Kisses of Death in the Graduate School Application Process
Drew C. Appleby Karen M. Appleby
Indiana University–Purdue University Indianapolis Idaho State University
A survey of psychology graduate admissions committee chairs re
vealed 5 categories of mistakes applicants make that diminish their
probability of acceptance. We discuss 3 strategies that psychology
departments can use to decrease the likelihood that students will
commit these mistakes in their graduate school applications and
provide suggestions that will help students avoid these mistakes.
The ideal student, seen through the eyes of graduate faculty, is
gifted and creative, very bright and extremely motivated to
learn, perfectly suited to the program, eager to actively pursue
the lines of inquiry valued by the faculty, pleasant, responsi
ble, and devoid of serious personal problems.
—Keith-Spiegel & Wiederman (2000, p. 32)
This statement indicates that applicants must convey
these impressions to graduate school admissions committees
throughout the application process to gain acceptance into
graduate programs. Numerous authors have offered advice to
undergraduate psychology majors about gaining admission to
graduate programs during the past decade (Appleby, 2003a;
Buskist & Sherburne, 1996; Keith-Spiegel & Wiederman,
2000; Kinder & Walfish, 2001; Kuther, 2003, 2004;
Landrum & Davis, 2003; Lloyd, 2001; Morgan & Korschgen,
2005; Peterson’s, 2001; Sayette, Mayne, & Norcross, 2004;
Taylor-Cooke & Appleby, 2002). Despite this wealth of valu
able information, few authors advise students about what
they should not do when applying to graduate school. When
authors do offer this advice, few support it with data.
We surveyed chairs of graduate school admissions com
mittees in psychology about the characteristics of graduate
school candidates that decrease their chances for acceptance
(i.e., kisses of death [KODs]). Our data provide faculty who
mentor, advise, and teach psychology majors with strategies
to enable their students to avoid KODs when they apply to
graduate school.
We mailed a letter addressed to the Chair of the Graduate
Admissions Committee to each of the 457 psychology gradu
ate programs listed in the American Psychological Associa
tion’s (2001) Graduate Study in Psychology 2001. The letter
explained the purpose of the study and asked participants to
provide “one or two examples of kisses of death you have en
countered during your career.” We defined KODs in the letter
as “aberrant types of information that cause graduate admis
sions committees to reject otherwise strong applicants.”
Data Analysis
Eighty-eight of the 457 chairs (19%) returned their sur
veys, and these responses yielded 156 examples of KODs.
This relatively low response rate is common in qualitative re
search that uses open-ended questions because, although this
type of question gives respondents freedom to “expand on
ideas,” it often “requires more time to answer than closed
questions” (Thomas & Nelson, 2001, p. 263). We qualita
tively analyzed the 156 examples of KODs according to the
following procedures (Miles & Huberman, 1994; Patton,
1990). First, we independently inductively analyzed each ex
ample (McCracken, 1988). This approach required us to
consider each response individually and to identify its central
theme (poorly written application, harmful letter of recom-
mendation, or lack of interest in research). Second, we inde-
pendently grouped these inductive findings into categories,
or “words, phrases, sentences, or whole paragraphs, con-
nected … to a specific setting” (Miles & Huberman, 1994, p.
56), that described broad situations in which several similar
KODs occurred (e.g., we placed an example identified as an
inappropriate letter of recommendation author under the
major heading for harmful letters of recommendation).
Third, we conducted “analyst triangulation” (Patton, 1990,
p. 468) by comparing our findings from Step 1 and our cate-
gories from Step 2. This procedure yielded a set of themes
that were both internally consistent (i.e., all categories con
tained numerous similar responses) and externally represen
tative of broad examples of KODs (Patton, 1990).
We identified the following five major KOD categories:
(a) damaging personal statements, (b) harmful letters of rec
ommendation, (c) lack of program information, (d) poor
writing skills, and (e) misfired attempts to impress. We subse
quently describe these categories in descending order of fre
quency accompanied by illuminating examples.
Damaging Personal Statements
The personal statement section of a graduate school appli
cation is an opportunity to inform an admissions committee
about personal and professional development, academic
background and objectives, research and field experiences,
and career goals and plans (Keith-Spiegel & Wiederman,
2000). We found 53 responses related to damaging personal
Vol. 33, No. 1, 2006 19
statements, which we sorted into four subcategories: personal
mental health, excessive altruism, excessive self-disclosure,
and professional inappropriateness.
