Syracuse University Parking Rules and Regulations
Administration of Rules and Regulations . . . . . . 01
Appeals . . . . . . . . . . 14
Application . . . . . . . . . . 01
Charges General . . . . . . . . . 13
Definition of Terms . . . . . . . . . 15
Delivery Permits . . . . . . . . . 06
Emergencies and Special Situations . . . . . . . 09
Emeritus Permits . . . . . . . . . 05
Enforcement Protocol . . . . . . . . . 13
Faculty/Staff Registration . . . . . . . . 02
First Year Student Waivers . . . . . . . . 03
General Rules . . . . . . . . . . 11
General Statement / Purpose . . . . . . . . 01
GA/TA/RA Permits . . . . . . . . . 04
Hours of Regulations General . . . . . . . . 08
Medical Permits . . . . . . . . . . 05
Motorcycle and Moped Permits . . . . . . . . 05
Motorcycle and Moped Regulations . . . . . . . 11
Motor Vehicle Parking Permits General . . . . . . . 04
Non-waiver . . . . . . . . . . 01
Other Regulations Pertaining to the Operation of a Motor Vehicle on Campus . . 10
Parking Permit Refunds, Cancellations, and Replacements . . . . 07
Prerequisites for Registration . . . . . . . . 01
Press Permits . . . . . . . . . . 05
Proper Display of Parking Permits . . . . . . . 02
Proximity Card Issuance and Refunds . . . . . . . 07
Registration . . . . . . . . . . 01
Regulations Governing the Operation of Motor Vehicles on Campus . . . 10
Rules of Parking . . . . . . . . . 10
Service Permits . . . . . . . . . . 06
Smart Card and Pedestrian Door Key Fob Issuance and Refunds. . . . 08
Special Event Policy . . . . . . . . . 09
Special Permits . . . . . . . . . . 05
Student Parking Permits . . . . . . . . . 04
Student Registration . . . . . . . . . 03
Temporary Parking Permits . . . . . . . . 06
Towing or Immobilization . . . . . . . . 12
Trustee Permits . . . . . . . . . . 05
Unpaid Charges . . . . . . . . . 14
Vendor Permits . . . . . . . . . . 05
Violations . . . . . . . . . . 11
Visitor Parking . . . . . . . . . . 06
Syracuse University Parking Rules & Regulations
1. General Statement / Purpose
Syracuse University Parking Rules and Regulations are established in the interest of the entire University
community to provide faculty, staff, and students with reasonable access to carry out University functions.
Any questions relating to parking on campus should be directed to Syracuse University, Parking and
Transit Services, 621 Skytop Road Suite 190, Syracuse, New York 13244-5300; phone (315) 443-4652;
fax (315) 443-9227; park[email protected].
a. Application
i. Members of the Syracuse University must register and pay the applicable fee to
Parking Services for the vehicles they operate on campus.
ii. It is the responsibility of all individuals who operate or maintain vehicles on the
Syracuse University campus to be aware of the regulations expressed herein and to
abide by them. The action of any individual operating a vehicle on campus is deemed
to be conclusive evidence of his or her acceptance of these regulations and
willingness to abide by them.
iii. Operation and parking of a motor vehicle on University property are solely at the
driver’s risk.
b. Non-waiver
The failure of the University to insist upon strict compliance with any regulation contained herein in
any one or more instances shall not be interpreted as a waiver of the future enforcement of any
such regulation. All regulations shall remain in full force and effect. Rain or inclement weather
does not alter any of the provisions of these regulations.
c. Administration of Rules and Regulations
i. Parking and Transit Services at Syracuse University is responsible for establishing
and maintaining the signs, signals, and markings necessary to implement these
ii. Parking and Transit Services at Syracuse University enforces these rules and
regulations to the extent permitted by law. All applicable state, county, and municipal
laws shall be enforced.
iii. The Syracuse University Department of Public Safety and Parking and Transit
Services may issue violation notices to alleged violators of any provision of these
regulations. A copy of the violation notice shall be conspicuously affixed to the
vehicle when possible.
iv. Parking Permits for Faculty, Staff, and Students cannot be purchased by a
2. Registration
a. Prerequisites for Registration
The following prerequisites must be met before an individual may register with Parking and
Transit Services:
i. The applicant and the vehicle to be registered must meet all legal requirements for
operations within the state of New York
Syracuse University Parking Rules & Regulations
ii. There must be no unpaid University-imposed violation charges against the applicant.
iii. A valid Syracuse University I. D. or official University document containing your I. D.
number is required when registering the vehicle.
iv. A valid New York State registration must be shown at the time of purchase.
b. Proper Display of Parking Permits
i. All hanging parking permits must be clearly displayed from the rearview mirror or
placed face-up on the dashboard near the vehicle state registration sticker.
