United Nations
Economic &
S o c i a l A f f a i r s
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Statistical Papers
Series M No. 4, Rev.4
Published by the United Nations
ISBN 978-92-1-161518-0
Sales No. E.08.XVII.25
07-66517—August 2008—2,330
Department of Economic and Social Affairs
Statistics Division
Standard Industrial
Classification of All
Economic Activities
Revision 4
United Nations
New York, 2008
Statistical papers Series M No. 4/Rev.4
Sales No. E.08.XVII.25
ISBN: 978-92-1-161518-0
Copyright United Nations, 2008
All rights reserved
Printed in United Nations, New York
Department of Economic and Social Affairs
The Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations Secretariat is
a vital interface between global policies in the economic, social and environmental
spheres and national action. The Department works in three main interlinked areas:
(i) it compiles, generates and analyses a wide range of economic, social and environ-
mental data and information on which States Members of the United Nations draw
to review common problems and to take stock of policy options; (ii) it facilitates the
negotiations of Member States in many intergovernmental bodies on joint courses of
action to address ongoing or emerging global challenges; and (iii) it advises interested
Governments on the ways and means of translating policy frameworks developed in
United Nations conferences and summits into programmes at the country level and,
through technical assistance, helps build national capacities.
The designations used and the presentation of material in this publication do not
imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the
United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area, or of
its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.
e term “country” as used in this publication also refers, as appropriate, to ter-
ritories or areas.
e designations developed regions and developing regions are intended
for statistical convenience and do not necessarily express a judgment about the stage
reached by a particular country or area in the development process.
Symbols of United Nations documents are composed of capital letters combined
with gures. Mention of such a symbol indicates a reference to a United Nations docu-
The International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC)
is the international reference classification of productive activities. Its main purpose is
to provide a set of activity categories that can be utilized for the collection and report-
ing of statistics according to such activities.
Since the adoption of the original version of ISIC in 1948, the majority of coun-
tries around the world have used ISIC as their national activity classication or have
developed national classications derived from ISIC. ISIC has therefore provided
guidance to countries in developing national activity classications and has become
an important tool for comparing statistical data on economic activities at the interna-
tional level. Wide use has been made of ISIC, both nationally and internationally, in
classifying data according to kind of economic activity in the elds of economic and
social statistics, such as for statistics on national accounts, demography of enterprises,
employment and others. In addition, ISIC is increasingly used for non-statistical pur-
is fourth revision of ISIC (ISIC, Rev.4) is the outcome of a review process that
spanned several years and involved contributions from many classications experts
and users around the world. is process resulted in an ISIC structure that is more
detailed than the previous version, responding to the need to identify many new
industries separately. is is especially applicable in the case of services. Moreover,
the relevance of the Classication has been enhanced with the introduction of new
high-level categories to better reect current economic phenomena. A new section
entitled “Information and communication” (see part three, sect. J) is one such innova-
tion. Comparability has also been enhanced with a number of other regional activity
classications, thus making this version of ISIC a much improved tool for interna-
tional data comparison.
A number of alternate aggregations have been included in the present publi-
cation. ey provide analytical tools for areas which, for conceptual reasons, do not
lend themselves to aggregation within the existing ISIC structure. Among the alternate
aggregations included in this version of ISIC are aggregations for information and
communications technology, the informal sector and non-prot institutions, as well
as two aggregations for national accounts-type analysis, one at very aggregated and
another at an intermediate level of ISIC.
e structure of the fourth revision of ISIC was considered and approved by the
Statistical Commission at its thirty-seventh session, in March 2006,
as the interna-
tionally accepted standard. It now replaces the third revision of the classication
its update, Revision 3.1,
which have been in use since 1989 and 2002, respectively.
See Official Records of the
Economic and Social Council, 2002,
Supplement No.4 (E/2006/24),
chap. I, para. 3, item 37/105 (a).
Statistical Papers, No.4, Rev.3
(United Nations publication,
Sales No. E.90.XVII.11).
Statistical Papers, No.4, Rev.3.1
(United Nations publication,
Sales No. E.03.XVII.4).
Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii
Historical background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix
Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xii
Support for ISIC users . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii
Acronyms and abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiv
Part one
Chapter Paragraphs Page
I. Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–21 3
II. e underlying principles of the classication . . . . . . . . . . . . 22–54 7
A. Purpose and nature of the classication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22–37 7
1. General considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22–27 7
2. Scope of the classication. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28–29 8
3. Dierences from other types of classications . . . . . . . . 30–37 9
B. Principles used in constructing the classication . . . . . . . . . 38–45 10
C. Structure and coding system of the classication . . . . . . . . . 46–54 11
III. Application of the classication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55–157 13
A. Principal, secondary and ancillary activities. . . . . . . . . . . . 55–63 13
B. Statistical units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64–102 14
1. General remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64–75 14
(a) Legal entities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71–72 15
(b) Institutional units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73–75 15
2. Statistical units in the System of National Accounts . . . . . 76–83 16
(a) Enterprise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77–79 16
(b) Establishment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80–83 16
3. Other statistical units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84–89 17
(a) Kind-of-activity unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 17
(b) Local unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86–87 17
(c) Unit of homogeneous production . . . . . . . . . . . 88–89 17
4. Delineating statistical units. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90–99 18
5. National dierences in selecting statistical units . . . . . . . 100–102 19
C. Classication of statistical units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103–154 20
1. General guidelines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103–112 20
(a) Value-added substitutes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107–109 20
(b) Problems with output substitutes . . . . . . . . . . . . 110–111 21
(c) Problems with input substitutes . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 21
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4vi
2. Treatment of mixed activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113–131 22
(a) Treatment of independent multiple activities . . . . . 115–116 22
(b) Treatment of vertical integration . . . . . . . . . . . . 117–119 22
(c) Treatment of horizontal integration. . . . . . . . . . . 120–122 23
(d) e “top-down” method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123–131 23
Box 1. Example: Identifying the principal activity of a
reporting unit using the top-down method . . . . . . . . 24
Box 2. Example: Identifying the principal activity of a
reporting unit using the top-down method within
wholesale and retail trade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
3. E-commerce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132–134 28
4. Repair and maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 29
5. Outsourcing / activities on a fee or contract basis . . . . . . 136–145 29
(a) Classication of the contractor . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 29
(b) Classication of the principal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140–145 30
6. Government activities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146–147 30
7. Classication of enterprises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148–149 31
8. Classication of households . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150–151 31
9. Changes in the classication of units . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152–154 31
D. Capturing information about the activity of units and coding
it according to ISIC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155–157 32
IV. Other topics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158–198 33
A. Use of ISIC in establishing related national classications. . . . 158–169 33
1. Aggregation and disaggregation of ISIC . . . . . . . . . . . 162–167 33
2. Level of international comparability. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168–169 34
B. Use of dierent levels of the classication for the presentation
of statistics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170–171 35
C. Relationship with other classications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172–192 35
1. General remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172 35
2. Relationship with product classications: CPC, HS
and SITC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173–175 36
3. Other derived and related activity classications . . . . . . 176–184 36
(a) Derived classications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179–181 37
(b) Related classications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182–184 37
4. Relationship of other international classications with
ISIC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185–192 38
D. Indexes to the classication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193–194 39
E. Correspondence tables. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195–197 40
F. Alternative aggregations for ISIC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198 40
Paragraphs Page
Contents vii
Part two
I. Broad structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
II. Detailed structure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Part three
A. Agriculture, forestry and fishing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
B. Mining and quarrying . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
C. Manufacturing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
D. Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
E. Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities . . . . 167
F. Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172
G. Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles . . . . . 179
H. Transportation and storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
I. Accommodation and food service activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
J. Information and communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
K. Financial and insurance activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216
L. Real estate activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
M. Professional, scientific and technical activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
N. Administrative and support service activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232
O. Public administration and defence; compulsory social security. . . . . . . . . 243
P. Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247
Q. Human health and social work activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252
R. Arts, entertainment and recreation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257
S. Other service activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262
T. Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods- and
services-producing activities of households for own use . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269
U. Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270
Part four
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199–202 273
A. Two alternative aggregations for SNA data reporting . . . . . . . . . . 203–216 274
1. High-level SNA/ISIC aggregation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204–208 274
2. Intermediate-level SNA/ISIC aggregation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209–216 275
B. Alternative aggregation for the information economy. . . . . . . . . . 217–222 277
1. ICT sector denition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218–220 277
2. Content and media sector denition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221–222 279
Paragraphs Page
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4viii
C. Alternative aggregation for data reporting on the informal
sector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223–232 279
D. Alternative aggregation for data reporting on the non-prot
institutions sector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233–237 282
Part five
I. Methodological changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238–243 289
II. Structural changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244–260 289
Paragraphs Page
Historical background
The original version of the International Standard Industrial Classification of All Eco-
nomic Activities (ISIC)
was adopted in 1948. In that connection, the Economic and
Social Council adopted resolution 149 A (VII) of 27 August 1948, which read:
e Economic and Social Council,
Taking note of the recommendation of the Statistical Commission regard-
ing the need for international comparability of economic statistics, and,
Taking note of the International Standard Industrial Classication of All
Economic Activities which the Statistical Commission has developed with the
advice and assistance of Member Governments,
Recommends that all Member Governments make use of the International
Standard Industrial Classication of Economic Activities either by:
“(a) Adopting this system of classication as a national standard, or
“(b) Rearranging their statistical data in accordance with this system for
purposes of international comparability”.
Wide use has been made of ISIC both nationally and internationally in classify-
ing data according to kind of economic activity in the elds of economic statistics,
such as for production or national income, employment, population and others. A
number of countries have utilized ISIC as the basis for developing their national indus-
trial classications. Substantial comparability has been attained between the industrial
classications of many other countries and ISIC by ensuring, as far as practicable, that
the categories at detailed levels of national classications tted into only one category
of ISIC. An increasing number of countries have adapted their national activity clas-
sications or can provide statistical series according to ISIC. e United Nations, the
United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), the International
Labour Organization (ILO), the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
Nations (FAO), the United Nations Educational, Scientic and Cultural Organization
(UNESCO) and other international bodies use ISIC when publishing and analysing
statistical data.
Experience in the use of ISIC has revealed the need for periodic review of the
structure and denition of its categories and underlying principles. Changes take place
in the organization of economic activities and new types of economic activities become
important, while new analytical requirements develop for data classied according to
kind of economic activity. Over the decades, continuing experience in the use of ISIC
and the corresponding national classications reveal aspects that should be ampli-
ed, claried or improved in other ways. For these reasons, the Statistical Commission
initiated reviews and revisions of ISIC in 1956, 1965, 1979 and again in 2000. While
continuity, i.e., comparability between the revised and preceding versions of ISIC, has
always been a major concern expressed by the Commission, the accumulating changes
in the economic structure and production patterns around the world require a careful
balancing of continuity with the need for relevance of ISIC and its comparability with
other existing industry classications.
Statistical Papers, No. 4, Lake
Success, New York, 31 October
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4x
e rst revision of ISIC (ISIC, Rev.1) was issued in 1958, aer having been
considered by the Statistical Commission at its tenth session.
e second revision
(ISIC, Rev.2) was issued in 1968 aer proposals for the revision had been considered
and approved by the Commission at its eenth session, in 1968.
e third revision of
ISIC (ISIC, Rev.3) was considered and approved by the Commission at its twenty-h
session, in 1989, and issued in 1990.
e update to the third revision (ISIC, Rev.3.1)
was considered and approved by the Commission at its thirty-third session, in 2002,
and issued in 2004.
e third and fourth revisions of ISIC put increased emphasis on harmoniza-
tion with other activity classications and product classications, adding considerable
complexity and constraints that did not apply in earlier revisions of ISIC. As ISIC
occupies a central position in the international comparison and analysis of a wide
range of statistics, a great deal of attention was devoted to ensuring that ISIC would be
compatible with both the economic structure and the statistical practice and needs of
the dierent countries of the world. Both revisions have also introduced an increas-
ing level of detail, especially in the part dealing with service activities, reecting the
growth of this sector of the economy in most countries of the world. In addition, har-
monization with other classications has improved the usefulness of ISIC for many
analytical and descriptive purposes, such as within the context of the extended elabo-
ration of services in the Central Product Classication (CPC).
The fourth revision of ISIC
In the years since the publication of the third revision of ISIC, the economic structure
in many countries of the world has changed at an unprecedented rate. The emergence
of new technologies and new divisions of labour between organizations has created
new types of activities and new forms of industries, posing a challenge for both pro-
viders and users of statistical data. In response to their growing demands, the Expert
Group on International Economic and Social Classifications, at its fourth meeting in
1999, considered the need for a revision of ISIC to better reflect changed structures
and analytical requirements. Realizing that a full revision would require a longer time
to complete, the Expert Group recommended an update to the third revision of ISIC,
which became Revision 3.1 scheduled for 2002, to address some smaller immediate
concerns regarding the classification and at the same time start preparation for the
fourth revision of ISIC, which would be completed in 2006.
e objectives of the fourth revision of ISIC were formulated in terms of improv-
ing and strengthening its relevance and comparability with other classications, while
considering its continuity. Relevance reected the need to incorporate new economic
production structures and activities, while comparability determined the identied
need for a convergence of the Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Clas-
sication (ANZSIC), the General Industrial Classication of Economic Activities
within the European Communities (NACE), the North American Industry Classica-
tion System (NAICS) and other activity classications used around the world. is
underscored the realization that comparability should be a very important factor for
the fourth revision of ISIC. Continuity reected the important restriction that changes
should only be made where the benets in terms of relevance or comparability out-
weighed the costs in terms of changes made to the previous versions of the classi-
cation. In later stages of the revision process, it became more and more clear that
continuity was an important element for many countries.
International Standard Industrial
Classification of All Economic
Activities, Statistical Papers,
Series M, No. 4, Rev.1 United
Nations publication, Sales
No. E.58.XVII.
International Standard Industrial
Classification of All Economic
Activities, Statistical Papers,
Series M, No. 4, Rev.2 (United
Nations publication, Sales
No. E.68.XVII.8).
International Standard Industrial
Classification of All Economic
Activities, Statistical Papers,
Series M, No. 4, Rev.3 (United
Nations publication, Sales
No. E.90.XVII.1).
International Standard Industrial
Classification of All Economic
Activities, Statistical Papers,
Series M, No. 4, Rev.3.1 (United
Nations publication, Sales
No. E.03.XVII.4).
Historical background xi
e development work of dierent versions of the ISIC, Rev.4 dra, the ques-
tionnaires and related materials was carried out by United Nations Statistics Division
in consultation with the Technical Subgroup of the Expert Group on International
Economic and Social Classications. e process beneted from the guidance of the
Statistical Commission and the Expert Group, which met three times between June
2001 and 2005. At each meeting, the Statistical Commission and the Expert Group
reviewed the process employed and progress made during the revision and set or con-
rmed new guidelines for the next steps in the revision process.
e Technical Subgroup met for a total of 10 (usually week-long) meetings to
elaborate the details of the classication. Additional input in this process was provided
through seven regional workshops conducted or initiated by the United Nations Sta-
tistics Division, meetings with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
Nations (FAO), the Working Party on Indicators of the Information Society, the Asso-
ciation of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN) and the Observatoire économique
et statistique d’Afrique subsaharienne (AFRISTAT) on specic subjects, as well as
through several meetings of the NAICS-NACE convergence project, which the Sta-
tistics Division attended. ese meetings and workshops allowed countries and spe-
cialized agencies to provide additional input and also served as a way to inform them
about the progress and challenges of the ISIC revision process.
Following the recommendations by the Expert Group, the Statistical Commis-
sion conrmed that the consultation with all member countries in the revision process
should be a priority. is consultation included not only convening the above-men-
tioned workshops and meetings, but also disseminating questionnaires seeking input
from all countries during dierent stages of the revision process. On the one hand,
this consultation allowed the direct involvement of all major stakeholders, in particu-
lar those involved with research already carried out on the convergence of industry
classications; on the other hand, it allowed the deliberation of dierent viewpoints
arising out of dierent economic settings, which needed to be considered to ensure the
relevance of ISIC, Rev.4 as an international reference classication.
ree rounds of country consultations were undertaken and detailed question-
naires were prepared for each round, covering successively more detailed issues and
spanning a range from conceptual and broad structure issues to boundary questions,
the detailed classications structure and explanatory notes.
While some of the rules for the application of ISIC, Rev.4 have been changed and
the criteria for the construction of the classication and the formulation of explanatory
notes have been reviewed, the overall characteristics of ISIC remain unchanged. e
detail of the classication has substantially increased. For service-producing activities,
this increase is visible at all levels, including the top level, while for other activities,
such as agriculture, the increase in detail has aected mostly the lower levels of the
In this fourth revision of ISIC, great eorts have been made to address the need
for convergence between existing activity classications at the international and multi-
national levels. Experience with the implementation of classications and development
work on classications carried out in countries around the world have greatly contrib-
uted to ISIC, Rev.4. Explanatory notes have been extended to provide additional detail,
allowing for more accurate interpretation of the content and boundaries of individual
classes, which should lead to a less ambiguous application of ISIC, Rev.4.
e rationale for the nal ISIC, Rev.4 structure, together with illustrative exam-
ples of the interpretation of the classication, will be discussed in the forthcoming
Companion Guide to ISIC and CPC.
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4xii
In carrying out the revision process, the active participation of the Statistical Commis-
sion, the Expert Group on International Economic and Social Classifications and its
Technical Subgroup were all vital to the development work that was done.
Further inputs into the revision process were obtained from regional workshops
and meetings with international and regional agencies, such as the Food and Agricul-
ture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the Working Party on Indicators of
the Information Society, the Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN) and
the Observatoire économique et statistique dAfrique subsaharienne (AFRISTAT), as
well as the NAICS-NACE convergence project.
During the critical years of the nalization of ISIC, the process beneted from
the coordination and support of the Chairman of the Technical Subgroup, Paul Joha-
nis of Statistics Canada, and the following members of the Subgroup: Mara Riestra
(Argentina), Carlos Rossi (Argentina), Mike McGrath (Australia), Gillian Nicoll
(Australia), Branco Vitas (Australia), Norbert Rainer (Austria), Alice Born (Canada),
Emile Bruneau (France), V. Arora (India), Vijay Goel (India), A. C. Kulshreshtha
(India), Rajeev Lochan (India), Ajay Mehra (India), Swaraj K. Nath (India), Akira
Genba (Japan), Kazuhiko Matsuo (Japan), Koki Toida (Japan), Kenichi Takenaga
(Japan), Hans van Hoo (Netherlands), Albert Jacques (Netherlands), Khalid Al Mud-
hafar (Oman), John Murphy (United States), Niels Langkjaer (Eurostat), Alice Zoppè
(Eurostat), Xiaoning Gong (FAO), Robert Mayo (FAO), Margaret Fitzgibbon (IMF),
Nataliya Ivanik (IMF), William Cave (OECD), Shaila Nijhowne (UNWTO).
Final coordination of ISIC was undertaken by Ivo Havinga of the United Nations
Statistics Division, in close collaboration with Ralf Becker, also of the United Nations
Statistics Division, who was directly responsible for the dierent stages of the revision
process, including the organization of the classication, the preparation of the text
of the explanatory notes; and the organization of meetings and consultation rounds.
Mr. Becker was assisted by several other sta members of the Statistics Division,
including Karen Cassamajor, Jurgen Schwarzler, Gulab Singh, Adriana Skenderi and
Herman Smith.
Support for ISIC users
The United Nations Statistics Division is responsible for the development and main-
tenance of ISIC, Rev.4. The developers of national activity classifications and other
institutions using ISIC may find it in their interest to establish contact with the Statis-
tics Division. Users of ISIC may thus receive notification about plans for updates or
revisions, information concerning interpretations and rulings, and general technical
support in applying the classification. Users are encouraged to bring to the attention
of the Statistics Division any difficulties they encounter in the implementation of ISIC.
They are also encouraged to request clarification, share their experience and remarks
with regard to the adequacy of the classification, and provide ideas or proposals for
enhancing its usefulness.
A Companion Guide to ISIC and CPC is being published as a supplementary pub-
lication to ISIC, Rev.4. e Companion Guide will address in detail the scope of ISIC
and the rationale for the chosen ISIC structure, providing explanations and, where
possible, illustrative material on the application of the rules and structure of the classi-
cation. It will also address in detail some of the new or newly dened areas of interest
in the classication, as well as the overall description in terms of activities involved
and products produced and transacted, thus elaborating on the link between ISIC and
CPC. e Companion Guide to ISIC and CPC is expected to be a useful tool in assisting
national statistical oces and other users in implementing the classication.
Updated information on ISIC, indexes, proposals for revisions and the revision
process are available in the Classications Registry on the United Nations interna-
tional economic and social classications web site at
Communications should be addressed to the Director, United Nations Statistics
Division, Attention: Economic Statistics and Classications Section, by mail:
2 United Nations Plaza
Room DC2-1670
New York, NY 10017
United States of America
by fax:
or by e-mail to the Classications Hotline:
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4xiv
Acronyms and abbreviations
AFRISTAT Observatoire économique et statistique dAfrique subsaharienne
ANZSIC Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification
ASEAN Association of South-East Asian Nations
COFOG Classification of the Functions of Government
CPC Central Product Classification
EBOPS Extended Balance of Payments Services Classification
FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
GDP gross domestic product
HS Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System
ICNPO International Classification of Non-Profit Organizations
ILO International Labour Organization
ISCED International Standard Classification of Education
ISCO International Standard Classification of Occupations
ISIC International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic
NACE Statistical Classification of Economic Activities in the European
NAICS North American Industry Classification System
SINAP Integrated System of Classifications of Activities by Products
SITC Standard International Trade Classification
SNA 93 System of National Accounts, 1993
TSA Tourism Satellite Account
UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
UNIDO United Nations Industrial Development Organization
UNWTO World Tourism Organization
Chapter I
1. e International Standard Industrial Classication of All Economic Activi-
ties (ISIC) consists of a coherent and consistent classication structure of economic
activities based on a set of internationally agreed concepts, denitions, principles and
classication rules. It provides a comprehensive framework within which economic
data can be collected and reported in a format that is designed for purposes of eco-
nomic analysis, decision-taking and policy-making. e classication structure repre-
sents a standard format to organize detailed information about the state of an economy
according to economic principles and perceptions.
2. In practice, the classication is used for providing a continuing ow of
information that is indispensable for the monitoring, analysis and evaluation of the
performance of an economy over time. In addition to its primary application in sta-
tistics and subsequent economic analysis, where information needs to be provided for
narrowly dened economic activities (also referred to as “industries”), ISIC is increas-
ingly used also for administrative purposes, such as in tax collection, issuing of busi-
ness licenses etc.
3. is fourth revision of ISIC enhances the relevance of the classication by
better reecting the current structure of the world economy, recognizing new indus-
tries that have emerged over the past 20 years and facilitating international compari-
son through increased comparability with existing regional classications.
Main features of the classification
4. e scope of ISIC in general covers productive activities, i.e., economic
activities within the production boundary of the System of National Accounts (SNA).
A few exceptions have been made to allow for the classication of activities beyond
the production boundary but which are of importance for various other types of sta-
5. ese economic activities are subdivided in a hierarchical, four-level struc-
ture of mutually exclusive categories, facilitating data collection, presentation and
analysis at detailed levels of the economy in an internationally comparable, standard-
ized way. e categories at the highest level are called sections, which are alphabeti-
cally coded categories intended to facilitate economic analysis. e sections subdivide
the entire spectrum of productive activities into broad groupings, such as Agricul-
ture, forestry and shing” (section A), “Manufacturing” (section C) and “Information
and communication(section J). e classication is then organized into successively
more detailed categories, which are numerically coded: two-digit divisions; three-digit
groups; and, at the greatest level of detail, four-digit classes.
6. e classication is used to classify statistical units, such as establishments or
enterprises, according to the economic activity in which they mainly engage. At each
The 1993 SNA has been revised in
2008. New concepts introduced
in the revised SNA have been
taken into account during the
preparation of ISIC, Rev.4. All
remarks citing SNA refer to
the revised version of SNA as
prepared in 2008. However,
since the final print publication
of the revised SNA (2008 SNA)
was not available at the time of
preparation of this introduction,
no references to specific
paragraphs or chapters in 2008
SNA could be given.
See para. 29 below.
