New Jersey Motor Vehicle
Private Inspection Facility Manual
r (5/17)
Welcome to the New Jersey
Motor Vehicle Commission
Enhanced I/M Program
This manual is being provided to Private Inspection Facilities as part of a continuing partnership with
MVC. It is an important tool for the PIF or licensed inspector to keep and refer to during the course of
their daily activities. It contains almost everything that a licensed PIF or inspector needs to know in order
to conduct business and inspect motor vehicles in accordance with New Jersey State Law, Rules and
Regulations. Of course, there may be times when the answer to a question is not easily found or in the
manual. In all such cases, you should call your local PIF Unit with your questions at:
Central PIF Unit Southern PIF Unit
Asbury Park Winslow
1010 Comstock Street 550 Spring Garden Road
Asbury Park, NJ 07712 Ancora, NJ 08037
732-869-8335 609-567-8873
MVC Inspection Services Headquarters maintains a unit in Trenton that can be contacted, provided you
have discussed any inspection issue with your Regional PIF Office first. This unit can be reached at:
Trenton I/M Support
225 East State St.
P.O. Box 680
Trenton, NJ 08666-0680
SECTION I .................................................................................................................................................... 6
Definitions ................................................................................................................................................. 6
SECTION II ................................................................................................................................................ 16
Inspection Standards and Procedures ...................................................................................................... 16
General Requirements ......................................................................................................................... 16
Initial Inspection .................................................................................................................................. 17
Re-inspection ....................................................................................................................................... 17
Fees ...................................................................................................................................................... 18
ERF Certification Fee .......................................................................................................................... 18
New Jersey Sales Tax .......................................................................................................................... 19
Work Orders/Invoices ......................................................................................................................... 19
Acknowledgement Stamp and Usage .................................................................................................. 20
Required PIF Approval Stamp ............................................................................................................ 20
Basic Information Required on All Work Orders/Invoices ................................................................ 23
Certificate of Approval Purchases ....................................................................................................... 24
How to read a NJ registration .............................................................................................................. 25
Initial Registration Description ........................................................................................................... 26
Transfer Registration Description ....................................................................................................... 27
Renewal Registration Description ....................................................................................................... 29
Duplicate Registration Description ..................................................................................................... 29
Family Duplicate Description ............................................................................................................. 30
Sample NJ Apportioned Cab Card, Heavy Duty Diesel ..................................................................... 31
Sample Temporary Vehicle Registration ............................................................................................ 32
Use of the Julian Date Calendar .......................................................................................................... 33
Guideline on Various Scenarios in Certificate of Approval Issuance for Passenger Vehicles ........... 34
Guidelines on Various Scenarios in Certificate of Approval Issuance for Commercial Vehicles. ..... 35
SECTION III ............................................................................................................................................... 37
Items to be Inspected/Procedures ............................................................................................................ 37
Certification and Rejection Procedures ............................................................................................... 37
Mobile PIF ........................................................................................................................................... 39
How to become a Mobile PIF ............................................................................................................. 39
Inspection/ Re-Inspection Procedure .................................................................................................. 39
A Private Inspection Facility cannot inspect any of the following vehicles: ..................... 41
A Private Inspection Facility can inspect any of the following vehicles: ............................ 42
Federal Vehicles .................................................................................................................................. 43
Out-of-State Vehicles .......................................................................................................................... 43
Courtesy Inspection ............................................................................................................................. 44
48-Hour Certification-Rejection Procedures ....................................................................................... 45
Inspection Decal Replacement for New Motor Vehicles Purchased Out Of State ............................. 47
Inspection Decal Replacement ............................................................................................................. 48
Heavy Duty Diesel Vehicles ............................................................................................................... 48
Commercial Registered Vehicles only ................................................................................................ 50
Credentials and License Plates ............................................................................................................ 50
Drivers’ Licenses ................................................................................................................................. 50
Registration ......................................................................................................................................... 50
Insurance Verification ......................................................................................................................... 51
License Plates ...................................................................................................................................... 53
Steering/Suspension ............................................................................................................................ 53
Wheel Alignment ................................................................................................................................ 54
Front Parking Lights ............................................................................................................................ 54
Glazing ................................................................................................................................................ 55
Description of Windshield Areas ........................................................................................................ 57
Medical Tinting ................................................................................................................................... 67
Medical Tint Inspection Procedure ..................................................................................................... 68
Vision Obstruction .............................................................................................................................. 72
Horn ..................................................................................................................................................... 73
Windshield Wipers .............................................................................................................................. 73
Directional Signals and Hazard Warning Lights ................................................................................. 74
Marker-Clearance-Identification-Reflectors ....................................................................................... 75
SAE Lighting Identification Markings ................................................................................................ 77
Red Rear Light and Plate Light ........................................................................................................... 77
Stop Lights .......................................................................................................................................... 79
High Mounted Stop Lights .................................................................................................................. 80
Wheels and Tires ................................................................................................................................. 85
Exhaust System ................................................................................................................................... 86
Headlights ............................................................................................................................................ 87
N.J. Headlight Aim Requirements ...................................................................................................... 89
Mirrors ................................................................................................................................................. 90
Other Lights ......................................................................................................................................... 91
Retired Ambulances ............................................................................................................................ 92
Portable Emergency Warning Devices ............................................................................................... 93
Spot Lights .......................................................................................................................................... 94
Back-up Lights .................................................................................................................................... 94
Headlight beam - turn signal and hazard signal indicator lights ......................................................... 96
Wiring and Switching .......................................................................................................................... 96
Miscellaneous ...................................................................................................................................... 96
Service Brake ...................................................................................................................................... 99
Service Brake Pedal Reserve ............................................................................................................. 101
Re-inspection of Braking Systems .................................................................................................... 102
Parking Brake .................................................................................................................................... 103
Certificate of Approval Issuance ....................................................................................................... 104
Visible Emissions Smoke Test .......................................................................................................... 105
Visible Emissions Smoke Test Procedure ......................................................................................... 105
Emission Tampering Inspection Procedure ....................................................................................... 106
Liquid Leak Inspection Procedure .................................................................................................... 106
Visual Fuel Cap Inspection Procedure .............................................................................................. 106
General Instructions for All Emissions Tests .................................................................................... 107
Emission Test Preparation ................................................................................................................. 107
Guidance for Body Style Entries ....................................................................................................... 108
On Board Diagnostics Test Procedure .............................................................................................. 109
Vehicles failed for OBDII ................................................................................................................. 110
OBD Bypass Request Protocol ......................................................................................................... 111
Manual Data Input Procedure: Initial Test ........................................................................................ 114
General instructions for all Heavy Duty Diesel Emissions tests ....................................................... 114
HEAVY DUTY DIESEL EMISSION TESTS ................................................................................. 117
SECTION IV ............................................................................................................................................. 130
Retired School Bus Inspection and Migrant Farm Worker Vehicle Inspection .................................... 130
Integrity of Retired School Buses ..................................................................................................... 130
Retired School Buses (i.e. Church, Shuttle, etc.) ....................................................................... 131
Migrant Farm Workers ............................................................................................................... 131
SECTION VI ............................................................................................................................................. 159
Sample Forms ........................................................................................................................................ 159
Off-site Inspection/Re-inspection Schedule .............................................................................................. 161
DIESEL TABLE “A” RATE CHART .................................................................................................. 163
RE-INSPECTION CHARGE FOR VEHICLES NOT REPAIRED HERE ..................................... 163
TIME RQUIRED .............................................................................................................................. 163
OUR CHARGE ................................................................................................................................. 163
DEW POINT CHART ...................................................................................................................... 168
INFORMATIONAL SUPPLEMENT ....................................................................................................... 184
Inspection Standards and Criteria, for High-Rise Vehicles .................................................................. 184
INFORMATIONAL SUPPLEMENT ....................................................................................................... 192
ENGINE SWITCHING FACT SHEET ................................................................................................ 192
“Action spectra” means those portions of the electromagnetic spectrum, such as UVA, UVB, near UV,
and visible light, which elicit an adverse medical condition as specified in N.J.S.A. 38:3-75.1 and this
“Advertising,” means any printed or published materials including, but not limited to, direct mail,
circulars, leaflets, pamphlets, newspapers, magazines, billboards, yellow pages of any telephone directory,
radio and/or television broadcasts, and any other advertising medium of communication used to induce
the public to seek the services of the private inspection facility and/or the services of a motor vehicle
emission repair facility. The term “advertising” shall not include printed or published materials appearing
in the white pages of any telephone directory.
“Applicant” means any person applying under the provisions of this subchapter for an initial license to
engage in the business of a private inspection facility and/or the business of a motor vehicle emission
repair facility or to renew an existing license. In the case of a partnership or corporation applying for a
license, the term “applicant” shall respectively include all partners and/or officers and directors and/or
persons having a controlling interest in a sole proprietorship or corporation.
“AS-1 line” means the mark at the edge of a sheet of glazing material that delineates the area of the
windshield requisite for driving visibility and indicates that portion of the sheet of glazing material having
a luminous transmittance of not less than 70 percent.
“Best available retrofit technology” or “BART” means an aftermarket particulate emissions control
device that, as determined by the Department, can be used on or in a regulated vehicle or regulated
equipment, at a reasonable cost to achieve substantial reduction of fine particulate diesel emissions, and is
either a diesel emissions control strategy for which CARB has issued an Executive Order, or a verified
retrofit technology for which the USEPA has issued a Verification Letter. “Best available retrofit
technology” includes only those retrofit devices and fuel for which the retrofit device manufacturer or fuel
manufacturer certifies that the installation and use would not jeopardize the original engine warranty in
effect at the time of the installation or the commencement of use of the retrofit device or fuel, and for
which the manufacturer has issued a warranty pursuant to 7:27-32.9.
“BART 1” means a BART that achieves a minimum particulate emissions control level of 25 percent
reduction in mass.
“BART 2” means a BART that achieves a minimum particulate emissions control level of 50 percent
reduction in mass.
“BART 3” means a BART that achieves a minimum particulate emissions control level of 85 percent
reduction in mass.
“Black smoke” means smoke in the exhaust emissions of a diesel-powered motor vehicle, which has a
dark achromatic visual value and produces no predominant hue.
“Blue smoke” means smoke in the exhaust emissions of a diesel-powered motor vehicle, which has a hue
of the portion of the visible light spectrum, which lies between green and violet.
“Bi-fueled” means powered by gasoline and by an alternate fuel, but not on a mixture of the two-fuels.
Each fuel is stored in a separate tank. For example, a vehicle may operate on either propane or gasoline,
but it cannot operate on both at the same time. Typically, these vehicles will consume the alternate fuel
until the supply is exhausted, and then switch over, often automatically, to use the traditional fuel. This
term shall not include vehicles powered by electric motors.
“CARB” means the California Air Resources Board, empowered by federal statute to regulate sources of
air pollution, including motor vehicles and motor vehicle components, established pursuant to the
California health and safety Code, Sections 39500 et seq.
“Certificate of approval” means an inspection sticker issued by an official inspection facility, a licensed
private inspection facility, or a State specialty inspection facility certifying that a motor vehicle complies
with the requirements of Title 39 and Title 26 of the Revised Statutes, N.J.A.C 13:20-43, this subchapter
or N.J.A.C. 13:20-33 whichever is applicable, and N.J.A.C. 7:27-15 and 7:27B-5 regarding the inspection
of motor vehicles.
“Chief Administrator” means the Chief Administrator of the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission in
the State of New Jersey.
“Certified configuration” means a vehicle-engine-chassis design for light-duty gasoline-fueled vehicles
and light-duty gasoline-fueled trucks certified by either of the following agencies as meeting the
applicable emission standards for motor vehicles manufactured in a given model year:
EPA for model year 1968 or for a more recent model year; or
California Air Resources Board for model year 1966 or for a more recent model year.
“Clear film,” means a material that, when applied over factory-installed glazing, has a neutral gray
“Closed crankcase ventilation system” means a system installed upon an internal combustion engine
and that is designed to capture all solids, liquids and gases that are emitted from the vent and divert them
to the engine intake air plenum for recombustion.
“Collector motor vehicle” means a motor vehicle, not otherwise qualified for designation as a “historic
vehicle,” or “street rod,” which was either: originally manufactured as a restricted issue make or model, or
in a sufficiently limited quantity; or at the time of qualification for designation exists in such limited
numbers; either one or the other or both of the above, according to any generally recognized compilation
of motor vehicle statistical information on file with, or supplied by the owner to the Commission, so as to
establish it as a unique commodity having a current monetary value in excess of similar make and model
vehicles with routine manufacture, and distribution patterns, and further, that it is not driven in excess of
the maximum mileage permitted by the terms of a valid limited use motor vehicle insurance policy issued
for, and covering such vehicle, proof of which shall be supplied to the New Jersey Motor Vehicle
Commission at the time of application for designation as a collector vehicle, which mileage shall in no
event exceed 3,000 miles per year. This term shall not include motor vehicles with elevated chassis
height, which are subject to inspection in accordance with N.J.A.C. 13:20-37.
“Controlling interest” means possession of the power to direct or cause the direction of the management
and policies of a private inspection facility and/or motor vehicle emission repair facility, whether through
ownership of voting securities or otherwise. The New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission will presume
that control in fact exists if any person or entity directly or indirectly owns, controls, holds the power to
vote, or holds proxies representing 10 percent or more of the voting securities of any private inspection
facility and/or motor vehicle emission repair facility. This presumption may be rebutted by showing that
control does not in fact exist. The New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission may determine that control in
fact exists, notwithstanding the presence or absence of a presumption to that effect.
“Commission” means the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission in the State of New Jersey.
“Customer” means the owner of record of a motor vehicle on file with the New Jersey Motor Vehicle
Commission, or any family member, employee or any other person whose use of a motor vehicle is
authorized by such owner of record.
“Data link connector” or “DLC” means a standardized 16-pin diagnostic test receptacle used to connect
a workstation to a motor vehicle.
“Diagnostic Trouble Code” or “DTC” means an alphanumeric code stored in the on board diagnostic
system of a motor vehicle, which generally indicates the malfunction of a system or component. These
codes are defined by SAE J2012 Diagnostic Trouble Code Definitions, (MAR92). Copies of SAE J2012
may be obtained from the Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale,
PA 15096-0001.
“Department” means the Department of Environmental Protection in the State of New Jersey.
“Diesel bus” means any diesel-powered auto-bus or motor-bus of any size or configuration, whether
registered in this State or elsewhere, that is designed or used for intrastate or interstate transportation of
passengers for hire or otherwise on a public road, street or highway or any public or quasi-public property
in this State, including, but not limited to, auto-buses under the jurisdiction of the Department of
Transportation pursuant to Titles 27 or 48 of the Revised Statutes; auto-buses of the New Jersey Transit
Corporation and its contract carriers that are under the inspection jurisdiction of the Department of
Transportation; auto-buses that are subject to Federal motor carrier safety regulations; auto-buses under
the authority of the Interstate Commerce Commission or its successor agency; school buses, as defined
pursuant to N.J.S.A. 39:1 -1; and hotel, casino, charter, and special buses.
“Diesel PIF” means any person who for compensation, engages in the business of inspecting and
certifying heavy-duty diesel trucks, diesel buses or diesel-powered motor vehicles, including emission
control apparatus and emission control systems. An employee of a diesel emission inspection center who
engages in the business of inspecting and certifying diesel motor vehicles, including emission control
apparatus and emission control systems, solely by reason of his or her employment is not deemed to be a
diesel emission inspection center and is not required to be licensed as such.
“Diesel particulate filter” means an exhaust emissions after treatment device that physically entraps and
prevents from being emitted into the air at least 85 percent of the particulate matter contained in the full
exhaust stream emitted by the engine
“Element of Design” means any automotive part or system on a motor vehicle that is subject to federal
emission standards at 40 CFR Part 86 or CARB emission standards at California Code of Regulations,
Title 13 which could affect the emission of any regulated air contaminant from a motor vehicle.
Emission control apparatus” means any device utilized by the vehicle manufacturer and/or the engine
manufacturer to control the release of any regulated emission, including any associated component, which
monitors the function and maintenance of such a device, regardless of the location of the device on the
vehicle. This term shall also include any retrofit device added to the vehicle or engine as part of a
mandatory or voluntary retrofit program for emission control.
“Emission control information label” means a label or sticker affixed beneath the engine hood of a
motor vehicle, as required by federal regulation, providing vehicle-specific information on the emissions
“Emission control system” means a device or equipment installed on a motor vehicle by the vehicle
manufactured and/or the engine manufacturer for the purpose of controlling air contaminants emitted
from the motor vehicle or motor vehicle engine, including devices or equipment integral with, but not
limited to, exhaust emission control systems, fuel evaporation control systems, crankcase emission control
systems, and associated systems which control or monitor the function and maintenance of these devices
or systems.
“Emission repair facility registration” means a registration issued to a motor vehicle emission repair
facility that evidence’s the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission’s authorization for the facility to
engage in emission and OBD II repairs, including diesel repairs pursuant to P.L. 1995, c.157, on motor
vehicles that have failed an emission or OBD II inspection.
“Emission Testing” Currently the NJEIMS uses one (1) emission test at the CIFs and PIFs. It is the On
Board Diagnostics Test (OBD II). The OBD II test is conducted by using a vehicle’s on board computer
network to query its emission components to see if they are working within standards set by United States
Department of Environmental Protection.
“EPA Memorandum 1A” means the memorandum dated June 25, 1974 and issued by the EPA’s Office
of Enforcement and General Counsel, which sets forth the EPA’s interim tampering enforcement policy.
This term also includes any revisions to the policy set forth in the June 25, 1974 memorandum that are
subsequently issued by the EPA. A copy of this EPA memorandum has been filed with the Office of
Administrative Law and may be obtained from the Bureau of Motor Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance
in the Department of Environmental Protection.
“Engaged in the business” means any person performing vehicle inspection functions and emission-
related repairs as required by the NJMVC for compensation
“Estimate” means any written determination prepared by a licensed motor vehicle facility of the
approximate cost of the parts and labor needed to perform the requested services or any written
determination prepared by a private inspection facility of the approximate cost of the parts and labor
needed to perform the requested non-emission related repair services.
“EPA” means the United States Environmental Protection Agency.
“Federal Clean Air Act” means the Federal “Clean Air Act,” 42 U.S.C §7401 et seq., and subsequent
amendments or supplements to that act.
“Fleet” means 10 or more motor vehicles.
“Frame” means the main longitudinal structural members of the chassis of the vehicle or, for vehicles
with unitized body construction, the lowest main longitudinal structural members of the body of the
“Gasoline-fueled” means powered by a hydrocarbon fuel other than diesel fuel, including, but not limited
to, gasoline, natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas, and propane, and also powered by alcohol fuels and
hydrocarbon-alcohol fuel blends.
“Gross vehicle weight rating” or “GVWR” means the value specified by the manufacturer as
indicated on the door, as the maximum loaded weight of a vehicle or combination (articulated) vehicle.
“Governed engine speed” or “maximum governed rpm” means the maximum engine speed
obtainable when the [diesel] engine is driving the vehicle under a loaded condition, as specified by the
engine manufacturer.
“Heavy-duty diesel truck” means any diesel powered motor vehicle, whether registered in this State or
elsewhere, with a GVWR of 18,000 or more pounds that is designed or used for the transportation of
property on any road, street or highway or any public or quasi-public property in this State. For the
purposes of these rules, heavy-duty diesel truck shall not mean a heavy-duty diesel truck owned and
operated by a county, municipality, fire district, or duly incorporated nonprofit organization and used for
first aid, emergency, ambulance, rescue, or fire-fighting purposes.
“Heavy-duty gasoline-fueled vehicle” means a gasoline-fueled motor vehicle that has a GVWR of more
than 8,500 pounds and that is designed primarily for the transportation of persons or property.
“High Idle” means the highest engine speed obtainable when the engine is disengaged from the
transmission and freewheeling.
“High-speed diesel engine” means any heavy- duty diesel engine with a governed speed over 2800 rpm
“Inspection logo” means a large green and white sign identifying a licensed New Jersey Motor Vehicle
Commission Inspection Facility. This sign is designed to list more than one type of MVC business
license. This sign must be displayed outside the facility in full public view.
“Inspector” means an individual, who is licensed by the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission to
perform any motor vehicle inspection functions,
“Jitney” means an autobus as defined in N.J.S.A. 48:16-23 with a carrying capacity of not more than 13
passengers, operated under municipal consent upon a route established wholly within the limits of a single
municipality or with a carrying capacity of not more than 20 passengers operated within the limits of not
more than four continuous municipalities within any county of the fifth or sixth class, which route in
either case does not, in whole or part, parallel upon the same street the line of any street railway or
traction railway or any other autobus route.
“Lessee” means any person who exercise control or who operates a motor vehicle under an agreement or
contract for 30 days or more.
“Lift,” means any modification or alteration, other than load, of the chassis, suspension, body, rims, or
tire size, which elevates the height of a motor vehicle.
“Light-duty gasoline-fueled truck” means a gasoline-fueled motor vehicle that has a GVWR of 8,500
pounds or less, a vehicle curb weight of 6,000 pounds or less, and a basic frontal area of 45 square feet or
less, and that is:
Designed primarily for the transportation of property or more than 12 passengers: or
Available with special features enabling off-street or off-highway operation and use.
“Light-duty gasoline-fueled vehicle” means a gasoline-fueled motor vehicle that has a GVWR of 8,500
pounds or less, is designed for the use as a passenger car or is a passenger car derivative and is capable of
seating 12 or fewer passengers.
“Low-speed diesel engine” means any heavy-duty diesel engine with a governed speed of 2200 rpm or
“LUMP or Low utilization modified performance vehicle” means a vehicle that has been modified for
performance in accordance with N.J.A.C. 7:27-15.7 and is driven less than 5,000 miles per year.
“Malfunction indicator light” or “MIL” means the light located on the dashboard instrument panel of
an OBD-equipped motor vehicle that indicates a malfunction detected by the OBD system by illuminating
the words “check engine,” “service engine” or an engine pictograph with the word “check” or “service.”
“Medium-speed diesel engine” means any heavy-duty diesel engine with a governed speed of 2201 to
2800 rpm.
“Mobile PIF” means a PIF that is authorized to perform off site inspections/re-inspections at locations
other they their licensed private inspection facility address as indicated on the Private Inspection Facility
Business License. These off site inspections must be performed, by contract, with on-site commercial
establishments. Vehicles being inspected must be owned or leased by the owner of the contracted
“Model year” means, with respect to a motor vehicle, the year in which the motor vehicle is considered
to have been manufactured.
“Motor vehicle” means any vehicle propelled otherwise than by muscular power, excepting such vehicles
as run upon rails or tracks and motorized bicycles.
“Motor vehicle emission repair facility or ERF” means any person, partnership, or corporation
registered by the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission to engage in the business of performing
emission-related repairs on motor vehicles that have failed an emission inspection.
“Motor vehicle emission testing equipment” means equipment in accordance with specifications
contained in N.J.A.C 7:27B-5.9. The equipment shall include all devices used for performing a motor
vehicle emission inspection and Diesel Emission Inspection, including but not limited to, workstation,
OBD II scanners and workstation smoke meters, , and computers and related software.
“Near UV” means the portion of the visible electromagnetic spectrum that appears violet to blue in color,
having wavelengths that range from 400 nanometers to 492 nanometers.
“NJDEP” means the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.
“Off-site Inspection” – inspection or re-inspection conducted by a Private Inspection Facility or Private
Inspection Fleet Facility at an alternate location other than what is designated by the Private Inspection
Facility / Private Inspection Fleet License.
“Official inspection facility” means a test-only inspection facility that the State Treasurer has contracted
for pursuant to section 4 of P.L. 1995, c.112.
“On-board diagnostics or OBD” means an automotive diagnostic system complying with California
OBD regulations or EPA OBD II regulations
“OBD-eligible” means capable of receiving an OBD II inspection as determined by the Department of
Environmental Protection in accordance with N.J.A.C. 7:27-15.5(m) which are:
Gasoline or bi-fueled powered vehicle model year 1996 and newer with a GVWR of 8,500 lbs or
Gasoline or bi-fueled powered vehicle model year 2008 and newer with a GVWR of 8,501 to
14,000 lbs
Gasoline or bi-fueled powered vehicle model year 2014 and newer with a GVWR of 14,001 or
Diesel powered vehicle model year 1997 and newer with a GVWR of 8,500 lbs or less
“Omnibus” means all motor vehicles used for the transportation of passengers for hire, except commuter
vans and vehicles used in ride-sharing arrangements and school buses, if the same are not otherwise used
in the transportation of passengers for hire.
Omnibus 2 – means motor vehicles operated by a company or individual that provides passenger
transportation to a target audience and market that is not in competition with a publicly regulated transit
route or does not collect fares from the general public.
“Optical properties” means the percentage of visible light and/or UV transmittance, visible light
reflection, and other parameters of approved sun-screening materials, and products as supplied by the
manufacturer and installed or applied by a registered sun-screening material installation facility.
“Original manufacturer” means any company engaged in the manufacturer or assemblage of motor
vehicles, which comply, with all applicable United States Department of Transportation regulations for
delivery to the first purchaser.
“Original vehicle height or OVH” means the highest distance inclusive of the largest tires and highest
suspension available from the original manufacturer. The distance shall be measured from the lowest
edge of the centerline of the operator’s door with the door closed, or from the lowest point where the door
would meet the body on vehicles without doors, or from the lowest point on the floor panel directly below
the operator’s position on vehicles designed without doors, to the level surface on which the unladen
vehicle rests.
Passenger Vehicle Transportation – means vehicles regardless of fuel type, plate as taxicab, limousine,
jitney, Omnibus2, hotel bus, paratransit vehicle, mobile assistance vehicle or ambulance, except those
vehicles inspected by the Commission’s Inspection Services Bus Unit.
“Place of business” means the address or location where services of a private inspection facility, motor
vehicle emission repair facility, or a Sunscreen material installation facility are offered or ordinarily
“Power Brake Test” means test conducted on all heavy-duty diesel-powered motor vehicles equipped with
automatic transmissions as described in NJAC 7:27B-4.3.
“Primary emission control component” means the air pump, oxygen sensor, catalytic converter,
positive crankcase ventilation (PCV) valve and exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) valve.
“Private inspection facility or PIF” means any person who for compensation engages in the business of
inspecting, re-inspecting, and certifying motor vehicles, including emission control systems. It also
means any person, partnership or corporation licensed by the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission
pursuant to N.J.A.C. 13:20-44 to perform the motor vehicle inspections required by N.J.S.A. 39:8-1.
“Private inspection facility license” means a license issued to a private inspection facility which
evidence’s the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission’s authorization for the facility to engage in the
inspection, re-inspection and certification of motor vehicles, including motor vehicle emission control
“PSI” means air pressure in pounds per square inch.
“Reconstructed vehicle” means a vehicle, which has been materially altered from its original
construction by the removal, addition or substitution of essential parts, new or used.
“Reflectance” means the percentage of visible light reflected by the sun-screening material or product.
“Remote sensing device” means an apparatus, which remotely monitors motor vehicle emissions from an
on-road, roadside, or other location.
Repair to Pass” means that a vehicle presented for inspection with obvious safety only rejections was
repaired prior to the inspection.
“Retrofit device” means any emissions control apparatus, including exhaust after treatment device that
has been installed on the vehicle or engine after the original manufacturing date of the complete vehicle.
“Rolling Acceleration Test” means test employed on all 1994 and newer model-year heavy-duty diesel-
powered motor vehicles equipped with manual and automatic transmissions and on all heavy-duty-diesel-
power motor vehicles of all model years equipped with medium or high speed engines and manual
transmissions. as described at NJAC 7:27B-4.3 This test procedure may be employed on all heavy duty
diesel powered vehicles subject to periodic inspection requirements, in lieu of the snap acceleration or stall
acceleration test procedures. This test procedure shall be performed on all electronically controlled heavy
duty diesel powered vehicles with low speed engines which have high idle speeds less than 1600 rpm or
with engine speed rise times during the snap acceleration test over 2.1 seconds.
“SAE” means the Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.
“School bus or bus” means every motor vehicle operated by, or under contract with, a public or
governmental agency, or religious or other charitable organization or corporation, or privately operated
for compensation for the transportation of children to and from school for secular, or religious education,
school-connected activity, day camp, summer day camp, nursery school, child-care center, pre-school
center or similar places of education, including “Type S” school bus as defined in N.J.A.C. 13:20-51.2.
“Snap Acceleration Test” means test procedure used on all heavy-duty diesel-powered motor vehicles
with engines having a maximum governed speed of 2,500 rpm, equipped with manual transmissions.
“State” means a state of the United States or the District of Columbia.
“State specialty inspection facility” means a test-only inspection facility that is operated by the New
Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission to inspect certain motor vehicles as specified in N.J.A.C. 13:20-7.3(d).
“Stud” means a pin type device prepared for installation in the tread of an automobile and consists of a
tungsten carbide core bonded to an outer casing or shell of plastic, aluminum or steel.
“Studded tire” means an automobile tire fitted with studs in the treads in openings molded for that
purpose by the tire or tread manufacturer.
“Sun-screening material installation facility or SMIF” means any person who for compensation
engages in the business of installing or applying approved sun-screening materials and products on the
windshields and /or the front side window(s) of motor vehicles for which medical exemption certificates
have been issued in accordance with N.J.A.C. 13:20-1 and which are driven by or used to transport a
person having a medical condition involving ophthalmic or dermatological photosensitivity.
“Sun-screening material installation facility registration” means a registration issued to a sun-
screening material installation facility which evidence’s the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission’s
authorization for the facility to engage in the business of installing or applying approved sun-screening
materials and products on the windshields and/or front side window(s) of motor vehicles for which
medical exemption certificates have been issued in accordance with N.J.A.C. 13:20-1 and which are
driven by or are used to regularly transport a person having a medical condition involving ophthalmic or
dermatological photosensitivity.
“Suspension, revocation or refusal to grant or renew” means administrative action by the New Jersey
Motor Vehicle Commission, to refuse to grant or renew a private inspection facility license, motor vehicle
emission repair facility registration, and/or sun-screening material installation facility registration or to
suspend or revoke an existing license or registration.
“Tinted film,” means a material of any color that is applied over factory-installed glazing.
“Transmittance” means the percentage of visible light and/or UV radiation that passes through a sun-
screening material or product and the factory-installed glazing to which it is attached.
“Ultraviolet or UV” means the ultraviolet portion of the electromagnetic spectrum, having wavelengths
that range from 290 nanometers to 400 nanometers.
“UVA” means the portion of the UV spectrum that ranges from 320 nanometers to 400 nanometers in
“Vehicle” means every device in, upon or by which a person or property is or may be transported upon a
highway, excepting devices moved by human power or used exclusively upon stationary rails or tracks or
motorized bicycles.
“VIN” means vehicle identification number
“VIR” means vehicle inspection report.
“Wheel track” means the shortest distance between the centers of the tire treads on the same axle. The
widest distance shall be calculated on vehicles having dissimilar track widths.
Inspection Standards and Procedures
Inspection Standards and Procedures
General Requirements
Your inspection center license authorizes you to place a certificate of approval on any valid NJ registered
vehicle as certification that you or someone in your employ who is a licensed Motor Vehicle Emissions
Inspector, has inspected and determined that the vehicle is in compliance with applicable New Jersey
Motor Vehicle Commission laws and regulations. Only New Jersey licensed Motor Vehicle Emission
Inspectors can certify a vehicle.
Under no circumstances can a certificate of approval be “swapped” between Private Inspection Facilities.
Use only approved inserts as issued by the Motor Vehicle Commission, no substitutions.
Initial inspections may be done up to sixty (60) days before the expiration of the certificate of approval
that is present on the windshield.
An up-to-date PIF license, Table “A” Rate chart, and the official inspection sign with complete license
number must be conspicuously displayed for the public at all times.
Your license also authorizes you to inspect any out-of-state vehicle presented to your facility. With an out
of state inspection the customer will only be issued a Vehicle Inspection Report. No inspection sticker is
to be placed on the vehicle.
Any vehicle presented for inspection and which requires safety only repairs may be repaired prior to the
inspection provided you indicate the “repair to pass” option was used in the workstation software.
Customers are not to be refused inspection services, and once you begin the initial inspection, you must
complete the process. A “Repair to Pass” option in the workstation software will allow a New Jersey
Certified Motor Vehicle Emission Inspector to pass and place a certificate of approval on a vehicle that
has failed inspection for safety items only; provided that rejected items are repaired before leaving the
If emission repairs are made, your facility must be a registered Emission Repair Facility and employ a
mechanic certified and registered as an Emission Repair Technician. When you make repairs, adjustments
or corrections, the condition of the rejected item must be brought to the standards described in this
manual. You are required to make the checks, tests or inspections as a part of the repair job, which is
standard automotive repair practice. All emission repairs must be certified by a registered New Jersey
Emissions Repair Technician, unless repaired by the customer/owner.
Do not issue any certificates of approval if repairs are required unless repairs were made to correct the
rejections for certification.
If a very dangerous rejection is detected, and the owner of the vehicle does not want the rejection
repaired, procedures for issuing the 48-hour rejection sticker appear in the section entitled 48-hour
certification rejection procedures found on page 44.
If a vehicle is presented for re-inspection with no initial Vehicle Inspection Report, have the inspector
print a duplicate Vehicle Inspection Report. If unable to print a duplicate VIR, then the customer will be
advised to either return to the facility, which performed the initial inspection or they can reprint the VIR
at www.mvcvirreprint in order to obtain a copy of the Vehicle Inspection Report (VIR), or given the
option to have a complete initial inspection performed, providing they are advised that a charge for an
initial inspection is required.
Mechanics repairing rejected items must initial all items on the numbered work order/invoices and
Vehicle Inspection Report that they have repaired. Re-inspection of items not repaired at your facility will
be noted on the reverse side of the Vehicle Inspection Report and initialed by a Certified Motor Vehicle
Emission Inspector.
PIFs shall not inspect School Buses or buses which are subject to inspection by the New Jersey Motor
Vehicle Commission (MVC), Commercial Bus Inspection and Investigation Unit, or vehicles registered
as contractor equipment, in-transit vehicles or registered “Farmer”, or vehicles owned and operated by a
county, municipality, fire district, or duly incorporated nonprofit organization and used for first aid,
emergency, ambulance, rescue, or firefighting purposes. The preceding sentence is to be interpreted as
meaning county, municipality; fire districts or duly incorporated non-profit organizations vehicle designed
and used only for emergency purposes are exempt from opacity tests. Example: Fire truck, ambulance,
police command post, etc.
Those vehicles used on an occasional basis for emergency purposes must receive an opacity test, an
example of such vehicle would be a utility vehicle used for snow plowing during a snow emergency.”
Diesel PIF’s must determine the type of emission test that will be conducted. The two emission tests are
the Snap and OBD according to the model year of the vehicle.
All New Jersey registered diesel powered motor vehicles, with a gross vehicle weight rating of 18,000
pounds or more, must be tested for smoke opacity at a licensed PIF within 90 days of their month of
registration renewal.
New: Heavy Duty Diesel emission approval Sticker will be positioned on the passenger side of the
windshield at the lowest point or above any displayed sticker.
Initial Inspection
Your license requires you to perform an initial inspection on any vehicle presented to you for inspection
as long as they meet the criteria as listed on your PIF sign. You may not refuse any vehicle presented for
inspection for any reason with exception of the following:
Inspection equipment is not functioning and a trouble call has been placed to the Help Desk of the
contractor for repair.
Your license also requires you to re-inspect and certify a vehicle when the owner himself or another repair
facility has made the necessary repairs, adjustments or corrections. In such cases, you or someone in your
employ who is properly certified and licensed must actually re-inspect the rejected defects to determine if
they have been brought to the standards described in this manual. If those defects have been brought to
standard, you shall place a certificate of approval on the vehicle.
You may set your own fee for performing initial inspections.
If you wish to charge a fee to your customer to cover the inspection transaction charge it must be included
in your inspection fee.
You may charge the vehicle owner, up to your maximum, an inspection fee as posted on your Table “A”
rate chart for the initial inspection and in addition, a fee of not more than $2.50 for the certificate of
A travel fee may be charged if the PIF wishes to do so, however, the fee must be separately stated on the
invoice issued to the customer, and the copy for the state records. Travel fee is a taxable item.
Any changes in your fee must be posted on a new table “A” rate chart, and a copy must be filed
with the Commission.
You may charge a fee for re-inspection of repairs made elsewhere or by the owner based on the fee posted
on the Table “A” rate chart, but only that portion of an hour, which the Commission has established to be
the average time for re-inspection of the specific rejected items shown in the table “A” rate chart.
ERF Certification Fee
Any PIF that is also an ERF (PIF/ERF) may charge a fee if they are certifying any emission repairs made
by any facility that is NOT an Emission Repair Facility (Non-ERF). This certification fee must be clearly
marked on the customer’s invoice and must be based upon the rate posted on your facilities labor rate
The certification fee does not apply to any emission repairs made by your facility, a registered Emission
Repair Facility or a self-repair by the motorist. In these situations, this fee is not to be charged. If
emission repairs are made by the facility also performing the re-inspection, there is to be no charge for the
re-inspection. If the repairs are made by another ERF or by the motorist, the PIF may charge a re-
inspection fee as described in the PIF Manual.
Certification of repairs performed by a Non-ERF cannot be performed without the vehicle owner’s
permission. The customer must be told in advance that they are being charged a fee for certifying the
other facilities work and must sign an acknowledgement of this fee on the invoice before work is
performed. This fee can be hand written on all invoices and is to be listed under the inspection fee and
initialed by the customer. A PIF/ERF that certifies the work of another shop that is not an ERF will enter
the ERF and ERT number at time of re-inspection in the Emission Repair Portal.
Any PIF should forward information to their respective PIF office regarding shops that are not registered
as an ERF and are performing emission repairs. MVC will contact the shops to have them register in the
ERF program. Shops that do not comply with laws and regulations concerning inspection emission repairs
may be subject to prescribed penalties.
If you have any questions about this or any other related inspection issues, please contact your regional
PIF office.
New Jersey Sales Tax
A separately stated and identified charge for a motor vehicle inspection by a private inspection facility to
obtain a certificate of approval is exempt from sales tax.
The charge for any repairs or adjustments required to repair a vehicle to obtain a certificate of approval
for a motor vehicle as a result of an inspection rejection is subject to tax as provided in 18:24-7.12(a).
Work Orders/Invoices
IMPORTANT!! In cases when a vehicle is brought to a PIF by another repair business, the PIF will
require an invoice or work order indicating the customer has knowledge of the vehicle being
inspected at the PIF. All paperwork prepared by the PIF will be made out to the customer and will
include the information on the repair facility that brought the vehicle for inspection.
The certificate of approval number, date, and repair order number must be on the work order/invoice. All
information must be written with a ballpoint pen only.
Certificates of approval, invoices and/or work orders MUST be used in numerical order.
Do not charge state sales tax on the initial inspection, certificate of approval or any Table “A” rate chart
inspection fee.
Upon approval of any vehicle, the station approval stamp must appear on all copies of the numbered
invoice and/or work. The certificate of approval number issued must be recorded (with pen only) on the
appropriate line of the station approval stamp on the numbered invoice and/or work order. All repairs,
inspection and non-inspection related, may be documented on one work order. A copy of the numbered
work order/invoice and a signed Vehicle Inspection Report will be given to the customer if they fail again.
PIF may include any non-related items (items not pertaining to the inspection) on the invoice. A copy of
the numbered invoice and/or work order and a signed Vehicle Inspection Report will be given to the
customer if the vehicle fails.
All copies of numbered invoices and/or work orders must have your facility or trade name, address, phone
number, and all required stamps (i.e. acknowledgement and station approval stamps). All copies of
numbered invoices and/or work orders must have customer’s name, address, plate number and vehicle
description [model, make VIN # and year] customer’s insurance company’s name and policy number, and
the customer’s telephone number. In lieu of writing the insurance information on the numbered work
order/invoice, an attached photocopy of the insurance card is acceptable proof.
A copy of the numbered invoice and/or work order with the rejections listed and a signed Vehicle
Inspection Report will be given to the customer showing rejected item(s). Deface the inspection certificate
of approval or certificate of waiver affixed to the motor vehicle, if any, by cutting it in a diagonal manner
from the upper right corner of the certificate to the lower left corner of the certificate as viewed from the
inside of the passenger compartment and removing the lower right half of such certificate.
All re-inspection numbered invoices and/or work orders must show the work done to repair all rejected
item(s). All repairs must be written on numbered work order/invoice. In the case of an emission repair, the
emission repair form must be properly filled out online through a web portal. The results of the repair will
show up automatically in the VIIS when the vehicle is scanned for re-inspection. In the event that the
repair data cannot be entered or transmitted; the ERF number and ERT number will be entered on the VIR
and the emissions repair form.
Customer’s Signature – Date
Customer’s Signature – Date
Charges for re-inspections, certificates of approval, and repairs must be separately stated on all numbered
work orders/invoices.
The customer must agree in order for the PIF center to perform the initial inspection. Record the initial
inspection on the workstation.
Acknowledgement Stamp and Usage
A licensed private inspection facility shall not require, as a condition of performing the initial inspection,
that any repairs, adjustments, or corrections be performed at the private inspection facility performing the
Repairs, adjustments or corrections shall not be performed on a motor vehicle at the licensed private
inspection facility where the motor vehicle was inspected unless the customer signs a written
acknowledgment and waiver that he or she understands his or her right to have the repairs, adjustments or
corrections performed elsewhere and expressly waives his or her rights. You are required to purchase
stamps from a commercial source with the imprint as shown in the sample below, or have the wording
pre-printed on your numbered invoice and/or work order, or on your computer generated numbered
invoice/work order.