ii. The registrant is responsible for notifying Parking and Transit Services of any
changes that may occur throughout the course of the year in the vehicle’s parking
registration information. This includes changes in license plate information, vehicle
make, model, color and year. Failure to contact the office of Parking and Transit
Services with these changes may result in a citation being issued to your vehicle.
iii. The registrant is responsible for the permit issued to his or her vehicle. If the vehicle
registered is sold or removed from campus, the office of Parking and Transit Services
must be notified and the permit must be returned to Parking and Transit Services.
iv. All permits remain the property of Syracuse University and may be reclaimed at any
v. All motorcycle / moped permits must be affixed to the left-front shock absorber so as
to be clearly visible.
c. Faculty/Staff Registration
i. Faculty and staff members may purchase parking permits for the appropriate
faculty/staff lots for which they qualify when space is available upon payment of the
applicable fees which include New York State and local sales tax.
ii. A pick-up/drop-off pass is available for faculty/staff members that have a need to drop
off people, but do not need to park on campus. Applications for these passes are
available at any outer gate or Quad lot. Access to campus will not be allowed without
these passes between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.
iii. Parking Permits are valid from August 1 through July 31 of the academic year for
which they are issued. The fee is determined in accordance with the total annual
salary of the registrant from July 1 to June 30.
iv. Visitor spaces are reserved for Syracuse University guests who are visiting campus.
Faculty/staff members are not considered visitorsand are required to purchase a
parking permit to operate a vehicle on campus. They are not qualified to park in
posted visitor spaces.
v. Faculty and staff permits are valid only for the individual qualifying and applying for
the permit. Faculty and staff permits are not transferrable to other staff members,
and must be returned to the office of Parking and Transit Services upon the
completion of their employment with Syracuse University.
Syracuse University Parking Rules & Regulations
d. Student Registration
i. Any motor vehicle brought to the University must be registered with Parking and
Transit Services located at 621 Skytop Road, Suite 190.
ii. Parking Permits will be sold by academic year or annually. Permits may be
purchased by semester however there is no guarantee that space will be available the
following semester. Vehicle registration is required for permit purchase and for pre-
registration pick-up.
iii. Students purchasing permits for the fall semester ONLY, will have until September
to extend their permit for the Spring Semester. On October 1
, students
requesting to extend their parking permit for the following semester can add
themselves to the wait list for the lot they qualify for (see lot criteria information)
through the “My Slice” parking services link “add/edit wait list”. Students will be
contacted as spaces become available based on their place on the waiting list. It is
highly recommended that all students applying for parking permits in the fall
semester purchase academic year permits, as this will guarantee them a space for
the following semester. If the academic permit is not used, it may be returned to the
Parking Office for a refund of the unused portion. However, permits returned within
14 days or less from the permit expiration date will not be eligible for a refund.
iv. Students may purchase a permit to park and ride from the Manley Field House and
Skytop parking lots to Main Campus for a reduced fee. (All parking fees include
applicable New York State and local sales taxes). Free shuttle service is provided
between Skytop, Manley, and Main Campus.
v. Resident first-year students must have a written petition for the possession and/or
responsibility of operating a motor vehicle on Syracuse University grounds before
bringing a vehicle to campus. These petitions must be submitted to:
Syracuse University
621 Skytop Road, Suite 190
Syracuse, New York 13244-5300
vi. All second-year students and above are eligible to purchase a parking permit which
will allow them to operate a motor vehicle on campus while attending Syracuse
vii. Visitor spaces are reserved for Syracuse University guests who are visiting campus.
Syracuse University students are not considered visitors and are required to
purchase a parking permit to operate a vehicle on campus. They are not qualified to
park in posted visitor spaces.
e. First-year student waivers may be issued for the following reasons:
i. The student has a disability as defined by federal and state law, requiring the use of a
motor vehicle.
Syracuse University Parking Rules & Regulations
ii. A student is a commuter residing outside the boundaries of the “Free Fare Zone” of
Syracuse University’s shuttle service. (See; click Bus
iii. The student is employed off campus (which must be certified in writing by the
employer on company letterhead) and a motor vehicle is required for transportation to
and from work, or is required for performance of the student’s duties while at work.