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 44
level of ISIC, each statistical unit is assigned to one and only one ISIC code, as set out
below. e set of statistical units that are classied into the same ISIC category is then
oen referred to as an industry, such as “the furniture industry”, which would refer to
all units classied in ISIC division 31 (Manufacture of furniture), or the “construction
industry”, which would refer to all units classied in ISIC section F (Construction).
is standardized categorization or subdivision of the complete set of producing units
in an economy makes ISIC an important tool for socio-economic statistics that need
to be arranged in accordance with the productive system of the economy.
Principles, definitions and classification rules
7. All categories at each level of the classication are mutually exclusive. e
principles and criteria that have been used to dene and delineate these categories have
not changed from previous versions of ISIC and are based on the inputs of goods, serv-
ices and factors of production; the process and technology of production; the charac-
teristics of outputs; and the use to which the outputs are put. Economic activities that
are similar in respect of these criteria have been grouped together in the categories of
ISIC. At the most detailed level of the classication, preference has been given to the
process and technology of production to dene individual ISIC classes, particularly in
the classes related to services. At higher levels, characteristics of outputs and the use
to which outputs are put become more important to create analytically useful aggrega-
tion categories. For many analytical purposes and for reasons of historical continuity,
a strict application of these criteria has not proven useful. e weight that has been
applied to each of these criteria will therefore invariably change throughout the clas-
sication. In addition, practical considerations, such as the organization of economic
production in most countries and the need for stability of the classication, are factors
that have also inuenced the way categories have been dened at dierent levels of the
8. e content and scope of each category in the classication is dened
through a detailed explanatory note, which also highlights boundary issues by provid-
ing examples of activities that may appear similar but are classied elsewhere in ISIC.
9. In order to apply the classication to a particular statistical unit, informa-
tion on the activity in which the unit engages has to be obtained. is information is
then used to nd the category in ISIC that corresponds to this activity, based on the
denitions provided in the explanatory notes.
10. In practice, it will oen be the case that a statistical unit (no matter how
narrowly dened) engages in a variety of activities, which may be linked to each other
or be completely independent. In order to arrive at a single ISIC code for these units,
ISIC provides a set of rules that have to be applied in the process of classifying a given
unit. Section II.C below outlines these rules and gives examples for their application
in special cases.
Harmonization with other statistical classification systems
11. ISIC has a central position among existing classications of economic
activities, as well as other economic classications, such as those for products. ISIC
provides the internationally accepted standard for categorizing producing units within
an economy, which allows for data comparison at the national and international levels.
During the revision process of ISIC, Rev.4, special attention was paid to improving
the links between existing activity classications, especially at the regional level, to
Introduction 5
facilitate future international data comparison. In the course of this revision, a review
of other activity classications was undertaken, and subsequent changes to ISIC were
introduced to further harmonize these existing classications with ISIC. is harmo-
nization has led to the adoption of new concepts in ISIC that were developed and
tested in other classications, as well as a review of individual category denitions (in
ISIC and other classications) to improve the comparability of these classications
with ISIC.
12. Harmonization of ISIC with other classications that have conceptual link-
ages to some part or all of the economic structure has also been considered in the
process of developing ISIC, Rev.4. is applies in particular to product classications.
Aggregates of ISIC
13. ISIC disaggregates the economy into the more detailed levels of industries
and industry groups, as well as the more aggregated levels of divisions and sections. It
can be used to examine particular industries or industry groups or to analyse the econ-
omy as a whole by disaggregating it to dierent levels of detail. For analytical purposes,
it is important to implement ISIC at its lower levels of detail to be able to observe and
analyse the economic interactions taking place between the dierent activities, allow-
ing understanding of the interlinkages of the production of an economy.
14. e categories of ISIC (especially higher-level categories) have become an
accepted way of subdividing the overall economy into useful coherent industries that
are widely recognized and used in economic analysis, and as such they have become
accepted groupings for data used as indicators of economic activity.
15. While ISIC provides a standard way of grouping economic activities, there
is sometimes a need to provide data on other sets of economic activities that may cross
the boundaries of existing high-level ISIC categories but have become of interest to
the statisticians, economists and policy makers. An example of this is the interest in
measuring the information economy, which includes activities from a wide range of
ISIC sections, including section C (Manufacturing), section J (Information and com-
munication) and others. Since such groupings cannot be built into the existing ISIC
structure, additional alternative aggregations can be created to serve these special data
needs and provide a standard way of presenting such data. e present publication
provides a set of internationally agreed alternative aggregations that have been dened
for ISIC, Rev.4.
International acceptance of ISIC
16. ISIC was developed with rigorous consultation and collaboration among
all stakeholders—national statistical oces, international organizations, academia and
others. rough this inclusive revision process, it has been possible to include fea-
tures in ISIC that make it useful and attractive for the majority of countries around
the world. ISIC has been recommended to countries as an international standard and
model in the development and/or adaptation of their national activity classications.
17. While ISIC was developed with a view to categorizing economic activi-
ties for national accounts and other economic analysis purposes, its use extends to
data collection, tabulation, analysis and presentation for a variety of social and envi-
ronmental applications, such as the link between the economy, education and health
sectors and the environment at the national and international levels. Moreover, at the
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 46
national level, ISIC and its national versions are increasingly used for administrative
and business purposes, such as the categorization of revenues and expenditures.
18. Previous versions of ISIC have been used—either directly or through
compatible national adaptations—by the majority of countries around the world. It
is expected that ISIC, Rev.4 will continue to play this role as the only fully interna-
tionally accepted activity classication. Apart from the increasing number of coun-
tries that have adapted their national activity classications or can provide statistical
series according to ISIC, the classication is used by many international organizations
when publishing and analysing statistical data by economic activity. ose organi-
zations include the United Nations and its specialized agencies, the International
Labour Organization (ILO), the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
Nations (FAO), the United Nations Educational, Scientic and Cultural Organization
(UNESCO), the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), the
International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank and other international bodies.
19. In its function as the internationally accepted reference classication for
economic activities and its strong link to other existing activity classications, ISIC
can be viewed as an eective tool for the harmonization of economic statistics.
Structure of this publication
20. e present ISIC publication is organized into ve parts, as follows:
Part one describes the underlying principles that are used in constructing the
classication. Apart from facilitating the understanding of the current classication
structure, the principles may assist in developing national classications by applying
criteria consistent with those of ISIC. Part one also describes the application rules that
allow for the correct and consistent classication of any given production unit in ISIC.
It concludes with a description of the relationship between ISIC and other classica-
Part two shows the complete structure of the classication in a condensed form,
allowing for easy viewing of the format in which ISIC subdivides economic activities.
Part three provides a detailed description of the classication, with full explana-
tory notes that describe the content of each ISIC category.
Part four shows a number of internationally agreed alternative aggregations that
provide standard ways of presenting data on special topics that cannot be addressed in
the ISIC structure itself.
Part ve outlines the major changes in ISIC, Rev.4 as compared to the previous
version (ISIC, Rev.3.1), covering both methodological and major structural changes.
21. While it may be intuitive to immediately use the detailed denitions of part
three of this publication, users are strongly encouraged to rst familiarize themselves
with the application rules set out in part one so as to correctly understand and use the
Chapter II
The underlying principles of the
A. Purpose and nature of the classification
1. General considerations
22. In the study of economic phenomena, taking all elements into account
simultaneously is not always possible. For the purposes of analysis, certain elements
need to be chosen and grouped according to particular characteristics. us, all eco-
nomic phenomena that are to be described in the form of statistics require systematic
classication. Classications are, so to speak, the system of languages used in commu-
nication about, and statistical processing of, the phenomena concerned. ey divide
the universe of statistical data into categories that are as homogeneous as possible with
respect to those characteristics that are the objects of the statistics in question.
23. ISIC is intended to be a standard classication of productive activities. Its
main purpose is to provide a set of activity categories that can be utilized for the col-
lection and presentation of statistics according to such activities. erefore, ISIC aims
to present this set of activity categories in such a way that entities can be classied
according to the economic activity they carry out. Dening the categories of ISIC is as
much as possible linked with the way the economic process is organized in units and
the way in which this process is described in economic statistics.
24. ISIC provides categories for the classication of units based on the activi-
ties carried out by these units, but it does not per se provide categories for specic
types of units. is conceptual underpinning has been retained in the fourth revision
for two reasons. First, naming actual units may be ambiguous if the same title or name
is used dierently across countries. For example, a “board of education may have
completely dierent functions and carry out completely dierent activities in dierent
countries. Another example is the use of the term “Internet café. In some cases, this
term refers to a restaurant that provides (wired or wireless) Internet access to its cus-
tomers as an amenity; in other cases it refers to a business service centre renting time
on PCs along with Internet access and related activities; while in still other cases, it
refers to a unit providing entertainment services by oering games that can be played
over the Internet. Such terminology may change from country to country or region
to region. erefore, creating categories for “board of educationor “Internet café
might lead to the classication of units in the same class that should not be compared.
Second, the name or title of a unit may not reect the activity carried out by the unit.
For example, a shipyard is usually engaged in the building of ships. However, the same
infrastructure can be used for the dismantling of ships. If such a shipyard carries out
mostly the dismantling of ships, it should not be combined in the same class with
other units that build ships. erefore, classifying a unit based on its characteristic as
being a shipyard(e.g., based on existing capital equipment) would be ambiguous.
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 48
Another example is gas stations that also operate convenience stores. A class “gas sta-
tion with convenience store” would allow an easy classication of such units based on
their appearance, but it would not reect the actual activity carried out. In ISIC, such a
unit would be classied according to its principal activity (see sect. III.C below), which
could place it in “retail sale of automotive fuelsor retail sale in non-specialized stores
with food, beverages or tobacco predominating. While both options may have mer-
its, the consistent approach of classifying according to activities carried out has been
followed in ISIC. Notwithstanding the above, in some cases a unit-type description
has been employed, such as in new ISIC classes that exceed the previous scope of the
25. In this context, it would be best if there were as many categories in ISIC as
there are possible activities or if each production unit carried out only one activity, so
that a unit could be unequivocally classied in a certain category. For practical rea-
sons, however, ISIC can have only a limited number of categories. Carrying out only
one activity may oen be in conict with the organization of activities and, as a result,
with bookkeeping practices. In addition, for units undertaking several economic
activities, some types of data, such as nancial data, are oen only available for the
unit as a whole, which consequently is not homogeneous in respect of economic activ-
ity. Another aspect of homogeneity is the distribution in geographical areas, which is
particularly important for regional statistics. Although the geographical aspect has,
in principle, little to do with the activity classication, it does aect the formation of
statistical units. erefore, the homogeneity of units relates to both activity and loca-
26. e requirements for homogeneity and data availability are sometimes in
conict with each other because the smaller or more homogeneous the unit, the less
likely that the required data are available. It is suggested (see sect. III.B below) that
this problem be solved by using dierent units for dierent statistics, dened in such
a way that each larger unit consists of a number of complete smaller units. As a result,
comparisons can be made between the various statistics even when they use dierent
27. e detail required in the classication of data by kind of economic activity
diers from country to country. Dierences in the geographical and historical circum-
stances and in the degrees of industrial development and organization of economic
activities result in dierences in the degree of elaboration with which various coun-
tries nd it necessary or feasible to classify their data according to kind of economic
activity. National analysis oen requires greater detail than is required or possible for
international comparison purposes. Section IV below explains how ISIC can be used
or adapted for national purposes.
2. Scope of the classification
28. ISIC is a classication according to kind of economic activity and therefore
its scope has historically been restricted to the classication of units engaged in eco-
nomic production as dened by SNA, which states: “Economic production is an activ-
ity, carried out under the responsibility, control and management of an institutional
unit, that uses inputs of labour, capital, and goods and services to produce outputs of
goods and services.
29. e scope of the present version of ISIC is dened by the production bound-
ary of the System of National Accounts, with one exception—activities in ISIC class
9820 (Undierentiated services-producing activities of private households for own
use). is type of activity, in combination with class 9810 (Undierentiated goods-
SNA still refers only to goods and
services and does not explicitly
recognize the existence of
products that fail to meet the
strict definitions of goods or
services in its classification.
The revised CPC, however,
now recognizes such products
and includes a more detailed
discussion of them. When we
refer to products or economic
production in ISIC, we use this
expanded understanding of
“goods and services”.
Introduction 9
producing activities of private households for own use), is used for measuring subsist-
ence activities of households that can not otherwise be captured in the classication.
ese categories, however, cover only a subset of all households, because households
with clearly identiable economic activities (whether market or for own nal use) are
classied in other parts of ISIC. ese two categories have been created for special pur-
poses, such as labour-force surveys, to cover combinations of household activities that
would otherwise be dicult or impossible to assign to a single ISIC category. ese
two categories are generally not used in business surveys.
3. Differences from other types of classifications
30. ISIC is a classication according to kind of productive activity, and not a
classication of goods and services. e activity carried out by a unit is the type of pro-
duction in which it engages. is is the characteristic of the unit according to which it
will be grouped with other units to form industries. An industry is dened as the set
of all production units engaged primarily in the same or similar kinds of productive
31. ISIC is distinctively dierent in nature and purpose from the classications
of goods and services, ownership, institutional units or other types of classications.
32. As it is in general not possible to establish a one-to-one correspondence
between activities and products, ISIC is not designed to measure product data at any
detailed level. For this purpose, a separate classication exists, namely, the Central
Product Classication (CPC). Although each category in CPC is accompanied by a
reference to the ISIC class in which the goods or services are mainly produced (crite-
rion of industrial origin), this does not imply that all units producing these goods or
services are classied here. By contrast, the classication of products is based on the
intrinsic characteristics of the goods or the nature of the services rendered (see also
sect. IV.C below), which results in a classication structure that is dierent from that
used for ISIC.
33. Notwithstanding the above, it is oen possible to use the classication
of outputs in CPC as a tool for identifying the principal activity of a unit. e
Companion Guide to ISIC and CPC will include a more detailed discussion of the link
between ISIC and CPC.
34. ISIC does not draw distinctions according to kind of ownership of a pro-
ducing unit, type of legal organization or mode of operation because such criteria
do not relate to the characteristics of the activity itself. Units engaged in the same
kind of economic activity are classied in the same category of ISIC, irrespective
of whether they are unincorporated enterprises, (part of) incorporated enterprises
or government units, foreign controlled or have a parent enterprise that consists of
more than one establishment. erefore, a strict link between ISIC and the Clas-
sication of Institutional Sectors in SNA does not exist.
35. Similarly, manufacturing units are classied according to the principal
kind of economic activity in which they engage, whether the work is performed
by power-driven machinery or by hand, or whether it is done in a factory or in a
household. e distinction between modern and traditional production methods
is not a criterion for ISIC, although that distinction may be useful in some statis-
tics. Special considerations are necessary in cases where a unit sells manufactured
goods under its own name but has the actual production (fully on in part) out-
sourced to other units. Guidelines for these cases are described in section III.C.5
Companion Guide to ISIC and CPC,
Statistical Papers, Series F, No.
101 (United Nations publication,
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 410
36. In addition, ISIC does not distinguish between formal and informal
or between legal and illegal production. Classications according to kind of legal
ownership, kind of organization or mode of operation may be constructed inde-
pendently of the classication according to kind of economic activity. Cross-clas-
sication with ISIC can provide useful extra information.
37. In general, ISIC does not dierentiate between market and non-market
activities. However, it should be emphasized that this distinction continues to be an
important feature of SNA. A breakdown of economic activities according to this prin-
ciple is useful wherever data on value added are collected for activities that take place
on both a market and a non-market basis. is criterion should then be cross-classi-
ed with the categories of ISIC. Non-market services are most frequently provided by
government organizations or non-prot institutions serving households in the eld of
education, health, social work etc.
B. Principles used in constructing the classification
38. e principles and criteria used to dene and delineate classication cat-
egories at any level depend on many factors, such as the potential use of the classica-
tion and the availability of data. ese criteria will also change depending on the level
of aggregation considered. In an activity classication, the criteria for detailed levels of
the aggregation will inevitably consider similarities in the actual production process,
while at more aggregated levels of the classication, this is largely irrelevant.
39. ISIC is built on a production-oriented or supply-based conceptual frame-
work that groups producing units into detailed industries based on similarities in the
economic activity, taking into account the inputs, the process and technology of pro-
duction, the characteristics of the outputs and the use to which outputs are applied.
e weights assigned to these types of criteria may vary from one category to another
and between dierent levels of the classication. e criteria were intended to ensure
that it will be practical most of the time to use the classes of ISIC for the industrial clas-
sication of establishments, and that the units falling into each class will be as similar
as is feasible in respect of the kind of activity in which they engage.
40. In general, the fourth revision of ISIC has tried to apply a more consistent
approach, namely the use of the production process to dene categories at the most
detailed level. us, activities that share a common process in producing goods or
services and use similar technologies are grouped together. As in many other cases,
however, the strong need for continuity, i.e., comparability with previous versions of
the classication, may override changes in the classication that could be made from
the viewpoint of a consistent application of such a rule.
41. In addition, in a number of instances, such as food manufacturing, the
production of machinery and equipment or the service industries, the various aspects
of activities are so highly correlated that the need to assign weights to the criteria or
restrict them to the technology of production only does not arise.
42. Since there is also a strong interest in relating activities and their outputs,
the classes of ISIC are dened so that as far as possible the following two conditions
are fullled:
(a) e production of the category of goods and services that characterizes a
given class accounts for the bulk of the output of the units classied to that class;
(b) e class contains the units that produce most of the category of goods and
services that characterize it.
Introduction 11
These conditions are required in order that establishments or similar units may be
classified according to kind of economic activity uniquely and easily, and in order that
the units included in a given class will be as similar to each other as is feasible.
43. e two conditions set limits to the detail of classication that may be
achieved in the classes of ISIC. ese classes must be dened in terms of the activi-
ties in which establishments customarily engage in various countries of the world.
Establishments may, in practice, carry out a number of dierent activities, and the
range of these activities will dier from one unit to another even though they engage
in the same general kind of economic activity. ese dierences will exist in the case
of establishments within one country and will be more pronounced in the case of
establishments in dierent countries. It should be emphasized that the fact that the
organization of production diers from country to country makes it likely that the
classes of ISIC do not reect the structure in each individual country.
44. Another major consideration in forming categories in ISIC was the relative
importance of the activities to be included. In general, separate classes are provided for
kinds of activity that are prevalent in most countries, or that are of particular impor-
tance in the world economy or at regional level.
45. Unlike for ISIC classes, the actual production process and technology used
become less important as a criterion for grouping activities at more aggregated levels.
At the section, division and group levels, not only the general characteristics of the
goods and services produced but also the potential use of the statistics, for instance
in the SNA, become more important. Attention was also given to the range of kinds
of activity frequently carried out under the same ownership or control and to poten-
tial dierences in scale and organization of activities and in capital requirements and
nance that exist between enterprises. Finally, existing patterns of categories at various
levels of national classications have been used as additional criteria in establishing
divisions and groups in ISIC.
C. Structure and coding system of the classification
46. e fourth revision of ISIC provides substantially more detail at all lev-
els than the previous versions of the classication. is increased detail responds to
requests by both producers and users of statistics. However, the basic coding system of
the classication has not been changed.
47. New needs that had emerged during the fourth revision have prompted the
creation of more categories at the highest level—the section level—especially for serv-
ice activities. Since the number of sections exceeds 10, as in the previous revision of
ISIC, the use of capital letters for coding the sections was continued in order to avoid
having to change the ISIC coding structure to a ve-level structure.
48. While the need for more high-level categories was most prominent, it also
emerged that for some specic purposes a high-level structure with less categories,
presumably about 10, was necessary. While this was further pursued for the classica-
tion (see part four below), it was decided to make this high-level structure not a part of
the ISIC coding structure, therefore preserving the four-level coding structure of the
previous version of the classication.
49. e names given to the categories at the dierent levels in ISIC, Rev.4
remain unchanged from those in the previous revision. e tabulation categories,
identied by letters, are called sections, the 2-digit categories divisions, the 3-digit
categories groupsand the 4-digit categories classes. As in the previous version of
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 412
ISIC, the use of letters for the section level of the classication is complemented by
the use of a purely numerical system at the division (2-digit), group (3-digit) and class
(4-digit) levels.
50. While some of the categories in ISIC have remained unchanged from the
previous revision, others have been split to give appropriate weight to new activities,
oen elevating the level of existing categories.
51. At the highest level of ISIC, some sections can be easily compared to the
previous version of the classication. Unfortunately, the introduction of a number of
new concepts at the section level of ISIC (e.g., section J, “Information and communica-
tion”) make it impossible to achieve an easy overall comparison between ISIC, Rev.4
and the previous version of the classication. Correspondence tables to assist in this
process will be provided separately.
52. Due to the increased number of 2-digit categories, the divisions are coded
consecutively. However, some gapshave been provided to allow countries to intro-
duce division-level categories without a complete change of the ISIC coding. ese
gaps have been introduced in sections where the need for additional divisions at the
national level is most likely to arise. For this purpose, the following division code
numbers have been le unused: 04, 34, 40, 44, 48, 54, 57, 67, 76, 83 and 89.
53. While the sections are assigned capital letters, the Arabic numbers assigned
to a given category of ISIC may be read as follows: the rst and second digits, taken
together, indicate the division in which the category is included; the rst three digits
identify the group; and all four digits indicate the class. ISIC now comprises 21 sec-
tions, which are then further subdivided into a total of 88 divisions, 238 groups and
419 classes. e added detail has considerably increased the number of these catego-
ries compared with ISIC, Rev.3.1.
54. Whenever a given level of the classication is not divided into categories
of the next more detailed level of classication, “0” is used in the code position for
the next more detailed level. For example, the code for the group Other personal
service activitiesis 960 since the division “Other personal service activities(code
96) is not divided into groups. Again, the code for the class “Manufacture of furniture
is 3100 because the division Manufacture of furniture(code 31) is divided neither
into groups nor into classes. e class “Manufacture of pulp, paper and paperboard” is
coded as 1701 since the division “Manufacture of paper and paper products” (code 17)
is not divided into groups but the group “Manufacture of paper and paper products
(code 170) is divided into classes.
It is recognized that the
connection between sections,
on the one hand, and divisions,
groups and classes, on the
other, is not very intuitive, but
it does allow the preservation
of a four-level ISIC structure.
The current system uses letters
only for the high-level sections,
while coding and data entry are
carried out completely with a
numerical system. Other options
considered, such as a purely
numerical coding system or a
system that combines section
and class codes (e.g., “A0111”),
would either expand the coding
system to more levels, expand
the code itself to a 5-digit code
or create mixed alphanumerical
codes that might be difficult to
use in basic data entry.
In computer applications, the “0”
could also indicate that a total
of all more detailed categories
is being used. Hence, the code
2810 could be used for the
total 2811-2819 and 2000 could
represent the total 2011-2030.
This could of course also be
achieved by using the next
higher level of the classification,
but in some instances it may
be appropriate to use the same
format (i.e., number of digits) for
all code numbers.
Application of the classification
A. Principal, secondary and ancillary activities
55. In ISIC, the expression activity” is used to identify productive activities.
ese activities are dened as the use of inputs (e.g., capital, labor, energy and mate-
rials) to produce outputs. e outputs that result from undertaking activities can be
transferred or sold to other units (in market or non-market transactions), placed in
inventory or used by the producing units for own nal use.
56. Some activities separately identied in ISIC are simple processes that con-
vert inputs to outputs, such as dyeing of fabric, while other activities are characterized
by highly complex and integrated steps, such as automobile manufacturing or compu-
ter system integration.
57. e principal activity of an economic entity is the activity that contributes
most to the value added of the entity, as determined by the top-down method (see
sect. III.C below). As a result of the top-down method, it is not necessary that the
principal activity account for 50 per cent or more of the total value added of an entity
or even that its generated value added exceed that of all other activities carried out by
the unit, although in practice it will do so in the majority of cases. Products resulting
from a principal activity are either principal products or by-products. By-products are
products that are necessarily produced together with principal products (for exam-
ple, hides produced when producing meat by slaughtering animals). In section III.C
below, it will be explained how, in practice, the principal activity of a statistical unit
should be determined when classifying according to ISIC.
58. A secondary activity is each separate activity that produces products even-
tually for third parties and that is not the principal activity of the entity in question.
e outputs of secondary activities are secondary products. Most economic entities
produce at least some secondary products.
59. Principal and secondary activities cannot be carried out without the sup-
port of a number of ancillary activities, such as bookkeeping, transportation, storage,
purchasing, sales promotion, cleaning, repair and maintenance, security etc. At least
some of these activities are found in every economic entity. us, ancillary activities
are those that are undertaken to support the main productive activities of an entity by
providing goods or services entirely or primarily for the use of that entity.
