Sample Interspousal Transfer Deed
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Customizable interspousal deed form at
Assessor’s Parcel No. (APN):
[Assessor’s Parcel Number]
Documentary Transfer Tax: $__[1]___________
If exempt, enter R&T code: __[2]_____________
n: ___[3]_______________________
_ Signature __________________________
Signature of Declarant or Agent determining tax
Declaration of Exemption From Gov’t Code § 27388.1 Fee
Transfer is exempt from fee per GC § 27388.1(a)(2):
recorded concurrently “in connection with” transfer subject to
Documentary Transfer Tax
recorded concurrently “in connection with” a transfer of
residential dwelling to an owner-occupier
Transfer is exempt from fee per GC 27388.1(a)(1):
Fee cap of $225.00 reached Not related to real property
There is no consideration for this transfer.
This is an Interspousal Transfer and not a change in
ownership under Section 63 of the Revenue and Taxation Code. Grantee has checked the applicable
From joint tenancy to community property;
From one spouse to both spouses;
From one spouse to the other spouse;
From both spouses to one spouse;
Check when creating separate property interest in grantee spouse: It is the express intent of the
grantor, being the spouse of the grantee, to convey all right, title and interest of the grantor,
community or otherwise, in and to the herein described property to the grantee as his/her sole
[name of spouses/DPs giving up rights] hereby grant(s) to GRANTEE [name of
spouses/DPs receiving rights]
the following real property in the City of [city name or
Unincorporated area],
County of [county name] , California: (insert legal description)
Find this on the
current deed.
Lot 14 of Blackacre
Addition to the City
of Sacramento, as
___________ ____________________________
delineated on the
map of said
January 30, 1965,
in Book 625, Page
___________________________________r: _________________________________
[Enter legal description as written on most recent deed.
If you prefer, type (or photocopy) the description on a
separate page labeled “Exhibit A,” attach it, and enter
“See Exhibit A” in this space].
Date: [date of signature]
clusion from reappraisal:
(Signature of declarant)
[Typed or written name]
(Print name)
Sign in front of notary.
And whe
n recorded, mail this deed and tax
s to
(name and address):
me(s) of owner(s)]
ng address of owner(s)]
ng Address City, State, ZI
Line 3-4: If you are paying $0, explain why. Otherwise leave blank.
Signature: You (or your agent if any) sign the last line.
Line 1: enter the amount of Doc. Transfer Tax due, or $0 if exempt.!
Line 2: If you are paying $0, put the Cal. Rev. & Tax code!
exempting you in the 2nd line. Otherwise leave blank.
Filling out Documentary Transfer Tax box:
1/1/2018: In addition to standard fees, a
new $75 fee is
charged for recording
documents. Leave this blank unless you
qualify for an exemption. See back of
sheet for more info.
ecording requested by (name):
ame(s) of owner(s)]
Find this
on the
current deed.
Check the appropriate box. If the community or
one spouse/DP is giving up all rights to the other
spouse/DP, also check the last box to indicate
deliberate waiver of community property rights. Sample Interspousal Transfer Deed
>>Home >>Legal Forms
Customizable interspousal deed form at
1. Sign in the Documentary Transfer Tax Box (top right).
2. Grantor(s) sign the deed in front of a notary public.
3. Fill out the Preliminary Change of Ownership Report (PCOR). This form is required by the
Assessor's Office. You can download a copy for Sacramento at
Each county has its own form; contact the assessor in the county where the property is
4. Record the deed and submit the PCOR at the Recorder’s Office in the county where the
property is located. If you attached the property description (instead of typing it out), be sure to
include the attachment when you record the Interspousal Transfer Deed.
5. Fees: There are two fees: a filing fee (currently $20/first page plus $3/additional page in
Sacramento) and a $75 Building Homes and Jobs Act fee. Current Sacramento fees are
available at the Sacramento County Recorder'
s website at
You may qualify for an exemption from the $75 Building Homes and Jobs Act fee if you
are currently a resident in the property. For more information, visit the California Land Title
Association’s information page at If you do qualify, be
sure to complete the box on page one, or you will be charged.
For more information about making real estate transfers official, see the "Completing and
Recording Deeds" guide available on our website at (also in
Spanish at “Completar y registrar escritura,”
Sacramento County Clerk-Recorder's Office:
Sacramento County Assessor's Office:
Sacramento County Public Law Library
609 9th Street, Sacramento, CA 95814