum program requirements for students to earn a high school diploma. There
are three diplomas offered in New York City and State: advanced Regents, Regents, and local diplomas. All of
these diplomas are valid within and outside the State. Students can use these wherever a high school diploma is
required. To earn a high school diploma, students are required to:
Earn 44 credits, distributed across specific subjects
Pass assessments in the subjects of English language arts (ELA), math, social studies, and science
Credit and assessment requirements for each type of diploma are summarized in the tables on the following
pages. This information is also available in the form of graduation requirements cards, which are distributed by
schools to students and families and are published on the NYCDOE website. In special circumstances, some
students may graduate with lower exam scores and earn a local diploma.
The table below outlines specific eligibility requirements and exam flexibilities. All students should be encouraged
to meet the requirements for the most rigorous option possible. To support college and career readiness, schools
may communicate more rigorous academic expectations than those defined by New York State graduation
The STARS Suite includes three platforms across grades K12: STARS Classroom, STARS Client, and STARS Admin.
Part 100.5 requires students to earn at least 22 units of credit to earn a diploma. The NYCDOE calculates credits towards graduation using
a semester-based model, in which the State’s requirement of 22 units of credit equates to 44 credits. Throughout this guide, the NYCDOE
semester-based credit model is used in reference to the graduation requirements. Students who entered grade 9 prior to 2007 may have
varying requirements, as outlined in Part 100.5.
High School Academic Policy Guide Updated April 5, 2024 7
requirements; however, schools may not withhold diplomas from students who have completed the minimum
New York State and City graduation requirements.
Credits Requirements Assessment Requirements
Advanced All students Earn 44 required credits, Pass nine specific assessments with
including at least six
credits in World Languages
scores of 65 or higher; and/or receive
Regents waivers due to COVID-19;
and/or be granted Special Appeals
Regents All students Earn 44 required credits Pass five specific assessments with
scores of 65 or higher; and/or receive
Regents waivers due to COVID-19;
and/or be granted Special Appeals
Local All Safety Net-eligible students:
Students with Individualized
Education Programs (IEPs)
Students with Section 504
Plans that specify Safety
Net eligibility
Students with disabilities
who were declassified while
in grades 812 whose last
IEP specified Safety Net
Students with specific Regents
appeals, including students who are
not Safety Net-eligible:
Students with two
successful Low Score
appeals on Regents exams,
including students without
Students with a successful
New Arrival ELA appeal
Earn 44 required credits Pass five specific assessments with
scores of 55 or higher, and/or receive
Regents waivers due to COVID-19; or
utilize any of the Safety Net or Regents
appeals flexibilities to graduate with
lower scores, including:
Compensatory Score option
Determination of Graduation
for students with current IEPs
(Many of these options may be
combined with one another. See the
Appendix of this guide and the Safety
Net Flexibilities section for details.)
Students can also earn endorsements or designations to their diplomas for specializing in particular subjects or
earning certain Regents exam scores; these are outlined further in the Diploma Endorsements section of this
Students who are unable to earn diplomas may earn a non-diploma commencement credential. The requirements
are outlined further in the Commencement Credentials section of this guide.
High School Academic Policy Guide Updated April 5, 2024 8
1. Minimum Credit Requirements
Students must earn at least 44 credits in specific subjects to graduate with a local, Regents, or advanced Regents
diploma. The following policies and flexibilities apply for specific subjects:
Social Studies: Some transfer students who enter in grade 11 and 12 are exempt from the four Global
History and Geography credit distribution requirement, though they must still earn eight credits in
social studies and 44 total credits; see the section of this guide on social studies.
Science: Only courses that fully align to life science learning standards may fulfill the life science
requirement. Likewise, only courses that fully align to physical science learning standards may fulfill
the physical science requirement. Courses that include a combination of life and physical science
learning standards may only count toward the two-credits of “Life Science or Physical Science”
World Languages: Students whose IEPs indicate a disability that affects their ability to learn a
language are not required to take World Languages credits. The World Languages credits are replaced
with elective courses, such that the students still earn 44 total credits; see the
World Languages
section of this guide. In addition, students who successfully complete a 10-credit sequence in the Arts
or CTE are not required to complete six credits of World Languages in order to earn an advanced
Regents diploma; they must still earn two World Languages credits and 44 total course credits to
graduate. See
NYSED’s Diploma Types webpage and the Diploma Endorsement section of this guide
for more information. Moreover, a student transferring between high schools in grade 11 or 12 may
be permitted to combine World Languages credits in two languages and may still earn an advanced
Regents diploma. All other students must earn six credits in a single language.
Physical Education (PE): Students who complete all of the credit and exam requirements in fewer
than eight semesters and who are otherwise eligible to receive a diploma are not required to continue
enrollment for the sole purpose of completing PE. Early graduation is the only instance in which a
student may graduate with fewer than 4.00 PE credits on their transcript. See the Early Graduation
section of this guide. Further, students transferring into New York State schools may waive the PE
terms and credits they would have taken prior to entering the New York State. These credits must be
reflected on students’ transcripts; see the section of this guide on transfer credits.
High School Academic Policy Guide Updated April 5, 2024 9
Subject Distribution Area Local & Regents Diplomas Advanced Regents Diploma
English Language Arts (ELA)
8 8
Social Studies
Global History
U.S. History
Participation in Government
Including at least 2 credits of math aligned
to standards above Algebra 1, such as
Geometry or Algebra II
6 6
Science (including labs)
Life Science
Physical Science
Life Science or Physical Science
World Languages
Visual Art, Music, Dance, and/or Theater
2 2
Physical Education
In every year, distributed in specific patterns
4 4
1 1
7 3
Total 44 credits 44 credits
High School Academic Policy Guide Updated April 5, 2024 10
2. Minimum Assessment Requirements
Students must pass at least five assessments (Regents exams or NYSED-approved alternatives to graduate. This
includes one assessment in English language arts (ELA), math, social studies, and science, and a +1 pathway
option. Students fulfill the requirement in a variety of ways. Students may use NYSED-approved alternatives
(indicated with ‘WX’ marks) to fulfill the +1 option or replace a required Regents exam, as described in the
approved alternatives and Performance Based Assessment Tasks sections of this guide. Also, students completing
an Arts or CTE endorsement to the advanced Regents diploma and students whose IEPs indicate a disability that
affects their ability to learn a language are not required to take the World Language Comprehensive exam.
In some cases, students do not pass all five exams and are able to meet the requirement via low score appeals
(indicated with ‘WG’ marks) and/or waived exams (indicated with ‘WA’ marks). See the following sections for
details: Appeals to Graduate with Low Scores on Regents Exams, Safety Net Flexibilities, and
Regents Exam
Waivers. In addition, the following flexibilities apply for transfer students:
Students who enter a NYSED registered high school for the first time in grades 11 or 12 may be exempt
from the Global History Regents exam.
Students who enter a NYSED registered high school for the first time in grade 12 may be exempt from the
science Regents exam requirement.
All five exams used to meet graduation requirements (including waived exams, appealed exams, and NYSED-
approved alternatives) must be clearly documented on the transcript.
Regents subject area
Local Diploma (Safety
Regents Diploma
Advanced Regents
English Language Arts 55+ 65+ 65+
Social Studies
55+ on on
.S. Histo
lobal Histo
65+ on on
.S. Histo
lobal Histo
65+ on on
ial studi
.S. Histo
lobal Histo
55+ on on
ra I,
ra II
65+ on on
ra I,
ra II
65+ on th
ra I,
metry, AN
ra II
55+ on on
ce e
h S
65+ on on
ce e
h S
65+ on Livin
D on
ce e
h S
+1 option
55+ on an
r a passing score on
NYSED-approved +1 option
65+ on an
r a passing
score on
NYSED-approved +1
65+ on an
r a passing score on
NYSED-approved +1 option
World Languages None required None required
65+ on on
World Language
Comprehensive e
am or
NYSED-approved World
Language exam
5 assessments
5 assessments
9 assessments
Students should be encouraged to work toward higher scores in order to demonstrate college and career readiness.
High School Academic Policy Guide Updated April 5, 2024 11
B. Course Credits
In order to graduate, students must earn 44 credits distributed across specific academic subjects and aligned to
specific NYSED commencement-level learning standards. All high schools must provide students with the
opportunity to take credit-bearing courses in grades 912 that satisfy the requirements for a high school diploma.
Students’ programs may be composed of both credit-bearing and non-credit-bearing units of study. A unit of
study is defined as 180 minutes of instruction per week throughout the school year or the equivalent. This is the
equivalent of 108 hours per year, which is 54 hours of instructional time per credit awarded during the school
year and 45 hours of instructional time per credit awarded during the summer term.
Schools must provide courses
that afford students the full instructional time per credit.
In July 2020, NYSED amended the definition of unit of study to include instruction delivered through “alternative
instructional experiences, including but not limited to through digital technology or blended learning, that
represents standards-based learning under the guidance and direction of an appropriately certified teacher.
Instructional experiences shall include, but not be limited to: meaningful and frequent interaction with an
appropriately certified teacher; academic and other supports designed to meet the needs of the individual
student and instructional content that reflects consistent academic expectations as in-person instruction. Any
alternative instructional experience must include meaningful feedback on student assignments and methods of
tracking student engagement.
Students must then demonstrate competency of the learning outcomes outlined in a course syllabus in order to
receive credit.
These policies are described further in the section of this guide on credit-bearing courses. Schools
must provide all students with opportunities to complete the credit requirements and must cover any costs
associated with participating in and making up required courses.
All credit-bearing courses in NYCDOE schools must address NYSED commencement-level (high school) learning
standards, meet instructional time requirements, and be taught by a NYCDOE subject-certified teacher with
NYSED secondary certification in the course subject area. See the section of this guide on credit-bearing courses
for additional information.
NYSED has commencement-level learning standards in the following departments: English language arts; social
studies; mathematics; science; technology; arts education (including visual arts, music, dance and theater); world
languages; health, physical education, family and consumer sciences; and career development and occupational
studies. Commencement-level learning standards and assessments reflect the knowledge, skills, and
understandings all students are expected to know and be able to do upon receiving a high school diploma.
Courses that do not align to these high school-level standards, including elective courses, may not bear credit.
There are no standards in guidance or advisory; such courses generally should not bear credit.
It is the policy of the NYCDOE to maintain a safe and supportive learning and educational environment that is free
of harassment, intimidation, and/or bullying and free of discrimination because of actual or perceived race, color,
creed, ethnicity, national origin, citizenship/immigration status, religion, gender, gender identity, gender
expression, sexual orientation, disability, or weight. See the Guidelines on Gender Inclusion
for help implementing
gender-inclusive curricula, programs, activities, and practices that are consistent with this policy and with the
NYCDOE’s commitment to equity and access. Schools must be mindful that inappropriate gender segregation may
result in isolating students, hindering diversity, and/or perpetuating gender stereotypes.
Students do not have to pay to take any courses that are offered by their school, including online courses, nor do they have to pay to
receive diplomas. See also NYCDOE Chancellor’s Regulation A-610.
High School Academic Policy Guide Updated April 5, 2024 12
Schools with questions or concerns about students’ progress toward meeting credit requirements should contact
their academic policy, performance, and assessment specialists.
1. English Language Arts
Students must earn a minimum of eight credits in English language arts (ELA) to graduate. NYSED does not define
a specific sequence; instead, schools must define a four-year ELA sequence aligned to NYSED’s commencement-
level learning standards
for ELA, spanning grades 9‒12 and progressing in rigor. Schools may also offer
“selectives” (meaning, courses that students may choose between which address ELA standards) or offer electives
in other areas in the English department that support learning in ELA. Many schools offer Advanced Placement
(AP®) courses in English language, literature, and composition to help students prepare for college. Students can
use credits that do not duplicate courses they have already taken previously to fulfill elective requirements.
Students may use specific AP exams to substitute for Regents exams; see the section of this guide on NYSED-
approved alternatives.
Schools must indicate that courses are aligned to ELA standards (as evidenced by a syllabus) and part of their core
ELA sequence by coding them with the first two characters of ‘EE’ in STARS.
Courses coded with any other letter
than ‘E’ in the second character (for example, ‘EJ’, ‘ES’, etc.) are English electives and do not fulfill the eight-credit
English as a New Language (ENL) courses should be coded to reflect the content being taught. This may include
English language arts or elective English areas. ENL courses may be coded as ‘EE’, per the High School Course Code
Directory, if they address commencement-level ELA standards in addition to ENL standards, as evidenced by a
syllabus. Schools must use the section property in STARS to identify that the course integrates ENL content. CR
Part 154 addresses how schools must identify and serve English Language Learners (ELLs) in detail; see the ELLs
section of this guide and the Policy and Reference Guide for MLs/ELLs for more information.
2. Social Studies
In social studies, students must earn a minimum of eight credits to graduate with a diploma. NYSED defines
specific subjects and learning standards.
These credit requirements apply to all students, regardless of the social
studies assessment(s) students use to graduate:
Four Global History credits (reflected in STARS with codes beginning with ‘HG’)
Two U.S. History credits (‘HU’)
One Participation in Government credit (‘HV’ or ‘HF’)
One Economics credit (‘HE’ or ‘HF’)
All students in New York State must pass a one-credit course (the equivalent of 54 hours of instruction) in
Participation in Government and a one-credit course in Economics in the same way they must pass their other
required courses. A year-long advanced two-credit Advanced Placement Economics course cannot substitute for
both the Economics and Participation in Government requirements unless the syllabus is supplemented to
Schools must not edit historical course codes. If a course previously coded as an English elective addressed ELA standards and fulfilled
core English requirements for graduation, as evidenced by a course syllabus or other course documentation, the school should retain the
documentation in case requested; however, they must not alter the historical course codes.
NYSED and NYCDOE refer to English Language Learners (ELLs) as Multilingual Learners/English Language Learners (MLs/ELLs) except in
instances referring to state and federal policy.
The New York State K-12 Social Studies Framework is designed to prepare students for college, careers, and civic life with courses that are
rigorous and aligned to the New York State Learning Standards for Social Studies. This Framework consists of a single three-part document--
the Introduction to the Framework, Grades K-8 and Grades 9-12. The original Framework was published in 2014. Subsequently the K-8
document was revised in 2016 and the 9-12 document was revised in 2017.
High School Academic Policy Guide Updated April 5, 2024 13
incorporate both the Economics and Participation in Government learning standards. Likewise, a year-long two-
credit Advanced Placement Government course cannot substitute for both Economics and Participation in
Government requirements unless the syllabus is supplemented to incorporate both the Economics and
Participation in Government
learning standards. In both of these cases, the course must be coded in STARS as ‘HF’
and titled to indicate that it is a combined, year-long economics and government course, as described in the High
School Course Code Directory. These courses may not fulfill both requirements unless the syllabus is
supplemented to incorporate both sets of standards, and students receive enough instructional time in each
content area to merit a full credit of each. For more information on how this policy relates to Advanced
Placement® (AP) economics and government courses, see the AP Courses FAQ.
Students who enter a New York State registered high school for the first time in grade 11 or 12, or who reenter a
New York State registered high school in grade 11 or 12 after having been enrolled in a New York State registered
high school for three or fewer semesters,
may be exempted from the four Global History and Geography
distribution requirement. These students have flexibility to use other social studies courses to substitute for some
or all of their four Global History credits. However, students must still earn eight total credits of social studies and
44 total credits to graduate with a diploma.
This credit flexibility applies to students who entered a New York State registered high school for the first time in
grade 11 during the 2018-19 school year or in grades 11 or 12 during the 2019-20 school year and beyond. This
policy excludes students who have been home-schooled and students who have been enrolled in a registered or
non-registered public or nonpublic New York State high school.
Schools must ensure that students substituting other social studies credits for Global History due to this new
policy have the Global History exam code ending in ‘W’ clearly indicated on their transcripts as waived, using the
mark of ‘WA,’ when they enter in grade 11 or 12. At the point of discharge in GRDT or DISC, schools must enter
credit override code ‘D’. See the Transfer Student Toolkit for more details.
3. Math
Students must earn a minimum of six credits in mathematics, including at least two credits of advanced math
(that is, math aligned to standards above Algebra I such as Geometry, Algebra II, Calculus), to graduate. However,
to be college-and-career ready, it is strongly recommended that students receive four years and eight credits of
high school-level math, including instruction in:
Algebra I (reflected in STARS
with codes beginning with ‘ME’)
Geometry (‘MG’)
Algebra II (‘MR’)
Many schools offer Advanced Placement (AP®) courses in Statistics, Calculus, or other areas to help students
prepare for college. Students can use additional math credits that do not duplicate courses they have already
taken previously to fulfill elective requirements. Students may use specific AP exams to substitute for Regents
exams; see the section of this guide on
NYSED-approved alternatives.
NYSED allows math courses designed to culminate in a Regents exam to extend up to four credits. However, no
more than a total of four credits may be awarded for high school-level coursework in any of the following
subjects: Algebra I, Geometry, or Algebra II. Students participating in an extended Algebra I course must earn at
This includes home schooling or enrollment in a registered or non-registered public or non-public New York State high school. For
example, students who have been home schooled for two years in New York State, enroll in a school outside of New York State, then enroll
in an NYCDOE high school are not eligible for these waivers.
High School Academic Policy Guide Updated April 5, 2024 14
least two commencement-level math credits beyond Algebra I. These courses help students prepare for post-
secondary living.
Courses that do not align to high school-level standards (for example, pre-algebra, math fundamentals) may not
bear credit and cannot be used to fulfill the math or elective requirements. Students may not receive credit for
retaking a course they have already passed or courses that duplicate content in courses previously passed, even if
they are using it to help prepare to take the Regents exam
. Regents-preparatory courses may not be credit-
bearing. See the non-credit-bearing courses section of this guide for additional information.
A high school technology education course may be used to fulfill two credits in mathematics or science, but not
both. The course should be coded in the math department (‘MK’), in alignment with the High School Course Code
Directory, to fulfill math distribution requirements.
4. Science
Students must earn a minimum of six credits in science to graduate, including:
Two life science credits (reflected in STARS with codes beginning with ‘SL’, ‘SB’, or ‘SW’)
Two physical science credits (‘SE’, ‘SC’, ‘SP’, ‘SD’, or ‘SR’)
Two additional science credits in life science or physical science
To be college- and career-ready, it is strongly recommended that students receive four years and eight credits of
high-school level science, including Living Environment, Chemistry, and Physics. Many schools offer Advanced
Placement (AP®) courses in Biology, Physics, and other areas to help students prepare for college. Students can
use additional science credits that do not duplicate courses they have already taken previously to fulfill elective
requirements. Students may use specific AP exams to substitute for Regents exams; see the section of this guide
on NYSED-approved alternatives.
The required two life science credits can be in Living Environment or in school-developed courses derived from
the life science standards. Likewise, the required two physical science credits can be in Earth Science, Chemistry,
Physics, or school-developed courses derived from any of the physical setting standards. Schools may determine
which of these courses culminate in Regents exams.
Some course titles may represent courses designed as either life or physical science courses, depending on the
learning standards
they address (for example, Environmental Science). A course may only be used to fulfill the life
or physical science requirement if it primarily aligns to the respective standards of that requirement
. A school
must clearly name and code the course as either life or physical based on the learning standards the course
addresses, and reflect the alignment through the course content documentation.
Completing a year-long, two-credit science course supports students in thoroughly demonstrating their
understanding of the course content; however, students are not required to complete three, year-long science
courses to earn six science credits. For example, a student who completes one credit of Earth Science and one
credit of Chemistry meets the minimum physical science credit requirements. Schools should consider students’
post-secondary goals in designing science sequences and programming students.
NYSED allows any science course that culminates in a Regents exam
to extend up to four credits. No more than
four total credits may be awarded for the following high school-level courses: Living Environment, Earth Science,
Chemistry, and Physics. A high school technology education course may be used to fulfill two credits in
Under the current regulations pertaining to diploma requirements, a course aligned to learning standards in the Earth and space sciences
is considered to be a physical science course. See Science Learning Standards for more information.
High School Academic Policy Guide Updated April 5, 2024 15
mathematics or science, but not both. The course should be coded in the science department (‘SK’), in alignment
with the High School Course Code Directory, to fulfill science distribution requirements.
While all science courses incorporate lab activities, science courses designed to culminate in a Regents exam must
contain a hands-on or simulated (virtual) component of 1,200 minutes in accordance with State policy. Students
must complete this laboratory across the length of the course, in accordance with the school’s practice for
scheduling labs to prepare for the corresponding Regents examination in science. Students must successfully
demonstrate proficiency in the content, aligned to the appropriate learning standards, to demonstrate readiness
for the laboratory component of the associated Regents exam.
In September 2022, NYSED amended Part 100.5(b) to allow the 1,200-minute requirement to be
met through a combination of hands-on and simulated laboratory experiences; virtual lab
experiences to meet this requirement were not permissible prior to COVID-19. For more
information, see New York State’s FAQ Related to Virtual Laboratory Experiences and the 1,200-
minute Laboratory Requirement.
Labs must be recorded on student transcripts, with a clear indication of whether the student successfully
completed the laboratory requirement by demonstrating proficiency of learning standards (for example, ‘P’ or ‘F’
to indicate pass or fail, or the equivalent per the school’s grading policy). The lab component of the course may
not be credit-bearing; it must be provided in addition to the 54 hours required for each science credit. Labs must
be indicated separately in STARS using the appropriate code (‘L’ in the seventh character) as described in the
School Course Code Directory. Schools can provide the 1,200 minutes of hands-on or virtual lab experiences in a
single term or across multiple terms.
If students pass a required science lab but fail the Regents exam, it is recommended, but not required, that they
retake the lab in order to retake the Regents exam.
5. World Languages
To graduate with a Regents or local diploma, students must earn at least two credits in World Languages. To
graduate with an advanced Regents diploma, students must earn at least six credits in World Languages and pass
the corresponding exam. For the advanced Regents diploma, students must earn World Languages credits in the
same language, except in extremely limited situations involving transfer students.
The following policies apply:
Students must earn all six of their World Languages credits in the same language and pass the
corresponding exam to earn an advanced Regents diploma.
o The only exception is if a student transfers in grades 11 or 12, and the new school does not offer the
language that the student previously studied in grades 9 and 10; students may then earn their World
Languages credits in two languages.
While there is no minimum credit requirement to take the World Language Comprehensive Exam (aligned
to Checkpoint B instruction
), it is designed to be completed after students complete three units of study
The Board of Regents adopted the revised New York State Learning Standards for Languages Other Than English (LOTE)/World Languages
on Monday, March 15, 2021. For more information on the changes, implementation timeline, and proficiency ranges aligned to the World
Language Checkpoint exams, see NYSED's World Languages Standards and Guidelines.
The World Languages Infohub page contains updates and describes in detail the World Language Comprehensive exam.
High School Academic Policy Guide Updated April 5, 2024 16
or six NYCDOE credits of World Languages coursework, aligned to Checkpoint B of the New York State
Learning Standards for World Languages.
o Students graduating with a local or Regents diploma are only required to earn two credits of World
Languages and are not required to take the World Language Comprehensive exam; however, they
are encouraged to continue their language study as they wish, even pursuing the
New York State
Seal of Biliteracy (NYSSB).
o For students planning to use a State-approved World Language exam as a +1 option for a local or
Regents diploma, schools should determine whether students have acquired the proficiency
necessary to be successful on the exam. Some students may need to complete more than six credits
of world languages to be prepared for the exam, while others (for example, native or heritage
speakers) may need to complete fewer or possibly no credits to be prepared for the exam. However,
students must earn at least two credits of World Languages to graduate, except those with an IEP
indicating the World Languages exemption.
NYSED does not permit credits to be earned through credit by exam for World Languages. Students may
not earn World Languages credits by passing the World Language Comprehensive exam.
As outlined in the World Languages FAQ, a student with a disability is exempt from meeting the World
Languages requirement only if the IEP indicates that the requirement is not appropriate because the
disability adversely affects the student’s ability to learn a language.
The student must still earn 44 course
credits required for graduation through elective credits earned in other subject areas. The student may
still earn an advanced Regents diploma as well, provided all of the other requirements for the advanced
Regents diploma are met.
Students who successfully complete a 10-credit sequence in the Arts or CTE are not required to complete
six credits of World Languages in order to earn an advanced Regents diploma; they also do not need to
pass the World Language exam.
They must still earn two World Languages credits and 44 total course
credits to graduate. See NYSED’s Diploma Types webpage and the Diploma Endorsement section of this
guide for more information.
Students may be awarded up to 10 credits in World Languages for documented residence and school
attendance in an other-than-English-speaking environment, provided that the experience occurred at age
10 or older and that the residence resulted in direct contact with that environment, its language, and
people. The student should be 10 years or older at the start of the school year for which credit is sought.
See the World Languages FAQ and Transfer Credit
section of this guide for more information.
High schools are encouraged to offer the New York State Seal of Biliteracy (NYSSB) as a diploma endorsement for
their students as a way to affirm students’ identities and language learning experiences. The NYSSB recognizes
high school graduates who attained a high level of proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing in one or
more languages, in addition to English. The NYSSB is available to any graduating senior in any language, and our
Multilingual Learners are encouraged to work towards this endorsement over their high school experience.
For more information on World Languages and the status of the World Languages Standards Review Process, see
the World Languages FAQ.
This must be indicated in the “Participation with Students without Disabilities” section of the IEP.
Students may be required to earn more than 44 total credits in order to complete the full CTE sequence and meet graduation
To learn more about the program models that can prepare students for the New York State Seal of Biliteracy, please review the Pathways
to Multiliteracy. To learn about the process and how to participate this year, please see the "NYSSB: What and How" webinar as well as
guiding documents for NYCDOE public schools on the Multilingual Learners InfoHub page.
High School Academic Policy Guide Updated April 5, 2024 17
6. Physical Education Updated August 2023
Part 135.4 defines the minimum requirements for schools to provide physical education (PE) in grades 712.