60. A distinction should be made between principal and secondary activities,
on the one hand, and ancillary activities on the other. e output of principal and
secondary activities, which are consequently principal and secondary products, is
produced for sale on the market or for other uses that are not prescribed in advance;
for example, they may be stocked for future sale or for further processing. Ancillary
activities are undertaken in order to facilitate the principal or secondary activities of
the entity.
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 414
61. ere are a number of characteristics of ancillary activities that can gen-
erally be observed in practice and that help to identify them. e output is always
intended for intermediate consumption within the same entity and is therefore usu-
ally not recorded separately. Although most ancillary activities produce services, some
goods-producing activities may, by exception, be regarded as ancillary. e goods thus
produced, however, may not become a physical part of the output of the main activity
(examples are tools, scaolding etc.). Ancillary activities are usually fairly small-scale
compared with the principal activity they support.
62. If an establishment undertaking ancillary activities is statistically observ-
able, in the sense that separate accounts for the production it undertakes are readily
available, or if it is in a geographically dierent location from the establishments it
serves, it may be desirable and useful to consider it as a separate unit and allocate
it to the industrial classication corresponding to its principal activity. However, it
is recommended that statisticians not make extraordinary eorts to create separate
establishments for these activities articially in the absence of suitable basic data being
63. Under the denition given in paragraph 59 above, the following activities
are not to be considered ancillary:
(a) Producing goods or services as part of xed capital formation. e type of
units most aected are those doing construction work on the account of their parent
unit. is approach is in accordance with the classication in ISIC of own-account
construction units for which data are available to the construction industry;
(b) Producing output which, although also used as intermediate consumption
by the principal or secondary activity, is for the greater part sold on the market;
(c) Producing goods that become a physical part of the output of the principal
or secondary activity (for example, the production of boxes, tin cans or the like by a
department of an enterprise as packaging for its own products);
(d) Research and development activities, which are considered part of xed
capital formation in the context of SNA.
B. Statistical units
1. General remarks
64. Economic statistics describe the activities of economic transactors and
the transactions that take place between them. In the real world, economic enti-
ties engaged in the production of goods and services vary in their legal, account-
ing, organizational and operating structures. To create statistics that are consistent
across entities and internationally comparable, it is necessary to dene and deline-
ate standard statistical units (whether as observation units or analytical units) that
are suitable for data compilation and aggregation. e comparability of statistics is
greatly enhanced when the units about which statistics are compiled are similarly
dened and classied.
65. Economic entities have numerous characteristics and a variety of data are
required about them that may be classied in many ways, among the most important
of which are classication by (a) institutional sector, (b) activity and (c) location. e
need to classify statistical units by these characteristics requires that they be as homo-
geneous as possible with respect to institutional sector, economic activity or location,
and this plays an important role in their denition.
Introduction 15
66. Statistical units may be dened as the entities about which information is
sought and about which statistics are ultimately compiled. ese may be identiable
legal or physical entities or statistical constructs.
67. Statistical units may be dened following many criteria, namely: legal,
accounting or organizational criteria; geographical criteria; and economic criteria.
e relative importance of these criteria depends on the type of unit concerned. A
legal or institutional criterion helps to dene units that are recognizable and identi-
able in the economy. In some cases, legally separate units need to be grouped together
because they are not suciently autonomous in their organization. In order to dene
some types of units, accounting or nancial criteria also have to be applied. e avail-
ability of accounting criteria requires that an institutional unit maintain a complete
set of accounts. In the case of the organizational criteria of an enterprise, the den-
ing characteristic is that the organizational unit should have an appreciable degree of
68. A unit can also be geographically identied. Observational and analytical
units are dened in such a way as to permit data to be compiled for local, regional
and national economies. e rule regarding geographical criteria is helpful in order to
permit consolidation and avoid omissions or duplications of units.
69. Activity criteria suggest that entities engaged in similar economic activities
be grouped together because this makes it easier to analyse goods and services pro-
duced in the economy using a homogeneous production technology.
70. Economic statistics are required by dierent users for various types of
analysis. e System of National Accounts (SNA) is a principal user and it has par-
ticular requirements, but there are also other users, including policy analysts, business
analysts and businesses that use economic data for studying industrial performance,
productivity, market share and other issues. Since dierent units within an economic
entity are suitable for the compilation of dierent types of data, the type of data that
are required is another factor that inuences the denition and delineation of statisti-
cal units.
(a) Legal entities
71. Most societies provide for the legal recognition of economic entities, under
laws that enable them to dene and register themselves as legal entities. Legal entities
are recognized by law or society, independently of the persons or institutions that own
them. e characteristics of a legal entity are: they own goods or assets, they incur
liabilities and they enter into contracts. e legal unit always forms, either by itself
or sometimes in combination with other legal units, the legal basis for the statistical
72. An example of a legal entity is a corporation that owns or manages the
property of the organization, enters into contracts, receives and disposes of its income,
and maintains a complete set of accounts, including prot and loss accounts and bal-
ance sheets.
(b) Institutional units
73. Institutional units are the core unit of SNA. All subsequent denitions
embody the denition of this basic unit. Institutional units are transactors in the SNA
and must therefore be capable of engaging in the full range of transactions in their own
right and on their own behalf.
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 416
74. An institutional unit is dened as an economic entity that is capable, in
its own right, of owning assets, incurring liabilities and engaging in economic activi-
ties and transactions with other entities. It may own and exchange goods and assets,
is legally responsible for the economic transactions that it carries out and may enter
into legal contracts. An important attribute of the institutional unit is that a set of
economic accounts exists or can be compiled for the unit. is set of accounts includes
consolidated nancial accounts and/or a balance sheet of assets and liabilities.
75. Institutional units include persons or groups of persons in the form of
households and legal or social entities whose existence is recognized by law or society
independently of the persons or other entities that may own or control them.
2. Statistical units in the System of National Accounts
76. e systematic description of the economy, as represented by SNA, analy-
ses two interrelated types of transactors and transactions that require two levels of
statistical units. e establishment, in combination with ISIC and CPC, is used for
the analysis of transactions in goods and services and for compilation of the produc-
tion account. e enterprise is used as the statistical unit for compilation of income
accounts, accumulation accounts and balance sheet accounts, as well as in the institu-
tional sector classication of economic entities.
(a) Enterprise
77. An institutional unit in its capacity as a producer of goods and services is
known as an enterprise. An enterprise is an economic transactor with autonomy in
respect of nancial and investment decision-making, as well as authority and respon-
sibility for allocating resources for the production of goods and services. It may be
engaged in one or more productive activities.
78. An enterprise may be a corporation (or quasi-corporation), a non-prot
institution or an unincorporated enterprise. Corporate enterprises and non-prot
institutions are complete institutional units. On the other hand, the term “unincor-
porated enterprise” refers to an institutional unit—a household or government unit—
only in its capacity as a producer of goods and services.
79. e enterprise is the level of statistical unit at which all information relat-
ing to its transactions, including nancial and balance-sheet accounts, are maintained,
and from which international transactions, an international investment position
(when applicable), consolidated nancial position and net worth can be derived.
(b) Establishment
80. SNA describes the statistical unit to be dened and delineated for indus-
trial or production statistics as the establishment. e establishment is dened as an
enterprise or part of an enterprise that is situated in a single location and in which only
a single (non-ancillary) productive activity is carried out or in which the principal
productive activity accounts for most of the value added.
81. ISIC is designed for grouping units engaged in similar activities for the
purpose of analysing production and compiling production statistics. Although it is
possible to classify enterprises according to their principal activity using ISIC and to
group them into industries, some of the resulting industries are likely to be very het-
erogeneous when enterprises have secondary activities that are very dierent from
their principal activities. It therefore becomes necessary to partition large and complex
Introduction 17
enterprises into more homogeneous units, for which production data can be com-
piled. is is particularly important for enterprises that account for a large proportion
of the value added of particular industries or the economy as a whole.
82. Although the denition of an establishment allows for the possibility that
there may be one or more secondary activities carried out, they should be small in
magnitude compared with the principal activity. If a secondary activity within an
establishment is as important, or nearly as important, as the principal activity, then the
unit is more like a local unit (see paras. 86 and 87 below). It should be subdivided so
that the secondary activity is treated as taking place within an establishment separate
from that in which the principal activity takes place.
83. In the case of most small and medium-sized businesses, the enterprise and
the establishment will be identical. Large and complex enterprises that are engaged in
many economic activities belonging to dierent ISIC industries will be composed of
more than one establishment, provided that smaller, more homogeneous production
units can be identied for which production data can be compiled.
3. Other statistical units
84. e concept of the establishment combines both a kind-of-activity dimen-
sion and a locality dimension. e concept is based on the assumption that the aim of
the statistical programme is to compile data that is classied both by activity and by
geographical region. In circumstances in which precision in either the geographic or
the activity dimension is not required, there are other units that may be used as statis-
tical units for the compilation of production or production-related statistics.
(a) Kind-of-activity unit
85. A kind-of-activity unit is an enterprise or part of an enterprise that engages
in only one kind of productive activity or in which the principal productive activity
accounts for most of the value added. Compared with the establishment, in the case of
such a unit, there is no restriction on the geographic area in which the activity is car-
ried out but it is characterized by homogeneity of activity.
(b) Local unit
86. Enterprises oen engage in productive activity at more than one location,
and for some purposes it may be useful to partition them accordingly. us, a local
unit is dened as an enterprise or a part of an enterprise (for example, a workshop,
factory, warehouse, oce, mine or depot) which engages in productive activity at or
from one location. e denition has only one dimension, in that it does not refer to
the kind of activity that is carried out.
87. When the criterion of kind-of-activity unit and the local unit are combined,
the resulting concept corresponds to the operational denition of the establishment.
(c) Unit of homogeneous production
88. Units that are dened to be optimal for a particular type of analysis are
described as analytical units. Establishments are designed to be units that are more
suitable for analysis of production in which the technology of production plays an
important role. However, the appropriate analytical unit for the purposes of input-
output analysis is a unit of homogeneous production that is dened as a production
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 418
unit in which only a single (non-ancillary) productive activity is carried out. Units of
homogeneous production are independent of the location of the activity.
89. If it is desired to compile production accounts and input-output transac-
tion tables by region, it is necessary to treat units of homogeneous production located
in dierent places as separate units even though they may be engaged in the same
activity and belong to the same institutional unit.
4. Delineating statistical units
90. e universe of economic entities is composed of large and complex enter-
prises engaged in many dierent activities, whether horizontally or vertically inte-
grated, that may be undertaken at or from many geographical locations, as well as
small enterprises engaged in one or very few activities that are undertaken at or from
a single geographical location.
91. Enterprises have production units at which or from which they undertake
the economic activity of producing goods and services. Production can take place at a
particular location—for example, at a mine, a factory or a farm, or in the case of pro-
duction of services from a certain location. For example, either transportation services
deliver the product from the farm or factory gate to the purchaser or the product is
delivered by means of a network that operates over a wide geographical area. Either
way, it is assumed that the service originates from a certain location. Similarly, other
services, such as those of engineering consultants, originate at a certain location from
which they may be delivered to the location of the customer.
92. e need to delineate statistical units arises for large and complex economic
entities whose activities fall into dierent classes of ISIC or whose production units are
located in dierent geographical areas.
93. In large and complex entities, the units at which or from which production
takes place are grouped for management, administrative and decision-making pur-
poses into hierarchical structures. Higher-level organizational units own, control or
manage the lower-level production units where production decisions are made or pro-
duction takes place. Management of the nancial aairs of the business usually occurs
at a higher organizational level than does management of production operations. e
accounting systems of businesses usually reect this management structure by mir-
roring the hierarchy of management responsibility for the operations of the business.
e accounts required to support the management and decision-making functions,
whether nancial or production, are usually maintained for the corresponding level of
management responsibility.
94. Enterprises also have a legal structure that may constitute units or groups
of units that form the legal base of the business. An enterprise derives its autonomy
from the common ownership and control of its resources, irrespective of the number
of legal units under which it registers them.
95. In small enterprises, the operational and legal structures oen coincide and
may even be embodied in a single unit. For large enterprises, the operational structure
may be dierent from the legal structure, coinciding with it only at the highest level of
the business. In such cases, the organizational and production units of the enterprises
operational structure may dier from the units of their legal structure.
96. e statistical units of large and complex institutional units may be deline-
ated through a process referred to as proling. Proling identies the enterprise, its
legal structure, its operating structure, and the production and organizational units
that are used to derive the statistical units. Once identied, the enterprise and its con-
Introduction 19
stituent establishments comprise the statistical units of the statistical structure. In
delineating the statistical structure, functional or other groups in the organizational
structure may be ignored and the constituent units regrouped to form the units of the
statistical structure. For multi-establishment enterprises, the statistical structure may
not coincide with the legal structure in which ownership of assets is registered.
97. e source of information for production statistics and income statistics is
oen the management and cost accounts of businesses. ese accounts record operat-
ing revenues earned from the sale of goods and services produced and the associated
costs, wages and salaries, depreciation and operating prots. Countries that are more
interested in the higher level of autonomy in the structure of enterprises than in the
geographical location of the activity may prefer to delineate and use the kind-of-activ-
ity unit. On the other hand, if they are more interested in compiling comprehensive
production statistics at a subnational level of geographic detail, then it will be neces-
sary to delineate the smallest unit (a) that is as homogeneous as possible in terms of
activity and geography, and (b) for which statistics on revenues from the sale of goods
and services, associated costs, value added and gross xed capital formation under-
taken can be compiled or estimated. is is the level at which the establishment (local
kind-of-activity unit) is delineated as the statistical unit.
98. Whenever the legal structure and the statistical construct based on pro-
duction units do not coincide, statistical agencies will need to articulate the statistical
structure and compile data with the help of surveys. e legal structure may consist
of units created purely for tax purposes that are completely irrelevant to the produc-
ing units of the enterprise. However, if it is necessary to draw on tax records for the
required data or if survey data need to be supplemented with tax data, statistical agen-
cies will have to decide whether (a) they can nd a way to map the legal and statistical
structure of the enterprise, or (b) they prefer to use the legal structure selectively as a
proxy for the statistical structure.
99. e statistical structure delineates and identies the units about which data
are to be compiled. However, the data may have to be collected from higher- or lower-
level units, which are then described as collection entities. As a result of globalization,
some multinational global enterprises are keeping integrated accounting records at
the global or the regional levels only; it may thus be increasingly dicult to separate
and extract complete accounts for all the activities taking place within each domestic
economy if such data are not obtained from the main or regional head oce of the
global enterprise.
5. National differences in selecting statistical units
100. An establishment undertakes an activity at or from a particular location.
us, the concept of the establishment combines two dimensions—an activity dimen-
sion and a locality dimension. e concept is based on the assumption that the aim
of the statistical programme is to compile data that is classied both by activity and
by location, e.g., by geographical region. However, ISIC can be used to classify many
other variables needed to analyse production and industrial performance. In examin-
ing the accounting and operating structures of enterprises, it is possible that producing
units with diering levels of homogeneity with respect to activities and geographical
precision will be found and that they may be suitable for the compilation of data on
selected variables, such as number of persons employed; they may even be suitable for
the compilation of production statistics if all the information needed with respect to
meaningful operating prot is available.
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 420
101. Many dierent factors play a role in dening the best statistical unit for
a given form of data collection, such as the structure of the legal system in a coun-
try, including regulations for the organization of businesses; the particular structure
of the industries involved; the type of data collection involved; and the purpose and
targeted level of data collection. e statistical units discussed in this section can be
taken to serve as models, but the actual choice of the type of statistical unit to be used
by countries would depend upon national specics and the type and the purpose of
data collection involved.
102. Finally, it should be noted that in order to ensure reliability and compara-
bility of data in delineating statistical units, such units should be dened in a consist-
ent manner. e consistent denition of these units is equally as important as their
accurate classication.
C. Classification of statistical units
1. General guidelines
103. In the following paragraphs, a number of general rules of interpretation
are given that should be followed when classifying more complex statistical units. It
should be noted that the explanatory notes to some sections and divisions of ISIC (see
part three below) also indicate how to treat such cases.
104. A unit may perform one or more economic activities falling into one or
more categories of ISIC, Rev.4. Units are classied according to their principal activity.
In practice, the majority of production units perform activities of a mixed character.
e identication of a principal activity is necessary to allocate a unit to a particular
ISIC, Rev.4 category.
105. e activity classication of each unit is determined by the ISIC class in
which the principal activity—or range of activities—of the unit is included. All activi-
ties are considered when determining the principal activity, but only the principal
activity is used to classify a unit. e principal activity of the unit in general can usu-
ally be determined from the goods that it sells or ships or the services that it renders
to other units or consumers. However, the descriptions and explanatory notes of the
individual classes in ISIC (see part three below) should be used to determine the activ-
ities carried out in terms of ISIC categories, using not only the output structure but
also the input structure and most importantly the production process.
106. Ideally, the principal activity of the unit should be determined with refer-
ence to the value added to the goods and services produced. e relevant valuation
concept is gross value added at basic prices, dened as the dierence between output
at basic prices and intermediate consumption at purchaser’s prices.
(a) Value-added substitutes
107. In order to determine the principal activity of a unit, the shares of value
added by that unit to the activities falling into dierent categories of ISIC, Rev.4 have
to be known. In practice, however, it is oen impossible to obtain the information on
value added of the dierent activities performed and the activity classication has to
be determined by using substitute criteria, such as:
(a) Substitutes based on output, such as:
(i) The gross output of the unit that is attributable to the goods or serv-
ices associated with each activity;
Introduction 21
(ii) The value of sales or shipments of those groups of products falling
into each category of activity;
(b) Substitutes based on input, such as:
(i) Wages and salaries attributable to the different activities;
(ii) Hours worked attributable to the different activities;
(iii) Employment according to the proportion of people engaged in the
different activities of the unit.
108. Such substitute criteria can be used as proxies for the unknown value-
added data to obtain the best approximation possible compared to the result which
would have been obtained on the basis of the value-added data. e use of substitute
criteria does not change either the methods used to determine the principal activity
or the rules of the top-down method. Substitutes are only operational approximations
of value added.
109. e simple use of the above listed substitute criteria may sometimes be
misleading, however; this will always be the case when the structure of the substitute
criteria is not directly proportional to the (unknown) value added.
(b) Problems with output substitutes
110. When using sales (turnover) or shipments as a proxy for value added,
it immediately becomes evident that in certain cases turnover and value added are
not proportional. For example, trade turnover usually has a much lower share of
value added than a manufacturing activity. Other examples are turnover of for-
warding agents or of general contractors. Even within manufacturing, the relation
between sales and the resulting value added may vary between and within activi-
ties. If a signicant portion of production goes into inventory and is therefore not
sold within the same reporting period, the value of sales may grossly underestimate
the value added. In addition, in some cases a turnover gure makes no sense or
does not exist, e.g., for nancial intermediation activities or insurance activities.
Similar considerations should be borne in mind when using gross output data as
substitute criteria.
111. Many units perform trade and other activities. In such cases, trade turno-
ver gures are the most unsuitable indicators for the unknown value-added share of
the trade activity. A much better indicator is the gross margin (dierence between the
trade turnover and purchases of goods for resale adjusted by changes in stocks). e
trade margins may vary within a single wholesale or retail trade activity, however, and
may also vary between trade activities. In addition, the specic classication rules for
retail trade should be considered as set out below.
(c) Problems with input substitutes
112. Similar precautions have to be considered when input-based substitute
criteria are applied. e proportionality between wages and salaries or employment
and value added is not reliable if the capital intensity of the various activities is dier-
ent. Higher capital intensity normally implies higher depreciation and a lower share
of wages and salaries in the gross value added. Capital intensity varies substantially
between dierent economic activities and also between activities of the same ISIC,
Rev.4 class. For example, the activity of producing items by hand will have a lower
capital intensity than the mass production of the same item in an industrial plant; both
activities, however, fall in the same ISIC, Rev.4 class.
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 422
2. Treatment of mixed activities
113. Instances may arise in which considerable proportions of the activities
of a unit are included in more than one class of ISIC. ese cases may result from the
vertical integration of activities (for example, tree felling combined with sawmilling
or the manufacture of textiles with subsequent production of wearing apparel); the
horizontal integration of activities (for example, the manufacture of hides and skins in
slaughterhouses); or any combination of activities that cannot be separated at the level
of the statistical unit. In such situations, the unit should be classied according to the
rules set out below.
114. Although typically applied at the class level, the rules set out below are valid
for applying the classication at any level of the coding structure.
(a) Treatment of independent multiple activities
115. If a unit is engaged in several types of independent activities but cannot
itself be segregated into separate statistical units (when, for example, manufacture of
bakery products is combined with manufacture of chocolate confectionery), the unit
should be classied according to the activity that contributes most to the value added
of the unit (i.e., the principal activity), as determined by the top-down method
described in paras. 123–131 below.
116. e top-downmethod also applies wherever a unit performs only one
activity or one activity accounts for more than 50 per cent of the value added. How-
ever, in such cases the classication of the unit is rather straightforward and no step-
by-step application of the “top-down” method is necessary. In such cases, the unit will
be classied to the single ISIC category representing the activity carried out, or in the
latter case, to the ISIC category that represents the activity that accounts for more than
50 per cent of the value added.
(b) Treatment of vertical integration
117. e vertical integration of activities occurs wherever the dierent stages
of production are carried out in succession by the same unit and the output of one
process serves as input to the next. Examples of common vertical integration include
tree felling and subsequent on-site sawmilling, a clay pit combined with a brickworks
or production of synthetic bres in a textile mill.
118. In ISIC, Rev.4, vertical integration should be treated like any other form of
multiple activities, so that a unit with a vertically integrated chain of activities should
be classied to the class corresponding to the principal activity within this chain, i.e.,
the activity accounting for the largest share of value added, as determined by the top-
down method. is treatment has changed from previous versions of ISIC. It should
be noted that the term “activity” in this context is used for each step in the production
process that is dened in a separate ISIC class, even though the output of each step
may not be intended for sale.
119. If value added or substitutes for the individual steps in a vertically inte-
grated process cannot be determined directly from accounts maintained by the unit
itself, comparisons with other units (e.g., based on market prices for intermediate and
nal products) could be used. e same precautions for using substitutes as listed
above apply here. If it is still impossible to determine the share of value added (or its
substitutes) for the dierent stages in the chain of production activities, default assign-
ments for typical forms of vertical integration can be applied. e Companion Guide
to ISIC and CPC provides a set of examples for such cases.
Companion Guide to ISIC and CPC,
Statistical Papers, Series F, No.
101 (United Nations publication,
Introduction 23
(c) Treatment of horizontal integration
120. Horizontal integration occurs when an activity results in end-products
with dierent characteristics. is could theoretically be interpreted as activities car-
ried out simultaneously using the same factors of production, in which case it would
oen be impossible to separate such activities statistically into dierent processes,
assign them to dierent units or generally provide separate data for them, nor would
rules relying on allocation of value added or similar measures be applicable. Alterna-
tive indicators, such as gross output, might sometimes be applicable, but there is no
general rule for identifying the single activity that best represents the mix included in
this horizontal integration. Since patterns of horizontal integration have been con-
sidered in the preparation of the classication, in many cases commonly integrated
activities are included in the same class of ISIC even though their outputs have quite
dierent characters.
121. For example, the production of crude glycerol is classied in ISIC class
2023 (Manufacture of soap and detergents, cleaning and polishing preparations, per-
fumes and toilet preparations), while the production of synthetic glycerol is classied
in class 2011 (Manufacture of basic chemicals). Crude glycerol is a by-product of soap
manufacturing and therefore the production process of crude glycerol cannot be sepa-
rated from the production process of soap; as a result, both productive activities have
to be classied in the same ISIC class, even though their physical output is quite dier-
ent. On the other hand, the production of synthetic glycerol is a chemical process quite
distinct from the production of crude glycerol and these two activities are classied
separately even though their physical output is quite similar. Another example would
be the production of electricity through a waste-incineration process. e activity of
waste disposal and the activity of electricity production cannot be separated in this
case and ISIC assigns them, by convention, to class 3821.
122. In some cases, activities are carried out using the same factors of produc-
tion but the activities also exist independently, i.e., neither one provides input into
the other nor could it be considered as producing a by-product of the other activity.
An example would be the combined transport of passengers and freight. Since both
activities independently have a substantial size in most economies and are separately
of interest for analytical purposes, they have not been combined in a single ISIC class.
In this case, value-added substitutes should be used to determine the primary activity
of the unit in question if both activities are carried out simultaneously.