Personal mental health. The discussion of a personal
mental health problem is likely to decrease an applicant’s
chances of acceptance into a program. Examples of this par
ticular KOD in a personal statement included comments such
as “showing evidence of untreated mental illness,” “emotional
instability,” and seeking graduate training “to better under
stand one’s own problems or problems in one’s family.” More
specifically, one respondent stated that a KOD may occur
“when students highlight how they were drawn to graduate
study because of significant personal problems or trauma.
Graduate school is an academic/career path, not a personal
treatment or intervention for problems.”
Excessive altruism. Several respondents described per
sonal statements that expressed excessively altruistic profes
sional goals as KODs. Admissions committees are not im
pressed by statements such as “I want to help all people,” “I’m
destined to save the world,” or “I think I am a strong candidate
for your program because people have always come to me with
their problems; I am viewed as a warm, empathetic, and caring
person.” One respondent offered the following advice: “Ev
erybody wants to help people. That’s assumed. Don’t say the
reason you want to go into clinical psychology is to help peo-
ple.” Thus, a personal statement should focus on the student’s
professional activities such as research interests and pursuits,
academic strengths, and professional experiences rather than
on purely personal characteristics and motives. It is better to
allow letter of recommendation authors to describe strong
personal qualities than to include them as self-perceptions in
a personal statement.
Excessive self-disclosure. Promiscuous self-disclosure
characterized another KOD in personal statements. An ex-
ample of such disclosure was “a long saga about how the stu
dent had finished [school] over incredible odds. Much better
to have a reference allude to this.” However, one committee
chair noted that graduate admissions committees do not al
ways view this type of information negatively if an applicant
has written it in a professional manner that is appropriate for
the context of a formal application.
The applicant mentions in the personal statement that he/
she decided to pursue a career in clinical psychology due to
personal family experience with psychopathology. This isn’t
always a kiss of death, but a sensitive area such as this should
be communicated carefully. If the applicant is “spilling”
overly personal information in a written statement, I often
view this as a “worry sign” or an indication of poor interper
sonal boundaries.
Professionally inappropriate. A final example of a KOD
that can occur in a personal statement is any professionally in
appropriate information that does not match the context of
the application. One applicant admitted to feeling “a thrill of
excitement every time he/she steps into a morgue.” Another
wrote “a 10-page narrative of herself as Dorothy on the yel
low-brick road to graduate school.” A third indicated that he
or she “had performed (acted?) in pornographic movies,
which was not well received by the admissions department in
consideration for acceptance into graduate school.” Other
types of professionally unsuitable content include using ex
cessive or inappropriate humor, “cutesy/clever stuff,” and ex
cessively religious references (e.g., “I am a gifted therapist nat
urally. God has given me natural talents that make me a very
good clinician. This was recently demonstrated when I helped
my devil-worshipping brother go on the right path, God’s
path.”). As one respondent noted, “Being religious is OK, but
it has little relevance to research or psychology graduate
Harmful Letters of Recommendation
A total of 45 KOD examples centered on letters of recom
mendation. The two most harmful aspects of these docu
ments centered on undesirable applicant characteristics and
letters from inappropriate sources.
Undesirable applicant characteristics. To excel in grad
uate school, a student must possess fundamentally positive per
sonal characteristics such as intelligence, motivation, responsi
bility, and agreeableness (Keith-Spiegel & Wiederman, 2000).
Therefore, any letter of recommendation suggesting that a stu-
dent does not possess these qualities can be a KOD. Statements
such as “arrogant, not a team player, and self-centered”; “unre-
liable, manipulative, and immature”; “strong will and imposing
character”; “does not like research”; and “scattered and needs
some direction” are detrimental to a student’s acceptance
chances. One respondent noted that a KOD can occur if the
letter included “a lack of superlatives. The student has to rise
above competency.” Finally, a personality characteristic
deemed vital for a graduate student was the ability to work in-
dependently. For example, a KOD may occur if
The letter of recommendation somehow suggested that the
applicant has trouble working independently and is not
clearly intrinsically motivated. Then that person would be at a
serious disadvantage. Admissions committees believe that
graduate school is a challenging and demanding experience.
Successful applicants must have the motivation to succeed
and the perseverance to carry through even when obstacles
are encountered.
