2023 STAAR U.S. History Rationales
Option B is correct
Mapp v. Ohio resulted in the Supreme Court's application of the
exclusionary rule of the Fourth Amendment to state courts,
meaning that evidence obtained illegally could not be introduced in
a trial. For this item, the student applies critical-thinking skills to
identify a cause-and-effect relationship.
Option A is incorrect
Mapp v. Ohio affected law-enforcement procedures, not the
constitutional guarantees of due process in criminal trials found in
the Fifth Amendment.
Option C is incorrect
Mapp v. Ohio affected law-enforcement procedures, not
constitutional assurances of the right to an attorney found in the
Sixth Amendment.
Option D is incorrect
Mapp v. Ohio affected law-enforcement procedures, not
constitutional safeguards against excessive bail and fines found in
the Eighth Amendment.
2023 STAAR U.S. History Rationales
Option D is correct
Option A is incorrect
Option B is incorrect
Option C is incorrect
2023 STAAR U.S. History Rationales
Option B is correct
During the Great Depression of the 1930s, jobs were scarce and
unemployment levels increased. Many state and local
governments, along with the federal government, enacted a
Mexican repatriation policy. This policy returned people of Mexican
ancestry to Mexico to protect jobs for U.S. workers. For this item,
the student applies critical-thinking skills to analyze a secondary
source to acquire information to answer a historical question.
Option A is incorrect
Mexican repatriation policies were associated with concerns over
unemployment and access to social welfare, not the purchasing of
Option C is incorrect
Foreign language classes have been available in U.S. schools since
the colonial period. Mexican repatriation policies were associated
with concerns over unemployment and access to social welfare,
not language education.
Option D is incorrect
Mexican repatriation policies were associated with concerns over
unemployment and access to social welfare, not the role of religion
in U.S. society.
2023 STAAR U.S. History Rationales
Option A is correct
In the 2000 election, Green Party candidate Ralph Nader focused
on corporate power and the need for campaign finance reform.
These issues were popular among the public. As a result, Democrat
Party candidate Al Gore began including these topics in his
campaign. For this item, the student applies critical-thinking skills
to analyze a secondary source to acquire information to answer a
historical question.
Option B is incorrect
While Ralph Nader did not receive any Electoral College votes, he
did receive almost 2.9 million popular votes (2.7%), which did
influence the outcome of the 2000 presidential election.
Option C is incorrect
Ralph Nader’s candidacy did not decrease the media coverage
given to major-party candidates, as media outlets give more
attention to the major parties over third parties.
Option D is incorrect
Ralph Nader did not receive any Electoral College votes. He
received 2.9 million popular votes out of the approximately 104
million votes cast.
2023 STAAR U.S. History Rationales
Option B is correct
Direct U.S. involvement in World War II during the 1940s involved
many actions to support the war effort, which included increased
military enlistment, more women in the workforce, and increased
industrial production. For this item, the student applies critical-
thinking skills to categorize information.
Option A is incorrect
The Spanish-American War lasted from April to July 1898. It is
characterized by sensationalist newspaper reports and naval
battles. Full military and industrial mobilization did not occur during
this war.
Option C is incorrect
The Roaring 1920s is characterized by economic growth and
prosperity, the increased popularity of jazz music, and a consumer
culture. This period immediately followed World War I, and the
United States turned its focus to domestic activities.
Option D is incorrect
The Great Depression is characterized by mass unemployment,
declines in industrial production, and increases in poverty and
homelessness. This was an interwar period through the 1930s
where the United States focused on stabilizing its economy.
2023 STAAR U.S. History Rationales
Option A is correct
During World War II, the age for the military draft was lowered to
18 years of age. Throughout the United States, the voting age was
between 18 and 21. During the Vietnam War, many people were
concerned that young men were old enough to be drafted into the
military but not old enough to vote. As a result, in 1971, the
Twenty-Sixth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was ratified. It
lowered the voting age of U.S. citizens from 21 to 18 years of age.
For this item, the student draws inferences to make a conclusion.
Option B is incorrect
Soldiers can defend their ability to protest because of the First
Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. This button does not have a
connection between the Vietnam War and the passage of the
Twenty-Sixth Amendment, which lowered of the voting age to 18.
Option C is incorrect
Bringing U.S. troops home was a common theme during the
Vietnam War; however, it is not connected to the passage of the
Twenty-Sixth Amendment, which lowered the voting age to 18.
Option D is incorrect
Concerns about the socioeconomic inequities of the draft existed
during the Vietnam War; however, it is not connected to the
passing of the Twenty-Sixth Amendment, which lowered the voting
age to 18.
