The History of Primavera Scheduling Software
Copyright February 10, 2013, 2017
by Ron Winter, PSP
Please Note: This is paper is the result of an independent project by Ron Winter Consulting LLC.
The information presented here has not been approved or reviewed by Oracle/Primavera Systems
Inc. and is not guaranteed to be accurate. Ron Winter Consulting LLC is a private company that is
completely independent of Oracle/Primavera Systems Inc. and in no way speaks for or represents
Oracle, Oracle Primavera Systems Inc., or P3™ or P6™ scheduling software.
Having a history of new features or bug fixes to Primavera’s scheduling software
including when or what version it was introduced has proven to be valuable with claims
work in the past. P6™ has had so many growing pains and is only just now beginning
to be documented by outside people. The problem with building such a history is that
memory is not accurate enough; you need to build that history as it progresses. That is
what we have attempted to do.
We have been unable to find any useable Primavera-sponsored history that adequately
covers the past 30 years of the company or even the 14 years of P6’s lifetime. With this
in mind, the following history is our best research available on the history of Primavera
in relation to scheduling software. Other software offerings from this company are
chronicled only to the extent that it affected the scheduling side of their business.
We have made every possible effort to ensure completeness and accuracy of the
information presented. Nevertheless, there are gaps and even interpretation issues in
the following history. Any opinions expressed here are those of Ron Winter Consulting
LLC and do not reflect those by any other company or individual.
o May 1983: Primavera Systems, Inc. is established.
o October 1983: Version 1 of P3 was released without resources or AutoCost. P3
works with daily, weekly, or monthly scheduling units. The leading scheduling
software at the time was known as P2 (full name PSDI Project/2).
o January 1984: P3 Version 2 with resources and leveling is released.
o May 1984: P3 PrimaVision graphical display is released
o 1985: P3 Version 2.0 released.
o 1986: P3 Version 3.0 released. Finest Hour (FH) for hourly schedules is
released (and Autocost introduced).
o 1987: Parade (for creating charts) and Expedition (project administration & cost)
is released.
o 1988?: P3/FH Version 4 with Btrieve multi-user capability is released. Before
this, you could only assign 6 task resources to an activity.
o 1989: First Primavera Users Conference (held in Philadelphia)
o 1990: MicroTrak purchased and released as SureTrak.
o 1991: Monte Carlo risk analysis is released.
o 1994: P3 for Windows, Version 1 is introduced. All P3 references after this refer
to P3 for Windows. The last P3 DOS version was 5.1 (release and last sold dates
are unknown).
o 1995: website is created.
o 1997: Webster timecards for P3 is released.
o 1999: Primavera releases P3 for Windows, Version 3.0.
o 1999: Primavera purchases the software called, “Eagle Ray” and Primavera
Enterprise, Version 1.0 is released July 1999. It features,
o Unlimited activity codes,
o Global and Project level activity codes,
o Global Project and Resource calendars (unlimited),
o Use of Oracle or SQL database,
o Operational Breakdown Structure (OBS.)
The software later is called, “P3e”, “P3e/c”, “PM”, and finally just “Primavera”
(Version 5) which was informally called, “P5” by users before Version 6 is
officially named “P6” by Primavera. The name, “P6” was retained for Version
7. Version 8 naming is split into P6 Professional and Enterprise Project
Portfolio Manager (EPPM).
o December 1999: Primavera Enterprise Version 1.5 is released. Introduced are:
Progress Reporter for the Web, HTML Editing, Resource roles, improved P3 data
conversion utility
o 2000: PrimeContract is released.
o August 2000: Primavera Enterprise 2.0 is released. Added were,
o Enterprise Project Structure (EPS),
o Hourly scheduling and shifts,
o Project summarizations,
o Project budgeting,
o Resource spreadsheet,
o Project and resource codes,
o Multiple relationships between activities,
o Automatic scheduling,
o Weighted Steps,
o Global Change.
o December 2000: Primavera Enterprise 2.0.1 is released with additional security
for timesheets. Fixed were,
o Major password and PR fix
o Report Writer fixes
o Import issues fixed.
o 2001: P3 Version 3.1 is released. (This is the last P3 version.)
o March 2001: Primavera Enterprise 2.1 is released. Added is the 4
duration type
(Fixed duration & units), and the ability to print reports in Progress Reporter,
auto-schedule option after importing. Major fixes include,
o Interproject Relationships remain when importing,
o External relationships update correctly,
o Major performance enhancements when importing.
o 2002: P6 Version 3.0 (called P3e) released. Interbase is the stand-alone
database server.
o 2002: PrimaVision (with a nod to the earlier P3 software product) is introduced as
P6’s web-browser based software.
o 2003 P6 Version 3.5 (Primavera admits that this is a ‘half release”). P3e renamed
to P3e/c. Interbase is still the stand-alone database server. Introduced in
Version 3.0 or in 3.5 (the documentation is very fuzzy) in the Client/server
version were,
o Enhanced logs called “Notebooks.”
o Revised Work breakdown Structure (WBS) system
o Activity Steps
o On-screen logic trace.
o Actual Dates schedule logic setting.
o Longest Path can be used to define Critical Activities
o 2003: PrimaVision web-based P6 platform is released
o 2003: Evolve (resource management) purchased.
o 2004 P3e/c is renamed to P3 Engineering & Construction (Version 4.0 and 4.1).
