Gisela Bichler
Ronald V. Clarke
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Abstract: During the late 1980s and early 1990s, international toll fraud
at the pay phones of the Port Authority Bus Terminal in Manhattan was an
entrenched criminal enterprise involving millions of dollars per year. People
wanting to call outside the U.S. could make contact with a "hustler" at the
terminal who knew how to obtain illegal access to toll lines, and who would
connect the callfor themfor a fraction of the usual cost. This business helped
to attract many criminals to the building, and toll fraud materially con-
tributed to the terminal's unsavory atmosphere. It proved highly resistant
to police action and was only eliminated during a comprehensive effort by
the management to rid the building of crime. Various measures recom-
mended by two separate groups of consultants were implemented, including
a reduction in the number of pay phones, restricting access to high-risk pay
phones outside rush hours, removing the phones' international dialing
capacity and disabling the telephone keypads to prevent the routing of
fraudulent calls through the exchange systems of private businesses.
The telephone system has an important dual role in the production of
crime, both as crime target and crime facilitator. Its pay phones are the
target of theft and vandalism and its long-distance calling facilities are
subject to wide-scale "toll fraud." The telephone system facilitates a variety
Address correspondence to: Gisela Bichler. School of Criminal Justice, Rutgers
University, 15 Washington Street, Newark, NJ 07102.
Gisela Bichler and Ronald V. Clarke
of serious offenses, such as kidnapping and criminal conspiracy, and also
makes possible a vast number of the more everyday offenses of prostitu-
tion ("call girls"), drug dealing and obscene phone calling.
Apart from the usual array of criminal justice responses (police crack-
downs, task forces, stiffer penalties and the like), some specific counter-
measures have been developed, frequently by the phone companies
themselves, to deal with these various crimes. Illegitimate access to toll
lines has been made more difficult, and pay phones have been target-har-
dened to prevent theft and vandalism. To prevent their use in drug dealing,
they have also been removed from some neighborhoods, or their capacity
to receive incoming calls has been blocked. In addition, "traps" to identify
the source of obscene phone calls and wire-tapping equipment to listen
into the phone conversations of known racketeers have been developed
(Natarajan et al., 1995).
Little of this activity, whether crime or countermeasure, has attracted
the interest of criminologists, though some early research was under-
taken on specific crimes. This included small-scale studies of obscene
phone callers or their victims (e.g., Savitz, 1986; Dalby, 1988) and
exploratory work on the environmental correlates (neighborhood charac-
teristics, natural surveillance, usage levels, etc.) of vandalized pay phones
(Mawby, 1977; Mayhew et al., 1979).
Stimulated by the development of situational prevention, there have
recently been signs of an awakening interest in the effectiveness of some
specific countermeasures. Analyses undertaken in Australia (Wilson,
1990; Challinger, 1991) and England (Markus, 1984; Bridgeman, in press)
have documented successful measures involving redesign, re-siting and
target hardening to reduce theft and vandalism associated with pay
phones. In New Jersey, the introduction of Caller-ID (a device that displays
the telephone number of an incoming call) was found to have reduced the
incidence of obscene phone calls (Clarke, 1990), while an analysis of
obscene phone-calling patterns led to the conclusion that such devices
would probably also be effective in Britain (Buck et al., 1995). Finally, the
introduction of a new computerized phone system on Rikers Island (a New
York City jail) was shown to have reduced jail phone costs by half as a
result of eliminating fraudulent access by inmates to toll lines (La Vigne,
The new phone system at Rikers Island also led to fewer fights between
inmates because removing the scope for fraud eliminated much of the
competition for access to the phone. In addition, as all inmates were issued
Eliminating Pay Phone Toll Fraud at the Port Authority
personal identification numbers (PINs) linked with their commissary
accounts, it was possible to identify any excessive phone use by particular
inmates (La Vigne, 1994). The reduction of violence was an unexpected
benefit and shows how the previously insecure phone system "created"
additional crime beyond the fraudulent use it permitted.
The present study also documents successful efforts made to deal with
toll fraud, and the additional problems created, but this time at the pay
phones of the Port Authority Bus Terminal at 42nd Street in Manhattan.