2023 STAAR U.S. History Rationales
Options U.S. government
supports Israel and the
fuel shortage crisis begins”
are correct
In the 1970s, the U.S. government announced its support of
Israel. This caused the Organization of the Petroleum
Exporting Countries (OPEC) members to announce a
production embargo, which led to the start of the fuel
shortage crisis in America. For this item, the student applies
critical-thinking skills to identify a cause-and-effect
Option "Disputes occur
over Israeli control of the
Sinai Peninsula” is correct
In the 1970s, disputes arose between Israel and Egypt over
Israeli control of the Sinai Peninsula. This led to President
Jimmy Carter brokering a long-term peace treaty known as the
Camp David Accords between the two countries. For this item,
the student applies critical-thinking skills to identify a cause-
and-effect relationship.
Option “Terrorist attack
occurs on U.S. Marines in
Lebanon” is correct
During the Lebanese Civil War, which involved Arab-Israeli
conflicts in Lebanon, UN peacekeeping forces were sent to the
area to enforce a ceasefire agreement between Israel and the
Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). As part of the U.S.
peacekeeping forces, the U.S. Marines were sent to Lebanon
and suffered a terrorist attack. For this item, the student
applies critical-thinking skills to identify a cause-and-effect
2023 STAAR U.S. History Rationales
Option A is correct
John Adams’s letter describes the idea that despite the differences
among the American colonies, they were brought together under a
common goal to declare independence from Great Britain. This
unification symbolizes e pluribus unum, which is Latin for “Out of
many, one.” For this item, the student applies critical-thinking skills
to analyze a primary source to acquire information to answer a
historical question.
Option B is incorrect
The 13 British North American colonies were established starting in
1607. They were separate entities with individual “Customs,
Manners and Habits.” They were not one country that divided into
many, which is the opposite of e pluribus unum.
Option C is incorrect
Adams acknowledges that there were differences among the
colonies that made unity difficult; however, America was not loyal
to the British. The colonies exemplified e pluribus unum when they
set aside their differences to defeat the British.
Option D is incorrect
“Out of many, one” indicates that strength and unity, not
weakness, come from many sources working together. The colonies
exemplified e pluribus unum when they set aside their differences
and came together to defeat the British.
2023 STAAR U.S. History Rationales
Option B is correct
The U.S. government believed that a communist victory in the
Greek civil war would endanger political stability in Greece, Turkey,
and the Middle East. As a result, the United States provided military
and economic assistance to Greece and Turkey to help preserve
democracy in the region. For this item, the student applies critical-
thinking skills to analyze a secondary source to acquire information
to answer a historical question.
Option A is incorrect
An ideological and political rivalry between the democratic United
States and the communist Soviet Union began after World War II.
The two countries did not make an alliance for joint control of
Greece and Turkey.
Option C is incorrect
The U.S. government had been monitoring the situation in Greece
and worked with its British allies to have the United States take
over responsibility in this area. The U.S. government did not impose
economic sanctions against the British government after it
withdrew economic and military aid from Greece and Turkey.
Option D is incorrect
The U.S. government sent military and economic assistance to
Greece and Turkey. It did not send military troops to end the civil
war in Greece.
2023 STAAR U.S. History Rationales
Option B is correct
Option A is incorrect
Option C is incorrect
Option D is incorrect
2023 STAAR U.S. History Rationales
Option A is correct
Option B is incorrect
Option C is incorrect
Option D is incorrect
2023 STAAR U.S. History Rationales
Option A is correct
Option B is incorrect
Option C is incorrect
Option D is incorrect
2023 STAAR U.S. History Rationales
Option “the end of
compromise with tyranny
and the forces of oppression”
is correct
President Roosevelt describes a shift of U.S. policy away
from isolationism through an “end of compromise” with
countries that use “tyranny and the forces of oppression.”
For this item, the student applies critical-thinking skills to
analyze a speech to acquire information to answer a
historical question.
Option “Every plane, every
other instrument of war, old
and new, every instrument that
we can spare now, we will send
overseas is correct
President Roosevelt describes a shift of U.S. policy away
from isolationism through the lend-lease policy by sending
different weapons to the democracies of the world fighting
dictatorships. For this item, the student applies critical-
thinking skills to analyze a speech to acquire information to
answer a historical question.
