Sources of Score Scale Inconsistency
Shelby J. Haberman and Neil J. Dorans
March 2011
Research Report
ETS RR–11-10
Sources of Score Scale Inconsistency
Shelby J. Haberman and Neil J. Dorans
ETS, Princeton, New Jersey
March 2011
Technical Review Editor: Daniel R. Eignor
Technical Reviewers: Jinghua Liu and Longjuan Liang
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For testing programs that administer multiple forms within a year and across years, score
equating is used to ensure that scores can be used interchangeably. In an ideal world,
samples sizes are large and representative of populations that hardly change over time,
and very reliable alternate test forms are built with nearly identical psychometric
properties. Under these conditions, most equating methods produce score conversions
close to the identity function. Unfortunately, equating is sometimes performed on small
non-representative samples with variable distributions of ability, and administered tests
are built to vague specifications. Here, different equating methods produce different
results because they are based on different assumptions. In the nearly ideal case, there are
smaller deviations from the identity function because great effort is taken to control
variation. Even when equating is conducted under these desirable conditions, the random
variation in form-to-form equating, when concatenated over time, can produce substantial
shifts in score conversions, that is, scale drift. In this paper, we make distinctions among
different sources of variation that may contribute to score-scale inconsistency, and
identify practices that are likely to contribute to it.
Key words: scale drift, systematic error, random error, reliability, seasonality, random walk
Table of Contents
1. Sources of Score Scale Inconsistency ............................................................................. 1
1.1 Test-construction Practices .................................................................................... 1
1.2 Subpopulation Shifts and Changes in Populations ................................................ 2
1.3 Sampling Errors ..................................................................................................... 3
1.4 Accumulation of Random Equating Error ............................................................. 4
1.5 The Role of the Anchor ......................................................................................... 4
1.6 Model Misfit .......................................................................................................... 5
2. Summary of Sources of Inconsistency ............................................................................ 5
3. Conclusions ..................................................................................................................... 8
References ........................................................................................................................... 9
In an ideal world, measurement is flawless, and score scales are properly defined
and well maintained. Shifts in performance on a test reflect shifts in the ability of
examinee populations, and any variability in the raw-to-scale conversions across editions
of a test are minor and due to random sampling error. This stability reflects the fact that
score equating procedures based on very large samples are accomplishing their intended
purpose. In an ideal world, many circumstances mesh. Tests are parallel or nearly so.
Populations remain constant over time. Samples are representative and sufficiently large
so that sampling error has minimal effect on equating. Likewise, the number of test
administrations is small. Dorans, Moses, and Eignor (2010) discussed these and other
best practices for score equating.
Reality differs from the ideal in several ways that may contribute to scale
inconsistency which, in turn, may contribute to the appearance of or actual existence of
scale drift. Scale drift is defined to be a systematic change in the interpretation that can be
validly attached to scores on the score scale. Among these sources of scale inconsistency
are inconsistent or poorly defined test construction practices, population changes,
estimation error associated with using small samples of examinees, accumulation of
errors over a long sequence of test administrations, use of inadequate anchor tests, and
equating model misfit. In this paper, we make distinctions among different sources of
variation that may contribute to score scale inconsistency. In the process of delineating
these potential sources of scale inconsistency, we indicate practices that are likely either
to contribute to inconsistency or to attenuate it.
1. Sources of Score Scale Inconsistency
1.1 Test-construction Practices
When tests are built successfully to very tight specifications, it is reasonable to
expect that the conversion that maps a raw score onto a score-reporting scale will be the
same for all versions of a test. This raw-to-scale consistency is viewed as evidence of
scale stability and lack of scale drift. Is variability in raw-to-scale conversions or scale
inconsistency evidence of scale drift? Perhaps, but raw-to-scale inconsistency is not
necessarily due to scale drift. In general, unstable raw-to-scale conversions can also be
due to a variety of sources, such as differences in test difficulty, differences in test
content, changes in test reliability, and the instability associated with sampling error.
Variable raw-to-scale conversions can be due to loose test construction practices
or overly vague specifications. If the test assembly process does not follow a precise
blueprint or if the resources needed to execute the blueprint are not available, variations
in tests can occur that lead to variations in raw-to-scale conversions. This phenomenon is
not scale drift; too much variation in the raw-to-scale conversions, however, may lead to
scale drift.
If changes occur in the blueprint, either as a result of proactive planning or in
response to shortages in items, shifts in the raw-to-scale conversions should be expected.
Theses shifts may induce scale drift if the construct being measured has changed enough
so that a score based on the old blueprint is different from a score based on the new
blueprint. (See Brennan, 2007 and Liu & Walker, 2007 for a discussion of what to look
for with tests in transition.)
Sometimes new versions of a test are less reliable than older versions because a
reduction in testing time leads to a reduction in the number of test questions. Less reliable
tests cannot be equated to more reliable tests (Holland & Dorans, 2006). As a
consequence, the linking of a less reliable test to a more reliable test is likely to be
subpopulation dependent. This subpopulation dependence can manifest itself as increased
variability in raw-to-scale conversions. In addition, linking scores from the less reliable
test to scores from the more reliable test will align scores that have different meanings
with each other. This result is a form of scale drift.
