September 2006
Table of Contents
LIST OF STANDARDS FOR STATISTICAL SURVEYS .......................................................i
INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................................... 1
Section 1.1 Survey Planning..................................................................................................... 5
Section 1.2 Survey Design........................................................................................................ 7
Section 1.3 Survey Response Rates.......................................................................................... 8
Section 1.4 Pretesting Survey Systems..................................................................................... 9
SECTION 2 COLLECTION OF DATA................................................................................... 9
Section 2.1 Developing Sampling Frames................................................................................ 9
Section 2.2 Required Notifications to Potential Survey Respondents.................................... 10
Section 2.3 Data Collection Methodology.............................................................................. 11
SECTION 3 PROCESSING AND EDITING OF DATA...................................................... 13
Section 3.1 Data Editing ......................................................................................................... 13
Section 3.2 Nonresponse Analysis and Response Rate Calculation....................................... 14
Section 3.3 Coding.................................................................................................................. 17
Section 3.4 Data Protection..................................................................................................... 18
Section 3.5 Evaluation............................................................................................................ 19
Section 4.1 Developing Estimates and Projections................................................................. 20
SECTION 5 DATA ANALYSIS.............................................................................................. 21
Section 5.1 Analysis and Report Planning.............................................................................. 21
Section 5.2 Inference and Comparisons.................................................................................. 22
SECTION 6 REVIEW PROCEDURES ................................................................................. 23
Section 6.1 Review of Information Products.......................................................................... 23
SECTION 7 DISSEMINATION OF INFORMATION PRODUCTS ................................. 24
Section 7.1 Releasing Information.......................................................................................... 24
Section 7.2 Data Protection and Disclosure Avoidance for Dissemination............................ 25
Section 7.3 Survey Documentation......................................................................................... 26
Section 7.4 Documentation and Release of Public-Use Microdata........................................ 27
APPENDIX DEFINITIONS OF KEY TERMS...................................................................... 29
Survey Planning
Standard 1.1: Agencies initiating a new survey or major revision of an existing survey must
develop a written plan that sets forth a justification, including: goals and objectives; potential
users; the decisions the survey is designed to inform; key survey estimates; the precision required
of the estimates (e.g., the size of differences that need to be detected); the tabulations and
analytic results that will inform decisions and other uses; related and previous surveys; steps
taken to prevent unnecessary duplication with other sources of information; when and how
frequently users need the data; and the level of detail needed in tabulations, confidential
microdata, and public-use data files.
Survey Design
Standard 1.2: Agencies must develop a survey design, including defining the target population,
designing the sampling plan, specifying the data collection instrument and methods, developing a
realistic timetable and cost estimate, and selecting samples using generally accepted statistical
methods (e.g., probabilistic methods that can provide estimates of sampling error). Any use of
nonprobability sampling methods (e.g., cut-off or model-based samples) must be justified
statistically and be able to measure estimation error. The size and design of the sample must
reflect the level of detail needed in tabulations and other data products, and the precision
required of key estimates. Documentation of each of these activities and resulting decisions
must be maintained in the project files for use in documentation (see Standards 7.3 and 7.4).
Survey Response Rates
Standard 1.3: Agencies must design the survey to achieve the highest practical rates of
response, commensurate with the importance of survey uses, respondent burden, and data
collection costs, to ensure that survey results are representative of the target population so that
they can be used with confidence to inform decisions. Nonresponse bias analyses must be
conducted when unit or item response rates or other factors suggest the potential for bias to
Pretesting Survey Systems
Standard 1.4: Agencies must ensure that all components of a survey function as intended when
implemented in the full-scale survey and that measurement error is controlled by conducting a
pretest of the survey components or by having successfully fielded the survey components on a
previous occasion.
Developing Sampling Frames
Standard 2.1: Agencies must ensure that the frames for the planned sample survey or census
are appropriate for the study design and are evaluated against the target population for quality.
Required Notifications to Potential Survey Respondents
Standard 2.2: Agencies must ensure that each collection of information instrument clearly
states the reasons the information is planned to be collected; the way such information is planned
to be used to further the proper performance of the functions of the agency; whether responses to
the collection of information are voluntary or mandatory (citing authority); the nature and extent
of confidentiality to be provided, if any, citing authority; an estimate of the average respondent
burden together with a request that the public direct to the agency any comments concerning the
accuracy of this burden estimate and any suggestions for reducing this burden; the OMB control
number; and a statement that an agency may not conduct and a person is not required to respond
to an information collection request unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number.
Data Collection Methodology
Standard 2.3: Agencies must design and administer their data collection instruments and
methods in a manner that achieves the best balance between maximizing data quality and
controlling measurement error while minimizing respondent burden and cost.
Data Editing
Standard 3.1: Agencies must edit data appropriately, based on available information, to
mitigate or correct detectable errors.
Nonresponse Analysis and Response Rate Calculation
Standard 3.2: Agencies must appropriately measure, adjust for, report, and analyze unit and
item nonresponse to assess their effects on data quality and to inform users. Response rates must
be computed using standard formulas to measure the proportion of the eligible sample that is
represented by the responding units in each study, as an indicator of potential nonresponse bias.
Standard 3.3: Agencies must add codes to collected data to identify aspects of data quality
from the collection (e.g., missing data) in order to allow users to appropriately analyze the data.
Codes added to convert information collected as text into a form that permits immediate analysis
must use standardized codes, when available, to enhance comparability.
Data Protection
Standard 3.4: Agencies must implement safeguards throughout the production process to
ensure that survey data are handled to avoid disclosure.
Standard 3.5:
Agencies must evaluate the quality of the data and make the evaluation public
(through technical notes and documentation included in reports of results or through a separate
report) to allow users to interpret results of analyses, and to help designers of recurring surveys
focus improvement efforts.
Developing Estimates and Projections
Standard 4.1: Agencies must use accepted theory and methods when deriving direct survey-
based estimates, as well as model-based estimates and projections that use survey data. Error
estimates must be calculated and disseminated to support assessment of the appropriateness of
the uses of the estimates or projections. Agencies must plan and implement evaluations to assess
the quality of the estimates and projections.
Analysis and Report Planning
Standard 5.1: Agencies must develop a plan for the analysis of survey data prior to the start of
a specific analysis to ensure that statistical tests are used appropriately and that adequate
resources are available to complete the analysis.
Inference and Comparisons
Standard 5.2: Agencies must base statements of comparisons and other statistical conclusions
derived from survey data on acceptable statistical practice.
Review of Information Products
Standard 6.1: Agencies are responsible for the quality of information that they disseminate and
must institute appropriate content/subject matter, statistical, and methodological review
procedures to comply with OMB and agency Information Quality Guidelines.
Releasing Information
Standard 7.1: Agencies must release information intended for the general public according to a
dissemination plan that provides for equivalent, timely access to all users and provides
information to the public about the agencies’ dissemination policies and procedures including
those related to any planned or unanticipated data revisions.
Data Protection and Disclosure Avoidance for Dissemination
Standard 7.2: When releasing information products, agencies must ensure strict compliance
with any confidentiality pledge to the respondents and all applicable Federal legislation and
Survey Documentation
Standard 7.3: Agencies must produce survey documentation that includes those materials
necessary to understand how to properly analyze data from each survey, as well as the
information necessary to replicate and evaluate each survey’s results (See also Standard 1.2).
Survey documentation must be readily accessible to users, unless it is necessary to restrict access
to protect confidentiality.
Documentation and Release of Public-Use Microdata
Standard 7.4: Agencies that release microdata to the public must include documentation clearly
describing how the information is constructed and provide the metadata necessary for users to
access and manipulate the data (See also Standard 1.2). Public-use microdata documentation and
metadata must be readily accessible to users.
This document provides 20 standards that apply to Federal censuses and surveys whose
statistical purposes include the description, estimation, or analysis of the characteristics of
groups, segments, activities, or geographic areas in any biological, demographic, economic,
environmental, natural resource, physical, social, or other sphere of interest. The development,
implementation, or maintenance of methods, technical or administrative procedures, or
information resources that support such purposes are also covered by these standards. In
addition, these standards apply to censuses and surveys that are used in research studies or
program evaluations if the purpose of the survey meets any of the statistical purposes noted
above. To the extent they are applicable, these standards also cover the compilation of statistics
based on information collected from individuals or firms (such as tax returns or the financial and
operating reports required by regulatory commissions), applications/registrations, or other
administrative records.
Standards for Federal statistical programs serve both the interests of the public and the needs of
the government. These standards document the professional principles and practices that Federal
agencies are required to adhere to and the level of quality and effort expected in all statistical
activities. Each standard has accompanying guidelines that present recommended best practices
to fulfill the goals of the standards. Taken together, these standards and guidelines provide a
means to ensure consistency among and within statistical activities conducted across the Federal
Government. Agency implementation of standards and guidelines ensures that users of Federal
statistical information products are provided with details on the principles and methods
employed in the development, collection, processing, analysis, dissemination, and preservation
of Federal statistical information.
In 2002, the U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB), in response to Section 515 of the
Treasury and General Government Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2001 (Public Law 106-
554), popularly known as the Information Quality Act, issued government-wide guidelines that
“provide policy and procedural guidance to Federal agencies for ensuring and maximizing the
quality, objectivity, utility, and integrity of information (including statistical information)
disseminated by Federal agencies” (67 FR 8452-8460; February 22, 2002). Federal statistical
agencies worked together to draft a common framework to use in developing their individual
Information Quality Guidelines. That framework, published in the June 4, 2002, Federal
Register Notice, “Federal Statistical Organizations’ Guidelines for Ensuring and Maximizing the
Quality, Objectivity, Utility, and Integrity of Disseminated Information” (67 FR 38467-38470),
serves as the organizing framework for the standards and guidelines presented here.
framework for these standards and guidelines includes:
The Federal Register notice included eight areas where statistical organizations set standards for performance.
