Course Information
Semester & Year: Spring 2024
Course Title: Fundamental Chemistry with Lab
Course Prefix & Number: CHM130AA
Section Numbers: 16136 with Lab Section 16137
Credit Hours: 4
Start Date: Lecture & Lab start Monday 1/29/2024
*Note: This is a “late start” course. We meet longer each day to have
the same amount of content & instruction as a full 16-week course!
End Date: 5/10/2024
Room Number: NS-314
Meeting Days and Time: Mondays & Wednesdays from 12:00 Noon - 2:50 pm
Course Format
The course format is In Person.
*Note: In the case of instructor illness and in-person courses cannot be held, the class will utilize
a Live-Online format, utilizing Google Meet to meet at the same scheduled day and time. Meeting
Link will be posted in a Canvas Announcement in these instances.
Instructor Information
Instructor: Philip Root, BAE Chemistry, MNS Physics
Phone: 480-423-6196 (office); 480-900-7697 (text)
Office Location: NS-131 and online via
Office Hours: “Office Hours” are student support hours for YOU to get help, assistance, or
just chat! I’m available each week at the times listed below. Any changes or
updates on days/times will be posted weekly via a Canvas announcement.
Mon/Wed: NS-131 or NS-314; 11:00 am to Noon
Tu/Th: NS-131 or NS-314; 8:30 am to 9 am,
NS-318 After 2:40 pm by appointment
Fridays: by appointment, NS-131 (my office) or Google Meet
*I may be available at other times during the week by appointment! Message me to check
availability and set up an office visit or a Google Meet!!!
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Course Description
A survey of the fundamentals of general chemistry. Emphasis on essential concepts and problem
solving techniques. Basic principles of measurement, chemical bonding, structure and reactions,
nomenclature, and the chemistry of acids and bases. Preparation for students taking more
advanced courses in chemistry. Designed to meet needs of students in such diverse areas as
agriculture, nursing, home economics, physical education and water technology.
A grade of C or better in [(CHM100, or MAT090, or MAT091, or MAT092, or higher level
mathematics course, or satisfactory math placement) and (RDG100, or RDG100LL, or higher, or
eligibility for CRE101 as indicated by appropriate reading placement)], or permission of the
Instructor, or Department or Division Chair.
Course Competencies
1. Define chemistry and describe its main branches.
2. Describe the relationships between matter and energy.
3. Distinguish between physical and chemical properties and changes.
4. Interpret symbols and formulas in terms of numbers and kinds of atoms.
5. Describe the physical states of matter with the aid of the Kinetic Molecular theory.
6. Classify matter as elements, compounds, or mixtures.
7. Describe the properties of metallic and non-metallic elements.
8. Use the Unit-Factor Method in solving chemistry-related problems.
9. Name and write formulas for simple inorganic compounds.
10. Describe the relationship between the outer electronic structure of atoms and their chemical
11. Use the Periodic Table to estimate the properties of elements and compounds.
12. Characterize the fundamental particles comprising the atom with respect to charge and mass.
13. State the number of protons, electrons, and neutrons in any given isotope, neutral or charged.
14. Use the Periodic Table in predicting the number of electrons, formula for a compound, and metallic or
nonmetallic characteristics.
15. Draw a Lewis structure (electron dot) for a given ion or compound.
16. State the type of intermolecular force that exists for a given substance.
17. Describe the properties of ionic and covalent compounds.
18. Describe the shape and polarity of simple molecules.
19. Complete and balance simple chemical equations.
20. Solve elementary stoichiometry problems.
21. Classify a reaction as endothermic or exothermic.
22. List the factors affecting the rate of a reaction.
23. Describe the chemical and physical properties of water.
24. Describe the properties of solutions.
25. Identify substances as electrolytes or nonelectrolytes.
26. Classify substances as acids, bases, or salts.
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27. Explain the behavior of buffer systems.
