Hydronic System Design
with the Bell & Gossett
System Syzer
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
Determining required flow rate .....................................................................................................................................................1
System pressure drop ....................................................................................................................................................................2
Velocity and friction head loss limits ..............................................................................................................................................2
System piping arrangements ........................................................................................................................................................2
Design example: Series Loop System .................................................................................................................................................2
Design example: Two-Pipe System ......................................................................................................................................................3
Application of pump curve data ..........................................................................................................................................................4
Specific g ravity ...............................................................................................................................................................................4
Water ho rsepower .......................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Effect of volume flow changes .......................................................................................................................................................5
Calculating system pressure drop .......................................................................................................................................................5
Piping pressure drop .....................................................................................................................................................................5
Fitting and valve pressure drop .....................................................................................................................................................5
Pressure drop of other system components ..................................................................................................................................6
Control valve pressure drop: control valve types ...........................................................................................................................6
Procedures for calculating circuit pressure drop ............................................................................................................................8
The design process: Example: Two circuit series loop .........................................................................................................................8
Pump selection using the system curve ..............................................................................................................................................9
The Bell & Gossett System Syzer
Scale 1: Load, flow and delta T relationship .................................................................................................................................10
Scale 2: Flow, head loss, and pipe size relationship....................................................................................................................11
Scale 3: Flow velocity ..................................................................................................................................................................12
Scale 4: Circuit pressure drop .....................................................................................................................................................12
Scale 5: Determining unknown pressure drops, system curves, and control valve Cv ................................................................13
Design example: Pumps in parallel using the System Syzer ............................................................................................................13
Design example: Three zone, two pipe system .................................................................................................................................14
Pump selection using Bell & Gossett ESP PLUS ...............................................................................................................................18
System design using ESP PLUS System Syzer ® ................................................................................................................................21
Advanced circuit analysis ...................................................................................................................................................................22
Circuit flow coefficient ..................................................................................................................................................................22
Equivalent Cv of components in series ........................................................................................................................................22
Control valve authority .................................................................................................................................................................22
Equivalent Cv of components in parallel .....................................................................................................................................23
Appendix ...........................................................................................................................................................................................25
Pump curves and other product data in this bulletin are for illustration only. See Bell & Gossett product literature for more
detailed, up to date information. Other training publications as well as the Bell & Gossett design tools described in this
booklet including the System Syzer, analog and digital versions, and ESP Plus are all available from your local Bell & Gossett
representative. Visit for more information or contact your Bell & Gossett representative.
Hydronic heating or cooling systems use water as the
means for carrying heat from one point to another. They are
becoming more complex as they grow in capacity, and as
control methods become more sophisticated. Small systems
may still use a single pump, but it now serves several different
temperature zones: low temperature radiant systems, higher
temperature supplemental heat or domestic water zones.
Large systems may use pumps in parallel, serving many
buildings. Flow may be controlled by automatic temperature
control valves and variable speed drives to reduce the amount
of energy used by the pump. As a result, pressures and flows
are constantly changing to meet the current need for heat
All of these improvements and refinements depend upon
the design of the pumping and piping system. It is still vitally
important to design the piping system, size the piping, and
determine the actual system pressure drop in order to select a
pump for lowest overall life-cycle cost, and take full advantage
of modern energy saving techniques.
Determining the flow rate
Flow in a hydronic system is used to carry heat, so an accurate
heat load calculation is the foundation for any system design.
The following formula is often used to determine required
flow in hydronic systems:
Heat Load
500 Δt
gpm is the volume flow rate, gallons/minute
Heat load is in BTU/Hr, or BTUH
Δt = Temperature difference between supply and return, ºF
500 is the constant for standard water properties at 60 ºF;
Density, 8.33 lbs. per gal.
Specific heat, 1 BTU/lb ºF
The complete calculation is then:
x 1
x 60
x ΔtºF
gal lbºf hr
Where 8.33 x 60 x 1 500
Both the specific heat and density in the formula are
referenced to 60ºF water. Since 60°F water is too cool for
typical heating systems and too warm for typical cooling
systems, it may seem that flow should be calculated by taking
into account the following changes:
1. Specific heat and density changes caused by water
temperature changes.
2. Volume flow changes between supply and return
pipes due to temperature differences between
Mr. Gil Carlson, the Director of Technical Services for Bell &
Gossett, discussed these issues in an article published in
HPAC Magazine in February, 1968 entitled “How to Save
Pumping Power in Hydronic System Design”. His basic
analysis was updated and extended for this book.
We can evaluate the effect of these changes in physical
properties on heat conveyance of water by determining the
net change in heat conveyance as system temperature rises.
The formula for determining system flow rate assumes a mass
flow rate of 500 lbs. per hour for each gpm which means
that at a 20º Δt, 1 gpm will convey 10,000 BTUH (500 x 20)
referenced to 60º water. Now determine what happens to
the heat conveyance of 1 gpm @ 20º Δt when the circulated
water has a system average temperature of 200º, (supply
temperature = 210 and return temperature = 190). Water at
200º has a density of 8.04 lb/gallon instead of 8.33 as at 60º,
however, the specific heat goes up to 1.003 from 1.0 as at
60º. The heat conveyance for 1 gpm at 20º Δt will then be:
8. 04 x 60 x 1.003 x 20 = 9,677 BTUH
The net effect is therefore not significant in itself, but there
is another factor to be considered for a complete evaluation.
As water temperature rises, it becomes less viscous, and
therefore its pressure drop is reduced. At 200º, water pressure
drop, or “head loss”, is about 81% of water at 60º for typical
small hydronic systems. Figure 1 gives a graphical analysis
of the effect on system flow. The “system curve” represents
the changes in system head loss as system flow changes for
any fixed piping system. It will be described more completely
Flow increase resulting from operation at 200ºF rather than at 60ºF base
amounts to 10.5 percent.
Figure 1
Note that the flow increase amounts to 10.5% in this
case. Multiply the heat conveyance just calculated by the
percentage of flow increase:
1.105 X 9,677 = 10,693 BTUH
It is apparent that from the standpoint of heat conveyance, the
simple “round number” approach will result in design flows
very close to the “temperature corrected” flows, providing the
result from the “round number” approach is left uncorrected
from the original 60ºF. base for both heat conveyance and
piping pressure drop. The plus and minus factors very closely
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
Actual system curve
Actual head, only 80%
of specified at specified
flow for 200ºF water
Actual Flow, 110.5%
of specified @ 100% head
Specified point:
100% head at 100% flow
offset one another. A similar analysis for chilled water systems
shows that increased viscosity at lower temperatures reduces
flow compared to 60ºF water, but the changes are small.
Sometimes other fluids are used to carry heat; for example,
water and glycol solutions. Their properties are likely to be
quite different from those of standard water, so the system
designer must account for them. The tools for doing that will
be described later.
System Pressure Drop
Water flowing through piping encounters resistance due to
friction at the confining walls of the piping. This resistance is
called the “pressure drop”, or “friction head loss” of the piping
system. Pumps are installed in a closed loop piping system in
order to apply work to the system fluid to overcome friction
head loss and maintain flow.
Pressure drop will, of course, vary with the condition of the
piping; the rougher or more corroded or scaled the piping,
the higher the pressure drop for a given pipe length and flow.
Pressure drop tables are available for new, clean pipe as well
as for piping which has aged and offers more resistance to
flow because of its relatively poor condition.
Piping in a closed system, with little or no make-up water, can
be considered to be clean pipe since it does not deteriorate or
scale with the passing years. Use of aged pipe pressure drops
will result in deceptively high calculated pressure drops which
in turn result in the selection of pumps which are oversized
for the system. The oversized pump will cause flows much
greater than design requirements resulting in high water
velocities which in many cases become audible and result in
unhappy building tenants. On the other hand, piping in open
systems like cooling towers can experience aging. Higher
design velocity in these piping systems may retard scale
deposits. Any noise is unlikely to cause objections, although
the resulting higher pressure drops will increase pumping
Velocity and Friction Head Loss Limits
The selection of pipe sizes and pumping equipment also
involves economic factors. Pumps which are larger than
necessary result in higher initial costs and increased
operating costs, especially in larger horsepower ranges.
Pipe size is determined by the flow rate required in
that portion of the system. The designer must give due
consideration to the effect of the pipe size on water velocity
and pressure drop. The water velocity should, of course,
be evaluated on the basis of both the lowest and highest
velocities which can be tolerated. Velocities must be high
enough to entrain any air and carry it to the air separator but
low enough to avoid the generation of flow noise.
Tests have shown that minimum velocities of 1½ to 2 feet
per second must be maintained to entrain air bubbles;
particularly to drive them down vertical piping. Selecting a
pipe with a friction loss rate of 0.85 feet of head loss per 100
feet of length will insure adequate minimum velocity. The
maximum allowable velocity depends on pipe size. Small
diameter pipes up to 1½" can allow velocities up to 4 feet per
second. Higher velocities can be allowed in larger pipe sizes.
Where quiet operation is a design objective, sizing piping for
friction loss rate no greater than 4.5 feet of head loss per
100 feet of length will give good results.
Where noise is not an important consideration, higher
velocities may be used within the limits imposed by
economical pump selection. A prime consideration in any
case is entrained air, which can cause noise even at low
water velocities. System design for proper management of
entrained air can be accomplished as outlined in other Bell &
Gossett publications.
System Piping Arrangements
Prior to the determination of actual pipe size and pressure
drop determination, the designer must establish the piping
configuration of the proposed system to deliver water to
the heat transfer units. Single pipe and two-pipe systems of
various kinds are available. Each has characteristics which
may make it more or less appropriate for the system being
designed. The flow required to carry heat to or from each
terminal unit, and the pipe size to carry this flow can be
determined next. The pressure drop can then be calculated
for the various pipe sizes and lengths in the circuit using tools
provided for this purpose. In addition to the piping, the circuit
will contain fittings, heat transfer equipment, valves of various
types and the terminal units themselves; these will also offer
resistance to flow so their pressure drops must be calculated
or estimated and added to that of the piping.
Design Example:
Series Loop Piping System
The simplest distribution piping arrangement is the series
loop, used primarily for residential, small apartment systems
and retrofits. In this system, the radiation is connected in
series and therefore, becomes a part of the piping main.
The basic advantage is economy as substantial savings in
piping materials and the cost of installing these materials are
affected. Figure 2 illustrates a one-pipe series loop system.
Series Loop System
Figure 2
Water temperature entering each unit depends upon how
much heat was extracted or added upstream. This makes it
impractical to install too many units in series since the water
temperature could become too high or too low for effective
heat transfer. The flow through a single circuit system is
limited to the water carrying capacity of the tube size used in
the heating units. In residential systems, these units are often
¾" copper baseboard, but commercial systems may use 1"
or 1½" units. They may also use much higher pressure drop
units like convectors or unit heaters. Another limit to circuit
Heating units
length is the combined pressure drop of all the components.
Too many components in series would require very high
pump head. Control of heat transfer by modifying the flow is
limited since a reduction at one device reduces flow through
all of the terminals in that circuit.
When the system flow requirements exceed the capacity
of a single circuit, two or more circuits may be taken off a
distribution or “trunk” main. A return trunk main is used to
pick up the various circuits and return them to the boiler.