MSDE becomes the stand-alone database server. Claim Digger is added to the
software as an attached java application. Primavera calls the scheduling
module, PM.
o 2004: Contractor (P3e Lite) introduced
o 2005: P6 Version 5 is released. P3 Engineering & Construction is renamed to
“Primavera” in an effort to brand their software like SAP. Confusion between P3,
SureTrak, and Primavera causes the users to informally name the scheduling
module, “P5”. MSDE is still the stand-alone database server. P5 ended-up
having seven service packs. Primavera TeamPlay version 5.0 was released and
the PrimaVision web client was rebranded, myPrimavera. Added in Version 5
o Early and late dates are no longer blanked-out for completed activities,
o WBS summary activity type introduced,
o Progress Spotlight automatic updating added,
o EPS level activity codes added,
o Unlimited Baselines,
o Suspend & Resume feature added,
o System now stores Past Period Actuals,
o Unraveling float paths,
o Excel Import/Export function added,
o Undo feature added,
o New security privilege levels added.
o 2005: One month later, P5 Service Pack 1 is released. It hides the computed
float values for completed activities.
o 2006 Primavera acquired a Risk Management product called PertMaster and an
IT portfolio manager called ProSight.
o 2007: P6 Version 6 is released. Primavera named it “P6”. MS SQL Express
2005 becomes the stand-alone database server.
o Now can import and export projects using a XML format. This feature is
reported to not work as advertised and can introduce corrupted data.
Version 6 users should not use XML files.
o Finish dates now change when durations are changed (without needing a
CPM re-calculation.)
o Time scale in the Gantt Chart is now adjustable.
o March 10, 2008: Primavera releases Service Pack 1 (or P6.1) which is supposed
to fix the following:
o Actual Units spread incorrectly when using 'Override' Rate Source type
and Timesheets.
o Data not being committed and refreshed properly.
o Scheduling freezes at 95 percent.
o Duplicate Resource Assignment After Importing XER.
o Application gets locked and CPU spikes when modifying sitelines or
timescale setting.
o Report Editor displays the wrong values for Activity Codes.
o Importing from Excel Spreadsheet does not import Constraints correctly.
o 6.0 Report Editor does not show the proper cell properties."
o Error when trying to 'Save' or 'Save and Close' in P6 Web, under
Administration, Manage User Interface Views.
o Report dates are wrong for a timesheet whose timescale begins in one
calendar year, and ends in the next.
o 2008: Claim Digger for P3 is no longer for sale.
o October 8, 2008: Primavera announces that it has agreed to be purchased by
o 2008: P6 SP 2 (P6.2) is released.
o The ‘one minute off’ problem was solved in P6.2. Before, milestones were
scheduled to begin at 08:01.
o P6 provides privileged users the ability to define secure resource, project,
and activity codes. Secure codes and secure code assignments can be
exported to XML format, however Secure Codes, their values and
assignments are not included when a project is exported from the
database in XER format, nor when a project is copied.
o Added was the option to calculate the total float based on the finish date of
each project in a collection of schedules or on all opened schedules.
o Oracle HTTP server is now a supported web server (new for 6.2.1).
o Oracle Enterprise Linux – Oracle Enterprise Linux will replace Red Hat
Linux support (new for 6.2.1).
o November 17, 2008: Last Primavera User’s Conference was held in Las Vegas.
o January 1, 2009: Oracle purchases Primavera.
o 2009: It is announced that Oracle has stopped selling P3. Actually, Oracle now
only offers their dealers such a small wholesale price reduction that this does not
cover selling costs. You can now only purchase SureTrak directly from Oracle
for $1,000. P3 is no longer listed for sale as of 1JAN09. Dealers were allowed to
honor previous offers until 15FEB09. From now only P3 add-on (virtual) licenses
will be sold.
o April 2009: P6v5 SP7 is released. Interesting fixes include,
o Leveling not prioritizing the activities correctly.
o Activities without predecessors appear in Out-of-Sequence activities list in
Schedule Report.
o Actual Units spread incorrectly when using “Override” Rate Source type
and Timesheets.
o 'EPS level' Activity code assignments are removed by 'Check Project
o Claim Digger/Schedule Comparison Relationship section does not display
proper Activity ID.
o Constraint time is set to 8:01am if a finish constraint is added to a finish
o Removing the Expected Finish constraint sets Duration to 0.
o When importing relationships in spreadsheet (XLS) format, the
relationship type sometimes appears blank.
o 2009: P6 Version 7 is released, named “P6v7”. MS SQL Express 2005 remains
the stand-alone database server.
o Calendars – now able to assign hours per time period at the calendar
level, instead of by per user or for the entire enterprise (except that
BASELINE calendars are still set at 8 hrs per workday regardless of
o Default Date Issue fixed. Actual Start and Actual Finish dates now are set
to the correct time when time is displayed. Resource, constraint, and
Suspend/Resume dates still default to 00:00.
o Improved the accuracy of Grouping/Summary Duration Calculations.
If all rows in the group use the same calendar then that calendar
will be used for calculating their summary duration.
If all rows in the group belong to the same project then the default
project calendar will be used for calculating summary durations.
In other cases the default global calendar will be used.
o Late Dates were added to the S-Curve facility.
o New Activity ID renumbering options.
o New security for Excel users allows Excel import/export without opening
XER security.
o Firefox and Internet Explorer (IE) 8 are supported browser platforms in
addition to existing IE 7
o Support for IE 6 was dropped.
o Oracle XE – Oracle Express replaced Microsoft SQL Server Express for
standalone desktop installations unless SQL Server Express was already
o Microsoft SQL Server 2008 was added as a supported RDBMS for P6
v7.0. Microsoft SQL
o Server 2005 will continue to be supported and support for SQL 2000 was
dropped. Oracle HTTP server is now a supported web server (new for
o Oracle Universal Content Management (UCM) – In addition to existing
Jackrabbit support for content management, Oracle UCM was supported.
o Oracle Enterprise Linux – Oracle Enterprise Linux replaced Red Hat Linux
support (new for 6.2.1).