1.2 Subpopulation Shifts and Changes in Populations
In practice, mean scores change over time. Whenever score distributions shift in
one direction over time, there is a tendency to wonder whether the score scale has
remained intact. Does a shift in score distributions necessarily imply scale drift? It does
Sometimes this change is seasonal within a fixed testing time. SAT
exhibit a within-year seasonality (Haberman, Guo, Liu, & Dorans, 2008) that is fairly
consistent over years. This seasonality is an example of subpopulation shifts within a
given population. Over a long period of time, cyclical seasonal shifts in subpopulations
may occur against a backdrop of significant changes in the population that may affect
score meaning.
During the 1960s and 1970s, average SAT scores declined. The declines of the
1960s led to investigations of scale drift by Modu and Stern (1975, 1977) as part of a
broad investigation of the SAT score decline (Wirtz, 1977). Was the decline due to scale
drift, or did factors such as the availability of financial support and threat of the draft alter
the composition of the population of students who applied to college? During the 1980s,
average SAT scores increased. Was this increase in means dues to scale drift or to a
population shift associated with less available financial aid, the end of the draft (and the
war), or other factors that might alter the probability of applying to college?
Another example of a shift in population is the increase in the proportion of test
takers who take a test measuring mathematical or science proficiency that is administered
in a language that is not their primary language. For some of these test takers,
performance on the test may be more a function of their language level than their
competency in the math or science domain. While small shifts in the language
composition of the population do not necessarily affect score scales (Liang, Dorans, &
Sinharay, 2009), changes in the composition of the population may, however, be large
enough to change the construct.
1.3 Sampling Errors
With finite samples of examinees, there is random error in equating due to the
estimation process. The standard deviation of this error is approximately proportional to
the reciprocal of the square root of the sample size. This random error introduces random
noise into the equating process. It is a source of scale inconsistency that is nonsystematic.
As noted in 1.4, however, accumulation of these random errors can induce a substantial
shift in the meaning of the scale.
One potential source of systematic error is nonrandom sampling of examinees.
For example, selection on the basis of the tests to be equated affects the raw-to-scale
conversions. Suppose scores below the 20th percentile of one form were deleted from the
analysis. The linking of scores on that test form to another other test form in that
truncated sample would differ from the linking between the tests in the full population.
When the sample is not representative of the population, systematic error can be induced,
especially in the absence of an anchor. These sources of systematic error can induce scale
1.4 Accumulation of Random Equating Error
Accumulation of random error over many successive equatings can produce scale
drift. This drift can be the consequence of a random walk (Feller, 1968). Because random
sampling error is nonsystematic, the expected value of accumulated errors associated
with a sequence of linkages is zero. The variance of this accumulated error, however, is a
function of the number of steps in the walk, or in this case the number of links in an
equating chain. As the number of links in the chain increases, the probability of a
substantial amount of drift increases. In addition, the degree of drift tends to be correlated
across successive linkings. Hence we state that the accumulation of random error via a
random walk over successive equatings can produce scale drift. Alho and Spencer (2005)
illustrate the effect of random walks on the forecasting of demographic trends, while
Malkiel (2003) provides an accessible treatment of random walks in the context of the
stock market. Haberman et al. (2008) and Haberman (2010) demonstrate that linking test
forms across many administrations will produce a phenomenon that is similar to a
random walk.
This accumulation of error may be the bane of continuous testing. With any
testing program that has a fixed level of demand, an increase in the number of
administrations is accompanied by a decrease in the sample sizes available for
equating. For the special case where a doubling of administrations is accompanied by a
halving of sample sizes, the net effect is a doubling of random scale drift. Ignoring this
important relationship among total test volume, the number of administrations, and scale
drift can lead to practices that undermine the scale of a test very rapidly. Accumulation of
random scale drift can have effects very similar to those of systematic scale drift. In
typical data collection, equating results obtained within a small time interval are much
more similar to each other than they are to results derived over a long time interval.
1.5 The Role of the Anchor
The anchor-test design is subject to more sources of drift than a well executed
equivalent-groups design. The role of the anchor is to convert the anchor-test design into
equivalent groups, either via a chaining process or via poststratification methods (Holland
& Dorans, 2006). Much can go wrong with this design. The groups may be too far apart
in ability. The anchor may not have a strong enough correlation with the total tests to
adequately compensate for the lack of equivalence between the samples for the old and
new forms. The anchor may possess different content than the tests. All of these factors
can result in raw-to-scale conversions that vary as a function of equating method. These
variations can induce scale drift, and the set of anchor-test influences may in fact be the
largest contributing factor to scale drift.