Three Circuit Series Loop System
Figure 3
This is a three circuit series loop system. Assuming the use
of ¾" copper tube convector baseboard, each circuit must
be limited to the flow this size tube can handle within
practical limits of pressure drop and velocity; about 4 gpm.
The minimum flow rate and supply temperature leaving
the boiler must be great enough to supply all three zones
simultaneously. At a 20° Δt, that means:
• Circuit #1 is getting 40,000 BTUH
• Circuit #2 is getting 40,000 BTUH
• Circuit #3 is getting 30,000 BTUH
The supply trunk, A-B, must carry 11 gpm, section B-C must
carry 8 gpm, and so on.
The system pressure drop is determined by that of the highest
pressure drop circuit. Circuit #2 is the longest as measured
from the boiler supply, through the circuit and back to the
boiler return. A pump must be able to provide the sum of all
three circuit flow rates, 11 gpm at the head determined by the
longest, or highest pressure drop circuit.
Design Example:
Two-Pipe Systems
In a two-pipe system, the heat transfer terminals are in
parallel. The difference in pressure from the supply main at
the pump discharge to the return main at the pump suction
allows the use of higher pressure drop coils. All of the devices
see the same supply temperature, and “zoning”, is easy and
effective since the flow through one circuit can be changed
without a substantial effect on the other zones. A “zone” is a
room or a collection of rooms which are sufficiently similar
in terms of heat transfer requirements that they could be
controlled by a single control device, e.g., a thermostat. In
an apartment building, each apartment will probably be a
separate zone. Larger, multiple zone systems, will benefit in
piping cost savings from a careful analysis of pressure drop.
Figure 4 shows a two-pipe, direct return system on the left.
The first circuit to get water is the first to return it. Since the
farthest unit has the longest pipe run, it probably determines
the pump head required, assuming that all the terminals have
roughly equal pressure drop. A reverse return system, shown
on the right will equalize the piping length, so all terminals
see the same pressure difference from supply to return.
Direct Return and Reverse Return Two-Pipe
Pumping Systems
Figure 4
Figure 5 is a piping layout for a 12-apartment, zone controlled
heating system. The system layout is based on overhead
supply, with four supply risers dropping down from the
supply main. Each supply riser feeds three apartments, with
series loop connected baseboard controlled by a zone valve
in each apartment. Return risers drop down from each group
of three apartments and are picked up by the basement
return main. Both the mains and the risers are hooked up in
reverse return. Apartments are all the same size; the four top
apartments each have a heat loss of 40,000 BTUH while the
other apartments are 34,000 BTUH each.
Circuit #1
4 gpm
100 ft.
Circuit #2
4 gpm
120 ft.
Circuit #1
3 gpm
90 ft.
Boiler Boiler
Figure 5
Figure 6 shows only the top floor circuit which will be used to
determine the system pressure drop, and therefore, the pump
head requirement. The flow in each pipe section is shown and
the lengths are determined from the plan.
Figure 6
The trunk main, A to B, is sized to carry full system flow, but
flow in the supply main becomes smaller as each radiation
zone gets its share of the flow, while the flow in the return
main gets larger. An experienced designer would probably
select a 2½" or possibly a 2" pipe for section A-B. The smaller
pipe would have the greater friction loss rate over the length
of A to B. The product of length and friction rate yields the
total head loss in that pipe. Section B-C carries 22.4 gpm but
is very short. Section C-D carries only 11.2 gpm but is much
longer, and contains more fittings. Theoretically, each section
of pipe must be evaluated in terms of the flow it must carry, a
pipe size must be chosen, friction loss rate determined, then
multiplied by length to get the total head loss in that section.
After that, the sum of head loss in all sections has to be added
to the head loss of the boiler and the fittings before the pump
can be selected. In practice, the process can be simplified by
applying some judgment. For example, an average flow rate,
or most important flow rate could be applied to a long pipe
section to reduce the number of calculations, rules of thumb
might be applied to account for fittings, etc. Later in this book,
we’ll see that the Bell & Gossett System Syzer
is invaluable in
this process.
Application of Pump Curve Data
Centrifugal pump performance curves are developed by test
with 85ºF water and usually relate flow in gpm to foot head.
In terms of relating pumping capacity, the term “foot head”
indicates that the pump is applying one foot-pound of energy
to each pound of liquid being pumped. The curve can be used
for water at any temperature, since “foot pounds per pound”
is an energy statement based on a specific weight to energy
relationship that remains the same regardless of temperature
or fluid density.
Specific Gravity
Standard water, with a specific gravity of 1.0 supports a water
column of 2.3 ft. for each PSI, or 0.43 psi per foot of water
column. The fluid column required for any other specific
gravity is derived by the formula:
Fluid column in feet = 2.3
For a fluid of lower density, specific gravity of 0.6:
Fluid column in feet = 2.3/0.6
= 3.85 feet
Water Horsepower
Bell & Gossett Series 1531 Pump Curve
Figure 7
A pump curve indicates the pump will deliver 400 gpm at
30 ft. head. This means the pump will add 30 ft-lbs energy
to every pound of liquid when 400 gpm are circulating. If
the liquid is water at 8.3 lbs/gal, the weight of the circulated
water would be 3,320 lb /min. At 30 ft-lb per lb this would be
30 x 3,320 or 99,600 ft-lb/min energy input to the pumped
water. Dividing by 33,000 ft-lb/min per HP indicates the
pump is applying about three water horsepower, “WHP”.
44.8 GPM
22.4 GPM
22.4 GPM
11.2 GPM
22.4 GPM
22.4 GPM
11.2 GPM
11.2 GPM
11.2 GPM
4.0 GPM
4.0 GPM
7.6 GPM
ft-lb x
x Specific gravity
lb min
33,000 ft-lb x 1 gal
min 8.34 lb
Head (ft) x Flow (gpm) x SG
30 x 400 x 1
WHP = 3.03 hp
The WHP used by a pump is very important because it relates
the system head and flow to the pump’s power requirement.
WHP represents the “transport energy” required to move
water against the system’s resistance. No practical machine
can be 100% efficient, so the actual horsepower input to the
pump will always be greater then the WHP. The efficiency of
the pump and the WHP combine to determine the actual
amount of power required by the pump in the given system.
This factor is called brake horsepower, or “BHP”. If the pump is
80% efficient at 400 gpm and 30 feet of head, it would use a
little less than 4 hp.
Pump efficiency
BHP = 30 x 400 x 1
3960 x .08
BHP = 3.79 HP
Since 4 HP motors are not standard, this power would
probably be provided by a motor rated to provide 5 HP, but
actually delivering only 3.79 HP to the pump. These values
are displayed in Figure 7, which is a screen taken from Bell &
Gossett’s ESP Plus. This useful computer application will be
described in more detail later. The electrical energy used by
the pump, and therefore the building owner’s cost to operate
that pump, make BHP a very important factor in selecting and
evaluating pump performance.
Assuming that gauges were placed on the suction and
discharge openings of the pump and that these gauges were
calibrated in PSI, what would the differential readings be?
Since we have added 30 ft-lbs of energy per pound, each
pound is equivalent to 30 feet of the pumped liquid. In this
case, water is being pumped with a weight of 0.43 PSI per ft.,
so the gauges would read a differential of 30 ft. x 0.43 PSI or
12.9 PSI differential.
The specific gravity of the pumped fluid affects the required
water horsepower to raise the energy level of the pumped
fluid. Suppose the fluid being pumped had a specific gravity
of 0.6, or 0.6 times the density of standard water. This fluid
would have a weight of 0.26 psi per ft. The gauge differential
would be 30 ft. x .26 or 7.8 PSI.
Thus, the gauge differential, regardless of specific gravity,
will always read the energy level in terms of feet of the fluid
being pumped. In the case of the gauge differential with
water, the head can be determined by using the differential
of 12.9 PSI and multiplying this by 2.31 feet per PSI, which
gives 30 feet of head. Reference to the pump curve would
indicate a flow of 400 gpm.
The fluid with a specific gravity of 0.6 would require a column
3.85 ft. high to exert a pressure of 1 PSI. The gauge reading
differential for this fluid was 7.8 PSI; multiplying by 3.85 ft.
per PSI gives 30 ft. as the pump head.
Therefore the pump curve can be applied to liquids of any
specific gravity without correction. The changes in specific
gravity of water due to temperature have no affect on the
pump curve. Even though these curves are established
by test with 85º water, they may be used for water of any
Effect of Volume Flow Changes
Water expands when it’s heated, contracts when it cools, so
volume flow, in ft
/min changes a little bit due to temperature
differences. Warmer water in the supply will flow a little
bit faster than the return water. These differences are small
enough to ignore without introducing any appreciable error.
But the mass flow rate, lb/min remains a constant because
water is essentially incompressible. At steady state conditions,
that is, the average water temperature in the system is not
changing; the mass flow rate must be the same in the supply
and return mains regardless of the difference in temperature
between them. In other words, the heat input at one point in
the system must be equal to the heat rejected at some
other point.
Calculating system pressure drop
Piping Pressure Drop
Pressure drop in straight runs of piping could be calculated by
reference to charts which state these losses in terms of feet of
60 °F water head per hundred feet of piping. An example is
included in the appendix.
The Darcy-Weisbach relationship is the basis for
determining friction head loss in pipes:
Friction head loss = f
D 2g
Friction head loss is in units of feet of head, or foot-pounds of
work lost to friction/pound of fluid
f is the friction factor, which relates variables such as
Reynolds number, relative roughness of the pipe, and
flow regime, e.g. laminar, transition, or turbulent flow.
L is the pipe length in feet
D is the pipe diameter in feet
V is the average flow velocity in the pipe in feet per
g is the gravitational constant, 32.2 feet per second
The rate of friction head loss used to be stated in terms of
“milinches” per foot of pipe. A milinch is 1/1000 of an inch;
therefore, one foot of head is equivalent to 12,000 milinches.
This term was used because it was convenient to work with
when dealing with small increments of head loss. Most
designers today use units of feet of head loss per 100 feet of
system length. Design flow rate, pipe size, and pipe type will
determine the friction loss rate.
Fitting and Valve Pressure Drop
Pressure drop for various fittings and standard valves is
sometimes stated as some multiple of the velocity head:
Fitting head loss = k x
k is the head loss coefficient for the type of fitting
V is the average velocity of flow through the fitting
g is the gravitational constant
It is possible to save time-consuming calculations for
determining fitting pressure drops by establishing a table
which reads directly in equivalent feet of piping for all fittings.
The variation in equivalent length due to velocity differences
is not of great magnitude in the flow ranges encountered in
hydronic design work. A table of fitting equivalent length
is included in the appendix. In determining the length of
pipe and the pipe size attributable to a given fitting, the
downstream pipe size is used and the fitting pressure drop is
established as the number of feet of that pipe size multiplied
by the friction loss rate. Figure 8 illustrates how the pipe size
is determined. For example, if the flow pattern is from C to B,
the pipe size of F would be used in assigning pressure drop
for the branch flow of the tee.
Where flow enters a tee at C and splits to both A and B, the
pressure drop of the circuit flowing from C to B would involve
the tee branch loss based on pipe size F. The circuit flowing
from C to A would include the tee branch loss based on pipe
size J.