Students must earn at least four credits in physical education to graduate. High school students must participate
in an instructional physical education (PE) program using either the traditional model (90 minutes per week using
the “3/2 model” or other patterns) or the daily model (minimum of 180 minutes and five days per week, in all but
one term).
See the table below and the PE FAQ for more about these PE models.
a. Summary of PE Time and Frequency Requirements
High School PE Model Minimum required PE
Minimum required PE
Traditional model 90 minutes per week Every term 0.5 per semester, totaling
4.0 credits
Daily model 180 minutes per week Daily, for 7 semesters 0.58 per semester, totaling
4.06 credits
PE programs must be designed to meet NYSED learning standards for physical education and the NYC Grades 6-12
PE Scope and Sequence. PE courses must be taught by a certified, licensed PE teacher. Class size must follow the
UFT contract. For additional information and guidance about providing students with PE, please refer to Physical
Education and the PE FAQ.
As in all other courses, grading for PE must be based primarily on content area knowledge and skills and not on
non-competency measures. Schools may not factor attendance into students’ grades or grade students
predominantly on participation or preparedness. See the Grading Policy Toolkit
for more details.
NYCDOE sports and physical education programs, including physical education classes and school teams, are
educational opportunities. Participation in these activities is integral to developing a student’s fitness and health,
self-esteem, and general well-being. Transgender and gender expansive students must be given the same
opportunities to participate in physical education as all other students.
Schools must follow the Guidelines to Support Transgender and Gender Expansive Students when
programming students for physical education and provide access to facilities such as locker rooms
and restrooms consistent with the student’s gender identity asserted at the school. Schools also
may not separate students by gender for physical education classes or activities except for
contact sports as outlined in the Guidelines on Gender Inclusion.
NYC FITNESSGRAM is the City’s annual health-related fitness assessment. PE teachers complete this assessment
for all eligible students each year as part of their PE program. Schools use NYC FITNESSGRAM assessments to help
students identify the importance of healthy fitness zones, set goals, and create long- and short-term fitness plans.
Schools may not use performance on this assessment to determine students’ grades.
Students with chronic or temporary medical conditions or disabilities must participate in physical education.
Students with temporary medical conditions must provide the school with a medical certificate of limitation
The traditional PE scheduling model set by Part 135.4 is known as the “3/2 model,” in which students are scheduled for three days per
week in one semester and two days per week in the other semester, or for a comparable time when the school is organized in other term
models. See the guidance on PE for more information.
Other credit values apply, based on the term model. See the guidance on PE for details.
High School Academic Policy Guide Updated April 5, 2024 18
provided by a physician, physician assistant, or nurse practitioner that indicates the area of the PE program in
which the pupil may participate. Students with chronic medical conditions or disabilities documented by a Section
504 Plan or Individualized Education Program (IEP) must participate in PE in the least restrictive environment, as
indicated on their 504 Plans or IEPs, which could include an Adapted Physical Education
(APE) program if
APE is specially designed physical education instruction suited to the interests, capabilities, and challenges of
students with disabilities who may not safely or successfully engage in the activities of the general physical
education program without adaptations. APE instruction must be captured in STARS. APE must be taught by a
NYCDOE certified PE teacher and counts toward the student’s PE requirement. Please see the
Adapted Physical
Education FAQ and Special Education Standard Operating Procedures Manual for additional information.
The following policies also apply to physical education in high school:
Students may take more than one PE course per term, to use for elective credit or to make up
failed/missing PE credit. Students may not accelerate or “bank” PE credits in order to not take PE in later
Students who graduate high school in fewer than four years do not need to complete the full four PE
credits in order to graduate.
Transfer students are not required to complete PE credits that would have occurred in terms during which
they were enrolled in a high school outside of New York State or in a court-ordered setting or state-run
residential program. Instead, schools can waive PE courses equivalent to the number of terms the student
was enrolled in a high school outside of New York State. This reduces the number of remaining terms of
PE the student must complete to meet graduation requirements. Schools must
update the student’s
transcript in STARS to reflect all waived terms of PE, as outlined in the Transfer Student Toolkit, and must
document these decisions using the Transfer Credit Equivalency Form. The waived terms must be
recorded on the student’s transcript with ‘NW’ as the course mark.
Additionally, a student who has completed four full years of high school and has accumulated at least 4.00
credits in PE (including waived courses due to out-of-state enrollment), but who has not yet met
graduation requirements in other areas, no longer needs to continue to take PE in addition to required
coursework during additional terms.
For more information on academic policies and STARS programming for physical education courses, schools
should review the PE FAQ guidance or contact their academic policy, performance, and assessment specialist
; for
guidance on the implementation of physical education instructional programs, schools may contact the Office of
School Wellness Programs.
7. Health Education Updated August 2023
Part 135.3 defines the minimum requirements for schools to provide health education instruction, including
required annual lessons for students in grades K-12.
All high school students are required to complete a one-credit (equivalent to 54 hours) comprehensive health
education course that includes mandated sexual health education and mental health education. Like all credit-
bearing experiences, the high school health education course must align to NYSED health education
commencement-level learning standards
and must be taught by a NYCDOE certified health education teacher. It is
A student graduating high school in fewer than four years may graduate if they have met all diploma requirements (including a total of 44
credits) other than those for PE. In this case, all PE credits must have been earned up to the point of early graduation, but the student
would not be required to return to school to complete the PE requirement for any remaining semesters not completed due to early
graduation. See the guidance on PE for more information.
High School Academic Policy Guide Updated April 5, 2024 19
strongly recommended that this course take place during grades 9 or 10 to adequately prepare students to make
healthy and informed choices throughout high school.
Comprehensive health education emphasizes skill development around multiple dimensions of health, including
social, emotional, mental, and physical health. It also includes these essential content areas: nutrition and physical
activity; alcohol, tobacco and other drug use prevention (including heroin and opioids); sexual health (including
HIV prevention); safety and injury prevention; violence prevention; and other required health areas. The NYCDOE
offers free health education training
, curricula, and instructional resources for educators Citywide. For more
information, schools should see NYSED’s guidance, information, and resources for health education, the New York
City 9-12 Health Education Scope and Sequence, or contact the Office of School Wellness Programs.
The required sexual health education lessons provide students with medically accurate information and skills to
avoid risky behaviors. Teachers are encouraged to include a condom demonstration as part of instruction;
parents/guardians may opt their student out of this lesson if they wish. Parents/guardians may also opt their
student out of lessons having to do with methods of HIV and sexually transmitted infection (STI) prevention and
birth control. The NYCDOE provides schools with a sexual health education notification letter
from the Chancellor
to distribute to parents/guardian prior to sexual health education instruction.
In addition to one credit in comprehensive health education, NYSED mandates annual lessons on HIV and AIDS for
every student every year. In grades 912, the NYCDOE requires six lessons each year using Growing Up and
Staying Safe: New York City K-12 HIV Education Curriculum, which is available through Schools
must send each parent/guardian a notification letter, signed by the principal, prior to their child receiving HIV
lessons. Parents/guardians may opt their student out of only the specific lessons that include methods of HIV and
STI prevention and birth control. Lessons that include abstinence but no other methods of prevention do not
qualify for this exemption.
Students in their fifth or sixth year of high school who have earned the required one credit of health are not
required to continue to receive HIV/AIDS lessons.
For more information on academic policies and STARS programming for health education courses, schools may
contact their academic policy, performance, and assessment specialist; for guidance on the implementation of
health education instructional programs, schools may contact the Office of School Wellness Programs. See also
the section of this guide on section properties in STARS.
8. Arts Education
As specified in NYSED Regulations of the Commissioner of Education, Part 100.5, students must earn at least two
credits in the arts to graduate. Students may take courses in any of the following subject areas: dance, music,
theater, and/or visual arts. Arts courses can be theoretical (for example, art history) and/or applied (for example,
ceramics), but they must align to NYSED commencement-level arts standards. Students may fulfill the arts
requirement through courses in the same discipline or in different arts disciplines.
A student may obtain arts credits in any arts discipline by participating in a school’s major performing groups,
including band, chorus, orchestra, dance, and theater groups. These must be scheduled as arts instruction in
STARS using the High School Course Code Directory.
Students may also specialize in a particular arts discipline and earn a Chancellor’s Diploma Endorsement in the
Arts; see the Diploma Endorsements section of this guide for additional information. Students who successfully
complete a 10-credit sequence in the Arts or CTE are not required to complete six credits of World Languages in
High School Academic Policy Guide Updated April 5, 2024 20
order to earn an advanced Regents diploma; they also do not need to pass the World Language Comprehensive
These students must still earn two World Languages credits and 44 total course credits to graduate.
9. Electives
Students must earn at least 44 total credits to graduate with a Regents or local diploma, including seven elective
credits. Electives are credit-bearing courses not used to fulfill subject-specific credit requirements for graduation
(for example, a ninth ELA credit or seventh science credit).
Students who earn an advanced Regents diploma need only three elective credits. The remaining four are used to
meet the World Languages requirement, by studying one specific language, earning six total credits, and passing
the culminating Checkpoint B language assessment in that same language.
Electives offer students a unique opportunity to explore academic disciplines not required for graduation, to
specialize in a given subject, or advance to more challenging coursework. For example, students may pursue
advanced coursework in statistics, participate in a credit-bearing internship at a local law firm or animal shelter, or
take an independent study course in digital photography or Shakespeare. Schools may also choose to offer any of
the following experiences:
Advanced Placement® courses, as outlined in the AP Courses and Exams
Career and Technical education experiences, as outlined in the CTE courses guidance
Computer science offerings, as described on the Computer Science for All website.
Schools should strongly consider students’ previous experiences, post-secondary plans, and
academic abilities and interests when programming elective coursework. Students who are
programmed for math and science beyond the minimum requirements for graduation can use
these courses as their elective credits, as long as they do not duplicate content already taken and
Elective courses, like all other credit-bearing courses, must align to NYSED high school learning standards, be
taught by a NYCDOE subject-certified teacher, and meet instructional time requirements.
commencement-level learning standards in the following departments: English language arts; social studies;
mathematics; science; technology; the arts (including visual arts, music, dance, and theater); world languages;
health; physical education; family and consumer sciences; and career development and occupational studies.
NYSED does not have commencement-level learning standards in guidance. Per UFT contracts, guidance
counselors may not cover classes or perform other duties normally performed by classroom teachers.
Students may be required to earn more than 44 total credits in order to complete the full CTE sequence and meet graduation
The following exceptions apply: (a) Students whose IEPs indicate a disability that affects their ability to learn a language are not required
to take World Languages credits. The World Languages credits are replaced with elective courses, such that the students still earn 44 total
credits; see the World Languages section
of this guide. (b) Students who successfully complete a 10-credit sequence in the Arts or CTE are
not required to complete six credits of World Languages in order to earn an advanced Regents diploma; they also do not need to pass the
World Language Comprehensive exam. They must still earn two World Languages credits and 44 total course credits to graduate. See
NYSED’s Diploma Types webpage and the Diploma Endorsement section of this guide for more information. (c) A student transferring
between high schools in grade 11 or 12 may be permitted to combine World Languages credits in two languages if the language they
started is not available in the school they are transferring to and may still earn an advanced Regents diploma. All other students must earn
the full six credits in a single language.
Beginning September 2019, schools must have a syllabus aligned to the requirements in the Documenting Course Content guidance for
every course offered in 2019 and beyond.
High School Academic Policy Guide Updated April 5, 2024 21
Schools that wish to award elective credit(s) for courses in the guidance department must ensure that these
courses align to commencement-level learning standards and meet all policies outlined in the section of this guide
on credit-bearing courses. Generally, these courses should not bear credit; if they are aligned to NYSED’s learning
standards and taught by a subject-certified teacher, they should be coded to accurately reflect the
commencement-level learning standards present in the course content documentation. Additionally, students
may not receive elective credit for retaking a previously passed course or by exceeding the four-credit maximum
in math or science subjects designed to culminate in a
Regents exam.
Schools may use the Course Review Form as an additional tool when reviewing new and existing courses for
alignment with learning standards and academic policies.
C. Assessments
In addition to fulfilling course credit requirements, students must pass specific culminating assessments, typically
Regents exams, in order to meet graduation requirements. Students must pass New York State Regents exams or
other NYSED-approved alternatives in English language arts (ELA), social studies, mathematics, and science in
order to earn a diploma. See this table for a brief description of the exam requirements by diploma type.
The minimum passing scores vary according to the diploma type and student eligibility criteria; in some cases,
students can appeal to graduate with lower exam scores or, in limited circumstances, waive specific assessment
requirements. Schools must accurately reflect all appeals and waived exams on transcripts prior to graduation.
Other assessments not required for graduation are described in this section as well; these include the NYSITELL
All attempted Regents exams and all NYSED-approved alternatives must appear on the STARS transcript. It must
be evident on each and every graduate’s transcript that the student passed five exams, including at least one
exam in ELA, math, science, social studies, and the +1 option. However, students fulfill the requirement in a
variety of ways. In some cases, students do not pass all five exams, but they do meet the requirement via appeals
(indicated with ‘WG’ marks), waived exams (indicated with ‘WA’ marks), and/or NYSED-approved alternatives
(indicated with ‘WX’ marks). Schools must clearly document all five exams being used to meet graduation
requirements on the transcript.
1. Regents and World Language Exams Updated August 2023
NYSED Regents exams assess a student’s competency of NYSED commencement-level (high school) learning
standards in a given subject area. All students who have enrolled in a course of study leading to a Regents exam
have the right to take that exam. Students may not be barred from an exam for disciplinary reasons or because
their achievement or attendance in the course is considered unsatisfactory.
Schools should accommodate and
administer exams to students not currently enrolled, students over 21 years of age, or walk-in students who wish
to sit for a Regents exam. See the Regents Scanning Handbook for more information on printing answer
documents for walk-in students.
See page 9 of the School Administrator’s Manual for Secondary Level Examinations.
High School Academic Policy Guide Updated April 5, 2024 22
Below is a list of Regents exams, by department, that NYSED currently offers:
English language arts (Common Core)first admin. June 2014
Social Studies
U.S. History and Government (Framework)first admin. June 2023
Global History and Geography II Regents exam (new Framework)first admin. June 2019
Algebra I (NYS Next Generation Learning Standard)first admin. expected June 2024
Geometry (Common Core)first admin. June 2015
Algebra II (Common Core)first admin. June 2016
Living Environment
Earth Science
World Language Comprehensive exams are available in the following languages:
American Sign Language (ASL)
Chinese, Simplified
Chinese, Traditional
Haitian Creole
Many NYCDOE World Language exams, unlike Regents exams, are locally administered by the NYCDOE. See the World Language FAQ for
more information.
See the Cancelled Regents Administrations section of this guide for information about the postponed administration of the US History
and Government (Framework) Regents exam.
All science courses that culminate in a Regents exam must be accompanied by 1,200 minutes of lab experiences. As explained in the
Science section, students may meet this requirement through a combination of hands-on and simulated laboratory experiences.
For World Language Comprehensive exams that are approved as +1 options, see the World Languages FAQ and NYSED’s World
Languages Approved Assessments.
High School Academic Policy Guide Updated April 5, 2024 23
2. NYSED-Approved Alternatives and the 4+1 Policy Updated August 2023
The 4+1 option describes the exam requirements for graduation in New York City and State.
To earn a local or
Regents diploma, students must pass at least a Regents exam or NYSED-approved alternative in English language
arts (ELA), mathematics, science, and social studies.
For their fifth assessmenttheir +1 optionstudents may use:
Another Regents exam
A different NYSED-approved alternative exam in ELA, math, science, or social studies
A Career and Technical Education (CTE) assessment, following the completion of a NYSED-approved CTE
An approved assessment in the arts or the Individual Arts Assessment Pathway (IAAP)
o The IAAP in Dance, Music, Theater, or Visual Arts consists of a portfolio review process of students
select artistic work and reflections, in addition to earning at least six credits in their respective art
form. For more information, contact the Arts Office team.
An approved World Language Comprehensive exam
The experiences that count for the Career Development and Occupational Studies (CDOS) credential.
o These students must complete all the requirements for the CDOS as outlined in the CDOS FAQ.
The requirements for the Seal of Civic Readiness
o Students may use the Seal of Civic Readiness as their +1 option or as a standalone Seal of Civic
Readiness endorsement; see the Seal of Civic Readiness section for specific requirements.
All attempted Regents exams and all NYSED-approved alternatives must appear on the STARS transcript. For
NYSED-approved alternatives, schools must perform a transcript update with a using the mark ‘WX’ (see the
Course and Exam Marks Tables for information about this mark). For students using the 4+1 option, schools
should document this via the GRDT screen in ATS by using the exam override code ‘S’. See the 4+1 FAQ guidance
for additional examples and guidance.
Historically, students were required to pass Regents exams in ELA, U.S. History, Global History, math, and science to earn a local or
Regents diploma. In spring of 2015, NYSED removed the requirement that students had to pass two social studies exams and instead
afforded students greater choice in their fifth assessment requirement. The 4+1 option is available for all students eligible to receive a high
school diploma in June 2015 and thereafter. This option does not change the existing course requirements for earning a diploma or existing
flexibilities for Regents exams; students must continue to earn 44 credits across specific subject areas.
Students who successfully complete any State-approved CTE program and pass the culminating three-part technical assessment may use
that assessment as their +1 option. Previously, students could only use State-approved exams as +1 options.
See the World Language FAQ or the 4+1 FAQ for more information.
Students who use the CDOS as their +1 may not also be awarded the CDOS endorsement. Additionally, students who use the CDOS as
part of a Superintendent’s Determination for graduation may not use the CDOS as their +1 or as an endorsement. See the CDOS FAQ for
more information.
NYCDOE schools interested in implementing the Seal of Civic Readiness must apply to
High School Academic Policy Guide Updated April 5, 2024 24
In addition, NYSED-approved alternatives may not be included in the calculation to determine whether the
student has achieved an average of 90 or above on the required exams. These students may use up to two NYSED-
approved alternatives toward the honors designation; see the section on diploma endorsements.
Schools must provide students of active-duty military personnel additional flexibility for meeting exam graduation
requirements. Schools are required to accept all possible exam alternatives, including Regents-like state exit
examinations, national norm-referenced achievement tests, and local end-of-course assessments, to help eligible
students meet exam graduation requirements. See the Guidance for Children of Active-Duty Military Personnel
information about these flexibilities.
3. Appeals to Graduate with Low Scores on Regents Examinations Updated August
NYSED allows a student who has met specific eligibility requirements to appeal to graduate with a lower score on
Regents exams and receive a diploma. The Regents exam appeal options described below are designed for
students who are unable to achieve a passing Regents exam score despite multiple attempts and support to
achieve a higher score. There are currently four types of low score Regents appeals that are available to students:
Low Score Appeal, New Arrival ELA Appeal, Safety Net Appeal, and Special Appeal. For more information, see the
Appeals to Graduate with Low Scores on Regents Examinations
Low Score Appeal
Appeal to graduate with
a score of 60 64 on
Regents exams
New Arrival ELA Appeal
Appeal to graduate with
a score of 55 59 on the
ELA exam for newly
arrived ELLs only
Safety Net Appeal
Appeal to graduate with
a score of 52 54 on
Regents exams for
Safety Net eligible
Special Appeal
Appeal to graduate with
scores of 50 64 on
Regents exams
All students who meet
the criteria listed below
Only for ELL students
who arrived in the US
for the first time in
grades 912 and who
meet the additional
criteria listed below
Only for Safety Net-
eligible students who
meet the additional
criteria listed below
All students who earn
credit in the subject and
earn an eligible score on
a Regents exam taken
from June 2022
through, and including,
August 2023 in the
same subject
Test Score
6064 on up to two of
any of the required
Regents exams
5559 on an ELA
5254 on up to two of
any of the required
Regents exams
5064 on the exam
under appeal
Type of
One successful appeal
results in a Regents
Two successful appeals
result in a local diploma
A New Arrival ELA
appeal always results in
a local diploma (student
may also appeal one
other Regents score of
A Safety Net appeals
always result in a local
Any diploma type (local,
Regents, advanced
There is no limit on the
number of Special
Appeals a student may
apply to a diploma type
Adopted as an amendment to Part 100.5(d)(7) in March 2016.
High School Academic Policy Guide Updated April 5, 2024 25
Low Score Appeal
Appeal to graduate with
a score of 60 64 on
Regents exams
New Arrival ELA Appeal
Appeal to graduate with
a score of 55 59 on the
ELA exam for newly
arrived ELLs only
Safety Net Appeal
Appeal to graduate with
a score of 52 54 on
Regents exams for
Safety Net eligible
Special Appeal
Appeal to graduate with
scores of 50 64 on
Regents exams
Request in ATS using
the RQSA-RGT option
Request in ATS using
the RQSA-ELL option
Request in ATS using
the RQSA-SFN option
Request in ATS using
RQSA-SPC option
To be eligible for the Low Score, New Arrival ELA, and Safety Net appeals, students must have:
Taken the exam(s) under appeal at least two times
Scored within the point range on the exam(s) under appeal
Earned or be on track to earn a passing grade
in all courses required for graduation in the subject area of
the exam under appeal
Been provided academic intervention services in the subject area of the exam under appeal
Been approved by a school committee for the exam under appeal; a letter of recommendation is no
longer required for low score Regents appeals
To be eligible for the New Arrival ELA appeal, students must have earned a score of 5559 on the ELA Regents
exam, enrolled in any United States school for the first time in grades 912, and be a current ELL student or have
been an ELL student at time of the ELA Regents administration.
To be eligible for the Safety Net appeal, students must have earned a score of 5254 on the Regents exam and
must have an active Individualized Education Program (IEP), a 504 Plan specifying Safety Net-eligibility, or be a
student with a disability who was declassified in grades 812 and whose last IEP specifies Safety Net-eligibility.
The Special Appeal is different from traditional low score appeals in that the student does not need to have taken
the exam under Special Appeal twice, nor participated in academic assistance provided by the school in the same
subject of the Regents exam under appeal. Additionally, there is no limit to the number of Special Appeals that
can be applied to specific diploma types. See Appeals to Graduate with Low Scores on Regents Examinations for
more details.
Schools must submit all appeals to graduate with a lower score on the Regents exam to the superintendent for
approval using the RQSA functions in ATS. Once an appeal is approved by the superintendent, the school must
update the student's transcript with a new instance of the exam, using the transfer/appeal code ending in ‘W’ and
'WG' as the score, in order to represent a successful appeal. The original examination score may not be changed.
A student whose parent or guardian revoked consent for IEP services is not eligible for the Safety Net.
High School Academic Policy Guide Updated April 5, 2024 26
4. Special Determination to Graduate with a Local Diploma in June 2022 Updated
August 2023
In June 2022, New York State Department of Education (NYSED) approved an emergency rule
allowing students scheduled to graduate in June 2022 who were unable to earn a diploma
because they did not qualify for a Special Appeal or were unable to participate in a Regents exam
because of illness (including isolation or other restrictions attributable to COVID-19) to request a
Special Determination to graduate with a local diploma.
This flexibility was only available for June 2022 graduates and is not an option for graduates in
any other year or term.
5. Safety Net Flexibilities Updated August 2023
Students with disabilities, like all students, should be encouraged to pursue the most rigorous diploma option
available and to achieve high scores on Regents exams when possible. The “Safety Net” provides additional
flexibilities to support students with disabilities in earning a diploma. The following students are Safety Net-
Students with an active Individualized Education Program (IEP)
Students with an active Section 504 Plan specifying Safety Net-eligibility
Students who were declassified in grades 8‒12 and whose last IEP specifies Safety Net-eligibility
As part of the Safety Net, these students have the following options to earn a local diploma if they cannot meet or
exceed the requirements for a Regents or advanced Regents diploma:
Graduate with exam scores of 55 or higher
Qualify for the Safety Net appeal, provided they meet the other eligibility requirements
Use the compensatory score option to graduate, provided they meet the other eligibility requirements
Use Regents Competency Tests (RCTs) to graduate, provided they meet the other eligibility
Qualify for a Superintendent’s Determination of Graduation, provided they meet the other eligibility
requirements. Note that this review is only for students with current, active IEPs.
The following sections of this guide describe these flexibilities in more detail and outline the ways in which they
may and may not be combined for individual students. See also the summary of graduation options in the
Appendix of this guide.
a. Safety Net Appeal
Safety Net-eligible students may earn a local diploma by appealing a score of 5254 on up to two of the
required Regents examinations, provided that they pass the remaining Regents exams with a score of 55
or above and meet the additional criteria.
See the Appeals to Graduate with Low Scores on Regents
Examinations section for more information.
A student whose parent or guardian revoked consent for IEP services is not eligible for the Safety Net.
Students who entered high school prior to September 2011 are eligible to use Regents Competency Tests (RCTs) to graduate, provided
they meet the other eligibility requirements. The last administration of RCTs was in August 2018.
Amendment to Part 100.5(d)(7)
High School Academic Policy Guide Updated April 5, 2024 27
b. Compensatory Score Option
The compensatory score option allows eligible students to earn a local diploma with one or two Regents
exam scores of 45-54 by compensating each low score with a score of 65 or higher on another required
Regents exam. To be eligible for the compensatory score option, students must:
o Be Safety Net eligible
o Earn a score of 55 or higher on the ELA and a math Regents exam
o Earn or be on track to earning a passing grade in all courses required for graduation in the subject
area of the exam being compensated
o Have satisfactory attendance rate, as defined by their school
Schools may use the compensatory score calculator to determine if a student meets the eligibility
requirements and calculate if a student fulfills exam requirements using the compensatory score option.
The compensatory score option may also be used in conjunction with the Safety Net appeal. See the
guidance on the Compensatory Score Option and the Overview of Appeals to Graduate with Low Scores
on Regents Examinations for examples.