Option Nazi forces are not
seeking mere modifications in
colonial maps or in minor
European boundaries is
President Roosevelt’s description of the intent of “Nazi
forces” does not describe a shift of U.S. policy away from
Option “We have just now
engaged in a great debate” is
President Roosevelt’s statement that there had been a
debate does not describe a shift of U.S. policy away from
Option “We believe firmly
that when our production
output is in full swing” is
President Roosevelt’s description of planned increased
industrial output does not describe a shift of U.S. policy
away from isolationism.
2023 STAAR U.S. History Rationales
Option D is correct
Option A is incorrect
Option B is incorrect
Option C is incorrect
2023 STAAR U.S. History Rationales
Option C is correct
The enactment of the Emergency Highway Energy Conservation
Act, signed into law by President Nixon, lowered the speed limit to
55 miles per hour. There were many other voluntary acts that the
people of the United States also engaged in to reduce energy
consumption. For this item, the student is analyzing a primary
source to answer a historical question.
Option A is incorrect
The oil crisis of the 1970s was caused in part by a large reliance on
foreign oil imports from OPEC nations.
Option B is incorrect
As a capitalist country, the United States has not nationalized the
energy industry.
Option D is incorrect
The United States' resources were limited, which would have
prevented them from exporting oil and further reduced the
domestic oil supply.
2023 STAAR U.S. History Rationales
Option B is correct
Option A is incorrect
Option C is incorrect
Option D is incorrect
2023 STAAR U.S. History Rationales
Option C is correct
Option A is incorrect
Option B is incorrect
Option D is incorrect
2023 STAAR U.S. History Rationales
Score 2 points for
correct answers that
address both:
Effects of the executive order:
Many people were forced into Japanese internment camps.
Many people were forced to live in primitive and cramped
Many people were forced to sell most of their personal
Many people were forced to sell their property, including homes,
businesses, and farms.
Many internees were either U.S. citizens or Nisei, sons or daughters
of Japanese immigrants.
Constitutional rights violations:
Internees were not formally charged and, as a result, could not
appeal their incarceration.
Internees lost their personal liberties.
The government sacrificed individual rights for perceived public
The internment was racially motivated, as internment was not
mandated for other enemies such as German Americans and Italian
Due process rights were ignored.
Violations of the Fourteenth Amendment: nor shall any State
deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due process
of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal
protection of the law.
Score 1 point:
Response provides only half of the correct details.
Score 0 points:
Does not provide a response, or the response is incorrect or
2023 STAAR U.S. History Rationales
Option C is correct
Television has been an important way that American culture has
diffused around the world. The claim in this option is supported by
the description of an isolated, nomadic tribe making the effort to
watch a show from the United States. For this item, the student
applies critical-thinking skills to analyze a secondary source to
acquire information to answer a historical question.
Option A is incorrect
While there may be foreigners who develop negative opinions of
how Americans are portrayed on television, the excerpt does not
support the claim.
Option B is incorrect
While there may be international aid organizations that prioritize
sharing American culture through television, the excerpt does not
support the claim.
Option D is incorrect
There is no evidence in the excerpt to support the claim that
American television shows are less influential globally now than
they were in the twentieth century.
2023 STAAR U.S. History Rationales
Option C is correct
Option A is incorrect
Option B is incorrect
Option D is incorrect
2023 STAAR U.S. History Rationales
Option The Panama
Canal increased global
trade is correct
Option “The United
States sent troops to
Caribbean countries
is correct
Option “The Great
White Fleet sailed
around the world is
Option The United
States fought the
War” is incorrect
Option The
Railroad improved
communications” is
Option The United
States entered World
War I” is incorrect
2023 STAAR U.S. History Rationales
Option B is correct
Option A is incorrect
Option C is incorrect
Option D is incorrect
2023 STAAR U.S. History Rationales
Option D is correct
The overproduction of crops caused crop prices to drop. This was
compounded by increased competition from European farmers
who re-entered the world market after years of absence during
World War I. These trends led to decreased agricultural profits
which, in turn, resulted in decreased employment of farmworkers,
contributing to the Great Depression. Hoping to protect U.S.
farmers from foreign competition, U.S. leaders enacted the Smoot-
Hawley Tariff, which taxed foreign goods. Foreign countries
responded by enacting their own tariffs on U.S. goods. This caused
decreased demand for U.S. goods, resulting in a further decrease of
profits and employment and the continuation of the Great
Depression. For this item, the student applies critical-thinking skills
to identify a cause-and-effect relationship.
Option A is incorrect
Industrial and agricultural production outstripped consumer
demand. It did not cause consumer demand to rise.
Option B is incorrect
The overproduction of crops was encouraged by stock market
Option C is incorrect
Overproduction ultimately contributed to increased
unemployment, but not inflation rates.