(d) The “top-down method
123. e top-down method follows a hierarchical principle: the classication
of a unit at the lowest level of the classication must be consistent with the classica-
tion of the unit at the higher levels. To satisfy this condition the process starts with
the identication of the relevant category at the highest level and progresses down
through the levels of the classication in the following way:
Step 1. Identify the section that has the highest share of the value added.
Step 2. Within this section, identify the division that has the highest share of
the value added.
Step 3. Within this division, identify the group that has the highest share of the
valued added (see below for exception in the case of wholesale and retail trade activi-
Step 4. Within this group, identify the class that has the highest share of value
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 424
Box 1
Example: Identifying the principal activity of a unit using the top-down method
A reporting unit may carry out the following activities:
Section Division Group Class Description of the class
Share of
value added
25 251 2512 Manufacture of tanks, reservoirs and containers of metal 7
281 2816 Manufacture of lifting and handling equipment 8
2821 Manufacture of agricultural and forestry machinery 3
Manufacture of metal-forming machinery and machine
Manufacture of machinery for mining, quarrying and
29 293 2930 Manufacture of parts and accessories for motor vehicles 5
G 46
461 4610 Wholesale on a fee or contract basis 7
465 4659 Wholesale of other machinery and equipment 28
M 71 711 7110
Architectural and engineering activities and related
technical consultancy
The principal activity is then determined as follows:
Step 1. Identify the section
Section C Manufacturing 52
Section G Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles 35
Section M Professional, scientific and technical activities 13
Step 2. Identify the division (within section C)
Division 25 Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment 7
Division 28 Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c. 40
Division 29 Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers 5
Step 3. Identify the group (within division 28)
Group 281 Manufacture of general-purpose machinery 8
Group 282 Manufacture of special-purchase machinery 32
Step 4. Identify the class (within group 282)
Class 2821 Manufacture of agricultural and forestry machinery 3
Class 2822 Manufacture of metal-forming machinery and machine tools 21
Class 2824 Manufacture of machinery for mining, quarrying and construction 8
The principal activity is therefore 2822 (Manufacture of metal-forming machinery and
machine tools), although the class with the biggest share of value added is class 4659
(Wholesale of other machinery and equipment).
If a “bottom-up” approach is used, the reporting unit would be classified to wholesale trade in
class 4659 (Wholesale of other machinery and equipment), based on the single largest share
of value added at the class level. This would result in a reporting unit with a value added share
in manufacturing of 52 per cent being classified outside of manufacturing.
Introduction 25
The top-down method may apply to only a small part of the statistical universe,
depending on the selection of the statistical unit, especially if the selected units are
defined so that they carry out only one activity.
124. If none of the ISIC classes accounts for at least 50 per cent of the value
added, in the case of wholesale and retail trade activities, additional steps are being
considered in step 3 of the above process, which can be considered to correspond
to additional levels in the classication. For practical reasons, these levels have not
been reected as separate levels in the classication structure itself but rather con-
sist of clusters of ISIC, Rev.4 groups. For wholesale activities, these additional steps
relate to (a) the distinction between commission and own-account trade and (b) the
distinction between specialized and non-specialized trade. For retail trade activities,
these additional steps relate to (a) the distinction between store and non-store retail
trade, (b) the distinction between specialized and non-specialized trade (for in-store
retail trade activities) and (c) the distinction between trade via stalls and markets and
other trade (for non-store retail trade activities). ese distinctions must be consid-
ered as additional levels (within step 3) and must be applied when using the top-down
method. Aer determining the correct group in step 3, the determination of the class
representing the principal activity is carried out in accordance with step 4 above.
125. Following the additional criteria provided in paragraph 124 above, the
following gure represents the decision tree to be used for the allocation of a unit
within ISIC division 46 (Wholesale trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles):
Division 46
Wholesale trade on own account
Wholesale trade on a fee or contract basis
wholesale trade
Specialized wholesale
462 463 464 465 466
(further subdivided according
to the range of products sold)
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 426
126. Following the additional criteria provided in paragraph 124 above, the
following gure represents the decision tree to be used for the allocation of a unit
within ISIC division 47 (Retail trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles):
Division 47
Retail trade in stores
Retail trade not in stores
472 473 474 475 476 477
(further subdivided according to
the range of products sold)
Via stalls and markets
127. No attempt is made to reect other possible aspects of retail activity, such
as the kind of service (e.g., traditional service or self-service), outlets run by voluntary
services or purchasing associations, or to distinguish between cooperative and other
retail trade. Units whose main activity in terms of value added is obviously retail trade
from shop premises must be allocated to one of the classes 4711 to 4774.
128. When choosing between specialized retail trade in ISIC groups 472–477
and non-specialized retail trade in ISIC group 471, the outcome will depend on the
number of ISIC, Rev.4 classes involved, irrespective of the group-level importance.
e following rules apply to make that determination (similar considerations apply to
specialized vs. non-specialized wholesale trade activities):
(a) If the products sold comprise up to four classes in ISIC, Rev.4 groups 472
to 477, none of which accounts for a share of 50 per cent or more in terms of value
added but each of which represents 5 per cent or more of value added, a specialized
trade is still involved. It is then necessary only to determine the focus of the activities
on the basis of value added. Selecting rst the main group and then the class within
that group will determine the allocation of the principal activity;
(b) If the products sold comprise ve or more classes in groups 472 to 477,
each representing 5 per cent or more of value added but none of which accounts for
a share of 50 per cent or more, the unit should be classied as a non-specialized store
and allocated to group 471. If food, beverages and tobacco represent at least 35 per
cent of value added, allocation will be made to ISIC, Rev.4 class 4711. In all other cases,
allocation should be to class 4719;
(c) e above allocation rules are always based exclusively on the retail activity
of the unit. If, in addition to its retail trade, a unit has a secondary activity that also
provides services or produces goods, the allocation of the unit to the appropriate class
of division 47 is determined only by the composition of its retail activity. In other
words, the 5 per cent rule provided above applies to 5 per cent of the value added of all
retail sale activities, not 5 per cent of the value added of all activities of the unit.
Introduction 27
Box 2
Example: Identifying the principal activity of a unit using the top-down method within
wholesale and retail trade
A reporting unit may carry out the following activities:
Section Division Group Class Description of the class
Share of value
46 465 4651
Wholesale of computers, computer peripheral equip-
ment and software
Retail sale of computers, peripheral units, software and
telecommunications equipment in specialized stores
Retail sale of audio and video equipment in specialized
475 4759
Retail sale of electrical household appliances, furniture,
lighting equipment and other household articles in
specialized stores
Retail sale of books, newspapers and stationary in
specialized stores
Retail sale of music and video recordings in specialized
479 4791 Retail sale via mail order houses or via Internet 35
N 77 772 7722 Renting of video tapes and disks 13
The principal activity is then determined as follows:
Step 1. Identify the section
Section G Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles 87
Section N Administrative and support service activities 13
Step 2. Identify the division (within section G)
Division 46 Wholesale trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles 10
Division 47 Retail trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles 77
Step 3. Identify the group (within division 47)
Step 3a. Identify store or non-store trade (within division 47)
Groups 471–477 Retail trade in stores 42
Groups 478–479 Retail trade not in stores 35
Step 3b. Identify specialized or non-specialized trade (within groups 471-477)
Recalculate shares of value added relative to total retail trade:
Class 4741 = 8% / 77% 10
Class 4742 = 15% / 77% 19
Class 4759 = 4% / 77% 5
Class 4761 = 3% / 77% 4
Class 4762 = 12% / 77% 16
Only four classes account for a share of 5 per cent or more. Therefore the unit is classified to specialized retail sale.
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 428
Step 3c. Identify the group (within specialized retail trade)
Group 474 Retail sale of information and communications equipment in specialized stores 23
Group 475 Retail sale of other household equipment in specialized stores 4
Group 476 Retail sale of cultural and recreation goods in specialized stores 15
Note: To identify the largest share, it does not matter if the original or recalculated figures for value
added are being used
Step 4. Identify the class (within group 474)
Class 4741
Retail sale of computers, peripheral units, software and telecommunications
equipment in specialized stores
Class 4742 Retail sale of audio and video equipment in specialized stores 15
The principal activity is therefore 4742 (Retail sale of audio and video equipment in specialized stores).
129. If value added cannot be determined for the activities involved, approxi-
mations as set out above can be used, provided that their application to the dierent
activities is consistent.
130. e top-down method satises the principle that at the lower levels the
activity classication is in conformity with the principal activity of the unit from the
point of view of the upper levels of the activity classication. At lower levels of the
classication, the share of value added of the category of ISIC, Rev.4 that results from
using the top-down method will not necessarily account for more than 50 per cent of
total valued added of that unit. e more one proceeds from the upper to the lower
levels of the hierarchical structure of ISIC Rev.4, the more oen will this be the case.
eoretically, at the highest hierarchical level of ISIC, Rev.4 no section might account
for more than 50 per cent of the value added of a unit.
131. In principle, the top-down method permits determination of the princi-
pal activity of a unit down to the lowest level of the hierarchical activity classication;
in practice, it is only necessary to apply the method to the lowest level that is actually
used in a specic application, such as the division or group level, depending on the
respective rules of the specic application. Whatever the case, the top-down method
ensures that the classication of the unit is consistent at every level.
3. E-commerce
132. Production units receive orders and transact the sale of goods and serv-
ices produced by a variety of means, such as by telephone, fax, television or over the
Internet. Many countries have chosen to describe as e-commerce any business trans-
action that transfers the ownership of the goods or service through the Internet or by
other electronic means.
133. ere are three stages in the transfer of the ownership of a good or serv-
ice: (a) the placement of the order, (b) the payment and (c) the delivery of the good or
service. E-commerce transactions may be dened to include situations where only the
rst stage, only the rst and second stages, or all three stages are conducted through
the Internet or by other electronic means.
134. For many production units, e-commerce is just one of a variety of means by
which sales are transacted. e rules for the classication of such units in ISIC remain
unchanged: they are classied to the industry of their principal activity. Increasingly,
Introduction 29
however, business units that sell goods and supply services exclusively through the
Internet are coming into existence. Such units should also be classied to the industry
of their principal activity. Production units engaged in e-commerce will therefore be
found in any industry of ISIC. ere is one notable exception to this rule: in retail
trade, units that undertake their sales exclusively or predominantly through the Inter-
net are classied within ISIC, Rev.4 class 4791 (Retail sale via mail order houses or via
4. Repair and maintenance
135. ISIC, Rev.4 now provides separate categories for the repair of all kinds of
goods. However, no single high-level category exists that would cover all repair activi-
ties. Based on the type of good repaired, the activities are classied as follows:
Repair of motor vehicles and of motorcycles are classified in classes 4520 and •
4540, respectively.
Repair of computers and communication equipment is classified in group •
Repair of personal and household goods is classified in group 952.•
Repair of other machinery and equipment is classified in group 331.•
Repair of buildings and other structures is classified in division 43.•
5. Outsourcing / activities on a fee or contract basis
136. In some cases, units sell goods or services under their own name but the
actual production, such as the physical transformation process in the case of manu-
facturing, is carried out fully or in part by others through specic contractual arrange-
ments. is section describes how units involved in such arrangements should be
classied in ISIC.
137. In this section, the following terminology is applied:
(a) e principal
is a unit that enters in a contractual relationship with
another unit (here called contractor) to carry out some part (or all) of the production
(b) e contractor
is a unit that carries out a specic production process
based on a contractual relationship with a principal. e activities performed by the
contractor are denominated “on a fee or contract basis.
(c) Outsourcing is a contractual agreement according to which the principal
requires the contractor to carry out a specic production process. e term sub-
contractingis sometimes used as well.
In this context, the production process also
includes supporting activities.
138. e principal and the contractor may be located in the same economic
territory or in dierent economic territories. e actual location does not aect the
classication of either one of these units.
(a) Classification of the contractor
139. Contractors, i.e., units carrying out an activity on a fee or contract basis,
are usually classied in the same ISIC category as units producing the same goods or
services for their own account. Exceptions to this rule exist for trade activities, for
which separate categories for such outsourced activities exist.
Elsewhere sometimes known as
“contractor” or “converter”.
Elsewhere sometimes known as
the “subcontractor.
Elsewhere, the terminology of
“insourcing” and “outsourcing”
(referring to relationships
between units involved) or
“offshoring” (referring to
transactions between economic
territories) may be used; those
distinctions have no bearing on
the guidelines in this section
and are not used here.
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 430
(b) Classification of the principal
Outsourcing of parts of the production process
140. If only part of the production process is outsourced, the principal is classi-
ed to the class that corresponds to the activity representing the complete production
process, i.e., it is classied as if it were carrying out the complete process, including the
contracted work, itself.
141. is applies not only to the outsourcing of support functions in the pro-
duction process, such as accounting or computing activities, but also to the out-
sourcing of parts of the core production process, such as parts of a manufacturing
Outsourcing of the complete production process
142. In general, if the principal outsources the complete production process
of a good or service, it is classied as if it were carrying out the production process
itself. is applies in particular to all service-producing activities, including con-
struction. In the case of manufacturing, however, the following special considera-
tions apply.
143. In manufacturing, the principal provides the contractor with the techni-
cal specications of the manufacturing activity to be carried out on the input materi-
als. e input materials (raw materials or intermediate goods) can either be provided
(owned) by the principal or not.
144. A principal who completely outsources the transformation process should
be classied into manufacturing if and only if it owns the input materials to the pro-
duction process—and therefore owns the nal output.
145. A principal who completely outsources the transformation process but
does not own the input materials is in fact buying the completed good from the
contractor with the intention to re-sell it. Such an activity is classied in section G
(Wholesale and retail trade), specically according to the type of sale and the specic
type of good sold.
6. Government activities
146. ISIC does not make any distinction regarding the institutional sector to
which a statistical unit belongs. For instance, there is no category that would describe
all activities carried out by a government as such. Activities carried out by government
units that are specically attributable to other areas of ISIC should be classied in the
appropriate class of ISIC and not in division 84 (Public administration and defence;
compulsory social security). For instance, public hospitals will be classied in class
147. It is true that ISIC division 84 includes activities of a governmental nature
that are normally carried out by the public administration, including the enactment
and judicial interpretation of laws and their pursuant regulation; the administration
of programmes based on them; legislative activities; taxation; national defence; public
order and safety; immigration services; foreign aairs; and the administration of gov-
ernment programmes. Nevertheless, the legal or institutional status is not, in itself, the
determining factor for an activity to belong in that division.
The final classification of the
principal may also depend on
other activities that are carried
out in the same unit.
Introduction 31
7. Classification of enterprises
148. Since the activities of an enterprise sometimes cover a large variety of
ISIC groups or classes, it may be appropriate for certain statistics to classify them at
the division level only. In any case, when such a unit is to be classied at a lower level
of the classication, the top-down approach, as set out in paragraphs 123–131 above,
should be used.
149. e classication of a multi-activity enterprise should be determined
by the value added generated by its constituent units. In other words, the ISIC cat-
egory should be selected according to the kinds of activity of the constituent units that
account for the principal share of value added, following the top-down method.
8. Classification of households
150. ISIC includes a category for the classication of households when they are
employers of domestic personnel. is includes households employing maids, garden-
ers, cooks etc. As employment is generated, data on these units have been collected
for various statistics, usually outside of general business statistics, i.e., using sample
frames with households as collection units rather than businesses as collection units.
151. Outside this existing category, the need to describe activities of households
for own use has emerged in data collections, such as in labour-force surveys. While
market activities should generally be described according to existing rules for identi-
fying the correct ISIC code for an activity, the application of these rules for activities
producing goods and services for own use has proved dicult. ese activities might
combine a mix of activities undertaken by household enterprises, such as agricultural
activities, construction, textile manufacturing, repair and other service activities. In
general, it is not possible to assign value-added ratios to these activities and reasonably
identify a principal activity. To provide a place for these mixed activities in the clas-
sication, two groups in division 98 (Undierentiated goods- and services-producing
activities of private households for own use) have been designated. is division will
not normally be relevant to business statistics but rather applies to data collections
covering household and subsistence activities.
9. Changes in the classification of units
152. Units can change their principal activity either at once or gradually over
a period of time. e principal activity may change within the year from one statisti-
cal period to the next, either because of seasonal factors or because of a management
decision to vary the pattern of output. In each case, there will have been a fairly sudden
change in the balance of activities. Alternatively, a change in the pattern of output or
sales may take place gradually over several years. While all these cases call for the clas-
sication of the unit to be changed, if made too oen such changes distort statistics to
the extent of making interpretation extremely dicult.
153. To avoid frequent changes it is necessary to have a stability rule. Without
such a rule, there would be apparent changes in the economic demography of the busi-
ness population that would be no more than statistical artifacts. Such a stability rule is
intended for units that engage in a mix of activities that are almost balanced and are
thus subject to increased risk of changes for the principal activity resulting from only
small changes in the ratio of the activities involved. In such cases, the ratio of activities
over the past two to three years should be taken into account when determining the
principal activity of the unit.
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 432
154. Changes in the classication of units for the purpose of statistical inquir-
ies are made not more than once a year, either at xed dates or as information becomes
available. More frequent changes would result in inconsistency between short-term
(monthly and quarterly) and longer-term statistics.
D. Capturing information about the activity of units and
coding it according to ISIC
155. e quality and comparability of the statistics produced according to ISIC
will depend largely on the correctness of the codes assigned to the statistical units. In
turn, the correctness of the codes will depend on the information available for deter-
mining them and the tools and procedures used.
156. To some extent, the quality of the information will depend upon the type
of statistical source. e quality of information collected for administrative registra-
tions will depend on the extent to which that information has a function in the admin-
istrative procedures for which the registrations are being made. It will also depend
on what kind of distinctions that function will require, such as, whether tax rules,
social security regulations, the rules for investment credits or the services provided
by employment agencies will require precise registration of the type of activity under-
taken. e statistical oces will therefore frequently need to collect directly from the
units the information needed to determine the activity codes of the units, even when
the register used as the basis for their surveys is derived from, or developed in coop-
eration with, one or more of the administrative agencies.
157. Given the nature of ISIC, the information that is needed to code for the
register as well as the surveys will have to describe the main inputs, processes and
outputs of the unitsproductive activities. For units with a wide range of products,
information about them will also be necessary to determine their contributions to the
value added or other relevant factors by which to determine their main activity. is
information must be obtained from the units and care must be taken to ensure that the
individuals who provide the information on behalf of the units understand the type
of information needed so that they can obtain it from the records of the units or their
own knowledge. us, the testing of question formulations is as important for estab-
lishment surveys as it is for household surveys. For the registers as well as for the two
types of surveys, nding the correct codes on the basis of product information will be
greatly facilitated by a well organized and comprehensive coding index.
Chapter IV
Other topics
A. Use of ISIC in establishing related national classifications
158. As an international standard classication, ISIC is the primary tool for
collecting and presenting internationally comparable statistics by economic activity. It
is therefore of great importance that data collected at the national level, and therefore
the classications used at the national level, are compatible with ISIC.
159. e need for international comparability does not, however, imply that
countries must adopt ISIC as a whole, without modication. e intention is rather to
have countries use ISIC as a guide in adapting their national classications to the inter-
national standard. Countries may choose to either use ISIC directly for their national
purposes or develop their own national classication. Wherever countries lack the
infrastructure required to develop and maintain their own activity classication, they
may adopt ISIC as their national activity classication with little or no modication.
is is oen done by extending or collapsing the detail of ISIC while maintaining
its general structure. Other countries may have historically developed a classication
that suits their particular needs. ose countries should make eorts to adapt their
classication in a way that allows for the provision of data according to ISIC without
substantial loss of information.
160. In order to attain international comparability, it is suggested that all coun-
tries adopt, as far as individual requirements permit, the same general principles and
denitions in their industrial classication schemes (for the principles and denitions
that were developed for this purpose and are embodied in ISIC, see sect. II above). As
a result, it should be feasible to rearrange and combine entire categories of national
classications so that they correspond to one or more categories of ISIC, although this
may not always be possible since certain categories at the most detailed level of ISIC
may not be distinguished in the industrial classications of some countries.
161. Adapting ISIC to the specics of the national economy while maintaining
international comparability requires the observation of a number of rules as set out
1. Aggregation and disaggregation of ISIC
162. When adapting ISIC to national circumstances, its categories may be
aggregated or further detailed to better reect the structure of the national economy
of the country. If a particular economic sector is economically of great importance or
has developed important specializations that are not separately identied in ISIC, the
relevant part of the classication can be further disaggregated. If some other sector of
the economy does not exist or is still undeveloped or unimportant in the economy as a
whole, the relevant part of the classication can be treated at a more aggregated level.
It is not the intention to suggest data collection for categories, which would require all
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 434
kinds of articial or arbitrary splits of the existing statistical units. e calculation of
homogeneity ratios may serve as a tool in determining the feasibility and usefulness of
more detailed categories of the classication.
163. In order to make a national activity classication convertible to ISIC, the
categories at the most detailed level of classication in the national scheme should
on the whole coincide with, or be subdivisions of, the individual classes of ISIC. In
other words, any most detailed category of the national classication should not cover
selected portions of two or more classes of ISIC. When national categories have to
represent combinations of two or more entire classes of ISIC, the classes should be part
of the same group. In this way, the convertibility of the national classication to ISIC
would not be aected by the position or the manner of grouping of the categories at
the detailed level of the classication in the national scheme.
164. To serve national purposes, categories in the ISIC structure may be dis-
aggregated by subdividing the relevant classes into subclasses. is may be done by
appending decimal places to the four-digit code that identies each class of ISIC. Alter-
natively, the subdivision of groups into classes in ISIC may be expanded by replacing
the existing classes with a greater number of more detailed categories. In order to
preserve comparability with the classes of ISIC, the more detailed classes should be
delineated so that they may be aggregated to classes.
165. Extending the four-digit codes of ISIC may be unnecessary if, to meet
national requirements, the only classes to be subdivided are those that are identical to
groups. ese classes of ISIC are identied by four-digit codes ending in “0” and may
be replaced by as many as nine classes, identied by specic four-digit codes.
166. ISIC categories may be aggregated, for example, by combining the classes
of selected groups into fewer less detailed classes or by entirely telescoping classes into
groups. It may even, in certain instances, be desirable or necessary to have categories
at the most detailed level of the national classication that combine classes of ISIC.
is may be because the kinds of activity segregated by selected classes of ISIC are not
important enough in a given country. Or it may be due to a much smaller degree of
specialization in the activities of the statistical units than is required in order to use
certain classes of ISIC in the national scheme. For example, some countries may not
establish categories in their national classications that are similar to the individual
categories of divisions 26 to 28 (Manufacture of machinery), inasmuch as the majority
of establishments engaging in activities of class X also carry out the activities of class Y
and vice versa, thereby making it impractical to separate these activities in the national
classication. ey may need to combine some or all of the groups or classes into sin-
gle categories at the most detailed level of their national classication.
167. It should be kept in mind that combining classes into higher aggregates,
either at the group level or elsewhere, will limit the comparability of data at the inter-
national level to that level or to even higher aggregates. e latter can occur if coun-
tries decide to aggregate some of the four-digit classes within, for example, group 281.
If two countries aggregate classes within group 281, the comparability of their data
may not be available at their respective aggregated levels but only at the higher level
of group 281. e combining of classes should therefore be carefully considered in
respect of its possible impact on the comparability of data compiled according to these
new categories.
2. Level of international comparability
168. Ideally, countries would be able to provide data according to ISIC at all
levels of the classication for the purposes of international comparability. As men-
For a more detailed discussion
of homogeneity ratios, see
Companion Guide to ISIC and CPC
(United Nations publication,
Introduction 35
tioned above, however, not all detailed categories of the classication may be suit-
able for all countries and countries may wish to develop national classications based
on their own priorities. Still, the problem of international comparability remains and
countries should make eort to use a classication that is as much as possible compat-
ible with ISIC and for which data can be collected and reported.
169. At its thirty-seventh session, the United Nations Statistical Commission
recommended that countries adapt their national classications in a way that allows
them to report data at least at the two-digit level of ISIC, Rev.4 without loss of informa-
It is clear that the interest in more detailed internationally comparable informa-
tion will remain, especially for specic studies.