3. Motor Vehicle Parking Permits
a. General
Parking permits shall be serially numbered and lettered corresponding to the designated parking
area in which they are valid. Purchase and display of a parking permit is not a guarantee of a
specific parking space at any particular time. For additional information, select the appropriate
paragraph for your permit type and read the “Hours of Regulations” in part 4.
b. Faculty/Staff Parking Permits
All faculty and staff “home lot” parking permits are allocated on the basis of rank and years of
services to the University. The fact that an individual qualifies for a space in a certain lot during a
given year does not guarantee that individual a space in that lot the following year (other
individuals may have preference due to rank and seniority). Faulty/staff permits are valid at the
South Campus, Manley Field House, and Skytop lots. Faculty/staff will be able to place
themselves on a wait list for lots they qualify for (see lot criteria information) through the “My Slice”
parking services link “add/edit wait list”. They will be contacted by e-mail when a space becomes
Faculty/Staff main campus permits are valid in any PER lot. Faculty/Staff PER permits are valid in
any West Campus lots.
c. GA/TA/RA Permits
Discounted permit rates are applied only for academic-year or full-year permit purchases and
offered to all graduate assistants, teaching assistants, and research assistants. Please make sure
a permit is purchased online first to guarantee a spot for both semesters as space sells quickly! A
complete copy of the assistantship contract, including the signed signature page, must then be
provided to the Office of Parking & Transit Services. Please note that permits purchased will be at
the full price rate. A discount to those qualified, will be given after review of the contracts. Only
qualifying contracts will receive the discount for academic or full year assistantship contracts.
(Permits pre-purchased and charged to the Bursar account, or to be Payroll Deducted can be
easily adjusted if a discount is to be applied. Permits pre-purchased by credit card payment, will
be adjusted after contacting the student for their credit card information if discount is to be
applied.) If contracts are given by semester only, then both the fall and spring contracts would
need to be provided to Parking & Transit Services in order to then receive an academic
assistantship discount. If in addition, an assistantship contract for the summer is also received, a
discount will be applied to equal the full year discount after review of the summer contract.
Discounts will not be applied to those pending or expecting an assistantship. Permits purchased
for Manley, Skytop, South Campus, or Evening Orange do not qualify for the discount.
d. Student Parking Permits
Assignments to student surface lots and garages will be made with preference given to graduate
and upper class students. Every effort will be made to give students residing in University housing
the “home lots” they request, in accordance with proximity to their residences.
Syracuse University Parking Rules & Regulations
Students can add themselves to the wait list for lots they qualify for (see lot criteria information)
through the “My Slice” parking services link “add/edit wait list”. They will be contacted by e-mail
when a space becomes available.
Students do not qualify for parking privileges in other lots during restricted hours (Monday-Friday,
7 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.)(See section 4 Hours of Operation).
Student permits are not valid in PER parking areas, in any R (Restricted) lots, or in any lots
labeled in Blue on the Campus Map at any time.
e. Motorcycle and Moped Permits
Motorcycles and mopeds are permitted in certain campus areas, and may be operated by all
legally licensed students, faculty, and staff. Motorcycles and mopeds must be registered
(including payment of appropriate fee), and the vehicle must be parked only in posted motorcycle
parking areas.
Proper permit display on motorcycles and moped requires placing the permit on the front-left
shock absorber.
f. Special Permits
i. TRUSTEE permits shall be issued to Syracuse University Trustees who complete the
necessary application. These permits are valid in any permit lot except R lots.
Trustee permits are not valid during Dome Events.
ii. EMERITUS permits shall be issued to those individuals awarded the status of emeriti
faculty by the Board of Trustees, and who complete the necessary application. These
permits are valid on a space available basis in any permit lot except R lots, and lots
that are restricted by gate arms or garage doors. Emeritus permits are not valid
during Dome Events.
iii. PRESS permits shall be issued only to credentialed reporters visiting the University
on a regular basis. Approval of a press application must be obtained from SU News
Services. These permits are valid in any permit lot except R lots. Press permits are
restricted during Dome events as follows: Manley South lot for Football and Men’s
Basketball games, and the Standart lot for all other events.
iv. VENDOR permits shall be issued only to recognized vendors who serve the
University on a regular basis. Students, faculty, and staff members are not eligible for
these permits. Vendor permits are not valid during Dome events. Vendor permits will
be honored on a space available basis.
v. MEDICAL permits are available for purchase to faculty, staff, and students with
disabilities as defined by federal and state law. If you have questions or concerns
please direct your request per below:
1. Students:
Health Services
Attn.: Janelle Perry
111 Waverly Avenue
Syracuse, New York 13244
Phone: 315-443-9001
Fax: 315-443-9010
Syracuse University Parking Rules & Regulations
2. Faculty Member or Employee:
Equal Opportunity, Inclusion and Resolution Services
Attn: Dana Butler
Steele Hall, room 003
Syracuse, New York 13244
Phone: 315-443-5367
Fax: 315-443-5021
vi. SERVICE permits are available for purchase to departments on campus that can
demonstrate and verify a need for special parking. Service permits are valid Monday
thru Friday 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. in conjunction with a Faculty/Staff Main Campus or PER
“home lot” permit. Service permits are not valid during Dome events, or for use with a
Manley or Skytop permit, and are valid for no more than two hours at a time.