2023 STAAR U.S. History Rationales
Option A is correct
The federal government responded to the 1963 March on
Washington for Jobs and Freedom by passing legislation prohibiting
discrimination in public places. The passage of the Civil Rights Act of
1964 prohibited discrimination in public accommodations and
federally funded programs. It also prohibited discrimination based
on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. For this item, the
student applies critical-thinking skills to analyze information.
Option B is incorrect
While President Truman signed an executive order to desegregate
the military as the result of pressure from civil rights leaders, this
was not in response to the 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and
Option C is incorrect
While the Supreme Court ordered the end to segregated schools as
the result of pressure from civil rights leaders, this was not in
response to the 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom.
Option D is incorrect
While the Fifteenth Amendment was proposed and ratified as the
result of pressure from civil rights leaders, this was not in response
to the 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom.
2023 STAAR U.S. History Rationales
Option D is correct
Buddy Holly, Chuck Berry, and Elvis Presley were all influenced by
the music of African Americans. All three were influenced by the
African American rhythm and blues style of the American South. In
many cases, white performers sang cover songs originally
performed by African Americans and brought the style to a larger
white audience.
Option A is incorrect
Buddy Holly, Chuck Berry, and Elvis Presley were not folk artists;
they are associated with 1950s60s rock and roll.
Option B is incorrect
Buddy Holly, Chuck Berry, and Elvis Presley are most often
associated with 1950s60s rock and roll, not ragtime.
Option C is incorrect
Country and western music originated in the South. Rock and roll
musicians such as Buddy Holly, Chuck Berry, and Elvis Presley did
not help bring country and western music to the South.
2023 STAAR U.S. History Rationales
Option B is correct
During the War on Drugs, the result of using drugs was often arrest
and imprisonment, which resulted in a spike in the number of
people arrested for drug offenses in the United States. For this
item, the student applies critical-thinking skills by analyzing a
primary source to answer a historical question.
Option E is correct
As racial disparities in arrests became known to the public, there
was increasing backlash against the War on Drugs throughout the
1990s. For this item, the student applies critical-thinking skills by
analyzing a primary source to answer a historical question.
Option A is incorrect
The drug war focused on illegal drugs and did not increase
regulations on pharmaceutical companies.
Option C is incorrect
While the War on Drugs did provoke protests, they did not occur on
the scale witnessed during the Vietnam War or the Civil Rights
Option D is incorrect
There was no conflict about the increase in power of the
presidency based on the War on Drugs.
2023 STAAR U.S. History Rationales
Option C is correct
By scheduling the Votes for Women Inaugural Parade close to the
date of a presidential inauguration, the womens suffrage
movement hoped to draw more public attention to its cause. For
this item, the student applies critical-thinking skills to analyze a
primary source, a woman’s suffrage leaflet, to answer a historical
Option A is incorrect
The excerpt does not mention the use of a boycott to draw
attention to the women’s suffrage movement. The protest march
advertised in the leaflet was organized to draw the publics
attention to the movement.
Option B is incorrect
The excerpt does not mention any struggles experienced by
organizers of the march who were responsible for bringing activists
Option D is incorrect
The excerpt does not mention the use of illegal actions to force the
American public to recognize the demand for women’s suffrage.
The right to assemble and protest peacefully is federally protected.
2023 STAAR U.S. History Rationales
Option “business loans”
is correct
The Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 provided adult education
and other benefits, such as loans (e.g., for businesses) to be paid
directly to individuals. For this item, the student applies critical-
thinking skills to identify a cause-and-effect relationship.
Option savings plansis
Savings plans were not part of the Economic Opportunity Act of
Option corporate tax
breaks is incorrect
The Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 created a government
agency that attempted to directly help those in poverty, not aid
corporations via tax breaks.
Option reduction in
poverty rate” is correct
The Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 was a significant part of
the War on Poverty and helped reduce poverty rates. For this
item, the student applies critical-thinking skills to identify a
cause-and-effect relationship.
Option decline in job
growth is incorrect
The Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 helped spur job growth in
minority communities.
Option decrease in
government spending is
The Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 led to increased
government spending to fight poverty.
2023 STAAR U.S. History Rationales
Option A is correct
Option B is incorrect
Option C is incorrect
Option D is incorrect
2023 STAAR U.S. History Rationales
Option C is correct
The Bessemer process was used to remove impurities from iron
allowing for the mass production of steel, which was much stronger
than iron. Steel was stronger and ultimately cheaper to produce
and could be used in a wide array of products from rails to bridge
spans to the tallest buildings.