28. Define the pH scale of measuring the relative acidity of solutions.
29. Define and identify redox reaction as exemplified by single replacement and combustion reactions.
30. Identify and evaluate chemical hazards and hazard warning signs (such as the 4-bar Hazardous
Material Information System, the 4- diamond National Fire Protection Association System, and Material
Safety Data Sheets).
31. Record observations accurately, using appropriate chemical terminology.
32. Prepare written reports, present data in a logical format, analyze data, and report conclusions.
33. Use scientific measuring devices to obtain chemical data and report these measurements with the
proper number of digits.
34. Apply principles, concepts, and procedures of chemistry to lab experiments.
35. Use the scientific method in interpreting chemical data to arrive at rational conclusions.
36. Use lab equipment properly and safely to perform a variety of chemical procedures and techniques.
37. Cite the location and operation of common laboratory safety equipment.
Texts and Course Materials
1. COURSE MANUAL: The Course Manual for this course, including class and lab activities, will
be distributed during the first week of the semester. An electronic version will also be available
on Canvas. You are responsible for keeping this packet in a 3-ring binder and bringing the
appropriate handouts to class each day.
Note: Readings & resources (including links to openly licensed textbooks) will be provided via
Canvas. There is no required textbook for you to purchase for this course!
2. THREE RING BINDER: A 3-ring binder in which to keep the Course Manual (unit materials
and lab handouts).
3. COMPOSITION BOOK(S): You will need a bound composition book for this course for your
Learning Journal. Plain composition books can usually be purchased for $1-$2.
4. SCIENTIFIC CALCULATOR: A scientific calculator is one that allows you to enter and display
numbers in scientific notation. If you need to purchase one, you can find a good one for less
than $15. Graphing calculators are also permitted during class, but may not be used on
exams. Ask me for advice if you need it.
5. GOGGLES: We will provide you with protective eyewear for use during the class. At the end
of the class, you will return the eyewear in undamaged condition. If you fail to return the
eyewear or the eyewear is excessively scratched or damaged from mishandling, you will be
charged a $7.00 replacement fee.
*SCC is not responsible for damaged clothing or jewelry.
6. CANVAS: We will use the Canvas Learning Management System (LMS) for a variety of
purposes. Please familiarize yourself with the site and our Course in Canvas. Log in at:
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Course Technologies
View the Accessibility Statements & Privacy Policies of technologies used in this course.
Maricopa Systems
This course uses key Maricopa systems for course management and communication.
Canvas Learning Management System
Student Maricopa Gmail Account
Maricopa Open Educational Resource Learning System (MOER)
Synchronous Communication Tools
This course may implement the use of web conferencing and/or other synchronous course tools.
Streaming Media/Audio/Video Tools
This course uses webcasting, lecture capture systems, YouTube, and/or other streaming media
Student Assignment Tools
This course requires students to participate in or submit assignments using desktop or
cloud-based applications.
Google Products
Logger Pro
Course Policies
The following are policies specific to this course. Students are also responsible for the college
policies included on the Student Regulations page of the Maricopa Community College District
Participation & Group Work Expectations:
Participation is a requirement! Students are expected to come to class prepared. If one group
member comes unprepared, then the entire group will be impacted. Students are expected to
work together, assist and teach each other, and present to the class. Students should not expect
a lecture style of instruction from the instructor. For more information, please consult the
research article, Large-scale comparison of science teaching methods sends clear message.
Cell Phone Policy: There will be times that you will use your cell phone to research a topic in
class or lab, or to communicate with each other during live online group discussions. Appropriate
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use is understood and acceptable. However, personal or social use of cell phones in lecture is a
distraction and, in the lab, is a danger. I will ask you to leave the lab or lecture hall for personal
use of cell phones, both texting or talking.
Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) Policy
Opening Statement Regarding Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI)
The World Economic Forum defines generative AI as “a category of artificial intelligence (AI)
algorithms that generate new outputs based on the data they have been trained on. Unlike
traditional AI systems that are designed to recognize patterns and make predictions, generative
AI creates new content in the form of images, text, audio, and more.”