The acknowledgment/waiver shall contain the following information:
If your numbered work order/invoice is not pre-printed, stamp all work orders/invoices (pass or fail) with
the acknowledgement stamp. The customer must sign the top line of all stamped work orders/invoices
whether or not the customer chooses to have repairs done at your facility. If the customer chooses to have
you make the repairs, have the customer sign the second line of the acknowledgement where indicated,
and retain for your files. If you obtain verbal authorization to perform customer repairs to the vehicle, the
acknowledgement stamp must be signed when the vehicle is picked up. Invoices and/or work orders with
the acknowledgement stamp and customer’s signature will be checked by the Commission as part of the
regular records audit.
Required PIF Approval Stamp
When you place a certificate of approval on the vehicle, you must also stamp all inspection related
documents with the imprint shown below. You are required to purchase the stamp from a commercial
source. It is required that you have your Private Inspection Facility License number made a part of the
rubber stamp on the PIF License No. line. You can also have this stamp pre-printed on all your inspection
related forms and invoices.
PIF LICENSE NO. ____________________
STICKER NO. _______________________
DATE _______________________________
The stamp should measure 1 ½ inch by 2 ½ inch high alpha/numeric characters. Both PIF and ERF
stamps should include all six (6) digits of the license number.
Upon completion of the inspection, stamp all copies of the numbered work order/invoice and signed
Vehicle Inspection Reports (VIR) being sure to insert the certificate of approval number and date on the
appropriate lines. Do not accept a motor vehicle for certification which has been previously rejected
unless the motorist provides you with a Vehicle Inspection Report, and an emission repair form if
customer performs repair, which has been issued by an Official Inspection Facility or a Private Inspection
If the defective item(s) has been corrected by a Certified Mechanic (safety items), a New Jersey
Emissions Repair Technician, or the customer so as to meet the standards shown in this manual the
vehicle may be certified by removing the previous certificate of approval and replacing it with the proper
certificate of approval.
The certificate of approval shall be placed about 3” from the bottom of the windshield and about 4” from
the driver’s side, but in every case the certificate of approval must be completely visible from the front of
the vehicle.
The diesel emission inspection certificate of approval shall be placed about 3” from the bottom of the
windshield and about 4” from the passenger’s side, but in every case the certificate of approval must be
completely visible from the front of the vehicle.
NOTE: Automobile manufacturers have in some vehicles previously produced used a type of
windshield with an “inner plastic” surface designed for occupant safety. Except for the additional
plastic layer, the “inner shield” windshield is identical to a standard production windshield in
You will be able to identify these windshields by one of the following three ways:
There is a permanent message in black letters on the inside center of the windshield. The wording is
“Glass Plastic Material. See Owner’ Manual for Care Instructions.” This lettering is on the glass surface
so it cannot be removed or scrapped off without damaging the inner plastic layer.
The windshield monogram, on the outside lower passenger corner, has the words “Inner Shield” added.
The vehicle is delivered to the public from the manufacturer with a notice decal on the inside passenger
lower corner. This is a requirement of Federal Motor Vehicle Standards No. 205.
In an effort to eliminate the possible damage to the inner plastic coating on the newer windshields, the
following procedure should be adhered:
Do not attempt to deface or remove certificates of approval with a razor blade or any other sharp
metal object. A plastic scraper can be used to remove the certificate of approval.
If the vehicle passes inspection, fold the upper right hand corner of the certificate of approval
down to form a small tab and affix to windshield.
If the vehicle is rejected, do not affix a 48-hour rejection sticker to the windshield. Write the
following on the vehicle inspection report: “This vehicle has been rejected and must be repaired
within 48 hours of the date of the initial inspection as printed on the vehicle inspection report and
no 48 hour sticker has been issued.”
If the defective items on a Vehicle Inspection Report have not been corrected, return the Vehicle
Inspection Report to the motorist but do not remove the rejection sticker from the windshield.
No vehicle shall be certified until all rejected items have been properly repaired, adjusted or corrected.
The owner of a motor vehicle rejected at an Official Inspection Facility or a Private Inspection Facility
due to a safety defect or an exhaust emission defect is required to have the vehicle repaired within 30 days
of the expiration date of the current certificate of approval in order to legally operate in the State of New
Jersey. When the nature of the defect is such that the vehicle is obviously very unsafe, the repair must be
made within 48 hours.
If a vehicle is presented at a Private Inspection Facility after the 30 day period has expired, the Private
Inspection Facility may re-inspect the vehicle and certify it if the rejected items have been corrected.
Basic Information Required on All Work Orders/Invoices
Your Business Name Invoices Must be Numbered
Your Business Address
Your Business Phone #
Your PIF# Date of Work & Inspection
Customer’s Name Vehicle Make, Model and Year
Customer’s Address Vehicle License Plate #
Customer’s Contact Phone # Vehicle VIN#
Odometer Reading
Fill Out All Work Orders or Vehicle Insurance Information
Invoices in Triplicate Insurance Company Name
Policy # and Effective Dates
Stamp all copies of Work Order Station Stamp to be filled out,
or Invoice with Station Approval Stamp
Acknowledgement stamp to be
signed on first line and on
second line only if repairs are
and Acknowledgement Stamp Made
Invoice Must State:
New Jersey State Inspection plus Fee
New Jersey State Inspection Sticker plus Fee
Listing of All Rejections for Inspection
Work required to repair rejections Fee
Certificate of Approval Purchases
You may obtain certificate of approval in person at regional PIF offices. The addresses are as follow:
Asbury Park Winslow
1010 Comstock Street 550 Spring Garden Road
Asbury Park, NJ 07712 Ancora, NJ 08037
If purchasing certificates of approval in person, you must present all of the following items:
Your sticker identification card signed by the person picking up the stickers.
Proper sticker inspection order form (signed by owner/manager).
Driver’s license of person picking up stickers.
Company check payable to the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission (no cash or Money orders
will be accepted)
You may also obtain certificates of approval by mail at:
New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission
I/M Unit
225 East State Street
PO Box 680
Trenton, New Jersey 08666-0680
Sticker Inspection order forms are available on line at MVC Private Inspection Facility (PIF) License
webpage. The web page can be found at The form is located in related links box
on the right hand side of the web page.
How to read a NJ registration
Plate Number Expiration Date
VIN Number Weight Class
Vehicle Description Registration Type
Julian Date
289: The day of year that the registration was issued.
Initial Registration Description
An initial registration is issued when a vehicle changes ownership and the first set of license plates is
issued to the vehicle and new owner or lessee. The registration type printed on the registration will read
Initial Registration Certificate of Approval Protocol
An initial registration is a change of ownership. The motorist should have been given a pink card with the
date of title issued either stamped or hand written in the space following the words, “Inspection should be
within 14 days of” (pink card sample on page 172). During this fourteen-day period the motorists should
be given a choice of keeping the current certificate of approval or having the vehicle fully inspected.
Listed below are the various different scenarios, which could happen:
If a motorist chooses to have the vehicle fully inspected within fourteen days including the fourteenth day
of a transfer or change of ownership, the date on the new certificate of approval must be two years from
the month on the pink card presented by the motorist at the time of inspection, regardless of previous
certificate of approval on vehicle.
Example: If a vehicle inspected in February 2016 has a pink card dated February 1, 2016 and is
inspected within fourteen actual days; the inspector must issue a certificate of approval for February
2018. If a vehicle inspected in February 2016 has a pink card dated January 31, 2016 and is inspected
within fourteen actual days, the inspector must issue a certificate of approval for January 2018.
If a motorist chooses to have his/her vehicle inspected within fourteen days including the fourteenth day
of a transfer or change of ownership, and does not have his/her pink card, the date on the new certificate
of approval must be two years from the month of the transfer or change of ownership. Use the Julian Date
Chart on page 170 to determine the transfer or title date (See Use of Julian Date Chart Procedure). After
determining the title date, use the Pink Card Date Chart (Pink Card Date Chart Procedure, pages 173 thru
178) to determine the last day the motorist is eligible for a new inspection date.
If a vehicle is inspected fifteen days after a transfer or change of ownership and displays a certificate of
approval that expires within two months, the date on the new certificate of approval will be the same
month as old approval sticker plus two years.
If a vehicle is inspected fifteen days after a transfer or change of ownership and displays a certificate of
approval with more than two months to its next inspection, the date on the new certificate of approval will
be the same as the old one. Inspector is not to give the motorist two additional years.
The inspector must tell the motorist that the vehicle will have to be inspected when the certificate of
approval expires. Under no circumstance should a CIF or PIF override or change the inspection date to
match the vehicle registration.
Example: The vehicle is inspected in February 2015 but the current certificate of approval expires in May
2015, then the inspector is to issue a new certificate of approval for the same date (month and year) of
May 2015. The vehicle will have to be inspected in May 2015.
If a vehicle is inspected fifteen days after a transfer or change of ownership, there is no certificate of
approval on the vehicle; the inspector must issue the new certificate of approval two years from the month
of the Julian date on the vehicle registration.
Transfer Registration Description
A transfer registration is when a motorist moves his/her license plates from one vehicle to another vehicle.
The registration type on the registration will be marked as “TRANSFER”. Inspectors may also see other
types of transfer registrations such as Transfer\Repl and Ren\Trans. Copies of these registrations are also
included. The protocol below also covers these registrations.
Transfer Registration Certificate of Approval Protocol
With a transfer registration the motorist should have been given a pink card with the date the registration
was issued either stamped or hand written in the space following the words, “Inspection should be within
14 days of” (pink card sample on page 172. During this fourteen-day period, the motorists are given a
choice of keeping the current certificate of approval or having the vehicle fully inspected.
Listed below are the various different scenarios, which could happen:
If a motorist chooses to have the vehicle inspected within fourteen days including the fourteenth day of a
transfer or change of ownership, the date on the new certificate of approval must be two years from the
month on the pink card presented by motorist at the time of inspection, regardless of the previous
certificate of approval on the vehicle.
Example: If a vehicle inspected in February 2016 has a pink card dated February 1, 2016 and is
inspected within fourteen days; the inspector must issue a certificate of approval for February 2018. If a
vehicle inspected in February 2016 has a pink card dated January 31, 2016 and is inspected within
fourteen days, the inspector must issue a certificate of approval for January 2018.
If a motorist chooses to have his/her vehicle inspected within fourteen days including the fourteenth day
of a transfer or change of ownership, and does not have his pink card, the date on the new certificate of
approval must be two years from the month of the transfer. Use the Julian Date Chart to determine the
transfer or title date (Section of Use of Julian Date Chart on page 170). After determining the title date use
the Pink Card Date Chart Procedures, pages 173 thru 178 to determine the last day the motorist is eligible
for a new inspection date.
If a vehicle is inspected fifteen days after a transfer or change of ownership and displays a certificate of
approval within two months of its next inspection, the date on the new certificate of approval will be the
same month as the old certificate of approval plus two years.
If a vehicle is inspected fifteen days after a transfer or change of ownership and displays a certificate of
approval with more than two months to its next inspection, the date on the new certificate of approval will
be the same as the old one. The inspector is not to give the motorist two additional years. The inspector
must tell the motorist that the vehicle will have to be inspected when the certificate of approval expires.
Under no circumstance should a CIF or PIF override or change the inspection date to match the vehicle
Example: A vehicle is inspected in February 2016, but current certificate of approval expires in May
2016, the inspector is to issue a new certificate of approval for the same date (month and year) of May
2016. The vehicle will have to be inspected in May 2016.
If a vehicle is inspected fifteen days after a transfer or change of ownership, there is no certificate of
approval on the vehicle; the inspector must issue the new certificate of approval two years from the month
of the Julian date on the vehicle registration.
Renewal Registration Description
After an initial vehicle registration (one year) expires, it must be renewed. After the motorist pays a
renewal registration fee to New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission, the motorist will receive a registration
marked “RENEWAL” expiring a year from the last expiration date.
Renewal Registration Certificate of Approval Protocol
Listed below are the various different scenarios, which could happen:
When inspecting a vehicle with a renewal registration, you must check the date on the previous certificate
of approval on the windshield of motor vehicle. The date on the new certificate of approval issued must
be the same month as the old certificate of approval date plus two years. Most vehicles will fall into this
Example: a vehicle inspected in February 2016, but the date of the previous certificate of approval reads
December 2015. In this case, the date on the new certificate of approval should read December 2017. If
the previous certificate of approval displayed was current, such as February 2016 and inspected in the
same month, a new certificate of approval should read February 2018.
If a vehicle with a renewal registration is inspected and there is no certificate of approval on the vehicle,
the inspector is to use the month of the vehicle’s registration expiration date plus two years.
Duplicate Registration Description
A duplicate registration is a copy of the vehicle registration issued at any time. The registration type on
the registration will be marked as “DUPLICATE”.
Duplicate Registration Certificate of Approval Protocol
Listed below are the various different scenarios, which could happen:
When inspecting a vehicle with a duplicate registration, you must check the date on the previous
certificate of approval on the windshield of the motor vehicle. The date on the new certificate of approval
issued must be the same month as the old certificate of approval date plus two years.
Example: a vehicle inspected in February 2016, but the date of the previous certificate of approval reads
December 2015. In this case, the date on the new certificate of approval should read December 2017. If
the previous certificate of approval displayed was current, such as February 2016 and inspected in the
same month, a new certificate of approval should read February 2018.
If a vehicle with a duplicate registration is inspected and there is no certificate of approval on the vehicle,
the inspector is to use the month of the vehicle’s registration expiration date plus two years.
Family Duplicate Description
A family duplicate registration is an extra copy of the vehicle registration issued when the vehicle
registration is renewed. The registration type on the registration will be marked as “FAM.DUPL”.
Family Duplicate Certificate of Approval Protocol
Listed below are the various different scenarios, which could happen:
When inspecting a vehicle with a family duplicate, you must check the date on the previous certificate of
approval on the windshield of the motor vehicle. The date on the new certificate of approval issued must
be the same month as the old certificate of approval date plus two years.
Example: a vehicle inspected in February 2016, but the date of the previous certificate of approval reads
December 2015. In this case, the date on the new certificate of approval should read December 2017. If
the previous certificate of approval displayed was current, such as February 2016 and inspected in the
same month, a new certificate of approval should read February 2018.
If a vehicle with a family duplicate is inspected and there is no certificate of approval on the vehicle, the
inspector is to use the month of the vehicle’s registration expiration date plus two years.
Sample NJ Apportioned Cab Card, Heavy Duty Diesel
Sample Temporary Vehicle Registration
Use of the Julian Date Calendar
Inspectors must look at the vehicle registration and find the nine-digit transaction number on the bottom
right hand corner.
The first four digits of the transaction number is the year the registration was created. The next three
digits are the Julian Date, which tells the inspector the date that the vehicle was transferred.
By using the Julian Date Calendar Chart (attached) the inspector can take the Julian Date from the
registration and find the corresponding number.
Follow the lines on the chart vertically and horizontally to the appropriate month and day.
See the forms section on how to use the Julian date calendars.
Julian Date
2012: Year
289: The day of year that the
registration was issued.
Guideline on Various Scenarios in Certificate of Approval Issuance for Passenger
Scenario Renewal
& Ren/Trans
Family Duplicate
Certificate of
Issue 2 years
from month
of previous
certificate of
Issue 2 years
from month
of previous
certificate of
Issue 2 years from
month of previous
certificate of
No Certificate
of Approval
Issue 2 years
from month
of registration
Issue 2 years
from month
of registration
Issue 2 years from
month of
registration renewal
Pink Card with
or without
Certificate of
Approval within
14 Days
Issue 2 years
from date on
Pink Card
Issue 2 years
from date on
Pink Card
Not Applicable
No Pink Card
with Certificate
of Approval
within 14 Days
Issue 2 years
from the
month of
transfer date –
use Julian
Calendar &
Pink Chart
Issue 2 years
from the
month of
transfer date –
use Julian
Calendar &
Pink Chart
Not Applicable
Scenario Renewal
Trans/Repl &
Family Duplicate
With or Without
Pink Card,
Certificate of
Approval after
14 days and
more than 2
months from
next inspection
Issue same
date on
certificate of
Treat as
Issue same
date on
certificate of
Treat as
Not Applicable
With or Without
Pink Card,
Certificate of
Approval after
14 days and less
than 2 months
from next
If the vehicle
is 2 months or
less from its
then issue 2
years from
month on
certificate of
If the vehicle
is 2 months or
less from its
then issue 2
years from
month on
certificate of
Not Applicable
With or Without
Pink Card, No
Certificate of
Approval after
14 days and less
than 2 months
from next
Issue 2 years
from the
month of
Issue 2 years
from the
month of
Not Applicable
The ultimate responsibility for the certification of the vehicle and/or repairs in compliance with all
governing laws and regulations is the responsibility of the person or persons to whom the Private
Inspection Facility license is issued.
Guidelines on Various Scenarios in Certificate of Approval Issuance for Commercial Vehicles.
Scenario Renewal
Trans/Repl &
Certificate of
Issue 1 year
from month of
certificate of
Not Applicable Not Applicable Issue 1 year
from month of
certificate of
Issue 1 year
from month of
certificate of
No Certificate of
Issue 1 year
From month
of registration
Not Applicable Not Applicable Issue 1 year
From month of
Issue 1 year
From month of
Pink Card with or
Certificate of
Approval within
14 Days
Issue 1 year
from date on the
pink card
Issue 1 year
from date on the
pink card
Not Applicable Not Applicable
No Pink Card
with or without
Certificate of
Approval within
14 Days
Issue 1 year
from the month
of transfer date-
use Julian
Calendar &
Pink Card
Issue 1 year
from the month
of transfer date-
use Julian
Calendar &
Pink Card
Not Applicable Not Applicable
With or Without Pink Card after 14 days from the Pink Card Date
Scenario Renewal
Trans/Repl &
Certificate of
Issue same date
on Certificate
of Approval.
Treat as
Issue same date
on Certificate of
Approval. Treat
as courtesy
Not Applicable
Certificate of
Approval after 14
days and less than
2 months from
next inspection
Issue 1 year
from the month
of previous
certificate of
Issue 1 year from
the month of
certificate of
Not Applicable
No Previous
Certificate of
Approval after 14
days and
less than 2
months from next
Issue 1 year
from the month
of registration
Issue 1 year from
the month of
Not Applicable
The ultimate responsibility for the certification of the vehicle and/or repairs in compliance with all
governing laws and regulations is the responsibility of the person or persons to whom the Private
Inspection Facility is issued.
Items to be Inspected/Procedures
Certification and Rejection Procedures
A. Vehicle Inspected, NO defects:
Certify that the vehicle meets the inspection standards.
Record on the workstation all required information necessary to complete the certification.
Three copies of numbered work order/invoices must have your facility or trade name, address,
phone number, and all required stamps (i.e. acknowledgement and station approval stamps). All
work order/invoices must have customer’s name, address, plate number and vehicle description
(make, model, year and VIN #), customer’s insurance company name and policy number, and
customer’s telephone number. In lieu of writing the insurance information on the numbered work
order/invoices, an attached photocopy of the insurance card is acceptable proof.
Make out a numbered work order/invoice in sufficient copies to provide one for the customer, one
for your file and one for the Commission audit. Vehicle Inspection Report (VIR) from the
workstation may be provided to customer if requested.
B. Vehicle Inspected, Defects ARE Found, Owner AUTHORIZED Repairs (Customer acknowledgement
requirements, stamped, signed and dated on numbered work order/invoices):
An explanation of the rejected items shall be made to the customer to determine if the customer
wishes to have the repairs made at this facility. The customer acknowledgement stamp shall be
utilized on the numbered work order/invoices to indicate that the customer was informed that they
have the right to have repairs made at other facilities.
If the repairs are authorized and the acknowledgement stamp is signed by the customer, make the
repairs of the rejected items (customer approvals by phone and/or email are ok providing the
acknowledgement stamp is signed upon pickup of vehicle).
Certify that the vehicle meets the inspection standards.
Record on the workstation all required information necessary to complete the certification.
Rejected information that is recorded on the workstation must be listed on the numbered work
Repaired items are initialed on the Vehicle Inspection Report (VIR) (except for emissions).
Vehicles initially rejected that are properly repaired for emissions are entered as re-tests and a
properly completed emissions repair form must be checked on the VID
Note: A “Repair to Pass” option in the workstation software will allow a New Jersey Certified
Motor Vehicle Emission Inspector to pass and place a certificate of approval on a vehicle that has
failed inspection for safety items only; provided that rejected items are repaired before leaving
the PIF.
Note: Vehicles rejected for emissions must be repaired at a registered New Jersey Emission Repair
Facility (ERF) or by the customer. A properly completed emissions repair form and/or properly
completed online version of the form and an appropriate work order/invoices must be presented at
time of re-inspection. If the customer repaired the vehicle, invoices for parts used in the repair, if
any, should also accompany the emission repair form. The Private Inspection Facility is to retain
the original emission repair form for audit purposes along with a copy of the Vehicle Inspection
Three copies of numbered work order/invoices must have your facility name, address, phone
number, and all required stamps (i.e. acknowledgement and station approval stamps). All
numbered work order/invoices must have customer’s name, address, plate number and vehicle
description (make, model, year and VIN #), customer’s insurance company name and policy
number, and customer’s telephone number. In lieu of writing the insurance information on the
numbered work order/invoices, an attached photocopy of the insurance card is acceptable proof.
Complete numbered work order/invoices in triplicate, for the inspection service fee and certificate
of approval fee. Make out a numbered work order/invoice in sufficient copies to provide one for
the customer, one for your file and one for the Commission audit. Attach a copy of a signed
Vehicle Inspection Report to each numbered work order/invoices.
List the repairs to correct the rejection(s) from the initial inspection on the numbered work
C. Vehicle Inspected, Defects ARE Found, And Owner DOES NOT AUTHORIZE Repairs:
If the vehicle has a certificate of approval, deface the existing certificate of approval by cutting the
sticker in half. (Exception – plastic windshield).
Record in the workstation all required information to complete the inspection.
All copies of numbered work order/invoices must have your facility name, address, phone
number, and all required stamps (i.e. acknowledgement and station approval stamps). All
numbered invoice and/or work order must have customer’s name, address, plate number and
vehicle description (make, model, year and VIN #), customer’s insurance company name and
policy number, and customer’s telephone number. In lieu of writing the insurance information on
the numbered work order/invoice, an attached photocopy of the insurance card is acceptable proof.
Complete a numbered work order/invoice in triplicate, for the inspection service fee and stamp all
numbered work order/invoices with your station approval stamp. In the sticker number area of the
station approval stamp enter all “9”s to coincide with the sticker number on the Vehicle Inspection
Report (VIR).
Attach copies of a signed Vehicle Inspection Report to all three numbered work order/invoices.
A copy of the numbered work order/invoice, the signed Vehicle Inspection Report and the ERF
form, in the event of an emissions failure, will be given to the vehicle customer/owner in order
that he/she may have their vehicle repaired and re-inspected at another licensed facility.
Emissions related repairs need to be completed at a registered Emissions Repair Facility.
D. Re-inspection of a Vehicle Rejected at a Centralized Lane or by a Private Inspection Facility.
Obtain from the vehicle owner the Vehicle Inspection Report issued by the Centralized Inspection
Facility or another Private Inspection Facility who performed the initial inspection and which
indicates the rejection(s).
Upon authorization from the vehicle owner, have the Certified Mechanic repair safety-rejected
item(s) only. If the repairs are emission related, then, the repairs must be certified by a New Jersey
Motor Vehicle Emission Repair Technician at a registered New Jersey Emission Repair Facility.
The technician must properly complete an Emission Repair Form.
You are required to re-inspect repairs made by a Certified Mechanic (safety items), or an
Emissions Repair Technician (emission items), or by the customer (self-repaired).
Certify the vehicle if it meets the Motor Vehicle Commission inspection standards.
The copies of numbered work order/invoices must have your facility name, address, phone
number, and all required stamps (i.e. acknowledgement and station approval stamps). All
numbered work order/invoices must have customer’s name, address, plate number and vehicle
description make, model, year and VIN #), customer’s insurance company name and policy
number, and customer’s telephone number. In lieu of writing the insurance information on the
numbered work order/invoice, an attached photocopy of the insurance card is acceptable proof.
Make a copy of the original Vehicle Inspection Report you obtained from the vehicle owner for
the Commission audit and attach the original to the numbered work order/invoices and give the
copy back to the customer.
Complete numbered work order/invoices in triplicate for the repair service fee and certificate of approval
fee and do not include any non-related items; one for the owner, one for your file, and one for the
Commission audit. Attach all signed Vehicle Inspection Reports from the workstation, to all copies of the
numbered work order/invoices. Such copies of records shall be kept on premises until such are picked up
by a representative of the Commission and shall be made available for inspection by a representative of
the Commission, the Attorney General, the Commissioner of the Department of Environmental
Protection, the Director of the Division of Consumer Affairs, the Superintendent of the Division of State
Police, during normal business hours
Mobile PIF
How to become a Mobile PIF
In order to perform off site inspections, a PIF must contact their auditor/regional office and let them know
that they will be performing the mobile inspection service. A PIF must have contracts with a business/
company that they plan on performing the inspection service for. The auditor/regional office will explain
the paperwork necessary to submit prior to performing any inspections.
Off-site inspections may only be performed at commercial establishments
and may not be performed at a residential location.
Inspection/ Re-Inspection Procedure
Private Inspection Facilities may perform off site inspections/re-inspections at locations other than the
licensed private inspection facility address as indicated on the Private Inspection Facility Business
Off-site inspections/ re-inspections may be performed at branch locations of Licensed Private Inspection
Fleet Facilities.
When performing off site inspections/ re-inspection, you must submit an Off-site Inspection Form to the
New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission each time you plan to perform off site inspections/ re-inspections.
If you decide to conduct off site inspections you must adhere to the following procedures:
1. All PIF’s must maintain on file at their place of business all written agreements (contracts) with
the contracted business representative stating that they are conducting emission testing on their
property. This agreement must grant access to personnel from the Motor Vehicle Commission,
Department of Transportation, Consumer Affairs, Department of Environmental Protection and
the New Jersey State Police to the business premises during regular business hours. These
contracts must be available to state officials / auditor upon request. Fleet PIF’s are not required to
maintain contracts to perform inspections at branch locations, however they must still submit off
site forms for each off site location.
2. All PIF’s must request, one week in advance, permission to perform an off-site inspection. This
request must be on the form supplied by their state auditor. This form must be completed in full
and submitted via email to MVC or off site request will be denied. Only vehicles listed on the
form, owned / leased by, or employed by the company will be inspected. Amended notices must
be transmitted via email not less than two business days prior to the date of the scheduled off site
inspections. The PIF must remain within New Jersey while performing inspections and can only
approve New Jersey registered vehicles. Inspections must be performed at a business location. No
inspections will be performed at a residence.
3. All PIF’s performing off site inspections shall have with them at the time of the off-site inspection,
all inspection certificates of approval assigned to the PIF, the PIF logo displayed, required stamps
and all records dating back to last monthly audit, a copy of PIF license and table “A” rate chart.
Stickers must be secured in a lock box at all times.
4. All inspections must be recorded on approved MVC forms at the time of the inspection. All
paperwork required by the MVC must be completed at the time of inspection. This includes
5. A travel fee may be charged if the PIF wishes to do so. However, the fee must be separately stated
on the first invoice issued to the customer, and on the copy for the state records. Travel fee is a
taxable item.
Reporting Off Site Inspections
1. Submit Off site Form to MVC by e-mail to:
a. Email addresses:
Northern Region Email address:
Central Region Email Address:
Southern Region Email Address:
2. Completing Off-site Form
a. You must check one of the following boxes:
Must submit a separate form for each action.
i. Off-site – Used to schedule an initial schedule
ii. Add – When any change is made to an initial off site schedule. The change must be
submitted 2 business days in advance of scheduled date. (ex. Plate change, new
iii. Reschedule – When a cancellation occurs and a reschedule date is made, one week
notification period is required.
iv. Cancel – Notice of cancellation must be emailed to MVC Office 2 business days
prior to scheduled inspection. Cancellations for good cause (Inclement weather,
equipment failure, emergency etc.) are the only exceptions. Notification must still
be given. Documentation may be requested by MVC.
3. Master List– Master List must be attached, on supplied off site form, either as a word document or
as a scanned image each time a schedule is submitted.
a. PIF must ensure that the master list is up to date and accurate
b. When submitting a schedule using a master list, enter on off-site form under the heading
license plates, “see master list”.
c. When entering number of vehicles to be inspected on form, enter total number of vehicles
submitted by company.
4. Name on PIF License
a. Enter your PIF Name
5. License Number
a. Enter your PIF license number
6. Company Name
a. Enter name of company that is scheduled for off-site inspections
7. Street/City/Zip Code
a. Enter full business address of company scheduled for off-site inspections
8. Time/Date
a. Enter Time and Date of off-site inspection (designate AM/PM)
If running more than ½ hour early or late, must notify PIF Office
9. Contact Person
a. Enter full name of contact person from off-site business location
10. Phone Number
a. Enter phone number of off-site business location contact person
11. Number of Vehicles
a. Enter scheduled number of vehicles to be inspected
12. License Plate/Plates
a. Enter License Plate number of vehicles
13. Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)
a. Enter last four VIN numbers of vehicles
If a PIF is at an off-site location and another customer requests an inspection, the PIF must inform the
customer that they will have to schedule an appointment at their primary location of business.
The above established procedures must be followed. Failure to follow off-site procedures will result in
administrative action and civil penalties against a PIF license. All MVC rules, regulations and procedures
established in the PIF manual must be followed.
A Private Inspection Facility cannot inspect any of the following vehicles:
Historic motor vehicles or Collector motor vehicles.
School vehicles used for pupil transportation.
Vehicles with letters showing re-inspection required due to issuance of a warning citation.
Vehicles with a letter showing re-inspection required due to issuance of a summons.
Vehicles with a letter showing re-inspection required due to vehicle being involved in an accident.
Any vehicle with a Vehicle Inspection Report stamped “Must Return to Centralized Inspection
Facility,” or “Must Return to Specialty Site.”
Vehicles that require a Hi-Rise inspection sticker, however the PIF may perform the emissions
inspection on a raised vehicle..
Any electric plug in vehicle that does not utilize an on board generator to create electric.
Omnibus plated vehicles which are inspected by the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission Bus
Unit and have been issued a cab card.
Example of Bus Sticker
A Private Inspection Facility can inspect any of the following vehicles:
Retired school bus (which requires an annual inspection).
Summer camp vehicle, providing that the vehicle does not have school bus plates.
Migrant farm worker vehicle.
PVT Vehicles
Handicap vehicle.
All gasoline or bi-fueled powered passenger vehicles model year 1996 and newer with a GVWR
of 8,500 lbs or less.
All diesel powered passenger vehicles model year 1997 and newer with a GVWR of 8,500 lbs or
All gasoline or bi-fueled powered passenger vehicles model year 2008 and newer with a GVWR
from 8,501 to 14,000 lbs.
Al gasoline or bi-fueled powered passenger vehicles model year 2014 and newer with a GVWR of
14, 001 lbs or greater.
Commercial vehicles (X-plated), all gasoline and bi-fueled regardless of Gross Vehicle Weight
Rating (GVWR) (requires annual inspection)
Commercial vehicles (X-plated), diesel powered with a GVWR of 8,500 lbs. or less (requires
annual inspection)
Diesel fueled vehicles having a GVWR of 18,000 lbs and over require a smoke opacity test.
LUMP – low utilization modified performance.
Vehicles that have been lowered by the use of non-stock or modified springs, shackles, blocks,
modified body-support kits, etc.
Motor vehicles with Farmer plates will be given the OBD test if necessary.
NOTE: The initial inspection of a handicapped vehicle which has been modified under the direction of
the New Jersey Department of Labor, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation must be initially inspected at
a State Inspection Facility (Specialty Site). All subsequent inspections of such vehicles may be conducted
at any Official or Private Inspection Facility.
Other Types of Inspections
Federal Vehicles
A Private Inspection Facility can inspect motor vehicles that are operated on Federal Installations located
within New Jersey and motor vehicles operated by federal government agencies in New Jersey. These
vehicles will display U.S. Government plates. (Example: U.S. Postal Vehicle, Military Vehicles). Federal
vehicles will be tested for exhaust system and emissions only. The same test that would apply to a New
Jersey registered vehicle for that model year will apply to federal vehicles. There is no certificate of
approval issued to a federal vehicle with U.S. Government plates. When prompted for sticker a PIF shall
enter 0000000 for the sticker number. When asked for the jurisdiction of the vehicle by the workstation,
the inspector will enter U.S.
Out-of-State Vehicles
A Private Inspection Facility can inspect out-of-state registered vehicles. An out-of-state vehicle will be
tested for exhaust and emissions only. The same test that would apply to a New Jersey registered vehicle
for model years 1996 and newer only will apply to out-of-state vehicles. Tailpipe testing is no longer
performed at any NJ inspection facility. There is no sticker issued to an out-of-state vehicle. When
asked for the state of jurisdiction by the workstation, the inspector will enter the abbreviation for that
Alabama = AL Guam = GU Massachusetts
= MA
New York =
Tennessee =
Alaska = AK Hawaii = HI Michigan = MI North Carolina
= NC
Texas = TX
Arizona = AZ Idaho = ID Minnesota =
North Dakota =
Utah –UT
Arkansas = AR Illinois = IL Mississippi =
Ohio = OH Vermont = VT
California =
Indiana = IN Missouri = MO Oklahoma =
Virgin Islands
= VI
Colorado = CO Iowa = IA Montana = MT Oregon = OR Virginia – VA
Connecticut =
Kansas = KS Nebraska = NE Pennsylvania =
Washington =
Delaware = DE Kentucky = KY Nebraska = NE Puerto Rico =
West Virginia =
District of
Columbia = DC
Louisiana = LA Nevada = NV Rhode Island =
Wisconsin =
Florida = FL Maine = ME New
Hampshire =
South Carolina
= SC
Wyoming =
Georgia = GA Maryland =
New Mexico =
South Dakota =
Courtesy Inspection
A courtesy inspection is defined as performing an inspection on a motor vehicle that does not require
inspection. Motor vehicles having certificates of approval with more than sixty (60) days of valid time
remaining do not require inspection unless they present a valid pink card. As a customer convenience,
Private Inspection Facilities can perform courtesy inspections for customers who desire such inspections
providing that the customer is informed that there will be charges for inspection and any failures must be
A motor vehicle that passes a courtesy inspection is not entitled to more added time to the existing
certificate of approval. Upon passing the courtesy inspection, enter the number of the sticker currently on
the vehicle. Make out a numbered work order/invoice in sufficient copies to provide one for the
customer, one for your file and one for the Commission audit. Attach copies of the signed Vehicle
Inspection Report (VIR) from the workstation to each of the numbered work order/invoice.
If the motor vehicle fails the courtesy inspection, deface the certificate of approval by cutting the sticker
in half to indicate that the motor vehicle has failed inspection. Make out a numbered work order/invoice
in sufficient copies to provide one for the customer, one for your file and one for the Commission audit.
Attach copies of the signed Vehicle Inspection Report (VIR) from the workstation to each numbered work
order/invoice. Attach the removed certificate of approval to the station copy of the Vehicle Inspection
Report (VIR). Upon passing re-inspection, the vehicle will receive a new certificate of approval expiring
on the same month and year as the original expired certificate of approval (which will be on the original
Vehicle Inspection Report).
Many customers will be unhappy with receiving no additional time after passing inspection. The
inspector shall attempt to inform the customer prior to the start of such inspection, that no additional time
will be granted upon approval.
Private Inspection Facilities may inspect reconstructed vehicles only after they have passed an inspection
at a Specialty Site for a certificate of ownership.
Any questions regarding the foregoing should be referred to the Motor Vehicle Commission. Please call
your specific PIF Unit with any questions at:
Northern PIF Unit – 908-232-6295
Central PIF Unit – 732 869-8335
South PIF Unit – 609 567-8873
I/M Support – 609-633-9474
48-Hour Certification-Rejection Procedures
This section only pertains to commercial vehicles. The following constitute cause for issuance of a 48-
hour rejection sticker:
Dangerously excessive looseness in wheels, tie rods, pitman arms or other steering components.
Any frame or wheel collapse.
Broken ball joints.
Any rupture in the brake system.
Missing or inoperative parking brake (except 1967 and newer vehicles with automatic
Service brake pedal goes all the way to floorboard and does not stop vehicle.
Leaks in any part of the air brake system or inoperative air gauge leaks or low warning signal.
Leaks in muffler combined with a hole in firewall or floor in a location that would allow exhaust
gases to enter the driver’s or passenger compartment.
Any part of the exhaust system passing through the passenger compartment.
Fuel leakage at any point in the system.
Fuel tank or piping not securely installed.
Any fuel component that contacts any moving parts.
Tire(s) worn to where ply or cord is dangerously exposed.
A shattered windshield that impairs the driver’s vision.
View of driver obstructed by condition of glass.
Sharp edges exposed on glazing.
Items of a very dangerous nature in need of immediate repair.
Miscellaneous such as loose steering box, severe tire rub, dangling shocks, etc.
All headlights out.
All tail lights out.
All stop lights out.
Any unusually dangerous condition
N. Procedure: 48 Hour Rejection – Owner AUTHORIZES Repair:
Have the customer sign the acknowledgement stamp.
Make repair to the rejected item(s).
Certify that the vehicle meets the inspection standards.
All required information is to be recorded on the workstation and End of Day Report that is
necessary to complete the inspection.
Complete a numbered work order/invoice in triplicate, indicating in detail the all rejections and 48
hour rejection(s) and repair(s): Make out a numbered work order/invoice in sufficient copies to
provide one for the customer, one for your file and one for the Commission audit.
All numbered work orders/invoices must have customer’s name, address; plate number and
vehicle description (make, model, year and VIN #), customer’s insurance company name and
policy number, customer’s telephone number, and all invoices must be numbered. In lieu of
writing the insurance information on the numbered invoice/work order, an attached photocopy of
the insurance card is acceptable proof.
B. Procedure for 48 Hour rejection – Owner DOES NOT AUTHORIZE Repair:
Remove the certificate of approval from the vehicle.
Complete and affix the 48 hour red sticker (as supplied by the Commission) to the left (driver’s)
side of the windshield. Make certain the date is appropriately punched on the sticker.
Record on the workstation and End of Day Report all required information to complete the
All numbered work order/invoices must have customer’s name, address, plate number and vehicle
description (make, model, year and VIN #), customer’s insurance company name and policy
number, customer’s telephone number, and all numbered invoices/work orders must be numbered.
In lieu of writing the insurance information on the numbered work order/invoice, an attached
photocopy of the insurance card is acceptable proof.
Complete a numbered work order/invoice in triplicate, for the inspection service fee. Make out a
numbered work order/invoice in sufficient copies to provide one for the customer, one for your file
and one for the Commission audit.
Make certain that a description of all rejections and 48-hour rejection (in detail) is on the
numbered work order/invoice and that all copies of the numbered work order/invoice are stamped
with your station approval stamp (license number). In the sticker number area of the station
approval stamp enter all “9”s to coincide with the sticker number on the Vehicle Inspection Report
A copy of the numbered invoice/work order and a signed Vehicle Inspection Report (VIR) will be
given to the vehicle owner in order that he/she may have his vehicle re-inspected at another
facility. Attach signed Vehicle Inspection Reports (VIRs) from the workstation for emission test
to three copies of numbered work order/invoices.
Note: Vehicle owners or lessees are required to have rejections corrected and approved within 30 days of
the expiration date of the certificate of approval. When the nature of the defect is such that the vehicle is
obviously in poor mechanical condition, the repair must be made within 48 hours of the initial inspection;
hence it is issued a 48-hour rejection sticker.
C. RE-INSPECTION of a motor vehicle with a 48-hour sticker, issued by an Official Inspection
Facility or another Private Inspection Facility.
Obtain from the owner the Vehicle Inspection Report (VIR) issued by the Official Inspection
Facility or Private Inspection Facility which conducted the initial inspection and which indicates
the rejection(s) of the vehicle.
Upon authorization from the vehicle owner, make the repair of the rejected item(s). You are
required to re-inspect those items repaired by someone else.
Certify that the vehicle meets the inspection standards.
All required information is to be recorded on the Vehicle Inspection Report (VIR), End of Day
Report and numbered work order/invoice, which is necessary to complete the certification.
All numbered work order/invoices must have customer’s name, address, plate number and vehicle
description (make, model, year and VIN #), customer’s insurance company name and policy
number, customer’s telephone number, and all work order/invoices must be numbered. In lieu of
writing the insurance information on the numbered work order/invoice, an attached photocopy of
the insurance card is acceptable proof.
Complete the numbered work order/invoice in triplicate for the inspection repair and certificate of
approval fee. Make out a numbered work order/invoice in sufficient copies to provide one for the
customer, one for your file and one for the Commission audit.
Inspection Decal Replacement for New Motor Vehicles Purchased Out Of State
New motor vehicles with no previous owner that are purchased out of state rather than at a licensed New
Jersey Motor Vehicle New Car Dealer shall receive a new motor vehicle dealer inspection certificate of
approval that is valid for five years from the model year of the vehicle. These motor vehicles will receive
a card from the registering New Jersey Motor Vehicle Agency. The motor vehicle must be presented to
the appropriate area of an Official Inspection Facility within fourteen (14) days of receiving a card as
shown below, to receive a new motor vehicle certificate of approval.
Inspection Decal Replacement
Heavy Duty Diesel Vehicles
Sticker replacements for Heavy Duty Vehicles can only be conducted by a facility that is licensed to
perform inspection on Heavy Duty Vehicles.
Sticker replacement requirements for lost, stolen, destroyed, defaced, windshield replacement or license
plate. The procedure concerning the replacement of a current valid Diesel Approval Sticker shall be:
Check the vehicle for obvious defects in relation to the exhaust system and obvious smoke. Do
not issue replacement sticker if vehicle exhibits obvious defects in relation to the exhaust
system and obvious smoke.
