Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management
Implementation Guide
11g Release 7 (11.1.7)
Part Number E36898-02
February 2013
Oracle® Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Part Number E36898-02
Copyright © 2011-2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Authors: Marilyn Crawford, Gayathri Akkipeddi, Sreya Dutta, Asad Halim, Doug Myers, Tanya Poindexter, Tejaswi
Contributors: Tina Brand, Hema Hardikar, Essan Ni Jirman, Mary Kalway, Suzanne Kinkead, Ari Langer, Peggy Larson,
Michael Laverty, P. S. G. V. Sekhar, Barbara Snyder, Rick Stober, Srinivas Vellikad, Megan Wallace, Kathryn Wohnoutka,
Jacqui Wood
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1 Overview
Project Financial Management Offering: Overview .......................................................... 1-1
Define Common Applications Configuration for Project Financial Management:
Overview ...............................................................................................................................1-3
Getting Started with an Implementation: Overview .........................................................1-4
Manage Application Implementation ............................................................................... 1-6
2 Common Applications Configuration: Define Synchronization of Users and Roles from
User and Role Synchronization: Explained .......................................................................2-1
3 Common Applications Configuration: Define Implementation Users
Initial Security Administration: Critical Choices .............................................................. 3-1
Initial Security Administration: Worked Example ............................................................ 3-3
4 Common Applications Configuration: Define Currencies and Currency Rates
Manage Currencies ........................................................................................................... 4-1
Manage Conversion Rate Types ....................................................................................... 4-3
Manage Daily Rates ..........................................................................................................4-7
5 Common Applications Configuration: Define Enterprise Structures for Project Financial
Enterprise Structures: Overview .......................................................................................5-1
Enterprise Structures Business Process Model: Explained ................................................ 5-3
Global Enterprise Configuration: Points to Consider ....................................................... 5-5
Modeling Your Enterprise Management Structure in Oracle Fusion: Example ................. 5-6
Essbase Character and Word Limitations ......................................................................... 5-9
Define Initial Configuration with the Enterprise Structures Configurator ...................... 5-11
Define Reference Data Sharing ....................................................................................... 5-36
Define Geographies ........................................................................................................ 5-46
Define Legal Jurisdictions and Authorities for Project Financial Management ............... 5-67
Define Legal Entities: Manage Legal Entity ....................................................................5-73
Define Legal Entities: Manage Legal Entity HCM Information ...................................... 5-78
Define Legal Entities: Manage Legal Entity Tax Profiles .................................................5-83
Define Chart of Accounts for Enterprise Structures: Manage Chart of Accounts ............ 5-87
Define Chart of Accounts for Enterprise Structures: Manage Chart of Accounts Value
Sets .................................................................................................................................... 5-108
Define Chart of Accounts for Enterprise Structures: Manage Accounting Calendars .... 5-112
Define Accounting Configurations of Enterprise Structures: Manage Primary or
Secondary Ledgers ............................................................................................................5-116
Define Accounting Configurations of Enterprise Structures: Specify Ledger Options ...5-124
Define Business Units: Manage Business Units ............................................................ 5-128
Define Business Units: Assign Business Unit Business Function .................................. 5-129
Define Business Units: Specify Customer Contract Management Business Function
Properties .......................................................................................................................... 5-132
Define Workforce Structures: Manage Enterprise HCM Information ............................5-135
Define Workforce Structures: Manage Locations .......................................................... 5-135
FAQs for Manage Locations ......................................................................................... 5-136
Define Workforce Structures: Manage Divisions ...........................................................5-137
Define Workforce Structures: Manage Departments ..................................................... 5-140
FAQs for Manage Job Families ..................................................................................... 5-143
Define Workforce Structures: FAQs for Manage Job Families ....................................... 5-143
Define Workforce Structures: Manage Job .................................................................... 5-144
Define Workforce Structures: Manage Person Search Relevance Profile Option Values
6 Common Applications Configuration: Define Project Organizations
Define Project Units and Organizations ............................................................................6-1
Define Project Business Units ......................................................................................... 6-20
7 Common Applications Configuration: Define Security for Project Financial Management
Security Tasks: Highlights ................................................................................................ 7-1
Defining Security After Enterprise Setup: Points to Consider .......................................... 7-4
Security Tasks and Oracle Fusion Applications: How They Fit Together .......................... 7-8
Security Tasks: Overview ................................................................................................7-11
Define Data Security .......................................................................................................7-15
Define Users ....................................................................................................................7-34
Manage HCM Role Provisioning Rules .......................................................................... 7-37
Import Worker Users ...................................................................................................... 7-43
Manage Users ................................................................................................................. 7-51
FAQs for Manage Users ..................................................................................................7-54
8 Common Applications Configuration: Define Automated Governance, Risk, and
Performance Controls
Segregation of Duties: Explained ......................................................................................8-1
Segregation of Duties in the Security Reference Implementation: Explained .................... 8-2
Defining Segregation of Duties Policies: Points To Consider ............................................ 8-4
Managing Segregation of Duties Risks and Violations: Critical Choices ........................... 8-6
Role Provisioning and Segregation of Duties: How They Work Together ......................... 8-8
9 Common Applications Configuration: Define Approval Management
Approval Management: Highlights .................................................................................. 9-1
10 Common Applications Configuration: Define Help Configuration
Define Help Configuration: Overview ............................................................................10-1
Set Help Options ............................................................................................................ 10-1
FAQs for Assign Help Text Administration Duty ...........................................................10-4
Manage Help Security Groups ....................................................................................... 10-4
Customize Help Files ......................................................................................................10-5
Customize Embedded Help ..........................................................................................10-16
11 Common Applications Configuration: Define Application Toolkit Configuration
Define Application Toolkit Configuration: Overview ..................................................... 11-1
Map Reports to Work Areas ........................................................................................... 11-1
Set Watchlist Options ......................................................................................................11-3
12 Common Applications Configuration: Maintain Common Reference Objects
Maintain Common Reference Objects: Overview ........................................................... 12-1
Define Application Taxonomy ........................................................................................ 12-1
Define Reference Data Sharing ....................................................................................... 12-4
Define Lookups ...............................................................................................................12-8
Manage Messages ......................................................................................................... 12-15
Define ISO Reference Data ........................................................................................... 12-17
Manage Data Security Policies ......................................................................................12-21
Define Document Sequences .........................................................................................12-31
Define Trees .................................................................................................................. 12-34
Define Profile Options .................................................................................................. 12-52
Define Flexfields ........................................................................................................... 12-61
Define Attachments .................................................................................................... 12-105
Set Activity Stream Options ........................................................................................12-109
Manage Menu Customizations ................................................................................... 12-109
Manage Audit Policies ................................................................................................12-110
Manage Oracle Social Network Objects ......................................................................12-112
Manage Applications Core Common Reference Objects: Manage Applications Core
Messages ......................................................................................................................... 12-116
Manage Applications Core Common Reference Objects: Manage Applications Core
Administrator Profile Values ...........................................................................................12-116
13 Common Applications Configuration: Define WebLogic Communication Services
Click-to-Dial: Explained ..................................................................................................13-1
Click-to-Dial: Top Tasks ..................................................................................................13-4
Configuring PSTN Gateway Address Using Topology Manager: Worked Example ........13-5
14 Common Project Configuration: Define Units of Measure for Project Financial
Define Common Project Configuration: Overview ......................................................... 14-1
Manage Inventory Organizations ................................................................................... 14-1
Manage Units of Measure ...............................................................................................14-7
15 Common Project Configuration: Define Subledger Accounting Rules
Creating Accounting Method: Explained ........................................................................15-1
Creating Subledger Journal Entry Rule Sets: Explained ..................................................15-3
Creating Conditions: Examples .......................................................................................15-4
Journal Line Rules: Explained ........................................................................................ 15-6
Account Rules: Explained ...............................................................................................15-8
Creating Account Rules: Points to Consider .................................................................15-10
Creating Description Rules: Explained ......................................................................... 15-11
Creating Supporting References: Explained ..................................................................15-12
Define Subledger Application and Sources .................................................................. 15-13
16 Common Project Configuration: Define Common Project Billing Configuration
Manage Intercompany Balancing Rules and Ledger Balancing Options .........................16-1
Define Invoicing Options ..............................................................................................16-10
Define Transaction Types ..............................................................................................16-18
Define Transaction Sources ...........................................................................................16-22
17 Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes
Define Transaction Taxes: Overview ...............................................................................17-1
Defining Transaction Taxes: Critical Choices .................................................................. 17-2
Scope Values for Define Transaction Taxes Task List: Explained .....................................17-4
Foundation Tax Configuration: Points to Consider .........................................................17-5
Advanced Tax Configuration: Points to Consider ...........................................................17-7
Define Tax Geographies ..................................................................................................17-8
Define Tax Regimes ...................................................................................................... 17-15
Define Product Tax Classifications ................................................................................17-45
Define Basic Catalogs ................................................................................................... 17-56
Define Transaction Tax Classifications ..........................................................................17-75
Define Party Classifications .......................................................................................... 17-85
Define Taxes ..................................................................................................................17-90
Manage Tax Determining Factor Sets and Tax Condition Sets .................................... 17-123
Define Tax Recovery ................................................................................................... 17-136
Define Tax Statuses .....................................................................................................17-146
Define Tax Rates ......................................................................................................... 17-147
Manage Tax Exceptions .............................................................................................. 17-156
Define Tax Rules ......................................................................................................... 17-157
Manage Tax Applicability and Place of Supply Rules .................................................17-182
Manage Tax Formulas .................................................................................................17-188
Manage Tax Calculation Rules ....................................................................................17-193
Define First Party Tax Profiles .................................................................................... 17-194
Manage Intrastat Country Characteristics .................................................................. 17-240
Manage Configuration Owner Tax Options ................................................................17-247
Define Italian Exemptions ...........................................................................................17-255
Define Third Party Tax Profiles .................................................................................. 17-257
Manage Tax Reporting Types ......................................................................................17-286
Define Tax Override Controls .....................................................................................17-289
Verify Tax Configuration .............................................................................................17-290
Set Up Tax Calculation Service Provider Integration .................................................. 17-306
18 Project Foundation Configuration: Define Project Calendars and Periods
Define Project Foundation Configuration: Overview ......................................................18-1
Maintaining Accounting Periods and Project Accounting Periods: Critical Choices ........18-2
FAQs for Define Project Calendars and Periods ............................................................. 18-3
19 Project Foundation Configuration: Define Types and Categorizations
Manage Revenue Categories ...........................................................................................19-1
Manage Expenditure Categories and Types ....................................................................19-1
Manage Project Class Categories .................................................................................... 19-8
Manage Work Types ..................................................................................................... 19-11
Manage Project Statuses ................................................................................................19-12
20 Project Foundation Configuration: Define Project Roles
Project Roles in Budgeting and Forecasting: Explained .................................................. 20-1
21 Project Foundation Configuration: FAQs for Define Project Spaces
How are project space roles mapped to project team members ...................................... 21-1
How can I perform other space tasks, such as unsubscribe or view members ................ 21-1
22 Project Foundation Configuration: Define Project Resources
Manage Job Mappings ....................................................................................................22-1
Creating a Job Mapping: Example ..................................................................................22-2
Manage Resource Classes ............................................................................................... 22-4
Manage Nonlabor Resources .......................................................................................... 22-6
23 Project Foundation Configuration: Define Rate Schedules and Costing Rules
Rate Schedule Types: Explained ..................................................................................... 23-1
Labor Cost Rates: How They Are Determined ............................................................... 23-3
Labor Costing Rules: Explained ......................................................................................23-4
Defining Labor Costing Rules: Example .........................................................................23-5
Creating Labor Costing Multipliers: Examples ...............................................................23-6
Setting Up Labor Costing Overrides: Critical Choices ....................................................23-6
Organization Costing Rule Components: How They Work Together ..............................23-8
Extensions for Define Rate Schedules and Costing Rules ............................................... 23-9
24 Project Foundation Configuration: Define Labor Costing Business Unit Options
Overtime Calculation Components: How They Work Together ......................................24-1
25 Project Foundation Configuration: Define Project Resource Breakdown Structures
Manage Planning and Billing Resource Breakdown Structures ...................................... 25-1
Manage Reporting Resource Breakdown Structures .....................................................25-11
26 Project Foundation Configuration: Define Burdening
Manage Burden Cost Base Types, Bases, and Codes .......................................................26-1
Manage Burden Schedules ............................................................................................26-10
Update Burden Options on Project Types .....................................................................26-14
Extensions for Define Burdening ..................................................................................26-16
27 Project Foundation Configuration: Manage Project Types
Burdening Options for Project Types: Points to Consider ...............................................27-1
Capitalization Options for Project Types: Points to Consider ......................................... 27-3
Associating Project Types and Class Categories: Examples ............................................ 27-6
Asset Cost Allocation Methods: Explained .....................................................................27-7
28 Project Foundation Configuration: Define Business Unit Cross-Charge Options
Update Cross-Charge Options on Project Business Unit .................................................28-1
Update Cross-Charge Options on Contract Business Unit ..............................................28-3
29 Project Foundation Configuration: Define Cross-Charge Options
Extensions for Define Cross-Charge Options ..................................................................29-1
30 Project Foundation Configuration: Define Transfer Pricing
Manage Transfer Price Rules .......................................................................................... 30-1
Manage Transfer Price Schedules ................................................................................... 30-8
Extensions for Define Transfer Pricing ......................................................................... 30-12
31 Project Foundation Configuration: Define Action Controls
Action Controls: Explained .............................................................................................31-1
32 Project Foundation Configuration: Define Project Extensions
Project Status Change Workflow Enabled Extension ...................................................... 32-1
Project Status Change Rules Extension ...........................................................................32-1
Organization Change Rules Extension ............................................................................32-2
Project Status Change Approver Extension .................................................................... 32-2
33 Project Foundation Configuration: Define System Administration and Maintenance
Distribute and Install Desktop Integrator Client .............................................................33-2
34 Project Costing Configuration: Manage Transaction Sources and Documents
Transaction Sources: Explained .......................................................................................34-1
Source, Document, and Document Entry Components: How They Work Together .........34-1
Setting Up Transaction Sources: Points to Consider ....................................................... 34-3
Transaction Document Import and Accounting Options: Points to Consider ..................34-6
FAQs for Manage Transaction Sources and Documents ..................................................34-7
35 Project Costing Configuration: Define Allocations
Allocation Basis Methods: Critical Choices .....................................................................35-1
36 Project Costing Configuration: FAQs for Define Capital Projects
What's a standard unit cost method ............................................................................... 36-1
37 Project Costing Configuration: Define Capitalized Interest
Capitalized Interest Setup: Explained .............................................................................37-1
Capitalized Interest Rate Schedule Components: How They Work Together ..................37-1
Setting Up Capital Projects for Calculating Capitalized Interest: Points to Consider .......37-2
FAQs for Define Capitalized Interest ..............................................................................37-3
38 Project Costing Configuration: FAQs for Define Expenditure Extensions
How can I create related expenditure items ................................................................... 38-1
39 Project Costing Configuration: Manage Integration with Other Applications
Oracle Fusion Project Costing Integration with Oracle Fusion Applications: How They
Work Together .....................................................................................................................39-1
Deriving Project-Related Accounts for Oracle Fusion Applications: Explained .............. 39-2
Capturing Project Costs: Explained ................................................................................ 39-4
FAQs for Define Purchasing Integration .........................................................................39-6
FAQs for Define Payables Integration ............................................................................ 39-7
FAQs for Define Inventory Integration ...........................................................................39-7
40 Define Project Control Configuration: Overview
Securing Oracle Fusion Project Control .......................................................................... 40-1
FAQs for Securing Oracle Fusion Project Control ...........................................................40-7
41 Define Project Control Configuration: Manage Period Profiles
Period Profiles: Explained ...............................................................................................41-1
Selecting a Current Period for a Period Profile: Example ............................................... 41-1
Using Period Profiles: Examples .....................................................................................41-3
42 Define Project Control Configuration: Manage Spread Curves
Spread Curves: Explained ...............................................................................................42-1
Project and Financial Plan Period Amounts: How They Are Calculated Using Daily
Spread Basis ........................................................................................................................ 42-2
Calculating Distribution Factors for Spread Curves: Examples ...................................... 42-5
43 Define Project Control Configuration: Manage Financial and Project Plan Types
Financial and Project Plan Types: Explained .................................................................. 43-1
Planning Amounts in Financial Plan Versions: Critical Choices ..................................... 43-2
Summarized Financial Plan Types: Explained ................................................................ 43-3
Manage Financial and Project Plan Types: Set General Planning Options .......................43-3
Manage Financial Plan Types: Set Forecasting Options .................................................. 43-6
Manage Project Plan Types: Set Project Plan Options ..................................................... 43-7
FAQs for Manage Financial and Project Plan Types ....................................................... 43-9
44 Project Billing Configuration: Define Business Unit Project Billing Options
Customer Contracts Business Unit Setup: Explained ......................................................44-1
FAQs for Define Business Unit Project Billing Options ...................................................44-2
45 Project Billing Configuration: Define Project Invoicing Options
Invoice and Revenue Method Components: How They Work Together ......................... 45-1
Project and Contract Invoice Components: How They Work Together ........................... 45-3
Specifying the Unit of Measure for Invoice Lines Sent to Oracle Fusion Receivables:
Critical Choices ................................................................................................................... 45-6
Invoice and Revenue Method Classifications: Critical Choices .......................................45-6
Invoice Formats: Explained ............................................................................................ 45-7
FAQs for Define Project Invoicing Options .....................................................................45-9
46 Project Billing Configuration: Define Project Revenue Options
Project and Contract Revenue Components: How They Work Together ......................... 46-1
FAQs for Manage Revenue Methods ..............................................................................46-4
47 Project Billing Configuration: FAQs for Define Additional Intercompany and Interproject
Billing Options
Why can't I see the internal billing details on a contract ................................................ 47-1
48 Project Billing Configuration: Define Project Billing Extensions
Billing Extension Components: How They Work Together .............................................48-1
Planning Your Billing Extension Implementation: Explained ......................................... 48-3
Billing Extension .............................................................................................................48-4
Internal Payables Invoice Attribute Override Extension .................................................48-7
Labor Billing Extension ...................................................................................................48-8
Nonlabor Billing Extension ...........................................................................................48-10
Output Tax Extension ................................................................................................... 48-12
Receivables Transaction Type Extension .......................................................................48-13
FAQs for Define Project Billing Extensions ...................................................................48-15
49 Project Performance Reporting Configuration: Manage Project Units: Performance
Reporting Options
Performance Data Summarization: How It Is Calculated ............................................... 49-1
Setting Up the Planning Amount Allocation Basis: Points to Consider ...........................49-2
FAQs for Manage Project Units: Performance Reporting Options .................................. 49-4
50 Project Performance Reporting Configuration: Define Key Performance Indicators
Manage Key Performance Indicators ..............................................................................50-1
Manage Trend Indicators .............................................................................................. 50-10
51 Project Performance Reporting Configuration: FAQs for Manage Performance Measures
What's the difference between effort-based, amount-based, and percentage-based
performance measures ........................................................................................................ 51-1
What happens if I use period-to-date amount-based measures for large projects ........... 51-1
52 Project Performance Reporting Configuration: FAQs for Define Region Personalization
Can I select the regions to appear on Project Performance Reporting dashboard pages
53 Project Integration Gateway Configuration: Overview
Oracle Fusion Project Foundation and Oracle Fusion Project Management: How They
Work Together .....................................................................................................................53-1
Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management and Oracle Fusion Project
Portfolio Management: How They Work Together ............................................................. 53-2
54 Project Integration Gateway Configuration: Manage Integration Options
Primavera P6 Integration Options: How They Work Together ....................................... 54-1
Planning Resources: How They Are Exported to Primavera P6 Enterprise Project
Portfolio Management .........................................................................................................54-4
Projects and Tasks: How They Are Exported to Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio
Management ........................................................................................................................54-6
Project and Task Attributes Exported to Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio
Management: Explained ......................................................................................................54-7
FAQs for Manage Integration Options ........................................................................... 54-9
55 Microsoft Project Integration: Overview
Microsoft Project and Oracle Fusion Projects: How They Work Together ....................... 55-1
56 Project Templates: Manage Project Templates
Expenditure Item Chargeability: How It Is Determined ................................................. 56-1
Project Quick Entry: Explained .......................................................................................56-2
Transaction Controls: Explained ..................................................................................... 56-4
FAQs for Manage Project Templates ...............................................................................56-5
57 Other Common Setup and Maintenance Tasks
Define Transactional Business Intelligence Configuration .............................................. 57-1
Define Extensions: Define Custom Enterprise Scheduler Jobs ........................................ 57-4
Customization and Sandboxes ........................................................................................57-5
FAQs for Other Common Setup and Maintenance Tasks ................................................57-8
58 External Integration
Web Services: Overview ................................................................................................. 58-1
Files for Import and Export ............................................................................................58-2
External Data Integration Services for Oracle Cloud ...................................................... 58-6
59 Importing and Exporting Setup Data
Configuration Packages: Explained ................................................................................ 59-1
Exporting and Importing Setup Data: Explained ............................................................59-1
Moving Common Reference Objects ...............................................................................59-2
This Preface introduces the guides, online help, and other information sources
available to help you more effectively use Oracle Fusion Applications.
Oracle Fusion Applications Help
You can access Oracle Fusion Applications Help for the current page, section,
activity, or task by clicking the help icon. The following figure depicts the help
You can add custom help files to replace or supplement the provided content.
Each release update includes new help content to ensure you have access to the
latest information. Patching does not affect your custom help content.
Oracle Fusion Applications Guides
Oracle Fusion Applications guides are a structured collection of the help
topics, examples, and FAQs from the help system packaged for easy download
and offline reference, and sequenced to facilitate learning. You can access the
guides from the Guides menu in the global area at the top of Oracle Fusion
Applications Help pages.
Guides are designed for specific audiences:
• User Guides address the tasks in one or more business processes. They are
intended for users who perform these tasks, and managers looking for an
overview of the business processes. They are organized by the business
process activities and tasks.
• Implementation Guides address the tasks required to set up an offering,
or selected features of an offering. They are intended for implementors.
They are organized to follow the task list sequence of the offerings, as
displayed within the Setup and Maintenance work area provided by
Oracle Fusion Functional Setup Manager.
• Concept Guides explain the key concepts and decisions for a specific
area of functionality. They are intended for decision makers, such as chief
financial officers, financial analysts, and implementation consultants. They
are organized by the logical flow of features and functions.
• Security Reference Manuals describe the predefined data that is included
in the security reference implementation for one offering. They are
intended for implementors, security administrators, and auditors. They are
organized by role.
These guides cover specific business processes and offerings. Common areas are
addressed in the guides listed in the following table.
Guide Intended Audience Purpose
Common User Guide All users Explains tasks performed by most
Common Implementation Guide Implementors Explains tasks within the
Define Common Applications
Configuration task list, which is
included in all offerings.
Functional Setup Manager User
Implementors Explains how to use Oracle
Fusion Functional Setup Manager
to plan, manage, and track
your implementation projects,
migrate setup data, and validate
Technical Guides System administrators,
application developers,
and technical members of
implementation teams
Explain how to install, patch,
administer, and customize Oracle
Fusion Applications.
Limited content applicable to
Oracle Cloud implementations.
For guides that are not available from the Guides menu, go to Oracle Technology
Network at
Other Information Sources
My Oracle Support
Oracle customers have access to electronic support through My Oracle
Support. For information, visit
ctx=acc&id=info or visit
ctx=acc&id=trs if you are hearing impaired.
Use the My Oracle Support Knowledge Browser to find documents for a product
area. You can search for release-specific information, such as patches, alerts,
white papers, and troubleshooting tips. Other services include health checks,
guided lifecycle advice, and direct contact with industry experts through the My
Oracle Support Community.
Oracle Enterprise Repository for Oracle Fusion Applications
Oracle Enterprise Repository for Oracle Fusion Applications provides details
on service-oriented architecture assets to help you manage the lifecycle of your
software from planning through implementation, testing, production, and
In Oracle Fusion Applications, you can use Oracle Enterprise Repository at for:
• Technical information about integrating with other applications, including
services, operations, composites, events, and integration tables. The
classification scheme shows the scenarios in which you use the assets, and
includes diagrams, schematics, and links to other technical documentation.
• Other technical information such as reusable components, policies,
architecture diagrams, and topology diagrams.
The content of Oracle Enterprise Repository reflects the latest release of Oracle
Fusion Applications.
Documentation Accessibility
For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle
Accessibility Program website at
Comments and Suggestions
Your comments are important to us. We encourage you to send us feedback
about Oracle Fusion Applications Help and guides. Please send your
suggestions to [email protected]. You can
use the Send Feedback to Oracle link in the footer of Oracle Fusion Applications
Overview 1-1
Project Financial Management Offering: Overview
In the Project Management business process area, your enterprise can configure
how you manage projects, including how to plan, budget, forecast, collect costs,
bill customers, and report performance.
Before you begin, use the Getting Started page in the Setup and Maintenance
work area to access reports for each offering, including full lists of setup tasks,
descriptions of the options and features you can select when you configure the
offering, and lists of business objects and enterprise applications associated with
the offering.
The first implementation step is to configure the offerings in the Setup and
Maintenance work area by selecting the offerings and options that you want to
make available to implement. For the Project Financial Management offering,
you can select the following options and configure the feature choices:
Option Feature
Project Financial Management • Enterprise Structures Guided Flow
• Governance, Risk and Compliance
• Local Installation of Help
• Access to Internet-Based Help Features
• Help Customization
• Custom Help Security
• Maintain Common Reference Objects
• Subledger Accounting Rules
• WebCenter Integration
• Labor Costing Extensions
• Project Extensions
• Application Toolkit Component Maintenance
• Click To Dial
Burdening Burdening Extensions
Cross-Charge Transactions
1-2 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Cross-Charge Transactions: Borrowed and Lent • Borrowed and Lent Extensions
• Transfer Price Extensions
Cross-Charge Transactions: Intercompany Billing • Intercompany Billing Extensions
• Transfer Pricing
• Transfer Price Extensions
Project Costing • Expenditure Extensions
• Application Integrations
Project Costing: Allocations Allocation Extensions
Project Costing: Capital Projects • Retirement Processing
• Capital Asset Extensions
• Capital Interest
• Capital Interest Extensions
Project Billing Billing Extensions
Project Billing: Interproject Billing
Project Billing: Estimated Tax Calculation
Project Control Budgeting and Forecasting Extensions
Project Performance Reporting Performance Reporting Extensions
Project Integration Gateway
Project Integration Gateway: Primavera P6
Enterprise Project Portfolio Management Integration
Project Integration Gateway: Oracle Fusion Project
Management Integration
Project Business Intelligence Analytics
Project Business Intelligence Analytics: Project
Revenue and Billing Business Intelligence Analytics
Project Business Intelligence Analytics: Project
Performance Business Intelligence Analytics
Project Business Intelligence Analytics: Project
Control and Costing Business Intelligence Analytics
Next, create one or more implementation projects for the offerings and options
that you want to implement first, which generates task lists for each project. The
application implementation manager can customize the task list and assign and
track each task.
If you select all of the options, the generated task list for this offering contains the
groups of tasks listed in the following table:
Overview 1-3
Task List Description
Define Common Applications Configuration for
Project Financial Management
Define the configuration for common setup such as
users, enterprise and HR structures, security, and
common reference objects for Oracle Fusion Project
Financial Management.
You can find other information that supports the
common implementation tasks in the Oracle Fusion
Applications Concepts Guide.
Define Common Project Configuration Configure components from other product offerings
that are used by Oracle Fusion Projects.
Define Project Foundation Configuration Configure all foundation components for creating
and maintaining projects in Oracle Fusion Projects.
Define Project Costing Configuration Configure Oracle Fusion Project Costing to collect,
monitor, and influence the costs associated with the
delivery of the project.
Define Project Control Configuration Configure Oracle Fusion Project Control to monitor
project execution, progress, budgeting, and
Define Project Billing Configuration Configure Oracle Fusion Project Billing to invoice
customers and recognize revenue for project
Define Project Performance Reporting Configuration Configure Oracle Fusion Project Performance
Reporting to collect and review project data against
defined performance areas.
Define Project Integration Gateway Configuration Configure Oracle Fusion Project Integration
Gateway to integrate with third-party scheduling
tools such as Primavera P6 Enterprise Project
Portfolio Management.
Define Project Templates Create and maintain project templates that have
features common in the projects you want to create.
Define Transactional Business Intelligence
Define the configuration for Oracle Transactional
Business Intelligence to enable business intelligence
reporting with the Oracle Fusion Applications.
Define Extensions for Project Financial Management Configure specific extensions for customization of
Oracle Fusion Project Financial Management.
You can also customize and extend applications using other tools. For more
information, see the Oracle Fusion Applications Extensibility Guide.
Define Common Applications Configuration for Project Financial
Management: Overview
In the Define Common Applications Configuration for Project Financial
Management activity, you perform common setup steps such as defining users,
enterprise and human resource structures, security, and common reference
objects for Project Financial Management applications in Oracle Fusion Project
Portfolio Management.
Setup tasks in the Define Common Applications Configuration for Project
Financial Management activity are grouped into the following task lists:
1-4 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Task List Description
Define Synchronization of Users and Roles from
Run a process to populate the product tables
containing user and role information with the users
and roles held in LDAP. This process is always
the first implementation task but can also run
periodically to keep the product tables synchronized
with subsequent updates to LDAP.
Define Implementation Users Create implementation users and roles. Provision
implementation users with job and data roles.
Define Currencies and Currency Rates Define the currencies and currency rates that your
organization does business in.
Define Enterprise Structures for Project Financial
Access your enterprise organization, such as legal
entities, legal jurisdictions and authorities, and
business units, and specify their use in Oracle
Fusion Project Financial Management. Define the
accounting configuration and chart of accounts that
serve as a framework for how financial records are
maintained for an organization.
Define Social Networking Review options related to social networking and
update as necessary.
Define Security for Project Financial Management Enable users to perform functions related to their job
Define Automated Governance, Risk, and
Performance Controls
Define the controls that automate the analysis of
data-related and address-related issues to mitigate
risk and optimize performance of an organization.
Define Approval Management for Project Financial
Define approval routing structures and controls to
match your organization's needs.
Define Help Configuration Define what users can see and do in a local
deployment of Oracle Fusion Applications Help.
Define Application Toolkit Configuration Set up Oracle Fusion Application Toolkit
features, which are common across Oracle Fusion
Maintain Common Reference Objects Review and manage common objects, for example
profiles and lookups, that affect the functionality and
look of applications.
Define WebLogic Communication Services
Configure WebLogic Communication Services,
security, and gateways for third-party call control,
session initiation protocol telephony, or soft
switch serving the users within that domain, and
automated dialing.
Getting Started with an Implementation: Overview
To start an Oracle Fusion Applications implementation, you must set up one or
more initial users using the super user that was created during installation and
provisioning of the Oracle Fusion Applications environment, or using the initial
administrator user provided by Oracle for Oracle Cloud Application Services
implementations. Because Oracle Fusion Applications is secure as delivered, the
process of enabling the necessary setup access for initial users requires several
specialized steps when getting started with an implementation.
The following high level steps are required for starting an implementation.
1. If you are not starting an Oracle Cloud Application Services
implementation, sign into Oracle Identity Manager (OIM) as the OIM
Overview 1-5
Administration users and provision the IT Security Manager job role with
roles for user and role management. This enables the super user account,
which is provisioned with the IT Security Manager job role, to create
implementation users.
2. For starting all implementations, sign in as the user with initial access:
either the Oracle Fusion Applications installation super user or the initial
Oracle Cloud Application Services administrator user.
3. Select an offering to implement, and generate the setup tasks needed to
implement the offering.
4. Perform the following security tasks:
a. Synchronize users and roles in the Lightweight Directory Access
Protocol (LDAP) store with HCM user management by using the Run
User and Roles Synchronization Process task.
b. Create an IT security manager user by using the Create Implementation
Users task.
c. Provision the IT security manager with the IT Security Manager role by
using the Provision Roles to Implementation Users task.
5. As the newly created IT security manager user, sign in to Oracle Fusion
Applications and set up at least one implementation user for setting up
enterprise structures.
a. Create an implementation user by using the Create Implementation
Users task.
b. Provision the implementation user with the Application
Implementation Manager job role or the Application Implementation
Consultant job role by using the Provision Roles to Implementation
Users task. The Application Implementation Consultant job role
inherits from all product-specific application administrators and
entitles the necessary View All access to all secured object.
c. Optionally, create a data role for an implementation user who needs
only the limited access of a product-specific Application Administrator
by using the Create Data Role for Implementation Users. Then assign
the resulting data role to the implementation user by using the
Provision Roles to Implementation Users task.
The figure shows the task flow from provisioning the IT Security Manager job
role with the user and role management entitlement to creating and provisioning
implementation users for enterprise setup.
1-6 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Manage Application Implementation
Manage Application Implementation: Overview
The Manage Applications Implementation business process enables rapid and
efficient planning, configuration, implementation, deployment, and ongoing
maintenance of Oracle Fusion applications through self-service administration.
The Setup and Maintenance work area offers you the following benefits:
• Prepackaged Lists of Implementation Tasks
Task lists can be easily configured and extended to better fit with business
requirements. Auto-generated, sequential task lists include prerequisites
and address dependencies to give full visibility to end-to-end setup
requirements of Oracle Fusion applications.
• Rapid Start
Specific implementations can become templates to facilitate reuse and
rapid-start for comparable Oracle Fusion applications across many
Overview 1-7
• Comprehensive Reporting
A set of built-in reports helps to analyze, validate and audit
configurations, implementations, and setup data of Oracle Fusion
With Oracle Fusion Functional Setup Manager you can:
• Learn about and analyze implementation requirements.
• Configure Oracle Fusion applications to match your business needs.
• Achieve complete visibility to setup requirements through guided,
sequential task lists downloadable into Excel for project planning.
• Enter setup data through easy-to-use user interfaces available directly
from the task lists.
• Export and import data from one instance to another for rapid setup.
• Validate setup by reviewing setup data reports.
• Implement all Oracle Fusion applications through a standard and
consistent process.
The following documentation resources are available for learning how to
configure Oracle Fusion Applications.
• Functional Setup Manager Developer's Guide
• Common Implementation Guide
• Customer Data Management Implementation Guide
• Enterprise Contracts Implementation Guide
• Marketing Implementation Guide
• Sales Implementation Guide
• Fusion Accounting Hub Implementation Guide
• Financials Implementation Guide
• Compensation Management Implementation Guide
• Workforce Deployment Implementation Guide
• Workforce Development Implementation Guide
• Incentive Compensation Implementation Guide
• Procurement Implementation Guide
• P6 EPPM Administrator's Guide for an Oracle Database
• P6 EPPM Administrator's Guide for Microsoft SQL Server Database
1-8 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Implementation Projects: Explained
An implementation project is the list of setup tasks you need to complete to
implement selected offerings and options. You create a project by selecting the
offerings and options you want to implement together. You manage the project
as a unit throughout the implementation lifecycle. You can assign these tasks to
users and track their completion using the included project management tools.
Maintaining Setup Data
You can also create an implementation project to maintain the setup of specific
business processes and activities. In this case, you select specific setup task lists
and tasks
Exporting and Importing
Implementation projects are also the foundation for setup export and import.
You use them to identify which business objects, and consequently setup data,
you will export or import and in which order.
Selecting Offerings
When creating an implementation project you see the list of offerings and
options that are configured for implementation. Implementation managers
specify which of those offerings and options to include in an implementation
project. There are no hard and fast rules for how many offerings you should
include in one implementation project. The implementation manager should
decide based on how they plan to manage their implementations. For example,
if you will implement and deploy different offerings at different times, then
having separate implementation projects will make it easier to manage the
implementation life cycles. Furthermore, the more offerings you included in an
implementation project, the bigger the generated task list will be. This is because
the implementation task list includes all setup tasks needed to implement all
included offerings. Alternatively, segmenting into multiple implementation
projects makes the process easier to manage.
Offerings: Explained
Offerings are application solution sets representing one or more business
processes and activities that you typically provision and implement as a unit.
They are, therefore, the primary drivers of functional setup of Oracle Fusion
applications. Some of the examples of offerings are Financials, Procurement,
Sales, Marketing, Order Orchestration, and Workforce Deployment. An offering
may have one or more options or feature choices.
Implementation Task Lists
The configuration of the offerings will determine how the list of setup tasks
is generated during the implementation phase. Only the setup tasks needed
to implement the selected offerings, options and features will be included in
Overview 1-9
the task list, giving you a targeted, clutter-free task list necessary to meet your
implementation requirements.
Enabling Offerings
Offerings and their options are presented in an expandable and collapsible
hierarchy to facilitate progressive decision making when specifying whether or
not an enterprise plans to implement them. An offering or its options can either
be selected or not be selected for implementation. Implementation managers
decide which offerings to enable.
Provisioning Offerings
The Provisioned column on the Configure Offerings page shows whether or
not an offering is provisioned. While you are not prevented from configuring
offerings that have not been provisioned, ultimately the users are not able to
perform the tasks needed to enter setup data for those offerings until appropriate
enterprise applications (Java EE applications) are provisioned and their location
(end point URLs) is registered.
Options: Explained
Each offering in general includes a set of standard functionality and a set of
optional modules, which are called options. For example, in addition to standard
Opportunity Management, the Sales offering includes optional functionality
such as Sales Catalog, Sales Forecasting, Sales Prediction Engine, and Outlook
Integration. These optional functions may not be relevant to all application
implementations. Because these are subprocesses within an offering, you do not
always implement options that are not core to the standard transactions of the
Feature Choices: Explained
Offerings include optional or alternative business rules or processes called
feature choices. You make feature selections according to your business
requirements to get the best fit with the offering. If the selected offerings
and options have dependent features then those features are applicable
when you implement the corresponding offering or option. In general, the
features are set with a default configuration based on their typical usage in
most implementations. However, you should always review the available
feature choices for their selected offerings and options and configure them as
appropriate for the implementation.
You can configure feature choices in three different ways:
Yes or No
If a feature can either be applicable or not be applicable to an implementation, a
single checkbox is presented for selection. Check or uncheck to specify yes or no
1-10 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Single Select
If a feature has multiple choices but only one can be applicable to an
implementation, multiple choices are presented as radio buttons. You can turn
on only one of those choices.
If the feature has multiple choices but one or more can be applicable to an
implementation then all choices are presented with a checkbox. Select all that
apply by checking the appropriate choices.
Common Applications Configuration: Define Synchronization of Users and Roles from LDAP 2-1
Common Applications Configuration:
Define Synchronization of Users and
Roles from LDAP
User and Role Synchronization: Explained
Oracle Identity Management (OIM) maintains Lightweight Directory Access
Protocol (LDAP) user accounts for users of Oracle Fusion applications. OIM also
stores the definitions of abstract, job, and data roles and holds information about
roles provisioned to users. During implementation, any existing information
about users, roles, and roles provisioned to users must be copied from the
LDAP directory to the Oracle Fusion Applications tables. Once the Oracle
Fusion Applications tables are initialized with this information, it is maintained
automatically. To perform the initialization, you run the process Retrieve Latest
LDAP Changes.
For security and audit best practice, implementation users have person records
and appropriate role-based security access. So that appropriate roles can be
assigned to implementation users, you must run the process Retrieve Latest
LDAP Changes before you create implementation users.
During initial implementation, the installation super user performs the task Run
User and Role Synchronization Process to run the Retrieve Latest LDAP Changes
The user name and password of the installation super user are created during
installation provisioning of Oracle Fusion Applications. For details of the user
name and password, contact your system administrator or the person who
installed Oracle Fusion Applications.
2-2 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Common Applications Configuration: Define Implementation Users 3-1
Common Applications Configuration:
Define Implementation Users
Initial Security Administration: Critical Choices
After installation and provisioning, and before setting up enterprise structures
and implementing projects, you must establish required entitlement for the
super user account and at least one implementation user to proceed with
the implementation. Once initial enterprise structure setup is complete,
additional users may be created through processes available in Human Capital
Management (HCM).
Initial security administration consists of the following.
• Preparing the IT Security Manager job role
• Synchronizing users and roles from Lightweight Directory Access
Protocol (LDAP) with HCM
• Creating implementation users
• Optionally creating data roles for implementation users
• Provisioning implementation users with roles
Once the first implementation project begins and the enterprise work structure
is set up, use standard user and security management processes such as the
Manage Users task to create and manage additional users. Do not use the Create
Implementation Users task after your enterprise has been set up.
Preparing the IT Security Manager Job Role
Initially the super user is not provisioned to manage users and roles.
You must add the following Oracle Identity Management (OIM) roles to the IT
Security Manager job role's role hierarchy to enable the super user to create one
or more initial implementation users.
• Identity User Administrators
• Role Administrators
Additionally, you must assign the Xellerate Users organization to the IT Security
Manager role.
3-2 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Synchronizing Users and Roles from LDAP
After configuring an offering and setting up the task lists for implementation, the
Run User and Roles Synchronization Process task is available to the super user
for synchronizing users and roles in the LDAP store with Oracle Fusion Human
Capital Management (HCM).
Defining Initial Implementation Users
The super user is provisioned with roles that provide broad access to Oracle
Fusion Middleware and Oracle Fusion Applications administration, and is
not suitable as an implementation user in most enterprises. The super user
should define at least one implementation user, which consists of creating the
user account and provisioning it with at least the Application Implementation
Consultant and Application Implementation Manager job roles.
As a security guideline, define an IT security manager user who in turn defines
one or more implementation users to set up enterprise structures. The IT security
manager users can provision the implementation user with the Application
Implementation Consultant role, which entitles access to all enterprise structures.
Or the IT security manager can create a data role that restricts access to
enterprise structures of a specific product and provisioning that role.
Depending on the size of your implementation team, you may only need a
single implementation user for security administration, implementation project
management, enterprise structures setup, and application implementation. That
single user must then be provisioned with all indicated roles, and therefore
broad access.
Creating Implementation Users
The super user creates one or more implementation users by performing the
Create Implementation Users task.
This initial implementation user is a user account created in Oracle Identity
Management only, specifically for setting up enterprise structures, and is not
related to a real person or identity such as a user defined in HCM.
Creating Data Roles for Implementation Users
As an alternative to provisioning an implementation user with the Application
Implementation Consultant role to access all enterprise structures, you may need
implementation users with access restricted to enterprise structures for specific
products. In this case, use the Create Data Roles for Implementation Users task
to create a data role based on a job role with less broad access, such as the HCM
Application Administrator job role.
Provisioning Roles to Implementation Users
After creating an implementation user, you must provision the user with one or
more roles by performing the Provision Roles to Implementation Users task.
Common Applications Configuration: Define Implementation Users 3-3
For example, assign a role to the implementation user that provides the access
necessary for setting up the enterprise. Depending on need, provision to the
implementation user the predefined Applications Implementation Consultant
role or a product family-specific administrator data role, such as a data role
based on the predefined Financials Applications Administrator.
The Application Implementation Consultant has broad access. It is a very useful
role for experimentation or setting up a pilot environment, but may not be
suitable for implementation users in a full implementation project.
Initial Security Administration: Worked Example
This example illustrates initial security administration after having installed and
provisioned an Oracle Fusion Applications environment.
In Oracle Fusion Applications, you manage users and security through Oracle
Fusion Human Capital Management (HCM) user management flows, which
are included in each of the offering task lists. However, the HCM task flows
require that enterprise structures have been set up, and yet to add users who
can set up enterprise structures you need to have set up HCM. Therefore, you
need to create one or more initial implementation users who are responsible for
providing the following.
• Users and their applications security management
• Implementation project management
• Initial enterprise structures management
The following table summarizes key decisions for this scenario.
Decision In this Example
How to sign in to Oracle Fusion Applications for the
first time
Use the super user account that was created
when installing and provisioning Oracle Fusion
Applications (for example, FAADMIN).
How to ensure that the roles and users in the
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) store
match what is available for selection when defining
implementation users
Perform the Run User and Roles Synchronization
Process task.
How to create a first implementation user Prepare the IT Security Manager job role for user and
role management so the super user and any other
user provisioned with the IT Security Manager job
role can manage users and roles.
How to establish security administration users Define an IT security manager user provisioned with
the IT Security Manager job role.
How to establish an implementation user with access
to set up enterprise structures
Define an implementation user provisioned with the
Application Implementation Consultant job role.
You create an initial implementation user by performing the following tasks.
3-4 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
1. The Oracle Identity Management System Administrator user provisions
the IT Security Manager job role with roles for user and role management.
2. The Oracle Fusion Applications super user synchronizes LDAP users
with HCM user management so that users can be provisioned with roles
through HCM.
3. The Oracle Fusion Applications super user performs the Create
Implementation Users task to create one or more IT security manager and
administrator users provisioned with security administrative entitlement.
4. The IT Security Manager user signs in to Oracle Fusion Applications and
performs the Create Implementation Users task to create implementation
managers and users.
5. The IT Security Manager user provisions implementation users for
enterprise structure setup.
The following tasks assume that the super user has configured an offering and
set up task lists. When not following a task flow within an activity, you can find
tasks in Navigator > Tools > Setup and Maintenance > All Tasks . Search for
the task and click its Go to Task icon in the search results.
Preparing the IT Security Manager Role
The super user that was created when installing and provisioning Oracle
Fusion Applications (for example, FAADMIN), or the initial administrator user
provided by Oracle for Oracle Cloud Application Services, has all necessary
access for implementing Oracle Fusion Applications and administering security.
This access is provided by the following roles:
• Application Implementation Consultant
• IT Security Manager
Neither of these roles provides access needed for creating and managing Oracle
Fusion Applications users. Therefore, you must add the following two OIM roles
to the IT Security Manager role:
• Identity User Administrators
• Role Administrators
The following procedure is prerequisite to an IT security manager or
administrator creating an initial one or more implementation users.
1. While signed into Oracle Identity Manager as the OIM System
Administrator user, click the Administration link in the upper right of the
Oracle Identity Manager.
This accesses the Welcome to Identity Manager Delegated Administration
2. In the Roles list of tasks, click Advanced Search - Roles. Search for the
Identity Users Administrators role by entering the role name in Display
Name and clicking Search.
Common Applications Configuration: Define Implementation Users 3-5
In the Search Results, click the role's Display Name.
3. On the Hierarchy tab, select Inherits From and click Add.
4. In the Add Parent Role to: IDENTITY USER ADMINISTRATORS window,
select the role category: Common - Job Roles and add the IT Security
Click the arrow icon to show the list of available roles. Select IT Security
Manager and move it to the Roles to Add list. Click Save.
5. Search for the Role Administrators role, and repeat steps 1 to 4 to add that
role to the IT Security Manager role's role inheritance.
6. Assign the IT Security Manager role to the Xellerate Users organization.
a. In the Welcome to Identity Manager Delegated Administration menu
(see step 1, above), in the Organizations list of tasks, click Advanced
Search - Organizations.
b. Search for the Xellerate Users organization by entering Xellerate Users
in Display Name and clicking Search.
c. In the Search Results, click the organization's Display Name. The
Xellerate Users page appears.
d. Click the Administrative Roles link in the row of links above the
Xellerate Users.
e. In Filter By Role Name of the Details window, enter the following
Click Find.
f. Enable Read, Write, Delete, and Assign.
g. Click Assign.
h. Click Confirm.
Synchronizing Users and Roles from LDAP
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) must be synchronized with HCM
user management so that users can be provisioned with roles through HCM.
1. Sign in to Oracle Fusion Applications using the super user's user name
(for example FAADMIN) and password.
If you do not know the super user name and password, check with
your system administrator or the person who installed Oracle Fusion
Applications. For more information about account creation in Oracle
Fusion Applications provisioning, see the Oracle Fusion Applications
Installation Guide.
2. Perform the Run User and Roles Synchronization Process task by clicking
Submit in the Process Details page.
The Retrieve Latest LDAP Changes process takes some time to complete
the first time it is run.
3-6 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
3. Monitor completion of the Retrieve Latest LDAP Changes process from
Navigator > Tools > Scheduled Processes before continuing with
creating implementation users.
Defining an IT Security Manager User
The super user has broad access to Oracle Fusion Middleware and Oracle Fusion
Applications administration. Due to this broad access, your enterprise needs
users dedicated to managing users and applications security, such as an IT
security manager user.
1. While signed in as the Oracle Fusion Applications super user, access the
Create Implementation Users task and create an IT security manager.
The Oracle Identity Manager appears.
2. Click Create User.
For details, see the Creating Users section in the Oracle Fusion
Middleware User's Guide for Oracle Identity Manager.
3. Provide the following attributes:
Attribute Value Example
Last name <any valid string> Smith
Organization Xellerate Users N/A
User type Non Worker N/A
User login <any valid string> IT_SECURITY_MANAGER
Login password <any valid string> SeKur1TyPa$$w0Rd
In Oracle Fusion Applications, an implementation user is a user account
created in OIM only, specifically for implementation tasks, and is not
related to a real person or identity such as a user defined in HCM.
4. Click Save.
5. On the Roles tab in the IT_SECURITY_MANAGER user creation task
flow, click Assign.
6. In the Add Role window, search for the IT Security Manager role and click
Defining an Implementation User for Enterprise Structures Setup
1. Sign in to Oracle Fusion Applications using the IT security manager user's
name and password.
2. Create and provision an implementation user using the same task flow as
for creating the IT security manager user in the previous section, except
provision the following roles.
• Application Implementation Manager
Common Applications Configuration: Define Implementation Users 3-7
• Application Implementation Consultant
For an implementation to begin, at least one user must be provisioned
with the Application Implementation Manager role, and another or the
same user must be provisioned with the Application Implementation
Consultant role. The Application Implementation Consultant has broad
access to set up all enterprise structures.
3-8 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Common Applications Configuration: Define Currencies and Currency Rates 4-1
Common Applications Configuration:
Define Currencies and Currency Rates
Manage Currencies
Defining Currencies: Points to Consider
When creating or editing currencies, consider these points relevant to entering
the currency code, date range, or symbol for the currency.
Currency Codes
You cannot change a currency code after you enable the currency, even if you
later disable that currency.
Date Ranges
Users can enter transactions denominated in the currency only for the dates
within the specified range. If you do not enter a start date, then the currency is
valid immediately. If you do not enter an end date, then the currency is valid
Even if you enter a symbol for a currency, the symbol is not always displayed
when an amount is displayed in this currency. Some applications use currency
symbols when displaying amounts. Others, like Oracle Fusion General Ledger,
do not.
Euro Currency Derivation: Explained
Use the Derivation Type, Derivation Factor, and Derivation Effective Date fields
to define the relationship between the official currency (Euro) of the European
Monetary Union (EMU) and the national currencies of EMU member states. For
4-2 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
each EMU currency, you define its Euro-to-EMU fixed conversion rate and the
effective starting date.
If you need to use a different currency code for Euro, you can disable the
predefined Euro currency and create a new one.
Derivation Type
The Euro currency derivation type is used only for the Euro, and the Euro
derived derivation type identifies national currencies of EMU member states. All
other currencies do not have derivation types.
Derivation Factor
The derivation factor is the fixed conversion rate by which you multiply one
Euro to derive the equivalent EMU currency amount. The Euro currency itself
should not have a derivation factor.
Derivation Effective Date
The derivation effective date is the date on which the relationship between the
EMU currency and the Euro begins.
FAQs for Manage Currencies
When do I create or enable currencies?
Create currencies to use, for example for reporting purposes, if they are not
already provided. All currencies from the International Organization for
Standardization (ISO) 4217 standard are provided.
Enable any currency other than USD for use in Oracle Fusion Applications, for
example for displaying monetary amounts, assigning to sets of books, entering
transactions, and recording balances. Only USD is enabled by default.
What's the difference between precision, extended precision, and minimum
accountable unit for a currency?
Precision is the number of digits to the right of the decimal point used in regular
currency transactions. Extended precision is the number of digits to the right
of the decimal point used in calculations for this currency, and it must be
greater than or equal to the standard precision. For example, USD would have
2 for precision because amounts are transacted as such, for example $1.00. For
calculations, for example adding USD amounts, you might want the application
to be more precise than two decimal digits, and would enter an extended
precision accordingly.
Common Applications Configuration: Define Currencies and Currency Rates 4-3
Some applications use extended precision. Others, such as Oracle Fusion General
Ledger, do not.
Minimum accountable unit is the smallest denomination for the currency. For
example, for USD that would be .01 for the cent. This unit does not necessarily
correspond to the precision for all currencies.
What's a statistical unit currency type?
The statistical unit currency type is used only for the Statistical (STAT) currency.
The Statistical currency is used to record statistics such as the number of items
bought and sold. Statistical balances can be used directly in financial reports,
allocation formulas, and other calculations.
Manage Conversion Rate Types
Creating Conversion Rate Types: Critical Choices
Maintain different conversion rates between currencies for the same period
with the Oracle Fusion General Ledger conversion rate types functionality. Four
predefined daily conversion rate types are seeded: Spot, Corporate, User, and
Fixed, allowing you to use different rate types for different business needs.
During journal entry, the conversion rate is provided automatically by the
General Ledger based on the selected conversion rate type and currency, unless
the rate type is user. For user rate types, you must enter the conversion rate.
Define additional rate types as needed. Set your most frequently used rate type
as the default. Conversion rate types cannot be deleted.
Assign conversion rate types to automatically populate the associated rate for
your period average and period end rates for the ledger. For example, you can
assign the predefined rate type Spot to populate your period average rates and
the predefined rate type Corporate to populate your period end rates. Period
average and period end rates are used in translation of account balances.
Conversion rate types are used to automatically assign a rate when you perform
the following accounting functions:
• Convert foreign currency journal amounts to ledger currency equivalents
• Convert journal amounts from source ledgers to reporting currencies or
secondary ledgers
• Run Revaluation or Translation processes
In creating new conversion rates, decide whether to do the following:
• Enforce inverse relationships
4-4 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
• Select pivot currencies
• Select contra currencies
• Enable cross rates and allow cross rate overrides
• Maintain cross rate rules
Enforce Inverse Relationships
Check the Enforce Inverse Relationship check box to specify whether or not to
enforce the automatic calculation of inverse conversion rates when defining daily
Action Results
Checked When you enter a daily rate to convert currency A to
currency B, General Ledger automatically calculates
the inverse rate, currency B to A, and enters it in
the adjacent column. If either rate is changed, the
application automatically recalculates the other rate.
You can update the application calculated inverse
rate, but once you do, the related rate is updated.
The check box enforces that the inverse relationship
is maintained but does not prevent you from
updating the rates.
Unchecked General Ledger calculates the inverse rate but you
can change the rate and update the daily rates table
without the corresponding rate being updated.
Select Pivot Currencies
Select a pivot currency that is commonly used in your currency conversions.
A pivot currency is the central currency that interacts with contra currencies.
For example, you set up a daily rate between the US dollar (USD) and the
Euro currency (EUR) and another between the USD and the Canadian dollar
(CAD). USD is the pivot currency in creating a rate between EUR and CAD.
EUR and CAD are the contra currencies. Select the pivot currency from the list
of values which contains those currencies that are enabled, effective, and not a
statistical (STAT) currency. The description of the pivot currency is populated
automatically based on the currency definition.
If you want the application to create cross rates against a base currency, define
the base currency as the pivot currency. Selected pivot currencies can be changed
in the Rate Types page.
Select Contra Currencies
Select currencies available on the list of values as contra currencies. The available
currencies are those currencies which are enabled, effective, not STAT currency,
and not the pivot currency selected earlier. The description of the contra currency
is populated automatically based on the currency definition. Add or delete
contra currencies in the Contra Currencies region of the Rate Types page.
Common Applications Configuration: Define Currencies and Currency Rates 4-5
Enable Cross Rates and Allow Cross Rate Overrides
Check the Enable Cross Rates check box to calculate conversion rates based
on defined currency rate relationships. General Ledger calculates cross rates
based on your defined cross rate rules. Associate your cross rate rules with a
conversion rate type, pivot currency, and contra currencies. Cross rates facilitate
the creation of daily rates by automatically creating the rates between contra
currencies based on their relationship to a pivot currency. If the Enable Cross
Rates check box is changed to unchecked after entering contra currencies,
the application stops calculating cross rates going forward for that particular
rate type. All the earlier calculated cross rates for that rate type remain in the
database unless you manually delete them.
For example, if you have daily rates defined for the pivot currency, USD to the
contra currency, EUR, and USD to another contra currency, CAD, the application
will automatically create the rates between EUR to CAD and CAD to EUR. This
prevents the need to manually define the EUR to CAD and CAD to EUR rates.
Check the Allow Cross Rates Override check box to permit your users
to override application generated cross rates. If you accept the default of
unchecked, the application generated cross rates cannot be overridden
Maintain Cross Rate Rules
Define or update your cross rate rules at any time by adding or removing
contra currency assignments. Add a contra currency to a cross rate rule and run
the Daily Rates Import and Calculation process to generate the new rates. If
your remove a cross rate rule or a contra currency from a rule, any cross rates
generated previously for that contra currency remain unless you manually delete
them. Changes to the rule are not retroactive and will not affect previously stored
cross rates. The Cross Rate process generates as many rates as possible and skips
currencies where one component of the set is missing.
With a defined web service that extracts daily currency conversion rates
from external services, for example Reuters, currency conversion rates are
automatically updated for the daily rates and all cross currency relationships.
Using Rate Types: Examples
There are four seeded conversion rate types in Oracle Fusion applications:
• Spot
• Corporate
• User
4-6 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
• Fixed
You are the general ledger accountant for InFusion America Inc. You are entering
a journal entry to capture three transactions that were transacted in three
different foreign currencies:
• Canadian dollar (CAD): A very stable currency
• Mexican Peso (MXP): A fluctuating currency
• Hong Kong dollar (HKD): An infrequently used currency
You enter two lines with accounts and amounts for each foreign currency
transaction. Based on your company procedures, you select the appropriate rate
type to populate the rate for Corporate and Spot rate types from your daily rates
table. You manually enter the current rate for the User rate type.
Currency Selected Rate Type Selected Reason
CAD Corporate Entered a periodic type of
transaction. Your company has
established a daily rate to use for
the entire month across divisions
for all transactions in CAD. CAD
is a stable currency that only
fluctuations slightly over the
MXP Spot Entered a periodic type of
transaction. Your company enters
daily rates each day for MXP
because this currency is unstable
and fluctuates.
HKD User Entered a one time transaction.
Your company does not maintain
daily rates in HKD.
Your company does not currently use the Fixed rate type. From January 1, 1999,
the conversion rate of the French franc (FRF) against the euro currency (EUR)
was set at a fixed rate of 1 EUR to 6.55957 FRF. Your French operations were
started in 2007, so you maintain all your French business records in the EUR.
FAQs for Manage Conversion Rate Types
What's the difference between spot, corporate, user, and fixed rate types?
Spot, corporate, user, and fixed conversion rate types differ based on the
fluctuations of your entered foreign currency and your company procedures for
maintaining daily rates.
Common Applications Configuration: Define Currencies and Currency Rates 4-7
Rate Type Usage
Spot For currencies with fluctuating conversion rates or
when exact currency conversion is needed.
Corporate For establishment of a standard rate across your
organization for a stable currency.
User For infrequent entries where your daily rates for the
entered foreign currency are not set up.
Fixed For rates where the conversion is constant between
two currencies.
If you have infrequent foreign currency transactions, the user rate type can
simplify your currency maintenance while providing an accurate conversion rate
on the date of the transaction.
Manage Daily Rates
Entering Daily Rates Manually: Worked Example
You are required to enter the daily rates for currency conversion from Great
Britain pounds sterling (GBP) to United States dollars (USD) each day for your
company InFusion America Inc.
Oracle Application Development Framework (ADF) Desktop Integration is
an Excel add-in that must be loaded onto each client. Because ADF Desktop
Integration is an add-in to Microsoft Office products, you can use this feature
only if they have Microsoft Excel 2007 or above, Internet Explorer 7 or above,
and Microsoft Windows 7, XP Professional SP2, or Vista. Users must download
the installation files from Navigator - Tools - Download Desktop Integrator
Entering Daily Rates
1. Navigate to the Period Close work area.
Use the Period Close work area to link to close processes and currency
2. Click the Manage Currency Rates link.
Use the Currency Rates Manager page to create, edit, and review currency
rate types, daily rates, and historical rates.
3. Click the Daily Rates tab.
Use the Daily Rates tab to review and enter currency rates.
4. Click the Create in Spreadsheet button.
Use the Create Daily Rates spreadsheet to enter daily rates in a template
that you can save and reuse.
5. Click in the From Currency field. Select the GBP - Pound Sterling list item.
4-8 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
6. Click in the To Currency field. Select the USD - US Dollar list item.
7. Click in the Conversion Rate field. Select the Spot list item
8. Click in the From Conversion field. Enter the desired information into the
From Conversion field. Enter a valid value e.g. "8/1/2011".
9. Click in the To Conversion Date field. Enter the desired information into
the To Conversion Date field. Enter a valid value e.g. "8/1/2011".
10. Click in the Conversion Rate field. Enter the desired information into the
Conversion Rate field. Enter a valid value e.g. "1.33225".
11. Click the Submit button. Click the OK button twice.
12. Review the Record Status column to verify that all rows were loaded
13. Save the template to use to enter daily rates frequently. You can save the
spreadsheet to either a local drive or a shared network drive.
Updating Currency Rates: Worked Example
You are required to change today's daily rates that were already entered. The
rates you are changing are for currency conversion from Great Britain pounds
sterling (GBP) to United States dollars (USD) for your company InFusion
America Inc.
Currency conversion rates were entered by an automatic load to the Daily Rates
table. They can also be entered through a spreadsheet.
Updating Currency Rates
1. Navigate to the Period Close work area.
Use the Period Close work area to link to close processes and currency
2. Click the Manage Currency Rates link.
Use the Currency Rates Manager page to create, edit, and review currency
rate types, daily rates, and historical rates.
3. Click the Daily Rates tab.
Use the Daily Rates tab to review and enter currency rates.
4. Click the From Currency list. Select the GBP - Pound Sterling list item.
5. Click the To Currency list. Select the USD - US Dollar list item.
6. Enter the dates for the daily rates that you are changing. Enter today's
7. Click the Rate Type list. Select the Spot list item.
8. Click the Search button.
9. Click in the Rate field. Enter the new rate of 1.7 in the Rate field.
10. Click in the Inverse Rate field. Enter the new inverse rate of 0.58822 in the
Inverse Rate field.
Common Applications Configuration: Define Currencies and Currency Rates 4-9
11. Click the Save button.
4-10 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Common Applications Configuration: Define Enterprise Structures for Project Financial Management 5-1
Common Applications Configuration:
Define Enterprise Structures for Project
Financial Management
Enterprise Structures: Overview
Oracle Fusion Applications have been designed to ensure your enterprise can
be modeled to meet legal and management objectives. The decisions about your
implementation of Oracle Fusion Applications are affected by your:
• Industry
• Business unit requirements for autonomy
• Business and accounting policies
• Business functions performed by business units and optionally,
centralized in shared service centers
• Locations of facilities
Every enterprise has three fundamental structures, legal, managerial, and
functional, that are used to describe its operations and provide a basis for
reporting. In Oracle Fusion, these structures are implemented using the chart
of accounts and organizations. Although many alternative hierarchies can
be implemented and used for reporting, you are likely to have one primary
structure that organizes your business into divisions, business units, and
departments aligned by your strategic objectives.
5-2 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Legal Structure
The figure above shows a typical group of legal entities, operating various
business and functional organizations. Your ability to buy and sell, own, and
employ comes from your charter in the legal system. A corporation is a distinct
legal entity from its owners and managers. The corporation is owned by its
shareholders, who may be individuals or other corporations. There are many
other kinds of legal entities, such as sole proprietorships, partnerships, and
government agencies.
A legally recognized entity can own and trade assets and employ people in the
jurisdiction in which it is registered. When granted these privileges, legal entities
are also assigned responsibilities to:
• Account for themselves to the public through statutory and external
• Comply with legislation and regulations
• Pay income and transaction taxes
• Process value added tax (VAT) collection on behalf of the taxing authority
Many large enterprises isolate risk and optimize taxes by incorporating
subsidiaries. They create legal entities to facilitate legal compliance, segregate
operations, optimize taxes, complete contractual relationships, and isolate risk.
Enterprises use legal entities to establish their enterprise's identity under the
laws of each country in which their enterprise operates.
In the figure above, a separate card represents a series of registered companies.
Each company, including the public holding company, InFusion America, must
be registered in the countries where they do business. Each company consists
of various divisions created for purposes of management reporting. These are
shown as vertical columns on each card. For example, a group might have a
separate company for each business in the United States (US), but have their
United Kingdom (UK) legal entity represent all businesses in that country. The
divisions are linked across the cards so that a business can appear on some or
all of the cards. For example, the air quality monitoring systems business might
be operated by the US, UK, and France companies. The list of business divisions
is on the Business Axis. Each company's card is also horizontally striped by
functional groups, such as the sales team and the finance team. This functional
list is called the Functional Axis. The overall image suggests that information
might, at a minimum, be tracked by company, business, division, and function
in a group environment. In Oracle Fusion Applications, the legal structure is
implemented using legal entities.
Management Structure
Successfully managing multiple businesses requires that you segregate them
by their strategic objectives, and measure their results. Although related to
your legal structure, the business organizational hierarchies do not need to
be reflected directly in the legal structure of the enterprise. The management
structure can include divisions, subdivisions, lines of business, strategic business
units, and cost centers. In the figure above, the management structure is shown
on the Business Axis. In Oracle Fusion Applications, the management structure
is implemented using divisions and business units.
Functional Structure
Straddling the legal and business organizations is a functional organization
structured around people and their competencies. For example, sales,
Common Applications Configuration: Define Enterprise Structures for Project Financial Management 5-3
manufacturing, and service teams are functional organizations. This functional
structure is represented by the Functional Axis in the figure above. You reflect
the efforts and expenses of your functional organizations directly on the income
statement. Organizations must manage and report revenues, cost of sales, and
functional expenses such as research and development (R&D) and selling,
general, and administrative (SG&A) expenses. In Oracle Fusion Applications,
the functional structure is implemented using departments and organizations,
including sales, marketing, project, cost, and inventory organizations.
Enterprise Structures Business Process Model: Explained
In Oracle Fusion Applications, the Enterprise Performance and Planning
Business Process Model illustrates the major implementation tasks that you
perform to create your enterprise structures. This process model includes the
Set Up Enterprise Structures business process, which consist of implementation
activities that span many product families. Information Technology is a second
Business Process Model which contains the Set Up Information Technology
Management business process. Define Reference Data Sharing is one of the
activities in this business process and is important in the implementation of
the enterprise structures. This activity creates the mechanism to share reference
data sets across multiple ledgers, business units, and warehouses, reducing the
administrative burden and decreasing the time needed to implement.
The following figure and chart describes the Business Process Model structures
and activities.
5-4 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
BPM Activities Description
Define Enterprise Define the enterprise to capture the name of
the deploying enterprise and the location of the
headquarters. There is normally a single enterprise
organization in a production environment. Multiple
enterprises are defined when the system is used
to administer multiple customer companies, or
when you choose to set up additional enterprises for
testing or development.
Define Enterprise Structures Define enterprise structures to represent an
organization with one or more legal entities under
common control. Define internal and external
organizations to represent each area of business
within the enterprise.
Define Legal Jurisdictions and Authorities Define information for governing bodies that
operate within a jurisdiction.
Define Legal Entities Define legal entities and legal reporting units for
business activities handled by the Oracle Fusion
Define Business Units Define business units of an enterprise to allow for
flexible implementation, to provide a consistent
entity for controlling and reporting on transactions,
and to be an anchor for the sharing of sets of
reference data across applications.
Define Financial Reporting Structures Define financial reporting structures, including
organization structures, charts of accounts,
organizational hierarchies, calendars, currencies and
rates, ledgers, and document sequences which are
used in organizing the financial data of a company.
Define Chart of Accounts Define chart of accounts including hierarchies and
values to enable tracking of financial transactions
and reporting at legal entity, cost center, account, and
other segment levels.
Define Ledgers Define the primary accounting ledger and any
secondary ledgers that provide an alternative
accounting representation of the financial data.
Define Accounting Configurations Define the accounting configuration that serves as a
framework for how financial records are maintained
for an organization.
Define Facilities Define inventory, item, and cost organizations.
Inventory organizations represent facilities that
manufacture or store items. The item master
organization holds a single definition of items that
can be shared across many inventory organizations.
Cost organizations group inventory organizations
within a legal entity to establish the cost accounting
Define Reference Data Sharing Define how reference data in the applications is
partitioned and shared.
There are product specific implementation activities that are not listed here
and depend on the applications you are implementing. For example, you can
Common Applications Configuration: Define Enterprise Structures for Project Financial Management 5-5
implement Define Enterprise Structures for Human Capital Management, Project
Management, and Sales Management.
Global Enterprise Configuration: Points to Consider
Start your global enterprise structure configuration by discussing what your
organization's reporting needs are and how to represent those needs in the
Oracle Fusion Applications. Consider deployment on a single instance, or at
least, on as few instances as possible, to simplify reporting and consolidations for
your global enterprises. The following are some questions and points to consider
as you design your global enterprise structure in Oracle Fusion.
• Enterprise Configuration
• Business Unit Management
• Security Structure
• Compliance Requirements
Enterprise Configuration
What is the level of configuration needed to achieve the reporting and
accounting requirements? What components of your enterprise do you need
to report on separately? Which components can be represented by building a
hierarchy of values to provide reporting at both detail and summary levels?
Where are you on the spectrum of centralization versus decentralization?
Business Unit Management
What reporting do I need by business unit? How can you set up your
departments or business unit accounts to achieve departmental hierarchies that
report accurately on your lines of business? What reporting do you need to
support the managers of your business units, and the executives who measure
them? How often are business unit results aggregated? What level of reporting
detail is required across business units?
Security Structure
What level of security and access is allowed? Are business unit managers
and the people that report to them secured to transactions within their own
business unit? Are the transactions for their business unit largely performed by a
corporate department or shared service center?
Compliance Requirements
How do you comply with your corporate external reporting requirements and
local statutory reporting requirements? Do you tend to prefer a corporate first or
5-6 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
an autonomous local approach? Where are you on a spectrum of centralization,
very centralized or decentralized?
Modeling Your Enterprise Management Structure in Oracle Fusion:
This example uses a fictitious global company to demonstrate the analysis that
can occur during the enterprise structure configuration planning process.
Your company, InFusion Corporation, is a multinational conglomerate that
operates in the United States (US) and the United Kingdom (UK). InFusion
has purchased an Oracle Fusion enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution
including Oracle Fusion General Ledger and all of the Oracle Fusion subledgers.
You are chairing a committee to discuss creation of a model for your global
enterprise structure including both your US and UK operations.
InFusion Corporation
InFusion Corporation has 400 plus employees and revenue of $120 million.
Your product line includes all the components to build and maintain air quality
monitoring (AQM) systems for homes and businesses. You have two distribution
centers and three warehouses that share a common item master in the US and
UK. Your financial services organization provides funding to your customers for
the start up costs of these systems.
The following are elements you need to consider in creating your model for your
global enterprise structure.
• Your company is required to report using US Generally Accepted
Accounting Principles (GAAP) standards and UK Statements of Standard
Accounting Practice and Financial Reporting Standards. How many
ledgers do you need to achieve proper statutory reporting?
• Your managers need reports that show profit and loss (revenue and
expenses) for their lines of business. Do you use business units and
balancing segments to represent your divisions and businesses? Do you
secure data by two segments in your chart of accounts which represents
each department and legal entity or one segment that represents both to
produce useful, but confidential management reports?
• Your corporate management requires reports showing total organizational
performance with drill down capability to the supporting details. Do you
need multiple balancing segment hierarchies to achieve proper rollup of
balances for reporting requirements?
• Your company has all administrative, account payables, procurement, and
human resources functions performed at their corporate headquarters.
Do you need one or more business unit in which to perform all these
functions? How will your shared service center be configured?
Common Applications Configuration: Define Enterprise Structures for Project Financial Management 5-7
Global Enterprise Structure Model
The following figure and table summarize the model that your committee has
designed and uses numerical values to provide a sample representation of your
structure. The model includes the following recommendations:
• Creation of three separate ledgers representing your separate legal
• InFusion America Inc.
• InFusion Financial Services Inc.
• InFusion UK Services Ltd.
• Consolidation of results for system components, installations, and
maintenance product lines across the enterprise
• All UK general and administrative costs processed at the UK
• US Systems' general and administrative costs processed at US Corporate
• US Financial Services maintains its own payables and receivables
5-8 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
In this chart, the green globe stands for mandatory and gold globe stands for
optional setup. The following statements expand on the data in the chart.
• The enterprise is mandatory because it serves as an umbrella for the entire
implementation. All organizations are created within an enterprise.
• Legal entities are also mandatory. They can be optionally mapped to
balancing segment values or represented by ledgers. Mapping balancing
segment values to legal entities is mandatory if you plan to use the
intercompany functionality.
• At least one ledger is mandatory in an implementation in which you
record your accounting transactions.
• Business units are also mandatory because financial transactions are
processed in business units.
• A shared service center is optional, but if used, must be a business unit.
• Divisions are optional and can be represented with a hierarchy of cost
centers or by a second balancing segment value.
• Departments are mandatory because they track your employees.
• Optionally, add an item master organization and inventory organizations
if you are tracking your inventory transactions in Oracle Fusion
Some Oracle Fusion Human Capital Management and Customer Relationship
Management implementations do not require recording of accounting
transactions and therefore, do not require implementation of a ledger.
The InFusion Corporation is a legal entity but is not discussed in this example.
Common Applications Configuration: Define Enterprise Structures for Project Financial Management 5-9
Essbase Character and Word Limitations
The following is a comprehensive list of character and word limitations that
apply to Essbase. All of the limitations apply to all of the Oracle Fusion General
Ledger configurations summarized in the table
Oracle Fusion General Ledger Configuration Maps to Essbase As:
Chart of Account Name Cube Name
Chart of Account Segment Name Dimension Name
Chart of Accounts Segment Value Dimension Member Name
Chart of Accounts Segment Value Description Alias for Member
Tree and Tree Version Name Dimension Member Name
Primary Ledger Name Dimension Member Name in Ledger Dimension
Secondary Ledger Name Dimension Member Name in Ledger Dimension
Reporting Currency Name Dimension Member Name in Ledger Dimension
Ledger Set Name Dimension Member Name in Ledger Dimension
Accounting Calendar Period Names Dimension Member Name in Accounting Period
Scenario Name Defined in Seeded Value Set Called
Accounting Scenario
Dimension Member Name in Scenario Dimension
Even when case sensitivity is enabled in an aggregate storage outline for which
duplicate member names is enabled, do not use matching names with only case
differences for a dimension name. For example, do not:
• Name two dimensions Product and product.
• Use quotation marks or brackets.
• Use tabs in dimension, member, or alias names.
• Use accent characters.
• Use the characters for dimension or member names.
Restricted Characters
The following is a list of characters that are restricted and can not be used in
dimension, member, or alias names.
Character Meaning
@ at sign
\ backslash
, comma
- dash, hyphen, or minus sign
= equal sign
< less than sign
() parentheses
5-10 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
. period
+ plus sign
' single quotation mark
_ underscore
| vertical bar
Other Restrictions
• Do not place spaces at the beginning or end of names. Essbase ignores
such spaces.
• Do not use these types of words as dimension or member names:
• Calculation script commands, operators, and keywords.
• Report writer commands.
• Function names and function arguments.
• Names of other dimensions and members (unless the member is
• Generation names, level names, and aliases in the database.
• Any of these words in the table below:
List 1 List 2 List 3
Common Applications Configuration: Define Enterprise Structures for Project Financial Management 5-11
Define Initial Configuration with the Enterprise Structures
Establishing Enterprise Structures Using the Enterprise Structures
Configurator: Explained
The Enterprise Structures Configurator is an interview-based tool that guides
you through the process of setting up a basic enterprise structure. By answering
questions about your enterprise, the tool creates a structure of divisions, legal
entities, business units, and reference data sets that reflects your enterprise
structure. After you create your enterprise structure, you also follow a guided
process to determine whether or not to use positions, and whether to set up
additional attributes for jobs and positions. After you define your enterprise
structure and your job and position structures, you can review them, make any
necessary changes, and then load the final configuration.
This figure illustrates the process to configure your enterprise using the
Enterprise Structures Configurator.
To be able to use the Enterprise Structures Configurator, you must select the
Enterprise Structures Guided Flow feature for your offerings on the Configure
Offerings page in the Setup and Maintenance work area. If you do not select
5-12 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
this feature, then you must set up your enterprise structure using individual
tasks provided elsewhere in the offerings, and you cannot create multiple
configurations to compare different scenarios.
Establish Enterprise Structures
To define your enterprise structures, you use the guided flow within the
Establish Enterprise Structures task to enter basic information about your
enterprise, such as the primary industry and the location of your headquarters.
You then create divisions, legal entities, business units, and reference data sets.
The Establish Enterprise Structures task enables you to create multiple enterprise
configurations so that you can compare different scenarios. Until you load a
configuration, you can continue to create and edit multiple configurations until
you arrive at one that best suits your enterprise.
Establish Job and Position Structures
You also use a guided process to determine whether you want to use jobs only,
or jobs and positions. The primary industry that you select in the Establish
Enterprise Structures task provides the application with the information needed
to make an initial recommendation. You can either accept the recommendation,
or you can answer additional questions about how you manage people in your
enterprise, and then make a selection. After you select whether to use jobs
or positions, the guided process prompts you to set up a descriptive flexfield
structure for jobs, and for positions if you have chosen to use them. Descriptive
flexfields enable you to capture additional information when you create jobs and
Review Configuration
Finally, you can review a summary of the results of the two interview processes.
For each configuration, the online summary lists the divisions, legal entities,
business units, reference data sets, and job and position structures that the
application will create when you load the configuration.
For a more detailed analysis of a configuration, you can access the Technical
Summary Report. This report lists the same information as the online summary,
but also lists the following information that will be created by the application
when you load the configuration, based on your configuration:
• Legislative data groups (the application creates one legislative data group
for each country that is identified in the configuration.)
• Name of the legislative data group that will be assigned to the payroll
statutory unit that is generated for each legal entity.
• Organization hierarchy.
The Technical Summary report also lists the default settings that will be
loaded for these fields, which you access from the Manage Enterprise HCM
Information task: Worker Number Generation, Employment Model and Allow
Employment Terms Override. You can print the Technical Summary Report for
each of your configurations and compare each scenario.
If your PDF viewer preferences are set to open PDFs in a browser window, the
Technical Summary report replaces the Oracle Fusion application. Use your
browser's Back button to return to the application.
Common Applications Configuration: Define Enterprise Structures for Project Financial Management 5-13
Load Configuration
You can load only one configuration. When you load a configuration, the
application creates the divisions, legal entities, business units, and so on. After
you load the configuration, you then use individual tasks to edit, add, and delete
enterprise structures.
Using Rollback for an Enterprise Structures Configuration:
The Enterprise Structures Configurator provides the ability to roll back, or undo,
an enterprise configuration. Two methods for rolling back a configuration are
available: manual rollback, and automatic rollback.
Manual Rollback
Use the manual method for rolling back an enterprise configuration when you
have loaded a configuration, but then decide you do not want to use it.
Automatic Rollback
The automatic rollback is used when you run the Load Configuration process,
but the process encounters an error. In this case, the application rolls back any
enterprise structures that were created before the error was encountered.
Designing an Enterprise Configuration: Example
This example illustrates how to set up an enterprise based on a global company
operating mainly in the US and the UK with a single primary industry.
InFusion Corporation is a multinational enterprise in the high technology
industry with product lines that include all the components that are required
to build and maintain air quality monitoring (AQM) systems for homes and
businesses. Its primary locations are in the US and the UK, but it has smaller
outlets in France, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE).
Enterprise Details
In the US, InFusion employs 400 people and has a company revenue of $120
million. Outside the US, InFusion employs 200 people and has revenue of $60
InFusion requires three divisions. The US division will cover the US locations.
The Europe division will cover the UK and France. Saudi Arabia and the UAE
will be covered by the Middle East division.
InFusion requires legal entities with legal employers, payroll statutory units, tax
reporting units, and legislative data groups for the US, UK, France, Saudi Arabia,
and UAE, in order to employ and pay its workers in those countries.
5-14 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
InFusion requires a number of departments across the enterprise for each area of
business, such as sales and marketing, and a number of cost centers to track and
report on the costs of those departments.
InFusion requires business units for human capital management (HCM)
purposes. Infusion has general managers responsible for business units within
each country. Those business units may share reference data. Some reference
data can be defined within a reference data set that multiple business units may
subscribe to. Business units are also required for financial purposes. Financial
transactions are always processed within a business unit.
Based on this analysis, InFusion requires an enterprise with multiple divisions,
ledgers, legal employers, payroll statutory units, tax reporting units, legislative
data groups, departments, cost centers, and business units.
This figure illustrates the enterprise configuration that results from the analysis
of InFusion Corporation.
Division: Explained
Managing multiple businesses requires that you segregate them by their strategic
objectives and measure their results. Responsibility to reach objectives can be
delegated along the management structure. Although related to your legal
structure, the business organizational hierarchies do not need to reflect directly
Common Applications Configuration: Define Enterprise Structures for Project Financial Management 5-15
the legal structure of the enterprise. The management entities and structure can
include divisions and subdivisions, lines of business, and other strategic business
units, and include their own revenue and cost centers. These organizations can
be included in many alternative hierarchies and used for reporting, as long as
they have representation in the chart of accounts.
A division refers to a business oriented subdivision within an enterprise, in
which each division organizes itself differently to deliver products and services
or address different markets. A division can operate in one or more countries,
and can be comprised of many companies or parts of different companies that
are represented by business units.
A division is a profit center or grouping of profit and cost centers, where the
division manager is responsible for attaining business goals including profit
goals. A division can be responsible for a share of the company's existing
product lines or for a separate business. Managers of divisions may also have
return on investment goals requiring tracking of the assets and liabilities of the
division. The division manager reports to a top corporate executive.
By definition a division can be represented in the chart of accounts. Companies
may choose to represent product lines, brands, or geographies as their divisions:
their choice represents the primary organizing principle of the enterprise. This
may coincide with the management segment used in segment reporting.
Oracle Fusion Applications supports a qualified management segment and
recommends that you use this segment to represent your hierarchy of business
units and divisions. If managers of divisions have return on investment goals,
make the management segment a balancing segment. Oracle Fusion applications
allows up to three balancing segments. The values of the management segment
can be comprised of business units that roll up in a hierarchy to report by
Historically, divisions were implemented as a node in a hierarchy of segment
values. For example, Oracle E-Business Suite has only one balancing segment,
and often the division and legal entity are combined into a single segment where
each value stands for both division and legal entity.
Use of Divisions in Oracle Fusion Human Capital Management (HCM)
Divisions are used in HCM to define the management organization hierarchy,
using the generic organization hierarchy. This hierarchy can be used to create
organization based security profiles.
Legal Entities: Explained
A legal entity is a recognized party with rights and responsibilities given by
Legal entities have the right to own property, the right to trade, the responsibility
to repay debt, and the responsibility to account for themselves to regulators,
taxation authorities, and owners according to rules specified in the relevant
legislation. Their rights and responsibilities may be enforced through the
judicial system. Define a legal entity for each registered company or other entity
recognized in law for which you want to record assets, liabilities, expenses and
income, pay transaction taxes, or perform intercompany trading.
5-16 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
A legal entity has responsibility for elements of your enterprise for the following
• Facilitating local compliance
• Taking advantage of lower corporation taxation in some jurisdictions
• Preparing for acquisitions or disposals of parts of the enterprise
• Isolating one area of the business from risks in another area. For example,
your enterprise develops property and also leases properties. You could
operate the property development business as a separate legal entity to
limit risk to your leasing business.
The Role of Your Legal Entities
In configuring your enterprise structure in Oracle Fusion Applications, you need
to understand that the contracting party on any transaction is always the legal
entity. Individual legal entities own the assets of the enterprise, record sales and
pay taxes on those sales, make purchases and incur expenses, and perform other
Legal entities must comply with the regulations of jurisdictions, in which they
register. Europe now allows for companies to register in one member country
and do business in all member countries, and the US allows for companies to
register in one state and do business in all states. To support local reporting
requirements, legal reporting units are created and registered.
You are required to publish specific and periodic disclosures of your legal
entities' operations based on different jurisdictions' requirements. Certain annual
or more frequent accounting reports are referred to as statutory or external
reporting. These reports must be filed with specified national and regulatory
authorities. For example, in the United States (US), your publicly owned entities
(corporations) are required to file quarterly and annual reports, as well as other
periodic reports, with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), who
enforces statutory reporting requirements for public corporations.
Individual entities privately held or held by public companies do not have to
file separately. In other countries, your individual entities do have to file in
their own name, as well as at the public group level. Disclosure requirements
are diverse. For example, your local entities may have to file locally to comply
with local regulations in a local currency, as well as being included in your
enterprise's reporting requirements in different currency.
A legal entity can represent all or part of your enterprise's management
framework. For example, if you operate in a large country such as the United
Kingdom or Germany, you might incorporate each division in the country as a
separate legal entity. In a smaller country, for example Austria, you might use a
single legal entity to host all of your business operations across divisions.
Creating Legal Entities in the Enterprise Structures Configurator:
Points to Consider
Using the Enterprise Structures Configurator (ESC), you can create legal entities
for your enterprise automatically, based on the countries in which divisions
of your business operate, or you can upload a list of legal entities from a
Common Applications Configuration: Define Enterprise Structures for Project Financial Management 5-17
Automatically Creating Legal Entities
If you are not certain of the number of legal entities that you need, you can create
them automatically. To use this option, you first identify all of the countries in
which your enterprise operates. The application opens the Map Divisions by
Country page, which contains a matrix of the countries that you identified, your
enterprise, and the divisions that you created. You select the check boxes where
your enterprise and divisions intersect with the countries to identify the legal
entities that you want the application to create. The enterprise is included for
situations where your enterprise operates in a country and acts on behalf of
several divisions within the enterprise and is a legal employer in a country. If
you select the enterprise for a country, the application creates a country holding
The application automatically creates the legal entities that you select, and
identifies them as payroll statutory units and legal employers. For each country
that you indicated that your enterprise operates in, and for each country that you
created a location for, the application also automatically creates a legislative data
Any legal entities that you create automatically cannot be deleted from the
Create Legal Entities page within the Enterprise Structures Configurator. You
must return to the Map Divisions by Country page and deselect the legal entities
that you no longer want.
Example: Creating Legal Entities Automatically
InFusion Corporation is using the ESC to set up their enterprise structure.
They have identified two divisions, one for Lighting, and one for Security.
The Lighting division operates in Japan and the US, and the Security division
operates in the UK and India.
This figure illustrates InFusion Corporation's enterprise structure.
This table represents the selections that InFusion Corporation makes when
specifying which legal entities to create on the Map Divisions by Country page.
Country Enterprise InFusion Lighting InFusion Security
Japan No Yes No
US No Yes No
UK No No Yes
India No No Yes
5-18 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Based on the selections made in the preceding table, the ESC creates the
following four legal entities:
• InFusion Lighting Japan LE
• InFusion Lighting US LE
• InFusion Security UK LE
• InFusion Security India LE
Creating Legal Entities Using a Spreadsheet
If you have a list of legal entities already defined for your enterprise, you can
upload them from a spreadsheet. To use this option, you first download a
spreadsheet template, then add your legal entity information to the spreadsheet,
and then upload directly to your enterprise configuration. You can export and
import the spreadsheet multiple times to accommodate revisions.
Legal Entity in Oracle Fusion: Points to Consider
Oracle Fusion Applications support the modeling of your legal entities. If
you make purchases from or sell to other legal entities, define these other
legal entities in your customer and supplier registers, which are part of the
Oracle Fusion Trading Community Architecture. When your legal entities are
trading with each other, you represent both of them as legal entities and also as
customers and suppliers in your customer and supplier registers. Use legal entity
relationships to determine which transactions are intercompany and require
intercompany accounting. Your legal entities can be identified as legal employers
and therefore, are available for use in Human Capital Management (HCM)
There are several decisions that need to be considered in creating your legal
• The importance of legal entity in transactions
• Legal entity and its relationship to business units
• Legal entity and its relationship to divisions
• Legal entity and its relationship to ledgers
• Legal entity and its relationship to balancing segments
• Legal entity and its relationship to consolidation rules
• Legal entity and its relationship to intercompany transactions
• Legal entity and its relationship to worker assignments and legal
• Legal entity and payroll reporting
• Legal reporting units
The Importance of Legal Entity in Transactions
All of the assets of the enterprise are owned by individual legal entities. Oracle
Fusion Financials allow your users to enter legal entities on transactions that
represent a movement in value or obligation.
Common Applications Configuration: Define Enterprise Structures for Project Financial Management 5-19
For example, the creation of a sales order creates an obligation for the legal entity
that books the order to deliver the goods on the acknowledged date, and an
obligation of the purchaser to receive and pay for those goods. Under contract
law in most countries, damages can be sought for both actual losses, putting
the injured party in the same state as if they had not entered into the contract,
and what is called loss of bargain, or the profit that would have made on a
In another example, if you revalued your inventory in a warehouse to account
for raw material price increases, the revaluation and revaluation reserves must
be reflected in your legal entity's accounts. In Oracle Fusion Applications, your
inventory within an inventory organization is managed by a single business unit
and belongs to one legal entity.
Legal Entity and Its Relationship to Business Units
A business unit can process transactions on behalf of many legal entities.
Frequently, a business unit is part of a single legal entity. In most cases the legal
entity is explicit on your transactions. For example, a payables invoice has
an explicit legal entity field. Your accounts payables department can process
supplier invoices on behalf of one or many business units.
In some cases, your legal entity is inferred from your business unit that is
processing the transaction. For example, your business unit A agrees on
terms for the transfer of inventory to your business unit B. This transaction is
binding on your default legal entities assigned to each business unit. Oracle
Fusion Procurement, Oracle Fusion Projects, and Oracle Fusion Supply Chain
applications rely on deriving the legal entity information from the business unit.
Legal Entity and Its Relationship to Divisions
The division is an area of management responsibility that can correspond
to a collection of legal entities. If desired, you can aggregate the results for
your divisions by legal entity or by combining parts of other legal entities.
Define date-effective hierarchies for your cost center or legal entity segment in
your chart of accounts to facilitate the aggregation and reporting by division.
Divisions and legal entities are independent concepts.
Legal Entity and Its Relationship to Ledgers
One of your major responsibilities is to file financial statements for your legal
entities. Map legal entities to specific ledgers using the Oracle Fusion General
Ledger Accounting Configuration Manager. Within a ledger, you can optionally
map a legal entity to one or more balancing segment values.
Legal Entity and Its Relationship to Balancing Segments
Oracle Fusion General Ledger supports up to three balancing segments. Best
practices recommend that one of these segments represents your legal entity to
ease your requirement to account for your operations to regulatory agencies,
tax authorities, and investors. Accounting for your operations means you must
produce a balanced trial balance sheet by legal entity. If you account for many
legal entities in a single ledger, you must:
5-20 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
1. Identify the legal entities within the ledger.
2. Balance transactions that cross legal entity boundaries through
intercompany transactions.
3. Decide which balancing segments correspond to each legal entity and
assign them in Oracle Fusion General Ledger Accounting Configuration
Manager. Once you assign one balancing segment value in a ledger, then
all your balancing segment values must be assigned. This recommended
best practice facilitates reporting on assets, liabilities, and income by legal
Represent your legal entities by at least one balancing segment value. You may
represent it by two or three balancing segment values if more granular reporting
is required. For example, if your legal entity operates in multiple jurisdictions
in Europe, you might define balancing segment values and map them to legal
reporting units. You can represent a legal entity by more than one balancing
segment value, do not use a single balancing segment value to represent more
than one legal entity.
In Oracle Fusion General Ledger, there are three balancing segments. You can
use separate balancing segments to represent your divisions or strategic business
units to enable management reporting at the balance sheet level for each division
or business unit. For example, use this solution to empower your business
unit and divisional managers to track and assume responsibility for their asset
utilization or return on investment. Using multiple balancing segments is also
useful when you know at the time of implementation that you are disposing of a
part of a legal entity and need to isolate the assets and liabilities for that entity.
Implementing multiple balancing segments requires every journal entry that is
not balanced by division or business unit, to generate balancing lines. Also, you
cannot change to multiple balancing segments easily after you have begun to
use the ledger because your historical data is not balanced by the new multiple
balancing segments. Restating historical data must be done at that point.
To use this feature for disposal of a part of a legal entity, implement multiple
balancing segments at the beginning of the legal entity's corporate life or on
conversion to Oracle Fusion.
If you decided to account for each legal entity in a separate ledger, there is no
requirement to identify the legal entity with a balancing segment value within
the ledger.
While transactions that cross balancing segments don't necessarily cross legal
entity boundaries, all transactions that cross legal entity boundaries must cross
balancing segments. If you make an acquisition or are preparing to dispose
of a portion of your enterprise, you may want to account for that part of the
enterprise in its own balancing segment even if it is not a separate legal entity.
If you do not map legal entities sharing the same ledger to balancing segments,
you will not be able to distinguish them using the intercompany functionality or
track their individual equity.
Common Applications Configuration: Define Enterprise Structures for Project Financial Management 5-21
Legal Entity and Its Relationship to Consolidation Rules
In Oracle Fusion Applications you can map legal entities to balancing segments
and then define consolidation rules using your balancing segments. You are
creating a relationship between the definition of your legal entities and their role
in your consolidation.
Legal Entity and its Relationship to Intercompany Transactions
Use Oracle Fusion Intercompany functionality for automatic creation of
intercompany entries across your balancing segments. Intercompany processing
updates legal ownership within the enterprise's groups of legal entities. Invoices
or journals are created as needed. To limit the number of trading pairs for
your enterprise, set up intercompany organizations and assign then to your
authorized legal entities. Define processing options and intercompany accounts
to use when creating intercompany transactions and to assist in consolidation
elimination entries. These accounts are derived and automatically entered
on your intercompany transactions based on legal entities assigned to your
intercompany organizations.
Intracompany trading, in which legal ownership isn't changed but other
organizational responsibilities are, is also supported. For example, you can track
assets and liabilities that move between your departments within your legal
entities by creating departmental level intercompany organizations.
In the Oracle Fusion Supply Chain applications, model intercompany
relationships using business units, from which legal entities are inferred.
Legal Entity and Its Relationship to Worker Assignments and Legal Employer
Legal entities that employ people are called legal employers in the Oracle
Fusion Legal Entity Configurator. You must enter legal employers on worker
assignments in Oracle Fusion HCM.
Legal Entity and Payroll Reporting
Your legal entities are required to pay payroll tax and social insurance such as
social security on your payroll. In Oracle Fusion Applications, you can register
payroll statutory units to pay and report on payroll tax and social insurance
on behalf of many of your legal entities. As the legal employer, you might be
required to pay payroll tax, not only at the national level, but also at the local
level. You meet this obligation by establishing your legal entity as a place of
work within the jurisdiction of a local authority. Set up legal reporting units to
represent the part of your enterprise with a specific legal reporting obligation.
You can also mark these legal reporting units as tax reporting units, if the legal
entity must pay taxes as a result of establishing a place of business within the
Business Units: Explained
A business unit is a unit of an enterprise that performs one or many business
functions that can be rolled up in a management hierarchy. A business unit can
5-22 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
process transactions on behalf of many legal entities. Normally, it will have a
manager, strategic objectives, a level of autonomy, and responsibility for its profit
and loss. Roll business units up into divisions if you structure your chart of
accounts with this type of hierarchy. In Oracle Fusion Applications, you assign
your business units to one primary ledger. For example, if a business unit is
processing payables invoices they will need to post to a particular ledger. This
assignment is mandatory for your business units with business functions that
produce financial transactions.
In Oracle Fusion Applications, use business unit as a securing mechanism for
transactions. For example, if you run your export business separately from your
domestic sales business, secure the export business data to prevent access by the
domestic sales employees. To accomplish this security, set up the export business
and domestic sales business as two separate business units.
The Oracle Fusion Applications business unit model:
• Allows for flexible implementation
• Provides a consistent entity for controlling and reporting on transactions
• Anchors the sharing of sets of reference data across applications
Business units process transactions using reference data sets that reflect your
business rules and policies and can differ from country to country. With Oracle
Fusion Application functionality, you can choose to share reference data, such as
payment terms and transaction types, across business units, or you can choose to
have each business unit manage its own set depending on the level at which you
wish to enforce common policies.
In countries where gapless and chronological sequencing of documents is
required for subledger transactions, define your business units in alignment with
your ledger definition, because the uniqueness of sequencing is only ensured
within a ledger. In these cases, define a single ledger and assign one legal entity
and business unit.
In summary, use business units in the following ways:
• Management reporting
• Processing of transactions
• Security of transactional data
• Reference data definition and sharing
Brief Overview of Business Unit Security
Business units are used by a number of Oracle Fusion Applications to implement
data security. You assign data roles to your users to give them access to data in
business units and permit them to perform specific functions on this data. When
a business function is enabled for a business unit, the application can trigger
the creation of data roles for this business unit based on the business function's
related job roles.
For example, if a payables invoicing business function is enabled, then it is
clear that there are employees in this business unit that perform the function
of payables invoicing, and need access to the payables invoicing functionality.
Therefore, based on the correspondence between the business function and the
job roles, appropriate data roles are generated automatically. Use Human Capital
Common Applications Configuration: Define Enterprise Structures for Project Financial Management 5-23
Management (HCM) security profiles to administer security for employees in
business units.
Creating Business Units in the Enterprise Structures Configurator:
Points to Consider
Business units are used within Oracle Fusion applications for management
reporting, processing of transactions, and security of transactional data. Using
the Enterprise Structures Configurator (ESC), you create business units for your
enterprise either automatically or manually.
Automatically Creating Business Units
To create business units automatically, you must specify the level at which to
create business units. Business units within your enterprise may be represented
at the business function level, such as Sales, Consulting, Product Development,
and so on, or they may be represented at a more detailed level, where a business
unit exists for each combination of countries in which you operate and the
functions in those countries.
You can automatically create business units at the following levels:
• Country
• Country and Division
• Country and business function
• Division
• Division and legal entity
• Division and business function
• Business function
• Legal entity
• Business function and legal entity
Select the option that best meets your business requirements, but consider the
• If you use Oracle Fusion Financials, the legal entity option is
recommended because of the manner in which financial transactions are
• The business unit level that you select determines how the application
automatically creates reference data sets.
After you select a business unit level, the application generates a list of business
units, and you select the ones you want the application to create. If you select a
level that has two components, such as country and division, then the system
displays a table listing both components, and you select the check boxes at the
intersections of the components.
The business units listed by the application are suggestions only, and are meant
to simplify the process to create business units. You are not required to select all
of the business units suggested. When you navigate to the next page in the ESC
guided flow, which is the Manage Business Units page, you cannot delete any of
5-24 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
the business units that were created automatically. You must return to the Create
Business Units page and deselect any business units that you no longer want.
Example: Selecting Business Unit Levels
InFusion Corporation is using the Enterprise Structures Configurator to set up
their enterprise structure. They have identified two divisions, one for Lighting,
and one for Security. They operate in four countries: US, UK, Japan, and India,
and they have created a legal entity for each of the countries. The sales and
marketing functions are based in both India and Japan, while the US and the UK
have only the sales function.
This figure illustrates InFusion Corporation's enterprise structure.
The following table lists the options for business unit levels and the resulting
business units that the application suggests for InFusion Corporation.
Business Unit Level Suggested Business Units
Country • US
• UK
• Japan
• India
Country and Division • InFusion Lighting: Japan
• InFusion Lighting: US
• Infusion Security: UK
• Infusion Security: India
Country and business function • Sales: Japan
• Marketing: Japan
• Sales: US
• Sales: UK
• Marketing: India
• Sales: India
Common Applications Configuration: Define Enterprise Structures for Project Financial Management 5-25
Division • InFusion Lighting
• InFusion Security
Division and Legal Entity • InFusion Lighting: Japan
• InFusion Lighting: US
• Infusion Security: UK
• Infusion Security: India
Division and Business Function • InFusion Lighting, Sales
• InFusion Lighting, Marketing
• InFusion Security, Sales
• InFusion Security, Marketing
Business Function • Sales
• Marketing
Legal Entity • Legal Entity: Japan
• Legal Entity: US
• Legal Entity: UK
• Legal Entity India
Legal Entity and Business Function • Legal Entity: Japan, Sales
• Legal Entity: Japan, Marketing
• Legal Entity: US, Sales
• Legal Entity: UK, Sales
• Legal Entity India, Marketing
• Legal Entity India, Sales
Manually Creating Business Units
If none of the levels for creating business units meets your business needs, you
can create business units manually, and you create them on the Manage Business
Units page. If you create business units manually, then no reference data sets are
created automatically. You must create them manually as well.
Reference Data Sets and Sharing Methods: Explained
Oracle Fusion Applications reference data sharing feature is also known as
SetID. The reference data sharing functionality supports operations in multiple
ledgers, business units, and warehouses, thereby reducing the administrative
burden and decreasing the time needed to implement new business units.
For example, you can share sales methods, transaction types, or payment
terms across business units or selected other data across asset books, cost
organizations, or project units.
The reference data sharing features use reference data sets to which reference
data is assigned. The reference data sets group assigned reference data. The sets
5-26 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
can be understood as buckets of reference data assigned to multiple business
units or other application components.
Reference Data Sets
You begin this part of your implementation by creating and assigning reference
data to sets. Make changes carefully as changes to a particular set will affect
all business units or application components using that set. You can assign a
separate set to each business unit for the type of object that is being shared. For
example, assign separate sets for payment terms, transaction types, and sales
methods to your business units.
Your enterprise can decide that some aspects of corporate policy should affect
all business units and leave other aspects to the discretion of the business unit
manager. This allows your enterprise to balance autonomy and control for each
business unit. For example, if your enterprise holds business unit managers
accountable for their profit and loss, but manages working capital requirements
at a corporate level, you can let managers define their own sales methods, but
define payment terms centrally. In this case, each business unit would have
its own reference data set for sales methods, and there would be one central
reference data set for payment terms assigned to all business units.
The reference data sharing is especially valuable for lowering the cost of setting
up new business units. For example, your enterprise operates in the hospitality
industry. You are adding a new business unit to track your new spa services. The
hospitality divisional reference data set can be assigned to the new business unit
to quickly setup data for this entity component. You can establish other business
unit reference data in a business unit specific reference data set as needed
Reference Data Sharing Methods
There are variations in the methods used to share data in reference data sets
across different types of objects. The following list identifies the methods:
• Assignment to one set only, no common values allowed. The simplest
form of sharing reference data that allows assigning a reference data
object instance to one and only one set. For example, Asset Prorate
Conventions are defined and assigned to only one reference data set.
This set can be shared across multiple asset books, but all the values are
contained only in this one set.
• Assignment to one set only, with common values. The most commonly
used method of sharing reference data that allows defining reference data
object instance across all sets. For example, Receivables Transaction Types
are assigned to a common set that is available to all the business units
without the need to be explicitly assigned the transaction types to each
business unit. In addition, you can assign a business unit specific set of
transaction types. At transaction entry, the list of values for transaction
types includes transaction types from the set assigned to the business unit,
as well as transaction types assigned to the common set that is shared
across all business units.
• Assignment to multiple sets, no common values allowed. The method
of sharing reference data that allows a reference data object instance to
be assigned to multiple sets. For instance, Payables Payment Terms use
this method. It means that each payment term can be assigned to one
or more than one set. For example, you assign the payment term Net
30 to several sets, but the payment term Net 15 is assigned to only your
corporate business unit specific set. At transaction entry, the list of values
Common Applications Configuration: Define Enterprise Structures for Project Financial Management 5-27
for payment terms consists of only one set of data; the set that is assigned
to the transaction's business unit.
Note: Oracle Fusion Applications contains a reference data set called Enterprise.
Define any reference data that affects your entire enterprise in this set.
Business Units and Reference Data Sets: How They Work Together
Reference data sharing is a feature within Oracle Fusion that enables you to
group set-enabled reference data such as jobs or grades so that the data can be
shared across different parts of the organization. Sets also enable you to filter
reference data at the transaction level so that only data that has been assigned
to certain sets is available to select. To filter reference data, Oracle Fusion
Human Capital Management (HCM), applications use the business unit on the
transaction. To set up reference data sharing in Oracle Fusion HCM, you create
business units and sets, and then assign the sets to the business units.
Common Set Versus Specific Sets
Some reference data in your organization may be considered global, and should
therefore be made available for use within the entire enterprise. You can assign
this type of data to the Common Set, which is a predefined set. Regardless of
the business unit on a transaction, reference data that has been assigned to the
Common Set will always be available, in addition to the reference data that has
been assigned to the set that corresponds to the business unit on the transaction.
Other types of reference data may be specific to certain business units, so you
want to restrict the use of the data to those business units. In this case, you can
create sets specifically for this type of data, and assign the sets to the business
Business Unit Set Assignment
When you assign reference data sets to business units, you assign a default
reference data set that will be used for all reference data types for that business
unit. You can override the set assignment for one or more data types.
Example: Assigning Sets to Business Units
InFusion Corporation has two divisions: Lighting and Security, and the divisions
each have two locations. Each location has one or more business functions.
The following figure illustrates the structure of InFusion Corporation.
5-28 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
When deciding how to create business units, InFusion decides to create them
using the country and business function level. Therefore, they created the
following business units:
• Sales_Japan
• Marketing_Japan
• Sales_US
• Sales_UK
• Marketing_India
• Sales_India
Because locations, departments, and grades are specific to each business unit,
InFusion does not want to share these types of reference data across business
units. They will create a reference data set for each business unit so that data
of those types can be set up separately. Because the jobs in the Sales business
function are the same across many locations, InFusion decides to create one
additional set called Jobs and they will override the set assignment for the Jobs
reference data group and assign it to the Jobs set. Based on these requirements,
they create the following sets:
• Sales_Japan_Set
• Mktg_Japan_Set
• Sales_US_Set
• Sales_UK_Set
• Mktg_India_Set
• Sales_India_Set
• Grades_Set
InFusion assigns business units to sets as follows:
Business Unit Default Set Assignment Set Assignment Overrides
Sales_Japan Sales_Japan_Set for grades,
departments, and locations
Jobs set for jobs
Marketing_Japan Mktg_Japan_Set for grades,
departments, and locations
Sales_US Sales_US_Set for grades,
departments, and locations
Jobs set for jobs
Sales_UK Sales_UK_Set for grades,
departments, and locations
Jobs set for jobs
Marketing_India Mktg_India_Set for grades,
departments, and locations
Sales_India Sales_India_Set for grades,
departments, and locations
Jobs set for jobs
When setting up grades, departments, and locations for the business units,
InFusion will assign the data to the default set for each business unit. When
setting up jobs, they will assign the Jobs set and will assign the Common Set to
any jobs that may be used throughout the entire organization.
Common Applications Configuration: Define Enterprise Structures for Project Financial Management 5-29
When using grades, departments, and locations at the transaction level, users
will be able to select data from the set that corresponds to the business unit that
they enter on the transaction, and any data that was assigned to the Common
Set. For example, for transactions for the Marketing_Japan business unit, grades,
locations, and departments from the Mktg_Japan_Set will be available to select,
as well as from the Common Set.
When using jobs at the transaction level, users will be able to select jobs from
the Jobs set and from the Common Set when they enter one of the Sales business
units on the transaction. For example, when a manager hires an employee for the
Sales_India business unit, the list of jobs will be filtered to show jobs from the
Jobs set and from the Common Set.
The following figure illustrates what sets of jobs can be accessed when a
manager creates an assignment for a worker.
Creating Reference Data Sets in the Enterprise Structures
Configurator: Explained
If you created business units automatically, then the Enterprise Structures
Configurator automatically creates reference data sets for you. The Enterprise
Structures Configurator creates one reference data set for each business unit. You
can add additional sets, but you cannot delete any of the sets that were created
A standard set called the Enterprise set is predefined.
Common Set
The common set is a predefined set that enables you to share reference data
across business units. When you select set-enabled data at the transaction level,
the list of values includes data in both the common set and the set associated
with the data type for the business unit on the transaction. For example, when
you create an assignment, the list of values for grades will include both grades in
the common set and in the set that is assigned to grades for the business unit in
which you creating the assignment.
Jobs and Positions: Critical Choices
Jobs and positions represent roles that enable you to distinguish between tasks
and the individuals who perform those tasks. The key to whether to use jobs or
5-30 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
positions is how each is used. Positions offer a well-defined space independent
of the person performing the job. Jobs are a space defined by the person. A job
can be defined globally in the Common Set, whereas a position is defined within
one business unit.
You can update the job and department of a position at any time. This is useful
if you hire someone into a new role and want to transfer the position to another
During implementation, one of the earliest decisions you will make is whether
to use jobs or a combination of jobs and positions. The determinants for this
decision are:
• The primary industry of your enterprise
• How you manage your people
Primary Industry of Your Enterprise
Primary industries and how they usually set up their workforce are listed in the
table below.
Primary Industry Workforce Setup
Mining Positions
Utilities Positions
Manufacturing Positions
Retail Trade Positions
Transportation and Warehousing Positions
Educational Services Positions
Public Transportation Positions
Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, and Hunting Jobs
Construction Jobs
Wholesale Trade Jobs
Information Jobs
Finance and Insurance Jobs
Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Jobs
Management of Companies and Enterprises Jobs
Administrative and Support and Waste Management
and Remediation Services
Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation Jobs
Accommodation and Food Services Jobs
Other Services (Except Public Administration) Jobs
Management of People
The following table displays suggestions of whether to use jobs or a combination
of jobs and positions based on your industry and how you manage your
employees when there is turnover.
Common Applications Configuration: Define Enterprise Structures for Project Financial Management 5-31
Industry We always replace
employees by rehiring
to same role
We replace the head
count, but the manager
can use the head count
in a different job
We rehire to the same
position, but the
manager can request a
reallocation of budget to
a different post
Project (An industry that
supports project-based
forms of organization
in which teams of
specialists from both
inside and outside the
company report to
project managers.)
Positions Jobs Jobs
Controlled (An industry
that is highly structured
in which all aspects of
work and remuneration
are well organized and
Positions Positions Positions
Manufacturing Positions Jobs Positions
Retail Positions Jobs Positions
Education Positions Jobs Positions
Other Positions Jobs Jobs
Positions: Examples
Positions are typically used by industries that use detailed approval rules, which
perform detailed budgeting and maintain head counts, or have high turnover
Retail Industry
ABC Corporation has high turnover. It loses approximately 5% of their cashiers
monthly. The job of cashier includes three positions: front line cashier, service
desk cashier, and layaway cashier. Each job is cross trained to take over another
cashier position. When one cashier leaves from any of the positions, another
existing cashier from the front line, service desk or layaway can assist where
needed. . But to ensure short lines and customer satisfaction, ABC must replace
each cashier lost to turnover.
Since turnover is high in retail it is better for this industry to use positions.
There is an automatic vacancy when an employee terminates employment.
The position exists even when there are no holders. This is important if the
person who leaves the company is a manager or supervisor with direct reports.
All direct reports continue reporting to the position even if it is empty. You do
not need to reassign these employees to another manager or supervisor; the
replacement manager is assigned to the existing position.
Also, an advantage to using positions is that when you hire somebody new
many of the attributes are defaulted in from the position. This speeds up the
hiring process.
This figure illustrates the retail position setup.
5-32 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Health Care Industry
The hospital has a structured head count and detailed budgeting. For example,
a specific number of surgeons, nurses, and interns of various types are needed.
These positions need to be filled in order for the hospital to run smoothly. Use
jobs and positions if you need to apply detailed head count rules.
Health care is an industry that needs to regulate employment, roles, and
compensation according to strict policies and procedures. Fixed roles tend to
endure over time, surviving multiple incumbents. Industries that manage roles
rather than individuals, where roles continue to exist after individuals leave,
typically model the workforce using positions.
This figure illustrates the hospital position setup.
Jobs: Example
Jobs are typically used without positions by service industries where flexibility
and organizational change are key features.
Common Applications Configuration: Define Enterprise Structures for Project Financial Management 5-33
Software Industry
For example, XYZ Corporation has a director over the departments for
developers, quality assurance, and technical writers. Recently, three developers
have left the company. The director decides to redirect the head count to other
areas. Instead of hiring all three back into development, one person is hired to
each department, quality assurance, and technical writing.
In software industries, the organization is fluid. Using jobs gives an enterprise
the flexibility to determine where to use head count, because the job only exists
through the person performing it. In this example, when the three developers
leave XYZ Corporation, their jobs no longer exist, therefore the corporation has
the flexibility to move the headcount to other areas.
This figure illustrates the software industry job setup.
Job and Position Structures: Explained
Job and position structures identify the descriptive flexfield structure that
enables you to specify additional attributes that you want to capture when you
define jobs and positions. Job and position attributes provide further detail
to make jobs and positions more specific. You also use attributes to define the
structure of your jobs and positions. You can specify attributes at the enterprise
level for jobs and positions, at the business unit level for positions, and at the
reference data set level for jobs. Job and position structures are optional.
Enterprise-Level Job Attributes
When you define a job, you enter a value for the name of the job. To make job
names more specific, set up attributes that enable you to identify additional
details about the job, such as the nature of the work that is performed or the
relative skill level required for the job. If these attributes apply to all jobs within
your enterprise, set up enterprise-level job attributes. Standard capabilities mean
that you can use the different segments of the name to identify common jobs or
job holders for analysis or compensation, or for grouping records in reports, for
example, to find all jobs of a specific job type. You should not use attributes with
values that change regularly, for example, salary ranges or expense approval
levels that change every year.
This figure illustrates how job type and job level provide further details for the
HR Application Specialist job.
5-34 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Enterprise-Level Position Attributes
Position attributes at the enterprise level are similar to those for jobs. Each
position that you define identifies a specific role in the enterprise, which you
can manage independently of the person in the position, and it will belong to
one specific department or organization. The name of each position must be
unique. To simplify the process of managing unique names for positions, set up
enterprise-level attributes to identify separate components of the position name.
For example, you can set up an attribute for position title and one for position
number. When defining the attributes that make up the structure of a position
name you should also consider if any of your attributes are part of the definition
of a common job type. Using job types for a position can help you manage
common information that applies to many different positions. For example you
can define a job type of Manager.Level 1 and use this for comparison of positions
across departments or lines or business, or for setting common job requirements.
You can then define multiple manager type positions in your HR department,
each of which has responsibility for a different management function or group.
This figure illustrates how title and position number provide further details for
the manager position.
Business Unit-Level Attributes for Positions
If you have information that you want to capture for positions that is specific
to each business unit, then you can define attributes at the business unit level
for positions. When you create positions, these attributes appear in addition to
any enterprise-level attributes. For example, you may want to identify the sales
Common Applications Configuration: Define Enterprise Structures for Project Financial Management 5-35
region for all positions in the sales business unit. You can set up a text attribute
called Sales Region and use it to enter the necessary information when creating
positions for the sales business unit.
Reference Data Set-Level Attributes for Jobs
If you have information for jobs that applies to specific reference data sets, set
up attributes for jobs at the reference data set level. When you create jobs, these
attributes appear in addition to any enterprise-level attributes. For example, you
may want to identify all information technology (IT) jobs within a specific set.
You can set up a text attribute called Function and use it to enter IT in jobs that
you create that perform an IT function within a specific set.
FAQs for Define Initial Configuration
What happens if I don't use the Enterprise Structures Configurator to set up my
enterprise structures?
The Enterprise Structures Configurator is an interview-based tool that guides
you through setting up divisions, legal entities, business units, and reference
data sets. The tool also enables you to assign reference data sets to business
units and locations. You can set up multiple configurations to perform what-if
scenarios, and then print each configuration to compare the resulting enterprise
structure. If you do not use the Enterprise Structures Configurator, then you
must set up your enterprise structure using the individual tasks that correspond
to each enterprise component. In addition, you will not be able to set up multiple
configurations and compare different scenarios. It is recommended that you use
the Enterprise Structures Configurator.
What's an ultimate holding company?
The legal entity that represents the top level in your organization hierarchy, as
defined by the legal name entered for the enterprise. This designation is used
only to create an organization tree, with the ultimate holding company as the top
level, divisions and country holding companies as the second level, and legal
employers as the third level.
What's the default reference data set?
The reference data set that is assigned to a business unit for all reference data
groups, such as grades, locations, departments, and jobs. You can override the
default reference data set for any reference data group.
What happens if I override the set assignment?
For the selected business unit, you can override the default reference data set
for one or more reference data groups. For example, assume you have three
reference data groups: Vision 1 SET, Vision 2 SET, and Vision 3 SET, where Vision
SET 1 is the default set for business unit United Kingdom Vision 1 BU. You can
override the default so that grades are assigned to Vision 2 SET, departments are
assigned to Vision 3 SET, and jobs are assigned to the default set, Vision 3 SET.
5-36 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Define Reference Data Sharing
Reference Data Sharing: Explained
Reference data sharing facilitates sharing of configuration data such as jobs and
payment terms, across organizational divisions or business units. You define
reference data sets and determine how the data is shared or partitioned. Use
reference data sets to reduce duplication and maintenance by sharing common
data across business entities where appropriate. Depending on the requirement
(specific or common), each business unit can maintain its data at a central
location, using a set of values either specific to it or shared by other business
You can share reference data after it is filtered on the basis of sets. A common
reference data set is available as the default set, which can be assigned to several
business units sharing the same reference data. For commonly used data such as
currencies, you can use the common reference data set and assign it to multiple
business units in various countries that use the same currency. In cases where
the default set cannot be assigned to an entity, you can create specific sets. The
data set visible on the transactional page depends on the sharing method used to
share reference data.
For example, XYZ Corporation uses the same grades throughout the entire
organization. Instead of managers in different business units setting up the
same grades, XYZ Corporation decides to create a set called Grades and assign
the grades reference data group for all business units in the organization to the
Grades set, so that the grades can be shared.
For specific information on configuring reference data sharing for a particular
object or product, refer to its product documentation.
Reference Data Sets: Explained
Reference data sets are logical groups of reference data that can be accessed by
various transactional entities depending on the business context. Oracle Fusion
Applications contains a common reference data set as well as an enterprise set
that may be used as a default set. Depending on your business requirement you
can create and maintain additional reference data sets, while continuing to use
the common reference data set.
Consider the following scenario.
Your enterprise can decide that some aspects of corporate policy should affect
all business units and leave other aspects to the discretion of the business unit
manager. This allows your enterprise to balance autonomy and control for each
business unit. For example, if your enterprise holds business unit managers
accountable for their profit and loss, but manages working capital requirements
at a corporate level, you can let managers define their own sales methods, but
define payment terms centrally. In this case, each business unit would have
Common Applications Configuration: Define Enterprise Structures for Project Financial Management 5-37
its own reference data set for sales methods, and there would be one central
reference data set for payment terms assigned to all business units.
The partitioning of reference data and creation of data sets enable you to create
reference entities across tables or lookup types, and share modular information
and data processing options among business units. With the help of partitioning,
you can choose to create separate sets and subsets for each business unit
depending upon its business requirement, or create common sets or subsets to
enable sharing reference data between several business units, without the need
for duplicating the reference data. Partitioning provides you the flexibility to
handle the reference data in a way appropriate to your business needs.
The following figure illustrates the reference data sharing method (assignment to
one set only, with common values) where the user can access the data assigned
to a specific set in a particular business unit, as well as access the data assigned
to the common set.
Reference Data Sets and Sharing Methods: Explained
Oracle Fusion Applications reference data sharing feature is also known as
SetID. The reference data sharing functionality supports operations in multiple
ledgers, business units, and warehouses, thereby reducing the administrative
burden and decreasing the time needed to implement new business units.
For example, you can share sales methods, transaction types, or payment
terms across business units or selected other data across asset books, cost
organizations, or project units.
The reference data sharing features use reference data sets to which reference
data is assigned. The reference data sets group assigned reference data. The sets
can be understood as buckets of reference data assigned to multiple business
units or other application components.
Reference Data Sets
You begin this part of your implementation by creating and assigning reference
data to sets. Make changes carefully as changes to a particular set will affect
5-38 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
all business units or application components using that set. You can assign a
separate set to each business unit for the type of object that is being shared. For
example, assign separate sets for payment terms, transaction types, and sales
methods to your business units.
Your enterprise can decide that some aspects of corporate policy should affect
all business units and leave other aspects to the discretion of the business unit
manager. This allows your enterprise to balance autonomy and control for each
business unit. For example, if your enterprise holds business unit managers
accountable for their profit and loss, but manages working capital requirements
at a corporate level, you can let managers define their own sales methods, but
define payment terms centrally. In this case, each business unit would have
its own reference data set for sales methods, and there would be one central
reference data set for payment terms assigned to all business units.
The reference data sharing is especially valuable for lowering the cost of setting
up new business units. For example, your enterprise operates in the hospitality
industry. You are adding a new business unit to track your new spa services. The
hospitality divisional reference data set can be assigned to the new business unit
to quickly setup data for this entity component. You can establish other business
unit reference data in a business unit specific reference data set as needed
Reference Data Sharing Methods
There are variations in the methods used to share data in reference data sets
across different types of objects. The following list identifies the methods:
• Assignment to one set only, no common values allowed. The simplest
form of sharing reference data that allows assigning a reference data
object instance to one and only one set. For example, Asset Prorate
Conventions are defined and assigned to only one reference data set.
This set can be shared across multiple asset books, but all the values are
contained only in this one set.
• Assignment to one set only, with common values. The most commonly
used method of sharing reference data that allows defining reference data
object instance across all sets. For example, Receivables Transaction Types
are assigned to a common set that is available to all the business units
without the need to be explicitly assigned the transaction types to each
business unit. In addition, you can assign a business unit specific set of
transaction types. At transaction entry, the list of values for transaction
types includes transaction types from the set assigned to the business unit,
as well as transaction types assigned to the common set that is shared
across all business units.
• Assignment to multiple sets, no common values allowed. The method
of sharing reference data that allows a reference data object instance to
be assigned to multiple sets. For instance, Payables Payment Terms use
this method. It means that each payment term can be assigned to one
or more than one set. For example, you assign the payment term Net
30 to several sets, but the payment term Net 15 is assigned to only your
corporate business unit specific set. At transaction entry, the list of values
for payment terms consists of only one set of data; the set that is assigned
to the transaction's business unit.
Note: Oracle Fusion Applications contains a reference data set called Enterprise.
Define any reference data that affects your entire enterprise in this set.
Common Applications Configuration: Define Enterprise Structures for Project Financial Management 5-39
Assigning Reference Data Sets to Reference Objects: Points to
You can assign the reference data sets to reference objects on the Manage
Reference Data Set Assignments page. For multiple assignments, you can classify
different types of reference data sets into groups and assign them to reference
entity objects. The assignment takes into consideration the determinant type,
determinant, and reference group, if any.
Determinant Types
The partitioned reference data is shared based on a business context setting
called the determinant type. It is the point of reference used in the data
assignment process. The following table lists the determinant types used in the
reference data assignment.
Type Description
Asset Book Information about the acquisition, depreciation, and
retirement of an asset that belongs to a ledger or a
business unit.
Business Unit The departments or organizations within an
Cost Organization The organization used for cost accounting and
reporting on various inventory and cost centers
within an enterprise.
Project Unit A logical organization within an enterprise that
is responsible for enforcing consistent project
management practices.
Reference Data Set References to other shared reference data sets.
The determinant or determinant value is the value that corresponds to the
selected determinant type. The determinant is one of the criteria for selecting the
appropriate reference data set. For example, when managing set assignments for
the set determinant type, Reference Data Set is the determinant type, and you
would enter the corresponding set code value as the corresponding determinant
Reference Groups
A transactional entity may have multiple reference entities (generally considered
to be setup data) that are treated in the same manner because of commonness in
implementing business policies and legal rules. Such reference entities in your
application are grouped into logical units called reference groups, based on the
functional area and the partitioning requirements that they have in common. For
example, all tables and views that define Sales Order Type details might be part
of the same reference group.
5-40 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
The reference groups are predefined in the reference groups table and are
available for selection and assignment.
Items and Supplier Site Reference Data Sharing: Explained
Some products required special logic for reference data sharing and have
implemented their own domain specific ways for sharing data.
Items and supplier sites are two such product specific reference data objects that
use product specific mechanisms to share data.
If you share your items across warehouses or manufacturing facilities, you
can access them through a common item master. Configure one or multiple
item masters for your enterprise, based your enterprise structure. A single
item master is recommended because it provides simpler and more efficient
maintenance. However, in rare cases, it may be beneficial to keep multiple item
masters. For example, if you acquire another enterprise and need to continue
to operate your lines of business separately, maintaining a second item master
might be the best decision.
Suppliers Sites
You can approve particular suppliers to supply specified commodities and
authorize your business units to buy from those suppliers when the need arises.
For example, you might be a household cleaning products manufacturer and
need dyes, plastics, and perfumes to make your products. You purchase from a
central supplier 70% of your perfume supplies with an additional supplier, in
reserve, from whom you purchase the remaining 30%. At the same time, each
of your business units purchases plastics and dyes from the same supplier, but
from different local supplier sites to save transportation costs.
To implement business unit specific supplier sites, Oracle Fusion Procurement
supports a method for defining suppliers sites as owned and managed by the
business unit responsible for negotiating the supplier terms. Your other business
units that have a service provider relationship defined with your procurement
business unit, subscribe to the supplier sites using the supplier site assignments
feature. In addition, Procurement allows sharing of the following procurement
data objects across business units:
• Supplier qualification data, such as approved supplier lists
• Catalog content, such as agreements, smart forms, public shopping lists,
and content zones
• Procurement configuration data
Set Assignments and Project Data: How They Work Together
Reference data set assignments determine how you share enterprise information,
including project data, across organizational units. In other words, you can
decide which data is global, which data can be shared by certain organizations,
and which data must remain organization-specific. Reference data sharing
enables enterprises to balance autonomy and control for organizations.
Common Applications Configuration: Define Enterprise Structures for Project Financial Management 5-41
Oracle Fusion Projects employs two set determinants: business unit and project
Business Unit as Set Determinant
Business units enable you to control and report on financial transactions, usually
for specific geographical entities within the enterprise. For project management
purposes, assign the Project Accounting business function to the business unit.
Business unit is a set determinant for the following project-related reference data
Reference Data Object Entities
Project Accounting Definition Project types
Project Rates Project rate schedules
You assign a default set to each business unit. You can optionally override the
default set for the Project Accounting Definition and Project Rates reference
data objects. To enable a project type or rate schedule for use within the business
unit, you must assign the same reference data set to that entity.
If you assign a common set to a rate schedule, then that rate schedule is available
for use across business units.
Project Unit as Set Determinant
Use project units to enforce consistent project management practices across
your enterprise. Project unit is a set determinant for the following reference data
Reference Data Object Entities
Project Definition Class codes, financial plan types and project plan
types, project roles, and project statuses
Project Transaction Types Expenditure types and work types
When specifying project unit implementation options, you select a default set.
You can optionally override the default set for the Project Definition and Project
Transaction Types reference data objects. To enable an entity like a financial plan
type for use on projects owned by a project unit, assign the set associated with
the Project Definition reference data object to the financial plan type.
Similarly, to enable expenditure types and work types for use on projects owned
by a project unit, assign the set associated with the Project Transaction Types
reference data object to those entities.
Partitioning Project Data Using Set Determinants: Examples
Use business units and project units to independently manage access to financial
and project management data based on the unique requirements of your
5-42 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
This topic illustrates the following scenarios.
1. Maintaining separate project management methodologies and data across
units within an enterprise while centralizing financial management of
2. Enforcing a single project management methodology across units within
an enterprise while partitioning financial data
These examples are only illustrative. Any combination of business units and
project units can exist.
Using Multiple Project Units with One Business Unit
Assume that Vision Corporation is a services company with facilities across the
United States. Its business is based on research and development activities and
consulting practice. Projects are used by each line of business as follows:
• Consulting uses projects to manage consulting engagements and provide
billing details to contracts.
• Research and Development uses projects to manage design project
• Real Estate uses projects to manage facilities, including new construction
and repairs.
Vision Corporation implemented project units and business units as follows:
• Project Units
• Consulting
• Real Estate
• Research and Development
• Business Unit: Vision Corporation
Set assignments for reference data objects, where project unit is the set
determinant, are as follows:
Project Unit Default Set
Consulting Consulting Set
Real Estate Real Estate Set
Research and Development Research and Development Set
The default set is used as the reference data set for both the Project Definition
and Project Transaction Types reference data objects.
Vision Corporation can maintain independent setup data for each project unit,
while sharing a single approach to financial management across all project units.
Common Applications Configuration: Define Enterprise Structures for Project Financial Management 5-43
For example, Vision Corporation uses different expenditure types across project
units, as described in the table below.
Expenditure Type Sets
Labor Consulting Set
Real Estate Set
Research and Development Set
Airfare Consulting Set
Hotel Consulting Set
Equipment Real Estate Set
The Labor expenditure type can be used for projects belonging to any project
unit. However, expenditure types for airfare and hotel accommodation are used
only on consulting projects.
Using Multiple Business Units with One Project Unit
Assume that InFusion Corporation is a services and product development
company with research and development facilities across the globe, including
in the United States and Canada. Due to its international operations, financial
data must be partitioned using separate business units. However, basic research
and development activities, based on projects, are the same across the enterprise.
Therefore, a single project unit is created.
The enterprise structure and set assignments are described below.
• Project Unit: Research and Development
• Business Units
• InFusion United States
• InFusion Canada
Default set assignments for the business units are as follows:
Business Unit Default Set
InFusion United States US Set
InFusion Canada Canada Set
InFusion Corporation maintains independent financial data for each business
unit, while employing a unified approach to project management that includes
common financial and project plan types, project roles, and project statuses. As
the enterprise must use different resource rates in each country, rate schedule
setup is as follows.
Rate Schedule Name Project Rates Set
Enterprise Project Rates: United States US Set
Enterprise Project Rates: Canada Canada Set
Common Enterprise Project Rates Common Set
5-44 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
These set assignments govern how planned and actual amounts are calculated
for projects.
For example, when InFusion Corporation defines organization costing rules
for the InFusion United States business unit, they can select only the Enterprise
Project Rates: United States or the Common Enterprise Project Rates rate
schedules. Later, the application uses the selected rate schedule to calculate
actual costs when project accountants import uncosted time cards for the
InFusion United States business unit.
FAQs for Define Reference Data Sharing
What reference data objects can be shared across business units?
The following list contains the reference data objects for the Oracle Fusion
Applications that can be shared across business units and the method in which
the reference data for each is shared.
Application Name Reference Data Object Method of Sharing
Trading Community Model Customer Account Relationship Assignment to one set only, with
common values
Trading Community Model Customer Account Site Assignment to one set only, with
common values
Trading Community Model Sales Person Assignment to one set only, with
common values
Opportunity Management Sales Method Group Assignment to one set only, with
common values
Work Management Assessment Templates Assignment to one set only, with
common values
Enterprise Contracts Contract Types Assignment to one set only, with
common values
Sales Sales Method Assignment to one set only, with
common values
Common Components Activity Templates Assignment to one set only, with
common values
Payables Payment Terms Assignment to multiple sets, no
common values allowed
Receivables Accounting Rules Assignment to one set only, with
common values
Receivables Aging Buckets Assignment to one set only, with
common values
Receivables Auto Cash Rules Assignment to one set only, with
common values
Receivables Collectors Assignment to one set only, with
common values
Receivables Lockbox Assignment to one set only, with
common values
Receivables Memo Lines Assignment to one set only, with
common values
Common Applications Configuration: Define Enterprise Structures for Project Financial Management 5-45
Receivables Payment Terms Assignment to one set only, with
common values
Receivables Remit To Address Assignment to one set only, with
common values
Receivables Revenue Contingencies Assignment to one set only, with
common values
Receivables Transaction Source Assignment to one set only, with
common values
Receivables Transaction Type Assignment to one set only, with
common values
Advanced Collections Collections Setups Assignment to one set only, with
common values
Advanced Collections Dunning Plans Assignment to one set only, with
common values
Tax Tax Classification Codes Assignment to one set only, with
common values
Performance Management Performance Templates Assignment to one set only, with
common values
Human Resources Departments Assignment to one set only, with
common values
Human Resources Jobs Assignment to one set only, with
common values
Human Resources Locations Assignment to one set only, with
common values
Human Resources Grades Assignment to one set only, with
common values
Project Billing Project and Contract Billing Assignment to multiple sets,
common values not allowed
Project Foundation Project Accounting Definition Assignment to one set only, no
common values allowed
Project Foundation Project Rates Assignment to one set only, with
common values
Distributed Order Orchestration Hold Codes Assignment to one set only, with
common values
Distributed Order Orchestration Orchestration Process Assignment to one set only, with
common values
What reference data objects can be shared across asset books?
The following list contains the reference data objects for Oracle Fusion Assets
that can be shared across asset books and the method in which the reference data
for each is shared.
Application Name Reference Data Object Method of Sharing
Assets Bonus Rules Assignment to one set only, no
common values allowed
Assets Depreciation Ceilings Assignment to one set only, no
common values allowed
5-46 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Assets Depreciation Methods Assignment to one set only, with
common values
Assets Asset Descriptions Assignment to one set only, no
common values allowed
Assets Property Types Assignment to one set only, with
common values
Assets Prorate Conventions Assignment to one set only, no
common values allowed
Assets Asset Queue Names Assignment to one set only, with
common values
Assets Retirement Types Assignment to one set only, with
common values
Assets Unplanned Types Assignment to one set only, with
common values
What reference data objects can be shared across cost organizations?
The following list contains the reference data objects for Oracle Fusion Cost
Management that can be shared across cost organizations and the method in
which the reference data for each is shared.
Application Name Reference Data Object Method of Sharing
Cost Management Cost Structure Assignment to one set only, no
common values allowed
What reference data objects can be shared across project units?
The following list contains the reference data objects for Oracle Fusion Project
Foundation that can be shared across project units and the method in which the
reference data for each is shared.
Application Name Reference Data Object Method of Sharing
Project Foundation Project Definition Assignment to multiple sets, no
common values allowed
Project Foundation Project Transaction Types Assignment to multiple sets, no
common values allowed
Define Geographies
Defining Address Cleansing: Explained
Address cleansing provides a way to validate, correct, and standardize addresses
that are entered in a user interface. Geography validation only validates the
geography attributes of an address, for example, State, City, and Postal codes;
address cleansing validates both the geography attributes and the address line
Common Applications Configuration: Define Enterprise Structures for Project Financial Management 5-47
Address cleansing can only be used through the Oracle Fusion Trading
Community Data Quality product, because the feature is delivered using Data
Quality integration. You need to ensure that you have a license for the countries
that will use Trading Community Data Quality data cleansing.
You can specify the real time address cleansing level for each country by
choosing either None, meaning that there is no real time address cleansing, or by
choosing Optional, meaning that you will have the choice to cleanse addresses.
Once you have enabled address cleansing for a country a Verify Address icon
appears at address entry points in the application. You can then click the icon
to perform address cleansing and receive a corrected, standardized address.
If Trading Community Data Quality does not find a matching address the
application will alert you.
Geography Structure, Hierarchy, and Validation: How They Fit
There are three components that are dependent on each other when defining a
country: geography structure, geography hierarchy, and geography validation.
Every country has to have the geography structure defined first before the
hierarchy can be defined, and the geography hierarchy has to be defined before
the validation can be defined.
Geography Structure
Firstly, you need to create a geography structure for each country to define
which geography types are part of the country structure, and how the geography
types are hierarchically related within the country structure. For example, you
can create geography types called State, City, and Postal Code. Then you can
rank the State geography type as the highest level within the country, the City
as the second level, and the Postal Code as the lowest level within the country
structure. Geography structure can be defined using the Manage Geographies
task, or can be imported using tasks in the Define Geographies activity.
Geography Hierarchy
Once the geography structure is defined, the geographies for each geography
type can be added to the hierarchy. For example, below the United States you
can create a geography called California using a State geography type.
As part of managing the geography hierarchy you can view, create, edit, and
delete the geographies for each geography type in the country structure. You
can also add a primary and alternate name and code for each geography. A
geography hierarchy can be created using the Manage Geographies task, or can
be imported using tasks in the Define Geographies activity.
Geography Validation
After defining the geography hierarchy, you need to specify the geography
validations for the country. You can choose which address style formats you
would like to use for the country, and for each selected address style format
you can map geography types to address attributes. You can also select which
geography types should be included in geography or tax validation, and which
5-48 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
geography types will display in a list of values during address entry in other
user interfaces. The geography validation level for the country, such as error or
warning, can also be selected.
Geography Structures: Explained
A geography structure is a hierarchical grouping of geography types for a
country. For example, the geography structure for the United States is the
geography type of State at the top, then followed by the County, then the City,
and finally the Postal Code.
You can use the geography structure to establish:
• How geographies can be related
• The types of geographies you can define for the country
How Geographies Can Be Related
You can determine how a country's geographies are hierarchically related by
creating the hierarchy of the geography types in the geography structure. When
you define a country's structure the country geography type is implicitly at the
top of the geography structure, and the numbering of the subsequent levels start
with 1 as the next geography level after country.
You must add a geography type as a level in the country structure before you
can define a geography for that geography type in a country. For example, before
defining the state of California, the State geography type must be added to the
United States country structure. Only one geography type can be used for each
level, you cannot define more than one geography type at the same level.
After you first define a country structure you can only add geography types
below the current lowest level, and delete geography types without defined
To simplify the creation of a country structure you can copy a structure from
another country, and then amend the geography type hierarchy for the country.
The Types of Geographies You Can Define for the Country
The application provides you with a set of available master reference geography
types. If required, you can create a geography type before adding it to the
country structure. Each geography type is added below the current lowest level.
If you want to delete a geography type that is not at the lowest level in the
country structure, then you have to delete the geography type level and all the
levels below it.
Common Applications Configuration: Define Enterprise Structures for Project Financial Management 5-49
A geography type that you create within the country structure can be used for
other country structures as well.
Geography Hierarchy: Explained
Geography hierarchy is a data model that lets you establish conceptual parent-
child relationships between geographies. A geography, such as Tokyo or Peru,
describes a boundary on the surface of the earth. The application can extrapolate
information based on this network of hierarchical geographical relationships.
For example, in the geography hierarchy the state of California is defined as
the parent of San Mateo county, which is the parent of Redwood City, which is
the parent of the postal code 94065. If you enter just 94065, the application can
determine that the postal code is in California, or that the corresponding city is
Redwood City.
The application leverages geography hierarchy information to facilitate business
processes that rely on geography information, for example, tax calculation, order
sourcing rules, sales territory definition. The geography hierarchy information
is centrally located in the Trading Community Model and shared among other
application offerings.
The top level of the geography hierarchy is Country, so the hierarchy essentially
contains countries and their child geographies. Other aspects of the geography
hierarchy include:
• Geography
• Geography type
• Geography usage
• Master reference geography hierarchy
• User defined zones
A geography is a boundary such as a country, state, province or city. It is a
physical space with boundaries that is a defined instance of a geography type.
For example, San Jose is a geography of the City geography type.
Geography Type
Geography types are a divisional grouping of geographies, which can be either
geopolitical (for example, City, Province, and District) or user defined (for
example, Continent, Country Regions, Tax Regions).
Geography Usage
Geography usage indicates how a geography type or geography is used in
the application. A master reference geography always has the usage of Master
5-50 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Reference. User defined zones can have the usages of Tax, Shipping, or Territory,
based on what is relevant for their purpose.
Master Reference Geography Hierarchy
The geography hierarchy data is considered to be the single source of truth for
geographies. It is all the data, including geography types and geographies, that
you define and maintain in the Trading Community Model tables.
The geography usage for the entire hierarchy is the master reference, and defined
geography types and geographies are considered as master reference geography
types and geographies. For example, Country is a universally recognized
geography type, and United States is considered a master geography.
User Defined Zones
User defined zones are a collection of geographical data, created from master
reference data for a specific purpose. For example, territory zones are collections
of master reference geographies ordered in a hierarchy. Tax and shipping zones
are collections of master reference geographies without a hierarchical grouping.
Geography Validation: Explained
Geography validation determines the geography mapping and validation for a
country's address styles, as well as the overall geography validation control for a
The No Styles Format address style format is the default address style format
for a country. By defining the mapping and validation for this format you will
ensure that validations can be performed for any address in the country. After
the No Styles Format is defined you can set up additional mapping for specific
address styles.
For each address style format, you can define the following:
• Map to attribute
• Enable list of values
• Tax validation
• Geography validation
• Geography validation control
Map to Attribute
For every address style format, you can map each geography type to an address
attribute. For example, you can map the State geography type to the State
address attribute for the United States, or map the State geography type to
the County address attribute for the United Kingdom. The geography types
that appear are based on how the country structure is defined. The list of
Common Applications Configuration: Define Enterprise Structures for Project Financial Management 5-51
address attributes that appear are based on address formats delivered with the
application, or your customer defined address formats.
You only need to map geography types that you want to use for geography or
tax validation purposes.
Enable List of Values
Once a geography type is mapped to an attribute, then you can specify whether
the geography type will appear in a list of values during address entry in user
interfaces. It is very important to review carefully if you want to enable a list of
values. You should only enable a list of values if you have sufficient geography
data imported or created for that geography. Once you have enabled a list of
values for an address attribute, you can only select the geography data available
for the geography type. This means that if a specific geography value is not
available in the geography hierarchy, you cannot create an address with a
different geography value.
Tax Validation
You can also specify whether a geography type will be included in tax
validation. For example, for the United States North America address style
format you specify that County, State, and City are used for tax validation.
This will mean that when a transaction involves an address with the North
America address style, the address must have the correct county, state, and city
combination based on the geography hierarchy data, to be considered valid for
tax calculation.
Geography Validation
You can specify whether a geography type will be included in geography
validation. This will mean that, for example, when the user enters a United
States address using the North America address style format, the address must
have the correct country, state, and postal code combination based on geography
hierarchy data to be considered geographically valid.
If an address element is mapped to a geography type, but not selected for
geography validation usage, then during address entry suggested values will be
provided for the address element, but the address element will not be validated.
For either the tax or geography validation, do not skip more than one
consecutive level unless you are certain that the selected geography types can
uniquely identify geographies. For example, the United States country structure
is: State, County, City, and Postal Code, and you want to select just State and
Postal Code for geography or tax validation. However, for the combination of
California and 94065, the city can be either Redwood Shores or Redwood City. In
this case, you should also select at least the City geography type for geography
or tax validation.
5-52 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Geography Validation Control
You can select the geography validation level for a country. Validation will check
if the entered address maps to the geography hierarchy data available for the
country, and the geography validation control determines whether you can save
an address that did not pass validation during address entry. For example, if the
validation level is Error, then an address cannot be saved if the values do not
match the geography hierarchy data.
These are the geography validation levels you can choose:
• Error - only completely valid addresses can be saved, with all mandatory
address elements entered.
• No Validation - all addresses can be saved including incomplete and
invalid addresses.
Regardless of the result of validation, the validation process will try to map
any address attribute to a geography of the country, and store any mapping
it could establish based on the available data. This is called Geography
Name Referencing and it is executed as part of validation. The result of this
referencing is used in several business processes in the application to map an
address to a specific geography or zone.
The Geography Dimension value in territories is derived from sell-to addresses
of sales accounts. To use geography dimensions in territories, ensure that
the geography elements in addresses, such as state, city, and postal code, are
validated. You can do so by enabling geography validation for each country
using the Manage Geographies task. While doing so, ensure that at least one
level in the geography hierarchy is enabled for geography validation. It is
recommended that you enable geography validation for all geography levels that
you intend to use for territory definition for each country. You can enable a list
of values containing specific geography elements. This will help users search
and select appropriate geography values during addresses entry and eliminate
all possibilities of wrong address entry. You can also set geography validation
control to Error in the Manage Geography Validation page. This ensures that
users can only use valid geography elements in addresses. If you have already
created addresses before setting up geography validation for a country, you must
execute the Run Maintain Geography Name Referencing task for that country
after enabling geography validation to ensure that all your geography elements
are validated.
Importing Geographies: Explained
A geography, such as Tokyo or Peru, describes a boundary on the surface of
the earth. You can create new geographies by importing data through interface
tables. There are two options for populating the interface tables: using the tool
of your preference to load the data or using file-based data import. If you plan
to provide the data details in a source file, use the file-based import feature. If
you will populate the interface table directly, run the geography loader process
Common Applications Configuration: Define Enterprise Structures for Project Financial Management 5-53
to import the data. Having a good understanding of the import entity, interface
table, and destination table will help you prepare your import data.
Consider the following when importing geographies:
• File-based import option
• Geography loader process option
• Import object entity, interface table, and destination tables
File-Based Import Option
The file-based import process reads the data included in your XML or text
file, populates the interface tables, and imports the data into the application
destination tables. The File-Based Data Import Setup and Maintenance task
list includes the tasks needed to configure the geography import object, create
source file mappings, and schedule the import activities.
Geography Loader Process Option
Populate the interface table with your import data, then navigate to the Run
Geography Loader Setup and Maintenance task to schedule the import of data
from the interface table to the destination table.
Import Object Entity, Interface Table, and Destination Tables
The geography import object consists of one entity and interface table that forms
the geography. If you are using file-based import, you can map your source file
data to import entity attributes that correspond to the interface table columns.
The import activity process populates the interface table based on the mapping
and your source file. If using the geography loader scheduled process, populate
the interface table directly using your preferred tool. If you need the unique IDs
of existing application data for your import data, use the Define Data Export
Setup and Maintenance task list to export the information.
Spreadsheets containing detailed information about each interface table,
including the import attributes, corresponding interface table columns, defaults,
and validations, are available from the Oracle Enterprise Repository by searching
on a specific interface table name or initiating a search using the FusionApps:
Interface Table asset type.
The following lists the object entity, tables, and resulting application object:
File-Based Import
Interface Tables Destination Tables Application Object
5-54 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Importing Country Structures Using File-Based Import: Explained
This topic explains how to prepare and import country structure data from an
external data source into Oracle Fusion Applications using the File-Based Data
Import feature. A country structure is a hierarchical grouping of geography
types for a country. For example, the geography structure for the United States
has the geography type of State at the top, followed by the County, then the City,
and finally the Postal Code.
You can use the country structure to set up the following:
• The relationships between geographies within a country
• The types of geographies that you can define for a country
Consider the following questions when importing your data:
• How does your legacy system or source system represent the country
structure compared to how Oracle Fusion Applications represent the same
• Do you have to configure values in Oracle Fusion Applications to map to
your data values?
• Do you have to customize Oracle Fusion Applications to capture
additional attributes that are critical to the way you do business?
• What import features are available for importing your business object?
• How do you verify your imported data?
Comparing Business Object Structures
You must understand how your country structure data corresponds with the
data in Oracle Fusion Applications in order to be able to map your legacy data
to the data needed by Oracle Fusion Applications. First, you must understand
how Oracle Fusion Applications represent the structure of the data for a country
You must import a separate country structure import object for each country.
Each of these import objects must contain the geography types that are used in
the country's structure, organized in a hierarchy using geography level numbers.
For example, if you are importing the country structure of Australia, the country
structure could be the following: 1: Country, 2: State, 3: County, 4: Town, 5: ZIP.
Import Objects for the Country Structure
To facilitate the import of country structures, Oracle Fusion Applications
incorporate the structure of the country structure into import objects. The import
object for country structures is GeoStructureLevel.
Comparing Business Object Data
Each import object is a collection of attributes that helps to map your data to
the Oracle Fusion Applications data and to support one-to-many relationships
between the structural components that make up the country structure.
Common Applications Configuration: Define Enterprise Structures for Project Financial Management 5-55
A good understanding of the attribute details of the import objects is critical
to preparing your import data. For information about the Oracle Fusion
Applications attributes, see the Oracle Enterprise Repository. The reference
files contain descriptions, logic used to choose default values, and validation
information for each of the Oracle Fusion Applications attributes. The validation
information includes the navigation to the task where you can define values
in Oracle Fusion Applications. For example, if you have values in your
data that correlate to a choice list in Oracle Fusion Applications, then the
validation information for that attribute provides the task name in the Setup
and Maintenance work area where you can define your values. For additional
information, including a list of reference file names and locations that you need
to complete this task, see the following table.
Import Object Related Import Object Topic
Country Structure Country Structure Import Objects: How They Work
Extensible Attributes
If you need to extend the Oracle Fusion Applications object to import your
legacy or source data, you must use Oracle Fusion CRM Application Composer
to design your object model extensions and to generate the required artifacts
to register your extensions and make them available for importing. The
corresponding import object is updated with the extensible attributes, which
can then be mapped to your source file data. You can use the same source file
to import both extensible custom attributes and the standard import object
Importing Country Structures Using File-Based Data Import
For the country structure business object, you must use the File-Based Data
Import feature. You prepare XML or text source data files in a form that is
suitable for file-based import. The file-based import process reads the data
included in your source file, populates the interface tables according to your
mapping, and imports the data into the application destination tables.
The Define File-Based Data Import Setup and Maintenance task list includes the
tasks needed to configure the import objects, to create source-file mappings, and
to schedule the import activities. You submit file-based import activities for each
import object. When creating a new country structure, you import the Country
Structure object.
You must be assigned the Master Data Management Administrator job role to
access and submit the import activities for country structures.
Verifying Your Imported Data
You can view the list of import activities from the Manage Import Activities
page. You can verify your imported data by clicking the Status column for your
import activity.
5-56 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Country Structure Import Objects: How They Work Together
This topic describes the Country Structure import object. You use the Country
Structure import object when you submit a file-based import activity to import
your country structure information. This topic introduces the following:
• Target import object concepts
• Target objects for the Country Structure import object
• Target import object attributes
• Target object attribute reference guide files
Target Import Object Concepts
The Country Structure import object is used to import a country structure
hierarchy, including details, such as geography type, geography type name,
parent geography type, geography level numbers, and so on. To map the source
data in your import file to the target attributes in Oracle Fusion Applications,
you must understand how the target objects are related and what attributes are
included in each target object.
Country Structure Target Import Objects
The Country Structure import object contains one target import object that
organizes the individual attributes of the different aspects of the geography
structure. When updating an existing country structure, you must provide the
parent reference information of the existing country structure. This reference
information connects the imported geography structure to the existing one. Use
the ImpGeoStructureLevel target import object to create and update country
structure information.
Target Import Objects Attributes
You must compare the attributes that you want to import with the target object
attributes that are available and their valid values. To evaluate your source data
and Oracle Fusion Applications attributes for mapping and validation, you use
an Oracle Enterprise Repository reference guide, which is available for each
target import object. The reference guide file includes attribute descriptions,
default values, and validations performed by the import process. Review
the validation for each attribute to determine whether there are functional
prerequisites or setup tasks that are required.
To import your source file data, you define a mapping between your source file
data and the combination of the target object and target object attribute. You can
predefine and manage import mappings using the File-Based Import Mapping
task, or you can define the mapping when you define the import activity using
the File-Based Import Activity task. Both tasks are available in the Setup and
Maintenance work area.
If any of the attributes you want to import does not have an equivalent target
object attribute, then review the Oracle Fusion CRM Application Composer
extensibility features for country structures.
Common Applications Configuration: Define Enterprise Structures for Project Financial Management 5-57
Target Import Objects Attributes Resources
To access the reference guide files for the country code's target import objects,
see the File-Based Data Import assets in Oracle Enterprise Repository for Oracle
Fusion Applications (
For detailed information on importing geographies using file-based import, refer
to Document No. 1481758.1, Importing Master Reference Geography Data, on the
Oracle Support site.
The following table lists the reference guide files that are available from the
Documentation tab for the Country Code File-Based Data Import asset.
Target Import Object Description Reference Guide File Names
ImpGeoStructureLevel Contains information that
specifies a country's geography
Sample attributes:
LevelNumber, and
Reference attribute: CountryCode
Importing Geographies Using File-Based Import: Explained
This topic describes the tasks you must perform to import geography
information. A geography is any region with a boundary around it, regardless of
its size. It might be a state, a country, a city, a county, or a ward. You must create
or import geographies before you can associate them with custom zones and
Consider the following questions when importing your data:
• How does your legacy system or source system represent the geography
compared to how Oracle Fusion Applications represent the same data?
• Do you have to configure values in Oracle Fusion Applications to map to
your data values?
• What import features are available for importing your business object?
• How do you verify your imported data?
Comparing Business Object Structures
You must understand how your geography data corresponds with the data in
Oracle Fusion Applications in order to be able to map your legacy data to the
data needed by Oracle Fusion Applications. First, you must understand how
Oracle Fusion Applications represent the structure of the data for a geography.
You must import a separate country structure import object for each country.
Each of these import objects must contain the geography types that are used in
the country's structure, organized in a hierarchy using geography level numbers.
5-58 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
For example, if you are importing the country structure of Australia, the country
structure could be the following: 1: Country, 2: State, 3: County, 4: Town, 5: ZIP.
Import Objects for the Geography
To facilitate the import of geographies, Oracle Fusion Applications incorporate
the structure of the geography into import objects. The import object for the
geography is ImpGeography.
Comparing Business Object Data
Each import object is a collection of attributes that helps to map your data to
the Oracle Fusion Applications data and to support one-to-many relationships
between the structural components that make up the geography.
A good understanding of the attribute details of the import objects is critical
to preparing your import data. For information about the Oracle Fusion
Applications attributes, see the Oracle Enterprise Repository. The reference
files contain descriptions, logic used to choose default values, and validation
information for each of the Oracle Fusion Applications attributes. The validation
information includes the navigation to the task where you can define values
in Oracle Fusion Applications. For example, if you have values in your
data that correlate to a choice list in Oracle Fusion Applications, then the
validation information for that attribute provides the task name in the Setup
and Maintenance work area where you can define your values. For additional
information, including a list of reference file names and locations that you need
to complete this task, see the following table.
Import Object Related Import Object Topic
ImpGeography Geography Import Objects: How They Work
Hint: You can use the keyword importing geographies to search for related
topics in Oracle Fusion Applications Help.
Extensible Attributes
Oracle Fusion Applications do not support extensible attributes for geographies.
You can only import data for attributes provided by Oracle Fusion Applications.
Importing Geographies Using File-Based Data Import
For the geography business object, you must use the File-Based Data Import
feature. You prepare XML or text source data files in a form that is suitable for
file-based import. The file-based import process reads the data included in
your source file, populates the interface tables according to your mapping, and
imports the data into the application destination tables.
The Define File-Based Data Import Setup and Maintenance task list includes
the tasks needed to configure the import objects, to create source-file mappings,
and to schedule the import activities. You submit file-based import activities for
each import object. When creating a new geography, you import the Geography
object. You must be assigned the Master Data Management Administrator job
role to access and submit the import activities for geographies.
Common Applications Configuration: Define Enterprise Structures for Project Financial Management 5-59
When importing geography information, you must provide the parent reference
information for all parent levels for the entity.
Verifying Your Imported Data
Oracle Fusion Applications provide File-Based Import activity reports, which
can be used to verify imported data. Users with the Master Data Management
Administrator job role can also navigate to the Manage Geographies work area
to view the imported geographies.
Geography Import Objects: How They Work Together
This topic describes the Geography import object. You use the Geography import
object to import geography information.
This topic introduces the following:
• Target import object concepts
• Target objects for the Geography import object
• Target import object attributes
• Target import object attribute reference guide files
Target Import Object Concepts
The Geography import object is used to import geography hierarchy information
to create or update the geography data of a country. To map the source data in
your import file to the target attributes in Oracle Fusion Applications, you must
understand how the target objects are related and what attributes are included in
each target object.
Geography Target Import Objects
The target import objects in the Geography import object contain information
about the geography hierarchy. When updating an existing geography, you
must provide the parent reference information of the existing geography, which
connects the geography to the country of which it is a part.
Use the ImpGeography target import object to create and update geography
Before you import geography data for a country, you must define the country's
geography structure.
Target Import Objects Attributes
You must compare the attributes that you want to import with the target object
attributes that are available and their valid values. To evaluate your source data
and Oracle Fusion Applications attributes for mapping and validation, you use
an Oracle Enterprise Repository reference guide, which is available for each
target import object. The reference guide file includes attribute descriptions,
5-60 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
default values, and validations performed by the import process. Review
the validation for each attribute to determine whether there are functional
prerequisites or setup tasks that are required.
To import your source file data, you define a mapping between your source file
data and the combination of the target object and target object attribute. You can
predefine and manage import mappings using the File-Based Import Mapping
task, or you can define the mapping when you define the import activity using
the File-Based Import Activity task. Both tasks are available in the Setup and
Maintenance work area.
Target Import Objects Attributes Resources
To access the reference guide files for the geography's target import objects, see
the File-Based Data Import assets in Oracle Enterprise Repository for Oracle
Fusion Applications (
For detailed information on importing geographies using file-based import, refer
to Document No. 1481758.1, Importing Master Reference Geography Data, on the
Oracle Support site.
The following table lists the reference guide files that are available from the
Documentation tab for the Geography File-Based Data Import asset.
Target Import Object Description Attribute Reference Guide File
ImpGeography Contains information that
captures a country's geography
hierarchy details.
Sample attributes:
CountryCode, GeoDataProvider,
PrimaryGeographyCodeType, and
Reference attribute: CountryCode
Importing Geographies Using File-based Data Import: Worked
This example demonstrates how to import data using the File-Based Data Import
tool. In this particular example you have a source file containing geography data
that you want to import into the application, so that the geography data can be
used for uses related to locations, such as real time address validation and tax
The following table summarizes the key decisions for this scenario:
Decisions to Consider In This Example
What type of object are you importing? Geography
What file type are you using for your source data? Text file
Common Applications Configuration: Define Enterprise Structures for Project Financial Management 5-61
Where are you uploading your source data file from? Your desktop
What data type is your source data file? Comma separated
Which fields are you importing into Oracle Fusion
All, except for the RecordTypeCode field
When do you want to process the import? Immediately
These are the steps that are required to create an import activity and submit the
1. Determine what information is in the source file.
2. Create and schedule the import activity.
3. Monitor the import results.
Prerequisites when importing additional geography data after your initial import
1. You need to ensure that the combination of Source ID and Parent
Source ID values are unique for each row of data within a single import.
However, your source data files do not need to have the same Source
ID and Parent Source ID values as your previously imported geography
data. If the geography structure levels and the parents for each geography
value are the same, the changed IDs will not affect the import.
2. Ensure that all of the parents of a child geography are included in your
data file so that the child geography can be added. For example, if you
originally imported US, CA, and San Francisco, and now you want to
import the city of San Jose in CA, then your data file needs to include US,
CA, and San Jose.
3. Check that your source data file has the correct values for the geography
data that you have already loaded. For example, if your initial import
included the value US for country and CA as state, and in a subsequent
import you have California as a state, your geography import will result
in two state records (CA and California) in the application data, with the
US as the country parent.
Determine what information is in the source file
1. Your source geography data files should include a unique Source ID value
for each row of data, and a Parent Source ID value which identifies the
parent of that row of geography data. Source IDs, or Parent Source IDs,
should not exceed 18 characters. An example of geography source data
could be as follows:
Name Source ID Parent
Source ID
1 (Country) US 1
2 (State) CA 11 1
3 (County) Alameda 111 11
4 (City) Pleasanton 1111 111
4 (City) Dublin 1112 111
5-62 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Create and schedule the import activity
You create an import activity, enter the import details, and schedule the import.
An import activity definition provides the instructions for the import processing
- this includes selecting the source file, or file location; mapping fields from the
source file to the Oracle Fusion object and attribute; and scheduling the import.
1. Navigate to Setup and Maintenance and search for the Manage File
Import Activities task. Click Go to Task.
2. In the Manage Import Activities page, click the Create icon.
3. In the Create Import Activity: Set Up page, create an import activity for
the Geography object type by completing the fields, as shown in this table:
Field Value
Name Master Reference Geographies
Object Geography
File Type Text File
File Selection Specific file
Upload From Desktop
File Name Choose relevant file from desktop
Data Type Comma separated
Ensure that the file type that you select in the Create Import Activity: Set
Up page matches the file type of the source data file.
4. Click Next.
5. On the Create Import Activity: Map Fields page, map each field from
your source file to the Oracle Fusion object and attribute, as shown in this
Ignore Object Attribute
US No Imp
Record Type
0 Yes Imp
Record Type
Source ID 10265 No Imp
Source ID
Source ID
1053 No Imp
Source ID
Common Applications Configuration: Define Enterprise Structures for Project Financial Management 5-63
If you do not want to import a column in the text file you can select
If you have any difficulties mapping the fields from your source file to the
relevant Oracle Fusion applications object, you can use the import object
spreadsheets for reference.
6. Click Next.
7. On the Create Import Activity: Create Schedule page, select Immediate in
the Schedule field so that the import will start immediately.
Instead of immediately importing the data, you can choose a date
and time to start the import. You can also specify if the import will be
repeated, and the frequency of the repeated import.
8. Click Next.
Monitor the import results
You monitor the progress of the Import Activity processing, and view
completion reports for both successful records and errors.
1. On the Create Import Activity: Review and Activate page, you verify your
import details in the Import Details, File Details, Import Options, and
Schedule sections.
2. Your import details are correct so you click Activate to submit the import.
Once the import activity has completed, the Status field value will change
to Completed.
Importing and Exporting Territory Geography Zones: Explained
Territory geography zones are geographical boundaries that you can set
up to replicate your organization's regions, such as a Pacific Northwest
sales region.You can set up territory geography zones in one Oracle Fusion
applications instance, and then after the territory geography zones are defined
you can export the territory zones and import them into another Oracle Fusion
applications instance.
To define your territory geography zones and then import your territory zones
into another Oracle Fusion applications instance, you need to complete the
following steps:
1. Import the master reference geography data into the Oracle Fusion
2. Define your territory geography zones using the Manage Territory
Geographies task.
3. Export the territory geography zones.
5-64 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
4. Import the territory geography zones into another Oracle Fusion
applications instance.
Import the master reference geography data
Firstly, you need to import the master reference geography data. Master
reference geography data consists of geography elements such as country, state,
and city, and is required for any geographical information you store in the
application, such as address information used in customer and sales records.
For more information, refer to the Geography Hierarchy: Explained topic listed
in the related topics section. Master reference geography data can be imported
into the application using the Manage File Import Activities task in Setup and
Maintenance - refer to the Importing Master Reference Geography Data: Worked
Example topic listed in the related topics section for more information.
Define your territory geography zones
Once the master reference geography data has been imported, you can then
create your territory geography zones in the application using the Manage
Territory Geographies task in Setup and Maintenance. For more information,
refer to the Managing Territory Geographies: Worked Example topic listed in the
related topics section.
Export the territory geography zones
Once you have completed importing the master reference geography data and
defining your territory geography zone tasks, you can create a configuration
package to export the territory zone data. For more information, refer to the
Exporting Setup Data demo listed in the related topics section.
Import the territory geography zones
Once you have downloaded your configuration package for your territory
geography zone setup, you can import the territory zones into another Oracle
Fusion application instance. For more information, refer to the Importing Setup
Data listed in the related topics section.
Ensure that you import your master reference geography data into the new
Oracle Fusion instance before you import the configuration package.
Managing Geography Structures, Hierarchies, and Validation:
Worked Example
This example shows how to configure the geography structure, hierarchy,
and validation for a country geography, using the United Kingdom country
geography as an illustration.
The following table summarizes the key decisions for this scenario.
Decisions to Consider In This Example
Copy an existing country structure? No, create a new country structure.
Common Applications Configuration: Define Enterprise Structures for Project Financial Management 5-65
What is the structure of the geography types? Create geography types with the following ranking
1. County
2. Post Town
What is the geography hierarchy? Create the following hierarchy:
1. Country of United Kingdom
2. County of Berkshire
3. Post Town of Reading
Which address style format will you use when
mapping geography validations?
The default address style format, called the No
Styles Format.
Are you using Oracle Fusion Tax for tax purposes? No, do not select Tax Validation for the geography
Add the County and Post Town geography types to the geography structure.
Next, add the geographies for the County and Post Town geography types to
define the geography hierarchy. Finally, specify the geography validations for the
geography types you have added to the geography structure.
Defining the geography structure
Add the County and Post Town geography types to the United Kingdom
geography structure.
1. On the Manage Geographies page, enter GB in the Code field. Click
2. On the Manage Geographies page, click Structure Defined.
3. On the Manage Geography Structure page, click the Create button next to
the Copy Country Structure From field.
4. In the Geography Structure section, select the County list item in the Add
Geography Type field.
5. Click Add.
6. Select the Post Town list item in the Add Geography Type field.
7. Click Add.
Defining the geography hierarchy
To begin creating the geography hierarchy for the United Kingdom, you add
the geographies for the County and Post Town geography types using the
geography hierarchy user interfaces. You can also use the Manage File Import
Activities task to import geography hierarchies using a csv or xml file.
1. On the Manage Geographies page, enter GB in the Code field. Click
2. On the Manage Geographies page, click Hierarchy Defined.
3. On the Manage Geography Hierarchy page, Geography Hierarchy
section, click the United Kingdom to highlight the table row.
4. Click the Create button.
5. In the Create County page, Primary and Alternate Names section, enter
Berkshire in the Name field.
5-66 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
6. Click Save and Close.
7. On the Manage Geography Hierarchy page, Geography Hierarchy
section, click Berkshire to highlight the table row.
8. Click the Create button.
9. In the Create Post Town page, Primary and Alternate Names section,
enter Reading in the Name field.
10. Click Save and Close.
Defining the geography validations
Now you want to specify the geography validations for the geography types
you have added to the United Kingdom. Define the geography mapping and
validation for the United Kingdom default address style format. Then map the
geography types to attributes, enable the geography types for Lists of Values and
Geography validation, and set the geography validation level.
1. On the Manage Geographies page, click Validation Defined.
2. On the Manage Geography Validation page, Address Style section, click
No Styles Format to highlight the table row.
3. For the County geography type, click the County list item in the Map to
Attribute field.
4. Click the Enable List of Values option for the County geography type.
5. Click the Geography Validation option for the County geography type.
6. For the Post Town geography type, click the City list item in the Map to
Attribute field.
7. Click the Geography Validation option for the Post Town geography
8. In the Geography Validation Control section, click the Error list item in the
Geography Validation Level for Country field.
9. Click Save and Close.
FAQs for Define Geographies
When do I define address cleansing?
When address data entered into the application needs to conform to a particular
format, in order to achieve consistency in the representation of addresses. For
example, making sure that the incoming data is stored following the correct
postal address format.
Why can't I update a geography structure by copying an existing country
You can only update a geography structure by adding existing geography types,
or by creating new geography types and then adding them to the geography
structure. You can only copy an existing country structure when you are defining
a new country structure.
Common Applications Configuration: Define Enterprise Structures for Project Financial Management 5-67
Why can't I delete a level of the country geography structure?
If a geography exists for a country geography structure level then you cannot
delete the level. For example, if a state geography has been created for the United
States country geography structure, then the State level cannot be deleted in the
country geography structure.
Can I add any geography to the geography hierarchy?
Yes. However, the geography type for the geography that you want to add must
be already added to the country geography structure.
Can I edit a specific geography in the geography hierarchy?
Yes. In the Manage Geography Hierarchy page you can edit details such as the
geography's date range, primary and alternate names and codes, and parent
How can I add a geography that is the level below another geography in a
geography hierarchy?
Select the geography that you want your geography to be created below, and
then click the Create icon. This will allow you to create a geography for a
geography type that is the level below the geography type you selected. The
structure of the country's geography types are defined in the Manage Geography
Structure page.
Define Legal Jurisdictions and Authorities for Project Financial
Jurisdictions and Legal Authorities: Explained
You are required to register your legal entities with legal authorities in the
jurisdictions where you conduct business. Register your legal entities as required
by local business requirements or other relevant laws. For example, register your
legal entities for tax reporting to report sales taxes or value added taxes.
Define jurisdictions and related legal authorities to support multiple legal
entity registrations, which are used by Oracle Fusion Tax and Oracle Fusion
Payroll. When you first create a legal entity, the Oracle Fusion Legal Entity
Configurator automatically creates one legal reporting unit for that legal entity
with a registration.
Jurisdictions: Explained
Jurisdiction is a physical territory such as a group of countries, country, state,
county, or parish where a particular piece of legislation applies. French Labor
5-68 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Law, Singapore Transactions Tax Law, and US Income Tax Laws are examples of
particular legislation that apply to legal entities operating in different countries'
jurisdictions. Judicial authority may be exercised within a jurisdiction.
Types of jurisdictions are:
• Identifying Jurisdiction
• Income Tax Jurisdiction
• Transaction Tax Jurisdiction
Identifying Jurisdiction
For each legal entity, select an identifying jurisdiction. An identifying jurisdiction
is your first jurisdiction you must register with to be allowed to do business in a
country. If there is more than one jurisdiction that a legal entity needs to register
with to commence business, select one as the identifying jurisdiction. Typically
the identifying jurisdiction is the one you use to uniquely identify your legal
Income tax jurisdictions and transaction tax jurisdictions do not represent
the same jurisdiction. Although in some countries, the two jurisdictions are
defined at the same geopolitical level, such as a country, and share the same legal
authority, they are two distinct jurisdictions.
Income Tax Jurisdiction
Create income tax jurisdictions to properly report and remit income taxes to the
legal authority. Income tax jurisdictions by law impose taxes on your financial
income generated by all your entities within their jurisdiction. Income tax is a
key source of funding that the government uses to fund its activities and serve
the public.
Transaction Tax Jurisdiction
Create transaction tax jurisdictions through Oracle Fusion Tax in a separate
business flow, because of the specific needs and complexities of various taxes.
Tax jurisdictions and their respective rates are provided by suppliers and require
periodic maintenance. Use transaction tax jurisdiction for legal reporting of sales
and value added taxes.
Legal Authorities: Explained
A legal authority is a government or legal body that is charged with powers to
make laws, levy and collect fees and taxes, and remit financial appropriations for
a given jurisdiction.
For example, the Internal Revenue Service is the authority for enforcing income
tax laws in United States. In some countries, such as India and Brazil, you
are required to print legal authority information on your tax reports. Legal
authorities are defined in the Oracle Fusion Legal Entity Configurator. Tax
authorities are a subset of legal authorities and are defined using the same setup
Common Applications Configuration: Define Enterprise Structures for Project Financial Management 5-69
Legal authorities are not mandatory in Oracle Fusion Human Capital
Management (HCM), but are recommended and are generally referenced on
statutory reports.
Creating Legal Jurisdictions, Addresses and Authorities: Examples
Define legal jurisdictions and related legal authorities to support multiple legal
entity registrations, which are used by Oracle Fusion Tax and Oracle Fusion
Legal Jurisdictions
Create a legal jurisdiction by following these steps:
1. Navigate to the Manage Legal Jurisdictions page from the Setup and
Maintenance work area by querying on the Manage Legal Jurisdictions
task and selecting Go to Task.
2. Select Create.
3. Enter a unique Name, United States Income Tax.
4. Select a Territory, United States.
5. Select a Legislative Category, Income tax.
6. Select Identifying, Yes. Identifying indicates the first jurisdiction a legal
entity must register with to do business in a country.
7. Enter a Start Date if desired. You can also add an End Date to indicate a
date that the jurisdiction may no longer be used.
8. Select a Legal Entity Registration Code, EIN or TIN.
9. Select a Legal Reporting Unit Registration Code, Legal Reporting Unit
Registration Number.
10. Optionally enter one or more Legal Functions.
11. Select Save and Close.
Legal Addresses for Legal Entities and Reporting Units
Create a legal address for legal entities and reporting units by following these
1. Navigate to the Manage Legal Address page from the Setup and
Maintenance work area by querying on the Manage Legal Address task
and selecting Go to Task.
2. Select Create.
3. Select Country.
4. Enter Address Line 1, Oracle Parkway.
5. Optionally enter Address Line 2, and Address Line 3.
6. Enter or Select Zip Code, 94065.
7. Select Geography 94065 and Parent Geography Redwood Shores, San
Mateo, CA.
5-70 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
8. Optionally enter a Time Zone, US Pacific Time.
9. Select OK.
10. Select Save and Close.
Legal Authorities
Create a legal authority by following these steps:
1. Navigate to the Manage Legal Authorities page from the Setup and
Maintenance work area by querying on the Manage Legal Authorities
task and selecting Go to Task.
2. Enter the Name, California Franchise Tax Board.
3. Enter the Tax Authority Type, Reporting.
Create an address for the legal authority.
4. Select Create.
5. The Site Number is automatically assigned.
6. Optionally enter a Mail Stop.
7. Select Country, United States
8. Enter Address Line 1, 121 Spear Street, Suite 400.
9. Optionally enter Address Line 2, and Address Line 3.
10. Enter or Select Zip Code, 94105.
11. Select Geography 94105 and Parent Geography San Francisco, San
Francisco, CA.
12. Select OK.
13. Optionally enter a Time Zone, US Pacific Time.
14. Optionally click the One-Time Address check box.
15. The From Date defaults to today's date. Update if necessary.
16. Optionally enter a To Date to indicate the last day the address can be
You can optionally enter Address Purpose details.
17. Select Add Row.
18. Select Purpose.
19. The Purpose from Date will default to today's date.
20. Optionally enter a Purpose to Date.
21. Select OK.
22. Select Save and Close.
Common Applications Configuration: Define Enterprise Structures for Project Financial Management 5-71
Creating Legal Entities, Registrations, and Reporting Units:
Define a legal entity for each registered company or other entity recognized in
law for which you want to record assets, liabilities, and income, pay transaction
taxes, or perform intercompany trading.
Legal Entity
From within an implementation project, create a legal entity by following these
Working within an implementation project is required because you select a scope
value within an implementation project. The scope value is the legal entity that
you will create or select to work within for your implementation project.
1. Navigate to an implementation project that contains the Define Legal
Entities task list from the Setup and Maintenance work area.
2. Select Go to Task for the Define Legal Entities task list within the
implementation project.
The following message appears:
You must first select a scope value to perform the task.
• Select and add an existing scope value to the implementation project.
• Create a new scope value and then add it to the implementation
3. Select Create New.
4. From the Manage Legal Entities page select Create.
5. Accept the default Country, United States.
6. Enter Name, InFusion USA West.
7. Enter Legal Entity Identifier, US0033.
8. Optionally enter Start Date. When the start date is blank the legal entity is
effective from the creation date.
9. Optionally enter an End Date.
10. Optionally, if your legal entity should be registered to report payroll tax
and social insurance, select the Payroll statutory unit check box.
11. Optionally, if your legal entity has employees, select the Legal employer
check box.
12. Optionally, if this legal entity is not a payroll statutory unit, select an
existing payroll statutory unit to report payroll tax and social instance on
behalf of this legal entity.
5-72 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Enter the Registration Information.
13. Accept the default Identifying Jurisdiction, United States Income Tax.
14. Search for and select a Legal Address, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood
Shores, CA 94065.
The legal address must have been entered previously using the Manage Legal
Address task.
15. Select OK.
16. Optionally enter a Place of Registration.
17. Enter the EIN or TIN.
18. Enter the Legal Reporting Unit Registration Number.
19. Select Save and Close to navigate back to the Manage Legal Entities page.
20. Select Done to return to your implementation project. An issue with the
done button has been fixed in 11g Release 1 (11.1.4).
21. In the Legal Entity choice list in the implementation project (just below
the implementation project name and code), click Select and Add Legal
Entity to choose the legal entity that you just created, and set the scope for
the remainder of your setup.
22. Search for and select your legal entity from the Manage Legal Entities
23. Select Save and Close.
This sets the scope for your task list to the selected legal entity, as
indicated in the Legal Entity choice list above the Tasks and Task Lists
Legal Entity Registrations
A legal entity registration with the same name as that of the legal entity will be
created by default. To verify this, locate the Manage Legal Entity Registrations
task and then select Go to Task. To create another registration for the legal entity
follow these steps:
1. Navigate to your implementation project from the Setup and
Maintenance work area. Verify that the parent Legal Entity scope value is
set correctly.
2. Expand the Define Legal Entities task list within the implementation
3. Select Manage Legal Entity Registrations Go to Task.
4. Select Create.
5. Enter Jurisdiction.
Common Applications Configuration: Define Enterprise Structures for Project Financial Management 5-73
6. Enter Registered Address.
7. Enter Registered Name.
8. Optionally enter Alternate Name, Registration Number, Place of
Registration, Issuing Legal Authority, and Issuing Legal Authority
Address, Start Date, and End Date.
9. Save and Close.
Legal Reporting Unit
When a legal entity is created, a legal reporting unit with the same name as that
of the entity is also automatically created. To create more legal reporting units or
modify the settings follow these steps:
1. Navigate to your implementation project from the Setup and
Maintenance work area. Verify that the parent Legal Entity scope value is
set correctly.
2. Select Go to Task for the Define Legal Entities task list within the
implementation project.
3. Select Create.
4. Enter Territory, United States.
5. Enter Name.
6. Optionally enter a Start Date.
Enter Registration Information.
7. Search for and select Jurisdiction.
Enter Main Legal Reporting Unit information.
8. Select the value Yes or No for the Main Legal Reporting Unit. Set value to
yes only if you are creating a new main (primary) legal reporting unit.
9. Enter the Main Effective Start Date, 1/1/11.
10. Save and Close.
Define Legal Entities: Manage Legal Entity
Legal Entities: Explained
A legal entity is a recognized party with rights and responsibilities given by
Legal entities have the right to own property, the right to trade, the responsibility
to repay debt, and the responsibility to account for themselves to regulators,
taxation authorities, and owners according to rules specified in the relevant
legislation. Their rights and responsibilities may be enforced through the
judicial system. Define a legal entity for each registered company or other entity
5-74 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
recognized in law for which you want to record assets, liabilities, expenses and
income, pay transaction taxes, or perform intercompany trading.
A legal entity has responsibility for elements of your enterprise for the following
• Facilitating local compliance
• Taking advantage of lower corporation taxation in some jurisdictions
• Preparing for acquisitions or disposals of parts of the enterprise
• Isolating one area of the business from risks in another area. For example,
your enterprise develops property and also leases properties. You could
operate the property development business as a separate legal entity to
limit risk to your leasing business.
The Role of Your Legal Entities
In configuring your enterprise structure in Oracle Fusion Applications, you need
to understand that the contracting party on any transaction is always the legal
entity. Individual legal entities own the assets of the enterprise, record sales and
pay taxes on those sales, make purchases and incur expenses, and perform other
Legal entities must comply with the regulations of jurisdictions, in which they
register. Europe now allows for companies to register in one member country
and do business in all member countries, and the US allows for companies to
register in one state and do business in all states. To support local reporting
requirements, legal reporting units are created and registered.
You are required to publish specific and periodic disclosures of your legal
entities' operations based on different jurisdictions' requirements. Certain annual
or more frequent accounting reports are referred to as statutory or external
reporting. These reports must be filed with specified national and regulatory
authorities. For example, in the United States (US), your publicly owned entities
(corporations) are required to file quarterly and annual reports, as well as other
periodic reports, with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), who
enforces statutory reporting requirements for public corporations.
Individual entities privately held or held by public companies do not have to
file separately. In other countries, your individual entities do have to file in
their own name, as well as at the public group level. Disclosure requirements
are diverse. For example, your local entities may have to file locally to comply
with local regulations in a local currency, as well as being included in your
enterprise's reporting requirements in different currency.
A legal entity can represent all or part of your enterprise's management
framework. For example, if you operate in a large country such as the United
Kingdom or Germany, you might incorporate each division in the country as a
separate legal entity. In a smaller country, for example Austria, you might use a
single legal entity to host all of your business operations across divisions.
Legal Entity in Oracle Fusion: Points to Consider
Oracle Fusion Applications support the modeling of your legal entities. If
you make purchases from or sell to other legal entities, define these other
legal entities in your customer and supplier registers, which are part of the
Oracle Fusion Trading Community Architecture. When your legal entities are
trading with each other, you represent both of them as legal entities and also as
Common Applications Configuration: Define Enterprise Structures for Project Financial Management 5-75
customers and suppliers in your customer and supplier registers. Use legal entity
relationships to determine which transactions are intercompany and require
intercompany accounting. Your legal entities can be identified as legal employers
and therefore, are available for use in Human Capital Management (HCM)
There are several decisions that need to be considered in creating your legal
• The importance of legal entity in transactions
• Legal entity and its relationship to business units
• Legal entity and its relationship to divisions
• Legal entity and its relationship to ledgers
• Legal entity and its relationship to balancing segments
• Legal entity and its relationship to consolidation rules
• Legal entity and its relationship to intercompany transactions
• Legal entity and its relationship to worker assignments and legal
• Legal entity and payroll reporting
• Legal reporting units
The Importance of Legal Entity in Transactions
All of the assets of the enterprise are owned by individual legal entities. Oracle
Fusion Financials allow your users to enter legal entities on transactions that
represent a movement in value or obligation.
For example, the creation of a sales order creates an obligation for the legal entity
that books the order to deliver the goods on the acknowledged date, and an
obligation of the purchaser to receive and pay for those goods. Under contract
law in most countries, damages can be sought for both actual losses, putting
the injured party in the same state as if they had not entered into the contract,
and what is called loss of bargain, or the profit that would have made on a
In another example, if you revalued your inventory in a warehouse to account
for raw material price increases, the revaluation and revaluation reserves must
be reflected in your legal entity's accounts. In Oracle Fusion Applications, your
inventory within an inventory organization is managed by a single business unit
and belongs to one legal entity.
Legal Entity and Its Relationship to Business Units
A business unit can process transactions on behalf of many legal entities.
Frequently, a business unit is part of a single legal entity. In most cases the legal
entity is explicit on your transactions. For example, a payables invoice has
an explicit legal entity field. Your accounts payables department can process
supplier invoices on behalf of one or many business units.
In some cases, your legal entity is inferred from your business unit that is
processing the transaction. For example, your business unit A agrees on
terms for the transfer of inventory to your business unit B. This transaction is
binding on your default legal entities assigned to each business unit. Oracle
Fusion Procurement, Oracle Fusion Projects, and Oracle Fusion Supply Chain
applications rely on deriving the legal entity information from the business unit.
5-76 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Legal Entity and Its Relationship to Divisions
The division is an area of management responsibility that can correspond
to a collection of legal entities. If desired, you can aggregate the results for
your divisions by legal entity or by combining parts of other legal entities.
Define date-effective hierarchies for your cost center or legal entity segment in
your chart of accounts to facilitate the aggregation and reporting by division.
Divisions and legal entities are independent concepts.
Legal Entity and Its Relationship to Ledgers
One of your major responsibilities is to file financial statements for your legal
entities. Map legal entities to specific ledgers using the Oracle Fusion General
Ledger Accounting Configuration Manager. Within a ledger, you can optionally
map a legal entity to one or more balancing segment values.
Legal Entity and Its Relationship to Balancing Segments
Oracle Fusion General Ledger supports up to three balancing segments. Best
practices recommend that one of these segments represents your legal entity to
ease your requirement to account for your operations to regulatory agencies,
tax authorities, and investors. Accounting for your operations means you must
produce a balanced trial balance sheet by legal entity. If you account for many
legal entities in a single ledger, you must:
1. Identify the legal entities within the ledger.
2. Balance transactions that cross legal entity boundaries through
intercompany transactions.
3. Decide which balancing segments correspond to each legal entity and
assign them in Oracle Fusion General Ledger Accounting Configuration
Manager. Once you assign one balancing segment value in a ledger, then
all your balancing segment values must be assigned. This recommended
best practice facilitates reporting on assets, liabilities, and income by legal
Represent your legal entities by at least one balancing segment value. You may
represent it by two or three balancing segment values if more granular reporting
is required. For example, if your legal entity operates in multiple jurisdictions
in Europe, you might define balancing segment values and map them to legal
reporting units. You can represent a legal entity by more than one balancing
segment value, do not use a single balancing segment value to represent more
than one legal entity.
In Oracle Fusion General Ledger, there are three balancing segments. You can
use separate balancing segments to represent your divisions or strategic business
units to enable management reporting at the balance sheet level for each division
or business unit. For example, use this solution to empower your business
unit and divisional managers to track and assume responsibility for their asset
utilization or return on investment. Using multiple balancing segments is also
useful when you know at the time of implementation that you are disposing of a
part of a legal entity and need to isolate the assets and liabilities for that entity.
Implementing multiple balancing segments requires every journal entry that is
not balanced by division or business unit, to generate balancing lines. Also, you
Common Applications Configuration: Define Enterprise Structures for Project Financial Management 5-77
cannot change to multiple balancing segments easily after you have begun to
use the ledger because your historical data is not balanced by the new multiple
balancing segments. Restating historical data must be done at that point.
To use this feature for disposal of a part of a legal entity, implement multiple
balancing segments at the beginning of the legal entity's corporate life or on
conversion to Oracle Fusion.
If you decided to account for each legal entity in a separate ledger, there is no
requirement to identify the legal entity with a balancing segment value within
the ledger.
While transactions that cross balancing segments don't necessarily cross legal
entity boundaries, all transactions that cross legal entity boundaries must cross
balancing segments. If you make an acquisition or are preparing to dispose
of a portion of your enterprise, you may want to account for that part of the
enterprise in its own balancing segment even if it is not a separate legal entity.
If you do not map legal entities sharing the same ledger to balancing segments,
you will not be able to distinguish them using the intercompany functionality or
track their individual equity.
Legal Entity and Its Relationship to Consolidation Rules
In Oracle Fusion Applications you can map legal entities to balancing segments
and then define consolidation rules using your balancing segments. You are
creating a relationship between the definition of your legal entities and their role
in your consolidation.
Legal Entity and its Relationship to Intercompany Transactions
Use Oracle Fusion Intercompany functionality for automatic creation of
intercompany entries across your balancing segments. Intercompany processing
updates legal ownership within the enterprise's groups of legal entities. Invoices
or journals are created as needed. To limit the number of trading pairs for
your enterprise, set up intercompany organizations and assign then to your
authorized legal entities. Define processing options and intercompany accounts
to use when creating intercompany transactions and to assist in consolidation
elimination entries. These accounts are derived and automatically entered
on your intercompany transactions based on legal entities assigned to your
intercompany organizations.
Intracompany trading, in which legal ownership isn't changed but other
organizational responsibilities are, is also supported. For example, you can track
assets and liabilities that move between your departments within your legal
entities by creating departmental level intercompany organizations.
In the Oracle Fusion Supply Chain applications, model intercompany
relationships using business units, from which legal entities are inferred.
Legal Entity and Its Relationship to Worker Assignments and Legal Employer
Legal entities that employ people are called legal employers in the Oracle
Fusion Legal Entity Configurator. You must enter legal employers on worker
assignments in Oracle Fusion HCM.
5-78 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Legal Entity and Payroll Reporting
Your legal entities are required to pay payroll tax and social insurance such as
social security on your payroll. In Oracle Fusion Applications, you can register
payroll statutory units to pay and report on payroll tax and social insurance
on behalf of many of your legal entities. As the legal employer, you might be
required to pay payroll tax, not only at the national level, but also at the local
level. You meet this obligation by establishing your legal entity as a place of
work within the jurisdiction of a local authority. Set up legal reporting units to
represent the part of your enterprise with a specific legal reporting obligation.
You can also mark these legal reporting units as tax reporting units, if the legal
entity must pay taxes as a result of establishing a place of business within the
Define Legal Entities: Manage Legal Entity HCM Information
HCM Organization Models: Examples
These examples illustrate different models for human capital management
(HCM) organizations. Each example includes a legislative data group (LDG).
LDGs are not an organization classification, but they are included in the example
to show how you associate them with a payroll statutory unit to partition payroll
Simple Configuration
This example illustrates a simple configuration that does not include any tax
reporting units. The legal employer and payroll statutory units are the same,
sharing the same boundaries. Reporting can only be done at a single level.
Countries such as Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) might use
this type of model, as reporting in these countries is done at the legal entity level.
This figure illustrates a simple configuration where the enterprise has only one
legal entity that is both a payroll statutory unit and a legal employer.
Common Applications Configuration: Define Enterprise Structures for Project Financial Management 5-79
Multiple Legal Employers and Tax Reporting Units Under One Payroll Statutory
This example illustrates a more complex configuration. In this enterprise,
one legal entity, InFusion US, is defined as a payroll statutory unit and has
two separate legal entities, which are also legal employers. This model shows
multiple legal employers that are associated with a single payroll statutory unit,
and how tax reporting units are always associated with a specific legal employer
(or employers) through the payroll statutory unit. The implication is that payroll
statutory reporting boundaries vary from human resources (HR) management,
and the balances can be categorized separately by either payroll statutory unit,
legal employer, or tax reporting unit. This configuration is based on tax filing
requirements, as some tax-related payments and reports are associated with a
higher level than employers. An example of a country that might use this model
is the US.
This figure illustrates an enterprise that has one payroll statutory unit and
multiple legal employers and tax reporting units.
One Payroll Statutory Unit and Two Tax Reporting Units That Are Subsidiaries
of the Legal Entity
This model makes no distinction between a legal employer and a payroll
statutory unit. Tax reporting units are defined as subsidiaries to the legal entity.
In this enterprise, legal entity is the highest level of aggregation for payroll
calculations and reporting, and statutory reporting boundaries are assumed to
be the same for both payroll and HR management. An example of a country that
might use this model is France.
This figure illustrates an example of an organization with one legal entity that is
both a legal employer and a payroll statutory unit and that has two tax reporting
5-80 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
One Payroll Statutory Unit with Several Tax Reporting Units That Are
Independent from the Legal Employer
In this model, the enterprise has one legal entity, and legal employers and tax
reporting units are independent from each other within a payroll statutory unit,
because there is no relationship from a legal perspective. Therefore, you can
run reporting on both entities independently. Using this model, you would not
typically need to report on tax reporting unit balances within a legal employer,
and balances can be categorized by either or both organizations, as required. An
example of a country that might use this model is India.
This figure illustrates an enterprise with one legal entity that is a payroll
statutory unit and a legal employer, and the tax reporting units are independent
from the legal employer.
Common Applications Configuration: Define Enterprise Structures for Project Financial Management 5-81
Multiple Payroll Statutory Units with Several Tax Reporting Units that are
Independent from the Legal Employer
In this model, the enterprise has two legal entities, and legal employers and tax
reporting units are independent from each other within a payroll statutory unit,
because there is no relationship from a legal perspective. Therefore, you can
run reporting on both entities independently. Using this model, you would not
typically need to report on tax reporting unit balances within a legal employer,
and balances can be categorized by either or both organizations, as required. An
example of a country that might use this model is the United Kingdom (UK).
This figure illustrates an enterprise with two legal entities, and legal employers
and tax reporting units are independent from each other.
5-82 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Payroll Statutory Units, Legal Employers, and Tax Reporting Units:
How They Work Together
When you set up legal entities, you can identify them as legal employers
and payroll statutory units, which makes them available for use in Oracle
Fusion Human Capital Management (HCM). A tax reporting unit is created
automatically when you add a legal entity and identify it as a payroll statutory
unit. Depending on how your organization is structured, you may have only one
legal entity that is also a payroll statutory unit and a legal employer, or you may
have multiple legal entities, payroll statutory units, and legal employers.
Legal Employers and Payroll Statutory Unit
Payroll statutory units enable you to group legal employers so that you can
perform statutory calculations at a higher level, such as for court orders or for
United Kingdom (UK) statutory sick pay. In some cases, a legal employer is also
a payroll statutory unit. However, your organization may have several legal
employers under one payroll statutory unit. A legal employer can belong to only
one payroll statutory unit.
Payroll Statutory Units and Tax Reporting Units
Payroll statutory units and tax reporting units have a parent-child relationship,
with the payroll statutory unit being the parent.
Common Applications Configuration: Define Enterprise Structures for Project Financial Management 5-83
Tax Reporting Units and Legal Employers
Tax reporting units are indirectly associated with a legal employer through
the payroll statutory unit. One or more tax reporting units can be used by a
single legal employer, and a tax reporting unit can be used by one or more legal
employers. For example, assume that a single tax reporting unit is linked to a
payroll statutory unit. Assume also that two legal employers are associated with
this payroll statutory unit. In this example, both legal employers are associated
with the single tax reporting unit.
FAQs for Manage Legal Entity HCM Information
What's a legal employer?
A legal employer is a legal entity that employs workers. You define a legal entity
as a legal employer in the Oracle Fusion Legal Entity Configurator.
The legal employer is captured at the work relationship level, and all
employment terms and assignments within that relationship are automatically
with that legal employer. Legal employer information for worker assignments is
also used for reporting purposes.
What's a payroll statutory unit?
Payroll statutory units are legal entities that are responsible for paying workers,
including the payment of payroll tax and social insurance. A payroll statutory
unit can pay and report on payroll tax and social insurance on behalf of one or
many legal entities, depending on the structure of your enterprise. For example,
if you are a multinational, multicompany enterprise, then you register a payroll
statutory unit in each country where you employ and pay people. You can
optionally register a consolidated payroll statutory unit to pay and report on
workers across multiple legal employers within the same country. You associate
a legislative data group with a payroll statutory unit to provide the correct
payroll information for workers.
Define Legal Entities: Manage Legal Entity Tax Profiles
Party Tax Profiles: Explained
A tax profile is the body of information that relates to a party's transaction
tax activities. A tax profile can include main and default information, tax
registration, tax exemptions, party fiscal classifications, tax reporting codes,
configuration options, and service subscriptions.
Set up tax profiles for the following parties involved in your transactions:
• First parties: All legal entities, legal reporting units, and business units in
your organization that have a transaction tax requirement.
• Third parties: Your customers and suppliers and their locations and
5-84 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
• Tax authorities: Parties that administer tax rules and regulations.
First Parties
Set up tax profiles for your first party legal entities, legal reporting units, and
business units.
First party legal entities identify your organization to the relevant legal
authorities, for example, a national or international headquarters. Legal
entities let you more accurately model your external relationships to legal
authorities. The relationships between first party legal entities and the relevant
tax authorities normally control the setup of the transaction taxes required by
your business. Under most circumstances the tax setup is used and maintained
based on the configuration of the legal entity. Enter the default information,
party fiscal classifications, tax reporting codes, and configuration options for
your legal entities. You can also specify if you are using the tax services of an
external service provider for tax calculation.
First party legal reporting units identify each office, service center, warehouse
and any other location within the organization that has a tax requirement. A
legal reporting unit tax profile is automatically created for the headquarter
legal entity. Set up additional legal reporting unit tax profiles for those needed
for tax purposes. For legal reporting units, enter the default information, tax
registrations, party fiscal classifications, and tax reporting codes. Also, define
tax reporting details for your VAT and global tax reporting needs for tax
registrations of tax regimes that allow this setup.
Business units organize your company data according to your internal
accounting, financial monitoring, and reporting requirements. To help you
manage the tax needs of your business units, you can use the business unit tax
profile in either of two ways:
• Indicate that business unit tax setup is used and maintained based on
the configuration of the associated legal entity at transaction time. The
tax setup of the associated legal entity setup is either specific to the legal
entity or shared across legal entities using the Global Configuration
Owner setup.
• Indicate that tax setup is used and maintained by a specific business unit.
Create configuration options for the business unit to indicate that the
subscribed tax content is used for the transactions created for the business
For business units that maintain their own setup, enter the default information,
tax reporting codes, configuration options, and service providers as required.
Third Parties
Set up third party tax profiles for parties with the usage of customer, supplier,
and their sites. Enter the default information, tax registrations, party fiscal
classifications, and reporting codes required for your third parties or third party
sites. You can set up tax exemptions for your customers and customer sites.
Banks are also considered third parties. When a bank is created, the tax
registration number specified on the bank record is added to the party tax profile
record in Oracle Fusion Tax. You can not modify the party tax profile for a bank
as it is view only. You can only modify the bank record itself.
Common Applications Configuration: Define Enterprise Structures for Project Financial Management 5-85
Setting up party tax profiles for third parties is not required. Taxes are still
calculated on transactions for third parties that do not have tax profiles
Tax Authorities
Set up a tax authority party tax profile using the Legal Authorities set up task.
The tax authority party tax profile identifies a tax authority party as a collecting
authority or a reporting authority or both. A collecting tax authority manages
the administration of tax remittances. A reporting tax authority receives and
processes all company transaction tax reports.
The collecting and reporting tax authorities appear in the corresponding list of
values on all applicable Oracle Fusion Tax pages. All tax authorities are available
in the list of values as an issuing tax authority.
Specifying First Party Tax Profile Options: Points to Consider
Set up first party tax profiles for all legal entities, legal reporting units, and
business units in your organization that have a transaction tax requirements.
How you set up your first parties can impact the tax calculation on your
The first party tax profile consists of:
• Defaults and controls: Applicable to legal entities and legal reporting
units. Business units that use their own tax setup do not have defaults and
• Tax registrations: Applicable to legal reporting units.
• Party fiscal classifications: Applicable to legal entities and legal reporting
• Tax reporting codes: Applicable to legal entities, legal reporting units, and
business units who do not use the tax setup of the legal entity.
• Configuration options: Applicable to legal entities and business units who
do not use the tax setup of the legal entity.
• Service subscriptions: Applicable to legal entities and business units who
do not use the tax setup of the legal entity.
Defaults and Controls
The following table describes the defaults and controls available at the first party
tax profile level:
Option Description
Set as self-assessment (reverse charge) Automatically self-assess taxes on purchases.
5-86 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Rounding Level Perform rounding operations on the:
• Header: Applies rounding to calculated tax
amounts once for each tax rate per invoice.
• Line: Applies rounding to the calculated tax
amount on each invoice line.
Rounding Rule The rule that defines how the rounding should
be performed on a value involved in a taxable
transaction. For example, up to the next highest
value, down to the next lowest value, or nearest.
If you defined a rounding precedence hierarchy in
the configuration owner tax option settings for the
combination of configuration owner and event class,
Oracle Fusion Tax considers the rounding details in
the applicable tax profile.
Set Invoice Values as Tax Inclusive This first party intends to send or receive invoices
with invoice line amount inclusive of the tax
This option overrides the tax inclusive handling
setting at the tax level, but not at the tax rate level.
Tax Registrations
You must set up a separate tax registration to represent each distinct registration
requirement for a first party legal reporting unit. Oracle Fusion Tax uses tax
registrations in tax determination and tax reporting. If your first party has
more than one tax registration under the same tax regime, then the application
considers the tax registration in the order: tax jurisdiction; tax; tax regime.
You must enable the Use tax reporting configuration option on the first party
tax regime to allow entry of global tax reporting configuration details during tax
registration setup for legal reporting units for these tax regimes.
Party Fiscal Classifications
If applicable, associate first party fiscal classification codes with this party. The
party fiscal classification codes you enter become part of tax determination for
invoices associated with this party. Specify start and end dates to control when
these fiscal classifications are applicable for this party and transaction.
For legal entities, you can view the associated legal classifications that were
assigned to the tax regime defined for this first party. The legal classifications are
used in the tax determination process, similarly to the party fiscal classifications.
Tax Reporting Codes
Set up tax reporting types to capture additional tax information on transactions
for your tax reports for your first parties. Depending on the tax reporting type
Common Applications Configuration: Define Enterprise Structures for Project Financial Management 5-87
code, you either enter or select a tax reporting code for this party. Specify start
and end dates to control when these tax reporting codes are applicable.
Configuration Options
The legal entities and business units in your organization are each subject to
specific sets of tax regulations as designated by the tax authorities where you do
business. Use configuration options to associate legal entities and business units
with their applicable tax regimes. You can set up tax configuration options when
you create a tax regime or when you create a party tax profile. Both setup flows
display and maintain the same party and tax regime definitions.
Service Subscriptions
Oracle Fusion Tax lets you use the tax services of external service providers for
tax calculation of US Sales and Use Tax on Receivables transactions. The setup
for provider services is called a service subscription. A service subscription
applies to the transactions of one configuration option setup for a combination
of tax regime and legal entity or business unit. Set up service subscriptions when
you create a tax regime or when you create a party tax profile for a first party
legal entity or business unit.
FAQs for Manage Legal Entity Tax Profiles
When does a party tax profile get created for a legal entity?
The legal entity party tax profile is automatically created when a legal entity
record is created. If a legal entity party tax profile record is not created, for
example, when a legal entity is created through a back-end process, a legal entity
party tax profile is created upon saving the tax regime when a legal entity is
subscribed to or upon saving the configuration owner tax options when they are
defined for the legal entity. Otherwise, create a party tax profile using the Create
Legal Entity Tax Profile page. You can edit the tax profile that was automatically
generated with the relevant tax information, but it is not required.
Define Chart of Accounts for Enterprise Structures: Manage Chart
of Accounts
Chart of Accounts: Explained
The chart of accounts is the underlying structure for organizing financial
information and reporting. An entity records transactions with a set of codes
representing balances by type, expenses by function, and other divisional or
organizational codes that are important to its business.
A well-designed chart of accounts provides the following benefits:
• Effectively manages an organization's financial business
• Supports the audit and control of financial transactions
• Provides flexibility for management reporting and analysis
5-88 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
• Anticipates growth and maintenance needs as organizational changes
• Facilitates an efficient data processing flow
• Allows for delegation of responsibility for cost control, profit attainment,
and asset utilization
• Measures performance against corporate objectives by your managers
The chart of accounts facilitates aggregating data from different operations,
from within an operation, and from different business flows, thus enabling
the organization to report using consistent definitions to their stakeholders in
compliance with legislative and corporate reporting standards and aiding in
management decisions.
Best practices include starting the design from external and management
reporting requirements and making decisions about data storage in the general
ledger, including thick versus thin general ledger concepts.
Thick Versus Thin General Ledger: Critical Choices
Thick versus thin general ledger is standard terminology used to describe the
amount of data populated and analysis performed in your general ledger. Thick
and thin are the poles; most implementations are somewhere in between. Here
are some variations to consider:
• A general ledger used in conjunction with an enterprise profitability
management (EPM) product, which has data standardized from each
operation, is designed as a thin general ledger. Use this variation if your
solution is project based, and Oracle Fusion Projects is implemented. More
detailed reporting can be obtained from the Projects system. In the thin
general ledger, business units, divisions, and individual departments are
not represented in the chart of accounts.
• A general ledger, with segments representing all aspects and capturing
every detail of your business, with frequent posting, many values in each
segment, and many segments, is called a thick general ledger. A thick
general ledger is designed to serve as a repository of management data for
a certain level of management. For example, a subsidiary's general ledger
is designed to provide the upper management enough data to supervise
operations, such as daily sales, without invoice details or inventory
without part number details.
• A primary ledger and a secondary ledger, where one is a thick general
ledger and the other a thin general ledger, provides dual representation
for reporting requirements that require more than one ledger.
Thin General Ledger
With a thin general ledger, you use the general ledger for internal control,
statutory reporting, and tracking of asset ownership. You minimize the data
stored in your general ledger. A thin general ledger has many of the following
• Minimal chart of accounts
Common Applications Configuration: Define Enterprise Structures for Project Financial Management 5-89
• Short list of cost centers
• Short list of natural accounts
• Short list of cost accounts
• Summary level asset and liability accounts
• Low number of optional segments
• Infrequent posting schedule
A thin general ledger has natural accounts at a statutory reporting level, for
example, payroll expense, rent, property taxes, and utilities. It has cost centers
at the functional expense level, such as Research and Development (R&D)
or Selling, General, and Administrative (SG&A) expense lines, rather than at
department or analytic levels. It omits business unit, division, and product
One example of an industry that frequently uses a thin general ledger is retail. In
a retail organization, the general ledger tracks overall sales numbers by region.
A retail point of sales product tracks sales and inventory by store, product,
supplier, markup, and other retail sales measures.
Thick General Ledger
With a thick general ledger, you use the general ledger as a detailed, analytic
tool, performing analytic functions directly in the general ledger. Data is broken
down by many reporting labels, and populated frequently from the subledgers.
You maximize the data stored in the general ledger. A thick general ledger has
many of the following characteristics:
• Maximum use of the chart of accounts
• Long list of natural accounts
• Long list of cost centers
• Long list of costing accounts
• Detailed asset and liability accounts
• Frequent posting schedule
In a thick general ledger, you obtain detail for cost of goods sold and inventory
balances and track property plant and equipment at a granular level. Cost
centers represent functional expenses, but also roll up to departmental or other
expense analysis levels. Using product and location codes in optional segments
can provide reporting by line of business. Posting daily, at the individual
transaction level, can maximize the data stored in the general ledger.
One example of an industry that frequently uses a thick general ledger is
electronic manufacturers. Detail on the revenue line is tagged by sales channel.
Product is structured differently to provide detail on the cost of goods sold line,
including your bill of materials costs. The general ledger is used to compare and
contrast both revenue and cost of goods sold for margin analysis.
5-90 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Other Considerations
Consider implementing a thick ledger if there are business requirements to do
any of the following:
• Track entered currency balances at the level of an operational dimension
or segment of your chart of accounts, such as by department or cost center
• Generate financial allocations at the level of an operational dimension or
• Report using multiple layered and versioned hierarchies of the
operational dimension or segment from your general ledger
Consider implementing a thin ledger in addition to a thick ledger, if there are
additional requirements for:
• Minimal disclosure to the authorities in addition to the requirements
listed above. For example, in some European countries, fiscal authorities
examine ledgers at the detailed account level.
• Fiscal only adjustments, allocations, and revaluations, which don't impact
the thick general ledger.
The important consideration in determining if a thick ledger is the primary or
secondary ledger is your reporting needs. Other considerations include how the
values for an operational dimension or segment are derived and the amount of
resources used in reconciling your different ledgers. If values for the operational
dimension are always entered by the user like other segments of the accounting
flexfield, then a thick primary ledger is the better choice.
However, if values for the operational dimension or segment are automatically
derived from other attributes on the transactions in your subledger accounting
rules, rather than entered in the user interface, then use a thick secondary ledger.
This decision affects the amount of:
• Storage and maintenance needed for both the general ledger and
subledger accounting entries
• System resources required to perform additional posting
• In summary, you have:
• Minimum demand on storage, maintenance, and system resources with
the use of a thin ledger
• Greater demand on storage, maintenance, and system resources with
the use of a thick ledger
• Greatest demand on storage, maintenance and system resources with
the use of both thick and thin ledgers
Generally speaking, there is a tradeoff between the volume of journals and
balances created and maintained versus system resource demands. Actual
performance depends on a wide range of factors including hardware and
network considerations, transaction volume, and data retention policies.
Common Applications Configuration: Define Enterprise Structures for Project Financial Management 5-91
The factors you need to consider in your decision to use a thick or thin general
ledger for your organization, are your:
• Downstream EPM system and its capabilities
• Business intelligence system and its capabilities
• Subledger systems and their capabilities and characteristics, including
• General ledger reporting systems and their capabilities
• Maintenance required for the thick or thin distributions and record
• Maintenance required to update value sets for the chart of accounts
• Preferences of the product that serves as a source of truth
• Level at which to report profitability including gross margin analysis
• Industry and business complexity
Chart of Accounts: How Its Components Fit Together
There are several important elements to the basic chart of accounts in Oracle
Fusion Applications: a structure that defines the account values, segments, and
their labels, and rules (security and validation). Account combinations link
the values in the segments together and provide the accounting mechanism to
capture financial transactions.
5-92 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Chart of Accounts
The chart of accounts defines the number and attributes of various segments,
including the order of segments, the width of segments, prompts, and segment
labels, such as balancing, natural account, and cost center.
The chart of accounts further defines the combination of value sets associated
with each segment of the chart of accounts, as well as the type, default value,
additional conditions designating the source of the values using database tables,
and the required and displayed properties for the segments.
A chart of accounts segment is a component of the account combination. Each
segment has a value set attached to it to provide formatting and validation of
the set of values used with that segment. The combination of segments creates
the account combination used for recording and reporting financial transactions.
Examples of segments that may be found in a chart of accounts are company,
cost center, department, division, region, account, product, program, and
Value Sets and Values
The value sets define the attributes and values associated with a segment of the
chart of accounts. You can think of a value set as a container for your values. You
can set up your flexfield so that it automatically validates the segment values
that you enter against a table of valid values. If you enter an invalid segment
value, a list of valid values appears automatically so that you can select a valid
value. You can assign a single value set to more than one segment, and you can
share value sets across different flexfields.
Segment Labels
Segment labels identify certain segments in your chart of accounts and assign
special functionality to those segments. Segment labels were referred to as
flexfield qualifiers in Oracle E-Business Suite. Here are the segment labels that
are available to use with the chart of accounts.
• Balancing: Ensures that all journals balance for each balancing segment
value or combination of multiple balancing segment values to use in trial
balance reporting. There are three balancing segment labels: primary,
second, and third balancing. The primary balancing segment label is
• Cost Center: Facilitates grouping of natural accounts by functional cost
types, accommodating tracking of specific business expenses across
natural accounts. As cost centers combine expenses and headcount
data into costs, they are useful for detailed analysis and reporting. Cost
centers are optional, but required if you are accounting for depreciation,
additions, and other transactions in Oracle Fusion Assets, and for storing
expense approval limits in Oracle Fusion Expense Management.
• Natural Account: Determines the account type (asset, liability, expense,
revenue, or equity) and other information specific to the segment value.
The natural account segment label is required.
Common Applications Configuration: Define Enterprise Structures for Project Financial Management 5-93
• Management: Optionally, denotes the segment that has management
responsibility, such as the department, cost center, or line of business. Also
can be attached to the same segment as one of the balancing segments to
make legal entity reporting more granular.
• Intercompany: Optionally, assigns the segment to be used in
intercompany balancing functionality.
All segments have a segment qualifier that enables posting for each value. The
predefined setting is Yes to post.
Account Combinations
An account combination is a completed code of segment values that uniquely
identifies an account in the chart of accounts, for example 01-2900-500-123,
might represent InFusion America (company)-Monitor Sales (division)-Revenue
(account)-Air Filters (product).
The chart of accounts uses two different types of rules to control functionality.
• Security rules: Prohibit certain users from accessing specific segment
values. For example, you can create a security rule that grants a user
access only to his or her department.
• Cross-validation rules: Control the account combinations that can be
created during data entry. For example, you may decide that sales cost
centers 600 to 699 should enter amounts only to product sales accounts
4000 to 4999.
Create Chart of Accounts, Ledger, Legal Entities, and Business
Units in Spreadsheets: Explained
Represent your enterprise structures in your chart of accounts, ledger, legal
entities, and business unit configuration to track and report on your financial
objectives and meet your reporting requirements. These components are the
underlying structure for organizing financial information and reporting.
The chart of accounts within the ledger facilitates aggregating data from different
operations, from within an operation, and from different business flows.
This functionality enables you to report using consistent definitions to your
stakeholders in compliance with legislative and corporate reporting standards
and aids in management decisions.
Rapid implementation is a way to configure the Oracle Fusion Financial
Enterprise and Financial Reporting Structures quickly using sheets in a
workbook to upload lists of companies (legal entities), ledgers, business
units, chart of account values, and other similar data. Once the sheets have
been uploaded, the application creates your ledger, business unit, and other
components. The following graphic shows the relationship of these components.
5-94 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
• Legal Entities: Identifies a recognized party with rights and
responsibilities given by legislation, which has the right to own property
and the responsibility to account for themselves.
• Chart of Accounts: Configures accounts consisting of components called
segments that are used to record balances and organize your financial
information and reporting.
• Segments: Contains a value set that provides formatting and validation
of the set of values used with that segment. When combined, several
segments create an account for recording your transactions and journal
• Segment Labels: Identifies certain segments in your chart of accounts
and assigns special functionality to those segments. The three required
segment labels are:
• Balancing Segment: Ensures that all journals balance for each balancing
segment value or combination of multiple balancing segment values to
use in financial processes and reporting. The three balancing segment
labels are: primary, second, and third balancing. The primary balancing
segment label is required.
• Natural Account: Facilities processes in the General Ledger application,
such as retained earnings posting. Determines the account type, which
includes asset, liability, expense, revenue, or equity.
• Cost Center: Facilitates grouping of natural accounts by functional cost
types, accommodating tracking of specific business expenses across
natural accounts.
Common Applications Configuration: Define Enterprise Structures for Project Financial Management 5-95
• Ledger: Maintains the records and is a required component in your
configuration. The Rapid implementation process:
• Creates your ledger by combining your chart of accounts, calendar, and
currency as well as other required options defined in the sheets.
• Assigns a default for the fourth component, the subledger accounting
method, used to group subledger journal entry rule sets together to
define a consistent accounting treatment.
• Creates a balances cube for each ledger with a unique chart of accounts
and calendar. Each segment is created as a dimension in the balances
• Business Units with Business Functions: Identifies where subledger
transactions are posted and provides access to perform subledger
business processes. Business units are assigned to a primary ledger,
as well as a default legal entity, when configured and identify where
subledger transactions are posted.
• Subledgers: Captures detailed transactional information, such as supplier
invoices, customer payments, and asset acquisitions. Uses subledger
accounting to transfer transactional balances to the ledger where they are
Create Chart of Accounts, Ledger, Legal Entities, and Business
Units in Spreadsheets: How They Are Processed
The Create Chart of Accounts, Ledger, Legal Entities, and Business Units rapid
implementation process consists of four steps.
1. Enter the data into the sheets.
2. Upload the xml files generated from the sheets.
3. Run the deployment process to finalize the chart of accounts
4. Upload the XML files generated from the sheets for the rest of the
On the Instruction sheet is a link to a completed sample data workbook.
Process Overview
Begin by downloading the Rapid Implementation for General Ledger
workbook using the Create Chart of Accounts, Ledger, Legal Entities, and
Business Units in Spreadsheet task on the Setup and Maintenance work area.
5-96 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
The following figure illustrates the Create Chart of Accounts, Ledger, Legal
Entities, and Business Units process, what data is entered into each sheet of the
workbook, and the components that the process creates.