International toll fraud at the bus terminal was a highly organized
business involving millions of dollars and inconveniencing commuters,
who often found it difficult to find a phone not in use. More seriously, the
fraudsters attracted to the bus terminal and possibly also some of those
using their services constituted a pool of criminals who preyed upon
commuters and other terminal users. In short, the opportunities for toll
fraud helped to produce the more general crime problems at the terminal,
documented by Felson et al. (this volume) that made it notorious
throughout the northeast U.S. (Baehr, 1992; Meier, 1992; Myers, 1992).
The precise nature of the problem involving the telephones was not
immediately apparent to management and emerged only in the course of
the successful effort to tackle the more general crime problems at the
terminal (Felson et al., this volume; Lambert, 1995). This paper describes
the efforts made to understand and deal with the pay phone problem, and
evaluates the effects of the measures adopted. First, however, the bus
terminal is briefly described.
The Port Authority Bus Terminal (PABT) is the primary ground
transportation facility for the New York metropolitan region. Commuter
buses arrive at the terminal in midtown Manhattan from New Jersey and
the nearby counties of New York State, and travelers can obtain direct bus
service between the terminal and the three international airports serving
the region. Bus service can also be obtained to the Atlantic City casinos,
the Meadowlands sports complex, Monmouth Park and Aqueduct
racetracks and the New Jersey shore. In addition, the terminal provides
direct and connecting bus travel throughout the U.S., Canada and Mexico.
The terminal currently handles about 55 million passengers annually, and
on a typical weekday approximately 7,000 buses use the terminal.
96 Gisela Bichler and Ronald V. Clarke
The PABT is a large and complex structure consisting of two wings. The
south wing of the building occupies an entire city block between West 40th
and 41st Streets, from Eighth to Ninth Avenues. The north wing occupies
about half the block between Eighth and Ninth Avenues, from West 41st
to 42nd Streets. Above and below street level, the north and south wings
are connected by corridors, walkthroughs and bus roadways, and direct
underground passageways connect the terminal with the Eighth Avenue
and 42nd Street subway station. The terminal has three separate loading
levels capable of handling about 220 buses simultaneously. A three-story
structure above the terminal roof has more than 1,100 auto parking
spaces. Ticket plazas, waiting areas, restrooms, restaurants and other
services are located throughout the building.
While it had been apparent for some years that the PABT pay phones
were the locus of criminal activity, the precise nature of the problem was
unclear. Despite there being nearly 350 of these phones, they were always
busy with people lined up to use them, even on weekends and outside
rush hours when few commuters were using the terminal. Police
suspected that the people loitering around the phones were drug dealers
and prostitutes who used the phones to make contact with their cus-
tomers. Some phones were clearly "controlled" by particular individuals
who were occasionally involved in violent territorial disputes with inter-
In addition, from at least 1987, the PABT was widely known to be a
place where toll fraud was rife. People who wanted to make calls to
anywhere in the world could do so at a fraction of the usual cost by making
contact with a "hustler" at the terminal, who would place the call for them.
Certain banks of phones were reportedly "reserved" for calls to particular
countries, for example, China at one carousel and India at another.
According to newspaper reports of the day (e.g., McFadden, 1987), the
hustlers were obtaining illegal access to the international lines through
two methods. The first was by "shoulder surfing," which involves
"hustlers" positioning themselves to hear the number spoken by a
legitimate user or to see it entered on the telephone keypad. Many hustlers
became very adept at this method of obtaining numbers, which they could
then use to gain illegal access to the long-distance lines. A second method
Eliminating Pay Phone Toll Fraud at the Port Authority
of obtaining these access numbers was by purchasing them from "middle
men" who were in contact with hackers who had penetrated the computers
of telephone companies to "steal" the calling-card billing numbers issued
to customers.
The loitering and criminal activity surrounding the phones contributed
to the terminal's threatening and unsavory atmosphere. The Port
Authority Police had made various efforts to deal with the problem, but it
proved difficult to gather sufficient evidence for an arrest
and, when this
was possible, the offender was often back in the terminal the next day
having been released on bail. Consequently, the police became frustrated
and assigned low priority to dealing with the activity which continued
unabated, sometimes in the full view of police officers (Holloway, 1992).