Option A is incorrect
The Bessemer process relied on iron ore to produce steel, so the
demand for iron and iron ore increased, and more iron mines
Option B is incorrect
The Bessemer process did not have any effect on the increase in
telephone lines and reducing the time to communicate over long
Option D is incorrect
The Bessemer process did not have any effect on the development
of vaccines that lowered the cost of medical care.
2023 STAAR U.S. History Rationales
Part A
Option B is correct
Minority women continued to fight for rights denied to them based
on their race and ethnicity. For this item, the student applies
critical-thinking skills by analyzing a secondary source to answer a
historical question.
Option A is incorrect
Women still found many inequalities in society, including a pay gap
and gender discrimination.
Option C is incorrect
Women began to win elections and serve in government.
Option D is incorrect
More women attended institutes of higher education than before
World War I.
Part B
Option C is correct
This proves that black women were excluded from the benefits of
the amendment and had to continue to fight for their rights. For
this item, the student applies critical-thinking skills by analyzing a
secondary source to answer a historical question.
Option A is incorrect
This does not support the effect that women of color still fought for
their rights.
Option B is incorrect
This does not support the effect that women of color still lacked
equality and had to continue the fight for their rights.
Option D is incorrect
This does not support the effect that women of color still fought to
exercise their rights.
2023 STAAR U.S. History Rationales
Option A is correct
As a result of the 1954 Geneva Conference, the United States
gradually sent financial and military aid to South Vietnam because
it was under threat from communist North Vietnam. For this item,
the student applies critical-thinking skills to analyze a map to
answer a historical question.
Option B is incorrect
U.S. foreign policy following the 1954 Geneva Conference did not
include sending economic and industrial aid to North Vietnam, as
this country was already under communist control.
Option C is incorrect
U.S. foreign policy following the 1954 Geneva Conference did not
include efforts to unify South Vietnam and Cambodia.
Option D is incorrect
U.S. foreign policy following the 1954 Geneva Conference did not
include the use of military force to restore French rule in Laos and
North Vietnam.
2023 STAAR U.S. History Rationales
Option A is correct
Option B is incorrect
Option C is incorrect
Option D is incorrect
2023 STAAR U.S. History Rationales
Option D is correct
Promoting economic recovery was a motivation to repeal the
Eighteenth Amendment during the Great Depression. Tax revenue
and jobs in the legal alcohol industry would benefit the government
tax base and provide needed employment.
Option A is incorrect
While removing protective tariffs would reduce government
revenue, protective tariffs were not removed in the 1920s, nor was
this a motivation for repealing the Eighteenth Amendment.
Option B is incorrect
While there was rationing of agricultural goods during World War
II, this was not a motivation for repealing the Eighteenth
Option C is incorrect
While many leaders advocated for reducing the federal deficit after
the end of the Cold War, this was not a motivation for repealing the
Eighteenth Amendment.
2023 STAAR U.S. History Rationales
Option Separating
governmental powers” is
included in the original U.S.
Article I establishes legislative powers. Article II establishes
the executive powers. Article III establishes the judicial
powers. For this item, the student applies critical-thinking
skills by categorizing information.
Option Establishing a court
system” is included in the
original U.S. Constitution
Article III establishes the judicial powers and creates a
supreme court and such inferior courts as Congress may
Option Allowing peaceful
protests” was added through
the Bill of Rights
The First Amendment provides the right of the people
peaceably to assemble.
Option Providing access to a
trial by jury” was added
through the Bill of Rights
The Sixth Amendment provides the accused with the right
to a speedy and public trial by an impartial jury of their
2023 STAAR U.S. History Rationales
Option A is correct
Calculating that losses in an invasion of the Japanese mainland
could be in the hundreds of thousands, the United States chose to
drop the atomic bomb in order to lessen further losses of American
troops. For this item, the student applies critical-thinking skills by
analyzing a photograph to answer a historical question.
Option B is incorrect
The war in Europe ended on May 8, 1945, while the Battle of
Okinawa raged from April to June. The Germany-first policy had
been decided at the beginning of the war.
Option C is incorrect
The U.S. policy was to encourage a Soviet declaration of war
against Japan, until the atomic bombs were dropped on Japan.
Option D is incorrect
The U.S. government interned Japanese Americans because it
questioned their loyalty; it was not a tactic used as a result of the
Battle of Okinawa.
2023 STAAR U.S. History Rationales
Score 2 points for
correct answers that
include one reference
to Part A and one
reference to Part B
A: Why was there a boycott?
The NAACP used Parks arrest to encourage a bus boycott in order
to bring attention to the segregation of Montgomery public
B: How did the boycott affect the Civil Rights Movement?