o 2009: Primavera User’s Conference is moved to be a (very small, across the
street) subset of the Oracle World annual conference.
o December 31, 2009: P3 and SureTrak are absolutely no longer sold.
o March 2010: P6 Version 7.0 Service Pack 1 issued. Fixed in this release are,
o Activity filer not displaying correct data when using two filters
o User session being deleted during a long copy & paste
o Notebook topics disappear or cannot be formatted.
o September 2010: P6v7 SP2 released. This is the first version that did not support
P3 schedule import unless P3 or SureTrak were already installed. This was due
to Btrieve Software licensing price increases.
o The Update Baseline function now sets Actual Start and Updates
Remaining on a Completed Activity.
o Corrects for Multiple Float Paths Ignores Key Activity Information For
o Corrects for Incorrect Number Of Invalid Milestone Relationships Records
In Scheduler Log.
o Corrects for when modifying import configuration layouts (for XER import),
changing the 'Action' for the Activity data types in one template, will
change the Activity Resource Assignment Data Type's Action for all other
Import Configuration layouts.
o November 2010: EPPM (Enterprise Project Portfolio Management) P6 web
Version 8 is released. Admin control is moved from the client/server version to
o December 2010: P6 Version 7 Service Pack 3 is released. Time-scaled Logic
Diagrams are introduced with very little documentation. Progress Line feature
added. Unlimited size for Memo Fields (were limited to 400 Kilobytes). Issues
o WBS Level Scrambles After Project is Exported and Re-imported
o Actuals Not Distributed Properly in Activity Usage Spreadsheet View
o Update Baseline does not add Activity Codes and Relationships to new
o Update Baseline does not Update when Selecting Update Existing
o Oracle XE not Starting Up Properly for Stand-alone Users.
o December 2010: Enterprise Portfolio Project Management (EPPM) is released.
This is the new name for the web version of P6 Version 8. Dozens of features
found earlier only on the client/server version of P6 are introduced in EPPM. For
a full list, see below on what was removed from client/server. Schedule Checker
was added.
o May 2011: P6 Professional (R8.1) is released 2 months late. This is the new
name for P6 Version 8 client/server. P6 Release 8.0 is only for the web version
(now called, “EPPM”.) P6 Pro Release 8.1 is the official name for the
client/server version.
o Features eliminated from both versions:
Summary-Only Projects (along with Methodology Manager)
Microsoft ProjectLink / MSP-Managed Projects
Project Architect
Top Down Estimation
Check Project Integrity
BTRIEVE database engine files necessary to import P3 schedules.
SDK (spreadsheet import/export) is being deprecated. It will not
support new tables and will be removed in future release after
release 8.
o Features Removed from Optional Client/Server and Relocated to EPPM:
Global Dictionaries:
Project Codes
Activity Step Templates
Cost Accounts
Funding Sources
Risk User Defined Fields
Security Profiles
Admin Preferences
Admin Categories
Timesheet Dates
Financial Periods
Time Approval
Job Services – New Scheduled Services available via web only.
New Job Status available for monitoring services from Windows.
Project Risks – New Risks available via web only.
Methodology Manager module – Replaced with Project Templates
available via web only.
API Interface (to spreadsheets)
o P6 Professional quietly introduces a separate program to administer P6
log-ons and access privileges for EPPM environments.
o Added to P6 R8.1
Enhanced activity filtering & grouping
Enhanced Usability features
Personalize toolbars
WBS versus Activity Tabs
o September 2011: P6 Professional 8.1 Service Pack 1 is released. This fixes
Merge Reflection to sources takes extended time or fails do to update User
Defined Fields (UDF.)
o December 2011: P6 Release 8.2 (both EPPM & P6 Professional.)
Schedule Checker function [This feature only released for the web
Team Member Web Application – this new tool provides the ability
to update activities, steps and related activity statuses without the
team member having to learn the entire Primavera P6 tool.
Exclusive Mode –allows you to open a project with exclusive
Microsoft Project Integration – you can now update an existing
Primavera P6 project from a Microsoft Project XML file.
Other enhancements to the scaling options when printing,
enhanced UDF events, enhanced trending and multiple usability
enhancements. These usability enhancements including
cut/copy/paste, dissolve, and search.
o P6 Professional:
Microsoft Project import enhancements and 2010 XML support.
New line numbering feature.
Timescaled Logic Diagram enhancements including new filtering,
new sight lines, enhanced activity code color coding, enhanced
templates, enhanced grouping and enhanced performance.
o December 2011: P6v7 SP4 is released. Fixed in this release is,
o Baseline Update Error : Activity Code Assignment May Not Be Set To Null
o Successor Activity WBS Shows The Same As Predecessor In Export To
o Notebook Description Not Showing Correctly As Bar Label In Gantt Chart
o QUERYLIB Hint 11 Does Not Work And Cause Hanging At 98% Login
Data Load
o Changing The Base Currency To Show Decimals As A Comma Instead Of
A Period
o New P6 7.0 SP3 Client Installation Gets "OCI Version Is Not Supported"
o Update Baseline Changes Activities Relationships Outside Of The Filter
o Remaining Duration Greater Than 0 On Completed Activities After Merge
o User Specific Filters Become Global Filters After Deleting User.
o XML Export/Import Does Not Preserve WBS Order.