Only in 1990, when a task force was created to improve the environ-
ment and atmosphere of the bus terminal, did the nature and the scale of
the toll fraud really become clear. The activity related to pay phones was
specifically targeted by the task force. Resolution of the problem took three
years and involved the implementation of recommendations made by two
different groups of consultants. The task force received little help from the
telephone companies providing service to the pay phones.
Moreover, the
Port Authority absorbed major losses in pay phone revenue in order to
prevent their customers from being victimized from toll fraud. The follow-
ing sections describe the two-stage process by which toll fraud was
The task force first contracted with the Project for Public Spaces, Inc.
(PPS) to undertake an analysis of the misuse of pay phones, and to
recommend solutions. PPS is a non-profit corporation specializing in the
planning, design and management of public spaces. Founded in 1975, the
organization grew out of the work of William H. Whyte's Street Life Project,
with the objective of improving problematic public spaces so as to make
them more attractive, enjoyable and, ultimately, more active. In developing
their recommendations, PPS projects employ a variety of observational and
survey techniques in analyzing how people use the public spaces con-
Gisela Bichler and Ronald V. Clarke
As a first step in their analysis of the problem, PPS located every pay
phone in the building. It was found that the PABT had many more of these
telephones (347) than the two large railway stations in Manhattan, each
of which has considerably more commuter traffic than the PABT. The
Pennsylvania Station, with 96 pay phones, serves New Jersey and Long
Island rail commuters as well as AMTRAK long-distance travelers, and
Grand Central Terminal, with 210 pay phones, serves commuters from
Westchester County and Connecticut. PPS also found that the PABT pay
phones generated more than twice as much income ($210,954 in April
1990) than the combined revenue ($87,880 for April 1990) from the pay
phones at two of the region's major airports, LaGuardia and JFK Interna-
These findings prompted the following observations:
"... the current situation at the PABT is such that it functions as a
comfortable communications/transportation hub for illegitimate as
well as legitimate uses and that a part of the problem is an excess of
pay phones... This excess of telephones allows ample telephones for
other uses, many of which are not ones the Port Authority wishes to
support. This is a clear repetition of an issue found with other aspects
of the Bus Terminal; where there is a vacuum of desirable activity,
other activities, potentially undesirable, will fill the space" (PPS,
In order to target pay phones for removal, as well as to identify the
precise nature of the misuse, PPS undertook more detailed studies, one
of which involved systematic observation of particularly active phones to
identify "illegitimate" users. This study proved abortive because there was
no reliable way of distinguishing illegitimate from legitimate callers,
though the "hustlers" were more readily identifiable. Another study in-
volved a survey of more than 300 commuters waiting in line for buses
during the evening rush hours. This research revealed that pay phone use
by commuters was largely confined to calling their homes or offices to
report on delays and estimated times of arrival. These were usually collect
calls or made by coin and were approximately four to five minutes in
Eliminating Pay Phone Toll Fraud at the Port Authority
This information about commuter calling patterns enabled PPS to
identify phones plagued by misuse through examination of revenue pat-
terns for each pay phone for a period of three months. "Hot spots" of
misuse were identified by disproportionately large revenues from credit
card calls and were found to be "... most heavily concentrated on the floors
nearest the ground level, where the heaviest circulation occurs" (PPS,
1990:2). Also, "...clusters of phones appear to facilitate illicit use, allowing
for multiple sales without having to move around" (PPS, 1990:2).
Since they believed that no single strategy could resolve the illicit phone
use, PPS advocated a multi-dimensional approach (PPS, 1990:5). PPS
argued that a comprehensive approach must be adopted and that
"...failure to do so may lead to a decrease in one pattern of criminal
behavior, and a concomitant increase in another, as criminals try to make
up for lost income by re-channeling their efforts" (PABT Internal Memoran-
dum, 1991:2).
Recommended courses of action included (PPS, 1990:5):
(1) Reducing pay phones to the number needed to accommodate
legitimate patrons.
(2) Relocating the phones to serve legitimate patrons more ade-
(3) Centralizing the location of phones in a supervised location.