The vehicle owner or operator must present TWO of the following:
o Registration Certificate (IRP) containing the date and approval sticker number of the
original inspection.
o The original sticker which was removed from the replaced windshield.
o Proof of purchase of a windshield from a glass company, if applicable.
o A completed printout from a licensed NJ DEIC of a diesel emission inspection
confirming that the diesel vehicle passed a diesel emission inspection.
Credentials must be checked, this includes driver license, registration, and proof of insurance.
Note: Operators license must be for class vehicle presented.
The Diesel Inspection/Certification/Rejection ledger must be completed. Complete DEP form.
(This includes any replacement sticker issued.)
Inspection Extension Letter
This is a letter of extension issued by the Motor Vehicle Commission. This letter will not affect the
original inspection date. The motorist may obtain a letter from the Motor Vehicle Commission granting
the motorist an extended period in which the vehicle may be legally operated before being subject to
In order to obtain a letter of extension please call (609) 633-9474. The motorist may also write to “New
Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission, I/M Program Support Unit, P.O. Box 680, 225 E. State Street,
Trenton New Jersey 08666-0680.” A letter of extension cannot be obtained for a vehicle with a 48-hour
rejection sticker or a vehicle not currently registered and insured.
Commercial Registered Vehicles only
As we progress into the enhanced vehicle inspection program we anticipate updates to these procedures.
This information will be sent to all PIFs either through the mail or electronically, via the emissions
workstation. In either case, PIF’s must retain the updated information for future reference.
Credentials and License Plates
The driver of a motor vehicle presented for inspection shall present a valid driver’s license for the class of
motor vehicle being operated, a valid New Jersey motor vehicle registration certificate, and a valid New
Jersey insurance identification card for the motor vehicle, if applicable. Credentials shall be legible and
shall contain no alterations.
Drivers’ Licenses
A valid driver’s license is required for the type vehicle presented. A valid New Jersey Driver License (or
permit, if accompanied by a New Jersey licensed driver), or a valid “Out of State” Driver License
(provided operator is at least 17 years of age) is acceptable.
A valid out-of-country license, accompanied with an International License to interpret, if necessary, or a
translation from a home country consulate’s official is acceptable.
Conditional Approval:
The driver’s license is not signed.
The driver does not match the driver’s license weight, height, or sex.
The driver’s license has a wrong address.
The driver’s license contains minor discrepancies or errors.
A driver must present a valid New Jersey vehicle registration that correctly describes the vehicle
presented for inspection.
Certification of a motor vehicle shall not be refused because the New Jersey motor vehicle registration
certificate presented by the motorist contains a typographical error(s) in the vehicle identification
number, provided the make, year, and license plate number of the motor vehicle set forth in the
registration certificate are accurate. However, the motorist shall be advised to contact the Motor
Vehicle Commission’s Inspection Support Unit at (609) 633-9460.
NOTE: Vehicles that are not registered should not be inspected. (Exception: if a driver presents an
expired NJ registration, a NJ online registration renewal receipt, the vehicle should be inspected and an
advisory issued for the condition). Vehicles presented with dealer temporary certificates are not to be
inspected. New Jersey motor vehicle registrations can be renewed for up to ninety (90) days before their
expiration date.
Conditional Approval:
Minor discrepancies (i.e. typographical, vehicle color) shall be conditionally approved and the
motorist advised to have them corrected.
Unexpired extension letters issued by the Commission are acceptable for inspection.
Note: There are a limited number of Toyotas and Fords that scan as a different model. These customers
should be referred to the nearest Motor Vehicle Agency to have this corrected.
Incorrect Registration VIN bar code
In the event that a scanned registration displays a vehicle identification number that differs from the
number that is on the vehicle and registration, the following procedure will be followed:
As long as the typed portion of the registration matches the number displayed on the vehicle and
the scanned number from the bar code is at least 50% correct, a conditional approval should be
issued and the motorist advised to have the errors corrected.
In all cases, the inspector shall enter the correct VIN number from the vehicle VIN plate into the
Insurance Verification
Proof of insurance can be in one of the following forms:
An approved State of New Jersey Insurance Card shall be a minimum size of 3 X 5 inches and a
maximum size of 5 ½ X 8 ½ inches and must contain a heading across the top that shall read: New Jersey
Insurance Identification Card. It shall contain the insurance company name or group name identifying the
specific company (Insurance company logos are permitted). It shall also contain the insurance company
code as established with the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission, the name of the insured, the
insured’s address, a complete policy number. The effective date and expiration date shall contain the
month, day, and year of policy. Additionally the card shall show the description of the vehicle (make and
vehicle identification number). In cases of fleets, dealerships, or leasing companies where the owner
insures the vehicles, the make, year and VIN need not be recorded. In lieu of the make, year and VIN, the
insurer may insert “ALL OWNED VEHICLES” or “FLEET.” If the lessee insures the vehicles, the name
of the owner as shown on the vehicle registration must be on the I.D. card in addition to the name of the
insured if the designation “FLEET” is used without the VIN. The card must contain the name and address
of the insurance company or the office or agency issuing the identification cards. There is no requirement
that there be a signature on the card. The card must also contain an address, facsimile number and email
address, if applicable, for the insurer under the title: “ADDRESS FOR NOTIFICATION OF
COMMENCEMENT OF MEDICAL TREATMENT.” The address may be placed on the front or reverse
of the identification card and may be printed on the card or affixed on the card by way of a label that
contains the required information.
An approved temporary State of New Jersey Insurance Card must contain a heading across the top that
shall read: TEMPORARY State of New Jersey Insurance Identification Card. It shall contain the
insurance company name or group name identifying the specific company (Insurance company logos are
permitted). It shall also contain the insurance company code as established with the New Jersey Motor
Vehicle Commission, the name of the insured, the insured’s address, a policy, application or binder
number. The effective and expiration date shall contain the following statement: “This card expires 60
days after the effective date shown above.” Additionally the card shall show the description of the vehicle
(make and vehicle identification number). In cases of fleets, dealerships, or leasing companies where the
owner insures the vehicles, the make, year and VIN need not be recorded. In lieu of the make, year and
VIN, the insurer may insert “ALL OWNED VEHICLES” or “FLEET.” If the lessee insures the vehicles,
the name of the owner as shown on the vehicle registration must be on the I.D. card in addition to the
name of the insured if the designation “FLEET” is used without the VIN. The card must contain the name
and address of the insurance company or the office or agency issuing the identification cards. There is no
requirement that there be a signature on the card. The card must also contain an address, facsimile
number and email address, if applicable, for the insurer under the title: “ADDRESS FOR
on the front or reverse of the identification card and may be printed on the card or affixed on the card by
way of a label that contains the required information.
An insurance binder must have an effective date that is not expired (over 30 days in effect), altered or
mutilated to the point where it is no longer legible.
Electronic forms of insurance card as displayed on a mobile phone or tablet are acceptable, provided the
image is in the same format as a standard insurance card.
Vehicles that are registered to the Federal Government are exempt from carrying Insurance Identification
The declaration page of a motor vehicle insurance policy that has an effective date and is not expired is
An insurance verification card of a previously owned vehicle is acceptable, if a transferred registration is
within 30 days and the insurance identification card has not expired.
If there are minor discrepancies in the serial numbers, the card is not color-coded, a company logo is
missing, or typographical errors, then the insurance card should be approved and the owner advised to
have it corrected.
Proof of insurance will not be accepted if the vehicle presented cannot be linked to the Insurance
Verification Document by either name or vehicle description.
Exception: 48:16-17 – When a limousine is presented for inspection, the operator may in lieu of a State of
New Jersey insurance card, present a notarized letter or copy of the same on insurance company
letterhead that contains:
The name of the insurance company.
The number of the policy and policy expiration date.
A description of the vehicle.
The vehicle identification number (VIN).
In addition, a copy of the certificate of insurance issued by the insurance company would also be
acceptable. Limousine operators presenting any of the above should not be failed.
Conditional Approval
Inspectors are required to ask motorist for insurance card.
If the insurance card is missing, not in possession, or incorrect, the inspector is to advise the
motorist of the errors and record this portion of test as an advisory.
License Plates
A motor vehicle shall not be certified unless at least one of the license plates is in the possession of the
operator when the motor vehicle is presented for inspection, or if the letters and/or numbers on the license
plates are illegible. License plates must match the vehicle’s registration document.
License plates shall be clear and distinct and free from grease, dirt, or other blurring materials so that they
are plainly visible at all times of the day or night. The license plates shall be securely attached to the front
and rear of the motor vehicle. The license plate shall be displayed not less than 12 inches nor more than
48 inches from the ground in a horizontal position, right side up and right side out; provided, however,
that the rear license plate may be displayed more than 48 inches from the ground on tank trucks, trailers
and other commercial vehicles carrying inflammable liquids and on sanitation vehicles which are used to
collect, transport and dispose of garbage, solid wastes and refuse.
Conditional Approval
The plates are obstructed by a trailer hitch, snow bracket, bumper, bumper guard, mounting bolt
head, reflector, or any other device or material.
The license plate is present but not mounted.
One or two license plates are defaced, illegible or bent.
The license plate is not securely mounted to the vehicle.
The license plate is mounted less than 12 inches from the ground.
The license plate is mounted more than 48 inches from the ground.
The license plate is not mounted horizontally.
The license plate is not mounted right side up or right side out.
Dirt or greased that are covering the license plates.
The license plate frame covers the words on the license plate.
There is glazing on all license plates (plates are covered with glass, plastic or similar materials)
The suspension system shall consist of the basic elements originally provided by the motor vehicle
manufacturer and shall be geometrically arranged in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications.
No suspension system components shall be replaced unless the replacement components meets or exceeds
the quality and performance standards established by the vehicle manufacturer.
The motor vehicle shall have a suspension system that allows movement between the unsprung axles and
wheels and the chassis body and shall be equipped with shock-absorbing devices at each wheel locations.
The suspension system shall be capable of providing a minimum relative motion of plus or minus two
inches. When any corner of the motor vehicle is depressed and released; the damping system shall stop
the vertical body movement within two cycles. The use of spacer blocks between the front axle and leaf
springs is prohibited.
Starting with the front wheel in a straight-ahead position, the steering wheel shall be turned in one
direction until there is a perceptible movement of a front wheel. When the steering wheel is turned in the
other direction, a point on the steering wheel rim shall not move more than two inches (three inches for
manual steering) before there is a perceptible return movement of the front wheel under observation.
When this test is performed on motor vehicles that are equipped with power steering, the transmission
shall be in “neutral” and the engine shall be running.
With the front end of the motor vehicle lifted, the front and rear of a front tire shall be grasped and an
attempt made to turn the wheel assembly to the right and to the left. The free movement at the front or
rear of the tire shall not exceed one-quarter inch. The top and bottom of a front tire shall then be grasped
and moved in and out. The movement of the tire shall not exceed the manufacturer’s specifications. Both
front tires are tested in this manner.
The steering wheel shall be turned through the limit of travel in both directions. There shall be no binding
or jamming in the steering wheel mechanism. The steering wheel shall be a minimum of thirteen (13)
inches in diameter.
There shall be no wear or breakage of components of the steering and suspension system, which adversely
affects the safe operation of the motor vehicle. There shall be no visible caster or camber. Shock
absorbers shall be properly installed and in proper operating condition. Shock absorbers shall not exhibit
oil on the shock absorber housing attributable to leakage by the seal.
No portion of a motor vehicle shall extend below the bottom of the wheel rim line at maximum
suspension deflection.
Do not certify a vehicle with any of the following conditions:
Camber is excessively out of adjustment so as to be visually apparent.
There is excessive steering wheel lash (over two inches, three inches for manual steering).
The steering wheel binds or jams.
The steering column is not securely fastened.
The power steering unit is not operating properly.
The steering wheel is broken or not securely fastened.
An adjustable steering wheel that does not operate properly.
An undersized steering wheel with an outside diameter that is less than 13 inches.
There is excessive wheel rock.
There is excessive looseness in the steering linkage (side play).
There is dangerous wear or breakage of components of the steering or suspension system
including springs, shock absorbers, stabilizer bars and etc.
The suspension does not support vehicle in a reasonably level attitude.
The front wheels are locked.
The vehicle has a suspension system component, which does not meet or exceed quality and
performance standards of the vehicle manufacturer.
The vehicles shock absorbers are bad and/or leaking.
The vehicle’s suspension is not level.
Wheel Alignment
Do not refuse to certify a vehicle if the wheel alignment is not correct. Advise the motorist to have the
condition corrected.
Front Parking Lights
Front parking lights shall be of a type approved as meeting the standards of the United States Department
of Transportation or, for motor vehicles manufactured prior to the adoptions of such standards, the
standards of the Society of Automotive Engineers. The letters “SAE” and the letter “P”, along with the
manufacturer’s name or trademark, are often on the lens of such lights.
Front parking lights must be white, yellow or amber in color, and shall be securely mounted so as to
reduce the likelihood of their being obscured by mud or dust thrown up by the wheels. There shall be one
front parking light mounted on each side of the vertical center line of the vehicle at the same height, and
as far apart as practicable.
Conditional Approval:
If one or more of the front parking lights are inoperative.
If the front parking light lens is damaged or missing.
If the parking light lens is combined with the front turn signal as one unit and it the lens is
cracked, broken or missing.
All glazing used on motor vehicles manufactured after July 1, 1935, must be of an approved type which is
legibly and permanently marked with the manufacturer’s name, trademark, DOT number, “AS “ number,
or other distinctive designation under which the glazing was approved, so as to be visible when the
glazing is installed in the vehicle. The proper type of glazing shall be used for each location in a motor
vehicle. In general, the approved locations for the various type of glazing are as follows:
Mandatory in windshields but may be used for any other window in a vehicle.
Anywhere on the vehicle except the windshield.
On the rear side windows of buses, sun roofs, internal partitions, and house trailers.
AS-4, AS-5, AS-6, AS-7
On rear windows of convertibles and windows (except windshields), which can be readily
removed without the use of tools.
AS-8, AS-9
On the rear windows of buses.
Bullet-resistant windshields.
Bullet resistant windows except windshields.
AS-12, AS-13
Windows (except windshields) which can be readily removed without the use of tools.
All openings in a passenger vehicle, which were originally manufactured with glazing, shall be equipped
with approved type glazing. Certification of a motor vehicle shall be refused if the motor vehicle is
equipped with glazing which causes undue or unsafe distortion of visibility for the driver, or is equipped
with unduly fractured, broken, cracked, discolored, scratched, or deteriorated glazing, or is equipped with
glazing with sharp edges.
A motor vehicle shall not be certified which has defrosters of the “electric element” type installed on any
window that obstructs the driver’s vision. Motor vehicles manufactured with the heating element, as an
integral part of an approved type of glazing shall not be refused certification.
The window on the driver’s side shall be capable of being readily opened to permit arm directional signals
to be made by the driver. The presence of approved turn signals does not satisfy this requirement except
on buses and trucks over 80 inches in width.
Any motor vehicle may have the rear window and/or side windows to the rear of the driver tinted or
covered in some manner so as to partially obscure the driver’s vision and any motor vehicle registered for
commercial purposes and constructed on a truck chassis (including noncommercial trucks registered code
15) may have the rear window and/or side windows to the rear of the driver, painted, tinted, or
constructed in some manner so as to obstruct the driver’s vision, provided that each motor vehicle is
equipped with an exterior mirror on each side of the vehicle.
If glazing material remains in any of the window openings specified in this subsection, the approval
markings shall be visible. A motor vehicle shall not be certified which has mirror-type material on any
Do not certify a vehicle with any of the following conditions:
Any star-type break, bull’s-eye-type break, or stone-type break that is larger than one (1) inc
diameter in the acute area or the critical area of the windshield glazing. See figure B on page58 .
Any star-type break, bull’s-eye-type break, or stone-type break of more than two (2) inches in
diameter in the peripheral area of the windshield glazing. See figure C on page 59.
Multiple star-type breaks, bull’s-eye-type breaks, and/or stone-type breaks regardless of size in the
acute area of the windshield glazing. See figure D on page 60.
A scratch that is more than one inch in width in the acute area of the windshield glazing or a crack
that is more than six (6) inches in length in the acute area of the windshield glazing. See figure E
on page 61.
Multiple cracks and/or scratches in the windshield glazing. See figure F on page 62.
Multiple star-type breaks, bull’s-eye-type breaks, and/or stone-type breaks of more than one (1)
inch in diameter per break in the critical and/or the peripheral area of the windshield glazing. See
figure G on page 63.
A crack or scratch of more than six (6) inches in length that extends from the peripheral area of the
windshield glazing through the critical area of the windshield glazing into the acute area of the
windshield glazing. See figure H on page 64.
Glazing that is removed (all openings in a passenger vehicle that were originally manufactured
with glazing must be equipped with the appropriate approved glazing type).
Approval markings that are not visible (glazing not marked, not legible or not visible with
manufacturer’s name, trademark, and US DOT “AS”).
Glazing that is used in other areas than approved location.
Etched tempered glass (except identification number/letters and/or manufacturers logos not
exceeding two (2) square inches in area).
Laminated etched glazing, which is located in an area on the windshield or the windows to the
right or left of the driver where it will interfere with driver visibility.
Any glazing on the windshield or to the driver’s immediate right and/or left, which is unduly
Unspecified damage, which the station supervisor agrees, will seriously interfere with the driver’s
vision or create a hazard.
Any accessory, sign, electric type defroster that is attached to the rear window, which seriously
impairs the driver’s vision.
Glazing that is in the rear of passenger type convertibles that is discolored so as to obstruct the
driver’s vision through the inside rear view mirror. Taped repairs to plastic type convertible top
windows are a rejection.
Highly reflective or mirror-type material on any window.
Glazing in non-approved area (glazing type not approved for the location on the vehicle).
Conditional Approval:
A single crack or scratch that extends from the periphery area of the windshield glazing into the
critical area of the windshield glazing. See figure I on page 65.
A star-type break, bull’s-eye-type break, stone-type break, crack, or scratch that is less than the
diameter, width, or length specified on the previous page.
The window on the driver’s side is not capable of being opened to permit arm directional signals
to be made by the driver, provided the motor vehicle is equipped with turn signals that are in
proper operating condition.
Glazing that is to the rear of the driver, including plastic rear windows on convertibles, which is
discolored. NOTE: If vision out of rear windows is obstructed due to discoloration, side view
mirrors on both sides of the vehicle are required.
Description of Windshield Areas
ACUTE AREA of the windshield glazing means the rectangular area of the windshield eight and one-
half (8 ½) inches by eleven (11) inches, directly in front of the driver’s line of vision as depicted below.
The center point of the acute area of the windshield glazing is the point of intersection of the centerline
that is drawn directly from the center of the steering wheel onto the windshield and the midpoint line that
is drawn across the length of the windshield halfway between the top and the bottom of the windshield.
CRITICAL AREA of the windshield glazing means the area of the windshield cleaned by the normal
sweep of the windshield wiper blades provided as original equipment by the motor vehicle manufacturer
as depicted below.
PERIPHERY AREA of the windshield glazing means the area of the windshield, other than the acute
area and the critical area as depicted below.
Figure A
Figure B
Figure C
Figure D
Figure E
Figure F
Figure G
Figure H
Figure I
Repairs to the Windshield
In recent years, technology has been developed to repair broken windshields. In the past, only “bull’s-
eyes” or “stone breaks” could be repaired. Now, even long cracks can be repaired.
The Commission will accept safety glass that has been repaired if it is not discolored and does not cause
undue or unsafe distortion of visibility. In repairing a windshield a special resin is injected into the crack.
Laboratory tests have proven the resin that is used does withstand various impact and stress tests. In
addition to repairing the strength of the windshield, this technology also removes the majority of the
refraction (reflection) that appears inside the crack.
The criteria for inspecting a repaired windshield are as follows. When sitting in the driver’s seat, look
straight ahead at the windshield as if you are driving (not directly at the repair). If the repair is not
noticeably detectable, it will be considered a proper repair as long as it is repaired in a workmanlike
manner and does not cause undue or unsafe distortion of visibility. If you look directly at the repair you
may see a fine line from the original damage, which will be acceptable.
Repairs to windshields will not be accepted if the repair is in the acute area or is a vertical crack in the
wiper sweep area on the driver’s side.
Also, a unique process, which entails cutting small lateral grooves along the bottom of the windshield for
the purpose of cleaning the wipers, has been introduced in New Jersey. The process, called Tu-Groove
will not weaken laminated glass to the point that it will fail to comply with Federal Glazing Standards.
Therefore, the grooving process will be permitted providing that the glazing is not unduly fractured and/or
discolored, and the grooves are located below the area used for driver visibility. It may be necessary to sit
in the driver’s seat of the vehicle to determine if the grooves are below the area used for visibility.
Medical Tinting
N.J.A.C. 13:20-1.2 now allows window tinting on previously unapproved glazing locations for medical
reasons. This regulation permits an application of sun screening material with 70% light transmittance on
the windshield and with 60% light transmission on the front side windows. In addition, N.J.A.C. 13:20-
1.2 states that sun-screening materials and products may be installed or applied to that portion of the
windshield above the AS-1 line that in conjunction with factory tint, reduces the transmittance of light
below 70%. Also, the owner or lessee of a motor vehicle for which a medical exemption certificate has
been issued may affix readily removable sun-screening material and products to the uppermost 6 inch
portion of the front side windows of such vehicles during the hours of sunrise to sunset provided they do
not reduce the transmittance of light below 35%. Sun-screening materials installed or applied to the
windshield shall be a clear film and have a visible light reflectance of not more than 8%. Sun-screening
materials that are installed or applied to the front side windows shall be either a clear film or tinted film.
Any vehicle presented for inspection with applied tinting in previously unapproved locations shall be
approved for inspection provided the following conditions are met:
The customer presents a valid Medical Exemption for Sun screening form (MR-15A).
The form (MR-15A) describes the vehicle being presented for inspection.
The window tint is similar in appearance to the standard tinting material provided by the State for
comparison purposes, or is verified by measuring with a State approved tint meter.
The window tint has been applied by a New Jersey licensed Sunscreen Material Inspection facility
(SMIF). Each SMIF is required to attach a label (one square inch in size) between the sun screening
material and the windshield, and/or between the sunscreen material and front side window(s). The label(s)
shall be placed on
The windshield in the lower left corner as viewed from the outside of the vehicle.
The front left side (driver’s) window in the lower right corner as viewed from the outside of the
The front right side (passenger) window in the lower right corner as viewed from the interior of
the vehicle.
The label information shall contain
The installer’s State registration number (SSIXXXXXX).
The manufacturer of the tinting material.
The visible light transmittance percentage (60% T for front side windows and 70% T for the
windshield). A tolerance of minus (-) 5% light transmittance will be allowed.
Medical Tint Inspection Procedure
Examine the windshield and/or front side windows for the presence of sun screening material. If uncertain
as to the presence of this material on the front side windows, have the motorist partially roll the window
down and examine the top of the glass where sun-screening material terminates. If a clear space is visible
along the top portion of the glass, presume the presence of sunscreen material.
If sun screening material is evident on either or both front side windows and/or the windshield, request
from the motorist the medical exemption for Sun Screening Material form (MR-15A), which must at all
times accompany the vehicle for which it applies.
Examine the form (MR-15A) to ensure that it has not expired and the vehicle make, model, year, plate
number and VIN indicated on the form matches the vehicle being presented for inspection.
From the information on the MR-15A form, determine which area(s) of glazing have been approved for
the application of sun screening material.
Visually inspect the sun screen material on approved locations and ensure that the material is clean and
smoothly applied, has a light gray color in appearance and that vision through the glass and sun screen
material is clear.
Examine the window(s) and/or windshield for the presence of a compliance label to ensure that it is
visible from the outside of the vehicle and that it contains the required information. If the tinting has been
installed by the owner of the vehicle, a compliance label will not be present but a completed form (MR-
15A) is still required.
Note: Initially, a small number of customers will have their medical tint approved at State Specialty Sites
until licensing of SMIFs is finalized. In such cases, the approval of medical tint will be indicated by the
New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission stamp (raised seal) on the MR-15A form. There will be no
compliance label on the vehicle’s glazing. Therefore, if examination of the window(s) and/or windshield
reveals no compliance label, inspect the medical exemption form (MR-15A) for the State stamp (raised
Front side windows and windshields with sun screen material that pass the visual inspection shall be
tested for visual transparency. To do so, first ensure that the window(s) and/or windshield to be tested are
Front side window(s) – Roll the window halfway down. Using the approved tint test strip, hold the test
strip directly above the window and observe the appearance of the window compared to the test strip.
Ensure that the background for both window and test strip are the same and of uniform appearance. If the
window appears to be an equal shade or lighter than the test strip, the vehicle shall pass.
Windshield – While seated in the front seat with the front door open, hold the test strip up alongside the
windshield and look at each. Ensure that the background for both the windshield and the test strip are the
same and of uniform appearance. If the windshield appears to be of equal shade or lighter than the test
strip, the vehicle shall pass. Upon completion of the inspection process the MR-15A form is to be
returned to the customer to be kept in the vehicle in the event it should be requested by law enforcement
Do not certify a vehicle under any of the following conditions:
The motorist is unable to produce the Medical Exemption for Sun screening form (MR-15A)
The Medical Exemption for Sunscreen form (MR-15A) has expired and/or it does not describe the
vehicle being presented for inspection.
If the front side window(s) and/or the windshield have sunscreen material for which no approval
has been indicated on the MR-15A form.
If the sun screen material has creases, wrinkles, bubbles, scratches, hazing or distortion, or has a
mirrored or colored appearance (other than light gray).
If the applied medical sun screen tint appears to be of a darker shade than the tint test strip.
Medical Exemption for Vehicle Sun-Screening
Example of Form MR-15A
Medical Exemption for Vehicle Sun-Screening Decal
In general, the approved locations for the various types of glazing are as follows:
At Levels Requisite for Driving Visibility At Levels Not requisite for Driving Visibility
1, 10, 14 1, 10, 14
Interior Partitions, Auxiliary
Wind Deflectors
1, 2, 4, 10, 11 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13
Flexible Curtains, Readily
Removable Windows, Ventilators
used in conjunction with readily
removable windows, Rear
windows in tops of convertible
1, 2, 4, 6, 10, 11 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11,
Openings in roofs not required
for driving visibility
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13
All other glazing except as listed
1, 2, 10, 11 1, 2, 3, 10, 11
1, 10, 14 1, 10, 14
Interior Partitions, Auxiliary
Wind Deflectors
1, 2, 4, 10, 11 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13
Interior Partitions, Auxiliary
wind deflectors, Windows in rear
1, 2, 4, 10, 11 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13
Openings in roofs not required
for driving visibility
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13
At Levels Requisite for Driving
At Levels Not requisite for Driving Visibility
Flexible Curtains, Readily removable
windows, Ventilators used in
conjunction with readily removable
1, 2, 4, 6, 10, 11 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13
All other glazing except as listed above 1, 2, ,10, 11 1, 2, 3, 10, 11
1, 10, 14 1, 10, 14
Windows to immediate right and left of
1, 2, 4, 10, 11, 14 1, 2, 3, 10, 11, 14
Rearmost window if used for driving
1, 2, 8, 10, 11, 14 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14
Glazing to rear of driver where other
means afford visibility of the highway
is provided.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14
Folding doors 1, 2, 4, 8, 10, 11, 14 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14
All other glazing except as listed above 1, 2, 10, 11, 14 1, 2, 3, 10, 11, 14
1, 10, 14 1, 10, 14
Glazing to immediate right and left of
1, 2, 10, 11, 14 1, 2, 3, 10, 11, 14
Rearmost window if used for driving
1, 2, 8, 10, 11, 14 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14
Internal partitions and auxiliary wind
1, 2, 4, 10, 11, 14 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
Folding doors 1, 2, 4, 8, 10, 11, 14 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14
Standee windows 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
Openings in roof not required for
driving visibility
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 11, 12. 13, 14
Flexible curtains, Readily removable
windows, Ventilators used in
conjunction with readily removable
1, 2, 4, 6, 10, 11, 14 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
All other glazing except as listed above 1, 2, 3, 10, 11, 14 1, 2, 3, 10, 11, 14
All glazing
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
1, 6, 10, 11, 14 1, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
The numbers in the boxes correspond to AS markings referenced on the preceding page.
AS-1 (Laminated Glass)
AS-2, 3 (Laminated or tempered glass)
AS-4, 5, 12 (Rigid plastic)
AS-6, 7, 13 (Flexible plastic)
AS-8, 9 (Wire glass)
AS-10, 11 (Bullet resistant laminated glass)
AS-14 (Laminated glass with layer of clear plastic secured to interior side)
Vision Obstruction
No accessory or other object shall be mounted in such a manner as to interfere with the driver’s vision.
Signs, posters, stickers, or other non-transparent material shall not be placed upon the windshield, wings,
deflectors, side shields, or the front side windows of any motor vehicle; provided, however, the inspection
certificate of approval, certificate of waiver, inspection rejection sticker, an automatic vehicle
identification system transponder approved by the Commission in accordance with N.J.A.C. 13:20-10, or
any other sticker approved by the Commission, is permitted.
Do not certify a vehicle with any of the following conditions:
Any accessory or other object (including hood scoops) mounted so as to obscure more than 3
inches of the windshield glass. The height of the obstructed area of the windshield glass shall be
measured by placing a straight edge on the top of the scoop and holding the straight edge in a level
position with one end contacting the windshield glass.
Any object, which obscures an area greater than one-inch width along the side edges or top edge
of the windshield.
Any vehicle, which has highly reflective or mirror type tinted glazing.
Any electric type defroster attached to the rear window, which seriously impairs the driver’s
vision. (Unless the vehicle is equipped with outside mirrors on both sides of the motor vehicle).
Tinted spray paint or plastic material that is on the windows behind the driver. (Unless vehicle is
equipped with outside mirrors on both sides).
Any vehicle, which has add-on tinting on the windshield or any window to the immediate right or
left of the driver.
Strips of add-on tinting material, which have been affixed to the top of the windshield, are
permissible provided that they do not project downward at any point more than 20% of the vertical
height of the windshield.
Police Vehicles (undercover)
Vehicles that have approved sunscreen materials for medical exemption.
Tinted spray paint or plastic material on the windows behind the driver provided the vehicle is
equipped with outside mirrors on both sides.
Every motor vehicle when operated upon a roadway shall be equipped with a horn in good working order
and capable of emitting sound audible under normal conditions from a distance of two hundred feet, but
no horn or other warning device shall emit an unreasonably loud or harsh sound or a whistle.
Do not certify a vehicle with any of the following conditions:
An inoperative horn.
The horn is not audible under normal conditions from a distance of not less than 200 feet.
The horn is not securely fastened to the motor vehicle.
The horn has a broken button or switch, or does not have a button or switch. (For example, the
horn is activated by grounding a bare wire)
The horn has an activating button or switch beyond the reach of the driver.
The horn button is located in a place that is not readily conspicuous to the driver, or the horn
button requires the driver to take his or her eyes off the road to activate the horn.
The horn ring is broken.
The motor vehicle is equipped with a siren, whistle, or bell. (Except an authorized emergency
vehicle or unless a permit for same has been issued by the Commission in accordance with
N.J.A.C. 13:24); provided, however, that any motor vehicle may be equipped with a theft alarm
signal device that is installed so that it cannot be used by the driver as an ordinary warning signal.
Conditional Approval:
The horn emits an unreasonably loud or harsh sound, such as an air horn, is permitted, provided
the motor vehicle is also equipped with a standard horn for use in residence or business districts.
The horn can only be sounded by a portion of the horn activation device.
EXCEPTION: Bells on frozen dessert trucks are permissible.
Windshield Wipers
Every motor vehicle having a windshield shall be equipped with at least one device in proper operating
condition to provide clear vision for the driver. A motor vehicle manufactured with only one windshield
wiper shall have the wiper so located that it cleans the portion of the windshield directly in front of the
driver in order for the driver to safely operate the motor vehicle.
Do not certify a vehicle with any of the following conditions:
If a motor vehicle was originally manufactured with two windshield wipers, and both wipers do
not operate properly.
If a motor vehicle manufactured with only one windshield wiper is not equipped with a windshield
wiper that will clean the portion of the windshield directly in front of the driver.
A windshield wiper that is not capable of operating at a speed necessary to provide the driver a
clear view ahead under all conditions of weather.
Windshield wiper blades that are damaged, hardened, deteriorated, or of an improper type (such as
a blade designed for a flat windshield installed on a curved windshield), or an improper size.
Windshield wipers that are not held against the windshield with adequate tension to provide the
driver a clear view ahead under all conditions of weather.
Windshield wipers that do not clean the full area of windshield for which it was designed.
If the windshield wiper control is not constructed and installed so as to be operated and controlled
by the driver.
A windshield wiper control that is constructed and installed as to be operated or controlled by the
driver that is not in proper operating condition.
Directional Signals and Hazard Warning Lights
Every motor vehicle, other than a noncommercial motorcycle, shall be equipped with two front and two
rear turn signals, except that a passenger vehicle manufactured before July 2, 1954, is not required to be
equipped with turn signals. When a motor vehicle, regardless of date of manufacture, is equipped with
turn signals, the turn signals shall be in proper operating condition.
All turn signals and hazard warning signal systems including lights, flashers and operating units shall be
of a type approved as meeting the standards of the United States Department of Transportation or, for
motor vehicles manufactured prior to the adoption of such standards, the standards of the Society of
Automotive Engineers. The letters “SAE” along with the manufacturer’s name and trademark are often
on such devices. In the case of front and rear turn signal lights, the letter “I” or the letter “D” is often on
the lens of such lights.
Front turn signal and hazard warning signal lights shall be mounted on each side of the vertical centerline
at the same level and as widely spaced laterally as practical. Front turn signal and warning signal lights
shall emit a flashing white or amber light visible from a distance of 500 feet.
Rear turn signal and hazard warning signal lights shall be mounted on each side of the vertical centerline
at the same level and as widely spaced laterally as practical. Rear turn signal and warning signal lights
shall emit a flashing red or amber light visible from a distance of 500 feet.
All turn signals shall be permanently and securely mounted in such a manner so as to reduce the
likelihood of their being obscured by mud or dust thrown up by the wheels.
A turn signal shall not be obstructed by any part of the chassis, body, or bumper, or by any type of add-on
device or material if such obstruction reduces the visible area of the turn signal to less than three and one-
half square inches on a passenger automobile, truck, bus, or jitney which is less than 80 inches in overall
width, or reduces the visible area of the turn signal to less than 12 square inches on a truck, bus, or jitney
which is 80 inches or more in overall width.
Turn signal lights shall flash from 50 to 130 times per minute. The “on” period of the flashes shall be
long enough to permit the bulb filaments to reach full brightness.
All turn signal light systems shall be in proper operating condition.
Do not certify a vehicle with any of the following conditions:
The turn/warning signal is out or missing.
There is a faulty turn/warning signal or switch.
There are unapproved type direction signals or lenses.
The turn signals are not operating as designed.
The turn or hazard warning signals are not mounted at the same level and as widely spaced
laterally as possible.
The front turn signals emit a color other than white or amber or any color in between.
The rear turn signals emit a color other than red or amber or any color in between.
The turn signals are not securely mounted or are obstructed.
The turn signals do not flash between 50 or 130 times per minute or “on” period of flash does not
reach full lamp brightness.
The turn signal lens of any signal lamp is broken or missing.
The turn signals are mounted in the interior of the vehicle behind the glazing.
Tape is used to repair turn signal light lenses.
Note: Do not reject turn signals that flash alternately with side marker lights.
EXCEPTION: Bell Telephone coin collection vehicles.
Conditional Approval:
A cracked, broken, or missing lens, provided that no white light shows to the rear of the motor
vehicle; providing that the motorist is advised to have the defect corrected
A repaired cracked lens; if the repair was completed in a permanent workmanlike manner and tape
was not used for the repair.
Sequential turn signals that are on older model Mercury Cougars and Ford Thunderbirds.
Side mounted turn signals built into the mirrors on some cars.
Side-marker lights are lights on the left and right sides near the front and rear of a motor vehicle that
show to the side, and are intended to indicate vehicle length.
A vehicle (truck or bus) 80” or more in width manufactured after January 1, 1965 shall be equipped with
one amber side-marker light mounted on each side at or near the front of the motor vehicle and one red
side-marker light mounted on each side at or near the rear of the motor vehicle. Side-marker lights must
be of a type approved as meeting the standards of the United States Department of Transportation or for
vehicles manufactured prior to the adoption of such standards, the standards of the Society of Automotive
Engineers. The letters “SAE” and the letters “P1” or “P2” or “PC” along with the manufacturer’s name or
trademark are on the lens of such lights in most cases.
Every side-marker light shall be permanently and securely mounted on a permanent part of the vehicle.
Side-marker lights may be mounted at an optional height on the side of the vehicle.
A combination clearance and side-marker light is a single lamp, which fulfills the requirement of both a
clearance and side-marker light. The requirements for side-marker, clearance and identification lights are
quite involved and pertain to their use on commercial vehicles for the most part. The subject is covered on
“Summary of Motor Vehicle Light Requirements”.
NOTE: Most passenger type vehicles have the rear reflectors incorporated in the rear taillight and can be
identified by the SAE marking.
Reflectors are devices designed and used on vehicles to give an indication to an approaching driver by
reflected light. Reflectors shall be of a type approved as meeting the standards of the United States
Department of Transportation or for vehicles manufactured prior to the adoption of such standards, the
standards of the Society of Automotive Engineers. The letters “SAE” and the letter “A” (for Class A
reflectors) or the letter “B” (for Class B reflectors) along with the manufacturer’s name or trademark are
on the lens of such reflectors in most cases.
Passenger vehicles manufactured before July 2, 1954, shall have one Class A or Class B red reflector
mounted on the rear of the vehicle. Passenger automobiles manufactured after July 1,
1954, shall have two (2) Class A red or two (2) Class B red reflectors mounted on the rear of the vehicle
on each side of the vertical centerline at the same level and as widely spaced laterally as practical. All
passenger automobiles with commercial registration and all trucks and buses shall have two Class A red
reflectors mounted on the rear of the vehicle on each side of the vertical centerline at the same level and
as widely spaced laterally as practical.
A truck or bus 80 inches or more in width manufactured after January 1, 1965, shall have one Class A
amber reflector mounted on each side of the vehicle as far to the front as practical and one Class A red
reflector mounted on each side of the vehicle as far to the rear as practical.
The mounted height of a reflector shall be not less than 15 inches or more than 60 inches from the level
surface upon which the vehicle stands. Reflectors shall be permanently and securely mounted on a
permanent part of the vehicle. The mounted height of a reflector shall be measured from the center of the
reflector to the level surface upon which the vehicle stands. Any reflector, otherwise properly mounted,
may be securely installed on flexible strapping or belting provided that under conditions of normal
operation it reflects light in the required direction.
Identification lights are used in groups of three in a horizontal row which show to the front and rear of a
motor vehicle, and have light centers spaced not less than six inches nor more than 12 inches apart.
A truck or bus 80 inches or more in width manufactured after January 1, 1965, shall be equipped with
three amber identification lights on the front of the vehicle and three red identification lights on the rear of
the vehicle. If the cab is not more than 42 inches wide at the front roofline, a single identification light at
the centerline of the cab shall be deemed to comply with the requirements for front identification lights.
Identifications lights shall be of a type approved as meeting the standards of the United States Department
of Transportation or for vehicles manufactured prior to the adoption of such standards, the standards of
the Society of Automotive Engineers. The letters “SAE” and the letters “P” or “P2”, along with the
manufacturer’s name or trademark are on the lens of such lights in most cases.
Every identification light shall be permanently and securely mounted on a permanent part of the vehicle
as close as practical to the centerline and the top of the vehicle. No part of front identification lights or
their mountings shall extend below the top of the vehicle windshield.
Do not certify a vehicle, which is required to have side-marker, clearance, identification lights, and
reflectors with any of the following conditions.
A broken or missing lens and/or reflector.
A light or reflector of an unapproved type.
A light or reflector that is not mounted securely or is not properly located.
Any lens or reflector, which fails to reflect the required color of light.
Any required lamp missing or inoperative.
NOTE: Side marker lights are not required on passenger vehicles.
Conditional Approval:
Automobiles with marker lights out.
SAE Lighting Identification Markings
A. Reflex reflectors – Class A
B. Reflex reflectors – Class B
D. Turn signal lamps – Class B (mounted front and rear)
I. Turn signal lamps – Class A (mounted front and rear)
E. Side turn signal lamps (mounted on vehicle sides)
F. Fog lights
H. Sealed beam headlights (marking applies to housing)
K. Corner lamps
L. License plate lamps
M. Motorcycle and motor driven cycle headlamps – motorcycle type
N. Motorcycle and motor driven cycle headlamps – motor driven cycle type
O. Spot lamps
P. Identification or parking lamps
PI. Clearance or side marker lamps
PC. Combination clearance and side marker lamps
Q. Turn signal operating units – Class A
QB. Turn signal operating units – Class B
QC. Hazard warning signal operating units
R. Back up lamps
S. Stop lamps
T. Tail lamps
V. Liquid burning emergency flares
W1. Warning lamps for emergency, maintenance and service vehicles
W2. Warning signal lamps for school buses
W3. 360 degree emergency warning lamps
X. Electric emergency lanterns
Y. Driving lamps
Z. Passing lamps
Red Rear Light and Plate Light
Every motor vehicle, other than a motorcycle, shall be equipped on the rear with at least two red taillights
and at least two red reflectors, one on each side of the vertical centerline at the same height and as far
apart as practical, except that a passenger vehicle manufactured before July 2, 1954 may be equipped with
one red taillight and one red reflector. If a vehicle is equipped with two or more taillights on each side it
shall not be refused certification because one of the taillights is not operative, providing one taillight on
each side is operative. However, a motorist should be advised of the situation. Do not refuse to certify a
vehicle because of a taillight having a cracked lens, providing no white light shows to the rear, but advise
the motorist of the situation.