Regents exam waivers due to COVID-19 cannot be used to compensate for scores of 45-54 on
another Regents exam.
c. Superintendent Determination of GraduationUpdated August 2023
Superintendents may award the local diploma to students with current, active IEPs who do not meet
graduation assessment requirements through the existing Safety Net options (such as the compensatory
score option or Safety Net appeal). To be eligible for the superintendent’s determination of graduation,
students must:
o Have written consent from a parent or guardian
o Have a current Individualized Education Program (IEP) and actively be receiving special education
services and/or related services
o Be enrolled in their fourth year of high school or beyond
o Have earned all credits required for graduation
o Have met exam requirements for English Language Arts (ELA) and math by:
Earning scores of 55 or higher on the ELA and/or one math Regents exam(s), or
Earning appealable scores of 5254 on the ELA and/or math Regents exam(s), or
Earning Regents waivers due to COVID-19 for the ELA and/or math Regents exam(s), or
Since January 2018, students who are unable to earn scores of 55+ or appealable scores of 52
54 on the ELA and/or math Regents exams can complete the requirements for the
Development and Occupational Studies (CDOS) commencement credential.
Note: Students pursuing the superintendent determination of graduation may not use approved
Special Appeal scores of 50 and 51 to meet the ELA and/or math Regents eligibility criteria. For
more information, see Superintendent's Determination of Graduation with a Local Diploma.
Safety Net-eligible students may appeal a score of 5254 on up to two Regents exams, including the ELA and math Regents.
For students who are using the CDOS to fulfill ELA and/or math Regents exam eligibility requirements, schools must submit the CDOS
Attestation Form to the superintendent as evidence that the student met the requirements for the CDOS.
High School Academic Policy Guide Updated April 5, 2024 28
o Have attempted all Regents exams required for graduation (ELA, math, social studies, science and +1
o Have demonstrated proficiency of content in the subject areas of the failed the Regents exams,
including, but not limited to having final passing grades in the subject areas.
Since January 2019, schools must submit all requests for a superintendent’s determination of graduation,
including for students who are using the CDOS credential to meet the ELA and/or math Regents exam
eligibility requirement, using the RQSASUP
function in ATS. Schools simultaneously submit the request in
ATS and email supporting documentation to the superintendent for review. For students who are using
the CDOS to fulfill ELA and/or math Regents exam eligibility requirements, schools must submit the CDOS
Attestation Form to the superintendent as evidence that the student met the requirements for the CDOS.
See the Superintendent’s Determination of Graduation for Students with IEPs for detailed instructions.
6. Regents Exam Waivers Updated August 2023
Some students may be eligible for Regents exam waivers based upon the date they enroll in a New York State
registered high school and/or the cancellation of Regents exam administrations. The following sections explain
the circumstances under which students may be eligible for Regents exam waivers.
a. Students transferring to a New York State registered high school
Students who enter a New York State registered high school for the first time in grade 11 or 12, or who re-
enter a New York State registered high school in grade 11 or 12 after having been enrolled in a New York
State registered high school for three or fewer semesters,
may be exempted from certain Regents exam
and distribution requirements:
o Students who meet the criteria above and transfer in grade 11 are exempt from the Regents exam in
Global History and Geography. These students may graduate by passing the following exams: one
math, one science, ELA, and U.S. History.
o Students who meet the criteria above and transfer in grade 12 are exempt from the Regents exams
in science and in Global History and Geography. These students may graduate with a combination of
three exam passes: one math, ELA, and U.S. History.
All five exams used to meet graduation requirements must be clearly indicated on the transcript.
In both cases, students who receive transfer waivers for Global History and Geography are
required to take and pass the U.S. History Regents exam and may not use another +1 option to
fulfill the social studies exam requirement.
Schools must update the transcript in STARS when a student is utilizing a Regents waiver to support the
fulfillment of diploma requirements; waived exams must be clearly evident on students’ transcripts. The
exam(s) must be recorded on the student’s transcript with ‘WA’ as the exam mark (see the Course and
Exam Marks Tables and the Transcript Update guidance), using the comparable Regents exam code
ending in ‘W’. The student’s NYCDOE transcript and original transcript from their previous school serve as
This includes home schooling or enrollment in a registered or non-registered public or non-public New York State high school. For
example, students who have been home schooled for two years in New York State, enroll in a school outside of New York State, then enroll
in an NYCDOE high school are not eligible for these waivers.
See Part 100.5(d). The 4+1 flexibility cannot be applied for students who are utilizing these waivers. For example, a grade 11 transfer
student cannot substitute Global History for U.S. History. Additionally, see the section on credit requirements for social studies or the
Transfer Student Toolkit for more information on the Global History credit distribution exemption. See the section on Physical Education for
applicable PE credit exemptions for transfer students.
High School Academic Policy Guide Updated April 5, 2024 29
documentation for the transcript update. The waived exams are not included in the calculation to
determine whether the student has achieved an average of 90 or above on the required exams, for a
diploma with honors.
If a student transfers into the NYCDOE with a preliminary grade 11 or 12 placement, but the school
subsequently adjusts the student’s grade level based on the transcript evaluation, the new grade level
must be used to determine whether the student is eligible for Regents exam waivers.
Further, schools must provide students of active-duty military personnel additional flexibility for meeting
exam graduation requirements. Schools are required to accept all possible exam alternatives, including
Regents-like state exit examinations and national norm-referenced achievement tests, to help eligible
students meet exam graduation requirements. See the
Guidance for Children of Active-Duty Military
Personnel for information about these flexibilities.
b. Cancelled Regents Administrations Updated August 2023
The New York State Education Department (NYSED) cancelled the administration of Regents exams
scheduled for June 2020, August 2020, January 2021, and August 2021, January 2022, as well as most
exams in June 2021 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The U.S. History and Government
(Framework) Regents exam was further postponed until June 2023. For each of the cancelled Regents
exam administrations, NYSED provided guidelines to award Regents waivers to eligible students. These
waivers represent a passed exam (equivalent to a score of 65) for the purposes of fulfilling exam
graduation requirements.
Schools must inform parents of their right to decline use of Regents exam waivers due to COVID-19,
including Regents waivers issued while the U.S. History and Government (Framework) Regents exam was
postponed. See the Regents Exam Waivers wiki for more information and letter templates (including
7. Schools using Performance-Based Assessment Tasks (PBATs) in Lieu of Regents
All students must earn required course credits in specific subjects and must pass specific assessments to meet
diploma requirements. Specific schools within the NYCDOE have permission to use performance-based
assessment tasks (PBATs) in lieu of certain Regents examinations. Students enrolled in schools that administer
PBATs are still required to pass the ELA Regents exam, and, depending on the school, any math Regents exam.
Students must also earn credits in the specific subject areas required for graduation regardless of whether or not
they are required to pass Regents assessments, NYSED-approved alternatives, or PBATs in that subject area.
All schools must follow the standardized code deck conventions, rules, and programming practices outlined in the
High School Course Code Directory. The PBATs being used to fulfill graduation requirements must be reflected on
the STARS transcript.
To support college and career readiness, schools may communicate more rigorous academic expectations than
those defined by State and City graduation requirements. However, schools may not withhold diplomas from
students who have completed the minimum graduation requirements. See this guidance on policies affecting
Schools Administering PBATs in lieu of Regents Exams
for more information.
D. Diploma Endorsements
High School Academic Policy Guide Updated April 5, 2024 30
Students may obtain one or more designations or endorsements to certain diploma types as follows:
1. Arts Endorsement
Eligible students Eligible diploma Requirements
Students enrolled in
schools with approved
arts sequences
Advanced Regents,
Regents, and local
Earn 10 credits in a single art form (dance, theater, music, or
visual arts), which may include those required to meet the 44
credits for graduation
Pass the NYCDOE assessment in that art form/discipline
For the advanced Regents diploma, only two World Language
course credits instead of six credits are required, and a World
Language Comprehensive exam is not required
o Students completing six credits of World Languages to
fulfill the advanced Regents diploma requirement only
need to earn nine arts credits in a single art form to meet
the credit requirements for the advanced Regents diploma
with an arts endorsement.
2. Seal of Biliteracy
Eligible students Eligible diploma Requirements
All students Advanced Regents
and Regents
Earn three points for demonstrating proficiency in English and
earn three points for demonstrating proficiency in a world
language from the criteria. See the NYSED Seal of Biliteracy
Handbook for details.
3. Career and Technical Education (CTE) Endorsement
Eligible students Eligible diploma Requirements
Students enrolled in
New York State-
approved CTE
Advanced Regents,
Regents, and local
Earn course credits in NYSED-approved Career and Technology
Education (CTE) sequence (number of credits varies by
sequence but must be a minimum of seven, including one
course credit in Career and Financial Management [CFM])
o CFM can be embedded to fulfill a distribution requirement
or can be offered as a stand-alone course
o Students may be required to exceed 44 total credits
o For the advanced Regents diploma only, if a student fulfills
a course sequence that extends to 10 credits or more, only
two World Language course credits are required (instead
of six) and the World Language Comprehensive exam is
not required.
Students may earn a Certificate of Arts Achievement by completing a 6-credit arts sequence in dance or visual arts and passing the
NYCDOE assessment in that art form. The Certificate of Arts Achievement is not a diploma endorsement.
Contact the Arts Office team about ordering arts assessments for eligible students.
High School Academic Policy Guide Updated April 5, 2024 31
Eligible students Eligible diploma Requirements
Pass the 3-part CTE technical assessment that corresponds to
the New York State-approved sequence in which the student
earns credits
Complete work-based learning (WBL) experiences as part of
the approved program
Complete a work-skills employability profile
4. Career Development and Occupational Studies (CDOS) Endorsement
Eligible students Eligible diploma Requirements
All students who
participate in standard
State assessments
Advanced Regents,
Regents, and local
Complete and successfully pass 216 hours (or four, 54-hour
units of study) in CTE and/or work-based learning courses;
o This must include, at minimum, 54 hours of supervised
work-based learning experiences related to career
awareness, exploration, or preparation. These experiences
may be completed in conjunction with CTE courses or as
other work-based learning experiences.
o The remaining three units (162 hours) may be completed
through CTE courses, work-based learning experiences, or
other career preparation activities such as internships,
service-learning, community service, school-based
enterprise, or job shadowing.
o All 216 hours must be reflected on the transcript.
Demonstrate achievement of the commencement-level CDOS
learning standards
Complete and annually review a career plan; and
Complete a work skills employability profile detailing the
student’s attainment of the CDOS learning standards through
work-related and academic experiences within one year prior
to the student’s exit from high school. This must be
maintained in the student’s permanent record.
High School Academic Policy Guide Updated April 5, 2024 32
5. Seal of Civic Readiness
The NYS Seal of Civic Readiness (NYSSCR) was piloted in the 2021-22 school year and is now available in schools
that have registered with Civics for All. Students may use the Seal of Civic Readiness as a +1 option or as a stand-
alone endorsement. Students must demonstrate proficiencies in civic knowledge and civic participation as
measured in the Seal of Civic Readiness criteria.
Eligible students Eligible diploma Requirements
All students Advanced Regents
, and local
Earn a total of six points with at least two points in Civic
Knowledge and at least two points in Civic Participation.
Students may earn points in Civic Participation by completing a
middle school Capstone project or a high school Capstone
project. See the NYCDOE Seal of Civic Readiness Handbook for
more information.
6. Honors Designation Updated April 2024
Eligible students Eligible diploma
All students Advanced Regents
and Regents
Achieve 90+ average on all required Regents exams for the
diploma the student is earning; averages below 90 may not be
rounded up.
o Students may use up to two NYSED-approved alternative
assessments toward an Honors Designation.
o For students pursuing a diploma with honors and using a
NYSED-approved alternative assessment and/or a waiver,
as appropriate in accordance with Part 100.5, the
alternative exam and/or exam waiver (including Regents
waivers due to COVID-19) should not be included in the
calculation to determine whether the student has
achieved an average of 90 or above on their exams.
o The calculation for the designation depends upon the
number of Regents exams applicable to the diploma type.
In instances where students have at least three scored
Regents exams applicable to the diploma type, exam
waivers should be removed from the calculation. If the
computed average of the Regents exam scores required for
the diploma (not including waivers) equals 90 or above, the
student earned the honors endorsement.
When students have fewer than three scored Regents
exams applicable to the diploma type, the student’s final
course grade for each exempted Regents exam is
substituted in the calculation for honors. If the computed
average of the scored Regents exams and the final course
grades for courses for which waivers were granted equals
90 or above, the student earned the honors endorsement.
High School Academic Policy Guide Updated April 5, 2024 33
7. Mastery in Math Designation Updated April 2024
Eligible students Eligible diploma Requirements
All students Advanced Regents
Achieve a score of 85+ on each of the three required math Regents
exams (Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II)
The calculation for the designation depends upon the number of
Regents exams applicable to the diploma type.
Students who received math Regents waivers due to cancelled
Regents exam administrations may earn the mastery endorsement in
math as long as they meet the requirements for an advanced
Regents diploma and:
o Passed 3 Regents exams in math with a score of 85 or higher; or
o Passed 2 Regents exams in math with a score of 85 or higher and
received a Regents waiver for a third Regents exam in math; or
o Passed 1 Regents exam in math with an 85 or higher and earned
a final course grade of 85 or higher in 2 additional math courses
culminating in a Regents exam for which a Regents waiver was
8. Mastery in Science Designation Updated April 2024
Eligible students Eligible diploma Requirements
All students Advanced Regents
Achieve a score of 85+ on any three science Regents exams. While
two science Regents exams are required for the Advanced Regents
diploma, three are required for the Mastery in Science endorsement.
The calculation for the designation depends upon the number of
Regents exams applicable to the diploma type.
Students who received science Regents waivers due to cancelled
Regents exam administrations may earn the mastery endorsement in
science as long as they meet the requirements for an advanced
Regents diploma and:
o Passed 3 Regents exams in science with a score of 85 or higher;
o Passed 2 Regents exams in science with a score of 85 or higher
and received a Regents waiver for a third Regents exam in
science; or
o Passed 1 Regents exam in science with an 85 or higher and
earned a final course grade of 85 or higher in 2 additional
science courses culminating in a Regents exam for which a
Regents waiver was granted.
High School Academic Policy Guide Updated April 5, 2024 34
9. Service Seal
Eligible students Eligible diploma Requirements
All students Advanced Regents,
Regents, or local;
may also be added
to commencement
Meet a minimum of 100 hours of independent service, service-
learning, and/or a school-led service program over the
students’ high school years. See the section of this guide on
Service Learning and the Service Seal Worksheet for more
In addition, schools may award merit, citizenship, and other school-based endorsements in accordance with their
school policies. Schools utilizing these endorsement options should clearly document their policies for awarding
such endorsements and communicate the policies to students and families. School-based endorsements entailing
additional coursework or exams may be offered to students; however, schools may not withhold diplomas from
students who have completed the minimum New York State and City graduation requirements.
E. Commencement Credentials
In lieu of a high school diploma, students who meet specific criteria may be eligible to earn the Career
Development and Occupational Studies (CDOS) commencement credential or the Skills and Achievement
commencement credential. These exiting credentials are not equivalent to a high school diploma and do not have
credit or exam requirements. They do not guarantee qualification in situations where a high school diploma is
required. Students who earn these credentials must receive written assurance of their eligibility to return to high
school through the year in which they turn 21.
1. Career Development and Occupational Studies (CDOS) Commencement Credential
The Career Development and Occupational Studies (CDOS) commencement credential is available to all students
in New York State, including students with disabilities who participate in standard assessments and meet the
requirements. It is designed to recognize students’ proficiency in the career-readiness skills defined in the
Development and Occupational Studies (CDOS) learning standards.
The CDOS commencement credential is not equivalent to a high school diploma. All students, including students
with disabilities, must receive the opportunities and support needed to earn a high school diploma. Unlike a
diploma, the CDOS credential does not require students to earn credits or pass exams. As a standalone credential
earned in place of a high school diploma, the CDOS does not guarantee employment where a diploma is required
and does not qualify students to enter the military or enter many post-secondary institutions. For these reasons,
schools should offer students CDOS-aligned work-based learning and CTE experiences alongside the academic
coursework required for a diploma.
High School Academic Policy Guide Updated April 5, 2024 35
Student Eligibility Requirements
Career Development and Students who Complete and successfully pass 216 hours (or four, 54-
Occupational Studies participate in standard
hour units of study) in CTE and/or work-based learning
(CDOS) Commencement assessments
o This must include, at minimum, 54 hours of
supervised work-based learning experiences
The CDOS may be awarded
as an endorsement to an
advanced Regents,
Regents, or local diploma;
as a +1 option in lieu of a
fifth Regents exam; as the
student’s sole exiting
credential from high
school; or to meet the ELA
and/or math Regents exam
requirements for the
related to career awareness, exploration, or
preparation. These experiences may be completed
in conjunction with CTE courses or as separate and
distinct work-based learning experiences.
o The remaining three units (162 hours) may be
completed through CTE courses, work-based
learning experiences, or other career preparation
activities such as internships, service-learning,
community service, school-based enterprise, or
job shadowing.
o All 216 hours must be reflected on the transcript.
Demonstrate achievement of the commencement-
determination of
level CDOS learning standards
Complete and annually review a career plan; and
Complete a work skills employability profile detailing
the student’s attainment of the CDOS learning
standards through work-related and academic
experiences within one year prior to the student’s exit
from high school. This must be maintained in the
student’s permanent record.
Written notice of the student’s right to return to
pursue a high school diploma until the year in which
they turn 21.
Students who earn the CDOS credential without earning a high school diploma must receive written assurance of
their right to return to high school and work towards earning a diploma. Students remain eligible through the end
of the full school year in which they turn 21, or until they have earned a diploma, whichever comes first.
2. Skills and Achievement Commencement Credential
The Skills and Achievement credential can only be awarded to students with IEPs who participate in the New York
State Alternate Assessment (NYSAA) in place of standardized assessments; it is the sole exiting credential available
to NYSAA-eligible students.
Students who earn this credential must receive written assurance of their eligibility
to stay in high school through the school year in which they turn 21. The Skills and Achievement commencement
credential should be awarded in alignment with the transition planning process for students with IEPs. For more
These credentials supersede the IEP diploma; the last IEP diplomas were issued in June 2013.
High School Academic Policy Guide Updated April 5, 2024 36
information, see this guidance on the Skills and Achievement commencement credential and consult the section
of this guide on NYSAA.
Student Eligibility Requirements
Skills and Achievement Students with severe The credential must be issued together with a summary
Commencement Credential cognitive disabilities
who participate in
Upon reaching the
end of the school
year in which the
student turns 21; or
Upon application of
the student or their
parent or guardian
at the completion
of at least 12 years
of schooling,
of the student’s academic achievement and functional
performance and must include documentation of the
Achievement against the Career Development and
Occupational Students (CDOS) learning standards;
Level of academic achievement and independence as
measured by NYSAA;
Skills, strengths, interests; and
As appropriate, other achievements and
Schools should use the exit summary and directions
provided by NYSED.
F. Graduation Policies and Procedures
Below are policies and procedures relevant to high school graduation requirements; refer to the academic policy
resources page for the most up-to-date guidance and resources on specific policies.
1. Promotion and Grade Level
Chancellor’s Regulation A-501 specifies promotion standards for all NYCDOE students. Promotion decisions for
students in grades 912 are based on credit accumulation and passing of Regents exams.
Through the promotion in doubt (PID) process, schools formally notify families through promotion in doubt letters
that their student is at risk of not meeting promotion standards and being retained in the same grade for the
upcoming school year. This mid-year notification, which occurs in January and February, enables schools and
families to plan for the needed supports and interventions to help students achieve promotion standards by June.
The table below outlines the minimum promotion criteria for high school promotion. Principals must make
promotion decisions for all students in mid-June. Schools must communicate promotion decisions to students and
families before the end of the school year. High school students who do not meet promotion requirements in
June have the right to attend summer school to make up course credits and attempt Regents exams.
Grade Coursework/Exams Minimum Credits
Successful completion of standards in
academic subject areas
8 credits
Successful completion of standards in
academic subject areas
20 credits (including 4 in ELA and/or ENL and 4 in
social studies)
Successful completion of standards in
academic subject areas
30 credits
High School Academic Policy Guide Updated April 5, 2024 37
Grade Coursework/Exams Minimum Credits
Successful completion of standards in
44 credits in required subject areas
academic subject areas
Schools should accurately reflect students’ progress toward graduation by adjusting their grade levels and
identifying students’ promotion standing in January as part of the promotion in doubt identification process and
in June as part of the June promotion process, in accordance with the NYCDOE promotion policy. Students’ grade
levels must align to the promotion criteria above and should not be adjusted mid-year unless assigned in error, or
the student meets promotion criteria.
As part of the promotion process, schools are responsible for adjusting students’ grade levels in ATS within the
current school year using the Interclass-Intergrade Transfer (SIGT) function and as part of their end of year work
using either the Future Grade Promotion Placement (GPPL) or High School Reorganization (CFHS) functions. Unlike
schools serving grades 38, high schools cannot promote students at the end of August. Instead, schools should
adjust a student’s grade level as necessary after receiving summer course work.
Grade level placements must be indicated in ATS for operational and accountability purposes. However,
depending on the culture and instructional model of a school, schools may choose how to communicate grade
placements to students and families in other ways, outside of the student’s ATS grade level. For example, transfer
schools may follow an “un-graded” approach, where students track progress based on credits earned and exams
passed, but do not associate with students to particular grade levels. Even if a school does not choose to
communicate grade levels with students and families, it should still update students and families with information
regarding the student’s progress to graduation at least on a yearly basis.
For information on how grade level placement affects a student’s cohort assignment, review the
Cohort Policy section of this guide and the Graduation Accountability FAQ.
2. Graduation Cohort Policy
Students’ graduation accountability for New York State and New York City reporting is determined by three
Cohort year
Accountability status (“report status”)
Accountable DBN (“grad cohort DBN”)
These variables are displayed in the ATS HEOY function and are determined as described below. The
Accountability FAQ describes each of these factors and how they are reported in greater detail.
a. Cohort year
A student’s cohort year corresponds to the year in which a student enters grade 9 for the first time,
anywhere in the country or world. A student’s cohort year is not based on credit accumulation or progress
toward graduation.
Because cohort year reflects the year in which a student first entered ninth grade, it may determine which
graduation requirements apply to the student. For this reason, schools must ensure that the student’s
cohort year accurately reflects the year in which the student first entered ninth grade.
High School Academic Policy Guide Updated April 5, 2024 38
ATS infers the proper cohort year assignment based on a student’s grade level at the end of their first
school year in a NYCDOE school in grade levels 9, 10, 11, or 12. Students with disabilities who participate
in alternate assessments (such as NYSAA) are assigned cohort years differently.
Schools have the ability to adjust the cohort year within the first year, if it is inaccurate, by
changing the student’s grade level in accordance with the promotion policy, as outlined in the
section of this guide on promotion and grade level. These corrections must be made so that
cohort year and grade level are accurate within the first year of enrollment in a NYCDOE high
After a student’s first year of enrollment in NYCDOE, schools may make a one-time request to change a student’s
cohort year using the UGNO function in ATS. In order for the request to be reviewed, UGNO entries must include a
reason for the request in the comment field. Cohort change requests must fall into one of the two categories
listed below:
1. The student’s cohort year does not accurately reflect their true first year of ninth grade entry due to
error. For example, the student was assigned to an incorrect grade level during their first year of
enrollment in the NYCDOE, and, as a result, the cohort year does not accurately reflect the student’s real
first year of ninth grade entry anywhere in the world. In this case, the school must submit an UGNO
request, indicate the reason in the comment field, and retain supporting documentation to demonstrate
the student’s true first year of ninth grade.
2. The student is an English Language Learner (ELL) who fulfills all of the specific criteria below. In this
case, the school may make a one-time request to move the student to the cohort corresponding to the
year prior to their ninth grade entry year, provided that all of the following are true:
o The student has never had such a request granted before
o The student was newly arrived to the United States in their first year of high school and placed
directly into ninth grade
o The student is in exactly their second year of enrollment in high school
o The student is an English Language Learner and has a low level of literacy in their native language
o The school has determined, before the end of the second year of enrollment, that the proper grade
level of the student is still ninth grade
Schools may not adjust students’ cohort year because of factors not described above, including, for example, a
student is struggling to meet graduation requirements, has tested at a lower proficiency level or below grade level
in one or more subjects, or because they disagree with a previous NYCDOE school’s assessment of a transfer
students’ records.
Schools cannot request cohort year adjustments for students in cohort years whose four-year graduation rate has
already been reported to NYSED as part of the graduation rate and/or are included on the NYCDOE School Quality
Report (SQR). A student in a closed cohort may be moved to an open cohort if and only if the student has never
been previously counted as part of City, State, or Federal graduation reporting.
As an exception, students with disabilities who are eligible for the New York State Alternate Assessment (NYSAA) at non-District 75 high
schools or in District 75 inclusion programs are assigned cohorts on their ninth grade entry year or their seventeenth birthday year,
whichever comes first. All other NYSAA-eligible students in District 75 programs are assigned cohorts based on their seventeenth birthday
year. See the Graduation Accountability guidance for more information on cohort assignments for NYSAA-eligible students, the Alternate
Assessment guidance, and the section of this guide on students with disabilities who participate in alternate assessments.
High School Academic Policy Guide Updated April 5, 2024 39
b. Accountability Status (“Report Status”)
A student’s report status— “accountable” or “non-accountable”indicates whether the student is
included in graduation rate calculations. Accountable students include those who are active in the
NYCDOE, have dropped out, or have graduated. Non-accountable students are those who were
discharged with a cohort-removing code and students who were never enrolled in a diploma-granting
high school. Per the Transfer, Discharge, and Graduation Code Guidelines
, the cohort-removing discharge
codes are 8, 10, 11, 15, 20, and 25. Students discharged with codes 8 or 11 with documentation or reason
code of ‘X’ remain accountable. For additional guidance on cohort removing discharges, see the
Graduation Accountability guidance and Transfer, Discharge, and Graduation Code Guidelines.