vii. DELIVERY permits are available to campus departments for purchase that
demonstrate and verify a specific need for this type of special parking. Delivery
permits are valid in conjunction with any Faculty/Staff Main Campus, PER, Manley or
Skytop permit. Delivery permits are not valid during Dome events, and are valid for
no more than 30 minutes per use.
g. Temporary Parking Permits
i. Any visitor or member of the University community may purchase a temporary
parking permit. Visitor permits will be considered invalid if used on a vehicle with
outstanding violations.
ii. Overnight visitors must be registered and approved by the Office of Residence Life
before a parking permit will be issued. See visitor parking for more information.
iii. Temporary parking permits are also available to registered permits holders who are
required to drive a non-registered vehicle while the registered car is being repaired.
Temporary permits are also available to new employees prior to receipt of their first
University paycheck.
h. Visitor Parking
Pay lot parking is available in several locations on campus. Please review the SU parking map for
locations. SU parking permits are not valid in metered spaces unless the posted meter fees are
paid. Parking meters must be paid at all times. Payment instructions and fees are posted at the
entrance of each lot or on the meter. Pay parking lots may be restricted for special event parking,
and during those restricted periods, parking will be limited to special permits. Restricted hours will
be communicated by signs, public announcement, and/or on-site supervision.
Guests staying overnight must be registered and approved with the Office of Residence Life
before they can be issued a parking permit for their stay. The Office of residence Life’s website
is When registering your guest, please pay attention to the pop-up blocker and
how to print the approved” guest form. Bring the approved printed confirmation form to Parking
and Transit Services along with your guest’s: State license plate number, the make, model and
color of their vehicle. A guest permit will be issued only when all of this information has been
compiled. Fees will be assessed for each calendar day at the current Main Campus and
Syracuse University Parking Rules & Regulations
Manley/South Campus rates. If the stay occurs during a time that a Dome event is taking place,
the fee for the guest pass will be assessed at the current Dome Event rate.
i. Parking Permit Refunds, Cancellations, and Replacements
i. All permits must be returned to the Office of Parking and Transit Services in order to
receive a refund, or to exchange a lot location.
ii. Any individual may cancel his or her parking privileges by removing the parking permit
from the vehicle and returning it to Parking and Transit Services. Prorated refunds or
cancellation of deductions will be calculated only from the date the returned permit is
received by the Office of Parking and Transit Services prior to May 1
of each year.
Should a faculty or staff member surrender their parking permit, the faculty or staff
member may be subject to forfeiture of their current assignment, wait list placement,
and other parking restrictions.
iii. Upon return of the permit, a refund will be computed based on the weekly rates, less
any outstanding violation balance.
iv. Student fall permit refunds will not be given after November 30
. Student spring and
academic permit refunds will not be given after April 30
. Full summer and full-year
permit refunds will not be given after August 15
v. There is no charge for a replacement permit when changing lot designations if the
vi. If an individual fails to remove the original permit from a registered vehicle, or if no
permit is returned when changing lots, there is a replacement charge of $15.
vii. No refunds or credits will be given for amounts of $10 or less.
j. Proximity Card Issuance and Refunds
i. A proximity card deposit will be charged to University students at the time the permit
is purchased. Students must return their proximity cards to the Office of Parking and
Transit Services to obtain a refund of the card deposit or it will be forfeited within two
weeks of the permit expiration date.
ii. A drop box along with refund request forms will be available at the main entrance to
the Office of Parking and Transit Services located at 621 Skytop Road, Suite 190.
iii. The proximity card deposit is waived for University faculty and staff members as a
courtesy on the condition that the card is returned within two weeks after the permit
expires or at the request of Parking and Transit Services.
iv. The proximity card deposit fee will be charged to all faculty and staff members whose
cards are not returned within two weeks after the permit expires or at the request of
v. Unauthorized use of the proximity card may result in the loss of parking privileges, as
well as the unauthorized vehicle being either ticketed and/or towed at the owner’s
vi. Proximity Cards reported as lost or stolen will be handled as follows:
Syracuse University Parking Rules & Regulations
1. The first lost or stolen proximity card is subject to a replacement fee of $50.
2. The second lost or stolen proximity card is subject to a replacement fee of
3. The third lost or stolen card and any lost or stolen card thereafter is subject to
a replacement fee of $125.
vii. Any outstanding citation balances will be deducted from refunds.
k. Smart Card and Pedestrian Door Key Fob Issuance and Refunds
i. A smart card and pedestrian door key fob deposit will be charged to University
students at the time the permit is purchased. Students must return their smart cards
and pedestrian door key fobs to the Office of Parking and Transit Services to obtain a
refund of the deposits or it will be forfeited within two weeks of the permit expiration
ii. The smart card and pedestrian door key fob deposit is waived for University faculty
and staff members as a courtesy on the condition that the card and key fob is
returned within two weeks after the permit expires or at the request of Parking and
Transit Services.