Flow Path Pipe Size Applying to Equivalent Length
A to B F
A to C H
C to B F
D to E G
Figure 8
Pressure Drop of Other System Components
A piping circuit has, in addition to the pipe and fittings,
components such as heat exchangers, boilers, or other units
which have a substantial pressure drop. The pressure drop
of these components is usually stated by the component
manufacturer in either tabular form at various flow conditions
or as pressure drop curves on a chart. Figure 10 is such a chart
showing the pressure drop characteristics for Bell & Gossett
Circuit Setter Balancing Valves. Circuit Setters are used to
prevent unwanted excess flow in the branch of the system
where it’s installed. The round dial sets, and indicates the
valve opening.
Bell & Gossett Circuit Setter
Figure 9
As an example of the use of this chart, assume that a circuit
branch has a Circuit Setter Valve in it set at “0”. The valve
presents little resistance to flow, so a given pressure difference
on the vertical axis results in a large flow rate represented
on the horizontal axis by gpm 1. As the valve is set more
nearly closed, the flow rate at the given differential pressure
would be reduced shown as gpm 2 and then gpm 3. All
components in the system: pipes, elbows, heat exchangers,
demonstrate a similar relationship between flow rate and
head loss or pressure drop. The Circuit Setter is unlike those
other components in that it can change the relationship as it
is manually set from wide open to dead shut.
Control Valve Pressure Drop
Pressure drop data for control valves is often given in terms
of a “Cv” rating for the valve. The Cv for any given valve is the
flow in gallons per minute that would cause a 1 psi pressure
drop to appear across the valve. For example, a valve with a
Cv rating of 10 would have 1 psi pressure drop when 10 gpm
flow occurred through the valve.
Flow Rate vs Pressure Drop
Figure 10
In the Circuit Setter, each manual dial setting establishes a
unique Cv. If the horizontal dashed line represents 1 psi or
2.31 feet of head loss for standard water, then gpm1 is the
Cv for the fully open Circuit Setter, gpm2 and gpm3 are the
lower Cv’s as the valve is closed. If the valve is shut dead tight,
the Cv is 0.
System control valves react in exactly this way, but they
operate automatically in response to a thermostat and
temperature control system.
Headloss Feet
Pressure Drop
Flow Rate
gpm 1gpm 2gpm 3
Valve Set
Fully Open
Valve Set
Midway Open
Valve Set
The pressure drop of the valve will vary as the square of the
flow difference. Since the valve pressure drop is 1 PSI at its
Cv flow rating, the formula is:
The flow and pressure drop relationship can be
established for any condition using the Cv.
To illustrate, assume a valve with a Cv of 10 will be used to
control a flow of 30 gpm, what will the pressure drop through
the valve be at this flow?
Valve pressure drop (psi) =
Valve pressure drop (psi) = (30/10)
= 9 psi
To determine the pressure drop in terms of feet of water head,
multiply by 2.3 assuming standard water.
9 x 2.3 = 20.7 Ft.
Control Valve Types
Control valves are used to modulate the system water
temperature or to control the quantity of water flowing
through the system heat exchangers. The valves are furnished
in two general types, two-way or three-way, depending on the
number of ports in the valve.
Two-way valves are often used as two-position valves, either
open or closed. A commonly used illustration is the zone
valve, operated by a thermostat, which opens the valve on a
call for heat and closes it when the heat demand is satisfied.
Double and Single Seated Control Valves
Figure 11
The double-seated valve has no hydraulic forces acting on
the valve stem, as water flowing through the ports tends
to open one disc and close the other. The single-seated
valve must operate against the hydraulic force of the water
entering the port as the valve moves toward the closed
position. The double-seated valve is not used for tight shut-off
requirements as the common shaft connecting the two discs
expands and contracts with temperature changes, making it
difficult to close both ports simultaneously. Therefore, either
valve may be used for modulating type operation but for two-
position, (on-off) the single-seated valve is used.
For two-position operation, the valves are usually line-sized
and are selected for low pressure drop. Modulating valves,
on the other hand, should be selected for high initial (wide
open) pressure drops as this enhances control operation by
keeping the pressure drop increase ratio at a minimum as the
valve modulates to close-off. The topic of “valve authority” is
discussed later in this book. Other Bell & Gossett publications
explain valve selection in detail.
Three-way valves are furnished in two basic types. The mixing
type has two inlet ports and the third, or common port is the
outlet. The diverting type makes the common port the inlet
and the other two ports are outlets as shown in Figure 12.
Three-Way Mixing and Diverting Valves
Figure 12
Severe valve chatter may result if the common port of a
mixing valve is used as an inlet with the other two ports as
outlets as in a diverting valve. As the valve disc approaches
either seat, the velocity pressure will tend to over-ride the
operator and slam the valve shut. The velocity pressure is now
gone and the valve motor will then open the valve again. This
occurs rapidly, with severe chattering as a result.
The same thing happens with a diverting valve if an attempt
is made to use it as a mixing valve. This would require the A
and the B ports to be inlets, with the AB port as the outlet. The
velocity pressure would act to over-ride the operator as either
disc approached its port, resulting in valve slam or chatter.
The application and sizing of three-way valves is covered in
other Bell & Gossett publications. A general statement on
valve selection can be made without going into the actual
procedures. Three-way valves applied in the equipment room
for temperature modulation or system change from heating
to cooling should be selected for low pressure drops, if
possible under ten feet, in order to minimize required
pump head.
It is important from the standpoint of flow stability in a system
using three-way valves to control coil flow, to select the valves
for a substantial portion of the available pump head. As in
two-way valves used for this purpose, the pressure drop across
the valve increases as the valve closes down. This causes an
increase in flow through the valve, making it necessary to
close off still further to compensate for the increase in flow. If
the valve is selected for a low pressure drop, the pressure drop
ratio necessary to throttle to a given flow will be very large
and the valve will have to “ride” its seat to achieve control.
Therefore, it is good practice to select the valve for high initial
pressure drops, on the order of three times the coil pressure
drop at design flow, if possible. Due to the fall off of coil
pressure drop with reduced flow, coils used with three-way
valve control should be selected for low design pressure
drop. This decreases the effect on circuit pressure drop as the
control valve goes to bypass. Typical three-way valve and coil
installations are shown in Figure 13. The bypass pipe around
the coil must have a Circuit Setter in order to equalize the
resistance of the paths through the coil and bypass. Without
the Circuit Setter, the pump flow would increase whenever
flow shifted to the bypass.
Circuit Setters in Diverting and Mixing Valve Applications
Figure 13
Procedures for Calculating Circuit Pressure Drop
Total Equivalent Length Method for Fitting Pressure Drop.
Calculating the actual pressure drop for each fitting can be a
time-consuming and therefore, expensive procedure. In an
effort to reduce design time, an alternate method was devised
in which it is assumed that the fittings and other system
components are equal to 50% of the circuit length. This 50%
is added to the circuit length and the total is considered to
be the Total Equivalent Length, TEL, of the circuit. Practical
experience has shown that this method leads to sufficiently
accurate results for systems up to about 400,000 BTUH. Larger
systems would warrant a more detailed analysis since savings
in pipe size or pumps may result. Short circuits with more
than the average member of fittings should also be carefully
evaluated, since the 50% allowance may not be sufficient to
cover the actual fitting losses. Simple logic and experience
will indicate when a pipe sizing check using actual pressure
drop data for each fitting is required.
Keep in mind that the “50% method” is for fittings and
conventional baseboard radiation only. In the event that
there are high pressure drop devices such as fan coil units
in the circuit, the pressure drop of these devices should be
considered separately.
When the system consists of a single circuit, the pump must
provide the needed flow and overcome the piping pressure
drop at this flow. Larger systems require more circuits to keep
the pressure drop and pipe size down. The pump on multi-
circuit systems must be capable of meeting the pressure
drop of the highest pressure drop circuit, which is usually the
longest circuit. The pump also must furnish the flow required
by all circuits.
The circuits with lower pressure drops will tend to short circuit
the high pressure drop circuit and must be brought up to the
pressure drop level of this circuit by the use of balance valves
or by reduction of pipe size to achieve the desired pressure
Flow in a pumped system will apportion itself among the
various circuits so that the pressure drops between the pump
and the individual circuits are just equal. The designer should
therefore endeavor, by judicious pipe sizing to keep circuit
pressure drops as close as possible, even though design flows
may vary considerably. This will make the eventual balancing
requirements simpler.
The Design Process
It’s important to follow a coherent process of making
calculations, then making choices based on those calculations
in an orderly manner. Though this is not the only way to
do it, the Bell & Gossett design process makes sure all
the important details are covered. The most economical
combination of pump size and piping size within good
design parameters should be selected.
1. Calculate heat loss and select terminal units
2. Make piping layout to scale
3. Calculate required water flow to carry the load
4. Size the piping
5. Select the pump
6. Select the boiler and other accessories
This method permits very quick pump selection and pipe
sizing for smaller systems. Larger systems should be
evaluated using more sophisticated procedures.
A two-circuit series loop system utilizing ¾" copper convector
baseboard is shown in Figure 14. The Six Step Method will be
used for designing the system at a 20º Δt.
Two Circuit Series Loop System
Figure 14
Calculate the heat loss in terms of BTUH for each room. Find
the output per lineal foot of baseboard at the desired mean
water temperature from the manufacturer’s catalog then
divide room heat loss by this figure to determine the lineal
feet of radiation required in each room
Make a scale drawing of the piping system. Because the
radiation is in series, the flow in each circuit should not
exceed the carrying capacity imposed by the pipe size of the
radiation. See Step 3 for flow rate calculation.
Nomogram A (in the Appendix) indicates that a 1" pipe could
carry the flow if a single circuit were used, but the proposed
baseboard units are constructed with ¾" copper which is
limited to about 4 gpm, so the system must be split into
two circuits of about 40,000 BTUH each which allows ¾"
baseboard to be used.
The total load is 76,000 BTUH. Required flow is therefore:
Flow =
Heat Load
500 Δt
Flow =
= 7.6 gpm
500 x 20
Circuit 1 will need about 3.6 gpm, circuit 2 about 4.0 gpm
Circuit #1
35,500 BTUH
111 Ft.
Circuit #2
40,500 BTUH
134 Ft.
Mixing Valve
Diverting Valve
Air Vent
The trunk main must be 1”, each circuit will be ¾".
A “Booster” pump is a small in-line circulator often used
for systems like this. Its a simple pump whose selection
requires little more than knowing the system head and flow.
System flow is 7.6 gpm. System head loss could be estimated
by assuming that the friction head loss everywhere in the
system is near the upper limit of head loss, say 4.0 feet of
head loss per 100 feet of length. The measured length of the
longer circuit is 134 feet, a 50% allowance for fittings would
add 67 more feet for a Total Equivalent Length (TEL) of about
200 feet. Pump head would then be estimated as:
Pump head =
4.0 feet of head loss
200 feet of TEL
100 feet of length
= 8 feet of head
If the head loss of other components like the boiler is low,
it may be assumed that this estimate of pump head will be
adequate. If higher pressure drop components are included
in the system, then the published data for their head loss at
the design flow must also be included.
Plot the system head and flow, the “design point”, on a chart
showing the performance of all sizes of booster pumps to
select the specific pump required. A more detailed discussion
Select a boiler with a net rating equal to or slightly greater
than the 76,000 BTUH total heat loss. A discussion of required
air management and other equipment can be found in other
Bell & Gossett publications.