Report status locks in ATS on June 30 of a student’s fourth year of high school. Schools must
submit cohort change requests for closing cohorts (meaning those that are coming to the end of
the fourth year of high school), by June 1 of that school year to allow for sufficient time for
c. Accountable DBN (“Grad Cohort DBN”)
The “accountable DBN” or “grad cohort DBN” is the last diploma-granting school where the student was
enrolled for one day or more within the first four years of a student’s high school enrollment. This school
is accountable for the student’s graduation for NYSED and School Quality Report accountability purposes.
If a student transfers between NYCDOE schools, the student’s grad cohort DBN changes if both of the
following are true:
The new school is a regular diploma-granting high school, and
The effective date of the transfer occurs before June 30 of the fourth year of high school. Like
report status, grad cohort DBN locks on June 30
Once June 30 of the fourth year of high school passes, the grad cohort DBN does not change in ATS and
will not change for the NYCDOE School Quality Reports. However, transfers between accountable schools
occurring before June 30 of a student’s fifth year will result in changes to the grad cohort DBN for NYSED
five-year graduation rate. For the purposes of calculating the six-year graduation rate, accountability
status and accountable DBN are determined outside of ATS. For additional information on how the six-
year graduation rate is calculated, including how accountability is determined for students who enroll in
transfer schools and YABC programs, see the Graduation Accountability
3. Tracking Student Progress Toward Graduation
It is important for school leaders, counselors, and other staff to examine data and students’ transcripts to
determine which students are on track to graduate this term or year, which students may need extra support to
graduate this term or year, and which students may need further conversations about their graduation timeline. It
is critical to determine which category applies to each student. You can use the Senior Certification Guide
to help
you think through this process.
Schools may use their existing graduation tracking tools to support their planning, provided they align with DOE
academic policies. Schools may use Insight as a resource for reviewing student progress toward graduation and
identifying disproportionality by subgroups. Insight displays data from various DOE systems so you can see the
academic progress of individual students and groups of students to support academic planning. There are two
High School Academic Policy Guide Updated April 5, 2024 40
main tools in Insight that schools can use to support students in their journey toward graduation: Graduation
Progress and Downloader.
The Graduation Progress
feature allows you to review an individual student’s credit and exam progress,
including the courses they are currently taking.
The Downloader feature allows you to create a CSV file that includes data points you need to inform
conversations about individual student progress and identify groups of students who may need additional
Due to the cancellation of the Regents exams between June 2020 and January 2022 and the
ongoing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, families were given the option to opt out of Regents
waivers and have their students remain enrolled in high school beyond four years. Schools must
monitor the progress of these students closely so that they remain on track to graduate and are
college- and career-ready. Review Insight: Tips to Identify and Support Students in Earlier Cohorts
to Graduate for instructions on how to identify and review the graduation progress of students in
earlier cohorts using Insight.
4. College and Career Advising and Awareness Updated August 2023
In order to ensure that every student graduates with a strong plan and on a path toward long-term economic
security, all students must have access to ongoing, personalized college and career advising.
Advising supports must focus on facilitating student progress through the following evidence-based milestone
experiences for developing a strong plan for the future:
Exploration of postsecondary options and career pathways
Connection to career development and work-based learning experiences
Connection to opportunities to earn early college credit and credentials
Generation of a list of postsecondary options aligned with students’ career interests and passions
Completion of postsecondary applications, including FAFSA, TAP and DREAM Act for students who plan to
enroll in college
Navigation of decision and transition processes for a strong launch into higher education, apprenticeship,
workforce training, public service or employment, accounting for students’ independence, safety,
belonging, and ability to persist and thrive
Schools are required to assign a college and career advisor to individual students and document students’
planning experiences and postsecondary plans in the STARS College and Career Planning Tracker
, as part of the
official record of students’ programs, grades, and progress in completion of academic requirements. Specifically:
Students’ current career plan must be documented and updated annually from grades 9 through 12.
Students in grades 11 and 12 must be assigned a dedicated advisor before the end of fall semester to
ensure access to key planning experiences ahead of graduation.
Students’ confirmed plan for college or postsecondary program enrollment, or for entry into public
service or the workforce must be documented at exit from high school.
Schools must also use the STARS College and Career Planning Tracker to assign a college and career
advisor to individual students. Students in grades 11 and 12 must be assigned a dedicated advisor before
the end of fall semester to ensure access to key planning experiences ahead of graduation
To support development of strong, personalized plans, students at all grade levels in high school must participate
in individualized college and career advising sessions with trained staff. Annual Individual Progress Reviews (IPRs)
High School Academic Policy Guide Updated April 5, 2024 41
conducted with students by a school counselor as part of the NYSED comprehensive school counseling program
regulations meet requirements for individual college and career advising sessions and must also be documented
in the STARS College and Career Planning tracker. Requirements for delivery and documentation of individualized
planning supports are as follows:
Grade level Frequency Mode
11, 12 At least twice per year One individual progress review (IPR)
One individualized college and career
advising session
By January and
by June
9, 10 At least once per year One individual progress review By June
High schools may use College and Career Advising SAM funding to support staffing and to build staff capacity for
delivering high quality, personalized advising experiences. Staff can consult the Postsecondary Planning Toolkit for
resources to support facilitation of individual college and career advising sessions, and the Postsecondary
Readiness Journey Map for advising Multilingual Learners and immigrant youth.
5. Certifying Students for Graduation
Schools must have clearly defined procedures for regularly tracking student progress toward meeting diploma
requirements. These procedures should begin in grade 9 to ensure that students have opportunities to take the
courses and exams needed to earn the most rigorous diploma possible and achieve college-and career-readiness.
Certifying high school seniors for graduation is one of the most important procedures performed
by high schools. In certifying a student for graduation, the principal is attesting that the student
has completed all New York State and City requirements for graduation, has a postsecondary
plan, and should receive the designated high school diploma from that school. Every high school
must have clearly defined procedures for certifying students for graduation. Schools should
consult the Senior Certification Guide or contact their academic policy, performance, and
assessment specialist for support in developing or refining school-based certification processes.
Principals and their designated staff must still review all graduating students’ transcripts
themselves (and not just a program that interprets the transcripts) for completion of all specific
requirements. The principal remains responsible for certifying students as graduates.
The Transfer, Discharge, and Graduation Code Guidelines outline the appropriate discharge code for each diploma
type. Each diploma type has a ‘reason code’ where schools can indicate diploma designations and endorsements
as applicable. A summary of graduation codes is included in the Appendix.
a. Graduating Students in GRDT
ATS uses discharge codes and data from STARS and ATS to flag students who may not meet standard
credit or exam requirements for graduation. After a review of student transcripts to confirm all
graduation requirements have been met, where appropriate, schools may override these flags in ATS to
High School Academic Policy Guide Updated April 5, 2024 42
indicate how the student met graduation requirements. Schools may use a credit or exam override code,
as appropriate, once approved by the principal. Override codes must be submitted to and approved by
the principal using the Override Code Review Form before they are entered into ATS. Schools should
retain this form for their records.
b. Students Returning from Non-Diploma Granting Programs
NYCDOE high schools are responsible for awarding diplomas to students, including previously enrolled
students who complete diploma requirements at other non-diploma granting programs. These programs
include Young Adult Borough Centers (YABC), District 79 involuntary programs, and District 75 non-
diploma granting programs, such as medically necessary instruction (MNI) or hospital instruction. In these
instances, the student’s high school should collaborate with guidance counselors and other staff from the
non-diploma granting institution to ensure a smooth transition and graduation certification process for
each student. Specific roles and responsibilities for graduating the student are outlined below:
o The non-diploma granting institution at which the student is enrolled is responsible for:
Pre-certifying” the student, meaning reviewing the student’s transcript to ensure that the
student has met all credit and exam requirements for the relevant diploma and that these are
reflected in STARS.
Submitting any low score appeals and updating the student’s transcript if an appeal is
Returning the student to their previous high school with the “January/June/August Graduate”
indicator using the HSRE
screen in ATS; in the case of medically necessary instruction (MNI) or
hospital instruction, the program must end shared instruction using in ATS using the SIGS
o The student’s previous NYCDOE high school is responsible for:
Certifying the student for graduation.
Entering the student as a graduate in ATS using the appropriate diploma code.
Awarding the student a high school diploma from the school.
The responsibilities of the previous high school that are outlined above apply regardless of the length of
time the student has been enrolled at the non-diploma granting institution. In most cases, the previous
high school is accountable for the graduate for City, State, and Federal accountability purposes.
In cases where a student has no prior enrollment in a NYCDOE high school or a student previously
attended a NYCDOE high school that has since closed, the non-diploma granting institution should follow
the steps outlined above and refer to the guidance on Supporting Students Who Have Met Graduation
Requirements at YABCs When Their Home Schools Have Closed. The HSRE screen in ATS automatically
transfers the student to a central location (02M972). Once a school has pre-certified a graduate and
transferred the student to ‘02M972’ in ATS, the school must notify their academic policy, performance,
and assessment specialist to coordinate the certification process with Central.
The previous high school is accountable for the graduate if they were the last diploma-granting school before June 30 of the student’s
fourth year of high school.
High School Academic Policy Guide Updated April 5, 2024 43
6. Early or Late Graduation Updated August 2023
Any student who has not yet received a high school diploma is entitled to a free, appropriate public education
(FAPE) through the end of the school year in which they turn 21.
Students with IEPs who turned 21 within the 2022-23 school year may remain enrolled or re-
enroll for 2023-24 to meet graduation requirements and/or transition to adult/postsecondary
programs. This includes students who were already extended in the 202223 school year.
A student who meets graduation requirements in fewer than four years may choose to receive a diploma and
leave school early, provided all graduation requirements are completed. Students eligible for early graduation do
not need to remain in school for the sole purpose of completing the full four years of PE requirements; see the PE
guidance for additional information. Schools cannot require students who have met graduation requirements in
fewer than four years to remain enrolled. The principal must discuss with the parent and student post-secondary
plans. A student who meets graduation requirements after four years in high school may be awarded a diploma
upon completing graduation requirements.
If a student in the fifth or sixth year of high school completes the requirements mid-year, the school can discharge
the student as a graduate using the DISC function in ATS. The school does not need to wait until the normal
graduation periods in January, June, or August. Schools cannot require students who have met graduation
requirements in more than four years to remain enrolled through the end of the year.
7. Student Participation in Commencement Ceremonies
Per NYCDOE policy, high school students must meet graduation requirements to participate in their school’s
graduation ceremony. Students who have not yet met graduation requirements at the time of the ceremony may
not participate in the ceremony.
Schools must clearly communicate expectations for participating in
commencement ceremonies to students and families.
Important: Students are not graduates until they have met all New York State high school credit
and exam requirements. Schools must not update students’ academic records in ATS to reflect
their graduation status or issue students their diploma until after verifying the students have met
all credit and exam requirements.
Schools may prohibit a student from attending commencement-related activities or graduation ceremonies when
the student poses a real threat of violence or disruption to the event. Schools may also bar students with
particularly egregious conduct from participation, as long as students are previously advised in writing. Students
on suspension at the time of the commencement ceremonies also may be prohibited from attending these
events, but the exclusion must be proportionate to the infraction committed. Students who earn
Per New York State Education Law, Section 3202. This does not include summer school. Schools may choose to allow students who have
already turned 21 continue to attend summer school.
In years when the June Regents exams are administered close to the last day of school, some students may not receive their June
Regents exam scores before graduation ceremonies. In June 2023 the NYCDOE granted an exception to this policy and schools were
required to provide students in grade 12 who met the credit requirements for graduation and were awaiting June Regents exams scores to
meet the assessment requirements for graduation, the opportunity to participate in their graduation ceremonies. Students who were
awaiting superintendent approval of pending appeals or determinations to graduate at the time of their graduation ceremonies also had
the opportunity to participate.
High School Academic Policy Guide Updated April 5, 2024 44
credentials in lieu of a diploma are equally entitled to participate in graduation ceremonies; schools may not
exclude these students from walking in their ceremonies.
G. City University of New York (CUNY) Proficiency and Admissions Requirements
1. CUNY Four-Year Colleges
Most candidates for freshman admission to a bachelor's degree program must show proficiency in reading,
writing, and math to be admitted. Traditionally, proficiency was demonstrated through scores on Regents exams,
the SAT, or ACT. Because of the disruption of testing availability due to COVID-19, CUNY will not collect SAT or ACT
scores for admissions to four-year colleges in spring 2021 through spring 2023. Instead, candidates can
demonstrate proficiency through Regents exam scores or a combination of Regents exam scores and high school
grades. To improve post-secondary readiness and prospects for college admission, students should complete
coursework and earn Regents exam scores above the minimum required for graduation. The following course
sequences can support students in successfully transitioning to college and the workplace:
Math: 8 Regents-level credits, including a sequence that consists of at least the following: Algebra I,
Geometry, and Algebra II.
Science: 8 Regents-level credits, including a sequence that consists of at least three of the following: Living
Environment, Chemistry, Physics, and an AP science course.
Advanced Courses: Advanced Placement (AP
courses, International Baccalaureate (IB) courses, and
courses for college credit such as College Now or CUNY Early College.
See the CUNY website details on the scores required to demonstrate proficiency through various exams.
Please note that simply meeting proficiency requirements in reading, writing, and math is not a guarantee of
admission to a CUNY bachelor’s program. Each CUNY college has its own admissions requirements. For a sense of
the average academic profile of the students admitted to each CUNY campus, consult the CUNY Freshman Profile.
For general information on how to apply to CUNY, please consult the CUNY Application website.
2. CUNY Community Colleges
Candidates for freshman admission to an associate program do not have to demonstrate the skills proficiencies as
outlined on the CUNY website. However, entering students who are not proficient based on these criteria may be
required to complete developmental interventions before enrolling in or while enrolled in credit-bearing college
courses. In the past, students who did not meet proficiency benchmark scores were required to take the CUNY
assessment tests to determine if they required remedial coursework to build their skills in any areas. Starting with
the spring 2020 admissions term, CUNY no longer administers additional tests to determine whether students are
proficient. Instead, CUNY will use students’ high school grades, Regents exam scores, and SAT scores, if submitted,
on their freshman application to determine whether they are proficient or assigned to complete developmental
education. Note that students who have attended part of high school in a non-English instructional environment
and not demonstrated proficiency in reading and writing may be required to take a diagnostic test to determine if
they would benefit from English as a Second Language services. See the
CUNY Testing website for up-to-date
information and frequently asked questions about proficiency and developmental education.
Beginning fall 2022, students with lower exam scores and high school grades may need to
complete extra developmental supports or interventions while enrolled in credit-bearing college
courses. Developmental supports or interventions do not bear credit towards a degree and tuition
may be charged for them. Students are strongly advised to demonstrate proficiency before
High School Academic Policy Guide Updated April 5, 2024 45
admission to CUNY to avoid developmental education. Given the gap between the requirements
for a high school diploma and the requirements for college-and-career-readiness, schools are
urged to encourage students to attempt courses and exams beyond the minimum requirements
for graduation.
A. Credit-Bearing Courses
All credit-bearing courses must meet the following requirements:
Address NYSED commencement-level learning standards;
Offer students sufficient instruction per credit earned; and
Be taught by a NYCDOE teacher with a NYSED secondary certification in the course subject area.
The following definitions and policies apply:
A unit of study is the equivalent of at least 180 minutes of instruction per week throughout the school
year, or the equivalent of 54 hours per semester of instructional time (or 45 hours of instruction during
the summer school term).
In July 2020, NYSED amended the definition of unit of study to include instruction delivered
through “alternative instructional experiences, including but not limited to through digital
technology or blended learning, that represents standards-based learning under the guidance and
direction of an appropriately certified teacher. Instructional experiences shall include, but not be
limited to: meaningful and frequent interaction with an appropriately certified teacher; academic
and other supports designed to meet the needs of the individual student and instructional
content that reflects consistent academic expectations as in-person instruction. Any alternative
instructional experience must include meaningful feedback on student assignments and methods
of tracking student engagement.
A unit of credit is awarded after students demonstrate competency of the learning outcomes in the
course, as defined in the course syllabus, equivalent to 180 minutes of instruction per week throughout
the school year or 54 hours per semester.
Learning experiences that take place outside the traditional classroom and school day may count towards
the instructional time required to bear credit (180 minutes per week, or 54 hours per credit), provided
they are under the guidance and direction of a NYCDOE subject-certified teacher and the content is
aligned to NYSED’s commencement-level learning standards
. This includes:
o Courses using online vendors (see the section of this guide on online learning)
o Supervised, instructional experiences overseen by teachers from the school that occur off-site (for
example, courses taken at a college, internships). See this section of this guide on internships and
service learning.
The principal must evaluate all courses and experiences (including those that occur virtually and/or non-
virtually inside and/or outside the classroom and school day) and attest that the course meets the
In some circumstances, teachers may be eligible for incidental teaching for up to five hours per week out of their certification area. This
allowance was expanded to ten hours per week for the 2020-21, 2021-22, and 2022-23 school years.
High School Academic Policy Guide Updated April 5, 2024 46
requirements stated above to bear credit. Schools may use the Course Review Form, an optional tool, to
evaluate new and existing course offerings.
Students who meet the learning outcomes of the course by meeting the expectations outlined in the syllabus
must receive credit for the course. When students miss class time, teachers should give students reasonable
chances to make up missed work before final grades are entered in STARS. They may not be denied credit based
on lack of “seat time” alone. Grading policies must clearly detail exactly how non-competency measures of
performance contribute to the overall grade and might therefore impact whether students earn credit. Schools
must communicate these academic expectations to students and families at the beginning of the school year.
Schools should consult the Grading Policy Toolkit
for additional guidance around using non-competency
measures, such as attendance and participation.
B. Non-Credit-Bearing Courses
Per NYSED policy, students may not receive credit for the following:
Courses that repeat standards or lead to more than four credits in a Regents subject area: Schools may
not allow students to earn credit for the same course content multiple times or for a course that exceeds
the four-credit limit in a Regents subject area. Students may not receive credit for re-taking a course they
have already passed, even if they are using it to help prepare to take the Regents exam
. Regents-
preparatory courses may not be credit-bearing. See the section of this guide on earning credit after
previously failing a course for guidance on ways to support students who need additional time to meet
the learning outcomes of the course content.
Courses that do not align to high school learning standards: Schools may not award credit for courses
that do not align to NYSED commencement-level learning standards.
This includes courses that meet
middle school standards, guidance courses that do not align to NYSED commencement-level learning
standards, and SAT and ACT prep courses. Guidance or advisory courses generally should not bear credit.
NYSED does not have commencement-level learning standards in guidance. If credit-bearing, these
courses should be coded more accurately to align with the NYSED commencement-level learning
standards being taught. The teacher of record’s certification must correspond with the standards and
content of the course. See the section of this guide on
Academic Intervention Services (AIS), Special Education Teacher Support Services (SETSS) (previously
called “Resource Room”), or Related Services: These services may be provided as stand-alone periods or
integrated into general classroom instruction, depending on the needs of the student and as specified in
the student’s IEP, as appropriate. While the services may not be credit-bearing and should not be graded,
they may be integrated into other credit-bearing courses as appropriate. See the STARS wiki
for guidance
on programming special education services.
Science laboratory: Schools may include a lab within a science course as long as the course meets seat
time requirements for both the course and the lab (at least 180 minutes per week for the science course
and 1,200 minutes for the lab).
Credit may not be awarded for the lab itself and the 1,200 minutes of lab
work must be in addition to, not included in, the 180 minutes per week of the science course. Regardless
of inclusion within credit-bearing science courses, lab courses must be coded separately, denoted by an
‘L’ in the seventh character, as outlined in the High School Course Code Directory
NYSED has commencement-level learning standards in the following departments: English language arts; social studies; mathematics,
science, and technology; the arts (including visual arts, music, dance and theater); world languages; health, physical education, family and
consumer sciences; and career development and occupational studies.
See the Science section of this guide for more information on the science lab policy.
High School Academic Policy Guide Updated April 5, 2024 47
C. Additional and Fractional Credit for Courses
Schools should award credit in whole-credit (1.0) or half-credit (0.5) increments whenever possible.
Circumstances for awarding either additional or fractional credit are limited, and the amount of credit awarded
for any course must be consistent with the amount of content delivered. See guidance on credit-bearing courses
for more information.
1. Additional Credit
Schools may award additional credit in the following circumstances:
Accelerating or extending a course up to the total number of credits in the sequence, when supported by
both additional learning standards and instructional time
o For example, a semester-long course that meets for 90 minutes per day, four days per week (360
minutes per week) and covers Global History 1 of 4 and Global History 2 of 4 learning standards may
be worth two credits.
Interdisciplinary courses
that cover both additional learning standards and instructional time
o For example, an interdisciplinary course that covers Global History I learning standards as well as
arts education standards and meets for 108 hours over the course of a semester may be worth two
School may not award additional credit for increasing the rigor of a course (for example, honors or AP courses).
However, schools can choose to weight more rigorous courses more heavily in a student’s GPA; see the
Calculation of GPA
section of this guide. Additionally, schools may not award credit by exceeding the total number
of credits in a Regents course sequence as outlined in NYSED regulations.
2. Fractional Credit
Credit requirements for graduation are almost entirely in full credit units; it rarely benefits students to accumulate
partial or fractional credits. Schools should consider students’ progress toward meeting graduation requirements
when programming credits in fractional increments. However, due to differences in term models and
programming, there are limited situations where fractional credit values are appropriate. Schools may award
fractional credit in the following circumstances:
Utilizing required PE credit values, according to the policies in the PE
Dividing a course sequence into a trimester- or cycle-based program, in meaningful units where one credit
continues to correspond to the equivalent of 54 hours of instructional time. See the High School
Programming Guide for guidance on trimester and cycle programming.
Establishing a course that meets for significantly fewer than 180 minutes per week, but is still aligned to
commencement-level learning standards and is taught by a NYCDOE subject-certified teacher
o For example, a health course that provides 90 minutes of instruction per week over two semesters
may be worth 0.5 credits per semester.
Outside of these scenarios, schools should avoid awarding fractional credit when possible, as it rarely benefits
students and can create further problems when a student transfers to a new school.
Schools using trimester or cycle term models may need to lengthen their periods or reduce the number of courses offered in a term to
ensure students are progressing meaningfully toward meeting the diploma course credit requirements. For more information, see the High
School Programming guidance.
High School Academic Policy Guide Updated April 5, 2024 48
D. Interdisciplinary Courses
An interdisciplinary course combines learning standards from two different subject areas in a single course. A
NYCDOE teacher certified in at least one of the subject areas must teach interdisciplinary courses. Additionally,
total credit awarded may not exceed the equivalent of one credit per 54 hours of instruction. Schools may choose
to award credit for an interdisciplinary course in the following ways:
Option 1 - Awarding fractional credit in two subject areas: The total credit awarded must reflect the
equivalent of one credit per 54 hours of instruction. Schools may divide this credit across both subject
areas. Upon successful completion of an interdisciplinary course that meets for 180 minutes per week
throughout one semester or the equivalent, for a total of 54 hours, students may receive 0.5 credits in
one subject area and 0.5 credits in the other. Schools should avoid awarding credit in less than half-credit
(0.5) increments whenever possible.
Option 2 - Awarding full credit for one subject area and fulfilling a distribution requirement for the
other subject area(s): The total credit awarded must reflect the equivalent of one credit per 54 hours of
instruction. Schools may award this full credit in one subject area and fulfill a distribution requirement in
another subject area. Fulfilling a distribution requirement does not count toward a student’s total credits
earned, only the subject-specific requirement. Students must still earn 44 total credits to meet diploma
o Example: A school offers an interdisciplinary course that covers both English and Economics learning
standards. The course covers 180 minutes per week worth of content throughout the semester and
is taught by a NYCDOE teacher certified in English. At the end of the semester, students who meet
the learning outcomes of the course earn one credit of English and meet the one-credit distribution
requirement for Economics (as indicated on the transcript with the mark ‘ND’). While students have
fulfilled the Economics distribution requirement, students still must earn 44 total credits to meet
diploma requirements.
o Example: A school offers an interdisciplinary course that covers the learning standards for math and
physical science and is taught by a certified science teacher. At the end of the semester, students
who demonstrate proficiency in the course and earn a passing grade earn one credit in math and
meet the distribution requirement for science. Students will need to earn one more physical science
credit and a total five science credits to meet the science distribution requirement for a diploma.
o Non-example: A school offers an interdisciplinary course that covers Geometry and Architecture (a
visual art). The course meets for the equivalent of 180 minutes per week throughout the semester
and is taught by a math-certified teacher. At the end of the semester, students who meet the
learning outcomes of the course earn one credit of Geometry and one credit of Visual Arts. This is a
non-example because the total credit awarded must reflect the equivalent of one credit per 54
hours of instruction. The school can either award one credit for one subject area and students fulfill
a distribution requirement for the other or award 0.5 credits for each subject area (as described in
Option 1).
Schools must enter actual marks in accordance with their grading policy in one of the two areas
and a mark of 'ND' in the other subject area. This indicates that the student met the distribution
requirement in both areas, but only earned one credit for the course. See this guidance on
Interdisciplinary Courses for more information.
High School Academic Policy Guide Updated April 5, 2024 49
Option 3 - Awarding additional credit for extended time and learning standards: An interdisciplinary
course that meets for additional time and addresses sufficient learning standards in two disciplines may
award credit in both subject areas in increments of 0.5. For example, a semester-long interdisciplinary art
history course that includes history content through the lens of art and meets daily for the equivalent of
55 minutes (275 minutes per week) may award one credit in social studies and 0.5 credits in art, as long as
the credits reflect the instructional time and learning standards addressed in the course. See discussion of
fractional credits in the Additional/Fractional Credit
section above.
