ADS Chapter 350
Grants to Foreign Governments
Document Quality Check Date: 04/02/2013
Partial Revision Date: 07/23/2003
Responsible Office: GC/G
File Name: 350_040213
07/23/2003 Partial Revision
Text highlighted in yellow indicates that the adjacent material is new or substantively revised.
ADS Chapter 350 2
Functional Series 300 Acquisition and Assistance
ADS 350 Grants to Foreign Governments
POC for ADS 350: Mary Alice Kleinjan, (202) 712-0551, [email protected]
Table of Contents
350.1 OVERVIEW .......................................................................... 4
350.2 PRIMARY RESPONSIBILITIES ........................................... 4
350.3.1 Strategic Objective Grant Agreement (SOAG) .................................. 4
350.3.1.1 SOAG Principal Text Substantive Requirements ................................ 4
350.3.1.2 SOAG Annex 1 Amplified Description ................................................. 7
350.3.1.3 SOAG Annex 2 - Standard Provisions ................................................... 8
350.3.2 Limited Scope Grant Agreement (LSGA) ......................................... 10
350.3.2.1 LSGA Title Page and Optional Annex 2 Activity Description ............. 10
350.3.2.2 LSGA Annex 1 - Standard Provisions .................................................. 12
350.3.3 Other Bilateral Grant Agreements .................................................... 13
350.3.4 Non-Project Assistance Agreements ............................................... 13
350.3.4.1 Interest Earnings .................................................................................. 13
350.3.4.2 Third Party Authorizations .................................................................... 13
350.3.4.3 Reporting on Implementation ............................................................... 14
350.3.5 Host Government Minimum 25 Percent Contribution..................... 14
350.3.5.1 Assistance Covered by Section 110 .................................................... 15
350.3.5.2 Host Government Benefit and Involvement ......................................... 16
350.3.5.3 Cost of the Program, Project, or Activity .............................................. 16
350.3.5.4 Form, Valuation, and Timing of Host Government Contribution ........... 17
350.3.5.5 Host Government Written Assurances and Compliance ...................... 18
350.3.5.6 Waiver .................................................................................................. 18
350.3.6 Exceptions to Mandatory Provisions ............................................... 19
350.3.7 Transmission of International Agreements to the Assistant Legal
Advisor for Treaty Affairs (State/L/T) ............................................... 20
350.4 MANDATORY REFERENCES ........................................... 20
350.4.1 External Mandatory References ....................................................... 20
350.4.2 Internal Mandatory References ........................................................ 20
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350.4.3 Mandatory Forms ............................................................................... 21
350.5 ADDITIONAL HELP ........................................................... 21
350.6 DEFINITIONS ..................................................................... 21
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ADS 350 Grants to Foreign Governments
Effective Date: 05/05/2003
This chapter establishes standard provisions and other requirements for grants to
foreign governments. This chapter does not apply to grants to public international
organizations or P.L. 480 agreements.
Effective Date: 05/05/2003
a. Within their delegated authorities (see ADS 103), Bureaus and other Operating
Units are responsible for preparing, negotiating, signing, and implementing bilateral
grants in furtherance of their strategic plans and management contracts and for
approving substantive exceptions.
b. The Bureau for Program and Policy Coordination (PPC) is responsible for
establishing Agency policy for bilateral grants.
c. The Office of General Counsel (GC) and Regional Legal Advisers (RLAs) are
responsible for providing guidance on the legal and policy effects of grant provisions;
assisting Operating Units in drafting and negotiating, interpreting, and implementing
bilateral grants agreements; and approving non-substantive exceptions.
350.3.1 Strategic Objective Grant Agreement (SOAG)
Effective Date: 05/05/2003
The Strategic Objective Grant Agreement (SOAG) is the principal bilateral grant
agreement used by USAID. A bilateral grant is a grant by USAID to a foreign
government or a subdivision of it. A SOAG is composed of the Principal Text; Annex 1,
Amplified Description; and Annex 2, Standard Provisions. See a sample agreement in
the SOAG.
350.3.1.1 SOAG Principal Text Substantive Requirements
Effective Date: 05/05/2003
Except as provided below or unless there is an exception, the Principal Text must
address in substance the following (see SOAG):
a. Article 2: Strategic Objective and Results.