B. Use of different levels of the classification for the
presentation of statistics
170. It may be desirable to utilize less detailed classication categories of kind
of economic activity for some types of statistics than for other series, and the number
and size of the categories for which reliable statistics are presented may depend on
both their source and condentiality considerations. For example, it may not be feasi-
ble to present data on employment gathered in household inquiries in as great detail
as data on employment obtained from establishment inquiries. Or it may not be neces-
sary to present data according to kind of economic activity in as great detail in national
accounting as in industrial statistics. By providing for four levels of classication (sec-
tions, divisions, groups and classes), ISIC furnishes a framework for comparable clas-
sications of data at dierent levels of detail. It is important to note, however, that the
fact that a category has been dened at the class level in ISIC will not prevent it from
being larger in a particular national economy than a category dened at the group
level or even at the level of division or section, as will be the case, for example, for class
8521 (General secondary education) versus division 03 (Fishing and aquaculture) in
many countries.
171. Similarly, for specialized surveys on a limited number of industries, the
detail provided by ISIC, even at its most detailed level, will oen not be sucient for
the required analysis. In such cases, ISIC classes can be further subdivided for specic
purposes, as necessary. It is suggested, however, that the new detailed categories still
be aggregated to the existing ISIC classes for comparability reasons.
C. Relationship with other classifications
1. General remarks
172. At its nineteenth session, the Statistical Commission had requested the
Secretariat to prepare a set of classications that together would form an integrated
system for classifying activities, goods and services and could be used in dierent kinds
of economic statistics. Using the Integrated System of Classications of Activities and
Products (SINAP) as a basis, the work resulted in the revision of ISIC and SITC and
the development of CPC. ese three classications are strongly interrelated. ISIC rep-
resents the activity side of the system, CPC is the central instrument for classifying
goods and services and SITC is the aggregated classication of transportable goods
for international trade statistics for analytical purposes. Both CPC and SITC use the
headings and subheadings of the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding
See Official Records of the
Economic and Social Council,
2002, Supplement No.4
(E/2006/24), chap. I, para. 3, item
37/105 (b).
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 436
System (HS) as building blocks for their categories. Subsequently, relationships with
other classications that may require a degree of comparability with ISIC have been
added to these considerations.
2. Relationship with product classifications: CPC, HS and SITC
173. e relationship between ISIC, on the one hand, and the product clas-
sications HS, CPC and SITC, on the other, is based on the fact that the product clas-
sications in principle combine in one category goods or services that are normally
produced in only one industry as dened in ISIC. In HS, this origin criterion was
respected as far as possible at the time of its development. In some cases – for instance,
when it seemed impossible that a customs ocer could make the distinction the
principle was not applied. Still, most headings and subheadings of HS contain goods
that are generally produced in only one ISIC category. ere are frequent exceptions in
some areas, however, where outputs do not enter international trade to a large degree.
For instance, raw and processed agricultural products may be combined in HS since
the international trade of raw and unprocessed products is negligible. Still, raw and
processed products are outputs of distinct industries in ISIC, which makes a strict link
between these classications impossible. In addition, the arrangement of headings and
subheadings of HS follows criteria that are quite dierent from industrial origin and
the structure of CPC or SITC.
174. e dierences between CPC, HS and SITC result from the fact that they
were created for dierent purposes. HS is the detailed classication for international
trade of transportable goods, while SITC is a more aggregated classication for ana-
lytical purposes, with the same scope as HS. e scope of CPC exceeds that of HS
and SITC, in that it is intended to cover the production, trade and consumption of all
goods and services. Both CPC and SITC, Rev.3, regroup HS categories, albeit in dif-
ferent ways. SITC follows a traditional order in which the materials used, the stage of
processing and the end-use are the main considerations. CPC arranges its categories in
groups that are similar to ISIC categories. is does not mean, however, that all goods
are grouped according to their industrial origin.
175. Although origin had been an important criterion when developing CPC,
it was produced as a classication in its own right – one in which classication is based
on the physical characteristics and intrinsic nature of goods or on the nature of the
services rendered. For example, while meat and hides are both outputs of slaughter-
houses (ISIC class 1010, “Processing and preserving of meat”), they appear in dier-
ent sections of CPC. However, each type of good or service distinguished in CPC is
dened so that it is normally produced by only one activity as dened in ISIC. As far
as practically possible, an attempt is made to establish a correspondence between the
two classications, each category of CPC being accompanied by a reference to the ISIC
class in which the good or service is mainly produced.
3. Other derived and related activity classifications
176. e work on the fourth revision of ISIC has been driven by a strong desire
to improve comparability among activity classications around the world. In the proc-
ess, the experiences obtained during recent or still ongoing revisions of national and
regional classications have been taken into account. It is clear, however, that needs for
detail and structure, especially at the lower levels of the classication, dier from coun-
try to country and from region to region. e work of the Expert Group on Interna-
tional Economic and Social Classications has continued these harmonization eorts
Introduction 37
in its work on the International Family of Economic and Social Classications. e
need to converge existing activity classications has been stressed again by the Statisti-
cal Commission and will be a key element in future work on these classications.
177. e need for convergence does not diminish the need for regional clas-
sications. e work on improved and tailored regional activity classications, based
on the reference classication as the international standard, is an important way to
further the application of ISIC. ese regional classications should be derived from
ISIC and adjusted to the regional specics of a group of countries. ey will allow for
data comparability within the region and serve as more tailored guidelines for the
development of national classications.
178. e preamble of the International Family of Economic and Social Clas-
sications lays out the foundations of these relationships between reference classica-
tions (such as ISIC for economic activities) and derived and related classications.
(a) Derived classifications
179. e revision of the General Industrial Classication of Economic Activ-
ities within the European Communities (NACE) has been developed based on the
fourth revision of ISIC, continuing the strong relation between these two classica-
tions. Categories at all levels of NACE have been dened to be either identical or to
form subsets of single ISIC categories.
180. In addition, the coding systems used in classications of the United
Nations and the European Community are as far as possible the same. As a result, the
data of both intergovernmental organizations have become widely compatible. ISIC
and NACE are identical up to the two-digit level (divisions) of the classication. At
lower levels, NACE has created more detail suitable for European users of the classi-
cation. e additional detail created can always be aggregated to ISIC categories at the
three- and four-digit levels, within the same structure.
181. Work to create similar derived classications is also being carried out in
other regions.
(b) Related classifications
182. e North American Industry Classication System (NAICS) was
developed in the mid-1990s and has undergone some changes to increase compa-
rability among the three custodians of this classication. e research work carried
out during the development of NAICS has been a major input into the ISIC revision
process. e review of the NAICS structure and concepts by other countries has not
only resulted in the desire to reect some of the NAICS top-level categories, such as
“Informationin ISIC, but has also initiated reviews of ISIC principles and encour-
aged detailed discussions on criteria to be applied for boundary decisions between
existing categories.
183. Work on the development of a common top-level structure for both clas-
sications has shown limitations in this eort arising from specic country needs; the
desire to maintain continuity in each of the classications; and the cost/benet analysis
of a complete change of the classications involved. As a result, the structures of ISIC
and NAICS seem substantially dierent. However, denitions of individual categories
have been designed in a way that statistical data collected according to NAICS can be
reaggregated into the two-digit divisions of ISIC, Rev.4, ensuring the comparability
of data as described in paragraph 168 above. In many cases, more detailed links are
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 438
184. e Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classication
(ANZSIC) has been revised in 2006 and broadly aligns with ISIC at the detailed level.
As for ISIC, the conceptual approach for ANZSIC has been re-evaluated. e revised
ANZSIC takes into account activities within Australian and New Zealand economic
units. e ANZSIC structure broadly follows the ISIC structure, so that categories at
the division and more detailed levels can be aggregated into the two-digit categories
of ISIC.
4. Relationship of other international classifications with ISIC
185. e following classications developed by the United Nations or its
subsidiary organs have some relationship with ISIC or make use of parts of ISIC in
dening their own scope or categories; whether describing statistics on occupations,
employment, expenditures, education, tourism or the environment: the Classication
of the Functions of Government (COFOG), the International Standard Classication
of Education (ISCED),
the International Standard Classication of Occupations
the activity classication of the Tourism Satellite Account (TSA)
and the
International Classication of Non-Prot Organizations (ICNPO).
186. COFOG, which was developed by the former Statistical Oce of the
United Nations Secretariat mainly for use in the System of National Accounts, was
rst published in 1980 and revised in 2000. e criteria of classication—function in
the case of COFOG and activity for ISIC—are conceptually rather similar. COFOG is
more appropriate than ISIC for classifying government expenditures, however, because
the COFOG list of functions is more detailed than the ISIC list of activities, having
been drawn up specically to take account of the range and diversity of government
activities. Although there are similarities between the criteria of the two classications,
problems may arise when comparing data collected according to ISIC and COFOG.
For instance, COFOG covers not only direct outlays on government-owned schools
but also the subsidizing of privately owned schools and outlays on subsidiary services
to education, such as school transport, food and lodging for students etc.
187. ISCED was developed by UNESCO as an instrument for assembling,
compiling and presenting statistics of education, both within individual countries and
internationally, and was last updated in 1997. It is a multi-purpose classication of
educational programmes to be used for statistics on student enrolment and human
or nancial resources invested in education, as well as on the educational attainment
of the population as obtained, for example, from population censuses or labour-force
surveys. e statistical unit as classied in ISCED at the lowest level is the programme
or programme group.
188. Educational institutions are classied according to ISCED on the basis of
the type of programmes that they provide. In principle, these institutions may be con-
sidered equivalent to the basic units to be classied by ISIC. e denitions of the ISIC
categories for education services have been dened in line with the changes applied in
the last ISCED revision.
189. e International Standard Classication of Occupations (ISCO) has
been developed by the International Labour Organization (ILO). It provides a basis
for comparing occupational statistics for dierent countries and communicating other
occupational information, such as for the recruitment or admission of migrant work-
ers. It also serves as a model for countries when they develop their national occupa-
tional classications or revise their existing ones.
190. e primary units to be classied to ISCO are jobs. Jobs are classied to
ISCO on the basis of the type of work performed, that is, the task and duties to be car-
International Standard
Classification of Education (ISCED
1997) (Paris, UNESCO, November
International Standard
Classification of Occupations
(ISCO-1988) (Geneva, ILO, 1988).
Commission of the European
Communities, Organisation for
Economic Co-operation and
Development, United Nations
and World Tourism Organization,
Tourism Satellite Account:
Recommended Methodological
Framework, Statistical Papers,
Series F, No. 80 (United Nations
publication, Sales No. E.01.
See Annex A1 of the Handbook of
National Accounting: Handbook
on Non-Profit Institutions in the
System of National Accounts,
Statistical Papers, Series F, No.
91 (United Nations publication,
Sales No. E.03.XVII.9).
Introduction 39
ried out. Since ISIC and ISCO have entirely dierent functions and conceptual foun-
dations in other words, they measure very dierent aspects of the economy there
is no need to harmonize their structures. However, when similarities and dierences
between certain groups in ISCO are based on the type of distinctions that are reected
in ISIC (i.e., between the type of products, namely, goods and services, that are being
produced or sold), the ISCO groups are dened in a manner that is generally consist-
ent with the denition of these goods and services in ISIC and CPC.
191. e World Tourism Organization has developed two international rec-
ommendations on tourism statistics that are related to one another: the new Inter-
national Recommendations for Tourism Statistics 2008 (IRTS 2008)
—a revision of
the previous 1993 Recommendations on Tourism Statistics that was approved by the
United Nations Statistical Commission at its thirty-ninth session, in 2008; and the
updated Tourism Satellite Account: Recommended Methodological Framework 2008
—an update of TSA:RMF2000, presented to the Statistical Com-
mission at the same session.
e concepts, denitions and classications to be used
for basic tourism statistics, which conform with TSA:RMF2008, are described in IRTS
2008. e concept of tourism characteristic products purchased by visitors and the
activities that produce them was rst introduced in TSA:RMF2000. Tourism charac-
teristic activities are dened as activities that produce one or more tourism character-
istic products as a typical output of the production process characterizing the activity.
Updated lists of tourism characteristic products and activities dened in terms of CPC
and ISIC, which are needed to compile basic tourism statistics and TSA, are to be found
in annexes 2 and 3 to IRTS 2008. e list of tourism-related activities that appeared in
annex II to part two of ISIC, Rev.3 has been superseded by these lists.
192. ICNPO is the classication recommended for delineating the non-prot
institutions sector in the Handbook on Non-prot Institutions in the System of National
Accounts. ICNPO was developed initially by an international team of non-prot insti-
tutions experts because the level of detail available in ISIC, Rev.3 was not sucient to
dierentiate important types of non-prot institutions and permit their reaggregation
to the classication structure common in treatments of the non-prot institutions sec-
tor. ICNPO was subsequently applied in the development of systematic empirical data
on the non-prot institutions sector in 40 countries throughout the world as part of
the Johns Hopkins Comparative Nonprot Sector Project; was further veried in a
pilot test of the Handbook by 11 statistical oces; and continues to be used by national
statistical oces in both data collection and Handbook implementation activities.
D. Indexes to the classification
193. Alphabetical and numerical indexes are very useful tools for further
detailing classication categories and greatly simplify their application. e indexes
are designed to be of assistance in adapting ISIC to the classication requirements of
individual countries, comparing national classications to ISIC and classifying data
according to ISIC. ey should also provide a guide to the correct classication of
statistical units.
194. New interpretations of the classication, usually related to new activities,
can be easily reected in the index, while no change in the classication or its related
texts is usually necessary. Indexes for this new version of ISIC will be available in
machine-readable form only, published in the Classications Registry on the United
Nations Statistics Division website at
Statistical Papers, Series M,
No.83/Rev.1 (United Nations
publication, forthcoming).
Statistical Papers, Series F,
No.80/Rev.1 (United Nations
publication, forthcoming).
See Official Records of the
Economic and Social Council,
2008, Supplement No. 4
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 440
E. Correspondence tables
195. Correspondence tables are an important tool for comparing statisti-
cal data that have been collected and presented using dierent classications. ey
become necessary when the classication changes over time or when dierent under-
lying frameworks do not allow classications to be closely related. Correspondence
tables between dierent versions of the same classication are used to describe the
detailed changes that have taken place in the revision process. A complete detailed
correspondence between ISIC, Rev.4 and ISIC, Rev.3.1 is available electronically but is
not included in the present publication.
196. Since ISIC has been used for the collection and presentation of statistics
in many areas, there has been a strong need for correspondence tables between ISIC
and other classications. When draing ISIC, Rev.4, and simultaneously CPC, Ver.2,
a strong link was established between the two classications. By rearranging the CPC
categories according to their industrial origin and using the link between CPC, SITC
and HS, a detailed correspondence table between HS, SITC, CPC and ISIC was estab-
197. ese and other correspondence tables are available in electronic format
only and can be accessed at the United Nations Statistics Division website at http://
F. Alternative aggregations for ISIC
198. Economic analysis and the presentation of statistics on specic subjects
oen require aggregation of data, collected according to ISIC, in ways that are dierent
from the aggregation provided by the ISIC structure. For these special purposes, stand-
ard aggregations have been created to meet these demands, such as those presented in
part four of this publication. ese alternative aggregations may use either complete
ISIC classes; only parts of ISIC classes (if the underlying concept for the aggregation
is not comparable with the principle used in ISIC); or a standardized subdivision of
existing ISIC classes to improve the application of ISIC for their specic purposes (for
more detailed information, see part four below).
Broad and detailed structure
Chapter I
Broad structure
e individual categories of ISIC have been aggregated into the following 21
Section Divisions Description
A 01–03 Agriculture, forestry and fishing
B 05–09 Mining and quarrying
C 10–33 Manufacturing
D 35 Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply
E 36–39 Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation
F 41–43 Construction
G 45–47 Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles
H 49–53 Transportation and storage
I 55–56 Accommodation and food service activities
J 58–63 Information and communication
K 64–66 Financial and insurance activities
L 68 Real estate activities
M 69–75 Professional, scientific and technical activities
N 77–82 Administrative and support service activities
O 84 Public administration and defence; compulsory social security
P 85 Education
Q 86–88 Human health and social work activities
R 90–93 Arts, entertainment and recreation
S 94–96 Other service activities
T 97–98 Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods- and
services-producing activities of households for own use
U 99 Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies
Chapter II
Detailed structure
Section A
Agriculture, forestry and fishing
Division Group Class Description
Division 01 Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities
011 Growing of non-perennial crops
0111 Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seeds
0112 Growing of rice
0113 Growing of vegetables and melons, roots and tubers
0114 Growing of sugar cane
0115 Growing of tobacco
0116 Growing of fibre crops
0119 Growing of other non-perennial crops
012 Growing of perennial crops
0121 Growing of grapes
0122 Growing of tropical and subtropical fruits
0123 Growing of citrus fruits
0124 Growing of pome fruits and stone fruits
0125 Growing of other tree and bush fruits and nuts
0126 Growing of oleaginous fruits
0127 Growing of beverage crops
0128 Growing of spices, aromatic, drug and pharmaceutical crops
0129 Growing of other perennial crops
013 0130 Plant propagation
014 Animal production
0141 Raising of cattle and buffaloes
0142 Raising of horses and other equines
0143 Raising of camels and camelids
0144 Raising of sheep and goats
0145 Raising of swine/pigs
0146 Raising of poultry
0149 Raising of other animals
015 0150 Mixed farming
016 Support activities to agriculture and post-harvest crop activities
0161 Support activities for crop production
0162 Support activities for animal production
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 446
Division Group Class Description
0163 Post-harvest crop activities
0164 Seed processing for propagation
017 0170 Hunting, trapping and related service activities
Division 02 Forestry and logging
021 0210 Silviculture and other forestry activities
022 0220 Logging
023 0230 Gathering of non-wood forest products
024 0240 Support services to forestry
Division 03 Fishing and aquaculture
031 Fishing
0311 Marine fishing
0312 Freshwater fishing
032 Aquaculture
0321 Marine aquaculture
0322 Freshwater aquaculture
Section B
Mining and quarrying
Division Group Class Description
Division 05 Mining of coal and lignite
051 0510 Mining of hard coal
052 0520 Mining of lignite
Division 06 Extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas
061 0610 Extraction of crude petroleum
062 0620 Extraction of natural gas
Division 07 Mining of metal ores
071 0710 Mining of iron ores
072 Mining of non-ferrous metal ores
0721 Mining of uranium and thorium ores
0729 Mining of other non-ferrous metal ores
Division 08 Other mining and quarrying
081 0810 Quarrying of stone, sand and clay
089 Mining and quarrying n.e.c.
0891 Mining of chemical and fertilizer minerals
0892 Extraction of peat
0893 Extraction of salt
0899 Other mining and quarrying n.e.c.
Division 09 Mining support service activities
091 0910 Support activities for petroleum and natural gas extraction
099 0990 Support activities for other mining and quarrying
Detailed structure 47
Section C
Division Group Class Description
Division 10 Manufacture of food products
101 1010 Processing and preserving of meat
102 1020 Processing and preserving of fish, crustaceans and molluscs
103 1030 Processing and preserving of fruit and vegetables
104 1040 Manufacture of vegetable and animal oils and fats
105 1050 Manufacture of dairy products
106 Manufacture of grain mill products, starches and starch products
1061 Manufacture of grain mill products
1062 Manufacture of starches and starch products
107 Manufacture of other food products
1071 Manufacture of bakery products
1072 Manufacture of sugar
1073 Manufacture of cocoa, chocolate and sugar confectionery
1074 Manufacture of macaroni, noodles, couscous and similar farinaceous products
1075 Manufacture of prepared meals and dishes
1079 Manufacture of other food products n.e.c.
108 1080 Manufacture of prepared animal feeds
Division 11 Manufacture of beverages
1101 Distilling, rectifying and blending of spirits
1102 Manufacture of wines
1103 Manufacture of malt liquors and malt
1104 Manufacture of soft drinks; production of mineral waters and other bottled waters
Division 12 Manufacture of tobacco products
120 1200 Manufacture of tobacco products
Division 13 Manufacture of textiles
131 Spinning, weaving and finishing of textiles
1311 Preparation and spinning of textile fibres
1312 Weaving of textiles
1313 Finishing of textiles
139 Manufacture of other textiles
1391 Manufacture of knitted and crocheted fabrics
1392 Manufacture of made-up textile articles, except apparel
1393 Manufacture of carpets and rugs
1394 Manufacture of cordage, rope, twine and netting
1399 Manufacture of other textiles n.e.c.
Division 14 Manufacture of wearing apparel
141 1410 Manufacture of wearing apparel, except fur apparel
142 1420 Manufacture of articles of fur
143 1430 Manufacture of knitted and crocheted apparel
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 448
Division Group Class Description
Division 15 Manufacture of leather and related products
151 Tanning and dressing of leather; manufacture of luggage, handbags, saddlery and
harness; dressing and dyeing of fur
1511 Tanning and dressing of leather; dressing and dyeing of fur
1512 Manufacture of luggage, handbags and the like, saddlery and harness
152 1520 Manufacture of footwear
Division 16 Manufacture of wood and of products of wood and cork, except furniture;
manufacture of articles of straw and plaiting materials
161 1610 Sawmilling and planing of wood
162 Manufacture of products of wood, cork, straw and plaiting materials
1621 Manufacture of veneer sheets and wood-based panels
1622 Manufacture of builders’ carpentry and joinery
1623 Manufacture of wooden containers
1629 Manufacture of other products of wood; manufacture of articles of cork, straw and
plaiting materials
Division 17 Manufacture of paper and paper products
1701 Manufacture of pulp, paper and paperboard
1702 Manufacture of corrugated paper and paperboard and of containers of paper and
1709 Manufacture of other articles of paper and paperboard
Division 18 Printing and reproduction of recorded media
181 Printing and service activities related to printing
1811 Printing
1812 Service activities related to printing
182 1820 Reproduction of recorded media
Division 19 Manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products
191 1910 Manufacture of coke oven products
192 1920 Manufacture of refined petroleum products
Division 20 Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products
201 Manufacture of basic chemicals, fertilizers and nitrogen compounds, plastics and
synthetic rubber in primary forms
2011 Manufacture of basic chemicals
2012 Manufacture of fertilizers and nitrogen compounds
2013 Manufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary forms
202 Manufacture of other chemical products
2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical products
2022 Manufacture of paints, varnishes and similar coatings, printing ink and mastics
2023 Manufacture of soap and detergents, cleaning and polishing preparations, perfumes
and toilet preparations
2029 Manufacture of other chemical products n.e.c.
203 2030 Manufacture of man-made fibres
Division 21 Manufacture of pharmaceuticals, medicinal chemical and botanical products
210 2100 Manufacture of pharmaceuticals, medicinal chemical and botanical products
Detailed structure 49
Division Group Class Description
Division 22 Manufacture of rubber and plastics products
221 Manufacture of rubber products
2211 Manufacture of rubber tyres and tubes; retreading and rebuilding of rubber tyres
2219 Manufacture of other rubber products
222 2220 Manufacture of plastics products
Division 23 Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products
231 2310 Manufacture of glass and glass products
239 Manufacture of non-metallic mineral products n.e.c.
2391 Manufacture of refractory products
2392 Manufacture of clay building materials
2393 Manufacture of other porcelain and ceramic products
2394 Manufacture of cement, lime and plaster
2395 Manufacture of articles of concrete, cement and plaster
2396 Cutting, shaping and finishing of stone
2399 Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products n.e.c.
Division 24 Manufacture of basic metals
241 2410 Manufacture of basic iron and steel
242 2420 Manufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metals
243 Casting of metals
2431 Casting of iron and steel
2432 Casting of non-ferrous metals
Division 25 Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment
251 Manufacture of structural metal products, tanks, reservoirs and steam generators
2511 Manufacture of structural metal products
2512 Manufacture of tanks, reservoirs and containers of metal
2513 Manufacture of steam generators, except central heating hot water boilers
252 2520 Manufacture of weapons and ammunition
259 Manufacture of other fabricated metal products; metalworking service activities
2591 Forging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal; powder metallurgy
2592 Treatment and coating of metals; machining
2593 Manufacture of cutlery, hand tools and general hardware
2599 Manufacture of other fabricated metal products n.e.c.
Division 26 Manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products
261 2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boards
262 2620 Manufacture of computers and peripheral equipment
263 2630 Manufacture of communication equipment
264 2640 Manufacture of consumer electronics
265 Manufacture of measuring, testing, navigating and control equipment; watches and
2651 Manufacture of measuring, testing, navigating and control equipment
2652 Manufacture of watches and clocks
266 2660 Manufacture of irradiation, electromedical and electrotherapeutic equipment
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 450
Division Group Class Description
267 2670 Manufacture of optical instruments and photographic equipment
268 2680 Manufacture of magnetic and optical media
Division 27 Manufacture of electrical equipment
271 2710 Manufacture of electric motors, generators, transformers and electricity distribution
and control apparatus
272 2720 Manufacture of batteries and accumulators
273 Manufacture of wiring and wiring devices
2731 Manufacture of fibre optic cables
2732 Manufacture of other electronic and electric wires and cables
2733 Manufacture of wiring devices
274 2740 Manufacture of electric lighting equipment
275 2750 Manufacture of domestic appliances
279 2790 Manufacture of other electrical equipment
Division 28 Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c.