Some examples of generative AI tools include but are not limited to: ChatGPT, Google Bard,
Microsoft Copilot, Stable Diffusion, GrammarlyGo, and Adobe Firefly.
Some Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) Allowed in Specific Circumstances
There are situations and contexts within this course where you may be permitted to use
generative AI tools. Specific guidelines are provided below. If you are unsure if the tool or website
you are using is a generative AI tool or if it is permitted on a specific assignment, please contact
the instructor for further clarification before submitting your work.
AI tools may NOT be used when completing the following assignments
Learning Journal Reflections
In Class Assessments (i.e. Exams)
If you wish to try using AI tools, they may be used when completing Lab Work and Homework
assignments (worksheets). If you choose to use an AI tool, you will need to provide the following
in the assignment:
Indicate what you used the AI tool for
Clearly indicate what content and/or work the AI provided
Provide an analysis or critique of the content and/or work the AI tool provided
Grading Standards & Practices
Homework will normally be assigned during class, due dates will be posted in Canvas. Just an
FYI - you will be submitting all of the assignments- homework, quizzes, labs - via Canvas. It is a
simple task to take pictures of your pages and upload them on Canvas. We will talk about this
procedure in the first week.
See the following section on Grading Standards & Practices for information on assignment categories
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Exams: There will be 3 midterm exams spread through the semester with no make-up exams
allowed. Exams will be every 4-6 weeks, although this is subject to change depending on the
needs of the class.
Tentative Exam Dates (subject to change): W 2/28, W 4/3, W 5/1
Exams are typically administered during class time through Canvas. Any navigating away
from the Canvas Exam to a different browser window, to your computer desktop, or any
other app (as noted by Canvas or Responsdus) will result in a “0” for individual
questions and/or the entire exam.
There will also be a comprehensive final exam during finals week, assessing all the material from
the class. The percentage obtained from the final exam will be used to replace your lowest unit
exam. The final is not an optional exam.
Final Exam Date (subject to change): W 5/8
Exam Absence Policies:
If you are going to miss an exam due to an excused absence, you must inform the
instructor at least 2 weeks prior and include documentation.
If you miss an exam for an unexpected reason, you must contact the instructor within 24
hours of the exam, and when able, provide appropriate documentation.
All exams must be taken to avoid being withdrawn from the course.
*Note: if health protocols dictate an exam must be given online, the exam will be administered
during a live online meeting and through Canvas.
Nomenclature Quiz: In addition, all students in CHM130 at SCC must pass a quiz to ensure
understanding of the particle nature of matter, naming, and formulas. This quiz may be taken
once a day at the Natural Sciences Tutor Center (NS-107) until you achieve a minimum passing
score of 16 out of 20. In the gradebook, the Nomenclature Quiz is worth 50 points. A passing
score (16/20) receives full credit (50 pts).
The deadline for passing the quiz is the end of Week 11, F 4/12
Reflection journal: One of your composition books will be used exclusively as a Reflection
Journal. The purpose of a journal is to communicate that you understand all aspects of the
activity so that you can apply the concepts when needed.
The goal of journal reflections is to honestly and authentically reflect on your learning each week.
You will know you have been successful if you break down your thinking, include personal, group,
and class perspectives, and include a variety of representations (cartoon diagrams, visual
drawings, mathematical expressions etc.) in your reflection. The goal is for the reflection to help
inform the current you on what you know, and to help the future you review important learning!
All journal reflections should be hand-written in a dedicated composition book, which I will call the
"Learning Journal". The learning journal only contains these weekly reflections (as opposed to
your class notebook of lab and class notes). As a reward for completing these weekly journals,
you will be allowed to use the learning journal on your exams this semester!
Lab Work: Lab reports will normally be completed in class. Since many of the experiments will
not require the full class time, or you may have to spend time waiting for other students to finish
so a discussion can take place, you are allowed to complete your post lab in class. It is obviously
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acceptable to turn in a hand written lab report, however please ensure that the information is
organized and legible, as I will return any reports that are too hard to read with a zero. If there is
not time, or you choose not to complete the post lab in class, lab reports will be due by the
following class meeting.