(1) Strategic Objective. The Principal Text must describe the
Strategic Objective.
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(2) Results. The Principal Text or Annex 1 must describe the
significant Results and indicators. If the Principal Text contains Results,
there must be a provision on how the Results can be amended; for
example, by formal amendment of the SOAG or by Implementation Letter.
(3) Annex 1, Amplified Description. The Principal Text must provide
that Annex 1 amplifies the Strategic Objective or Strategic Objective and
Results. The Principle Text must state whether Annex 1 can be amended
without formal amendment of the SOAG and any limitations on such
amendments; that is, Annex 1 amendments must be within the SOAG
description of the Strategic Objective or the Strategic Objective and
b. Article 3: Contributions of the Parties.
(1) Section 3.1(a), USAID Contribution. The Principal Text must
state the amount being granted. For example, USAID hereby grants to
the Grantee under the terms of this Agreement not to exceed
$_______________(the "Grant").
(2) Section 3.1(b), Incremental Funding. Any statement on future
funding increments by USAID must be made subject to the availability of
funds to USAID for that purpose and the mutual agreement of the Parties,
at the time of each subsequent increment, to proceed.
(3) Section 3.1(c), Unilateral Deobligation. This provision
implements reprogramming requirements for deobligation of excess
pipeline. It reserves to USAID the unilateral right to reduce the Grant if the
amount of the Grant is more than can reasonably be committed for
achieving the Objective during the current or next fiscal year. In order that
any deobligation not change the scope of the SOAG or USAID's intent to
ultimately obligate the full amount originally anticipated, before proceeding
the Principal Text must contain a provision stating that any reduction does
not reduce USAID's total estimated contribution in section 3.1(b) or, if not
incrementally funded, in section 3.1(a), subject to the availability of funds
to USAID for this purpose and the mutual agreement of the Parties, at the
time of each subsequent increment.
(4) Section 3.2, Grantee Contribution. The Grantee's total estimated
contribution must be stated. See USAID Exchange Rate Policy Guidance
for exchange rate guidance. However, section 2.41 of the Exchange Rate
Policy Guidance is superseded by this paragraph in that the Grantee’s
contribution and the host government contribution can be stated in local
currency units. The exchange rate(s) used must be stated in the
agreement. See 350.3.4 for requirements on the host government
minimum 25 percent contribution. There must be a provision for the
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Grantee to report on its contribution at least annually in a format to be
agreed upon with USAID.
c. Article 4: Completion Date.
(1) The Principal Text must state a specific Completion Date; that is,
the date by which the parties estimate that all activities necessary to
achieve the Results will be completed. The Principal Text may provide for
the right of the Parties to agree to change the Completion Date before or
after the initial Completion Date.
(2) The Principal Text must provide that, except as USAID may
otherwise agree in writing, USAID will not issue or approve any
disbursement documentation resulting in a disbursement for goods or
services furnished after the Completion Date.
(3) The Principal Text must provide that requests for disbursement
must be provided by the Grantee no later than nine months after the
Completion Date, or such other period as USAID may agree in writing,
and, that after such period, USAID may give notice and reduce the
amount of the Grant by all or part of the amount for which requests for
disbursement were not timely received.
d. Article 5: Conditions Precedent to Disbursement.
If there are conditions precedent to initial or additional disbursement, the
Principal Text must provide for the following:
(1) Conditions precedent to be met in a form and substance
satisfactory to USAID.
(2) Terminal dates for satisfaction of any conditions precedent. The
Principal Text may provide that USAID may agree to later terminal dates
before or after the terminal dates.
(3) The right of USAID to terminate the SOAG if the conditions
precedent to first disbursement are not met by the terminal date.
(4) The right of USAID to cancel the undisbursed balance of the Grant,
to the extent not irrevocably committed to third parties, and to terminate
the SOAG if the conditions precedent to additional disbursement are not
met by the terminal date.
e. Article 6: Special Covenants. This article must contain any special
covenants specified in the management contract or otherwise determined to be
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required. The covenants, including responsibilities and any deadlines, must be
clearly stated.
f. Article 7: Miscellaneous.
(1) Section 7.1. Communications. There must be a provision
designating addresses for communications and providing that delivery to
the designated address constitutes delivery to the Party.
