St. Laurence Catholic Primary School Lone Working Policy
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“Through God’s grace, a community growing in knowledge and understanding”
St Laurence Catholic Primary School
Lone Working Policy
The Governing Body is committed to ensuring staff, volunteers and contractors
enjoy a safe working environment. It is recognised that there are occasions when
teaching, support, administrative, grounds, or cleaning staff may be required, or
choose, to work alone or in isolated situations. This however may introduce risks
for a normally non-hazardous work activity.
Categories of lone worker
Within St Laurence School a lone worker will most probably fall within one of the
following categories:
Those who work in an otherwise unoccupied part of a building
Those who work in an isolated part of school grounds
Those responding to an alarm call out after normal school hours
Definition of Lone Working
Where staff are engaged in work (either outdoors or indoors) where there are no
other people who could reasonably be expected to come to their immediate aid in
the event of an incident or emergency.
Risk Assessment
It is the responsibility of the Head of School to ensure that an annual Health and
Safety and Risk Assessment is undertaken and that members of staff are aware
of the content of this as well as the risks of Lone Working.
The risk assessment will take into account:
the type of tasks undertaken,
the environment,
health and safety instruction and training received, and
the individual’s medical history.
Hazards identified will be evaluated by the Head of School for the likelihood of the
hazard causing harm. If appropriate the Head of School will consult the Premises,
Health & Safety Committee. Measures will be introduced if the assessment
shows that existing precautions are inadequate to eliminate or adequately control
the hazard. The risk assessment will be subject to review to ensure it is relevant
and current to the workings of the school.
Contractors will be given the opportunity by the Head of School to complete a
Lone Working Risk Assessment as necessary and receive the appropriate Health
and Safety information.
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Staff should seek the permission of the Head of School to work alone in the
school buildings outside of normal school hours.
The experience and training of all staff and the activities to be undertaken
will be taken into consideration before allowing lone working. Lone workers
must be considered capable of responding correctly in an emergency
situation by the Head of School. Whenever possible it is recommended that
staff work with a colleague.
Staff should not enter the school premises if there are signs of intruders but
are advised to immediately call the police.
Staff should lock themselves in the building when lone working and ensure
that areas of the school not in use are kept secure.
Staff must not let unauthorised people into the building when lone working
Staff must not place themselves in danger by challenging intruders or
vandals but should call the police for assistance.
Staff must not arrange meetings with parents or members of the public
when lone working.
Staff should not work alone if they have medical conditions that might cause
incapacity or unconsciousness.
All lone working staff should establish their own checking in and out system
with either family, friends or work colleagues. It is advised that lone workers
provide a relative or friend with a telephone contact number (eg Head of
School) to call if the lone worker fails to return home at the expected time.
Staff will receive information and/or training to help ensure they understand
the risks associated with lone working and to minimise these risks. All lone
workers, in an otherwise unoccupied building, should be familiar with the
fire safety advice given to persons hiring the school’s premises (see Fire
Safety Policy). Staff have a responsibility for making themselves familiar
with and following the school’s safety procedures and location of safety
Contractors should have access to their own first aid kit suitable for treating
minor injuries.
If staff rely on mobile phones they must ensure that their network has good
reception within school. Although phones can give extra reassurance, they
do not provide complete protection and staff should still be alert for their
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own personal safety at all times.
In the situation where two or more people are working in isolated areas of
an otherwise unoccupied building, personnel should keep each other
informed about their movements.
Lone workers should not undertake activities that involve the handling of
money, working at height, any task that has been identified as medium or
high risk or which are potentially hazardous given their own level of
experience and the nature of the task. Staff working at height in an isolated
building must follow the “Working at Height” section of the school’s Health &
Safety policy (eg staff must not climb on furniture)
All school personnel are reminded about the importance of maintaining a healthy
work/life balance.
It is not normally practicable for the Head of School to periodically visit and
visually monitor people working alone.
It is the responsibility of all school personnel and contractors to adhere to this lone
working policy and to report any difficulties, failure of equipment or general
concerns on health and safety to the Head of School. If members of staff fail to
follow procedures designed to protect their safety, this could result in a disciplinary
matter as they will have contributed to their injury and any compensation claims
for damages or unfair dismissal may be reduced accordingly.
The School respects the right of the employee, under the Trade Union Reform
and Employment Rights Act 1993, to refuse to carry out work where there is a
serious and imminent risk of danger. They also can advise others to do the same
without being dismissed as a result. Staff should be proactive in bringing to the
attention of Head of School any aspect of work related risks.
The Head of School and/or the Premises, Health & Safety Committee or a
member of said committee will regularly monitor the implementation of these
procedures. Following any incident an investigation will be carried out and its
findings used to inform change to procedures and working practices.
Shared with staff: February 2013 and 2018 ongoing on staff share
Ratified by Premises, Health & Safety Committee: 14
March 2013, and 2018
Review Due: March 2023
St. Laurence Catholic Primary School Lone Working Policy
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