See the STARS wiki for information on how to set up and award grades in interdisciplinary courses.
E. Additional Ways to Earn Credit
Schools may design experiences that incorporate alternative mechanisms for delivering course content and
providing instruction aligned to NYSED commencement-level learning standards. Offering such courses requires
careful planning and adherence to specific policies in addition to the requirements described in the credit-bearing
courses section of this guide.
1. Online and Blended Courses Updated August 2023
High schools may choose to offer online and blended learning experiences and may incorporate these online
courses into their academic programs. These courses are defined by the way instruction is delivered to the
In an online course, students receive their instruction on course content solely through digital and/or
internet-connected media. The course may include teacher-to-student, student-to-student and/or
student-to-content interactions, but the instruction itself is fully delivered through media.
o Some schools may choose to use online vendors to deliver instruction virtually. In these cases, the
course content is pre-packaged and provided by an external vendor. Students may log on to a
vendor-provided website that contains videos and interactive tools, to receive lessons and
instruction in a specific subject.
In a blended course, students receive their instruction through a combination of classroom-based learning
and through digital and/or Internet-connected media. This may include teacher-to-student, student-to-
student and/or student-to-content interactions.
Online and blended courses are regular courses and must meet the same academic policies required of traditional
classroom courses. See the Online and Blended
guide for additional information on implementation.
Online or blended courses that bear credit must meet the following requirements:
Align to NYSED commencement-level learning standards for the subject area, as outlined in a course
Be instructed or overseen by a NYCDOE subject-certified teacher, who creates the syllabus, monitors the
course, provides the student with substantive and regular feedback, awards the final grade, and is the
teacher of record in STARS; and
Meet instructional time requirements by providing the opportunity for 180 minutes of instruction per
week, or 54 hours per credit awarded.
See the Online and Blended Courses guidance for additional information about the role of the teacher.
Or 45 hours of instruction during the summer school term.
High School Academic Policy Guide Updated April 5, 2024 50
All of the following must be true of online and blended courses:
The course is of equal scope and rigor to other courses offered by the school.
The course includes regular and substantive interaction between the student and the subject-certified
teacher, which may occur in person and/or virtually and must be documented by the school. This includes
at least one synchronous session per week that is programmed in STARS.
The student must complete the course within one term, comparable to a traditional course.
The student must meet the learning outcomes for the subject, including passing the Regents exam in the
subject area if the student has not already passed an exam that counts toward a diploma in that subject
All courses, including courses with content provided by online vendors, must be scheduled in STARS
. Schools must
code blended and online courses with content provided by online vendors like traditional classroom courses,
using the standardized High School Course Code Directory, and identify online and blended coursework using the
section properties; see the scheduling in STARS section of this guide for additional information. Schools may not
permit students to do a ‘trial run’ of an online or blended course without it being scheduled in STARS. Schools
cannot retroactively add an online or blended course to a student’s transcript or change the grade of an online or
blended course, unless the rationale meets the explicit criteria outlined in the Transcript Update Form.
Virtual Learning Classrooms (VLC) offer NYCDOE middle and high schools the opportunity to enroll
students in remote classes that are not offered at their school, including world language,
Advanced Placement (AP), and elective courses. These classes are taught synchronously by
centrally-hired and trained teachers before, during, and after the regular school day. See the
Online and Blended Courses guide for more information on programming students participating in
Students may occasionally choose to pursue online courses independently of their school, and without school
involvement or approval. Such courses can be evaluated as transfer credits; the decision to award credit for these
experiences is at the discretion of the principal in accordance with the policies outlined in the section of this guide
on transfer credit. See also the Transfer Student Toolkit
2. Internships and Service-Learning
Schools can choose to award credits for internships and service-learning experiences that meet specific criteria.
Internships and service-learning courses that bear credit must align with the following policies:
The experience must align to NYSED commencement-level learning standards for the subject area, as
outlined in the course syllabus.
o Syllabi for internships and service-learning must clearly delineate what is taught in the classroom
component, when and where the classroom component takes place, expectations for students
when they are off-site, and how the teacher will assess student learning and expectations for
students in both the classroom and off-site components of the course.
The experience must include a classroom/seminar/workshop component, in addition to learning time
spent in an educational internship, as part of the minimum instructional time (equivalent of 180 minutes
per week throughout the school year).
o Schools may determine the structure and content of the classroom/seminar/workshop component,
including the instructional time provided. While there is no required minimum time for the
High School Academic Policy Guide Updated April 5, 2024 51
classroom/seminar/workshop component, the component should provide sufficient time for
meaningful teacher-student interaction.
A NYCDOE subject-certified teacher must oversee the experience, in collaboration with a supervisor at the
internship site.
o The subject-certified teacher overseeing the internship course is responsible for overseeing the
syllabus, monitoring and assessing student progress, instructing the classroom/seminar/workshop
component, and awarding the course grade. Teachers do not need to accompany students to off-
site course components, but they should work closely with individuals at the site to monitor student
performance and the alignment of off-site activities to the expectations defined in the syllabus.
The classroom/seminar/workshop component and educational internship/service experiences must be
scheduled in STARS.
Internships that are part of New York State-approved CTE sequences or work-based learning programs
specific requirements. For guidance on implementing internships and service-learning courses, see the Off-Site
Courses guidance. Also see the CTE guidance.
Schools should maintain systems and structures (such as an accreditation committee) for regularly reviewing
course offerings, including existing courses and new course proposals, course sequences, and course credit values.
Schools may use the Course Review Form
to review existing and new courses.
All service-learning experiences may count toward the diploma Seal of Recognition for Service. The requirements
for service learning to bear credit are more stringent than those for the service seal. Therefore, although all hours
of credit-bearing service learning may count toward the seal, not all hours counted toward the seal may
necessarily bear credit. For example, a student participating in a weekly Meals on Wheels volunteer food delivery
service may accrue 54 hours of service time over a semester, but that volunteer experience does not equate to a
course, which requires alignment with NYSED commencement-level learning standards and a NYCDOE subject-
certified teacher who instructs the course. Additionally, these volunteer experiences may not be scheduled in
STARS, while a course must be scheduled in STARS.
Service hours in pursuit of the Seal of Recognition for Service should be added to the transcript via a transcript
update. However, these experiences should not be credit-bearing. Schools must maintain a log of service hours to
add non-credit-bearing service hours to the transcript with a transcript update.
Service learning, which fulfills all
the criteria necessary for a course, may be credit-bearing. However, as these service-learning experiences have a
classroom component scheduled in STARS, they should not be added via transcript update.
For more information about the service seal, see the Seal of Recognition for Service guide.
3. Independent Study
Students may use independent study to complete up to six elective credits toward diploma requirements.
Independent study may not fulfill subject-specific credit requirements, such as ELA, science, or physical education.
A school-based panel consisting of, at minimum, the principal, a teacher in the independent study subject area,
and a school counselor or other administrator, must approve any student’s participation in independent study.
The panel must attest to the student’s ability to successfully complete independent study and progress toward
As STARS requires a minimum entry of 10 service hours, schools should generally wait to add hours until the time of graduation. See the
Seal of Recognition for Service Wiki for detailed instructions on how to document service hours in STARS.
High School Academic Policy Guide Updated April 5, 2024 52
graduation. The school should document the independent study approval process for each student and retain this
documentation for their records.
In order to bear elective credit toward graduation requirements, all independent study courses must, at
minimum, address NYSED commencement-level learning standards as outlined in a syllabus, provide the
opportunity for 54 hours of instructional time per credit, and have supervision from a NYCDOE subject-certified
teacher who determines student competency of the learning outcomes for the course.
Schools must schedule independent study courses in STARS, denoted by ‘S’ in the seventh character, as outlined
in the High School Course Code Directory.
4. Credit by Examination
Credit by examination is an intentional provision for students who have advanced proficiency in a specific Regents
subject area despite never having studied the content formally in school. In rare situations, schools may award
credit by examination to students who have scored 85 or above on a Regents exam without attempting the
corresponding units of study, provided they meet all of the following criteria:
The student did not previously take a course within the subject area of the Regents exam, including
through a program outside of the NYCDOE.
The high school superintendent or superintendent’s designee (which may include the high school
principal) determines that the student will benefit academically by exercising the credit by exam option
based on the student’s past academic performance.
The superintendent or superintendent’s designee (which may include the high school principal) must
provide permission for a student to sit for a Regents exam for the purpose of using the credit by exam
The student successfully completes an oral examination or special project demonstrating proficiency of
the subject matter developed in the course, but not measured by the relevant exams, as determined and
documented by the principal.
Students attempting to earn credit by examination in science still must meet the equivalent of the 1,200-
minute laboratory requirement with satisfactory documented laboratory reports.
Students may earn up to two credits per Regents exam subject, and up to 13 total credits, through credit by
examination. Note that:
Credit by exam can only be awarded in subject areas that culminate in a Regents exam. It cannot be
awarded in Government, Economics, Physical education, Health, World Languages, or other subject areas
without Regents exams.
The World Language Comprehensive exams or OHM BOCES World Languages exams may not be used to
award credit by exam.
Students who complete only the first half of Global History (content prior to 1750) and pass the Global
History II Regents exam with a score of 85 or higher may take advantage of the credit by exam provision,
since the Global History II Regents exam covers content only from the second half of the sequence (1750
to modern times).
Students may not use an ELA Regents exam taken in grade 11 to give credit for grade 12 English courses,
which would otherwise be completed after the ELA Regents exam.
Schools must enter credit by examination into STARS via transcript update, as detailed in the STARS wiki
and in
the Transcript Update guidance.
High School Academic Policy Guide Updated April 5, 2024 53
5. Awarding High School Credit for College Courses
Schools may offer advanced courses that bear credit toward a high school diploma and also bear higher education
credit through arrangements with higher education institutions (for example, Early College programs). This is
detailed further in the guidance on College Courses. A high school may not impose any charge or fee on students
for any required instruction or program leading to a high school diploma, including for such college courses.
The credit values for college courses often do not correspond to the credit values used by the NYCDOE. For
example, some colleges award three college credits for a semester course, whereas a NYCDOE high school
typically awards one credit for a semester course. Schools should carefully determine the equivalent high school
credit value based on the scope and rigor of the college course content.
Like all courses, college courses must be scheduled in STARS, as outlined in the High School Course Code
Directory. A high school principal may also choose to award high school transfer credit for college courses
students have completed independently, in accordance with the policies outlined in the Transfer Credit section.
For additional information, see the College Courses and Off-site Courses guidance.
6. Earning Credit after Previously Failing a Course
Teachers must enter final grades into STARS no later than four weeks (or 20 days) after the end of the term.
Within this window, some teachers and schools choose to give students a few extra days right after the end of the
course before grades are entered and finalized to turn in work. The school’s grading policy must clearly outline
this option for students, if available. Once final grades are entered, even within this 20-day window, they cannot
be changed without completing a Transcript Update Form.
After final course grades are officially on student transcripts, students have the following options for making up
failed course credits. Students can:
Retake the course: Students who have missed significant amounts of class time or have not yet met the
learning outcomes of a large portion of the subject matter can benefit from retaking the entire course
again. These students can make up the course in another term during the school year or in summer
school. Schools may also offer the course again as an online or blended course. Schools should consider
what obstacles the student had to passing the course the first time and how they may support the
student differently to help them earn credit.
Take credit recovery: Students who previously failed a course and meet specific eligibility criteria can
make up credit through credit recovery. Credit recovery is a targeted experience, specifically for students
who attended most of a failed course and demonstrated proficiency in the majority of the content. In this
option, the student does not retake the full course, but works with a teacher to receive instruction only in
the portion of original course content in need of proficiency. After receiving instruction in and
demonstrating proficiency of the remaining content of the originally failed course, the student may earn
credit. However, there are specific NYCDOE and NYSED policies regarding the use of credit recovery
Schools must use the STARS eligibility check function and the Credit Recovery Approval Form when
scheduling individual students for credit recovery. See the Credit Recovery guidance for additional
information and a detailed description of all applicable policies.
Earning credit after receiving a grade of ‘NX’ (course in progress) or ‘NL’ in accordance with the policies
for using those marks: Students must successfully complete remaining course requirements by the end of
the next term to receive a final grade and credit, if applicable. If the following term is a summer, and the
school is not open or the student is not available for summer school, the student will have until the end of
the subsequent term to complete the outstanding course work.
High School Academic Policy Guide Updated April 5, 2024 54
Schools may not change a student’s final, failing grade in a previously failed course, even if the student is making
up credit by repeating the full course or taking credit recovery. Students must be scheduled for the make-up
credit or credit recovery course using the High School Course Code Directory
and the student must receive a new
grade (and credit, as appropriate) in the semester the course or credit recovery was completed. Failing grades
may never be removed from a transcript except in cases of entry error.
F. Transfer Credit
Per NYSED policy, the principal, in consultation with relevant faculty, holds responsibility for evaluating transcripts
and awarding transfer credits for students enrolling in a NYCDOE high school.
Schools must maintain procedures for the timely request and evaluation of transcripts from previous institutions
to ensure that students are programmed for needed courses and exams using the required Transfer Credit
Equivalency Form and Transcript Update Form. See the Transfer Student Toolkit guidance for additional
information and a transfer student entry checklist.
1. Previous School Location
a. NYCDOE public schools and programs
For students who transfer between NYCDOE schools or programs (for example, from a high school to a
YABC), academic records should transfer automatically. However, a prior school’s academic sequence and
corresponding STARS course codes may not align with those used by the receiving school, making it
difficult to program the new student.
Example: Two schools might cover the same Algebra I learning standards over a different number of
terms; therefore, students’ transcripts may reflect different STARS course codes for the same content.
Example: Students from schools who have passed PBATs in place of Regents exams in math, science, or
social studies may use these PBATs to fulfill Regents exam requirements upon transfer to a non-PBAT
administering school. See this guidance on schools administering PBATs
In such instances, the receiving school should use transcript information, including course history, titles,
and codes, to program students for the course(s) that best cover the remaining learning standards in a
sequence, even if the sequence does not perfectly align with the previous school’s coding scheme. The
receiving school should maintain documentation that justifies the student’s program placement, such as
diagnostic assessment results, course syllabi for the student’s prior courses, or communications with
former school officials regarding course content. Receiving schools also may wish to request additional
information on the content of courses. Schools receiving students back from other high schools or
programs (from a YABC to the home school) should accept a variety of course coding schemes as long as
the program can document that the courses taken cover the required
learning standards and number of
credits to complete the sequence. Historical course codes must never be modified.
b. External, non-NYCDOE schools and programs
For students transferring from a registered public or nonpublic high school in New York City or New
York State:
o The principal must grant transfer credit for all credits awarded by any New York State registered
public or nonpublic high school provided they conform to New York State policies.
High School Academic Policy Guide Updated April 5, 2024 55
For students transferring from non-registered New York State schools, schools outside New York State,
schools outside the United States, and home schools:
o The decision to award transfer credit must be based on whether the transcript and other records
indicate that the work is consistent with NYSED’s commencement-level learning standards and is of
comparable scope and rigor to that which would have been done in the school awarding the credit.
This decision is to be made by the principal, after consultation with relevant faculty. Based on the
student's transcript or other records, the principal awards the appropriate transfer credits towards a
high school diploma.
o Schools are responsible for ensuring that transcripts in a language other than English are translated
effectively so that transfer credit can be awarded appropriately.
o Schools may contact the student’s home country embassy or consulate for assistance or may use
a translator service. It is not appropriate for the student or student’s family members to complete
the translation, or for the cost of translation to be passed along to the student. The translation may
be documented on the Transfer Credit Equivalency Form
o Schools may award up to 10 credits of World Languages for students with documented residence
and school attendance in an “other-than-English-speaking environment,” provided that the
experience occurred at age 10 or older. Up to six credits are awarded per year. In determining the
number of credits to be awarded, the school should consider both the student’s prior academic
record and future academic experience. Schools must maintain documentation that demonstrates
the student’s residence and school attendance in an “other-than-English-speaking environment.”
o Transfer students are not required to complete PE credits that would have occurred in terms during
which they were enrolled in a high school outside of New York State. Instead, schools can waive PE
courses equivalent to the number of terms the student was enrolled in a high school outside of New
York State, which reduces the amount of PE credits the student must complete to meet graduation
requirements. See the PE and Transfer Credit
guidance documents for additional information.
o Students entering a New York State high school for the first time in grade 11 or 12 are exempt from
certain Regents examination requirements; see the section of this guide on Regents exam waivers.
Effective 2018-19, students entering a New York State high school in grade 11 were also exempt
from the four Global History and Geography distribution requirement, though they must still fulfill
the eight Social Studies credit requirement to graduate. Students who entered in grade 12 still had
to fulfill the four Global History and Geography credit requirement. As of 2019-20, these flexibilities
apply to students who enter a New York State high school for the first time in grade 11 or 12.
For students who completed coursework at other educational or cultural institutions (such as study
abroad programs, college courses taken independently of the NYCDOE, etc.):
o Principals may award transfer credit for work completed through study abroad courses or other
educational or cultural institutions. A principal must decide whether to award transfer credit for
work done at educational or cultural institutions other than New York State registered high schools
based on whether the transcript and other records indicate that the work is consistent with NYSED’s
commencement-level learning standards
and is of comparable scope and rigor to that which would
have been done in the school awarding the credit.
All transfer credits must be reflected in STARS, using the standardized transfer course codes. Transfer
credits may be designated within the term and year in which the student completed each course or within
the term and year immediately prior to the student’s enrollment in the NYCDOE school. Transfer credits
are reflected on transcripts with a ‘W’ in the third character and a grade of ‘CR.’ Waived PE credits are
reflected on transcripts with a ‘W’ in the third character and a grade of ‘NW.’ See the
Transcript Update
guidance, Transcript Update Form, STARS wiki, and list of transfer course and exam codes for additional
High School Academic Policy Guide Updated April 5, 2024 56
information on this process and the required documentation. For more information, see the guidance on
awarding Transfer Credits.
2. Grade and Cohort Placement of Transfer Students Updated August 2023
When students transfer to a NYCDOE high school from a non-NYCDOE school, they are assigned an initial grade
level by the Office of Student Enrollment. For most students, this grade level is based on the first year the student
entered grade 9 at any school in the world; for students with incomplete or no educational records, the Office of
Student Enrollment will place the student in grade 9.
Within the first two weeks of enrollment, the principal
must evaluate the instructional appropriateness of the grade placement based on available records, diagnostic
assessments, and conversations with both the student and their family.
Schools must communicate with families in their preferred language about the rationale for any adjustments to
the student's program. In addition, schools must remain mindful of the social and emotional impact of grade level
adjustments and ensure that students have access to the necessary supports throughout the transition, which can
include determining students’ eligibility for language and/or special education services.
Based on the grade level entered into the system, students are assigned a provisional cohort. This matches the
cohort definition
established by the Federal and State governments. It is important to note that neither credit
accumulation nor ability to stay on track toward graduation requirements determine a student’s cohort year;
rather, it reflects the student’s first year of ninth grade at any school in the world. For more details on the
definition of cohort, see the section of this guide on cohort policy.
Upon receiving a transfer student, high schools must carefully evaluate transcripts and other academic records
and award high school transfer course and exam credits, according to the guidelines in the section on Transfer
Credit. This evaluation should be conducted in a timely manner to ensure that the student is programmed for
needed courses.
Upon evaluating the transcript and awarding transfer credit, a school may only change a student’s
grade level if documentation indicates assigned year of grade nine entry and corresponding
cohort year assignment is inaccurate. A student’s cohort year assignment must adhere to the
policies described in the cohort section of this guide.
G. Grade 8 Course Acceleration Updated August 2023
Per Part 100.4(d), students in grade 8 have the opportunity to earn high school credits in departments including
mathematics, science, World Languages, social studies, ELA, arts education, music, and career and technical
education (CTE). Students in grades 6 and 7 are not eligible to earn high school credit through accelerated
courses, except in World Languages; see the
World Languages guidance document for details.
There is no limit to the number of accelerated course credits a student may earn in grade 8, provided all
accelerated courses meet instructional time requirements to bear credit.
Schools must also provide hands-on or
simulated (virtual) laboratory time for science courses to prepare students for science Regents exams. These labs
must be scheduled in STARS as outlined on the STARS wiki
For Students with Limited or Interrupted Formal Education, or whose educational records otherwise indicate grade completion much
lower than the student’s age suggests, the Family Welcome Center may consult the Superintendent to determine an appropriate grade
level and educational setting for the student.
Middle school students may not accelerate PE credits for high school. Schools may refer to the PE guidance document for more
High School Academic Policy Guide Updated April 5, 2024 57
There are two ways for grade 8 students to earn credits for high school-level courses:
Option 1: In traditional grade 8 acceleration, students take an accelerated course in middle school aligned
to high school-level learning standards, culminating in a Regents, SLP, or World Language Comprehensive
exam. In order to earn high school credit for the course, grade 8 students must pass the accelerated
course and earn a specific minimum score on the culminating assessment in June or August, immediately
following the course.
The minimum score that a student needs to earn to receive high school credit after passing the
accelerated course depends on the type of exam and if the student has an IEP.
Since school year 2018-19:
o Grade 8 students without IEPs must score 65 or higher on the culminating Regents exam in June or
August immediately following the course.
o Grade 8 students with IEPs must score a 55 or higher on the culminating Regents exam in June or
August immediately following the course.
o For accelerated courses culminating in the SLP or World Language Comprehensive exam, all grade 8
students (with and without IEPs) must pass the accelerated course and score 65 or higher on the
culminating SLP or World Language Comprehensive exam. Students who successfully complete the
SLP as their culminating exam will earn two high school credits but cannot use this exam toward
exam requirements for graduation.
o In 2021-22 and 2022-23, grade 8 students who passed their accelerated course and were approved
for a Special Appeal in the same subject (i.e., scored 50-64 on the culminating Regents exam in June
or August immediately following the course) were eligible for high school credit in the course.
Option 2: In cases where a grade 8 accelerated course does not exist, individual students may attend a
course at a high school with high school students and earn credit on the same basis as the high school
students in that course. These students will have high school course codes and credits on their high school
transcripts. Evidence of the course will not appear on the student’s middle school transcript.
See the Middle School Academic Policy Guide for more information on how accelerated credit is awarded to
middle school students.
High schools may not refuse to accept accelerated course credits or schedule students to repeat
credits that have been appropriately awarded in alignment with NYCDOE and NYSED policies.
High school principals receiving incoming freshman who have earned high school credits through accelerated
courses should provide opportunities for such students to continue advancing their study in the disciplines in
which they have accelerated.
Example: If a high school receives a student who has earned accelerated course credit in math, for
example Algebra I, and they determine that the student is ready to continue to the next course, the
school should program the student for Geometry.
This change applies only to current and future grade 8 students who are enrolled in an accelerated course. High schools may not
retroactively award high school credit to students with IEPs who previously passed a grade 8 accelerated course but earned 55-64 on the
culminating Regents exam prior to school year 2018-19.
In addition to Grade 8 acceleration, students earn high school credit if they have taken two units (216 hours) of World Languages at any
point before ninth grade that culminated in the SLP exam and pass the exam. See the World Languages FAQ for more information.
Grade 8 students who participate in an accelerated course, comprised of grade 8 students, at a high school must meet the requirements
listed in Option 1. For support in scheduling these students in STARS, reach out to your academic policy, performance, and assessment
High School Academic Policy Guide Updated April 5, 2024 58
Example: If a high school receives a student who has earned accelerated course credit in math or science,
for example Algebra I or Living Environment, but needs additional support to meet college and career
readiness standards, the high school may consider programming the student to continue that course of
study for a total of up to four credits in the subject (including the accelerated course credit). In this case,
the school should use diagnostic assessments and other data to determine the students’ learning needs
and program the student for a course designed to meet these needs.
Example: For students who have earned credit in Algebra I but need additional support, the high school
may consider programming the student for an extended Geometry sequence for up to four credits in the
subject which reinforces Algebra skills through the lens of Geometry in the first semester.
A. English Language Learners (ELLs)
Schools identify students as ELLs based on the results of the Home Language Identification Survey (HLIS) and, if
appropriate, students’ English proficiency level on the New York State Identification Test for English Language
Learners (NYSITELL).
For additional information on ELL identification and placement, including Students with
Interrupted/Inconsistent Formal Education (SIFE), see the
Policy and Reference Guide for MLs/ELLs. Note that
students who arrived in the country for the first time during high school are eligible to appeal to graduate with a
score of 5559 on the ELA Regents exam.
1. New York State Identification Test for English Language Learners (NYSITELL)
The New York State Identification Test for English Language Learners (NYSITELL) is used to initially identify English
Language Learners (ELLs). New entrants whose Home Language Identification Survey indicates languages other
than English spoken in the home, and who may have English language acquisition needs, take the NYSITELL to
determine if they are eligible for bilingual and English as a New Language (ENL) services. Based on NYSITELL
results, the student receives an English language proficiency level. Based on NYSITELL results, students are
categorized into one of five English language proficiency levels:
A student’s level of English language proficiency determines the number of service hours they receive. More
information is available on NYSED’s website. See the Policy and Reference Guide for MLs/ELLs
for more
information on ELL services.
Once a student has been identified as an ELL, parent selection of an ELL program drives program placement.
Parents/guardians of ELLs are invited to a parent orientation, where they view an orientation video in their
preferred languages, which describes the NYCDOE’s three program options: Dual Language Bilingual Education
(DLBE), Transitional Bilingual Education (TBE), and English as a New Language (ENL) only, described further in the
Policy and Reference Guide for MLs/ELLs. All parents are entitled to choose among these three options, regardless
NYSED and NYCDOE refer to English Language Learners (ELLs) as Multilingual Learners/English Language Learners (MLs/ELLs) except in
instances referring to state and federal policy.