Her actions sparked further protests in other regions.
Her actions sparked support from other regions.
She galvanized other activists.
She inspired other activists.
Score 1 point
The response provides only half of the correct details.
Score 0 points
The response is incorrect or irrelevant.
2023 STAAR U.S. History Rationales
Option C is correct
Following the end of World War II, consumerism in the United
States increased and directly led to an increase in the number of
televisions sold. For this item, the student applies critical-thinking
skills to analyze a time line to identify a cause-and-effect
Option A is incorrect
Widespread support for civil rights legislation is not directly
associated with increasing the number of households that owned a
television after World War II.
Option B is incorrect
Increased public trust in U.S. political parties was not directly
associated with increasing the number of households that owned a
television after World War I.
Option D is incorrect
Although greater access to a college education for soldiers
returning from World War II did lead to new job skills, consumerism
led to an increase in the number of televisions sold following the
end of World War II.
2023 STAAR U.S. History Rationales
Option B is correct
Option A is incorrect
Option C is incorrect
Option D is incorrect
2023 STAAR U.S. History Rationales
Option B is correct
The Tuskegee Airmen were significant for overcoming racial
barriers and discrimination to successfully serve and prove their
fitness as fighter pilots in the European Theater during World War
Option A is incorrect
While new tactics for aerial combat were introduced during World
War II, the Tuskegee Airmen were not involved in this
Option C is incorrect
While the pilots who flew the airplanes that dropped atomic bombs
did receive criticism, the Tuskegee Airmen were not involved in this
Option D is incorrect
While pilots who flew nighttime aerial reconnaissance missions did
gather valuable information, the Tuskegee Airmen were not
involved in this event.
2023 STAAR U.S. History Rationales
Option C is correct
President Bill Clinton was not convicted by the U.S. Senate in his
impeachment trial. Though some people questioned the morality of
President Clinton’s actions, they believed his private actions did not
warrant the impeachment trial. For this item, the student uses
critical-thinking skills to analyze information to summarize an
Option A is incorrect
High-level government officials, including elected leaders, are not
exempt from the rule of law.
Option B is incorrect
The articles of impeachment against President Clinton were
associated with perjury, not national security.
Option D is incorrect
Although bribery and corruption were not elements of the Clinton
scandal, they remain violations that required investigation by a
special counsel.
2023 STAAR U.S. History Rationales
Option B is correct
Option A is incorrect
Option C is incorrect
Option D is incorrect
2023 STAAR U.S. History Rationales
Option “Vietnam is correct
Kent State University students were protesting continued U.S.
involvement in the Vietnam War. For this item, the student
applies critical-thinking skills to identify cause-and-effect
Option Korean is
The students were protesting U.S. involvement in the Vietnam
War, not the Korean War.
Option Persian Gulf is
The students were protesting U.S. involvement in the Vietnam
War, not the Persian Gulf War.
Option weakened public
support for the war” is
When Ohio National Guard troops fired on the crowd at Kent
State, four students were shot, which helped weaken public
support for the Vietnam War. For this item, the student
applies critical-thinking skills to identify cause-and-effect
Option strengthened U.S.
resolve to win the war” is
The incident did not strengthen resolve to win the war; it led
to weaker public support for continuing the war.
Option strengthened
support for the U.S.
government” is incorrect
The incident did not strengthen support for the U.S.
government; it weakened public support for continuing the
Option weakened the anti-
war movement is incorrect
The incident did not weaken the anti-war movement; instead,
it helped weaken public support for continuing the war.
2023 STAAR U.S. History Rationales
Option D is correct
Option A is incorrect
Option B is incorrect
Option C is incorrect
2023 STAAR U.S. History Rationales
Option B is correct
President Truman cited concerns of anticipated strong Japanese
resistance resulting in heavy U.S. casualties as reasons for using
atomic bombs instead of invading Japan.
Option A is incorrect
President Truman’s decision to use atomic bombs was not
influenced by the island-hopping campaign or by a change in U.S.
public opinion.
Option C is incorrect
President Truman’s decision to use atomic bombs was not
influenced by the destruction of U.S. Navy ships or by the failure of
the Allies to send reinforcements.
Option D is incorrect
President Truman’s decision to use atomic bombs was not
influenced by the need to move supplies from the Pacific to
Europe, as the war in Europe had ended about four months earlier.
2023 STAAR U.S. History Rationales
Option B is correct
Option A is incorrect
Option C is incorrect
Option D is incorrect
2023 STAAR U.S. History Rationales
Option A is correct
American Indian children were sent to boarding schools to learn a
trade and American culture in hopes they would spread these ideas
about Americanization back to their tribes.