iii. The smart card and pedestrian door key fob deposit fee will be charged to all faculty
and staff members whose passes are not returned within two weeks after the permit
expires or at the request of Parking and Transit Services.
iv. Unauthorized use of the smart card and pedestrian door key fob may result in the loss
of parking privileges as well as the unauthorized vehicle being either ticketed and/or
towed at the owner’s expense.
v. Smart card passes that are reported as lost or stolen will be handled as follows:
1. The first lost or stolen pass is subject to a replacement fee of $60.
2. The second lost or stolen pass and any lost or stolen pass thereafter is
subject to a replacement fee of $125.
vi. Pedestrian door key fobs that are reported as lost or stolen will be subject to a
replacement fee of $15.00.
vii. Any outstanding citation balances will be deducted from refunds.
a. General
These regulations are in effect continuously throughout the calendar year, including recesses and
vacations. Specific restrictions regarding parking and vehicular access to campus are as follows:
i. All parking lots and parking areas are restricted in accordance with the signs or other
marking posted on them by the University.
ii. All faculty, staff, and student lots are restricted to valid corresponding permits
Mondays through Fridays from 7 a.m. through 4:30 p.m.
Syracuse University Parking Rules & Regulations
iii. Faculty and staff permits are also valid between the hours of 4:30 p.m. and 7:a.m.
weekdays and all day Saturday and Sunday except during Dome events on a space
available basis in the Fine, Hillside, Ostrom, Quad 4, Waverly, Women’s Building
North, Women’s Building South, Stadium, and Standart lots.
iv. Student permits are valid between the hours of 4:30 p.m. and 7 a.m. weekdays and
all day Saturday and Sunday except during Dome events on a space available
basis in the lots labeled in Orange on the Campus map (Fine, Hillside, Ostrom, Quad
4, Women’s Building North, Women’s Building South, Stadium, and Standart lots.)
v. Service and Delivery passes are not valid in R lots, unless specified on the permit.
vi. All parking rules and regulations are in effect 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, every
day of the year including holidays.
b. Emergencies and Special Situations
During emergencies and special situations, it may become necessary for Parking and Transit
Services to temporarily suspend or otherwise modify specific regulations. In such cases, actions
to this effect will be communicated by signs or other markings, by public announcement, or by on-
site supervision. Temporary regulations and restrictions shall be enforced accordingly.
c. Special Event Policy
i. Special event parking restrictions will go into effect when the lots are staffed and
will continue until two hours after the end of the event.
ii. Student lots will follow normal operation with the following exception: West campus
lots including the Irving Garage will be closed and restricted to special event parking
for Carrier Dome events.
iii. Vendor and Contractor permits are not valid during Dome events. If vendors or
contractors are working during Carrier Dome events, their permits will be honored in
Booth Garage, University Avenue Garage, or the Lehman, University, or Harrison
surface lots. If vendors or contactors are attending the game, they must pay to park.
iv. During Carrier Dome events, all faculty and staff lots, (Dome, Hillside, Irving Garage,
all Quad lots, Waverly, Women’s Building North and South lots, Stadium lot, all PER
lots and all West Campus lots will be restricted to special event parking.
v. Parking in some areas of Manley Field House may be restricted during special events
or Dome events.
vi. If you need academic related parking access during a football game, basketball
game, or other spectator event at the Carrier Dome, your home lot permit will be
honored in Booth Garage, University Avenue Garage, or in the Lehman, University or
Harrison surface lots. To park for attendance at a football game, use the Skytop
special event lot on South Campus. To park for attendance at a basketball game,
use the Manley Field House lots.
vii. If you have a disabled parking permit and are here for academic purposes, your
disabled academic permit will be honored. If you are here to attend a Carrier Dome
event, your academic permit will be honored in the Skytop disabled parking area for
football and basketball games with free shuttle transportation to GATE A of the
Carrier Dome.