281 Manufacture of general-purpose machinery
2811 Manufacture of engines and turbines, except aircraft, vehicle and cycle engines
2812 Manufacture of fluid power equipment
2813 Manufacture of other pumps, compressors, taps and valves
2814 Manufacture of bearings, gears, gearing and driving elements
2815 Manufacture of ovens, furnaces and furnace burners
2816 Manufacture of lifting and handling equipment
2817 Manufacture of office machinery and equipment (except computers and peripheral
2818 Manufacture of power-driven hand tools
2819 Manufacture of other general-purpose machinery
282 Manufacture of special-purpose machinery
2821 Manufacture of agricultural and forestry machinery
2822 Manufacture of metal-forming machinery and machine tools
2823 Manufacture of machinery for metallurgy
2824 Manufacture of machinery for mining, quarrying and construction
2825 Manufacture of machinery for food, beverage and tobacco processing
2826 Manufacture of machinery for textile, apparel and leather production
2829 Manufacture of other special-purpose machinery
Division 29 Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers
291 2910 Manufacture of motor vehicles
292 2920 Manufacture of bodies (coachwork) for motor vehicles; manufacture of trailers and
293 2930 Manufacture of parts and accessories for motor vehicles
Division 30 Manufacture of other transport equipment
301 Building of ships and boats
3011 Building of ships and floating structures
3012 Building of pleasure and sporting boats
302 3020 Manufacture of railway locomotives and rolling stock
Detailed structure 51
Division Group Class Description
303 3030 Manufacture of air and spacecraft and related machinery
304 3040 Manufacture of military fighting vehicles
309 Manufacture of transport equipment n.e.c.
3091 Manufacture of motorcycles
3092 Manufacture of bicycles and invalid carriages
3099 Manufacture of other transport equipment n.e.c.
Division 31 Manufacture of furniture
310 3100 Manufacture of furniture
Division 32 Other manufacturing
321 Manufacture of jewellery, bijouterie and related articles
3211 Manufacture of jewellery and related articles
3212 Manufacture of imitation jewellery and related articles
322 3220 Manufacture of musical instruments
323 3230 Manufacture of sports goods
324 3240 Manufacture of games and toys
325 3250 Manufacture of medical and dental instruments and supplies
329 3290 Other manufacturing n.e.c.
Division 33 Repair and installation of machinery and equipment
331 Repair of fabricated metal products, machinery and equipment
3311 Repair of fabricated metal products
3312 Repair of machinery
3313 Repair of electronic and optical equipment
3314 Repair of electrical equipment
3315 Repair of transport equipment, except motor vehicles
3319 Repair of other equipment
332 3320 Installation of industrial machinery and equipment
Section D
Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply
Division Group Class Description
Division 35 Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply
351 3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distribution
352 3520 Manufacture of gas; distribution of gaseous fuels through mains
353 3530 Steam and air conditioning supply
Section E
Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities
Division Group Class Description
Division 36 Water collection, treatment and supply
360 3600 Water collection, treatment and supply
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 452
Division Group Class Description
Division 37 Sewerage
370 3700 Sewerage
Division 38 Waste collection, treatment and disposal activities; materials recovery
381 Waste collection
3811 Collection of non-hazardous waste
3812 Collection of hazardous waste
382 Waste treatment and disposal
3821 Treatment and disposal of non-hazardous waste
3822 Treatment and disposal of hazardous waste
383 3830 Materials recovery
Division 39 Remediation activities and other waste management services
390 3900 Remediation activities and other waste management services
Section F
Division Group Class Description
Division 41 Construction of buildings
410 4100 Construction of buildings
Division 42 Civil engineering
421 4210 Construction of roads and railways
422 4220 Construction of utility projects
429 4290 Construction of other civil engineering projects
Division 43 Specialized construction activities
431 Demolition and site preparation
4311 Demolition
4312 Site preparation
432 Electrical, plumbing and other construction installation activities
4321 Electrical installation
4322 Plumbing, heat and air-conditioning installation
4329 Other construction installation
433 4330 Building completion and finishing
439 4390 Other specialized construction activities
Section G
Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles
Division Group Class Description
Division 45 Wholesale and retail trade and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles
451 4510 Sale of motor vehicles
452 4520 Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles
Detailed structure 53
Division Group Class Description
453 4530 Sale of motor vehicle parts and accessories
454 4540 Sale, maintenance and repair of motorcycles and related parts and accessories
Division 46 Wholesale trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles
461 4610 Wholesale on a fee or contract basis
462 4620 Wholesale of agricultural raw materials and live animals
463 4630 Wholesale of food, beverages and tobacco
464 Wholesale of household goods
4641 Wholesale of textiles, clothing and footwear
4649 Wholesale of other household goods
465 Wholesale of machinery, equipment and supplies
4651 Wholesale of computers, computer peripheral equipment and software
4652 Wholesale of electronic and telecommunications equipment and parts
4653 Wholesale of agricultural machinery, equipment and supplies
4659 Wholesale of other machinery and equipment
466 Other specialized wholesale
4661 Wholesale of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels and related products
4662 Wholesale of metals and metal ores
4663 Wholesale of construction materials, hardware, plumbing and heating equipment
and supplies
4669 Wholesale of waste and scrap and other products n.e.c.
469 4690 Non-specialized wholesale trade
Division 47 Retail trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles
471 Retail sale in non-specialized stores
4711 Retail sale in non-specialized stores with food, beverages or tobacco predominating
4719 Other retail sale in non-specialized stores
472 Retail sale of food, beverages and tobacco in specialized stores
4721 Retail sale of food in specialized stores
4722 Retail sale of beverages in specialized stores
4723 Retail sale of tobacco products in specialized stores
473 4730 Retail sale of automotive fuel in specialized stores
474 Retail sale of information and communications equipment in specialized stores
4741 Retail sale of computers, peripheral units, software and telecommunications
equipment in specialized stores
4742 Retail sale of audio and video equipment in specialized stores
475 Retail sale of other household equipment in specialized stores
4751 Retail sale of textiles in specialized stores
4752 Retail sale of hardware, paints and glass in specialized stores
4753 Retail sale of carpets, rugs, wall and floor coverings in specialized stores
4759 Retail sale of electrical household appliances, furniture, lighting equipment and
other household articles in specialized stores
476 Retail sale of cultural and recreation goods in specialized stores
4761 Retail sale of books, newspapers and stationary in specialized stores
4762 Retail sale of music and video recordings in specialized stores
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 454
Division Group Class Description
4763 Retail sale of sporting equipment in specialized stores
4764 Retail sale of games and toys in specialized stores
477 Retail sale of other goods in specialized stores
4771 Retail sale of clothing, footwear and leather articles in specialized stores
4772 Retail sale of pharmaceutical and medical goods, cosmetic and toilet articles in
specialized stores
4773 Other retail sale of new goods in specialized stores
4774 Retail sale of second-hand goods
478 Retail sale via stalls and markets
4781 Retail sale via stalls and markets of food, beverages and tobacco products
4782 Retail sale via stalls and markets of textiles, clothing and footwear
4789 Retail sale via stalls and markets of other goods
479 Retail trade not in stores, stalls or markets
4791 Retail sale via mail order houses or via Internet
4799 Other retail sale not in stores, stalls or markets
Section H
Transportation and storage
Division Group Class Description
Division 49 Land transport and transport via pipelines
491 Transport via railways
4911 Passenger rail transport, interurban
4912 Freight rail transport
492 Other land transport
4921 Urban and suburban passenger land transport
4922 Other passenger land transport
4923 Freight transport by road
493 4930 Transport via pipeline
Division 50 Water transport
501 Sea and coastal water transport
5011 Sea and coastal passenger water transport
5012 Sea and coastal freight water transport
502 Inland water transport
5021 Inland passenger water transport
5022 Inland freight water transport
Division 51 Air transport
511 5110 Passenger air transport
512 5120 Freight air transport
Division 52 Warehousing and support activities for transportation
521 5210 Warehousing and storage
522 Support activities for transportation
5221 Service activities incidental to land transportation
Detailed structure 55
Division Group Class Description
5222 Service activities incidental to water transportation
5223 Service activities incidental to air transportation
5224 Cargo handling
5229 Other transportation support activities
Division 53 Postal and courier activities
531 5310 Postal activities
532 5320 Courier activities
Section I
Accommodation and food service activities
Division Group Class Description
Division 55 Accommodation
551 5510 Short term accommodation activities
552 5520 Camping grounds, recreational vehicle parks and trailer parks
559 5590 Other accommodation
Division 56 Food and beverage service activities
561 5610 Restaurants and mobile food service activities
562 Event catering and other food service activities
5621 Event catering
5629 Other food service activities
563 5630 Beverage serving activities
Section J
Information and communication
Division Group Class Description
Division 58 Publishing activities
581 Publishing of books, periodicals and other publishing activities
5811 Book publishing
5812 Publishing of directories and mailing lists
5813 Publishing of newspapers, journals and periodicals
5819 Other publishing activities
582 5820 Software publishing
Division 59 Motion picture, video and television programme production, sound recording
and music publishing activities
591 Motion picture, video and television programme activities
5911 Motion picture, video and television programme production activities
5912 Motion picture, video and television programme post-production activities
5913 Motion picture, video and television programme distribution activities
5914 Motion picture projection activities
592 5920 Sound recording and music publishing activities
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 456
Division Group Class Description
Division 60 Programming and broadcasting activities
601 6010 Radio broadcasting
602 6020 Television programming and broadcasting activities
Division 61 Telecommunications
611 6110 Wired telecommunications activities
612 6120 Wireless telecommunications activities
613 6130 Satellite telecommunications activities
619 6190 Other telecommunications activities
Division 62 Computer programming, consultancy and related activities
6201 Computer programming activities
6202 Computer consultancy and computer facilities management activities
6209 Other information technology and computer service activities
Division 63 Information service activities
631 Data processing, hosting and related activities; web portals
6311 Data processing, hosting and related activities
6312 Web portals
639 Other information service activities
6391 News agency activities
6399 Other information service activities n.e.c.
Section K
Financial and insurance activities
Division Group Class Description
Division 64 Financial service activities, except insurance and pension funding
641 Monetary intermediation
6411 Central banking
6419 Other monetary intermediation
642 6420 Activities of holding companies
643 6430 Trusts, funds and similar financial entities
649 Other financial service activities, except insurance and pension funding activities
6491 Financial leasing
6492 Other credit granting
6499 Other financial service activities, except insurance and pension funding activities,
Division 65 Insurance, reinsurance and pension funding, except compulsory social security
651 Insurance
6511 Life insurance
6512 Non-life insurance
652 6520 Reinsurance
653 6530 Pension funding
Detailed structure 57
Division Group Class Description
Division 66 Activities auxiliary to financial service and insurance activities
661 Activities auxiliary to financial service activities, except insurance and pension
6611 Administration of financial markets
6612 Security and commodity contracts brokerage
6619 Other activities auxiliary to financial service activities
662 Activities auxiliary to insurance and pension funding
6621 Risk and damage evaluation
6622 Activities of insurance agents and brokers
6629 Other activities auxiliary to insurance and pension funding
663 6630 Fund management activities
Section L
Real estate activities
Division Group Class Description
Division 68 Real estate activities
681 6810 Real estate activities with own or leased property
682 6820 Real estate activities on a fee or contract basis
Section M
Professional, scientific and technical activities
Division Group Class Description
Division 69 Legal and accounting activities
691 6910 Legal activities
692 6920 Accounting, bookkeeping and auditing activities; tax consultancy
Division 70 Activities of head offices; management consultancy activities
701 7010 Activities of head offices
702 7020 Management consultancy activities
Division 71 Architectural and engineering activities; technical testing and analysis
711 7110 Architectural and engineering activities and related technical consultancy
712 7120 Technical testing and analysis
Division 72 Scientific research and development
721 7210 Research and experimental development on natural sciences and engineering
722 7220 Research and experimental development on social sciences and humanities
Division 73 Advertising and market research
731 7310 Advertising
732 7320 Market research and public opinion polling
Division 74 Other professional, scientific and technical activities
741 7410 Specialized design activities
742 7420 Photographic activities
749 7490 Other professional, scientific and technical activities n.e.c.
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 458
Division Group Class Description
Division 75 Veterinary activities
750 7500 Veterinary activities
Section N
Administrative and support service activities
Division Group Class Description
Division 77 Rental and leasing activities
771 7710 Renting and leasing of motor vehicles
772 Renting and leasing of personal and household goods
7721 Renting and leasing of recreational and sports goods
7722 Renting of video tapes and disks
7729 Renting and leasing of other personal and household goods
773 7730 Renting and leasing of other machinery, equipment and tangible goods
774 7740 Leasing of intellectual property and similar products, except copyrighted works
Division 78 Employment activities
781 7810 Activities of employment placement agencies
782 7820 Temporary employment agency activities
783 7830 Other human resources provision
Division 79 Travel agency, tour operator, reservation service and related activities
791 Travel agency and tour operator activities
7911 Travel agency activities
7912 Tour operator activities
799 7990 Other reservation service and related activities
Division 80 Security and investigation activities
801 8010 Private security activities
802 8020 Security systems service activities
803 8030 Investigation activities
Division 81 Services to buildings and landscape activities
811 8110 Combined facilities support activities
812 Cleaning activities
8121 General cleaning of buildings
8129 Other building and industrial cleaning activities
813 8130 Landscape care and maintenance service activities
Division 82 Office administrative, office support and other business support activities
821 Office administrative and support activities
8211 Combined office administrative service activities
8219 Photocopying, document preparation and other specialized office support activities
822 8220 Activities of call centres
823 8230 Organization of conventions and trade shows
829 Business support service activities n.e.c.
8291 Activities of collection agencies and credit bureaus
Detailed structure 59
Division Group Class Description
8292 Packaging activities
8299 Other business support service activities n.e.c.
Section O
Public administration and defence; compulsory social security
Division Group Class Description
Division 84 Public administration and defence; compulsory social security
841 Administration of the State and the economic and social policy of the community
8411 General public administration activities
8412 Regulation of the activities of providing health care, education, cultural services and
other social services, excluding social security
8413 Regulation of and contribution to more efficient operation of businesses
842 Provision of services to the community as a whole
8421 Foreign affairs
8422 Defence activities
8423 Public order and safety activities
843 8430 Compulsory social security activities
Section P
Division Group Class Description
Division 85 Education
851 8510 Pre-primary and primary education
852 Secondary education
8521 General secondary education
8522 Technical and vocational secondary education
853 8530 Higher education
854 Other education
8541 Sports and recreation education
8542 Cultural education
8549 Other education n.e.c.
855 8550 Educational support activities
Section Q
Human health and social work activities
Division Group Class Description
Division 86 Human health activities
861 8610 Hospital activities
862 8620 Medical and dental practice activities
869 8690 Other human health activities
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 460
Division Group Class Description
Division 87 Residential care activities
871 8710 Residential nursing care facilities
872 8720 Residential care activities for mental retardation, mental health and substance abuse
873 8730 Residential care activities for the elderly and disabled
879 8790 Other residential care activities
Division 88 Social work activities without accommodation
881 8810 Social work activities without accommodation for the elderly and disabled
889 8890 Other social work activities without accommodation
Section R
Arts, entertainment and recreation
Division Group Class Description
Division 90 Creative, arts and entertainment activities
900 9000 Creative, arts and entertainment activities
Division 91 Libraries, archives, museums and other cultural activities
9101 Library and archives activities
9102 Museums activities and operation of historical sites and buildings
9103 Botanical and zoological gardens and nature reserves activities
Division 92 Gambling and betting activities
920 9200 Gambling and betting activities
Division 93 Sports activities and amusement and recreation activities
931 Sports activities
9311 Operation of sports facilities
9312 Activities of sports clubs
9319 Other sports activities
932 Other amusement and recreation activities
9321 Activities of amusement parks and theme parks
9329 Other amusement and recreation activities n.e.c.
Section S
Other service activities
Division Group Class Description
Division 94 Activities of membership organizations
941 Activities of business, employers and professional membership organizations
9411 Activities of business and employers membership organizations
9412 Activities of professional membership organizations
942 9420 Activities of trade unions
949 Activities of other membership organizations
9491 Activities of religious organizations
Detailed structure 61
Division Group Class Description
9492 Activities of political organizations
9499 Activities of other membership organizations n.e.c.
Division 95 Repair of computers and personal and household goods
951 Repair of computers and communication equipment
9511 Repair of computers and peripheral equipment
9512 Repair of communication equipment
952 Repair of personal and household goods
9521 Repair of consumer electronics
9522 Repair of household appliances and home and garden equipment
9523 Repair of footwear and leather goods
9524 Repair of furniture and home furnishings
9529 Repair of other personal and household goods
Division 96 Other personal service activities
9601 Washing and (dry-) cleaning of textile and fur products
9602 Hairdressing and other beauty treatment
9603 Funeral and related activities
9609 Other personal service activities n.e.c.
Section T
Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods- and services-producing
activities of households for own use
Division Group Class Description
Division 97 Activities of households as employers of domestic personnel
970 9700 Activities of households as employers of domestic personnel
Division 98 Undifferentiated goods- and services-producing activities of private households
for own use
981 9810 Undifferentiated goods-producing activities of private households for own use
982 9820 Undifferentiated service-producing activities of private households for own use
Section U
Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies
Division Group Class Description
Division 99 Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies
990 9900 Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies
Detailed structure and explanatory
Section A
Agriculture, forestry and fishing
This section includes the exploitation of vegetal and animal natural resources, comprising the
activities of growing of crops, raising and breeding of animals, harvesting of timber and other
plants, animals or animal products from a farm or their natural habitats.
01 Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities
This division includes two basic activities, namely the production of crop products and
production of animal products, covering also the forms of organic agriculture, the grow-
ing of genetically modified crops and the raising of genetically modified animals.
This division also includes service activities incidental to agriculture, as well as hunting,
trapping and related activities.
Group 015 (Mixed farming) breaks with the usual principles for identifying main activity.
It accepts that many agricultural holdings have reasonably balanced crop and animal pro-
duction and that it would be arbitrary to classify them in one category or the other.
Agricultural activities exclude any subsequent processing of the agricultural products
(classified under divisions 10 and 11 (Manufacture of food products and beverages) and
division 12 (Manufacture of tobacco products)), beyond that needed to prepare them
for the primary markets. However, the preparation of products for the primary markets
is included here.
The division excludes field construction (e.g. agricultural land terracing, drainage, prepar-
ing rice paddies etc.) classified in section F (Construction) and buyers and cooperative
associations engaged in the marketing of farm products classified in section G.
011 Growing of non-perennial crops
This group includes the growing of non-perennial crops, i.e. plants that do not last for
more than two growing seasons. Included is the growing of these plants for the purpose
of seed production.
0111 Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seeds
This class includes all forms of growing of cereals, leguminous crops and oil seeds in open
fields, including those considered organic farming and the growing of genetically modi-
fied crops. The growing of these crops is often combined within agricultural units.
This class includes:
growing of cereals such as:
grain maize
other cereals n.e.c.
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 466
growing of leguminous crops such as:
broad beans
chick peas
cow peas
pigeon peas
other leguminous crops
growing of oil seeds such as:
soya beans
castor bean
mustard seed
niger seed
safflower seed
sesame seed
sunflower seed
other oil seeds
This class excludes:
growing of maize for fodder, see 0119
0112 Growing of rice
This class includes:
growing of rice (including organic farming and the growing of genetically modified
0113 Growing of vegetables and melons, roots and tubers
This class includes:
growing of leafy or stem vegetables such as:
cauliflower and broccoli
lettuce and chicory
other leafy or stem vegetables
growing of fruit bearing vegetables such as:
cucumbers and gherkins
eggplants (aubergines)
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 67
other melons and fruit-bearing vegetables
growing of root, bulb or tuberous vegetables such as:
onions (incl. shallots)
leeks and other alliaceous vegetables
other root, bulb or tuberous vegetables
growing of mushrooms and truffles
growing of vegetable seeds, except beet seeds
growing of sugar beet
growing of other vegetables
growing of roots and tubers such as:
sweet potatoes
other roots and tubers
This class excludes:
growing of mushroom spawn, see 0130
growing of chilies and peppers (capsicum spp.) and other spices and aromatic crops, see
0114 Growing of sugar cane
This class includes:
growing of sugar cane
This class excludes:
growing of sugar beet, see 0113
0115 Growing of tobacco
This class includes:
growing of unmanufactured tobacco
0116 Growing of fibre crops
This class includes:
growing of cotton
growing of jute, kenaf and other textile bast fibres
growing of flax and true hemp
growing of sisal and other textile fibre of the genus agave
growing of abaca, ramie and other vegetable textile fibres
growing of other fibre crops
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 468
0119 Growing of other non-perennial crops
This class includes the growing of non-perennial crops not elsewhere classified.
This class includes:
growing of swedes, mangolds, fodder roots, clover, alfalfa, sainfoin, maize and other
grasses, forage kale and similar forage products
growing of beet seeds (excluding sugar beet seeds) and seeds of forage plants
growing of flowers, including production of cut flowers and flower buds
growing of flower seeds
This class excludes:
growing of sunflower seeds, see 0111
growing of non-perennial spice, aromatic, drug and pharmaceutical crops, see 0128
012 Growing of perennial crops
This group includes the growing of perennial crops, i.e. plants that lasts for more than two
growing seasons, either dying back after each season or growing continuously. Included
is the growing of these plants for the purpose of seed production.
0121 Growing of grapes
This class includes:
growing of wine grapes and table grapes in vineyards
This class excludes:
manufacture of wine, see 1102
0122 Growing of tropical and subtropical fruits
This class includes:
growing of tropical and subtropical fruits:
bananas and plantains
other tropical and subtropical fruits
0123 Growing of citrus fruits
This class includes:
growing of citrus fruits:
grapefruit and pomelo
lemons and limes
tangerines, mandarins and clementines
other citrus fruits
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 69
0124 Growing of pome fruits and stone fruits
This class includes:
growing of pome fruits and stone fruits:
cherries and sour cherries
peaches and nectarines
pears and quinces
plums and sloes
other pome fruits and stone fruits
0125 Growing of other tree and bush fruits and nuts
This class includes:
growing of berries:
kiwi fruit
other berries
growing of fruit seeds
growing of edible nuts:
cashew nuts
other nuts
growing of other tree and bush fruits:
locust beans
This class excludes:
growing of coconuts, see 0126
0126 Growing of oleaginous fruits
This class includes:
growing of oleaginous fruits:
oil palms
other oleaginous fruits
This class excludes:
growing of soya beans, groundnuts and other oil seeds, see 0111
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 470
0127 Growing of beverage crops
This class includes:
growing of beverage crops:
other beverage crops
0128 Growing of spices, aromatic, drug and pharmaceutical crops
This class includes:
growing of perennial and non-perennial spices and aromatic crops:
pepper (piper spp.)
chilies and peppers (capsicum spp.)
nutmeg, mace and cardamoms
anise, badian and fennel
cinnamon (canella)
other spices and aromatic crops
growing of drug and narcotic crops
growing of plants used primarily in perfumery, in pharmacy or for insecticidal, fungi-
cidal or similar purposes
0129 Growing of other perennial crops
This class includes:
growing of rubber trees
growing of Christmas trees
growing of trees for extraction of sap
growing of vegetable materials of a kind used primarily for plaiting
This class excludes:
gathering of tree sap or rubber-like gums in the wild, see 0230
013 Plant propagation
See class 0130.
0130 Plant propagation
This class includes the production of all vegetative planting materials including cuttings,
suckers and seedlings for direct plant propagation or to create plant grafting stock into
which selected scion is grafted for eventual planting to produce crops.