(4) Limiting phone calls to those reflecting the bulk of legitimate
uses to be achieved by (a) allowing only brief, coin calls to specific
area codes, and (b) blocking international calls.
(5) Developing a detailed database in order to monitor pay phone
By December 31, 1990, the "01" and "Oil" international dialing
capabilities of all public pay telephones at the bus terminal had been
100 Gisela Bichler and Ronald V. Clarke
blocked. The hustlers left the building but soon returned, apparently
having discovered that they could still gain access to international lines
by first calling the access codes of individual companies such as MCI and
AT&T. Federal regulations prohibited blocks on these codes in the inter-
ests of fair competition.
Reducing the absolute number of pay phones and relocating some to
serve legitimate users more adequately and to increase supervision was
the next course of action. An internal report indicates that between
December 1990 and September 1991, 90 telephones were removed from
the bus terminal, reducing the total to approximately 250. A memorandum
circulated on September 23, 1991 detailed plans to relocate another 77
pay phones, and reducing the total number to 148 though as of March
1995, 198 pay phones remain at the bus terminal.
Despite these efforts, illicit activity involving the phones continued,
and the management resorted to gating-off 110 problematic phones
outside rush hour times (PABT Internal Memorandum, Nov. 6, 1991).
will be shown below, this somewhat crude method of restricting access to
the phones was highly effective in reducing fraudulent use.
Despite its effectiveness, physically blocking access to the pay phones
was not satisfactory in the long term, since the gates were unsightly and
the labor costs involved in removing and re-erecting them on a daily basis
were not insubstantial. Moreover, blocking access to phones violates the
pay-phone contracts between the PABT and service providers.
Serendipity played a part in the final solution, which involved more
sophisticated changes to the dialing capabilities of the pay phones. Bob
Williams, the leader of the task force created to improve the terminal,
became aware that a contract was being negotiated with Teleport Com-
munications Group Inc. (TCG) for 48 Elcotel "smart" phones to be installed
on a trial basis in the World Trade Center, another large Port Authority
facility in Manhattan.
Williams realized that if these smart phones were
placed instead at strategic locations in the PABT, they could be used to
gather better information about ways in which the hustlers were subvert-
ing the blocks on international dialing. He succeeded in getting the new
phones installed at the PABT.
In December 1991, Williams also engaged
John Gammino, a telecommunications expert with John Richard As-
Eliminating Pay Phone Toll Fraud at the Port Authority
sociates, Inc., (a management consulting firm specializing in the com-
munications industry), to analyze the data produced by the "smart"
phones, define the precise methods used in committing toll fraud, and
develop plausible solutions (Guhl, 1993).
Problem Re-identification
Gammino began by examining calls placed through AT&T, the main
long distance carrier connected to PABT pay phones during 1990 (i.e.,
pre-blocking). He found that calls from these phones were much longer,
with an average time of 15-20 minutes, than the four to five minutes that
is usual for calls from such pay phones. His examination of call destina-
tions showed an enormous volume of international traffic, with calls to
virtually every country from Algeria to Zimbabwe (see Table 1), whereas
the commuters serviced by the terminal should have been making very
little use of the pay phones for international calls.
In addition to these findings from the AT&T records, 1991 and 1992
data from the smart phones revealed temporal patterns of calling that did
not correspond to the travel patterns of PABT's primary users. Of the
185,000 travelers who use the terminal each day, about 65,000 areround-
trip commuters who travel during the morning (7 a.m. to 10 a.m.) and
evening (4 p.m. to 6 p.m.) rush hours. It might therefore be expected that
most pay phone calls would be made during these times. In fact, Gammino
found that a substantial proportion of calls were made during evenings
and weekends, and, moreover, that many of these calls were being made
to individual businesses at times when they were not open. After speaking
with the businesses concerned, Gammino confirmed that many un-
authorized international calls were being placed during non-business
hours through the company's telephone system or "Private Branch Ex-
change" (PBX). Fraudulent operators were accessing the PBXs through
voice mail and other automated systems in order to place long-distance
calls. The numbers to access these systems had been purchased from
hackers, who had broken into the PBX systems to acquire the dialing codes
that permit employees to make long-distance calls through the company's
phone system when they are away from the office.