High School Academic Policy Guide Updated April 5, 2024 59
of whether their student’s current school has their program of choice. The NYCDOE’s website provides a variety of
resources for ELL students and families.
Schools may not refuse admission to zoned students or students assigned by the NYCDOE’s Office of Student
Enrollment based on their ELL status or program needs.
Schools are required to form bilingual programs in grades 9–12 when there are 20 or more ELLs with the same
language in one grade, for whom parents/guardians chose a bilingual program placement. This threshold is the
minimum requirement under State regulations (CR Part 154), as amended by the ASPIRA Consent Decree, but by
no means limits schools that choose to open programs with fewer students. For example, when parents request
bilingual programs in a small school, the school can pool resources and staffing with other schools (e.g., campus
schools and neighboring schools) in order to provide wider access to programs.
For all ELL programs, the number of ENL, bilingual content area, and Home Language Arts units provided is based
on English proficiency and all units must be standards-based. See the Policy and Reference Guide for MLs/ELLs for
more information.
2. New York State English as a Second Language Achievement Test (NYSESLAT)
Schools must annually administer the NYSESLAT to all ELLs to determine how well they are learning English as part
of the required annual assessment and tracking of ELLs’ English language proficiency. The NYSESLAT assesses
students’ speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills using grade bands. Students’ NYSESLAT results determine
their proficiency levels and their continued eligibility for ELL services (whether the students exit from ELL status).
See NYSED’s website and the Policy and Reference Guide for MLs/ELLs
for more information.
B. Students with Disabilities
Policies and procedures for students with disabilities are described in the NYCDOE’s Standard Operating
Procedures Manual (SOPM). Students with IEPs should, regardless of their disability:
Have access to a rigorous academic curriculum that sets high academic standards, enabling them to fully
realize their potential and graduate prepared for independent living, college, and careers.
To the greatest extent appropriate, be taught and participate in activities with other students with and
without disabilities.
Receive special education services that are targeted to their needs and provide the appropriate level of
support throughout the school day.
To the greatest extent possible, be able to attend their zoned schools or the school of their choice, while
still receiving the special education services and supports required.
It is the responsibility of each school to ensure that students with disabilities and their families feel welcome. The
School Implementation Team (SIT)
facilitates the strategic planning to ensure that every school appropriately and
adequately serves all students. The SIT works with other school teams but does not usurp the function of the IEP
team or any other team.
Students with disabilities who do not require special education services but need health services and/or education
accommodations in order to attend school or participate in regular school activities, may be eligible for a Section
504 Plan. To determine student eligibility for a Section 504 Plan, a student’s parent or guardian and physician
must complete and submit these forms
to the school. The school’s Section 504 team reviews the student’s
records and the physician’s statement to determine accommodations the student is eligible to receive. There are
two types of accommodations:
High School Academic Policy Guide Updated April 5, 2024 60
Health accommodations, which include administration of medication (for example, asthma and diabetes
medication) and medically prescribed non-medication treatment (such as G-Tube feeding).
Educational accommodations, which include testing accommodations (for example, extended time and
testing location), classroom accommodations (such as assistive technology), the Safety Net, and other
academic supports and services.
If approved by the Section 504 Team, these accommodations must be provided to the student. For questions
related to Section 504 Plans, see the Office of School Health’s guidance and Chancellor’s Regulation A-710.
Schools should review each new student’s IEP or Section 504 Plan upon entry. If a student’s IEP or Section 504
Plan recommends programs or services that the school has not previously provided, the school should first make
it clear to the parents and student that they are committed to providing the programs and services that are
recommended on the IEP or Section 504 Plan, beginning on the student’s first day at that school. For questions
related to programming for students with disabilities, schools may contact their
Administrator of Special
Education (ASE) or in District 75, the Office of Assessment and Accountability. For other policies related to
students with disabilities, see the sections on testing accommodations, NYSAA, commencement credentials, and
scheduling in STARS.
A student’s status as a student with a disability, and any information related to the disability, is
private information. Schools should ensure that the transcript does not reveal a student as having
a disability. For example, schools should not list courses titled as “SETSS” on a transcript.
1. New York State Alternate Assessment (NYSAA)
In accordance with Federal and State regulations, students in high school in New York participate in Regents
exams. NYSAA is an alternate assessment to measure progress and performance in ELA, math, and science for
students with severe cognitive disabilities who are unable to participate in standard assessments, even with
testing accommodations.
Annually, IEP teams determine the eligibility of students with disabilities who have IEPs to participate in standard
or alternate assessments. The IEP team determines this eligibility on a case-by-case basis.
Students who are eligible for alternate assessments “have limited cognitive abilities combined with behavioral
and/or physical limitations and who require highly specialized education and/or social, psychological, and medical
services in order to maximize their full potential for useful and meaningful participation in society and for self-
Eligibility for participation in alternate assessments is not determined by disability classification.
IEP teams must carefully consider this decision, as participating in alternate assessments rather than standard
State assessments has long-term implications for students and their families. In high school, students who
participate in alternate assessments in lieu of Regents exams for one or more subjects are not eligible to earn an
NYS high school diploma; they instead earn the Skills and Achievement Commencement Credential. IEP teams
must explain the eligibility for a credential instead of a diploma to the family of a student recommended to
participate in NYSAA when the student begins high school.
Students who participate in NYSAA are expected to achieve alternate learning standards. These alternate
standards are reduced in scope and complexity. They are intended to enable students to access NYSED learning
standards but focus more closely on supporting students for post-secondary life (e.g., life and vocational skills).
See NYSED’s Eligibility and Participation Criteria - NYSAA
See section 100.1 (2.)(iv.)
High School Academic Policy Guide Updated April 5, 2024 61
Students will see “NA/0.00” or “NA/1.00” credits on their transcripts as these experiences are not credit-bearing.
Schools must explain this to the family of a student recommended to participate in NYSAA when the student
begins high school.
Schools administer the NYSAA to students according to their chronological age and against grade-level standards
set by NYSED.
The ELA, math, and science NYSAA exams are computer-delivered adaptive assessments. These
measures of achievement:
Provide eligible students with an alternative way to demonstrate their knowledge and skills.
Measure students’ progress towards achieving academic goals.
Support teachers and specialists in adapting instructional strategies and supports.
Are used by schools as part of their usual classroom assessment practices.
The IEP team documents a student’s participation in alternate assessments in the IEP. The student’s IEP must
clearly state why the student cannot participate in the general assessment program and the rationale for
participating in alternate assessments. IEP teams must inform families at every IEP meeting, using the parent
notification of participation in NYSAA letter that their student will participate in alternate assessments for one or
more subjects in high school and is therefore not eligible for an NYS high school diploma.
See the Alternate Assessment (NYSAA) guidance for more information on NYSAA policies and procedures.
2. Transition Services for Students with Disabilities Updated August 2023
The NYCDOE’s goal is to prepare all students for postsecondary college and career readiness, and for students to
exit high school with the highest diploma option possible. High expectations, rigorous instruction, access to
effective teaching practices, and quality IEPs with deliberately planned transition services help to ensure that each
student with a disability is prepared for post-secondary college, career, and/or independent living. NYSED
specifies the requirements for determining and documenting postsecondary
transition plans for students with
disabilities, beginning no later than the first IEP to be in effect the year the student turns 15, and updated
annually as needed. Transition services are formalized plans documented in each student’s IEP for continuing
education, vocational training, employment, adult services, independent living and/or community participation,
and are aligned to postsecondary goals reflective of student needs, abilities, and interests.
Specific requirements include:
Evidence of age-appropriate transition assessments which identify areas of strength, preference, and
areas of need as they pertain to education, training, employment and, where appropriate, independent
living skills
A statement of the student’s needs, taking into account the student’s strengths, preferences and
interests, as they relate to transition from school to post-school activities
Appropriate measurable postsecondary goals relating to education, training, employment and, where
appropriate, independent living skills
A statement of the transition service needs of the student that focuses on the student’s courses of study,
including the diploma objective toward which the student is working
Transition activities that facilitate movement from school to post-school activities, including instruction,
related services, community experiences, the development of employment and other post-school adult
living objectives.
Students eligible for NYSAA must be assessed on the grade-appropriate content that is consistent with the student’s chronological age.
See the birthdate ranges for students participating in NYSAA to determine chronological ages and corresponding grade levels.
High School Academic Policy Guide Updated April 5, 2024 62
A statement of the responsibilities of the school district and, when applicable, participating agencies for
the provision of such services and activities that promote movement from school to post-school life.
Before students with IEPs exit, schools must also provide them an exit summary. The exit summary serves as a
statement of their academic achievement and functional performance, including recommendations on how to
assist the student in meeting postsecondary goals once they leave high school. Schools must provide this
summary regardless of whether a student’s eligibility for special education services terminates due to graduation
from secondary school with a diploma or due to exceeding the age eligibility for a Free Appropriate Public
Education (FAPE). Students may exit school with an advanced Regents, Regents, or local diploma, the
Development and Occupational Studies (CDOS) Commencement Credential, or the Skills and Achievement
Commencement Credential. For detailed information around transition planning, schools should refer to the
Guide to Transition Planning for Students with Disabilities.
Students with IEPs who turned 21 within the 2022-23 school year may remain enrolled or re-
enroll for 2023-24 to meet graduation requirements and/or transition to adult/postsecondary
programs. This includes students who were already extended in the 202223 school year. For
support re-admitting students over the age of 21 in ATS, contact your academic policy,
performance, and assessment specialist.
C. Testing Accommodations for English Language Learners and Students with
Testing accommodations remove barriers to the test-taking process so that students with disabilities and English
Language Learners can demonstrate their knowledge and skills.
Testing accommodations do not reduce
expectations for learning and are neither intended nor permitted to:
Change the skills or content being measured or invalidate the results.
Provide an unfair advantage.
Substitute for knowledge or abilities that the student has not attained.
The following students may be eligible for testing accommodations:
Students with disabilities, who have IEPs or Section 504 Plans, including:
o Students who have been declassified and have accommodations specified on their “Declassification
from Special Education Services” document continue to receive those accommodations until
receiving a diploma or aging out at the end of the school year in which the student turns 21 years
o Students who demonstrate disabilities 30 days or fewer before the administration of a State or
district-wide assessment may receive certain testing accommodations if authorized by the principal.
See NYSED’s Testing Accommodations for further guidance on the following: Recommending Appropriate Testing Accommodations,
Aligning Testing Accommodations with Instructional Accommodations, Documenting Testing Accommodations, Students Who Incur
Disabilities Shortly Before Test Administration, and Allowable Testing Accommodations Across New York State’s Testing Programs.
Accommodations for students who have been declassified are considered at the time of declassification and entered on the
declassification plan. Unlike declassification services, testing accommodations can be provided for more than one year or until the testing
accommodations are revised or eliminated. Schools should revisit declassified students’ testing accommodations to ensure that the
accommodations listed on the declassification plan still meet the student’s changing needs, especially considering the different types of
assessments conducted as students progress through the grades. If a change in student need or type of assessment has occurred, a 504
team should convene to create a 504 with the appropriate accommodations for the student.
High School Academic Policy Guide Updated April 5, 2024 63
For example, a student who breaks their arm the day before an exam may be approved for a scribe.
Such decisions are made by the principal and must be carefully documented with the Borough
Assessment Implementation Director (BAID) and the NYSED Office of State Assessment.
ELLs and former ELLs for two years after exiting ELL status
Decisions to provide accommodations, as well as the specific accommodations themselves, are made on an
individual basis and are reflective of student needs. Examples of testing accommodations include:
Flexible test schedules or timing, including extended time and breaks.
Flexible test settings and locations, including smaller group size
Method of presentation, including test format (such as large print, braille, audio or digital versions of the
Method of response, including transcription, scribe, or alternative language edition
Bilingual dictionaries and/or glossaries that provide direct one-to-one translation of words
At the beginning of the school year, schools should determine which testing accommodations benefit individual
ELLs and former ELLs so that students become familiar with their specific testing accommodations. ELLs are
entitled to use those accommodations for most assessments, including teacher-created assessments and State-
mandated assessments. For a comprehensive list of ELL accommodations, please refer to NYSED’s website. For
students with disabilities, the IEP or Section 504 team annually should determine the testing accommodations
required for each student at each IEP or 504 meeting.
D. Academic Intervention Services (AIS)
Part 100.2(ee) of NYSED general school requirements sets the purposes and requirements of Academic
Intervention Services (AIS) for New York State public schools. AIS is defined in Part 101.1(g) as “additional
instruction which supplements the instruction provided in the general curriculum and assists students in meeting
the State learning standards … and/or student support services which may include guidance, counseling,
attendance, and study skills which are needed to support improved academic performance.”
At the high school level, NYSED mandates AIS for all students with disabilities and students without disabilities
who are not meeting or are in danger of not meeting NYS standards for Regents exams required for graduation, as
well as English Language Learners who are not meeting or in danger of not meeting annual Part 154 performance
standards. Students must receive AIS from qualified staff in the area of concern. Appropriate pedagogues include:
Teachers licensed in the subject area where the student is not meeting performance standards
Special education teachers
Certified reading teachers
NYSED also mandates student support services when attendance, social/emotional or study skill problems affect a
student’s ability to meet performance standards. A range of staff can provide mandated student support services,
including licensed guidance counselors, at-risk counselors (i.e., SAPIS), members of the school attendance team,
and non-academic staff who contribute to students’ academic success.
For AIS services in a student’s identified area of need, the school must provide instruction supplementary to what
is occurring in the classroom. Scheduling options may include extra periods during the school day, before- and
after-school programs, weekend tutorials programs, and summer school.
Along with choosing the specific content of additional instruction, schools may choose to differentiate the
intensity of AIS by changing the length and/or frequency of sessions, as well as the group size. Regular progress
High School Academic Policy Guide Updated April 5, 2024 64
monitoring must be a part of the AIS program and intervention providers must keep records of interventions used
and student academic growth.
Schools must provide written notification to the parents or guardians when their student has been identified as
needing AIS. The written notification should be in English and, when appropriate, translated into a non-English
language preferred by the family. The notification must inform the family about the services the student will
receive, the reason why their student needs these services and the consequences if the student does not meet
expected performance levels. The school must also notify parents or guardians when it terminates AIS for a
student. Schools do not need parent permission to start or to end AIS.
While the student is receiving AIS, the school must maintain ongoing communication to parents or guardians
regarding their student’s AIS program, including:
Quarterly reports on the student’s academic progress in response to the intervention services
At least once per semester an opportunity to consult with the student's regular classroom teacher(s) and
the school staff providing AIS for their student
Information on ways to work with their student to improve achievement, monitor their progress, and
work with educators.
Schools must track academic interventions in STARS in alignment with current STARS programming guidance
E. Response to Intervention (RTI)
Response to Intervention (RtI) is a multi-tiered instruction and intervention model that promotes early
identification of students in need of additional academic support and, for students not making expected progress,
provision of increasing levels of intensity of intervention. Often referred to as a multi-tiered system of supports
(MTSS), this protocol involves provision of increased levels of intensity in interventions where students require it.
RtI is a form of MTSS, although RtI is typically associated with early-grades prevention models. For students
identified for RtI services by a school-wide universal screening assessment, evidence-based instruction and
intervention driven by diagnostic assessment and progress monitoring are provided in increasing levels of
intensity where this is needed.
While both AIS and RtI have academic recovery as their goals, the RtI structure seeks to increase the accuracy of
referrals to special education services by helping to determine whether learning delays are a result of inadequate
instruction or learning disability. It also seeks to ensure that all students have access to high quality, effective,
evidence-based instruction and differentiated supports.
New York State requires that all schools provide RtI for students in grade in K 4; New York City extends the
mandate to the fifth grade. Although RtI is not a formal requirement in the high school grades, schools may
choose to embed RtI/MTSS structures into their AIS programs in order to ensure that academic intervention leads
to academic recovery and that students are properly identified for special education referral accurately and where
Schools must track academic interventions in STARS in alignment with current STARS programming guidance
F. Medically Necessary and Hospital Instruction Updated August 2023
Medically necessary instruction (MNI) and hospital instruction programs provide educational services for students
who are unable to attend school due to orthopedic, non-orthopedic/medical, or psychiatric reasons. MNI and
hospital instruction programs are interim programs that provide academic services to limit the educational effects
of a long-term absence.
High School Academic Policy Guide Updated April 5, 2024 65
Students maintain their affiliation with their NYCDOE school, or “affiliate school,” while on MNI or hospital
instruction. Students receive MNI or hospital instruction via shared instruction, in which the MNI or hospital
program collaborates with the affiliate school to oversee the student’s instructional program. This relationship
ensures continuity of instruction and helps the student maintain a strong connection to the New York City school
they will return to after home or hospital instruction has ended.
NYSED increased the minimum instructional hours for students participating in MNI and hospital
instruction programs. Effective July 1, 2023, middle and high school students in MNI and hospital
programs must receive a minimum of 15 instructional hours per week, to the extent possible
given the student’s condition.
Refer to Medically Necessary Instruction and Hospital Instruction: Academic Policy Guidance for Schools and
Programs for additional information the collaboration between the affiliate school and the MNI or hospital
For information on student eligibility and how to submit a request for MNI, see Medically Necessary Instruction.
G. Home Schooling
Families who opt for home schooling should understand that home schooling is governed by a separate set of
NYSED policies. Students who are instructed at home may not participate in the instructional programs of the
NYCDOE; students either receive home school instruction or receive instruction from an NYCDOE school.
The NYCDOE does not award high school diplomas to (or maintain academic transcripts for) students who are
instructed at home, nor is the NYCDOE required to provide a letter of substantial equivalence of instruction being
provided at home. If a high school student transfers to a NYCDOE high school, the high school will evaluate the
student’s work and determine the number of transfer credits to award, if appropriate. For more information, see
the Home Schooling webpage, the NYSED FAQ on home schooling, and the section on Transfer Credit
H. Students in and Returning from Court-Ordered Settings – Updated August 2023
Students who are or have been involved with the court systems are entitled to specific rights related to their
The right to enroll or re-enroll in school in a timely manner
The right to continue to receive appropriate special education services, where an IEP is in place
The right to receive assistance from the NYCDOE in obtaining records and updating the student’s DOE
transcript to reflect credits earned while in a non-NYCDOE court-ordered setting. For assistance obtaining
records, schools should email For assistance evaluating
transcripts, schools should contact their academic policy, performance, and assessment specialists.
Students returning from court-ordered settings are not required to provide release letters from the
custodial agency before re-enrolling or returning to a prior school.
Students in court-ordered settings refers to:
I. Students in the custody of the Administration for Children’s Services (ACS):
o When students under the age of 18
are detained in New York City following an arrest, they are
under the supervision of the Administration for Children’s Services, Division of Youth and Family
New York’s Raise the Age (RTA) legislation changed the age that a child can be prosecuted as an adult to 18 years of age in criminal cases
in New York State. Prior to RTA, 16- and 17-year-olds were prosecuted as adults.
High School Academic Policy Guide Updated April 5, 2024 66
Justice (DYFJ). These students attend a NYCDOE school at one of the sites of Passages Academy
(79X695), a program operated by District 79. ATS will indicate that the student is on Passages
Academy’s register.
o Students who are adjudicated in Family Court and require a non-secure or limited secure placement
are in the custody of ACS DYFJ. These students are considered to be in “placement.” Most of these
students remain in New York City and attend Passages Academy.
o When a student in Passages Academy is released back to the community, the student is transferred
back to the register of their prior school.
Students in an Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS) placement:
o Some students are placed by the Family Court or Supreme Court in the custody of OCFS, or
OCFS/ACS-contracted facilities (for example, Children’s Village, Greenburgh-Graham, etc.) and
receive educational programming from a non-DOE entity.
o These students are discharged from Passages (79X695) with a discharge code ‘10.’ Upon the end of
their court-ordered involvement, students are required to appear at a Family Welcome Center to re-
enroll in a NYCDOE school.
o Students who return to the NYCDOE from an OCFS or other setting have the right to return to the
school in which they were enrolled before entering placement.
o Some students with IEPs who are placed in a school outside of the NYCDOE may receive a new IEP
while in custody. Those students, upon re-enrollment in a NYC public school, must be provided a
comparable services plan pending development of a new NYCDOE IEP.
Students in the custody of the New York City Department of Correction:
o Students who are 18 years of age or older, if arrested, may be placed in the custody of the New York
City Department of Correction. Such students have the option of enrolling in East River Academy
(79Q344), the school run by the NYCDOE on Rikers Island.
o Students who were enrolled in a NYCDOE school at the time of transfer to East River Academy have
the right to return to the school in which they were enrolled.
o If the student is moved into State custody, the student will be discharged from East River Academy.
See the Transfer Student Toolkit
for information about how to support a student’s transition back to their
NYCDOE home school.
The STARS suite of applications is the NYCDOE’s official record of students’ programs, grades, and progress
toward completing academic requirements. STARS Classroom, STARS Admin, and STARS Client comprise the
STARS suite of course scheduling and grade management applications used by the NYCDOE. STARS Classroom is a
web-based application compatible with most internet browsers that automates the collection of course marks for
teachers. Teachers can use this system to view class rosters, access student data, and enter course marks which
will appear on STARS-generated student report cards. For more information, see the STARS wiki.
High schools have a responsibility to program students towards the most rigorous coursework and diploma
possible. All NYCDOE high schools must accurately reflect students’ academic schedules, coursework, grades, and
credits in STARS. Maintaining accurate student and teacher schedules in STARS ensures schools, students, and
families understand how a student is progressing towards graduation. It also reduces data requests from central
offices to schools.
High School Academic Policy Guide Updated April 5, 2024 67
A. Term Models
Term is the length of a course with one syllabus and a final grade and credit(s) earned. Schools must designate a
school-wide term model in STARS before the start of the school year. A school’s designated term model defines
the maximum length of any course experience that it may offer. Schools may adjust the number of weeks of
instruction per term in STARS as long as they have designated enough instructional days to meet State
instructional day and aidable day requirements
, as well as individual course instructional time requirements.
Individual courses may be shorter than the school’s designated term model. However, schools cannot offer
courses that span across multiple terms; courses must begin and end within one term.
Regardless of the term model, all schools must ensure that courses meet for the equivalent of 54 hours per credit
during the school year (or 45 hours during the summer term). Schools may choose from one of four term models:
Annual: about 36 weeks of instruction, in which students remain in a course the entire year and receive
final course marks in June
Semester: about 18 weeks of instruction, in which the year is divided into two terms
Trimester: about 12 weeks of instruction, in which the year is divided into three terms
Cycle: about 9 weeks of instruction, in which the year is divided into four terms
Term model heavily influences course sequences, student programming and progress to graduation, and the
frequency of awarding credits. See the guidance on term models for a summary of the benefits and drawbacks of
each term model. Schools should not modify the term model frequently and must never adjust the term model
during the school year.
B. Scheduling in STARS
A school’s academic program is operationalized through its master schedule in STARS. The master
schedule contains key information about current course offerings, including the teacher of record and locations
and meeting days. Each course has the following attributes that can be used in creating both student and teacher
Course code
Section number
Cycle (meaning the number of days per week the course meets)
Capacity (the maximum number of students that can be scheduled in one section)
Room number
Teacher name
Once the master schedule is uploaded into STARS Client, schools can begin to program their students. Note,
schools can use a mass scheduling function such as the Schedule Engine to program students. This does not
require a finalized master schedule. Schools can also finalize their master schedule and use tools like Request
Add/Drop or the Walk-In Scheduler to program students in a more individual fashion.
Depending on the programming needs identified, some schools typically program students using either an
individual or block scheduling model, or some combination of the two methods, which are described in brief here:
Individual scheduling: Students are scheduled based on individual needs and requirements. As a result,
each student’s schedule is unique. Courses may be scheduled as a daily uniform program or on a rotation
High School Academic Policy Guide Updated April 5, 2024 68
Block scheduling: Students are grouped according to their needs, or by special program or grade level.
Each group follows the same schedule. In some cases, block scheduling may allow for longer periods and
normally requires courses to meet on a rotation.
In addition to individual and block scheduling, schools may choose to adopt different instructional approaches in
accordance with contractual requirements.
1. Course Codes
Schools indicate the courses they currently offer by designating active course codes. STARS course codes capture
information about the subject area, course content and its alignment to NYSED learning standards, the position of
a course within a sequence, the instructional level, and delivery model. They are used for student schedules,
report cards, transcripts, and NYCDOE data and accountability purposes.
Schools must follow the coding practices detailed in the High School Course Code Directory to ensure that course
sequences can be interpreted by other NYCDOE schools and NYCDOE tools. The use of the standardized codes
outlined in the High School Course Code Directory allows users within and outside the school community to
understand what the course codes signify. Many NYCDOE reports, tools, and data feeds use the rules established
in the High School Course Code Directory to inform their business rules.
Prior to building the term's master schedule, schools should review their course offerings and active codes for the
given year and term and ensure the courses will again be available. At this time, schools should also adjust course
codes for the current school year and beyond, as needed. As a reminder, both G- and Z-coded courses should not
be credit-bearing. If in their review of active codes schools identify credited G- and Z-codes, they must be
removed from code decks. Schools must not modify historical course codes, as this can result in the loss of
important academic data. As described in the
Transcript Update guidance, schools must not complete transcript
updates in order to “clean up” or delete and modify historical course codes to better align with the above policies
and practices.
Course codes and other attributes, like title and credits, are set at the course level. The
information designated by the code applies to all students in the course and sections receiving
that content. Schools may not customize codes for individual sections or students who are sitting
in the same class. For support with course coding, schools may contact their academic policy,
performance, and assessment specialists.