Pump Selection: the System Curve
In many cases, available pumps do not exactly fit the system
requirements. In most cases, designers choose the next
larger size pump. While such a selection may cause no actual
problems, using the next smaller pump can save money, if an
analysis of the problem indicates that this can be done.
The analysis consists of plotting a “system curve”, which shows
system flow versus system pressure drop, on the proposed
pump curves. This analysis will determine how any given
pump will perform in the system because a given pump in
a system must operate at the flow rate determined by the
intersection of the two curves. This is a consequence of the
principle of conservation of energy. The system curve shows
the relationship between flow and pressure drop in a given
piping system. The pressure drop varies in a direct ratio with
the square of the flow change ratio. As an example, if the flow
in a piping system should double, the pressure drop would
increase by a factor of four.
This simple relationship allows us to construct a curve which
can be superimposed on a pump performance curve. The
intersection of the two curves defines the flow, or the point
of operation for the pump in the system. To illustrate this
method we will assume a pump is needed for a system
requiring a flow of 30 gpm at a pressure drop of 20 ft.
The pump curves in Figure 15 show that this design point
falls between a PL-36 and a PL-55 pump. There is no point of
intersection at exactly 30 gpm. Which pump should be used?
Using the design condition as a starting point, we can
construct a system curve which will indicate the flows which
either pump would produce.
Figure 15 shows the design point – 30 gpm @ 20 ft. We will
determine several points, beginning with 50% flow, or 15
gpm. The system pressure drop at 15 gpm will then be the
square of the flow ratio; that is the square of 0.50 which is
0.25 of the design pressure drop. 25% of 20 = 5 ft. Several
other points could be determined in similar fashion.
Assumed Ratio to Ratio to Design Head at
Flow Design Design Head New
gpm Flow Head Feet Flow
0 0 0 20 0
15 0.50 0.25 20 5.0
20 0.66 0.43 20 8.6
25 0.83 0.69 20 13.8
30 Design 1.00 1.00 20 Design 20
35 1.17 1.37 20 27.4
Plot these points on the curve as in Figure 15 and connect
them with a smooth line. This is the system curve. The line
intersects the PL-55 curve at 33 gpm and the PL-36 at 27 gpm.
We can now calculate the effect of either pump on system
System Curve Method for Pump Selection
Figure 15
If the system uses a 20º temperature drop, the lower flow
of 27 gpm will increase the design temperature drop. The
relationship between flow and temperature drop is an inverse
one; if we double the flow we halve the temperature drop and
vice-versa. We can therefore, set up a proportion to calculate
the effect of reducing flow:
30 gpm
= 22º
27 gpm 20 Δt
From this, we can determine that the system will operate at
a 22º design temperature drop instead of 20º, if we use the
smaller pump. This is negligible since heat output in units
like baseboards or convectors is not greatly affected by small
changes in flow. Output is strongly affected by changes in
average water temperature so the lower flow rate could
be easily compensated for by slightly raising the system
operating temperature if necessary.
The effect of using the PL-55 pump at 33 gpm can be
calculated in the same way. The larger pump provides 33
gpm, so the temperature change at the boiler would be about
It is probable that the smaller pump is the better selection
since it probably has a lower initial cost. It also has a smaller
motor, thus reducing operating costs at least a little bit.
The Bell & Gossett System Syzer
Determining the required operating head and flow for small
hydronic systems is relatively simple. However, an engineer
must consult several different design tables, charts, and
formulae to establish flow requirements, pipe size, pipe
pressure drops, water velocities, pumping heads, system
curves, control valve Cv ratings, etc. The B&G System Syzer
Calculator consolidates all necessary design information in a
simple, easy to use circular slide rule.
The System Syzer
Calculator is useful both in final design
work and in preliminary system planning. Proposed pump
and pipe sizes can be quickly roughed out for estimating
System Syzer
Scales 1-3
Figure 16
System Syzer
Scales 4-5
Figure 17
The System Syzer
Calculator has five scales sequenced
in the same way in which they would typically be used in
designing a hydronic system. The following discussion gives
the reference base of the various scales and illustrates their
uses with design examples. Its best to obtain a System Syzer
calculator from your Bell & Gossett representative and use it to
work through these examples.
Scale #1 – Load-Flow Relationships
Scale #1 is stated in terms of temperature difference, MBH
and gpm. These terms are defined as follows:
A. Temperature difference is the temperature drop (heating)
or temperature rise (cooling) taken by the water as it
transports heat through the system.
10 20 30 40 50 60 700
0246810 12 14 16
Bell & Gossett
Series PL Circulator
B. MBH is the heating or cooling load in Btu per hour where
1 MBH = 1000 Btu per hour; 10 MBH= 10,000 Btu per
hour; 1000 MBH = 1,000,000 Btu per hour or 1M.
C. gpm is the circulation rate in gallons per minute required
to convey the design heat load at design temperature
Flow rate in gpm, temperature difference in degrees F and
MBH load are related by the following formula:
Flow =
Heat Load
500 Δt
Scale #1 uses a specic heat equal to one and
water density at 8
lbs. per gallon (60ºF conditions). Changes
in these properties and their effect on heat transfer have
already been discussed.
Example #1: Determine required ow rate for a load of
150,000 Btu per hour at a temperature drop of 30º.
Set the 150 MBH capacity in the large window under the 30º
design Δt. Read gpm flow rate in the small window opposite
the arrow: 10 gpm.
Example #2: Determine required ow rate for a cooling load
of 20 tons at a 10º temperature rise. At 12,000 Btuh per ton,
a 20 ton load is equivalent to 240,000 Btu per hour or
240 MBH.
Set 240 MBH opposite 10º temperature difference and read
48 gpm on the gpm scale.
Design Temperature Difference: For many years hot water
systems have been designed for a 20º temperature drop. This
has been done because at a 20º temperature drop, each gpm
circulated conveys about 10,000 Btu/hr. This allows simple
determination of flow rates by use of the following formula:
Heat Load
A 20º temperature drop in typical terminal units also provides
a great deal of “forgiveness”; 100% of design flow is not
necessarily required to get a very high percentage of design
heat transfer. While the 20º design temperature drop is still
useful for small hydronic system, it is not necessarily best for
a larger engineered system. Higher temperature drops permit
lower flow rates, smaller pipe and pump sizes and in general
return economic benefits.
Scale #1 of the System Syzer
Calculator will assist the
hydronic designer in establishing minimum flow – maximum
temperature difference system design through the various
design approaches now available. These include primary-
secondary pumping, coil re-circuiting, terminal unit flow
evaluation, etc. Because of the simplicity of determining flow
rates for various temperature differences, the System Syzer
Calculator will aid greatly in the design of higher temperature
difference systems.
Example #3: Determine primary to secondary ow rate for
a secondary zone using a heat injection pump as illustrated
in Figure 18. Negligible pressure drop in a pipe which is
common to two pumping circuits makes the two pumps
operate independently of one another. Details of primary-
secondary pumping are available in other Bell & Gossett
Figure 18
The radiant panel in the secondary zone requires 10 gpm
of 110º water at a 10º Δt to provide the zone requirements
of 50,000 Btu/Hr. Water at 200F is available at the primary
supply pipe. At design load conditions, the required quantity
of 200º water must flow from point A to point B. An equal
quantity of 100º water must flow from point C to point D. The
temperature difference between point A and point D of 100º
(200º-100º) and the 50,000 Btuh required for the secondary
zone determine the flow required from the primary to the
secondary circuit.
On scale # 1 of the System Syzer Calculator, set the 100º
temperature difference opposite 50 MBH. Read the required
primary to secondary flow rate: 1.0 gpm. The heat injection
pump should be sized to deliver 1.0 gpm against a head
determined by circuit A-B-C-D.
Example #4: There are many ways to use primary-secondary
pumping principles. In the next example, a one-pipe primary
loop supplies hot water to an independent secondary zone
through a small control valve. Determine the temperature
drop in the primary main of a one-pipe primary system with
a circulation rate of 50 gpm, after supplying 50,000 Btuh to a
secondary zone as illustrated in Figure 19.
Figure 19
As in the preceding example, the flow from A to B is 1.0 gpm.
Since the total primary flow is 50 gpm, a flow of 50 minus 1.0
or 49 gpm of 200º water will flow from point A to D. At point
D, 1.0 gpm of 100º water will blend with the 49 gpm of 200º
Radiant Panel
50,000 Btu/Hr
110F 100F
Primary Supply
Primary Return
BC and AD are the low pressure drop
“common” pipes that allow
the pumps to operate independently
Circuit Setter
Secondary Panel
50,000 Btu/Hr
110F 100F
Primary Supply 50 gpm 200F
Circuit Setter
Control Valve
water to give 50 gpm, but at a reduced temperature. What is
the temperature downstream of point D?
Set 50 gpm in the small window of scale #1. Directly opposite
50 MBH read the temperature difference: 2º. Therefore, the
temperature beyond point D is 200º minus 2º = 198º.
Scale #2 – Flow-Pressure Drop Relationships and
Pipe Sizing
Scale #2 relates gpm ow rate to friction loss rate for both type
“L” copper tubing and for Schedule 40 steel pipe. Friction loss
is stated in terms of milinches per foot and in feet per 100
feet of pipe. Either milinches per foot or feet per 100 feet are
valid expressions of pipe friction loss. Defining these terms:
A. Milinch means 1/1000 of an inch or 1/12,000 of a foot of
pressure energy head.
B. Feet per 100 feet expresses the rate of pipe friction loss as
foot head of energy loss per I 00 feet of pipe.
The pipe friction loss data used as a basis for construction
of scale #2 are The Hydraulic Institute Values, The ASHRAE-
Giesecke Chart Values and The ASHRAE Unified Pressure
Drop Chart data. Both the Hydraulic Institute values and
The ASHRAE Unified Pipe Pressure Drop data are based on
Moody’s pipe pressure drop correlation. Though established
by an entirely different experimental approach, the Giesecke
Chart values closely approximate Moody’s correlation-
generally accepted as most valid. Friction loss indicated for
type “L” copper tubing has been derived from the ASHRAE
Scale #2 is based on a water temperature of 60º. When used
for hot water design with temperatures in the area of 200º
piping pressure drop is over-stated on the order of 10% since
pressure drop decreases slightly as water temperature is
increased. However, the difference is not sufficient to warrant
The normally used range of pipe friction loss rates is indicated
by a white wedge shape band on scale #2. Experience
indicates that the optimum friction loss range is from 100 to
500 milinches per foot or from approximately 0.85 foot to 4
.5 feet per 100 feet of piping.
Example #1: Determine pipe size for 70 gpm ow rate. Set
the rule so that 70 gpm appears in the “white” or optimum
design range on the rule. It is apparent that either 2½" or 3”
pipe can be used. Setting the arrow to 2½" pipe size in the
iron pipe window, a pipe friction loss rate of 3.6' per 100'
appears opposite 70 gpm. A simultaneous reading on scale
#3 establishes that at 70 gpm a water velocity will be 4.5' per
Setting the rule to 3" pipe illustrates that at 70 gpm flow
rate a pipe friction loss rate of 1.2' per 100' will occur. A
simultaneous reading on scale #3 indicates a water velocity of
3.0' per second.