Enter Data
The Create Chart of Accounts, Ledger, Legal Entities, and Business Units
workbook provides five sheets.
1. Instructions
2. Chart of Accounts, Calendar, and Ledger
3. Business Units
4. Companies and Legal Entities
5. Natural Accounts
Sheets used to enter other segment values and hierarchies for additional
segments are created by entering the segments on the Chart of Accounts,
Calendar, and Ledger sheet and then clicking the Add Segment Sheets button.
Instructions Sheet
Read the planning tips, loading process, best practices, and recommendations.
Chart of Accounts, Calendar, and Ledger Sheet
Enter your data to create your ledger, its components, chart of accounts,
currency, and calendar, and set the required ledger options.
Common Applications Configuration: Define Enterprise Structures for Project Financial Management 5-97
• Ledger name is the name of your primary ledger and often appears in
report titles, so enter a printable name.
• Ledger Currency represents the currency that most of your transactions
are entered.
• Retained Earnings Account is used when you open the first period of
a new year. The application moves the total balances in your revenue
and expense accounts to the Retained Earnings accounts by balancing
When the data is uploaded, the Allow Dynamic Insertion option used to enable
the generation of new account combinations dynamically instead of creating
them manually is enabled by default. To prevent the creation of invalid accounts,
you must define cross-validation rules. Define cross-validation rules before
entering data or loading history. Cross-validation rules only prevent creation of
new accounts, not disabling of preexisting accounts.
• Enable Average Balances is used to enable Average Balances
The Average Balance feature provides organizations with the ability to
track average and end-of-day balances, report average balance sheets, and
create custom reports using both standard and average balances. Average
balance processing is important for financial institutions, since average
balance sheets are required, in addition to standard balance sheets, by
many regulatory agencies. Many organizations also use average balances
for internal management reporting and profitability analysis.
If you select No and uploaded the options, this region cannot be changed and
does not display on the Specify Ledger Options page.
• Fiscal Year Start Date is the beginning date of your calendar for the
ledger and cannot be changed once the ledger is saved.
Select a period before the first period you plan to load history or perform
translations to enable running translation. You cannot run translation in the first
defined period of a ledger calendar.
5-98 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
• Period Frequency must be Monthly and is predefined.
If you require a calendar other than monthly, such as 4-4-5 or weekly, define the
calendar in the regular calendar page.
• Adjusting Periods add one or more periods that are used to enter closing,
audit, or other adjustments in the General Ledger at quarter or year end.
The entries are tracked in the adjusting period and not in your monthly
• Chart of Accounts region is where you enter your segments, segment
labels, short prompts, and display length data that is used to create your
chart of accounts. Plan this data carefully, as you are defining the basic
structure for your accounting and reporting.
• Display Length sets the segment size so select carefully and leave room
for growth. For example, if you have 89 cost centers, enter 3 for the
Display Length to allow for more than 100 cost centers in the future.
• Add Segment Sheets button to create sheets for additional segments.
Only the Company and Natural Account segment sheets are provided.
If you select an intercompany segment, you must complete at least one
intercompany rule and check the Enable Intercompany Balancing option in the
Specify Ledger Options task for the Balancing API to perform intercompany
Business Units Sheet
Enter the name of your business unit.
You can enter more than one business unit per ledger but it is not recommended.
Enter a list of your legal entities. Include their registration number and assigned
parent or child value.
Companies and Legal Entities Sheet
You can create up to 9 levels of parent values to use to roll up your legal entities
to meet corporate and local reporting requirements.
Common Applications Configuration: Define Enterprise Structures for Project Financial Management 5-99
Natural Accounts Sheet
Enter your account values that are used to record the type of balance.
• Parent and Child Values with Descriptions are used to build hierarchies.
Hierarchies are used for chart of accounts mappings, revaluations,
data access sets, cross validation rules, and segment value set rules.
The balances cube and account hierarchies are also used for financial
reporting, Smart View queries, and allocations.
• Account Type is used to identify the type of account, Asset, Liability,
Revenue, Expense, or Owner's Equity. Account types are used in yearend
close processes and to correctly categorize your account balances for
• Financial Category (optional) is used to identify groups of accounts for
reporting with Oracle Fusion Transactional Business Intelligence.
Upload the Sheets and Run Deployment
Return to the Chart of Accounts, Calendar, and Ledger sheet after completing the
other sheets complete the following steps:
1. (B) Generate Chart of Accounts File: The program generates an XML
data file for the entered chart of accounts and hierarchies setup data. Save
the file to a network or local drive.
2. (B) Generate Ledger, Legal Entity, and Business Units File: The program
generates an XML data file for the entered ledger, legal entities, and
business unit setup data. Save the file a network or local drive.
3. (N) Setup and Maintenance > Functional Setup Manager > Upload
Chart of Accounts task. The Upload Enterprise Structures process is
4. (B) Upload File.
5. (B) Browse. Select the first file you saved: ChartOfAccounts.xml
5-100 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
6. (B) Submit.
7. Verify that the process was completed without errors or warnings.
8. (N) Setup and Maintenance > Deploy Chart of Accounts task > (B)
Deploy the Accounting Flexfield.
9. (I) Refresh until the green check mark appears and verifies that the
deployment is successful.
10. (N) Setup and Maintenance > Upload Ledger, Legal Entities, and
Business Units task. The Upload Enterprise Structures process is
11. (B) Upload File.
12. (B) Browse. Select the second file you saved:
13. (B) Submit.
14. Verify that the process was completed without errors or warnings.
You cannot change the chart of accounts, accounting calendar, or currency for
your ledger after the setup is created. Assign the data role that was automatically
generated for the ledger to your users. Then open the first period to begin
entering data.
Creating One Chart of Accounts Structure with Many Instances:
In Oracle Fusion General Ledger, the chart of accounts model is framed around
the concept of a chart of accounts structure, under which one or more chart of
accounts structure instances can be created.
Your company, InFusion Corporation, is a multinational conglomerate that
operates in the United States (US) and the United Kingdom (UK). InFusion
has purchased an Oracle Fusion enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution
including Oracle Fusion General Ledger and all of the Oracle Fusion subledgers.
You are chairing a committee to discuss creation of a model for your global
financial reporting structure including your charts of accounts for both your US
and UK operations.
Common Applications Configuration: Define Enterprise Structures for Project Financial Management 5-101
InFusion Corporation
InFusion Corporation has 400 plus employees and revenue of $120 million.
Your product line includes all the components to build and maintain air quality
monitoring (AQM) systems for homes and businesses.
In Oracle Fusion General Ledger, the chart of accounts model is framed around
the concept of a chart of accounts structure, under which one or more chart of
accounts structure instances can be created.
The chart of accounts structure provides the general outline of the chart of
accounts and determines the number of segments, the type, the length, and
the label (qualifier) of each segment. This forms the foundation of the chart of
accounts definition object.
For each chart of accounts structure, it is possible to associate one or more chart
of accounts structure instances. Chart of accounts structure instances under the
same structure share a common configuration with the same segments, in the
same order, and the same characteristics. Using one chart of accounts structure
with multiple instances simplifies your accounting and reporting.
At the chart of accounts structure instance level, each segment is associated with
a value set that conforms to the characteristic of that segment. For example,
you assign a value set with the same segment type and length to each segment.
You are using hierarchies with your chart of accounts segments. Each structure
instance segment is assigned a tree code to indicate the source of the hierarchy
information for the associated value set. The same value set can be used multiple
times within the same or across different chart of accounts instances within the
same structure or in different structures. This functionality reduces your segment
value creation and maintenance across your charts of accounts.
The collective assignment of value sets to each of the segments forms one chart
of accounts instance. At the chart of accounts structure instance level, you can
select to enable dynamic insertion. Dynamic insertion allows the creation of
account code combinations automatically the first time your users enter that new
account combination. The alternative is to create them manually. By deciding to
enable dynamic insertion, you save data entry time and prevent delays caused
by the manual creation of new code combinations. Well defined cross validation
rules help prevent the creation of inappropriate account code combinations.
Perform deployment after a new chart of accounts structure and structure
instances are defined or any of their modifiable attributes are updated.
Deployment validates and regenerates the necessary objects to enable your
charts of accounts and chart of accounts structure instances. By unifying and
standardizing you organization's chart of accounts, you are positioned to take
full advantage of future functionality in Oracle Fusion General Ledger.
In summary, you are recommending to your company to unify the organization's
chart of accounts in a single chart of accounts structure based on chart of
accounts commonalities across ledgers. You have also decided to use the chart of
accounts structure instance construct to serve different accounting and reporting
requirements by using value sets specific to each of your entities.
5-102 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Creating Chart of Accounts Structure and Instances: Examples
In Oracle Fusion General Ledger, the chart of accounts model is framed around
the concept of a chart of accounts structure, under which one or more chart of
accounts structure instances can be created. A chart of accounts structure defines
the key attributes for your chart of accounts, such as the number of segments, the
segment sequences, the segment names, segment prompts, segment labels, for
example natural account and primary balancing, and default value sets.
The chart of accounts instance is exposed in the user interfaces and processes.
By default, a chart of accounts instance inherits all the attributes of the chart
of accounts structure, meaning that all instances of the same structure share
a common shape and have the same segments in the same order. However,
at the chart of accounts instance level, you can override the default value set
assignments for your segments and assign a unique account hierarchy that
determines the parent and child relationships between the value set values.
At the chart of accounts instance level, determine if allow dynamic insertion is
enabled to generate new account combinations dynamically instead of creating
them manually.
Chart of Account Structure
You are creating a chart of accounts structure as you setup your chart of accounts
for your enterprise, InFusion America, Inc. Follow these steps:
1. Navigate to the Manage Chart of Accounts page from the Functional
Setup Manger by querying on Manage Chart of Accounts and clicking on
the Go To Task.
2. Select General Ledger from the Module list of values and click Search.
3. Click Manage Structures to open the Manage Key Flexfield Structures
4. Select the General Ledger row and click the Create to open the Create
Key Flexfield Structure page.
5. Enter a unique Structure Code, INFUSION_AM_COA_STRUCTURE,
and Name, InFusion America COA Structure. Provide an optional
Description, InFusion America Inc. Chart of Accounts Structure.
6. Select the - Delimiter to visually separate your segment values.
7. Click Save.
8. To create a new segment, click the Create to open the Create Key
Flexfield Segment page.
a. Enter the following parameters:
Parameter Value
Name InFusion America Company
Description InFusion America Inc. Company
Common Applications Configuration: Define Enterprise Structures for Project Financial Management 5-103
Sequence Number 1
Prompt Company
Short Prompt CO
Display Width 2
Column Name Segment1
Default Value Set Code INFUSION_AM_COMPANY
b. Select a segment label, Primary Balancing Segment, to indicate its
purpose within your chart of accounts.
Two segment labels are required: primary balancing segment and natural
account segment. These labels are not used with each other or with other labels
in a specific segment.
c. Click Save and Close.
d. Click Done.
e. Define additional segments following the same process.
Chart of Account Instance
You are creating a chart of accounts instance as you setup your chart of accounts
for your enterprise, InFusion America, Inc. Follow these steps:
1. Navigate to the Manage Chart of Accounts page from the Functional
Setup Manger by querying on Manage Chart of Accounts and clicking on
the Go To Task.
2. Select General Ledger from the Module list of values and click Search.
3. Select the General Ledger row and click Manage Structure Instances to
open the Manage Key Flexfield Structure Instance page.
4. Click the Create icon to open the Create Key Flexfield Structure Instance
5. Enter a unique Structure Instance Code,
INFUSION_AM_COA_INSTANCE, and Name, InFusion America COA
Instance. Provide an optional Description, InFusion America Inc. Chart
of Accounts Structure Instance.
6. Select Dynamic combination creation allowed to indicate that you want
to dynamically generate account combinations.
7. Associate your instance with your Structure Name, InFusion America
By default, an instance inherits the key attributes of the associated structure.
Some attributes, such as the value set assigned to each the segment, can be
5-104 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
8. Click Save.
9. Optionally, select the segment row and click Edit to modify instance
10. Check Required, Displayed, and Business intelligence enabled check
The Business Intelligence check box is only valid when enabled on segments
with segment labels. Check the Required and Displayed options for all segments
including those intended for future use. The recommended best practice is to
define one segment for future use and set a default value. This ensures room for
expansion in your chart of accounts and that the extra segment is populated in
the account combinations.
11. Click OK.
12. Click Save and Close.
13. Define additional instances following the same process.
Alternatively, proceed directly with creating your value set values by selecting
the corresponding Value Set Code in the Segment Instances table.
14. Click Done.
15. Click Deploy Flexfield.
16. Click OK.
Balancing Segments: Explained
Balancing segments ensure that all journals balance for each balancing segment
value or combination of multiple balancing segment values. You can secure
access to your primary balancing segment values only with data access sets. The
general ledger application automatically calculates and creates balancing lines
as required in journal entries. For example, recognizing an entity's receivable
and the other entity's payable. There are three balancing segment labels: primary,
second, and third balancing. The primary balancing segment label is required.
By enabling multiple balancing segments for your chart of accounts, it is possible
to produce financial statements for each unique combination of segment values
across not only one, but two or even three qualified balancing segments. This
ability provides you greater insights into your operations as it affords you
visibility along the critical fiscal dimensions you use to plan, monitor, and
measure your financial performance.
The following explains processes that use balancing segments.
• Intercompany balancing: Adds lines to unbalanced journals using
intercompany rules.
Common Applications Configuration: Define Enterprise Structures for Project Financial Management 5-105
• Opening first period of the new accounting year: Calculates retained
earnings amounts at the level of granularity that totals revenue and
expense account balances for multiple balancing segment value
combinations. This applies to standard and average balances.
• Importing journals: Adds lines using the suspense account on unbalanced
• Posting journals: Adds additional lines to unbalanced journals for the
following enabled account types:
• Suspense
• Rounding
• Net income
• Retained earnings
• Cumulative translation adjustments from replication of revaluation
journals to reporting currencies and for multiple reporting currency
account type specific conversion
• Posting prior period journals: Calculates any income statement impact
and posts to the appropriate retained earnings account.
• Translating balances: Supports multiple balancing segments for the
following accounts:
• Retained earnings: Calculated translated retained earnings are post
to the retained earnings accounts by balancing segment. Retained
earnings represents the summing of the translated revenue and
expense accounts across multiple balancing segment values.
• Cumulative translation adjustment: Amounts posted by balancing
segment to these accounts represents currency fluctuation differences
between ranges of accounts which use different rate types. For
example, period end rates are used for asset and liability accounts and
historical rates for equity accounts.
• Revaluing Balances: Supports multiple balancing segments when
calculating gain or loss accounts.
• Creating Opening Balances: Initializes reporting currency balances
by converting from the total primary currency. Any difference in the
reporting currency amounts is offset by populating retained earnings
• Closing year end: Supports multiple balancing segments when calculating
the income statement offset and closing account in the closing journals.
Multiple Balancing Segments: Points to Consider
Oracle Fusion General Ledger supports tracking financial results at a finer
level of granularity than a single balancing segment. In addition to the required
primary balancing segment for the chart of accounts, which is typically
5-106 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
associated with the company dimension of a business organization, two
additional segments of the chart of accounts can be optionally qualified as the
second and third balancing segments respectively. Possible chart of accounts
segments that can be tagged as these additional balancing segments include
cost center or department, additional aspects of a business commonly used in
measuring financial results.
There are several points to consider in using multiple balancing segments:
• Journal entry processing
• Implementation timing
• Change options
• Migration adjustments
Journal Entry Processing
Multiple balancing segments ensure that account balances come from journal
entries where the debits equal the credits, and thus, the financial reports are
properly generated for each unique instance of account value combinations
across the balancing segments. Consider this option carefully as it provides more
granular reporting but requires more processing resources.
Implementation Timing
When considering implementing the optional second and third balancing
segments, keep in mind that these chart of accounts segment labels are set from
the beginning of time and are actively used by your ledgers. This is important
to ensure that balances are immediately maintained in accordance with the
necessary balancing actions to produce consistent financial reporting for the
desired business dimensions. Multiple balancing segment ledgers that are
not maintained from the beginning of time require extensive manual balance
adjustments to catch up and realign the balances in accordance with the multiple
balancing segments.
Do not set a segment already qualified as a natural account or intercompany
segment as any of the three balancing segments. Validations are not performed
when segment labels are assigned, so verify that all are assigned correctly before
using your chart of accounts.
Change Options
Once a segment has been enabled and designated as a balancing segment, you
must not change the segment. Do not disable the segment or remove the segment
labels. These settings must be consistently maintained throughout the life of the
chart of accounts to control the accuracy and integrity of the financial data.
Migration Adjustments
For charts of accounts migrated from Oracle E-Business Suite to Oracle Fusion
General Ledger that use a segment with the secondary balance tracking segment
Common Applications Configuration: Define Enterprise Structures for Project Financial Management 5-107
qualifier, steps must be taken to ensure the proper transition to the second and
third balancing segments. The required adjustments are extensive.
For ledgers associated with a migrated chart of accounts, its balances must
be adjusted manually to be consistent with the second and third balancing
segments as though these segment labels have been in place since the beginning
of entries for these ledgers. This requires recomputing and updating of the
following processes to reflect the correct balancing for each unique combination
of segment values across the additional second and third balancing segments.
• Intercompany balancing
• Suspense posting
• Rounding imbalance adjustments on posting
• Entered currency balancing
• Revaluation gains or losses
• Retained earnings calculations at the opening of each new fiscal year
• Cumulative translation adjustments during translation
All previously translated balances must also be purged, and new translations
run to properly account for translated retained earnings and cumulative
translation adjustments with the correct level of balancing.
Using Multiple Balancing Segments: Example
This simple example illustrates balancing along two balancing segments for a
simple chart of accounts with three segments.
Your company has a chart of accounts with two balancing segments and three
segments, qualified as follows:
• Company: Primary balancing segment
• Cost Center: Second balancing segment
• Account: Natural account segment
The following multiple company and cost center journal has been entered to
transfer advertising and phone expense from Company 1, Cost Center A to
Company 2, Cost Center B.
Account Debit Credit
Company 1-Cost Center A-
Advertising Expense Account
Company 2-Cost Center B-
Advertising Expense Account
5-108 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Company 1-Cost Center A-Phone
Expense Account
Company 2-Cost Center B-Phone
Expense Account
During the posting process, the last four lines are created to balance the entry
across the primary and second balancing segments, company and cost center.
Account Debit Credit
Company 1-Cost Center A-
Advertising Expense Account
Company 2-Cost Center B-
Advertising Expense Account
Company 1-Cost Center A-Phone
Expense Account
Company 2-Cost Center B-Phone
Expense Account
Company 1-Cost Center A-
Balancing Account
Company 2-Cost Center B-
Balancing Account
Company 1-Cost Center A-
Balancing Account
Company 2-Cost Center B-
Balancing Account
FAQs for Manage Charts of Accounts
How can I use future accounting segments?
To plan for future growth in the business organization that requires additional
segments in the chart of accounts, extra segments can be added to the chart of
accounts structure during your original implementation. Since all segments of
the chart are required and have to be enabled, these unused segments can be
assigned value sets that have a single value in the chart of accounts structure
instance. This value is set as a default for that segment so that the extra segments
are automatically populated when an account code combination is used.
Define Chart of Accounts for Enterprise Structures: Manage Chart
of Accounts Value Sets
Chart of Accounts Values Sets: Critical Choices
A value set is the collection of account values that are associated with a segment
of a chart of accounts structure instance. When creating values sets, consider the
following critical choices:
Common Applications Configuration: Define Enterprise Structures for Project Financial Management 5-109
• Module Designation
• Validation Type
• Format Assignments
• Security Rules
• Values Definition
Module Designation
The module designation is used to tag value sets in Oracle Fusion Applications
and sets the value sets apart during upgrades and other processes. Chart
of accounts value sets upgraded from Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12
generically bear the module value of Oracle Fusion Middleware. When creating
new value sets for a chart of accounts, the module can be specified as Oracle
Fusion General Ledger to distinctly identify its intended use in an accounting
flexfield, basically a chart of accounts.
Validation Type
Assign one of the following validation types to chart of accounts value sets:
• Independent: The values are independently selected when filling out the
segment in the account combination.
• Table Validated: The values are stored in an external table to facilitate
maintenance and sharing of the reference data.
Format Assignments
Value sets for chart of accounts must use the Value Data Type of Character.
The Value Subtype is set to Text. These two setting support values that are both
numbers and characters, which are typical in natural account segment values. Set
the maximum length of the value set to correspond to the length of the chart of
accounts segment to which it is assigned. Best practices recommend restricting
values to Upper Case Only or Numeric values that are zero filled by default.
Security Rules
If flexfield data security rules are to be applied to the chart of accounts segment
associated with the value set, the Enable Security check box must be checked
for the assigned value set. In addition, assign a data security resource name to
enable creation of a data security object automatically for the value set. The data
security object is used in the definition of flexfield data security rules.
Value Definition
Once these basic characteristic are defined for the value set, values can be added
to the set in the Manage Values page.
• Set the values to conform to the value set length and type.
• Enter the value, its description, and its attributes including the Enable
check box, Start Date, and End Date.
5-110 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
• Assign the following attributes: Parent or Summary check box, Posting is
allowed, and Budgeting is allowed.
If the value set is used with a natural account segment, the value also requires
you set the Natural Account Type, with one of the following values: Asset,
Liability, Equity, Revenue or Expense. Other attributes used are Third Party
Control Account, Reconciliation indicator, and Financial Category used with
Oracle Transaction Business Intelligence reporting.
Oracle Fusion General Ledger best practice is to define the values for the value
set after the value set is assigned to a chart of accounts structure instance.
Otherwise you are not able to define the mandatory value attributes, such as
summary flag, posting allowed, and account type for natural account segment.
The attributes must be added after the value set is assigned to a chart of accounts
structure instance.
Creating a Value Set for Your Chart of Accounts: Example
Create your value sets before creating your chart of accounts. A value set can be
shared by different charts of accounts or across different segments of the same
chart of accounts.
You are creating a company value set to be used in your chart of accounts for
your enterprise, InFusion America, Inc. Follow these steps:
1. Navigate to the Manage Chart of Accounts Value Sets task from within
your implementation project and click the Go to Task.
2. Click the Create icon on the toolbar of the Search Results table. The Create
Value Set page opens.
3. Enter a unique Value Set Code, InFusion America Company, and an
optional Description, Company values for InFusion America Inc.
4. Select General Ledger from the list in the Module field.
5. Select Independent as Validation Type.
6. Select Character as the Validation Data Type.
7. Click Save and Close.
Configuring Chart of Account Segment for Business Intelligence:
To map the Oracle Fusion General Ledger Accounting Flexfield in Oracle
Transaction Business Intelligence (BI) Repository file (RPD) for Oracle Fusion
Financials, populate values in the Manage Key Flexfields user interface. These
Common Applications Configuration: Define Enterprise Structures for Project Financial Management 5-111
values enable the Chart of Accounts segments for Oracle Fusion Transactional BI
and provide the mapping with BI Object names that are used as dimension for
each of the Chart of Accounts segments.
Check each of the Chart of Accounts segments' BI enabled check box on all
segments that you intend to map in the RPD by performing the following steps:
1. From your implementation project or the Setup and Maintenance page,
query for Manage Key Flexfields and select the Go to Task.
2. Enter GL# in the Key Flexfield Code field.
3. Click Search button.
4. Click on Manage Structure Instances button.
5. Click the Search button.
6. Click on the desired chart of accounts and Edit icon.
7. Click on the desired segment and the Edit icon.
8. Edit each of the segments by checking the BI enabled check box.
9. Click on Save button. This should be done for all segments in every Chart
of Accounts Structure Instance that you intend to be mapped in RPD.
10. Click the Save and Close button and the Done button.
Populate the BI Object Name for each of the Segment Labels. This name is the
logical table name in the RPD which would be used as the dimension for the
corresponding segment. Perform the following steps:
1. From your implementation project or the Setup and Maintenance page,
query for Manage Key Flexfields and select the Go to Task.
2. Enter GL# in the Key Flexfield Code field.
3. Query for GL# as Key Flexfield Code in Manage Key Flexfields page.
4. Click Search button.
5. Chose Actions menu and click on Manage Segment Labels
6. Populate the BI Object Name for all the segment labels that are need to be
mapped in the RPD.
Segment Label Code BI Object Name
FA_COST_CTR Dim - Cost Center
GL_BALANCING Dim - Balancing Segment
GL_ACCOUNT Dim - Natural Account Segment
7. Click the Save button.
For all the non qualified segment labels, the BI Object Name should be
populated with one of the following:
• Dim - GL Segment1
5-112 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
• Dim - GL Segment2
• Dim - GL Segment3
• Dim - GL Segment4
• Dim - GL Segment5
• Dim - GL Segment6
• Dim - GL Segment7
• Dim - GL Segment8
• Dim - GL Segment9
• Dim - GL Segment10
Deploy the flexfield using the Deploy Flexfield button from Manage Key
Flexfields page.
Define Chart of Accounts for Enterprise Structures: Manage
Accounting Calendars
Defining Accounting Calendars: Critical Choices
Define an accounting calendar to create your accounting year and the periods
it contains. Specify common calendar options that the application uses to
automatically generate a calendar with its periods. Specifying all the options
makes defining a correct calendar easier and more intuitive with fewer errors.
The choices you make when specifying the following options are critical, because
it is difficult to change your accounting calendar after a period status is set to
open or future enterable.
• Start Date
• Period Frequency
• Adjusting Period Frequency
• Period Name Format
In Oracle Fusion, the common calendar types, monthly, weekly, 4-4-5,
4-5-4, 5-4-4, 4-week, quarterly, and yearly, are automatically generated. This
functionality makes it easier to create and maintain accounting calendars. By
using the period frequency option, you no longer have to go through the tedious
task of defining each period manually.
Start Date
If you plan to run translation, specify a calendar start date that is a full year
before the start date of the year of the first translation period for your ledger.
Common Applications Configuration: Define Enterprise Structures for Project Financial Management 5-113
Translation cannot be run in the first period of a calendar. Consider how many
years of history you are going to load from your previous system and back up
the start date for those years plus one more. You cannot add previous years once
the first calendar period has been opened.
Period Frequency
Use period frequency to set the interval for each subsequent period to occur,
for example, monthly, quarterly, or yearly. If you select the period frequency of
Other, by default, the application generates the period names, year, and quarter
number. You specify the start and end dates. You must manually enter the period
information. For example, select the period frequency of Other and enter 52 as
the number of periods when you want to define a weekly calendar. For manually
entered calendars, when you click the Add Year button, the application creates
a blank year. Then, you must manually enter the periods for the new year. The
online validation helps prevent erroneous entries.
In Oracle Fusion applications a calendar can only have one period frequency
and period type. Therefore, if you have an existing calendar with more than one
period type associated with it, during the upgrade from Oracle E-Business Suite,
separate calendars are created based on each calendar name and period type
Adjusting Period Frequency
Use the adjusting period frequency to control when the application creates
adjusting periods. For example, some of the frequencies you select add one
adjusting period at year end, two at year end, or one at the end of each quarter.
The default is None which adds no adjusting periods. If you select the frequency
of Other, the Number of Adjusting Periods field is displayed. Enter the number
of desired adjusting periods and then, manually define them.
Period Name Format Region
The User-Defined Prefix field in the Period Name Format region is an optional
feature that allows you to enter your own prefix. For example, define a weekly
calendar and then enter a prefix of Week, - as the separator, and the period name
format of Period numberYY fiscal year. The application creates the names of
Week1-11, Week2-11, through Week52-11. The options for the Format field are
predefined values. The list of values is filtered based on the selected separator
and only displays the options that match the selected separator.
The year displayed in the period names is based on the selected period name
format and the dates the period covers or if the period crosses years, on the year
of the start date of the period. For example, April 10, 2010 to May 9, 2010 has the
period name of Apr-10 and December 10, 2010 to January 9, 2011 has the name
of Dec-10. If period frequency is Other, then the period format region is hidden.
The application generates a temporary period name for calendars with period
frequency of Other, using a fixed format of Period numberYY. You can override
this format with your own customized period names.
5-114 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
For an accounting calendar that is associated with a ledger, changing period
names or adding a year updates the accounting period dimension in the balances
Calendar Validation: How It Works with the Accounting Calendar
Calendar validation is automatic and prevents serious problems when you
begin using the calendar. Once you set a calendar period status to open or future
enterable, you cannot edit the period.
Settings That Affect Calendar Validation
The calendar validation runs automatically when you save the calendar.
How the Calendar Is Validated
The following table lists the validation checks performed when the accounting
calendar is saved.
Validation Performed Example of Data
Unique period number 2 assigned for two periods
Unique period name Jan-11 entered twice
Period number beyond the maximum number of
periods per year
13 for a 12 period calendar with no adjusting periods
Entered period name contains spaces Jan 11
Single or double quotes in the period name Jan '11
Nonadjusting periods with overlapping dates 01-Jan-2011 to 31-Jan-2011 and 30-Jan-2011 to 28-
Period date gaps 01-Jan-2011 to 28-Jan-2011 and 31-Jan-2011 to 28-
Missing period numbers Periods 1 through 6 defined for a twelve month
Period number gaps 1, 3, 5
Period numbers not in sequential order by date Period 1 covers 01-Jan-2011 to 31-Jan-2011 and
period 2 covers 01-Mar-2011 to 31-Mar-2011, and
period 3 covers 01-Feb-2011 to 28-Feb-2011.
Quarter number gaps 1, 3, 4
Quarters not in sequential order by period 1, 3, 2, 4
Period start or end dates more than one year before
or after the fiscal year
July 1, 2010 in a 2012 calendar
FAQs for Manage Accounting Calendars
Common Applications Configuration: Define Enterprise Structures for Project Financial Management 5-115
How can I identify errors in my accounting calendar?
Oracle Fusion General Ledger identifies erroneous entries online as you enter
a new calendar or change data on an existing calendar. The application also
automatically validates the data when you save the calendar.
What's the difference between calendar and fiscal period naming?
The period naming format determines the year that is appended to the prefix for
each period in the calendar. For the example, your accounting year has a set of
twelve accounting period with a start date of September 1, 2011 and the end date
is August 31, 2012, with each period's date range following the natural calendar
month date range.
Calendar period naming format: Select the calendar period format to append
the period's start date's year to the prefix. For the period covering September 1,
2011 to December 31, 2011, then 2011 or just 11, depending on the period format
selected, is appended to each period's name. For the remaining periods covering
January 1, 2012 to August 31, 2012, then 2012 or 12, is appended to each period's
Fiscal period naming format: Select the fiscal period format to always append
the period's year assignment to the prefix. If the accounting periods in the set of
twelve are all assigned the year of 2012, then 2012 or just 12, depending on the
period format selected, is appended to the period name of all 12 periods.
When do I update an existing calendar?
Update an existing calendar before the new periods are needed as future
periods, based on the future period setting in your accounting configuration.
If a complete year has been defined and validated, use the Add Year button
to add the next year quickly. Accept or change the new rows as required. For
example, with the Other frequency type calendar, dates may differ from what the
application generates.
What happens if I upgrade my calendar from Oracle E-Business Suite Release
The migration script assigns a period frequency that most closely matches your
Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 calendar. When you use the Oracle Fusion
applications Add Year functionality for the first time, you have an opportunity to
review and change the period frequency. The Calendar Options page opens only
for calendars upgraded from Release 12 to allow one time modification.
Make your changes to the period frequency, adjusting period frequency, and
period name format, including the prefix and separator, as needed. Changes can
not conflict with the existing upgraded calendar definition. Update the calendar
name and description in the calendar header, as needed, for all calendars.
5-116 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Period details for a new year will be generated automatically based on the latest
calendar options. You can also manually update the calendar. The modified
calendar options affect future years only.
Define Accounting Configurations of Enterprise Structures: Manage
Primary or Secondary Ledgers
Accounting Configuration Offerings: Overview
The Setup and Maintenance work area in the Oracle Fusion Applications is used
to manage the configuration of legal entities, ledgers, and reporting currencies
that comprise your accounting configuration. To create a new legal entity or
ledger, your implementation consultant or system administrator must create an
implementation project. This implementation project can be populated by either
adding a financials related offering or one or more task lists.
Setup tasks that are not related to the ledger or legal entity specific setup tasks
can be invoked from either an implementation project or launched directly from
the Setup and Maintenance work area.
There are two offerings predefined for financial implementations.
• The Oracle Fusion Accounting Hub offering is used to add the Oracle
Fusion General Ledger and Oracle Fusion Subledger Accounting
application features to an existing enterprise resource planning (ERP)
system to enhance the current reporting and analysis.
• The Oracle Fusion Financials offering, which includes the Oracle Fusion
General Ledger and Oracle Fusion Subledger Accounting application
features, as well as at least one of the subledger financial applications.
When adding an offering to an implementation project, implementation
consultants can customize the tasks displayed by adding additional tasks to the
implementation project.
Ledgers and Subledgers: Explained
Oracle Fusion Applications reflect the traditional segregation between the
general ledger and associated subledgers. Detailed transactional information is
captured in the subledgers and periodically imported and posted in summary or
detail to the ledger.
A ledger determines the currency, chart of accounts, accounting calendar,
ledger processing options, and accounting method for its associated subledgers.
Each accounting setup requires a primary ledger and optionally, one or more
secondary ledgers and reporting currencies. Reporting currencies are associated
with either a primary of secondary ledger.
Common Applications Configuration: Define Enterprise Structures for Project Financial Management 5-117
The number of ledgers and subledgers is unlimited and determined by your
business structure and reporting requirements.
Single Ledger
If your subsidiaries all share the same ledger with the parent company
or they share the same chart of accounts and calendar, and all reside on
the same applications instance, you can consolidate financial results in
Oracle Fusion General Ledger in a single ledger. Use Oracle Fusion Financial
Reporting functionality to produce individual entity reports by balancing
segments. General Ledger has three balancing segments that can be combined
to provide detailed reporting for each legal entity and then rolled up to provide
consolidated financial statements.
Multiple Ledgers
Accounting operations using multiple ledgers can include single or multiple
applications instances. You need multiple ledgers if one of the following is true:
• You have companies that require different account structures to record
information about transactions and balances. For example, one company
may require a six-segment account, while another needs only a three-
segment account structure.
• You have companies that use different accounting calendars. For
example, although companies may share fiscal year calendars, your retail
operations require a weekly calendar, and a monthly calendar is required
for your corporate headquarters.
• You have companies that require different functional currencies. Consider
the business activities and reporting requirements of each company. If
you must present financial statements in another country and currency,
consider the accounting principles to which you must adhere.
Oracle Fusion Subledgers capture detailed transactional information, such
as supplier invoices, customer payments, and asset acquisitions. Oracle
Fusion Subledger Accounting is an open and flexible application that defines
the accounting rules, generates detailed journal entries for these subledger
transactions, and posts these entries to the general ledger with flexible
summarization options to provide a clear audit trail.
Ledgers: Points to Consider
Companies account for themselves in primary ledgers, and, if necessary,
secondary ledgers and reporting currencies. Your transactions from your
subledgers are posted to your primary ledgers and possibly, secondary ledgers
or reporting currencies. Local and corporate compliance can be achieved through
an optional secondary ledger, providing an alternate accounting method, or
in some cases, a different chart of accounts. Your subsidiary's primary and
secondary ledgers can both be maintained in your local currency, and you can
5-118 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
convert your local currency to your parent's ledger currency to report your
consolidated financial results using reporting currencies or translation.
Primary Ledgers
A primary ledger is the main record-keeping ledger. Like any other ledger, a
primary ledger records transactional balances by using a chart of accounts with
a consistent calendar and currency, and accounting rules implemented in an
accounting method. The primary ledger is closely associated with the subledger
transactions and provides context and accounting for them.
To determine the number of primary ledgers, your enterprise structure analysis
must begin with your financial, legal, and management reporting requirements.
For example, if your company has separate subsidiaries in several countries
worldwide, enable reporting for each country's legal authorities by creating
multiple primary ledgers that represent each country with the local currency,
chart of accounts, calendar, and accounting method. Use reporting currencies
linked to your country specific primary ledgers to report to your parent
company from your foreign subsidiaries. Other considerations, such as corporate
year end, ownership percentages, and local government regulations and
taxation, also affect the number of primary ledgers required.
Secondary Ledgers
A secondary ledger is an optional ledger linked to a primary ledger for the
purpose of tracking alternative accounting. A secondary ledger can differ from
its primary ledger by using a different accounting method, chart of accounts,
accounting calendar, currency, or processing options. All or some of the journal
entries processed in the primary ledger are transferred to the secondary ledger,
based on your configuration options. The transfers are completed based on the
conversion level selected. There are four conversion levels:
• Balance: Only Oracle Fusion General Ledger balances are transferred to
the secondary ledger.
• Journal: General Ledger journal posting process transfers the journal
entries to the secondary ledger.
• Subledger: Oracle Fusion Subledger Accounting creates subledger
journals to subledger level secondary ledgers as well as reporting
• Adjustments Only: Incomplete accounting representation that only holds
adjustments. The adjustments can be manual or detailed adjustments
from Subledger Accounting. This type of ledger must share the same
chart of accounts, accounting calendar, and period type combination, and
currency as the associated primary ledger.
A full accounting representation of your primary ledger is maintained in any
subledger level secondary ledger.
Secondary ledgers provide functional benefits, but produce large volumes of
additional journal entry and balance data, resulting in additional performance
Common Applications Configuration: Define Enterprise Structures for Project Financial Management 5-119
and memory costs. When adding a secondary ledger, consider your needs
for secondary ledgers or reporting currencies, and select the least costly data
conversion level that meets your requirements. For secondary ledgers, the least
costly level is the adjustment data conversion level because it produces the
smallest amount of additional data. The balance data conversion level is also
relatively inexpensive, depending upon how often the balances are transferred
from the primary to the secondary ledger. The journal and subledger data
conversion levels are much more expensive, requiring duplication of most
general ledger and subledger journal entries, as well as general ledger balances.
For example, you maintain a secondary ledger for your International Financial
Reporting Standards (IFRS) accounting requirements, while your primary ledger
uses US Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). You decided to
select the subledger level for your IFRS secondary ledger. However, since most
of the accounting is identical between US GAAP and IFRS, a better solution is
to use the adjustment only level for your secondary ledger. The subledger level
secondary ledger requires duplication of most subledger journal entries, general
ledger journal entries, and general ledger balances. With the adjustment only
level, your secondary ledger contains only the adjustment journal entries and
balances necessary to convert your US GAAP accounting to the IFRS accounting,
which uses a fraction of the resources that are required by full subledger level
secondary ledger.
Following are scenarios that may require different combinations of primary and
secondary ledgers:
• The primary and secondary ledgers use different charts of accounts to
meet varying accounting standards or methods. A chart of accounts
mapping is required to instruct the application how to propagate balances
from the source (primary) chart of accounts to the target (secondary) chart
of accounts.
• The primary and secondary ledgers use different accounting calendars to
comply with separate industry and corporate standards.
Use the same currency for primary and secondary ledgers to avoid difficult
reconciliations, if you have the resources to support the extra posting time
and data storage. Use reporting currencies or translations to generate the
different currency views needed to comply with internal reporting needs and
Reporting Currencies
Reporting currencies maintain and report accounting transactions in additional
currencies. Each primary and secondary ledger is defined with a ledger currency
that is used to record your business transactions and accounting data for
that ledger. It is advisable to maintain the ledger in the currency in which the
majority of its transactions are denominated. For example, create, record, and
close a transaction in the same currency to save processing and reconciliation
time. Compliance, such as paying local transaction taxes, is also easier using a
local currency. Many countries require that your accounting records be kept in
their national currency.
5-120 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
If you need to maintain and report accounting records in different currencies,
you do this by defining one or more reporting currencies for the ledger. There are
three conversion levels for reporting currencies:
• Balance: Only General Ledger balances are converted into the reporting
currency using translation.
• Journal: General Ledger journal entries are converted to the reporting
currency during posting.
• Subledger: Subledger Accounting creates subledger reporting currency
journals along with primary ledger journals.
A full accounting representation of your primary ledger is maintained in any
subledger level reporting currency. Secondary ledgers cannot use subledger level
reporting currencies.
Of the three data conversion levels available, the balance data conversion
level is typically the least expensive, requiring duplication of only the balance
level information. The journal and subledger data conversion levels are more
expensive, requiring duplication of most general ledger and subledger journal
entries, as well as general ledger balances.
Do not use journal or subledger level reporting currencies if your organization
has only an infrequent need to translate your financial statements to your
parent company's currency for consolidation purposes. Standard translation
functionality meets this need. Consider using journal or subledger level
reporting currencies when any of the following conditions exist.
• You operate in a country whose unstable currency makes it unsuitable
for managing your business. As a consequence, you need to manage your
business in a more stable currency while retaining the ability to report in
the unstable local currency.
• You operate in a country that is part of the European Economic and
Monetary Union (EMU), and you choose to account and report in both the
European Union currency and your National Currency Unit (NCU).
The second option is rare since most companies have moved beyond the initial
conversion to the EMU currency. However, future decisions could add other
countries to the EMU, and then, this option would again be used during the
conversion stage.
Financial Ledgers: How They Fit Together
Oracle Fusion Applications is an integrated suite of business applications that
connects and automates the entire flow of the business process across both
Common Applications Configuration: Define Enterprise Structures for Project Financial Management 5-121
front and back office operations and addresses the needs of a global enterprise.
The process of designing the enterprise structure, including the accounting
configuration, is the starting point for an implementation. This process often
includes determining financial, legal, and management reporting requirements,
setting up primary and secondary ledgers, making currency choices, and
examining consolidation considerations.
This figure shows the enterprise structure components and their relationships to
each other. Primary ledgers are connected to reporting currencies and secondary
ledgers to provide complete reporting options. Legal entities are assigned to
ledgers, both primary and secondary, and balancing segments are assigned to
legal entities. Business units must be connected to both a primary ledger and a
default legal entity. Business units can record transactions across legal entities.
Primary Ledgers
A primary ledger is the main record-keeping ledger. Create a primary ledger
by combining a chart of accounts, accounting calendar, ledger currency,
and accounting method. To determine the number of primary ledgers, your
enterprise structure analysis must begin with determining financial, legal, and
management reporting requirements. For example, if your company has separate
subsidiaries in several countries worldwide, create multiple primary ledgers
representing each country with the local currency, chart of accounts, calendar,
and accounting method to enable reporting to each country's legal authorities.
If your company just has sales in different countries, with all results being
managed by the corporate headquarters, create one primary ledger with
multiple balancing segment values to represent each legal entity. Use secondary
ledgers or reporting currencies to meet your local reporting requirements, as
needed. Limiting the number of primary ledgers simplifies reporting because
5-122 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
consolidation is not required. Other consideration such as corporate year end,
ownership considerations, and local government regulations, also affect the
number of primary ledgers required.
Secondary Ledgers
A secondary ledger is an optional ledger linked to a primary ledger. A secondary
ledger can differ from its related primary ledger in chart of accounts, accounting
calendar, currency, accounting method, or ledger processing options. Reporting
requirements, for example, that require a different accounting representation to
comply with international or country-specific regulations, create the need for a
secondary ledger.
Below are scenarios and required action for different components in primary and
secondary ledgers:
• If the primary and secondary ledgers use different charts of accounts,
the chart of accounts mapping is required to instruct the system how to
propagate journals from the source chart of accounts to the target chart of
• If the primary and secondary ledgers use different accounting calendars,
the accounting date and the general ledger date mapping table will
be used to determine the corresponding non-adjusting period in the
secondary ledger. The date mapping table also provides the correlation
between dates and non-adjusting periods for each accounting calendar.
• If the primary ledger and secondary ledger use different ledger
currencies, currency conversion rules are required to instruct the system
on how to convert the transactions, journals, or balances from the source
representation to the secondary ledger.
Note: Journal conversion rules, based on the journal source and category, are
required to provide instructions on how to propagate journals and types of
journals from the source ledger to the secondary ledger.
Reporting Currencies
Reporting currencies are the currency you use for financial, legal, and
management reporting. If your reporting currency is not the same as your ledger
currency, you can use the foreign currency translation process or reporting
currencies functionality to convert your ledger account balances in your
reporting currency. Currency conversion rules are required to instruct the
system on how to convert the transactions, journals, or balances from the source
representation to the reporting currency.
Legal Entities
Legal entities are discrete business units characterized by the legal environment
in which they operate. The legal environment dictates how the legal entity
should perform its financial, legal, and management reporting. Legal entities
generally have the right to own property and the obligation to comply with
labor laws for their country. They also have the responsibility to account for
themselves and present financial statements and reports to company regulators,
taxation authorities, and other stakeholders according to rules specified in the
relevant legislation and applicable accounting standards. During setup, legal
Common Applications Configuration: Define Enterprise Structures for Project Financial Management 5-123
entities are assigned to the accounting configuration, which includes all ledgers,
primary and secondary.
Balancing Segments
You assign primary balancing segment values to all legal entities before
assigning values to the ledger. Then, assign specific primary balancing segment
values to the primary and secondary ledgers to represent nonlegal entity related
transactions such as adjustments. You can assign any primary balancing segment
value that has not already been assigned to a legal entity. You are allowed to
assign the same primary balancing segment values to more than one ledger. The
assignment of primary balancing segment values to legal entities and ledgers
is performed within the context of a single accounting setup. The Balancing
Segment Value Assignments report is available to show all primary balancing
segment values assigned to legal entities and ledgers across accounting setups to
ensure the completeness and accuracy of their assignments. This report allows
you to quickly identify these errors and view any unassigned values.
Business Units
A business unit is a unit of an enterprise that performs one or many business
functions that can be rolled up in a management hierarchy. When a business
function produces financial transactions, a business unit must be assigned
a primary ledger, and a default legal entity. Each business unit can post
transactions to a single primary ledger, but it can process transactions for many
legal entities. Normally, it will have a manager, strategic objectives, a level of
autonomy, and responsibility for its profit and loss. You define business units as
separate task generally done after the accounting setups steps.
The business unit model:
• Allows for flexible implementation
• Provides a consistent entity for controlling and reporting on transactions
• Enables sharing of sets of reference data across applications
For example, if your company requires business unit managers to be responsible
for managing all aspects of their part of the business, then consider using two
balancing segments, company and business unit to enable the production of
business unit level balance sheets and income statements.
Transactions are exclusive to business units. In other words, you can use
business unit as a securing mechanism for transactions. For example, if you
have an export business that you run differently from your domestic business,
use business units to secure members of the export business from seeing the
transactions of the domestic business.
Creating Primary Ledgers: Example
Create a primary ledger as your main record-keeping ledger. Like any other
ledger, a primary ledger records transactional balances by using a chart of
accounts with a calendar, currency, and accounting rules implemented in an
5-124 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
accounting method. The primary ledger is closely associated with the subledger
transactions and provides context and accounting for them.
Your company, InFusion Corporation is implementing Oracle Fusion
Applications. You have been assigned the task of creating a primary ledger for
your InFusion America entity.
1. Navigate to the Define Accounting Configurations task list and open
Manage Primary Ledgers from within your implementation project. Click
the Go to Task.
2. Click the Create icon.
3. Enter the following values:
Field Value
Name InFusion America
Description InFusion America primary ledger for
recording transactions.
Chart of Accounts InFusion America Chart of Accounts
Accounting Calendar Standard Monthly
Currency USD
Accounting Method Standard Accrual
4. Click Save and Edit Task List to navigate back to the accounting
configuration task list.
You cannot change the chart of accounts, accounting calendar, or currency for
your ledger after you save your ledger.
Define Accounting Configurations of Enterprise Structures: Specify
Ledger Options
Specifying Ledger Options: Worked Example
This example demonstrates specifying the ledger options for your primary
ledger. Your company, InFusion Corporation, is a multinational conglomerate
that operates in the United States (US) and the United Kingdom (UK). InFusion
has purchased an Oracle Fusion enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution
including Oracle Fusion General Ledger and all of the Oracle Fusion subledgers.
After completing your InFusion America Primary Ledger, select Specify Ledger
Options under the Define Accounting Configuration task list on the Functional
Setup Manager page.
Common Applications Configuration: Define Enterprise Structures for Project Financial Management 5-125
Both primary and secondary ledgers are created in the same way and use the
same user interface to enable their specific ledger options.
Reviewing General Region Options
1. Accept the Name and Description defaults for the ledger selected.
2. Review the Currency and Chart of Accounts for the specified ledger,
which are automatically populated.
Setting Accounting Calendar Region Options
1. Review the Accounting Calendar that defaults from your ledger.
2. Select Jan-2011 as the First Open Period for your ledger.
Important: Select a period after the first defined period in the ledger
calendar to enable running translation. You cannot run translation in the
first defined period of a ledger calendar. In this example, your calendar
began with Jan-2010.
3. Enter 3 for the Number of Future Enterable Periods.
Any value between 0 and 999 periods can be specified to permit entering
journals but not posting them in future periods. Minimize the number of
open and future periods to prevent entry in the wrong period.
Selecting the Subledger Accounting Region Options
1. Accept the default Accounting Method from your ledger.
2. Select US American English as your Journal Language.
Completing the Period Close Region Options
1. Enter your Retained Earnings Account:
This account is required for the General Ledger to perform the movement
of revenue and expense account balances to this account at the end of the
accounting year.
2. Enter your Cumulative Translation Adjustment Account:
Note: The Cumulative Translation Adjustment (CTA) account is required
for ledgers running translation.
3. Do not enter a Default Period End Rate Type or Default Period Average
Rate Type.
The values entered here are used as the default for balance level reporting
currency processing. InFusion America Primary Ledger is using the
subledger level reporting currency processing.
Specifying the Journal Processing Region Options
1. Specify the Balance options as outlined in the following table.
5-126 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Option Setting
Enable Suspense General Ledger
Default Expense Account 101-00-98199999-0000-000-0000-0000
Rounding Account 101-10-98189999-0000-000-0000-0000
Entered Currency Balancing Account 101-10-98179999-0000-000-0000-0000
Balancing Threshold Percent 10
2. Click all the following Entry options listed in the table.
Option Description
Enable journal approval Click to enable journal approval
functionality. Approval rules must be
created in the Oracle Fusion Approvals
Management (AMX).
Notify when prior period journal Notify the user when a prior period
date is selected on a journal entry.
Allow mixed and statistical journals Enter both monetary and statistical
amounts on the same line in a journal
Validate reference date Requires a reference date in an open or
future enterable period.
3. Click the Separate journals by accounting date during journal import for
the Import option to create individual journal entries for each accounting
4. For the Reversal options, select InFusion America Accrual Set from the
list of values in the Journal Reversal Criteria Set field and click the
Launch AutoReverse after open period to reverse accrual journal entries
automatically when a new period is opened.
5. Click the Enable intercompany accounting for the Intercompany option
to enable automatic balancing by the application for primary, second,
and third balancing segments (if implemented) on intercompany journal
entries and transactions.
Note: To complete the intercompany accounting functionality, you must
define intercompany rules.
FAQs for Specify Ledger Options
What happens if I change the cumulative adjustment account?
To avoid data corruption, your cumulative adjustment account (CTA) can only
be changed if you first perform the following set of steps:
• Purge all translated balances
• Change the CTA account
Common Applications Configuration: Define Enterprise Structures for Project Financial Management 5-127
• Rerun translation
What happens if I change the retained earnings account?
To avoid data corruption, your retained earnings account can only be changed if
you first perform the following set of steps:
• Enter and post journals to bring the ending balances for your income
statement accounts to zero at the end of each accounting year
• Purge actual translated balances
• Update the retained earnings account
• Reverse the journal entries use to bring the ending account balances to
zero and rerun translation
Assigning Legal Entities and Balancing Segments: Examples
Optionally, assign legal entities and balancing segments to your accounting
Assign Legal Entities
Assign one or more legal entities to your configuration by following these steps:
1. Navigate to the Assign Legal Entities task. Click the Go to Task.
2. Click the Select and Add icon.
3. Click Search. Select your legal entities.
4. Click Apply. Click Done.
5. Click Save and Close.
Assign Balancing Segments to Legal Entities
Assign balancing segment values to your legal entities by following these steps:
1. Navigate to the Assign Balancing Segment Values to Legal Entities task.
Click the Go to Task.
2. Click the Create icon.
3. Select the balancing segment value. Optionally, add a Start Date.
4. Click Save and Close to close the create page.
5. Click Save and Close.
Assign Balancing Segments to Ledgers
Assign balancing segment values directly to your ledger by following these
1. Navigate to the Assign Balancing Segment Value to Ledger task. Click
the Go to Task.
5-128 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
2. Select the balancing segment value.
3. Optionally enter a start date.
4. Click Save and Close.
The balancing segment values that are assigned to the ledger represent nonlegal
entity transactions, such as adjustments. If you use legal entities, you must
assign balancing segment values to all legal entities before assigning values to
the ledger. The only available balancing segment values that can be assigned to
ledgers are those not assigned to legal entities.
Define Business Units: Manage Business Units
Business Units: Explained
A business unit is a unit of an enterprise that performs one or many business
functions that can be rolled up in a management hierarchy. A business unit can
process transactions on behalf of many legal entities. Normally, it will have a
manager, strategic objectives, a level of autonomy, and responsibility for its profit
and loss. Roll business units up into divisions if you structure your chart of
accounts with this type of hierarchy. In Oracle Fusion Applications, you assign
your business units to one primary ledger. For example, if a business unit is
processing payables invoices they will need to post to a particular ledger. This
assignment is mandatory for your business units with business functions that
produce financial transactions.
In Oracle Fusion Applications, use business unit as a securing mechanism for
transactions. For example, if you run your export business separately from your
domestic sales business, secure the export business data to prevent access by the
domestic sales employees. To accomplish this security, set up the export business
and domestic sales business as two separate business units.
The Oracle Fusion Applications business unit model:
• Allows for flexible implementation
• Provides a consistent entity for controlling and reporting on transactions
• Anchors the sharing of sets of reference data across applications
Business units process transactions using reference data sets that reflect your
business rules and policies and can differ from country to country. With Oracle
Fusion Application functionality, you can choose to share reference data, such as
payment terms and transaction types, across business units, or you can choose to
have each business unit manage its own set depending on the level at which you
wish to enforce common policies.
In countries where gapless and chronological sequencing of documents is
required for subledger transactions, define your business units in alignment with
your ledger definition, because the uniqueness of sequencing is only ensured
Common Applications Configuration: Define Enterprise Structures for Project Financial Management 5-129
within a ledger. In these cases, define a single ledger and assign one legal entity
and business unit.
In summary, use business units in the following ways:
• Management reporting
• Processing of transactions
• Security of transactional data
• Reference data definition and sharing
Brief Overview of Business Unit Security
Business units are used by a number of Oracle Fusion Applications to implement
data security. You assign data roles to your users to give them access to data in
business units and permit them to perform specific functions on this data. When
a business function is enabled for a business unit, the application can trigger
the creation of data roles for this business unit based on the business function's
related job roles.
For example, if a payables invoicing business function is enabled, then it is
clear that there are employees in this business unit that perform the function
of payables invoicing, and need access to the payables invoicing functionality.
Therefore, based on the correspondence between the business function and the
job roles, appropriate data roles are generated automatically. Use Human Capital
Management (HCM) security profiles to administer security for employees in
business units.
Define Business Units: Assign Business Unit Business Function
Business Functions: Explained
A business unit can perform many business functions in Oracle Fusion
Applications. Prior to Oracle Fusion Applications, operating units in Oracle E-
Business Suite were assumed to perform all business functions, while in Oracle
PeopleSoft , each business unit had one specific business function. Oracle Fusion
Applications blends these two models and allows defining business units with
one or many business functions.
Business Functions
A business function represents a business process, or an activity that can be
performed by people working within a business unit and describes how a
business unit is used. The following business functions exist in Oracle Fusion
• Billing and revenue management
• Collections management
• Customer contract management
• Customer payments
5-130 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
• Expense management
• Incentive compensation
• Marketing
• Materials management
• Inventory management
• Order fulfillment orchestration
• Payables invoicing
• Payables payments
• Procurement
• Procurement contract management
• Project accounting
• Receiving
• Requisitioning
• Sales
Although there is no relationship implemented in Oracle Fusion Applications, a
business function logically indicates a presence of a department in the business
unit with people performing tasks associated with these business functions.
A business unit can have many departments performing various business
functions. Optionally, you can define a hierarchy of divisions, business units, and
departments as a tree over HCM organization units to represent your enterprise
This hierarchy definition is not required in the setup of your applications, but is
a recommended best practice.
Your enterprise procedures can require a manager of a business unit to have
responsibility for their profit and loss statement. However, there will be cases
where a business unit is performing only general and administrative functions,
in which case your manager's financial goals are limited to cost containment
or recovering of service costs. For example, if a shared service center at the
corporate office provides services for more commercially-oriented business units,
it does not show a profit and therefore, only tracks its costs.
In other cases, where your managers have a responsibility for the assets of the
business unit, a balance sheet can be produced. The recommended best practice
to produce a balance sheet, is to setup the business unit as a balancing segment
in the chart of accounts. The business unit balancing segment can roll up to
divisions or other entities to represent your enterprise structure.
When a business function produces financial transactions, a business unit must
be assigned to a primary ledger, and a default legal entity. Each business unit can
post transactions to a single primary ledger, but it can process transactions for
many legal entities.
Common Applications Configuration: Define Enterprise Structures for Project Financial Management 5-131
The following business functions generate financial transactions and will require
a primary ledger and a default legal entity:
• Billing and revenue management
• Collections management
• Customer payments
• Expense management
• Materials management
• Payables invoicing
• Project accounting
• Receiving
• Requisitioning
Business Unit Hierarchy: Example
For example, your InFusion America Company provides:
• Air quality monitoring systems through your division InFusion Air
• Customer financing through your division InFusion Financial Services
The InFusion Air Systems division further segments your business into the
System Components and Installation Services subdivisions. Your subdivisions
are divided by business units:
• System Components by products: Air Compressors and Air Transmission
• Installation Services by services: Electrical and Mechanical
Oracle Fusion applications facilitates independent balance sheet rollups for
legal and management reporting by offering up to three balancing segments.
5-132 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Hierarchies created using the management segment can provide the divisional
results. For example, it is possible to define management segment values to
correspond to business units, and arrange them in a hierarchy where the higher
nodes correspond to divisions and subdivisions, as in the Infusion US Division
example above.
Define Business Units: Specify Customer Contract Management
Business Function Properties
Customer Contracts Business Unit Setup: Explained
Using the Specify Customer Contract Management Business Function
Properties task, available by navigating to Setup and Maintenance work area
and searching on the task name, you can specify a wide variety of business
function settings for customer contracts in a specific business unit. The selections
you make for these business functions impact how Oracle Fusion Enterprise
Contracts behaves during contract authoring.
Using the Specify Customer Contract Management Business Function
Properties task, manage these business function properties:
• Enable related accounts
• Set currency conversion details
• Manage project billing options
• Set up the Contract Terms Library
The setup options available for the Contract Terms Library are applicable
to both customer and supplier contracts, and are described in the business
unit setup topic for the Contract Terms Library. That topic is available as a
related link to this topic.
Enabling Related Customer Accounts
Contract authors can specify bill-to, ship-to, and other accounts for the parties
in a contract. Enable the related customer accounts option if you want accounts
previously specified as related to the contract party to be available for selection.
Managing Currency Conversion Options
If your organization plans to transact project-related business in multiple
currencies, then select the multicurrency option. This allows a contract author
to override a contract's currency, which defaults from the ledger currency of the
business unit. It also enables the contract author to specify currency conversion
attributes to use when converting from the bill transaction currency to the
contract currency and from the invoice currency to the ledger currency.
In the Bill Transaction Currency to Contract Currency region, enter currency
conversion details that will normally be used, by all contracts owned by this
business unit, to convert transaction amounts in the bill transaction currency
to the contract currency. Newly created contracts contain the default currency
conversion values, but you can override the values on any contract, if needed.
Common Applications Configuration: Define Enterprise Structures for Project Financial Management 5-133
In the Invoice Currency to Ledger Currency region:
• Enter invoice transaction conversion details if the invoice and ledger
currencies can be different.
• Enter revenue transaction conversion details if the revenue and ledger
currencies can be different for as-incurred and rate-based revenue.
Managing Project Billing Options
The options available for selection in the Project Billing region control the
behavior of project invoicing and revenue recognition for contracts with project-
based work.
Project billing can behave differently for external contracts (customer billing) or
intercompany and interproject contracts (internal billing).
Set these options, which apply to all contracts:
• Select the Transfer Revenue to General Ledger option if you want to
create revenue accounting events and entries, and transfer revenue
journals to the general ledger. If this option is not selected, then revenue
can still be generated, but will not be transferred to the general ledger.
• Indicate if a reason is required for credit memos that are applied to
There are two sets of the following options, one for customer billing and a
second for internal billing:
• Select an invoice numbering method, either Manual or Automatic. The
invoice numbering method is the method that Oracle Fusion Receivables
uses to number its invoices, upon release of draft invoices from Project
• If the invoice numbering method is Manual, then select an invoice
number type, which sets the type of Receivables invoice numbers that
are allowed. Valid values are Alphanumeric and Numeric.
• If the invoice numbering method is Automatic, then enter the next
invoice number to use when generating Receivables invoice numbers.
• Select the Receivables batch source to use when transferring invoices to
Set this option only for customer billing:
• Indicate if you want contract authors to manually enter the Receivables
transaction type on the customer contracts they create.
Contract Terms Library Business Unit Setup: Explained
You can specify a wide variety of Contract Terms Library settings for either
customer or supplier contracts within each business unit, by using either the
Specify Customer Contract Management Business Function Properties or the
5-134 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Specify Supplier Contract Management Business Function Properties tasks.
These tasks are available by navigating to the Setup and Maintenance work area
and searching on the task name.
For the Contract Terms Library in each business unit, you can:
• Enable clause and template adoption.
• Set the clause numbering method.
• Enable the Contract Expert feature.
• Specify the layout for printed clauses and contract deviation reports.
Enabling Clause Adoption
If you plan to use clause adoption in your implementation, then set up the
• Specify a global business unit
You must designate one of the business units in your organization as
the global business unit by selecting the Global Business Unit option.
This makes it possible for the other local business units to adopt and use
approved content from that global business unit. If the Global Business
Unit option is not available for the business unit you are setting up, this
means that you already designated another business unit as global.
• Enable automatic adoption
If you are implementing the adoption feature, then you can have all the
global clauses in the global business unit automatically approved and
available for use in the local business by selecting the Autoadopt Global
Clauses option. If you do not select this option, the employee designated
as the Contract Terms Library Administrator must approve all global
clauses before they can be adopted and used in the local business unit.
This option is available only for local business units.
• Specify the administrator who approves clauses available for adoption
You must designate an employee as the Contract Terms Library
administrator if you are using adoption. If you do not enable automatic
adoption, then the administrator must adopt individual clauses or localize
them for use in the local business unit. The administrator can also copy
over any contract terms templates created in the global business unit. The
clauses and contract terms templates available for adoption are listed in
the administrator's Terms Library work area.
Setting Clause Numbering Options
You can set up automatic clause numbering for the clauses in the business unit
by selecting Automatic in the Clause Numbering field and entering a Document
Sequence Category you previously set up in the Clause Sequence Category
field. If clause numbering is manual, contract terms library administrators must
enter unique clause numbers each time they create a clause.
You can choose to display the clause number in front of the clause title in
contracts by selecting the Display Clause Number in Clause Title option.
Common Applications Configuration: Define Enterprise Structures for Project Financial Management 5-135
Enabling Contract Expert
You must select the Enable Contract Expert option to be able to use the Contract
Expert feature in a business unit. This setting takes precedence over enabling
Contract Expert for individual contract terms templates.
Specifying the Printed Clause and Deviations Report Layouts
For each business unit, you can specify the Oracle BI Publisher RTF file that
serves as the layout for:
• The printed contract terms
Enter the RTF file you want used for formatting the printed clauses in the
Clause Layout Template field.
• The contract deviations report
The RTF file you select as the Deviations Layout Template determines the
appearance of the contract deviations report PDF. This PDF is attached to
the approval notification sent to contract approvers.
Define Workforce Structures: Manage Enterprise HCM Information
Managing Enterprise Information for Non-Oracle Fusion HCM
Users: Explained
The Manage Enterprise HCM Information task includes default settings for your
enterprise such as the employment model, worker number generation, and so
on. If you are not implementing Oracle Fusion Human Capital Management
(HCM), then the only action you may need to perform using this task is to
change the enterprise name, if necessary. The other settings are HCM-specific
and are not relevant outside of Oracle Fusion HCM.
Define Workforce Structures: Manage Locations
Locations: Explained
A location identifies physical addresses of a workforce structure, such as a
department or a job. You can also create locations to enter the addresses of
external organizations that you want to maintain, such as employment agencies,
tax authorities, and insurance or benefits carriers.
The locations that you create exist as separate structures that you can use for
reporting purposes, and also in rules that determine employee eligibility for
various types of compensation and benefits. You enter information about a
location only once. Subsequently, when you set up other workforce structures
you select the location from a list.
5-136 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Location Sets
When you create a location, you must associate it with a set. Only those users
who have access to the set's business unit can access the location set and other
associated workforce structure sets, such as those that contain departments and
You can also associate the location to the common set so that users across your
enterprise can access the location irrespective of their business unit. When users
search for locations, they can see the locations that they have access to along with
the locations in the common set.
The following figure shows how locations sets restrict access to users.
Creating Multiple Locations Simultaneously
If you have a list of locations already defined for your enterprise, you can upload
them from a spreadsheet. To use this option, you first download a spreadsheet
template, then add your location information to the spreadsheet, and then
upload directly to your enterprise configuration. You can upload the spreadsheet
multiple times to accommodate revisions.
FAQs for Manage Locations
Why can't I see my location in the search results?
You can search for approved locations only. Also, if you created a location in
Oracle Fusion Trading Community Model, then you can't access that location
from Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources. For use in Oracle Fusion HCM,
you must recreate the location from the Manage Locations page.
How can I associate a location with an inventory organization?
From the Manage Locations page in Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources.
Common Applications Configuration: Define Enterprise Structures for Project Financial Management 5-137
To appear on the Create or Edit Location pages, your inventory organization
must be effective on today's date and must exist in the location set that you
What happens if I select an inventory organization when I'm creating or editing
a location?
The location is available for selection in purchase documents of that inventory
organization in Oracle Fusion Inventory Management. If you don't select an
inventory organization, then the location is available in purchase documents
across all inventory organizations.
What happens if I select a geographic hierarchy node when I'm creating or
editing a location?
The calendar events that were created for the geographical node start to apply
for the location and may impact the availability of worker assignments at
that location. The geographical hierarchy nodes available for selection on the
Locations page display from a predefined geographic hierarchy.
What happens if I inactivate a location?
Starting from the effective date that you entered, you can no longer associate
the location with other workforce structures, assignments, or applications. If the
location is already in use, it will continue to be available to the components that
currently use it.
Define Workforce Structures: Manage Divisions
Division: Explained
Managing multiple businesses requires that you segregate them by their strategic
objectives and measure their results. Responsibility to reach objectives can be
delegated along the management structure. Although related to your legal
structure, the business organizational hierarchies do not need to reflect directly
the legal structure of the enterprise. The management entities and structure can
include divisions and subdivisions, lines of business, and other strategic business
units, and include their own revenue and cost centers. These organizations can
be included in many alternative hierarchies and used for reporting, as long as
they have representation in the chart of accounts.
A division refers to a business oriented subdivision within an enterprise, in
which each division organizes itself differently to deliver products and services
or address different markets. A division can operate in one or more countries,
5-138 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
and can be comprised of many companies or parts of different companies that
are represented by business units.
A division is a profit center or grouping of profit and cost centers, where the
division manager is responsible for attaining business goals including profit
goals. A division can be responsible for a share of the company's existing
product lines or for a separate business. Managers of divisions may also have
return on investment goals requiring tracking of the assets and liabilities of the
division. The division manager reports to a top corporate executive.
By definition a division can be represented in the chart of accounts. Companies
may choose to represent product lines, brands, or geographies as their divisions:
their choice represents the primary organizing principle of the enterprise. This
may coincide with the management segment used in segment reporting.
Oracle Fusion Applications supports a qualified management segment and
recommends that you use this segment to represent your hierarchy of business
units and divisions. If managers of divisions have return on investment goals,
make the management segment a balancing segment. Oracle Fusion applications
allows up to three balancing segments. The values of the management segment
can be comprised of business units that roll up in a hierarchy to report by
Historically, divisions were implemented as a node in a hierarchy of segment
values. For example, Oracle E-Business Suite has only one balancing segment,
and often the division and legal entity are combined into a single segment where
each value stands for both division and legal entity.
Use of Divisions in Oracle Fusion Human Capital Management (HCM)
Divisions are used in HCM to define the management organization hierarchy,
using the generic organization hierarchy. This hierarchy can be used to create
organization based security profiles.
Adding a New Division After Acquiring a Company: Example
This example shows how to restructure your enterprise after acquiring a new
You are part of a senior management team at InFusion Corporation. InFusion
is a global company with organizations in the United States (US), the United
Kingdom (UK), France, China, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates
(UAE). Its main area of business is in the high tech industry, and it has just
acquired a new company. You must analyze their current enterprise structure
and determine what new organizations you need to create to accommodate the
new company.
Details of the Acquired Company
The acquired company is a financial services business based in Germany.
Because the financial services business differs significantly from the high tech
Common Applications Configuration: Define Enterprise Structures for Project Financial Management 5-139
business, you want to keep the financial services company as a separate business
with all the costs and reporting rolling up to the financial services division.
The following table summarizes the key decisions that you must consider
when determining what new organizations to set up and how to structure the
Decision to Consider In This Example
Create location? The financial services company is based in Frankfurt
as are the departments, so you need to create only
one location.
Create separate division? Yes. Although the new division will exist within
the current enterprise structure, you want to keep
the financial services company as a separate line of
business. Creating a separate division means you
can manage the costs and reporting separately from
the InFusion Corporation. It also means you do not
have to modify any existing organizations in the
enterprise setup.
Create business unit? Yes. The financial services business requires you to
create several jobs that do not exist in your high tech
business. You can segregate the jobs that are specific
to financial services in a new business unit.
How many departments? The financial services company currently has three
departments for sales, accounting, and marketing.
As you have no plans to downsize or change the
company, you can create three departments to reflect
this structure.
How many cost centers? Although you can have more than one cost center
tracking the costs of a department, you decide to
create one cost center for each department to track
How many legal entities? Define a legal entity for each registered company or
other entity recognized in law for which you want to
record assets, liabilities, and income, pay transaction
taxes, or perform intercompany trading. In this case,
you need only one legal entity.
You must define the legal entity as a legal employer
and payroll statutory unit. As the new division
operates in Germany only, you can configure the
legal entity to suit Germany legal and statutory
When you identify the legal entity as a payroll
statutory unit, the application transfers the legal
reporting unit that is associated with that legal entity
to Oracle Fusion HCM as a tax reporting unit.
Create legislative data group? Yes. Because you currently do not employ or pay
people in Germany, you must create one legislative
data group to run payroll for the workers in
5-140 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Based on the analysis, you must create the following:
• One new division
• One new location
• Three new departments
• Three new cost centers
• One new legal entity
• One new legislative data group
The following figure illustrates the structure of InFusion Corporation after
adding the new division and the other organizations.
Define Workforce Structures: Manage Departments
Cost Centers and Departments: Explained
A cost center represents the smallest segment of an organization for which costs
are collected and reported. A department is an organization with one or more
operational objectives or responsibilities that exist independently of its manager
and has one or more workers assigned to it.
Common Applications Configuration: Define Enterprise Structures for Project Financial Management 5-141
The following two components need to be considered in designing your
enterprise structure:
• Cost centers
• Departments
Cost Centers
A cost center also represents the destination or function of an expense as
opposed to the nature of the expense which is represented by the natural
account. For example, a sales cost center indicates that the expense goes to the
sales department.
A cost center is generally attached to a single legal entity. To identify the cost
centers within a chart of accounts structure use one of these two methods:
• Assign a cost center value in the value set for each cost center.
For example, assign cost center values of PL04 and G3J1 to your
manufacturing teams in the US and India. These unique cost center values
allow easy aggregation of cost centers in hierarchies (trees) even if the
cost centers are in different ledgers. However, this approach will require
defining more cost center values.
• Assign a balancing segment value with a standardized cost center value
to create a combination of segment values to represent the cost center. For
example, assign the balancing segment values of 001 and 013 with cost
center PL04 to represent your manufacturing teams in the US and India.
This creates 001-PL04 and 013-PL04 as the cost center reporting values.
The cost center value of PL04 has a consistent meaning. This method
requires fewer cost center values to be defined. However, it prevents
construction of cost center hierarchies using trees where only cost center
values are used to report results for a single legal entity. You must specify
a balancing segment value in combination with the cost center values to
report on a single legal entity.
A department is an organization with one or more operational objectives or
responsibilities that exist independently of its manager. For example, although
the manager may change, the objectives do not change. Departments have one or
more workers assigned to them.
A manager of a department is typically responsible for:
• Controlling costs within their budget
• Tracking assets used by their department
• Managing employees, their assignments, and compensation
The manager of a sales department may also be responsible for meeting the
revenue targets.
5-142 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
The financial performance of departments is generally tracked through one
or more cost centers. In Oracle Fusion Applications, departments are defined
and classified as Department organizations. Oracle Fusion Human Capital
Management (HCM) assigns workers to departments, and tracks the headcount
at the departmental level.
The granularity of cost centers and their relationship to departments varies
across implementations. Cost center and department configuration may be
unrelated, identical, or consist of many cost centers tracking the costs of one
Department Classifications: Points to Consider
A department can be classified as a project organization, sales and marketing
organization, or cost organization.
Oracle Fusion Human Capital Management (HCM) uses trees to model
organization hierarchies. It provides seeded tree structures for department
and other organizational hierarchies that can include organizations with any
Project Organization
Classify departments as a project owning organization to enable associating
them with projects or tasks. The project association is one of the key drivers for
project access security.
In addition, you must classify departments as project expenditure organizations
to enable associating them to project expenditure items. Both project owning
organizations and project expenditure organizations can be used by Oracle
Fusion Subledger Accounting to derive accounts for posting Oracle Fusion
Projects accounting entries to Oracle Fusion General Ledger.
Sales and Marketing Organization
In Oracle Fusion Customer Relationship Management (CRM), you can define
sales and marketing organizations. Sales organization hierarchies are used to
report and forecast sales results. Sales people are defined as resources assigned
to these organizations.
In some enterprises, the HCM departments and hierarchies correspond to
sales organizations and hierarchies. It is important to examine the decision on
how to model sales hierarchies in relationship to department hierarchies when
implementing customer relationship management to eliminate any possible
redundancy in the definition of the organizations.
The following figure illustrates a management hierarchy, in which the System
Components Division tracks its expenses in two cost centers, Air Compressors
and Air Transmission. At the department level, two organizations with a
classifications of Department are defined, the Marketing Department and
Sales Department. These two departments can be also identified as a Resource
Organizations, which will allow assigning resources, such as sales people, and
Common Applications Configuration: Define Enterprise Structures for Project Financial Management 5-143
other CRM specific information to them. Each department is represented in the
chart of accounts by more than one cost center, allowing for granular as well as
hierarchical reporting.
Cost Organization
Oracle Fusion Costing uses a cost organization to represent a single physical
inventory facility or group of inventory storage centers, for example, inventory
organizations. This cost organization can roll up to a manager with responsibility
for the cost center in the financial reports.
A cost organization can represent a costing department. Consider this
relationship when determining the setup of departments in HCM. There are no
system dependencies requiring these two entities, cost organization and costing
department, be set up in the same way.
FAQs for Manage Job Families
What's the difference between a job set and a job family?
A job family is a group of jobs that have different but related functions,
qualifications, and titles. They are beneficial for reporting. You can define
competencies for job families by associating them with model profiles.
A job set is an organizational partition of jobs. For example, a job set can be
global and include jobs for use in all business units, or it can be restricted to jobs
for a specific country or line of business. When you select a job, for a position or
an assignment, the available jobs are those in the set associated with the business
unit in which you are working, and also those in the Common set.
Define Workforce Structures: FAQs for Manage Job Families
5-144 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
What's the difference between a job set and a job family?
A job family is a group of jobs that have different but related functions,
qualifications, and titles. They are beneficial for reporting. You can define
competencies for job families by associating them with model profiles.
A job set is an organizational partition of jobs. For example, a job set can be
global and include jobs for use in all business units, or it can be restricted to jobs
for a specific country or line of business. When you select a job, for a position or
an assignment, the available jobs are those in the set associated with the business
unit in which you are working, and also those in the Common set.
Define Workforce Structures: Manage Job
Jobs: Explained
As part of your initial implementation, you specify whether to use jobs and
positions, or only jobs. Jobs are typically used without positions by service
industries where flexibility and organizational change are key features.
Basic Details
Basic details for a job include an effective start date, a job set, a name, and a code.
A job code must be unique within a set. Therefore, you can create a job with the
code DEV01 in the US set and another job with the same code in the UK set.
However, if you create a job with the code DEV01 in the Common set, then you
cannot create a job with the same code in any other set.
Benchmark Information
You can identify a job as being a benchmark job. A benchmark job represents
other jobs in reports and salary surveys. You can also select the benchmark for
jobs. Benchmark details are for informational purposes only. A progression job is
the next job in a career ladder.
Progression Information
Progression jobs enable you to create a hierarchy of jobs and are used to provide
the list of values for the Job field in the Promote Worker and Transfer Worker
tasks. The list of values includes the next three jobs in the progression job
hierarchy. For example, assume that you create a job called Junior Developer and
select Developer as the progression job. In the Developer job, you select Senior
Developer as the progression job. When you promote a junior developer, the list
of values for the new job will include Developer and Senior Developer. You can
select one of these values, or select another one.
Jobs and Grades
You can assign grades that are valid for each job. If you are using positions, then
the grades that you specify for the job become the default grades for the position.
Common Applications Configuration: Define Enterprise Structures for Project Financial Management 5-145
Evaluation Criteria
You can define evaluation criteria for a job, including the evaluation system,
a date, and the unit of measure for the system. One predefined evaluation
system is available, and that is the Hay system. An additional value of Custom is
included in the list of values for the Evaluation System field, but you must add
your own criteria and values for this system.
Uploading Jobs Using a Spreadsheet
If you have a list of jobs already defined for your enterprise, you can upload
them from a spreadsheet. To use this option, you first download a spreadsheet
template, then add your job information to the spreadsheet, and then upload
directly to your enterprise configuration. You can upload the spreadsheet
multiple times to accommodate revisions.
Jobs: Example
Jobs are typically used without positions by service industries where flexibility
and organizational change are key features.
Software Industry
For example, XYZ Corporation has a director over the departments for
developers, quality assurance, and technical writers. Recently, three developers
have left the company. The director decides to redirect the head count to other
areas. Instead of hiring all three back into development, one person is hired to
each department, quality assurance, and technical writing.
In software industries, the organization is fluid. Using jobs gives an enterprise
the flexibility to determine where to use head count, because the job only exists
through the person performing it. In this example, when the three developers
leave XYZ Corporation, their jobs no longer exist, therefore the corporation has
the flexibility to move the headcount to other areas.
This figure illustrates the software industry job setup.
Define Workforce Structures: Manage Person Search Relevance
Profile Option Values
5-146 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Search Relevance Profile Options: Explained
The strength of the relationship between the person performing a gallery search
and each person whose assignment appears in the search results can determine
the order of the results: the stronger the relationship, the closer to the top of the
results an assignment appears. The search relevance profile options control how
the strength of the relationship between the searcher and the search result is
Weighting Profile Options
Using the following profile options, you can change the weighting applied to the
relevant factors.
Profile Option Description
HR: Organization Hierarchy Weight Specifies the weighting applied to the relationship
strength value for the organization hierarchy
proximity factor.
HR: Position Hierarchy Weight Specifies the weighting applied to the relationship
strength value for the position hierarchy proximity
HR: Manager Hierarchy Weight Specifies the weighting applied to the relationship
strength value for the manager hierarchy proximity
HR: Location Proximity Weight Specifies the weighting applied to the relationship
strength value for the location proximity factor.
HR: Selection History Weight Specifies the weighting applied to the relationship
strength value for the selection history factor.
HR: Social Network Weight Specifies the weighting applied to the relationship
strength value for the social network factor.
The default value of each weighting profile option is 0.5. To increase the
relevance of a factor relative to other factors, you increase its weighting; to
decrease its relevance, you reduce its weighting.
HR: Selection History Timeout
The number of times the searcher selects a person's assignment from the
search results during a specified period, which is 7 days by default, is recorded
automatically. You can specify this period for the enterprise on the HR: Selection
History Timeout profile option.
HR: Maximum Hierarchy Proximity
When the searcher's primary assignment is in the same organization, position,
or manager hierarchy as a person's assignment, the strength of the relationship
depends on their proximity to each other in the hierarchy. The maximum
number of hierarchy boundaries to include in the calculation is 4 by default. You
can set this value for the enterprise on the HR: Maximum Hierarchy Proximity
profile option.
Common Applications Configuration: Define Enterprise Structures for Project Financial Management 5-147
HR: Relationship Priority Factor
The searcher can specify a rating for a search result, and each rating is associated
with a multiplying factor. On this profile option, you can specify the highest
possible multiplying factor that can be applied to a search result. By default, the
multiplying factor is 2. If you increase its value, you increase the significance of
the searcher's own ratings relative to other factors.
5-148 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Common Applications Configuration: Define Project Organizations 6-1
Common Applications Configuration:
Define Project Organizations
Define Project Units and Organizations
Setting Up Organizations for Oracle Fusion Projects: Worked
This example describes the creation of three organizations for use in Oracle
Fusion Projects. One organization is the project unit, the second organization
can own projects and tasks, and the third organization can incur project
expenditures. This example also describes the selection of the organization
hierarchy type that controls the hierarchies that can be assigned to business
units, and the association of project units and organizations to business units.
The following table summarizes key decisions for this scenario.
Decisions to Consider In This Example
What organizations do I want to classify as project
Project Operations
What organization hierarchy type is set up in Oracle
Fusion Human Capital Management for Oracle
Fusion applications?
HCM Organization Hierarchy Tree Structure
What organizations will own projects or tasks? Fusion Operations
What organizations will incur project expenses? Fusion Corporation
What project units will be associated with business
Project Operations
Project Manufacturing
Project Services
To set up organizations for projects, complete the following tasks:
• Classify organizations as project units
• Classify organizations to own projects and tasks or incur costs on a project
• Select the organization hierarchy type for Oracle Fusion Projects
• Select organization classifications that are relevant to projects
• Select organization hierarchies for the business unit
• Associate project units with business units
Verify that the implementation team completed the following prerequisite steps
in Oracle Fusion Human Capital Management.
6-2 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
1. Set up organization hierarchies, organization classifications, and
2. Enable the Project Accounting business unit function for all project
business units.
Classifying Organizations as Project Units
To create a project unit organization, either enable an existing organization
as a project unit or create a new organization as a project unit in Oracle
Fusion Human Capital Management. After the project unit is enabled for an
organization, the project unit appears in searches on the Manage Project Units
1. Click Create on the Manage Project Unit Organizations page.
2. On the Manage Project Unit Organizations page, complete the fields, as
shown in this table.
Field Value
Create new Selected
Name Project Operations
3. Click Save and Close.
Classifying Organizations to Own Projects and Tasks or Incur Costs on a
In Oracle Fusion Human Capital Management, specify which organizations can
own projects and tasks, and incur project expenses. If an organization can be a
project and task owning organization, you also specify whether the organization
allows indirect, capital, and contract projects, and associate the organization with
a default project unit that is used during the project definition flow to control the
list of organizations that can own the project.
1. In the Search: Organization region of the Manage Project Organization
Classifications page, enter the name Fusion Operations and click Search.
2. In the Search Results: Organization region, select the Fusion Operations
row and click Edit.
3. In the Change All Selected region of the Edit Project Organization
Classifications page, complete the fields, as shown in this table.
Field Value
Classify as Project Task Owning
Allow indirect projects
The Allow indirect projects option
allows the organization to own projects
that are used to collect and track costs
for overhead activities.
Common Applications Configuration: Define Project Organizations 6-3
Allow projects enabled for
Allow projects enabled for billing Selected
Project Unit Project Operations
For organizations that can own capital contract projects, select the options
to allow projects enabled for capitalization and enabled for billing
4. Select Save and Close, then proceed to the next step to specify a project
expenditure organization.
5. In the Search: Organization region of the Manage Project Organization
Classifications page, enter the name Fusion Corporation and click Search.
6. In the Search Results: Organization region, select the Fusion Corporation
row and click Edit.
7. In the Change All Selected region of the Edit Project Organization
Classifications page, complete the field, as shown in this table.
Field Value
Classify as Project Expenditure
8. Select Save and Close.
Selecting the Organization Hierarchy Type for Oracle Fusion Projects
Select the organization hierarchy type for use in Oracle Fusion Projects, which
enables you to assign organization hierarchies, such as the project and task
owning organization hierarchy and project expenditure organization hierarchy,
to project business units.
1. In Oracle Fusion Projects on the Manage Organization Hierarchies and
Classifications page, go to the Organization Hierarchy Types region.
2. Select HCM Organization Hierarchy Tree Structure as the organization
hierarchy type for Oracle Fusion Projects.
The organization hierarchy type that you select for Oracle Fusion Projects
in this step must be the same organization hierarchy type that is set
up in Oracle Fusion Human Capital Management for Oracle Fusion
Selecting Organization Classifications that are Relevant to Projects
Oracle Fusion applications support many organization classifications, although
some of the organization classifications may not be relevant to a project. Only
organizations with the classifications that you select in this task are available in
choice lists in areas of the application where a specific organization classification
is not required, such as during set up of capitalized interest rate schedules.
6-4 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
1. In Oracle Fusion Projects on the Manage Organization Hierarchies and
Classifications page, go to the Organization Classifications region.
2. In the Available column, select the organizations that are relevant to
projects, as shown in this table.
Field Value
Available Asset Organization
Business Unit
Partner Organization
Project Expenditure Organization
Project Manufacturing Organization
Project Task Owning Organization
Project Unit Classification
3. Click the right arrow to move the selected items to the Selected column.
To select multiple organizations, hold down the control key as you select
the desired organizations, then click the right arrow.
Selecting Organization Hierarchies for the Business Unit
Associate project and task owning organizations to the business unit to restrict
the project owning organizations in the project creation flow. Associate project
expenditure organizations to the business unit to restrict which organizations
can incur costs on the project. Specify an entire organization hierarchy to
associate with the business unit by selecting the top node on the tree, rather
than individually associating organizations with the business unit. Specify part
of an organization hierarchy by selecting an organization at any level of the
hierarchy as the starting node on the tree. Oracle Fusion Projects associates all
organizations in the hierarchy from the starting node down with the business
The following conditions are required for an organization to be eligible to be a
project and task owning organization:
• You must assign the Project and Task Owning Organization classification
to the organization.
• The organization must belong to the hierarchy that you specify in the
project implementation options for the business unit.
The following conditions are required for an organization to be eligible to be a
project expenditure organization:
• You must assign the Project Expenditure Organization classification to the
• The organization must belong to the hierarchy that you specify in the
project implementation options for the business unit.
1. Go to the Configure Project Accounting Business Function setup page for
the Vision Corporation Enterprise business unit.
Common Applications Configuration: Define Project Organizations 6-5
2. On the Project Setup tab, Project Task Owning Organization region,
complete the fields, as shown in this table.
Field Value
Tree Name Corporate Tree Structure
Tree Version Name Corporate Tree Structure Version 1
Organization Project Operations
3. Select the Expenditures tab.
4. In the Project Expenditure Organization region, complete the fields, as
shown in this table.
Field Value
Tree Name Corporate Tree Structure
Tree Version Name Corporate Tree Structure Version 1
Organization Corporate Operations
5. Click Save and Close.
Associating Project Units with Business Units
1. Go to the Configure Project Accounting Business Function setup page for
the Vision Corporation Enterprise business unit.
2. On the Configure Project Accounting Business Function page, select the
Project Units tab.
3. In the Available Project Units column, select the project units to associate
with this business unit, as shown in this table.
Field Value
Available Project Units Project Services
Project Manufacturing
Project Operations
4. Click the right arrow to move the selected items to the Selected Project
Units column.
5. Click Save and Close.
Creating a Project Unit: Worked Example
This example demonstrates how to complete the following tasks:
• Define project unit general properties
• Define project unit related business units
• Define project unit summarization options
• Define project unit performance reporting options
• Define project unit analytic reporting options
6-6 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
The following table summarizes key decisions for this scenario.
Decisions to Consider In This Example
What is the default reference set for projects in this
project unit?
Enterprise set
By default, the set for each reference data object
comes from the default set specified in the project
unit general properties. Use the Manage Project Unit
Set Assignments flow to assign sets to project units
to determine how reference data is shared across
different lines of business in a company.
Should I relate business units to this project unit? Yes
Identify the business units that are accountable for
financial transactions for projects in this project
unit. Business units that are not associated with any
project unit are valid for all project units.
What transactions should I include in project
performance data summarization?
Cost, commitment, and budget and forecast
Requisitions, purchase orders, and budget and
forecast commitment types
What currency and calendar types should be
summarized and displayed on project performance
Project currency and project ledger currency
Project accounting calendar and accounting calendar
Should I track key performance indicators? Yes
Should I track missing time cards from employees? Yes
Missing transactions such as time cards may affect
project performance results, which may result in
misleading key performance indicators for the
For each project unit, you configure project management settings such as the
default set assignment, project numbering series, full-time equivalent hours,
related business units, and reporting options.
This example is based on the assumption that the following prerequisite setup
tasks are complete:
1. Set up organization hierarchies, organization classifications, and
2. Enable the Project Accounting business unit function for all project
business units.
3. Classify organizations as project units.
Common Applications Configuration: Define Project Organizations 6-7
Defining Project Unit General Properties
1. On the Manage Project Units page, Search Results region, select the
Project Operations project unit, and click Edit.
2. On the Manage Project Units: General Properties page, complete the
fields, as shown in this table.
Field Value
Project Numbering - Method Manual
Project Numbering -Type Alphanumeric
Full-Time Equivalent Hours -Daily 8
Full-Time Equivalent Hours -Weekly 40
Defining Project Unit Related Business Units
1. Click Next on the Manage Project Units: General Properties page.
2. On the Manage Project Units: Related Business Units page, Available
Project Units column, select the business units to associate with this
project unit, as shown in this table.
Field Value
Available Business Units Corporate Enterprise
Corporate Manufacturing
Internal Systems and Support
3. Click the right arrow to move the selected business units to the Selected
To select multiple items, press the control key while you select the desired
business units, then click the right arrow.
Defining Project Unit Summarization Options
Specify which transaction amounts are summarized for display on project
performance reports and whether to automatically summarize the data when
a transaction is created. Specify which commitment types and statuses are
summarized for display on project performance reports. Select the currency
and calendar types to summarize and display financial information on project
performance reports.
1. Click Next on the Manage Project Units: Related Business Units page.
2. On the Summarization Options tab, Data Sources region, complete the
fields, as shown in this table.
Field Include in Summarization Value
Cost Selected
Commitments Selected
Budgets and Forecasts Selected
6-8 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
3. In the Commitment Types region, complete the fields, as shown in this
Field Include in
Summarization Value
Status Value
Requisitions Selected All
Purchase Orders Selected All
Budgets and Forecasts Selected All
Other Commitments Not selected Not applicable
4. In the Currency Types region, complete the fields, as shown in this table.
Field Value
Project currency Selected
Transaction currency Not selected
Project ledger currency Selected
5. In the Calendar Types region, complete the fields, as shown in this table.
Field Value
Project accounting calendar Selected
Accounting calendar Selected
6. In the Planning Amount Allocation region, complete the field, as shown in
this table.
Field Value
Basis Period start date
Defining Project Unit Performance Reporting Options
Select the reporting options that determine the default display on project
performance reports.
1. Click the Performance Reporting Options tab on the Manage Project
Units: Reporting Setup page.
2. In the Performance Reporting Options tab, Reporting Options region,
complete the fields, as shown in this table.
Field Value
Currency Type Project currency
Calendar Type Accounting
Effort Unit of Measure Hours
Project Accounting Period Current period
Common Applications Configuration: Define Project Organizations 6-9
Accounting Period Current period
Amount Scale 1
3. In the Key Performance Indicators region, complete the fields, as shown in
this table.
Field Value
Track key performance indicators Selected
Generate key performance indicators Not selected
Summarize project data Selected
Defining Project Unit Analytic Reporting Options
1. Click the Analytic Reporting Options tab on the Manage Project Units:
Reporting Setup page.
2. In the Analytic Reporting Options tab, Missing Time region, complete the
fields, as shown in this table.
Field Value
Track missing time Selected
Number of Prior Weeks 3
Include current week Selected
Comparison Period in Days 35
3. In the Missing Time Sources region, complete the field, as shown in this
Field Source Value Document Value
Missing Time Sources Time Entry System Time Card
4. In the Current Exception Reporting region, enter a value of 35 for the
Comparison Period in Days field.
5. Click Save and Close.
Project Unit Components: How They Work Together
Project units are operational subsets of an enterprise that conduct business
operations using projects and need to enforce consistent project planning,
management, analysis, and reporting. Project units often represent lines of
business, such as Consulting Services, Sales, and Research and Development.
You must set up at least one project unit to use in Oracle Fusion Projects.
You can maintain independent setup data for each project unit while sharing a
single approach to financial management across all project units. The following
diagram shows two project units that share a common approach to financial
management and data. Each project unit maintains separate reference data for
managing projects.
6-10 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
General Properties
General property options include the default reference data set to be used for any
new reference data object associated with the project unit. You can override the
default set for each reference data object. The method of project number creation,
either manual or automatic, and daily or weekly full time equivalent hours for
reporting purposes, are also included in general properties.
Set Assignments
You assign sets to project units to determine how reference data is shared across
different lines of business in a company. A project unit is a set determinant for
the following objects.
• Project definition, which includes set-enabled reference data for the
project definition such as class code, financial plan type, project role, and
project status.
• Project transaction types, which includes set-enabled reference data for
project transactions such as project expenditure type and project work
Set assignment configuration includes the following options for each project
• Reference set value. By default, the set for each reference data object is
from the default set specified for the project unit.
• Reference data objects for the project definition and project transaction
Related Business Units
You associate business units with a project unit to identify the business units that
are accountable for financial transactions of projects in each project unit. You can
change the project unit and business unit association if the combination has not
been used on a project or project template. If a business unit is not associated
with any project unit, then the business unit is valid for all project units.
Reporting Setup
Project performance reporting configuration includes the following options for
each project unit.
• Summarization data sources, commitments to include in summarization,
currency types, calendar types, and the planning amount allocation basis
for summarization.
• Default reporting options that determine how data appears in the Project
Performance Reporting dashboard and reports. You can override these
• Key performance indicators tracking option.
• Analytic reporting options to track missing time transactions.
• Time sources that are available for the project unit.
Common Applications Configuration: Define Project Organizations 6-11
• Number of days prior to current date to include in current reporting data.
Associating Sets with Financial Plan Types: Example
You associate sets with financial or project plan types so that project managers
can use them to create financial plans (budget or forecast versions) or project
plans for projects or project templates. Financial or project plan types are
available for selection only when projects or project templates are created for
project units linked to selected sets.
The following example illustrates the relationship between financial plan types,
sets, and project units. Project plan types share an identical relationship with sets
and project units.
An organization has two designated project units for project creation: Project
Unit 1 and Project Unit 2. Project Unit 1 is associated with Set 1 and Project Unit
2 is associated with Set 2.
During implementation, two financial plan types were created: Financial Plan
Type A and Financial Plan Type B. Financial Plan Type A is associated with Set 1.
However, Financial Plan Type B is associated with both Set 1 and Set 2.
In such a case, project managers working on projects for Project Unit 1 can use
only Financial Plan Type A to create financial plan versions. Project managers
working on projects for Project Unit 2 can use both Financial Plan Type A and
Financial Plan Type B.
The following diagram further illustrates the relationship between financial plan
types, sets, and projects. Project plan types share the same relationship with sets.
6-12 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Using Multiple Project and Business Units: Examples
A project unit defines a set of rules and options for creating and managing the
nonfinancial aspects of projects, such as project definition, scheduling, and
reporting. You can define one or more project units based on how granular you
want to separate processing options, reference data, security, and other controls.
The list of project units can be different and independent from the list of business
units that perform your enterprise financials functions, such as payables and
Following are two examples of associating project units and business units.
Single Project Unit with Multiple Business Units
A consulting company has offices in the US, Canada, and Mexico. Each location
uses local purchasing and payables practices. The company uses projects to track
time and expenses for billing through contracts.
Multiple Project Units with Multiple Business Units
A products and services company has main offices in the US and a warehouse
and sales office in Canada. Due to operations in two different countries, the
company partitions financial data by using two business units. The research
processes are the same in both countries, so a single project unit facilitates
common project management practices. The company has an information
technology (IT) services project unit that is associated with US business unit,
and a sales and consulting project unit that is associated with both the US and
Canadian business units. The consulting line of business uses projects to manage
consulting engagements and provide billing details to contracts. The internal
real estate line of business uses projects to manage the US and Canada facilities,
including new construction and repairs.
Common Applications Configuration: Define Project Organizations 6-13
Performance Data Summarization: How It Is Calculated
Summarization is a systematic organization of information for purposes of
project analysis and tracking. You use summarized data to analyze the health of
projects and drill down to the causes of any deviation from set thresholds. You
can complete the following tasks using summarized data:
• Analyzing project performance data
• Reviewing project performance
• Analyzing KPI categories and KPIs
• Tracking project progress
• Viewing revenue and invoice summaries
After you run summarization, the KPI related information is rendered out of
date with respect to the latest summarized information. Therefore, it is important
that you generate KPI values once the summarization process is completed. You
can avoid generating KPI values manually, by enabling automatic generation of
KPI values in the summarization options.
Settings That Affect Performance Data Summarization
You summarize data for a project unit or a business unit. You can also
summarize performance data for a range of projects or projects owned by a
project manager. Besides this, you must specify the following parameters each
time you want to run the summarization process manually:
• Select the appropriate summarization method:
• Incremental, for general purpose summarization.
• Bulk, for summarizing large amounts of data all at once.
• Delete and resummarize, for correcting summary data when the source
system data is changed outside the regular transaction flow.
• Resource breakdown structure, for migrating all summary data from
one resource breakdown structure version to the next. If you select this
option you must also specify the resource breakdown structure header.
• Specify whether to summarize budget and forecast, commitment, actual
cost, revenue and invoice, and client extension transactions.
How Performance Data Summarization Is Calculated
Performance data summarization collects data from various sources and assigns
amounts to relevant tasks and resources in the project. After data is summarized,
you can view how much is being spent on, incurred by, or received by a task or
resource. Also, data is grouped according to periods so that it can be tracked
across different time lines.
6-14 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
You can run the summarization process for different situations, such as:
• Your data is out of date and you want to update it.
• Your data is corrupt and you want to delete the existing data and
• You have a large volume of data that is not yet summarized and want to
summarize the entire bulk of data in one run.
After you select the parameters for summarization and submit a request, the
application performs the following steps to generate the data that you view in
the application:
• Scope summarization by determining the list of projects, contracts, and
batches of transaction data for which to run summarization.
• Extract data to be summarized from data sources, group it by periods, and
ensure the data is prepared for resource mapping.
• Populate summary data into designated tables before resource breakdown
structure mapping.
• Populate business unit, project unit, and other lookup information.
• Populate performance reporting dimension data including time, task
breakdown structure, and resource breakdown structure.
• Look up resource breakdown structure mappings, scenario dimension
members, period IDs, and prepare data for Essbase load.
• Load data into Essbase and merge data into summary tables.
You can track the progress of summarization on the process monitor. If the
process fails to complete, it continues from the point of failure when you
resubmit it.
Set Assignments and Project Data: How They Work Together
Reference data set assignments determine how you share enterprise information,
including project data, across organizational units. In other words, you can
decide which data is global, which data can be shared by certain organizations,
and which data must remain organization-specific. Reference data sharing
enables enterprises to balance autonomy and control for organizations.
Oracle Fusion Projects employs two set determinants: business unit and project
Business Unit as Set Determinant
Business units enable you to control and report on financial transactions, usually
for specific geographical entities within the enterprise. For project management
purposes, assign the Project Accounting business function to the business unit.
Business unit is a set determinant for the following project-related reference data
Common Applications Configuration: Define Project Organizations 6-15
Reference Data Object Entities
Project Accounting Definition Project types
Project Rates Project rate schedules
You assign a default set to each business unit. You can optionally override the
default set for the Project Accounting Definition and Project Rates reference
data objects. To enable a project type or rate schedule for use within the business
unit, you must assign the same reference data set to that entity.
If you assign a common set to a rate schedule, then that rate schedule is available
for use across business units.
Project Unit as Set Determinant
Use project units to enforce consistent project management practices across
your enterprise. Project unit is a set determinant for the following reference data
Reference Data Object Entities
Project Definition Class codes, financial plan types and project plan
types, project roles, and project statuses
Project Transaction Types Expenditure types and work types
When specifying project unit implementation options, you select a default set.
You can optionally override the default set for the Project Definition and Project
Transaction Types reference data objects. To enable an entity like a financial plan
type for use on projects owned by a project unit, assign the set associated with
the Project Definition reference data object to the financial plan type.
Similarly, to enable expenditure types and work types for use on projects owned
by a project unit, assign the set associated with the Project Transaction Types
reference data object to those entities.
Partitioning Project Data Using Set Determinants: Examples
Use business units and project units to independently manage access to financial
and project management data based on the unique requirements of your
This topic illustrates the following scenarios.
1. Maintaining separate project management methodologies and data across
units within an enterprise while centralizing financial management of
2. Enforcing a single project management methodology across units within
an enterprise while partitioning financial data
6-16 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
These examples are only illustrative. Any combination of business units and
project units can exist.
Using Multiple Project Units with One Business Unit
Assume that Vision Corporation is a services company with facilities across the
United States. Its business is based on research and development activities and
consulting practice. Projects are used by each line of business as follows:
• Consulting uses projects to manage consulting engagements and provide
billing details to contracts.
• Research and Development uses projects to manage design project
• Real Estate uses projects to manage facilities, including new construction
and repairs.
Vision Corporation implemented project units and business units as follows:
• Project Units
• Consulting
• Real Estate
• Research and Development
• Business Unit: Vision Corporation
Set assignments for reference data objects, where project unit is the set
determinant, are as follows:
Project Unit Default Set
Consulting Consulting Set
Real Estate Real Estate Set
Research and Development Research and Development Set
The default set is used as the reference data set for both the Project Definition
and Project Transaction Types reference data objects.
Vision Corporation can maintain independent setup data for each project unit,
while sharing a single approach to financial management across all project units.
For example, Vision Corporation uses different expenditure types across project
units, as described in the table below.
Expenditure Type Sets
Labor Consulting Set
Real Estate Set
Research and Development Set
Common Applications Configuration: Define Project Organizations 6-17
Airfare Consulting Set
Hotel Consulting Set
Equipment Real Estate Set
The Labor expenditure type can be used for projects belonging to any project
unit. However, expenditure types for airfare and hotel accommodation are used
only on consulting projects.
Using Multiple Business Units with One Project Unit
Assume that InFusion Corporation is a services and product development
company with research and development facilities across the globe, including
in the United States and Canada. Due to its international operations, financial
data must be partitioned using separate business units. However, basic research
and development activities, based on projects, are the same across the enterprise.
Therefore, a single project unit is created.
The enterprise structure and set assignments are described below.
• Project Unit: Research and Development
• Business Units
• InFusion United States
• InFusion Canada
Default set assignments for the business units are as follows:
Business Unit Default Set
InFusion United States US Set
InFusion Canada Canada Set
InFusion Corporation maintains independent financial data for each business
unit, while employing a unified approach to project management that includes
common financial and project plan types, project roles, and project statuses. As
the enterprise must use different resource rates in each country, rate schedule
setup is as follows.
Rate Schedule Name Project Rates Set
Enterprise Project Rates: United States US Set
Enterprise Project Rates: Canada Canada Set
Common Enterprise Project Rates Common Set
These set assignments govern how planned and actual amounts are calculated
for projects.
For example, when InFusion Corporation defines organization costing rules
for the InFusion United States business unit, they can select only the Enterprise
Project Rates: United States or the Common Enterprise Project Rates rate
schedules. Later, the application uses the selected rate schedule to calculate
6-18 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
actual costs when project accountants import uncosted time cards for the
InFusion United States business unit.
FAQs for Define Project Units and Organizations
How can I associate a business unit with a project unit?
You can associate a business unit with a project unit during the Related Business
Units step of the Manage Project Units setup task if the business unit is already
configured using the Configure Project Accounting Business Function setup task.
If the business unit is not configured, then you can associate a project unit with
the business unit on the Project Units tab of the Configure Project Accounting
Business Function page.
What happens if I change the organization hierarchy type that is available for
project applications?
Changing the organization hierarchy type impacts existing transactions that
use the hierarchy. Hierarchies that are specified for the business unit are
invalidated, which invalidates the values selected for the project and task
owning organization and project expenditure organization for the business unit.
The action also affects cross-charge transactions and capitalization transactions
because the available hierarchies in these areas are based on the hierarchies
specified for the business unit.
The organization hierarchy type used in Oracle Fusion Projects must be the
same organization hierarchy type that is set up in Oracle Fusion Global Human
Resources for Oracle Fusion applications.
What happens if I remove organization classifications from the list of selected
classifications that are available for project applications?
The organization classifications no longer appear in the list of organization
values that are available for selection in the application.
Selected organization classifications on the Manage Organization Hierarchies
and Classifications page are available for selection in areas of the application
where a specific organization classification is not required, such as setting
up capitalized interest rate schedules, burden schedules, and transfer price
What happens to project and task owning organizations and project
expenditure organizations if human resource organizations are reorganized?
The business unit implementation options for project and task owning
organizations and project expenditure organizations may become invalid. A
Common Applications Configuration: Define Project Organizations 6-19
project and task owning organization must belong to the organization hierarchy
that is assigned to the business unit, be classified as a project and task owning
organization, and be active on the system date. Similar criteria apply to project
expenditure organizations.
If any of these conditions change as a result of the reorganization, then you
may need to modify the organization hierarchy used for Oracle Fusion Projects,
project organization classifications, and project business unit options. Depending
on the new structure, you may also need to run the Change Project and Task
Organizations process and Denormalize Organization Hierarchies process.
What's a project expenditure organization?
A project expenditure organization is one that can incur expenditures and
hold financial plans for projects. For an organization to be eligible to be a
project expenditure organization you must assign the organization the Project
Expenditure Organization classification, and the organization must be assigned
to the hierarchy that you specify in the project implementation options for the
business unit.
What's a project and task owning organization?
Every project is owned by an organization that is used for reporting, security,
and accounting. An organization can own specific types of projects, such as
indirect projects, capital projects, billable projects, and capital contract projects.
On a contract project, the project owning organization can also be used in the
accounting rules to determine which general ledger cost center will receive credit
for the revenue. Assign project and task owning organizations to project units to
specify which organizations are available to own the project.
What's the difference between organizations and organization hierarchies?
Organizations are departments, sections, divisions, companies, or other
organizational units in your enterprise. You can gather collections of
organizations into organization hierarchies.
Organization hierarchies help you manage expenditure and reporting data, and
coordinate the project-owning organizations in your enterprise.
During implementation, you select the organization hierarchy type for use in
Oracle Fusion Projects, either the department hierarchy tree structure or the
generic organization hierarchy tree structure. Then you assign hierarchies to the
project implementation options for each business unit used in Oracle Fusion
The organization hierarchy type used in Oracle Fusion Projects must be the
same organization hierarchy type that is set up in Oracle Fusion Global Human
Resources for Oracle Fusion applications.
6-20 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
What's the difference between manual and automatic methods of numbering
The manual method of project numbering requires you to enter a unique
alphanumeric project number each time you create a project.
The automatic method of project numbering requires that you set up the first
project number during project unit configuration, and then the application
automatically assigns an incremental project number at project creation.
What's the difference between the project unit organization code and name?
Typically the project unit name is logical, descriptive, and easily recognizable.
The code is a unique short name that is used internally.
Both the project unit organization code and name are used to identify the project
Can I specify the budgets and forecasts to include in summarization?
Certain financial plan types are included in summarization by default, while you
must manually select others. Approved forecast and baseline budget versions of
the following financial plan types are automatically included in summarization
of project performance data:
• Approved Revenue Budget
• Approved Cost Budget
• Primary Revenue Forecast
• Primary Cost Forecast
Apart from the default financial plan types, you can include up to four others in
summarization of project performance data.
What happens when I select a planning amount allocation basis for the project
The Period Start Date option allocates amounts based on the period start
date. The Period End Date option allocates amounts based on the period end
date. The Daily Proration option spreads plan amounts evenly across the plan
Define Project Business Units
Common Applications Configuration: Define Project Organizations 6-21
Business Units: Explained
A business unit is a unit of an enterprise that performs one or many business
functions that can be rolled up in a management hierarchy. A business unit can
process transactions on behalf of many legal entities. Normally, it will have a
manager, strategic objectives, a level of autonomy, and responsibility for its profit
and loss. Roll business units up into divisions if you structure your chart of
accounts with this type of hierarchy. In Oracle Fusion Applications, you assign
your business units to one primary ledger. For example, if a business unit is
processing payables invoices they will need to post to a particular ledger. This
assignment is mandatory for your business units with business functions that
produce financial transactions.
In Oracle Fusion Applications, use business unit as a securing mechanism for
transactions. For example, if you run your export business separately from your
domestic sales business, secure the export business data to prevent access by the
domestic sales employees. To accomplish this security, set up the export business
and domestic sales business as two separate business units.
The Oracle Fusion Applications business unit model:
• Allows for flexible implementation
• Provides a consistent entity for controlling and reporting on transactions
• Anchors the sharing of sets of reference data across applications
Business units process transactions using reference data sets that reflect your
business rules and policies and can differ from country to country. With Oracle
Fusion Application functionality, you can choose to share reference data, such as
payment terms and transaction types, across business units, or you can choose to
have each business unit manage its own set depending on the level at which you
wish to enforce common policies.
In countries where gapless and chronological sequencing of documents is
required for subledger transactions, define your business units in alignment with
your ledger definition, because the uniqueness of sequencing is only ensured
within a ledger. In these cases, define a single ledger and assign one legal entity
and business unit.
In summary, use business units in the following ways:
• Management reporting
• Processing of transactions
• Security of transactional data
• Reference data definition and sharing
Brief Overview of Business Unit Security
Business units are used by a number of Oracle Fusion Applications to implement
data security. You assign data roles to your users to give them access to data in
business units and permit them to perform specific functions on this data. When
a business function is enabled for a business unit, the application can trigger
the creation of data roles for this business unit based on the business function's
related job roles.
6-22 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
For example, if a payables invoicing business function is enabled, then it is
clear that there are employees in this business unit that perform the function
of payables invoicing, and need access to the payables invoicing functionality.
Therefore, based on the correspondence between the business function and the
job roles, appropriate data roles are generated automatically. Use Human Capital
Management (HCM) security profiles to administer security for employees in
business units.
Business Units: How They Work with Projects
Business units are subsets of an enterprise that perform one or more business
functions and can be consolidated in both a managerial and legal hierarchy.
Project accounting is an example of a business function that is set up by business
unit. Other examples are billing and revenue management, customer contract
management, and payables invoicing.
Business units are defined centrally. During implementation, you must enable
the Project Accounting business unit for use with Oracle Fusion Projects.
You can partition financial data using business units while sharing a single
approach to project management across all business units. The following
diagram shows two business units, one from the United Kingdom (UK) and one
from the United States (US). These business units have the same research and
development processes, so a single project unit is used by both business units to
facilitate common project management practices.
Project Setup
Following are project setup options for each business unit that you enable for use
with Oracle Fusion Projects.
• Project and task owning organization name, tree name, and tree version
To own projects or tasks, an organization must be classified as project and task
owning organization, belong to the hierarchy associated with the business unit,
and be active on the system date. The project type class must be permitted to use
the organization to create projects.
Common Applications Configuration: Define Project Organizations 6-23
• Project and task owning organizations are associated with the business
unit to restrict these organizations in project creation flow. The project
initiator specifies the business unit for the project, then can select from
only those project and task owning organizations that are associated with
the selected business unit.
A project can be associated with only one business unit.
Project Expenditure
Following are business unit project expenditure implementation options.
• Day of the week when the expenditure cycle begins.
• Project expenditure organizations to associate with the business unit to
restrict which organizations can incur costs on the project.
Project Costing
Following are business unit project costing implementation options.
• Project accounting calendar, either the default project accounting calendar
from primary ledger calendar, or a different calendar to assign to the
business unit. You can change this calendar until you copy the project
accounting periods.
• Default asset book for assets in the business unit. The asset initiator can
select a different asset book for the asset.
• Option to use either common accounting and project accounting periods,
or unique project accounting periods.
• Overtime calculations option.
• Asset retirement processing option to capture and record the cost of
removal and the proceeds of sale amounts for retiring an asset.
• Separation of duties option for entering and releasing expenditure batches
to ensure accuracy and accountability of project costs.
• Conversion rate type to use when converting the amount on cost
transactions in this business unit from the transaction currency to the
ledger currency.
Project Units
Project units are associated with business units to restrict the business units
that can handle project transactions. When a project unit is not associated
with a business unit, any business unit in your enterprise can process project
Cross-Charge Transactions
Following are business unit cross-charge transaction implementation options.
• Transfer price currency conversion rate date type and rate type for the
business unit.
6-24 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
• Borrowed and lent cross-charge transaction option for distributions to be
created for cross-charge transactions between different organizations in
the same business unit and legal entity.
• Borrowed and lent cross-charge transaction option for distributions to be
created for cross-charge transactions between different business units in
the same legal entity.
• Borrowed and lent cross-charge transaction option for distributions to be
created for cross-charge transactions for a specific receiver business unit.
Customer Contract Management
You can configure customer contract management business function properties,
such as currency conversion, cross-charge transaction, and billing options, for
each contract business unit.
Reference Data Sharing
Assign sets to business units to determine how reference data is shared across
applications. A business unit is a set determinant for the following objects:
• Project accounting definition, including set-enabled reference data such as
project type.
• Project and contract billing, including set-enabled reference data such as
invoice format.
• Project rates, including set-enabled reference data such as rate schedules.
Maintaining Accounting Periods and Project Accounting Periods:
Critical Choices
During business unit implementation you determine whether to maintain
common accounting and project accounting periods, or define project accounting
periods that have a different frequency than the accounting periods.
Accounting periods are used by Oracle Fusion Projects to assign accounting
periods and dates to transactions. Accounting periods are maintained by ledger
and use the same calendar as the general ledger periods. Project accounting
periods are used by Oracle Fusion Projects for project planning, costing, billing,
budgeting, forecasting, and performance reporting. Project accounting periods
are maintained by business unit and typically do not use the same calendar as
the accounting and general ledger periods.
Maintaining Common Accounting and Project Accounting Periods
If you want to report project information with the same frequency as the
accounting periods, you can use the accounting period as both the accounting
and project accounting period.
When you maintain common accounting and project accounting periods, period
maintenance is simplified, calendar periods are not copied to Oracle Fusion
Common Applications Configuration: Define Project Organizations 6-25
Projects, and period information is maintained in one physical location. Use
Oracle Fusion General Ledger to maintain accounting period statuses and run
the processes to open and close accounting periods.
Defining Project Accounting Periods that are Different from Accounting Periods
If you want to account for project transactions and report project information
more frequently than the accounting periods allow, you can define project
accounting periods that are shorter than the accounting periods. For example,
you can define weekly project accounting periods and monthly accounting
periods, as shown in the following diagram.
Use Oracle Fusion General Ledger to maintain accounting period statuses and
run the processes to open and close accounting periods, and Oracle Fusion
Projects to maintain project accounting period statuses and run the processes to
open and close project accounting periods.
FAQs for Define Project Business Units
How can I set up common accounting and project accounting periods?
Complete these tasks to set up common accounting periods and project
accounting periods.
• Set up the accounting calendar and manage the accounting period
statuses in Oracle Fusion General Ledger.
• During project business unit implementation, set the project accounting
calendar to the accounting calendar and select the option to maintain
common accounting and project accounting periods.
How can I set up project accounting periods that are different from accounting
Complete these tasks to set up project accounting periods that are different from
accounting periods.
6-26 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
• Set up the accounting calendar and manage the accounting period
statuses in Oracle Fusion General Ledger.
• During project business unit implementation, specify the project
accounting calendar for each business unit.
• Verify that the option to maintain common accounting and project
accounting periods is not selected.
• Copy the accounting calendar into the project accounting period table,
which copies the period start and end dates.
• Manage the period statuses for project accounting periods.
What's the difference between a project accounting period, an accounting
period, and a general ledger period?
Project accounting periods are used to track budgets and forecasts, summarize
project amounts for reporting, and track project status. Project accounting
periods are maintained by business unit. You can set up project accounting
periods to track project periods on a more frequent basis than accounting
periods. For example, you can define weekly project accounting periods and
monthly accounting periods. If you use the same calendar as your accounting
periods, the project accounting periods and accounting periods will be the same,
although the statuses are maintained independently.
Accounting periods, which are used to derive accounting dates, are maintained
by ledger and use the same calendar as the general ledger periods. Period
statuses for the accounting period and general ledger period are maintained
You can select an option on the business unit definition to maintain common
accounting and project accounting periods. This option allows the accounting
period to be used as the project accounting period so you need to maintain only
one period status.
What happens if I close an accounting or project accounting period
You cannot enter any transactions in the period you have closed and you can
adjust transactions in subsequent periods.
How can I associate a business unit with a project unit?
You can associate a business unit with a project unit during the Related Business
Units step of the Manage Project Units setup task if the business unit is already
configured using the Configure Project Accounting Business Function setup task.
Common Applications Configuration: Define Project Organizations 6-27
If the business unit is not configured, then you can associate a project unit with
the business unit on the Project Units tab of the Configure Project Accounting
Business Function page.
6-28 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Common Applications Configuration: Define Security for Project Financial Management 7-1
Common Applications Configuration:
Define Security for Project Financial
Security Tasks: Highlights
Security tasks include the following.
• Security setup
• Security implementation and administration
Security setup and administration tasks typically use integrated user interface
pages that are provided by the following products.
• Oracle Identity Manager (OIM)
• Oracle Authorization Policy Manager (APM)
• Oracle Fusion Human Capital Management (HCM) products
• Oracle Application Access Control Governor (AACG) in Oracle Enterprise
Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC)
Security setup and administrative tasks performed by product administrators
and implementation consultants, such as managing HCM security profiles, are
presented in the documentation for those products.
Set Up the IT Security Manager Job Role
Provision the IT Security Manager job role with roles for user and role
• Using the OIM Administrator user name and password, sign in to
Oracle Identity Manager (OIM). Refer to the Oracle Fusion Middleware
Enterprise Deployment Guide for Oracle Identity Management (Oracle
Fusion Applications Edition).
See: Creating Users and Groups
• Open the IT Security Manager job role's attributes and use the
Hierarchy tab to add the User Identity Administrators role and the Role
Administrators role in the OIM Roles category using the Add action.
Use the Delegated Administration menu to search for the Xellerate Users
7-2 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
organization and assign it to the IT Security Manager role. Refer to the
Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle Identity Manager.
See: User Management Tasks
Prerequisite Tasks for Security Administration
Sign into Oracle Fusion Applications for the first time with the Installation Super
User account to synchronize LDAP users with HCM user management and
create an IT security manager user account and provision it with the IT Security
Manager role. For environments that are not in Oracle Cloud, use the super user
account that was created during installation to sign in for the first time.
• Installation establishes the super user account. Refer to the Oracle Fusion
Applications Installation Guide.
See: Identity Management Configuration
• Oracle provides an initial user for accessing your services in Oracle
Cloud. For more information, refer to "Oracle Cloud Application Services
Security: Explained" in Oracle Cloud documentation.
• Synchronize LDAP users with HCM user management by performing the
Run User and Roles Synchronization Process task. Monitor completion of
the predefined Enterprise Scheduler process called Retrieve Latest LDAP
• Refer to information about creating person records in Oracle Fusion
Applications Workforce Development Implementation Guide, or refer to
the Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle Identity Manager.
See: Managing Users
• As a security guideline, provision a dedicated security professional
with the IT Security Manager role as soon as possible after initial
security setup and revoke that role from users provisioned with the
Application Implementation Consultant role. If entitled to do so, see
Security Tasks and Oracle Fusion Applications: How They Fit Together
for details about provisioning the IT security manager.
Required Security Administration Tasks
Establish at least one implementation user and provision that user with sufficient
access to set up the enterprise for all integrated Oracle Fusion Middleware and
all application pillars or partitions.
• Perform the initial security tasks. If entitled to do so, see Initial Security
Administration: Critical Choices.
• Sign in to Oracle Fusion Applications using the IT security manager's
or administrator's user name and password, and create and provision
users who manage your implementation projects and set up enterprise
structures by performing the Create Implementation Users task. Refer
to the Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle Identity
See: User Management Tasks
• Create a data role for implementation users who will set up HCM that
grants access to data in secured objects required for performing HCM
Common Applications Configuration: Define Security for Project Financial Management 7-3
setup steps. Provision the implementation user with this View All data
role. See "Creating an HCM Data Role: Worked Example."
• For an overview of security tasks from the perspective of an applications
administrator, refer to the Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's
See: Securing Oracle Fusion Applications
Optional Security Administration Tasks
Once initial security administration is complete and your enterprise is set up
with structures such as business units, additional security administration tasks
are optional and based on modifying and expanding the predefined security
reference implementation to fit your enterprise. See points to consider for
defining security, data security and trading partner security after enterprise
• Create users. Refer to the Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for
Oracle Identity Manager.
See: Creating Users
• Provision users with roles. Refer to the Oracle Fusion Middleware User's
Guide for Oracle Identity Manager.
See: Adding and Removing Roles
• You manage users and job roles, including data and abstract roles, in
Oracle Identity Management user interface pages. Refer to the Oracle
Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle Identity Manager.
See: User Interfaces
• You manage duties, security policies, and data role templates in the
Authorization Policy Manager. Refer to the Oracle Fusion Middleware
Authorization Policy Manager Administrator's Guide (Oracle Fusion
Applications Edition).
See: Managing Oracle Fusion Applications Data Security Policies
• You manage role provisioning rules in Human Capital Management
(HCM). Refer to the Role Mappings: Explained topic in the Oracle
Fusion Applications Workforce Development Implementation Guide.
See: Common Applications Configuration: Define Security for Human
Capital Management
• For a complete description of the Oracle Fusion Applications security
reference implementation, see the Oracle Fusion Applications Security
Reference Manuals for each offering.
See: Oracle Fusion Applications Common Security Reference Manual
• For a detailed functional explanation of the Oracle Fusion Applications
security approach, refer to the following guides.
See: Oracle Fusion Applications Security Guide
See: Oracle Fusion Applications Security Hardening Guide
7-4 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
• Since security in Oracle Fusion Applications is based on integrations
with Oracle Identity Management in Fusion Middleware, security
features in the database, and Oracle Enterprise Governance, Risk and
Compliance (GRC), additional resources in support of performing
security tasks include the following.
• Authorization Policy Manager (APM) is available in Oracle Fusion
Applications through integration with Oracle Identity Management
(OIM). Authorization policy management involves managing
duty roles, data role templates, and data security policies. Refer
to the Oracle Fusion Middleware Authorization Policy Manager
Administrator's Guide (Oracle Fusion Applications Edition).
See: Getting Started With Oracle Authorization Policy Manager
• Oracle Identity Management (OIM) is available in Oracle Fusion
Applications through integration with Oracle Fusion Middleware.
Identity management in Oracle Fusion Application involves creating
and managing user identities, creating and linking user accounts,
managing user access control through user role assignment,
managing enterprise roles, and managing workflow approvals and
delegated administration.
See: Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle Identity
• Oracle Fusion Applications is certified to integrate with Applications
Access Controls Governor (AACG) in the Oracle Enterprise
Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC) suite to ensure effective
segregation of duties (SOD).
See: Oracle Application Access Controls Governor Users Guide
See: Oracle Application Access Controls Governor Implementation
• Configure and manage auditing. Refer to the Oracle Fusion Middleware
Application Security Guide.
See: Configuring and Managing Auditing
Defining Security After Enterprise Setup: Points to Consider
After the implementation user has set up the enterprise, further security
administration depends on the requirements of your enterprise.
The Define Security activity within the Information Technology (IT)
Management business process includes the following tasks.
• Import Worker Users
• Import Partner Users
• Manage Job Roles
• Manage Duties
• Manage Application Access Controls
Common Applications Configuration: Define Security for Project Financial Management 7-5
If no legacy users, user accounts, roles, and role memberships are available in the
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) store, and no legacy workers are
available in Human Resources (HR), the implementation user sets up new users
and user accounts and provisions them with roles available in the Oracle Fusion
Applications reference implementation.
If no legacy identities (workers, suppliers, customers) exist to represent people
in your enterprise, implementation users can create new identities in Human
Capital Management (HCM), Supplier Portal, and Customer Relationship
Management (CRM) Self Service, respectively, and associate them with users.
Before Importing Users
Oracle Identity Management (OIM) handles importing users.
If legacy employees, contingent workers, and their assignments exist, the HCM
Application Administrator imports these definitions by performing the Initiate
HCM Spreadsheet Load task. If user and role provisioning rules have been
defined, the Initiate HCM Spreadsheet Load process automatically creates user
and role provisioning requests as the workers are created.
Once the enterprise is set up, performing the Initiate HCM Spreadsheet Load
task populates the enterprise with HR workers in records linked by global user
ID (GUID) to corresponding user accounts in the LDAP store. If no user accounts
exist in the LDAP store, the Initiate HCM Spreadsheet Load task results in new
user accounts being created. Worker email addresses as an alternate input for
the Initiate HCM Spreadsheet Load task triggers a search of the LDAP for user
GUIDs, which may perform more slowly than entering user names.
In the security reference implementation, the HCM Application Administrator
job role hierarchy includes the HCM Batch Data Loading Duty role, which
is entitled to import worker identities. This entitlement provides the access
necessary to perform the Initiate HCM Spreadsheet Load task in HCM.
The Import Person and Organization task in the Define Trading Community
Import activity imports the following resources, creates users, and links the
resources to users for use in CRM.
• Internal employees
• Contingent workers
• External partner contacts
• Partner companies
• Legal entities
• Customers
• Consumers
If role provisioning rules have been defined, the Import Person and Organization
task automatically provisions role requests as the users are created.
Import Users
If legacy users (identities) and user accounts exist outside the LDAP store that
is being used by the Oracle Fusion Applications installation, the IT security
manager has the option to import these definitions to the LDAP store by
performing the Import Worker Users and Import Partner Users tasks.
7-6 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
If no legacy users or user accounts can be imported or exist in an LDAP
repository accessible to Oracle Identity Management (OIM), the IT security
manager creates users manually in OIM or uses the Initiate HCM Spreadsheet
Load task to create users from imported HR workers.
Once users exist, their access to Oracle Fusion Applications is dependent on
the roles provisioned to them in OIM or Human Capital Management. Use the
Manage HCM Role Provisioning Rules task to define rules that determine what
roles are provisioned to users.
Importing user identities from other applications, including other Oracle
Applications product lines, is either a data migration or manual task. Migrating
data from other Oracle Applications includes user data. For more information
about importing users, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for
Oracle Identity Manager.
In the security reference implementation, the IT Security Manager job role
hierarchy includes the HCM Batch Data Loading Duty and the Partner Account
Administration Duty. These duty roles provide entitlement to import or create
users. The entitlement Load Batch Data provides the access necessary to
perform the Import Worker Users task in OIM. The entitlement Import Partner
entitlement provides the access necessary to perform the Import Partner Users
task in OIM.
Manage Job Roles
Job and abstract roles are managed in OIM. This task includes creating and
modifying job and abstract roles, but not managing role hierarchies of duties for
the jobs.
Manage Job Roles does not include provisioning job roles to users. Provisioning
users is done in OIM, HCM, CRM or Oracle Fusion Supplier Portal.
Roles control access to application functions and data. Various types of roles
identify the functions performed by users.
The Oracle Fusion Applications security reference implementation provides
predefined job and abstract roles. In some cases, the jobs defined in your
enterprise may differ from the predefined job roles in the security reference
implementation. The predefined roles and role hierarchies in Oracle Fusion
may require changes or your enterprise may require you to create new roles.
For example, you need a job role for a petty cash administrator, in addition to
an accounts payable manager. The security reference implementation includes
a predefined Accounts Payable Manager, and you can create a petty cash
administrator role to extend the reference implementation.
In the security reference implementation, the IT Security Manager job role
hierarchy includes the Enterprise Role Management Duty role, which is entitled
to manage job and abstract roles (the entitlement is Manage Enterprise Role).
This entitlement provides the access necessary to perform the Manage Job Roles
task in OIM.
Manage Duties
A person with a job role must be able to perform certain duties. In the Oracle
Fusion Applications security reference implementation, enterprise roles inherit
Common Applications Configuration: Define Security for Project Financial Management 7-7
duties through a role hierarchy. Each duty corresponds to a duty role. Duty roles
specify the duties performed within applications and define the function and
data access granted to the enterprise roles that inherit the duty roles.
Managing duties includes assigning duties to job and abstract roles in a role
hierarchy using Authorization Policy Manager (APM). If your enterprise needs
users to perform some actions in applications coexistent with Oracle Fusion
applications, you may wish to remove the duty roles that enable those actions.
For details about which duty roles are specific to the products in an offering, see
the Oracle Fusion Applications Security Reference Manual for each offering.
OIM stores the role hierarchy and the spanning of roles across multiple pillars or
logical partitions of applications.
In cases where your enterprise needs to provide access to custom functions,
it may be necessary to create or modify the duty roles of the reference
As a security guideline, use only the predefined duty roles, unless you have
added new applications functions. The predefined duty roles fully represent
the functions and data that must be accessed by application users and contain
all appropriate entitlement. The predefined duty roles are inherently without
segregation of duty violations of the constraints used by the Application Access
Controls Governor.
In the security reference implementation, the IT Security Manager job role
hierarchy includes the Application Role Management Duty role, which is
entitled to manage duty roles (the entitlement is Manage Application Role). This
entitlement provides the access necessary to perform the Manage Duties task in
Product family administrators are not entitled to create role hierarchies or
manage duty roles and must work with the IT security manager to make changes
such as localizing a duty role to change a role hierarchy. Setup for localizations is
documented in HCM documentation.
Manage Application Access Controls
Prevent or limit the business activities that a single person may initiate or
validate by managing segregation of duties policies in the Application Access
Controls Governor (AACG) .
In AACG, segregation of duties policies are called access controls or segregation
of duties controls.
In the security reference implementation, the IT Security Manager job role
hierarchy includes the Segregation of Duties Policy Management Duty role,
which is entitled to manage segregation of duties policies (the entitlement is
Manage Segregation of Duties Policy). This entitlement provides the access
necessary to perform the Manage Application Access Controls task in AACG.
7-8 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Security Tasks and Oracle Fusion Applications: How They Fit
The major security tasks and their order within the context of an overall Oracle
Fusion Applications implementation extend from security setup through
production deployment audits.
The Oracle Fusion business process model (BPM) provides a sequence of security
implementation tasks that includes the following.
• Security setup (Define Common Applications Configuration activity)
• Define Implementation Users task group (optional)
• Create Implementation Users task
• Create Data Role for Implementation Users task
• Provision Roles to Implementation Users task
• Define security - tasks vary depending on deployed Oracle Fusion
product family
• Revoke Data Role from Implementation Users task
• Import Worker Users task
• Import Partner Users task
• Manage Duties task
• Manage Job Roles task
• Manage Application Access Controls task
• Define Automated Governance, Risk, and Performance Controls
• Manage Application Access Controls task (AACG settings)
• Manage Application Preventive Controls task
• Manage Application Transaction Controls task
• Manage Application Configuration Controls task
• User and role provisioning tasks
• Implement Role Request and Provisioning Controls activity
• Import Worker Users task
• Import Partner Users task
• Self Request User Roles task
• Approve User and Role Provisioning Requests task
Common Applications Configuration: Define Security for Project Financial Management 7-9
• Assign User Roles task
• Manage Supplier User Roles and User Role Usages task
• Map and Synchronize User Account Details task
• Tasks for viewing account details for self or others
• Tasks for applying and managing various role provisioning rules
• Tasks for running synchronization processes
• Security implementation and ongoing maintenance after setup (Manage
IT Security activity)
• Implement Function Security Controls
• Create Job Role task
• Import Worker Users task
• Import Partner Users task
• Manage Duties task
• Manage Job Roles task
• Manage Users task
• Implement Data Security Controls
• Manage Data Security Policies task
• Manage Role Templates task
• Manage Encryption Keys task
• Manage Segment Security task
• Manage Data Access Sets task
• Define Security Profiles task group
• Auditing tasks
• Manage Security Audit, Compliance and Reporting activity
• Manage Application Access Controls task
Go live deployment does not require lockdown or specific security tasks because
security is enforced across the test to production information life cycle.
Required Roles
The following enterprise roles are provisioned to a single super user that is set
up by the Oracle Fusion Applications installation process, and to the initial user
set up by Oracle for Oracle Cloud Application Services:
7-10 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
• Application Implementation Consultant
• IT Security Manager
• Application Administrators for the provisioned products
Initial security administration also includes provisioning the IT Security
Manager role with Oracle Identity Management (OIM) roles for user and role
• Identity User Administrator
• Role Administrator
Additionally, the Xellerate Users organization must be assigned to the IT
Security Manager role.
As a security guideline, provision a dedicated security professional with the IT
Security Manager role at the beginning of an implementation, and revoke that
role from users provisioned with the Application Implementation Consultant
Tools Used to Perform Security Tasks
Security tasks are supported by tools within both Oracle Fusion Applications
and Oracle Fusion Middleware.
The figure lists the tasks associated with each of the integrated products and
pillars of an Oracle Fusion Applications deployment.
Common Applications Configuration: Define Security for Project Financial Management 7-11
Security Tasks: Overview
Security tasks span multiple business processes and are performed by various
roles using numerous integrated tools.
The following table shows the business process model (BPM) tasks and tools
used to support securing Oracle Fusion Applications.
Example Task Oracle BPM Task Supporting Tools Details
View duty roles inherited
by a job role
Manage Duties • Authorization
Policy Manager
Each logical partition
or pillar contains a
collection of application
roles, and function and
data security policies.
View entitlement or
policies carried by a job
Manage Duties • APM In LDAP, the policy store
stores application roles
and the identity store
stores enterprise roles.
Add a job role to a role
Manage Job Roles • Oracle Identity
The identity store in
LDAP stores enterprise
Add a duty role to a role
Manage Duties • APM LDAP stores the role
hierarchy and the
spanning of roles across
multiple pillars or logical
Create a hierarchy of
enterprise (abstract, job,
data) roles
Manage Job Roles • OIM
Create a hierarchy of
(application) duty roles
Manage Duties • APM
Create a new job role Manage Job Roles • OIM The identity store in
LDAP stores enterprise
Change duty roles
inherited by a job or
abstract role
Manage Duties • APM The policy store stores
duty roles. The identity
store stores enterprise
roles. Some duty roles
may enable actions
and their associated
users interface features
that your enterprise
does not want users to
perform in Oracle Fusion
Create a new duty role Manage Duties • APM All functions and
actions in Oracle Fusion
Applications that
need to be secured are
covered by the reference
implementation. In some
cases, especially with
function customizations,
a new duty role may be
7-12 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
View Segregation of
Duties (SOD) policies
respected by a duty role
Manage Application
Access Controls
• Application Access
Controls Governor
(AACG) in
Governance, Risk,
and Compliance
Controls (GRCC)
The Security Reference
Manuals (SRM)
document the
segregation of duties
(SOD) policies respected
within each job role
View SOD policy
violations carried by the
duty roles inherited by a
job role
Manage Application
Access Controls
• AACG in GRCC The Security Reference
Manuals (SRM)
document the SOD
policies respected within
each job role
View SOD policy
Manage Segregation of
Duties Policies
• AACG in GRC The SRM documents the
SOD conflicts for each
job role
View the data security
policies carried by a job,
abstract, and data roles
Manage Data Security
• APM Oracle Fusion Data
Security stores data
security policies in the
policy store.
Data security can
also be defined in
application pages
provided by Oracle
Middleware Extensions
for Applications (FND)
Create and update HCM
security profiles
Manage Data Role and
Security Profiles
• Oracle Fusion
This task does not
include assigning data
roles to the users, which
is supported by user
provisioning tasks.
Create (generate) a data
1. Manage Role
2. Manage Data
Roles and Security
• Oracle Fusion
Data roles are generated
automatically based
on data role templates
and enterprise setup.
Changes to data role
templates generate new
or changed data roles.
Create data roles in
HCM using the Manage
Data Roles and Security
Profiles task.
Create a new data
security policy (not
through generated data
roles based on data
role templates or HCM
security profiles)
Manage Data Security
• APM Data security can
also be defined in
application pages
provided by Oracle
Middleware Extensions
for Applications (FND)
View data role templates
defined by a product
Manage Role Templates • APM
Create or edit an existing
data role template
Manage Role Templates • APM
Common Applications Configuration: Define Security for Project Financial Management 7-13
Secure common objects
such as attachment
categories or profile
Manage Data Security
• APM Data security can
also be defined in
application pages
provided by Oracle
Middleware Extensions
for Applications (FND)
View, create, update
encryption keys used
to secure attributes of
personally identifiable
Manage Encryption Keys • Oracle Fusion
View, create, update
Data Access Sets used
to secure Ledgers and
Ledger Sets
Manage Data Access Sets • Oracle Fusion
General Ledger
View, create, update
accounting flexfield
segment security rules
Manage Security
• Oracle Fusion
General Ledger
View or update the set
of job roles that can be
provisioned to supplier
Manage Supplier User
• Supplier Portal
• Sourcing
These tools are in
the Oracle Fusion
Procurement product
Determine the supplier
job roles that the supplier
self service administrator
can provision to supplier
Manage Supplier User
Role Usages
• Supplier Portal
• Sourcing
These tools are in
the Oracle Fusion
Procurement product
Set default supplier job
roles based on the set of
supplier roles that are
defined by performing
the Manage Supplier
User Roles task
Manage Supplier User
Role Usages
• Supplier Portal
• Sourcing
These tools are in
the Oracle Fusion
Procurement product
Create a new
implementation user
Create Implementation
Import legacy users • Import Worker
• Import Partner
Create a new user Manage Users • HCM HCM creates a new user
and identity when a new
worker is created. The
Hire Employee and Add
Contingent Worker tasks
also result in new user
creation requests.
Creating a new user
automatically triggers
role provisioning
requests based on role
provisioning rules.
7-14 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Provision roles to a user
1. Provision Roles to
2. Manage Users
• Oracle Fusion
• Oracle Fusion
• Oracle Fusion
Implementation users
are provisioned through
OIM since HCM is not
setup at the start of
the implementation.
The Provision Roles
to Implementation
Users is not needed
once implementation is
Once HCM is setup,
HCM is used to
provision roles to non-
implementation users
by performing the
Manage Users task.
Human Resources (HR)
transaction flows such as
Hire and Promote also
provision roles.
Once supplier users
are setup, Supplier
Model can be used by
internal users to maintain
supplier user accounts
or supplier users can
maintain their accounts
in Supplier Portal.
View the job, abstract,
and data roles
provisioned to a user
1. Manage Users
2. Manage User
3. Provision Roles to
• Human Capital
LDAP stores users,
roles and provisioning
The Manage User
Principal and Provision
Roles to Implementation
Users tasks are
not needed once
implementation is
Revoke role from user. Manage Users • HCM You can revoke roles
from various Human
Resources task flows,
the HCM Manage Users
task and OIM. User
termination includes role
Approve role
provisioning or user
account request.
Approve User and Role
Provisioning Requests
View audit logs Not applicable • Oracle Enterprise
Viewing audit logs
is a Oracle Fusion
Middleware function
and not represented
by an Oracle Fusion
Applications BPM task.
Common Applications Configuration: Define Security for Project Financial Management 7-15
For more information about provisioning identities and configuring audit
policies, see the Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Guide.
There may be more than one navigation path to the graphical user interface in
which the task is performed. You can access most security tasks by starting in the
Setup and Maintenance Overview page and searching for security tasks and task
Define Data Security
Defining Data Security After Enterprise Setup: Points to Consider
After the implementation user has set up the enterprise, further security
administration depends on the requirements of your enterprise.
The Define Data Security activity within the Information Technology (IT)
Management business process includes the following tasks.
• Manage Data Access Sets
• Manage Segment Security
• Manage Role Templates
• Manage Data Security Policies
• Manage Encryption Keys
These tasks address data security administration. For information on using the
user interface pages for setting up and managing data security, see the Oracle
Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Authorization Policy Manager
(Oracle Fusion Applications edition).
The Manage Data Role and Security Profiles task, and all other HCM security
profile setup tasks are documented in Human Capital Management (HCM)
Manage Data Access Sets
Data access sets define a set of access privileges to one or more ledgers or ledger
The information on ledgers that are attached to data access sets are secured by
function security. Users must have access to the segment values associated with
the data access sets to access the corresponding GL account.
In the security reference implementation, the IT Security Manager job role
hierarchy includes the Data Access Administration Duty role, which is entitled
to manage data access sets (the entitlement is Define General Ledger Data Access
7-16 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Set). This entitlement provides the access necessary to perform the Manage Data
Access Sets task in General Ledger.
Manage Segment Security
Balancing or management segment values can secure data within a ledger.
Segment values are stored in GL_ACCESS_SET_ASSIGNMENTS and secured by
restrictions, such as Exclude, on parameters that control the set of values that a
user can use during data entry.
In the security reference implementation, the IT Security Manager job role
hierarchy includes the Application Key Flexfield Administration Duty role,
which is entitled to manage application key flexfields (the entitlement is Manage
Application Key Flexfield). This entitlement provides the access necessary to
perform the Manage Segment Security task in General Ledger.
Manage Role Templates
Data role templates automatically create or update data roles based on
dimensions such as business unit. As an enterprise expands, data role templates
trigger replication of roles for added dimensions. For example, when creating
a new business unit, a data role template generates a new Accounts Payables
Manager data role based on the Financials Common Module Template for
Business Unit Security data role template.
In the security reference implementation, the IT Security Manager job role
hierarchy includes the Application Role Management Duty role, which
is entitled to manage data role templates (the entitlement is Manage Role
Template). This entitlement provides the access necessary to perform the Manage
Role Templates task in APM.
Manage Data Security Policies
Data security grants provisioned to roles are data security policies. The security
reference implementation provides a comprehensive set of predefined data
security policies and predetermined data security policies based on data role
Data security policies are available for review in Authorization Policy Manager
(APM). Data security policies are implemented by grants stored in Oracle Fusion
Data Security (FND_GRANTS).
Data security policies secure the database resources of an enterprise. Database
resources are predefined applications data objects and should not be changed.
However, for cases where custom database resources must be secured objects,
the IT security manager is entitled to manage database resources and create new
data security policies.
Review but do not modify HCM data security policies in APM except as a
custom implementation. Use the HCM Manage Data Role And Security Profiles
task to generate the necessary data security policies and data roles.
Common Applications Configuration: Define Security for Project Financial Management 7-17
In the security reference implementation, the IT Security Manager job role
hierarchy includes the Application Role Management Duty role, which is
entitled to manage data security policies (the entitlement is Manage Data
Security Policy). This entitlement provides the access necessary to perform the
Manage Data Security Policies task in APM.
Manage Encryption Keys
Create or edit encryption keys held in Oracle Wallet to secure Personally
Identifiable Information (PII) attributes This task is only available when
Payments is implemented.
In the security reference implementation, the IT Security Manager job role
hierarchy includes the Payments Data Security Administration Duty role, which
is entitled to manage encryption keys that secure PII (the entitlement is Manage
Wallet). This entitlement provides the access necessary to perform the Manage
Encryptions Keys task in Payments.
Data Security in the Security Reference Implementation: Explained
The reference implementation contains a set of data security policies that can
be inspected and confirmed to be suitable or a basis for further implementation
using the Authorization Policy Manager (APM).
The security implementation of an enterprise is likely a subset of the reference
implementation, with the enterprise specifics of duty roles, data security policies,
and HCM security profiles provided by the enterprise.
The business objects registered as secure in the reference implementation are
database tables and views.
Granting or revoking object entitlement to a particular user or group of users on
an object instance or set of instances extends the base Oracle Fusion Applications
security reference implementation without requiring customization of the
applications that access the data.
Data Security Policies in the Security Reference Implementation
The data security policies in the reference implementation entitle the grantee (a
role) to access instance sets of data based on SQL predicates in a WHERE clause.
When extending the reference implementation with additional data security
policies, identify instance sets of data representing the business objects that
need to be secured, rather than specific instances or all instances of the business
Predefined data security policies are stored in the data security policy store,
managed in the Authorization Policy Manager (APM), and described in the
Oracle Fusion Applications Security Reference Manual for each offering. A data
7-18 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
security policy for a duty role describes an entitlement granted to any job role
that includes that duty role.
Review but do not modify HCM data security policies in APM except as a
custom implementation. Use the HCM Manage Data Role And Security Profiles
task to generate the necessary data security policies and data roles.
The reference implementation only enforces a portion of the data security
policies in business intelligence that is considered most critical to risk
management without negatively affecting performance. For performance reasons
it is not practical to secure every level in every dimension. Your enterprise
may have a different risk tolerance than assumed by the security reference
HCM Security Profiles in the Security Reference Implementation
The security reference implementation includes some predefined HCM security
profiles for initial usability. For example, a predefined HCM security profile
allows line managers to see the people that report to them.
The IT security manager uses HCM security profiles to define the sets of HCM
data that can be accessed by the roles that are provisioned to users
Data Roles
The security reference implementation includes no predefined data roles to
ensure a fully secured initial Oracle Fusion Applications environment.
The security reference implementation includes data role templates that you
can use to generate a set of data roles with entitlement to perform predefined
business functions within data dimensions such as business unit. Oracle Fusion
Payables invoicing and expense management are examples of predefined
business functions. Accounts Payable Manager - US is a data role you might
generate from a predefined data role template for payables invoicing if you set
up a business unit called US.
HCM provides a mechanism for generating HCM related data roles.
Data Security: Explained
By default, users are denied access to all data.
Data security makes data available to users by the following means.
• Policies that define grants available through provisioned roles
• Policies defined in application code
You secure data by provisioning roles that provide the necessary access.
Enterprise roles provide access to data through data security policies defined for
the inherited application roles.
Common Applications Configuration: Define Security for Project Financial Management 7-19
When setting up the enterprise with structures such as business units, data roles
are automatically generated that inherit job roles based on data role templates.
Data roles also can be generated based on HCM security profiles. Data role
templates and HCM security profiles enable defining the instance sets specified
in data security policies.
When you provision a job role to a user, the job role implicitly limits data
access based on the data security policies of the inherited duty roles. When you
provision a data role to a user, the data role explicitly limits the data access of the
inherited job role to a dimension of data.
Data security consists of privileges conditionally granted to a role and used
to control access to the data. A privilege is a single, real world action on a
single business object. A data security policy is a grant of a set of privileges
to a principal on an object or attribute group for a given condition. A grant
authorizes a role, the grantee, to actions on a set of database resources. A
database resource is an object, object instance, or object instance set. An
entitlement is one or more allowable actions applied to a set of database
Data is secured by the following means.
Data security feature Does what?
Data security policy Grants access to roles by means of entitlement
Role Applies data security policies with conditions to
users through role provisioning.
Data role template Defines the data roles generated based on enterprise
setup of data dimensions such as business unit.
HCM security profile Defines data security conditions on instances of
object types such as person records, positions, and
document types without requiring users to enter
SQL code
Masking Hides private data on non-production database
Encryption Scrambles data to prevent users without decryption
authorization from reading secured data
The sets of data that a user can access via roles are defined in Oracle Fusion Data
Security. Oracle Fusion Data Security integrates with Oracle Platform Security
Services (OPSS) to entitle users or roles (which are stored externally) with access
to data. Users are granted access through the entitlement assigned to the roles
or role hierarchy with which the user is provisioned. Conditions are WHERE
clauses that specify access within a particular dimension, such as by business
unit to which the user is authorized.
Data Security Policies
Data security policies articulate the security requirement "Who can do What
on Which set of data," where 'Which set of data' is an entire object or an object
instance or object instance set and 'What' is the object entitlement.
For example, accounts payable managers can view AP disbursements for their
business unit.
7-20 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Who can do what on which set of data
Accounts payable
view AP disbursements for their business unit
A data security policy is a statement in a natural language, such as English, that
typically defines the grant by which a role secures business objects. The grant
records the following.
• Table or view
• Entitlement (actions expressed by privileges)
• Instance set (data identified by the condition)
For example, disbursement is a business object that an accounts payable
manager can manage by payment function for any employee expenses in the
payment process.
Some data security policies are not defined as grants but directly in applications
code. The security reference manuals for Oracle Fusion Applications offerings
differentiate between data security policies that define a grant and data security
policies defined in Oracle Fusion applications code.
A business object participating in a data security policy is the database resource
of the policy.
Data security policies that use job or duty roles refer to data security entitlement.
For example, the data security policy for the Accounts Payable Manager job role
refers to the view action on AP disbursements as the data security entitlement.
The duty roles inherited by the job role can be moved and job roles reassembled
without having to modify the data security.
As a security guideline, data security policies based on user session context
should entitle a duty role. This keeps both function and data security policies at
the duty role level, thus reducing errors.
For example, a Sales Party Management Duty can update Sales Party where
the provisioned user is a member of the territory associated with the sales
account. Or the Sales Party Management Duty can update Sales Party where
the provisioned user is in the management chain of a resource who is on the
sales account team with edit access. Or the Participant Interaction Management
Duty can view an Interaction where the provisioned user is a participant of the
For example, the Disbursement Process Management Duty role includes
entitlement to build documents payable into payments. The Accounts Payable
Manager job role inherits the Disbursement Process Management Duty role. Data
security policies for the Disbursement Process Management Duty role authorize
access to data associated with business objects such as AP disbursements within
Common Applications Configuration: Define Security for Project Financial Management 7-21
a business unit. As a result, the user provisioned with the Accounts Payable
Manager job role is authorized to view AP disbursements within their business
A data security policy identifies the entitlement (the actions that can be made on
logical business objects or dashboards), the roles that can perform those actions,
and the conditions that limit access. Conditions are readable WHERE clauses.
The WHERE clause is defined in the data as an instance set and this is then
referenced on a grant that also records the table name and required entitlement.
Data Roles
Data roles are implemented as job roles for a defined set of data.
A data role defines a dimension of data within which a job is performed. The
data role inherits the job role that describes the job. For example, a data role
entitles a user to perform a job in a business unit.
The data role inherits abstract or job roles and is granted data security privileges.
Data roles carry the function security privileges inherited from job roles and also
the data security privilege granted on database objects and table rows.
For example, an accounts payables specialist in the US Business Unit may be
assigned the data role Accounts Payables Specialist - US Business Unit. This
data role inherits the job role Accounts Payables Specialist and grants access to
transactions in the US Business Unit.
A data role may be granted entitlement over a set people.
For example, a Benefits Administrator A-E is allowed to administer benefits for
all people that have a surname that begins with A-E.
Data roles are created using data role templates. You create and maintain data
roles in the Authorization Policy Manager (APM). Use the Manage Data Roles
and Security Profiles task to create and maintain HCM data roles in Oracle
Fusion HCM.
HCM Security Profiles
HCM security profiles are used to secure HCM data, such as people and
departments. You use HCM security profiles to generate grants for an enterprise
role. The resulting data role with its role hierarchy and grants operates in the
same way as any other data role.
For example, an HCM security profile identifies all employees in the Finance
Oracle Fusion Payroll uses HCM security profiles to secure project organizations.
Applications outside of HCM can use the HCM Data Roles UI pages to give their
roles access to HR people.
Masking and Encryption
Oracle Fusion Applications uses masking to protect sensitive data from view by
unauthorized users. Encryption APIs mask sensitive fields in applications user
interfaces. Additionally, Oracle Data Masking is available for masking data in
7-22 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
non-production instances and Oracle Transparent Data Encryption is available
for protecting data in transit or in backups independent of managing encryption
Securing Data Access: Points to Consider
Oracle Fusion Applications supports securing data through role-based access
control (RBAC) by the following methods.
Method of securing data Reason Example
Data roles apply explicit data
security policies on job and
abstract roles
Appropriate for job and abstract
roles that should only access a
subset of data, as defined by the
data role template that generates
the data role or by HCM security
Accounts Payable Manager
- US data role to provide an
accounts payable manager in the
US business unit with access to
invoices in the US business unit.
Data security policies Define data access for application
roles and provide inheriting job
and abstract roles with implicit
data security
If a user has access to the same function through different roles that access
different data sets, then the user has access to a union of those data sets.
When a runtime session is created, Oracle Platform Security Services (OPSS)
propagates only the necessary user to role mapping based on Oracle Fusion Data
Security grants. A grant can specify entitlement to the following.
• Specific rows of data (data object) identified by primary key
• Groups of data (instance set) based on a predicate that names a particular
• Data objects or instance sets based on runtime user session variables
Data is either identified by the primary key value of the row in the table where
the data is stored. Or data is identified by a rule (SQL predicate) applied to the
WHERE clause of a query against the table where the data is stored.
Oracle Fusion Data Security can be used to restrict the following.
• Rows that are returned by a given query based on the intended business
• Actions that are available for a given row
Grants control which data a user can access.
Common Applications Configuration: Define Security for Project Financial Management 7-23
Attribute level security using grants requires a data security policy to secure the
attribute and the entitlement check enforces that policy.
A grant logically joins a user or role and an entitlement with a static or
parameterized object instance set. For example, REGION='WEST' is a static object
instance set and REGION=&GRANT_ALIAS.PARAMETER1 is a parameterized object
instance set. In the context of a specific object instance, grants specify the
allowable actions on the set of accessible object instances. In the database,
grants are stored in FND_GRANTS and object instance sets are stored in
FND_OBJECT_INSTANCE_SETS. Object access can be tested using the privilege
check application programming interface (API).
Securing a Business Object
A business object is a logical entity that is typically implemented as a table or
view, and corresponds to a physical database resource. The data security policies
of the security reference implementation secure predefined database resources.
Use the Manage Data Security Policies task to define and register other database
Data security policies identify sets of data on the registered business object and
the actions that may be performed on the business object by a role The grant can
be made by data instance, instance set or at a global level..
Use parameterized object instance sets whenever feasible to reduce the number
of predicates the database parses and the number of administrative intervention
required as static object instances sets become obsolete. In HCM, security profiles
generate the instance sets.
Manage Data Security Policies
Database Resources and Data Security Policies: How They Work Together
A data security policy applies a condition and allowable actions to a database
resource for a role. When that role is provisioned to a user, the user has access
to data defined by the policy. In the case of the predefined security reference
implementation, this role is always a duty role. Data roles generated to inherit
the job role based on data role templates limit access to database resources in a
particular dimension, such as the US business unit.
The database resource defines and instance of a data object. The data object is a
table, view, or flexfield.
The following figure shows the database resource definition as the means by
which a data security policy secures a data object. The database resource names
the data object. The data security policy grants to a role access to that database
resource based on the policy's action and condition.
7-24 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Database Resources
A database resource specifies access to a table, view, or flexfield that is secured
by a data security policy.
• Name providing a means of identifying the database resource
• Data object to which the database resource points
Data Security Policies
Data security policies consist of actions and conditions for accessing all, some, or
a single row of a database resource.
• Condition identifying the instance set of values in the data object
• Action specifying the type of access allowed on the available values
If the data security policy needs to be less restrictive than any available database
resource for a data object, define a new data security policy.
Actions correspond to privileges that entitle kinds of access to objects, such as
view, edit, or delete. The actions allowed by a data security policy include all or a
subset of the actions that exist for the database resource.
A condition is either a SQL predicate or an XML filter. A condition expresses
the values in the data object by a search operator or a relationship in a tree
hierarchy. A SQL predicate, unlike an XML filter, is entered in a text field in the
data security user interface pages and supports more complex filtering than an
Common Applications Configuration: Define Security for Project Financial Management 7-25
XML filter, such as nesting of conditions or sub queries. An XML filter, unlike a
SQL predicate, is assembled from choices in the UI pages as an AND statement.
An XML filter can be effective in downstream processes such as business
intelligence metrics. A SQL predicate cannot be used in downstream metrics.
Manage Role Templates
Data Role Templates: Explained
You use data role templates to generate data roles. You generate such data roles,
and create and maintain data role templates in the Authorization Policy Manager
HCM data roles are generated using the Manage Data Roles and Security Profiles
task, which uses HCM security profiles, not data role templates, to define the
data security condition.
The following attributes define a data role template.
• Template name
• Template description
• Template group ID
• Base roles
• Data dimension
• Data role naming rule
• Data security policies
The data role template specifies which base roles to combine with which
dimension values for a set of data security policies. The base roles are the parent
job or abstract roles of the data roles.
Abstract, job, and data roles are enterprise roles in Oracle Fusion Applications.
Oracle Fusion Middleware products such as Oracle Identity Manager (OIM)
and Authorization Policy Manager (APM) refer to enterprise roles as external
roles. Duty roles are implemented as application roles in APM and scoped to
individual Oracle Fusion Applications.
The dimension expresses stripes of data, such as territorial or geographic
information you use to partition enterprise data. For example, business units
are a type of dimension, and the values picked up for that dimension by the
data role template as it creates data roles are the business units defined for your
enterprise. The data role template constrains the generated data roles with grants
of entitlement to access specific data resources with particular actions. The data
role provides provisioned users with access to a dimensional subset of the data
granted by a data security policy.
7-26 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
An example of a dimension is a business unit. An example of a dimension value
is a specific business unit defined in your enterprise, such as US. An example
of a data security policy is a grant to access a business object such as an invoice
with a view entitlement.
When you generate data roles, the template applies the values of the dimension
and participant data security policies to the group of base roles.
The template generates the data roles using a naming convention specified
by the template's naming rule. The generated data roles are stored in the
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) store. Once a data role is
generated, you provision it to users. A user provisioned with a data role is
granted permission to access the data defined by the dimension and data
security grant policies of the data role template.
For example, a data role template contains an Accounts Payable Specialist
role and an Accounts Payable Manager role as its base roles, and region as its
dimension, with the dimension values US and UK. The naming convention
is [base-role-name]:[DIMENSION-CODE-NAME]. This data role template
generates four data roles.
• Accounts Payable Specialist - US (business unit)
• Accounts Payable Specialist - UK (business unit)
• Accounts Payable Manager - US (business unit)
• Accounts Payable Manager - UK (business unit)
Making Changes To Data Role Templates
If you add a base role to an existing data role template, you can generate a
new set of data roles. If the naming rule is unchanged, existing data roles are
If you remove a base role from a data role template and regenerate data roles, a
resulting invalid role list gives you the option to delete or disable the data roles
that would be changed by that removal.
Making Changes to Dimension Values
If you add a dimension value to your enterprise that is used by a data role
template, you must regenerate roles from that data role template to create a
data role for the new dimension. For example if you add a business unit to your
enterprise, you must regenerate data roles from the data role templates that
include business unit as a dimension.
If you add or remove a dimension value from your enterprise that is used to
generate data roles, regenerating the set of data roles adds or removes the data
roles for those dimension values. If your enterprise has scheduled regeneration
as an Oracle Enterprise Scheduler Services process, the changes are made
For information on working with data role templates, see the Oracle Fusion
Middleware Administrator's Guide for Authorization Policy Manager (Oracle
Fusion Applications Edition).
Common Applications Configuration: Define Security for Project Financial Management 7-27
Manage Data Role and Security Profiles
HCM Data Roles: Explained
HCM data roles, like all Oracle Fusion Applications data roles, define data
security policies: they enable users to perform a set of tasks, using identified
menus, menu items, and pages in application user interfaces, on a specified set of
data within those user interfaces. Because data roles are specific to the enterprise,
no predefined HCM data roles exist.
How HCM Data Roles Differ from Other Data Roles
HCM data roles differ from other data roles in the following ways:
• You create and maintain HCM data roles outside Oracle Identity
Management (OIM) and the Oracle Fusion Middleware Authorization
Policy Manager (APM), and they are not based on data role templates.
Although HCM data roles are visible in the Oracle Fusion Middleware
APM, they must not be maintained there.
• A single HCM data role can enable access to data of multiple types.
You identify the data that users can access in HCM security profiles. You
can create security profiles for the person, organization, position, country,
legislative data group (LDG), document type, payroll, payroll flow, and
workforce business process objects.
Selecting the Job Role
Each HCM data role is associated with a single job role, which you select from
the list of enterprise roles. The HCM securing objects that the selected role needs
to access are identified automatically, and the appropriate types of security
profile are displayed. For example, if you select the job role human resource
analyst, users with that job role need to access managed person, public person,
organization, position, LDG, and document type data; therefore, security profiles
for those object types must be included in the HCM data role. The security
profile types that appear in the HCM data role vary according to the data
requirements of the selected job role.
If you select a job role that requires no access to HCM data secured by security
profiles, you cannot create an HCM data role.
If you create custom job roles in OIM, you must add them to a locally defined
role category that ends with "Job Roles"; otherwise, they do not appear in the list
of job roles when you create an HCM data role. Do not add custom job roles to
the predefined role category HCM - Job Roles.
Creating or Selecting the Security Profiles
You can either create new security profiles or use existing security profiles. For
each object type, you can include only one security profile in an HCM data role.
7-28 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Users with Multiple HCM Data Roles
When users have multiple HCM data roles, the data security policies arising
from each role remain separate. For example, being able to promote or terminate
workers in the purchasing department in one HCM data role and view contact
details of all workers in the sales department in another HCM data role does not
enable a user to promote or terminate workers in the sales department.
Components of the HCM Data Role
The following figure summarizes how the components of the HCM data role
contribute to Oracle Fusion Data Security for the data role. Oracle Fusion Data
Security comprises the data security policies for data roles that are generated
automatically when data roles are created.
The job role that you select in the HCM data role inherits multiple duty roles.
Each duty role has one or more function privileges and related data privileges,
from which the relevant HCM objects are identified. The specific instances of
the objects required by this HCM data role are identified in security profiles and
stored in a data instance set. Data security policy data is created automatically in
Oracle Fusion Data Security when you create the data role.
For example, the human resource specialist job role inherits the employee hire
and worker promotion duty roles, among many others. The inherited duty roles
provide both function privileges, such as Hire Employee, Rehire Employee,
and Promote Workers, and data privileges to HCM objects, such as person
and assignment. The specific instances of those objects required by this HCM
data role, such as people with assignments in a specified legal employer and
department, are identified in security profiles.
Common Applications Configuration: Define Security for Project Financial Management 7-29
HCM Security Profiles: Explained
A security profile defines the criteria that identify instances of a human capital
management (HCM) object. For example, a person security profile defines the
criteria that identify one or more person records, and a position security profile
defines the criteria that identify one or more positions. When you include a
security profile in an HCM data role and provision the data role to a user, that
user can access the data instances identified in the security profile. The type of
access available to the user (for example whether the user can edit or simply
view the data) depends on the job role identified in the HCM data role.
HCM Object Types
You can create security profiles for the following HCM object types:
• Person
• Managed person
• Public person
• Organization
• Position
• Legislative data group (LDG)
• Country
• Document type
• Payroll
• Payroll flow
• Workforce business process
All security profile definitions for these HCM objects are eventually visible
in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Authorization Policy Manager (APM).
The name of the security profile's data instance set in the Oracle Fusion
Middleware APM is derived from the name of the security profile and the
relevant object type. For example, if the security profile name is Manager
Hierarchy, then the data instance set for the object PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F is
HCM:PER:PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F:Manager Hierarchy.
You must use the Oracle Fusion Human Capital Management interfaces, which
are designed for ease of use and access, to create and maintain security profiles;
do not use the Oracle Fusion Middleware APM to maintain security profiles for
these HCM objects.
Security Criteria in HCM Security Profiles
In any HCM security profile, you specify the criteria that identify data instances
of the relevant type. For example, in an organization security profile, you can
identify organizations by organization hierarchy, by organization classification,
or by listing organizations to include in or exclude from the security profile.
All of the criteria in an HCM security profile apply when the data instance
set is defined; for example, if you identify organizations by both organization
7-30 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
hierarchy and organization classification, then both sets of criteria apply, and
only those organizations that satisfy all criteria belong to the data instance set.
Predefined HCM Security Profiles
The following HCM security profiles are predefined:
Security Profile Name HCM Security Profile Type Description
View All People Person Identifies all person records in the
View Own Record Person Identifies the signed-on user's
own person record and the person
records of that user's contacts
View Manager Hierarchy Person Identifies the signed-on user's line
manager hierarchy
View All Workers Person Identifies the person records
of all people who have a work
relationship in the enterprise
View All Organizations Organization Identifies all organizations in the
View All Positions Position Identifies all positions in the
View All Legislative Data Groups LDG Identifies all LDGs in the
View All Countries Country Identifies all countries in the
View All Document Types Document Type Identifies all document types in
the enterprise
View All Payrolls Payroll Identifies all payrolls in the
View All Flows Payroll Flow Identifies all payroll flows in the
View All Workforce Business
Workforce Business Process Identifies all registered workforce
business processes in the
You can include the predefined security profiles in any HCM data role, but you
cannot edit them. Note also that the View all option is disabled in any security
profile that you create; this restriction exists because predefined security profiles
exist for this requirement.
Creating Security Profiles
You can create security profiles either individually or as part of the process
of creating an HCM data role. If you have standard requirements, it may be
more efficient to create the security profiles individually and include them in
appropriate HCM data roles.
Reusability and Inheritance of Security Profiles
Regardless of how you create them, all security profiles are reusable; they do
not belong to particular HCM data roles, and you can include them in any HCM
data role for which they define an appropriate data instance set.
Common Applications Configuration: Define Security for Project Financial Management 7-31
You can include security profiles in other security profiles. For example, you can
include an organization security profile:
• In a person security profile, to secure person records by department,
business unit, or legal employer
• In a position security profile, to secure positions by department or
business unit
Therefore, one security profile can inherit the data instance set defined by
Assigning Security Profiles to Abstract Roles: Explained
Abstract roles define a worker's role in the enterprise independently of the job
that the worker is hired to do.
These abstract roles are predefined in Oracle Fusion Human Capital
• Line manager
• Employee
• Contingent worker
Enabling Data Access for Abstract Roles
Typically, you create role mappings during implementation to provision abstract
roles automatically to eligible workers. Although users with these roles may be
able to sign in to Oracle Fusion Applications and navigate to tasks of interest,
they have no automatic access to data. For example, employees can navigate
to the Person Gallery but cannot view portraits or see lists of person names in
product interfaces, and line managers can navigate to the Manager Resources
Dashboard but can see no data for their organizations. To enable users with
abstract roles to access relevant HCM data, you must assign security profiles to
those abstract roles.
Predefined Security Profiles to Assign to Abstract Roles
To enable users with abstract roles to access relevant data, you assign the
following predefined security profiles directly to the employee, contingent
worker, and line manager abstract roles.
Security Profile Type Employee Contingent Worker Line Manager
Person View Own Record View Own Record View Manager Hierarchy
Public person View All Workers View All Workers View All Workers
Organization View All Organizations View All Organizations View All Organizations
Position View All Positions View All Positions View All Positions
Legislative data group View All Legislative Data
View All Legislative Data
View All Legislative Data
Country View All Countries View All Countries View All Countries
Document type View All Document
View All Document
View All Document
7-32 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Payroll Flow Not applicable Not applicable View All Flows
Workforce Business
Not applicable Not applicable View All Workforce
Business Processes
After implementation, you may want to change aspects of this data access. For
example, you may want to create your own security profiles and assign those
directly to abstract roles; however, you must remember that such changes apply
to all users who have the abstract role.
HCM Data Roles
Users who have abstract roles are likely to gain additional data access by means
of HCM data roles that you define for their job roles. For example, you may
create an HCM data role for human resource specialists to enable them to access
the person records of all workers in a legal employer. Such data access is in
addition to any data access provided by abstract roles.
Assigning Security Profiles to Abstract Roles: Worked Example
This example shows how to assign predefined security profiles to the employee,
contingent worker, and line manager abstract roles.
Searching for the Employee Abstract Role
1. On the All Tasks tab of the Overview page of the Setup and Maintenance
work area, search for the task Manage Data Role and Security Profiles.
2. In the Search Results region, click Go to Task.
3. On the Manage Data Roles and Security Profiles page, enter the abstract-
role name Employee in the Role field. Click Search.
4. In the Search Results region, highlight the entry for the predefined
Employee role and click Assign.
Assigning Security Profiles to the Employee Abstract Role
1. On the Assign Data Role: Security Criteria page, select the security-profile
values shown in the following table. These are the security profiles that
are typically assigned to the employee role. You may see a subset of these
security profiles, depending on the combination of product offerings that
you are implementing.
Field Value
Organization Security Profile View All Organizations
Position Security Profile View All Positions
Country Security Profile View All Countries
LDG Security Profile View All Legislative Data Groups
Person Security Profile (Person
View Own Record
Common Applications Configuration: Define Security for Project Financial Management 7-33
Person Security Profile (Public Person
View All Workers
Document Type Security Profile View All Document Types
2. Click Review.
3. On the Assign Data Role: Review page, click Submit.
4. On the Manage Data Roles and Security Profiles page, search again for the
predefined Employee role.
5. In the Search Results region, confirm that a green check mark appears
in the Security Profiles column for the Employee role. The check mark
confirms that security profiles are assigned to the role.
Repeat the steps in Searching for the Employee Abstract Role and
Assigning Security Profiles to the Employee Abstract Role for the
predefined Contingent Worker role.
Searching for the Line Manager Abstract Role
1. On the Manage Data Roles and Security Profiles page, enter the abstract-
role name Line Manager in the Role field. Click Search.
2. In the Search Results region, highlight the entry for the predefined Line
Manager role and click Assign.
Assigning Security Profiles to the Line Manager Abstract Role
1. On the Assign Data Role: Security Criteria page, select the security-profile
values shown in the following table. These are the security profiles that
are typically assigned to the line manager role. You may see a subset of
these security profiles, depending on the combination of product offerings
that you are implementing.
Field Value
Organization Security Profile View All Organizations
Position Security Profile View All Positions
LDG Security Profile View All Legislative Data Groups
Person Security Profile (Person
View Manager Hierarchy
Person Security Profile (Public Person
View All Workers
Document Type Security Profile View All Document Types
Payroll Flow View All Flows
Workforce Business Process View All Workforce Business Processes
2. Click Review.
3. On the Assign Data Role: Review page, click Submit
4. On the Manage Data Roles and Security Profiles page, search again for the
predefined Line Manager role.
7-34 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
5. In the search results, confirm that a green check mark appears in the
Security Profiles column for the Line Manager role. The check mark
confirms that security profiles are assigned to the role.
Define Users
Securing Identities and Users: Points To Consider
Identity covers all aspects of an entity's existence within the contexts in which
it is used. The identity of an enterprise user consists of HR attributes, roles,
resources, and relationships.
HR attributes include identifying information about a user that is relatively static
and well understood, such as first and last name, title, and job function.
Roles are part of a user's identity and define the user's purpose and
Within identity management, resources define what a user can and does do. In
an enterprise, this typically translates into what resources a user has access to,
what privileges they have on that resource, and what they have been doing on
that resource. Resources can be application accounts or physical devices such as
laptops or access cards. The enterprise owns the resources, secures them, and
manages access to the resources by managing the user's identity and access.
Relationships establish the portion of user identities that involve organizational
transactions such as approvals.
An Oracle Fusion Applications user and corresponding identity are usually
created in a single transaction, such as when a worker is created in Human
Resources (HR). That transaction automatically triggers provisioning requests for
the user based on role provisioning rules.
User accounts for some identities that are not employees, such as partner
contacts, may be created in a later transaction using an identity that is already
created in the identity store. Supplier contacts are created in the Supplier Model,
not HR.
Various locations store identity and user data.
Identity data consists of the following.
• HR person records
• Oracle Fusion Trading Community Model party records
In Oracle Fusion Applications, identities and users correspond one to one, but
not all identities correspond to a user, and not all users are provisioned with an
identity. Some identities stored in HR and Trading Community Model may not
be provisioned to user accounts and therefore are not synchronized with Oracle
Identity Management (OIM). For example, a contact for a prospective customer
is an identity in Trading Community Model but may not be provisioned with
a user account in OIM. Some users stored in the Lightweight Directory Access
Common Applications Configuration: Define Security for Project Financial Management 7-35
Protocol (LDAP) store may not be provisioned with identities. For example,
system user accounts used to run Web services to integrate third party services
with Oracle Fusion Applications are not associated with a person record in
HR or Trading Community Model. Some identifying credentials such as name,
department, e-mail address, manager, and location are stored with user data in
the LDAP store.
Importing Users
You can import users or user attributes in bulk from existing legacy identity and
user stores.
Your tasks may include the following.
• Create users in bulk
• Update specific attributes for all users, such as postal code
• Link users to HR or Trading Community Model persons
• Monitor progress of the import process
• Correct errors & re-import
• Export users in bulk
• Import and export users using a standard plain text data interchange
format like Lightweight Data Interchange Format (LDIF)
You can reserve a specific user name not currently in use for use in the future,
or release a reserved username from the reservation list and make it available
for use. Between a user registration request and approved registration, Oracle
Fusion Applications holds the requested user name on the reservation list, and
releases the name if an error occurs in the self-registration process or the request
is rejected. Self-registration processes check the reservation list for user name
availability and suggest alternative names.
Provisioning Events
New identities, such as new hires, trigger user and role provisioning events. In
addition to user creation tasks, other tasks, such as Promote Worker or Transfer
Worker, result in role provisioning and recalculation based on role provisioning
When an identity's attributes change, you may need to provision the user
with different roles. Role assignments may be based on job codes, and a
promotion triggers role provisioning changes. Even if the change in the identities
attributes requires no role assignment change, such as with a name change, OIM
synchronizes the corresponding user information in the LDAP store.
Deactivating or terminating an identity triggers revocation of some roles to
end all assignments, but may provision new roles needed for activities, such as
a pay stub review. If the corresponding user for the identity was provisioned
with a buyer role, terminating the identity causes the user's buyer record in
Procurement to be disabled, just as the record was created when the user was
first provisioned with the buyer role.
7-36 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Notifications and Audits
Oracle Fusion Applications provides mechanisms for notifying and auditing
requests or changes affecting identities and users.
Oracle Fusion Applications notifies requestors, approvers, and beneficiaries
when a user account or role is provisioned. For example, when an anonymous
user registers as a business-to-customer (B2C) user, the B2C user must be notified
of the registration activation steps, user account, password and so on once the
approver (if applicable) has approved the request and the user is registered in
the system.
User ID and GUID attributes are available in Oracle Fusion Applications session
information for retrieving authenticated user and identity data.
End user auditing data is stored in database WHO columns and used for the
following activities.
• Setting up sign-in audit
• Using the application monitor
• Notifying of unsuccessful sign ins
• Sign-in audit reports
You can conduct real time audits that instantiate a runtime session and
impersonate the target user (with the proxy feature) to test what a user has
access to under various conditions such as inside or outside firewall and
authentication level.
For information on configuring audit policies and the audit store, see the Oracle
Fusion Applications Administrator's Guide.
Delegated Administration
You can designate local administrators as delegated administrators to manage a
subset of users and roles.
Delegated administrators can be internal or external persons who are
provisioned with a role that authorizes them to handle provisioning events for a
subset of users and roles.
For example, internal delegated administrators could be designated to
manage users and roles at the division or department level. External delegated
administrators could be designated to manage users and roles in an external
organization such as a primary supplier contact managing secondary users
within that supplier organization.
You can also define delegated administration policies based on roles. You
authorize users provisioned with specific roles named in the policy to request a
subset of roles for themselves if needed, such as authorizing a subset of roles for
a subset of people. For example, the policy permits a manager of an Accounts
Payables department to approve a check run administrator role for one of their
subordinates, but prohibits the delegated administrator from provisioning a
budget approver role to the subordinate.
Common Applications Configuration: Define Security for Project Financial Management 7-37
You activate or change credentials on users by managing them in Oracle Identity
Management (OIM)
Applications themselves must be credentialed to access one another.
Oracle Fusion Applications distinguishes between user identities and application
identities (APPID). Predefined application identities serve to authorize jobs and
transactions that require higher privileges than users.
For example, a payroll manager may submit a payroll run. The payroll
application may need access to the employee's taxpayer ID to print the payslip.
However, the payroll manager is not authorized to view taxpayer IDs in the user
interface as they are considered personally identifiable information (PII).
Calling applications use application identities (APPID) to enable the flow of
transaction control as it moves across trust boundaries. For example, a user in
the Distributed Order Orchestration product may release an order for shipping.
The code that runs the Pick Notes is in a different policy store than the code
that releases the product for shipment. When the pick note printing program
is invoked it is the Oracle Fusion Distributed Order Orchestration Application
Development Framework (ADF) that is invoking the program and not the end
Manage HCM Role Provisioning Rules
Role Provisioning and Deprovisioning: Explained
A user's access to data and functions depends on the user's roles: users have
one or more roles that enable them to perform the tasks required by their jobs or
positions. Roles must be provisioned to users; otherwise, users have no access to
data or functions.
Role Provisioning Methods
Roles can be provisioned to users:
• Automatically
• Manually, using delegated administration:
• Users such as line managers and human resource specialists can
provision roles manually to other users.
• Users can request roles for themselves.
For both automatic and manual role provisioning, you create a role mapping to
identify when a user becomes eligible for a role.
7-38 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Oracle Identity Management (OIM) can be configured to notify users when their
roles change; notifications are not issued by default.
Role Types
Data roles, abstract roles, and job roles can be provisioned to users. Roles
available for provisioning include predefined roles, HCM data roles, and roles
created using OIM.
Automatic Role Provisioning
A role is provisioned to a user automatically when at least one of the user's
assignments satisfies the conditions specified in the relevant role-mapping
definition. The provisioning occurs when the assignment is either created
or updated. For example, when a person is promoted to a management
position, the line manager role is provisioned automatically to the person if an
appropriate role mapping exists. Any change to a person's assignment causes
the person's automatically provisioned roles to be reviewed and updated as
Role Deprovisioning
Automatically provisioned roles are deprovisioned automatically as soon as
a user no longer satisfies the role-mapping conditions. For example, a line
manager role that is provisioned to a user automatically is deprovisioned
automatically when the user ceases to be a line manager.
Automatically provisioned roles can be deprovisioned manually at any time.
Manually provisioned roles are deprovisioned automatically only when all of the
user's work relationships are terminated; in all other circumstances, users retain
manually provisioned roles until they are deprovisioned manually.
Changes to Assignment Managers
When a person's line manager is changed, the roles of both new and previous
line managers are updated as necessary. For example, if the person's new line
manager now satisfies the conditions in the role mapping for the line manager
role, and the role is one that is eligible for autoprovisioning, then that role is
provisioned automatically to the new line manager. Similarly, if the previous line
manager no longer satisfies the conditions for the line manager role, then that
role is deprovisioned automatically.
Roles at Termination
When a work relationship is terminated, all automatically provisioned roles for
which the user does not qualify in other work relationships are deprovisioned
automatically. Manually provisioned roles are deprovisioned automatically
only if the user has no other work relationships; otherwise, the user retains all
manually provisioned roles until they are deprovisioned manually.
Automatic deprovisioning can occur either as soon as the termination is
submitted or approved or on the day after the termination date. The user who is
terminating the work relationship selects the appropriate deprovisioning date.
Role mappings can provision roles to users automatically at termination. For
example, the locally defined roles Retiree and Beneficiary could be provisioned
to users at termination based on assignment status and person type values.
Common Applications Configuration: Define Security for Project Financial Management 7-39
If a termination is later reversed, roles that were deprovisioned automatically
at termination are reinstated and post-termination roles are deprovisioned
Date-Effective Changes to Assignments
Automatic role provisioning and deprovisioning are based on current data. For a
future-dated transaction, such as a future promotion, role changes are identified
and role provisioning occurs on the day the changes take effect, not when the
change is entered. The process Send Pending LDAP Requests identifies future-
dated transactions and manages role provisioning and deprovisioning at the
appropriate time. Note that such role-provisioning changes are effective as of the
system date; therefore, a delay of up to 24 hours may occur before users in other
time zones acquire the access for which they now qualify.
Role Mappings: Explained
User access to data and functions is determined by abstract, job, and data roles,
which are provisioned to users either automatically or manually. To enable a
role to be provisioned to users, you define a relationship, known as a mapping,
between the role and a set of conditions, typically assignment attributes such
as department, job, and system person type. In a role mapping, you can select
any role stored in the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) directory,
including Oracle Fusion Applications predefined roles, roles created in Oracle
Identity Management (OIM), and HCM data roles.
The role mapping can support:
• Automatic provisioning of roles to users
• Manual provisioning of roles to users
• Role requests from users
• Immediate provisioning of roles
Automatic Provisioning of Roles to Users
A role is provisioned to a user automatically if:
• At least one of the user's assignments satisfies all conditions associated
with the role in the role mapping.
• You select the Autoprovision option for the role in the role mapping.
For example, for the HCM data role Sales Manager Finance Department, you
could select the Autoprovision option and specify the following conditions.
Attribute Value
Department Finance Department
Job Sales Manager
Assignment Status Active
7-40 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
The HCM data role Sales Manager Finance Department is provisioned
automatically to users with at least one assignment that satisfies all of these
Automatic role provisioning occurs as soon as the user is confirmed to satisfy
the role-mapping conditions, which can be when the user's assignment is either
created or updated. The provisioning process also removes automatically
provisioned roles from users who no longer satisfy the role-mapping conditions.
The automatic provisioning of roles to users is effectively a request to OIM to
provision the role. OIM may reject the request if it violates segregation-of-duties
rules or fails a custom OIM approval process.
Manual Provisioning of Roles to Users
Users such as human resource (HR) specialists and line managers can provision
roles manually to other users; you create a role mapping to identify roles that can
be provisioned in this way.
Users can provision a role to other users if:
• At least one of the assignments of the user who is provisioning the role
(for example, the line manager) satisfies all conditions associated with the
role mapping.
• You select the Requestable option for the role in the role mapping.
For example, for the HCM data role Quality Assurance Team Leader, you could
select the Requestable option and specify the following conditions.
Attribute Value
Manager with Reports Yes
Assignment Status Active
Any user with at least one assignment that satisfies both of these conditions can
provision the role Quality Assurance Team Leader manually to other users, who
are typically direct and indirect reports.
If the user's assignment subsequently changes, there is no automatic effect
on roles provisioned by this user to others; they retain manually provisioned
roles until either all of their work relationships are terminated or the roles are
manually deprovisioned.
Role Requests from Users
Users can request roles when reviewing their own account information; you
create a role mapping to identify roles that users can request for themselves.
Users can request a role if:
• At least one of their own assignments satisfies all conditions associated
with the role mapping.
• You select the Self-requestable option for the role in the role mapping.
Common Applications Configuration: Define Security for Project Financial Management 7-41
For example, for the Expenses Reporting role you could select the Self-
requestable option and specify the following conditions.
Attribute Value
Department ABC Department
System Person Type Employee
Assignment Status Active
Any user with at least one assignment that satisfies all of these conditions can
request the role. The user acquires the role either immediately or, if approval
is required, once the request is approved. Self-requested roles are classified as
manually provisioned.
If the user's assignment subsequently changes, there is no automatic effect on
self-requested roles. Users retain manually provisioned roles until either all of
their work relationships are terminated or the roles are manually deprovisioned.
Immediate Provisioning of Roles
When you create a role mapping, you can apply autoprovisioning from the role
mapping itself.
In this case, all assignments and role mappings in the enterprise are reviewed.
Roles are:
• Provisioned immediately to all users who do not currently have roles for
which they are eligible
• Deprovisioned immediately from users who are no longer eligible for
roles that they currently have
Immediate autoprovisioning from the role mapping enables bulk automatic
provisioning of roles to a group of users who are identified by the role-mapping
conditions. For example, if you create a new department after a merger, you
can provision relevant roles to all users in the new department by applying
autoprovisioning immediately.
To provision roles immediately to a single user, the user's line manager or an HR
specialist can autoprovision roles from that user's account.
Role-Mapping Names
The names of role mappings must be unique in the enterprise. You are
recommended to devise a naming scheme that reveals the scope of each role
mapping. For example:
Name Description
Autoprovisioned Roles Sales Department Mapping includes all roles provisioned
automatically to anyone in the sales department
Benefits Specialist Autoprovisioned Mapping defines the conditions for autoprovisioning
the Benefits Specialist role
Line Manager Requestable Roles Mapping includes all roles that a line manager can
provision manually to direct and indirect reports
7-42 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Role Mappings: Examples
Roles must be provisioned to users explicitly, either automatically or manually;
no role is provisioned to a user by default. This topic provides some examples of
typical role mappings to support automatic and manual role provisioning.
Creating a Role Mapping for Employees
You want all employees in your enterprise to have the Employee role
automatically when they are hired. In addition, employees must be able to
request the Expenses Reporting role when they need to claim expenses. Few
employees will need this role, so you decide not to provision it automatically to
all employees.
You create a role mapping called All Employees and enter the following
Attribute Value
System Person Type Employee
Assignment Status Active
In the role mapping you include the:
• Employee role, and select the Autoprovision option
• Expenses Reporting role, and select the Self-requestable option
You could create a similar role mapping for contingent workers called All
Contingent Workers, where you would set the system person type to contingent
If the Employee and Contingent Worker roles are provisioned automatically,
pending workers acquire them when their periods of employment or placements
start. If they need roles before then, you create a separate role mapping for the
pending worker system person type.
Creating a Role Mapping for Line Managers
Any type of worker can be a line manager in the sales business unit. You create a
role mapping called Line Manager Sales BU and enter the following conditions.
Attribute Value
Business Unit Sales
Assignment Status Active
Manager with Reports Yes
You include the Line Manager role and select the Autoprovision option. This
role mapping ensures that the Line Manager role is provisioned automatically
Common Applications Configuration: Define Security for Project Financial Management 7-43
to any worker with at least one assignment that matches the role-mapping
In the same role mapping, you could include roles that line managers in this
business unit can provision manually to other users by selecting the roles and
marking them as requestable. Similarly, if line managers can request roles for
themselves, you could include those in the same role mapping and mark them as
Creating a Role Mapping for Retirees
Retirees in your enterprise need a limited amount of system access to manage
their retirement accounts. You create a role mapping called All Retirees and enter
the following conditions.
Attribute Value
System Person Type Retiree
Assignment Status Inactive
You include the locally defined role Retiree in the role mapping and select the
Autoprovision option. When at least one of a worker's assignments satisfies
the role-mapping conditions, the Retiree role is provisioned to that worker
Creating a Role Mapping for Sales Managers
Grade 6 sales managers in the sales department need the Sales Manager role.
In addition, sales managers need to be able to provision the Sales Associate
role to other workers. You create a role mapping called Sales Managers Sales
Department and enter the following conditions.
Attribute Value
Department Sales
Job Sales manager
Grade 6
Assignment Status Active
In the role mapping, you include the:
• Sales Manager role, and select the Autoprovision option
• Sales Associate role, and select the Requestable option
Import Worker Users
Defining Security After Enterprise Setup: Points to Consider
After the implementation user has set up the enterprise, further security
administration depends on the requirements of your enterprise.
7-44 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
The Define Security activity within the Information Technology (IT)
Management business process includes the following tasks.
• Import Worker Users
• Import Partner Users
• Manage Job Roles
• Manage Duties
• Manage Application Access Controls
If no legacy users, user accounts, roles, and role memberships are available in the
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) store, and no legacy workers are
available in Human Resources (HR), the implementation user sets up new users
and user accounts and provisions them with roles available in the Oracle Fusion
Applications reference implementation.
If no legacy identities (workers, suppliers, customers) exist to represent people
in your enterprise, implementation users can create new identities in Human
Capital Management (HCM), Supplier Portal, and Customer Relationship
Management (CRM) Self Service, respectively, and associate them with users.
Before Importing Users
Oracle Identity Management (OIM) handles importing users.
If legacy employees, contingent workers, and their assignments exist, the HCM
Application Administrator imports these definitions by performing the Initiate
HCM Spreadsheet Load task. If user and role provisioning rules have been
defined, the Initiate HCM Spreadsheet Load process automatically creates user
and role provisioning requests as the workers are created.
Once the enterprise is set up, performing the Initiate HCM Spreadsheet Load
task populates the enterprise with HR workers in records linked by global user
ID (GUID) to corresponding user accounts in the LDAP store. If no user accounts
exist in the LDAP store, the Initiate HCM Spreadsheet Load task results in new
user accounts being created. Worker email addresses as an alternate input for
the Initiate HCM Spreadsheet Load task triggers a search of the LDAP for user
GUIDs, which may perform more slowly than entering user names.
In the security reference implementation, the HCM Application Administrator
job role hierarchy includes the HCM Batch Data Loading Duty role, which
is entitled to import worker identities. This entitlement provides the access
necessary to perform the Initiate HCM Spreadsheet Load task in HCM.
The Import Person and Organization task in the Define Trading Community
Import activity imports the following resources, creates users, and links the
resources to users for use in CRM.
• Internal employees
• Contingent workers
Common Applications Configuration: Define Security for Project Financial Management 7-45
• External partner contacts
• Partner companies
• Legal entities
• Customers
• Consumers
If role provisioning rules have been defined, the Import Person and Organization
task automatically provisions role requests as the users are created.
Import Users
If legacy users (identities) and user accounts exist outside the LDAP store that
is being used by the Oracle Fusion Applications installation, the IT security
manager has the option to import these definitions to the LDAP store by
performing the Import Worker Users and Import Partner Users tasks.
If no legacy users or user accounts can be imported or exist in an LDAP
repository accessible to Oracle Identity Management (OIM), the IT security
manager creates users manually in OIM or uses the Initiate HCM Spreadsheet
Load task to create users from imported HR workers.
Once users exist, their access to Oracle Fusion Applications is dependent on
the roles provisioned to them in OIM or Human Capital Management. Use the
Manage HCM Role Provisioning Rules task to define rules that determine what
roles are provisioned to users.
Importing user identities from other applications, including other Oracle
Applications product lines, is either a data migration or manual task. Migrating
data from other Oracle Applications includes user data. For more information
about importing users, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for
Oracle Identity Manager.
In the security reference implementation, the IT Security Manager job role
hierarchy includes the HCM Batch Data Loading Duty and the Partner Account
Administration Duty. These duty roles provide entitlement to import or create
users. The entitlement Load Batch Data provides the access necessary to
perform the Import Worker Users task in OIM. The entitlement Import Partner
entitlement provides the access necessary to perform the Import Partner Users
task in OIM.
Manage Job Roles
Job and abstract roles are managed in OIM. This task includes creating and
modifying job and abstract roles, but not managing role hierarchies of duties for
the jobs.
7-46 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Manage Job Roles does not include provisioning job roles to users. Provisioning
users is done in OIM, HCM, CRM or Oracle Fusion Supplier Portal.
Roles control access to application functions and data. Various types of roles
identify the functions performed by users.
The Oracle Fusion Applications security reference implementation provides
predefined job and abstract roles. In some cases, the jobs defined in your
enterprise may differ from the predefined job roles in the security reference
implementation. The predefined roles and role hierarchies in Oracle Fusion
may require changes or your enterprise may require you to create new roles.
For example, you need a job role for a petty cash administrator, in addition to
an accounts payable manager. The security reference implementation includes
a predefined Accounts Payable Manager, and you can create a petty cash
administrator role to extend the reference implementation.
In the security reference implementation, the IT Security Manager job role
hierarchy includes the Enterprise Role Management Duty role, which is entitled
to manage job and abstract roles (the entitlement is Manage Enterprise Role).
This entitlement provides the access necessary to perform the Manage Job Roles
task in OIM.
Manage Duties
A person with a job role must be able to perform certain duties. In the Oracle
Fusion Applications security reference implementation, enterprise roles inherit
duties through a role hierarchy. Each duty corresponds to a duty role. Duty roles
specify the duties performed within applications and define the function and
data access granted to the enterprise roles that inherit the duty roles.
Managing duties includes assigning duties to job and abstract roles in a role
hierarchy using Authorization Policy Manager (APM). If your enterprise needs
users to perform some actions in applications coexistent with Oracle Fusion
applications, you may wish to remove the duty roles that enable those actions.
For details about which duty roles are specific to the products in an offering, see
the Oracle Fusion Applications Security Reference Manual for each offering.
OIM stores the role hierarchy and the spanning of roles across multiple pillars or
logical partitions of applications.
In cases where your enterprise needs to provide access to custom functions,
it may be necessary to create or modify the duty roles of the reference
As a security guideline, use only the predefined duty roles, unless you have
added new applications functions. The predefined duty roles fully represent
the functions and data that must be accessed by application users and contain
all appropriate entitlement. The predefined duty roles are inherently without
segregation of duty violations of the constraints used by the Application Access
Controls Governor.
In the security reference implementation, the IT Security Manager job role
hierarchy includes the Application Role Management Duty role, which is
Common Applications Configuration: Define Security for Project Financial Management 7-47
entitled to manage duty roles (the entitlement is Manage Application Role). This
entitlement provides the access necessary to perform the Manage Duties task in
Product family administrators are not entitled to create role hierarchies or
manage duty roles and must work with the IT security manager to make changes
such as localizing a duty role to change a role hierarchy. Setup for localizations is
documented in HCM documentation.
Manage Application Access Controls
Prevent or limit the business activities that a single person may initiate or
validate by managing segregation of duties policies in the Application Access
Controls Governor (AACG) .
In AACG, segregation of duties policies are called access controls or segregation
of duties controls.
In the security reference implementation, the IT Security Manager job role
hierarchy includes the Segregation of Duties Policy Management Duty role,
which is entitled to manage segregation of duties policies (the entitlement is
Manage Segregation of Duties Policy). This entitlement provides the access
necessary to perform the Manage Application Access Controls task in AACG.
Importing Worker Users: Explained
You can import workers from legacy applications to Oracle Fusion Applications
using the Import Worker Users task. By enabling you to bulk-load existing data,
this task is an efficient way of creating and enabling users of Oracle Fusion
The Import Worker Users Process
Importing worker users is a two-stage process:
1. On the Initiate Data Load page, you generate and complete the Create
Worker spreadsheet. You must map your data to the spreadsheet columns
and provide all required attributes. Once the spreadsheet is complete, you
import the data to the HCM Data Loader stage tables.
HCM Data Loader is a generic utility for loading data to Oracle Fusion
Human Capital Management from external sources.
2. In the Data Exchange work area, you run the Load Batch Data process to
load data from the HCM Data Loader stage tables to the Oracle Fusion
application tables.
7-48 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
User-Account Creation
Oracle Fusion user accounts are created automatically for imported workers
in Oracle Identity Management (OIM), unless automatic account creation is
By default, user account names and passwords are sent automatically to users
when their accounts are created. This default action may have been changed at
enterprise level, as follows:
• User account names and passwords may be sent to an enterprise-wide e-
mail rather than to users themselves.
• Automatic sending of user account names and passwords may be
disabled for the enterprise; in this case, you can notify users at an
appropriate time.
Role Provisioning
Once user accounts exist, roles are provisioned to users automatically in
accordance with current role-provisioning rules. For example, current rules
could provision the employee abstract role to every worker. Role provisioning
occurs automatically unless it has been disabled for the enterprise.
Importing Worker Users: Worked Example
This example shows how to import worker users from legacy applications to
Oracle Fusion Applications.
The following table summarizes key decisions for this task.
Decisions to Consider In This Example
What are my spreadsheet names?
You can define your own naming convention; in this
example, the names are selected to make identifying
the spreadsheet contents easy.
• WorkersMMDDYYBatchnn.xlsx
• WorkersMMDDYYBatchnnErrorsnn.xlsx
For example, Workers042713Batch01.xlsx.
What is my batch name? Workers042713Batchnn
Where will I fix Load Batch Data errors? In the spreadsheet
Import worker users by:
1. Selecting the Import Worker Users task
2. Creating the spreadsheet
3. Entering workers in the spreadsheet
4. Importing the spreadsheet data to the HCM Data Loader stage tables
5. Loading workers to the application tables from the HCM Data Loader
stage tables
Common Applications Configuration: Define Security for Project Financial Management 7-49
6. Reviewing the results of the Load Batch Data process and correcting
Before you can complete this task, you must have:
1. Installed the desktop client Oracle ADF 11g Desktop Integration
2. Enabled the Trust Center setting Trust access to the VBA project object in
Microsoft Excel
Selecting the Import Worker Users Task
1. On the Overview page of the Setup and Maintenance work area, click the
All Tasks tab.
2. In the Search region, complete the fields as shown in this table.
Field Name
Search Task
Name Import Worker Users
3. Click Search.
4. In the search results, click Go to Task for the task Import Worker Users.
The task navigates to the Initiate Data Load page.
Alternatively, you can select the Import Worker Users task from an
implementation project.
Creating the Spreadsheet
1. On the Initiate Data Load page, find the entry for Create Worker in the list
of business objects.
Create Worker appears after other business objects such as departments,
locations, and jobs, because those business objects (regardless of how you
create them) must be created before worker users.
2. Click Create Spreadsheet for the Create Worker entry.
3. When prompted, save the spreadsheet locally using the name
4. When prompted, sign in to Oracle Fusion Applications using your Oracle
Fusion user name and password.
Entering Workers in the Spreadsheet
1. In the Batch Name field of the spreadsheet Workers042713Batch01.xlsx,
replace the default batch name with the batch name
2. Enter workers in the spreadsheet.
Ensure that you provide any required values and follow instructions in
the spreadsheet for creating additional rows.
7-50 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Importing the Spreadsheet Data to the HCM Data Loader Stage Tables
Use the default values except where indicated.
1. In the workers spreadsheet, click Upload.
2. In the Upload Options window, click OK.
As each row of data is uploaded to the HCM Data Loader stage tables, its
status is updated.
3. When uploading completes, identify any spreadsheet rows with the status
Insert Failed, which indicates that the row failed to upload.
4. For any row that failed to upload, double-click the status value to display
a description of the error.
5. When you have corrected any errors, click Upload again to load the
remaining rows to the same batch.
Loading Workers to the Application Tables from the HCM Data Loader Stage
Use the default values except where indicated.
1. In Oracle Fusion Applications, select Navigator - Workforce
Management - Data Exchange .
2. In the Tasks pane of the Data Exchange work area, click Load Batch Data.
3. In the Search region of the Load Batch Data page, enter the batch name
Workers042713Batch01 in the Batch Name field.
4. Click Search.
5. In the Search Results region, select the batch Workers042713Batch01 and
click Run.
6. On the Schedule Request page, click Submit.
Reviewing the Results of the Load Batch Data Process and Correcting Errors
1. On the Load Batch Data page, search again for the batch
Workers042713Batch01 and review its status in the Batch Status column
of the Search Results region.
2. If the batch status is Complete, click Done to close the Load Batch Data
page; otherwise, continue with the next step.
3. If the batch completed with errors, select the batch in the search results.
4. On the Batch Summary tab of the Batch Details region, select Action -
Extract Failed Objects to Spreadsheet .
An errors spreadsheet with a standard name is created automatically.
5. Save the errors spreadsheet locally as Workers042713Batch01Errors01.xlsx.
Leave the batch name in the errors spreadsheet as Workers042713Batch01.
6. Review the error messages in the spreadsheet and correct the errors.
Common Applications Configuration: Define Security for Project Financial Management 7-51
7. Repeat this process from the task Importing the Spreadsheet Data to the
HCM Data Loader Stage Tables until all errors are fixed.
If further errors occur, increment the errors-spreadsheet suffix by 1; for
example, Workers042713Batch01Errors02, Workers042713Batch01Errors03,
and so on.
8. Click Done to close the Load Batch Data page.
To load a new batch of workers on the same date, increment the
batch number in the spreadsheet and batch names; for example,
Manage Users
Creating Users: Worked Example
You can create users by entering basic person and employment data. A user
account is created automatically for a person when you create the user record.
You can assign the users Oracle Fusion Human Capital Management (HCM) and
non-HCM data roles, each providing access to specific functions and data. This
example demonstrates how to create a user and assign roles to the user.
This user management functionality is available for HCM Foundation and
Oracle Fusion Workforce Directory Management (WDM) users only.
Decisions to Consider In this Example
For whom are you creating the user record? Gail Williams
What is the user account name? Same as the e-mail ID, [email protected]
Where is Gail employed? Gail is an employee of Vision Corporation, and
works in the Human Resources (HR) department in
the Canada office.
What roles must be provisioned to Gail? Autoprovision the employee role. Gail is responsible
for processing workers' expense claims so provision
the role Expense Claims Administrator manually to
1. Create a role mapping called All Employees and enter the following
Attribute Value
System Person Type Employee
Assignment Status Active
7-52 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
In the role mapping you include the:
• Employee role, and select the Autoprovision option
• Expense Claims Administrator role, and select the Self-requestable
Creating a User
1. On the Search Person page, click the Create icon to open the Create User
2. Complete the fields, as shown in this table:
Field Value
Last Name Williams
First Name Gail
Hire Date 4/12/11
3. In the User Details region, leave the User Name field blank. The user
name defaults to the user's e-mail ID.
4. In the Employment Information region, select the person type Employee
and complete the fields as shown in the table:
Field Value
Legal Employer Vision Corporation
Business Unit Vision Canada
Department Human Resources
Assigning Roles to the User
1. Click Autoprovision Roles to provision the employee role to the user.
2. Click Add Role.
3. Search for and select the Expense Claims Administrator role.
4. Click Save and Close. The user account is created and the roles are
assigned to the user immediately.
User Details System Extract Report
The Oracle BI Publisher User Details System Extract Report includes details of
some or all Oracle Fusion Applications user accounts.
To run this report, you must have an HCM data role that provides view-all
access to person records for the Human Capital Management Application
Administrator job role.
To run the report:
Common Applications Configuration: Define Security for Project Financial Management 7-53
1. Navigate to Tools - Reports and Analytics.
2. In the Contents pane of the Reports and Analytics work area, navigate to
Shared Folders - Human Capital Management - Workforce Management
- Human Resources Dashboard.
3. Select the User Details System Extract report.
4. In the report window, click More.
5. On the Oracle Business Intelligence page for the report, select Open to run
the report immediately or Schedule to schedule the report.
User Population
Enter one of the following values to identify the group of user accounts to
include in the report.
Value Description
HCM User accounts with an associated HCM
person record.
TCA User accounts with an associated TCA
party account.
OIM Accounts for users in the PER_USERS table
who do not have an associated person
number or party ID. OIM users are also
referred to as implementation users.
ALL HCM, TCA, and OIM users accounts.
From Date
Accounts for HCM and OIM users created on or after this date are included in
the report. If you specify no From Date value, then accounts with any creation
date are included, subject only to any To Date value that you specify.
From and to dates do not apply to the TCA user population; the report includes
all TCA users if you include them in the report's user population.
To Date
Accounts for HCM and OIM users created on or before this date are included in
the report. If you specify no To Date value, then accounts with any creation date
are included, subject only to any From Date value that you specify.
From and to dates do not apply to the TCA user population; the report includes
all TCA users if you include them in the report's user population.
User Active Status
Enter one of the following values to identify the user-account status.
Value Description
A Include active accounts, which belong to
users with current roles.
7-54 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
I Include inactive accounts, which belong to
users with no current roles.
All Include both active and inactive user
The output is an XML-formatted file where user accounts are grouped by type,
as follows:
• Group 1 (G_1) includes HCM user accounts.
• Group 2 (G_2) includes TCA party user accounts.
• Group 3 (G_3) includes OIM user accounts.
The information provided in the extract varies with the account type.
The business unit from the primary work relationship.
The date when any one of a number of values, including assignment managers,
location, job, and person type, was last updated.
The department from the primary assignment.
The worker type from the user's primary work relationship.
The user's name suffix (for example, Jr., Sr., or III).
The enterprise hire date.
A list of roles currently provisioned to workers whose work relationships are all
terminated. This value appears for active user accounts only.
The job title from the user's primary assignment.
A resource group.
A list of job, abstract, and data roles provisioned to the user.
The manager of a resource group.
The date from when the account existed.
The user name of the user who created the account.
FAQs for Manage Users
What happens if I send the user name and password?
An e-mail containing the user name and password is sent to the user's primary
work e-mail address. If the user has no primary work-email address, then the
user name and password are sent to the primary work e-mail address of the
user's line manager, if available; otherwise, no notification is sent.
You can select Send user name and password only if these details have not
already been sent for this user: the user name and password can be sent
Common Applications Configuration: Define Security for Project Financial Management 7-55
once only for any user. If this option is available for selection but you do not
select it, then you can run the process Send User Name and Password E-Mail
Notifications later to notify users of their user names and passwords.
Can I extract details of all Oracle Fusion Applications users?
Yes. The Oracle BI Publisher User Details System Extract report includes details
of all user accounts or a specified subset. For example, you can produce a report
showing inactive user accounts, accounts created between specified dates, or
accounts associated with TCA parties only.
To run the report, you must have an HCM data role that provides view-all
access to person records for the Human Capital Management Application
Administrator job role.
7-56 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Common Applications Configuration: Define Automated Governance, Risk, and Performance Controls 8-1
Common Applications Configuration:
Define Automated Governance, Risk, and
Performance Controls
Segregation of Duties: Explained
Segregation of duties (SOD) separates activities such as approving, recording,
processing, and reconciling results so an enterprise can more easily prevent or
detect unintentional errors and willful fraud. SOD policies, called access control
policies in Application Access Controls Governor (AACG), exert both preventive
and detective effects.
SOD policies constrain duties across roles so that unethical, illegal, or damaging
activities are less likely. SOD policies express constraints among roles. Duty role
definitions respect segregation of duties policies.
Application Access Controls Governor
You manage, remediate, and enforce access controls to ensure effective SOD
using the Application Access Controls Governor (AACG) product in the Oracle
Enterprise Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC) suite.
AACG applies the SOD policies of the Oracle Fusion Applications security
reference implementation using the AACG Oracle Fusion Adapter.
AACG is integrated with Oracle Identity Management (OIM) in Oracle Fusion
Applications to prevent SOD control violations before they occur by ensuring
SOD compliant user access provisioning. SOD constraints respect provisioning
workflows. For example, when provisioning a Payables role to a user, the SOD
policy that ensures no user is entitled to create both an invoice and a payment
prevents the conflicting roles from being provisioned. AACG validates the
request to provision a user with roles against SOD policies and provides a
remediating response such as approval or rejections if a violation is raised.
Use AACG to for the following.
• Define SOD controls at any level of access such as in the definition of an
entitlement or role.
• Simulate what-if SOD scenarios to understand the effect of proposed SOD
control changes.
8-2 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
• Use the library of built-in SOD controls provided as a security guideline.
Managing Segregation of Duties
SOD policies express incompatible entitlement or incompatible access points into
an application. In GRC, an access point is the lowest level access for a particular
application. In GRC, entitlement is a grouping of access points. As a security
guideline, group the lowest level access points or define the SOD policy at the
access level causing the least amount of change. Business activities are enabled
at access points. In Oracle Fusion Applications, the hierarchy of access points in
descending levels is users, roles, and entitlement.
AACG entitlements are logical groupings of security objects that represent
Oracle Fusion Application access points such as roles or entitlement.
In AACG, segregation of duties policies are called access controls.
Oracle Fusion Applications does not predefine business logic for dealing with
SOD conflicts. Oracle Fusion Applications does define a set of states where role
requests are suspended pending resolution of SOD violations the role request
introduces. In most cases, Oracle Fusion Applications invokes OIM to handle
role requests. Enterprises define SOD resolution rules when defining SOD policy.
Remediating Segregation of Duties Policy Violations
The risk tolerance of your enterprise determines what duties must be segregated
and how to address violations.
AACG assists in remediation of violations with a guided simulation that
identifies corrective action. You determine the exact effects of role and
entitlement changes prior to putting them into production, and adjust controls as
For information on managing segregation of duties, see the Oracle Application
Access Controls Governor Implementation Guide and Oracle Application Access
Controls Governor User's Guide.
Segregation of Duties in the Security Reference Implementation:
Segregation of duties (SOD) is a special case of function security enforcement.
A segregation of duties conflict occurs when a single user is provisioned with a
role or role hierarchy that authorizes transactions or operations resulting in the
possibility of intentional or inadvertent fraud.
Common Applications Configuration: Define Automated Governance, Risk, and Performance Controls 8-3
The predefined SOD policies result in duty separation with no inherent
violations. For example, an SOD policy prevents a user from entitlement to
create both payables invoices and payables payments.
However, the most common duties associated with some job and abstract
roles could conflict with the predefined segregation of duties. A predefined
role hierarchy or job or abstract role may include such common duties that
are incompatible according to a segregation of duties policy. For example, the
predefined Accounts Payable Supervisor job role includes the incompatible
duties: Payables Invoice Creation Duty and Payables Payment Creation Duty.
Every single predefined duty role is free from an inherent segregation of duties
violation. For example, no duty role violates the SOD policy that prevents a user
from entitlement to both create payables invoices and payables payments.
Jobs in the reference implementation may contain violations against the
implemented policies and require intervention depending on your risk tolerance,
even if you define no additional jobs or SOD policies.
Provisioning enforces segregation of duties policies. For example, provisioning
a role to a user that inherits a duty role with entitlement to create payables
invoices enforces the segregation of duties policy applied to that duty role
and ensures the user is not also entitled to create a payables payment. When
a role inherits several duty rules that together introduce a conflict, the role is
provisioned with a violation being raised in the Application Access Controls
Governor (AACG). If two roles are provisioned to a user and introduce a
segregation of duties violation, the violation is raised in AACG.
SOD policies are not enforced at the time of role definition.
Aspects of segregation of duties policies in the security reference implementation
involve the following.
• Application Access Controls Governor (AACG)
• Conflicts defined in segregation of duties policies
• Violations of the conflicts defined in segregation of duties policies
Application Access Controls Governor (AACG)
AACG is a component of the Oracle Enterprise Governance, Risk and
Compliance (GRC) suite of products where segregation of duties policies are
• Define SOD controls at any level of access such as in the definition of an
entitlement or role.
• Simulate what-if SOD scenarios to understand the effect of proposed SOD
control changes.
• Use the library of built-in SOD controls provided as a security guideline.
Your risk tolerance determines how many duties to segregate. The greater
the segregation, the greater the cost to the enterprise in complexity at
implementation and during maintenance. Balance the cost of segregation with
the reduction of risk based on your business needs.
8-4 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
An intra-role conflict occurs when a segregation of duties policy expresses
constraints within the construct of a single role (entitlement and duties) that
creates violations.
As a security guideline, use only the predefined duty roles, unless you have
added new applications functions. The predefined duty roles fully represent
the functions and data that must be accessed by application users and contain
all appropriate entitlement. The predefined duty roles are inherently without
segregation of duty violations of the constraints used by the Application Access
Controls Governor.
A segregation of duties violation occurs when a policy is defined that allows a
segregation of duties conflict to occur.
Notifications report conflicts to the requester of the transaction that raised the
violation. Oracle Identity Management (OIM) shows the status of role requests
indicating if a segregation of duties violation has occurred.
For information on configuring audit policies, see the Oracle Fusion Applications
Administrator's Guide.
For more information on managing segregation of duties, see the Oracle
Application Access Controls Governor Implementation Guide and Oracle
Application Access Controls Governor User's Guide.
Defining Segregation of Duties Policies: Points To Consider
Segregation of duties (SOD) policies express incompatibilities enforced to control
access in defined contexts.
In Oracle Fusion Applications, SOD policies protect against the following
• Privilege X is incompatible with privilege Y
• Role A is incompatible with role B
• Any privileges in role A are incompatible with any privileges in role B.
• Privilege X is incompatible with any privileges in role B.
The following examples of SOD policies illustrate incompatible entitlement.
• No user should have access to Bank Account Management and Supplier
Payments duties.
Common Applications Configuration: Define Automated Governance, Risk, and Performance Controls 8-5
• No user should have access to Update Supplier Bank Account and
Approve Supplier Invoice entitlement.
Data Contexts
You can extend SOD policies to control access to specific data contexts.
For example, no single individual must be able to source a supplier in a business
unit and approve a supplier invoice in the same business unit.
Exclusion and Inclusion Conditions
SOD policies may include exclusion conditions to narrow the SOD scope and
reduce false positive violations, or inclusion conditions to broaden the scope.
Conditions apply to access points globally, to policies, or to access paths defined
by policies. Access path conditions can exclude a user from a role, an Oracle
Fusion Applications entitlement from a role, or a permission from an Oracle
Fusion Applications entitlement.
The following global exclusion conditions are predefine in Oracle Fusion
Applications and available when creating SOD policies.
• User Status
• User Name
• Enterprise Role
• Action
• Business Unit
• Within Same Business Unit
Oracle Fusion Applications enforces SOD policies under the following
• When granting entitlement to a role
• When provisioning a role to a user
For information on managing segregation of duties, see Oracle Application
Access Controls Governor Implementation Guide and Oracle Application Access
Controls Governor User's Guide.
SOD policies are not enforced at the time of role definition.
