Net-Worth Calculation Worksheet
An important step in gaining financial control is to calculate your net worth (assets - debts). Every year, your net worth
should be tabulated to review your progress and compare it with your financial goals. In addition, a net-worth statement is a
valuable aid in planning your estate and establishing a record for loan and insurance purposes.
Assets (What You Own)
Cash On Hand _____________________
Checking Account _____________________
Savings Accounts _____________________
Money Market Funds _____________________
Cash Value of Life Insurance _____________________
Other _____________________
Real Estate/Property:
Home _____________________
Land _____________________
Other _____________________
Investments: (Market Value)
Certificates of Deposit _____________________
Stocks _____________________
Bonds _____________________
Mutual Funds _____________________
Annuities _____________________
IRAs _____________________
401(k),403(b), 457 Plans _____________________
Pension Plan _____________________
Other _____________________
Personal Property: (Present Value)
Automobiles _____________________
Recreational Vehicle/Boat _____________________
Home Furnishings _____________________
Appliances and Furniture _____________________
Collections _____________________
Jewelry and Furs _____________________
Other _____________________
Total Assets _____________________
Total Assets Minus Total Liabilities = Net Worth
Liabilities (What You Owe)
Current Debts:
Household _____________________
Medical _____________________
Credit Cards _____________________
Department Store Cards _____________________
Back Taxes _____________________
Legal _____________________
Other _____________________
Home _____________________
Land _____________________
Other _____________________
Bank/Finance Company _____________________
Bank/Finance Company _____________________
Automobile _____________________
Recreational Vehicle/Boat _____________________
Education _____________________
Life Insurance _____________________
Personal (from family or friends) _____________________
Other _____________________
Total Liabilities _____________________