Lab Practical Exam: At the end of the semester you will also complete a Lab Practical Exam.
This is a "practical" assessment, meaning you will be assessed on your practical lab skills. The
assessment will be completed individually, requiring you to both perform calculations and execute
actual lab procedures.
Spring 2024 Lab Practical: M 5/6
Course grades will be determined using the following breakdown:
Grading Scale*: Assignment Categories (weighted):
Letter Grade
89.0 100%
78.0 88.9%
Lab work
67.0 77.9%
Reflection Journal
50.0 66.9%
*Note: The grading scale is not the typical “10 point scale” so that you don’t have to ask
for your grade to be rounded up. For example, if you want to earn an A, shoot for an
overall 90%, that way if you end up at an 89.4, your grade is still above an 89 and is an
A. Anything below an 89, however, will not be rounded up.
Late Work Policy:
Due dates are posted in Canvas. Email the instructor immediately if you notice any
issues/mistakes with a due date, as instructors are human and also make mistakes.
You are encouraged to still complete assignments late for feedback and learning. Credit can
be earned for late assignments IF you contact your instructor to discuss the issue.
Any late work must be completed prior to each midterm exam to receive any partial credit.
Cheating and Plagiarism: I encourage students to work together when doing homework and
labs; however, I would not expect your solutions to be identical. There will at times be group
assignments in which I expect only one solution or project. Discussing and sharing ideas is
different from copying. Cases of cheating or plagiarism (as defined in the SCC Student
Handbook) will not be tolerated and I will pursue the strongest punishment allowed by the
College. This is not limited to any student who submits copied/plagiarized work, but also to the
student that supplies the material. I will punish both the copier and the person they copy equally,
as both are equally guilty. If in doubt, just say No when someone asks to use your work!!!
Academic Support: We care about your success! In addition to meeting with your instructor,
SCC students may use the Academic Success Center/Tutoring services located in the Natural
Sciences building (NS-107) to reinforce and supplement classroom instruction. Free of charge
on-campus and online tutoring services are available for most courses offered at SCC.
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How to get the most in tutoring: 1) The sooner and the more often you come to tutoring, the
better. 2) Come prepared. Bring your class notes and textbook. Look over the readings and try
problems. If you can, bring a list of specific questions to tutoring.
Please see the “First Steps: Helping You Succeed” module in Canvas for additional resources
that may be beneficial to your success in this class!
Response Time
I prefer that you contact me via the Canvas Conversations (Inbox Messaging) feature within
Canvas whenever possible. The second choice of communication is via direct email. For Canvas
Inbox and emails you can expect a response within 24-48 hours (often faster) during work days
(M-F). While I will not guarantee that I will respond to inbox messages or emails during the
weekend, it is likely that I will, so please do not wait if you have a question!
In regard to grading, students can expect assignments to be graded within one week of the
assignment’s submission.
Attendance Policy
Attendance is required for this course! Attendance will be recorded for all class and lab sessions.
To be considered in attendance:
Engage in breakout sessions / group work: You will often work together in breakout
session groups, allowing you to converse with your group and at times, your instructor.
Converse with your group and actively use whiteboards and any other idea sharing
Engage in whole class discussions: Participate and share ideas, questions, and concerns
with the instructor and/or the class.
Failure to follow these guidelines results in an absence, even if you attended class.
If you physically miss any class it is your responsibility to contact the instructor and make up the
work. I am not inclined to give make-ups on quizzes or exams, unless you have a valid excuse
with written documentation and you have spoken with me beforehand.
If you show up late to the lab, you will miss key procedural and safety information and will
not be permitted to participate in that day’s lab.
If you have 3 absences that are not considered “official absences,” I have the option to
withdraw you (with grade of W or Y, depending).