A single SOD policy can include entitlement from multiple instances of a single
enterprise resource planning environment. For example, one SOD policy is
enforced in implementation, test, and production instances of Oracle Fusion
8-6 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Managing Segregation of Duties Risks and Violations: Critical
You assess and balance the cost of duty segregation against reduction of risk
based on the requirements of your enterprise.
The types of people who resolve SOD conflicts include the following.
• Administrator of an external program such as the Procurement
Administrator for the supplier portal or the Partner Manager for the PRM
• Senior executive spanning multiple organizations in an enterprise with
opposing interests
• Risk management professional implementing an Oracle Enterprise
Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC) initiative
• Predefines a set of conditions and informs access provisioning staff to
approve requests and prove the exception based on certain conditions
• Allows defining rules to route SOD violations for approval
You view and respond to risks and violations in the Application Access Controls
Governor (AACG).
You may wish to override an SOD violation. For example, the Accounts Payable
Supervisor includes incompatible duties to create both invoices and payments.
When you provision this job role to a user, you may waive the violation in the
AACG. You may waive the violation for the currently provisioned user, for the
SOD policy that raised the violation, or for the SOD policy within a particular
data set, such as a business unit.
The risk tolerance of your enterprise guides how you respond to conflicts. For
example, a user may be provisioned with both the role of Order Manager and
Shipping Agent. The Order Manger role entitles the user to enter orders, which
could result in exploitation when filling shipping quotas. You can remove the
entitlement to enter orders that the Order Manger job role inherits from the
Orchestration Order Scheduling Duty role. Or you could segregate the shipping
and order entry duties by defining an SOD policy that allows a user to have
either job role but not both.
False Positives
False positives can be SOD policy violations that are not actually violations, or
are violations within your risk tolerance and therefore do not require corrective
You can reduce false positives by the following methods.
• Define exclusion conditions that can be applied to individual or groups of
Common Applications Configuration: Define Automated Governance, Risk, and Performance Controls 8-7
• Define logically complex SOD policies that enforce more exacting
• Determine whether conflicts should be prevented, monitored, or subjected
to approval during provisioning.
Path Level Detection
Conflict analysis detects a user's multiple paths to one or more conflicting access
For example, a user may be able to reach a single access point through one
or more roles, or by one entitlement leading to another through submenus
to a function that represents a risk. The resulting conflict path shows if the
conflict is generated by inappropriate role provisioning or configuration of
applications. The audit shows the paths from any number of users to any
number of access points involved in conflicts, which lets you visualize the root
cause and remediate effectively.
AACG assigns one or more users to review all paths involved in a given conflict
so that the entire conflict can be addressed in a coherent way.
Waiving or Accepting Violations
AACG lets you accept or waive a violation. Your reasons may include that you
accept the risk or will define compensating controls.
A waiver may apply to the current user, constraint, or constraint within a
dimension such as the business unit.
Resolving Conflicts
The risk tolerance of the enterprise determines whether a segregation of duties
conflict must be removed from the security reference implementation.
The following approaches resolve conflicts.
• Change the segregation of duties policy.
• Ensure a job role does not contain incompatible duties.
• Define data security policies that restrict authorized access by
incompatible duties.
Changing a segregation of duties policy may not be possible in most cases. For
example, a policy that segregates creation of payables invoice from making
payables payments should be preserved, even if the Accounts Payables
Manager job role includes a duty role for each activity. To prevent an accounts
payables manager from being authorized to perform both duties, or from being
authorized to make payables payments to self and direct reports, the Accounts
Payables Manager job role must be changed. The security implementation can be
changed to include two job roles that segregate the incompatible duties. Added
data security policy grants can restrict the access to at risk data.
For information on managing segregation of duties, see the Oracle Application
Access Controls Governor Implementation Guide and Oracle Application Access
Controls Governor User's Guide.
8-8 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Role Provisioning and Segregation of Duties: How They Work
Segregation of duties (SOD) checks occur when roles are assigned to users. The
checks are based on Oracle Application Access Controls Governor (AACG)
policies in Oracle Enterprise Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC). The
Oracle Identity Management (OIM) integration includes predefined routing rules
for remediation in the Manage IT Security business process.
External users such as suppliers or partners need to be provisioned with roles
to facilitate access to parent company interfaces and data. The process by which
such provisioning requests are approved in Oracle Fusion Applications helps
explain the request flows and possible outcomes.
In Oracle Identity Management (OIM), external users means users who are not
specific to applications, such as enterprise roles or the absence of entitlement to
access an application.
The figure shows the role provisioning request flow. OIM uses AACG to check
segregation of duties violations.
Common Applications Configuration: Define Automated Governance, Risk, and Performance Controls 8-9
A supplier or partner requests admission to a program using an implementation
of the Supplier Portal Submission. The submission is captured in one or both of
the following tables in advance of approving or rejecting the supplier or partner.
• Oracle Fusion Trading Community Model
• Interface Staging
Oracle Fusion Applications collects the employee names for the supplier or
partner company at the time the company submits its request to join the program
so that all employees accessing Oracle Fusion Applications on behalf of the
supplier or partner are provisioned.
AACG in the Oracle Enterprise Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC) suite
is certified to synchronize with the policy and identity stores for all pillars or
partitions of Oracle Fusion Applications and integrated with the Oracle Fusion
Applications security approach to roll up entitlements (by means of duty roles)
to the roles that are provisioned to internal users. SOD policies can be defined
and enforced at any level of authorization. For external users, SOD policies use
attribute information stored in the Trading Community Model tables.
OIM and the SPML Client
Enterprise business logic may qualify the requester and initiate a role
provisioning request by invoking the Services Provisioning Markup Language
(SPML) client module, as may occur during onboarding of internal users with
Human Capital Management (HCM), in which case the SPML client submits an
asynchronous SPML call to OIM. Or OIM handles the role request by presenting
roles for selection based on associated policies.
OIM recognizes the role provisioning request and initiates a call to AACG.
OIM apprises the SPML client of the current state of the role provisioning
OIM stores the SOD check result as part of OIM audit data.
OIM apprises SPML client of the current state of the SPML request. The
provisioning is either still in progress with segregation of duties being checked,
or conflicts were found. If conflicts exist, AACG rejects the request and notifies
the application.
Status Conflicts Current State
SOD_CHECK_IN_PROGRESS Unknown Request sent to AACG and
waiting for response
SOD_REMEDIATION_IN_PROGRESSConflict found AACG detected violations and
remediation is in progress
SOD_CHECK_APPROVED No conflict found No SOD violations found
SOD_CHECK_REJECTED Conflict found AACG detected violations that
cannot be remediated
SOD_REMEDIATION_APPROVED Conflict found AACG detected violations that are
8-10 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
SOD_REMEDIATION_REJECTED Conflict found AACG detected violations that are
rejected by approver
In the absence of an SOD exception, OIM provisions all relevant users.
When a partner user is provisioned, all employees of the partner enterprise are
provisioned. SOD checks occur when an external user requests to join a program,
because SOD policies operate across Oracle Fusion Applications, not at the
individual level. Supplier or partner company user requests are not approved if
there is an SOD conflict against the supplier company.
OIM provides AACG with the details of SOD exception approval workflow.
AACG audits the outcome for use in future detective controls and audit
Oracle Application Access Controls Governor
AACG may respond with the following.
• Roles may be provisioned to the external user or its employees because no
SOD conflict is found
• SOD conflict is found and request is denied because the relevant SOD
policy is to be strictly enforced and no exception approval should be
• SOD conflict is found and the exception to the policy is allowed, so the
request goes through additional processing, such as an approval process.
Supplier or Partner Relationship Management responds to an SOD exception by
updating Trading Community Model tables with the current state. An enterprise
may elect to implement a landing pad that offers external users a means of
addressing the SOD problem by providing more information or withdrawing the
SOD violation checking occurs during role implementation and provisioning,
and can be turned on or off if AACG is provisioned and enabled as part of the
Oracle Fusion Applications deployment.
Segregation of Duties Exception Resolution or Approval Workflow
Depending upon status, OIM kicks off an auditable SOD exception resolution
workflow. Resolution can be conditional based on approval or requirements such
as contracts being met.
If one of the paths for exception resolution is to get an approval, then the SOD
exception resolution drives the approval using AMX. Standard AMX rules,
not business rules, resolve the approval for the SOD exception, including the
• Organizational hierarchies
• Multiple mandatory and optional approvers
Common Applications Configuration: Define Automated Governance, Risk, and Performance Controls 8-11
• Rerouting and approval delegation
The approver resolution uses AMX Rules Designer to access various user
attributes and organizational hierarchies managed in Oracle Fusion Applications
repositories. This information is typically not available in OIM or the LDAP
identity store repository. Enterprises can define additional approval rules using
AMX Thin Client.
The SOD Exception Approver gets a notification through supported channels
that a new request is awaiting approval. The approver signs in to the global SOA
federated worklist application that aggregates all pending worklist items for
the user from all Oracle Fusion applications and logical partitions or pillars of
applications. The SOD exception approval tasks show up in the same list.
The SOD exception approval task shows the details of the SPML request and
SOD Provisioning results in a page rendered by OIM. The approver may take
one of the following actions.
• Approve the request as it is
• Reject the request
If the approver approves the request, OIM sends an
If the approver rejects the request, OIM sends an
SOD_REMEDIATION_REJECTED status to the SPML client. The provisioning
request is considered completed with a failure outcome and the external users
is notified. Oracle Fusion Applications updates the Trading Community Model
tables with the rejected status
Remediation Task Assignments
The SOD remediation tasks are assigned based on the role being requested.
1. If the role requested is Chief Financial Officer, the SOD remediation task is
assigned to the IT Security Manager role.
2. If the SOD violation results from a policy where the SOD control tag
is the Information Technology Management business process and the
control priority is 1, the SOD remediation task is assigned to Application
Administrator role.
3. In all other scenarios, the SOD remediation task is assigned to the
Controller role.
For more information about configuring audit policies, see the Oracle Fusion
Applications Administrator's Guide.
For information on managing segregation of duties, see the Oracle Application
Access Controls Governor Implementation Guide and Oracle Application Access
Controls Governor User's Guide.
8-12 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Common Applications Configuration: Define Approval Management 9-1
Common Applications Configuration:
Define Approval Management
Approval Management: Highlights
Use approval management to determine the policies that apply to approval
workflows for particular business objects such as expense reports. For example,
you can specify levels of approval for expense reports over a particular amount,
to reflect your own corporate policies. You also determine the groups of users
who act on these workflow tasks, for example, the chain of approvers for
expense reports.
Approval management is fully described in the Oracle Fusion Middleware
Modeling and Implementation Guide for Oracle Business Process Management.
Though the concepts described there apply also to Oracle Fusion Applications,
the only setup relevant to Oracle Fusion Applications involves approval groups
and task configuration. Customization of approval workflows themselves is
described in the Oracle Fusion Applications Extensibility Guide.
• Approval management is an extension of the human workflow services of
Oracle SOA Suite. Refer to the Oracle Fusion Middleware Modeling and
Implementation Guide for Oracle Business Process Management.
See: Introduction to Approval Management
See: Understanding Approval Management Concepts
Approval Groups and Task Configuration
• An approval group consists of a name and a predefined set of users
configured to act on a task in a certain pattern. Refer to the Oracle Fusion
Middleware Modeling and Implementation Guide for Oracle Business
Process Management.
See: Administering Approval Groups
• Task configuration involves managing policies that control approval
flows. Refer to the Oracle Fusion Middleware Modeling and
Implementation Guide for Oracle Business Process Management.
See: Using Task Configuration
9-2 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
• To configure a predefined approval policy, select the predefined rule set
and click the Edit task icon button.
• To disable a predefined rule set, select the Ignore this participant check
box for that rule set.
• To edit the rules within a predefined rule set, you can insert, update, or
delete from the seeded rules as needed while in edit mode.
• You can configure a specific rule to automatically approve without
being sent to any approver. Modify the routing for that rule so that it is
sent to the initiator (which means the requestor is the approver), set the
Auto Action Enabled option to True, and enter APPROVE in the Auto
Action field.
• You can optionally customize predefined approval workflows, for
example add post-approval activities or additional stages. Refer to the
Oracle Fusion Applications Extensibility Guide.
See: Customizing and Extending SOA Components
Common Applications Configuration: Define Help Configuration 10-1
Common Applications Configuration:
Define Help Configuration
Define Help Configuration: Overview
The Define Help Configuration task list contains tasks that let you set up and
maintain Oracle Fusion Applications Help for all users. Use the Set Help Options
task to determine if certain aspects of Oracle Fusion Applications Help are
available to users and to control how aspects of the help site work. Use the
Assign Help Text Administration Duty and Manage Help Security Groups tasks
to set up customization of help content.
After performing the help configuration tasks, you can review the predefined
help and consider whether to add or customize any content. You can also
customize help that is embedded in the application, for example hints and help
windows, using other tools such as Oracle JDeveloper and Oracle Composer.
Use the Setup and Maintenance work area to access the tasks in the Define Help
Configuration task list.
Set Help Options
Help Feature Choices and Help Options: Points to Consider
Help feature choices on the Configure Offerings page in the Setup and
Maintenance work area control the look and behavior of Oracle Fusion
Applications Help, and also determine which help options are available. Help
options are setup options on the Set Help Options page.
Local Installation of Help
Select the Local Installation of Help feature choice so that the Define Help
Configuration task list appears in your implementation project, and you can
select two additional features (Access to Internet-Based Help Features and Help
Customization) to control the fields available on the Set Help Options page.
Access to Internet-Based Help Features
Select this feature choice to provide users access to features that involve
navigation to sites on the Web. If you select this feature choice, then the Web
10-2 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Sites Available from Help Site section is available on the Set Help Options page.
For Oracle Cloud, always leave this feature choice selected so that your users can
access the Cloud Learning Center.
For non-Cloud implementations only: Some help includes links to the Oracle
Fusion Applications Technology Library. If you select this feature, then these
links open the library on the Oracle Technology Network Web site. If you do not
select this feature, then your system administrator must download the library
from Oracle Technology Network (
documentation/fusion-apps-doc-1508435.html) and put all the content from
within the extracted folder (for example E28271_01) directly into the appmgr/
APPLTOP/fusionapps/applications/ahc/afh/reference/TechLib folder.
Help Customization
Select the Help Customization feature choice if you intend to customize
predefined help or add your own files to help. For example, you can add internal
policies or procedures as help, and Oracle User Productivity Kit content, if any.
Only users with job roles containing the Application Help Text Administration
duty role have access to customize help.
If you select this feature choice, then the Custom Help Security feature choice is
available, as well as all these sections on the Set Help Options page:
• Custom Help
• User Productivity Kit
• Privacy Statement
Custom Help Security
Select this feature choice if you want certain help files to be available only
to a restricted set of users. You can define the user groups allowed to view
corresponding help files. Do not select this feature choice if you do not have this
requirement, because the feature can have an impact on performance.
If you select the Custom Help Security feature choice, then the Manage Help
Security Groups task is available in the Define Help Configuration task list in
your implementation project. There are no help options associated with this
feature choice.
Administering Collaboration Features and Announcements in Help:
Points to Consider
Announcements and collaboration features (discussions, ratings and comments)
allow users to share information regarding help and the subjects that particular
help files cover. The collaboration features are also used elsewhere in Oracle
Fusion Applications. Discussions may not be available in Oracle Cloud
Use the Set Help Options page in the Setup and Maintenance work area to
enable the announcements and discussions features and to set options about
Common Applications Configuration: Define Help Configuration 10-3
ratings. When administering these features, consider the purpose of each feature
and points that are specific to Oracle Fusion Applications Help.
Use announcements to broadcast information to all users of your help site. You
can provide information about help, for example new custom help that was
recently added, or about anything that users should take note of, for example
a change in company policy. Announcements can appear on any of the tabs
on the home page of Oracle Fusion Applications Help. You can target specific
user groups by posting announcements to specific tabs, for example, posting
information related to implementation to the Functional Setup tab.
Only users with the Application Help Text Administration duty role have access
to the Manage Announcements icon button in the Announcements sections.
They can create, edit, and delete announcements for the tab that they are on, and
set the date range for when each announcement is to be displayed.
Use the full URL, for example, when creating links.
Users can use discussions to post questions or comments about subjects covered
in specific help files. For example, after reading help on expense reports, users
might have questions or comments about company policies or processes for
expenses. Other users who later access this help file would benefit from the
information in the discussion.
You can set a help option to enable discussions. Each help file would contain
a Discuss link that all users can use to read discussions about that file. They
can also start a discussion topic or post to existing topics. These discussions are
visible only to users in your enterprise.
Do not enable discussions until servers for discussions are up and running.
Only users with the appropriate administrator role can moderate discussions.
For more information on granting the administrator role on the discussions
server, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle
WebCenter Portal.
Ratings and Comments
Users can rate any help file on a five star system and provide feedback about the
content. This information is helpful to other users in deciding which help file to
open. Help files with a higher average rating are listed first in help windows,
and in the help listings you see as you browse using the help navigators.
The scope of ratings and reviews is limited to your enterprise.
FAQs for Set Help Options
10-4 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
When do I link to the Oracle User Productivity Kit library from the help site?
Provide a link to your Oracle User Productivity Kit (UPK) library if you have
UPK licensed and custom UPK content to share with your users. You give them
access to a library of custom UPK content in addition to any custom UPK demos
that you added to the help site itself. UPK demos that you add as custom help
are available only in the See It mode, so the library can include the same demo
in other modes. If you have UPK versions earlier than 3.6.1, then you cannot add
UPK demos as custom help, so the link is the only way for users to access custom
UPK content from the help site.
How can I find the URL to the Oracle User Productivity Kit library?
The URL to enter on the Set Help Options page should be the full path from
the Web server where you are hosting your Oracle User Productivity Kit (UPK)
content to the index.html file that opens the table of contents for the library, for
example, http://<your domain>.com/UPKcontent/PlayerPackage/index.html.
In this example, you or your UPK administrator would publish one UPK
player package that contains all the content to be linked to from Oracle Fusion
Applications Help, as well as the index.html file, and place the PlayerPackage
folder in a manually created folder called UPKcontent on the Web server.
FAQs for Assign Help Text Administration Duty
Who can add and manage custom help?
Users with the Application Help Text Administration duty role have access to
customize help in Oracle Fusion Applications Help. This duty is assigned by
default to various job roles, in particular the administrators for product families.
You can assign the duty role to other users who need access to customize help.
Use the Manage Duties task in the Setup and Maintenance work area to search
for the Application Help Text Administration duty role on the Role Catalog page,
and map additional job roles to this duty role.
Manage Help Security Groups
Creating Help Security Groups: Worked Example
This example demonstrates how to create a help security group to define a set of
job roles that have access to help. The help security group can then be assigned
to particular help files so that only users with any of the defined roles have
access to the help.
The following table summarizes key decisions for this scenario.
Decisions to Consider In This Example
What type of users do you need to limit help access
Human resources (HR) specialists
Common Applications Configuration: Define Help Configuration 10-5
Is there a specific time period for which this access is
No, the help files should always be viewed only by
the HR specialists
Where do you want this group to appear in the list of
values for help security groups?
Define a help security group and assign a duty role to the group.
1. From the Setup and Maintenance work area, find the Manage Help
Security Groups task and click Go to Task.
2. On the Manage Help Security Groups page, add a new row.
3. Complete the fields, as shown in this table. Leave the start and end dates
Field Value
Help Security Group HR
Meaning HR Only
Description Viewing by HR specialists only
Display Sequence 1
4. Click Save.
5. With your new help security group selected, go to the Associated Roles
section and add a new row.
6. Select PER_HUMAN_RESOURCE_SPECIALIST as the role name.
7. Click Save and Close.
You have created a new lookup code for the Help Security Groups
lookup type, which is a standard lookup. The lookup code has the name,
meaning, and description that you defined for the help security group.
You have also created a data security policy for the help database
resource, specifying that the Human Resource Specialist role can view
help that is defined with the HR security group. If you go to the Manage
Database Resources and Policies page and find the database resource,
or object, ATK_KR_TOPICS, then you can see the policy for the Human
Resource Specialist role, with the condition that the column name,
SECURITY_CODE, is equal to the value HR.
Customize Help Files
Help File Customization: Overview
If you have the appropriate job roles, then you can customize the help files in
the help site. Use the Manage Custom Help page to maintain both predefined
and custom help files. You can create, duplicate, edit, and delete custom files, or
set their status to Active or Inactive. For predefined files, you can only duplicate
them or set their status. For each help file, predefined or custom, use help
10-6 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
locations to determine where the help file appears in the application and in the
help site. You have various options in how you add custom help, for example by
uploading a file or specifying a URL.
To make a copy of all custom help for testing, migration, or other purposes, use
the export and import feature in the Setup and Maintenance work area.
There are various ways to access help customization.
• Many help files can be accessed from help windows in the application. If
you want to customize help in the context of a help window, for example
create a custom help file and add a link to it from a specific help window,
then start by opening that help window. When you click the Manage
Custom Help link, you go to the Manage Custom Help page, and the help
location fields are automatically populated with values that correspond
to the help window. This way you can easily select existing files to add
to the same help location, and when you create a new file, the same help
location appears by default.
• Open the Manage Custom Help page directly from the home page of
Oracle Fusion Applications Help or from search result pages.
• To edit a specific file, you can either find it in the Manage Custom Help
page, or open the file itself and click the Edit link.
• Likewise, you can find glossary terms in the Manage Custom Help page,
or click the Glossary link in the global area to open the Glossary tab,
search for the term, and click Edit.
When you search in the Manage Custom Help page, make sure that the Custom
Help Only check box is not selected if you are looking for predefined help.
If your enterprise has purchased Oracle User Productivity Kit (UPK) content,
then your administrator can also add a UPK item to the Help menu in the global
area of Oracle Fusion Applications. When users select this menu item, they
access UPK content specific to the page that they are on.
Help Types: Explained
Oracle Fusion Applications Help contains various types of help content,
including demos, examples, FAQs, glossary terms, help topics, and PDF guides.
A business process or product can be supported by some or all of these help
Demos are Oracle User Productivity Kit (UPK) topics that visually demonstrate
how to use the application to complete a short task or portion of a task. Demos
can also provide an introduction to complex dashboards and work areas.
Common Applications Configuration: Define Help Configuration 10-7
Examples provide real use cases of features to illustrate how and when to use
the feature, or scenarios to illustrate abstract concepts. Worked examples show
exactly what you need to do to achieve a specific result, emphasizing decisions
that you make and values that you enter.
FAQs, or frequently asked questions, provide brief answers to questions that you
might have regarding a task or page. For example, they can briefly explain what
a term means, why something happened, how you can perform an action, or
what happens if you perform the action.
Glossary terms provide definitions for words or phrases used in help. You
can search or browse glossary terms in the Glossary tab of Oracle Fusion
Applications Help. Where the links are available, you can also see the definition
when you hover over the term in help content for other help types.
Help Topic
Help topics explain key concepts, illustrate how application components work
together, or assist in decision-making by explaining points to consider or the
options you have. Help topics can also provide reference, overview, and other
PDF Guide
PDF guides present a collection of help content from the other help types,
except demos, in an organized and logical format. For example, there are guides
addressing specific business processes and setup offerings. You can see lists of all
guides from the Guides menu in Oracle Fusion Applications Help.
Help Locations: Explained
Help locations determine where users can find help files, custom or not, from
either the application or the help site.
Help locations include:
• Page or section values
• Help hierarchies
• Primary locations
Page or Section Values
The value in the Page or Section field on the help customization pages
represents where users can click a help icon to open a help window that contains
10-8 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
a link to the help file. In most cases, this value represents a page or region header
in the application. Help windows are also available on specific tabs or windows,
and in the Setup and Maintenance work area for specific task lists or tasks. You
can associate a help file with multiple page or section values, or with none at all.
The page or section value reflects the logical navigation to the help window. For
example, Edit Opportunity page, Revenue tab, Recommendations window
does not mean that the help file is available in three different places. The help
icon is in the Recommendations window, which is accessed from the Revenue
tab on the Edit Opportunity page.
If the value suggests multiple locations, for example Create and Edit
Opportunity pages, then the help file is available from the page header of both
the Create Opportunity and Edit Opportunity pages. If the page or section value
is, for example, a dashboard region that appears in multiple dashboards, then
the value does not specify the page name but just the region. The help file is
available from that region in multiple dashboards.
Help Hierarchies
Help files are associated with help hierarchies, which are used to categorize help
files and aid users in finding help. Each help file can have multiple hierarchies,
with at least one of type Business Processes. The business process hierarchy is
based on the Business Process Management model. Every page or section value
is predefined with a specific business process hierarchy. If you select a page or
section without entering a business process hierarchy, the predefined hierarchy
appears by default.
The Search by Business Process navigator in the help site is based on the
business process hierarchy. For example, if you assign two business process
hierarchies to a help file, users can find the file in both locations in the navigator.
When the user clicks More Help from a help window, all help files assigned to
the same business process hierarchy as the page or section value are returned as
search results.
Similarly, the Search by Product navigator is based on the Product hierarchy
type, in which level 1 is the product family, level 2 is the product, and level 3 is
the business activity owned by that product.
The Search by Functional Setup navigator is based on the Functional Setup
hierarchy type. The level 1 nodes for this hierarchy are:
• Functional Setup Manager, which includes help about using the Setup
and Maintenance work area.
• Guides, which contains level 2 nodes that correspond to business areas
and setup offerings. All the user reference and functional setup PDF
guides are included.
• Offerings, which contains level 2 nodes for each setup offering, and lower
levels for the main task lists in the offerings. Help for the task lists and
tasks are included.
The Search by Common Tasks navigator is based on the Welcome hierarchy type.
The level 1 nodes represent categories of functional areas common to all users.
Common Applications Configuration: Define Help Configuration 10-9
Primary Locations
The primary location of a help file designates the hierarchy that is displayed
for the help file in search results and within the help content as breadcrumbs.
You cannot change the primary location of a help file that came with your help
installation. Primary locations of predefined help are based on the business
process hierarchy, while custom help files can have primary locations based on
hierarchies of any type.
Editing Predefined Help and Glossary Terms: Points to Consider
When you open any predefined help file, including glossary terms, that came
with Oracle Fusion Applications Help, you can see an edit option if you have
roles allowing edit access. When you edit predefined help, keep in mind:
• What happens to the original help file
• Where predefined help appears
• Considerations specific to glossary terms
What Happens to the Original Files
When you edit predefined help, you are actually creating a new custom help file
based on the original file, with the same help locations. The customized version
replaces the original, which becomes inactive and hidden from users. You can
display both versions by reactivating the original in the Manage Custom Help
In the Search Results: Existing Help region on the Manage Custom Help page,
there is no option to edit predefined help. You can duplicate a predefined help
file, edit the copy, and optionally inactivate the original.
Where Predefined Help Appears
All predefined help comes with preassigned help locations, including at least one
based on the hierarchy of type Business Processes. Many also have predefined
page or section values that indicate where the help can be accessed from help
windows in the application.
To change where predefined help appears, either in the help site navigators or in
the application, create a duplicate in the Manage Custom Help page. Change or
add help locations to your custom copy, and inactivate the original.
Even though glossary terms do not appear in the help site navigators, you still
need to enter at least one help location to categorize the glossary term.
10-10 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Considerations Specific to Glossary Terms
When you edit a predefined glossary term, the original term becomes inactive.
Existing links to the glossary term, from other predefined and custom help
files, will automatically point to your custom version. If you later inactivate the
custom glossary term, make sure to activate the original term so that the links
still work.
Links in Custom Help: Points to Consider
When you create or edit custom help, follow best practices when you include
links to help files or other content. If you are working on custom help created
by duplicating a predefined help file, then you may see existing links from the
original file in the Help Content section. The types of links that you can work
with include:
• Related help links
• Standard hypertext links
• Links to documentation library content
• Glossary term links
For all link types, except the standard hypertext links, you must create or edit
custom help with a Text or Desktop source type. In other words, you must type
the help content directly in the application or use an HTML file that you upload
to help. For standard hypertext links, the source type can also be URL.
Related Help Links
Related help is the section at the end of help files that contains links to other help
files. The syntax for related help contains a comma-separated list of title IDs that
represent help files.
This figure provides an example of related links code.
• You can delete this code to remove all related help, or
delete title IDs to remove individual links (for example,
• To replace existing links or add new links, you need to retain the code
syntax and enter desired title IDs. To find title IDs, search for the help files
on the Manage Custom Help page. Title IDs are displayed in the search
results, but the Title ID column is hidden by default.
Standard Hypertext Links
You can create standard hypertext links to any file or Web site as long as you
ensure the stability and validity of the links, including links to other help files,
Common Applications Configuration: Define Help Configuration 10-11
custom or not. These links can appear anywhere in the body of your help file as
long as they come before any related help links.
In the Help Content section, highlight the text that you want to use as link text
and click the Add Link icon button.
For links to other help files, open the file to which you want to link, and click the
E-Mail link. Use the URL in the autogenerated e-mail text as the link to the file.
Use the full URL, for example, when creating links.
Links to Documentation Library Content
The syntax for links to HTML files in documentation libraries, for example the
Oracle Fusion Applications Technology Library, is:
<span class="HP_topic-link_bridgeDocument-linkToSTDoc_"><?ofa
linkToSTDoc(WCSUG4636) ?><span class="HP_topic-linktext_">Understanding
Tags</span><?ofa endLink ?></span>.
WCSUG4636 is the anchor ID and Understanding Tags is the link text. You can:
• Modify the link by replacing the existing anchor ID or editing the link
text, or both.
• Remove the link by deleting all the code for it.
• Create links to documentation library content by following the same
syntax. These links can appear anywhere in the body of your help file as
long as they come before any related help links.
To ensure that you are linking to a supported documentation library, enter
anchor IDs only from documentation libraries that are linked from predefined
help topics.
Glossary Term Links
Glossary term links provide definitions in a note box when users hover over the
term in help files.
This figure shows an example of code for a glossary term link.
In this example, accounting period is the link text, or glossary term, and
ACCOUNTING_PERIOD_001 is the identifier, or title ID.
• To remove the link but retain the text, delete all the code except the term
10-12 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
• To add glossary term links, you must follow the link syntax and use the
correct title ID for the glossary term. You can find title IDs in the search
results of the Manage Custom Help page.
If your custom help has glossary terms and the source type is Desktop File, then
make sure before uploading that the quotes around the glossary term are actual
quotation marks in raw HTML, not &QUOT. Otherwise, quotation marks will
appear when users view the help file.
Customizing PDF Guides: Worked Example
This example demonstrates how to customize a PDF guide that came with
Oracle Fusion Applications Help. This guide is currently not available from any
help window in the application.
The following table summarizes key decisions for this scenario.
Decisions to Consider In This Example
What changes do you need to make to the guide? Change the title of a chapter and remove a section
in that chapter, to hide content about a particular
Which help window should the customized guide
appear in?
The help window for the entire Welcome dashboard
of Oracle Fusion Applications
Which help navigators should the customized guide
appear in, and on which node?
Same as the original guide, plus the path associated
with the help window
Do you want to limit access to the customized
No, same as the original guide
Edit a copy of the original PDF guide, and use the Manage Custom Help page to
replace the original PDF guide with your new file.
Copying and Editing the PDF Guide
1. Open the original PDF guide from the help site and save a copy to your
desktop. Leave open the help file for the guide.
2. Using a PDF editor application, change the title of the chapter wherever
the chapter title appears. Delete the content you want to hide from users.
3. Make sure that your new PDF guide is less than 6 MB.
Replacing the Original PDF Guide
1. In the help file that you still have open for the original PDF guide, click
the Edit link.
2. On the Create Help page, use the default values except where indicated.
3. Update the title to the name that you want to display to users.
4. In the File Name field, browse for and select your customized guide.
Common Applications Configuration: Define Help Configuration 10-13
5. Delete any keywords or parts of the description relevant to the content
you removed from the PDF guide.
6. Add a help location with the Business Processes hierarchy type and
select Information Technology Management as the level 1 node,
Manage Enterprise Application Software as the level 2 node, and Use
Applications as the level 3 node.
7. Select Welcome page in the Page or Section column.
8. Click Save and Close. The help file for the original PDF guide is
automatically set to inactive.
Adding Custom UPK Content to Help: Worked Example
This example demonstrates how to add custom Oracle User Productivity Kit
(UPK) topics as demo help files. These help files function like any predefined
help file for demos. You can search and include these files in help windows and
navigators as you would other help.
In this scenario, you are adding two demos about social networking, to appear in
help windows on the Welcome dashboard.
Your demo must be made with UPK 3.6.1 or later to be added as help.
The following table summarizes key decisions for this scenario.
Decisions to Consider In This Example
What UPK content do you want to add to help? From a UPK module containing five topics, add two
as custom demos on the help site
Which help navigators should each demo appear in,
and on which node?
Because the two demos are about social networking:
• Search by Common Tasks navigator, under the
Collaboration node
• Search by Business Process navigator, under
Information Technology Management -
Manage Networking and Communications -
Manage Social Networking Capabilities
Which help window should each demo appear in? On the Welcome dashboard of Oracle Fusion
Applications, one demo goes in the help window
in the Activity Stream region, and the other in the
People Connection region
Do you want to limit access to the help files for the
Do you want the help files to appear in the New and
Updated pane?
Generate a report of UPK document IDs, which you will use when creating
custom help, to identify the UPK topics that you want to add. Publish the UPK
module as a player package, then create custom help for the UPK topics that you
want to use as help demos.
10-14 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Generating a UPK Document ID Report
1. In the UPK Developer, select Details View.
2. Right-click any column header, for example Name, and select Column
3. In the Column Chooser dialog box, click and drag the Document ID
column header and drop it after the Name column. Close the Column
Chooser dialog box.
4. From the File menu, select to print, and save the output as a Microsoft
Excel file to your desktop.
Creating the Player Package
1. From the UPK Developer, make sure that the topics that you want to
add as demos have the See It play mode. The topics can also have other
modes, but only the See It mode is included in the custom help file.
2. Publish the module, specifying any location for the output and selecting
to publish the selection only.
3. In the Formats section of the Publish Content window, select the Player
check box under the Deployment check box group.
4. In the Player section, select the Include HTML Web Site check box, to
ensure that the custom help file includes a text-only version of the UPK
5. Finish the publishing process, after optionally setting other options.
6. Navigate to the location where you specified the output to be generated.
7. In the Publishing Content folder, copy the PlayerPackage folder and add
it to the web server where you store UPK content.
Creating Custom Help for Demos
1. Open the help window in the Activity Stream region on the Welcome
dashboard of Oracle Fusion Applications, and click Manage Custom
2. On the Manage Custom Help page, the page or section and hierarchy
values are populated with the values for the Activity Stream region.
3. Click Create.
4. On the Create Help page, complete the fields in the General Information
section, as shown in this table. Use the default values except where
Field Value
Title The name of the UPK topic.
Source Type Oracle User Productivity Kit
File Location The full URL of the player package
folder on the Web server, for example,
http://<your domain>.com/
Common Applications Configuration: Define Help Configuration 10-15
Document ID The document ID of the UPK topic to
add to the help window in the Activity
Stream region. You can copy and paste
this ID from the Microsoft Excel file
that you generated earlier.
Help Type Demo
Help Security Group Unsecured
Keywords Terms relevant to the demo.
Description Summary of the demo.
Include in New and Updated pane Selected
The Help Location section contains values for the help window in the
Activity Stream region. This help file will also appear in the Search by
Business Process navigator under this predefined hierarchy.
5. Click Save and Close.
6. On the Manage Custom Help page, open the help locations for the help
file that you just created.
7. Add a help location with the Welcome hierarchy type and select
Collaboration Features as the level 1 node.
8. Add another help location with the Business Processes hierarchy type and
select Information Technology Management as the level 1 node, Manage
Networking and Communications as the level 2 node, and Manage
Social Networking Capabilities as the level 3 node.
9. Click Save and Close.
10. Starting at the Connections region, repeat steps 1 to 9 for the other UPK
topic that you want to add.
FAQs for Customize Help
How can I restrict help content to specific user roles?
When you create or edit help, select a help security group that represents the set
of roles that you want to have access to the help. If you do not see the Security
Group field, then your administrator has not selected the Custom Help Security
feature choice. The Unsecured group has no associated roles, so anyone can view
the help. The predefined Secured group includes all internal employees and
contingent workers, unless this group has been edited. You can create security
groups and associate roles using the Manage Help Security Groups page, which
you can access by starting in the Setup and Maintenance Overview page and
searching for the Manage Help Security Groups task. Your new security groups
are immediately available for use to secure new or edited help files.
Why can't I select and add help to a location?
You must specify a page or section to add the existing help to. To ensure that
help is added to the correct help window, go to the page or section in the
10-16 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
application, click the Help icon, and click the Manage Custom Help link in the
help window. Alternatively, in the Manage Custom Help page, search for at least
a page or section and a level 1 value for the Business Processes hierarchy type
before selecting the Select and Add option.
You cannot select and add help to a particular hierarchy, on the Manage Custom
Help page, without a page or section. To add just a hierarchy, search for the help
file, add a new help location, and specify only the hierarchy information.
What happens to custom help when a help patch is applied?
Oracle Fusion Applications Help patches update all help files, both active and
inactive, except custom help. Custom help files are not affected by patches.
Consider reviewing inactive files to see if you want to activate the updated
version, or to make similar edits to the custom versions of those files, if any.
Customize Embedded Help
Customizing Embedded Help: Highlights
You can customize help that is embedded in the application, for example hints
and help windows, for all users of Oracle Fusion Applications.
Embedded help customization is fully described in the Oracle Fusion
Applications Extensibility Guide.
• Edit, create, or delete hint text that appears on hover over buttons, links,
icons, or tab titles.
See: Customizing or Adding Bubble Embedded Help
• Edit, create, or delete other types of embedded help. Refer to the
Customizing or Adding Static Instructions, In-Field Notes, and
Terminology Definitions section.
See: Oracle Fusion Applications Extensibility Guide
Common Applications Configuration: Define Application Toolkit Configuration 11-1
Common Applications Configuration:
Define Application Toolkit Configuration
Define Application Toolkit Configuration: Overview
Oracle Fusion Application Toolkit (ATK) is an application that provides various
core components of Oracle Fusion Applications, including the Welcome
dashboard, Oracle Fusion Applications Help, the Reports and Analytics pane,
and the Watchlist feature. Use the Define Application Toolkit Configuration
task list to set up and maintain some of these components for all users, and the
Define Help Configuration task list for Oracle Fusion Applications Help.
The Define Application Toolkit Configuration task list is available in
implementation projects only if the Application Toolkit Component Maintenance
feature choice is selected.
Use the Setup and Maintenance work area to access the tasks in the Define
Application Toolkit Configuration task list.
Map Reports to Work Areas
Additional Report Setup in the Context of the Reports and Analytics
Pane: Highlights
Aside from determining which work areas a specific report is mapped to, you
can perform additional setup for reports in the context of the Reports and
Analytics pane. You can set up report permissions, and enable Oracle Business
Intelligence (BI) Publisher reports for scheduled submission.
This additional setup is described in the Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide
for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition (Oracle Fusion Applications
Edition) and the Oracle Fusion Applications Extensibility Guide.
Report Permissions
• You can restrict access to specific reports for specific users, and this
security is not limited to the Reports and Analytics pane. Refer to the
11-2 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence
Enterprise Edition (Oracle Fusion Applications Edition).
See: Assigning Permissions
Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher Reports Submission
• Oracle BI Publisher reports must be registered as processes with Oracle
Enterprise Scheduler to be enabled for scheduling. This registration also
enables a Schedule link for the report in the Reports and Analytics Pane.
Refer to the Oracle Fusion Applications Extensibility Guide, and perform
the following steps in the specified order.
• Create an Oracle Enterprise Scheduler job definition for the report.
See: Tasks Required to Run Custom Reports with Oracle Enterprise
Scheduler Service
• Specify the job definition details in the report's properties.
See: Enabling Reports for Scheduling from the Reports and Analytics
FAQs for Map Reports to Work Areas
How can I set up the Reports and Analytics pane for all users?
You can remove any currently mapped report from the Reports and Analytics
pane, or add mappings to reports from the Oracle Business Intelligence (BI)
Presentation catalog. To access the setup, click Edit Settings in the Reports
and Analytics pane, or use the Map Reports to Work Areas task in the Setup
and Maintenance work area. If you do the former, then you can set up only the
Reports and Analytics pane on the work area that you are in.
If you do the latter, then you can select a work area to set up. If you do not see
the desired work area, most likely you do not have access to it due to security.
You can request to be granted a role that has access to the work area, or another
administrator or business user with access to the work area can be granted the
Reports and Analytics Region Administration Duty to be able to map reports to
the work area.
On the Map Reports to Work Areas page only, you can also use the Synchronize
button to remove mappings to reports that are no longer in the catalog, for all
work areas at once.
Any changes you make in either UI apply to all users with access to the mapped
work area.
Why can't I see reports when mapping reports to work areas for the Reports
and Analytics pane?
It is possible that there are no reports currently mapped to the work area that
you select in the Map Reports to Work Areas page. Alternatively, reports are
mapped, but you do not see them due to security.
Common Applications Configuration: Define Application Toolkit Configuration 11-3
Similarly, in the list of all available reports from the catalog, you can see only
the reports that you have access to. You can request to be granted a role that has
access to the reports that you want to map, or another administrator or business
user with access to those reports can be granted the Reports and Analytics
Region Administration Duty to be able to map reports to work areas.
Why can't I see reports when I edit settings for the Reports and Analytics pane?
In the Edit Settings window, you may not be able to see a currently mapped
report because you do not have access to it due to security.
Similarly, in the list of all available reports from the catalog, you can see only
the reports that you have access to. You can request to be granted a role that has
access to the reports that you want to map, or another administrator or business
user with access to those reports can be granted the Reports and Analytics
Region Administration Duty to be able to map reports to work areas.
Set Watchlist Options
Watchlist Setup: Points to Consider
For all users across the site, you can disable or enable predefined Watchlist
categories and items, edit their names, and determine how often item counts
refresh. You cannot delete predefined Watchlist categories and items, nor create
any for the site. Users can create their own Watchlist items through saved
Access the Set Watchlist Options page by starting in the Setup and Maintenance
Overview page and searching for the Set Watchlist Options task.
Disabling Predefined Categories and Items
Use the Set Watchlist Options page to enable or disable predefined Watchlist
categories and items. Disabling any category or item also disables associated
processes involved in calculating the Watchlist item counts for all users. These
processes include creating data caches, performing security checks, invoking
services across domains, running queries, and so on.
An item with the Predefined type represents the actual predefined Watchlist
item that appears in the Watchlist. If you disable this type of Watchlist item, then:
• The item is not available for users to display in their watchlist
• The item is removed from any watchlist where it is currently displayed
A Watchlist item with the User-created saved search type does not appear in the
Watchlist; it controls the display of the Manage Watchlist button or menu item in
pages with saved searches. If you disable this type of Watchlist item, then:
• The Manage Watchlist option is not available to users in the
corresponding work area, so users cannot use their own saved searches as
11-4 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Watchlist items. A message is displayed to users when they try to use this
• Any user-defined saved searches from that work area already used as
Watchlist items are no longer available in the users' watchlist. The user-
defined saved searches are still available to be used for searching, but not
for the Watchlist.
If you disable a Watchlist category, then the category is not available for users
to include in their watchlist, and all Watchlist items within the category are also
Ultimately, the Watchlist for any user contains the subset of categories and items
that are enabled in the Set Watchlist Options page:
• Plus any items based on user-defined saved searches
• Minus any categories or items that the user chooses to hide using
Watchlist preferences
• Minus any items with no results found, if the user chooses to hide such
items using Watchlist preferences
Specifying Refresh Intervals
All Watchlist items have a predefined refresh interval, which controls how
often the query that calculates the count for a Watchlist item can be run. Use
the Set Watchlist Options page to edit the interval values. What you specify
as the refresh interval for a Watchlist item of type User-created Saved Search
applies to all Watchlist items based on saved searches created by users on the
corresponding search page.
When the user is in the Welcome dashboard with the Watchlist open for at least
two and a half minutes, the query automatically runs for all Watchlist items if
no refresh already ran in this user session. To subsequently run the query again,
users can manually refresh the Watchlist region. The Refresh icon is enabled
after five minutes since the last refresh.
During a refresh, the query runs for an individual Watchlist item only if the time
since the last query for this item is equal to or greater than the specified refresh
interval. Since the manual refresh of the entire Watchlist is not available until five
minutes after the last refresh, you should not set a Watchlist item refresh interval
that is less than five minutes.
When users open Watchlist from the global area, a refresh automatically runs
if five minutes have passed since the last refresh. During this refresh, the query
runs for an individual Watchlist item only if the time since the last query for this
item is equal to or greater than the specified refresh interval.
For example, you set the interval to eight minutes for a particular Watchlist item.
When the user signs in and goes to the Welcome dashboard, with the Watchlist
open, the query automatically runs for this Watchlist item after two and a half
Common Applications Configuration: Define Application Toolkit Configuration 11-5
minutes. Every two and a half minutes after, a check is performed for stale
counts and new cached counts are displayed.
Five minutes after the query ran, the Refresh icon is enabled and the user
performs a manual refresh. However, the query does not run for this Watchlist
item, because the refresh interval is eight minutes. The user navigates away from
the Welcome dashboard and opens the Watchlist from the global area six minutes
later. A refresh automatically runs because more than five minutes have passed
since the last refresh. This time, the query runs for this Watchlist item because it
has been more than eight minutes since the query last ran for this item.
Editing Predefined Category and Item Names
Predefined Watchlist category and item names are stored as meanings
of standard lookups. Lookup types for predefined categories end with
WATCHLIST, for example EXM_EXPENSES_WATCHLIST. Edit the lookup type
meaning to change the category name. To change item names, edit lookup code
meanings for that lookup type.
11-6 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Common Applications Configuration: Maintain Common Reference Objects 12-1
Common Applications Configuration:
Maintain Common Reference Objects
Maintain Common Reference Objects: Overview
The Maintain Common Reference Objects task list contains Oracle Fusion
Middleware Extensions for Applications (Applications Core) tasks that support
implementation of common behaviors, such as data security or reference data
Use this task list to manage common reference objects that are defined
centrally and shared across applications, in addition to those that are specific to
Applications Core functionality. You can access this task list by starting in the
Setup and Maintenance Overview page and searching for common reference
object task lists.
Offerings also include application-specific tasks for managing Applications
Core objects. For example, the Financials offering includes tasks such as Manage
Receivables Descriptive Flexfields, and Manage Receivables Lookups.
For more information on configuring custom objects, see the Oracle Fusion
Applications Extensibility Guide.
To make the Maintain Common Reference Objects task list available in your
implementation project, go to Setup and Maintenance Overview - Configure
Offerings , and for a specific offering, select the Maintain Common Reference
Objects feature choice.
Define Application Taxonomy
Application Taxonomy: Highlights
Application taxonomy is the organization of Oracle application components and
functions in a hierarchical structure, from product lines to logical business areas.
This hierarchy represents a breakdown of products into units based on how
applications are installed and supported. Maintain this hierarchy on the Manage
12-2 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Taxonomy Hierarchy page, which you can access by starting in the Setup and
Maintenance Overview page and searching for the Manage Taxonomy Hierarchy
A detailed introduction to application taxonomy is provided in the Oracle Fusion
Applications Developer's Guide.
• The application taxonomy hierarchy contains various levels and types of
nodes, or modules.
See: Characteristics of the Level Categories
See: Benefits of a Logical Hierarchy
• Use application taxonomy to understand relationships among
applications and between an application and its files. This information is
helpful in managing various phases of the product lifecycle.
See: How to Manage the Lifecycle
Modules in Application Taxonomy: Explained
A module is any node in the application taxonomy hierarchy. The top level of the
hierarchy is product line, followed by product family, application, and logical
business area. There can be multiple levels of logical business areas, with one or
more nested within a parent logical business area.
Product Line
A product line is a collection of products under a single brand name, for
example, Oracle Fusion.
Product Family
A product family is a collection of products associated with a functional area that
may or may not be licensed together as a single unit, for example Financials.
An application is a single product within a product family, containing closely
related features for a specific business solution, for example General Ledger.
Logical Business Area
A logical business area is a collection of business object definitions organized
into a logical grouping. It contains the model objects, services, and UI
components for those business objects. Logical business areas have their own
hierarchy levels and in some cases can be two or three levels deep. Each leaf
node has at least one business object and service, up to a maximum of four
business objects and associated services. A logical business area with more than
four business objects are further refined with child logical business area levels.
Common Applications Configuration: Maintain Common Reference Objects 12-3
Each of these parent-child levels is represented by a directory in the physical
package hierarchy.
Managing Modules in Application Taxonomy: Points to Consider
Manage modules on the Create Child Module or Edit Module page, which
you can access by starting in the Setup and Maintenance Overview page and
searching for the Manage Taxonomy Hierarchy task. When you create a module,
it is a child of the currently selected node in the application taxonomy hierarchy.
This determines which values are available, for example for module type. Once
created, you cannot delete the module or move it elsewhere in the hierarchy.
As you create or edit modules, consider the following points regarding specific
Module ID is the unique primary key for nodes in the taxonomy table. When
you create a module, an ID is automatically generated. Once the module is
created, you cannot update the ID.
Module key and alternative ID are additional identifiers of the module,
presented in a way that is easier to read than the module ID. The module key is a
string identifier, for example AP for the Oracle Fusion Payables application. The
alternative ID is a numeric identifier, for example 1 for the Oracle Fusion product
line. These IDs are provided for the product line, product family, and application
modules, but you can optionally add them for logical business areas and new
custom modules.
Do not change the module key or alternative ID for predefined modules.
The product code is relevant only to application and logical business area
modules. You can leave the field blank for other module types. The product code
for applications is the short name that can be displayed in lists of application
values, for example FND for Oracle Fusion Middleware Extensions for
Module name is the logical name for the module and is always available. The
name must be unique among nodes in the same hierarchy level with the same
parent, but try to make it as unique in the whole hierarchy as possible.
The user name and description can appear to users in other parts of Oracle
Fusion Applications, so make sure that the values are something that users know
to represent the module.
Usage Types
Though you can update the usage type to reflect the current state of the module,
just doing so does not affect the actual state. For example, setting a module
as installed does not mean it is actually installed if the installation itself has
12-4 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
not taken place. Installation refers to operations related to laying down all the
components needed to create an Oracle Fusion Applications environment, while
deployment is the process that starts the managed servers and clusters and
facilitates the actual use of product offerings. A licensed module is available for
installation and deployment, and a deployed module is considered actively used
when actually used by users.
Seed Data
If seed data is allowed, then seed data such as flexfields and lookups can be
extracted for the module using seed data loaders. By default, extract is allowed
for all predefined modules of type application and logical business area.
You can associate a logical domain to modules of type product family, as well
as one or more enterprise applications to modules of type application. This
association represents the relationship between the taxonomy modules and the
corresponding domain and enterprise applications stored in the Oracle Fusion
Applications Functional Core (ASK) tables.
Define Reference Data Sharing
Reference Data Sharing: Explained
Reference data sharing facilitates sharing of configuration data such as jobs and
payment terms, across organizational divisions or business units. You define
reference data sets and determine how the data is shared or partitioned. Use
reference data sets to reduce duplication and maintenance by sharing common
data across business entities where appropriate. Depending on the requirement
(specific or common), each business unit can maintain its data at a central
location, using a set of values either specific to it or shared by other business
You can share reference data after it is filtered on the basis of sets. A common
reference data set is available as the default set, which can be assigned to several
business units sharing the same reference data. For commonly used data such as
currencies, you can use the common reference data set and assign it to multiple
business units in various countries that use the same currency. In cases where
the default set cannot be assigned to an entity, you can create specific sets. The
data set visible on the transactional page depends on the sharing method used to
share reference data.
For example, XYZ Corporation uses the same grades throughout the entire
organization. Instead of managers in different business units setting up the
same grades, XYZ Corporation decides to create a set called Grades and assign
the grades reference data group for all business units in the organization to the
Grades set, so that the grades can be shared.
For specific information on configuring reference data sharing for a particular
object or product, refer to its product documentation.
Common Applications Configuration: Maintain Common Reference Objects 12-5
Reference Data Sets: Explained
Reference data sets are logical groups of reference data that can be accessed by
various transactional entities depending on the business context. Oracle Fusion
Applications contains a common reference data set as well as an enterprise set
that may be used as a default set. Depending on your business requirement you
can create and maintain additional reference data sets, while continuing to use
the common reference data set.
Consider the following scenario.
Your enterprise can decide that some aspects of corporate policy should affect
all business units and leave other aspects to the discretion of the business unit
manager. This allows your enterprise to balance autonomy and control for each
business unit. For example, if your enterprise holds business unit managers
accountable for their profit and loss, but manages working capital requirements
at a corporate level, you can let managers define their own sales methods, but
define payment terms centrally. In this case, each business unit would have
its own reference data set for sales methods, and there would be one central
reference data set for payment terms assigned to all business units.
The partitioning of reference data and creation of data sets enable you to create
reference entities across tables or lookup types, and share modular information
and data processing options among business units. With the help of partitioning,
you can choose to create separate sets and subsets for each business unit
depending upon its business requirement, or create common sets or subsets to
enable sharing reference data between several business units, without the need
for duplicating the reference data. Partitioning provides you the flexibility to
handle the reference data in a way appropriate to your business needs.
The following figure illustrates the reference data sharing method (assignment to
one set only, with common values) where the user can access the data assigned
to a specific set in a particular business unit, as well as access the data assigned
to the common set.
12-6 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Reference Data Sets and Sharing Methods: Explained
Oracle Fusion Applications reference data sharing feature is also known as
SetID. The reference data sharing functionality supports operations in multiple
ledgers, business units, and warehouses, thereby reducing the administrative
burden and decreasing the time needed to implement new business units.
For example, you can share sales methods, transaction types, or payment
terms across business units or selected other data across asset books, cost
organizations, or project units.
The reference data sharing features use reference data sets to which reference
data is assigned. The reference data sets group assigned reference data. The sets
can be understood as buckets of reference data assigned to multiple business
units or other application components.
Reference Data Sets
You begin this part of your implementation by creating and assigning reference
data to sets. Make changes carefully as changes to a particular set will affect
all business units or application components using that set. You can assign a
separate set to each business unit for the type of object that is being shared. For
example, assign separate sets for payment terms, transaction types, and sales
methods to your business units.
Your enterprise can decide that some aspects of corporate policy should affect
all business units and leave other aspects to the discretion of the business unit
manager. This allows your enterprise to balance autonomy and control for each
business unit. For example, if your enterprise holds business unit managers
accountable for their profit and loss, but manages working capital requirements
at a corporate level, you can let managers define their own sales methods, but
define payment terms centrally. In this case, each business unit would have
its own reference data set for sales methods, and there would be one central
reference data set for payment terms assigned to all business units.
The reference data sharing is especially valuable for lowering the cost of setting
up new business units. For example, your enterprise operates in the hospitality
industry. You are adding a new business unit to track your new spa services. The
hospitality divisional reference data set can be assigned to the new business unit
to quickly setup data for this entity component. You can establish other business
unit reference data in a business unit specific reference data set as needed
Reference Data Sharing Methods
There are variations in the methods used to share data in reference data sets
across different types of objects. The following list identifies the methods:
• Assignment to one set only, no common values allowed. The simplest
form of sharing reference data that allows assigning a reference data
object instance to one and only one set. For example, Asset Prorate
Conventions are defined and assigned to only one reference data set.
This set can be shared across multiple asset books, but all the values are
contained only in this one set.
• Assignment to one set only, with common values. The most commonly
used method of sharing reference data that allows defining reference data
Common Applications Configuration: Maintain Common Reference Objects 12-7
object instance across all sets. For example, Receivables Transaction Types
are assigned to a common set that is available to all the business units
without the need to be explicitly assigned the transaction types to each
business unit. In addition, you can assign a business unit specific set of
transaction types. At transaction entry, the list of values for transaction
types includes transaction types from the set assigned to the business unit,
as well as transaction types assigned to the common set that is shared
across all business units.
• Assignment to multiple sets, no common values allowed. The method
of sharing reference data that allows a reference data object instance to
be assigned to multiple sets. For instance, Payables Payment Terms use
this method. It means that each payment term can be assigned to one
or more than one set. For example, you assign the payment term Net
30 to several sets, but the payment term Net 15 is assigned to only your
corporate business unit specific set. At transaction entry, the list of values
for payment terms consists of only one set of data; the set that is assigned
to the transaction's business unit.
Note: Oracle Fusion Applications contains a reference data set called Enterprise.
Define any reference data that affects your entire enterprise in this set.
Assigning Reference Data Sets to Reference Objects: Points to
You can assign the reference data sets to reference objects on the Manage
Reference Data Set Assignments page. For multiple assignments, you can classify
different types of reference data sets into groups and assign them to reference
entity objects. The assignment takes into consideration the determinant type,
determinant, and reference group, if any.
Determinant Types
The partitioned reference data is shared based on a business context setting
called the determinant type. It is the point of reference used in the data
assignment process. The following table lists the determinant types used in the
reference data assignment.
Type Description
Asset Book Information about the acquisition, depreciation, and
retirement of an asset that belongs to a ledger or a
business unit.
Business Unit The departments or organizations within an
Cost Organization The organization used for cost accounting and
reporting on various inventory and cost centers
within an enterprise.
Project Unit A logical organization within an enterprise that
is responsible for enforcing consistent project
management practices.
Reference Data Set References to other shared reference data sets.
12-8 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
The determinant or determinant value is the value that corresponds to the
selected determinant type. The determinant is one of the criteria for selecting the
appropriate reference data set. For example, when managing set assignments for
the set determinant type, Reference Data Set is the determinant type, and you
would enter the corresponding set code value as the corresponding determinant
Reference Groups
A transactional entity may have multiple reference entities (generally considered
to be setup data) that are treated in the same manner because of commonness in
implementing business policies and legal rules. Such reference entities in your
application are grouped into logical units called reference groups, based on the
functional area and the partitioning requirements that they have in common. For
example, all tables and views that define Sales Order Type details might be part
of the same reference group.
The reference groups are predefined in the reference groups table and are
available for selection and assignment.
Define Lookups
Lookups: Explained
Lookups are lists of values in applications. You define a list of values as a lookup
type consisting of a set of lookup codes, each code's translated meaning, and
optionally a tag. End users see the list of translated meanings as the available
values for an object.
Lookups provide a means of validation and lists of values where valid values
appear on a list with no duplicate values. For example, an application might
store the values Y and N in a column in a table, but when displaying those
values in the user interface, Yes or No (or their translated equivalents) should be
available for end users to select. For example, the two lookup codes Y and N are
defined in the REQUIRED_INDICATOR lookup type.
In another example, a lookup type for marital status has lookup codes for users
to specify married, single, or available legal partnerships.
Lookup Type Lookup Code Meaning Tag
S Single
R Registered Partner +NL
DP Domestic Partner -FR, AU
Common Applications Configuration: Maintain Common Reference Objects 12-9
In this case, tags are used for localizing the codes. All legislations list Married
and Single. Only the Dutch legislation lists Registered Partner. And all
legislations except France and Australia also list Domestic Partner.
When managing lookups, you need to understand the following.
• Using lookups in applications
• Customization levels
• Accessing lookups
• Enabling lookups
• The three kinds of lookups: standard, common, and set enabled
Using Lookups in Applications
Use lookups to provide validation or a list of values for a user input field in a
user interface.
An example of a lookup used for validation is a flexfield segment using a
table-validated value set with values from a lookup type. An example of a
lookup in a list of values is a profile option's available values from which users
select one to set the profile option. Invoice Approval Status gives the option of
including payables invoices of different approval statuses in a report. The lookup
code values include All so that users can report by all statuses: Approved,
Resubmitted for approval, Pending or rejected, and Rejected.
Customization Level
The customization level of a lookup type determines whether the lookups in that
lookup type can be edited. This applies data security to lookups.
Some lookup types are locked so no new codes and other changes can be added
during implementation or later, as needed. Depending on the customization
level of a lookup type, you may be able to change the codes or their meanings.
Some lookups are designated as extensible, so new lookup codes can be created
during implementation, but the meanings of predefined lookup codes cannot be
modified. Some predefined lookup codes can be changed during implementation
or later, as needed.
The customization levels are user, extensible, and system. The following table
shows which lookup management tasks are allowed at each customization level.
Allowed Task User Extensible System
Deleting a lookup type Yes No No
Inserting new codes Yes Yes No
Updating start date, end
date, and enabled fields
Yes Yes, only if the code is
not predefined data
Deleting codes Yes Yes, only if the code is
not predefined data
Updating tags Yes No No
Updating module Yes No No
12-10 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Predefined data means LAST_UPDATED_BY =
If a product depends on a lookup, the customization level should be system or
extensible to prevent deletion.
Once the customization level is set for a lookup type, it cannot be modified. The
customization level for lookup types created using the Define Lookups page is
by default set at the User level.
Standard, Common, and Set-Enabled Lookups
The available kinds of lookups are as follows.
Lookup Description
Standard Lists the available codes and translated meanings
Set enabled Additionally associates a reference data set with the
lookup codes
Common Legacy lookups
Standard lookups are the simplest form of lookup types consisting only of codes
and their translated meaning. They differ from common lookups only in being
defined in the standard lookup view.
Common lookups exist for reasons of backward compatibility and differ from
standard lookups only in being defined in the common lookup view.
Set enabled lookup types store lookup codes that are enabled for reference data
sharing. At runtime, a set-enabled lookup code is visible because the value of the
determinant identifies a reference data set in which the lookup code is present.
Accessing Lookups
Standard, set-enabled, and common lookups are defined in the Standard, Set-
enabled, and Common views, respectively. Applications development may
define lookups in an application view to restrict the UI pages where they may
In lookups management tasks, lookups may be associated with a module in the
application taxonomy to provide a criteria for narrowing a search or limiting
the number of lookups accessed by a product specific task such as Manage
Purchasing Lookups.
Enabling Lookups
A lookup type is reusable for attributes stored in multiple tables.
Enable lookups based on the following.
• Selecting an Enabled check box
• Specifying an enabled start date, end date, or both
• Specifying a reference data set determinant
Common Applications Configuration: Maintain Common Reference Objects 12-11
If you make changes to a lookup, users must sign out and back in before the
changes take effect. When defining a list of values for display rather than
validation, limit the number of enabled lookup codes to a usable length.
For more information on the predefined lookups and lookup codes, see assets
with the Lookup type in the Oracle Enterprise Repository for Oracle Fusion
Applications (
Managing a Standard Lookup: Example
Creating a new standard lookup involves creating or selecting a lookup type
to which the lookup code belongs, and determining appropriate values for the
lookup codes and their meanings.
You can only create or edit the lookup codes for a particular lookup type if its
customization level supports it.
Creating a Lookup Type Called COLORS
Your enterprise needs a list of values for status to be used on various objects such
as processes or users. The lookups are colors, so the lookup type you create is
Lookup type parameters Value
Lookup type name COLORS
Meaning Status
Description Status by color
Module Oracle Fusion Middleware Extensions for
The lookup codes you define for the COLORS lookup type are, BLUE, RED,
Lookup Code Meaning Enabled Display Sequence
BLUE Urgent No 4
RED Stop Yes 1
GREEN Go Yes 3
YELLOW Caution Yes 2
Understanding the Resulting Data Entry List of Values
Users need to respond to a process question by indicating whether to stop it, use
caution, go ahead, or complete it urgently.
The list of values for the COLORS lookup type includes the meanings for the
enabled codes.
12-12 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Displayed Value Hidden ID
Stop RED
Caution YELLOW
The BLUE lookup code was not enabled and does not appear in the list of values.
The display sequence of values in the list of values is alphabetical unless you
enter a number manually to determine the order of appearance. Number 1
indicates the value listed first in the list of values.
Only lookups that are enabled and active, meaning between start and end dates,
are visible.
When users enter one of the values from the list of values for the lookup type
COLORS, the transaction table records the lookup code. In this example, the
code is stored in the Status column
Transaction number User name Status
1 Jane RED
3 Alice BLUE
The status for one user is BLUE because at the time they entered a value, BLUE
was enabled. Disabling a lookup code does not affect transaction records in
which that code is stored. Data querying and reporting have access to disabled
lookup codes in transaction tables.
Managing Set-Enabled Lookups: Examples
Creating a new set-enabled lookup is similar to creating a standard lookup with
the addition of specifying a reference data set determinant for the lookup codes.
You can only create or edit the lookup codes for a particular lookup type if its
customization level supports it.
The reference data set for a set-enabled lookup code is part of its foreign key.
This is unlike other set-enabled entities.
Selecting a Reference Group for a Set-Enabled Lookup Type
By specifying a reference group for a set-enabled lookup type you indicate which
reference data set assignments are available for its lookup codes. For example a
Common Applications Configuration: Maintain Common Reference Objects 12-13
COLORS lookup type might be set enabled for a Countries reference group that
includes the US and EU reference data set assignments.
Selecting a Reference Data Set for a Set-Enabled Lookup
The reference data set determines which lookup code is included in the list of
values. If a COLORS lookup type contains a RED, YELLOW, ORANGE, and
GREEN lookup code, you can enable one RED lookup as coming from the US
reference data set and another RED lookup as coming from the EU reference data
set with divergent meanings.
Reference Data Set Lookup Code Lookup Meaning
EU RED Rouge
In addition to divergent meanings for lookup codes based on associated
reference data set, some lookup codes may be unique to one or another reference
data set as the ORANGE lookup is to the EU reference data set in this example.
In another example, a lookup type called HOLD_REASON provides a list of
reasons for applying a hold to a contract renewal. Reference data sets determine
which codes are included in the hold reason list of values.
Reference Data Set Lookup Code Lookup Meaning
US SEC SEC Compliance Review
US DIR Needs Director's Approval
US VP Needs Vice President's Approval
CHINA CSRC Pending China Securities
Regulatory Commission Review
CHINA PR Needs President's Approval
Using the Manage Set Assignments task, you have defined assignments that
designate the China business unit to refer to the CHINA and the US business
unit to refer to the US and all business units to refer to the COMMON set.
When end users place a contract hold in the US business unit, only the three
reason codes in US_SET are available. When placing a contract hold in the China
business, only the two codes in China_SET are available.
FAQs for Define Lookups
How can I edit lookups?
You can edit the existing lookup codesof a lookup type or add new lookup codes
on the Define Lookups pages, which you can access by starting in the Setup and
12-14 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Maintenance work area and searching for lookup tasks. You can edit the existing
lookup codes of a lookup type, or add new lookup codes to a lookup type, if the
customization level for the lookup type supports editing
Why can't I see my lookup types?
Lookups are listed by lookup type. Typically lookup types are managed using
tasks that handle a group of related lookups, such as Manage Geography
Lookups. Each task gives you access only to certain lookup types. The generic
tasks provide access to all lookups types of a kind, such as all common lookups
using the Manage Common Lookups task.
If existing lookups are not available to the tasks of the Define Lookups activity,
they may be validated for use in a lookup view that is not central to all
applications or whose owning application has not been specified in a lookup
Lookups can only be managed in the Define Lookups tasks if the lookup's view
application is the standard lookups view, common lookups view, or set-enabled
lookups view. Lookups defined in an application view can only be managed by
following instructions provided by the owning application.
A lookup type and its codes can only be defined in one lookup view.
What's the difference between a lookup type and a value set?
A lookup type consists of lookup codes that are the values in a static list of
values. Lookup code validation is a one to one match.
A table-validated value set can consist of values that are validated through a
SQL statement, which allows the list of values to be dynamic.
A table validated value set can be defined based on any table, including the
lookups table. This allows a lookup type to be made into a table-validated value
set that can be used in flexfields.
Area of Difference Lookup Type Value Set
List of values Static Dynamic if Table validation type
Validation of values One to one match of meaning to
code included in a lookup view,
or through the determinant of a
reference data set
By format or inclusion in a table
Format type of values char varchar2, number, and so on
Length of value Text string up to 30 characters Any type of variable length from 1
to 4000
Common Applications Configuration: Maintain Common Reference Objects 12-15
Duplication of values Never. Values are unique. Duplicate values allowed
Management Managed by both administrators
and end-users, except system
lookups or predefined lookups at
the system customization level,
which cannot be modified.
Maintained by administrators,
except some product flexfield
codes, such as GL for Oracle
Fusion General Ledger, which are
maintained by end users
A lookup type cannot make use of a value from a value set.
Value sets can make use of standard, common, or set-enabled lookups.
Both lookup types and value sets are used to create lists of values from which
users select values.
What's a lookup tag used for?
Tags on lookup codes allow you to add a label to your lookup codes.
Lookup tags are unvalidated and uninterpreted by lookups. A tag can be used
to categorize lookups based on facilitating searches or guiding how a lookup
should be used.
Document what the tag on a lookup represents and how to use it.
Manage Messages
Messages: Highlights
The message dictionary contains messages that tell users about business rule
errors, such as missing or incorrect data, and how to resolve them, to warn users
about the consequences of intended actions, and provide information in log files.
These messages are defined for specific applications and modules, but a few are
common messages that can be used in any application. All applications also use
messages stored outside of the message dictionary.
The message dictionary is described in the Oracle Fusion Applications
Developer's Guide, and other messages in the Oracle Fusion Middleware
Web User Interface Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Development
Managing Messages
• Use the Manage Messages page to create and edit custom messages in the
message dictionary, as well as edit predefined messages. Do not delete
predefined messages unless you are sure that they are not used anywhere.
Refer to the Oracle Fusion Applications Developer's Guide.
See: Introduction to Message Dictionary Messages
12-16 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
• Messages outside of the message dictionary, for example confirmations
and field validations, are managed in Oracle Application Development
Framework Faces components or through message resource bundles used
for translation. Refer to the Oracle Fusion Middleware Web User Interface
Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Development Framework.
See: Displaying Hints and Error Messages for Validation and Conversion
See: Internationalizing and Localizing Pages
Creating and Editing Messages: Highlights
Each message in the message dictionary has many attributes and components,
including message properties, text, and tokens, that you define when creating or
editing the message.
Details about these messages are described in the Oracle Fusion Applications
Developer's Guide.
Message Properties
• The message type identifies the type of information that the message
See: Understanding Message Types
• The message name and number are identifiers for the message. There
are specific message number ranges for predefined messages in each
application, and you should not edit numbers assigned to predefined
messages. When creating custom messages, use only message numbers
within the 10,000,000 to 10,999,999 range.
See: About Message Names
See: About Message Numbers
• The translation notes for predefined messages might contain internal
content that you can disregard.
See: About Translation Notes
• The message category, severity, and logging enabled option are related to
the incident and logging process.
See: About Grouping Messages by Category and Severity
See: Understanding Incidents and Diagnostic Logs with Message
Message Text and Tokens
• The message text comprises various components, some of which are
displayed only to select users. To determine which component of the
message text is displayed to a particular user, set the Message Mode
profile option (FND_MESSAGE_MODE) at the user level for that user.
The message component short text is visible to all users and therefore, the
Common Applications Configuration: Maintain Common Reference Objects 12-17
profile option does not apply to this component. Also, the profile option
applies only to messages in the message dictionary.
See: About Message Components
• Tokens are variables that represent values to be displayed in the message
See: About Tokens
Common Messages: Points to Consider
Common messages, which have message names that begin with FND_CMN
and message numbers between 0 and 999, are used throughout Oracle Fusion
Applications. Each common message can appear in multiple places in any
product family. For example, the FND_CMN_NEW_SRCH message can be used
for any search to indicate that no results were found. Common messages that are
of type error or warning are part of the message dictionary.
Editing Common Messages
Because a common message can be used in any application, consider the
ramifications if you edit any aspect of the message, including incident and
logging settings. Changes would be reflected in all instances where the message
is used. For example, if you change the message text, make sure that the text
would make sense to all users across Oracle Fusion Applications who might see
Creating Common Messages
You can create custom common messages for use in multiple places within
a single product. Do not begin the message name with FND_CMN, but use
another suitable convention. The message number should be within the range
that is designated for the product.
Define ISO Reference Data
Defining Currencies: Points to Consider
When creating or editing currencies, consider these points relevant to entering
the currency code, date range, or symbol for the currency.
Currency Codes
You cannot change a currency code after you enable the currency, even if you
later disable that currency.
Date Ranges
Users can enter transactions denominated in the currency only for the dates
within the specified range. If you do not enter a start date, then the currency is
12-18 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
valid immediately. If you do not enter an end date, then the currency is valid
Even if you enter a symbol for a currency, the symbol is not always displayed
when an amount is displayed in this currency. Some applications use currency
symbols when displaying amounts. Others, like Oracle Fusion General Ledger,
do not.
Euro Currency Derivation: Explained
Use the Derivation Type, Derivation Factor, and Derivation Effective Date fields
to define the relationship between the official currency (Euro) of the European
Monetary Union (EMU) and the national currencies of EMU member states. For
each EMU currency, you define its Euro-to-EMU fixed conversion rate and the
effective starting date.
If you need to use a different currency code for Euro, you can disable the
predefined Euro currency and create a new one.
Derivation Type
The Euro currency derivation type is used only for the Euro, and the Euro
derived derivation type identifies national currencies of EMU member states. All
other currencies do not have derivation types.
Derivation Factor
The derivation factor is the fixed conversion rate by which you multiply one
Euro to derive the equivalent EMU currency amount. The Euro currency itself
should not have a derivation factor.
Derivation Effective Date
The derivation effective date is the date on which the relationship between the
EMU currency and the Euro begins.
Natural Languages: Points to Consider
Natural languages are all the languages that humans use, written and spoken.
If a language is enabled, then users can associate it with entities, for example as
languages spoken by sales representatives. When managing natural languages,
consider tasks to perform and best practices for entering particular values.
Common Applications Configuration: Maintain Common Reference Objects 12-19
Once you add a language, it cannot be deleted, just disabled. You can optionally
associate natural languages with International Organization for Standardization
(ISO) languages and territories, just for reference.
When you create a natural language, use the alpha-2 ISO code as the language
code, or, if not available, then alpha-3. If the language is not an ISO language,
then use x- as a prefix for the code, for example x-ja for a Japanese dialect.
Use the sgn code of ISO-639-2 for sign languages, followed by territory code,
for example sgn-US for American Sign Language. You can also use Internet
Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) language tags.
The natural language description should be the language name with territory
name in parenthesis where needed, for example English (Australia) and English
FAQs for Define ISO Reference Data
When do I create or edit territories?
Edit territory descriptions to determine how they are displayed in lists of
country values throughout Oracle Fusion Applications. The predefined
territories are all countries from the International Organization for
Standardization (ISO) 3166 standard. You usually would not edit territory names
or codes.
Do not edit National Language Support (NLS) territory codes, which are
identifiers used in the system, unless you need to change the association between
ISO and system territory. You usually would not edit the default currency, which
is the value that defaults in the Currency field in Oracle Fusion Applications
user preferences after the user first selects a territory.
Create territories if new countries emerge and the system has not yet been
patched with the latest ISO country values.
When do I create or edit industries?
Edit industry descriptions to determine how they are displayed in Oracle Fusion
Applications. You usually would not edit industry names, which are from the
North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). Enabled industries are
mainly used in the context of customization, though these values can also appear
in any application.
Create industries if you have particular ones you need, for example for
customization, that are not included in the NAICS standard.
When do I associate industries with territories?
Optionally associate industries with territories to provide an industry in territory
value, used for customization. For example, administrators can customize a page
12-20 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
in one way for users within an industry in one country, and another way for
users within the same industry in another country. The administrator would
select the appropriate industry in territory value to set the customization context.
When do I create or enable currencies?
Create currencies to use, for example for reporting purposes, if they are not
already provided. All currencies from the International Organization for
Standardization (ISO) 4217 standard are provided.
Enable any currency other than USD for use in Oracle Fusion Applications, for
example for displaying monetary amounts, assigning to sets of books, entering
transactions, and recording balances. Only USD is enabled by default.
What's the difference between precision, extended precision, and minimum
accountable unit for a currency?
Precision is the number of digits to the right of the decimal point used in regular
currency transactions. Extended precision is the number of digits to the right
of the decimal point used in calculations for this currency, and it must be
greater than or equal to the standard precision. For example, USD would have
2 for precision because amounts are transacted as such, for example $1.00. For
calculations, for example adding USD amounts, you might want the application
to be more precise than two decimal digits, and would enter an extended
precision accordingly.
Some applications use extended precision. Others, such as Oracle Fusion General
Ledger, do not.
Minimum accountable unit is the smallest denomination for the currency. For
example, for USD that would be .01 for the cent. This unit does not necessarily
correspond to the precision for all currencies.
What's a statistical unit currency type?
The statistical unit currency type is used only for the Statistical (STAT) currency.
The Statistical currency is used to record statistics such as the number of items
bought and sold. Statistical balances can be used directly in financial reports,
allocation formulas, and other calculations.
When do I create or edit ISO languages?
You can edit the names and descriptions of International Organization for
Standardization (ISO) languages to determine how they are displayed in lists
of ISO language values in Oracle Fusion Applications. The ISO languages are
from the ISO 639 standard. If there were changes to the ISO standard and the
system has not yet been patched with the latest ISO values, you can update the
ISO alpha-2 code or add languages as needed.
Common Applications Configuration: Maintain Common Reference Objects 12-21
When do I edit languages?
Installed languages automatically appear on the Manage Languages page,
so you do not manually enter newly installed languages. This page contains
all languages available for installation and translation in Oracle Fusion
Applications. Each dialect is treated as a separate language. The language codes
and names are values used by the system.
You generally would not edit any of the detailed fields unless you really need to
and know what they are.
When do I create or edit time zones?
Though all standard time zones are provided, optionally enable only a subset for
use in lists of time zone values in Oracle Fusion Applications. You can add time
zones if new zones became standard and the system has not yet been patched
with the latest values.
Manage Data Security Policies
Data Security in the Security Reference Implementation: Explained
The reference implementation contains a set of data security policies that can
be inspected and confirmed to be suitable or a basis for further implementation
using the Authorization Policy Manager (APM).
The security implementation of an enterprise is likely a subset of the reference
implementation, with the enterprise specifics of duty roles, data security policies,
and HCM security profiles provided by the enterprise.
The business objects registered as secure in the reference implementation are
database tables and views.
Granting or revoking object entitlement to a particular user or group of users on
an object instance or set of instances extends the base Oracle Fusion Applications
security reference implementation without requiring customization of the
applications that access the data.
Data Security Policies in the Security Reference Implementation
The data security policies in the reference implementation entitle the grantee (a
role) to access instance sets of data based on SQL predicates in a WHERE clause.
When extending the reference implementation with additional data security
policies, identify instance sets of data representing the business objects that
need to be secured, rather than specific instances or all instances of the business
Predefined data security policies are stored in the data security policy store,
managed in the Authorization Policy Manager (APM), and described in the
12-22 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Oracle Fusion Applications Security Reference Manual for each offering. A data
security policy for a duty role describes an entitlement granted to any job role
that includes that duty role.
Review but do not modify HCM data security policies in APM except as a
custom implementation. Use the HCM Manage Data Role And Security Profiles
task to generate the necessary data security policies and data roles.
The reference implementation only enforces a portion of the data security
policies in business intelligence that is considered most critical to risk
management without negatively affecting performance. For performance reasons
it is not practical to secure every level in every dimension. Your enterprise
may have a different risk tolerance than assumed by the security reference
HCM Security Profiles in the Security Reference Implementation
The security reference implementation includes some predefined HCM security
profiles for initial usability. For example, a predefined HCM security profile
allows line managers to see the people that report to them.
The IT security manager uses HCM security profiles to define the sets of HCM
data that can be accessed by the roles that are provisioned to users
Data Roles
The security reference implementation includes no predefined data roles to
ensure a fully secured initial Oracle Fusion Applications environment.
The security reference implementation includes data role templates that you
can use to generate a set of data roles with entitlement to perform predefined
business functions within data dimensions such as business unit. Oracle Fusion
Payables invoicing and expense management are examples of predefined
business functions. Accounts Payable Manager - US is a data role you might
generate from a predefined data role template for payables invoicing if you set
up a business unit called US.
HCM provides a mechanism for generating HCM related data roles.
Data Security: Explained
By default, users are denied access to all data.
Data security makes data available to users by the following means.
• Policies that define grants available through provisioned roles
• Policies defined in application code
You secure data by provisioning roles that provide the necessary access.
Enterprise roles provide access to data through data security policies defined for
the inherited application roles.
Common Applications Configuration: Maintain Common Reference Objects 12-23
When setting up the enterprise with structures such as business units, data roles
are automatically generated that inherit job roles based on data role templates.
Data roles also can be generated based on HCM security profiles. Data role
templates and HCM security profiles enable defining the instance sets specified
in data security policies.
When you provision a job role to a user, the job role implicitly limits data
access based on the data security policies of the inherited duty roles. When you
provision a data role to a user, the data role explicitly limits the data access of the
inherited job role to a dimension of data.
Data security consists of privileges conditionally granted to a role and used
to control access to the data. A privilege is a single, real world action on a
single business object. A data security policy is a grant of a set of privileges
to a principal on an object or attribute group for a given condition. A grant
authorizes a role, the grantee, to actions on a set of database resources. A
database resource is an object, object instance, or object instance set. An
entitlement is one or more allowable actions applied to a set of database
Data is secured by the following means.
Data security feature Does what?
Data security policy Grants access to roles by means of entitlement
Role Applies data security policies with conditions to
users through role provisioning.
Data role template Defines the data roles generated based on enterprise
setup of data dimensions such as business unit.
HCM security profile Defines data security conditions on instances of
object types such as person records, positions, and
document types without requiring users to enter
SQL code
Masking Hides private data on non-production database
Encryption Scrambles data to prevent users without decryption
authorization from reading secured data
The sets of data that a user can access via roles are defined in Oracle Fusion Data
Security. Oracle Fusion Data Security integrates with Oracle Platform Security
Services (OPSS) to entitle users or roles (which are stored externally) with access
to data. Users are granted access through the entitlement assigned to the roles
or role hierarchy with which the user is provisioned. Conditions are WHERE
clauses that specify access within a particular dimension, such as by business
unit to which the user is authorized.
Data Security Policies
Data security policies articulate the security requirement "Who can do What
on Which set of data," where 'Which set of data' is an entire object or an object
instance or object instance set and 'What' is the object entitlement.
For example, accounts payable managers can view AP disbursements for their
business unit.
12-24 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Who can do what on which set of data
Accounts payable
view AP disbursements for their business unit
A data security policy is a statement in a natural language, such as English, that
typically defines the grant by which a role secures business objects. The grant
records the following.
• Table or view
• Entitlement (actions expressed by privileges)
• Instance set (data identified by the condition)
For example, disbursement is a business object that an accounts payable
manager can manage by payment function for any employee expenses in the
payment process.
Some data security policies are not defined as grants but directly in applications
code. The security reference manuals for Oracle Fusion Applications offerings
differentiate between data security policies that define a grant and data security
policies defined in Oracle Fusion applications code.
A business object participating in a data security policy is the database resource
of the policy.
Data security policies that use job or duty roles refer to data security entitlement.
For example, the data security policy for the Accounts Payable Manager job role
refers to the view action on AP disbursements as the data security entitlement.
The duty roles inherited by the job role can be moved and job roles reassembled
without having to modify the data security.
As a security guideline, data security policies based on user session context
should entitle a duty role. This keeps both function and data security policies at
the duty role level, thus reducing errors.
For example, a Sales Party Management Duty can update Sales Party where
the provisioned user is a member of the territory associated with the sales
account. Or the Sales Party Management Duty can update Sales Party where
the provisioned user is in the management chain of a resource who is on the
sales account team with edit access. Or the Participant Interaction Management
Duty can view an Interaction where the provisioned user is a participant of the
For example, the Disbursement Process Management Duty role includes
entitlement to build documents payable into payments. The Accounts Payable
Manager job role inherits the Disbursement Process Management Duty role. Data
security policies for the Disbursement Process Management Duty role authorize
access to data associated with business objects such as AP disbursements within
Common Applications Configuration: Maintain Common Reference Objects 12-25
a business unit. As a result, the user provisioned with the Accounts Payable
Manager job role is authorized to view AP disbursements within their business
A data security policy identifies the entitlement (the actions that can be made on
logical business objects or dashboards), the roles that can perform those actions,
and the conditions that limit access. Conditions are readable WHERE clauses.
The WHERE clause is defined in the data as an instance set and this is then
referenced on a grant that also records the table name and required entitlement.
Data Roles
Data roles are implemented as job roles for a defined set of data.
A data role defines a dimension of data within which a job is performed. The
data role inherits the job role that describes the job. For example, a data role
entitles a user to perform a job in a business unit.
The data role inherits abstract or job roles and is granted data security privileges.
Data roles carry the function security privileges inherited from job roles and also
the data security privilege granted on database objects and table rows.
For example, an accounts payables specialist in the US Business Unit may be
assigned the data role Accounts Payables Specialist - US Business Unit. This
data role inherits the job role Accounts Payables Specialist and grants access to
transactions in the US Business Unit.
A data role may be granted entitlement over a set people.
For example, a Benefits Administrator A-E is allowed to administer benefits for
all people that have a surname that begins with A-E.
Data roles are created using data role templates. You create and maintain data
roles in the Authorization Policy Manager (APM). Use the Manage Data Roles
and Security Profiles task to create and maintain HCM data roles in Oracle
Fusion HCM.
HCM Security Profiles
HCM security profiles are used to secure HCM data, such as people and
departments. You use HCM security profiles to generate grants for an enterprise
role. The resulting data role with its role hierarchy and grants operates in the
same way as any other data role.
For example, an HCM security profile identifies all employees in the Finance
Oracle Fusion Payroll uses HCM security profiles to secure project organizations.
Applications outside of HCM can use the HCM Data Roles UI pages to give their
roles access to HR people.
Masking and Encryption
Oracle Fusion Applications uses masking to protect sensitive data from view by
unauthorized users. Encryption APIs mask sensitive fields in applications user
interfaces. Additionally, Oracle Data Masking is available for masking data in
non-production instances and Oracle Transparent Data Encryption is available
12-26 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
for protecting data in transit or in backups independent of managing encryption
Database Resources and Data Security Policies: How They Work
A data security policy applies a condition and allowable actions to a database
resource for a role. When that role is provisioned to a user, the user has access
to data defined by the policy. In the case of the predefined security reference
implementation, this role is always a duty role. Data roles generated to inherit
the job role based on data role templates limit access to database resources in a
particular dimension, such as the US business unit.
The database resource defines and instance of a data object. The data object is a
table, view, or flexfield.
The following figure shows the database resource definition as the means by
which a data security policy secures a data object. The database resource names
the data object. The data security policy grants to a role access to that database
resource based on the policy's action and condition.
Database Resources
A database resource specifies access to a table, view, or flexfield that is secured
by a data security policy.
• Name providing a means of identifying the database resource
Common Applications Configuration: Maintain Common Reference Objects 12-27
• Data object to which the database resource points
Data Security Policies
Data security policies consist of actions and conditions for accessing all, some, or
a single row of a database resource.
• Condition identifying the instance set of values in the data object
• Action specifying the type of access allowed on the available values
If the data security policy needs to be less restrictive than any available database
resource for a data object, define a new data security policy.
Actions correspond to privileges that entitle kinds of access to objects, such as
view, edit, or delete. The actions allowed by a data security policy include all or a
subset of the actions that exist for the database resource.
A condition is either a SQL predicate or an XML filter. A condition expresses
the values in the data object by a search operator or a relationship in a tree
hierarchy. A SQL predicate, unlike an XML filter, is entered in a text field in the
data security user interface pages and supports more complex filtering than an
XML filter, such as nesting of conditions or sub queries. An XML filter, unlike a
SQL predicate, is assembled from choices in the UI pages as an AND statement.
An XML filter can be effective in downstream processes such as business
intelligence metrics. A SQL predicate cannot be used in downstream metrics.
Securing Data Access: Points to Consider
Oracle Fusion Applications supports securing data through role-based access
control (RBAC) by the following methods.
Method of securing data Reason Example
Data roles apply explicit data
security policies on job and
abstract roles
Appropriate for job and abstract
roles that should only access a
subset of data, as defined by the
data role template that generates
the data role or by HCM security
Accounts Payable Manager
- US data role to provide an
accounts payable manager in the
US business unit with access to
invoices in the US business unit.
Data security policies Define data access for application
roles and provide inheriting job
and abstract roles with implicit
data security
12-28 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
If a user has access to the same function through different roles that access
different data sets, then the user has access to a union of those data sets.
When a runtime session is created, Oracle Platform Security Services (OPSS)
propagates only the necessary user to role mapping based on Oracle Fusion Data
Security grants. A grant can specify entitlement to the following.
• Specific rows of data (data object) identified by primary key
• Groups of data (instance set) based on a predicate that names a particular
• Data objects or instance sets based on runtime user session variables
Data is either identified by the primary key value of the row in the table where
the data is stored. Or data is identified by a rule (SQL predicate) applied to the
WHERE clause of a query against the table where the data is stored.
Oracle Fusion Data Security can be used to restrict the following.
• Rows that are returned by a given query based on the intended business
• Actions that are available for a given row
Grants control which data a user can access.
Attribute level security using grants requires a data security policy to secure the
attribute and the entitlement check enforces that policy.
A grant logically joins a user or role and an entitlement with a static or
parameterized object instance set. For example, REGION='WEST' is a static object
instance set and REGION=&GRANT_ALIAS.PARAMETER1 is a parameterized object
instance set. In the context of a specific object instance, grants specify the
allowable actions on the set of accessible object instances. In the database,
grants are stored in FND_GRANTS and object instance sets are stored in
FND_OBJECT_INSTANCE_SETS. Object access can be tested using the privilege
check application programming interface (API).
Securing a Business Object
A business object is a logical entity that is typically implemented as a table or
view, and corresponds to a physical database resource. The data security policies
of the security reference implementation secure predefined database resources.
Use the Manage Data Security Policies task to define and register other database
Data security policies identify sets of data on the registered business object and
the actions that may be performed on the business object by a role The grant can
be made by data instance, instance set or at a global level..
Common Applications Configuration: Maintain Common Reference Objects 12-29
Use parameterized object instance sets whenever feasible to reduce the number
of predicates the database parses and the number of administrative intervention
required as static object instances sets become obsolete. In HCM, security profiles
generate the instance sets.
Data Role Templates: Explained
You use data role templates to generate data roles. You generate such data roles,
and create and maintain data role templates in the Authorization Policy Manager
HCM data roles are generated using the Manage Data Roles and Security Profiles
task, which uses HCM security profiles, not data role templates, to define the
data security condition.
The following attributes define a data role template.
• Template name
• Template description
• Template group ID
• Base roles
• Data dimension
• Data role naming rule
• Data security policies
The data role template specifies which base roles to combine with which
dimension values for a set of data security policies. The base roles are the parent
job or abstract roles of the data roles.
Abstract, job, and data roles are enterprise roles in Oracle Fusion Applications.
Oracle Fusion Middleware products such as Oracle Identity Manager (OIM)
and Authorization Policy Manager (APM) refer to enterprise roles as external
roles. Duty roles are implemented as application roles in APM and scoped to
individual Oracle Fusion Applications.
The dimension expresses stripes of data, such as territorial or geographic
information you use to partition enterprise data. For example, business units
are a type of dimension, and the values picked up for that dimension by the
data role template as it creates data roles are the business units defined for your
enterprise. The data role template constrains the generated data roles with grants
of entitlement to access specific data resources with particular actions. The data
12-30 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
role provides provisioned users with access to a dimensional subset of the data
granted by a data security policy.
An example of a dimension is a business unit. An example of a dimension value
is a specific business unit defined in your enterprise, such as US. An example
of a data security policy is a grant to access a business object such as an invoice
with a view entitlement.
When you generate data roles, the template applies the values of the dimension
and participant data security policies to the group of base roles.
The template generates the data roles using a naming convention specified
by the template's naming rule. The generated data roles are stored in the
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) store. Once a data role is
generated, you provision it to users. A user provisioned with a data role is
granted permission to access the data defined by the dimension and data
security grant policies of the data role template.
For example, a data role template contains an Accounts Payable Specialist
role and an Accounts Payable Manager role as its base roles, and region as its
dimension, with the dimension values US and UK. The naming convention
is [base-role-name]:[DIMENSION-CODE-NAME]. This data role template
generates four data roles.
• Accounts Payable Specialist - US (business unit)
• Accounts Payable Specialist - UK (business unit)
• Accounts Payable Manager - US (business unit)
• Accounts Payable Manager - UK (business unit)
Making Changes To Data Role Templates
If you add a base role to an existing data role template, you can generate a
new set of data roles. If the naming rule is unchanged, existing data roles are
If you remove a base role from a data role template and regenerate data roles, a
resulting invalid role list gives you the option to delete or disable the data roles
that would be changed by that removal.
Making Changes to Dimension Values
If you add a dimension value to your enterprise that is used by a data role
template, you must regenerate roles from that data role template to create a
data role for the new dimension. For example if you add a business unit to your
enterprise, you must regenerate data roles from the data role templates that
include business unit as a dimension.
If you add or remove a dimension value from your enterprise that is used to
generate data roles, regenerating the set of data roles adds or removes the data
roles for those dimension values. If your enterprise has scheduled regeneration
as an Oracle Enterprise Scheduler Services process, the changes are made
Common Applications Configuration: Maintain Common Reference Objects 12-31
For information on working with data role templates, see the Oracle Fusion
Middleware Administrator's Guide for Authorization Policy Manager (Oracle
Fusion Applications Edition).
Define Document Sequences
Document Sequences: Explained
In Oracle Fusion Applications, each business document or business event
is uniquely identified by a document sequence number that you assign to
it. However, the document sequencing feature must be turned on (enabled)
on the business document or event to allow the assignment. For example, if
document sequencing is enabled, you can assign a document sequence number
to an invoice that gets generated in response to a purchase order. You can use
document sequences as a proof to track successfully executed transactions
as well as failed transactions. Additionally, a document sequence helps in
generating an audit trail, which can be used to identify how a particular
transaction passed through various applications.
Document sequencing can be managed automatically, manually, and gaplessly.
Plan your document sequencing carefully before you use the options available
in the application to apply sequence numbers. Avoid changes to the options
after you saved your work on the Manage Document Sequences and Manage
Document Sequence Categories pages.
Automatic Sequencing
Automatic document sequencing assigns a unique number to each document
as it is generated, and this unique number is stored in the database. The
numbering is sequential by date and time of creation. If you define a sequence to
automatically number documents, you can provide an initial value to begin the
sequence. In absence of a custom value, the default value 1 is used.
Manual Sequencing
Manual sequencing requires you to assign a unique number to each document
before it is generated. In manual sequencing, the numerical ordering and
completeness of a transaction is not enforced. Users can skip or omit numbers
when entering the sequence value. However, each time that a number is
assigned, the application validates its uniqueness.
Gapless Sequencing
Gapless sequencing is similar to automatic sequencing. It automatically
generates a unique number for each document, but does that only for
successfully generated documents. As a result, the sequence is maintained for
all the documents that are generated, and no sequence numbers are lost due to
incomplete or failed document generation.
12-32 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Use this type of sequencing only if necessary because it may affect the
performance of the system and slow down transaction processing.
Document Sequence Categories: Explained
A document sequence category is a set of documents that share similar
characteristics and that are formed into a logical group. Document sequence
categories simplify the task of assigning number sequences to specific
documents. Instead of assigning a number to each document, you assign
a document sequence to one or more document sequence categories. The
document sequence category automatically takes care of numbering the
A document sequence category identifies the database table that stores
documents resulting from transactions that your users enter. When you assign a
sequence to a category, the sequence numbers the documents that are stored in
a particular table. You must create document sequence categories to be able to
manage the task of assigning document sequences.
Once a document sequence category is created, you cannot change the
application, the category code, or the table name. Therefore, carefully consider
these details and plan your document sequencing requirement before you begin
working with the application.
Once you create a document sequence category, it is available for use under
the Document Sequences: Assignments section on the Manage Document
Sequences page. The Category field contains the name of the document sequence
category. After you create a document sequence, you can assign it to a document
sequence category.
Document Sequences: Points to Consider
Sequencing documents is an important business and legal requirement. Certain
aspects of the defining process are permanent and cannot be modified later.
Therefore, it is important that you first decide the appropriate document
sequence to use for a set of documents. You must also decide beforehand the
type of document sequencing, because you are not allowed to switch to other
types once a sequence is assigned to a document sequence category. Make a
note of the details such as the document sequence and document sequence
category so that you can refer to them at a later point in time. Also note if there
are any restrictions or configuration prerequisites before you define document
Common Applications Configuration: Maintain Common Reference Objects 12-33
Products that implement document sequencing have specifications about its
usage. Refer to the corresponding product documentation for specific details and
also to determine if there are any restrictions or configuration prerequisites.
Creating and Editing Document Sequences
You can create document sequences that are automatic, manual, or gapless,
depending on the business or legal requirement. By default, the current date
is considered as the start date. If the end date is left blank, it means that the
sequence definition never expires. Among the several options used in creating
and editing document sequences, the following options are functionally more
important and therefore need to be carefully determined:
• Determinant Type: Select to limit the document sequencing activity to
certain documents that belong to a specific business entity, such as Ledger,
Tax Registration, and so on.
• Initial Value: Enter a value for the first document in your sequence. This
field applies only to sequences with automatic or gapless numbering
types. Sequence numbers should not be greater than eight digits. If you
leave this field blank, the first document is automatically assigned a value
of 1. Once a document sequence is defined, you cannot change this initial
Creating and Editing Document Sequence Categories
Document sequence categories are defined to make it easy to assign document
sequence definitions to a group of documents instead of to individual
documents. Each document sequence category is mapped to a specific table,
where the documents belonging to that category are stored. The table must
already be enabled for document sequencing. When specifying the table, you
must consider the following points:
• When the sequential numbering feature checks for completeness or
generates a report, it locates the category's documents in the table.
• You can select only tables belonging to the application associated with the
• Once a category is defined, you cannot change the choice of table.
Assigning Document Sequences
Identify the documents to be numbered before assigning them a document
sequence. For each document sequence, there can be only one active assignment
to a document sequence category, a method code, and a determinant value (if
applicable). As part of the assignment, specify whether the document is created
automatically (for example, due to a batch process, or manually through a
form). If you do not specify an end date, the assignment continues to remain
active throughout the process cycle. If a determinant type was specified for
the document sequence, then enter a specific determinant value related to the
selected determinant type.
At runtime, when users create documents, the document sequence to be
assigned is determined by finding the active assignment that matches the correct
12-34 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
combination of category, numbering method, and the date range containing the
transaction date.
Auditing Document Sequences
You can audit document sequences, if required, to provide an audit trail of the
document sequences used in a specific product. However, before enabling the
audit functionality for a document sequence, you must have created an audit
table for the specific document sequence, using appropriate details. Enabling the
audit functionality is permitted only for newly created document sequences. You
cannot audit document sequences that are already in use by a specific product.
For more information about defining a document sequence audit table, see the
Oracle Fusion Applications Developer's Guide.
Define Trees
Trees: Overview
Use the tree management feature in Oracle Fusion applications to organize data
into hierarchies. A hierarchy contains organized data and enables the creation
of groups and rollups of information that exist within an organization. Trees are
hierarchical structures that enable several data management functions such as
better access control, application of business rules at various levels of hierarchies,
improved query performance, and so on.
For example, XYZ Corporation has two departments: Marketing and Finance.
The Finance department has two functional divisions: Receivables and Payables.
Defining a tree for the XYZ Corporation establishes a hierarchy between the
organization and its departments, and between the departments and their
respective functional divisions. Such a hierarchical modeling of organizational
data could be used for executing several data management functions within that
You can create one or more versions of trees, and they can be labeled for better
accessibility and information retrieval. You can create trees for multiple data
sources, which allow the trees to be shared across Oracle Fusion applications.
Tree Structures
A tree structure is a representation of the data hierarchy, and guides the creation
of a tree. A tree is an instance of the hierarchy as defined in the tree structure.
Tree structures enable you to enforce business rules to which the data must
The root node is the topmost node of a tree. Child nodes report to the root node.
Child nodes at the same level, which report to a common parent node, are called
siblings. Leaves are details branching off from a node but not extending further
down the tree hierarchy.
Tree Versions
A tree is created having only one version. However, users can create more than
one tree version depending on the need, and they can make changes to those
Common Applications Configuration: Maintain Common Reference Objects 12-35
versions. Depending on varying requirements, users can create one or more tree
versions and publish all of them or some of them by making the versions active
at the same time. Similar to any other version control system, versions of trees
are maintained to keep track of all the changes that a tree undergoes in its life
Tree Labels
Tree labels are short names associated with trees and tree structures and point
directly to the data source. Tree labels are automatically assigned to the tree
nodes. You can store labels in any table and register the label data source with
the tree structure.
Manage Tree Structures
Tree Structures: Explained
A tree structure defines the hierarchy for creating trees and prescribes rules
based on which trees are created, versioned, and accessed. You can associate
multiple data sources with a tree structure. A tree is an instance of this hierarchy.
Every tree structure can contain one or more trees.
You can create tree structures specific to an application but you can share tree
structures across applications. If you apply version control to the tree structure, it
is carried over to the trees that are based on the tree structure. Each tree version
contains at least one root node. Occasionally, a tree version may have more than
one root node.
An administrator controls the access to tree structures through a set of rules that
are periodically audited for validity.
Tree Structure Definition: Points to Consider
Defining a tree structure involves specifying several important pieces of
information on the Create Tree Structure: Specify Definition page.
Tree Node Selection
The Tree Node table displays data in nodes that exist in the data hierarchy.
You must select the correct and most appropriate tree node table to be able to
define the tree structure, based on the tree hierarchy you want to establish. This
selection also affects the level of security that is set on a tree node and its child
Tree Sharing Mode
The following options are used to determine the mode of sharing a tree structure
across the applications.
• Open: Indicates that the tree is associated with all reference data sets.
• Set ID: Indicates that the tree will be associated with a specific reference
data set.
12-36 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Creation Mode
Indicates the source where the tree structure is being defined. For predefined tree
structures select Oracle and for custom structures, select Customers.
You can customize the predefined tree structures as well as the ones that
you created. However, customizing the predefined tree structures involves
certain level of access restrictions, and will be limited to specific tree nodes and
downwards in hierarchy.
Multiple Tree Versions
One or more trees and tree versions can be based on a tree structure. A tree
structure can have one or more trees and tree versions based on it. Usually, only
one active version is permitted at any given point of time. However, depending
on the requirement, you can allow two or more tree versions to be in the active
state for the same date range. This flexibility allows you to choose the tree
version that you want to implement.
Managing Tree Structures: Points to Consider
You can create, edit, and delete tree structures depending upon the requirement.
You can also audit and change the status a tree structure.
Creating and Editing Tree Structures
You can create trees on the basis of a tree structure. When you edit an active
tree structure, the status of the tree structure and all associated trees and their
versions change to draft. To reuse a tree structure, you can create a copy of
it without copying the associated trees and tree versions. If you delete a tree
structure, all the associated trees and tree versions are automatically deleted.
For specific information on working with the predefined tree structures that exist
in an Oracle Fusion application, refer to the specific product documentation.
Setting Status
If you change the status of a tree structure, the status of the trees and tree
versions associated with that tree structure also changes.
The following table lists the different statuses of a tree structure.
Status Meaning
Draft Yet to be published or is in a modified state.
Common Applications Configuration: Maintain Common Reference Objects 12-37
Active In use and based on which one or more trees or tree
versions are created.
Inactive Not in use.
Tree Structure Audit Results: Explained
Use the tree structure audit results to verify the tree structure's correctness and
data integrity. The audit results include the following details:
• The name of the validator, which is a specific validation check
• The result of the validation, including a detailed message
• Corrective actions to take if there are any validation errors
Running an Audit
Setting the status of a tree structure to active automatically triggers an audit of
that tree structure. You can also manually trigger an audit on the manage Tree
Structures page, using Actions - Audit . The Tree Structure Audit Result table
shows a list of validations that ran against the selected tree structure.
Validation Details
The following table lists the validators used in the audit process and describes
what each validator checks for. It also lists possible causes for validation errors
and suggests corrective actions.
Validator Description (what is
Possible Cause for
Validation Failure
Suggested Corrective
Restrict By Set ID On the Manage Tree
Structures: Specify Data
Sources page, if the Set
ID check box is selected
to enable the Restrict
Tree Node List of Values
Based on option for a
tree structure, each of its
data source view objects
must have a reference
data set attribute. This
validation does not take
place when the check box
is not selected.
Even when the check
box is selected, one or
more of its data source
view objects does not
contain a reference data
set attribute.
If reference data set
restriction is required
for this tree structure,
include a reference data
set attribute on all data
sources. Otherwise,
deselect the check box.
Row Flattened Table
On the Manage Tree
Structures: Specify
Performance Options
page, a valid row
flattened table must
be specified for the
tree structure. It can
either be the standard
row flattened table
custom table.
• The specified table
does not exist in
the database.
• The specified
table does not
contain the same
columns as the
Correct the row flattened
table definition.
12-38 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Available Label Data
On the Manage Tree
Structures: Specify
Data Sources page, if
a labeling scheme is
specified for the tree
structure by selecting
a list item from the
Labeling Scheme list
box, the label data source
view object specified for
each data source must
be accessible, and the
primary keys must be
valid. This restriction
does not apply when
you select None from
the Labeling Scheme list
• Any of the
specified label data
source view objects
do not exist.
• Any of the
specified label
data source view
objects do not have
primary keys.
• When a label
data source view
object is initially
defined, the
database registers
the primary keys
for the view object.
If the view object is
later modified such
that its primary
keys no longer
match the primary
keys that were
registered earlier,
this validation
• Correct the
specified label data
source view object.
• Correct the
primary keys of the
specified label data
source view object.
• Either correct the
primary keys in the
label data source
view object to
match the primary
keys that were
earlier registered in
or correct the
primary keys
registered in that
table to match the
new view object
Common Applications Configuration: Maintain Common Reference Objects 12-39
Available Data Sources Each data source view
object specified for the
tree structure must be
accessible, and all its
primary key attributes
must be valid.
• Any of the
specified data
source view objects
do not exist.
• When a data
source view object
is initially defined,
the database
registers the
primary keys for
the view object
if the Use non-
defined primary
key columns check
box on the Data
Source dialog box
is not selected.
If the check box
is selected, the
database registers
the primary keys
specified explicitly
by the user on the
Add Data Source
dialog box. If the
registered primary
keys contain any
duplicates, this
validation fails.
• The Use non
defined primary
key columns check
box is selected in
a data source, but
the list of specified
primary key
columns does not
match the primary
keys defined in the
corresponding data
source view object.
• Any common
attribute that exists
in both the data
source view object
and the tree node
view object is not
of the same data
type in both view
• Correct the
specified data
source view object.
• Correct the
duplicate column
in the registered
primary keys.
• Correct the
primary keys of
the specified data
source view object.
• Correct any
mismatch in data
12-40 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Column Flattened Table
On the Manage Tree
Structures: Specify
Performance Options
page, a valid column
flattened table must
be specified for the
tree structure. It can
either be the standard
row flattened table
custom table.
• The specified table
does not exist in
the database.
• The specified
table does not
contain the same
columns as the
Correct the column
flattened table definition.
Restrict by Date On the Manage Tree
Structures: Specify Data
Sources page, if the
Date Range check box
is selected to enable
the Restrict Tree Node
List of Values Based
on option for a tree
structure, each of its
data source view objects
must have effective start
date and effective end
date attributes. This
validation does not take
place when the check box
is not selected.
Even when the check
box is selected, one or
more of its data source
view objects does not
contain effective start
date and effective end
date attributes.
If the date restriction
is required for this
tree structure, include
the effective start date
and effective end date
attributes on all data
sources. Otherwise,
deselect the check box.
Tree Node Table Name On the Manage Tree
Structures: Specify
Definition page, a valid
tree node table must
be specified for the
tree structure. It can
either be the standard
row flattened table
custom table.
• No table is
specified in the
Tree Node Table
• The specified table
does not exist in
the database.
• The specified
table does not
contain the same
columns as the
Correct the tree node
table definition.
Allow Node Level
If the Allow Node Level
Security option is set to
No for the tree structure,
the same option cannot
be set to Yes on any of
its data sources. This
is a database setting
that is not visible on the
Manage Tree Structures
The option is set to No
for the tree structure but
one or more associated
data sources have that
option set to Yes.
Correct the option setting
in the tree structure and
their data sources.
Specifying Data Sources for Tree Structures: Points to Consider
The data sources provide the items for establishing hierarchy in a tree structure.
In the tree management infrastructure, these data sources are Oracle Application
Common Applications Configuration: Maintain Common Reference Objects 12-41
Development Framework (ADF) business components view objects, which are
defined by application development.
Labeling Schemes
Selecting a labeling scheme determines how the tree nodes are labeled. You may
select a labeling scheme to assign at the data source level, at the parent node
level, or keep it open for customer assignment. You may also choose not to have
any labeling scheme. However, if you decide to use any of the labeling schemes,
you may need to select the following additional options, to restrict the list of
values that appear under the selected tree node.
• Allow Ragged Nodes: To include nodes that have no child nodes, and are
shorter than the remaining nodes in the entire hierarchy.
• Allow Skip Level Nodes: To include nodes that are at the same level but
have parent nodes at different levels.
Restriction of Tree Node Values
You can decide the depth of the tree structure by selecting an appropriate value
from the list. Keeping the depth limit open renders an infinite list of values.
Using the following options, you can restrict the list of values that appear for
selection under a specific tree node.
• Date Range: Specifies whether a selection of nodes should be restricted to
the same date range as the tree version.
• Allow Multiple Root Nodes: Allows you to add multiple root nodes
when creating a tree version.
• Reference Data Set: Specifies whether a selection of nodes should be
restricted to the same set as the tree.
Data Source Values and Parameters
Tree data sources have optional data source parameters with defined view
criteria and associated bind variables. You can specify view criteria as a data
source parameter when creating a tree structure, and edit the parameters when
creating a tree. Multiple data sources can be associated with a tree structure and
can have well-defined relationships among them.
Parameter values customized at the tree level override the default values
specified at the tree-structure level.
The data source parameters are applied to any tree version belonging to
that data source, when performing node operations on the tree nodes. Data
source parameters also provide an additional level of filtering for different tree
structures. The tree structure definition supports three data source parameter
• Bound Value: Captures any fixed value, which is used as part of the view
criteria condition.
• Variable: Captures and binds a dynamic value that is being used by the
data source view object. This value is used by the WHERE condition of
the data flow.
• View Criteria: Captures the view criteria name, which is applied to the
data source view object.
You can also specify which of the data source parameters are mandatory while
creating or editing the tree structure.
View objects from the ADF business components are used as data
sources. To associate the view object with the tree structure, you
can pick the code from ADF business component view objects and
provide the fully qualified name of the view object, for example,
12-42 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Specifying Performance Options for a Tree Structure: Points to Consider
Tree structures are heavily loaded with data. As a tree management guideline,
use the following settings to improve performance of data rendering and
• Row Flattening
• Column Flattening
• Column Flattened Entity Objects
• ADF Business Component View Objects
Row Flattening
Row flattening optimizes parent-child information for run-time performance
by storing additional rows in a table for instantly finding all descendants of
a parent without initiating a CONNECT BY query. Row flattening eliminates
recursive queries, which allows operations to perform across an entire subtree
more efficiently.
To store row flattened data for the specific tree structure, users can either
use the central FND_TREE_NODE_RF table or they can register their own row
flattened table. For example, in a table, if Corporation is the parent of Sales
Division (Corporation-Sales Division), and Sales Division is the parent of Region
(Sales Division-Region), a row-flattened table contains an additional row with
Corporation directly being the parent of Region (Corporation-Region).
Column Flattening
Column flattening optimizes parent-child information for run-time performance
by storing an additional column in a table for all parents of a child.
To store column flattened data for the specific tree structure, users can either
use the central FND_TREE_NODE_CF table or they can register their own column
flattened table. For example, in a table, if Corporation is the parent of Sales
Division (Corporation-Sales Division), and Sales Division is the parent of
Region (Sales Division-Region), a flattened table in addition to these columns,
contains three new columns: Region, Sales Division, and Corporation. Although
positioned next to each other, the column Region functions at the lower level and
Corporation at the higher level, retaining the data hierarchy.
Column Flattened Entity Objects
In the absence of a column-flattened table, if you need to generate the business
component view objects for your tree structure for the flattened table, use the
tree management infrastructure to correctly provide the fully qualified name of
the entity object for the column flattened table.
ADF Business Component View Objects
View objects from the ADF business components can also be used as data
sources, eliminating the need to create new types of data sources. This field
is to store the fully qualified name for the business component view object
generated by the tree management for business intelligence reporting and usage
The business component view object is a combination of the tree data source
and column flattened entity. Using this option prevents data redundancy and
promotes greater reuse of existing data, thereby improving the performance of
the tree structure.
Manage Tree Labels
Tree Labels: Explained
Tree labels are tags that are stored on tree nodes. You can store labels in any table
and register the label data source with the tree structure. When a labeling scheme
is used for trees, the selected labels are stored in the tree label entity and each
tree node contains a reference to a tree label in the labeling scheme.
Common Applications Configuration: Maintain Common Reference Objects 12-43
The following table lists the three ways in which tree labels are assigned to the
tree nodes.
Labeling Scheme Description
Level Labels that are automatically assigned based on the
data source to which the tree node belongs. A level
label points to a specific data source. For example,
in a tree that reflects the organizational hierarchy of
an enterprise, all division nodes appear on one level
and all department nodes on another.
Group Labels that you can arbitrarily assign to tree nodes.
Depth Labels that are automatically assigned based on the
depth of the tree node within the tree. No manual
assignment is performed.
In an unbalanced hierarchy, a level may not be equal
to depth.
Manage Trees and Tree Versions
Managing Trees and Tree Versions: Points to Consider
You can create and edit trees and tree versions depending upon the requirement.
A tree can have one or more tree versions. Typically, when changes are made to
an existing tree, a new version is created and published.
Creating and Editing Trees
Trees are created based on the structure defined in the tree structure. You can
create trees, modify existing trees, and delete trees. If you want to copy an
existing tree, you can duplicate it. However, only the tree is duplicated and not
its versions.
Creating a tree involves specifying the tree definition and specifying the labels
that are used on its nodes. If the selected tree structure has data sources and
parameters defined for it, they appear on the page allowing you to edit the
parameter values at the tree node level.
Parameter values customized at the tree level will override the default values
specified at the tree-structure level.
Creating and Editing Tree Versions
Tree versions are created at the time of creating trees. A tree must contain a
Editing an existing tree provides you the choice to update the existing version.
You can also edit the existing version that lies nested under the tree in the search
When you edit a tree version bearing Active status, the status changes to Draft
until the modifications are saved or cancelled.
Tree Version Audit Results: Explained
Use the tree version audit results to verify the tree version's correctness and data
integrity. The audit results include the following details:
• The name of the validator, which is a specific validation check
• The result of the validation, including a detailed message
• Corrective actions to take if there are any validation errors
12-44 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Running an Audit
An audit automatically runs whenever a tree version is set to active. You can also
manually trigger an audit on the Manage Trees and Tree Versions page, using
Actions - Audit . The Tree Version Audit Result table shows a list of validations
that ran against the selected tree version.
Validation Details
The following table lists the validators used in the audit process and describes
what each validator checks for. It also lists possible causes for validation errors
and suggests corrective actions.
Validator Description (what is
Possible Cause for
Validation Failure
Suggested Corrective
Effective Date The effective start and
end dates of the tree
version must be valid.
The effective end date is
set to a value that is not
greater than the effective
start date.
Modify the effective start
and end dates such that
the effective start date is
earlier than the effective
end date.
Root Node On the Manage Tree
Structures: Specify Data
Sources page, if the
Allow Multiple Root
Nodes check box for
the Restrict Tree Node
List of Values Based on
option is not selected,
and if the tree structure
is not empty, the tree
version must contain
exactly one root node.
This validation does not
take place if the check
box is selected.
Even if the check box
is deselected, the tree
version has multiple root
Modify the tree version
such that there is exactly
one root node.
Data Source Max Depth For each data source in
the tree structure, on the
Data Source dialog box, if
the data source is depth-
limited, the data in the
tree version must adhere
to the specified depth
limit. This validation
does not apply to data
sources for which the
Maximum Depth field is
set to Unlimited.
The tree version has data
at a depth greater than
the specified depth limit
on one or more data
Modify the tree version
such that all nodes are
at a depth that complies
with the data source
depth limit.
Duplicate Node On the Data Source
dialog box, if the Allow
Duplicates check box
is not selected, the tree
version should not
contain more than one
node with the same
primary key from the
data source. If the check
box is selected, duplicate
nodes are permitted.
Even when the check
box is deselected, the
tree version contains
duplicate nodes.
Remove any duplicate
nodes from the tree
Common Applications Configuration: Maintain Common Reference Objects 12-45
Available Node All nodes in the tree
version should be valid
and available in the
underlying data source.
• A node in the tree
version does not
exist in the data
source. Deleting
data items from
the data source
without removing
the corresponding
nodes from the tree
version can result
in orphaned nodes
in the tree version.
For example, if you
added node A into
your tree version,
and subsequently
deleted node A
from the data
source without
removing it from
the tree version,
the validation fails.
• The tree version
contains a tree
reference node,
which references
another tree
version that does
not exist.
Remove any orphaned
nodes from the tree
version. Update tree
reference nodes so that
they reference existing
tree versions.
Node Relationship All nodes must adhere
to the relationships
mandated by the data
sources registered in the
tree structure.
The tree structure has
data sources arranged
in a parent-child
relationship, but the
nodes in the tree do
not adhere to the same
parent-child relationship.
For example, if the tree
structure has a Project
data source with a Task
data source as its child,
Task nodes should
always be under Project
nodes in the tree version.
This validation fails if
there are instances where
a Project node is added
as the child of a Task
Modify the tree
version such that the
nodes adhere to the
same parent-child
relationships as the data
12-46 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
SetID Restricted Node On the Manage Tree
Structures: Specify Data
sources page, if the Set
ID check box is selected
to enable the Restrict
Tree Node List of Values
Based on option for each
tree node, the underlying
node in the data source
must belong to the same
reference data set as the
tree itself. This restriction
does not apply when the
check box is not selected.
Even when the check
box is selected, the
tree version has nodes
whose data source values
belong to a different
reference data set than
the tree.
Modify the tree version
such that all nodes in the
tree have data sources
with reference data set
matching that of the tree.
Label Enabled Node On the Manage Tree
Structures: Specify
Data Sources page, if
a labeling scheme is
specified for the tree
structure by selecting
a list item from the
Labeling Scheme
list box, all nodes
should have labels. This
restriction does not
apply when you select
None from the Labeling
Scheme list box.
The tree structure has a
labeling scheme but the
tree version has nodes
without labels.
Assign a label to any
node that does not have a
Common Applications Configuration: Maintain Common Reference Objects 12-47
Date Restricted Node On the Manage Tree
Structures: Specify Data
Sources page, if the
Date Range check box
is selected to enable
the Restrict Tree Node
List of Values Based
on option for a tree
structure, each node
in the underlying data
source must have an
effective date range same
as the effective date
range of the tree version.
This restriction does not
apply if the check box is
not selected.
Even when the check
box is selected, there
are data source nodes
that have a date range
beyond the tree version's
effective date range.
For example, if the
tree version is effective
from Jan-01-2012 to
Dec-31-2012, all nodes
in the tree version
must be effective
from Jan-01-2012
to Dec-31-2012 at
a minimum. It is
acceptable for the nodes
to be effective for a date
range that extends partly
beyond the tree version's
effective date range (for
example, the node data
source value is effective
from Dec-01-2011 to
Mar-31-2013). It is not
acceptable if the nodes
are effective for none
or only a part of the
tree version's effective
date range (for example,
the node data source
value are effective only
from Jan-01-2012 to
Ensure that all nodes
in the tree version have
effective date range for
the effective date range
for the tree version.
Multiple Active Tree
On the Manage Tree
Structures: Specify
Definition page, if the
Allow Multiple Active
Tree Versions check
box is not selected for
the tree structure, there
should not be more than
one active tree version
under a tree at any time.
This restriction does not
apply if the check box is
Even when the check box
is not selected, there is
more than one active tree
version in the tree for the
same date range.
Set no more than one tree
version to Active within
the same date range and
set the others to inactive
or draft status.
Range Based Node On the Data Source
dialog box, if the Allow
Range Children check
box is not selected,
range-based nodes are
not permitted from
that data source. This
restriction does not
apply if the check box is
Even when the check box
is not selected, there are
range-based nodes from
a data source.
Ensure that any range
nodes in your tree
version are from a data
source that allows range
12-48 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Terminal Node On the Data Source
dialog box, if the Allow
Use as Leaves check box
is not selected, values
from that data source
cannot be added as
leaves (terminal nodes)
to the tree version. This
restriction does not
apply if the check box is
Even when the check box
is not selected, values
from a data source are
added as leaf nodes
(terminal nodes).
Modify the tree version
such that all terminal
nodes are from data
sources for which this
check box is selected.
Usage Limit On the Data Source
dialog box, if the Use All
Values option is selected
to set the Usage Limit
for the data source, every
value in the data source
must appear as a node in
the tree. This restriction
does not apply if None
option is selected.
Even if the Use All
Values option is selected,
there are values in the
data source that are not
in the tree version.
For each data source
value that is not yet
available, add nodes to
the tree version.
Trees and Data Sources: How They Work Together
Data sources form the foundation for tree management in Oracle Fusion
Applications. Tree structures, trees, and tree versions establish direct and
real-time connectivity with the data sources. Changes to the data sources
immediately reflect on the Manage Trees and Tree Versions page and wherever
the trees are being used.
Tree structures contain the metadata of the actual data that is used in Oracle
Fusion Applications. Tree structures contain the core business logic that is
manifested in trees and tree versions.
Data Storage
Trees and tree versions are built upon the tree structures. They employ the
business rules defined in the tree structures and allow an application to select
and enable a subset of trees to fulfill a specific purpose in that application.
Access Control
Source data is mapped to tree nodes at different levels in the database. Therefore,
changes you make to the tree nodes affect the source data. Access control set on
trees prevents unwanted data modifications in the database. Access control can
be applied to the tree nodes or anywhere in the tree hierarchy.
Adding Tree Nodes: Points to Consider
Tree nodes are points of data convergence that serve as the building blocks of a
tree structure. Technically, the node may be stored either in a product-specific
table or in an entity that has been established by tree management as the default
Common Applications Configuration: Maintain Common Reference Objects 12-49
storage mechanism. However, since all data in Oracle Fusion Applications
usually have a storage home, only user-created data needs to be stored in an
Nodes are attached to tree versions. Whenever you create or edit a tree version,
you need to specify its tree node.
Managing Tree Nodes
You can create, modify, or delete tree nodes on the Tree Version: Specify Nodes
page. To add a tree node, ensure that the tree structure with which the tree
version is associated is mapped to a valid data source. You can also duplicate a
tree node if the multiple root node feature is enabled.
Node Levels
In most trees, all nodes at the same level represent the same kind of information.
For example, in a tree that reflects the organizational hierarchy, all division nodes
appear on one level and all department nodes on another. Similarly, in a tree that
organizes a user's product catalog, the nodes representing individual products
might appear on one level and the nodes representing product lines on the next
higher level.
When levels are not used, the nodes in the tree have no real hierarchy or
reporting structure but do form a logical summarization structure. Strictly
enforced levels mean that the named levels describe each node's position in the
tree. This is natural for most hierarchies. Loosely enforced levels mean that the
nodes at the same visual level of indentation do not all represent the same kind
of information, or nodes representing the same kind of information appear at
multiple levels. With loosely enforced levels, users assign a level to each node
individually. The level is not tied to a particular visual position.
Node Types
A tree node has the following node types.
• Single: Indicates that the node is a value by itself.
• Range: Indicates that the node represents a range of values and possibly
could have many children. For example, a tree node representing account
numbers 10000 to 99999.
• Referenced Tree: Indicates that the tree node is actually another version
for the tree based on the same tree structure, which is not physically
stored in the same tree. For example, a geographic hierarchy for the
United States can be referenced in a World geographic hierarchy.
Importing Segment Values and Hierarchies: Explained
Use Import Segment Values and Hierarchies process to load segment values
and hierarchies if you maintain your chart of accounts reference data outside
Oracle Fusion applications. You can load your segment values and hierarchies
by populating two tables: GL_SEGMENT_VALUES_INTERFACE table and
12-50 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
GL_SEGMENT_HIER_INTERFACE table, and running the Import Segment
Values and Hierarchies process.
You can load data to interface tables using predefined templates and the Load
Interface File for Import scheduled process, which are both part of the External
Data Integration Services for Oracle Cloud feature. For other implementations,
optionally use this feature only if you have SFTP configured for it.
You can use GL_SEGMENT_VALUES_INTERFACE to load segment values and
GL_SEGMENT_HIER_INTERFACE to load segment value hierarchies to Oracle
Fusion applications. You can find details of the columns of the interface table in
Oracle Enterprise Repository (OER) for Oracle Fusion Applications.
Assigning Values for Columns in the GL_SEGMENT_VALUES_INTERFACE table
You must enter values in all columns of the interface table that require values,
which includes all of the not null columns, in order for the Import Segment
Values and Hierarchies process to be successful. Enter values in the following
required columns of the interface table:
Column Name Value
STATUS_CODE Enter the value NEW to indicate that you are
bringing new segment value data.
VALUE_SET_CODE Enter the value set code for the segment values.
VALUE Enter the segment value.
SUMMARY_FLAG Select N if the segment value is a child value or Y if
the segment value is a parent value.
ENABLED_FLAG: Select Y to enable the segment value. Enter N to
disable the segment value.
ACCOUNT_TYPE: Enter the natural account type if the segment value
is for natural account segment. Valid values are: A
for Assets, L for Liabilities, E for Expenses, O for
Owner's Equities, and R for Revenues.
ALLOW_POSTING_FLAG Select Y if posting is allowed for this segment value.
Select N if posting is not allowed.
OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER Enter default value of 1.
You can enter values for the following optional columns:
Column Name Value
START_DATE_ACTIVE Enter the start date of the segment value
END_DATE_ACTIVE Enter the end date of the segment value.
THIRD_PARTY_CTRL_ACCOUNT Enter the third party control account value. Valid
values are: CUSTOMER, SUPPLIER, R for Restrict
Manual Journals, Y, and N.
Common Applications Configuration: Maintain Common Reference Objects 12-51
FINANCIAL_CATEGORY Enter a financial category value for Oracle
Transactional Business Intelligence reporting.
Valid values are values defined in the
DESCRIPTION There are different description columns for different
languages. To see segment value description in a
different language installation, you need to populate
the segment description for that language too.
The following columns should be left as null as Import Segment Values and
Hierarchies process uses them for internal processing or does not use them in the
current release.
Assigning Values for Columns in the GL_SEGMENT_HEIR_INTERFACE table
You must enter values in all columns of the interface table that require values,
which includes all of the not null columns, in order for the Import Segment
Values and Hierarchies process to be successful. Enter values in the following
required columns of the interface table:
Column Name Value
STATUS_CODE Enter the value NEW to indicate that you are
bringing new hierarchy data.
VALUE_SET_CODE Enter the value set code for the segment values.
TREE_CODE Enter the hierarchy name (tree code).
TREE_VERSION NAME Enter the hierarchy version name (tree version
TREE_VERSION_START_DATE_ACTIVE Enter the date that the tree version is activated.
TREE_VERSION_END_DATE_ACTIVE Enter the date that the tree version is inactivated.
VALUE Enter the segment value.
PARENT_VALUE Select N if the segment value is a child value or Y if
the segment value is a parent value.
DEPTH Enter the depth of the hierarchy which shows
the many ancestors the segment value has in the
OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER Enter default value of 1.
12-52 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
The following columns should be left as null as Import Segment Values and
Hierarchies process uses them for internal processing or does not use them in the
current release.
Loading Data to the Segment Value and Hierarchies Interface Tables: Explained
Load the segment values and hierarchies to the interface table by using the
following steps.
1. Load segment values and hierarchies to comma separated values
(csv) files. You can use the sample csv file or xls file that's provided in
Oracle Enterprise Repository (OER) for Oracle Fusion Applications as a
2. Upload the comma separated values (csv) file to the secure FTP server.
3. Run the Load Interface File for Import process.
4. After the data is loaded to the interface table, you can run the Import
Segment Values and Hierarchies process to load the segment values and
Define Profile Options
Profile Options: Explained
Profile options manage configuration data centrally and influence the behavior
of applications. Profile options serve as permanent user preferences and
application configuration parameters. You configure profile options with
settings for specific contexts or groups of users. Users customize how their user
interfaces look and behave by changing the values of available profile options.
Profile options store the following kinds of information.
Type of Information Profile Option Example
User preferences Settings to provide access to social networking
Installation information Setting to identify the location of a portal
Common Applications Configuration: Maintain Common Reference Objects 12-53
Configuration choices Settings to change user interface skins and behaviors
Processing options Settings to affect how much information to log either
for an entire site or a specific user
You can add and configure new profile options in addition to configuring
predefined profile options that are implemented as updateable.
Profile Option Definition and Configuration
Application developers add new profile options and configure ones that are not
to be updated by other users. Application administrators and implementation
consultants configure profile options with profile option values that are
implemented as updatable.
Profile option definitions consist of the following.
• Profile option name
• Application and module in the application taxonomy
• Profile option values
• Profile options categories
• Profile option levels
• Profile option level hierarchy
Profile options can appear on any user interface page without indication that a
profile option is what is being set.
Profile Option Values
Some profile options have predefined profile option values.
The Manage Profile Option Values task flow allows an administrator to set
updatable profile option values at the available levels, including the user level.
You can access the Manage Profile Option Values task starting in the Setup and
Maintenance Overview page and searching for profile option tasks.
You can set profile option values at different levels: site, product, and user. The
following table provides examples.
Profile Option Level Value of the Profile
Option Level
Profile Option Value Effect
User Manager1 UK pound sterling Access to site and all
products shows UK
pounds sterling in effect
User Manager2 US dollar Access to site and all
products shows US
dollars in effect
Product Financials for EMEA Euro Unless superseded by a
user level value, Euros in
effect for Financials for
EMEA applications
12-54 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Site Site UK pound sterling UK pounds sterling in
effect for all other users
and products
Context such as user session or accessed product determines which profile
option value is associated with the profile option name. In the example, if
manager1 does not set a profile option value for this profile option, access to
Financials for EMEA shows currency in Euros; and access to other products
shows currency in UK pounds sterling.
Profile Option Categories
Categories group profile options based on their functional area. Profile option
categories facilitate searching and defining data security.
For example, in Oracle Fusion Receivables, the Transactions profile option
category groups profile options related to setting how Receivables transactions
are to be processed, such as Require Adjustment Reason.
A profile option can be in more than one category.
Profile Option Hierarchies and Levels
Application developers specify at which hierarchy level a profile option is
enabled. The predefined profile option hierarchy levels are site, product, and
The hierarchy levels specified in the profile option definition determine the
context in which a profile option value may be set. If the profile option value at
a particular level is updatable, an administrator can update the profile option
value for that context.
Profile options should only be enabled for context levels that are appropriate
for that profile option. For example, a profile option indicating a global
configuration setting should not be enabled at the user level, if users cannot
choose a different value for that setting.
For security, one level in the hierarchy is designated as a user level. A profile
option may be enabled at any or all hierarchy levels. When enabled at all levels,
the predefined ordering of profile option hierarchy levels gives precedence to the
values that are set at the user level over values set at the product and site levels,
and precedence to values set at the product level to values set at the site level. If
there is no value for the current user, then the product value applies. If there is
no value for the user or product, then the site value applies.
The table shows the predefined profile option hierarchy and ordering.
Hierarchy Level Priority When Multiple
Levels Set
Effect on Applications Example
Site Lowest Affect all applications for
a given implementation
Currency for the site is
set to Euros.
Common Applications Configuration: Maintain Common Reference Objects 12-55
Product Supersedes Site Affect all applications of
a product family such as
Currency for the
Financials products set to
UK pound sterling.
User Highest, supersedes
Affect only the
experience of the current
Currency for the user of
Financials applications
set to US dollars.
You can configure updatable values for profile options at one or more levels
depending on which levels are enabled in the profile option definition. When a
profile is set at more than one level, higher levels of specificity override lower
levels of specificity.
In the example, if the currency setting for the site is UK pounds sterling, but
the Financials division works in the Netherlands using the Euro, a manager in
the US can override that product level setting at the user level to use US dollars
when accessing Financials applications.
In another example, if a profile option called Printer is set only at the site and
product levels. When a user logs on, the Printer profile option assumes the value
set at the product level, since it is the highest level setting for the profile.
Set site-level profile option values before specifying values at any other level.
The profile option values specified at the site-level work as defaults until profile
option values are specified at the other levels.
For more information on the predefined profile options, see assets with the
Profile Option type in the Oracle Enterprise Repository for Oracle Fusion
Applications (
Planning Profile Options: Points to Consider
Plan profile options before defining and configuring them.
The following aspects assist you in better planning how to manage profile
• Profile option tasks
• Before creating a profile option
• Profile options data model
Profile Option Tasks
Users may be able to set their own profile options, depending on settings in the
profile option definition. However, not all profile options are visible to end users,
and some profile options, while visible, may not be updated by end users.
The following table lists tasks and considerations relevant to planning profile
12-56 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Tasks Role Considerations
Planning, creating, and editing a
new profile option
Applications developer Since profile options are for
permanent settings, do not
use profiles options to cache
temporary session attributes.
Add capacity for user preferences
and system configuration.
Customize profile options
with values, value behaviors,
validation, category values, and
security. Define the levels at which
the profile option is enabled.
Configure values in an existing
profile option
Applications developer,
application administrator, and
implementation consultant
Manage the values for existing
profile options.
Create and edit profile option
Applications developer,
application administrator, and
implementation consultant
Manage categories for organizing
existing profile options.
Since a profile option enables a behavior in an application user interface or
across applications, a value change made by an end user is reflected in the UI
page for managing profile option values.
Before Creating a Profile Option
Profile options are best defined for managing configuration data centrally and
influencing the behavior of applications.
If the purpose of a profile option setting is specific to a piece of data (typically
setup data), it is best implemented as an attribute of that data.
Do not use profile options for behavior that is not configurable.
Profile options exist independent of role.
Do not use profile options to implement function security. For example, an
application should not check for a profile option value set to yes to provide
access to a page. Do not use profile options to implement data security, such as a
profile option value that must be set to a specific value to provide view access to
an entity.
Do not use profile options to capture a dynamic system states, such as data
stored in a temporary table. Use Global Variables for temporary states instead.
Evaluate if there is a genuine need before creating a profile option. Do not force
users to make a decision about an aspect of their application use that is of no
Evaluating need includes looking for duplicate or similar profile options, even
in other products, before creating a new one. For example, you do not need
multiple profile options to choose a preferred currency.
Common Applications Configuration: Maintain Common Reference Objects 12-57
Profile Options Data Model
The profile option data model illustrates the relationships among profile option
The figure shows the data model of profile option entities.
For more information about planning profile options, see the Oracle Fusion
Applications Developer's Guide.
Managing Profile Options: Points to Consider
A profile option definition consists of a name for the profile option and valid
values. It is defined within a module of the application taxonomy. Application
developers manage profile options to create new profile options or modify
existing profile option definitions, which includes specifying the levels at which
a profile option is enabled and defining values. Implementation consultants
and application administrators configure existing profile options by managing
the profile option's updatable values, and creating categories that group profile
Configuring a Profile Option
A profile option definition includes information about the owning application
and module in the application taxonomy. A start or end date, or both may limit
when a profile option is active. The profile option definition may include an SQL
validation statement that determines which values are valid, and the hierarchy
levels at which the profile option is enabled and updatable.
To be visible to users, a profile option must be user enabled. You can also allow
user updates of the profile option, which means users can make changes to the
validation and the profile option level information.
12-58 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Profile option levels specify at which context level profile values may be enabled
or updated
Profile options should only be enabled for context levels that are appropriate
for that profile option. For example, a profile option indicating a global
configuration setting should not be enabled at the user level, if users cannot
choose a different value for that setting.
SQL Validation
The SQL validation of the profile option definition determines what valid profile
option values are available. In the absence of validation, any value is valid.
For example, SQL validation provides a means of defining a list of values for the
valid values of the profile option. The SQL validation can use lookups to provide
the valid values for profile options, such as the lookup codes of the YES_NO
lookup type.
With a profile option called DEFAULT_LANGUAGE, you can configure the
following validation.
This results in the following list of values based on data in FND_LANUGUAGE_VL.
Display Value Hidden Value
American English US
French F
Spanish E
Hidden values must be varchar2(2000).
Profile options generally provide configuration values within a particular
context. Though you can create a profile option to be global, think of global
values as default values to avoid storing inappropriate configuration
information as profile option values. Create global profile options that have
corresponding contextual levels.
Managing Profile Option Categories: Points to Consider
Use profile option categories to group profile options.
Organizing Profile Options in Categories
As a guideline, group profile options in a single category if the profile options
affect the same feature, or if an administrator would likely want to see the profile
options in the results of a single search.
Common Applications Configuration: Maintain Common Reference Objects 12-59
Application developers are responsible for the initial groupings and then
administrators can make changes based on their specific needs. Administrators
can categorize profile options and then easily search on profile options by
Define profile option categories first and assign new profile options to existing
categories rather than defining profile options first and then defining categories
to categorize them.
Adding New Profile Option Categories
You can add new categories or add profiles to an existing category.
You can create a profile option category by duplicating an existing category and
editing it for a new grouping of profile options. You can add multiple profile
options to a category. A profile option can exist in multiple categories.
Profile Option Order in a Category
Specify a profile option sequence to determine the order of profile options when
queried by profile option category.
Viewing and Editing Profile Option Values: Points to Consider
A profile option value consists of the value and the context or level where the
value is set. You specify the context with a pairing of the profile option value's
level and level value, such as the product level and the level value GL for Oracle
Fusion General Ledger. Adding or modifying profile option values can include
deciding which valid values are enabled or updatable at which level.
The SQL validation of the profile option definition determines what valid profile
option values are available. In the absence of validation, any value is valid.
Profile Option Levels and User Session Context
Site level profile option values affect the way all applications run for a given
implementation. Product level profile option values affect the way applications
owned by a particular product code behave. For example, a product may use
profile options set at the product level to determine how regions provided
by a common module such as those available from Oracle Fusion Trading
Community Model or Customer Relationship Management (CRM) display in
a particular work area or dashboard. User level profile option values affect the
way applications run for a specific application user
Whichever profile option value is most specific to a user session, that is the value
at which the profile option is set for the user session.
12-60 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
For example, the predefined FND_LANGUAGE profile option sets the default
language. In addition to a site level value, you can define a value for various
product or user levels.
Level Name Level Value Profile Option Value
Site InFusion American English
Product Customer Center French
Product CRM Application Composer American English
User Application Administrator American English
User Hima Hindi
Values at the site level take effect for any user unless overridden by a different
value set at the more specific levels of product and user. Product level profile
option values affect the way applications owned by a particular product code
behave. In addition to user level profile option values in applications, selections
may be available in the user preferences workspace.
The following table demonstrates the FND_LANGUAGE profile option settings
that would apply to specific users, based on the example above. For example, the
user Hima is using the CRM Application Composer product, in the InFusion site.
The example above shows that this profile option is set to Hindi at the user level
for Hima. Because user is the highest applicable level for Hima, the applicable
profile option value is Hindi for Hima.
Site Product User Highest Available
Active Profile
Option Value
InFusion CRM Application
Hima User Hindi
Acme Payables Application
User American English
InFusion Customer Center Guillaume Product French
InFusion Payables Implementation
Site American English
Acme Payables Implementation
none no value
More than one site level value is relevant in an enterprise with multiple tenants
using a single instance of Oracle Fusion Applications.
Effect of Changes to Profile Option Values
Any change you make to a user level profile option has an immediate effect on
the way applications run for that session. When you sign in again, changes made
to your user level profile options in a previous session are still in effect. When
you change profile option value at the product level and no user level values are
set, you see the update immediately, but other users may not see the changed
value until signing out and back in. When you change a profile option value and
Common Applications Configuration: Maintain Common Reference Objects 12-61
the new value affects other users, the change takes effect only when users sign in
the next time.
Changes to site level profile options take effect for any user session that is started
after the setting has been changed. Changes to site or user level profile options
do not affect any user sessions that are already in progress when the change is
Changes to site or user level profile options take effect for any C or PL/SQL
processes, such as scheduled jobs, that are launched after the setting has been
changed. Profile option changes do not affect C or PL/SQL processes that are
already running.
Define Flexfields
Flexfields: Overview
Flexfields are a mechanism for configuring and extending applications to meet
enterprise-specific needs. Using flexfields, you can extend application objects
to capture data that would not otherwise be tracked by the application, or
configure intelligent key codes comprised of meaningful parts according to your
business practices. Flexfields encapsulate all of the pieces of information related
to a specific purpose, such as a key identifying a particular purchase, or the
components of a student's contact information, or the features of a product in
A flexfield is an extensible data field consisting of subfields Each subfield is
a flexfield segment. You configure segments to capture enterprise-specific
information. Each segment captures a single atomic value, has a name, and maps
to a pre-reserved column in the applications database.
Flexfields allow enterprise requirements to be met without changing the data
model. Different data can be captured on the same database table.
Application developers create a flexfield and register it so that it is available
for configuration. Administrators and implementation consultants setup or
configure segments and other properties of the available flexfields. End users see
flexfield segments as attributes of information displayed in the application user
interface. They enter a value for the attribute. The value may be selected from
a list of valid values or entered as free-form text that complies with formatting
Accessing Flexfields
Manage flexfields using tasks you access by starting in the Setup and
Maintenance Overview page.
Use the Business Object parameter to search Application Key Flexfields,
Application Descriptive Flexfields, and Application Extensible Flexfields to find
all tasks related to flexfields. To manage any flexfield across all Oracle Fusion
Applications products, search for the Define Flexfields task list and access the
12-62 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Manage Descriptive Flexfields, Manage Extensible Flexfields, and Manage Key
Flexfields tasks.
For lists of flexfields, see assets with the Flexfield: Descriptive, Flexfield:
Extensible, or Flexfield: Key type in Oracle Enterprise Repository for Oracle
Fusion Applications (
Types of Flexfields
The following three types of flexfields are available in Oracle Fusion
Applications and provide a means to customize applications features without
• Key
• Descriptive
• Extensible
For example, in Oracle Fusion Financials, key flexfields represent objects such
as accounting codes and asset categories. Generally, correct operations of a
product depend on key flexfield setup. In Oracle Fusion Payables, a descriptive
flexfield expands a customizable area of an invoices page by providing subfields
for collecting invoice details. You can implement these subfields, which are
descriptive flexfield segments, as context sensitive so they appear only when
needed. Extensible flexfields are similar to descriptive flexfields, but provide
additional advanced features. Generally setup of descriptive and extensible
flexfields is optional because their segments capture additional information that
is stored attributes on an entity
All flexfields consist of segments. Segments represent attributes of information.
They can appear globally wherever the flexfield is implemented, or based on a
structure or context.
You define the appearance and meaning of individual segments when
configuring a flexfield.
A key flexfield segment commonly describes a characteristic of the entity
identified by the flexfield, such as a part number structured to include
information about the type, color, and size of an item. A descriptive flexfield
segment represents an attribute of information that describes a characteristic
of the entity identified on the application page, such as details about a device
containing components, some of which are globally present on the page while
others are contextually dependent on the category of the device.
Value Sets
A value set is a predefined, named group of values that can be used to validate
the content of a flexfield segment.
You configure a flexfield segment with a value set that establishes the valid
values that an end user can enter for the segment. You define the values in a
value set, including such characteristics as the length and format of the values.
You can specify formatting rules, or specify values from an application table or
predefined list. Multiple segments within a flexfield, or multiple flexfields, can
share a single value set.
Common Applications Configuration: Maintain Common Reference Objects 12-63
Structure and Context
Key flexfields have structure. Descriptive flexfields and extensible flexfields have
Each key flexfield structure is a specific configuration of segments. Adding or
removing segments, or rearranging their order, produces a different structure.
The database columns on which segments in different structures are based can be
reused in as many structures as desired.
Descriptive flexfield segments can be context-sensitive, which means available
to an application based on a context rather than globally available wherever the
flexfield appears. (which means available to an application based on a context
value rather than globally available wherever the flexfield appears. A descriptive
flexfield context is a set of context-sensitive segments that store information
related to the same context value. You define contexts as part of configuring
a descriptive flexfield. End users see global segments, as well as any context-
sensitive segments that apply to the selected context value.
Extensible flexfield segments are made available to an application based upon
a category value. An extensible flexfield context serves as a container for
related segments, used to organize the various segments that are applicable
to a category value. You define contexts with context-sensitive segments and
associate them to categories as part of configuring an extensible flexfield. End
users see the segments displayed in subregions, one for each context associated
to the selected category value.
In descriptive flexfields and extensible flexfields, the database columns on
which context-sensitive segments are based can be reused in as many contexts as
A flexfield must be deployed to display its current definition in a runtime
application user interface. For example, if the deployment status is Edited, the
flexfield segments may appear in the UI based on the flexfield definition at the
time of last deployment, rather than the current definition.
You can deploy a flexfield as a sandbox for testing the configuration before
deploying it to the mainline for all users. In the case of extensible flexfields, you
can deploy offline as a background process.
Runtime Appearance
In an application user interface, descriptive flexfield segments appear as label
and field pairs or as a table of fields where the column headers correspond to the
labels. The fields represent the flexfield segments and accept entered input or a
selection from a list of choices that correspond to the segment's assigned value
set. Extensible flexfield segments appear grouped within labeled regions, where
each grouping is a context and the region labels are the context names.
Use the Highlight Flexfields command in the Administration menu of the
Setup and Maintenance work area to identify the location of the flexfields on the
runtime page. Flexfields in highlight mode display an information icon to access
details about the flexfield, and an edit icon to manage the flexfield.
12-64 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
All segments of a single flexfield are grouped together by default. The layout
and positions of the flexfield segments depend on where the application
developer places the flexfield on the page. Flexfields may also be presented in a
separate section of the page, in a table, or on their own page or subwindow.
You can use Oracle Composer to edit the layout, position, or other display
features of the flexfield segments.
Flexfields and Oracle Fusion Application Architecture: How They
Work Together
Administrators configure flexfield segments to capture data that represents the
values of attributes. Flexfield segments represent attributes of entities (business
objects). Most business objects are enabled for descriptive flexfields. Some
business objects are enabled for extensible flexfields.
The figure shows the layers of a flexfield: the business entity table and metadata
in the database, business components that are Application Development
Framework (ADF) objects or ADFbc objects derived from the metadata and
stored in the Metadata Services Repository (MDS), and the user interface where
the input fields defined by the flexfield segments are rendered. The flexfield
definition consists of all the metadata defined during configuration and stored in
the database.
Common Applications Configuration: Maintain Common Reference Objects 12-65
Application developers create a flexfield and register it so that it is available
for configuration. Administrators and implementation consultants configure
segments and other properties of the available flexfields. This information is
stored as additional flexfield metadata in the database. Deploying the flexfield
generates ADF business components based on the flexfield metadata in the
A flexfield affects the Web Services Description Language (WSDL) schemas
exposed by ADF services and used by SOA composites. The Web services that
expose base entity data also expose flexfield segment data.
Attributes incorporate into SOA infrastructure (BPEL, Rules) and integrate
with business intelligence (Oracle Business Intelligence, Extended Spread Sheet
Database (ESSbase)).
Flexfield configurations are preserved across Oracle Fusion Applications
The metadata for the flexfield is stored in the application database as soon as
you save your configuration changes. Deploying the flexfield generates the
ADF business components so that the runtime user interface reflects the latest
definition of the flexfield in the metadata.
Importing and Exporting
You can export and import flexfields with a deployment status of Deployed
or Deployed to Sandbox across instances of Oracle Fusion Applications using
the Setup and Maintenance Overview page. Ensure a flexfield is eligible for
migration (by verifying that it has successfully deployed) prior to attempting the
For a flexfield to reflect the latest flexfield definition at runtime it must be
deployed. The user interface accesses a business object and the deployed
flexfield definition indicates which business object attributes the flexfield
captures values for. If you add display customizations for a flexfield using
Oracle Composer, these are customizations on the page so that the same flexfield
segments can appear differently on various different pages.
Values entered for segments are validated using value sets.
Flexfield Management
Managing Flexfields: Points to Consider
Managing flexfields involves, registering, planning, and configuring flexfields.
You plan and configure the registered flexfields provided in your applications by
applications developers. How you configure flexfield segments determines how
the flexfield segments appear to end users. Optionally, you can customize the UI
page to change how the flexfield segments appear to end users on that page.
12-66 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
The figure shows the processes involved in making flexfields available to
end users. The tasks in the Define Flexfields activity allow administrators to
configure and deploy flexfields. If you deploy a flexfield to a sandbox and decide
not to make further changes, you select the flexfield in the Manage Flexfields
tasks of the Define Flexfields activity and deploy the flexfield in the mainline so
it is available to users.
Registering Flexfields
Application development registers flexfields so they are available to
administrators and implementation consultants for configuration.
Application development creates the capacity of database tables to support
flexfields so an enterprise can capture specific information about an entity. Many
flexfields are predefined in Oracle Fusion Applications.
A flexfield must be registered before it can be configured.
For more information on registering flexfields, see Oracle Fusion Applications:
Developer's Guide.
Planning Flexfields
All flexfields consist of segments which represent attributes of an entity. The
values an end user inputs for an attribute are stored in a column of the entity
Common Applications Configuration: Maintain Common Reference Objects 12-67
table. Application development enables columns of entity tables for use in
flexfields during flexfield registration.
A flexfield must be registered before it can be configured. Before configuring
new flexfield segments for your enterprise, be sure to plan their implementation
For more information on planning flexfield configuration, see Oracle Fusion
Applications Extensibility Guide.
Configuring Flexfields
Administrators or implementors configure flexfields so they meet the needs
of the enterprise. Some flexfields require configuration to make an application
operate correctly.
Configuring a flexfield includes the following.
• Defining value sets against which the values entered by end users are
• Defining the structure or context of the segments in the flexfield
• Specifying the prompt, length and data type of each flexfield segment
• Specifying valid values for each segment, and the meaning of each value
within the application
As a flexfield guideline, define value sets before configuring the flexfield,
because you assign value sets to each segment as you configure a flexfield.
Some descriptive flexfields provide parameters that are attributes of the same
or related entity objects. You use parameters to set the initial value or derivation
value of an attribute from external reference data, such as a column value or a
session variable, rather than from user input.
Adding segments to represent additional attributes is considered a custom task.
For more information, see the Oracle Fusion Applications Extensibility Guide.
For more information on adding columns to a table, see the Oracle Fusion
Applications Developer's Guide.
For more information on configuring flexfields for custom attributes, see also the
Oracle Fusion Applications Extensibility Guide.
Enabling a Flexfield Segment for Business Intelligence
You can enable key flexfield segment instances and descriptive flexfield
segments for business intelligence if the flexfield is registered in the database
12-68 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
as an Oracle Business Intelligence-enabled flexfield. For more information
on enabling segments for business intelligence, see points to consider when
enabling key and descriptive flexfield segments for business intelligence.
Deploying Flexfields
After you configure or change a flexfield, you must deploy it to make the latest
definition available to end users.
You deploy a flexfield in the mainline for general use in a test or production
environment, or you can deploy a flexfield as a flexfield-enabled sandbox to
confirm that it is correctly configured before deploying it to the mainline.
Deploying a flexfield results in a deployment status. Once deployed, the
deployment status indicates the state of the currently configured flexfield
relative to the last deployed definition
Optionally Changing How Flexfield Segments Appear in a User Interface Page
The flexfield attributes you define integrate with the user interface pages where
users access the attributes' business object. Application development determines
the UI pages where business objects appear and the display patterns used by
default to render flexfield segments.
You can customize the appearance of the flexfield segments in the UI page using
Oracle Composer once the flexfield is deployed to the mainline.
For more information on customizing flexfield appearance with Oracle
Composer, see guidance on customizing existing pages in Oracle Fusion
Applications Extensibility Guide.
For more information on planning flexfields or customizing them beyond
the configuration possible in the Define Flexfields tasks, see Oracle Fusion
Applications Extensibility Guide.
For more information on creating flexfields and adding them to a UI page, see
Oracle Fusion Applications Developer's Guide.
Identifying Flexfields on a Runtime Page
The Highlight Flexfields command in the Administration menu of the Setup
and Maintenance work area identifies the location of descriptive and key
flexfields on the runtime page by displaying an information icon for accessing
details about each flexfield.
Even if a flexfield has not yet been deployed and does not appear on the runtime
page in normal view, it appears in the Highlight Flexfield view for that page.
Highlight Flexfields accesses the current flexfield metadata definition.
Use the highlighted flexfield's edit icon to manage the descriptive or key flexfield
directly. Alternatively, note a highlighted flexfield's name to search for it in the
tasks for managing flexfields.
Common Applications Configuration: Maintain Common Reference Objects 12-69
Flexfield Segment Properties: Explained
Independent of the value set assigned to a segment, segments may have
properties such as validation.
Range Validation of Segments
Range validation enables you to enforce an arithmetic inequality between two
segments of a flexfield. For example, a product must be ordered before it can be
shipped, so the order date must be on or before the ship date, and consequently
the order date segment value must be less than or equal to the ship date segment
value. You can use range validation to ensure this relationship.
The conditions for range validation are as follows.
• Segments must be configured for range validation in pairs, one with the
low value and one with the high value.
• Both segments must be the same data type.
• Both segments must be part of the same structure in a key flexfield or part
of the same context in a descriptive flexfield or extensible flexfield.
• The low value segment must have a lower sequence number than the high
value segment.
• Non-range validated segments can exist between a range validated pair,
but range validated pairs cannot overlap or be nested.
You can configure as many range validated pairs as you want within the same
flexfield. Your application automatically detects and applies range validation to
the segment pairs that you define, in sequence order. It must encounter a low
value segment first, and the next range validated segment it encounters must be
a high value segment. These two segments are assumed to be a matching pair.
The low value and the high value can be equal.
Code Naming Conventions
When entering codes such as segment code, enter a code consisting of the
characters A-Z, a-z, 0-9, with a non-numeric leading character.
The code is used in the flexfield's element in the XML schema for web services.
You can maximize the readability of the schema by naming codes with a leading
alphabetic character followed by alphanumeric characters. The use of spaces,
underscores, multi-byte characters, and leading numeric characters, which are
all encoded in XML schemas, make the codes in the schema element difficult to
This applies to context code in descriptive and extensible flexfields, and to
structure instance code in key flexfields.
12-70 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Flexfields and Value Sets: How They Work Together
Value sets are specific to your enterprise. When gathering information using
flexfields, your enterprise's value sets validate the values your users enter based
on how you defined the value set.
You can assign a value set to any number of flexfield segments in the same or
different flexfields. Value set usage information indicates which flexfields use the
value set.
Defining and Assigning Value Sets
As a flexfield guideline, define value sets before configuring the flexfield,
because you assign value sets to each segment as you configure a flexfield.
Be sure changes to a shared value set are compatible with all flexfield segments
using the value set.
Shared Value Sets
When you change a value in a shared value set, the change affects the value set
for all flexfields that use that value set. The advantage of a shared values set is
that a single change propagates to all usages. The drawback is that the change
shared across usages may not be appropriate in every case.
When you deploy a flexfield, the value sets assigned to the segments of the
flexfield provide end users with the valid values for the attributes represented by
the segments.
Defaulting and Deriving Segment Values: Explained
To populate a flexfield segment with a default value when a row is created,
specify a default type of constant or parameter and a default value.
To synchronize a segment's value with another field's value whenever it changes,
specify the derivation value to be the flexfield parameter from which to derive
the attribute's value. Whenever the parameter value changes, the attribute's
value is changed to match. If you derive an attribute from a parameter, consider
making the attribute read-only, as values entered by users are lost whenever the
parameter value changes.
When defaulting or deriving a default value from a parameter, only those
attributes designated by development as parameters are available to be chosen.
Different combinations of making the segments read only or editable in
combination with the default or derivation value or both, have different effects.
Initial runtime behavior corresponds to the row for the attribute value being
created in the entity table. If the default value is read only, it cannot subsequently
be changed through the user interface. If the default value is not read only, users
can modify it. However, if the segment value is a derived value, a user-modified
segment value is overwritten when the derivation value changes.
Common Applications Configuration: Maintain Common Reference Objects 12-71
Default Type Default value
Derivation value
Initial runtime
Runtime behavior
after parameter
None No Yes No initial segment
Changed parameter
derivation value
updates segment
Constant Yes No Default segment
Constant Yes Yes Default segment
Changed parameter
derivation value
updates segment
Parameter Yes No Default segment
value is the
parameter's default
Parameter Yes Yes, and same as
default value
Default segment
value is parameter's
default and
derivation value
Changed parameter
derivation value
updates segment
Parameter Yes Yes, and different
from default value
Default segment
value is parameter's
default value
Changed parameter
default value does
not update segment
value. Only the
changed derivation
value updates the
segment value.
Flexfield Usages: Explained
Usage affects various aspects of flexfields. The usage of the flexfield is set when
the flexfield is registered and specifies the application and table with which the
flexfield is associated.
Entity usage indicates the table containing the segments of a flexfield.
A flexfield can have multiple usages. The first table registered for a flexfield is
the master usage. Segments are based on the master usage, and other usages of
the same table for the same flexfield use the same segment setup, though the
column names optionally may have a differentiating prefix.
Extensible Flexfields
You can configure different behavior for extensible flexfield contexts at the usage
level. The usage of an extensible flexfield context determines in which scenarios
or user interfaces the segments of a context appear to end users. For example, if a
Supplier page displays an extensible flexfield's supplier usage and a buyer page
displays that same extensible flexfield's buyer usage, a context that is associated
to the supplier usage but not the buyer usage displays only on the supplier page
and not the buyer page.
12-72 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Value Sets
The usage of value sets specifies the segments where the value set is assigned.
Flexfield Deployment
Flexfield Deployment: Explained
To use a flexfield at runtime, the flexfield must have been deployed at least once.
Deployment generates or refreshes the Application Development Framework
(ADF) business component objects that render the flexfield in a user interface.
Flexfields are deployed for the first time during the application provisioning
After you configure or change a flexfield, you must deploy it to make the latest
definition available to end users. You can deploy a flexfield to a sandbox for
testing or to the mainline for use. In the case of extensible flexfields, you can
deploy offline as a background process.
Deployment Status
Every flexfield has a deployment status.
A flexfield can have the following deployment statuses.
Deployment Status Meaning
Edited The flexfield metadata definition has not been
deployed yet. Updates of the metadata definition are
not applied in the runtime environment yet.
Patched The flexfield metadata definition has been modified
through a patch or through a data migration action,
but the flexfield has not yet been deployed so the
updated definition is not reflected in the runtime
Deployed to Sandbox The current metadata for the flexfield is deployed
in ADF artifacts and available as a flexfield-enabled
sandbox. The status of the sandbox is managed
by the Manage Sandboxes task available to the
Administrator menu of the Setup and Maintenance
work area.
Deployed The current metadata for the flexfield is deployed in
ADF artifacts and available to end users. There have
not been any changes to the flexfield since it was last
deployed in the mainline.
Error The deployment attempt in the mainline failed.
Whenever a value set definition changes, the deployment status of a flexfield
that uses that value set changes to edited. If the change results from a patch, the
deployment status of the flexfield changes to patched.
Common Applications Configuration: Maintain Common Reference Objects 12-73
Initial Deployment Status of Flexfields
The Oracle Fusion Applications installation loads flexfield metadata into the
database. This initial load sets the flexfield status to Edited to indicate that the
flexfield has not been deployed yet. The application provisioning process during
installation deploys the predefined flexfields of the provisioned applications,
which sets their status to Deployed if no errors are encountered.
When accessing a provisioned application, deployed flexfields are ready to use.
In some cases, flexfield availability at runtime requires setup, such as defining
key flexfields.
Metadata Validation
Use the Validate Metadata command to view possible metadata errors before
attempting to deploy the flexfield. Metadata validation is the initial phase of all
flexfield deployment commands. By successfully validating metadata before
running the deployment commands, you can avoid failures in the metadata
validation phase of a deployment attempt. Errors in the metadata validation
phase of deployment cause the deployment attempt to abort. Metadata
validation results do not affect the deployment status of a flexfield.
Flexfield Deployment Status: How It Is Calculated
Flexfield deployment status indicates how the flexfield metadata definition in
the Oracle Fusion Applications database relates to the Application Development
Framework (ADF) business components generated into a Metadata Services
(MDS) repository.
Settings That Affect Flexfield Deployment Status
If you have made a change to a flexfield and expect a changed deployment
status, be sure you have saved your changes. No settings affect flexfield
deployment status.
How Flexfield Deployment Status Is Calculated
If the flexfield definition has been edited through the Define Flexfields activity
task flows, the status is Edited. The latest flexfield metadata definition in the
Oracle Fusion application diverges from the latest deployed flexfield definition.
Any change, including if a value set used in a flexfield changes, changes the
deployment status to Edited. If a flexfield has never been deployed, its status is
When an application is provisioned, the provisioning framework attempts to
deploy all flexfields in that application.
If you deploy the flexfield to a sandbox successfully, the status is Deployed to
Sandbox. The latest flexfield metadata definition in the Oracle Fusion application
12-74 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
matches the metadata definition that generated ADF business components in a
sandbox MDS repository. Whether the sandbox is active or not does not affect the
deployment status. If the flexfield was deployed to a sandbox and has not been
edited or re-deployed to the mainline since then, the status remains Deployed
to Sandbox independent of whether the sandbox is active, or who is viewing the
If you deploy the flexfield successfully, meaning to the mainline, the status
is Deployed. The latest flexfield metadata definition in the Oracle Fusion
application matches the metadata definition that generated ADF business
components in a mainline MDS repository. Change notifications are sent when a
flexfield is deployed successfully to the mainline.
If either type of deployment fails so the current flexfield definition is not
deployed, the status is Error. The deployment error message gives details about
the error. The latest flexfield metadata definition in the Oracle Fusion application
likely diverges from the latest successfully deployed flexfield definition.
If the flexfield definition has been modified by a patch, the status is Patched.
The latest flexfield metadata definition in the Oracle Fusion application diverges
from the latest deployed flexfield definition. If the flexfield definition was
Deployed before the patch and then a patch was applied, the status changes to
Patched. If the flexfield definition was Edited before the patch and then a patch
was applied, the status will remain at Edited to reflect that there are still changes
(outside of the patch) that are not yet in effect.
When a deployment attempt fails and you can access the Deployment Error
Message for details.
Deploying a Flexfield-Enabled Sandbox: How It Works With Mainline Metadata
The flexfield definition in a sandbox corresponds to the flexfield metadata
definition in the Oracle Fusion Applications database at the time the flexfield
was deployed to the sandbox. When the flexfield is ready for end users, the
flexfield must be deployed to the mainline.
A flexfield-enabled sandbox uses the following components.
• Flexfield metadata in the Oracle Fusion Applications database
• Flexfield business components in a sandbox Metadata Services (MDS)
• User interface customizations for the flexfield in the mainline MDS
The figure shows the two types of deployment available in the Manage Flexfield
tasks of the Define Flexfields activity. Deploying a flexfield to a sandbox creates
a sandbox MDS repository for the sole purpose of testing flexfield behavior. The
sandbox is only accessible to the administrator who activates and accesses it,
not to users generally. Deploying a flexfield to the mainline applies the flexfield
definition to the mainline MDS repository where it is available to end users.
After deploying the flexfield to the mainline, customize the page where the
flexfield segments appear. Customization of the page in the sandbox MDS
repository cannot be published to the mainline MDS repository.
Common Applications Configuration: Maintain Common Reference Objects 12-75
Sandbox Metadata Services Repository Data
Deploying the flexfield to a sandbox generates the Application Development
Framework (ADF) business components of a flexfield in a sandbox MDS
repository for testing in isolation.
Do not make changes to flexfield segment display features in a flexfield-enabled
sandbox as these changes will be lost when deploying the flexfield to the
Mainline Metadata Services Repository Data
The Oracle Fusion Applications database stores the single source of truth about
a flexfield. From this the ADF business component objects that implement
the flexfield in the runtime user interface are generated in the mainline MDS
repository when the flexfield is deployed.
Deploying a Flexfield-Enabled Sandbox: Points to Consider
Deploying a flexfield to a sandbox creates a flexfield-enabled sandbox . Each
flexfield-enabled sandbox contains only one flexfield.
12-76 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
You can test the runtime behavior of a flexfield in the flexfield-enabled sandbox.
If changes are needed, return to the Define Flexfield tasks to change the flexfield
When you deploy a flexfield to sandbox, the process reads the metadata about
the segments from the database, generates flexfield Application Development
Framework (ADF) business component artifacts based on that definition, and
stores in the sandbox only the generated artifacts derived from the definition.
Sandbox MDS Repository Data
The sandbox data allows you to test the flexfield in isolation without first
deploying it in the mainline where it could be accessed by users.
Do not make changes to flexfield segment display features in a flexfield-enabled
sandbox as these changes will be lost when deploying the flexfield to the
Managing a Flexfield-Enabled Sandbox
When you deploy a flexfield as a sandbox, that flexfield-enabled sandbox
automatically gets activated in your user session. When you sign back in to see
the changes, the sandbox is active in your session.
You can only deploy a flexfield to a sandbox using the Define Flexfields task
flow pages.
You also can use the Manage Sandboxes feature in the Administration menu of
the Setup and Maintenance work area to activate, access, or delete a flexfield-
enabled sandbox.
Whether you use the Define Flexfields or Manage Sandboxes task flows to access
a flexfield-enabled sandbox, you must sign out and sign back in before you can
see the changes you deployed in the runtime.
You cannot publish the flexfield from the sandbox to the mainline. You must use
the Define Flexfields task flow pages to deploy the flexfield for access by users
of the mainline because the flexfield configuration in the mainline is the single
source of truth.
Deploying Flexfields Using the Command Line: Explained
You can use the Manage Key Flexfields, Manage Descriptive Flexfields, and
Manage Extensible Flexfields tasks to deploy flexfields. You can also use
WebLogic Server Tool (WLST) commands for priming the Metadata Services
(MDS) repository with predefined flexfield artifacts and for deploying flexfields.
The table describes the available commands.
Common Applications Configuration: Maintain Common Reference Objects 12-77
WebLogic Server Tool Command Description
Deploys all flexfields for the specified enterprise
application. Only flexfields whose status is other
than deployed are affected by this command unless
the option is enabled to force all flexfields to be
deployed regardless of deployment status.
Initial application provisioning runs this command
to prime the MDS repository with flexfield artifacts.
Deploy a single flexfield regardless of deployment
Deploys flexfield changes that have been delivered
using a flexfield Seed Data Framework (SDF)patch.
Deploys flexfields that have a Patched deployment
Displays MDS label of flexfield changes for viewing
and deleting patching labels.
Executing these commands outputs a report at the command line. The report
provides the following information for every flexfield that is processed.
• Application identity (APPID)
• Flexfield code
• Deployment result, such as success or error
In case of errors, the report lists the usages for which the errors were
encountered. If a runtime exception occurs, the output displays the traceback
information. For each WLST flexfield command, adding the reportFormat='xml'
argument returns the report as an XML string.
Consider the following aspects of command line deployment.
• Preparing to use the WLST flexfield commands
• Using the deployFlexForApp command
• Using the deployFlex command
• Using the deployPatchedFlex command
• Using the deleteFlexPatchingLabels command
• Exiting the WLST and checking the results
Preparing To Use the WLST Flexfield Commands
You can only execute the WLST flexfield commands on a WebLogic
Administration Server for a domain that has a running instance of the Oracle
Fusion Middleware Extensions for Applications (Applications Core) Setup
For more information on deploying the Applications Core Setup application, see
the Oracle Fusion Applications Developer's Guide.
12-78 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Ensure that the AppMasterDB data source is registered as a JDBC data source
with the WebLogic Administration Server and points to the same database as the
ApplicationDB data source.
Start the WebLogic Server Tool (WLST) tool, if it is not currently running.
sh $JDEV_HOME/oracle_common/common/bin/
Connect to the server, replacing the user name and password arguments with
your WebLogic Server user name and password.
connect('wls_username', 'wls_password', 'wls_uri')
The values must be wrapped in single-quotes. The wls_uri value is typically
For more information on the WLST scripting tool, see the Oracle Fusion
Middleware Oracle WebLogic Scripting Tool.
Using the deployFlexForApp Command
The deployFlexForApp command translates the product application's predefined
flexfield metadata into artifacts in the MDS repository.
This command is run automatically when you provision applications. However,
after custom applications development, you must run the deployFlexForApp
command after you configure your application to read the flexfield artifacts from
the MDS repository and before you log into the application for the first time,
even if there is no predefined flexfield metadata.
This command does not deploy flexfields that have a status of Deployed unless
the force parameter is set to 'true' (the default setting is 'false').
For more information on priming the MDS partition with configured flexfield
artifacts, see the Oracle Fusion Applications Developer's Guide.
From the WLST tool, execute the following commands to deploy the artifacts
to the MDS partition, replacing product_application_shortname with the
application's short name wrapped in single-quotes.
deployFlexForApp('product_application_shortname'[, 'enterprise_id']
In a multi-tenant environment, replace enterprise_id with the Enterprise ID to
which the flexfield is mapped. Otherwise, replace with 'None' or do not provide
a second argument.
To deploy all flexfields regardless of their deployment status, set force to 'true'
(the default setting is 'false'). If you want to deploy all flexfields in a single-
tenant environment, you either can set enterprise_id to 'None', or you can use
the following signature:
Common Applications Configuration: Maintain Common Reference Objects 12-79
The application's short name is the same as the application's module name.
For more information about working with application taxonomy, see the Oracle
Fusion Applications Developer's Guide.
Using the deployFlex Command
From the WLST tool, execute the following command to deploy a flexfield,
replacing flex_code with the code that identifies the flexfield, and replacing
flex_type with the flexfield's type, which is either DFF, KFF, or EFF.
deployFlex('flex_code', 'flex_type')
The values must be wrapped in single-quotes.
Using the deployPatchedFlex Command
Use the deployPatchedFlex command for situations where the patching
framework does not invoke the command, such as when an application has been
patched offline.
If the installation is multi-tenant enabled, the command deploys all patched
flexfields for all enterprises. This command is not intended to be invoked
Check with your provisioning or patching team, or the task flows for managing
flexfields, to verify that the flexfield has a Patched deployment status.
From the WLST tool, execute the following command to deploy the artifacts to
the MDS partition of all flexfields that have a READY status.
Execute the following command to deploy all flexfields that have either a
READY status or an ERROR status.
Using the deleteFlexPatchingLabels Command
Whenever you deploy flexfield changes to MDS using the
deployPatchedFlex() WLST command, an MDS label is created in the format
FlexPatchingWatermarkdate+time. Use the deleteFlexPatchingLabels command to
inquire about and delete these labels.
From the WLST tool, execute the deployPatchedFlex() command with no
arguments to delete the flexfield patching labels.
To output a list of flexfield patching labels, execute the command with the
infoOnly argument, as follows:
Exiting the WLST and Checking the Results
To exit the tool, execute the following command.
12-80 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Optionally, sign into the application, access user interface pages that contain
flexfields, and confirm the presence of flexfields for which configuration exists,
such as value sets, segments, context, or structures.
Manage Value Sets
Value Sets: Explained
A value set is a set of valid values that you assign to a flexfield segment.
An end user enters a value into a flexfield segment while using the application.
The flexfield validates the segment against the set of valid values that you
configured as a value set and assigned to the segment.
For example, you can define a required format, such as a five digit number, or a
list of valid values, such as green, red, and blue.
Flexfield segments are usually validated, and typically each segment in a given
flexfield uses a different value set. You can assign a single value set to more than
one segment, and you can share value sets among different flexfields.
Be sure changes to a shared value set are compatible with all flexfields segments
using the value set.
Defining value sets involves making decisions about the following.
• Validation
• Security
• Precision and scale
• Usage and deployment
The following types of validation are available for value sets.
• Format only, where end users enter data rather than selecting values from
a list
• Independent, a list of values consisting of valid values you specify
• Dependent, a list of values where a valid value derives from the
independent value of another segment
• Subset, where the list of values is a subset of the values in an existing
independent value set
• Table, where the values derive from a column in an application table and
the list of values is limited by a WHERE clause
A segment that uses a format only value set does not present a list of valid
values to users.
Common Applications Configuration: Maintain Common Reference Objects 12-81
You can build a tree structure from the values in an independent value set whose
data type is character.
Adding table validated value sets to the list of available value sets available for
configuration is considered a custom task.
For more information, see the Oracle Fusion Applications Extensibility Guide.
Value set security only works in conjunction with usage within flexfield
segments. If a value set is used standalone, meaning outside a flexfield, value set
security is not applied, but Oracle Fusion data security is enforced.
You can specify that data security be applied to the values in flexfield segments
that use a value set. Based on the roles provisioned to users, data security
policies determine which values of the flexfield segment end users can view or
Value set security applies at the value set level. If a value set is secured, every
usage of it in any flexfield is secured. It is not possible to disable security for
individual usages of the same value set.
Value set security applies to independent, dependent, or table-validated value
Value set security applies mainly when data is being created or updated, and to
key flexfield combinations tables for query purposes. Value set security does not
determine which descriptive flexfield data is shown upon querying.
Security conditions defined on value sets always use table aliases. When filters
are used, table aliases are always used by default. When predicates are defined
for data security conditions, make sure that the predicates also use table aliases.
For key flexfields, the attributes in the view object that correspond to the code
combination ID (CCID), structure instance number (SIN), and data set number
(DSN) cannot be transient. They must exist in the database table. For key
flexfields, the SIN segment is the discriminator attribute, and the CCID segment
is the common attribute.
Precision and Scale
For a value set with the data type Number, you can specify the precision
(maximum number of digits user can enter) or scale (maximum number of digits
following the decimal point).
Usage and Deployment
The usage of a value set is the flexfields where that value set is used. The
deployment status of flexfields in which the value set is used indicates the
deployment status of the value set instance.
The figure shows a value set used by a segment in a key flexfield and the context
segment of a descriptive flexfield.
12-82 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
For most value sets, when you enter values into a flexfield segment, you can
enter only values that already exist in the value set assigned to that segment.
Global and context-sensitive segment require a value set. You can assign a value
set to a descriptive flexfield context segment. If you specify only context values,
not value sets for contexts, the set of valid values is equal to the set of context
Defining Value Sets: Critical Choices
Validation and usage of value sets determine where and how end users access
valid values for attributes represented by flexfield segments.
As a flexfield guideline, define value sets before configuring the flexfield,
because you assign value sets to each segment as you configure a flexfield.
Value Sets for Context Segments
When assigning a value set to a context segment, you can only use table-
validated or independent value sets. The data type must be character and the
maximum length of the values being stored must not be larger than column
length of the context.
Format Only Validation
The format only validation type enables end users to enter any value, as long
as it meets your specified formatting rules. That is, the value must not exceed
Common Applications Configuration: Maintain Common Reference Objects 12-83
the maximum length you define for your value set, and it must meet any format
requirements for that value set.
For example, if the value set allows only numeric characters, your user could
enter the value 456 (for a value set with maximum length of three or more),
but could not enter the value ABC. A format only value set does not otherwise
restrict the range of different values that users can enter. For numeric values,
you can also specify if a numeric value should be zero filled or how may digits
should follow the radix separator
Interdependent Value Sets
You cannot specify a dependent value set for a given segment without having
first defined an independent value set that you apply to another segment in
the same flexfield. You use a dependent value set to limit the list of values for
a given segment based on the value that the end user has chosen for a related
independent segment. The available values in a dependent list and the meaning
of a given value depend on which value was selected for the independently
validated segment.
For example, you could define an independent value set of U.S. states with
values such as CA, NY, and so on. Then you define a dependent value set of U.S.
cities, with values such as San Francisco and Los Angeles that are valid for the
independent value CA, and New York City and Albany that are valid for the
independent value NY. In the UI, only the valid cities can be selected for a given
Because you define a subset value set from an existing independent value set,
you must define the independent value set first. End users do not need to choose
a value for another segment first to have access to the subset value set.
Table Validation
Typically, you use a table-validated set when the values you want to use are
already maintained in an application table (for example, a table of vendor
names). Table validation allows you to enable a segment to depend upon
multiple prior segments in the same context or structure.
Table-validated value sets have unique values across the table, irrespective of
bind variables. The WHERE clause fragment of the value set is considered if it
does not have bind variables. If it has bind variables, the assumption is that the
values are unique in the value set.
In the case of format, independent, or dependent value sets, you can specify a
range to further limit which values are valid. You can specify a range of values
that are valid within a value set. You can also specify a range validated pair of
segments where one segment represents the low end of the range and another
segment represents the high end of the range
For example, you might specify a range for a format-only value set with format
type Number where the user can enter only values between 0 and 100. If you use
a table value set, you cannot reference flexfield segments in the WHERE clause
12-84 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
of the value set . For example, the WHERE clause cannot reference a segment or
a value set.
In the case of independent and dependent values, you can specify that data
security be applied to the values in segments that use a value set. Based on the
roles provisioned to users, data security policies determine which values of the
flexfield segment end users can view or modify.
When you enable security on a table-validated value sets, the security rule that is
defined is absolute and not contingent upon the bind variables (if any) that may
be used by the WHERE clause of the value set. For example, suppose a table-
validated value set has a bind variable to further filter the value list to x, y and z
from a list of x, y, z, xx, yy, zz. The data security rule or filter written against the
value set should not assume anything about the bind variables; it must assume
the whole list of values is available and write the rule, for example, to allow x, or
to allow y and z. By default in data security all values are denied, and show only
rows to which access has been provided.
There is no need to define or maintain values for a table-validated or subset
value set, as the values are managed as part of the referenced table or
independent value set, respectively.
If your application has more than one language installed, or there is any
possibility that you might install one or more additional languages for your
application in the future, select Translatable. This does not require you to
provide translated values now, but you cannot change this option if you decide
to provide them later.
For more information about defining value sets, see the Oracle Fusion
Applications Extensibility Guide.
Manage Descriptive Flexfields
Descriptive Flexfields: Explained
Descriptive flexfields provide a way to add custom attributes to entities, and
define validation and display properties for them. These attributes are generally
standalone. They don't necessarily have anything to do with each other and are
not treated together as a combination.
All Oracle Fusion Applications business entities that you can access are enabled
for descriptive flexfields. Descriptive flexfields are optional. You can choose
to configure and expose segments for the descriptive flexfield defined and
registered in your database, or not. For lists of descriptive flexfields, see assets
with the Flexfield: Descriptive type in Oracle Enterprise Repository for Oracle
Fusion Applications (
A descriptive flexfield provides a set amount of segments for an entity. The
segments of a descriptive flexfield are made available to end users as individual
fields in the application user interface.
Common Applications Configuration: Maintain Common Reference Objects 12-85
A descriptive flexfield can have only one context segment to provide context
The same underlying column can be used by different segments in different
contexts. For example, you can define a Dimensions context that uses the
ATTRIBUTE1 column for height, the ATTRIBUTE2 column for width, and the
ATTRIBUTE3 column for depth. You can also define a Measurements context
that uses the same columns for other attributes: the ATTRIBUTE1 column for
weight, the ATTRIBUTE2 column for volume, and the ATTRIBUTE3 column for
Segments and Contexts
Descriptive flexfield segments are of the following types.
Segment Type Runtime Behavior
Global segment Always available
Context segment Determines which context-sensitive segments are
Context-sensitive segment Displayed depending on the value of the context
In the figure, a descriptive flexfield has one context segment called Category for
which there are three values: Resistor, Battery, and Capacitor. In addition, the
descriptive flexfield consists of two global segments that appear in each of the
contexts, and three context-sensitive segments that only appear in the context in
which they are configured.
12-86 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Application development determines the number of segments available for
configuring. During implementation you determine which attributes to add
using the available segments, and the context values and the combination of
attributes in each context. A segment can be used for different attributes, such
as Height in Context1 and Color in Context2. Each segment of a descriptive
flexfield that you make available to end users is exposed in the user interface as
an individual field.
Value Sets
For each global and context-sensitive segment, you configure the values allowed
for the segment and how the values that end users enter are validated, including
interdependent validation among the segments.
Managing Descriptive Flexfields: Points to Consider
Configuring descriptive flexfields involves managing the available flexfields
registered with your Oracle Fusion Applications database and configuring their
flexfield-level properties, defining and managing descriptive flexfield contexts,
and configuring global and context-sensitive segments.
Every descriptive flexfield is registered to include a context segment, which you
may choose to use or not.
You can assign sequence order numbers to global segments and to context-
sensitive segments in each context. Segment display is always in a fixed order.
You cannot enter a number for one segment that is already in use for a different
Value sets are optional for context segments. The value set that you specify for
a context segment consists of a set of context codes, each of which corresponds
to a context that is appropriate for the descriptive flexfield. If you do not specify
a value set for a context segment, the valid values for that context segment are
derived from the context codes. The definition of each context segment specifies
the set of context-sensitive segments that can be presented when that context
code is selected by the end user.
For reasons of data integrity, you cannot delete an existing context. Instead, you
can disable the associated context value in its own value set by setting its end
date to a date in the past.
You can configure the individual global segments and context-sensitive segments
in a descriptive flexfield. These segment types are differentiated by their
usage, but they are configured on application pages that use most of the same
Descriptive flexfield usages allow for the same definition to be applied to
multiple entities. Descriptive flexfield tables define the placeholder entity where
the flexfield segment values are stored once you have configured the descriptive
Common Applications Configuration: Maintain Common Reference Objects 12-87
Parameters are public arguments to a descriptive flexfield. Parameters provide
outside values in descriptive flexfield validation. Parameters can be referenced
by the logic that derives the default segment value and in table-validated
VALUE set WHERE clauses.
A segment delimiter or separator visually separates segment values when the
flexfield is displayed as a string of concatenated segments.
Enabling Descriptive Flexfield Segments for Business Intelligence: Points to
A descriptive flexfield that is registered in the database as enabled for Oracle
Business Intelligence (BI) includes a BI Enabled setting for each of its segments.
When a global, context, or context-sensitive segment is BI-enabled, it is available
for use in Oracle Business Intelligence.
The following aspects are important in understanding BI-enabled flexfield
• Flattening business components to use BI-enabled segments in Oracle BI.
• Equalizing context-sensitive segments to prevent duplication and
complexity in the flattened components
• Mapping attributes of flattened business components to logical objects in
Oracle BI.
• Managing the labels that map segments to logical objects in Oracle BI.
After you deploy a business intelligence-enabled flexfield, import the flexfield
changes into the Oracle Business Intelligence repository to make use of the
newly-generated attributes in business intelligence applications. For additional
information about import, refer to the Oracle Fusion Middleware Metadata
Repository Builder's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition
(Oracle Fusion Applications Edition).
When you deploy a business intelligence-enabled descriptive flexfield,
the deployment process generates an additional set of flattened business
components for use in Oracle BI. The flattened business components include
attributes for business intelligence-enabled segments only.
Flattened components include one attribute for the BI-enabled context-segment,
and one attribute for each business intelligence-enabled global segment. For
BI-enabled context-sensitive segments, if you assigned a label to the segment,
the flattened components include an additionala single attribute representing
segments with that label. If you did not assign a label, the flattened components
include a discrete attribute for each BI-enabled context-sensitive segment in each
12-88 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
You can prevent duplication and the extra workload and complexity that result
from the flattening process by assigning a label to any set of context-sensitive
segments that serve the same purpose in different contexts. BI-enabled context-
sensitive segments that have labels are equalized so that the flattened business
components include one attribute for each label, consolidated across contexts.
Non-labeled context-sensitive segments are not equalized across context values,
so the flattened components include a separate attribute for each context-
sensitive segment for each context value.
It may not be possible to equalize similarly labeled segments if they have
incompatible data types or value set types.
Mapping to Logical Objects in Business Intelligence
Assign a label to a global segment, context segment, or context-sensitive segment
to map the corresponding attribute in the flattened components to a logical
object in Oracle Business Intelligence. Using labels to map segments to BI logical
objects minimizes the steps for importing the flexfield into Oracle Business
Assigning a label to a context-sensitive segment serves to equalize the attribute
across contexts, as well as map the equalized attribute to business intelligence.
Managing Labels
You may assign a predefined label (if available) to segments or create new labels
for assignment, as needed. Specify a code, name, and description to identify
each label. In the BI Object Name field, enter the name of the logical object in
Oracle Business Intelligence to which the segment label should map during
import. Specifying the BI logical object minimizes the steps for importing the
flexfield into Oracle Business Intelligence and helps to equalize context-sensitive
segments across contexts.
If no labels are assigned to a BI-enabled segment, or the BI Object Name on the
assigned label does not exist in business intelligence, you must manually map
the segment to the desired logical object when importing into Oracle Business
In addition, context-sensitive segments without labels cannot be equalized across
context values. The flattened components include a separate attribute for each
non-labeled context-sensitive segment in each context.
Manage Extensible Flexfields
Extensible Flexfields: Explained
Extensible flexfields are like descriptive flexfields, with some additional features.
Common Applications Configuration: Maintain Common Reference Objects 12-89
• You can add as many context-sensitive segments to the flexfield as you
need. You are not dependent on the number of segments predefined and
registered for the flexfield.
• You can configure a one-to-many relationship between the entity and its
extended attribute rows.
• A row of data can have multiple contexts associated with it.
• A row of data can have multiple occurrences of the same context.
• You can configure contexts in groups so the attributes in the context
always appear together in the user interface.
• You can use existing hierarchical categories so that entities inherit the
contexts that are configured for their parents. Contexts are reusable
throughout categories.
• You can specify view and edit privileges for the extensible flexfield
segments to control who sees the attributes and who can change the
attribute's values.
When you configure a context for multiple rows per entity, the segments are
displayed as a table.
Unlike descriptive flexfields, the extension columns corresponding to extensible
flexfields segments are part of extension tables, separate from the base
application table. Unlike descriptive flexfield contexts, the set of attributes in
an extensible flexfield context remains constant and does not differ by context
An extensible flexfield describes an application entity, with the runtime ability to
expand the database that implementation consultants can use to define the data
structure that appears in the application.
Extensible flexfields support one-to-many relationships between the entity and
the extended attribute rows.
For lists of extensible flexfields, see assets with the Flexfield: Extensible type
in Oracle Enterprise Repository for Oracle Fusion Applications (http://
As with descriptive flexfields, you can define multiple usages for an extensible
flexfield, which enables several application tables to share the same flexfield.
For example, a flexfield for shipping options can be used by both a Supplier table
and a Buyer table. In addition, you can associate a context with one, some, or
all of the flexfield's usages. Thus, with the shipping information example, you
can associate a warehouse context with the Supplier usage, a delivery location
context with the Buyer usage, and a ship-via context with all usages.
Extensible flexfields support multiple contexts, and the contexts can be grouped
into categories. Every extensible flexfields has at least one category, or root
12-90 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
category, and some extensible flexfields support a hierarchy of categories, where
a given category can inherit contexts from its parent categories.
You can define categories for extensible flexfields, and you can associate any
combination of contexts with a given category.
For example, the Electronics and Computers category hierarchy might include a
Home Entertainment category, which in turn might include an Audio category
and a TV category, and so on. The Home Entertainment product might have
contexts that specify voltage, dimensions, inputs and outputs. Contexts are
reusable within a given extensible flexfield. For example, the dimensions
context could be assigned to any category that needs to include dimensional
Extensible flexfields allow you to combine contexts into groups known as pages,
which serve to connect the contexts so they will always be presented together in
the application user interface.
Each application page corresponds to one extensible flexfield category, with a
separate region of the page for each associated context.
Managing Extensible Flexfields: Points to Consider
Configuring extensible flexfields involves managing the available flexfields
registered with your application database and configuring their flexfield-
level properties, defining contexts, categories, and pages, and configuring the
segments for each extensible flexfield.
A context can be defined as single row or multi row. Single row contexts are
the same as descriptive flexfields contexts. A single row context has only one
set of context-sensitive segments. A multi-row context enables you to associate
multiple sets of values with the same object instance.
For example, for a BOOK table, you could create a multi-row context named
chapters that contains a chapter segment and a number of pages segment.
Multiple chapters can then be associated with each book in the BOOK table.
Set the context to translatable so free-form text entered by end users is stored
in the language of the user's locale, and different translations of that text can
be stored in other languages. Segments in the translated contexts should utilize
format-only value sets for storing free-form, user-entered text.
A category is a grouping of related data items that can be considered to belong
together. You can associate any combination of contexts with a given category.
Extensible flexfields with more than 30 categories must be deployed using the
Deploy Offline command.
Common Applications Configuration: Maintain Common Reference Objects 12-91
A category hierarchy logically organizes a set of categories.
For example, the Electronics and Computers category hierarchy might include
a Computer category and a Home Entertainment category, which in turn might
include an Audio category and a TV category, and so on.
A category can be a child or sibling of an existing category. The hierarchy can be
as simple or as complex as desired, with any combination of zero or more sibling
categories and zero or more child categories. If no category is defined, the data
items are grouped under a single predefined default category.
Each category has associated contexts that store relevant information about a
data item in that category. For example, a Home Entertainment product has
contexts that specify Voltage, Dimensions, Inputs and Outputs. Contexts are
reusable within a given extensible flexfield; the Dimensions context could be
assigned to any category that needs to include dimensional information.
If a hierarchy includes child categories, each child category inherits the contexts
from its parent category; for example, the Home Entertainment category inherits
Voltage and Dimensions from the Electronics and Computers category.
Each extensible flexfield is associated with a particular category hierarchy.
You can think of category hierarchies as the defining framework for extensible
flexfields and their contexts. A category hierarchy specifies which contexts are
valid for each category.
An extensible flexfield can include multiple contexts which you define to
support a given category. These contexts can be suitable for a variety of different
purposes, but within a particular category, some contexts might be considered to
be related to, or dependent on, each other. You can combine these contexts into
groups known as pages, which serve to connect the contexts so they will always
be presented together in the application user interface.
For example, the Home Entertainment category might have an Electrical
Specifications page that contains the Voltage, Inputs and Outputs contexts, and
a Physical Specifications page that contains the Dimensions and Form Factor
Indexed Segments
You can designate an extensible flexfield segment as indexed so that it is one of
the selectively required attributes an end user can use in an attribute search. If
you indicate in the Manage Extensible Flexfield UI page that a segment should
be indexed, the column representing the segment must be added to the database
index. This is commonly done by a database administrator (DBA).
When an extensible flexfield with indexed segments is deployed, search task
flows are generated along with the other flexfield artifacts and specify the
indexed attributes as selectively required. In the deployed extensible flexfield's
search task flow, an end user must specify at least one of the indexed attributes
in the search criteria. This prevents non-selective searches which could cause
performance issues.
For example, if you index the memory and processor attributes and ensure that
the corresponding columns in the database are indexed, an end user can search
an item catalog for computers by entering processor or memory or both as a
12-92 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
search criterion. No search is performed if an end user enters an attribute as
search criteria that is not indexed.
Offline Deployment
You can deploy extensible flexfields offline as a background process using the
Deploy Offline command in the Manage Extensible Flexfields task, and continue
working in the session without having to wait for the deployment to complete.
Deploy Offline enables adding one after another extensible flexfield to your
deployment queue. For extensible flexfields with more than 30 categories you
must use Deploy Offline.
You can remove an extensible flexfield from the deployment queue with the
Cancel Offline command.
When an extensible flexfield is deployed offline, its offline status indicates that
the flexfield is in an offline deployment process. The Offline Status column
refreshes when you perform a new search in the Manage Extensible Flexfields
task. A flexfield's offline status is cleared and its deployment status updated
when the offline deployment process has completed.
Manage Key Flexfields
Key Flexfields: Explained
Key flexfields provide a means to capture a key such as a part number, a job
code, or an account code. A key flexfield consists of one or more segments,
where each segment can have a meaning.
For example, a part number 10-PEN-BLA-450 might correspond to a black pen
from vendor #450 sold by division #10 (office supplies). Behind the scenes, the
application uses a unique number, 13452, for this part, but the end user always
see the 10-PEN-BLA-450 part number.
The following aspects are important to understanding key flexfields.
• Architecture
• Segments and segment labels
• Structures
• Segment and structure instances
• Combinations
• Dynamic combination creation
• Security
Key flexfields are not optional. You must configure key flexfields to ensure that
your applications operate correctly. You configure and maintain key flexfield
definitions with the Manage Key Flexfields task.
For lists of key flexfields, see assets with the Flexfield: Key type in
Oracle Enterprise Repository for Oracle Fusion Applications (http://
Common Applications Configuration: Maintain Common Reference Objects 12-93
When you configure a key flexfield, you define metadata about the key flexfield
such as how many segments are in a structure, how many structures the flexfield
uses, what value sets each segment uses, and so on. This is flexfield metadata
stored in flexfield metadata tables.
Based on the flexfield metadata, actual part numbers are captured at runtime
as a combination of segment values and stored in a combinations table. A
combinations table contains all the segment columns for a flexfield, plus a
unique ID column and a structure instance number column that differentiates
multiple arrangements of the segment columns.
For example, a part number that can be comprised of multiple segments can be
represented by a key flexfield. A part number key flexfield has a corresponding
combinations table, where the flexfield stores a list of the complete codes, with
one column for each segment of the code, together with the corresponding
unique ID and structure instance number for the code. When users define a new
part number or maintain existing part numbers in the parts catalog, they directly
maintain rows in the combination table.
The foreign key table contains a different business entity than the combinations
table. For example, the business entity in the foreign key table is order lines or
invoice lines that contain foreign key references to parts for ordering and so on.
Any number of foreign key tables can reference a particular entity represented
by a key flexfield.
Segments and Segment Labels
A key flexfield consists of segments. Segments consist of a prompt, a short
prompt, display width, a number that determines where in the sequence of a key
flexfield structure the segment exists, the range type and the column name of
the attribute being captured by the segment, a default value set and a label for
the segment. A segment label identifies a particular segment of a key flexfield.
Segment labels are defined and made available by applications development.
Applications identify a particular segment for some purpose such as security
or computations. Segment name or segment order cannot reliably identify a
segment because key flexfield segments can be configured to appear in any order
with any prompts. A segment label functions as a tag for a segment.
For example, Oracle Fusion General Ledger needs to identify which segment
in the Accounting Flexfield contains balancing information and which segment
contains natural account information. General Ledger uses a segment label to
determine which segment you are using for natural account information. When
you define your Accounting Flexfield, you must specify which segment label
apply to which segments.
Some labels must be unique, and cannot be applied to more than one segment
in each structure. Other labels are required, and must be applied to at least one
segment in each structure.
A segment label orients an end user's search of segments, such as the Cost Center
label for all segments across key flexfields that capture a value for cost center.
12-94 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
A key flexfield structure definition includes the number of segments and their
In some applications, different users need to see different segment structures for
the same flexfield. A key flexfield can have multiple structures if registered to
support more than one structure.
The flexfield can display different fields for different end users based on a data
condition in your application data, such as the value of another field entered by
the end user or the user's role. For example, the correctly formatted local postal
address for customer service inquiries differs based on locale. A postal address
key flexfield could display different segments and prompts for different end
users based on a location condition in your application data, such as the user's
role or a value entered by the user.
Each structure can have one or more segments. Thus a segment is a child of a
structure. If you want to store a particular segment, such as Cost Center, in two
different structures, you must define the segment separately in each structures.
Each structure may have one or more structure instances. Each instance of a
structure shares the same number and order of segments, but differs in the
allowable values or value sets that validate the segments.
Structure and Segment Instances
You can define multiple configurations of a key flexfield structure. These
structure instances have the same segment structure, in the same sequence order.
They differ primarily in how each segment is validated. You define a structure
instance for each key flexfield and each key flexfield structure instance.
The segments in a key flexfield structure instance are segment instances. A
segment instance is a segment with a specific value set assigned to it.
If a key flexfield has been registered with a tree structure, you can specify a
tree code for a segment instance, where the tree code defines a hierarchical
relationship between the segment values.
A combination is a complete code, or combination of segment values that makes
up the code, that uniquely identifies an object.
For example, each part number is a single combination, such as PAD-YEL-11x14
or 01-COM-876-7BG-LTN. In these combinations, the hyphen is the segment
separator. If you had ten parts you would define ten combinations. A valid
combination is simply an existing or new combination that can currently be used
because it is not out of date or disabled, and does not violate cross-validation or
security rules. A combination has different segments depending on the flexfield
structure being used for that combination. Any combination is associated with
only one particular flexfield structure.
Many Oracle Fusion Applications products refer to a key flexfield combination
by using the name of the entity or the key flexfield itself. For example, Oracle
Common Applications Configuration: Maintain Common Reference Objects 12-95
Fusion Assets uses the asset key flexfield and refers to one of its combinations
as an asset key or asset key flexfield. In another example, other Oracle Fusion
Applications products including Oracle Fusion General Ledger (GL) refer to
combinations of the accounting flexfield as account or GL account.
Each key flexfield has one corresponding table, known as the combinations
table, where the flexfield stores a list of the complete codes, with one column for
each segment of the code, together with the corresponding unique ID number
(a code combination ID number or CCID) for that code. Then, other tables in
the application have a column that stores just the unique ID for the code. For
example, you may have a part number code, such as PAD-YEL-11x14. The Parts
combinations table stores that code along with its ID, 57494. If your application
allows you to take orders for parts, you might then have an Orders table that
stores orders for parts. That Orders table would contain a single column that
contains the part ID, 57494, instead of several columns for the complete code
Typically one combinations page maintains the key flexfield, where the key
flexfield is the representation of an entity in your application. The combinations
page is where you maintain individual combinations, such as part numbers.
Dynamic Combination Creation
Dynamic combination creation is the insertion of a new valid combination into a
combinations table from a page other than the combinations page.
Dynamic combination creation may be enabled at the following levels.
Level Of Dynamic Combination Creation Controlled By:
Flexfield Application development
Each usage or reference to the key flexfield Application development
Structure instance Administrators and implementation consultants
Other Administrators and implementation consultants
If your key flexfield or certain usages or references of the key flexfield do not
permit dynamic combination creation, you may control whether dynamic
combination creation is enabled for each structure instance. If enabled, a user
can enter a new combination of segment values using the flexfield window
from a foreign key page. For example, when entering a transaction, a GL user
can enter a new expense account code combination for an account that does
not yet exist. Your application creates the new account by inserting the new
combination into the combinations table behind the scenes. Assuming that the
new combination satisfies any existing cross-validation rules, the flexfield inserts
the new combination into the combinations table, even though the combinations
table is not the underlying table for the foreign key page.
Managing Key Flexfields: Points to Consider
Consider the plans for a key flexfield, security, and resulting runtime pages
when configuring key flexfields.
12-96 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Plan structures carefully and allow for future needs.
Do not change the number, order, and maximum length of segments once you
have acquired flexfield data.
Structure Delimiters
A delimiter separates the segments when they appear to end users. The delimiter
value of a structure specifies the character used to visually separate segment
values when the key flexfield is displayed as a string of concatenated segments
in the UI.
Choose the delimiter value of your key flexfield carefully so that it does not
conflict with the flexfield data. For example, if your data frequently contains
periods, such as in monetary or numeric values, do not use a period as your
segment separator. Any character you expect to appear frequently in your
segment values or descriptions is not a good choice for the delimiter.
If you change the configuration of a key flexfield, such as the delimiter, the
change affects the previously stored key flexfields with that structure.
Oracle Fusion data security enforces value set security.
Within key flexfields, value set security applies to the selection of the individual
segment values in the segment list of values. When selecting a key flexfield
segment value from the combination table, data security allows display of
only the combinations whose segment values you have access to. Applications
development controls whether or not value set security rules propagate to the
foreign key table. By default they do.
Runtime Pages
Application development determines the user interface (UI) pages used to
render flexfields. The types of key flexfield UI pages are as follows.
• Combinations pages where underlying entity objects use the
combinations table itself
• Foreign key pages where the underlying entity objects contain a foreign
key reference to the combinations table
• Partial usage page where some or all of the key flexfield's segment
columns are in a product table
The same key flexfield can be used in different ways on different pages.
A page with a foreign key reference has a base table or view that contains a
foreign key reference to a combinations table with the actual flexfield segment
columns. This allows manipulating rows containing code combination IDs
Common Applications Configuration: Maintain Common Reference Objects 12-97
A page with partial usage of a key flexfield presents segments that are defined
on a product's transactional table in addition to being defined on a combinations
table. In the case of a partial usage page, it is possible that only part of the
configuration is visible. This allows the key flexfield to behave more like a
descriptive flexfield.
A code combination maintenance page or combinations page presents the
combinations table. This allows directly creating and maintaining code
combinations. The combinations table contains all key flexfield segment columns
and a unique ID column.
A typical application has one and only one combinations page. An application
might not have a combinations page if it does not support maintenance by
A page containing a search region enables end users to select which attributes of
the key flexfield view object to use as criteria to search for flexfield metadata.
For example, you can configure seven segments for the Account key flexfield.
In a foreign key reference page, end users see the typical key flexfield picker
with all seven segments where they can search for combinations. In a partial
usage page using the same key flexfield, end users potentially could see only
a single segment such as the Cost Center labeled segment, or they might see
multiple segments but displayed as individual segments rather than as a picker
for choosing combinations
For more information on key flexfield pages, see the Oracle Fusion Applications
Developer's Guide.
Key Flexfield Structures: Explained
A key flexfield structure arranges the segments of a key so you can reuse a single
key flexfield in multiple combinations of the same or a subset of segments.
Multiple instances of a single structure can accommodate differences in the value
sets assigned to the structure's segments.
The structure determines the following aspects of a key flexfield.
• The segments to include
• The order of the segments
• Segment labels on the included segments
• Properties for each segment applied to the instances of the segments in an
instance of the structure
Managing Key Flexfield Structures
All the segments defined for a key flexfield are available to be included in a key
flexfield structure.
You can define as many segments as there are defined segment columns in your
key flexfield combinations table.
12-98 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Be sure to add segments in the order that your key requires. Once deployed, the
order cannot be changed.
Enable segments to indicate that they are in use. A flexfield does not display
disabled segments in runtime.
To protect the integrity of your data, disable a segment if you have already used
it to enter data.
Key Flexfield Structure Instances and Segment Instances: Explained
A key flexfield structure can have one or more alternate structure instances.
The instances of a key flexfield structure share the following aspects of the
• The same set of segments
• The same arrangement of segments
• The same properties at the segment and structure levels
Differences among structure instances at the structure level include whether
dynamic combination creation is allowed.
Differences among segment instances at the structure instance level include the
• Value set
• Default type and default value
• Tree code
• Whether the segment is any of the following
• Required
• Displayed
• Enabled for business intelligence
• Optional or required as a query criterion
For example, you could use one group of value sets for the US and another for
The figure shows two structures instances for a part number structure. The
structures differ in the number of segments and the segment separators used.
The structure instances of a structure share all properties that are defined for
the structure, but can vary in the properties defined at the structure instance or
segment instance level, such as the value set assigned to the segment instances.
Common Applications Configuration: Maintain Common Reference Objects 12-99
Query Required Segment Instances
You can designate a key flexfield segment instance as query required so that it
is one of the selectively required attributes an end user can use in a key flexfield
combination search. If you indicate in the Manage Key Flexfields UI page that
a segment instance should be indexed, the column representing the segment
must be added to the database index. This is commonly done by a database
administrator (DBA).
Following deployment, the combination picker of the key flexfield displays the
query required attributes as selectively required. An end user must specify at
least one of the query required attributes in the search criteria. This prevents
non-selective searches that could cause performance issues.
For example, if you mark the cost center and account attributes as query required
and ensure that the corresponding columns in the database are indexed, an end
user can search for combinations by entering cost center or account or both as a
search criterion. No search is performed if an end user does not enter at least one
query required attribute as search criteria.
Index the Structure Instance Number column on your combinations table to
improve performance.
12-100 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Dynamic Combinations
If a key flexfield supports dynamic combination creation, you can choose to
enable this feature by selecting Dynamic Combination Creation Allowed.
This will allow end users to enter values at runtime that produce new code
combinations for the flexfield. If not enabled, new valid combinations can only
be entered using the combinations table for the flexfield.
If a tree code has been defined for the value set assigned to the segment instance,
and you assign the tree code to the segment instance, tree hierarchy search
operations are available on the segment values.
For a segment instance to be based on a tree, the following must be true.
• Application development registered the key flexfield with a tree structure.
• A tree code for that tree structure exists.
• The tree code that includes tree versions containing the values of the value
set assigned to the segment instance.
• You assign the desired tree code directly to the segment instance.
Provided these conditions are satisfied, different segment instances that use the
same value set can be assigned the same or different tree codes, meaning they
use a different hierarchy definition over the same values.
Enabling Key Flexfield Segments for Business Intelligence: Points to Consider
A key flexfield that is registered in the database as enabled for Oracle Business
Intelligence (BI) includes a BI Enabled setting for each of its segment instances.
When a segment instance is BI-enabled, it is available for use in Oracle Business
The following aspects are important in understanding BI-enabled key flexfield
• Flattening business components to use BI-enabled segments in Oracle BI.
• Equalizing segments to prevent duplication and complexity in the
flattened component.
• Mapping attributes of flattened business components to logical objects in
Oracle BI.
• Managing the labels that map segments to logical objects in Oracle BI.
After you deploy a business intelligence-enabled flexfield, import the flexfield
changes into the Oracle Business Intelligence repository to make use of the
newly generated attributes in business intelligence applications. For additional
information about import, refer to the Oracle Fusion Middleware Metadata
Repository Builder's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition
(Oracle Fusion Applications Edition).
When you deploy a business intelligence-enabled key flexfield, the deployment
process generates an additional set of flattened business components for use in
business intelligence. The flattened business components include attributes for
business intelligence-enabled segment instances only.
Common Applications Configuration: Maintain Common Reference Objects 12-101
If you assigned a label to a segment, the flattened components include a single
attribute representing all segment instances with that label. If you did not assign
a label, the flattened components include a discrete attribute for each BI-enabled
segment instance in each structure.
You can prevent duplication and the extra workload and complexity that result
from the flattening process by assigning a label to any set of segments that serve
the same purpose in different structures. BI-enabled segments that have labels
are equalized so that the flattened business components include one attribute
for each label, consolidated across structures. Non-labeled segments are not
equalized across structures, so the flattened components include a separate
attribute for each segment for each structure.
It may not be possible to equalize similarly labeled segments if they have
incompatible data types or value set types.
Mapping to Logical Objects in Business Intelligence
Assign a label to a segment to map the corresponding attribute in the flattened
components to a logical object in Oracle Business Intelligence. Using labels
to map segments to BI logical objects minimizes the steps for importing the
flexfield into Oracle Business Intelligence.
Assigning a label to a segment serves to equalize the attribute across structures,
as well as map the equalized attribute to business intelligence.
Managing Labels
You may assign a predefined label (if available) to segments or create new labels
for assignment, as needed. Specify a code, name, and description to identify
each label. In the BI Object Name field, enter the name of the logical object in
Oracle Business Intelligence to which the segment label should map during
import. Specifying the BI logical object minimizes the steps for importing the
flexfield into Oracle Business Intelligence and helps to equalize context-sensitive
segments across structures.
If no labels are assigned to a BI-enabled segment, or the BI Object Name on the
assigned label does not exist in business intelligence, you must manually map
the segment to the desired logical object when importing into Oracle Business
In addition, segments without labels cannot be equalized across structures. The
flattened components include a separate attribute for each non-labeled segment
in each structure.
Segment labels serve other functions as well, as presented in Key Flexfields:
Key Flexfields: Example
A key flexfield can capture expense account information.
12-102 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
When entering details for each expense, the user specifies an account to which
the expense is charged.
Entering Expense Accounts
A user interface for entering expenses gives the user the option of selecting
an expense account that identifies the cost center and other details needed for
processing the expense.
The expense account field is a foreign key reference to a code combination
Code Combination Table for Entering Accounts and Employees
The code combination table supports entering account information, such as for
expense accounts.
The figure shows the origin in the code combination table of the account
specified by the user. The code combination ID record stores the information of
the key flexfield segments used to assemble the expense account based on the
key flexfield configuration.
The combinations page, which is the maintenance page for the key flexfield,
is for managing rows in the combination table. In this example, managing the
combinations means adding or editing account numbers that adhere to the key
flexfield metadata rules.
Common Applications Configuration: Maintain Common Reference Objects 12-103
The figure shows the code combination details for the example expense account
reflected in the flexfield configuration and the code combination table.
If dynamic combination creation is not enabled, then when entering an expense
line, the user can only select an account that already exists in the ACCOUNTS
(combinations) table. If they require an account that does not exist, they must
consult with the appropriate application administrator who can add the account
to the combinations table.
If dynamic combination creation is enabled, then when entering an expense line,
the user can either select a pre-existing account, or type in a new account that
created dynamically on the fly in the ACCOUNTS (combinations) table. Once the
new combination is created, the same user can refer to it on the expense line.
When managing employee information, the user specifies the cost center that
the employee belongs to. The cost center field corresponds to a single, labeled
segment of the Account Key Flexfield and has metadata defined such as the
allowable value set for that segment.
In this figure, instead of specifying a cost center ID reference to an account, only
the Cost Center segment is used and the value is stored directly on the employee
12-104 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
FAQs for Define Flexfields
Why did my flexfield changes not appear in the runtime UI?
The ADF business components or artifacts of a flexfield, which are generated
into an metadata services (MDS) repository when the flexfield is deployed,
are cached within a user session. You must sign out and back in again to view
flexfield definition changes reflected in the runtime application user interface
A flexfield's status relative to its deployment determines whether the flexfield
segments as currently defined in the metadata are available to end users. The
flexfield segments seen by end users in the runtime correspond to the flexfield
definition that was last deployed successfully.
What happens if a value set is security enabled?
Value set security is a feature that enables you to secure access to value set values
based on the end user's role in the system.
As an example, suppose you have a value set of US state names. When this value
set is used to validate a flexfield segment, and users can select a value for the
segment, you can use value set security to restrict them to selecting only a certain
state or subset of states based on their assigned roles in the system.
For example, Western-region employees may choose only California, Nevada,
Oregon, and so on as valid values. They cannot select non-Western-region states.
Eastern-region employees may choose only New York, New Jersey, Virginia,
and so on as valid values, but cannot select non-Eastern-region states. Value set
security is implemented using Oracle Fusion Applications data security.
How can I set a default value for a flexfield segment?
When you define or edit a flexfield segment, you specify a default value from the
values provided by the value set assigned to that segment.
You can set the default value to be a parameter, which means the entity object
attribute to which the parameter you choose is mapped will provide the initial
default value for the segment.
You can set to be a constant, if appropriate to the data type of the value set
assigned to the segment.
In addition to an initial default value, you can set a derivation value for updating
the attribute's value every time the parameter value changes. The parameter you
choose identifies the entity object source attribute. Any changes in the value of
the source attribute during runtime are reflected in the value of the segment.
If the display type of the segment is a check box, you can set whether the default
value of the segment is checked or unchecked.
Common Applications Configuration: Maintain Common Reference Objects 12-105
Can I display the context segment in the project Cost Collection flexfield?
No. The context segment is predetermined for each page. Displaying it and
changing the value may result in capture of data that is not applicable for the
current transaction.
Define Attachments
Attachments: Explained
Attachments are pieces of supplementary information that users can associate
with specific business objects such as expense reports or purchase orders.
Attachments can be URLs, desktop files, text, or in cases where available,
repository folders. For any given business object, a user may be able to only view
attachments, or also create, delete, or edit attachments, depending on security.
For more information on an introduction to attachments, see the Oracle Fusion
Applications Developer's Guide.
Attachments are stored in a content management repository provided by Oracle
WebCenter Content Server. Users managing attachments have no real interaction
with the repository unless the repository mode is enabled for attachments on
specific business objects. In that case, users can share attachments among objects,
update attachments by checking them out of and back into the repository,
and perform other tasks. Access to attachment files is controlled by a digital
signing mechanism. Depending on security, users might have direct access to the
Data security that applies to a specific business object also applies to attachments
for that object, as determined by the attachment entity defined for the object. For
example, if a user has no access to a specific expense report, then the same user
cannot access attachments for the expense report. You can also use attachment
categories to control access and actions on attachments, based on roles associated
with the category. For more information on securing attachments, see the Oracle
Fusion Applications Developer's Guide.
Attachment Entities: Explained
An attachment entity is usually a database entity, for example a table or view,
that represents a business object attachments can be associated with. Each
attachment UI must be defined with a corresponding attachment entity, which
not only identifies the business object to attach to, but also controls what users
can do. Attachment entities are used only in the context of attachments and exist
separately from the database entities that they are based on.
12-106 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Edit and create attachment entities on the Manage Attachment Entities page,
which you can access by starting in the Setup and Maintenance Overview page
and searching for the Manage Attachment Entities task. Though you would
generally use predefined attachment entities with attachment UIs, you might
need to create new entities, for example when developing custom UIs.
Entity Names
An attachment entity name should match the name of the table or view
that represents the business object to attach to. The name is also used in the
repository folder that is automatically created to store attachments for the entity.
The attachment entity display name should be something that users know to
represent the business object.
Database Resource
The data security policies associated with the database resource defined for the
attachment entity would apply to attachments for that entity. For example, based
on the database resource for the expense reports attachment entity, the same
policies apply to attachments for expense reports. The database resource value
must match the value in the OBJ_NAME column in the FND_OBJECTS table for
the business object that the entity represents.