Option E is correct
The Dawes Act divided tribal lands into individual parcels in the
hope of dividing tribal ties and enabling American Indians to
develop the idea of private ownership of land and other American
cultural ideas.
Option B is incorrect
The government wanted American Indians to replace their culture
with non-Indian culture, and American Indian culture was not
Option C is incorrect
Although life was difficult, American Indians could still access basic
Option D is incorrect
American Indians were relocated to western lands in the early
nineteenth century.
2023 STAAR U.S. History Rationales
Option B is correct
The excerpt describes the effect of segregation laws on Mexican
Americans. At this time, there was widespread enactment of
segregation laws by states, which determined access to public
facilities according to race. For this item, the student applies
critical-thinking skills to analyze a secondary source to acquire
information to answer a historical question.
Option A is incorrect
The excerpt describes the effect of segregation laws on Mexican
Americans, not the Navajo Code Talkers, who are associated with
World War II and who did not set a legal precedent for Mexican
Option C is incorrect
The excerpt describes the effect of segregation laws on Mexican
Americans; it does not refer to prohibition laws.
Option D is incorrect
The excerpt describes the effect of segregation laws on Mexican
Americans. Deportations affecting Mexican Americans during the
Great Depression were a result of rising unemployment, not
2023 STAAR U.S. History Rationales
Option C is correct
Option A is incorrect
Option B is incorrect
Option D is incorrect
2023 STAAR U.S. History Rationales
Option B is correct
Option A is incorrect
Option C is incorrect
Option D is incorrect
2023 STAAR U.S. History Rationales
Option D is correct
Option A is incorrect
Option B is incorrect
Option C is incorrect
2023 STAAR U.S. History Rationales
Option A is correct
Option B is incorrect
Option C is incorrect
Option D is incorrect
2023 STAAR U.S. History Rationales
Option B is correct
Workers most effectively addressed labor issues by organizing and
participating in the labor movement and joining labor unions. For
this item, the student applies critical-thinking skills to analyze a
primary source to acquire information to answer a historical
Option A is incorrect
Workers were able to address the labor issues described in the
excerpt by joining labor unions, which gave them bargaining power.
Attempts to seize the means of production from business owners
did not prove as effective.
Option C is incorrect
Investigations into child labor were primarily done by the national
and state child labor committees. The excerpt does not describe
the use of child labor but rather inconsistent employment, low
wages, and the poor treatment of workers.
Option D is incorrect
Workers were able to more effectively address the labor issues
described in the excerpt by joining labor unions with bargaining
power. Worker protests calling for the elimination of tariffs did not
prove as effective.
2023 STAAR U.S. History Rationales
Part A
Option B is correct
Option A is incorrect
Option C is incorrect
Option D is incorrect
Part B
Option C is correct
Option A is incorrect
Option B is incorrect
Option D is incorrect
2023 STAAR U.S. History Rationales
Option B is correct
Option A is incorrect
Option C is incorrect
Option D is incorrect
2023 STAAR U.S. History Rationales
Option B is correct
The value of popular sovereignty in a constitutional republic is
demonstrated when citizens vote for or elect other people to
represent them and to make laws on their behalf. For this item, the
student uses critical-thinking skills to analyze primary documents to
acquire information to answer a historical question.
Option A is incorrect
Unlike a direct democracy that requires the people to gather in one
place, the United States is too large and spread out for its citizens
to gather and directly enact their own laws. Therefore
representatives are elected under a constitutional republic.
Option C is incorrect
Citizens still gather to make changes for themselves and their local
communities, but it is not necessary nor possible nationally under a
constitutional republic.
Option D is incorrect
Under a constitutional republic, citizens do not have to travel over
a sizeable area to become familiar with issues. Their elected
representatives would be responsible for ensuring that
constituents are well informed about the issues of the day.
2023 STAAR U.S. History Rationales
Option A is correct
The AFL-CIO is a labor organization that seeks to improve
conditions for unionized workers. For this item, the student uses
critical-thinking skills to analyze information to draw inferences.
Option B is incorrect
Increased reliance on foreign labor has hurt U.S. workers and is not
supported by the AFL-CIO.
Option C is incorrect
The AFL-CIO opposes reducing regulations and taxes on
corporations, which typically have a negative effect on workers.
Option D is incorrect
The AFL-CIO wants union leaders to have greater political influence
to help advocate for policies that benefit workers.