Taillights shall be of a type approved as meeting the standards of the United States Department of
Transportation or, for vehicles manufactured prior to the adoption of such standards, the Standards of the
Society of Automotive Engineers. The letters “SAE” and the letter “T” along with the manufacturer’s
name or trademark are often on the lens of such lights.
Taillights shall exhibit a red light visible from a distance of 500 feet to the rear of the vehicle. The lights
shall not be obstructed by any part of the chassis, body or bumper, or any type of add-on device or
Taillights shall be permanently and securely mounted on a permanent part of the vehicle. The mounted
height of taillights, as measured from the center of the lens to the road surface upon which the vehicle
stands, shall not be less than 15 inches nor more than 72 inches. On any vehicle carrying flammable
liquids as a cargo, the taillights may be mounted higher than 72 inches. When two taillights are required,
they shall be mounted at the same level and spaced as far apart laterally as practical.
The license plate light shall be of a type approved as meeting the standards of the United States
Department of Transportation or, for vehicles manufactured prior to the adoption of such standards, the
Standards of the Society of Automotive Engineers. The letters “SAE” and the letter “L” along with the
manufacturer’s name or trademark are often on the lens of such lights.
Exceptions: Aftermarket taillight covers
Auto Ventshade Company tail light lens covers meet the Federal Motor Vehicle Standards and are the
only ones approved to date and are as follows:
Part# Application
36843 1988-1998 Chevy/GMC Full Size Pickup
36959 1995-1998 Chevy Blazer/GMC Jimmy
36428 1994-1998 Chevy S10/GMC Sonoma
36807 1994-1998 Dodge Ram
36142 1989-1996 Dodge Dakota
36537 1987-1996 Ford F150 Pickup
36801 1997-1998 Ford F150 Pickup (Flareside)
36726 1991-1994 Ford Explorer
36749 1995-1997 Ford Explorer
36710 1993-1997 Ford Ranger
Part# Application
36137 1981-1992 Ford Ranger
36837 1993-1998 Jeep Grand Cherokee
Confirm that the Auto Ventshade Company logo is evident on the tail light lens cover and that the cover is
properly installed on the vehicle for which they were intended. If the Auto Ventshade tail light covers are
not securely attached or appear to be inappropriate for the vehicle application, fail the vehicle.
Exceptions: Taillight grills
All 2002 Mercury Mountaineer models are equipped with “Factory Installed” tail lamp grills. These are
legal and should not be rejected when presented for inspection. Please refer to the picture below. Note:
this is the only model vehicle to be approved.
Do not certify any vehicle with any of the following conditions:
Unapproved type of red rear light, plate light or lens.
The taillight does not emit a red color.
A taillight with a broken or missing lens.
A taillight that is not securely mounted or properly located on the vehicle.
Any taillight or license plate light that exhibits a white light to the rear.
Any taillight is out or does not operate as designed.
Conditional Approval:
Taillight lens is cracked, provided no white light is visible from rear.
Taillight covered with appliqué or grill with more than 3 square inches of light showing.
The license plate light unit is missing, inoperative, or does not operate properly: however, the
motorist shall be advised to have the defect corrected.
Stop Lights
Every motor vehicle, other than two wheel motorcycles, shall be equipped on the rear with at least two
stop lights, one at each side of the vertical centerline at the same height and as far apart as possible, except
a passenger vehicle manufactured before July 2, 1954, may be equipped with one stop light.
All stop lights must be of a type approved as meeting the standards of the United States Department of
Transportation or, for motor vehicles manufactured prior to the adoption of such standards, the standards
of the Society of Automotive Engineers. The letters “SAE” and the letter “S” along with the
manufacturer’s name and trademark are often on the lens of such lights.
Stoplights shall exhibit a red or amber color and shall be visible from a distance of 500 feet to the rear of
the vehicle when activated by application of the brake. The stoplights shall not be obstructed by any part
of the chassis, body or bumper, or any type of add-on device or material.
Stoplights shall be permanently and securely mounted on a permanent part of the vehicle. Do not refuse
certification because of a stoplight having a cracked lens, providing no white light shows to the rear, but
the motorist shall be advised to have the situation corrected. If a vehicle is equipped with two or more
stop lights on each side it shall not be refused certification because some of the stoplights are not
operative, providing one stop light on each side of the vehicle is operative. However, the motorist shall be
advised to have the condition corrected. Repairs to broken lenses made in a workmanlike manner using
the original pieces is acceptable (no color tape shall be used), provided no white light shows to the rear.
Do not certify a vehicle with any of the following conditions:
Unapproved type of stoplight or lens.
Any light that is not properly mounted.
A broken or missing lens (provided white light shows to rear).
There is an insufficient increase in the illumination of the stoplight when the service brake is
Any vehicle that is required to have two stoplights that does not have at least one stop light on
each side operative.
Pulsating or flashing stoplights.
Stoplight lenses that are modified in a manner, which will reduce visibility or effect photometrics.
A separate stoplight that is wired to illuminate when the turn signals are activated.
The stoplight is out.
A clear lens with a red bulb.
High Mounted Stop Lights
All passenger automobiles manufactured on or after September 1, 1985, shall, in addition, be equipped
with a high-mounted rear stoplight on the vertical centerline. All multipurpose passenger vehicles, trucks
and buses whose overall width is less than 80 inches or GVWR 10,000 lbs or less, manufactured on or
after September 1, 1993, shall, in addition, be equipped with a high mounted stop light on the centerline.
All multipurpose passenger vehicles, trucks and buses whose overall width is less than 80 inches and
whose GVRW is 10,000 pounds or less and whose vertical centerline, when the vehicle is viewed from
the rear, is not located on a fixed body panel but separates one or two moveable body sections, such as
doors, and which lacks sufficient space to install a single high-mounted stoplight on the centerline above
such body panels, and which is manufactured on or after September 1, 1993, shall, in addition, be
equipped with two high-mounted rear stoplights.
All stop lights must be of a type approved as meeting the standards of the United States Department of
Transportation or, for motor vehicles manufactured prior to the adoption of such standards, the standards
of the Society of Automotive Engineers. The letters
“SAE” and the letter “S” along with the manufacturer’s name and trademark are often on the lens of such
lights. Stoplights shall exhibit a red or amber color and shall be visible from a distance of 500 feet to the
rear of the vehicle when activated by application of the brake. The stoplights shall not be obstructed by
any part of the chassis, body or bumper, or any type of add-on device or material. If the high-mounted
rear stoplight is placed inside the vehicle, means shall be provided to minimize reflections from the light
upon the rear window glazing that may be visible to the driver when viewed in the interior rear view
Some accessories such as spoilers and trunk-mounted luggage racks may partially obstruct the factory
installed high-mounted stoplight. Therefore, the accessory will incorporate a stoplight. The rearmost
high-mounted stoplight shall be operable. If the more than one high-mounted stoplight is operable, the
motorist should be advised to have the forward high-mounted stoplight disconnected.
Conditional Approval:
The high-mounted stoplight is missing, obstructed, inoperative, or does not operate properly,
provided that at least one stoplight on each side of the motor vehicle is operative.
The high-mounted stoplight is so wired that it illuminates when the turn signal lights are
The high-mounted stoplight shielding inadequately reduces reflections from the stoplight upon
the rear window glazing so that it may be visible to the driver when viewed in the interior rear
view mirror.
Summary of Motor Vehicle Lighting Requirements
Front Lighting Requirements
Type of
cab width
Type of
Date of
Passenger Before
July 2, 1954
2 or 4 2 Amber or
ts are Class
“B” but
Class “A”
may be
Sport Utility,
Minivan, Full
size Van,
Passenger After
July 1, 1954
2 or 4 2 2 Amber or
ts are Class
“B” but
Class “A”
may be
Sport Utility,
Minivan, Full
size Van,
Pickup truck
25 feet
Over 42
Omnibus or
Code 15
All 2 or 4 2 Amber or
ts are Class
“B” but
Class “A”
may be
Rear Lighting Requirements
Type of
Type of
Date of
Reflectors Stop
Turn Signal
Passenger Before
July 2, 1954
2 red
Min. Class
“B” but can
be Class
1 amber
or red
1 red 2 Amber or
are Class “B
but Class “A”
may be used
Sport Utility,
Minivan, Full
size Van,
Passenger After
July 1, 1954
2 red
Min. Class
“B” but can
be Class
2 amber
or red
2 red 2 Amber or
are Class “B
but Class “A”
may be used
Sport Utility,
Minivan, Full
size Van,
Pickup truck
25 feet
Over 42
Omnibus or
Code 15
All 1
2 red
Min. Class
“B” but can
be Class
2 amber
or red
2 red 2 Amber or
are Class “B
but Class “A”
may be used
** NOTE: A high-mounted stoplight is required to be mounted on all passenger vehicles manufactured after
September 1, 1985. On vehicles less than 10,000 pounds GVWR, 80” inches or less in width manufactured after
September 1, 1993, a high-mounted stop light is required to be mounted on the vehicle.
Summary of Commercial Vehicle Lighting Requirements
Front Lighting Requirements
Type of
Overall width
Overall length
Overall cab
Date of
Hazard Signal
Head lights
Turn Signal
Truck Under
25 feet
Over 42
All 2 or 4 2 Amber or White
Minimum requirements
are Class “B” but Class
“A” may be used
or Bus
Over 80
25 feet
Over 42
January 1,
2 or 4 2 Amber or White
Class “A”
or Bus
Over 80
25 feet
Over 42
After January
1, 1965
2 Amber 2
2 or 4 3 Amber in a
group spaced
not less than 6
inches or
more than 12
inches apart
2 Amber or White
Class “A”
or Bus
Over 80
Over 25
Over 42
All 2 Amber 2
2 or 4 3 Amber in a
group spaced
not less than 6
inches or
more than 12
inches apart
2 Amber or White
Class “A”
Truck Over 80
25 feet
After January
1, 1965
2 Amber 2
2 or 4 1 Amber at
the center of
the cab
2 Amber or White
Class “A”
Truck Over 80
Over 25
All 2 Amber 2
2 or 4 1 Amber at
the center of
the cab
2 Amber or White
Class “A”
Over 80
All All All 2
2 or 4 2 Amber or White
Class “A”
Summary of Commercial Vehicle Lighting Requirements
Side Lighting Requirements
Type of
Date of
Front Marker
Front Reflector
Class “A”
Rear Reflector
Class “A”
Truck Under 80
25 feet
Over 42
Truck or
Over 80
25 feet
Over 42
January 1,
Truck or
Over 80
25 feet
Over 42
After January
1, 1965
2 Amber 2 Red 2 Amber 2 Red
Truck or
Over 80
Over 25
Over 42
All 2 Amber 2 Red 2 Amber 2 Red
Truck Over 80
25 feet
Under 42
After January
1, 1965
2 Amber 2 Red 2 Amber 2 Red
Truck Over 80
Over 25
Under 42
All 2 Amber 2 Red 2 Amber 2 Red
Over 80
All All All
Summary of Commercial Vehicle Lighting Requirements
Rear Lighting Requirements
Type of vehicle
Overall width
Overall length
Overall cab width
Date of
Clearance Lights
Hazard Signals
Plate Light
Stop Lights
Tail Lights
Turn Signals
Portable Warning
Truck Under
25 feet
Over 42
1 White
2 Red Class “A”
2 Amber or Re
2 Red
2 Amber or Red Min Class B
But Can be Class A
or Bus
Over 80
25 feet
Over 42
January 1,
or Red
1 White
2 Red Class
2 Amber or
2 Red
2 Amber or
Red Class A
Portable warning devices must be of an approved type and consist of 3 red emergency
reflectors, or 3 red electric lanterns, or 3 red; liquid burning flares with 3 red burning flares
or Bus
Over 80
25 feet
Over 42
January 1,
2 Red
or Red
3 Red
1 White
2 Red Class
2 Amber or
2 Red
2 Amber or
Red Class A
or Bus
Over 80
Over 25
Over 42
All 2 Red
or Red
3 Red
1 White
2 Red Class
2 Amber or
2 Red
2 Amber or
Red Class A
Truck Over 80
25 feet
January 1,
2 Red 2
or Red
3 Red
1 White
2 Red Class
2 Amber or
2 Red
2 Amber or
Red Class A
Truck Over 80
Over 25
All 2 Red 2
or Red
3 Red
1 White
2 Red Class
2 Amber or
2 Red
2 Amber or
Red Class A
Over 80
All All All 2
or Red
1 White
2 Red Class
2 Amber or
2 Red
2 Amber or
Red Class A
*** NOTE: Rear identification lights and clearance lights are not required on concrete mixer trucks.
Wheels and Tires
Wheels shall turn freely and the lateral or radial runout of the rim bead shall not exceed the motor vehicle
manufacturer’s specifications. Wheels shall be securely mounted and there shall be no visible cracks,
elongated bolt holes, broken bolts, missing bolts or nuts, indication of repair by welding, or other defects
which adversely affect the safe operation of the motor vehicle.
The tread depth on each tire shall not be less than 2/32 of an inch deep. Many tires have tread depth
indicators that become exposed when the tread depth is less than 2/32 of an inch. Tread depth
indicators shall be inspected and a tire rejected if it is worn so that the indicators are visible in any
two adjacent major grooves at three locations spaced approximately equally around the outside of
the tire. For tires without tread depth indicators, the tread depth shall be measured with a tire tread depth
Tires shall be free from chunking, bumps, knots, or bulges, evidencing cord, ply, or tread separation from
casing or other adjacent materials. Tire cords or belting materials shall not be exposed.
There shall not be any mismatch in nominal tire size, construction, or profile between tires on the same
axle, or any deviation from the motor vehicle manufacturer’s recommendation.
Tire tread shall not protrude beyond the fenders.
Tires on motor vehicles registered for use on a public highway shall not be marked “FOR FARM USE
ONLY,” “OFF HIGHWAY USE ONLY” or “FOR RACING USE ONLY.” Tires, which were originally
manufactured with extra undertread material and are marked “REGROOVABLE”, may be regrooved
below the original tread depth.
Studded tires may not be used on a public highway in New Jersey earlier than November 15, or later than
April 1 of any winter season. Certification of a motor vehicle shall not be refused because of improper
use of studded tires: however, the motorist shall be advised to have the condition corrected.
Do not certify any vehicle with any of the following conditions:
The tread of any tire is less than 2/32 of an inch deep in two adjacent major grooves at three
locations around the tire except, the front wheels of any bus, truck or truck tractor which does not
have 4/32 of an inch in one major groove. (Some tires have built-in tread depth indicators).
There are cuts or snags deep enough to expose ply or cord.
Any excessive bump, bulge or knot.
The tire exceeds beyond the outer edge of the wheel housing.
Tires that are marked “FOR FARM USE ONLY”, “OFF HIGHWAY USE ONLY”, or “FOR
The vehicle is equipped with tires on the same axle that are not matched in nominal size.
The tire is worn or dry-rotted so as to expose any portion of cord or ply.
The wheel is not securely mounted.
There is a bent wheel.
The wheel has visible cracks, elongated holes, and broken bolts, missing lugs or other defects.
The tires on one axle that do not have 60% of the tread width of the tires on the other axle.
Any flat tire or any temporary donut-type spare on the vehicle
Exhaust System
The entire exhaust system shall be in such condition that it cannot burn or cause injury to any person.
Exposed exhaust pipes, stacks, or other parts of the exhaust system, which might burn a person or cause
injury, shall be protected in a permanent and effective manner. The exit point for the exhaust gas shall be
located so that dangerous amounts of exhaust gas will not enter the passenger compartments under normal
vehicle use even with the windows open or the outside air inlets to the heater or air conditioner open. A
replacement exhaust system is acceptable provided it is specifically manufactured for the motor vehicle
by a company, which guarantees that the exhaust system has a safe exhaust gas exit location.
Do not certify a vehicle with any of the following conditions:
There is exhaust gas leakage at any point in the exhaust system. (Do not refuse to certify the
muffler because of the drain hole made by the manufacturer.)
The exhaust system is installed in a manner that any part thereof passes through the passenger
compartment of a motor vehicle.
There are exposed vertically stacks without shields.
The exhaust system has muffler cutouts, muffler bypass or any similar device, or any change or
modification to the exhaust system, which causes excessive noise.
The exhaust system has “Cut-Outs”, “Lake Pipes” or “By-Passes” the use of which can be
controlled by the driver or passenger while in motion.
There are patches anywhere in the exhaust system. (Welding repairs which have been properly
done and are in good condition are acceptable.)
The noise level is noticeably louder than that of the manufacturer’s original equipment.
An exhaust system has loose or worn components or has been patched; provided, however, that an
exhaust system, which has been properly welded and is in good condition, may be certified.
Any improperly mounted exhaust system.
The tailpipe does not extend to the outside edge of a passenger vehicle body or does not exit
rearward of any operable window. NOTE: Stock tailpipe termination points will be accepted.
An exhaust system in which the muffler is missing, defective or not in proper operating condition.
An exhaust system with evidence of tampering with the emission control apparatus such as the
catalytic converter, in violation of N.J.A.C. 7:27-15.7.
Any short exhaust system.
NOTE: There are side mounted exhaust system in which exhaust gases are not emitted rearward of any
operable side window. Unless the vehicle is a manufacturer’s certified configuration, side mounted
exhaust systems should be rejected.
Every motor vehicle, other than a motorcycle, shall be equipped with at least two headlights mounted at
the same level with an equal number on each side of the front of the motor vehicle. Headlights shall emit
only a white light and shall be tested for proper operation. Headlights shall not be tested for aim unless
they have been previously rejected at another inspection facility for one of the reasons set forth in this
section. If headlight aim testing is required, the headlight aim shall meet the specifications listed below:
High-beam aim specifications:
Vertical aim: From 4 inches above to 5 inches below:
Horizontal aim: From 6 inches right to 6 inches left.
Low Beam specifications:
Vertical aim: From 3 inches below to 14 inches below.
Horizontal aim: from 8 inches right to 23 inches right.
The headlight aim specifications set forth above refer to the location of the “hot spot” (the center
of the high intensity portion of the light beam) based on a distance of 25 feet from the test screen.
The vertical aim specifications indicate the distance the “hot spot” shall be above or below the
horizontal centerline straight ahead of the headlight center.
The horizontal aim specifications indicate the distance the “hot spot” shall be to the right or to the
left of the vertical centerline straight ahead of the headlight.
SAE visual inspection limits for the vertical aim of the “hot spot” of Type 1 headlight units are
from four inches above to four inches below, and for the horizontal aim of the “hot spot” of Type
1 headlight units are from four inches right to four inches left.
SAE visual inspection limits for the top edge of the high intensity zone of Type 2 headlight units
are from four inches above to four inches below, and for the left edge of the high intensity zone of
Type 2 headlight units are from four inches right to four inches left.
If headlight aim is inspected with a mechanical aimer, the inspection specifications for both Type
1 and Type 2 headlight units shall be four inches above to four inches below and four inches left to
four inches right.
Headlights shall be properly installed so that their beams are readily adjusted, both vertically and
horizontally, and their aim is not grossly misaligned or readily disturbed by ordinary vehicle
Headlights shall be of a type approved as meeting the standards of the United States Department
of Transportation or, for motor vehicles manufactured prior to the adoption of such standards, the
standards of the Society of Automotive Engineers.
A motor vehicle having a headlight with a missing lens shall not be certified; provided, however,
that a motor vehicle shall not be refused certification because the headlight has a bulls-eye-type
hole that has been repaired in a proper manner.
There shall be no colored spray on the lens, visor, reflector, or other attachment that is not
included in the standards of the United States Department of Transportation or, for motor vehicles
manufactured prior to the adoption of such standards, the standards of the Society of Automotive
On motor vehicles equipped with four headlights, the type 2 headlight shall be mounted above or
to the outside of the Type 1 headlight.
Retractable headlights shall be in the fully open position when the headlights are tested.
Motor vehicles used for plowing snow may have an extra set of headlights mounted above the
plow. Switching shall be provided so that either set of headlights may be used, but not both.
A motor vehicle shall not be refused certification because of a missing headlight rim or rims;
however, the motorist shall be advised to have the defect corrected.
Due to the high cost of headlight replacement and subsequently the high instances of headlight
repairs, the Commission will accept headlight repairs for lenses having bull’s-eye type damage.
The repair must be completed in a workmanlike manner using a permanent clear material. If the
headlight aim is questionable after the repair, the lights should be checked to insure proper
headlight aim and to assure that no distortion in the beam pattern is evident.
N.J. Headlight Aim Requirements
Aim specifications refer to location of the “hot spot” (center of high intensity portion of the beam pattern)
based on 25 feet test distance.
*Vertical Aim
*Vertical Aim
**Horizontal Aim
Type of Headlight Inspect On
Vehicles Except
Trucks Over 7,000
Trucks Over 7000
lbs Gross Weight
All Vehicles
Bulb Type Single
Single Beam
From 9” below to
14” Below
From 9” below to
19” Below
6” Left to 6” Right
Bulb Type Multiple
High Beam
From 4” below to
9” Below
From 4” below to
14” Below
6” Left to 6” Right
Bulb Type
High Beam
From 4” below to
9” Below
From 4” below to
14” Below
12” Right to 18”
Sealed Beam Old
7” Unit
High Beam
From 4” above to
5” Below
From 0” to 10”
6” Left to 6” Right
Sealed Beam 7” #2
Unit 7” 2D 1, 2D
Low Beam
From 3” below to
14” Below
From 9” to 19”
8” Right to 23”
142x200 MM, 2B1,
2B, 100x165 MM,
2ª, 2ª1, 2E1,
92x160 MM LF
Low Beam
From 3” below to
14” Below
From 9” to 19”
8” Right to 23”
Sealed Beam 5 ¾”
#2 Unit, 5 ¾” 2C1
Low Beam
From 3” below to
14” Below
From 9” to 19”
8” Right to 23”
Replacement Bulb
Low Beam
From 3” below to
14” Below
From 9” to 19”
8” Right to 23”
Sealed Beam 5 ¾”
#1 Unit, 5 ¾” 1C1
High Beam
From 4” above to
5” Below
From 0” to 10”
6” Right to 6” Left
100x165 MM, 1ª1,
92x150 MM UF
High Beam
From 4” above to
5” Below
From 0” to 10”
6” Right to 6” Left
* Vertical Aim specifications show distance “hot spot” shall be above or below the horizontal centerline
straight ahead of headlight center.
** Horizontal aim specification show distance “hot spot” shall be to right or left of vertical center plane
straight ahead of headlight center.
Do not certify vehicle with any of the following conditions:
A headlight not lit on any beam.
A headlight that is not properly aimed. (Only reject if the headlight is grossly misaligned.)
A headlight that is not properly, securely or permanently mounted.
Any improperly connected circuit, which does not light the proper filament(s) for the different
switch position(s).
Any light that is obstructed or modified so as to change the original design or performance.
Type 1 and Type 2 headlights that are not properly used in conjunction with each other.
Any headlight missing a lens.
A retractable headlight which does not fully open.
An unapproved headlight (must be marked “DOT” or “SAE” and have 3 aiming pads).
Headlights, which can be flashed continuously for emergency purposes. (Unless authorized
emergency vehicles).
An extra set of headlights on snow plows which can be lit at the same time as the regular
Colored spray on the lens, visor, reflector, or other.
Conditional Approval:
The headlight lens is cracked or broken, or there is excessive moisture therein, provided the
headlight is operational and emits a white light.
The light intensity of the headlight is weak, provided the headlight is operational and emits a
white light.
The headlight is covered by a brush guard, grill, or cover over or in front of the light, provided
the headlight is operational and emits a white light.
A repaired headlight lens with a bull’s eye type break provided the repair is completed in a
workmanlike manner using a permanent clear material.
Missing headlight rim or rims.
A motor vehicle shall not be certified if it is not equipped with at least one rear view mirror. Passenger
automobiles manufactured after January 1, 1965, must have an interior mirror and an exterior mirror on
the driver’s side.
Any commercial vehicle manufactured after January 1, 1965, shall be equipped with an interior mirror
and an exterior mirror on the driver’s side, except that every commercial vehicle so constructed or loaded
as to obstruct a rear view from the interior mirror, and any vehicle with the rear view obstructed, shall, in
lieu of an interior mirror, be equipped with an exterior mirror on the vehicle opposite the driver’s side.
Mirrors shall be securely mounted and located and adjusted so as to provide the driver adequate rear view
vision. Mirrors shall not obstruct the driver’s forward vision. Concave or convex mirrors shall not be
used in place of the interior mirror or the driver’s side exterior mirror. Mirrors shall be capable of
adjustment to a fixed horizontal and vertical position.
Do not certify a vehicle with any of the following conditions:
Any required mirror that is missing.
Any mirror that is not securely mounted or capable of adjustment to a reasonable fixed position.
Any mirror that does not give the adequate rearview vision.
An interior and/or left side exterior mirror that provides unit magnification.
NOTE: Convex mirrors may only be used to supplement flat mirrors, which provide unit magnification.
Convex mirrors cannot be used as a substitute for required flat mirrors.
Conditional Approval:
Any mirror that is discolored, peeled, tarnished, cracked, broken or has sharp edges, provided
the mirror affords the driver adequate rear view vision.
Other Lights
All miscellaneous lights used on motor vehicles shall be of a type and color approved as meeting the
standards of the Society of Automotive Engineers. The letters ‘SAE,” along with the manufacturer’s
name and trademark, are often on the lens of such light. In addition, the letters listed below often appear
on the following lights:
Fog Lights = F
Spot Lights = O
Emergency warning lights = W or W1 or W3
Supplemental driving or passing lights = Y or Z
Any motor vehicle may be equipped with not more than two auxiliary driving lights mounted on the front
of the vehicle at a height of not less than 12 inches nor more than 42 inches above the level surface upon
which the vehicle stands. Auxiliary driving lights include, but are not limited to, fog lights, passing
lights, and supplemental driving lights. Auxiliary driving lights shall be aimed in conformance with the
standards of the Society of Automotive Engineers applicable to the particular type of auxiliary driving
light. Auxiliary diving lights shall be properly installed so that their aim is not grossly misaligned or
readily disturbed by ordinary vehicle operation. Certification of a motor vehicle shall be refused if the
aim of an auxiliary driving light is grossly misaligned.
All miscellaneous lights shall be permanently and securely mounted on a permanent part of the vehicle in
such a manner as to reduce the likelihood of their being obscured by mud or dirt thrown up by the wheels.
Fog lights are auxiliary driving lights, which may be used with the low beam headlights to provide
general illumination ahead of a motor vehicle. A fog light shall be white, yellow, or amber in color.
Approved fog lights shall meet the requirements of SAE J-583d, incorporated herein by reference.
Passing lights are also known as auxiliary low beam driving lights and are designed to supplement the
lower beam of a standard headlight system. Approved lights shall meet the requirements of SAE J-583d,
incorporated herein by reference. Passing lights shall be wired so that they are controlled by a switch
separate from the headlight switch.
Supplemental driving lights are driving lights, which may be used to supplement the upper beam of a
standard headlight system. Approved lights shall meet the requirements of SAE J-583d, incorporated
herein by reference. Supplemental driving lights shall be wired so that they are controlled by a switch
separate from the headlight switch.
Any motor vehicle may be equipped with not more than two side cowl or fender lights, which shall emit a
white or yellow light without glare.
Any motor vehicle may be equipped with not more than one running board courtesy light on each side
thereof which shall emit a white or yellow light without glare.
On motor vehicles used for plowing snow, there may be auxiliary driving lights connected to either the
parking light system or the low beam headlight system. If sealed beam headlight units are used for the
auxiliary driving lights; they shall be wired so that the taillights will be illuminated when the auxiliary
driving lights are turned on. Auxiliary turn signal lights are also permitted on such vehicles.
A motor vehicle driven by an active member in good standing of a volunteer fire company or a volunteer
first aid squad or rescue squad may be equipped with a blue emergency warning light or lights in
accordance with the requirements set forth in N.J.A.C. 13:24-5. An identification card (permit) issued
pursuant to N.J.A.C. 13:24-5 shall be in the possession of the operator at all times when the blue
emergency warning light or lights are displayed on a motor vehicle.
A motor vehicle driven by an active member in good standing of a the Civil Air Patrol may be equipped
with a blue emergency warning light or lights in accordance with the requirements set forth in N.J.A.C.
13:24-5. An identification card (permit) issued pursuant to N.J.A.C. 13:24-5 shall be in the possession of
the operator at all times when the blue emergency warning light or lights are displayed on a motor
Flashing lights are prohibited on a motor vehicle (except an authorized emergency vehicles or unless a
permit for the same has been issued by the Commission in accordance with N.J.A.C. 13:24) except as a
means for indicating right or left turns or for hazard warning signals.
Two or more lighting devices and reflectors may be combined optically, but the following combinations
are prohibited:
o A turn signal with a headlight.
o A clearance light with a taillight or an identification light.Motor vehicles may be equipped with
other lights in addition to those specified in this subchapter. The manufacturer’s name or
trademark and the letters “SAE” often appear on the lens of such lights, along with the
identification letters shown below:
E: Side turn signal lights (mounted on vehicle sides).
K: Cornering lights.
R: Back-up lights.
U: Supplemental high-mounted stop and turn signal lights.
V: Liquid burning emergency flares.
W4: Emergency reflex reflectors.
X: Emergency lanterns.
Retired Ambulances
Any ambulance sold, transferred, gifted, discarded or abandoned to an entity other than a hospital,
licensed ambulance dealership, an emergency service organization, or any entity licensed by the
Department of Health and Senior Services as an ambulance operator must be stripped of all
markings that would identify the vehicle as an ambulance.
An emergency service organization is defined as a fire or first aid organization, whether organized
as a volunteer fire company, volunteer fire department, fire district or duly incorporated volunteer
first aid, emergency or volunteer ambulance or rescue squad association.
As amended, the Commissioner of the Department of Health and Senior Services shall be
responsible for enforcement of the bill. A violation of the bill is punishable under P.L.2003, c.217
(C.2C:21-4.8) and is a crime of the fourth degree.
This act shall take effect immediately. Enacted January 11, 2006.
Do not certify a vehicle with any of the following conditions:
The auxiliary driving light is grossly misaligned.
The back-up light is illuminated when the motor vehicle is in forward motion.
Conditional Approval;
Any motor vehicle that is be equipped with more than two approved type Auxiliary Driving
Lamps mounted on the front of the vehicle more/less than 12 inches or more/less than 42 inches
above the ground measured from the center of the light.
Auxiliary lamps mounted higher than the headlights.
Auxiliary Driving Lamps that are wired either in conjunction with the low beam or high beam
An unapproved auxiliary driving lamp with markings other than “SAE F, Y or Z.”
Lamps that are not securely fastened or properly located on the vehicle.
More than two auxiliary lamps that operate.
The color of light that is other than white or amber.
Broken lens with sharp edges.
Auxiliary lights mounted behind the grill.
Windshield wiper washer nozzle lights and other non-approved lights.EXCEPTION: Many Jeep
Liberty renegades are equipped with manufacturer installed light bars mounted on the roof. These
light bars are part of an optional off-road package and not legal for use on New Jersey public
highways. Past state policy required these vehicles be rejected unless the lights were rendered
completely inoperative. In this case they fell under the ornamental category. The state has revised
this policy. All Jeep Renegades that have these light bars installed will NOT be rejected. Instead
they will be issued an advisory approval. The inspector shall enter “conditionally approved-
auxiliary light” in the comments field in the workstation. It no longer matters whether the lights
are operational or not. The inspector should advise the customer that these lights are not permitted
on public highways and they are subject to fines for use other than off-road.
Portable Emergency Warning Devices
Any commercially registered motor vehicle over 80 inches in width and any omnibus having a capacity of
over 10 passengers is required to carry approved type Portable Warning Devices as follows:
o 3 Liquid burning flares SAE-V and 3 red fuses, or
o 3 Red electric lanterns SAE-X, or
o 3 Portable red emergency reflectors.
o NOTE: School vehicles and commercial motor vehicles transporting flammable cargo shall carry
either 3 red electric lanterns or 3 portable red emergency reflectors.
Do not certify a vehicle with any of the following conditions:
Broken or incomplete portable warning device kits.
An unapproved type of portable emergency warning devices.
No portable emergency warning devices available.
Spot Lights
A spotlight is a light, which can be aimed at, will. Any motor vehicle may be equipped with not more
than one spotlight, but the use of any such spotlight for driving purposes is prohibited. The letters “SAE”
and the letter “O,” along with the manufacturer’s name and trademark are often on the lens of approved
type spotlights. Approved spot lights shall meet the requirements of SAE J-591b, incorporated herein by
Conditional Approval:
If more than one spot lamp is operable.
A broken lens with sharp edges.
A color other than white.
Lamps not securely fastened or mounted, however, the motorist shall be advised to have the defect
Back-up Lights
Any motor vehicle may be equipped with one or more back-up lights, either separately or in combination
with other lights. Back-up lights shall be white in color. No back-up light shall be illuminated when the
motor vehicle is in the forward motion.
Do not certify a vehicle with any of the following conditions:
Backup lights that stay lit when vehicle moves forward.
Conditional Approval:
Backup lights that are controlled by a separate switch with no pilot light.
Backup lights with no “R” marking or of an unapproved type.
o No emergency identification lights are allowed to be used inside the vehicle.
o All vehicles except emergency Fire, Police and Ambulances must have a permit to authorize use
of Emergency Identification Lights.
o Headlights that can be flashed continuously for emergency warning purposes are allowed on Fire,
Police and First Aid vehicles.
* Vehicles must be registered to applicant or any member of the household.
** Vehicle must be registered in name of applicant.
Red None N.A.
Anywhere on exterior
of Motor Vehicle as
long as no obstruction
to vision. No
restriction on number
Temp. or Perm.
AMBULANCE Red or Amber None N.A. same as above Perm.
Anywhere on exterior
of Motor Vehicle as
long as no obstruction
to vision. No
restriction on number
Temp. or Perm.
**M.V. Auth.
7 ½ not
Exceeding 51
One Blue Light-Ctr of
roof or left W/S
column or front of
vehicle not higher
than headlights. 2
Blue Lights-On W/S
columns each side of
vehicle, or at each
side of roof at W/S
Gold Cross on
Background or
*M.V. Auth.
Same as
Same as above Temp.
WRECKER Amber Permit *M.V. N.A.
Center of Roof – 1 to
3 as permit allows
Temp. or Perm.
Headlight beam - turn signal and hazard signal indicator lights
Every New Jersey registered motor vehicle equipped with multi-beam headlights shall be equipped with a
beam indicator, which shall be lighted whenever the high beam headlamps are lit.
If any turn signal indicator light is not visible to the driver, there shall be an illuminated indicator to give
the driver a clear and unmistakable indication that the turn signal system is turned “on.” In vehicles
equipped with right and left turn signal indicators, both of the indicators or separate indicators shall flash
simultaneously while the hazard warning signal system is turned "on". In vehicles equipped with a single
turn signal indicator, a separate hazard warning signal indicator and the turn signal indicator may flash
while the hazard warning signal system is turned “on.”
If a separate indicator light is used for the hazard warning signal system, it shall emit a red color and have
a minimum area equivalent to a one-half inch diameter circle.
Do not certify a vehicle with any of the following conditions:
Any indicator light that is missing.
Conditional Approval
Any headlight beam, turn, or hazard signal indicator light that is inoperative or does not
operate properly; however, the motorist shall be advised to have the defect corrected.
Wiring and Switching
Switches and wiring shall be installed in a workmanlike manner and function properly.
Do not certify a vehicle with any of the following conditions:
Wiring that is in poor condition, improperly installed or located so as to cause damage or
adversely affects the lighting performance of any exterior light.
Any connection that is not secure or shows signs of corrosion.
Switches that are not in proper condition or do not function properly.
Any lamp circuit that does not light the proper filament when the appropriate switch
position is applied.
Any miscellaneous unsafe condition, likely to endanger any person or property, will be cause for not
certifying a vehicle. When the Official Inspection Facility or Private Inspection Facility rejects a vehicle
under the miscellaneous category, the reason will be noted on the Vehicle Inspection Report.
ABS warning light - The illumination of the ABS warning light is an advisory rejection; however, the
motorist shall be advised to have the defect corrected.
Antenna - Any antenna mounted on a motor vehicle shall be securely attached so as not to swing or
project in a hazardous manner.
Conditional Approval:
The motor vehicle has an insecure antenna; however, the motorist shall be advised to have the
condition corrected.
Body - The motor vehicle body panels, floor pan and other sections shall not be missing.
Conditional Approval:
The vehicle body panels, floor pan, or others sections have excessive rust.
The motor vehicle body has rips or sharp edges; provided such rips or sharp edges do not pose a
risk of injury.
Bumpers – Bumpers, if present, shall be securely mounted on a motor vehicle. Front and rear bumper
heights shall be in accordance with the motor vehicle manufacturer’s specifications.
Conditional Approval:
The bumper has excessive rust.
The bumper has sharp or protruding parts or edges, providing such sharp or protruding parts
or edges do not pose a risk of injuries.
Doors – The motor vehicle doors and all door operating devices, handles, buttons, hinges, and latches
shall be in proper operating condition. A method of opening the door from the outside is not required on
motor vehicles with fabric tops which are equipped with glazing material which can be readily removed
without the use of tools. Motor vehicles designed and manufactured with doors shall be equipped with
doors. Motor vehicles designed and manufactured without doors shall be equipped with seat belts or a
strap, chain, or restraining device of some type across the opening.
Fenders and fender flaps – The motor vehicle fenders shall be securely mounted and shall have no rips
or sharp edges which could cause injury to persons. Fenders shall cover the width of the tire tread. The
rear fenders shall be designed and installed so as to prevent the wheels from throwing dirt, water or other
material onto other motor vehicles. Fender flaps may be attached to the rear fenders to provide the
necessary coverage.
Frozen dessert trucks - frozen dessert trucks are required to display flashing red lights on both the front
and rear, also a stop signal arm extending horizontally from the left of the truck must be displayed.
Flashing red lights will also be activated on the signal arm, and on the arm the words "STOP-IF-SAFE-
THEN-GO" must appear in two-inch high letters. A front mounted convex mirror is also required.
Fuel System - Fuel leakage at any point in the system shall be cause to deny certification. The fuel tank
and piping shall be securely mounted and in proper condition, and fuel tank shall be properly capped.
Any fuel component that contacts any moving part is cause for a 48-hour rejection.
Hood – Motor vehicles shall be equipped with an engine hood. The hood shall be properly secured and
latched, and all hinges, latches, and other components shall be in proper operating condition.
Lettering – Vehicles used for commercial purposes on a street or highway, except for passenger
automobiles and vehicles owned or leased by a pharmacy and utilized for the transportation or delivery of
drugs, shall have conspicuously displayed on the vehicle, or on a name plate attached to the vehicle, the
name of the owner, lessee, or lessor of the vehicle, and the name of the municipality in which the owner,
lessee, or lessor has his or her principal place of business. Franchised public utilities and operators of
fleets of 50 or more commercial vehicles shall be exempt from displaying the name of the municipality,
provided that their vehicles display a corporate identification number. The sign or the nameplate shall be
in plain view and the lettering shall be as close as possible to three niches high. Certification of a
commercial vehicle shall not be refused because the vehicle fails to display the owner’s name and
business address; however, the motorist shall be advised to have the condition corrected. Vehicles
registered as Code 15 should not have lettering on the vehicle (instruct the customer to remove lettering).
Motor mounts - Cannot be loose or broken.
Molding - molding (trim, strips, chrome, etc.) shall be securely fastened and not project from the body so
as to cause injury.
Ornaments - All motor vehicle ornaments shall be free of sharp parts or edges which could injure
Pedals – Brake, clutch, and accelerator pedals shall have rubber pads or some other method of providing
the pedals with a nonskid surface. All pedals shall be in proper operating condition.
Racks and carriers – A motor vehicle may be equipped with racks or carriers provided the maximum
vehicle dimensional limits are not exceeded (8 feet in width and/or 13 feet in height) and provided they do
not create a dangerous condition which could cause injury to persons. Protruding bicycle racks are a
conditional approval item.
Rear axle alignment (tracking) - The rear axle should be in proper alignment with the longitudinal axis
of the vehicle. Wheelbase must measure the same on both sides of the vehicle, tolerance + or - 1 inch.
Reflective Tape - Reflective tape of color amber to white may be displayed on the front of a motor
vehicle. Reflective tape of a color of red to amber to white may be displayed on the rear of a vehicle.
Seats - All motor vehicle seats shall be securely mounted and free of hazardous conditions. The driver's
seat shall lock securely in a position that permits safe operation of the motor vehicle. Inertial type seat
locks are acceptable.
Seat belts; Air bags - All motor vehicles which are required by law to be equipped with seat belts shall
be in compliance with Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards 208 and 209, incorporated herein by
reference. All motor vehicle, which are required by law to be equipped with air bags, shall be in
compliance with Federal Motor Vehicle safety Standard 208, incorporated herein by reference. Any
passenger vehicle manufactured after July 1, 1966 must be equipped with seat belts. Any truck
manufactured after January 1, 1972 must be equipped with seat belts. Seat belts and their anchorage units,
or other restraining devices, shall be of a type approved as meeting the standards of the United States
Department of Transportation or the specifications of the Society of Automotive Engineers. The buckles
and anchorage units shall be in good condition and the webbing shall not be dangerously worn or cut.