The framework utilized here combines “Development of concepts and methods” with “Planning and design of
surveys and other means of collecting data” into the single section on “Development of concepts, methods, and
design.” The standards for these activities were closely linked and attempting to separate them into two distinct
sections would have resulted in some duplication of standards between sections. The only other change is the title
of Section 7, which was shortened to “Dissemination of Information Products” for convenience rather than
“Dissemination of data by published reports, electronic files, and other media requested by users” as it originally
appeared in the Federal Register notice.
Development of concepts, methods, and design
Collection of data
Processing and editing of data
Production of estimates and projections
Data analysis
Review procedures
Dissemination of Information Products.
Within this framework, the 20 standards and their related guidelines for Federal statistical
surveys focus on ensuring high quality statistical surveys that result in information products
satisfying an agency's and OMB’s Information Quality Guidelines’ requirements for ensuring
and maximizing the quality, objectivity, utility, and integrity of information disseminated by the
Federal Government.
The standards and guidelines are not intended to substitute for the extensive existing literature on
statistical and survey theory, methods, and operations. When undertaking a survey, an agency
should engage knowledgeable and experienced survey practitioners to effectively achieve the
goals of the standards. Persons involved should have knowledge and experience in survey
sampling theory, survey design and methodology, field operations, data analysis, and
dissemination as well as technological aspects of surveys.
Under the OMB Information Quality Guidelines, quality is an encompassing term comprising
objectivity, utility, and integrity.
Objectivity refers to whether information is accurate, reliable, and unbiased, and is presented in
an accurate, clear, and unbiased manner. It involves both the content of the information and the
presentation of the information. This includes complete, accurate, and easily understood
documentation of the sources of the information, with a description of the sources of any errors
that may affect the quality of the data, when appropriate. Objectivity is achieved by using
reliable information sources and appropriate techniques to prepare information products.
Standards related to the production of accurate, reliable, and unbiased information include
Survey Response Rates (1.3), Developing Sampling Frames (2.1), Required Notifications to
Potential Survey Respondents (2.2), Data Collection Methodology (2.3), Data Editing (3.1),
Nonresponse Analysis and Response Rate Calculation (3.2), Coding (3.3), Evaluation (3.5),
Developing Estimates and Projections (4.1), Analysis and Report Planning (5.1), and Inference
and Comparisons (5.2).
Standards related to presenting results in an accurate, clear, and unbiased manner include:
Review of Information Products (6.1), Survey Documentation (7.3), and Documentation and
Release of Public-Use Microdata (7.4).
Utility refers to the usefulness of the information that is disseminated to its intended users. The
usefulness of information disseminated by Federal agencies should be considered from the
perspective of specific subject matter users, researchers, policymakers, and the public. Utility is
achieved by continual assessment of information needs, anticipating emerging requirements, and
developing new products and services.
To ensure that information disseminated by Federal agencies meets the needs of the intended
users, agencies rely upon internal reviews, analyses, and evaluations along with feedback from
advisory committees, researchers, policymakers, and the public. In addition, agencies should
clearly and correctly present all information products in plain language geared to their intended
audiences. The target audience for each product should be clearly identified, and the product’s
contents should be readily accessible to that audience.
In all cases, the goal is to maximize the usefulness of information and minimize the costs to the
government and the public. When disseminating their information products, Federal agencies
should utilize a variety of efficient dissemination channels so that the public, researchers, and
policymakers can locate and use information in an equitable, timely, and cost-effective fashion.
The specific standards that contribute directly to the utility and the dissemination of information
include: Survey Planning (1.1), Survey Design (1.2), Pretesting Survey Systems (1.4), Review
of Information Products (6.1), Releasing Information (7.1), Survey Documentation (7.3), and
Documentation and Release of Public-Use Microdata (7.4).
Integrity refers to the security or protection of information from unauthorized access or revision.
Integrity ensures that the information is not compromised through corruption or falsification.
Federal agencies have a number of statutory and administrative provisions governing the
protection of information. Examples that may affect all Federal agencies include the Privacy
Act; the Freedom of Information Act; the Confidential Information Protection and Statistical
Efficiency Act of 2002; the Federal Information Security Management Act of 2002; the Health
Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996; OMB Circular Nos. A-123, A-127, and A-
130; and the Federal Policy for the Protection of Human Subjects. The standards on Required
Notifications to Potential Survey Respondents (2.2), Data Protection (3.4), and Data Protection
and Disclosure Avoidance for Dissemination (7.2) directly address statistical issues concerning
the integrity of data.
Requirements for Agencies
The application of standards to the wide range of Federal statistical activities and uses requires
judgment that balances such factors as the uses of the resulting information and the efficient
allocation of resources; this should not be a mechanical process. Some surveys are extremely
large undertakings requiring millions of dollars, and the resulting general-purpose statistics have
significant, far-reaching effects. (Examples of major Federal information programs, many based
on statistical surveys, are the Principal Federal Economic Indicators.
) Other statistical activities
may be more limited and focused on specific program areas (e.g., customer satisfaction surveys,
program evaluations, or research).
For the list of principal economic indicators and their release dates see
For each statistical survey in existence when these standards are issued and for each new survey,
the sponsoring and/or releasing agency should evaluate compliance with applicable standards.
The agency should establish compliance goals for applicable standards if a survey is not in
compliance. An agency should use major survey revisions or other significant survey events as
opportunities to address areas in which a survey is not in compliance with applicable standards.
Federal agencies are required to adhere to all standards for every statistical survey, even those
that have already received OMB approval. Agencies should provide sufficient information in
their Information Collection Requests (ICR) to OMB under the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA)
to demonstrate whether they are meeting the standards. OMB recognizes that these standards
cannot be applied uniformly or precisely in every situation. Consideration will be given to the
importance of the uses of the information as well as the quality required to support those uses. If
funding or other contingencies make it infeasible for all standards to be met, agencies should
discuss in their ICR submissions the options that were considered and why the final design was
The agency should also include in the standard documentation for the survey, or in an easily
accessible public venue, such as on its web site, the reasons why the standard could not be met
and what actions the agency has taken or will take to address any resulting issues.
The following standards and guidelines are not designed to be completely exhaustive of all
efforts that an agency may undertake to ensure the quality of its statistical information.
Agencies are encouraged to develop additional, more detailed standards focused on their specific
statistical activities.
The standards are presented in seven sections. For each standard, there is a list of key terms that
are used in the standard or accompanying guidelines, and these terms are defined in the appendix
to provide clarification on their use in this document. The guidelines for each standard represent
best practices that may be useful in fulfilling the goals of the standard and provide greater
specificity and detail than the standards. However, as noted earlier, these standards and
guidelines are not intended to substitute for the extensive existing literature on statistical and
survey theory, methods, and operations. Additional information relevant to the standards can be
found in other more specialized publications, and references to other Federal guidance
documents or resources and the work of the Federal Committee on Statistical Methodology are
provided in this document.
Agencies conducting surveys should also consult guidance issued by OMB entitled Questions
and Answers When Designing Surveys for Information Collections. That document was
developed by OMB to assist agencies in preparing their Information Collection Requests for
OMB review under the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA). The PRA requires that all Federal
agencies obtain approval from OMB prior to collecting information from ten or more persons.
In cases where the agency determines that ongoing surveys are not in compliance with the standards, the
documentation should be updated at the earliest possible time.
Under the PRA, “Person means an individual, partnership, association, corporation (including operations of
government-owned contractor-operated facilities), business trust, or legal representative, an organized group of
Section 1.1 Survey Planning
Standard 1.1: Agencies initiating a new survey or major revision of an existing survey must
develop a written plan that sets forth a justification, including: goals and objectives; potential
users; the decisions the survey is designed to inform; key survey estimates; the precision required
of the estimates (e.g., the size of differences that need to be detected); the tabulations and
analytic results that will inform decisions and other uses; related and previous surveys; steps
taken to prevent unnecessary duplication with other sources of information; when and how
frequently users need the data; and the level of detail needed in tabulations, confidential
microdata, and public-use data files.
Key Terms: bridge study, confidentiality, consistent data series, crosswalk study, data series,
effect size, individually-identifiable data, key variables, measurement error, microdata, minimum
substantively significant effect (MSSE), pretest, public-use data file, respondent burden, survey
The following guidelines represent best practices that may be useful in fulfilling the goals of the
Guideline 1.1.1: Surveys (and related activities such as focus groups, cognitive interviews, pilot
studies, field tests, etc.) are collections of information subject to the requirements of the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (Pub.L. No. 104-13, 44 U.S.C. § 3501 et seq.) and OMB’s
implementing regulations (5 C.F.R. § 1320, Controlling Paperwork Burdens on the Public). An
initial step in planning a new survey or a revision of an existing survey should be to contact the
sponsoring agency’s Chief Information Officer or other designated official to ensure the survey
work is done in compliance with the law and regulations. OMB approval will be required before
the agency may collect information from 10 or more members of the public in a 12-month
period. A useful reference document regarding the approval process is OMB’s Questions and
Answers When Designing Surveys for Information Collections.
Guideline 1.1.2: Planning is an important prerequisite when designing a new survey or survey
system, or implementing a major revision of an ongoing survey. Key planning and project
management activities include the following:
1. A justification for the survey, including the rationale for the survey, relationship to prior
surveys, survey goals and objectives (including priorities within these goals and objectives),
hypotheses to be tested, and definitions of key variables. Consultations with potential users to
identify their requirements and expectations are also important at this stage of the planning
2. A review of related studies, surveys, and reports of Federal and non-Federal sources to ensure
that part or all of the survey would not unnecessarily duplicate available data from an existing
individuals, a State, territorial, tribal, or local government or branch thereof, or a political subdivision of a State,
territory, tribal, or local government or a branch of a political subdivision” (5 C.F.R. § 1320.3(k)).
source, or could not be more appropriately obtained by adding questions to existing Federal
statistical surveys. The goal here is to spend Federal funds effectively and minimize
respondent burden. If a new survey is needed, efforts to minimize the burden on individual
respondents are important in the development and selection of items.
