©Dougherty County Law Library, 12/2012 Page 1
Packet is free to download; $8.00 for a copy printed by the Law Library
A modification of child support is allowed if the parties can show a change in income or
financial status. If the parties agreed on child support in their divorce Settlement
Agreement, they may modify the terms of the Agreement. The Department of Human
resources has the power to periodically review and modify child support orders which
were agency decisions (but not ones made by court order).
An uncontested case is one in which the parties can work out and sign an agreement
regarding child support. A contested case is one in which the parties cannot work out an
agreement regarding issues such as child support. The parties ask the judge to settle
arguments between them, and each will have to present evidence at a trial. This process
can be quite complicated. You will probably need additional documents in order to
conduct discovery, which is a formal process of gathering evidence for use at trial.
Discovery can include depositions, interrogatories, requests for production of documents,
and other procedures. The law library has form books which contain discovery
documents you might need. Because discovery is a highly individualized process, it is
not possible to include those documents in this packet.
The case is contested and your opponent has a lawyer.
You cannot find your opponent to serve him or her with your papers.
You might lose custody of your children.
You think you will have difficulty getting information and documents from your
ex-spouse regarding income, retirement funds, etc.
The children and the custodial parent are not in Georgia.
Even if it is a friendly action, you should talk to a lawyer before you sign any
settlement papers or file anything in court.
STEP 1: Complete the Filing Information and Final Disposition forms.
STEP 2: Complete the Complaint for Modification of Child Support.
STEP 3: Complete the Verification form.
STEP 4: Complete the Modification Agreement, if possible.
STEP 5: Attach other necessary documents (see details later).
STEP 6: Produce the required financial documents.
STEP 7: Pay the Filing Fee
STEP 8: File the forms.
STEP 9: Prepare your case for trial, if necessary.
STEP 10: Receive the Final Judgment
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STEP 1: Complete the Filing Information and Final Disposition Forms
These forms are required by Georgia Law, at O.C.G.A. § 9-11-133. They help
the Clerk of Court keep statistical information about the number and types of cases
decided in our local courts. The clerks use this information to prepare case management
reports for the Chief Judge of each circuit and for the Chief Justice of the Georgia
Supreme Court. In short, having this information helps us to run the court system more
efficiently for you.
The Filing Information form
a. In the top line, fill in the county where you are filing and the date filed.
b. In the second line, fill in the names of the Plaintiff and Defendant.
c. Where it says “Plaintiff/Petitioner’s Attorney,” check the box which says
Pro Se. This indicates that you are representing yourself without an
d. In the left-hand box, check off what kind of case this is. Since this is a
custody modification action, you will check “ ModificationChild
Support.” In the right hand box, indicate whether or not you are asking for
relief from family violence by checking yes or no in the appropriate boxes.
The Final Disposition form
The purpose of this form is to tell how your case ends. Since you case is far from
over, you should NOT fill in the information in the three big boxes at the bottom of the
page. At this point, we do not know how the case will end.
a. In the top line, fill in only the county where you are filing. We do not yet
know the date disposed, since you have not yet received a final order from the
b. Leave the second line, “Docket #,” blank. The clerk will assign this number.
c. Write your name where it says “Reporting party.”
d. Write down the full names of the Plaintiff and Defendant.
e. Where it says Plaintiff/Petitioner’s Attorney, you will check the box which
says Pro Se. This shows that you are representing yourself. Since you are
not a licensed attorney, you do not have a Bar #, so leave those blanks empty.
STEP 1: Complete the Complaint for Modification of Child Support.
Fill in your full name as the Plaintiff and the Defendant’s full name. Do not fill in
where it says Civil Action File No. The clerk will assign a number to your case
when you file your complaint. Then insert your name and the Defendant’s names in
the space provided just before paragraph one (1).
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Paragraph 1: Jurisdiction and Venue
If your child support order was made in Georgia, you must follow O.C.G.A. § 19-
6-26(c), which provides that “A court of this state may exercise continuing, exclusive
jurisdiction for purposes of entering a modification of a child support order issued by
a court of this state if the child or children named in the child support order or any
party to the action resides in this state.”
If your child support order was made in another state, you must follow O.C.G.A.
§ 19-6-26 (d), which is quite complicated. You are strongly encouraged to consult
with an attorney in this situation. You may read the Georgia Code either at the Law
Library or online at http://w3.lexis-nexis.com/hottopics/gacode/default.asp.
Check box a) if the Defendant lives in the county where you are filing and can be
served with the complaint at his or her street address.
Check box b) if the Defendant lives in the county where you are filing and has signed
an Acknowledgement of Service.