Setting the rule to any pipe size then provides a complete
flow-pressure drop-velocity relationship for that particular
pipe size. In the example, either 2½" or 3" piping, could be
used for the flow rate of 70 gpm, depending on circuit needs,
available pumping head, etc. In many cases, the hydronic
system designer may also wish to evaluate water velocity as
this affects pipe sizing.
Scale #3 – Water Velocity
Scale #3 establishes water velocity in feet per second for
any given flow rate through the particular pipe size. Water
velocity in the hydronic system should be high enough to
carry entrained air in the water stream-yet not high enough to
cause noise. Water velocity should be above 1½ to 2 feet per
second in order to carry entrained air along with the flowing
water to the point of air separation (Rolairtrol, EAS, etc.) where
the air can then be separated from the water and directed to
the compression tank or vented from the system. See other
Bell & Gossett publications for details about air management
in hydronic systems.
Piping noise considerations establish the upper velocity
limitations. For piping 2" and under a maximum velocity of
4 feet per second is recommended. Note that in smaller pipe
sizes, this velocity limitation permits the use of friction loss
rates higher than 4 feet per hundred foot.
Velocities in excess of 4 feet per second are often used on
piping larger than 2 inch. It seems apparent that water
velocity noise is caused by entrained system air, sharp
pressure drops, turbulence, or a combination of these which
in turn cause flow separation, cavitation and consequent
noise in the piping system.
It is generally accepted that if proper air management is
provided to eliminate air and reduce turbulence in the
system, the maximum flow rate can be established by the
piping friction loss rate; at 4 feet per 100 foot. This permits
the use of velocities higher than 4 feet per second in pipe
sizes 2" and larger.
Example #1: A supply main in an apartment building has a
design flow rate of 1600 gpm. Select the proper pipe size.
Setting Scale #2 at 8" pipe shows that at 1600 gpm, the pipe
friction loss is 3.8 feet per hundred feet. Scale #3 shows that a
water velocity in excess of 10 feet per second will result.
Setting the rule at 10" pipe illustrates a pressure drop of
1.2 feet per 100 foot and a water velocity of 6.5 feet per
second, less likely to cause noise. Because the main must
run adjacent to living quarters, a critical location concerning
possible noise generation, the 10" pipe would be preferred.
Scale #4 – Circuit Piping Pressure Drop
Scale #4 provides a simple method of determining required
pump head from the equivalent circuit piping length and the
resistance per unit length. To use Scale #4, it is rst necessary
to establish the total equivalent length (TEL) of the piping
circuit. As all fittings have a greater resistance to flow than
a straight length of pipe, this must be taken into account.
TEL is a summation of the straight lengths of pipe plus the
equivalent length of valves fittings, etc.
In preliminary pipe and pump sizing, it is common practice
to consider the resistance of fittings in a circuit to be a
percentage of the straight length of pipe (usually 50%). In
making a more accurate pressure drop calculation, the actual
resistance of each fitting should be considered. The table on
the back of the System Syzer Calculator envelope indicates
the equivalent length of most commonly used fittings. Recent
research has shown that these equivalent lengths tend to
overstate the fitting head loss by some amount depending on
type of fitting and fitting size. Therefore, use of these values
builds in a small safety factor.
Example #1: A circuit owing 200 gpm is sized at 4" providing
a friction loss of 2.3 feet per l00 feet. The circuit has a TEL of
130 feet. What is the total circuit pressure drop?
Set 130 foot pipe length opposite 2.3 feet per 100 feet and
read 3 feet as the total circuit pressure drop.
In some instances, the system designer may wish to make
a preliminary pump selection and proportion its available
head over the longest circuit in the system to determine the
average resistance rate on which the piping should be sized.
Example #2: A designer is evaluating a pump with an
available head of 50 feet at the design flow . The longest
circuit in the system has a TEL of 1500 feet. At what average
friction loss rate should the piping be sized?
Set 50 foot head opposite the arrow. At the TEL of 1500 feet,
a resistance of 3.3 feet per 100 feet is indicated.
Scale #5 – Determining Unknown Pressure Drops,
System Curves and Control Valve Cv ratings.
Scale #5 is based on the relationship which exists between
flow and system resistance where the head varies
approximately as the square of the ow. Scale #5 can be
used in several ways: to determine an unknown pressure
drop from a known pressure drop, to establish system curve
relationships , to select control valves to their Cv ratings, and
to convert between pressure gauge readings in psi and head
loss values in feet of head.
To determine unknown pressure drop from a known pressure
drop condition, set the known pressure drop opposite the
known flow and read the unknown pressure drop opposite
the design flow.
Example #1: From manufacturers data, a chiller has a
pressure drop of 12 feet at 100 gpm. Determine pressure
drop at a flow of 150 gpm.
Set 100 gpm in the window of scale #5 immediately below
12 feet of head. Read the unknown pressure drop at
150 gpm: 27 feet.
Scale #5 of the System Syzer
Calculator can also be used to
select control valves by their Cv rating .
Example #2: In the example of Figure 19, a control valve was
used to supply zero to 2.9 gpm from the primary circuit to
the secondary circuit in order to maintain circuit temperature.
Control valves must be selected for adequate pressure drop
in order to insure proper operation. They are usually selected
by their Cv rating. Control valve selection is discussed in detail
in other Bell & Gossett publications. In Figure 20, a control
valve for use with a secondary zone is to be selected for a 3 psi
differential at 2.9 gpm. Determine the required control valve
Cv rating.
Figure 20
On scale 5, set 2.9 gpm directly opposite 3 psi. Read the
required valve Cv rating at 1 psi: approximately 1.7. If a
control valve with a Cv of approximately 1.7 can be installed,
then with the control valve open and the secondary pump
on, the pressure drop across the Circuit Setter balance valve
should be adjusted to 3 psi. This will set the flow into the
secondary zone to the design point of 2.9 gpm.
To plot a system curve, set the known (calculated) head loss
opposite the known (design) flow. Read the required head
for several other flow rates. These points determine a system
curve. Plot the system curve on a pump curve. The intersection
of the system curve with the pump curve determines the
actual pump operating point (on open systems, adjust the
system curve in accordance with the total static head).
Example #3: Your analysis of a closed loop piping system
indicates that a 200 gpm flow rate results in 30 feet of head
loss. Calculate the resistance at several other flow rates plot
a system curve on the pump curves illustrated below and
determine their actual operating points.
Set 200 gpm in the window below 30 foot head. Read the
resultant head at 100, 150, 250 and 300 gpm. These points
establish the system curve for this “friction only” system.
Pressure gauges
Circuit Setter
Figure 21
Operation of the pump in the piping circuit described by
the system curve must be at the intersection of the pump
curve and the system curve. This is because of the first law of
thermodynamics – energy in must equal energy out. Energy
put into the water by the pump must exactly match the
energy lost by the water as it flows through the piping system.
The point of intersection is the only point that can meet this
basic engineering law. The specific points of operation for the
two pumps illustrated are 180 and 225 gpm.
Pumps in parallel
The application of pumps in parallel always requires a system
curve – pump curve analysis. When two identical pumps
are placed in parallel, each pump operates at the same
differential head and each supplies ½ the total system flow.
Parallel Pumps
Figure 22
A parallel pump curve can be developed by doubling the
flows at any constant head for the single pump curve.
Parallel Pumps Curve
Figure 23
The system curve for any piping circuit must be plotted on
the developed parallel pump curve. With both the pumps
in operation, the system flow and head will be at point A.
However, each pump will operate at point B. This is because
each pump supplies half the total flow and consumes half the
power requirement.
System Curve Plotted on Parallel Pumps Curve
Figure 24
When only one pump is operating, the point of operation is at
C. The operating point shifts to the right on the pump curve,
which means that the single pump can provide more than
50% of design flow. This means that a single pump operating
alone will draw more power than when operating in parallel:
It is important that each pump be supplied with a motor large
enough to operate at point C.
Note that simply adding a second pump without changing
the existing system will increase the flow, but will not double
it because the system curve was unchanged.
Two - Pipe System Design Example
A three zone heating system using air handling coils will be
used to illustrate the procedure to be followed in sizing a
typical two-pipe system, calculating its pressure drop, and
selecting a pump. In order to clearly understand this process,
it’s best to obtain a System Syzer
from your local Bell &
Gossett representative while you work through this example.
The system is illustrated in Figure 25. The water is heated by
means of a heat exchanger. Heat exchangers are discussed in
more detail later. The system is equipped with a Rolairtrol air
separator and vent. The pump is base mounted, end suction,
equipped with a Triple Duty Valve at the discharge and a
Suction Diffuser at the suction. The system expansion tank is
located near the pump suction.
Two-Pipe Fan Coil System
Figure 25
The coil pressure drops at their design flow rates are shown
on the drawing. Each air handler coil was selected to provide
design heat transfer at design delta tee. For example, in a
typical heating system the flow rate for standard water at
20° Δt is easily found by dividing the heat load in BTUH
by 10,000.
Capacity in U.S. Gallons per Minute
50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450
Total Head in Feet
500 550 600
Single Pump Curve
Flow “A” Flow “A”
Note: Flow “A” is Doubled to
Obtain Parallel Pump Curve
Operational Curve
For Two Pumps
In Parallel
Capacity in U.S. Gallons per Minute
50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450
Total Head in Feet
500 550 600
Single Pump Curve
Point “A”
System Curve
Operational Curve
For Two Pumps
In Parallel
Point “B”
Point “C”
Capacity in U.S. Gallons per Minute
50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450
Total Head in Feet
Heating Load at
Zone 20° Δt Flow rate (gpm)
1 800,000 80
2 1,100,000 110
3 900,000 90
But suppose it’s a typical chilled water system designed for a
12° Δt. The cooling loads would require greater flow.
Heating Load at
Zone 12° Δt Flow rate (gpm)
1 800,000 130
2 1,100,000 180
3 900,000 150
Scale #1 of the System Syzer
can easily be used to calculate
the design flow rate for each zone. Line up the heat load in
MBH in the white scale with the 12° Δt in the red scale to get
the chilled water flow rates required.
Equipment Room Head Loss
The equipment room piping is common to all three zones.
The pressure drop between points A and B will be calculated
separately for each of the three zones in order to balance the
flow. The greatest head loss zone will determine the pump
head required.
The total flow rate of 280 gpm dictates the equipment room
pipe size and equipment selection since all of this equipment
must carry the total flow. The system will use steel piping.
Scale #2 of the System Syzer can determine the pipe size.
Adjust the total flow rate of 280 gpm within the white arc
in Scale #2 dened by the maximum and minimum friction
loss rates recommended for hydronic systems. Note that two
choices exist:
a. A 3" pipe would have a friction loss rate much greater than
the maximum allowable 4.5 feet head loss per 100 feet
of equivalent length. From Scale #3, the velocity would be
over 12 feet per second; much too high.
b. At 280 gpm, a 4" pipe would have a friction loss rate of
4.3 feet head loss per 100 feet of length, and a velocity of
about 7.0 f/s. This is within normal design limits.
c. A 5" pipe would have only 1.4 feet of head loss per 100
feet of length, so the total head loss in the equipment
room would be significantly less. Low head loss in the
equipment room results in systems that are easier to
balance and easier to control at part load. However, the cost
of the 5" pipe and fittings would be greater than the 4"
alternative, and 5" pipe may not be commonly available.