Air bags - Certification of a motor vehicle shall be refused if an air bag(s) has been deployed and has not
been replaced with an air bag(s) that is in compliance with the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard
208, incorporated herein by reference. Deployed air bags are to be repaired/replaced in a workman like
NOTE: Air Bags are required on all passenger vehicles manufactured after January 1, 1997 and on trucks
after January 1, 1998. Some vehicles manufactured before January 1, 1997 had air bags installed as an
option and therefore if they are found missing or having been previously deployed and not replaced are to
be conditionally approved providing there are no sharp edges or hanging wires that interfere with the
operation of the vehicle.
Gearshift indicator – Certification of a motor vehicle equipped with an automatic transmission shall not
be refused because of a missing, inoperative, or misaligned gear shift indicator; however, the motorist
shall be advised to correct the defect.
Conditional Approval:
The gearshift indicator is missing, inoperative, or misaligned.
Speed recording instrument (speedometer); mileage recording instrument (odometer) – Certification
of a motor vehicle shall be refused because the speed recording instrument (speedometer) or the mileage
recording instrument (odometer) for such motor vehicle is inoperative or does not operate properly.
Television – A motor vehicle shall not have a television installed in such a manner that the viewing
screen is visible to the driver while he or she is operating the vehicle. Exception: CRT monitor for
viewing behind vehicle.
Transmission - The transmission of a motor vehicle shall operate properly and shall be capable of
operating in reverse. A reverse detent mechanism (lockout) shall be present and shall be in proper
operating condition. There shall be no leakage of fluid from the transmission.
Trunk lid – A motor vehicle trunk lid shall be capable of being securely fastened in accordance with the
motor vehicle manufacturer’s original design and specification.
Wandering - Vehicles cannot drift abnormally to the left or right while being driven straight ahead.
Service Brake
With the service brake pedal depressed to the brake applied position for 10 seconds under a foot force of
approximately 125 pounds, there shall be no perceptible decrease in pedal height and, if the motor vehicle
is so equipped, no illumination of the brake system failure indicator light. If a motor vehicle is so
equipped, the brake system failure indicator light shall be in proper operating condition.
On a vehicle equipped with a diesel engine and an engine driven vacuum pump, the service brake pedal
can be forced to the floorboard, simulating a fading pedal, and a slight hissing noise may be heard. This is
Brake hoses shall not be mounted so as to contact the vehicle body or chassis. Brake hoses shall not be
cracked, chafed, or flattened. Protective devices, such as “rub rings” are not to be considered part of the
brake hose. Hydraulic or air brake line tubing shall be specially designed for automotive hydraulic or air
brake line use. Tubing designed for gasoline or oil lines is not acceptable for use as hydraulic or air brake
lines. The vacuum brake hoses shall be examined visually and audibly with the motor vehicle engine
running. The hoses shall not be collapsed, twisted, broken, improperly mounted, or leaking.
The motor vehicle engine shall be turned off and the service brake applied several times to destroy
vacuum in the system. The brake pedal shall be depressed with 25 pounds of force and, while
maintaining such force, the engine started. The brake pedal shall fall slightly under force when the engine
starts. This test is not applicable to motor vehicles equipped with full power (central hydraulic) brake
systems, as the service brake performance test shall be considered an adequate test of system performance
for such motor vehicles.
After insuring that the tires are properly inflated, not mismatched or a space-saving spare tire, a Type 1,
Type 2, or Type 3 brake performance test shall be conducted.
Type 1
If the brakes are tested on a drive-on platform or roller-type brake tester, the results shall show some
brake force produced by each wheel brake and the total brake force must be equal to at least 43.5 percent
of the gross vehicle weight. This is equivalent to a deceleration of 14 feet per second, which would
produce a stop from 20 miles per hour in 30 feet. The braking force on a front wheel or on a rear wheel
shall not be less than 65 percent of the braking force developed on the other front wheel or rear wheel,
respectively. The service brake shall have a minimum front to rear brake ratio of 40 percent and a
maximum front to rear brake ratio of 95 percent. The allowable front brake bias margin shall be 25
percent. The allowable rear brake bias shall be 15 percent, except that for motor vehicles having a
GVWR of more than 7,000 pounds but less than 10,001 pounds, the allowable rear brake bias margin
shall be 25 percent.
Type 2
The brakes may be tested with an approved accelometer/inertia navigation type tester to determine
whether the motor vehicle can stop from a speed of 20 miles per hour in 30 feet.
Type 3
If a drive-on platform or roller-type brake tester or an accelometer/inertia navigation type tester is not
utilized, the brakes shall be road tested on a level, dry, smooth, hard surface that is free from loose
material, oil, or grease to determine whether the motor vehicle is able to stop from a speed of 20 miles per
hour in 30 feet or less without swerving out of a 12 foot wide lane. If the private inspection facility
performs a road test of the brakes, a diagram of the test location shall be provided to the Private
Inspection Facility Licensing Unit of the Commission at the address specified in N.J.A.C. 13:20-44.4(a).
If the vehicle is equipped with air brakes, the low pressure warning system and air brake components shall
be tested for proper operation. This test includes the following:
Governor cut-in and cutout pressure. The air compressor shall start pumping at about
approximately 100 pounds per square inch and shall stop pumping at approximately 125 pounds
per square inch as per manufacturer's specifications. The motor vehicle engine shall be operated at
a fast idle. The air governor shall cutout the air compressor at approximately the manufacturer's
specified pressure. The air pressure indicated on the air pressure gauge(s) shall stop rising. With
the engine idling, the brake pedal shall be depressed and released to reduce the air tank pressure.
The compressor shall cut-in at approximately the manufacturer's specified cut-in pressure, and the
pressure shall begin to rise.
Air leakage rate. With a fully charged air system (typically 125 pounds per square inch), the
engine shall be turned off, the service brake shall be released, and the air pressure drop shall be
timed. The loss rate should be less than 2 pounds per square inch in one minute for single vehicles,
or less than 3 pounds per square inch in one minute for combination vehicles. 90 pounds per
square inch or more shall then be applied to the brake pedal. After the initial pressure drop, the air
pressure shall not fall more than 3 pounds per square inch in one minute for single vehicles, nor
more than 4 pounds per square inch for combination vehicles.
Rate of air pressure increase. With the motor vehicle engine idling at the motor vehicle
manufacturer’s specifications, the air pressure shall increase from 85 pounds per square inch to
100 pounds per square inch within 45 seconds in dual air systems. If the motor vehicle is
equipped with larger than minimum air tanks, the rate of increase may be longer as per
manufacturer’s specifications. In single air systems on pre-1975 model year motor vehicles,
typical specifications are an air pressure increase from 50 to 90 pounds per square inch within
three minutes with the engine at an idle speed of 600-900 revolutions per minute.
Operation of automatic spring brakes. The motor vehicle wheels shall be chocked, the parking
brake released when there is sufficient air pressure to do so, and the engine turned off. The brake
pedal shall be depressed and released to reduce the air tank pressure. The parking brake knob shall
pop out when the air pressure falls to the manufacturer's specification, which is usually in a range
of between 20 to 40 pounds per square inch. This shall cause the spring brakes to engage.
The low pressure warning system. The engine shall be turned off when there is sufficient air
pressure so that the low-pressure warning signal is not illuminated. The electrical power shall be
turned on and the brake pedal shall be depressed and released to reduce the air tank pressure. The
low air pressure-
Warning signal shall illuminate before the pressure drops to less than 60 pounds per square inch in
the air tank (or, in dual air systems, in the tank with the lowest air pressure).
Do not certify a vehicle with any of the following conditions:
Any leak in the braking system.
The service brake pedal fades, air brakes excluded.
There is no braking effort on any wheel.
If there is insufficient braking effort which is less than 65% of the braking effort of the other
wheel on the same equivalent axle.
There are kinked or defective brake hoses or tubing.
There is an inoperative power brake system.
The linings or pads are worn below specifications.
The drums or rotors do not meet manufacturer's specifications.
Any part of the brake system that does not operate as designed.
Cracked brake hoses.
Service Brake Pedal Reserve
The inspection for motor vehicle service brake pedal reserve shall be performed as set forth in this
section. “Pedal reserve” is the amount of total pedal travel left in reserve when the pedal is depressed to
the brake applied position. The service brake pedal reserve test does not apply to air brake systems.
With the motor vehicle stationary and the service brake pedal depressed under a moderate foot force (that
is, a force of 25 pounds for power brakes and 50 pounds for other brakes), there shall be a minimum of
one-fifth of the total average pedal travel (as per the motor vehicle manufacturer’s specifications)
remaining. The motor vehicle engine shall be running when power brakes are tested. In the event that the
adequacy of the service brake pedal reserve on a motor vehicle equipped with disc brakes is in question;
the pedal reserve shall be tested when the brakes are applied while the motor vehicle is being driven. The
service brake pedal reserve test is not required for motor vehicles equipped with full power (central
hydraulic) brake systems or for motor vehicles with brake systems designed to be operated with less than
one-fifth pedal travel.
Do not certify a vehicle with any of the following conditions:
There is insufficient pedal reserve.
Re-inspection of Braking Systems
If the motor vehicle inspection report indicates that a motor vehicle was previously rejected for service
brakes or brake equalization, at least one front wheel of the motor vehicle and the wheel or wheels that
were rejected shall be removed so that it can be determined that the internal parts of the brake are in
proper condition. Any wear, brakeage, or malfunctioning of the brake system which would adversely
affect the safe operation of the motor vehicle is cause for not certifying the vehicle.
The brake drum diameter or disc rotor thickness shall be measured. If the brake drum is embossed with a
maximum safe diameter dimension or the brake rotor is embossed with a minimum safe thickness
dimension, the drum or disc shall be within such specifications. These dimensions will be found on motor
vehicles manufactured after January 1, 1971, and may be found on vehicles manufactured prior to that
date. If the drums and discs are not embossed, the drums and discs shall be within the manufacturer’s
The brake lining or pad shall be visually examined, and the height of the rubbing surface of the lining or
pad over the rivet heads shall be measured. The bonded lining or bonded pad thickness over the shoe
surface shall be measured at the thinnest point of the lining or pad.
The thickness of a riveted lining or pad on each brake shall be not less than 1/32 of an inch over the rivet
heads. The thickness of a bonded lining or pad shall not be less than 1/32 of an inch over the brake shoe
or shoe plate. Brake linings and pads shall have no cracks or breaks that extend to rivet holes except
minor cracks that do not impair attachment. Drum brake linings shall be securely attached to brake shoes.
Disc brake pads shall be securely attached to shoe plates.
Backing plates and caliper assemblies shall not be deformed or cracked. Brake system parts shall not be
broken, misaligned, missing, binding, or show evidence of severe wear. Automatic adjusters and other
parts shall be assembled properly and installed correctly.
The vacuum brake hoses shall be examined visually and audibly with the motor vehicle engine running.
The hoses shall not be collapsed, twisted, broken, improperly mounted, or audibly leaking.
The motor vehicle engine shall be turned off and the service brake applied several times to destroy
vacuum in the system. The brake pedal shall be depressed with 25 pounds of force and, while
maintaining such force, the engine started. The brake pedal shall fall slightly under force when the engine
starts. This test is not applicable to motor vehicles equipped with full power (central hydraulic) brake
systems, as the service brake performance test shall be considered an adequate test of system performance
for such motor vehicles.
Parking Brake
The parking brake shall be able to hold the vehicle stationary on any up or down grade upon which it can
be operated, whether the vehicle is empty or loaded.
The parking brake shall be equipped with a ratchet and pawl, or other type of automatic locking device,
which will hold the brake in the applied position. On motor vehicles equipped with an automatic
transmissions and an automatic parking brake release, the locking device shall hold the parking brake in
the applied position regardless of whether the transmission shift lever is in the "neutral" or "park" position
with the engine running. When the parking brake is applied, there shall be a minimum of one third of the
total available travel (as per manufacturer’s specifications) remaining. On certain vehicles, the parking
brake reserve is checked on the second application of the parking brake lever.
Do not certify a vehicle with any of the following conditions:
The parking brake is missing.
The parking brake does not fully release.
The parking brake handle or pedal is broken or missing.
The parking brake assembly is not securely mounted.
The parking brake does not hold the vehicle stationary on any up or down grade upon
which it can be operated, whether the motor vehicle is empty or loaded.
On motor vehicles equipped with an automatic transmission and an automatic brake
release, the locking device does not hold the parking brake in the applied position
regardless of whether the transmission gear shift lever is in the ‘neutral” or ‘park” position.
The parking brake when applied has less than one-third (1/3) of the total travel as per the
motor vehicle manufacturers specifications) remaining.
The use of a "line lock" as a parking brake is prohibited. NOTE: A "line lock" is a device
that locks pressurized fluid in the service brake system.
The parking brake pedal pad is missing.
Certificate of Approval Issuance
The State statute concerning the issuance of certificates of approval simply states that all passenger motor
vehicles must be inspected every two years from the month in which they are first titled and registered. If
a vehicle is inspected late, it still needs to be inspected two years from the previous certificate of approval
New passenger motor vehicles that are less than 5 model years old will receive a sticker that will expire
when it is five years old. New commercial vehicles will receive a sticker that will expire after 1 year.
After changing ownership, the motorist has fourteen days to have the vehicle inspected with a new
inspection expiration date two years from the change of ownership date. If the current certificate of
approval is expired, after being inspected, a new certificate of approval must be issued for two years from
the expiration date of the original expiration date.
If a vehicle being inspected does not have a previous certificate of approval, the inspector is to issue a
certificate of approval that expires 2 years from the registration date.
The month of inspection does not have to match the expiration date on the registration.
Heavy Duty Diesel Emission Inspection sticker MUST match the expiration date on the registration
A voided or spoiled sticker MUST be retained for auditing purposes (if sticker is disposed of it will be
considered a missing/stolen sticker and PIF will be subjected to administrative action)
Engine Emissions Testing
Starting May 1, 2016, changes to the New Jersey Vehicle Inspection Program will include the ending of
initial emission tailpipe testing and gas cap testing. Initial gas cap tests will be replaced with the Visual
Fuel Cap Inspection Procedure detailed below. The only vehicles exempted from emission testing are
passenger vehicles with the following registration codes:
1 through 9
12 (vehicles not being used as buses)
Visible Emissions Smoke Test
Excessive continuous visible smoke emissions shall disqualify the vehicle from further emissions testing
until appropriate repairs are made.
Visible Emissions Smoke Test Procedure
Scope: This test shall be administered on all motor vehicles subject to an emissions test procedure.
Ensure that the vehicle abides by all "Test Preparations and General Instructions".
Ensure that the vehicle's parking brake is applied and the transmission is in "Park" or "Neutral" if
an automatic, or is in "Neutral" if manual.
Start engine and increase engine speed to within 1500 to 2500 rpm, as subjectively estimated.
Observe the tailpipe. If smoke is visible for more than three (3) consecutive seconds, the vehicle
shall be rejected.
Reject the vehicle for smoke which will allow for the bypass of further emissions testing.
Make out a numbered work order/invoice in sufficient copies to provide one for the customer, one
for your file and one for the Commission audit. Attach copies of the signed Vehicle Inspection
Report (VIR) from the workstation to each part of the numbered work order/invoice.
All copies of work order/invoices must have your facility name, address, phone number, and all
required stamps (i.e. acknowledgement and station approval stamp) or computer generated
imprints. All numbered invoice and/or work order must have customer's name, address, plate
number and vehicle description (make, model, year and VIN #), customer's insurance company
name and policy number, and customer’s telephone number list all rejectable items and repairs to
correct these conditions if repaired. In lieu of writing the insurance information on the numbered
work order/invoice, an attached photocopy of the insurance card is acceptable proof.
If the vehicle fails an Emission Repair Form must be completed online.
Emission Tampering Inspection Procedure
Scope: This test procedure shall be employed on all motor vehicles, model years 1975 and newer, when
equipped by the original equipment manufacturer with a catalytic converter or equivalent, to determine
compliance with NJAC 7:27-15.5(f) 3.
(Example: some 1975 Chrysler model vehicles were not equipped with a catalytic converter, therefore
always check the emissions control label for guidance.)
Inspect the vehicle for the presence, integrity, and proper installation of a catalytic converter(s) or
equivalent(s) as installed by the original equipment manufacturer, or when retrofitted as required by
Federal, State, or local regulation. Catalytic converters or equivalents installed as a consequence of prior
rejection must be EPA certified and shall be inspected to ensure proper application and installation.
The absence of a catalytic converter or equivalent, or evidence of damage or improper installation, or the
installation of a non-EPA certified catalytic converter, or the installation of an inappropriate type catalytic
converter (e.g., a two-way converter instead of a three-way converter) shall result in a vehicle rejection.
Enter such rejection in the workstation and proceed with the emission test.
A vehicle with modifications to its federal emission certified engine-chassis configuration, which are not
CARB approved or which do not meet the criteria stipulated in EPA Memorandum 1A or any policy
revision thereunto shall be rejected.
Liquid Leak Inspection Procedure
Fuel leakage at any point in the motor vehicle fuel system shall be cause for rejection. The fuel tank and
piping shall be securely mounted and in proper condition and the fuel tank shall be properly capped.
Visual Fuel Cap Inspection Procedure
The inspector shall visually confirm that all fuel caps with which the vehicle is required to be equipped
(for vehicles that have multiple fuel tanks) are physically present and cover each fuel tank inlet. If the fuel
cap is covered by a door that is locked or opened by a remote release, the inspector shall request that the
motorist open the fuel door. The inspector shall not open or remove the fuel cap itself and is not required
to attempt to assess the condition of the seal.
In the case of cap less fuel filler systems, the inspector shall visually confirm that the fuel filler system is
in place and that there is a flap covering the fuel inlet. The inspector shall not open the fuel filler flap and
is not required to assess the condition of springs or seals.
Visual fuel cap results shall be recorded using the Miscellaneous Emissions result on the inspection
workstation. Only failure are to be recorded. If any fuel caps are missing or visually defective to the point
of obvious failure, select Miscellaneous Emissions fail and in the Miscellaneous Emissions Comment
field enter “gas cap fail”.
General Instructions for All Emissions Tests
The following specifications are required prior to conducting an emissions test:
All gasoline powered commercial vehicles are still required to be inspected annually for
mechanical items, emission components and OBD (if applicable).
Vehicles shall have received an Emission Tampering Inspection Procedure.
Vehicles shall have passed the Visible Smoke Test Procedure, Liquid Leak Inspection Procedure,
and the Visual Fuel Cap Inspection Procedure.
Diesel vehicles shall be at normal operating temperature. In order for testing to proceed, coolant
temperature shall be in the "normal" range or at least 82 deg. C. (180 deg. F.) as indicated by the
vehicle's coolant temperature gauge, if present; and oil temperature shall be at least 60 deg. C.
(140 deg. F.). This requirement is achieved by driving the vehicle on-road. Optionally, the
vehicle's oil temperature can be directly measured by inserting a temperature probe through the oil
dipstick tube and into the crankcase oil to confirm normal operating temperature. Any vehicle with
an engine in an over-heated condition, as indicated by a temperature gauge or warning light.
Vehicles that have boiling and/or overflowing engine coolant shall be rejected and no further
emissions testing done until engine repairs have been corrected. [Should not be tested.] Reject the
vehicle for such conditions and bypass the emissions test and record the results. Motorist should
be instructed to correct the condition before it is re-tested.
Emission Test Preparation
Conduct a credentials check. Check for an emissions repair form if previously inspected and
rejected for emissions. If the emissions repair form is NOT available, reprint from internet link or
certify that the repairs were done and fill out the proper emissions repair form, with the
understanding that the customer receives an explanation of any additional fees incurred.
If this is an initial inspection with no certificate of approval on the windshield, request the pink
card from the motorist.
Conduct a vehicle safety check. Any safety defect which may adversely affect the safe conducting
of an emissions test shall preclude the emissions test from being done until such repairs are made
to allow an emissions test to be conducted in a safe manner.
Safety rejections, which disqualify a vehicle from emission testing, include but are not limited to
other conditions precluding emission testing include the following: slipping clutches on vehicles
with manual transmissions, and excessive or erratic idle speed. Reject the vehicle for such
conditions and bypass the emissions test, record the results and issue a Vehicle Inspection Report
(VIR) and Emissions Repair Form.
Scan your inspector ID with the emissions workstation's bar code scanner. If the bar code scanner
is inoperable, manually enter inspector ID twice.
Input your Inspector PIN (Personal Identification Number). If you do not know or forget your
PIN number, contact your regional PIF office for assistance.
Scan the vehicle registration bar code. If the bar code scanner is inoperable, manually enter the
VIN. If there is no VIN match, or communications are inoperable, see "Manual Data Input
Procedure" for the sequence of workstation inputs, before returning to this section.
Select "vehicle inspection" or "vehicle emissions" test mode on workstation keyboard.
If ambiguities remain concerning the vehicle's emission's control configuration, utilize the
vehicle's "Emission Control Label" affixed beneath the vehicle's hood to determine vehicle
eligibility for emissions inspections. If the label is missing or illegible, utilize the "Emission
Control Systems Application" guide approved by NJDEP.
Select the state of registration.
Enter the New Jersey sticker expiration date.
If pink card IS available, enter card date.
If pink card is NOT available, proceed to next step.
Select test type, Initial or Re-inspection.
If this is a re-inspection for emissions, enter whether the emissions repair form is available from
the motorist.
If emissions repair form IS available, enter the repair data.
If the emissions repair form is NOT available, ERF can access web portal at
ERFs that are also Private Inspection Facilities (PIF) can access the web portal through their
inspection workstations.
If a fuel code exempts the vehicle from emissions testing, continue with the certification.
If the vehicle is subject to emissions testing, enter the vehicle odometer values as displayed. If the
odometer is broken, fail the vehicle and enter all zeros as the mileage reading for the vehicle.
Guidance for Body Style Entries
1 – Sedan – This code applies to any vehicle that is obviously a passenger vehicle. Examples include
two-door and four-door sedans, coupes and hatchbacks as well as sports cars and most exotic vehicles.
2 – Station Wagon – This code applies to any vehicle that is obviously a station wagon of traditional
design. This entry should also be uses for the so-called “compact” sport utility vehicles that are based on
passenger vehicle designs and certified to passenger vehicle standards. Most compact sport utility
vehicles can be visually distinguished from the larger truck-based sport utility vehicles and minivans, but
there is no unique listing available at this time. Some examples would include the Toyota RAV4, Suzuki
Vitara and Grand Vitara, Subaru Forester and Outback, and the Honda CR-V. Note: If in doubt whether
a smaller sport utility vehicle best fits the Sport Utility code or Station Wagon code, then select the
Station Wagon code.
3 – Pickup Truck – Use of this code is self-explanatory given that all pickup truck type vehicles have
fairly unique design characteristics whether capped or open bed.
4 – Sport Utility – This code should be used for any mid or larger size truck-based sport utility vehicle
(e.g. Explorer, Expedition, Durango, Blazer, 4 Runner, Land Cruiser, Land Rover, Passport, Rodeo,
Pathfinder, etc.) Some smaller, traditional, sport utility vehicles, which are certified as light trucks, would
also be included here (e.g. Jeep wrangler and Cherokee). Do not use this code for compact sport utility
vehicles (see Station Wagon above). Note: If in doubt as to whether a smaller sport utility vehicle best
fits the Sport Utility code or the Station Wagon code, the select the Station wagon code.
5 – Minivan – Use this code for vehicles, which are obviously a minivan. Do not use this code for
compact sport utility vehicles (see Station Wagon above). Some examples include the Caravan/Voyager,
Windstar, Trans Sport, Eurovan, Venture, Quest and Odyssey.
6 – Full Size Van - This code applies to traditional full-sized vans, whether passenger or cargo. Common
examples include the Econoline/E-series, Ram, Astro, etc.
7 – Heavy Duty Vehicle - Body style 7 is reserved exclusively for heavy-duty vehicles over 8,500
On Board Diagnostics Test Procedure
The only vehicles exempted from emission testing are passenger vehicles with the following registration
codes: 1 through 9, 12 (vehicles not being used as buses), 15, 31 and 73.
The following gasoline powered vehicles registered with the above referenced passenger codes are
exempt from inspection starting May 1, 2016:
Model Year 1995 & older with a GVWR of 8,500 lbs or less
Model Year 2007 & older with a GVWR of 8,501 lbs and including 14,000 lbs
Model Year 2013 & older with a GVWR of 14,001 lbs and greater.
On May 1, 2016 the following gasoline powered vehicles registered with the above referenced passenger
codes will receive an OBD test and inspection for emission components on a biennial basis (every two
Model Year 1996 & newer with a GVWR of 8,500 lbs or less
Model Year 2008 & newer with a GVWR of 8,501 lbs and including 14,000 lbs
On May 1, 2016, gasoline powered vehicles registered passenger model year 2014 & newer with a
GVWR of 14,001 lbs and greater will receive an inspection for emission components (Tampering, Smoke,
Visual Gas Cap, and Liquid Leak) only until such time as new equipment is received from the contractor.
Once the new equipment is received these vehicles must have an OBD emission inspection performed as
well as the emission component inspections.
Ensure that the ignition key of the motor vehicle is in the off position.
Locate the vehicle’s OBD II data link connector (DLC).
Attach the workstation’s OBD lead to the data link connector (DLC).
Note: (The data link connector DLC is required to be located between the driver’s end of the
instrument panel and approximately one foot beyond the vehicle centerline on or below the
instrument panel. Most vehicle data link connectors (DLC’s) are exposed. On some motor
vehicles the data link connector (DLC) is located behind a small panel that must be opened to gain
The workstation will then ask if the DLC can be located and a connection made. Press either Y
for Yes or N for No.
If “No” is selected, then enter the reason for not being able to connect to the data link connector
(DLC), (i.e. DLC is damaged, DLC is missing, or DLC is obstructed). Reject the vehicle for such
conditions and bypass the OBDII test, record the results and issue a Vehicle Inspection Report
(VIR) and an emissions repair form and or work order/invoice filled out properly.
If “Yes” is selected the OBD II inspection will continue.
Follow the workstation prompt and ensure the motor vehicle’s ignition is in the off position for 12
Turn the ignition key to the on position but do not start the vehicle. Check to see if the
malfunction indicator light (MIL) or check engine light illuminates. On some vehicles the MIL
lamp will illuminate and then go out.
When prompted, start the motor vehicle and allow the motor vehicle to idle, to begin the OBD II
interrogation. Ensure that the malfunction indicator light (MIL) or check engine light goes off.
Wait for the workstation to establish communication with the vehicles on-board computer system
and retrieves the vehicles readiness status, DLC’s and command status from the vehicles power
train control module. This takes approximately 20 seconds.
If communication with the vehicle was successful, the OBD II testing complete prompt will
If there is no communication with the vehicle, shut the motor vehicle off, remove the workstation
connection and visually inspect the data link connectors (DLC) to determine any reason why the
test connector would not mate to the vehicle’s data link connector. Reinsert the test connector and
press retry to proceed with the OBD II test. After three failed communication attempts, the
workstation will prompt a bypass of the OBDII test, record the results and issue a Vehicle
Inspection Report (VIR).
Upon completion of the OBD II test, shut off the ignition of the motor vehicle before removing the
test connection.
Enter the certificate of approval number if the vehicle "passes," or enter all 9's if the vehicle
Enter the inspection test fee.
Confirm that the certificate of approval date is correct. Enter the correct date if necessary.
Make out a numbered invoice and/or work order in sufficient copies to provide one for the
customer, one for your file and one for the Commission audit. Attach copies of the signed Vehicle
Inspection Report (VIR) if the vehicle fails from the workstation to each part of the numbered
work order/invoice.
All copies of work order/invoices must have your facility name, address, phone number, and all
required stamps (i.e. acknowledgement and station approval stamps). All numbered invoice and/or
work order must have customer's name, address, plate number and vehicle description (make,
model, year and VIN #), customer's insurance company name and policy number, and customer’s
telephone number and list all rejections and/or repair information to repair such rejections. In lieu
of writing the insurance information on the numbered work order/invoice, an attached photocopy
of the insurance card is acceptable proof. If it is a failure, enter all nines in lieu of sticker number
(99999999) on the approval stamp on the invoice/work order.
Such copies of records shall be kept on premises until such are picked up by a representative of the
Commission and shall be made available for inspection by a representative of the Commission, the
Attorney General, the Commissioner of the Department of Environmental Protection, the Director
of the Division of Consumer Affairs, the Superintendent of the Division of State Police, during
normal business hours.
Vehicles failed for OBDII
Vehicles that had been failed for OBDII and have been repaired may show readiness status codes for
monitors that are NOT READY. In these cases, a drive cycle must be completed so that the required
monitors are functioning to prevent another failed OBDII inspection. If the vehicle fails for one of the
continuous monitors, it must be repaired before it can be re-tested. In these cases only the original ERF
form needs to be completed to show what repairs were originally made to the vehicle.
OBD Bypass Request Protocol
If a vehicle initially fails the OBD test, it may be eligible for an OBD bypass upon retest. Even if the
vehicle has historically been issued an OBD bypass in prior inspection cycles, the vehicle owner must
follow the procedure for each inspection cycle in order to obtain a bypass authorization. This is necessary
to ensure that no new information or parts are available to effect repairs and that no new problems have
developed with the vehicle.
All OBD bypasses will be authorized by DEP and performed by MVC at Specialty Inspection Facilities
(SIFs) in accordance with the following procedure:
OBD bypass requests may come from motorists or inspectors to DEP. .
Primary DEP contacts are Jeff Kennedy, Rob Schell and Mark Ingrum.
the following:
o Your Name and Contact Number
o Vehicle Year, Make, Model and Plate number
DEP will perform their analysis as noted in the “Internal process” below.
DEP will provide the results of their analysis (OBD bypass approved or denied) to MVC
and the motorist or inspector.
If the bypass is approved, MVC will contact the motorist to schedule a SIF inspection.
OBD bypasses may be authorized for one of several reasons. The most common reasons are
communications failures and readiness failures. There is also a class of reasons we will call “other.”
Each type of OBD bypass request is handled slightly differently. Please read all the procedures below
before deciding which situation applies. There are some conditions that are a specific subset of other
conditions (for example, the catalyst monitor not ready on retest is different than other readiness failures)
and are processed uniquely.
1. Communications failures
a. Condition: The vehicle fails OBD communications completely. No readiness status, MIL
command status or other OBD related information is available.
b. Internal process: Review documentation provided by the entity requesting the bypass.
Check available technical resources (AllData, Mitchell, or OBD Clearinghouse) for any
TSBs, recalls or other documented repairs that may address this condition. Perform a
detailed data analysis of inspection results for vehicles of the same year, make, model, and
engine size to determine the initial inspection non-communications rate and repair
c. Result: If there are no apparent fixes available for the condition and the data analysis
shows this is not an isolated case authorize an OBD bypass.
d. External process: The vehicle owner must take the vehicle to a Specialty Inspection
Facility (SIF) to receive a bypass. The SIF must perform a visual inspection of the vehicle
to ensure it has not been tampered with in a way that would bring it out of compliance with
its emission certification or cause it not to communicate during an OBD scan. If a problem
is found the SIF may rescind the bypass approval and notify DEP of the action and any
problem that was discovered. The SIF must then scan the OBD system using a generic
OBD scan tool and if the scan is successful record evidence (print out or screen shot) of the
vehicle’s ability to communicate with the scan tool. The OBD scan conducted at the SIF
must show that the correct number of readiness monitors are supported and ready, as
discussed below in the readiness failures, and that the MIL is not commanded on. The scan
tool print out or screen shot must identify the vehicle by VIN if available so the scan can
be linked to the vehicle for which the bypass is requested. The calibration identifier and
calibration verification number can be used as an alternative identification source for
vehicles that do not have an electronic VIN. The information recorded by the SIF from the
generic scan tool should be forwarded to DEP for analysis.
2. Continuous monitor readiness failures
a. Condition: There are three continuous readiness monitors – comprehensive component,
fuel system and misfire. All three continuous monitors in gasoline vehicles must be
supported and ready to pass the OBD test. A vehicle in this condition has one or more
continuous monitors not supported or ready.
b. Internal process: Review documentation provided by the entity requesting the bypass.
Check available technical resources (AllData, Mitchell, or OBD Clearinghouse) for any
TSBs, recalls or other documented repairs that may address this condition. Perform a
detailed data analysis of inspection results for vehicles of the same year, make, model, and
engine size to determine the initial inspection continuous monitor readiness rate and repair
c. Result: If there are no apparent fixes available for the condition and the data analysis
shows this is not an isolated case authorize an OBD bypass.
d. External process: The vehicle owner must take the vehicle to a Specialty Inspection
Facility (SIF) to receive a bypass. The SIF must perform a visual inspection of the vehicle
to ensure it has not been tampered with in a way that would bring it out of compliance with
its emission certification or cause the continuous monitors not to run. If a problem is found
the SIF may rescind the bypass approval and notify DEP of the action and any problem
that was discovered. The SIF must then scan the OBD system using a generic OBD scan
tool and record evidence (print out or screen shot) of the vehicle’s readiness status. If the
SIF OBD scan shows that the continuous monitors are all supported and ready they should
record evidence (print out or screen shot) of such. The scantool print out or screen shot
must identify the vehicle by VIN if available so the scan can be linked to the vehicle for
which the bypass is requested. The calibration identifier and calibration verification
number can be used as an alternative identification source for vehicles that do not have an
electronic VIN. The information recorded by the SIF from the generic scan tool should be
forwarded to DEP for analysis.
3. Non-continuous readiness failures
a. Condition: A vehicle presented for a bypass in this condition has more than the permitted
number of non- continuous monitors not ready. There are eight non-continuous readiness
monitors – catalyst, heated catalyst, oxygen sensor, heated oxygen sensor, AC refrigerant,
EGR, secondary air and evaporative system. A vehicle of model year 1996-2000 is
permitted to have two non-continuous monitors not ready and pass the OBD test. A vehicle
of model year 2001 or newer is only permitted to have one non-continuous monitor not
ready. There is no requirement for all non-continuous monitors to be supported.
b. Motorist process: The vehicle owner must take the vehicle to an ERF and they must
provide written documentation on an invoice or letterhead clearly stating that the vehicle
has been subjected to at least two full manufacturer-recommended drive cycles in an
attempt to get the monitors ready. If the monitors still do not show ready, the ERF must
document that there are no known problems with the vehicle and no known fixes for the
lack of non-continuous monitor readiness exist.
c. Internal process: Review documentation provided by the entity requesting the bypass.
Check available technical resources (AllData, Mitchell, or OBD Clearinghouse) for any
TSBs, recalls or other documented repairs that may address this condition. Perform a
detailed data analysis of inspection results for vehicles of the same year, make, model, and
engine size to determine the initial inspection non-continuous monitor readiness rate and
repair effectiveness.
d. Result: If there are no apparent fixes available for the condition and the data analysis
shows this is not an isolated case authorize an OBD bypass.
e. External process: The vehicle owner must take the vehicle to a Specialty Inspection
Facility (SIF) to receive a bypass. The SIF must perform a visual inspection of the vehicle
to ensure it has not been tampered with in a way that would bring it out of compliance with
its emission certification or cause the non-continuous monitors not to run. If a problem is
found the SIF may rescind the bypass approval and notify DEP of the action and any
problem that was discovered. The SIF must then scan the OBD system using a generic
OBD scan tool and record evidence (print out or screen shot) of the vehicle’s readiness
status. If the SIF OBD scan shows that that the non-continuous monitors are ready, then
they should record evidence (print out or screen shot) of such. The scan tool print out or
screen shot must identify the vehicle by VIN if available so the scan can be linked to the
vehicle for which the bypass is requested. The calibration identifier and calibration
verification number can be used as an alternative identification source for vehicles that do
not have an electronic VIN. The information recorded by the SIF from the generic scan
tool should be forwarded to DEP for analysis.
4. Other
a. These are scenarios difficult to categorize and are handled on a case-by-case basis. Here
are some typical examples that may be eligible for a bypass:
i. A legally-imported grey market vehicle without an OBD system.
ii. An OEM alternative fuel vehicle which has an OBD defect only related to
alternative fuel usage that cannot be corrected because of unavailable parts. This is
often a current or former State vehicle.
iii. A gasoline vehicle from a defunct OEM (e.g., Daewoo) which has an OBD defect
and parts are unavailable.
iv. A 1996 vehicle manufactured in 1995 which the OEM did not equip with an OBD
system. These can be verified by asking the inspector to check the underhood
Vehicle Emission Control label. If it says “OBDII Certified” then the vehicle
should not be bypassed unless the owner has proof from a dealer or OEM that there
was no OBD system.
v. Vehicles that have a previous catalyst failure, which requires the catalyst monitor to
be ready on re-inspection, and the catalyst has been replaced but the catalyst
monitor will not run to completion. Before bypassing a vehicle in this condition
documentation should be provided to demonstrate that the replacement catalyst
used was the correct type, size, and not a generic catalyst but one designed for use
in this specific vehicle application.
b. The internal process in these conditions is a judgment of validity along with documentation
sufficient to satisfy the situation. Usually a written statement from an ERF, vehicle
manufacturer or vehicle dealership is appropriate.
1. Bypasses are NOT authorized for OBD connectors that are obstructed, modified, missing,
disconnected or difficult to locate. The connector must be located and repaired, as applicable.
2. 1996 to 2000 vehicles are allowed to pass with up to two non-continuous monitors not ready. 2001
and newer vehicles are allowed to have one non-continuous monitor not ready.
3. Vehicles may pass with some or all non-continuous monitors unsupported. All continuous
monitors in gasoline vehicles must be supported and ready to pass.
4. Vehicle drive cycles are generally irrelevant to continuous monitors with the comprehensive
component monitor being the exception. While a drive cycle may get a non-continuous monitor
into readiness status, it most likely will not help a continuous monitor problem.
5. In cases where the ERF claims parts are not available to repair the vehicle, we often check on
availability of aftermarket parts ourselves. Some ERFs will say “part not available” if they can’t
get an OEM part or a part through their preferred distributor. In many cases, a simple internet
search turns up several aftermarket sources for these parts and the ERF is advised to buy the parts
outside of their preferred distributor or the vehicle owner can buy the parts and have the ERF
install them.
Manual Data Input Procedure: Initial Test
Refer to your online workstation manual for the steps to perform a manual data input procedure.
A vehicle or vehicle engine that has been improperly modified from its stock emission-controlled
configuration, using unapproved equipment, shall result in a vehicle rejection under the "miscellaneous"
category. Examples of rejectable items include, but are not limited to: non-emission-approved
supercharger blowers, the installation of non-stock engines, unapproved high-performance engine
components (racing cams), etc.
All New Jersey registered diesel powered motor vehicles, with a gross vehicle weight rating of 18,000
pounds or more, must be tested for smoke opacity at a licensed PIF within 90 days of their month of
registration renewal. N.J.A.C.13:20-26.17(b)
General instructions for all Heavy Duty Diesel Emissions tests
An inspector conducting an emissions test on a diesel-powered motor vehicle, shall perform the test in
accordance with the following general procedures:
Test the vehicle in as-received condition;
Prior to testing, verify that the smokemeter is calibrated in accordance with the manufacturer’s
Prior to testing, ensure that the engine is at normal operating temperature by operating the vehicle on a
highway or a chassis dynamometer with a road load for a minimum of 15 minutes. Confirm proper
engine operating temperature by inserting an oil temperature probe through the oil dipstick tube into the
crankcase oil, so that the oil temperature as measured during the test will be recorded as part of the
workstation printout at the conclusion of the test. Oil temperature shall be at least 60 degrees Celsius
(140 degrees Fahrenheit), or water temperature shall be at least 82 degrees Celsius (180 degrees
Fahrenheit) but not overheating;
Examine the vehicle’s exhaust system for integrity. For testing at a Diesel PIF, only, tighten all loose
pipe connections and repair all significant exhaust leaks before performing a test;
Prior to conducting a smoke opacity test on a diesel-powered motor vehicle equipped with multiple
exhaust outlets, determine which exhaust outlet exhibits the highest opacity level by visually comparing
the opacity level of each outlet during a single repetition of the snap acceleration test as set forth at
N.J.A.C. 7:27B-4.3(a), if appropriate, or by liberally accelerating the engine at wide open throttle, not to
exceed maximum governed RPM. Conduct the testing using the highest-opacity exhaust outlet;
Ensure that the ambient temperature at the test location is between 35 degrees and 95 degrees Fahrenheit
and that the temperature is above the dew point by using a thermometer and hygrometer. If the testing is
conducted outdoors, do not conduct the test if there is any visible precipitation, such as rain or fog, at the
test site during the time of testing. Do not conduct the test if the temperature at the test location is below
35 degrees or above 95 degrees Fahrenheit, or if the temperature is at or below the dew point;
Prior to testing, turn off the engine brake and all vehicle accessories, including, but not limited to, air
conditioning, heating, defroster, radio and lights;
Determine that the engine speed governor is in proper operating condition. For Diesel PIF only, make this
determination as follows: operate the engine with the transmission in neutral and the clutch disengaged.
Gradually increase the engine speed from curb idle to high idle while observing an RPM sensor connected
to the engine. The engine speed should not exceed high idle as specified by the engine manufacturer with
the accelerator pedal fully depressed. If the engine speed continues increasing beyond the manufacturer's
rated high idle, immediately release the accelerator pedal. If the engine speed increases uncontrollably,
immediately release the accelerator pedal and shut off the engine's fuel supply. Discontinue emission
testing of any vehicle with dysfunctional or out-of-specification engine speed governors. Do not resume
testing unless and until speed governor repairs are made;
If inspecting a vehicle which was either equipped by the manufacturer or was retrofitted in accordance
with state or federal law or regulation with a catalytic converter, particulate trap or trap oxidizer, or any
other exhaust after treatment device, inspect the exhaust system for the presence of the device and for its
physical integrity. Discontinue testing of any motor vehicle which exhibits any missing exhaust after
treatment device or perforating rust, crack, hole, tear, or other such physical defect in the device.
