Sample Timeline
Applying to Graduate or Professional School
(Adapted from the Peterson’s Guide to Graduate Programs, 1996)
Six months prior to applying
Research areas of interest, institutions, and programs
Talk with advisors about application requirements
Register and prepare for graduate admissions exams
Gather information about scholarships
Obtain letters of recommendation (provide references with a copy of your resume
Three months prior to applying
Take required admissions exam(s)
Request application materials
Visit institutions of interest
Write essays and personal statements
Confirm application deadlines and admissions policies
For medical, dental, osteopathy, podiatry, or law school, applicants may need to
Fall, one year prior to matriculation
Obtain letters of recommendation
Take graduate admissions exams
Send completed applications
Obtain a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and Financial Aid
Profile, if necessary
Spring, before matriculating in Fall
Confirm with institutions that file is complete
Visit institutions that offer admission
Send deposit to institution of choice
Notify other institutions of your decision to attend school elsewhere so they can
Send follow-up letters to people who wrote recommendation letters to inform