3. A review of the confidentiality and privacy provisions of the Privacy Act, the Confidential
Information Protection and Statistical Efficiency Act of 2002, and the privacy provisions of
the E-Government Act of 2002, and all other relevant laws, regulations, and guidance, when
planning any surveys that will collect individually-identifiable data from any survey
4. A review of all survey data items, the justification for each item, and how each item can best be
measured (e.g., through questionnaires, tests, or administrative records). Agencies should
assemble reasonable evidence that these items are valid and can be measured both accurately
and reliably, or develop a plan for testing these items to assess their accuracy and reliability.
5. A plan for pretesting the survey or survey system, if applicable (see Section 1.4).
6. A plan for quality assurance during each phase of the survey process to permit monitoring and
assessing performance during implementation. The plan should include contingencies to
modify the survey procedures if design parameters appear unlikely to meet expectations (for
example, if low response rates are likely). The plan should also contain general specifications
for an internal project management system that identifies critical activities and key milestones
of the survey that will be monitored, and the time relationships among them.
7. A plan for evaluating survey procedures, results, and measurement error (see Section 3.5).
8. An analysis plan that identifies analysis issues, objectives, key variables, minimum
substantively significant effect sizes, and proposed statistical tests (see Section 5.1).
9. An estimate of resources and target completion dates needed for the survey cycle.
10. A dissemination plan that identifies target audiences, proposed major information products,
and the timing of their release.
11. A data management plan for the preservation of survey data, documentation, and information
products as well as the authorized disposition of survey records.
Guideline 1.1.3: To maintain a consistent data series over time, use consistent data collection
procedures for ongoing data collections. Continuous improvement efforts sometimes result in a
trade-off between the desire for consistency and a need to improve a data collection. If changes
are needed in key variables or survey procedures for a data series, consider the justification or
rationale for the changes in terms of their usefulness for policymakers, conducting analyses, and
addressing information needs. Develop adjustment methods, such as crosswalks and bridge
studies that will be used to preserve trend analyses and inform users about the effects of changes.
Section 1.2 Survey Design
Standard 1.2: Agencies must develop a survey design, including defining the target population,
designing the sampling plan, specifying the data collection instrument and methods, developing a
realistic timetable and cost estimate, and selecting samples using generally accepted statistical
methods (e.g., probabilistic methods that can provide estimates of sampling error). Any use of
nonprobability sampling methods (e.g., cut-off or model-based samples) must be justified
statistically and be able to measure estimation error. The size and design of the sample must
reflect the level of detail needed in tabulations and other data products, and the precision
required of key estimates. Documentation of each of these activities and resulting decisions
must be maintained in the project files for use in documentation (see Standards 7.3 and 7.4).
Key Terms: bias, confidentiality, cut-off sample, domain, effective sample size, estimation
error, frame, imputation, key variables, model-based sample, nonprobabilistic methods,
nonsampling error, power, precision, probabilistic methods, probability of selection, response
rate, sampling error, sampling unit, strata, target population, total mean square error, variance
The following guidelines represent best practices that may be useful in fulfilling the goals of the
Guideline 1.2.1: Include the following in the survey design: the proposed target population,
response rate goals, frequency and timing of collection, data collection methods, sample design,
sample size, precision requirements, and, where applicable, an effective sample size
determination based on power analyses for key variables.
Guideline 1.2.2: Ensure the sample design will yield the data required to meet the objectives of
the survey. Include the following in the sample design: identification of the sampling frame and
the adequacy of the frame; the sampling unit used (at each stage if a multistage design); sampling
strata; power analyses to determine sample sizes and effective sample sizes for key variables by
reporting domains (where appropriate); criteria for stratifying or clustering, sample size by
stratum, and the known probabilities of selection; response rate goals (see Standard 1.3);
estimation and weighting plan; variance estimation techniques appropriate to the survey design;
and expected precision of estimates for key variables.
Guideline 1.2.3: When a nonprobabilistic sampling method is employed, include the following
in the survey design documentation: a discussion of what options were considered and why the
final design was selected, an estimate of the potential bias in the estimates, and the methodology
to be used to measure estimation error. In addition, detail the selection process and demonstrate
that units not in the sample are impartially excluded on objective grounds in the survey design
Guideline 1.2.4: Include a pledge of confidentiality (if applicable), along with instructions
required to complete the survey. A clear, logical, and easy-to-follow flow of questions from a
respondents point of view is a key element of a successful survey.
Guideline 1.2.5: Include the following in the data collection plans: frequency and timing of
data collections; methods of collection for achieving acceptable response rates; training of
enumerators and persons coding and editing the data; and cost estimates, including the costs of
pretests, nonresponse follow-up, and evaluation studies.
Guideline 1.2.6: Whenever possible, construct an estimate of total mean square error in
approximate terms, and evaluate accuracy of survey estimates by comparing with other
information sources. If probability sampling is used, estimate sampling error; if nonprobability
sampling is used, calculate the estimation error.
Guideline 1.2.7: When possible, estimate the effects of potential nonsampling errors including
measurement errors due to interviewers, respondents, instruments, and mode; nonresponse error;
coverage error; and processing error.
Section 1.3 Survey Response Rates
Standard 1.3: Agencies must design the survey to achieve the highest practical rates of
response, commensurate with the importance of survey uses, respondent burden, and data
collection costs, to ensure that survey results are representative of the target population so that
they can be used with confidence to inform decisions. Nonresponse bias analyses must be
conducted when unit or item response rates or other factors suggest the potential for bias to
Key Terms: cross-sectional, key variables, longitudinal, nonresponse bias, response rates, stage
of data collection, substitution, target population, universe
The following guidelines represent best practices that may be useful in fulfilling the goals of the
Guideline 1.3.1: Calculate sample survey unit response rates without substitutions.
Guideline 1.3.2: Design data collections that will be used for sample frames for other surveys
(e.g., the Decennial Census, and the Common Core of Data collection by the National Center for
Education Statistics) to meet a target unit response rate of at least 95 percent, or provide a
justification for a lower anticipated rate (See Section 2.1.3).
Guideline 1.3.3: Prior to data collection, identify expected unit response rates at each stage of
data collection, based on content, use, mode, and type of survey.
Guideline 1.3.4: Plan for a nonresponse bias analysis if the expected unit response rate is below
80 percent (see Section 3.2.9).
Guideline 1.3.5: Plan for a nonresponse bias analysis if the expected item response rate is below
70 percent for any items used in a report (see Section 3.2.9).
Section 1.4 Pretesting Survey Systems
Standard 1.4: Agencies must ensure that all components of a survey function as intended when
implemented in the full-scale survey and that measurement error is controlled by conducting a
pretest of the survey components or by having successfully fielded the survey components on a
previous occasion.
Key Terms: cognitive interview, edit, estimation, field test, focus group, frame, pretest, survey
system, usability testing
The following guidelines represent best practices that may be useful in fulfilling the goals of the
Guideline 1.4.1: Test new components of a survey using methods such as cognitive testing,
focus groups, and usability testing, prior to a field test of the survey system and incorporate the
results from these tests into the final design.
Guideline 1.4.2: Use field tests prior to implementation of the full-scale survey when some or
all components of a survey system cannot be successfully demonstrated through previous work.
The design of a field test should reflect realistic conditions, including those likely to pose
difficulties for the survey. Elements to be tested include, for example, frame development,
sample selection, questionnaire design, data collection, item feasibility, electronic data collection
capabilities, edit specifications, data processing, estimation, file creation, and tabulations. A
complete test of all components (sometimes referred to as a dress rehearsal) may be desirable for
highly influential surveys.
Section 2.1 Developing Sampling Frames
Standard 2.1: Agencies must ensure that the frames for the planned sample survey or census
are appropriate for the study design and are evaluated against the target population for quality.
Key Terms: bias, coverage, estimation, frame, frame populations, target populations
The following guidelines represent best practices that may be useful in fulfilling the goals of the
Guideline 2.1.1: Describe target populations and associated survey or sampling frames. Include
the following items in this description:
1. The manner in which the frame was constructed and the maintenance procedures;
2. Any exclusions that have been applied to target and frame populations;
3. Coverage issues such as alternative frames that were considered, coverage rates (an
estimation of the missing units on the frame (undercoverage), and duplicates on the frame
(overcoverage)), multiple coverage rates if some addresses target multiple populations (such
as schools and children or households and individuals), what was done to improve the
coverage of the frame, and how data quality and item nonresponse on the frame may have
affected the coverage of the frame;
4. Any estimation techniques used to improve the coverage of estimates such as post-
stratification procedures; and
5. Other limitations of the frame including the timeliness and accuracy of the frame (e.g.,
misclassification, eligibility, etc.).
Guideline 2.1.2: Conduct periodic evaluations of coverage rates and coverage of the target
population in survey frames that are used for recurring surveys, for example, at least every 5
Guideline 2.1.3: Coverage rates in excess of 95 percent overall and for each major stratum are
desirable. If coverage rates fall below 85 percent, conduct an evaluation of the potential bias.
Guideline 2.1.4: Consider using frame enhancements, such as frame supplementation or dual-
frame estimation, to increase coverage.
For more information on developing survey frames, see Federal Committee on Statistical
Methodology (FCSM) Statistical Policy Working Paper 17, Survey Coverage.
Section 2.2 Required Notifications to Potential Survey Respondents
Standard 2.2: Agencies must ensure that each collection of information instrument clearly
states the reasons the information is planned to be collected; the way such information is planned
to be used to further the proper performance of the functions of the agency; whether responses to
the collection of information are voluntary or mandatory (citing authority); the nature and extent
of confidentiality to be provided, if any, citing authority; an estimate of the average respondent
burden together with a request that the public direct to the agency any comments concerning the
accuracy of this burden estimate and any suggestions for reducing this burden; the OMB control
number; and a statement that an agency may not conduct and a person is not required to respond
to an information collection request unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number.