Enabling Security
Security based on the database resource associated with the attachment entity is
always in effect. What you can enable or disable is security based on attachment
categories. If any of the attachment categories associated with the attachment
entity has data security defined, then that security applies to this entity only if
Attachment Entities and Attachment Categories: How They Work
The association between attachment entities and categories determines which
categories can be used for an entity. For example, categories associated with the
expense report attachment entity are available to be implemented in attachment
UIs for expense reports. You can define these associations when managing either
entities or categories. Any association changes in either the Manage Attachment
Entities or Manage Attachment Categories page are reflected on the other page.
You can access either page by starting in the Setup and Maintenance Overview
page and searching for attachment tasks.
Managing Entities
You determine which attachment categories are relevant to a particular entity
on the Manage Attachment Entities page, and each entity must have at least one
category. Depending on configuration, any or all of the available categories for
that entity are used. For example, you assign three categories to the expense
Common Applications Configuration: Maintain Common Reference Objects 12-107
reports attachment entity. For a particular expense report page with attachments
functionality, you can customize the attachments component to specify which of
the three categories are used. Based on your selection, the data security defined
for each category, if any, is applied to attachments on that page if the attachment
entity has category-based security enabled.
Managing Categories
If you create an attachment category and need to assign it to multiple attachment
entities, use the Manage Attachment Categories page. The association means the
same as the association on the Manage Attachment Entities page.
Attachments Troubleshooting: Explained
Attachments UIs for users to add and manage attachments are fully functional as
is, and users usually would not encounter issues. If you customize attachments
in any way, for example by creating additional attachment categories and
implementing data security on them, then some issues might arise.
Issue: Unable to View, Add, Update, or Delete Attachments
Users encounter issues when trying to view attachments or perform actions such
as adding attachments.
• Users can no longer see specific attachments that they were previously
able to see.
• Likewise, they can no longer update or delete attachments.
• Users get an error stating that they do not have permission to add
Use the Manage Attachment Entities page to ensure that attachment categories
are associated to the relevant attachment entity. For example, if users can no
longer see attachments for an expense report, then search for the expense report
attachment entity and assign all necessary categories to it. You might need to
check with your system administrator or help desk to determine the exact entity
used on the page with the expenses attachments or what categories to assign.
If data security is implemented on the categories for the attachment entity, then
verify that the Enable Security check box is selected in the Manage Attachment
Entities page for that entity. Make sure that users have a role with the privileges
shown in the following table, to view, add, update, or delete attachments with a
specific attachment category.
Action Privilege
View Read Application Attachment
Add or Update Update Application Attachment
12-108 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Delete Delete Application Attachment
For example, if users have the Read Application Attachment privilege for all
categories associated with the expense report attachment entity, except the
Receipts attachment category, then they can view all expense report attachments
except those created with the Receipts category. Likewise, if users do not have
the Update Application Attachment privilege for any attachment categories tied
to the expense report attachment entity, then they cannot create any attachments
at all for expense reports.
For more information on attachment category data security, see the Oracle
Fusion Applications Developer's Guide.
Finally, certain attachments UI for users have predefined restrictions on
categories in place. Your developers can also introduce additional filters to
determine which document categories are available for a specific page. Check
with your developers or help desk.
Issue: Missing Attachment Category
Users can see existing attachments, but the attachments no longer have an
attachment category value.
When the attachment was added, at least one category existed for the
corresponding attachment entity, as otherwise the attachment could not have
been added. Since then, the entity was edited so that it no longer has any
assigned categories, so the user cannot see the category associated with that
Use the Manage Attachment Entities page to reassign attachment categories
to the relevant attachment entity. For example, if users can no longer see the
Receipts attachment category for an attachment to an expense report, then
search for the expense report attachment entity and assign to it the Receipts
category. You might need to check with your system administrator or help desk
to determine the exact entity used on the page with the expenses attachments or
what additional categories to assign.
Finally, certain attachments UI for users have predefined restrictions on
categories in place. Your developers can also introduce additional filters to
determine which document categories are available for a specific page. Check
with your developers or help desk.
FAQs for Define Attachments
What's an attachment category?
An attachment category is used to classify and secure attachments. Each
attachment user interface must be defined with at least one category for users
to be able to add attachments. If there are multiple categories, users can view
Common Applications Configuration: Maintain Common Reference Objects 12-109
them and select one when adding attachments. For example, attachments for an
expense report can be categorized as receipts, scanned invoice images, and so on.
You can also associate roles with categories to determine user access and actions
for attachments, based on the categories assigned to the attachment entity. For
example, security for expense report attachments can be based in part on the
categories assigned to the expense report attachment entity. You can define
multiple categories per module, and add and manage custom categories for your
own purposes. For more information on attachment category data security, see
the Oracle Fusion Applications Developer's Guide.
Use the Manage Attachment Categories page, which you can access by starting
in the Setup and Maintenance Overview page and searching for the Manage
Attachment Categories task.
Set Activity Stream Options
Activity Stream Options: Highlights
Activity Stream is a region on the Oracle Fusion Applications Welcome
dashboard and other pages in various applications. Users track the activities and
transactions of other users in this region. You can set options that affect the all
Activity Stream regions for all users across your site. Individual users can still
override your settings through Activity Stream preferences.
Activity stream settings are described in the Oracle Fusion Middleware User's
Guide for Oracle WebCenter Portal: Spaces. When you read content from that
guide, note that:
• Your setup applies to all users, not just yourself or any individual user.
• You can disregard discussions about how to access the settings, because
you access the Set Activity Stream Options page by starting in the Setup
and Maintenance Overview page and searching for the Set Activity
Stream Options task.
Setting Activity Stream Options
• Define the types of users to display activities about in the Activity Stream
region, the types of activities to track, and other settings.
See: Setting Activity Stream Preferences
Manage Menu Customizations
Managing Menu Customizations: Highlights
You can customize the Navigator menu, which is the main menu of Oracle
Fusion Applications and is always available in the global area. You can also
customize the home page of Oracle Fusion Applications by adding tabs to
display additional dashboards. Use the Manage Menu Customizations page,
12-110 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
which you can access by starting in the Setup and Maintenance Overview page
and searching for the Manage Menu Customization task.
An overview of customizing the Navigator menu and home page is provided in
the Oracle Fusion Applications Extensibility Guide.
Navigator Menu and Home Page
• Navigator menu customization involves managing items, which are nodes
in the menu that take the user to the desired destination, and groups,
which are categories of items.
See: Customizing the Navigator Menu
• The Oracle Fusion Applications home page displays a set of dashboards
as tabs. You can create more tabs and make them display additional
dashboard content.
See: Customizing the Navigator Menu.
Manage Audit Policies
Managing Audit Policies: Explained
Auditing is used to monitor user activity and all configuration, security, and data
changes that have been made to an application. Auditing involves recording
and retrieving information pertaining to the creation, modification, and removal
of business objects. All actions performed on the business objects and the
modified values are also recorded. The audit information is stored without any
intervention of the user or any explicit user action.
Use audit policies to select specific business objects and attributes to be audited.
The decision to create policies usually depends on the type of information to be
audited and to the level of detail that is required to be reported.
Enabling Audit Functionality
To enable audit, ensure that you have administrative privileges. For Oracle
Fusion Applications, you must configure the business objects and select the
attributes before enabling audit. If you enable audit without configuring the
business objects, auditing remains inactive. By default, auditing is disabled for
all applications.
To enable auditing for Oracle Fusion Middleware products, select one of the
levels at which auditing is required for that product. The audit levels are
predefined and contain the metadata and events to be audited. For more
information, refer to the Oracle Fusion Middleware documentation and also
the Oracle Enterprise Repository for Oracle Fusion Applications at http://
If you do not want an application to be audited, you can stop the audit process
by setting the Audit Level option to None. While viewing the audit report for
that application, you can specify the period during which auditing remained
Common Applications Configuration: Maintain Common Reference Objects 12-111
Configuring Audit Business Object Attributes: Points to Consider
Audit allows you to track the change history of particular attributes of a business
object. However, those objects and their attributes must be selected for audit
and auditing must be enabled for that application. Your configuration settings
determine which attributes to audit for a given object, and when the audit starts
and ends. Auditing takes into account all the create or insert, update, and delete
operations performed on an object and its attributes.
Selecting an Application
To set up auditing, you must select a web application that contains the required
business objects that can be audited. From the list of business objects, select those
business object that you want to audit. Selecting a business object also displays
its attributes that are enabled for auditing.
Selecting Attributes
For each selected business object to be audited, select the corresponding
attributes to include in the audit. All attributes that belong to that object are by
default selected for audit and appear on the user interface. However, you can
add or remove attributes from the list. When you remove an attribute from the
list, you stop auditing it even when the parent object is selected for audit. So, if
you want an attribute to be audited, you must add it to the list.
Starting and Stopping Audit
The business object is ready for audit after you select its attributes and save the
configuration changes. However, to start auditing, the audit level for Oracle
Fusion Applications must be set to Auditing on the Manage Audit Policies page.
To stop auditing an object, you can deselect the entire object and save the
configuration. As a result, all its selected attributes are automatically deselected
and are not audited. To continue to audit the business object with select
attributes, deselect those attributes that are not to be audited.
When end-users view the audit history for an application, they can specify the
period for which they want the results. Therefore, it is important to note when
you start and stop auditing an application. For example, today if end-users
intend to view the audit history of an object for the previous week, but auditing
for that object was stopped last month, they would not get any audit results for
that week because during the entire month that object was not audited. Even if
you enable audit for that object today, end-users cannot get the wanted results
because audit data until today is not available.
Configuring Audit: Highlights
You can set up auditing for Oracle Fusion Applications using the Manage
Audit Policies page in the Setup and Maintenance work area of Oracle Fusion
12-112 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
To set up auditing for Oracle Fusion Middleware products, you must select the
level of auditing that maps to a predefined set of metadata and events that have
to be audited. Information on configuring audit for Oracle Fusion Middleware
products is provided in Oracle Fusion Middleware guides.
You can also create a configuration file and deploy it to audit a specific Oracle
Fusion Middleware product. The configuration details for Oracle Fusion
Middleware products are available in the form of audit-specific assets that can
be used to create the configuration file (config.xml). For more information, see
the Oracle Enterprise Repository for Oracle Fusion Applications at http://
Oracle Fusion Middleware Products
• Configure business objects to enable auditing in Oracle Fusion
Middleware products. Refer to the Oracle Fusion Middleware Security
and Administrator's Guide for Web Services.
See: Auditing Web Services
Oracle Fusion Security Products
• Configure business objects to enable auditing in Oracle Fusion security
products. Refer to Oracle Fusion Middleware Application Security Guide.
See: Oracle Fusion Middleware Audit Framework Reference
Manage Oracle Social Network Objects
Managing Oracle Social Network Objects: Explained
Use Oracle Social Network to collaborate with key individuals within your
organization, as well as external contacts such as suppliers and partners, using
critical transaction data from Oracle Fusion Applications. Available collaboration
tools include groups, activity feeds, discussion forums, document sharing,
instant messaging, email and web conferencing. By bringing key attributes from
the applications to share, socialize and update information, you can make better
business decisions, based on additional information that you obtain and analyze
within your social network environment. You do this by defining which business
objects and attributes to enable and the enablement method for Oracle Social
Network integration with Oracle Fusion Applications. Once enabled, these
business objects can be shared in collaborative conversations. Within Oracle
Fusion Applications, conversations can be viewed using the Social button in the
Global Area and select applications pages.
Use the Manage Oracle Social Network Objects page, which you can access by
starting in the Setup and Maintenance Overview page and searching for the task
Manage Oracle Social Network Objects.
Oracle Social Network is currently not available in non-Cloud implementations.
Aspects of managing Oracle Social Network objects include the following:
Common Applications Configuration: Maintain Common Reference Objects 12-113
• Enabling business objects for integration.
• Understanding initial and subsequent defaults.
Enabling Business Objects for Integration
A business object cannot be shared within Oracle Social Network until a
functional administrator or implementor accesses the Manage Oracle Social
Network Objects page and enables the business object for Oracle Social Network
integration. Use the Manage Oracle Social Network Objects page to set up and
define which business objects and attributes to enable and the enablement
method for Oracle Social Network integration with Oracle Fusion Applications.
You see only the business objects that are predefined as available to enable, not
the full list of business objects for products that you are permitted to view.
Understanding Initial and Subsequent Defaults
Upon initial deployment, the preceding rule that states a business object cannot
be shared until it is accessed and enabled through the Manage Oracle Social
Network Objects page, does not apply to certain default configurations for
business objects in Oracle Fusion Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
and Oracle Fusion Human Capital Management (HCM). Subsequently, these
business objects are managed no differently than any of the other business
objects. If you set to Manual or Automatic, the setup is not complete until you
select attributes.
Options for Enabling Oracle Social Network Objects: Explained
Access the Manage Oracle Social Network Objects page to select from the
following options to enable business objects and apply attributes for Oracle
Social Network integration with Oracle Fusion Applications.
These enablement options exist:
• Enable Object
• Disable Object
• Enable All
Enable Object
Access the Business Object section of the Manage Oracle Social Network Objects
Click Enable Object to select from the available enablement options and define
how the object integrates with Oracle Social Network. Options include:
• Manual - Recommended; the object is enabled for manual sharing with
Oracle Social Network, where the social network user decides whether
or not to share each instance of the object with Oracle Social Network.
Once shared, all updates to enabled attributes of the object instance, and
deletes, are sent to Oracle Social Network. Updates to attributes that are
not enabled are not sent.
12-114 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
• Automatic - Automatically sends newly enabled object instances and
updates to Oracle Social Network. All object instances are automatically
shared with Oracle Social Network upon creation and all subsequent
updates to enabled attributes of the object instances, and deletes, are
automatically sent to Oracle Social Network.
• No - Does not send any object instance information to Oracle Social
After you enable an object, you must enable one or more attributes in the
Attributes section of the Manage Oracle Social Network Objects page. Updates to
enabled attributes are sent to Oracle Social Network.
Disable Object
Access the Business Object section of the Manage Oracle Social Network Objects
Click Disable Object to disable the selected business object, then Save. This
shortcut disables the currently selected business object by changing the
enablement option to No.
Alternatively, you can click Enable Object to access the dialog box and
enablement options and select No, then click OK, and then click Save to disable a
selected business object.
Disabling the object through either mechanism does not affect any associated
attributes. Use the Attributes section of the page to manage the list of enabled
Enable All
Access the Manage Oracle Social Network Objects page.
Click Enable All at the page level to perform a bulk update of the enablement
status from No to Manual of all business objects. After you click Enable All, then
you save.
The bulk update of the statuses does not affect the attributes selected as enabled
for each business object. Use the Attributes section of the page to manage the list
of enabled attributes.
Status Column
The Status column appears in the Business Objects table to provide a visual
indicator as to which enabled business objects do not yet have an enabled
attribute assigned.
When you enable a business object (automatic or manual), a check mark or a
warning sign appears in the Status column of the business object depending on
this criteria:
• A check mark indicates that you have configured attributes for an enabled
business object.
• A warning sign indicates that you have not configured any attributes for
the enabled business object.
Common Applications Configuration: Maintain Common Reference Objects 12-115
It is important that you configure the attributes before you click Save.
When you enable a business object, but do not configure any attributes for
the enabled business object, unexpected results can occur as no attributes are
sent to Oracle Social Network during create and update except some internal
bookkeeping information. Deletes are sent as usual.
Enable business object attributes in the Attributes section of the Manage Oracle
Social Objects page. To provide a visual indicator of the enabled business
objects that have no attributes added, a Status column appears at the end of
the Business Objects table. This column shows a warning when there are no
attributes defined for a business object that has had its enabled state changed
from No. This warning does not prevent you from saving the Oracle Social
Network enablement of the business object, but does provide a guide that you
should assign attributes for an enabled business object.
In the Attributes table, you can do the following:
• View a list of all attributes that are enabled.
These are the attributes that, upon update, are sent to Oracle Social
Network. Disabled attributes are not sent.
• Click Add to launch the dialog where you can select attributes to add to
the table.
• Click Remove to remove attributes from the table.
FAQs for Manage Oracle Social Network Objects
What happens if I update translations?
When you click Update Translations from the Manage Oracle Social Network
Objects page, you synchronize the newly translated text from Oracle Fusion
Applications so that it can be used within Oracle Social Network. This means
you can install and enable a new language or take a language patch at any time.
Update Translations sends attribute labels and business object names to Oracle
Social Network for use in its user interface. Users in Oracle Social Network
see the attribute or business object labels in the language of their locale. If the
user changes locale in Oracle Social Network, then the attribute or business
object labels appear in the updated language. The data, however, appears in the
language in which it was originally sent to Oracle Social Network. If a user has
previously sent a business object instance to Oracle Social Network, then the
business object instance data is not updated. When you save the business object
enablement to Oracle Social Network, it sends the translations as well. This
makes it unnecessary to click both Save and Update Translations. For subsequent
updates to labels and attributes, such as if a new Oracle Fusion Applications
language pack is installed, run Update Translations to send the updated labels
and their translations to Oracle Social Network. The Update Translations button
12-116 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
sends translations for all business objects whose enablement is Manual or
Manage Applications Core Common Reference Objects: Manage
Applications Core Messages
Common Messages: Points to Consider
Common messages, which have message names that begin with FND_CMN
and message numbers between 0 and 999, are used throughout Oracle Fusion
Applications. Each common message can appear in multiple places in any
product family. For example, the FND_CMN_NEW_SRCH message can be used
for any search to indicate that no results were found. Common messages that are
of type error or warning are part of the message dictionary.
Editing Common Messages
Because a common message can be used in any application, consider the
ramifications if you edit any aspect of the message, including incident and
logging settings. Changes would be reflected in all instances where the message
is used. For example, if you change the message text, make sure that the text
would make sense to all users across Oracle Fusion Applications who might see
Creating Common Messages
You can create custom common messages for use in multiple places within
a single product. Do not begin the message name with FND_CMN, but use
another suitable convention. The message number should be within the range
that is designated for the product.
Manage Applications Core Common Reference Objects: Manage
Applications Core Administrator Profile Values
Creating and Editing Messages: Highlights
Each message in the message dictionary has many attributes and components,
including message properties, text, and tokens, that you define when creating or
editing the message.
Details about these messages are described in the Oracle Fusion Applications
Developer's Guide.
Message Properties
• The message type identifies the type of information that the message
See: Understanding Message Types
Common Applications Configuration: Maintain Common Reference Objects 12-117
• The message name and number are identifiers for the message. There
are specific message number ranges for predefined messages in each
application, and you should not edit numbers assigned to predefined
messages. When creating custom messages, use only message numbers
within the 10,000,000 to 10,999,999 range.
See: About Message Names
See: About Message Numbers
• The translation notes for predefined messages might contain internal
content that you can disregard.
See: About Translation Notes
• The message category, severity, and logging enabled option are related to
the incident and logging process.
See: About Grouping Messages by Category and Severity
See: Understanding Incidents and Diagnostic Logs with Message
Message Text and Tokens
• The message text comprises various components, some of which are
displayed only to select users. To determine which component of the
message text is displayed to a particular user, set the Message Mode
profile option (FND_MESSAGE_MODE) at the user level for that user.
The message component short text is visible to all users and therefore, the
profile option does not apply to this component. Also, the profile option
applies only to messages in the message dictionary.
See: About Message Components
• Tokens are variables that represent values to be displayed in the message
See: About Tokens
Profile Options and Related General Preferences: How They Work
Some Oracle Fusion Middleware Extensions for Applications profile options are
related to general preferences in the global area.
The related general preferences are Default Application Language, Territory,
Date Format, Time Format, Currency, and Time Zone. When the user changes
any of these preferences, the stored values in LDAP are updated accordingly.
Profile Options
The corresponding profile options are Default Language, Default Territory,
Default Date Format, Default Time Format, Default Currency, and Default User
12-118 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Time Zone. No matter what you set for these profile options at any level, the
preferences settings, or LDAP values, take precedence. The profile option value
is used only if the LDAP value is not available. Updating the profile option value
does not automatically update the value in LDAP or preferences.
Common Applications Configuration: Define WebLogic Communication Services Configuration 13-1
Common Applications Configuration:
Define WebLogic Communication
Services Configuration
Click-to-Dial: Explained
Use Click-to-Dial to place a call to a contact from a hyperlink on the phone
number or phone icon.
Here are a few topics that are important to know when using Click-to-Dial:
• Normal call flow
• Interaction Records and Notes
• Operational Notes
Click-to-Dial must be enabled to make calls using the various contact
information pages and pop-up UIs. When enabled, phone numbers appear
as hyperlinks. Interaction logging is available if that feature is enabled. If
interaction logging is available, a note indicating that fact will be displayed in
the UI. See Click to Dial: Top Tasks for more information about enabling these
Normal Call Flow
Click-to-Dial uses a call-the-caller-then-call-the-callee procedure for completing
a phone call. That format and the normal flow of this procedure are described
• You initiate a call
If you see a small orange square next to a contact or customer name, click
the square to display further details, including phone numbers. To place a
call, place your mouse over the phone number hyperlink and click.
Click-to-Dial does not work on phone numbers that are marked with a Do Not
Call icon.
• Select a Calling Phone
13-2 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Choose the calling phone number. Usually the calling phone is a number
from your profile information. Alternately, if you need to use a phone not
in your profile, you can specify a different number to originate your call.
• Call Flow
After you select the calling phone number, the system calls you back on
that number, waits for you to answer, and then calls the person for whom
the call is intended.
Interaction Records and Notes
Click-to-Dial automatically creates an interaction record of the call, when that
feature is enabled. The details window that provides the phone number may also
show an Interaction icon that you can click to display a list of interaction records
to edit, for example to provide a description of the call. The window may also
provide a notes feature that you can use to record notes during the call.
Interaction Logging
The interaction record is logged as soon as the call is either successfully set up or
known to have failed.
The interaction log records the customer, call participants, a timestamp noting
the start time of the call, the direction of the communication, in or outbound, and
Common Applications Configuration: Define WebLogic Communication Services Configuration 13-3
the resolution code. The description is automatically updated with these three
• Call ID from OWLCS
• Your chosen phone number
• Contact phone number
The call resolution code is determined from OWLCS and recorded in the
OWLCS Call Status Resolution Code in Interaction
CallAborted FAILED
CalledPartyNoAnswer NOT AVAILABLE
CalledPartyNotReachable NOT AVAILABLE
CallingPartyBusy FAILED
CallingPartyNoAnswer FAILED
CallingPartyNotReachable FAILED
Editing interactions
Once the call is established, if Interactions is available, you can use the
Interactions icon on the UI to launch the interaction record list view. Select the
current interaction record to edit it.
Operational Notes
Because of the call-the-caller-then-call-the-callee format, there are some
conditions that may occur due to several calling situations. Some of these
conditions are described below:
• Why don't I hear a ring-back tone? As soon as you answer the system call-
back, the system immediately dials the contact. You won't hear a ring-
back tone as in a normal outbound phone call. However, you can tell that
the call attempt is progressing because:
• The phone indicates that the connection is active. If the call to the
contact reaches a busy tone or the call attempt times out, the connection
is dropped.
• The dialing window stays on the screen while the call attempt is
progressing. It disappears when the connection is either successfully
established or fails.
• What if your phone is busy and the call-back goes directly to voice mail?
Normally this would not happen because you would not initiate a new
call when you are already busy on another call. However, this situation
could occur due to a race condition, that is where another incoming call
reaches your phone before the Click-to-Dial call-back. When this happens,
two different scenarios could occur:
13-4 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
• If your phone is configured for busy-forward-all-to-voice-mail, the
Click-to-Dial call would be forwarded to your voice mail, and the
system thinks that the caller has answered the call and will proceed
to call the contact. On answering, the contact hears your voice-mail
• If your phone is capable of presenting a second call to the user, as is
supported by many office phones and mobile phones, then you can still
answer the Click-to-Dial call and there is no issue.
• What if you wait too long to answer the call-back? In other words, you
wait longer than the ring-no-answer-forward-to-voice-mail timer on the
phone system and the call goes to voice mail. Normally, this would not
happen because you are expecting the inbound call after you started the
call, and would answer promptly. However, if for some reason you do
not answer and allow the call to ring-no-answer-forward to voice mail,
then the system would think that you have answered the call and will
proceed to call the contact. On answering, the contact hears your voice-
mail greeting.
• What if the contact does not answer in 30 seconds and the system
abandons the call attempt? If the contact's voice mail is configured to
answer after 30 seconds, you will not be able to leave a message.
Click-to-Dial: Top Tasks
Click-to-Dial is a feature of the customer contact process. Phone communication
to customers and employees is initiated with a click of the mouse, leveraging
your customer contact information and the application context. The Click-to-
Dial feature uses Oracle WebLogic Communication Services, OWLCS, to enable
communications. Applications that provide the Click-to-Dial functionality do so
primarily through contextual actions in the application.
Additionally, Click-to-Dial utilizes Oracle Fusion Interactions as an optional
transaction logging feature that will track information about the call such as
the customer, call participants, a timestamp noting the start time of the call, the
direction of the communication, in or outbound, and the resolution code.
Click-to-Dial integrates with your telephony environment and must be manually
enabled in your deployment. This topic highlights what is required to set up the
Click-to-Dial feature and to implement logging of the calls made using the Click-
to-Dial feature.
Terms used in setting up these communications
• PSTN: Public switched telephone network is the network of the world's
public circuit-switched telephone networks.
• SIP: Session initiation protocol, an open signaling protocol standard that is
used to set up phone calls
• TPCC: Third Party Call Control enables an application to control the
telephony network to set up calls automatically.
• OWLCS: Oracle WebLogic Communication Services. Offers the TPCC
service to Fusion applications and sets up the calls via SIP integration
with the telephony network.
Common Applications Configuration: Define WebLogic Communication Services Configuration 13-5
The set up task list Define WebLogic Communication Services Configuration
delineates four tasks required for the correct configuration and implementation
of Click-to-Dial. There is an optional task, separate from the set up task list,
required for implementing Interaction logging.
Information about implementing Click-to-Dial can be found in the Oracle Fusion
Applications Administrator's Guide. Detailed information about configuring and
maintaining WebLogic Communication Services is found in the Oracle WebLogic
Communication Services Administrator's Guide
Configure and Deploy WebLogic Server
• Deploy WebLogic Communication Services: After the Oracle WebLogic
communication server is deployed, this manual task activates the server.
See: Oracle WebLogic Communication Services Administrator's Guide
Integrate Communications Services
• Integrate WebLogic Communication Services with Telephony Network:
This manual task integrates communications within the telephony
environment. OWLCS must be configured to interface with the specific
characteristics of the telephony network.
See: Managing Oracle WebLogic Communication Services for Click-to-
Dial Functionality
Specify the Domain and Address
• Register a URL for the telephony gateway or soft switch for SIP domain:
This task defines the Server protocol, defaulted to http, the external server
host address and external server port address. The Associated Modules
section is not required for setup. You can also perform this as a manual
task using the Oracle Fusion Topology Manager to configure the address
of the SIP Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) gateway or SIP
soft switch serving the users within that domain. This address is needed
by Click-to-Dial to correctly form the SIP addresses required by WebLogic
Communication Services. See the link to Configuring PSTN Gateway
Address Using Topology Manager: Worked Example.
Enable Click-to-Dial
• After configuring the server and defining the SIP domain, perform the
Enable Click-to-Dial task. This task sets the value of the profile option
Enable Click-to-Dial to 'Yes.'
Call Logging via Fusion Interactions
• To initiate the Interaction based logging for Click-to-Dial, set the profile
option Call Interaction Logging Enabled to 'YES.'
Configuring PSTN Gateway Address Using Topology Manager:
Worked Example
This example demonstrates how, during the implementation of the Register
URL for the telephony gateway or soft switch for SIP domain task,
13-6 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
you must manually configure the PSTN gateway address by registering
HzCTDPstnGatewayApp to a given environment using Oracle Fusion Topology
These steps configure the address of the SIP Public Switched Telephone Network
(PSTN) gateway or SIP soft switch serving the users within that domain. This
address is needed by Click-to-Dial to correctly form the SIP addresses required
by WebLogic Communication Services.
For example:;user=phone where is the SIP domain. The SIP domain can also be
expressed in the format (IP address).
Configuring PSTN using the Topology Manager
1. Sign in to Oracle Fusion Applications as a user that has application
implementation consultant and WebLogic Services administration roles
2. In Fusion Applications Setup and Maintenance, click Register Enterprise
Applications from the regional area under Topology Registration
3. On the Register Enterprise Applications page, click the plus icon to add an
enterprise application. An Add Enterprise Application popup appears
4. Enter the new application information: Click Search in the Enterprise
Application list field. Enter HzCTDPstnGatewayApp in the name field
and click Search. Click OK.
5. Enter the other fields in the Add Enterprise Application popup
Field Value
Name HzCTDPstnGatewayApp
Server Protocol SIP
This field is ignored by click-to-dial.
Oracle WebLogic Communication
Service (OWLCS) always uses the SIP
External Server Host (Used as an example)
A host name can be used instead of an
IP address.
External Server Port 0 (Used as an example)
This field is ignored by Click-to-Dial.
6. Click Save and Close
Common Project Configuration: Define Units of Measure for Project Financial Management 14-1
Common Project Configuration: Define
Units of Measure for Project Financial
Define Common Project Configuration: Overview
In the Define Common Project Configuration activity, you perform the steps
to configure components from other product offerings that are used by the
Project Financial Management applications in Oracle Fusion Project Portfolio
Setup tasks in the Define Common Project Configuration activity are grouped
into the following task lists and tasks:
Task List Description
Define Units of Measure for Project Financial
Define the prerequisite inventory setup for units of
measure and the units of measure used in Oracle
Fusion Project Financial Management.
Define Subledger Accounting Rules Configure subledger accounting and set up
subledger accounting rules.
Define Project Notes Define project note types, mappings, and descriptive
Manage Employees and Contingent Workers Manage internal employees and contingent workers
in Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources.
Manage Trading Community Parties Enter customer, supplier, and partner organizations
and contacts that will be associated with projects.
Define Common Project Billing Configuration Configure common billing features and behavior
such as tax calculations, intercompany rules, and
general contract management.
Manage Inventory Organizations
Inventory Organizations: Explained
An inventory organization is a logical or physical entity in the enterprise that is
used to store definitions of items or store and transact items.
14-2 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
You select the following usages in the inventory organization's properties:
• Item management
• Item and inventory management
Item Management
Inventory organizations used for item management, which are the same as item
organizations, store only definitions of items. Use inventory organizations for
item management when the storage or movement of inventory does not need to
be physically or financially tracked. For example, in a retail implementation you
can create an inventory organization for item management to store the names
of items that are listed by and sold through each retail outlet, while a different
system tracks physical inventory and transactions. If it is necessary in the future,
you can change an inventory organization's usage from item management to
item and inventory management in the inventory organization's properties.
Item and Inventory Management
Inventory organizations used for item and inventory management store and
transact items, in addition to item definitions. An inventory organization used
for item and inventory management is associated with one business unit, one
legal entity, and one primary ledger. Use inventory organizations for item and
inventory management when the storage or movement of inventory needs to
be physically and financially tracked. Inventory organizations used for item
and inventory management can represent facilities such as manufacturing
centers, warehouses, or distribution centers. You cannot change an inventory
organization's use from item and inventory management to item management.
Inventory Organization: Critical Choices
In Oracle Fusion, storage facilities, warehouses, and distribution centers are
implemented as inventory organizations.
Inventory organizations are:
• Managed by a business unit, with the materials management business
function enabled.
• Mapped to a legal entity and a primary ledger.
There are two types of inventory organizations:
• Manufacturing facilities
• Storage facilities
Storage and manufacturing facilities are related to other organizational entities
through a business unit that stores, manufactures, and distributes goods through
many factories, warehouses, and distribution centers. The material parameters
are set for both the facilities, enabling movement of material in the organization.
This business unit has the business function of Materials Management enabled.
Oracle Fusion Applications allow many inventory organizations to be assigned
to one business unit.
Common Project Configuration: Define Units of Measure for Project Financial Management 14-3
Currently, Oracle Fusion Applications do not include manufacturing capabilities,
so setup your manufacturing facilities outside of Oracle Fusion applications.
Distribution Center as an Inventory Organization
A distribution center can store inventory that is the responsibility of different
business units. In this situation, assign an inventory organization to each
business unit as a representation of the inventory in the distribution center. The
multiple inventory organizations representing the inventory are defined with the
same location to show that they are a part of the same distribution center.
In the following figure the two business units, Air Compressors and Air
Transmission, share one distribution center in Atlanta. The two inventory
organizations, Air Compressors and Air Transmission represent the inventory
for each business unit in the Atlanta distribution center and are both assigned
the Atlanta location.
Legal Entities Own Inventory Organizations
A legal entity owns the inventory located in a storage or manufacturing
facility. This ownership is assigned through the relationship of the inventory
organization representing the inventory and the legal entity assigned to the
inventory organization. The legal entity assigned to the inventory organization
shares the same primary ledger as the inventory organization's business unit.
The inventory is tracked in the inventory organization owned by the legal entity
of which the business unit is part. All transactions are accounted for in the
primary ledger of the legal entity that owns the inventory.
The figure below illustrates the inventory owned by InFusion Air Quality
legal entity. The InFusion Air Quality legal entity is associated with the Air
Compressors business unit, which is associated with the two Air Compressors
inventory organizations. Therefore, InFusion Air Quality legal entity owns the
entire inventory in both the Dallas and Atlanta locations.
14-4 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Facility Schedules Are Associated with Inventory Organizations
A prerequisite to defining an inventory organization is to define a facility
schedule. Oracle Fusion Applications allow you to associate an inventory
organization with a schedule.
Facility schedules allow creating workday calendars for inventory organizations
that are used in the Oracle Fusion Supply Chain Management product family.
For example, use workday calendars in the scheduling of cycle counts and
calculating transit time.
Inventory Organization Prerequisites: Points to Consider
You can create a new inventory organization, or select an existing organization to
define as an inventory organization.
Before creating inventory organizations:
• Set up inventory organization dependencies
• Plan inventory organization parameters
Setting Up Inventory Organization Dependencies
When you create an inventory organization, you must associate it to
dependencies, such as business units and legal entities. For this reason, create
these dependencies before creating an inventory organization.
Planning Inventory Organization Parameters
Before creating an inventory organization, plan the inventory organization's
Consider the following when planning to configure an inventory organization's
• Which schedule to use
• Which inventory organization to serve as the item master organization
Common Project Configuration: Define Units of Measure for Project Financial Management 14-5
• Whether to configure locator control and if so, the level at which to
enforce the locator control
• How you want to configure movement request settings such as pick slip
batch size and replenishment movement request grouping
Consider the size of your operation, your usage of subinventories, and
the type of labor or equipment required when considering whether you
want to use organization- or subinventory-level replenishment movement
request grouping.
• How you want to configure lot, serial, and packing unit generation
To make appropriate choices for these settings, you should be familiar
• Your company's guidelines for creating lot names, serial numbers, and
packing unit numbers
• Whether your company requires you to assign the same lot number
to multiple items in the same organization, or a specific lot number to
only one item in the same organization
• Whether your company requires you to place purchase order or
shipping order material under lot control
• How you want to configure item sourcing details, such as the picking rule
to use, and whether to specify the inventory organization as a logistics
services organization
Rounding the Reorder Quantity: How It Affects Min-Max Planning
Reorder Calculations
When you specify to round reorder quantities, min-max planning reorders for
item subinventories are automatically rounded up or down.
Settings That Affect Rounding the Reorder Quantity
Reorder quantities for an item subinventory are calculated based on:
• The setting that you select for the Round Order Quantity parameter on
the Manage Inventory Organization Parameters page, General tab, of the
inventory organization containing the item subinventory
• The value that you specify for the Fixed Lot Multiple text box on the Add
Item to Subinventory window
How Rounding the Reorder Quantity Affects Min-Max Planning
Reorder Quantity Calculations
If you enable rounding the reorder quantity for the inventory organization, and
specify the fixed lot multiple for the item subinventory, the reorder quantity
14-6 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
is rounded up. If you disable rounding the reorder quantity for the inventory
organization, and specify the fixed lot multiple for the item subinventory, the
reorder quantity is rounded down.
To round reorder quantities, you must specify a fixed lot multiple.
Example: Rounding the Reorder Quantity
Assume that the reorder quantity is 24. If you enable rounding the reorder
quantity and specify 10 for the fixed lot multiple, the reorder quantity is rounded
up to 30. If you disable rounding the reorder quantity and keep the fixed lot
multiple at 10, the reorder quantity is rounded down to 20.
FAQs for Manage Inventory Organizations
How can I create and maintain an inventory organization?
You can create or edit an inventory organization in the Oracle Fusion Global
Human Resources application, on the Manage Inventory Organizations page.
What's an item master organization?
An item master organization contains definitions of items that you can use across
one or more item and inventory organizations. An item master organization does
not contain subinventories, and is not used for inventory transactions.
When you create an inventory organization, you select an item or inventory
organization to serve as the inventory organization's item master organization.
Although you can select an item organization, you should follow best practices
and select an inventory organization to separate item management from item
storage and transaction functions.
Although it is typical for an implementation to contain one item master
organization, an implementation can include multiple item master organizations
if necessary. For example, your company performs an acquisition. During the
integration period, you use your company's existing item master organization,
and also use an additional item master organization to contain the definitions of
the acquired company's items. Generally, however, you should use only a single
item master organization to reduce the chances of confusion when defining and
maintaining items.
If your company operates as a conglomerate, and there is no coordination
between your company's subsidiaries, there might be reduced value in using a
single item master organization between all subsidiaries.
What's an item organization?
Item organizations contain only definitions of items. Use item organizations in
implementations when the storage or movement of inventory does not need to
Common Project Configuration: Define Units of Measure for Project Financial Management 14-7
be physically or financially tracked. For example, in a retail implementation you
can create an item organization to contain only the definitions of items that are
listed by and sold through each retail outlet, while a different system tracks the
physical inventory and transactions of those items. If Oracle Fusion Inventory
Management is installed, you can change an item organization to an inventory
What's inventory organization-level min-max planning?
Inventory organization-level min-max planning replenishes a particular item in
an inventory organization. When you use inventory organization-level min-max
planning, inventory balances, purchase requisitions, and internal sales orders are
treated as supply; sales orders and account issue movement requests are treated
as demand.
To set up organization-level min-max planning, navigate to the Create Item page,
Specifications tab in Oracle Fusion Product Information Management. Select
Min-Max Planning for the inventory planning method, then specify minimum
and maximum levels.
Manage Units of Measure
Units of Measure, Unit of Measure Classes, and Base Units of
Measure: How They Fit Together
Define units of measure, unit of measure classes, and base units of measure for
tracking, moving, storing, and counting items.
The Quantity unit of measure class contains the units of measure Box of 8, Box of
4, and Each. The unit of measure Each is assigned as the base unit of measure.
14-8 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Unit of Measure Classes
Unit of measure classes represent groups of units of measure with similar
characteristics such as area, weight, or volume.
Units of Measure
Units of measure are used by a variety of functions and transactions to express
the quantity of items. Each unit of measure you define must belong to a unit of
measure class.
Base Units of Measure
Each unit of measure class has a base unit of measure. The base unit of measure
is used to perform conversions between units of measure in the class. For this
reason, the base unit of measure should be representative of the other units
of measure in the class, and should generally be one of the smaller units. For
example, you could use CU (cubic feet) as the base unit of measure for a unit of
measure class called Volume.
Assigning Base Units of Measure to Unit of Measure Classes:
Each unit of measure class must have a base unit of measure.
This table lists examples of unit of measure classes, the units of measure in
each unit of measure class, and the unit of measure assigned as the base unit of
measure for each unit of measure class. Note that each base unit of measure is
the smallest unit of measure in its unit of measure class.
Unit of Measure Class Units of Measure Base Unit of Measure
Quantity dozen
Weight pound
Time hour
Volume cubic feet
cubic centimeters
cubic inches
cubic inches
Common Project Configuration: Define Units of Measure for Project Financial Management 14-9
Defining Unit of Measure Standard Conversions: Examples
A unit of measure standard conversion specifies the conversion factor by which
the unit of measure is equivalent to the base unit of measure.
This table lists examples of unit of measure classes, one unit of measure included
in each class, the base unit of measure for the unit of measure class, and the
conversion factor defined for the unit of measure.
Unit of Measure Class Unit of Measure Base Unit of Measure Conversion Factor
Quantity dozen each 12
(1 dozen = 12 each)
Weight pound gram 454
(1 pound = 454 grams)
Time minute second 60
(1 minute = 60 seconds)
FAQs for Manage Units of Measure
What's a unit of measure standard conversion?
A unit of measure standard conversion defines the conversion factor by which
the unit of measure is equivalent to the base unit of measure that you defined for
the unit of measure class. Defining a unit of measure standard conversion allows
you to perform transactions in units other than the primary unit of measure of
the item being transacted. The standard unit of measure conversion is used for
an item if an item-specific unit of measure conversion has not been defined.
What's a UOM interclass conversion?
A UOM interclass conversion defines the conversion between the source base
unit of measure ("From Base UOM") in one unit of measure class ("From Class")
and the destination base unit of measure ("To Base UOM") in a different unit of
measure class ("To Class").
For example, the item is gasoline. The From Base UOM (of the From Class called
"volume") is liters. The To Base UOM (of the To Class called "quantity") is Barrels.
The conversion is 158.76 liters (volume) to 1 barrel of oil (quantity).
What's a UOM intraclass conversion?
A UOM intraclass conversion specifies the conversion between a unit of measure
(the "From UOM") and the base unit of measure of the same class.
14-10 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
For example, the item is soda pop. The unit of measure class is Quantity. The
From UOM is Case (CS). The base unit of measure is Each (EA). The conversion
is 24, to specify that 1 CS = 24 EA.
Common Project Configuration: Define Subledger Accounting Rules 15-1
Common Project Configuration: Define
Subledger Accounting Rules
Creating Accounting Method: Explained
Accounting methods group subledger journal entry rule sets together to define
a consistent accounting treatment for each of the accounting event classes and
accounting event types for all subledger applications. The grouping allows a set
of subledger journal entry rule sets to be assigned collectively to a ledger.
For example, a subledger accounting method entitled US GAAP can be defined
to group subledger journal entry rule sets that adhere to and comply with US
Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) criteria.
By assigning a different subledger accounting method to each related ledger, you
can create multiple accounting representations of transactions.
Accounting rules can be defined with either a top down, or a bottom up
approach. When defining subledger accounting rules from the top down, you
will initially define the accounting method followed by components of each rule,
which will need to be assigned to it. When defining subledger accounting rules
from the bottom up, you will initially define components for each rule and then
assign them as required.
The Create Accounting process uses the accounting method definition with
active journal entry rule set assignments to create subledger journal entries.
When an accounting method is initially defined, or after modifying a component
of any accounting rule associated to the assigned journal entry rule set, its status
changes to Incomplete.
The accounting method must be completed, by activating its journal entry rule
set assignments, so that it can be used to create accounting.
The following definitions are utilized to define the journal entries, and are
applied as updates to the accounting method:
• Updates to the predefined accounting method
• Assignment of journal entry rule sets for an accounting event class and/or
accounting event type from the accounting methods page
• Assignment of accounting methods to ledgers
15-2 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
• Activation of subledger journal entry rule set assignments
Updates on Predefined Accounting Method
You may update a predefined accounting method by end dating the existing
assignment and creating a new assignment with an effective start date.
Assignment of Journal Entry Rule Set for Accounting Event Class and
Accounting Event Type
You create the assignment of a journal entry rule set for an accounting event class
and accounting event type using the accounting method page.
The following should be considered for assigning rule sets:
• If the accounting method has an assigned chart of accounts, you can select
journal entry rule sets that use that same chart of accounts, or that are not
associated with any chart of accounts.
• Select an option to assign existing journal entry rule sets or define a new
Assignment of Accounting Methods to Ledgers
If the accounting method has an assigned chart of accounts, it may only be used
by ledgers that use the same chart of accounts.
If the accounting method does not have an assigned chart of accounts, the
accounting method can be assigned to any ledger.
Activation of Subledger Journal Entry Rule Set Assignments
You can activate the subledger journal entry rule set assignments from the
Accounting Method page. You can also submit the Activate Subledger Journal
Entry Rule Set Assignments process to validate and activate your accounting
Fusion Setup Flow
The figure below shows the relationship of components making up an
accounting method as described in the above text.
Common Project Configuration: Define Subledger Accounting Rules 15-3
Creating Subledger Journal Entry Rule Sets: Explained
Subledger journal entry rule sets provide the definition for generating a
complete journal entry for an accounting event.
Select the option to define the subledger journal entry rule set for a particular
accounting event class or accounting event type.
If you are using multiple ledgers to meet divergent and mutually exclusive
accounting requirements, you can vary journal entry rule sets by ledger. Each
of the subledger journal entry rule sets can meet a specific type of accounting
For example, use US Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)
oriented subledger journal entry rule sets for a ledger dedicated to US GAAP
reporting, and French statutory accounting conventions for a ledger dedicated to
French statutory reporting. These two sets of definitions have differences based
on the setup of the various components that make up their subledger journal
entry rule sets.
Seeded subledger journal entry rule sets are provided for all Oracle subledgers.
If specific requirements are not met by seeded subledger journal entry rule sets,
users can create new ones of copy the seeded definitions and then rename and
modify the new copied definitions and their assignments.
Subledger journal entry rule set assignments can be made at two levels, header
and line. The following are the subcomponents of a subledger journal entry rule
• Description rules
• Journal line rules
• Account rules
• Supporting references
Assignment at Header Level
Header assignments define subledger journal header information and line
assignments define journal line accounting treatment.
A header assignment includes the following:
• Accounting date (required)
• Accrual reversal accounting date (optional)
• Description rule (optional)
• Supporting references (optional)
Assignment at Line Level
You can define multiple subledger journal entry rule sets for an accounting
event class or accounting event type. A single journal entry is generated per
accounting event per ledger using the line assignments from the journal entry
rule set assigned to the accounting event class or accounting event type.
The following can be assigned to a journal entry line:
15-4 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
• Journal line description rule
• Journal line rule
• Account rule
• Supporting references
Assignment of Description Rules
If a description rule is defined with sources, the sources must also be assigned
to the accounting event class that is assigned to the journal entry rule set. The
description rule may be assigned at either the header or line level of the journal
entry or to both levels.
Assignment of Journal Line Rules
When assigning the journal line rule, you must identify the line type: Gain, Loss,
Gain or Loss, Credit, or Debit. The journal line rule must be assigned to the same
accounting event class as the one assigned to the subledger journal entry rule set.
When assigning a journal line rule that is enabled for accounting for a business
flow, the account combination and certain accounting attribute values are
copied from its related journal line having the same business flow class as the
current line. Optionally, copy the description rule into the current line instead of
assigning a separate description rule.
When assigning a journal line rule that is enabled to copy from the
corresponding line within the same journal entry, you have the option to copy
the account combination, the segment value, or the line description from the
corresponding line into the current line.
Assignment of Account Rules
The account rule assignment will define which accounts will be used for the
subledger journal line. If the account rule is setup with a chart of accounts, it
must have the same chart of accounts as the one assigned to the journal entry
rule set. When account rules are defined with sources, the sources must also be
assigned to the accounting event class that is assigned the journal entry rule set.
There are two types of account rules:
• Account Combination Rule: Assign an account combination rule to derive
the account combination.
• Segment Rule: Assign a segment rule to derive a specific segment of an
account. For example, a cost center or a natural account segment.
Assignment of Supporting References
Supporting references may be assigned at the header or line level of the journal
entry to capture transaction values on the journal entry header or lines. If the
supporting reference segments are assigned multiple sources, at least one source
must also be assigned to the accounting event class that is assigned the journal
entry rule set.
Creating Conditions: Examples
The following illustrates an example of defining an account rule with a
Common Project Configuration: Define Subledger Accounting Rules 15-5
Example 1: Custom Real Estate Application Account Rule Condition Example
This is an example to define an account rule for assignment for a loan journal
line. The account rule has two priorities, a mapping set and a constant.
• The first priority will create an output for an account based on the
mapping set rule definition.
• A condition is created on the first priority rule. This rule will only be
used if the condition below is met.
• The condition is Credit Status must not be null.
• The accounts derived from the mapping set rule will be used if the
Credit Status has a valid value. Otherwise, the accounts derived
from the entered constants value from the second priority will be
The following table describes the setup of the condition on the first priority:
( Source Operator Value )
( "Credit Status" is not null )
The second priority will create an output from a constant value
(0.9100030.50034206331.0.0.0). There is no condition associated with the second
Example 2: Oracle Fusion Assets Account Rule Condition Example
This is an example of a rule for a capital purchase. The rule is to be applied only
if the distribution account cost center is the same as the liability account cost
center and the asset tracking option is Yes. This condition can be expressed as:
• Where Distribution Cost Center = Liability Cost Center and Asset
Tracking option = Yes
The following tables describe the setup of the condition:
( Source De-
Segment Operator Value De-
Segment ) And Or
( "Dis-
. "Cost
= "Liability
. "Cost
) 'AND'
( "Asset
= Yes )
The following two rows of data are used in the accounting event, to which the
account rule and condition applies.
Account Rule Condition Example: Accounting Event Data
Account Invoice 1 Invoice 2 Asset Flag
Distribution Account 02-640-2210-1234 01-780-6120-0000 Yes
15-6 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Liability Account 01-640-2210-0000 02-782-2210-0000 Yes
In the Accounting Event Data table above, assume the cost center segment is
the second segment. When the account rule with this condition is used to derive
the account for the transaction, the account rule is applied to derive the account
of Invoice 1 only. For Invoice 2, even though the assets tracking option is set to
Yes, the cost center for the Distribution account and Liability account are not the
same. Both conditions must be met in order for the rule to apply.
When an account source is selected or entered, you must also select or enter
a specific segment. If an entire account is required to be used in the condition
instead of a specific segment, then select or enter All as the segment for the
The condition uses the account source, Distribution Account, and a segment
must be provided. In this example, the Cost Center segment is provided.
Journal Line Rules: Explained
Journal line rules are defined within the context of accounting event classes. A
journal line rule can be used in a subledger journal entry rule set that has the
same event class. You may also assign conditions to the journal line rule.
Journal Line Rules
Journal line rules are assigned to journal entry rule sets.
To create a journal line rule, select values for options such as:
• Side (Debit, Credit, Gain or Loss)
For example, when an Oracle Fusion Payables invoice is generated,
the liability account should normally be credited. The journal line rule
must therefore specify the Side option as Credit. On the other hand, the
payment of the Payables invoice must be accounted with a debit to the
liability account. A separate journal line rule must be defined to create this
debit line.
• Merge Matching Lines: To summarize subledger journal entry lines
within each subledger entry. Journal entry lines with matching criteria are
• Accounting Class
• Select an accounting class to classify journal entry lines.
• For example, when a validated Payables invoice is accounted, the Item
Expense and Liability journal lines are created. In this case, the journal
line rules used in the accounting rules are assigned Item Expense and
Liability accounting classes respectively.
• Conditions: To restrict the use of a journal line rule by controlling when a
particular journal line rule is used by the Create Accounting process.
Common Project Configuration: Define Subledger Accounting Rules 15-7
• Accounting Attributes: When creating a journal line rule, accounting
attribute assignments are automatically established based on the default
accounting attribute assignments for that journal line rule's accounting
event class. You can override this default mapping of standard sources to
accounting attributes. The list of values for the source override includes
all sources assigned to the accounting attribute for the event class
associated with the journal line rule.
• Advanced Options
• The Subledger Gain or Less Option: Applies only to amount
calculations for the primary ledger. Gain or loss amounts are not
converted to reporting currency or non-valuation method secondary
ledgers. If the option is selected, the journal line holds the gain or loss
amounts calculated by the subledger.
The gain or loss amount is calculated as the difference in applied
amounts due to fluctuations in exchange rates based upon conversion
to the ledger currency. Foreign exchange gain or loss amounts
occur when two related transactions, such as an invoice and its
payment, are entered in a currency other than the ledger currency,
and the conversion rate fluctuates between the times that the two are
• The Rounding Class Option: Along with the transaction rounding
reference group journal lines together and calculates transaction
rounding. Subledger transaction rounding differences can occur when
a transaction has multiple related applied-to transactions, such as when
a Receivables invoice has multiple associated receipts.
• The Link Journal Lines Option: Determines whether the journal
line rule is set up to establish a link between the accounting of
transactions that are related both within the same application, and
across applications. The alternatives are described in this table:
Link Journal Lines Option Description
None No link is established.
Copy from corresponding line Build account for a journal line using segments from
the offsetting entry of the current journal line. For
example, when the business process requires that a
cost center incurring an expense must also bear the
invoice liability and cash outlay.
Business flow Link logically related business transactions. For
example, when recording the closing of a loan, you
can link to the account that was used to book the
loan origination. Journal line rules that are linked
must also be assigned the same business flow class.
Defining Conditions for Journal Line Rules
You may set conditions to specify whether the journal line rule will be used
to create a subledger journal entry line. If the conditions are true, the line rule
is used to create a subledger journal entry line. Use sources to create these
15-8 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
For example, you can set up a condition that will create a journal line to record
tax, only if there is tax for an invoice. The line type and account class mentioned
here are examples of sources.
• The condition for a Payables invoice tax journal line rule could be:
• Where Line Type = Tax
• When this condition is true, there is tax for a payables invoice line. A
journal entry line is created to record the accounting impact of the tax.
• Similarly, the condition for a Oracle Fusion Receivables invoice tax journal
line rule could be:
• Where Account Class = Tax
• In this case, if there is an account class of Tax, the journal line is used to
record the accounting impact of the tax.
Another example is a condition that creates a journal line for freight when there
are freight charges on an invoice.
Journal line rule conditions determine whether a journal line rule and its
associated account rules and description rules, are used to create the subledger
journal entry line.
Constant values that are used in any Conditions region must not contain the
following characters:
• "
• ,
• &
• |
• (
• )
• '
For example, in the condition "Project Type" = ABC (123), the constant value
following the equal sign, ABC (123), contains restricted characters ( ) that enclose
123 and is invalid.
Account Rules: Explained
Account rules are used to determine the accounts for subledger journal entry
lines. In addition, you can specify the conditions under which these rules apply.
Using these capabilities, you can develop complex rules for defining accounts
under different circumstances to meet your specific requirements. You can define
account rules for an account, segment, or value set.
Common Project Configuration: Define Subledger Accounting Rules 15-9
Account Rules by Account
Define account rules by account to determine the entire account combination.
For example, an account rule defined by account can be used to determine the
complete supplier liability account in Oracle Fusion Payables.
Account Rules by Segment
Define segment rules to derive a specific segment of the general ledger account.
For example, a particular segment like the company segment can be determined
from the distribution account. Another segment can be determined with the use
of a constant value. Creating the account one segment at a time offers greater
flexibility, but also requires more setup.
Use both segment based and account based rules to derive a single account.
Segment specific rules are used, where they are defined, and take the remaining
values from an account based rule. For example, you can select an account
rule which is for all segments and also separately select a rule which is for one
particular segment. Segment specific rules take precedence over the all segments
account based rule.
Combine account rules with segment rules. In this case, the segment value
is derived from the segment rule to override the corresponding segment of
the account. However, if the segment rule has conditions associated with the
priorities and none of the conditions are met, no override occurs and therefore,
the segment value is derived from the account rule.
If the returned account is end dated with a date that is the same or before the
subledger journal entry accounting date and an alternate account is defined in
Oracle Fusion General Ledger, an alternate account is used. The original account
is stored on the journal line for audit purposes.
If the alternate account is invalid, and the Post Invalid Accounts to Suspense
Account option is selected in the Create Accounting process, then a suspense
account is used. An error message is displayed if a valid suspense account is not
Account Rules by Value Sets
In the absence of a chart of accounts, you may define account rules based upon
value sets. This enables you to share the same rule between more than one chart
of accounts if the segments in these charts of accounts share the same value set.
Sharing Account Rules across Applications
You may share account rules across applications in the following ways.
• Assign an account rule from the same or a different application to a
journal line rule in the subledger journal entry rule set. For example,
to derive an expense account for journal line rule Expense, assign the
Projects Cost Account rule owned by Oracle Fusion Projects to the
Payables journal line rule Expense.
• Create an account rule based on an account rule from another application
and assign it to a journal line rule. For example, you may create a new
15-10 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
account rule Invoice Expense Account referencing Project Cost Account
assigned in the Priorities region. You may attach the Invoice Expense
Account rule to the journal line rule Expense in the journal entry rule set.
To share an account rule across applications, all sources used by the account rule
must be available for the event class.
If the sources are available, an account rule is assigned to a journal line rule in
the journal entry rule set, and verification occurs to confirm that all sources used
by the account rule are available for the journal line rule accounting event class.
Journal line rules are only available if the sources are shared; such as reference
Account Rules and Mapping Sets
Mapping sets can be used to associate a specific output value for an account or
segment. You can use mapping sets in account rules to build the account.
Account Rules Conditions
In the account rules you may specify conditions for each rule detail line.
Priorities determine the order in which account rule conditions are examined.
When the condition is met, the rule associated with that priority is used.
Depending on which of the defined conditions is met, a different account rule
detail is employed to create the account.
The Create Accounting process evaluates conditions based on the priority of the
rule detail. When the condition is met, the rule detail is applied.
Creating Account Rules: Points to Consider
You can define an account rule using the following rule types:
• Account combination
• Segment
• Value set
Account Combination Rules
Set up account combination rules based upon the following value types:
1. Source Value Type: Derive the account combination by specifying a
source. Sources that have been set up as accounts can be assigned to an
account combination rule. Oracle Fusion Subledger Accounting then
obtains the code combination identifier from the source.
2. Constant Value Type: Establish the account as a constant value.
For example, the constant could be a completed account combination
from the chart of accounts specified. An example is the account
combination, 01.000.2210.0000.000. This is the simplest way to derive an
Common Project Configuration: Define Subledger Accounting Rules 15-11
3. Mapping Set Value Type: Derive the account combination by referencing
a mapping set. Set up a mapping set to determine the complete account
combination from the chart of accounts specified.
4. Account Rule Value Type: Derive the account by referencing another
account rule.
The chart of accounts does not need to be specified when defining this
type of rule. If the account rule has a chart of accounts assigned, then all
the related account rules must use the same or no chart of accounts.
A chart of accounts must be specified for rules using constants.
Segment Rules
Set up segment rules as follows:
• When a chart of accounts is specified, create a rule to derive the value for
a specific segment from the chart of accounts.
• If the chart of accounts is not specified, create a rule to derive the value for
an account segment with a specific qualifier.
Set up segment rules using the same methods discussed in the preceding
Account Combination Rules section. By specifying different value types, users
can select the way in which the segment value is derived.
A chart of accounts must be specified for rules using constants.
Value Set Rules
Value set based rules can be created when a chart of accounts is not specified.
This enables you to share the same rule between more than one chart of accounts
if the segments in these charts of accounts share the same value set.
Set up value set based rules using the same methods discussed in the preceding
Account Combination Rules section.
Creating Description Rules: Explained
Use descriptions rules to define the elements of a description that appears on the
subledger journal entry at the header and/or the line. The definition determines
both the content and sequence in which the elements of the description appear.
You can assign a condition to a description rule to determine that the description
is selected for display if the condition is satisfied.
Description Rule Definition
A description rule can be defined with combinations of source and literal values.
If sources are used in the rule, the accounting event class associated with the
15-12 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
sources determines in which subledger journal entry rule set the description rule
can be selected and used.
Build descriptions using the available sources for the application.
The following is the description details that have been entered, using a literal
and a source:
• Loan Origination Date = Origination Date
• Literal = Loan Origination Date
• Source = Origination Date
Assuming that the source value of the Origination Date is 11/01/11, then
a journal entry that has the above description rule attached will have the
description, Loan Origination Date 11/01/11.
Creating Supporting References: Explained
Supporting references can be used to store additional source information about a
subledger journal entry either at the header or line level.
Sources are assigned to supporting reference segments to indicate which
transaction values should be captured on subledger journal entries. The
segments are grouped into one supporting reference.
Supporting references that have the option for maintain balances set to Yes,
establish subledger balances for a particular source and account.
You may want to use Supporting Reference balances for supporting:
• Reconciliation back to the source systems
• Profit and loss balances by dimensions not captured in the chart of
Supporting Reference Assignment
If the information requirement is purely informational, and not needed for
reconciliation or balances, you may consider using description rules to store the
source values.
There are several key points to consider when assigning supporting references:
• Define a maximum of five segments for a supporting reference. Assign
different sources to each segment.
• Assign only one source from the same accounting event class and
application to a supporting reference segment.
• Assign only supporting references with header level sources to the header
level of a journal entry rule set.
• Assign supporting references with header and line level sources to the
line level of a journal entry rule set.
• Select the balances option in the definition of the supporting reference,
to have balances only maintained when the supporting reference is
Common Project Configuration: Define Subledger Accounting Rules 15-13
assigned at the line level. For supporting references for which balances
are maintained, you can specify whether the balances at the end of a fiscal
year are carried forward to the next fiscal year.
As an example:
• A loan information supporting reference can be defined to track two
• Credit status
• Loan contract number
Sources will be assigned to each of these segments and the source values for each
of these segments will be used to create separate balances.
Define Subledger Application and Sources
Accounting Event Model: Explained
Accounting events represent transactions that may have financial significance,
for example, issuing a loan and disposing of an asset. Financial accounting
information can be recorded for these events and accounted by the Create
Accounting process. When you define accounting events, determine from a
business perspective which activities or transactions that occur in your source
system may create a financial impact.
Events with significantly different fiscal or operational implications are
classified into different accounting event types. Event types are categorized
into accounting event classes. Accounting definitions in the Oracle Fusion
Accounting Hub are based on event types. An event type must be unique within
an application, process category, and event class.
Events are captured when transactions are committed in the subledgers, or they
may be captured during end-of-day or period-end processing. For example, a
loan is originated, possibly adjusted, interest is accrued, and then the loan is paid
or canceled. The accounting events representing these activities can create one or
more subledger journal entries, and subsequently link the originating transaction
to its corresponding journal entries.
The following is an example of an accounting event model for a loan application:
15-14 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Process Categories
A process category consists of specific event classes and the event types within
those classes. To restrict the events selected for accounting, users can select a
process category when they submit the Create Accounting process.
Event Classes
You can assign a transaction view, system transaction identifiers, and optionally
user transaction identifiers and processing predecessors for an event class in the
Edit Event Class section. The transaction view should include all columns that
have been mapped to system transaction identifiers for the accounting event
class as well as the user transaction identifiers.
System Transaction Identifiers
System transaction identifiers provide a link between an accounting event and
its associated transaction or document. An identifier is the primary key of the
underlying subledger transaction, usually the name of the surrogate key column
on the transaction (header) associated with the accounting event. At least one
system transaction identifier must be defined for the accounting event class.
When an accounting event is captured, system transaction identifiers, along with
other required event data, are validated for completeness.
User Transaction Identifiers
User transaction identifiers constitute the user-oriented key of the underlying
subledger transaction, and are typically drawn from one or more database
tables. These identifiers are primarily used in accounting events inquiry and
on accounting event reports, to uniquely identify transactions. You can specify
up to ten columns from the transaction views that are available for inquiry and
The transaction data that identifies the transaction varies by accounting
event class. Accounting event reports and inquiries display the transaction
identifiers and their labels appropriate for the corresponding event class. The
user transaction identifiers can be displayed for an event regardless of its status.
This includes the case where the accounting event has not been used to create
subledger journal entries due to an error or the cases where it has not been
processed. The user transaction identifier values are displayed at the time that
the accounting event reports and inquiries are run. If a transaction identifier
value has changed after the accounting event was captured, the accounting event
reports and inquiries reflect the change.
Processing Predecessors
The processing predecessor establishes an order in which the Create Accounting
process processes events selected for accounting.
Event Types
For accounting event types, specify whether their accounting events have
accounting or tax impact. When the Create Accounting process is submitted, it
only accounts business events that are enabled for accounting.
Common Project Configuration: Define Subledger Accounting Rules 15-15
Register Source Systems: Critical Choices
Subledger applications can support third party control account type and
calculate reporting currency amounts.
Calculate Reporting Currency Amount
If the subledger application is configured to calculate reporting currency
amount, there is no need to provide reporting currency information in the
transaction objects.
Additional Considerations
The following are additional considerations when creating a subledger
1. Determine the subledgers requirement. For example, how many
subledgers are to be created? This may depend on what security your
company wants to have over its accounting rules.
• Using the same subledger allows you to share subledger accounting
rules, and lets you report across all data easily.
• Using separate subledgers provides more security across applications
and less data in each process run providing better performance.
Specific benefits are:
• If you run two Create Accounting requests at the same time for
different applications, they are much less likely to contend for
database resources. The requests will perform better, as the indexes
are tuned for running with different applications instead of running
for different process categories within the same application.
• It allows you to efficiently process different sets of data (different
applications) at different times during the day instead of running it
as one process.
2. Determine the transaction objects requirements. These requirements
determine what source data is required to successfully create subledger
journal entries from transactions that are captured in transaction objects
and shared in reference objects.
3. Analyze accounting events to determine what events to capture for the
subledger application.
Create programs to capture accounting events using APIs (application
programming interfaces) that are provided as follows:
• Get Event Information APIs to get event information related to a
document or a specific event.
• Create Event APIs to create accounting events, individually or in bulk.
15-16 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
• Update Event APIs to update events and keep them consistent with
related transaction data.
• Delete Event APIs to delete events.
4. Determine how often to capture accounting events, populate transaction
objects, and run the Create Accounting process. This may depend on the
immediacy and volumes of accounting requirements in your company.
Transaction Objects: Points to Consider
You may assign transaction and reference objects for each accounting event class
in the subledger application. Sources are generated based on the transaction
objects and are assigned to the corresponding accounting event classes.
Sources are used to create accounting rules. Subledgers pass information to
the application by populating transaction object tables. The columns in these
tables are named after the source codes. Transaction and reference objects hold
transaction information that is useful when creating journal entry rules for
accounting. The transaction and reference objects are defined for an accounting
event class so that source assignments to accounting event class can be generated
using these objects.
Transaction Objects
Transaction objects refer to the tables or views from which the Create Accounting
process takes the source values to create subledger journal entries. Source values,
along with accounting event identifiers, are stored in the transaction objects.
The Create Accounting process uses this information to create subledger journal
You have several options. You can:
• Create new tables as the transaction objects and create a program to
populate them.
• Use views of your transaction data as the transaction objects.
• Use your transaction data tables as the transaction objects.
The transaction objects and or views must be accessible to the Create Accounting
process. Typically, an ETL (extract, transformation, and load) program is used
to take values from the source system and load them into the database used by
the Create Accounting process. The ETL process is done outside of the Create
Accounting process.
The following are transaction object types:
• Header transaction objects
• Implementers need to provide at least one header transaction object for
each accounting event class. Header transaction objects store one row
with untranslated header source values for each accounting event. The
primary key of a header transaction object is the event identifier.
Common Project Configuration: Define Subledger Accounting Rules 15-17
Transaction details that are not translated, and whose values do not
vary by transaction line or distribution, should normally be stored in
header transaction objects. Examples of sources normally stored in
header transaction objects include the Loan Number for a loan or the
Contract Number for a contract.
• Line transaction objects
• Line transaction objects are relevant when there are details for the
accounting event that vary based upon transaction attributes. For
example, a mortgage transaction for loan origination may have
multiple amounts, each related to different components of the loan.
There may be a loan origination amount, closing cost amounts, and
escrow amounts. Each of these amounts could be captured as separate
lines, along with an indication of the amount type
Line transaction objects store untranslated line level source values.
There should be one row per distribution, identified by a unique
line number. The primary key of a line transaction object is the event
identifier and transaction object line number. Transaction details
that are not translated and whose values vary by transaction line or
distribution are normally stored in line transaction objects columns.
Examples include the Loan Number for a loan payment.
• Multi-Language Support (MLS) transaction objects
• MLS transaction objects are relevant to applications that support the
MLS feature. MLS transaction objects store translated source values.
There should be one row per accounting event and language. The
primary key of a header MLS transaction object is the event identifier
and language. The primary key of a line MLS transaction object is the
event identifier, transaction object line number, and language.
Transaction details that are translated, and whose values do not vary
by transaction line or distribution, are normally stored in header
MLS transaction object columns. Examples include Loan Terms for a
commercial loan. Implementers can avoid having to store source values
in header MLS transaction objects by using value sets and lookup
Transaction details that are translated, and whose values vary by
transaction line or distribution, should normally be stored in the
transaction object in columns defined in a line MLS transaction object.
Reference Objects
Reference objects are useful for storing information that is used for creating
subledger journal entries. This information may not be directly from the
source system or may be used for many entries, thus making it redundant. Use
reference objects to share sources information across applications.
For example, store customer attributes, such as the customer class or credit rating
in a reference object, and then, use it to account for different journal entries in a
loan cycle, such as loan origination or interest accrual. Store information, such as
15-18 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
bond ratings and terms, and use it to account for entries across the life of bonds,
such as interest accruals or bond retirement.
Reference objects can either have a direct relationship to transaction objects
(primary reference object), or be related to other reference objects (secondary).
Managing Accounting Sources: Critical Choices
Sources are a key component for setting up accounting rules. Sources represent
transaction and reference information from source systems. Contextual and
reference data of transactions that are set up as sources can be used in accounting
rules definitions.
When determining what sources should be available, it is helpful to begin the
analysis by considering which information from your systems is accounting
in nature. Examples of sources that are accounting in nature include general
ledger accounts that are entered on transactions, the currency of a transaction,
and transaction amounts. Sources that are not always required for accounting
rules include items that are related to the transaction for other purposes than
accounting. Examples of information that may not be specifically for accounting,
but which may be useful for creating subledger journal entries, are transaction
identification number (loan number, customer number, or billing account
number), counter party information, and transaction dates.
Provide a rich library of sources from your source systems for maximum
flexibility when creating definitions for subledger journal entries.
Sources are assigned to accounting event classes by submitting the Create and
Assign Sources process.
There is a distinct difference between sources and source values. Sources
represent the transaction attributes used to create accounting rules. Source values
are used by the Create Accounting process to create subledger journal entries
based upon source assignments to accounting rules.
Sources must be created prior to creating accounting rules. This is a predefined
step which must be undertaken before the application can be used to create
subledger journal entries.
To set up appropriate subledger journal entry rule sets, users and those
implementing need to understand the origins, meaning, and context of sources.
Use business oriented names for sources to allow accountants and analysts to
effectively create accounting rules.
• Enables users to easily identify a source.
• Ensures consistency in nomenclature.
Source Values
Source values are stored in transaction objects. They are the actual transaction
attribute values from the source system and are used in creation of the journal
Common Project Configuration: Define Subledger Accounting Rules 15-19
Accounting Attribute Assignments: Points to Consider
The Create Accounting process uses the values of sources assigned to accounting
attributes plus accounting rules to create subledger journal entries. Almost all
accounting attributes have sources assigned at the accounting event class level.
Depending on the accounting attribute, the accounting attribute assignment
defaulted from the accounting event class can be overridden on journal line rules
or subledger journal entry rule sets.
Once sources are assigned to accounting event classes, they are eligible for
assignment to accounting attributes for the same accounting event classes.
The Create Accounting process uses these assignments to copy values from
transaction objects to subledger journal entries. For example, you may map the
invoice entered currency to the subledger journal entry entered currency.
Each accounting attribute is associated with a level:
1. Header: To be used when creating subledger journal entry headers.
2. Line: To be used when creating subledger journal entry lines.
The types of accounting attributes values are as follows:
Values that are Subject to Special Processing
You may have values that are subject to special processing or values that are
stored in named columns in journal entry headers and lines.
Examples of accounting attributes are Entered Currency Code and Entered
Values that Control the Behavior of the Create Accounting Process
You may have values that control the behavior of the Create Accounting process
when processing a specific accounting event or transaction object line.
An example of accounting attributes of this type is Accounting Reversal
Minimum Required Accounting Attribute Assignments
In order to create a valid journal entry you must, at a minimum, set up the
following accounting attribute assignments.
• Accounting Date
• Distribution Type
• Entered Amount
• Entered Currency Code
• First Distribution Identifier
The details and descriptions of these attributes are included in the Accounting
Attributes section.
15-20 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Accounting Attributes
Accounting attribute groups are represented in the tables below:
Accounted Amount Overwrite
• The accounted amount overwrite accounting attribute indicates whether
the accounted amount calculated by the Create Accounting process
should be overwritten by the value of the accounted amount accounting
attribute. If the source value mapped to Accounted Amount Overwrite is
'Y', then an accounted amount must be provided.
Data Type Journal Entry
Assignment to
Alphanumeric Line Event Class and
Journal Line
No Y - Overwrite
N - Not
Accounting Date
• The accounting date attribute is relevant to all applications. The Create
Accounting process uses it to derive the accounting date of journal entries.
Typically, the event date system source is assigned to the accounting date
• The Accrual Reversal GL Date accounting attribute is relevant to
applications using the accrual reversal feature. Users can assign system
and standard date sources to the Accrual Reversal GL Date in the
Accounting Attribute Assignments page. When the Accrual Reversal GL
Date accounting attribute returns a value, the Create Accounting process
generates an entry that reverses the accrual entry.
Data Type Journal Entry
Assignment to
Date Header Event Class and
Journal Entry
Rule Set
Yes Should be in
open general
ledger period
Reversal GL
Date Header Event Class and
Journal Entry
Rule Set
No Should be
later than the
accounting date
Accounting Reversal
• Accounting reversal accounting attributes are relevant to applications
that wish to take advantage of the accounting reversal feature. The Create
Accounting process uses them to identify transaction (distributions)
whose accounting impact should be reversed. For the Create Accounting
process to successfully create a line accounting reversal, the accounting
reversal indicator, distribution type, and first distribution identifier
should always be assigned to sources. The definition of the accounting
reversal distribution type and distribution identifiers mirrors the
definition of the distribution identifiers.
Common Project Configuration: Define Subledger Accounting Rules 15-21
Data Type Journal Entry
Assignment to
Alphanumeric Line Event Class Yes, if another
attribute is
Reversal First
Alphanumeric Line Event Class Yes, if another
attribute is
Reversal Second
Alphanumeric Line Event Class No
Reversal Third
Alphanumeric Line Event Class No
Reversal Fourth
Alphanumeric Line Event Class No
Reversal Fifth
Alphanumeric Line Event Class No
Alphanumeric Line Event Class Yes, if another
attribute is
Y - Reverse
without creating
a replacement
B - Reverse
and create a
new line as
N or Null - Not
a reversal
Alphanumeric Header Event Class No Y - Reversal
object header
N or null
- Standard
object header
Business Flow
• The business flow accounting attributes are referred to as 'applied to'
accounting attributes. If a transaction is applied to a prior transaction in
the business flow, the transaction object must populate sources assigned
15-22 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
to 'applied to' accounting attributes with sufficient information to allow
the Create Accounting process to uniquely identify a transaction object
line for a prior event in the business flow. When deriving accounting data
from a previous event in the business flow, the Create Accounting process
searches for a journal entry line for the prior event using a combination of
the 'applied to' accounting attributes and the business flow class of both
journal entries.
The Applied to Amount accounting attribute is used to calculate the
accounted amount and gain or loss in cross-currency applications when
business flows are implemented. This attribute value is used to calculate
the accounted amount when a source is mapped to the Applied to
Amount attribute on a journal line type and the entered currency is
different than the original currency entered.
When enabling business flow to link journal lines in the Journal Line Rule page,
certain accounting attribute values are unavailable for source assignment in the
Accounting Attributes Assignments window of the same page because they will
be copied from the related prior journal entry.
Data Type Journal Entry
Assignment to
Applied to
Number Line Event Class and
Journal Line
Applied to
First System
Alphanumeric Line Event Class and
Journal Line
Yes, if another
attribute in the
same group has
Applied to
Second System
Alphanumeric Line Event Class and
Journal Line
Applied to
Third System
Alphanumeric Line Event Class and
Journal Line
Applied to
Fourth System
Alphanumeric Line Event Class and
Journal Line
Applied to
Alphanumeric Line Event Class and
Journal Line
Yes, if another
attribute in the
same group has
Applied to First
Alphanumeric Line Event Class and
Journal Line
Yes, if another
attribute in the
same group has
Common Project Configuration: Define Subledger Accounting Rules 15-23
to Second
Alphanumeric Line Event Class and
Journal Line
to Third
Alphanumeric Line Event Class and
Journal Line
to Fourth
Alphanumeric Line Event Class and
Journal Line
Applied to Fifth
Alphanumeric Line Event Class and
Journal Line
Applied to
Application ID
Number Line Event Class and
Journal Line
Yes, if another
attribute in the
same group has
Must be a valid
application ID
Applied to
Entity Code
Alphanumeric Line Event Class and
Journal Line
Yes, if another
attribute in the
same group has
Must be a valid
Entity for the
selected in
Applied to
Application ID
Distribution Identifier
• Distribution identifiers accounting attributes are relevant to all
applications. The distribution identifier information links subledger
transaction distributions to their corresponding journal entry lines. In
addition, many of the Oracle Fusion Subledger Accounting features,
including accounting reversals, rely on the correct definition and storing
of distribution identifiers in the line transaction objects. The distribution
type and first distribution identifiers are always assigned to sources.
If a transaction distribution is identified by a composite primary key,
additional distribution identifiers are assigned to standard sources, as
appropriate. Values for the distribution type and distribution identifiers
are always stored in accounting transaction objects. The combinations
of the values of the system transaction identifiers with the values of
the distribution identifiers uniquely identify a subledger transaction
distribution line.
Data Type Journal Entry
Assignment to
Alphanumeric Line Event Class Yes
Alphanumeric Line Event Class Yes
Alphanumeric Line Event Class No
15-24 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Alphanumeric Line Event Class No
Alphanumeric Line Event Class No
Alphanumeric Line Event Class No
Document Sequence
• The document sequence accounting attributes are relevant to applications
that use the document sequencing feature to assign sequence numbers
to subledger transactions. The Create Accounting process uses them
to provide a user link between subledger transactions and their
corresponding subledger journal entries. Assign all document sequence
accounting attributes to sources or do not assign any. In addition, the
Document Sequence Category Code is made available as an Accounting
Sequence Numbering control attribute.
Data Type Journal Entry
Assignment to
Alphanumeric Header Event Class Yes, if another
attribute in the
same group has
Number Header Event Class Yes, if another
attribute in the
same group has
Sequence Value
Number Header Event Class Yes, if another
attribute in the
same group has
Entered Currency
• Entered currency accounting attributes are relevant to all applications.
The Create Accounting process uses them to populate the journal entry
line entered currency code and amounts. The entered currency accounting
attributes must always be assigned to sources. The sources assigned to the
entered currency accounting attributes must always contain a value. For
event classes that support cross currency transactions and therefore, more
than one entered currency and entered currency amount, multiple event
class accounting attribute assignments are created.
Data Type Journal Entry
Assignment to
Currency Code
Alphanumeric Line Event Class and
Journal Line
Yes A valid
currency code
Common Project Configuration: Define Subledger Accounting Rules 15-25
Number Line Event Class and
Journal Line
Ledger Currency
• Ledger currency accounting attributes are relevant to all applications
that use the Create Accounting process. The Create Accounting process
uses them to populate journal entry accounted amounts. If a transaction's
entered currency is different from the ledger currency, the Create
Accounting process copies the conversion date, conversion rate,
and conversion rate type to the corresponding journal entry lines. If
the entered currency is the same as the ledger currency, the Create
Accounting process ignores the conversion type and conversion rate. For
event classes that support foreign currency transactions and therefore
more than one exchange rate and reporting currency amount, multiple
event class accounting attribute assignments are created.
Data Type Journal Entry
Assignment to
Number Line Event Class and
Journal Line
Date Line Event Class and
Journal Line
Number Line Event Class and
Journal Line
Rate Type
Alphanumeric Line Event Class and
Journal Line
No A valid
general ledger
conversion rate
type or User
• The tax accounting attributes are relevant to applications that uptake
the tax initiative. The tax team uses the tax accounting attributes to link
subledger transaction tax distributions to their corresponding journal
entry lines. Oracle Fusion Tax specifies which tax reference values are
mandatory in transaction objects and are assigned to standard sources.
Data Type Journal Entry
Assignment to
Detail Tax
Number Line Event Class No
Detail Tax Line
Number Line Event Class No
Summary Tax
Line Reference
Number Line Event Class No
15-26 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Third Party
• Third party accounting attributes are relevant to subledger applications
that use third party control accounts. The third party accounting attributes
link suppliers and customers to their corresponding subledger journal
entry lines in the supplier and customer subledgers. For all subledger
transactions that represent financial transactions with third parties, all
third party accounting attributes have sources assigned. If a transaction
line is associated with a customer or supplier, the transaction objects
need to include values for all sources mapped to third party accounting
attributes for the event class.
Data Type Journal Entry
Assignment to
Party Identifier Number Line Event Class and
Journal Line
Yes, if another
attribute in the
same group has
If party type C
- Should be a
valid customer
If party type is
S - Should be a
valid supplier
Party Site
Number Line Event Class and
Journal Line
Yes, if another
attribute in the
same group has
If party type C
- Should be a
valid customer
If party type is
S - Should be a
valid supplier
Party Type Alphanumeric Line Event Class Yes, if another
attribute in the
same group has
C for Customer
S for Supplier
Exchange Gain Account, Exchange Loss Account
• The Create Accounting process determines whether there is an exchange
gain or loss and derives the account combination based on whether the
journal line rule is defined. If the gain or loss journal line rule is defined,
the account rule assigned to the journal line rule is used to determine
the gain or loss account to use. If the gain or loss journal line rule is not
defined, the gain or loss account assigned to the Exchange Gain Account
and Exchange Loss Account accounting attributes is used.
Data Type Journal Entry
Assignment to
Exchange Gain
Number Header Event Class No
Exchange Loss
Number Header Event Class No
Common Project Configuration: Define Subledger Accounting Rules 15-27
Gain or Loss Reference
• The Gain or Loss Reference accounting attribute groups entry lines
together when calculating exchange gain or loss. The accounted debit and
accounted credit amounts for lines with the same gain or loss reference
are combined. The total of accounted debit and total of accounted credit
are compared to calculate the exchange gain or loss.
Data Type Journal Entry
Assignment to
Gain or Loss
Alphanumeric Line Event Class No
Transfer to GL Indicator
• The Transfer to GL accounting attribute is relevant to applications which
create subledger journal entries that will never be transferred to the
general ledger. The Transfer to GL process uses this accounting attribute
to determine whether to transfer subledger journal entries to the general
If the Transfer to GL accounting attribute is not assigned to a source, the
Transfer to GL process transfers journal entries for the event class to the
General Ledger.
If the Transfer to GL accounting attribute is assigned to a source and
the source is not populated, the Transfer to GL process transfers journal
entries for the event class to the General Ledger.
Data Type Journal Entry
Assignment to
Transfer to GL
Alphanumeric Header Event Class No Should be Y or
15-28 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Common Project Configuration: Define Common Project Billing Configuration 16-1
Common Project Configuration: Define
Common Project Billing Configuration
Manage Intercompany Balancing Rules and Ledger Balancing
Intercompany Balancing Rules: Explained
Intercompany balancing rules are used to generate the accounts needed to
balance journals that are out of balance by legal entity or primary balancing
segment values.
You specify the intercompany receivables and intercompany payables accounts
you want to use. The intercompany balancing feature then uses these rules to
generate the accounts of the balancing lines it creates.
Defining Intercompany Balancing Rules
You can define intercompany balancing rules at the following rule levels:
1. Primary balancing segment
2. Legal entity
3. Ledger
4. Chart of accounts
The rules are evaluated in the order shown above. For example, you can define
a Primary Balancing Segment rule and a Legal Entity level rule. If both rules are
used to balance a particular journal, the Primary Balancing Segment rule is used,
as it has a higher precedence.
You have flexibility in defining your intercompany balancing rules. You can
have a simple setup in which you define one rule for your chart of accounts.
This rule is used for all intercompany balancing for all ledgers that use this
chart of accounts. Alternatively, you can have a more granular set of rules. For
example, you can define a different rule for each legal entity and one chart of
accounts rule to cover any gaps in your rule definitions. You can gain even more
granularity by defining rules for specific journal and/or category combinations
or intercompany transaction types.
16-2 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Intercompany Balancing Rules: Examples
This topic provides examples of intercompany balancing rules and the
intercompany balancing lines generated. These rules are used to generate the
accounts needed to balance journals that are out of balance by legal entity or
primary balancing segment values.
Simple Chart of Accounts
In this scenario you have one chart of accounts for all ledgers. The chart of
accounts has an intercompany segment. You are using this intercompany
segment and the company segment to identify the intercompany trading
partners for each transaction. You do not have a need to track their intercompany
activity at a granular level such as by journal source and journal category or by
intercompany transaction type.
• InFusion USA Chart of Accounts
Account Intercompany
Segment Name Company
Cost Center
• Ledger, Legal Entity, Primary Balancing Segment Value Assignments
Ledger Legal Entity Primary Balancing Segment
InFusion USA InFusion Farms 3100, 3200, 3300, 3400, 3500
InFusion USA InFusion Textiles 4000
InFusion USA InFusion Products (East) 5000
InFusion USA InFusion Products (West) 6000
InFusion USA 1000, 9000
• Chart of Accounts Rule
Chart of
AR Account AP Account Source Category Transaction
1 InFusion
USA Chart of
1000 - 000 -
0000 - 13010 -
1000 - 000 -
0000 - 21010 -
Other Other None
• Journal Balancing
• Journal before Balancing
Common Project Configuration: Define Common Project Billing Configuration 16-3
Line Line
1 Expense InFusion
3100 100 1200 52330 0000 150
2 Liability InFusion
4000 500 1300 40118 0000 150
• Journal Balancing
• Journal after Balancing
Line Line
Product Account IntercompanyDebit Credit
1 Expense InFusion
3100 100 1200 52330 0000 150
2 Liability InFusion
4000 500 1300 40118 0000 150
1 3 IC AP InFusion
3100 100 1200 21010 4000 150
1 4 IC AR InFusion
4000 500 1300 13010 3100 150
Legal Entity and Chart of Accounts Rules
In this example the legal Entity InFusion Textiles intercompany manufacturing
activities are tracked separately from its non-manufacturing activities. In order
to achieve this legal entity level rules are defined specifically between the legal
entity InFusion Textiles and the two manufacturing legal entities, InFusion
Products (East) and InFusion Products (West). A chart of accounts rule is created
to cover all other intercompany activities.
• InFusion USA Chart of Accounts
Account Intercompany
Segment Name Company Cost Center Product Account Intercompany
• Ledger, Legal Entity, Primary Balancing Segment Value Assignments
Ledger Legal Entity Primary Balancing Segment
InFusion USA InFusion Farms 3100, 3200, 3300, 3400, 3500
InFusion USA InFusion Textiles 4000
InFusion USA InFusion Products (East) 5000
InFusion USA InFusion Products (West) 6000
InFusion USA 1000, 9000
16-4 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
• Chart of Accounts Rule
Chart of
AR Account AP Account Source Category Transaction
2 InFusion
USA Chart of
1000 - 000 -
0000 - 13050 -
1000 - 000 -
0000 - 21050 -
Other Other None
• Legal Entity Level Rule
Rule No. From Legal
To Legal
Source Category Transaction
3 InFusion
1000 - 000
- 0000 -
13020 -
1000 - 000
- 0000 -
21020 -
Other Other None
4 InFusion
1000 - 000
- 0000 -
13030 -
1000 - 000
- 0000 -
21030 -
Other Other None
• Journal Balancing
• Journal before Balancing
Line Line
1 Expense InFusion
3100 100 1200 52330 0000 150
2 Expense InFusion
5000 100 1200 52340 0000 200
3 Expense InFusion
6000 200 1300 52345 0000 300
4 Liability InFusion
4000 500 1300 40118 0000 650
• Journal Balancing
• Journal after Balancing
Line Line
1 Expense InFusion
3100 100 1200 52330 0000 150
2 Expense InFusionProducts
5000 100 1200 52340 0000 200
3 Expense InFusionProducts
6000 200 1300 52345 0000 300
Common Project Configuration: Define Common Project Billing Configuration 16-5
4 Liability InFusion
4000 500 1300 40118 0000 650
2 5 IC AR InFusion
4000 500 1300 13050 3100 150
2 6 IC AP InFusion
3100 100 1200 21050 4000 150
4 7 IC AR InFusion
4000 500 1300 13030 5000 200
2 8 IC AP InFusionProducts(East)5000 100 1200 21050 4000 200
3 9 IC AR InFusion
4000 500 1300 13020 6000 300
2 10 IC AP InFusionProducts
6000 200 1300 21050 4000 300
Defining Ledger Balancing Options: Explained
Ledger balancing options are defined for the ledger to balance the second
balancing segment and/or the third balancing segment, when a transaction is
unbalanced by one of these segments.
Ledger balancing options include the following settings:
• Oracle Fusion Receivables and Oracle Fusion Payables accounts used for
ledger balancing
• Summarization options
• Clearing company options
Receivables and Payables Accounts used for Ledger Balancing
You can choose to specify the receivables and payables accounts to be used,
if your chart of accounts has the second balancing segment and/or the third
balancing segment enabled. These accounts are used for the balancing lines
generated when a journal is balanced by its primary balancing segment values
but is not balanced by its second balancing segment and/or third balancing
Summarization Options
You can choose to summarize balancing lines generated for a primary balancing
segment out of balance scenario, where all the primary balancing segment
values are assigned to the same legal entity, by specifying the Summarization
option of Summary Net or Detail. You can choose to summarize by primary
balancing segment value or alternatively have individual balancing lines (that
have not been summarized) generated. Note that summarization always applies
to balancing lines generated in a cross legal entity scenario.
Clearing Company Options
You can choose to set clearing company options to balance a journal with
different primary balancing segment values that all belong to a single legal
entity. Set the following options to handle your clearing company balancing.
• Clearing Company Condition
16-6 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
• Choose to balance using a clearing company value for all journals or
for journals with many legal entities on the debit side and many legal
entities on the credit side.
• The default value for this option is to error Many-to-Many journals.
• Clearing Company Source
• Choose how the clearing company value is derived for your balancing
lines, from the following options:
• Default clearing balancing segment value.
• Choose this option if you want a single specific primary balancing
segment value for your clearing company.
• Default Rule.
• Choose this option if you want to allow the system to derive the
clearing company value from a default intercompany balancing
• Manually entered clearing balancing segment value.
• Choose this option if you want to enter the clearing company
value when you create a journal.
• Clearing Company Value
• If you chose the default clearing balancing segment value as your
clearing company source, you can enter your chosen primary balancing
segment value in this field.
Defining Ledger Balancing Options: Examples
This topic provides examples of ledger balancing options, the setup required,
and the journal before and after balancing.
Simple Ledger Balancing with no Clearing Company Options
In this scenario the enterprise has the second balancing segment and the third
balancing segment enabled for its chart of accounts. The journal is balanced
by primary balancing segment but is out of balance by the second balancing
segment and the third balancing segment.
• InFusion USA Chart of Accounts
Account Intercompany
Segment Name Company
Cost Center
• Ledger, Legal Entity, Primary Balancing Segment Value Assignments
Common Project Configuration: Define Common Project Billing Configuration 16-7
Ledger Legal Entity Primary Balancing Segment
InFusion USA InFusion Farms 3100, 3200, 3300, 3400, 3500
InFusion USA InFusion Textiles 4000
InFusion USA InFusion Products (East) 5000
InFusion USA InFusion Products (West) 6000
InFusion USA 1000, 9000
• Ledger Balancing Options
Ledger Source Category Transaction
AR Account AP Account
1 InFusion
Other Other None 1000 - 000 -
0000 - 13010 -
1000 - 000 -
0000 - 21010 -
• Journal Balancing
• Journal Before Balancing
Line Line
1 Expense InFusion
3100 100 1200 52330 0000 150
2 Liability InFusion
3100 500 1300 40118 0000 150
• Journal Balancing
• Journal after Balancing
Line Line
1 Expense InFusion
3100 100 1200 52330 0000 150
2 Liability InFusion
3100 500 1300 40118 0000 150
1 3 AP InFusion
3100 100 1200 21010 0000 150
1 4 AR InFusion
3100 500 1300 13010 0000 150
Ledger Balancing Options with Detail Summarization and Clearing Company
Options Set
In this scenario the enterprise has the second balancing segment and the
third balancing segment enabled for its chart of accounts. Management has
decided to use a clearing company for balancing Many-to-Many journals only.
Since the primary balancing segment values in the journal are out of balance
16-8 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
intercompany balancing is required. Additionally, since clearing company
options have been specified they will be used to balance the journal. Note that
if the primary balancing segment values were balanced and only the second
balancing segment and the third balancing segment were out of balance, the
clearing company options would not be used.
• InFusion 1000, USA Chart of Accounts
Segment Name Company Cost Center Product Account Intercompany
• Ledger, Legal Entity, Primary Balancing Segment Value Assignments
Ledger Legal Entity Primary Balancing Segment
InFusion USA InFusion Farms 3100, 3200, 3300, 3400, 3500
InFusion USA InFusion Textiles 4000
InFusion USA InFusion Products (East) 5000
InFusion USA InFusion Products (West) 6000
InFusion USA 1000, 9000
• Chart of Accounts Rule
Chart of
AR Account AP Account Source Category Transaction
1 InFusion
USA Chart of
1000 - 000 -
0000 - 13050 -
1000 - 000 -
0000 - 21050 -
Other Other None
• Ledger Balancing Options
Ledger Source Category Transaction
AR Account AP Account
2 InFusion
Other Other None 1000 - 000 -
0000 - 13010 -
1000 - 000 -
0000 - 21010 -
• Clearing Company Options
Ledger Source Category Transaction
Condition Source Value
2 InFusion
Other Other None Use for
Common Project Configuration: Define Common Project Billing Configuration 16-9
The Ledger Balancing Options and Clearing Company Options appear as one
line on the page.
• Journal Balancing
• Journal before Balancing
Line Line
1 Expense InFusion
3100 100 1200 52330 0000 150
2 Expense InFusion
3100 300 1200 52340 0000 200
3 Expense InFusion
3300 200 1300 52345 0000 300
4 Liability InFusion
3400 500 1300 40118 0000 320
5 Liability InFusion
3500 600 1400 40112 0000 330
• Journal Balancing
• Journal after Balancing
Line Line
1 Expense InFusion
3100 100 1200 52330 0000 150
2 Expense InFusion
3100 300 1200 52340 0000 200
3 Expense InFusion
3300 200 1300 52345 0000 300
4 Liability InFusion
3400 500 1300 40118 0000 320
5 Liability InFusion
3500 600 1400 40112 0000 330
1 6 IC AR 9000 000 0000 13050 3100 150
1 7 IC AP 3100 100 1200 21050 9000 150
1 8 IC AR 9000 000 0000 13050 3100 200
1 9 IC AP 3100 300 1200 21050 9000 200
1 10 IC AR 9000 000 0000 13050 3300 300
1 11 IC AP 3300 200 1300 21050 9000 300
1 12 IC AR 3400 200 1300 13050 9000 320
1 13 IC AP 9000 000 000 21050 3400 320
1 14 IC AR 3500 600 1400 13050 9000 330
16-10 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
1 15 IC AP 9000 000 000 21050 3500 330
Define Invoicing Options
Invoice Options: Critical Choices
Invoice options are settings and default values that control how Oracle Fusion
Payables processes invoices for a business unit. You can specify options for the
following invoice areas on the Manage Invoice Options page:
• Invoice entry and matching
• Discounts
• Prepayments
• Approvals
• Interest
• Payment requests
• Self-service invoices
Invoice Entry and Matching
This table lists the options you can set for invoice entry and matching.
Option Description
Require invoice grouping Requires that you enter the name of a group when
creating an invoice.
Allow document category override Allows override of the document category that is
automatically assigned to an invoice if the Sequential
Numbering Enforced profile is set to Partially Used
or Always Used. If the profile is set to Not Used, the
application does not assign a document category to
an invoice, and you cannot set this option or enter a
document category for an invoice.
Allow adjustments to paid invoices Lets you cancel or add lines to paid invoices. In
addition, you can unmatch an invoice from a
purchase order that is not finally matched, and
match the invoice to a different purchase order. You
cannot modify distributions because it would affect
the accounting.
Recalculate invoice installments Recalculates installments during the invoice
validation process.
Hold unmatched invoices Applies a Matching required hold during invoice
validation on invoices that are not matched to a
purchase order or receipt. This option can be set on
a supplier to one of the following values: Yes, No, or
Default from Payables Options. The invoice option
is used only when the setting on a supplier site is
Default from Payables Options.
Common Project Configuration: Define Common Project Billing Configuration 16-11
Receipt acceptance days Specifies the number of days added to the Goods
Received date when recalculating installments.
Accounting date basis Provides the basis for the default accounting date. If
you select Goods received or invoice date, and the
invoice does not have a date for goods received, then
the application uses the invoice date as the default
accounting date. If you select Goods received or
system date, and the invoice does not have a date for
goods received, then the application uses the system
date as the default accounting date.
Allow final matching Lets you perform a final match when you match an
invoice to a purchase order, or when you adjust a
matched invoice distribution. You cannot perform a
final match when matching invoices to receipts.
Allow matching distribution override Allows override of the invoice distribution created
from matching an invoice to a purchase order.
You cannot override the distribution for a matched
invoice if you accrue at receipt. In addition, you
cannot override the distribution if the purchase
order is projects-related, and the item destination for
the purchase order distribution is inventory.
Transfer PO distribution additional information Transfers descriptive flexfield information from
the purchase order distribution to the invoice
distribution when you match an invoice to a
purchase order. If you enable this option, make
sure that the flexfield structure is the same for
the purchase order distributions and the invoice
In addition to the options previously listed, you can specify default values
for the following attributes on both the Manage Invoice Options page and on
the supplier setup. Payables uses the default values from the Manage Invoice
Options page, unless you specify a different value for the supplier.
• Currency
• Pay group
• Payment priority
• Payment terms
• Terms date basis
• Pay date basis
• Quantity tolerances
• Amount tolerances
This table lists the options you can set for discounts. You can also set these
options on the supplier setup, except for Discount Allocation Method. The
values for these options on the supplier setup are: Yes, No, Default from
Payables Options.
16-12 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Option Description
Exclude tax from calculation Subtracts the tax amount from the invoice amount
during invoice entry, when calculating the
discountable amount for an installment. If you
enable this option, you cannot select a Discount
Allocation Method of Tax lines and single
Exclude freight from calculation Subtracts the freight amount from the invoice
amount during invoice entry, when calculating the
discountable amount for an installment.
Discount allocation method Allocates discounts across distributions.
Always take discount Takes the available discount for a supplier,
regardless of when you pay the invoice.
This table lists the options you can set for prepayments.
Option Description
Payment terms Represents default payment terms. For example, you
may want to have immediate payment terms for all
prepayment type invoices.
Settlement days Specifies the number of days to add to the system
date to calculate the default settlement date for a
prepayment. You cannot apply a prepayment to an
invoice until on or after the settlement date.
You can also set this option on the supplier setup.
The value for the supplier setup determines if this
option is used.
Use distribution from purchase order Builds the distribution combination for the matched
invoice distribution by taking the purchase order
distribution combination and overriding the natural
account segment with the one from the supplier site
prepayment distribution or, if not defined, from the
common options prepayment distribution.
Show available prepayments during invoice entry Displays the number and amount of available
prepayments during invoice entry.
You can use the invoice approval workflow to automate your invoice approval
process. The workflow determines if an invoice requires approval, and if so,
automatically routes the invoice to the applicable approvers who then approve
or reject the invoice.
This table lists the options you can set for the invoice approval process.
Option Description
Enable invoice approval Processes invoices through the approval workflow.
The approval workflow is automatically initiated
for payment requests and self-service invoices that
are created in Oracle Fusion Supplier Portal and not
matched to a purchase order.
Common Project Configuration: Define Common Project Billing Configuration 16-13
Require validation before approval Processes only invoices that are validated. Enable
this option if you need the invoice validation process
to create tax distributions for an invoice before
approvers review it. Payment requests and self-
service invoices created in Supplier Portal that are
not matched to a purchase order always require
approval before validation, regardless of the option
Require accounting before approval Processes invoices that are accounted.
Allow force approval Allows managers to override the workflow and
manually approve invoices. For example, you might
want to force approval of an invoice if the invoice
approval workflow does not complete, or if you
have authority to pay an invoice without using the
workflow process.
This table lists the options you can set for interest on overdue invoices.
Option Description
Create interest invoices Calculates interest on overdue invoices and creates
interest invoices. You can also set this option on the
supplier setup. The values for this option on the
supplier setup are: Yes, No, Default from Payables
Minimum interest amount Minimum amount of calculated interest below
which an interest invoice is not created.
Interest allocation method Allocates interest across distributions.
Interest expense distribution Distribution combination used if allocating interest
expense to a single distribution.
Payment Requests
You can specify the following default values for a payment request:
• Payment terms
• Pay group
• Payment priority
Self-Service Invoices
This table lists the options you can set for invoices created in Supplier Portal.
Option Description
Limit invoice to single purchase order Limits an invoice to the schedules belonging to a
single purchase order.
Allow invoice backdating Allows a supplier to enter an invoice for a date in the
16-14 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Allow unit price change for quantity-based matches Allows a supplier to enter a unit price on the invoice
that is different from the unit price on the purchase
Invoice Installments: How They Are Recalculated
During invoice entry, Oracle Fusion Payables creates installments automatically
using the payment terms and terms date. You can optionally have Payables
recalculate invoice installments during the invoice validation process.
Settings That Affect Installment Recalculation
Payables recalculates installments during invoice validation when you set the
Recalculate invoice installments option on the Manage Invoice Options page.
Installments are recalculated unless you have manually updated any of the
invoice installments or split the installment.
Installments are also recalculated if you set the Exclude tax from discount
calculation option on the Manage Common Options for Payables and
Procurement page and you manually change the tax amount. This re-creation
of invoice installments is not based on the Recalculate invoice installments
How Invoice Installments Are Recalculated
Payables uses the most recent of the available start date options and the most
favorable of the available payment terms. Payables determines which payment
terms are more favorable by comparing the ranks assigned to the terms.
This table shows the start dates and payment terms that installment recalculation
uses for matched and unmatched invoices.
Matched to a PO Start Date Payment Terms
No Most recent of the following:
• Invoice date
• Terms date
• Goods received date plus
receipt acceptance days
Invoice payment terms
Yes Most recent of the following:
• Invoice date
• Terms date
• Goods received date plus
receipt acceptance days
More favorable of the following:
• Invoice payment terms
• PO payment terms
Common Project Configuration: Define Common Project Billing Configuration 16-15
Discount Allocation Methods: Critical Choices
Determine the method to use for distributing the discounts you take when
making payments. Select one of the following options:
• All invoice lines
• Tax lines and single distribution
• Single distribution
All Invoice Lines
Oracle Fusion Payables automatically prorates any discounts across all invoice
lines. Payables assigns the discount to the charge account unless the invoice is
matched to a purchase order with Accrue at receipt enabled, in which case the
discount is assigned to the price variance account.
If you exclude tax from the discount calculation and select this method ,
Payables allocates discounts only to expense lines and not to the tax lines.
Tax Lines and Single Distribution
Payables automatically prorates a percentage of the discount across the tax
lines. The percentage of discount prorated is equal to the percentage of the tax
lines. Payables credits the remaining discount amount to the Discount Taken
distribution on the Manage Common Options for Payables and Procurement
page. For example, if your tax distributions are 10 percent of the total invoice
amount, Payables prorates 10 percent of the discount amount across the tax
distributions and credits the remaining 90 percent of the discount amount to the
Discount Taken distribution.
You cannot select this method if you exclude tax from discount calculation.
Single Distribution
Payables credits all discounts to the Discount Taken distribution on the Manage
Common Options for Payables and Procurement page. If you enable automatic
offsets, and want to distribute discount taken amounts across balancing
segments, select the Single distribution method.
Interest Invoices: Explained
Oracle Fusion Payables automatically creates invoices to pay interest for overdue
invoices if you enable automatic interest calculation for a supplier, and if you
pay an overdue invoice in a payment process request or with a Quick payment.
The interest invoice is automatically paid along with the overdue invoice.
16-16 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
To use automatic interest rate calculation, define the interest rates and enable
the Allow interest invoices option on the Manage Invoice Options page and the
Allow interest invoices option for the supplier. You can add, change, or delete a
rate at any time. If a rate is not defined, a zero rate is used.
Payables does not create interest invoices when you pay overdue invoices with a
Manual payment.
Interest invoices have the following components:
• Number
• Terms
• Amount
• Currency
The interest invoice number is the same as the overdue invoice number, but
with the suffix -INTx, where x is the count of interest invoices that were created
for the overdue invoice. For example, the third interest invoice created for an
overdue invoice has the suffix -INT3.
The payment terms on an interest invoice are Immediate. If you do not have
Immediate terms defined, the interest invoice payment terms are the same as the
overdue invoice.
The amount of the interest invoice is the interest amount owed. Payables
calculates interest based on the rate you enter on the Manage Interest Rates page
in accordance with the United States Prompt Payment Act. The formula used
compounds monthly, up to a maximum of 365 days interest.
Interest invoices have the same invoice currency and payment currency as the
overdue invoice.
Interest Allocation Methods: Critical Choices
Oracle Fusion Payables creates and accounts for interest invoices based on one of
the following options:
• Single distribution
Common Project Configuration: Define Common Project Billing Configuration 16-17
• All invoice lines
Single Distribution
Payables creates interest invoices with a single distribution using the Interest
Expense distribution on the Manage Invoice Options page.
All Invoice Lines
Payables uses the natural account segment from the Interest Expense
distribution on the Manage Invoice Options page when it builds expense
distributions for an interest invoice.
Payment Requests: Explained
Oracle Fusion Receivables and Oracle Fusion Expenses can submit requests to
Oracle Fusion Payables to disburse funds to a payee who is not defined as a
supplier. Payables records these requests as payment requests. You can disburse
the funds and manage the payment process using the payment management
functionality that is available in Payables.
Create a payment request from Receivables for a customer refund or from
Expenses for an expense report. Expenses submits payment requests to request
reimbursement of employee expenses to the employee or directly to the
corporate credit card provider. Once the Expense Report Auditor has completed
their review and determined the expense report is ready for reimbursement, they
will submit the Process Expense Reimbursement program to create the payment
request real time in Payables. Any exceptions to this process are managed in
You can only submit a payment request from other applications; you cannot
enter a payment request for a payee directly in Payables.
Setting Up Payment Requests
There are no specific setup steps required to use payment requests however, the
following setups do affect the payment request process. Review these setups if
you plan to use payment requests.
• Invoice options. Set the default options to be considered for payment
requests such as payment terms, pay group, and payment priority.
• Payment request document category. Comply with document sequencing
policies using the predefined payment request category or override the
document category, if allowed. If the Sequence Numbering Enforced
profile is set to Partially Used or Always Used, ensure that you have
assigned a sequence to the payment request document category.
You can use the following Oracle Fusion Payments setups to manage payment
requests separately from other payments:
16-18 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
• Payment method controls
• Payment method defaulting rules
• Payment file and report formats
• Payment attribute validations
Reporting on Payment Requests
Track progress of the payment request in the originating application. Once the
payment request is approved, you can report on and audit the payment request
in Payables using the following reports:
• Payables Invoice Aging
• Payables Invoice Audit by Voucher Number Listing
• Payables Open Items Revaluation
• Payables Cash Requirement
Define Transaction Types
Recording Posted and Non-Posted Activities using Transaction
Types: Critical Choices
Use the Open Receivable and Post to GL options on the transaction type to
manage posted and non-posted activities on transactions.
If the Open Receivable option is enabled, Oracle Fusion Receivables updates
your customer balances each time you create a complete debit memo, credit
memo, chargeback, or on-account credit with this transaction type. Receivables
also includes these transactions in the standard aging and collection processes.
If the Post to GL option is enabled, Receivables posts transactions with
this transaction type to general ledger. If this option is not enabled, then no
accounting is generated for transactions with this transaction type.
Considerations for defining transaction types include:
• Creating a Void Transaction Type
• Updating Customer Accounts and Aging
• Updating Accounting Only
Creating a Void Transaction Type
You can void a debit memo, credit memo, on-account credit or invoice by
defining a Void transaction type. When you define a Void transaction type, set
the Open Receivable and Post to GL options to No. Then, as long as there is no
activity against the transaction, and it has not been posted to general ledger, you
can make the transaction invalid by changing the transaction type to Void.
Common Project Configuration: Define Common Project Billing Configuration 16-19
This activity is not included on the Review Customer Account Details page since
the activity does not modify the customer balance.
Updating Customer Accounts and Aging
If you set the Open Receivable option to Yes and Post to GL option to No,
Receivables updates customer accounts with the transaction activity of
transactions assigned this transaction type. Receivables also includes these
transaction in aging reports. There is no effect on accounting.
Use transaction types with these settings during your initial implementation,
where the transaction amount is included in the general ledger beginning
balance for the receivable account, but activity still needs to be aged and
payment collected against it. All related activities against the transaction, such
as credit memos, payments, and adjustments, are accounted as affecting the
customer balance. You can review these activities on the Review Customer
Account Details page.
Updating Accounting Only
If you set the Open Receivable option to No and Post to GL option to Yes,
Receivables updates accounting without any impact on the customer balance.
Use transaction types with these settings when you want to adjust accounting
activity, such as when you rebill a customer in order to reclassify the general
ledger account. A credit memo and invoice with the Open Receivable option
set to No are created where the credit memo reverses the general ledger account
of the original invoice, and the invoice creates accounting with the new general
ledger account. This activity is transparent to the customer because the original
invoice is used for the cash application when payment is received.
This activity is not included on the Review Customer Account Details page since
the activity does not modify the customer balance.
Natural Application and Overapplication: Explained
The transaction type that you assign to a transaction defines the type of
application that is permitted against the transaction balance. This definition is
managed by the Natural Application Only and Allow Overapplication options.
Natural application lets you only apply a payment or credit to a transaction that
brings the transaction balance close to or equal to zero. For example, if an invoice
has a balance due of $400, you can make applications against this transaction up
to $400 only. With natural application, you can only bring the balance to zero.
Overapplication lets you apply more than the balance due on a transaction.
For example, if you apply a $500 receipt to a $400 invoice, this overapplies the
invoice by $100 and reverses the balance sign from positive to negative.
Using Natural Application and Overapplication
Whether or not a transaction allows overapplication determines the actions that
you can take on that transaction.
16-20 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
If a transaction that allows natural application only is paid in full, then in order
to credit the transaction you must first unapply the transaction from the receipt
before creating the credit.
If you want to use AutoInvoice to import credit memos against paid invoices
and evaluate these credits for automatic receipt handling, then the transaction
type of the paid invoices must allow natural application only. However, if the
Receipt Handling for Credits option is not enabled on the transaction source
of the transaction, AutoInvoice leaves the related credit memo in the interface
tables until you unapply the invoice from the receipt.
Reference Accounts and Transaction Types: Points to Consider
Define the accounting for transaction types of class Invoice, Chargeback, Credit
Memo, and Debit Memo. Oracle Fusion Receivables uses this information along
with your AutoAccounting definition to determine the accounts to use for
transactions with the applicable transaction type.
There are points to consider for each reference account on a transaction type:
• Revenue
• Freight
• Receivable
• AutoInvoice Clearing
• Tax
• Unbilled Receivable
• Unearned Revenue
Enter a revenue account, unless the transaction type does not allow freight.
If the Invoice Accounting Used for Credit Memos profile option is set to No,
then a revenue account is not required for Credit Memo transaction types.
Enter a freight account, unless the transaction type does not allow freight.
Enter a receivable account for all transaction types.
If the Post To GL option on the transaction type is enabled, Receivables creates a
receivable transaction record using this account in order to transfer accounting to
general ledger and create a journal entry.
Common Project Configuration: Define Common Project Billing Configuration 16-21
For Chargeback transaction types, enter the Receivable Chargeback account. The
offset to the Receivable account on the original debit transaction is generated by
the chargeback adjustment.
If the Invoice Accounting Used for Credit Memos profile option is set to No,
then a receivable account is not required for Credit Memo transaction types.
AutoInvoice Clearing
If this is an Invoice or Debit Memo transaction type, enter an AutoInvoice
clearing account. Receivables uses this account to hold any difference between
the revenue amount specified for the revenue account and the selling price times
the quantity for imported invoice lines.
Receivables only uses the AutoInvoice clearing account for imported
transactions that have a transaction source with the Create clearing option
enabled. If the Create clearing option is not enabled, then AutoInvoice requires
that the revenue amount on the invoice be equal to the selling price times the
If this is an Invoice, Credit Memo or Debit Memo transaction type, enter a tax
Unbilled Receivable
If this is an Invoice or Credit Memo transaction type, enter an unbilled receivable
account. This account is for transactions that use the In Arrears invoicing rule.
Unearned Revenue
If this is an Invoice or Credit Memo transaction type, enter an unearned revenue
account. This account is for transactions that use the In Advance invoicing rule.
FAQs for Transaction Types
How can I arrange the creation of transaction types?
Define your transaction types in the following order:
• Credit memo transaction types
• Invoice transaction types
• Debit memo transaction types
• Chargeback transaction types
If applicable, define the transaction types that you want to add to your
transaction sources before defining transaction sources.
16-22 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
If you are using late charges, define a transaction type with a class of Debit
Memo for debit memos, and a transaction type with a class of Invoice for interest
invoices. Specify the receivable and revenue accounts for these transaction types.
Oracle Fusion Receivables uses these accounts instead of AutoAccounting when
generating late charges.
How can I use transaction types to review and update customer balances?
You can use the Open Receivable option on the transaction type to implement
an approval cycle for any temporary or preliminary transactions.
For example, if you have particularly sensitive debit memos, credit memos, on-
account credits, chargebacks, and invoices that you want to review after creation,
you can define a transaction type called Preliminary with Open Receivable set
to No and assign it to the applicable transactions. This transaction type does not
update your customer balances.
When you review and approve the transaction, you can define a transaction
type called Final with Open Receivable set to Yes and assign it to the same
transactions. This will now update your customer balances on these transactions.
Define Transaction Sources
Managing Transaction Numbering: Points to Consider
Use the various options on the transaction source assigned to a transaction to
manage your transaction numbering requirements.
There are these points to consider when defining transaction numbering for
transactions assigned to specific transaction sources:
• Defining Document Sequences
• Using Automatic Transaction Numbering
• Copying Document Numbers to Transaction Numbers
• Allowing Duplicate Transaction Numbers
• Using the Credit Memo Transaction Source
Defining Document Sequences
If necessary, define document sequences to assign unique numbers to each
transaction, in addition to the transaction number automatically assigned by
Oracle Fusion Receivables.
Using Automatic Transaction Numbering
To automatically number new transactions you create using a transaction source,
enable the Automatic transaction numbering option and enter a number in the
Last Number field.
Common Project Configuration: Define Common Project Billing Configuration 16-23
For example, to start numbering transactions with 1000, enter a last number of
999. Receivables automatically updates the Last Number fields on transaction
sources, so you can review the transaction source later to see the last transaction
number that was generated.
The last transaction number on the transaction source is an approximation only,
due to caching.
You can use automatic transaction numbering with both Imported and Manual
transaction sources.
Copying Document Number to Transaction Number
If you are using document sequences and you want to use the same value for
both the document number and the transaction number for transactions assigned
to a transaction source, enable the Copy document number to transaction
number option.
If you are using Gapless document sequences, you should enable this option
if you require gapless transaction numbering. This ensures that transaction
numbers are generated sequentially and that there are no missing numbers.
Allowing Duplicate Transaction Numbers
Enable the Allow duplicate transaction numbers option to allow duplicate
transaction numbers within a transaction source.
You cannot use this option with automatic transaction numbering.
Using the Credit Memo Transaction Source
Assign a credit memo transaction source to an invoice transaction source, if you
want to number credit memos differently from the invoices that they credit.
Sales Credits on Imported Transactions: Explained
During AutoInvoice processing, whether you must provide sales credit
information on imported transaction lines depends on the settings of the Allow
sales credits option on the transaction source and the Require salesperson
system option.
Requirements for Sales Credit Information
These are the requirements for passing sales credit information on imported
transaction lines:
• If the Require salesperson system option and the Allow sales credits
option on the transaction source are both enabled, you must provide sales
credit information.
16-24 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
• If the Require salesperson system option is not enabled and the Allow
sales credits option on the transaction source is enabled, you can provide
sales credit information, but it is not required.
• If the Require salesperson system option is enabled and the Allow sales
credits option on the transaction source is not enabled, you must provide
sales credit information.
• If neither the Require salesperson system option nor the Allow sales
credits option on the transaction source are enabled, you cannot provide
sales credit information. AutoInvoice ignores any values that you pass.
Validating Imported Transactions: How It Works
Use the AutoInvoice Options and Import Information regions of an Imported
transaction source to define how AutoInvoice validates imported transaction
lines assigned a particular transaction source.
You do not have to pass values for all of the fields that are referenced in the
transaction source. If you do not want AutoInvoice to pass certain data, then
where available you can set the related option to None.
Even if you set a transaction source data option to None in order not to import
this information into the interface tables, AutoInvoice can still validate and reject
transaction lines with invalid data.
Settings That Affect the Validation of Imported Transactions
These settings affect the validation of imported transactions:
• Invalid Line field: Indicate how AutoInvoice handles imported
transactions with invalid lines by selecting either Reject Invoice or Create
• If you select Reject Invoice, AutoInvoice does not import this
transaction or any of its lines into the interface tables.
• If you select Create Invoice, AutoInvoice creates a transaction with
valid lines only. For example, you import an invoice with three invoice
lines and one of the lines is invalid. AutoInvoice creates the invoice
with only the two valid lines and rejects the invalid line. You can use
the Edit Transaction page to add the rejected line.
• Accounting Date in a Closed Period field: Indicate how AutoInvoice
handles imported transactions that have lines in the interface lines table
that are in a closed period.
• Select Adjust to have AutoInvoice automatically adjust the accounting
dates to the first accounting date of the next open or future enterable
Common Project Configuration: Define Common Project Billing Configuration 16-25
• Select Reject to reject these transaction lines.
• In the Import Information subregions, where applicable select Number,
Value, Segment or ID for each option to indicate how AutoInvoice
validates information.
• Select Number to import a record into the interface tables using its
assigned number.
• Select Value to import a record into the interface tables using its actual
Use Value if you intend to use the transaction source to import data from a non-
Oracle system.
• Select Segment to use the flexfield segment.
• Select ID to use the internal identifier of the record.
• Select Amount or Percent to indicate how AutoInvoice validates Sales
Credits and Revenue Account Allocations on transaction lines.
How Imported Transactions Are Validated
AutoInvoice validates imported data based on the settings of the applicable
Imported transaction source. Transactions that fail validation appear in the
Import AutoInvoice Validation report.
AutoInvoice ensures that certain column values agree with each other. These
values can be within an interface table or multiple interface tables. For example,
if the transaction source indicates not to use a revenue scheduling rule,
AutoInvoice ignores any values passed for invoicing rule, revenue scheduling
rule, and revenue scheduling rule duration.
AutoInvoice performs these validations on transaction lines with revenue
scheduling rules:
• Requires that these transactions also include an invoicing rule, if you
import transactions that use revenue scheduling rules.
• Rejects lines, if the revenue scheduling rule has overlapping periods.
• Rejects lines, if all of the accounting periods do not exist for the duration
of the revenue scheduling rule.
FAQs for Transaction Sources
What do I create before creating transaction sources?
You may want to create certain records before creating your transaction sources.
16-26 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
You can optionally create these objects for all transaction sources:
• Transaction types: Define the transaction types that you want to appear by
default on transactions assigned to your transaction sources.
• Invoice transaction flexfield: Define the reference information that
you want to capture in the invoice transaction flexfield and display on
imported transactions, such as a purchase order number.
• Credit memo transaction source: Define a transaction source for credit
memos before you define a transaction source for invoices. Use this
transaction source to number the credit memos created against invoices
differently from the invoices they are crediting.
You can optionally create these objects for Imported transaction sources:
• AutoInvoice grouping rule: Define the grouping rule to appear by default
on imported transaction lines.
• AutoInvoice clearing account: Define an AutoInvoice clearing account,
if you intend to enable the Create clearing option. AutoInvoice puts any
difference between the revenue amount and the selling price times the
quantity for a transaction into this account.
How can I manage credit memos with transaction sources?
Special conditions may apply to the creation of transaction sources for credit
Review these considerations for transaction sources assigned to credit memos:
• Define Manual transaction sources for credit memos created by the credit
memo request approval process.
• Enable the Copy transaction information flexfield to credit memo option
on Manual transaction sources used for credit memos, to copy the invoice
transaction flexfield reference information to the credit memo that is
crediting the invoice.
• Define and assign transaction sources for credit memos to transaction
sources for invoices, if you want to number the credit memos created
against invoices differently from the invoices they are crediting.
What happens if I don't enter an AutoInvoice grouping rule?
Assign the AutoInvoice grouping rule to Imported transaction sources that
AutoInvoice uses to group imported transaction lines.
If you do not assign a grouping rule to an Imported transaction source,
AutoInvoice uses the following hierarchy to determine which rule to use:
1. Grouping rule assigned to the transaction source of the transaction line.
2. Grouping rule assigned to the bill-to customer site profile of the
transaction line.
Common Project Configuration: Define Common Project Billing Configuration 16-27
3. Grouping rule assigned to the bill-to customer profile of the transaction
4. Grouping rule assigned to system options.
What happens if I don't create a clearing account?
If you do not use an AutoInvoice clearing account and enable the Create clearing
option on the transaction source, AutoInvoice requires that the revenue amount
be equal to the selling price times the quantity for all of the transactions it
processes. AutoInvoice rejects any transaction line that does not meet this
16-28 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-1
Common Project Configuration: Define
Transaction Taxes
Define Transaction Taxes: Overview
Oracle Fusion Tax provides a single-point solution for managing your
transaction-based tax requirements. In the Define Transaction Taxes activity, set
up your entire tax configuration.
Oracle Fusion Tax:
• Uniformly delivers tax services to all Oracle Fusion application business
flows through one application interface
• Provides a single integration point for third-party tax products and
• Is configurable and scalable for adding and maintaining country-specific
tax content
With Oracle Fusion Tax, you can model your taxes according to the needs of the
following local and international tax requirements:
• Both simple and complex country-specific tax legislation
• Cross-border transactions, including exports and Intra-European
Community transactions
• Intercompany transactions
• Local compliance requirements for recording and reporting
• Continual changes to tax legislation, such as new taxes, local law changes,
special tax rates, and special exceptions for products and customers
You can manage the entire configuration and maintenance of tax content from
the one Oracle Fusion Tax application. Using one application ensures a uniform
tax setup across applications, with a centrally managed system of automated tax
services and control over manual intervention and update.
Task Lists
The Define Transaction Taxes activity is logically defined with prerequisite tasks,
core tax configuration tasks, optional setup tasks, and validate configuration
tasks. The activity categories include:
• Define Tax Geographies: Configure tax geographies to define
geographical regions that share the same tax requirement. These
prerequisite tasks are required for core tax configuration but they might
not have been defined in the previous steps of the Financials offering.
• Define Tax Regimes: Configure tax regimes for the taxes in each country
and geographic region where a separate tax applies. These tasks are
17-2 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
most commonly used by all the implementations. You should be able to
calculate taxes on the transactions based on this configuration.
• Define First Party Tax Profiles: Configure tax profile details that control
the transaction tax activities for your first party legal entities, legal
reporting units, and business units.
• Define Third Party Tax Profiles: Configure tax profile details that control
the transaction tax activities for your third party customer, customer sites,
supplier, and supplier sites.
• Define Occasional Implementation Setups: Configure initial tax setup
that impacts tax calculation and reporting. These tasks either are
predefined and you do not have to configure them unless the predefined
data needs to be extended or these are tasks required only for certain
• Verify Tax Configuration: Verify the transaction tax configuration by
simulating transaction data and reviewing tax calculation results.
Defining Transaction Taxes: Critical Choices
With Oracle Fusion Tax, you can model your tax requirements according to the
needs of local and international tax requirements. These requirements include:
• Both simple and complex country-specific tax legislation
• Cross-border transactions
• Local compliance requirements for recording and reporting
• Continual changes to tax legislation, such as new taxes, local law changes,
special tax rates, and special exceptions for products and customers
In order to determine how to set up your tax configuration, you must first
analyze your tax requirements.
Analyzing Your Tax Requirements
The following table represents key decisions that you must make when you
analyze your tax requirements and use Oracle Fusion Tax and other Oracle
Fusion applications to implement a solution
Question Consideration Impact to Tax Configuration
Who am I? You must first answer questions
about yourself and your
relationship to the legal and
regulatory agencies that enable
you to operate in one or more
Where do I have operations and
Identify the countries in which
you operate. You will need
to identify the country where
you are legally registered and
the countries where you have
subsidiary companies that are
legally registered or have a legal
Use Oracle Fusion Legal
Entity Configurator to capture
information about your legal
entities and legal registration.
What taxes am I subject to? Analyze your tax environment for
each of the countries in which you
Set up your tax regimes, taxes, and
tax jurisdictions according to the
tax requirements for each country.
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-3
What are the operations and
businesses that I have?
Consider the types of operations
and businesses in which you
are engaged and the countries
where you have legal entities
or reporting units. The type
of industries that you work
under (for example, mining,
telecommunications, and
pharmaceuticals), the kind
of operations in which you
engage (for example, trading,
manufacturing, and services), and
the scale of your operations (for
example, your turnover, company
size, and growth) may all impact
your taxability.
Use the classifications feature
to categorize or classify your
first parties under various
classification schemes.
In analyzing your operations,
you can associate the three main
classifications of a transaction to:
• What you do: Use
transaction fiscal
• What products you buy
or sell: Use product fiscal
• Who your customers and
suppliers are: Use party
fiscal classifications.
What do I do? Identify and classify the
transactions that you enter into.
For example, do you primarily
sell physical goods? If you do,
do you manufacture them, or do
you buy and sell them without
additional manufacturing? Do you
sell these goods in another state
or province? Do you export these
goods? Do you provide or use
Use Oracle Fusion Tax to create
fiscal classifications to classify and
categorize your transactions in
a common manner across your
organization. Use these fiscal
classifications in tax rules to
obtain the appropriate tax result.
What products do I buy or sell? Determine the products that you
buy and sell as they impact the
taxes to which you are subject.
For example, you must register
for, and therefore collect and
remit, service taxes only if you
provide taxable services. If you
manufacture goods for export,
you may not be subject to taxes
on the purchases that go into the
manufacture of such goods.
Where Oracle Fusion Inventory
is installed use the Inventory
Catalog feature with Oracle
Fusion Tax product fiscal
classifications and intended use
functionality to classify the taxable
nature and intended use of the
items. You can then define tax
rules using these classifications to
obtain the appropriate tax result.
Define product category and
noninventory-based intended
use fiscal classifications to
address classification needs for
transactions that do not use
inventory items.
17-4 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Who are my customers and
Determine the types of customers
and suppliers with whom you
do business, as they can impact
the taxes to which you are subject
or the tax status or tax rate that
applies. For example, let's say
that you are a company in the
UK that supplies physical goods
to another country that is also a
member of the European Union.
The transaction rate for UK VAT
is dependant on whether the
customer is registered for VAT in
the country to which the supply is
Use the party classifications
feature to categorize or classify
your customers and suppliers.
You can use these classifications
in your tax rules to derive the
appropriate tax result.
You create a party fiscal
classification by assigning
an Oracle Fusion Trading
Community Model class category
to a party fiscal classification
type code that you define. The
Trading Community Model
class codes defined under the
class category become fiscal
classification codes belonging to
the party fiscal classification type.
You can create a hierarchy of party
fiscal classification types to reflect
the levels of codes and subcodes
within the Trading Community
Model classification.
Scope Values for Define Transaction Taxes Task List: Explained
The purpose of scope is to define the parameters of your implementation
project by setting the context of a task list during initial configuration. The
foundation tax setup is an incremental setup where each step of the foundation
configuration builds on the previous step. The task list is organized sequentially
to ensure that you perform setup tasks in the order required. You can define
scope values at incremental steps in the implementation project to pass to
subsequent tasks to ensure continuity and ease of setup. Additionally, when
exporting setup data based on setup migration services, the scope values
serve as parameters to control the data selected for export to the respective
configuration package. It is important to note that while scope is a valuable
tool when implementing, tax scope values are not a required element of the
implementation and you do not need to define them.
When implementing tax the foundation setup task of Define Tax Regimes
prompts you to Select and Add or Create New the scope value for the
implementation project. You can select an existing tax regime value or define
a new tax regime value to set the scope. You can also Select and Add multiple
scope values to the implementation. When you select the tax regime value to
define the scope of an implementation project the feature selection is available to
further define the constructs of the implementation.
As you continue the incremental setup, the next task is to define a tax. You are
prompted to Select and Add or Create New the tax value. The tax regime scope
value already associated to the implementation project filters existing taxes
and assigns the tax regime value to any newly defined taxes. This controls the
parameters of the implementation to be within the context of the tax regime.
When there are multiple scope values passed, it is referred to as a composite
The same logic applies to the next step in the foundation setup when you define
a tax status. The tax status, either new or existing, is in the context of the tax
regime and tax scope values. Tax regime, tax, tax status, and tax rate are all scope
values defined within the implementation project.
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-5
Scope Values
The following table identifies where you define the scope value in the
implementation project and what tasks the scope value is passed to:
Scope Where Scope Is Defined Tasks Impacted by Scope
Tax Regime Define Tax Regimes • Manage Tax Regimes
• Manage Taxes
• Manage Tax Jurisdictions
• Manage Tax Statuses
• Manage Tax Rates
• Manage Tax Recovery Rates
• Manage Tax Rule Type tasks
Tax Define Taxes • Manage Taxes
• Manage Tax Jurisdictions
• Manage Tax Statuses
• Manage Tax Rates
• Manage Tax Recovery Rates
• Manage Tax Rule Type tasks
Tax Status Define Tax Statuses • Manage Tax Statuses
• Manage Tax Rates
Tax Rate Define Tax Rates Manage Tax Rates
Foundation Tax Configuration: Points to Consider
Use Oracle Fusion Tax to set up and maintain your transaction tax requirements
in all geographic locations where you do business. Foundation tax configuration
refers to a set of tax setup components that you will use to satisfy your tax
requirements. At transaction time, Oracle Fusion Tax uses your tax configuration
to determine the taxes that apply to each transaction and to calculate the tax
Foundation tax configuration components consist of:
• Tax regimes
• Taxes
• Tax jurisdictions
• Tax statuses
• Tax rates
Foundation Tax Configuration
Complete the setup tasks to create a basic tax configuration for each of your tax
regimes. A foundation tax configuration contains the data applicable to the taxes
belonging to a tax regime. The following table describes the appropriate levels of
specifying setup options for foundation tax components and provides a Canada
Goods and Services Tax (GST) and Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) example for
each component.
17-6 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Component Appropriate Level to: Typically, Not
Appropriate Level to:
Canada GST and HST
Tax Regime • Share tax content
among legal
entities and
business units.
• Enable partner
• Associate fiscal
• Define tax
reporting types
and codes.
• Define features to
influence setup
task list.
• Define
owner tax options.
• Define application
tax options.
• Define party tax
Tax • Enable controls
to influence tax
• Specify defaults
that are commonly
• Define
applicability tax
• Define customer
• Specify party
• Share tax content.
• Define integration
with partners.
Tax Jurisdictions • Define location-
based tax rates.
• Define customer
exemptions and
rate exceptions.
Specify tax rule defaults. • CA Alberta GST
Tax Status • Define common
rules for tax rates.
• Drive reporting
• Allow manual
override to tax
• Specify tax rule
• Define customer
• Specify party
• GST Standard
• HST Standard
• HST Reduced
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-7
Tax Rates • Define tax rates by
effective periods.
• Specify tax account
• Define tax rate
• Define tax recovery
• Define customer
• Define
applicability tax
• Define taxable
• Share tax content.
• CA GST Standard
• CA GST Reduced
• CA GST Exempt
• CA HST Standard
Advanced Tax Configuration: Points to Consider
Create a simple tax model using tax rule defaults that you define in setting up
your foundation tax configuration. You can also create tax rules for your complex
tax requirements that consider each tax requirement related to a transaction
before making the final tax calculation. When running the tax determination
process, Oracle Fusion Tax evaluates, in order of priority, the tax rules that you
have defined against the foundation tax configuration setup and the details on
the transactions. If the first rule is successfully evaluated, the result associated
with the rule is used. If that tax rule is not successful, the next rule is evaluated
until either a successful evaluation or a default value is found.
Advanced tax configuration consists of tax rules to define exceptions to the
default results.
Advanced Tax Configuration
The complexity of tax rule setup falls into three general categories: no tax rules
required, simple tax rule regimes, and complex tax regimes. This table presents
the scenarios and actions associated with each of these categories.
Category Scenario Action
No tax rules required The tax authority levies tax on all
sales and purchase transactions
at the same rate. Neither tax
applicability nor the tax rates and
recovery rates vary by the parties
to the transaction, the products or
services in the transaction, or the
business processes involved in the
For the tax, define tax rule
defaults for the tax status, tax rate,
and tax recovery rate. The tax
determination process uses the tax
rule defaults to determine the tax.
Simple tax rule regimes The tax authority levies tax on
your transactions at the same rate,
with a simple set of identifiable
exceptions. The exceptions
either apply to one part of the
transaction only, such as to certain
parties, or to a combination of
parties, products, and transaction
processes that you can summarize
in a simple way.
Create a simple set of rules, for
example, to identify place of
supply and tax registration, and
use the tax rule default values
for the other processes. The tax
determination process uses the tax
rules and the tax rule defaults to
determine the tax.
17-8 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Complex tax regimes Tax regimes in certain countries
require a complex logic to
determine the applicable taxes
and rates on a transaction. Both
tax applicability and tax rates
can vary, for example, by place of
origin and place of destination,
party registration, tax status,
service, or a combination of
factors. In some cases, the taxable
amount of one tax may depend
upon the amount of another tax
on the same transaction. And in
rare cases, the tax amount itself
may depend on the tax amount of
another tax.
Set up tax rule to define the logic
necessary to identify each step of
the tax determination process. The
tax determination process uses the
tax rules to determine the tax.
Define Exception to Default Results
Set a tax rule default value to the most commonly used value for tax
determination. In the case of tax registration the default or most commonly
used value for registration party is ship-from party. However, you can set up
a rule to provide additional logic to use the registration of the bill-to party if
the registration status is Not Registered for the ship-from party for purchase
transactions. Create a determining factor set with the registration status and
transaction business category determining factors along with condition sets to
provide values for the respective determining factors.
For this example, the following setup exists for the Determine Tax Registration
tax rule:
• Tax rule default: The default for tax registration is ship-from party.
• Tax rule: If the supplier is not registered, then you should consider the tax
registration of the bill-to party.
When the following conditions are true, then the tax registration is the same as
that defined for the bill-to party:
Tax Determining
Factor Class
Tax Class Qualifier Tax Determining
Operator Value
Registration Ship-from party Registration status Equal to Not registered
Transaction Generic
Level 1 Transaction
business category
Equal to Purchase
The tax determination process determines the tax registration by first
considering the Determine Tax Registration tax rule and then the default
party registration. As a result of this rule, the tax determination process
determines that for a purchase transaction, if the supplier is not registered, the
tax registration of the bill-to party is considered.
Define Tax Geographies
Place Information: Explained
All tax regimes need information about place or geography.
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-9
Information is required to determine:
• Where the tax is applicable
• The tax rules that can identify when a transaction is an export, or
delivered to another country, or deliveries inside or outside an economic
region such as, the European Community (EC).
• Specific regions such as, city, country, and states for US Sales and Use Tax
or provinces in Canada.
To support these requirements, Oracle Fusion Tax allows you to define and use
geography regions and tax zones. Geography regions and tax zones provide
a conceptual model to use place information on transactions and information
related to the transaction.
The following types of places are supported for tax purposes in Oracle Fusion
• Country information: Use country as a specific geography element in tax
rules to define tax regimes, taxes, and tax jurisdictions.
• Geography elements: Use geography elements or levels defined in the
Oracle Fusion Trading Community Model geography functionality in tax
rules to define tax regimes, taxes, and tax jurisdictions.
• Tax zones: Use geography elements or levels defined in Trading
Community Model geography in tax rules to define tax regimes, taxes,
and tax jurisdictions.
Use place information for determining factors within tax rules in the tax
determination process. Also, use place information while defining tax regimes,
tax geography, and tax jurisdictions.
Country Information
Country is a required field in all of the tax-related address locations. The country
fields are supported by a predefined ISO 3166 country name and two-character
country code. For more information on country names and codes, see http://
You do not set up a country as a specific geography level in Trading Community
Model geography because country is an inherent part of all tax-related address
Use the highest level of geography, typically country, wherever possible.
Geography Elements
Define geography elements as part of Trading Community Model geography.
They control the use of geography and addresses throughout Oracle Fusion.
Oracle Fusion Tax commonly uses the following features: geography or tax
zones, geography levels, address controls, and geography name referencing.
Use geography levels to define the levels of geography that are used within
a country. For example, addresses in the US comprise of state, county, city,
street, and postal code. Addresses in the UK comprise of county, city or town,
17-10 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
street, and postal code. There may be other geography elements as well, such
as building. From a tax perspective it is only those elements of the address
that are referenced for tax purposes. For example, state, county, and city are
important for US Sales and Use Tax while county in UK is not relevant from a tax
perspective and therefore, you do not need to set it up.
When address elements are needed for tax purposes, such as country and city
for US Sales and Use Tax, set these address levels as mandatory within Trading
Community Model geography. This ensures that these elements are always
present on all applicable addresses.
Setting address levels as mandatory ensures that amended or newly applicable
addresses are validated and that the level is either derived or entered. When you
are setting up migrated addresses ensure that they are also compliant with the
mandatory levels being present. This should be validated and any address levels
added as part of the migration process.
The geography name referencing process within Trading Community Model
geography links specific addresses to the levels defined in the geography setup.
This process is typically automatic. However, when you encounter issues, you
may need to trigger this process to ensure that all addresses are correctly linked
to their applicable levels.
Tax Zones
Use the tax zone functionality when you need to identify a group of geography
elements while calculating tax. Tax zones are defined as part of Trading
Community Model geography.
For example, in the EC it is important to know whether goods and services are
being delivered within the EC. Use the tax zone functionality to create a tax zone,
which defines the membership to the EC as well as, the dates on which a country
became the member.
Create a generic tax zone so that you create a tax zone type that can be used
in multiple situations. For example, for a tax zone type needed to identify EC,
create a generic tax zone type for all economic communities, which can later be
used in other situations where economic communities or trade agreements affect
tax determination.
You can also use the tax zone functionality to group postal codes to provide
useful groupings that can identify some higher-level tax regions such as, cities or
Country Information: How It Works in Tax Rules and on
Geography determination factors allow you to use country information in
the tax rules. A combination of determination factor class, class qualifier, and
determining factor represent these determination factors. Specify the taxation
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-11
country at transaction time which is used, along with the tax rules, during the
tax determination process.
Country Information in Tax Rules
Use geography as the determining factor class, location type on the transaction
as the class qualifier, and country as the determining factor. You can also use
country as a tax rule qualifier.
The tax determining factors for locations are given generic names such as ship-
to and bill-from, depending on the transaction types. The transaction types
are Order-to-cash, for example, Oracle Fusion Order Management and Oracle
Fusion Receivables, and Procure-to-pay, for example Oracle Fusion Purchasing
and Oracle Fusion Payables.
Oracle Fusion Tax translates these generic locations into specific locations based
on the transaction as shown in the following table:
Generic Party Order-to-Cash Party Procure-to-Pay Party
Bill-from party Location assigned to the business
unit for the transactions
Bill-to party Customer Location assigned to the business
unit for the transactions
Ship-to party Customer (ship-to) party site Ship-to location on the line
Ship-from party Warehouse on the line. If there is
no warehouse on the line, such as
with services, the default location
assigned in the Receivables system
parameters is used.
Supplier (ship-from) party site
Point of acceptance party Customer point of acceptance
Not applicable
Point of origin party Customer point of origin party Not applicable
Country Information at Transaction Time
Specify the taxation country on the transaction to identify the country in which
the transaction is deemed to have taken place for taxation purposes. The default
value is the country of the legal entity. Use the country name to search for
country defaults, which control the fiscal classification defaults, party tax profile
defaults, and tax regime and tax defaults. Use the country name to select the
following fiscal classifications associated with that specific country:
• User-defined fiscal classifications
• Product categories
• Intended use fiscal classifications
• Transaction business categories
Using Country Information in Tax Rules: Example
For many regimes, it is important to know if the supply of goods is exported.
The easiest way of doing this is to ensure that the ship-from location is from the
country in question and the ship-to location is a different country.
17-12 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
The following scenario illustrates setting up tax rule components to identify if
the goods are exported from the United States.
Use geography as the determining factor class, country as the class qualifier for
ship-from and ship-to locations, and country as the determining factor as shown
in the following table:
Determining Factor Class Class Qualifier Determining Factor Name
Geography Ship-from Country
Geography Ship-to Country
Create a condition set that refers to this geography determining factor as follows:
Determining Factor
Class Qualifier Determining Factor
Operator Value
Geography Ship-from Country Equal to United States
Geography Ship-to Country Not equal to United States
Use this combination of determining factors in any situation where you need to
identify exports from the United States.
Geography Elements: How They Work in Tax Rules
Geography determination factors allow you to use geography elements in
tax rules. A combination of determination factor class, class qualifier, and
determining factor represent these determination factors.
Geography Elements in Tax Rules
Use geography as the determining factor class, location type on the transaction
as the class qualifier, and geography level such as county, province, or city, as the
tax determining factor.
The tax determining factors for locations are given generic names such as ship-
to and bill-from, depending on the transaction types. The transaction types
are Order-to-cash, for example, Oracle Fusion Order Management and Oracle
Fusion Receivables, and Procure-to-pay, for example Oracle Fusion Purchasing
and Oracle Fusion Payables.
These generic locations are mapped to the specific location, based on the
transaction as shown in the following table:
Generic Party Order-to-Cash Party Procure-to-Pay Party
Bill-from party First party legal entity Supplier
Bill-to party Customer First party legal entity
Ship-to party Customer (ship-to) party site First party legal entity
Ship-from party First party legal reporting unit Supplier (ship-from) party site
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-13
Point of acceptance party Customer point of acceptance
Not applicable
Point of origin party Customer point of origin party Not applicable
You can also use the geography level as a tax rule qualifier.
Using Geography Levels in Tax Rules: Example
Use the geography element in tax rules to identify a specific geography region
when taxes in a specific country need to identify specific geography elements
below the country level. For example, in US Sales and Use Tax for county taxes,
there may be specific rules for a specific state.
The following scenario describes how you can set up tax rule components to
identify when goods are being delivered to a specific state, such as Ohio.
Use geography as the determining factor class, ship-to as the class qualifier, and
state as the determining factor as shown in the following table:
Determining Factor Class Class Qualifier Determining Factor Name
Geography Ship-to State
Create a condition set that refers to a specific state value as follows:
Determining Factor
Class Qualifier Determining Factor
Operator Value
Geography Ship-to State Equal to Ohio
You can use this combination of determining factors in any situation where you
need to identify specific deliveries to a specific state.
Tax Zones: How They Work in Tax Rules
Geography determination factors allow you to use geography elements in
the tax rules. A combination of determination factor class, class qualifier, and
determining factor represent these determination factors.
Tax Zones in Tax Rules
Use geography as the determining factor class, location type on the transaction
as the class qualifier, and tax zone type such as county, as the determining factor.
The tax determining factors for locations are given generic names such as ship-
to and bill-from, depending on the transaction types. The transaction types
are Order-to-cash, for example, Oracle Fusion Order Management and Oracle
Fusion Receivables, and Procure-to-pay, for example Oracle Fusion Purchasing
and Oracle Fusion Payables.
17-14 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
These generic locations are mapped to the specific location based on the
transaction as shown in the following table:
Generic Party Order-to-Cash Party Procure-to-Pay Party
Bill-from party First party legal entity Supplier
Bill-to party Customer First party legal entity
Ship-to party Customer (ship-to) party site First party legal entity
Ship-from party First party legal reporting unit Supplier (ship-from) party site
Point of acceptance party Customer point of acceptance
Not applicable
Point of origin party Customer point of origin party Not applicable
You can also use tax zones as tax rule qualifiers.
Using Tax Zones in Tax Rules: Example
For the European Community (EC) or the Economic Union (EU) it is important
to know whether goods and services are being delivered within the EC. Use the
tax zone functionality to create a tax zone that defines the membership of the EC
as well as the dates on which a country became a member.
The following scenario describes the use of a partial condition set that you can
use within tax rules to define when a delivery is being made to an EC from the
United Kingdom.
Use geography as the determining factor class, ship-to as the class qualifier, and
all economic communities and country as the determining factors of the tax zone
type as shown in the following table:
Determining Factor Class Class Qualifier Determining Factor Name
Geography Ship-to All Economic Communities
Geography Ship-to Country
Geography Ship-from Country
Create the condition set as follows:
Determining Factor
Class Qualifier Determining Factor
Operator Value
Geography Ship-to All Economic
Equal to European
Geography Ship-to Country Not equal to United Kingdom
Geography Ship-from Country Equal to United Kingdom
You can use this combination of determining factors in any situation where you
need to identify the deliveries that are made from the UK to other EU countries.
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-15
Define Tax Regimes
Features at the Tax Regime Level: Critical Choices
Streamline your implementation by selecting the features that are applicable to
the tax regime in scope. Features are used in rendering the task lists and tasks in
the context of the features applicable to the tax regime in scope.
The following table displays each feature and the impact of not selecting that
Once you select a feature for a tax regime, you cannot disable it. You can enable
the feature later if you do not enable it initially for a tax regime.
Feature Description Impact of Not Selecting Feature
Multiple Tax Jurisdictions Create tax jurisdictions for a
particular tax in more than one
geographic region.
The Allow multiple jurisdictions
option is not available to taxes
within this tax regime.
Offset Taxes Create offset taxes for tax
calculation and recording
of third party payables tax
liabilities for reverse charges, self-
assessments, and in the United
States, Consumer's Use tax.
The Set as offset tax option is not
available to taxes within this tax
Tax Exemptions Create tax exemptions to apply
to a specific customer or to a
combination of customer and
specific product.
The Allow tax exemptions option
is not available to taxes within this
tax regime.
Tax Rate Exceptions Create tax exceptions to apply a
special tax rate to products.
The Allow tax exceptions option
is not available to taxes within this
tax regime.
Tax Recovery Create tax recovery rates for full
or partial recovery of taxes paid
on purchases.
The Allow tax recovery option is
not available to taxes within this
tax regime.
Tax Registration Statuses Manage tax registration statuses to
be used as determining factors in
tax rules.
The Tax Registration Status
field is not available for party
tax profiles. You cannot use the
tax registration status of Agent,
Registered, or Not Registered in
tax rules.
Party Fiscal Classifications Manage tax classifications used
by a tax authority to categorize a
party and which are applicable in
the tax determination process.
The Classifications tab is not
available for party tax profiles.
You cannot use party fiscal
classifications in tax rules.
17-16 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Legal Fiscal Classifications Manage classifications associated
with a legal entity that represents
its legal status within a country
and which also guide the tax
determination process.
The Legal Classification pages and
Associated Legal Classifications
region are not available for party
tax profiles. You cannot use legal
classifications in tax rules.
Product Category Classifications Manage tax classifications for
a noninventory-based product
category that is used for tax
determination or tax reporting
The Manage Product Category
Fiscal Classification Codes page
is not available. You cannot use
product category classification
codes in tax rules.
Product Fiscal Classifications Manage tax classifications
used by a tax authority to
categorize a product for a tax and
which are applicable in the tax
determination process.
The Product Fiscal Classification
pages are not available. You
cannot use product fiscal
classifications in tax rules.
Transaction Business Categories Manage tax classifications
to identify and categorize an
external transaction into an
Oracle Fusion Tax transaction and
which are applicable in the tax
determination process.
The Manage Transaction Business
Category Codes page is not
available. You cannot use
transaction business category
codes in tax rules.
Transaction Fiscal Classifications Manage tax classifications used
by a tax authority to categorize
a transaction for a tax and
which are applicable in the tax
determination and tax reporting
The Transaction Fiscal
Classification pages are not
available. You cannot use
transaction fiscal classifications in
tax rules.
Document Fiscal Classifications Manage tax classifications used
by a tax authority to categorize
a document associated with
a transaction for a tax and
which are applicable in the tax
determination and tax reporting
The Manage Document Fiscal
Classification Codes page is
not available. You cannot use
document fiscal classification
codes in tax rules.
Intended Use Fiscal Classifications Manage tax classifications
based on the purpose for
which a product is used and
which are applicable in the tax
determination process.
The Intended Use Fiscal
Classification pages are not
available. You cannot use intended
use fiscal classifications in tax
User-Defined Fiscal Classifications Manage tax classifications for any
tax requirement that you cannot
define using the existing fiscal
classification types.
The User-Defined Fiscal
Classification pages are not
available. You cannot use user-
defined fiscal classifications in tax
Regimes to Rates: Explained
Regime to rate setup contains the details of a tax regime, including all taxes, tax
jurisdictions, tax statuses, and tax rates. You can update existing records or create
new records at any point in the tax regime hierarchy.
Regime to rate setup tasks include:
• Tax regimes
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-17
• Taxes
• Tax jurisdictions
• Tax statuses
• Tax rates
Tax Regimes
Set up tax regimes in each country and geographical region where you do
business and where a separate tax applies. A tax regime associates a common
set of default information, regulations, fiscal classifications, and optionally,
registrations, to one or more taxes. For example, in the United States create
a Sales and Use Tax tax regime to group taxes levied at the state, county, and
district levels.
The tax regime provides these functions:
• Groups similar taxes together
• Designates the geography within which taxes apply
• Applies as defaults the settings and values that you define for each tax in
the tax regime
• Defines for which taxes the configuration options apply and a specific
subscription option applies
• Provides a single registration for all taxes associated with the tax regime
• Defines the use of fiscal classifications as follows:
• Transaction fiscal classifications
• Product fiscal classifications
• Party fiscal classifications
The common tax regime setup is one tax regime per country per tax type,
with the tax requirements administered by a government tax authority for the
entire country. There are also cases where tax regimes are defined for standard
geographical types or subdivisions within a country, such as a state, province,
country, or city. In these cases, you base the tax regime on the Oracle Fusion
Trading Community Model standard geography.
There are more rare cases where a tax regime is based on disparate parts of a
country or more than one country. In these cases, you can create one or more
tax zones and set up tax regimes for these tax zones. You can also set up a tax
regime as a parent tax regime to group related tax regimes together for reporting
You must set up a tax regime before you set up the taxes in the tax regime. Some
tax regime values appear as defaults on the taxes that belong to the tax regime in
order to help minimize tax setup.
You must associate a tax regime with all of the first party legal entities and
business units that are subject to the tax regulations of the tax regime. You can set
up tax configuration options when you create or edit a tax regime or when you
17-18 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
create or edit a first party legal entity tax profile. Both setup flows appear and
maintain the same party and tax regime configuration options.
Set up details for the taxes of a tax regime. Each separate tax in a tax regimes
includes records for the tax statuses, tax rates, and tax rules that are used
to calculate and report on the tax. Oracle Fusion Tax applies as defaults tax
information from the tax regime to each tax that you create under a tax regime.
You can modify this information at the tax level according to your needs, as
well as add additional defaults and overrides. For tax rule defaults, specify
values that apply to the majority of your transactions. Use tax rules to configure
exceptions to the tax rule defaults.
Identify what taxes you must define. Each tax appears as a single tax line on a
transaction. If you need to show or report more than one tax line per transaction
line on a transaction, then you should set up more than one tax. For example, for
US Sales and Use Tax you would define a tax for each state, county, and city.
You can create a new tax, or create a tax that is based on an existing tax within
the tax regime. You do this to minimize setup by sharing tax jurisdictions and tax
registrations. When you create a new tax based on an existing tax, the attributes
that remain constant for all taxes derived from the source tax are not available
for update. Attributes that are copied and are display only include:
• Tax regime
• Tax
• Geography information
• Tax jurisdiction settings
The enable tax settings are not selected, in the same way that they are not
selected when you access the Create Tax page.
You can enable a tax for simulation or for transactions only after you have
completed all of the required setup.
Tax Jurisdictions
Set up tax jurisdictions for geographic regions or tax zones where a specific tax
authority levies a tax. A tax jurisdiction specifies the association between a tax
and a geographic location. At transaction time, Oracle Fusion Tax derives the
jurisdiction or jurisdictions that apply to a transaction line based on the place
of supply. You must set up at least one tax jurisdiction for a tax before you can
make the tax available on transactions.
You also use tax jurisdictions to define jurisdiction-based tax rates. A tax
jurisdiction tax rate is a rate that is distinct to a specific geographic region or tax
zone for a specific tax. You can also create multiple jurisdictions at once using
the mass create functionality for taxes that relate to specific Trading Community
Model geographic hierarchies. For example, create a county jurisdiction for every
county in the parent geography type of State and in the parent geography name
of California.
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-19
The tax within a tax jurisdiction can have different rates for the parent and child
geographies. For example, a city sales tax rate can override a county rate for the
same tax. In this case, you can set up an override geography type for the city
and apply a precedence level to the city and county tax jurisdictions to indicate
which tax jurisdiction takes precedence.
In addition, in some cities a different city rate applies to the incorporated area
of the city, called the inner city. In these cases, you can set up an inner city tax
jurisdiction with its own tax rate for the applicable customers and receivables
tax. Inner city tax jurisdictions are often based on postal code groupings.
Tax Statuses
Set up the tax statuses that you need for each tax that you create for a
combination of tax regime, tax, and configuration owner. A tax status is the
taxable nature of a product in the context of a transaction and specific tax on the
transaction. You define a tax status to group one or more tax rates that are the
same or similar in nature.
For example, one tax can have separate tax statuses for standard, zero,
exemptions, and reduced rates. A zero rate tax status may have multiple zero
rates associated with it, such as Intra-EU, zero-rated products, or zero-rated
You define a tax status under a tax and a configuration owner, and define all
applicable tax rates and their effective periods under the tax status. The tax
status controls the defaulting of values to its tax rates.
Tax Rates
Set up tax rates for your tax statuses and tax jurisdictions. For tax statuses, set
up a tax rate record for each applicable tax rate that a tax status identifies. For
tax jurisdictions, set up tax rate records to identify the tax rate variations for a
specific tax within different tax jurisdictions. For example, a city sales tax for a
state or province may contain separate city tax jurisdictions, each with a specific
tax rate for the same tax.
You can also define tax recovery rates to claim full or partial recovery of taxes
You can define tax jurisdiction and tax status rates as a percentage or as a value
per unit of measure. For example, a city may charge sales tax at a rate of 8
percent on most goods, but may levy a duty tax with a special rate of 0.55 USD
per US gallon on fuel. Values per unit of measure are in the tax currency defined
for the tax.
You define tax rate codes and rate detail information per rate period. Rate
periods account for changes in tax rates over time. A tax rate code can also
identify a corresponding General Ledger taxable journal entry.
Tax Recovery Rates
Set up tax recovery rate codes for the recovery types identified on the taxes
within a tax regime. A tax recovery rate code identifies the percentage of
recovery designated by the tax authority for a specific transaction. In Canada,
where more than one type of recovery is possible for a given tax, you must set
up the applicable tax recovery rate codes for both the primary and secondary
recovery types that can apply to a transaction.
17-20 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
If you set the Allow tax recovery option for a tax within a tax regime, then
you must set up at least one recovery rate for the tax in order to make the tax
available on transactions. If the recovery rate can vary based on one or more
factors, including the parties, locations, product or product purpose, then
set up tax rules to determine the appropriate recovery rate to use on specific
transactions. At transaction time, Oracle Fusion Tax uses the recovery rate
derived from the recovery tax rules, or uses instead the default recovery rate that
you define, if no recovery rate rules are defined or if no existing recovery rate
rule applies to the transaction.
Minimum Tax Configuration: Explained
Oracle Fusion Tax provides you with a single interface for defining and
maintaining the taxes that are applicable in each country where you do business.
The minimum tax configuration path to meet the basic tax requirements of
transactions in a given regime is a 2-step configuration process:
1. Define tax regime: This step includes the tax regime definition as well as
the subscription by the appropriate legal entity or business unit.
2. Define transaction taxes: This step includes the basic tax definition,
controls and defaults, direct and indirect tax rule defaults, and tax
The following prerequisite setups must be completed for minimum tax
• First parties, such as legal entities and business units
• Tax geographies and zones
• Ledger and accounts
• Currency codes and exchange rates
A legal entity tax profile is automatically created when a legal entity is defined in
the implementation. Similarly, a business unit tax profile is automatically created
when a business unit is defined. For the business unit, you need to indicate
whether it will use the subscription of the legal entity instead of creating its own.
In addition, there are seeded event class mappings that describe the mapping
between an application event class and the corresponding tax event class. For
example, the tax determination process for a sales debit memo and sales invoice
are essentially the same. These two application event classes correspond to the
same tax event class namely, a sales transaction. Although you cannot update
the event class mappings, you can set up configuration specific event class
Define Tax Regime
The first step includes the tax regime definition and subscription by an
appropriate legal entity or business unit. While creating your tax regime, you
can minimize configuration and maintenance costs by creating content that can
be shared by more than one entity. For example, legal entities can subscribe
to the shared reference data instead of creating separate and repetitive data.
If the subscribing legal entities have some variations in their setup, you can
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-21
create override data to meet the specific exceptions that are applicable to these
Use Oracle Fusion Tax features to enable only those features that are relevant to
taxes in the tax regime. Based on the features you select, the subsequent setup
pages and task lists for the tax regime are rendered or hidden.
Define Transaction Taxes
The second step includes basic tax definition, such as geographic information,
controls and defaults, direct and indirect tax rule defaults, and tax accounts.
The basic tax definition includes controls that you can set to provide the override
capability at transaction time. For example, if you want to allow users to make
manual updates on transaction tax lines, select the Allow override for calculated
tax lines and the Allow entry of manual tax lines options. However, if you want
to enforce automatic tax calculation on transaction tax lines, do not enable these
Use the direct and indirect tax rule defaults to specify the values that apply to
the majority of your transactions. Create tax rules to address the exceptions or
variations to the defaults. For example, for the Goods and Services Tax (GST)
that applies to the supply of most goods and services in Canada, set the Tax
Applicability direct tax rule default to Applicable. A luxury tax, on the other
hand, is a tax on luxury goods or products not considered essential. As it would
not apply to most goods and services, set the Tax Applicability direct tax rule
default to Not Applicable, and create a tax rule to make the tax applicable when
the product in the transaction satisfies the luxury requirement.
Assign your default tax accounts for the taxes in a tax regime to post the tax
amounts derived from your transactions. The tax accounts you associate serve
as default accounting information for taxes, tax rates, tax jurisdictions, and tax
recovery rates. The tax accounts you define at the tax level, default to either the
tax rate accounts or tax jurisdiction accounts for the same tax and operating unit,
depending upon the tax accounts precedence level of the tax regime. You can
update these default tax accounts in the tax rate or tax jurisdiction setup.
Minimum Tax Configuration: Points to Consider
The minimum tax configuration setup must be designed to handle the majority
of tax requirements. As part of defining transaction taxes, decide the direct and
indirect tax rule defaults for the tax and set up the associated tax accounts.
For complex tax requirements, create tax rules that consider each tax requirement
related to a transaction before making the final tax calculation. During the
execution of the tax determination process, Oracle Fusion Tax evaluates, in
order of priority, the tax rules that are defined against the foundation tax
configuration setup and the details on the transactions. If the first rule is
successfully evaluated, the result associated with the rule is used. If not, the next
rule is evaluated until either a successful evaluation or default value is found.
Setting Up Direct Tax Rule Defaults
The direct tax rule defaults are the default values for the direct tax rule types,
which include:
17-22 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
• Place of supply
• Tax applicability
• Tax registration
• Tax calculation formula
• Taxable basis formula
Place of Supply
Use the Place of Supply direct tax rule default to indicate the specific tax
jurisdiction where the supply of goods or services is deemed to have taken place.
For example, in Canada, the place of supply for GST is typically the ship-to
location. To handle the majority of Goods and Services Tax (GST) transactions,
select Ship to as your default place of supply.
The corresponding place of supply differs based on the type of transaction. For
example, a place of supply of Ship to corresponds to the location of your first
party legal entity for Payables transactions. For Receivables transactions, Ship to
corresponds to the location of your customer site. For exceptions to this default,
create Determine Place of Supply rules.
Tax Applicability
Use the Tax Applicability direct tax rule default to indicate whether the tax is
typically applicable or not applicable on transactions. For example, the GST
in Canada is a tax that applies to the supply of most property and services in
Canada. When you create the GST tax, select Applicable as your default tax
applicability. For exceptions to this default, create Determine Tax Applicability
Tax Registration
Use the Tax Registration direct tax rule default to determine the party whose
tax registration status is considered for an applicable tax on the transaction. For
example, with a direct default of bill-to party, Oracle Fusion Tax considers the
tax registration of the bill-to party and stamps their tax registration number onto
the transaction, along with the tax registration number of the first party legal
reporting unit. For exceptions to this default, create Determine Tax Registration
Tax Calculation Formula
Use the Tax Calculation Formula direct tax rule default to select the formula
that represents the typical calculation of tax for a transaction line. A common
formula, STANDARD_TC, is predefined, where the tax amount is equal to the
tax rate multiplied by the taxable basis. For exceptions to this default, create
Calculate Tax Amounts rules.
Taxable Basis Formula
Use the Taxable Basis Formula direct tax rule default to select the formula that
represents the amount on which the tax rate is applied. The following common
formulas are predefined:
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-23
• STANDARD_TB: The taxable basis is equal to the line amount of the
transaction line.
• STANDARD_QUANTITY: The taxable basis is equal to the quantity of
the transaction line.
• STANDARD_TB_DISCOUNT: The taxable basis is the line amount of
the transaction line less the cash discount.
For exceptions to this default, create Determine Taxable Basis rules.
Setting Up Indirect Tax Rule Defaults
The indirect tax rule defaults for a tax include:
• Tax jurisdiction
• Tax status
• Tax recovery rate
• Tax rate
Tax Jurisdiction
Use the Tax Jurisdiction indirect tax rule default to indicate the most common
geographic area where a tax is levied by a specific tax authority. For example,
value-added tax (VAT) is applicable to the supply of most goods and services in
Portugal. For the tax PT VAT, create the default tax jurisdiction as the country
of Portugal. To address specific tax regions such as Azores and Madeira, which
have lower VAT rates than Portugal, define jurisdiction rates with different VAT
Tax Status
Use the Tax Status indirect tax rule default to indicate the taxable nature of the
majority of your transactions. For example, if your operations primarily include
zero-rated transactions, select the default tax status as Zero instead of Standard.
This setting facilitates tax determination when multiple zero rates are defined
to handle different reporting requirements for zero rate usage, such as intra-EU,
zero-rated products, or zero-rated exports. For exceptions to this default, create
Determine Tax Status rules.
Tax Recovery
Use the Tax Recovery rate indirect tax rule default to indicate the recovery rate
to apply to each recovery type for each applicable tax on a purchase transaction.
For example, in Canada, both federal and provincial components of Harmonized
Sales Tax (HST) are 100% recoverable on goods bought for resale. In this case,
with two recovery types, you can set up two recovery rate defaults for the HST
tax. For exceptions to this default, such as when the recovery rate determination
is based on one or more transaction factors, create Determine Recovery Rate
Tax Rate
Use the Tax Rate indirect tax rule default to specify the default tax rate that is
applicable to the majority of your transactions associated with this tax. You can
17-24 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
create additional tax setup, such as jurisdiction rates, or create tax rules to set
alternate values as required. For example, HST in Canada is applied at a 13% rate
in most provinces that have adopted HST, except for British Columbia where the
rate is 12% and Nova Scotia where the rate is 15%. To satisfy this requirement a
single rate of 13% can be defined with no jurisdiction and then a 12% rate can be
defined and associated with the British Columbia jurisdiction (15% rate assigned
to Nova Scotia). This minimizes the setup required by creating an exception
based setup. For exceptions to this default, create Determine Tax Rate rules.
Setting Up Tax Accounts
Set up tax accounts at the tax level. The application automatically copies the tax
account combination to the tax rates that you subsequently create for the tax for
the same ledger and optionally, the same business unit.
Define tax accounts at any of the following levels. The defaulting option is only
available at the tax level.
• Tax
• Tax jurisdiction
• Tax rate
• Tax recovery rate
This is a one-time defaulting opportunity. Any subsequent changes at the
account level are not copied to the tax rate level nor are they used during
the AutoAccounting process. Changes at the tax level do impact tax account
defaulting when you create new tax rates.
Setting up tax accounts comprise of specifying the following:
• Ledger and Business Unit: The ledger and business unit for which you
are creating the tax accounts.
• Interim Tax: An account that records tax recovery or liability until the
event prescribed by the statute is complete. Generally, the payment of
the invoice is the event that triggers the generation of the tax recovery or
liability. You must set up an interim tax account for taxes and tax rates
that have a deferred recovery settlement. Once you set up an interim tax
account for this tax rate, you cannot change the recovery settlement to
• Tax Recoverable or Liability Account: An account that records tax
recovery amounts or relieves tax liability amounts. If you set up recovery
rates for a tax that you also intend to self-assess, then define a tax recovery
account for the associated recovery rates and a tax liability account for the
associated tax rates.
• Finance Charge Tax Liability: An account that records the tax liability
associated with finance charges that is used as a deduction against overall
tax liability.
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-25
• Nonrecoverable Tax Accounts: Accounts that record tax amounts on
earned and unearned discounts and adjustments that you cannot claim as
a deduction against tax liability.
• Expense and Revenue Accounts. Accounts that record net changes
generated by adjustments, earned and unearned discounts, and finance
charges. Receivables activities such as discounts and adjustments reduce
the receivable amount, and are therefore considered an expense.
Minimum Tax Configuration: Worked Example
The following example illustrates the minimum tax configuration setup to meet
the basic requirements in Canada for the Goods and Services Tax (GST). You set
up a tax regime for both GST and Harmonized Sales Tax (HST). One recovery
type is created for the fully recoverable status of the transaction.
In Canada, GST is a tax that applies to the supply of most property and services
in Canada. The provinces of British Columbia, Ontario, New Brunswick, Nova
Scotia, and Newfoundland and Labrador, referred to as the participating
provinces, combine their provincial sales tax with GST to create HST. Generally,
HST applies to the same base of property and services as the GST. Every
province in Canada except Alberta has implemented either provincial sales tax
or the HST. In countries like Canada, some or all taxes on business transactions
for registered companies are recoverable taxes.
ABC Corporation is a business with a chain of bookstores across Canada. It
intends to implement the Oracle Fusion Tax solution at its store in the province
of Alberta. The GST rate of 5% is applicable for sales in Alberta. Input Tax
Credit is available for GST included in purchases. ABC Corporation's primary
ledger is CA Ledger, and the business unit is CA Operations. The tax account
0001-1500-1100-1000 is reserved for the Tax Recoverable or Liability account.
The tax implications in this scenario are:
• Five percent (5%) GST is applicable on the sale of goods in Alberta
• Neither the HST nor provincial sales tax applies in Alberta
• Place of supply for GST tax is generally based on the place of delivery or
ship-to location.
To determine the GST tax in Alberta, perform the following steps:
1. Define tax regime
2. Define transaction taxes
3. Create the direct tax rule defaults
4. Create the indirect tax rule defaults
5. Enable tax
Define Tax Regime
1. On the Create Tax Regime page, enter the tax regime code for GST and
HST in Canada.
17-26 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Use a coding convention to indicate both the country and the type of tax
that belongs to this regime. For example, CA GST and HST.
2. Select the regime level to define the geographic area of the tax treatment.
The option selected must depict the need for the tax regime. It should be
set to Country for all federal taxes.
3. Specify Canada as the country for which this tax regime is being defined.
4. Enter a start date that will appear as a default to all related tax setup
within the tax regime.
Consider your tax planning carefully before entering the start date. This
date must accommodate the oldest transaction that you want to process
within this tax regime. After you create the tax regime, you can only
update this date with an earlier date. If you enter an end date, you cannot
update this date after you save the record.
5. Enter tax currency. Enter CAD, which is the three-letter ISO code for the
Canadian dollar.
Tax currency is the currency required by the tax authority. Use the tax
currency to pay the tax authority and to report on all tax transactions.
6. Select the Allow cross regime compounding option to set taxes within the
tax regime to be based on the calculation of, or compounded on, taxes in
another tax regime.
For example, in Quebec, the provincial sales tax is applied to both the
selling price and GST. Enter a value as the compounding precedence
to indicate the order of cross regime compounding. A lower number
indicates that the tax regime will be processed first. Allowing gaps
between numbers provide flexibility in the event that another higher
priority tax regime is introduced in the future.
7. On the Configuration Options tab, select the party name that identifies
either the legal entity or the business unit or both for which you will
define the configuration options.
8. For the Configuration of Taxes and Rules, select the subscription that
defines the configuration owner setup that will be used for transactions of
the specific legal entity and business unit for this tax regime.
This selection also defines whether any shared content can be overridden
by the subscribing party to allow unique, separate setup for certain tax
9. Enter the effective start date for this configuration option. Enter a date
range that is within the date range of both the party tax profile and the tax
Define Transaction Taxes
1. On the Create Tax page, enter the name of the tax regime that you created
in the Define Tax Regime step, such as CA GST and HST.
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-27
2. Select the configuration owner for this tax. To minimize configuration
and maintenance costs, select Global Configuration Owner as the
configuration owner.
3. Enter the name of the tax you are defining, such as CA GST.
4. Select Province as the geography type.
5. To minimize setup and maintenance costs, specify the highest-level
parent geography type (Country), unless the tax is only applicable to a
specific geography. Select Country from the list of values. For the parent
geography name, enter Canada.
6. Enter a value as the compounding precedence to reflect the order of tax
compounding. A lower number indicates that a tax is processed first.
Allowing gaps between numbers provide flexibility in the event that
another higher priority tax is introduced in the future.
7. Enable the Allow override of calculated tax lines option to allow users to
override the automatic tax calculation on invoice tax lines.
8. Enable the Allow multiple jurisdictions option to define tax jurisdictions
for this tax in more than one geographic region.
9. Enable the Allow mass create of jurisdictions option to enable mass
creation of tax jurisdictions for this tax, which allows you to create
multiple jurisdictions at the same time.
10. Enable the Allow tax recovery option.
11. Enable the Allow tax recovery rate override option if you want to allow
user override of the calculated tax recovery rate on transaction lines.
12. Select Standard as the primary recovery type.
Assign Tax Accounts
1. Navigate to the Tax Accounts tab.
2. Select CA Ledger as the primary ledger to use for tax accounts and CA
Operations as the business unit.
3. Enter 0001-1500-1100-1000 as the Tax Recoverable or Liability account.
Create Direct Tax Rule Defaults
1. Navigate to the Tax Rule Defaults tab.
2. Select Ship to from the Place of Supply list of values, to specify the
3. Select Applicable from the Tax Applicability list of values to specify the
Tax Applicability default.
4. Select Ship-from party to specify the Tax Registration default.
5. Select STANDARD_TC as the Tax Calculation Formula default.
6. Select STANDARD_TB as the Taxable Basis Formula default.
Create Indirect Tax Rule Defaults
1. Select Tax Jurisdiction as your rule type and create the rule type default.
In the Tax Jurisdiction Code field, enter a tax jurisdiction code for
17-28 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
the province of Alberta, such as CA Alberta. Select Province as the
geography type. For the geography name, enter AB for Alberta. Set this
tax jurisdiction as your default, and specify your default start and end
2. Select Tax Status as your rule type and create the rule type default. Enter
a tax status code for GST, such as CA GST STD. Set this tax status as your
default, and specify your default start and end dates.
3. Select Tax Recovery Rate as your rule type and create the rule type
default. Enter a tax recovery rate code for GST, such as CA GST STD REC
RATE. For the recovery type, select Standard. Enter a rate percentage of
100 for a fully recoverable tax. Set this tax recovery rate as your default,
and specify your default start and end dates.
4. Select Tax Rate as your rule type and create the rule type default. In
the Tax Status Code field, enter the name of the tax status that you just
created, CA GST STD. Enter a tax rate code for GST, such as CA GST STD
RATE. Enter a rate percentage of 5 for the current GST rate as of January 1,
2008, and specify your default start and end dates.
Enable Tax
1. Click the Enable tax for simulation option. This allows you to verify the
tax configuration using the Tax Simulator.
2. Once you have verified your tax configuration with simulated
transactions, click the Enable tax for transactions option. This allows you
to use this tax in transaction processing.
3. Click Save and Close.
For ABC's transactions in the province of Alberta, the following is
determined by default:
• GST tax is applicable and will be calculated at a percentage rate of 5%.
• 100% of the GST can be recovered.
Associated Taxes Setup for a Tax Regime: Explained
When you create a tax regime, you specify the options and defaults available
to the taxes associated with the tax regime. You also enable the features that are
applicable to the tax regime and its taxes.
The options appearing in the Associated Taxes Setup Information region on the
Edit Tax Regime page are a result of the features enabled and the options you
selected at the tax level. These options include:
• Allow multiple jurisdictions
• Allow tax recovery
• Allow tax exceptions
• Allow tax exemptions
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-29
The preceding options always appear as read-only check boxes in the Associated
Taxes Setup Information region. The option appears as selected if you selected
the option in one of the taxes within this tax regime. If you did not select the
option in one of the taxes, then the option appears as not selected.
For example, suppose you have a California county sales tax that applies to all
counties, so you need a tax with multiple jurisdictions. In this case, you must
enable the Multiple Jurisdictions feature at the tax regime level and then select
the Allow multiple jurisdictions option at the tax level. When you access the
Edit Tax Regime page, Associated Taxes Setup Information region for this tax
regime, the Allow multiple jurisdictions option appears as selected.
Manage Controls and Defaults
Tax Regime Controls and Defaults: Points to Consider
A tax regime associates a common set of default information, regulations, fiscal
classifications, and optionally, registrations, to one or more taxes. Set up tax
regimes in each country and geographical region where you do business and
where a separate tax applies.
The tax regime setup details include:
• Designating the geography to which taxes within a tax regime apply
• Defining the controls and defaults that apply to taxes and associated
lower level information
• Specifying configuration options and service subscriptions
Designating the Geography
The common tax regime setup is one tax regime per country per tax type, but
you can also have tax regimes based on parts of a country or more than one
country. Select the regime level as:
• Country: The tax regime is applicable to a specific country.
• Tax zone: The tax regime is applicable to parts of a country or more than
one country. Enter the tax geography type and tax geography name
associate with the group of countries or the tax zone that you want. The
tax geography type and tax geography name correspond to the tax zone
type and tax zone respectively.
If applicable, designate the tax regime as a parent regime or indicate the
parent regime name if the tax regime belongs to a parent regime. Use a tax
regime defined as a parent tax regime to group other nonparent tax regimes for
reporting purposes.
Defining Controls and Defaults
Set tax-level controls to enable the options that you want to make available to
the taxes in this tax regime. If necessary, you can disable the options that you
enable here for individual taxes within the tax regime. Enter default values for
the taxes in this tax regime. You can update the default values at the tax level.
17-30 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
If you disable a controlled option at the tax regime level it is not available as an
option at the tax level.
The following table describes the defaults and controls available at the tax
regime level.
Defaults Region
Field Description Default Derived
Default Appears
Tax Currency The default
currency of the
taxes within this tax
None Tax None
Accountable Unit
The minimal unit
of currency that
is reported to the
tax authority, for
example, 0.05
GBP indicates
that 5 pence is the
minimal unit
None Tax None
Tax Precision A one digit whole
number to indicate
the decimal place
for tax rounding
None Tax None
Tax Inclusion
A method that
describes whether
the line amount
includes tax or
excludes tax
None Tax None
Conversion Rate
The specific
exchange rate
table that is used
to convert one
currency into
another, for
example, the
Association of
British Travel
Agents exchange
rate used in the
travel industry
None Tax None
Rounding Rule The rule that
defines how
rounding is
performed on a
value, for example,
up to the next
highest value,
down to the next
lower value, or to
the nearest value
None Tax None
Allow tax rounding
Allow the override
of the rounding
defined on the tax
registration records
None Tax None
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-31
Reporting Tax
The default tax
authority to whom
the tax reports are
None • Tax
• Tax
Collecting Tax
The default tax
authority to whom
the tax is remitted
None • Tax
• Tax
Default Settlement
A lookup code to
indicate whether
an input tax is
recovered when an
invoice is recorded
or only when the
invoice is paid
and whether an
output tax is due
for settlement when
the invoice is issued
or only when the
payment is received
against it
None Tax None
Use legal
registration number
Option that controls
whether the tax
registration number
is the same as the
legal registration
number of the party
None Tax None
General Controls Region
Field Description Default Derived
Default Appears
Allow override and
entry of inclusive
tax lines
Option that controls
whether you can
override and
enter inclusive
or exclusive line
None Tax None
Use tax reporting
Option that controls
whether the tax
reporting details
are available on
the first party tax
registration record
for this tax regime
None None Controls whether
you can enter
tax reporting
details on the tax
registration for this
tax regime for your
first parties
Compounding Level Controls Region
17-32 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Field Description Default Derived
Default Appears
Allow cross regime
Option that
controls whether
cross regime
compounding is
needed for this tax
None None Controls whether
this tax regime
is compounded
calculated from
another tax regime
Defines the order in
which taxes within
the compound tax
regimes need to be
calculated. A tax
within a tax regime
with a lower value
is calculated first.
None None Controls the order
in which taxes
within tax regimes
are calculated
Oracle Fusion Tax provides features at the tax regime level to streamline your
implementation by selecting the features that are applicable to the tax regime in
scope. You must enable the features to use that functionality for the tax regime
and related taxes.
Specifying Configuration Options and Service Subscriptions
Set up configuration options to associate tax regimes with the parties in your
company that have a tax requirement under these tax regimes. You can set up
tax configuration options when you create a tax regime or when you create a
party tax profile for a first party legal entity or business unit. Both tax regime
and party tax profile setup flows appear and maintain the same party and tax
regime association. Configuration options only apply to tax regimes directly
linked to taxes and not to tax regimes that are used to group other tax regimes.
Oracle Fusion Tax lets you use the tax services of external service providers for
tax calculation of US Sales and Use Tax on receivables transactions. The setup for
provider services is called a service subscription. A service subscription applies
to the transactions of one configuration option setup for a combination of tax
regime and legal entity or business unit.
The level of detail of tax rounding definitions for the taxes in the tax regime
must equal or exceed the level of detail of the service provider tax rounding
Inclusive Taxes: Explained
Calculating tax on a transaction as inclusive of the line amount is generally
a business decision. This decision is based on the relationship between the
transacting parties and the items or taxes involved.
Taxes applicable on a transaction are made inclusive of the item line amount
• Manually
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-33
• Automatically
Manual Approach
In the manual approach, you access the calculated tax lines on a transaction and
select the Inclusive option. This action includes the calculated tax amount with
the item value.
However, this option is controlled through two factors:
• Privileges are assigned to the users for accessing and editing the
calculated tax lines.
• Setup restrictions are applied to edit the Inclusive option on the
calculated tax lines.
Automatic Approach
In the automatic approach, you can configure the tax setup and calculate the tax
on a transaction as inclusive of the item line amount. Since this requirement is
primarily driven by the tax legislation and the business relationship between the
transacting parties, the option for configuring the inclusiveness is made available
on the tax and tax rate definition and the third party and legal reporting unit
tax profiles on the tax registration and general data tabs. The tax determination
process uses a hierarchy approach to evaluate the defined setup and applies the
inclusiveness option on the transaction.
In tax setup there are options to choose for applying the inclusiveness on a
transaction. They are:
• Standard noninclusive handling: This option calculates the taxes as
exclusive of the given transaction line amount.
• Standard inclusive handling: This option calculates the taxes as inclusive
of the given transaction line amount.
• Special inclusive handling: This option calculates the taxes as inclusive
of the given transaction line amount, but the calculation methodology
differs from the standard inclusive process.
The following table illustrates the calculation methodology used with each of
these options when a transaction line amount is 1000 USD and the applicable tax
rate is 10% of the taxable basis amount, for example, line amount:
Method Calculation Taxable Basis
Tax Amount Transaction Line
1000 USD * 10/100 1000 USD 100 USD 1100 USD
Standard Inclusive 1000 USD * 10/110 909.09 USD 90.91 USD 1000 USD
Special Inclusive 1000 USD * 10/100 900 USD 100 USD 1000 USD
Tax Amount Rounding: Explained
Taxes applicable on a transaction are generally calculated as the taxable basis
multiplied by the tax rate equals the tax amount. This calculated amount
can result in an odd value or with a large number of decimal place. You can
configure the tax setup to adjust or round the tax calculation according to the
17-34 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
specific requirements of the transacting parties and tax authority or to the
accepted currency denominations.
Key parameters that influence the rounding of calculated tax amount are:
• Tax precision: The number of decimal places to which to calculate the tax
• Minimum accountable unit: The smallest currency unit that a tax amount
can have.
• Rounding level: The transaction level at which the rounding is to be
performed. The available options are Header and Line.
• Rounding rule: The method that is used to round off the calculated taxes
to the minimum accountable unit. The available options are Up, Down,
and Nearest.
Define the key parameters at various places within Oracle Fusion Tax. The
rounding process derives the tax precision and minimum accountable unit
details from the tax setup. The rounding process derives the rounding rule and
rounding level details through the predefined processing hierarchy involving:
• Configuration owner tax options defined for the configuration owner and
event class
• Event class options for the event class
• Party tax profiles of the parties or party sites as given in the rounding
precedence of the configuration owner tax options or in the derived
registration party
• Tax
If you plan to use a third party service provider then you must define tax
rounding information that is at least as detailed as the rounding information of
the service provider.
Manage Configuration Options and Service Subscriptions
Configuration Options: Explained
Set up configuration options to associate tax regimes with the parties in your
company that have a tax requirement under these tax regimes.
There are two fundamentally different approaches to tax configuration options
• Using tax configuration setup defined within Oracle Fusion Tax.
• Using an external tax service provider.
Using Tax Configuration Setup Defined Within Oracle Fusion Tax
Use the tax configuration setup in Oracle Fusion Tax to calculate, record, and
account for transaction taxes on transaction taxable transactions.
The following concepts control how this setup is managed, used, and shared:
• Tax configuration owner
• Tax content subscription
• Existing tax option
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-35
Tax Configuration Owner
The tax configuration owner is a business unit, legal entity, or the global
configuration owner that owns the data. The global configuration owner is an
abstract owner which is used to define the owner of content that can be shared
by any business units and first party legal entities.
Identify a specific first party legal entity as a parent first party organization
to allow the configuration to be owned by a specific first party and shared by
other parties. You can then share this setup with another first party legal entity
or business unit for their transactions. Use a parent first party organization tax
configuration to share among a group of first party organizations but you still
have the tax setup managed by a single first party organization.
In the case of global configuration owner, if you are assigned the Create
Tax Regime privilege, you have update rights to all tax configuration data
maintained by the global configuration owner.
Tax Content Subscription
Use tax content subscriptions to define which configuration owner's setup is
used for transactions for a specific first party legal entity or business unit for a
specific tax regime. Also, use tax content subscriptions to specify whether any
shared content can be overridden by the subscribing party to allow unique,
separate setup for certain tax content.
Party override is permitted for the following setup:
• Tax
• Tax status
• Tax rate
• Tax recovery rate
• Tax rules
Do this indirectly by adding higher priority rules specific to the
subscribing first party legal entity or business unit.
The content subscription options are:
Tax Content Subscription Description
Common configuration For tax processing, the tax determination process
uses the shared tax content defined and maintained
by the global configuration owner.
Party-specific configuration The specified first party organization defines and
maintains its own tax content. For tax processing,
the tax determination process uses only the tax
content owned by the specific first party legal entity
or business unit.
Common configuration with party overrides This option is similar to the common configuration
in that it allows you to use tax content owned by
the global configuration owner. However, you can
also maintain party-specific content which is used
in preference to the common configuration content.
In the absence of tax content owned by the specific
first party organization, the tax determination
process uses the tax content owned by the global
configuration owner.
17-36 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Parent first party organization with party overrides This option is similar to the common configuration
with party override subscription except instead
of the tax content being owned by the global
configuration owner it is owned by a specific first
party legal entity. You can override the specific first
party setup.
A similar concept is used to define where you use tax exceptions for a specific
tax configuration. The tax subscription option available for product exceptions is
dictated to some extent by the main tax content subscription as follows:
Options Defined for Tax Content
Content Subscription Options
Available for Product Exceptions
Common configuration Common configuration For tax processing, the tax
determination process uses
tax exceptions defined and
maintained by the global
configuration owner.
Party-specific configuration Party-specific configuration The specified first party
organization defines and
maintains its own tax exceptions.
For tax processing, the tax
determination process uses only
the tax exceptions owned by the
specific first party organization.
Common configuration with party
Common configuration For tax processing, the tax
determination process uses
tax exceptions defined and
maintained by the global
configuration owner.
Common configuration with party
Party-specific configuration The specified first party
organization defines and
maintains its own tax exceptions.
For tax processing, the tax
determination process uses only
the tax exceptions owned by the
specific first party organization.
Parent first party organization
with party overrides
Party-specific configuration The specified first party
organization defines and
maintains its own tax exceptions.
For tax processing, the tax
determination process uses only
the tax exceptions owned by the
specific first party organization.
Set up tax configuration options when you create a tax regime or when you
create a party tax profile for a first party legal entity or business unit. Both
setup flows display and maintain the same party or regime definitions. Specify
effective start and end dates to identify which configuration should be used
based on the transaction date. You can enable the business unit so that Oracle
Fusion Tax automatically uses the configuration of the legal entity. Once you
set this option the application records the date it occurred as the start date. This
date is used and compared to the transaction dates to identify if the application
uses the legal entity subscription in preference to the subscription of the business
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-37
unit. The specific first party legal entity that is used is defined by the legal entity
associated with the transaction.
Existing Tax Option
Copy a tax from an existing tax in the Manage Taxes page to share tax
registrations and tax jurisdictions while maintaining two versions of the same
tax, owned by two different tax configuration owners each with their own tax
statuses, tax rates, and tax rules. For example, this is useful when you set up US
sales and use tax that requires a significant number of tax registrations and tax
Using External Tax Service Provider
Oracle Fusion Tax lets you use the tax services of external service providers
for tax calculation of US Sales and Use Tax on Receivables transactions. Oracle
Fusion Tax provides transparent integration between the external provide tax
service and Oracle Fusion Receivables.
You can use the tax services of these external service providers:
• Taxware, LP: a First Data Company
• Vertex, Inc.
The setup for provider services is called a service subscription. A service
subscription applies to the transactions of one configuration option setup for
a combination of tax regime and legal entity or business unit. Set up service
subscriptions when you create a tax regime or when you create a party tax
profile for a first party legal entity or business unit. Specify effective start
and end dates to identify which configuration should be used based on the
transaction date.
Content Subscriptions: Critical Choices
Choose which of the following tax content subscription options to use to
optimize your tax setup:
• Whether to use service subscriptions versus Oracle Fusion tax content.
• What type of tax configuration options to use.
• When to change from business unit to using tax configuration at the first
party legal entity.
• When to use create from an existing tax option.
Using a Service Subscription Versus Oracle Fusion Tax Content
Use the tax services of external service providers where tax content is required
for Receivables transactions for a significant number of tax jurisdictions. You
should not use a service provider if their use is not needed to support US Sales
and Use Tax regimes or you need to create and maintain tax regimes outside of
the Unites States.
You can use the tax services of these external service providers:
• Taxware, LP: a First Data Company
17-38 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
• Vertex, Inc.
Using Tax Configuration Options
If you decide not to use an external service provider or you need to create tax
content for tax regimes outside the US then create and maintain your tax content
in Oracle Fusion Tax.
Once the decision is made to use Oracle Fusion Tax you need to choose the level
of tax configuration options. Sharing tax content prevents the need for duplicate
maintenance with its inefficiencies and potential inconsistencies. Consider these
scenarios and options:
Scenario Option
You have a single central corporate tax center
responsible for maintenance of tax setup for all legal
entities and business units.
Use the common configuration with party override
option. This allows a single tax setup to be created
and maintained by the corporate tax center.
You need to have strict control of who can maintain
the tax content.
Use the common configuration option. By not
allowing party override you restrict the access to the
global configuration owner to an authorized user
who can maintain all of the tax content.
You have regional centers responsible for tax
Use the parent first party configuration with party
override option. This permits a regional setup with
an actual or logical parent legal entity to be created
and maintained by each regional center.
Even if there is no obvious need to share tax configuration, for example, there
is only a single first party legal entity operating in each tax regime, significant
business events such as takeovers or mergers may mean that there could be a
future need to share content. In this case the original first party legal entity can
act as the configuration owner and then any subsequent first party can subscribe
to the first party's content using the parent first party configuration with party
override. Alternatively, set up the original tax content using global configuration
owner in preparation for any future business event that requires tax content to be
Changing from Business Unit to Using Tax Configuration at the First Party
Legal Entity
If you can standardize your tax setup across all business units for a given legal
entity then consider moving to configuring and using tax setup at the legal entity
level. Set the Use subscription of the legal entity option on the business unit
tax profile. Oracle Fusion Tax records the date this occurs and compares it to
the transaction date to identify if the legal entity subscription should be used in
preference to the subscription to the business unit.
Using Create from an Existing Tax Option
Create a tax from an existing tax when you have a need to share tax jurisdictions
and tax registrations. You maintain the tax jurisdictions and tax registrations
once for taxes with the same name within the same tax regime owned by
different configuration owners.
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-39
Tax Configuration Options in the Tax Determination Process: How They Are
At transaction time the owner of the transaction derives the configuration
options that are used. When you enter a transaction for a given first party
organization, the tax data applied to that transaction is determined by the
configurations defined for the combination of that first party organization
(business unit or first party legal entity) and the tax regime derived from the
addresses or from the tax classification codes used on the transaction.
Settings That Affect the Application of Tax Data on Transactions
Use tax content subscriptions to define which configuration owner's setup is
used for transactions for a specific first party legal entity or business unit for a
specific tax regime. Also, use tax content subscriptions to specify whether any
shared content can be overridden by the subscribing party to allow unique,
separate setup for certain tax content.
Tax content subscription options are:
• Common configuration
• Party-specific configuration
• Common configuration with party overrides
• Parent first party organization with party overrides
How Tax Data Is Determined
Based on the defaults and tax rules you have defined, tax data is applied to
transactions as follows:
Configuration for Taxes and Rules Option Tax Content Available
Common configuration • The tax determination process uses only the
tax content owned by the global configuration
• If you manually override tax information on
the transaction only tax content owned by the
global configuration owner is displayed in the
list of valid values available.
Party-specific configuration • The tax determination process uses only
the tax content owned by the first party
organization, business unit or fist party legal
entity, for whom the transaction is being
• If you manually override tax information on
the transaction only tax content owned by the
first party organization is displayed in the list
of valid values available.
For the first party organization it can be the business
unit owning the tax content or the first party legal
entity-owned setup depending on the specific
subscription being used.
17-40 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Common configuration with party overrides • The tax determination process uses any
tax content owned by the first party for
whom the transaction is being entered. In the
absence of tax content owned by that first
party organization, the tax determination
process uses tax content owned by the global
configuration owner.
• If you manually override tax information on
the transaction both the override tax content
owned by the specific first party and the tax
content owned by the global configuration
owner that you have not overridden are
displayed in the list of valid values available.
Parent first party organization with party overrides • The tax determination process uses any
tax content owned by the first party for
whom the transaction is being entered. In the
absence of tax content owned by the first party
organization, the tax determination process
uses tax content owned by the parent first
party organization.
• If you manually override tax information on
the transaction both the override tax content
owned by the specific first party and the
tax content owned by the designated parent
first party organization that you have not
overridden are displayed in the list of valid
values available.
If you are using product exceptions, those exceptions are applied to the
transactions as shown in the following table:
Configuration for Product Exceptions Tax Exceptions Available
Common configuration The tax determination process uses only the tax
exceptions defined and maintained by the global
configuration owner.
Party-specific configuration The tax determination process uses only the
tax exceptions owned by the specific first party
Setting Up Tax Configuration Options: Worked Example
This example demonstrates how you set up the appropriate tax configuration
options for your company that has three regional centers. These centers are
responsible for tax setup and maintenance among other corporate activities. Each
of these regional corporate centers is associated with a first party legal entity and
business unit.
Your company has their regional centers in:
• North America (NAM), based in Redwood City, California, US
• Asian and Pacific (APAC), based in Melbourne, Australia
• Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA), based in London, UK
Each country has a single first party legal entity with a single business unit,
except for:
• Countries which have the regional corporate centers have a first party
legal entity and business unit for each corporate center.
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-41
• Sales, marketing, and manufacturing organization has a first party legal
entity and business unit.
Create tax regimes for each country and the appropriate tax configuration
To create the appropriate tax configurations, you must set up the following:
1. The legal entities for:
First Party Legal Entity Country
2. The sales, marketing, and manufacturing organization's business unit uses
the tax configuration of the legal entity.
3. The relevant tax regimes for each country's tax include:
Region Country Tax Regime Tax
EMEA United Kingdom GB VAT GB VAT
• US
17-42 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Setting Up Tax Configuration Options
1. On the Create Legal Entity Tax Profile page select EMEA LE in the Legal
Entity field. In the Configuration Options tab enter:
Field Value
Tax Regime Code GB VAT
Configuration for Taxes and Rules Party-specific configuration
Configuration for Product Exceptions Party-specific configuration
Parent First Party Organization Blank
Effective Start Date 01-Jan-01
Click Save and Create Another.
2. Select GB LE in the Legal Entity field. In the Configuration Options tab
Field Value
Tax Regime Code GB VAT
Configuration for Taxes and Rules Parent first party with party overrides
Configuration for Product Exceptions Parent first party organization
Parent First Party Organization EMEA LE
Effective Start Date 01-Jan-01
Click Save and Create Another.
3. Select FR LE in the Legal Entity field. In the Configuration Options tab
Field Value
Tax Regime Code FR VAT
Configuration for Taxes and Rules Parent first party with party overrides
Configuration for Product Exceptions Parent first party organization
Parent First Party Organization EMEA LE
Effective Start Date 01-Jan-01
Click Save and Create Another.
4. Select DE LE in the Legal Entity field. In the Configuration Options tab
Field Value
Tax Regime Code DE VAT
Configuration for Taxes and Rules Parent first party with party overrides
Configuration for Product Exceptions Parent first party organization
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-43
Parent First Party Organization EMEA LE
Effective Start Date 01-Jan-01
Click Save and Create Another.
5. Select APAC LE in the Legal Entity field. In the Configuration Options
tab enter:
Field Value
Tax Regime Code AU GST
Configuration for Taxes and Rules Party-specific configuration
Configuration for Product Exceptions Party-specific configuration
Parent First Party Organization Blank
Effective Start Date 01-Jan-01
Click Save and Create Another.
6. Select AU LE in the Legal Entity field. In the Configuration Options tab
Field Value
Tax Regime Code AU GST
Configuration for Taxes and Rules Parent first party with party overrides
Configuration for Product Exceptions Parent first party organization
Parent First Party Organization APAC LE
Effective Start Date 01-Jan-01
Click Save and Create Another.
7. Select SI LE in the Legal Entity field. In the Configuration Options tab
Field Value
Tax Regime Code SI VAT
Configuration for Taxes and Rules Parent first party with party overrides
Configuration for Product Exceptions Parent first party organization
Parent First Party Organization APAC LE
Effective Start Date 01-Jan-01
Click Save and Create Another.
8. Select NZ LE in the Legal Entity field. In the Configuration Options tab
17-44 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Field Value
Tax Regime Code NZ VAT
Configuration for Taxes and Rules Parent first party with party overrides
Configuration for Product Exceptions Parent first party organization
Parent First Party Organization APAC LE
Effective Start Date 01-Jan-01
Click Save and Create Another.
9. Select NAM LE in the Legal Entity field. In the Configuration Options
tab enter:
Field Value
Tax Regime Code US SALES TAX
Configuration for Taxes and Rules Party-specific configuration
Configuration for Product Exceptions Party-specific configuration
Parent First Party Organization Blank
Effective Start Date 01-Jan-01
Click Save and Create Another.
10. Select US LE in the Legal Entity field. In the Configuration Options tab
Field Value
Tax Regime Code US SALES TAX
Configuration for Taxes and Rules Parent first party with party overrides
Configuration for Product Exceptions Parent first party organization
Parent First Party Organization NAM LE
Effective Start Date 01-Jan-01
Click Save and Create Another.
11. Select CA LE in the Legal Entity field. In the Configuration Options tab
Field Value
Tax Regime Code CA GST & PST
Configuration for Taxes and Rules Parent first party with party overrides
Configuration for Product Exceptions Parent first party organization
Parent First Party Organization NAM LE
Effective Start Date 01-Jan-01
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-45
Click Save and Close.
FAQs for Define Tax Regimes
What's a service subscription?
A service subscription is the setup for provider services. It applies to the
transactions of one configuration option setup for a combination of tax regime
and legal entity or business unit. Oracle Fusion Tax lets you use the tax services
of external service providers for tax calculation of US Sales and Use Tax on
Oracle Fusion Receivables transactions.
You can use the tax services of these external service providers:
• Taxware, LP: a First Data Company
• Vertex, Inc.
If you integrate with a tax service provider, these actions are not required for
Receivables transactions:
• Entering tax classification codes on transaction lines.
• Entering transaction line attributes in the Additional Tax Determining
Factors region.
Tax service provider integration returns the calculated tax lines to Oracle Fusion
Tax. The tax lines for Receivables transactions returned by tax service providers
are stored in Oracle Fusion Tax similar to the way tax lines calculated by the
application itself are stored.
Why are controls and defaults important?
Throughout Oracle Fusion Tax care is taken to minimize your effort in creating
setup. One way of doing this is the extensive use of defaulting so that you can
enter your data once and use the defaults that appear on the subordinate or child
records where applicable. For example, many values you enter on the tax regime
appear as defaults on each tax that is associated to that tax regime. Generally,
you can override the data where necessary if the defaulted value is not correct.
Also, to ensure maximum flexibility, as well as to ensure that the accuracy
and integrity of the data and transactions are maintained, Oracle Fusion Use
Tax makes extensive use of data-driven controls that enable and control how
tax functionality works. For example, you have the requirement to set up tax
recovery for value-added tax (VAT) processing. Enable the Allow tax recovery
option on the tax record so you can set up tax recovery rates for this type of tax.
Define Product Tax Classifications
Define Product Tax Classifications: Overview
Many tax regimes define rules for specific products or types of products. This is
often done to stimulate or enhance trade in these specific products or to ensure
that certain products or product types are excluded from taxes where they are
considered staples of life. To support these requirements Oracle Fusion Tax
has extensive and powerful features to allow items to be classified. They make
extensive use of the Oracle Fusion Inventory catalog functionality. If you do not
implement Inventory you can use product category fiscal classifications as an
alternative classification in Oracle Fusion Tax. Set up your product classifications
in the Define Product Tax Classifications activity.
For example, value-added tax (VAT) in the UK exempts children clothing
and normal foods from Great Britain's (GB) VAT. It is also common that tax
17-46 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
authorities vary the tax status of product types depending on how they are
planned to be used. For example, a company purchases products that are subject
to VAT. The use of these items is not related to the company's sale of taxable
supplies. Therefore, the company cannot recover any VAT or can only partially
recover VAT on those purchases.
There has also been a recent trend to introduce antifraud tax legislation for
specific products so that they can be treated in a different way to prevent fraud.
For example, the GB Missing Trader Intra Community antifraud legislation
specifies that certain types of business-to-business domestic supplies of
certain, typically high value, electronic products, such as mobile phones,
computer equipment and accessories are reversed charged even when there is a
domestic supply. For more information on GB Missing Trader Intra Community
legislation , see Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs (HMRC) - Business Brief
The following product classifications for tax purposes can be used within Oracle
Fusion Tax and are summarized in the following table:
Product Classification Description
Product fiscal classification types and codes Use this classification to group items for tax
determination and reporting purposes. This
functionality uses the Oracle Fusion Inventory
catalog and item functionality and therefore, you can
only use it when this functionality is installed.
Product category fiscal classification codes Use this classification where Inventory is not
installed. It is used to classify transaction lines for
tax determination and reporting purposes.
Intended use fiscal classifications Use this functionality for tax determination and
reporting purposes. Use this classification where
transaction lines need to be classified based on the
intended use of the product defined on that item.
When available use the product fiscal classifications in preference to product
categories, because the application automatically derives product fiscal
classifications at transaction time based on the items defined on the transaction
line and their relationship to the applicable catalog classification.
You can use product category fiscal classifications in conjunction with product
fiscal classifications. This combination allows you to define two different
determining factors at transaction time.
Product Fiscal Classifications: Explained
Use product fiscal classifications to classify items for tax determination and
reporting. Define a product group to use in tax product exemptions.
Define product fiscal classifications by associating them with an Oracle Fusion
Inventory catalog, which in turn is used to group items using the standard
Inventory functionality.
Set up the following options in the Inventory catalog:
• Do not select the Enable hierarchies for categories option.
• Select Items at leaf level in the Catalog Content field.
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-47
• Select the Allow multiple item category assignments option.
• Select the Enable automatic assignment of categories option.
• Select None in the Source Catalog field.
• Do not select a value in the Sharing Control field.
During transaction time, when the association with the catalog exists, the
application automatically derives the default product fiscal classification code
based on the items used on the transaction line. When no item is defined on
the transaction line, you can manually enter the product fiscal classification
on the transaction line during transaction time. Even the default product fiscal
classification code is derived during the transaction time, it can be overridden
if necessary. The overridden product fiscal classification code is used in the tax
determination process.
While creating the product fiscal classification, use the number of levels to define
the number of hierarchical levels to link the items to. Also, specify the number of
the level of classification that is to be used in the tax rule setup. When creating
the levels within the product fiscal classification, define the start position and
number of characters for each level. During transaction time, this ensures that
all items with the same values in the start position and the same number of
characters are grouped into the same classification.
For example, set up the following code structure using the Inventory catalog for
the country, Luxemburg:
Code Name
LUG01 Goods
LUG0100 Normal Rated Goods
LUG0101 Zero Rated Goods
LUG0102 Exempt Goods
LUG0103 Reduced Rate Goods
LUG0103-01 Reduced Rate 1 Goods
LUG0103-02 Reduced Rate 2 Goods
LUG0103-03 Reduced Rate 3 Goods
LUS01 Services
LUS0100 Normal Rated Services
LUS0101 Zero Rated Services
LUS0102 Exempt Services
LUS0103 Reduced Rate Services
LUS0103-01 Reduced Rate 1 Services
LUS0103-02 Reduced Rate 2 Services
LUS0103-03 Reduced Rate 3 Services
The previous code structure is represented by three levels:
Level Type Code Type Name Start Position Number of
1 LU Goods or
Luxemburg Goods
or Service Level
1 5
17-48 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
2 LU Type of Goods
or Services
Luxemburg Type
of Goods or Service
1 7
3 LU Type of
Reduced Rate
Luxemburg Type
of Reduced Rate
Goods or Service
1 10
Use the level two codes to link the items that need to be classified using
Inventory catalog.
Use the product fiscal classification pages to define the tax regimes for which
specific product fiscal classification are to be used. Also, define if the product
fiscal classification is available to be used in the setup of tax product exceptions.
To set up tax product exceptions, enable the Use in Item Exceptions option. You
can only set up one product fiscal classification for a specific tax regime with the
Use in Item Exceptions option enabled.
Adjust the number of levels by increasing the number of levels. It is not possible
to decrease the number of levels once the record is stored. In addition, you need
to attach tax regimes to every level that is used in the tax rules.
While setting up the product fiscal classification, use different levels so that
all of the necessary tax rules can be defined at the highest level possible, thus
minimizing the needed number of tax rules.
In the previous example, the tax rule can use the level 1 product fiscal
classification to differentiate between goods and services.
Product Fiscal Classifications in Tax Rules
The product fiscal classification tax determination factors allow you to use
product fiscal classification in tax rules. A combination of determination factor
class and determining factor represents these determination factors.
Use Product inventory linked as the determining factor class and the product
fiscal classification type code or name as the determining factor. When creating
the tax rule, the value is the name or description associated with the relevant
Product Fiscal Classifications at Transaction Time
When an item is defined on the transaction line, the application automatically
derives the default product fiscal classification on the transaction line using
the default primary Inventory category set, that is, the Inventory catalog. The
primary Inventory category set is defined in the country defaults of the taxation
country. You can override this default during transaction time. The overridden
default is used in the tax determination process.
The product fiscal classification is stored in the tax reporting ledger and is
available for reporting.
Product Fiscal Classifications: Example
Many tax regimes use product classification to control tax applicability as well as
the tax rate to be applied. In value-added tax (VAT) regimes, the type of product
being purchased can drive recoverability.
This scenario illustrates how tax is determined and reported for newspapers,
books, and periodicals in Luxemburg.
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-49
In Luxemburg, transactions involving newspapers, books, and periodicals are
invoiced with VAT at a reduced rating (currently 3%).
To determine tax:
1. Configure the Oracle Inventory catalog functionality
2. Create a catalogue specifically for Luxemburg VAT with the name LU
VAT PRODUCT CLASSIFICATION. To create the catalogue, create class
categories including Reduced Rate 1 Goods.
This catalog is used for other classifications such as Reduced Rate, Exempt
Rate, and Standard Rate. Link all of the items that are rated as Reduced
Rate 1 Goods in Luxemburg to this class category. In this case, link any
relevant newspapers, books, and periodicals to this class category.
Introduce a coding structure. An example is shown in the following table:
Code Name
LUG01 Goods
LUG0100 Normal Rated Goods
LUG0101 Zero Rated Goods
LUG0102 Exempt Goods
LUG0103 Reduced Rate Goods
LUG0103-01 Reduced Rate 1 Goods
LUG0103-02 Reduced Rate 2 Goods
LUG0103-03 Reduced Rate 3 Goods
LUS01 Services
LUS0100 Normal Rated Services
LUS0101 Zero Rated Services
LUS0102 Exempt Services
LUS0103 Reduced Rate Services
LUS0103-01 Reduced Rate 1 Services
LUS0103-02 Reduced Rate 2 Services
LUS0103-03 Reduced Rate 3 Services
While using the product fiscal classification, classify the nonstandard items of
your business as standard items. This can be modeled as a default tax rule and
therefore, does not require an explicit classification or an explicit rule. Classify
only exception items and define specific tax rules for them. For a standard item,
none of the explicit rules are applicable and the default rate applies.
17-50 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Do not add the explicit percentage to the naming or coding convention used for
product fiscal classifications. When the rate changes, you change the rate period
on the specific rate and you do not have to change classification or associated tax
3. Create a product fiscal classification and link it with the catalog using the
only a single level is needed, although other levels may be needed to
model nonstandard services or subclassifications of product types for
reporting purposes. The following table represents this multiple level
Level Type Code Type Name Start Position Number of
1 LU Goods or
Goods or
Service Level
1 5
2 LU Type of
Goods or
Type of Goods
or Service
1 7
3 LU Type of
Reduced Rate
Type of
Reduced Rate
Goods or
1 10
4. Create or amend the Luxemburg country default record and set
the primary inventory category set to LU VAT PRODUCT FISCAL
5. Create the determining factor set and condition set which refer to the
product fiscal classification.
Use Product inventory linked as the determining factor class, the level
to be defined in the rule as the class qualifier, and the specific LU product
fiscal classification level as the determining factor as shown in the
following table:
Determining Factor
Class Qualifier Determining Factor
Product inventory linked LU Type of Reduced Rate
6. Create the condition set that refers to the product category fiscal
classification as shown in the following table:
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-51
Factor Class
Class Qualifier Determining
Factor Name
Product inventory
LU Type of
Reduced Rate
Reduced Rate 1
7. Create the tax status rule based on the determining factor set and
condition set with zero tax rate status as the result as shown in the
following table:
Factor Class
Factor Name
Value Result
LU Type of
Reduced Rate
Reduced Rate
1 Goods
LU Reduced
Rate 1 Status
Product Category Fiscal Classifications: Explained
Use product category fiscal classifications to classify items for tax determination
and reporting purposes. Use product category fiscal classifications when Oracle
Fusion Inventory is not available. However, you can use product category fiscal
classifications in conjunction with product fiscal classifications when Inventory
is installed.
Product category fiscal classifications use the classification functionality
within Oracle Fusion Tax setup to directly define the classification to use. This
functionality allows a hierarchy of up to five levels and uses the standard
hierarchical features. It also allows you to associate the classification codes with
specific countries.
Leave the country blank on the classification codes if that code is applicable to
multiple countries.
Product Category Fiscal Classifications in Tax Rules
The product category fiscal classification tax determination factors allow you
to use product category fiscal classification in the tax rules. A combination of
determination factor class, class qualifier, and determining factor represents
these determination factors.
Use Product noninventory linked as the determining factor class, the level
to be defined in the tax rule as the class qualifier, and product category as the
determining factor.
For each of the fiscal classification codes created, you can associate a tax
reporting code, which is associated with the fiscal classification code. This
enables you to report on any transaction line that uses the product category fiscal
classification code to which the reporting codes is associated. You can associate
multiple reporting codes with a single product category fiscal classification code,
which allows multiple reporting requirements to be modeled.
Use reporting codes related to the key elements of the transaction in preference
to reporting against the key elements. This indirect reporting allows grouping
of results when the same reporting code is associated with multiple product
category fiscal classification codes. It also helps in minimizing ongoing
17-52 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Product Category Fiscal Classifications at Transaction Time
The product category fiscal classification has a single default that is set up in the
relevant country defaults and appears as the default on the transaction lines.
However, during transaction time, you can enter any applicable alternative
product category fiscal classification code on the transaction line.
This product category is stored in the tax reporting ledger and is available for
Product Category Fiscal Classifications: Example
Many tax regimes use product classification to control tax applicability as well as
the rate that is to be applied.
This scenario illustrates how tax is determined and reported for newspapers,
books, and periodicals in Luxemburg without configuring Oracle Fusion
In Luxemburg, transactions involving newspapers, books, and periodicals are
invoiced with VAT at a reduced rating, currently 3 percent.
To model this specific requirement, use the product category fiscal classification
and follow these steps:
1. Configure product category fiscal classification based on the following
Level Code Name Country Start Date
1 LUG01 Goods Luxemburg 1-Jan-1970
2 LUG0100 Normal Rated
Luxemburg 1-Jan-1970
2 LUG0101 Zero Rated
Luxemburg 1-Jan-1970
2 LUG0102 Exempt
Luxemburg 1-Jan-1970
2 LUG0103 Reduced Rate
Luxemburg 1-Jan-1970
3 LUG0103-01 Reduced Rate
1 Goods
Luxemburg 1-Jan-1970
3 LUG0103-02 Reduced Rate
2 Goods
Luxemburg 1-Jan-1970
3 LUG0103-03 Reduced Rate
3 Goods
Luxemburg 1-Jan-1970
1 LUS01 Services Luxemburg 1-Jan-1970
2 LUS0100 Normal Rated
Luxemburg 1-Jan-1970
2 LUS0101 Zero Rated
Luxemburg 1-Jan-1970
2 LUS0102 Exempt
Luxemburg 1-Jan-1970
2 LUS0103 Reduced Rate
Luxemburg 1-Jan-1970
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-53
3 LUS0103-01 Reduced Rate
1 Services
Luxemburg 1-Jan-1970
3 LUS0103-02 Reduced Rate
2 Services
Luxemburg 1-Jan-1970
3 LUS0103-03 Reduced Rate
3 Services
Luxemburg 1-Jan-1970
While using the product category fiscal classification, only classify the
nonstandard items of your business. Handle standard items by using default tax
rules. Thus, for a standard item, none of the explicit tax rules are applicable and
the default rate applies.
The standard items are included in the table for completeness only. Modeling
these standard items using default tax rules may be sufficient.
Do not add the explicit percentage to the naming or coding convention used for
product category fiscal classification. When the rate changes, you change the
rate period on the specific rate and you do not have to change classifications or
associated tax rules.
2. Create the determining factor set which refers to this product category
fiscal classification.
Use Product noninventory linked as the determining factor class, the
level to be defined in the rule as the class qualifier, and the product
category as the determining factor as shown in the following table:
Determining Factor
Class Qualifier Determining Factor
Product noninventory
Level 3 Product Category
3. Create the condition set that refers to this product category fiscal
classification as shown in the following table:
Factor Class
Class Qualifier Determining
Factor Name
Level 3 Product Category Reduced Rate 1
4. Create the tax status rule based on the determining factor set and
condition set with zero tax rate status as the result as shown in the
following table:
17-54 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Factor Class
Factor Name
Value Result
Level 3 Product
Reduced Rate
1 Goods
LU Reduced
Rate 1 Status
Intended Use Fiscal Classifications: Explained
Use intended use fiscal classifications to classify items for tax determination and
Intended use fiscal classifications can be defined in two ways. When you use the
intended use fiscal classification interface for the first time, you are presented
with an option to choose whether the classification is defined by:
• Linking it to an Oracle Fusion Inventory catalog, which in turn can be
used to group items. Items can be grouped using the standard Inventory
functionality. To do this, select the Inventory Based option.