1.6 Model Misfit
We have discussed several factors that contribute to inconsistencies in raw-to
scale conversions. Most have dealt with the tests and the people that take the tests. How
the data are analyzed is another factor. Equating procedures apply statistical models to
data to produce equating functions that are concatenated across time to place test scores
from different test forms on a common score reporting scale. When the data collection is
well designed, equating methods tend to give convergent results. For example, when tests
are parallel and large representative equivalent samples of test takers are administered
these parallel forms, the resultant equating is likely to be approximated well by an
identity function. If these conditions do not hold, the identity is unlikely to hold, and
different equating methods will give different results. Bias associated with equating
model misfit is likely to contribute directly to scale drift; small sample sizes are likely to
contribute directly to scale inconsistency and indirectly, via accumulated error, to scale
2. Summary of Sources of Inconsistency
We have attempted to clarify that neither differences in score distributions nor
inconsistencies in raw-to-scale conversions need indicate scale drift. In addition, we have
tried to identify various sources of variability in score distributions and conversion tables
that may or may not induce drift. For example, there are times when tests do not meet
specifications because of random errors associated with pretesting with small samples.
Other times, the specifications cannot be met on a regular basis because they are
unrealistic or have been changed. The former type of failure to meet specifications is
unsystematic or random, while the latter is systematic and chronic and more likely to
induce scale drift. Both types are included in Table 1, which contains a summary of the
previously described systematic and nonsystematic sources of scale inconsistency. Scale
drift is a shift in the meaning of a score scale that alters the interpretation that can be
attached to score points along the scale.
Shifts in score distributions or raw-to-scale conversions cannot be used as a
definition for scale drift because these shifts can occur for reasons unrelated to drift.
These kinds of shifts are labeled No under Induce scale drift? in Table 1. These shifts,
however, may be due to scale drift. Teasing out scale drift shifts from nondrift shifts
requires data collection designs in which an old test is administered to a new population.
Ideally this type of experiment would be replicated several times. In practice, this direct
comparison may be impractical because of changes in the environment of the examinees
due to modifications of curriculum, public attention to portions of test content, changes in
scientific knowledge, etc.
The fact that random errors, which are not direct sources of drift, can accumulate
over linkings of test forms to induce scale drift is counterintuitive and has implications
for continuous testing. In continuous testing, many test forms are assembled and
administered within a given testing period. As a consequence, there is greater variation in
test difficulty, increased likelihood that tests will not meet specifications, increased
chances that test reliability will be unequal, more administrations and more
subpopulations of test takers, increased error due to reduction of sample size, more
opportunities for use of inadequate anchors, and greater reliance on equating models that
may not fit the data adequately. Accumulation of these sources of inconsistency and
instability over time is likely to produce drift fairly rapidly (Haberman, 2010). If a test
form were administered at the beginning and the end of a chain of equatings, a score with
a given numerical value on that form when administered at the beginning of the chain
may correspond to a score on that same form that is a third of a standard deviation higher
or lower at the end of the chain. In some cases where tests are administered continuously,
the chain may span less than 1 year. The validity of a test score is undermined whenever
it matters when the test form is administered.
The standard error of measurement is often used as a standard for assessing the
amount of error in a score. Compared to the standard error of measurement, the amount
of drift induced by any and all sources of scale inconsistency can seem to be small. For
example, when the standard error of measurement for a test on a 200- to 800-point scale
is 40 points, an average drift of 10 points might seem small in comparison. This is an
inappropriate comparison for several reasons. The standard error of measurement is a
measure of the variability in random measurement error associated with the number of
questions on the test. The average of these random errors, across test forms and across
people, is expected to be zero. Drift, on the other hand, is the same for all people at a
given score, and it does not cancel out. It is important to keep in mind the distinction
between effects of random error on individuals versus effects on groups when comparing
systematic drift to random sources of inconsistency in score scales: for a given
administration of a test form, increasing the sample size for a group of examinees reduces
sampling error of the group mean but has no effect on the standard error of measurement
for any individual.
Table 1
Sources of Score Scale Inconsistency
Source Systematic Random Induce scale drift?
Test difficulty shift - random No Yes No
Test difficulty shift - chronic Yes No Yes
Construct shift Yes No Yes
Reliability shift Yes No Yes
Subpopulation shift Yes No Maybe
Population change Yes No Yes
Random sampling No Yes No
Accumulated random error No Yes Yes
Nonrandom samples Yes No Yes
Nonrepresentative samples Yes No Yes
Inadequate anchors Yes No Yes
Model misfit Yes No Yes
3. Conclusions
The list of sources of scale inconsistency is a partial list and reflects our current
thinking on the sources of scale inconsistency. The major points of this paper are the
1. Differences in score distributions or inconsistencies in raw-to-scale
conversions may or may not indicate scale drift;
2. Sources of scale inconsistency may be random or systematic;
3. Systematic sources are more likely to induce scale drift;
4. Accumulation of many random errors, however, may induce a drift similar
to what is known as random walk;
5. Alteration in the meaning of a score scale, which will eventually occur due
to systematic and random errors, occurs more rapidly with continuous
testing than with testing with few administrations;
6. It is important to keep in mind the distinction between effects of random
error on individuals versus effects on groups when comparing systematic
drift to random sources of inconsistency in score scales.
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