o Event Code: 'CVRJC-0348-8' When Accessing Project Users Dialog
o December 2011: P6 Version 6.2 SP 4 released
o Fixes Hanging At 98% Login Data Load
o Memo Fields are no longer limited to 400 Kilobytes
o Fixes Update Baseline Errors
o Fixes Actuals Not Distributed Properly In Activity Usage Spreadsheet View
o December 31, 2012: P6 Version 7.0 SP 5 Released. It has been an entire year
since any P6 Version 7 fixes were released. Fixed are,
o Bar Necking Does Not Show In Print Preview Or In Printed Output
o Exception Cvrjc-2214-a Upon Import Of XER
o Hierarchical Sort On Activity Codes Not Working In Resource
Assignments View
o Finish Date Randomly Changes When Applying An Actual Finish On
Certain Activities
o P6 SDK Fails To Connect After Time Between Connections Exceeds 2
o EST Weight Values Not Saved Correctly In P6 Professional
o This User Is Already Logged In When Usession.os_user_name Does Not
Match Case
o Scheduling Performance With Multiple Projects And Multiple Float Paths
o Update Baseline Error "User Does Not Have Edit Privileges On Activity
Code Type"
o Use Resource Usage Profile/by Role/filter By All Roles,pm.exe
Consuming 100% CPU
o Error: "Call Was Rejected By Callee" When Selecting File, Import
o Project Management Closes When Scheduling A Project
o Copy/paste Of Activities Causes AVAA0 Error
o P6 Project Open Slow Performance Due To External Dependencies Query
o Update Baseline Errors In updatebaselinelog.xml
o Baseline Update SQL Statement Database Execution Select Error
o Update Baseline Errors: "Updateidmap() - List Size Does Not Equal Array
o Would Like The Ability To Select Multiple Relationships Across WBS
o AVAA0 Errors When Switching Back To Projects View
o Transferring Committed Contract Values To PM, The Values Are
Multiplied By 100
o Selecting Parent Role In Resource Usage Profile Includes Child Role Data
o January 2013: P6 Professional 8.2 Service Pack 1 is released.
o System Out Of Memory Importing Resource Assignments From XLS
o P6 R82 Cannot Export Large Project To MSP XML Format
o On A Restored Baseline, Populated UDF's Are Not Populated In The UI
o User Can Add Project To EPS Node In Client That Was Deleted In Web
o Global Activity Code Column Is Removed From Current Layout When Its
o Timescaled Logic Diagram Blank And Error
o Unable To Upgrade From P6_r8.1 SP1 To R8.2
o Session Auditing Add Duplicate Records In USESSAUD Table
o Cannot Import XLS Into P6 R8.2 Client Get CONTROL_UPDATES_FLAG
Is Null Error
o Update Baseline Performance And Timeout Issues
o Activity Bars Are Offset From Activities In Print Preview In P6 8.2
o In Project View Project Start Date Changes When Opening/closing Project
o XML Export/import Does Not Preserve WBS Order
o Group And Sort Displays No Code After Copying And Pasting Project
o 8.2 TSLD Fails On Citrix With Unable To Locate .INI File
o Cut/copy And Paste Baselines From 1 EPS Does Not Update
o Received Error When Import XER File To 8.2 Professional
o January 30, 2013: P6 client/server Version 7, Service Pack 5, Fixpack 1 is
released to correct the upgrade script failure due to Primavera encrypting some
unnamed part of the database. This is a 4-file manual fix.
o January 2013: P6 Professional 8.2 Service Pack 1 is released. It fixes,
o System Out Of Memory Importing Resource Assignments From XLS
o P6 R82 Cannot Export Large Project To MSP XML Format
o On A Restored Baseline, Populated UDF's Are Not Populated In The UI
o User Can Add Project To EPS Node In Client That Was Deleted In Web
o Global Activity Code Column Is Removed From Current Layout When Its
o Timescaled Logic Diagram Blank And Error
o Unable To Upgrade From P6_r8.1 SP1 To R8.2
o Session Auditing Add Duplicate Records In USESSAUD Table
o Cannot Import XLS Into P6 R8.2 Client Get CONTROL_UPDATES_FLAG
Is Null Error
o Update Baseline Performance And Timeout Issues
o Activity Bars Are Offset From Activities In Print Preview In P6 8.2
o In Project View Project Start Date Changes When Opening/closing Project
o XML Export/import Does Not Preserve WBS Order
o Group And Sort Displays No Code After Copying And Pasting Project
o 8.2 TSLD Fails On Citrix With Unable To Locate .INI File,
o Cut/copy And Paste Baselines From 1 EPS Does Not Update
o Received Error When Import XER File To 8.2 Professional
o January 29, 2013: P6 Version 8.1, Service Pack 3 is released
o Inherit Holidays And Exceptions Option Is Greyed Out When Creating
New Calendar
o Session Auditing Add Duplicate Records In USESSAUD Table
o User Can Add Project To EPS Node In Client That Was Deleted In Web
o Performance: Update Baseline Is Slow For Large Number Activity Codes
o Update Baseline: JAVA.LANG.STRING Cannot Be Cast To
o (SP 2) Collapsing To WBS Takes A Very Long Time In R8 Compares To
o R8 Client Displays Actual Units Linearly Instead Of By Timesheet Hours
o P6 Professional Can't Display Summary Data Under Japanese Collation
o Session Auditing Add Duplicate Records In USESSAUD Table
o ORA-01461 Thrown When Summarize All Projects In Release 8
o Pasted Project Loses EPS Activity Code Values In Same EPS Node
o March 2, 2013: P6 Version 6.2.1 Service Pack 4 is released. [Still current through
May 2014 w/ Fixpack 7. Fixed are,
o Restricted Access Users Still Able To Create Project Management_1 DB
o QUERYLIB Hints For UDFVALUE Do Not Work And Cause Hanging At
98% Login Data Load
o Planned Value Cost Supposed To Calculate Using BAC * Schedule
Percent Complete
o Memo Fields Are Limited To 400 Kilobytes
o Update Baseline Errors Regarding Global Activity Codes And
o Changing The Base Currency To Show Decimals As A Comma Instead Of
A Period
o Update Baseline Updates Activity Status When Choosing To Update Only
o Errors Importing When Using Resource Curves And Comma Decimal
o Actuals Not Distributed Properly In Activity Usage Spreadsheet View
o Update Baseline Sets Actual Start And Updates Remaining On A
Completed Activity
o Update Baseline Does Not Update When Only Selecting Update Existing
o April 1, 2013: P6 Pro and EPPM Version 8.3 are released. Added are,
o A ‘Visualizer’ tool that is a combination of time-scaled logic diagram and a
Gantt Chart. It runs as an external application like Claim Digger. The
previous timescaled logic diagramming module that was added in Version
8.1 is dropped.