Inappropriate sources. Applicants should choose their
letter of recommendation authors carefully. “Letters of rec
ommendation should be from professors or other individuals
who have been involved in the student’s education and re
search activities they should NOT be from relatives or em
ployees.” Participants suggested that “letters of recommenda
tion from odd sources such as ministers or family friends and
letters of recommendation from faculty members who did not
know the applicant well” are KODs. Other inappropriate—
and therefore damaging—authors included “therapists,”
“travel agents,” “parents,” “boyfriend[s] or girlfriend[s],”
“family friends,” and “the applicant.” Letters of recommenda
tion should come from people who can truthfully describe the
applicant’s work habits and potential as a graduate student
(Buskist & Sherburne, 1996).
20 Teaching of Psychology
Lack of Information About the Program
A total of 22 KOD examples identified applicants’ lack of
knowledge about the program to which they were applying.
These examples included not researching the general focus of
the program and not exploring how the applicant’s research
interests fit the focus of the program.
Program focus. Advisors cannot overemphasize the im
portance of researching the focus of the programs to which
their students apply. For example, KODs occur when appli
cants “demonstrate no clue regarding what the foci of the pro
gram are” or “haven’t bothered to see what kind of work is
done in our program.” Studying the current research interests
of graduate faculty at schools to which they apply is also cru
cial. One respondent advised, “applicants should do some
background reading on the faculty, read their publications,
and be able to say how their research interests and career goals
fit with Dr. X.” Another respondent supported this point with
the following statement:
Students who express an interest in research activity that does
not correspond to the research interests of our faculty are not
likely to be admitted. This is especially true if the student ap
pears set on doing research in his or her area of interest.
This idea was further supported by another respondent,
who stated that a KOD occurs when “students note that they
wish to work with a specific faculty member who has retired,
died, or relocated.”
Fit into the program. A crucial aspect of researching a
graduate program involves applicants’ comparison of their re-
search interests with the research activities of a program’s fac-
ulty. The importance of applicant–program fit is crucial for
both the professor and the student to receive maximum pro-
fessional gains from the relationship (Buskist & Sherburne,
1996). One participant noted
I’m very attentive to whether a student’s interest matches our
training. I expect a statement of personal interest that displays a
convincing, compelling desire for what we have to offer from its
start to finish. It’s a kiss of death when I read a personal essay
that describes an applicant’s life-long goal of serving human
kind and has a paragraph tacked on to the end that “personal
izes” the essay for the particular school to which it was sent.
Another participant noted that students must “do home
work on each program. Statements from applicants that state
the program is just perfect for them, without evidence they
know much about the program other than its specialty name”
are KODs.
Completing an application for graduate school is much
like writing a manuscript. The application must include ap
propriate content, but it must also be cohesive, organized,
concise, written skillfully, and proofread thoroughly (Buskist
& Sherburne, 1996). A total of 21 KOD examples pertained
to poorly written applications, which we divided into two ma
jor subcategories: spelling and grammatical errors and poorly
written applications.
Spelling and grammatical errors. According to several
respondents, spelling and grammatical errors found anywhere
in the application are an immediate KOD. Comments such as
“writing that abuses the rules of grammar,” “misspellings,”
and “letters that display grammar and punctuation errors” all
point to the importance of proofreading materials included in
an application packet. Another respondent elaborated on this
point by saying, “It is not so much the student’s lack of writing
ability, but rather the carelessness of sending such sloppy work
to an admissions committee that bodes ill.”
Poorly written application materials. Poorly written
material or material weak in content is another KOD. Stu
dents should write their personal statements concisely, but in
enough detail to reflect their research, educational, and pro
fessional goals clearly. One respondent stated that a KOD oc
curs when he or she reads “overly long and detailed state
ments of purpose that are poorly edited.” Overall structure is
also important because a statement of purpose is a chance to
demonstrate strong writing skills, a crucial characteristic of
successful graduate students. One respondent succinctly
stated that a KOD exists in applications that “lack structure.
People who want to get their doctorate should already know
how to write.”
Misfired Attempts to Impress
The final KOD category included six examples of students’
misfired attempts to impress admissions committees. Appli-
cants should assiduously avoid the following failed efforts to
make a positive impression on admissions committees.
Admissions committees do not respond favorably to appli-
cants who attempt to impress them by being critical of their
undergraduate programs or offering unsupported praise for
the graduate program to which they are applying. For exam
ple, one applicant said “My undergraduate program was re
ally bad because of x, y, and z. I didn’t really learn anything, so
I’m applying to your program so that I will actually learn
something.” One participant mentioned, “the candidate will
give a very bad impression if he/she blames others for his/her
poor academic record. Example: Faculty here at X university
were unwilling to help me succeed in this course.” Another
respondent cited a similar KOD when he or she suggested
that, “statements in the personal statement that are openly
and overly critical of one’s undergraduate institution or qual
ity of preparation are [a kiss of death].”
