Strengthening Archives
Press Release Template
[Note: Press releases are generally sent out on organizational letterhead; for second sheets use a
quality bond paper. Press releases do not include cover letters and they are not signed.]
For More Information, Contact: [DATE], 200X
[Name of internal contact]
[Phone number] ( ) (voice)
[Phone number] ( ) (fax)
[e-mail address]
[Headline Goes Here, Initial Cap, Bold]
[CITY, St.]. - [Date], 200X - [Text goes here, double spaced, indented paragraphs].
[Lead Paragraph: The first paragraph needs to grab the reader's attention and should contain
the relevant information to your message such as the five W's (who, what, when, where, why).]
[Text: The main body of your press release where your message should fully develop.]
If the press release is more than one page long, use the word:
centered at the bottom of the page, then continue the page on the next page with a brief
description of the headline, and page number like this:
[Shortened headline] - Page 2
[Your last paragraph should be an organizational boilerplate, which is a brief description of the
organization, and any information you want readers to know about it, such as what type of
organization it is, its mission, etc.]
[At the end of the release, put the three pound signs centered at the bottom. This lets your
reader know they’ve come to the end.]
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