o A ‘Discussion’ tab to the Activity Detail screen so that everyone can
collectively chat about each activity. There does not appear to be any way
to delete or edit the chats once posted.
o Another XML option has been added to Import/Export; UN/CEFACT. Now
we have P6 XML, Microsoft Project XML, and UN/CEFACT XML.
o P6 XML has added support for P6 versions earlier than Version 8.
o New screen in the XML project import process that enables analysis and
adjustment of data before importing it
o The ability to export and import multiple projects simultaneously in XML
o SDK export/import Dictionary spreadsheet is no longer “developed” (i.e.
available) [Document 893942.1].
o April 23, 2013: P6 Professional V8.3 Fixpack 1 ( is released. This is a
manual update involving 5 files. Fixed are,
o Fix a processing error when creating an Activity Note in the Update
Baseline Tool.
o Speed-up poor performance when running Global Change on a large
number of activities.
o May 23, 2013: P6 client/server Version 8.2 Service Pack 2 is released.
o Fixes XER import of 24-hour calendars.
o Fixes Update Baseline log errors
o Fixes remaining units not set to zero after applying Actual Finish.
o Fixes hieratical sort on codes
o Fixes Actual Finish dates information removed after scheduling.
o Stops activity from being deleted when text in Gantt Chart is deleted.
o June 11, 2013: P6 client/server Version 8.2 Service Pack 2 Fixpack 1 is
released. This is a manual update involving 3 files. Fixed are,
o Fixes user prevented from being able to inherit holidays and exceptions
when creating a new calendar.
July 17, 2013: P6 7.0 Service Pack 4 Hot Fix 7 is released.
o Job Services error
o Gantt Chart bar not transparent
o Report Editor sorting errors
o Constraint date does not show
o Filter edit select error
August 8, 2013, P6 Professional Project Management (PPM) Version 8.3 Service
Pack 1 is released. Featured is Top-down estimation.
o Total float group sort not ascending in Visualizer
o SDK allows creation of multiple root OBS Nodes
o Actual finish dates are removed after schedule
o Cannot save fractional numbers in global change when delimiter is set to
o Can edit effective date and rate records when user does not have privilege
o Schedule % complete, planned value affected by suspend and resume
o Increase the length of WBS ID, Project ID, and all Code type names
o Export to MPP option incorrectly appears in P6 8.2.1 client
o The "Last Modified Date" column does not populate for finish milestones.
o Inherit holidays and exceptions option is grayed out when creating new
o Selecting to 'AUTO_REORGANZATION' Does not stay enabled when
o Querylib entry does not reflect the proper hint to use where query_lib_Id =
o last modified column update when user access read only project
o XML(ORACLE EAM) import fails-Could not convert variant of type null to
o Your user session had expired error when updating baseline or global
o Updating baseline changes activities relationships outside of the filter
o Import xml file into P6 r8.2 24 hour calendars do not import correctly
New features for Visualizer
o Ability to filter and establish a timescale based on rolling dates
o Ability to group and sort the diagram by hierarchical fields
o Ability to add a page break based on grouping
o Show totals and grand totals and summary values only
o Hide empty bands
o Group bands alphabetically
o Show Field Title, ID/Code, or Name/Description
o Ability to import activity layouts from P6 Professional to Visualizer
o Show lines numbers in the Grid to quickly identify the row or task when
discussing or printing layouts
o Rename column titles in the Grid
o Save Grid settings back to Options page
New features for P6 Professional
o Top-down Estimation enables you to apply labor, non-labor, and/or
material resource units to activities in a top-down manner using assigned
o P6 Professional API is a Java-based application programming interface
and server that enables developers to create client code that can
seamlessly access P6 Professional functionality.
New bugs created for P6 Professional
o In page layout, footer you can’t type S, unless you click on font button 1
o In edit, spell check is grayed out unless you hit F7 1
o In edit, fill down in grayed out unless you use right-click fill down 1
2013: P6 Version 7.0 Service Pack 5, Hotfix 4 is released. This is a manual, 6-
file replacement and 2-file SQL script process to upgrade. Fixed are,
o Update baseline activity name update problems 7.0.x
o Actual start cannot be later than actual finish when updating baseline
o Update baseline not updating baseline dates correctly
o Update baseline removes activity UDFs even when option is not selected
o Last modified column update when user access read only project
o Your user session has expired error when updating baseline or global
o Your user session has expired error when importing large XER files.
December 31, 2013: P6 Professional Version 7.0 Service Pack 5, Fixpack 6
released. [Still the most current through May 2014] Fixed are,
o Timescaled logic diagram fails to open with R7 SP5 Fix Pack 4.
o Long wait event at 98% during login operation on UDF query.