Syracuse University Parking Rules & Regulations
5. Regulations governing the operation of motor vehicles on campus
a. Rules of Parking
i. Operation and/or parking of a motor vehicle on University property is restricted to
individuals who have properly registered their vehicles with Parking and Transit
Services and display a valid permit for the respective area. All other vehicles will be
considered illegally operated and/or parked, and are subject to imposition of a
violation charge and/or towing or immobilization at the permit holder’s or vehicle
owner’s expense.
ii. Vehicles may be parked and/or operated on University property only in areas as are
marked by signs, street markings, the University map, University parking regulations,
or other designations indicating that parking and/or operating a motor vehicle is
iii. The following practices are specifically prohibited:
1. Double parking
2. Parking on the left side of the street facing traffic
3. Parking over a white line or across the line indicating a parking space
4. Parking on lawns, landscaped areas, sidewalks, or other areas not
designated for parking
5. Parking in front of a driveway, doorway, steps, or in any manner such as to
block traffic, parked vehicles, roadways, or hinder the passage of pedestrians
or vehicles
6. Parking in fire lanes, loading zones, emergency areas, or areas marked as
no parking zones
7. Parking in an area for which you do not have a valid permit
8. Parking in a disabled or unloading space
9. Parking a vehicle anywhere on Syracuse University campus that has not
been properly registered with Parking Services
10. Parking a two-wheeled vehicle in a parking space not designated for such
11. Parking any vehicle other than a motorcycle/moped in a space designated for
motorcycle parking only
12. Parking or standing on College Place
13. Parking or standing on University Place
14. Vehicles that are not street legal may not be parked on the Syracuse
University campus whether or not they have valid parking permits
iv. It is the responsibility of the motor vehicle operator to find a legal parking space. Lack
of space is not considered a valid excuse for violation of any parking regulation.
Contact PTS for assistance if a space is unavailable.
v. Being tardy for a class, appointment, or other time-bound activity is not considered a
valid excuse for violating any parking regulation.
vi. SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry parking permits are honored in
Syracuse University Standart and Fine parking lots only.
b. Other regulations pertaining to the operation of a motor vehicle on campus
Syracuse University Parking Rules & Regulations
i. The speed limit on all campus roadways is 15 miles per hour. No person shall
operate a motor vehicle on any street, roadway, or parking facility on University
property at a speed that is greater than reasonable and proper, nor shall any person
operate a motor vehicle on University property who fails to show due regard for
pedestrians, weather conditions, or the condition of the street, roadway, or parking
facility. At no time may you exceed the posted speed limit or 15 mph, whichever is
ii. Pedestrians have the right of way on the Syracuse University campus. Any vehicle
failing to yield the right of way by stopping for pedestrians crossing a street at a
properly marked and posted crosswalk may receive a citation for failure to yield to
pedestrians. A pedestrian has the right of way once the pedestrian has stepped onto
the street from a sidewalk, curb, or from the side of the road.
iii. All accidents involving a motor vehicle on campus must be reported to the
Department of Public Safety at the time of the accident.
iv. Access to the inner-campus roadways is allowed to those vehicles displaying valid
QUAD permits Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. through 5 p.m.
v. The speed limit in all garages and surface lots is 5 miles per hour.
c. Motorcycle/Moped Regulations
i. Motorcycles and mopeds must be parked only in recognized motorcycle parking
spaces and may not be parked in regularly designated automobile parking spaces,
except in South Campus housing and Manley (COMMUTER) parking areas. In
addition, a motorcycle or moped must be parked in the proper parking area as
designated by its permit.
ii. Motorcycle parking is available with a valid permit at Booth Garage, Manley, all West
Campus lots (except for Irving Garage), all PER lots, Quad 4, and in the alley behind
SU Abroad next to the University Avenue Garage side entrance.
iii. Under no circumstances are motorcycles or mopeds to be parked on the Main
Campus Quad area (bounded by College Place, Sims Drive, Irving Avenue, and
University Place) in spaces other than those specifically designated as motorcycle
parking spaces. Motorcycles and mopeds shall not be parked within 10 feet of Sims
Hall or in such a manner as to block an entrance to a building or a sidewalk.
d. General Rules
i. No soliciting or advertising of any kind is permitted on University property without
express authorization to do so. This regulation does not apply, however, to the selling
or delivery of goods to dining halls or residents of University residence halls.
ii. No littering of any kind is permitted anywhere on University property.
iii. To reduce and discourage illegal parking, the Syracuse Police Department will strictly
enforce the parking regulations in the University area. To ensure the safety of
motorists, pedestrians, and residents, the Syracuse Police Department will routinely
conduct ticket and tow operations in persistent violator areas. Please follow all
signage pertaining to parking on city streets.
6. Violations
Syracuse University Parking Rules & Regulations
a. Violation of these rules and regulations shall be subject to the following charges:
i. “No permit” violation is issued to any unregistered vehicle and to registered vehicles
not displaying a valid permit. A $50 charge will be assessed for each violation.
ii. “Illegal parking” violation is issued to any registered vehicle that is parked in an area
other than where their valid permit is specified. If the vehicle is unregistered, and/or
is not displaying a valid permit, the violator should receive a “no permit” violation. A
$35 charge will be assessed for each violation.
iii. “Counterfeit, Fraudulent Use” violations are issued to any vehicles displaying a permit
that has been falsified, copied, or altered in any way with the intent to defraud. A
$150 charge will be assessed for each violation. This offense may also result in
withdrawal of parking privileges and forfeiture of any unused portion of fees paid.
