Branch Name: ……………………………. Branch Code: …………
SB A/C No.: ……………………………. Category: Def/Central/Rail/Telecom/State
I. Life Certificate
Certified that I have seen the Pensioner …………………………………………………………...
…………………………………….. holder of Pension Payment Order No. ………..……………. and A/c No. ……………...………. and
that he is alive on this date.
Signature with SS No.: ………………………………
Date: ………………………………
_________________________ Name: ………………………………
Signature of Pensioner Designation: ………………………………
Seal: …………..…………………..
I submit herewith additional details as under:
1. Income Tax Permanent Account Number (PAN) :_________________
2. Mobile No. :_________________
3. Date of birth of the Pensioner/Spouse: ___________________
(Proof of Date of Birth attached)
4. Aadhar No.: …………………………………
5. e-Mail Address:--------------
Signature of the Pensioner
Name of the Pensioner: ______________________
.Aadhar No.: ………………………………….
Savings Bank Account No. ___________________
II. Non Employment Certificate
*I declare that I have not received any remuneration for serving in any capacity in the establishment of the Central Government or a
State Government or a Government undertaking or from a Local Fund during the period November to April 20……, May to October
*I declare that I have been employed/re-employed in the office of ……………………………….
and was in receipt of the following emoluments during the period (to be specified).
*I declare that I have not accepted any employment under any Government outside India or Commercial Employment after
obtaining/without obtaining sanctioning of the Director/CSIR (to be furnished by Class I Officer only).
* Strike out whichever is not applicable
Place: ……………………… ___________________
Date: ……………………… Signature of Pensioner
III. Certificate of Re-marriage/Non-marriage
I hereby declare that I am not married/I have not been re-married during the past six months and shall inform the Bank as soon as I
Place: ……………………… ___________________
Date: ……………………… Signature of Pensioner
I certify to the best of my knowledge and belief that the above declaration is correct.
(Signature of the responsible officer
or a well-known person)
Place: ……………………… Name: ………………………
Date: ……………………… Designation: ………………………
Acknowledgement of Life Certificate
We acknowledge receipt of Life Certificate of Shri/ Smt/ Kumari----------------------------(Pensioner) Account No----------------- PPO no---
------------------- submitted by him/her/his/ her representative on-----------(Date)
For State Bank of India