January 24, 2014: P6 Professional Version 8.2, Service Pack 2, Fix Pack 12 is
o Summary report is not showing data when project is closed in P6 8.2 SP1
o Import project by replace existing shows VDBBO-1669-9 error
Fixed in previous V 8.2 fix pack releases,
o Import project by replace existing shows VDBBO-1669-9 error
o Scheduling is taking between 12-18 minutes to complete
o Activity code assignment window initial load is slow
o P6 V8.2.2.5 Client XER import lock-up
o Scrolling hangs when holding down arrow button in p6 client
o Slow performance changing UDF value when layout is grouped by UDF
o IPO-1129-9 When attempting to close 20 projects imported from an XER
o Error "event code: vtdcf-3738-5" when copy paste a project
o Your user session has expired error when updating baseline or global
o Edit group and sort without needing to click customize in p6 professional
o Edit columns without needing to click customize in p6 professional
o Apply filter without clicking customize
o Your user session has expired error when running import of large XER
o Multi-project XER import performance issue
o Slow client performance applying layout
o Values missing in columns when assigning projects to portfolio
o Event code avaa0-3153-1 when filtering by activity code
o When sending project to TSLD with a filter on the duration, Error occurs
o Last modified column update when user access read only project
o Inherit holidays and exceptions option is grayed out when creating new
February 14, 2014: P6 EPPM and Professional Version 8.3 Service Pack 2 is
released. Fixed are,
o Apply filter without clicking customize
o Error "event code: vtdcf-3738-5" when copy paste a project
o Edit columns without needing to click customize in p6 professional
o Edit group and sort without needing to click customize in p6 professional
o Phase_label value incorrect in p6 pro databases with sample data
o RG-importing a primavera xml suing saved import template throws
o Add a check and warning if database is close to maximum storage
o Can't save changes made to header/footer or type the letter ‘s’. Other title
block bugs are still not fixed.
o Added P6 Pro Cloud Connect driver type
February 23, 2014: P6 EPPM and Professional Version 8.3 Service Pack 2, Fix
Pack 1 is released. Fixed is,
o PRA not working with p6 professional with oracle db (11g)
March 28, 2014: P6 EPPM and Professional Version 8.3 Service Pack 2, Fix
Pack 2 is released. Featured is Database only installer option. Fixed are,
o Performance issue copy and pasting activities in a spreadsheet on p6
o Error '4.0 IS NOT A FLOATING POINT VALUE' When updating page
o Error '4.0 IS NOT A FLOATING POINT VALUE' When updating html fields
in p6 pro
o LDAP authentication through p6 professional does not work
April 5, 2014: P6 Version 8.2, Service Pack 3 is released.
o copy/paste of activities causes avaa0 error
o actual units do not update when applying actual finish in p6 client
o activities created from p6 client are auto accepted despite project
o import large excel file, received out of memory error
o successor scheduled incorrectly when there is negative lag on ff
o slow login performance compare to 6.2.1 release
o fill down feature not working in p6 professional client 8.2
o space & quote in windows account causes p6 client login failure on pc
o support terminal server roaming profiles for prmbootstrap.xml file
o multi-project xer import results in out of memory error
o unique constraint error exporting to msp xml
o querylib entry does not reflect the proper hint to use where
query_lib_id = 6
o access mode not changed if re-opening a project via open screen
without closing
o activity code global category for column is not available after baseline
o 2 users creating the same relationship causes a duplicate relationship
on p6 8.2
o dependency type error when running update baseline
o update to baseline activity udfs are not always honored
o assign button in assign successors/predecessors window does not
become grayed out
o import uses wrong 'update project options' layout. 'use' column not
o renumber activity ids auto-number feature adds extra characters
o performance : slow interaction with tasks when grouped/sorted by
activity code
o actual start cannot be later than actual finish when updating baseline
o p6 client hangs after open project restored baseline that have 33k
o error "event code: vtdcf-3738-5" when copy paste a project
o baseline fields incorrect after update then correct after reopening the
o data_monitor does not clean up logical deleted data as expected
o "your system is out of memory" during loading data bar summarizing
open projects
o reporting on large projects takes over an hour in p6 client
o reattached project baseline shows in project list after refresh for other
o poor performance when deleting large projects in professional client
o scrolling is hanging with mouse or arrow button when gantt chart is
o delay when working with udf values in column of activities view.
o performance issue copy and pasting activities in a spreadsheet
o for optional client: name must be terminated by the matching end-tag
o event code vtgff-1400-c when using resource usage profile /
o p6 pro client not reporting loops in comp. activities while scheduling
July 15, 2014: P6 Version 7.0, Service Pack 5 is released.
o Bar Necking Does Not Show In Print Preview Or In Printed Output
o Actual Units Spread In Client Does Not Match Progress Reporter
o Exception Cvrjc-2214-a Upon Import Of XER
o Hierarchical Sort On Activity Codes Not Working In Resource
Assignments View
o Finish Date Randomly Changes When Applying An Actual Finish On
Certain Activities
o Templates.xml File For TSLD Saved To Local Settings Folder
o P6 SDK Fails To Connect After Time Between Connections Exceeds 2
o EST Weight Values Not Saved Correctly In P6 Professional
o This User Is Already Logged In When Usession.os_user_name Does
Not Match Case
o Scheduling Performance With Multiple Projects And Multiple Float
o Update Baseline Error "User Does Not Have Edit Privileges On Activity
Code Type"
o Use Resource Usage Profile/by Role/filter By All Roles,pm.exe
Consuming 100% CPU
o Activity Step Descriptions Not Displayed When Migrating To Al32utf8
o Error: "Call Was Rejected By Callee" When Selecting File, Import
o Project Management Closes When Scheduling A Project
o Audit On Rsrc Table Makes P6 Client And Timesheets Crash
o Copy/paste Of Activities Causes AVAA0 Error
o P6 Project Open Slow Performance Due To External Dependencies
o Update Baseline Errors In updatebaselinelog.xml
o Baseline Update SQL Statement Database Execution Select Error
o Update Baseline Errors: "Updateidmap() - List Size Does Not Equal
Array Length"
o Added the Ability To Select Multiple Relationships Across WBS Bands
In P6
o AVAA0 Errors When Switching Back To Projects View
o Transferring Committed Contract Values To PM, The Values Are
Multiplied By 100
o Selecting Parent Role In Resource Usage Profile Includes Child Role
July 18, 2014: P6 Version 8.3, Service Pack 3 is released. Featured are
Summarizer Performance Improvements and Visualizer Header/Footer Fixes.