2. Course Titles
Schools also select the title of their courses. These titles appear on students’ transcripts and records, and they are
visible to those within and outside of the NYCDOE.
The New York City Department of Education is committed to maintaining a safe and supportive school
environment for all students free from harassment, intimidation, and/or bullying and free from discrimination on
account of actual or perceived race, color, creed, ethnicity, national origin, citizenship/immigration status,
religion, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, disability, or weight.
For schools serving students in grades 612, middle school courses must be scheduled using the Middle School Course Code Directory.
High School Academic Policy Guide Updated April 5, 2024 69
To support this district-wide commitment, schools should be mindful of what a course title reveals about
participating students. Specifically:
Course titles may never indicate that a course is designed specifically for students with disabilities (for
example, courses may not be titled “English Special Ed”).
Course titles should not identify the gender of students participating in those courses (for example, Girls
Health or Boys Choir).
See the Guidelines on Gender Inclusion
for help implementing gender-inclusive curricula, programs, activities, and
practices that are consistent with this policy and with the NYCDOE’s commitment to equity and access. Schools
must be mindful that inappropriate gender segregation may result in isolating students, hindering diversity,
and/or perpetuating gender stereotypes.
The additional following guidance applies:
The titles of courses should be easy for an external reader to interpret. Information about the themes and
topics covered in required courses can hinder postsecondary institutions’ ability to understand a student’s
academic history. This information can be communicated with students and families through course
catalogs or other materials.
Courses for which a standard code is not available are generally coded using ‘Q’ in the second character.
The titles of these courses should be descriptive so that the reader of the transcript can interpret them.
For example, the course “MQS11: Math Topics” does not provide any information about the content of
the course and whether it is high-school level, while “MQS11: Pre-Algebra” clearly describes the course
Advanced Placement courses must use specific, required course titles; see the AP Courses
guidance for
additional information.
3. Section Properties
Schools capture additional information about the delivery method and content of the course using section
properties. These fields further identify the unique properties of a course/subject, including:
If the course integrates English as a New Language (ENL) within a subject
The target language of instruction and percent of time in target language
The special education model
If the course integrates computer science subjects and is part of the CS4All initiative
For health education, the number of HIV/AIDS lessons given to the students, during the year and term
If the course uses iLearn, this section property must be checked for the course to properly connect to
iLearn or Google Classroom.
In order to ensure students are receiving the instruction to which they are entitled and to support accurate
reporting for compliance, schools must carefully complete the section properties in each year and term and
ensure they accurately reflect students’ experiences. For additional support, refer to the following STARS Wiki
pages: English Language Learners, Special Education Programming, Computer Science, and Section Properties.
4. Push-in/Pull-out Instruction
Push-in and pull-out instruction occur when a teacher other than the primary teacher(s) delivers targeted
instruction to a subgroup of students on a regular basis. Push-in and pull-out instruction can be used to meet a
variety of instructional needs including, but not limited to, intervention, enrichment, and services for English
language learners/multilingual learners, and students with disabilities.
High School Academic Policy Guide Updated April 5, 2024 70
Push-in and pull-out instruction must always be programmed in STARS to reflect the content and subjects being
delivered to students. It must be scheduled to reflect the frequency with which the push-in or pull-out instruction
occurs. Push-in/pull-out instruction records identify the teacher, the minutes and meet times, the subject of the
instruction (using course codes), and any other important properties.
In push-in instruction, an additional teacher instructs a student or subgroup of students within the
primary class. The STARS push-in record should match the subject being delivered in the primary class.
In pull-out instruction, a student or subgroup of students leaves the primary class to receive instruction
outside the classroom from a second teacher.
Integrated co-teaching (ICT) is not considered push-in or pull-out instruction. Instead, this is indicated as a section
For additional details and instructions for programming push-in and pull-out instruction, see the STARS wiki page;
for additional information on special education programming, see the STARS wiki Special Education Programming
A. Grading Policies
All elementary, middle, and high schools must have written grading policies that they review and update annually.
Well-documented grading policies facilitate discussion with students and families about academic growth and
support students and families in sharing ownership of their learning. School-based grading policies should be
developed in consultation with the school community and grounded in the needs of their students. Grading policy
documents may be organized in a variety of ways, depending on the extent to which schools’ grading policies are
standardized at the school, department, or course level.
Schools must share a physical or electronic copy of their grading policy with students and families
at the beginning of the school year. Schools should also share grading policies at open houses,
parent-teacher conferences, on the school website, and through other touchpoints with families.
Students and families have the right to request the grading policy at any point in time, per the
Student Bill of Rights and the Parents’ Bill of Rights. Schools must translate their grading policies
for families when needed.
All grading policies must explain, at a minimum, how grades are determined, the grading scales used, and the
timeline of when students receive grades. In addition, schools should have clearly defined procedures to ensure
that students’ final course grades are entered in STARS by the end of the term, and in some cases may be entered
up to 20 business days (or 4 weeks) after the end of the term for individual students who need additional time.
Schools have discretion in deciding which specific measures are factored into students’ grades. Schools must
make determinations of passing or failing based primarily on how well students demonstrate understanding of
the subject matter, concepts, content, and skills addressed in a course or subject. Even in courses like physical
education (PE), science labs, or electives, students must be graded based primarily on how well they have learned
the concepts and subjects being taught.
Students who meet the learning outcomes of the course by meeting the expectations outlined in the syllabus
must receive credit for the course. When students miss class time, teachers should give students reasonable
chances to make up missed work before final grades are entered in STARS.
High School Academic Policy Guide Updated April 5, 2024 71
Students may not be denied credit based on lack of “seat time” alone. Schools must communicate these academic
expectations to students and families at the beginning of the school year.
Attendance may not be factored into a student’s grade. Attending school, participating in class,
and demonstrating understanding are all essential components of student learning, and school
communities must make every effort to ensure that students attend school, with a goal of every
student, every day. When students attend school consistently, they have the greatest opportunity
to make progress, receive support from their teachers, and demonstrate their learning. Students’
grades must reflect the extent to which they have met the learning outcomes for their courses.
All students, including students with disabilities and ELLs/MLs, should be working toward grade-level standards
and must receive grades based on competency of NYSED commencement-level learning standards.
ELLs/MLs: Grading policies should consider students’ English as a New Language (ENL) proficiency level
and should include opportunities for students to demonstrate competency of NYSED commencement-
level learning standards in their native language.
Students with disabilities: All students, including students with disabilities, should be working toward
grade-level standards and should receive grades based on how well they comprehend the content and
skills addressed in a course or subject. An Individualized Education Program (IEP) describes specially
designed instruction and accommodations for an individual student that creates access to grade-level
standards and enables progress toward annual goals. Students’ receipt of accommodations may not
impact the grade that can be earned. Students with disabilities have the same opportunity to earn grades
as all other students.
o Schools issue report cards to provide feedback on students’ progress in the general education
curriculum and distribute progress reports to reflect the likelihood a student will meet or has
already met their annual goals. While progress reports are usually distributed at the same time as
report cards, they may not replace report cards for students with disabilities.
Students with disabilities who participate in alternate assessments: Due to the severity of the students’
disabilities, schools modify the general education curriculum to provide students access and allow for
participation and progress. Modification changes the expectation of what skills students need to
demonstrate they have met the learning outcomes of the course. To accommodate different
expectations, a school’s grading policy should address how they grade students with disabilities who
participate in alternate assessment.
Schools must not use Regents exam scores as a factor in student grades.
For information on how to develop and implement strong grading policies that promote accurate, equitable, and
social-emotionally responsive grading, schools can refer to the Grading Policy Toolkit.
Sometimes, students miss the majority of the course and it is not reasonable for them to complete course requirements through make-
up work before teachers award final grades. In these cases, it may be appropriate to award special marks such as an ‘NX’ (Course in
Progress) or ‘NL’ (New/Recent Admit or Other), consistent with the NYCDOE policies for these marks. Students who are considered long-
term absentees (LTA) and students receiving hospital or home instruction should never be assigned an ‘NS’ mark. See the Grading Policy
Toolkit for more information.
See the United States Department of Education’s Dear Colleague Letter.
High School Academic Policy Guide Updated April 5, 2024 72
B. Course Marks and Report Cards
Schools determine the number of marking periods to include within a year, semester, trimester, or cycle,
depending on the model they use in STARS; see the section of this guide on term models and the overview of
term models guidance for more information. Schools must give at least two grades (marks) in each course per
term and enter them in STARS, to ensure that students have the opportunity to receive at least one interim and
one final mark in every course. The last marking period in the term is where final course grades for that term are
Schools determine these calculations according to their grading policies. Schools should clearly define
procedures for calculating and entering final grades in STARS by the end of the term, and in some cases may be
entered up to 20 business days (or 4 weeks) after the end of the term for individual students who need additional
Important Terms to Know
Grades are a reflection of students’ understanding and command of content, their progression through a course
or subject, and their competency of skills at a given point in time.
Grading policies outline when and how students receive feedback on their competency of content and skills.
Schools can address these elements in one or more document(s). Schools are not required to use a specific format
when drafting their grading policies. The purpose of a grading policy is to allow students, families, and teachers to
have a mutual understanding of what specific grades mean. Schools may establish grading policies at the school,
department, grade, or course level, provided the school applies their grading policies equitably to all students.
Term is the length of a course with one teacher or set of teachers, one syllabus, and a final grade and credit(s)
earned. Schools must designate a school-wide term model in STARS before the start of the school year. A school’s
designated term model defines the maximum length of any course experience that it may offer. Individual courses
may be shorter than the school’s designated term model. Schools cannot offer courses that span across multiple
terms; courses must begin and end within one term. The term model a school uses heavily influences course
sequences, student programming, and students’ progress to graduation.
Marking periods are intervals during a course when the teacher of record awards interim marks, which provide
status updates to students, families, and other stakeholders.
Report card grades are indications of students’ progress toward proficiency of the courses learning standards at a
given point in time. These are grades that do not appear on the transcript. Report card grades may be standalone
or cumulative. They are also often called marking period grades.
Final grades (marks) are given at the end of the term, representing the work students completed over their
courses and should reflect the ultimate level of proficiency at the end of the course, as of that point in time. This
grade may also confer credit(s) when a course is credit-bearing. The teacher of record determines the final mark
in accordance with the school’s grading policies and the City and State’s academic policies.
1. Course Marks Updated August 2023
All schools are required to enter both interim and final report card grades (course marks) into STARS for grade
levels K12, regardless of the type of report card they choose to use. Schools should enter grades in accordance
For additional information on generating final grades in STARS, see the STARS wiki page on Grades and Exams.
See the STARS wiki for more information on how to define terms and enter marking period grades.
High School Academic Policy Guide Updated April 5, 2024 73
with their school-level grading policies and in accordance with the Grading Policy Toolkit. Schools are not required
to enter indicator marks or narratives if the school is not already using the STARS report card. The marks entered
in STARS must accurately match the marks awarded and communicated to students and families.
Schools must award grades in STARS using one of the available NYCDOE grading scales, to ensure that measures of
student progress are transparent and translatable across schools. Schools may choose to award grades using one
or multiple grading scales, provided the use of each scale is clearly explained in the school’s grading policies. The
principal, in consultation with the School Leadership Team (SLT), may determine whether grading scales are set at
the school, department, grade, or course level.
Each course mark has a citywide pass/fail equivalent, and most have a numeric equivalent used in the calculation
of GPA. See the Course and Exam Marks Tables
for the full list of grading scales and marks available for high
The following policies apply to specific course marks:
Course in Progress (‘NX’): Schools must award a grade of 'NX' (Course in Progress) if a student has a
documented, extreme extenuating circumstance that prevents them from completing the course in its
established timeframe (for example, surgery or a death in the family). 'NX' does not have a pass/fail or a
numeric equivalent. A student who receives a Course in Progress must successfully complete remaining
course requirements by the end of the term following the termination of the course in order to receive a
final grade and credit, as applicable. Schools must update the previously awarded ‘NX’ with the final grade
via transcript update.
New or Recently Admitted Students (‘NL’): Schools must award a grade of ‘NL’ to students who enroll in a
course after it has started and may have missed assignments or assessments needed to generate a
complete course grade for the given marking period. These students may be given a grade of 'NL' in STARS
to indicate the student did not have the opportunity to demonstrate their understanding of the course
content. 'NL' does not have a pass/fail or numeric equivalent. Students have until the end of the following
term (not including summer) to complete the course. The school should create a detailed plan for the
student that specifies the timeline and work necessary to earn a final grade and credits. The school will
award a final grade and credit using a transcript update. Schools must update the previously awarded ‘NL
with the final grade via transcript update.
No Show (‘NS’): Schools have discretion in using this mark, but it is recommended that the mark be used
sparingly if at all. An ‘NS’ has a numeric equivalent of 45, which is lower than the numeric equivalent of an
‘F’ (55). If schools choose to use this mark, it should be reserved for the most egregious situations where a
student fails to attend a course and does not participate in any of the work from which a grade can be
o Neither long-term absentees (LTA) nor students receiving hospital or home instruction should be
assigned an ‘NS’ mark. See Medically Necessary and Hospital Instruction guidance for information
on how schools should collaborate with students receiving medically necessary or hospital
instruction. Schools who have students who are LTAs and have missed more than 20 consecutive
school days, must follow the
guidance on using ZLTA codes so that students are not awarded marks.
2. Report Cards Updated August 2023
Report cards can be generated in STARS for each marking period and must be distributed to students and families
at least twice per termone report indicating the student’s progress and one report indicating the student’s final
grades for the term. Schools may use the standard NYCDOE report card and/or school-developed materials to
provide students and families with more information about their progress and performance. Schools can refer the
Student Report Cards webpage for sample STARS report cards, including translations.
High School Academic Policy Guide Updated April 5, 2024 74
All schools are required to enter both interim and final report card grades into STARS for grade
levels K12, regardless of the type of report card they choose to use. Schools should enter grades
in accordance with their school-level grading policies. The marks entered in STARS must
accurately match the marks awarded and communicated to students and families.
As a way to create a more inclusive and supportive environment for all students, schools should use gender-
neutral language in report cards and other student records that will remain with the student throughout their
academic career.
Examples of gender-neutral language include:
Using the student’s name or the singular “they” instead of gendered pronouns like "he" or "she.”
Avoiding gender stereotypes and focusing on the individual student's strengths and weaknesses.
Using inclusive language that includes all genders, such as "children," “learner," or "student."
By using gender-neutral language, schools can help create a more inclusive and welcoming environment for all
students, regardless of their gender identity.
All school staff members and students must refer to students by their chosen names and pronouns, consistent
with the Guidelines to Support Transgender and Gender Expansive Students.
3. Competency-Based Learning Updated August 2023
Competency-based learning is a pedagogical approach where instruction, feedback, and assessment are organized
around the most important skills and knowledge in a course, called learning outcomes. Learning outcomes are
pre-determined competencies and skills in reference to standards. In a competency-based learning system,
students are given timely, differentiated supports based on evidence of their learning, as well as multiple
opportunities to demonstrate their proficiency. Implementing competency-based learning requires long-term
planning and strong support from the school community, including teachers, administrators, students, and
Beginning in the 2023-24 school year, schools have the option to use a new, four-level
competency-based grading scale that includes numeric marks. This new scale is designed to meet
the needs of competency-based schools and other schools that seek to grade students using
proficiency levels rather than the numeric (10-100) or alpha (A-F) scales.
For additional guidance on programming students in schools that employ competency-based learning models, see
this guidance on Competency-Based Learning. Schools should contact their academic policy, performance, and
assessment specialists for direct support with academic policy and programming.
C. Transcript Updates
Schools must have procedures to keep student transcripts up to date to ensure that students are progressing
toward promotion and diploma requirements. Schools may complete a transcript update only in specific
circumstances. Schools must complete all transcript updates in accordance with the policies listed below by
completing the Transcript Update Form and providing any necessary supporting documentation.
High schools may update a student’s final grade for the following reasons:
Add a new course
o Transfer credit, in accordance with the policies outlined in the section on transfer credit
High School Academic Policy Guide Updated April 5, 2024 75
o World Languages credit, for documented residence and school attendance in an “other-than-
English-speaking” environment, in accordance with the policies outlined in the section on World
o Credit by examination, in accordance with the policies outlined in the section on credit by
o Physical education credit for participation in PSAL, in accordance with the outlined policies on PE
o Service hours, documenting students’ progress toward the service seal
Change an existing grade
o Grade calculation/entry error, in accordance with the course’s grading policy
o Updating a grade of Course in Progress (‘NX’) or New/Recent Admit or Other (‘NL’) to a final grade,
per the policies outlined in Course Marks and Report Cards
o Principal override, in accordance with UFT contracts. A teacher must be notified in writing of any
principal override of final course grades.
Add or change an examination outcome
o Regents exam waiver (‘WA’), in accordance with the policies on Regents Exam Waivers
o Regents exam score, a student completed at a non-NYCDOE school in New York State
o NYSED-approved alternative (‘WX’), as outlined in the section on NYSED-approved alternatives
o Performance-based assessment task for schools with State approval to administer PBATs
o Successful appeal to graduate with a low score on a Regents exam as outlined in the Appeals section
of this guide (‘WG’)
Remove an exam or course
o Removing an exam due to duplication or error
o Removing a course due to duplication or error
Parent Choice Policy
o Remove an exam due to parent request
o Add an exam that was previously removed due to parent request
Schools must have a signed and completed Transcript Update Form
with documentation that
supports the change being made before completing the transcript update in STARS. Schools
cannot perform transcript updates for reasons not specified on the form. They cannot use
transcript updates to add courses that were never scheduled and cannot use the transcript
update process to modify historical course codes or credit values for individual students. For
support with coding concerns, schools may contact their academic policy, performance, and
assessment specialists.
Service hours transcript updates should not be credit-bearing; they should only be adding the total number of hours a student has
worked. See the transcript update guidance document or the section on Internships and Service Learning for more information.
As of September 2018, annualization is no longer an accepted reason for a transcript update and is no longer available on the transcript
update form or in STARS.
High School Academic Policy Guide Updated April 5, 2024 76
D. Calculation of Grade Point Average (GPA) and Rank
Schools may determine which courses taken at their school to include in the calculation of student GPA. In
addition, schools may use STARS to assign additional weight to honors, Advanced Placement (AP)®, International
Baccalaureate, and college courses, as explained in the school’s grading policy.
Schools may determine whether to establish school-based policies for class rankings and determinations of a
valedictorian and salutatorian. Schools are encouraged to consider factors such as equity, motivation, and
academic integrity when considering whether to specify an individual student’s rank to move away from using
grades as a means of comparative student recognition and instead celebrate all students. In cases where class
rank is necessary (e.g., to determine a student’s scholarship eligibility), schools should consider designating
students as being in the top 10% or top 25% for GPA outside of STARS without assigning each student an
individual number/rank in STARS. Schools should share clear, documented policies with students and families that
take into consideration which students are eligible to be ranked, which courses count in the ranking, how courses
are weighted, and how the final rank will be calculated. In STARS, when calculating the rank, schools can
determine which students are included in the denominator by creating a custom group and excluding or including
students based on their ranking policy. Schools should complete their ranking prior to certifying students for
graduation and discharging them in ATS.
A. School Calendar
Each year, the school year calendar is centrally designed to meet the NYSED requirement of a minimum number
of 180 school days, and a minimum of 990 instructional hours for students in grades 7-12. Please see New York
State Education Commissioner’s Regulation 175.5 regarding State Aid. The NYCDOE School Year Calendar, which
includes Chancellor’s conference days for professional development and parent teacher conference times, is pre-
determined to ensure that schools do not fall below the minimum number of aidable days while adhering to
contractual requirements and observing key holidays. According to NYSED:
Aidable days must be between September and June
Classes or activities scheduled on Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays do not count towards the 180
aidable days
To avoid the risk of a reduction in State Aid, and to limit the impact on bus scheduling and other services, schools
may not deviate from the calendar except in limited circumstances. See the NYCDOE Calendar Change Requests
page for additional information and the link to the Calendar Change Request Application.
B. Daily Session Time and Student Schedules
Each year, the principal determines a school’s schedule in alignment with contractual obligations and NYSED
minimum instructional time requirements. Changes to the schedule that deviate from the traditional contractual
requirements require a vote via the School-Based Option (SBO) process.
The principal determines a school’s schedule in alignment with contractual rules and the above instructional time
requirements, described in the Session Time Memo. Once a school’s overarching session times and contractual
work day schedules are established in the Session Time Application, students must be programmed for all
instructional time in the STARS suite of applications. For middle and high schools, this includes updating the bell
schedule in the STARS client with accurate information to inform student programming.
High School Academic Policy Guide Updated April 5, 2024 77
In accordance with State policies around school funding and State Aid, schools must provide all students with a
minimum amount of instructional time per school year:
In grades K6 a minimum of 900 hours of instructional time, over at least 180 aidable days
In grades 712 a minimum of 990 hours of instructional time, over at least 180 aidable days
These are experiences where students are:
Receiving instruction from a teacher in an academic subject area
Engaged in instructional experiences which are supervised by a qualified pedagogue 
Instructional time does not include minutes where instruction and/or supervised study time is not provided to
students, such as lunch or recess. Schools must work to maximize student instructional time and prioritize time in
the classroom. This may include reducing minutes of passing time between periods and eliminating homeroom if
it is not operationally necessary.
In order to meet these requirements, NYCDOE schools must provide a total of 25 hours per week to students in
grades K6 and 27.5 hours per week to students in grades 712 of supervised instructional time, exclusive of
lunch. This time may include supervised, instructional experiences overseen by teachers at the school that occur
off-site (for example, courses taken at a college, internships).
Schools must provide students the following minimum instructional time, summarized in the table below, over at
least 180 aidable days, as set forth in the NYCDOE’s School Calendar:
Grade levels
Hours per year 
Hours per week
Students in full day Kindergarten and grades 16
900 hours/year
25 hours/week
Students in grades 712
990 hours/year
27.5 hours/week
Schools may choose to extend their school day beyond the required hours with the help of community-based
organizations/non-profits and special grant opportunities; however schools must deliver their mandated
instruction and services, including for English language learners
and the IEP-recommended program and related
services for students with disabilities, during the regular, mandated school day.
For middle and high school grade levels, the following applies:
Regents testing and Regents rating days are considered aidable days by NYSED. Schools should carefully
consider if students would benefit from attending class and receiving instruction during these days. In
general, Regents Days should be instructional, unless it is necessary for schools to allow students to leave
the building to support proper exam administration.
In 912 schools:
o For all non-D75 schools comprised only of students in grades 912, schools may choose to remove
Regents days from their school calendar in ATS using ERES
. Attendance scan sheets will not be
o This process of releasing grades 912 may also be applied in schools administering their own final
assessments in place of or in addition to Regents exams (e.g. portfolio reviews or final exams for
courses not culminating in Regents exams) in the following circumstances:
The final assessments administered during these days must be required assessments that
count toward students’ final course grades for the term. Schools may not implement non-
attendance days for practice exams, course makeup or review sessions, or assessments that
could be readily incorporated into classroom instructional time.
The assessment(s) must be administered during the Regents exam administration periods.
High School Academic Policy Guide Updated April 5, 2024 78
The assessment(s) must be scheduled for morning and/or the afternoon.
The assessment(s) must require significant school space and/or staff as to impede
administration on a traditional instructional day.
In 612 schools:
o Schools serving students in grades 612 may use the function CCLA (release code 43) to release
students in affected grades if the exam administration will disrupt normal instruction. Approval is
not required, provided the school is releasing on the days of Regents exams only.
o Similarly, secondary schools may request the release of grades 68 during the Regents exam period
if middle school students take local final examinations, as described above.
In K12 schools: Schools serving students in grades K12 must request approval in advance if they would
like to release students in affected grades during Regents exam administration. Schools must follow the
Calendar Change Request process
Note that days of special events, such as PSATs, field trips, promotion ceremonies, etc. are days of attendance;
impacted grades may not be released.
Students on track for graduation often reach their senior year needing only a few required courses or already
having met minimum diploma requirements. Regardless, schools must schedule all students for 27.5 hours per
week of instructional, supervised activities. Schools may use a variety of options to support students in pursuing
more rigorous diploma options and strengthening their college and career readiness, including:
Extended core courses (for example, a fourth year of math or science), Advanced Placement (AP)®
courses, International Baccalaureate courses, college-preparatory courses, or elective courses
Off-site internships, overseen by a teacher or administrator in the school, which align with learning
Courses at a college, in partnership with the high school
Seminars or independent studies where students can research a topic of interest to them
Advisory activities to support students in planning for college and careers
For guidance on awarding credit for these learning experiences, see course credit policies and procedures.
Students above compulsory age (specifically those who have completed the school year in which they turn 17)
have the right to attend a full-time high school or high school program through the end of the school year in
which they turn 21. Students above compulsory age and who have completed four years of high school (meaning
those who are in their fifth year of high school or beyond), have the following additional options:
Schools are encouraged to program students with a full schedule to complete their academic program
and earn a diploma, completing the schedule with experiences and electives, to support college and
career readiness.
Students may transfer to a YABC to complete final credits or take Regent’s prep courses.
Based on their academic and personal needs, schools may program individual students for shortened
schedules (such as attend classes every morning until noon) to complete their academic program and
earn a diploma. In this case, schools should ensure that students are scheduled, at a minimum, for
courses and exams needed to put them on track to graduate. All students should be provided
opportunities to complete an academic program that adequately prepares them for their college and
career goals.
Students may not be given part-time schedules (with a schedule of courses meeting fewer than five days)
without marking such students absent on the days they do not attend courses.
High School Academic Policy Guide Updated April 5, 2024 79
The following additional guidance on programming non-attending students applies:
Schools must follow the guidance in Attendance, Discharge, and Strategies for the Reduction of Chronic
Absenteeism for any students who are not attending school.