Gisela Bichlerand Ronald V. Clarke
Table 1: Destinations of AT&T International
Directly Dialed Calls Placed from PABT Pay
Phones, 1990
Eliminating Pay Phone Toll Fraud at the Port Authority
Gammino's examination of telephone call reports generated by the 24
"smart" phones confirmed that there were three other ways in which toll
fraud was being perpetrated. First, instead of dialing directly, many
long-distance calls were being made via the 5-digit access codes of major
carriers such as AT&T (10288), MCI (10222) and Sprint (10333). The
second method of gaining access to the toll lines was through 1-800 carrier
numbers (similar in function to the 5-digit access codes) such as 1-800-
877-8000 (Sprint) and 1-800 corporate or business numbers.
The third
method involved gaining access through the 950 (MCI) codes. Once the
fraudulent operators gained access to the telecommunications network by
any of these routes, they would connect calls using stolen calling card
numbers. Many of these numbers were known to be obtained at the bus
terminal itself by "shoulder surfing" (Baehr, 1992; Guhl, 1993; Hoey,
1992a, 1992b; Telecom & Network Security Review, 1994).
Gammino's proposed solution involved developing an algorithm to
re-program the pay phones in order to: (1) block all international calling
capabilities (but not interstate calls, which were prohibited from being
blocked by federal regulations and which were not subject to fraud at the
PABT), and (2) prevent subsequent redialing by disabling the keypad for
calls placed to corporate PBX systems.
In order to block access to PBX systems without blocking access to
long-distance carriers using 1-800 or 950 calling programs, Gammino
developed a data bank of frequently called 1-800 business numbers, for
which subsequent redialing capabilities were blocked. This modification
would mean that voice mail systems and beepers at these numbers could
be accessed through the pay phones only by using coins. The PABT
management was concerned about the loss of these customer services,
but the PPS analysis had shown that most legitimate callers used coins
or called collect and, after balancing the needs for service and security,
the management consented to a trial of the software solution.
Testing the Software
Testing of the disabling software algorithm began in March 1992 on
the 24 smart phones selected on the basis of high levels of suspected fraud.
Gisela Bichler and Ronald V. Clarke
A comparison of calls made from these phones one month prior to
implementation (February) with those made one month post-implementa-
tion (April) showed a dramatic change in calling profiles (see Table 2). The
number and duration of calls were significantly reduced. Calling patterns
became normal for pay phones, with primarily interstate and local calls
(four to five minutes in length) made more frequently during rush hours.
Additional analyses showed that the numbers of calls lasting more than
ten minutes and those lasting more than one hundred minutes had been
nearly halved. Police confirmed that the hustlers and their customers
had abandoned the re-programmed test phones within a short period of
Table 2: Software Trial Results on 24 "Smart"
(Two 12-day periods, pre- and post-implementation)
Pull Implementation
Following this successful trial, the software solution needed to be
implemented on the remaining pay phones in the terminal. Officials from
the telephone company providing the pay phone services initially resisted
this action on grounds that it would cost them$350,000 to alter the
Eliminating Pay Phone Toll Fraud at the Port Authority
phones. They also argued that the only result of changing the terminal's
pay phones would be to displace the crime to other locations. However,
the officials were persuaded to take action following higher-level interven-
tion, and by June 1992 all the PABT phones had been changed.
Once the solution was implemented throughout the terminal, the
fraudulent activity disappeared and there was a dramatic improvement in
the atmosphere of the building. Due to the nature of the fraud, any breach
of pay phone security would be immediately noticed as the fraudulent
operators would undoubtedly return in force, just as they did after
discovering ways of subverting the blocks on "01" and "Oil" dialing.
Customer surveys conducted after the changes uncovered few complaints
regarding inability to access voice mail or pagers (Port Authority of New
York and New Jersey, 1994).
The effectiveness of action taken against toll fraud is reflected in
monthly gross revenue data aggregated for all pay phones, from October
1989 to December 1994 (see Figure I).