This offense may also result in the towing of the vehicle at the permit holder’s or
vehicle owner’s expense. A counterfeit permit will be confiscated. In addition, other
disciplinary action may be taken, as deemed appropriate by Syracuse University.
iv. “Disabled space” violations are issued to vehicles that are illegally parked on
Syracuse University property in spaces that are reserved for University permitted
vehicles displaying a valid state issued disabled placard. A $125 charge will be
assessed for each violation.
v. “Fire lane” violations are issued to any vehicles that are illegally parked in any area
designated as a fire lane or in any area providing access to a fire hydrant. A $125.00
charge will be assessed for each violation.
vi. “Expired meter” violations are issued to vehicles that are parked in metered spaces
beyond the time limit purchased. A $25 charge will be assessed for each violation.
vii. “Cell phone” violations are issued to motorists who are illegally using their cell phone
while operating a motor vehicle. Only the Department of Public Safety can issue
these moving violations. A $100 charge will be assessed for each violation.
viii. “Imprudent speed” violations are issued to motorists who are driving faster than the
posted rate of speed, and also may include motorists who are driving at a rate of
speed that is unsafe for the current weather conditions. Only the Department of
Public Safety can issue these moving violations. A $100 charge will be assessed for
each violation.
ix. “Seat belt” violations are issued to motorists who are not wearing their seatbelt while
operating a motor vehicle. Only the Department of Public Safety can issue these
moving violations. A $100 charge will be assessed for each violation.
x. “Stop sign” violations are issued to motorists who fail to come to a complete stop at a
posted stop sign. Only the Department of Public Safety can issue these moving
violations. A $100 charge will be assessed for each violation.
b. Syracuse University reserves the right to have a vehicle physically removed (towed) or
immobilized at the driver’s expense in any of the following circumstances:
i. The vehicle does not display a valid Syracuse University permit.
ii. The vehicle appears to be abandoned.
Syracuse University Parking Rules & Regulations
iii. The vehicle is parked in such a manner as to create a hazard to other traffic or is
obstructing a road, service drive, loading zone, fire hydrant, fire lane, or parking area.
iv. The vehicle is illegally parked in an area designated as a tow-away zone.
v. The operator has had his driving privileges suspended and such suspension is in
vi. A visitor who, because of repeated traffic violations has been warned not to operate a
vehicle on University property, and continues to do so.
vii. The vehicle is double-parked.
viii. The vehicle is parked on a lawn, landscaped area, sidewalk, or other area that is not
designated for parking.
ix. The vehicle is parked in violation of posted lot signs that limit parking to specific
permits and that violators will be towed.
x. The vehicle is parked in a pay parking area and payment has not been made.
xi. The operator is using a permit that is not attached to his or her account and does not
belong on their vehicle.
xii. A vehicle that has repeatedly parked in violation of Syracuse University parking rules
and regulations and has received two or more tow warnings.
c. The following enforcement protocol will be strictly enforced:
i. The first infraction for not displaying a valid permit will result in a warning being issued
to the customer.
ii. The second infraction for not displaying a valid permit will result in a ticketed violation
assessed at $50.00.
iii. The third infraction for not displaying a valid permit will result in a ticketed violation
assessed at $50.00. In addition, a first tow warning will be issued.
iv. The fourth infraction for not displaying a valid permit will result in a ticketed violation
assessed at $50.00. In addition, a final tow warning will be issued.
v. The fifth infraction for not displaying a valid permit will result in a ticketed violation
assessed at $50.00, and the vehicle will be towed from campus at the vehicle owner’s
d. Parking and Transit Services reserves the right to revoke or deny parking privileges to
any individual who fails to comply with these regulations.
7. Charges
a. General
i. Any violation charges and/or expenses incurred by the University for towing a vehicle
in violation of section 6-b will be charged against the registrant without regard to
whether the registrant was operating the vehicle. In the case of non-registration, the
Department of Motor Vehicles will be contacted and the vehicle will be traced to
Syracuse University Parking Rules & Regulations
determine the registered owner. All unpaid charges will be assigned to the registered
owner of the vehicle. In addition, a $20 administrative charge will be added to cover
the cost of the DMV trace.
ii. Violation charges become effective on the date issued and are payable within a
period of 5 days. Any violation that remains unpaid after 30 days from the date
issued will double in value. Payment may be made in person by cash, check, or
credit card at the office of Parking and Transit Services. Payment may also be made
by mailing a check made payable to Syracuse University to the following address:
Syracuse University
621 Skytop Road, Suite 190
Syracuse, New York 13244-5300
iii. Students, faculty, and staff members may be held responsible for any vehicle on
campus that is registered to/or operated by them. It is the responsibility of the permit
holder to inform family members, or any person the permit holder allows to operate
the vehicle on University property, of all parking rules and regulations.