Attempting to impress admissions committees by name
dropping influential practitioners of psychology or other well-
known public officials may be an unsuccessful strategy to gain
admission to graduate school. For example, statements of
purpose that “elaborate on [the applicant’s] family’s work
history in the area of psychology or mental health and/or
namedrop some recognized practitioner without any substan
tive evidence of having a real connection” are often a KOD.
Another example included obtaining letters of recommenda
tion from political sources who may be influential within gov
Vol. 33, No. 1, 2006 21
ernment agencies, but who are inappropriate candidates to
recommend the applicant for graduate study in psychology.
For example, one KOD occurred when
an applicant included a letter of recommendation from a state
senator who was a friend of the family and only knew the ap
plicant as a child and adolescent. The letter said little about
the applicant and described the senator’s powerful role in
overseeing the funding of higher education in the state.
Discussion and Recommendations
Although the KODs identified in this study reflect unwise
choices on the part of applicants, we believe many of these
KODs resulted more from a lack of appropriate advising and
mentoring than from a lack of applicants’ intelligence. Unless
undergraduate psychology programs provide appropriate ad
vising and mentoring opportunities, their majors are likely to
commit many of these KODs because of a lack of exposure to
information that would otherwise enable them to understand
the graduate school culture, the requirements of the graduate
school application process, and the exact nature of some of its
components. For example, an unmentored psychology major
may interpret a personal statement at face value by perceiv
ing it as an opportunity to share personal (i.e., private) infor
mation with the members of a graduate admissions
committee. Unless applicants know that a personal state-
ment should address issues such as research interests and per-
ceived fit with a program, they may misinterpret its purpose
and write personal statements that inadvertently doom their
applications. Similarly, an unmentored student may interpret
a letter of recommendation as a request for information from
a person who knows her or him well and can vouch for her or
his admirable traits and strong values (e.g., a family member
or a member of the clergy).
We believe undergraduate psychology programs can pre-
pare their students to construct successful graduate school
applications that do not contain KODs in the following three
ways: (a) mentoring, (b) academic advising, and (c) teaching
classes designed to prepare students for their lives after un
dergraduate school. Keith-Spiegel and Wiederman (2000)
defined a mentor as “an established professional in the stu
dent’s general study area who facilitates the student’s under
graduate accomplishments and the path to graduate school”
(p. 67). Although some departments may have official
mentoring programs, most mentor–protégé relationships are
likely to develop when students participate in research con
ducted by faculty. Departments can help their students un
derstand the importance of research participation in the
graduate school selection process by sponsoring informal so
cial gatherings for undergraduates to talk with graduate stu
dents (Appleby, 2000b). Likewise, departments can promote
mentoring by engaging in community-building strategies that
encourage closer relationships among students and faculty
(Appleby, 2000a). Effective mentoring of undergraduate stu
dents can help them attain the research and classroom expe
riences that facilitate strong letters of recommendation,
compelling personal statements, and proficient writing skills.
These experiences can help students avoid KODs in their
graduate applications.
Academic advising is a second strategy that departments
can use to help their undergraduates avoid KODs. Ware et
al. (1993) described the role of advisers in preparing their
advisees for their postbaccalaureate educational aspirations:
Advisers may encourage students to seek a match between
personal characteristics (e.g., values, interests, skills, etc.) and
characteristics of the graduate program. Additional advising
tasks include establishing a realistic time line, preparing appli
cations (including a goals statement), taking the Graduate
Record Examination (or other standardized test), and select
ing faculty to write letters of recommendation. (p. 58)
This process, known as developmental advising (Crookston,
1972), reflects the conscious effort of advisors to help
advisees understand how their undergraduate program can
help them develop into the people they wish to become
(Appleby, 2002). Unfortunately, this type of time-
consuming, one-on-one advising may not be available to all
psychology majors because many departments lack the hu
man resources to provide it.
The third strategy to help students avoid KODs is to pro
vide them with a class that familiarizes them with the nature
of graduate education and the graduate application process.