Discontinue testing if the vehicle's exhaust after treatment system is in regeneration mode or is
producing high exhaust temperatures, as indicated by the instrument panel controls If the vehicle
being tested is a heavy-duty diesel vehicle or diesel bus with an exhaust after treatment device,
discontinue testing and fail the vehicle if the device is found not to be in proper functioning condition.
Do not resume testing unless and until the defect(s) are repaired;
If, at any time before or during the inspection of a diesel-powered motor vehicle, continuous smoke of
any color is observed in the exhaust emissions for more than three seconds, discontinue the testing and
determine that the vehicle has failed to pass the smoke opacity test conducted pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7:27-
At the conclusion of a failed inspection of a diesel-powered motor vehicle ensure that a printed test report
has been produced by the smoke meter which, at a minimum, includes (a) 11i through xvii below. If the
smoke meter is not capable of printing out (a) 11xiv through xvii below, this information shall be
manually entered in the print test report by the inspector.
i. The smoke opacity value for each snap in sequence, including preliminary cleanouts;
ii. The final test result, in percent opacity;
iii. The engine oil temperature;
iv. The engine RPM and smoke opacity strip chart; or the engine curb idle speed and high idle speeds
during the test, and the engine RPM rise times;
v. The date;
vi. The time;
vii. The location;
viii. The name of the diesel inspection facility;
ix. The diesel inspection facility license number;
x. The stack size;
xi. The smoke opacity standard;
xii. “Pass” or “Fail” of test results compared to the appropriate smoke opacity standard;
xiii. The license number of the diesel inspection facility employee conducting the smoke opacity test;
xiv. The customer name;
xv. The tractor VIN;
xvi. The engine model year; and
xvii. The customer driver’s license number; and
At the conclusion of the smoke opacity test, confirm that the smokemeter reads a value of less than 2.0
percent opacity when the smokemeter is disengaged from the vehicle exhaust stream.
Equipment to be used in conducting a smoke opacity test on a diesel-powered motor vehicle in
accordance with N.J.A.C. 7:27-14.5 shall satisfy all specifications and standards for a smokemeter as set
forth in N.J.A.C. 7:27B-4.15.
An inspector conducting a motor vehicle emissions test on a diesel-powered motor vehicle as set forth in
this subchapter shall use only diesel emission testing equipment that has been approved by the
Department prior to its use in the test. Approval by the Department is based on the following criteria:
The equipment meets all applicable specifications;
The equipment hardware and software comply with the data collection and transfer protocols in use
throughout New Jersey’s motor vehicle inspection programs;
The equipment maintains compatibility with other test equipment used concurrently during the motor
vehicle inspection process with which it is required to interface; and
The equipment is complete in that it includes all options and accessories necessary for performing each
emissions inspection test procedure for which it was designed and it is to be used.
Rolling Acceleration Test
This test procedure may be employed on all heavy duty diesel powered vehicles subject to periodic
inspection requirements, in lieu of the snap acceleration or stall acceleration test procedures. This test
procedure shall be performed on all electronically controlled heavy duty diesel powered vehicles with
low speed engines which have high idle speeds less than 1600 rpm or with engine speed rise times
during the snap acceleration test over 2.1 seconds.
Ensure that the ambient temperature at the test location is between 35 and 95 degrees F., and that humidity
is below the dew point by using a thermometer and hygrometer approved by the Department of
environmental Protection. Dew point can be derived by using a dew point chart obtained from the
Department of Environmental Protection. No vehicle shall be failed for smoke opacity if there is visible
precipitation, such as rain or fog, at the test site during the time of testing. No vehicle shall be failed for
smoke opacity when the temperature at the test location is below 35 or above 95 degrees F. Testing shall
not be conducted when temperatures at the test location are below 35 or above 95 degrees F, or if the
temperature is below the dew point.
Determined that the engine speed governor is in proper operating condition. This is accomplished by
gradually increasing the engine speed from curb idle while observing a tachometer connected to the engine.
Engine speed should not exceed high idle as specified by the engine manufacturer-between 1,600 and 2,500
rpm-with the accelerator pedal fully depressed. If engine speed continues increasing beyond manufacturer's
rated high idle, immediately release accelerator pedal. If engine speed increases uncontrollably,
immediately release accelerator pedal and shut off the engine's fuel supply. Emission testing shall be
terminated for all vehicles with dysfunctional or out of-specification engine speed governors. (Testing shall
not be resumed until speed-governor repairs are made)
Determine engine horsepower from the engine identification plate or engine serial number. Refer to Table
3 for nominal stack size to be input into smoke opacimeter. If the engine identification plate is missing,
inaccessible or illegible, then measure the outside diameter of the exhaust pipe from the exhaust manifold
with a precision caliper or equivalent gauge, rounding to the nearest inch. Input the measured pipe diameter
to the smoke opacimeter.
Inspect exhaust system for integrity. All loose pipe connections shall be tightened and all significant exhaust
leaks repaired before any testing is conducted.
If the vehicle came equipped by the original equipment manufacturer-or was retrofitted in accordance with
local, state or federal law or regulation-with a catalytic converter, particulate trap or trap oxidizer, or any
other exhaust after treatment device, inspect the exhaust system for the presence of the device and for its
physical integrity.
Bring the engine to normal operating temperatures. This is accomplished by operating the vehicle on a
highway or a chassis dynamometer with a road load for a minimum of twenty minutes. Proper engine
operating temperature shall be confirmed by inserting an oil temperature probe through the oil dipstick tube
into the crankcase oil. The oil temperature as measured during the test must be included as part of the
analyzer printout at the conclusion of the test. Oil temperature shall be at least 60 deg. C. (140 deg. F.) and
water temperature shall be in the “normal” range (at least 82 deg. C. or 180 deg. F. and not overheating).
Drive the vehicle to the position where testing is to be conducted, apply parking brakes, place transmission
in neutral and shut off engine. The test site must be a paved surface of approximately 75 feet length, in a
location where the test will not pose a hazard to the public.
Affix rpm sensor per manufacturer's instructions.
Insert engine oil temperature sensor into oil dipstick tube and into the crankcase
oil per manufacturer's instructions.
Connect engine rpm and oil temperature sensors to the smoke opacimeter per manufacturer's instructions.
Affix the smoke opacimeter per manufacturer's instructions to the vehicle's exhaust pipe termination.
Ensure that the smoke opacimeter is warmed up and calibrated per manufacturer’s instructions.
Start engine and operate at curb idle speed.
Purge the exhaust system of loose soot and stabilize smoke opacity readings. For vehicles with low speed
diesel engines, conduct three snap accelerations by rapidly depressing the accelerator pedal to the floor and
holding for three (3) to five (5) seconds, or until prompted by the opacimeter to release the pedal.
For vehicles with medium or high speed diesel engines, conduct three snap accelerations by rapidly
depressing accelerator pedal to the floor and briefly holding until the engine speed reaches approximately
2,500 rpm, then release. Allow five (5) to ten (10) seconds between the three snap accelerations with the
engine at curb idle.
Initiate the test sequence displayed on the smoke opacimeter.
Select appropriate smoke opacity pass/fail cut points from Table 1 based upon engine model-year.
Select appropriate stack size from Table 3 on page 199 based upon engine horsepower.
Release parking brake, depress clutch and select appropriate low gear for the degree to which the vehicle is
laden, to avoid over gearing or lugging.
Gradually engage clutch and accelerate vehicle until it is rolling forward at a speed equivalent to engine
curb idle, then increase engine speed by 200 rpm plus or minus 50 rpm.
For vehicles with low-speed diesel engines, rapidly depress accelerator pedal to the floor and hold for
approximately three (3) to five (5) seconds or until prompted by the opacimeter to release the accelerator.
Do not shift to the next gear. For vehicles with medium or high-speed diesel engines, rapidly depress the
accelerator pedal to the floor and hold until an engine rpm of approximately 2,500 rpm is achieved. Do not
shift to the next gear.
Release accelerator pedal, and clutch. Bring vehicle to a stop.
Print out the test results from the opacimeter which shall include, at a minimum:
A) smoke opacity
B) final test result in percent opacity as an arithmetic average),
C) engine oil temperature,
D) engine rpm and smoke opacity strip chart (or engine maximum and minimum
rpm and engine rpm rise-time
E) date
F) time
G) location
H) Name of Diesel Emission Inspection Facilty
I) DEIC license number
J) customer name
K) tractor VIN
NOTE: Licensed facilities are reminded that improperly passing a diesel vehicle for any portion of the diesel
emission test in violation of rules or procedural requirements will result in license suspension plus civil
penalties. The practice of jacking the rear axle(s) off the ground for the purpose of conducting a rolling
acceleration opacity test is not an acceptable test method.
Licensed facilities are hereby advised to terminate the inspection process whenever tampering devices are
discovered on diesel-powered motor vehicles or engines and inform the owner/operator. Testing shall
resume only after tampering devices are removed and engine’s fuel control systems/puff-limiters are
returned to a stock configuration.
Power Brake Test
This test may be conducted on all heavy-duty diesel-powered motor vehicles equipped with automatic
Except for torque-tube designs, inspect the vehicle's drive shaft and U-joints for mechanical integrity. Any
signs of appreciable looseness or wear in the U-joints or slip-joints, or any damage to the drive shaft which
would adversely affect it's mechanical integrity shall be grounds for terminating the test.
Ensure that the parking and service brakes are in good operating condition. Any inoperable or inadequate
parking or service brakes shall be grounds for terminating the test.
Ensure that the ambient temperature at the test location is between 35 and 95 degrees F., and that humidity
is below the dew point by using a thermometer and hygrometer approved by the Department of
Environmental Protection. [No vehicle shall be failed for smoke opacity if there is visible precipitation,
such as
Snap Acceleration Test.
Ensure that the ambient temperature at the test location is between 35 and 95 degrees F., and that
humidity is below the dew point by using a thermometer and hygrometer approved by the Department of
Environmental Protection. Dew point can be derived by using a dew point chart obtained from the
Department of Environmental Protection. If testing is conducted outdoors, there shall be no visible
precipitation, such as rain or fog, at the test site during the time of testing. [No vehicle shall be failed for
smoke opacity if there is visible precipitation, such as rain or fog, at the test site during the time of testing.
No vehicle shall be failed for smoke opacity when the temperature at the test location is below 35 or
above 95 degrees F. Testing shall not be conducted when temperatures at the test location are below 35 or
above 95 degrees F, or if the temperature is below the dew point.
Determine that the engine speed governor is in proper operating condition. This is accomplished by
gradually increasing the engine speed from curb idle while observing a tachometer connected to the
engine. Engine speed should not exceed high idle as specified by the engine manufacturer with the
accelerator pedal fully depressed. If engine speed continues increasing beyond manufacturer's rated high
idle, immediately release accelerator pedal. If engine speed increased uncontrollably, immediately release
accelerator pedal and shut off the engine's fuel supply. Emission testing shall be terminated for all
vehicles with dysfunctional engine speed governors.
Determine engine horsepower from the engine identification plate or engine number. Refer to Table 3 for
nominal stack size to be input into smoke opacimeter.
Inspect exhaust system for exhaust leaks. Any loose pipe connections shall tightened and any significant
exhaust leaks repaired before any testing is. If the vehicle came equipped by the original equipment
manufacturer-or was retrofitted in accordance with local, state or federal law or regulation-with a catalytic
converter, particulate trap or trap oxidizer, or any other exhaust after treatment device, inspect the exhaust
system for the presence of the device and for its physical integrity. Any missing exhaust after treatment
device or perforating rust, crack, hole, tear, or other such physical defect in the device shall be cause for
rejection. A "tap test" shall be conducted on the exhaust after treatment device by using the handle of a
screwdriver or other similar and appropriate item to tap on the after treatment device's external shell. A
hollow sound during the "tap test", or any sounds of loose or fractured Substrate-apparent by a rattling
noise when the engine is operating-shall result in a termination of the test.
Bring the engine to normal operating temperatures. This is accomplished by operating the vehicle on a
highway or a chassis dynamometer with a road load for a minimum of twenty minutes. Proper engine
operating temperature shall be confirmed by inserting an oil temperature probe through the oil dipstick
tube into the crankcase oil. The oil temperature as measured during the test must be included as part of the
workstation printout at the conclusion of the test. Oil temperature shall be at least 60 deg. C. (140 deg. F.)
and water temperature shall be in the “normal” range (at least 82 deg. C. or 180 deg. F. and not
Drive vehicle to the position where testing is to be conducted, apply parking brakes, place transmission in
neutral and shut off engine.
If the test is conducted indoors, a proper ventilation system shall be employed to isolate and evacuate the
vehicle's exhaust emissions from the building's interior. If the test is conducted outdoors and the examiner
is subject to diesel exhaust exposure, then the examiner shall wear a protective respirator with a HEPA
filter and a filter to remove hydrocarbons and aldehydes from respired air.
Affix rpm sensor per manufacturer's instructions
Insert engine oil temperature sensor into oil dipstick tube and into the crankcase oil per manufacturer
Connect engine rpm and oil temperature sensors to the smoke opacimeter per manufacturer's instructions.
Affix the smoke opacimeter per manufacturer's instructions to the vehicle’s exhaust pipe termination.
Ensure that the transmission is in neutral and start engine.
Chock the drive-wheels and release all tractor and trailer brakes.
Initiate the test sequence on the smoke opacimeter.
Select appropriate smoke opacity pass/fail cut points from Table 1 based upon engine model-year.
Select appropriate stack size from Table 3 based upon engine horsepower.
With each prompt from the opacimeter to "accelerate engine", depress the accelerator pedal rapidly to the
floor and hold until prompted by the opacimeter to release the pedal.
Repeat this sequence until the opacimeter indicates the conclusion of the test. This shall include a
minimum two (2) preliminary snap accelerations to clean out the exhaust system of loose soot for a
stabilized reading, and a minimum of three snap accelerations for the official test, the average of which
shall constitute the final test result.
Pass/fail determination shall be based upon three (3) valid smoke opacity test results averaged
arithmetically and compared to the pass/fail cut points appropriate for the engine model year.
Print out the test results from the opacimeter which shall include, at a minimum:
1. Smoke opacity for three (3) stall accelerations in sequence.
2. Final test result in percent opacity as an arithmetic average of engine oil temperature, engine rpm
and smoke opacity strip chart (or engine maximum and minimum rpm and engine rpm rise-times),
3. Date
4. Time
5. Location
6. Name of private inspection facility
7. PIF license number,
8. Customer name
9. Tractor VIN
10. Engine model year
11. Stack size
12. "Pass" or "Fail" of test results compared to appropriate smoke opacity cutpoints.
The licensed Emission Inspector conducting the smoke opacity test shall sign and inscribe his PIF license
number on the test printout.
Licensed facilities are hereby advised to terminate the inspection process whenever tampering devices are
discovered on diesel-powered motor vehicles or engines and inform the owner/operator. Testing shall
resume only after tampering devices are removed and engine’s fuel control systems/puff-limiters are
returned to a stock configuration
NOTE: In order for valid snap acceleration tests to be conducted on Caterpillar engines models 3306 and
3406, turbo-boost is required upon restart to activate the air-fuel ratio controls. A rolling acceleration can
be used to generate the necessary turbo-boost. Otherwise, the vehicle may falsely fail the snap acceleration
Peak Smoke Opacity Standards
Heavy-Duty Diesel-Powered Motor Vehicles
Subject to Inspection by the
Motor Vehicle Commission
Model Year of Vehicle Smoke Opacity Shall
Not to Exceed
1990 and older* 40%
1991 to 1996 30%
1997 and newer 20%
Model Year 1987 and Older Not to exceed 40%
Model Year 1988 through 1993 Not to exceed 30%
Model Year 1994 and newer Not to exceed 20%
Retrofitted Diesel Buses
Model Year 1993 and older Not to exceed 30%
Model Year 1994 and newer Not to exceed 20%
Engine Horsepower Rating vs. Nominal Stack Size
Manufacturers' Rated Horsepower *Nominal Stack Size, Inches
less than 100 2
101-200 3
201-300 4
301 and over 5
*Note: Nominal stack size shall always be used when measuring engine smoke opacity, irrespective of the
stack size equipped on the vehicle being tested. For example, a vehicle equipped with an exhaust stack
measuring 7 inches in diameter shall, for purposes of an official test, have a nominal stack size of 5 inches
input to the smoke opacimeter if the engine rated horsepower is 301 or above. If, for example, a vehicle
has no engine identification plate and is equipped with an exhaust stack measuring 6 or 7 inches in
diameter-but the exhaust pipe from the manifold is 5 inches in diameter-then the nominal stack size shall
be 5 inches. Always make your measurement from the exhaust manifold to determine stack size input for
opacity meter.
New Diesel Dealers/Lessors Stickers
The decal will be issued after completion of the new Motor Vehicle Dealer/Lessor Certification of the
exhaust system and the manufacturer's pre-delivery inspection procedure as per N.J.A. C 13:20-27.4c.
Dealer Diesel Inspection Approval sticker is not to be issued until after issuance of initial/transferred
registration, and assigned license plates are mounted on vehicle. The decal will not be mailed to the vehicle
A packet containing approval sticker order forms, heavy-duty diesel emission inspection decal log sample,
and an instruction sheet will be mailed to requesting licensed New Jersey truck dealers and lessors.
Effective April 5, 2004, all newly purchased and all newly leased (1
timed owned/leased and registered in
New Jersey) Heavy Duty Diesel Vehicles as defined in N.J.A.C 13:20-27.3 with a gross vehicle weight
rating of 18000 or more as specified by the vehicle manufacturer will be issued a two-year heavy duty diesel
DEALER emission inspection approval sticker. New Heavy Duty Diesel Vehicles purchased from a dealer
outside the State of New Jersey cannot be issued a diesel emission approval sticker.
Heavy Duty Diesel Dealer approval stickers are at no cost to licensed New Jersey dealers, and are available
in lots of 25.
The decal will indicate the month and year when the vehicle will be due for the opacity test. The decal will
be valid for (2) two years from the initial registration month or two years from the expiration date of the
transferred registration. Thereafter, the Heavy Duty Diesel Vehicle is subject to an annual diesel emission
inspection performed by a New Jersey licensed Diesel Emission Center.
This sticker will be valid for two years from the initial registration date. If a registration is transferred
from one vehicle to the newly registered truck, and still has time remaining on the registration, the sticker
that will be issued will be valid for two years plus the remaining time balance on the registration. The
sticker shall not reflect an amount of time greater than thirty-five (35) months, and must match the month
of vehicle registration.
A Dealer/Lessor shall be solely responsible for diesel emission inspection certificates of approval and diesel
vehicle inspection reports issued to them by the Motor Vehicle Commission. Records required by the Motor
Vehicle Commission to be maintained by a dealer/Lessor should be made available for examination by
authorized representatives of the Motor Vehicle Commission, Department of Transportation, Department
of Environmental Protection and Division of Consumer Affairs at any time during regular business hours.
The authorized representatives shall also be granted access to the Dealer/Lessor's business premise during
regular business hours.
New Diesel Dealers/Lessor’s stickers may be ordered from the MVC I/M Unit, order forms are available
on line at MVC Private Inspection Facility (PIF) license web page. The web page can be found at The form is located in related link box on the right hand side of the web page.
New Diesel Dealers/Lessors Inspection Requirements
New Diesel Dealer Sticker Procedures for HDDV with a GVWR as specified by the vehicle manufacture
of 18,000 lbs or more.
Purpose: The purpose of the following procedures is to regulate exhaust emissions from heavy-duty diesel
trucks by requiring New Jersey new motor vehicle dealers to inspect the exhaust system, including the
emission control apparatus and the exhaust after treatment apparatus of new heavy-duty diesel trucks, prior
to delivery of an ultimate purchaser in New Jersey. This also applies to motor vehicle leasing companies
that take delivery of new heavy duty diesel trucks from franchised New Jersey licensed new motor vehicle
dealers. New HDDV’s purchased from a dealer outside the jurisdictional limits of the State of New Jersey
cannot be issued a new diesel dealer sticker.
The following definitions shall apply to the procedures described for certifying a new HDDV.
“Emission Control Apparatus” means any device utilized by the vehicle manufacture and/or the engine
manufacture to control the release of any regulated emission, including any associated component that
monitors the function and maintenance of such device.
“Pre-delivery Checklist” means a list of items and procedures that a new motor vehicle dealer or motor
vehicle leasing company is required or recommended by a manufacturer to check or follow prior to delivery
of a new heavy-duty diesel truck to a purchaser or lessee.
To be in compliance of the inspection requirements for a new HDDV emission inspection sticker the
following must be completed:
Completion of the pre-delivery inspection procedures, both required or recommended by
the manufacture. A copy of which must be kept on file for review by the State auditor
during his monthly audits.
Certification that the exhaust system, including the emission control apparatus and
exhaust apparatus, has been inspected and conforms to the manufacture’s specifications.
A copy of which must be kept on file for review by the State auditor during his monthly
Certification that the new HDDV is equipped with an engine certified by the EPA or
4) Certification that a 2005 or subsequent model year HDDV diesel engine is certified by
5) Pre-delivery check list must include; place and date of inspection, the person or person’s
performing the new heavy-duty diesel truck inspection, and that the new heavy-duty
diesel truck has been found to be in compliance with the inspection procedures described.
After satisfactory completion of an inspection of a new heavy-duty diesel vehicle, affix a decal to the lower
right corner of the windshield inside the passenger compartment of the vehicle, approximately three inches
from the bottom of the windshield, and four inches from the right side of the windshield, in an upright
A new vehicle receiving a new dealer sticker will be given inserts indicating that the vehicle will need an
opacity inspection two years from the date of initial registration. If a customer is transferring a registration
onto the new vehicle, the sticker will indicate two years, plus anytime remaining on the transferred
registration. However, the sticker shall not reflect an amount of time greater than 35 months.
In no instance will a new dealer diesel inspection sticker be affixed on a vehicle until the registration
plates are obtained and mounted on the vehicle. A new dealer sticker cannot be issued if a vehicle is
displaying a dealer temporary registration. New Diesel Dealer stickers shall not be mailed to any end user,
purchaser or lessor.
All dealer stickers must be recorded when issued, on the “New Heavy-Duty Diesel Emission Inspection
Decal Ledger”. The date of issuance, initials of the person authorized to issue the sticker, the sticker
number, the plate and VIN # , the customer name, the year, make and model. With each inspection sticker
entered, a copy of the pre-delivery check list indicating place, date of inspection the person or person’s who
performed the inspection and that the vehicle is in compliance, will be made and kept with the ledger sheet
for review/audit by the State auditor. Ledger sheets can be obtained from your State auditor. Spoiled sticker
must be entered on ledger and retained for the MVC auditor.
There is no fee to obtain stickers, nor a fee to issue a sticker.
Failure to follow these procedures shall result in administrative action and civil penalties.
Diesel Self-Inspection Requirements
Diesel trucks 8,501 lbs and up to 17,999 lbs require a self-inspection and should not be
inspected by a Private Inspection Facility. Diesel trucks with a GVWR of 18,000 pounds or
more must have a periodic emissions test performed at a licensed Diesel Private Inspection
Facility. For Diesel Emission Inspection Facilty locations, call 609-292-6500 or on the internet
Owners and lessees shall maintain records that include at a minimum, the following
An identification of the vehicle including New Jersey registration number, make, model, serial
number, number of tires and their size and ply.
A record of inspection and repairs indicating date and nature.
A lubrication record.
A systematic means for indicating each vehicle, the nature and due date of various inspection and
maintenance operations to be performed.
If leased or otherwise contracted for, such records shall also include an identification of the lessor
or contractor furnishing the vehicle.
Any report or record of inspection shall be maintained for a period of 24 months by the owner or
lessee and be available upon request of the Commission or its agents authorized to inspect.
Required inspection items to be inspected and maintained at least every three (3) months are:
All break lines and linings
Drive lines
Coupling devices
Tires, wheels and flaps
Emergency equipment
Fuel system
Cooling system
Lighting devices, horns and mirrors
Transmission system
Steering equipment
Axles and tie-rod assemblies
Exhaust system and exhaust emissions
Glazing and wipers
Heavy Duty Diesel Certificate of Approval Protocol
The heavy duty diesel emission inspection certificate of approval shall be affixed to the passenger side
corner of the windshield inside the passenger compartment of the diesel vehicle, approximately three
inches from the bottom of the windshield and approximately four inches from the right side of the
windshield, but in every case, the heavy duty diesel emission inspection certificate of approval shall be
completely visible from the front of the diesel vehicle.
The heavy duty diesel emission inspection certificate of approval shall be affixed in an upright position.
A heavy diesel emission inspection certificate of approval shall be affixed to a heavy duty diesel vehicle
immediately upon inspection approval.
The heavy duty diesel emission inspection certificate of approval shall be valid for one year.
The Back of the heavy duty diesel emissions certificate of approval must be filled out in ink with the PIF
number and date.
Place approved number insert on the front side of heavy duty diesel emission certificate of approval (side
facing windshield). Number must match the month of renewal on the registration.
The heavy duty diesel certificate of approval will be positioned on the right passenger side of the
windshield at the lowest point or above any displayed sticker.
Use only the approved inserts as issued, no substitutions. Absolutely never hand write a number on the
sticker with a black marker.
Heavy duty diesel emissions inspection sticker will not be issued if customer presents a Temporary
Vehicle Registration.
All New Jersey registered diesel powered motor vehicles, with a gross vehicle weight rating of 18,000
pounds or more, must be tested for smoke opacity at a licensed PIF within 90 days of their month of
registration renewal.
Heavy Duty Diesel Approval Sticker
Heavy Duty Diesel Roadside Sticker
Retired School Bus Inspection and Migrant Farm Worker Vehicle
Integrity of Retired School Buses
A motor vehicle retired from use as a school bus as defined in R.S. 39:1-1 which is used to transport
children or senior citizens to entertainment programs, recreational areas, sporting events, or camping
activities shall not be used for these purposes unless the motor vehicle has met the safety regulations for
school buses dealing with mechanical condition and body integrity adopted in accordance with the
“Administrative procedure Act,” P.L.1968, c.410 (C.52:14B-1 et seq.) by the Department of Education,
with the exception of school bus chrome yellow color and amber and red warning lamp system
regulations. No motor vehicle retired from use as a school bus shall be required to meet the safety
regulations for school busses adopted by the Department of Education other than those in effect for the
class of vehicle of which the bus was a member on the date upon which the vehicle was last inspected
prior to its retirement as a school bus.
As of November 9, 1999, licensed Private Inspection Facilities (PIF) may inspect all retired school buses
for both safety and emissions testing. However, diesel powered buses over 18,000 pounds GVWR require
a diesel emission certification issued by a licensed Diesel PIF. Safety and diesel emission certification of
diesel buses may be performed only at centers that possess a PIF License. Centers that are licensed as
PIF’s may only certify these vehicles for safety and follow the procedures set forth in Section IV
concerning a safety only inspection.
Diesel powered vehicles will display two certificates of approval. Diesel emission inspection certificate
will be located on the right side of the windshield and a certificate of approval for safety will be located
on the left side of the windshield.
NOTE: At no time will a school bus registered as code 17 or 18 or a dual purpose livery or omnibus
vehicle which is used for school transportation be inspected by a private licensed center.
If there are any questions concerning the inspection of retired school bus vehicles, please call your
specific PIF Unit with any questions at:
Northern PIF Unit – 908 232-6295
Central PIF Unit – 732 869-8335
South PIF Unit – 609 567-8873
You may be advised to contact the Operations Unit at 609 633-9474 for more specific details if required.
"Bus” means any motor vehicle designed, constructed and used for the transportation of passengers,
except passenger automobiles and station wagons.
“Migrant Farm Worker” means any nonresident individual who engages in seasonal employment as a
farm or agricultural food-processing worker during the normal period of seasonal employment.
"Migrant Farm Worker Vehicle" means any motor vehicle constructed, equipped or used to transport
migratory farm workers to and from their employment, except as a passenger automotive or station
"Retired School Bus" means a manufactured school bus type 1 and type II vehicle, other than those of
the transit type exceeding 25,000 lbs. that are not being used for pupil transportation purposes.
Types of Vehicles Requiring Additional Inspection Requirements
Retired School Buses (i.e. Church, Shuttle, etc.)
Migrant Farm Workers
Inspection of Retired School Bus
No motor vehicle retired from use as a school bus shall be required to meet the safety regulations for
school buses adopted by the Department of Education other than those in effect for the class of vehicle of
which the bus was a member on the date upon which the vehicle was last inspected prior to its retirement
as a school bus.
registered as livery or omnibus and used for school transportation must be inspected by the School Bus
Unit of the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission.
The safety inspection of the retired school bus shall be conducted for the items listed in section IV of this
Types of School Bus Vehicles
Type A1 school bus is a conversion or body constructed and installed upon a van-type compact truck or a
front-section vehicle chassis, with a GVWR of 10,000 pounds or less, originally designed by the
manufacturer for carrying 10 to 16 passengers.
Type A2 is a conversion or body constructed and installed upon a van-type compact truck or a front-
section vehicle chassis, with a GVWR of more than 10,000 pounds but less than or equal to 14,500
pounds, originally designed by the manufacturer for carrying 10 to 20 passengers.
Type B school bus is constructed utilizing a stripped chassis with a GVWR of more than 10,000 pounds,
originally designed by the manufacturer for carrying 10 to 30 passengers. Part of the engine is beneath
and/or behind the windshield and beside the driver’s seat. The service door is behind the front wheels.
Type C school bus is a body installed upon a flat cowl chassis with a GVWR of more than 10,000 pounds,
originally designed by the manufacturer for carrying 10 to 54 passengers. The engine is in front of the
windshield, or part of the engine is beneath and/or behind the windshield and beside the driver’s seat. The
service door is behind the front wheels.
Type D school bus is a body installed upon a chassis, with the engine mounted in the front, middle, or
rear, with a GVWR of more than 10,000 pounds, originally designed by the manufacturer for carrying 10
to 54 passengers. The engine may be behind the windshield and beside the driver’s seat; it may be at the
rear of the school bus, behind the rear wheels; or it may be in the middle between the front and rear axles.
The service door is ahead of the front wheels.
Type S school bus is a motor vehicle with a GVWR of 3,000 pounds or more, originally designed by the
manufacturer with a maximum seating capacity of nine passengers or less excluding the driver.
Inspection of retired school buses
An operator shall present each retired school bus with a capacity of 10 or more passengers for an annual
inspection at a Commission-operated State Specialty Site or at a licensed Private Inspection Facility.
Such inspection shall include, but not limited to, an inspection of the following:
Chassis and frame
Brake system
Body deterioration
Lighting/electrical systems
Interior seat mounting
Gasoline emission standards
Gasoline-powered buses shall be subject to applicable gasoline emission standards established by the
Department of Environmental Protection, including an examination of the muffler and emission control
apparatus, and an appropriate emissions test based on the GVWR of the bus.
Warning Lamps
A motor vehicle retired from use as a school bus as defined in R.S. 39:1-1 which is used to transport
children or senior citizens to entertainment programs, recreational areas, sporting events, or camping
activities shall not be used for these purposes unless the motor vehicle has met the safety regulations for
school buses dealing with mechanical condition and body integrity adopted in accordance with the
“Administrative procedure Act,” P.L.1968, c.410 (C.52:14B-1 et seq.) by the Department of Education,
with the exception of school bus chrome yellow color and amber and red warning lamp system
NOTE: All red and amber school bus warning lamps must be removed and rendered inoperable on retired
school bus vehicles.
Unlawful Use of "National School Bus Chrome
Any vehicle, which is not registered as a school bus, shall have at least the top portion (above window
line, including hood) painted a color distinctively different than National School Bus Chrome and remove
any school bus warning lamps and "School Bus" identification. Exception: School buses with a capacity
of 16 or less may remain National School Bus Chrome.
No motor vehicle with a capacity of more than 16 passengers shall be painted National School Bus
Chrome, unless the vehicle is used to transport children to and from school, or a summer day camp, or
any school connected activity.
Whenever any motor vehicle with a capacity of more than 16 passengers, which has been used for the
transportation of children to and from school, or a summer day camp, or any school connected activity, is
no longer used for these purposes, it shall be repainted a color distinctively different from National School
Bus Chrome.
Inspection of Retired School Bus used to transport children or senior citizens
A motor vehicle retired from use as a school bus as defined in R.S. 39:1-1 which is used to transport
children or senior citizens to entertainment programs, recreational areas, sporting events, or camping
activities shall not be used for those purposes unless the motor vehicle has met the safety regulations for
school buses dealing with mechanical condition and body integrity adopted in accordance with the
“Administrative Procedure Act.” P.L. 1968, c. 410 (C. 52:14B-1 et seq.) by the Department of Education,
with the exception of school bus chrome yellow color and amber and red warning lamp system
NOTE: In addition to a retired school bus inspection listed above along with an appropriate safety and
emissions tests, the listed items on the following pages are also to be inspected.
Air Cleaner
Buses manufactured after June 1993 are required to have an air intake cleaner system including all duct
tubing properly installed by the chassis manufacturer to meet the engine manufacturer’s specifications.
The engine intake system for diesel engines shall have an air cleaner restriction indicator properly
installed by the chassis manufacturer to meet the engine manufacturer’s specifications.
Buses manufactured after July 1985 shall have center aisles the minimum width of twelve (12) inches.
Exception is the type “A” bus.
Interior lamps shall be provided which adequately illuminate the aisle and step-well.
Any aisle leading from a wheelchair position to the emergency or exit door shall be a minimum
width of thirty (30) inches.
In addition, buses manufactured after June 1993:
The aisle leading to an exit door or a rear emergency exit shall be a minimum width of twelve (12)
Shall have the aisle leading from the center aisle to a side exit door be a minimum width of
twenty-four (24) inches.
The aisle leading from the center aisle to an emergency door or lift door from a wheelchair
position shall be a minimum of thirty (30) inches.
Aisles shall be unobstructed at all times.
Seat backs shall be slanted sufficiently to give an aisle clearance of fifteen (15) inches at the tops
of the seat backs.
Buses manufactured after June 1993 are required to have the front axle and rear differential, including
suspension systems have a gross axle weight rating (GAWR) at ground at least equal to that portion of the
load that would be imposed by the chassis manufacturer’s maximum gross vehicle weight rating
Backup Warning Alarm
Buses manufactured after June 1993 shall have an automatic audible alarm installed behind the rear axle
of the bus and shall comply with current applicable SAE standards for rubber tired vehicles.
Battery / Electrical System
Buses manufactured after June 1993 shall be equipped with a battery or batteries as specified by the
manufacturer. The storage battery shall have a minimum cold cranking capacity rating equal to the
cranking current required for thirty (30) seconds at zero (O) degrees Fahrenheit and a minimum reserve
capacity rating of one hundred-twenty (120) minutes at twenty-five (25) amps.
The battery shall be securely attached on a slide-out or swing-out tray in a closed, vented compartment in
the body skirt, so that the battery may be exposed to the outside for convenient servicing. The battery
compartment door or cover shall be hinged at the front or top and secured by an adequate and
conveniently operated fastening device.
Buses shall be equipped with an alternator.
A Type “A” bus shall have a minimum sixty (60) ampere per hour alternator.
A Type “B” bus shall have a minimum of eighty (80) ampere per hour alternator.
Type “C” and “D” buses shall have an alternator with a minimum output rating of at least one-
hundred (100) amperes capable of producing a minimum of fifty (50) percent of its maximum
rated output at manufacturer’s recommended engine idle speed.
Buses equipped with an electrical power lift, shall have a minimum one-hundred (100) ampere per
hour alternator.
A direct drive alternator is permissible in lieu of a belt drive.
The belt drive shall be capable of handling the rated capacity of the alternator with no detrimental
effect on the other driven components.
Estimating the required alternator capacity shall be according to SBMI standards.
Wiring shall use a standard color and numbering coding and conform to current SAE standards.
The chassis shall have a readily accessible terminal strip or plug in the side of the body cowl, or at a
location in the engine compartment of buses designed without a cowl, that shall contain the following
terminals for the body connections:
Main 100 amp body circuit
Tail lamps
Right turn signal
Left turn signal
Stop lamps
Back up lamps
Instrument panel lights which are rheostat controlled by the headlight switch
Body Fasteners / Mounting
On buses manufactured after June 1993, the bus body shall be attached to the chassis frame at each main
floor sill, except where the chassis components interfere, in such a manner as to prevent shifting or
separation of body from chassis under severe operation conditions. The chassis frame shall support the
rear body cross member.
The body fasteners shall not exceed forty-two (42) inches spacing along the length of the chassis
frame, and shall be located directly opposite each other along the longitudinal length of the chassis
Insulation material shall be placed at all contact points between the body and the chassis frame on
body on chassis type buses and shall be attached to the chassis frame or body so that it will not
move under severe operating conditions.
Brake System including Parking Brake
A braking system, including service brake and parking brake shall be provided. Buses using air or
vacuum in the operation of the braking system shall be equipped with warning signals, readily audible and
visible to the driver that will give a continuous warning when the available air pressure in the braking
system is sixty (60) PSI or less or the available vacuum in the braking system is eight (8) inches of
mercury or less. An illuminated gauge that will indicate to the driver the air pressure in pounds per square
inch or the inches of mercury vacuum available for the operation of the brakes shall be provided.
Vacuum-assist brake systems shall have a reservoir used exclusively for brakes that shall be
adequate to ensure loss in vacuum at full stroke application of not more than thirty (30) percent
when the engine is not running. The brake system on gas-powered engines shall include suitable
and convenient connections for the installation of a separate vacuum reservoir.
The brake system dry reservoir shall be safeguarded by a check valve or equivalent device that in
the event of failure or leakage in its connection to the source of compressed air or vacuum, the
stored dry air or vacuum shall not be depleted by the leakage or failure.
Buses using a hydraulic assist-booster in the operation of the brake system shall be equipped with
warning signals, readily audible and visible to the driver that will provide continuous warning in
the event of a loss of fluid from the primary source or loss of the electrical source powering the
backup system.
Brake lines and booster assist lines shall be protected from excessive heat and vibration and shall
be installed to prevent chafing.
The brake system shall be designed to permit visual inspection of brake lining wear without the
removal of any chassis components.
Buses manufactured after July 1985 shall have the parking brake hold the vehicle stationary, or to a limit
of traction of the braked wheels, on a twenty (20) percent grade, under any condition of legal loading and
on a surface free from snow, ice and loose material. When applied, the parking brake shall remain in an
applied position with the capacity set forth above despite exhaustion of the source of energy used for the
application or leakage of any kind.
Buses manufactured after July 1985 shall have the parking brake lever shall be mounted to the right of the
driver in a position that is easily accessible. On Type “A” and “B” buses, the parking brake lever may be
mounted in accordance with the chassis manufacturer’s standards. The parking brake shall be equipped
with a warning device visible to the driver which will indicate that the parking brake is on.
Buses manufactured after June 1993 shall be furnished with a front and rear bumper as part of the chassis.
The front bumper shall be of pressed steel channel or equivalent material at least 3/16 inch thick
and not less than eight (8) inches high and shall extend beyond the forward-most part of the body,
grille, hood and fenders and shall extend to the outer edges of the fenders at the bumper top line.
The front bumper, except breakaway bumper ends, shall be of sufficient strength to permit pushing
a vehicle of equal gross weight without permanent distortion to bumper, chassis, or body.
The rear bumper shall be constructed of pressed steel channel or equivalent material at least three-
sixteenths (3/16) inches thick.
The rear bumper on a type “A” bus shall be a minimum of eight (8) inches high and on type “B’,
“C” and “D” shall be a minimum of nine and one-half (9 ½) inches high.
The rear bumper shall be wrapped around the back corners of the bus. It shall extend forward at
least twelve (12) inches, measured form the rear-most point of the body at the floor line.
The rear bumper shall be attached to the chassis frame in such a manner that it may be easily
The rear bumper shall be braced to withstand rear or side impact, and shall be attached to
discourage hitching rides.
The rear bumper shall extend at least one (1) inch beyond the rear-most part of the body surface
measured at the floor line.
Tow eyes or hooks shall be furnished and attached so as not to project beyond the front bumper.
Tow eyes or hooks shall be attached to the chassis frame in accordance with the chassis
manufacturer’s standards.
Buses manufactured after June 1993 having a clutch are required to have the clutch torque capacity equal
to or greater than the engine torque output.
The bus shall be of prime commercial quality steel or other metal or material with strength at least
equivalent to all-steel as certified by the body manufacturer. The construction shall provide a reasonably
dustproof and water-tight unit and the exterior shall be designed to discourage the hitching of rides. The
bus body joints shall conform to current applicable FMVSS. This does not include the body joints created
when body components are attached to components furnished by the chassis manufacturer. Restraining
barriers shall conform to current applicable FMVSS requirements for buses with GVWR of more than
10,000 lbs.
Buses manufactured after June 1993 shall have defrosting and defogging equipment that shall direct a
sufficient flow of heated air onto the windshield, the window to the left of the driver and the glass in the
viewing area directly to the right of the driver to eliminate frost, fog and snow.
The defroster unit shall have a separate blower motor in addition to the heater motors.
A type “A” bus shall be equipped with defogging and defrosting system which will direct a
sufficient flow of heated air onto the windshield to eliminate frost, fog, and snow.
The defrosting equipment shall conform to SAE standards.
The defroster and defogging system shall be capable of furnishing heated outside ambient air
except that part of the system furnishing additional air to the windshield, entrance door, and step-
well which may be of the recirculating air type.
Auxiliary fans are not to be considered as a defrosting and defogging system.
Portable heaters shall not to be used.
Doors, Entrance
Buses manufactured after June 1993 shall have an entrance door under the control of the driver, and
designed to afford easy release and prevent accidental opening. When a hand lever is used, no part shall
come in contact together so as to shear or crush fingers. The entrance door shall be located on the right
side of the bus opposite the driver and within direct view of the driver.
The entrance door on types “B”, “C”, and “D” buses shall have a minimum horizontal opening of
twenty-four (24) inches and a minimum vertical opening of sixty-eight (68) inches.