• Using the hierarchical classification functionality in Oracle Fusion Tax to
define the classification to be used. To do this, select Noninventory based
in the Intended Use Classification field.
During transaction time, the application derives the default intended use fiscal
classification. Override the default value if necessary. The overridden intended
use fiscal classification code is used to determine tax.
Inventory-Based Intended Use Fiscal Classifications
Use inventory-based intended use fiscal classifications to define a classification
that uses the Inventory catalog functionality.
During transaction time, when an item is used on the transaction line, the
application looks for a default intended use fiscal classification and uses that on
the transaction line. At transaction time you can override the default intended
use fiscal classification. The overridden value is used for tax determination and
reporting. However, unlike product fiscal classification, you define only one
level for the intended use fiscal classification.
Set up the following options in the Inventory catalog:
• Do not select the Enable hierarchies for categories option.
• Select Items at leaf level in the Catalog Content field.
• Select the Allow multiple item category assignments option.
• Select the Enable automatic assignment of categories option.
• Select None in the Source Catalog field.
• Do not select a value in the Sharing Control field.
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-55
Care should be taken when defining intended use fiscal classifications based on
catalogs as the application may automatically create a default. This default is
not easily visible on the transaction user interface and therefore, you may not be
aware that a default has been derived and that you may need to change it.
Noninventory-Based Intended Use Fiscal Classifications
Use noninventory-based intended use fiscal classifications to define
classifications that use the functionality within Oracle Fusion Tax. It allows you
to define single level classification codes.
Optionally, link each classification code to a country code. This country code is
used to restrict the list of noninventory-based intended use fiscal classifications
when you enter them in tax rules and during transaction time.
By matching this country code to the tax regime country the list of noninventory-
based intended use fiscal classification codes is restricted. Similarly, the
taxation country is used to restrict the list of intended use fiscal classification
codes displayed at transaction time. In both cases, the list contains the fiscal
classification codes with the matching country or where the country field is
If the code is applicable to multiple countries, leave the country field blank.
Intended Use Fiscal Classifications in Tax Rules
The intended use fiscal classification tax determination factors allow you to use
the intended use fiscal classification in tax rules. A combination of determination
factor class and determining factor represents these determination factors.
Use the Transaction input factor as the determining factor class and Intended
use as the determining factor.
Inventory-Based Intended Use Fiscal Classifications at Transaction Time
During transaction time, when an item is defined on the transaction line, the
application automatically derives the default intended use fiscal classification.
Override this default intended use fiscal classification at the time of transaction,
if necessary.
The intended use fiscal classification is stored in the tax reporting ledger and is
available for reporting.
Inventory-Based Intended Use Fiscal Classifications: Example
In value-added tax (VAT) regimes, most recoverability is driven by the usage of
the purchased product.
This scenario illustrates how the usage of the purchased product can be modeled
using intended use fiscal classifications. Consider that the Oracle Fusion
17-56 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Inventory functionality is available and therefore, use it to define the intended
use fiscal classification codes.
In the United Kingdom the VAT received from purchase of goods associated
with VAT exempt sales cannot be recovered that is, the recovery rate is zero
percent (0%).
To calculate recoverability:
1. Configure Oracle Fusion Inventory catalog.
2. Create a catalog with a name of INTENDED USE for the intended use
fiscal classification.
3. Create class categories such as, Linked to Exempt Sales. The catalog is
used for other classifications such as business entertainment and company
cars. Link all items that are associated with exempt sales to the class
category as follows:
Code Name
EXEMPT SALES Linked to Exempt Sales
BUS ENTERTAINMENT Business Entertainment
While using the intended use fiscal classification, classify the nonstandard items
of your business as standard items. This can be modeled as a default tax rule and
therefore, does not require an explicit classification or an explicit rule. Classify
only exception items and define specific tax rules for them. For a standard item,
none of the explicit rules are applicable and the default rate applies.
4. Create an Inventory-based intended use fiscal classification and link it to
the catalog using the code INTENDED USE.
5. Create the determining factor set and condition set that refer to the
intended use fiscal classification.
6. Create a tax recovery rule based on the determining factor set and the
condition set with zero recovery rate as the result.
Define Basic Catalogs
Catalogs: How They Work Together
A catalog is a collection of categories that you use to classify items. You can
organize the categories into a hierarchy the represents a taxonomy. You create
new categories only in the context of a catalog. You can add existing categories to
one or more catalogs, either from another catalog or as shared categories from a
source catalog.
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-57
You can set the Catalog Content value to Items at all levels which allows items
to be assigned to any level within the category hierarchy, not only to the leaf
The following diagram shows the relationships of the catalog components.
A catalog is a collection of categories that are organized to define a classification
of items. The top most level of a catalog is the catalog root. All categories for the
first level in the category hierarchy are associated with the catalog root through
the catalog category association component.
A category is a component of a catalog that represents a portion of the
classification defined by the categories and category hierarchy in the catalog. You
can associate a category to a catalog through the catalog category association.
Both the shared category and the native category are associated thorough the
catalog category association.
Catalog Category Association
Catalog category association represents the relationship between a catalog and
a category, or a parent category and a child category. Each catalog category
17-58 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
association represents one relationship between the catalog and a category or one
relationship between a parent category and a child category.
Item Category Assignment
Item category assignment represents the assignment of the item to a category in
a catalog. Each item category assignment represents the relationship between a
category and an item.
An item represents objects such as a product, service or template. An item is
assigned through the item category assignment component.
Attachment or Image
Information is associated to the catalog and/or category, or both, through
the attachment framework. Multiple attachments are supported but you can
associate only a single attachment or attachment type image with a catalog or
Catalog Formatting: Explained
The format of a catalog is defined at the time the catalog is created and controls
the behavior of the catalog at runtime.
When you format a catalog the layout controls three main areas and includes the
following tasks, some fields are required, and others are optional.
• Catalog configuration
• Date enablement
• Category sharing
Catalog Configuration
You can configure the catalog, and this affects how the content behaves.
The catalog configuration contains a set of attributes that define the catalog
configuration. These attributes interact to define the runtime behavior of the
The configuration functions are:
• Catalog code: A unique identifier that is used.
• Catalog structure: The key flexfield structure used to define the catalog.
• Controlled at: Controls how items are assigned to categories and has
two values. The first value is master level, which enables the automatic
assignment of items to all child organizations associated with the
master organization, if the current context is a master organization. The
second value is organization level, which assigns the item only to the
organization in the current context.
• Default category: Applies any time a new item is created. The newly
created item is assigned to this category within the catalog automatically.
The automatic assigned is controlled by the functional area.
• Catalog content: Controls what content can be added to the catalog and
where the content can be added. This attribute has three values:
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-59
• The Item at leaf levels allows items to be added only to the bottom level
categories in the hierarchy.
• The Items at all levels allows items to be assigned to any category in the
hierarchy regardless of level.
• Categories only allows categories to be added only to the catalog.
• Allow multiple item category assignment: When this option is selected,
you can assign an item to one or more categories in the catalog. The
default is deselected, which means that each item can be assigned to only
one category in the catalog.
• Enable hierarchies for categories: When this option is selected, you can
create a hierarchy for the catalog. The default is deselected, which means
that the catalog cannot have a hierarchy and categories are associated
with the catalog root.
• Enable automatic assignment of categories: When this option is selected,
the catalog is built by automatically associating all categories, based on
matching the catalog structure value to the category structure value.
Catalog Date Enablement
The date enablement function controls when the catalog is in an active state or
inactive state by using the start date and end date attributes.
Category Sharing
The category sharing function enables sharing by reference to categories from a
designated source catalog.
The sharing function has these attributes:
• Source catalog: A catalog that does not have sharing enabled from which
categories, category hierarchies, and assigned items can be added to the
• Sharing content: Controls what content can be added from the source
catalog. This attribute has three values:
• Categories only: Only categories without assigned items can be shared.
• Items only: Only categories with assigned items can be shared.
• Items and categories: All categories can be shared.
Catalog Details: Explained
You can change a default category so that you can use it for item creation, or
modify the inactive date so that the category is no longer used as you update
a catalog. You can correct mistakes or reclassify the category due to shifting
relationships within the category hierarchy.
You can view and edit a catalog on the Edit Catalog page when you have editing
rights. For users that do not have rights to edit, the page is in read only mode.
17-60 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
The following aspects are important regarding managing and editing catalog
• Catalog header region
• Catalog detail tab
• Category hierarchy tab
Catalog Header Region
This region contains the catalog name and description, the selection of the
default category and the start and end date for the catalog.
Catalog Detail Tab
The Detail tab contains:
• The configuration attributes for the catalog that controls the runtime
behavior for the catalog.
• The sharing attributes for the catalog which controls the source catalog
that will be used for sharing from and what content can be shared.
• The additional information which contains the descriptive flexfields
defined for the catalog.
Category Hierarchy Tab
This contains the category hierarchy region in which the category hierarchy can
be created and maintained. In addition, items can be assigned, and the usage of
the category in other catalog can be viewed, and the attributes for the category
and catalog category association can be edited.
Automatic Assignment Catalogs: Explained
The automatic assignment catalog feature enables you to reduce the cost of
creating and maintaining a catalog. It is a simple way to create a nonhierarchical
catalog because you do not have to add categories manually to the catalog.
All categories that have the same category structure value as the catalog are
automatically assigned and associated to the catalog when you create a catalog
category association for each category. Note that if you create a category in
another catalog with the same structure value as the automatic assignment
catalog, the category is added to your catalog. The categories displayed for auto
assignment catalogs are refreshed only at startup and after you save.
Automatic Assignments
The automatic assignment feature is enabled during catalog creation when you
select the Enable automatic assignment of category check box. When you open
a new catalog, any categories that have the same category structure value as the
catalog structure value for the catalog are automatically assigned to the catalog.
For example, Purchasing may maintain a master catalog containing all categories
that represent commodities. Each commodity team can create categories for their
commodity in their own catalog.
• The master catalog for Purchasing is named Purchasing and is configured
during creation to support the automatic assignment of categories.
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-61
• The Electronic commodity team creates a catalog named Electronics
and proceeds to create categories that represent the classification of
their commodity. The Electronic commodity team creates the categories
televisions, computers, and home theaters.
• The other commodity teams create and maintain separate catalogs.
• Because you enabled automatic assignments for the Purchasing catalog,
any categories created by the commodity teams are added to the catalog
automatically. The Purchasing managers can view the collection of all
commodities represented as categories in the Purchasing catalog.
Manage Catalogs
Catalog Edits: Explained
The Edit Catalog dialog is a shared page that has two modes, view and update.
The view mode displays the selected catalog in a read-only file. The update
mode displays the selected catalog in an editable file. You must have edit catalog
privileges to access the catalog in update mode. You can edit only an active or
future-dated catalog.
The following fields are editable in the catalog:
• Catalog Name
• Description
• Start Date
• End Date
• Default Category
• Allow multiple item category assignment
• Addition Information
• Category Hierarchy
• Category Details
• Items assigned to category
Default Category
You can edit this field to select another category as the default category for item
creation. You cannot remove the default category if the catalog is assigned to a
functional area that requires a default category to be specified.
Allow Multiple Item Category Assignment
This check box is editable only until you assign an item to a category in the
Addition Information
You can edit the values of the descriptive flexfields attributes.
After you make changes, clicking the Save button saves the changes to the
database but will does not close the Edit Catalog page. Clicking the Save and
Close button saves the changes to the database and closes the Edit Catalog page.
17-62 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Categories and Catalog Relationships: Explained
Catalogs are used to organize and classify collections of items by associating
categories to the catalog. The categories are organized to form a taxonomy and
items are assigned to the categories. When a category is associated with the
catalog a catalog category association is created which specifies the relationship
of the association. The catalog category association may also represent the
relationship between two categories, for example a relationship between a parent
category and a child category.
The following aspect is important regarding catalog category association:
• Date enablement attribute value
Catalog Category Association
The catalog category association is date enabled providing the control of when
the catalog category association is active in the catalog and when the catalog
category association is inactive. The catalog category association has two
attributes to support date enablement; the start date and the end date. The start
date is value is the first day that the catalog category association is available or
active for use and the end date is the last day the catalog category association
can be used, after this date the catalog category association is inactive. The date
enablement attribute values are also used to control the visibility of content and
the behavior of the category in the catalog. If a category association is inactive or
end dated, having the value of the end date attribute past the current date, then
the items cannot be assigned to the category.
A catalog category association will be set to inactive state when the category
referenced by the catalog category association is set to an inactive state
automatically, but the display will not be refreshed automatically.
Date Enablement for Catalogs and Categories: Explained
The catalog, categories, and catalog category association use date enablement to
determine if the object specified is active or inactive based on the start date and
end date. The following are date enablement definitions:
• Active An object is active when the current date is later than or equal to
the value of the start date, but earlier than or equal to value of the end
• Inactive An object is inactive when the current date is later than the value
of the end date.
• Future dated An object is future dated when the current date is earlier
than the value of the start date.
You set the date enablement attributes are used to determine when a catalog,
category, or catalog category association is used or visible.
• On the Manage Catalog page, a table filter determines which catalogs
appear. The default value for the choice list is Active, indicating that only
active catalogs will be displayed. You can select the value All to view both
active and inactive catalogs.
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-63
• On the Edit Catalog page, on the category hierarchy tab, two table filters
determine what categories and catalog category associations appear.
The default values for the two choice lists are Active, indicating that
only active categories and active catalog category associations will be
displayed. You can select the value All to view both active and inactive
categories and catalog categories associations.
• Other applications also use the date enablement attributes to filter
information retrieved through application programming interfaces or
services for catalogs.
The following illustration provides the date enablement attributes for these
objects. The catalog, category, or the catalog category association has an internal
state that is active or inactive.
The following aspects are important regarding date enablement for catalogs and
• Start date
• End date
• Catalog and category objects
• Catalog category association
• Catalog and category rules
17-64 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Start Date
The start date is defined as the first date that the object can be active. The start
date can be future dated by setting the value to a date later than the current
date. The start date value defaults to the system date if no date is entered during
catalog or category creation.
End Date
The end date is defined as the last date that the object can be active. The object
is end dated one second after the date specified by the value of End Date, that
is the next day at 12:00:01 a.m. You cannot set the end date in the past. Also, you
can change the end date from a condition when the object is ended to a new
end date greater than or equal to the system date, causing the object to go from
inactive to active. The end date value is optional during catalog or category
Catalog and Category Objects
The start and end dates have been added for the catalog and catalog category
association. The inactive date for categories has been renamed as the end date
and the start date has been added.
Catalog Category Association
The catalog category association is used to specify the parent and child
relationships between catalogs and categories and for category to category
relationships. The catalog category association date enablement is independent
of the category data enablement, except for the case where the category is end
dated; the association is ended automatically as well. The catalog category
association dates represents the state of the category for the catalog in which the
category is associated.
Catalog and Category Rules
When a catalog is inactive the following rules apply:
• All operations for the catalog are disabled; the catalog is not editable.
• The catalog cannot be used in other processes.
• The catalog can be viewed only if you set filters on the Manage Catalog
page to a value of All, enabling you to view active and inactive catalogs.
When a category is inactive the following rules apply:
• All operations for the category are disabled; the category is not editable.
• The category cannot be added to other catalogs.
• The category can be viewed only if you set the filters on the Edit Catalog
page to a value of All, enabling you to view active and inactive catalogs.
• The system sets the catalog category association for the inactive category
to inactive.
When a catalog category association is inactive the following rules apply:
• The category may be inactive or active; if the category is active it can be
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-65
• The catalog category associations and related category can be viewed only
if you set the association filter on the Edit Catalog page to a value of All,
enabling you to view active and inactive catalogs.
When a catalog is future dated the following rules apply:
• All the operations of the catalog are enabled and the catalog is editable.
• The catalog can be used in other processes, if allowed.
• The catalog can be viewed only if the you set the filters on the Manage
Catalog page to value of All.
Catalog Hierarchies: How They Fit Together
You use catalogs to organize and classify collections of items by associating
categories with the catalog. You organize the categories to form a taxonomy and
assign items to the categories. When you associate a category with the catalog,
a catalog category association is created which specifies the relationship of the
association. The catalog category association may also represent the relationship
between two categories, for example, a relationship between a parent category
and a child category.
The following diagram shows the relationships of the category hierarchy
17-66 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
The components of a category hierarchy are:
• Catalog root: The topmost node in category hierarchy that represents the
object called catalog.
• Category: The catalog component that is used to represent the
classification structure.
• Catalog category association: The line in the diagram represents the
relationship between a catalog and category or between a parent category
and child category.
• Item category assignment: The dotted line in the dialog represents the
relationship between a category and an item.
• Reference category: The category C5 in this diagram is shared as a
reference category from a source catalog.
• Leaf level category: The lowest or bottom-level category in a category
hierarchy. You can assign items to all levels in a category hierarchy if you
configure the catalog to support this.
• Browsing category: The category C2 in this diagram is a browsing
category. Browsing categories are categories that you add to the category
hierarchy for the purpose of classification and do not have items assigned
to them.
The category hierarchy does not have a limit on how many levels can be
represented. The category hierarchy can have multiple hierarchies within a
single category hierarchy.
Category Edits: Explained
Categories can be edited only from within an Edit Catalog page, the category
hierarchy tab. The category can be edited by selecting row for the category in the
category hierarchy table and editing the category information in the category
detail panel. The category can only be edited if the category is active and the
catalog is active or future dated.
The category information can be edited in both the details and items tabs.
Details and Items Tabs
The following fields are editable in the category:
• Category name
• Description
• Attachments
• Category start date
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-67
• Category end date
• Items assigned to category
After changes are made the Save button will save the changes to the database
but will not close the Edit Catalog page. The Save and Close button will save the
changes to the database and close the Edit Catalog page.
Catalog Category Association: Explained
The catalog category association can be edited only within the Edit Catalog page,
in the category hierarchy tab. The catalog category association start date and end
date attributes can be edited in the details region.
Category Catalog Associations
You select the category in the category hierarchy table for the catalog category
association that is being edited, the category details are displayed in the right
hand panel. The association start date and association end date are the only
editable fields.
After completing the edits, click on the Save button to save your changes to the
database, the Edit Catalog page will not close. The Save and Close button will
save the changes to the database and close the Edit Catalog page.
Category Details: Explained
You can update category details when you select the row with the category in
the category hierarchy table, the category details are displayed in the right hand
panel in the user interface in an edit mode for all native categories. The category
detail region contains information about the category that is associated to the
catalog. It also contains the association start and end dates.
You can view and edit a catalog on the category details tab when you have
editing rights. For users that do not have rights to edit, the page is in read only
The following aspects are important regarding managing and editing category
• Category details tab
• Items tab
• Where used tab
Category Details Tab
The details tab contains information about the category that has been associated
to the catalog. This information appears in all catalogs, since a category can
be associated to one or more catalogs. The details tab contains the category
17-68 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
configuration, category date enablement, association date enablement, and the
additional attributes for the category.
The details tab contains attributes that define a category. Unstructured
information is added through attachments. Images are added to a category and
are displayed in the category details tab.
Items Tab
The item assignments are specific to the catalog where the category is associated.
Where Used Tab
The Where used tab contains a list of catalogs that the category is associated
Categories: Explained
You can create categories only in the context of a catalog, on the Edit Catalog
page, Category hierarchy tab. When you select the Create icon in the category
hierarchy table, it launches the Create Category dialog.
Consider the following important aspects when creating categories for catalogs:
• Create category region
• Configuration region
• Date enablement region
• Additional information region
Create Category Region
Enter a name and a meaningful description of the category in the create category
region. Optionally, you can add an image and an attachment to this category.
Configuration Region
The key flexfield is determined during creation based on the catalog structure of
the catalog. Enter the key flexfield segment values for the category. The number
of key flexfield segment values depends on how you define the key flexfield
at setup time. The category structure is the key flexfield structure instance that
you create as part of the setup. When you define the key flexfield structure
instance, you define the segments for the structure instance. For example, the
family group and class group are segments. The segments appear in the Create
Category dialog based on the key flexfield structure instance that you select.
The default value of the category content selection value is Items and
Categories, but you can change the value. The values in the category content
choice list vary based on the catalog content value.
The category content attribute value controls the content that you can add to this
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-69
• Items Only: Select to add only items to the category
• Categories Only: Select to add only categories to the category
• Items and Categories: Select to add both items and categories to the
Date Enablement Region
Date enablement determines if an object is active or inactive based on the start
date and end date. When categories are created, the default start date value is the
current date. You can move the category start date beyond the current date to a
future date within the category. The end date value is optional.
Additional Information Region
The additional information region contains all descriptive flexfield attributes
that you set up for categories. You can edit the values of the descriptive flexfield
attributes at the time of category creation.
After you complete the required fields for the catalog, clicking OK creates
the category in the database, adds the category to the point of selection in the
category hierarchy, and closes the dialog.
Category Moves: Explained
You use the move category function in the category tree table region of the Edit
Catalog page. This is a table row action. The dialog is launched when you select
an active or future dated category within the catalog and select this action. The
move category function is disabled when the Enable hierarchies for categories
check box is not checked or left unchecked.
Consider the following important aspects when moving categories within
• Indentifying the new parent
Indentifying the New Parent
The dialog provides the current category parent and allows you to pick a new
category parent. Only the legal category parents are displayed in the choice list.
The category list within the New Parent choice list is filtered by based on a set of
• The new parent category must be an active or future dated category; the
end date value of the category must be later than the current system date.
• The value of the category content for the new parent category must
allow the selected category to be added; the legal values are items and
categories and categories only.
17-70 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
• A selected category associated with the catalog at a level below the
categories at the root categories can be moved to the root of the catalog.
• The new parent category catalog category association must be active; the
end date value of the catalog category association must be later than the
current system date.
Import Category Hierarchies: Explained
Category hierarchy can be created and maintained through a spreadsheet
interface reducing the amount of time to create and maintain catalogs. Existing
catalog content can be exported and the content used in other catalogs for
catalog category hierarchies.
The following aspects are important regarding category hierarchy import used in
• Spreadsheet interface
• Export category hierarchy
Spreadsheet Interface
You can manage the catalog category hierarchy to use the spreadsheet interface
that is available in the Edit Catalog page by using the Export Hierarchy button
to download existing catalog content, modify this content in a spreadsheet, and
upload the content back into the Product Information Management application.
Export Category Hierarchy
You use export category hierarchy for example, when you need to provide the
category hierarchy to a partner. Your partner has the capability to import the
catalog file using an Excel spreadsheet.
You can export the category hierarchy from our catalog and it can be used by
partners. If your partner has the Oracle Product Information Management
solution, they can directly import the category hierarchy into their catalog.
Catalog or Category Attachments: Explained
Catalogs and categories support attachments and use a common component
for managing attachment content. You can add attachments on both the Create
Catalog and Edit Catalog pages.
The attachment component displays a green plus sign icon indicating that no
attachments are available for the object. The Attachment dialog appears when
you click the green plus sign icon. You define the attachment by selecting the
attachment type, file name or Uniform Resource Locator (URL), title, description,
and by indicating whether the attachment can be shared with other objects.
Once you define the attachments and click the OK button, that attachment title
appears in the attachment component region of the page along with a red X icon
that you can click to delete the attachment.
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-71
The attachment file types are:
• File
• Repository File/Folder
• Text
You must provide a title for the file and create a description for the attachment.
You select a file to upload from your desktop.
Repository File/Folder
You click the Browse button to attach a repository file/folder from the document
repository to a catalog. The attachment repository contains existing attachments
and is organized as a set of folders. The Browse button launches the Attachment
Repository dialog to enable you to select an attachment. You must provide a title
for the repository file/folder and create a description for the attachment.
Enter the text string in the field that you want to appear as an attachment. You
must provide a title for the text and create a description for the text attachment.
Enter the URL address to a web page that you want to attach to the catalog. You
must provide a title for the URL attachment and create a description for it.
The Share check box alerts users that you added an attachment and the date that
you performed the task.
Items to Categories Assignment: Explained
You can assign items to categories on the Edit Catalog page, category hierarchy
tab, on the category detail item tab. You can assign items only to active
categories and categories where the Category Content field value is Items and
Categories or Items Only. In addition, you can configure catalogs to control item
assignment to categories within the catalog by selecting the Allow multiple item
category assignment check box, which allows items to be added to all levels of
the category hierarchy.
You select items from a choice list and add them to the category. The choice list is
filtered based on a set of rules:
• Item data level security: Displays only the items that the user has
permission to view and assign.
• Organization context: Based on the organization context that is controlled
by a choice list in the item table header, only the items assigned to
organizations are displayed.
17-72 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Controlling Item Assignment
You also control item assignment by selecting the value of the Controlled at
check box. If you select the Master Level value and the organization context
is a master organization, the items are automatically assigned to all child
organizations that are associated with the master organization.
Catalog Publishing: Explained
Other applications can use catalog data if you export the catalog content. For
example, you may want to export catalog content to use as a monthly report of
all items assigned to a specific catalog. You can use the default publish template
provided in hyper text markup language (HTML). You can specify the content
and layout of the catalog information. When the catalog is published, you select
the format and initiate the creation of the content in the file.
The following aspects are important regarding catalog data to be published:
• Publish a catalog
• Type of catalog content that can be published
Publish a Catalog
You initiate a search for a catalog from the Manage Catalogs page, select the row
corresponding to the catalog that you want to publish and select the Publish
action. The application generates the report based on the default template in
HTML format, and the locale prior to creation of the file. You can select a new
template or format from the report window. The content displayed for items,
categories, catalog categories, and catalog is based on the publish template.
Type of Catalog Content That Can Be Published
The default catalog publish template allows the publication of the catalog header
details, category hierarchy, category details, and category item assignments.
The order of a published report begins with the catalog header and the catalog
category details. If the category has a child relationship then the catalog category
association details for the child category follows. If the child category has a
hierarchy, then the complete hierarchy under the category is published with the
catalog category association details and categories details.
FAQs for Define Basic Catalogs
How can I share catalog content?
Categories can be shared across multiple catalogs allowing catalog content to be
reused and saving the work needed to maintain multiple copies of the categories.
In the case of category sharing, the category structure in the source catalog can
be different than the native catalog.
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-73
Categories can be shared using two methods; the first method is directly
associating the category to the catalog. The category is added to the catalog and
can be edited in the catalog or any catalog the category is associated to. The
items assigned to the category are not shared, but are assigned to the category in
context with the catalog the category is associated. For example if the category
name or description is changed in one catalog, the change will be reflected in all
catalogs where the category is associated, but if items are assigned to a category,
the assignment will be for that single catalog.
The second method of sharing categories is adding a category by reference
into the catalog. During the creation of the catalog, sharing can be enabled by
specifying a single source catalog that will be used for sharing by reference and
setting the value of the sharing content to control what content will be shared
from the source catalog. The advantage of using sharing by reference is source
catalog content can be shared to multiple catalogs and maintained in a single
place, the source catalog. In addition, the referenced content can be more than
one category, for example a complete category hierarchy and any assigned items
to categories in shared content can also be reference within the catalog.
How can I define category hierarchies?
Categories can be organized to represent classification taxonomies. The hierarchy
organizations for categories have parent and child relationships that form a
tree structure. The category hierarchy is created and maintained within the Edit
Catalog page, category hierarchy tab. The category hierarchy is shown in true
relationship to the way it is defined.
The category hierarchy can be created using two methods: the first is manually
creating the hierarchy by adding referenced categories, duplicating categories or
creating category for the catalog.
The second method for creating the hierarchy is by importing the category
hierarchy through the spreadsheet interface. The category hierarchy can be
exported from other catalog or other sources, edited and imported into a new
catalog, additionally it can be added manually to the spreadsheet.
The category hierarchy can be edited using Move Category. The catalog category
association cannot be deleted, but can be end dated to make the catalog category
association inactive. The category hierarchy table provides a choice list filter that
controls what catalog category associations and categories area displayed based
on the date enablement. The category hierarchy can also be edited by exporting
the complete hierarchy, editing it and importing the category hierarchy back into
the catalog.
How can I duplicate categories?
You can select and duplicate a category as a quick way to create a similar
category configuration. Selecting the Duplicate icon action launches a Create
Category dialog that has attribute fields populated based on the selected
category attribute values. The category name is prefixed with Copy_ followed by
the name of the selected category. You fill in the required field information in the
key flexfield segment values which are blank. Once the category attributes are
updated and the key flexfield segments values are entered, the OK button adds
17-74 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
the newly created category into the category hierarchy of the selected category
you have configured.
How can I add categories?
Categories are catalog components that are associated to a catalog for purpose
of classification of items. You can add existing categories to the point of selection
which can be a category in the hierarchy or the root of the catalog. If no category
is selected, the default is the root of the catalog.
You can add categories by selecting the Add Category field and selecting the
value Add Category. You can then search for existing categories based on the
value of the catalog structure for the catalog. You can narrow the search for
existing categories by using the Advance Search region in the dialog. You can
add each selected category by selecting the Apply button and the add category
region remains open. The OK button adds a category if a category is selected and
then closes the dialog.
How can I add shared categories?
Adding a shared category is similar to adding an existing category except the
category is selected from the catalog that has been designated as a source catalog.
The sharing content attribute value determines what content is shared from
the source catalog. A category within a source catalog that has been added to a
native catalog is also known as a referenced category. You use the drop list menu
from the Add Categories menu, and the Shared Category option will be disabled
if the catalog has not been configured for category sharing.
How can I add images to a catalog or category?
You can attach an image from your desktop or from a configured repository
to a catalog or a category, or both. The image is displayed in the catalog detail
and the category detail section of the catalog page. Only one image can be
associated with a catalog or category. To attach an image, select the green plus
icon to launch the Manage Attachment dialog. The image attachment type can
have values of File or Repository File/Folder and is selected in this dialog.
The title you provide for the image attachment will appear under the image
that is displayed in the catalog. The description you provide is not displayed.
Browse will allow you to select the file to be used as the image for the catalog
or category. After the information is entered in to the dialog, you click the OK
button to load the image and the image attachment title will be displayed under
the image. The image will not initially be displayed until the catalog is saved.
The image can be replaced with another image by selecting the red X to delete
the existing image and entering a new image.
What is catalog mapping?
You use Catalog Category mapping to map categories of different catalogs to the
reporting categories in other catalogs. This feature allows one or more categories
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-75
within a catalog to be mapped to category in a second catalog. For example,
suppose that you want to roll up the costs associated with allow items assigned
to a set of categories in catalog. Catalog mapping allows you to select a category
in a catalog, and map all the categories in the set to that category. When you use
this feature you are required to write code to do the roll up as identified in the
FAQs for Manage Default Catalogs
How can I map default catalogs?
You can map a catalog to be assigned to a functional area such as Purchasing.
When a catalog is assigned to a functional area, the catalog will behave based on
the rules you defined for that functional area. Only one catalog can be assigned
to a functional area.
Define Transaction Tax Classifications
Define Transaction Tax Classifications: Overview
Many tax regimes define rules for specific transactions or information related to
the transaction. To support these requirements Oracle Fusion Tax has extensive
and powerful features to allow the transaction process to be classified. These
classifications provide a conceptual model to classify the type of transactions
and documents related to the transaction. Set up your transaction process
classifications in the Define Transaction Tax Classifications activity.
The following process classifications for tax purposes can be used within Oracle
Fusion Tax and are summarized in the following table:
Process Classification Description
Transaction business category Use this classification to classify a transaction line to
define the type of transaction.
Transaction fiscal classification Use this classification to group transaction business
categories so that tax rules setup and maintenance
can be minimized.
Document fiscal classification Use this classification where there is a need to
relate documents to a transaction that affect the tax
applicability or determination of transaction taxes on
the transaction.
User-defined fiscal classification Use this classification for classifying transaction lines
where none of other classification are appropriate.
If possible, use other fiscal classifications that are automatically derived at
transaction time in preference to the process classification which requires manual
intervention at transaction time.
17-76 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Use these classifications as determining factors within tax rules in the tax
determination process, although you can also use them for tax reporting.
Transaction Business Categories: Explained
Use transaction business categories to classify transaction lines to drive tax
determination and reporting.
Transaction business categories provide a hierarchy of up to five levels. The first
level is predefined with standard events that are supported by Oracle Fusion
Tax. The predefined levels are:
Use the transaction business category functionality to add additional levels
and transaction business categories to these levels. However, you cannot
add additional level one transaction business categories, you can only add
additional transaction business categories that are children, or lower levels, of
the predefined level one records.
When defining additional transaction business categories, use the Country
field to specify the taxation countries where the transaction business category is
used. During transaction time, the taxation country is used to restrict the list of
transaction business categories that are available on the transaction line to those
that have been set up with the same country or where the country is blank.
When setting up transaction business categories, leave the Country field blank
or use the country name as defined on any parent level of the record that is being
Use the Associated Transaction Fiscal Classifications region to link a specific
transaction business category to the transaction fiscal classification. You can use
this association to allow different transaction business categories to be linked to
the same transaction fiscal classification. This facilitates in setting up tax rules
using a specific transaction fiscal classification instead of creating multiple tax
rules for different transaction business categories.
While setting up the transaction business categories, use different levels so that
you can define all of the necessary tax rules at the highest level possible. This
facilitates in minimizing the needed number of tax rules.
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-77
Transaction Business Categories in Tax Rules
The transaction business category tax determination factors allow you to use
the transaction business category in tax rules. A combination of determination
factor class, class qualifier, and determining factor represent these determination
Use the transaction generic classification as the determining factor class, the level
of the transaction business category being used, level 1, level 2, level 3, level 4, or
level 5 as the class qualifier, and transaction business category as the determining
When a country name is specified on the condition set, the application selects
only those transaction business categories that match the country name or where
the country name is blank on the transaction business category.
Transaction Business Categories at Transaction Time
During transaction time, enter the transaction business category on the
transaction line to classify the transaction line for tax determining and reporting
The transaction business category is stored in the tax reporting ledger and is
available for reporting.
Transaction Business Categories: Example
Transaction business categories classify transaction lines for tax determination
and reporting.
The following scenario illustrates how transaction business categories can be
used for tax determination and reporting in Brazil.
In Brazil, you need to identify a transaction correctly to be able to report and
determine the correct applicable taxes. Create specific transaction business
categories as children of the sales transaction. The transaction business categories
Level Fiscal
Classification Code
Country Start Date
1 SALES_TRANSACTIONSales Transaction 1-Jan-1951
Manufactured for
Brazil The earliest
transaction date or
start date of tax.
Manufactured for
Brazil The earliest
transaction date or
start date of tax.
17-78 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
To create these transaction business categories:
1. On the Manage Transaction Business Codes page select the
2. Click Create Child Node. The Create Fiscal Classification Code page
3. Enter the values as shown in the above table. By default, the start date is
the start date of the sales transaction parent record, that is, 1-Jan-1951.
4. Specify the latest of:
a. Earliest applicable transaction to be used in the implementation.
b. Start date of the applicable Brazilian tax.
Specify the country name while creating transaction business categories. This
ensures that a limited applicable list is presented while entering the transaction
business category during transaction or tax rule creation.
While using the transaction business categories classification, classify the
nonstandard items of your business as standard items. This can be modeled as
a default tax rule and therefore, does not require an explicit classification or an
explicit tax rule. Classify only exception items and define specific tax rules for
them. For a standard item, none of the explicit tax rules are applicable and the
default rate applies.
Transaction Fiscal Classifications: Explained
Use transaction fiscal classifications to categorize transaction business categories
so that multiple transaction business categories can be classified and a single
transaction fiscal classification can be used within the tax rules. This facilitates all
of the applicable transaction business categories to trigger the relevant tax rule.
Transaction fiscal classifications provide a hierarchy of up to five levels. Each
grouping of 1 to 5 levels is given a fiscal classification type group, which is used
to retrieve all of the associated levels of one transaction fiscal classification type.
You assign each level a fiscal classification type code and name with associated
start and end dates. Use the fiscal classification type code as the determining
factor when you create tax rules. The start date must be equal to or before
the earliest transaction date that triggers a tax rule that uses the applicable
transaction fiscal classification.
Associate each fiscal classification type record with a tax regime that is used
when the tax rules are created. This ensures that the list of values of the
transaction fiscal classification is restricted by the tax regime for which the tax
rule is being created.
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-79
Set the transaction fiscal classification start date to the earliest tax regime start
date of any tax that uses the given transaction fiscal classification.
To create these transaction fiscal classifications:
1. On the Create Transaction Fiscal Classification Types page save the
current transaction fiscal classification type values before proceeding to
the next step of creating transaction fiscal classification codes, associating
business categories, and specifying tax reporting codes.
2. Use the Edit Transaction Fiscal Classification Codes page to create the
level 1 fiscal classification code nodes.
a. Select the level 1 node.
b. Click the Create Child Node to create the subordinate levels. Create
the subordinate levels up to the maximum levels defined for the
transaction fiscal classification type group.
3. Associate the fiscal classification type record with one or more transaction
fiscal classification codes. These codes are used to group the transaction
business category, which is used in the tax rule as the condition set value.
While setting up the transaction fiscal classification, use different levels so
that all of the necessary tax rules are defined at the highest level possible. This
facilitates in minimizing the needed number of tax rules.
Associate and form a relationship between the transaction fiscal classification
codes and the transaction fiscal classification. This relationship is used during
transaction time to derive the transaction fiscal classification that validates the
tax rules that use the transaction fiscal classification.
Use the Associated Codes Details region to define the relationship between
transaction fiscal classification codes, the transaction business category codes,
and the tax reporting codes. Use the Transaction Business Category Codes and
the Tax Reporting Codes tab to define the relationship.
Transaction Fiscal Classifications in Tax Rules
The transaction fiscal classification tax determination factors allow you to use
the transaction fiscal classifications in tax rules. A combination of determination
factor class and determining factor represent these determination factors.
Use the transaction fiscal classification as the determining factor class and the
specific transaction fiscal classification type as the determining factor.
Transaction Fiscal Classifications at Transaction Time
During transaction time, use the transaction business category entered on the
transaction line to classify the transaction line. The application derives the
transaction fiscal classification using the defined relationship between the
transaction business category and the transaction fiscal classification.
17-80 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
The tax determination process uses the derived transaction fiscal classification
and any associated parent records for the higher levels to compare against the
relevant tax rules.
Transaction Fiscal Classifications: Example
A transaction fiscal classification is the grouping multiple transaction business
categories into a single transaction fiscal classification that is used with tax rules.
This facilitates in triggering all of the applicable transaction business categories
with relevant tax rules.
The following scenario illustrates how transaction fiscal classifications can be
used for tax determination and reporting in Brazil.
In Brazil, you need to identify a transaction correctly to be able to report and
determine the correct applicable taxes. Create specific transaction business
categories as children of the sales transaction. The transaction business categories
Level Fiscal
Classification Code
Country Start Date
1 SALES_TRANSACTIONSales Transaction 1-Jan-1951
Manufactured for
Brazil The earliest
transaction date or
start date of tax.
Manufactured for
Brazil The earliest
transaction date or
start date of tax.
Specify the country name while creating transaction business categories. This
ensures that a limited applicable list is presented while entering the transaction
fiscal classification during transaction or tax rule creation.
In this classification and many other tax classifications, classify the nonstandard
items of your business as standard items. This can be modeled as a default
tax rule and therefore, does not require an explicit classification or an explicit
rule. Classify only exception items and define specific tax rules for them. For a
standard item, none of the explicit tax rules are applicable, only the default rate
The tax rules that apply to sales transactions are also applicable to purchase
transactions. In this case, equivalent set rules are needed to represent the
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-81
purchase side of the same transaction type. Therefore, create the following
additional transaction business categories:
Level Fiscal
Classification Code
Country Start Date
Manufactured for
Brazil The earliest
transaction date or
start date of tax.
Manufactured for
Brazil The earliest
transaction date or
start date of tax.
In the above scenario, instead of creating tax rules based on the type of
transaction business category, that is, separate tax rules for sales and purchase
transactions, create a single transaction fiscal classification and both the
applicable sales and purchase transactions can be linked to it.
Create the following specific transaction fiscal classification with the relevant
tax regime and transaction business category associations. In addition, create
appropriate tax rules against this transaction fiscal classification.
Level Transaction Fiscal
Classification Code
Fiscal Classification
Start Date
Brazil Manufacture 1-Jan-1951
At transaction time, the tax determination process derives this transaction fiscal
classification whenever the related transaction business categories are used on
the transaction.
Document Fiscal Classifications: Explained
Use the document fiscal classification in situations where the documentation
associated with the transaction is needed for tax determination and reporting.
Unlike other process classifications, document classifications are associated with
the header of the transaction and therefore, apply to all the transaction lines on a
Document fiscal classifications provide a hierarchy of up to five levels. When
defining the document fiscal classification codes, use the Country field to specify
the taxation countries where the document fiscal classification is used.
During transaction time, the taxation country is used to restrict the list of
document fiscal classification on the transaction line to those that have been set
up with the same country or where the country is blank. When setting up the
document fiscal classification, leave the Country field blank or use the same
country that is defined on any parent level of the record that is being added.
17-82 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
While setting up the document fiscal classification, use different levels so that
all the necessary rules are defined at the highest level possible. This facilitates in
minimizing the needed number of tax rules.
Document Fiscal Classifications in Tax Rules
The document fiscal classification tax determination factors allow you to
use the document fiscal classification in tax rules. A combination of the
determination factor class, class qualifier, and determining factor represents
these determination factors.
Use document as the determining factor class, the level of the transaction
business category being used, level 1, level 2, level 3, level 4, or level 5 as the
class qualifier, and the document fiscal classification as the determining factor.
The value you enter against the condition set is the document fiscal classification
code or name set up for the specific level defined in the class qualifier, as well
as for the same country or where the country is blank on the document fiscal
Document Fiscal Classifications at Transaction Time
During transaction time, enter the document fiscal classification on the
transaction to classify the transaction for tax determining and reporting
The document fiscal classification is stored in the tax reporting ledger and is
available for reporting.
Document Fiscal Classifications: Example
The document fiscal classifications classify transactions for tax determination
and reporting. Use this classification when the documentation associated
with the transaction is needed to support the tax determination and reporting
The following scenario illustrates how Intra-EU supplies are controlled through
zero-rating of transactions. A zero-rating is given to a transaction only when the
export documentation related to the transaction is received.
When the export documentation is not received in time, the customer is invoiced
with the VAT that is applicable in the country of the supplier. The transaction
is not zero-rated, which is the normal case for Intra-EU business-to-business
To model this scenario, create a document fiscal classification and attach it to
a transaction only when the documentation is received. If the document fiscal
classification is not attached to a transaction, the Intra-EU goods business-to-
business supply rules are not triggered and the applicable VAT is charged.
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-83
When the documentation is received after the invoice is generated, the invoice
that is sent is credited and a new invoice is produced.
Create the following document fiscal classification:
Level Fiscal
Classification Code
Country Start Date
Sales Transaction The earliest
transaction date or
start date of tax.
Intra-EU Export
The earliest
transaction date or
start date of tax.
The tax rule that defines the conditions under which the Intra-EU supply of
business-to-business goods are zero-rated includes a determining factor as
shown in the following table:
Determining Factor
Class Qualifier Determining Factor Operator Value
Document Level 2 Document Fiscal
Equal to INTRA-EU
Specify the country name while creating transaction business categories. This
ensures that a limited applicable list is presented while entering the document
fiscal classification during transaction or tax rule creation.
In this classification and many other tax classifications, classify the nonstandard
items of your business as standard items. This can be modeled as a default
tax rule and therefore, does not require an explicit classification or an explicit
rule. Classify only exception items and define specific tax rules for them. For a
standard item none of the explicit tax rules are applicable, only the default rate
User-Defined Fiscal Classifications: Explained
Use user-defined fiscal classification to classify transactions to drive tax
determination and reporting. Use user-defined fiscal classifications when other
classifications are not appropriate or an additional classification is required.
Enter user-defined classifications on a transaction line at the time of transaction.
User-defined fiscal classifications provide only one level. When defining the
user-defined fiscal classification codes, use the Country field to specify the
17-84 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
taxation countries where that user-defined fiscal classification is used. Leave the
country blank if the user-defined fiscal classification code is used for multiple
countries. When setting up user-defined fiscal classification, leave the country
field blank or use the same country as defined on any parent level of the record
that is being added. During transaction time, the taxation country is used to
restrict the list of user-defined fiscal classifications on the transaction line to
those that are set up with the same country or where the country is blank on the
user-defined fiscal classification.
User-Defined Fiscal Classifications in Tax Rules
The user-defined fiscal classification tax determination factors allow you to use
user-defined fiscal classification in tax rules. A combination of determination
factor class and determining factor represent these determination factors.
Use the transaction input factor as the determining factor class and user-defined
fiscal classification as the determining factor.
The value entered against the condition set is the specific user-defined fiscal
classification code or name and the same country or where the country on the
user-defined fiscal classification is blank.
User-Defined Fiscal Classifications at Transaction Time
During transaction time, enter the user-defined fiscal classification on the
transaction line to classify the transaction for tax determination and reporting
The user-defined fiscal classification is stored in the tax reporting ledger and is
available for reporting.
User-Defined Fiscal Classifications: Example
Use the user-defined fiscal classification to classify transactions for tax
determination and reporting. This classification is used when other
classifications are not appropriate or an additional classification is required in tax
determination and reporting.
This scenario illustrates how a user-defined fiscal classification is used to identify
if a customer is a foreign diplomat and therefore, exempt from value-added tax
To model this scenario, create a user-defined fiscal classification that is added
to a transaction line only when the customer is a foreign diplomat and VAT is
In practice, it is likely that most businesses monitor such transactions and
therefore, specifically create a zero (0%) rate within the exempt tax status to
allow monitoring of such situations. By reporting this specific 0% rate, all
applicable transaction can be identified.
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-85
Create the following user-defined fiscal classification:
Fiscal Classification
Fiscal Classification
Country Start Date
Foreign Diplomat
United Kingdom The earliest transaction
date or start date of tax.
Set up the following determining factor for the tax rule that defines the condition
where the sales transaction is zero percent (0%) rated using the special exempt
rate, tax status and tax rate rule:
Determining Factor
Class Qualifier Determining Factor Operator Value
Transaction Input
User-Defined Fiscal
Equal to FOREIGN
This tax rule, to apply a zero tax rate to a transaction, is applicable only when the
user-defined fiscal classification is associated with the transaction line.
Specify the country name while creating the user-defined fiscal classification.
This ensures that a limited applicable list is presented while entering the user-
defined fiscal classification during transaction or tax rule creation.
Define Party Classifications
Party Information: Explained
Party classification defines the different types of party. Use party classifications
to define party types for tax determination and tax reporting purposes.
Oracle Fusion Tax uses two types of tax party classifications:
• Party fiscal classifications
• Legal party classifications
Both are used to classify parties to provide determining factors or building
blocks on which tax rules are defined. They are also used to classify parties so
that they can be reported.
Party Fiscal Classifications
Use party classifications to classify your customers, suppliers, first party legal
entities, and first party legal reporting units for tax determination and tax
17-86 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Define the party classification categories and associated classification codes
within the Oracle Fusion Trading Community Model party classification
setup. Create the party fiscal classifications and associate the specific
Trading Community Model party classification category to these party fiscal
classifications, one for each level of the specific Trading Community Model party
classification category. Associate tax regimes to these party classifications to
ensure that these relationships are only visible and usable where needed. Oracle
Fusion Tax uses this relationship to indicate which Trading Community Model
party classification categories are used for tax purposes. By reusing the Trading
Community Model party classification category functionality Oracle Fusion Tax
can leverage the common classification setup and where applicable, use that for
tax purposes.
Within the party fiscal classifications functionality, define the Trading
Community Model classification level to use within Oracle Fusion Tax. For
example, if you have a three level Trading Community Model party fiscal
classification category, define three levels, giving each a specific party fiscal
classification code and name. By naming each level, you can use the specific
level as a determining factor when defining tax rules. Use the same party
fiscal classification flow to define the tax regimes with which the party fiscal
classifications are associated.
You can only amend the number of levels by increasing the number of levels. It is
not possible to decrease the number of levels once the record has been stored.
Once you have defined your Trading Community Model party classification and
associated it with a party fiscal classification and tax regime, you can use it to
classify your parties and party sites. These parties and party sites are:
• Customers
• Customer sites
• Suppliers
• Supplier sites
• Legal entities
• Legal reporting units
In the case of supplier and customer parties and party sites, you can associate the
specific party classification codes used for tax purposes using either:
• Party tax profile flows within Customer Maintenance and Supplier
• Dedicated flows in Oracle Fusion Tax.
Legal Party Classifications
Legal party classifications are similar to party fiscal classifications. Both use the
Trading Community Model party classification setup and allows you to classify
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-87
the party for tax determination and tax reporting purposes. However, the legal
party classifications are predefined and are available when you implement the
The following legal classification codes are predefined:
Legal Party Type Code Legal Party Type Name
LEGAL_ACTIVITY_CODE_CL Legal activity code for Chile
LEGAL_ACTIVITY_CODE_PE Legal activity code for Peru
LEGAL_ACTIVITY_CODE_VE Legal activity code for Venezuela
LEGAL_ACTIVITY_CODE_CO Legal activity code for Columbia
2003 SIC Legal activity code for United Kingdom
Use legal party classifications to classify first party legal entities within the Legal
Entity setup functionality. Use these classifications as determining factors within
tax rules. Association between the legal party classification and specific legal
parties is done within the Legal Entity Maintenance flow.
No specific setup is required as the legal party classifications are predefined and
can be directly used in tax rule setup.
Party Fiscal Classifications: How They Work in Tax Rules and Tax
Party fiscal classification tax determination factors allow you to use party fiscal
classifications in tax rules. A combination of determination factor class, class
qualifier, and determining factor represent these determination factors. In the
tax rules setup, define the actual party to be used to determine the relevant party
fiscal classification by using a generic definition for class qualifier. You can also
use party fiscal classifications for tax reporting.
Party Fiscal Classifications in Tax Rules
Depending on the type of transaction, the following generic class qualifiers
are defined as class qualifiers when using the party fiscal classification as a tax
determining factor:
• Supplier bill-from party
• Bill-to party
• Ship-to party
• Ship-from party
• Point-of-acceptance party
• Point-of-origin party
Oracle Fusion Tax translates the generic parties into specific transaction parties
as defined in the following table:
17-88 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Generic Party Order-to-Cash Party Procure-to-Pay Party
Bill-from party First party legal entity Supplier
Bill-to party Customer First party legal entity
Ship-to party Customer (ship-to) party site First party legal entity
Ship-from party First party legal reporting unit Supplier (ship-from) party site
Point-of-acceptance party Customer point of acceptance
Not applicable
Point-of-origin party Customer point of origin party Not applicable
Always use the highest applicable level to define the party classification. For
example, if appropriate, define the party fiscal classification at the customer or
supplier level instead of defining the same classification on all the party sites for
the customer and suppliers.
Because party fiscal classifications are automatically derived during transaction
time, use them as determining factors instead of process-based determining
factors, which require manual entry for every transaction.
Party Fiscal Classifications in Tax Reporting
Use party classifications to classify parties for tax reporting purposes if specific
party classifications need to be reported. However, you should use tax reporting
codes for tax reporting instead of party fiscal classifications as it offers a more
flexible and less intrusive mechanism to support reporting without creating
unnecessary complexity in setup and maintenance.
Classifying Parties: Example
The following example illustrates using party fiscal classifications in tax rules. It
is based on the following scenario:
• A company Widget Inc., UK Ltd. produces widgets that are used by
military forces who are part of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization
• The widgets are sold to the Belgium Troops stationed in UK under a joint
NATO exercise.
• The supply of widgets by Widget Inc., UK Ltd. is within the terms
and conditions of supplies to NATO forces which allows a supplier to
zero rate supplies to visiting NATO forces. See Visiting Forces - HMRC
Reference: Notice 431 (November 2003).
This dispensation is given when deliveries are made to:
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-89
• NATO visiting forces in the UK, specifically those from: Belgium,
Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary,
Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal,
Spain, Turkey, and United States of America.
• The NATO International Military Headquarters at Northwood and
High Wycombe.
• The American Battle Monuments Commission in respect of supplies of
goods and services for the maintenance of the US military cemeteries at
Brookwood and Madingley.
Creating Party Classifications and Tax Rules
To model this requirement, the company site that represents the Belgium troops
working at the joint NATO exercise is associated with GB Special Tax Parties, a
special party classification type and NATO Troops, a party fiscal classification
To do this:
1. Create an Oracle Fusion Trading Community Model party classification of
GB Special Tax Parties with a level one code of Zero Rated Parties.
2. Create a level 2 code for this level 1 code of NATO.
3. Create party fiscal classifications of GB Special Tax Parties Level 1 and GB
Special Tax Parties Level 2, which are linked to the Trading Community
Model party classification.
4. Associate the party fiscal classifications with the GB VAT tax regime using
a start date of the earliest transaction date of supplies to this or similar
customer sites.
5. Associate the company site that represents the Belgium troops working at
the joint NATO exercise to the GB Special Tax Parties Level 2 party fiscal
classification using code of NATO.
6. Create the determining factor set and condition set that uses this
classification code Zero Rated Parties of the level 1 party fiscal
classification type. No specific Determine Tax Rate tax rule is needed as
you can set up the zero tax rate as the default tax rate for this tax status.
7. Create a Determine Tax Status tax rule linked to a zero tax status by using
the determining factor and condition set created above.
At transaction time the tax determination process considers this tax status rule
and derives a zero tax status when the customer ship-to party is associated with
the level 1 party fiscal classification of GB Special Tax Parties Level 1 and code of
Zero Rated Parties.
Use the levels in the Trading Community Model party classification categories
model and the party fiscal classification setup to group party classification
categories together.
17-90 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Define tax rules at the highest level possible thus minimizing the number
of tax rules needed. In this example, the tax rule uses the level 1 party fiscal
classification to determine the zero tax status.
FAQs for Define Party Classifications
What's the difference between legal classifications and fiscal classifications?
Legal classifications are a unique classification associated with a legal entity
that represents its legal status within a country and that also guides the tax
determination process. They should be defined by the Trading Community
Architecture legal entity. In some countries these legal classifications are defined
• Business activity type
• Business activity code
• Business activity description
Party fiscal classifications also are defined using the Trading Community
Architecture application. They determine, for example, when taxes apply to a
party, how much tax applies, and what percentage of the tax is recoverable.
You can use legal classifications for fiscal classification purposes. In effect, a legal
classification just becomes another party fiscal classification for tax purposes.
Define Taxes
Regimes to Rates: Explained
Regime to rate setup contains the details of a tax regime, including all taxes, tax
jurisdictions, tax statuses, and tax rates. You can update existing records or create
new records at any point in the tax regime hierarchy.
Regime to rate setup tasks include:
• Tax regimes
• Taxes
• Tax jurisdictions
• Tax statuses
• Tax rates
Tax Regimes
Set up tax regimes in each country and geographical region where you do
business and where a separate tax applies. A tax regime associates a common
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-91
set of default information, regulations, fiscal classifications, and optionally,
registrations, to one or more taxes. For example, in the United States create
a Sales and Use Tax tax regime to group taxes levied at the state, county, and
district levels.
The tax regime provides these functions:
• Groups similar taxes together
• Designates the geography within which taxes apply
• Applies as defaults the settings and values that you define for each tax in
the tax regime
• Defines for which taxes the configuration options apply and a specific
subscription option applies
• Provides a single registration for all taxes associated with the tax regime
• Defines the use of fiscal classifications as follows:
• Transaction fiscal classifications
• Product fiscal classifications
• Party fiscal classifications
The common tax regime setup is one tax regime per country per tax type,
with the tax requirements administered by a government tax authority for the
entire country. There are also cases where tax regimes are defined for standard
geographical types or subdivisions within a country, such as a state, province,
country, or city. In these cases, you base the tax regime on the Oracle Fusion
Trading Community Model standard geography.
There are more rare cases where a tax regime is based on disparate parts of a
country or more than one country. In these cases, you can create one or more
tax zones and set up tax regimes for these tax zones. You can also set up a tax
regime as a parent tax regime to group related tax regimes together for reporting
You must set up a tax regime before you set up the taxes in the tax regime. Some
tax regime values appear as defaults on the taxes that belong to the tax regime in
order to help minimize tax setup.
You must associate a tax regime with all of the first party legal entities and
business units that are subject to the tax regulations of the tax regime. You can set
up tax configuration options when you create or edit a tax regime or when you
create or edit a first party legal entity tax profile. Both setup flows appear and
maintain the same party and tax regime configuration options.
Set up details for the taxes of a tax regime. Each separate tax in a tax regimes
includes records for the tax statuses, tax rates, and tax rules that are used
to calculate and report on the tax. Oracle Fusion Tax applies as defaults tax
information from the tax regime to each tax that you create under a tax regime.
You can modify this information at the tax level according to your needs, as
well as add additional defaults and overrides. For tax rule defaults, specify
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values that apply to the majority of your transactions. Use tax rules to configure
exceptions to the tax rule defaults.
Identify what taxes you must define. Each tax appears as a single tax line on a
transaction. If you need to show or report more than one tax line per transaction
line on a transaction, then you should set up more than one tax. For example, for
US Sales and Use Tax you would define a tax for each state, county, and city.
You can create a new tax, or create a tax that is based on an existing tax within
the tax regime. You do this to minimize setup by sharing tax jurisdictions and tax
registrations. When you create a new tax based on an existing tax, the attributes
that remain constant for all taxes derived from the source tax are not available
for update. Attributes that are copied and are display only include:
• Tax regime
• Tax
• Geography information
• Tax jurisdiction settings
The enable tax settings are not selected, in the same way that they are not
selected when you access the Create Tax page.
You can enable a tax for simulation or for transactions only after you have
completed all of the required setup.
Tax Jurisdictions
Set up tax jurisdictions for geographic regions or tax zones where a specific tax
authority levies a tax. A tax jurisdiction specifies the association between a tax
and a geographic location. At transaction time, Oracle Fusion Tax derives the
jurisdiction or jurisdictions that apply to a transaction line based on the place
of supply. You must set up at least one tax jurisdiction for a tax before you can
make the tax available on transactions.
You also use tax jurisdictions to define jurisdiction-based tax rates. A tax
jurisdiction tax rate is a rate that is distinct to a specific geographic region or tax
zone for a specific tax. You can also create multiple jurisdictions at once using
the mass create functionality for taxes that relate to specific Trading Community
Model geographic hierarchies. For example, create a county jurisdiction for every
county in the parent geography type of State and in the parent geography name
of California.
The tax within a tax jurisdiction can have different rates for the parent and child
geographies. For example, a city sales tax rate can override a county rate for the
same tax. In this case, you can set up an override geography type for the city
and apply a precedence level to the city and county tax jurisdictions to indicate
which tax jurisdiction takes precedence.
In addition, in some cities a different city rate applies to the incorporated area
of the city, called the inner city. In these cases, you can set up an inner city tax
jurisdiction with its own tax rate for the applicable customers and receivables
tax. Inner city tax jurisdictions are often based on postal code groupings.
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-93
Tax Statuses
Set up the tax statuses that you need for each tax that you create for a
combination of tax regime, tax, and configuration owner. A tax status is the
taxable nature of a product in the context of a transaction and specific tax on the
transaction. You define a tax status to group one or more tax rates that are the
same or similar in nature.
For example, one tax can have separate tax statuses for standard, zero,
exemptions, and reduced rates. A zero rate tax status may have multiple zero
rates associated with it, such as Intra-EU, zero-rated products, or zero-rated
You define a tax status under a tax and a configuration owner, and define all
applicable tax rates and their effective periods under the tax status. The tax
status controls the defaulting of values to its tax rates.
Tax Rates
Set up tax rates for your tax statuses and tax jurisdictions. For tax statuses, set
up a tax rate record for each applicable tax rate that a tax status identifies. For
tax jurisdictions, set up tax rate records to identify the tax rate variations for a
specific tax within different tax jurisdictions. For example, a city sales tax for a
state or province may contain separate city tax jurisdictions, each with a specific
tax rate for the same tax.
You can also define tax recovery rates to claim full or partial recovery of taxes
You can define tax jurisdiction and tax status rates as a percentage or as a value
per unit of measure. For example, a city may charge sales tax at a rate of 8
percent on most goods, but may levy a duty tax with a special rate of 0.55 USD
per US gallon on fuel. Values per unit of measure are in the tax currency defined
for the tax.
You define tax rate codes and rate detail information per rate period. Rate
periods account for changes in tax rates over time. A tax rate code can also
identify a corresponding General Ledger taxable journal entry.
Tax Recovery Rates
Set up tax recovery rate codes for the recovery types identified on the taxes
within a tax regime. A tax recovery rate code identifies the percentage of
recovery designated by the tax authority for a specific transaction. In Canada,
where more than one type of recovery is possible for a given tax, you must set
up the applicable tax recovery rate codes for both the primary and secondary
recovery types that can apply to a transaction.
If you set the Allow tax recovery option for a tax within a tax regime, then
you must set up at least one recovery rate for the tax in order to make the tax
available on transactions. If the recovery rate can vary based on one or more
factors, including the parties, locations, product or product purpose, then
set up tax rules to determine the appropriate recovery rate to use on specific
transactions. At transaction time, Oracle Fusion Tax uses the recovery rate
derived from the recovery tax rules, or uses instead the default recovery rate that
17-94 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
you define, if no recovery rate rules are defined or if no existing recovery rate
rule applies to the transaction.
Minimum Tax Configuration: Explained
Oracle Fusion Tax provides you with a single interface for defining and
maintaining the taxes that are applicable in each country where you do business.
The minimum tax configuration path to meet the basic tax requirements of
transactions in a given regime is a 2-step configuration process:
1. Define tax regime: This step includes the tax regime definition as well as
the subscription by the appropriate legal entity or business unit.
2. Define transaction taxes: This step includes the basic tax definition,
controls and defaults, direct and indirect tax rule defaults, and tax
The following prerequisite setups must be completed for minimum tax
• First parties, such as legal entities and business units
• Tax geographies and zones
• Ledger and accounts
• Currency codes and exchange rates
A legal entity tax profile is automatically created when a legal entity is defined in
the implementation. Similarly, a business unit tax profile is automatically created
when a business unit is defined. For the business unit, you need to indicate
whether it will use the subscription of the legal entity instead of creating its own.
In addition, there are seeded event class mappings that describe the mapping
between an application event class and the corresponding tax event class. For
example, the tax determination process for a sales debit memo and sales invoice
are essentially the same. These two application event classes correspond to the
same tax event class namely, a sales transaction. Although you cannot update
the event class mappings, you can set up configuration specific event class
Define Tax Regime
The first step includes the tax regime definition and subscription by an
appropriate legal entity or business unit. While creating your tax regime, you
can minimize configuration and maintenance costs by creating content that can
be shared by more than one entity. For example, legal entities can subscribe
to the shared reference data instead of creating separate and repetitive data.
If the subscribing legal entities have some variations in their setup, you can
create override data to meet the specific exceptions that are applicable to these
Use Oracle Fusion Tax features to enable only those features that are relevant to
taxes in the tax regime. Based on the features you select, the subsequent setup
pages and task lists for the tax regime are rendered or hidden.
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-95
Define Transaction Taxes
The second step includes basic tax definition, such as geographic information,
controls and defaults, direct and indirect tax rule defaults, and tax accounts.
The basic tax definition includes controls that you can set to provide the override
capability at transaction time. For example, if you want to allow users to make
manual updates on transaction tax lines, select the Allow override for calculated
tax lines and the Allow entry of manual tax lines options. However, if you want
to enforce automatic tax calculation on transaction tax lines, do not enable these
Use the direct and indirect tax rule defaults to specify the values that apply to
the majority of your transactions. Create tax rules to address the exceptions or
variations to the defaults. For example, for the Goods and Services Tax (GST)
that applies to the supply of most goods and services in Canada, set the Tax
Applicability direct tax rule default to Applicable. A luxury tax, on the other
hand, is a tax on luxury goods or products not considered essential. As it would
not apply to most goods and services, set the Tax Applicability direct tax rule
default to Not Applicable, and create a tax rule to make the tax applicable when
the product in the transaction satisfies the luxury requirement.
Assign your default tax accounts for the taxes in a tax regime to post the tax
amounts derived from your transactions. The tax accounts you associate serve
as default accounting information for taxes, tax rates, tax jurisdictions, and tax
recovery rates. The tax accounts you define at the tax level, default to either the
tax rate accounts or tax jurisdiction accounts for the same tax and operating unit,
depending upon the tax accounts precedence level of the tax regime. You can
update these default tax accounts in the tax rate or tax jurisdiction setup.
Minimum Tax Configuration: Points to Consider
The minimum tax configuration setup must be designed to handle the majority
of tax requirements. As part of defining transaction taxes, decide the direct and
indirect tax rule defaults for the tax and set up the associated tax accounts.
For complex tax requirements, create tax rules that consider each tax requirement
related to a transaction before making the final tax calculation. During the
execution of the tax determination process, Oracle Fusion Tax evaluates, in
order of priority, the tax rules that are defined against the foundation tax
configuration setup and the details on the transactions. If the first rule is
successfully evaluated, the result associated with the rule is used. If not, the next
rule is evaluated until either a successful evaluation or default value is found.
Setting Up Direct Tax Rule Defaults
The direct tax rule defaults are the default values for the direct tax rule types,
which include:
• Place of supply
17-96 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
• Tax applicability
• Tax registration
• Tax calculation formula
• Taxable basis formula
Place of Supply
Use the Place of Supply direct tax rule default to indicate the specific tax
jurisdiction where the supply of goods or services is deemed to have taken place.
For example, in Canada, the place of supply for GST is typically the ship-to
location. To handle the majority of Goods and Services Tax (GST) transactions,
select Ship to as your default place of supply.
The corresponding place of supply differs based on the type of transaction. For
example, a place of supply of Ship to corresponds to the location of your first
party legal entity for Payables transactions. For Receivables transactions, Ship to
corresponds to the location of your customer site. For exceptions to this default,
create Determine Place of Supply rules.
Tax Applicability
Use the Tax Applicability direct tax rule default to indicate whether the tax is
typically applicable or not applicable on transactions. For example, the GST
in Canada is a tax that applies to the supply of most property and services in
Canada. When you create the GST tax, select Applicable as your default tax
applicability. For exceptions to this default, create Determine Tax Applicability
Tax Registration
Use the Tax Registration direct tax rule default to determine the party whose
tax registration status is considered for an applicable tax on the transaction. For
example, with a direct default of bill-to party, Oracle Fusion Tax considers the
tax registration of the bill-to party and stamps their tax registration number onto
the transaction, along with the tax registration number of the first party legal
reporting unit. For exceptions to this default, create Determine Tax Registration
Tax Calculation Formula
Use the Tax Calculation Formula direct tax rule default to select the formula
that represents the typical calculation of tax for a transaction line. A common
formula, STANDARD_TC, is predefined, where the tax amount is equal to the
tax rate multiplied by the taxable basis. For exceptions to this default, create
Calculate Tax Amounts rules.
Taxable Basis Formula
Use the Taxable Basis Formula direct tax rule default to select the formula that
represents the amount on which the tax rate is applied. The following common
formulas are predefined:
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-97
• STANDARD_TB: The taxable basis is equal to the line amount of the
transaction line.
• STANDARD_QUANTITY: The taxable basis is equal to the quantity of
the transaction line.
• STANDARD_TB_DISCOUNT: The taxable basis is the line amount of
the transaction line less the cash discount.
For exceptions to this default, create Determine Taxable Basis rules.
Setting Up Indirect Tax Rule Defaults
The indirect tax rule defaults for a tax include:
• Tax jurisdiction
• Tax status
• Tax recovery rate
• Tax rate
Tax Jurisdiction
Use the Tax Jurisdiction indirect tax rule default to indicate the most common
geographic area where a tax is levied by a specific tax authority. For example,
value-added tax (VAT) is applicable to the supply of most goods and services in
Portugal. For the tax PT VAT, create the default tax jurisdiction as the country
of Portugal. To address specific tax regions such as Azores and Madeira, which
have lower VAT rates than Portugal, define jurisdiction rates with different VAT
Tax Status
Use the Tax Status indirect tax rule default to indicate the taxable nature of the
majority of your transactions. For example, if your operations primarily include
zero-rated transactions, select the default tax status as Zero instead of Standard.
This setting facilitates tax determination when multiple zero rates are defined
to handle different reporting requirements for zero rate usage, such as intra-EU,
zero-rated products, or zero-rated exports. For exceptions to this default, create
Determine Tax Status rules.
Tax Recovery
Use the Tax Recovery rate indirect tax rule default to indicate the recovery rate
to apply to each recovery type for each applicable tax on a purchase transaction.
For example, in Canada, both federal and provincial components of Harmonized
Sales Tax (HST) are 100% recoverable on goods bought for resale. In this case,
with two recovery types, you can set up two recovery rate defaults for the HST
tax. For exceptions to this default, such as when the recovery rate determination
is based on one or more transaction factors, create Determine Recovery Rate
Tax Rate
Use the Tax Rate indirect tax rule default to specify the default tax rate that is
applicable to the majority of your transactions associated with this tax. You can
17-98 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
create additional tax setup, such as jurisdiction rates, or create tax rules to set
alternate values as required. For example, HST in Canada is applied at a 13% rate
in most provinces that have adopted HST, except for British Columbia where the
rate is 12% and Nova Scotia where the rate is 15%. To satisfy this requirement a
single rate of 13% can be defined with no jurisdiction and then a 12% rate can be
defined and associated with the British Columbia jurisdiction (15% rate assigned
to Nova Scotia). This minimizes the setup required by creating an exception
based setup. For exceptions to this default, create Determine Tax Rate rules.
Setting Up Tax Accounts
Set up tax accounts at the tax level. The application automatically copies the tax
account combination to the tax rates that you subsequently create for the tax for
the same ledger and optionally, the same business unit.
Define tax accounts at any of the following levels. The defaulting option is only
available at the tax level.
• Tax
• Tax jurisdiction
• Tax rate
• Tax recovery rate
This is a one-time defaulting opportunity. Any subsequent changes at the
account level are not copied to the tax rate level nor are they used during
the AutoAccounting process. Changes at the tax level do impact tax account
defaulting when you create new tax rates.
Setting up tax accounts comprise of specifying the following:
• Ledger and Business Unit: The ledger and business unit for which you
are creating the tax accounts.
• Interim Tax: An account that records tax recovery or liability until the
event prescribed by the statute is complete. Generally, the payment of
the invoice is the event that triggers the generation of the tax recovery or
liability. You must set up an interim tax account for taxes and tax rates
that have a deferred recovery settlement. Once you set up an interim tax
account for this tax rate, you cannot change the recovery settlement to
• Tax Recoverable or Liability Account: An account that records tax
recovery amounts or relieves tax liability amounts. If you set up recovery
rates for a tax that you also intend to self-assess, then define a tax recovery
account for the associated recovery rates and a tax liability account for the
associated tax rates.
• Finance Charge Tax Liability: An account that records the tax liability
associated with finance charges that is used as a deduction against overall
tax liability.
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-99
• Nonrecoverable Tax Accounts: Accounts that record tax amounts on
earned and unearned discounts and adjustments that you cannot claim as
a deduction against tax liability.
• Expense and Revenue Accounts. Accounts that record net changes
generated by adjustments, earned and unearned discounts, and finance
charges. Receivables activities such as discounts and adjustments reduce
the receivable amount, and are therefore considered an expense.
Minimum Tax Configuration: Worked Example
The following example illustrates the minimum tax configuration setup to meet
the basic requirements in Canada for the Goods and Services Tax (GST). You set
up a tax regime for both GST and Harmonized Sales Tax (HST). One recovery
type is created for the fully recoverable status of the transaction.
In Canada, GST is a tax that applies to the supply of most property and services
in Canada. The provinces of British Columbia, Ontario, New Brunswick, Nova
Scotia, and Newfoundland and Labrador, referred to as the participating
provinces, combine their provincial sales tax with GST to create HST. Generally,
HST applies to the same base of property and services as the GST. Every
province in Canada except Alberta has implemented either provincial sales tax
or the HST. In countries like Canada, some or all taxes on business transactions
for registered companies are recoverable taxes.
ABC Corporation is a business with a chain of bookstores across Canada. It
intends to implement the Oracle Fusion Tax solution at its store in the province
of Alberta. The GST rate of 5% is applicable for sales in Alberta. Input Tax
Credit is available for GST included in purchases. ABC Corporation's primary
ledger is CA Ledger, and the business unit is CA Operations. The tax account
0001-1500-1100-1000 is reserved for the Tax Recoverable or Liability account.
The tax implications in this scenario are:
• Five percent (5%) GST is applicable on the sale of goods in Alberta
• Neither the HST nor provincial sales tax applies in Alberta
• Place of supply for GST tax is generally based on the place of delivery or
ship-to location.
To determine the GST tax in Alberta, perform the following steps:
1. Define tax regime
2. Define transaction taxes
3. Create the direct tax rule defaults
4. Create the indirect tax rule defaults
5. Enable tax
Define Tax Regime
1. On the Create Tax Regime page, enter the tax regime code for GST and
HST in Canada.
17-100 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Use a coding convention to indicate both the country and the type of tax
that belongs to this regime. For example, CA GST and HST.
2. Select the regime level to define the geographic area of the tax treatment.
The option selected must depict the need for the tax regime. It should be
set to Country for all federal taxes.
3. Specify Canada as the country for which this tax regime is being defined.
4. Enter a start date that will appear as a default to all related tax setup
within the tax regime.
Consider your tax planning carefully before entering the start date. This
date must accommodate the oldest transaction that you want to process
within this tax regime. After you create the tax regime, you can only
update this date with an earlier date. If you enter an end date, you cannot
update this date after you save the record.
5. Enter tax currency. Enter CAD, which is the three-letter ISO code for the
Canadian dollar.
Tax currency is the currency required by the tax authority. Use the tax
currency to pay the tax authority and to report on all tax transactions.
6. Select the Allow cross regime compounding option to set taxes within the
tax regime to be based on the calculation of, or compounded on, taxes in
another tax regime.
For example, in Quebec, the provincial sales tax is applied to both the
selling price and GST. Enter a value as the compounding precedence
to indicate the order of cross regime compounding. A lower number
indicates that the tax regime will be processed first. Allowing gaps
between numbers provide flexibility in the event that another higher
priority tax regime is introduced in the future.
7. On the Configuration Options tab, select the party name that identifies
either the legal entity or the business unit or both for which you will
define the configuration options.
8. For the Configuration of Taxes and Rules, select the subscription that
defines the configuration owner setup that will be used for transactions of
the specific legal entity and business unit for this tax regime.
This selection also defines whether any shared content can be overridden
by the subscribing party to allow unique, separate setup for certain tax
9. Enter the effective start date for this configuration option. Enter a date
range that is within the date range of both the party tax profile and the tax
Define Transaction Taxes
1. On the Create Tax page, enter the name of the tax regime that you created
in the Define Tax Regime step, such as CA GST and HST.
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-101
2. Select the configuration owner for this tax. To minimize configuration
and maintenance costs, select Global Configuration Owner as the
configuration owner.
3. Enter the name of the tax you are defining, such as CA GST.
4. Select Province as the geography type.
5. To minimize setup and maintenance costs, specify the highest-level
parent geography type (Country), unless the tax is only applicable to a
specific geography. Select Country from the list of values. For the parent
geography name, enter Canada.
6. Enter a value as the compounding precedence to reflect the order of tax
compounding. A lower number indicates that a tax is processed first.
Allowing gaps between numbers provide flexibility in the event that
another higher priority tax is introduced in the future.
7. Enable the Allow override of calculated tax lines option to allow users to
override the automatic tax calculation on invoice tax lines.
8. Enable the Allow multiple jurisdictions option to define tax jurisdictions
for this tax in more than one geographic region.
9. Enable the Allow mass create of jurisdictions option to enable mass
creation of tax jurisdictions for this tax, which allows you to create
multiple jurisdictions at the same time.
10. Enable the Allow tax recovery option.
11. Enable the Allow tax recovery rate override option if you want to allow
user override of the calculated tax recovery rate on transaction lines.
12. Select Standard as the primary recovery type.
Assign Tax Accounts
1. Navigate to the Tax Accounts tab.
2. Select CA Ledger as the primary ledger to use for tax accounts and CA
Operations as the business unit.
3. Enter 0001-1500-1100-1000 as the Tax Recoverable or Liability account.
Create Direct Tax Rule Defaults
1. Navigate to the Tax Rule Defaults tab.
2. Select Ship to from the Place of Supply list of values, to specify the
3. Select Applicable from the Tax Applicability list of values to specify the
Tax Applicability default.
4. Select Ship-from party to specify the Tax Registration default.
5. Select STANDARD_TC as the Tax Calculation Formula default.
6. Select STANDARD_TB as the Taxable Basis Formula default.
Create Indirect Tax Rule Defaults
1. Select Tax Jurisdiction as your rule type and create the rule type default.
In the Tax Jurisdiction Code field, enter a tax jurisdiction code for
the province of Alberta, such as CA Alberta. Select Province as the
17-102 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
geography type. For the geography name, enter AB for Alberta. Set this
tax jurisdiction as your default, and specify your default start and end
2. Select Tax Status as your rule type and create the rule type default. Enter
a tax status code for GST, such as CA GST STD. Set this tax status as your
default, and specify your default start and end dates.
3. Select Tax Recovery Rate as your rule type and create the rule type
default. Enter a tax recovery rate code for GST, such as CA GST STD REC
RATE. For the recovery type, select Standard. Enter a rate percentage of
100 for a fully recoverable tax. Set this tax recovery rate as your default,
and specify your default start and end dates.
4. Select Tax Rate as your rule type and create the rule type default. In
the Tax Status Code field, enter the name of the tax status that you just
created, CA GST STD. Enter a tax rate code for GST, such as CA GST STD
RATE. Enter a rate percentage of 5 for the current GST rate as of January 1,
2008, and specify your default start and end dates.
Enable Tax
1. Click the Enable tax for simulation option. This allows you to verify the
tax configuration using the Tax Simulator.
2. Once you have verified your tax configuration with simulated
transactions, click the Enable tax for transactions option. This allows you
to use this tax in transaction processing.
3. Click Save and Close.
For ABC's transactions in the province of Alberta, the following is
determined by default:
• GST tax is applicable and will be calculated at a percentage rate of 5%.
• 100% of the GST can be recovered.
Tax Account Configuration: Explained
Set up default tax accounts for the taxes in a tax regime to post the tax amounts
derived from your transactions. The tax accounts you define for tax serve as
default accounting information for tax rates and tax jurisdictions. You can
override the defaulted accounts. Configure the tax recoverable or liability
account for the tax recovery rate. Accounts assigned to the tax rate and recovery
rate are used when the taxes are applicable to the transaction.
Set up tax accounts for a primary ledger or in combination with a business unit.
The calculated tax amounts are posted to the accounts specified for a business
unit. If those accounts are not available, tax accounts defined for the primary
ledger are used. These are default accounts and the actual accounts that are used
for accounting depend on the subledger accounting configuration.
For a tax, either assign new tax accounts or use accounts from an existing tax.
This depends on the option selected in the Tax Accounts Creation Method
attribute for the tax. If you choose to use accounts from an existing tax, specify
another tax as the source tax. All the tax account details that you set up at the
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-103
source tax level are copied into the Tax Accounts region as read only values. You
cannot edit the details or create new records.
Tax Accounts
Define tax accounts for a tax, tax rate, and tax jurisdiction. Tax accounts are:
• Tax Expense: A Payables tax account that records tax amounts from
invoice distributions; or a Receivables tax account that record net changes
generated by adjustments, earned and unearned discounts, and finance
charges. Receivables activities such as discounts and adjustments reduce
the receivable amount, and are therefore considered an expense. This
occurs only if the adjustment type has tax handling.
• Tax Recoverable or Liability: An account that records tax recovery
amounts or relieves tax liability amounts. If you set up recovery rates
for a tax that you also intend to self-assess, then define a tax recovery
account for the associated recovery rates and a tax liability account for the
associated tax rates.
If you intend to use different accounts for tax recovery and liability then set up
the recovery account for the tax recovery rate. This account is used to debit the
recoverable tax amount while the account on the tax rate is used to account for
tax liability.
• Interim Tax: An account that records interim tax recovery or liability
before the actual recovery or liability arises on a payment of an invoice.
You must set up an interim tax account for taxes and tax rates that have a
deferred recovery settlement.
• Accounts for Receivables activities:
• Finance Charge Tax Liability: An account that records tax amounts on
finance charges that are used as a deduction against overall tax liability.
• Nonrecoverable Tax Accounts: Accounts that record tax amounts on
earned and unearned discounts and adjustments that you cannot claim
as a deduction against tax liability.
• Expense and Revenue Accounts: Accounts that record net changes
generated by adjustments, earned and unearned discounts, and finance
charges. Receivables activities such as discounts and adjustments
reduce the receivable amount, and are therefore considered an expense.
Manage Controls and Defaults
Tax Controls and Defaults: Points to Consider
Set up details for the taxes of a tax regime. Each separate tax in a tax regime
includes records for the statuses, rate, and rules that are used to calculate and
report on the tax. Oracle Fusion Tax derives defaults tax information from the
tax regime to each tax that you create under a regime. You can modify this
information at the tax level according to your needs, as well as add additional
defaults and overrides.
17-104 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Defining Controls and Defaults
The following table describes the defaults and controls available at the tax level.
Header Region
Field Description Default Derived
Default Appears
Enable tax for
Controls whether
this tax is available
for computation
within the
Tax Simulator
None None If selected then
this tax is available
for calculation in
the Tax Simulator
if the evaluate
taxes is enabled for
Enable tax for
Controls whether
this tax is available
for transactions and
selecting this option
triggers integrity
checks to validate
that the setup for
this tax is accurate
and complete
None None If selected then
this tax is used
by transactions if
applicable. If not
selected then this
tax is not processed
as an applicable tax
at transaction time.
Tax Information Region
Field Description Default Derived
Default Appears
Tax Currency The default
currency of the
taxes within a tax
Tax regime None Defines the tax
currency for
calculation and
reporting purposes
Accountable Unit
The minimal unit
of currency that
is reported to the
tax authority, for
example, 0.05
GBP indicates
that 5 pence is the
minimal unit
Tax regime None Defines the
accountable unit at
transaction time
Tax Precision A one digit whole
number to indicate
the decimal place
for tax rounding
Tax regime None Defines the tax
precision during tax
Conversion Rate
The specific
exchange rate
table that is used
to convert one
currency into
another, for
example, the
Association of
British Travel
Agents exchange
rate used in the
travel industry
Tax regime None Defines the
exchange rate that
is used as necessary
at transaction time
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-105
Rounding Rule The rule that
defines how
rounding is
performed on a
value, for example,
up to the next
highest value,
down to the next
lower value, or to
the nearest value
Tax regime None Can control
rounding at
transaction time
Defines the order
in which this
tax is calculated
compared to other
taxes that are
compounded on
or compounded
by this tax. The tax
with the lowest
precedence value is
calculated first.
None None Controls the order
in which applicable
taxes are calculated
at transaction time
Reporting Tax
The default tax
authority to whom
the tax reports are
Tax regime Tax registration None
Collecting Tax
The default tax
authority to whom
the tax is remitted
Tax regime Tax registration None
Applied Amount
Controls whether
tax is recalculated
or prorated on
prepayment, with
the default being
None None Controls Oracle
Fusion Payables
functionality and
how payments
trigger recalculation
or prorating of tax
Set as offset tax Defines this tax as
an offset tax
None None Selecting this
option disables the
Controls region
and Tax Exceptions
and Exemptions
Controls region and
clears any values
that were entered in
these regions
Set tax for reporting
purposes only
Defines whether
this tax is set up for
reporting purposes
None None Controls whether
this tax is used for
reporting only and
does not create any
tax account entries
Controls and Defaults Tab, Controls Region
17-106 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Field Description Default Derived
Default Appears
Default Settlement
Lookup code to
indicate whether
an input tax is
recovered when an
invoice is recorded
or only when the
invoice is paid
and whether an
output tax is due
for settlement when
the invoice is issued
or only when the
payment is received
against it
Tax regime Tax status None
Tax Inclusion
Defines whether the
tax is:
• Standard
This option
the taxes as
exclusive of
the given
line amount
• Standard
This option
the taxes as
inclusive of
the given
line amount
• Special
This option
the taxes as
inclusive of
the given
line amount,
but the
differs from
the standard
None None Use this option in
conjunction with
other setup on tax,
party tax profile,
tax registration,
and transaction
details to control
the inclusiveness
of a line amount at
transaction time
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-107
Allow override and
entry of inclusive
tax lines
Controls whether
you can override
and enter inclusive
or exclusive line
Tax regime Tax rate None
Allow tax rounding
Allows the override
of the rounding
defined on the tax
registration records
Tax regime None When selected
allows you to
override tax
rounding setup on
the tax registration
records for
registrations for this
Allow override of
calculated tax lines
Allows you to
override the
calculated tax
lines at transaction
time when the
Transaction Tax
Line Override
profile option is
also set
None None Use this option in
conjunction with
the Transaction
Tax Line Override
profile option and
the Allow override
of calculated tax
lines option for
the configuration
owner tax options
to allow you to
update calculated
tax lines at
transaction time.
If any of these
options are not
set then update of
calculated tax lines
is not allowed at
transaction time.
Allow entry of
manual tax lines
Allows you to enter
manual tax lines at
transaction time
None None Use this option
in conjunction
with Allow entry
of manual tax
lines option for
the configuration
owner tax options.
When both fields
are set you can
enter manual tax
lines at transaction
Use legal
registration number
Controls whether
the tax registration
number is the
same as the legal
registration number
of the party
None None If this option
is selected you
can choose an
existing legal entity
registration number
as the transaction
tax registration
17-108 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Allow duplicate
Controls whether
you can enter
duplicate tax
numbers for
different parties
None None If this option is
selected you can
enter duplicate tax
registrations for
different parties
Allow multiple
Controls whether
you can enter
multiple concurrent
tax jurisdictions for
this tax
None None If this option is
selected you can
create multiple
concurrent tax
jurisdictions for this
Allow mass
creation of
Controls whether
mass creation
of jurisdictions
functionality is
allowed using the
parent geography
and geography
setup for this tax
None None If this option
is selected you
can use the
mass creation
functionality for
this tax
Tax Account Controls Region
Field Description Default Derived
Default Appears
Tax Accounts
Creation Method
Controls whether
the tax accounts
used for this tax are
derived from setup
associated with
this tax or copied
from another tax
defined by the Tax
Accounts Source
None None When the value is:
• Create tax
Create tax
accounts for
this tax
• Use tax
from an
existing tax:
Enter the
tax account
source to
be used at
Tax Accounts
Defines the tax to
use to derive the tax
accounts to use at
transaction time
None None Use when the value
in the Tax Accounts
Creation Method
field is Use tax
accounts from an
existing tax
Tax Exceptions and Exemptions Controls and Defaults Region
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-109
Field Description Default Derived
Default Appears
Allow tax
Controls whether
tax exceptions are
allowed for this tax
None Tax status None
Allow tax
Controls whether
tax exemptions are
allowed for this tax
None Tax status None
Use tax exemptions
from an existing tax
Controls whether
tax exemptions
are derived from
this tax or derived
from another tax
as specified by the
value in the Tax
Exemptions Source
field for the same
None None Controls whether
you can define tax
exemptions for this
tax or if they are
derived from those
defined against
another tax related
to the same tax line
at transaction time
Tax Exemptions
Defines the tax to
use as the source
when the Use Tax
Exemption from an
existing tax option
is selected
None None Used in conjunction
with the Use tax
exemptions from
an existing tax
option and uses
tax exemptions
already created for
customers for this
Tax Recovery Controls and Defaults Region
Field Description Default Derived
Default Appears
Allow tax recovery Controls whether
this tax handles tax
None None If this option is
selected you can set
up tax recovery for
this tax
Tax Settings and Rules: How They Apply to Tax Line Operations
Enter and update detail and summary tax lines according to the requirements
of your transactions. Depending on your security settings and options specified
during tax setup, you can:
• Enter manual tax lines
• Enter tax only tax lines
• Change existing tax line information
• Cancel tax lines
The Summary Tax Lines component is applicable only to Oracle Fusion Payables.
Entering Manual Tax Lines
These requirements apply to entering a manual detail or summary tax line:
1. Enable the Allow entry of manual tax lines option for the:
• Configuration owner and application event class
17-110 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
• Tax
2. Ensure that the Manual Tax Line Entry profile option is enabled. It is
enabled by default.
3. Enter a unique combination for a tax regime and tax. You cannot enter a
manual tax line for a tax that already exists for the transaction line.
4. Enter a tax status to enter a tax rate.
5. Enter a tax regime, tax, tax status, and tax rate to enter a tax amount.
The tax calculation on a manual tax line is a standard formula of Tax Amount
= Taxable Basis * Tax Rate. The tax determination process does not evaluate tax
rules defined for the tax of any tax rule type.
Entering Tax Only Tax Lines
You can enter a tax-only invoice in Payables to record tax lines that are not linked
to a transaction. A tax-only invoice is used, for example, to record tax lines on
purchases that are assessed and invoiced separately or to enter tax-only invoices
from tax authorities or import agents that record import taxes.
These requirements apply to entering a tax only tax line:
1. Enable the Allow manual tax only lines option for the configuration
owner and application event class.
2. Select a tax regime from the tax regimes belonging to the configuration
option of the applicable legal entity or business unit.
3. Select a tax, tax status, and tax rate and enter a tax amount.
When you select or deselect the Tax Only Line option on a tax line for the first
time, the update does not take effect. You must select the specific tax line, click
the row header or a noneditable area, and then select the Tax Only Line option.
Editing Tax Line Information
These requirements apply to changing an existing detail or summary tax line:
1. Enable the Allow override for calculated tax lines option for the:
• Configuration owner and application event class
• Tax
2. Ensure that the Manual Tax Line Entry profile option is enabled. It is
enabled by default.
3. Optionally, enable the following options for the configuration owner and
application event class:
• Allow recalculation for manual tax lines option. The tax
determination process recalculates the manual tax lines when there is
an update to automatically calculated tax lines.
• Tax line override impacts other tax lines option. The tax determination
process recalculates the taxes on all other tax lines on the same
transaction when there is an override of automatically calculated tax
lines on transactions.
4. Save any changes to summary tax lines before you enter or change
Payables summary tax lines.
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-111
5. Change the tax status if necessary. These requirements apply to changing
tax statuses:
• You cannot update the tax status if the tax on the detail tax line is
enforced from the natural account.
• If you edit a tax only tax line and change the tax status, you must re-
enter the tax rate code.
6. Change the tax rate if necessary. These requirements apply to changing
tax rates:
• The Allow tax rate override option is enabled for the applicable tax
• The Allow ad hoc rate option is enabled for the applicable tax rate.
• You may need to change the tax status to change to the appropriate tax
• You can change the calculated tax rate derived from the tax status by
selecting another tax rate defined for the same tax regime, tax, and tax
7. Change the tax rate percentage or quantity rate if necessary. These
requirements apply to changing tax rate percentages or quantity rates:
• You cannot update the tax rate code and rate fields if the tax on the
detail tax line is enforced from the natural account.
• You can only update the tax rate percentage if the tax rate code has the
Allow ad hoc rate option enabled.
8. Change the tax amount if necessary. These requirements apply to
changing tax amounts:
• When you change the tax amount the setting for the Adjustment for ad
hoc amounts option of the tax rate determines which value is adjusted,
the taxable amount or the tax rate.
• You can only edit the tax amount if a detail tax line belongs to an
historic transaction.
• You can change the tax amount independent of the tax inclusive and
compound tax settings.
• If you defined tax tolerances for Payables transactions, then if you edit
the tax amount and it exceeds the specified tolerance, Oracle Fusion
Tax places the invoice on hold.
• You can only enter 0 as the tax amount if the tax rate is 0.
9. Update the Inclusive option setting if necessary. The tax determination
process recalculates the taxable amount and transaction amount.
For tax calculation, a limited evaluation of tax rules on certain updates to a tax
line is performed.
Canceling Tax Lines
These requirements apply to canceling an existing detail or summary tax line:
17-112 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
1. Cancel tax lines on Payables transactions only.
2. Enter a new manual tax line to reverse a canceled tax line if necessary.
On canceling the invoice or invoice lines, tax lines are automatically canceled.
When you cancel a tax line both the associated tax line and any distributions that
were previously accounted are reversed. If the distributions were not accounted,
then the amounts are set to zero.
When you select or deselect the Cancel option on a tax line for the first time, the
update does not take effect. You must select the specific tax line, click the row
header or a noneditable area, and then select the Cancel option.
Tax Amount Rounding: Explained
Taxes applicable on a transaction are generally calculated as the taxable basis
multiplied by the tax rate equals the tax amount. This calculated amount
can result in an odd value or with a large number of decimal place. You can
configure the tax setup to adjust or round the tax calculation according to the
specific requirements of the transacting parties and tax authority or to the
accepted currency denominations.
Key parameters that influence the rounding of calculated tax amount are:
• Tax precision: The number of decimal places to which to calculate the tax
• Minimum accountable unit: The smallest currency unit that a tax amount
can have.
• Rounding level: The transaction level at which the rounding is to be
performed. The available options are Header and Line.
• Rounding rule: The method that is used to round off the calculated taxes
to the minimum accountable unit. The available options are Up, Down,
and Nearest.
Define the key parameters at various places within Oracle Fusion Tax. The
rounding process derives the tax precision and minimum accountable unit
details from the tax setup. The rounding process derives the rounding rule and
rounding level details through the predefined processing hierarchy involving:
• Configuration owner tax options defined for the configuration owner and
event class
• Event class options for the event class
• Party tax profiles of the parties or party sites as given in the rounding
precedence of the configuration owner tax options or in the derived
registration party
• Tax
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-113
If you plan to use a third party service provider then you must define tax
rounding information that is at least as detailed as the rounding information of
the service provider.
Setting Up Rounding Rules: Choices to Consider
Criteria for rounding the calculated tax amounts comes from various parties
involved in a transaction. For example, for a purchase transaction, the rounding
methodology is generally specified by the supplier. Specify rounding details
in your tax setup to ensure that your entered invoice amount, including the
calculated tax, is the same as the actual invoice amount. For a Receivables
invoice, you can specify rounding details based on your organization's policy,
but for most countries the rounding criterion is directed by tax legislation.
Rounding requirements can originate from:
• Third parties
• First parties
• Tax legislation
Rounding Requirements from Third Parties
If rounding is based on third party requirements, particularly for purchase
transactions, you:
• Define the configuration owner tax options for the combination of
business unit or legal entity for which the transaction is registered and the
event class. In the Rounding Precedence field enter the reference of the
third party or third party. For purchase transactions it is either the ship-
from party or the bill-from party.
• Define the party tax profile for the third party and specify the rounding
level and rounding rule on the General tab as preferred by the third party.
• If the rounding level is at the line level in the party tax profile, create
registration details for each tax and specify the rounding rule. Also, define
tax registration rules for each tax so that the tax determination process
uses the third party registration.
• If a registration record is not defined for the tax registration party, select
the Allow tax rounding override option on the Create or Edit Tax page.
The application then looks at the party account site details and party tax
profile details for deriving the rounding rule.
Rounding Requirements from First Parties
If rounding is based on business unit or legal entity requirements, particularly
for sale transactions, and configuration owner tax options are defined, you:
• Define the configuration owner tax options for the combination of
business unit or legal entity for which the transaction is registered and the
event class. In the Rounding Precedence field enter the reference of the
first party. For sale transactions it is either the ship-from party or the bill-
from party.
17-114 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
• Ensure that the party tax profile details are available for the
corresponding legal reporting unit. Specify the rounding level and
rounding rule on the General tab per the first party requirement or your
business policy.
• If the rounding level is at the line level in the party tax profile, create
registration details for each tax and specify the rounding rule. Also, define
tax registration rules for each tax so that the tax determination process
uses the first party registration.
• If a registration record is not defined for the tax registration party, select
the Allow tax rounding override option on the Create or Edit Tax page.
The application then looks at the party tax profile details for deriving the
rounding rule.
The rounding criteria applied if configuration owner tax options are not defined
and the criteria in the predefined event class options are considered include:
• For a purchase transaction, the predefined event class options use the
ship-from party site and ship-from party within the rounding precedence
with the default rounding level as the header level. The supplier's
rounding preferences are considered first on the transaction. If there are
no specific supplier preferences, for example, the party tax profile record
does not exist, then the default rounding level of Header is considered
and the corresponding rounding rule from each tax setup detail is used.
• For a sale transaction, the predefined event class options do not include
any rounding precedence details. However, the default rounding
level is set to Line so the rounding level is always taken as Line and
the corresponding registration record for the tax registration party is
considered for the rounding rule. The tax registration party is identified
through the Determine Tax Registration tax rule or tax rule defaults.
If a registration record does not exist for the tax registration party, the
rounding rule defined within each tax is considered.
Rounding Requirements from Tax Legislation
If rounding is based on tax legislation, the following occurs:
• If the configuration owner tax options are defined for the combination
of business unit and legal entity for which the transaction is registered
and for the event class, the default rounding level is used from the
configuration owner tax options. Select Blank as the rounding precedence
for the event class.
• If the rounding level is at the line level for the configuration tax options,
ensure that the registration record defined for the tax registration party
has the rounding rule based on the tax requirements. The tax registration
party is identified through the Determine Tax Registration tax rule or tax
rule defaults.
Rounding Precedence Hierarchy: How It Is Determined
During the rounding process, the tax precision and minimum accountable
unit details are derived from the tax setup. The rounding process derives the
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-115
rounding rule and rounding level details through the predefined processing
hierarchy involving:
• Configuration owner tax options defined for the configuration owner and
event class
• Event class options for the event class
• Party tax profiles of the parties or party sites as given in the rounding
precedence of the configuration owner tax options or in the derived
registration party
• Tax
Settings That Affect Tax Rounding
Key parameters that influence the rounding of calculated tax amount are:
• Tax precision: The number of decimal places to which to calculate the tax
• Minimum accountable unit: The smallest currency unit that a tax amount
can have.
• Rounding level: The transaction level at which the rounding is to be
• Rounding rule: The method that is used to round off the calculated taxes
to the minimum accountable unit.
Options available for the rounding level are:
• Header: Applies rounding to calculated tax amounts once for each tax rate
per invoice.
• Line: Applies rounding to the calculated tax amount on each invoice line.
Options available for the rounding rule are:
• Up: the amount is rounded to the next highest minimum accountable unit.
• Down: The amount is rounded to the next lowest minimum accountable
• Nearest: The amount is rounded to the nearest minimum accountable
How Tax Rounding Is Determined
If you did not define configuration owner tax option settings for the combination
of configuration owner and event class, the rounding process uses the default
rounding level of the event class and the default rounding rule of the tax.
If you defined a rounding precedence hierarchy in the configuration owner tax
option settings for the combination of configuration owner and event class, the
rounding process looks for a rounding level and rounding rule in this way:
1. Looks for rounding details in the party tax profiles of the parties and
party sites involved in the transaction, according to the rounding
precedence hierarchy.
2. If an applicable tax profile is found then uses the rounding level and
rounding rule of the tax profile.
17-116 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
3. If the rounding level is at the header level then uses these values to
perform the rounding. The process ends.
If the rounding level is at the line level then goes to step 6.
4. If an applicable tax profile is not found then uses the rounding level
setting of the configuration owner tax option.
5. If the configuration owner tax option rounding level is at the header level
then uses the rounding rule that is set at the tax level for each tax of the
transaction to perform the rounding. The process ends.
If the rounding level is at the line level then goes to step 6.
6. If the rounding level is at the line level then:
a. For each tax line, uses the rounding rule belonging to the tax
registration of the party type derived from the Determine Tax
Registration rule.
b. If a registration record does not exist for the registration party type and
if you did not define configuration owner tax option settings for the
combination of configuration owner and event class, then the rounding
process uses the rounding rule that is set at the tax level to perform the
rounding. The process ends.
c. If a registration record does not exist for the registration party type and
if you defined a rounding precedence hierarchy in the configuration
owner tax option settings for the combination of configuration owner
and event class, then the rounding process looks for a rounding rule in
this way:
1. Refers to the party or party site of the first party type defined in the
rounding precedence hierarchy.
2. Uses the rounding rule of the party or party site tax registration, if
3. If a tax registration is not defined, uses the rounding rule of the
party or party site account site details, if defined.
4. If a rounding rule is not defined, uses the rounding rule of the party
or party site tax profile, if defined.
5. If a tax profile is not defined, repeats the previous substeps for each
rounding party in the rounding precedence hierarchy.
6. If a rounding rule is found, uses this rounding rule to perform the
rounding. The process ends.
7. If a rounding rule is not found, then uses the rounding rule that is
set at the tax level to perform the rounding. The process ends.
Tax Rounding: Examples
During the rounding process, the tax precision and minimum accountable
unit details are derived from the tax setup. The rounding process derives the
rounding rule and rounding level details through the predefined processing
hierarchy involving configuration owner tax options, event classes, party tax
profiles, and taxes. These examples illustrate how the rounding process works.
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-117
The following examples represent how the rounding process determines the tax
rounded amount based on transaction, tax setup, and rounding details.
The transaction and tax setup details for the two examples are:
• Invoice header amount: 5579 USD
• Invoice line 1 amount: 1333 USD
• Invoice line 2 amount: 1679 USD
• Invoice line 3 amount: 2567 USD
• Applicable taxes:
• State tax, rate percentages of 12.5%, 6.75%, and 3.33%
• City tax, rate percentages of 7.5%
The rounding details for the two examples are:
• Rounding level: Header
• Rounding Rule:
• State tax: Up
• City tax: Nearest
• Tax precision: 2
• Minimum accountable unit: 0.01
Example 1 represents the rounding details applied at the header level. Applying
these factors, the rounding process calculates the invoice amounts, all in USD
currency, as follows:
Amount Tax and
Tax Rate
1: Line
per tax
applied at
the header
Step 2:
the header
and the
sum of
the line
Step 3:
Apply the
to the
tax line
Header 5579 • State
• City
• 395.8082
• 418.425
• 395.81
• 418.43
• 0.01
• 0.02
• 395.81
• 418.43
Line 1 1333 • State
• City
• 166.625
• 99.975
• 166.62
• 99.97
• 166.62
• 99.97
17-118 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Line 2 1679 • State
• City
• 55.9107
• 125.925
• 55.91
• 125.92
• 55.91
• 125.92
Line 3 2567 • State
• City
• 173.2725
• 192.525
• 173.27
• 192.52
• 0.01
• 0.02
• 173.28
• 192.54
Example 2 represents the rounding details applied at the line level. Applying
these factors, the rounding process calculates the invoice amounts, all in USD
currency, as follows:
Amount Tax and Tax
Tax Amount
Step 1:
criteria is
applied at
the line level
Step 2: Line
are added
to obtain
Tax Amount
Header 5579 • State
• City tax
• 395.8082
• 418.425
• 395.82
• 418.44
• 395.82
• 418.44
Line 1 1333 • State
• City
• 166.625
• 99.975
• 166.63
• 99.98
• 166.63
• 99.98
Line 2 1679 • State
• City
• 55.9107
• 125.925
• 55.92
• 125.93
• 55.92
• 125.93
Line 3 2567 • State
• City
• 173.2725
• 192.525
• 173.27
• 192.53
• 173.27
• 192.53
Self-Assessment of Taxes: Explained
Taxes for purchase transactions are usually calculated by the supplier and
included in the invoice. The responsibility of collecting and remitting these taxes
to the authority lies with the supplier. However, in certain cases the supplier
does not have presence (nexus) or is not registered in the customer location.
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-119
Taxes applicable in such cases, in the customer location, are self assessed by
the purchasing organization. Unlike supplier assessed taxes that are paid to the
supplier, self-assessed taxes are remitted by the purchasing organization directly
to the tax authority.
The key here is that these taxes are to be calculated on the same invoice, but
these should not impact the amount payable to the supplier, instead it should be
accounted for as a tax liability.
The core requirements remain the same, however, the terminology used for
self-assessed taxes vary by tax regime, such as reverse charges, use taxes, and
offset taxes. Reverse charge is the terminology primarily used in the European
Union, use taxes is the terminology used in the United States, and offset taxes
is a alternate solution to handle self-assessment of taxes and is not used by any
Oracle Fusion Tax provides the following options to configure and automate
calculation of self-assessed taxes:
• Self-assessment
• Offset taxes
• Reporting-only taxes
• Use taxes
Taxes need to be self-assessed by the purchasing organization when the supplier
is not registered in the ship-to or bill-to location of the transaction. This is the
recommended approach for defining and calculating self-assessed taxes. This is
driven based on the registration party used for the transaction.
Registration Party
In the context of a tax applicable to the transaction it is the party whose
registration needs to be considered. The tax registration party type default is
specified for the tax. As most of the taxes are assessed by the supplier, the default
is set to the ship-from or the bill-from location.
Supplier Tax Registration
You can define tax registration for the supplier, the supplier site, and for a
particular tax regime. If the tax registration varies by tax or tax jurisdiction,
define the registration at a granular level. If the supplier does not have presence
in a specific jurisdiction, there are two options for configuration. The first is to
create a tax registration record with the registration status as not registered. The
second option is not to define a registration record. If you follow the second
option, when you define the condition set, set the operator for the Registration
determining factor class to Is blank.
Registration Party of the First Party
Similar to the supplier registration, you can define the tax registration records for
a legal reporting unit tax profile. For the tax registration of the first party select
the Set as self-assessment (reverse charge) option. This option triggers self-
assessment of taxes when the registration party selected for the tax line is that of
the first party. Self-assessment is only applicable for Payables transactions. The
option on the first party registration does not impact Receivables transactions.
17-120 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Create a tax registration rule to conditionally use the first party registration
when the supplier is not registered. The condition to use for this tax rule is as
Tax Determining
Factor Class
Class Qualifier Tax Determining
Factor Name
Operator Condition Value
Registration Bill-from party Registration Status Equal to Not Registered
If the registration records are not created for the suppliers without registration,
create the condition set as follows:
Determining Factor
Class Qualifier Determining Factor
Operator Condition Value
Registration Bill-from party Registration Status Is blank
Offset Taxes
Offset taxes is a backward compatible approach that is configured to self-assess
taxes. Configure offset taxes in addition to your regular taxes. Offset taxes carry
a negative rate and are calculated in the context of the regular tax. Where offset
taxes are applicable, the application creates two tax lines with one positive and
one negative amount. An offset tax record is a matching, duplicate record with
negative amounts that reduces or completely offsets the tax liability recorded in
the tax transaction. Use offset taxes when the tax requirement includes creating
an offset general ledger posting.
Reporting-Only Taxes
You can identify taxes for reporting purposes only. When these taxes are
applicable to the transactions, records are created in the tax repository entities.
However, invoice distributions are not created for these taxes. Therefore, there is
no impact to the payable amount, payment amount, and invoice accounting.
Use Taxes
Assigning use taxes to invoices, you create a record of the taxes you owe to tax
authorities. Oracle Fusion Payables does not create invoice distributions for these
taxes. Therefore, there is not any accounting impact due to these taxes. Payables
provides a Use Tax Liability Report to review and report use taxes.
Use the Use Tax Liability Report to review, report, and remit use taxes. The
report determines the use tax liability by each use tax code by taking the tax rate
you defined for each tax code and applying it to the sum of each invoice line
to which the tax applies. The report lists in summary or detail the total amount
of tax you owe for each tax code on invoices you enter between two dates you
specify when you submit the report. Oracle Fusion Payables displays the amount
of use tax you owe in the currency in which you entered an invoice.
Use taxes are defined with the tax type of Use tax. The rest of the configuration
is the same as the other taxes. This feature is only supported for migrated taxes.
You cannot define a new tax with this tax type.
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-121
Offset Taxes: How They Are Processed
Offset taxes are a backward compatible approach that you can configure to
self-assess taxes. Configure offset taxes in addition to the regular taxes. Offset
taxes carry a negative rate and are calculated in the context of the regular tax.
Where offset taxes are applicable, two tax lines are created with one positive and
one negative amount. An offset tax record is a matching, duplicate record with
negative amounts that reduces or completely offsets the tax liability recorded in
the tax transaction. Use offset taxes when the tax requirement includes creating
an offset general ledger posting.
Settings That Affect Offset Taxes
For the offset tax calculation to take effect, do the following:
• Set up offset taxes
• Enable offset tax calculation
You must perform these tasks for setting up offset taxes:
• Set up the offset tax, tax status, and tax rate. Define at least one recovery
type lookup to use with offset taxes.
• Create the offset tax and perform the following:
a. Use the tax currency of the original tax.
b. Select the Set as offset tax option.
c. Enter a primary recovery type that you defined for offset taxes.
• Set up the tax status for the offset tax. Do not select the Allow tax rate
override option.
• Set up a 100% tax recovery rate for the offset tax using the recovery type
that is defined for the offset tax.
You cannot update the recovery rate on an offset tax line. The recovery
rate is always 100% in order to create credit entries that match the original
tax amounts. When you create an offset tax, you enter a primary recovery
type with a recoverable rate of 100% and a 100% recovery rate.
• Set up the offset tax rate and perform the following:
a. Enter a negative rate amount.
b. Assign the tax recovery rate that is defined for offset tax.
c. Do not select the Allow ad hoc tax rate option.
• Set up the original tax with the required configuration to enable the tax.
For the tax rate of the original tax (nonoffset tax), assign the offset tax rate
code in the Offset Rate Code field.
Complete the following configuration steps to enable calculation of offset taxes
for a transaction:
17-122 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
• For the configuration owner tax options for the Payables event classes,
enable offset tax calculation by selecting the Allow offset tax calculation
option. Also, specify the offset tax basis.
• Select the Allow offset taxes option on the party tax profile if offset taxes
are to be calculated for the transactions created for the party. Select this
option for the party type chosen in the Offset Tax Basis field for the
configuration owner tax options.
How Offset Taxes Are Processed
Offset taxes applicable to an invoice are created with two tax lines entries, one
for the tax and one for the offset tax. The line for the offset tax has the offset
option enabled. This line carries the reference to the original tax line. Two Invoice
lines are created for these taxes, one for each tax.
The amount for the regular tax line is always debited to the tax expense or
recovery account or both, depending on the recoverability of the tax. The credit
is posted to a payables account which is offset by the negative amount credited
to the payables account due to the offset tax line. The debit of the offset tax line
is posted to the tax liability account and this indicates the liability that the first
party organization has towards the tax authority for the self-assessed tax.
Tax Line Override
You cannot override offset tax lines. However, you can update the tax line
calculated for the original tax. When you update the tax rate percentage or
amount or when you cancel the tax line, the corresponding tax line for the offset
taxes is updated.
Reporting-Only Taxes: How They Are Processed
You can identify taxes for reporting purposes only. When these taxes are
applicable to the transactions, records are created in the tax repository entities.
However, invoice distributions are not created for these taxes. Therefore, this
does not impact the payable amount, payment amount, and invoice accounting.
Settings That Affect Reporting-Only Taxes
You set up reporting-only taxes by selecting the Set tax for reporting purposes
only option for the tax.
How Reporting-Only Taxes Are Processed
Tax lines for reporting-only taxes have the Reporting Only option enabled. Tax
distributions are not created for these tax lines.
For Oracle Fusion Payables invoices, these lines are not displayed on the invoice
lines. The total of the reporting-only taxes are displayed in the tax totals region
of the invoice.
For Oracle Fusion Receivables transactions, reporting-only taxes are handled
as any other tax. These taxes are considered as a part of the invoice and are
accounted for accordingly.
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-123
Tax Line Override
You cannot update the Reporting Only option on the detail tax lines.
FAQs for Define Taxes
What's the minimum setup to enable a tax for transactions or simulation?
You can enable a tax for simulation or for transactions only after you have
completed all of the minimum setup.
Minimum setup for a country-level standard tax with no recovery and always
applicable includes:
• Entering the required fields in the Create Tax or Edit Tax pages.
• Entering direct tax rule defaults for Place of Supply, Tax Registration,
Tax Calculation Formula, and Taxable Basis Formula. Also, setting Tax
Applicability to Applicable.
• Entering indirect tax rule defaults for Tax Jurisdiction, Tax Status, and Tax
• Entering tax accounts for Tax Expense and Tax Recoverable or Liability
Account. Accounts you specify at the tax level appear as defaults at the
tax rate and tax recovery rate level.
If you have tax recovery, minimum setup also includes:
• Defining a tax recovery rate.
• Entering an indirect tax rule default for Tax Recovery Rate.
If the direct tax rule default for Tax Applicability is set to Not Applicable, you
must define a determining factor set, condition set, and tax applicability rule.
Manage Tax Determining Factor Sets and Tax Condition Sets
Tax Determining Factor Sets and Condition Sets: Explained
A tax determining factor is an attribute that contributes to the outcome of a tax
determination process, such as a geographical location, tax registration status,
or a fiscal classification. Determining factors are represented in tax rules as the
following concepts:
• Determining factor class: Tax determining factors are categorized into
logical groupings called determining factor classes, such as Accounting or
• Tax class qualifier: Use a class qualifier with a determining factor class
when it is possible to associate a determining factor class with more than
one value on the transaction. For example, you need to specify which
location type, such as ship-to party, a specific geography level, such as
country, is associated with.
17-124 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
• Determining factor name: Each determining factor class contains one or
more determining factor names that constitute the contents of the class.
The result of a determining factor class, and its class qualifiers and determining
factor names, is a list of available factors for use with tax conditions. Each tax
condition within a tax condition set must result in a valid value or range of
values for tax determination.
Conceptually, determining factors fall into four groups: party, product, process,
and place. The following figure expands upon the determining factors within
each grouping.
The relationship between the determining factor and condition sets and
the party, product, process, and place is shown in the following table. The
relationship value is a concept to group tax drivers and not an element in the
tax rule definition. The determining factor, determining factor class, tax class
qualifier, determining factor name, condition set operator, and condition set
value are all components of tax rule setup.
Relationship Determining
Factor Class
Tax Class
Factor Name
Set -
Set - Value
Process Accounting Accounting Line Account Equal to Flexible with
range of
and segment
or account
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-125
Process Document Document Document
level (1-5) or
• Equal
• Not
• Is
• Is not
codes of the
class qualifier
level or all
codes if there
is not class
17-126 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Place Geography Geography Location type
which can
be one of the
• Bill
• Bill to
• Point of
• Point of
• Ship
• Ship to
type from
Oracle Fusion
• Equal
• Equal
• Not
• Not
• Range
• Is
• Is not
names of the
belonging to
the location
by the class
qualifier, for
country or
If the
is Equal to
factor or
Not equal to
factor then
the values
• Bill
• Bill to
• Point of
• Point of
• Ship
• Ship to
The available
values do
not include
the tax class
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-127
Party Legal Party
party fiscal
First party Legal activity
codes for:
• Chile
• Colombia
• Peru
• United
• Venezuela
• Equal
• Not
• Is
• Is not
codes of
the legal
Party Party Fiscal
Party fiscal
Location type
which can
be one of the
• Bill-
• Bill-to
• Point of
• Point of
• Ship-
• Ship-to
Party fiscal
• Equal
• Not
• Is
• Is not
codes of the
party fiscal
type assigned
to the party
by the class
Product Product
Name of
a specific
level of a
product fiscal
• Equal
• Not
• Is
• Is not
codes of the
product fiscal
17-128 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Product Product
Product fiscal
level (1-5) or
product fiscal
• Equal
• Not
• Is
• Is not
codes of the
class qualifier
level or all
product fiscal
codes if there
is no class
Party Registration
Registration Location type
which can
be one of the
• Bill-
• Bill-to
• Ship-
• Ship-to
• Equal
• Equal
• Not
• Not
• Is
• Is not
defined in the
If the
is Equal to
factor or
Not equal to
factor then
the values
• Bill-
• Bill-to
• Ship-
• Ship-to
Process Transaction
• Equal
• Not
• Is
• Is not
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-129
Process Transaction
level (1-5) or
• Equal
• Not
codes of
the class
qualifier level
or all fiscal
codes if there
is no class
Process Transaction
level (1-5) or
• Equal
• Not
codes of
the class
qualifier level
or all fiscal
codes if there
is no class
Process Intended Use Transaction
input factor
Intended Use • Equal
• Not
• Is
• Is not
use fiscal
Product Line Class Transaction
input factor
Line Class • Equal
• Not
• Is
• Is not
event classes
and activities
Code list
of line
types such as:
• Procure-
• Credit
• Miscellaneous
17-130 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Process Product Type Transaction
input factor
Product Type • Equal
• Not
• Is
• Is not
goods or
Process Tax
input factor
• Equal
• Not
• Is
• Is not
Process User-Defined
input factor
• Equal
• Not
• Is
• Is not
defined fiscal
Place User-Defined
Location type
which can
be one of the
• Bill
• Bill to
• Point of
• Point of
• Ship
• Ship to
Tax zone
• Equal
• Equal
• Not
• Not
• Is
• Is not
Tax zones
of the tax
zone type
belonging to
the location
by the class
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-131
Do not mix the interpretation of the party, product, process, and place and the
associated determining factors if possible. For example, if the information you
need to model concerns the geography associated with the locations on the
transaction do not use party classifications to model this type of requirement.
Whenever possible, use automatically determined or derived determining
factors, such as party classifications, product fiscal classifications, or geography
instead of using those that are reliant on information entered at transaction time,
such as product category, intended use, or user-defined fiscal classifications.
Those entering information at transaction time may not be familiar with the
impact this information has on tax determination.
You can use multiple party and product fiscal classifications at the same time.
However, only the primary product fiscal classification, as defined in the country
defaults is displayed on the transaction line. When you override the product
fiscal classification at transaction time that value is used in preference to the
default product fiscal classification.
Party, Product, Place, and Process as Determining Factors:
Determining factors are the key building blocks of the tax rules. They are the
variables that are passed at transaction time derived from information on the
transaction or associated with the transaction. They are used within tax rules
logic to determine the conditions under which specific tax rules are applicable to
a specific transaction.
Conceptually they fall into four groups as shown in the following figure:
17-132 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
The four groups are described as:
• Party: Information about the parties on or associated with a transaction
such as party fiscal classification, tax registration, and tax exemptions.
• Product: Information of the types and classifications of the goods and
services on or associated to items on a transaction.
• Place: Information on the addresses of the locations associated to the party
and party locations on the transaction.
• Process: Information on the type of tax services that are being requested
such as purchase invoice and debit memo.
How Tax Is Determined Using Party, Product, Place, and Process Transaction
The following table describes how the party, product, place, and process
transaction attributes contribute to the outcome of the tax determination process:
Group Transaction Attributes Process
Place • Ship from
• Ship to
• Bill from
• Bill to
• Point of acceptance
• Point of origin
Restrict your tax rules based on
the location where the transaction
took place. For example, you may
only want to apply this tax rule to
goods that are delivered from an
EC country into the UK.
The tax determination process
uses the countries associated with
the transaction to select the tax
regimes associated with the first
parties defined for those countries.
The tax determination process
also uses the location on the
transaction that corresponds to
the location type derived from the
tax rule for the candidate tax or
the rule default location type. It
then identifies the tax jurisdiction
of the candidate tax to which the
location identified belongs. If the
location does not belong to any tax
jurisdiction of this tax, then the tax
does not apply to the transaction.
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-133
Party • First party legal entities
• Ship from or ship to parties
and bill from or bill to
• Tax registration and
registration statuses of each
• Type or classification of a
Restrict your tax rules based on
the party of the transactions. For
example, the supplier must be
registered in another EC country
for this tax rule to be applied.
The tax determination process
determines the first party of the
transaction which is either the
legal entity or business unit. It
uses the first party legal entity
or business unit to identify the
tax regimes to consider for the
transaction. It also identifies other
configuration options, if defined,
to use in processing taxes for the
The tax determination process also
determines the party whose tax
registration is used for each tax on
the transaction, and, if available,
derives the tax registration
number. If the tax registration or
registrations are identified, the
process stamps the transaction
with the tax registration numbers.
Product • Designation of physical
goods or services
• Type or classification of a
Restrict your tax rules to apply
to a specific product in the
transaction. The tax determination
process then applies these rules
to transactions with those specific
attributes. For example, the
product type must be goods for
this tax rule to apply.
For each tax, the tax determination
process determines if a product
tax exception applies to the
transaction. It looks for an
exception rate specific to
the inventory item or fiscal
classification of the item and
adjusts the rate appropriately.
Process • Procure-to-pay transactions,
such as purchases,
prepayments, and
• Order-to-cash transactions,
such as sales, credit memos,
and debit memos.
• Type of sale or purchase,
such as retail goods,
manufactured goods,
intellectual property, and
Restrict your tax rules to apply to
a specific type of transaction. The
tax determination process then
applies these rules to transactions
with those specific attributes. For
example, the tax rule is limited to
For each tax, the tax determination
process determines if a customer
tax exemption applies to an order-
to-cash transaction and updates
the tax rate accordingly.
17-134 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Setting Up Determining Factor and Condition Sets: Examples
The following scenarios illustrate when you set up tax determining factor sets
and condition sets to meet your tax requirements.
There is a tax requirement for a state tax, Intrastate A, to apply to any intrastate
transactions for a specific product category of items. When defining this tax the
typical transaction scenario is that this tax is not applicable. So when defining
this tax the tax applicability default value is Not Applicable. Create a tax rule
for the exception scenario when this particular product is sold in an intrastate
Create the determining factor set as follows:
Determining Factor Class Class Qualifier Determining Factor Name
Geography Ship from State
Product noninventory linked Level 2 Product Category
Create the condition set as follows:
Determining Factor
Class Qualifier Determining Factor
Operator Value
Geography Ship from State Equal to
determining factor
Ship to
Level 2 Product Category Equal to Product A
Define the set with the result of Applicable. If the conditions defined match
the respective transaction values the tax rule evaluates to true and the tax is
considered applicable. When the conditions are not met and if there are no other
condition sets or tax rules to evaluate the determination process looks to the
default value of Not Applicable as the result and the tax is not calculated.
Determining factors represent the and part of the evaluation process. The
determination process evaluates every element of the determining factor class
unless it is set to ignore in the condition set definition. This feature allows for
reusability of determining factor sets with some flexibility not requiring the use
of all determining factors in each tax rule definition. The condition set is the or
condition of a tax rule when there are multiple condition sets defined.
For example, a tax law may indicate that a specific state tax is applicable
to certain products or specific services from specific vendor types that are
considered to have environmental impacts. Analysis determines there are two
separate supplier party classifications and one product category defined that
meet the requirement for applicability.
Create the determining factor set as follows:
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-135
Determining Factor Class Class Qualifier Determining Factor Name
Party fiscal classification Ship from Party Fiscal Classification Type
Product noninventory linked Level 2 Product Category
Create the condition set 1 as follows:
Determining Factor
Class Qualifier Determining Factor
Operator Value
Party fiscal
Ship from Party Fiscal
Classification Type
Equal to Category A
Level 2 Product Category Equal to Product A
Create the condition set 2 as follows:
Determining Factor
Class Qualifier Determining Factor
Operator Value
Party fiscal
Ship from Party Fiscal
Classification Type
Equal to Category B
Level 2 Product Category Equal to Product A
The tax determination process evaluates all of the determining factors in the
determining factor set: party fiscal classification and product noninventory
linked. However, using multiple condition sets offer an or evaluation to the tax
rule. The tax determination process evaluates either of the following:
• Party fiscal classification type code is equal to category A and product
category is equal to product A
• Party fiscal classification type code is equal to category B and product
category is equal to product A
You define a result for each condition set that is applied if the condition
evaluates to true. Condition sets are numerically ordered to specify the sequence
in which they would need to be evaluated during rule processing. Optionally,
you can disable them for processing depending on a change in tax law.
It is important to carefully evaluate condition set order as a change in order can
impact the result of a tax rule.
Also, numerically order tax rules defined for a rule type to specify the sequence
in which they are to be evaluated during the rule processing. The rule order,
along with the specific applicability criteria like event class, defines the rule
evaluation sequence for a rule type.
FAQs for Manage Tax Determining Factor Sets and Tax Condition Sets
17-136 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Why are party, product, place, and process important?
Party, product, place, and process are important because they are a way of
analyzing and identifying the determining factors used within tax rules for a
specific business transaction tax situation. The tax determination process uses
tax rules for handling tax treatment for specific business situations. By viewing
the requirements of how the tax should be determined the party, product, place,
and process can provide to you a way of abstracting often complex business
requirements so that you can identify the setup to support those requirements.
Define Tax Recovery
Tax Recovery: Explained
Tax recovery is the full or partial recovery of tax paid on purchases by a
registered establishment to offset the tax collected from sales transactions.
There are usually many regulations surrounding the details of tax recovery. For
example, in most European countries, tax is fully recoverable on all purchases
except for businesses that only sell nontaxable supplies, such as financial
institutions. In cases in which businesses only sell nontaxable supplies, value-
added tax (VAT) on their purchases is not recoverable. In certain countries like
Canada, more than one type of recovery is possible. Tax authorities designate the
tax recovery rates that indicate the extent of recovery for a specific tax.
Tax recovery information on a transaction may be viewed on the invoice
distributions level, including any pertinent information for nonrecoverable and
recoverable taxes where applicable.
If the recovery rate on a tax varies based on one or more transaction factors,
set up recovery rate rules to determine the appropriate recovery rate on the
transaction. For example, most VAT-type taxes allow full recovery of taxes paid
on goods and services that relate to taxable business supplies. In cases where an
organization makes purchases relating to both taxable and exempt supplies, the
tax authority can designate a partial recovery rate to reflect the proportion that
relates to the taxable supplies. For instance, in the UK, Her Majesty's Revenue
and Customs (HMRC) have two methods to work out the tax recovery rate
• Standard method: Taxable supplies divided by the value of all supplies
added together (both taxable and exempt). This formula is based on a
previous period with an adjustment when the actual proportions are
• Special method: A custom formula approved by HMRC that reflect a
business's unique circumstances that must produce a fair and reasonable
result. Approval to use this special method is based on the business type,
the types of supplies, and the business's cost structure.
The Determine Recovery Rate process evaluates tax recovery for applicable
taxes. The Determine Recovery Rate process determines the recovery rate to
apply to each recovery type for each applicable tax on the transaction.
Determine Recovery Rate
Tax rules use the tax configuration setup defined within Oracle Fusion Tax and
the details on the transaction to determine which taxes apply to the transaction
and how to calculate the tax amount for each tax that applies to the transaction.
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-137
Tax rules let you create a tax determination model to reflect the tax regulations of
different tax regimes and the tax requirements of your business. You can create
a simple tax model or a complex tax model. A simple tax model makes use of
the default values without extensive processing while a complex tax model
considers each tax requirement related to a transaction before making the final
The tax determination process evaluates, in order of priority, the tax rules that
are defined and the details on the transaction. If the first rule is successfully
evaluated, the result associated with the rule is used. If not, the next rule is
evaluated until either a successful evaluation or default value is found.
The tax determination process is organized into rule types. Each rule type
identifies a particular step in the determination and calculation of taxes
on transactions. The rule type and related process used for tax recovery
determination is Determine Recovery Rate. This is an optional setup that is
applicable to taxes that have tax recovery enabled.
This process determines the recovery rate to apply to each recovery type for each
applicable tax on the transaction that allows for full, partial, or no recovery of
the tax amount. In many cases, the tax determination process uses either the
recovery rate associated with the tax rate or the default recovery rate defined for
the tax. However, if the tax recovery rate varies according to determining factors,
such as intended use, then create a Determine Recovery Rate tax rule to derive
the recovery rate.
You can only set up a Determine Recovery Rate tax rule for taxes that have the
tax recovery option enabled. For countries with more than one type of recovery,
use primary and secondary recovery types to address this requirement. After the
recovery rate is determined for each recovery type, the tax determination process
determines the recoverable amounts against each recovery type for each tax line.
The remaining tax amount becomes the nonrecoverable tax amount for the tax
The following outlines the process that results in a recoverable tax amount for
each recoverable tax distribution:
1. Allocate tax amount per item distributions. While taxes are determined at
the transaction line level, tax recovery is determined at the transaction line
distribution, or item distribution, level.
2. Determine recovery types. The tax determination process determines
for each tax and item distribution, whether the primary and, if defined,
secondary recovery types apply. The result of this process is a tax
distribution for each recovery type for each tax and item distribution. If
recovery types are not defined, go to step 5.
3. Determine recovery rates. For each tax distribution, the tax determination
process determines the recovery rate based on the following:
a. Consider the Determine Recovery Rate tax rule for the first recoverable
tax distribution.
b. Use the tax recovery rate derived from the tax rule.
c. If the tax determination process cannot derive a tax rule based on the
transaction values, use the tax recovery rate associated with the tax rate
for the tax line.
17-138 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
d. If there is no tax recovery rate associated with the tax rate, use the
default tax recovery rate for the recovery type and tax. If there is no
default tax recovery rate for the recovery type and tax, use the default
tax recovery rate defined for the tax.
e. Repeat the above steps for each recoverable tax distribution, if
4. Determine the recoverable amounts. The tax determination process
applies the recovery rates to the apportioned tax amounts to determine
the recoverable tax amounts. The result of this process is a recoverable tax
amount for each recoverable tax distribution.
5. Determine the nonrecoverable amount. Oracle Fusion Tax calculates the
difference between the apportioned tax amount of every tax line per item
distribution and the sum of the recoverable tax distribution to arrive at
the nonrecoverable tax amount, and then creates a nonrecoverable tax
distribution for this amount. If a primary recovery type was not defined
for a tax, the entire apportioned amount for the item distribution is
designated as the nonrecoverable tax amount.
Tax Recovery: Points to Consider
The tax determination process uses your tax configuration setup and the details
on the transaction to determine which taxes are recoverable.
You need to decide when to:
• Create Determine Recovery Rate rules
• Specify separate ledger accounts
• Manage tax distributions
• Specify settlement options
When to Create Determine Recovery Rate Rules
Use recovery rate rules to determine the applicable recovery rates when this
determination is based on one or more transaction factors, including the parties,
locations, product or product purpose.
At transaction time, the tax determination process uses the recovery rate derived
from the recovery tax rules. If no recovery rate rules are defined or if no existing
recovery rate rule applies to the transaction, the tax determination process uses
the default recovery rate that you define.
Commonly used factors that are used in tax recovery rules include:
• Intended use, such as resale or manufacturing
• Party fiscal classification, such as reseller or charitable organization
• Location, such as British Columbia or New Brunswick
When to Specify Separate Ledger Accounts
Recovery details are primarily captured and tracked through invoice
distributions. If there is a requirement to capture the recovery details into
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-139
separate general ledger accounts for each tax, define the recovery account at the
recovery rate level. If the recovery and liability can be combined at the account
level, the common account for liability or recovery defined at the tax rate level
can be used.
While generating the invoice distributions, the application first considers the
recovery account defined at the recovery rate level. If it is null, the liability or
recovery account defined at the tax rate level is used.
The nonrecoverable component of a tax gets registered into the expense account
defined at the tax rate level. If no specific expense account is given, the item
charge account available on the transaction is used. There may be a need to
apportion the nonrecoverable component of the tax amount on the item cost. As
such, you should consider all of the costing requirements while setting up an
expense account.
When to Manage Tax Distributions
Use the Tax Distributions window to review and update the tax recovery rate
on tax distributions. Oracle Fusion Tax creates recoverable distributions and
calculates tax recovery rates when you save the line distribution, according to the
Determine Recovery Rate tax rule process or the default recovery rate.
You can update the recovery rate code if the Allow tax recovery rate override
option is enabled for the tax.
You can update the recovery rate if the Allow ad hoc tax rate option is enabled
for the recovery rate. The update method differs according to the transaction
• Oracle Fusion Purchasing: You can either enter a new recovery rate or
select another recovery rate that you previously defined from the list of
• Oracle Fusion Payables: You can only select another rate that you
previously defined. If you update the recovery rate on a tax distribution,
Oracle Fusion Tax also updates the related nonrecoverable rate and
amount, and the distribution for the tax line.
If there are tax rules defined based on the Accounting determining factor class,
then changing or creating a distribution may affect tax calculation.
When to Specify Settlement Options
Tax authorities allow tax recovery at different stages of a transaction life cycle.
You can specify the settlement options to indicate when tax recovery is possible:
Settlement Option Purpose
Immediate Tax recovery is settled after invoice validation.
Deferred Tax recovery is settled only after the invoice is paid.
If the recovery settlement is Deferred, you must set up an interim tax account for
this tax to record the tax recoveries or liabilities that accrue prior to the payment.
Though this is an interim account the balance in this account represents a
contingent asset. As such, management and other reporting requirements need
to be duly considered while setting up or changing this account.
17-140 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Tax Recovery Rates Controls and Defaults: Points to Consider
Define tax recovery rates to claim full or partial recovery of taxes paid. Set up
tax recovery rate codes for the recovery types identified on the taxes within a tax
regime. A tax recovery rate code identifies the percentage of recovery designated
by the tax authority for a specific transaction.
Defining Controls and Defaults for Tax Recovery Rates
The following table describes the defaults and controls available at the tax
recovery rate level.
Recovery Rate Periods Region
Field Description Default Derived
Default Appears
Set as Default Rate Controls whether
this tax recovery
rate is the default
recovery rate
for this tax at
transaction time
None None If selected then
this recovery tax
rate is the default
rate for the period
specified. Where
there are no tax
recovery rate
rules applicable
at transaction
time then the tax
process selects this
tax recovery rate.
Recoverable Taxes: Worked Example
The following example illustrates the tax setup and associated tax conditions
that drive tax recovery. Set up tax rules to assign specific recovery rates instead
of using the default recovery rates defined for the tax. Two recovery types are
used to show the primary and secondary recovery type options for a tax.
In Canada, the Goods and Services Tax (GST) is a tax that applies to the supply
of most property and services in Canada. The provinces of British Columbia,
Ontario, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Newfoundland and Labrador,
referred to as the participating provinces, combined their provincial sales tax
with the GST to create the Harmonized Sales Tax (HST). Generally, HST applies
to the same base of property and services as GST. In countries like Canada,
some or all of the taxes on business transactions for registered companies are
recoverable taxes.
ABC Corporation is a business located in the province of British Columbia. The
sales invoice indicates that ABC purchases books for the purposes of resale. ABC
has already created the following setup:
• CA GST and HST, a GST and HST based tax regime
• CA HST, an HST based tax
• CA HST STANDARD, the default HST based tax status for the CA HST
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-141
recovery rates for HST, which are set as the default recovery rates for the
CA HST tax
• CA HST STANDARD RATE, the default HST based tax rate for the CA
HST tax
The percentage rate is 13% for most provinces, and 12% for British
The following tax implications are applicable in this scenario:
• Both federal and provincial components of HST are 100% recoverable on
books bought for resale.
• Zero recovery rates for federal and provincial components of HST are
required, and are set as the default recovery rates for the HST tax.
• Recovery rates for most of the participating provinces are required to
address the full recovery of the 13% HST rate.
• Recovery rates for British Columbia are required to address the 12%
HST rate.
• Recovery rate rules are required to assign nondefault recovery rates for
resale purchases.
• HST is not recoverable on consumable items, such as computers for use in
ABC's store. Default zero recovery rates apply in this case.
Perform the following steps:
• Create tax recovery rates
• Create an intended use fiscal classification
• Create recovery rate rules
Create Tax Recovery Rates
For most participating provinces in Canada, the HST is 13%, out of which 5% is
the federal component and 8% is the provincial component.
Create the tax recovery rates of 38.46% for the federal component of HST, and
61.54% for the provincial component of HST for these provinces.
1. On the Create Tax Recovery Rate page, enter the name of the tax regime,
2. Select the configuration owner for this tax recovery rate. To minimize
configuration and maintenance costs, select Global Configuration Owner
as the configuration owner.
3. Select the HST tax, CA HST.
4. Enter the name of the tax recovery rate you are defining, such as CA HST
5. Select PREC as the recovery type.
6. In the recovery rate periods table, enter 38.46 as the percentage recovery
rate, and an effective start date.
7. Click Save and Close.
17-142 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
8. Repeat steps 1 to 7 to create the tax recovery rate CA HST STD PROV REC
RATE, with a recovery type of SREC, and a percentage recovery rate of
For British Columbia, where the HST rate is 12%, you need one federal recovery
rate to address the 5% federal component and one provincial recovery rate
to address the 7% provincial component. Create a tax recovery rate of 41.67%
for the federal component of HST, and a tax recovery rate of 58.33% for the
provincial component of HST for British Columbia.
1. On the Create Tax Recovery Rate page, enter the name of the tax regime,
2. Select the configuration owner for this tax recovery rate. To minimize
configuration and maintenance costs, select Global Configuration Owner
as the configuration owner.
3. Select the HST tax, CA HST.
4. Enter the name of the tax recovery rate you are creating, such as CA HST
5. Select PREC as the recovery type.
6. In the recovery rate periods table, enter 41.67 as the percentage recovery
rate, and an effective start date.
7. Click Save and Close.
8. Repeat steps 1 to 7 to create the tax recovery rate CA HST BC PROV REC
RATE, with a recovery type of SREC, and a percentage recovery rate of
Create Intended Use Fiscal Classification
Create an intended use fiscal classification for Resale. An intended use fiscal
classification is a tax classification based on the purpose for which the product is
1. In the Create Fiscal Classification Code window of the Manage Intended
Use Classification page, enter a code for the classification, such as CA
2. Enter a name for this classification, such as CA Intended Use Resale.
3. Optionally, select Canada as the country and enter a start date, such as
4. Click Save and Close.
Create Recovery Rate Rules
Create the recovery rate rules that apply for most participating provinces when
the conditions for HST recovery are met. Recall that by default, tax recovery on
HST is 0% at the federal and provincial levels.
1. In the Create Determine Recovery Rate Rule page, select Global
Configuration Owner as the configuration owner, CA GST and HST as the
tax regime, and CA HST as the tax.
2. Enter the code and name of the tax recovery rate rule you are creating,
such CA HST FED RECOVERY RULE, the start date, and a recovery type
code of PREC.
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-143
3. Create or select a tax determining factor set and an associated tax
condition set whereby the intended use of the acquired product is
the intended use fiscal classification you defined earlier, namely CA
When this condition is met, 100% recovery rate for the federal component
is applicable.
4. For the tax condition set, assign the result of CA HST STD FED REC
5. Assign a rule order, such as 100.
6. Click Save and Close.
7. Repeat steps 1 to 6 to create CA HST PROV RECOVERY RULE for the
standard provincial recovery rule, with a recovery type code of SREC, a
result of CA HST STD PROV REC RATE, and a rule order of 110.
Create the recovery rate rules that apply for British Columbia when the
conditions for HST recovery are met.
1. In the Create Determine Recovery Rate Rule page, select Global
Configuration Owner as the configuration owner, CA GST and HST as the
tax regime, and CA HST as the tax.
2. Enter the code and name of the tax recovery rate rule you are creating,
such CA HST BC FED RECOVERY RULE, the start date, and a recovery
type code of PREC.
3. Create or select a tax determining factor set and an associated tax
condition set whereby the ship-to location is British Columbia and
the intended use of the acquired product is the intended use fiscal
classification you defined earlier, CA INTENDED USE RESALE.
When this condition is met, 100% recovery rate for the federal component
is applicable.
4. For the tax condition set, assign the result of CA HST BC FED REC RATE.
5. Assign a rule order, such as 50, that gives a higher priority to this rule
than the 2 rules you created previously.
6. Click Save and Close.
7. Repeat steps 1 to 6 to create CA HST BC PROV RECOVERY RULE for
British Columbia's provincial recovery rule, with a recovery type code of
SREC, a result of CA HST BC PROV REC RATE, and a rule order of 55.
For ABC's transactions in Canada, the following is determined by the
previous setup:
• HST tax is applicable and is calculated at a percentage rate of 13% for
most participating provinces, and a percentage rate of 12% in British
• The intended resale of these books makes these transactions eligible for
100% tax recovery.
• For most participating provinces, tax recovery is calculated at a federal
percentage rate of 38.46% and a provincial rate of 61.54%.
17-144 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
• For British Columbia, tax recovery is calculated at a federal percentage
rate of 41.67% and a provincial rate of 58.33%.
Tax Recovery Distributions: Explained
A recoverable tax is a tax that allows full or partial recovery of taxes paid on
purchases, either as a recoverable payment or as a balance against taxes owed.
A tax recovery rate identifies the percentage of recovery for a tax designated by
the tax authority for a specific transaction line. You can review Oracle Fusion
Payables tax distributions and, if applicable, update the tax recovery rate on a tax
distribution depending on your tax setup and security access. The component in
Oracle Fusion Purchasing is view-only.
Managing Tax Recovery Distributions
Oracle Fusion Tax creates recoverable distributions and calculates tax recovery
rates when you save the line distribution, according to the Determine Recovery
Rate tax rule process or the default recovery rate. If self-assessment is enabled
for the applicable party, two distributions for each tax are created, one with a
positive amount and the other with a negative amount.
One recoverable distribution for the primary recovery type and, if applicable,
the secondary recovery type is created, for each tax line for each of the item
distributions into which the item line or expense line is distributed. The tax
distributions are displayed in this way:
• If the tax is nonrecoverable, one nonrecoverable tax distribution line
for the tax is created, with the nonrecoverable amount equal to the tax
amount. You cannot update a nonrecoverable tax distribution nor create a
manual recoverable distribution.
• If the tax is recoverable, two or three distribution lines are displayed, one
for the primary recoverable amount, one for the secondary recoverable
amount, if applicable, and another for the nonrecoverable amount.
If the tax is fully recoverable, then the recoverable distribution amount is
equal to the tax amount and the nonrecoverable distribution amount is
equal to zero.
If the tax is recoverable and the recovery rate is zero, then the
nonrecoverable distribution amount is equal to the tax amount and the
recoverable distribution amount is equal to zero.
• If self-assessment is enabled for the applicable party, the application
creates two distributions for each tax, one with a positive amount and the
other with a negative amount.
If the tax applied on the transaction is self-assessed, then the
corresponding recoverable and nonrecoverable tax distributions are not
visible in the distributions window, but the application does generate
them at the time of accounting for the invoice
• If the tax applied on the transaction is of the offset type, then the
application creates two distributions for the recovery and nonrecovery
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-145
portions of the tax. Since they are intended to offset each other, they are
created for the same amount, but one with a positive value and the other
with a negative value.
In a Payables transaction you can update the recovery rate code if the Allow tax
recovery rate override option is enabled for the tax. You can update the recovery
rate if the Allow ad hoc tax rate option is enabled for the recovery rate.
If you update the recovery rate on a tax distribution, Oracle Fusion Tax also
updates the related nonrecoverable rate and amount, and the distribution
for the tax line. If the distribution status is frozen, you cannot update the tax
distribution. In order to change the distribution, you must reverse the tax
distribution and enter a new distribution.
If applicable, accounting-related setups may affect tax calculation:
• If there are tax rules defined based on the Accounting determining factor
class, then changing or creating a distribution may affect tax calculation.
• If the Enforce tax from account option is enabled for the configuration
owner and event class, this may affect the tax calculation based on the
Tax Recovery Distributions: Example
Recoverable distributions are created and tax recovery rates are calculated when
you save the line distribution, according to the Determine Recovery Rate tax
rule process or the default recovery rate. You can review tax distributions and, if
applicable, update the tax recovery rate on a tax distribution.
The authorized user can update the tax recovery rate on the distribution in
Oracle Fusion Payables. The component in Oracle Fusion Purchasing is view-
Your company is located in a Canadian province that has combined the
provincial sales tax with the federal goods and services tax (GST) into a
harmonized sales tax (HST). They recently purchased books to sell in their stores.
They also purchased some computers to use in kiosks within the stores for
customers to use to locate books.
Transaction Details
The transaction details are as follows:
• Total cost of books is 10,000 CAD
The invoice indicates the intended use as Resale.
• Total cost of computers is 5,000 CAD
The computers will be expensed as they do not meet the capitalization
17-146 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
• Tax rate applicable to each item is 13%
In most tax regimes, a tax that is paid by a registered establishment can claim
back 100% of taxes due from the tax authority, except for specific designated
purchases. Depending upon the details of a company's business purchases and
tax authority regulations, a number of exception regulations may accompany the
details of tax recovery. Tax implications are:
• The HST associated with the cost of books to be sold in stores is 100%
recoverable. Therefore, 1,300 CAD is recoverable (10,000 CAD * 13%).
• The HST associated with the cost of the computers to be used in kiosks
within the stores is not recoverable. Therefore, 650 CAD is nonrecoverable
(5,000 CAD * 13%).
The HST tax configuration specifies that the recovery tax rate for zero 0%
recoverable is used as a default. A tax rule is defined to apply a 100% recoverable
rate for products with an intended use of Resale.
Based on the analysis, the following distributions are created for the transaction:
Accounting Class Debit Credit
Item Expense 10,000
Item Expense 5,000
Recoverable Tax 1,300
Nonrecoverable Tax 650
Liability 10,000
Liability 5,000
Liability 1,300
Liability 650
Define Tax Statuses
Tax Status Controls and Defaults: Points to Consider
Set up tax statuses that you need for each tax that you create for a combination
of tax regime, tax, and configuration owner. You define a tax status under a tax
and a configuration owner, and define all applicable tax rates and their effective
periods under the tax status. The tax status controls the defaulting of values to its
tax rates.
Defining Controls and Defaults
The following table describes the defaults and controls available at the tax status
Header Region
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-147
Field Description Default Derived
Default Appears
Set as default tax
Controls whether
this tax status is
defined as the
default tax status
for this tax
None None If selected then this
tax status is defined
as the default tax
status for this
tax. Where no tax
status rules are
applicable then the
tax determination
process selects
this tax status as
the applicable
tax status for
transactions in the
date range defined.
Tax Information Region
Field Description Default Derived
Default Appears
Default Settlement
Lookup code to
indicate whether
an input tax is
recovered when an
invoice is recorded
or only when the
invoice is paid
and whether an
output tax is due
for settlement when
the invoice is issued
or only when the
payment is received
against it
Tax Tax rate None
Allow tax
Controls whether
tax exceptions are
allowed for this tax
Tax Tax rate None
Allow tax
Controls whether
tax exemptions are
allowed for this tax
Tax Tax rate None
Allow tax rate
Controls whether
you can override
the tax rate at
transaction time
None Tax rate None
Define Tax Rates
Define Tax Rates: Overview
The tax determination process identifies the applicable tax rate when taxes are
considered applicable to a transaction. Tax rates can apply to a specific location
17-148 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
or jurisdiction, for example, you define state, county, and city jurisdiction-
based rates for a US Sales and Use Tax regime. Tax rates can change over time,
for example when a tax rate increase occurs, you end date one rate period
definition and create a new rate period with an effective start date. There can
be tax exceptions or exemptions to tax rates based on specific items, third
parties, general ledger accounts, or other factors. You must set up tax rates
for tax statuses and optionally for tax jurisdictions. For tax statuses, set up
tax rate records for each applicable tax rate that a tax status identifies. For tax
jurisdictions, set up tax rate records to identify the tax rate variations for a
specified tax and tax status within different tax jurisdictions. Set up your tax
rates in the Define Tax Rates activity.
The tax rate determination process can be viewed as a two step process:
• Tax rate determination, which includes:
• A default tax rate associated to the tax
• An effective rate period
• Jurisdiction-based rates
• Tax rules; direct rate rules, tax rate rules, and account-based direct rate
• Migrated tax classification codes and tax classification-based direct rate
• Tax rate modification, which includes:
• Item or product fiscal classification exceptions using special rates,
discounts, or surcharges
• Third party and third party site tax exemptions using special rates and
full or partial exemptions
Tax Rate Setup: Explained
Consider the applicable tax statuses and optionally tax jurisdictions when
defining the tax rate setup to determine applicable tax rates on a transaction.
Tax Statuses
A tax status is the taxable nature of a product in the context of a transaction and
a specific tax on the transaction. You define a tax status to group one or more tax
rates that are of the same or similar nature. Each tax must have at least one status
defined and one status assigned as a default. Create tax rules to set alternate
values as required.
For example, one tax can have separate tax statuses for standard and manually
entered tax rates.
Tax Jurisdictions
A tax jurisdiction is an incidence of a tax on a specific geographical area. A tax
jurisdiction is limited by a geographical boundary that encloses a contiguous
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-149
political or administrative area, most commonly the borders of a country. Often
this is represented by a state, province, city, county, or even a tax zone. In Oracle
Fusion Tax, a tax jurisdiction can use the geography setup from your Oracle
Fusion Trading Community Model geography hierarchy to identify a tax rate.
Taxes such as Canada's Harmonize Sales Tax (HST) and Provincial Sales Tax may
require tax rates at the jurisdiction level.
For example, US Sales and Use Tax are applicable based upon the jurisdictions
you generally define for state, county, and city geographies.
Tax Rates
You must set up at least one tax rate for each tax status. You may need to set up
additional tax rates at the tax jurisdiction level if the tax rate applicable for the
tax is unique for a particular tax jurisdiction.
For example, in Canada, HST is applied at a 13% rate in most provinces that
have adopted HST except for British Columbia where the tax rate is 12% and
Nova Scotia where the tax rate is 15%. To satisfy this requirement define a single
tax rate of 13% with no tax jurisdiction associated and define 12% and 15% tax
rates and associate them with the British Columbia and Nova Scotia jurisdictions
respectively. This minimizes setup by creating an exception-based setup and a
default option for the most commonly utilized tax rate percentage.
Tax Rate Types
You can express tax rates in terms of percentage or quantity. A quantity-based
tax rate is based upon the number of items purchased or events that occur. For
example, a taxing jurisdiction passes a law that each package of cigarettes sold
is subject to a tax of 0.87 USD. This tax is considered a quantity-based tax as it
is assessed based upon the number of packages purchased not the price of the
Tax Classification Code Set Assignments
When defining a tax rate select the tax classification code set assignments of
Order to cash, Procure to pay, and Expenses. These assignments determine
if the tax rate code you define is applicable within a specific product and
set assignment at transaction time. In addition the set assignment of tax
classification codes is derived based on the configuration owner that is part of
the tax rate code definition.
When you create a tax rate code where the:
• Configuration owner is the global configuration owner: The tax
classification code is assigned to all sets that have the determinant type
of business unit and contain the determinant value of the business units
that have the subscription of the legal entity. The tax classification code is
also assigned to the business units that do not have the subscription of the
legal entity but subscribe to the global configuration owner data for this
tax regime.
• Configuration owner is the legal entity: The tax classification code is
assigned to all sets that have the determinant type of business unit
and contain the determinant value of the business units that use the
subscription of legal entity. The tax classification code is also assigned to
business units that subscribe to this specific legal entity as party first party
17-150 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
• Configuration owner is the business unit: The tax classification code is
assigned to all sets that have the determinant type of business unit and
contain the determinant value of the business unit for which the content is
The application does not assign the tax classification codes to the global set of
COMMON for any of these scenarios.
You can use the tax classification codes created as determining factors when
defining tax rules. When you use the regime determination method of standard
tax classification code, the tax classification based direct rate rules can be defined
with these codes as factors for direct rate determination. Maintain the tax
classification codes using the associated lookup types of Party Tax Profile Input
Tax Classification, Party Tax Profile Output Tax Classification, and Party Tax
Profile Web Expense Tax Classifications.
Rate Periods
You can define one or more rate periods for a tax rate as long as the date ranges
do not overlap. This allows for a change in tax rates over time without requiring
a new tax rate code definition. You can define default effective periods for tax
rate periods. This effectivity must be unique across tax regime, configuration
owner, tax, and tax status. This allows flexibility if there is a requirement to
define a new tax rate code and identify the new rate period as a default when
existing rate periods exist on another tax rate code. Define tax rules as exceptions
to default tax rates.
Tax Recovery
When the associated tax allows tax recovery you can define tax recovery or offset
tax rates. Associate the offset tax or the default tax recovery rate and tax rule
defined for tax recovery to the tax rate code. If the tax rule does not evaluate to
true at transaction time then the default tax recovery rate is applicable. Ensure
that the tax recovery rate and tax rate periods overlap or the application does not
calculate tax recovery.
Tax Accounts
Define tax accounting for the tax rate code either as a default from the tax setup
or an override of values at the tax rate level. Tax accounts are defined for the
legal entity and optionally for the business unit. The accounts you define are
tax expense accounts, tax revenue accounts, tax finance charge accounts, and
accounts specific to tax recovery.
Setting Up Tax Rates: Choices to Consider
Set up tax rates for your tax statuses and tax jurisdictions. For tax statuses, set
up a tax rate record for each applicable tax rate that a tax status identifies. For
tax jurisdictions, set up tax rate records to identify the tax rate variations for a
specific tax within different tax jurisdictions. For example, a city sales tax for a
state or province may contain separate city tax jurisdictions, each with a specific
rate for the same tax.
At transaction time, you can override tax rates on calculated tax lines depending
on your setup.
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-151
Quantity-Based Tax Rates
You can define tax rates as a percentage or as a value per unit of measure. The
UOM field is optional in the tax setup. However, if you do enter the UOM there
is validation that must be passed in order for the tax rate to be applied. This
• If the UOM exists on the tax rate, the transaction must have a matching
UOM or a blank UOM.
• Only one active tax rate can exist for any given tax rate period. You cannot
create one tax rate for each UOM that might be used within a single tax
rate code.
You can define the quantity rate type for a tax rate code with the UOM field left
as blank. At transaction time, the application multiplies the quantity by the tax
rate and the UOM is not taken into account.
Override of Tax Rates on Tax Lines
Part of the configuration options is to allow you to override the calculated tax
rate on a tax line. The following controls should be considered during setup:
• Allow override of calculated tax lines: This option exists on the Create
Configuration Owner Tax Options page for the configuration owner and
event class. In order for you to manually override tax lines this option
must selected for the combination of configuration owner and event
class. If a configuration owner tax option does not exist the value on the
predefined event class setting is used.
• Allow override of calculated tax lines: You must select this option on the
associated tax record to be able to override values on a calculated tax line.
• Allow tax rate override: You must select this option on the associated tax
status record to be able to override tax rates on a calculated tax line.
• Allow ad hoc tax rate: You must select this option on the tax rate record if
you want to allow the flexibility of not being restricted to predefined tax
rates and allow user entered rates on calculated tax lines.
If you allow ad hoc tax rates you must indicate if the adjustment to a tax
amount updates the taxable basis or the tax rate.
You can set the Transaction Tax Line Override profile option to control which
users can make changes to the transaction line such as selecting a different tax
status or tax rate.
Tax Rates Controls and Defaults: Points to Consider
Set up tax rates for your tax statuses and optionally for tax jurisdictions. For
tax statuses, set up a tax rate record for each applicable tax rate that a tax status
identifies. For tax jurisdictions, optionally set up tax rate records to identify the
tax rate variations for a specific tax within different tax jurisdictions.
17-152 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Defining Controls and Defaults for Tax Rates
The following table describes the defaults and controls available at the tax rate
Header Region
Field Description Default Derived
Default Appears
Tax Rate Type Lookup code that
controls the type of
tax rate. Values are:
• Percentage:
The tax rate is
a percentage
line value
• Quantity:
The tax rate is
currency per
UOM such as
USD per kilo
None None Defines whether
the tax rate is either
percentage or
quantity based
Tax Classification
Code Set
• Order to cash
• Procure to
• Expenses
Controls where tax
classification codes
that are created
in parallel to the
creation of the tax
rate are available
for use
None None If selected then the
tax classification
code associated
with this tax rate
is available for
use in order to
cash, procure to
pay, and expenses
Rate Periods Region
Field Description Default Derived
Default Appears
Set as Default Rate Controls whether
this tax rate is the
default rate for the
defined tax status
for the period
None None If selected then
this tax rate is the
default tax rate
for the defined
tax status for the
period specified.
Where there
are no tax rate
rules applicable
at transaction
time then the tax
process selects
this tax rate where
the associated tax
status is derived
during the period
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-153
Main Details Tab, Other Details Region
Field Description Default Derived
Default Appears
Tax Inclusion
Defines whether the
tax is:
• Standard
This option
the taxes as
exclusive of
the given
line amount
• Standard
This option
the taxes as
inclusive of
the given
line amount
• Special
This option
the taxes as
inclusive of
the given
line amount,
but the
differs from
the standard
None None Use this option in
conjunction with
other setup on tax,
party tax profile,
tax registration,
and transaction
details to control
the inclusiveness
of a line amount at
transaction time
17-154 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Allow override and
entry of inclusive
tax lines
Controls whether
you can override
and enter inclusive
or exclusive line
Tax None Use this option in
conjunction with
the Transaction
Tax Line Override
profile option as
well as Allow
override of
calculated tax
lines and Allow
override and entry
of inclusive tax
lines options for
the configuration
owner tax options
to allow you
to update the
Inclusive option
on tax line at
transaction time
Allow tax
Controls whether
tax exceptions are
allowed for this tax
Tax status None If this option
is selected tax
exceptions can
be processed at
transaction time
Allow tax
Controls whether
tax exemptions are
allowed for this tax
Tax status None Use this option
in conjunction
with the Allow
option on the
owner tax options
and when both
are selected allows
tax exemptions to
be processed at
transaction time
Allow ad hoc tax
Controls whether
you can enter ad
hoc tax rates at
transaction time
None None Use this option
in conjunction
with Transaction
Tax Line Override
profile option and
the Allow override
of calculated tax
lines option for
the configuration
owner tax options.
If all are selected
allows you to enter
tax rates.
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-155
Adjustment for Ad
Hoc Tax Amounts
Lookup code that
is used when you
select the Allow ad
hoc tax rate option
None None When the Allow
ad hoc tax rate
option is selected
the lookup value in
this field controls
how the application
controls the change
in tax value, either
as a change to the
taxable basis or to
the tax rate value
Default Settlement
Lookup code to
indicate whether
an input tax is
recovered when an
invoice is recorded
or only when the
invoice is paid
and whether an
output tax is due
for settlement when
the invoice is issued
or only when the
payment is received
against it
Tax status None Defines whether
the settlement is
immediate, for
example, at invoice
time, or deferred,
for example, at
payment time
Tax Rates for a Canadian Tax Regime: Examples
The following scenarios illustrate when you might want to use exceptions or tax
rules to meet your Canadian tax requirements.
The first scenario includes tax calculation for a Canadian tax regime. Purchases
made in Ontario are generally taxed for Provincial Sales Tax (PST) at a tax rate of
8%. Accommodation purchases are generally taxed at 5% and food is generally
exempt from tax.
EDC Corporation's Ontario store has been invoiced for employee
accommodations, including hotel facilitates and food for a conference they
attended. The invoice is for a hotel room, use of hotel office facilities, and food.
Set up tax rates to meet PST requirements for the store in Ontario as follows:
• Define a jurisdiction-based tax rate of 8% which is applicable to the hotel
facilities usage. This is the standard tax calculation for the jurisdiction of
• Define a rate exception with a special rate of 5% for the hotel room. This
exception can be driven by a product fiscal classification.
• Define a Determine Tax Status rule which points to the exempt status of
0% rate for food based on a product fiscal classification. Use the tax rule
over an exception since you can use a specific tax status and the default
rate of 0% for that tax status.
Another example of tax calculation for a Canadian tax regime is purchases
of some items made on First Nation reserves have a First Nations Tax that is
17-156 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
applicable at a tax rate of 5%. Since the requirements drive the applicability of
the tax as well as the tax status and tax rate you can define a direct rate rule to
handle both the applicability and the tax rate.
Manage Tax Exceptions
Tax Exception on a Transaction Line: How Tax Is Calculated
Set up tax exceptions to apply special tax rates to products. At transaction
time, Oracle Fusion Tax determines whether the tax exception applies to the
transaction line for the product, and if so, uses the applicable exception rate.
Settings That Affect Tax Exceptions
A tax exception must belong to a combination of tax regime, configuration
owner, and tax. You can also assign tax exceptions to a tax status or tax rate
belonging to the tax or to a tax jurisdiction.
You can define Oracle Fusion Inventory organization tax exceptions for items, or
you can define tax exceptions for Inventory-based product fiscal classifications
or noninventory-based product categories. If you are using Inventory-based
product fiscal classifications then generally, the application classifies the
transaction line based on the item. If you are using noninventory-based product
category fiscal classifications you enter the appropriate product category on all
applicable lines to influence the tax result.
Product categories and product fiscal classifications are defined in a hierarchical
structure. It is important that you select the appropriate level where the tax
exception is applicable. For product fiscal classifications to be used in item
exceptions, you must indicate that it is used in item exceptions at the tax regime
association to the product fiscal classification. You can set up only one product
fiscal classification for any specific tax regime with the Used in Item Exceptions
option selected.
When you set up configuration options for first party legal entities and business
units, you can set a separate configuration option for the owning and sharing of
product tax exceptions for a combination of party and tax regime.
The Allow tax exceptions option is set at the tax regime level and you can
override it at the tax and tax status levels. However, the setup you define for the
tax rate is what is evaluated during tax rate determination.
At transaction time, the tax exception is used if the details of the transaction
and the tax match all of the entities assigned to the tax exception. Only one tax
exception can apply to a transaction line for a specific tax.
Tax exemptions are specific to the order-to-cash event class while tax exceptions
are applicable across event classes.
How Tax Exceptions Are Calculated
The tax determination process determines tax applicability, tax status, and the
tax rate for the transaction line. If tax exceptions are allowed, the application
looks at the item entered on the transaction line to determine if an exception is
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-157
defined at the tax, tax status, tax rate, tax jurisdiction, Inventory organization, or
Inventory level and uses the exception at the most specific level.
If the application does not find any tax exception for the item, it looks for a
product fiscal classification associated with the transaction line. If one exists, the
application determines if an exception is defined at the tax, tax status, tax rate,
tax jurisdiction, and product fiscal classification level and uses the exception at
the most specific level with the highest precedence.
The tax rate is then based on the exception type and calculated as follows:
• Discount: A reduction of the base tax rate. For example, if the discount is
15% off the standard rate and the standard rate is 10%, then the discount
rate is 85% of the original 10%, or 8.5%.
• Surcharge: An increase to the base tax rate. For example, if the surcharge
is 10% and the standard rate is 10%, then the surcharge rate is 110% of the
original 10%, or 11%.
• Special Rate: A rate that replaces the base tax rate. For example, if the
special rate is 5% and the standard rate is 10%, the tax rate is the special
rate of 5%.
Finally, the new tax rate is applied to the taxable basis and the tax amount is
For manual tax lines, no additional processing is performed and exceptions are
not considered. A manual tax lines suggests that you have specific business
requirements for a particular transaction to apply a manual tax. No additional
processing is performed for manual tax lines to avoid any applying conflicting or
inconsistent values to the user-entered tax line. The tax calculation on a manual
tax line is the standard formula of: tax amount is equal to the taxable basis
multiplied by the tax rate.
Define Tax Rules
Tax Determination: Explained
Taxes are levied on transactions as per the legislations in a country or region.
They are seldom uniformly applied on all transactions and tax legislation may
seek differential levy, treatment, and administration of taxes based on various
transaction attributes. Configure Oracle Fusion Tax to evaluate transactions
based on transaction attributes to determine which taxes apply to a transaction
and how to calculate tax amount for each tax that applies to the transaction.
The tax determination process evaluates transaction header and line information
to derive tax lines for taxes applicable to the transactions. The evaluation process
is subdivided into the following processes:
• Determine Applicable Tax Regimes and Candidate Taxes
• Determine Place of Supply and Tax Jurisdiction
• Determine Tax Applicability
• Determine Tax Registration
• Determine Tax Status
• Determine Tax Rate
• Determine Taxable Basis
17-158 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
• Determine Tax Calculation
• Determine Tax Recovery
The tax determination process utilizes the tax foundation configuration in
conjunction with configuration options and tax rules to process transactions for
tax applicability and calculation. Tax configuration ranges from simple models
that make use of default values without extensive processing to complex models
that consider each tax requirement related to a transaction before making the
final calculation.
When setting up a tax examine the regulations that govern the determination
of the tax amount, from identifying applicability drivers to how the tax is
calculated. Organize the regulations into one or more rule types for each tax.
When the regulations indicate that more than one result is possible for a given
rule type, then you need to define rules within that rule type. Otherwise you can
defer to a default value for that rule type associated to the tax.
The complexity of setup can be classified as follows:
• No tax rules required: Oracle Fusion Tax uses the default tax status, tax
rate, and tax recovery rate defined for the tax. Tax rules are not required
but tax rates can vary by class of products set up using tax exceptions,
location set up using tax jurisdictions, and party set up using exemption
definitions. In addition, applicability can still be controlled without the
use of tax rules such as through the party tax profile that you define for a
• Simple tax rule regimes: The tax authority levies tax on your transactions
at the same rate, with a simple set of identifiable exceptions. The
exceptions either apply to one part of the transaction only, such as to
certain parties, or to a combination of parties, products, and transaction
processes that you can summarize in a simple way. In such cases, use a
simple set of tax rules, for example, to identify place of supply and tax
registration, and use default values for other processes.
• Complex tax regimes: Tax regimes in certain countries require a complex
logic to determine the applicable taxes and rates on a transaction. Both tax
applicability and tax rates can vary, for example, by place of origin and
place of destination, party registration, status, service, or a combination
of factors. In some cases, the taxable amount of one tax may depend upon
the amount of another tax on the same transaction. And in rare cases, the
tax amount itself may depend on the tax amount of another tax. For all
of these and similar situations, you set up tax rules to define the logic
necessary to identify each step of the tax determination process.
Tax Determination Steps
The first step of the determination process is to identify the first party of the
transaction. The tax determination process looks to the business unit on the
transaction and identifies whether it is pointing to the configuration owner of
the business unit or legal entity depending on the Use subscription of the legal
entity option on the party tax profile definition of the business unit. The tax
determination process checks to determine if there are configuration owner tax
options associated to this party or if the predefined event class option should be
The Determine Applicable Tax Regimes process can be the predefined
TAXREGIME, STCC (standard tax classification code), or another regime
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-159
determination set that is user-defined. TAXREGIME or user-defined regime
determination sets derive the applicable tax regimes or tax regime through
country or zone of the location identified in the processing of the regime
determination determining factor set location values. STCC determination is
typically used for purposes of migrated data and has a different processing logic
driven by tax classification code. A third option of determination is third party
Determine Applicable Tax Regimes and Candidate Taxes
Tax regimes are considered based on geography and subscription. Either a
country or zone associated to the tax regime definition must be the same as the
country or zone identified via the location that evaluates to true on the regime
determination set of the first party of the transaction. In addition, the tax regime
must have a subscription to the applicable configuration owner. Once the tax
determination process identifies the tax regimes the list of candidate taxes can be
evaluated based on the configuration option setting of the first party in the tax
regime subscription definition:
• Common Configuration: Consider all taxes with the configuration owner
of global configuration owner.
• Party Specific Configuration: Consider all taxes with the first party as
configuration owner.
• Common Configuration with Party Overrides: Consider all taxes with the
first party and the global configuration owner as configuration owner. If a
tax is defined by both the first party and the global configuration owner,
then the application only uses the tax defined by the first party.
• Parent First Party Configuration with Party Overrides: Consider all taxes
with the first party and the parent first party as configuration owner.
If a tax is defined by the first party and the parent first party then the
application only uses the tax defined by the first party.
Determine Tax Applicability and Place of Supply and Tax Jurisdiction
This process determines the tax applicability of each candidate tax based on
direct rate determination, place of supply, tax applicability, and tax jurisdiction.
The first step in tax applicability is to process any direct rate rules defined for
a tax regime, configuration owner, and candidate taxes. If a direct rate rule
evaluates to true then place of supply is processed for this transaction tax.
If successful the tax is applicable and the tax status and tax rate defined for
the direct rate rule are used in the tax calculation. If a direct rate rule does
not evaluate to true for this tax regime, configuration owner, and tax the tax
applicability rules are processed next. After a tax is found applicable based on an
applicability rule or a default value the process verifies the place of supply and
associated tax jurisdiction. This is required except in the cases of migrated taxes.
The place of supply process identifies the applicable location type and associated
tax jurisdiction where the supply of goods or services is deemed to have taken
place for a specific tax. If the tax determination process cannot find a tax
jurisdiction for the location that corresponds to the place of supply location
type, then the tax does not apply and it is removed as a candidate tax for the
For example, the place of supply for UK value-added tax (VAT) on goods is
generally the ship-from country. Thus, the place of supply of a sale or purchase
within the UK is the UK itself. However, if a UK legal entity supplies goods from
17-160 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
its French warehouse to a German customer, then the place of supply will not
find a jurisdiction for UK VAT in France, and therefore UK VAT does not apply.
Determine Tax Registration
This process determines the party whose tax registration is used for each tax on
the transaction, and, if available, derives the tax registration number.
Determine Tax Status
This process determines the tax status of each applicable tax on the transaction. If
the process cannot find a tax status for an applicable tax, then Tax raises an error.
Determine Tax Rate
This process determines the tax rate code for each tax and tax status derived
from the previous process. First the application looks for a rate based on rate
code and tax jurisdiction. If this is not found then the application looks for a
rate with no tax jurisdiction. If applicable, the tax rate is then modified by any
exception rate or tax exemption that applies. The result of this process is a tax
rate code and tax rate for each applicable tax.
Determine Taxable Basis
This process determines the taxable base for each tax rate code. Depending on
the tax rate type the taxable basis is amount based or quantity based. The tax
determination process typically determines the tax by applying the tax rate to the
taxable base amount. In some cases, the taxable basis either can include another
tax or is based on the tax amount of another tax. Define taxable basis formulas to
manage these requirements.
Determine Tax Calculation
This process calculates the tax amount on the transaction. In most cases,
the tax amount is computed by applying the derived tax rate to the derived
taxable basis. In some exceptional cases, the tax amount is altered by adding
or subtracting another tax. Define tax calculation formulas to manage these
Determine Tax Recovery
This process determines the recovery rate to use on procure-to-pay transactions
when the tax allows for full or partial recovery of the tax amount. For example,
for UK manufacturing companies VAT on normal purchases used for company
business is 100% recoverable. However, if you are a financial institution which
only makes VAT exempt on sales then you are not allowed to recover any taxes
and your recovery rate is zero percent on all purchases. The recovery process
impacts the distribution level, tax amounts, and inclusiveness of taxes. The
resulting distribution amounts are adjusted as a result of the recovery process.
The recovery type is defined on the tax and identifies whether there are one or
two recovery types; primary and secondary. For each tax and recovery type the
application determines the recovery rate based on a tax rule or default value
defined on the tax.
Tax Rules: Explained
Tax determination can be configured as a simple process with all default values
for the determination points and it can be enhanced with the definition of tax
rules to identify and process any exceptions to the common treatment scenario.
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-161
The tax rules that are part of the tax determination process are organized into
rule types. Each rule type identifies a particular step in the determination and
calculation of taxes on transactions. The tax determination process evaluates, in
order of priority, the tax rules that are defined against the tax configuration setup
and the details on the transaction. The application processes tax rules in order of
evaluation until one evaluates successfully, then the process stops. If none of the
rules defined evaluate successfully the associated default value is used.
The tax line determination process uses the information of the transaction
header and the transaction line and any information derived by the transaction
attributes such as party fiscal classification to determine the tax lines. The
rule types and related processes are used for tax line determination and tax
Tax rules have the following elements as part of the definition:
• Rule type and rule attributes:
• Tax regime, configuration owner, tax and optionally, tax status and tax
recovery type
• Event class association
• Geography association
• Effective dates
• Determining factors and condition sets
• Rule order and status
A rule type associates a tax rule to a particular point in the determination
process. The following are the possible tax rules you can define:
• Place of Supply Rules
• Tax Applicability Rules
• Tax Registration Determination Rules
• Tax Status Determination Rules
• Tax Rate Determination Rules
• Taxable Basis Rules
• Tax Calculation Rules
• Tax Recovery Rate Determination Rules
• Manage Direct Tax Rate Determination Rules
• Account Based Direct Tax Rate Determination Rules
• Tax Classification Based Direct Tax Rate Determination Rules
Define a tax rule in the context of a tax regime, configuration owner, tax. Define
Tax Rate Determination Rules within the context of a tax regime, configuration
owner, tax, and tax status. Define Tax Recovery Rate Determination Rules within
the context of a tax regime, configuration owner, tax, and recovery type. When
processing a transaction the transaction date must be within the effective date of
the rule.
Associate a tax rule with an event class or tax event class on the tax rule header
to identify the tax rule as only being applicable to a specific event class. The tax
determination process evaluates event-specific rules and tax event-specific rules
17-162 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
before nonevent-specific rules for the same rule type, tax regime, configuration
owner, and tax. Set up more specific event classes to less specific tax event
classes to generic tax rules applicable to all event classes. Include geography
information on the tax rule header as well as within the determining factor or
condition set detail. Including geography detail does not change evaluation
order but improves the performance of tax rule processing. Include reference
information, such as tax law or other text, in the definition of the tax rule.
Always try to minimize tax rules and setup for tax regimes and taxes. Tax rules
are specific to a tax regime and tax, thus by minimizing the number of tax
regimes and taxes, the number and complexity of the tax rules can be minimized.
Move any complexity from the beginning to the end of the rule types and
supporting setup. For example, it is better to use tax recovery rate rules in
preference to setting up specific tax rates with individual defaults associated
with tax recovery rates.
Tax reporting requirements adds some level of complexity to the pure tax setup
needed to support the tax determination and calculation processes, make every
effort to minimize this additional level of complexity. Write tax reports wherever
possible to use tax reporting codes or use the determination factors that identify
your reporting requirements. These reporting determination factors should
replace the need to create specific taxes, tax statuses, and tax rates purely defined
to allow tax reporting.
For extreme cases you may need to create a more complex tax setup to meet your
tax reporting needs. For example, currently there are no determining factors
that can easily identify asset purchases. In many countries it is a requirement to
report the tax associated with asset purchases separately. In this case, create tax
status and tax rate rules based on asset account segments to uniquely allocate
a specific tax status and tax rate to these asset purchases. These asset purchases
can then be reported by searching for the specific tax status and tax rate or
specific tax reporting codes associated with the specific tax status or tax rate.
Direct Tax Rate Rules: Explained
Define tax rules on an exception basis to handle requirements that cannot be
addressed by foundation tax setup. You can define tax status rules, tax rate rules,
direct tax rate rules, account-based direct tax rate rules, or tax classification-
based direct tax rate rules to derive the applicable tax rate.
The tax determination process uses direct tax rate rules to determine tax
applicability, tax status, and tax rate. The tax determination process uses a tax
rate rule to determine the tax rate once the tax status is determined. A direct tax
rate determination rule is a good choice if there are specific requirements to drive
a specific tax, tax status, and tax rate and no variation in tax status or tax rate is
If tax applicability is not impacted by a tax law but the tax rate is you can set
up a tax status rule to point to a different tax status and utilize a default tax rate
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-163
associated to that tax status. If the tax status does not need to be unique a tax
rate rule can drive a specific tax rate but keep the tax applicability and tax status
based on existing rules.
Direct Tax Rate Determination
Use the Direct Tax Rate Determination rule type for situations where you do not
need to create separate tax rules for tax applicability, tax status, and tax rate. The
following must occur for a Direct Tax Rate Determination rule to be applicable:
• The Direct Tax Rate Determination rule must evaluate to true
• The tax rate code must be defined for the product family
• The place of supply must evaluate successfully except in the case of
migrated taxes when Allow multiple jurisdictions is selected
If a Direct Tax Rate Determination rule is not evaluated successfully, then
Determine Tax Applicability rules are processed to determine if tax is applicable.
If the tax is not applicable then the determination process ends for tax.
Account-Based Direct Tax Rate Determination
Account-based rules are direct rate rules that are driven by the line account of
the transaction. A matching account drives the applicability, tax status, and tax
rate defined on the tax rule. These tax rules are only applicable when the regime
determination method is Determine applicable regimes and the configuration
owner tax option for the event class has the Enforce from account option
selected. These tax rules are evaluated after standard applicability rules. If a
standard applicability rule evaluated the tax to Not applicable then it cannot be
applicable through an Account-Based Direct Tax Rate Determination rule.
Tax Classification-Based Direct Tax Rate Determination
Use the Tax Classification-Based Direct Tax Rate Determination rule when
the regime determination for the configuration owner tax option is defined as
STCC (standard tax classification code). This setup is primarily intended for
migrated tax classification codes, specifically tax classification groups. The tax
classification code populated on the transaction line drives the tax determination
and tax rate directly. A default tax rate associated to a tax rate code is not
applicable in this case. Tax classification codes are created automatically as
user-extensible lookup codes when you save a tax rate definition. The Tax
Classification-Based Direct Tax Rate Determination rule is an extension to an
existing migrated configuration where the tax calculation was based on tax
classification codes.
Tax Setup Components in the Tax Determination Process: How
They Are Used
The tax determination process uses your tax configuration setup and the details
on the transactions to determine which taxes apply to the transaction and how to
calculate the tax amount.
How Tax Is Calculated Using Tax Setup Components
Each step of the tax determination and tax calculation processes requires the
completion of a certain number of setup tasks. The number and complexity of
17-164 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
your setups depends upon the requirements of the tax authorities where you do
This table describes the order of tax determination processes that Oracle Fusion
Tax uses to calculate taxes on transactions. Use this table to review the details of
each process and to identify the setups that you need to complete for each step in
the tax determination and tax calculation process.
Order Process Name Activities Components Used
and Rule Type (if
1 Determine Applicable
Tax Regimes and
Candidate Taxes
(preliminary step)
• Determine the
first party of the
• Identify location
types to derive
candidate tax
• Identify tax
• Identify taxes
using subscriber
• Party tax profile
• Regime
determination set
• Configuration
2 Determine Place
of Supply and Tax
• Identify location
• Identify tax
• Tax rule:
Determine Place
of Supply, or the
default value for
Place of Supply for
the tax.
• Tax jurisdictions
3 Determine Tax
• Consider candidate
taxes from the
previous process.
• Eliminate taxes
based on tax
applicability rule
for each tax.
Tax rule: Determine
Tax Applicability and
the default value for
applicability for the tax.
4 Determine Tax
Determine the party
type to use to derive the
tax registration for each
applicable tax.
• Tax rule:
Determine Tax
Registration, or the
default value for
the tax.
• Party tax profile
• Tax registration
5 Determine Tax Status • Consider tax
statuses of
applicable taxes.
• Consider tax status
rules or use default
tax status.
Tax rule: Determine Tax
Status, or the default
value defined for the tax.
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-165
6 Determine Tax Rate • Consider tax rates
of each applicable
tax status of each
applicable tax.
• Determine the tax
rate code to use for
the tax status, for
each applicable tax.
• Determine the tax
rate percentage
or per-unit tax
amount for a
quantity based tax.
• If a tax exception
applies, update the
tax rate for each
applicable tax.
• If a tax exemption
applies, update the
tax rate.
• Tax rule:
Determine Tax
Rate, or the default
value defined
for the tax status
derived in the
previous process.
• Tax rates
• Product tax
• Customer tax
7 Determine Taxable Basis • Identify the taxable
basis formula for
each applicable tax.
• Determine the
taxable basis and
details based on
the taxable basis
• Consider the tax
inclusive settings
of the applicable
• Tax rule:
Determine Taxable
Basis, or the
default value for
the tax.
• Taxable basis
• Tax inclusive
settings at the tax
rate level
8 Calculate Taxes • Identify the
tax calculation
• Calculate taxes
using the tax
• Perform applicable
tax rounding.
• Tax rule: Calculate
Tax Amounts
• Calculate tax
formula, if
• Tax rounding
rule from tax
registration, party
tax profile, or tax
• Configuration
owner tax options
17-166 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
If tax recovery is
Determine Recovery Rate • Allocate tax
amount per item
• Determine tax
recovery types.
• Determine tax
recovery rates.
• Determine the
tax recoverable
• Determine the
• Tax rule:
Recovery Rate, or
the default value
defined for the tax.
• Tax recovery rates
Tax Rule Qualifiers: Explained
Tax rules that have a rule qualifier are used only when the qualifier matches with
the transaction line. Use the tax rule qualifiers to restrict or apply specific tax
rules to an event or geography.
Event Qualifiers
The event qualifier is of two types: normal event and tax event.
Normal events comprise of the following events:
Event Name Oracle Fusion Application Name
Credit Card Expenses Expenses
Employee Expense Report Expenses
Expense Report Payables
Standard Invoices Payables
Prepayment Invoices Payables
Purchase Order and Agreement Purchasing
Change Orders Purchasing
Debit Memo Receivables
Invoice Receivables
Credit Memo Receivables
The event class qualifiers have a direct affect on the evaluation order of tax rules.
The following list summarizes the affect:
1. When a normal event-based qualifier is used then it is used in preference
to tax rules qualified by tax event qualifiers or other nonevent-based
qualified tax rules regardless of the rule priority.
2. When multiple normal event-based qualified tax rules are applicable, the
application uses rule priority to define the rule processing order.
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-167
3. When a tax event based qualifier is used then it is used in preference to
other nonevent-based qualified rules regardless of rule priority.
4. When multiple tax events-based qualified tax rules are applicable, the
application uses rule priority to define the rule processing order.
5. When no event-based qualifier, normal event or tax event-based, is used,
tax rule evaluation is used for rule priority order.
6. When a geography qualifier is used, it does not affect the tax rule
evaluation order. That is, tax rules are evaluated based on the above
points regardless of whether a geography qualifier is used or not.
The following table considers five tax rules, namely, A, B, C, D, and E with or
without event qualifiers and rule order and the resulting evaluation sequence:
Tax Rule Normal Event
Tax Event
Rule Order Evaluation
A Yes No 100 2
B Yes No 50 1
C No No 10 5
D No Yes 20 3
E No Yes 30 4
Rule B is evaluated first because it is the highest priority rule with a normal
event rule qualifier. Rule A is identified as second in evaluation sequence it
is the only other tax rule with a normal event rule qualifier. Rule D is third
in evaluation sequence as it is the highest priority rule with a tax event rule
qualifier followed by rule E as the only other tax rule with a tax event rule
qualifier. Finally, the application evaluates rule C as it does not have any event
rule qualifiers.
The use of normal event or tax event rule qualifiers alters the way in which the
tax determination process processes the tax rules. For an event class qualified tax
rule, normal event or tax event-based, the tax rule is evaluated first in preference
to tax rules qualified by tax event qualifiers or a nonevent class qualified tax rule
of higher priority.
Consider that you have two rules: rule A and rule C with rule priority 100 and
10 respectively. The rules are associated with condition sets that match against
the transaction line details. Rule A has a normal event class qualifier which is
satisfied while rule C does not have an event class qualifier, rule A is processed
and used first regardless of the rule priority order, even though rule A has a
lower priority than rule C.
Tax rules qualified by tax event qualifiers are processed after normal event
qualified tax rules but before tax rules with no event or tax event qualifiers.
When there are two or more rules with normal event class qualifiers that match
the transaction line details, the application uses rule priority to determine the
order in which the tax rules are processed.
Geography qualifiers do not function in this way. When a tax rule has a
geography qualifier and no event class qualifier, the tax determination process
17-168 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
processes the tax rules based on the rule priority against other tax rules that do
not have any tax event rule qualifiers.
Geography Qualifiers
Enable the Set as geography specific rule option to use the geography qualifier.
Once you enable this option you can enter either a normal geography or a tax
zone geography.
When you use a normal geography, select the parent geography type and parent
geography to help restrict the list of geography type and subsequently, the
geography name fields. For example, when you want to select counties for a
specific state such as California, define the:
• Parent geography type as State
• Parent geography name as CA (California)
• Geography type as County
This limits the list of values for the geography name field to the counties that are
in the state of California instead of listing all of the counties.
When selecting the normal geography qualifiers, use the parent geography to
ensure that the correct geography element is selected, as there are many multiple
geography elements with the same name across the world. For example,
Richmond is a city in Canada's provinces of British Columbia, Ontario, and
Quebec. Richmond is also a city in the state of Virginia in the United States.
Order of Processing Within a Rule Type: How Tax Rules Are
During tax determination processing, Oracle Fusion Tax considers the tax rules
belonging to each rule type in the order that you defined them.
How Tax Rules Are Evaluated
The sequence of tax rules evaluation is:
• Generally, you define tax rules for a configuration owner, tax regime,
tax, and rule type. If a tax regime is subscribed to an entity as Common
configuration, all the tax rules you defined for the Global configuration
owner are considered for rule evaluation. If it is subscribed as Party-
specific configuration or Parent first party organization, then only the
tax rules you defined for that entity or the reference entity are considered.
If it is Common configuration with party overrides then all the tax rules
you defined for the entity as well as for the Global configuration owner
are combined and evaluated in the order specified. If the effective dates of
a tax rule does not cover the transaction date or if it is disabled, then the
tax rule is ignored during rule evaluation.
• From the previous listed rules, if one or more tax rules belonging to a tax
regime, tax, and rule type are defined for a normal event class or tax event
class, then such rules are evaluated first by normal event class and then
by tax event class regardless of the overall rule order. If more than one
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-169
event class rule is listed for a rule type, then such set of rules are further
sequenced according to their corresponding rule orders
• Further to the previous sequencing, if one or more tax rules belonging
to a tax regime, tax, and rule type are defined for a tax event class, then
such rules are next sequenced for evaluation, regardless of the overall rule
order. If more than one tax event class rule is listed for a rule type, then
the set of rules are further sequenced according to their given rule order.
• Finally, the tax rules belonging to a tax regime, tax, and rule type are listed
according to their defined rule order for evaluation.
While processing each tax rule in the evaluation sequence, the tax determination
process evaluates the condition sets defined within a tax rule according to the
defined condition set order sequence. If a condition set criteria does not match
with the transaction details, the tax determination process evaluates the next
condition set. If none of them match with the transaction details, the next rule
within the ordered rule set is considered. If a condition set criteria matches
with the transaction details, then the tax determination process considers
the rule result defined against that condition set and the tax rule is marked
as successfully evaluated. If none of the defined rule conditions match the
transaction details, then the tax determination process considers the default
result defined for that tax.
The following is an example of a tax regime that is subscribed to by a business
unit with common configuration treatment. To meet the tax law requirements to
determine the tax rates, the following tax rate rules are defined against the global
configuration owner. The details shown below are a summary of the rate rules
including rule order, geography specific details, associated conditions sets, and
the rate results associated to these condition sets:
Rule Order Normal Event
Specific Rule
Condition Set Condition Set
10 Blank Blank • CS-1
• CS-2
• CS-3
• 10
• 20
• 30
• VAT10%
• VAT12%
• VAT15%
20 Purchase
• Location
type: Bill
• Geography
CS-4 10 VAT12.5%
30 Purchase
Blank CS-5 10 VAT13%
Scenario 1
If a Payables invoice is involved and Texas is the bill-from party state, the tax
rule processing sequence is as follows:
1. The tax rules are listed according to the sequencing logic. For example, the
tax determination process evaluates tax rules involving normal event class
qualifiers first regardless of having a lower rule order.
17-170 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
2. The tax determination process further evaluates condition sets listed
within each tax rule.
The tax determination process is represented as follows:
Rule Order Normal
Set Order
Result Evaluation
20 Purchase
• Location
• Geography
CS-4 10 VAT12.5% • Condition
• Tax
Move to
next tax
30 Purchase
Blank CS-5 10 VAT13% • Condition
• Tax
set result
and exit
10 Blank Blank • CS-1
• CS-2
• CS-3
• 10
• 20
• 30
• VAT10%
• VAT12%
• VAT15%
Scenario 2
If a Receivables invoice is involved, the tax rule processing sequence is as
1. The tax rules are listed according to the sequencing logic. For example, the
tax determination process evaluates tax rules involving normal event class
qualifiers first regardless of having a lower rule order.
2. The tax determination process further evaluates condition sets listed
within each tax rule.
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-171
Rule Order Normal
Set Order
Result Evaluation
20 Purchase
• Location
• Geography
CS-4 10 VAT12.5% • Condition
• Tax
Move to
next tax
30 Purchase
Blank CS-5 10 VAT13% • Condition
• Tax
Move to
next tax
17-172 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
10 Blank Blank • CS-1
• CS-2
• CS-3
• 10
• 20
• 30
• VAT10%
• VAT12%
• VAT15%
For CS-1:
• Condition
• Tax
For CS-2:
• Condition
• Tax
For CS-1:
to next
For CS-2:
set result
and exit
Setting Up Tax Rules: Points to Consider
The performance of the tax determination process is in inverse proportion to the
number of tax rules and conditions that the process needs to evaluate in order to
arrive at a specific result.
Creating Tax Rules
Use these guidelines and examples to help plan your tax rules implementation:
• If the tax condition results and rule results always equal the default
values, then you do not need a tax rule. You only need to define a tax rule
for a result that is different from the default value. For example, if more
than one tax rate is possible for a given tax and tax status, then you need
to create at least one tax rule.
These qualifications apply to tax rules and default values:
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-173
• If you require many different results other than the default value for a
given tax and rule type, it probably means that the default value itself
sometimes applies. In these cases, you should also define a tax rule
for the default value. Otherwise the tax determination process must
always process and eliminate the tax rules defined for all other values
before arriving at the default.
• As an alternative to defining a tax rule for the default value, you
can assign the least frequent result as the default value. The tax
determination process processes the maximum number of tax rules on
the minimum number of occasions. In this kind of an implementation,
you must ensure that your tax rules and conditions cover all of the
more common results in order to prevent the tax determination process
from using an incorrect result as a default.
• If more than one tax rate is possible for a given tax this may be a
consideration for a tax rule.
• If you define multiple tax rules to derive distinct results for a process,
assign the least frequent result as the default value for the process. The
most frequent value should be the first tax rule. There are occasions for
the default to be the most frequent value so you may want to define
tax rules for exceptions, such as by item. In general, define tax rules for
exceptions, but if there are a lot of tax rules that you need to define, then
you may want to define a tax rule for the most common scenario to avoid
processing all of the exceptions.
• When you define tax rules consider the need to repeat tax conditions in
multiple rule types if the condition is part of the applicability evaluation.
For example, if you define a Determine Tax Applicability rule for UK
VAT that only applies when ship to is equal to United Kingdom, then
you do not need to repeat this condition in a tax rule for a subsequent tax
determination process, such as a Determine Tax Status rule.
• Where possible, use the tax rule header information instead of creating
tax conditions that arrive at the same result. For example, if tax rules
apply to the Purchase business process, set the tax event class to Purchase
transaction rather than defining a tax condition within the tax rule, such
as tax event class is equal to Purchase transaction.
• When you order the tax condition sets within a tax rule, assign the higher
priority to the set of conditions that occurs more frequently. Similarly,
when you order the tax rules within a rule type and tax, assign the higher
priority to the tax rule that gives the most frequently arrived at process
• Use product tax exceptions for special rates based on product fiscal
classifications rather than defining a Determine Tax Rate rule based on
product fiscal classifications. For example, if three out of five product
fiscal classifications use a special rate, define three product tax exceptions
based on the three product fiscal classifications that need a special rate,
and set the standard rate as the default rate.
• Define the minimum number of tax conditions necessary for a tax rule.
For example, if a special rate applies to goods shipped outside a state as
opposed to within a state, define one tax condition as ship from state is
not equal to ship to state, rather than defining two separate tax conditions
for each ship from and ship to location, such as ship from state is equal to
Nevada and ship to state is not equal to Nevada.
17-174 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
• Consider the reusability of determining factor sets during the creation
process. Any determining factor not set as required in the determining
factor set definition can be set to ignore in the condition set so you do not
have to define the condition and it is not evaluated. This allows flexibility
in the condition set definition not requiring a unique determining factor
set for every variation in condition set logic.
• For tax rules that involve the shipping to and from a tax zone, for example
the European Union, define a tax condition for all ship to countries within
the tax zone rather than separate tax conditions for each country, such as
ship to is equal to Great Britain, ship to is equal to France, and so on.
• For tax rules that apply to a specific geographic area, define tax rules with
the additional context of the geographic area rather than adding location-
based equal to tax conditions. For example, if you have a tax rule that only
applies if the ship to state is California, then define the tax rule such that
it is only evaluated when the ship to state is California. You can do this by
associating geography during the first step of the tax rule definition at the
tax rule header level.
• Define tax rules that are common across all legal entities or business
units under the global configuration owner, instead of creating the same
tax rules for each legal entity or business unit. If all tax rules are not
commonly applicable to all legal entities or business units, then:
• Set the configuration option of the legal entities or business units
that require additional rules to Common configuration with party
• Define supplementary party-specific rules under the applicable legal
entities or business units. You can set priority values for party-specific
rules that complement the tax rules of the global configuration owner,
in accordance with the tax requirements.
Turning Tax Regulations into Tax Rules: Example
This example illustrates how to set up tax rules based on tax regulation in
the Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs (HMRC) VAT guide. It provides the
detailed business conditions under which goods can be reverse charge (self-
assessment) as part of the Intra-EU Supply legislation.
You are a UK business registered for VAT in the UK. You purchase goods from
other European Union (EU) countries and therefore fall under the HMRC Tax
Regulation Intra-EU Purchase of Goods legislation.
HMRC Tax Regulation
According to the HMRC VAT guide, if you purchase goods from a VAT-
registered business in another EU country, and the goods are moved to the UK,
then you may be required to account for VAT in the UK on the acquisition of
goods. This VAT can be recovered as input tax on the same VAT return, subject to
the normal rules for reclaiming input tax.
Analyze the text of the legislation and identify the key phrases in the legislation.
The following figure shows an extract of the UK HMRC VAT guide regarding the
Intra-EU Supply legislation.
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-175
Break these phrases down into product, party, process, and place determining
factors that describe under what conditions the legislation is applicable. Look
at the legislation and identify what is the outcome when the legislation is
applicable and determine which rule types are appropriate.
The following figure shows these determining factors and rule types in detail
and how you can turn them into expressions that can be modeled in Oracle
Fusion Tax.
17-176 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
This table describes the phrases identified in this tax legislation as represented in
the previous figure:
Legislation Phrase Text Requirement
1 If you purchase goods... The tax rule is limited to purchase
2 ...from a VAT-registered business
in another European Community
The tax rule requires that the
supplier be registered in another
EU country.
3 ...and the goods are removed... The tax rule is limited to the
Goods product type.
4 ...are removed to the United
The tax rule refers to goods
delivered to the United Kingdom
from another country in the EU
5 may be required to account
The party must reverse charge
(self-assess) the tax.
6 ...for VAT in the United
The tax is UK VAT.
Legislation Phrase 1
Tax legislation phrase 1 indicates that the determining factor that defines this
specific tax rule is only applicable to purchase transactions. This equates to a
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-177
tax event class equal to purchase transactions. Use a tax event class rather than
an event class as the tax event class covers other products in the procure-to-
pay flow. This covers Oracle Fusion Payables and Oracle Fusion Purchasing
processing with a single approach.
The following figure shows that the determining factor that defines this specific
tax rule is only applicable to purchase transactions.
This table describes the contents of the tax condition set as represented in the
previous figure:
Legislation Phrase Determining Factor
Operator Value
1 Tax Event Class Equal to Purchase transaction
Always look for the most generic approaches that cover more of the business
requirements in a single tax rule. For example, here the tax event class is used
instead of a specific event class for Payables transactions and another similar rule
for Purchasing transactions.
It is determining factors like this that allows you to define tax rules that are only
applicable to specific types of transactions. The previous approach allows you
a convenient way of splitting order-to-cash and procure-to-pay transactions.
By using event class you can make a more detailed refinement so that tax rules
are only applicable to specific product transactions. This flexibility drives the
simplification of combining procure-to-pay tax setup with order-to-cash tax
setup into a single model. In the majority of cases you do not need to distinguish
between procure-to-pay or order-to-cash transactions within the tax rules,
however, where there is a need create specific procure-to-pay or order-to-cash tax
rules using this key design concept.
Legislation Phrase 2
Tax legislation phrase 2 indicates that the determining factor that defines the
supplier is registered in another EU. There are several ways of modeling this
but the approach that is recommended for you to take is to use a registration
17-178 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
status on the tax registration record set up for the GB tax regime. It is also
recommended that a business process is in place and documentary evidence
retained to show that the supplier is validated as a true supplier registered
in another EU country. Until you complete this manual business process the
supplier should not be marked with the registration status of registered in
another EU country.
The following figure shows the determining factor that defines that the supplier
is registered in another EU country.
This table describes the contents of the tax condition set as represented in the
previous figure:
Legislation Phrase Determining Factor
Class Qualifier Operator Value
2 Registration Status of supplier Equal to Registered in
another EU country
Always look for approaches which coupled with business procedures provide
the necessary controls. In this case it is recommended that you devise and
implement a business procedure to ensure that sufficient level of checking is
done before the supplier or supplier site tax registration record is created and
that the correct registration status entered. This business procedure ensures that
the supplier is a valid supplier and that their tax registration number is a valid
tax registration number.
Legislation Phrase 3
Tax legislation phrase 3 indicates that the determining factor that defines the
product type is goods. Another way of modeling this is to use a product fiscal
classification which can automatically be derived from the item defined on the
transaction. However, in this case if an item is not specified on the transaction,
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-179
for example in an unmatched purchase invoice being processed, then there is no
product fiscal classification derived. You need to create additional tax rules and
setup to address this situation.
The following figure shows the determining factor that defines that the product
type is goods.
This table describes the contents of the tax condition set as represented in the
previous figure:
Legislation Phrase Determining Factor
Operator Value
3 Product Type Equal to Goods
Always look for an approach which provides an automated process that covers
as many transactions as possible. For example, by using product type of Goods
rather than a product fiscal classification then unmatched Purchase invoice tax
processing can also be covered by this one tax rule.
Legislation Phrase 4
Tax legislation phrase 4 indicates that the determining factors that define the
supply is from another EU country. This is modeled by:
1. Goods are being shipped to UK
2. Goods are being shipped from an EU country
3. The shipped from country is not UK
You can take items 2 and 3 to ensure that the goods are being sent from another
EU country outside the UK.
The following figure shows the determining factor that defines the supply is
from another EU country.
17-180 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
This table describes the contents of the tax condition set as represented in the
previous figure:
Legislation Phrase Determining Factor
Class Qualifier Operator Value
4 Country of ship to Equal to United Kingdom
4 Economic Region of ship from Equal to European Economic
4 Country of ship from Not equal to United Kingdom
Geography and tax zones are powerful features of Oracle Fusion Tax and you
should use them wherever possible to identify tax jurisdictions and geography
requirements in general. Use the geography or tax zone information for tax
reporting instead of trying to build geography information into concepts such as
tax rates. For example, use tax jurisdictions, such as over sea tax territories based
on tax zone, to identify specific territories needed for tax reporting rather than
creating specific tax regimes, taxes, tax statuses, and tax rates.
Legislation Phrases 5 and 6
Tax legislation phrase 5 indicates how the determining factors discussed
previously are brought together as the basis for the Tax Registration tax rule
which identified that the bill-to party registration be used in preference to the
normal default bill-from party registration. It is this bill-from party registration
that triggers the reverse charge (self-assessment) for the type of transaction.
Tax legislation phrase 6 indicates how the determining factors discussed
previously are brought together as the basis for the Place of Supply tax rule.
This tax rule changes the normal place of supply to be the ship-to location,
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-181
which in the context of this setup means that at least for the reverse charge (self-
assessment) side of this transaction it is deemed to have occurred in the UK.
The following figure shows how you can bring together the determining factors
discussed previously as the basis for the Tax Registration and Place of Supply tax
This table describes the contents of the tax condition set for the Tax Registration
and Place of Supply tax rules as represented in the previous figure:
Legislation Phrase Determining Factor
Class Qualifier Operator Value
5 and 6 Tax Event Class Equal to Purchase
5 and 6 Registration Status of supplier Equal to Registered in
another EU country
5 and 6 Product Type Equal to Goods
5 and 6 Country of ship to Equal to United Kingdom
5 and 6 Economic Region of ship from Equal to European Economic
5 and 6 Country of ship from Not equal to United Kingdom
From this example you can see that a simple Tax Registration tax rule and Place
of Supply tax rule is all that is needed to define what is a complex scenario for
17-182 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
the purchasing of goods from a another EU country, not the UK, from an EU
registered supplier by a UK registered business. The other tax rules that are used
if these goods are purchased in the UK, are the normal tax rules such as Tax
Status, Tax Rate, and Tax Recovery tax rules.
FAQs for Define Tax Rules
What's the difference between using tax exemptions or tax rules to modify the
taxable nature of a transaction?
You can modify the taxable nature of a transaction using tax exemptions,
but you can also accomplish this through the use of tax rules. Use tax rules,
such as the Determine Tax Applicability rule, to exclude certain categories of
transactions from taxation. If you choose to implement tax rules to achieve your
tax exemption requirements, the impacted transactions do not appear on many
tax reports as they do not have any tax lines.
If you must report on a transaction then set up a tax exemption on the customer's
party tax profile which results in a tax line being created with the modified tax
rate. Use tax exemptions where certificates of exemption are issued for specific
customers, which is typical in tax regimes for US Sales and Use Tax.
You can create an exempt tax rate with a zero percentage rate as a method of
applying exemptions. This achieves many of the intended reporting objectives as
the application generates a tax line. Reports that specifically refer to an item as
exempt may exclude items with a zero percentage rate from that portion of the
report because the exempt indicator is blank.
If you define an exempt tax with a zero tax rate, the transaction shows as fully
taxable on all reports. If you want reports to show the full line amount as taxable
you cannot add any exemption details, such as exempt reason codes, as this
results in an exemption being created on the customer record and a zero taxable
amount on the reports.
Manage Tax Applicability and Place of Supply Rules
Tax Applicability: Explained
The tax determination process uses your tax configuration setup and the details
on the transaction to determine which taxes apply to the transaction and how
to calculate the tax amount for each tax that applies to the transaction. Tax is
applicable to a transaction when nexus, or presence in the geographical scope
of the tax, exists. The criterion for nexus or presence differs by governing tax
Examples for establishing nexus include:
• A physical establishment in the location
• Resident employees working in the location
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-183
• Property, including intangible property, in the location
In addition to location, there are other factors that can contribute to the
applicability of a tax. Some examples are:
• Telecommunications specific taxes
• Sales tax holidays
• Tax on sale of luxury items
The tax determination process is organized into rule types. Each rule type
identifies a particular step in the determination and calculation of taxes on
transactions. The rule types and related processes used for tax applicability
determination are:
• Determine Place of Supply: Determines the location where a transaction is
considered to have taken place for a specific tax.
• Determine Tax Applicability: Determines the taxes that apply to a given
A third rule type, Direct Tax Rate Determination, is a special tax rule type that
lets you specify the results of tax applicability, tax status, and tax rate for a
given tax. You use this rule type for specific tax determination requirements.
If available, the Direct Tax Rate Determination rules are processed first. If
it is found to be applicable, then the Determine Tax Applicability rules are
processed, followed by the Determine Place of Supply rules. If it is not found to
be applicable, the Determine Place of Supply rules are processed, followed by the
Determine Tax Applicability rules.
Determine Place of Supply
The Determine Place of Supply step identifies the applicable place of supply,
which is the location type where the supply of goods or services is deemed
to have taken place for a specific tax. If Oracle Fusion Tax cannot find a tax
jurisdiction for the location that corresponds to the place of supply location
type, then the tax does not apply and it is removed as a candidate tax for the
transaction. No jurisdiction is required if it is a migrated tax which has the other
jurisdictions indicator equal to No.
For example, the place of supply for UK VAT on goods is generally the ship-from
country. Thus, the place of supply of a sale or purchase within the UK is the UK
itself. However, if a UK legal entity supplies goods from its French warehouse to
a German customer, then the place of supply will not find a jurisdiction for UK
VAT in France, and therefore UK VAT does not apply.
The following outlines the process that results in a list of applicable taxes per
transaction line:
1. Consider the Determine Place of Supply tax rule of the first candidate tax
in order of rule priority.
2. Use the location type derived from the tax rule for the tax. The possible
location types are:
• Bill from
• Bill to
17-184 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
• Point of acceptance (Receivables transactions only)
• Point of origin (Receivables transactions only)
• Ship from
• Ship to
• Ship to, use bill to if ship to is not found
3. Identify the location on the transaction that corresponds to the location
type derived from step 2. If no location applies, then the default location
type for the rule is used.
4. Identify the tax jurisdiction of the candidate tax to which the location
identified in step 3 belongs. If the location does not belong to any tax
jurisdiction of this tax, then the tax does not apply to the transaction.
5. Repeat steps 1 to 4 for each candidate tax.
6. Create refined list of candidate taxes.
Determine Tax Applicability
The Determine Tax Applicability step determines the tax applicability of each
candidate tax derived from the Determine Place of Supply step, and eliminates
taxes that are found to be not applicable.
The tax determination process first attempts to derive the applicability of each
candidate tax based on the rule conditions of the Determine Tax Applicability
rules for the tax. If no rule applies, the process uses the default value of
Applicable or Not Applicable that was assigned to the rule type for the tax. If
the tax does not apply, it is removed from the list of candidate taxes.
The following outlines the process that results in a final tax of list of taxes that
apply to the transaction:
1. Consider the Determine Tax Applicability tax rules of the first candidate
tax in order of rule priority.
2. Use the Applicable or Not Applicable value derived from the tax rule for
the tax.
3. Use the default value for the rule if no applicability rule evaluates
4. Repeat steps 1 to 3 for each candidate tax.
5. Identify the final tax or list of taxes by eliminating the taxes that have an
applicability value of Not Applicable.
Tax Applicability Options: Points to Consider
The tax determination process uses your tax configuration setup and the details
on the transaction to determine which taxes are applicable to the transaction.
You need to decide when to:
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-185
• Create tax rules
• Set up tax zones
• Use Allow tax applicability option
• Use Perform additional applicability for imported documents option
Create Tax Rules
If the tax authority levies tax on all sales and purchase transactions at the same
rate, and neither tax applicability nor the tax rates and recovery rates vary by
any factors, you do not have to set up tax rules. Oracle Fusion Tax can simply
use the default tax status, tax rate, and tax recovery rate defined for the tax. If,
however, the applicability of tax is dependent upon certain criteria, you may
need to use default values in combination with one or many tax rules to define
the logic necessary to derive the values in the tax determination process.
The tax rules used for tax applicability determination are:
• Place of supply rules
• Tax applicability rules
Place of Supply Rules
Use place of supply rules to determine the place where the transaction is deemed
to have taken place when this determination is based on certain criteria.
For example, consider a German company supplying physical services, such as
work on goods. at a customer's site in the UK, where the customer is registered
for UK VAT. With a default value of Ship to for place of supply, the customer's
tax registration number is used on the transaction.
Next, consider the same German company supplying physical services at a
customer's site in the UK, where the customer is not registered for UK VAT. The
default value of Ship to for place of supply yields no tax registration number
since the customer is not registered for UK VAT. In this case, you create a place of
supply rule to deem the Ship from as the place of supply when the customer is
not registered.
At transaction time the application derives the place of supply from the
transaction as shown in the table below. It is important to consider how place of
supply translates for the event classes being considered for tax calculation in a
regime since this can include and exclude candidate taxes.
Place of Supply Order-to-Cash Transactions Procure-to-Pay Transactions
Bill from Legal entity address Supplier site header level address
Ship from Warehouse address Supplier site header level address
Bill to Customer site bill-to address Business unit address on the
associated party tax profile
Ship to Customer site ship-to address Ship-to location at line level
Ship to, use bill to if ship to not
Customer site bill-to or ship-to
Ship-to location at line level
17-186 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Tax Applicability Rules
Use tax applicability rules to apply a specific tax to certain transaction lines, or
conversely, exempt certain transaction lines from a specific tax. For example, a
given tax may not apply to a domestic supply of goods to an exempt customer.
An important consideration in creating your tax applicability rules is that when
a tax is deemed not applicable, a tax line is not created. However when a tax is
deemed exempt based on an exemption or special rate, the tax line is still created
for reporting purposes.
For migrated data using the Standard Tax Classification Code approach, which
uses a tax code to derive tax, tax status, and tax rate, you can set the tax to be
applicable or not applicable by default or by using a tax applicability rule.
Direct Tax Rate Determination Rules
If you need to create tax rules but do not require separate rules for tax
applicability, tax status, and tax rate, you can create a Direct Tax Rate
Determination rule type. Direct rate rules and account based direct rate
rules determine tax applicability, tax status, and tax rate without evaluating
applicability rules and defaults.
If a direct tax rate determination rule is evaluated successfully, then the tax
is applicable and the tax status and tax rate defined for the rule are used in
tax determination. If a direct tax rate determination rule is not evaluated
successfully, then the tax determination process resumes with the tax
applicability rules.
Create Tax Zones
Use tax zones to group existing geographical regions that share the same
tax requirement. You can use tax zones with tax regimes, to identify tax
requirements for a special geographic area, and to create parent tax regimes that
represent a related grouping of geographic regions for tax reporting purposes.
You can also use tax zones with tax rules, to create tax rules that refer to a
specific geographic location. The use of tax zones is optional and depends on
your overall tax setup planning.
For example, if a separate economic community exists in part of a country only,
you can either set up a tax zone and corresponding tax regime for the applicable
geographic area, or set up a country tax regime and use applicability rules to
exclude the parts of the country where the tax requirement does not apply.
Use Allow Tax Applicability Option
Use the Allow tax applicability option to determine if Oracle Fusion Tax
calculates tax on transactions for a specific event class. This option is available
on the Configuration Owner Tax Options page, which enables you to review
the default tax settings for each application event class. Oracle Fusion Tax uses
these settings as the basis for determining and calculating taxes on transactions
belonging to each event class.
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-187
If the Allow tax applicability option is set for the Payables event class, you must
also set this option on the party tax profile of third parties and third party sites
acting as suppliers or supplier sites that are involved in transactions belonging to
this event class. You can set this option, for example, for customers that also act
as suppliers on transactions.
Use Perform Additional Applicability for Imported Documents Options
Use the Perform additional applicability for imported documents option to
indicate whether Oracle Fusion Tax runs the tax applicability process to identify
missing taxes on an imported document. This option is also available on the
Configuration Owner Tax Options page, and applicable to Payables event classes
only. Taxes not included in the imported document are marked as Self-Assessed,
if self-assessment applies to the transaction.
Setting Up Tax Applicability Influencers: Example
This example illustrates the tax setup for two taxes: one that is generally
applicable, the other that is only applicable by exception. The taxes are set to
apply their general applicability by default, however tax rules are used to switch
applicability for both taxes when certain criteria is met.
In Canada, the First Nations Goods and Services Tax (FNGST) is a tax that
is applied by participating Aboriginal governments on the consumption of
goods and services within their reserves or settlement lands. The 5% FNGST
is administered in exactly the same way as the federal Goods and Services Tax
(GST), however, where it applies, GST does not apply.
The tax implications are:
• FNGST is generally not applicable and would only apply on an exception
• Place of supply for FNGST tax is based on the place of delivery or ship-to
• If FNGST applies then GST would not be applicable
Transaction Details
A customer who resides on lands where FNGST applies buys supplies from ABC
Corporation located in the province of Ontario. This store is not located on lands
where FNGST applies. The sales invoice indicates that ABC Corporation delivers
the furniture to the customer's residence. The FNGST applies to the sale, and
GST does not apply.
As part of the setup, create a tax that is applicable to any party that qualifies as
First Nation. Due to the specificity of the tax, set the default applicability to Not
Applicable. In this example, you do not need to configure a place of supply rule
as a standard default of ship to would suffice.
There is more than one way to configure this rule and applicability. They include:
17-188 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
• Define an applicability rule and use a default status and rate associated
with the tax.
• Define a direct rate rule to apply the tax, tax status, and tax rate directly.
For this scenario, the following setup is needed:
1. Create a tax regime for the tax that is applicable to any First Nation party.
The regime level is Country and the country of applicability is Canada.
2. Create a tax with a default applicability of Not Applicable since this tax is
only applicable in exception cases. Set the default Place of Supply as Ship
To. To make this tax applicable, you will need to create a tax rule.
3. Create a standard tax status and a standard tax rate. Create the default tax
rate with a rate percentage of 5%. You do not need to define a jurisdiction
rate since the rate is standard across Canada.
4. For FNGST, identify a driver to determine applicability, such as a party
fiscal classification. Create a party fiscal classification for First Nation,
and associate the tax regimes affected by this tax. Note that CA FNGST
is associated to trigger applicability, but CA GST AND HST is also
associated to avoid applicability when CA FNGST applies.
5. Once you create a party fiscal classification and associated the tax
regimes, associate the classification to the specific party. To do so, create or
edit an existing third party tax profile and associate it to the First Nation
party fiscal classification.
6. For FNGST, create a tax applicability rule that is Applicable when the
conditions for FNGST are met. Recall that by default, FNGST is Not
Applicable since in most cases it only applies as an exception. For this tax
rule, you need a tax determining factor set and associated tax condition
set whereby the party fiscal classification of the ship-to party corresponds
to the First Nation party fiscal classification you created.
7. For GST, create a tax applicability rule that is Not Applicable when the
conditions for FNGST are met. By default, GST is Applicable since in
most cases it applies and FNGST is the exception.
FNGST, a tax that is not applicable by default, becomes applicable on
transactions to First Nation parties. The first Determine Tax Applicability rule
makes FNGST applicable when the ship-to party on the transaction corresponds
to the party fiscal classification that identifies a First Nation party. Since
GST does not apply when FNGST is applicable, the second Determine Tax
Applicability rule has the opposite result, whereby GST becomes not applicable
when the ship-to party on the transaction is a First Nation party.
Manage Tax Formulas
Tax Formulas: Explained
Tax formulas are used in the tax calculation process to determine the taxable
basis of a transaction line and the calculation methodology that must be applied
to obtain the tax amount.
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-189
When the parameters available on a transaction do not satisfy the rule
conditions, the default tax formulas defined for the tax are applicable.
