Release Notes
Release Date: March 2012 Page 1 of 8
153F2 Rev C
Version 2.1.1
Where to Get Help
Other Documentation
Laboratory Director's Guide for the Analyst
MultiQuant™ 2.1 Software Reference Guide
Quantitation Analysis Tutorial
Peptide Quantitation User Manual
MultiQuant2.1.1 Software Installation Guide
For support, contact AB SCIEX.
Changes from Version 2.1 to Version 2.1.1
The MultiQuant™ 2.1.1 software is compatible with Analyst
1.6.1 Software.
The MultiQuant 2.1.1 software is compatible with data acquired with the AB SCIEX
Triple Quad™ 4500 system and the AB SCIEX QTRAP® 4500 system.
The MultiQuant 2.1.1 software includes an updated LIMS communication module.
Users can now use “Save As” functionality with results table that are bigger than 10 MB.
(TT 34206/JIRA MQ-23)
The MultiQuant 2.1.1 software now installs Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Reliability
Update 1 (KB2533523), resolving an issue with 64-bit simple query calculations. (TT
34311/JIRA MQ-22)
Notes on Use
To generate reports using Microsoft Windows 7 (64-bit) operating system, make sure
that Microsoft Word 2007 (64-bit) or Microsoft Word 2010 (64-bit) is installed on the
target workstation.
Changes from Version 2.0.2 to Version 2.1
Improved flexibility:
o MultiQuant software without the audit trail and security features activated allows
users to browse outside the Analyst Data folder structure to access and store
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o If the Analyst software is installed, the Analyst software data structure is
o Per Sample Report, a new reporting option to accommodate large reports, is
The MultiQuant 2.1 software can now generate and save very large Results Tables (up
to 250 000 rows), which fixed the memory issues reported in previous versions.
In addition to supporting Microsoft Windows XP with SP3 operating system, the
MultiQuant software now provides support for the Microsoft Windows 7 with SP1 (32-bit)
Professional operating system, and a Windows 7 (64 bit) operating system for the
MultiQuant software version that does not include audit trail and security features.
Includes the ability to perform a ‘file-lesstransfer of data with LIMS software.
Speed of query execution is now 10 times faster. (ST 029790)
Query flexibility: if a custom column in a query starts with an underscore, the column will
be hidden by default in the Results Table. (ST 032075)
The column order in the exported Results Table is now consistent with the column order
in the user interface. (ST 018829, ST 029512)
The MultiQuant 2.1 software allows users to re-select a representative sample for
quantitation methods.(ST 023725)
Printing from the Audit Trail is now fixed by using the letter paper size. (ST 33654)
In the Audit Trail, the Full User Name is now displayed and printed correctly. (ST 33654)
The MultiQuant software is now integrating peaks correctly after the first peptide group in
cases where all transitions in the group were identical. (ST 032596)
Upon opening Peak Review for the current .qSession file, the MultiQuant software
verifies if the .wiff file used to display the XIC from is the same as the .wiff file used
initially to create the qSession file; if there is a mismatch in the time stamp, the software
will display an error message. (ST 033527)
Reporter 3.2 software is integrated in MultiQuant 2.1 software.
All Reporter templates installed by the MultiQuant 2.1 software are in the new file format
.docx, which is supported by the Reporter 3.2 software.
To use an existing template that is not included in the list of installed templates, convert
the template using the ConverUI.exe utility located in the “C:\Program Files\AB
SCIEX\MultiQuant 2.1\TemplateConverter” folder.
To create or edit queries and generate or modify the report templates, then you need
Microsoft Office 2007 or Microsoft Office 2010 software.
If you are using Microsoft Word 2003 on the target computer, then the reporting
functionality requires that the Office Compatibility Pack be installed. The Office
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Compatibility Pack can be downloaded at:
Notes on Use
Improvements to the smoothing algorithm may produce slightly different results when
data is compared with MultiQuant 2.0.2 software data.
The license file will become corrupt if users change the date on their computer to a date
after the license will expire and then try to change the date back to the current date.
Processing data files while they are being acquired using network acquisition can cause
conflict errors. To avoid these errors we recommend use a single injection per .wiff file.
English-only operating systems are supported.
If Microsoft Office is not installed on the workstation, then the reporting functionality is
Results Tables that contain over 100 000 rows may require a computer with at least 4
Reporter queries need to reside in the same folder as the Reporter templates.
When creating reports in the CSV format, templates must not contain any picture tags.
Known Issues and Limitations
If the Analyst Administrator Console is used to manage people, projects, and
workstations, the MultiQuant software allows users access to all projects regardless of
the AAC workgroup settings. (ST 032639)
Reporting to secure .pdf format takes more time on Windows 7 than on Windows XP (ST
The query functionality only supports .xls file format, it does not support .xlsx files.
Users should not browse to a folder called “Analyst Data” unless it is the Analyst Data
root folder created by the Analyst software.
Creating reports in HTML format is restricted to workstations that have Microsoft Word
2007 SP2 or Microsoft Word 2010 installed. Microsoft Word 2003 does not support
creating reports in HTML format.
Changes from Version 2.0.1 to Version 2.0.2
MultiQuant2.0.2 Installer
If you are upgrading from a previous version of the MultiQuant software, the installer will
automatically uninstall that version before installing version 2.0.2. No data is lost during
the installation. For more information, see the MultiQuant™ 2.0.2 Software Installation
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Licensing support required to enable MultiQuant 2.0.2 software to register and
activate licenses using the new AB SCIEX licensing subsystem is now available.