The equipment manufacturer‘s catalogs show the following
equipment data:
Heat exchanger 3 feet head loss at 200 gpm
Rolairtrol with strainer 4" Cv=135
5" Cv=215
Rolairtrol without 4" Cv=370
strainer 5" Cv=580
Triple Duty Valve Minimum of 3 feet of head
loss at 280 gpm to provide
accuracy as a flow meter
4" Suction Diffuser 2.25 psi at 280 gpm
Note that the manufacturer’s friction loss data is given in
a variety of ways. Scale #5 of the System Syzer
can help in
reducing this data to consistent units which can be summed
to determine the total equipment room head loss.
Heat exchanger
Brazed plate heat exchangers
Figure 26
The heat exchangers in Figure 26 use very hot water directly
from the boiler, flowing across one side of the corrugated
stainless steel plate then back to the boiler. Heat transfers
through the plate to the heating system water on the other
side of the plate which will be circulated through the system.
It is the pressure drop inside the heat exchanger that is of
concern in this example. The boiler water circulation must
be handled by a separate pumping system. Heat exchanger
data is provided in units of feet of head loss. These units are
preferred in order to simplify pump selection since pump
curves are usually stated in feet of head. The manufacturer
says the heat exchanger has 3 feet of head loss at 200 gpm. At
design ow of 280 gpm, the head loss will increase. Scale #5
can be used to calculate the actual head loss at design flow.
On scale #5, align the given values of ow, 200 gpm in the
white scale and 3 foot head loss on the inner blue scale.
Without moving the scale, find 280 gpm and read a bit less
than 6 feet head loss on the inner scale. Note that Scale #5
has both feet of head loss and psi pressure drop. Be sure to
use the right scale.
Rolairtrol air separator
Water carrying air bubbles enters through the tangential
nozzle at the top. Centrifugal acceleration separates air from
water, allowing the air to escape from the top, and the air-free
water to continue to circulate to the system from the other
nozzle. Rolairtrols are also available without the strainer.
Rolairtrol air separator
Figure 27
Rolairtrol data is given as a Cv. Remember that the Cv is the
flow in gpm at 1 psi Δp. Scale #5 has a Cv index at 1 psi on
the outer blue scale or 2.31 feet of head on the inner scale.
To evaluate the head loss for the 4" Rolairtrol, rotate the scale
until the Cv index is at 135, then read 10 feet of head loss
opposite 280 gpm. The 5" Rolairtrol has a larger Cv, 215. At
280 gpm it has about 4 feet of head loss. Also notice that the
addition of a strainer in the Rolairtrol tends to reduce Cv, or
increase head loss. Unless there is an important reason to
include a strainer, it’s best to choose the Rolairtrol
without one.
Triple Duty
Triple Duty
Figure 28
As the name implies, the Triple Duty
Valve provides three
important functions at the pump discharge:
a. Isolation valve for pump service
b. Check valve, to prevent backward flow
c. Balance valve, to eliminate the excess flow which will be
caused by an oversized impeller
Angle pattern valves also act as an elbow at the pump
discharge, and all Triple Duty Valves are designed to serve as
rough flow meters.
Details of Triple Duty Valve selection are covered in other Bell
& Gossett publications, but for this example, observe that the
fully open valve must have about 3 feet of head loss at full
flow in order to measure flow reasonably accurately.
Suction Diffuser
Suction Diffuser
Figure 29
Suction diffusers provide proper entering conditions at the
pump in order to reduce wear and insure the pump performs
as designed. While they are not always required, they often
save equipment room space, especially with end-suction
pumps. The Suction Diffuser data is given as 2.25 psi at
design ow. Scale #5 can be used to convert to feet of head
by aligning any flow rate line at 2.25 psi on the outer scale to
read the corresponding head loss of 5.2 feet of head loss.
Equipment room component head loss at design flow:
Heat exchanger 6.0'
4" Rolairtrol w/o strainer 1.3'
3DS-4B Triple Duty Valve 5.0'
Suction Diffuser 5.2'
Total 17.5'
In addition to the equipment room components, the
equipment room portion of the system contains the following
piping and fittings to the entrance of the tees at points A
and B:
9 – 90º Ells
1 - NPT Gate Valve
36' Piping
Piping Equivalent Lengths
Use the table on the System Syzer jacket to find the equivalent
Straight Pipe 36.0'
4" NPT Gate Valve 2.5'
9 -4" Ells 9 x 13 = 117.0
Total Equivalent Length= 156'
156' of 4'' Pipe @ 4.3' / 100 Ft. = 6.7 Ft.
Scale #4 of the System Syzer
can also be used in this
Line up the TEL, 156 feet, with 4.3 Ft head loss per 100 feet
TEL, then read about 6.7 feet of total head loss in the window.
Equipment Room Pressure Drop B to A = 17.5' for all the
components PLUS 6.7' for the piping of 24.2 feet at
design flow.
The rest of the system
The next step is to evaluate the pressure drop in each of the
three zones. One of those zones will have the highest pressure
drop at design flow. Adding that zone pressure drop to the
equipment room pressure drop will determine the pump
head required. But if the pump provides enough differential
across points A-B to satisfy the highest pressure drop zone,
it will, by definition, provide too much across the other two,
and they will see excess flow. In this example, Circuit Setter
balancing valves will be used to eliminate this excess flow in
the lower-pressure-drop zones. Other devices for achieving
flow balance certainly exist; their use is covered in other Bell
& Gossett publications.
Each zone has a modulating two-way valve on the coil return.
They are required in order to reduce coil flow, and therefore
heat transfer, at part load conditions. These valves must be
selected to:
a. Operate properly in order to adjust the system performance
to part load conditions
b. Aid in balancing the individual circuits to one another.
It will be necessary to calculate the zone pressure drop exclusive
of the control valves in order to accomplish this.
The pressure drop calculation for each zone is as follows. Use
your System Syzer
to verify each of these calculations.
ZONE 1 - 80 gpm from A to B
Coil 3.0 Ft.
Piping 3" @ 1.6' / I00 ft. (A-C) 80 gpm
Straight Pipe 257'
Fittings - 3''
2 - Tees - Branch Flow @ 9 18'
5 - 90º Ells @ 4.0 20'
Total 295' @ 1.6' / 100' 4.7 Ft.
Piping 4" @ 1.7' / 100 ft. (C -B) 170 gpm
Straight Pipe 10'
2 Tees - Branch Flow @ 12.0 24'
34' @ 1.8' / 100 Ft. 0.6 Ft.
Balance Valve (2½" Circuit Setter set to 0) 2.2 Ft.
A Circuit Setter slide rule is available to determine the actual
head loss in the valve at each setting. Initially, all these
balancing valves will be set at the zero index mark to provide
minimal pressure drop. Later, after the differences in pressure
drop among all the zones are determined, we can set two of
these balancing valves to provide resistance in the zones that
need it to prevent excess flow that would otherwise occur.
ZONE 1 - Pressure Drop (Less two-way valve) 10. 5 Ft.
ZONE 2 - 110 gpm from A to B
Coil 6.0 Ft.
Piping 4" @ 2.3' / 100 ft. (A-E) 200 G.PM
Straight Pipe 2'
2 Tees - Through Flow @ 5. 5 11'
13' @ 2.3' / 100 ft. 0.3 Ft.
Piping 3" @ 2. 8' /100 ft. (E-B) 110 gpm
Straight Pipe 149'
1 Tee - Through Flow @ 4.0 4'
1 Tee - Branch Flow @ 9.0 9'
4 - 90º Ells @ 4.0 16'
178' @ 2.8' /100 ft. = 5.0 Ft.
Balance Valve (2½" Circuit Setter set to 0) 4.0 Ft.
Zone 2 - Pressure drop (Less two-way valve) 15.3 Ft.
ZONE 3 - 90 gpm from A to B
Coil 5.0 Ft.
Piping 4" @ 2.2' / 100 ft. (A-E) 200 gpm
Straight Pipe 2.0'
1 Tee - Through Flow @ 5.5 5.5'
7.5' @ 2.3' / 100 ft. 0.2 Ft.
Piping 3" @ 2' / 100 ft. (E-C) 90 gpm
Straight Pipe 215'
2 Tees - Branch Flow @ 9.0 18'
5 - 90º Ells @ 4.0' 20'
253' @ 2.0' / 100 ft. 5.0 Ft.
Piping 4" @ 1.7' / 100 ft. (C-B) 170 gpm
Straight Pipe 10'
2 Tees - Branch Flow @ 12.0 24'
34’ @ 1.7' / 100 ft. 0.6 ft.
Balance Valve (2½" Circuit Setter set to 0) 2. 8 Ft.
Zone 3 pressure drop (Less two-way valve) 13.6 Ft.
Now that the pressure drop of each zone has been calculated,
the next step is to select the control valves for each zone. In
order to provide stable flow conditions, and good control
at part load, the control valves should be selected for initial
pressure drops at least equal to the coil pressure drop if
possible in order to minimize distortion of the valve’s inherent
flow-stem position characteristic. Select the control valve in
the circuit with the highest pressure drop first. Then select
the other valves to help balance their circuit pressure drop
to the first. The number and size of control valves available is
limited, so we should expect to find we must compromise in
selecting the best size.
Zone 2 has the highest pressure drop, 15.3 Ft. with its coil
pressure drop of 6'. We’ll attempt to find a valve with 12'
pressure drop at the required ow 110 gpm. Use scale #5
to calculate the desired Cv by aligning 12' and 110 gpm,
showing Cv=48.
Valves should generally not be sized for over 20' pressure
drop because of velocity and other problems. We will assume
the closest selection we can find is a 3" valve with Cv = 44.
What’s the actual pressure drop?
Align the Cv index at 44, find the design flow of 110 gpm and
see the actual head loss of 14.5'.
The pressure drop of Zone 2, including the valve, will then be
the 15.3' previously calculated PLUS 14.5' for the valve, for a
total of 29.8'.
Zone 1 has a pressure drop, exclusive of its control valve,
of 10.5', which means that we must try to select a valve for
the difference between 10.5 and 29.8' in order to balance
it to Zone 2. This difference is 19.3', close to the allowable
20' maximum pressure drop. A valve which provides 20'
resistance at 80 gpm would require a Cv = 27. The closest
selection available is a 2½" valve, Cv = 29, which has
a pressure drop of 17.6' at 80 gpm. Adding this to ‘the
calculated 10.5' pressure drop for the zone yields 27.8’ total
pressure drop.
Zone 3 requires a valve with a pressure drop of 16.2' (29.8 -
13.6) to balance it to Zone 2. The control valve must therefore
provide 16.2' of pressure drop at 90 gpm, requiring a Cv of
34. The closest selection available is found to be a 2½" valve,
Cv = 36. The pressure drop of this valve at 90 gpm flow is
The zone pressure drops, including control valves, are now as
Head Loss Head Loss Total Head
Coil, Pipe, Control Valve Loss (Feet)
Zone 1 10.5' 17.6' 28.1'
Zone 2 15.3' 14.5' 29.8'
Zone 3 13.6' 14.4' 28.0'
In order to balance Zone 1 to Zone 2, the Circuit Setter in Zone
1 will have to be set to provide 1.7' of additional resistance,
or a total of 3.9' after including the 2.2' (when its set at zero)
resistance already included in the zone pressure drop.