iv. Syracuse University reserves the right to pursue other sanctions including, but not
limited to, University Judicial Board review, criminal and civil actions, and Office of
Human Resources review.
b. Unpaid Charges
i. All student violation charges and/or expenses incurred by the University for towing will
be billed on a monthly basis. The statement will be produced and sent to the
student’s billing address on record. Failure to pay will constitute grounds for the
withholding of transcripts, diplomas and/or the denial of registration and the purchase
of future parking permits.
ii. All faculty and staff violation charges and/or expenses incurred by the University for
towing will be summarized on a bill mailed to the faculty/staff member. Failure to pay
will constitute grounds for disciplinary action and/or withdrawal of parking privileges.
iii. All others charged with violations and/or expenses incurred by the University for
towing will be researched. A bill will be produced and sent to the appropriate address.
Failure to pay will constitute grounds for additional collection efforts.
iv. Any unpaid violation charges and/or expenses incurred by the University for towing
may result in the use of outside collection agencies and/or any other remedy deemed
c. Appeals
i. Any person receiving a notice of a violation has the right to appeal the notice in writing
within a period of 14 days from the date of the violation issuance. After the 14-day
period, the right to appeal the violation notice expires and all violation charges and/or
expenses incurred become automatically due and payable. Faculty, staff, and
students may appeal violation notices online through the “My Slice” portal. Click on
the Parking Services link. All other appeals must be made in writing and can be
mailed to the following address:
Syracuse University
Syracuse University Parking Rules & Regulations
Violation Appeal
621 Skytop Road, Suite 190
Syracuse, New York 13244-5300
ii. Any person whose appeal has been denied, or in any way unsatisfactorily resolved
after the first appeal, may then re-appeal the decision to Parking and Transit Services
within 14 days of receipt of the denial. After this 14-day period, the option to re-
appeal expires and all violation expenses and/or charges incurred automatically
become due. All re-appeals must be made in writing and can be mailed to the
following address:
Syracuse University
Violation Re-appeal
621 Skytop Road, Suite 190
Syracuse, New York 13244-5300
8. Definition of Terms
Abandoned vehicles: Vehicles not properly displaying either valid state license plates or
a notarized “license-applied-for” sticker. Vehicles that are inoperable will be considered
as abandoned and therefore are subject to tow. When such vehicles are found on
campus, the vehicle will be removed from University property at the owner’s expense.
The owner will be responsible for all towing and storage charges.
Campus: Refers to all property owned by Syracuse University in Syracuse, New York
upon which the buildings and facilities that comprise Syracuse are located.
Compact car: Refers to a car classification that is bigger than a super mini, but smaller
than or equal to a mid-sized car. For hatchbacks, the definitive compact range is
between 161 and 175 inches in length. For convertibles, sedans, or station wagons, the
definitive compact range is between 173 and 187 inches in length. For multi-purpose and
sport utility vehicles, the definitive compact range is between 165 and 177 inches in
Daily: When applied to parking or traffic regulations, “daily” refers to any activity,
regulation, or restriction that is in effect seven days a week.
Fire lane: An area reserved solely for the passage of fire and other emergency vehicles.
This area is controlled 24 hours per day, each day of the year, whether or not the
University classes are in session. Vehicles parked in these areas are subject to
immediate removal at the permit holder’s or vehicle owner’s expense.
Lawn: Any landscaped area, grassed area, or part of the University grounds that is not
covered by a building, sidewalk, street, or parking lot.
Motor vehicle: The terms “motor vehicle” and “vehicle” shall mean any device in, upon,
or by which any person or property is moved by motive power. “Motor vehicles” and
“vehicles” include automobiles, trucks, motorcycles, motorbikes, and fully or partially
motor-powered, vehicles operating on University grounds.
Owner: The person (or legal entity) required by these regulations to register a motor
vehicle with the University, or in the case of motor vehicles not required to be registered
with the University under these regulations, the person (or legal entity) named as the
registered owner under federal or state law.
Syracuse University Parking Rules & Regulations
Parked, or parking: The standing of a vehicle upon a street, parking area, or grounds
without the occupancy of a driver, whether the motor is running or not. This does not
apply to a vehicle temporarily stopped for the purpose of, or during the act of, loading or
Parking and Transit Services: A department in the Division of Campus Safety and
Emergency Services. Syracuse University Parking and Transit Services is responsible for
the day-to-day administration and operation of the University’s parking system. It is
located at 621 Skytop Road, Suite 190, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY 13244-5300,
Contact information: 315-443-5507; [email protected];