The entrance door on a type “A” bus shall have a minimum opening of twelve hundred (1,200)
square inches.
The entrance door shall be of a split-type, sedan-type, or jack-knife type.
A split-type door includes any sectioned door which divides and opens inward or outward.
If one section of the split-type door opens inward and the other outward, the front section shall
open outward.
Door panels shall be of approved type glass, the bottom of each lower glass panel shall not be
more than ten (10) inches from the top surface of the bottom step.
The top of the upper glass panel shall not be more than six (6) inches from the top of the door.
A type “A” bus which is not equipped with a split-type door shall have an upper panel of safety
glass with an area of at least three hundred and fifty (350) square inches.
The vertical closing edges on a split-type door shall be equipped with flexible material to protect
Type “C” and “D” buses shall have no entrance doors to the left of the driver.
Type “A’ and “B” buses may conform to chassis manufacturer’s specifications.
Doors shall be equipped with padding at least three (3) inches wide and one (1) inch thick, at the
top edge of each door opening, which shall extend the full width of the door opening.
Buses manufactured after July 1985 equipped with air doors or other air operated assemblies,
excluding windshield wipers, shall have an additional air tank is needed for the operation of those
Door, Handicap Access
Specially equipped buses manufactured after June 1993 with power lifts shall be equipped with a special
door to accommodate the power lift.
The door shall be located on the right side of the bus and designed so as not to obstruct the regular
entrance door.
The opening may extend below the floor through the bottom of the body skirt. If such an opening
is used, reinforcements shall be installed at the front and rear of the floor opening to support the
floor. This opening shall be the same strength as other floor openings.
A drip molding shall be installed above the door opening to divert water from the entrance.
The door posts and headers shall be reinforced to provide support and strength equivalent to the
sides of the bus.
A single door or double doors may be used.
The doors shall have fastening devices to hold the doors open.
The doors shall be weather sealed.
When manually operated dual doors are provided, the rear door shall have at least one point
fastening device to the header. The forward mounted door shall have at least three point fastening
devices; one to the header, one to the floor line of the body, and one into the rear door.
o The door and hinge mechanism strength shall be equivalent or greater than the strength of
the emergency exit door.
The door material, panels and structural strength shall be equivalent to the entrance and
emergency doors.
The rub rail extensions, lettering and other exterior features shall match adjacent sections of the
The doors shall have windows set in rubber compatible within one (1) inch of the lower line of the
adjacent sash.
Doors shall be equipped with a device that will actuate an audible or flashing visible signal,
located in the driver’s compartment, when the doors are not securely closed and the ignition is in
the “on” position.
A switch shall be installed so that the lifting mechanism will not operate when the platform door is
Doors shall be equipped with padding at the top edge of the door opening. The padding shall be at
least three (3) inches wide and one (1) inch thick. It shall extend the full width of the door
13:20-49D.6 Identification - Buses manufactured after June 1993 that are equipped with a power
lift shall display at least one (1) universal handicapped symbol on the back of the bus and below
the window line. The symbol shall not exceed twelve (12) inches in size, be white on a blue
background, and be of a high intensity reflectorized material as specified in NSFSB.
Drive Shaft
Buses manufactured after June 1993 shall have the drive shaft protected by a metal guard or guards
around its circumference to prevent the drive shaft whipping through the floor or dropping to the ground
if broken.
Emergency Door
Buses manufactured after July 1985 shall have an emergency door designed to be opened from the inside
and outside of the bus and shall be equipped with a fastening device which may quickly be released, but is
designed to offer protection against accidental release.
Control of the fastening device from the driver’s seat is not permitted.
The emergency door fastening device shall be equipped with a suitable electric plunger-type
switch connected to a buzzer located in the driver’s compartment.
The switch shall be enclosed in a metal case, and wires leading from the switch shall be concealed
in the bus body.
The switch shall be installed so that the plunger contacts the farthest edge of the slide bar in such a
manner so that any movement of the slide-bar will immediately close the circuit on the switch and
activate the buzzer.
Shall have the words “Emergency Door” applied to the emergency door, both inside and outside,
and shall be in red letters at least two (2) inches high.
Buses manufactured after June 1993:
Shall have the emergency door hinged on the right side if in the rear of the bus and on the front
side if on either side of the bus.
All emergency doors shall open outward and be equipped with a device to hold the door open
during emergencies. Type “A” buses that are equipped with double emergency doors shall have
the doors hinged on the outside edge and have a three-point fastening device.
Shall have the upper portion of the emergency door equipped with approved safety glazing, the
exposed area which shall be not less than 400 square inches.
Shall have the emergency door labeled inside and outside to indicate how it is opened.
Shall have the lower portion of the rear emergency door on types “B”, “C”, and “D” buses
equipped with a minimum of three hundred-fifty (350) square inches of approved safety glazing.
Will not have any steps that lead up to the emergency door.
Shall have the words “Emergency Door” applied to the emergency door, both inside and outside,
and shall be in red letters at least two (2) inches high and three-sixteenths (3/16) inch wide, placed
at the top of or directly above the emergency door or on the door in the metal panel above the top
The emergency door shall be designed to be opened from the inside and outside of the bus and
shall be equipped with a quick release fastening device designed to prevent accidental release.
Control of the fastening device from the driver’s seat shall not be permitted.
The emergency door and the rear emergency window fastening device shall be equipped with a
buzzer located in the driver’s compartment which will indicate to the driver that the slide bar has
moved and the emergency door is about to open. The switch which operates the buzzer shall be
enclosed in a metal case and the wires leading from the switch shall be concealed in the bus body.
The emergency door may be equipped with locking system which incorporates an interlocking
electrical circuit that will prevent the bus from being started while the emergency door is locked.
Shall not have any metal bars or screening that cover the emergency door windows.
Shall have emergency doors equipped with padding at least three (3) inches wide and one (1) inch
thick, at the top edge of each door opening, which shall extend the full width of the door opening.
Cannot have emergency doors obstructed higher than one-quarter (¼) inch high across the bottom
of any emergency door opening.
Emergency Equipment
The minimum emergency equipment of three red reflectorized triangle warning devices must be provided
and they shall be mounted in an accessible place in the driver’s compartment.
Buses manufactured after June 1993 shall have a pry bar at least twenty-four (24) inches in length
securely mounted in the bus in a location readily accessible to the driver.
Buses may be equipped with an identified body fluid clean-up kit that is removable, moisture proof and
mounted in an accessible place in the driver’s compartment.
Emergency Exits
Buses manufactured after June 1993 shall be equipped with two emergency push-out split sash side
windows which are vertically hinged on the forward side of the bus.
There shall be one emergency push-out window per side and they shall not be placed directly
opposite each other.
The emergency push-out window shall be equipped with a warning buzzer, located in the driver’s
compartment to alert the driver when the latch for the emergency push-out window is released.
Buses manufactured after June 1993 shall have a roof safety hatch installed in the forward half of the bus
The roof hatch shall be constructed of metal, fiberglass or equivalent and equipped with an interior
and exterior latch release.
Each roof safety hatch shall provide a minimum opening of twenty (20) inches by twenty (20)
The roof hatch shall be equipped with a warning buzzer, located in the driver’s compartment to
alert the driver when the latch for the emergency push-out window is released.
Exhaust System
The exhaust system on buses manufactured after July 1985 shall not exit under any operating window of
the bus. The tailpipe shall terminate up to a maximum of two (2) inches beyond the rear bumper.
Buses manufactured after June 1993:
Shall have the exhaust pipe, muffler, and tailpipe outside the bus body compartment and attached
to the chassis. The exhaust system components shall not be located where their location would
likely result in burning, charring, or damaging the electrical wiring, the fuel supply, or any
combustible part of the bus.
The exhaust system on a gas-powered chassis shall be properly insulated from the fuel tank
connections by a securely attached metal shield at any point where it is twelve (12) inches or less
from the fuel tank or tank connections. When a metal shield is required, the metal shield shall
provide a minimum of two (2) inches clearance between the exhaust system components, the fuel
system, and/or combustible components.
The tailpipe diameter from muffler to the end shall comply with the chassis manufacturer’s
standard and shall be constructed of a corrosion resistant tubing material at least equal in strength
and durability to sixteen (16)-gauge steel.
The exhaust system tailpipe shall terminate to the rear of all doors and windows designed to be
opened for ventilation.
The exhaust system shall not discharge to the atmosphere immediately below an emergency exit,
fuel tank or fuel tank fill pipe.
The exhaust system tailpipe of a bus powered by a gasoline engine shall extend to the rear bumper
or to the left or right perimeter of the bus body and discharge to the atmosphere either:
o At or within six (60) inches forward of the rearmost part of the bus on either side; or
o Beyond the rear bus bumper up to a maximum of two (2) inches.
The exhaust system tailpipe of a bus using fuel other than gasoline shall extend to the rear bumper
or to the perimeter of the sides of the bus body and discharge to the atmosphere either:
o At or within fifteen (15) inches forward of the rearmost part of the bus on the sides; or
o Beyond the rear bus bumper up to a maximum of two (2) inches.
The muffler shall be constructed of corrosion-resistant material.
Fire extinguisher
A retired school bus used in the transport of children which are not under the jurisdiction of a local Board
of Education (such as day camp) or senior citizens shall be equipped with at least one pressurized, dry
chemical type fire extinguisher, complete with hose, securely mounted in the driver’s compartment and
readily accessible to the drive and passengers.
A pressure gauge shall be mounted on the extinguisher which can be read without removing the
extinguisher from its mounted position.
The fire extinguisher shall be approved by the Underwriters Laboratories, Inc with a total rating of
2 A-10 BC or greater.
The operating mechanism shall be sealed with a type of seal which will not interfere with the use
of the fire extinguisher.
Note: Buses may be equipped with a fire extinguisher system for the engine compartment.
Metal Protectors or Substantial Flexible Flaps on Rearmost Wheels
No person shall operate or cause to be operated any bus, truck, full trailer or semitrailer of a registered
gross weight exceeding three tons (6000 pounds) on any public highway unless the same is equipped with
suitable metal protectors or substantial flexible flaps on the rearmost wheels, and, in case the rear wheels
are not covered at the top by fender, body or other parts of the vehicle, the rear wheels shall be covered at
the top by some protective means.
Location: All metal protectors or flaps shall be attached to vehicles at such points, that the angle formed
by a line projected from a point of contact of the rearmost tire with the ground on a level road surface to
the bottom of the protector or flap, shall not exceed twenty-two and one half (22 ½) degrees.
Type “A” Buses manufactured after July 1985 shall have floor covering of either one-half (½) exterior
plywood securely fastened to the floor of the school bus in the passenger compartment, tapered to the
forward level, or fourteen (14) gauge smooth steel floors.
Buses manufactured after June 1993 shall have the floor in the underseat area, including tops of the
wheelhousing, driver’s compartment, and the toe board, covered with rubber floor covering or equivalent
having a thickness of .125 inch. The toe board floor covering on Type “A” and “B” buses may be the
chassis manufacturer’s standard. The floor covering in the aisle shall be rubber or equivalent, wear-
resistant, and ribbed. The minimum thickness shall be .187 inch measured from the tops of the ribs. The
floor covering must be permanently bonded to the floor and shall not crack when subjected to sudden
changes in temperature. The bonding or adhesive material shall be waterproof and shall be the type
recommended by the manufacturer of the floor covering material. All seams must be sealed with
waterproof sealer.
A secured insulated screw-down plate to access the fuel tank sending unit shall be provided
Buses manufactured after June 1993 shall have the frame or its equivalent of such design and strength
characteristics to correspond with the standard practice for trucks of the same general load characteristic.
Any frame modification shall not be for the purpose of extending the wheelbase. Holes in the top
or bottom flanges, or side units of the frame, shall not be permitted except as provided in the
original chassis frame.
Welding to the frame shall be by the chassis manufacturer or as approved by the chassis
Front Fenders
Type ‘C” buses manufactured after June 1993 shall have a total spread of the outer edges of the front
fenders, measured at the fender line, exceeding the total spread of the front tires when the front wheels are
in a straight-ahead position.
Front fenders shall be properly braced and free from any body attachments.
Fuel Tank
Buses manufactured after June 1993 shall have a fuel tank or tanks of minimum thirty (30) gallon
capacity and shall have a twenty-five (25) gallon actual draw. If the fuel tank size, larger than thirty (30)
gallons is supplied, the actual draw shall be eighty-three (83) percent of the tank capacity.
The fuel tank(s) shall be filled and vented to the outside body, the location of which shall ensure
that accidental fuel spillage will not drip or drain on any part of the exhaust system.
No portion of the fuel system which is located to the rear of the engine compartment, except the
filler tube, shall extend above the top of the chassis rail.
Fuel lines shall be mounted to obtain maximum possible protection from the chassis frame.
A fuel filter with replaceable element shall be installed between the fuel tank and engine.
The fuel tank installation shall be in accordance with current SBMI design objectives.
An auxiliary tank may be added in accordance with current SBMI design objectives.
A bus constructed with a power lift unit may have the fuel tank mounted on the left chassis frame
rail or behind the rear wheels.
Glass in all side and rear windows of buses manufactured after July 1985 shall be of AS-2 or better grade.
Equivalent plastic AS-4 or better may only be used in side windows of the bus.
Specially equipped buses with power lifts manufactured after June 1993 may have tinted safety glass or
tinted plastic installed in side windows of the bus to the rear of the driver which complies with applicable
Motor Vehicle Commission requirements. The tinted safety glass shall be AS-3 or better grade.
Buses manufactured after June 1993 may have a governor installed.
When an engine is mounted in the mid-ship or rear of a bus, a governor shall be installed to limit
engine speed to the maximum revolutions per minute recommended by the engine manufacturer,
or a tachometer shall be installed so the engine speed may be known to the driver.
A road-speed governor may be installed to limit road speed.
Heating System
The chassis engine in buses manufactured after June 1993 shall have plugged openings for the purpose of
supplying hot water to the bus heating system. The opening shall be suitable for attaching a ¾ inch pipe
thread/hose connector. The engine shall be capable of supplying water having a temperature of at least
170 degrees Fahrenheit at a flow rate of fifty (50) pounds per minute at the return end of thirty (30) feet of
one (1) inch inside diameter automotive hot water heater hose.
Heaters shall be of the hot-water type and/or combustion type.
If only one heater is used, it shall be of fresh air or a combination fresh air and recirculating type.
If more than one heater is used, additional heaters may be of the recirculating type.
The heating system shall be capable of maintaining a temperature of not less than forty (40)
degrees Fahrenheit throughout the bus at average minimum January temperature as established by
the U.S. Department of Commerce, Weather Bureau, for the area in which the bus is to be
All heaters installed by the body manufacturers shall bear a name plate that indicates the heater
rating in accordance with SBMI standards. The plate shall be affixed by the heater manufacturer
which will constitute certification that the heater performance is as shown on the plate.
Heater hoses shall be adequately supported to guard against excessive wear due to vibration.
The hoses shall not dangle or rub against the chassis or sharp edges and shall not interfere with or
restrict the operation of any engine function.
Heater hoses shall conform to SAE standards.
Heater lines on the interior of the bus shall be shielded to prevent scalding of the driver or
Each hot water system installed by the body manufacturer shall include one-shut-off valve in the
pressure line and one shut-off valve in the return line with both valves at or near the engine in an
accessible location.
There shall also be a water flow regulating valve installed in the pressure line for convenient
operation by the driver while seated.
Accessible bleeder valves shall be installed in an appropriate place in the return lines of body
company-installed heaters to remove air from the heater lines.
Access panels shall be provided to make heater motors, cores, and fans readily accessible for
service. Outside access panels may be provided for the driver’s heater.
A rear engine bus shall be equipped with a hot water heater booster pump.
Combustion type heaters shall comply with current applicable FMVSR.
Buses manufactured after July 1985 shall be equipped with dual horns of standard make.
Each horn shall be capable of producing a complex sound in a band of audio frequencies between
approximately 250 and 2,000 cycles per second and each having a total sound level of 110
decibels within these frequency limits.
Sound shall be measured at a point on the axis of the horn, three (3) feet from the exit of the horn.
Inside Height
Buses manufactured after June 1993 shall have an inside body height of seventy-two (72) inches or more,
measured from the ceiling to the floor metal, at any point on longitudinal center from the front vertical
bow to rear vertical bow. A type “A” bus shall have a minimum of sixty-two (62) inches inside body
Instruments and Instrument Panel
Buses manufactured after July 1985 shall have all gauges and instruments appropriately identified.
Buses manufactured after June 1993 shall be equipped with the following instruments and gauges. Lights
in lieu of gauges are not acceptable except as noted:
Odometer which will give accrued mileage to seven digits including tenths of a mile
o An ammeter with graduated charge and discharge with ammeter and its wiring compatible
with generating capacities is permitted in lieu of a voltmeter.
Oil-pressure gauge
Water temperature gauge
Fuel gauge
Upper beam headlight indicator
Vacuum or air brake gauge
o A light indicator in lieu of a gauge is permitted on buses equipped with hydraulic-over-
hydraulic brake system.
Turn signal indicator
Glow-plug indicator, where appropriate
All instruments shall be easily accessible for maintenance and repair.
The above mounted instruments and gauges shall be mounted on an instrument panel in such a manner
that each is clearly visible to the driver while in normal seat-belted position in accordance with current
SBMI design objectives.
The instrument panel shall have lamps of sufficient candlepower to illuminate all instruments, gauges and
the shift selector indicator for an automatic transmission.
Buses manufactured after June 1993 shall have the ceiling and walls insulated with adequate material to
deaden sound and to reduce vibration to a minimum. If thermal insulation is specified, it shall be fire-
resistant material approved by the Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. Floor insulation may be used and shall
be either five ply 19/32 inch thick plywood, or a material of equal or greater strength with an insulation R
value and shall be equal or exceed properties of exterior-type softwood plywood, C=D Grade as specified
in standards issued by the U.S. Department of Commerce. When plywood is used, all exposed edges shall
be sealed. Type “A” buses shall be insulated with a minimum of one-half (1/2) inch exterior grade
plywood securely fastened to the steel floor of the bus in the passenger compartment.
Buses manufactured after June 1993 shall have the interior of the bus free of all unnecessary projections,
such as luggage racks, which may cause injury. The standard requires inner lining on ceilings and walls.
If the ceiling is constructed with lapped joints, the forward panel shall be lapped by the rear panel and
exposed edges shall be beaded, hemmed, flanged, or otherwise treated to minimize sharp edges. The
driver’s area forward of the foremost padded barriers shall permit the mounting of required safety
equipment and vehicle operation equipment. Every bus shall be constructed so that a noise level taken at
the ear of the occupant nearest to the primary vehicle noise source shall not exceed eighty-five (85) DBA
when tested according to NSFSB.
13:20-49D.7 Lights – Specially equipped buses with power lifts manufactured after June 1993 shall have
lights placed inside the bus to sufficiently illuminate the lift door area.
Lamps and Signals
Buses manufactured after June 1993 shall have exterior lamps that conform to current applicable FMVSS.
Each clearance, marker, or identification lamp shall be of the two bulb design and shall
automatically be activated, whenever the headlights or parking lamps are activated, in a steady
burning state.
Two (2) parking lamps shall designate the front of the bus.
Two backup lamps shall be installed on the rear of type “B”, ‘C” and “D” buses. These lamps
shall be illuminated when either the shift control lever for the transmission is placed in reverse
gear or the rear emergency door is unlatched.
An armored marker-type amber lamp connected to the turn signals shall be installed on each side
of the bus immediately behind the entrance door on the right and symmetrically opposite on the
left side of all type “C” and “D” buses.
Interior lamps shall be provided which adequately illuminate the aisle and stepwell. The stepwell
light shall be illuminated by the service door operated switch, which will illuminate only when the
headlights and clearance lights are on and the service door is open.
Body instrument panel lights shall be controlled by an independent rheostat switch.
A telltale light, plainly visible to the driver, shall be installed to give a positive indication of the
operation of the stop lights.
The bus body shall be equipped with rear turn signal lamps that are at least seven (7) inches in
diameter or if the shape other than round, a minimum of thirty-eight (38) inches of illuminated
area and meet SAE standards. These signals must be connected to the chassis hazard wiring
switch to cause simultaneous flashing of turn signal lamps when needed as vehicular traffic hazard
warning. Turn signal; lamps are to be placed as wide apart as practical and their centerline shall
be approximately eight (8) inches below the rear window.
On type “A” buses, the lamps must be at least twenty-one (21) square inches in lens area.
Buses shall be equipped with four combination red stop/tail lamps as follows:
Two combination lamps with a minimum diameter, of seven (7) inches, or if a shape other than
round, a minimum thirty-eight (38) square inches of illuminated area shall be mounted on the rear
of the bus just inside the turn signals.
Two combination lamps with a minimum diameter of four (4) inches, or if in a shape other than
round, a minimum of twelve (12) square inches of illuminated area shall be placed on the rear of
the body between the beltline and the floorline. Rear license plate lamp may be combined with
one lower tail lamp. Stop lamps shall be activated by the service brakes and shall emit a steady
light when illuminated.
Type ‘A” buses may conform to the chassis manufacturer’s standard.
Metal Treatment
All metal used in construction of a bus body shall be zinc coated or aluminum coated or treated by
equivalent process before the bus is constructed. Included are such items as structural members, inside
and outside panels, door panels, and floor sills; excluded are such items as door handles, grab handles,
interior decorative parts, and other interior plated parts. All metal parts that will be painted shall be
chemically cleaned, etched, zinc-phosphate coated, and zinc-chromate or epoxy primed or conditioned by
equivalent process. In providing for these requirements, particular attention shall be given to lapped
surfaces, welded connections of structural members, closed or box sections, unvented or undrained areas,
and surfaces subjected to abrasion during vehicle operation.
Buses manufactured after July 1985 shall have mirror mounting brackets affixed to the bus. The convex
type mirrors shall not be a part of or attached to the exterior rearview mirrors. The convex type mirror
head and the rearview mirror head shall be mounted so as to have a minimum of two inches distance
between the two. Cross over mirrors shall have a minimum measurement of six and one-half at the base.
The size of the interior mirror on Type “A” school buses shall be according to manufacturers’ standard.
Buses manufactured after June 1993 shall have an interior mirror provided which is either clear view
laminated glass or clear view glass bonded to a backing which retains the glass in the event of breakage.
The mirror shall be a minimum of six (6) inches by thirty (30) inches and shall have rounded corners and
protected edges. Type “A” buses shall have a mirror with a minimum of six (6) inches by sixteen (16)
Buses manufactured after June 1993 shall be equipped with a system of exterior mirrors which conform to
current applicable FMVSS as follows:
A rear vision mirror system which shall be capable of providing a view along the left and right
sides of the vehicle which will provide the driver with a view of the rear tires at ground level, a
minimum distance of two-hundred (200) feet to the rear of the bus and at least twelve (12) feet
perpendicular to the side of the bus at the rear axle line; and
A crossview mirror system which shall provide the driver with indirect vision of an area at ground
level from the front bumper forward and the entire width of the bus to a point where the driver can
see by direct vision. The crossview system shall also provide the left and right front corners of the
bus to include the tires and entrance door on all types of buses to a point where it overlaps with the
rear vision mirror system.
o No portion of the crossview mirror assembly shall project more than six (6) inches forward
or laterally from the outer-most limits of the vehicle at the point of installation.
o No portion of the crossview mirror system assembly shall unduly obstruct the light emitted
from ant required lamp or the driver’s view of vehicular traffic.
o Stick-on convex mirrors shall not be attached to any mirror surface.
Commercial Vehicles Shall Display Name / GVW
Every vehicle used for commercial purposes on a street or highway, except for passenger automobiles,
shall have conspicuously displayed thereon, or on a name plate affixed thereto, the name of the owner,
lessee or lessor of the vehicle and the name of the municipality in which the owner, lessee or lessor has
his principal place of business.
The owning or operating organization name shall be conspicuously identified in letters three (3)
inches high, located on each longitudinal side of the exterior of the bus. Such identification shall
be completely horizontal and below the window line.
Every owner of a commercial motor vehicle as defined in section 3 of P.L. 1990, c. 103 (C.39:3-
10.11) which has a gross vehicle weight or a combined gross vehicle weight rating of 26,001
pounds or more and is registered or principally garaged in this State shall display the gross vehicle
weight rating (GVWR) for the vehicle in the manner set forth above. The GVWR shall be
displayed on both sides of the bus.
Oil Filter
Buses manufactured after June 1993 shall be provided with an oil filter with replaceable element and shall
be connected by flexible oil lines if it is not of built-in or engine mounted design. The oil filter shall have
a capacity of one quart.
Buses manufactured after June 1993 shall have all openings in the floorboard or firewall between the
chassis and passenger compartment, such as for gearshift selector/lever and parking brake lever, sealed.
Overall Length
The overall length of a bus shall not exceed forty (40) feet.
Overall Width
The overall width of a bus shall not exceed ninety-six (96) inches excluding accessories.
Parking Lamps / Turn Signals
The requirements for parking lamps / turn signals are referenced on pages 73 thru 84 of this manual. In
addition, parking lamps and turn signal lamps may be incorporated into each unit. Buses manufactured
on or after June 1993, shall have each clearance, marker, or identification lamp be of the two bulb design
and shall be automatically activated whenever the headlights or parking lamps are activated in a steady
burning state.
In addition the bus body must be equipped with rear turn signals that are at least seven (7) inches in
diameter or if in the shape other than round, a minimum of thirty-eight (38) square inches of illuminated
area and meet SAE standards. NOTE: Type A buses shall have lamps at least twenty-one (21) square
inches in lens area.
These signals must be connected to the chassis hazard wiring switches to cause simultaneous flashing of
turn signal lamps when needed as vehicular traffic hazard warning. Turn signal lamps are to be placed as
wide apart as practical and their centerline shall be approximately eight inches below the rear window.
Power Lift
Specially equipped buses with power lifts manufactured after June 1993 shall have a skid resistant
platform located on the right side of the bus body and confined within the bus body when not extended.
The lifting mechanism and platform shall be capable of lifting a minimum weight of eight-
hundred (800) pounds.
The lift platform shall have a minimum of thirty (30) inches clear width unobstructed by the
required handrail.
The minimum clear length of the platform between the outer edge barrier and the inner edge shall
be forty (40) inches.
When the platform is stored, it shall be securely fastened.
Controls shall be provided that enable the operator to activate the lift mechanism from either
inside or outside of the bus.
The lift platform shall be designed to prevent the platform from falling while in operation due to a
power failure or a single component mechanical failure.
The power lift shall be equipped with a manual backup system for use in the event of a power
The lift shall be designed to allow the lift platform to rest securely on the ground.
The outboard platform edge and sides shall be designed to restrain a wheelchair or other mobile
seating device from slipping or rolling off the platform. The platform outer edge barrier shall be
designed to be automatically or manually lowered when the platform is at ground level, but shall
not be equipped with any type latch which could result in a lowered barrier when the platform is
above ground level.
The platform shall be equipped with at least one handrail. The handrail shall be approximately
twenty-five (25) to thirty-four (34) inches in height and a minimum of eighteen (18) inches in
length and designed to fold when it is in a stored position.
A self-adjusting, skid resistant plate shall be installed on the outer edge of the platform to
minimize the incline from the lift platform to the ground level. This plate, if so designed, may
also serve as the restraining device.
A circuit breaker shall be installed between the power source and lift motor if electrical power is
The lift design shall prevent excessive pressure that could damage the lift system when the
platform is fully lowered or raised.
The lift mechanism shall be designed to prevent the lift platform from being folded or stored when
An interlock shall be provided to prevent the operation of the bus while the lift or ramp is not in its
fully stored and locked position.
Ramp devices installed on buses manufactured after July 1985 shall have non-skid surfaces and be
securely stored and protected from the elements when not in use. The ramp must have at least three (3)
feet of length for each foot of incline.
13:20-49D.9 Ramp – Specially equipped buses manufactured after June 1993 where a power lift system is
not adequate to load or unload students with special needs may use a ramp device. The ramp shall be of
sufficient strength and rigidity to support the mobile device, occupant, and attendant(s). It shall be
equipped with a protective flange on each longitudinal side to keep the mobile device on the ramp. The
ramp floor shall be of a non-skid material. The ramp shall be equipped with handles and of a weight and
design that enables one person to lift or move the ramp. The ramp shall have at least three (3) feet of
length for each foot of incline.
Buses manufactured after June 1993 are required to have reflectors which comply with current applicable
FMVSS as follows:
On the rear: two (2) red reflectors equally spaced as far from center as practicable and at the same
On each side: two (2) reflectors on each side, one (1) amber, at or near the front and one (1) red at
or near the rear.
One (1) amber reflector on each side of the bus body as near the center as practical shall be
provided on buses thirty (30) feet or more in length.
Rub Rails
Buses manufactured after July 1985 shall have rub rails attached at each body post, sedan doors and all
other upright structural members.
Buses manufactured after June 1993 shall have one rub rail located on each side of the bus approximately
at seat level which shall extend from the rear side of the entrance door completely around the bus body
(except the emergency door) to a point of curvature near the outside cowl on the left side of the bus.
There shall be one rub rail located approximately at floor line which shall cover the same
longitudinal area as the upper rub rail, except at wheel housing, and shall extend only to the radii
of right and left rear corners.
Each rub rail shall be attached at each body post, and all other upright structural members.
Each rub rail, in their finished form, shall be four (4) inches or more in width.
They shall be of sixteen (16) gauge steel or suitable material of equivalent strength, and shall be
constructed in corrugated or ribbed fashion.
Both rub rails shall be applied outside body or outside body posts.
Pressed-in or snap-on rub rails do not satisfy this requirement.
On type “A” and “B” buses with a chassis manufacturer’s body, or type “C” and “D” buses with a
rear luggage or a rear engine compartment, rub rails are not required to extend around the rear
Buses manufactured after July 1985 shall have all seats forward facing.
Buses manufactured after June 1993 shall have:
Seats with a minimum depth of fifteen (15) inches.
Seat backs shall be a minimum of twenty-eight (28) inches high and a minimum twenty-four (24)
inches above the seating reference point.
Seat, seat back cushion and crash barrier shall be covered with a material having 42-ounce
finished weight, fifty-four (54) inches width, and finished vinyl coating of 1.06 broken twill, or
other material of equal tensile strength, tear strength, seam strength, adhesion strength, resistance
to abrasion, resistance to cold, and flex separation, and meets the criteria contained in the NSFSB
Fire Block test for school bus seat upholstery.
Damaged or vandalized covers of seat cushions, seat backs, and crash barriers equipped with
flame-retardant materials shall be repaired in a manner to maintain the original flame-retardant
All seats shall be forward facing.
Each seat leg shall be secured to the floor by a minimum of two (#20 bolts, washers and nuts.
All seat frames attached to the seat rail shall be fastened with two bolts, washers and nuts or
flanged-headed nuts.
The driver’s seat shall be of a highback type with a minimum seat back adjustment of fifteen (15)
degrees and with a head restraint to accommodate a ninety-five (95) percentile male. The driver’s
seat shall be secured with nuts, bolts, and washers or flange-headed nuts.
o The space between the back of the driver’s seat, in the rearmost position, and the front
surface of the restraining barrier located directly behind the driver shall comply with
FMVSS for barrier deflection.
Seating Arrangements – Specially equipped buses with power lifts manufactured on or after June 1993
shall be permitted flexibility in seat spacing to accommodate special devices. All seats shall be forward
Seat Belts
Buses manufactured after July 1985 and used for the transport of special needs students shall have seat
belts or other suitable restraints installed for each passenger including those seated in wheelchairs.
Buses manufactured after June 1993 shall have a type 2 lap/shoulder seat belt provided for the driver.
The assembly shall be equipped with an emergency locking retractor for the continuous belt
The lap portion of the belt shall be guided or anchored where practicable to prevent the driver
from sliding sideways under it.
The seat belt shall have a button type latch and the floor anchored belt section shall be booted to
keep the buckle within driver’s reach.
Buses with a chassis manufacture date of October 1992 or thereafter shall be equipped with seat belts and
twenty-eight (28) inch high back seats in accordance with P.L. 1992, c.92. Buses equipped with seat belts
shall also contain a belt cutter for use in an emergency. The belt cutter shall be designed to prevent injury
during use and secured in a safe location.
Shocks Absorbers
A bus manufactured on or after June 1993 shall be equipped with front and rear double-acting shock
absorbers that are compatible with the manufacturer’s rated axle capacity at each wheel location.
The springs or suspension assemblies of buses manufactured on or after June 1993 shall be commensurate
with the chassis manufacturer’s gross vehicle weight rating. If leaf type rear springs are used, they shall
be of the progressive type.
The first step at the entrance door on buses manufactured after June 1993 shall not be less than ten (10)
inches and not more than fourteen (14) inches from the ground, based on standard chassis specifications.
Type “D” buses shall have the first step at the entrance door twelve (12) to sixteen (16) inches from the
Step risers shall not exceed a height of ten (10) inches. When plywood is used on the steel floor or
step, the riser height may be increased by the thickness of the plywood used.
Steps shall be enclosed to prevent accumulation of ice and snow.
Steps shall not protrude beyond the side body line.
A grab handle not less than twenty (20) inches in length shall be provided in an unobstructed
location inside the doorway.
Specially equipped buses with power lifts manufactured after June 1993 shall have the steps the full width
of the stepwell, excluding the thickness of the doors in an open position.
Step Treads
Buses manufactured after June 1993 shall have all steps, including the floor line platform area, covered
with 3/16 inch rubber floor covering or other materials equal in wear resistance and abrasion resistance to
top grade rubber.
The rubber step treads shall be permanently bonded to the step well metal, minimum twenty-four
(24) gauge cold roll steel, and the ribbed rubber grooved design shall run at 90 degree angles to
the long dimension of the step tread.
Three-sixteenths (3/16) inch ribbed step tread shall have a one and one-half (1 ½) inch white
nosing integral piece without any joint.
The rubber portion of the treads shall have the following characteristics:
Special compounding for good abrasion resistance and high coefficient of friction;
Flexibility so that it can be bent around a one-half (1/2) inch mandrel at one hundred thirty (130)
degrees Fahrenheit and twenty (20) degrees Fahrenheit without breaking, cracking, or crazing; and
Show a durometer hardness of eighty-five (85) to ninety-five (95)
Steering Gear
The steering gear ob buses manufactured on or after June 1993 shall be approved by the chassis
manufacturer and designed to assure safe and accurate performance when a vehicle is operated with
maximum load and at maximum speed.
The steering mechanism shall be accessible for external adjustment.
No changes shall be made in the steering apparatus which are not approved by the chassis
There shall be a clearance of at least two inches between the steering wheel and the cowl,
instrument panel, windshield, or any other surface.
Power Steering is required and shall be of the integral type with integral valves.
The steering system shall be designed to provide a means of lubrication for all wear points, if wear
points are not permanently lubricated.
Stirrup Steps
Buses manufactured after June 1993 shall have at least one folding stirrup step or recessed foothold and
suitably located handles on each side of the front of the bus body for easy accessibility for cleaning the
windshield except where the windshield is easily accessible from the ground. A step, in lieu of the stirrup
steps, is permitted in or on the front bumper.
Buses manufactured after July 1985 shall have a horizontal gradient band on the windshield starting
slightly above the line of the driver’s vision and gradually decreasing in light transmission to twenty (20)
percent of less at the top of the windshield.
Buses manufactured after June 1993 shall have an interior adjustable transparent sun shield not less than
six (6) inches by thirty (30) inches with a finished edge installed in a position convenient for use by the
driver. A type “A” bus may be equipped with a sun shield not less than six (6) inches by sixteen (16)
Support Equipment and Accessories
Specially equipped buses manufactured after June 1993 which have portable student support equipment or
special accessories (crutches, walkers, oxygen bottles, ventilators) shall have such items securely fastened
at a mounting location able to withstand a pulling force of five (5) times the weight of the item, or shall be
retained in an enclosed, latched compartment.
The bus shall contain a belt cutter for use in emergencies, including evacuations. The belt cutter shall be
designed to prevent injuries during use and shall be secured in a safe location.
The tailpipe diameter of buses manufactured after June 1993 from muffler to the end shall comply with
the chassis manufacturer’s standard and shall be constructed of a corrosion resistant tubing material at
least equal in strength and durability to sixteen (16) gauge steel tubing.
The tailpipe shall terminate to the rear of all doors and windows designed to be opened for
The tailpipe shall not terminate immediately below an emergency exit, fuel tank, or fuel fill pipe.
The tailpipe of a bus powered by a gasoline engine shall extend to the rear bumper or to the left or
right perimeter sides of the bus body and discharge to the atmosphere either:
o At or within six (6) inches forward of the rearmost part pf the bus on the left or right side;
o Beyond the rear bus bumper up to a maximum of two (2) inches.
The tailpipe of a bus using fuel other than gasoline shall extend to the rear bumper or to the left or
right perimeter sides of the bus body and discharge to the atmosphere either:
o At or within fifteen (15) inches forward of the rearmost part of the bus on the left or right
side: or
o At or beyond the rear bus bumper up to a maximum of two (2) inches.
Tailpipe(s) which terminate at either the left or right side of the bus shall extend to but not beyond
the perimeter of the bus body side.
Taillight and Stop Lights
Buses manufactured after July 1985 shall have a telltale light installed, plainly visible to the driver that
gives a positive indication of the operation of the stop lights.
Tires and Rims
All tires and rims on buses manufactured on or after June 1993 shall be of proper size with load ratings
commensurate with the chassis manufacturer’s gross vehicle weight rating provided.
Tubeless tires mounted on one-piece drop center rims may be used.
All tires shall be of the same size, construction and load rating. The load rating shall meet or
exceed the GVWR in accordance with current applicable FMVSS.
Tires on types “C and D” buses may be of more than one type construction provided all tires on
the same axle are the same type construction.
If a bus is equipped with a spare tire and rim assembly, it shall be of the same size and type as
those mounted on the bus.
If a bus is equipped with a tire carrier, it shall be suitable mounted in an accessible location
outside the passenger compartment.
The tire tread depth shall at no time be less than 4/32 of an inch on the front tires and 2/32 of an
inch on the rear tires as measured on two adjacent treads by a Dill gauge or its equivalent.
Regrooved or recapped tires shall not be used on the front wheels of a bus.
Dual wheels shall be permitted on types “B, C and D” buses.
Tire chains, snow tires or all weather tires shall be used for the drive wheels to enhance safe
operation of the bus in areas of snow and ice.
Buses manufactured after July 1985
Shall have a transmission shifting control pattern affixed to a point convenient to the driver.
There shall be a detent on the automatic transmission to insure that the transmission cannot
accidentally move from neutral to a drive gear without driver effort.
School buses not equipped with a park position on the shift control selector for automatic or semi-
automatic transmissions shall be equipped with a heavy duty parking brake.
Buses manufactured on or after June 1993
When an automatic transmission is used it shall provide for not less than three (3) forward speeds
and one (1) reserve speed.
When a manual transmission is used, second gear and higher shall be synchronized except when
incompatible with engine power. A minimum of than three (3) forward speeds and one (1) reserve
speed shall be provided.
A diagram of the shifting pattern shall be located in a position easily visible to the driver.
There shall be a detent on the automatic transmission shift lever to insure that the transmission
cannot accidentally move from neutral to a drive gear without driver effort.
Buses which are not equipped with a park position on the shift control selector for automatic
transmissions shall be equipped with a heavy duty parking brake.
The transmission shift control lever/mechanism shall be mounted to the right of the steering
Turning Radius
Buses chassis manufactured on or after June 1993 with a wheel base of 264 inches or less shall have a
right and left turning radius of not more than 42 ½ feet, curb to curb measurement.
Buses chassis manufactured on or after June 1993 with a wheel base of 265 inches or more shall have a
right and left turning radius of not more than 44 ½ feet, curb to curb measurement.
Buses manufactured on or after June 1993 shall have the undersides of steel or metallic-constructed front
fenders coated with rust-proofing compound.
Buses manufactured after June 1993 shall have the entire underside of the bus body, including floor
sections, cross member, and below floor line side panels, coated with rustproofing compound.
Undercoating compound shall be applied with suitable airless or conventional spray equipment to
recommended film thickness and shall show no evidence of voids in cured film.
Buses manufactured after June 1993 shall be equipped with a suitable, controlled ventilation system of
sufficient capacity to maintain proper quality of air under operating conditions without opening of
windows except in extremely warm weather.
A static-type non-closeable exhaust vent shall be installed in the low-pressure area of the roof.
One (1) six (6) inch diameter, two (2) speed auxiliary fans with protective cage shall be installed
on each side of the driver position on type “C” and “D” buses. Each fan shall have a separate
If an auxiliary fan is used on type “A” and “B” buses, it shall be a nominal six (6) inch diameter
fan with blades covered with a protective cage. Each fan shall be controlled by a separate switch.
Buses manufactured after July 1985 shall have the wheel-housing attached to floor sheets in such a
manner as to prevent dust, water, or fumes from entering the body. The wheel-housing shall be
constructed of 16-guage steel.
Buses manufactured after June 1993 shall have wheel-housings that allow easy tire removal and service.
The wheel-housing shall be attached to floor sheets in such a manner to prevent dust, water, or fumes
from entering the body. Wheel-housings shall be constructed of at least sixteen (16) gauge steel, or other
material of equal strength. No party of the wheel-housing shall extend into the emergency door opening.
Windows and Windshield
Each full side window on buses manufactured after June 1993 shall provide an unobstructed emergency
opening at least nine (9) inches high and twenty-two (22) inches wide, obtained by lowering the window.
Push-out type, split-sash windows may be used.
Glass in all side and rear windows shall be of AS-2 or better grade.
Equivalent AS-4 or better shall only be used in side windows of the bus behind the driver.