Key Terms: confidentiality, mandatory, respondent burden, voluntary
The following guideline represents best practices that may be useful in fulfilling the goals of the
Guideline 2.2.1: Provide appropriate informational materials to respondents, addressing
respondent burden as well as the scope and nature of the questions to be asked. The materials
may include a pre-notification letter, brochure, set of questions and answers, or an 800 number to
call that does the following:
1. Informs potential respondents that they have been selected to participate in a survey;
2. Informs potential respondents about the name and nature of the survey; and
3. Provides any additional information to potential respondents that the agency is required to
supply (e.g., see further requirements in the regulations implementing the Paperwork
Reduction Act, 5 C.F.R. § 1320.8(b)(3)).
Section 2.3 Data Collection Methodology
Standard 2.3: Agencies must design and administer their data collection instruments and
methods in a manner that achieves the best balance between maximizing data quality and
controlling measurement error while minimizing respondent burden and cost.
Key Terms: imputation, item nonresponse, nonresponse bias, required response item,
respondent burden, response analysis survey, response rates, target population, validation studies
The following guidelines represent best practices that may be useful in fulfilling the goals of the
Guideline 2.3.1: Design the data collection instrument in a manner that minimizes respondent
burden, while maximizing data quality. The following strategies may be used to achieve these
1. Questions are clearly written and skip patterns easily followed;
2. The questionnaire is of reasonable length;
3. The questionnaire includes only items that have been shown to be successful in previous
administrations or the questionnaire is pretested to identify problems with interpretability and
ease in navigation.
4. Methods to reduce item nonresponse are adopted.
Guideline 2.3.2: Encourage respondents to participate to maximize response rates and improve
data quality. The following data collection strategies can also be used to achieve high response
1. Ensure that the data collection period is of adequate and reasonable length;
2. Send materials describing the data collection to respondents in advance, when possible;
3. Plan an adequate number of contact attempts; and
4. If applicable, train interviewers and other staff who may have contact with respondents in
techniques for obtaining respondent cooperation and building rapport with respondents.
Techniques for building rapport include respect for respondents’ rights, follow-up skills,
knowledge of the goals and objectives of the data collection, and knowledge of the uses of
the data.
5. Although incentives are not typically used in Federal surveys, agencies may consider use of
respondent incentives if they believe incentives would be necessary to use for a particular
survey in order to achieve data of sufficient quality for their intended use(s).
Guideline 2.3.3: The way a data collection is designed and administered also contributes to data
quality. The following issues are important to consider:
1. Given the characteristics of the target population, the objectives of the data collection, the
resources available, and time constraints, determine the appropriateness of the method of data
collection (e.g., mail, telephone, personal interview, Internet);
2. Collect data at the most appropriate time of year, when relevant;
3. Establish the data collection protocol to be followed by the field staff;
4. Provide training for field staff on new protocols, with refresher training on a routine,
recurring cycle;
5. Establish best practice mechanisms to minimize interviewer falsification, such as protocols
for monitoring interviewers and reinterviewing respondents;
6. Conduct response analysis surveys or other validation studies for new data collection efforts
that have not been validated;
7. Establish protocols that minimize measurement error, such as conducting response analysis
surveys to ensure records exist for data elements requested for business surveys, establishing
recall periods that are reasonable for demographic surveys, and developing computer systems
to ensure Internet data collections function properly; and
8. Quantify nonsampling errors to the extent possible.
Guideline 2.3.4: Develop protocols to monitor data collection activities, with strategies to
correct identified problems. The following issues are important to consider:
1. Implement quality and performance measurement and process control systems to monitor
data collection activities and integrate them into the data collection process. These
processes, systems, and tools will provide timely measurement and reporting of all critical
components of the data collection process, on the dimensions of progress, response, quality,
and cost. Thus, managers will be able to identify and resolve problems and ensure that the
data collection is completed successfully. Additionally, these measurements will provide
survey designers and data users with indicators of survey performance and resultant data
2. Use internal reporting systems that provide timely reporting of response rates and the reasons
for nonresponse throughout the data collection. These systems should be flexible enough to
identify important subgroups with low response rates for more intensive follow-ups.
3. If response rates are low and it is impossible to conduct more extensive procedures for the
full sample, select a probabilistic subsample of nonrespondents for the more intensive data
collection method. This subsample permits a description of nonrespondents’ characteristics,
provides data needed for nonresponse bias analysis, and allows for possible weight
adjustments or for imputation of missing characteristics.
4. Determine a set of required response items to obtain when a respondent is unwilling to
cooperate fully. These items may then be targeted in the nonresponse follow-up in order to
meet the minimum standard for unit response. These items may also be used in a
nonresponse bias analysis that compares characteristics of respondents and nonrespondents
using the sample data for those items. These required response items may also be used for
item nonresponse imputation systems.
Section 3.1 Data Editing
Standard 3.1: Agencies must edit data appropriately, based on available information, to
mitigate or correct detectable errors.
Key Terms: editing
The following guidelines represent best practices that may be useful in fulfilling the goals of the
Guideline 3.1.1: Check and edit data to mitigate errors. Data editing is an iterative and
interactive process that includes procedures for detecting and correcting errors in the data.
Editing uses available information and some assumptions to derive substitute values for
inconsistent values in a data file. When electronic data collection methods are used, data are
usually edited both during and after data collection. Include results from analysis of data and
input from subject matter specialists in the development of edit rules and edit parameters. As
appropriate, check data for the following and edit if errors are detected:
1. Responses that fall outside a prespecified range (e.g., based on expert judgment or previous
responses) or, for categorical responses, are not equal to specified categories;
2. Consistency, such as the sum of categories matches the reported total, or responses to
different questions are logical;
3. Contradictory responses and incorrect flow through prescribed skip patterns;
4. Missing data that can be directly filled from other portions of the same record (including the
sample frame);
5. The omission and duplication of records; and
6. Inconsistency between estimates and outside sources.
Guideline 3.1.2: Possible actions for failed edits include the following:
1. Automated correction within specified criteria;
2. Data verified by respondent, and edit overridden;
3. Corrected data provided by respondent;
4. Corrected data available from other sources;
5. If unable to contact respondent, and after review by survey staff, an imputed value may be
substituted for a failed edit; and
6. Data edit failure overridden after review by survey staff.
Guideline 3.1.3: Code the data set to indicate any actions taken during editing, and/or retain the
unedited data along with the edited data.
For more information on data editing, see FCSM Statistical Policy Working Paper 18, Data
Editing in Federal Statistical Agencies, and
FCSM Statistical Policy Working Paper 25, Data
Editing Workshop and Exposition.
Section 3.2 Nonresponse Analysis and Response Rate Calculation
Standard 3.2: Agencies must appropriately measure, adjust for, report, and analyze unit and
item nonresponse to assess their effects on data quality and to inform users. Response rates must
be computed using standard formulas to measure the proportion of the eligible sample that is
represented by the responding units in each study, as an indicator of potential nonresponse bias.
Key Terms: bias, cross-wave imputation, cross-sectional, eligible sample unit, frame,
imputation, item nonresponse, key variables, longitudinal, longitudinal analysis, missing at
random, missing completely at random, multivariate analysis, multivariate modeling,
nonresponse bias, overall unit nonresponse, probability of selection, response rates, stages of
data collection, unit nonresponse, wave, weights
The following guidelines represent best practices that may be useful in fulfilling the goals of the
Guideline 3.2.1: Calculate all response rates unweighted and weighted. Calculate weighted
response rates based on the probability of selection or, in the case of establishment surveys, on
the proportion of key characteristics that is represented by the responding units. Agencies may
report other response rates in addition to those given below (e.g., to show the range of response
rates given different assumptions about eligibility) as long as the rates below are reported and
any additional rates are clearly defined.
Guideline 3.2.2: Calculate unweighted unit response rates (RRU) as the ratio of the number of
completed cases (or sufficient partials) (C) to the number of in-scope sample cases (AAPOR,
2004). There are a number of different categories of cases that comprise the total number of in-
scope cases:
C = number of completed cases or sufficient partials;
R = number of refused cases;
NC = number of noncontacted sample units known to be eligible;
O = number of eligible sample units not responding for reasons other than refusal;
U = number of sample units of unknown eligibility, not completed; and
e = estimated proportion of sample units of unknown eligibility that are eligible.
The unweighted unit response rate represents a composite of these components:
Guideline 3.2.3:
Calculate weighted unit response rates (RRW) to take into account the
different probabilities of selection of sample units, or for economic surveys, the different
proportions of key characteristics that are represented by the responding units. For each
observation i:
= 1 if the ith case is completed (or is a sufficient partial), and C
= 0 if the ith case is
not completed;
= 1 if the ith case is a refusal and R
= 0 if the ith case is not a refusal;
= 1 if the ith case is a noncontacted sample unit known to be eligible and NC
= 0 if
the ith case is not a noncontacted sample unit known to be eligible;
= 1 if the ith case is a eligible sample units not responding for reasons other than
refusal and O
= 0 if the ith case is not a eligible sample unit not responding for reasons
other than refusal;
= 1 if the ith case is a sample units of unknown eligibility and U
= 0 if the ith case is
not a sample unit of unknown eligibility;
e = estimated proportion of sample units of unknown eligibility that are eligible; and
= the inverse probability of selection for the ith sample unit.
The weighted unit response rate can be given by summing over all sample units selected to be in
the sample, as shown below:
Many economic surveys use weighted response rates that reflect the proportion of a key
characteristic, y, such as “total assets,” “total revenues,” or “total amount of coal produced.”
Though it may be referred to as a coverage rate, it is, in fact, a weighted item response rate where
the item of interest is a quantity of primary interest for the survey. If we let y
be the value of the
characteristic y for the ith sample unit and sum over the entire sample, then the weighted
response rate can be given by:
Alternatively, the denominator can be based on the population total from a previous period or
from administrative records.
Guideline 3.2.4: Calculate the overall unit response rates for cross-sectional sample surveys
) as the product of two or more unit-level response rates when a survey has multiple
= the unit level response rate for the ith stage;
C denotes cross-sectional; and
K = the number of stages.
When a sample is drawn with probability proportionate to size (PPS), then the interpretation of
can be improved by using size weighted response rates for the K stages . This is
especially helpful if nonresponse is related to the size of the sample units.