o Visualizer fails when using roaming profiles
o Edit fill down feature is grayed out
o Right-click menu lost after editing text in description fields to copy /
o Refresh performance after upgrade to p6 r8.3 (sp1)
o Scheduling is taking between 12-18 minutes to complete
o Description & notes fields are blank in 8.2 risk module (but not in 6.2 or
o Event code vtgff-1400-c when using resource usage profile /
o The element type "name" must be terminated by the matching end-tag
"</name>" jap
o Import uses wrong 'update project options' layout. 'use' column not
o Scrolling is hanging with mouse or arrow button when gantt chart is
o Successor and predecessor relationships not imported into msp for
o Copy/paste of activities causes avaa0 error
o Assign button in assign successors/predecessors window does not
become grayed out
o Activity code global category for column is not available after baseline
o Actual units do not update when applying actual finish in p6 client
o Performance : slow interaction with tasks when grouped/sorted by
activity code
o Reattached project baseline shows in project list after refresh for other
o Delay when working with udf values in column of activities view.
o Baseline fields incorrect after update then correct after reopening the
o Renumber activity ids auto-number feature adds extra characters
o Fill down feature not working in p6 professional client 8.2
o Slow login performance compare to 6.2.1 release
o P6 client hangs after open project restored baseline that have 33k
o Event code: aicwf-3395-d an invalid character was found in text
o Multi-project XER import results in out of memory error
o 2 users creating the same relationship causes a duplicate relationship
on p6 8.
o Reporting on large projects takes over an hour in p6 client
o Invalid column name 'y' when authenticating against sdk with non
admin Superuser.
o Error '4.0 is not a floating point value' when updating page setup html
o Merging reflection to source takes extended time to run due to udf val.
o Slow performance selecting all activities.
o Scrolling hangs surges in layout.
o Right click marked line slow to load menu.
o Copy paste projects into new eps node losses baseline data.
o Udf field no longer valid after re-importing report into same database.
o Access violation at address 767e4025 in module wldap32.dll.
July 31, 2014: P6 Version 8.2, Service Pack 4 is released for EPPM.
o Notebook topic pick list blank when opening a new view.
o Activity codes deleted when activity line being deleted.
o Mouse wheel functionality loss.
o After copying activities the project takes much longer to close.
o MSP xml export performance issue.
o Right-click menu lost after editing text in description fields to copy /
o Update baseline error: severe field "text" in udfvalue may not be set to
o Merging reflection to source takes extended time to run due to udf val.
o External link relationship dates refresh issue.
September 1, 2014: P6 Version 8.3 Patch Set 5 (8.3.5) is released. There does
not seem to be a Service Pack 4 or Patch Set 4.
o Operate on remote pm.ini file cause performance issue.
o Rolling date filters (such as dd + 2w) used with excel export result in no
o Scroll function not working properly in activity window.
o After copying activities the project takes much longer to close.
o Notebook topic pick list blank when opening a new view.
o Update baseline error: severe field "text" in Udfvalue may not be set to
o Activity codes deleted when activity line being deleted.
o Import large excel file, received out of memory error.
o Successor scheduled incorrectly when there is negative lag on ff
o Support terminal server roaming profiles for prmbootstrap.xml file.
o AVAA error when selecting to show the activity usage profile.
October 2, 2014: Release: 8.4 (8.4.0) is EPPM only
October 31, 2014: Release: 8.4 Patch Set 1 (8.4.1) First P6 Pro release
o P6 Pro stand-alone now installs SQLite database manager instead of
the server options. SQLite version does not support
Claim Digger
Maintain Baselines
Risk Analysis
XML import options
API interface
XML support for scheduling options other than Total Float
o Activity codes deleted when activity line being deleted.
o Notebook topic pick list blank when opening a new view.
o Baseline wbs structure is lost when project is cut and pasted.
o Scroll function not working properly in activity window.
o After copying activities the project takes much longer to close.
o Rolling date filters (such as dd + 2w) used with excel export result in no
o Udfvalue query slow due to union.
o AVAA error when selecting to show the activity usage profile.
o Operate on remote pm.ini file cause performance issue.
o Unable to login to P6 Visualizer
December 31, 2014: Release: 8.4 Patch Set 3 (8.4.3)
o Issue with column header in the report ->html file
December 31, 2014: Release: 7.0 Patch Set 6 (7.0.6)
o cut/copy and paste baselines from 1 EPS does not update the
hierarchical parent WBS identity ("parent_wbs_id")
o activity code global category for column is not available after baseline
o report filters on notebook description do not work
o multiple byte - Japanese translation issue.
o “tsld stopped working” message appears when editing title
o event code: avaa0-3237-3 when cut / paste projects
o moving from assignment to project view results in delay opening EPS
of projects
o cannot import project into ms project
o baseline hierarchical parent WBS identity (“parent_proj_id”) is not
updated if the project is dragged/dropped
January 30, 2015: Release: 8.4 Patch Set 4 (8.4.4)
o Corrects to ensure that the Late Start of an LOE activity takes the late
start of the driving predecessor instead of the actual start.