Schools should use official classes (via CMOD) to organize their register and attendance rosters, including
for students with long-term absences (LTAs). Monitor attendance for non-attending students who may be
marked present in error.
Schools are responsible for ensuring that all students, including students who are absent for extended
periods of time, are provided with an academic program that moves them toward graduation and college
and career readiness. In the event that a student is absent for more than 20 consecutive school days the
school may:
o Add administrative block(s) to serve as a transition schedule, in which the student will meet with
a counselor, administrator, and/or other school staff members prior to their return to classes,
with a ‘ZA’ in the first two characters. This 'ZA' functional course serves to indicate that the
student needs to see the guidance counselor or another administrator upon return.
o Partially or fully remove the student from the academic program for which they were previously
scheduled. The school should retain a copy of the academic program in the student’s cumulative
record to facilitate the process of recreating the program in STARS at a later date.
If a student returns from an extended absence, the following must occur:
o On the same day the student returns, the school must develop a transition plan, which may include
discussing the student’s progress toward graduation and postsecondary goals, diagnosing the
student’s academic proficiency, informing the student’s teachers of the student’s current program,
and providing the student with information about school systems and structures. For any remaining
time in the school day, the school must provide the student with academic instruction in alignment
with their needs.
o By the following morning, the school must provide the student with a full academic program. To
create this program, the school should review and adjust the student’s most recent academic
program to ensure that it will support the student in progressing toward graduation and college and
career readiness. Where needed, the school should modify the program to provide opportunities for
academic intervention and recovery.
For more information on term models and how to reflect instructional time in STARS, see the Scheduling in STARS
section of this guide. Schools may contact their academic policy, performance, and assessment specialist for direct
support with STARS.
C. Attendance, Discharge, and Strategies for the Reduction of Chronic Absenteeism
Updated August 2023
Attending school, participating in class, and demonstrating understanding are all essential components of student
learning and achieving success in school and in life. It is the collective responsibility of the New York City school
system to make every effort to remove barriers to attendance and to help every student attend and learn in
school every day.
To see the full 2023-24 attendance policy and related policies, refer to the Attendance InfoHub.
High School Academic Policy Guide Updated April 5, 2024 80
D. Student Records Retention and Transfer
Maintaining up-to-date, accurate student records is an important part of ensuring that students are programmed
for the correct courses and exams and receiving the services they need. High schools are responsible for obtaining
and maintaining relevant records electronically and in students’ cumulative files. See the guidance provided in
Records Retention and Disposition Schedule for New York Local Government Records LGS-01, the Student Records
document and Chancellor’s Regulation A-820. To ensure that school records requests are directed appropriately,
school principals should identify staff members responsible for managing student records requests. This individual
may be identified in the USIN ATS screen.
NYCDOE’s data systems automatically transfer the following information to high schools:
ATS: biographical information, attendance data, health/immunization records, promotion data,
disciplinary history, exam scores, and transportation eligibility
STARS: students’ previous grades
SESIS (Special Education Student Information System): IEP
Students’ cumulative files should be transferred to high schools as follows:
For students transitioning from NYCDOE middle schools to NYCDOE high schools: middle schools are
responsible for transferring students’ cumulative files to students’ receiving high schools each spring once
high school placement decisions have been finalized. Middle schools use the PLNT
(general education)
and PSPE (special education) reports in ATS to access students’ high school DBNs, and distribute students’
cumulative files accordingly. The PLNT and PSPE reports should be included with the records as a cover
sheet. High schools can use the RQSA screen in ATS to request missing records as needed.
For students enrolling from non-NYCDOE schools: high schools are responsible for confirming students’
prior schools and contacting the schools to request copies of students’ cumulative files in a timely manner
in order to provide students with appropriate academic programs. See Transfer Credit for more
information on supporting transfer students.
For NYCDOE students transferring to non-NYCDOE schools: only copies of the contents of the cumulative
folder should be sent to the admitting school. The original folder should be kept at the school indefinitely.
The Student Records guidance details what kinds of student records schools are responsible for providing to
parents and students. Former students who wish to obtain copies of their academic records should submit a
written request to the school they last attended, accompanied by valid proof of ID. If the student’s school is no
longer open, the student should request records from the designated transcript maintenance school. Students are
advised to contact their high school superintendent’s office for assistance locating their transcript maintenance
school or obtaining their records. See the Student Records page for additional information.
In accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), confidential student information is not
available to everyone. This law protects the privacy of student information. See the Student Records guidance and
the Data Privacy and Security Policies home page for more information.
Reasonable methods must be used to identify and authenticate the identity of parents, students, school officials,
and any other parties to whom personally identifiable information from education records is disclosed. When a
request comes from a former student who resides out of the New York area, schools must still attempt to confirm
the identity of the requestor.
It is not necessary to transfer a paper copy of the IEP.
High School Academic Policy Guide Updated April 5, 2024 81
1. Changes to Student Records
The types of documentation required for records change requests differs depending on the type of record that a
parent/guardian or student is seeking to update. Parents and eligible students must submit their request in
writing and include the following information:
the information that is claimed to be inaccurate, misleading, or in violation of the student’s privacy rights;
the education records in which the parent/eligible student believes the information is contained;
the basis for the claim (i.e., why they believe the information is inaccurate, misleading, etc.); and
the parent/eligible student’s proposed change.
Schools must respond to the request, in writing, within 15 days of receiving it. See pages 11-13 of Chancellor’s
Regulation A-820 for additional information about the amendment of records and appeals process.
Before updating a student’s electronic records, schools must receive the appropriate documentation from the
student or parent/guardian as described below.
Request to correct a student’s date of birth: Any document accepted as a proof of age for enrollment (for
example, birth certificate or passport)
Request to correct or change a student’s legal name on their permanent record: A court order, birth
certificate, or government ID reflecting the student’s legal name
Request to correct or change a student’s chosen name: A signed
Name and Gender Change Request
Form. Students’ chosen names are recorded separately from their legal names in ATS and appear on
attendance rosters, report cards, and other important documents. See Preferred Student Name (Chosen
Name) for additional guidance.
Request to change a student’s gender marker: A signed Name and Gender Change Request Form. The
DOE does not include gender on student- and school-facing permanent records.
Starting in 2022-23, ATS, SESIS, and MySchools include option “X” as a gender marker for students
who do not identify as female or male; this may include students who are non-binary, gender
expansive, or gender fluid. Gender markers are self-identified. Schools must not request birth
certificates or other documentation.
Students are able to change their gender marker and chosen name on their permanent education records without
legal documentation by submitting a signed Name and Gender Change Request Form to their school, which must
be signed by their parent/guardian if the student is under 18 years of age. The form can be used by all students
(for example, transgender and gender expansive students, those who go by a shortened version of their name, or
those who have changed their name for social reasons).
A student’s chosen name can be entered or changed in ATS if the parent/guardianor the
student if they are 18 years of age or oldersubmits a signed Name and Gender Change Request
Form to the school. When the student’s chosen first name (‘CFN’) and/or chosen last name (‘CLN’)
is entered in ATS, the chosen name(s) will display on most student-, family-, and community-
facing materials produced by the DOE in addition to most DOE school-facing applications, such as
STARS. If a chosen name is not entered for a student, their legal name will continue to display. See
the Preferred Student Name (Chosen Name) wiki page for more information.
High School Academic Policy Guide Updated April 5, 2024 82
Schools must retain copies of this documentation in the student’s cumulative folder. The former name and/or
gender marker will be maintained in archived data to ensure that records will accurately reflect circumstances in
effect at the time each record was created, enable records to be cross-referenced, and maintain confidentiality.
For more information, see the NYCDOE’s Guidelines to Support Transgender and Gender Expansive Students and
the guidance on changing a student’s name and/or gender in ATS.
a. Records Other Than Permanent Records
No documentation is required to update a name or gender marker in records that are not part of a
student’s permanent file, such as guidance logs, graduation programs, sporting rosters, and yearbooks.
Schools must use the student’s chosen name and gender in all other records that are not permanent
records. For students participating in Public School Athletic League activities, they can update their roster
by speaking to their athletic director who will email for support in making this
b. School ID Cards
A student’s school ID card is not a permanent record and a school must issue the ID in the name that
reflects the student’s chosen name. Student IDs must not have gender markers on them. See this STARS
wiki page for step-by-step assistance on updating a student ID without a change in ATS.
High School Academic Policy Guide Updated April 5, 2024 83
A. Credential, Diploma, and Endorsement Codes in ATS
The following is excerpted from the Transfer, Discharge, and Graduation Guidelines.
1. Credential Codes
30 Received High School Equivalency Diploma (GED)
64 Received Career Development and Occupational Studies (CDOS) Commencement Credential
For students who participate in standard assessments only
65 Received Skills and Achievement Commencement Credential
For students with IEPs who participate in New York State Alternate Assessment (NYSAA) only
2. Diploma Granting Codes
26 Received Local Diploma
27 Received High School Regents Diploma
28 Received High School Regents Diploma with Honors
47 Received High School Advanced Regents Diploma
62 Received High School Advanced Regents Diploma with Honors
High School Academic Policy Guide Updated April 5, 2024 84
3. Diploma Endorsement Codes
Upon entering a graduation code in the GRDT (or DISC) screen in ATS, schools may indicate a “diploma type” for
students who have earned endorsements. For students who earn combinations of endorsements not listed here,
use the CCCR Achievement Order of Precedence to determine which endorsement to enter into GRDT.
CTE and arts
26, 27, 28, 47, 62
Math and science
Arts and science
Arts and math
Arts, science, and math
CTE and science
CTE and math
CTE, science, and math
CTE, arts, and science
CTE, arts, and math
CTE, arts, math and science
47 and 62 only
20 CDOS credential as an endorsement to a diploma 26, 27, 28, 47, 62
21 Service Seal 26, 27, 28, 47, 62, 30, 64, 65
22 NYS Seal of Biliteracy (NYSSB) 27, 28, 47, 62
23 NYS Seal of Civic Readiness (NYSSCR) 26, 27, 28, 47, 62
High School Academic Policy Guide Updated April 5, 2024 85
B. Course and Exam Marks Tables Updated August 2023
The table below outlines all available grade scales, and their associated marks, in STARS, along with their pass/fail
equivalents and numeric equivalents. A new four-level, competency-based grading scale will be available in STARS
in September 2023 for use in the 2023-24 school year.
International Baccalaureate scale
International Baccalaureate scale
4 (+/-)
Performance level: excels in standards (14 scale)
3 (+/-)
Performance level: proficient (14 scale)
2 (+/-)
Performance level: below standards (14 scale)
1 (+/-)
Performance level: well below standards (14 scale)
Numeric course grades (10100 scale)
Numeric course grades (10100 scale)
Alpha course grades (AF scale)
Alpha course grades (AF scale)
Alpha course grades (AF scale)
Alpha course grades (AF scale)
Alpha course grades (AF scale)
Alpha course grades (AF scale)
Alpha course grades (AF scale)
Alpha course grades (AF scale)
Alpha course grades (AF scale)
Alpha course grades (AF scale)
Alpha course grades (AF scale)
Alpha course grades (AF scale)
Alpha course grades (AF scale)/Fail (Pass or fail scale)
Pass (Pass or fail scale)
Excellent+ (EU scale)
Excellent (EU scale)
Excellent- (EU scale)
Good+ (EU scale)
Good (EU scale)
Good- (EU scale)
Satisfactory (EU scale)
Satisfactory (EU scale)
Satisfactory- (EU scale)
Needs Improvement+ (EU scale)
Needs Improvement (EU scale)
Needs Improvement- (EU scale)
Unsatisfactory (EU scale)
Exceeds standards (4-level competency scale)
In order to avoid conflicting pass/fail equivalencies for marks of 14, schools using the numeric scale should round marks of less than 10
to either an ‘NC’ or a 10, or utilize the ‘NS’ mark where appropriate. Schools may also choose to set a minimum failing mark in their grading
policies in accordance with the policies described in the Grading Policy Toolkit.
High School Academic Policy Guide Updated April 5, 2024 86
Meets standards (4-level competency scale)
Approaching standards (4-level competency scale)
Not yet meeting standards (4-level competency scale)
Exceeds standards (Competency scale)
Above standards (Competency scale)
Meets standards (Competency scale)
Approaching standards (Competency scale)
Below standards (Competency scale)
No Credit
No credit No show (additional policies apply)
No credit Fulfilled distribution requirement
No credit Audit
No credit Course in Progress
(additional policies apply)
No credit New/Recent Admit or Other
(additional policies
Course waived (use for PE only)
Applicable Exams Description
Default Numeric
World Language
Comprehensive exam
The numeric exam score the student
received on the exam
World Language
Comprehensive exam
The numeric exam score the student
received on the exam
World Language
Comprehensive exam
Absent: Student was scheduled to take
the exam but did not show up on test
During the transition to remote learning in March 2020, the description of ‘NX’ changed from ‘Incomplete’ to ‘Course in Progress’.
With the release of the 2020-21 Grading Policy, the description of ‘NL’ changed from ‘New/Recent Admit’ to ‘New/Recent Admit or
Schools have the option of displaying only the highest Regents exam score on the transcripts of students who have taken Regents exams
multiple times. If students have a waiver and an exam score in the same exam area, they may choose which to display.
Marks of ABS, INV, and MIS will not appear on transcripts. All Regents exam marks are maintained in the students’ STARS permanent
High School Academic Policy Guide Updated April 5, 2024 87
Applicable Exams Description
Default Numeric
World Language
Comprehensive exam
Invalid: Student cheated on the exam; or
student became ill during the exam and
was therefore unable to complete it
World Language
Comprehensive exam
Misadministration: School/teacher mis-
administered the exam
Waived exam: Student received a NYS
Regents, World Language, or NYSED-
approved alternative exam waiver.
Student entered a NYCDOE school in
grade 11 or 12, as applicable
Grade 11 or 12: waive Global History
& Geography
Grade 12: waive Global History &
Geography and/or Science
NYSED-approved Regents
Student passed NYSED-approved
Regents Alternative
Appealed exam
For PBAT or RCT exams
PBATs are used by Consortium Schools
only; mark corresponds to Consortium
Rubric grades of Outstanding, Good, and
RCTs are available only to students with
disabilities who entered grade 9 prior to
September 2011
For PBAT or RCT exams
PBATs are used by Consortium Schools
only; mark corresponds to Consortium
Rubric grade of Needs Revision)
RCTs are available only to students with
disabilities who entered grade 9 prior to
September 2011
High School Academic Policy Guide Updated April 5, 2024 88
C. Forms
The following is a list of forms for school use, in fillable format. The second column indicates whether the form is
required for all high schools to use and that schools may not use their own school-created versions of the form.
All of the forms below are available on the academic policy page to print and reference as needed. For assistance
using these forms, schools may contact their academic policy, performance, and assessment specialist.
Form Required
Must Review
and Sign
Optional Description
Appeals to
Graduate with
Low Scores on
Regents Exams
A school designee must complete this form and
submit the required supporting documentation in
order to request a low score appeal on a Regents
exam. This accompanies an appeal submitted via
CDOS Attestation
x x
Principals must complete and submit this form as
part of the request for a superintendent
determination of graduation for students who
have demonstrated competency of the CDOS
commencement-level learning standards and are
using the requirements of the CDOS
commencement credential to meet the ELA
and/or math Regents exam eligibility
As a best practice, complete this form when
students are earning the CDOS in any capacity.
Credit Recovery
Approval Form
x x
The school-based panel must complete this form
for every student who is approved to participate
in credit recovery. This documents that the
student is eligible and the policies for credit
recovery are being met.
Course Review
x X
Complete this form to determine if a proposed or
currently offered course suits a school’s
programming needs and meets the requirements
to bear credit.
As a best practice, keep this form with a copy of
the course syllabus.
Complete this form to assess a student’s progress
towards fulfilling credit and exam graduation
Agreement Form
A school designee and a student must complete
this form for each instance of off-site coursework.
Parent signature required.
High School Academic Policy Guide Updated April 5, 2024 89
Form Required
Must Review
and Sign
Optional Description
Override Code
Review Form
x x
A school designee must complete this form so
that the principal may approve credit and exam
override codes entered into GRDT when students
are certified for graduation.
Determination of
Graduation x
A school designee must complete this form and
submit the required supporting documentation in
order to request a superintendent determination
of graduation. This accompanies an appeal
submitted via RQSA.
Transfer Credit
Equivalency Form
A school designee must complete this form and
submit the required supporting documentation in
order to document transfer credits awarded from
a non-DOE school.
Transfer Student
Entry Checklist
Complete this form to assist students transferring
into a DOE school from a non-DOE school.
Transcript Update
x x
A school designee must complete this form and
submit any required supporting documentation
before updating student transcripts with additions
or corrections. The form must be retained with
supporting documentation.
High School Academic Policy Guide Updated April 5, 2024 90
D. Impact of COVID-19 New August 2023
Since March 2020, schools have been impacted by the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. NYCDOE schools
and students first transitioned to a remote learning model for the remainder of the 2019-20 school year (including
summer). In the 2020-21 school year, schools utilized remote and blended learning models, and in the 2021-22
school year students returned to in-person learning. During that time both NYSED and NYCDOE implemented
policies to address the necessary adjustments to our education system. The following are academic policies that
were impacted by COVID-19. Some of these policies and flexibilities have been expanded upon and continue to
exist while others are no longer in effect.
1. Graduation Requirements
a. Minimum Credit and Assessment Requirements
he credit and assessment requirements to earn a New York City high school diploma remain
nchanged during the COVID-19 pandemic. Students were still required to earn 44 credits distribute
ross specific subjects and pass assessments in the subjects of English language arts (ELA), math, soc
tudies, and science. However, the way that students earned credit and met the assessment requirement
ere modified
nstructional Time Requirements for a Unit of St
rom March 2020 to August 2020 (the end of the 2019-20 school year, including summer school), the Ne
York State Education Department (NYSED) waived the instructional time requirement for a student to
earn course credit, therefore schools were not required to provide the full 54 hours of instruction per
credit. Students received course credit at the end of a course as long as they met the learning standards
and earned a passing grade, per the DOE’s Grading Policy for Remote Learning
n July 2020 NYSED updated the definition of a unit of study to include alternative learning experiences
including but not limited to through digital technology or blended learning that represents standards-
based learning under the guidance and direction of an appropriately certified teacher. Instruction
xperiences shall include, but not be limited to: meaningful and frequent interaction with a
ppropriately certified teacher; academic and other supports designed to meet the needs of th
dividual student and instructional content that reflects consistent academic expectations as in-perso
struction. Any alternative instructional experience must include meaningful feedback on-studen
ssignments and methods of tracking student engagement.
uring 2020-21, schools had to use 180 minutes per week (or 54 hours per credit) as a benchmark fo
omparison when designing and delivering instruction aligned to the learning standards
ince the 2021-22 school year, schools must once again provide 54 hours of instruction per credit, but thi
structional time may continue to include alternative instructional experiences
c. Science Labs
rom March 2020 to August 2020 (the end of the 2019-20 school year, including summer school), NYSE
ived the requirement that students complete 1,200 minutes of hands-on lab experiences to be eligib
or the culminating Regents exam. For the 2020-21 school year, NYSED allowed schools to use the 1,20
inutes of traditionally required lab experiences as a benchmark for ensuring that lab experiences durin
lended and remote learning were of comparable scope and rigor. These time flexibilities did not exten
ast the 2020-21 school year
High School Academic Policy Guide Updated April 5, 2024 91
Since the 2021-22 school year, students can complete the full 1,200 minutes through a combination of
hands-on and simulated laboratory experiences.
2. Assessments
a. Regents, World Language Exams, and NYSED-Approved Alternatives
The New York State Education Department (NYSED) cancelled the administration of Regents exams
scheduled for June 2020, August 2020, January 2021, and August 2021, January 2022, as well as most
exams in June 2021 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, NYSED postponed the
administration of the U.S. History and Government (Framework) Regents exam through January 2023.
NYSED provided guidelines for the issuance of Regents and World Language exam waivers so that
students were not adversely affected by the cancellation of these exams. These waivers represent a
passed exam (equivalent to a score of 65).
Students in grades 7-12 who met specific eligibility criteria to receive the Regents, World Language exams,
and NYSED-approved +1 waivers could use them toward the assessment requirement for diplomas (local,
Regents, and advanced Regents), credentials, and endorsements. See the Regents Exam Waivers wiki for
more information.
b. Appeals to Graduate with Low Scores on Regents Exams
Due to the continued impact of COVID-19 on teaching and learning, NYSED approved an additional option
for students to graduate using a lower score on a Regents exam: the Special Appeal. This option provided
flexibility to students taking Regents exams in the 2021-22 and 2022-23 school years to meet the
assessment requirements for any diploma type.
The Special Appeal is different from traditional low score appeals in that the student does not need to
have taken the exam under Special Appeal twice, nor participated in academic assistance provided by the
school in the same subject of the Regents exam under appeal. Additionally, there is no limit to the
number of Special Appeals that can be applied to specific diploma types. See
Appeals to Graduate with
Low Scores on Regents Examinations for more details.
c. Compensatory Score Option
Regents exam waivers cannot be used to compensate for scores of 45-54 on another Regents exam.
3. Diploma Endorsements
a. CDOS Endorsement
Students who exited high school from June 2020 to August 2021, and were unable to complete the
requirements for the CDOS Commencement Credential or the CDOS +1 pathway as a result of the COVID-
19 crisis, and demonstrated proficiency of the CDOS learning standards, were granted a waiver from the
completion of the 216 hours of Career and Technical Education (CTE) instruction and/or the 54 hours of
work-based learning requirement.
b. Honors Designation
Students who received Regents waivers due to cancelled Regents exam administrations could still earn
the Honors designation. The calculation for the designation depends upon the number of Regents exams
applicable to the diploma type. See the Regents exam waiver
section of this guide for details on Regents
High School Academic Policy Guide Updated April 5, 2024 92
c. Mastery in Math Designation
Students who received math Regents waivers due to cancelled Regents exam administrations could earn
the mastery endorsement in math as long as they meet the requirements for an advanced Regents
diploma and:
o Passed 3 Regents exams in math with a score of 85 or higher; or
o Passed 2 Regents exams in math with a score of 85 or higher and received a Regents waiver for a
third Regents exam in math; or
o Passed 1 Regents exam in math with an 85 or higher and earned a final course grade of 85 or higher
in 2 additional math courses culminating in a Regents exam for which a Regents waiver was granted.
See the section of this guide for details on Regents waivers.
d. Mastery in Science Designation
Students who received science Regents waivers due to cancelled Regents exam administrations could
earn the mastery endorsement in science as long as they meet the requirements for an advanced Regents
diploma and:
o Passed 3 Regents exams in science with a score of 85 or higher; or
o Passed 2 Regents exams in science with a score of 85 or higher and received a Regents waiver for a
third Regents exam in science; or
o Passed 1 Regents exam in science with an 85 or higher and earned a final course grade of 85 or
higher in 2 additional science courses culminating in a Regents exam for which a Regents waiver was
See the section of this guide for details on Regents waivers.
4. Graduation Policies and Procedures
a. 21+ Students
NYCDOE allowed students who turned 21 in the 2020-21 school year to return in 2021-22 in pursuit of a
high school diploma, credential, or endorsement. NYCDOE also allowed students who turned 21 in the
2021-22 school year to remain enrolled or re-enroll in the 2022-23 school year to meet graduation
requirements and/or transition to adult/postsecondary programs.
5. Additional Ways to Earn Credit
a. Online and Blended Courses
In July 2020, the New York State Education Department (NYSED) revised the definition of “unit of study”
in Commissioner’s Regulations Part 100.1 (a) to include instructional experiences delivered through digital
technology, including online and blended courses. Instructional experiences are not defined solely as a
student’s time spent in front of a teacher or in front of a screen, but time engaged in standards-based
learning under the guidance and direction of a subject-certified teacher. In the 2020-21 school year,
schools could factor the time students participated in online and blended experiences into their
instructional time benchmark of 180 minutes per week.
Further, due to the waiver of Regents exam requirements, students did not need to pass the
corresponding Regents exam to receive course credit in any subject area waived during a given exam
High School Academic Policy Guide Updated April 5, 2024 93
period between June 2020 and January 2022; students received course credit by meeting the learning
outcomes of the course and earning a passing grade, per the school’s grading policy.
Since the 2021-22 school year, and consistent with the online and blended course policy prior to COVID-
19, students are required to pass the corresponding Regents exam at the end of the Regents-culminating
term (if available), if the student had not already passed an exam that counted toward a diploma in that
subject area.
b. Credit by Examination
Students cannot earn credit by examination using the Regents or World Language exam waivers due to
the COVID-19 pandemic, since those waivers required having earned course credit.
6. Grade 8 Course Acceleration
a. Cancellation of Regents and World Language
Due to the cancellation of Regents and World Language exams from June 2020 through January 2022,
students who passed courses culminating in these exams were exempted from the exam requirements
toward graduation and were eligible to receive high school credit.
7. Course Marks and Report Cards
a. Course Marks
During the 2019-20 and 2020-21 school years, the New York City Department of Education (NYCDOE)
issued grading policies in response to the academic, social, and emotional needs of students, families and
educators. While most of these policies are no longer in effect, schools must be aware of the policies that
were in effect during those times, because they may have some carry-over effects, such as whether
grades may be included in ranking. See the Grading Policy for Remote Learning (2019-20) and the
Policy for Remote and Blended Learning Models (2020-21) for details.
8. Student Records Retention and Transfer
a. Sharing Student Records
When school buildings were closed intermittently to reduce the spread of COVID-19, the NYCDOE
developed Guidance for Sharing Student Records with Families During Remote Learning for schools to
share educational records in a secure and confidential manner, as needed. This resource provided details
on responding to student data requests from families, former students, third parties, etc.
High School Academic Policy Guide Updated April 5, 2024 94