Figure 1 shows a sharp increase in gross revenues during the latter
part of 1990, peaking in November. The decline in December 1990
coincides with the blocking of "01" and "Oil" calls, while the severe drop
between January and February of 1991 coincides with the use of gates to
restrict access to 110 problematic phones outside rush hours. Between
February 1991 and June 1992 when gating was in force, there was a
further slight decline in revenue (with some apparent seasonal fluctua-
tion) , which may have been due to reductions in the number of pay phones.
Following full implementation of the algorithm in June 1992 (and the
removal of all gates), there is evidence of a further slight decline in gross
revenues. It is quite evident from these patterns that both the gating-off
solution and the software solution were effective in dealing with toll fraud.
However, the software solution seems to have been somewhat more
effective than the gates, as well as having aesthetic and other advantages.
That this reduction in revenues is largely the result of the blocks on
international calling is supported by data provided by Teleport Com-
munications Group, Inc. (TCG). Results indicate that not a single inter-
national call was made from any of the 24 original smart test phones
during July 1994 to March 1995.
Gisela Bichlerand Ronald V. Clarke
Displacement of toll fraud to other Port Authority facilities was not a
particular concern to management. This was because the World Trade
Center had also been equipped with "smart" phones, while the three
airports were not thought to be conveniently enough located for fraudulent
operators to develop a profitable trade there, even though the international
clientele prevented blocks on international access codes for the pay
phones. Analysis of gross revenue by facility confirms these assumptions;
Figure 2 shows there has been no increase in revenue at the other
It also seems unlikely that there was significant displacement of pay
phone toll fraud to the nearby Times Square area (where pay phones have
been altered to prevent fraud), or to the other large commuter terminals
in Manhattan. A search of Lexis/Nexis for 1992 through 1995 found a
dramatic decline in coverage of toll fraud at the PABT, Grand Central
Station and Pennsylvania Station. Furthermore, the focus of the coverage
was on the efforts that had been made to rid each terminal of the problem.
In 1994, only one story was uncovered by the search relating to toll fraud
at Pennsylvania Station. In addition, a number of news reports indicated
that several New York businesses had adjusted their PBX systems so as
not to accept calls from the PABT and the other terminals.
Brantingham and Brantingham (1993) distinguish between hot spots
of crime that are "crime generators" and ones that are "crime attractors."
The former are places such as shopping malls or parking lots that become
hot spots simply because so many people pass through them, of whom a
proportion will be offenders. The latter, which may include red-light
districts or drug markets, become hot spots because the many oppor-
tunities for crime they provide attract the presence of predatory offenders.
It is clear from the analysis of calling patterns that the PABT pay phones
were crime attractors. The hustlers preying upon them and the customers
availing themselves of cheap calls were mostly not the commuters who
comprised the bulk of the bus terminal's legitimate users, but instead
those who came specifically to the terminal because of the opportunities
for toll fraud. Moreover, the criminals attracted to the phones seem to have
engaged in a number of other crimes, such as purse-snatchings and
muggings, that further contributed to the lawless and unsavory atmos-
phere in the terminal.
Eliminating Pay Phone Toll Fraud at the Port Authority
Why the PABT became a principal venue for toll fraud in New York City
is unclear, but the large concentration of pay phones and the fact that
these went unused for much of the day must have played a part. The
terminal is also well known in the region, close to centers of poor
immigrant populations and easy to reach via the subway and bus lines.
In addition, it provides a comfortable environment for the hustlers who
must hang around for long periods of the day because it gives them shelter
from the weather, and access to restrooms and fast-food outlets. It also
provides them with many entertainment opportunities, both on-site
(where there was a bowling alley and an off-track betting office) and nearby
(with a concentration on 42nd Street and Times Square of liquor outlets,
drug markets and porno movie theaters).
Whatever the terminal's "attractive" properties, it is clear that the
hustlers were not much deterred by the regular presence of large numbers
of police. While the police were understandably frustrated by their inability
to deal with the problem through conventional means of surveillance and
arrest, they missed the opportunity to take the lead in finding more
creative solutions to the problem by applying the principles of problem-
oriented policing (Goldstein, 1979, 1990). It was only when the building
managers decided that the problem must be solved were solutions iden-
tified and a spectacular crime prevention success achieved. This is
reminiscent of another notable crime prevention project in New York
the successful effort to rid the subway of graffiti (Sloan-Howitt and Kelling,
1990). Here again, management stepped in to develop solutions to a
problem that the police had failed to control by conventional patrolling
and investigative methods. This is further evidence of just how much the
police must change if they are to take advantage of the potential afforded
by problem-oriented policing.