Oles and Cooper (1988) described a class titled Professional
Seminar that allowed “one faculty member, together with
volunteer help, to provide 150 students with 13–14 hours of
academic advising each semester for a total of 1400 contact
hours” (p. 63). Although the primary focus of this class was to
familiarize students with their program’s faculty, curriculum,
and research opportunities, it also included information
about graduate school and required its enrollees to write a pa-
per that included “their plans for graduate school” (p. 62).
Classes of this nature have increased in the 17 years since
Oles and Cooper described their pioneering seminar. Now
34.2% of psychology departments that answered a survey
about this type of class reported offering one (Landrum,
Shoemaker, & Davis, 2003).
The purpose of these classes is to provide students with
academic and career advising information that may other
wise be unavailable, overlooked, or ignored. When taught
well and taken seriously, these classes provide students with
the guidance and encouragement they need to identify their
career goals and understand how they can use their under
graduate curricular and extracurricular opportunities to ac
complish these goals (Appleby, 2003b). When Landrum et
al. (2003) asked departments that offered such a class how
important it was for enrollees to gain knowledge about 33
issues typically taught in these classes, the ratings (on a 0 to
3 scale, with 3 being extremely important) were 2.50 for
“know the information needed to apply to graduate pro
grams,” 2.30 for “know how to apply to graduate school,”
and 2.11 for “know the value of letters of recommendation”
(p. 49). Students who possess this type of knowledge are
much less likely to commit KODs than their peers who are
unaware of this information.
Not all psychology departments possess the resources to
offer their students a full range of mentoring, advising, and
academic opportunities designed to prevent them from com
mitting KODs in the graduate school application process.
However, we believe that most departments can provide at
22 Teaching of Psychology
least a subset of these types of support. To facilitate these
ends, we provide a condensed, student-friendly version of the
results of our study in Table 1. We encourage faculty to use
this as a handout they can distribute to their students who
display an interest in graduate school.
American Psychological Association. (2001). Graduate study in psy
chology 2001. Washington, DC: Author.
Appleby, D. C. (2000a, November). Academic community building.
Monitor on Psychology, 31, 37–41.
Appleby, D. C. (2000b, May/June). Facilitating undergraduate–
graduate student communication: “Family” meals. American Psy
chological Society Observer, pp. 27, 29.
Appleby, D. C. (2002). The teaching–advising connection. In S. F.
Davis & W. Buskist (Eds.), The teaching of psychology: Essays in
honor of Wilbert J. McKeachie and Charles L. Brewer (pp. 121–139).
Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
Appleby, D. C. (2003a). The savvy psychology major. Dubuque, IA:
Appleby, D. C. (2003b, August). Transforming psychology majors
into book authors at IUPUI. In B. T. Loher (Chair), Overview of
orientation and career planning courses in psychology. Symposium
conducted at the annual meeting of the American Psychological
Association, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Buskist, W., & Sherburne, T. R. (1996). Preparing for graduate study
in psychology: 101 questions and answers. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
Crookston, B. B. (1972). A developmental view of academic advis
ing as teaching. Journal of College Student Personnel, 13, 12–17.
Keith-Spiegel, P., & Wiederman, M. W. (2000). The complete guide
to graduate school admission: Psychology, counseling, and related pro
fessions. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
Kinder, B. N., & Walfish, S. (2001). Perspectives on applying to
graduate school. In S. Walfish & A. K. Hess (Eds.), Succeeding in
graduate school (pp. 61–73). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum As
sociates, Inc.
Kuther, T. L. (2003). The psychology major’s handbook. Belmont, CA:
Kuther, T. L. (2004). Graduate study in psychology: Your guide to suc
cess. Springfield, IL: Thomas.
Landrum, R. E., & Davis, S. F. (2003). The psychology major: Career
options and strategies for success (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ:
Prentice Hall.
Landrum, R. E., Shoemaker, C. S., & Davis, S. F. (2003). Important
topics in an introduction to the psychology major course. Teaching
of Psychology, 30, 48–51.
Lloyd, M. (2001). Graduate school: The application process. Retrieved
November 26, 2004, from
McCracken, G. (1988). The long interview. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
Vol. 33, No. 1, 2006 23
Table 1. How to Avoid the Kisses of Death in the Graduate School Application Process
Personal statements
Avoid references to your mental health. Such statements could create the impression you may be unable to function as a successful
graduate student.
Avoid making excessively altruistic statements. Graduate faculty could interpret these statements to mean you believe a strong need to
help others is more important to your success in graduate school than a desire to perform research and engage in other academic and
professional activities.