(2) Section 7.2. Representatives. There must be a provision
(a) Designating the representatives of the Parties for taking
actions under the SOAG;
(b) Providing for the designation of additional representatives
and the limitations, if any, on the authority of additional
representatives. For example, additional representatives can
amend Annex 1 but not amend the definition of the Strategic
Objective; and
(c) Requiring the Grantee to furnish the names and specimen
signatures of its representatives.
(3) Section 7.3. Standard Provisions Annex. The Agreement must
contain a provision providing that the Standard Provisions Annex forms
part of the SOAG.
(4) Section 7.4. Language of Agreement. If there is a foreign
language version to be signed by the Parties, there must be a provision
that provides that the English language version controls in the event of
ambiguity or conflict.
g. Signatures and Dates. The SOAG must be signed by the Parties and
350.3.1.2 SOAG Annex 1 Amplified Description
Effective Date: 05/05/2003
Except as provided below or unless there is a deviation, the Amplified Description or the
Principal Text must address in substance the following:
a. An explanation of the problem(s) being addressed at the macro, sectoral,
or sub-sectoral level.
b. Financial plan or budget, including the Grantee's contribution.
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c. Results to be achieved and the means for measuring results; for example,
indicators, targets, and performance guidelines.
d. The specific activities to be financed. Or in cases where the actual
activities to be financed are not identified and approved by USAID until after the
SOAG is signed, the objective criteria and procedures for USAID approval of
actual activities. The criteria and procedures must be based on technical and
financial planning which includes illustrative activities with indicative funding
e. Roles and responsibilities of the parties, including measures to be taken to
involve customers and, where applicable, other partners.
f. Monitoring and evaluation.
350.3.1.3 SOAG Annex 2 - Standard Provisions
Effective Date: 05/05/2003
Except as provided below or unless there is an exception, the text of following standard
provisions is mandatory (the actual text is in the model SOAG):
a. Article A:
(1) Section A.1. Definitions.
(2) Section A.2. Implementation Letters.
b. Article B: General Covenants.
(1) Section B.1. Consultation.
(2) Section B.2. Execution of Agreement.
(3) Section B.3. Utilization of Goods and Services.
(4) Section B.4. Taxation. This clause reflects the "majority practice"
under USAID Economic Bilateral Agreements or U.S. Post tax
arrangements under the leadership of the U.S. Embassy. It clarifies and
adds specificity to the "majority practice" and to the clause previously used
under the "Project Agreement" format. If the specific "Post practice"
provides more in the way of exemptions than Section B.4, the Operating
Unit must attempt to negotiate a provision incorporating those exemptions
in the SOAG. If, on the other hand, the "Post practice" confers less and
the Operating Unit cannot negotiate or is not permitted to negotiate the
additional exemptions in Section B.4., the head of the Operating Unit may
approve an alternate clause that reflects "Post practice." In such a case,
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the Operating Unit must record the reasons for the alternate clause and
inform USAID/W on the feasibility of reopening negotiations on this issue.
(5) Section B.5. Reports and Information, Agreement Books and
Records, Audits, and Inspections. The clause provides that
"Agreement books and records" be kept in accordance with generally
accepted accounting principles prevailing in the United States. Operating
Units are authorized to modify the clause or issue an Implementation
Letter to provide for international, local, or other accounting principles.
See ADS 591.3.4.2 for general audit requirements.
(6) Section B.6. Completeness of Information.
(7) Section B.7. Other Payments.
(8) Section B.8. Information and Marking.
c. Article C: Procurement Provisions.
(1) Section C.1. Source and Origin.
(2) Section C.2. Eligibility Date.
(3) Section C.3. Plans, Specifications, and Contracts.
(4) Section C.4. Reasonable Price.
(5) Section C.5. Notification to Potential Suppliers.
(6) Section C.6. Shipping.
(7) Section C.7. Insurance.
(8) Section C.8. U.S. Government-Owned Excess Property.
d. Article D: Disbursements.
(1) Sections D.1, D.2, and D.3 are not mandatory. It is not
mandatory to set forth specific types of disbursements in Annex 2; this
provision may provide that disbursements will be those agreed to by the
Parties in writing, for example, in an Implementation Letter or Annex 1.