Despite this potential, the difficulties of this kind of problem-solving
work should not be underestimated. These have less to do with developing
solutions (two very different solutions were found to the toll fraud problem,
though with different costs and benefits) than with implementing them.
The PABT management received little cooperation from the major
telephone service providers who, in general, were not bearing the costs of
the fraud since they passed these onto customers, either directly or in the
form of increased charges. Indeed, solving the problem of toll fraud
resulted in a substantial loss of revenue from the pay phones for the Port
Authority. What appears to have motivated management to improve the
situation is not profit, but pride. Recognizing that travelers deserved a
110 Gisela Bichler and Ronald V. Clarke
better facility, management was humiliated to be responsible for so
notorious a crime location as the bus terminal.
This suggests, finally, that there might be other occasions when
corporate pride could be tapped in the interests of preventing crime,
especially when the responsible institution is large and important enough
to be susceptible to public "shaming." There are many corporations and
businesses, such as the automobile manufacturers and insurance com-
panies, that fit this definition and that could do more to prevent crime by
eliminating the opportunities provided by their products and services.
"Shaming" these institutions into action may provide large dividends for
criminal justice policy.
Acknowledgements: While we as its authors are responsible for the
content of and the opinions contained in this report, it could not have been
produced without the cooperation and assistance of Daren Krebs, Account
Manager of Public Communications, Teleport Communications Group Inc.,
and of Janice Sazallai, Senior Researcher in the Accounting Division of the
Port Authority of New Jersey and New York. We are also most grateful for
the assistance given by the consultants whose recommendations provided
the basis for the successful action taken against toll fraud John
Gammlno, President of John Richard Associates, Inc., and Fred Kent and
Steve Davies of the Project for Public Spaces, Inc. Ken Philmus, the Manager
of the Port Authority Bus Terminal and the leader from the end of 1991 of
the task force to improve the terminal, provided us with invaluable assis-
tance and much useful advice. Professor Marcus Felson also gave us many
useful suggestions.
1. The work of the police in arresting offenders was hampered by cumber-
some and inadequate technology. Pen registers (that record all calls made
on a particular phone line) were available, but could only be effectively used
when it was possible to match pen register records with the results of direct
surveillance of the phone concerned.
2. Dated tariff legislation regulating the industry limits the common
carriers' liability for fraud, thereby distorting normal market incentives to
Eliminating Pay Phone Toll Fraud at the Port Authority
resolve the problem. In particular, the current legislation absolves from
liability those with the ability to prevent fraud equipment manufacturers,
vendors, carriers and customers. For example, AT&T has a clause in its
contract stipulating that any breach of security and the associated costs
are the responsibility of the company on whose property the PBX switch is
located. Major components of the industry are currently trying to sort out
liability concerns in the courts (Federal Communications Commission
Hearing, Oct. 9, 1992).
3. Each phone company offering long distance calling in the U.S. has a
5-digit access code or carrier identification code. These codes were not
disabled by the block on "01" and "Oil" calling. This meant that fraudsters
at the PABT could simply dial the access code, then 0 + area code + number
sequence. By blocking the "01" and "Oil" calls, only directly dialed calls
were being prohibited (01+country+city+number).
4. All phones in the ticket-hall area and six units next to the parcel check
were gated-off all day on Sunday, and from Monday to Saturday between
10 a.m. and 6 p.m. and between 8 p.m. and 6 a.m. In addition, all phones
adjacent to the bowling alley were gated-off from 8 p.m. Friday to 6 a.m.
5. "The 'Smart Phones' (Elcotel units) are programmable units capable of
logging and manipulating a variety of data such as: area codes accessed,
telephone numbers accessed, duration of calls and time of calls. The units
can identify calling patterns, block calls by individual phones and alert the
responsible party if the unit has been damaged. The information the unit
captures can either be downloaded to Teleport, Big Apple (the Teleport
service provider) or to the client (PA)." (PABT Internal Memorandum, Sept.