Avoid providing excessively self-revealing information. Faculty may interpret such information as a sign you are unaware of the value of
interpersonal or professional boundaries in sensitive areas.
Avoid inappropriate humor, attempts to appear cute or clever, and references to God or religious issues when these issues are unrelated
to the program to which you are applying. Admissions committee members may interpret this type of information to mean you lack
awareness of the formal nature of the application process or the culture of graduate school.
Avoid letters of recommendation from people who do not know you well, whose portrayals of your characteristics may not objective (e.g.,
a relative), or who are unable to base their descriptions in an academic context (e.g., your minister). Letters from these authors can give
the impression you are unable or unwilling to solicit letters from individuals whose depictions are accurate, objective, or professionally
Avoid letter of recommendation authors who will provide unflattering descriptions of your personal or academic characteristics. These
descriptions provide a clear warning that you are not suited for graduate study. Choose your letter of recommendation authors carefully.
Do not simply ask potential authors if they are willing to write you a letter of recommendation; ask them if they are able to write you a
strong letter of recommendation. This question will allow them to decline your request diplomatically if they believe their letter may be
more harmful than helpful.
Lack of information about the program
Avoid statements that reflect a generic approach to the application process or an unfamiliarity with the program to which you are applying.
These statements signal you have not made an honest effort to learn about the program from which you are saying you want to earn your
graduate degree.
Avoid statements that indicate you and the target program are a perfect fit if these statements are not corroborated with specific evidence
that supports your assertion (e.g., your research interests are similar to those of the program’s faculty). Graduate faculty can interpret a
lack of this evidence as a sign that you and the program to which you are applying are not a good match.
Poor writing skills
Avoid any type of spelling or grammatical errors in your application. These errors are an unmistakable warning of substandard writing
skills, a refusal to proofread your work, or willingness to submit careless written work.
Avoid writing in an unclear, disorganized, or unconvincing manner that does not provide your readers with a coherent picture of your
research, educational, and professional goals. A crucial part of your graduate training will be writing; do not communicate your inability to
write to those you hope will be evaluating your writing in the future.
Misfired attempts to impress
Avoid attempts to impress the members of a graduate admissions committee with information they may interpret as insincere flattery (e.g.,
referring to the target program in an excessively complimentary manner) or inappropriate (e.g., name dropping or blaming others for poor
academic performance). Graduate admissions committees are composed of intelligent people; do not use your application as an
opportunity to insult their intelligence.
Miles, M. B., & Huberman, A. M. (1994). Qualitative data analysis:
An expanded sourcebook (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Morgan, B. L., & Korschgen, A. J. (2005). Majoring in psych?: Options
for psychology undergraduates (3rd ed.). Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
Oles, H. J., & Cooper, R. G., Jr. (1988). The professional seminar: A
new method for student advisement. In P. J. Woods (Ed.), Is psy
chology the major for them? (pp. 61–63). Washington, DC: Ameri
can Psychological Association.
Patton, M. Q. (1990). Qualitative evaluation and research methods
(2nd ed.). Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
Peterson’s. (2001). Graduate programs in psychology 2002.
Lawrenceville, NJ: Author.
Sayette, M. A., Mayne, T. J., & Norcross, J. C. (2004). Insider’s guide
to graduate programs in clinical & counseling psychology: 2004/2005
edition. New York: Guilford.
Taylor-Cooke, P., & Appleby, D. C. (2002). The graduate school applica
tion process. Retrieved January 9, 2005, from http://www.psynt.iupui.
Thomas, J. R., & Nelson, J. K. (2001). Research methods in physical ac
tivity (4th ed.). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
Ware, M. E., Busch-Rossnagel, N. A., Crider, A. B., Gray-Shellberg,
L., Hale, K., Lloyd, M. A., Rivera-Medina, E., & Sgro, J. A. (1993).
Developing and improving advising: Challenges to prepare stu
dents for life. In T. V. McGovern (Ed.), Handbook for enhancing
undergraduate education in psychology (pp. 47–70). Washington,
DC: American Psychological Association.
1. We thank Becky May for her help during the data collection pro
cess and three anonymous reviewers for their helpful suggestions.
2. Send correspondence to Drew C. Appleby, Department of Psy
chology, Indiana University–Purdue University Indianapolis,
402 North Blackford Street, Indianapolis, IN 46202–3275; e-
24 Teaching of Psychology