This class includes:
growing of plants for planting
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 71
growing of plants for ornamental purposes, including turf for transplanting
growing of live plants for bulbs, tubers and roots; cuttings and slips; mushroom
operation of tree nurseries, except forest tree nurseries
This class excludes:
growing of plants for the purpose of seed production, see groups 011 and 012
operation of forest tree nurseries, see 0210
014 Animal production
This group includes raising (farming) and breeding of all animals, except aquatic ani-
This group excludes:
breeding support services, such as stud services, see 0162
farm animal boarding and care, see 0162
production of hides and skins from slaughterhouses, see 1010
0141 Raising of cattle and buffaloes
This class includes:
raising and breeding of cattle and buffaloes
production of raw cow milk from cows or buffaloes
production of bovine semen
This class excludes:
processing of milk, see 1050
0142 Raising of horses and other equines
This class includes:
raising and breeding of horses (including racing horses), asses, mules or hinnies
This class excludes:
operation of racing and riding stables, see 9319
0143 Raising of camels and camelids
This class includes:
raising and breeding of camels (dromedary) and camelids
0144 Raising of sheep and goats
This class includes:
raising and breeding of sheep and goats
production of raw sheep or goat milk
production of raw wool
This class excludes:
sheep shearing on a fee or contract basis, see 0162
production of pulled wool, see 1010
processing of milk, see 1050
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 472
0145 Raising of swine/pigs
This class includes:
raising and breeding of swine (pigs)
0146 Raising of poultry
This class includes:
raising and breeding of poultry:
fowls of the species Gallus domesticus (chickens and capons), ducks, geese, turkeys
and guinea fowls
production of eggs
operation of poultry hatcheries
This class excludes:
production of feathers or down, see 1010
0149 Raising of other animals
This class includes:
raising and breeding of semi-domesticated or other live animals:
ostriches and emus
other birds (except poultry)
rabbits and other fur animals
production of fur skins, reptile or bird skins from ranching operation
operation of worm farms, land mollusc farms, snail farms etc.
raising of silk worms, production of silk worm cocoons
bee-keeping and production of honey and beeswax
raising and breeding of pet animals (except fish):
cats and dogs
birds, such as parakeets etc.
hamsters etc.
raising of diverse animals
This class excludes:
production of hides and skins originating from hunting and trapping, see 0170
operation of frog farms, crocodile farms, marine worm farms, see 0321, 0322
operation of fish farms, see 0321, 0322
training of pet animals, see 9609
015 Mixed farming
See class 0150.
0150 Mixed farming
This class includes the combined production of crops and animals without a specialized
production of crops or animals. The size of the overall farming operation is not a deter-
mining factor. If either production of crops or animals in a given unit exceeds 66 per cent
or more of standard gross margins, the combined activity should not be included here,
but allocated to crop or animal farming.
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 73
This class excludes:
mixed crop farming, see groups 011 and 012
mixed animal farming, see group 014
016 Support activities to agriculture and post-harvest crop activities
This group includes activities incidental to agricultural production and activities similar
to agriculture not undertaken for production purposes (in the sense of harvesting agri-
cultural products), done on a fee or contract basis. Also included are post-harvest crop
activities, aimed at preparing agricultural products for the primary market.
0161 Support activities for crop production
This class includes:
agricultural activities on a fee or contract basis:
preparation of fields
establishing a crop
treatment of crops
crop spraying, including by air
trimming of fruit trees and vines
transplanting of rice, thinning of beets
pest control (including rabbits) in connection with agriculture
operation of agricultural irrigation equipment
This class also includes:
provision of agricultural machinery with operators and crew
maintenance of land to keep it in good condition for agricultural use
This class excludes:
post-harvest crop activities, see 0163
activities of agronomists and agricultural economists, see 7490
landscape architecture, see 7110
landscape gardening, planting, see 8130
maintenance of land to keep it in good ecological condition, see 8130
organization of agricultural shows and fairs, see 8230
0162 Support activities for animal production
This class includes:
agricultural activities on a fee or contract basis:
activities to promote propagation, growth and output of animals
herd testing services, droving services, agistment services, poultry caponizing, coop
cleaning etc.
activities related to artificial insemination
stud services
sheep shearing
farm animal boarding and care
This class also includes:
activities of farriers
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 474
This class excludes:
provision of space for animal boarding only, see 6810
veterinary activities, see 7500
vaccination of animals, see 7500
renting of animals (e.g. herds), see 7730
service activities to promote commercial hunting and trapping, see 9499
pet boarding, see 9609
0163 Post-harvest crop activities
This class includes:
preparation of crops for primary markets, i.e. cleaning, trimming, grading, disinfecting
cotton ginning
preparation of tobacco leaves
preparation of cocoa beans
waxing of fruit
sun-drying of fruit and vegetables
This class excludes:
preparation of agricultural products by the producer, see groups 011 and 012
preserving of fruit and vegetables, including dehydration by artificial means, see 1030
stemming and redrying of tobacco, see 1200
marketing activities of commission merchants and cooperative associations, see divi-
sion 46
wholesale of agricultural raw materials, see 4620
0164 Seed processing for propagation
This class includes all post-harvest activities aimed at improving the propagation quality
of seed through the removal of non-seed materials, undersized, mechanically or insect-
damaged and immature seeds as well as removing the seed moisture to a safe level for
seed storage. This activity includes the drying, cleaning, grading and treating of seeds
until they are marketed. The treatment of genetically modified seeds is included here.
This class excludes:
growing of seeds, see groups 011 and 012
processing of seeds to obtain oil, see 1040
research to develop or modify new forms of seeds, see 7210
017 Hunting, trapping and related service activities
See class 0170.
0170 Hunting, trapping and related service activities
This class includes:
hunting and trapping on a commercial basis
taking of animals (dead or alive) for food, fur, skin, or for use in research, in zoos or as
production of fur skins, reptile or bird skins from hunting or trapping activities
This class also includes:
land-based catching of sea mammals such as walrus and seal
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 75
This class excludes:
production of fur skins, reptile or bird skins from ranching operations, see group 014
raising of game animals on ranching operations, see 0149
catching of whales, see 0311
production of hides and skins originating from slaughterhouses, see 1010
hunting for sport or recreation and related service activities, see 9319
service activities to promote hunting and trapping, see 9499
02 Forestry and logging
This division includes the production of roundwood for the forest-based manufacturing
industries (ISIC divisions 16 and 17) as well as the extraction and gathering of wild grow-
ing non-wood forest products. Besides the production of timber, forestry activities result
in products that undergo little processing, such as fire wood, charcoal, wood chips and
roundwood used in an unprocessed form (e.g. pit-props, pulpwood etc.). These activities
can be carried out in natural or planted forests.
021 Silviculture and other forestry activities
See class 0210.
0210 Silviculture and other forestry activities
This class includes:
growing of standing timber: planting, replanting, transplanting, thinning and conserv-
ing of forests and timber tracts
growing of coppice, pulpwood and fire wood
operation of forest tree nurseries
These activities can be carried out in natural or planted forests.
This class excludes:
growing of Christmas trees, see 0129
operation of tree nurseries, see 0130
gathering of wild growing non-wood forest products, see 0230
production of wood chips and particles, see 1610
022 Logging
See class 0220.
0220 Logging
This class includes:
production of roundwood for forest-based manufacturing industries
production of roundwood used in an unprocessed form such as pit-props, fence posts
and utility poles
gathering and production of fire wood
production of charcoal in the forest (using traditional methods)
The output of this activity can take the form of logs, chips or fire wood.
This class excludes:
growing of Christmas trees, see 0129
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 476
growing of standing timber: planting, replanting, transplanting, thinning and conserving
of forests and timber tracts, see 0210
gathering of wild growing non-wood forest products, see 0230
production of wood chips and particles, not associated with logging, see 1610
production of charcoal through distillation of wood, see 2011
023 Gathering of non-wood forest products
See class 0230.
0230 Gathering of non-wood forest products
This class includes the gathering of non-wood forest products and other plants growing
in the wild.
This class includes:
gathering of wild growing materials:
mushrooms, truffles
balata and other rubber-like gums
lac and resins
vegetable hair
acorns, horse chestnuts
mosses and lichens
This class excludes:
managed production of any of these products (except growing of cork trees), see divi-
sion 01
growing of mushrooms or truffles, see 0113
growing of berries or nuts, see 0125
gathering of fire wood, see 0220
024 Support services to forestry
See class 0240.
0240 Support services to forestry
This class includes carrying out part of the forestry operation on a fee or contract basis.
This class includes:
forestry service activities:
forestry inventories
forest management consulting services
timber evaluation
forest fire fighting and protection
forest pest control
logging service activities:
transport of logs within the forest
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 77
This class excludes:
operation of forest tree nurseries, see 0210
03 Fishing and aquaculture
This division includes capture fishery and aquaculture, covering the use of fishery
resources from marine, brackish or freshwater environments, with the goal of capturing
or gathering fish, crustaceans, molluscs and other marine organisms and products (e.g.
aquatic plants, pearls, sponges etc).
Also included are activities that are normally integrated in the process of production for
own account (e.g. seeding oysters for pearl production).
This division does not include building and repairing of ships and boats (3011, 3315) and
sport or recreational fishing activities (9319). Processing of fish, crustaceans or molluscs is
excluded, whether at land-based plants or on factory ships (1020).
031 Fishing
This group includes capture fishery, i.e. the hunting, collecting and gathering activities
directed at removing or collecting live wild aquatic organisms (predominantly fish, mol-
luscs and crustaceans) including plants from the oceanic, coastal or inland waters for
human consumption and other purposes by hand or more usually by various types of
fishing gear such as nets, lines and stationary traps. Such activities can be conducted on
the intertidal shoreline (e.g. collection of molluscs such as mussels and oysters) or shore
based netting, or from home-made dugouts or more commonly using commercially
made boats in inshore, coastal waters or offshore waters. Unlike in aquaculture (group
032), the aquatic resource being captured is usually common property resource irrespec-
tive of whether the harvest from this resource is undertaken with or without exploitation
rights. Such activities also include fishing restocked water bodies.
0311 Marine fishing
This class includes:
fishing on a commercial basis in ocean and coastal waters
taking of marine crustaceans and molluscs
whale catching
taking of marine aquatic animals: turtles, sea squirts, tunicates, sea urchins etc.
This class also includes:
activities of vessels engaged both in fishing and in processing and preserving of fish
gathering of other marine organisms and materials: natural pearls, sponges, coral and
This class excludes:
capturing of marine mammals, except whales, e.g. walruses, seals, see 0170
processing of fish, crustaceans and molluscs on factory ships or in factories ashore, see
renting of pleasure boats with crew for sea and coastal water transport (e.g. for fishing
cruises), see 5011
fishing inspection, protection and patrol services, see 8423
fishing practiced for sport or recreation and related services, see 9319
operation of sport fishing preserves, see 9319
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 478
0312 Freshwater fishing
This class includes:
fishing on a commercial basis in inland waters
taking of freshwater crustaceans and molluscs
taking of freshwater aquatic animals
This class also includes:
gathering of freshwater materials
This class excludes:
processing of fish, crustaceans and molluscs, see 1020
fishing inspection, protection and patrol services, see 8423
fishing practiced for sport or recreation and related services, see 9319
operation of sport fishing preserves, see 9319
032 Aquaculture
This group includes aquaculture (or aquafarming), i.e. the production process involv-
ing the culturing or farming (including harvesting) of aquatic organisms (fish, molluscs,
crustaceans, plants, crocodiles, alligators and amphibians) using techniques designed to
increase the production of the organisms in question beyond the natural capacity of the
environment (for example regular stocking, feeding and protection from predators).
Culturing/farming refers to the rearing up to their juvenile and/or adult phase under cap-
tive conditions of the above organisms. In addition, aquaculture also encompasses indi-
vidual, corporate or state ownership of the individual organisms throughout the rearing
or culture stage, up to and including harvesting.
0321 Marine aquaculture
This class includes:
fish farming in sea water including farming of marine ornamental fish
production of bivalve spat (oyster mussel etc.), lobsterlings, shrimp post-larvae, fish fry
and fingerlings
growing of laver and other edible seaweeds
culture of crustaceans, bivalves, other molluscs and other aquatic animals in sea water
This class also includes:
aquaculture activities in brackish waters
aquaculture activities in salt water filled tanks or reservoirs
operation of fish hatcheries (marine)
operation of marine worm farms
This class excludes:
frog farming, see 0322
operation of sport fishing preserves, see 9319
0322 Freshwater aquaculture
This class includes:
fish farming in freshwater including farming of freshwater ornamental fish
culture of freshwater crustaceans, bivalves, other molluscs and other aquatic animals
operation of fish hatcheries (freshwater)
farming of frogs
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 79
This class excludes:
aquaculture activities in salt water filled tanks and reservoirs, see 0321
operation of sport fishing preserves, see 9319
Section B
Mining and quarrying
This section includes the extraction of minerals occurring naturally as solids (coal and ores), liq-
uids (petroleum) or gases (natural gas). Extraction can be achieved by different methods such as
underground or surface mining, well operation, seabed mining etc.
This section also includes supplementary activities aimed at preparing the crude materials for
marketing, for example, crushing, grinding, cleaning, drying, sorting, concentrating ores, lique-
faction of natural gas and agglomeration of solid fuels. These operations are often carried out by
the units that extracted the resource and/or others located nearby.
Mining activities are classified into divisions, groups and classes on the basis of the principal min-
eral produced. Divisions 05, 06 are concerned with mining and quarrying of fossil fuels (coal, lig-
nite, petroleum, gas); divisions 07, 08 concern metal ores, various minerals and quarry products.
Some of the technical operations of this section, particularly related to the extraction of hydrocar-
bons, may also be carried out for third parties by specialized units as an industrial service, which
is reflected in division 09.
This section excludes the processing of the extracted materials (see section C—Manufacturing),
which also covers the bottling of natural spring and mineral waters at springs and wells (see class
1104) or the crushing, grinding or otherwise treating certain earths, rocks and minerals not car-
ried out in conjunction with mining and quarrying (see class 2399). This section also excludes the
usage of the extracted materials without a further transformation for construction purposes (see
section F—Construction), the collection, purification and distribution of water (see class 3600),
separate site preparation activities for mining (see class 4312) and geophysical, geologic and seis-
mic surveying activities (see class 7110).
05 Mining of coal and lignite
This division includes the extraction of solid mineral fuels includes through underground
or open-cast mining and includes operations (e.g. grading, cleaning, compressing and
other steps necessary for transportation etc.) leading to a marketable product.
This division does not include coking (see 1910), services incidental to coal or lignite min-
ing (see 0990) or the manufacture of briquettes (see 1920).
051 Mining of hard coal
See class 0510.
0510 Mining of hard coal
This class includes:
mining of hard coal: underground or surface mining, including mining through lique-
faction methods
cleaning, sizing, grading, pulverizing, compressing etc. of coal to classify, improve qual-
ity or facilitate transport or storage
This class also includes:
recovery of hard coal from culm banks
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 480
This class excludes:
lignite mining, see 0520
peat digging and agglomeration of peat, see 0892
test drilling for coal mining, see 0990
support activities for hard coal mining, see 0990
coke ovens producing solid fuels, see 1910
manufacture of hard coal briquettes, see 1920
work performed to develop or prepare properties for coal mining, see 4312
052 Mining of lignite
See class 0520.
0520 Mining of lignite
This class includes:
mining of lignite (brown coal): underground or surface mining, including mining
through liquefaction methods
washing, dehydrating, pulverizing, compressing of lignite to improve quality or facili-
tate transport or storage
This class excludes:
hard coal mining, see 0510
peat digging, see 0892
test drilling for coal mining, see 0990
support activities for lignite mining, see 0990
manufacture of lignite fuel briquettes, see 1920
work performed to develop or prepare properties for coal mining, see 4312
06 Extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas
This division includes the production of crude petroleum, the mining and extraction of
oil from oil shale and oil sands and the production of natural gas and recovery of hydro-
carbon liquids. This includes the overall activities of operating and/or developing oil and
gas field properties, including such activities as drilling, completing and equipping wells,
operating separators, emulsion breakers, desilting equipment and field gathering lines
for crude petroleum and all other activities in the preparation of oil and gas up to the
point of shipment from the producing property.
This division excludes support activities for petroleum and gas extraction, such as oil and
gas field services, performed on a fee or contract basis, oil and gas well exploration and
test drilling and boring activities (see class 0910). This division also excludes the refining
of petroleum products (see class 1920) and geophysical, geologic and seismic surveying
activities (see class 7110).
061 Extraction of crude petroleum
See class 0610.
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 81
0610 Extraction of crude petroleum
This class includes:
extraction of crude petroleum oils
This class also includes:
extraction of bituminous or oil shale and tar sand
production of crude petroleum from bituminous shale and sand
processes to obtain crude oils: decantation, desalting, dehydration, stabilization etc.
This class excludes:
support activities for oil and gas extraction, see 0910
oil and gas exploration, see 0910
manufacture of refined petroleum products, see 1920
recovery of liquefied petroleum gases in the refining of petroleum, see 1920
operation of pipelines, see 4930
062 Extraction of natural gas
See class 0620.
0620 Extraction of natural gas
This class includes:
production of crude gaseous hydrocarbon (natural gas)
extraction of condensates
draining and separation of liquid hydrocarbon fractions
gas desulphurization
This class also includes:
mining of hydrocarbon liquids, obtained through liquefaction or pyrolysis
This class excludes:
support activities for oil and gas extraction, see 0910
oil and gas exploration, see 0910
recovery of liquefied petroleum gases in the refining of petroleum, see 1920
manufacture of industrial gases, see 2011
operation of pipelines, see 4930
07 Mining of metal ores
This division includes mining for metallic minerals (ores), performed through under-
ground or open-cast extraction, seabed mining etc. Also included are ore dressing and
beneficiating operations, such as crushing, grinding, washing, drying, sintering, calcining
or leaching ore, gravity separation or flotation operations.
This division excludes manufacturing activities such as the roasting of iron pyrites (see
class 2011), the production of aluminium oxide (see class 2420) and the operation of blast
furnaces (see classes 2410 and 2420).
071 Mining of iron ores
See class 0710.
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 482
0710 Mining of iron ores
This class includes:
mining of ores valued chiefly for iron content
beneficiation and agglomeration of iron ores
This class excludes:
extraction and preparation of pyrites and pyrrhotite (except roasting), see 0891
072 Mining of non-ferrous metal ores
This group includes the mining of non-ferrous metal ores.
0721 Mining of uranium and thorium ores
This class includes:
mining of ores chiefly valued for uranium and thorium content: pitchblende etc.
concentration of such ores
production of yellowcake
This class excludes:
enrichment of uranium and thorium ores, see 2011
production of uranium metal from pitchblende or other ores, see 2420
smelting and refining of uranium, see 2420
0729 Mining of other non-ferrous metal ores
This class includes:
mining and preparation of ores valued chiefly for non-ferrous metal content:
aluminium (bauxite), copper, lead, zinc, tin, manganese, chrome, nickel, cobalt,
molybdenum, tantalum, vanadium etc.
precious metals: gold, silver, platinum
This class excludes:
mining and preparation of uranium and thorium ores, see 0721
production of aluminium oxide and mattes of nickel or of copper, see 2420
08 Other mining and quarrying
This division includes extraction from a mine or quarry, but also dredging of alluvial
deposits, rock crushing and the use of salt marshes. The products are used most notably
in construction (e.g. sands, stones etc.), manufacture of materials (e.g. clay, gypsum, cal-
cium etc.), manufacture of chemicals etc.
This division does not include processing (except crushing, grinding, cutting, cleaning,
drying, sorting and mixing) of the minerals extracted.
081 Quarrying of stone, sand and clay
See class 0810.
0810 Quarrying of stone, sand and clay
This class includes:
quarrying, rough trimming and sawing of monumental and building stone such as
marble, granite, sandstone etc.
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 83
quarrying, crushing and breaking of limestone
mining of gypsum and anhydrite
mining of chalk and uncalcined dolomite
extraction and dredging of industrial sand, sand for construction and gravel
breaking and crushing of stone and gravel
quarrying of sand
mining of clays, refractory clays and kaolin
This class excludes:
mining of bituminous sand, see 0610
mining of chemical and fertilizer minerals, see 0891
production of calcined dolomite, see 2394
cutting, shaping and finishing of stone outside quarries, see 2396
089 Mining and quarrying n.e.c.
0891 Mining of chemical and fertilizer minerals
This class includes:
mining of natural phosphates and natural potassium salts
mining of native sulphur
extraction and preparation of pyrites and pyrrhotite, except roasting
mining of natural barium sulphate and carbonate (barytes and witherite), natural
borates, natural magnesium sulphates (kieserite)
mining of earth colours, fluorspar and other minerals valued chiefly as a source of
This class also includes:
guano mining
This class excludes:
extraction of salt, see 0893
roasting of iron pyrites, see 2011
manufacture of synthetic fertilizers and nitrogen compounds, see 2012
0892 Extraction of peat
This class includes:
peat digging
peat agglomeration
preparation of peat to improve quality or facilitate transport or storage
This class excludes:
service activities incidental to peat mining, see 0990
manufacture of articles of peat, see 2399
0893 Extraction of salt
This class includes:
extraction of salt from underground including by dissolving and pumping
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 484
salt production by evaporation of sea water or other saline waters
crushing, purification and refining of salt by the producer
This class excludes:
processing of salt into food-grade salt, e.g. iodized salt, see 1079
potable water production by evaporation of saline water, see 3600
0899 Other mining and quarrying n.e.c.
This class includes:
mining and quarrying of various minerals and materials:
abrasive materials, asbestos, siliceous fossil meals, natural graphite, steatite (talc),
feldspar etc.
natural asphalt, asphaltites and asphaltic rock; natural solid bitumen
gemstones, quartz, mica etc.
09 Mining support service activities
This division includes specialized support services incidental to mining provided on a fee
or contract basis. It includes exploration services through traditional prospecting meth-
ods such as taking core samples and making geological observations as well as drilling,
test-drilling or redrilling for oil wells, metallic and non-metallic minerals. Other typical
services cover building oil and gas well foundations, cementing oil and gas well casings,
cleaning, bailing and swabbing oil and gas wells, draining and pumping mines, overbur-
den removal services at mines, etc.
091 Support activities for petroleum and natural gas extraction
See class 0910.
0910 Support activities for petroleum and natural gas extraction
This class includes:
oil and gas extraction service activities provided on a fee or contract basis:
exploration services in connection with petroleum or gas extraction, e.g. traditional
prospecting methods, such as making geological observations at prospective sites
directional drilling and redrilling; “spudding in”; derrick erection in situ, repairing and
dismantling; cementing oil and gas well casings; pumping of wells; plugging and
abandoning wells etc.
liquefaction and regasification of natural gas for purpose of transport, done at the
mine site
draining and pumping services, on a fee or contract basis
test drilling in connection with petroleum or gas extraction
This class also includes:
oil and gas field fire fighting services
This class excludes:
service activities performed by operators of oil or gas fields, see 0610, 0620
specialized repair of mining machinery, see 3312
liquefaction and regasification of natural gas for purpose of transport, done off the mine
site, see 5221
geophysical, geologic and seismic surveying, see 7110
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 85
099 Support activities for other mining and quarrying
See class 0990.
0990 Support activities for other mining and quarrying
This class includes:
support services on a fee or contract basis, required for mining activities of divisions
05, 07 and 08
exploration services, e.g. traditional prospecting methods, such as taking core sam-
ples and making geological observations at prospective sites
draining and pumping services, on a fee or contract basis
test drilling and test hole boring
This class excludes:
operating mines or quarries on a contract or fee basis, see division 05, 07 or 08
specialized repair of mining machinery, see 3312
geophysical surveying services, on a contract or fee basis, see 7110
Section C
This section includes the physical or chemical transformation of materials, substances, or com-
ponents into new products, although this cannot be used as the single universal criterion for
defining manufacturing (see remark on processing of waste below). The materials, substances,
or components transformed are raw materials that are products of agriculture, forestry, fishing,
mining or quarrying as well as products of other manufacturing activities. Substantial alteration,
renovation or reconstruction of goods is generally considered to be manufacturing.
Units engaged in manufacturing are often described as plants, factories or mills and charac-
teristically use power-driven machines and materials-handling equipment. However, units that
transform materials or substances into new products by hand or in the workers home and those
engaged in selling to the general public of products made on the same premises from which they
are sold, such as bakeries and custom tailors, are also included in this section. Manufacturing units
may process materials or may contract with other units to process their materials for them. Both
types of units are included in manufacturing.
The output of a manufacturing process may be finished in the sense that it is ready for utilization
or consumption, or it may be semi-finished in the sense that it is to become an input for further
manufacturing. For example, the output of alumina refining is the input used in the primary pro-
duction of aluminium; primary aluminium is the input to aluminium wire drawing; and aluminium
wire is the input for the manufacture of fabricated wire products.