(2) Section D.4. Rate of Exchange.
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e. Article E: Termination; Remedies.
(1) Section E.1. Suspension and Termination.
(2) Section E.2. Refunds.
(3) Section E.3. Nonwaiver of Remedies.
(4) Section E.4. Assignment.
f. Section F.1. Investment Promotion. See ADS 225.
g. Section F.2. Bilateral Population Activities. If the SOAG will finance
population activities, the Operating Unit is required to insert the language set
forth in Section F.2 in the agreement and implementation letter. If it is necessary
to consider substantive alternative language, the Operating Unit must consult the
cognizant RLA or GC in Washington.
h. Section F.3. Prohibition on Assistance to Drug Traffickers. See ADS
206 to determine if the clauses in 206.3.12 are required.
i. Section F.4. Workers Rights. See ADS 225.
350.3.2 Limited Scope Grant Agreement (LSGA)
Effective Date: 05/05/2003
Operating Units are authorized to use a Limited Scope Grant Agreement (LSGA) for
funding less complex activities or where the Grantee has a distinct and limited role that
does not require the detailed description of the Grantee's responsibilities found in a
SOAG. For example, an LSGA may be used to fund a specific activity or result of
limited scope, duration, or funding or for a more complex activity for which primary
implementation responsibility is vested in an entity other than the Grantee.
An LSGA is composed of the Title Page; Annex 1, Standard Provisions; and an optional
Annex 2, Activity Description. See a sample agreement in LSGA.
350.3.2.1 LSGA Title Page and Optional Annex 2 Activity Description
Effective Date: 05/05/2003
Except as provided below or unless there is an exception, the Title Page or Activity
Description Annex must contain or substantively address the following (see LSGA):
a. Activity Title and USAID Activity Number.
b. Description of the Results or Activity.
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c. Purpose. A statement to the effect that USAID and the Grantee agree to
carry out the Activity described in the Agreement in accordance with (a) the
terms of the Agreement and (b) either any general agreement between the two
governments regarding economic or technical cooperation or the title of the
specific general agreement.
d. USAID Contribution.
(1) A statement as to the authority for the grant and the amount being
granted. For example, "USAID, as authorized by the Foreign Assistance
Act of 1961, as amended, hereby grants to the Grantee U.S.$ (the
"Grant") to be expended as described in this Agreement."
(2) Incremental Funding. If the LSGA is to be incrementally funded,
before proceeding, future funding increments by USAID must be made
subject to
(a) The availability of funds to USAID for that purpose; and
(b) The mutual agreement of the Parties at the time of each
subsequent increment.
e. Grantee Contribution. The Grantee's total estimated contribution must
be stated. See USAID Exchange Rate Policy Guidance for exchange rate
guidance. However, section 2.41 of the Exchange Rate Policy Guidance is
superseded by this paragraph in that the Grantee’s contribution and the host
government contribution can be stated in local currency units. The exchange
rate(s) used must be stated in the agreement. See 350.3.4 for requirements on
the host government minimum 25 percent contribution. There must be a
provision for the Grantee to report on its contribution at least annually in a format
to be agreed upon with USAID.
f. Completion Date.
g. Contents. A statement as to what constitutes the LSGA. For example,
"This Agreement consists of (a) this Title Page, (b) Annex 1, Standard Provisions
Annex, and (c) Annex 2, Activity Description."
h. Addresses (optional).
i. Signatures and Dates. The LSGA must be signed by the parties and
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350.3.2.2 LSGA Annex 1 - Standard Provisions
Effective Date: 05/05/2003
Except as provided below or unless there is an exception, the text of following standard
provisions is mandatory (the actual text is in the model LSGA).
a. Article A: Definitions.
b. Article B: Implementation Letters.
c. Article C: USAID Contribution.
d. Article D: Grantee Contribution.
e. Article E: Completion Date.
f. Article F: Utilization of Goods and Services.
g. Article G: Taxation. For guidance on the use of this clause, see
h. Article H: Reports and Information, Agreement Books and Records,
Audits, and Inspections. For guidance on the use of this clause, see 350.3.1.3.
i. Article I: Other Payments.
j. Article J: Information and Marking.
k. Article K: Rate of Exchange.
l. Article L: Procurement of Goods and Services.
m. Article M: Suspension, Termination, and Other Remedies.
n. Article N: Investment Promotion. See ADS 225.
o. Article O: Language of Agreement. Mandatory only when there is a
foreign language version that will be signed by the Parties.
p. Article P: Bilateral Populating Activities. If the LSGA will finance
population activities, the Operating Unit is required to insert the language set
forth in Article O in the agreement and implementation letter. If it is necessary to
consider substantive alternative language, the Operating Unit must consult with
the cognizant RLA or GC in Washington.