6. Elcotel smart phones were installed during September 1991 at the
following sites, determined largely on the basis of the PPS analysis (PABT
Internal Memorandum, Sept. 23, 1991:1-2):
North Wing:
Subway Level
a) on tenant storage wall across from M.P. Cozzoi Co. 7
b) on wall next to doors leading to south wing 2
Main Concourse
a) next to 42nd St. exi 6
112 Gisela Bichler and Ronald V. Clarke
b) on M.E.R. Wall 5
Second Floor by escalator and newsstand 6
Total North Wing 26
South Wing:
Main Concourse next to escalator 12
Second Floor
a) fronting poppers 5
b) opposite escalator near bowling center 2
Fourth Floor
a) opposite gates 403, 41 land 420 3
Total South Wing 22
Grand Total of Smart Phones 48
7. PBXs are "private" switches that are purchased by businesses and
located on their property. A recent service offered by the telecommunica-
tions industry to market these switches allows traveling employees to
access messages, and to punch in an access code to get a second dial tone
upon which they can place another call. While this system saves money by
consolidating all long-distance traffic, it provides hackers with an avenue
into the PBX system. Hackers use "auto-dialers" or "war-dialers" to uncover
corporate telephone access codes. Auto-dialers randomly call various
numbers, and when answered by a PBX system the hacker's computer
generates different combinations of digits until it gets a second dial tone,
whereupon it prints out the circuit number.
8. 1-800 calling had provided many options for calling international and
interstate available to the business community. Businesses bought into
these two options en masse without realizing how insecure the systems
9. Apart from the new algorithm, Gammino suggested some other possible
countermeasures, including: the installation of credit card phones that
allow international calling with a card only; the installation of debit cards
or cash cards where individuals prepay for calls and use the card as credit
cards at the phone; and the construction of a centralized long distance
phone facility equipped with attendants and security so that legitimate
users could access the phones.
Eliminating Pay Phone Toll Fraud at the Port Authority
10. In a period of 12 days pre-implementation, there were respectively 713
calls over ten minutes in duration and 92 over 100 minutes, compared with
388 and 48 in a comparable post-implementation period.
11. During 1992, the Port Authority changed the telephone carrier serving
the pay phones, though this change seems to have had little effect on gross
revenues because the difference between gross revenue and net revenue
remained constant throughout the period. Another factor complicating
interpretation of Figure 1 is that the Elcotel "smart" phones choose the
most profitable route for each call. This may have resulted in some small
increases in revenue for the pay phones that were masked by drops
resulting from the interventions.
12. Some uncertainty exists regarding the full implementation of the
algorithm. By June 1992, all the pay phones had the algorithm in place,
but not all had been replaced by "smart" phones until the end of 1992.
(Internal reports also indicate that the contract with Teleport Communica-
tions Group Inc., was not finalized until January 1993). In addition, tests
of the blocking capabilities in August 1992 found inconsistencies; some
international calls were still being connected. Given this extended period
of implementation, it is possible that the full effects of the algorithm were
not obtained early in 1993.
13. It should be noted that the gross revenue data in Figure 1 include only
revenue from AT&T and not that from TCG because monthly data for the
latter were unavailable. However, estimates of the monthly values for 1993
and 1994 on the basis of annual TCG totals did not significantly alter the
curve in Figure 1.
14. The drop in overall pay phone revenue at the PABT between 1990 and
1994 was significantly greater than the decline in revenue from AT&T
international calling alone (see Figure 1). This apparent discrepancy may
result from a combination of other circumstances, including a decline in
fraudulent international calls made through long-distance carriers other
than AT&T, fraudulent interstate calls, local calls to PBX and voice mail
systems, local calls made in furtherance of drug-dealing and prostitution,
and in the number of pay phones: and a very large reduction in the
homeless population (see Felson et al., this volume).
114 Gisela Bichler and Ronald V. Clarke
15. Net profits accruing to the PABT from its pay phones in 1990 were
$2,556,458; in 1994, the net profits were $748,183 (figures not adjusted
for inflation).
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