There are two types of tax formulas:
• Taxable basis tax formula
• Tax calculation tax formula
Taxable Basis Tax Formula
The taxable basis tax formula is used in the tax calculation process to determine
the amount or quantity that should be considered as the taxable basis of a
transaction line. The tax rate is applied on the taxable basis amount to derive the
basic tax amount on a transaction line.
The key factor that decides the characteristics of the taxable basis amount is
the taxable basis type that is defined in the taxable basis formula. The various
taxable basis types are:
• Assessable value
• Line amount
• Prior tax
• Quantity
The following standard predefined taxable basis tax formulas are available:
Assessable Value
Use Assessable value when the transaction line amount does not reflect the
correct taxable basis, from the tax calculation perspective. The assessable value
given on the transaction line is considered as the taxable basis amount for the
purpose of tax calculation.
Line Amount
Use Line amount when the transaction line amount is to be treated as the taxable
basis for tax calculation purposes.
The transaction line amount is considered as the taxable basis. This is done
after deducting the associated discounts, or after proportionately enhancing
or reducing it by a certain percentage, or after adding other applicable taxes
available on the transaction line. These adjustments on the line amount are
controlled through the following parameters that are defined on the tax formula:
• Subtract cash discount: The cash discount applicable on the transaction,
derived through the attached payment terms, is deducted from the
transaction line amount. This option is considered only for Receivable
17-190 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
• Base rate modifier: The transaction line amount is increased or decreased
based on the percentage value given.
• Tax formula compounding: The tax details specified in the tax formula
compounding region are added to the transaction line amount to
determine the taxable basis amount. These tax details are also enforced
by selecting the Enforce Compounding option. If a compounded tax is
enforced and if it is not calculated on the transaction, the tax to which this
tax formula is associated with also does not become applicable.
Prior Tax
Use Prior tax if the taxable basis is one or more than the other taxes calculated on
the transaction line. The option to compound the prior taxes that are calculated
on the transaction line are also available.
Use Quantity if a tax on the transaction is to be calculated based on the number
of units or items that are involved in the transaction.
Tax Calculation Tax Formula
The tax calculation tax formula is used to determine the calculation methodology
that is applied to derive the basic tax amount on a transaction line. The tax
amount on a transaction is generally calculated by multiplying the derived tax
rate by the taxable basis. However, in some cases the tax amount is required to
be altered by adding other taxes that are applicable on the same transaction line.
Use a tax calculation formula defined with compounding criteria to address this
The tax details specified in the tax formula compounding region are added to
the calculated tax that is associated with the tax formula. These compounded
tax details can also be enforced when you select the Enforce Compounding
option. When the compounded tax is enforced and when it is not calculated on
the transaction, the tax to which this tax formula is associated with also does not
become applicable.
Taxable Basis Tax Formula: Examples
The tax calculation process uses the taxable basis tax formula to determine
the amount or quantity that should be considered as the taxable basis of a
transaction line. The tax rate is applied on the taxable basis amount to derive the
basic tax amount on a transaction line.
Taxable basis type that is defined in the taxable basis formula is a key factor that
decides the characteristics of the taxable basis amount. The taxable basis types
• Assessable value
• Line amount
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-191
• Prior tax
• Quantity
Taxable Basis Formula Based on Assessable Value
The tax formula that is based on assessable value is used as the taxable basis for
calculating tax when the tax authority does not consider the transaction amount
to reflect the true sale consideration, from the tax perspective.
Consider a sales transaction between two companies, A and B. The item value on
the invoice is 1000 USD. However, if they are related companies, that is, within
the same group, the tax authority has the discretion to mark the item value as
5000 USD for the purpose of tax based on the average market price. The tax
authority can choose to collect the tax based on that value instead of the actual
sales value of 1000 USD.
The tax amount is calculated from the transaction details and tax setup as
• Invoice line amount: 1000 USD
• Assessable value: 5000 USD
• State tax rate: 10%
• Taxable basis type: Assessable value
• Taxable Basis: 5000 USD
The state tax is equal to the taxable basis multiplied by the state tax rate (5000
USD * 10% = 500 USD).
Taxable Basis Formula Based on Line Amount
In this case, the amount given on the transaction line is considered for deriving
the taxable basis.
Consider a situation when two taxes, state tax and county tax, are applicable on a
transaction. In such a situation, the transaction details and tax setup is as follows:
• Invoice line amount: 1000 USD
• Payment terms: 2/10, Net 30
• State tax rate: 20%
• County tax rate 10%
• Taxable basis type: Line amount
• Subtract cash discount: Yes
• Base rate modifier: 50%
• Compounding tax regime: Sale and use tax
• Compounding tax: State tax
The tax calculation is as follows:
• The state tax is equal to the invoice line amount multiplied by the state tax
rate (1000 USD * 20% = 200 USD).
17-192 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
• The taxable basis for the county tax is equal to the line amount plus the
base rate modifier less the cash discount at 2% plus the state tax (1000
USD + 500 USD - 20 USD + 200 USD = 1680 USD).
The country tax is equal to the taxable basis multiplied by the county tax
rate (1680 USD * 10% = 168 USD).
Taxable Basis Formula Based on Prior Tax
In this case, the previous tax that is calculated on a transaction is considered as
the taxable basis.
Consider a situation when two taxes, state tax and county tax, are applicable on a
transaction. In such a situation, the transaction details and tax setup is as follows:
• Invoice line amount: 1000 USD
• State tax rate: 20%
• Country tax rate: 10%
• Taxable basis type: Prior tax
• Compounding regime: Sale and use tax
• Compounding tax: State tax
The tax calculation is as follows:
• The state tax is equal to the invoice line amount multiplied by the state tax
rate (1000 USD * 20% = 200 USD).
• The taxable basis for the county tax is the tax calculated for the state tax
(200 USD).
The country tax is equal to the taxable basis multiplied by the county tax
rate (200 USD * 10% = 20 USD).
Taxable Basis Formula Based on Quantity
In this case, the quantity of the goods or serviceable units is considered as the
taxable basis.
Consider a scenario in which liquor is transacted between two organizations in
Canada. In such situation, when excise tax is levied on it, the transaction details
and tax setup is as follows:
• Line amount: 1000 CAD
• Quantity: 50 liters
• Price per liter: 20 CAD
• Excise tax: 11.69 CAD per liter
• Taxable basis type: Quantity
The tax calculation is as follows:
• The taxable basis for the excise tax is the quantity given on the invoice
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-193
• The excise tax is equal to the taxable basis multiplied by the excise tax (50
* 11.69 CAD = 584.5 CAD).
Tax Calculation Tax Formula: Example
The tax calculation tax formula is used to determine the calculation methodology
that is applied to derive the basic tax amount on a transaction line.
Consider a situation when two taxes, state tax and county tax, are applicable on a
transaction. In such a situation, the transaction details and tax setup is as follows:
• Line amount: 1000 USD
• State tax rate: 20%
• County tax rate: 10%
• Compounding regime: Sale and use tax
• Compounding tax: State tax
The tax calculation is as follows:
• The state tax is equal to the invoice line amount multiplied by the state tax
rate (1000 USD * 20% = 200 USD).
• The county tax is equal to the invoice line amount multiplied by the
county tax rate plus the state tax ((1000 USD * 10%) + 200 USD = 300
Manage Tax Calculation Rules
Tax Calculation Influencers: Explained
Transactions using Oracle Fusion Tax services pass key tax determinants relating
to parties, products, places, and processes captured on a transaction to the
tax determination process. Using these details, along with the other derived
determinants, the tax determination process performs a series of process
steps and determines various components of the applicable taxes. The basic
tax amount applicable on a transaction is calculated using the derived tax
components and applying the generic calculation logic of Taxable Basis * Tax
Rate = Tax Amount.
The key processes within the tax determination process and the resulting tax
components that influence tax calculation logic, other than the determination of
the tax rate, are:
• Taxable basis formula: Influences taxable basis.
• Tax inclusiveness requirements: Influences the taxable basis and the tax
amount. It is part of the Determine Taxable Basis process.
• Tax calculation formula: Influences the tax amount.
17-194 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
• Tax rounding requirements: Influences the tax amount. It is part of the
Calculate Tax Amounts process.
The taxable basis formula determines the taxable basis amount or quantity for
each tax that is processed on the invoice line.
The tax calculation formula determines the calculation process to be applied on
the transaction line for arriving at the tax amount.
The inclusiveness and rounding aspects determine the need to calculate the tax
amount as inclusive of the transaction line amount and the rounding criteria to
be used on the calculated tax amount.
Define First Party Tax Profiles
Party Tax Profiles: Explained
A tax profile is the body of information that relates to a party's transaction
tax activities. A tax profile can include main and default information, tax
registration, tax exemptions, party fiscal classifications, tax reporting codes,
configuration options, and service subscriptions.
Set up tax profiles for the following parties involved in your transactions:
• First parties: All legal entities, legal reporting units, and business units in
your organization that have a transaction tax requirement.
• Third parties: Your customers and suppliers and their locations and
• Tax authorities: Parties that administer tax rules and regulations.
First Parties
Set up tax profiles for your first party legal entities, legal reporting units, and
business units.
First party legal entities identify your organization to the relevant legal
authorities, for example, a national or international headquarters. Legal
entities let you more accurately model your external relationships to legal
authorities. The relationships between first party legal entities and the relevant
tax authorities normally control the setup of the transaction taxes required by
your business. Under most circumstances the tax setup is used and maintained
based on the configuration of the legal entity. Enter the default information,
party fiscal classifications, tax reporting codes, and configuration options for
your legal entities. You can also specify if you are using the tax services of an
external service provider for tax calculation.
First party legal reporting units identify each office, service center, warehouse
and any other location within the organization that has a tax requirement. A
legal reporting unit tax profile is automatically created for the headquarter
legal entity. Set up additional legal reporting unit tax profiles for those needed
for tax purposes. For legal reporting units, enter the default information, tax
registrations, party fiscal classifications, and tax reporting codes. Also, define
tax reporting details for your VAT and global tax reporting needs for tax
registrations of tax regimes that allow this setup.
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-195
Business units organize your company data according to your internal
accounting, financial monitoring, and reporting requirements. To help you
manage the tax needs of your business units, you can use the business unit tax
profile in either of two ways:
• Indicate that business unit tax setup is used and maintained based on
the configuration of the associated legal entity at transaction time. The
tax setup of the associated legal entity setup is either specific to the legal
entity or shared across legal entities using the Global Configuration
Owner setup.
• Indicate that tax setup is used and maintained by a specific business unit.
Create configuration options for the business unit to indicate that the
subscribed tax content is used for the transactions created for the business
For business units that maintain their own setup, enter the default information,
tax reporting codes, configuration options, and service providers as required.
Third Parties
Set up third party tax profiles for parties with the usage of customer, supplier,
and their sites. Enter the default information, tax registrations, party fiscal
classifications, and reporting codes required for your third parties or third party
sites. You can set up tax exemptions for your customers and customer sites.
Banks are also considered third parties. When a bank is created, the tax
registration number specified on the bank record is added to the party tax profile
record in Oracle Fusion Tax. You can not modify the party tax profile for a bank
as it is view only. You can only modify the bank record itself.
Setting up party tax profiles for third parties is not required. Taxes are still
calculated on transactions for third parties that do not have tax profiles
Tax Authorities
Set up a tax authority party tax profile using the Legal Authorities set up task.
The tax authority party tax profile identifies a tax authority party as a collecting
authority or a reporting authority or both. A collecting tax authority manages
the administration of tax remittances. A reporting tax authority receives and
processes all company transaction tax reports.
The collecting and reporting tax authorities appear in the corresponding list of
values on all applicable Oracle Fusion Tax pages. All tax authorities are available
in the list of values as an issuing tax authority.
Specifying First Party Tax Profile Options: Points to Consider
Set up first party tax profiles for all legal entities, legal reporting units, and
business units in your organization that have a transaction tax requirements.
How you set up your first parties can impact the tax calculation on your
17-196 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
The first party tax profile consists of:
• Defaults and controls: Applicable to legal entities and legal reporting
units. Business units that use their own tax setup do not have defaults and
• Tax registrations: Applicable to legal reporting units.
• Party fiscal classifications: Applicable to legal entities and legal reporting
• Tax reporting codes: Applicable to legal entities, legal reporting units, and
business units who do not use the tax setup of the legal entity.
• Configuration options: Applicable to legal entities and business units who
do not use the tax setup of the legal entity.
• Service subscriptions: Applicable to legal entities and business units who
do not use the tax setup of the legal entity.
Defaults and Controls
The following table describes the defaults and controls available at the first party
tax profile level:
Option Description
Set as self-assessment (reverse charge) Automatically self-assess taxes on purchases.
Rounding Level Perform rounding operations on the:
• Header: Applies rounding to calculated tax
amounts once for each tax rate per invoice.
• Line: Applies rounding to the calculated tax
amount on each invoice line.
Rounding Rule The rule that defines how the rounding should
be performed on a value involved in a taxable
transaction. For example, up to the next highest
value, down to the next lowest value, or nearest.
If you defined a rounding precedence hierarchy in
the configuration owner tax option settings for the
combination of configuration owner and event class,
Oracle Fusion Tax considers the rounding details in
the applicable tax profile.
Set Invoice Values as Tax Inclusive This first party intends to send or receive invoices
with invoice line amount inclusive of the tax
This option overrides the tax inclusive handling
setting at the tax level, but not at the tax rate level.
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-197
Tax Registrations
You must set up a separate tax registration to represent each distinct registration
requirement for a first party legal reporting unit. Oracle Fusion Tax uses tax
registrations in tax determination and tax reporting. If your first party has
more than one tax registration under the same tax regime, then the application
considers the tax registration in the order: tax jurisdiction; tax; tax regime.
You must enable the Use tax reporting configuration option on the first party
tax regime to allow entry of global tax reporting configuration details during tax
registration setup for legal reporting units for these tax regimes.
Party Fiscal Classifications
If applicable, associate first party fiscal classification codes with this party. The
party fiscal classification codes you enter become part of tax determination for
invoices associated with this party. Specify start and end dates to control when
these fiscal classifications are applicable for this party and transaction.
For legal entities, you can view the associated legal classifications that were
assigned to the tax regime defined for this first party. The legal classifications are
used in the tax determination process, similarly to the party fiscal classifications.
Tax Reporting Codes
Set up tax reporting types to capture additional tax information on transactions
for your tax reports for your first parties. Depending on the tax reporting type
code, you either enter or select a tax reporting code for this party. Specify start
and end dates to control when these tax reporting codes are applicable.
Configuration Options
The legal entities and business units in your organization are each subject to
specific sets of tax regulations as designated by the tax authorities where you do
business. Use configuration options to associate legal entities and business units
with their applicable tax regimes. You can set up tax configuration options when
you create a tax regime or when you create a party tax profile. Both setup flows
display and maintain the same party and tax regime definitions.
Service Subscriptions
Oracle Fusion Tax lets you use the tax services of external service providers for
tax calculation of US Sales and Use Tax on Receivables transactions. The setup
for provider services is called a service subscription. A service subscription
applies to the transactions of one configuration option setup for a combination
of tax regime and legal entity or business unit. Set up service subscriptions when
you create a tax regime or when you create a party tax profile for a first party
legal entity or business unit.
Manage Controls and Defaults
17-198 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Inclusive Taxes: Explained
Calculating tax on a transaction as inclusive of the line amount is generally
a business decision. This decision is based on the relationship between the
transacting parties and the items or taxes involved.
Taxes applicable on a transaction are made inclusive of the item line amount
• Manually
• Automatically
Manual Approach
In the manual approach, you access the calculated tax lines on a transaction and
select the Inclusive option. This action includes the calculated tax amount with
the item value.
However, this option is controlled through two factors:
• Privileges are assigned to the users for accessing and editing the
calculated tax lines.
• Setup restrictions are applied to edit the Inclusive option on the
calculated tax lines.
Automatic Approach
In the automatic approach, you can configure the tax setup and calculate the tax
on a transaction as inclusive of the item line amount. Since this requirement is
primarily driven by the tax legislation and the business relationship between the
transacting parties, the option for configuring the inclusiveness is made available
on the tax and tax rate definition and the third party and legal reporting unit
tax profiles on the tax registration and general data tabs. The tax determination
process uses a hierarchy approach to evaluate the defined setup and applies the
inclusiveness option on the transaction.
In tax setup there are options to choose for applying the inclusiveness on a
transaction. They are:
• Standard noninclusive handling: This option calculates the taxes as
exclusive of the given transaction line amount.
• Standard inclusive handling: This option calculates the taxes as inclusive
of the given transaction line amount.
• Special inclusive handling: This option calculates the taxes as inclusive
of the given transaction line amount, but the calculation methodology
differs from the standard inclusive process.
The following table illustrates the calculation methodology used with each of
these options when a transaction line amount is 1000 USD and the applicable tax
rate is 10% of the taxable basis amount, for example, line amount:
Method Calculation Taxable Basis
Tax Amount Transaction Line
1000 USD * 10/100 1000 USD 100 USD 1100 USD
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-199
Standard Inclusive 1000 USD * 10/110 909.09 USD 90.91 USD 1000 USD
Special Inclusive 1000 USD * 10/100 900 USD 100 USD 1000 USD
Configuring Inclusive Taxes: Points to Consider
The requirement for calculating the taxes as inclusive of the item line amount
is primarily driven by the tax legislation and the business relationship between
the transacting parties. Configure your tax setup accordingly to capture the
inclusiveness as per the taxes and the parties involved within a transaction.
The following table provides some of the key inclusiveness requirements and the
corresponding setup that can honor them:
Inclusiveness Requirement Setup Based on the Tax Inclusiveness Processing
Always apply to specific tax rates regardless of the
party setup
• Tax rate: Select Standard inclusive handling
or Special inclusive handling for the tax
inclusion method
Process complete
• Tax registration party: Not applicable
• Party site registration: Not applicable
• Party registration: Not applicable
• Party site tax profile: Not applicable
• Party tax profile: Not applicable
• Legal reporting unit registration: Not
• Legal reporting unit tax profile: Not applicable
• Tax: Not applicable
Apply to specific taxes and all associated tax rates
originating from certain tax jurisdictions for certain
transacting third party sites
• Tax rate: Select Blank for the tax inclusion
• Tax registration party: Third party
• Party site registration: Registration record
at tax jurisdiction level, for example, for tax
regime, tax, and tax jurisdiction, with the
option for inclusiveness set to Yes
Process complete
• Party registration: Not applicable
• Party site tax profile: Not applicable
• Party tax profile: Not applicable
• Tax: Not applicable
17-200 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Apply to specific taxes and all associated tax
rates regardless of the tax jurisdiction for certain
transacting third party sites
• Tax rate: Select Blank for the tax inclusion
• Tax registration party: Third party
• Party site registration: Registration record at
tax level, for example, for tax regime and tax,
with the option for inclusiveness set to Yes
Process complete
• Party registration: Not applicable
• Party site tax profile: Not applicable
• Party tax profile: Not applicable
• Tax: Not applicable
Apply to all taxes defined for a tax regime for certain
transacting third party sites
• Tax rate: Select Blank for the tax inclusion
• Tax registration party: Third party
• Party site registration: Registration record
at tax regime level with the option for
inclusiveness set to Yes
Process complete
• Party registration: Not applicable
• Party site tax profile: Not applicable
• Party tax profile: Not applicable
• Tax: Not applicable
Apply to all taxes and all tax regimes for certain
transacting third party sites
• Tax rate: Select Blank for the tax inclusion
• Tax registration party: Third party
• Party site registration: Set the inclusiveness
option to Blank or no record
• Party registration: Set the inclusiveness option
to Blank or no record
• Party site tax profile: Set the inclusiveness
option to Yes
Process complete
• Party tax profile: Not applicable
• Tax: Not applicable
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-201
Apply to specific taxes and all associated tax rates
originating from certain tax jurisdictions for all
transacting third party sites defined for a party
• Tax rate: Select Blank for the tax inclusion
• Tax registration party: Third party
• Party site registration: Set the inclusiveness
option to Blank or no record
• Party registration: Registration record at tax
jurisdiction level, for example, for tax regime,
tax, and tax jurisdiction, with the option for
inclusiveness set to Yes
Process complete
• Party site tax profile: Not applicable
• Party tax profile: Not applicable
• Tax: Not applicable
Apply to specific taxes and all associated tax rates
regardless of the tax jurisdiction for all transacting
third party sites defined for a party
• Tax rate: Select Blank for the tax inclusion
• Tax registration party: Third party
• Party site registration: Set the inclusiveness
option to Blank or no record
• Party registration: Registration record at tax
level, for example, for tax regime and tax, with
the option for inclusiveness set to Yes
Process complete
• Party site tax profile: Not applicable
• Party tax profile: Not applicable
• Tax: Not applicable
Apply to all taxes defined for a tax regime for all
transacting third party sites defined for a party
• Tax rate: Select Blank for the tax inclusion
• Tax registration party: Third party
• Party site registration: Set the inclusiveness
option to Blank or no record
• Party registration: Registration record at tax
regime level with the option for inclusiveness
set to Yes
Process complete
• Party site tax profile: Not applicable
• Party tax profile: Not applicable
• Tax: Not applicable
17-202 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Apply to all taxes and all tax regimes for all
transacting third party sites defined for a party
• Tax rate: Select Blank for the tax inclusion
• Tax registration party: Third party
• Party site registration: Set the inclusiveness
option to Blank or no record
• Party registration: No record
• Party site tax profile: Set the inclusive option
to Blank
• Party tax profile: Set the inclusiveness option
to Yes
Process complete
• Tax: Not applicable
Apply to certain taxes originating from certain
tax jurisdictions for all transacting third parties
originating from a specific business unit or legal
• Tax rate: Select Blank for the tax inclusion
• Tax registration party: First party
• Legal reporting unit registration: Registration
record at tax jurisdiction level, for example, for
tax regime, tax, and tax jurisdiction, with the
option for inclusiveness set to Yes
Process complete
• Legal reporting unit tax profile: Not applicable
• Tax: Not applicable
Apply to certain taxes regardless of the tax
jurisdiction for all transacting third parties
originating from a specific business unit or legal
• Tax rate: Select Blank for the tax inclusion
• Tax registration party: First party
• Legal reporting unit registration: Registration
record at tax level, for example, for tax regime
and tax, with the option for inclusiveness set
to Yes
Process complete
• Legal reporting unit tax profile: Not applicable
• Tax: Not applicable
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-203
Apply to all taxes defined for a tax regime for all
transacting third parties originating from a specific
business unit or legal entity
• Tax rate: Select Blank for the tax inclusion
• Tax registration party: First party
• Legal reporting unit registration: Registration
record at tax regime level with the option for
inclusiveness set to Yes
Process complete
• Legal reporting unit tax profile: Not applicable
• Tax: Not applicable
Apply to all taxes and all tax regimes for all
transacting third parties originating from a specific
business unit or legal entity
• Tax rate: Select Blank for the tax inclusion
• Tax registration party: First party
• Legal reporting unit registration: No record
• Legal reporting unit tax profile: Set the
inclusiveness option to Yes
Process complete
• Tax: Not applicable
Apply to certain taxes for all transacting third parties
originating from any business unit or legal entity
• Tax rate: Select Standard inclusive handling
or Special inclusive handling for the tax
inclusion method
• Tax registration party: Third party or first
• Party site registration: No record
• Party registration: No record
• Party site tax profile: Set the inclusiveness
option to Blank
• Party tax profile: Set the inclusiveness option
to Blank
• Legal reporting unit registration: No record
• Legal reporting unit tax profile: Set the
inclusiveness option to Blank
• Tax: Select Standard inclusive handling
or Special inclusive handling for the tax
inclusion method
Process complete
Tax Inclusiveness Hierarchy: How It Is Determined
Configure your tax setup to include the calculated tax amount with the item line
amount. The option for configuring the inclusiveness is available on the tax and
tax rate definition and the third party and legal reporting unit tax profiles on the
tax registration and general data tabs.
17-204 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Settings That Affect Tax Inclusiveness
Set up the inclusive options in the following pages:
• Create or Edit Tax page: Specify the tax inclusion method on the Default
and Controls tab. The handling of this field is dependent on the value
of the Allow override and entry of inclusive tax lines option at the tax
regime level. If the option is not selected at the tax regime level, the Tax
Inclusion Method field is display-only. The value displayed is set at the
tax regime level.
• Create or Edit Tax Rate page: Specify the tax inclusion method on the
Main Details tab. The handling of this field is dependent on the value of
the Allow override and entry of inclusive tax lines option at the tax level.
If the option is not selected at the tax level, the Tax Inclusion Method
field is display-only. The value displayed is set at the tax level.
• Create or Edit Tax Registration page: Select Set Invoice Values as Tax
Inclusive option for the third party, third party site, and legal reporting
unit tax profiles.
• Create or Edit Third Party Tax Profile and Create or Edit Third Party Site
Tax Profile pages: Select Set Invoice Values as Tax Inclusive option on the
General tab for the third party or third party site.
• Create or Edit Legal Reporting Unit page: Select Set Invoice Values as Tax
Inclusive option on the General tab for the legal reporting unit.
How Tax Inclusiveness Hierarchy Is Determined
The tax determination process uses a hierarchy approach to evaluate the options
selected in your tax configuration and applies it on the taxes calculated on a
The hierarchy sequence for processing the inclusiveness for a tax is:
1. If the transaction involved is a Receivable transaction then check for the
value in the Tax Amount Included field within the invoice line details.
The available values are:
• No: All the taxes calculated on the invoice line are treated as exclusive
of the item line amount.
• Yes: All the taxes calculated on the invoice line are treated as inclusive
of the item line amount.
• Use tax rate code: The tax setup defined is considered for analyzing the
2. If the transaction involved is not a Receivable transaction or if the
Receivable transaction uses the Use tax rate code option then check for
the value specified in the Tax Inclusion Method field for the processed
tax rate code. The available values are:
• Standard noninclusive handling: The referred tax gets calculated as
exclusive of the transaction line amount.
• Standard inclusive handling: The referred tax gets calculated as
inclusive of the transaction line amount.
• Special inclusive handling: The referred tax gets calculated as
inclusive of the transaction line amount. However, the line amount
is considered the taxable basis rather than the adjusted line amount,
which is considered for the Standard inclusive handling value.
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-205
• Blank: Process next step.
3. Check the value specified in the Set Invoice Values as Tax Inclusive field
on the tax registration record of the third party site tax profile for the
processed registration party. The available values are:
• No: The referred tax gets calculated as exclusive of the transaction line
• Yes: The referred tax gets calculated as inclusive of the transaction line
• Blank: Process next step.
If the processed registration party is the first party, the registration
record for the tax available within the legal reporting unit tax profile is
considered. If the value is set to blank then step 7 is processed.
4. Check the value specified in the Set Invoice Values as Tax Inclusive
field on the tax registration record of the third party tax profile for the
processed registration party. The available values are:
• No: The referred tax gets calculated as exclusive of the transaction line
• Yes: The referred tax gets calculated as inclusive of the transaction line
• Blank: Process next step.
5. Check the value specified in the Set Invoice Values as Tax Inclusive field
on the General tab of the third party site tax profile. The available values
• No: The referred tax gets calculated as exclusive of the transaction line
• Yes: The referred tax gets calculated as inclusive of the transaction line
• Blank: Process next step.
6. Check the value specified in the Set Invoice Values as Tax Inclusive field
on the General tab of the third party tax profile. The available values are:
• No: The referred tax gets calculated as exclusive of the transaction line
• Yes: The referred tax gets calculated as inclusive of the transaction line
• Blank: Process next step.
7. Check for the value specified in the Tax Inclusion Method field of the tax.
The available values are:
• Standard noninclusive handling: The referred tax gets calculated as
exclusive of the transaction line amount.
17-206 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
• Standard inclusive handling: The referred tax gets calculated as
inclusive of the transaction line amount.
• Special inclusive handling: The referred tax gets calculated as
inclusive of the transaction line amount. However, the line amount
is considered the taxable basis rather than the adjusted line amount,
which is considered for the Standard inclusive handling value.
Tax Amount Rounding: Explained
Taxes applicable on a transaction are generally calculated as the taxable basis
multiplied by the tax rate equals the tax amount. This calculated amount
can result in an odd value or with a large number of decimal place. You can
configure the tax setup to adjust or round the tax calculation according to the
specific requirements of the transacting parties and tax authority or to the
accepted currency denominations.
Key parameters that influence the rounding of calculated tax amount are:
• Tax precision: The number of decimal places to which to calculate the tax
• Minimum accountable unit: The smallest currency unit that a tax amount
can have.
• Rounding level: The transaction level at which the rounding is to be
performed. The available options are Header and Line.
• Rounding rule: The method that is used to round off the calculated taxes
to the minimum accountable unit. The available options are Up, Down,
and Nearest.
Define the key parameters at various places within Oracle Fusion Tax. The
rounding process derives the tax precision and minimum accountable unit
details from the tax setup. The rounding process derives the rounding rule and
rounding level details through the predefined processing hierarchy involving:
• Configuration owner tax options defined for the configuration owner and
event class
• Event class options for the event class
• Party tax profiles of the parties or party sites as given in the rounding
precedence of the configuration owner tax options or in the derived
registration party
• Tax
If you plan to use a third party service provider then you must define tax
rounding information that is at least as detailed as the rounding information of
the service provider.
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-207
Setting Up Rounding Rules: Choices to Consider
Criteria for rounding the calculated tax amounts comes from various parties
involved in a transaction. For example, for a purchase transaction, the rounding
methodology is generally specified by the supplier. Specify rounding details
in your tax setup to ensure that your entered invoice amount, including the
calculated tax, is the same as the actual invoice amount. For a Receivables
invoice, you can specify rounding details based on your organization's policy,
but for most countries the rounding criterion is directed by tax legislation.
Rounding requirements can originate from:
• Third parties
• First parties
• Tax legislation
Rounding Requirements from Third Parties
If rounding is based on third party requirements, particularly for purchase
transactions, you:
• Define the configuration owner tax options for the combination of
business unit or legal entity for which the transaction is registered and the
event class. In the Rounding Precedence field enter the reference of the
third party or third party. For purchase transactions it is either the ship-
from party or the bill-from party.
• Define the party tax profile for the third party and specify the rounding
level and rounding rule on the General tab as preferred by the third party.
• If the rounding level is at the line level in the party tax profile, create
registration details for each tax and specify the rounding rule. Also, define
tax registration rules for each tax so that the tax determination process
uses the third party registration.
• If a registration record is not defined for the tax registration party, select
the Allow tax rounding override option on the Create or Edit Tax page.
The application then looks at the party account site details and party tax
profile details for deriving the rounding rule.
Rounding Requirements from First Parties
If rounding is based on business unit or legal entity requirements, particularly
for sale transactions, and configuration owner tax options are defined, you:
• Define the configuration owner tax options for the combination of
business unit or legal entity for which the transaction is registered and the
event class. In the Rounding Precedence field enter the reference of the
first party. For sale transactions it is either the ship-from party or the bill-
from party.
• Ensure that the party tax profile details are available for the
corresponding legal reporting unit. Specify the rounding level and
17-208 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
rounding rule on the General tab per the first party requirement or your
business policy.
• If the rounding level is at the line level in the party tax profile, create
registration details for each tax and specify the rounding rule. Also, define
tax registration rules for each tax so that the tax determination process
uses the first party registration.
• If a registration record is not defined for the tax registration party, select
the Allow tax rounding override option on the Create or Edit Tax page.
The application then looks at the party tax profile details for deriving the
rounding rule.
The rounding criteria applied if configuration owner tax options are not defined
and the criteria in the predefined event class options are considered include:
• For a purchase transaction, the predefined event class options use the
ship-from party site and ship-from party within the rounding precedence
with the default rounding level as the header level. The supplier's
rounding preferences are considered first on the transaction. If there are
no specific supplier preferences, for example, the party tax profile record
does not exist, then the default rounding level of Header is considered
and the corresponding rounding rule from each tax setup detail is used.
• For a sale transaction, the predefined event class options do not include
any rounding precedence details. However, the default rounding
level is set to Line so the rounding level is always taken as Line and
the corresponding registration record for the tax registration party is
considered for the rounding rule. The tax registration party is identified
through the Determine Tax Registration tax rule or tax rule defaults.
If a registration record does not exist for the tax registration party, the
rounding rule defined within each tax is considered.
Rounding Requirements from Tax Legislation
If rounding is based on tax legislation, the following occurs:
• If the configuration owner tax options are defined for the combination
of business unit and legal entity for which the transaction is registered
and for the event class, the default rounding level is used from the
configuration owner tax options. Select Blank as the rounding precedence
for the event class.
• If the rounding level is at the line level for the configuration tax options,
ensure that the registration record defined for the tax registration party
has the rounding rule based on the tax requirements. The tax registration
party is identified through the Determine Tax Registration tax rule or tax
rule defaults.
Rounding Precedence Hierarchy: How It Is Determined
During the rounding process, the tax precision and minimum accountable
unit details are derived from the tax setup. The rounding process derives the
rounding rule and rounding level details through the predefined processing
hierarchy involving:
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-209
• Configuration owner tax options defined for the configuration owner and
event class
• Event class options for the event class
• Party tax profiles of the parties or party sites as given in the rounding
precedence of the configuration owner tax options or in the derived
registration party
• Tax
Settings That Affect Tax Rounding
Key parameters that influence the rounding of calculated tax amount are:
• Tax precision: The number of decimal places to which to calculate the tax
• Minimum accountable unit: The smallest currency unit that a tax amount
can have.
• Rounding level: The transaction level at which the rounding is to be
• Rounding rule: The method that is used to round off the calculated taxes
to the minimum accountable unit.
Options available for the rounding level are:
• Header: Applies rounding to calculated tax amounts once for each tax rate
per invoice.
• Line: Applies rounding to the calculated tax amount on each invoice line.
Options available for the rounding rule are:
• Up: the amount is rounded to the next highest minimum accountable unit.
• Down: The amount is rounded to the next lowest minimum accountable
• Nearest: The amount is rounded to the nearest minimum accountable
How Tax Rounding Is Determined
If you did not define configuration owner tax option settings for the combination
of configuration owner and event class, the rounding process uses the default
rounding level of the event class and the default rounding rule of the tax.
If you defined a rounding precedence hierarchy in the configuration owner tax
option settings for the combination of configuration owner and event class, the
rounding process looks for a rounding level and rounding rule in this way:
1. Looks for rounding details in the party tax profiles of the parties and
party sites involved in the transaction, according to the rounding
precedence hierarchy.
2. If an applicable tax profile is found then uses the rounding level and
rounding rule of the tax profile.
17-210 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
3. If the rounding level is at the header level then uses these values to
perform the rounding. The process ends.
If the rounding level is at the line level then goes to step 6.
4. If an applicable tax profile is not found then uses the rounding level
setting of the configuration owner tax option.
5. If the configuration owner tax option rounding level is at the header level
then uses the rounding rule that is set at the tax level for each tax of the
transaction to perform the rounding. The process ends.
If the rounding level is at the line level then goes to step 6.
6. If the rounding level is at the line level then:
a. For each tax line, uses the rounding rule belonging to the tax
registration of the party type derived from the Determine Tax
Registration rule.
b. If a registration record does not exist for the registration party type and
if you did not define configuration owner tax option settings for the
combination of configuration owner and event class, then the rounding
process uses the rounding rule that is set at the tax level to perform the
rounding. The process ends.
c. If a registration record does not exist for the registration party type and
if you defined a rounding precedence hierarchy in the configuration
owner tax option settings for the combination of configuration owner
and event class, then the rounding process looks for a rounding rule in
this way:
1. Refers to the party or party site of the first party type defined in the
rounding precedence hierarchy.
2. Uses the rounding rule of the party or party site tax registration, if
3. If a tax registration is not defined, uses the rounding rule of the
party or party site account site details, if defined.
4. If a rounding rule is not defined, uses the rounding rule of the party
or party site tax profile, if defined.
5. If a tax profile is not defined, repeats the previous substeps for each
rounding party in the rounding precedence hierarchy.
6. If a rounding rule is found, uses this rounding rule to perform the
rounding. The process ends.
7. If a rounding rule is not found, then uses the rounding rule that is
set at the tax level to perform the rounding. The process ends.
Tax Rounding: Examples
During the rounding process, the tax precision and minimum accountable
unit details are derived from the tax setup. The rounding process derives the
rounding rule and rounding level details through the predefined processing
hierarchy involving configuration owner tax options, event classes, party tax
profiles, and taxes. These examples illustrate how the rounding process works.
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-211
The following examples represent how the rounding process determines the tax
rounded amount based on transaction, tax setup, and rounding details.
The transaction and tax setup details for the two examples are:
• Invoice header amount: 5579 USD
• Invoice line 1 amount: 1333 USD
• Invoice line 2 amount: 1679 USD
• Invoice line 3 amount: 2567 USD
• Applicable taxes:
• State tax, rate percentages of 12.5%, 6.75%, and 3.33%
• City tax, rate percentages of 7.5%
The rounding details for the two examples are:
• Rounding level: Header
• Rounding Rule:
• State tax: Up
• City tax: Nearest
• Tax precision: 2
• Minimum accountable unit: 0.01
Example 1 represents the rounding details applied at the header level. Applying
these factors, the rounding process calculates the invoice amounts, all in USD
currency, as follows:
Amount Tax and
Tax Rate
1: Line
per tax
applied at
the header
Step 2:
the header
and the
sum of
the line
Step 3:
Apply the
to the
tax line
Header 5579 • State
• City
• 395.8082
• 418.425
• 395.81
• 418.43
• 0.01
• 0.02
• 395.81
• 418.43
Line 1 1333 • State
• City
• 166.625
• 99.975
• 166.62
• 99.97
• 166.62
• 99.97
17-212 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Line 2 1679 • State
• City
• 55.9107
• 125.925
• 55.91
• 125.92
• 55.91
• 125.92
Line 3 2567 • State
• City
• 173.2725
• 192.525
• 173.27
• 192.52
• 0.01
• 0.02
• 173.28
• 192.54
Example 2 represents the rounding details applied at the line level. Applying
these factors, the rounding process calculates the invoice amounts, all in USD
currency, as follows:
Amount Tax and Tax
Tax Amount
Step 1:
criteria is
applied at
the line level
Step 2: Line
are added
to obtain
Tax Amount
Header 5579 • State
• City tax
• 395.8082
• 418.425
• 395.82
• 418.44
• 395.82
• 418.44
Line 1 1333 • State
• City
• 166.625
• 99.975
• 166.63
• 99.98
• 166.63
• 99.98
Line 2 1679 • State
• City
• 55.9107
• 125.925
• 55.92
• 125.93
• 55.92
• 125.93
Line 3 2567 • State
• City
• 173.2725
• 192.525
• 173.27
• 192.53
• 173.27
• 192.53
Self-Assessment of Taxes: Explained
Taxes for purchase transactions are usually calculated by the supplier and
included in the invoice. The responsibility of collecting and remitting these taxes
to the authority lies with the supplier. However, in certain cases the supplier
does not have presence (nexus) or is not registered in the customer location.
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-213
Taxes applicable in such cases, in the customer location, are self assessed by
the purchasing organization. Unlike supplier assessed taxes that are paid to the
supplier, self-assessed taxes are remitted by the purchasing organization directly
to the tax authority.
The key here is that these taxes are to be calculated on the same invoice, but
these should not impact the amount payable to the supplier, instead it should be
accounted for as a tax liability.
The core requirements remain the same, however, the terminology used for
self-assessed taxes vary by tax regime, such as reverse charges, use taxes, and
offset taxes. Reverse charge is the terminology primarily used in the European
Union, use taxes is the terminology used in the United States, and offset taxes
is a alternate solution to handle self-assessment of taxes and is not used by any
Oracle Fusion Tax provides the following options to configure and automate
calculation of self-assessed taxes:
• Self-assessment
• Offset taxes
• Reporting-only taxes
• Use taxes
Taxes need to be self-assessed by the purchasing organization when the supplier
is not registered in the ship-to or bill-to location of the transaction. This is the
recommended approach for defining and calculating self-assessed taxes. This is
driven based on the registration party used for the transaction.
Registration Party
In the context of a tax applicable to the transaction it is the party whose
registration needs to be considered. The tax registration party type default is
specified for the tax. As most of the taxes are assessed by the supplier, the default
is set to the ship-from or the bill-from location.
Supplier Tax Registration
You can define tax registration for the supplier, the supplier site, and for a
particular tax regime. If the tax registration varies by tax or tax jurisdiction,
define the registration at a granular level. If the supplier does not have presence
in a specific jurisdiction, there are two options for configuration. The first is to
create a tax registration record with the registration status as not registered. The
second option is not to define a registration record. If you follow the second
option, when you define the condition set, set the operator for the Registration
determining factor class to Is blank.
Registration Party of the First Party
Similar to the supplier registration, you can define the tax registration records for
a legal reporting unit tax profile. For the tax registration of the first party select
the Set as self-assessment (reverse charge) option. This option triggers self-
17-214 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
assessment of taxes when the registration party selected for the tax line is that of
the first party. Self-assessment is only applicable for Payables transactions. The
option on the first party registration does not impact Receivables transactions.
Create a tax registration rule to conditionally use the first party registration
when the supplier is not registered. The condition to use for this tax rule is as
Tax Determining
Factor Class
Class Qualifier Tax Determining
Factor Name
Operator Condition Value
Registration Bill-from party Registration Status Equal to Not Registered
If the registration records are not created for the suppliers without registration,
create the condition set as follows:
Determining Factor
Class Qualifier Determining Factor
Operator Condition Value
Registration Bill-from party Registration Status Is blank
Offset Taxes
Offset taxes is a backward compatible approach that is configured to self-assess
taxes. Configure offset taxes in addition to your regular taxes. Offset taxes carry
a negative rate and are calculated in the context of the regular tax. Where offset
taxes are applicable, the application creates two tax lines with one positive and
one negative amount. An offset tax record is a matching, duplicate record with
negative amounts that reduces or completely offsets the tax liability recorded in
the tax transaction. Use offset taxes when the tax requirement includes creating
an offset general ledger posting.
Reporting-Only Taxes
You can identify taxes for reporting purposes only. When these taxes are
applicable to the transactions, records are created in the tax repository entities.
However, invoice distributions are not created for these taxes. Therefore, there is
no impact to the payable amount, payment amount, and invoice accounting.
Use Taxes
Assigning use taxes to invoices, you create a record of the taxes you owe to tax
authorities. Oracle Fusion Payables does not create invoice distributions for these
taxes. Therefore, there is not any accounting impact due to these taxes. Payables
provides a Use Tax Liability Report to review and report use taxes.
Use the Use Tax Liability Report to review, report, and remit use taxes. The
report determines the use tax liability by each use tax code by taking the tax rate
you defined for each tax code and applying it to the sum of each invoice line
to which the tax applies. The report lists in summary or detail the total amount
of tax you owe for each tax code on invoices you enter between two dates you
specify when you submit the report. Oracle Fusion Payables displays the amount
of use tax you owe in the currency in which you entered an invoice.
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-215
Use taxes are defined with the tax type of Use tax. The rest of the configuration
is the same as the other taxes. This feature is only supported for migrated taxes.
You cannot define a new tax with this tax type.
Self-Assessment of Taxes: How It Is Processed
You can let a first party self-assess the taxes calculated on the Payables invoices
it receives. A self-assessed tax is a tax calculated and remitted for a transaction,
where tax was not levied by the supplier but is deemed as due (and therefore
needs to be paid by the purchaser). Taxes need to be self-assessed by the
purchasing organization when the supplier is not registered in the ship-to or bill-
to location of the transaction.
Settings That Affect Self-Assessment of Taxes
Configure your tax setup to automate self-assessment of regular taxes. The
following is an overview of the configuration:
• Default registration party: Set the default values for the direct rule type of
Tax Registration. For self-assessed taxes set the value to Ship from or Bill
• Supplier registration: The supplier can be registered or not registered.
Configure your set up as follows:
• If the supplier is registered the application creates a record with the
registration status of registered. The registration of the supplier is
considered and the taxes are assessed by supplier and included as a
part of the invoice total.
• If the supplier is not registered then either you can create a registration
record for the tax regime, tax, or tax jurisdiction, with the registration
status of not registered. Or skip the step of defining tax registration and
define the tax condition set with the operator of Is blank.
• Selecting first party registration conditionally: Create a registration record
for the first party legal reporting unit. For this registration record select
the Set as self-assessment (reverse charge) option.
If the supplier is not registered then the registration of the first party legal
reporting unit needs to be considered. To trigger this, you need to define a
tax registration rule with the following conditions:
• If the ship-from or bill-from party registration status is not registered
or is blank then the registration party is either the ship-to party or
bill-to party. The following is the condition set for the Determine Tax
Registration rule:
Factor Type
Factor Name
Operator Condition
Registration Bill-from
Equal to Not
17-216 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Input Factor
Line Class Equal to Standard
• If you choose the option of not defining a supplier registration then the
condition set is as follows:
Factor Type
Factor Name
Operator Condition
Registration Bill-from
Is blank
Input Factor
Line Class Equal to Standard
Set the rule result to bill-to party so that the registration of the legal
reporting unit is considered.
Instead of including the condition for the transaction input factor, you can
specify the event class constraint at the tax rule header.
• Self-assessing tax: For the first party registration record you create for
the tax regime, tax, and tax jurisdiction, check the Set as self-assessment
(reverse charge) option. Once the application selects this registration
record for the tax, the tax line is stamped as self-assessed.
How Self-Assessed Taxes Are Processed
Taxes created by the first party organization need to be calculated in the context
of the transaction. The application creates both summary and detail tax lines for
these taxes and the self-assessed option is enabled for these lines. Invoice lines
are not created for taxes, therefore the payable to the supplier does not include
these taxes. Invoice distributions are created to account for the tax expense or
recovery and liability.
Self-assessed taxes are not included in the invoice totals. Instead, the total of self-
assessed taxes for the invoice is displayed as a separate line in the tax charges
region of the invoice.
Self-assessed taxes are created for imported payables invoices. This happens
when imported transactions have tax lines along with transaction lines and
if you enable the Perform additional applicability for imported documents
option for the event class. For these transactions, additional taxes that are found
applicable are treated as self-assessed taxes.
These taxes are accounted along with the rest of the invoice. The accounting
treatment for expense and recovery remain the same as any supplier-assessed
taxes. The only variation is be the liability account. The tax amount is credited to
the tax liability account instead of the payables account.
Self-assessed taxes are a part of the standard tax reports. Apart from this, Oracle
Fusion Subledger Accounting provides reports for accounting activity that can
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-217
be used to track self-assessed tax liability. Use the Account Analysis Report and
the Open Account Balance Listing report to track this liability.
Tax Line Override
You can override the self-assessed flag for the tax line. This impacts the invoice
lines and distributions. If you update the summary tax line, all corresponding
detail tax lines are updated to reflect this change. If the self-assessed option on
some of the detail tax lines is updated then a new summary tax line is created to
group the detail tax lines that are being self-assessed.
When you select or deselect the Self-Assessed option on a tax line for the first
time, the update does not take effect. You must select the specific tax line, click
the row header or a noneditable area, and then select the Self-Assessed option.
Offset Taxes: How They Are Processed
Offset taxes are a backward compatible approach that you can configure to
self-assess taxes. Configure offset taxes in addition to the regular taxes. Offset
taxes carry a negative rate and are calculated in the context of the regular tax.
Where offset taxes are applicable, two tax lines are created with one positive and
one negative amount. An offset tax record is a matching, duplicate record with
negative amounts that reduces or completely offsets the tax liability recorded in
the tax transaction. Use offset taxes when the tax requirement includes creating
an offset general ledger posting.
Settings That Affect Offset Taxes
For the offset tax calculation to take effect, do the following:
• Set up offset taxes
• Enable offset tax calculation
You must perform these tasks for setting up offset taxes:
• Set up the offset tax, tax status, and tax rate. Define at least one recovery
type lookup to use with offset taxes.
• Create the offset tax and perform the following:
a. Use the tax currency of the original tax.
b. Select the Set as offset tax option.
c. Enter a primary recovery type that you defined for offset taxes.
• Set up the tax status for the offset tax. Do not select the Allow tax rate
override option.
• Set up a 100% tax recovery rate for the offset tax using the recovery type
that is defined for the offset tax.
17-218 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
You cannot update the recovery rate on an offset tax line. The recovery
rate is always 100% in order to create credit entries that match the original
tax amounts. When you create an offset tax, you enter a primary recovery
type with a recoverable rate of 100% and a 100% recovery rate.
• Set up the offset tax rate and perform the following:
a. Enter a negative rate amount.
b. Assign the tax recovery rate that is defined for offset tax.
c. Do not select the Allow ad hoc tax rate option.
• Set up the original tax with the required configuration to enable the tax.
For the tax rate of the original tax (nonoffset tax), assign the offset tax rate
code in the Offset Rate Code field.
Complete the following configuration steps to enable calculation of offset taxes
for a transaction:
• For the configuration owner tax options for the Payables event classes,
enable offset tax calculation by selecting the Allow offset tax calculation
option. Also, specify the offset tax basis.
• Select the Allow offset taxes option on the party tax profile if offset taxes
are to be calculated for the transactions created for the party. Select this
option for the party type chosen in the Offset Tax Basis field for the
configuration owner tax options.
How Offset Taxes Are Processed
Offset taxes applicable to an invoice are created with two tax lines entries, one
for the tax and one for the offset tax. The line for the offset tax has the offset
option enabled. This line carries the reference to the original tax line. Two Invoice
lines are created for these taxes, one for each tax.
The amount for the regular tax line is always debited to the tax expense or
recovery account or both, depending on the recoverability of the tax. The credit
is posted to a payables account which is offset by the negative amount credited
to the payables account due to the offset tax line. The debit of the offset tax line
is posted to the tax liability account and this indicates the liability that the first
party organization has towards the tax authority for the self-assessed tax.
Tax Line Override
You cannot override offset tax lines. However, you can update the tax line
calculated for the original tax. When you update the tax rate percentage or
amount or when you cancel the tax line, the corresponding tax line for the offset
taxes is updated.
Reporting-Only Taxes: How They Are Processed
You can identify taxes for reporting purposes only. When these taxes are
applicable to the transactions, records are created in the tax repository entities.
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-219
However, invoice distributions are not created for these taxes. Therefore, this
does not impact the payable amount, payment amount, and invoice accounting.
Settings That Affect Reporting-Only Taxes
You set up reporting-only taxes by selecting the Set tax for reporting purposes
only option for the tax.
How Reporting-Only Taxes Are Processed
Tax lines for reporting-only taxes have the Reporting Only option enabled. Tax
distributions are not created for these tax lines.
For Oracle Fusion Payables invoices, these lines are not displayed on the invoice
lines. The total of the reporting-only taxes are displayed in the tax totals region
of the invoice.
For Oracle Fusion Receivables transactions, reporting-only taxes are handled
as any other tax. These taxes are considered as a part of the invoice and are
accounted for accordingly.
Tax Line Override
You cannot update the Reporting Only option on the detail tax lines.
Manage Configuration Options and Service Subscriptions
Configuration Options: Explained
Set up configuration options to associate tax regimes with the parties in your
company that have a tax requirement under these tax regimes.
There are two fundamentally different approaches to tax configuration options
• Using tax configuration setup defined within Oracle Fusion Tax.
• Using an external tax service provider.
Using Tax Configuration Setup Defined Within Oracle Fusion Tax
Use the tax configuration setup in Oracle Fusion Tax to calculate, record, and
account for transaction taxes on transaction taxable transactions.
The following concepts control how this setup is managed, used, and shared:
• Tax configuration owner
• Tax content subscription
• Existing tax option
Tax Configuration Owner
The tax configuration owner is a business unit, legal entity, or the global
configuration owner that owns the data. The global configuration owner is an
17-220 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
abstract owner which is used to define the owner of content that can be shared
by any business units and first party legal entities.
Identify a specific first party legal entity as a parent first party organization
to allow the configuration to be owned by a specific first party and shared by
other parties. You can then share this setup with another first party legal entity
or business unit for their transactions. Use a parent first party organization tax
configuration to share among a group of first party organizations but you still
have the tax setup managed by a single first party organization.
In the case of global configuration owner, if you are assigned the Create
Tax Regime privilege, you have update rights to all tax configuration data
maintained by the global configuration owner.
Tax Content Subscription
Use tax content subscriptions to define which configuration owner's setup is
used for transactions for a specific first party legal entity or business unit for a
specific tax regime. Also, use tax content subscriptions to specify whether any
shared content can be overridden by the subscribing party to allow unique,
separate setup for certain tax content.
Party override is permitted for the following setup:
• Tax
• Tax status
• Tax rate
• Tax recovery rate
• Tax rules
Do this indirectly by adding higher priority rules specific to the
subscribing first party legal entity or business unit.
The content subscription options are:
Tax Content Subscription Description
Common configuration For tax processing, the tax determination process
uses the shared tax content defined and maintained
by the global configuration owner.
Party-specific configuration The specified first party organization defines and
maintains its own tax content. For tax processing,
the tax determination process uses only the tax
content owned by the specific first party legal entity
or business unit.
Common configuration with party overrides This option is similar to the common configuration
in that it allows you to use tax content owned by
the global configuration owner. However, you can
also maintain party-specific content which is used
in preference to the common configuration content.
In the absence of tax content owned by the specific
first party organization, the tax determination
process uses the tax content owned by the global
configuration owner.
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-221
Parent first party organization with party overrides This option is similar to the common configuration
with party override subscription except instead
of the tax content being owned by the global
configuration owner it is owned by a specific first
party legal entity. You can override the specific first
party setup.
A similar concept is used to define where you use tax exceptions for a specific
tax configuration. The tax subscription option available for product exceptions is
dictated to some extent by the main tax content subscription as follows:
Options Defined for Tax Content
Content Subscription Options
Available for Product Exceptions
Common configuration Common configuration For tax processing, the tax
determination process uses
tax exceptions defined and
maintained by the global
configuration owner.
Party-specific configuration Party-specific configuration The specified first party
organization defines and
maintains its own tax exceptions.
For tax processing, the tax
determination process uses only
the tax exceptions owned by the
specific first party organization.
Common configuration with party
Common configuration For tax processing, the tax
determination process uses
tax exceptions defined and
maintained by the global
configuration owner.
Common configuration with party
Party-specific configuration The specified first party
organization defines and
maintains its own tax exceptions.
For tax processing, the tax
determination process uses only
the tax exceptions owned by the
specific first party organization.
Parent first party organization
with party overrides
Party-specific configuration The specified first party
organization defines and
maintains its own tax exceptions.
For tax processing, the tax
determination process uses only
the tax exceptions owned by the
specific first party organization.
Set up tax configuration options when you create a tax regime or when you
create a party tax profile for a first party legal entity or business unit. Both
setup flows display and maintain the same party or regime definitions. Specify
effective start and end dates to identify which configuration should be used
based on the transaction date. You can enable the business unit so that Oracle
Fusion Tax automatically uses the configuration of the legal entity. Once you
set this option the application records the date it occurred as the start date. This
date is used and compared to the transaction dates to identify if the application
uses the legal entity subscription in preference to the subscription of the business
17-222 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
unit. The specific first party legal entity that is used is defined by the legal entity
associated with the transaction.
Existing Tax Option
Copy a tax from an existing tax in the Manage Taxes page to share tax
registrations and tax jurisdictions while maintaining two versions of the same
tax, owned by two different tax configuration owners each with their own tax
statuses, tax rates, and tax rules. For example, this is useful when you set up US
sales and use tax that requires a significant number of tax registrations and tax
Using External Tax Service Provider
Oracle Fusion Tax lets you use the tax services of external service providers
for tax calculation of US Sales and Use Tax on Receivables transactions. Oracle
Fusion Tax provides transparent integration between the external provide tax
service and Oracle Fusion Receivables.
You can use the tax services of these external service providers:
• Taxware, LP: a First Data Company
• Vertex, Inc.
The setup for provider services is called a service subscription. A service
subscription applies to the transactions of one configuration option setup for
a combination of tax regime and legal entity or business unit. Set up service
subscriptions when you create a tax regime or when you create a party tax
profile for a first party legal entity or business unit. Specify effective start
and end dates to identify which configuration should be used based on the
transaction date.
Content Subscriptions: Critical Choices
Choose which of the following tax content subscription options to use to
optimize your tax setup:
• Whether to use service subscriptions versus Oracle Fusion tax content.
• What type of tax configuration options to use.
• When to change from business unit to using tax configuration at the first
party legal entity.
• When to use create from an existing tax option.
Using a Service Subscription Versus Oracle Fusion Tax Content
Use the tax services of external service providers where tax content is required
for Receivables transactions for a significant number of tax jurisdictions. You
should not use a service provider if their use is not needed to support US Sales
and Use Tax regimes or you need to create and maintain tax regimes outside of
the Unites States.
You can use the tax services of these external service providers:
• Taxware, LP: a First Data Company
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-223
• Vertex, Inc.
Using Tax Configuration Options
If you decide not to use an external service provider or you need to create tax
content for tax regimes outside the US then create and maintain your tax content
in Oracle Fusion Tax.
Once the decision is made to use Oracle Fusion Tax you need to choose the level
of tax configuration options. Sharing tax content prevents the need for duplicate
maintenance with its inefficiencies and potential inconsistencies. Consider these
scenarios and options:
Scenario Option
You have a single central corporate tax center
responsible for maintenance of tax setup for all legal
entities and business units.
Use the common configuration with party override
option. This allows a single tax setup to be created
and maintained by the corporate tax center.
You need to have strict control of who can maintain
the tax content.
Use the common configuration option. By not
allowing party override you restrict the access to the
global configuration owner to an authorized user
who can maintain all of the tax content.
You have regional centers responsible for tax
Use the parent first party configuration with party
override option. This permits a regional setup with
an actual or logical parent legal entity to be created
and maintained by each regional center.
Even if there is no obvious need to share tax configuration, for example, there
is only a single first party legal entity operating in each tax regime, significant
business events such as takeovers or mergers may mean that there could be a
future need to share content. In this case the original first party legal entity can
act as the configuration owner and then any subsequent first party can subscribe
to the first party's content using the parent first party configuration with party
override. Alternatively, set up the original tax content using global configuration
owner in preparation for any future business event that requires tax content to be
Changing from Business Unit to Using Tax Configuration at the First Party
Legal Entity
If you can standardize your tax setup across all business units for a given legal
entity then consider moving to configuring and using tax setup at the legal entity
level. Set the Use subscription of the legal entity option on the business unit
tax profile. Oracle Fusion Tax records the date this occurs and compares it to
the transaction date to identify if the legal entity subscription should be used in
preference to the subscription to the business unit.
Using Create from an Existing Tax Option
Create a tax from an existing tax when you have a need to share tax jurisdictions
and tax registrations. You maintain the tax jurisdictions and tax registrations
once for taxes with the same name within the same tax regime owned by
different configuration owners.
17-224 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Tax Configuration Options in the Tax Determination Process: How They Are
At transaction time the owner of the transaction derives the configuration
options that are used. When you enter a transaction for a given first party
organization, the tax data applied to that transaction is determined by the
configurations defined for the combination of that first party organization
(business unit or first party legal entity) and the tax regime derived from the
addresses or from the tax classification codes used on the transaction.
Settings That Affect the Application of Tax Data on Transactions
Use tax content subscriptions to define which configuration owner's setup is
used for transactions for a specific first party legal entity or business unit for a
specific tax regime. Also, use tax content subscriptions to specify whether any
shared content can be overridden by the subscribing party to allow unique,
separate setup for certain tax content.
Tax content subscription options are:
• Common configuration
• Party-specific configuration
• Common configuration with party overrides
• Parent first party organization with party overrides
How Tax Data Is Determined
Based on the defaults and tax rules you have defined, tax data is applied to
transactions as follows:
Configuration for Taxes and Rules Option Tax Content Available
Common configuration • The tax determination process uses only the
tax content owned by the global configuration
• If you manually override tax information on
the transaction only tax content owned by the
global configuration owner is displayed in the
list of valid values available.
Party-specific configuration • The tax determination process uses only
the tax content owned by the first party
organization, business unit or fist party legal
entity, for whom the transaction is being
• If you manually override tax information on
the transaction only tax content owned by the
first party organization is displayed in the list
of valid values available.
For the first party organization it can be the business
unit owning the tax content or the first party legal
entity-owned setup depending on the specific
subscription being used.
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-225
Common configuration with party overrides • The tax determination process uses any
tax content owned by the first party for
whom the transaction is being entered. In the
absence of tax content owned by that first
party organization, the tax determination
process uses tax content owned by the global
configuration owner.
• If you manually override tax information on
the transaction both the override tax content
owned by the specific first party and the tax
content owned by the global configuration
owner that you have not overridden are
displayed in the list of valid values available.
Parent first party organization with party overrides • The tax determination process uses any
tax content owned by the first party for
whom the transaction is being entered. In the
absence of tax content owned by the first party
organization, the tax determination process
uses tax content owned by the parent first
party organization.
• If you manually override tax information on
the transaction both the override tax content
owned by the specific first party and the
tax content owned by the designated parent
first party organization that you have not
overridden are displayed in the list of valid
values available.
If you are using product exceptions, those exceptions are applied to the
transactions as shown in the following table:
Configuration for Product Exceptions Tax Exceptions Available
Common configuration The tax determination process uses only the tax
exceptions defined and maintained by the global
configuration owner.
Party-specific configuration The tax determination process uses only the
tax exceptions owned by the specific first party
Setting Up Tax Configuration Options: Worked Example
This example demonstrates how you set up the appropriate tax configuration
options for your company that has three regional centers. These centers are
responsible for tax setup and maintenance among other corporate activities. Each
of these regional corporate centers is associated with a first party legal entity and
business unit.
Your company has their regional centers in:
• North America (NAM), based in Redwood City, California, US
• Asian and Pacific (APAC), based in Melbourne, Australia
• Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA), based in London, UK
Each country has a single first party legal entity with a single business unit,
except for:
• Countries which have the regional corporate centers have a first party
legal entity and business unit for each corporate center.
17-226 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
• Sales, marketing, and manufacturing organization has a first party legal
entity and business unit.
Create tax regimes for each country and the appropriate tax configuration
To create the appropriate tax configurations, you must set up the following:
1. The legal entities for:
First Party Legal Entity Country
2. The sales, marketing, and manufacturing organization's business unit uses
the tax configuration of the legal entity.
3. The relevant tax regimes for each country's tax include:
Region Country Tax Regime Tax
EMEA United Kingdom GB VAT GB VAT
• US
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-227
Setting Up Tax Configuration Options
1. On the Create Legal Entity Tax Profile page select EMEA LE in the Legal
Entity field. In the Configuration Options tab enter:
Field Value
Tax Regime Code GB VAT
Configuration for Taxes and Rules Party-specific configuration
Configuration for Product Exceptions Party-specific configuration
Parent First Party Organization Blank
Effective Start Date 01-Jan-01
Click Save and Create Another.
2. Select GB LE in the Legal Entity field. In the Configuration Options tab
Field Value
Tax Regime Code GB VAT
Configuration for Taxes and Rules Parent first party with party overrides
Configuration for Product Exceptions Parent first party organization
Parent First Party Organization EMEA LE
Effective Start Date 01-Jan-01
Click Save and Create Another.
3. Select FR LE in the Legal Entity field. In the Configuration Options tab
Field Value
Tax Regime Code FR VAT
Configuration for Taxes and Rules Parent first party with party overrides
Configuration for Product Exceptions Parent first party organization
Parent First Party Organization EMEA LE
Effective Start Date 01-Jan-01
Click Save and Create Another.
4. Select DE LE in the Legal Entity field. In the Configuration Options tab
Field Value
Tax Regime Code DE VAT
Configuration for Taxes and Rules Parent first party with party overrides
Configuration for Product Exceptions Parent first party organization
17-228 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Parent First Party Organization EMEA LE
Effective Start Date 01-Jan-01
Click Save and Create Another.
5. Select APAC LE in the Legal Entity field. In the Configuration Options
tab enter:
Field Value
Tax Regime Code AU GST
Configuration for Taxes and Rules Party-specific configuration
Configuration for Product Exceptions Party-specific configuration
Parent First Party Organization Blank
Effective Start Date 01-Jan-01
Click Save and Create Another.
6. Select AU LE in the Legal Entity field. In the Configuration Options tab
Field Value
Tax Regime Code AU GST
Configuration for Taxes and Rules Parent first party with party overrides
Configuration for Product Exceptions Parent first party organization
Parent First Party Organization APAC LE
Effective Start Date 01-Jan-01
Click Save and Create Another.
7. Select SI LE in the Legal Entity field. In the Configuration Options tab
Field Value
Tax Regime Code SI VAT
Configuration for Taxes and Rules Parent first party with party overrides
Configuration for Product Exceptions Parent first party organization
Parent First Party Organization APAC LE
Effective Start Date 01-Jan-01
Click Save and Create Another.
8. Select NZ LE in the Legal Entity field. In the Configuration Options tab
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-229
Field Value
Tax Regime Code NZ VAT
Configuration for Taxes and Rules Parent first party with party overrides
Configuration for Product Exceptions Parent first party organization
Parent First Party Organization APAC LE
Effective Start Date 01-Jan-01
Click Save and Create Another.
9. Select NAM LE in the Legal Entity field. In the Configuration Options
tab enter:
Field Value
Tax Regime Code US SALES TAX
Configuration for Taxes and Rules Party-specific configuration
Configuration for Product Exceptions Party-specific configuration
Parent First Party Organization Blank
Effective Start Date 01-Jan-01
Click Save and Create Another.
10. Select US LE in the Legal Entity field. In the Configuration Options tab
Field Value
Tax Regime Code US SALES TAX
Configuration for Taxes and Rules Parent first party with party overrides
Configuration for Product Exceptions Parent first party organization
Parent First Party Organization NAM LE
Effective Start Date 01-Jan-01
Click Save and Create Another.
11. Select CA LE in the Legal Entity field. In the Configuration Options tab
Field Value
Tax Regime Code CA GST & PST
Configuration for Taxes and Rules Parent first party with party overrides
Configuration for Product Exceptions Parent first party organization
Parent First Party Organization NAM LE
Effective Start Date 01-Jan-01
17-230 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Click Save and Close.
Manage Tax Registrations
Tax Registrations: Explained
A tax registration contains information related to a party's transaction tax
obligation with a tax authority for a tax jurisdiction where it conducts business.
In some cases a single location may need to file multiple registrations. Set up
tax registrations for your first party legal reporting units and your third party
customers and customer sites and suppliers and supplier sites.
Registering the details of a business with the relevant tax authorities is a
key legal requirement in many countries. A unique tax registration number
is generally assigned to the parties registering with the tax authorities and
is used as a basis for referencing and tracking the tax implications on that
party. To enable this process, the registration numbers of the parties involved
in a transaction are generally referred to in tax documents like invoices and
tax returns. In some cases, the tax determination and its administration is
also dependent on the nature of the registration of the parties involved in a
transaction, such as the requirements associated with intra-European Union (EU)
reverse charge.
Setting Up a Tax Registration
You must set up a separate tax registration to represent each distinct registration
requirement for a first party. You optionally set up tax registrations for your
third parties, as necessary, to support specific tax regulations or reporting
You can define tax registrations at three different levels of detail. At the:
• Tax regime level: The tax registration is used for all taxes and tax
jurisdictions within the tax regime.
• Tax level: The tax registration is used for all tax jurisdictions where the tax
regime and tax are applicable.
• Tax jurisdiction level: The tax registration is applicable for the locations
covered under the tax jurisdictions defined for the tax regime, tax, and tax
For each tax that you create, you must define either a default tax registration
or a tax rule for the rule type Determine Tax Registration. If a party has more
than one tax registration under the same tax regime, then the tax determination
process considers the tax registrations in the order: tax jurisdiction; tax; and tax
For some countries, the application performs a validation of the registration
number you enter per the country algorithm.
You can define tax registrations as implicit. For example, the party is not
formally registered with the tax authority, but the party is considered to meet
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-231
one or more requirements for reporting taxes because of the level of business
conducted, typically a minimum presence in the country and a minimum
revenue threshold. Also, you can define the tax registration with a status of not
registered if the party is not registered for the applicable tax, but you want to use
it as a tax condition to process the tax rules. Similarly, you can use user-defined
values and statuses, such as registered in EU but not UK, to facilitate certain
tax conditions. Apart from the core tax registration information, you define
additional details to facilitate tax processing. The invoice control attributes such
as self-assessment and tax inclusiveness play a key role in tax processing. At
transaction time, the values set at the tax registration level override the values set
at the party tax profile level.
Using Tax Registrations in the Tax Determination Process
The Determine Tax Registration process determines the party whose tax
registration is used for each tax on the transaction, and, if available, derives
the tax registration number. Once the process identifies the tax registration or
registrations, it stamps the transaction with the tax registration numbers.
You can use the registration status to define various tax rules. For example, if the
tax is applicable only if the supplier is registered, define the tax applicability rule
as follows:
• Determining factor class = Registration
• Tax class qualifier = Ship-from party
• Determining factor name = Registration Status
• Operator = Not equal to
• Value = Registered
• Result = Not applicable
On the detail tax lines, the tax determination process stamps two registration
numbers. One is for the headquarters, the main legal reporting unit of the legal
entity of the document. The other is for the party or party site identified by the
tax registration rule. For example, if the registration rule has identified ship to as
a party, then the tax determination process stamps the registration number of the
ship-to party on the transaction.
The tax determination process also considers these details of the derived tax
registration for each tax:
• Tax inclusive handling: The inclusive option set at the tax registration
level for the party identified by the tax registration rule overrides the
inclusive option set at the tax or party tax profile level for the tax line.
• Self-assessment (reverse charge) setting: The tax determination process
considers the tax line as self-assessed if the Set as self-assessment
(reverse charge) option is selected at the tax registration level for the party
identified by the tax registration rule.
• Rounding rule: The rounding rule set at the tax registration level for the
party identified by the tax registration rule overrides the rounding rule set
at the tax or party tax profile level for the tax line.
17-232 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Setting Up Tax Registrations: Points to Consider
You must set up a separate tax registration to represent each distinct registration
requirement for a first party. Optionally, set up tax registrations for your
customers and suppliers, as necessary, to support specific tax regulations
or reporting requirements. Oracle Fusion Tax uses tax registrations in tax
determination and tax reporting.
Tax Registration Options
Setting options at the tax registration level can override options set at different
levels. The following table describes selective options available and the impact of
selecting these options:
Option Description Impact
Tax Regime Enter the tax regime for this
registration. Optionally, enter the
tax and tax jurisdiction for this
The tax regime and optionally,
tax and tax jurisdiction are used
to determine the correct tax
registration at transaction and
reporting time.
Registration Type If applicable, select a classification
of the tax registration.
The predefined tax registration
types are specified by the tax
authority. The tax registration
types are for reporting purposes
Registration Number Enter the company tax registration
number assigned by the tax
If you set the tax regime option to
use the legal registration number
as the tax registration number,
then select the registration
number from the legal registration
numbers in the list of values.
If you set the Allow duplicate tax
registration numbers option for
the tax, then multiple parties and
party sites can use the same tax
registration number for this tax.
Where applicable, Oracle Fusion
Tax validates the number
according to tax authority
validation rules.
Registration Status Enter the party's tax registration
status. Oracle Fusion Tax provides
these predefined registration
• Agent: The party acts as
a withholding agent for
the tax authority for the
applicable tax.
• Registered: The party is
registered for the applicable
• Not registered: The party
is not registered for the
applicable tax.
Use the tax registration status as a
determining factor in tax rules.
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-233
Source Identify if this party is:
• Explicit: The party is
registered with the local
tax authority and has a tax
registration number. In this
case, you know that the
party is registered and the
details including the tax
registration number.
• Implicit: The party is not
formally registered with
the tax authority, but the
party is considered to meet
one or more requirements
for reporting taxes because
of the level of business
conducted. In this case, you
determine that the party is
registered but you do not
know the tax registration
If the source is Explicit the tax
registration number is required.
If the source is Implicit the
tax registration number is not
Rounding Rule The rule that defines how the
rounding should be performed
on a value involved in a taxable
transaction. For example, up to the
next highest value, down to the
next lowest value, or nearest.
At transaction time, the values
set at the tax registration level
override the values set at the party
tax profile level.
Set as self-assessment (reverse
Set to automatically self-
assess taxes on procure-to-pay
transactions. A self-assessed tax
is a tax calculated and remitted
for a transaction, where tax was
not levied by the supplier but
is deemed as due and therefore,
needs to be paid by the purchaser.
You can set the self-assessment
option at the tax profile level to
default to the tax registrations that
you create for this party. You can
also set it at the tax registration
level or on an individual tax line.
Oracle Fusion Tax applies
self-assessment to Payable
invoices received by the first
party according to the tax
registration setting. The specific
tax registration record is derived
either from the Determine Tax
Registration rules or from the
default tax registration.
Set Invoice Values as Tax
Select if this party intends to send
or receive invoices with invoice
line amount inclusive of the tax
At transaction time, the values
set at the tax registration level
override the values set at the
party tax profile level. In addition,
this option at the tax registration
level overrides the tax inclusive
handling setting at the tax level,
but not at the tax rate level.
17-234 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Collecting Tax Authority and
Reporting Tax Authority
Enter the name of the tax
authorities for:
• Collecting Tax Authority:
The tax authority
responsible for managing
the administration of tax
• Reporting Tax Authority:
The tax authority
responsible for receiving
and processing all company
transaction tax reports.
If defined, the reporting and
collecting tax authorities appear as
defaults from the tax jurisdiction
associated with this registration.
If necessary, enter or update these
fields with tax authorities specific
to this tax registration.
Manage Tax Reporting Configuration
Global Tax Reporting: Explained
The global tax report processing feature provides a reporting solution for all
countries to manage their tax reporting requirements. For some Europe, Middle
East, and Africa (EMEA) countries, Oracle Fusion Financials for EMEA provides
predefined reports, such as Italian VAT registers and Spanish VAT journals. For
other countries, you can use the tax data models to create your required reports.
Use the global tax report processing feature to organize tax report data according
to the requirements of your company and the tax authority. The EMEA reports
make use of the Oracle Fusion tax data models to retrieve tax transaction
information based on your tax configuration setup.
Global tax reporting includes:
• Addressing your tax reporting requirements
• Processing your tax reports
Addressing Your Tax Reporting Requirements
Oracle Fusion Financials for EMEA enables you to streamline your tax reporting.
Using the global tax report processing feature, you can meet the following
business needs of your EMEA countries:
• Report tax, such as VAT, based on the tax registration number associated
with the legal reporting unit.
• Report tax, such as VAT, based on tax periods with tax calendars that are
the same as or different from the accounting calendars.
• Select transactions for reporting based on a user-defined tax reporting
• Generate preliminary versions of tax reports in open tax periods to verify
and correct data before finalizing the reports.
• Close the tax period by running the final reports to prevent updating or
double reporting of transactions to the tax authorities.
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-235
• Provide separate sequential document numbering control for tax
transactions using the tax registers.
• Report correction transactions to previously closed tax periods and issued
tax declarations as newly entered transactions in the open tax period.
• Mark each transaction reported to the authorities with information
identifying the submission period end date.
• Retain tax transaction history without affecting the performance of the
current tax reporting purposes.
Processing Your Tax Reports
The global tax report processing functionality involves several broad user
Financial administrators and personnel must complete the following:
• Set up prerequisite information for tax reporting. This includes setting up
the appropriate tax reporting codes for the EMEA VAT tax reporting type
and associating the tax reporting type and tax reporting codes to the tax
• Set up tax configuration details such as tax reporting entity and tax
• Enter report processing details for a transaction such as tax reporting date.
• Run the Tax Selection Process that selects all the transactions that are
accounted, unaccounted, or both to report within a tax period. You can
run tax reports, general and country-specific, for unaccounted, accounted,
and both unaccounted and accounted transactions. This helps you to run
trial reports and make any corrections before submitting the final report to
tax authorities. The selection is based on the tax registration number and
tax reporting date, if you have completed the tax setup in Oracle Fusion
You must set up the tax reporting configuration prior to running the Tax
Selection Process.
• Run the preliminary versions of the tax reports.
• Run the Final Tax Reporting Process.
• Run the final or reprint versions of the tax reports.
Setting Tax Reporting Configuration Controls for VAT: Critical Choices
To process value-added tax (VAT) reports, you must set up the tax reporting
entities for the tax registration number associated with a legal entity and
tax regime. When you run the selection process, each selected transaction is
17-236 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
stamped with the legal reporting entity ID. You run VAT reports based on the tax
reporting entity.
Ensure that you define tax registrations for all legal reporting units that have the
applicable VAT tax requirement.
You can customize your VAT reporting process by specifying the tax calendar for
a tax reporting entity, threshold amounts, and VAT registers. The setup includes:
• Common Configuration: Associate the calendar defined for tax reporting
to the combination of tax registration number, tax regime, and legal entity.
Choose the tax registration numbers that you defined in Oracle Fusion
Tax against legal entities and VAT tax regimes.
• Tax Registers: Record register information and associate it with a tax
reporting entity to determine document sequences. Assign one or more
document sequence names for each VAT register. The Italian VAT register
reports use the VAT register information.
Common Configuration for VAT Reporting
Common configuration for VAT reporting helps you to configure attributes
which are common for all tax reporting entities like tax calendar, tax reporting
date, reporting threshold amount, and reporting sequence. The tax calendar
makes use of accounting period types and calendars, and is maintained
independently of the accounting calendar to control tax periods for reporting
transactions based on a tax reporting date. Apply a single tax calendar to one,
more than one, or all tax reporting entities within your organization. Set up a
unified tax reporting period across a legal entity or single legal reporting unit
for the correct application of transactions against their tax reporting dates. This
provides a clear operational procedure for identifying those transactions that
should be declared in the next tax return for the current open period as regular
entries or whether the transaction should be entered in the next tax return as
The following table describes the common configuration options for VAT
Name Description
Tax Calendar Select the calendar to be associated to the tax
reporting entity.
Threshold Amount Enter the threshold amount specified for the legal
entity or tax regime that have tax transactions. If you
leave this field blank, then the application reports all
tax transactions.
Some countries like Spain report transactions or
make declarations to the authorities if the amount is
over a certain threshold value.
Enable Reporting Sequence Select to enable report level sequence number while
running the reports. For numbering transactions,
you can print the document sequence number for
the transaction, or you can print the report-specific
sequence number.
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-237
Tax Reporting Date Select the country's tax reporting date based on the
tax registration number. You can select one or more
options depending on your reporting requirements.
For example, you could select the accounting date
and transaction date options to meet Spanish-
specific VAT reporting requirements.
Tax Registers for VAT Reporting
Define tax registers for a tax reporting entity and assign a document sequence
name to a combination of tax register and tax reporting entity. The application
selects transactions to be reported on a tax register based on the document
sequence name assignment once you define a tax register and assign a document
sequence name. Use this setup for Italy only.
Setting Up VAT Reporting: Worked Example
This example demonstrates how you set up the appropriate tax registers for your
organization located in Italy so you can meet your tax reporting requirements.
Create a tax reporting entity for every unique combination of legal entity, tax
regime, and tax registration number.
To process VAT reports, implementers and financials personnel perform the
following prerequisites:
1. Set up legal entities and legal reporting units using the Legal Entity
Configurator to represent your company and its offices. For example, set
up Vision Italy as a legal entity.
2. Set up and maintain the first party tax profiles and tax registrations in the
context of tax regime for the legal reporting units in your company using
Oracle Fusion Tax.
3. Set up the tax regimes for the taxes in each country and geographic region
where you do business and where a separate tax applies using Oracle
Fusion Tax. For example, set up IT VAT as a tax regime. Enable the Use
tax reporting configuration option on the first party tax regime to allow
entry of tax reporting configuration details during tax registration setup
for legal reporting units for these tax regimes.
4. Set up the tax and tax rates in Oracle Fusion Tax. You must define the tax
with the reporting code enabled. EMEA lookup tax reporting codes, such
as VAT and Exempt, are available as predefined tax reporting codes under
the EMEA VAT Reporting Type.
5. Define tax reporting periods as accounting periods in Oracle Fusion
General Ledger. For example, set up Accounting as an accounting period.
The final reporting process maintains the tax reporting periods. If you use
the same calendar for accounting and tax reporting, the application still
maintains accounting periods independently from tax periods.
17-238 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
6. Specify document sequencing for tax transactions if you need to use
different transaction sequencing that reporting sequencing. Define
document categories in General Ledger, Payables, and Receivables.
Define document sequence names in General Ledger and assign them to
document categories. For example, set up IT AX Payables as a document
sequence name.
Setting Up VAT Reporting
1. On the Manage Legal Reporting Unit Tax Profiles page enter Vision Italy
in the Legal Entity field and click Search.
2. From results table, select the row for the currently active Vision Italy and
click Edit .
3. On the Edit Legal Reporting Unit Tax Profile: Vision Italy page click the
Tax Registrations tab.
4. Click Create to access the Create Tax Registration page.
5. On the Create Tax Registration page, complete the fields, as shown in this
Field Value
Tax Regime Code IT VAT
Registration Number 123456789
6. Click the Tax Reporting Configuration tab.
7. In the Common Configuration tab, complete the fields, as shown in this
Field Value
Tax Calendar Accounting
Tax Reporting Date Select Accounting Date
Enable Tax Registers Select
Enable Reporting Sequence Select
8. Click the Tax Registers tab and click New to add a new row in the table.
9. In the Tax Registers table, complete the fields, as shown in this table:
Field Value
Register Type Purchase VAT
Name Purchase VAT
Start Date Current Date
End Date Blank
Predefined tax register types are provided for Italy. These include
deferred VAT, purchase VAT, sales (self invoice and EU VAT), and sales
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-239
10. Click New in the Document Sequence table.
11. Select IT AX Payables in the Document Sequence Name field.
12. Click OK.
13. Click Save and Close.
FAQs for Define First Party Tax Profiles
When does a party tax profile get created for a business unit?
The business unit party tax profile is automatically created when a business unit
record is created. If a business unit party tax profile record is not created, for
example, when a business unit is created through a back-end process, a business
unit party tax profile is created upon saving a tax regime when a business unit
is subscribed to or upon saving the configuration owner tax options when they
are defined for the business unit. Otherwise, create a party tax profile using
the Create Business Unit Tax Profile page. You can edit the tax profile that was
automatically generated with the relevant tax information, but it is not required.
What happens if I use the subscription from the legal entity?
Under most circumstances your business unit uses the tax setup based on the
configuration of the legal entity. When you first access the Create Business
Unit Party Tax Profile page you can select the Use legal entity tax subscription
option. If you select this option, you cannot update the business unit tax profile
or maintain separate tax content for this business unit. If you do not select this
option you enter the relevant tax information for the business unit. This is an
irreversible setting.
When does a party tax profile get created for a legal entity?
The legal entity party tax profile is automatically created when a legal entity
record is created. If a legal entity party tax profile record is not created, for
example, when a legal entity is created through a back-end process, a legal entity
party tax profile is created upon saving the tax regime when a legal entity is
subscribed to or upon saving the configuration owner tax options when they are
defined for the legal entity. Otherwise, create a party tax profile using the Create
Legal Entity Tax Profile page. You can edit the tax profile that was automatically
generated with the relevant tax information, but it is not required.
When does a party tax profile get created for a legal reporting unit?
The legal reporting unit party tax profile is automatically created when a legal
reporting unit is created. Otherwise, create a party tax profile using the Create
Legal Reporting Unit Tax Profile page. You can edit the tax profile that was
automatically generated with the relevant tax information, but it is not required.
What's a service subscription?
A service subscription is the setup for provider services. It applies to the
transactions of one configuration option setup for a combination of tax regime
17-240 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
and legal entity or business unit. Oracle Fusion Tax lets you use the tax services
of external service providers for tax calculation of US Sales and Use Tax on
Oracle Fusion Receivables transactions.
You can use the tax services of these external service providers:
• Taxware, LP: a First Data Company
• Vertex, Inc.
If you integrate with a tax service provider, these actions are not required for
Receivables transactions:
• Entering tax classification codes on transaction lines.
• Entering transaction line attributes in the Additional Tax Determining
Factors region.
Tax service provider integration returns the calculated tax lines to Oracle Fusion
Tax. The tax lines for Receivables transactions returned by tax service providers
are stored in Oracle Fusion Tax similar to the way tax lines calculated by the
application itself are stored.
Manage Intrastat Country Characteristics
Using Triangulation Method: Examples
You can specify how triangular trade transactions will be analyzed for the
generation of Intrastat report of an individual country.
You can report triangular trade transactions by:
• Invoice- A triangular trade transaction is reported in the Intrastat report
based on the issue of an invoice. A record is created based on the invoice
and not the physical movement of goods.
• Shipment- A triangular trade transaction is reported in the Intrastat report
based on the physical movement of goods. A record is created based on
the physical movement of goods and not the invoice.
You can also specify who declares the transaction when the seller is the same
country as the shipper and the customer to avoid duplication of records in the
Intrastat report.
Examples of the how triangular trade transactions are reported are discussed for
the following scenarios:
Shipment based triangular trade transactions
Your company based in Italy receives an order from a German company. To
fulfill the order, you order goods from your supplier in the France. The goods are
delivered from the French company to the German company.
The following transactions are created as a result of this triangular trade:
• You send a sales order to your customer in Germany
• You invoice your customer in Germany
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-241
• You create a purchase order to your supplier in France
• Your supplier in France sends you an invoice
• France creates a shipment to Germany, fulfilling the sales order
If you have selected Shipment as your triangulation method, then no record is
generated for inclusion in the Intrastat report since no physical movement of
goods occurred in Italy. However, Germany is required to declare the arrival of
goods from France.
Invoice based triangular trade transactions
Considering the example of the triangular trade transaction scenario given
above, if you have selected Invoice as your triangulation method, then:
• A sales order or dispatch record is generated from Italy to Germany with
the following information:
• Movement Amount: zero (no movement of goods took place between
these countries)
• Movement Quantity: zero (no movement of goods took place between
these countries)
• Extended Value: calculated as the invoice quantity multiplied by
invoice price
• Dispatch Country: Italy
• Destination Country: Germany
• Triangulation Country: France
Germany is required to declare the arrival of goods from France.
• A purchase order or arrival record is generated in Italy for France with the
following information:
• Movement Amount: calculated as the receipt quantity multiplied by
unit price
• Movement Quantity: zero (no movement of goods took place between
these countries
• Extended Value: is calculated as the receipt quantity multiplied by unit
• Dispatch Country: France
• Destination Country: Germany
Germany is required to declare the arrival of goods from France.
17-242 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Required Attributes: Points to Consider
You can define the required set of attributes that need to be reported in the
Intrastat report for an individual country. These attributes can be defined for
both the Arrival and Dispatch flow types.
Before selecting the required attributes, consider:
• What is the required set of attributes for the individual country for the
Arrival flow?
• What is the required set of attributes for the individual country for the
Dispatch flow?
The Intrastat authority of an individual country requires that a specific set of
attributes should be included in the Intrastat report for an Arrival flow. Before
selecting the required attributes for the Arrival flow type, you must consider:
• Commodity description
Consider if a description of the commodities arriving in the country
should be provided in the Intrastat report.
• Freight terms
Consider if the freight terms or Incoterms applicable for the arrival
transaction should be provided in the Intrastat report.
• Mode of transport
Consider if the mode of transport for every arrival transaction is provided
in the Intrastat report.
• Region of destination
Consider if the details of the region within the destination or receiving
country where the good will be finally consumed should be provided in
the Intrastat report.
• Country of origin
Consider if the details of the dispatch country from where the goods
originated should be provided in the Intrastat report.
• Nature of transaction code
Consider if the Nature of transaction code details of the arrival transaction
should be provided in the Intrastat report. Nature of transaction codes is
published by an individual country's Intrastat authority and hence may
vary based on country.
• Fiscal regime
Consider if the Fiscal regime details for the arrival transaction should
be provided in addition to the Nature of transaction code details in the
Intrastat report.
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-243
• Statistical procedure
Consider if the Statistical procedure code details for the arrival transaction
should be provided in addition to the Nature of transaction code details in
the Intrastat report.
You can provide either the Fiscal regime attribute or the Statistical procedure
• Net Mass
Consider if the net mass of the transaction, which is the quantity of items
multiplied by the unit weight of the item, should be provided in the
Intrastat report.
• Invoice amount
Consider if the actual invoice amount that is already created for the
transaction should be provided in the Intrastat report.
The Intrastat authority of an individual country requires that a specific set of
attributes should be included in the Intrastat report for a Dispatch flow. Before
selecting the required attributes for the Dispatch flow type, you must consider:
• Freight terms
Consider if the freight terms or Incoterms applicable for the dispatch
transaction should be provided in the Intrastat report.
• Mode of transport
Consider if the mode of transport for every dispatch transaction is
provided in the Intrastat report.
• Region of origin
Consider if the details of the region within the dispatching country from
where the goods are dispatched should be provided in the Intrastat
• Country of origin
Consider if the details of the dispatch country from where the goods
originated should be provided in the Intrastat report.
• Nature of transaction code
Consider if the Nature of transaction code details of the dispatch
transaction should be provided in the Intrastat report. Nature of
transaction codes is published by an individual country's Intrastat
authority and hence may vary based on country.
• Fiscal regime
17-244 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Consider if the Fiscal regime details for the dispatch transaction should
be provided in addition to the Nature of transaction code details in the
Intrastat report.
• Statistical procedure
Consider if the Statistical procedure code details for the dispatch
transaction should be provided in addition to the Nature of transaction
code details in the Intrastat report.
You can provide either the Fiscal regime attribute or the Statistical procedure
• Net Mass
Consider if the net mass of the transaction, which is the quantity of items
multiplied by the unit weight of the item, should be provided in the
Intrastat report.
• Invoice amount
Consider if the actual invoice amount that is already created for the
transaction should be provided in the Intrastat report.
Intrastat Rule Types: Explained
Intrastat rules are used to configure Intrastat reporting as per the requirement
of an individual country. Intrastat rules enable you to define the guidelines
and validations that are applicable for creating the Intrastat Declaration. These
rules can be shared across Legal Reporting Units or can be specific to one Legal
Reporting Unit.
The 7 Intrastat rule types that can be used to define the reporting criteria for
Intrastat transactions are:
• Validation
• Supplementary UOM
• Nature of Transaction Code
• Fiscal Regime
• Statistical Procedure Code
• Statistical Value Calculation
• Exclusion
Validation Rules
Validation rules enable you to define the criteria for validating the collected
and manually entered Intrastat transactions. Only those transactions that are
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-245
validated successfully as per the specified criteria can be reported in the Intrastat
declaration. Validation rules are defined for a combination of source transaction
and Intrastat reporting attribute.
Validation rules enable you to specify the following:
• the required attribute to be reported for a particular source transaction
• the value set that should be used for validating the values of the specific
If an attribute is defined as required for a source transaction, then an exception is
logged if the collected transaction does not have that attribute.
Supplementary UOM
Supplementary UOM rules enable you to define the requirement for reporting
Intrastat transactions in a supplementary UOM other than the weight UOM.
The movement of goods or specific items is reported in an UOM other than the
weight UOM. For example, it specifies that movement of commodity, Oil, should
be reported in Barrels.
Supplementary UOM rules are defined for a category code under the Intrastat
catalog. And that category code in turn defines the UOM in which the Intrastat
transaction is reported. Whenever there is an item in an Intrastat transaction
that belongs to the specific category code, then the supplementary UOM rule
is applied. The quantity of the item is thereby derived in supplementary UOM
based on the UOM conversion factor.
Nature of Transaction Code
Nature of Transaction Code is used to define the category of the Intrastat
transaction. The Nature of Transaction Codes are published by the Intrastat
authority of an individual country and hence differ based on country. The codes
can be either in single digit or double digits.
The Nature of Transaction Code rules enable you to define the Nature
of Transaction Code applicable based on source transaction, inventory
organization, item, and trading partner attributes of the base transaction. The
rules defined at a specific or granular level are given priority over rules defined
at a higher level. For example, there are two rules; one for a Source Transaction
and other for a Source Transaction and Item. In this case, the rule for Source
Transaction and Item is given higher priority wherever applicable.
Fiscal Regime Code
Fiscal Regime Code is used in some countries in addition to Nature of
Transaction Code in to categorize transactions. Fiscal Regime rules define
the Fiscal Regime Code applicable based on source transaction, inventory
organization, item, and trading partner attributes of the base transaction. Similar
to the Nature of Transaction Code rules, the Fiscal Regime Code rules defined at
a specific or granular level are given priority over rules defined at a higher level.
17-246 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
You can only define either a Fiscal Regime Code or a Statistical Procedure Code
for a particular transaction.
Statistical Procedure Code
Statistical Procedure Code is used in some countries of the European Union in
addition to Nature of Transaction Code in to categorize transactions. Statistical
Procedure Code enables you to define the Statistical Code applicable for deriving
the statistical procedure of the collected transaction. This is based on source
transaction, inventory organization, item, and trading partner attributes of the
base transaction.
You can only define either a Statistical Procedure Code or a Fiscal Regime Code
for a particular transaction.
Statistical Value Calculation
Statistical value calculation rules enable you to specify the freight factor that
is included in the statistical value. Freight factor is defined in percentage
and indicates the component of freight charge that should be included in the
statistical value.
You can define this rule based on country, organization, item, freight terms, and
mode of transport of the base transaction. You can then specify the freight factor,
which is a percentage of the freight charge. This freight factor is included while
calculating the statistical value. For example, you need to only include the freight
charge up to the country's border for a dispatch transaction. You can specify
this by defining a freight factor that accounts for the freight charge up to the
country's border only.
In cases where freight charges are applicable for shipments across two countries
within the European Union, you are required to only include the freight charge
for moving the goods from the establishment to the border of the country.
Exclusion rules enable you to define the criteria to exclude specific goods
movement transactions from collections. You can exclude a specific item that you
do not want to be reported in the Intrastat collections by defining the exclusion
criteria in the rule. For example, you don't require service items to be included in
the collection. You can define this rule based on source transaction, organization,
category code, item, and trading partner of the base transaction. You can specify
the exclusion criterion that includes the source transaction, category code, and
item details of the transaction containing the service items. This ensures that the
specified items are not included in the collections.
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-247
FAQs for Manage Intrastat Country Characteristics
Can I define Intrastat parameters for any legal reporting unit?
No, Intrastat parameters cannot be defined for every legal reporting unit.
They can be defined only for the legal reporting units where the country
characteristics are defined for the country of the legal reporting unit. If the
Intrastat parameters are to be defined for a secondary legal reporting unit,
then the secondary legal reporting unit must be associated with an inventory
Can I configure Intrastat according to individual country guidelines?
Yes. Intrastat rules can be used to configure Intrastat reporting as per the
guidelines of an individual country of the European Union. You can specify the
validations that are applicable for creating the Intrastat Declaration.
Can I identify exceptions in the collected transactions?
Yes. Use an Exception Validationrule to identify exceptions in the collected
transactions. The exception validation process uses validation rules to identify
if there are any exceptions in the transactions that might cause noncompliance
issues during submission of declarations.
Can I use the supplementary UOM reporting requirement for specific item
Yes. Supplementary UOM rules are used to define reporting requirements for
certain commodity codes or item categories in alternate UOMs other than the
weight UOM. For example, it may be required to report liquids in Liters.
Can I use the statistical value calculation for including freight values in the
statistical value?
Yes. Statistical value calculation can be used to represent an approximate
freight factor for a set of qualifiers like mode of transport, item category, etc.
For example, some countries require including the freight cost incurred within
the country of reporting in the statistical value. In this case, you can use the
statistical value calculation to specify the freight values.
Manage Configuration Owner Tax Options
Tax Settings and Rules: How They Apply to Tax Line Operations
Enter and update detail and summary tax lines according to the requirements
of your transactions. Depending on your security settings and options specified
during tax setup, you can:
17-248 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
• Enter manual tax lines
• Enter tax only tax lines
• Change existing tax line information
• Cancel tax lines
The Summary Tax Lines component is applicable only to Oracle Fusion Payables.
Entering Manual Tax Lines
These requirements apply to entering a manual detail or summary tax line:
1. Enable the Allow entry of manual tax lines option for the:
• Configuration owner and application event class
• Tax
2. Ensure that the Manual Tax Line Entry profile option is enabled. It is
enabled by default.
3. Enter a unique combination for a tax regime and tax. You cannot enter a
manual tax line for a tax that already exists for the transaction line.
4. Enter a tax status to enter a tax rate.
5. Enter a tax regime, tax, tax status, and tax rate to enter a tax amount.
The tax calculation on a manual tax line is a standard formula of Tax Amount
= Taxable Basis * Tax Rate. The tax determination process does not evaluate tax
rules defined for the tax of any tax rule type.
Entering Tax Only Tax Lines
You can enter a tax-only invoice in Payables to record tax lines that are not linked
to a transaction. A tax-only invoice is used, for example, to record tax lines on
purchases that are assessed and invoiced separately or to enter tax-only invoices
from tax authorities or import agents that record import taxes.
These requirements apply to entering a tax only tax line:
1. Enable the Allow manual tax only lines option for the configuration
owner and application event class.
2. Select a tax regime from the tax regimes belonging to the configuration
option of the applicable legal entity or business unit.
3. Select a tax, tax status, and tax rate and enter a tax amount.
When you select or deselect the Tax Only Line option on a tax line for the first
time, the update does not take effect. You must select the specific tax line, click
the row header or a noneditable area, and then select the Tax Only Line option.
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-249
Editing Tax Line Information
These requirements apply to changing an existing detail or summary tax line:
1. Enable the Allow override for calculated tax lines option for the:
• Configuration owner and application event class
• Tax
2. Ensure that the Manual Tax Line Entry profile option is enabled. It is
enabled by default.
3. Optionally, enable the following options for the configuration owner and
application event class:
• Allow recalculation for manual tax lines option. The tax
determination process recalculates the manual tax lines when there is
an update to automatically calculated tax lines.
• Tax line override impacts other tax lines option. The tax determination
process recalculates the taxes on all other tax lines on the same
transaction when there is an override of automatically calculated tax
lines on transactions.
4. Save any changes to summary tax lines before you enter or change
Payables summary tax lines.
5. Change the tax status if necessary. These requirements apply to changing
tax statuses:
• You cannot update the tax status if the tax on the detail tax line is
enforced from the natural account.
• If you edit a tax only tax line and change the tax status, you must re-
enter the tax rate code.
6. Change the tax rate if necessary. These requirements apply to changing
tax rates:
• The Allow tax rate override option is enabled for the applicable tax
• The Allow ad hoc rate option is enabled for the applicable tax rate.
• You may need to change the tax status to change to the appropriate tax
• You can change the calculated tax rate derived from the tax status by
selecting another tax rate defined for the same tax regime, tax, and tax
7. Change the tax rate percentage or quantity rate if necessary. These
requirements apply to changing tax rate percentages or quantity rates:
• You cannot update the tax rate code and rate fields if the tax on the
detail tax line is enforced from the natural account.
• You can only update the tax rate percentage if the tax rate code has the
Allow ad hoc rate option enabled.
17-250 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
8. Change the tax amount if necessary. These requirements apply to
changing tax amounts:
• When you change the tax amount the setting for the Adjustment for ad
hoc amounts option of the tax rate determines which value is adjusted,
the taxable amount or the tax rate.
• You can only edit the tax amount if a detail tax line belongs to an
historic transaction.
• You can change the tax amount independent of the tax inclusive and
compound tax settings.
• If you defined tax tolerances for Payables transactions, then if you edit
the tax amount and it exceeds the specified tolerance, Oracle Fusion
Tax places the invoice on hold.
• You can only enter 0 as the tax amount if the tax rate is 0.
9. Update the Inclusive option setting if necessary. The tax determination
process recalculates the taxable amount and transaction amount.
For tax calculation, a limited evaluation of tax rules on certain updates to a tax
line is performed.
Canceling Tax Lines
These requirements apply to canceling an existing detail or summary tax line:
1. Cancel tax lines on Payables transactions only.
2. Enter a new manual tax line to reverse a canceled tax line if necessary.
On canceling the invoice or invoice lines, tax lines are automatically canceled.
When you cancel a tax line both the associated tax line and any distributions that
were previously accounted are reversed. If the distributions were not accounted,
then the amounts are set to zero.
When you select or deselect the Cancel option on a tax line for the first time, the
update does not take effect. You must select the specific tax line, click the row
header or a noneditable area, and then select the Cancel option.
Configuration Owner Tax Options Controls and Defaults: Points to
Set up configuration owner tax options for a combination of configuration owner
and application event class. Configuration owner tax options let a configuration
owner update default tax options on transactions that belong to a specific
application event class. At transaction time, Oracle Fusion Tax uses the tax
option settings of the configuration owner and application event class instead of
the default settings.
Defining Controls and Defaults
The following table describes the defaults and controls available at the
configuration owner tax options level for the following applications and event
• Payables: Expense Reports
• Payables: Prepayment Invoices
• Payables: Standard Invoices
• Purchasing: Purchase Order and Agreement
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-251
• Purchasing: Purchase Requisition
• Purchasing: Change Orders
Default Tax Options Region
Field Description Default Derived
Default Appears
Allow exemptions Not applicable None None Not applicable to
these applications
Determination Set
Controls which
method is used
None None Controls
whether the tax
process uses
the migrated
11i approach
using standard
tax classification
codes where the
value is STCC
or full regime
using the
predefined rule
to determine
applicable tax
regimes or user-
created regime
determination rules
Perform additional
for imported
Controls whether
additional taxes
are calculated
on imported
None None If selected then
it triggers tax
to determine
additional taxes
on imported
Enforce tax from
reference document
Controls whether
tax calculated on
another related
document is used
as the basis of tax
on a new document
None None If selected then
it enforces that
tax calculation
tax previously
calculated on the
reference document
Enforce tax from
Controls whether
tax rates are
from account
associated with the
transaction line
None None If selected it
enforces that tax
calculation is based
on the tax account
associated with the
transaction tax line
Allow offset tax
Controls whether
offset tax
calculation is used
at transaction time
None None If not selected it
prevents offset
tax calculation at
transaction time for
this configuration
owner, application,
and event class
17-252 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Allow tax
Controls whether
tax is automatically
calculated at
transaction time
None None If not selected it
prevents automatic
tax calculation at
transaction time for
this configuration
owner, application,
and event class
Allow entry of
manual tax lines
Controls whether
you can enter
manual tax lines at
transaction time
None None Use this option in
conjunction with
Allow entry of
manual tax lines
option for the tax.
When both fields
are set you can
enter manual tax
lines at transaction
Allow recalculation
of manual tax lines
Controls whether
tax is recalculated
when you enter
manual tax lines
None None If selected then tax
is recalculated for
manual tax lines
when you update
transaction lines
Allow override of
calculated tax lines
Controls whether
you can override
calculated tax lines
at transaction time
None None Use this option in
conjunction with
the Transaction
Tax Line Override
profile option and
the Allow override
of calculated tax
lines option for
the tax. When all
options are selected
you can update
the calculated tax
line, excluding
the update of the
Inclusive option
and the tax rate.
To update the
Inclusive option
and tax rate at
transaction time
you need to select
additional options
for the tax rate.
Tax line override
impacts other tax
Controls whether
other taxes are
calculated if you
update the tax line
at transaction time
None None Where transaction
line tax can be
changed this option
controls whether
other related taxes
may be impacted
and therefore, need
to be recalculated
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-253
Allow override and
entry of inclusive
tax lines
Controls whether
you can override
and enter inclusive
or exclusive line
None None Use this option in
conjunction with
the Transaction
Tax Line Override
profile option, the
Allow override
of calculated tax
lines option for
the configuration
owner tax options,
and the Allow
override and entry
of inclusive tax
lines option for the
tax rate to allow
you to update the
Inclusive option
on the tax line at
transaction time
The following table describes the defaults and controls available at the
configuration owner tax options level for the following applications and event
• Receivables: Credit Memo
• Receivables: Debit Memo
• Receivables: Invoice
Default Tax Options Region
Field Description Default Derived
Default Appears
Allow exemptions Controls where
tax exemptions are
None None If not selected
it prevents tax
exemptions for
this application,
event class, and
Determination Set
Controls which
method is used
None None Controls
whether the tax
process uses
the migrated
11i approach
using standard
tax classification
codes where the
value is STCC
or full regime
using the
predefined rule
to determine
applicable tax
regimes or user-
created regime
determination rules
17-254 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Enforce tax from
Controls whether
tax rates are
from account
associated with the
transaction line
None None If selected it
enforces that tax
calculation is based
on the tax account
associated with the
transaction tax line
Allow tax
Controls whether
tax is automatically
calculated at
transaction time
None None If not selected it
prevents automatic
tax calculation at
transaction time for
this configuration
owner, application,
and event class
Allow entry of
manual tax lines
Controls whether
you can enter
manual tax lines at
transaction time
None None Use this option in
conjunction with
Allow entry of
manual tax lines
option for the tax.
When both fields
are set you can
enter manual tax
lines at transaction
Allow recalculation
of manual tax lines
Controls whether
tax is recalculated
when you enter
manual tax lines
None None If selected then tax
is recalculated for
manual tax lines
when you update
transaction lines
Allow override of
calculated tax lines
Controls whether
you can override
calculated tax lines
at transaction time
None None Use this option in
conjunction with
the Transaction
Tax Line Override
profile option and
the Allow override
of calculated tax
lines option for
the tax. When all
options are selected
you can update
the calculated tax
line, excluding
the update of the
Inclusive option
and the tax rate.
To update the
Inclusive option
and tax rate at
transaction time
you need to select
additional options
for the tax rate.
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-255
Tax line override
impacts other tax
Controls whether
other taxes are
calculated if you
update the tax line
at transaction time
None None Where transaction
line tax can be
changed this option
controls whether
other related taxes
may be impacted
and therefore, need
to be recalculated
Allow override and
entry of inclusive
tax lines
Controls whether
you can override
and enter inclusive
or exclusive line
None None Use this option in
conjunction with
the Transaction
Tax Line Override
profile option, the
Allow override
of calculated tax
lines option for
the configuration
owner tax options,
and the Allow
override and entry
of inclusive tax
lines option for the
tax rate to allow
you to update the
Inclusive option
on the tax line at
transaction time
Define Italian Exemptions
Italian Exemptions: Explained
In Italy, export transactions are exempted from value-added tax (VAT), but
companies that are classified as regular exporters have more input VAT than
output VAT. Italian law lets you claim an exemption if you meet certain legal
These legal requirements are:
• You have a regular exporter ratio that is higher than 10 percent.
• The value of goods and services that you purchased without VAT charges
last year is lower than your exemption limit.
• You declare all export activities to your tax authorities.
The exemption limit is the total VAT exemption amount that a regular exporter
can claim to its suppliers. For each year, the initial exemption limit is the sum
of all reported export invoices of the previous year. You can allocate your
yearly exemption limit among different suppliers. To each supplier, you send
exemption letters that indicate the exemption amounts and request that they do
not charge you tax when they send you the according invoices.
At the end of the year, if your total exempt purchases of goods and services
is higher than your exemption limit, you incur administrative sanctions and
17-256 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
penalties. Use the Italian Supplier Exemption Limit Consumption report to help
you keep track of your exemption limit consumption. Use the Italian Exemption
Limit Declaration report to report exemption details to the tax authority.
To set up for the exemption process:
• Manually calculate the initial exemption limit for the current year by
summing all reported invoices of the previous year. The tax authority
must agree upon the exemption limit.
• Use the Create Exemption Limit page from the Manage Italian Exemption
Limits page to set up a new exemption limit year for your legal entities.
Optionally, use the Adjust Exemption Limit page from the Manage Italian
Exemption Limits page to adjust the yearly exemption limit.
• Use the Create Exemption Letters page from the Manage Italian
Exemption Letters page to allocate exemption limits to your suppliers and
set up the exemption letters to send to your suppliers.
• Use Oracle Fusion Tax to create tax reporting types for each of your
exemption limit groups. You can also define tax reporting codes within
these tax reporting types for further tax reporting granularity.
FAQs for Define Italian Exemptions
How do I apply exemption limits to invoices?
Create a tax reporting type and codes for exemption letters and assign them to
the Exemption Limit Tax Tag for Italian Exemption Letters profile option. At
the distribution level of the invoice you associate appropriate invoice lines with
an exemption limit group. Enter a tax rate code of a tax reporting type according
to the value defined in your profile option. When you run the Italian exemption
reports, the report logic determines the value of the profile option, and selects all
invoices with the related tax reporting codes.
Can I adjust the monthly limits once they are created?
Use the Exemption Limit window to modify (add or subtract) either the current
month amount or adjust the current month and future periods. For example,
you want to reduce the current month and future periods limit by 25,000 EUR.
Enter -25,000 in the Monthly Adjustment field and select the Adjust selected
and subsequent months radio button. The application subtracts 25,000 from the
current month amount and from each of the remaining month amounts in the
calendar year.
What are the letter types for Italian exemptions?
If you want to assign exemption limits to the supplier, enter a letter type in the
Letter Type field.
Options include:
• Exempted Amount: Exemption letter with exemption limit printed.
• Exempted Period: Exemption letter with a date range.
• Specific Operation: Customs letter for a single transaction.
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-257
The default is Exempted Amount, which is the only type that prints an
exemption limit amount on the letter.
Define Third Party Tax Profiles
Party Tax Profiles: Explained
A tax profile is the body of information that relates to a party's transaction
tax activities. A tax profile can include main and default information, tax
registration, tax exemptions, party fiscal classifications, tax reporting codes,
configuration options, and service subscriptions.
Set up tax profiles for the following parties involved in your transactions:
• First parties: All legal entities, legal reporting units, and business units in
your organization that have a transaction tax requirement.
• Third parties: Your customers and suppliers and their locations and
• Tax authorities: Parties that administer tax rules and regulations.
First Parties
Set up tax profiles for your first party legal entities, legal reporting units, and
business units.
First party legal entities identify your organization to the relevant legal
authorities, for example, a national or international headquarters. Legal
entities let you more accurately model your external relationships to legal
authorities. The relationships between first party legal entities and the relevant
tax authorities normally control the setup of the transaction taxes required by
your business. Under most circumstances the tax setup is used and maintained
based on the configuration of the legal entity. Enter the default information,
party fiscal classifications, tax reporting codes, and configuration options for
your legal entities. You can also specify if you are using the tax services of an
external service provider for tax calculation.
First party legal reporting units identify each office, service center, warehouse
and any other location within the organization that has a tax requirement. A
legal reporting unit tax profile is automatically created for the headquarter
legal entity. Set up additional legal reporting unit tax profiles for those needed
for tax purposes. For legal reporting units, enter the default information, tax
registrations, party fiscal classifications, and tax reporting codes. Also, define
tax reporting details for your VAT and global tax reporting needs for tax
registrations of tax regimes that allow this setup.
Business units organize your company data according to your internal
accounting, financial monitoring, and reporting requirements. To help you
manage the tax needs of your business units, you can use the business unit tax
profile in either of two ways:
• Indicate that business unit tax setup is used and maintained based on
the configuration of the associated legal entity at transaction time. The
17-258 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
tax setup of the associated legal entity setup is either specific to the legal
entity or shared across legal entities using the Global Configuration
Owner setup.
• Indicate that tax setup is used and maintained by a specific business unit.
Create configuration options for the business unit to indicate that the
subscribed tax content is used for the transactions created for the business
For business units that maintain their own setup, enter the default information,
tax reporting codes, configuration options, and service providers as required.
Third Parties
Set up third party tax profiles for parties with the usage of customer, supplier,
and their sites. Enter the default information, tax registrations, party fiscal
classifications, and reporting codes required for your third parties or third party
sites. You can set up tax exemptions for your customers and customer sites.
Banks are also considered third parties. When a bank is created, the tax
registration number specified on the bank record is added to the party tax profile
record in Oracle Fusion Tax. You can not modify the party tax profile for a bank
as it is view only. You can only modify the bank record itself.
Setting up party tax profiles for third parties is not required. Taxes are still
calculated on transactions for third parties that do not have tax profiles
Tax Authorities
Set up a tax authority party tax profile using the Legal Authorities set up task.
The tax authority party tax profile identifies a tax authority party as a collecting
authority or a reporting authority or both. A collecting tax authority manages
the administration of tax remittances. A reporting tax authority receives and
processes all company transaction tax reports.
The collecting and reporting tax authorities appear in the corresponding list of
values on all applicable Oracle Fusion Tax pages. All tax authorities are available
in the list of values as an issuing tax authority.
Specifying Third Party Tax Profile Options: Points to Consider
Set up third party tax profiles for your customers and customer sites and
suppliers and supplier sites. How you set up your third parties can impact the
tax calculation on your transactions.
The third party tax profile consists of:
• Defaults and controls
• Tax registrations
• Tax exemptions (for customers and customer sites only)
• Party fiscal classifications
• Tax reporting codes
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-259
Banks are also considered third parties. When a bank is created, the tax
registration number specified on the bank record is added to the party tax profile
record in Oracle Fusion Tax. You can not modify the party tax profile for a bank
as it is view only. You can only modify the bank record itself.
Defaults and Controls
The following table describes the defaults and controls available at the third
party tax profile level:
Option Description
Allow tax applicability Automatically calculate taxes for this party
whenever the party acts as a supplier. You can set
this option, for example, for customers that also act
as suppliers on transactions.
Allow offset taxes Calculate and record third party Payables tax
liabilities for reverse charges, self-assessments, and
Consumer's Use tax (US).
You must also perform the related tasks for setting
up offset taxes for the taxes involved in transactions
for this third party or third party site. This includes
enabling the Set as offset tax option at the tax level
and selecting the offset tax basis in the configuration
owner tax options.
Rounding Level Perform rounding operations on the:
• Header: Applies rounding to calculated tax
amounts once for each tax rate per invoice.
• Line: Applies rounding to the calculated tax
amount on each invoice line.
Rounding Rule The rule that defines how the rounding should
be performed on a value involved in a taxable
transaction. For example, up to the next highest
value, down to the next lowest value, or nearest.
If you defined a rounding precedence hierarchy in
the configuration owner tax option settings for the
combination of configuration owner and event class,
Oracle Fusion Tax considers the rounding details in
the applicable tax profile.
Set Invoice Values as Tax Inclusive This third party or third party site intends to send or
receive invoices with invoice line amount inclusive
of the tax amount.
This option overrides the tax inclusive handling
setting at the tax level, but not at the tax rate level.
Country, Registration Number, and Tax
Registration Type
Set defaults for all tax reporting for tax registrations
of this third party or third party site. You must
complete the tax registration setup.
17-260 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Tax Registrations
Optionally, set up tax registrations for your customers and suppliers, as
necessary to support specific tax regulations or reporting requirements. You
must set up a separate tax registration to represent each distinct registration
requirement for a first party. Oracle Fusion Tax uses tax registrations in tax
determination and tax reporting.
Tax Exemptions
Set up tax exemptions for your third party customers and customer sites. To
set up tax exemptions for a third party, you must complete the appropriate tax
exemption setup for the tax regimes and taxes concerned. You can have more
then one tax exemption for the same customer and tax regime combination. You
may need to do this, for example, if one tax exemption applies to a specific tax,
while other tax exemptions apply to specific products for specific tax rates and
tax jurisdictions. At transaction time, Oracle Fusion Tax applies the most specific
tax exemption to the transaction.
Party Fiscal Classifications
If applicable, associate third party fiscal classification codes with this party. The
party fiscal classification codes you enter become part of tax determination for
invoices associated with this party. Specify start and end dates to control when
these fiscal classifications are applicable for this party and transaction.
Tax Reporting Codes
Set up tax reporting types to capture additional tax information on transactions
for your tax reports for your third parties. Depending on the tax reporting type
code, you either enter or select a tax reporting code for this party. Specify start
and end dates to control when these tax reporting codes are applicable.
Tax Exemptions: Explained
A tax exemption is a full or partial exclusion from taxes or a surcharge, based on
certain criteria given by the tax legislation. Many countries allow tax exemptions
when certain parties deal with certain categories of goods and services. For
example, most states and localities imposing sales and use taxes in the United
States provide tax exemptions to resellers on goods held for sale and ultimately
sold. In addition, states and localities also provide tax exemptions on goods used
directly in the production of other goods, such as raw materials.
Tax exemptions:
• Reflect a specific tax rate levy.
• Are taken as a percentage reduction or an increase to the generally
applied tax rate. Tax exemptions can also be a specific tax rate in place of
the generally applied tax rate on a Receivables transaction.
• Are registered against a customer or customer site for a business
relationship with a legal entity or a business unit. Since tax exemptions
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-261
are applicable to specific legal entities or business units, you do not use
the global configuration owner option.
• Are used for specific products or available for all transactions for a legal
entity or business unit.
In Oracle Fusion Tax, you define tax exemptions for the combination of customer
and customer site and items for a period of time. Use rate modifiers, such
as discount or surcharge percentage or special rate percentage to map the
preferential or special tax rate applicability.
The tax exemption status influences the applicability of the tax exemption on
transactions. The possible values are: Primary, Manual, Rejected, Unapproved,
and Discontinued. The tax exemptions with the status of Primary are applicable
to all transactions. The tax determination process considers Manual or
Unapproved statuses only when the certificate number and the exempt reason
given on the transaction match with the registered tax exemption values.
The Discontinued or Rejected statuses are not considered for tax exemption
The tax handling option on a Receivable transaction also influences the tax
exemption processing. If you use the tax handling option of Standard, the tax
determination process considers only tax exemptions with a status of Primary.
If you use the tax handling option of Exempt, the tax determination process
considers all Primary, Manual, and Unapproved tax exemptions with reference
to the certificate number and exempt reason given on the transaction. If you
use the tax handling option of Exempt, manual, the tax determination process
creates a new tax exemption along with the given certificate number and exempt
reason, with 100% discount and with a status of Unapproved if the matching
condition does not result in filtering any existing tax exemptions.
Tax Exemptions: Choices to Consider
A tax exemption applies to a specific customer or to a combination of customer
and specific product. For example, in the United States the Federal Government
acting as a customer is exempt from tax on direct sales; and many states provide
exemptions on sales of necessities such as food and clothing.
To set up tax exemptions for a third party, you must complete the appropriate
tax exemption setup for the tax regimes and taxes concerned. Create a separate
record for each tax exemption that applies to the third party customer or
customer site. The tax determination process applies the tax exemption to the
transaction line based on the tax exemption setup and tax handling specified on
the transaction line.
Tax Exemption Setup
Before you can create a tax exemption record, you must enable the tax exemption
options at the appropriate levels:
• Set the Tax Exemption Override Control profile option to control the
display of tax handling on the transaction line to apply and update
customer tax exemptions to transactions.
17-262 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
• Set the Allow tax exemptions option at the levels that correspond to the
tax exemption. For example, if the tax exemption refers to the tax status of
a particular tax, then you must set this option at the tax regime, tax, and
tax status levels.
• Set the Allow exemptions option in the configuration owner tax option
for each event class for which calculation based on tax exemption is to
be enabled. For the exemptions party basis select whether the bill-to
party tax exemption records are to be considered or the sold-to party tax
exemption records. In some cases the sold-to party could be different from
the bill to party.
Tax Exemption Record
A tax exemption record identifies the nature of the tax exemption, the
configuration owner, and tax regime, and, where applicable, the related tax, tax
status, tax rate, and tax jurisdictions to which the tax exemption belongs.
During the life of a tax exemption, the tax exemption status can often change.
The possible statuses are: Primary, Manual, Unapproved, Discontinued, and
Rejected. Because the status of the tax exemption affects its applicability on the
transaction line, you must update the tax exemption record each time the status
changes. These rules apply to the status of the tax exemption:
• Tax exemptions with a status of Primary apply to all transactions of the
customer or customer site.
• Tax exemptions with a status of Manual or Unapproved apply to specific
transactions of the customer or customer site.
• Tax exemptions with a status of Discontinued or Rejected are not
considered during tax calculation.
You also specify the method of calculating the tax exemption percentage on the
tax exemption record:
• The Discount or surcharge type decreases or increases the original rate by
the percentage you enter.
If the discount is 15% off the standard rate and the standard rate is 10%,
enter 85 as the tax exemption percentage. This defines a discount rate that
is 85% of the original 10%, or 8.5%.
If the surcharge is 10%, enter 110 as the tax exemption percentage. This
defines a surcharge rate that is 110% of the original 10%, or 11%.
• The Special rate type replaces the original rate with the percentage you
Enter the special rate percentage that replaces the standard rate. If
the original rate is 10%, and the special rate is 5%, enter 5 as the tax
exemption percentage.
Tax Exemption Applied to the Transaction Line
You use the Tax Handling field on the transaction line to select the applicable
tax exemption value. Tax exemptions are processed in different ways depending
upon the value you choose:
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-263
• Require: The customer is required to pay the tax. Tax exemptions do not
apply to the transaction line, even if defined.
• Exempt: Enter the tax exemption certificate number and the customer tax
exemption reason. Tax exemptions are processed in this way:
a. Consider tax exemptions with a status of Primary, Manual, or
b. Verify that the transaction date is within the tax exemption effective
date range.
c. Verify that the transaction tax exemption reason and tax exemption
certificate number match the tax exemption reason and certificate
number. If you do not enter a certificate number, the tax determination
process still looks for a matching tax exemption.
d. If the tax determination process does not find a tax exemption
matching these conditions, it creates a tax exemption with the status
Unapproved and 100% discount.
• Standard: This tax handling is for exemptions of the Primary status only.
You do not have to enter the tax exemption certificate number or customer
tax exemption reason.
The tax determination process looks for a tax exemption with the Primary
status and an effective date range that includes the transaction date. If
more than one tax exemption applies, the most specific tax exemption is
used, in this order:
a. Customer and product tax exemption for tax rate and tax jurisdiction.
b. Customer and product tax exemption for tax rate.
c. Customer and product tax exemption for tax status and tax jurisdiction.
d. Customer and product tax exemption for tax status.
e. Customer and product tax exemption for tax.
f. Customer only tax exemption for tax rate and tax jurisdiction.
g. Customer only tax exemption for tax rate.
h. Customer only tax exemption for tax status and tax jurisdiction.
i. Customer only tax exemption for tax status.
j. Customer only tax exemption for tax.
• Exempt, manual: You manually enter a certificate number and exemption
reason. The application process creates a tax exemption with a status of
Unapproved and a 100% discount is applied.
The application first checks the customer site party tax profile for the exemption
records. If there is no exemption record defined within the site, then it checks the
customer party tax profile
After applying the tax exemption to the transaction line, the tax determination
process calculates the tax rate using the tax exemption type defined in the tax
exemption record. The sequence of the tax rate value determination is:
17-264 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
1. Determine the basic tax rate through the Determine Tax Rate rule type or
by the default specified for the tax.
2. Apply exception which is based on the product.
3. Apply tax exemption which is based on the party (customer) and its
relationship with the transacting organization (legal entity or business
unit). Optionally, it can be based on a specific product.
For example, the tax rate determined is 6%, the special rate for a tax exception is
5%, and the tax exemption defined is a 2% discount. The tax exemption discount
is applicable to the tax rate after the tax exception, so the 5% tax rate is modified
by a 2% discount (5% * (100%-2%) = 4.9%). If the tax exemption defined is of the
rate type of Special rate then the special rate is substituted and the applicable tax
exception has no impact.
For manual tax lines, no additional processing is performed and tax exemptions
are not considered. A manual tax lines suggests that you have specific business
requirements for a particular transaction to apply a manual tax. No additional
processing is performed for manual tax lines to avoid any applying conflicting
or inconsistent values to the user-entered tax line. The tax calculation on a
manual tax line is the standard formula of tax amount is equal to the taxable
basis multiplied by the tax rate.
Exemption Types and Percentages: Examples
The following scenarios illustrate how the exemption rate type and exemption
percentage apply to the tax rate.
Applying a Discount
Your company receives a discount of 20% because it sells educational materials.
You set the Exemption Rate Type option as Discount or surcharge and enter
20 in the Exemption Percentage field. As an example, the tax rate for your
transaction is 10%, but the application applies 8% due to the 20% discount (10% -
(10% * 20%)).
Applying a Surcharge
Your company is required to apply a surcharge to the tax rate of 10% to a specific
item it sells to a customer. For this customer and item, you set the Exemption
Rate Type option as Discount or surcharge and enter 110 in the Exemption
Percentage field. As an example, the tax rate for your transaction is 10%, but the
application applies 11% due to the 10% surcharge (10% + (10% * 10%)).
Applying a Special Rate
Your company is required to apply a special tax rate of 5% for a specific
customer. For this customer, you set the Exemption Rate Type option as Special
rate and enter 5 in the Exemption Percentage field. As an example, the tax rate
for your transaction is 10%, but the application applies 5% due to the 5% special
rate (it replaces the tax rate).
Manage Controls and Defaults
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-265
Inclusive Taxes: Explained
Calculating tax on a transaction as inclusive of the line amount is generally
a business decision. This decision is based on the relationship between the
transacting parties and the items or taxes involved.
Taxes applicable on a transaction are made inclusive of the item line amount
• Manually
• Automatically
Manual Approach
In the manual approach, you access the calculated tax lines on a transaction and
select the Inclusive option. This action includes the calculated tax amount with
the item value.
However, this option is controlled through two factors:
• Privileges are assigned to the users for accessing and editing the
calculated tax lines.
• Setup restrictions are applied to edit the Inclusive option on the
calculated tax lines.
Automatic Approach
In the automatic approach, you can configure the tax setup and calculate the tax
on a transaction as inclusive of the item line amount. Since this requirement is
primarily driven by the tax legislation and the business relationship between the
transacting parties, the option for configuring the inclusiveness is made available
on the tax and tax rate definition and the third party and legal reporting unit
tax profiles on the tax registration and general data tabs. The tax determination
process uses a hierarchy approach to evaluate the defined setup and applies the
inclusiveness option on the transaction.
In tax setup there are options to choose for applying the inclusiveness on a
transaction. They are:
• Standard noninclusive handling: This option calculates the taxes as
exclusive of the given transaction line amount.
• Standard inclusive handling: This option calculates the taxes as inclusive
of the given transaction line amount.
• Special inclusive handling: This option calculates the taxes as inclusive
of the given transaction line amount, but the calculation methodology
differs from the standard inclusive process.
The following table illustrates the calculation methodology used with each of
these options when a transaction line amount is 1000 USD and the applicable tax
rate is 10% of the taxable basis amount, for example, line amount:
Method Calculation Taxable Basis
Tax Amount Transaction Line
1000 USD * 10/100 1000 USD 100 USD 1100 USD
17-266 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Standard Inclusive 1000 USD * 10/110 909.09 USD 90.91 USD 1000 USD
Special Inclusive 1000 USD * 10/100 900 USD 100 USD 1000 USD
Configuring Inclusive Taxes: Points to Consider
The requirement for calculating the taxes as inclusive of the item line amount
is primarily driven by the tax legislation and the business relationship between
the transacting parties. Configure your tax setup accordingly to capture the
inclusiveness as per the taxes and the parties involved within a transaction.
The following table provides some of the key inclusiveness requirements and the
corresponding setup that can honor them:
Inclusiveness Requirement Setup Based on the Tax Inclusiveness Processing
Always apply to specific tax rates regardless of the
party setup
• Tax rate: Select Standard inclusive handling
or Special inclusive handling for the tax
inclusion method
Process complete
• Tax registration party: Not applicable
• Party site registration: Not applicable
• Party registration: Not applicable
• Party site tax profile: Not applicable
• Party tax profile: Not applicable
• Legal reporting unit registration: Not
• Legal reporting unit tax profile: Not applicable
• Tax: Not applicable
Apply to specific taxes and all associated tax rates
originating from certain tax jurisdictions for certain
transacting third party sites
• Tax rate: Select Blank for the tax inclusion
• Tax registration party: Third party
• Party site registration: Registration record
at tax jurisdiction level, for example, for tax
regime, tax, and tax jurisdiction, with the
option for inclusiveness set to Yes
Process complete
• Party registration: Not applicable
• Party site tax profile: Not applicable
• Party tax profile: Not applicable
• Tax: Not applicable
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-267
Apply to specific taxes and all associated tax
rates regardless of the tax jurisdiction for certain
transacting third party sites
• Tax rate: Select Blank for the tax inclusion
• Tax registration party: Third party
• Party site registration: Registration record at
tax level, for example, for tax regime and tax,
with the option for inclusiveness set to Yes
Process complete
• Party registration: Not applicable
• Party site tax profile: Not applicable
• Party tax profile: Not applicable
• Tax: Not applicable
Apply to all taxes defined for a tax regime for certain
transacting third party sites
• Tax rate: Select Blank for the tax inclusion
• Tax registration party: Third party
• Party site registration: Registration record
at tax regime level with the option for
inclusiveness set to Yes
Process complete
• Party registration: Not applicable
• Party site tax profile: Not applicable
• Party tax profile: Not applicable
• Tax: Not applicable
Apply to all taxes and all tax regimes for certain
transacting third party sites
• Tax rate: Select Blank for the tax inclusion
• Tax registration party: Third party
• Party site registration: Set the inclusiveness
option to Blank or no record
• Party registration: Set the inclusiveness option
to Blank or no record
• Party site tax profile: Set the inclusiveness
option to Yes
Process complete
• Party tax profile: Not applicable
• Tax: Not applicable
17-268 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Apply to specific taxes and all associated tax rates
originating from certain tax jurisdictions for all
transacting third party sites defined for a party
• Tax rate: Select Blank for the tax inclusion
• Tax registration party: Third party
• Party site registration: Set the inclusiveness
option to Blank or no record
• Party registration: Registration record at tax
jurisdiction level, for example, for tax regime,
tax, and tax jurisdiction, with the option for
inclusiveness set to Yes
Process complete
• Party site tax profile: Not applicable
• Party tax profile: Not applicable
• Tax: Not applicable
Apply to specific taxes and all associated tax rates
regardless of the tax jurisdiction for all transacting
third party sites defined for a party
• Tax rate: Select Blank for the tax inclusion
• Tax registration party: Third party
• Party site registration: Set the inclusiveness
option to Blank or no record
• Party registration: Registration record at tax
level, for example, for tax regime and tax, with
the option for inclusiveness set to Yes
Process complete
• Party site tax profile: Not applicable
• Party tax profile: Not applicable
• Tax: Not applicable
Apply to all taxes defined for a tax regime for all
transacting third party sites defined for a party
• Tax rate: Select Blank for the tax inclusion
• Tax registration party: Third party
• Party site registration: Set the inclusiveness
option to Blank or no record
• Party registration: Registration record at tax
regime level with the option for inclusiveness
set to Yes
Process complete
• Party site tax profile: Not applicable
• Party tax profile: Not applicable
• Tax: Not applicable
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-269
Apply to all taxes and all tax regimes for all
transacting third party sites defined for a party
• Tax rate: Select Blank for the tax inclusion
• Tax registration party: Third party
• Party site registration: Set the inclusiveness
option to Blank or no record
• Party registration: No record
• Party site tax profile: Set the inclusive option
to Blank
• Party tax profile: Set the inclusiveness option
to Yes
Process complete
• Tax: Not applicable
Apply to certain taxes originating from certain
tax jurisdictions for all transacting third parties
originating from a specific business unit or legal
• Tax rate: Select Blank for the tax inclusion
• Tax registration party: First party
• Legal reporting unit registration: Registration
record at tax jurisdiction level, for example, for
tax regime, tax, and tax jurisdiction, with the
option for inclusiveness set to Yes
Process complete
• Legal reporting unit tax profile: Not applicable
• Tax: Not applicable
Apply to certain taxes regardless of the tax
jurisdiction for all transacting third parties
originating from a specific business unit or legal
• Tax rate: Select Blank for the tax inclusion
• Tax registration party: First party
• Legal reporting unit registration: Registration
record at tax level, for example, for tax regime
and tax, with the option for inclusiveness set
to Yes
Process complete
• Legal reporting unit tax profile: Not applicable
• Tax: Not applicable
17-270 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Apply to all taxes defined for a tax regime for all
transacting third parties originating from a specific
business unit or legal entity
• Tax rate: Select Blank for the tax inclusion
• Tax registration party: First party
• Legal reporting unit registration: Registration
record at tax regime level with the option for
inclusiveness set to Yes
Process complete
• Legal reporting unit tax profile: Not applicable
• Tax: Not applicable
Apply to all taxes and all tax regimes for all
transacting third parties originating from a specific
business unit or legal entity
• Tax rate: Select Blank for the tax inclusion
• Tax registration party: First party
• Legal reporting unit registration: No record
• Legal reporting unit tax profile: Set the
inclusiveness option to Yes
Process complete
• Tax: Not applicable
Apply to certain taxes for all transacting third parties
originating from any business unit or legal entity
• Tax rate: Select Standard inclusive handling
or Special inclusive handling for the tax
inclusion method
• Tax registration party: Third party or first
• Party site registration: No record
• Party registration: No record
• Party site tax profile: Set the inclusiveness
option to Blank
• Party tax profile: Set the inclusiveness option
to Blank
• Legal reporting unit registration: No record
• Legal reporting unit tax profile: Set the
inclusiveness option to Blank
• Tax: Select Standard inclusive handling
or Special inclusive handling for the tax
inclusion method
Process complete
Tax Inclusiveness Hierarchy: How It Is Determined
Configure your tax setup to include the calculated tax amount with the item line
amount. The option for configuring the inclusiveness is available on the tax and
tax rate definition and the third party and legal reporting unit tax profiles on the
tax registration and general data tabs.
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-271
Settings That Affect Tax Inclusiveness
Set up the inclusive options in the following pages:
• Create or Edit Tax page: Specify the tax inclusion method on the Default
and Controls tab. The handling of this field is dependent on the value
of the Allow override and entry of inclusive tax lines option at the tax
regime level. If the option is not selected at the tax regime level, the Tax
Inclusion Method field is display-only. The value displayed is set at the
tax regime level.
• Create or Edit Tax Rate page: Specify the tax inclusion method on the
Main Details tab. The handling of this field is dependent on the value of
the Allow override and entry of inclusive tax lines option at the tax level.
If the option is not selected at the tax level, the Tax Inclusion Method
field is display-only. The value displayed is set at the tax level.
• Create or Edit Tax Registration page: Select Set Invoice Values as Tax
Inclusive option for the third party, third party site, and legal reporting
unit tax profiles.
• Create or Edit Third Party Tax Profile and Create or Edit Third Party Site
Tax Profile pages: Select Set Invoice Values as Tax Inclusive option on the
General tab for the third party or third party site.
• Create or Edit Legal Reporting Unit page: Select Set Invoice Values as Tax
Inclusive option on the General tab for the legal reporting unit.
How Tax Inclusiveness Hierarchy Is Determined
The tax determination process uses a hierarchy approach to evaluate the options
selected in your tax configuration and applies it on the taxes calculated on a
The hierarchy sequence for processing the inclusiveness for a tax is:
1. If the transaction involved is a Receivable transaction then check for the
value in the Tax Amount Included field within the invoice line details.
The available values are:
• No: All the taxes calculated on the invoice line are treated as exclusive
of the item line amount.
• Yes: All the taxes calculated on the invoice line are treated as inclusive
of the item line amount.
• Use tax rate code: The tax setup defined is considered for analyzing the
2. If the transaction involved is not a Receivable transaction or if the
Receivable transaction uses the Use tax rate code option then check for
the value specified in the Tax Inclusion Method field for the processed
tax rate code. The available values are:
• Standard noninclusive handling: The referred tax gets calculated as
exclusive of the transaction line amount.
• Standard inclusive handling: The referred tax gets calculated as
inclusive of the transaction line amount.
• Special inclusive handling: The referred tax gets calculated as
inclusive of the transaction line amount. However, the line amount
is considered the taxable basis rather than the adjusted line amount,
which is considered for the Standard inclusive handling value.
17-272 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
• Blank: Process next step.
3. Check the value specified in the Set Invoice Values as Tax Inclusive field
on the tax registration record of the third party site tax profile for the
processed registration party. The available values are:
• No: The referred tax gets calculated as exclusive of the transaction line
• Yes: The referred tax gets calculated as inclusive of the transaction line
• Blank: Process next step.
If the processed registration party is the first party, the registration
record for the tax available within the legal reporting unit tax profile is
considered. If the value is set to blank then step 7 is processed.
4. Check the value specified in the Set Invoice Values as Tax Inclusive
field on the tax registration record of the third party tax profile for the
processed registration party. The available values are:
• No: The referred tax gets calculated as exclusive of the transaction line
• Yes: The referred tax gets calculated as inclusive of the transaction line
• Blank: Process next step.
5. Check the value specified in the Set Invoice Values as Tax Inclusive field
on the General tab of the third party site tax profile. The available values
• No: The referred tax gets calculated as exclusive of the transaction line
• Yes: The referred tax gets calculated as inclusive of the transaction line
• Blank: Process next step.
6. Check the value specified in the Set Invoice Values as Tax Inclusive field
on the General tab of the third party tax profile. The available values are:
• No: The referred tax gets calculated as exclusive of the transaction line
• Yes: The referred tax gets calculated as inclusive of the transaction line
• Blank: Process next step.
7. Check for the value specified in the Tax Inclusion Method field of the tax.
The available values are:
• Standard noninclusive handling: The referred tax gets calculated as
exclusive of the transaction line amount.
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-273
• Standard inclusive handling: The referred tax gets calculated as
inclusive of the transaction line amount.
• Special inclusive handling: The referred tax gets calculated as
inclusive of the transaction line amount. However, the line amount
is considered the taxable basis rather than the adjusted line amount,
which is considered for the Standard inclusive handling value.
Tax Amount Rounding: Explained
Taxes applicable on a transaction are generally calculated as the taxable basis
multiplied by the tax rate equals the tax amount. This calculated amount
can result in an odd value or with a large number of decimal place. You can
configure the tax setup to adjust or round the tax calculation according to the
specific requirements of the transacting parties and tax authority or to the
accepted currency denominations.
Key parameters that influence the rounding of calculated tax amount are:
• Tax precision: The number of decimal places to which to calculate the tax
• Minimum accountable unit: The smallest currency unit that a tax amount
can have.
• Rounding level: The transaction level at which the rounding is to be
performed. The available options are Header and Line.
• Rounding rule: The method that is used to round off the calculated taxes
to the minimum accountable unit. The available options are Up, Down,
and Nearest.
Define the key parameters at various places within Oracle Fusion Tax. The
rounding process derives the tax precision and minimum accountable unit
details from the tax setup. The rounding process derives the rounding rule and
rounding level details through the predefined processing hierarchy involving:
• Configuration owner tax options defined for the configuration owner and
event class
• Event class options for the event class
• Party tax profiles of the parties or party sites as given in the rounding
precedence of the configuration owner tax options or in the derived
registration party
• Tax
If you plan to use a third party service provider then you must define tax
rounding information that is at least as detailed as the rounding information of
the service provider.
17-274 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Setting Up Rounding Rules: Choices to Consider
Criteria for rounding the calculated tax amounts comes from various parties
involved in a transaction. For example, for a purchase transaction, the rounding
methodology is generally specified by the supplier. Specify rounding details
in your tax setup to ensure that your entered invoice amount, including the
calculated tax, is the same as the actual invoice amount. For a Receivables
invoice, you can specify rounding details based on your organization's policy,
but for most countries the rounding criterion is directed by tax legislation.
Rounding requirements can originate from:
• Third parties
• First parties
• Tax legislation
Rounding Requirements from Third Parties
If rounding is based on third party requirements, particularly for purchase
transactions, you:
• Define the configuration owner tax options for the combination of
business unit or legal entity for which the transaction is registered and the
event class. In the Rounding Precedence field enter the reference of the
third party or third party. For purchase transactions it is either the ship-
from party or the bill-from party.
• Define the party tax profile for the third party and specify the rounding
level and rounding rule on the General tab as preferred by the third party.
• If the rounding level is at the line level in the party tax profile, create
registration details for each tax and specify the rounding rule. Also, define
tax registration rules for each tax so that the tax determination process
uses the third party registration.
• If a registration record is not defined for the tax registration party, select
the Allow tax rounding override option on the Create or Edit Tax page.
The application then looks at the party account site details and party tax
profile details for deriving the rounding rule.
Rounding Requirements from First Parties
If rounding is based on business unit or legal entity requirements, particularly
for sale transactions, and configuration owner tax options are defined, you:
• Define the configuration owner tax options for the combination of
business unit or legal entity for which the transaction is registered and the
event class. In the Rounding Precedence field enter the reference of the
first party. For sale transactions it is either the ship-from party or the bill-
from party.
• Ensure that the party tax profile details are available for the
corresponding legal reporting unit. Specify the rounding level and
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-275
rounding rule on the General tab per the first party requirement or your
business policy.
• If the rounding level is at the line level in the party tax profile, create
registration details for each tax and specify the rounding rule. Also, define
tax registration rules for each tax so that the tax determination process
uses the first party registration.
• If a registration record is not defined for the tax registration party, select
the Allow tax rounding override option on the Create or Edit Tax page.
The application then looks at the party tax profile details for deriving the
rounding rule.
The rounding criteria applied if configuration owner tax options are not defined
and the criteria in the predefined event class options are considered include:
• For a purchase transaction, the predefined event class options use the
ship-from party site and ship-from party within the rounding precedence
with the default rounding level as the header level. The supplier's
rounding preferences are considered first on the transaction. If there are
no specific supplier preferences, for example, the party tax profile record
does not exist, then the default rounding level of Header is considered
and the corresponding rounding rule from each tax setup detail is used.
• For a sale transaction, the predefined event class options do not include
any rounding precedence details. However, the default rounding
level is set to Line so the rounding level is always taken as Line and
the corresponding registration record for the tax registration party is
considered for the rounding rule. The tax registration party is identified
through the Determine Tax Registration tax rule or tax rule defaults.
If a registration record does not exist for the tax registration party, the
rounding rule defined within each tax is considered.
Rounding Requirements from Tax Legislation
If rounding is based on tax legislation, the following occurs:
• If the configuration owner tax options are defined for the combination
of business unit and legal entity for which the transaction is registered
and for the event class, the default rounding level is used from the
configuration owner tax options. Select Blank as the rounding precedence
for the event class.
• If the rounding level is at the line level for the configuration tax options,
ensure that the registration record defined for the tax registration party
has the rounding rule based on the tax requirements. The tax registration
party is identified through the Determine Tax Registration tax rule or tax
rule defaults.
Rounding Precedence Hierarchy: How It Is Determined
During the rounding process, the tax precision and minimum accountable
unit details are derived from the tax setup. The rounding process derives the
rounding rule and rounding level details through the predefined processing
hierarchy involving:
17-276 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
• Configuration owner tax options defined for the configuration owner and
event class
• Event class options for the event class
• Party tax profiles of the parties or party sites as given in the rounding
precedence of the configuration owner tax options or in the derived
registration party
• Tax
Settings That Affect Tax Rounding
Key parameters that influence the rounding of calculated tax amount are:
• Tax precision: The number of decimal places to which to calculate the tax
• Minimum accountable unit: The smallest currency unit that a tax amount
can have.
• Rounding level: The transaction level at which the rounding is to be
• Rounding rule: The method that is used to round off the calculated taxes
to the minimum accountable unit.
Options available for the rounding level are:
• Header: Applies rounding to calculated tax amounts once for each tax rate
per invoice.
• Line: Applies rounding to the calculated tax amount on each invoice line.
Options available for the rounding rule are:
• Up: the amount is rounded to the next highest minimum accountable unit.
• Down: The amount is rounded to the next lowest minimum accountable
• Nearest: The amount is rounded to the nearest minimum accountable
How Tax Rounding Is Determined
If you did not define configuration owner tax option settings for the combination
of configuration owner and event class, the rounding process uses the default
rounding level of the event class and the default rounding rule of the tax.
If you defined a rounding precedence hierarchy in the configuration owner tax
option settings for the combination of configuration owner and event class, the
rounding process looks for a rounding level and rounding rule in this way:
1. Looks for rounding details in the party tax profiles of the parties and
party sites involved in the transaction, according to the rounding
precedence hierarchy.
2. If an applicable tax profile is found then uses the rounding level and
rounding rule of the tax profile.
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-277
3. If the rounding level is at the header level then uses these values to
perform the rounding. The process ends.
If the rounding level is at the line level then goes to step 6.
4. If an applicable tax profile is not found then uses the rounding level
setting of the configuration owner tax option.
5. If the configuration owner tax option rounding level is at the header level
then uses the rounding rule that is set at the tax level for each tax of the
transaction to perform the rounding. The process ends.
If the rounding level is at the line level then goes to step 6.
6. If the rounding level is at the line level then:
a. For each tax line, uses the rounding rule belonging to the tax
registration of the party type derived from the Determine Tax
Registration rule.
b. If a registration record does not exist for the registration party type and
if you did not define configuration owner tax option settings for the
combination of configuration owner and event class, then the rounding
process uses the rounding rule that is set at the tax level to perform the
rounding. The process ends.
c. If a registration record does not exist for the registration party type and
if you defined a rounding precedence hierarchy in the configuration
owner tax option settings for the combination of configuration owner
and event class, then the rounding process looks for a rounding rule in
this way:
1. Refers to the party or party site of the first party type defined in the
rounding precedence hierarchy.
2. Uses the rounding rule of the party or party site tax registration, if
3. If a tax registration is not defined, uses the rounding rule of the
party or party site account site details, if defined.
4. If a rounding rule is not defined, uses the rounding rule of the party
or party site tax profile, if defined.
5. If a tax profile is not defined, repeats the previous substeps for each
rounding party in the rounding precedence hierarchy.
6. If a rounding rule is found, uses this rounding rule to perform the
rounding. The process ends.
7. If a rounding rule is not found, then uses the rounding rule that is
set at the tax level to perform the rounding. The process ends.
Tax Rounding: Examples
During the rounding process, the tax precision and minimum accountable
unit details are derived from the tax setup. The rounding process derives the
rounding rule and rounding level details through the predefined processing
hierarchy involving configuration owner tax options, event classes, party tax
profiles, and taxes. These examples illustrate how the rounding process works.
17-278 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
The following examples represent how the rounding process determines the tax
rounded amount based on transaction, tax setup, and rounding details.
The transaction and tax setup details for the two examples are:
• Invoice header amount: 5579 USD
• Invoice line 1 amount: 1333 USD
• Invoice line 2 amount: 1679 USD
• Invoice line 3 amount: 2567 USD
• Applicable taxes:
• State tax, rate percentages of 12.5%, 6.75%, and 3.33%
• City tax, rate percentages of 7.5%
The rounding details for the two examples are:
• Rounding level: Header
• Rounding Rule:
• State tax: Up
• City tax: Nearest
• Tax precision: 2
• Minimum accountable unit: 0.01
Example 1 represents the rounding details applied at the header level. Applying
these factors, the rounding process calculates the invoice amounts, all in USD
currency, as follows:
Amount Tax and
Tax Rate
1: Line
per tax
applied at
the header
Step 2:
the header
and the
sum of
the line
Step 3:
Apply the
to the
tax line
Header 5579 • State
• City
• 395.8082
• 418.425
• 395.81
• 418.43
• 0.01
• 0.02
• 395.81
• 418.43
Line 1 1333 • State
• City
• 166.625
• 99.975
• 166.62
• 99.97
• 166.62
• 99.97
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-279
Line 2 1679 • State
• City
• 55.9107
• 125.925
• 55.91
• 125.92
• 55.91
• 125.92
Line 3 2567 • State
• City
• 173.2725
• 192.525
• 173.27
• 192.52
• 0.01
• 0.02
• 173.28
• 192.54
Example 2 represents the rounding details applied at the line level. Applying
these factors, the rounding process calculates the invoice amounts, all in USD
currency, as follows:
Amount Tax and Tax
Tax Amount
Step 1:
criteria is
applied at
the line level
Step 2: Line
are added
to obtain
Tax Amount
Header 5579 • State
• City tax
• 395.8082
• 418.425
• 395.82
• 418.44
• 395.82
• 418.44
Line 1 1333 • State
• City
• 166.625
• 99.975
• 166.63
• 99.98
• 166.63
• 99.98
Line 2 1679 • State
• City
• 55.9107
• 125.925
• 55.92
• 125.93
• 55.92
• 125.93
Line 3 2567 • State
• City
• 173.2725
• 192.525
• 173.27
• 192.53
• 173.27
• 192.53
Self-Assessment of Taxes: Explained
Taxes for purchase transactions are usually calculated by the supplier and
included in the invoice. The responsibility of collecting and remitting these taxes
to the authority lies with the supplier. However, in certain cases the supplier
does not have presence (nexus) or is not registered in the customer location.
17-280 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Taxes applicable in such cases, in the customer location, are self assessed by
the purchasing organization. Unlike supplier assessed taxes that are paid to the
supplier, self-assessed taxes are remitted by the purchasing organization directly
to the tax authority.
The key here is that these taxes are to be calculated on the same invoice, but
these should not impact the amount payable to the supplier, instead it should be
accounted for as a tax liability.
The core requirements remain the same, however, the terminology used for
self-assessed taxes vary by tax regime, such as reverse charges, use taxes, and
offset taxes. Reverse charge is the terminology primarily used in the European
Union, use taxes is the terminology used in the United States, and offset taxes
is a alternate solution to handle self-assessment of taxes and is not used by any
Oracle Fusion Tax provides the following options to configure and automate
calculation of self-assessed taxes:
• Self-assessment
• Offset taxes
• Reporting-only taxes
• Use taxes
Taxes need to be self-assessed by the purchasing organization when the supplier
is not registered in the ship-to or bill-to location of the transaction. This is the
recommended approach for defining and calculating self-assessed taxes. This is
driven based on the registration party used for the transaction.
Registration Party
In the context of a tax applicable to the transaction it is the party whose
registration needs to be considered. The tax registration party type default is
specified for the tax. As most of the taxes are assessed by the supplier, the default
is set to the ship-from or the bill-from location.
Supplier Tax Registration
You can define tax registration for the supplier, the supplier site, and for a
particular tax regime. If the tax registration varies by tax or tax jurisdiction,
define the registration at a granular level. If the supplier does not have presence
in a specific jurisdiction, there are two options for configuration. The first is to
create a tax registration record with the registration status as not registered. The
second option is not to define a registration record. If you follow the second
option, when you define the condition set, set the operator for the Registration
determining factor class to Is blank.
Registration Party of the First Party
Similar to the supplier registration, you can define the tax registration records for
a legal reporting unit tax profile. For the tax registration of the first party select
the Set as self-assessment (reverse charge) option. This option triggers self-
assessment of taxes when the registration party selected for the tax line is that of
the first party. Self-assessment is only applicable for Payables transactions. The
option on the first party registration does not impact Receivables transactions.
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-281
Create a tax registration rule to conditionally use the first party registration
when the supplier is not registered. The condition to use for this tax rule is as
Tax Determining
Factor Class
Class Qualifier Tax Determining
Factor Name
Operator Condition Value
Registration Bill-from party Registration Status Equal to Not Registered
If the registration records are not created for the suppliers without registration,
create the condition set as follows:
Determining Factor
Class Qualifier Determining Factor
Operator Condition Value
Registration Bill-from party Registration Status Is blank
Offset Taxes
Offset taxes is a backward compatible approach that is configured to self-assess
taxes. Configure offset taxes in addition to your regular taxes. Offset taxes carry
a negative rate and are calculated in the context of the regular tax. Where offset
taxes are applicable, the application creates two tax lines with one positive and
one negative amount. An offset tax record is a matching, duplicate record with
negative amounts that reduces or completely offsets the tax liability recorded in
the tax transaction. Use offset taxes when the tax requirement includes creating
an offset general ledger posting.
Reporting-Only Taxes
You can identify taxes for reporting purposes only. When these taxes are
applicable to the transactions, records are created in the tax repository entities.
However, invoice distributions are not created for these taxes. Therefore, there is
no impact to the payable amount, payment amount, and invoice accounting.
Use Taxes
Assigning use taxes to invoices, you create a record of the taxes you owe to tax
authorities. Oracle Fusion Payables does not create invoice distributions for these
taxes. Therefore, there is not any accounting impact due to these taxes. Payables
provides a Use Tax Liability Report to review and report use taxes.
Use the Use Tax Liability Report to review, report, and remit use taxes. The
report determines the use tax liability by each use tax code by taking the tax rate
you defined for each tax code and applying it to the sum of each invoice line
to which the tax applies. The report lists in summary or detail the total amount
of tax you owe for each tax code on invoices you enter between two dates you
specify when you submit the report. Oracle Fusion Payables displays the amount
of use tax you owe in the currency in which you entered an invoice.
Use taxes are defined with the tax type of Use tax. The rest of the configuration
is the same as the other taxes. This feature is only supported for migrated taxes.
You cannot define a new tax with this tax type.
17-282 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Self-Assessment of Taxes: How It Is Processed
You can let a first party self-assess the taxes calculated on the Payables invoices
it receives. A self-assessed tax is a tax calculated and remitted for a transaction,
where tax was not levied by the supplier but is deemed as due (and therefore
needs to be paid by the purchaser). Taxes need to be self-assessed by the
purchasing organization when the supplier is not registered in the ship-to or bill-
to location of the transaction.
Settings That Affect Self-Assessment of Taxes
Configure your tax setup to automate self-assessment of regular taxes. The
following is an overview of the configuration:
• Default registration party: Set the default values for the direct rule type of
Tax Registration. For self-assessed taxes set the value to Ship from or Bill
• Supplier registration: The supplier can be registered or not registered.
Configure your set up as follows:
• If the supplier is registered the application creates a record with the
registration status of registered. The registration of the supplier is
considered and the taxes are assessed by supplier and included as a
part of the invoice total.
• If the supplier is not registered then either you can create a registration
record for the tax regime, tax, or tax jurisdiction, with the registration
status of not registered. Or skip the step of defining tax registration and
define the tax condition set with the operator of Is blank.
• Selecting first party registration conditionally: Create a registration record
for the first party legal reporting unit. For this registration record select
the Set as self-assessment (reverse charge) option.
If the supplier is not registered then the registration of the first party legal
reporting unit needs to be considered. To trigger this, you need to define a
tax registration rule with the following conditions:
• If the ship-from or bill-from party registration status is not registered
or is blank then the registration party is either the ship-to party or
bill-to party. The following is the condition set for the Determine Tax
Registration rule:
Factor Type
Factor Name
Operator Condition
Registration Bill-from
Equal to Not
Input Factor
Line Class Equal to Standard
• If you choose the option of not defining a supplier registration then the
condition set is as follows:
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-283
Factor Type
Factor Name
Operator Condition
Registration Bill-from
Is blank
Input Factor
Line Class Equal to Standard
Set the rule result to bill-to party so that the registration of the legal
reporting unit is considered.
Instead of including the condition for the transaction input factor, you can
specify the event class constraint at the tax rule header.
• Self-assessing tax: For the first party registration record you create for
the tax regime, tax, and tax jurisdiction, check the Set as self-assessment
(reverse charge) option. Once the application selects this registration
record for the tax, the tax line is stamped as self-assessed.
How Self-Assessed Taxes Are Processed
Taxes created by the first party organization need to be calculated in the context
of the transaction. The application creates both summary and detail tax lines for
these taxes and the self-assessed option is enabled for these lines. Invoice lines
are not created for taxes, therefore the payable to the supplier does not include
these taxes. Invoice distributions are created to account for the tax expense or
recovery and liability.
Self-assessed taxes are not included in the invoice totals. Instead, the total of self-
assessed taxes for the invoice is displayed as a separate line in the tax charges
region of the invoice.
Self-assessed taxes are created for imported payables invoices. This happens
when imported transactions have tax lines along with transaction lines and
if you enable the Perform additional applicability for imported documents
option for the event class. For these transactions, additional taxes that are found
applicable are treated as self-assessed taxes.
These taxes are accounted along with the rest of the invoice. The accounting
treatment for expense and recovery remain the same as any supplier-assessed
taxes. The only variation is be the liability account. The tax amount is credited to
the tax liability account instead of the payables account.
Self-assessed taxes are a part of the standard tax reports. Apart from this, Oracle
Fusion Subledger Accounting provides reports for accounting activity that can
be used to track self-assessed tax liability. Use the Account Analysis Report and
the Open Account Balance Listing report to track this liability.
Tax Line Override
You can override the self-assessed flag for the tax line. This impacts the invoice
lines and distributions. If you update the summary tax line, all corresponding
17-284 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
detail tax lines are updated to reflect this change. If the self-assessed option on
some of the detail tax lines is updated then a new summary tax line is created to
group the detail tax lines that are being self-assessed.
When you select or deselect the Self-Assessed option on a tax line for the first
time, the update does not take effect. You must select the specific tax line, click
the row header or a noneditable area, and then select the Self-Assessed option.
Offset Taxes: How They Are Processed
Offset taxes are a backward compatible approach that you can configure to
self-assess taxes. Configure offset taxes in addition to the regular taxes. Offset
taxes carry a negative rate and are calculated in the context of the regular tax.
Where offset taxes are applicable, two tax lines are created with one positive and
one negative amount. An offset tax record is a matching, duplicate record with
negative amounts that reduces or completely offsets the tax liability recorded in
the tax transaction. Use offset taxes when the tax requirement includes creating
an offset general ledger posting.
Settings That Affect Offset Taxes
For the offset tax calculation to take effect, do the following:
• Set up offset taxes
• Enable offset tax calculation
You must perform these tasks for setting up offset taxes:
• Set up the offset tax, tax status, and tax rate. Define at least one recovery
type lookup to use with offset taxes.
• Create the offset tax and perform the following:
a. Use the tax currency of the original tax.
b. Select the Set as offset tax option.
c. Enter a primary recovery type that you defined for offset taxes.
• Set up the tax status for the offset tax. Do not select the Allow tax rate
override option.
• Set up a 100% tax recovery rate for the offset tax using the recovery type
that is defined for the offset tax.
You cannot update the recovery rate on an offset tax line. The recovery
rate is always 100% in order to create credit entries that match the original
tax amounts. When you create an offset tax, you enter a primary recovery
type with a recoverable rate of 100% and a 100% recovery rate.
• Set up the offset tax rate and perform the following:
a. Enter a negative rate amount.
b. Assign the tax recovery rate that is defined for offset tax.
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-285
c. Do not select the Allow ad hoc tax rate option.
• Set up the original tax with the required configuration to enable the tax.
For the tax rate of the original tax (nonoffset tax), assign the offset tax rate
code in the Offset Rate Code field.
Complete the following configuration steps to enable calculation of offset taxes
for a transaction:
• For the configuration owner tax options for the Payables event classes,
enable offset tax calculation by selecting the Allow offset tax calculation
option. Also, specify the offset tax basis.
• Select the Allow offset taxes option on the party tax profile if offset taxes
are to be calculated for the transactions created for the party. Select this
option for the party type chosen in the Offset Tax Basis field for the
configuration owner tax options.
How Offset Taxes Are Processed
Offset taxes applicable to an invoice are created with two tax lines entries, one
for the tax and one for the offset tax. The line for the offset tax has the offset
option enabled. This line carries the reference to the original tax line. Two Invoice
lines are created for these taxes, one for each tax.
The amount for the regular tax line is always debited to the tax expense or
recovery account or both, depending on the recoverability of the tax. The credit
is posted to a payables account which is offset by the negative amount credited
to the payables account due to the offset tax line. The debit of the offset tax line
is posted to the tax liability account and this indicates the liability that the first
party organization has towards the tax authority for the self-assessed tax.
Tax Line Override
You cannot override offset tax lines. However, you can update the tax line
calculated for the original tax. When you update the tax rate percentage or
amount or when you cancel the tax line, the corresponding tax line for the offset
taxes is updated.
Reporting-Only Taxes: How They Are Processed
You can identify taxes for reporting purposes only. When these taxes are
applicable to the transactions, records are created in the tax repository entities.
However, invoice distributions are not created for these taxes. Therefore, this
does not impact the payable amount, payment amount, and invoice accounting.
Settings That Affect Reporting-Only Taxes
You set up reporting-only taxes by selecting the Set tax for reporting purposes
only option for the tax.
How Reporting-Only Taxes Are Processed
Tax lines for reporting-only taxes have the Reporting Only option enabled. Tax
distributions are not created for these tax lines.
17-286 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
For Oracle Fusion Payables invoices, these lines are not displayed on the invoice
lines. The total of the reporting-only taxes are displayed in the tax totals region
of the invoice.
For Oracle Fusion Receivables transactions, reporting-only taxes are handled
as any other tax. These taxes are considered as a part of the invoice and are
accounted for accordingly.
Tax Line Override
You cannot update the Reporting Only option on the detail tax lines.
FAQs for Define Third Party Tax Profiles
When does a party tax profile get created for a third party?
The third party tax profile is automatically created when a third party (customer
or supplier) with tax configuration is created. Edit the tax profile that was
automatically generated with the relevant tax information, but it is not required
for tax calculation. Otherwise, create a party tax profile using the Create Third
Party Tax Profile or Create Third Party Site Tax Profile pages.
What's the difference between using tax exemptions or tax rules to modify the
taxable nature of a transaction?
You can modify the taxable nature of a transaction using tax exemptions,
but you can also accomplish this through the use of tax rules. Use tax rules,
such as the Determine Tax Applicability rule, to exclude certain categories of
transactions from taxation. If you choose to implement tax rules to achieve your
tax exemption requirements, the impacted transactions do not appear on many
tax reports as they do not have any tax lines.
If you must report on a transaction then set up a tax exemption on the customer's
party tax profile which results in a tax line being created with the modified tax
rate. Use tax exemptions where certificates of exemption are issued for specific
customers, which is typical in tax regimes for US Sales and Use Tax.
You can create an exempt tax rate with a zero percentage rate as a method of
applying exemptions. This achieves many of the intended reporting objectives as
the application generates a tax line. Reports that specifically refer to an item as
exempt may exclude items with a zero percentage rate from that portion of the
report because the exempt indicator is blank.
If you define an exempt tax with a zero tax rate, the transaction shows as fully
taxable on all reports. If you want reports to show the full line amount as taxable
you cannot add any exemption details, such as exempt reason codes, as this
results in an exemption being created on the customer record and a zero taxable
amount on the reports.
Manage Tax Reporting Types
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-287
Tax Reporting Types and Codes: Explained
Use tax reporting types to capture additional tax information on transactions
for your tax reports. You can use tax reporting types for your internal reporting
needs and to fulfill country-specific reporting requirements. Create tax reporting
codes for a tax reporting type to provide additional granularity for tax reporting.
A tax reporting type identifies a specific unit of information, such as a date or a
text comment, to associate with a specific tax usage, such as a fiscal classification
or tax jurisdiction. You can:
• Define tax reporting types at a generic level, tax regime level, or tax level.
• Define the validation for the tax reporting type for tax reporting codes
to be added in terms of data type and a minimum and maximum length.
Data types include Date, Numeric value, Text, and Yes or no indicator.
• Use tax reporting codes you create under one tax reporting type across
various entities, such as tax, tax status, tax rate, party tax profiles, and
fiscal classifications. To use a tax reporting type for a particular entity,
associate that entity to the tax reporting type in the Reporting Type Uses
region on the Create Tax Reporting Type page.
There is no impact of the tax reporting type on tax calculation. The tax reporting
codes are used in the tax reports.
Tax configuration facilitates the association between various entities and tax
reporting codes. The entity details are stored as part of the tax repository. During
tax report generation necessary tax reporting codes are derived based on the
entities associated with the tax line. The functionality to include the reporting
type code is handled by the Tax Reporting Ledger.
Tax Reporting Type Uses
Some reporting type uses have a one to one relationship of tax reporting type
use to an entity, such as tax, tax jurisdiction, tax rate, and tax status. For example,
the tax reporting type use of Tax defines tax reporting type codes for association
to taxes you define and the Tax Jurisdiction tax reporting type use defines tax
reporting type codes for association to the tax jurisdictions you define.
The Fiscal Classification tax reporting type use defines tax reporting type codes
for association to the following classifications:
• User-defined fiscal classifications
• Product category fiscal classifications
• Document fiscal classifications
• Transaction fiscal classifications
The Party Tax Profile tax reporting type use defines reporting type codes for
association to the following party tax profiles:
• Legal entity tax profiles
• Legal reporting unit tax profiles
17-288 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
• Business unit party tax profiles
• Third party tax profiles
• Third party site tax profiles
The Process Result tax reporting type use defines reporting type codes for
association to the following rule types:
• Direct tax rate determination rules
• Place of supply rules
• Tax applicability rules
• Tax registration rules
• Tax status rules
• Tax rate rules
• Taxable basis rules
• Tax calculation rules
Tax Reporting Types and Codes and Their Use in Tax Reporting
The following table describes key predefined tax reporting types and codes and
their association and use in tax reporting:
Country Reporting Type and
Associated to Use
• Y
Tax Used to track tax lines
that are not yet finally
Tax Used in the EMEA VAT
selection process
• Custom bill
Tax rate code Used in the Italian
Purchase VAT Register
definition program
to recognize customs
• Self invoice
Tax rate code Used in the Italian
Purchase VAT Register
definition program to
recognize self invoices
• Nontaxable
Tax rate code Used in the Italian
Purchase VAT Register
definition program to
recognize nontaxable
• Exempt
Tax rate code Used to identify invoice
lines with exemption
limit groups
• Services
Tax rate code Used for VAT reporting
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-289
Legal Justification Tax Reporting Types: Explained
Legal justification tax reporting types are introduced as a feature to support
European Union (EU) value-added tax (VAT) changes for the year 2010. The
changes are introduced to modernize and simplify rules relating to cross-border
supply of services and recovery of input tax. These are the most far-reaching
changes to VAT law since the introduction of the Single European Market in
1993. This impacts all businesses, which supply and purchase services across
EU countries. Companies must rethink their service flow, as well as, their
compliance and reporting obligations.
The new rule for place of supply of services, for tax determination in a business-
to-business transaction, is where the customer is established and not where the
supplier is established, as is the case before January 1, 2010. Therefore, if services
are supplied in another EU member state, they are taxable in the recipient's
country. For business-to-customer supply of services, the general rule for place
of supply continues to be the place where the supplier is established. There
are exceptions to the new rule for certain types of services. Examples include:
services provided for immovable property, passenger transport services, cultural,
and educational events. It also includes ancillary services, short term hiring of
means of transport, and restaurant and catering services carried out on board a
ship, aircraft, or train within the EU.
Legal Messages
A legal message specifying that the customer of such services must self-assess
the relevant tax, should be printed on Receivables (intra-EU services) invoices.
Create a Bill Presentment Architecture template to print the legal justification
message on the Receivables invoice. The exact text of the message is defined by
the country-specific legislation. The reporting code is also a selection parameter
to display the intra-EU services invoice lines on the European Union Sales
Listing report.
Configure these messages using the Create Tax Reporting Types page. Associate
these messages to invoices through the association to a tax rate definition and
a tax rule result. When defining these tax reporting codes the tax reporting
purpose is the Legal justification message type and the applicable reporting
type uses are Process Result and Tax Rate. Enter the legal justification text which
should be as defined by legislation.
Define Tax Override Controls
Profile Options Controls and Defaults: Points to Consider
Set values for Oracle Fusion Tax profile options to control the availability of
certain tax options.
Defining Controls and Defaults
The following table describes the defaults and controls available at the tax profile
options level.
17-290 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Field Description Default Derived
Default Appears
Transaction Tax
Line Override
Controls whether
you can update
calculated tax lines
at transaction time
None None Use this option
in conjunction
with the
for the tax to allow
you to override tax
lines at transaction
time. This excludes
you from updating
the Inclusive
option and tax rate
on the tax line.
Use this option
in conjunction
with the Allow
override and entry
of inclusive tax
lines option on the
tax record to allow
you to override the
Inclusive option on
the tax line.
Tax Classification
Code Override
Controls whether
you can override
the tax classification
on the tax line at
transaction time
None None If this option is
selected you can
override the tax
classification code
at transaction time
Tax Exemption
Override Control
Controls whether
you can override
tax exemptions at
transaction time
None None If this option
is selected you
can override
tax exemptions
at transaction
time where tax
exemptions are
Verify Tax Configuration
Tax Simulator: Explained
The Tax Simulator is a tool for simulating the tax determination process in
your tax setup. The Tax Simulator lets you preview the workings of your
tax configuration before you perform tax calculations on live transactions in
a subledger application. The Tax Simulator also allows you to test new tax
configuration in conjunction with existing tax configuration to preview the
resulting tax calculation. The Tax Simulator is a useful tool to identify the root
cause when tax calculation is not what is expected on live data.
Run taxes from all applicable tax regimes against a sample transaction to verify
that your tax configuration and tax rules were created and applied according
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-291
to your requirements. You can either create a sample transaction within Tax
Simulator or copy an existing transaction. The simulated tax calculations do not
affect live data.
Principle aspects of the Tax Simulator include:
• Functions and verifications
• Analysis tools
• Restrictions
Tax Simulator Functions and Verifications
The Tax Simulator lets you simulate the tax determination process on
transactions without creating live data.
The Tax Simulator enables you to complete these functions:
• Enter transactions to simulate tax calculation based on various scenarios.
• Simulate the characteristics of the Payables, Purchasing, and Receivables
transactions and create the tax line for each type of operation.
• View the detail tax lines generated for each transaction line.
• View the tax rules that were applied to a tax calculation and the processed
result for each rule type.
The Tax Simulator provides these verifications:
• How the tax rules that you have defined for one or more taxes work in
conjunction with the defaults that you have set for them.
• Whether a tax rule that you expected to have a successful evaluation for a
given set of transaction conditions achieved the desired result.
• How the options that you have set at various levels are reflected in the
results of tax determination processing. If a certain transaction does not
process taxes as you predicted, then you can use the simulated result to
troubleshoot the cause. For example:
• You thought that there were product tax exceptions, but they were not
used on a transaction as expected. You then discover that the Allow tax
exceptions option was not enabled on the applicable tax rate record.
• Your supplier record has the option enabled to use offset taxes, but the
offset taxes do not appear. You then discover that the tax rate record
does not have an offset tax rate associated with it.
Tax Simulator Analysis Tools
The Tax Simulator provides these pages to analyze the tax calculations on
simulated transactions:
• Simulator Transaction page: View the details of the simulated transaction.
• Tax Line Details page: View the calculated tax lines for the simulated
transaction. The page displays, for each transaction line, the applicable
tax and tax configuration details, as well as if the result was determined
by a tax rule or the default value. If a tax rule was applied, the page also
displays the associated tax condition set.
17-292 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
• Rule Type page: View details of all enabled rules for a rule type. The page
displays the processed result for each rule. The page also displays the
associated tax condition sets and their processing details and results.
Tax Simulator Restrictions
The following restrictions apply when using the Tax Simulator:
• Payables tax recovery processing cannot be simulated.
• Application-specific actions on transactions or transaction lines, such as
canceling, deleting, and reversing, are not tested.
• User control settings are not tested or verified.
Simulating Subledger Transactions: What Is Copied
Copy transactions from Oracle Fusion Payables, Oracle Fusion Purchasing,
and Oracle Fusion Receivables and use them to test the entire tax and related
configuration. Once the Tax Simulator copies data into the simulated transaction,
you can update and delete lines as needed.
Settings That Affect Subledger Transactions
Oracle Fusion Tax uses your search criteria defined for the application, legal
entity, and business unit to provide a listing of subledger transactions. The Tax
Simulator copies the attributes of the selected transaction and populates them on
the Create Simulator Transaction page.
What Subledger Data Is Copied
The Tax Simulator copies the following data from the subledger transaction:
• Transaction header information, including supplier and customer
• Tax lines with a line type of line or freight
• Calculated tax amount if you use an external service provider for tax
• Line-level tax attributes
• Discounts and exceptions for Receivables transactions
• Ship-to information for Receivables transactions
The system does not copy:
• Any referencing, applied, or adjusted documents
• Tax-only lines
• Canceled lines
Changing Transaction Attributes
Update and delete lines and attributes as needed. The only fields that you cannot
update are the document event class and source document number.
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-293
Simulating Tax on Transaction Data: Explained
The Tax Simulator allows you to validate new and existing tax setup for procure-
to-pay and order-to-cash transactions. The format of the Tax Simulator interface
is a lightweight version of the procure-to-pay and order-to-cash respective work
areas allowing ease of data entry and flow of item lines to tax calculation and
tax lines. In addition to the required transaction attributes the additional tax
attributes that drive tax calculation are highly visible and available for your
entry and update. Simulated transactions do not impact live data and you can
purge them from the application using a process request.
Use the Tax Simulator to create, duplicate, and simulate transactions. The
interface also supports associating adjusting, referencing, and applied
documents on applicable event classes. In addition to simulating tax output
for live transactions you can test the tax calculation of taxes that are not yet
active and see the standalone tax calculation or the impact of this tax with taxes
that are active. The Tax Simulator provides comprehensive information and a
view into the tax processing logic to help you implement and troubleshoot tax
setup. One of the critical uses of the Tax Simulator is for you to be able to safely
trigger transactions without having a detailed knowledge of the core transaction
systems or having to create transactions in these applications that impact the
core applications.
Using the Tax Simulator
The Tax Simulator allows ease of data entry. The flow of transaction entry is
similar to the respective work area so you are familiar with the flow. There is
partial page rendering for procure-to-pay and order-to-cash event classes to
expose the appropriate attributes. For example, when you enter a purchase order
you are prompted for a supplier. When you populate the supplier information,
the Tax Simulator populates the default ship to and bill to information. When
you enter a Receivables sales invoice event class you are able to enter customer
bill to and customer ship to details in a format similar to the Receivables Invoice
work area. Other attributes include warehouse, discounts, and exemptions for
Receivables event classes and line classes for Payables event classes.
The data you enter in the Tax Simulator is not live data, it is not accounted,
reported, or visible from other product interfaces. In addition to manual entry of
transaction data, you can copy live data to view or modify in the Tax Simulator.
The Manage Tax Simulator Transactions page allows you to choose a source of
Payables, Purchasing, Receivables, or Tax Simulator. Search on the source of Tax
Simulator for transactions entered or copied into the Tax Simulator. The other
product sources allow you to query and copy transactions from the respective
For example, you have a Payables invoice where the tax calculation is not what
you expect. Use the Tax Simulator to:
1. Search in the Manage Simulator Transactions page for a source of
Payables, an event class of Purchase invoice, and respective business unit,
document number, and date information.
2. View the applicable transaction in the Search Results table. If needed there
is Query by Example available in the table for you to further identify the
desired transaction.
17-294 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
3. Select the Purchase invoice and click Simulate Transaction to copy this
transaction into the Tax Simulator.
4. Review the information on the Create Simulator Transaction page. The
application populates the transaction details.
5. Populate the document number with the new number. The source
document number is populated with the original document number.
You can update all attributes except the document event class and source
document number.
6. Save the document and click View Tax Lines to view the tax output.
If you want to test multiple variations of the same transaction you can query
the transaction with a source of Tax Simulator in the Manage Tax Simulator
Transactions page. Select the transaction in the search results and click the
Duplicate action to duplicate the transaction details into a new document
leaving the previous transaction details intact.
Using Additional Tax Attributes
In addition to the required fields for transaction entry and tax calculation,
such as Document Event Class, Document Date, Legal Entity, Business Unit,
Currency, Supplier, Customer, and Line Amount, the Tax Simulator gives
you visibility into additional tax attributes that are commonly used to drive tax
calculation based on tax rules. The Tax Simulator removes many of the attributes
that do not impact tax calculation to simplify the page and let you focus on the
needed elements.
At the header level the Taxation Country is visible for entry and update. At
the line level you can enter and update attributes such as Line Class, Line
Type, Item, and Product Type. Additional tax attributes, such as Tax Inclusive,
Transaction Business Category, Assessable Value, Tax Classification, Product
Category, Intended Use, Product Fiscal Classification, User-Defined Fiscal
Classification, and Account, are organized in a tabbed region. All of these
attributes can drive tax determination or tax calculation directly based on
tax rules and tax formulas. Almost every additional tax attribute on the Tax
Simulator interface directly impacts tax determination and tax calculation in
a format that resembles the work areas so it is easy for you to understand and
Using Reference, Adjusted, and Applied Documents
Reference, adjusted, and applied documents can have tax calculation impacted
by the documents they are associated with. The Tax Simulator presents
information on some of the impacts. Others, such as variances in distributions,
are not presented since accounting is not part of the Tax Simulator functionality.
Also, when a document is simulated or copied in the Tax Simulator, the
application does not copy referencing, adjusted, and applied documents. You
must copy each document separately and associate them in the Tax Simulator.
The following is a list of the available event classes and associations that can be
made in the Tax Simulator:
Application Header Level
Event Class
Item Line
Line Class
and Applied
and Applied
and Applied
and Applied
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-295
Event Class
Line Number
Payables Standard
Invoice Purchase
Order (not
Select the
when the
number is
selected and
it is read-
When you
enter the
number of
the purchase
order this list
is available
with the
invoice lines.
Payables Standard
Prepayment Prepayment
Select the
when the
number is
selected and
it is read-
When you
enter the
of the
this list is
with the
invoice lines.
Payables Standard
Credit Memo Standard
Select the
credit memo
when the
number is
selected and
it is read-
When you
enter the
number of
the invoice
this list is
with the
invoice lines.
Payables Prepayment
Column not
Tab not
Tab not
Tab not
Tab not
Purchasing Purchase
Column not
Tab not
Tab not
Tab not
Tab not
Receivables Invoice Column not
Tab not
Tab not
Tab not
Tab not
Receivables Credit Memo Column not
Invoice Required Populated
when the
number is
selected and
it is read-only
When you
enter the
number of
the invoice
this list is
with the
invoice lines.
An example of an applied document that impacts tax calculation is that of a
Receivables credit memo that references an invoice. In Receivables there can be
standalone credit memos that drive tax calculation based on the tax attributes
17-296 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
entered on the credit memo and there are applied credit memos that drive tax
calculation based on the referenced document; the invoice. If there is a credit
memo that is not calculating what you expected in Receivables, you can:
1. Copy the transaction into the Tax Simulator.
2. Simulate each document independently and associate them in the user
interface. The Tax Simulator does not copy associated documents
3. Review the credit memo tax lines independently before the transaction
association and see that the tax calculation is based on the attributes
entered on the credit memo.
4. Associate the invoice in the Reference, Adjusted, and Applied tab with
the appropriate document number and line and drill to the tax lines. See
that the result type value for the rule results is derived from the reference
document. This is indicating that the tax is not based on the credit memo
attributes but those of the invoice.
Enabling Taxes for Transactions and Simulation: Explained
A feature of the Tax Simulator is the option for you to choose the status of
the taxes to consider for evaluation. The transaction header region in the Tax
Simulator includes an Evaluate Taxes attribute. The options are: Enabled
for simulation, Enabled for transactions, and Enabled for transactions and
When you define a tax there are two different statuses the tax can have when the
setup is complete. When you select Enable tax for simulation the tax is available
only for processing on Tax Simulator transactions and is not calculated on live
transactions. When you select Enable tax for simulation and Enable tax for
transactions then the tax is considered active and is available for processing on
both live transactions and Tax Simulator transactions.
When you create a Tax simulator transaction and the evaluate taxes status is set
• Enabled for simulation: Only taxes with the status Enable tax for
simulation are selected for processing.
• Enabled for transactions: Only taxes that are live or have both Enable tax
for simulation and Enable tax for transactions selected on the tax record
are considered for processing.
This mimics the behavior of the processing for active taxes in the
subledgers and is the default value when simulating or copying subledger
transactions in the Tax Simulator.
• Enabled for transactions and simulation: Both taxes that have a status of
Enable tax for simulation and taxes that have a status of Enable tax for
simulation and Enable tax for transactions selected are processed.
This allows you to see behavior of both active and not active taxes on the
same transaction. This is a useful tool when the calculation of one tax can
impact another such as in the case of compounding tax formulas for tax
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-297
You have two taxes defined that both evaluate to true for a particular Purchase
The first tax, FUS_CA, is defined for the sales tax for the state of California. The
tax status is set to Enable tax for simulation and Enable tax for transactions.
The second tax, FUS_ENV, is defined for an environmental tax. The tax status is
set to Enable tax for simulation.
Simulate a live transaction in the Tax Simulator with the Evaluate Taxes option
set to Enabled for transactions. In this case only taxes enabled for transactions
are processed so the FUS_CA is the only tax calculated.
Next, update the Evaluate Taxes option set to Enabled for simulation. In this
scenario only taxes that are enabled for simulation are processed so FUS_ENV is
the only tax calculated.
Finally, update the Evaluate Taxes option set to Enabled for transactions and
simulation. In this scenario both taxes enabled for simulation and enabled for
both simulation and transactions are selected so both FUS_CA and FUS_ENV are
Tax Rules Evaluation in the Tax Simulator: Explained
Transactions pass key tax drivers relating to parties, products, places, and
processes captured on the transaction to Oracle Fusion Tax for tax determination.
Using these tax driver values as input, the tax determination process performs a
series of process steps utilizing the defined tax configuration, including various
tax rules defined for each rule type and calculates the taxes that are applicable
on the transaction. Use the Tax Simulator to preview the workings of your
tax configuration before you perform tax calculations on live transactions in a
subledger application.
From the transaction tax details it might not be clearly evident as to which tax
rule from your defined tax setup got processed or if the calculated tax is the
result of the relevant rule condition. Using the Tax Simulator you can verify
the tax determination process breakdown, the details of the tax rules that are
evaluated for each rule type, and other key factors that are analyzed and applied
during the tax determination process. The Tax Simulator is a tool that allows
you to replicate the transaction details directly or as a copy from the source
transaction. The Tax Simulator provides a detailed analysis of the decision
criteria applied in the tax determination process, with reference to the defined
tax configuration and displays the corresponding results for each rule type.
The Tax Line Details page within the Tax Simulator captures and lists out the
following key process results that the tax determination process considers for
each tax applied on the transaction:
• The tax determination methodology applied, such as regime
determination or standard tax classification codes
• The rounding criteria applied, including rounding rule, rounding level,
minimum accountable unit, and tax precision
17-298 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
• The types of taxes evaluated, for example, those enabled for transactions
or enabled for simulation
• The rule evaluation details for each rule type, such as:
• Result type, default or rule-based
• Rule result
• Sequence of the rule evaluation, the successful, unsuccessful and not
evaluated tax rules and their corresponding determining factor sets,
condition sets, and detailed condition elements
This abstract gives you a snapshot of the key results returned from each tax
determination process step and provides pointers to validate it against the
available tax setup. You can modify the tax setup if the key result areas are not as
per the requirements.
Details for Simulated Transaction Lines: Explained
Use the Tax Line Details page to review the transaction level details that
influence all tax lines and view the calculated tax lines for your simulated
transaction. Each tax line for each transaction line number is listed in the Tax
Line Details table with the corresponding tax configuration details. Open the
Tax Line Details page by clicking the View Tax Lines button on the Simulator
Transaction pages from the Manage Simulator Transactions task.
Attributes in tax line details include:
• Configuration owner, document event class, and source
• Allow tax applicability
• Regime determination set
• Default rounding level
Configuration Owner, Document Event Class, and Source
The configuration owner identifies the business unit or legal entity on the
transaction that owns the tax configuration. For example, if the business unit is
subscribing to the legal entity's data, the legal entity is identified, rather than the
business unit. In order for a tax regime to be applicable on the transaction the
configuration owner identified has to subscribe to the applicable tax regime.
The source attribute can have a value of Event class or Configuration owner
tax options. This indicates if the application derives the event class-specific
tax options from a configuration owner tax option that is defined for the
combination of configuration owner, event class, and date range or if the
application derives the options from the default predefined values for the
event class. These tax options include the option to calculate tax, the regime
determination set, options to allow manual entry and override, rounding
defaults, and details regarding tax calculation on referencing documents. If the
value is Event class then there are no configuration owner tax options defined
for this combination of configuration owner, event class, and date and the
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-299
predefined values are used including the predefined value of TAXREGIME for
the regime determination set.
Allow Tax Applicability
The two allow tax applicability attributes identify whether the tax configuration
setup provides for the calculation of taxes on this transaction. Both attributes
must be set to Yes to calculate tax.
The two occurrences indicate the following:
• The first occurrence indicates if Allow Tax Applicability is selected on
the predefined event class or applicable configuration owner tax options
setup. If you do not set up configuration owner tax options, then the
default value is set to Yes based on the event class mapping. A value of
No appears if configuration owner tax options are set up and the Allow
Tax Applicability option is not selected.
• The second occurrence of Allow Tax Applicability validates the hierarchy
of tax applicability from the supplier and supplier site definitions
for procure-to-pay transactions, to the party tax profile, and finally
to the default option for the predefined event class. If the Allow Tax
Applicability option is not selected at any of the applicable levels then
tax is not calculated. If the Allow Tax Applicability option is selected at a
lower level and not selected at a higher level then tax is not applicable. If
the Allow Tax Applicability option is set to No then you can drill down
on the link to see where this option is not selected.
Regime Determination Set
The regime determination set indicates how the application determines the tax
regimes to use for this transaction.
There are two values for this attribute:
• When the regime determination set is a value other than STCC (standard
tax classification code) it is a determining factor set of type regime
determination that includes transaction input factors of location types
to derive the owning country on the transaction for tax purposes. Tax
regimes that you defined for the derived country have taxes evaluated
for calculation. The predefined regime determination set is TAXREGIME
and this value always populates if the source is Event class. Use the drill
down to the regime determination set details to identify the precedence of
locations to determine the tax regime country.
• When the regime determination set is set to STCC, the additional tax
attribute of Tax Classification set at the Line Level Tax Attributes tab
drives tax calculation either directly or based on the Tax Classification
Based Direct Rate Rules.
For example, if your simulated transaction does not have any tax lines, check the
regime determination set value. If it is set to STCC and the Tax Classification
field on the Line Level Tax Attributes tab is blank, tax is not calculated. Review
your application tax options to verify that the defaulting hierarchy that specifies
both the sources to use for tax classification codes and the order in which the
application searches these sources to find a valid tax classification code at
transaction time.
17-300 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Default Rounding Level
The default rounding level shows in order of precedence, the party type, source,
and rounding level value. At a minimum, a default value is set. The options are
header level or line level rounding. Header level rounding applies rounding
to calculated tax amounts once for each tax rate per invoice. Line level applies
rounding to the calculated tax amount on each invoice line. The rounding rule
is the method used to round off taxes to the minimum accountable unit. If
there is any concern as to how rounding is determined or if setup needs to be
modified you can use the dialog details in conjunction with party information to
determine where the setup needs to be modified.
For example, on the Rounding Level dialog box for a purchase invoice you see
the following:
Rounding Precedence Party Type Source Rounding Level
1 Bill-from party Supplier site
1 Bill-from party Party tax profile Header
2 Bill-to party Supplier site
2 Bill-to party Party tax profile Line
3 Ship-from party Supplier site
3 Ship-from party Party tax profile Line
4 Ship-to party Supplier site
4 Ship-to party Party tax profile Header
Default Header
The lowest level of 1 takes precedence over all other levels. The application uses,
the default precedence only if none of the other levels are populated. If the value
is blank then there is no attribute set at this level. If the you determine that in
this example the bill-from party tax profile rounding level of Header is incorrect
you can identify the bill-from party from the Tax Line Details header information
and query the appropriate party tax profile to modify the setup. This example
is simple in that the header level is the level used for rounding. If the value was
Line there is more derivation logic starting with the party type derived for the
Determine Tax Registration rule.
Line Level Details for Simulated Transaction Lines: Explained
Use the Tax Line Details page to review the calculated tax lines with the
corresponding tax configuration details for each transaction line. Open the
Tax Line Details page by clicking the View Tax Lines button on the Simulator
Transaction pages from the Manage Simulator Transactions task.
Details include:
• Tax regime, tax, tax jurisdiction, tax status, tax rate code, and tax rate
• Tax amount and taxable amount
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-301
• Tax enabled status
• Indicators such as: inclusive, self-assessed, manually entered, and tax only
• Calculated tax amount and tax base modifier rate
• Legal justification text
• Place of supply
For the tax lines associated with each transaction line, you can review the
attributes that are specific to each tax line, such as:
• Rounding rule
• Inclusive
• Minimum accountable unit and tax precision
• Tax rate modification
Rounding Rule
The Rounding Rule dialog box shows the rounding details for the transaction
line. The rounding rule is the method used to round off taxes to the minimum
accountable unit. The rounding rule is derived based on the rounding level
specified in the hierarchy visible in the dialog box with level one taking
precedence over level 2 and so on. If the rounding level is at the header level
then rounding is applied to calculated tax amounts once for each tax rate per
invoice. If the rounding level is at the line level then rounding is applied to
calculated tax amounts on each invoice line.
The Inclusive dialog box shows the setup related to enforcing inclusiveness or
exclusiveness of tax on a transaction line by order of precedence. The level 0
precedence is the highest overriding all other values with the level 5 precedence
being the lowest or the default if none others are populated. The values are Yes
or blank with blank meaning an option was not selected for inclusive handling.
In the scenario represented in the following table, tax is calculated as inclusive
based on the setting for the tax rate. If you needed to modify this you can update
the inclusive handling on the appropriate tax rate. If the transaction input value
tax inclusive is set to Yes this means this option was overridden directly on the
Precedence Source Inclusive
0 Transaction input value tax
1 Tax rate Yes
2 Tax registration
3 Site party tax profile
4 Party tax profile Yes
5 Tax
17-302 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Minimum Accountable Unit and Tax Precision
The Minimum Accountable Unit and Tax Precision dialog box shows the
derivation of these values by precedence. The minimum accountable unit is the
smallest unit a tax amount can have. Tax precision is a one-digit number that
indicates the number of decimal places to which to calculate a tax.
For example, a precision of 0 rounds to a whole currency. To round off a
calculated tax amount of 1.366 to 1.37, define a tax precision of 2, a rounding
rule of Up or Nearest and a minimum accountable unit of .01. If the results are
not what you expected the dialog window gives you more information as to the
source of the definitions. The precedence of 1 is the highest with the definition at
the currency level superseding the definition at the tax level.
The following table illustrates this example:
Precedence Source Minimum Accountable
1 Currency 2
2 Tax .01 2
Tax Rate Modification
The Tax Rate Modification dialog box identifies if any applicable rate exceptions
have been applied, and, in the case of Receivables, if any exemptions are
applicable. The rates before and after any modifications are also shown. The tax
rate modification value is Yes or No with a link for you to drill down to detail
information. If the tax rate modification value is Yes then there is a modification
to the tax rate either from an exception or an exemption. The dialog box detail
shows the tax rate name, the tax rate before modification, attributes to identify if
exemptions or exceptions or both are applied, and the tax rate after each of these
In the following table the original tax rate was 5 percent with an exemption
applied that reduced the tax rate to 2 percent.
Attribute Value
Tax Rate Name VAT 5%
Tax Rate Before Modification 5%
Exception Applied No
Tax Rate after Exception 5%
Exemption Applied Yes
Tax Rate after Exemption 2%
Tax Rule Details for Simulated Transaction Lines: Explained
For the tax lines associated with each transaction line, you can review the tax
rule details that are specific to each tax line, such as:
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-303
• Rule results
• Rule conditions
• Tax rules process results
Rule Results
Use the Rule Results table to view the tax rules that are applied to each tax line
for each tax calculation process. For each rule type, you can view the processed
result and verify whether the result was determined by a tax rule or the default
For example, the following table shows the attributes displayed in the Rule
Results table:
Rule Type Result Type Result Rule Code Rule Order
Determine Place of
Default Ship to
Determine Tax
Default Applicable
Determine Tax
Rule based Ship-to party REGRULE2 20
Where a tax rule is applied, you can determine the associated tax rule from the
Rule Results table. In the previous example, the tax determination process uses
defaults to determine the place of supply and tax applicability. However, the tax
determination process determines the tax registration based on a tax rule. The
applicable tax rule code is REGRULE2.
Rule Conditions
By selecting the Determine Tax Registration row, you can review the rule
conditions that are successfully evaluated in the Determine Tax Registration:
Rule Conditions table. The following table shows the attributes displayed:
Factor Class
Class Qualifier Tax
Factor Name
Operator Value or From
To Range
Registration Ship-from party Registration
Equal to Not Registered
For example, if your transaction is calculating tax lines for a tax that should
not be applicable, review the Determine Tax Applicability rule values in the
Rule Results table for that tax line. If the Result Type is Default with a result
of Applicable, verify that you have a Determine Tax Applicability tax rule that
evaluates your transaction as not applicable.
Tax Rules Process Results
Use the Tax Rules Process Results table to view the processing and evaluation of
the rules associated with a rule type. For each associated rule, the process result
consists of one of the following:
• Failed
17-304 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
• Successful
• Not evaluated
For example, the Determine Tax Registration rule type may have 3 associated tax
rules as represented in the following table:
Rule Code Process Result Evaluation Order Rule Order
REGRULE1 Failed 1 10
REGRULE2 Successful 2 20
REGRULE3 Not evaluated 3 30
In this example, the tax rule with the highest rule order priority failed, while
the rule with the next highest rule order priority is successful. In this case of
3 associated tax rules, the tax determination process does not evaluate the
remaining tax rule.
For each rule in the Tax Rules Process Results table, you can also review the
• Rule information: Provides a summary of details associated with the tax
rule, such as configuration owner, tax regime, tax, effectivity, rule order,
and tax determining set code.
• Event information: Provides additional information for the event class if
this rule was defined as applicable to a specific event class.
• Geography information: Provides additional parent geography and
geography details defined for a specific tax rule if the rule is geography
For each tax rule listed in the Tax Rules Process Results table, you can drill down
to the associated rule conditions to review the condition details.
For example, if your transaction is correctly using tax rules to calculate taxes
but is applying an incorrect tax rule, use the Tax Rules Process Results table to
review the rule order and the associated rule conditions for each tax rule.
Using the Tax Simulator to Analyze Tax Not Calculating as
Expected: Example
Use the Tax Simulator to create a simulated transaction and analyze the tax
calculations of your transaction before you enable your setup for live data or to
troubleshoot existing tax setup. Use the header level details in the Tax Simulator
to troubleshoot issues where tax is not calculated as expected.
The following scenario illustrates when you might want to use the Tax Simulator
to evaluate a Payables invoice where you expect tax to be calculated and it is not.
If there is a transaction in the subledger work area that is not calculating tax you
can simulate this transaction in the Tax Simulator.
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-305
The transaction date in the Tax Simulator is updated to the system date so
modify the transaction date to the expected date of tax calculation.
The following represents each of the attributes in order to assist you in
determining what information they can provide to identify the issue:
• Document Date: Ensure that the document date is correct and that the
regime to rate setup and applicable tax rules are effective as of this date?
• Configuration Owner: Determine if the configuration owner is the legal
entity or the business unit. Does the respective configuration owner have
a subscription definition to the tax regime where you are expecting tax to
calculate? Is the subscription effective on the document date?
• Document Event Class and Source: Determine if the source is accurately
reflected. The source identifies if the tax options are derived from the
predefined event class or if they are derived from the configuration owner
tax options that are defined. If they are derived from the configuration
owner tax options you can query the configuration owner tax option
definition by the configuration owner and document event class and
view options based on transaction date effectivity. Other attributes and
options, such as Allow Tax Applicability, Tax Regime Determination,
and Enforce tax from reference document are included in configuration
owner tax options. Issues with tax calculation may stem from the regime
determination definition not being what is expected either the standard
tax classification code and not the TAXREGIME determination or the
reverse. If these are intercountry transactions ensure that the precedence
of regime determination points to the expected country of taxation.
• Allow Tax Applicability: Ensure that this option is set to Yes for tax to
calculate. This is the value defined on the source value in the previous
attribute. There is another Allow Tax Applicability attribute in this region
that checks the value from the applicable party.
• Regime Determination Set: Ensure that the regime determination
set is accurately specified. This attribute indicates if tax calculation
is determined by the standard tax classification code or if country of
regime is evaluated as in the case of the predefined TAXREGIME regime
determination set.
• Default Rounding Level: This does not impact tax calculation but
identifies the rounding derivation.
• Third party location: Determine if the third party locations are accurately
reflected. These attributes help identify locations on this transaction
that may influence regime determination and tax calculation based on
location. There may be other locations set at a line level that may impact
tax calculation as well.
• Allow Tax Applicability: Ensure that this option is set to Yes for tax to
calculate. This option is derived from the supplier, supplier site, third
party, and third party site tax profile depending on the event class. Tax
applicability must be set to Yes for all relevant party tax profiles in order
17-306 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
for tax to calculate. If tax applicability is set to No for either attribute then
tax is not processed.
• Evaluate Taxes: Ensure the status of the tax you are expecting to calculate.
Is it Enabled for transactions, Enabled for simulation, or Enabled for
transactions and simulation? This identifies what status of taxes is
evaluated for calculating tax.
FAQs for Verify Tax Configuration
When do I create a simulated transaction and when do I copy a subledger
transaction in the Tax Simulator?
Create a simulated transaction when you want to control the testing of specific
transaction attributes or when you do not have transaction data available, such
as for a new tax regime.
Copy a subledger transaction to examine either the transaction itself or your
tax configuration. For example, the tax calculation on a transaction may have
yielded correct but unexpected results. Or you may want to evaluate variations
of a transaction to see the tax impact, or you may want to evaluate major changes
to your tax configuration.
What's the difference between taxes enabled for transactions and taxes enabled
for simulation?
On a tax record, you specify whether the tax is enabled for transactions,
simulation, or both. During testing, enable a tax for simulation to ensure the
setup is correct. When setup is complete and tested, enable the tax for actual
transaction tax processing.
When you create a simulator transaction, you can select which types of taxes to
evaluate for applicability: taxes enabled for simulation only, taxes enabled for
transactions only, or both.
Set Up Tax Calculation Service Provider Integration
Tax Calculation Services Provider Integration: Overview
Oracle Fusion Tax enables the integration with third party order-to-cash
transaction tax calculation applications.
Tax calculation integration with third party service providers is currently
not available in Oracle Cloud implementations. However, Oracle Cloud
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-307
implementations can still use Oracle Fusion Tax functionality to meet transaction
tax calculation needs.
Oracle Fusion Tax provides a set of tax interfaces to enable tax service provider
agnostic integration. Tax service providers' application programming interfaces
(APIs) must conform to Oracle Fusion Tax interfaces.
Oracle Fusion Tax captures all transaction events into three API calls to the tax
service providers:
• Tax calculation: This API is used to calculate and recalculate transaction
taxes for manually entered and imported transactions.
• Tax synchronization: This API is used to update information in the tax
service provider repository for the transaction line attributes that do not
influence tax calculation, but are used in tax reports. Another use of this
API is to synchronize the tax service provider repository with the tax
amount overrides made in Oracle Fusion applications.
• Global document update: This API is used to handle certain transaction
level actions such as Delete, physically delete transaction lines and tax
lines, and Freeze for Tax, mark the transaction as ready to report.
The following graphic describes a typical tax calculation and recalculation and
the tax amount update flow for an Oracle Fusion Receivables transaction. This
graphic explains the interaction between Oracle Fusion Receivables, Oracle
Fusion Tax, and a tax service provider.
17-308 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Oracle Fusion Tax Configuration for Tax Service Provider
Integration: Points to Consider
Integration with tax service providers requires a minimal configuration of Oracle
Fusion Tax to maintain referential integrity of required attributes of a tax line.
Tax Configuration for Tax Service Provider Integration
Complete the following configuration in Oracle Fusion Tax if you are using a tax
service provider to calculate taxes on order-to-cash transactions:
Component Action
Tax regime Create a tax regime for tax service provider services
to use for tax calculation.
Specify the regime level as Country or Tax Zone.
When you use the tax regime at the tax zone level,
use only a tax zone with the boundary of world.
The tax service provider application programming
interface (API) is called once for a tax regime.
For example, if a single tax service provider API
can calculate taxes of the United States, Canada,
and Mexico, define a tax regime for a tax zone
comprising of the three countries. If a transaction
involves any one or more of these countries, the tax
service provider API is invoked once to calculate
applicable taxes for all of the countries in the tax
Tax Create the taxes of the tax regime. You can create
more than one tax for a tax regime.
Define tax accounts for each tax for general ledger
accounting. Oracle Fusion Tax copies these tax
accounts from the tax to the tax jurisdictions and tax
Tax status Create at least one tax status for each tax. Each tax
must have one default tax status.
Tax service provider party Create a tax service provider as a party using the
Partner Tax Profile web service. This should be done
as an automatic installation step in the tax service
provider installation process.
Tax jurisdiction Create at least one tax jurisdiction for each tax.
Alternatively, for US sales and use taxes, tax service
providers can provide a tax jurisdiction and tax rate
content file for loading into Oracle Fusion Tax.
The application copies tax accounts from the tax that
you are allowed to change, if necessary.
Tax rates Define at least one tax rate code for the default tax
status. Each tax status is required to have a default
tax rate code. For the default tax rate code, leave the
tax jurisdiction blank and select the Allow ad hoc
tax rate option.
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-309
Tax regime configuration options and service
Create configuration options and service
subscriptions for the business units and legal entities
that are using tax service provider services for tax
calculation for a specific tax regime.
Tax content For US sales and use tax, you can upload geography,
tax zones, tax jurisdictions, and tax rates from your
tax service provider content file. The enables tax
service provider calculated tax lines to have the
same tax jurisdiction codes and tax rate codes as
returned by the tax service provider application.
This step can only be done after the tax service
provider has been created as a party.
If you do not create state, county, or city taxes for the
tax regime, the content upload program creates these
taxes. The content upload program creates default
tax status codes of Standard for each of these three
taxes. It also creates tax rate codes for each default
tax status for storing sales, use, lease, and rental tax
Oracle Fusion Setup Manager To minimize the setup tasks associated with setting
up a tax regime clear the features that do not need to
be configured for that tax regime:
• Party fiscal classifications
• Legal fiscal classifications
• Product fiscal classifications
• Product category classifications
• Transaction business categories
• Transaction fiscal classifications
• Document fiscal classifications
• Intended use fiscal classifications
• User-defined fiscal classifications
• Multiple tax jurisdictions
• Tax exemptions
• Tax rate exceptions
• Tax recovery
• Tax registration statuses
• Offset taxes
Do not configure offset taxes, tax rate exceptions, and tax recovery when using a
tax service provider. You can optionally configure tax exemptions if using Vertex
Inc. Q-Series or ADP-Taxware SUT applications.
If your tax service provider leverages any other feature refer to your tax service
provider's documentation for explanation on its usage.
17-310 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Order-to-Cash Transaction and Service Provider Processes: How
They Work Together
There are impacts to your business processes if you integrate with a tax service
provider. These impacts include:
• Transaction options in Oracle Fusion Receivables
• Tax jurisdiction codes
• Monthly procedures
• US Sales and Use Tax import
• Tax exemption handling
• Reconciliation and audit procedures
• Support procedures
Transaction Options in Oracle Fusion Receivables
If you integrate with a tax service provider, these actions are not required for
Receivables transactions:
• Entering tax classification codes on transaction lines
• Entering transaction line attributes in the Additional Tax Determining
Factors region
Tax Jurisdiction Codes
Tax service providers may use their own tax jurisdiction code to identify a taxing
jurisdiction. A tax service provider jurisdiction code is typically needed when the
postal code of an address does not uniquely identify the exact taxing jurisdiction.
For example, the same city and postal code may have two or more different
taxing jurisdictions in different geographical areas within the same postal code.
For such postal codes, you should enter the tax service provider tax jurisdiction
codes when you enter your customer address.
Monthly Procedures
Each month tax service providers send an updated version of their data file. You
need to upload the data file into both the tax service provider system and Oracle
Fusion Tax. This ensures that Oracle Fusion Tax has the latest information for
address validation and tax jurisdiction code retrieval during tax calculation.
US Sales and Use Tax Import
Use the Upload Tax Configuration Content processes to upload US sales and
use tax updates from your tax service provider. The Upload Tax Configuration
Content processes import tax content for US sales tax rates at various jurisdiction
levels. For example, at the state, county, city, and postal code or postal code
range levels. The processes also support the import of incremental tax content.
Common Project Configuration: Define Transaction Taxes 17-311
The application loads the data into Oracle Fusion Trading Community Model
geography and into all related Oracle Fusion Tax entities, including taxes, tax
statuses, tax rates, tax jurisdictions, and tax accounts. The data the application
loads into the Trading Community Model geography includes master geography
data, such as state, county, city, postal code, and their relationships and
hierarchy. The application also creates the geography identifiers for alternate city
names apart from the geography types and geography nodes.
Exemption Handling
You can define your customer and product exemptions using a tax service
provider, Oracle Fusion Tax, or both. For exemptions set up in Oracle Fusion
Tax you can only use the exemption rate type of Discount or surcharge. The
exemption rate type of Special rate is not considered. At transaction time, if an
applicable Oracle Fusion Tax exemption or nonjurisdiction-based tax exception is
found, it is passed to the tax service provider application programming interface
and applied to the tax calculation. The tax service provider tax repository
includes the exempt tax line for complete audit and reconciliation. You can also
build your own logic to pass exemptions to the tax service provider.
If the Tax Handling field is enabled on an Oracle Fusion Receivables transaction
line, you can override the tax service provider setup and identify a transaction as
exempt, according to your tax exemption setup in Oracle Fusion Tax. Select the
Tax Exemption Override Control profile option to control the display of the Tax
Handling field.
Reconciliation and Audit Procedures
Tax service providers return the calculated tax lines to Oracle Fusion Tax. The tax
lines for Receivables transactions returned by tax service providers are stored in
Oracle Fusion Tax similar to the way tax lines calculated by Oracle Fusion Tax
itself are stored.
Before completing your tax returns using the tax service provider reports,
you should reconcile the total tax amounts held in Oracle Fusion Tax, Oracle
Fusion General Ledger, and a tax service provider repository. All Receivables
transactions are stored in the tax service provider repository at the time of
tax calculation. Thus, the tax details in Oracle Fusion Tax and in a tax service
provider repository are always the same. The Receivables transactions are posted
to General Ledger only when they are completed and posted to General Ledger
from Oracle Fusion Subledger Accounting. Therefore, before reconciliation with
General Ledger, all transactions must be completed and posted to the General
You can reconcile the total tax amounts of Receivables transactions by
state to General Ledger. The total tax amounts by state reported by the Tax
Reconciliation Report should reconcile to each state tax liability account held in
General Ledger.
Support Procedures
Begin with Oracle Fusion Tax error messages to review issues that arise with
tax calculation by tax service providers. The debug file contains details of the
transaction in error together with the error message.
17-312 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Refer to the tax service provider's manuals and documents and contact tax
service provider support for details on the process of the installation required by
tax service providers, reports provided by tax service providers, or upgrades to
newer releases.
FAQs for Set Up Tax Calculation Service Provider Integration
What happens if a value of a required attribute of a tax line is invalid for tax
service provider calculated tax lines?
Tax service provider calculated tax lines are validated before storing them in
the Oracle Fusion Tax repository. If the value of a required attribute of a tax line
is invalid but can be replaced by a default value, Oracle Fusion Tax inserts a
message in the debug log file. If a default value cannot be determined, Oracle
Fusion Tax raises an error along with inserting the cause of the error in the debug
log file.
Following attribute values are used as defaults by Oracle Fusion Tax:
• TAX_STATUS_CODE: The application populates the record with the tax
status code specified as the default tax status code.
• JURISDICTION_CODE: The application populates the record with the
tax jurisdiction derived based on the tax regime, tax, and situs. If the
application does not find a jurisdiction code, the value is blank.
• TAX_RATE_CODE: The application populates the record with the tax rate
code for the tax status code with no associated tax jurisdiction code.
Oracle Fusion Tax takes the default accounting code combinations for the tax
liability account in the following order:
1. From the tax configuration
2. From the tax jurisdiction configuration
3. From the tax rate configuration
You can ignore default accounting code combination values by defining the
subledger accounting rules to derive the accounting code combinations.
Project Foundation Configuration: Define Project Calendars and Periods 18-1
Project Foundation Configuration: Define
Project Calendars and Periods
Define Project Foundation Configuration: Overview
In the Define Project Foundation Configuration activity, you configure all
foundation components for creating and maintaining projects in Oracle Fusion
Define Project Foundation Configuration
Setup tasks in the Define Project Foundation Configuration activity are grouped
into the following task lists:
Task List Description
Define Project Calendars and Periods Manage calendars, accounting period statuses,
and project accounting period statuses used for
costing, budgeting, forecasting, billing, and project
performance reporting.
Define Types and Categorizations Manage various classifications used to describe and
group projects, tasks, and transactions.
Define Project Roles Define project roles and the business rules that
control how the roles are assigned.
Define Project Spaces Configure how Oracle Fusion Projects interacts with
Oracle WebCenter Spaces.
Define Project Resources Define job mapping, attributes, and rate schedules
for project resources.
Define Rate Schedules and Costing Rules Define rate schedules and costing rules used for
costing, billing, work planning, and financial
planning purposes.
Define Labor Costing Business Unit Options Configure the business unit implementation options
related to managing labor resources in projects.
Define Project Resource Breakdown Structures Define resource breakdown structures used for
project planning, billing, and reporting.
Define Burdening Configure options used to calculate, group, and
apply indirect costs to project expenditure items to
report and account the total cost of a project.
Manage Project Types Create classifications for projects and configure basic
options that are inherited by each project associated
with that project type.
18-2 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Define Business Unit Cross-Charge Options Configure the business unit implementation options
related to cross-charge transactions.
Define Cross-Charge Options Configure options used to charge project costs across
Define Transfer Pricing Define rules and schedules to determine the transfer
price amount of cross-charge transactions that
require borrowed and lent or intercompany billing
Define Action Controls Define source products and configure action controls
to determine which actions cannot be performed
in Oracle Fusion Projects on data imported from a
particular third-party source.
Define Project Extensions Implement client extensions to customize the project
approval process.
Define System Administration and Maintenance
Perform system administration functions including
the definition of descriptive flexfields, distribution
of desktop integrator, and configuration of system
Maintaining Accounting Periods and Project Accounting Periods:
Critical Choices
During business unit implementation you determine whether to maintain
common accounting and project accounting periods, or define project accounting
periods that have a different frequency than the accounting periods.
Accounting periods are used by Oracle Fusion Projects to assign accounting
periods and dates to transactions. Accounting periods are maintained by ledger
and use the same calendar as the general ledger periods. Project accounting
periods are used by Oracle Fusion Projects for project planning, costing, billing,
budgeting, forecasting, and performance reporting. Project accounting periods
are maintained by business unit and typically do not use the same calendar as
the accounting and general ledger periods.
Maintaining Common Accounting and Project Accounting Periods
If you want to report project information with the same frequency as the
accounting periods, you can use the accounting period as both the accounting
and project accounting period.
When you maintain common accounting and project accounting periods, period
maintenance is simplified, calendar periods are not copied to Oracle Fusion
Projects, and period information is maintained in one physical location. Use
Oracle Fusion General Ledger to maintain accounting period statuses and run
the processes to open and close accounting periods.
Defining Project Accounting Periods that are Different from Accounting Periods
If you want to account for project transactions and report project information
more frequently than the accounting periods allow, you can define project
Project Foundation Configuration: Define Project Calendars and Periods 18-3
accounting periods that are shorter than the accounting periods. For example,
you can define weekly project accounting periods and monthly accounting
periods, as shown in the following diagram.
Use Oracle Fusion General Ledger to maintain accounting period statuses and
run the processes to open and close accounting periods, and Oracle Fusion
Projects to maintain project accounting period statuses and run the processes to
open and close project accounting periods.
FAQs for Define Project Calendars and Periods
What's the difference between a project accounting period, an accounting
period, and a general ledger period?
Project accounting periods are used to track budgets and forecasts, summarize
project amounts for reporting, and track project status. Project accounting
periods are maintained by business unit. You can set up project accounting
periods to track project periods on a more frequent basis than accounting
periods. For example, you can define weekly project accounting periods and
monthly accounting periods. If you use the same calendar as your accounting
periods, the project accounting periods and accounting periods will be the same,
although the statuses are maintained independently.
Accounting periods, which are used to derive accounting dates, are maintained
by ledger and use the same calendar as the general ledger periods. Period
statuses for the accounting period and general ledger period are maintained
You can select an option on the business unit definition to maintain common
accounting and project accounting periods. This option allows the accounting
period to be used as the project accounting period so you need to maintain only
one period status.
18-4 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
How can I set up project accounting periods that are different from accounting
Complete these tasks to set up project accounting periods that are different from
accounting periods.
• Set up the accounting calendar and manage the accounting period
statuses in Oracle Fusion General Ledger.
• During project business unit implementation, specify the project
accounting calendar for each business unit.
• Verify that the option to maintain common accounting and project
accounting periods is not selected.
• Copy the accounting calendar into the project accounting period table,
which copies the period start and end dates.
• Manage the period statuses for project accounting periods.
How can I set up common accounting and project accounting periods?
Complete these tasks to set up common accounting periods and project
accounting periods.
• Set up the accounting calendar and manage the accounting period
statuses in Oracle Fusion General Ledger.
• During project business unit implementation, set the project accounting
calendar to the accounting calendar and select the option to maintain
common accounting and project accounting periods.
Can I change a project accounting period date range?
No. You cannot change a project accounting period date range if the following
conditions exist:
• The period exists in the project accounting period table.
• The period exists as an accounting period that is associated with a project
accounting period.
• The period exists in project summarization tables.
What happens if I close an accounting or project accounting period
You cannot enter any transactions in the period you have closed and you can
adjust transactions in subsequent periods.
Project Foundation Configuration: Define Types and Categorizations 19-1
Project Foundation Configuration: Define
Types and Categorizations
Manage Revenue Categories
Revenue Categories: Examples
Your implementation team creates revenue categories to group expenditure
types and event types for revenue recognition. A revenue category describes a
source of your organization's revenue.
Revenue Categories for Labor and Other Transactions
The following table illustrates possible revenue categories your implementation
team can define for labor and other types of revenue.
Revenue Category Name Description
Fee Fee Earned
Labor Labor Revenue
Other Nonlabor Revenue
Payment Payment
FAQs for Manage Revenue Categories
What's a revenue category?