Check box c) if the Defendant is not a resident of Georgia, but can be served via
second original at his street address.
Paragraph 2: Prior Child Support Order
Check the box beside paragraph 2. Enter the date on which the prior child support
order was issued. Enter the name of the County in which the order was issued. In the
blanks provided, enter the name of the custodial parent who receives child support
payments. Give details about the amount and frequency of the payments, as well as
information about exactly how the payments are received (through income deduction
order, garnishment, paid directly by the non-custodial parent, etc.).
Paragraph 3: Financial Change in Circumstances
Check the box beside paragraph three. Fill in the date on which the financial
change in circumstances occurred. Check the boxes to indicate whether the financial
change is down or up.
Paragraph 4: Financial Change in Circumstances--specifics
Check box a) if the financial change in circumstances is related to an increase or
decrease in earnings. In the blanks provided, fill in the previous and current amounts.
Check box b) if the financial change in circumstances is related to an increase or
decrease in net worth. In the blanks provided, fill in the previous and current amounts.
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Paragraph 5: Other Change in Circumstances
Check the box beside paragraph 5. Use the blanks provided to give information
about other changes in circumstances which make a modification of child support
Paragraph 6: Proposed Modification
Check the boxes beside each change you wish to make, and fill in the details in
the blanks provided.
Paragraph 7: No Modification in the Last Two Years
This is an important paragraph, since you are only allowed to file a modification
every two years. For more detailed information on this requirement, see O.C.G.A. § 19-
Prayer for Relief
In paragraph (a), state how you are asking the Judge to modify Child support.
Then sign your name and write down your address and telephone number(s) in the blanks
STEP 3: Verification
Complete the Verification form, which is on page five (5) of the forms packet.
Insert your name as Plaintiff and your spouse’s name as Defendant. Do not fill in where
it says Civil Action File No. The clerk will assign a number to your case when you file
your complaint. You will need to sign this Verification in the presence of a Notary
Public. Most banks and many libraries have a notary on staff and will notarize your
documents for a small fee.
STEP 4: Complete the Modification Agreement, if possible.
Insert your name as Plaintiff and your spouse’s name as Defendant. Do not fill in
where it says Civil Action File No. The clerk will assign a number to your case when
you file your complaint.
Insert the names of the parties in the introductory paragraph. Then list the
name(s) and date(s) of birth of the child(ren).
Paragraph 1: Child support
Go to http://www.georgiacourts.org/csc/ and complete the child support
worksheet and schedules. Check the box beside paragraph one. Enter in the amount of
child support which you calculated using the worksheets and schedules. Check the boxes
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to indicate how often the payments will be made. In the blank provided, specify how the
child support amount will be reduced as each child is no longer eligible for child support.
Paragraph 2: Child support during extended periods of visitation
Check the box beside the paragraph if you intend to change child support during
extended periods of visitation. Enter in the amount and frequency of child support.
Paragraph 3: Child support method of payment
Check box a) if you intend for child support to be paid directly to the custodial
parent. Check the box to indicate who is obligated to pay child support.
Check box b) if you intend for child support to be paid by the non-custodial
parent’s employer using an income deduction order.
Check box c) if you intend for child support payments to be collected and
distributed by Georgia’s Office of Child Support Enforcement.
Paragraph 4: Health Insurance
Check the box beside paragraph 4. Check the boxes to indicate which parent is
responsible for maintaining health insurance coverage for the child(ren). In the blanks
provided, explain how you intend to divide up expenses not covered by health insurance.
Check the boxes to indicate which parent is responsible for providing health insurance
cards and for cooperating when submitting claims.
Paragraph 5: Voluntariness of Agreement
Check the box to indicate that this Agreement was entered into voluntarily and
not as a result of external pressure.
Paragraph 6: Agreement as entire understanding
Check the box to show that this Agreement contains all of your mutual promises,
and that there are no verbal promises not contained in this Agreement.
Notarized Signatures
Each party must sign this Modification Agreement in the presence of a Notary
Public. Most banks and many libraries have a notary on staff and will notarize your
documents for a small fee.
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STEP 5: Attach other necessary documents.
In addition to the Complaint for Divorce, Verification, and Affidavit(s), you will need to
fill out and attach the some of the following forms to your complaint (they are in the
1. Certificate of Service (p. 5). This document is used to help the Sheriff’s
department serve the Defendant.
2. Acknowledgement of Service and Summons (p. 6). This document is used
when the Defendant agrees not to be served by the Sheriff because s/he has
already been given the legal papers.
3. Rule Nisi (p. 7). This document is used to let the Defendant know the time and
place for a hearing.