Guideline 3.2.5: Calculate longitudinal response rates for each wave. Use special procedures
for longitudinal surveys where previous nonrespondents are eligible for inclusion in subsequent
waves. The overall unit response rate used in longitudinal analysis (RRO
) reflects the
proportion of all eligible respondents in the sample who participated in all waves in the analysis,
and includes the response rates from all stages of data collection used in the analysis:
K = the last stage of data collection used in the analysis;
= the number of responding cases common to all waves in the analysis
= Refusals at wave 1 at stage k
so that I
) is the entire sample entered at wave 1
Guideline 3.2.6: Calculate item response rates (RRI) as the ratio of the number of respondents
for whom an in-scope response was obtained (I
for item x) to the number of respondents who
were asked to answer that item. The number asked to answer an item is the number of unit-level
respondents (I) minus the number of respondents with a valid skip for item x (V
). When an
abbreviated questionnaire is used to convert refusals, the eliminated questions are treated as item
Guideline 3.2.7: Calculate the total item response rates (RRT
) for specific items as the product
of the overall unit response rate (RRO) and the item response rate for item x (RRI
Guideline 3.2.8: When calculating a response rate with supplemented samples, base the
reported response rates on the original and the added sample cases. However, when calculating
response rates where the sample was supplemented during the initial sample selection (e.g., using
matched pairs), calculate unit response rates without the substituted cases included (i.e., only the
original cases are used).
Guideline 3.2.9: Given a survey with an overall unit response rate of less than 80 percent,
conduct an analysis of nonresponse bias using unit response rates as defined above, with an
assessment of whether the data are missing completely at random. As noted above, the degree of
nonresponse bias is a function of not only the response rate but also how much the respondents
and nonrespondents differ on the survey variables of interest. For a sample mean, an estimate of
the bias of the sample respondent mean is given by:
= the mean based on all sample cases;
= the mean based only on respondent cases;
= the mean based only on the nonrespondent cases;
n = the number of cases in the sample; and
= the number of nonrespondent cases.
For a multistage (or wave) survey, focus the nonresponse bias analysis on each stage, with
particular attention to the “problem” stages. A variety of methods can be used to examine
nonresponse bias, for example, make comparisons between respondents and nonrespondents
across subgroups using available sample frame variables. In the analysis of unit nonresponse,
consider a multivariate modeling of response using respondent and nonrespondent frame
variables to determine if nonresponse bias exists. Comparison of the respondents to known
characteristics of the population from an external source can provide an indication of poss
ias, especially if the characteristics in question are related to the survey’s key variables.
evel for at least the items in
uestion, in a manner similar to that discussed in Guideline 3.2.9.
ndom, the amount of potential bias should inform the decision to publish individual items.
l considerations, appropriate for the analysis, and make use of
e most relevant data available.
kely to be
e should be taken to use imputations that minimize the attenuation of
nderlying relationships.
of imputing longitudinal data sets, use cross-wave imputations or
ross-sectional imputations.
uideline 3.2.15: Clearly identify all imputed values on a data file (e.g., code them).
Statistical Policy Working Paper 31, Measuring and Reporting Sources of Error in
ection 3.3 Coding
its immediate analysis
ust use standardized codes, when available, to enhance comparability.
ey Terms: coding, quality assurance process
Guideline 3.2.10: If the item response rate is less than 70 percent, conduct an item nonresponse
analysis to determine if the data are missing at random at the item l
Guideline 3.2.11: In those cases where the analysis indicates that the data are not missing at
Guideline 3.2.12: For data collections involving sampling, adjust weights for unit nonresponse,
unless unit imputation is done. The unit nonresponse adjustment should be internally consistent,
Guideline 3.2.13: Base decisions regarding whether or not to adjust or impute data for item
nonresponse on how the data will be used, the assessment of nonresponse bias that is li
encountered in the review of collections, prior experience with this collection, and the
nonresponse analysis discussed in this section. When used, imputation and adjustment
procedures should be internally consistent, based on theoretical and empirical considerations,
appropriate for the analysis, and make use of the most relevant data available. If multivariate
analysis is anticipated, car
Guideline 3.2.14: In the case
For more information on calculating response rates and conducting nonresponse bias analyses,
Standard 3.3: Agencies must add codes to collected data to identify aspects of data quality
from the collection (e.g., missing data) in order to allow users to appropriately analyze the data.
Codes added to convert information collected as text into a form that perm
The follow
ing guidelines represent best practices that may be useful in fulfilling the goals of the
Guideline 3.3.1: Insert codes into the data set that clearly identify missing data and cases wh
an entry is not expected (e.g., skipped over by skip pattern). Do not use blan
ks and zeros as
odes to identify missing data, as they tend to be confused with actual data.
rnational organizations, when they exist. Current
ww .ni
Guideline 3.3.2: When converting text data to codes to facilitate easier analysis, use
standardized codes, if they exist. Use the Federal coding standards listed below, if applicable.
Provide cross-referencing tables to the Federal standard codes for any legacy coding that doe
not meet the Federal standards. Develop other types of codes using existing Federal agency
practice or standard codes from industry or inte
Federal standard codes include the following:
FIPS Codes. The National Institute of Standards and Technology maintains Federal
Information Processing Standards (FIPS) required for use in Federal information proces
in accordance with OMB Circular No. A-130. Use the following FIPS for coding (see
w.itl for the most recent versions of these standards):
Codes for the Identification of the States, the District of Col
5-2 umbia and the
6-4 valent Entities of the United States, Its Possessions, and
10-4 reas of Special Sovereignty and Their Principal
es to
ation (SIC) system (for
Outlying Areas of the United States, and Associated Areas
Counties and Equi
Associated Areas
9-1 Congressional Districts of the United States
Countries, Dependencies, A
Administrative Divisions
NAICS Codes. Use the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) to classify
establishments. NAICS was developed jointly by Canada, Mexico, and the United Stat
provide new comparability in statistics about business activity across North America.
NAICS coding has replaced the U.S. Standard Industrial Classific
more information, see
SOC Codes. Use the Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) system to classify workers
into occupational categories for the purpose of
collecting, calculating, or disseminating data
(for more information, see
Race and Ethnicity. Follow OMB’s Standards for Maintaining, Collecting, and Presenting
Federal Data on Race and Ethnicity when collecting data on race and e
thnicity (for more
information, see
Statistical Areas. Use the Standards for Defining Metropolitan and Micropolitan Statistical
Areas for collecting, tabulating, and publishing Federal statistics for geograp
hic areas (for
more information, see
mple of the coding to determine if a specific
vel of coding accuracy is being maintained.
ection 3.4 Data Protection
oughout the production process to
nsure that survey data are handled to avoid disclosure.
Guideline 3.3.3: When setting up a manual coding process to convert text to codes, create a
quality assurance process that verifies at least a sa
Standard 3.4: Agencies must implement safeguards thr
Key Terms: confidential, individually-identifiable data
The follow
ing guidelines represent best practices that may be useful in fulfilling the goals of the
e survey data in any format (e.g., completed survey forms,
lectronic files, and printouts).
ailable information resource security practices
that are periodically monitored and updated.
sponsible for that data set in order to guard against unauthorized release or alteration.
2, Report
ion of the Confidential Information Protection and Statistical Efficiency Act of 2002
ection 3.5 Evaluation
rpret results of analyses, and to help designers of recurring surveys
cus improvement efforts.
response, measurement error, nonresponse
rror, nonsampling error, sampling error, weights
Guideline 3.4.1: For surveys that include confidential data, establish procedures and
mechanisms to ensure the information’s protection during the production, use, storage,
transmittal, and disposition of th
Guideline 3.4.2: Ensure that
Individually-identifiable survey data are protected;
Data systems and electronic products are protected from unauthorized intervention; and
Data files, network segments, servers, and desktop PCs are electronically secure from
malicious software and intrusion using best av
Guideline 3.4.3: Ensure controlled access to data sets so that only specific, named individuals
working on a particular data set can have read only, or write only, or both read and write acces
to that data set. Data set access rights are to be periodically reviewed by the project man
For more information on data protection, see
FCSM Statistical Policy Working Paper 2
on Statistical Disclosure Limitation Methodology, and forthcoming OMB guidance on
Standard 3.5: Agencies must evaluate the quality of the data and make the evaluation public
(through technical notes and documentation included in reports of results or through a separate
report) to allow users to inte
Key Terms: coverage error, instrument, item non
The following guideline represents best practices that may be useful in fulfilling the goals of the
tion methods, and
d. Address the following areas:
Guideline 3.5.1: Include an evaluation component in the survey plan that evaluates survey
procedures, results, and measurement error (see Section 1.1). Review past surveys similar to
one being planned to determine likely sources of error, appropriate evalua
problems that are likely to be encountere
ding frame errors);
error, including sources from the instrument, interviewers, and collection
r will be measured, including variance estimation and
rived from the survey to other independent collections of similar data, if
Make evaluation studies public to inform data users.
stimating the nonsampling error from each source identified in the evaluation plan.
M Statistical Policy Working Paper
1, Measuring and Reporting Sources of Error in Surveys.
ection 4.1 Developing Estimates and Projections
ncies must plan and implement evaluations to assess
e quality of the estimates and projections.
tratification, projection, raking, ratio estimation,
nsitivity analysis, strata, variance, weights
Potential sources of error, including
Coverage error (inclu
Nonresponse error;
process; and
Data processing error (e.g., keying, coding, editing, and imputation error);
How sampling and nonsampling erro
studies to isolate error components;
How total mean square error will be assessed;
Methods used to reduce nonsampling error in the collected da
Methods used to mitigate nonsampling error after collection;
Post-collection analyses of the quality of final estimates (include a comparison of the data
and estimates de
available); and
Guideline 3.5.2:
Where appropriate, develop and implement methods for bounding o
For more information on evaluations, see
FCSM Statistical Policy Working Paper 15,
Measurement of Quality in Establishment Surveys, and
Standard 4.1: Agencies must use accepted theory and methods when deriving direct survey-
based estimates, as well as model-based estimates and projections that use survey data. Error
estimates must be calculated and disseminated to support assessment of the appropriateness of
the uses of the estimates or projections. Age
Key Terms: design effect, direct survey-based estimates, estimation, model, model-based
estimate, model validation, population, post-s
The follow
ing guidelines represent best practices that may be useful in fulfilling the goals of the
ncy has evaluated the alternative method and determined that
it leads to acceptable results.