If you miss an exam and I don’t hear from you by e-mail (or phone if you can verify email is
not possible) with a valid excuse within 24 hours after the exam ends, you may be given a
0% for that exam and I may withdraw you (with grade of W or Y, depending).
If you have any special needs or considerations related to attendance, contact your instructor
immediately. I understand that life is happening all around us. So just notify me before or as soon
as possible if something comes up in your life or if you have concerns that attendance will be an
issue. I will work with students who will work hard to learn.
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For all MCCCD attendance policies, please consult Section 2.3.2 at:
Student or Instructor Illness Considerations and Class Access
Students who are not feeling well should not attend class. Notify your instructor prior to the start
of class on a given day. Your instructor will connect with you if there is an option to attend class
remotely or will provide information about how to stay current with assignments and lessons
If your instructor is ill and cannot attend class, updates and announcements will be provided in
Canvas, Maricopa email, or other class communication channels prior to class that day if
Withdrawal Information:
If you must withdraw from the course, see the Withdrawal Policy information located in the
College Policies & Student Services page found in the First Steps module of your Canvas
*Notes: Deadline to withdraw without instructor approval: End of Week 7
Final Deadline to withdraw: End of Week 14 (requires instructor approval)
Instructional Contact Hours (Seat Time)
This is a four(4) credit-hour course. In addition to time spent in class and lab, plan to spend at
least eight hours on learning activities outside of class time each week (i.e. notebook
reflections, homework, practice, lab work and reports, etc.) If you do not think you will be willing
or able to devote this much time to this class, be realistic about it at the start of the semester and
make changes while you still can.
Online Tutoring
SCC's tutors are available online to help with your courses. You may work with an SCC tutor
remotely using Google Meet, your phone, or email. Visit the Tutoring & Learning Centers page for
detailed information on the five learning center’s hours and procedures.
As much as possible, it is highly recommended that you utilize SCC tutors since they are more
familiar with SCC coursework, instructor expectations, and assignments; however, if you need to
work with a tutor outside regular hours, online and hybrid students now have access to a 24/7
online tutoring service called Brainfuse. Brainfuse provides online tutoring in a variety of
academic subjects. Each student may utilize up to 6 hours of online tutoring through Brainfuse
per semester, and has the option of requesting additional time if needed.
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To access Brainfuse and begin working with a tutor:
1. Visit the SCC Online Tutoring Services Through Brainfuse page
2. Click the Visit a tutor online button
3. Enter your MEID and password
4. Choose your topic and subject
5. Click the Connect button
Please use your time effectively and be prepared with your questions before you connect to a
tutor. Tutors and students communicate in real-time so whatever you type, draw, or share on the
screen, the tutor sees, and vice versa. You may also want to have screenshots ready if
applicable. All Brainfuse sessions are recorded for review later.
Learning Tools and Your Privacy and Security
SCC utilizes a variety of software applications and web-based tools operated by third party
vendors to support student learning. To allow student access to the application, site or tool,
certain identifiable information may be required to establish a user name or password, and submit
work and/or download information from these tools. Inherent with all internet-based tools, there is
a risk that individuals assume when electing to use these tools, as they may place information at
risk of disclosure.
To use learning tools responsibly, please observe all laws and the Maricopa Community College
District Student Conduct Code, such as copyright infringement, plagiarism, harassment or
interference with the underlying technical code of the software. As a student using a learning tool,
you have certain rights. Any original work that you produce belongs to you as a matter of
copyright law. You also have a right to the privacy of your educational records. Your contributions
to learning tools constitute an educational record. By using the tool, and not taking other options
available to you in this course equivalent to this assignment that would not be posted publicly on
the internet, you consent to the collaborative use of this material as well as to the disclosure of it
in this course and potentially for the use of future courses.
Students are responsible for the information contained in this syllabus, the Syllabus page in your
Canvas course and the College Policies & Student Services page found in the First Steps
module of your Canvas course. Students will be notified by the instructor of any changes in
course requirements or policies.
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