4. Final Order (pp. 12-15). This document will be filled out and signed by the
Judge in order to show what the outcome of the case is.
5. Income Deduction Order (linked on the Law Library website). These
documents order the employer of the non-custodial parent to withhold the child
support amount and pay it directly to the custodial parent.
STEP 6: Produce the required financial documents.
Along with the Change of Custody packet, you must simultaneously file the following
listed documents, as well as a certificate of service showing that the documents were
properly served on the other party, and indicating the date on which the documents were
1. Complete the required Child Support Worksheets and Schedules by going to
http://www.georgiacourts.org/csc/. If you need help with data entry on the Excel
spreadsheet, you might want to find a bookkeeper to help you.
2. Domestic Relations Financial Affidavit (included in this packet)
3. All federal and state income tax returns, gift tax returns and intangible and
personal property tax returns filed by the party or on the party’s behalf for the past
three (3) years.
4. IRS forms, W-2, 1099 and K-1 forms for the past year, if the income tax return
for that year has not been prepared. Also, if such income tax return has not been
prepared, a year-ending pay stub received from the party’s employer should be
5. Pay stubs or other evidence of earned income for the twelve (12) months prior to
the filing of the action.
6. A statement by the producing party identifying the amount and source of all
income received from all sources during the twelve (12) months preceding the
filing of this action if same is not reflected on the pay stubs produced.
7. All loan applications and financial statements prepared or used within the three
(3) years preceding the filing date of this action, whether used for the purpose of
obtaining or attempting to obtain credit for any other purpose.
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8. The most recent statement for any liquid fund assets, including, but not limited to,
profit-sharing, 401-K, money market, stock and securities, bonds, accounts,
retirement and pension plan.
9. Corporate, partnership and trust tax returns for the last three (3) years, if the
producing party has an interest in a corporation, partnership, or trust greater than
or equal to thirty (30%) percent.
10. All written pre-marital or marital agreements entered into at any time between the
parties to this marriage, whether before or during the marriage.
11. Any court orders directing a party to pay or receive spousal or child support, even
if received from a third party.
STEP 7: Pay the filing fee.
Unless you are able to have your filing fee waived, there is an $75.00 filing fee in
Dougherty County. You must pay this fee when you file your Complaint for Divorce
unless you also file a Poverty Affidavit.
STEP 8: File the forms.
You should make two copies of all of your documents. Give the clerk your original and
the two copies. The clerk will assign a number to your case and will write in the number
on your documents. The clerk will then stamp the documents to show that your
complaint has been filed and will give you your copy for your records. The original will
remain with the court. The other copy will be given to your spouse.
STEP 9: Prepare your case for trial, if necessary.
Most civil cases use pretrial discovery. Discovery refers to the formal procedures and
laws which enable each party to find out more about the other side’s case. Discovery
serves several important purposes. It preserves evidence of witnesses who may not be
available at trial. It reveals facts which might have been previously unknown. It helps
refine the issues. It “freezes” testimony in order to prevent later perjury. It promotes
settlements because it allows each party to test the strength of his or her opponent’s case.
Even if the case does not settle, discovery increases the fairness and justice of the trial
outcome. There are several methods of discovery which a party can use.
Interrogatories are written questions which one party sends to another. The answering
party must write down answers under oath and file them with the clerk of court within 30
days. Georgia law usually limits the number of interrogatores to 50. Failure to respond
can result in sanctions and penalties by the court.
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Depositions are like a mini-trial. A plaintiff, defendant, or other witness is asked oral
questions which must be answered orally while under oath. Depositions are recorded by
a court reporter who types everything up into one long document. Each party who is
questioned may be cross examined. At trial, a witness who has either changed or
forgotten his or her previous testimony can be “impeached,” or discredited by referring
back to the deposition testimony.
Requests for Production of Documents are used by a party to gain access to a
document which is not in his or her possession. For example, a request for production of
documents may be used to get a copyies of the other party’s tax returns, bank statements,
or other important documents.
Physical and Mental Examinations may be used only with the court’s permission, when
a party’s physical or mental condition is an issue in the trial, and when the requesting
party can show “good cause,” i.e., the information is extremely important and cannot be
otherwise obtained.
Requests for Admissions are used to determine which issues are actually in controversy.
A party is asked to admit or deny the truth of a series of statements.
Forms for all of the above discovery tools are available at the law library upon request.
For more information about trial preparation, see www.albany.ga.us/lawlibrary; click on
representing yourself.
STEP 10: Receive the Final Judgment.
After trial, if you have not settled the case, the judge will issue a final order regarding
custody. Your change of custody is not final until the judge signs the final order in the