Guideline 4.1.1: Develop direct survey estimates according to the following practices:
Employ weights appropriate for the sample design to calculate population estimates.
However, an agency may employ an alternative method (e.g., ratio estimators) to calculate
population estimates if the age
Use auxiliary data to improve precision and/or reduce the error associated with direct survey
Calculate variance estimates by a method appropriate to a survey’s sample design taking into
account probabilities of selection, stratification, clustering, and the effects of nonresponse,
post-stratification, and raking. The estimates must reflect any design effect resulting from a
complex design.
Guideline 4.1.2: Develop model-based estimates according to accepted theory and practices
(e.g., assumptions, mathematical specifications).
Guideline 4.1.3: Develop projections in accordance with accepted theory and practices (e.g.,
assumptions, mathematical specifications).
Guideline 4.1.4: Subject any model used for developing estimates or projections to the
Sensitivity analysis to determine if changes in key model inputs cause key model outputs to
respond in a sensible fashion;
Model validation to analyze a model’s performance by comparing the results to available
independent information sources; and
Demonstration of reproducibility to show that, given the same inputs, the model produces
similar results.
Guideline 4.1.5: Prior to producing estimates, establish criteria for determining when the error
(both sampling and nonsampling) associated with a direct survey estimate, model-based
estimate, or projection is too large to publicly release the estimate/projection.
Guideline 4.1.6: Document methods and models used to generate estimates and projections to
help ensure objectivity, utility, transparency, and reproducibility of the estimates and projections.
(For details on documentation, see Section 7.3). Also, archive data and models so the
estimates/projections can be reproduced.
For more information on developing model-based estimates, see FCSM Statistical Policy
Working Paper 21
, Indirect Estimators in Federal Programs.
Section 5.1 Analysis and Report Planning
Standard 5.1:
Agencies must develop a plan for the analysis of survey data prior to the start of
a specific analysis to ensure that statistical tests are used appropriately and that adequate
resources are available to complete the analysis.
Key Terms: key variables, response rates
The following guidelines represent best practices that may be useful in fulfilling the goals of the
Guideline 5.1.1: Include the following in the analysis plan:
An introduction that describes the purpose, the research question, relevant literature, data
sources (including a brief description of the survey data and any limitations of the data), key
variables to be used in the analysis, type of analysis, and significance level to be used;
Table and figure shells that support the analysis; and
3. A framework for technical notes including, as appropriate, the history of the survey program,
data collection methods and procedures, sample design, response rates and the treatment of
missing data, weighting methods, computation of standard errors, instructions for constructed
variables, limitations of the data, and sources of error in the data.
Guideline 5.1.2: Include standard elements of project management in the plan, including target
completion dates, the resources needed to complete each activity, and risk planning.
Section 5.2 Inference and Comparisons
Standard 5.2: Agencies must base statements of comparisons and other statistical conclusions
derived from survey data on acceptable statistical practice.
Key Terms: Bonferroni adjustment, covariance, estimates, hypothesis test, multiple
comparisons, p value, standard error, statistical significance, Type I error
The following guidelines represent best practices that may be useful in fulfilling the goals of the
Guideline 5.2.1: Specify the criterion for judging statistical significance for tests of hypotheses
(Type I error) before conducting the testing.
Guideline 5.2.2: Before including statements in information products that two characteristics
being estimated differ in the actual population, make comparison tests between the two
estimates, if either is constructed from a sample. Use methods for comparisons appropriate for
the nature of the estimates. In most cases, this requires estimates of the standard error of the
estimates and, if the estimates are not independent, an estimate of the covariance between the
two estimates.
Guideline 5.2.3: When performing multiple comparisons with the same data between
subgroups, include a note with the test results indicating whether or not the significance criterion
(Type I error) was adjusted and, if adjusted, by what method (e.g., Bonferroni, modified
Bonferroni, Tukey).
Guideline 5.2.4: When performing comparison tests, test and report only the differences that are
substantively meaningful (i.e., don’t necessarily run a comparison between every pair of
estimates; run only those that are meaningful within the context of the data, and report only
differences that are large enough to be substantively meaningful, even if other differences are
also statistically significant).
Guideline 5.2.5: Given a comparison that does not have a statistically significant difference,
conclude that the data do not support a statement that they are different. If the estimates have
apparent differences, but have large standard errors making the difference statistically
insignificant, note this in the text or as a note with tables or graphs.
Guideline 5.2.6: Support statements about monotonic trends (strictly increasing or decreasing)
in time series using appropriate tests. If extensive seasonality, irregularities, known special
causes, or variation in trends are present in the data, take those into account in the trend analysis.
Guideline 5.2.7: If part of an historical series is revised, data for both the old and the new series
should be published for a suitable overlap period for the use of analysts.
Section 6.1 Review of Information Products
Standard 6.1: Agencies are responsible for the quality of information that they disseminate and
must institute appropriate content/subject matter, statistical, and methodological review
procedures to comply with OMB and agency Information Quality Guidelines.
The following guidelines represent best practices that may be useful in fulfilling the goals of the
Guideline 6.1.1: Conduct a content/subject-matter review of all information products that
present a description or interpretation of results from the survey, such as analytic reports or
“briefs.” Select reviewers with appropriate expertise in the subject matter, operation, or
statistical program discussed in the document. Among the areas that reviewers should consider
are the following:
Subject-matter literature is referenced in the document if appropriate;
Information is factually correct; and
Information is presented clearly and logically, conclusions follow from analysis, and no
anomalous findings are ignored.
Guideline 6.1.2: Conduct a statistical and methodological review of all information products.
Select reviewers with appropriate expertise in the methodology described in the document.
Among the tasks that reviewers should consider are the following:
Review assumptions and limitations for accuracy and appropriateness;
Ensure that appropriate statistical methods are used and reported;
Review calculations and formulas for accuracy and statistical soundness;
Review data and presentations of data (e.g., tables) for disclosure risk, as necessary;
Review contents, conclusions, and technical (statistical and operational areas)
recommendations to ensure that they are supported by the methodology used; and
Ensure that data sources and technical documentation, including data limitations, are
included or referenced.
Guideline 6.1.3:
Review all information products that will be disseminated electronically for
compliance with Section 508 of the U.S. Rehabilitation Act (29 U.S.C. § 794d ) for accessibility
by persons with disabilities. Ensure that any product that is disseminated via special software is
tested for accessibility and interpretability prior to dissemination.
Section 7.1 Releasing Information
Standard 7.1:
Agencies must release information intended for the general public according to a
dissemination plan that provides for equivalent, timely access to all users and provides
information to the public about the agencies’ dissemination policies and procedures including
those related to any planned or unanticipated data revisions.
Key Terms: estimate, forecast, key variables, model, nonsampling error, variance
The following guidelines represent best practices that may be useful in fulfilling the goals of the
Guideline 7.1.1: Dissemination procedures for major information products include the
Develop schedule and mode for the release of information products;
Inform targeted audiences; and
Ensure equivalent, timely access to all users.
Guideline 7.1.2: Protect information against any unauthorized prerelease, and release
information only according to established release procedures.
Guideline 7.1.3: If revisions to estimates are planned, establish a schedule for anticipated
revisions, make it available to users, and identify initial releases as preliminary.
Guideline 7.1.4: Establish a policy for handling unscheduled corrections due to previously
unrecognized errors. The policy may include threshold criteria (e.g., the correction will change a
national level total value by more than one percent or a regional value by more than five
percent) identifying conditions under which data will be corrected and redisseminated.
Guideline 7.1.5: When information products are disseminated, provide users access to the
following information:
Definitions of key variables;
Source information, such as a survey form number and description of methodology used to
produce the information or links to the methodology;
Quality-related documentation such as conceptual limitations and nonsampling error;
Variance estimation documentation;
Time period covered by the information and units of measure;
Data taken from alternative sources;
Point of contact to whom further questions can be directed;
Software or links to software needed to read/access the information and installation/operating
instructions, if applicable;
Date the product was last updated; and
Standard dissemination policies and procedures.
Guideline 7.1.6: For information products derived using models, adhere to the following:
Clearly identify forecasts and derived estimates ; and
Make descriptions of forecasting models or derivation procedures accessible from the
product along with any available evaluation of its accuracy.
Guideline 7.1.7: Include criteria for instances when information will not be publicly
disseminated (e.g., underlying data are of insufficient quality) in the agency’s standard
dissemination policies and procedures.
For more information on electronic dissemination of statistical data, see
FCSM Statistical Policy
Working Paper 24
, Electronic Dissemination of Statistical Data.
Section 7.2 Data Protection and Disclosure Avoidance for Dissemination
Standard 7.2: When releasing information products, agencies must ensure strict compliance
with any confidentiality pledge to the respondents and all applicable Federal legislation and
Key Terms: confidentiality, data protection, disclosure
The following guidelines represent best practices that may be useful in fulfilling the goals of the
Guideline 7.2.1
: For survey information collected under a pledge of confidentiality, employ
sufficient procedures and mechanisms to protect any individually-identifiable data from
unauthorized disclosure.
Guideline 7.2.2
: Do not publicly reveal parameters associated with disclosure limitation rules.
For more information, see
FCSM Statistical Policy Working Paper 22, Report on Statistical
Disclosure Limitation Methodology, and forthcoming OMB guidance on the Confidential
Information Protection and Statistical Efficiency Act of 2002 (CIPSEA).
Section 7.3 Survey Documentation
Standard 7.3:
Agencies must produce survey documentation that includes those materials
necessary to understand how to properly analyze data from each survey, as well as the
information necessary to replicate and evaluate each survey’s results (See also Standard 1.2).