Bell & Gossett tools and publications are available to show
exactly how to adjust the Circuit Setters. A 2½" Circuit Setter
adjusted to an index mark of 9 will provide the required 3.9'
head loss at the 80 gpm flow.
Circuit Setter Slide Rule
Figure 30
Zone 3 requires 1.8' (29.8 - 28.0) to balance it to Zone 2.
Adding the 2.8' (when it’s set to zero) pressure drop already
included in the calculations requires a setting to provide 4.6'
total pressure drop. A 2½" Circuit Setter, when set at 8 will
provide this pressure drop at the 90 gpm zone flow.
All three zones are now in balance at their respective design
flows, with pressure drops corresponding to the Zone 2
pressure drop of 29.8'. Notice that the Circuit Setter in Zone 2
is still set “wide open”. There’s no point in adding resistance at
the balancing valve in Zone 2 because it’s already the highest
head loss zone. Remember, at the beginning of the process,
we didn’t know which of the zones would be the highest in
pressure drop, so we included a balancing valve in each zone.
The total system pressure drop is:
Equipment Room to A&B 24.2'
Zones, from A&B 29.8'
Total Pressure Drop 54.0'
A pump may now be selected for 280 gpm @ 54' head. In
this simple example, a constant rpm pump could be used.
As systems increase in size, and as energy costs increase,
variable speed pumps become more attractive. Those systems
would benefit from the application of “automatic flow
limiters”, and “pressure independent control valves”. These
more sophisticated valves automatically adapt to changes in
differential pressure as other control valves open and close,
and as the pump speed changes in response to those valves.
The design of variable speed systems is covered in other Bell
& Gossett publications.
Pump Selection
In the earlier example, booster pumps were used because
they are very simple, require few decisions, and illustrate the
basics very well. In larger systems, the designer must choose
among many larger pump types:
• In-line or base-mounted
• Single suction or double suction
• Close coupled or exibly coupled
It’s very common to use a base-mounted, flexibly coupled,
end suction pump for an application like the one in this
example, but there may be good reasons to use a different
type. A discussion of the benefits of other pump types can be
found in other Bell & Gossett publications.
ESP PLUS is a design tool available from your Bell &
Gossett representative. It helps guide you through the pump
selection process, assuming you have already completed the
system design, and you know the head and flow required.
The next figure shows the ESP PLUS entering screen.
ESP Plus Opening Window
Figure 31
Enter the system head and flow requirement and select the
Series 1510 end suction type pump, see Figure 32. The pump
discharge nozzle size is used to designate the pump size for
this type of pump. Letters following the nozzle size refer to
the largest impeller diameter and design modifications which
may have been applied to the original pump design.
Other types of pumps use different methods for
designating pump size.
Bell & Gossett Series 1510 End Suction Pump
Figure 32
ESP Plus Pump Summary
Figure 33
All of the pumps on this second screen are capable of
providing the system head and flow. They are ranked in
order of increasing cost, so a simple analysis would choose
the 2½AB pump—the least expensive alternative. But note
the little thumb-nail sketch of the pump’s performance. It
shows that this 3500 rpm pump is operating at the extreme
right end of the smallest diameter impeller. That’s a very poor
selection, even though its the lowest cost pump. A detailed
explanation of why its such a poor choice is available in other
Bell & Gossett publications, but briefly stated:
The 2½" pump would require a high rpm motor, possibly
adding to procurement lead time, and maybe generating
noise at the high rpm.
The smallest diameter impeller offers no room for
adjustment if the system’s head loss has been overstated.
“Trimming” an impeller is often a useful way to reduce
operating cost if the original selection is oversized for the
system. The minimum size impeller used in the 2½" AB
pump can’t be trimmed.
Any pump which operates at the extreme end of its curve
will probably be less efficient and will be more likely to
experience component failure compared to another pump
operating closer to the middle of its curve.
If this pump is such a poor choice, why did it appear on
the list?
Computer applications-as good as they are-can’t
replace the judgment of an experienced designer.
You must select the pump; and to help you do it, you
could re-rank the pumps in order of efficiency.
Re-Rank the Pump Candidates by Efficiency
Figure 34
The larger, and more expensive, 4GB pump is more efficient,
and is operating closer to the middle of its curve, but it is
equipped with an 1150 rpm motor. That motor may take
longer to procure, may be more difficult to replace in the
future. As an alternative, consider the smaller, less expensive
3BC. Its efficiency and point of operation are similar to the
4GB, but it uses a more readily available 1750 rpm motor. It
may be a better choice in terms of the total “life cycle cost
of owning the pump. Clicking on the “Generate Curve”
button will provide a lot more information to help you make
decisions about the pump.
Series 1510 3BC Pump Curve
Figure 35
The actual pump curve for the Series 1510, 3BC 1750
rpm pump being evaluated is in Figure 35. Bell & Gossett
plots pump curves strictly in accordance with the Hydraulic
Institute/ANSI standards for pump testing. The coordinates
are flow in gallons per minute versus head in feet. For a
pump, the vertical axis represents the amount of work the
pump applies to each pound of fluid, foot-lbs work per
pound of fluid. In a closed loop system, that work is used to
overcome the system friction loss, 54 feet, already calculated.
The largest impeller that Bell & Gossett will supply in this
pump has a diameter of 9.5". It’s also the most efficient,
about 80%, at a flow rate of about 500 gpm. Lines of constant
efficiency are usually plotted like the growth rings of a tree.
Note that this pump operating at the system design point,
280 gpm and 54 feet, would need only a 7.75" impeller. The
best efficiency that impeller is capable of achieving is 78%
at about 400 gpm. At the design point, efficiency is about
For pumps like this, the designer must also select a motor.
The motor horsepower is calculated by the formula:
Brake Horsepower = GPM x Feet of Head x SG
3960 x η
SG is the specific gravity of the fluid. For standard water, SG=1
is the efficiency of the pump at its operating point,
about 73.2%
Lines of constant horsepower--for this pump, 5, 7.5, 10,
and 15 HP-- are also drawn on the pump curve. These lines
represent all the combinations of head, flow and efficiency
that would require that much horsepower. For the example
system, the point of operation lies just a bit above the
5 hp line:
BHP = 280 gpm x 54 feet x 1
3960 X 0.732
BHP=5.2 hp
If we had selected the “Select Motor Using Duty Point” option
shown on the initial ESP Plus screen, then ESP Plus would
have recommended a 7.5 HP motor, the smallest standard
size motor that could provide 5.2 hp without operating in the
service factor of the motor. On that initial screen we selected
the option, “Use Non-Overloading Motors”. The pump curve
illustrates the effect of that choice. If the flow were to increase
above 280 gpm, the operating point would move to the right
on the impeller curve. The end of the impeller curve rises well
above the 5 HP line, but never above 7.5 hp.
Many designers choose to avoid relying on the service factor,
some motors don’t have one, and all designers should
hesitate to rely on the motor starter to prevent overload, so
they choose a larger, “non-overloading” motor. Thats the
choice we made in the initial ESP PLUS screen. This pump
would use a little more than 7 hp if it were to operate at the
far end of its curve. ESP PLUS would therefore recommend the
next size larger, and more expensive, 7.5 HP motor.
All of these, as well as many more details are provided by
ESP PLUS by clicking the “Pump Details” button.
Bell & Gossett Series 1510 3BC Operating Details
Figure 36
The System Curve
Earlier, we showed how the System Syzer
calculator can
be used to draw a system curve. ESP PLUS can do that with
the click of a button. On the ESP PLUS pump curve, click on
“Display System Curve”, then “Update Graph” to show the
pump and system curves together. The design point, 280
gpm and 54 feet of head, represent Q1 and h1. ESP Plus
generates a number of points and plots them on the
pump curve.
MBH/Flow/Δt relationship
ESP PLUS: Load, Flow and Delta Tee
Figure 39
In a previous design example, we used scale #1 to calculate
required flow for 1,100,00 BTUH at 12°Δt. The digital screen
shows the same calculation. Though 60°F water is still the
default value, this version has a fluids library with different
concentrations of propylene or ethylene glycol anti-freeze. It
also has an option to insert fluid properties to define a
new fluid.
Flow/Pressure drop/Pipe size/Velocity relationship
ESP PLUS: Flow, Pipe size, Friction Loss Rate
and Velocity
Figure 40
The 183 gpm calculated in the first screen automatically
transfers to the next. A 4" pipe carrying 183 gpm would
have acceptable friction loss rate and velocity, just as we saw
with the plastic slide rule. For some flow rates, more than
one pipe size will be acceptable in terms of friction loss rate
and velocity. An experienced designer will apply judgment
in choosing between these alternatives in order to improve
system balance, or reduce pump head requirements.
Other information like viscosity, Reynolds number, flow
regime and Darcy-Weisbach friction factor are shown in case
a designer wants to make a more detailed analysis of the
piping system.
Pump and Closed System Curve
Figure 37
Pumps in parallel
The real value of applications like ESP PLUS comes in
evaluating alternatives, for example, using two smaller
pumps in parallel. Using the same design point, select two
parallel pumps in the initial ESP PLUS screen. Two smaller
close-coupled, end suction pumps would perform as shown in
Figure 38. Note that ESP PLUS constructs the composite curve
representing the combined effect of both pumps running,
Turning off either pump shifts the operating point well to the
right on the remaining pump curve, increasing power and
NPSHR. The two-way control valves close at part load, reducing
flow, and increasing pump head, shifting the system curve
to the left. A parallel pump controller can sense any of these
effects, and automatically “destage” a pump at part load.
Since most hydronic systems operate at part load most of the
time, destaging can reduce energy costs significantly.
Parallel Pumps
Figure 38
Digital ESP PLUS
Just as ESP PLUS simplified and made pump selections easier
and faster, the digital version of the System Syzer
expands the use of the original plastic System Syzer
rule. The basic functions are identical:
Total Equivalent Length/Friction Loss Rate/ Total
Head LossESP PLUS: Total Equivalent length, Friction
Loss Rate and Total Head Loss
Figure 41
A 4" pipe carrying 183 gpm has a friction loss rate of 1.92 feet
of head loss per 100 feet of TEL. If the system is 1500 feet long.
The total head loss would be 28.8 feet.
Note: The System Syzer puts no limits on friction loss rate. The
designer must use judgment in selecting the pipe size for a
given value of flow in order to maintain the friction loss rate
within the usual limits of 0.85 to 4.5 feet of head loss per
100 feet of equivalent length.
System Curve/Cv/PSI to Feet of head conversion
ESP PLUS: System Curve, Cv
Figure 42
Using the values of head and flow developed in the
design analysis, the Cv and points on the system curve
can be calculated. Just as the plastic version allowed for
easy conversion between psi and feet of head using the
relationship of 2.31 feet of standard water equals 1 psi, the
digital version adjusts for changes in fluid properties giving a
more accurate result with different fluids.