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q. Article Q: Prohibition on Assistance to Drug Traffickers. See ADS
206 to determine if the clauses in 206.3.12 are required.
r. Article R: Workers Rights. See ADS 225
350.3.3 Other Bilateral Grant Agreements
Effective Date: 05/05/2003
Operating units are authorized to use other types of bilateral agreements subject to the
clearance of an RLA or Assistant General Counsel Office (AGC), for example, non-
project assistance grant agreements for cash transfers, sector program assistance, or
commodity import programs.
350.3.4 Non-Project Assistance Agreements
350.3.4.1 Interest Earnings
Effective Date: 05/05/2003
This supersedes 94 State 205189 and applies to cash and sector assistance grants,
except for those to Israel or Poland. Such grant agreements must contain the following
The (host country) agrees that any interest earned on funds in the special account must be
returned to the United States. Alternatively, the parties may agree on a method of direct
disbursement of grant proceeds by the United States in payment of certain debt or other
obligations of the (host country). USAID will issue a program implementation letter to
provide instructions on effecting payment to the United States of any interest earned or on
the alternative direct disbursement method.
Substantive exceptions must be based on a compelling foreign policy justification and
approved by the cognizant regional Bureau and the Assistant Administrators for the
Bureau for Policy and Program Coordination (PPC) and Bureau for Management (M).
350.3.4.2 Third Party Authorizations
Effective Date: 05/05/2003
This supersedes 2003 STATE 020049 and applies only to cash transfer agreements,
not to other forms of non-project assistance. Before award of a cash transfer
agreement, the designated program office will conduct and document an analysis to
assess the Grantee's ability to comply with the agreement’s requirements in the
agreement. The designated program office must submit to the program office chief's
immediate supervisor for approval a decision memo summarizing the findings of this
assessment and recommendation on the need for third party authorizations (for
example, from Grantee’s creditors) that may be necessary to monitor the grant award.
This written analysis should take into account the following:
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a. The purpose (balance of payments support, debt buy-down, etc.) and
structure (direct payment to creditors, direct transfer to central government bank
account, etc.) of the cash transfer;
b. The existence, or lack thereof, of adequate provisions for auditing the
agreement by USAID’s Office of the Inspector General or other U.S. Government
c. The Grantee’s prior history, or lack thereof, with USAID cash transfer
grant agreements; and
d. The political context and U.S. foreign policy considerations.
If the decision is that third party authorizations are necessary, the Operating Unit must
incorporate a requirement for third party authorizations into the grant agreement,
program implementation letter, or other appropriate documentation that requires the
Grantee to
a. Issue third party authorization letter(s) to the appropriate institution(s)
authorizing USAID access to information essential to monitoring the terms of the
grant agreement; and
b. Provide USAID with copies of the authorization letters.
350.3.4.3 Reporting on Implementation
Effective Date: 05/05/2003
This supersedes 2003 STATE 020049 and applies only to cash transfer agreements,
not to other forms of non-project assistance. Given the political sensitivity of cash
transfers, the Operating Unit will, over the life of the agreement, report quarterly to
senior Mission and Bureau management on grant implementation. The report must
identify issues and proposed resolutions on grant monitoring and compliance with grant
350.3.5 Host Government Minimum 25 Percent Contribution
Effective Date: 05/05/2003
This implements section 110 of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as amended, (FAA)
which states
No assistance shall be furnished by the United States Government to a country under
Sections 103 through 106 of this Act until the country provides assurance to the
President, and the President is satisfied, that such country will provide at least 25 per
centum of the costs of the entire program, project, or activity with respect to which such
assistance is to be furnished, except that such costs borne by such country may be
provided on an “in-kind” basis.