The windshield shall have a horizontal gradient tinted band starting slightly above the line of a
driver’s vision and gradually decreasing in light transmission to twenty (20) percent of less at the
top of the windshield.
Glass in the windshield shall be AS-1 grade.
Glass in the windshield shall be heat-absorbent, laminated plate.
The windshield shall be large enough to permit the driver to see the roadway clearly, shall be
slanted to reduce glare, and shall be installed between the front corner posts that are so designed
and placed to afford minimum obstruction to the driver’s view of the roadway.
All glass in the windshield, windows and doors shall be approved safety glass, so mounted that a
permanent mark is visible, and of sufficient quality to prevent distortion of the view in any
All exposed edges of glass shall be banded.
The windows in the rear of the bus shall be stationary.
Windows shall be free of window guards or bars both inside and outside.
Windshield Washers
Buses manufactured after June 1993 shall have a windshield washer system.
Windshield Wipers
Buses manufactured after June 1993 shall have a windshield wiping system, two-speed or more. The
wipers shall be operated by one or more air or electric power to operate wipers. If one motor is used, the
wipers shall work in tandem to give a full sweep of the windshield.
Weight Distribution
The weight distribution of a fully loaded bus on buses manufactured on or after June 1993, on a level
surface, shall not exceed the manufacturer’s front and rear GVWR.
Buses manufactured on or after June 1993 shall have wiring that conform to current applicable SAE
Wiring shall be arranged in circuits as required with each circuit protected by a fuse or circuit
breaker. One extra fuse for each size which is used on the bus shall be conveniently located in the
fuse area unless the bus is equipped with circuit breakers.
A system of color and number coding shall be used and the following body interconnecting
circuits shall be color coded as follows:
Function Color
Left Rear Directional Light Yellow
Right Rear Directional Light Dark green
Stoplights Red
Back-up Lights Blue
Taillights Brown
Ground White
Ignition Feed, Primary Feed Black
The color of the cables shall correspond to current applicable SAE standards.
Wiring shall be arranged in at least six regular circuits as follows:
o Head, tail, stop (brake), and instrument panel lamps;
o Clearance and step-well lamps (step-well lamp shall be activated when entrance door is
o Dome lamp;
o Ignition and emergency door signal;
o Turn signal lamps; and
o Alternately flashing signal lamps. (to be disabled on retired school bus vehicles)
Any of the above combination circuits may be subdivided into additional independent circuits.
Whenever heaters and defrosters are used, at least one additional circuit shall be installed.
Whenever possible, all other electrical functions shall be provided with independent and properly
protected circuits.
Each body circuit shall be coded by number or letter on a diagram of circuits and shall be attached
to the body in a readily accessible location.
The entire electrical system of the body shall be designed for the same voltage as the chassis on
which the body is mounted.
All wiring shall have an amperage capacity equal to or exceeding the designed load. All wiring
splicing shall be in an accessible location and noted as splices on the wiring diagram.
An easily readable body wiring diagram shall be furnished with each bus body or affixed in an
area convenient to the electrical accessory control panel.
The main power supply to the body shall be attached to a terminal on the chassis.
Wires passing through metal openings shall be protected by a grommet.
Wires not enclosed within the body shall be fastened securely at intervals of not more than
eighteen (18) inches. All joints shall be soldered or joined by equally effective connectors.
A heavy duty solenoid switch shall be installed in the main electrical power supply line to body
circuits on type “B”, “C”, and “D” buses. The solenoid switch shall be energized by the bus
ignition switch.
Hazard and directional signal lamp circuits shall operate independently of the ignition switch.
Migrant Farm Worker Vehicle Requirements Regulation
Vehicles permitted for transportation. Migrant farm workers may be transported on:
A bus
A truck with no trailer attached.
A semi-trailer attached to a truck tractor.
Closed vans without windows or means of ventilation shall not be used.
In addition to the safety inspection referred to in Section V and the previous section on Retired School
Bus Inspection along with the appropriate emissions test, the following items are to be inspected on
migrant farm worker vehicles.
Vehicle entrance and exit
The entrance and exit from the passenger space shall be provided on the rear or the right side of the
vehicle and shall provide sufficient height and width to permit easy access in and out.
Vehicles designed and constructed as a bus shall have an additional emergency exit readily operative from
both the inside and outside of the bus.
If equipped with emergency door, emergency push out window or roof hatches; they must be checked for
proper operation.
Lighting equipment
Every motor vehicle used in the transportation of migratory farm workers shall be equipped with at least
two headlamps in good operating condition.
Every motor vehicle used in the transportation of migratory farm workers shall have on the rear taillights,
stoplights, turn signals and reflectors as required in conformance with 39:3-61. All such lamps, stoplights
and reflectors shall be kept clean and in good operating condition. Refer to Section IV of this manual for
additional information on lighting.
Every motor vehicle used in the transportation of migratory farm workers shall be equipped with brakes
adequate to stop and hold such vehicle, including two separate means of applying the brakes. If these two
separate means of applying the brakes are connected in any way, they shall be so constructed that failure
of one part of the operating mechanism shall not leave the vehicle without brakes adequate to stop and
hold such vehicle. All brakes shall be capable of stopping such vehicles as prescribed in N.J.S.A 39:3-68.
Audible signal (horn)
Every motor vehicle used in the transportation of migratory farm workers shall be equipped with a horn in
good working condition capable of emitting sound audible under normal conditions from a distance of not
less than 200 feet.
Exhaust system
Every motor vehicle used in the transportation of migratory farm workers shall be equipped with a
muffler in good working order to prevent the escape of fumes and smoke from any outlet except the
exhaust pipe and to prevent excessive or unusual noise.
Every motor vehicle, which is constructed or so loaded as to obstruct a rear view from an interior mirror,
shall be equipped with a mirror mounted on each side of the vehicle and so located as to reflect to the
driver a view of the highway from a distance of at least 200 feet to the rear of such vehicle.
Windshield wipers, windshield, side and rear glass
Windshields must be unobstructed and equipped with cleaners. Every motor vehicle having a windshield
shall be equipped with at least one device in good working order for cleaning rain, snow or other moisture
from the windshield so as to provide a clear vision for the driver, and all such devices shall be so
constructed and installed as to be operated or controlled by the driver.
No person shall drive a motor vehicle with any sign, poster, sticker or other nontransparent material upon
the front windshield, wings, reflectors, side shields, corner lights, adjoining windshield or front side
windows of such vehicles other than a certificate or other article required to be so displayed by Statute or
by regulations of the Commission. No person shall drive any vehicle constructed, equipped or loaded as
to unduly interfere with the driver’s vision to the front and to the sides. All glazing materials used in any
motor vehicle used to transport migratory workers shall be glass so treated or combined with other
materials as to reduce the likelihood of injuries to passengers due to shattering, when glass is cracked or
Every motor vehicle used in the transportation of migratory farm workers shall be equipped with tires of
adequate capacity to support the gross weight of the vehicle and load.
No such vehicle shall be operated on tires which have been worn so smooth as to expose the tire fabric or
which shall have any other defect likely to cause failure of the tire.
Every bus, truck or truck trailer used in the transportation of migratory farm workers shall be equipped
with a speedometer indicating vehicle speed, which shall be operative.
Fire Extinguisher
Every bus or truck-tractor used in the transportation of migrant workers shall be equipped with at least
one fire extinguisher securely mounted in a position easily accessible to the driver. This extinguisher
must be in good working order at all times.
A fire extinguisher properly filled with the minimum underwriters' rating of B-2, C-2 (or 1/2 BC or
10BC) must be provided.
Road warning devices
Every bus, truck and tractor-trailer used in the transportation of migratory farm workers must carry at
least three red burning fuses or at least three flares (oil burning torches), red electric lanterns or red
emergency reflectors.
Every motor vehicle used in the transportation of migratory farm workers shall display on the vehicle the
name and address of the owner, lessee or lessor as required by N.J.S.A. 39:4-46 in letters at least three (3)
inches high, and also display the wording “FARM LABOR TRANSPORT” legibly painted on both sides
and on the rear in letters at least six (6) inches in height.
Sample Forms
PIFs must notify the Commission of any change in their maximum initial inspection rate and/or their
hourly labor rate. This information is to be forwarded to:
New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission
Business License Services
PO Box 170
225 E. State Street
Trenton, NJ 08666
609 292 6500 ext. 3312
Also, the table A Rate Chart must be properly completed and conspicuously displayed at the licensed
facility. It is necessary that you make two copies; post one and give the other to the State Representative.
Example of the Wall License and Sticker Identification Card
PIF off site inspection form
Sample off site contracts
Diesel Table “A” Rate Chart
Table “A” Rate Chart for Motor Vehicles having a GVWR of 8,500 pounds or less.
Table “A” Rate Chart for Motor Vehicles having a GVWR of greater than 8, 500 pounds.
Dew Point Chart
Order Form for Private Inspection Center Approval Stickers.
Vehicle Inspection Report
Example of the New Digitized Driver License
Example of a PIF / ERF / PFF / license
Your license must be posted in a conspicuous place and visible to the customer.
Example of a Sticker Identification Card
Front Back
Your ID card will come laminated and must be presented when purchasing certificate of approval stickers
in person. The card is not required to be shown if purchasing stickers by mail.
*Off site Inspection – inspection or re-inspection conducted by a Private Inspection Facility or Private
Inspection Fleet Facility at an alternate location other than what is designated by the Private Inspection
Facility / Private Inspection Fleet License.
New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission
Off-site Inspection/Re-inspection Schedule
Private Inspection Facilities may perform off site inspections/re-inspections at locations other than the
licensed private inspection facility address as indicated on the Private Inspection Facility Business License.
Off-site inspections/ re-inspections may only be performed at commercial establishments. Off-site
inspections/ re-inspections may not be performed at a residential location.
Off-site Add Cancel Reschedule Master List [must attach to schedule]
E-Mail To:
Offsite Inspection/Re-inspection Sample Contract
I Business Owner/Authorized Rep give permission to your business name and PIF #
permission to conduct Diesel opacity tests at our facility at company name/street
address/NJ city/town. I also give permission to personnel from N J Motor Vehicle
Commission, Environmental Protection Agency, NJ State Police, Department of
Transportation, or Consumers Affairs access to the vehicles owners/lessee’s premises
during Diesel inspections to observe and/or conducts audit.
Authorized signature______________________________________
DATE __________________________
(Please Print)
Street City State Zip Code
Credentials .1 Hour*
Emission Control Apparatus .2 Hours
Governor .2 Hours
Exhaust System .2 Hours
Emission Control System .2 Hours
Engine Emissions (Opacity) .3 Hours
*NOTE: If this is the only item to be re-inspected on a vehicle, the re-inspection shall be considered to be .2
Sales Tax cannot be charged for the above items.
P.O. BOX 168
BLS-94 (7/05)
Motor Vehicle Having a GVWR of 8,500 pounds or less
Table “A” Rate Chart Please Print Hourly Rate $ ____________
Date Filed ______________________ Inspection Fee $ ____________
Station Name __________________________________ License No. _______________
Address ________________________________________________________________
Street City State Zip Code
Item Re-inspected Time Required Our Charge
Credentials .1 hour * ____________
License plates .1 hour * ____________
Steering and suspension .5 hour ____________
Front parking lights .1 hour * ____________
Glazing .2 hour ____________
Obstruction to driver’s vision .1 hour * ____________
Windshield Wipers .2 hour ____________
Turn signals and/or hazard warning signals .2 hour ____________
Clearance lights, reflectors, identification .2 hour ____________
lights and/or side-marker lights
Taillights .1 hour * ____________
Stoplights .1 hour * ____________
Wheels and/or tires .2 hour ____________
Exhaust system .2 hour ____________
Engine emissions (CO, HC, and/or smoke) .5 hour ____________
Fuel cap leak test .2 hour ____________
On-board diagnostic (OBD II) inspection .3 hour ____________
Catalytic converter .2 hour ____________
Headlights .3 hour ____________
Rear view mirror .1 hour * ____________
Miscellaneous items .3 hour ____________
Service brakes .5 hour ____________
Parking brake .2 hour ____________
Service brake equalization .5 hour ____________
Service brake pedal reserve .2 hour ____________
* Note: If this is the only item to be re-inspected on a motor vehicle, the re-inspection time shall be
considered to be .2 hour.
Motor Vehicle having a GVWR of greater than 8,500 pounds.
Table “A” Rate Chart Please Print Hourly Rate $ ____________
Date Filed______________________ Inspection Fee $ ____________
Station Name __________________________________ License No. _______________
Address ________________________________________________________________
Street City State Zip Code
Item Re-inspected Time Required Our Charge
Credentials .1 hour * ____________
License plates .1 hour * ____________
Steering and suspension .7 hour ____________
Front parking lights .1 hour * ____________
Glazing .2 hour ____________
Obstruction to driver’s vision .1 hour * ____________
Windshield Wipers .2 hour ____________
Turn signals and/or hazard warning signals .2 hour ____________
Clearance lights, reflectors, identification .2 hour ____________
lights and/or side-marker lights
Taillights .1 hour * ____________
Stoplights .1 hour * ____________
Wheels and/or tires .2 hour ____________
Exhaust system .4 hour ____________
Engine emissions (CO, HC, and/or smoke) .5 hour ____________
Fuel cap leak test .2 hour ____________
Catalytic converter .2 hour ____________
Headlights .3 hour ____________
Rear view mirror .1 hour * ____________
Miscellaneous lights .2 hour ____________
Wiring and/or switching .2 hour ____________
Miscellaneous items .3 hour ____________
Service brakes .7 hour ____________
Parking brake .4 hour ____________
Service brake equalization .7 hour ____________
Service brake pedal reserve .4 hour ____________
*Note: If this is the only item to be re-inspected on a motor vehicle, the re-inspection time shall be
considered to be .2 hour.
% Relative Humidity
100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10
43 42 41 40 39 38 37 35 34 32 31 29 27 24 22 18 16 11 5
41 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 29 28 27 24 22 19 17 13 8 3
38 37 36 35 34 33 32 30 29 27 26 24 22 19 17 14 11 7 0
35 34 33 32 31 30 29 27 26 24 23 21 19 17 15 12 9 4 0
32 31 31 29 28 27 26 24 23 22 20 18 17 15 12 9 6 2 0
29 28 27 27 26 24 23 22 21 19 18 16 14 12 10 7 3 0
27 26 25 24 23 22 21 19 18 17 15 13 12 10 7 4 2 0
24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 14 13 11 9 7 5 2 0
21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 10 8 7 4 3 0
18 17 17 16 15 14 13 12 10 9 7 6 4 2 0
16 14 14 13 12 11 10 9 7 6 5 3 2 0
13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 4 3 2 1 0
10 9 8 7 7 6 4 3 2 1 0
7 6 6 4 4 3 2 1 0
4 4 3 2 1 0
2 1 0
Example: Read the air temperature in the left hand column and the humidity at the top of the chart. If the
temperature of the storage unit is 75ºF (24º C) and the relative humidity is 35%, the intersection of the
two shows the dew point of the area to be 45ºF (7ºC). If the metal coming in is below 45ºF (7ºC), water
will condense on the metal
% Relative Humidity
100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10
110 108 106 104 102 100 98 95 93 90 87 84 80 76 72 65 60 51 41
105 103 101 99 97 95 93 91 88 85 83 80 76 72 67 62 55 47 37
100 99 97 95 93 91 89 86 84 81 78 75 71 67 63 58 52 44 32
95 93 92 90 88 86 84 81 79 76 73 70 67 63 59 54 48 40 32
90 88 87 85 83 81 79 76 74 71 68 65 62 59 54 49 43 36 32
85 83 81 80 78 76 74 72 69 67 64 61 58 54 50 45 38 32
80 78 77 75 73 71 69 67 65 62 59 56 53 50 45 40 35 32
75 73 72 70 68 66 64 62 60 58 55 52 49 45 41 36 32
70 68 67 65 63 61 59 57 55 53 50 47 44 40 37 32
65 63 62 60 59 57 55 53 50 48 45 42 40 36 32
60 58 57 55 53 52 50 48 45 43 41 38 35 32
55 53 52 50 49 47 45 43 40 38 36 33 32
50 48 46 45 44 42 40 38 36 34 32
45 43 42 40 39 37 35 33 32
40 39 37 35 34 32
35 34 32
Example of Sticker Order Form
Example of an OBD II Vehicle Inspection Report
Examples of the New Jersey Digitized Driver License
Band Color Code
Red = Auto Driver License Green = Commercial Driver License
Blue = Boat Operator License Only Black = For Identification Only
Yellow = Provisional Auto License Orange = Temp Auto Driver License
On or about December 15, 2003, the Motor Vehicle Commission began issuing digital driver licenses. All
Motor Vehicle Agencies have received their digital image capture stations and have begun producing digital
licenses. All current photo and non-photo licenses will remain valid until their expiration date. You
may begin seeing digital licenses any time after December 15, 2003.
If you have any questions, please contact your local regional office at:
North – 908-232-6295
Central – 732 869-8335
South – 609 567-8873
Day Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Day
1 001 032 060 091 121 152 182 213 244 274 305 335 1
2 002 033 061 092 122 153 183 214 245 275 306 336 2
3 003 034 062 093 123 154 184 215 246 276 307 337 3
4 004 035 063 094 124 155 185 216 247 277 308 338 4
5 005 036 064 095 125 156 186 217 248 278 309 339 5
6 006 037 065 096 126 157 187 218 249 279 310 340 6
7 007 038 066 097 127 158 188 219 250 280 311 341 7
8 008 039 067 098 128 159 189 220 251 281 312 342 8
9 009 040 068 099 129 160 190 221 252 282 313 343 9
10 010 041 069 100 130 161 191 222 253 283 314 344 10
11 011 042 070 101 131 162 192 223 254 284 315 345 11
12 012 043 071 102 132 163 193 224 255 285 316 346 12
13 013 044 072 103 133 164 194 225 256 286 317 347 13
14 014 045 073 104 134 165 195 226 257 287 318 348 14
15 015 046 074 105 135 166 196 227 258 288 319 349 15
16 016 047 075 106 136 167 197 228 259 289 320 350 16
17 017 048 076 107 137 168 198 229 260 290 321 351 17
18 018 049 077 108 138 169 199 230 261 291 322 352 18
19 019 050 078 109 139 170 200 231 262 292 323 353 19
20 020 051 079 110 140 171 201 232 263 293 324 354 20
21 021 052 080 111 141 172 202 233 264 294 325 355 21
22 022 053 081 112 142 173 203 234 265 295 326 356 22
23 023 054 082 113 143 174 204 235 266 296 327 357 23
24 024 055 083 114 144 175 205 236 267 297 328 358 24
25 025 056 084 115 145 176 206 237 268 298 329 359 25
26 026 057 085 116 146 177 207 238 269 299 330 360 26
27 027 058 086 117 147 178 208 239 270 300 331 361 27
28 028 059 087 118 148 179 209 240 271 301 332 362 28
29 029 088 119 149 180 210 241 272 302 333 363 29
30 030 089 120 150 181 211 242 273 303 334 364 30
31 031 090 151 212 243 304 365 31
Day Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Day
1 001 032 061 092 122 153 183 214 245 275 306 336 1
2 002 033 062 093 123 154 184 215 246 276 307 337 2
3 003 034 063 094 124 155 185 216 247 277 308 338 3
4 004 035 064 095 125 156 186 217 248 278 309 339 4
5 005 036 065 096 126 157 187 218 249 279 310 340 5
6 006 037 066 097 127 158 188 219 250 280 311 341 6
7 007 038 067 098 128 159 189 220 251 281 312 342 7
8 008 039 068 099 129 160 190 221 252 282 313 343 8
9 009 040 069 100 130 161 191 222 253 283 314 344 9
10 010 041 070 101 131 162 192 223 254 284 315 345 10
11 011 042 071 102 132 163 193 224 255 285 316 346 11
12 012 043 072 103 133 164 194 225 256 286 317 347 12
13 013 044 073 104 134 165 195 226 257 287 318 348 13
14 014 045 074 105 135 166 196 227 258 288 319 349 14
15 015 046 075 106 136 167 197 228 259 289 320 350 15
16 016 047 076 107 137 168 198 229 260 290 321 351 16
17 017 048 077 108 138 169 199 230 261 291 322 352 17
18 018 049 078 109 139 170 200 231 262 292 323 353 18
19 019 050 079 110 140 171 201 232 263 293 324 354 19
20 020 051 080 111 141 172 202 233 264 294 325 355 20
21 021 052 081 112 142 173 203 234 265 295 326 356 21
22 022 053 082 113 143 174 204 235 266 296 327 357 22
23 023 054 083 114 144 175 205 236 267 297 328 358 23
24 024 055 084 115 145 176 206 237 268 298 329 359 24
25 025 056 085 116 146 177 207 238 269 299 330 360 25
26 026 057 086 117 147 178 208 239 270 300 331 361 26
27 027 058 087 118 148 179 209 240 271 301 332 362 27
28 028 059 088 119 149 180 210 241 272 302 333 363 28
29 029 060 089 120 150 181 211 242 273 303 334 364 29
30 030 090 121 151 182 212 243 274 304 335 365 30
31 031 091 152 213 244 305 366 31
USE IN 2004, 2008, 2012, ETC, FOR LEAP YEARS ONLY
SS-22 Pink Card Example
Pink Card Date Chart Usage Procedure
Find the corresponding card date on the Pink Card Date Chart.
Read the last day eligible for a new inspection cycle in the column next to the card date.
January February March April
Last Day
May June July August
Last Day
Last Day
* Card
Last Day
* Card
* Card
* Card
* Card
Last Day
* Card
* Card
* Card
7/31 8/13
* Card
Last Day
* Card
* Card
* Card
Inspection Standards and Criteria, for High-Rise Vehicles
If a vehicle being inspected is raised four (4) inches or more beyond the manufactured height, a lateral
stability test is required. Stability tests can only be conducted at one of three, State of New Jersey Specialty
732 869-8331
609 567-0190
Asbury Park Specialty Site -
Winslow Specialty Site -
Inspection facilities
Licensed private inspection facilities shall not perform inspections on school buses, buses that are
subject to inspection by the Commission's Commercial Bus Inspection and Investigation Unit or motor
vehicles with elevated chassis height that are subject to inspection in accordance with 13:20-37.
State specialty inspection facilities shall perform inspections on motor vehicles with elevated chassis height
that are subject to inspection in accordance with 13:20-37
Elevation of original vehicle height of motor vehicle restricted; elevated vehicle approval certificate;
special windshield decal; inspection.
No person shall operate on any highway of this State any motor vehicle registered in this State whose
original height has been elevated by modifying the tire or rim size from the manufacturer’s specifications or
by elevating the chassis, suspension or body from the manufacturer’s specifications by use of “shackle lift
kits” for leaf springs or by use of lift kits for coil springs or by use of blocks or by any other means without
an elevated vehicle approval certificate issued by the Motor Vehicle Commission, except that an elevation of
the original vehicle height resulting exclusively from an increase in tire diameter that does not exceed four
inches or, for motor vehicles which have been modified for snowplowing purposes, an elevation of the front
suspension from the manufacturer’s specifications that does not exceed two inches, shall not be subject to the
requirements of this subchapter.
In order to receive an elevated vehicle approval certificate and a special windshield decal from the Chief
Administrator, the owner or lessee of a motor vehicle whose original vehicle height has been increased by
elevating the chassis, suspension, body, rims or tire size from the manufacturer's specifications shall comply
with the requirements of this subchapter, and such elevated vehicle shall successfully pass inspection to
verify that it complies with the requirements of this subchapter and does not possess any modifications or
alterations that would affect the safe operation of the vehicle.
In order to receive an elevated vehicle approval certificate and a special windshield decal from the Chief
Administrator, an inspection of the vehicle to determine compliance with this subchapter shall be conducted
by the Motor Vehicle Commission. Such inspection shall occur within 30 days after the elevation of the
vehicle or registration or renewal thereof, whichever occurs first. All inspections required by this subchapter
shall be performed at a site or sites specifically authorized by the Chief Administrator to perform the type of
inspection and tests required by this subchapter. Any test or inspection conducted at any other location shall
be null and void.
In addition to determining whether a vehicle complies with the specific requirements of this subchapter, an
elevated vehicle shall fail inspection if any of the modifications affect the safe operation of the vehicle; are
improperly installed; degrade the structural integrity of the vehicle or any of its components from original
manufacturer’s specifications likely to result in component failure; create the danger of leaks, cracks, or
chafing of brake lines; cause brake lines to be of insufficient length, size, or durability; or cause any
component that affects the safe operation of the vehicle to be less effective or more likely to fail in the
performance of its designed function.
Vehicles subject to inspection pursuant to this subchapter shall comply with all other applicable safety and
emissions inspection requirements imposed by law or regulation in addition to complying with the inspection
requirements imposed by this subchapter.
Requirements for elevated vehicle approval certificate
To be approved pursuant to this subchapter, a motor vehicle shall meet the following standards:
The suspension system shall consist of the basic elements originally provided by the manufacturer and be
geometrically arranged in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications. No suspension system
component shall be replaced unless the replacement component meets or exceeds the quality and
performance standards established by the vehicle manufacturer. The vehicle shall have a suspension system
that allows movement between the unsprung axles and wheels and the chassis body and shall be equipped
with a shock-absorbing device at each wheel location. The suspension system shall be capable of providing
a minimum relative motion of plus or minus two inches. When any corner of the vehicle is depressed and
released, the damping device shall stop the vertical body motion within two cycles. The use of spacer block
between the front axle and the leaf springs is prohibited.
Steering gear ratios and the number of turns necessary to rotate the steering wheel from the left stop position
to the right stop position shall be in accordance with the original manufacturer’s specification within a
tolerance of one-half turn. The distance between the wheel stop and the front axle shall be the same on both
sides. The number of turns of the steering wheel from a straight ahead front tire position to right stop shall
be equal to the number of turns of the steering wheel from a straight ahead front tire position to left stop
within a tolerance of one-twelfth turn on either side of the centerline. No modification of the motor vehicle
shall obstruct or limit the turning radius of the motor vehicle.
Headlights shall be not less than 22 inches or more than 54 inches from the level surface upon which the
vehicle stands to the center line of the lamp. Taillights shall be not less than 15 inches or more than 72
inches from the level surface upon which the vehicle stands to the center line of the lamp. All lighting shall
meet the standards of the Society of Automotive Engineers and auxiliary off-road lights shall be equipped
with opaque covers which shall be used to completely block any light at all times when the vehicle is
operated on public roads.
License plates shall not be less than 12 inches nor more than 48 inches from the ground.
Brake lines and hose shall conform to 49 C.F.R. 571.106 and shall be protected from excessive heat and
vibration and be installed so as to prevent chafing and undue wear, stress, or unintentional disconnection
during operation of the motor vehicle.
Where the vehicle was originally equipped by the manufacturer with bumpers, all bumpers shall be securely
mounted, extend across the full width of the vehicle and be horizontal load-bearing bumpers attached to the
vehicle frame to effectively transfer impact when engaged. Bumpers shall not have sharp edges or
dangerous configurations. Bumpers shall be mounted to be no lower than 16 inches from the ground to the
bottom of the bumper.
The maximum tire diameter for vehicles with a GVWR of 10,000 pounds or under shall be 38 inches or six
inches more than the maximum tire diameter available as a standard or optional equipment from the original
manufacturer, whichever is less. In determining compliance with this requirement, actual tire diameter shall
be measured with the tires inflated to the manufacturer’s specifications.
All tires on the same axle or on axles less than six feet apart shall be of the same tire size with respect to
diameter and width. Each tire shall have a load carrying capacity specified by the tire manufacturer in excess
of the intended maximum axle load divided by the number of tires on the axle. Each front tire shall measure
a minimum of 60 percent of the tread width of the rear tires. Tires shall have a sufficient vertical and
horizontal clearance so as not to rub on the chassis, body, suspension or other part of the vehicle while being
operated. All tires shall be marked as approved for highway use as required by the United States Department
of Transportation.
Fenders shall extend the full width of the tire tread and, in case the rear wheels are not covered by the
fenders, body or other parts of the vehicle, the vehicle shall be equipped with suitable metal protectors or
substantial flexible flaps so as to prevent the throwing of dirt, water or other debris on following vehicles.
The metal protectors or flexible flaps shall be of a type or design and installed in a manner which complies
with the Society of Automotive Engineer Standard J682, incorporated herein by reference.
Fuel tanks which have become exposed as a result of elevating the vehicle shall be protected against damage
from collision by some means of easement. For vehicles equipped with a side-mounted fuel tank outside the
vehicle frame, a protective bar shall be installed to protect the fuel tank from being ruptured in case of
All moving parts or exhaust system components which have become exposed as a result of elevating the
vehicle shall be shielded to prevent injury to persons making contact with these parts.
Any ballast material used for the purpose of adding weight to the vehicle shall be permanently attached to
the vehicle structure. No liquid or loose ballast is permitted.
Release of the steering wheel while the vehicle is in a sharp turn at a speed of between five (5) to ten (10)
miles per hour shall result in a distinct tendency for the vehicle to increase its turning radius.
The weight distribution between the two sides of an empty vehicle on level ground shall not exceed 45
percent/ 55 percent.
Spacers shall not be used to increase wheel track.
Maximum lift
No motor vehicle shall be elevated by any means, including, but not limited to, elevation of the chassis,
suspension, body, rims, or tire size, to create a lift with the vehicle unladen in excess of the following
amounts based on the gross vehicle weight rating of the vehicle:
GVWR Maximum Lift
4,500 pounds or under 7 inches above original vehicle height
4,501 to 7,500 pounds 9 inches above original vehicle height
7,501 to 10,000 pounds 11 inches above original vehicle height
In determining compliance with this section, the distance shall be measured from the lowest edge of the
centerline of the operator’s door with the door closed, or from the lowest point where the door would meet
the body on vehicles without doors, or from the lowest point on the floor panel directly below the operator’s
position on vehicles designed without doors, to the level surface on which the unladen vehicle rests.
Any vehicle equipped with adjustable lifts, including, but not limited to, hydraulic or air adjustable lifts, shall
comply with the requirements of this subchapter when tested and measured with the lift devices in both their
lowest and highest height positions. Adjustable lifts shall be installed in such a manner to prevent height
modifications or alterations while the vehicle is in motion.
Procedure for testing elevated vehicles
The track width of the front and rear axles shall be measured from the centers of the tread of the outermost
tires on the same axle. The front track width shall be added to the rear track width and the sum shall be
divided by two to give the average track width.
The side to side weight distribution shall be calculated with the vehicle empty on level ground. The
distribution shall not exceed 45 percent/ 55 percent as asset forth in N.J.A.C 13:20-37.3(a) 14.
One side of the vehicle should be raised to a static relative angle of 15 degrees plus or minus ½ degree from
The weight of the vehicle shall be measured on the unraised side.
The maximum permissible weight on the unraised side is 62.4 percent of the total vehicle weight multiplied
by twice the unraised side’s weight percentage as determined above.
Method of measurement
Compliance with any distance or height limitation contained in this subchapter shall be determined by
measuring the vehicle in an unloaded condition on a level surface with the tires inflated to the manufacturer’s
4 WD Elevated Vehicle Heights
General Motors
Vehicle Year OEM Door Height in Inches
Geo Tracker 89 to 91 20
S-10 Mini Blazer 2 & 4 Dr 83 to 91 17
S-10 Mini PU Short Bed 83 to 91 17
S-10 Mini PU Long Bed 83 to 91 17
S_10 Mini PU Ext Cab 83 to 91 17
S-10 Mini PU Ext Cab ZR2 2002 20 ½
1500 PU 91 to up 20
Blazer Full Size 71 to 91 21
PU Full 6’ Bed 72 to 87 21
PU Full 8’ Bed 73 to 87 22
Suburban/Carry All 73 to 91 22
Suburban 1500 97 to 02 18
Suburban 2000 to up 20
Suburban 1500 4 Dr 2002 18
Suburban 2500 2001 to up 21
PU Full Size 6’ Bed 86 to up 20
PU Full Size 8’ Bed 87 to up 20
PU Full Size Ext Cab 88 to up 20
2500 PU 9200 GVRW 91 21 ½
2500 PU 9200 GVRW 93 to 02 19 ½
2500,3500 PU 91 to up 22
Trailblazer 2003 16 ½
Blazer S10 4 Dr 2003 18
1500 PU 2 Dr X Cab Z-71 98 18
2500 X Cab PU 2002 20
2500 HD PU 2002 21 ½
3500 PU Dually X Cab 2002 21
3500 PU Step X Cab 2002 17 ½
Avalance Z-71 2002 18
Tahoe 92 to up 20
Tahoe 4 Dr 98 17 ½
Tahoe 4 Dr 2003 18 1/2
Olds Bravada 91 17
Cadillac Escalade 02 to up 19
Hummer H2 02 to up 23
Vehicle Year OEM Door Height in Inches
Rocky 2 Dr 90 to up 20
Vehicle Year OEM Door Height in Inches
Raider 87 to 89 20
Power Ram 50 Mini PU 83 to 88 20
Power Ram 50 Mini Short Bed 87 to 91 19
Power Ram 50 Mini Long Bed 87 to 91 19
Dakota PU Short bed 87 to 91 19
Dakota PU Long Bed 87 to 91 19
Dakota PU 97 to up 20
Ramcharger 74 to 93 21
PU Full Size 6’ Bed 74 to 93 21
PU Full Size 8’ Bed 74 to 93 22
PU Full Size 8’ Bed D250/350 HD 74 to 93 24
Ram PU 1500 94 to 01 23
Ram PU 1500 02 to up 20
Ram PU 2500/3500 94 to 02 25
Ram PU 2500/3500 03 to up 23 ½
PU Full Size Club Cab 80 to 91 22
Durango 99 17
Vehicle Year OEM Door Height in Inches
Bronco II 84 to 90 20
Ranger Mini PU SH Bed 83 to 91 20
Ranger Mini PU LG Bed 83 to 91 20
Ranger Mini PU Ext Cab 85 to 91 20
Bronco Full Size 78 to 79 21
Bronco Full Size 80 to 91 21
Explorer 2 4 Dr 91 to up 19
Expedition 99 18 ¼
Excursion 4 Dr 2000 18
F150 PU Full Size 6’ Bed 78 to 96 21
F150 PU Full Size 8’ Bed 78 to 96 21
F150 PU Full Size Super Cab 2001 18 ¼
F150 PU Ext Cab 97 to up 20
F150 96 22 ½
F250 PU Full Size 8’ Bed 77 to 98 24
F250 PU Full Size Super Cab 78 to 98 24
F350 PU Full Size 8’ Bed 79 to 98 24
F350 PU Full Size Super Cab 80 to 98 24
F250/F350 Super Duty 99 to up 22
Vehicle Year OEM Door Height in Inches
CJ7 76 to 86 26
Wrangler 87 to up 26
Scrambler 81 to 85 26
Mid size Cherokee/Wagoneer 84 to up 21
Mid size Comm PU Short Bed 86 to up 21
Mid size Comm PU Long Bed 86 to up 21
Full size Cherokee/Wagoneer 69 to 91 20
Cherokee Sport 97 18 ½
Grand Cherokee 4 Dr 95 18 ½
Full Size PU Short Bed 69 to 87 20
Full Size PU Long Bed 69 to 87 20
Rubicon 03 to up 27
Unlimited 04 to up 27
Vehicle Year OEM Door Height in Inches
Scout 75 to 80 19
Traveler 75 to 80 19
Terra PU 75 to 80 19
Vehicle Year OEM Door Height in Inches
Trooper 2 Dr 83 to 88 19
Trooper 4 Dr 83 to up 19
Amigo 2 Dr 91 to up 19
Rodeo 4 Dr 91 to up 19
PU Short Bed 83 to up 19
PU Long Bed 83 to up 19
PU Extended Cab 83 to up 19
Vehicle Year OEM Door Height in Inches
Navajo 91 to up 18
B2500 Short Bed 88 to up 18
B2500 Long Bed 88 to up 18
Vehicle Year OEM Door Height in Inches
Montero 2 Dr 83 to 89 20
Montero 4 Dr 89 to 91 20
PU Short Bed 83 to up 19
PU Long Bed 83 to up 19
Vehicle Year OEM Door Height in Inches
PU Short Bed 78 to up 21
PU Long Bed & King Cab 78 to up 21
Pathfinder 2 & 4 Dr 87 to up 21
Hard Body Short Bed 87 to up 21
Hard Body Long Bed 87 to up 21
Vehicle Year OEM Door Height in Inches
Tacoma 94 to up 22
Landcruiser 2 Dr 72 to up 20
Landcruiser 4 Dr 81 to up 20
4 Runner 84 to up 22
PU Short Bed 79 to up 22
PU Long Bed 79 to up 22
PU Long Bed & Extra Cab 85 to up 22
March 13, 1991
Pursuant to frequent requests for information received by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
regarding the legality and effects of engine switching, this document will summarize federal law and policy
pertaining to this matter, and will discuss other related issues.
A. Federal Law
The federal tampering prohibition is contained in section 203(a) (3) of the Clean Air Act (Act), 42 U.S.C.
7522(a) (3). Section 203(a) (3) (A) of the Act prohibits any person from removing or rendering inoperative
any emission control device or element of design installed on or in a motor vehicle or motor vehicle engine
prior to its sale and delivery to an ultimate purchaser and prohibits any person from knowingly removing or
rendering inoperative any such device or element of design after such sale and delivery, and the causing
thereof. The maximum civil penalty for a violation of this section by a manufacturer or dealer is $25,000; for
any other person, $2,500. Section 203(a)(3)(B) of the Act prohibits any person from manufacturing or
selling, or offering to sell, or installing, any part or component intended for use with, or as part of, any motor
vehicle or motor vehicle engine where a principal effect of the part or component is to bypass, defeat, or
render inoperative any device or element of design installed on or in a motor vehicle or motor vehicle engine,
and where the person knows or should know that such part or component is being offered for sale or is being
installed for such use. The maximum civil penalty for a violation of this section is $2,500.
EPA received many questions regarding the application of this law to a situation where one engine is
removed from a vehicle and another engine is installed in its place. EPA's policy regarding "engine
switching" is covered under the provisions of Mobile Source Enforcement Memorandum No. lA
(Attachment 1). This policy states that EPA will not consider any modification to a "certified configuration"
to be a violation of federal law if there is a reasonable basis for knowing that emissions are not adversely
affected. In many cases, proper emission testing according to the Federal Test Procedure would be necessary
to make this determination.
A "certified configuration" is an engine or engine chassis design which has been "certified" (approved) by
EPA prior to the production of vehicles with that design. Generally, the manufacturer submits an application
for certification of the designs of each engine or vehicle it proposes to manufacture prior to production. The
application includes design requirements for all emission related parts, engine calibrations, and other design
parameters for each different type of engine (in heavy-duty vehicles), or engine chassis combination (in
light-duty vehicles). EPA then "certifies" each acceptable design for use, in vehicles of the upcoming model
For light-duty vehicles, installation of a light-duty engine into a different light-duty vehicle by any person
would be considered tampering unless the resulting vehicle is identical (with regard to all emission related
parts, engine design parameters, and engine calibrations) to a certified configuration of the same or newer
model year as the vehicle chassis, or if there is a reasonable basis for knowing that emissions are not
adversely affected as described in Memo 1A. The appropriate source for technical information regarding the
certified configuration of a vehicle of a particular model year is the vehicle manufacturer.
For heavy-duty vehicles, the resulting vehicle must contain a heavy-duty engine which is identical to a
certified configuration of a heavy-duty engine of the same model year or newer as the year of the installed
engine. Under no circumstances, however, may a heavy-duty engine ever be installed in a light-duty vehicle.
The most common engine replacement involves replacing a gasoline engine in a light-duty vehicle with
another gasoline engine. Another type of engine switching which commonly occurs, however, involves
diesel powered vehicles where the diesel engine is removed and replaced with a gasoline engine.
Applying the above policy, such a replacement is legal only if the resulting engine-chassis configuration is
equivalent to a certified configuration of the same model year or newer as the chassis. If the vehicle chassis
in question has been certified with gasoline, as well as diesel engines (as is common), such a conversion
could be done legally.
Another situation recently brought to EPA's attention involves the offering for sale of used foreign-built
engines. These engines are often not covered by a certified configuration for any vehicle sold in this country.
In such a case, there is no way to install such an engine legally. EPA has recently brought enforcement
actions against certain parties who have violated the tampering prohibition by performing illegal engine
It should be noted that while EPA's policy allows engine switches as long as the resulting vehicle matches
exactly to any certified configuration of the same or newer model year as the chassis, there are some
substantial practical limitations to performing such a replacement. Vehicle chassis and engine designs of one
vehicle manufacturer are very distinct from those of another, such that it is generally not possible to put an
engine into a chassis of a different manufacturer and have it match up to a certified configuration. Therefore,
practical considerations will generally limit engine switches to installation of another engine which was
certified to be used in that same make and model (or a "twin" of that make and model, e.g., Pontiac Grand
Am and Oldsmobile Calais). In addition, converting a vehicle into a different certified configuration is likely
to be very difficult, and the cost may prove prohibitive.
B. State Laws
Many states also have statutes or regulations prohibiting tampering in general. Most of these laws
specifically prohibit tampering by individuals. A few specifically prohibit engine switching, using provisions
similar to those stated in EPA's policy. To determine the state law in any given state, the state's Attorney
General's office should be contacted. In addition, many states have state or local anti-tampering inspection
programs which require a periodic inspection of vehicles in that area, to determine the integrity of emission
control systems. Many programs have established policies for vehicles which have been engine switched.
While EPA does not require these programs to fail engine switched vehicles which are not in compliance
with federal policy, the Agency does strongly recommend that these programs set their requirements so as to
be consistent with the federal law. State or local programs which pass illegally engine switched vehicles may
mislead federally regulated parties into believing that engine switching is allowed by federal law.