(ST 028212)
Support for MRM Ratio reporter queries. (ST 027697)
Creating reports in Word format when using the base or Scheduled MRM
algorithm license is now available. (ST 028201)
External Calibration
External calibration is now applied correctly when using the Area metric; this is
applicable in cases where an external calibration for an analyte that does not use
an internal standard is applied to one that does use an internal standard. (ST
Known Issues and Limitations
Group analytes and standards to ensure reports are generated correctly
To ensure that reports are generated correctly, in the components table of the
Quantitation method, list all analytes at the top of the table and all internal standards at
the bottom of the table as shown in the following screen capture. Analytes from the
same group should be listed together.
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Notes on Use
Previously, opening *.wiff files from network drives and from projects containing large
numbers of *.wiff files in the Results Table took several minutes. This issue has now
been resolved.
Changes from Version 2.0 to Version 2.0.1
Data Processing Support
MultiQuant™ software now supports processing of the
AB SCIEX TripleTOF™ 5600 system data. (ST 024542, ST 024040)
Fixed Issues
MultiQuant 2.0.1 software can now be installed on non-English operating systems;
however, MultiQuant software is not officially supported on non-English operating
systems. (ST 024466)
MultiQuant 2.0.1 software can now be installed on the Analyst
1.4.2 software. (ST
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MultiQuant™ 2.0 Software Features (All Users)
Ability to Add Samples from Multiple Batches and Multiple .wiff Files
Faster, Better: Speed Improvements
Faster Navigation: The user interface for MultiQuant™ software has been improved
resulting in faster navigation, including visual cues for row selection and fast sample
assignment for multi-component samples.
Faster Integration: Integration using the latest version of the Analyst
integration algorithm, MQ4, is significantly faster for large MRM datasets, allowing users
to review and edit the data more quickly.
Introduction of the SignalFinder™ Integration Algorithm
The SignalFinder integration algorithm is a new integration algorithm introduced with
MultiQuant 2.0 software. By using peak modeling capabilities using a reference
spectrum, this algorithm is able to achieve impressive results, minimizing the need for
manual integration of the data, or even for tweaking data parameters.
Dynamic Range Extension is achieved within the SignalFinder integration algorithm to
extend the upper dynamic range of a sample set by up to 30 times during cases where
detector saturation predominates.
MultiQuant™ 2.0 Software Features (Regulated Users)
For customers operating in a regulated environment, for example a 21 CFR Part 11 or
GLP Environment, MultiQuant software incorporates many additional new features
over the Analyst
software Quantitation module.
MultiQuant Advanced Audit Trail Software
MultiQuant software redefines the audit trail experience for quantitation. It provides fast
navigation tools and same-screen integration difference comparisons along with the
Searching: MultiQuant software provides users the ability to filter through the audit trail
quickly and effectively.
“Before and After” Review of Integration Data: By clicking on a sample in the audit
trail, users will immediately see the integrated chromatograms from both before and after
the change was made.
Results Table Lockdown and Fast E-Signatures
After integrating the peaks, the user can lock down the Results Table. Only a user with
the correct role-assignment can unlock the Results Table once it is locked down;
however, a QC reviewer can still log comments about the Results Table in the audit trail.
This enforces separation of roles, and ensures that changes are not made in the review
process without appropriate approval.
E-Signatures on changes to integrations are consolidated, so that a single E-Signature
signs off on the set of events that changes a chromatogram, rather than performing
multiple E-Signatures for each change.
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Notes on Use
The date format in the Audit Trail Viewer is mm/dd/yyyy. The time format uses the 24
hour clock. This format is not configurable.
If you change the active project in the MultiQuant software and then return to the
software, you must select the new active project from the Project list; the
Analyst software project list is not automatically updated when the project is changed
using the MultiQuant software.
Known Issues and Limitations
Files must be saved following the Analyst
Software file structure
In previous versions of MultiQuantsoftware, files could be saved to any location.
Now you must save your files following the Analyst
software file structure. All *.mquan
files must be in the Results folder and all *.qmet files must be in the Quantitation
Methods folder.
Selecting samples may be slow if the Analyst
software root directory is on the
Selecting samples using the Create Results Table wizard may be slow if the Analyst
software root directory is on the network. (ST 19035)
MultiQuant software may close when users click inside message box
MultiQuant software may stop responding and close when users click inside the Save
Quantitation Session, Save Quantitation Method, or the audit trail message boxes. If
this issue occurs, go to Control Panel > Regional and Language Options > Languages
Tab > Details Button > Advanced Tab > and then select theTurn off advanced text
services” option. (ST 19868)
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This document is provided to customers who have purchased AB SCIEX equipment to
use in the operation of such AB SCIEX equipment. This document is copyright protected
and any reproduction of this document or any part of this document is strictly prohibited,
except as AB SCIEX may authorize in writing.
Software that may be described in this document is furnished under a license agreement.
It is against the law to copy, modify, or distribute the software on any medium, except as
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prohibit the software from being disassembled, reverse engineered, or decompiled for any
Portions of this document may make reference to other manufacturers and/or their
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function as trademarks of their respective owners. Any such usage is intended only to
designate those manufacturers' products as supplied by AB SCIEX for incorporation into
its equipment and does not imply any right and/or license to use or permit others to use
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AB SCIEX makes no warranties or representations as to the fitness of this equipment for
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For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
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71 Four Valley Dr., Concord, Ontario, Canada. L4K 4V8.
AB SCIEX is ISO 9001 registered.
© 2011 AB SCIEX.
Printed in Canada.