Circuit Analysis
Flow Coefficient, Cv
The Cv of any component is defined as the flow in gpm that
would pass through the component at a differential pressure
of one psi. Mathematically:
Control valves are often chosen by calculating the desired Cv,
but any component’s performance in the system could be
described by its Cv. For example, a coil or a pipe, or even an
entire fixed piping system has a Cv; the flow in gpm at one psi
differential. The Cv can be displayed on Flow vs Pressure Drop
coordinates. The system curve discussed earlier is an example.
Graphical Definition of Cv
Figure 43
This relationship is more useful than it may appear to be.
Components in series
Take a set of components in series. The flow through all is the
same; the total pressure drop is the sum of the component
pressure drops. Each component pressure drop can be stated
in terms of its Cv:
Δp =
The total pressure drop through all components; a, b,
c, … is then:
Δp of the total =
The equivalent Cv of any number of things in series could be
written as:
Equivalent C
For two things with Cv1 and Cv2 in series:
Equivalent CV =
x C
+ C
This expression can be useful in describing why modulating
control valves must be selected for a substantial design
pressure drop.
[][] []
1 psid
Cv = 50
Control Valve Authority
Suppose a control valve manufacturer has built a two-way
modulating valve with a linear “inherent characteristic”. That
means the relationship between percentage of valve stem
position and percentage of full flow must be linear. The
manufacturer has controlled the shape of the valve plug and
seat in order to give the expected performance.
Linear Inherent Characteristic
Figure 44
He might have used a test stand like this to test the
completed valve.
Typical Valve Test
Figure 45
The water level in the tank remains at 2.3 feet to give a
constant one psi at the valve inlet. The pressure at the valve
outlet is 0 psi. The volume of water flowing for one minute
can be weighed to determine the gpm. By means of this test,
he could verify the characteristic, measuring flow at each
increment of valve stem position.
When the valve is installed in an actual system, there will be
some distortion of the inherent characteristic because of the
resistance of the other components which are in series with
the valve.
Equivalent CV =
x C
+ C
Assume that Cv1 represents all the fixed components of
the branch; things like pipes, elbows, and the coil. These
components cannot change their Cv because thay cannot
change their cross sectional area available for flow. Let Cv2
represent the Cv of the control valve. Unlike the other branch
components, the valve can change its flow area and Cv. The
equivalent Cv of the branch is determined by both the fixed
and the variable components, hence the distortion.
Other components in series with the valve were not present
during the test. Basic design data can be used to calculate
the equivalent Cv of the branch and show how low pressure
drop valves will result in greater distortion of the valve
Three different control valves will be used with a given coil to
show the effect of selecting a low, medium, or high pressure
drop valve.
If we consider just the two components, coil and valve, we can
calculate the equivalent Cv of the two things in series. Note
that the valve’s Cv changes as it closes from 100% to 0%, but
the coil Cv remains fixed. The coil can’t change its Cv because
it can’t change the cross-sectional area available for flow.
Flow in the coil-control valve combination does not change in
the linear manner we expected when we selected the linear
control valve.
Control valve pressure drop equal to coil pressure
drop. β = 0.5/1.0 = 0.5 (Curve B in Figure 46)
Valve Stem
Valve Cv Coil Cv Equivalent Cv
% %
0 0 30 0 0
10 3 30 2.98 14
20 6 30 5.88 28
30 9 30 8.62 41
40 12 30 11.14 53
50 15 30 13.41 64
60 18 30 15.43 74
70 21 30 17.20 82
80 24 30 18.74 89
90 27 30 20.07 95
100 30 30 21.00 100
Control valve pressure drop greater than coil pressure
drop. β = 0.9/1.0 = 0.9 (Curve C in Figure 46)
Valve Stem
Valve Cv Coil Cv Equivalent Cv
% %
0 0 30 0 0
10 1 30 0.99 10
20 2 30 1.99 21
30 3 30 2.98 31
40 4 30 3.96 42
50 5 30 4.93 52
60 6 30 5.88 62
70 7 30 6.81 72
80 8 30 7.72 81
90 9 30 8.62 91
100 10 30 9.48 100
Valve Stem
Valve Stem Position
Control valve pressure drop less than coil pressure
drop. β = 0.1/1.1 = 0.09 (Curve A in Figure 46)
Valve Stem Valve Cv Coil Cv Equivalent Cv Flow
% %
0 0 30 0 0
10 9 30 9.06 30
20 19 30 16.05 53
30 28 30 20.66 69
40 38 30 23.54 78
50 47 30 25.36 84
60 57 30 26.54 88
70 66 30 27.35 91
80 76 30 27.90 93
90 88 30 28.41 95
100 95 30 30.00 100
Effect of Branch Authority on Part Load Flow
Figure 46
The ratio of control valve pressure drop to branch pressure
drop is called the “branch authority”. The figure shows that
control valves selected for high pressure drop compared
to the pressure drop of the rest of the branch have better
authority, and less distortion of their inherent characteristic.
In the earlier design examples, control valves were selected
for appreciable pressure drop compared to the pressure drop
of the rest of the branch in order to minimize the distortion
of the valve’s inherent characteristic as well as to promote
“stable performance”. Lets see the effect of valve authority
on the stability of the system. The thermostatic temperature
control in a heating system has detected a room temperature
much higher than the thermostat setting. It sends a signal to
the control valve telling it to go to 50% valve stem position,
expecting that the branch flow will be reduced to 50% as
predicted by the inherent characteristic of the valve.
• Valve A, with poor authority, will allow much more than
50% flow resulting in greater than required heat transfer
and rising temperatures in the room. In time, the room
will be so hot the temperature control system will have
to restrict the flow severely. In effect, the valve tends to
operate more like an “ON/OFF”, or two position valve, rather
than a modulating valve as intended.
Flow Rate
A Low Control Valve p
B Medium Control Valve p
C High Control Valve p
D Inherent Characteristic
Valve Stem Position
• Valve B, with better authority, will provide better control
since it is operating closer to the inherent characteristic.
• Valve C may have too much pressure drop leading to high
total branch pressure drop and possibly valve cavitation:
the formation and collapse of vapor bubbles in the liquid
stream. Cavitation can result in early valve failure.
• Valve D represents an authority of 1.0. This can be achieved
by using specially constructed pressure independent
control valves, which use a little regulator system to
maintain a fixed pressure difference across the valve’s
control orifice.
Components in parallel
Any number of components in parallel will have the same
inlet pressure and the same outlet pressure. The pressure
drop will be the same for all, but the total flow will be
apportioned among them according to each branch’s Cv. The
branch with the largest Cv will get the greatest flow, but the
total flow through all branches will be the sum of all.
= C
Δp + C
Δp + C
Δp + . . .
Equivalent C
= C
+ C
+ C
+ . . .
This explains the importance of achieving hydronic balance
among all the circuits of a multi-circuit system. Consider
the system in Figure 47. The design point A, is 1100 gpm at
50 feet of head. The impeller must be trimmed to 11.625"
diameter to meet this point. The system curve 0-A represents
the desired balanced system, each branch receiving
design flow.
Pump Curve with Balanced and Unbalanced Systems
Figure 47
Now suppose that one or more of the circuits has a greater Cv,
or less resistance, at its design flow rate. Each of them will see
a greater flow than is required to provide design heat transfer.
System 0-B represents the unbalanced system. Even though
the impeller is the right diameter, the pump will provide
greater flow, and use more horsepower than required, point
C. Point B shows the pump is oversized, providing more than
the total flow required by all circuits. Each circuit will get more
flow than it requires, operating costs will rise with no increase
in occupant comfort. Point D represents an impeller thats
0.5 12
468102030406080100 200 300400 600 8001000 2000 3000 10000 40000 100000
Head Loss, ft/100 ft.
Volumetric Flow Rate, gpm
1 1/2"
1 1/4"
2 1/2"
Water 60ºF
Nominal Pipe Sizes
Schedule 40
Black Steel Pipe
too small in the unbalanced system. In this case, the pump
is still providing more than design flow, and that flow is not
proportionately divided among the branches.
In the design examples, Circuit Setter balancing valves
added just enough resistance in each of the lower pressure
drop circuits to make each branch Cv equal to that of the
highest pressure drop branch, the one used to select the
pump. Balance valves used in this way result in “proportional
balance” meaning that each branch will get its proper
proportion of the flow from the pump. If the pump is selected
properly, each branch will get exactly what it needs for design
heat transfer. If the pump is over or under sized, each branch
will get more or less than it needs, but all will see the same
proportion of over or under flow.
A. Pipe Friction Loss Nomogram
Find the design flow rate on the horizontal axis, proceed vertically to the intersection with the pipe size line. Read horizontally
to the left to find friction head loss, find velocity by interpolation between lines of constant velocity. Exampe: 70 gpm in a 2½"
Schedule 40 pipe will have a bit less than 4'/100 Ft. of length at a velocity of about 5 f/s.
90º El or Tee: Tee: Side Branch Flow 90º 45º
Nominal Flow Thru In or Out Miter Miter
Gate Globe Plug
Screw Cu or Weld Screw Cu or Weld Weld Weld All All All
½" 1 ½ 2 1 2½ ½ ½ 15 1
¾" 2 1 4 2 4 ¾ ½ 20 1½
1" 3 1½ 6 3 5 1 ¾ 25 2
1¼" 1¾ 7 6 1¼ 1 30
1½" 4 2 8 4 7½ 1½ 40 3
2" 5 10 5 10 2 50 4
2½" 6 3 12 6 12½ 2 80 5
3" 8 4 16 9 15 3 90 6
4" 12 20 4 3 110 8
5" 8 15 25 5 3½ 140 10
6" 9 18 30 6 4 170 12
8" 11 24 40 8 5 240 16
12" 18 36 60 12 8 320 24
* Applies to Side Branch Flow
1. Calculate friction loss from A to B given the following data:
a. Pipe Size is 3".
b. Flow is 130 GPM.
c. Measured length = 30'
d. Tee “A” is NPT with 3" run and 3"branch size.
2. Determine fitting equivalent length:
a. From the Table, a threaded 3" tee with side branch has
an equivalent length = 16'.
b. The equivalent length of the tee at “B” is not included
for this section.
3. Determine the Total Equivalent Length, TEL:
a. TEL = 30 + 16 = 46'
4. Use scale #2 of the System Syze to determine the friction
loss rate in a 3" pipe at 130 gpm, then scale #4 to nd
total head loss:
a. Scale 2: 3.8 ft/100 feet length
b. Scale 4: 2.2 ft head loss
C. Equivalent length of fittings
1. Calculate friction head loss from B to D given:
a. Pipe Size is 3".
b. Flow is 120 GPM.
c. Measured length B to D is 40'
d. This section includes two 3" elbows and one 3" thru
flow tee at point “B”.
2. Determine fitting equivalent length:
a. Two 3" elbows @ 8 each = 16
b. One 3" flow thru tee @ 4 = 4
3. Total Equivalent Length = 40' + 16' + 4' = 60'
4. Use scale 2 and 4 to determine the total head loss for
120 gpm in 3" pipe::
a. Scale 2: 3.3' ft/100 Ft.
b. Scale 4: 3.3'/100 Ft x 50' = 1.98 Feet
Xylem Inc.
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Morton Grove, Illinois 60053
Phone: (847) 966-3700
Fax: (847) 965-8379
Bell & Gossett is a trademark of Xylem Inc. or one of its subsidiaries.
© 2012 Xylem Inc. TEH-908A December 2012
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