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350.3.5.1 Assistance Covered by Section 110
Effective Date: 05/05/2003
FAA section 110 only applies if it meets the following requirements:
a. Source of Funding. Section 110 applies only to assistance authorized
under sections 103 through 106 of the FAA (Development Assistance Funds)
and Development Fund for Africa (DFA) funds because under section 496 of the
FAA references in the FAA to sections 103-106 include the DFA. Therefore, it
applies to the following appropriation accounts:
(1) Development Assistance, and
(2) Child Survival and Health Programs Fund (CSH).
It does not apply to assistance under other appropriation accounts, such as
(1) Economic Support Funds (ESF),
(2) Assistance for the Independent States of the Former Soviet Union
(3) Support for Eastern European Democracy (SEED),
(4) International Disaster Assistance (IDA),
(5) Transition Initiatives,
(6) International Narcotics Control (INL), and
(7) Development Credit Authority (DCA).
b. Bilateral Assistance. It applies only to “bilateral assistance,” that is,
funds obligated by a SOAG or LSGA or other bilateral agreement with the host
government. Therefore, it does not apply to direct USAID grants, cooperative
agreements, or contracts with public international organizations or
nongovernmental organizations (NGOs). It applies to regional programs only
where the benefits to the host government can be clearly separated from benefits
to other countries and the cost of the benefits can be adequately calculated to
determine an overall cost to which to apply the 25 percent requirement.
c. Host Government Benefit or Involvement. It applies only to bilateral
assistance where there is “host government benefit or involvement. (See
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350.3.5.2 Host Government Benefit and Involvement
Effective Date: 05/05/2003
Even though the assistance may be initially obligated in a SOAG or LSGA, section 110
does not apply unless there is "host government benefit or involvement." Therefore, it is
necessary to determine whether an activity involves substantial host government benefit
or involvement. Host government benefit or involvement exists when there is
substantial benefit to the host government or direct and substantial involvement by the
host government in the administration, management, or control of the assistance.
For example, there is host government benefit or involvement
a. When the assistance directly finances the costs of a government ministry
or contracts to deliver goods or technical assistance to a host government
ministry; or
b. Where the host government retains the right in the SOAG or LSGA to
approve the detailed terms and conditions of a private sector activity or to
predominantly control the personnel, site selection, budget, or program content of
a private sector organization and its activity.
Therefore, absent substantial host government benefit or involvement, section 110 does
not apply to SOAG or LSGA activities implemented through USAID grants, cooperative
agreements, or contracts with private voluntary organizations and other private entities.
The host government signing an implementation letter or order to earmark or approve
use of funds obligated by SOAG or LSGA for private sector activities is not substantial
host government involvement or benefit.
350.3.5.3 Cost of the Program, Project, or Activity
Effective Date: 05/05/2003
In order to determine the amount of the host government contribution, you must
determine the cost of the program, project, or activity and state it in the agreement.
a. Total Approach. If the cost can be calculated at the outset, the total cost
is stated in the initial agreement.
b. Incremental Approach. Frequently, activities are not designed and
described to the degree necessary to determine the total cost at the time of the
initial agreement. In such cases, section 110 is applied incrementally to those
activities for which funds are being obligated in the SOAG. Thereafter, as
incremental funds for other activities are obligated by amendment to the SOAG,
the operating unit recalculates the total cost and the host country contribution is
recalculated. This incremental process requires adjustments to the contribution
and the description of activities and budget in the SOAG and Annex 1.
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c. Calculation. In calculating the total cost, the operating unit deducts the
cost of any activities not covered by section 110, for example, a private sector
activity without substantial host government benefit or involvement. Operating
units can include non-covered activities in calculation of the total cost in order to
count other donor contributions as part of the 25 percent contribution.
d. Total Included in Agreement. The total amount of the host government
contribution must be stated in the agreement. It can be stated as being
conditioned on availability of funds, mutual agreement, and USAID fully
obligating its total planned contribution. Funds for a multi-year program are
usually obligated by USAID in annual increments by amendment(s). In this case,
a lesser incremental 25 percent contribution must also be stated in the
agreement without such conditions, proportionate to the incremental amount.
Thus, the treatment of the host country contribution in the SOAG is parallel to the
USAID funding in the SOAG.