Survey documentation must be readily accessible to users, unless it is necessary to restrict access
to protect confidentiality.
Key Terms: coverage, editing, imputation, instrument, nonsampling error, response rates,
sampling error, sampling unit, strata, variance
The following guidelines represent best practices that may be useful in fulfilling the goals of the
Guideline 7.3.1: Survey system documentation includes all information necessary to analyze
the data properly. Along with the final data set, documentation, at a minimum, includes the
OMB Information Collection Request package;
Description of variables used to uniquely identify records in the data file;
Description of the sample design, including strata and sampling unit identifiers to be used for
Final instrument(s) or a facsimile thereof for surveys conducted through a computer-assisted
telephone interview (CATI) or computer-assisted personal interview (CAPI) or Web
instrument that includes the following:
All items in the instrument (e.g., questions, check items, and help screens);
Items extracted from other data files to prefill the instrument (e.g., dependent data from a
prior round of interviewing); and
Items that are input to the post data collection processing steps (e.g., output of an
automated instrument);
Definitions of all variables, including all modifications;
Data file layout;
Descriptions of constructed variables on the data file that are computed from responses to
other variables on the file;
Unweighted frequency counts;
Description of sample weights, including adjustments for nonresponse and benchmarking
and how to apply them;
Description of how to calculate variance estimates appropriate for the survey design;
Description of all editing and imputation methods applied to the data (including evaluations
of the methods) and how to remove imputed values from the data;
Descriptions of known data anomalies and corrective actions;
Description of the magnitude of sampling error associated with the survey;
Description of the sources of nonsampling error associated with the survey (e.g., coverage,
measurement) and evaluations of these errors;
Comparisons with independent sources, if available;
Overall unit response rates (weighted and unweighted) and nonresponse bias analyses (if
applicable); and
Item response rates and nonresponse bias analyses, (if applicable).
Guideline 7.3.2:
To ensure that a survey can be replicated and evaluated, the agency’s internal
archived portion of the survey system documentation, at a minimum, must include the following:
Survey planning and design decisions, including the OMB Information Collection Request
Field test design and results;
Selected sample;
Sampling frame;
Justifications for the items on the survey instrument, including why the final items were
All instructions to respondents and/or interviewers either about how to properly respond to a
survey item or how to properly present a survey item;
Description of the data collection methodology;
Sampling plan and justifications, including any deviations from the plan;
Data processing plan specifications and justifications;
Final weighting plan specifications, including calculations for how the final weights were
derived, and justifications;
Final imputation plan specifications and justifications;
Data editing plan specifications and justifications;
Evaluation reports;
Descriptions of models used for indirect estimates and projections;
Analysis plans;
Time schedule for revised data; and
Documentation made publicly available in conjunction with the release of data.
Guideline 7.3.3: For recurring surveys, produce a periodic evaluation report, such as a
methodology report, that itemizes all sources of identified error. Where possible, provide
estimates or bounds on the magnitudes of these errors; discuss the total error model for the
survey; and assess the survey in terms of this model.
Guideline 7.3.4: Retain all survey documentation according to appropriate Federal records
disposition and archival policy.
For more information on measuring and reporting sources of errors in surveys, see
Statistical Policy Working Paper 31
, Measuring and Reporting Sources of Error in Surveys.
Section 7.4 Documentation and Release of Public-Use Microdata
Standard 7.4: Agencies that release microdata to the public must include documentation clearly
describing how the information is constructed and provide the metadata necessary for users to
access and manipulate the data (See also Standard 1.2). Public-use microdata documentation and
metadata must be readily accessible to users.
Key Terms: microdata, public-use microdata, record layout, stage of the data collection
The following guidelines represent best practices that may be useful in fulfilling the goals of the
Guideline 7.4.1: Provide complete documentation for all data files. See Section 7.3 for
additional information on file documentation.
Guideline 7.4.2: Provide a file description and record layout for each file. All variables must be
clearly identified and described.
Guideline 7.4.3: Make all microdata products and documentation accessible by users with
generally available software.
Guideline 7.4.4: Clearly identify all imputed values on the data file.
Guideline 7.4.5: Release public-use microdata as soon as practicable to ensure timely
availability for data users.
Guideline 7.4.6: Retain all microdata products and documentation according to appropriate
Federal records disposition and archival policy. Archive data with the National Archives and
Records Administration and other data archives, as appropriate, so that data are available for
historical research in future years.
Bias is the systematic deviation of the survey estimated value from the true population value.
Bias refers to systematic errors that can occur with any sample under a specific design.
Bonferroni adjustment is a procedure for guarding against an increase in the probability of a
Type I error when performing multiple significance tests. To maintain the probability of a Type
I error at some selected value alpha, each of the m tests to be performed is judged against a
significance level, alpha/m.
bridge study continues an existing methodology concurrent with a new methodology for the
purpose of examining the relationship between the new and old estimates.
Coding involves converting information into numbers or other symbols that can be more easily
counted and tabulated.
Cognitive interviews are used to develop and refine questionnaires. In a typical cognitive
interview, respondents report aloud everything they are thinking as they attempt to answer a
survey question.
A collection of information is defined in the Paperwork Reduction Act as the obtaining,
causing to be obtained, soliciting, or requiring the disclosure to an agency, third parties or the
public of information by or for an agency by means of identical questions posed to, or identical
reporting, recordkeeping, or disclosure requirements imposed on, ten or more persons, whether
such collection of information is mandatory, voluntary, or required to obtain or retain a benefit.
Confidentiality involves the protection of individually-identifiable data from unauthorized
consistent data series maintains comparability over time by keeping an item fixed, or by
incorporating appropriate adjustment methods in the event an item is changed.
Covariance is a characteristic that indicates the strength of relationship between two variables. It
is the expected value of the product of the deviations of two random variables, x and y from their
respective means.
Coverage refers to the extent to which all elements on a frame list are members of the
population, and to which every element in a population appears on the frame list once and only
Coverage error refers to the discrepancy between statistics calculated on the frame population
and the same statistics calculated on the target population.
Undercoverage errors occur when
target population units are missed during frame construction, and
overcoverage errors occur
when units are duplicated or enumerated in error.
crosswalk study delineates how categories from one classification system are related to
categories in a second classification system.
cross-sectional sample survey is based on a representative sample of respondents drawn from
a population at one point in time.
Cross-sectional imputations are based on data from a single time period.
Cross-wave imputations are imputations based on data from multiple time periods. For
example, a
cross-sectional imputation for a time 2 salary could simply be a donor’s time 2
salary. Alternatively, a cross-wave imputation could be the change in a donor's salary from time
1 to time 2 multiplied by the time 1 nonrespondent’s salary.
cut-off sample is a nonprobability sample that consists of the units in the population that have
the largest values of a key variable (frequently the variable of interest from a previous time
period). For example, a 90% cut-off sample consists of the largest units accounting for at least
90% of the population total of the key variable. Sample selection is usually done by sorting the
population in decreasing order by size, and including units in the sample until the percent
coverage exceeds the established cut-off.
Data protection involves techniques that are used to insure that confidential individually-
identifiable data are not disclosed.
Data series
are repeated collections of sequential cross-sectional or longitudinal data
characteristics of the target population over time.
design effect (DEFF) is the ratio of the true variance of a statistic (taking the complex
sample design into account) to the variance of the statistic for a simple random sample with the
same number of cases. Design effects differ for different subgroups and different statistics; no
single design effect is universally applicable to any given survey or analysis.
Direct survey-based estimates are intended to achieve efficient and robust estimates of the true
values of the target populations, based on the sample design and resulting survey data.
Disclosure means the public release of individually-identifiable data.
Dissemination is any agency initiated or sponsored distribution of information to the public.
Domain refers to a defined universe or a subset of the universe with specific attributes, e.g.,
knowledge, skills, abilities, attitudes, interests, lines of business, size of operations, etc.
Editing is the data-processing activity aimed at detecting and correcting errors.
Effect size refers to the standardized magnitude of the effect or the departure from the null
hypothesis. For example, the effect size may be the amount of change over time, or the
difference between two population means, divided by the appropriate population standard
deviation. Multiple measures of effect size can be generated (e.g., standardized differences
between means, correlations, and proportions).
effective sample size, as used in the design phase, is the sample size under a simple random
sample design that is equivalent to the actual sample under the complex sample design. In the
case of complex sample designs, the actual sample size is determined by multiplying the
effective sample size by the anticipated design effect.
eligible sample unit is a unit selected for a sample that is confirmed to be a member of the
target population.
Estimates result from the process of providing a numerical value for a population parameter on
the basis of information collected from a survey and/or other sources.
Estimation is the process of using data from a survey and/or other sources to provide a value for
an unknown population parameter (such as a mean, proportion, correlation, or effect size), or to
provide a range of values in the form of a confidence interval.
Estimation error is the difference between a survey estimate and the true value of the parameter
in the target population.
In a
field test, all or some of the survey procedures are tested on a small scale that mirrors the
planned full-scale implementation.
focus group involves a semi structured group discussion of a topic.
Forecasts involve the specific projection that an investigator believes is most likely to provide
an accurate prediction of a future value of some process.
frame is a mapping of the universe elements (i.e., sampling units) onto a finite list (e.g., the
population of schools on the day of the survey).
frame population is the set of elements that can be enumerated prior to the selection of a
survey sample.
Hypothesis testing draws a conclusion about the tenability of a stated value for a parameter. For
example, sample data may be used to test whether an estimated value of a parameter (such as the
difference between two population means) is sufficiently different from zero that the null
hypothesis, designated H
(no difference in the population means), can be rejected in favor of the
alternative hypothesis, H
(a difference between the two population means).
Imputation is the procedure for entering a value for a specific data item where the response is
missing or unusable.
Individually-identifiable data refers specifically to data from any list, record, response form,
completed survey, or aggregation from which information about particular individuals or their
organizations may be revealed by either direct or indirect means.
Instrument refers to an evaluative device that includes tests, scales, and inventories to measure a
domain using standardized procedures. It is commonly used when conducting surveys to refer to
the device used to collect data, such as a questionnaire or data entry software.