2015: P6 Version 8.4.5 (Service Pack 5)
o The actual duration loses the finish hour when the finish date is
o Error message cannot be closed: remaining duration must be between
0 and
May 29, 2015: P6 Version 8.4.6 (Service Pack 6)
o Visualizer hangs after modify layout and click on print preview
o Drop down box in the middle of layout after selecting activity usage
o Avaa0-1714-d error while sending email from p6 eppm 8.4 professional
o Rebooting server causes the job service windows service startup to fail
April 2015: P6 Version 8.5/15.1. Oracle/Primavera is changing the version
numbering of their P6 software. P6 Version 8.5 is called, Version 15.1.
Oracle has decided to title releases based on year released and number of
releases for that year. The same naming convention will also apply to Unifier
and P6 Analytics (but strangely not Contract Manager.) The new P6 Version
15.1 is only a point release. Interesting features of this release include,
o Continued support for Microsoft SQL Server.
o A new modularized 64-bit version of Visualizer which will greatly
enhance performance when used on large projects. Also, you can now
import and export layouts in Visualizer allowing the ability to share one
or more layouts with other Visualizer users.
o Most administrative capabilities returned to the client.
o Enhancements to improve compliancy with the UN/CEFACT standard
for public sector users
o Beginning the process of removing Java Applets from P6. Oracle
states it will take several releases before they are all replaced.
o Import/Export Baselines in XML Format.
April 2015: P6 Version 15.1.1 (Service Pack 1)
o AVAA0 when refreshing in client after changing activity code name in
o Visualizer: refresh button does not refresh project data.
o Not able to set 12:00am time on primary or secondary activity
May 29, 2015: P6 Version 15.1.2 (Service Pack 2)
o Reporting column relationship limited to 100 chars when exporting to
July 22, 2015: P6 Version 15.1.3 (Service Pack 3)
o Import xml .zip file 'does not contain a valid .xml import file' using
July 31, 2015: P6 Version 15.1.4 (Service Pack 4)
o Operating systems set to French cause errors after importing data in
September 2, 2015: P6 Version 15.1.5 (Service Pack 5)
o Pre post-response score will not show in the columns.
o Import xml privilege not allowing user to import in MSP xml in client.
o User can bypass project security settings and restore a project
o When auditing RSRC table the changes from bre_registry table are
being audited.
o Changes to startup filter and last login are not getting saved.
o Resource usage profile does not display units for closed projects.
o P6 professional 15.1 EPPM user preferences not being saved on the
login screen.
October 1, 2015: P6 Version 15.1.6 (Service Pack 6 )
o Collapsed text labels in Gantt chart are displayed in print preview and
o SQlite xml export does not keep the non working days.
o Layout changes automatically when a succ/pred is assigned to an
October 2015: P6 Version 15.2.1
o New UDF field's super_flag field is null in UDFTYPE table.
o Issue when importing expenses from ms excel.
o Wbs summary levels show incorrect duration when empty children
o New Features:
64-bit installation
Additional filter criteria for codes
Export XML as job service
Copy project as a job service
Save resource selection in the resource histogram and
Microsoft Project XML 2013 support
Select language at login
2015: P6 Version 15.2.2
o Paste issue when copying text from word when there is a tab in front of
a word.
o Scrolling through the notebook topic in EPS view doesn't stop when
reaching end.
o Filter name exceeding 40 characters is truncated to 40 characters on
o Import of xml into SQLite fails in p6 15.1.
o Project name permits slash character but export xml may fail due to
o Copy paste issue when copying multiple cells from excel into a text
o Different error handling when importing activity relationships from xls in
p6 pm.
2015: P6 Version 15.2.3
o XLS export will result in e_fail delivery.
o 2 activities cannot be linked again in specific case.
o When activity code created then select f5 code value reverts to (new).
o Database read error using SQLite with UDF as number and decimal
symbol as comma.
o Uncheck flag 'show unit label' in p6 professional not working on
resource usage.
o Color bars show different from the filter when fitering by project finish.
o Cannot access field error on running store period performance.
2015: P6 Version 15.2.4
o Event code: icn'y-0741-f when accessing tools/job services via p6 pro.
o Cannot use current role option, receive error vtgff-1400-c.
o PPM administration configuration utility LDAP test fails in
o Unable to save configuration for compression server.
o Visualizer requires proper username case with LDAP authentication.
o Time 00:00 is not exported to excel.
o Wbs loses activities after importing project from excel.
o Performance: reduce high frequency updates to progress bars.
2015: P6 Version 15.2.5
o Login screen shows html when local language set as Turkish.
April 1, 2016: P6 Version 16.1.0
o Can now show lag and relationship type in Activity Table.
o Schedule Comparison (Claim Digger) is also available in P6 Visualizer.
April 1, 2016, P6 Version 15.2.6
o Filter view is not readable.
o Delete WBS takes very long time with SQLite db.
o Wrong timescale in resource usage profile when filtering.
o Actual dates change back to the original date after being updated.
o Shift/down arrow in columns jumps upward.
o Error vtfio-0466-4 deleting cost codes assignments on resources
o Reports missing subtotal details depending on grouping.
o Baseline does not reflect custom resource curve.
October, 2016: P6 Version 16.2.0
o Import/Export between 32-bit to 64-bit P6/Excel is fixed.
October, 2016: P6 Version Interim Patch
o Baseline does not display properly in Visualizer after creating a new
o 'Current project's values' for activity code values not working correctly
o Sdk 16.1 causes application to crash with "[application] has stopped
o In sqlite db secure codes are not being copied when copying/pasting a
o Primavera xml import actual cost differ when importing to sql server
and sqlite.