The source of revenue for an organization. Revenue categories group
expenditure types and event types for revenue and invoices, and are also used to
define accounting rules.
Manage Expenditure Categories and Types
Expenditure Classifications: Examples
Expenditures are divided into expenditure categories and revenue categories.
Within these groups, expenditures are further classified by expenditure type
classes, expenditure types, and nonlabor resources.
19-2 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Expenditure Classifications
This following graphic shows examples of expenditure classifications. Each
expenditure type consists of an expenditure category, a unit of measure and one
or more expenditure type classes.
Following are the expenditure categories, units of measure, and expenditure type
classes for each expenditure type shown in the diagram.
• Administrative
• Expenditure Category: Labor
• Unit of Measure: Hours
• Expenditure Type Class: Straight Time
• Clerical
• Expenditure Category: Labor
• Unit of Measure: Hours
• Expenditure Type Classes: Straight Time and Overtime
• Consulting
• Expenditure Category: Outside Services
• Unit of Measure: Currency
• Expenditure Type Classes: Supplier Invoices, Expense Reports, and
• Photo Processing
Project Foundation Configuration: Define Types and Categorizations 19-3
• Expenditure Category: Product Development
• Unit of Measure: Currency
• Expenditure Type Classes: Supplier Invoices and Expense Reports
Expenditure Type Classes: Explained
An expenditure type class tells Oracle Fusion Projects how to process an
expenditure item.
Oracle Fusion Projects predefines all expenditure type classes, which include the
• Straight Time
• Overtime
• Burden Transaction
• Expense Reports
• Inventory
• Miscellaneous Transaction
• Supplier Invoices
• Usages
• Work-in-Process
Expenditure Type Classes for Labor Costs
Oracle Fusion Projects uses the following expenditure type classes to process
labor costs.
• Straight Time: Labor costs calculated using a base cost rate multiplied by
• Overtime: Labor costs calculated using a premium cost rate multiplied by
Expenditure Type Classes for Nonlabor Projects
Oracle Fusion Projects uses the following expenditure type classes to process
nonlabor projects.
• Burden Transaction: Burden transactions track burden costs that are
calculated in an external system or calculated by Oracle Fusion Projects as
separate, summarized transactions. These costs are created as a separate
expenditure item that has a burdened cost amount, and a quantity and
raw cost value of zero.
You can adjust burden transactions that are not system-generated.
• Expense Reports: Expense reports imported from Oracle Fusion Payables
or an external system.
19-4 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Expense reports that you import into Oracle Fusion Projects must be fully
accounted prior to import.
• Inventory: Inventory transactions imported from Oracle Fusion Inventory
or an external system.
• Miscellaneous Transaction: Used to track miscellaneous project costs.
Following are examples of miscellaneous transactions.
• Fixed assets depreciation
• Allocations
• Interest charges
• Supplier Invoices: Supplier invoices, discounts, and payments from
Oracle Fusion Payables or an external system, and receipt accruals from
Oracle Fusion Cost Management.
• Usages: You must specify the nonlabor resource for every usage item that
you charge to a project.
For each expenditure type classified by a Usages expenditure type class,
you also define nonlabor resources and organizations that own each
nonlabor resource.
• Work-in-Process: Used when you import work-in-process transactions
from third-party applications or Oracle Fusion Project Costing using
Microsoft Excel or web services, or enter work-in-process transactions
directly into Oracle Fusion Projects.
Expenditure Type Class for Allocation Transactions: Points to
When defining an allocation rule, you must specify the expenditure type class
for the allocation transaction attributes. Choosing the expenditure type class
determines how the allocated amount is created as costs on the expenditure item.
Miscellaneous Transactions
The miscellaneous transaction expenditure type class is used to allocate the
source amount as raw cost on the expenditure item.
Burden Transactions
The burden transactions expenditure type class is used to allocate the source
amount as the burden cost for the expenditure item, while expenditure item
quantity and raw cost remain zero.
Expenditure Types: Explained
An expenditure type is a classification of cost that you assign to each expenditure
item that you enter in Oracle Fusion Projects. Create expenditure types for
Project Foundation Configuration: Define Types and Categorizations 19-5
processing requirements, such as calculating raw costs, to classify costs, and to
plan, budget, forecast, and report on projects.
Following are examples of other ways that you can use expenditure types:
• Assign an expenditure type to each burden cost code when capturing
burden costs on separate, summarized expenditure items. The assigned
expenditure type becomes the expenditure type for that type of burden
• Specify default expenditure types for each resource class for different
project units. The application uses the default expenditure type for
planning purposes. For example, when determining the raw and
burdened cost rates for a planning resource, if the resource format does
not contain an expenditure type or nonlabor resource, then the application
uses the default expenditure type for the resource class of the resource to
determine the rates.
• Labor cost multipliers are used to calculate costs for overtime expenditure
items. Associate a labor cost multiplier to an expenditure type with the
Overtime expenditure type class. The costing process multiplies the
standard labor cost rate by the multiplier and the hours to calculate the
cost for overtime expenditure items.
• Assign an expenditure type with the Usages expenditure type class to
each nonlabor resource to define nonlabor resources that are used to
record usage transactions.
Expenditure types contain the following attributes.
• Expenditure and revenue categories
• Unit of measure
• Rate required
• Proceeds of sale
• Expenditure type classes
• Assigned sets
• Tax classification codes
If you create and save an expenditure type, you cannot subsequently update the
following attributes for the expenditure type.
• Expenditure and revenue categories
• Unit of measure
• Rate required option
Instead, you must enter an end date for the expenditure type and create a new
one. The end date for an expenditure type has no effect on existing transactions.
Oracle Fusion Projects uses the old expenditure type to report on and process
existing transactions.
19-6 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Expenditure and Revenue Category
Expenditure categories group expenditure types for costing. Revenue categories
group expenditure types for revenue and billing.
Unit Of Measure
The expenditure type unit of measure is used as the default value on costing or
planning transactions.
For inventory transactions, the primary unit of measure is from the inventory
item, and not from the expenditure type on the transaction.
You must use Hours as the unit of measure for labor expenditure types.
Rate Required Option
Enable the Rate Required option for an expenditure type that requires a cost
For supplier invoice expenditure types, if you specify that a rate is required,
Oracle Fusion Projects requires you to enter a quantity in Oracle Fusion Payables
for invoice distributions using that expenditure type. When you interface the
invoice distribution to Oracle Fusion Projects, the application copies the quantity
and amount to the expenditure item and calculates the rate. If you define a
supplier invoice expenditure type with the Rate Required option disabled, then
the quantity of the expenditure item is set to the amount you enter in Oracle
Fusion Payables.
Proceeds of Sale Option
Enable the Proceeds of Sale option for expenditure types that are used to track
the proceeds of sale for a capital project.
Expenditure Type Classes
Expenditure type classes specify how an expenditure item is processed. For
example, if you assign the Straight Time expenditure type class to an expenditure
type, Oracle Fusion Projects uses labor cost schedules to calculate the cost of an
expenditure item with that expenditure type and expenditure type class.
You can assign multiple expenditure type classes to an expenditure type.
For example, an expenditure with the expenditure type Materials can have
the expenditure type class Supplier Invoice if it originated in Oracle Fusion
Payables, and the expenditure type class Inventory if it originated in Oracle
Fusion Inventory. This allows you to use a single expenditure type to classify as
many costs as you need. You can use the same expenditure type for expenditures
Project Foundation Configuration: Define Types and Categorizations 19-7
with different origins, and therefore different accounting, that should otherwise
be grouped together for costing, budgeting, or summarization purposes.
Assigned Sets
You must assign at least one project transaction type set to each expenditure
type. You can add and delete set assignments for an expenditure type at any
time, except that you cannot delete the last set assignment for an expenditure
Tax Classification Codes
You can optionally select a default tax classification code to use for customer
invoice lines for an expenditure type and business unit.
FAQs for Manage Expenditure Categories and Types
Can I update or delete an expenditure category?
You can update expenditure category names and descriptions at any time.
You cannot delete an expenditure category if it is used in transaction controls,
expenditure types, resource transaction attributes, or cost distribution
organization overrides. You can, however, stop usage of an expenditure category
by setting an end date for it.
Can I assign multiple expenditure type classes to an expenditure type?
Yes. For example, an expenditure with the expenditure type Materials can have
the expenditure type class Supplier Invoice if it originated in Oracle Fusion
Payables, and the expenditure type class Inventory if it originated in Oracle
Fusion Inventory. This allows you to use a single expenditure type to classify as
many costs as you need. You can use the same expenditure type for expenditures
with different origins, and therefore different accounting, that should otherwise
be grouped together for costing, budgeting, or summarization purposes.
Can I distinguish cost of removal and proceeds of sale amounts when
processing retirement costs?
Yes. When capturing retirement costs in a capital project, enter proceeds of sale
amounts using expenditure types specifically created for that purpose. Oracle
Fusion Projects automatically classifies amounts for all other expenditure types
associated with the retirement cost task as cost of removal.
Can I update or delete an expenditure type?
You can update expenditure type names, descriptions, and dates at any time.
However, you cannot update the following attributes for the expenditure type:
19-8 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
expenditure category, revenue category, unit of measure, rate required, and
expenditure type class. To update these attributes, you must set an end date for
the expenditure type and create a new expenditure type with a unique name.
You cannot delete an expenditure type and the associated expenditure type class.
To stop usage of an expenditure type you can set an end date for it.
What's an expenditure category?
Describes and groups organization costs. For example, an expenditure category
named Labor refers to the cost of labor. An expenditure category named Supplier
refers to the cost incurred on supplier invoices. You use expenditure categories
for budgeting, transaction controls, when you define organization overrides, and
in accounting rules and reporting.
Manage Project Class Categories
Setting Up Class Categories: Points to Consider
You define project classifications to group projects. Project classifications include
a class category and a class code. The category is a broad subject within which
you can classify projects, such as Industry Sector. The code is a specific value of
the category, such as Construction, Banking, or Health Care.
You specify the following options when setting up project classifications.
• Assign to all projects
• Assign to all project types
• Available as accounting source
• One class code per project
• Enter class codes percent
• Class codes
• Project types
Assign to All Projects
Enable this option if all projects must have a code assigned to this class category.
Do not enable if this class category is optional.
Assign to All Project Types
Enable this option if you want this class category to be required for projects of all
project types.
Project Foundation Configuration: Define Types and Categorizations 19-9
Available as Accounting Source
This option indicates if the class category is available as an accounting source so
that Oracle Fusion Subledger Accounting can use the category to create mapping
sets, account rules, journal line rules, and description rules.
Only one class category at a time is available as an accounting source in Oracle
Fusion Subledger Accounting. To change the class category that Oracle Fusion
Subledger Accounting uses, inactivate the old class category and create a new
one with a different date range.
One Class Code Per Project
Specify whether you want to allow entry of only one class code with this class
category for a project.
Defining multiple class codes for one category for a project may affect reporting
by class category. For example, defining multiple class codes may cause a code to
be reported more than once.
Enter Class Codes Percent and Total Percent Must Equal 100
Enable this option if you want to associate percentages with the class codes
associated with this category. When you have multiple classification codes
associated with a single class category, you can report the relative values of your
projects in terms of sales or a similar metric. When you enable this option, the
application requires class code percentages for the category regardless of the
project type.
Enable the Total Percent Must Equal 100 option if you want the application to
require that the sum of all class code percentages to be 100% for the selected class
category. You can clear this option at any time.
Class Codes
You can define class codes for the category to create more specific groups of
projects for reporting. Assign each class code to a reference data set so that only
codes that are relevant to the project unit are available for the project.
Project Types
Associate project classifications with project types for the classification to
be available for selection on projects with that project type. You can add
classifications to a project type definition, and add project types to a class
category definition.
19-10 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Select the Assign to all projects option for a project type if you require all
projects of the project type to be associated with the class category.
Using Class Categories: Examples
Class categories and class codes enable you to classify projects. The following
example illustrates how you can use project classifications.
InFusion Corporation designs and implements heavy engineering projects for
government and private customers. Because InFusion Corporation maintains
a diverse portfolio of contracts, the ability to track sector and funding is very
important to corporate management.
Therefore, the organization classifies projects by market sector and funding
source. The following table describes the two class categories used.
Class Category Assign to All
One Class Code
per Project
Enter Percentage
for Class Codes
Market Sector Yes Yes No Market sector in
which project work
takes place.
A single class code
must be provided
on the project for
the class category.
Funding Source Yes No Yes Source of funding
for project.
At least one class
code must be
provided on the
project for the
class category.
Percentages must
be provided
to indicate
contribution for
each source.
The following table describes the class codes available for the categories
specified above.
Class Category Class Code Description
Funding Source Private Project funded by private
Funding Source Federal Project funded by the federal
Funding Source State or Local Project funded by a state or local
Project Foundation Configuration: Define Types and Categorizations 19-11
Funding Source Foreign Project funded by a foreign
Market Sector Utilities Project involves utility or power
plant construction
Market Sector Waste Project involves waste disposal or
recycling facility constructions
Market Sector Mechanical Project involves mechanical
design and engineering work
Market Sector Structural Project involves structural design
and engineering work
InFusion management can easily assess projects based on the above class
categories and codes.
For example, assume you specify a class category Funding Source on your
project. With this category, you select two class codes: Private and Federal. If
you assign 30 percent to Private and 70 percent to Federal, then you indicate the
proportion of funding received for your project from the two sources.
On the other hand, because you must select a single market sector, you indicate
whether project work involves utilities, waste, mechanical, or structural
Manage Work Types
Work Types for Billing: Explained
A work type represents a classification of work. You use work types to classify
both actual and scheduled work. The billable status of a work type assigned to a
scheduled assignment determines the default billable status of scheduled work.
In billing, you can use work types to classify work for the following purposes:
• To determine the default billable status of expenditure items.
• To classify cross-charge amounts into cost and revenue for cross-charge
Billable Project Work
The default billable status of scheduled work is determined by the billable status
of the work type assigned to the scheduled assignments. You can also control the
billable status of actual work by the work type assigned to actual transactions.
If you choose to do this, then you must change the work type on an actual
transaction to change the billable status of the transaction. It is recommended
that you do this in order to maintain consistency between processing of actual
transactions for customer billing and reporting for billable utilization.
To use work types to determine whether an expenditure item is billable you
must set the profile option Work Type Derived for Expenditure Item to Yes.
19-12 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Cross-Charge Work
Cross-charge work is project work performed by resources from one
organization on a project belonging to another organization.
Typically the project-owning organization provides some compensation to the
resource organization for this cross-charge work. The compensation can be in
the form of sharing revenue with the resource organization or taking on the cost
from the resource organization. This allows each organization to be measured on
its performance independent of one another. You can classify the transfer price
amount type of cross-charge work into cost or revenue based on the work type
assigned to project work: scheduled or actual.
FAQs for Manage Work Types
What's a work type?
A classification of actual work. For example, a professional services enterprise
may define work types such as Analysis, Design, and External Training. Use
work types to determine the billability of expenditure items and to classify cross-
charge amounts into cost and revenue.
When you create or import expenditure items, the default work type is inherited
from the associated task. Tasks, in turn, inherit work type values from parent
tasks and ultimately from the project. Project types determine the default work
type value for projects and project templates.
Manage Project Statuses
Project Status Components: How They Work Together
Oracle Fusion Projects uses statuses for projects and progress.
• The Project status type controls which processes are allowed during each
stage of a project.
Oracle Fusion Projects provides the following predefined project statuses.
• Unapproved
• Submitted
• Approved
• Rejected
• Pending close
• Closed
• The Progress status type specifies overall progress of a project, task, or
resource. Progress statuses are used for reporting and do not control what
you can do with a project.
Project Foundation Configuration: Define Types and Categorizations 19-13
Following are the predefined progress statuses:
• On track
• At risk
• In trouble
You can define additional project and progress statuses based on the available
system statuses to meet your business needs.
Status Attributes
Each status is associated with a status type and a system status. Optionally you
can specify status attributes for initial project status and workflow.
• Status Type: Types are Project or Progress.
• System Status: Determines which actions are allowed for the project or
progress status. Every status must map to a predefined system status.
• Initial Project Status: If this option is enabled for a project status, and
if the project status belongs to a reference set that is associated with the
project unit of the project, then the status is eligible for use as the starting
status for the project.
Initial starting status does not apply to progress statuses.
• Workflow Attributes: Oracle Fusion Projects provides an approval
workflow that allows you to separate project creation from project
approval. If you enable workflow for a status, the approval workflow
begins when a project changes to that status.
Project status approval workflow includes these attributes:
• Status After Change Accepted: The status that the application assigns
to the project when a project status change is approved.
• Status After Change Rejected: The status that the application assigns
to the project when a project status change is rejected.
The project status after workflow is rejected can be the same as the
current status.
Workflow attributes do not apply to progress statuses.
Assigned Sets
You assign project statuses to reference data sets so that only statuses that are
relevant to the project unit are available for the project.
Before you can select a status for a project, the status must belong to a reference
data set that is associated with the project unit of the project.
19-14 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Status Controls
Status controls for a system status determine which actions are allowed for
projects in a project status that is associated with the system status.
The following actions are controlled with status controls:
• Adjust transactions
• Capitalize assets
• Capitalized interest
• Create burden transactions
• Create new transactions
• Summarize project data
By default, all actions are allowed for projects in an Approved system status.
Not all of the default status controls are editable. For example, if a project status
is associated with the Closed system status, you cannot change the status
controls to allow the creation of new transactions.
Status controls do not apply to progress statuses.
Next Allowable Statuses
Next allowable statuses specify which statuses are permitted as the new status
when a status is changed manually. You must define next allowable statuses for
each project status.
Defining the next allowable statuses determines the project process flow. For
example, you can specify that a project with a Requested status can have the
status changed to either Approved or Rejected. This example shows two possible
process flows for the project: Requested to Approved status, or Requested to
Rejected status.
The following four options are available when you specify the next allowable
• All: The current status can change to any status. This is the default value.
• None: The current status cannot change.
• System Status: The next allowable statuses are based on system statuses.
Specify which system statuses are next allowable statuses.
• Status Name: The next allowable statuses are based on project statuses.
Specify which project statuses are next allowable statuses.
Next allowable statuses do not apply to progress statuses.
Project Status Change Workflow: Explained
Oracle Fusion Projects provides a default Project Status Change workflow
process. If you enable workflow for a project status, the approval workflow
Project Foundation Configuration: Define Types and Categorizations 19-15
begins when a project changes to that status. The default workflow process
routes a request for approval of the project status change to the project manager.
You can use client extensions to modify the default workflow process to
accommodate the needs of your business.
The following diagram shows the process of changing a project status.
Project Status Change Workflow Settings
During implementation, you specify the project statuses that require approval
before a project changes to that status.
For each project status with workflow enabled, you can also specify the
following parameters:
• The status that the application assigns to the project when a project status
change is accepted.
• The status that the application assigns to the project when a project status
change is rejected.
For example, assume that during implementation, you enable workflow for the
Submitted status, and configure the following workflow attributes:
• In the Status After Change Accepted field for the Submitted project
status, you specify the Approved status as the status that the application
assigns to the project when the status change is accepted.
• In the Status After Change Rejected field for the Submitted project status,
you specify the Rejected status as the status that the application assigns to
the project when the status change is rejected.
In this example, when a requester changes the project status to Submitted, the
workflow process routes the status change request to the project manager's
worklist. If the project manager accepts the status change, the workflow process
assigns the Approved status to the project. If the project manager rejects the
status change, the workflow process assigns the Rejected status to the project.
19-16 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Workflow attributes do not apply to progress statuses.
The following diagram shows an example project status flow when Project Status
Change workflow is used for status changes during the lifecycle of a project. In
this example, a requester changes the project status to Submitted. A workflow
notification is sent to the project manager, who accepts the status change.
Workflow is configured to change the project status to Approved after a request
to change the status to Submitted is accepted. After project completion, the
requester changes the project status to Pending Close. A workflow notification
is sent to the project manager, who accepts the status change. Workflow is
configured to change the project status to Close after a request to change the
status to Pending Close is accepted.
Project Status Change Workflow Extensions
You can extend the functionality of Project Status Change workflow by using the
following client extensions:
• Project Status Change Approver Extension: Overrides the project status
change approver.
Use this client extension to specifying a status change approver other than
the project manager. By default, the project status change approver is the
active project manager.
• Project Status Change Workflow Enabled Extension: Determines whether
to call the workflow process when the project status changes.
Use this extension to add and modify the conditions that enable workflow
for project status changes.
Project Foundation Configuration: Define Types and Categorizations 19-17
• Project Status Change Rules Extension: Specifies the conditions that must
be satisfied before a project status can change.
Use this extension to build additional rules for changing a project status.
For example, you can enforce a rule that certain class categories and class
codes must be assigned to a project before you can change the project to
an Approved status.
19-18 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Project Foundation Configuration: Define Project Roles 20-1
Project Foundation Configuration: Define
Project Roles
Project Roles in Budgeting and Forecasting: Explained
Default project roles, including project application administrator, project
manager, and project administrator can perform specific budgeting and
forecasting tasks.
Default Access for Roles
The following table describes the default access for each role.
Entitlement Area Project Application
Project Manager Project
Edit budget and
forecast planning
Yes No No Project application
administrators set
planning options
for financial plan
Project managers
and accountants
can view planning
options at the
version level.
Create versions No Yes Yes None
Generate versions No Yes Yes Applies to budgets
generated when
setting a baseline
for the project plan.
cannot generate
forecasts from
progress (they do
not have access to
publish progress.)
Edit versions in
No Yes Yes None
20-2 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Submit versions No Yes Yes None
Approve versions No Yes No A team member
with project
manager security
role access must
be manually
designated as the
project manager for
the project.
Project creators are
not automatically
designated as
project managers
for their projects.
If workflow is
enabled, then
approval takes
place through a
notification. Menu
actions are not
available on the
budgeting and
forecasting pages.
Review versions No Yes Yes None
FAQs for Define Project Roles
What's a project role?
Project roles represent either a requirement or an assignment on a project, such
as a project manager or project team member.
You associate an enterprise role with each project role. When you assign a project
role to a project team member, the associated enterprise role determines the
type of access the team member has to project information. For example, project
managers can manage project progress or create budgets and forecasts. Project
team members may only have access to view progress or financial plans.
When you create a project role, you assign it to one or more reference data sets so
that only project roles that are relevant to the project unit are available to assign
to project team members.
Persons who are directly assigned enterprise roles such as Project Manager
or Project Application Administrator may have access to certain project
information even if they are not project team members or do not have a specific
project role assignment.
Project Foundation Configuration: Define Project Roles 20-3
What's the difference between a job title and a project role?
Job titles represent the function persons fulfill within an organization and their
position within a reporting hierarchy. For example, your organization may have
designations or job titles such as software developer, sales representative, or
accounts manager.
Project roles represent either a requirement or an assignment on a particular
project, for example, project manager. Project roles may differ from project to
20-4 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Project Foundation Configuration: FAQs for Define Project Spaces 21-1
Project Foundation Configuration: FAQs
for Define Project Spaces
How are project space roles mapped to project team members?
Each project team member is automatically assigned a project space role on the
associated project space. The project manager is assigned the role of project space
moderator. All other team members are project space participants.
Project space moderators can manually add additional participants or modify
participant access, if required.
How can I perform other space tasks, such as unsubscribe or view members?
You must navigate to the space and log on to Oracle WebCenter Spaces to access
the tasks. For more information, see Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for
Oracle WebCenter.
21-2 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Project Foundation Configuration: Define Project Resources 22-1
Project Foundation Configuration: Define
Project Resources
Manage Job Mappings
Job Mapping: Explained
Job mapping enables you to associate granular human resource jobs to less-
detailed project jobs that you can use for project management.
Job titles usually reflect human resource characteristics and can vary across
countries or units, even within the same enterprise. For example, you may have
a project manager in the United States and a chef de projet in France. However,
when managing projects, especially global ones, you may want to use the same
job definitions for all resources rather than unique jobs that are defined by
each resource-owning organization. These common, or global, jobs ease the
maintenance of costing rates and processes.
Following is a description of job mapping and a brief example.
Mapping Jobs
You map jobs from two job sets through an intermediate job set. That is, you
must map jobs in your human resource jobs sets to jobs from an intermediate set
of jobs. You then map the jobs in the intermediate job set to jobs in your project
job sets.
For each combination of From Job Set, Intermediate Job Set, and To Job
Set, you manually associate the intermediate job to the to job only once. For
subsequent mappings, the to job is displayed automatically when you select the
intermediate job and cannot be modified.
For example, and as illustrated in the following diagram, assume you want
to map jobs from Human Resources Job Set to Projects Job Set through an
intermediate job set called Master Job Set. Within the Human Resources Job Set,
you want to map jobs Construction Worker and Forklift Operator to a single job
called Laborer in the Projects Job set.
You first select Construction Worker as the from job, Master Laborer as the
intermediate job, and Laborer as the to job. The intermediate job Master Laborer
22-2 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
and the to job Laborer are now linked. Next, when you select Forklift Operator
as the to job and Master Laborer as the intermediate job, Laborer is displayed
automatically as the to job.
After you map the jobs, you can use the single job Laborer for project
management purposes.
Creating a Job Mapping: Example
Job mapping enables you to associate granular human resource jobs to less-
detailed project jobs that you can use for project management. The following
example illustrates how you map jobs from two job sets using an intermediate
job set.
InFusion Corporation is a global enterprise with business units in the United
States and France. The following table lists sample job titles in those two
Job Set Jobs
United States Job Set Manager
Staff Consultant
Senior Consultant
Design Engineer
Electrical Engineer
Construction Worker
France Job Set Chef de Projet
Ingenieur Formateur
Project Foundation Configuration: Define Project Resources 22-3
For project work, InFusion Corporation uses the following generic job roles,
created for the Global job set:
• Project Manager
• Consultant
• Architect
• Laborer
To map the global jobs to country-specific jobs, InFusion Corporation created an
intermediate job set, called the Master job set, with the following jobs:
• Master Project Manager
• Master Consultant
• Master Architect
• Master Laborer
Jobs are mapped as follows for the United States job set:
Job in From Job Set Job in Intermediate Job Set Job in To Job Set
Manager Master Project Manager Project Manager
Staff Consultant Master Consultant Consultant
Senior Consultant Master Consultant Consultant
Design Engineer Master Architect Architect
Electrical Engineer Master Architect Architect
Construction Worker Master Laborer Laborer
Jobs are mapped as follows for the France job set:
Job in From Job Set Job in Intermediate Job Set Job in To Job Set
Chef de Projet Master Project Manager Project Manager
Engenieur Formateur Master Consultant Consultant
Architecte Master Architect Architect
Ouvrier Master Laborer Laborer
InFusion Corporation associates the Global job set to its planning resource
breakdown structures. Therefore, jobs such as Project Manager and Laborer
are available for creating planning resources. In addition, the Global job set is
used to define rates that can are then used for costing, invoicing, and financial
FAQs for Manage Job Mappings
How can I map a human resource job to a project job?
You map jobs from two job sets through an intermediate job set. That is, you
must map jobs in your human resource jobs sets to jobs from an intermediate set
22-4 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
of jobs. You then map the jobs in the intermediate job set to jobs in your project
job sets.
For example, you can map the human resources jobs Construction Worker and
Forklift Operator to a single projects job called Laborer through the intermediate
job Master Laborer. After you have mapped your jobs, you can use the single job
Laborer for your project management purposes.
What's a job set?
An organizational partition of jobs. Use job sets to define how you create and
use jobs in your business. You can define a single set of jobs and use them across
your business. Alternatively, you can create separate job sets for each country or
line of business.
For example, assume that the set of jobs your business uses for project
management is less granular than that used to define human resource jobs for
employees. You can define generic jobs for your project job set and map it to the
human resource job sets. Associating the project job set with planning, reporting,
and billing resource breakdown structures then ensures appropriate project
reporting, costing, invoicing, and revenue generation.
Manage Resource Classes
Resource Formats and Resource Classes: How They Work Together
to Create Planning Resources
The resources you can create for planning and billing resource breakdown
structures are determined by a combination of predefined resource classes and
the resource format hierarchies you select for use.
Resource Formats and Resource Format Hierarchies
Before creating planning or billing resources, you must select the resource
formats and resource format hierarchies you want to use on your resource
breakdown structure. For example, if you want to plan for project-related
expenses such as air fare, then you must select resource format hierarchies
created using the resource type Expenditure Type.
Also, as resource format hierarchies support up to three levels, selecting from
the available hierarchies enables you to determine the granularity with which
resources are created.
For example, for planning resource breakdown structures used for high-level
or preliminary planning, you may decide to enable only the Resource Class
resource format. You can then create and use planning resources representing
the four resource classes: Labor, Equipment, Material Items, and Financial
To plan in greater detail, you may decide to use a two-level resource format
hierarchy, such as Resource Class: Job or a three-level hierarchy such as
Resource Class: Job: Named Person. You can then create a resource such as
Labor: Electrical Engineer or Labor: Electrical Engineer: Chris Black.
Project Foundation Configuration: Define Project Resources 22-5
Selecting more granular resource formats automatically selects resource formats
higher up within the same hierarchy. For example, if you select the resource
format Expenditure Type: Named Person: Job, then the resource formats
Expenditure Type: Named Person and Expenditure Type are automatically
selected for use.
Resource Classes
Resource classes influence the creation of planning and billing resources in the
following ways:
• Resource class as a resource format: As mentioned earlier, Resource
Class is a resource type that is available for use within resource format
hierarchies on planning and billing resource breakdown structures.
• Predefined association with resource formats: For each resource format,
you can create planning or billing resources based on certain resource
classes. For example, if the resource format contains Job, then the only
available resource class is Labor. However, if the resource format is
Expenditure Category, then you can select any of the resource classes
(Labor, Material, Equipment, and Financial Resources) when you create a
Resource Classes: Explained
Resource classes are predefined classification of resources. For each resource
class, you can define specific attributes that associated planning resources
Following is a description of the available resource classes and their attributes.
Available Resource Classes
The resource classes available in Oracle Fusion Projects are as follows:
Resource Class Description
Labor Named persons or any grouping of named persons
whose time capacity is consumed to complete project
work. Named persons may be grouped by attributes
such as job, organization, or role.
Equipment Nonperson resource such as machinery, equipment,
or facilities with time capacity that is consumed
to complete project work. Examples include
telecommunication charges (charged by call), or
shared facilities or laboratory (charged for hours
Material items Resources that are physically tracked as inventory,
subassembly, work in progress (WIP), purchasable
items, or finished goods.
Financial resources Resources that have a financial value for the project.
These resources use Currency as the unit of measure.
22-6 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Resource Class Attributes
The attributes you can define for each resource class are as follows:
Attribute Description
Spread curve Determines how planned amounts for a planning
resource are spread across the duration of the project
or financial plan.
You can change the spread curve that you select for a
resource class at the planning resource level and for
any corresponding task assignments, or budget or
forecast lines.
Item master and category set Determine the material item and item category lists
used in planned transactions and planning, billing,
and reporting resource breakdown structures.
Expenditure types Determine default raw and burdened rates for a
planning resource. For example, if the resource
format does not contain an expenditure type or
nonlabor resource, then the application uses the
default expenditure type for the resource class of the
resource to determine the rates.
You must individually specify expenditure types for
project units.
Resource Class Rate Schedules
Create rate schedules for resource classes that you can use for project and
financial planning. When creating resource class rate schedules, you can specify
both rates and markup percentages for each combination of resource class and
Markup percentage takes precedence for amount-based transactions where the
unit of measure is Currency.
You specify a resource class rate schedule in the planning options for a financial
or project plan type, project plan, or financial plan version as the source for
rates or markup percentages, unless they are available elsewhere. For example,
assume you are using actual rates on your financial plan version. If one of the
planning resources is an expenditure category, then resource class rate schedules
are used to derive rates for that resource because actual rates are not maintained
for expenditure categories.
Manage Nonlabor Resources
Nonlabor Cost Rates: How They Are Determined
Oracle Fusion Projects uses cost rates to calculate the raw cost for transactions.
For example, for cost transactions, the application determines a cost rate for each
Project Foundation Configuration: Define Project Resources 22-7
transaction and calculates the raw cost during transaction costing, unless you
import the raw cost for transactions.
How Nonlabor Cost Rates Are Determined
Oracle Fusion Projects applies the following rules to determine the cost rate for
each transaction.
1. The application uses an organization costing rule to determine the
nonlabor cost rate schedule, using the following logic. At each level,
the application searches for a rule with a date range that includes the
transaction date.
a. Organization costing rule for the expenditure organization.
The application searches for an active costing rule assigned to the
organization of the transaction on the date of the transaction.
b. Organization costing rule for the parent expenditure organization.
If an organization costing rule for the expenditure organization is
not found, the application searches for a rule assigned to the parent
organization of the expenditure organization, and continues up the
project expenditure organization hierarchy until a rule is found.
You specify the project expenditure organization hierarchy for the
business unit during implementation. If an organization has multiple
parent organizations, and a rule is assigned to more than one parent,
the application uses the rule assigned to the lowest level parent
c. Organization costing rule for the business unit.
If no costing rule is found for the expenditure organization and parent
organization, the application uses the costing rule assigned to the
business unit for the transaction.
2. The application uses the nonlabor rate schedule and then applies the cost
rate that is associated with the unique combination of expenditure type,
nonlabor resource, and nonlabor resource organization.
3. If a cost rate does not exist for the combination of expenditure type,
nonlabor resource, and nonlabor resource organization, then the
application uses the cost rate for the expenditure type and nonlabor
resource combination that is applicable to all nonlabor resource
organizations to which the nonlabor resource belongs.
This rule applies to cost transactions only. For billing and planning transactions,
you can either not use a nonlabor resource organization, or map the nonlabor
resource organization to the organization that maintains the rate schedule.
4. If a cost rate does not exist for the combination of expenditure type and
nonlabor resource, then the application uses then the applications uses the
cost rate defined for the expenditure type.
22-8 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
If a rate is not found at any of these levels, then an error is generated for the
Turning Equipment into Nonlabor Resources: Example
This example illustrates setting up assets as nonlabor resources.
You are asked to set up nonlabor resources and assign them to the appropriate
organizations for the InFusion Corporation.
Defining Nonlabor Resources
InFusion Corporation wants to capture costs for computer equipment, vehicles,
survey equipment, and other assets.
In this example, assume that expenditure types and organizations are already set
up, which are prerequisites of defining nonlabor resources.
The Other Assets expenditure type is assigned to all divisions. This nonlabor
resource captures miscellaneous items.
To define a nonlabor resource, you specify a name and description of each asset,
such as a piece of equipment or pool of assets, and a date range during which the
resource can be used.
For each nonlabor resource, you must choose an expenditure type with the
Usage expenditure type class. Every usage item that you charge to a project must
specify the nonlabor resource utilized and the nonlabor resource organization
that owns the resource. You can select organizations that are classified as project
and task owning organizations or project expenditure organizations.
A nonlabor resource may be a piece of equipment with capacity that is
consumed, such as a training room, or equipment with physical output that is
consumed, such as a copier. Enable the Equipment resource class to plan and
report nonlabor resources as equipment with capacity that is consumed.
The following table shows the nonlabor resources for InFusion Corporation.
Resource Name Description Expenditure
Resource Class
From Date Organizations
Laptop Laptop on the
Not enabled January 1, 2011 Data Systems
Risk Analysis
Sparc Enterprise
Not enabled January 1, 2011 Information
Oracle Exadata
Storage Server
Data Systems
Oracle Storage
Not enabled January 1, 2011 Data Systems
Project Foundation Configuration: Define Project Resources 22-9
Oracle Solaris
and Services
Not enabled January 1, 2011 InFusion
Survey Standard
Enabled May 1, 2011 InFusion
Van Heavy Duty
Vehicle Not enabled January 1, 2011 InFusion
Minivan Site Visit
Vehicle Not enabled August 1, 2011 InFusion
Pickup Truck Heavy Duty
Pickup Truck
Vehicle Not enabled January 1, 2011 West
Other Asset Other Asset Other Assets Not enabled January 1, 2011 Administration
FAQs for Manage Nonlabor Resources
What's a nonlabor resource?
An asset or a pool of assets. For example, a nonlabor resource may be a piece
of equipment with capacity that is consumed, such as a training room, or
equipment with physical output that is consumed, such as a copier.
22-10 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
• Before you create nonlabor resources, you must define organizations and
expenditure types.
• To define nonlabor resources, you can choose only expenditure types that
belong to the Usages expenditure type class.
• To plan and report on equipment as a nonlabor resource with capacity
that is consumed, enable the Equipment resource class. The expenditure
type that is associated with the Equipment resource class must have a unit
of measure in Hours.
What's a nonlabor resource organization?
The organization to which a nonlabor resource is assigned. For example, a
nonlabor resource named Survey may represent a piece of survey equipment
that is assigned to the Engineering organization, and a nonlabor resource
named PC may represent a pool of personal computers that are assigned to the
Information Services, Finance, and Engineering organizations.
• Any organization from the organization hierarchy can be assigned
nonlabor resources, regardless of whether the organization has the Project
Expenditure Organization classification, and regardless of the start and
end dates for the organization.
• Every usage item that you charge to a project must specify the nonlabor
resource utilized and the nonlabor resource organization to which the
resource is assigned.
Project Foundation Configuration: Define Rate Schedules and Costing Rules 23-1
Project Foundation Configuration: Define
Rate Schedules and Costing Rules
Rate Schedule Types: Explained
Schedule types determine usage for rates within rate schedules. You specify
a schedule type for rate schedules created for costing, billing, or planning
purposes in Oracle Fusion Projects.
The schedule types are:
• Job
• Person
• Nonlabor
• Resource class
Job rate schedules contain rates used to calculate amounts for the following
types of labor transactions:
• Costing
• Billing (invoice and revenue)
• Planning
• Budgeting
• Forecasting
• Transfer price
The rate is based on the standard hourly rate assigned to a job title in Oracle
Fusion Human Capital Management.
If you are using planning rates for financial or project planning, you can select
a specific job rate schedule when configuring rate settings at the plan type or
23-2 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
project level. Job rate schedules are used if rates cannot be derived from the
person labor rate schedule.
When creating a job schedule type, you must select a job set from Oracle Fusion
Human Capital Management. The job set is the source of jobs in your rate
schedule. Assign rates or markup percentages to jobs in the rate schedule.
Person schedules contain raw cost rates and billing rates or markup percentages
for labor transactions and transfer price amounts. The rate that calculates the cost
or billing amount for a project transaction is based on the standard hourly rate
or markup percentage assigned to a person, or the job or organization assigned
to the person in the schedule. The job or organization is based on the person's
assignment in Oracle Fusion Human Capital Management.
You have the option of assigning rates to the following:
• Person
• Person and job
• Person, job and organization
If you assign a rate to a person and job combination, that rate has precedence
over the person rate. If you assign a rate to a person, job and organization
combination, that rate has precedence over the person rate or person and job
If you are using planning rates for financial or project planning, you can select a
specific person rate schedule when configuring rate settings at the plan type or
project level. Person rate schedules are used if rates cannot be derived from the
labor rate schedule.
Nonlabor rate schedules contain rates or markup percentages that calculate
cost, bill, revenue, plan, budget, forecast, or transfer price amounts for nonlabor
Enter a rate or markup percentage for expenditure types with the Rate Required
option enabled. Otherwise, assign it only a markup percentage. Assign rates
to nonlabor resources and optionally define rates for nonlabor resource
If you are using planning rates for financial or project planning, you can select a
specific nonlabor rate schedule when configuring rate settings at the plan type or
project level.
Resource Class
Resource class schedules contain the planning rates or markup percentages
for a resource class or a combination of resource class and organization. You
optionally assign a resource class schedule to a project plan or financial plan
Project Foundation Configuration: Define Rate Schedules and Costing Rules 23-3
(budgets and forecasts) at the plan type level or version level. The resource class
rate schedule determines rates for the associated resources if the rates cannot be
derived elsewhere.
Enter a rate or markup percentage for each resource class in the rate schedule.
Optionally, assign the rate or markup percentage to a specific organization for a
resource class.
Labor Cost Rates: How They Are Determined
Oracle Fusion Projects uses cost rates to calculate the raw cost for expenditure
items. The application determines a cost rate for each expenditure item and
calculates the raw cost during cost distribution processing, unless you import the
raw cost for expenditure items.
How Labor Cost Rates Are Determined
When you assign a labor costing rule and a rate schedule to an organization,
Oracle Fusion Projects applies the following rules in the order presented to
determine the labor costing rule for each transaction.
1. Oracle Fusion Projects determines whether any labor costing overrides
exist for the employee who is associated with the expenditure item. The
application uses the effective dates for the labor costing overrides to
determine whether an override is active on the expenditure item date.
A labor costing override can have either an overriding cost rate or an
overriding rate schedule. If a labor costing override applies, then Oracle
Fusion Projects uses it to determine the cost rate.
Labor expenditure items always have a unit of measure of Hours.
For labor transactions, the application searches for a labor costing
override in the following order.
a. Person, job, and organization combination
b. Person and job combination
c. Person
2. If no override exists, Oracle Fusion Projects uses an organization costing
rule to determine the cost rate. The following logic determines the cost
rate. At each level, the application searches for a rule with a date range
that includes the expenditure item date.
a. Organization costing rule for the expenditure organization
The application searches for an active costing rule assigned to the
organization of the expenditure item on the date of the transaction.
b. Organization costing rule for the parent expenditure organization
If an organization costing rule for the expenditure organization is
not found, the application searches for a rule assigned to the parent
23-4 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
organization of the expenditure organization, and continues up the
project expenditure organization hierarchy until a rule is found.
You specify the project expenditure organization hierarchy for the
business unit during implementation. If an organization has multiple
parent organizations, and a rule is assigned to more than one parent,
the application uses the rule assigned to the lowest level parent
c. Organization costing rule for the business unit
If no costing rule is found for the expenditure organization and parent
organization, the application uses the costing rule assigned to the
business unit for the expenditure.
Oracle Fusion Projects applies the costing rule to determine the cost rate for the
expenditure item. You can associate either a rate schedule, or a Labor Costing
extension with an organization labor costing rule, to determine the cost rate.
Labor Costing Rules: Explained
A labor costing rule determines how an employee is paid. For example, you
can define a labor costing rule for pay types such as exempt, nonexempt,
uncompensated, compensated, and hourly.
When an employee charges time to a project, Oracle Fusion Projects processes
the labor hours according to the employee's labor costing rule. For example, if
an employee's labor costing rule is Hourly, the employee is eligible for overtime
pay; if the employee's labor costing rule is Exempt, the employee is not eligible
for overtime pay.
Following are the key components of a labor costing rule:
• Costing method
• Overtime labor costing multipliers
• Default overtime transaction attributes
Costing Method
For labor costing rules with the Rates costing method, labor costs are calculated
for entered hours using hourly cost rates.
For labor costing rules with the Extension costing method, labor costs are
calculated by the Labor Costing extension. When you use the Extension costing
method, you are not required to maintain hourly cost rates in Oracle Fusion
Overtime Labor Costing Multipliers
If your employees enter overtime hours manually, you can assign cost
multipliers to overtime expenditure types. When you use the Rates costing
method, and a transaction is charged to an expenditure type that has an assigned
multiplier, the application applies the multiplier as labor costs are calculated.
Project Foundation Configuration: Define Rate Schedules and Costing Rules 23-5
To calculate rates for overtime expenditure items, before you define labor costing
rules, you must define an expenditure type with the Overtime expenditure type
If overtime hours are calculated using the Overtime Calculation extension, you
can specify the default expenditure types for the overtime expenditure items
generated by the extension.
Default Overtime Transaction Attributes
If overtime hours are created by the Overtime Calculation extension, you can
specify the default business unit, project, and task that incur the overtime costs
generated by the extension. These attributes apply only if you use the Overtime
Calculation extension to calculate overtime hours.
Defining Labor Costing Rules: Example
This example illustrates setting up labor costing rules to calculate overtime labor
You are asked to set up labor costing rules to calculate overtime labor costs for
nonexempt and hourly employees for the InFusion Corporation.
Overtime Costs
InFusion Corporation uses the Overtime Calculation extension to calculate
overtime hours for nonexempt employees. All overtime premium costs for
nonexempt employees are charged to an indirect project.
Hourly employees are required to enter overtime hours manually. All labor costs,
including overtime premiums, are charged to the project and task indicated on
the timecard.
For nonexempt employees, the expenditure types for overtime transactions
created using the Overtime Calculation extension are derived from the overtime
labor cost multipliers that are assigned to the labor costing rule.
For hourly employees, when time is charged to an overtime expenditure type,
the application applies the costing multiplier assigned to the labor costing rule
when labor costs are calculated.
Labor Costing Rule Details
The following table shows the labor costing rules for InFusion Corporation:
Labor Costing Rule Costing Method Project Task
Nonexempt Rates Overtime Time and a Half
Hourly Rates
23-6 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
The following table shows the overtime labor cost multipliers that are associated
with the labor costing rules:
Labor Costing Rule Expenditure Type Labor Cost Multiplier
Nonexempt Overtime Time and a Half
Hourly Overtime Time and a Half
Hourly Premium Overtime Double Time
Creating Labor Costing Multipliers: Examples
A labor costing multiplier is a value by which Oracle Fusion Projects multiplies
an employee's labor cost rate to calculate the employee's overtime premium cost
rate. This is represented by the formula: labor cost rate * labor costing multiplier
= overtime premium labor cost rate.
Oracle Fusion Projects then multiplies the overtime premium labor cost rate by
the number of overtime hours that an employee works to calculate the overtime
premium for the employee. This is represented by the formula: overtime
premium labor cost rate * overtime hours = overtime premium.
Labor Costing Multipliers
You define a labor costing multiplier for each kind of overtime your business
uses such as double time, or time and a half. For example, if you pay an
employee double time for all overtime hours, you define a labor cost multiplier
of 1.0. You multiply the employee's labor cost rate by 1.0 to calculate the
employee's overtime premium labor cost rate. If you pay an employee time and
a half for all overtime hours, you define a labor cost multiplier of 0.5 to calculate
the employee's overtime premium labor cost rate. An employee's total labor cost
is the overtime premium plus the total number of hours that employee worked
multiplied by the employee's labor cost rate. This is represented by the formula:
overtime premium + (total hours x labor cost rate) = total labor cost.
The following table shows examples of labor cost multipliers for double time,
time and a half, and uncompensated overtime. The negative multiplier for
uncompensated overtime reverses the cost of any overtime hours for the
individuals who do not get paid overtime.
Labor Costing Multiplier Name Multiplier
Double Time 1.0
Time and a Half 0.5
Uncompensated Overtime -1.0
Setting Up Labor Costing Overrides: Critical Choices
You can override the labor costing definition for individual employees and
contingent workers for a business unit. The application uses a labor costing
Project Foundation Configuration: Define Rate Schedules and Costing Rules 23-7
override to determine the labor rate for cost transactions, and to plan, budget,
and forecast transactions when you use an actual plan type.
Following are the key implementation concepts for setting up labor costing
• Override for a Person, Job, And Organization
• Override by Rate, Rate Schedule, or Extension
• People with Future-Dated and Terminated Assignments
Override for a Person, Job, and Organization
You specify the labor costing override for a person, or for a more granular
override, specify a combination of person and job, or person, job, and
The job and organization represent the human resources job and organization of
the person. The jobs that you can select to associate with a labor costing override
are based on the person value. The organizations that you can select are based on
the job value. When you select a job, an organization is automatically selected by
default. The default organization value is based on the selected job assignment.
You can accept the default organization for the labor costing override, select a
different organization that is associated with the job and person, or remove the
organization so the labor costing override is for person and job combination.
In the example shown in the following table, a person is assigned the Nurse
job in two different organizations. When you select Nurse to create a labor
costing override, the application automatically selects the default organization
General Hospital. You can accept the General Hospital default organization,
or change the selection to the University Hospital organization, to create an
override for the person, job, and organization combination. Alternatively, you
can remove the organization value to create an override for the person, job, and
any organization.
Job Department Organization Person Type Primary
Nurse Administration General Hospital Employee Yes
Nurse Optometry University Hospital Contingent Worker No
Override by Rate, Rate Schedule, or Extension
When you use a labor costing override, an override rate, rate schedule, or
extension takes precedence over a standard rate schedule for the business unit.
When you select a labor costing rule for the override, if the costing method of the
rule is Extension, then the override type is Extension by default. If you do not
select a labor costing rule, you cannot select an override type of Extension.
People with Future-Dated and Terminated Assignments
You can set up labor costing overrides for people with a start date in the future
if you enable the People with Future Effective Start Dates as Project Members
23-8 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Allowed profile option. You can set up labor costing overrides for people with
terminated assignments if you enable the Number of Days to Display People
with Terminated Assignments profile option.
Organization Costing Rule Components: How They Work Together
Use organization costing rules to assign labor costing rules, labor cost rate
schedules, and nonlabor cost rate schedules, to business units or specific
expenditure organizations. The schedule type on the organization costing
rule determines if a labor cost rate schedule or nonlabor cost rate schedule is
The following components work together to determine organization costing
• Business unit and expenditure organization
• Schedule type
• Labor costing rule and cost rate schedule
• Default overtime transaction attributes
Business Unit and Expenditure Organization
If you select a business unit for an organization costing rule, Oracle Fusion
Projects limits the expenditure organizations that you can select to just the
organizations that belong to the project expenditure organization hierarchy for
the selected business unit. If you do not select a business unit for an organization
costing rule, you can select any expenditure organization that belongs to any
project expenditure organization hierarchy.
If you assign an organization labor costing rule to an organization that is not
classified as a project expenditure organization, the labor costing rule applies
to all organizations that are below the specified organization in the project
expenditure organization hierarchy, unless you assign a labor costing rule to an
organization at a lower level in the hierarchy.
For example, assume a hierarchy has three organizations: Organization 1,
Organization 2, and Organization 3. Organization 1 is the parent of Organization
2. Organization 2 is the parent of Organization 3. Organization 3 is the only
organization that is classified as a project expenditure organization. If you assign
organization labor costing rules only to Organization 1 and Organization 2, the
rule that you assign to Organization 2 takes precedence for Organization 3.
Schedule Type
Use the Labor schedule type to use labor cost rate schedules to calculate costs for
labor transactions such as timecards. If you select a schedule type of Labor, you
must enter a labor costing rule.
Use the Nonlabor schedule type to use nonlabor cost rate schedules to calculate
costs for nonlabor transactions such as miscellaneous or usage transactions.
Project Foundation Configuration: Define Rate Schedules and Costing Rules 23-9
If you select a schedule type of Nonlabor, you must enter a nonlabor cost rate
If the plan type is configured to use actual rates, the pricing engine also uses
these rates for planning, budgeting, and forecasting transactions.
Labor Costing Rule and Cost Rate Schedule
To calculate labor costs, you must assign a labor costing rule to each expenditure
organization. You assign a labor costing rule to the organization costing rule.
If the labor costing rule has a costing method of Rates, you must also assign a
cost rate schedule that defines the hourly cost rates for employees in the selected
The labor costing rules and cost rate schedules that you assign to an organization
apply to all employees in the organization.
Default Overtime Transaction Attributes
If an organization uses the Overtime Calculation extension, you can enter default
overtime projects and tasks for the system-generated transactions.
Extensions for Define Rate Schedules and Costing Rules
Labor Costing Extension
Use Labor Costing Extensions to derive raw cost amounts for individual labor
transactions. Examples of labor costing extensions that you may define are:
• Standard cost rate by job
• Capped labor cost rates
• Multiple cost rates per employee
The extension is identified by the following items:
Extension Component Name
Body template pjf_client_extn_costing.pkb
Specification template pjf_client_extn_costing.pkh
Procedure calc_raw_cost
Do not change the name of the extension procedures or parameters. Also, do not
change the parameter types or parameter order in your procedure. After you
write a procedure, compile it and store it in the database.
23-10 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
In the following table is information about parameters for this extension:
Parameter Name Description
Transaction type The default value is ACTUAL. Other values are
Transaction interface identifier Passed in when the transaction type is ACTUAL.
Expenditure type class Refers to system linkage function.
Resource assignment identifier Passed in when the transaction type is BUDGET or
FORECAST and when invoked for labor planning
transactions when actual rates are used.
Transaction raw cost The raw cost amount that your procedure calculates
is assigned to the x_raw_cost parameter. Leave this
value blank to use the standard costing method
which uses the employee's hourly cost rate. If you
pass a value to this parameter, Oracle Fusion Projects
calculates the raw cost rate of the transaction using
the x_raw_cost parameter value divided by the
number of hours.
Transaction currency Currency in which the transaction is incurred.
Status Use the x_status parameter to handle error
conditions for your procedure. This parameter
indicates the processing status of your extension as
• x_status is 0: The extension executed
• x_status is less than 0: An application error
occurred and the process did not complete.
• x_status is greater than 0: An application error
occurred and the process did not complete.
Error details An application error occurs if the extension fails
to return a value for the raw cost rate or amount.
Oracle Fusion Projects writes an error message to the
process log file.
Cost rate Parameter returned by the extension.
You can use Labor Costing Extensions to implement unique costing methods
other than the standard method, which calculates raw cost using the number of
hours multiplied by the employee's hourly cost rate. For example, you may want
to calculate the raw cost using a capped labor rate for specific employees.
Oracle Fusion Projects processes Labor Costing Extensions before calculating
standard raw cost amounts. If Oracle Fusion Projects encounters a Labor Costing
Extension that derives the raw cost amount of a labor transaction, it skips the
standard raw cost calculation section for that transaction.
Overtime Calculation Extension
Use the Overtime Calculation Extension to define your own rules to implement
company-specific overtime calculation policies.
Project Foundation Configuration: Define Rate Schedules and Costing Rules 23-11
The extension is identified by the following items:
Extension Component Name
Body template pjc_client_extn_calc_overtime.pkb
Specification template pjc_client_extn_calc_overtime.pkh
Package pjc_client_extn_calc_overtime
Oracle Fusion Projects provides sample business rules in the Overtime
Calculation Extension. You can use the sample to understand the extension, and
then make appropriate changes to meet your business needs.
The sample business rules in the extension calculate overtime costs and charge
them to an indirect project other than the project where the labor is charged.
If you want to charge overtime to the project where the labor is charged, consider
creating items using the Related Transaction Extension.
Points to consider when implementing the Overtime Calculation Extension:
• Define all overtime expenditure types with an end date.
• Base automatic overtime calculation on weekly overtime rules. Oracle
Fusion Projects is designed to process weekly time cards. All expenditure
item dates on a time card must be within the expenditure week ending
date of the time card. Therefore, automatic overtime calculation is most
easily performed based on weekly overtime rules.
The sample business rules in the Overtime Calculation Extension follows these
steps to process overtime:
• Determines all employees and corresponding weeks which may include
new overtime to process. The Overtime Calculation Extension calculates
and creates overtime only for employees with time cards processed in
the Import and Process Cost Transactions process that calls the Overtime
Calculation Extension. These employees and weeks are identified by the
request ID of the straight time expenditure items that are costed before the
Overtime Calculation Extension is called.
• Sums the hours required to calculate overtime for identified employees
and weeks. The standard Overtime Calculation Extension sums the total
hours for the week and the total hours for each day of the week, relying
on the time card entry validation rule that all labor expenditure item dates
must be within the expenditure week ending date of the time card.
• Calculates overtime hours based on the hours worked, the employee's
labor costing rule, and other criteria you specify. The standard Overtime
Calculation Extension calculates overtime for an employee and a week
based on the employee's labor costing rule.
• Creates overtime expenditure items for each type of overtime for which
the employee is eligible. The overtime item is charged to the overtime
23-12 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
project and appropriate overtime task that is specified in the Overtime
Calculation Extension using the overtime expenditure type defined for the
employee's labor costing rule. The expenditure item date is set to the week
ending date.
The extension uses the same batch name as the source straight time
expenditure items to create the new overtime expenditure items.
• Lists overtime transactions created by this extension in the Import and
Process Cost Transactions Execution Report.
The new overtime items are costed after the Overtime Calculation Extension
completes, within the Costing stage in the Import and Process Cost Transactions
Project Foundation Configuration: Define Labor Costing Business Unit Options 24-1
Project Foundation Configuration: Define
Labor Costing Business Unit Options
Overtime Calculation Components: How They Work Together
If you charge overtime costs to a project, you can use Oracle Fusion Projects
to record the cost premium that you pay for overtime. Your business can then
recover overtime costs with higher bill rates or higher overhead rates.
You can set up Oracle Fusion Projects to calculate overtime hours and charge the
hours to your overtime project using one of the following methods:
• Manually enter time card transactions to calculate overtime hours and
charge them to a project.
• Implement the Overtime Calculation Extension to calculate and charge
the hours to a project automatically.
Other components of overtime cost calculations are:
• Costing Method
• Overtime Expenditure Types
• Labor Costing Multipliers
• Labor Costing Rules
• Overtime Projects and Tasks
Rates Costing Method
If you enter overtime hours manually, you can assign cost multipliers to
overtime expenditure types. When you use the Rates costing method, and a
transaction is charged to an expenditure type that has an assigned labor costing
multiplier, the application applies the multiplier as labor costs are calculated. To
calculate rates for overtime expenditure items, before you define labor costing
rules, you must define an expenditure type with the Overtime expenditure type
When you charge overtime to the project on which overtime was worked, you
can track all overtime costs on one expenditure item. Oracle Fusion Projects
24-2 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
uses the following formula to calculate the overtime premium cost: (Overtime
Hours * Hourly Cost Rate) + (Overtime Hours * Hourly Cost Rate * Labor
Cost Multiplier).
Extension Costing Method
Use the Overtime Calculation Extension to define your own rules to implement
company-specific overtime calculation policies. The application calculates
labor costs based on the logic that you configure in the extension. If you use
this extension, labor costing rules establish the default overtime transaction
attributes, such as business unit, project, and task. In addition, you are not
required to maintain hourly cost rates in Oracle Fusion Projects.
Sample business rules in the Overtime Calculation Extension calculate and
charge overtime costs to a project other than the project where the labor is
charged. You can use this extension to create overtime transactions as separate
expenditure items to track overtime costs. In addition, you can customize this
extension to use multiple projects to track costs.
To charge overtime to the project where the labor is charged, consider creating
overtime expenditure items using the Related Transaction Extension.
If you use both the Overtime Calculation Extension and Related Transaction
Extension, then you must define conditions in both extensions so that each
transaction is processed by only one of the extensions.
You must select the Enable Overtime Calculations business unit
implementation option for the Import and Process Cost Transactions process to
use the custom logic that you configure in the Overtime Calculation Extension to
create overtime premium transactions.
Overtime Expenditure Types
You must set up at least one overtime expenditure type that is classified by the
Overtime expenditure type class.
Following are examples of overtime premium expenditure types and the
corresponding expenditure type class:
Expenditure Type Expenditure Type Class
Double Time Premium Overtime
Time and Half Premium Overtime
Labor Costing Multipliers
Labor costing multipliers are values by which labor cost rates are multiplied to
calculate overtime premiums. You define a labor cost multiplier for each type
of overtime your business uses, such as double time or time and a half. For
Project Foundation Configuration: Define Labor Costing Business Unit Options 24-3
example, if you pay a person double time for all overtime hours, then define a
labor cost multiplier of 1.0. The person's labor cost rate is multiplied by 1.0 to
calculate the person's overtime premium labor cost rate. If you pay a person
time and a half for all overtime hours, then define a labor cost multiplier of 0.5 to
calculate the person's overtime premium labor cost rate.
Oracle Fusion Projects uses the following formula to calculate the overtime
premium cost rate: Labor Cost Rate * Labor Cost Multiplier = Overtime
Premium Labor Cost Rate. The application then multiplies the overtime premium
labor cost rate by the number of overtime hours a person works to calculate the
overtime premium for that person, as shown in this formula: Overtime Premium
Labor Cost Rate * Overtime Hours = Overtime Premium Cost.
A person's total labor cost is the overtime premium cost plus the total number
of hours that the person worked multiplied by the person's labor cost rate, as
shown in this formula: Overtime Premium Cost + (Total Hours * Labor Cost
Rate) = Total Labor Cost.
For example, assume that a person worked 10 hours of overtime at a rate of time
and a half. The labor cost multiplier is 0.5, and the person's labor cost rate is
$40.00. Oracle Fusion Projects calculates the person's total labor cost as follows:
• $40.00 * 0.5 = $20.00 per hour Overtime Premium Labor Cost Rate
• $20.00 * 10 hours = $200.00 Overtime Premium Cost
• $200.00 + (10 * $40.00) = $600.00 Total Labor Cost
Labor Costing Rules
Labor costing rules associate overtime expenditure types with labor costing
multipliers and determine how straight time and overtime costs are calculated.
When a person charges time to a project, Oracle Fusion Projects processes the
labor hours according to the person's labor costing rule.
You specify the default overtime project and overtime task in the labor costing
rule to be used for the overtime expenditure items that are generated by the
Overtime Calculation Extension.
Overtime Projects and Tasks
You can define one project to hold all overtime costs, or you can define many
projects, such as one project for each group or office in your company. For
example, you can create an overtime project for each office. You then charge each
employee's overtime hours to the overtime project for the office to which they
are assigned.
For each overtime project, you must define a task for each type of overtime your
business uses. Examples of task names are Time and Half, Double Time, and
Uncompensated Overtime.
If you use more than one project to hold overtime costs and you use the
Overtime Calculation Extension to create overtime transactions automatically,
you must include the logic in the extension to charge the overtime hours to
the appropriate overtime project. You must also include logic in the Overtime
Calculation Extension to charge overtime hours to the appropriate overtime task.
24-4 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Project Foundation Configuration: Define Project Resource Breakdown Structures 25-1
Project Foundation Configuration: Define
Project Resource Breakdown Structures
Manage Planning and Billing Resource Breakdown Structures
Planning Resource Breakdown Structures: Explained
A planning resource breakdown structure is a list of valid planning resource
formats available for financial and project planning and control. A resource
format is a hierarchy of up to three resource types.
Before you can set up resource breakdown structures, you must set up the
• Attributes for the predefined resource classes of labor, equipment,
material items, and financial resources.
• Inventory items, including item categories and item cost, if applicable.
• Resource elements, such as event types, expenditure categories,
expenditure types, jobs, organizations, people, revenue categories, roles,
and suppliers.
Setting up planning resource breakdown structures is a three-step guided
process. The following diagram illustrates the flow of planning resource
breakdown structures as they are created and added to projects or project
25-2 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
As shown in the diagram, the steps to set up planning resource breakdown
structures include the following:
• Define planning resource breakdown structure details
• Select resource formats
• Add planning resources
The last two steps shown in the diagram (add resource breakdown structures to
a project or template and select the primary resource breakdown structure) occur
during project or template definition.
Resource Breakdown Structure Details
Planning resource breakdown structure details include the following attributes:
• Date range during which this planning resource breakdown structure is
available to assign to projects
• Project unit
• Indicator that specifies whether resource changes are allowed at the
project level
If resource changes are not allowed at the project level, then all projects
with the same planning resource breakdown structure share the same set of
resources, and it is not possible to define additional resources in the context of
an individual project. For example, new resources and resource formats that are
Project Foundation Configuration: Define Project Resource Breakdown Structures 25-3
added to a planning resource breakdown structure for one project are available
to all projects with this planning resource breakdown structure.
If resource changes are allowed at the project level, then in addition to the
resources defined centrally on this resource breakdown structure, you can add
resources for an individual project that are not available to other projects with
the same planning resource breakdown structure. However, resource formats are
still shared between the projects.
Resource Formats
You select resource formats to add to the planning resource breakdown structure.
Planning resource breakdown structures can have resource formats with up to
three hierarchical levels of resource types, as shown in the following example:
• Organization
• Expenditure category
• Named person
If you select a child resource format, the application automatically selects
the parent. For example, if you select the resource format of organization-
expenditure category-named person, the application automatically selects the
organization-expenditure category format and expenditure category format.
The resource breakdown structure consists of one or more hierarchies of
resource elements. An element is a resource type, such as an organization or
job, or a combination of resource type and specified resource, such as the job of
consultant or a person named Amy Marlin.
The following diagram shows examples of hierarchical levels of resource
25-4 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Planning Resources
You can add planning resources to any level of the resource format. You are not
required to add resources to every level.
For example, assume that your resource breakdown structure has a resource
format with three hierarchical levels. The top level is organization, the second
level is expenditure category, and the third level is named person. You can add
an organization resource to the first level, an expenditure category resource to
the second level, and a named person to the third level. Alternatively, you may
add a named person to the third level only, and not add planning resources to
the first two levels.
After you add planning resources to the resource breakdown structure, you
can preview actual transaction associations to find out where actual transaction
amounts would be mapped in the project plan, budget, or forecast.
You update the resource mappings with these planning resources for the
planning resource breakdown structures that are used on the project plan and
in project forecasts. When you update the mappings, the project performance
reporting data are synchronized with the planning resource breakdown
Primary Resource Breakdown Structure
You designate one planning resource breakdown structure as the primary
structure on a project. The primary planning resource breakdown structure is
used for project planning.
Billing Resource Breakdown Structures: Explained
Use a billing resource breakdown structure to manage billing controls.
You need only a single level billing resource breakdown structures to create
billing controls.
Predefined Billing Resource Breakdown Structures
Oracle Fusion Projects provides the following two predefined billing resource
breakdown structures:
• Control Billing: Provides a list of resources you can reference when
creating billing controls on regular contracts.
• Control Intercompany Billing: Provides a list of resources you can
reference when creating billing controls on intercompany and interproject
You cannot create or delete these billing resource breakdown structures. You can
edit the resource formats and specify the associated billing resources to meet the
needs of your enterprise.
Project Foundation Configuration: Define Project Resource Breakdown Structures 25-5
Resource Formats and Resource Classes: How They Work Together
to Create Planning Resources
The resources you can create for planning and billing resource breakdown
structures are determined by a combination of predefined resource classes and
the resource format hierarchies you select for use.
Resource Formats and Resource Format Hierarchies
Before creating planning or billing resources, you must select the resource
formats and resource format hierarchies you want to use on your resource
breakdown structure. For example, if you want to plan for project-related
expenses such as air fare, then you must select resource format hierarchies
created using the resource type Expenditure Type.
Also, as resource format hierarchies support up to three levels, selecting from
the available hierarchies enables you to determine the granularity with which
resources are created.
For example, for planning resource breakdown structures used for high-level
or preliminary planning, you may decide to enable only the Resource Class
resource format. You can then create and use planning resources representing
the four resource classes: Labor, Equipment, Material Items, and Financial
To plan in greater detail, you may decide to use a two-level resource format
hierarchy, such as Resource Class: Job or a three-level hierarchy such as
Resource Class: Job: Named Person. You can then create a resource such as
Labor: Electrical Engineer or Labor: Electrical Engineer: Chris Black.
Selecting more granular resource formats automatically selects resource formats
higher up within the same hierarchy. For example, if you select the resource
format Expenditure Type: Named Person: Job, then the resource formats
Expenditure Type: Named Person and Expenditure Type are automatically
selected for use.
Resource Classes
Resource classes influence the creation of planning and billing resources in the
following ways:
• Resource class as a resource format: As mentioned earlier, Resource
Class is a resource type that is available for use within resource format
hierarchies on planning and billing resource breakdown structures.
• Predefined association with resource formats: For each resource format,
you can create planning or billing resources based on certain resource
classes. For example, if the resource format contains Job, then the only
available resource class is Labor. However, if the resource format is
Expenditure Category, then you can select any of the resource classes
25-6 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
(Labor, Material, Equipment, and Financial Resources) when you create a
Resource Formats: Explained
Resource formats are predefined resource types or hierarchies of resource types.
You create resources for planning or billing resource breakdown structures based
on resource formats.
Following is a description of resource types and resource format hierarchies.
Resource Types
Resource formats are created based on the following predefined resource types.
Name Description
Named Person Employee or a contingent worker who performs
services for the deploying enterprise.
Event Type Implementation-defined classification of events
that determines the revenue and invoice effect of an
Expenditure Category Implementation-defined grouping of expenditure
types by type of cost.
Expenditure Type Classification of cost assigned to each expenditure
item. Expenditure types are grouped into cost
groups (expenditure categories) and revenue groups
(revenue categories).
Item Category Categorization of inventory items that is used to
track the aggregate consumption of material.
Inventory Item An item that can be purchased or produced, and for
which you can budget and track the costs associated
with the consumption of the item.
Job A set of duties to which an employee can be
Organization Divisions, groups, cost centers, or other
organizational units within a company.
System Person Type Distinguishes employees and contingent workers.
For example, assume that a project requires 100
hours of labor effort and you have resources only
for 80 hours. You can plan 80 hours of employee
time and 20 hours of contingent worker time on the
Project Nonlabor Resource Implementation-defined asset or pool of assets.
An asset may represent actual pieces of equipment
whose time is consumed, or an asset whose output is
Resource Class Higher-level grouping of planning resources, into
labor, equipment, material items, and financial
resources, that drives how resources are used.
Revenue Category Implementation-defined grouping of expenditure
types by type of revenue.
Project Foundation Configuration: Define Project Resource Breakdown Structures 25-7
Supplier A business or individual that provides goods or
services, or both in return for payment.
Resource Format Hierarchies
Resource formats consist of one resource type or a hierarchy of up to three
resource types. Before you add planning resources to a planning or billing
resource breakdown structure, you must select the resource formats you want to
use. For example, you can add the resource formats Job, Job: Organization, and
Job: Organization: Named Person to your resource breakdown structure.
The resource formats and resource format hierarchy determine how planning
amounts roll up and are displayed when you view financial and project plans by
resource structure. Thus, each resource format hierarchy represents a separate
structure. For example, the resource format hierarchies Job: Expenditure Type:
Organization and Organization: Expenditure Type: Job are distinct.
Resource Mapping: How It Is Calculated
The Update Mapping process matches actual costs and revenue to the latest,
saved planning resources for project planning and forecasting. Summarized
actual costs and revenue are recalculated for project performance reporting.
Resource Mapping Considerations
Consider these points when using the Update Mapping process:
• You can update resource mappings after you change resource formats or
add resources, and save the resource breakdown structure.
• Baseline project plan values are not affected by the Update Mapping
• The Update Mapping process applies only if you do not allow resource
changes at the project level.
If you allow resource changes at the project level, use the Update Actual
Amounts action on the project plan to update the actual amounts for all tasks
on the project plan. Use the process monitor to start the process to summarize
project performance data for reporting.
• After running the Update Mapping process, regenerate forecast versions
to reflect the new actual costs.
How Resource Mapping Is Calculated
You can track the cost impact of every resource that has been assigned to a
project task and use the resource breakdown structure to view the breakdown of
these costs. Oracle Fusion Projects associates the costs of the resources used for
25-8 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
tasks with branches and levels in the resource breakdown structure. The process
for determining the correct association is managed by rules of precedence.
Oracle Fusion Projects uses the following rules to associate cost amounts with
• Select the lowest level in the resource breakdown structure to which a
transaction can map.
• If there is only one level to which the transaction maps, the cost
amounts are mapped to that level.
• If the transaction maps to more than one level, Oracle Fusion Projects
sums the precedence numbers for all resource types in the branch, and
gives precedence to the resource element in the branch with the lowest
• If more than one branch has the lowest precedence number at the lower
level, the application uses the precedence number of the next level up.
• If the sum of precedence numbers is the same for more than one branch,
precedence is given to the branch with the lowest number at the lowest
• If one branch contains a user-defined resource type, precedence is
given to the branch that does not contain a user-defined resource type.
Oracle Fusion Projects gives more precedence to a lower precedence number. For
example, a resource element with a precedence number of 1 is given precedence
over a resource element with a precedence number of 10.
Rules of precedence are listed in the following table:
Resource Type Precedence in
Labor Resource
in Equipment
Resource Class
Precedence in
Material Items
Resource Class
in Financial
Resource Class
Named Person 1 1 1 1
Project Nonlabor
3 3 3 3
Inventory Item 5 5 5 5
Job 6 6 6 6
Item Category 8 8 8 8
Expenditure Type 9 9 9 9
Event Type 10 10 10 10
11 11 11 11
Revenue Category 12 12 12 12
Organization 13 13 15 15
System Person Type 14 14 14 14
Project Foundation Configuration: Define Project Resource Breakdown Structures 25-9
Supplier 15 15 13 13
Resource Class 16 16 16 16
Example of Resource Mapping Using Rules of Precedence
This example illustrates that precedence is given to the branch with the lowest
number at the lowest level if the sum of precedence numbers is the same for
more than one branch.
In this example, a time card transaction for a principle consultant who incurs
travel expenses maps to two branches.
• The first branch consists of two levels (1-Person Type: Employee and 1.1-
Job: Principle Consultant). The highest level has a precedence number of
14, and the lowest level has a precedence number of 6, for a sum of 20 for
the branch
• The second branch also consists of two levels (2-Expenditure Category:
Expenses and 2.1-Expenditure Type: Travel). The highest level has a
precedence number of 11, and the lowest level has a precedence number
of 9, for a sum of 20 for the branch.
The transaction cost amount is mapped to the Job: Principle Consultant resource
element because it has the lowest number (6) at the lowest level.
FAQs for Manage Planning and Billing Resource Breakdown Structures
Can I add new resource formats?
No. Oracle Fusion Projects provides a set of predefined resource formats. You
select resource formats as the basis for adding resources to planning and billing
resource breakdown structures.
Can I add new billing resource breakdown structures?
No. You cannot create billing resource breakdown structures. However, you
can add billing resources to the two predefined billing resource breakdown
structures, Control Billing and Control Intercompany Billing, as required.
25-10 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
What's a default planning resource breakdown structure?
A planning resource breakdown structure consisting of one resource format
(resource class) with four associated planning resources: Labor, Equipment,
Material Items, and Financial Resources.
A default planning resource breakdown structure is created automatically
for each project unit. When you create a project template, it is selected as the
primary planning resource breakdown structure. You can designate other
planning resource breakdown structures as primary if required. However, you
cannot remove the default planning resource breakdown structure from the
project template or project.
What's a primary resource breakdown structure?
A planning resource breakdown structure that is selected as the primary at the
project template or project level. The primary planning resource breakdown
structure is used for project planning.
When you create a project template, the default planning resource breakdown
structure for the project unit is automatically added and set as primary. You can
add additional planning resource breakdown structures to the template and
set any one of them as primary. Projects inherit planning resource breakdown
structures from the associated template. As with templates, you can add or
remove planning resource breakdown structures and change the primary
designation as required.
What's the difference between a planning resource breakdown structure, billing
resource breakdown structure, and a reporting resource breakdown structure?
Planning resource breakdown structures provide a list of resource formats
and associated planning resources that you can use for project and financial
planning, and optionally, project reporting.
Billing resource breakdown structures are similar in organization to planning
resource breakdown structures. However, only two predefined billing resource
breakdown structures exist and they provide a restricted set of implementation-
defined resource formats and billing resources that are used for invoicing and
recognizing revenue for contracts.
Reporting resource breakdown structures provide a resource hierarchy
consisting of resources, resource types, and other resource groupings, which is
used for reporting on planning and actual amounts on a project. Also, unlike
planning and billing resource breakdown structures, you can use reporting
resource breakdown structures in allocation rules to determine the allocation
source and basis amounts.
What happens if I change a name used in a resource combination on a resource
breakdown structure?
If you change the value of a resource type used in a resource combination, you
must run the Refresh Resource Breakdown Structure Element Names process
Project Foundation Configuration: Define Project Resource Breakdown Structures 25-11
to refresh the value that appears in the combination. For example, assume you
have a resource that includes the expenditure type named Telephone Charges
in the resource combination. If you change the name from Telephone Charges
to Communication Charges on the expenditure type setup page, the change
will not appear in the resource combination until you run the Refresh Resource
Breakdown Structure Element Names process.
Manage Reporting Resource Breakdown Structures
Reporting Resource Breakdown Structure Versions: Explained
Use reporting resource breakdown structures to view the rolled-up data in
Oracle Fusion Project Performance Reporting. The structure provides a method
for viewing planned and actual cost and revenue for a project by resource,
resource type, and other resource groupings.
Reporting resource breakdown structure versions provide a history of resource
breakdown structures used for resource reporting.
When a resource breakdown structure is created, a working version is
automatically created. You can have only one working version at a time. You can
make changes to the working version until you are ready to freeze it.
Only a frozen version can be associated with a project. When you freeze one
version, a new working version is created on which you can make further
When you freeze a resource breakdown structure version, that version becomes
the current reporting version the next time project performance data is
summarized. Although you can have multiple frozen versions, only one is used
for current reporting at any given time.
Resource Types and Resources
All planning resource breakdown structures can be used for reporting.
In addition, you can build reporting resource breakdown structures based on the
resource types and resources already defined in the system. Select the resource
type and specify the associated resource for each level of the hierarchy. You can
create up to ten hierarchical levels in a reporting resource breakdown structure.
This is different than planning resource breakdown structures, which may
contain up to three hierarchical levels.
The User Defined resource type enables you to define your own groups of
resources. Select the User Defined resource type, enter a free-form definition of
the group, and then create hierarchical levels that link the actual resource types
and resources.
Cost Allocations
Enable the Use For Allocations option if you want to allocate costs with this
reporting resource breakdown structure.
25-12 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
If you enable this option, you can select this reporting resource breakdown
structure when defining source and target details for an allocation rule. In this
situation, the reporting resource breakdown structure must be assigned to all
source or target projects.
FAQs for Manage Reporting Resource Breakdown Structures
What's the difference between a planning resource breakdown structure, billing
resource breakdown structure, and a reporting resource breakdown structure?
Planning resource breakdown structures provide a list of resource formats
and associated planning resources that you can use for project and financial
planning, and optionally, project reporting.
Billing resource breakdown structures are similar in organization to planning
resource breakdown structures. However, only two predefined billing resource
breakdown structures exist and they provide a restricted set of implementation-
defined resource formats and billing resources that are used for invoicing and
recognizing revenue for contracts.
Reporting resource breakdown structures provide a resource hierarchy
consisting of resources, resource types, and other resource groupings, which is
used for reporting on planning and actual amounts on a project. Also, unlike
planning and billing resource breakdown structures, you can use reporting
resource breakdown structures in allocation rules to determine the allocation
source and basis amounts.
Project Foundation Configuration: Define Burdening 26-1
Project Foundation Configuration: Define
Manage Burden Cost Base Types, Bases, and Codes
Burden Costs: How They Are Calculated
Burdening provides a buildup of raw and burden costs to represent the total
cost of doing business accurately. You can calculate burdened costs as a buildup
of costs using a precedence of multipliers. Taking the raw cost, Oracle Fusion
Project Costing performs a buildup of burden costs on raw costs to provide a
true representation of costs. Using burdening, you can perform internal costing,
revenue accrual, and billing for any type of burdened costs that your company
applies to raw costs.
Settings That Affect Burden Cost Calculation Processing
You define the projects that need to be burdened by enabling project types for
burdening. When you specify that a project type is burdened, you must then
specify the burden schedule to be used. The burden schedule stores the burden
multipliers and indicates the transactions to be burdened, based on cost bases
defined in the burden structure. You specify the expenditure types that are
included in each cost base. With burdening, you can use an unlimited number
of burden cost codes, easily revise burden schedules, and retroactively adjust
multipliers. You can define different burden schedules for costing, revenue, and
billing purposes.
How Burden Costs Are Calculated
The calculation of burden cost includes the following processing decision logic
and calculations:
The following is a diagram of the burden cost calculation process and its
26-2 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
1. Expenditure items with a raw cost amount are selected for processing.
2. The process determines if the related project type of the expenditure item
is defined for burdening.
3. If the project type is enabled for burdening, then the process determines
the burden schedule to be used.
4. If the project type is not enabled for burdening, then the expenditure
item is not burdened. The process assumes the burden multiplier is zero;
therefore, burden cost is zero and thus burdened cost equals raw cost.
5. To determine which burden multiplier to use, the process determines if
there is a burden schedule override for the expenditure.
6. If a burden schedule override exists, then the process uses the task burden
schedule override on the associated task.
7. If no task burden schedule override exists on the associated task, then
the process uses the project burden schedule override on the associated
8. If there are no burden schedule overrides, the process determines the
burden schedule to use for burden cost calculations in the following order:
a. Burden schedule assigned at the task level
b. Burden schedule assigned at the project level
9. The process checks if a fixed date is specified for burdening. If yes, it uses
the fixed date to determine the schedule version.
Project Foundation Configuration: Define Burdening 26-3
10. If fixed date is not specified, then the process uses the expenditure item to
determine the burden schedule version.
11. After a schedule version is determined, the process verifies that the
expenditure type of the expenditure item is found in any of the cost bases
of the selected burden schedule version.
12. If an expenditure type is excluded from all cost bases in the burden
structure, then the expenditure items that use that expenditure type are
not burdened (burden cost equals zero, thus burdened cost equals raw
13. The application calculates burden cost and burdened cost amounts
according to the following calculation formulas:
• Burden cost equals raw cost multiplied by a burden multiplier.
• Burdened cost equals the sum of raw cost and burden costs.
Cost Buildup
The burden structure assigned to the burden schedule version determines
whether calculations are additive or based on the precedence assigned to each
cost code. A burden structure can be additive or precedence based.
If you have multiple burden cost codes, an additive burden structure applies
each burden cost code to the raw costs in the appropriate cost base. The
examples in the following tables illustrate how Oracle Fusion Projects calculates
burdened cost as a buildup of raw and burden costs and how different burden
structures using the same cost codes can result in different total burdened costs:
The following table shows the cost codes and multipliers for calculating
burdened cost using the additive burden structure.
Cost Code Precedence Multiplier
Overhead 1 .10
Material Handling 1 .10
General Administrative Costs 1 .10
Cost Type Calculation Amount
Raw Cost Not Applicable 1000.00
Overhead 1000.00 X 0.10 100.00
Material Handling 1000.00 X 0.10 100.00
General Administrative Costs 1000.00 X 0.10 100.00
Burdened Cost 1000.00+100.00+1000.00+100.00 1300.00
A precedence burden structure is cumulative and applies each cost code to
the running total of the raw costs, burdened with all previous cost codes. The
calculation applies the multiplier for the cost code with the lowest precedence
number to the raw cost amount.
The calculation applies the cost code with the next lowest precedence to
the subtotal of the raw cost plus the burden cost for the first multiplier. The
calculation logic continues in the same way through the remaining cost codes. If
two cost codes have the same precedence number, then both are applied to the
same subtotal amount.
26-4 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
The following table shows the cost codes and multipliers for calculating
burdened cost using the precedence burden structure for a nonrate-based
expenditure item:
Cost Code Precedence Multiplier
Overhead 10 .10
Material Handling 20 .10
General Administrative Costs 30 .10
Cost Type Calculation Amount
Raw Cost Not Applicable 1000.00
Overhead 1000.00 X 0.10 100.00
Material Handling (1000.00+100.00) X 0.10 110.00
General Administrative Costs (1000.00+100.00+110.00) X 0.10 121.00
Burdened Cost 1000.00 +100.00 +110.00+121.00 1331.00
The order of the burden cost codes has no effect on the total burdened cost with
either additive or precedence burden structures.
Creating Burden Cost Bases: Example
You use burden cost bases in burden structures to group the burden cost codes
with the expenditure types to which they will be applied. As a result, you need
to create burden cost bases to support each unique grouping of burden cost
codes and expenditure types.
The following scenario illustrates burden cost bases that are used to group raw
costs for the purpose of calculating burdened costs.
Burden Cost Bases
Burden cost bases with the type Burden Cost, as shown in the following table,
are used to group raw costs for the purpose of calculating burdened costs.
Reports sort cost bases first by the report order value and then by the cost base
Cost Base Report Order Cost Base Type
Labor 10 Burden Cost
Material 20 Burden Cost
Expense 30 Burden Cost
Oracle Fusion Projects predefines the cost base types Burden Cost and Other.
Creating Burden Cost Codes: Example
The following scenario illustrates burden cost codes that represent distinct types
of burden to apply to raw costs.
Burden Cost Codes
Burden cost codes are created for each type of burden that will be applied to
raw costs. In this example, assume that labor raw costs are burdened with fringe
Project Foundation Configuration: Define Burdening 26-5
benefits, overhead, and administrative costs. Material raw costs are burdened
with material handling fees and administrative costs. Expenses are burdened
only with administrative costs.
You can optionally assign an expenditure type to any burden cost code to
capture burden costs on separate, summarized expenditure items. Only
expenditure types with a Burden Transactions expenditure type class are
available for assignment to a burden cost code. The assigned expenditure type
becomes the expenditure type for that type of burden cost.
Expenditure types that you assign to burden cost codes must be classified as a
Burden Transactions expenditure type.
Ensure that the expenditure types that you assign to burden cost codes are
assigned to the reference data sets for each project unit that will own projects
receiving summarized burden transactions.
The following table shows burden cost codes that represent distinct types of
burden to apply to raw costs.
Burden Cost Code Description Expenditure Type
Administrative Corporate expenses such as
corporate staff and marketing
General and Administrative
Fringe - Faculty Employer paid payroll costs,
insurance, and pension for faculty
Fringe Benefits
Fringe - Staff Employer paid payroll costs and
insurance for staff
Fringe Benefits
Material Handling Material handling fees Material
Overhead Support staff, equipment rental,
supplies, building rent, and
FAQs for Manage Burden Cost Base Types, Bases, and Codes
What's a cost base type?
Identifies whether the burden cost base is used for burden cost calculations
or grouping expenditure items for different purposes. Oracle Fusion Projects
provides two predefined cost base types: Burden Cost and Other. Cost bases
with the type Burden Cost are used in burden calculations. Cost bases with a
type other than Burden Cost are not included in burden calculations; these cost
bases are used for grouping expenditure types for different purposes, such as for
billing extension calculations.
When do I create burden cost codes?
Before you create burden cost codes, you define an expenditure type for burden
cost codes that will be processed as separate, summarized burden transactions.
The expenditure type assigned to a burden cost code must be classified as a
burden transaction and belong to the reference data set for the project unit.
After you create burden cost codes, you can add it to a burden structure and
specify what cost base it is applied to, the expenditure types it is associated with,
and the order in which it is applied to raw costs within the cost base.
Manage Burden Structures
26-6 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Defining Burden Structures: Example
The following scenario illustrates the relationship between expenditure types
and burden cost codes in a burden structure. This relationship determines what
burden costs Oracle Fusion Project Costing applies to specific raw costs.
Before you can define burden structures, you must define expenditure types,
burden cost bases, and burden cost codes.
Burden Structure
The following diagram shows the expenditure types and burden cost codes that
are assigned to the Labor, Material, and Expense burden cost bases.
The following table shows the multipliers that are used to calculate burden
costs for raw costs in the Labor, Material, and Expense cost bases. This is an
additive burden structure that applies each burden cost code to the raw costs in
the appropriate cost base.
Multipliers are defined on the burden schedule.
Burden Cost
Raw Cost
Amount (USD)
Cost Code
Labor Fringe
Cost Code
Cost Code
Cost Code
Labor 1,000 .20 .20 .40
Material 500 .20 .25
Project Foundation Configuration: Define Burdening 26-7
Expense 400 .20
The following diagram shows the resulting burdened costs for labor, material,
and expenses.
Additive and Precedence Burden Structures: Examples
A burden structure can be additive or precedence based. If you have multiple
burden cost codes, an additive burden structure applies each burden cost code
to the raw cost in the appropriate cost base. A precedence burden structure
is cumulative and applies each cost code to the running total of the raw cost,
burdened with all previous cost codes. You assign the multiplier on the burden
schedule that Oracle Fusion Project Costing uses to perform the cost buildup for
each detailed transaction.
Additive Burden Structure
Create an additive burden structure to apply each burden cost code assigned to a
cost base using the same precedence when calculating burden costs, as shown in
the following table.
Cost Code Precedence Multiplier Formula Amount (USD)
Raw Cost 100.00
Overhead 1 0.50 0.50 * 100.00 50.00
Fringe Benefits 1 0.30 0.30 * 100.00 30.00
General and
1 0.20 0.20 * 100.00 20.00
Burdened Cost 200.00
26-8 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Each burden cost code in an additive burden structure is automatically assigned
a default precedence value of 1.
Precedence Burden Structure
Create a precedence burden structure to specify the order in which each burden
cost code assigned to a cost base is applied to raw costs, as shown in the
following table.
Cost Code Precedence Multiplier Formula Amount (USD)
Raw Cost 100.00
Overhead 10 0.50 0.50 * 100.00 50.00
Fringe Benefits 20 0.30 0.30 * 150.00 45.00
General and
30 0.20 0.20 * 195.00 39.00
Burdened Cost 234.00
Burden Structure Components: How They Work Together
You define the project cost buildup using a burden structure. A burden structure
determines how you group expenditure types into burden cost bases and
establishes the method of applying burden costs to raw costs. Before creating
burden structures you must define expenditure types, cost bases, and burden
cost codes, which are the main components of a burden structure.
Project Foundation Configuration: Define Burdening 26-9
The diagram illustrates a burden structure with the following cost bases.
• Labor
• Includes the expenditure types Professional, Clerical, and Sales.
• Is assigned the burden cost codes Administrative, Fringe Benefits,
• Material
• Includes the expenditure types Supplies and Construction Material.
• Is assigned the burden cost codes Administrative and Material
• Expense
• Includes the expenditure types Travel and Meals.
• Is assigned the burden cost code Administrative.
Cost Bases
Cost bases are the groups of raw costs used for applying burden costs. You
assign cost bases to burden structures, and then specify the types of raw costs,
represented by expenditure types, that are included in the cost base, and the
types of burden costs that are applied to the cost base.
You can also use cost bases to group expenditure types for other purposes, such
as in billing extension calculations. These cost bases are not used for burdening,
and are defined with a cost base type other than Burden Cost. When you assign
cost bases with a type other than Burden Cost to a burden structure, you can
specify expenditure types for the cost base, but you cannot specify burden cost
codes for the cost base since the cost base is not used for burdening.
Burden Cost Codes
Burden cost codes represent the distinct type of burden to apply to raw costs.
For example, if labor costs receive both fringe benefits and overhead burden,
then define a cost code for each type of burden. Assign an expenditure type to
each burden cost code that Oracle Fusion Project Costing processes as separate,
summarized expenditure items. The assigned expenditure type becomes the
expenditure type for that type of burden cost.
Cost Base Types
Cost base types refer to the use of cost bases. Oracle Fusion Project Costing
provides the following cost base types.
• Burden Cost: Assign to cost bases that are used to calculate burden costs.
• Other: Assign to cost bases that are used for other purposes than to
calculate burden costs.
You can define additional cost base types to use for non-burden transactions.
Expenditure Types
Expenditure types classify raw costs and burden cost codes classify burden costs.
The relationship between expenditure types and burden cost codes within each
cost base determines what burden costs are applied to specific raw costs, and the
order in which processing applies the burden costs.
26-10 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
In a burden structure, each expenditure type can belong to only one cost base
with a cost base type of Burden Cost. This restriction ensures that Oracle Fusion
Project Costing does not burden an expenditure type more than once. If you do
not assign an expenditure type to a cost base, then burden costs are not applied
to the raw costs with those expenditure types. In other words, the burdened cost
for these transactions is the same as the raw cost of the transaction.
FAQs for Manage Burden Structures
Why is there no burden cost on a transaction?
Burden costs are not applied to a transaction if either of these situations exist:
• The expenditure type associated with the transaction is not assigned to a
cost base.
• The project type for the project is not enabled for burden calculation. In
this situation, raw cost is equal to burdened cost.
Manage Burden Schedules
Burden Schedule Components: How They Work Together
Burden schedules establish the multipliers used to calculate the burdened cost,
revenue, or bill amount of each expenditure item charged to a project. The
burden schedule determines which transactions are burdened, based on burden
cost bases defined in the burden structure. The project type determines which
projects are burdened and contains the default burden schedule. A burden
schedule type can be firm or provisional. Rates can be overridden by using a
schedule of multipliers negotiated for a specific project or task.
Burden Schedule Types
Use a firm burden schedule if you do not expect the multipliers to change. Firm
burden schedules can have multiple versions, but never more than one version
for a date range.
Use a provisional burden schedule if the multipliers are based on estimates,
such as a yearly forecast budget. Provisional schedules can have provisional
and actual versions active for the same date range. When the actual multipliers
are available, replace the provisional version with the actual version. When
the actual burden schedule is built, the impacted expenditure items are
automatically reprocessed to adjust the burden cost amounts.
The multiplier specifies the rate by which to multiply the raw cost amount to
obtain the burden cost amount. You assign a multiplier to a combination of
burden cost code and either a unique organization or a parent organization.
The organization hierarchy is used to cascade rates down to lower level
organizations where multipliers are not explicitly defined. If Oracle Fusion
Projects finds a level in the hierarchy that does not have a multiplier defined,
the application uses the multipliers of the parent organization. Therefore, an
organization multiplier schedule hierarchy is used to identify the exceptions.
You define the multipliers for an organization only if you want to override the
multipliers of the parent organization.
The following diagram shows an example of multipliers that are used by
organizations. The parent organization, Headquarters, has two defined
Project Foundation Configuration: Define Burdening 26-11
multipliers: Overhead with a multiplier of 2.0, and Administrative with a
multiplier of 3.0.
• When the application processes transactions for the East organization, no
multipliers are found. Therefore, the application uses the multipliers from
the parent organization, Headquarters.
• The Boston and New York City organizations are assigned an
Administrative multiplier of 3.1, and no Overhead multiplier. Therefore,
the application uses the Administrative multiplier of 3.1, and the
Overhead multiplier from the Headquarters organization, when
processing transactions for the Boston and New York City organizations.
• The West organization is assigned an Overhead multiplier of 2.3,
and no Administrative multiplier. Therefore, the application uses the
Overhead multiplier of 2.3, and the Administrative multiplier from the
Headquarters organization, when processing transactions for the West
• No multipliers are assigned to the San Francisco and Los Angeles
organizations. Therefore, the application uses the Overhead multiplier
from the West organization, and the Administrative multiplier from the
Headquarters organization, when processing transactions for the San
Francisco and Los Angeles organizations.
Burden Schedule Versions
Burden schedule versions define the date range within which multipliers are
effective. You build the burden schedule to make the burden schedule versions
active and available for use.
26-12 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
If an organization is added to the hierarchy after the schedule is built, then
submit the Build New Organization Burden Multipliers process. A burden
schedule version must be active to add multipliers for a new organization.
Burden Multipliers for New Organizations: How They Are Added to
Burden Schedules
The Build New Organization Burden Multipliers process adds burden
multipliers to burden schedules for an organization when you add a new
organization to your organization hierarchy. If you do not add the organization
to a specific burden schedule version, this process builds multipliers for the
organization in all burden schedule versions using the multipliers of the parent
organization as defined in the organization hierarchy. A burden schedule version
must be active to add multipliers for a new organization.
Run this process after you create the organization and before you charge
transactions using this organization as the expenditure organization.
Run this process for the parent organization before you run it for the child
If the new organization requires multipliers that are different than the
multipliers assigned to the parent organization, you can manually add
multipliers for each burden cost code on the burden schedule versions, and then
rebuild the versions.
Settings That Affect Burden Multipliers for New Organizations
The process parameter is the new organization for which you want to build
multipliers for existing burden schedule versions. Typically you run this process
during implementation as part of the Burden Definition setup task list.
Process results are summarized in the Build New Organization Burden
Multipliers Execution Report that displays the impacted burden schedules and
burden schedule versions.
Recalculating Burden Costs: Points to Consider
Oracle Fusion Projects identifies existing transactions that are eligible for burden
cost recalculation and marks the transactions for reprocessing. For example,
when a multiplier for an organization and burden cost code changes on a burden
schedule version, the application marks for recalculation all transactions for the
organization that are charged to an expenditure type that is linked to the burden
cost code.
Burden Cost Recalculation is Required
Burden cost recalculation is required in any of the following situations:
• A build occurs on a burden schedule version that was previously built.
• An actual burden schedule version is built to replace a provisional burden
schedule version.
• During recalculation, one or more transactions are not marked for
recalculation of burden cost amounts, such as when an expenditure item
Project Foundation Configuration: Define Burdening 26-13
is locked by another unprocessed adjustment, or a technical error occurs
in the process.
Select the Recalculate Burden Cost Amounts button on the burden schedule
for the process to identify and mark eligible transactions for burden cost
A burden schedule can have multiple versions. The Burden Cost Calculation
Required button is available for selection on the burden schedule if at least one
version requires recalculation.
After the impacted transactions are marked for burden cost recalculation, the
Recalculate Burden Cost Amounts process starts the Import and Process Cost
Transactions process to create expenditure items and cost distribution lines for
the transactions.
If burden cost recalculation is still required after the Recalculate Burden Cost
Amounts process completes, then review the process execution report to
determine why the process did not mark eligible transactions for recalculation.
Burden Cost Recalculation is Not Required
Burden cost recalculation is not required in the following situations:
• All burden schedule versions for the build are in a new status.
• Changes are made to burden schedule versions prior to the build.
• The Recalculate Burden Cost Amounts process is complete and
all impacted transactions are successfully marked for burden cost
If burden cost recalculation is not required, the Recalculate Burden Cost
Amounts button is not available for selection on the burden schedule.
Testing Burden Cost Calculations: Explained
Test burden cost calculations to view a breakdown of the total burdened cost for
a specific project transaction and to verify your burden structure and burden
schedule implementation. The test emulates an actual burden cost transaction for
a set of criteria consisting of the project, task, burden schedule, expenditure type,
expenditure organization, raw cost, quantity, and transaction date.
The application uses the burden schedule that you specify as burden cost criteria
to calculate burden amounts. If you specify a project as burden cost criteria,
and you do not specify a task or burden schedule, then the application uses the
burden schedule on the project. If you specify a project and task, and you do not
specify a burden schedule, then the application uses the burden schedule on the
Test burden cost calculations to:
• Verify that the amounts for each burden cost code and for the total
burdened cost are calculated correctly according to the specified criteria.
• Confirm that the correct schedule is used for the given project and task.
• Confirm that the desired burden cost codes and rates are used for the
organization and expenditure type.
26-14 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
When the Burden Cost Calculation Override extension is enabled, the transaction
quantity is passed to the extension. If you do not enter the quantity, the
application considers the transaction quantity as one.
FAQs for Manage Burden Schedules
How can I prepare for creating burden schedules?
Before you create burden schedules, you must define business units, the
organization hierarchy, implementation options, and burden structures.
What's a burden schedule?
Burden schedules establish the multipliers that are applied to the raw cost
amount of each expenditure item to calculate the burdened cost, revenue, or
bill amount charged to a project. You assign burden schedules to project types,
projects, or tasks. The project type provides the default burden schedule for a
project. You can override the default burden schedules for each project by using
a schedule of multipliers negotiated for the project or task.
In planning, if you use planning rates, then you assign a burden schedule in the
project or financial planning options. If you use Oracle Fusion Project Integration
Gateway to export resource rates to a scheduling application, then you must
specify the burden schedule to use, because the set of resources and rates are
global and have no project context from which to derive a burden schedule.
What's burden costing?
A method of applying burden costs to raw costs that enables you to track the
total burdened costs of your projects.
What's the difference between a firm burden schedule and a provisional burden
Use firm burden schedules if you do not expect your burden multipliers to
change. Firm schedules are typically used for internal costing or commercial
billing schedules. Firm burden schedules can have multiple versions, but never
more than one version for an effective date range.
Use provisional multipliers if you do not know the burden multipliers at the
time that you are calculating total burdened costs. Provisional multipliers are
typically estimates based on the annual forecast budget. When you determine
the actual multipliers to apply to raw costs, then you replace the provisional
multipliers with the actual multipliers. Oracle Fusion Project Costing processes
the adjustments from provisional to actual changes for costing, revenue, and
The actual burden schedule version, when created, is automatically placed
on hold. You must remove the hold prior to building the actual rates and
recalculating costs.
Update Burden Options on Project Types
Burdening Options for Project Types: Points to Consider
Burdening is a method of applying one or more burden cost components to
the raw cost amount of each individual transaction to calculate burden cost
Project Foundation Configuration: Define Burdening 26-15
amounts. Use project types to control how burden transactions are created and
accounted. If you enable burdening for a project type, you can choose to account
for the individual burden cost components or the total burdened cost amount.
The following diagram illustrates the burden cost accounting options for project
You specify the following options when setting up burdening options for project
• Default Cost Burden Schedule
• Allow Cost Burden Schedule Change for Projects and Tasks
• Include Burden Cost on Same Expenditure Item
• Create Expenditure Items for Burden Cost Components
• Create Separate Expenditure Item for Burden Cost
• Create Burden Cost Accounting Journal Entries
• Create Burdened Cost Accounting Journal Entries
Default Cost Burden Schedule
If you enable burdening for the project type, you must select the burden
schedule to use as the default cost burden schedule for projects that are defined
with this project type.
Allow Cost Burden Schedule Change for Projects and Tasks
Enable this option to allow a change of the default cost burden schedule when
entering and maintaining projects and tasks. Do not enable this option if you
want all projects of a project type to use the same schedule for internal costing.
26-16 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Include Burden Cost on Same Expenditure Item
Enable this option to include the burden cost amount in the same expenditure
item. You can store the total burdened cost amount as a value with the raw cost
on each expenditure item. Oracle Fusion Projects displays the raw and burdened
costs of the expenditure items on windows and reports.
If you include burden cost amounts on the same expenditure item, but wish to
see the burden cost details, enable the option to create expenditure items for each
burden cost amount on an indirect project and task.
Create Separate Expenditure Item for Burden Cost
Enable this option to account for burden cost amounts as separate expenditure
items on the same project and task as the raw expenditures. The expenditure
items storing the burden cost components are identified with a different
expenditure type that is classified by the expenditure type class Burden
Transaction. Oracle Fusion Projects summarizes the cost distributions to create
burden transactions for each applicable burden cost code. The most important
summarization attributes are project, lowest task, expenditure organization,
expenditure classification, supplier, project accounting period, and burden cost
code. You can use the Burden Summarization Grouping Extension to further
refine the grouping.
Create Burden Cost Accounting Journal Entries
Indicate whether to create an entry for the burden cost amount.
If burdened costs are calculated for reporting purposes only, and you do
not want to interface burdened costs to the general ledger, you can disable
the creation of accounting journal entries. If you select this option, only the
burden cost, which is the difference between the burdened cost and raw cost, is
interfaced to general ledger.
Create Burdened Cost Accounting Journal Entries
Indicate whether to account for the total burdened cost amount of the items. You
typically use this option to track the total burdened cost amount in a cost asset or
cost work-in-progress account.
The burdened cost is the sum of raw and burden costs. Therefore, selecting this
option may result in accounting for raw cost twice. For example, assume that the
raw cost of an item is 100 USD, the burden cost is 50 USD, and the burdened cost
is 150 USD. When the application creates a journal entry for 150 USD, it accounts
for the 100 USD that was already accounted for as raw cost, plus the 50 USD
burden cost.
Extensions for Define Burdening
Burden Schedule Override Extension
Use the Burden Schedule Override Extension to override the default burden
schedule version identifier for transactions charged to a burdened project.
Oracle Fusion Projects calls the Burden Schedule Override Extension during
costing processes. You can modify the extension to meet your business rules for
assigning burden schedules.
The extension is identified by the following items:
Project Foundation Configuration: Define Burdening 26-17
Extension Component Name
Specification template pjf_client_extn_burden.pkh
Body template pjf_client_extn_burden.pkb
Procedure override_rate_rev_id
Do not change the name of the extension procedures or parameters. Also, do not
change the parameter types or parameter order in your procedure. After you
write a procedure, compile it and store it in the database.
Burden Summarization Grouping Extension
You can use the Burden Summarization Grouping Extension to control the
reporting, accounting and display of burden transactions. By including certain
attributes in the grouping, you can also ensure that the summarized burden
transactions are rolled up to, and reported under, the same resource as the source
The extension is identified by the following items:
Extension Component Name
Specification template pjc_client_extn_burden_summary.pkh
Body template pjc_client_extn_burden_summary.pkb
The CLIENT_GROUPING function returns a VARCHAR2 value which is a
concatenated string of the parameter values. You can customize the function to
create the return string using the attributes by which you want to group each
transaction. This string can be used as an additional grouping criterion.
The CLIENT_COLUMN_VALUES procedure works in conjunction with the
CLIENT_GROUPING function to return NULL for the parameters that are
not used for additional grouping in the CLIENT_GROUPING function. This
ensures that the attributes used for the grouping are also included on the
expenditure items created for burden transactions, and therefore impact how
these expenditure items are rolled up in the resource breakdown structures for
Do not change the name of the extension procedures or parameters. Also, do not
change the parameter types or parameter order in your procedure. After you
write a procedure, compile it and store it in the database.
Burden Cost Calculation Override Extension
Oracle Fusion Projects calls the Burden Cost Calculation Override Extension
to override the default burden amounts calculated for each of the burden cost
codes. The extension is called after the burden amounts are calculated using
the latest built multipliers. The extension then overrides the burden costs using
26-18 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
transaction attributes specified in the extension. These amounts are summed to
derive a new total burdened cost.
You can use the Burden Cost Calculation Override Extension when:
• You multiply the transaction quantity with a fixed rate instead of
multiplying the raw cost with a multiplier. For example, the number of
hours a person has worked multiplied with a fixed rate is used instead of
applying multipliers to the transactions raw cost amount.
• You do not include a specific cost code or choose to override the
multiplier. The Burden Cost Calculation Override Extension can update
the multiplier for a cost code to zero so that the cost code is not included
for the transaction. For example, do not apply a specific cost code after the
actual cost for the project reaches a specified amount.
• You define a fixed burden rate for a cost code in the descriptive flex field
and choose to use this rate for a specific project or task.
The extension is not called when calculating revenue and invoice amounts or
when calculating rates for the Oracle Fusion Project Integration Gateway or
Oracle Fusion Projects Integration for Microsoft Project.
The extension is identified by the following components.
Extension Component Name
Specification template pjf_client_extn_calc_burden.pkh
Body template pjf_client_extn_calc_burden.pkb
Package pjf_client_extn_calc_burden
Function is_client_extn_implemented
Procedure override_burden cost
The API details for the extension component, Function, are as follows:
• API Name: Is_client_extn_implemented
• API Type: Function
• API Purpose: Indicates whether Burden Cost Calculation Override
Extension is enabled or not.
• Parameters: None
• Return Values:
• Y indicates that the client extension is enabled.
• N indicates that the client extension is not enabled. This is the default
value hard coded in the function.
The API details for the extension component, Procedure, are as follows:
• API Name: Override_burden_cost
• API Type: Procedure
• API Purpose: Allow you to override the calculated burden cost amounts
• Parameters
Project Foundation Configuration: Define Burdening 26-19
Parameter Name Parameter Data Type Description
p_calling_module VARCHAR2 Identifies the calling
module, which invokes
the extension. The valid
values are:
extension is called
for an expenditure
item in View
Burden Cost
Details window.
The extension
is called from
Test Burden Cost
Calculations Page.
The extension is
called for project
plan, budget
and forecast in
View Burden Cost
Details window.
extension is called
during burdened
cost calculation
in project plan,
budget and
extension is called
during burdened
cost calculation
for expenditure
items that have
burdening on the
same line.
extension is called
when Generate
process is
run to create
separate burden
expenditure item
26-20 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
p_current_run_id NUMBER This is the identifier of
the set of transactions
that need to be processed
in a given run.
• Return Values: None
To implement the extension, modify the function to enable the extension and
modify the procedure to override the burden amounts. Do not change the name
of the extension procedures or parameters. Also, do not change the parameter
types or parameter order in your procedure. After you write or implement a
written procedure, compile it and store it in the database.
Project Foundation Configuration: Manage Project Types 27-1
Project Foundation Configuration:
Manage Project Types
Burdening Options for Project Types: Points to Consider
Burdening is a method of applying one or more burden cost components to
the raw cost amount of each individual transaction to calculate burden cost
amounts. Use project types to control how burden transactions are created and
accounted. If you enable burdening for a project type, you can choose to account
for the individual burden cost components or the total burdened cost amount.
The following diagram illustrates the burden cost accounting options for project
You specify the following options when setting up burdening options for project
27-2 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
• Default Cost Burden Schedule
• Allow Cost Burden Schedule Change for Projects and Tasks
• Include Burden Cost on Same Expenditure Item
• Create Expenditure Items for Burden Cost Components
• Create Separate Expenditure Item for Burden Cost
• Create Burden Cost Accounting Journal Entries
• Create Burdened Cost Accounting Journal Entries
Default Cost Burden Schedule
If you enable burdening for the project type, you must select the burden
schedule to use as the default cost burden schedule for projects that are defined
with this project type.
Allow Cost Burden Schedule Change for Projects and Tasks
Enable this option to allow a change of the default cost burden schedule when
entering and maintaining projects and tasks. Do not enable this option if you
want all projects of a project type to use the same schedule for internal costing.
Include Burden Cost on Same Expenditure Item
Enable this option to include the burden cost amount in the same expenditure
item. You can store the total burdened cost amount as a value with the raw cost
on each expenditure item. Oracle Fusion Projects displays the raw and burdened
costs of the expenditure items on windows and reports.
If you include burden cost amounts on the same expenditure item, but wish to
see the burden cost details, enable the option to create expenditure items for each
burden cost amount on an indirect project and task.
Create Separate Expenditure Item for Burden Cost
Enable this option to account for burden cost amounts as separate expenditure
items on the same project and task as the raw expenditures. The expenditure
items storing the burden cost components are identified with a different
expenditure type that is classified by the expenditure type class Burden
Transaction. Oracle Fusion Projects summarizes the cost distributions to create
burden transactions for each applicable burden cost code. The most important
summarization attributes are project, lowest task, expenditure organization,
expenditure classification, supplier, project accounting period, and burden cost
code. You can use the Burden Summarization Grouping Extension to further
refine the grouping.
Create Burden Cost Accounting Journal Entries
Indicate whether to create an entry for the burden cost amount.
If burdened costs are calculated for reporting purposes only, and you do
not want to interface burdened costs to the general ledger, you can disable
the creation of accounting journal entries. If you select this option, only the
Project Foundation Configuration: Manage Project Types 27-3
burden cost, which is the difference between the burdened cost and raw cost, is
interfaced to general ledger.
Create Burdened Cost Accounting Journal Entries
Indicate whether to account for the total burdened cost amount of the items. You
typically use this option to track the total burdened cost amount in a cost asset or
cost work-in-progress account.
The burdened cost is the sum of raw and burden costs. Therefore, selecting this
option may result in accounting for raw cost twice. For example, assume that the
raw cost of an item is 100 USD, the burden cost is 50 USD, and the burdened cost
is 150 USD. When the application creates a journal entry for 150 USD, it accounts
for the 100 USD that was already accounted for as raw cost, plus the 50 USD
burden cost.
Capitalization Options for Project Types: Points to Consider
You can assign assets to a project if capitalization is enabled for the project type.
Use project types to configure capitalization options that are inherited by each
project associated with that project type.
The following diagram illustrates the capitalization options for project types.
27-4 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
You specify the following information when setting up capitalization options for
project types.
• Construction in Progress (CIP) Options
• Supplier Invoices Export Options
• Capitalized Interest Options
Construction in Progress Options
You specify the following Construction in Progress options when setting up
capitalization options for project types.
Cost Type
Indicate whether to capitalize costs at the burdened or raw cost amount for
projects with this project type.
Complete Asset Definition
Enable this option to require a complete asset definition in Oracle Fusion Projects
before sending costs to Oracle Fusion Assets. If you select this option, you do
not need to enter information for the imported asset line in Oracle Fusion Assets.
The Transfer Assets to Oracle Fusion Assets process places asset lines with
complete definitions directly into the Post queue in Oracle Fusion Assets.
Asset Line Grouping Method
Specify one of the following methods to summarize asset lines.
• All, which is the highest level of summarization
• CIP Grouped by Client Extension
• Expenditure Category
• Expenditure Category Nonlabor Resource
• Expenditure Type
• Expenditure Type Nonlabor Resource
Asset Assignment Override
This option interacts with the assignment status of the asset to either use or
disregard the Asset Assignment extension, as shown in the following table:
Override Asset Assignment Asset Lines Assigned to Assets System Uses Asset Assignment
Do Not Override (option not
Not Assigned Yes
Do Not Override Assigned No
Override Not Assigned Yes
Override Assigned Yes
Project Foundation Configuration: Manage Project Types 27-5
You can set up the Asset Assignment extension to assign any unassigned asset
lines that result from the Generate Asset Lines process, or to override the current
asset assignment for specified lines.
Asset Cost Allocation Method
Select one of the following predefined allocation methods to automatically
distribute indirect and common costs across multiple assets, or select no
allocation method.
• Actual Units
• Current Cost
• Client Extension
• Estimated Cost
• Standard Unit Cost
• Spread Evenly
Event Processing Method
You can specify a capital event processing method to control how assets and
costs are grouped over time. You can choose to use either periodic or manual
events, or no events.
Group Supplier Invoices
Enable this option to consolidate the expenditure items on a supplier invoice into
one asset line according to the asset line grouping method. Deselect this option
to send the lines to Oracle Fusion Assets based on the supplier invoice export
Supplier Invoice Export Options
If you choose not to group supplier invoices, then select one of the following
supplier invoice export options.
• As New Additions: Sends each expenditure item on a supplier invoice
line to Oracle Fusion Assets as a separate addition line with a status of
• As Merged Additions: Sends each supplier invoice line to Oracle Fusion
Assets as a separate addition line with the status of Merged.
After the addition lines are sent to Oracle Fusion Assets, you can split, merge, or
unmerge the lines manually in Oracle Fusion Assets.
Capitalized Interest Options
Use this field to specify a default interest rate schedule for capitalized interest.
27-6 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
You can select the Allow Override option to allow an override of the default
capitalized interest rate schedule for individual projects.
Associating Project Types and Class Categories: Examples
Project classifications group your projects according to categories and codes that
you define. When you associate project classifications with project types, the
classification is available for selection on projects with that project type.
Use any of the following methods to associate class categories with project types:
• Add a classification to the project type definition
• Add a project type to the class category definition
• Enable the Assign to all Project Types option on the class category
Add Classification to Project Type Definition
The following diagram shows an example of three classifications that are
associated with a project type definition. In this example, the Industry Sector,
Reporting Group, and Media Sector classifications are available for selection on
projects with the Sales Proposal project type.
For each classification that you associate with the project type, you can enable
the Assign to All Projects option for the application to automatically add the
classification to the project definition for all new projects with the project type.
When this option is enabled, all projects with this project type must be assigned a
class code for the class category.
Add Project Type to Class Category Definition
The following diagram shows an example of three project types that are
associated with a class category definition. In this example, the Industry Sector
classification is available for selection when you create projects with the Sales
Proposal, Consulting, or Internal project types.
Project Foundation Configuration: Manage Project Types 27-7
For each project type that you associate with the class category, you can enable
the Assign to All Projects option for the application to automatically add the
class category to the project definition for all new projects with any of these
project types. When this option is enabled, all projects with this project type must
be assigned a class code for the class category.
Assign to All Project Types
The following diagram shows an example of a class category definition with
the Assign to All Project Types option enabled. In this example, a code for the
Industry Sector class category is required for all projects, regardless of the project
Asset Cost Allocation Methods: Explained
The asset cost allocation method determines how indirect or common costs
incurred on a project are allocated to multiple assets.
You can specify an asset cost allocation method to enable Oracle Fusion Projects
to automatically allocate unassigned asset lines and common costs across
multiple assets. Unassigned asset lines typically occur when more than one asset
is assigned to an asset grouping level.
Project templates and projects inherit a default asset cost allocation method from
the associated project type. You can override the default at the project level. If
you use capital events to allocate costs, then you can also override the asset cost
allocation method at the event level.
27-8 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Asset Cost Allocation Methods
The following table describes the available asset cost allocation methods.
Method Basis of Cost Allocation
Actual Units Number of units defined for each asset
Client Extension Rules defined specifically for your organization
Current Cost Construction-in-process (CIP) cost of each asset
Estimated Cost Estimated cost of each asset
Standard Unit Cost Combination of the standard unit cost and the
number of units defined for each asset
Spread Evenly Equal allocation of cost to each asset
Project Foundation Configuration: Define Business Unit Cross-Charge Options 28-1
Project Foundation Configuration: Define
Business Unit Cross-Charge Options
Update Cross-Charge Options on Project Business Unit
Project Business Unit Cross-Charge Options: Critical Choices
Oracle Fusion Projects provides two methods to process cross-charge
• Borrowed and Lent Accounting: Creates accounting entries that move
an amount equal to the transfer price between the provider and receiver
organizations within a legal entity. There is no formal internal invoice
created with this method. Costs or revenue are shared based on transfer
price rules.
Use the Borrowed and Lent processing method to apply cross-charge
transactions within a business unit or between business units.
• Intercompany Billing: Enables the provider organization to present a
formal invoice based on the transfer price to the receiver organization and
receive payment for services rendered and materials supplied. You can
use this processing method between legal entities.
You must set up the contract business unit to use the Intercompany Billing
processing method.
This section describes the project business unit options for setting up cross-
charge transactions for sharing costs and revenue within and between business
units in the same legal entity.
Transfer Price Currency Conversion
Select the date type, either transaction date or project accounting date, and rate
type that the system uses by default to determine the conversion rate to convert
the transfer price amount from the transaction currency to the ledger currency.
You can override the default values by using the Transfer Price Currency
Conversion Override extension.
28-2 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Cross-Charge Transactions Within a Legal Entity
The method of creating cross-charge transactions can be different for transactions
within a business unit than the method used across business units. You can
choose either the Borrowed and Lent Processing method of creating cross-charge
transactions, or specify that no cross-charge transactions will be created.
The processing method that you specify for cross-charge transactions between
business units is the default method used between the provider business unit
and any other receiver business unit. You can override the default processing
method for specific receiver business units.
If you delete the override of the default processing method for a specific receiver
business unit, you must manually adjust transactions to reflect the deleted
Prerequisites for Setting Up Business Unit Options for Cross-
Charge Transactions: Explained
Before you can set up the cross-charge options during business unit
implementation to enable cross-charge transactions within a business unit and
between business units, you must complete prerequisite setup steps.
Prerequisites for Creating Cross-Charge Transactions
You must define the following objects before you can create cross-charge
• Legal entities, including setting up accounting and associating the
balancing segment values to the legal entity.
• Business units with the project accounting business function.
• Organizations and organization hierarchies that will share resources.
The application uses the project expenditure organization hierarchy, and the
project and task owning organization hierarchy, to determine the transfer price
defined for the provider organization and receiver organization combination.
Prerequisites for Borrowed and Lent Processing Method
You can implement the Borrowed and Lent processing method of creating cross-
charge transactions after defining the following objects.
• Transfer price rule and schedule
• Either a rate schedule or burden schedule, based on the transfer price rule
Project Foundation Configuration: Define Business Unit Cross-Charge Options 28-3
Prerequisites for Intercompany Billing Processing Method
For the Intercompany Billing processing method of creating cross-charge
transactions, set up at least one of the following schedules.
• Rate schedule
• Burden schedule
• Transfer price rule and schedule
FAQs for Update Cross-Charge Options on Project Business Unit
What's the difference between intercompany billing and interproject billing?
Intercompany billing creates internal invoices and accounting entries to pass
costs and share revenue across organizations on an intercompany billing
contract. A provider organization performs work and charges it a project owned
by the receiver organization. The provider organization creates an invoice in
Oracle Fusion Receivables and the receiver organization imports the invoice
from Oracle Fusion Payables. Accounting entries for revenue are created
between the organizations.
Interproject billing creates internal invoices for costs incurred between a provider
project and a receiver project defined on an interproject billing contract. The
provider project generates an Oracle Fusion Receivables invoice, which the
receiver project receives as an Oracle Payables invoice.
Update Cross-Charge Options on Contract Business Unit
Contract Components for Internal Billing: How They Work Together
To use intercompany billing or interproject billing , your implementation team
must configure a number of distinct features within Oracle Fusion Enterprise
Contracts. These features work in cohesion with financial and project features to
create internal invoices and transfer revenue between organizations.
Contract Type for Intercompany Billing
Select the intercompany billing option on a contract type to identify a contract
as enabled for intercompany billing. This option permits editing of the internal
billing options of contracts of that contract type. These internal billing options
include the attributes required to create the intercompany payables invoice such
as expenditure type, expenditure organization, receiver project, receiver task,
and the provider business unit.
Contract Type for Interproject Billing
Select the interproject billing option on a contract type to identify a contract
as enabled for interproject billing. This option permits editing of the internal
billing options of contracts of that contract type. These internal billing options
include the attributes required to create the interproject payables invoice such
28-4 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
as expenditure type, expenditure organization, receiver project, and the receiver
Contract Business Unit Internal Billing Options
Review and update the customer contract management business function
options to control the processing of interproject billing. This table lists the
internal billing options that must be defined for the contract business unit.
Feature Name Description
Invoice Numbering Method • If you want to enter invoice numbers
manually, select the manual option and either
the alphanumeric or numeric invoice number
• If you want the application to create invoice
numbers automatically, select the automatic
option, and enter a starting invoice number.
Invoice Batch Source Specify the invoice batch source for the interproject
contract invoices that are transferred to Oracle
Fusion Receivables.
Contract Line and Receiver Project
After you create an internal contract, link a contract line to the receiver project
and task. This allows for the cross-charge transactions that are charged to the
project and task to be billed from the provider business unit to the receiver
business unit.
By default, the receiver project is also the associated project for the contract line,
and you cannot add another associated project or change the associated project
for that contract line. However, the associated task and receiver task can be
different, so you can select another associated task for the project if necessary.
The receiver project must have the same legal entity as the internal customer.
Only one receiver project can be linked to a contract line. The intercompany
invoice generation process automatically groups invoice lines by the contract
lines. Interproject invoices have a fixed format.
Project Components for Internal Billing: How They Work Together
To use the intercompany billing or interproject billing functionality, your
implementation team must configure a number of distinct features within Oracle
Fusion Projects. These features work in cohesion with contract and financial
features to create internal invoices and revenue transfers between organizations.
Invoice Formats
Define internal invoice formats for invoices generated by intercompany or
interproject billing contracts. The invoice formats control the grouping of
Project Foundation Configuration: Define Business Unit Cross-Charge Options 28-5
transactions on invoice lines for intercompany contracts. Specify the grouping
options to summarize expenditure items and events, and the fields that
should be displayed on the invoice line. Create different invoice formats for
intercompany labor, nonlabor, and event billing.
If you want the invoice format to be used for both customer and internal
invoices, enable the invoice format for customer invoices and internal invoices.
All internal invoices must have a fixed format. Enable the fixed format feature
to prevent the rearranging or regrouping invoice line details on intercompany
Invoice Methods and Revenue Methods
Define invoice methods and revenue methods to determine the calculation
method of invoice and revenue amounts for intercompany contracts during
invoice generation and revenue recognition. Enable the invoice methods and
revenue methods for intercompany billing.
Select from the following labor and nonlabor schedule types that are available
for rate-based intercompany invoice generation and revenue recognition:
• Bill rate
• Burden rate
• Transfer price
Billing Resource Breakdown Structure
Enter resource formats and resource types for the intercompany billing resource
structure that is shared by business units. This billing resource breakdown
structure defines the types of resources that can be referenced on billing controls
for intercompany and interproject contracts.
Receiver Project
Create a receiver project in the receiver business unit.The receiver project can
be a project that is linked to both and external contract (for external billing) and
intercompany contract (for creating internal cross-charge transactions). The
receiver business unit receives the supplier invoices.
Each receiver project can receive invoices from multiple internal contracts or
from multiple contract lines of the same contract.
Enable the tasks on the receiver project that can be used for interproject billing
and to allow cross-charge transactions.
Provider Project
Create a provider project to use during interproject billing. Each receiver project
can have one or more provider projects. The provider project can be in the same
business unit or a different business unit as the receiver project.
28-6 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Expenditures are charged to the provider project during interproject billing
FAQs for Update Cross-Charge Options on Contract Business Unit
Can I create a contract for intercompany billing with transfer price rules?
Yes, but only if you must derive rates for an intercompany contract based on an
organization hierarchy structure instead of the bill rates defined on a bill plan.
The contract line and bill plan architecture enables you to can specify a different
bill plan for each provider and receiver organization. Select a bill rate or
burden rate schedule for each of your contract's bill plans. However, if your
rates are defined at a very granular level, you may need to derive rates for an
organization hierarchy structure using transfer price rules.
Why can't I see the internal billing details on a contract?
If you do not see the internal billing features on a contract, check the attributes
on the contract type. The internal billing options of a contract are only visible if
the contract type is designated as either intercompany or interproject.
Project Foundation Configuration: Define Cross-Charge Options 29-1
Project Foundation Configuration: Define
Cross-Charge Options
Extensions for Define Cross-Charge Options
Provider and Receiver Organizations Override Extension
Use this client extension to enforce cross-charge rules at a higher level in the
organization hierarchy than the level at which you assign resources and projects.
Doing so provides a single place for you to enforce and maintain your business
rules in all organizations in your enterprise.
The extension is identified by the following items:
Extension Component Name
Body template pjc_client_extn_cc_ident.pkb
Specification template pjc_client_extn_cc_ident.pkh
Package pjc_client_extn_cc_ident
Procedure override_prvdr_recvr
Do not change the name of the extension procedure or parameters. Also, do not
change the parameter types or parameter order in the procedure. After you write
a procedure, compile it and store it in the database.
The system identifies cross-charged transactions based on the provider and
receiver organizations for the transaction. It derives default values for these
organizations as follows:
• Provider organization: The expenditure organization or nonlabor resource
organization for usage transactions.
• Receiver organization: The organization that owns the task or project to
which the transaction is charged.
To override the cross-charge identification, code this extension to use a higher
level in the organization hierarchy to derive the appropriate provider and
29-2 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
receiver organizations and then determine if a transaction is a cross-charge
This extension is called by the Identify Cross-Charge Transactions process. If
you use the Borrowed and Lent Accounting cross-charge processing method, the
application automatically calls the Identify Cross-Charge Transactions process as
part of the Distribute Borrowed and Lent Amounts process. However, if you use
the Intercompany Billing cross-charge processing method, you must manually
run the Identify Cross-Charge Transactions process.
Cross-Charge Processing Method Override Extension
Use the Cross-Charge Processing Method Override Extension to have custom
business rules that help you identify how to process cross-charged transactions.
Use this extension to:
• Exclude certain cross-charged transactions from cross-charge processing
• Change the cross-charge processing method, such as from Intercompany
Billing to Borrowed and Lent Accounting
Use this extension only on cross-charged transactions.
The extension is identified by the following items:
Extension Component Name
Body template pjc_client_extn_cc_ident.pkb
Specification template pjc_client_extn_cc_ident.pkh
Package pjc_client_extn_cc_ident
Procedure override_cc_processing_method
Do not change the name of the extension procedure or parameters. Also, do not
change the parameter types or parameter order in the procedure. After you write
a procedure, compile it and store it in the database.
The system validates the value returned for the cross-charge code to ensure that
it meets the following rules:
Cross-Charge Transaction Type Allowed Processing Methods
Within a business unit Borrowed and Lent Accounting
Between business units Borrowed and Lent Accounting
Intercompany Billing
Between legal entities Intercompany Billing
This extension is called by the Identify Cross-Charge Transactions process. If
you use the Borrowed and Lent Accounting cross-charge processing method, the
Project Foundation Configuration: Define Cross-Charge Options 29-3
application automatically calls the Identify Cross-Charge Transactions process as
part of the Distribute Borrowed and Lent Amounts process. However, if you use
the Intercompany Billing cross-charge processing method, you must manually
run the Identify Cross-Charge Transactions process.
The Identify Cross-Charge Transactions process:
1. Identifies the transaction as a cross-charged transaction.
2. Determines the cross-charge processing set method based on the cross-
charge options.
3. Calls the extension to override the cross-charge processing method.
Internal Payables Invoice Attribute Override Extension
Use the Internal Payables Invoice Attribute Override Extension to override
the default expenditure type and expenditure organization attributes for
intercompany and interproject invoices that are created in Oracle Fusion
The Update Invoice Details from Receivables process calls the Internal Payables
Invoice Attribute Override Extension as it creates Oracle Fusion Payables
invoices for intercompany and interproject contracts.
Use this extension only if you want to override the receiver expenditure
organization and receiver expenditure type on the Oracle Fusion Payables
invoice. The source of the receiver expenditure organization and expenditure
type is the intercompany or interproject contract.
The extension is identified by the following items.
Extension Component Name
Body template pjb_cc_ap_inv_client_extn.pkb
Specification template pjb_cc_ap_inv_client_extn.pkh
Package pjb_cc_ap_inv_client_extn
Procedure override_exp_type_exp_org
This billing extension can derive the receiver expenditure type and receiver
expenditure organization based on the parameters you enter.
Information about parameters for this billing extension are in the table below.
Parameter Name Description
p_internal_billing_type Internal billing type
Valid values are:
• PA_IC_INVOICES (Intercompany contract)
• PA_IP_INVOICES (Interproject contract)
29-4 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
p_contract_id Contract ID for the Oracle Fusion Receivables
p_contract_line_id Contract line ID for the Oracle Fusion Receivables
p_receiver_project_id Receiver project ID for the Oracle Fusion Payables
p_receiver_task_id Receiver task ID for the Oracle Fusion Payables
p_invoice_number Invoice number from the pjb_invoice_header table.
p_draft_invoice_line_num Invoice_line_num from pjb_invoice_line.
p_invoice_date Invoice date
p_ra_invoice_number Oracle Fusion Receivables invoice number. The
invoice number is either user-entered or created by
the application, as defined in the implementation
Refer to ra_invoice_number from
p_provider_org_id Provider business unit ID
p_receiver_org_id Receiver project organization ID
p_cc_ar_invoice_id Customer transaction ID created in
p_cc_ar_invoice_line_num Line number from
p_contract_line_customer_id Customer ID on the bill plan associated with the
contract line.
p_vendor_id Supplier ID (poz_suppliers.vendor_id)
p_vendor_site_id Supplier site ID
p_expenditure_type Expenditure type defined on the contract line
internal attribute.
p_expenditure_type_id Expenditure type ID defined on the contract line
internal attribute.
p_expenditure_organization_id Expenditure organization defined on the contract
line internal attribute.
x_expenditure_type_id Expenditure type ID returned by the extension.
x_expenditure_type Expenditure type returned by the extension.
x_expenditure_organization_id Expenditure organization ID returned by the
x_status Return status of the extension.
x_Error_Stage Error stage returned by the extension.
X_Error_Code Error code returned by the extension.
Project Foundation Configuration: Define Transfer Pricing 30-1
Project Foundation Configuration: Define
Transfer Pricing
Manage Transfer Price Rules
Transfer Price Rules: Critical Choices
Create rules to determine how transfer prices are calculated for cross-charge
transactions that require borrowed and lent processing or intercompany billing
processing. Transfer price calculation can be based on the raw cost, burdened
cost, or revenue of the cross-charged transaction.
To set up transfer price rules, you need to understand the following components:
• Transfer price rule attributes
• Transfer price determination logic
• Transfer price extensions
Transfer Price Rule Attributes
To create a transfer price rule, you specify the rule name and description, and
define these attributes:
• Type: Valid transfer price rule types are Labor or Nonlabor.
• Transfer Price Basis: The basis for transfer price calculation. Transfer price
basis options are:
• Raw cost
• Burdened cost
• External recognized revenue
• Calculation Method: Transfer price calculation methods are:
• Basis only: Use the transfer price with no further adjustments
• Apply burden schedule: Specify the name of an existing burden
schedule to apply to the basis
30-2 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
• Apply rate schedule: Specify the name of an existing rate schedule to
apply to the basis
• Burden Schedule: The burden schedule to apply to the transfer price
basis if the transfer price calculation method is to apply a burden
schedule. You can select any burden schedule from any set.
• Rate Schedule: The rate schedule to apply to the transfer price basis if
the transfer price calculation method is to apply a rate schedule. You can
select any rate schedule from any set.
• Markup or Discount Percentage: A rate to apply to the transfer price
amount that the rule calculates.
Transfer Price Determination Logic
The following table lists the valid combinations of transfer price basis and
calculation methods, and the calculation logic used to determine transfer price
amounts based on transfer price rules.
Transfer Price Basis Calculation Method Calculation Logic Transfer Price
Transaction Currency
Raw cost Basis only Raw cost with no
multipliers applied
Same as transaction
currency of expenditure
Raw cost Apply burden schedule Burden multipliers are
applied to raw cost
Same as transaction
currency of expenditure
Raw cost Apply rate schedule If the rate schedule has a
markup, the markup is
applied to raw cost
If the rate schedule has a
multiplier, the multiplier
is applied to the amount
Currency of the rate
Burdened cost Basis only Burdened cost with no
multipliers applied
Same as transaction
currency of expenditure
Burdened cost Apply burden schedule Burden multipliers are
applied to burdened cost
Same as transaction
currency of expenditure
Burdened cost Apply rate schedule Rate multipliers are
applied to burdened cost
Currency of the rate
External recognized
Basis only External recognized
revenue with no
multipliers applied
Regular recognized
revenue in ledger
currency, which is
an attribute of the
expenditure item
Transfer Price Extensions
Set up the following transfer price extensions as needed:
Project Foundation Configuration: Define Transfer Pricing 30-3
• The Transfer Price Determination Extension is called at the beginning
of the pricing calculation to bypass the transfer price amount that is
calculated using the standard transfer price rule. If you use this extension,
the transfer price amount is calculated and cross-charge transactions are
created based on the extension logic.
• The Transfer Price Override Extension is called at the end of the pricing
calculation to override the transfer price amount that is calculated using
the standard transfer price rule. The calculated transfer price amount is
a parameter to the extension. If you use this extension, the transfer price
amount is calculated and cross-charge transactions are created based on
the extension logic.
• The Transfer Price Currency Conversion Override Extension overrides
the default currency conversion attributes defined in the cross-charge
implementation options for the business unit.
Contract Components for Internal Billing: How They Work Together
To use intercompany billing or interproject billing , your implementation team
must configure a number of distinct features within Oracle Fusion Enterprise
Contracts. These features work in cohesion with financial and project features to
create internal invoices and transfer revenue between organizations.
Contract Type for Intercompany Billing
Select the intercompany billing option on a contract type to identify a contract
as enabled for intercompany billing. This option permits editing of the internal
billing options of contracts of that contract type. These internal billing options
include the attributes required to create the intercompany payables invoice such
as expenditure type, expenditure organization, receiver project, receiver task,
and the provider business unit.
Contract Type for Interproject Billing
Select the interproject billing option on a contract type to identify a contract
as enabled for interproject billing. This option permits editing of the internal
billing options of contracts of that contract type. These internal billing options
include the attributes required to create the interproject payables invoice such
as expenditure type, expenditure organization, receiver project, and the receiver
Contract Business Unit Internal Billing Options
Review and update the customer contract management business function
options to control the processing of interproject billing. This table lists the
internal billing options that must be defined for the contract business unit.
Feature Name Description
Invoice Numbering Method • If you want to enter invoice numbers
manually, select the manual option and either
the alphanumeric or numeric invoice number
• If you want the application to create invoice
numbers automatically, select the automatic
option, and enter a starting invoice number.
30-4 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Invoice Batch Source Specify the invoice batch source for the interproject
contract invoices that are transferred to Oracle
Fusion Receivables.
Contract Line and Receiver Project
After you create an internal contract, link a contract line to the receiver project
and task. This allows for the cross-charge transactions that are charged to the
project and task to be billed from the provider business unit to the receiver
business unit.
By default, the receiver project is also the associated project for the contract line,
and you cannot add another associated project or change the associated project
for that contract line. However, the associated task and receiver task can be
different, so you can select another associated task for the project if necessary.
The receiver project must have the same legal entity as the internal customer.
Only one receiver project can be linked to a contract line. The intercompany
invoice generation process automatically groups invoice lines by the contract
lines. Interproject invoices have a fixed format.
Project Components for Internal Billing: How They Work Together
To use the intercompany billing or interproject billing functionality, your
implementation team must configure a number of distinct features within Oracle
Fusion Projects. These features work in cohesion with contract and financial
features to create internal invoices and revenue transfers between organizations.
Invoice Formats
Define internal invoice formats for invoices generated by intercompany or
interproject billing contracts. The invoice formats control the grouping of
transactions on invoice lines for intercompany contracts. Specify the grouping
options to summarize expenditure items and events, and the fields that
should be displayed on the invoice line. Create different invoice formats for
intercompany labor, nonlabor, and event billing.
If you want the invoice format to be used for both customer and internal
invoices, enable the invoice format for customer invoices and internal invoices.
All internal invoices must have a fixed format. Enable the fixed format feature
to prevent the rearranging or regrouping invoice line details on intercompany
Invoice Methods and Revenue Methods
Define invoice methods and revenue methods to determine the calculation
method of invoice and revenue amounts for intercompany contracts during
Project Foundation Configuration: Define Transfer Pricing 30-5
invoice generation and revenue recognition. Enable the invoice methods and
revenue methods for intercompany billing.
Select from the following labor and nonlabor schedule types that are available
for rate-based intercompany invoice generation and revenue recognition:
• Bill rate
• Burden rate
• Transfer price
Billing Resource Breakdown Structure
Enter resource formats and resource types for the intercompany billing resource
structure that is shared by business units. This billing resource breakdown
structure defines the types of resources that can be referenced on billing controls
for intercompany and interproject contracts.
Receiver Project
Create a receiver project in the receiver business unit.The receiver project can
be a project that is linked to both and external contract (for external billing) and
intercompany contract (for creating internal cross-charge transactions). The
receiver business unit receives the supplier invoices.
Each receiver project can receive invoices from multiple internal contracts or
from multiple contract lines of the same contract.
Enable the tasks on the receiver project that can be used for interproject billing
and to allow cross-charge transactions.
Provider Project
Create a provider project to use during interproject billing. Each receiver project
can have one or more provider projects. The provider project can be in the same
business unit or a different business unit as the receiver project.
Expenditures are charged to the provider project during interproject billing
Managing Transfer Price Rates: Examples
Use these examples to understand how to configure cross-charge options on bill
plans and revenue plans to achieve various interproject and intercompany billing
One Cross-charge Rule or Rate, One Provider Business Unit, Any Receiver
Business Unit, All Projects
To share one cross-charge rule or rate between one provider business unit
and any receiver business unit, and all projects associated with the contract,
configure your contract billing information as follows:
Bill Plan Bill Rate Schedule
Bill Plan 1 Assign the bill rate schedule you want to use for the
contract (provider) business unit to this bill plan.
30-6 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
One Cross-charge Rule or Rate, One Provider Business Unit, One Receiver
Business Unit, All Projects
To share one cross-charge rule or rate between one provider and receiver
business unit, and all projects associated with the contract, configure your
contract billing information as follows:
Bill Plan Bill Rate Schedule
Bill Plan 1 Assign the bill rate schedule you want to use for the
provider business unit to this bill plan.
Bill Plan 2
All contract lines associated with the receiver
projects can use this bill plan.
Assign the bill rate schedule you want to use for the
receiver business unit to this bill plan.
Override a Cross-charge Rule or Rate, One Provider Business Unit, One
Receiver Business Unit, One Project
To override a cross-charge rule or rate between a provider and receiver business
unit for one project, configure your contract billing and contract line details as
Bill Plan Schedules and Overrides Associated Projects
Bill Plan 1 Create a rate override for the
contract line associated with the
receiver project.
Project level
Override a Cross-charge Rule or Rate, One Provider Business Unit, One
Receiver Business Unit, Task
If a resource is assigned to multiple roles and has more than one rate on a
project, you may need to create an override at the project task level. To override
a cross-charge rule or rate between a provider and receiver business unit, for the
task on a specific project, configure your contract billing and contract line details
as follows:
Bill Plan Schedules and Overrides Associated Projects
Bill Plan 1 Create a job rate override for the
contract line associated with the
receiver project.
Task level
Override a Cross-charge Rule or Rate, One Provider Business Unit, One
Receiver Business Unit, Resource
If you are invoicing for a contractors, you may want to create an override at
the resource level. To override a cross-charge rule or rate between a provider
and receiver business unit, for a specific resource on a project, configure your
contract billing and contract line details as follows:
Project Foundation Configuration: Define Transfer Pricing 30-7
Bill Plan Schedules and Overrides Associated Projects
Bill Plan 1 Create a person rate override for
the contract line associated with
the receiver project.
Task level
Project Business Unit Cross-Charge Options: Critical Choices
Oracle Fusion Projects provides two methods to process cross-charge
• Borrowed and Lent Accounting: Creates accounting entries that move
an amount equal to the transfer price between the provider and receiver
organizations within a legal entity. There is no formal internal invoice
created with this method. Costs or revenue are shared based on transfer
price rules.
Use the Borrowed and Lent processing method to apply cross-charge
transactions within a business unit or between business units.
• Intercompany Billing: Enables the provider organization to present a
formal invoice based on the transfer price to the receiver organization and
receive payment for services rendered and materials supplied. You can
use this processing method between legal entities.
You must set up the contract business unit to use the Intercompany Billing
processing method.
This section describes the project business unit options for setting up cross-
charge transactions for sharing costs and revenue within and between business
units in the same legal entity.
Transfer Price Currency Conversion
Select the date type, either transaction date or project accounting date, and rate
type that the system uses by default to determine the conversion rate to convert
the transfer price amount from the transaction currency to the ledger currency.
You can override the default values by using the Transfer Price Currency
Conversion Override extension.
Cross-Charge Transactions Within a Legal Entity
The method of creating cross-charge transactions can be different for transactions
within a business unit than the method used across business units. You can
choose either the Borrowed and Lent Processing method of creating cross-charge
transactions, or specify that no cross-charge transactions will be created.
The processing method that you specify for cross-charge transactions between
business units is the default method used between the provider business unit
and any other receiver business unit. You can override the default processing
method for specific receiver business units.
30-8 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
If you delete the override of the default processing method for a specific receiver
business unit, you must manually adjust transactions to reflect the deleted
FAQs for Manage Transfer Price Rules
What's a transfer price rule?
Determines how Oracle Fusion Projects calculates the transfer price for cross-
charge transactions. Each rule contains the following attributes that you define.
• Type of transaction to which the rule applies: labor or nonlabor
• Basis for the cross-charge transaction: raw cost, burdened cost, or revenue
• Method used to calculate the transfer price: rate schedule, burden
schedule, or no further adjustment
• Markup or discount percentage to apply to the transfer amount calculated
by the rule
• Range of dates when you can use the rule
Can I select any burden schedule or bill rate schedule for a transfer price rule?
Yes. You can assign any rate schedule to a transfer price rule, regardless of the
project rates set assigned to the bill rate schedule.
Can I select any burden schedule or bill rate schedule for a transfer price rule?
Yes. You can assign any rate schedule to a transfer price rule, regardless of the
project rates set assigned to the bill rate schedule.
Manage Transfer Price Schedules
Transfer Price Schedules: Explained
Transfer price schedules contain the rules to determine the transfer price amount
for transactions charged from a provider organization to a receiver organization.
You create different transfer price schedules to use for various combinations
of legal entities, business units, and organizations. You can create different
schedules to use different rules for various projects and tasks between the same
pairs of provider and receiver organizations. For example, you can define one
schedule that contains the rules for capital projects and another for contract
Before you set up transfer price schedules, you must set up organizations and
transfer price rules.
Project Foundation Configuration: Define Transfer Pricing 30-9
Transfer Price Schedule Lines
Transfer price schedule lines contain details about the provider and receiver
organization, labor transfer price rule and markup or discount percentage,
nonlabor transfer price rule and markup or discount percentage, and amount
A transfer price schedule can contain provider and receiver organizations
from any organization classification that is relevant to projects. The available
organization classifications are determined at implementation when setting
up organization hierarchies and classifications. If you do not select a receiver
organization, the transfer price schedule applies to any receiver organization that
receives transactions from the specified provider organization.
A labor rule is valid transfer price rule with a type of labor. A nonlabor rule
is a valid transfer price rule with a type of nonlabor. A transfer price schedule
must contain either a labor or nonlabor rule, or both. You can assign a markup
or discount percentage to each transfer price rule to apply to the transfer price
amount that the rule calculates.
You assign cost transfer or revenue transfer as the amount type for the transfer
price calculation.
Transfer Price Schedule Hierarchy
A transfer price schedule should be determined based on whether the cross-
charge transaction is processed using the borrowed and lent processing method
or the intercompany billing method. If you use the borrowed and lent processing
method, a transfer price schedule should be assigned to the receiver task or the
project. If you use the intercompany billing method, the bill and the revenue
plan can have a transfer price schedule.
The interproject billing method does not use transfer price calculation logic.
Only the billing methods based on bill rate schedule or burden rate schedule are
allowed for interproject billing.
You can define a transfer price schedule at any organization level and legal entity
level. Oracle Fusion Projects uses the following logic to identify the appropriate
schedule line:
1. If a transfer price schedule line exists for the provider organization (the
project expenditure organization) and the receiver organization (the
project and task owning organization), then the corresponding rule is
used to calculate the transfer price.
The project expenditure organization hierarchy is defined in the implementation
options for the provider business unit. The project and task owning organization
hierarchy is defined in the implementation options for the receiver business unit.
30-10 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
2. If a schedule line is not found in the previous step, the application
checks for a line with the provider organization and a receiver parent
If the receiver organization has multiple intermediate parents and
schedule lines are defined for more than one of the parents, the schedule
line defined for the lowest level parent takes precedence over schedule
lines defined for parents higher in the organization hierarchy.
3. If a schedule line is not found in the previous step, the application checks
for a line with the provider parent organization and receiver parent
If the provider organization has multiple intermediate parents and
schedule lines are defined for more than one of the parents, the schedule
line defined for the lowest level parent takes precedence over schedule
lines defined for parents higher in the organization hierarchy.
If there is a schedule line with only a provider organization, and another
schedule line with both provider and receiver organizations, the application
gives precedence to the schedule line with both provider and receiver
If there is a schedule line with only a provider organization, and another
schedule line with the provider organization and the receiver parent
organization, the application gives precedence to the schedule line with the
provider organization and the receiver parent organization.
4. If a schedule line is not found in the previous step, the application checks
for the default line for the transfer price schedule.
5. If a schedule line is not found in the previous step, the process results in
an error.
Managing Transfer Price Rates: Examples
Use these examples to understand how to configure cross-charge options on bill
plans and revenue plans to achieve various interproject and intercompany billing
One Cross-charge Rule or Rate, One Provider Business Unit, Any Receiver
Business Unit, All Projects
To share one cross-charge rule or rate between one provider business unit
and any receiver business unit, and all projects associated with the contract,
configure your contract billing information as follows:
Bill Plan Bill Rate Schedule
Bill Plan 1 Assign the bill rate schedule you want to use for the
contract (provider) business unit to this bill plan.
Project Foundation Configuration: Define Transfer Pricing 30-11
One Cross-charge Rule or Rate, One Provider Business Unit, One Receiver
Business Unit, All Projects
To share one cross-charge rule or rate between one provider and receiver
business unit, and all projects associated with the contract, configure your
contract billing information as follows:
Bill Plan Bill Rate Schedule
Bill Plan 1 Assign the bill rate schedule you want to use for the
provider business unit to this bill plan.
Bill Plan 2
All contract lines associated with the receiver
projects can use this bill plan.
Assign the bill rate schedule you want to use for the
receiver business unit to this bill plan.
Override a Cross-charge Rule or Rate, One Provider Business Unit, One
Receiver Business Unit, One Project
To override a cross-charge rule or rate between a provider and receiver business
unit for one project, configure your contract billing and contract line details as
Bill Plan Schedules and Overrides Associated Projects
Bill Plan 1 Create a rate override for the
contract line associated with the
receiver project.
Project level
Override a Cross-charge Rule or Rate, One Provider Business Unit, One
Receiver Business Unit, Task
If a resource is assigned to multiple roles and has more than one rate on a
project, you may need to create an override at the project task level. To override
a cross-charge rule or rate between a provider and receiver business unit, for the
task on a specific project, configure your contract billing and contract line details
as follows:
Bill Plan Schedules and Overrides Associated Projects
Bill Plan 1 Create a job rate override for the
contract line associated with the
receiver project.
Task level
Override a Cross-charge Rule or Rate, One Provider Business Unit, One
Receiver Business Unit, Resource
If you are invoicing for a contractors, you may want to create an override at
the resource level. To override a cross-charge rule or rate between a provider
and receiver business unit, for a specific resource on a project, configure your
contract billing and contract line details as follows:
30-12 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Bill Plan Schedules and Overrides Associated Projects
Bill Plan 1 Create a person rate override for
the contract line associated with
the receiver project.
Task level
FAQs for Manage Transfer Price Schedules
What happens if I change a transfer price rule or transfer price schedule?
Changes to transfer price rules and schedules affect only future transactions.
To change a previously processed transaction, you must manually adjust the
Extensions for Define Transfer Pricing
Transfer Price Determination Extension
Use the Transfer Price Determination Extension to derive the transfer price for
a cross-charge transaction. If a price is not derived, the application uses the
standard transfer price process.
The Distribute Borrowed and Lent Amounts process and Generate Invoices
process call the extension before calling the standard transfer price
determination process.
The extension is identified by the following items:
Extension Component Name
Body template pjc_client_extn_cc_tp.pkb
Specification template pjc_client_extn_cc_tp.pkh
Procedure determine_transfer_price
Do not change the name of the extension procedure or parameters. Also, do not
change the parameter types or parameter order in the procedure. After you write
a procedure, compile it and store it in the database.
The system validates that you provided a value for only one of the following
output audit parameters:
• x_bill_rate
• x_bill_markup_percentage
If a value is not valid, a rejection message appears in the process execution
Project Foundation Configuration: Define Transfer Pricing 30-13
The extension procedure specifies a transfer price for the transaction being
processed. If this extension returns a valid value for the transfer price, Oracle
Fusion Projects uses that value as the transfer price instead of computing the
transfer price.
Transfer Price Override Extension
Use the Transfer Price Override Extension to override the price derived by the
standard transfer price process.
The Distribute Borrowed and Lent Amounts process and Generate Invoices
process call the extension after calculating the transfer price based on the transfer
price rules and schedules.
The extension is identified by the following items:
Extension Component Name
Body template pjc_client_extn_cc_tp.pkb
Specification template pjc_client_extn_cc_tp.pkh
Procedure override_transfer_price
Do not change the name of the extension procedure or parameters. Also, do not
change the parameter types or parameter order in the procedure. After you write
a procedure, compile it and store it in the database.
The system validates that you provided a value for only one of the following
output audit parameters:
• x_bill_rate
• x_bill_markup_percentage
If a value is not valid, a rejection message appears in the process execution
The extension procedure overrides the transfer price for a transaction.
Transfer Price Currency Conversion Override Extension
Use this extension to override the default attributes used to convert the transfer
price from the transaction currency to the functional currency.
The Distribute Borrowed and Lent Amounts process and Generate Invoices
process call the extension after the processes calculate the transfer price. The
cross-charge transaction implementation options for the business unit determine
the default conversion attributes.
30-14 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
The extension is identified by the following items:
Extension Component Name
Body template pjc_client_extn_cc_tp.pkb
Specification template pjc_client_extn_cc_tp.pkh
Procedure override_curr_conv_attributes
Do not change the name of the extension procedure or parameters. Also, do not
change the parameter types or parameter order in the procedure. After you write
a procedure, compile it and store it in the database.
Oracle Fusion Projects validates that the values returned by the extension meet
all conversion requirements.
Project Foundation Configuration: Define Action Controls 31-1
Project Foundation Configuration: Define
Action Controls
Action Controls: Explained
Action controls control data that is imported to Oracle Fusion Projects from
Microsoft Project. An action control prevents you from performing an action in
Oracle Fusion Projects on a record that originated in Microsoft Project.
Available Action Controls
You can set controls on the following actions:
• Add Task
• Delete Task
• Update Project Dates
• Update Project Description
• Update Project Name
• Update Project Number
• Update Project Organization
• Update Project Status
• Update Task Dates
• Update Task Description
• Update Task Name
• Update Task Number
• Update Task Organization
For example, consider the following scenario:
• You imported a project from Microsoft Project.
31-2 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
• Your business rule states that project and task dates are always
maintained in Microsoft Project.
• To ensure data integrity, you want to prevent projects and tasks that
originate in Microsoft Project from being deleted in Oracle Fusion
To enforce this rule, you enter the following action controls for the source
Microsoft Project:
• Update Project Dates
• Update Task Dates
• Delete Task
Project Foundation Configuration: Define Project Extensions 32-1
Project Foundation Configuration: Define
Project Extensions
Project Status Change Workflow Enabled Extension
Use the Project Status Change Workflow Enabled Extension to determine
whether to call the workflow process when the project status changes.
The extension is identified by the following items:
Extension Component Name
Body template pjf_client_extn_proj_status.pkb
Specification template pjf_client_extn_proj_status.pkh
Package pjf_client_extn_proj_status
Do not change the name of the extension procedure or parameters. Also, do not
change the parameter types or parameter order in the procedure. After you write
a procedure, compile it and store it in the database.
Oracle Fusion Projects calls the Project Status Change Workflow Enabled
Extension when a change of status is requested for a project.
When designing Project Status Change Workflow Enabled Extensions, you
determine what business rules to apply when a project status change is selected
for a project.
The name of this procedure is Check_Bpel_enabled. Oracle Fusion Projects
determines whether to call workflow for a project status change based on the
Enable Workflow option on the project status definition.
Project Status Change Rules Extension
Use the Project Status Change Rules Extension to define rules to determine
whether a project status can change.
The extension is identified by the following items:
32-2 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Extension Component Name
Body template pjf_client_extn_proj_status.pkb
Specification template pjf_client_extn_proj_status.pkh
Package pjf_client_extn_proj_status
Do not change the name of the extension procedure or parameters. Also, do not
change the parameter types or parameter order in the procedure. After you write
a procedure, compile it and store it in the database.
Oracle Fusion Projects calls the Project Status Change Rules Extension when a
change of status is requested for a project.
When designing Project Status Change Rules Extensions, you determine what
business rules to apply when a project status change is selected for a project.
The name of this procedure is Verify_Project_Status_Change.
Organization Change Rules Extension
Use the Organization Change Rules Extension to build business rules to
determine whether an organization change is allowed for a project and task
owning organization, and to define the error messages that are used when the
rules are violated.
Oracle Fusion Projects calls the Organization Change Rules Extension during
the Change Project and Task Organizations process, and in the project definition
when you change the project and task owning organization.
This table shows the names of the extension components.
Extension Component Name
Body template pjf_org_client_extn.pkb
Specification template pjf_org_client_extn.pkh
Procedure verify_org_change
Do not change the name of the extension procedure or parameters. Also, do not
change the parameter types or parameter order in the procedure. After you write
a procedure, compile it and store it in the database.
Project Status Change Approver Extension
Use the Project Status Change Approver Extension to override the internal
identifier of the project status change approver.
Project Foundation Configuration: Define Project Extensions 32-3
By default, the extension returns the internal identifier of the project manager.
The default project workflow process calls the Project Status Change Approver
Extension to determine the project approver.
The extension is identified by the following items:
Extension Component Name
Body template pjf_client_extn_project_wf.pkb
Specification template pjf_client_extn_project_wf.pkh
Package pjf_client_extn_project_wf
Do not change the name of the extension procedures or parameters. Also, do not
change the parameter types or parameter order in your procedure. After you
write a procedure, compile it and store it in the database.
The Select Project Approver (select_project_approver) procedure is included
in the Project Status Change Approver Extension. This procedure returns
the project approver ID to the calling workflow process. You can modify the
procedure to add rules to determine who can approve a project. The default
procedure returns the ID of the project manager.
32-4 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Project Foundation Configuration: Define System Administration and Maintenance Options 33-1
33-2 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Project Foundation Configuration: Define
System Administration and Maintenance
Distribute and Install Desktop Integrator Client
Project Cost Transactions: How They Are Imported to Oracle Fusion
Project Costing
Collect and import all types of project costs from Oracle Fusion and third-
party applications. During this process you can validate transactions to reduce
corrections and rework. Before you import the transactions to Oracle Fusion
Projects, you can review the exceptions for third-party transactions and correct
the errors.
Settings That Affect Transactions Import
Setup options in the transaction document and document entry specify how the
transactions are imported and processed
How Transactions Are Imported
You create, validate, and transfer the transactions to the Oracle Fusion Project
Costing interface as specified in the following table.
Transactions Type Creating Transactions Validating Transactions Importing Transactions
Oracle Fusion Projects
• Uncosted labor
• Uncosted nonlabor
Initially only in Excel
You can later edit or
add transactions in the
Manage Unreleased
Expenditure Batches
Validation is compulsory
and is performed
automatically during
transaction entry.
Click the Export button
in Excel spreadsheet to
export, and optionally
process, transactions.
Project Foundation Configuration: Define System Administration and Maintenance Options 33-3
Third-Party Application
• Uncosted labor
• Uncosted nonlabor
• Costed or
accounted labor
or nonlabor
Web services, ADFDI
Excel templates, or
Oracle Cloud templates.
You can also create
transactions in the
Manage Unprocessed
Transactions page.
If you are using the Excel
integration, optionally
validate transactions
during export.
Validation is optional
when you enter or
export transactions but
is always performed
when you run the Import
and Process Costs
Transactions process.
Methods to import :
• For Excel
click the Export
button on the
Excel spreadsheet
to export, and
optionally process,
• For Oracle Cloud,
use the Load
Interface File for
Import process.
of the
if you
for it.
• Use Oracle
Fusion Project
Costing Web
services to transfer
transactions to
the Oracle Fusion
Project Costing
33-4 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Costs from Other Fusion
Source applications Validation is compulsory.
As transactions are
validated in their source
applications, they are not
validated again during
the Import and Process
Costs Transactions
Use the Import
and Process Cost
Transactions process.
All transactions are validated but at various points, transaction entry or transfer,
or processing. If you are exporting transactions from desktop Excel integration
spreadsheets, you can release the transactions directly from the spreadsheet
itself by selecting the Process Costs option. Costs are submitted for Import
and Process Cost Transactions process avoiding the need to do it from the
The Process Costs option is not available in the Excel template, when you have
separate duties for entering and releasing Oracle Fusion Projects expenditure
batches. You can review the expenditure batches in the Manage Unreleased
Expenditure Batches page and submit them for processing.
After the transactions are imported to Oracle Fusion Projects, the application
tracks transactions with errors including the details for the cause of the error and
the action to be taken to fix the error. While the successful transactions are ready
for cost processing.
Document and Document Entry Edit Options of Predefined and
Third-Party Sources: Explained
You can define the transaction document and document entry options for
transactions that originate from predefined sources and third-party applications
sources. However, there is a limitation in editing these options. The options
that you can edit for each source depend on whether the document entry
is predefined for use with Oracle Fusion Applications or defined during
implementation for use with third-party application sources.
Document Edit Options
The following table provides a list of document options that you can edit for
predefined and third-party application source transactions.
For third-party application source transactions, the following table details
whether the options are editable after you have created and imported
transactions for the source.
Document Options Predefined Sources Third-Party Application Sources
Archive After Import Editable Editable
Project Foundation Configuration: Define System Administration and Maintenance Options 33-5
Allow Duplicate Reference Not editable Not editable
Allow Override of Person
Not editable Not editable
Import Raw Cost Amount Not editable Not editable
Import Burdened Amount Not editable Not editable
Accounted in Source Application Not editable Not editable
Create Raw Cost Accounting
Journal Entries
Not editable Not editable
Create Adjustment Accounting
Journal Entries
Editable Editable
Reconcile with Source Not editable Editable
Document Entry Edit Options
The following table provides a list of document entry options that you can edit
for predefined and third-party application source transactions.
For third-party application source transactions, the following table details
whether the options are editable after you have created and imported
transactions for the source.
Document Entry Options Predefined Sources Third-Party Application Sources
Expenditure Type Class Not editable Not editable
Allow Adjustments Editable Editable
Allow Reversals Not editable Editable
Allow Interface Modifications Not editable Editable
Process Cross-Charge Transactions Editable Editable
Create Related Items Editable Editable
FAQs for Distribute and Install Desktop Integrator Client
Can I change the source and document for transactions after exporting them to
Oracle Fusion Projects?
No. You cannot change the source, document, and document entry after creating
a transaction.
What's the difference between export and Oracle ADF Desktop Integration for
Use the Export button or menu option to download data to view or analyze. You
get a Microsoft Excel file, of any type that Excel supports, containing selected or
33-6 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
all records from the corresponding table. If row selection is disabled, then the
export would include all rows. When all rows are exported, that includes all the
rows that are not visible on the page. However, any search criteria, filters, and
Query By Example values applied to the table can exclude rows from the export.
Data from hidden columns are also not included in the export.
Use Oracle ADF Desktop Integration for Excel to create or edit records in a
Microsoft Excel workbook and upload the records back into Oracle Fusion
Applications. This feature is helpful for mass updates or working outside of
Oracle Fusion Applications. In most cases, you download the desktop integrated
workbook from a link in the regional area, for example the Create Expense
Items in Spreadsheet link, or from a table, for example using the Prepare in
Spreadsheet button. The workbooks downloaded from a link can include rows
of data, or empty rows except for default values in some columns. From a table,
what is included in the workbook is determined the same way as for the export
option. If no rows are selected, however, the workbook does not include any
records from the table.
If you are using a feature integrated with Oracle Fusion Applications that
presents a set number of rows per page or view, then exporting or downloading
all rows might not include all the data you want. You might need to navigate to
subsequent sets of rows to export or download.
Why can't I find the business unit in the downloaded desktop Excel integration
If your access is revised, then you have to download the desktop Excel
integration spreadsheets again. For example, if you initially have access to Vision
Operations business unit, then you view only this business unit listed in the
Excel spreadsheets. If new business units are assigned or removed, you must
download the templates again to view the business units according to your
access in the Excel spreadsheets.
Project Costing Configuration: Manage Transaction Sources and Documents 34-1
Project Costing Configuration: Manage
Transaction Sources and Documents
Transaction Sources: Explained
Transaction sources identify the source of transactions that you import into
Oracle Fusion Project Costing. You control the transaction import and processing
by the specifying the source, document, and document entry options.
The transaction sources can be classified into two categories:
• Predefined sources
• Third-party application sources
Predefined Sources
Oracle Fusion Project Costing provides a set of predefined transaction sources
that you use to import transactions from other Oracle Fusion applications. The
predefined sources and their associated document entries are as follows:
• Oracle Fusion Payables: Supplier costs, expense reports, intercompany
invoices, and interproject invoices.
• Oracle Fusion Projects: Time cards, usage expenditures, miscellaneous
expenditures, inventory expenditures, burden expenditures, summarized
burden expenditures, work-in-progress expenditures, capital interest
expenditures, and allocation expenditures.
• Oracle Fusion Cost Management: Purchase receipts and miscellaneous
inventory cost.
• Oracle Fusion Purchasing: Purchase requisition and purchase order
commitment costs.
Third-Party Application Sources
You can define additional transaction sources to import transactions from
non-Oracle applications. For example, you can define the transaction source
Payroll to identify expenditure items imported from an external payroll system.
Similarly, you create documents for a specific transaction source and document
entries for a specific document.
Source, Document, and Document Entry Components: How They
Work Together
When you create a transaction source, you select the transaction source options
to control the transaction import processing. Transaction source, document, and
34-2 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
document entry definitions determine how the application handles validation,
import, processing, adjustment, and accounting of project cost transactions.
The following figure provides an example of a transaction source called Oracle
Fusion Payables, associated documents called Supplier Invoice and Expense
Report, and their document entries such as Invoice Price Variance, Exchange
Rate Variance, Freight, Item Cost, and Nonrecoverable Tax.
At the transaction source level, you define the source, the processing set size,
preprocessing, and postprocessing extensions. The extensions record the internal
identifiers of imported expenditure items in the source application or perform
other user-defined processing before and at the end of the Import and Process
Cost Transactions process. Review and update the transaction sources to call the
transaction preprocessing and postprocessing extensions during the import and
process cost transactions process.
• Processing set size: When transferring large number of transactions, you
can reduce the impact of unexpected errors by processing transactions in
sets. Define the set size by providing the set size.
• Preprocessing extension: Used for transaction validation before importing,
uploading the transactions to Transaction Import Interface, or for other
processing tasks before importing.
• Postprocessing extension: Used to record the transaction number of the
imported expenditure items in the source application.
Project Costing Configuration: Manage Transaction Sources and Documents 34-3
Documents represent the transactions that are imported to Oracle Fusion Project
Costing. They are associated to a source. You specify the import and accounting
options for transactions. Some of the options are interdependent.
• If the document entry is associated with the expenditure type class,
Supplier Invoice or Expense Report, you cannot deselect the Accounted in
Source Application and Import raw cost amounts options.
• If the document entry is associated with the expenditure type class,
Burden Transactions, you cannot deselect the Import raw cost amounts or
Import burdened amounts options.
• You can select the Import burdened amounts option only when the Import
raw cost amounts option is selected.
• You can select the Create raw cost accounting journal entries option, if the
Accounted in Source Application option is set to No.
• You cannot create a document for predefined transaction sources.
Document Entries
Document entries are a further breakdown of the document. They represent
different types of transactions that come under a single, specific document. For
the Burden Transactions expenditure type class, you specify the Import raw cost
amounts and Import burdened amounts options at the document level; however,
you cannot specify the Allow adjustments and Allow reversals options at the
document entry level. Therefore, to allow adjustments and reversals, you either
change the document options or select a different expenditure type class. You can
define the following document entry options:
• Allow interface modifications: After importing the transactions, you can
edit the unprocessed transactions.
• Create related items: When importing the transactions the Create Related
Items extension is used to process the related items.
• Cross-charge transaction processing: You can allow cross-charge
transactions processing.
Setting Up Transaction Sources: Points to Consider
Transaction sources identify the source of external transactions and determine
how you import them into Oracle Fusion Projects.
Consider the following aspects when you set up transaction sources:
• Transaction Source Options
• Document Options
• Document Entry Options
• Predefined Transaction Sources
Transaction Source Options
You specify the following options when setting up transaction sources.
Option Description
Processing Set Size The number of records to be processed in each
set. When processing a large amount of data, you
can reduce the impact of unexpected errors by
processing transactions in sets. The import process
saves to the database after each set is complete. If
an error occurs and a rollback is issued, only the
transactions in the current set are affected.
34-4 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Preprocessing Extension Use the Manage Transaction Sources: Preprocessing
Extension to perform custom logic at the beginning
of Import and Process Cost Transactions process. For
example, you can implement custom validation logic
before processing the costs.
Postprocessing Extension Use the Manage Transaction Sources: Postprocessing
Extension to record the internal identifiers of
imported expenditure items in the source application
or perform other custom processing at the end of the
Import and Process Cost Transactions process.
Document Options
You specify the following options when setting up transaction source
Option Description
Commitment Source Identifies if this document is used for importing
commitment transactions.
Commitment Type Identifies type of the commitment transaction that
can be imported using this document. Possible
values are purchase order, purchase requisition,
supplier invoice, or any other commitment
Import Raw Cost Amounts Imports transactions with the raw cost amount of
the transaction already calculated. The amount is
not modified after the transaction is imported into
Oracle Fusion Projects. Designating an imported
transaction as costed does not affect burdening or
If Burden Transaction is the expenditure type class
for one or more document entries, you cannot
disable the Import Raw Cost Amounts option for the
document. If commitment source option is enabled,
then import raw cost amounts option will be enabled
but cannot be edited.
Import Burdened Amounts Imports burdened costs for transactions. If selected,
transactions that do not have a burdened cost
amount are rejected. When you select this option, the
Import Raw Cost Amounts option is automatically
If Burden Transaction is the expenditure type class
for one or more document entries, you cannot
disable the Import Burden Amounts option for the
Allow Duplicate Reference Allows this document to have multiple transactions
with the same original system reference. If you select
this option, you cannot uniquely identify the item by
source, document, and original system reference.
Project Costing Configuration: Manage Transaction Sources and Documents 34-5
The following options are not applicable and cannot be edited for commitment
document if commitment source option is enabled.
Option Description
Allow Override of Person Organization Allows the external application to provide an
expenditure organization that is different from the
owning organization of the person. If no expenditure
organization is provided, the import process
populates the expenditure organization with the
owning organization of the person.
Reconcile with Source Ties transactions from this document back to the
transaction source application.
Archive After Import Automatically archives successful imported
transactions when the import process completes.
Accounted in Source Application Controls the accounts that are imported and the
fields that are required from the transaction source
Create Raw Cost Accounting Journal Entries Interfaces cost accounting journals for the raw cost to
the general ledger.
Settings on the project type determine whether
accounting journal entries for the burden cost and
burdened cost are sent to the general ledger.
Create Adjustment Accounting Journal Entries Interfaces adjustments to the general ledger.
Document Entry Options
You specify the following option when setting up transaction source document
Option Description
Expenditure Type Class Expenditure type class used for this document entry.
If the document is a commitment document, then the
expenditure type class is set to Supplier Invoice and
cannot be edited.
The following options cannot be edited if the document is a commitment
Option Description
Allow Adjustments Allow adjustments to imported transactions in
Oracle Fusion Projects after the import process.
If Burden Transaction is the expenditure type class,
you cannot disable the Allow Adjustments option.
34-6 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Allow Reversals Allow reversals of expenditure batches or
expenditure items for the document entry.
So that the originating external application can
be reconciled with Oracle Fusion Projects, you
may need to create corresponding reversals in
the external application. In addition, if both this
option and the Import Raw Cost Amounts option
are selected, you may need to create corresponding
reversals in the external application for the
transactions that you reverse in Oracle Fusion
If Burden Transaction is the expenditure type class,
you cannot select the Allow Reversals option.
Allow Interface Modifications Allows modifications to rejected transactions after
the import process completes. Allows modifications
to pending transactions after they are loaded to
the interface table and before the import process is
Create Related Items Indicates that the Related Transaction Extension is
used to create related transactions for expenditure
items charged to projects.
Process Cross-Charge Transactions If this option is selected for a document entry, Oracle
Fusion Projects performs cross-charge processing
for transactions that originate from the source,
document, and document entry.
Predefined Transaction Sources
Oracle Fusion Projects provides a set of predefined transaction sources that
you use to import transactions from other Oracle Fusion applications. In
addition, Oracle Fusion Projects uses predefined transaction sources to import
project allocations, capitalized interest transactions, and summarized burden
transactions that are generated internally.
You can define additional transaction sources to import transactions from third-
party applications. For example, you can define the transaction source Payroll to
identify expenditure items imported from an external payroll application. You
control the Transaction Import processing by the options that you select for each
transaction source.
Predefined transaction sources exist for payables, cost management, projects,
and purchasing.
Transaction Document Import and Accounting Options: Points to
Specify the import and accounting options in the transaction document to define
the way in which the transactions are imported and processed.
Project Costing Configuration: Manage Transaction Sources and Documents 34-7
Transaction Import Options
The import options that you define for documents impact how the application
imports transactions for that document. You specify the following import
options for each document:
Import Options Description
Import raw cost amounts Select this option to import raw cost amounts on
transactions from this document.
Import burdened amounts Select this option to import burdened cost amounts
on transactions from this document.
Allow duplicate reference Select this option to allow the same original
application reference for transactions from this
Allow override of person organization Select this option to override the primary human
resources assignment organization of the person on
transactions from this document.
Reconcile with source Select this option to reconcile transactions associated
to this document in the source application.
Archive after import Select this option to archive transactions from this
document after importing them successfully.
Transaction Accounting Options
The accounting options that you define for documents impact how the
application accounts transactions for that document. You specify the following
accounting options for each document:
Accounting Options Description
Accounted in source application Select this option to specify that cost transactions
can be accounted in the source application. That is,
you can account for raw, burden, or burdened costs
If the raw cost, burden, or burdened cost is
accounted in the source, then the respective
general ledger accounts are required to import the
transactions successfully.
Create raw cost accounting journal entries Select this option to create raw cost accounting
journal entries on transactions.
Create adjustment accounting journal entries Select this option to create adjustment accounting
journals entries on transactions.
FAQs for Manage Transaction Sources and Documents
Can I assign a document to multiple sources?
You can have a document with the same name in multiple sources but you
cannot share documents across sources. For example, a corporation with
34-8 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
multiple time capture systems can associate a time card document with Oracle
Fusion Projects and a non-Oracle application as sources. The rules on how these
transactions are treated may differ depending on how they are processed in the
source applications.
Can I create documents and document entries for predefined transactions
No.You can create documents and document entries only for third-party
transaction sources.
Can I delete transaction sources, documents, and document entries?
You can delete third-party transaction sources, documents, or document entries
only if no cost transactions exist. However, you cannot delete the predefined
transaction sources, documents, or document entries.
Can I allow adjustments and reversals for all transactions in the document
No. You decide whether to allow transaction adjustments and reversals for each
document entry that you create during implementation. However, you cannot
define document entries to allow adjustments and reversals for transactions that
are generated by the application such as allocation transactions, capital interest
expenditure transactions, summarized burden transactions.
Can I change the source and document for transactions after exporting them to
Oracle Fusion Projects?
No. You cannot change the source, document, and document entry after creating
a transaction.
Project Costing Configuration: Define Allocations 35-1
Project Costing Configuration: Define
Allocation Basis Methods: Critical Choices
When you define an allocation rule, you specify a basis method. The basis
method defines how the amounts in the source pool are to be divided among the
target lines. Each target line identifies projects and tasks. The following is a list of
basis methods used in allocations:
• Spread Evenly
• Target Percentage and Spread Evenly
• Prorate
• Target Percentage and Prorate
• Use Client Extension Basis
The image shows the various basis methods used in allocations.
Spread Evenly
The allocation rule divides the source pool amount equally among all the
chargeable target tasks included in the rule. This is the most simple and direct
basis method.
35-2 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Target Percentage and Spread Evenly
Specify the percentage of the source pool that is required to allocate to each
target line. The total specified target percentage must always equal 100 percent.
The allocation rule calculates the amount to allocate to the target line, and then
spreads the results evenly among the chargeable tasks.
The allocation generation uses the attributes defined in the allocation rule to
derive the rate at which the source pool amount is apportioned among the
target projects and tasks. For this basis method, the allocation rule uses the basis
attributes to apportion the source amount among all the tasks defined by the
Target Percentage and Prorate
The allocation rule first uses the target percentage to calculate the amount to
allocate to the line, and then apportions the results among all the tasks.
Both the Prorate and Target Percentage and Prorate basis methods provide
precise control over how the rule distributes the source pool.
Client Extension Basis
Another way to define percentages and a basis is to use the Allocation Basis
extension. This extension enables you to define your own allocation basis to
determine the basis amount for each target project and task.
Allocation Methods: Critical Choices
When you define an allocation rule, you specify the allocation method, which
determines how amounts are allocated to projects and tasks during generation.
The full and incremental allocations distribute all the amounts accumulated
during the generation period. Following are the two types of allocation methods:
• Full Allocation
• Incremental Allocation
Full Allocation
The full allocation method always distributes the entire source pool amount
to target projects and tasks and generates allocation transactions for the entire
amount each time in a period. This method is suitable to process an allocation
rule only once within the same accounting or project accounting period.
Project Costing Configuration: Define Allocations 35-3
If you generate allocation transactions using a full allocation rule twice for the
same period, then the complete source pool amount is allocated twice to target
projects and tasks in the same period. If this is done inadvertently, then you can
reverse the duplicate allocation.
Example: Allocation of Source Amount Using Full Allocation Method
This example explains how the source amounts are allocated using the full
allocation method.
Allocation Number Source Pool
Total Allocated
Amount to Targets
Previous Allocated
Amount to Targets
Current Allocated
Amount to Targets
1 1050.00 1050.00 0.00 1050.00
Incremental Allocation
Incremental allocations create expenditure items based on the difference between
the transactions processed in the previous and current allocation generation. This
method is suitable if you want to use the allocation rule to generate allocations
several times in a single period. The application keeps track of the results of
previous incremental allocation generations. Therefore, you can process an
incremental allocation multiple times within the same period creating additional
transactions to incrementally increase or decrease the amount allocated to each
target project and task based on changes to the available source pool amount and
basis logic from the previous incremental generation. You can review and delete
draft allocations until you are satisfied with the results.
For incremental allocations the application calculates the amounts allocated in
the previous allocation generation.
Example: Allocation of Source Amount Using Incremental Allocation Method
The following example explains how the source amounts are allocated using
the incremental allocation methods: The amount type used in this allocation
rule is period-to-date and allocation is generated for the June 2010 period. The
following table shows how costs are allocated incrementally to target projects
and tasks throughout this period:
Allocation Number Source Pool
Total Allocated
Amount to Targets
Previous Allocated
Amount to Targets
Current Allocated
Amount to Targets
1 1000.00 1000.00 0 1000.00
2 1100.00 1100.00 1000.00 100.00
3 1050.00 1050.00 1100.00 <50.00>
At the end of the period, the total amount allocated to targets is 1050.00. This is
made up of sets of incremental allocation transactions. Incremental transactions
can be positive or negative, based on changes to the source pool, eligible targets,
and basis calculations.
35-4 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Project Cost Allocations: How They Are Processed
Allocations are processed to distribute various types of costs to distinct sets of
target projects and tasks. You identify the amounts to allocate and then define
targets, projects and tasks to which you want to allocate the source amounts.
Optionally, you offset the allocations with reversing transactions. Oracle Fusion
Project Costing gathers source amounts into a source pool and then allocates to
the targets using the basis method that you specify in the allocation rule. When
the allocation is released, expenditure items are created and processed. The
following flowchart shows allocation processing from defining an allocation rule
to releasing an allocation transaction.
Settings That Affect Project Cost Allocation Processing
You create a set of allocation rules to allocate various types of costs to distinct
sets of target projects and tasks. Allocation transactions are generated based on
the settings in the allocation rules such as:
• Allocation or offset transaction attributes
• Source amounts to allocate
• Target projects and tasks to allocate source amounts
• Allocation method
Project Costing Configuration: Define Allocations 35-5
• Offset method to reverse and balance allocation transactions
• Basis method
• Using client extensions
Each allocation rule is associated with a business unit. Source projects and ledger
accounts of an allocation must be from the same business unit as the one that is
assigned to the allocation rule. During processing, based on the target selection,
if the project cross-charge is enabled, costs can be allocated costs to projects
across business units. However, offset transactions are charged to projects owned
by the same business unit that owns the allocation rule.
How Project Cost Allocations Are Processed
When the allocation rule is prepared to generate allocations, costs are collected
against the source. For project sources, the actual cost transactions are
summarized and for ledger sources, journal entries are posted for the source
ledger accounts. If a prorate basis method is used, then ensure that either actual
cost or budget amounts are summarized for the target projects, depending on the
prorate logic. The allocation is generated either once in an accounting period or
incrementally in the accounting period.
The resulting allocation transactions are draft allocations in draft success
or draft failure statuses, which are displayed in the Manage Allocations
page. The application tracks the source amount, currently and previously
allocated amounts so that the user can review if the source amount is allocated
appropriately. Based on the type of basis method the allocation rule uses,
the application provides the basis percentage and effective percentage. The
allocation generation errors are tracked and displayed as exceptions. You
can review the issues and fix them as required. If the allocation rule uses an
incremental allocation method, then the missing amounts are tracked and you
can determine differences from the previous allocation. For example, if a target
project that received an allocation transaction during the previous allocation is
now closed, then that the amount previously allocated to that project appears
as a missing amount. If the draft allocations are as per your expectation, the
allocation and offset transactions can get released, which results in the creation
of expenditure items. The draft successful transactions can fail during the release
of an allocation. For example the released transaction may violate a transaction
control. You can fix the errors and then release the allocation.
The draft failure allocations are processed only after reviewing and fixing the
issues. For example, you can edit the associated allocation rule or ensure that the
actual amounts are summarized for source projects. After fixing the errors, delete
the draft allocation and generate the allocation again.
Allocation Offset Methods: Critical Choices
You can use offsets to balance the allocation transactions with the source or other
projects. When you define an allocation rule, you select the offset method to
determine how offset transactions are created.
35-6 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
After specifying the offset method, you must specify transaction attributes:
expenditure organization, expenditure type class, and expenditure type. The
attributes do not have to match those used for the allocation transactions.
All offset projects and tasks must be open and chargeable, and in the same
business unit that owns the allocation rule. The allocation rule can have an offset
method although it may not have source projects.
The allocation rule creates the offset transactions for the offset projects and tasks
when you generate the allocation. Offset transactions offset the total amount
allocated to target projects, although the total number of offset transactions
does not usually equal the total number of allocation transactions. For example
with an offset method of Specific Project and Task, if the rule allocates 10,000.00
USD from the allocation sources to 1000 target projects and tasks, then the
result is 1000 allocation transactions for a total of 10,000.00 USD and one offset
transaction to the specified project and task for a negative amount of 10,000.00
You can select one of the following offset methods in an allocation rule:
• Source Project and Task
• Source Project and Client Extension for Task
• Use Client Extension for Project and Task
• Specific Project and Task
Source Project and Task
Use this offset method in the allocation rule to create reversing transactions for
the specified source projects and tasks in the allocation rule.
If the allocation rule uses ledger sources or a fixed amount source, then the
allocation rule cannot use Source Project and Task offset method because a
source project does not exist in such cases. Only project sources use this offset
Source Project and Client Extension for Task
Use this offset method to create reversing transactions in specific tasks of
the source project. You must specify the logic for determining offsets in the
Allocation Offset Tasks client extension.
Use Client Extension for Project and Task
Use this offset method to create reversing transactions in projects and tasks as
specified in the Allocation Offset Projects and Tasks client extension. You can use
this method with any one of the sources or a combination of project, ledger, or
fixed amount source.
Project Costing Configuration: Define Allocations 35-7
Specific Project and Task
Use this offset method to create reversing transactions in one project and one of
its tasks per the specified project and task in the offset method. You can use this
method with any one of the sources or a combination of project, ledger, or fixed
amount source.
Calculating Prorate Amounts Using Allocation Basis Method:
The following example illustrates how allocation generation calculates the basis
percentages and prorate amounts using the basis methods:
• Prorate
• Target Percentage and Prorate
The two prorate basis methods provide precise control over how the rule
distributes the source pool. The rule uses the basis attributes defined in the
allocation rule to derive the rate at which the source pool amount is apportioned
among the target projects and tasks.
Prorate Basis Method
The Information Technology department captures its costs such as labor,
supplies, and expenses in a shared service IT project. These costs are then
allocated to projects that benefit from IT services based on the total labor hours
charged to each project.
Using the Prorate basis method, for a source of $1000.00, consider the following
target details:
The basis percentage for each target task is equal to the target task basis amount
divided by the total basis amount, multiplied by 100. For example, for task 1 on
project ABC the application determines the allocation amount by multiplying the
basis percentage for each target task by the source pool amount.
Project Task Labor Hours Basis Percentage Allocation Amount
ABC 1 10 10 100.00
35-8 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
ABC 2 20 20 200.00
DEF 1 30 30 300.00
DEF 2 0 0 0.00
GHI 1 40 40 400.00
For the Prorate basis method, the allocation rule prorates the amount specified
by the source pool to the targets based on the basis attributes in the allocation
Target Percentage and Prorate Basis Method
In this example, a subset of projects utilizes the IT services. The allocation rule
is configured to allocate a fixed percentage of the source amount to each project
and then it spreads across tasks based on the total actual labor hours charged to
each task.
Using Target Percentage and Prorate basis method, for a source of $1000.00
allocated to the target line, consider the following details:
Basis percentage for each target task is equal to the target task basis amount
divided by the total basis amount the target line from the allocation rule,
multiplied by 100. For example, for task 1 on project ABC the application
determines the allocation amount by multiplying the basis percentage for each
target task by the source pool amount for the target line.
Line Number Project Target Percentage Allocation Source Pool
1 ABC 50 500.00
2 DEF 25 250.00
3 GHI 25 250.00
Target Line
Project Task Basis
Labor Hours
1 ABC 1 10 33.3 166.67 16.67
1 ABC 2 20 66.7 333.33 33.33
2 DEF 1 30 100 250.00 25
2 DEF 2 0 0 0.00 0
Project Costing Configuration: Define Allocations 35-9
3 GHI 1 40 100 250.00 25
For the Target Percentage and Prorate basis method, the rule first uses the target
percentage to calculate the amount to allocate to the line, and then apportions
the results among all the tasks for that line. In the application, an effective
percentage column is also available when reviewing the basis details for an
allocation. The effective percentage represents the following:
• percentage of the total source pool amount that the target task receives
• consolidated percentage of the target percentage and basis percentage
For simplicity in the above examples, each target line in the allocation rule
specifies a project. In real life, the target line can be defined more broadly. For
example, a target line could specify a project-owning organization of Services
East, so the eligible targets would be all projects owned by Services East.
Defining Allocation Rules to Allocate Labor Costs from a Shared
Services Project: Worked Example
This example demonstrates how to set up the allocation rules to allocate
labor costs from a shared services project. A central contract administration
group supports billable projects in the company. Costs that the contract
administration group incurs such as labor, expenses, and supplies are charged
to a shared services contract administration project. Weekly, the costs are
incrementally allocated to all billable projects in the organization. A major
project is excluded from the allocation because of the project complexity the
project has its own contract administration team and does not use the central
contract administration group. Therefore it is explicitly excluded in the targets.
Costs are allocated incrementally throughout the year and prorated based on the
total actual burdened cost charged.
You are implementing allocation rules for the organization. You want to allocate
100 percent of costs collected in the shared contract services project to all eligible
tasks once a week. The costs are spread to all projects for the organization based
on the total actual labor hours charged to each project, as more time is worked on
the project. The following table summarizes key decisions for this scenario:
Decisions to Consider In this Example
How to allocate the costs? Allocate to all time and materials projects within the
San Diego organization.
When to allocate costs? Allocate labor costs incrementally on a weekly basis.
What costs to allocate? Allocate 100 percent of the costs collected in the
shared contract services project.
You define the allocation rule in this scenario to distribute labor cost amounts
from shared services project. This allocation rule defines the following:
35-10 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
• Source of the amounts to allocate
• Target projects and tasks to receive the allocation
• Method to generate offset transactions, if required
• Method to divide the source amount among the target projects and tasks
• Attributes for the allocation and offset transactions, including the
expenditure type, expenditure organization, and expenditure type class
for the resulting expenditure items
Defining the Allocation Rule
1. On the Cost Transactions Overview page, click Manage Allocation Rules
in the Tasks region to open the Manage Allocation Rule page.
2. Click Create to open the Create Allocation Rule page.
3. Complete the general details to define the allocation rule for the following
key fields as shown in the table.
Field Value
Business Unit InVision Services
Name Shared Contract Services Allocation
Description Rule to allocate shared contract service
Allocation Method Incremental
Allocation Period Type Accounting Period
Targets Selection Within business unit
Basis Method Prorate
Expenditure Organization San Diego
Expenditure Type Class Miscellaneous Transactions
Expenditure Type Contract Services Allocation
Defining Allocation Sources
1. Click Sources and complete the key fields as shown in the table.
Field Value
Allocation Pool Percentage 100
Fixed Source Amount 0
Amount Class Fiscal year-to-date
Amount Type Burdened Cost
Project Organization San Diego
Project Contract Shared Service Center
Project Costing Configuration: Define Allocations 35-11
Defining Allocation Targets
1. Click Targets and complete the key fields as shown in the table.
Field Value
Line Number 1
Project Organization San Diego
Project Type Time and Materials
Exclude Leave unchecked
Line Number 2
Project Organization San Diego
Project Rudycorp Software Install
Exclude Select the check box.
Defining Allocation Offsets
1. Click Offsets and complete the key fields as shown in the table.
Field Value
Offset Method Source project and task
Expenditure Organization San Diego
Expenditure Type Class Miscellaneous Transactions
Expenditure Type Service Offset
Defining Allocation Basis Details
1. Click Basis and complete the key fields as shown in the table.
Field Value
Basis Category Actual Amounts
Amount Type Total Billable Burdened Costs
Amount Class Fiscal year-to-date
Relative Period 0
2. Click Save and Close.
Defining Allocation Rules to Allocate Rent Costs from General
Ledger: Worked Example
This example demonstrates how to set up the allocation rules to allocate rent
costs. Your enterprise has an organization that rents building space, and the
35-12 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
finance department wants to allocate rental cost to the projects owned by the
organization. The project managers can then use the allocation to bill costs to
customers. The Payables department charges rent to a different general ledger
account for each organization by cost center. You implement the allocation
rule for the organization. Allocate 100 percent of the rental cost collected in the
general ledger to all eligible tasks for San Diego organization projects once a
month. You can prorate the allocation based on the previous month's total raw
cost for each task. Project Rudycorp Software Install is performed completely
at the customer location and should not be allocated any rent costs. This project
must be excluded from receiving rent allocation.
You are implementing allocation rules for the organization. You want to allocate
100 percent of the rental cost collected in the general ledger account for the
organization to all eligible tasks once a month. You also want to prorate the
allocation based on the previous month's total raw cost for each task. The
following table summarizes key decisions for this scenario:
Decisions to Consider In this Example
How to allocate the costs? Allocate to all eligible tasks and prorate the
allocation by the total actual raw cost accrued for
each task during the prior accounting period.
When to allocate costs? Allocate rental costs once each accounting period.
What costs to allocate? Allocate 100 percent of rental costs collected in the
accounting period for the cost center.
You define the allocation rule in this scenario to distribute amounts between
and within projects and tasks in a business unit. This allocation rule defines the
• Source of the amounts to allocate
• Target projects and tasks to receive the allocation
• Method to generate offset transactions, if required
• Method to divide the source amount among the target projects and tasks
• Attributes for the allocation and offset transactions, including the
expenditure type, expenditure organization, and expenditure type class
for the resulting expenditure items
Defining the Allocation Rule
1. On the Cost Transactions Overview page, click Manage Allocation Rules
in the Tasks region to open the Manage Allocation Rule page.
2. Click Create to open the Create Allocation Rule page.
3. Complete the general details to define the allocation rule for the following
key fields as shown in the table.
Field Value
Business Unit InVision Services
Name San Diego Rent Allocation
Project Costing Configuration: Define Allocations 35-13
Description Rule to allocate San Diego rental
costs to projects
Allocation Method Full
Allocation Period Type Accounting Period
Targets Selection Within business unit
Basis Method Prorate
Expenditure Organization San Diego
Expenditure Type Class Miscellaneous Transaction
Expenditure Type Rent Allocation
Defining Allocation Sources
1. Click Sources and then Ledger Sources and complete the key fields as
shown in the table.
Field Value
Allocation Pool Percentage 100
Source Amount Class Period-to-date
Ledger Sources Account 01-420-7580-000
Percentage 100
Subtract Leave unchecked
Defining Allocation Targets
1. Click Targets and complete the key fields as shown in the table.
Field Value
Line Number 1
Project Organization San Diego
Line Number 2
Project Rudycorp Software Install
Exclude Select the check box.
Defining Allocation Offsets
1. Click Offsets and complete the key fields as shown in the table.
Field Value
Offset Method Specific project and task
Project Allocation Offset Project
Task 1.0
35-14 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Expenditure Organization San Diego
Expenditure Type Class Miscellaneous Transaction
Expenditure Type Rent Allocation
Defining Allocation Basis Details
1. Click Basis and complete the key fields as shown in the table.
Field Value
Basis Category Actual Amounts
Amount Type Total Raw Cost
Amount Class Period-to-date
Relative Period -1
2. Click Save and Close.
Expenditure Type Class for Allocation Transactions: Points to
When defining an allocation rule, you must specify the expenditure type class
for the allocation transaction attributes. Choosing the expenditure type class
determines how the allocated amount is created as costs on the expenditure item.
Miscellaneous Transactions
The miscellaneous transaction expenditure type class is used to allocate the
source amount as raw cost on the expenditure item.
Burden Transactions
The burden transactions expenditure type class is used to allocate the source
amount as the burden cost for the expenditure item, while expenditure item
quantity and raw cost remain zero.
FAQs for Manage Project Allocation Rules
Can I allocate the source amount to projects and tasks that belong to a different
business unit?
Yes, if the projects are enabled for cross-charge processing and when the target
selection in allocation rule is across business units. Allocation transactions are
owned by the business unit to which the allocation rule belongs. However, you
Project Costing Configuration: Define Allocations 35-15
cannot allocate the source amount to projects in other business units that are
enabled for capitalization.
What happens if the total basis amount in an allocation is zero?
The allocation either results in an error or spreads the amount evenly to all the
eligible target projects or tasks based on the Allocation Method for Zero-Basis
Amounts profile option settings during implementation.
What's the difference between allocation and burdening?
Both allocation and burdening are related to expenditure item costs. Allocation
uses actual amounts from sources such as project sources, ledger sources, and
fixed amount source to provide the source pool amount. Allocation generation
apportions these source pool amount to target projects and tasks. When you
release the allocation, expenditure items are created against each target project.
Burdening uses a set of estimated burden multipliers to increase the total cost
amount of expenditure items. This fixed percentage is an estimate of the indirect
or burden costs associated with the raw costs for each expenditure item.
Allocations and burdening are not mutually exclusive; you can use both.
Whether your company uses allocations, burdening, or both in a particular
situation depends on how your company works and how you have implemented
Oracle Fusion Project Costing.
35-16 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Project Costing Configuration: FAQs for Define Capital Projects 36-1
Project Costing Configuration: FAQs for
Define Capital Projects
What's a standard unit cost method?
Standard unit cost method is one of the asset cost allocation methods that is
used to allocate common and indirect costs to different assets. For example, you
can allocate amounts such as salaries, administrative overhead, and equipment
charges across several assets.
A standard unit cost is defined for an asset book and asset category combination.
When you use this method, Oracle Fusion Projects multiplies the standard unit
cost times the actual units based on the asset book and asset category of each
asset and it determines the proration basis for allocating costs. Optionally, you
can override the asset cost allocation method when defining capital events.
Can I distinguish cost of removal and proceeds of sale amounts when
processing retirement costs?
Yes. When capturing retirement costs in a capital project, enter proceeds of sale
amounts using expenditure types specifically created for that purpose. Oracle
Fusion Projects automatically classifies amounts for all other expenditure types
associated with the retirement cost task as cost of removal.
36-2 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Project Costing Configuration: Define Capitalized Interest 37-1
Project Costing Configuration: Define
Capitalized Interest
Capitalized Interest Setup: Explained
To set up capitalized interest, you must specify the following capitalized interest
options to calculate and capitalize interest on construction-in-progress costs.
• Capitalized Interest Rate: Define thresholds when projects or tasks
become eligible for interest calculation and selecting the basis attributes
used to calculate interest amounts.
• Capitalized Interest Rate Schedules: Create capitalized interest rate
schedules with multipliers for organization and interest rate combinations
to calculate capitalized interest.
• Capitalized Interest Rate Schedules for Project Types: Review and update
project types to specify the default rate schedule for a capital project type.
The rate schedule that you specify for a project type is the default rate
schedule for all projects that you create for this project type. You can
specify to override the default rate schedule at the project level.
• Capitalized Interest Generation on Project Status Controls: Use project
status controls to determine the capitalized interest calculation through
the various stages of a project. You must determine the project statuses for
which you want to allow the calculation of capitalized interest and update
project status controls accordingly. You can review the statuses at a later
stage and modify them as required.
• Capitalized Interest Extensions: Implement client extensions to customize
and control how interest is capitalized and recorded on capital projects.
Capitalized Interest Rate Schedule Components: How They Work
Capitalized interest rate schedules help you maintain the interest rates
at the organization level. If the capitalized interest rate is not defined for
the organization, the application automatically uses the next higher-level
organization in the organization hierarchy.
37-2 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Capitalized Interest Rate Schedule Components
The following components work together to define a schedule for capitalized
interest rates. Provide the rate schedule attributes and then build new multipliers
for the version to take effect. You can assign the interest rate schedule to a project
type and allow the override of the assigned capitalized interest rate schedule at
the project level.
Rate Schedule Components Description
Default Organization Hierarchy Organization hierarchy to assign rates to
organizations. If there is no rate for an organization,
the capitalized interest calculation uses the rate
for the next higher-level organization in the
organization hierarchy.
Hierarchy Version The default version of the organization hierarchy to
be applied to the schedule.
Hierarchy Start Organization Start organization to indicate which branch of the
organization hierarchy is used as the top of the
hierarchy for assigning capitalized interest rates to
Hold from Build Select this option to prevent the rate schedule
version from being built, if version is not yet ready
for the build.
Rate Multipliers Specify rate multiplier for an organization and
capitalized interest rate combination. Optionally,
copy multipliers from other schedule version to this
version and use it.
To delete an interest rate schedule, you must build the schedule and then delete
Setting Up Capital Projects for Calculating Capitalized Interest:
Points to Consider
To correctly calculate capitalized interest, ensure that correct capitalization
options are defined at the project type, project template, and project levels. At the
project level, verify the following:
• The project allows capitalized interest calculation
• The appropriate capital interest rate schedule and capitalized interest stop
date are specified
Allowing Capitalized Interest for a Project
Indicate whether the project is eligible for capitalized interest. By default, this
option is enabled for all capital projects. However, you can update the option as
Project Costing Configuration: Define Capitalized Interest 37-3
Selecting a Capital Interest Schedule and Capital Interest Stop Date
Capitalized interest rate schedules to define rates of interest calculation for each
organization. The default interest schedule is inherited from the project type. You
can override it if the project type allows schedule changes at the project level.
FAQs for Define Capitalized Interest
What's a capital interest stop date?
Date that determines the accounting period up to which capital interest is
calculated for a project or task.
For example, assume the stop date for your project is December 27, 2010 and
your accounting periods are weekly. That is, the stop date falls in the fourth
period of December. In such a case, capital interest is calculated only up to the
third period in December 2010.
37-4 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Project Costing Configuration: FAQs for Define Expenditure Extensions 38-1
Project Costing Configuration: FAQs for
Define Expenditure Extensions
How can I create related expenditure items?
When you define a document entry, select the Create related items option.
You can create related items for any type of transactions from third-party
applications. The Import and Process Cost Transactions process creates related
items based on the user-defined specifications in the client extension. All related
items are associated with a source transaction. Use related items to process raw
cost amount separately from the source transaction raw cost amount.
However, you cannot create related items, if the document entry is associated
with allocation, capital interest, and application-generated summarized burden
expenditure transactions.
38-2 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Project Costing Configuration: Manage Integration with Other Applications 39-1
Project Costing Configuration: Manage
Integration with Other Applications
Oracle Fusion Project Costing Integration with Oracle Fusion
Applications: How They Work Together
Oracle Fusion Project Costing fully integrates with Oracle Fusion Purchasing,
Oracle Fusion Self Service Procurement, Oracle Fusion Receipt Accounting,
Oracle Fusion Expenses, Oracle Fusion Payables, Oracle Fusion Inventory
Management, and Oracle Fusion Cost Management and enables you to capture
and transfer project-related transactions. For example when you purchase goods,
the project information is carried from the requisition to purchase orders to
supplier invoices to finally project expenditure items.
Oracle Fusion Project Costing also integrates with Oracle Fusion Assets to
capture capital assets and retirement adjustment costs. Oracle Fusion Project
Costing fully integrates with Oracle Fusion Subledger Accounting so that you
can create accounting for your project-related transactions.
Implementing Oracle Fusion Payables
Implement Oracle Fusion Payables to enter project-related supplier invoices
in Oracle Fusion Payables and to import project-related expense reports from
Oracle Fusion Expenses. You use supplier and invoice information in Oracle
Fusion Payables to create expenditure items for projects in Oracle Fusion
When the primary accounting method is accrual basis accounting, you transfer
invoice distributions and payment discounts as actual costs. When invoices
are matched to receipt accrual purchase orders, Oracle Fusion Supply Chain
Management transfers invoice variances to Oracle Fusion Projects. For receipt
accruals, Oracle Fusion Payables transfers discounts to Oracle Fusion Projects.
Implementing Oracle Fusion Purchasing, Oracle Fusion Self Service
Purchasing, Oracle Fusion Receipt Accounting, and Oracle Fusion Cost
Implement Oracle Fusion Purchasing and Oracle Fusion Self Service Purchasing
to enter project-related requisitions, requests for quotations, and purchase
orders, and then report them as outstanding committed costs of requisitions and
purchase orders on your projects.
39-2 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Implement Oracle Fusion Receipt Accounting to create receipts against purchase
orders. Thereafter, Oracle Fusion Cost Management transfers project-related
receipt accruals as actual supplier costs. When the primary accounting method
is accrual basis accounting, you transfer the costs associated with the receipt
as actual costs. Oracle Fusion Cost Management transfers the variances for
receipt accruals by accumulating the costs from Oracle Fusion Payables and then
transfers them to Oracle Fusion Projects.
Implementing Oracle Fusion Inventory Management
Implement Oracle Fusion Inventory Management to order and receive items
into inventory before assigning them to a project. You can capture project
information for miscellaneous transactions and movement requests as you take
items out of or receive items into Oracle Fusion Inventory Management. When
you enter project-related transactions in Oracle Fusion Inventory Management,
you enter the project information on the source transaction. Oracle Fusion Cost
Management transfers project-related miscellaneous inventory issues and move
orders to Oracle Fusion Projects.
Implementing Oracle Fusion Expenses
Employees and contingent workers can enter and submit expense reports.
Oracle Fusion Expenses integrates with Oracle Fusion Payables to provide
quick processing of expense reports for payment. You can create project-related
expense reports in Oracle Fusion Expenses and transfer to Oracle Fusion
Payables and then to Oracle Fusion Project Costing.
Implementing Oracle Fusion Assets
Implement integration with Oracle Fusion Assets to collect construction-in-
progress and expense costs in Oracle Fusion Project Costing for each asset you
are building. You can then update your fixed asset records when assets are ready
to be placed in service or retired. In addition, you can perform retirement cost
processing to capture retirement-work-in progress costs associated with the
retirement of assets in Oracle Fusion Assets.
Implementing Oracle Fusion Subledger Accounting
Oracle Fusion Subledger Accounting is the single source of all internally derived
accounting. Oracle Fusion Project Costing seamlessly integrates with Oracle
Fusion Subledger Accounting for accounting costs. After the accounting events
are generated in Oracle Fusion Projects, the subledger accounting entries are
created and then transferred to the Oracle Fusion General Ledger.
For transactions imported from other Oracle Fusion applications, such as
Oracle Fusion Payables, Oracle Fusion Receipt Accounting, and Oracle Fusion
Cost Management, you can view accounting entries created in Oracle Fusion
Subledger Accounting without navigating to the source application. For
transactions imported from non-Oracle applications, you can view the accounts
imported into Oracle Fusion Project Costing without navigating to the third-
party application.
Deriving Project-Related Accounts for Oracle Fusion Applications:
Account rules specify how the Account Combination is derived on subledger
journal entry lines. You can specify the conditions under which a rule becomes
Project Costing Configuration: Manage Integration with Other Applications 39-3
applicable. Using this feature, you can develop complex rules for deriving
accounts under different circumstances. Accounts imported from third-party
applications or the Oracle Application Development Framework Fusion Desktop
Integration are available as sources in Oracle Fusion Subledger Accounting.
You can optionally create account rules with your specifications. If you define an
account rule for an account combination, then the rule determines each segment
of the Accounting flexfield. If you define an account rule for a segment, then the
rule determines the value for a single Accounting flexfield segment. You can use
both segment and account combination rules to derive a single account. If you
assign both types of account rules to a single journal line definition, then Oracle
Fusion Subledger Accounting uses the account segment rules first and then takes
the remaining values from the account combination rule.
Deriving Projects-Related Accounts
The only method to derive project-specific accounts is to use project sources
in the accounting method. You define account rules to derive project-related
accounts for the following Oracle Fusion applications:
• Oracle Fusion Purchasing: Project-specific accounts, such as the
purchasing charge account and accrual account, are derived by using
transaction account derivation rules
• Oracle Fusion Cost Management: All project-specific accounts are derived
during accounting creation in Oracle Fusion Subledger Accounting.
• Oracle Fusion Payables: The project-specific accounts are not derived
until the journal entries are created within Oracle Fusion Subledger
Accounting. Oracle Fusion Expenses need not derive project-specific
accounts because they are derived after the records are transferred to
Oracle Fusion Payables.
• Oracle Fusion Receivables: AutoAccounting does not generate accounts
for invoices originating from Oracle Fusion Projects. Project-specific
accounts are derived during accounting creation in Oracle Fusion
Subledger Accounting.
You must update the account rules to derive project-specific accounting. Create
project-specific rules by evaluating the Project Identifier. Derive a project-specific
account combination or override a single account segment with a project-specific
value. Use more than 100 project-specific sources to create mapping sets and
account rule conditions. Examples of these sources include:
• Billable Indicator
• Capitalizable Indicator
• Retirement Indicator
• Project Type
• Expenditure Type
• Expenditure Type Descriptive Flexfield Attribute 1
• Task Descriptive Flexfield Attribute 1
39-4 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Capturing Project Costs: Explained
Capture project-related costs from both Oracle Fusion Applications and third-
party applications and then transfer them to Oracle Fusion Project Costing.
You can capture costs manually by creating uncosted, costed, and accounted
transactions for third-party application sources in Oracle Fusion Project Costing.
Transaction Sources
Costs are created in internal and external applications before being processed.
The following table lists cost types and the corresponding source applications.
Source Name Type of Transactions
Oracle Fusion Expenses Expense Reports
Expense report transactions are imported from
Oracle Fusion Payables as actual costs to Oracle
Fusion Project Costing.
Oracle Fusion Payables Supplier Invoices
Oracle Fusion Purchasing • Purchase Orders
• Purchase Requisitions
Purchase orders and purchase requisitions are
available as committed costs for reporting in Oracle
Fusion Project Costing.
Oracle Fusion Receiving Receipts
Oracle Fusion Inventory • Miscellaneous Transactions
• Movement Requests
Oracle Fusion Cost Management • Expense-Based Receipts
• Inventory Miscellaneous Transactions
• Inventory Movement Requests
Oracle Fusion Project Costing • Costs in Unreleased Expenditure Batches
• Adjustment Transactions
• Unprocessed Transactions
Third-Party Applications External Costs imported using desktop Excel
integration, Web services, or Oracle Cloud interface.
Capture of Costs
Capture various types of costs from internal and external applications, and then
transfer them to Oracle Fusion Project Costing.
Project Costing Configuration: Manage Integration with Other Applications 39-5
The following table shows various sources of transactions and how they are
exported to Oracle Fusion Project Costing.
Source of Transaction Description
Capture Costs from other Oracle Fusion applications Enter and process project-related transactions
and then submit the Import and Process Cost
Transactions process. For example, you enter
invoices with project-related distributions in Oracle
Fusion Payables, validate, account, and then import
them to Oracle Fusion Project Costing.
39-6 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Capture Costs from Third-Party Applications Import costs using one of the following:
• Desktop Excel integration
• Web services
• Load data to the interface table in Oracle
You can load data to interface
tables using predefined templates
and the Load Interface File for
Import scheduled process, which
are both part of the External
Data Integration Services for
Oracle Cloud feature. For other
implementations, optionally use
this feature only if you have SFTP
configured for it.
Create individual third-party transactions in the
You can create individual transactions with third-
party application source directly from the Manage
Unprocessed Transactions page in Oracle Fusion
Project Costing.
For example, this approach works well if you
are near a period close and have to create a few
individual third-party transactions rather than
waiting for the transactions to come from the third-
party application.
Capture of Additional Transaction Attributes
Use the Cost Collection flexfield to capture product-specific attributes on actual
cost transactions and cost commitment transactions. You can manage naming,
validation, and ordering of these attributes within each of the documents that
capture them such as expense reports, purchase orders. You can capture, store,
display, search, and report project-related attributes in the transaction source
FAQs for Define Purchasing Integration
Where do I provide project information for project-related requisitions and
supplier invoices?
You enter project information at the distribution line level for project-related
requisitions and purchase orders in Oracle Fusion Purchasing, and for project-
related supplier invoices in Oracle Fusion Payables. For requisitions, the
requisition distribution attributes default from what is specified during the
implementation. For purchase orders, the purchase order attributes default from
the purchase order line and the purchase order line attributes default from the
purchase order header. The distribution level values are used for validation and
Project Costing Configuration: Manage Integration with Other Applications 39-7
FAQs for Define Payables Integration
How can I validate distribution sets for projects information?
Oracle Fusion Projects performs validations on Oracle Fusion Payables
distribution sets for payables invoices at the time you create the actual
distribution set lines. It validates the project and task number during the invoice
Distribution sets are typically used on recurring transactions, and the associated
project does not have transaction controls. When you create a distribution set
in Oracle Fusion Payables, the distribution set line is not validated against the
project transaction controls in Oracle Fusion Projects because you do not enter an
expenditure item date, which is required for transaction control validation. The
expenditure item date is not provided because you use the distribution sets for
an indefinite period of time.
FAQs for Define Inventory Integration
How can I define bill rates for inventory items?
You can enter cost markups in the nonlabor rate schedule instead of rates for
expenditure types that are related to inventory items.
Alternatively, if you enter a bill rate for an expenditure type that relates to
inventory items, then the base unit of measure for inventory transactions
reported under the expenditure type must be the same as the unit of measure
for the expenditure type. If the base unit of measure for an inventory transaction
differs from the unit of measure for the expenditure type, the Generate Revenue
process reports an error and does not process the transaction.
39-8 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Define Project Control Configuration: Overview 40-1
Define Project Control Configuration:
Securing Oracle Fusion Project Control
Budgeting and Forecasting Security: Explained
Budget and forecast security is determined by a combination of project role,
security roles (job and duty roles) and entitlements, and workflow setup.
The following sections describe the entitlements required to perform various
steps in the budget creation, submission, and approval process. They also
describe the impact of using workflow to manage status changes.
The entitlements and workflow setup for forecasting mirrors that for budgeting.
Creating and Submitting a Budget Version
The following text and table describe the access required to create and submit a
budget version.
Step Action Entitlement
1 Access budget versions for a
Manage Project Budget
2 Create a budget version Create Project Budget
The entitlement required for
editing budget versions in Excel
is Manage Project Budget Excel
3 Submit working version Manage Project Budget Working
4 Create baseline directly Create Baseline Version Data
Project managers may select to
create a baseline directly instead
of submitting a version for
approval first.
40-2 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Creating a Baseline for a Budget Version
The following text and table describe the access required to create a baseline for a
budget version or reject it.
Step Action Entitlement
1 If using workflow, receive
notification of budget submission
NA (Approver e-mail ID is
entered manually by users)
2 Access budget versions for a
Manage Project Budget
3 Create baseline or reject budget Create Baseline Version Data
Define Project Control Configuration: Overview 40-3
Reworking a Rejected Budget Version
The following text and table describe the access required to required to rework
a rejected version (set it back to Working status) or delete it, if it is no longer
Step Action Entitlement
1 Access budget versions for a
Manage Project Budget
2 Rework working version Manage Project Budget Working
3 Delete working version Manage Project Budget Working
40-4 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Budget and Forecast Workflow: Explained
Use Business Process Engineering Language (BPEL) workflows to manage
budget and forecast approvals. To do so, select to use workflow for status
changes when creating or editing a financial plan type.
The following is a description of security considerations, approval rules, and the
workflow process.
Addressing Security and Setting Approval Rules
Project managers and project administrators can create budget or forecast
versions and submit them for approval. However, only the designated project
manager for the project can approve budget or forecast versions.
Submitted versions undergo a single level of approval. However, during
implementation, you can define approval rules based on the following
• Total raw cost
• Total burdened cost
• Labor effort
• Equipment effort
• Margin percentage
• Margin
For example, set rules like the following:
• If total burdened cost is less than or equal to $50,000, then the project
administrator can approve budget versions.
Define Project Control Configuration: Overview 40-5
• If total burdened cost is greater than $50,000, then the project manager
must approve budget versions.
Understanding the Budget and Forecast Status Flow
The following table and graphic describe the stages in the budget and forecast
status flow.
Action Performed Status Notification Sent To Action Required
Create version Working Creator (requester) None.
Submit version Submitted Requester and approver Approver can approve or
reject version.
Approve version Approved or Baseline Requester and approver None.
Reject version Rejected Requester and approver None. Requester can
optionally rework
Rework version Working Requester and approver None.
Project Roles in Budgeting and Forecasting: Explained
Default project roles, including project application administrator, project
manager, and project administrator can perform specific budgeting and
forecasting tasks.
Default Access for Roles
The following table describes the default access for each role.
40-6 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Entitlement Area Project Application
Project Manager Project
Edit budget and
forecast planning
Yes No No Project application
administrators set
planning options
for financial plan
Project managers
and accountants
can view planning
options at the
version level.
Create versions No Yes Yes None
Generate versions No Yes Yes Applies to budgets
generated when
setting a baseline
for the project plan.
cannot generate
forecasts from
progress (they do
not have access to
publish progress.)
Edit versions in
No Yes Yes None
Submit versions No Yes Yes None
Approve versions No Yes No A team member
with project
manager security
role access must
be manually
designated as the
project manager for
the project.
Project creators are
not automatically
designated as
project managers
for their projects.
If workflow is
enabled, then
approval takes
place through a
notification. Menu
actions are not
available on the
budgeting and
forecasting pages.
Review versions No Yes Yes None
Define Project Control Configuration: Overview 40-7
FAQs for Securing Oracle Fusion Project Control
What happens when a budget or forecast version is submitted?
When you submit a current working version of a budget or forecast for approval,
the version status changes to Submitted. If the project manager approves
the version, then the version status changes to Current Baseline or Current
Approved, as appropriate. Simultaneously, a current working version is also
created. If you use Business Process Engineering Language (BPEL) workflow for
status changes, then submitting a budget or forecast triggers a notification to the
project manager and the requester. Requesters must manually specify approver
40-8 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Define Project Control Configuration: Manage Period Profiles 41-1
Define Project Control Configuration:
Manage Period Profiles
Period Profiles: Explained
Period profiles specify how periods are grouped and displayed when you edit
financial or project plans that allow entry of amounts based on a calendar.