2023 STAAR U.S. History Rationales
Option B is correct
Option A is incorrect
Option C is incorrect
Option D is incorrect
2023 STAAR U.S. History Rationales
Option I. The Supreme
Crime Against Civilization:
The Tragic Destruction of the
Lusitania is correct
In 1915 the RMS Lusitania left New York bound for Liverpool
and was spotted off the coast of Ireland by a German u-boat
and torpedoed. Of 1,962 passengers, 1,198 lost their lives.
Among the dead were 128 Americans, causing widespread
outrage in the United States. This was a reason for the United
States declaring war on Germany. For this item, the student
uses critical-thinking skills to analyze a secondary source to
acquire information to answer a historical question.
Option XXVI. How ‘Neutral
Waters Are Violated is
In 1915 Germany had pledged to stop unrestricted submarine
warfare, making the waters connecting the United States to
Europe a “neutral” zone. However, in 1917 Germany resumed
unrestricted submarine warfare. This was a reason for the
United States declaring war on Germany. For this item, the
student uses critical-thinking skills to analyze a secondary
source to acquire information to answer a historical question.
Option “XXIX. The Deadly
Submarine and Its Stealthy
Destruction” is correct
In 1915 Germany resumed unrestricted submarine, which
resulted in several U.S. cargo vessels and passenger ships,
including the Lusitania, being attacked and sunk without
warning. This was a reason for the United States declaring war
on Germany. For this item, the student uses critical-thinking
skills to analyze a secondary source to acquire information to
answer a historical question.
Option XV. Destroying the
Priceless Monuments of
Civilization is incorrect
Although monuments of civilization were destroyed or
partially destroyed during World War I, this was not a reason
for the United States declaring war on Germany.
Option “XIX. Facing Death
in the Trenches” is
While trench warfare was a major part of World War I before
and after the United States entered the war, it was not a
reason for the United States declaring war on Germany.
Option “XXXI. Wholesale
Slaughter by Poisonous
Gases” is incorrect
While poisonous gas was commonly used during World War I,
it was not a reason for the United States declaring war on
2023 STAAR U.S. History Rationales
Option C is correct
Urban political machines secured jobs and contracts for supporters
in order to control access to and gain political power. For this item,
the student applies critical-thinking skills to analyze a secondary
source to acquire information to answer a historical question.
Option A is incorrect
Requiring candidates to pass civil-service exams was a reform
method used to reduce the power of urban political machines.
Option B is incorrect
Introducing referendum and recall elections were reform methods
used to reduce the power of urban political machines.
Option D is incorrect
Literacy tests were not used by urban political machines to control
access to political power.
2023 STAAR U.S. History Rationales
Option Federal courts
ruled against those leading
the boycotts and strikes”
helped private businesses
Private businesses such as the Pullman Company used the
federal courts to support its goal of breaking the strike and
breaking the labor unions that supported it. For this item, the
student analyzes information by categorizing.
Option The federal
government sent troops to
Illinois in order to break
the strike” helped private
The federal government supported private businesses and
sent federal troops to Illinois to break the labor union’s strike
that slowed the delivery of the U.S. mail carried by the
railroads. For this item, the student analyzes information by
Option President Grover
Cleveland signed an act
making Labor Day a
national holiday” helped
Since 1882 Labor Day had been celebrated at local and state
levels. President Cleveland signed the law to appease working-
class voters, especially after sending in federal troops against
the Pullman strike. For this item, the student analyzes
information by categorizing.
Option Union officials
were arrested and jailed
for violating court orders”
helped private businesses
The Pullman Company used the federal courts by issuing an
injunction, or court order, to the labor union to stop its
activity. When the labor union leaders did not stop, they were
arrested and jailed for failing to follow the orders of the court.
For this item, the student analyzes information by
2023 STAAR U.S. History Rationales
Option B is correct
The goal referenced in the cartoon was Prohibition, and the
temperance movement was rooted in the idea that alcohol use was
immoral and a detriment to society. For this item, the student
analyzes a primary source to acquire information to answer a
historical question.
Option A is incorrect
The goal of the temperance movement was to end the sale and use
of alcohol, and it did not view taxes on the industry as too high.
Option C is incorrect
The goal of the temperance movement was not to break up
monopolies in the industry but to ban the sale and use of alcohol.
Option D is incorrect
The goal of the temperance movement was to ban the sale and use
of alcohol entirely.
2023 STAAR U.S. History Rationales
Option D is correct
Option A is incorrect
Option B is incorrect
Option C is incorrect
2023 STAAR U.S. History Rationales
Option C is correct
Option A is incorrect
Option B is incorrect
Option D is incorrect