Item nonresponse occurs when a respondent fails to respond to one or more relevant item(s) on
a survey.
Key variables include survey-specific items for which aggregate estimates are commonly
published from a study. They include, but are not restricted to, variables most commonly used in
table row stubs. Key variables also include important analytic composites and other policy-
relevant variables that are essential elements of the data collection. They are first defined in the
initial planning stage of a survey, but may be added to as the survey and resulting analyses
develop. For example, a study of student achievement might use gender, race-ethnicity,
urbanicity, region, and school type (public/private) as key reporting variables.
longitudinal sample survey follows the experiences and outcomes over time of a
representative sample of respondents (i.e., a cohort).
Longitudinal analysis involves the analysis of data from a study in which subjects are measured
repeatedly over time.
Response to a
mandatory survey is required by law.
Measurement error is the difference between observed values of a variable recorded under
similar conditions and some fixed true value (e.g., errors in reporting, reading, calculating, or
recording a numerical value). Response bias is the deviation of the survey estimate from the true
population value that is due to measurement error from the data collection. Potential sources of
response bias include the respondent, the instrument, and the interviewer.
microdata file includes the detailed responses for individual respondents.
The minimum substantively significant effect (MSSE) is the smallest effect, that is, the
smallest departure from the null hypothesis, considered to be important for the analysis of key
variables. The minimum substantively significant effect is determined during the design phase.
For example, the planning document should provide the minimum change in key variables or
perhaps, the minimum correlation, r, between two variables that the survey should be able to
detect for a specified population domain or subdomain of analytic interest. The MSSE should be
based on a broad knowledge of the field, related theories, and supporting literature.
Missing at random, for a given survey variable, refers to a situation in which the probability
that a unit is missing that variable is independent of its value, but may not be independent of
another variable being measured.
Missing completely at random occurs when values are missing because individuals drop out of
a study in a process that is independent of both the observed measurements and those that would
have been available had they not been missing.
model is a formalized set of mathematical expressions quantifying the process assumed to
have generated a set of observations.
model-based estimate is produced by a model.
Model-based samples are selected to achieve efficient and robust estimates of the true values of
the target populations under a chosen working model.
Model validation involves testing a model's predictive capabilities by comparing the
model results to "known" sources of empirical data.
Multiple comparisons involve a detailed examination of the differences among a set of means.
Multivariate analysis is a generic term for many methods of analysis that are used to investigate
multivariate data.
Multivariate data include data for which each observation consists of values for more than one
random variable.
Multivariate modeling provides a formalized mathematical expression of the process assumed
to have generated the observed multivariate data.
Nonprobabilistic methods—see “”probabilistic methods.”
Nonresponse bias occurs when the observed value deviates from the population parameter due
to differences between respondents and nonrespondents. Nonresponse bias may occur as a result
of not obtaining 100 percent response from the selected cases.
Nonresponse error is the overall error observed in estimates caused by differences between
respondents and nonrespondents. It consists of a variance component and nonresponse bias.
Nonsampling error includes measurement errors due to interviewers, respondents, instruments,
and mode; nonresponse error; coverage error; and processing error.
Overall unit nonresponse reflects a combination of unit nonresponse across two or more levels
of data collection, where participation at the second stage of data collection is conditional upon
participation in the first stage of data collection.
p value is the probability of the observed data’s showing a more extreme value than the
result, when there is no effect in the population.
In a
pilot test, a laboratory or a very small-scale test of a questionnaire or procedure is
Population—see “target population.”
Post-stratification is applied to survey data, in which sample units are stratified after data
collection using information collected in the survey and auxiliary information to adjust weights
power (1 – b) of a test is defined as the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis when a
specific alternative hypothesis is assumed. For example, with b = 0.20 for a particular alternative
hypothesis, the power is 0.80, which means that 80 percent of the time the test statistic will fall
in the rejection region if the parameter has the value specified by the alternative hypothesis.
Precision of survey results refers to how closely the results from a sample can reproduce the
results that would be obtained from a complete count (i.e., census) conducted using the same
techniques. The difference between a sample result and the result from a complete census taken
under the same conditions is an indication of the precision of the sample result.
A survey
pretest involves experimenting with different components of the questionnaire or
survey design or operationalization prior to full-scale implementation. This may involve
testing, that is a laboratory or a very small-scale test of a questionnaire or procedure, or a field
test in which all or some of the survey procedures are tested on a small scale that mirrors the
planned full-scale implementation.
Probabilistic methods for survey sampling are any of a variety of methods for sampling that
give a known, non-zero, probability of selection to each member of the target population. The
advantage of probabilistic sampling methods is that sampling error can be calculated. Such
methods include: random sampling, systematic sampling, and stratified sampling. They do not
include: convenience sampling, judgment sampling, quota sampling, and snowball sampling.
Probability of selection in a survey is the probability that a given sampling unit will be selected,
based on the probabilistic methods used in sampling.
projection is an estimate of a future value of a characteristic based on current trends.
public-use data file or public-use microdata file includes a subset of data that have been
coded, aggregated, or otherwise altered to mask individually-identifiable information, and thus is
available to all external users. Unique identifiers, geographic detail, and other variables that
cannot be suitably altered are not included in public-use data files.
Quality assurance processing
includes any procedure or method that is aimed at maintaining or
improving the reliability or validity of the data.
Raking is a multiplicative weighting technique that uses iterative proportional fitting. That is,
weights are obtained as the product of a number of factors contributed by auxiliary variables.
ratio estimation, an auxiliary variate x
, correlated with y
, is obtained for each unit in the
sample. The population total X of the x
must be known. In practice, x
is often the value of y
some previous time when a complete census was taken. The goal is to obtain increased precision
by taking advantage of the correlation between y
and x
. The ratio estimate of Y, the population
total of y
is YR = (y/x), where y and x are the sample totals of y
and x
record layout is a description of the data elements on the file (variable names, data types, and
length of space on the file) and their physical locations.
Required response items include the minimum set of items required for a case to be considered
a respondent.
Respondent burden is the estimated total time and financial resources expended by the survey
respondent to generate, maintain, retain, and provide survey information.
response analysis survey is a study of the capability of respondents to accurately provide the
data requested for a survey.
Response bias is the deviation of the survey estimate from the true population value that is due
to measurement error from the data collection. Potential sources of response bias include the
respondent, the instrument, and the interviewer.
Response rates calculated using base weights measure the proportion of the sample frame that is
represented by the responding units in each study.
Sampling error is the error associated with nonobservation, that is, the error that occurs because
all members of the frame population are not measured. It is the error associated with the
variation in samples drawn from the same frame population. The sampling error equals the
square root of.the variance.
Sampling units are the basic components of a sample frame. Everything covered by a sample
frame must belong to one definite sampling unit, or have a measurable probability of belonging
to a specific unit. The sampling unit may contain, for example, defined areas, houses, people, or
Sensitivity analysis is designed to determine how the variation in the output of a model
(numerical or otherwise) can be apportioned, qualitatively or quantitatively, to changes in input
parameter values and assumptions. This type of analysis is useful in ascertaining the capability
of a given model, as well its robustness and reliability.
Stage of data collection includes any stage or step in the sample identification and data
collection process in which data are collected from the identified sample unit. This includes
information obtained that is required to proceed to the next stage of sample selection or data
collection (e.g., school district permission for schools to participate or schools providing lists of
teachers for sample selection of teachers).
Standard error is the standard deviation of the sampling distribution of a statistic. Although the
standard error is used to estimate sampling error, it includes some nonsampling error.
Strata are created by partitioning the frame and are generally defined to include relatively
homogeneous units within strata.
Statistical significance is attained when a statistical procedure applied to a set of observations
yields a p value that exceeds the level of probability at which it is agreed that the null hypothesis
will be rejected.
statistical survey is a data collection whose purposes include the description, estimation, or
analysis of the characteristics of groups, organizations, segments, activities, or geographic areas.
A statistical survey may be a census or may collect information from a sample of the target
Substitution is the process of supplementing the sample in an unbiased manner in order to
ensure it continues to be representative of the population.
survey system is a set of individual surveys that are interrelated components of a data
target population is any group of potential sample units or persons, businesses, or other
entities of interest.
total mean square error is a measure of the combined overall effect of sampling and
nonsampling error on the estimate.
Type I error is made when the tested hypothesis, H
, is falsely rejected when in fact it is true.
The probability of making a Type I error is denoted by alpha (α). For example, with an alpha
level of 0.05, the analyst will conclude that a difference is present in 5 percent of tests where the
null hypothesis is true.
Unit nonresponse occurs when a respondent fails to respond to all required response items (i.e.,
fails to fill out or return a data collection instrument).
universe survey involves the collection of data covering all known units in a population (i.e., a
Usability testing in surveys is the process whereby a group of representative users are asked to
interact and perform tasks with survey materials, e.g., computer-assisted forms, to determine if
the intended users can carry out planned tasks efficiently, effectively, and satisfactorily.
Validation studies are conducted to independently verify that the data collection methodology
employed will obtain accurate data for the concept studied.
Validity is the degree to which an estimate is likely to be true and free of bias (systematic
Variance or variance estimates The variance is a measure based on the deviations of
individual scores from the mean. However, simply summing the deviations will result in a value
of 0. To get around this problem the variance is based on squared deviations of scores about the
mean. When the deviations are squared, the rank order and relative distance of scores in the
distribution is preserved while negative values are eliminated. Then to control for the number of
subjects in the distribution, the sum of the squared deviations, S(X - `X), is divided by N
(population) or by N - 1 (sample). The result is the average of the sum of the squared deviations.
Response to a
voluntary survey is not required by law.
wave is a round of data collection in a longitudinal survey (e.g., the base year and each
successive followup are each waves of data collection).
Weights are the inverse of the probability of selection in most probabilistic surveys. However,
in the case of establishment surveys, the weights most frequently represent the estimated
proportion that the responding establishments represent of the total industry. Weights may be
adjusted for nonresponse.