350.3.5.4 Form, Valuation, and Timing of Host Government Contribution
Effective Date: 05/05/2003
The following provisions apply to determining the form, valuation, and timing of host
government contribution:
a. Cash or In-Kind Contributions. Both cash and in-kind contributions are
acceptable. The contribution of the recipient country government may cover
operating or capital costs, including but not limited to: cash; capital goods;
counterpart personnel; services and studies that support attainment of the
program, project, or activity; rental or purchase of materials for operations or
construction; administrative costs; land contributed by the country to attainment
of the program, project, or activity; and costs related to the above items.
b. Host Government-Owned Foreign Currency. Host government-owned
foreign currency may be used as the host country contribution, even where
USAID retains certain joint programming rights over the funds. In many
instances it is beneficial to both governments to use host government-owned
foreign currency because the local currency will be available when needed and
will be properly utilized for development purposes.
c. Valuation. In-kind contributions are estimated at fair market value in the
host country at the time the estimation is made and converted to dollars for
budgetary purposes at the exchange rate as of the time the agreement or
relevant amendment is signed. Cash contributions in local currency are valued
in the same way (i.e., converted to dollars) at the time the contribution is
identified and described.
d. Timing. The 25 percent contributions must be made during the life of the
program as set forth in the agreement, normally the disbursement period.
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350.3.5.5 Host Government Written Assurances and Compliance
Effective Date: 05/05/2003
The host government must provide "assurances" of the 25 percent contribution
satisfactory to USAID in writing before or at the obligation of funds. The host
government contribution must be briefly described and quantified in the written
assurances. It may be made simultaneously with or as part of the SOAG/LSGA.
USAID must determine in writing that the assurance is satisfactory before or at the time
funds are obligated for an activity. In most cases, Mission Directors have been
delegated in ADS 103 the authority and the responsibility to receive and determine the
adequacy of assurances of host country contributions.
Successive assurances are required when using the incremental approach in 350.3.5.3,
unless a blanket assurance covering the ratio of contributions for all activities planned
through the term of the SOAG is received at the outset.
Operating Units must include in the SOAG/LSGA or in an Implementation Letter a
requirement for host governments to report at least annually on their contribution. At a
minimum, the Operating Unit must review the report and determine if the host
government contributions are reasonable in relation to the activity, staffing progress,
and other factors. Operating Units are authorized to take additional steps to determine
if the contribution is being made; for example, periodic Mission site visits, reviews, or
350.3.5.6 Waiver
Effective Date: 07/23/2003
Section 124(d) of the FAA provides that a waiver of the host country contribution
requirement may be made for a relatively least developed country (RLDC) on a case-
by-case basis. It is USAID policy that the RLDCs include the "least developed
countries" or "other low income countries" on the Development Assistance Committee
(DAC) List of Aid Recipients and the heavily indebted poor countries (HIPC) under the
World Bank HIPC Initiative. See DAC List of Aid Recipients (see,2340,en_2649_34447_2093101_1_1_1_1,
ml for the most recent version) and HIPC List (see for the most recent version).
The fact that a country is an RLDC is not a sufficient justification for a waiver. Nor is it
the intent of Section 124(d) to permit the granting of a waiver in all instances, since to
do so would negate the case-by-case approach. A waiver is permissible whenever the
initiation and execution of an otherwise desirable program, project, or activity is
handicapped primarily by the 25 percent contribution requirement.
Operating Units must consider the factors below before granting a waiver:
07/23/2003 Partial Revision
Text highlighted in yellow indicates that the adjacent material is new or substantively revised.
ADS Chapter 350 19
a. Financial Constraint. Financial constraint is important but is not a
sufficient justification for granting a waiver. In assessing the validity of the
financial constraint, overall budgetary performance, existing expenditure
patterns, and development priorities of the host country should be considered.