Period profiles do not affect the periods for which you enter amounts. That is
determined by the start and end dates of the financial or project plan line.
You select a period profile when specifying plan settings for a financial plan
type or a project plan type. With the appropriate access, you can override this
selection when creating budget or forecast versions for a project. Similarly, you
can override the period profile associated with the project plan type at the project
template or project level.
Period profiles are based on groups of periods from either an accounting
calendar or a project accounting calendar. You can define an unlimited number
of period groupings of varying duration in a period profile.
Predefined Period Profiles
Oracle Fusion Projects provides two predefined period profiles: one based on
the accounting calendar and the other based on the project accounting calendar.
Both have 52 single period groupings. That is, each period grouping contains one
period of a week's duration.
Selecting a Current Period for a Period Profile: Example
You designate one period grouping in a period profile as the current period. The
current period provides a reference point for grouping historical, current, and
future period amounts.
When reviewing financial or project plans, the current planning period
determines the period grouping with the current period. Periods before and after
the current period are grouped using the period groupings. Amounts for periods
41-2 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
outside the range specified by the period profile are summed and displayed as
total amounts for a preceding period or succeeding period.
The following table describes a period profile set up to accommodate detailed
and summary-level planning for long-term projects. This period profile enables
entry of amounts for a mix of monthly, quarterly, semiannual, and annual
periods for a span of five years.
Period Grouping Number of Periods Year
1 12 1
2 6 2
3 3 2
4 3 2
5 1 3
6 (current period) 1 3
7 1 3
8 1 3
9 1 3
10 1 3
11 3 3
12 3 3
13 12 4
14 12 5
Assume that the period profile is associated with a project with the following
• Start Date: July 1, 2005
• Duration: 10 years
• Current Planning Period: Aug-2010
When you review financial or project plans, information appears as follows:
Period or Period Group Number of Periods Duration
Preceding 36 July 2005 to June 2008
1 12 July 2008 to June 2009
2 6 July 2009 to December 2009
3 3 January 2010 to March 2010
4 3 April 2010 to June 2010
5 1 July 2010
6 1 August 2010
7 1 September 2010
8 1 October 2010
Define Project Control Configuration: Manage Period Profiles 41-3
9 1 November 2010
10 1 December 2010
11 3 January 2011 to March 2011
12 3 April 2011 to June 2011
13 12 July 2011 to June 2012
14 12 July 2012 to June 2013
Succeeding 36 July 2013 to June 2015
Using Period Profiles: Examples
Period profiles specify how periods are grouped and displayed when you edit
financial or project plans that allow entry of amounts based on a calendar.
The following are examples of defining period profiles for planning short-term
and long-term projects. Both examples assume the use of one-month periods
from the accounting calendar.
Period Profiles for Short-Term Projects
The following table describes a period profile set up to accommodate detailed
planning for short-term projects. This period profile enables entry of amounts by
month for a period of one year.
Period Grouping Number of Periods
1 1
2 1
3 1
4 1
5 1
6 1
7 1
8 1
9 1
10 1
11 1
12 1
Period Profiles for Long-Term Projects
The following table describes a period profile set up to accommodate detailed
and summary-level planning for long-term projects. This period profile enables
entry of amounts for a mix of monthly, quarterly, semiannual, and annual
periods for a span of five years.
Period Grouping Number of Periods Year
1 12 1
41-4 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
2 6 2
3 3 2
4 3 2
5 1 3
6 1 3
7 1 3
8 1 3
9 1 3
10 1 3
11 3 3
12 3 3
13 12 4
14 12 5
Define Project Control Configuration: Manage Spread Curves 42-1
Define Project Control Configuration:
Manage Spread Curves
Spread Curves: Explained
Spread curves let you distribute quantity, cost, and revenue amounts
automatically across accounting or project accounting periods. You assign a
spread curve to each resource class. Planning resources (in the planning resource
breakdown structure) inherit the spread curve setting from the associated
resource class. You can change the spread curve for the planning resource and
for any corresponding task assignments, or budget or forecast lines.
You can create spread curves, use predefined spread curves, or edit them as
required. The following is a description of spread curve components (spread
points and distribution factors) and predefined spread curves.
Spread Curves, Spread Points, and Distribution Factors
Spread curves, other than Daily Spread Basis contain 10 spread points. Specify
distribution factors for any combination of the spread points.
When using a daily spread basis, amounts are allocated to each period based on
the ratio of the days in the period to the duration of the task assignment.
During financial or project planning, spread points are distributed
proportionately across periods. For example, if amounts are to be spread across
four periods, Oracle Fusion Projects allocates the combined value of 2.5 spread
points to each period. The spread points for each period are the total number of
spread points divided by the total number of periods (10 / 4).
Distribution factors are prorated according to the spread points allocated to each
period. For example, if $100 is to be spread across four months for a planning
resource that uses an even spread curve (where amounts are distributed evenly),
then each period is assigned $25. The amount assigned to each period is the total
amount multiplied by the spread points for the period (2.5 * 10).
42-2 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Spread points without values are assigned a zero distribution factor and hence
corresponding periods are not allocated any amounts.
Predefined Spread Curves
The following table lists predefined spread curves provided by Oracle Fusion
Name Description Distribution Factors
Even Ensures a linear distribution of
financial or project plan values
across periods.
Back Loaded Ensures a back-loaded
distribution of financial or project
plan values across periods.
Assigned amounts increase over
succeeding periods.
Front Loaded Ensures a front-loaded
distribution of financial or project
plan values across periods.
Assigned amounts decrease over
succeeding periods.
S Curve Ensures an S-shaped distribution
of financial or project plan values
across periods.
Bell Curve Ensures a bell-shaped distribution
of financial or project plan values
across periods. Assignment of
plan values is highest in the
middle periods.
Daily Spread Basis Ensures the spread is based
upon the number of days in each
financial period throughout the
duration of the task assignment.
Amounts are proportionally
distributed throughout all periods
for the duration of the task
Project and Financial Plan Period Amounts: How They Are
Calculated Using Daily Spread Basis
Assign the Daily Spread Basis spread curve to a resource class or planning
resource to proportionately distribute budget, forecast, or project plan amounts
across periods based on the ratio of the days in each period to the duration of the
task assignment.
Settings That Affect Amount Distribution
You cannot define spread points for the Daily Spread Basis spread curve.
Therefore, distribution factors are not calculated. Task assignment start and
Define Project Control Configuration: Manage Spread Curves 42-3
finish dates determine the number of days in each period, including the first and
last periods, and consequently the allocation factor for each period.
Assignment start and finish dates are included in the number of days in the
How Daily Spread Basis Amounts Are Calculated
When calculating period amounts, Oracle Fusion Projects performs the following
1. Determines the number of days in the first and last period within the task
assignment duration using assignment start and finish dates.
2. Determines the number of days in the other periods within the
assignment duration.
3. Determines the total number of days for the duration of the task
4. Calculates the allocation factor for each period using the following
Period Allocation Factor = Number of Days in Period / Task Assignment
5. Calculates the periodic amount using the following formula:
Amount = Period Allocation Factor * Total Resource Cost or Revenue
Example: Standard Accounting Calendar
In this example, a company uses an accounting calendar with periods that are
identical to calendar months. A resource is assigned to a task for 121 days, from
February 21 until June 21.
The following table shows how the task assignment days are determined, and
the resulting allocation factors.
Month Period Dates Days in Period Task Assignment
Period Allocation
January January 1 through
January 31
31 0 0
February February 1 through
February 28
28 8 8 / 121 = 0.0661
March March 1 through
March 31
31 31 31 / 121 = 0.2561
April April 1 through
April 30
30 30 30 / 121 = 0.2479
May May 1 through May
31 31 31 / 121 = 0.2561
June June 1 through June
30 21 21 / 121 = 0.1735
121 121 / 121 = 1
42-4 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Example: 4-4-5 Accounting Calendar
In this example, a company uses a 4-4-5 accounting calendar, with four weeks in
the first and second months of the quarter, and five weeks in the third month of
the quarter. A resource is assigned to a task from February 21 until June 21.
The following table shows how the task assignment days are determined, and
the resulting allocation factors.
Month Weeks in
Start Date
End Date
Days in
Days in
January 4 1 1 7 7
2 8 14 7
3 15 21 7
4 22 28 7 28 0 0
February 4 1 29 4 7
2 5 11 7
3 12 18 7
4 19 25 7 28 5 5 / 121 =
March 5 1 26 4 7
2 5 11 7
3 12 18 7
4 19 25 7
5 26 1 7 35 35 35 / 121 =
April 4 1 2 8 7
2 9 15 7
3 16 22 7
4 23 29 7 28 28 28 / 121 =
May 4 1 30 6 7
2 7 13 7
3 14 20 7
4 21 27 7 28 28 28 / 121 =
June 5 1 28 3 7
2 4 10 7
3 11 17 7
4 18 24 7
5 25 1 7 35 25 25 / 121 =
121 121/121 =
Define Project Control Configuration: Manage Spread Curves 42-5
Calculating Distribution Factors for Spread Curves: Examples
Distribution factors are prorated according to the spread points allocated to each
For example, if $100 is to be spread across four months for a planning resource
that uses an even spread curve (where amounts are distributed evenly), then
each period is assigned $25 each. That is, 10 spread points spread over 4 months
equals 2.5 spread points per period. Each spread point has a distribution factor
of 10.
The following is a description of how distribution factors are calculated for full
or partial periods.
Calculating Weighted Distribution Factors
To continue our previous example: Say our planning resource was using a back-
loaded spread curve rather than an even spread curve.
Default distribution factors for a back-loaded spread curve are as follows:
0-5-10-15-20-25-30-35-40-45. Hence the total distribution for the spread curve is
The following table describes how distribution factors are determined and
amount allocated over the four planning periods.
Period Distribution Factor
Distribution Factor
1 Distribution factors
points 1 and 2
plus half of the
distribution factor
point 3: 0 + 5 + (0.5
* 10)
10.0 4.44%, (10.0/225) $4.44
2 Half of distribution
factor assigned to
spread point 3 plus
distribution factors
points 4 and 5: (0.5
* 10) + 15 + 20
40.0 17.78%, (40.0/225) $17.78
3 Distribution factors
points 6 and 7
plus half of the
distribution factor
point 8: 25 + 30 +
(0.5 * 35)
72.5 32.22%, (72.5/225) $32.22
42-6 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
4 Half of distribution
factor assigned to
spread point 8 plus
distribution factors
points 9 and 10: (0.5
* 35) + 40 + 45
102.5 45.56%, (102.5/225) $45.56
Totals 225 100% $100
Deriving Spread Point Values and Prorating Distribution Factors for Partial
Transaction start dates associated with a planning resource or task frequently
do not coincide with the start or end dates of a period. In such a case, the actual
number of planning resource or task transaction days determines how spread
points and constituent distribution factors are allocated to full and partial
Assume that the dates for a task assignment cover only 15 days of the first month
(a 30-day month) of a four-month planning period. That first month represents
the value of 0.5 spread points.
In such a case, the spread point value for each full period is calculated by
dividing the total number of spread points (10) by the number of periods
corresponding to the transaction (3.5). In other words, spread point values are as
• Full period : 10/3.5 = 2.8571
• Partial Period: (10/3.5) * 0.5 = 1.4287
Define Project Control Configuration: Manage Financial and Project Plan Types 43-1
Define Project Control Configuration:
Manage Financial and Project Plan Types
Financial and Project Plan Types: Explained
Financial plan types contain default setup information and planning options that
you use for creating different types of budgets or forecasts. Similarly, project plan
types contain default information used for creating a project plan and capturing
When creating budget or forecast versions for a project, you must select an
appropriate financial plan type. Versions inherit planning options from the
financial plan type. Depending on access levels, you can change some settings.
You associate one project plan type to a project template and override planning
options if required. Projects created using the template inherit the updated
planning options. You can revise these options at the project level, or even
replace the project plan type.
Financial and Project Plan Setup Options
The following is a description of the basic budget, forecast, or project plan setup
options that determine how a plan type is used in the context of a project. Except
for third-party scheduling, these options are not editable at the project level.
Option Location Description
Planning amounts Financial plan type Indicates that the financial plan
type supports the creation of
versions with the following
• Cost amounts
• Revenue amounts
• Both cost and revenue
• Either cost or revenue
Approved budget or primary
Financial plan type Determines whether a financial
plan type is used for creating
approved budget versions or
primary forecast versions that
are used for plan comparison or
project performance reporting.
43-2 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Default financial plan type Financial plan type Determines whether the financial
plan type is the default selection
when you create budget or
forecast versions.
Workflows Financial plan type Enables the use of a workflow
for managing budget or forecast
status changes.
Third-party scheduling software Project plan type Indicates whether project
planning is performed in
Microsoft Project.
If third-party scheduling is
disabled in the project plan type,
you can use the associated project
or project template to create
a project in Microsoft Project.
However, you cannot export
the new project or link it to one
created in Oracle Fusion Projects.
The third-party scheduling option
does not affect integration with
Primavera P6 Enterprise Project
Portfolio Management.
Multiple transaction currencies Financial and project plan type Enables entry of plan amounts in
currencies other than the project
Planning Amounts in Financial Plan Versions: Critical Choices
For each financial plan type, you select the planning amounts included in the
financial plan versions created using the plan type.
Options include the following:
• Cost amounts only
• Revenue amounts only
• Both cost and revenue amounts
• Either cost or revenue amounts
You can plan for revenue only if you are licensed to use Oracle Fusion Project
Planning for Cost Only or Revenue Only
If you select to plan only for cost or revenue, then all budget or forecast versions
created for the financial plan type contain only those amounts.
When you review versions created for cost-only financial plan types, margin
values and other comparisons dependent on revenue amounts are not available.
Define Project Control Configuration: Manage Financial and Project Plan Types 43-3
Similarly, cost amounts are unavailable during review of versions of revenue-
only financial plan types.
Planning for Both Cost and Revenue
You can select to plan for cost and revenue together. In such a case, each budget
or forecast version created for the financial plan type contains both cost and
revenue amounts.
Planning for either Cost or Revenue
If you select to plan for cost and revenue separately, then each budget or forecast
version created for the financial plan type can contain either cost or revenue
amounts. When you review cost versions, select any revenue version created for
the same financial plan type as the source for revenue amount for use in plan
Summarized Financial Plan Types: Explained
Summarized financial plan types are financial plan types whose previous
and current approved versions (for forecasts) or original and current baseline
versions (for budgets) are used in summarization of project performance data.
Particular financial plan types are included in summarization by default, while
you must manually select others.
Default Financial Plan Types
Approved forecast and baseline budget versions of the following financial plan
types are automatically included in summarization of project performance data:
• Approved Revenue Budget
• Approved Cost Budget
• Primary Revenue Forecast
• Primary Cost Forecast
A budget or forecast financial plan type may support both cost and revenue in
one version.
User-Selected Financial Plan Types
Apart from the default financial plan types, you can include up to four others in
summarization of project performance data.
You can include a financial plan type before it is used on a project for creating a
You can replace a user-selected financial plan type until project performance data
is summarized for reporting. After that, you can only disable the financial plan
type to exclude it from further summarization.
Manage Financial and Project Plan Types: Set General Planning
43-4 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Associating Sets with Financial Plan Types: Example
You associate sets with financial or project plan types so that project managers
can use them to create financial plans (budget or forecast versions) or project
plans for projects or project templates. Financial or project plan types are
available for selection only when projects or project templates are created for
project units linked to selected sets.
The following example illustrates the relationship between financial plan types,
sets, and project units. Project plan types share an identical relationship with sets
and project units.
An organization has two designated project units for project creation: Project
Unit 1 and Project Unit 2. Project Unit 1 is associated with Set 1 and Project Unit
2 is associated with Set 2.
During implementation, two financial plan types were created: Financial Plan
Type A and Financial Plan Type B. Financial Plan Type A is associated with Set 1.
However, Financial Plan Type B is associated with both Set 1 and Set 2.
In such a case, project managers working on projects for Project Unit 1 can use
only Financial Plan Type A to create financial plan versions. Project managers
working on projects for Project Unit 2 can use both Financial Plan Type A and
Financial Plan Type B.
The following diagram further illustrates the relationship between financial plan
types, sets, and projects. Project plan types share the same relationship with sets.
Define Project Control Configuration: Manage Financial and Project Plan Types 43-5
Selecting Rate Schedules for Project and Financial Planning: Points
to Consider
When specifying rate settings for financial or project plan types, you select to
use either actual or planning rates for calculating cost or revenue for planning
resources. Actual rates are those that are used for calculating actual amounts for
expenditure items. If you use planning rates, then you can select rate schedules
created specifically for planning purposes.
Some of the reasons for using planning rates are as follows:
• Project planning extends into the future, beyond dates for which actual
rates are available. Using planning rates enables you to plan for future
periods by making assumptions about potential rate increases or
• Planning is at a more summary level than when using actual rates. For
example, use job-based rate schedules to plan, but actually track labor
costs using cost rates defined at the employee level.
The following is a description of the points to consider when selecting actual or
planning rate schedules for calculating raw costs, burdened costs, and revenue.
Selecting Rate Schedules when Using Actual Rates
When using actual rates for project plan types and financial plan types that
support cost amounts, you select cost rate schedules at the resource class level.
Similarly, for financial plan types that support revenue amounts, you select bill
rate schedules at the resource class level. If the application is unable to determine
cost or bill rates for a planning resource, then it uses the resource class rates
schedules you specify here.
Selecting Rate Schedules when Using Planning Rates
When using planning rates, you select rate schedules at the resource, job, and
resource class levels. The following table summarizes the precedence order for
determining cost or bill rates for a planning resource when deriving raw costs or
revenue for rate-based planning resources.
Rate Source Precedence Description
Override rate 1 Rate manually entered by users
in the budget, forecast, or project
Labor or nonlabor rate schedules 2 Rate schedules selected for labor
or nonlabor resources
Job rate schedules 3 Applicable only for labor
Resource class rate schedules 4 Used when rates are not available
at the resource level. Specifying
a resource class rate schedule is
43-6 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Specifying a Burden Schedule when Using Planning Rates
Optionally specify a burden schedule when specifying planning rate schedules.
Oracle Fusion Projects uses this burden schedule to calculate the burdened cost
for all planning resources (including those that are not rate-based).
If an expenditure type is not associated with the planning resource, then Oracle
Fusion Projects uses the expenditure type defined for the associated resource
class to determine the burden multiplier, and ultimately, the burdened cost.
Manage Financial Plan Types: Set Forecasting Options
Forecast Approval Options: Critical Choices
Forecast approval options determine the approval process for forecast versions
created for a particular financial plan type. Approval options determine whether
you can do the following:
• Use workflow and notifications for approvals
• Automatically approve forecast versions
• Automatically submit forecasts for approval when creating baseline
Using Workflow for Status Changes
Select this option if you want to use Business Process Execution Language
(BPEL) workflows and notifications for forecast approvals. Workflows enable
you to define a chain of approvers for moving forecasts from the working to the
approved status.
Automatically Approving Forecasts
If you do not use workflow for forecast approvals, you can select to approve
forecast versions directly (without first submitting them to an approver). The
automatically approve forecasts option applies even if you are not entitled to
approve forecasts. So, use it to enable automatic approval for certain financial
plan types while controlling the forecast approval entitlement for others.
For example, disable this option for primary forecast financial plan types to
ensure that only entitled users approve corresponding versions. On the other
hand, enable this option for other financial plan types that do not require explicit
approval, for example, those whose versions are used for what-if analysis.
The automatic approval option applies only when manually approving forecasts.
To approve forecasts versions that are generated automatically when publishing
progress, you must be entitled to approve forecasts.
Define Project Control Configuration: Manage Financial and Project Plan Types 43-7
Automatically Submitting Forecast for Approval
Automatic submission for approval applies only to primary forecasts. If you
select this option, the current working primary forecast version is submitted
for approval when you create a baseline for an approved budget version for a
If you select to automatically approve forecasts, the newly created working
version of the primary forecast is directly approved.
The option to automatically submit forecasts for approval does not apply when
manually creating forecasts.
Manage Project Plan Types: Set Project Plan Options
Task and Assignment Date Settings: How They Work Together
Task and task assignment date options are selected when specifying project
planning options. Task and assignment date settings interact to determine how
planned and transaction dates are set for tasks and how dates are set for task
Rolling Up Planned Dates for Tasks
You can select to roll planned dates for lowest-level subtasks up the task
hierarchy. In this case, planned dates for summary tasks, top tasks, and the
project are not editable. Edit planned dates for lowest-level tasks as required.
Updated dates roll up the hierarchy to ensure that planned dates at the summary
and project level are equal to the earliest start date and the latest end date of
lower-level tasks.
Conversely, if you select not to roll up planned dates, lowest-level subtask dates
are editable but must be within the planned date range for summary tasks and
the project. You can also edit project or summary task dates as required.
Synchronizing Task Transaction Dates with Planned Dates
If you select to synchronize transaction dates with planned dates, then task
transaction dates are not editable. Transaction dates always match task planned
dates, plus or minus the number of days specified as a date adjustment buffer.
Specify a positive buffer value to indicate the number of days before the planned
start date and the number of days after the planned finish date that a transaction
can be charged to a task. Conversely, specify a negative buffer value to indicate
the number of days after the planned start date and the number of days before
the planned finish date that a transaction can be charged to a task. In other
43-8 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
words, when specifying a negative buffer, transaction dates are within the range
of the planned dates.
If you select not to synchronize transaction dates with planned dates, then
transaction dates are blank by default and can be edited as required. Transaction
dates entered at the summary-task level are used as the default transaction dates
for tasks at lower levels. Transaction dates specified for subtasks must be within
the transaction dates for the summary task. If none of the summary tasks in the
hierarchy have transaction dates, then the new transaction date must be within
the project date range.
You can modify the date synchronization option until you charge transactions to
a task. Implications of changing between options are as follows:
• Deselected to selected: Existing transaction dates are replaced with dates
calculated based on task planned dates plus or minus the date adjustment
• Selected to deselected: Existing transaction dates can be edited. New tasks
have blank transaction dates that are editable. Existing transaction dates
outside the project dates are cleared.
Setting Task Assignment Dates Using Planned Dates for Tasks
If you select to base task assignment dates on task planned dates, task
assignments span the entire task duration. Task assignment dates are not
You can override this option for individual task assignments.
Project Date Cascade Options: Explained
Use cascade options to determine whether your changes to project dates cascade
to tasks.
You can select one of the following options:
• Do not cascade date changes: Both start and finish dates are editable.
However, you must ensure the following:
• The project start date is not later than the earliest task date.
• The project finish date is not earlier than the latest task date.
• Cascade change to the start date: You can edit only the project start date.
• Cascade change to the finish date: You can edit only the project finish
Define Project Control Configuration: Manage Financial and Project Plan Types 43-9
If you have selected to roll up planned dates for tasks or are using an external
application for scheduling, then you cannot modify the project start or finish
Cascading Changes to Transaction Dates
If you have selected to synchronize transaction dates with planned dates, then
transaction dates are updated automatically when date changes cascade to tasks.
If transactions are already charged to a task, then you must ensure that your new
summary dates are before or after the transaction date (depending on whether
you are cascading start or finish dates.)
Cascading Changes to Assignment Dates
If you have selected to synchronize task assignment dates with task dates,
then your changes to project dates will cascade to assignments automatically.
Otherwise, you must ensure that all task assignment dates are within the range
of the new task dates.
FAQs for Manage Financial and Project Plan Types
What happens if I edit a financial or project plan type after using it on a project?
Once you associate a project plan type with a project or project template, or
create budget or forecast versions using a financial plan type, you cannot edit
certain financial or project plan setup options. These options include the primary
forecast and approved budget designations, use of workflow, and the use of
multiple transaction currencies.
Also, changes made to a financial plan type apply only to new financial plan
versions. Similarly, there is no impact on existing project associations when you
modify a project plan type.
Why can't I select some financial plan types when generating a budget version
while setting a baseline for the project plan?
For generating a budget when setting a baseline project plan, you can select
any active budget financial plan type otherwise available for budget creation.
However, some financial plan types (including the default financial plan
type selected in the budget generation options of the project plan type) are
unavailable for selection in the following circumstances:
• If your project plan contains costs in multiple planning currencies, then
only financial plan types that support planning in multiple transaction
currencies are available.
• If you have already selected an approved cost or revenue budget financial
plan type for creating a budget version, then no other approved budget
financial plan types are available.
43-10 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Can I select a financial plan type for summarization before creating a version of
it on a project?
FAQs for Manage Financial Plan Types: Set Financial Plan Options
What's an approved budget?
Budget financial plan types can be designated as approved cost budgets,
approved revenue budgets, or both. Versions of such financial plan types are
used for plan comparison when you review budgets or forecasts. Approved
budget versions are also used by default when reporting on project performance.
For each project, you can use only one financial plan type that is designated as
an approved cost budget or an approved revenue budget. Either select separate
financial plan types (one approved cost budget and one approved revenue
budget) or a single financial plan type with both designations.
What's a primary forecast?
Forecast financial plan types can be designated as primary cost forecasts,
primary revenue forecasts, or both. Versions of such financial plan types are used
for plan comparison when you review budgets or forecasts. Primary forecast
versions are also used by default when reporting on project performance.
For each project, you can use only one financial plan type that is designated
as a primary cost forecast or a primary revenue forecast. Either select separate
financial plan types (one primary cost forecast and one primary revenue
forecast) or a single financial plan type with both designations.
FAQs for Manage Project Plan Types: Set Project Plan Options
What happens if I use Microsoft Project as a third-party scheduling application?
Using Microsoft Project for scheduling limits your ability to modify project and
task dates in Oracle Fusion Projects. Start and finish dates for the project and
existing tasks cannot be modified. You can enter start and finish dates for new
tasks. However, these dates must be within the planned dates for the summary
task. You can modify transaction dates. However, these must be within both the
task planned dates and transaction dates for the summary task or project.
What's a baseline project plan?
Key planned information for tasks and task assignments, including dates, costs,
quantity, effort, and rates, that you can save from current project plan values.
Define Project Control Configuration: Manage Financial and Project Plan Types 43-11
Setting a baseline for a project plan does not create a new plan version. Rather,
current plan information is saved in baseline columns of the current project plan.
You must set a baseline for your project plan before capturing progress. Baseline
amounts determine earned value for lowest-level tasks, which in turn is used to
roll up physical percent complete to summary tasks.
Baseline data cannot be deleted, and does not change until it is overwritten when
you next set a baseline for the project plan.
By generating a budget version when you set a baseline for your project plan,
you can maintain an historical record of past baseline data.
43-12 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Project Billing Configuration: Define Business Unit Project Billing Options 44-1
Project Billing Configuration: Define
Business Unit Project Billing Options
Customer Contracts Business Unit Setup: Explained
Using the Specify Customer Contract Management Business Function
Properties task, available by navigating to Setup and Maintenance work area
and searching on the task name, you can specify a wide variety of business
function settings for customer contracts in a specific business unit. The selections
you make for these business functions impact how Oracle Fusion Enterprise
Contracts behaves during contract authoring.
Using the Specify Customer Contract Management Business Function
Properties task, manage these business function properties:
• Enable related accounts
• Set currency conversion details
• Manage project billing options
• Set up the Contract Terms Library
The setup options available for the Contract Terms Library are applicable
to both customer and supplier contracts, and are described in the business
unit setup topic for the Contract Terms Library. That topic is available as a
related link to this topic.
Enabling Related Customer Accounts
Contract authors can specify bill-to, ship-to, and other accounts for the parties
in a contract. Enable the related customer accounts option if you want accounts
previously specified as related to the contract party to be available for selection.
Managing Currency Conversion Options
If your organization plans to transact project-related business in multiple
currencies, then select the multicurrency option. This allows a contract author
to override a contract's currency, which defaults from the ledger currency of the
business unit. It also enables the contract author to specify currency conversion
attributes to use when converting from the bill transaction currency to the
contract currency and from the invoice currency to the ledger currency.
44-2 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
In the Bill Transaction Currency to Contract Currency region, enter currency
conversion details that will normally be used, by all contracts owned by this
business unit, to convert transaction amounts in the bill transaction currency
to the contract currency. Newly created contracts contain the default currency
conversion values, but you can override the values on any contract, if needed.
In the Invoice Currency to Ledger Currency region:
• Enter invoice transaction conversion details if the invoice and ledger
currencies can be different.
• Enter revenue transaction conversion details if the revenue and ledger
currencies can be different for as-incurred and rate-based revenue.
Managing Project Billing Options
The options available for selection in the Project Billing region control the
behavior of project invoicing and revenue recognition for contracts with project-
based work.
Project billing can behave differently for external contracts (customer billing) or
intercompany and interproject contracts (internal billing).
Set these options, which apply to all contracts:
• Select the Transfer Revenue to General Ledger option if you want to
create revenue accounting events and entries, and transfer revenue
journals to the general ledger. If this option is not selected, then revenue
can still be generated, but will not be transferred to the general ledger.
• Indicate if a reason is required for credit memos that are applied to
There are two sets of the following options, one for customer billing and a
second for internal billing:
• Select an invoice numbering method, either Manual or Automatic. The
invoice numbering method is the method that Oracle Fusion Receivables
uses to number its invoices, upon release of draft invoices from Project
• If the invoice numbering method is Manual, then select an invoice
number type, which sets the type of Receivables invoice numbers that
are allowed. Valid values are Alphanumeric and Numeric.
• If the invoice numbering method is Automatic, then enter the next
invoice number to use when generating Receivables invoice numbers.
• Select the Receivables batch source to use when transferring invoices to
Set this option only for customer billing:
• Indicate if you want contract authors to manually enter the Receivables
transaction type on the customer contracts they create.
FAQs for Define Business Unit Project Billing Options
Project Billing Configuration: Define Business Unit Project Billing Options 44-3
Why can't I locate an invoice?
Access to invoices is secured by the business unit. You only have access to
invoices that belong to contracts in the business unit assigned to your role. You
can see all invoices for projects that are linked to the contracts which you can
44-4 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Project Billing Configuration: Define Project Invoicing Options 45-1
Project Billing Configuration: Define
Project Invoicing Options
Invoice and Revenue Method Components: How They Work
Invoice methods and revenue methods control the way you create invoices and
recognize revenue for contracts. During implementation you create the methods
and assign them to bill plans and revenue plans. Any contract or contract line
that uses the bill or revenue plan calculates the invoice or revenue amount
according to the instructions in the invoice or revenue method.
Method Classification
Invoice method classifications and revenue method classifications are predefined
by Oracle Fusion Projects. Select an invoice or revenue method classification to
set the approach for calculating invoice or revenue amounts.
This table lists the invoice method classifications and their descriptions.
Invoice Method Classification Description
Amount Based Generate invoices and revenue as billing events are
Percent Complete Generate invoices as progress is estimated.
• When you select the percent complete invoice
method classification, the percent complete
billing extension is automatically added to the
invoice method.
• The percent complete billing extension
automatically creates a billing event with
the percent complete invoice amount for an
contract line.
Percent Spent Generate invoices as progress is calculated, based on
actual cost to date over budget cost.
• When you select the percent spent invoice
method classification, the percent spent billing
extension is automatically assigned to the
invoice method.
• The percent spent billing extension
automatically creates a billing event with the
percent spent amount for an invoice line.
45-2 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Rate Based Generate invoices as costs are incurred, using an
invoice-specific set of bill rates, a burden schedule,
or transfer price rates.
This table lists the revenue method classifications and their descriptions.
Revenue Method Classification Description
Amount Based Recognize revenue as billing events are completed.
As Billed Recognize revenue as customers are invoiced, using
a common set of bill rates, a burden schedule, or
transfer pricing for both invoicing and revenue.
As Incurred Recognize revenue as costs are incurred, using a
revenue specific set of bill rates, a burden schedule,
or transfer pricing for both invoicing and revenue.
Percent Complete Recognize revenue as progress is estimated.
• When you select the percent complete revenue
method classification, the percent complete
billing extension is automatically added to the
revenue method.
• The percent complete billing extension
automatically creates a billing event with
the percent complete revenue amount for a
contract line.
Percent Spent Recognize revenue as progress is calculated, based
on actual cost to date over budget cost.
• When you select the percent spent revenue
method classification, the percent spent billing
extension is automatically assigned to the
revenue method.
• The percent spent billing extension
automatically creates a billing event with the
percent spent revenue amount for a contract
Rate Based Recognize revenue as costs are incurred, using a
revenue-specific set of bill rates, a burden schedule,
or transfer price rates.
Use this revenue classification method if you are
using a fixed price for invoices, or if you require
different burden schedules for invoices and revenue.
Intercompany Billing Option
If the invoice or revenue method will be used for intercompany contracts, enable
the intercompany billing option to calculate the intercompany invoice or revenue
amounts. Intercompany invoices and revenue use a rate-based classification
method. Select a labor and nonlabor schedule for use when generating invoices
or calculating revenue.
Project Billing Configuration: Define Project Invoicing Options 45-3
An intercompany contract can use an invoice or revenue method that is not
enabled for intercompany billing, or an invoice or revenue method that is
enabled for intercompany billing. Enable the intercompany billing option if the
invoice or revenue method will be used for intercompany contracts only.
Intercompany invoices can use any type of invoice method classification.
Rate Definition
Select schedules for labor and nonlabor if your invoice or revenue method uses a
rate-based classification method.
The schedule types for labor are Person and Job.
Billing Extension Assignment
Optionally, assign custom billing extensions to automatically calculate the
invoice or revenue amounts for contract lines that use the bill plans and revenue
plans associated with the invoice or revenue method.
If the invoice or revenue method is percent complete or percent spent, the
extension creates the billing event based on the calculation level for the billing
extension specified in the bill plan or revenue plan. If the calculation level
is contract line, the event is created for the contract and contract line. If the
calculation level is associated project, the event is created for the contract line
and its associated project and task.
If the invoice or revenue method classification is percent complete or percent
spent, the percent complete or percent spent billing extension is automatically
added to the invoice or revenue method. You cannot change the status of the
billing extension assignment to inactive, it must be active for a percent complete
or percent spent billing extension.
Project and Contract Invoice Components: How They Work
Project and contract components work together to create invoice distributions.
The contract contains the instructions for calculating invoice amounts, and the
project owns the cost transaction details. When you generate an invoice, invoice
distributions are created for the contract.
Expenditure items and events are the transactions for projects and contracts.
Invoice method classifications determine how transactions are invoiced.
The invoice method determines how invoice amounts are derived and which
billing extensions, if applicable, calculate invoice amounts. Enter an invoice
45-4 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
method on a bill plan, which you create for a contract and assign to contract lines
to provide a set of instructions for creating an invoice.
Create billing controls for a contract or contract line to define the valid
transaction dates, billing resources, and amount limits for transactions associated
with the contract.
Generate invoices to calculate the invoice amounts for a contract.
The following diagram illustrates the components of a project and a contract that
determine invoice amounts, and the relationships between the components.
Invoice Method Classification
Assign a predefined invoice method classification to an invoice method.
The invoice method classification determines whether the invoice amount is
calculated based on rates, amounts, or progress.
Invoice Method
Create invoice methods for bill plans to use for determining the approach for
generating invoice amounts. The invoice methods contain invoice generation
instructions in the form of the invoice method classification and rate definition
schedule types. Rate definition schedule types determines whether the rate
source for invoicing comes from rate schedules, burden schedules, or transfer
price schedules.
Project Billing Configuration: Define Project Invoicing Options 45-5
The invoice methods also contain any applicable billing extensions. If you assign
a billing extension to the invoice method, the extension calculates the invoice
amount and creates an automatic invoice event. The billing extension assignment
must be active to calculate the invoice amount and create an event.
You must assign an invoice method to a bill plan, which contains the invoice
generation instructions for a specific contract or contract line. An invoice method
can be used by more than one bill plan.
Enable the invoice method for intercompany billing if it will be used for
intercompany billing only.
Bill Plan
Create a bill plan within a contract that uses the invoice method you require.
Assign the bill plan to one or more contract lines.
If the invoice method classification for the bill plan uses a billing extension, that
billing extension is automatically added to the bill plan.
Oracle Fusion Project Billing does not create invoice amounts for contract lines
that have a bill plan on hold.
Billing Control
A billing control defines the types of permitted transactions (using billing
resources), transaction date range, and maximum invoice (and revenue) amounts
for a contract or contract line. Create a billing control within a contract at either
the contract or contract line level. The inception-to-date (ITD) invoice amount
cannot exceed the hard limit amount of a billing control. If the ITD invoice
amount exceeds the soft limit, invoice generation will still occur, but you will
receive a warning the first time this occurs.
Expenditure Item
The project and task for an expenditure item are matched to the associated
contract line during invoice generation. Invoicing can occur r if the transaction
date, billing resource, and amount for the expenditure item pass the contract
billing controls.
If the expenditure item is mapped to more than one eligible contract line, the
processing order is determined as follows:
• The contract billing sequence determines the processing order of multiple
• The contract billing controls determine the processing order of multiple
contract lines within a single contract.
• The contract contribution percentage determines the eligible invoice
amount for each contract line.
45-6 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Oracle Fusion Project Billing creates a billing transaction for each unique
combination of expenditure item and contract line. The billing transaction is the
source for creating invoice distributions.
Invoice events are automatically created during invoice generation if the bill
plan for a contract line plan contains a billing extension. The billing extension
calculates the invoice event amount, and creates an invoice event.
Manual events are also processed during invoice generation. Oracle Fusion
Project Billing creates a billing transaction for each automatic or manual event.
The billing transaction is the source for creating invoice distributions.
Specifying the Unit of Measure for Invoice Lines Sent to Oracle
Fusion Receivables: Critical Choices
The Specify Unit of Measure for Invoice Lines Sent to Oracle Fusion Receivables
profile option indicates the unit of measure to use for all invoice lines transferred
from Oracle Fusion Projects to Oracle Fusion Receivables. This profile option
is required in order to use Oracle Fusion Project Billing. If you are using Oracle
Fusion Projects without Oracle Fusion Receivables, you do not need to set this
Oracle Fusion Receivables requires a unit of measure for each invoice line. Oracle
Fusion Projects creates each invoice line with a quantity of 1, a unit of the unit
type you specify in your profile option, and an amount equal to the currency
amount of the invoice line as it appears in Oracle Fusion Projects.
The internal name for this profile option is PJB_AR_INVOICE_UOM.
Unit of Measure Class
Define a unit of measure class before you define a unit of measure. Oracle Fusion
Receivables requires that you associate each unit of measure you define with a
unit of measure class. You must define a unit of measure class before you can set
the profile option.
Unit of Measure
The default unit of measure value is Each. Define a unit of measure of Each in
Oracle Fusion Receivables to use with this profile option.
Invoice and Revenue Method Classifications: Critical Choices
Only bill plans and revenue plans with certain combinations of invoice and
revenue method classifications can be used on the same contract line. If you
add a bill plan and revenue plan with an invalid invoice and revenue method
classification to the same contract line, you will receive an error message when
you submit the contract for approval.
Project Billing Configuration: Define Project Invoicing Options 45-7
The possible revenue method classifications are:
• Amount based
• As incurred
• As invoiced
• Percent complete
• Percent spent
• Rate based
The possible invoice method classifications are:
• Amount based
• Rate based
• Percent complete
• Percent spent
Possible Invoice and Revenue Method Combinations
Valid bill plan and revenue plan combinations for a contract line are dependent
on the invoice method classification and revenue method classification. Most
invoice method and revenue method classifications are valid. The invalid
combinations are described in the table below.
Revenue Method Classification Invoice Method Classification Valid Combination?
As incurred Amount based No
As incurred Percent complete No
As incurred Percent spent No
As invoiced Amount based No
As invoiced Percent complete No
As invoiced Percent spent No
Rate based Rate based Yes, but a burden schedule is
required for the bill plan and
revenue plan.
After the contract is approved, any changes to the bill plan including the revenue
or invoice method classification must go through the change management
Invoice Formats: Explained
An invoice format determines how Oracle Fusion Projects creates an invoice
line. You can define different formats for labor, nonlabor and event invoice line
45-8 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
items, and specify if you want to use the format for customer invoices, internal
invoices, or both. Additionally, you can specify how you want to summarize
expenditure items, and the fields you want an invoice line to display. You can
also include free-form text on an invoice line.
You can use customer invoice formats only for regular contract invoices, and
internal invoice formats only for invoices generated by intercompany and
interproject contracts. You can also use an invoice format for both customer and
internal invoices.
You configure the following components of an invoice format:
• Format type
• From and to dates
• Grouping option
• Customer or internal invoice option
• Fixed format
• Start and end position
• Text column
Format Type
The format type controls the invoice formats you see for labor, nonlabor and
events when you enter invoice formats using the Projects window.
From and To Dates
The from and to dates determine the period during which the invoice format is
Grouping Option
A grouping option specifies the way invoice distribution lines are grouped
together to form an invoice line.
Customer or Internal Invoice Option
If you are using intercompany or interproject billing, create an internal invoice
format to summarize cross-charge transactions. Depending on the requirements
of the receiver business units, you may need to define several internal invoice
formats. All internal formats automatically have a fixed format.
If you create an internal invoice format, you must select contract line as an
attribute. This is to ensure that no two contract lines can be combined into a
single invoice line, as they could be tied to different receiver projects or tasks,
and would need to be created as separate invoice lines in order to post to the
correct receiver project or task.
Although one invoice format can support both customer and internal invoices,
the list of values for the Field Name only includes those values that are shared by
the two formats.
Project Billing Configuration: Define Project Invoicing Options 45-9
Fixed Format
A fixed format prohibits distributions from being moved to other invoice lines.
Intercompany and interproject invoices must have a fixed format.
Start and End Positions
The start and end positions are values between 1 and 240 that specify where the
text in the Field Name appears on the invoice line.
Text Column
Enter the text in this column that you want to display on the invoice.
FAQs for Define Project Invoicing Options
What's an invoice method?
A rule defined by the implementation team that determines the calculation
method of invoice amounts for contracts during invoice generation.
What's an invoice method classification?
A predefined classification for an invoice method that determines the basis
for calculating invoice amounts. Assign an invoice method classification to an
invoice method. The predefined invoice method classifications are: amount
based, percent complete, percent spent and rate based. The percent spent or
percent complete billing extension is automatically assigned to the invoice
method when you select the percent spent or percent complete invoice method
What happens if I assign a billing extension to an invoice method or revenue
If you assign a billing extension to an invoice method or revenue method, the
billing extension is automatically added to bill plans or revenue plans that use
the method. The billing extension creates automatic invoice or revenue events for
contract lines or projects associated with that bill or revenue plan.
The event amounts are calculated at the calculation level selected on the bill plan
or revenue plan.
You must enter the funding amount for either the contract line or the project and
contract association, depending on the calculation level selected in the bill plan
or revenue plan.
45-10 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Project Billing Configuration: Define Project Revenue Options 46-1
Project Billing Configuration: Define
Project Revenue Options
Project and Contract Revenue Components: How They Work
Project and contract components work together to create revenue distributions.
The contract contains the instructions for calculating revenue amounts, and
the associated project contains the cost transaction details. When you generate
revenue, revenue distributions are created for the contract.
Expenditure items and events are the transactions for projects and contracts.
Revenue method classifications determine how transactions recognize revenue.
The revenue method determines how revenue rates are derived and which
billing extensions are called to calculate revenue. Enter a revenue method on
a revenue plan, which you create for a contract and assign to contract lines to
provide a set of instructions for recognizing revenue.
Create billing controls for a contract or contract line to define the valid
transaction dates, billing resources, and amount limits for transactions associated
with the contract.
Generate revenue to calculate the revenue amounts for a contract.
The following diagram illustrates the components of a project and a contract that
determine revenue amounts, and the relationships between the components.
46-2 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Revenue Method Classification
Assign a predefined revenue method classification to a revenue method. The
revenue method classification determines whether the revenue amount is
calculated based on rates, amounts, or progress.
Revenue Method
Create revenue methods for revenue plans to use for recognizing revenue. The
revenue methods contain revenue recognition instructions in the form of the
revenue method classification, rate definition schedule types and any applicable
billing extensions. If you assign a billing extension to the revenue method, the
extension calculates the revenue amount and creates an automatic revenue event.
The billing extension assignment must be active to calculate revenue and create
an event.
You must assign a revenue method to a revenue plan, which will give the
revenue recognition instructions to a specific contract or contract line. A revenue
method can be used by more than one revenue plan.
Enable the revenue method for intercompany billing if it will be used for
intercompany billing only.
Project Billing Configuration: Define Project Revenue Options 46-3
Revenue Plan
A revenue plan contains a set of instructions for recognizing revenue on a
contract or contract line. Create a revenue plan within a contract that uses the
revenue method you require. Assign the revenue plan to one or more contract
lines that are enabled for billing.
If the revenue method classification for the revenue plan uses a billing extension,
that billing extension is automatically added to the revenue plan.
Revenue cannot be recognized for a revenue plan on hold.
Billing Control
A billing control defines the type of permitted transactions (using billing
resources), transaction date range, and maximum invoice and revenue amounts
for a contract or contract line. Create a billing control within a contract at either
the contract or contract line level. The revenue amount cannot exceed the hard
limit amount of a billing control. If the revenue amount exceeds the soft limit,
revenue recognition will still occur, but you will receive a warning.
Expenditure Item
The project and task for an expenditure item are matched to the associated
contract line during revenue generation. Revenue recognition can occur if the
transaction date and billing resource for the expenditure item pass the contract
billing controls.
If the expenditure item is mapped to more than one eligible contract line, the
processing order is determined as follows:
• The contract billing sequence determines the processing order of multiple
• The contract billing controls determine the processing order of multiple
contract lines within a single contract.
• The contract contribution percentage determines the eligible amount of
revenue to recognize for each contract line.
Oracle Fusion Project Billing creates a billing transaction for each unique
combination of expenditure item and contract line. The billing transaction is the
source for creating revenue distributions.
Revenue events are automatically created during revenue generation if
the revenue plan for a contract line plan contains a billing extension. The
billing extension calculates the revenue event amount, and creates a revenue
Manual events are also processed during revenue generation. Oracle Fusion
Project Billing creates a billing transaction for each event. The billing transaction
is the source for creating revenue distributions.
46-4 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
FAQs for Manage Revenue Methods
What's a revenue method?
A rule defined by the implementation team that determines the calculation
method of revenue amounts for contracts during revenue generation.
What's a revenue method classification?
A predefined classification for an revenue method that determines the basis
for calculating revenue amounts. Assign a revenue method classification to a
revenue method. The predefined revenue method classifications are as-billed, as-
incurred, amount based, percent complete, percent spent, and rate based. When
you select the percent spent or percent complete revenue method classification,
the percent spent or percent complete billing extension is automatically assigned
to the revenue method.
What happens if I assign a billing extension to an invoice method or revenue
If you assign a billing extension to an invoice method or revenue method, the
billing extension is automatically added to bill plans or revenue plans that use
the method. The billing extension creates automatic invoice or revenue events for
contract lines or projects associated with that bill or revenue plan.
The event amounts are calculated at the calculation level selected on the bill plan
or revenue plan.
You must enter the funding amount for either the contract line or the project and
contract association, depending on the calculation level selected in the bill plan
or revenue plan.
Project Billing Configuration: FAQs for Define Additional Intercompany and Interproject Billing Options 47-1
Project Billing Configuration: FAQs for
Define Additional Intercompany and
Interproject Billing Options
Why can't I see the internal billing details on a contract?
If you do not see the internal billing features on a contract, check the attributes
on the contract type. The internal billing options of a contract are only visible if
the contract type is designated as either intercompany or interproject.
47-2 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Project Billing Configuration: Define Project Billing Extensions 48-1
Project Billing Configuration: Define
Project Billing Extensions
Billing Extension Components: How They Work Together
Implement a billing extension to define a set of company-specific business rules
that create automatic invoice and revenue events. To use the billing extension
functionality, create a billing extension and assign it to a bill plan or revenue
General Information
• Order
• If multiple billing extensions are assigned to a bill or revenue plan,
enter a numeric value to determine when this extension is called.
Oracle Fusion Project Billing calls billing extensions in ascending order.
• Procedure
• To implement a company specific rule for creating automatic invoice
and revenue events, you must first write a PL/SQL procedure that
calculates the event amount. Enter the name of the PL/SQL procedure
on the billing extension page.
• Transaction Independent
• Transaction independent billing extensions are called once for each
contract line or associated project, depending on the extension
calculation level defined in the bill or revenue plan. They are usually
defined to import transactions from external applications. If the
billing extension is for invoices, the extension is called during the
Generate Invoice process before the invoice preprocessor, which
creates billing transactions. If the billing extension is for revenue,
the extension is called during the Generate Revenue process before
revenue transactions are processed.
If you do not enable the transaction independent feature of a billing extension,
it will be transaction dependent. Transaction dependent billing extensions
48-2 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
are called only if billable expenditure items and events exist that need to be
Call Process
The call process determines whether to call the PL/SQL procedure that
calculates the amount during invoice generation or revenue generation.
If you require a procedure to create both automatic invoice and revenue events,
you must create two separate billing extensions.
Call Location
Select a location (time) within the invoice or revenue generation program where
the billing extension is called. The predefined locations are:
• Before billing transaction creation
• Select this location if you want to call the billing extension before any
recognizing revenue or calculating invoice amounts for the contract
line or project and contract line combination.
• An example of a requirement for which you may want to use this call
location is if you want to place all unbilled, unpaid supplier invoice
items on hold so they are not billed; and to release the billing hold on
any unbilled, paid supplier invoice transactions that are on hold. You
can then bill the paid supplier invoice items during standard invoice
• After invoice and revenue distribution lines are created
• Select this option to call the billing extension after the revenue and
invoice processing is complete.
• Examples of requirements for which you may want to use this call
location are if you want to notify a project manager when an invoice
of a certain amount is created, or if you want to create a fixed fee event
that is dependent on the total transaction amount billed on the invoice.
• Before invoice deletion
• Select this option if you want to call the billing extension before
deleting invoice distribution lines. This call location is only valid for
invoice billing extensions.
Required Input
Specify whether an amount or percentage is required for entry when you
assign the billing extension to a bill or revenue plan. When you define a bill or
revenue plan that uses the billing extension, you must enter a specific amount or
percentage that is used when calculating the automatic invoice or revenue event.
Default Event Type
Specify an event type to determine the default event attributes to use for events
created by the billing extension. You can override the attributes for default event
type in your procedure.
Project Billing Configuration: Define Project Billing Extensions 48-3
Default Plan Type
Specify a default financial cost plan type to use for calculations that use
budgeted amounts. If the value is not provided for a cost plan type, but is
needed for the calculation, the process will error. You can override the attributes
for default plan in your procedure.
Planning Your Billing Extension Implementation: Explained
You should carefully design billing extensions before implementing them in
Oracle Fusion Projects. Careful planning of your billing extensions help to ensure
that you are calculating and generating revenue and invoices according to your
company-specific rules.
Design Billing Extensions
Carefully plan the definition of billing extensions before you begin writing them.
Typically, the logic of your billing extensions are dependent on your company's
implementation of Oracle Fusion Projects. Consider the following issues when
designing your billing extensions:
• Are you calculating a revenue amount or an invoice amount? Are the
amounts generated during revenue generation or invoice generation?
• How are the amounts calculated? What are the inputs to the calculation?
• How are the inputs derived?
• How are the amounts processed:
• For reporting purposes?
• For accounting purposes?
• For invoicing?
• How are the attributes of the automatic event set: event type, event
organization, event description, completion date?
• Under what conditions is this calculation used? What types of contracts?
What types of billing terms?
• How is the billing extension processed for adjustments? Adjustments
are defined as revenue credits or invoice credit memos, based on other
• Can this billing extension be called with other billing extensions assigned
to the same bill plan or revenue plan? If so, what is the dependency and
order of your billing extensions?
• What is the exception handling if some input values cannot be found?
• How is the logic affected if the inputs change over time?
• Is there a limit on the amount calculated? If so, what is the logic?
Once you answer these questions, you should have the appropriate information
to define a billing extension in Oracle Fusion Projects and to document the
48-4 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
functional specifications for your technical resource to use in writing the PL/
SQL procedure.
Write and Store PL/SQL Procedures
After you design your billing extensions, write the PL/SQL procedures that
define the logic of the billing extensions.
After you write your procedures, store them in the database and test them to
ensure that your billing extension logic works as expected.
Define Billing Extensions
Define your billing extensions that specify the PL/SQL procedure name and
additional information for Oracle Fusion Projects to use when processing billing
You use the Create Billing Extensions page to define billing extensions.
This step assumes that an event type has already been defined for the default
event type.
Assign Billing Extensions to Invoice Methods and Revenue Methods
Assign billing extensions to the appropriate invoice methods and revenue
methods. Your contract users will select these invoice methods and revenue
methods on bill plans and revenue plans. The assigned billing extensions are
copied from the methods to the plans.
Billing Extension
Use the Billing Extension to implement company-specific business rules to
automatically create invoice or revenue events. Billing extensions automatically
calculate summary invoice or revenue amounts during invoice or revenue
To use the billing extension functionality, you must implement a billing
extension and assign it to either an invoice method or a revenue method. You can
assign a billing extension to more than one invoice or revenue method. When
you specify the invoice or revenue method on a bill or revenue plan, the billing
extensions assigned to that method are copied to the plan. Depending on the
definition of the assigned billing extension, you might be required to specify a
percentage or amount to use as input when calculating the event amount.
The extension is defined by the following items.
Extension Component Name
Body template pjb_bill_extn_sample_pkg.pkb
Specification template pjb_bill_extn_sample_pkg.pkh
Package pjb_bill_extn_sample_pkg
Procedure SampleExtn
Project Billing Configuration: Define Project Billing Extensions 48-5
Your extension procedure can call other procedures or views. These other
procedures or views can be predefined or you can write your own.
Information about parameters for this billing extension are in the table below.
Parameter Name Description
p_bill_plan_id Bill plan or revenue plan identifier from
pjb_bill_plans_b or okc_k_lines_b.
p_contract_id Contract identifier from okc_k_headers_all_b.
p_contract_line_id Contract line identifier from okc_k_lines_b.
p_linkage_id Project and contract linkage identifier
from pjb_cntrct_proj_links. Pass the
value when the calculation level code is
p_linked_project_id Project identifier from pjb_cntrct_proj_links linked
to the contract. Pass the value when the calculation
p_linked_task_id Task identifier from pjb_cntrct_proj_links linked to
the contract. Pass the value when the calculation
p_calling_process Calling process for the billing extension. Valid values
• REV (for revenue)
• INV (for invoice)
p_calculation_level Calculation level code for the billing extension. Valid
values are:
p_bill_frm_date Invoice or revenue from date.
p_bill_to_date Invoice or revenue to date.
p_amt Invoice amount or revenue amount. This is
generally used when the extension calling place is
p_percent Percentage
p_assignment_detail_id Assignment detail identifier pjb_assignment_details.
p_extension_id Billing extension identifier obtained from table
p_assignment_id Assignment identifier
p_event_type_id Event type identifier from pjb_event_types_b.
p_default_event_type_description Event type description identifier from
p_cost_fin_plan_type Cost financial plan type identifier. This is generally
used when the invoice or revenue method is Percent
p_invoice_id Invoice identifier
48-6 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
p_request_id Request identifier
p_cont_curr_code Contract currency code
p_ledger_curr_code Ledger currency code
X_return_status Status of the procedure. Valid values are:
• S (for success)
• E (for expected error)
• U (for unexpected error)
X_msg_count Message count. Valid values are greater than or
equal to zero.
X_msg_data Actual message when there is an exception.
Implementing Your Company's Billing Extension
To implement your company-specific billing methods, you first design and write
rules to calculate billing amounts using PL/SQL procedures. You then enter
the billing extension definition in Oracle Fusion Projects to specify additional
information (such as the procedure name to call) that is used by the revenue and
invoice programs to process the extension.
You define billing extensions in the Create Billing Extensions page, and specify
the following items:
• The name of the procedure to call.
• Whether the procedure is called during invoicing or revenue recognition.
• The call location within the invoice or revenue program where the
extension is called.
• Whether an amount or percentage is required when the billing extension
is assigned to a bill plan or revenue plan.
• The budget type to use as input for calculations that use budgeted
The values entered in the Create Billing Extensions page can be used in your
billing extension procedure by accessing the table pjb_billing_extensions. The
values entered in the Billing Extensions tab of the Create Bill Plan or Create
Revenue Plan page can also be used in your billing extension procedure by
accessing the table pjb_assignment_details.
When you run the revenue or invoice processes, Oracle Fusion Projects looks for
active billing extensions assigned to a bill plan or revenue plan. When a billing
extension is found, the processes read the billing extension definition and call the
appropriate procedure. If there are multiple active billing extensions assigned to
a bill or revenue plan, Oracle Projects calls the extensions by the order entered on
the Create Billing Extension page, and then by the order of the assignment to the
bill or revenue plan.
Automatic Events
Your billing extension calculates revenue and invoice amounts and creates one or
more automatic events. Oracle Fusion Projects processes these events as it does
other manually entered events. You can store audit amounts and references for
these events in the audit amount and reference columns of the Events table.
Project Billing Configuration: Define Project Billing Extensions 48-7
You can increase or decrease revenue and invoice amounts for automatic events.
You can also place automatic events on invoice or revenue hold indefinitely, and
remove the holds later.
Automatic events are either only applicable to invoicing or only applicable to
revenue recognition, but not both.
The billing extension uses the public procedure MyPackageName.insert_event to
automatically create events.
Internal Payables Invoice Attribute Override Extension
Use the Internal Payables Invoice Attribute Override Extension to override
the default expenditure type and expenditure organization attributes for
intercompany and interproject invoices that are created in Oracle Fusion
The Update Invoice Details from Receivables process calls the Internal Payables
Invoice Attribute Override Extension as it creates Oracle Fusion Payables
invoices for intercompany and interproject contracts.
Use this extension only if you want to override the receiver expenditure
organization and receiver expenditure type on the Oracle Fusion Payables
invoice. The source of the receiver expenditure organization and expenditure
type is the intercompany or interproject contract.
The extension is identified by the following items.
Extension Component Name
Body template pjb_cc_ap_inv_client_extn.pkb
Specification template pjb_cc_ap_inv_client_extn.pkh
Package pjb_cc_ap_inv_client_extn
Procedure override_exp_type_exp_org
This billing extension can derive the receiver expenditure type and receiver
expenditure organization based on the parameters you enter.
Information about parameters for this billing extension are in the table below.
Parameter Name Description
p_internal_billing_type Internal billing type
Valid values are:
• PA_IC_INVOICES (Intercompany contract)
• PA_IP_INVOICES (Interproject contract)
p_contract_id Contract ID for the Oracle Fusion Receivables
p_contract_line_id Contract line ID for the Oracle Fusion Receivables
p_receiver_project_id Receiver project ID for the Oracle Fusion Payables
48-8 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
p_receiver_task_id Receiver task ID for the Oracle Fusion Payables
p_invoice_number Invoice number from the pjb_invoice_header table.
p_draft_invoice_line_num Invoice_line_num from pjb_invoice_line.
p_invoice_date Invoice date
p_ra_invoice_number Oracle Fusion Receivables invoice number. The
invoice number is either user-entered or created by
the application, as defined in the implementation
Refer to ra_invoice_number from
p_provider_org_id Provider business unit ID
p_receiver_org_id Receiver project organization ID
p_cc_ar_invoice_id Customer transaction ID created in
p_cc_ar_invoice_line_num Line number from
p_contract_line_customer_id Customer ID on the bill plan associated with the
contract line.
p_vendor_id Supplier ID (poz_suppliers.vendor_id)
p_vendor_site_id Supplier site ID
p_expenditure_type Expenditure type defined on the contract line
internal attribute.
p_expenditure_type_id Expenditure type ID defined on the contract line
internal attribute.
p_expenditure_organization_id Expenditure organization defined on the contract
line internal attribute.
x_expenditure_type_id Expenditure type ID returned by the extension.
x_expenditure_type Expenditure type returned by the extension.
x_expenditure_organization_id Expenditure organization ID returned by the
x_status Return status of the extension.
x_Error_Stage Error stage returned by the extension.
X_Error_Code Error code returned by the extension.
Labor Billing Extension
The Labor Billing Extension allows you to derive labor billing amounts for
individual labor transactions.
You can use the labor billing extension to implement unique labor billing
methods. Some examples of how you can use the labor billing extension are to:
• Bill overtime premium hours at cost.
• Bill based on volume of work performed.
The Labor Billing Extension is called during the invoice or revenue generation
process to determine labor revenue and billing amounts.
Project Billing Configuration: Define Project Billing Extensions 48-9
The extension is defined by the following items:
Extension Component Name
Body template pjb_client_extn_billing.pkb
Specification template pjb_client_extn_billing.pkh
Package pjb_client_extn_billing
Procedure Calc_Labor_Bill_Amount
Do not change the name of the extension procedures or parameters. Also, do not
change the parameter types or parameter order in your procedure. After you
write a procedure, compile it and store it in the database.
Information about parameters for this billing extension are in the table below.
Parameter Name Description
p_transaction_type Varchar2
Valid values are:
• ACTUAL (default value)
p_contract_id Number
p_expenditure_item_id Number
x_amount Number
No value is passed in to the x_amount parameter. Do
not expect an amount in this parameter when you
create calculations in the extension.
The billing extension must assign a value to the
x_amount parameter, or else the extension will be
ignored by the calling program.
x_bill_rate_flag Varchar2
Return one of the following values as the
x_bill_rate_flag parameter value to specify if the
amount that you have derived is based on a bill rate
or a percent markup:
• B (specifies bill rate)
• null or value other than B (specifies markup)
If you specify that your amount is based on a bill
rate, Oracle Fusion Projects populates the bill rate
of the expenditure item by dividing the bill amount
by the number of hours. If you specify that your
amount is a markup, Oracle Fusion Projects does not
set the bill rate.
48-10 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
x_bill_trans_currency_code Varchar2
x_bill_txn_bill_rate Number
x_markup_percentage Number
If you specify that your amount is based on markup,
populate x_markup_percentage with the markup
percentage amount, so that the expenditure item
record will contain accurate data.
x_rate_source_id Number
x_return_status Varchar2
x_msg_count Number
x_msg_data Varchar2
Oracle Fusion Projects uses the labor billing extension for rate-based invoice
method classifications or rate-based and as-incurred revenue method
classifications during the invoice or revenue generation process. During
processing, if Oracle Fusion Projects encounters a transaction that has a derived
bill amount from a labor billing extension, it skips the standard bill amount and
rate calculation section of the revenue generation process for that transaction.
Design Issues
Consider the following design issues for labor billing extensions:
• What are the conditions and circumstances in which you cannot use
the standard, rate-based invoice and revenue method classifications
supported by Oracle Fusion Projects?
• How are the invoice and revenue amounts calculated in these cases?
• How do you identify labor transactions that meet these conditions?
• How do you store rates and other information that your calculations may
require? How are the rates and other information maintained?
• What are the exception conditions for your labor billing extension? What
is the exception handling if you cannot find a rate that should exist?
Nonlabor Billing Extension
The Nonlabor Billing Extension enables you to derive billing amounts for
individual nonlabor transactions.
You can use the Nonlabor Billing Extension to implement unique nonlabor
invoice methods or revenue methods. Some examples of how you can use the
Nonlabor Billing Extension are for:
• A tiered pricing method
• External application rate derivation
The Nonlabor billing extension procedure Oracle provides can be called during
either the invoice or revenue generation process to determine the nonlabor
invoice or revenue amounts.
Project Billing Configuration: Define Project Billing Extensions 48-11
The extension is defined by the following items:
Extension Component Name
Body template pjb_client_extn_billing.pkb
Specification template pjb_client_extn_billing.pkh
Package pjb_client_extn_billing
Procedure Calc_NLBR_Bill_Amount
Do not change the name of the extension procedures or parameters. Also, do not
change the parameter types or parameter order in your procedure. After you
write a procedure, compile it and store it in the database.
Information about parameters for this client extension are below.
Bill Rate
Return one of the following values as the x_bill_rate_flag parameter value to
specify if the amount that you have derived is based on a bill rate or a percent
• B (specifies bill rate)
• null or value other than B (specifies markup)
If you specify that your amount is based on a bill rate, Oracle Fusion Projects
populates the bill rate of the expenditure item by dividing the bill amount by the
number of hours. If you specify that your amount is a markup, Oracle Fusion
Projects does not set the bill rate.
Use the x_status parameter to handle error conditions for your procedure. This
parameter indicates the processing status of your extension as described in the
following table.
Status Description
x_status = 0 The extension executed successfully.
x_status < 0 An Oracle error occurred and the process
did not complete. Oracle Fusion Projects
writes an error message to the process
log file and rolls back the transactions
processed for the entire project.
x_status > 0 An application error occurred. Oracle
Fusion Projects writes a rejection reason to
REJECTION_CODE and does not mark
items as revenue distributed. You can
review the rejection reason in the revenue
generation exception report.
48-12 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Oracle Fusion Projects uses nonlabor billing extensions for rate-based
invoice method classifications or rate-based and as-incurred revenue method
classifications during invoice or revenue generation. During processing, if
Oracle Fusion Projects encounters a transaction that has a derived bill amount
from a nonlabor billing transaction, it skips the standard bill amount and rate
calculation section of the invoice or revenue process for that transaction.
Design Issues
Consider the following design issues for nonlabor billing extensions:
• What are the conditions and circumstances in which you cannot use
the standard, rate-based invoice and revenue method classifications
supported by Oracle Fusion Projects?
• How are the invoice and revenue amounts calculated in these cases?
• How do you identify nonlabor transactions that meet these conditions?
• How do you store rates and other information that your calculations
require? How are the rates and other information maintained?
• What are the exception conditions for your nonlabor billing extension?
What is the exception handling if you cannot find a rate that should exist?
Output Tax Extension
You set up a hierarchy for Oracle Fusion Projects in the application tax options
of Oracle E-Business Tax. The Generate Invoice process uses the Application Tax
Options hierarchy to determine the default tax classification codes on invoice
lines. The Output Tax billing extension is one of the default tax options in the
Application Tax Options hierarchy.
The Generate Invoice process calls the Output Tax extension if it does not find
the default tax classification code from the other tax options you defined in the
application Tax Options hierarchy. You can use the extension to satisfy your
business rules in assigning the default tax classification code for invoice lines.
The name for this procedure is get_tax_codes. This procedure assigns a tax
classification code to an invoice line.
The extension is defined by the following items:
Extension Component Name
Body template pjb_client_extn_output_tax.pkb
Specification template pjb_client_extn_output_tax.pkh
Package pjb_client_extn_output_tax
Procedure get_tax_codes
Do not change the name of the extension procedures or parameters. Also, do not
change the parameter types or parameter order in your procedure. After you
write a procedure, compile it and store it in the database.
Project Billing Configuration: Define Project Billing Extensions 48-13
Information about parameters for this billing extension are in the table below.
Parameter Name Description
p_Contract_Id Contract identifier, Number
p_Customer_Id Customer identifier, Number
p_bill_to_site_use_id Bill-to Site identifier, Number
p_ship_to_site_use_id Ship-to Site identifier, Number
p_ledger_id Ledger, Number
p_expenditure_item_id Expenditure item, Number
p_event_id Event, Number
p_line_type Default value is Null, Number
x_output_tax_code Tax ID
x_return_status Return status of the procedure. Valid values are:
• S (Successful)
• E (Error)
x_msg_count Message count. Valid values are:
• >=0 (Greater than zero)
x_msg_data Actual message in case of any errors. Default value
is Null.
Receivables Transaction Type Extension
The Receivables Transaction Type Extension enables you to determine the
receivables transaction type when you transfer invoices to Oracle Fusion
Oracle Fusion Projects calls the Receivables Transaction Type Extension during
the Transfer Invoices to Oracle Fusion Receivables process.
The extension is defined by the following items:
Extension Component Name
Body template pjb_client_extn_inv_transfer.pkb
Specification template pjb_client_extn_inv_transfer.pkh
Package pjb_client_extn_inv_transfer
Procedure get_ar_trx_type
48-14 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Do not change the name of the extension procedures or parameters. Also, do not
change the parameter types or parameter order in your procedure. After you
write a procedure, compile it and store it in the database.
Information about parameters for this billing extension are in the table below.
Parameter Name Description
p_Contract_Id Contract identifier, Number
Corresponds to column CONTRACT_ID in the
p_Invoice_Num Invoice number
Corresponds to column INVOICE_NUM in the
p_Invoice_Class Invoice class, Varchar2
Valid values are:
• INVOICE (Regular invoice)
• CREDIT_MEMO (Crediting invoice)
• WRITE_OFF (Write-off invoice)
• CANCEL (Canceling invoice)
p_Contract_Curr_Inv_Amt Sum of invoice amount in contract currency, Number
Corresponds to column
p_Contract_Curr_Code Contract currency code, Varchar2
Corresponds to column Contract_Currency_code in
p_Inv_Curr_Code Invoice currency code, Varchar2
Corresponds to the column Invoice_Currency_code
p_Inv_Curr_Inv_amt Sum of invoice amount in invoice currency, Number
Corresponds to column Inv_Curr_Line_Amt in the
p_Ar_trx_type_Id Transaction Type ID, Number
Corresponds to column CUST_TRX_TYPE_ID in the
X_ar_trx_type_id Transaction type ID, Number
x_return_Status Return status of the procedure, Varchar2
Valid values are:
• S (Successful)
• E (Error)
Project Billing Configuration: Define Project Billing Extensions 48-15
x_msg_count Message count, Number
Valid values are greater than zero.
X_msg_data Actual message when an error exists, Varchar2
Default value is Null.
FAQs for Define Project Billing Extensions
What's the difference between transaction dependent and transaction
independent billing extensions?
Transaction dependent billing extensions are only executed when other
transactions are processed. Transaction dependent billing extensions are called
only if billable expenditure items and events exist that need to be processed. For
example, a transaction dependent billing extension is not called when there are
new transactions set to nonbillable status that are not processed during revenue
or invoice generation.
Transaction independent billing extensions are executed for each contract with
an active billing assignment, even if there are no transactions to process. This
type of billing extension relies on input other than billable transactions on a
Transaction independent billing extensions are processed every time you
generate revenue or invoices.
48-16 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Project Performance Reporting Configuration: Manage Project Units: Performance Reporting Options 49-1
Project Performance Reporting
Configuration: Manage Project Units:
Performance Reporting Options
Performance Data Summarization: How It Is Calculated
Summarization is a systematic organization of information for purposes of
project analysis and tracking. You use summarized data to analyze the health of
projects and drill down to the causes of any deviation from set thresholds. You
can complete the following tasks using summarized data:
• Analyzing project performance data
• Reviewing project performance
• Analyzing KPI categories and KPIs
• Tracking project progress
• Viewing revenue and invoice summaries
After you run summarization, the KPI related information is rendered out of
date with respect to the latest summarized information. Therefore, it is important
that you generate KPI values once the summarization process is completed. You
can avoid generating KPI values manually, by enabling automatic generation of
KPI values in the summarization options.
Settings That Affect Performance Data Summarization
You summarize data for a project unit or a business unit. You can also
summarize performance data for a range of projects or projects owned by a
project manager. Besides this, you must specify the following parameters each
time you want to run the summarization process manually:
• Select the appropriate summarization method:
• Incremental, for general purpose summarization.
• Bulk, for summarizing large amounts of data all at once.
• Delete and resummarize, for correcting summary data when the source
system data is changed outside the regular transaction flow.
49-2 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
• Resource breakdown structure, for migrating all summary data from
one resource breakdown structure version to the next. If you select this
option you must also specify the resource breakdown structure header.
• Specify whether to summarize budget and forecast, commitment, actual
cost, revenue and invoice, and client extension transactions.
How Performance Data Summarization Is Calculated
Performance data summarization collects data from various sources and assigns
amounts to relevant tasks and resources in the project. After data is summarized,
you can view how much is being spent on, incurred by, or received by a task or
resource. Also, data is grouped according to periods so that it can be tracked
across different time lines.
You can run the summarization process for different situations, such as:
• Your data is out of date and you want to update it.
• Your data is corrupt and you want to delete the existing data and
• You have a large volume of data that is not yet summarized and want to
summarize the entire bulk of data in one run.
After you select the parameters for summarization and submit a request, the
application performs the following steps to generate the data that you view in
the application:
• Scope summarization by determining the list of projects, contracts, and
batches of transaction data for which to run summarization.
• Extract data to be summarized from data sources, group it by periods, and
ensure the data is prepared for resource mapping.
• Populate summary data into designated tables before resource breakdown
structure mapping.
• Populate business unit, project unit, and other lookup information.
• Populate performance reporting dimension data including time, task
breakdown structure, and resource breakdown structure.
• Look up resource breakdown structure mappings, scenario dimension
members, period IDs, and prepare data for Essbase load.
• Load data into Essbase and merge data into summary tables.
You can track the progress of summarization on the process monitor. If the
process fails to complete, it continues from the point of failure when you
resubmit it.
Setting Up the Planning Amount Allocation Basis: Points to
When you set up summarization options, you are required to specify the
planning amount allocation basis. You can select a planning amount allocation
Project Performance Reporting Configuration: Manage Project Units: Performance Reporting Options 49-3
basis only if you have selected the budgets and forecast data source for
summarization. The following are the methods of allocating planning amounts:
• Period start date
• Period end date
• Daily proration
You cannot change the planning amount allocation basis if summarized data
Assume that a project includes a task for team members to undergo some
product and soft skills training. A budget of $5900 is allocated to this task
between 1 January 2011 and 28 February 2011. While summarizing using a
monthly accounting calendar, the application can allocate the planned amount in
three ways.
Period Start Date Basis Method
Allocate the entire budget of $5900 to the first period of January 2011 regardless
of when the training takes place. This allocation method could impact period to
date cost variance measures for January and February if the actual training costs
occur in February. The period start date basis method is the default option.
Period End Date Basis Method
Allocate the entire budget of $5900 to the last period of February 2011 regardless
of when the training takes place. This allocation method could impact period to
date cost variance measures for January and February if the actual training costs
occur in January.
Daily Proration Basis Method
Distribute the budget of $5900 equally over the entire period so that $3100 is
spent in January 2011 and $2800 is spent in February 2011. The following shows
how the budget is distributed:
• Allocate the total amount of $5900 and dividing it by the total number of
days to arrive at the daily amount.
Total Number of Days = 31 + 28 = 59
Daily Amount = $5900 / 59 = $100
• Multiply daily amount by the number of days the task is active.
Amount for January 2011 = $100 x 31 = $3100
Amount for February 2011 = $100 x 28 = $2800
Summarizing project performance data using daily proration requires more
system resources than summarizing project performance data using the period
49-4 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
start or end date basis. To distribute plan amounts evenly across plan duration,
the application creates a summarized record for each day for the affected projects
and tasks in the project unit.
Using the daily proration basis method reduces the chances of impacting period
to date cost variance measures for January and February.
FAQs for Manage Project Units: Performance Reporting Options
Can I specify the budgets and forecasts to include in summarization?
Certain financial plan types are included in summarization by default, while you
must manually select others. Approved forecast and baseline budget versions of
the following financial plan types are automatically included in summarization
of project performance data:
• Approved Revenue Budget
• Approved Cost Budget
• Primary Revenue Forecast
• Primary Cost Forecast
Apart from the default financial plan types, you can include up to four others in
summarization of project performance data.
How can I update project performance data and generate KPI values?
The project manager must run summarization for the selected project using the
Actions menu in the Project List region on the Project Performance Reporting
dashboard. The project manager must use the Important Dates or the Data
Updates window to update project performance data if the data is not current or
if there are unprocessed transactions.
To update performance data for all projects in a project unit, the projects
application administrator must run the Update Project Performance Data
process. After you update project performance data you must generate key
performance indicator (KPI) values again. If you have not chosen to generate
KPI values automatically after updating project performance data, you should
generate KPI values manually.
You must generate KPI values manually when you enable a new KPI for use and
want to view it in the KPI watchlist. You may update data manually if you need
to look at the data less frequently, such as, at the end of a period.
What actions trigger performance data summarization?
The following actions trigger performance data summarization:
• Run the Update Project Performance Data process for a project from the
Project Performance Dashboard or Projects Overview area.
Project Performance Reporting Configuration: Manage Project Units: Performance Reporting Options 49-5
• Run or schedule the Update Project Performance Data process from the
process scheduler.
• Enable the reporting option on the project unit to summarize project data
before generating key performance indicators.
• Create revenue and invoice transactions.
Summarized revenue and invoice transaction amounts appear in the revenue
and invoice work area; however, these transactions do not appear in summarized
data on the Project Performance Dashboard until the transactions are
summarized using the Update Project Performance Data process.
What happens when I select a planning amount allocation basis for the project
The Period Start Date option allocates amounts based on the period start
date. The Period End Date option allocates amounts based on the period end
date. The Daily Proration option spreads plan amounts evenly across the plan
49-6 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Project Performance Reporting Configuration: Define Key Performance Indicators 50-1
Project Performance Reporting
Configuration: Define Key Performance
Manage Key Performance Indicators
KPI Components: How They Work Together
A key performance indicator (KPI) enables you to define thresholds of possible
values for a performance measure for any project in a project unit. During KPI
definition, you associate a performance status indicator with each threshold
level. When you generate KPI values, the application compares the value against
the thresholds defined for the KPI. If the value falls within any of the defined
threshold levels, then the application associates the status indicator of that
threshold with the performance measure. The following are the KPI components
we will discuss:
• Performance Measure
• Performance Status Indicator
• Threshold Level
• Trend Indicator
• Tolerance Percentage
• Project Performance Data
• Project Unit
Performance Measure
Oracle Fusion Project Performance Reporting provides both fundamental and
derived measures that present an objective insight into the performance of the
project. In addition, you can create custom measures to meet the unique needs of
your organization. Use any delivered or custom performance measure to create a
Performance measures are available in the areas of budgets and forecasts, billing
and revenue, costs, effort, margin, capitalization, and more. Following are
examples of predefined performance measures:
50-2 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
• EAC Budget Cost (the estimate at completion burdened cost from the
current baseline budget)
• ITD Forecast Revenue Variance (the inception-to-date current baseline
budget revenue - current approved forecast revenue)
• Prior Period Margin Percentage Variance (the prior period current
baseline budget margin percentage - actual margin percentage)
A performance measure is associated with a time dimension. The following time
dimensions are available:
• Estimate-at-completion (EAC)
• Inception-to-date (ITD)
• Prior Period
• Period-to-date (PTD)
• Quarter-to-date (QTD)
• Year-to-date (YTD)
A particular performance measure set, such as Budget Cost, can have as many as
six performance measures: one for each time dimension.
A performance measure can be expressed as a currency amount, as a percentage,
or in time units such as hours when effort is measured. If the KPI is used on
projects that use different currencies, you can enter different thresholds levels for
each currency you need.
Performance Status Indicator
Performance status indicators give an immediate picture of the status of a
project, such as critical, at risk, and on track. Icons with unique colors and shapes
indicate the status and severity of performance. During KPI definition, you first
associate status indicators with performance statuses:
• Critical
• Severe
• At risk
• On track
• Ahead
You then associate these statuses with threshold levels. When KPI values are
generated for a project, each value is compared to the defined thresholds and
the corresponding status indicator for the KPI appears on project performance
A status can identify negative performance so that you can take the appropriate
actions to prevent or quickly resolve problems. Conversely, a status can identify
positive performance to help you track expected or excellent performance.
Threshold Level
During KPI definition, you define threshold levels to cover all possible values for
a KPI. If a KPI value exceeds the range of values defined for the KPI threshold
Project Performance Reporting Configuration: Define Key Performance Indicators 50-3
levels, the closest threshold is used to determine the KPI status. For example, if
a KPI value falls below the lowest threshold level, the application assigns the
status of the lowest threshold level to the KPI.
A status indicator can be associated with more than one threshold level. For
example, both underutilization and overutilization of resources can indicate a
critical performance status.
Trend Indicator
Performance trend indicators give an immediate picture of improving or
worsening KPI value trends on the project. Icons with unique colors and shapes
indicate whether an increasing performance trend has a positive or negative
impact. For example, an increase in nonbillable costs is considered unfavorable
to organizations that are able to bill costs to their clients. In this example, the
performance trend indicator will show a negative impact.
Tolerance Percentage
A tolerance percentage is used to compare the previous KPI value to the current
value to show if the performance trend is increasing, decreasing, or staying
the same. For example, if the tolerance percentage is 10 percent for a KPI, and
the difference between the previous KPI value and current value is greater
than 10 percent, then the trend is increasing. If the difference is greater than -10
percent, then the trend is decreasing. If the difference is between -10 percent
and 10 percent, then the trend shows no change. A single tolerance percentage
value, such as 10 percent in this example, represents both negative and positive
Project Performance Data
The application provides programs that extract and update transaction data
and maintain project performance data. The process of generating KPI values
uses this project performance data. Before you generate new KPI values, check
the date that the project performance data was last generated to make sure that
the data includes all transactions that may impact project performance results.
Then decide if you must update project performance data before you generate
KPI values. After you run these programs you will have a true picture of project
When you generate KPI values, the period for which KPI values are being
generated is determined by the KPI Period Determination Date. The data during
that period is used to generate project performance data that will be populated
on the project performance dashboard.
KPIs that are enabled for use in the KPI definition are included when KPI values
are generated.
Project Unit
KPIs are created for specific project units. During project unit implementation
you specify whether KPIs are tracked for the project unit.
50-4 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
KPI Values: How They Are Generated
Key performance indicator (KPI) values are calculated when you generate KPI
values. KPI values must be generated after project data is updated.
Settings That Affect KPI Values
You must specify the following parameters:
Settings Description
KPI Period Determination Date Set the date used to derive the project calendar
and accounting calendar periods for performance
measure calculations when KPI values are
Replace Current KPI Values Replace the current KPI values with the values that
are generated now.
Delete Previous KPI Values Delete the KPI values that were generated the
previous time the generate KPI values process was
Number of Days to Retain KPI Values Retain KPI values for the specified number of
days starting from the current date before deleting
previous KPI values.
For example, assume KPI values were generated on the following dates:
KPI Period Determination Date Generation Date
October 29, 2010 November 12, 2010
September 30, 2010 October 15, 2010
If you generate KPI values on November 18, 2010 and select to replace the
current KPI values, the KPI values generated on November 12, 2010 are deleted
and replaced with KPI values generated on November 18, 2010. You must select
to replace the current KPI values for a given period if you want to retain one set
of KPI values and review KPI values during the period.
You can also delete KPI values that are not required for reporting. The options,
Delete Previous KPI Values and Number of Days to Retain KPI Values, enable
you to delete KPI values that were generated prior to a specific number of days.
For example, if today is November 18, and you want to remove all KPI values
generated in the previous year, you must select to delete previous KPI values,
and set Number of Days to Retain KPI Values to 322. All KPI values created
since January 1, 2010 are retained and KPI values generated before that period
are deleted.
Do not delete previous KPI values in the following cases:
• When you are generating KPI values for the first time in a period.
Project Performance Reporting Configuration: Define Key Performance Indicators 50-5
• If you want to see trending information for the KPIs over the life of the
When you generate KPI values, you can select to receive a notification by e-mail
by enabling workflow notifications, once KPI values are generated.
How KPI Values Are Generated
KPI values are calculated based on the value of the performance measure
associated with the project. When you generate KPI values, the KPI period
determination date is compared to the current date to determine the period. KPI
values are generated for the period based on the options in the key performance
indicator definition. Only one set of key performance indicators is kept for a
single KPI period determination date.
For example, KPI values are generated for a KPI period determination date of
August 24 at 8:15 a.m. for Projects A and B. Then KPI values are generated for a
KPI period determination date of August 24 at 10:45 a.m. just for Project B. The
KPI values for Project B generated at 8:15 a.m. are deleted, but KPIs belonging to
Project A are retained.
To keep historical information, use a unique KPI period determination date.
Performance Status for Tasks and Resources: How It Is Calculated
The application calculates performance status for individual tasks and resources
for percentage-based key performance indicator (KPI) values.
Settings That Affect Performance Status for Tasks and Resources
When you enable the Track by Task and Track by Resource options on the
project definition, a status indicator appears for the task and resource on project
performance reports when the individual KPI value is not on track. Enabling this
option helps you easily identify the troubled tasks and resources in a hierarchical
task and resource structure in a project.
You can track performance by task and resource only for KPI values that are
expressed as a percentage.
How Performance Status for Tasks and Resources Are Calculated
Performance status is individually calculated for all levels of the task and
resource hierarchy based on the KPI threshold definition. KPI threshold values
50-6 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
are defined when KPIs are created. Based on the threshold values defined, the
status for tasks and resources are calculated for the KPI values that are based
on a percentage. This example shows how the status of tasks and resources are
calculated. For example, assume that the KPI named ITD Nonbillable Cost as a
Percentage of Total Cost has the following threshold definition.
Threshold Level Threshold Range From Threshold Range To Status Indicator
1 -99.00% -12.00% Critical
2 -11.99% -5.00% At Risk
3 -4.99% 4.99% On Track
4 5.00% 11.9% At Risk
5 12.00% 99% Critical
Example of System Implementation Task
In the example, we have a System Implementation task containing six subtasks.
Task Task ITD
ITD Billable
ITD Total Cost ITD
Cost as a
Percentage of
Total Cost
20,000 105,000 125,000 16.00%
Planning 0 21,000 21,000 0%
Definition 6,000 51,000 57,000 10.53%
Build 15,000 33,000 48,000 31.25%
Test 0 0 0 0%
Release 0 0 0 0%
Support 0 0 0 0%
The ITD Nonbillable Cost as a Percentage of Total Cost KPI value for the
Definition task is 10.53% (6,000/57,000). Based on the threshold levels defined
for this KPI, the Definition task shows the At Risk status indicator.
Example of a Consulting Resource Breakdown Structure
In another example, the Consulting resource breakdown structure contains
a Labor resource. Labor is a parent to the Project Manager resource, which
is a parent to resources Max Martin, Robert Altima, and Fred Jones. The ITD
Nonbillable Cost as a Percentage of Total Cost KPI value for Labor is 12.97%
(15,700.00/121,015.00). The ITD Nonbillable Cost as a Percentage of Total
Cost KPI value for Fred Jones is 0%. Because the KPI value for each row in the
hierarchical structure is calculated separately, Labor has a status indicator of
Critical and Fred Jones does not have a status indicator.
Resource Resource Resource Resource ITD
ITD Total
Cost as a
Project Performance Reporting Configuration: Define Key Performance Indicators 50-7
of Total
Consulting 19,776 105,315 125,091 15.81%
Labor 15,700 105,315 121,015 12.97%
15,700 50,000 65,700 23.90%
Max Martin 2,800 14,000 16,800 16.67%
8,400 0 8,400 100.00%
Fred Jones 0 36,000 36,000 0%
If you track tasks and resources for a project, each task and resource with a
KPI value that is not on track is designated as an exception. The KPI value for
the project does not impact the exception designation for individual tasks and
resources. For example, if a task has a Critical status indicator based on the KPI
value and threshold definition, it is designated as an exception even if the project
has an On Track status indicator.
Task and resource performance status is based on the latest summarized data,
which may not be the same as the summarized data used to generate the latest
KPI values.
Tolerance Percentage: Explained
Tolerance percentages are used to compare the previous key performance
indicator (KPI) value to the current value to arrive at the performance trend.
Trend indicators are calculated based on the percentage increase or decrease in a
KPI value and the tolerance percentage on the KPI definition.
Example of Tolerance Percentage
When you create a KPI, you must enter a tolerance percentage that is used in
determining the trend indicator to display for a KPI. The percentage change in
KPI value is calculated using the following formula:
Percentage Change in KPI Value = absolute value of (Current Value -
Previous Value*100 / Previous Value)
The following example illustrates how tolerance percentage is used to calculate
the trend indicator to display.
KPI Tolerance
Percentage and
Trend Indicator
Current Period
KPI Value and
Status Indicator
Previous Period
KPI Value and
Status Indicator
Trend Indicator
Based on
Previous Period
PTD Actual
Invoice Amount
5 percent
Up is Favorable
27 percent Down,
50-8 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
PTD Actual
Spent Labor
Up is Favorable
On Track
On Track
5.6 percent Up, Favorable
PTD Actual
2 percent
Up is Favorable
28.5 percent
30.2 percent
On Track
5.6 percent Down,
Creating Different Threshold Levels for Each Currency: Examples
You must define threshold levels for each currency for currency-based KPIs.
A company is in the business of selling and installing human resource software.
One of the standard KPIs used for the installation projects is Period-to-Date
(PTD) Invoice Amount. Installation projects are performed in different countries
having different project and ledger currencies, such as, United States dollars,
Japanese yen, Mexican pesos, and Indian rupees. Projects performed using
currency in United States dollars have a higher threshold for criticality with
respect to PTD invoice amounts. This is reflected with unique currency threshold
Ledger Currency Definitions
For projects with a ledger currency in United States dollars, the PTD invoice
amount is considered critical if the value is between 0 and 3,000 USD. For
projects with a ledger currency in Indian rupees, a critical PTD invoice amount
would be between 0 and 50,000 INR. The different currency thresholds do not
have to necessarily correlate to exact currency conversion.
FAQs for Manage Key Performance Indicators
What's the difference between key performance indicator and performance
Key performance indicators (KPIs) measure how well an organization or
individual performs an operational, tactical, or strategic activity that is critical for
the current and future success of the organization. Examples are: Period-to-Date
(PTD) Actual Spent Labor Effort Percentage, PTD Actual Spent Equipment Effort
Percentage, and PTD Actual Margin Percentage.
Performance measures are singular data elements defined by a specific account,
scenario, and time dimension combination. For example, the performance
measure, Quarter-to-Date (QTD) Forecast Labor Effort, references the account
of labor hours, in the scenario of primary forecast, and the quarter-to-date time
A KPI is created based on a performance measure, and specifies how a
performance measure value is interpreted using threshold levels. For example,
Project Performance Reporting Configuration: Define Key Performance Indicators 50-9
the KPI PTD Actual Spent Equipment Effort is based on the measure actual spent
equipment effort.
What's the difference between key performance indicator and KPI category?
Key performance indicators (KPIs) measure how well an organization or
individual performs an operational, tactical, or strategic activity that is critical for
the current and future success of the organization. Examples are: Period-to-Date
(PTD) Actual Spent Labor Effort Percentage, PTD Actual Spent Equipment Effort
Percentage, and PTD Actual Margin Percentage.
A KPI category is a group of KPIs that belong to a specific performance area.
Examples are: cost, profitability, financial, and schedule.
From the examples above, PTD Actual Margin Percentage must be in the KPI
category of profitability.
What's a KPI period determination date?
Date used to determine the accounting calendar and project accounting calendar
periods for performance measure calculations during key performance indicator
(KPI) value generation.
For example, assume that your project uses a monthly accounting calendar and
a weekly project accounting calendar. You generate KPI values on December 8,
2010 with a KPI period determination date of November 30, 2010. The current
period for KPI generation is determined based on the type of calendar used. In
the accounting calendar, the date November 30, 2010 falls into the November
2010 period. In the project accounting calendar, November 30, 2010 falls in the
first week of December 2010.
The KPI period determination date must be a date in the past.
Why can't I create or edit a key performance indicator for a project unit?
Since the project unit is not enabled to track key performance indicators.
What happens if I attach different KPIs to a project for the same measure?
Overall project health is based on the most severe KPI status even if you have
more than one KPI that uses the same performance measure.
For example, assume the Financial category contains three KPIs, and two of
those KPIs use the same performance measure with two different threshold
definitions. If the KPI status falls in the critical and on track ranges for the two
KPIs that use the same performance measure, and the KPI status is on track for
the third KPI, then the overall project health is critical. If the KPI status is on
track for the two KPIs that use the same performance measure, and is critical for
the third KPI, the overall project health is still critical.
50-10 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Can I track KPI values at the task and resource level?
Yes. You can track key performance indicators (KPIs) that have a percentage
measure format. Tracking by task and resource for a project enables you to
identify problem areas on the task structure and resource structure during KPI
What happens if a KPI value exceeds the threshold limits defined for the KPI?
An up or down arrow appears in the Exceeds Threshold column of the
KPI History table, and the closest threshold is used to determine the key
performance indicators (KPIs) status. If KPI values fall outside the threshold
ranges, consider extending the upper and lower threshold ranges.
Where do the currency type options for a key performance indicator come
The currency type appears for a selection only if the currency type is enabled for
summarization for the project unit.
Where do the calendar type options for a key performance indicator come
The calendar type appears for a selection only if the calendar type is enabled for
summarization for the project unit.
How can I evaluate project performance if KPIs are not tracked?
You must use the Review Project Performance page to perform more detailed
financial performance analysis for a project than is possible on the Project
Performance Dashboard. You can review amounts at the task or resource level,
and drill down to individual expenditure items.
Manage Trend Indicators
KPI Trends: How They Are Calculated
Trend indicators show whether the trend of a key performance indicator (KPI) is
favorable or unfavorable for a project. When you define KPIs you specify a value
for tolerance percentage. The tolerance percentage is taken into account while
calculating trend indicators for a KPI.
KPI trends may not be useful if KPI values are generated often. The reason is, if
the tolerance percentage is 10 percent and KPI values are generated every day,
the values decrease by 1 percent each day. In this scenario, no change is observed
in the trend as the decrease is well within the tolerance. However, if you generate
Project Performance Reporting Configuration: Define Key Performance Indicators 50-11
KPI values at the start and end of the month, a significant change is observed in
the trend.
Settings That Affect KPI Trends
The trend indicator that appears for a KPI is based on the defaults set in the
performance trend indicator setup. The different trend indicators available are:
• Up, favorable: The project performance trend is increasing in value and is
• Up, unfavorable: The project performance trend is increasing in value and
is undesirable.
• Down, favorable: The project performance trend is decreasing in value
and is desirable.
• Down, unfavorable: The project performance trend is decreasing in value
and is undesirable.
• Unchanged: The project performance trend is unchanged.
You can change the sort order of the trend indicators based on how you want to
sequence KPIs in a table based on the performance of KPIs in a project.
How KPI Trends Are Calculated
Trend Indicators are calculated based on the percentage increase or decrease in
a KPI value, while taking into consideration the tolerance percentage specified
while creating the KPI. The following example illustrates how trend indicators
are calculated for a KPI.
Consider a scenario where KPI values are generated for the first time on January
15, 2011, and again on February 15 and April 15. KPI trends are calculated when
there are at least two values that exist for a KPI.
All values in the following tables are percentages unless specified otherwise.
KPI Values Generated on January 15, 2011
KPI Tolerance
Percentage and
Trend Indicator
Current KPI
Value and Status
Previous KPI
Value and Status
Trend Indicator
Labor Effort
Up is Favorable
On Track
- -
Equipment Effort
Up is Unfavorable
On Track
- -
PTD Actual Invoice
Up is Favorable
- -
50-12 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Actual Billable Cost
Up is Favorable
On Track
- -
PTD Actual Margin
Up is Favorable
On Track
- -
After generating KPI values on January 15, 2011, the most critical KPI is PTD
Actual Invoice Amount. The overall project health status is Warning, because the
most critical KPI, PTD Actual Invoice Amount, has a status of Warning.
KPI Values Generated on February 15, 2011
KPI Tolerance
Percentage and
Trend Indicator
Current Period KPI
Value and Status
Previous Period
KPI Value and
Status Indicator
Trend Indicator
based on Previous
Labor Effort
Up is Favorable
On Track
On Track
Equipment Effort
Up is Unfavorable
On Track
On Track
PTD Actual Invoice
Up is Favorable
Actual Billable Cost
Up is Favorable
On Track
On Track
PTD Actual Margin
Up is Favorable
On Track
On Track
This table shows how the trend indicator is calculated based on the previous
period. Although the KPI values for the current period are different from the
previous period, the difference in the values is not significant enough to change
the trend indicator, based on the tolerance percentage defined for each KPI. For
example, the PTD Actual Spent Labor Effort Percentage is 71 percent, compared
to the previous period KPI value of 70 percent. If the current period KPI value is
more than 73.5 percent, which is more than 5 percent higher than the previous
period, then the trend indicator is Up, Favorable. If the current period KPI value
is less than 66.5 percent, which is more than 5 percent lower than the previous
period, then the trend indicator is Down, Unfavorable.
The overall project health status is Warning, based on the most critical of all KPI
statuses. After generating KPI values on February 15, 2011, the most critical KPI
is PTD Actual Invoice Amount.
KPI Values Generated on April 15, 2011
KPI Tolerance
Percentage and
Current Quarter
KPI Value and
Status Indicator
Previous Quarter
KPI Value and
Status Indicator
Trend Indicator
Based on Previous
Project Performance Reporting Configuration: Define Key Performance Indicators 50-13
Trend Indicator
Labor Effort
Up is Favorable
On Track
On Track
Up, Favorable
Equipment Effort
Up is Unfavorable
On Track
On Track
Down, Favorable
PTD Actual Invoice
Up is Favorable
Down, Unfavorable
Actual Billable Cost
Up is Favorable
On Track
On Track
PTD Actual Margin
Up is Favorable
On Track
Down, Unfavorable
This table shows how the trend indicator is calculated based on the previous
quarter. The current KPI values are compared to the latest generation date of
KPIs for the previous quarter.
It is possible that the previous period trend and the previous quarter trend are
calculated based on KPI values from the same generation date. This occurs when
the previous period generation date is the same as the latest generation date in
the previous quarter.
The first three KPI values changed enough since the previous quarter to change
the trend calculator. For example, the current quarter value of PTD Actual
Invoice Amount is $3,500, which exceeds the threshold tolerance of 5 percent
from the previous quarter KPI value of $4,800. Therefore the KPI is in a Critical
status, and the trend indicator is Down, Unfavorable. If the current quarter value
is greater than $5,040, which is more than 5 percent higher than the previous
quarter, then the trend indicator is Up, Favorable.
A project manager might review the KPI values, statuses, and trends shown in
this table and determine that a transaction was not billed, because the KPIs that
are based on revenue and invoice amounts have both dropped.
The overall project health is critical because of the status of the PTD Actual
Invoice Amount.
FAQs for Manage Trend Indicators
Why did the trend indicator show a downward trend when KPI performance is
While defining key performance indicators (KPIs), you can determine if a
positive increase between the current and previous KPI value is a favorable or
unfavorable trend. Therefore, an upward trend may not necessarily indicate that
KPI performance is improving.
50-14 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
For example, for a KPI based on a non-billable percentage of total costs, a low
value for non-billable costs is preferred. Hence, a downward trend is favorable.
Project Performance Reporting Configuration: FAQs for Manage Performance Measures 51-1
Project Performance Reporting
Configuration: FAQs for Manage
Performance Measures
What's the difference between effort-based, amount-based, and percentage-
based performance measures?
Performance measures that are based on effort hours are effort-based. Examples
are, actual spent labor effort and actual spent equipment effort.
Performance measures that are based on currency values are amount-based.
Examples are, actual revenue and actual raw cost.
Performance measures that are based on percentages are percentage-based.
Examples are, actual margin percentage and actual nonbillable cost percentage.
KPIs that are percentage-based can be tracked at the task, resource, and project
What happens if I use period-to-date amount-based measures for large
Period-to-date amount-based measures use the same threshold values for all
phases of the project. This may result in a spike in the key performance indicator
(KPI) values if the amounts used to calculate the KPI values vary widely
throughout the project. To avoid this problem, consider using different sets of
threshold values for amount-based KPIs defined in small and large projects.
51-2 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Project Performance Reporting Configuration: FAQs for Define Region Personalization 52-1
Project Performance Reporting
Configuration: FAQs for Define Region
Can I select the regions to appear on Project Performance Reporting dashboard
Yes. Using the Personalization option you can select the Edit Current Page
option in the Personalization list to show or hide regions. You can also modify
the arrangement of the region layouts using the Change Layout option.
52-2 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Project Integration Gateway Configuration: Overview 53-1
Project Integration Gateway
Configuration: Overview
Oracle Fusion Project Foundation and Oracle Fusion Project
Management: How They Work Together
Use Oracle Fusion Project Integration Gateway to integrate Oracle Fusion Project
Foundation with Oracle Fusion Project Management.
The integration enables project accountants, project billing specialists, and
executives to centrally perform project costing, billing, accounting, and executive
reporting tasks in Oracle Fusion Project Foundation and other Project Financial
Management applications while enabling project managers to use Oracle Fusion
Project Management to plan, progress, and manage projects.
Oracle Fusion Project Integration Gateway ensures data security, integrity, and
efficiency by:
• Enabling you to create an integration for a specific business unit and
project unit combination
• Defining a set framework in which data is transferred to Oracle Fusion
Project Management
Managing Integration Options
Create an integration for a specific business unit and project unit combination.
The business unit you select determines the currency used to display amounts
in Oracle Fusion Project Management after you transfer project and task
information. This currency is the primary ledger currency of the business unit.
The project unit you select determines which resource breakdown structure you
can select as the integration planning resource breakdown structure that is the
source of resources exported to Oracle Fusion Project Management.
All projects exported from Oracle Fusion Project Foundation must use the
integration planning resource breakdown structure as their primary planning
resource breakdown structure.
53-2 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Exporting Planning Resources
Export planning resources of the Labor resource class from the integration
planning resource breakdown structure in Oracle Fusion Project Foundation to
create project enterprise labor resources in Oracle Fusion Project Management.
If the exported planning resources already exist in Oracle Fusion Project
Management, then they are linked to the corresponding project enterprise
If planning resources are Named Person resources, then the Project enterprise
labor resources created in Oracle Fusion Project Management during export
are linked to the same HCM person as the planning resource. When exporting
other labor resources a placeholder resource is created in Oracle Fusion Project
If you delete a planning resource after exporting it, the linked project enterprise
resource is not deleted in Oracle Fusion Project Management.
Exporting Project and Task Information
Activate integration and export your project and tasks to Oracle Fusion Project
Management after you build out the task structure to the required reporting level
in Oracle Fusion Project Foundation.
You cannot export projects if you previously exported them to another
scheduling application using Oracle Fusion Project Integration Gateway.
The initial export links project and task information in the two applications,
and enables you to incrementally export project and task data to Oracle Fusion
Project Management. In Oracle Fusion Project Management, you can add
subtasks under the exported tasks. You can also assign resources to the subtasks
to complete detailed planning.
After you export a project, you cannot delete the exported tasks, increase or
decrease indent, or move the exported tasks within the project plan in either
Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management and Oracle
Fusion Project Portfolio Management: How They Work Together
Use Oracle Fusion Project Integration Gateway to integrate Oracle Fusion
Project Portfolio Management with Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio
Management. The integration enables project accountants, project billing
specialists, and executives to centrally perform project costing, billing,
accounting, and executive reporting tasks in Oracle Fusion Project Portfolio
Management while enabling each project manager to perform detailed
Project Integration Gateway Configuration: Overview 53-3
project planning and scheduling in Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio
Oracle Fusion Project Integration Gateway ensures data security, integrity, and
efficiency by defining a set framework in which data is exported from and
imported into Oracle Fusion Project Portfolio Management.
The following table and diagram provide an overview of the flow of
Information Type From Application To Application
Global integration information Oracle Fusion Project Portfolio
Primavera P6 Enterprise Project
Portfolio Management
Projects and task definition Oracle Fusion Project Portfolio
Primavera P6 Enterprise Project
Portfolio Management
Summarized project actual
quantity and cost
Oracle Fusion Project Portfolio
Primavera P6 Enterprise Project
Portfolio Management
Project plans and progress Primavera P6 Enterprise Project
Portfolio Management
Oracle Fusion Project Portfolio
Billing events Oracle Fusion Project Portfolio
Primavera P6 Enterprise Project
Portfolio Management
Event completion Primavera P6 Enterprise Project
Portfolio Management
Oracle Fusion Project Portfolio
53-4 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Global Integration Information
Export resources from the integration planning resource breakdown structure
and associated rates to the global dictionary for resource and roles in Primavera
P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management. Before export, raw or burdened
cost rates are derived using logic for actual cost rates, increasing the accuracy of
planned costs calculated for planned units.
Export either accounting or project accounting periods to use in Primavera P6
Enterprise Project Portfolio Management and to enable import of periodic project
plans into Oracle Fusion Project Portfolio Management.
Project and Task Information
You must create projects and the task structure required for financial
management and reporting in Oracle Fusion Project Portfolio Management. You
can then activate integration and export your project and tasks to Primavera
P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management. Export creates links between the
project and tasks in Oracle Fusion Project Portfolio Management and between
the project and WBS created in Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio
Management. All export and import processing is dependent on these links.
Actual Amount Information
Export summarized actual amounts, as required, for comparing with planned
amounts. For each integrated WBS that is linked to a lowest-level task, a
summary activity is created to store actual quantity and costs in Primavera P6
Enterprise Project Portfolio Management.
Project Plan and Progress Information
After exporting a project and its tasks to Primavera P6 Enterprise Project
Portfolio Management, you can build out the project structure, add WBS nodes
and activities, assign resources, and complete planning to the desired detail. Use
resources, roles, and expense categories created in the global dictionary based on
the integration planning resource breakdown structure.
Integration supports manual creation of resources or planning for labor or
nonlabor amounts directly against activities in Primavera P6 Enterprise Project
Portfolio Management.
Import project plan information into Oracle Fusion Project Portfolio
Management as required. Before import, planned amounts for each resource
are totaled up across all activities and child WBSs within the hierarchy of an
integrated WBS. The summarized planning amounts are imported into a single
task assignment that Oracle Fusion Project Portfolio Management creates for the
resource against the lowest-level task associated with the integrated WBS.
After import, a baseline project plan is automatically created in Oracle Fusion
Project Portfolio Management and progress is captured and published. A
baseline budget version can be created simultaneously based on project plan
planning options.
Project Integration Gateway Configuration: Overview 53-5
Billing Information
For contract-based projects, you can export billing events that are assigned to
milestone tasks to create finish milestone activities under the integrated WBS in
Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management.
Import event completion information into Oracle Fusion Project Portfolio
Management, as required, so that you can initiate contract billing activities.
53-6 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Project Integration Gateway Configuration: Manage Integration Options 54-1
Project Integration Gateway
Configuration: Manage Integration
Primavera P6 Integration Options: How They Work Together
Project integration options determine how Oracle Fusion Project Portfolio
Management interacts with Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio
Management. When defining integration options you do the following.
• Specify integration definition information including the integration name,
business unit, project unit, and the integration language.
• Select the integration planning resource breakdown structure.
• Specify resource rate options.
• Select the actual amount information for export.
• Specify calendar and period options.
Specifying the Integration Definition
Primary steps when defining integration options include selecting an integration
created previously in Oracle Fusion Topology Manager, and the business unit
and project unit for the integration.
You cannot change the integration name, business unit, or project unit after
exporting data from or importing data into Oracle Fusion Project Portfolio
Your business unit selection determines the integration (ledger) currency. The
ledger currency is the primary ledger currency for the business unit, that is, the
project ledger currency. Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management
stores amounts in a single base currency across all projects. Therefore, the ledger
currency is used for exporting all actual costs and resource rates from Oracle
Fusion Project Portfolio Management. In addition, cost amounts for expense
categories and nonintegrated material resources are imported from Primavera P6
Enterprise Project Portfolio Management using the ledger currency.
You also select an integration language. When you export data, all translatable
text is sent to Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management in this
language. Similarly, after you import data, translatable information is stored in
association with the selected language.
Selecting a Planning Resource Breakdown Structure
The integration planning resource breakdown structure is the source of resources
exported to Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management. Exported
resources create labor, nonlabor, and material resources, roles, or expense
categories that you can use on projects in that application.
54-2 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
In Oracle Fusion Project Portfolio Management, you must use this planning
resource breakdown structure as the primary planning resource breakdown
structure on all integrated projects. That is, you must use it for task assignments
on the project plan.
Using a single set of planning resources facilitates the creation of task
assignments when you import project plan information into Oracle Fusion
Project Portfolio Management.
Options are limited to planning resource breakdown structures that belong to the
selected project unit and do not allow resource changes at the project level.
You cannot change the integration planning resource breakdown structure after
you export resources.
Specifying Calendar and Period Options
Selecting a common set of periods for planning in Oracle Fusion Project Portfolio
Management and Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management enables
you to exchange periodic planned amounts. The following table describes which
integration options enable sharing of financial periods.
Integration Option Description
Calendar type and financial period from date Together determine the type of calendar (accounting
or project accounting) and the date from which
periods must be exported.
You cannot modify the calendar type after you
export financial periods.
Default period profile Default period profile to use if Oracle Fusion Project
Portfolio Management must change the calendar
type for a project when importing the project plan.
(The calendar type selected on the planning options
of the associated project plan type must match the
calendar type specified in the integration options.)
Options are limited to period profiles associated
with the selected calendar type.
Selecting Resource Rate Options
When defining project integration options, you can select options for exporting
cost rates associated with the resources from the integration planning resource
breakdown structure. Rates are maintained as part of the global dictionary for
resources and roles in Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management.
The following table describes rate options.
Integration Option Description
Resource class rate schedule Used to specify a default source of cost rates when
rates cannot be derived for the resource using logic
for actual cost rates.
Options are limited to rate schedules that are
available to the integration business unit.
Project Integration Gateway Configuration: Manage Integration Options 54-3
Burden schedule Used as the source of burdened cost rates when
calculating the resource rate to export from Oracle
Fusion Project Portfolio Management. If you do not
specify a burden schedule, then the burdened rate
equals the raw cost rate for the effective rate date.
Effective rate date Date as of which rates are retrieved and exported.
For Roles, Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio
Management does not maintain date effective rates.
That is, only a single rate is available for each role.
Selecting Project Plan and Progress Options
The following options determine how project plan and progress information is
exported from and imported into Oracle Fusion Project Portfolio Management.
Integration Option Description
WBS Code Source Determine whether to generate the WBS code
in Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio
Management based on the task number or the last
segment of the outline number in Oracle Fusion
Project Portfolio Management.
Alternatively, select not to export a value from
Oracle Fusion Project Portfolio Management. In
this case, the WBS code source is automatically
generated and never updated based on data
exported from Oracle Fusion Project Portfolio
Management. However, you can manually edit the
value in Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio
Export Actual Amounts Determine whether you want to export burdened
cost, burdened cost and quantity, or if you do not
want to export actual amounts. Use exported actual
amounts to compare with planned amounts for the
If you export actual amounts, Primavera P6
Enterprise Project Portfolio Management creates a
summary activity to store these amounts for each
affected WBS.
Import Progress with Existing As-of Date Decide whether project managers can import
progress for a date as of which latest published
progress already exists in Oracle Fusion Project
Portfolio Management.
If you allow import, then existing progress
information is deleted and replaced by progress
imported from the scheduling application. Else, an
error is reported.
54-4 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Planning Resources: How They Are Exported to Primavera P6
Enterprise Project Portfolio Management
Export planning resources to Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio
Management to enable project managers to plan project activities using a
consistent set of resources and facilitate integration of resource assignments with
Oracle Fusion Projects.
Settings That Affect the Export of Planning Resources
The integration planning resource breakdown structure you select when
defining project integration determines the planning resources you can export.
In addition, the planning resources exported depend on whether you are
performing an initial export for your integration or a subsequent one.
When you export resources for the first time, all planning resources from the
integration planning resource breakdown structure are exported. Primavera P6
Enterprise Project Portfolio Management creates corresponding resources, roles,
or expense categories. If you subsequently export planning resources, you can
select an incremental or a full export, as described in the table below.
Processing Type Impact
Incremental Oracle Fusion Project Integration Gateway exports
only resources that were added or modified since the
last time you successfully exported resources.
Full Oracle Fusion Project Integration Gateway exports
all resources from the integration planning resource
breakdown structure irrespective of when they were
created or modified.
Use the full export option to recreate resources
that are mistakenly deleted in Primavera P6
Enterprise Project Portfolio Management and must
be recreated. You can also use full export if you want
to export rates for all resources (new and existing)
for a revised effective rate date in Oracle Fusion
Projects integration options.
If you delete a previously exported resource in Oracle Fusion Projects, then
mapping information is deleted. The corresponding resource is not deleted in
Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management but is then treated as a
nonintegrated resource when you subsequently import project plan information.
How Planning Resources Are Exported
As illustrated in the following diagram, planning resources are exported to
Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management based on the associated
resource class, and in the case of labor resources, on the associated resource
Project Integration Gateway Configuration: Manage Integration Options 54-5
• Resources of the Labor resource class are exported as follows based on the
resource format:
• If the resource format contains the Named Person resource type, it is
exported as labor resource.
• All other resource formats are exported as roles.
• Resources of the Equipment resource class are exported as nonlabor
• Resources of the Material Items resource class are exported as material
• Resources of the Financial Resource resource class are exported as
expense categories.
During export, Oracle Fusion Projects transfers information for each resource as
appropriate. Exported information includes:
• Resource name
• Resource ID
• Resource class and format
• Resource enabled indicator
Resource and role names are limited to 100 characters and expense category
names to 36 characters in Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management.
Therefore, resource, role, and expense category names are truncated if their
length is over the limit.
In Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management, other important
resource attributes are defined as described in the following table.
54-6 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Resource Attribute Description
Resource calendar Set to the default global calendar
Resource currency Set to the base currency
Resource type (if not supplied during export) Set to Labor
Projects and Tasks: How They Are Exported to Primavera P6
Enterprise Project Portfolio Management
You export projects to Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management
after you have completed high-level planning (created tasks up to the desired
financial planning and reporting level) in Oracle Fusion Projects.
Settings That Affect the Export of Projects and Tasks
You must activate integration for a project before exporting it. In addition, for
subsequent export, you can select to export all information for the selected
linked projects or only incremental changes since the previous export.
Use the full export option to recreate an integrated WBS that was inadvertently
deleted in Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management or to restore
the WBS hierarchy to match the task structure in Oracle Fusion Projects.
How Projects and Tasks Are Exported
In Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management, exported projects are
added to an enterprise project structure (EPS) node called Imported Projects.
Move the exported projects to a different EPS node as required.
As illustrated in the following diagram, during initial export, project information
from Oracle Fusion Projects is used to create a new project in Primavera P6
Enterprise Project Portfolio Management. Alternatively, if the project number of
a project matches the project ID of an existing project in Primavera P6 Enterprise
Project Portfolio Management, then the two projects are linked.
Similarly, WBSs are created for each task in the hierarchy, up to the lowest-level
task. The tasks and WBS are linked. If you build out your WBS in Primavera
P6 Enterprise Project Management by adding further WBS and activities,
all information is summarized up to the integrated WBS before project plan
information is imported into Oracle Fusion Projects.
The following table describes how changes in the task structure in Oracle Fusion
Projects affect the WBS of a linked project during a subsequent export.
Project Integration Gateway Configuration: Manage Integration Options 54-7
Change Impact to Project in Primavera P6 Enterprise
Project Portfolio Management
Create task New WBS created and integrated with task.
If the task number of the new task matches the WBS
ID of an existing WBS, then it is linked to the new
Delete task Integrated WBS is not deleted. You must manually
delete the WBS and revise planning, if required.
Move task Indent for integrated WBS is increased or decreased
Update task attributes Modified task attributes, including name,
description, and task manager, are used to update
WBS information.
Create subtask for integrated task New WBS created for subtask. You must move
planning information from the parent WBS to the
new WBS to continue importing it into Oracle Fusion
Project and Task Attributes Exported to Primavera P6 Enterprise
Project Portfolio Management: Explained
When you export projects, project and task attribute values are used to update
project and WBS information in Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio
Following is a description of the project and task attributes exported from Oracle
Fusion Projects.
Exported Project Attributes
The following table describes some of the important project attributes exported
from Oracle Fusion Projects.
Attribute in Oracle Fusion Projects Attribute in Primavera P6 Enterprise Project
Portfolio Management
Project name Project name
Project number Project ID
Project start date Project planned start date
Project finish date Project must finish by date
Project manager User-defined field
Project status Project status
Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management restricts the length of
project names and project IDs to100 and 20 characters respectively. Therefore,
project names and numbers from Oracle Fusion Projects are truncated if their
length is over the limit.
54-8 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Project status in Oracle Fusion Projects is exported as follows:
System Status in Oracle Fusion Projects Status in Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio
Unapproved Planned
Submitted Planned
Approved Active
Pending Close Active
Closed Inactive
Exported Task Attributes
When a WBS is created based on a task exported from Oracle Fusion Projects, the
attribute Integrated Type is used to indicate that the WBS is integrated. Other
WBS attributes updated using information exported from Oracle Fusion Projects
are described below.
Attribute in Oracle Fusion Projects Attribute in Primavera P6 Enterprise Project
Portfolio Management
Task name WBS name
Task number WBS ID
Task number or outline number WBS code
WBS code is set to the task number or the last
segment of the outline number depending on the
value of the WBS Code Source integration option.
Outline number Sequence number
Integration processing transforms the outline
number into a sequence number based on the
position of a task in comparison to peer tasks. For
example, the sequence number of task 1.0 is 10, task
2.0 is 20, and task 3.0 is 30. Similarly, the sequence
number of task 1.1 is 10, task 1.2 is 20, and task 2.1 is
Task description Notebook topic at WBS level
Task manager User-defined field
Chargeable option WBS status
The Chargeable option only impacts WBS that are
mapped to lowest-level tasks. If the corresponding
task is not chargeable, then the integrated WBS
is marked as inactive and is not visible on the
Project Integration Gateway Configuration: Manage Integration Options 54-9
Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management restricts the length of
WBS names and WBS IDs to 100 and 20 characters respectively. Therefore, task
names and numbers from Oracle Fusion Projects are truncated if their length is
over the limit.
FAQs for Manage Integration Options
Can I change the organization that owns a project or task?
Yes. You can change the project or task owning organization at any time, unless
unprocessed transactions exist for the project. You can also simultaneously
reprocess transactions for the affected tasks. Note that the project or task owning
organization has no effective as-of date. Therefore, the new organization applies
for the duration of the project.
54-10 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Microsoft Project Integration: Overview 55-1
Microsoft Project Integration: Overview
Microsoft Project and Oracle Fusion Projects: How They Work
Microsoft Project integration enables project managers to create projects,
complete in-depth scheduling using dependencies and constraints, and
perform what-if analysis offline, before synchronizing project plan and progress
information with Oracle Fusion Projects.
Project executives, project accountants, and billing specialists can use the
information exported to Oracle Fusion Projects for financial planning, project
costing, billing and revenue accrual, and performance reporting.
Microsoft Project integration enables you to do the following:
• Import templates or existing projects from Oracle Fusion Projects to create
projects in Microsoft Project.
• Export projects from Microsoft Project to create projects in Oracle Fusion
• Synchronize existing projects with Oracle Fusions Projects.
• Import resources from the primary planning resource breakdown
structure to use for creating task assignments in Microsoft Project.
• Plan and schedule projects, assign resources, and track progress.
• Import actual quantities and costs into Microsoft Project for progress
• Export project plan and progress information to Oracle Fusion Projects.
Importing Projects
You can import a template or an existing project from Oracle Fusion Projects
to create a new project file in Microsoft Project. During import, select to import
all project information or only planning resources. If you want to subsequently
export new task assignments for the project to Oracle Fusion Projects, you must
import resources from the primary planning resource breakdown structure.
55-2 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
While importing from Oracle Fusion Projects, you cannot select templates whose
primary planning resource breakdown structure allows changes at the project
level. This restriction does not apply when importing projects.
When importing an existing project, retain the link if you intend to synchronize
the project. If you only want to view project details, or intend to export the
project to Oracle Fusion Projects as a different project later, then do not retain the
project link.
You cannot retain the project link if third-party scheduling is disabled for the
Exporting Projects
You can export a project from Microsoft Project to create a new project in Oracle
Fusion Projects. Exporting links the projects in the two applications. Optionally,
set a baseline for the project plan, and simultaneously generate a budget version
and create a baseline.
When exporting a project, you must select a source project or template unless
you had originally imported a project or template from Oracle Fusion Projects.
The source project or template must allow for third-party scheduling and the
associated primary planning resource breakdown structure must not allow
changes at the project level.
Synchronizing Project Information
Use synchronization rules to transfer information from and to Microsoft Project.
Select the required synchronization rule to synchronize all information, or
import or export selected information only. For example, you can select to only
synchronize schedule updates for the project. Depending on the synchronization
rule, select synchronization options to determine how information is transferred.
The following table describes the default direction in which attributes are
Attributes Imported into Microsoft Project Exported from Microsoft Project
Task structure Yes Yes
Resources and resource rates Yes No
Task attributes Yes Yes
Actual quantities and costs Yes No
Scheduling and progress No Yes
Importing Resources and Rates
You can import all planning resources from the primary planning resource
breakdown structure associated with the project in Oracle Fusion Projects or
import selected resources only.
Microsoft Project Integration: Overview 55-3
Import rates from Oracle Fusion Projects to calculate planned costs in Microsoft
Project. The Cost Type synchronization option determines whether raw cost
rates or burdened cost rates are imported.
Before import, rates are derived for each resource based on the actual or
planning rate schedules specified on the associated project plan type. Any
override rates you specify on the project plan in Oracle Fusion Projects are not
Importing Actual Costs and Exporting Progress
You can import actual quantity and costs either from the latest summarized data
or from draft progress. The source of actual amounts determines how progress is
exported, as described in the following table.
Source of Actual Amounts Impact on Importing Progress
Latest summarized data Actual amounts on the draft progress are refreshed
from the latest summarized data when you export
progress. Also, you specify the progress as-of date in
the synchronization options.
Draft progress Actual amounts on the draft progress are not
refreshed and hence, they match the actual amounts
previously imported into Microsoft Project.
When you export progress from Microsoft Project, the estimate-to-complete
(ETC) method and physical percent complete calculation method are set to
Manual. Values for planned, actual, and estimated finish dates and physical
percent complete are exported at each level in the task hierarchy and do not roll
up in Oracle Fusion Projects. Values for all other attributes are transferred at the
task assignment level and roll up in Oracle Fusion Projects.
After export, draft progress is published. A forecast version is generated
depending on progress settings defined for the associated project plan type.
If burdening is not enabled on the project type, then you can export progress
with raw cost. If burdening is enabled, then you must use burdened cost to
export progress. That is, set the Cost Type synchronization option to Burdened
55-4 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Project Templates: Manage Project Templates 56-1
Project Templates: Manage Project
Expenditure Item Chargeability: How It Is Determined
Oracle Fusion Projects checks all levels of chargeable controls when you try to
charge a transaction to a project. The check is performed when you save the
Oracle Fusion Projects checks the chargeable status when you enter a new cost
transaction or transfer expenditure items to another project or task.
Settings That Affect Chargeable Status
Use the exclusive and inclusive transaction control option to set the chargeable
status for all expenditures charged to the project.
Inclusive transaction controls prevent all charges to a project or task except the
charges you specifically allow. Specify the types of expenditures that you want to
be chargeable and enable the Chargeable option.
Exclusive transaction controls allow all charges to a project or task by default.
Specify the types of expenditures that do not want charged to the project or task.
How Chargeable Status Is Determined
The following illustration shows the steps Oracle Fusion Projects uses to
determine the chargeable status of an expenditure item.
56-2 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
If the inclusive option is selected and applicable transaction controls do not
exist, then the transaction is not chargeable. If applicable controls do exist, then
the application checks whether the transaction controls allow charges. If the
Chargeable check box is selected for an applicable control, then the transaction
is chargeable. If the Chargeable check box is not selected, then the transaction is
not chargeable.
If the exclusive option is selected and there are no applicable controls, then the
transaction is chargeable. If applicable controls do exist, then the application
checks whether the transaction controls allow charges. If the Chargeable check
box is selected for an applicable control, then the transaction is chargeable. If the
Chargeable check box is not selected, then the transaction is not chargeable.
Project Quick Entry: Explained
As part of a project template definition setup, you can configure quick entry
fields. Oracle Fusion Projects prompts you to enter information in quick entry
fields when you create new projects from the template.
Quick Entry Fields
Choose quick entry fields for project information you want to enter (instead of
accepting the template default) each time you create a project. The following
table describes the quick entry fields on a project template.
Project Templates: Manage Project Templates 56-3
Name Description
Field Name The field you want displayed in the Project Details
when creating a new project.
Specification Enter a specification for the following fields:
• Classification
• Select the class category to use when
creating the classification.
• Team Member
• Select the project role to use when
creating the team member.
Prompt Text for a field that appears only in the Project
Details while you are creating a new project. After
you create the project, the prompt field name is not
present. For example, if you want to add a quick
entry field for the project start date, update the
prompt that appears during project creation to Enter
the project start date. However the field in the
project for all other pages will remain Project Start
Required Choose whether you want to require entry for the
quick entry field.
The following fields are required on all projects, and
cannot be optional quick entry fields:
• Legal Entity
• Organization
• Project Name
• Project Number
The following table describes limitations for quick entry fields.
Field Name Quick Entry Maximum
Classification 20
Partner organization 5
Project customer 5
Supplier organization 5
Team member 15
You can allow entry of more than one team member
per role for all roles except Project Manager. You can
enter only one project manager for a project.
After creating the project, you can add further values to the fields in the project.
56-4 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Transaction Controls: Explained
Define transaction controls to specify the types of transactions that are
chargeable or nonchargeable for projects and tasks. Use transaction controls to
configure your projects and tasks to allow only charges that you expect or plan.
You can also define which items are billable and nonbillable on your projects
that are enabled for billing. For capital projects, you can define which items are
capitalizable and noncapitalizable.
You create transaction controls by configuring the following components:
• Expenditure category
• Expenditure type
• Nonlabor resource
• Person
• Job and organization for the person
• Person type
• Chargeable status
• Billable or Capitalizable status
• From and To dates
You can create any combination of transaction controls that you want; for
example, you can create a transaction control for a specific person and
expenditure type, or you can create a combination for a person, expenditure
type, and nonlabor resource. You also specify the date range to which each
transaction control applies. If you do not enter transaction controls, you can
charge expenditure items from any person, expenditure category, expenditure
type, and nonlabor resource to all lowest tasks on the project.
Chargeable Status
You can further control charges for each transaction control record by specifying
whether to allow charges. The default value is to allow charges.
You usually select Chargeable when you are using inclusive transaction controls.
For example, if you wanted to allow people to charge only labor to your project,
you would define a transaction control with the Labor expenditure category, and
allow charges to the project or task.
You usually do not select Chargeable when you are using exclusive transaction
controls because exclusive transaction controls list the exceptions to chargeable
System Person Type
You can use this control to specify whether transactions incurred by employees,
contingent workers (contractors), or both are chargeable.
The validation rules for system person type controls are described in the
following table.
Project Templates: Manage Project Templates 56-5
Transaction Control Type System Person Type Validation Rule
Inclusive No value Transactions incurred by
employees and contingent
workers are not chargeable.
Inclusive Employee Only transactions incurred by
employees are chargeable.
Inclusive Contingent worker Only transactions incurred
by contingent workers are
Exclusive No value Transactions incurred by
employees and contingent
workers are not chargeable.
Exclusive Employee Transactions incurred by
employees are not chargeable.
Exclusive Contingent worker Transactions incurred by
contingent workers are not
Billable and Capitalizable Status
You can define billable transactions for billable projects and capitalizable
transactions for capital projects by selecting the billable or capitalizable option.
You can choose between the options of No or Task Level. Select No if you want
the charges to be nonbillable or noncapitalizable. Select Task Level if you want
the billable or capitalizable status to default from the task to which the item is
You define the billable or capitalizable status for a task in the Task Details.
The billable or capitalizable status of an individual transaction takes precedence
over the billable or capitalizable status of a task.
From and To Dates
You can define transactions as chargeable for a given date range by entering a
From Date and To Date for each transaction control record.
FAQs for Manage Project Templates
Can I override the billable status of an expenditure item?
Yes. Change the billable status of an expenditure item on an invoice, or in the
Manage Expenditure Items page.
How are project space roles mapped to project team members?
Each project team member is automatically assigned a project space role on the
associated project space. The project manager is assigned the role of project space
moderator. All other team members are project space participants.
56-6 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Project space moderators can manually add additional participants or modify
participant access, if required.
Other Common Setup and Maintenance Tasks 57-1
Other Common Setup and Maintenance
Define Transactional Business Intelligence Configuration
Define Transactional Business Intelligence Configuration:
Configure Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence for ad hoc reporting, review
certain setup objects to be used in Transactional Business Intelligence, and
manage the presentation catalog and currency type display.
Defining Transactional Business Intelligence Configuration
• Review details about the Transactional Business Intelligence tasks. Refer
to the Oracle Fusion Transactional Business Intelligence Administrator's
Access to Person Data
Assigning Security Profiles to Job Roles for Oracle Fusion Transactional
Business Intelligence Users: Explained
Users of Oracle Fusion Transactional Business Intelligence (Transactional
Business Intelligence) need access to some person data for reporting purposes.
To provide this access, you assign a predefined security profile to relevant job
or abstract roles using the Oracle Fusion Human Capital Management (HCM)
setup task Manage Data Role and Security Profiles. On completion of this task,
Oracle Fusion Data Security is updated automatically for roles being used to
access Transactional Business Intelligence.
Job or Abstract Roles and Related Security Profiles
The following table identifies, by Oracle Fusion product, the job and abstract
roles that need access to person data and the predefined security profile that you
assign to each role.
57-2 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Product Job or Abstract Role Security Profile
Oracle Fusion Assets Asset Accountant View All Workers
Oracle Fusion Assets Asset Accounting Manager View All Workers
Oracle Fusion Enterprise Planning
and Budgeting
Budget Analyst View All Workers
Oracle Fusion Enterprise Planning
and Budgeting
Budget Manager View All Workers
Oracle Fusion Financial
Consolidation Hub
Consolidation Accountant View All Workers
Oracle Fusion Financial
Consolidation Hub
Consolidation Manager View All Workers
Oracle Fusion Financials Common
Intercompany Accountant View All Workers
Oracle Fusion General Ledger Financial Analyst View All Workers
Oracle Fusion General Ledger General Accountant View All Workers
Oracle Fusion General Ledger General Accounting Manager View All Workers
Oracle Fusion Incentive
Incentive Compensation
Participant Manager
View Manager Hierarchy
Oracle Fusion Inventory
Warehouse Manager View All Workers
Oracle Fusion Project Foundation Project Accountant View All Workers
Oracle Fusion Project Foundation Project Administrator View All Workers
Oracle Fusion Project Foundation Project Billing Specialist View All Workers
Oracle Fusion Purchasing Buyer View All Workers
Oracle Fusion Sourcing Category Manager View All Workers
Oracle Fusion Sourcing Sourcing Project Collaborator View All Workers
For example, as part of their Transactional Business Intelligence setup:
• Oracle Fusion Assets implementors must assign the predefined security
profile View All Workers to the Asset Accountant and Asset Accounting
Manager job roles.
• Oracle Fusion Incentive Compensation implementors must assign the
predefined security profile View Manager Hierarchy to the abstract role
Incentive Compensation Participant Manager.
The security profiles that HCM roles need to access Transactional Business
Intelligence are assigned during the setup of HCM data security: no additional
setup is required for Transactional Business Intelligence purposes.
Enabling an Oracle Fusion Transactional Business Intelligence User to Access
Person Data: Worked Example
This example shows how to assign a security profile to a job or abstract role to
enable users with that role to access person data. This task is required for users
of Oracle Fusion Transactional Business Intelligence (Transactional Business
Other Common Setup and Maintenance Tasks 57-3
Intelligence) who do not also use Oracle Fusion Human Capital Management
The following table summarizes key decisions for this scenario. When
performing this task, use the job or abstract role for your product and the name
of the relevant predefined person security profile in place of those shown here.
Decisions to Consider In This Example
What is the name of the Transactional Business
Intelligence job or abstract role?
Warehouse Manager
What is the name of the person security profile? View All Workers
Summary of the Tasks
To perform these tasks, you must have the role IT Security Manager.
1. Launch the task Manage Data Role and Security Profiles.
2. Search for the job or abstract role.
3. Assign the relevant predefined security profile to the job or abstract role.
Launching the Task Manage Data Role and Security Profiles
1. On the Overview page of the Setup and Maintenance work area, click the
All Tasks tab.
2. In the Search region, complete the fields as shown in this table:
Field Value
Search Tasks
Name Manage Data Role and Security
3. Click Search.
4. In the search results, click Go to Task for the Manage Data Role and
Security Profiles task.
Searching for the Job or Abstract Role
1. On the Manage HCM Data Roles page, enter the job name Warehouse
Manager in the Role field.
2. Click Search.
3. In the search results, highlight the entry for the Warehouse Manager job
4. Click Assign.
Assigning the Security Profile to the Job Role
1. In the Person Security Profile field on the Assign Data Role: Security
Criteria page, select the security profile View All Workers.
2. Click Review.
57-4 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
3. On the Assign Data Role: Review page, click Submit.
Define Extensions: Define Custom Enterprise Scheduler Jobs
Managing Job Definitions: Highlights
Oracle Enterprise Scheduler jobs are run in Oracle Fusion Applications to
process data and, in some cases, to provide report output. A job definition
contains the metadata that determines what the job does and what options are
available to users who run the job. You can create and maintain job definitions
for use in Oracle Fusion Applications.
Managing job definitions is fully described in the Oracle Fusion Applications
Administrator's Guide. As you read content from that guide, note that the guide
describes managing Oracle Enterprise Scheduler, including job definitions, from
Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Applications Control. You can also access
job definitions by starting in the Setup and Maintenance Overview page and
searching for the Enterprise Scheduler job tasks for your applications.
Selecting the Appropriate Implementation Task
Each Enterprise Scheduler job definition task uses one Java EE application,
which is referenced in the task name. You must use the right task because, to
access the product job definition that you want to view or work on, the view
objects must be contained in the application. If you do not select the right task,
then the job definition will not be displayed properly or function correctly.
The application name is usually the same as the product that the job definition
belongs to, but not always.
• For example, the Oracle Fusion Payables Java EE application contains the
Oracle Fusion Expenses product view objects. To create or maintain a job
definition for use in Expenses, you select the Manage Custom Enterprise
Scheduler Jobs for Payables and Related Applications task.
• In another example, the Oracle Fusion Payments product view objects are
contained in both Oracle Fusion Payables and Oracle Fusion Receivables
Java EE applications. You need to select the task appropriate to the job
definition for Payments. Use the Manage Custom Enterprise Scheduler
Jobs for Receivables and Related Applications task if the job is for
receivables functionality, or the Manage Custom Enterprise Scheduler
Jobs for Payables and Related Applications task if the job is for payables
• Use the task description to see the products that correspond to the Java
EE application specified in the task name. For example, the description
for the Payables task lists Oracle Fusion Payables, Assets, Expenses, and
• You can view task descriptions in the help window for the task, if any,
or in the generated setup task lists and tasks report from the Getting
Started page.
• If you have access to the Manage Task Lists and Tasks page, you can
also open the details for specific tasks to see the description.
Other Common Setup and Maintenance Tasks 57-5
• For general information about product and Java EE application
relationships, use Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Applications
Control (Fusion Applications Control).
See: Topology Section
Viewing and Creating Job Definitions
• You can access predefined and custom job definitions.
See: Viewing Job Definitions
• You can create jobs based on Java, PL/SQL, or any other supported
See: Creating a Job Definition
• If you are using the Setup and Maintenance work area, then the Enable
submission from Enterprise Manager check box is available for the job
• If you do not select this check box, then the job cannot be run from
Enterprise Manager.
• If you select this check box, then you can define parameters for this
job definition only in Enterprise Manager. Save the rest of your work
on the job definition, and then go to Enterprise Manager if you need
to define parameters.
Managing List of Values Sources: Highlights
A list of values source for Oracle Enterprise Scheduler job definitions determines
where a list of values comes from and what the specific values are. These lists
of values are used in parameters and user properties of job definitions. For
example, you can use a source of country values for a Country job parameter.
Managing list of values sources is fully described in the Oracle Fusion
Applications Administrator's Guide. As you read content from that guide,
note that the guide describes managing Oracle Enterprise Scheduler, including
list of values sources, from Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Applications
Control. You can also access list of values sources by starting in the Setup and
Maintenance Overview page and searching for Enterprise Scheduler job tasks.
Registering and Searching for List of Values Sources
• Create list of values sources to register them for use in job definitions.
See: Registering Sources for Lists of Values
• Search for list of values sources to edit or delete, or to make sure a
particular source does not already exist before you create it.
See: Searching for List of Value Sources
Customization and Sandboxes
57-6 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Customizing Pages Using Page Composer: Highlights
You can customize dashboards and some work areas, where available, for all or
some users based on a selected customization layer, for example only for users in
a specific country or with a specific job role. When you select to customize a page
from the Administration menu in the global area, you invoke Page Composer,
which enables the customization. The Administration menu is only available if
you have appropriate roles.
From the same menu, you can also:
• Customize the global area.
• Manage customizations by accessing a list of components in the current
page and details about the layers in which each component is customized.
• Access sandboxes to make customizations to a runtime use session before
deploying your changes to the mainline.
Customizing pages using Page Composer, managing customizations, and using
sandboxes are described in the Oracle Fusion Applications Extensibility Guide.
For more information on customization layers, see assets with the Customization
Layer type in Oracle Enterprise Repository for Oracle Fusion Applications
Editing Pages
• Customizations that you can make to existing pages include adding
content and changing layout.
See: Editing a Page in Page Composer
• You can also update display and other options for specific components
within the page.
See: Editing Component Properties in Page Composer
Global Page Template
• Customize the global area at the site layer.
See: Editing the UI Shell Template Used by All Pages
Managing Customizations
• Use the Manage Customizations dialog box to analyze and diagnose
customization metadata, and to perform customization related tasks that
cannot be done in the user interface, for example to revert customizations
to a previous version. You can also do direct customization by
manipulating the metadata and uploading it back.
See: Viewing and Diagnosing Runtime Customizations
• Create or select an appropriate sandbox, and set it as active to capture
your customizations using Page Composer. When you are ready, you
publish the sandbox to make your changes available to users.
Other Common Setup and Maintenance Tasks 57-7
See: Using the Sandbox Manager
Sandboxes: Highlights
Use a sandbox to commit customizations to a runtime use session for validation
before deploying changes to the mainline. Administrators create and manage
sandboxes. An active sandbox isolates changes from the mainline and other
Sandboxes can contain the following types of customization changes.
• Metadata, such as non-flexfield UI page customizations
• Data security
• Generated flexfields business components
Metadata changes are captured in a metadata sandbox. Data security changes are
additionally captured in a data security enabled sandbox. Changes to a flexfield
are captured in a flexfield that is deployed as a single flexfield sandbox. Once
you are ready to make sandbox changes available in the mainline, you either
publish the metadata or data security sandbox, or deploy the flexfield. Only
metadata and data security sandboxes can be downloaded as a sandbox file for
import to another Oracle Fusion Applications instance.
The following table lists the differences among the types of sandboxes.
Type of Changes Type of Sandbox Method for Making
Changes Available in
Metadata Sandbox Publish sandbox Yes
Data security Sandbox enabled for data
security changes
Publish sandbox Yes
Flexfield Flexfield deployed
as a flexfield-enabled
Deploy flexfield No
Only one sandbox can be active at a time. Changes made while a sandbox is
active are captured in that sandbox.
For more information on using the Sandbox Manager, and customizing and
securing pages, business objects, data, and custom objects in a sandbox, see the
Oracle Fusion Applications Extensibility Guide.
Managing a Page Customization Sandbox
You can make metadata (MDS) type changes in a sandbox, including
menu customizations, changes to the personalization menu, implicit ADF
customizations, or changes made with Oracle Composer or CRM Application
• If you are entitled to do so, manage sandboxes in the Sandbox Manager.
See: Using the Sandbox Manager
57-8 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
• Implement customizations on an existing page to change the metadata
of a sandbox before deploying the changes to the mainline.
See: Customizing Existing Pages
• Using CRM Application Composer, customize business objects in a
sandbox before deploying the changes to the mainline.
See: Customizing Objects
Managing a Data Security Sandbox
You can create a sandbox for data security testing, or designate an existing
sandbox to become enabled for data security testing.
• If you are entitled to do so, manage data security-enabled sandboxes in
the Sandbox Manager.
See: Using the Sandbox Manager
• If you customize business objects in CRM Application Composer, you
may need to define data security policies to make them accessible to
See: Defining Security Policies for Business Objects
• If you create new business objects, you need to secure them.
See: Customizing Security for Custom Business Objects
Managing a Flexfield Sandbox
You create a flexfield-enabled sandbox by deploying one flexfield to a sandbox
using the Manage Flexfield task flow. The flexfield sandbox gets its name from
the flexfield you deploy. You cannot test two flexfields in the same sandbox.
Once you deploy a flexfield as a sandbox, you must sign out and back in to view
how the sandbox runtime reflects the flexfield changes, such as new segments.
You can redeploy the same flexfield to the same sandbox repeatedly as you make
incremental changes to the flexfield setup.
• Since a flexfield sandbox cannot be published, any page customizations or
data security in the flexfield sandbox cannot reach the mainline when the
flexfield is deployed to the mainline. If you have entitlement to do so, see
Deploying a Flexfield to a Sandbox: Points to Consider.
• If you are entitled to do so, manage flexfield-enabled sandboxes in the
Sandbox Manager.
See: Using the Sandbox Manager
FAQs for Other Common Setup and Maintenance Tasks
How can I change the web mapping service for displaying contextual
Edit the Mapping Service for Contextual Addresses profile option value. A
contextual address is marked with an orange square icon that can be clicked
Other Common Setup and Maintenance Tasks 57-9
to display the address on a map. The profile option value represents the web
mapping service used to display the map. To update this value, use the Manage
Administrator Profile Values task in the Setup and Maintenance work area.
57-10 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
External Integration 58-1
External Integration
Web Services: Overview
Use web services to integrate web-based applications into your Oracle Fusion
applications. Web services expose Oracle Fusion Applications business objects
and processes to other applications through the use open standards-based
technologies. Some of these technologies include Extensible Markup Language
(XML), Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), Business Process Execution
Language (BPEL), Web Services Description Language (WSDL), and XML
schema definitions (XSD). Oracle Fusion Applications web services support
development environments and clients that comply with these open standards.
Oracle Fusion Applications includes two types of web services: Application
Development Framework (ADF) services and composite services. The following
table describes the two types.
Web Service Type Description
ADF services ADF services usually represent business objects,
such as employees or purchase orders. ADF services
typically expose standard operations, such as
create, update, and delete. However, for locally-
persisted objects, ADF services are not limited to
these operations.
Examples of ADF services include:
• Worker.changeHireDate - a service that
updates the hire date of the worker business
• ProjectTask.createTask - a service that adds
a task to the project task business object.
Composite services Composite services usually represent end-to-end
business process flows that act on business events
produced by the ADF services. Composite services
orchestrate multiple object-based services, rules
services, and human workflows. Examples of
composite services include:
• ProjectStatusChangeApproval.process -
a service that accepts the change in project
• ScheduleOrchestrationOrderFulfillmentLineService.scheduleOrders
- a service that schedules resources used to
fulfill an order.
58-2 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Access Oracle Enterprise Repository for Oracle Fusion Applications to find
detailed information about integration assets, such as web services. To view lists
of web services, select these asset types:
• ADF Service
• ADF Service Data Object
• Composite Service
• Composite
Service methods and parameters, the service path, the WSDL URL and other
technical data, appear on the Detail tab of each web service. Step-by-step
instructions regarding the invocation of a service and the service XSD appear on
the Documentation tab.
Files for Import and Export
Files for Import and Export: Highlights
The File Import and Export page accesses repositories of content. For example,
each Oracle Fusion Applications instance connects to a single Oracle WebCenter
Content server for content management.
The following documents describe use and administration of content
• Oracle WebCenter Content User's Guide for Content Server
• Oracle WebCenter Content System Administrator's Guide for Content
Using Content Management
• For information about what objects to upload and download, including
templates for external data integration, refer to the Oracle Enterprise
Repository for Oracle Fusion Applications.
• For general access to content management, including to all metadata and
to manage accounts, use the Oracle WebCenter Content Server's standard
service user interface.
See: Oracle WebCenter Content User's Guide for Content Server
• For information on creating accounts in WebCenter Content accounts,
refer to WebCenter Content System Administrator's Guide for Content
See: Accounts
• For information about naming accounts involved with import and
export, see Files for Import and Export: Points to Consider.
• For programmatic upload and download to content management, refer
to Oracle WebCenter Content System Administrator's Guide for Content
External Integration 58-3
See: About Batch Loading
• For information about the Oracle WebCenter Content Server
Document Transfer Utility, see documentation resources in Oracle
Enterprise Repository for Oracle Fusion Applications (http://
Security in Content Management
• For information about security, see the Security tab in Oracle Enterprise
Repository for Oracle Fusion Applications.
• For information about roles such as the integration specialist roles
for each product family, see the Oracle Fusion Applications security
reference manuals for each offering. For example:
See: Oracle Fusion Applications Common Security Reference Manual
Files for Import and Export: Explained
You can import data into or export data out of Oracle Fusion Applications using
repositories of content and processes for import and export.
Integration specialists stage data for import and export. Application
administrators run processes to import data in repositories of content to
application transaction tables, or retrieve data exported from applications.
Aspects of managing files for import and export involve the following.
• The File Import and Export page
• Interacting with content management
• Uploading for import
• Downloading for export
• File size
The File Import and Export Page
The File Import and Export page lets you upload content to, or download
content from the document repository of Oracle WebCenter Content
Search criteria on the page are limited to the minimum metadata of content
management records needed for file import and export.
Navigation: Navigator > Tools > File Import and Export.
Interacting with Content Management
Everyone who uses the File Import and Export page is assigned to one or more
accounts in content management.
58-4 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Accounts organize and secure access to content items.
Uploading for Import
Uploading a file creates a record.
When you create a record, you must specify an account as well as the file. When
you create a record, you must specify an account as well as the file. The account
you specify determines which import process picks up that file to import it.
You can upload any file formats that can be parsed by the content repository
being used, such as any MIME or content types. However, the format uploaded
should conform to the requirements of the import process being used, such as a
comma-separated values (CSV) file for the Load Interface File for Import process.
Downloading for Export
Processes you run to export data result in files in content management. Records
in the search results table of the File Import and Export page provide links to the
files for download.
The owner of a data export file can be an application ID (APPID).
File Size
Upload and download does not intentionally apply the following:
• Data compression
• File chunking or splitting
The UPLOAD_MAX_DISK_SPACE parameter in the web.xml file determines the
maximum allowable file size in content management. The default maximum size
is 10240000 (10MB).
Files for Import and Export: Points to Consider
Interaction between the File Import and Export page and Oracle WebCenter
Content Management requires securing content in an account. Oracle provides
predefined accounts in Oracle WebCenter Content.
Areas of file import and export to consider involve the following.
• Security
• Searching records
• Accessing content in a new account
• Account names
External Integration 58-5
• Deleting files
The duty role needed for accessing the File Import and Export page is File
Import and Export Management Duty. This duty role is included in the
predefined role hierarchy for integration specialist roles and product family
administrator roles.
Files in Oracle WebCenter are associated with an account so that only users who
have permission to a particular account can work with content items that belong
to that account. You can only upload and download files to and from content
management that are associated with accounts that you are entitled to access.
Oracle WebCenter Content does not support trailing slashes (/). Account names
are appended with a $ to ensure each account is unique. Account names are
dynamic so that if they overlap (one name is completely contained in another,
longer name, such as US and USSales), each account is treated as discrete by
access grants.
Security such as virus scanning is handled by the underlying integrated content
Searching Records
A record in Oracle WebCenter content management contains metadata used for
accessing the file.
When a scheduled process has run to completion on a file, the ecord for the file
includes a process ID.
Accessing Content in a New Account
When you create a new account in Oracle WebCenter Content and the Oracle
WebCenter Content Server is not restarted, access to content in the new account
from the File Import and Export page may be delayed until the policy store is
Account Names
If you create custom accounts for importing or exporting data, use the following
conventions for naming the account: Do not include a slash "/" at the beginning
or end End with "$" to avoid partial string matching Use "$/" as a separator in
the hierarchical structure.
For example: fin$/journal$/import$ The File Import and Export page transforms
account names by removing the $s. For example fin$/journal$/import$ displays
as fin/journal/import. The Remote Introdoc Client (RIDC) HTTP command-line
interface (CLI) transforms the account name you specify without $ symbols to
one that includes them. For example, fin/journal/import becomes fin$/journal
$/import$ in WebCenter Content.
Deleting Files
In the File Import and Export page, you can delete one file at a time. To delete
multiple files at a time from content management, use the content management
server's standard service user interface.
58-6 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
External Data Integration Services for Oracle Cloud
External Data Integration Services for Oracle Cloud: Overview
Use External Data Integration Services for Oracle Cloud to load data into Oracle
Fusion Applications from external sources, such as legacy systems and third-
party applications.
Components of External Data Integration Services for Oracle Cloud include:
• Templates and control files for formatting, structuring, and generating the
data file.
• A general file load process for loading values from the data file into
interface tables.
• Application-specific data import processes for transferring data
from interface tables to the application tables in your Oracle Fusion
To use External Data Integration Services for Oracle Cloud to load data into
Oracle Fusion Applications tables:
1. Prepare your data and generate a data file by using the product-specific
templates and control files.
2. Transfer the data file to the integrated content management server.
3. Run the Load Interface File for Import process.
4. Correct data load errors, if necessary.
5. Run the appropriate application-specific process for validating and
inserting the data into application tables.
6. Correct data import errors, if necessary.
For templates and control files, see assets with the File-Based Data Import
type in Oracle Enterprise Repository for Oracle Fusion Applications (http:// For more information, see the Documentation tab for
the Load Interface File for Import process in Oracle Enterprise Repository.
Accessing Templates to Prepare External Data: Explained
External data that you integrate into your Oracle Fusion Applications must be
structured and formatted according to the properties of the fields and tables
that store the data. To prepare external data so that data types, structural
relationships, and other properties of the data correctly align to the data types,
structural relationships, and properties of the target tables, use the product-
specific templates and control files in Oracle Enterprise Repository for Oracle
Fusion Applications.
External Integration 58-7
You access these files from the Documentation tab of the scheduled process that
corresponds to the interface tables that store the data. To find the process, you
can search the interface table or you can search the specific process, if you know
Aspects of preparing external data using templates involve these tasks.
• Finding templates and control files
• Downloading the templates
• Opening XLS templates
• Opening XML templates
Finding Templates and Control Files
To find the templates and control files:
1. Sign in to Oracle Enterprise Repository.
2. Use the fields in the Search pane to find the templates.
3. Enter the information in the following table to search by scheduled
process :
Field Value
Search String FBDI
Type FusionApps: Scheduled Process
You can further narrow the search by logical business area.
4. Click Search.
The search displays a Load Interface File for Import job.
Downloading the Templates
To download the templates:
1. Select the Load Interface File for Import job in the upper pane and then
click the Documentation tab in the lower pane.
Notice the list of links to application-specific import jobs.
2. Click a link to access the job.
3. Click the Documentation tab.
4. Click the links at the bottom of the tab to access:
• Control files, which describe the logical flow of the data load process
• XLS templates, which include worksheets and macros that assist you in
structuring, formatting, and generating your data file
58-8 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
• XML templates for Oracle Data Integrator
Opening the XLS Template
If you intend to prepare your data in a spreadsheet format, download the XLS
1. Open the XLS template. The first worksheet in each template provides
instructions for using the template.
If you omit or fail to complete the instructions, data load errors and data import
failure are likely.
2. Save a copy of the file.
3. Click the Generate CSV File button.
The macro generates a comma-separated values (CSV) file and
compresses it into a ZIP file; you must transfer the ZIP file to the content
management server.
Opening the XML Template
If you intend to prepare your data in using Oracle Data Integrator (ODI),
download the XML template into ODI:
1. Import the family-level template as a model folder.
2. Import the product-level template as a model folder within the family-
level model folder.
3. Import the product template as a model within the product-level model
4. Create the integration project.
5. Create the package.
6. Add and configure these elements:
a. The integration projects
b. ODIZip tool
c. The content management document transfer utility (Currently not
available in Oracle Cloud implementations.)
7. Execute the package.
The package generates the CSV file and compresses it into a ZIP file.
In Oracle Cloud implementations, you must upload the ZIP file to the content
management server in Oracle Cloud. In non-Cloud implementations, you can
streamline the data integration process by installing the content management
document transfer utility so ODI performs the ZIP file transfer.
External Integration 58-9
Using Excel Integration Templates to Generate Data Files: Points to
Oracle Enterprise Repository for Oracle Fusion Applications includes integration
templates to help you prepare external data for loading and importing. Each
template includes table-specific instructions, guidelines, formatted spreadsheets,
and best practices for preparing the data file for upload. By following the
instructions with exactness when you use the templates, you ensure that your
data conforms to the structure and format of the target application tables.
This list details the characteristics of the templates:
• Each interface table is represented by a separate worksheet.
• Each interface table field is represented by a worksheet column with a
header in the first row.
• Each column header contains bubble text, or comments, that include
details about the column, such as the expected data type, length, and, in
some cases, other instructional text.
• The worksheet columns appear in the order that the control file processes
the data file.
• The columns that you do not intend to use can be hidden, but not
reordered or deleted.
Deleting or reordering columns will cause the load process to fail and result in
an unsuccessful data load.
• The external data must conform to the data type that the control file and
process for the associated database column accepts.
• Date column values must appear in the YYYY/MM/DD format.
• Amount column values must appear with no separators other than a
period (.) as the decimal separator.
• Negative values must be preceded by the minus (-) sign.
• Column values that require whole numbers include data validation to
allow whole numbers only.
• Columns are formatted, where applicable, to match the expected data
type to eliminate data entry errors.
• For columns that require internal ID values, refer to the bubble text for
additional guidance about finding these values.
58-10 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
• When using Microsoft Excel to generate or update the CSV file, you must
select YYYY/MM/DD as your regional setting for date values.
Using XML Templates to Generate Data Files for Integration:
Oracle Enterprise Repository for Oracle Fusion Applications includes XML
integration templates assets that you use with Oracle Data Integrator (ODI) to
generate import files from your external data.
To use the XML templates and generate the import files, you must:
• Install and set up Oracle Data Integrator
• Create source and target models
• Create integration projects
In Oracle Cloud implementations, you must upload the ZIP file to the content
management server in Oracle Cloud. In non-Cloud implementations, you can
streamline the data integration process by installing the content management
document transfer utility so ODI performs the ZIP file transfer.
Oracle Data Integrator provides a solution for integrating complex data from
a variety of sources into your Oracle Fusion applications. The Oracle Fusion
Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle Data Integrator and the Oracle Fusion
Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Data Integrator provide complete
details pertaining to the installation and set up of this product.
Installing and Setting Up Oracle Data Integrator
• Install Oracle Data Integrator to use Oracle Fusion Applications XML
integration templates. Refer to the Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation
Guide for Oracle Data Integrator.
See: Installing Oracle Data Integrator
• Set up Oracle Data Integrator to use Oracle Fusion Applications XML
integration templates. Refer to the Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's
Guide for Oracle Data Integrator.
See: Setting up the Topology
Creating Source and Target Models
• Create the ODI models for both the source and target datastores. You
determine the source models that you use based on the system or
technology of the external data that you to import into your Oracle
Fusion application. You create the target models by importing the XML
files, which you download from Oracle Enterprise Repository. For more
information, refer to the Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for
Oracle Data Integrator.
External Integration 58-11
See: Creating and Reverse-Engineering a Model
Configuring Integration Projects
• Create and configure an integration project, which entails selecting the
knowledge modules, creating the interfaces, and mapping the source
and target datastores. For more information, refer to the Oracle Fusion
Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Data Integrator.
See: Creating an Integration Project
Using XML Integration Templates to Generate Data Files: Points to
Use XML templates in Oracle Data Integrator to prepare your external data
for loading and importing. Oracle Enterprise Repository for Oracle Fusion
Applications includes three types of XML templates that you import as target
models in your Oracle Data Integrator repository.
Oracle Enterprise Repository includes these three levels of XML files:
• Family-level
• Product-level
• Product
Family-Level XML Files
A family-level XML file is common to a group of product-level model folders
and product models.
Consider the following points when you use family-level XML files:
• The family-level XML file supports all of the Oracle Enterprise Repository
assets in the family, for example Oracle Fusion Financials or Human
Capital Management.
• You import the family-level XML file into your Oracle Data Integrator
repository prior to importing the other XML files.
• You import one family-level XML file as a model folder for each family of
• You import each family-level XML file as a top-level model folder.
• You import the family-level XML file one time; it supports all subsumed
product-level model folders.
• You select Synonym mode Insert Update as the import type.
Product-Level XML Files
A product-level XML file is common to a group of product models.
58-12 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Consider the following points when you use product-level XML files:
• The product-level XML file supports all of the Oracle Enterprise
Repository assets in the product line, for example Fixed Assets, General
Ledger, or Payables.
• You import one product-level XML file as a model folder for each line of
• You import the product-level XML file as a model folder into your Oracle
Data Integrator repository after you import the family-level XML file, but
before you import product XML files.
• You import each product-level XML file as a midlevel model folder within
the appropriate family-level model folder.
• You import the product-level XML file one time; it supports all subsumed
product models.
• You select Synonym mode Insert Update as the import type.
Product XML Files
A product XML file represents a specific Oracle Enterprise Repository interface
table asset.
Consider the following points when you use product XML files:
• You import one product XML file as a model for each interface table or set
of tables, for example Mass Additions.
• You import the product XML file as a model into your Oracle Data
Integrator repository after you import the product-level XML file.
• You import each product XML file as a model within the appropriate
product-level model folder.
• You import each product XML file one time.
• You select Synonym mode Insert Update as the import type.
• The model is based on File technology.
• After you import the product model, you connect the model to the correct
logical schema.
Transferring Data Files to Content Management: Explained
After you generate the comma-separated values (CSV) file, transfer it to the
content management server.
You can use the following methods to transfer files:
• File Import and Export page in Oracle Fusion Applications
External Integration 58-13
• Oracle WebCenter Content Document Transfer Utility
• Oracle web service
For details about programmatic file transfer using the Oracle WebCenter Content
Document Transfer Utility, refer to documentation resources in Oracle Enterprise
Repository for Oracle Fusion Applications (
Aspects of transferring data files to content management involve the following:
• Target accounts
• Accessing transferred content
Target Accounts
You must transfer files to the predefined account in content management that
corresponds to the interface table or assets.
Interface Table Predefined Account
Payables Standard Invoice Import fin/payables/import
• AutoInvoice Import
• Receivables Standard Receipt Import
• Customer Import
• China Value Added Tax Invoice Import
• BAI2 Format Bank Statements Import
• EDIFACT FINSTA Format Bank Statements
• ISO200022 CAMT053 Format Bank Statements
• SWIFT MT940 Format Bank Statements Import
• Fixed Asset Mass Additions Import
• Fixed Asset Mass Adjustments Import
• Fixed Asset Mass Retirements Import
• Fixed Asset Mass Transfers Import
• Fixed Asset Units of Production Import
Intercompany Transaction Import fin/intercompany/import
• Journal Import
• Chart Of Account Segment Values and
Hierarchies Import
General Ledger Budget Balance Import fin/budgetBalance/import
Supplier Bank Account Import fin/payables/import
Tax Configuration Content Import fin/tax/import
Import Blanket Purchase Agreements prc/blanketPurchaseAgreement/import
Import Contract Purcahse Agreements prc/contractPurchaseAgreement/import
58-14 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Import Purchase Orders prc/purchaseOrder/import
Import Requisitions prc/requisition/import
• Import Suppliers
• Import Supplier Sites
• Import Supplier Site Contacts
• Import Supplier Site Assignments
Project Enterprise Resource Import prj/projectManagement/import
Project Unprocessed Expenditure Item Import prj/projectCosting/import
Cycle Count Import scm/cycleCount/import
Inventory Reservation Import scm/inventoryReservation/import
Inventory Transaction Import scm/inventoryTransaction/import
Item Import scm/item/import
Receiving Receipt Import scm/receivingReceipt/import
Shipment Request Import scm/shipmentRequest/import
You can create subaccounts for further file organization. However you need
to create the subaccount under the predefined account for the asset you are
Accessing Transferred Content
To access your transferred data you must access the account that corresponds to
the interface table or asset appropriate for the data.
Available data integration processes move the content into and out of Oracle
Fusion Applications tables. Running an import or export process creates a
process ID in content management that you can use to identify the content you
wish to overwrite or extract.
Oracle Enterprise Scheduler import process jobs result in the following hierarchy
of items in Oracle WebCenter Content Management:
• A root import job is a list of all unprocessed files in an account. This job
submits the child jobs that process each unprocessed file.
• A parent import job is a single file ID, account name, and the import steps
(download, extract, import) for a single job, job set, or subrequests. This
type of job tags the file with its request ID, provided the file is not deleted
immediately after successful import.
• A child import job is a direct data load from a prepared file, typically a
SQLLoader. Typically, the parent import job submits this job.
Load Interface File for Import Process
Loads external setup or transaction data from the data file on the content
management server to interface tables.
External Integration 58-15
You run this process from the Scheduled Processes page. You can run it on a
recurring basis.
Before running this process, you must:
1. Prepare your data file.
2. Transfer the data file to the content management server.
Import Process
Select the target import process.
Data file
Enter the relative path and the file name of the ZIP data file on the content
management server.
Importing Data into Application Tables: Procedure
The final destination for your external data is the application data tables of your
Oracle Fusion Applications product.
Aspects of importing data into application tables involve the following:
• Loading data into interface tables
• Finding and submitting the import process
Loading Data into Interface Tables
Interface tables are intermediary tables that store your data temporarily while
the system validates format and structure. Run the Load Interface File for Import
scheduled process to load data from the data file into the interface table that
corresponds to the template that you use to prepare the data.
To load your data into interface tables, submit the Load Interface File for Import
scheduled process:
1. Sign in to Oracle Fusion Applications.
2. In the Navigator menu, select Tools, Scheduled Processes
3. Click the Schedule New Process button.
4. Search and select the Load Interface File for Import job.
5. When the Process Details page appears:
a. Select the target import process.
b. Enter the relative path of the data file.
58-16 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
The path is relative to the account in the content management server. If the file
exists in the account, enter the file name only. If the file exists in a subaccount
subordinate to the account, you must include all subaccounts and the file name.
c. The data file is retained on the content management server when the
process is complete.
6. Submit the process.
If no errors exist in the data file, then the process populates the interface
Finding and Submitting the Import Process
Run the import process appropriate to your data to import the data into
application data tables into the application tables of your Oracle Fusion
Applications product.
To import your data:
1. Sign in to Oracle Fusion Applications.
2. In the Navigator menu, select Tools, Scheduled Processes
3. Click the Schedule New Process button.
4. Find and select the import process that is specific to the target application
5. When the Process Details page appears, select the process that
corresponds to the data that you are importing.
If you prepared your data using the spreadsheet template, select the
process named in the Overview section of the spreadsheet.
6. Submit the process.
For more detailed information on the process used for data prepared using
the spreadsheet template, see the Instructions and CSV Generation tab of the
spreadsheet template
Correcting Import Load Process Errors: Explained
The Load Interface File for Import process ends in error if the load of the data file
fails on any row.
The following conditions apply when the process ends in error:
• The Load File to Interface child process ends in either warning or error.
• All rows that were loaded by the process are deleted, even those rows that
loaded successfully.
External Integration 58-17
To correct errors:
1. Review the error logs.
2. Change any formatting or structural anomalies that exist in the data.
3. Recreate the CSV and ZIP files.
4. Transfer the file to the content management server.
5. Submit the Load Interface File for Import job.
6. Repeat these steps until the process successfully loads the data.
7. Import the data using the appropriate product-specific process.
58-18 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Importing and Exporting Setup Data 59-1
Importing and Exporting Setup Data
Configuration Packages: Explained
Almost all Oracle Fusion application implementations require moving functional
setup data from one instance into another at various points in the lifecycle of the
applications. For example, one of the typical cases in any enterprise application
implementation is to first implement in a development or test application
instance and then deploy to a production application instance after thorough
testing. You can move functional setup configurations of applications from one
application instance into another by exporting and importing Configuration
packages from the Manage Configuration Packages page.
A Configuration Package contains the setup import and export definition. The
setup import and export definition is the list of setup tasks and their associated
business objects that identifies the setup data for export as well as the data
itself. When you create a configuration package only the setup export and
import definition exists. Once you export the configuration package appropriate
setup data is added to the configuration package using the definition. Once a
configuration package is exported, the setup export and import definition is
locked and cannot be changed.
You generate the setup export and import definition by selecting an
implementation project and creating a configuration package. The tasks and their
associated business objects in the selected implementation project define the
setup export and import definition for the configuration package. In addition,
the sequence of the tasks in the implementation project determine the export and
import sequence.
Exporting and Importing Setup Data: Explained
A configuration package is required to export setup data. You can export a
configuration package once you create it, or at any time in the future. During
export, appropriate setup data will be identified based on the setup export
definition and added to the configuration package. The setup data in the
configuration package is a snapshot of the data in the source application
instance at the time of export. After the export completes, you can download the
configuration package as a zipped archive of multiple XML files, move it to the
target application instance, and upload and import it.
You can export a configuration package multiple times by creating multiple
versions. While the export definition remains the same in each version, the setup
59-2 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
data can be different if you modified the data in the time period between the
different runs of the export process. Since each version of the configuration
package has a snapshot of the data in the source instance, you can compare and
analyze various versions of the configuration package to see how the setup data
In the target application instance, the setup import process will insert all new
data from the source configuration package that does not already exist and
update any existing data with changes from the source. Setup data that exists in
the target instance but not in source will remain unchanged.
Export and Import Reports
You can review the results of the export and import processes using reports. The
results appear ordered by business objects and include information on any errors
encountered during the export or import process. If a setup export or import
process paused due to errors encountered or for a manual task to be performed
outside of the application, then you can resume the paused process.
These reports show what setup data was exported or imported and by which
specific process. You can change the reports to validate the setup data as well as
to compare or analyze it. A report is generated for each business object. These
reports show the same information as the export and import results seen directly
in the application.
Process status details are available as text files showing the status of an export or
import process including the errors encountered during the process.
Moving Common Reference Objects
Moving Common Reference Objects: Overview
The common reference objects in Oracle Fusion Middleware Extensions for
Applications are used by several setup tasks in the Setup and Maintenance
work area. The common reference objects become a part of the configuration
package that is created for an implementation project. While moving the
application content, for example, from the test phase to the production phase
of an implementation, you must pay special attention to the nuances of these
common reference objects.
The common reference objects are represented as business objects. A single
object can be referenced in multiple setup tasks with different parameters. In the
configuration package that is created for the implementation project, parameters
passed to a setup task are also passed to the business objects being moved. As a
result, the scope of the setup tasks is maintained intact during the movement.
Common reference objects may have internal references or dependencies
among other common reference objects. Therefore, it is necessary that all the
dependencies are noted before the movement of objects so that there are no
broken references among the objects.
Importing and Exporting Setup Data 59-3
Business Objects for Moving Common Reference Objects: Points to
Common reference objects in Oracle Fusion Functional Setup Manager are
represented by business objects. These business objects are the agents that
contain the application content and carry them across whenever the application
setup is moved from one environment to another, for example, test environment
to production environment.
Choice of Parameters
The following table lists the business objects, the corresponding movement
details, and the effect of the setup task parameter on the scope of the movement.
• Only the translation in the current user language is moved.
• The Oracle Social Network business objects and the Navigator
menu customizations are moved using the customization sets on the
Customization Migration page instead of using the export and import
function in the Setup and Maintenance work area.
Business Object Name Moved Functional Item Effect on the Scope of Movement
Application Message Messages and associated tokens No parameters: all messages are
only messages belonging to
the specified module and its
descendant modules in the
taxonomy hierarchy are moved.
only the specified message is
Application Taxonomy Application taxonomy modules
and components
No parameters: all taxonomy
modules and components are
Application Attachment Entity Attachment entities No parameters: all attachment
entities are moved.
moduleType/moduleKey: only
attachment entities belonging
to the specified module and
its descendant modules in the
taxonomy hierarchy are moved.
Application Attachment Category Attachment categories and
category-to-entity mappings
No parameters: all attachment
categories and category-to-entity
mappings are moved.
moduleType/moduleKey: only
attachment categories belonging
to the specified module and
its descendant modules in the
taxonomy hierarchy along with
the respective category-to-entity
mappings are moved.
59-4 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Application Document Sequence
Document sequence categories No parameters: all categories are
only categories belonging to
the specified module and its
descendant modules in the
taxonomy hierarchy are moved.
code/applicationId: only the
specified document sequence
category code is moved.
Application Document Sequence Document sequences and their
No parameters: all sequences are
moduleType/moduleKey: only
document sequences belonging
to the specified module and
its descendant modules in the
taxonomy hierarchy are moved
name: only the specified document
sequence is moved.
Application Descriptive Flexfield Descriptive flexfield registration
data and setup data
No parameters: all descriptive
flexfields are moved.
moduleType/moduleKey: only
descriptive flexfields belonging
to the specified module and
its descendant modules in the
taxonomy hierarchy are moved.
applicationId: only the specified
descriptive flexfield is moved.
Importing a flexfield's metadata
can change its deployment
status and therefore, the affected
flexfields must be redeployed.
The import process automatically
submits affected flexfields for
Only flexfields with a deployment
status of Deployed or Deployed to
Sandbox are eligible to be moved.
Importing and Exporting Setup Data 59-5
Application Extensible Flexfield Extensible flexfield registration
data and setup data, including
No parameters: all extensible
flexfields are moved
moduleType/moduleKey: only
extensible flexfields belonging
to the specified module and
its descendant modules in the
taxonomy hierarchy are moved.
applicationId: only the specified
extensible flexfield is moved.
Importing a flexfield's metadata
can change its deployment
status and therefore, the affected
flexfields must be redeployed.
The import process automatically
submits affected flexfields for
Only flexfields with a deployment
status of Deployed or Deployed to
Sandbox are eligible to be moved.
Application Key Flexfield Key flexfield registration data and
setup data
No parameters: all key flexfields
are moved.
moduleType/moduleKey: only
key flexfields belonging to
the specified module and its
descendant modules in the
taxonomy hierarchy are moved.
applicationId: only the specified
key flexfield is moved.
Importing a flexfield's metadata
can change its deployment
status and therefore, the affected
flexfields must be redeployed.
The import process automatically
submits affected flexfields for
Only flexfields with a deployment
status of Deployed or Deployed to
Sandbox are eligible to be moved.
59-6 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Application Flexfield Value Set Value set setup data No parameters: all value sets are
only value sets belonging to
the specified module and its
descendant modules in the
taxonomy hierarchy are moved.
valueSetCode: only the specified
value set is moved.
Importing a value set's metadata
can change the deployment status
of flexfields that use the value
set, and therefore the affected
flexfields must be redeployed.
The import process automatically
submits affected flexfields for
Application Reference Currency Currency data No parameters: all currencies are
Application Reference ISO
ISO language data No parameters: all ISO languages
are moved.
Application Reference Industry Industry data including industries
in territories data
No parameters: all industries are
Application Reference Language Language data No parameters: all languages are
Application Reference Natural
Natural language data No parameters: all natural
languages are moved.
Application Reference Territory Territory data No parameters: all territories are
Application Reference Time zone Time zone data No parameters: all time zones are
Application Standard Lookup Standard lookup types and their
lookup codes
No parameters: all standard
lookups are moved.
moduleType/moduleKey: only
standard lookups belonging
to the specified module and
its descendant modules in the
taxonomy hierarchy are moved.
lookupType: only the specified
common lookup is moved.
Importing and Exporting Setup Data 59-7
Application Common Lookup Common lookup types and their
lookup codes
No parameters: all common
lookups are moved.
moduleType/moduleKey - only
common lookups belonging
to the specified module and
its descendant modules in the
taxonomy hierarchy are moved.
lookupType: only the specified
common lookup is moved.
Application Set-Enabled Lookup Set-enabled lookup types and
their lookup codes
No parameters: all set-enabled
lookups are moved.
moduleType/moduleKey: only
set-enabled lookups belonging
to the specified module and
its descendant modules in the
taxonomy hierarchy are moved.
lookupType: only the specified
set-enabled lookup is moved.
Application Profile Category Profile categories No parameters: all profile
categories are moved.
only categories belonging to
the specified module and its
descendant modules in the
taxonomy hierarchy are moved.
name/applicationId: only the
specified category is moved.
Application Profile Option Profile options and their values No parameters: all profile options
and their values are moved.
moduleType/moduleKey: only
profile options and their values
belonging to the specified module
are moved.
profileOptionName: only the
specified profile option and its
values are moved.
59-8 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
Application Profile Value Profile options and their values No parameters: all profiles and
their values are moved.
moduleType/moduleKey: only
profiles and their values belonging
to the specified module are
categoryApplicationId: only
profiles and their values belonging
to the specified category are
profileOptionName: only the
specified profile and its values are
Application Reference Data Set Reference data sets No parameters: all sets are moved.
Application Reference Data Set
Reference data set assignments determinantType: only
assignments for the specified
determinant type are moved.
referenceGroupName: only
assignments for the specified
determinant type and reference
group are moved.
Application Tree Structure Tree structures and any labels
assigned to the tree structure
No parameters: all tree structures
(and their labels) are moved.
moduleType/moduleKey: only
tree structures (and their labels)
belonging to the specified module
are moved.
treeStructureCode: only the
specified tree structure (with its
labels) is moved.
Application Tree Tree codes and versions No parameters: all trees are
moduleType/moduleKey: only
trees belonging to the specified
module are moved.
treeStructureCode: only trees
belonging to the specified tree
structure are moved.
only trees belonging to the
specified tree structure and tree
code are moved.
Importing and Exporting Setup Data 59-9
Application Tree Label Tree structures and any labels
assigned to the tree structure
No parameters: all tree structures
(and their labels) are moved.
moduleType/moduleKey: only
tree structures (and their labels)
belonging to the specified module
and its descendant modules in the
taxonomy hierarchy are moved.
treeStructureCode: only the
specified tree structure (with its
labels) is moved.
Application Data Security Policy Database resources, actions,
conditions, and data security
No parameters: all database
policies are moved.
moduleType/moduleKey: only
database resources/actions/
conditions/policies belonging
to the specified module and
its descendant modules in the
taxonomy hierarchy are moved.
objName: only the specified
database resource along with its
actions/conditions/policies is
• If the policies being moved
contain reference to newly
created roles, move the roles
before moving the policies.
• If the source and target
systems use different
LDAPs, manually perform
the GUID reconciliation
after moving the data
security policies.
Application Activity Stream
Activity stream options No parameters: all activity stream
options are moved.
Moving Related Common Reference Objects: Points to Consider
Certain common reference objects may use other common reference objects
creating dependencies among the objects. During the movement of common
reference objects, these dependencies or references need to be taken care of.
The dependencies among the common reference objects may be caused by any of
the following conditions.
• Flexfield segments use value sets
59-10 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
• Value sets may make use of standard, common, or set-enabled lookups
• Key flexfields may have an associated tree structure and key flexfield
segments may have an associated tree code
• Tree codes and versions may be defined over values of a value set
• Data security policies may be defined for value sets that have been
enabled for data security
You may choose to move one, some, or all of the business objects by including
the ones you want to move in your configuration package. For example, you
may choose to move only value sets and not lookups, or you may choose to
move both value sets and their lookups as part of the same package. Whatever
be the combination, it is recommended that during the movement of objects, you
follow an order that maintains the dependencies among the objects.
While moving the business objects, adhere to the guidelines and exactly follow
the order as listed below.
1. Move created taxonomy modules before moving any objects that reference
them, such as flexfields, lookups, profiles, attachments, reference data
sets, document sequences, messages, and data security.
2. Move created currencies before moving any objects that reference them,
such as territories.
3. Move created territories before moving any objects that reference them,
such as languages and natural languages.
4. Move created ISO languages before moving any objects that reference
them, such as languages, natural languages, and industries.
5. Move created tree structures before moving any objects that reference
them, such as trees or tree labels.
6. Move created profile options before moving any objects that reference
them, such as profile categories or profile values.
7. Move created attachment entities before moving any objects that reference
them, such as attachment categories that reference them.
In scenarios where there may be dependencies on other objects, you must move
the dependencies before moving the referencing object. For example, if data
security policies being moved have dependencies on newly created security
roles, you must move the security roles before moving the security policies.
Using Seed Data Framework to Move Common Reference Objects:
Points to Consider
To move the common reference objects, you can use the Seed Data Framework
(SDF). You can also use the command line interface of SDF to move the object
Importing and Exporting Setup Data 59-11
setup data. For more information about seed data loaders including common
reference object loaders, see Oracle Fusion Applications Developer's Guide.
Movement Dependencies
The seed data interface moves only the setup metadata. For example, if you use
SDF to import flexfield metadata, the flexfield setup metadata is imported into
your database. However, you must invoke the flexfield deployment process
separately after seed data import to regenerate the runtime flexfield artifacts
in the target environment. Similarly, if you use SDF to import data security
metadata, you must first move any new referenced roles and then manually run
the GUID reconciliation where required.
To ensure that the reference data is not lost during the movement, certain
guidelines are prescribed. It is recommended that you perform the movement of
object data exactly in the order given below.
Only the translation in the current user language is moved.
1. Move created taxonomy modules before moving any objects that reference
them, such as flexfields, lookups, profiles, attachments, reference data
sets, document sequences, messages, and data security.
2. Move created currencies before moving any objects that reference them,
such as territories.
3. Move created territories before moving any objects that reference them,
such as languages and natural languages.
4. Move created ISO languages before moving any objects that reference
them, such as languages, natural languages, and industries.
5. Move created tree structures before moving any objects that reference
them, such as trees or tree labels.
6. Move created profile options before moving any objects that reference
them, such as profile categories or profile values.
7. Move created attachment entities before moving any objects that reference
them, such as attachment categories that reference them.
8. Move created reference data sets before moving any objects that reference
them, such as reference data set assignments and set-enabled lookups.
9. Move created document sequence categories before moving any objects
that reference them, such as document sequences.
10. Move created tree labels before moving any objects that reference them,
such as trees.
11. Move created data security objects and policies before moving any objects
that reference them, such as value sets.
12. Move created value sets before moving any objects that reference them,
such as flexfields.
13. Move created trees before moving any objects that reference them, such as
key flexfields.
59-12 Oracle Fusion Applications Project Financial Management Implementation Guide
abstract role
A description of a person's function in the enterprise that is unrelated to the
person's job (position), such as employee, contingent worker, or line manager. A
type of enterprise role.
account rule
The rule that builds the account on a subledger journal entry. It can be used
to derive complete accounts or a segment value. Conditions can be defined
within a rule so that a different account is used based on particular attributes of a
accounting attribute
Predefined fields that map to components of subledger journal entries. Sources
are assigned to accounting attributes.
accounting event class
Categories that classify transaction types and group event types for accounting
accounting event type
Represents a business operation that may have an accounting impact.
accounting flexfield
The chart of accounts that determines the structure, such as the number and
order of individual segments, as well as the corresponding values per segment.
accounting method
A set of journal entry rules which determine how a subledger journal entry is to
be created for each event class or event type.
accounting period
The fiscal period used to report financial results, such as a calendar month or
fiscal period.
The kind of access named in a security policy, such as view or edit.
A business action or task that uses a resource or incurs a cost. In Primavera P6
Enterprise Project Portfolio Management, the fundamental executable work
element in the work breakdown structure of a project. Activities contain all the
information necessary to perform the required work.
Acronym for Application Developer Framework. A set of programming
principles and rules for developing software applications.
Abbreviation for Application Development Framework Fusion Desktop
Integration. A tool that allows you to export data from spreadsheet application
into Oracle Fusion applications.
An allocation is distribution of existing amounts between and within projects
and tasks.
allocation offsets
Reversing transactions that are used to balance allocation transactions with the
source or other project.
allocation rule
A set of attributes that describes how to allocate amounts in the source pool to
target projects and tasks.
application feature
A standardized functionality that is available to implemented.
application identity
Predefined application level user with elevated privileges. An application
identity authorizes jobs and transactions for which other users are not
authorized, such as a payroll run authorized to access a taxpayer ID while the
user who initiated the job is not authorized to access such personally identifiable
application role
A role specific to applications and stored in the policy store.
Applications Core
Abbreviation for Oracle Fusion Middleware Extensions for Applications. The
technical product code is FND.
approved budget
A financial plan type designated as an approved cost budget, approved revenue
budget, or both, whose versions are used for specific purposes (for example, as
default budget versions for project performance reporting).
Abbreviation for advance shipment notice. Electronic data interchange (EDI) or
Extensible Markup Language (XML) from a supplier that informs the receiving
organization that a shipment is in transit. ASNs speed the receiving process by
enabling the receiver to check in entire shipments without entering individual
line information. The ASN may contain details including shipment date, time,
and identification number; packing slip data; freight information; item detail
including cumulative received quantities; country of origin; purchase order
number; and returnable packing unit information.
A set of information, including job, position, pay, compensation, managers,
working hours, and work location, that defines a worker's or nonworker's role in
a legal employer.
automatic assignment catalog
A non-hierarchical catalog to which categories that match the catalog's Catalog
Structure value are automatically added. Add categories and share categories
actions are disabled for this catalog configuration.
automatic offset
A method for balancing invoice and payment journal entries that cross primary
balancing segment values.
balancing segment
A chart of accounts segment used to automatically balance all journal entries for
each value of this segment.
balancing segment value
The value of a balancing segment used to automatically balance journal entries.
baseline project plan
Key planned information for tasks and task assignments, including dates, costs,
quantity, effort, and rates, that you can save from current project plan values.
Setting a baseline for a project plan does not create a new plan version. Rather,
current plan information is saved in baseline columns of the current project plan.
A person or organization designated to receive benefits from a compensation
plan on the death of the plan participant.
bill plan
A set of instructions on a contract that define how to invoice a customer.
Multiple contract lines on a contract can use the same or different bill plans.
billing control
A contract feature that controls the types of transactions, dates, and amounts a
customer may be invoiced for and revenue can be recognized for a contract or
contract line. Define billing controls at the contract or contract line level.
billing extension
A company-specific business rule that creates automatic revenue or invoice
events. You can assign a billing extension to a revenue method or invoice
borrowed and lent processing method
A method of processing cross-charge transactions that generates accounting
entries to transfer costs or share revenue from the provider organization to the
receiver organization within a legal entity.
Business Process Execution Language; a standard language for defining how
to send XML messages to remote services, manipulate XML data structures,
receive XML messages asynchronously from remote services, manage events and
exceptions, define parallel sequences of execution, and undo parts of processes
when exceptions occur.
browsing category
Parent or intermediate category that is associated with other categories in the
catalog hierarchy, but has no assigned items.
burden cost
Burden costs are legitimate costs of doing business that support raw costs and
cannot be directly attributed to work performed.
burden cost base
The grouping of raw costs to which burden costs are applied.
burden cost code
A classification of overhead costs. A burden cost code represents the type of
burden cost that you want to apply to raw cost. For each burden cost code in
the burden structure, you specify what cost base it is applied to, the expenditure
types it is associated with, and the order in which it is applied to raw costs
within the cost base.
burden structure
Determines how expenditure types are grouped into burden cost bases and what
types of burden costs are applied to the cost bases. A burden structure defines
relationships between burden cost bases and burden cost codes, and between
burden cost bases and expenditure types.
burdened cost
Cost of an expenditure item, including the raw cost and burden costs.
business function
A business process, or an activity that can be performed by people working
within a business unit and describes how a business unit is used.
business object
A resource in an enterprise database, such as an invoice or purchase order.
business unit
A unit of an enterprise that performs one or many business functions that can be
rolled up in a management hierarchy.
calendar event
A period that signifies an event, such as a public holiday or a training course,
that impacts worker availability.
A collection of categories used to classify items which can be organized into a
hierarchy that represents a taxonomy.
Catalog component that is associated to a catalog to classify items.
chart of accounts
The account structure your organization uses to record transactions and
maintain account balances.
class category
Method of classifying projects. For example, use class categories to define project
funding sources, investment strategies, or industry sectors. Class categories are
associated with a set of values called class codes.
class code
Implementation-defined value within a class category that is used to classify
projects. For example, a class category called Industry Sector can have class
codes such as Construction, Banking, and Health Care.
clause adoption
Reusing a clause from the global business unit in local business units either by
adopting the clause without change or by localizing it.
clause localization
A type of clause adoption where the adopted clause is edited to suit the local
business unit needs.
clearing company
The intercompany clearing entity used to balance the journal.
An XML filter or SQL predicate WHERE clause in a data security policy that
specifies what portions of a database resource are secured.
Holds the numeric value used to evaluate numeric conditions in Contract Expert
rules. A constant permits you to reset the conditions of many rules with just one
A grouping of flexfield segments to store related information.
context segment
The flexfield segment used to store the context value. Each context value can
have a different set of context-sensitive segments.
context-sensitive segment
A flexfield segment that may or may not appear depending upon a context such
as other information that has been captured. Context-sensitive segments are
custom attributes that apply to certain entity rows based on the value of the
context segment.
contingent worker
A self-employed or agency-supplied worker. Contingent worker work
relationships with legal employers are typically of a specified duration. Any
person who has a contingent worker work relationship with a legal employer is a
contingent worker.
contract deviations
Differences between the contract terms in a contract and those in the contract
terms template applied to that contract and any deviations from company
policies as determined by Contract Expert feature rules.
Contract Expert
A feature of the application that permits you to create business rules in the
Contract Terms Library to enforce corporate policies and standards for contracts.
Contract Terms Library
A repository of standard clauses, contract terms templates, and business rules
built using Contract Expert.
corporate rate type
Rate you define to standardize rates used in conversion of one currency to
another over a period of time. This rate is generally a standard market rate
determined by senior financial management for use throughout the organization.
cost center
A unit of activity or group of employees used to assign costs for accounting
cost organization
A grouping of inventory organizations that indicates legal and financial
ownership of inventory, and which establishes common costing and accounting
country holding company
A legal entity that acts on behalf of several divisions within an enterprise, and is
the legal employer in a country.
current planning period
The current project accounting period or accounting period (depending on the
selected calendar type) for the purposes of financial planning.
data dimension
A stripe of data accessed by a data role, such as the data controlled by a business
data instance set
The set of human capital management (HCM) data, such as one or more persons,
organizations, or payrolls, identified by an HCM security profile.
data role
A role for a defined set of data describing the job a user does within that defined
set of data. A data role inherits job or abstract roles and grants entitlement to
access data within a specific dimension of data based on data security policies. A
type of enterprise role.
data role template
A template used to generate data roles by specifying which base roles to combine
with which dimension values for a set of data security policies.
data security
The control of access to data. Data security controls what action a user can taken
against which data.
data security policy
A grant of entitlement to a role on an object or attribute group for a given
database resource
An applications data object at the instance, instance set, or global level, which is
secured by data security policies.
A division of a business enterprise dealing with a particular area of activity.
description rule
The rule that defines the description content that appears on the subledger
journal header and line.
descriptive flexfield
Customizable expansion space, such as fields used to capture additional
descriptive information or attributes about an entity, such as customer cases.
Information collection and storage may be configured to vary based on
conditions or context.
A value that determines which reference data set will be used in a specific
business context.
determinant type
Designates the field within transactional columns that controls how data is
shared across organizations such as business unit, asset book, cost organization
or project unit. The type determines the reference data sets that would be used in
a transaction.
determinant type
An additional and optional field within transactional columns (besides category
and application) that is used to assign document sequences. The available
determinant types are Business Unit, Ledger, Legal Entity, and Tax Registration.
determinant value
A value specific to the determinant type dimension of a document sequence. The
determinant value is relevant in a document sequence assignment only if the
document sequence has a determinant type. If Ledger is the determinant type for
a document sequence, the determinant value is the specific ledger number whose
documents are numbered by the document sequence.
distribution factor
A numerical value that determines the budget, forecast, or project plan amounts
distributed to financial periods corresponding to each of the ten spread points
that make up a spread curve.
A business-oriented subdivision within an enterprise. Each division is organized
to deliver products and services or address different markets.
Business objects for which you import transactions from source applications.
Examples of documents are time cards, expense reports, usages, or miscellaneous
document category
A high level grouping of person documents such as visas, licences, and medical
certificates. Document subcategories provide further grouping of document
document entry
Represents distinct type of transactions for a document that need to be processed
in different ways.
document event class
Categorization of events within an application, such as Payables, Purchasing,
or Receivables. For example, Payables event classes include standard invoices,
prepayment invoices, and credit memos.
document fiscal classification
A classification used by a tax authority to categorize a document associated with
a transaction for a tax.
document sequence
A unique number that is automatically or manually assigned to a created and
saved document.
document type
A categorization of person documents that provides a set of options to control
what document information to retain, who can access the documents, whether
the documents require approval, and whether the documents are subject to
expiry. A document type exists for a combination of document category and
duty role
A group of function and data privileges representing one duty of a job. Duty
roles are specific to applications, stored in the policy store, and shared within an
Oracle Fusion Applications instance.
employment terms
A set of information about a nonworker's or employee's job, position, pay,
compensation, working hours, and work location that all assignments associated
with the employment terms inherit.
An organization with one or more legal entities under common control.
enterprise role
Abstract, job, and data roles are shared across the enterprise. An enterprise role
is an LDAP group. An enterprise role is propagated and synchronized across
Oracle Fusion Middleware, where it is considered to be an external role or role
not specifically defined within applications.
Grants of access to functions and data. Oracle Fusion Middleware term for
Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA)
A regional designation used for government, marketing and business purposes
for countries in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa.
expenditure item
The smallest logical unit of expenditure you can charge to a project and task. For
example, a time card item or an expense report item.
expenditure type
Classification of cost that you assign to each expenditure item in Oracle Fusion
expenditure type class
Tells Oracle Fusion Projects how to process an expenditure item.
extensible flexfield
Customizable expansion space, as with descriptive flexfields, but able to capture
multiple sets of information within a context and multiple contexts grouped to
appear in a named region of a user interface page. Some extensible flexfields
allow grouping contexts into categories.
feature choice
A selection you make when configuring offerings that modifies a setup task list,
or a setup page, or both.
financial plan type
Categories or collections of either project budgets or project forecasts.
financial resource
A resource that uses currency as its unit of measure.
firm burden schedule
A burden schedule of burden multipliers that will not change over time. This is
compared to provisional schedules in which actual multipliers are mapped to
provisional multipliers after an audit.
fixed rate type
Rate you set between two currencies that remains constant. For example, a rate
set between the euro currency and each Economic and Monetary Union (EMU)
currency during the conversion to the euro currency.
Grouping of extensible data fields called segments, where each segment is an
attribute added to an entity for capturing additional information.
flexfield segment
An extensible data field that represents an attribute on an entity and captures a
single atomic value corresponding to a predefined, single extension column in
the Oracle Fusion Applications database. A segment appears globally or based
on a context of other captured information.
function security
The control of access to a page or a specific widget or functionality within a page.
Function security controls what a user can do.
A searchable collection of portraits that combines the functions of the person
directory with corporate social networking and self-service applications for both
workers and managers.
global area
The region across the top of the user interface. It provides access to features and
tools that are relevant to any page you are on.
A component of the employment model that defines the level of compensation
for a worker.
Abbreviation for Human Capital Management.
HCM data role
A job role, such as benefits administrator, associated with specified instances of
Oracle Fusion Human Capital Management (HCM) data, such as one or more
positions or all persons in a department.
HCM securing object
An HCM object that secures access to both its own data and data in other, related
objects. For example, access to a specified set of person records can allow access
to data secured by person records, such as goal plans and evaluations.
A person representing a worker, supplier, or customer.
Incoterms are a series of international sales terms that represent international
commercial transportation practices and are used in contracts for the sale
of goods. These terms help clarify and divide transaction costs, risks, and
responsibilities between buyer and seller.
intended use fiscal classification
A tax classification based on the purpose for which a product is used.
intercompany billing
A feature that enables you to bill an internal customer for work done on a
receiver project and formalizes an internal revenue or cost transfer between
provider and receiver organizations.
interface table
A database table used for transferring data between applications or from an
external application or data file.
interproject billing
A feature that enables you to bill an internal customer for work done on a
provider project. Cost of work performed is not reflected on the receiver project
until the project receives an invoice for the work.
inventory organization
A logical or physical entity in the enterprise that is used to store definitions of
items or store and transact items.
inventory organization
An organization that tracks inventory transactions and balances, and can
manufacture or distribute products.
invoice distribution
Accounting information for an invoice line, such as accounting date, amount,
and distribution combination. An invoice line can have one or more invoice
invoice method
A rule defined by the implementation team that determines the calculation
method of invoice amounts for contracts during invoice generation.
invoice method classification
A predefined classification for an invoice method that determines the basis
for calculating invoice amounts. Assign an invoice method classification to an
invoice method. The predefined invoice method classifications are: amount
based, percent complete, percent spent and rate based. The percent spent or
percent complete billing extension is automatically assigned to the invoice
method when you select the percent spent or percent complete invoice method
item categories
Term used to refer to the categories maintained in Product Information
Management (PIM) under the purchasing catalog. Within procurement, this
category is referred to as a purchasing category. Item categories are used to
group items for various reports and programs. For Procurement, every item
must belong to an item category.
item master
A collection of data that describes items and their attributes recorded in a
database file.
item subinventory
An association of an item with a subinventory that is created when you add an
item to a subinventory.
A generic role that is independent of any single department or location. For
example, the jobs Manager and Consultant can occur in many departments.
job role
A role for a specific job consisting of duties, such as an accounts payable
manager or application implementation consultant. A type of enterprise role.
An element of a journal entry consisting of the name, accounting date, category,
ledger, and currency for single currency journal entries. Used to group journal
journal category
A name used to group journal entries with similar characteristics, such as
adjustments, accruals, or reclassifications.
journal entry
Point of entry of business transactions into the accounting system. Chronological
record, with an explanation of each transaction, the accounts affected, and the
amounts to increase or decrease each account.
journal line
An element of journal entries consisting of account combinations and credit or
debit amounts. Optionally, contains statistical quantities, currency information
for multicurrency journals, and additional information.
journal line rule
A rule that includes options to convert transactional data into a subledger
journal line. A condition can be defined within a rule so that the rule is only used
based on particular attributes of a transaction.
journal source
A name that indicates the origin of journal entries, such as payables, receivables,
or manual. Used as an attribute in automatic posting and journal import
key flexfield
Configurable key consisting of multiple parts or segments, each of which may
be meaningful individually or in combination with the others. Key flexfields are
commonly implemented to represent part numbers and account numbers.
key flexfield segment instance
A single occurrence of a key flexfield segment in a key flexfield structure
key flexfield structure
The arrangement of segments in a key flexfield. In some cases, multiple
structures can be defined for a single key flexfield.
key flexfield structure instance
A single occurrence of a key flexfield structure that shares the same order of
segments as every other instance of the key flexfield structure, but uses different
value sets to validate the segments.
Abbreviation for key performance indicator. Key performance indicators (KPIs)
measure how well an organization or individual project meets an operational,
tactical, or strategic objective that is critical for the current and future success of
the organization. Examples are: Period-to-Date (PTD) Actual Spent Labor Effort
Percentage, PTD Actual Spent Equipment Effort Percentage, and PTD Actual
Margin Percentage.
KPI category
A group of key performance indicators that belong to a specific performance
area. Examples are: cost, profitability, financial, and schedule.
KPI period determination date
Date used to determine the accounting calendar and project accounting calendar
periods for performance measure calculations during key performance indicator
(KPI) value generation.
labor costing rule
An employee costing method that determines how employees are paid. Typical
labor costing rules include hourly and exempt.
legal authority
A government or legal body that is charged with powers such as make laws,
levy and collect fees and taxes, and remit financial appropriations for a given
legal classification
A classification associated with a legal entity that represents its legal status
within a country and which also guides the tax determination process.
legal employer
A legal entity that employs people.
legal entity
An entity is identified and given rights and responsibilities under commercial
law, through the registration with the country's appropriate authority.
legal jurisdiction
A physical territory, such as a group of countries, single country, state, county,
parish, or city, which comes under the purview of a legal authority.
legal reporting unit
The lowest level component of a legal structure that requires registrations.
Used to group workers for the purpose of tax and social insurance reporting
or represent a part of your enterprise with a specific statutory or tax reporting
legislative data group
A means of partitioning payroll and related data. At least one legislative data
group is required for each country where the enterprise operates. Each legislative
data group is associated with one or more payroll statutory units.
line of business
Set of one or more highly related products which service a particular customer
transaction or business need. Refers to an internal corporate business unit.
lookup code
A value available for lookup within a lookup type such as the code BLUE within
the lookup type COLORS.
lookup type
A set of lookup codes to be used together as a list of values on a field in the user
A branch of data that serves as a single source of truth.
managed person
In Oracle Fusion Human Capital Management security, a person for whom the
user can maintain some information. For example, line managers can maintain
information about their direct and indirect reports, and workers can maintain
information about themselves, their dependents, and their beneficiaries.
managed project enterprise labor resource
A project enterprise labor resource who is associated with a named person in
HCM, and whose availability and staffing are managed in Oracle Fusion Project
Resource Management. You use managed project enterprise labor resources to
fulfill project resource requests.
manual payment
A payment created outside of Oracle Fusion Payables, but recorded in the
manufacturing facilities
Employed in the making of goods for sale such as a factory or plant.
mapping set
Maps a combination of input source values to specific output values A mapping
set can have a segment, account, or value set as output. The output value of a
mapping set is used to derive accounts or segments in account rules.
model profile
A collection of the work requirements and required skills and qualifications of a
workforce structure, such as a job or position.
native catalog
A catalog that a user is managing.
natural account
Categorizes account segment values by account type, asset, liability, expense,
revenue, or equity, and sets posting, budgeting, and other options.
natural account segment
A chart of accounts segment used to categorize your accounting transactions by
account type: asset, liability, owner's equity, revenue, or expense.
nonlabor resource
An asset or pool of assets. For example, you can define a nonlabor resource with
a name PC to represent multiple personal computers that your business owns.
A comprehensive grouping of business functions, such as Sales or Product
Management, that is delivered as a unit to support one or more business
An organizing unit of an enterprise that provides the framework for performing
legal, management, and financial control and reporting. Organizations
can represent departments, sections, divisions, business units, companies,
contractors, and other internal or external units of the enterprise. Organizations
can have multiple classifications. Oracle Fusion Projects uses organizations that
are classified as project and task owning organizations and project expenditure
organization classification
Organization classifications control the information that you can set up at the
organization level. You can assign multiple classifications to one organization,
or define separate organizations to represent different types of entities.
For example, you can classify an organization as both a legal entity and a
organization costing rule
Maps labor costing rules and rate schedules to organizations for labor costing,
and maps rate schedules to organizations for costing nonlabor items.
organization hierarchy
A tree structure that determines the relationships between organizations, such as
which organizations are subordinate to other organizations.
Abbreviation for Oracle WebLogic Communication Services. Offers the TPCC
service to Fusion applications and sets up the calls via SIP integration with the
telephony network.
A physical entity, such as a person, organization or group, that the deploying
company has an interest in tracking.
party fiscal classification
A classification used by a tax authority to categorize a party for a tax.
payroll statutory unit
A legal entity registered to report payroll tax and social insurance. A legal
employer can also be a payroll statutory unit, but a payroll statutory unit can
represent multiple legal employers.
pending worker
A person who will be hired or start a contingent worker placement and for
whom you create a person record that is effective before the hire or start date.
performance measure
Performance measures are system-defined criterion for performance or schedule
that are used to determine if a project is on track.
person number
A person ID that is unique in the enterprise, allocated automatically or manually,
and valid throughout the enterprise for all of a person's work and person-to-
person relationships.
person type
A subcategory of a system person type, which the enterprise can define. Person
type is specified for a person at the employment-terms or assignment level.
personally identifiable information
Any piece of information that can potentially be used to uniquely identify,
contact, or locate a single person. Within the context of an enterprise, some PII
data can be considered public, such as a person's name and work phone number,
while other PII data is confidential, such as national identifier or passport
Abbreviation for procedural structured queried language.
planning amount allocation basis
Represents the method of distributing financial plan amounts to calendar
periods for performance data summarization.
planning options
User-definable options, including plan settings, rate settings, currency settings,
and generation options, used to control planning scenarios. Budget or forecast
versions inherit planning options defined for financial plan types. Similarly,
project plans at the project template or project level inherit planning options
defined for project plan types.
A selection of information about a worker or nonworker, including contact
details, social connections, and activities and interests, that can be viewed and
edited. Both the amount and type of information and the available actions
depend on the role of the portrait user.
A specific occurrence of one job, fixed within one department, also often one
location. For example, the position Finance Manager is an instance of the job
Manager in the Finance Department.
primary balancing segment value
A segment value used to represent a legal entity in the chart of accounts and
automatically balance all intercompany and intracompany transactions and
journal entries.
primary forecast
A financial plan type designated as a primary cost forecast, primary revenue
forecast, or both, whose versions are used for specific purposes (for example, as
default forecast versions for project performance reporting).
primary ledger
Main record-keeping ledger.
A grant or entitlement of access to functions and data. A privilege is a single, real
world action on a single business object.
process category
Group of one or more logically related event classes. Can be used to restrict
which events are processed by the Create Accounting process.
product category fiscal classification
A classification defined for a noninventory-based product category, that is used
for tax determination or tax reporting purpose.
product fiscal classification
A classification used by a tax authority to categorize a product for a tax. There
could be more than one by tax. For example, for Brazil two classifications are
profile option
User preferences and system configuration options consisting of a name and a
value, that can be set at hierarchical levels of an enterprise. Also called a profile
or user option.
profile option level
A level at which profile option values are defined. Site, product, and user are
predefined levels.
profile option level hierarchy
The ordering of profile option levels. The order of the levels in the hierarchy
determines which levels take precedence.
profile option value
The value portion of a profile option's name and value. A profile option may
have multiple values set at different levels, such as site or user.
project accounting period
Periods that are maintained by business unit and used to track budgets and
forecasts, summarize project amounts for reporting, and track project status.
project and task owning organization
An organization that can own projects and tasks for the purpose of reporting,
security, and accounting.
project expenditure organization
An organization that can incur expenditures and hold financial plans for
project type
Controls basic project configuration options, such as burdening, billing, and
capitalization options, and class categories, that are inherited by each project
associated with the project type.
project unit
An operational subset of an enterprise, such as a line of business, that conducts
business operations using projects, and needs to enforce consistent project
planning, management, analysis, and reporting.
provider business unit
The business unit whose resources provide services to another project (provider
project) or business unit. For cross-charge transactions, the provider business
unit is the expenditure business unit; the project business unit owns the
intercompany billing project.
provider organization
Organization that provides services to a project owned by another organization.
provider project
The contract project that performs work on behalf of another (receiver) project.
In interproject billing, the provider project bills the receiver project through an
Oracle Fusion Payables invoice generated by the Update Invoices from Oracle
Fusion Receivables process.
provisional burden schedule
A burden schedule of estimated burden multipliers that are later audited to
determine actual rates. You apply actual rates to provisional schedules by
replacing the provisional burden multipliers with actual burden multipliers.
Oracle Fusion Projects processes adjustments that account for the difference
between the provisional and actual calculations.
Abbreviation for public switched telephone network which is the network of the
world's public circuit-switched telephone networks.
public person
In Oracle Fusion Human Capital Management security, a person for whom some
basic information is publicly available. For example, users typically access the
contact details of public persons, such as phone numbers and locations, using the
person gallery.
Query By Example
The fields directly above table column headers in which you can enter values for
filtering the data in the table.
quick payment
A single payment that you create for one more invoices without submitting a
payment process request.
rate-based planning resource
Resource for which cost and revenue are calculated based on a rate applied to
the quantity that is entered in a unit of measure other than currency.
raw cost
Costs that are directly attributable to work performed. Examples of raw costs are
salaries and travel expenses.
receiver business unit
The business unit whose projects receive services from another project or
business unit. For cross-charge transactions, the receiver business unit is the
business unit that owns the receiver project.
receiver organization
Organization that receives services provided by the provider organization.
receiver project
A project for which work is performed by another (provider) project. In
interproject billing, the receiver project incurs costs from an Oracle Fusion
Payables invoice generated by the Update Invoice from Oracle Fusion
Receivables process performed for the provider project.
recognized revenue
The sum of all revenue distributions created for a billing transaction.
reference data
Data in application tables that is not transactional and not high-volume such as
sales methods, transaction types, or payment terms, and can be shared and used
across organizational boundaries.
reference data object
Set-enabled entity that has reference data that can be shared across
organizations. A reference data set contains the reference data for a reference
data object, such as transaction type or work type. Use reference data sharing
to decide what reference data applies to all organizations, what reference data
is shared among certain organizations, and what reference data is organization-
reference data set
Contains reference data that can be shared across a number of business units
or other determinant types. A set supports common administration of that
reference data.
reference data sharing
Facilitates the reuse of common transactional data entities within the parts of a
business flow or across organizations.
reference group
A logical grouping of tables that correspond to logical entities such as payment
terms defined across multiple tables or views. Grouping establishes common
partitioning requirements across the entities causing them to share the same set
reference object
Standardized data model containing reference information owned by other
subledger applications and used by the Create Accounting process to create
subledger journal entries from accounting events.
referenced category
A category within the native catalog that is shared from a designated source
catalog. A reference category is not editable.
regional area
The collapsible region on the left side of the work area, containing controls that
refresh, manipulate, or otherwise update the local area.
The record of a party's identity related details with the appropriate government
or legal authorities for the purpose of claiming and ensuring legal and or
commercial rights and responsibilities.
related expenditure item
An additional transaction created for an individual item charged to projects.
People designated as able to be assigned to work objects, for example, service
agents, sales managers, or partner contacts. A sales manager and partner
contact can be assigned to work on a lead or opportunity. A service agent can be
assigned to a service request.
resource breakdown structure
One or more hierarchies of resources, resource types, resource formats, or other
resource groupings that are used for financial and project planning and for
viewing planned and actual amounts for a project.
revenue category
The source of revenue for an organization. Revenue categories group
expenditure types and event types for revenue and invoices, and are also used to
define accounting rules.
revenue method
A rule defined by the implementation team that determines the calculation
method of revenue amounts for contracts during revenue generation.
revenue method classification
A predefined classification for an revenue method that determines the basis
for calculating revenue amounts. Assign a revenue method classification to a
revenue method. The predefined revenue method classifications are as-billed, as-
incurred, amount based, percent complete, percent spent, and rate based. When
you select the percent spent or percent complete revenue method classification,
the percent spent or percent complete billing extension is automatically assigned
to the revenue method.
revenue plan
A common set of instructions for recognizing revenue within a contract. Multiple
contract lines on a contract can use the same or different revenue plans.
reversal method
The method used to reverse an existing journal by switching debit and credit
amount or by changing the sign on the amounts.
Controls access to application functions and data.
role hierarchy
Structure of roles to reflect an organization's lines of authority and responsibility.
In a role hierarchy, a parent role inherits all the entitlement of one or more child
role mapping
A relationship between one or more job roles, abstract roles, and data roles
and one or more conditions. Depending on role-mapping options, the role can
be provisioned to or by users with at least one assignment that matches the
conditions in the role mapping.
role provisioning
The automatic or manual allocation of an abstract role, a job role, or a data role to
a user.
A runtime session that commits changes out of reach of mainline users.
scenario dimension members
A scenario dimension is used to differentiate actual cost, current budget, original
budget, prior forecast, current forecast, and variances between different plan
types within summarization.
security profile
A set of criteria that identifies one or more human capital management (HCM)
objects of a single type for the purposes of securing access to those objects.
Security profiles can be defined for persons, organizations, positions, countries,
LDGs, document types, payrolls, payroll flows, and workforce business
security reference implementation
Predefined function and data security in Oracle Fusion Applications,
including role based access control, and policies that protect functions, data,
and segregation of duties. The reference implementation supports identity
management, access provisioning, and security enforcement across the tools,
data transformations, access methods, and the information life cycle of an
segregation of duties
An internal control to prevent a single individual from performing two or more
phases of a business transaction or operation that could result in fraud.
Reference data that is organized into groups appropriate to organizational
entities, to enable reference data sharing.
set enabled
An entity, such as a lookup, customer, location, organization, or document
attachment, that is allowed to participate in reference data sharing by drawing
on the data of a reference data set.
shared category
A category within a source catalog that has been added to a native catalog as a
referenced category. The category can be shared with one or more catalogs.
Abbreviation for service-oriented architecture.
The application from which a transaction originates.
Contextual and reference information from subledger applications. This
information is used in conjunction with accounting rules to create subledger
journal entries.
source pool
A combination of all source amounts defined by an allocation rule. These costs
comprise summarized projects costs, posted ledger account costs, or fixed
source system
An external system from a non-Oracle software provider, or internally created,
that generates events which are to be accounted in the Oracle Fusion Accounting
spot rate type
Rate you enter to perform conversion based on this rate as of a specific date. This
rate applies to the immediate delivery of a currency.
SQL predicate
A type of condition using SQL to constrain the data secured by a data security
storage facilities
Commercial building for storage of goods such as a warehouse.
A low-level ledger that stores and manages the details that substantiate the
monetary value stored in the general ledger. Oracle Fusion Receivables and
Oracle Fusion Payables are examples of subledgers.
subledger journal entry
A detailed journal entry generated for a transaction in a subledger application.
subledger journal entry line
An individual debit or credit line that is part of a subledger journal entry.
subledger journal entry rule set
A set of rules defining how to generate a complete journal entry for an
accounting event.
The summarization or update project performance data process extracts data
related to actual cost, commitment, budget, forecast, revenue, and invoice
transactions and prepares the data for reporting purposes.
supporting reference
Stores additional source information about a subledger journal entry either at
the header or line level. They can be used to establish a subledger balance for a
particular source value or combination of source values for a particular account.
system person type
A fixed name that the application uses to identify a group of people.
The identified projects and tasks to receive allocation amounts. Allocation rules
specify the targets.
The classification of a charge imposed by a government through a fiscal or tax
tax determining factor
An input that affects the outcome of a tax calculation process. Tax determining
factors are grouped into tax determining factor sets and used to define tax
condition sets and tax rules.
tax exception
A condition or combination of conditions that result in a change from the
standard values for a particular product.
tax exemption
A full or partial exclusion from taxes within a given time period.
tax formula
A tax formula is used to define the taxable basis and tax calculation for a given
tax jurisdiction
A geographic area where a tax is levied by a specific tax authority.
tax rate
The rate specified for a tax status for an effective time period. A tax rate can be
expressed as a percentage or a value per unit quantity.
tax recovery
The full or partial reclaim of taxes paid on the purchase or movement of a
tax regime
The set of tax rules that determines the treatment of one or more taxes
administered by a tax authority.
tax registration
The registration of a party with a tax authority that confers tax rights and
imposes certain tax obligations.
tax rule
A user-defined rule that looks for a result for a specific tax determination
process, such as determining place of supply or tax registration, in relation to a
tax on a transaction.
tax status
The taxable nature of a product in the context of a transaction for a tax.
A legally distinct region that is used in the country field of an address.
third-party application source
Non-Oracle application source of transactions.
trading partner
An external party, such as a supplier, in the Oracle B2B application for which
electronic documents are sent or from which documents are received. A trading
partner in Oracle B2B corresponds to a supplier site.
transaction business category
A business classification used to identify and categorize an external transaction
into a tax transaction.
transaction fiscal classification
A classification used by a tax authority to categorize a transaction for a tax.
There could be more than one by tax. For example, for Brazil, three classifications
are required: a) transaction nature, such as free sample, demonstration,
consignment, donation; b) transaction classification, such as the sale of products
previously acquired, the sale of products that were manufactured by the
company; and c) operation classification, such as ship from - ship to relationship.
transaction object
Standardized data model containing transaction information used by the Create
Accounting process to create subledger journal entries from accounting events.
Information or data organized into a hierarchy with one or more root nodes
connected to branches of nodes. A tree must have a structure where each node
corresponds to data from one or more data sources.
tree structure
Characteristics applied to trees, such as what data to include or how the tree is
versioned and accessed.
tree version
An instance of a tree. If a tree is associated with a reference data set, all versions
belong to one set. Includes life cycle elements such as start and end date and a
status indicator whether the tree is active or not.
user rate type
Rate you enter at journal entry time to convert foreign currency transactions to
your functional currency.
value set
A set of valid values against which values entered by an end user are validated.
The set may be tree structured (hierarchical).
value-added tax (VAT)
An indirect tax on consumer expenditure that is collected on business
transactions and imported goods. Value-added tax (VAT) is charged at each
production, distribution, and retail stage in the supply of products. If customers
are registered for VAT and use the supplies for taxable business purposes, then
they will typically receive credit for the VAT that is paid.
Abbreviation of work breakdown structure. Represents the hierarchy of work
that must be accomplished to complete the project. In Primavera P6 Enterprise
Project Portfolio Management, WBSs are structured in levels of work detail,
starting with the completed product and then broken down into identifiable
work elements. WBSs correspond to tasks in Oracle Fusion Projects.
work relationship
An association between a person and a legal employer, where the worker type
determines whether the relationship is a nonworker, contingent worker, or
employee work relationship.
worker type
A classification selected on a person's work relationship, which can be employee,
contingent worker, pending worker, or nonworker.
An automated process in which tasks are passed from a user, a group of users, or
the application to another for consideration or action. The tasks are routed in a
logical sequence to achieve an end result.
workforce business process
A defined sequence of tasks, registered for the enterprise, that delivers a major
business goal. The tasks may be allocated to multiple roles across multiple
Abbreviation for eXtensible markup language.
XML filter
A type of condition using XML to constrain the data secured by a data security