Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship Program (MMUF)
Faculty Mentor Letter of Recommendation Form
Please complete the first section and provide this form to your faculty mentor.
You have been asked to write a letter of recommendation for ___________________________________, who
is applying for the Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship Program.
The student named above (check one):
has agreed to waive access to this letter of recommendation as provided by FERPA.
has not agreed to waive access to this letter of recommendation as provided by FERPA.
Faculty Mentor:
Information for the MMUF Letter of Recommendation
The primary objective of the Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship program, funded by the Andrew W.
Mellon Foundation, is to diversity the professoriate by increasing the number of faculty from
underrepresented groups and also to support those with a demonstrated commitment to eradicating racial
disparities in higher education. The UCLA MMUF program is designed for students in Mellon-designated
humanities and social science fields who wish to pursue a PhD and a career in the academy. More information
about the program may be found at:
MMUF is a 2-year program, beginning winter quarter of the junior year. Fellows are expected to engage in
research with a faculty mentor during the academic year (through 99, 199, or 198 research courses) and to
complete a senior thesis project. The MMUF program also includes summer research opportunities and
graduate school preparation.
In your letter of support, please:
Confirm that the student has informed you as to whether he/she does or does not waive access to this
Confirm that you have agreed to mentor this MMUF applicant
Address the student’s research skills and ability to complete a comprehensive research project
The letter may be addressed to Dr. Adriana Galván, Dean of Undergraduate Education. Please send your letter
of recommendation no later than November 15 to: [email protected].edu.
Thank you for your support of undergraduate research.