Recent World Bank and IMF analyses of a country's financial performance may
justify granting a waiver. Even where a waiver of the 25 percent contribution
requirement may be justified, a determination must be made whether a lesser
contribution would be appropriate, either of a financial or in kind nature. If it is
decided that a contribution of less than 25 percent is inappropriate, a
memorandum of justification must be prepared for the record.
b. Country Commitment. Where a waiver is justified on financial grounds,
other indications that a country is interested in a particular program, project, or
activity become more important. Examples of a country's interest are a
willingness to contribute even though it is not 25 percent and the importance
attached to the program, project, or activity in the country's development
c. Nature of the Program. The nature of a particular program, project, or
activity is a significant factor. Where the success of an activity depends upon a
country's willingness and ability to assume an appropriate share of the cost, a
waiver might either not be justified or may be granted only if a lesser contribution
is considered sufficient. On the other hand, there are a number of programs or
activities where no country contribution needs to be required because their
successful implementation can be expected to generate the necessary financial
resources, other benefits and/or support -- thus providing reasonable assurance
that the program, project, or activity will be continued. Pilot and demonstration
activities fall into this category.
d. Phased Contribution. In some cases it may be desirable to combine the
initial waiver of all or part of a contribution with a requirement for a gradually
increasing contribution. This would allow the host government to reorder its
expenditure pattern, and perhaps raise additional revenues without delaying the
implementation of the program, project, or activity, while providing reasonable
assurance that the host government will eventually assume the necessary share
of expenditures in order to ensure the success of the program, project, or activity.
e. Other Factors. There may be other relevant considerations, such as how
similar projects are funded by other bilateral donors.
350.3.6 Exceptions to Mandatory Provisions
Effective Date: 05/05/2003
The following requirements are in addition to approvals required above or by other ADS
07/23/2003 Partial Revision
Text highlighted in yellow indicates that the adjacent material is new or substantively revised.
ADS Chapter 350 20
a. A change in the numbering, lettering, or titles of provisions or moving
provisions within and between parts of an agreement does not require an
b. The cognizant RLA and Assistant General Counsel Office (AGC) are
authorized to approve non-substantive exceptions.
c. Operating Units are authorized to approve substantive exceptions, subject
to the clearance of the cognizant RLA or AGC.
d. Exceptions may be approved for a specific agreement or class of
350.3.7 Transmission of International Agreements to the Assistant Legal
Advisor for Treaty Affairs (State/L/T)
Effective Date: 05/05/2003
See ADS 349.3.3 for procedures for transmitting agreements to State/L/T.
350.4.1 External Mandatory References
Effective Date: 07/23/2003
a. DAC List of Aid Recipients (see,2340,en_2649_34447_2093101_1_1_1_1
,00.html for the most recent listing)
b. HIPC List (see for the
most recent listing)
c. Sections 110, 124(a) and (b), and 635(a) and (b) of the Foreign Assistance
Act of 1961, as amended (FAA)
350.4.2 Internal Mandatory References
Effective Date: 05/05/2003
a. ADS 103, Delegations of Authority
b. ADS 206, Prohibition of Assistance to Drug Traffickers
c. ADS 225, Program Principles for Trade and Investment Activities and the
“Impact on U.S. Jobs” and "Workers' Rights"
d. ADS 349, International Agreements
07/23/2003 Partial Revision
Text highlighted in yellow indicates that the adjacent material is new or substantively revised.
ADS Chapter 350 21
f. ADS 350maa, Guidance on Funding Foreign Government Delegations to
International Conferences
g. ADS 350mab, Limited Scope Grant Agreement (LSGA)
h. ADS 350mac, Strategic Objective Grant Agreement (SOAG)
e. ADS 591, Financial Audits of USAID Contractors, Grantees, and Host
Government Entities
i. USAID Exchange Rate Policy Guidance
350.4.3 Mandatory Forms
Effective Date: 05/05/2003
There are no Mandatory Forms for this chapter.
Effective Date: 05/05/2003
There are no Additional Help documents for this chapter.
Effective Date: 05/05/2003
The terms and definitions listed below have been incorporated into the ADS Glossary.
See the ADS Glossary for all ADS terms and definitions.
bilateral grant agreement or bilateral grant
A grant by USAID to a foreign government or a subdivision of it, (for example, Ministry
of Health, or a local or state government or agency) to finance activities in furtherance
of a strategic objective or for other purposes. Bilateral grants range from grants
financing specific objectives and limited scope grant agreements (LSGAs) to Strategic
Objective Grant Agreements (SOAGs), commodity import program (CIP) grants, and
cash transfer grants. (Chapter 350)