Manufacture of specialized components and parts of, and accessories and attachments to,
machinery and equipment is, as a general rule, classified in the same class as the manufacture of
the machinery and equipment for which the parts and accessories are intended. Manufacture of
unspecialized components and parts of machinery and equipment, e.g. engines, pistons, electric
motors, electrical assemblies, valves, gears, roller bearings, is classified in the appropriate class of
manufacturing, without regard to the machinery and equipment in which these items may be
included. However, making specialized components and accessories by moulding or extruding
plastics materials is included in class 2220.
Assembly of the component parts of manufactured products is considered manufacturing. This
includes the assembly of manufactured products from either self-produced or purchased com-
The recovery of waste, i.e. the processing of waste into secondary raw materials is classified in class
3830 (Materials recovery). While this may involve physical or chemical transformations, this is not
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 486
considered to be a part of manufacturing. The primary purpose of these activities is considered
to be the treatment or processing of waste and they are therefore classified in Section E (Water
supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities). However, the manufacture of
new final products (as opposed to secondary raw materials) is classified in manufacturing, even
if these processes use waste as an input. For example, the production of silver from film waste is
considered to be a manufacturing process.
Specialized maintenance and repair of industrial, commercial and similar machinery and equip-
ment is, in general, classified in division 33 (Repair, maintenance and installation of machinery
and equipment). However, the repair of computers and personal and household goods is classi-
fied in division 95 (Repair of computers and personal and household goods), while the repair of
motor vehicles is classified in division 45 (Wholesale and retail trade and repair of motor vehicles
and motorcycles).
The installation of machinery and equipment, when carried out as a specialized activity, is classi-
fied in 3320.
Remark: The boundaries of manufacturing and the other sectors of the classification system can
be somewhat blurry. As a general rule, the activities in the manufacturing section involve the
transformation of materials into new products. Their output is a new product. However, the defini-
tion of what constitutes a new product can be somewhat subjective. As clarification, the following
activities are considered manufacturing in ISIC:
milk pasteurizing and bottling (see 1050)
fresh fish processing (oyster shucking, fish filleting), not done on a fishing boat (see
printing and related activities (see 1811, 1812)
ready-mixed concrete production (see 2395)
leather converting (see 1511)
wood preserving (see 1610)
electroplating, plating, metal heat treating, and polishing (see 2592)
rebuilding or remanufacturing of machinery (e.g. automobile engines, see 2910)
tyre retreading (see 2211)
Conversely, there are activities that, although sometimes involving transformation processes, are
classified in other sections of ISIC; in other words, they are not classified as manufacturing. They
logging, classified in section A (Agriculture, forestry and fishing);
beneficiating of agricultural products, classified in section A (Agriculture, forestry and
beneficiating of ores and other minerals, classified in section B (Mining and quarrying);
construction of structures and fabricating operations performed at the site of construc-
tion, classified in section F (Construction);
activities of breaking bulk and redistribution in smaller lots, including packaging, repack-
aging or bottling of products, such as liquors or chemicals; sorting of scrap; mixing of
paints to customers’ order; and cutting of metals to customers’ order, producing a modi-
fied version of the same product, are classified to section G (Wholesale and retail trade;
repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles).
10 Manufacture of food products
This division includes the processing of the products of agriculture, forestry and fishing
into food for humans or animals, and includes the production of various intermediate
products that are not directly food products. The activity often generates associated
products of greater or lesser value (for example, hides from slaughtering, or oilcake from
oil production).
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 87
This division is organized by activities dealing with different kinds of products: meat, fish,
fruit and vegetables, fats and oils, milk products, grain mill products, animal feeds and
other food products. Production can be carried out for own account, as well as for third
parties, as in custom slaughtering.
Some activities are considered manufacturing (for example, those performed in baker-
ies, pastry shops, and prepared meat shops etc. which sell their own production) even
though there is retail sale of the products in the producers’ own shop. However, where
the processing is minimal and does not lead to a real transformation, the unit is classified
to Wholesale and retail trade (section G).
Production of animal feeds from slaughter waste or by-products is classified in 1080,
while processing food and beverage waste into secondary raw material is classified to
3830, and disposal of food and beverage waste in 3821.
101 Processing and preserving of meat
See class 1010.
1010 Processing and preserving of meat
This class includes:
operation of slaughterhouses engaged in killing, dressing or packing meat: beef, pork,
poultry, lamb, rabbit, mutton, camel, etc.
production of fresh, chilled or frozen meat, in carcasses
production of fresh, chilled or frozen meat, in cuts
production of fresh, chilled or frozen meat, in individual portions
production of dried, salted or smoked meat
production of meat products:
sausages, salami, puddings, “andouillettes, saveloys, bolognas, pâtés, rillettes, boiled
This class also includes:
slaughtering and processing of whales on land or on specialized vessels
production of hides and skins originating from slaughterhouses, including fellmon-
rendering of lard and other edible fats of animal origin
processing of animal offal
production of pulled wool
production of feathers and down
This class excludes:
manufacture of prepared frozen meat and poultry dishes, see 1075
manufacture of soup containing meat, see 1079
wholesale trade of meat, see 4630
packaging of meat, see 8292
102 Processing and preserving of fish, crustaceans and molluscs
See class 1020.
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 488
1020 Processing and preserving of fish, crustaceans and molluscs
This class includes:
preparation and preservation of fish, crustaceans and molluscs: freezing, deep-freez-
ing, drying, smoking, salting, immersing in brine, canning etc.
production of fish, crustacean and mollusc products: cooked fish, fish fillets, roes, cav-
iar, caviar substitutes etc.
production of fishmeal for human consumption or animal feed
production of meals and solubles from fish and other aquatic animals unfit for human
This class also includes:
activities of vessels engaged only in the processing and preserving of fish
processing of seaweed
This class excludes:
processing of whales on land or specialized vessels, see 1010
production of oils and fats from marine material, see 1040
manufacture of prepared frozen fish dishes, see 1075
manufacture of fish soups, see 1079
103 Processing and preserving of fruit and vegetables
See class 1030.
1030 Processing and preserving of fruit and vegetables
This class includes:
manufacture of food consisting chiefly of fruit or vegetables, except ready-made dishes
in frozen or canned form
preserving of fruit, nuts or vegetables: freezing, drying, immersing in oil or in vinegar,
canning etc.
manufacture of fruit or vegetable food products
manufacture of fruit or vegetable juices
manufacture of jams, marmalades and table jellies
processing and preserving of potatoes:
manufacture of prepared frozen potatoes
manufacture of dehydrated mashed potatoes
manufacture of potato flour and meal
roasting of nuts
manufacture of nut foods and pastes
This class also includes:
industrial peeling of potatoes
production of concentrates from fresh fruits and vegetables
manufacture of perishable prepared foods of fruit and vegetables, such as:
peeled or cut vegetables
tofu (bean curd)
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 89
This class excludes:
manufacture of flour or meal of dried leguminous vegetables, see 1061
preservation of fruit and nuts in sugar, see 1073
manufacture of prepared vegetable dishes, see 1075
manufacture of artificial concentrates, see 1079
104 Manufacture of vegetable and animal oils and fats
See class 1040.
1040 Manufacture of vegetable and animal oils and fats
This class includes the manufacture of crude and refined oils and fats from vegetable or
animal materials, except rendering or refining of lard and other edible animal fats.
This class includes:
manufacture of crude vegetable oils: olive oil, soya-bean oil, palm oil, sunflower-seed
oil, cotton-seed oil, rape, colza or mustard oil, linseed oil etc.
manufacture of non-defatted flour or meal of oilseeds, oil nuts or oil kernels
manufacture of refined vegetable oils: olive oil, soya-bean oil etc.
processing of vegetable oils: blowing, boiling, dehydration, hydrogenation etc.
manufacture of margarine
manufacture of melanges and similar spreads
manufacture of compound cooking fats
This class also includes:
manufacture of non-edible animal oils and fats
extraction of fish and marine mammal oils
production of cotton linters, oilcakes and other residual products of oil production
This class excludes:
rendering and refining of lard and other edible animal fats, see 1010
wet corn milling, see 1062
production of essential oils, see 2029
treatment of oil and fats by chemical processes, see 2029
105 Manufacture of dairy products
See class 1050.
1050 Manufacture of dairy products
This class includes:
manufacture of fresh liquid milk, pasteurized, sterilized, homogenized and/or ultra
heat treated
manufacture of milk-based drinks
manufacture of cream from fresh liquid milk, pasteurized, sterilized, homogenized
manufacture of dried or concentrated milk whether or not sweetened
manufacture of milk or cream in solid form
manufacture of butter
manufacture of yoghurt
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 490
manufacture of cheese and curd
manufacture of whey
manufacture of casein or lactose
manufacture of ice cream and other edible ice such as sorbet
This class excludes:
production of raw milk (cattle), see 0141
production of raw milk (camels, etc.), see 0143
production of raw milk (sheep, goats, horses, asses, etc.), see 0144
manufacture of non-dairy milk and cheese substitutes, see 1079
activities of ice cream parlours, see 5610
106 Manufacture of grain mill products, starches and starch products
This group includes the milling of flour or meal from grains or vegetables, the milling,
cleaning and polishing of rice, as well as the manufacture of flour mixes or doughs from
these products. Also included in this group are the wet milling of corn and vegetables and
the manufacture of starch and starch products.
1061 Manufacture of grain mill products
This class includes:
grain milling: production of flour, groats, meal or pellets of wheat, rye, oats, maize
(corn) or other cereal grains
rice milling: production of husked, milled, polished, glazed, parboiled or converted
rice; production of rice flour
vegetable milling: production of flour or meal of dried leguminous vegetables, of roots
or tubers, or of edible nuts
manufacture of cereal breakfast foods
manufacture of flour mixes and prepared blended flour and dough for bread, cakes,
biscuits or pancakes
This class excludes:
manufacture of potato flour and meal, see 1030
wet corn milling, see 1062
1062 Manufacture of starches and starch products
This class includes:
manufacture of starches from rice, potatoes, maize etc.
wet corn milling
manufacture of glucose, glucose syrup, maltose, inulin etc.
manufacture of gluten
manufacture of tapioca and tapioca substitutes prepared from starch
manufacture of corn oil
This class excludes:
manufacture of lactose (milk sugar), see 1050
production of cane or beet sugar, see 1072
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 91
107 Manufacture of other food products
This group includes the production of a variety of food products not included in previous
groups of this division. This includes the production of bakery products, sugar and con-
fectionery, macaroni, noodles and similar products, prepared meals and dishes, coffee,
tea and spices, as well as perishable and specialty food products.
1071 Manufacture of bakery products
This class includes the manufacture of fresh, frozen or dry bakery products.
This class includes:
manufacture of bread and rolls
manufacture of fresh pastry, cakes, pies, tarts etc.
manufacture of rusks, biscuits and other dry bakery products
manufacture of preserved pastry goods and cakes
manufacture of snack products (cookies, crackers, pretzels etc.), whether sweet or
manufacture of tortillas
manufacture of frozen bakery products: pancakes, waffles, rolls etc.
This class excludes:
manufacture of farinaceous products (pastas), see 1074
manufacture of potato snacks, see 1030
heating up of bakery items for immediate consumption, see division 56
1072 Manufacture of sugar
This class includes:
manufacture or refining of sugar (sucrose) and sugar substitutes from the juice of cane,
beet, maple and palm
manufacture of sugar syrups
manufacture of molasses
production of maple syrup and sugar
This class excludes:
manufacture of glucose, glucose syrup, maltose, see 1062
1073 Manufacture of cocoa, chocolate and sugar confectionery
This class includes:
manufacture of cocoa, cocoa butter, cocoa fat, cocoa oil
manufacture of chocolate and chocolate confectionery
manufacture of sugar confectionery: caramels, cachous, nougats, fondant, white choc-
manufacture of chewing gum
preserving in sugar of fruit, nuts, fruit peels and other parts of plants
manufacture of confectionery lozenges and pastilles
This class excludes:
manufacture of sucrose sugar, see 1072
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 492
1074 Manufacture of macaroni, noodles, couscous and similar farinaceous products
This class includes:
manufacture of pastas such as macaroni and noodles, whether or not cooked or
manufacture of couscous
manufacture of canned or frozen pasta products
This class excludes:
manufacture of prepared couscous dishes, see 1075
manufacture of soup containing pasta, see 1079
1075 Manufacture of prepared meals and dishes
This class includes the manufacture of ready-made (i.e. prepared, seasoned and cooked)
meals and dishes. These dishes are processed to preserve them, such as in frozen or
canned form, and are usually packaged and labeled for re-sale, i.e. this class does not
include the preparation of meals for immediate consumption, such as in restaurants. To
be considered a dish, these foods have to contain at least two distinct main ingredients
(except seasonings etc.).
This class includes:
manufacture of meat or poultry dishes
manufacture of fish dishes, including fish and chips
manufacture of prepared dishes of vegetables
manufacture of canned stews and vacuum-prepared meals
manufacture of other prepared meals (such as TV dinners”, etc.)
manufacture of frozen or otherwise preserved pizza
This class excludes:
manufacture of fresh foods or foods with only one main ingredient, see division 10
preparation of meals and dishes for immediate consumption, see division 56
activities of food service contractors, see 5629
1079 Manufacture of other food products n.e.c.
This class includes:
decaffeinating and roasting of coffee
production of coffee products:
ground coffee
soluble coffee
extracts and concentrates of coffee
manufacture of coffee substitutes
blending of tea and maté
manufacture of extracts and preparations based on tea or maté
manufacture of soups and broths
manufacture of special foods, such as:
infant formula
follow up milks and other follow up foods
baby foods
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 93
foods containing homogenized ingredients
manufacture of spices, sauces and condiments:
mustard flour and meal
prepared mustard etc.
manufacture of vinegar
manufacture of artificial honey and caramel
manufacture of perishable prepared foods, such as:
fresh (uncooked) pizza
This class also includes:
manufacture of herb infusions (mint, vervain, chamomile etc.)
manufacture of yeast
manufacture of extracts and juices of meat, fish, crustaceans or molluscs
manufacture of non-dairy milk and cheese substitutes
manufacture of egg products, egg albumin
processing of salt into food-grade salt, e.g. iodized salt
manufacture of artificial concentrates
This class excludes:
growing of spice crops, see 0128
manufacture of inulin, see 1062
manufacture of perishable prepared foods of fruit and vegetables (e.g. salads, peeled veg-
etables, bean curd), see 1030
manufacture of frozen pizza, see 1075
manufacture of spirits, beer, wine and soft drinks, see division 11
preparation of botanical products for pharmaceutical use, see 2100
108 Manufacture of prepared animal feeds
See class 1080.
1080 Manufacture of prepared animal feeds
This class includes:
manufacture of prepared feeds for pets, including dogs, cats, birds, fish etc.
manufacture of prepared feeds for farm animals, including animal feed concentrates
and feed supplements
preparation of unmixed (single) feeds for farm animals
This class also includes:
treatment of slaughter waste to produce animal feeds
This class excludes:
production of fishmeal for animal feed, see 1020
production of oilseed cake, see 1040
activities resulting in by-products usable as animal feed without special treatment, e.g.
oilseeds (see 1040), grain milling residues (see 1061) etc.
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 494
11 Manufacture of beverages
This division includes the manufacture of beverages, such as nonalcoholic beverages and
mineral water, manufacture of alcoholic beverages mainly through fermentation, beer
and wine, and the manufacture of distilled alcoholic beverages.
This division excludes the production of fruit and vegetable juices (see class 1030), the
manufacture of milk-based drinks (see class 1050) and the manufacture of coffee, tea and
maté products (see class 1079).
110 Manufacture of beverages
See division 11.
1101 Distilling, rectifying and blending of spirits
This class includes:
manufacture of distilled, potable, alcoholic beverages: whisky, brandy, gin, liqueurs,
“mixed drinks” etc.
blending of distilled spirits
production of neutral spirits
This class excludes:
manufacture of ethyl alcohol, see 2011
manufacture of non-distilled alcoholic beverages, see 1102, 1103
merely bottling and labeling, see 4630 (if performed as part of wholesale) and 8292 (if per-
formed on a fee or contract basis)
1102 Manufacture of wines
This class includes:
manufacture of wine
manufacture of sparkling wine
manufacture of wine from concentrated grape must
manufacture of fermented but not distilled alcoholic beverages: sake, cider, perry,
mead, other fruit wines and mixed beverages containing alcohol
manufacture of vermouth and the like
This class also includes:
blending of wine
manufacture of low or non-alcoholic wine
This class excludes:
manufacture of vinegar, see 1079
merely bottling and labeling, see 4630 (if performed as part of wholesale) and 8292 (if per-
formed on a fee or contract basis)
1103 Manufacture of malt liquors and malt
This class includes:
manufacture of malt liquors, such as beer, ale, porter and stout
manufacture of malt
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 95
This class also includes:
manufacture of low alcohol or non-alcoholic beer
1104 Manufacture of soft drinks; production of mineral waters and other bottled
This class includes:
manufacture of non-alcoholic beverages, except non-alcoholic beer and wine
production of natural mineral waters and other bottled waters
manufacture of soft drinks:
non-alcoholic flavoured and/or sweetened waters: lemonade, orangeade, cola, fruit
drinks, tonic waters etc.
This class excludes:
production of fruit and vegetable juice, see 1030
manufacture of milk-based drinks, see 1050
manufacture of coffee, tea and maté products, see 1079
manufacture of alcohol-based drinks, see 1101, 1102, 1103
manufacture of non-alcoholic wine, see 1102
manufacture of non-alcoholic beer, see 1103
merely bottling and labeling, see 4630 (if performed as part of wholesale) and 8292 (if per-
formed on a fee or contract basis)
12 Manufacture of tobacco products
This division includes the processing of an agricultural product, tobacco, into a form suit-
able for final consumption.
120 Manufacture of tobacco products
See class 1200.
1200 Manufacture of tobacco products
This class includes:
manufacture of tobacco products and products of tobacco substitutes: cigarettes, cig-
arette tobacco, cigars, pipe tobacco, chewing tobacco, snuff
manufacture of “homogenized” or “reconstituted” tobacco
This class also includes:
stemming and redrying of tobacco
This class excludes:
growing or preliminary processing of tobacco, see 0115, 0163
13 Manufacture of textiles
This division includes preparation and spinning of textile fibres as well as textile weaving,
finishing of textiles and wearing apparel, manufacture of made-up textile articles, except
apparel (e.g. household linen, blankets, rugs, cordage etc.). Growing of natural fibres is
covered under division 01, while manufacture of synthetic fibres is a chemical process
classified in class 2030. Manufacture of wearing apparel is covered in division 14.
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 496
131 Spinning, weaving and finishing of textiles
This group includes the manufacture of textiles, including preparatory operations, the
spinning of textile fibres and the weaving of textiles. This can be done from varying raw
materials, such as silk, wool, other animal, vegetable or man-made fibres, paper or glass
Also included in this group is the finishing of textiles and wearing apparel, i.e. bleaching,
dyeing, dressing and similar activities.
1311 Preparation and spinning of textile fibres
This class includes:
preparatory operations on textile fibres:
reeling and washing of silk
degreasing and carbonizing of wool and dyeing of wool fleece
carding and combing of all kinds of animal, vegetable and man-made fibres
spinning and manufacture of yarn or thread for weaving or sewing, for the trade or for
further processing:
texturizing, twisting, folding, cabling and dipping of synthetic or artificial filament
This class also includes:
manufacture of paper yarn
This class excludes:
preparatory operations carried out in combination with agriculture or farming, see divi-
sion 01
retting of plants bearing vegetable textile fibres (jute, flax, coir etc.), see 0116
cotton ginning, see 0163
manufacture of synthetic or artificial fibres and tows, manufacture of single yarns (includ-
ing high-tenacity yarn and yarn for carpets) of synthetic or artificial fibres, see 2030
manufacture of glass fibres, see 2310
1312 Weaving of textiles
This class includes:
manufacture of broad woven cotton-type, woollen-type, worsted-type or silk-type fab-
rics, including from mixtures or artificial or synthetic yarns
manufacture of other broad woven fabrics, using flax, ramie, hemp, jute, bast fibres
and special yarns
This class also includes:
manufacture of woven pile or chenille fabrics, terry towelling, gauze etc.
manufacture of woven fabrics of glass fibres
manufacture of woven fabrics of carbon and aramid threads
manufacture of imitation fur by weaving
This class excludes:
manufacture of knitted and crocheted fabrics, see 1391
manufacture of textile floor coverings, see 1393
manufacture of non-woven fabrics and felts, see 1399
manufacture of narrow fabrics, see 1399
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 97
1313 Finishing of textiles
This class includes:
bleaching and dyeing of textile fibres, yarns, fabrics and textile articles, including wear-
ing apparel
dressing, drying, steaming, shrinking, mending, Sanforizing, mercerizing of textiles
and textile articles, including wearing apparel
This class also includes:
bleaching of jeans
pleating and similar work on textiles
waterproofing, coating, rubberizing or impregnating of garments
silk-screen printing on textiles and wearing apparel
This class excludes:
manufacture of textile fabric impregnated, coated, covered or laminated with rubber,
where rubber is the chief constituent, see 2219
139 Manufacture of other textiles
This group includes the manufacture of products produced from textiles, except wearing
apparel, such as made-up textile articles, carpets and rugs, rope, narrow woven fabrics,
trimmings etc.
1391 Manufacture of knitted and crocheted fabrics
This class includes:
manufacture and processing of knitted or crocheted fabrics:
pile and terry fabrics
net and window furnishing type fabrics knitted on Raschel or similar machines
other knitted or crocheted fabrics
This class also includes:
manufacture of imitation fur by knitting
This class excludes:
manufacture of net and window furnishing type fabrics of lace knitted on Raschel or similar
machines, see 1399
manufacture of knitted and crocheted apparel, see 1430
1392 Manufacture of made-up textile articles, except apparel
This class includes:
manufacture, of made-up articles of any textile material, including of knitted or cro-
cheted fabrics:
blankets, including travelling rugs
bed, table, toilet or kitchen linen
quilts, eiderdowns, cushions, pouffes, pillows, sleeping bags etc.
manufacture of made-up furnishing articles:
curtains, valances, blinds, bedspreads, furniture or machine covers etc.
tarpaulins, tents, camping goods, sails, sunblinds, loose covers for cars, machines or
furniture etc.
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 498
flags, banners, pennants etc.
dust cloths, dishcloths and similar articles, life jackets, parachutes etc.
This class also includes:
manufacture of the textile part of electric blankets
manufacture of hand-woven tapestries
manufacture of tire covers
This class excludes:
manufacture of textile articles for technical use, see 1399
1393 Manufacture of carpets and rugs
This class includes:
manufacture of textile floor coverings:
carpets, rugs and mats, tiles
This class also includes:
manufacture of needle-loom felt floor coverings
This class excludes:
manufacture of mats and matting of plaiting materials, see 1629
manufacture of floor coverings of cork, see 1629
manufacture of resilient floor coverings, such as vinyl, linoleum, see 2220
1394 Manufacture of cordage, rope, twine and netting
This class includes:
manufacture of twine, cordage, rope and cables of textile fibres or strip or the like,
whether or not impregnated, coated, covered or sheathed with rubber or plastics
manufacture of knotted netting of twine, cordage or rope
manufacture of products of rope or netting: fishing nets, ships’ fenders, unloading
cushions, loading slings, rope or cable fitted with metal rings etc.
This class excludes:
manufacture of hairnets, see 1410
manufacture of wire rope, see 2599
1399 Manufacture of other textiles n.e.c.
This class includes all activities related to the manufacture of textiles or textile products,
not specified elsewhere in division 13 or 14, involving a large number of processes and a
great variety of goods produced.
This class includes:
manufacture of narrow woven fabrics, including fabrics consisting of warp without
weft assembled by means of an adhesive
manufacture of labels, badges etc.
manufacture of ornamental trimmings: braids, tassels, pompons etc.
manufacture of felt
manufacture of tulles and other net fabrics, and of lace and embroidery, in the piece,
in strips or in motifs
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 99
manufacture of fabrics impregnated, coated, covered or laminated with plastics
manufacture of metallized yarn or gimped yarn, rubber thread and cord covered with
textile material, textile yarn or strip covered, impregnated, coated or sheathed with
rubber or plastics
manufacture of tyre cord fabric of high-tenacity man-made yarn
manufacture of other treated or coated fabrics: tracing cloth, canvas prepared for use
by painters, buckram and similar stiffened textile fabrics, fabrics coated with gum or
amylaceous substances
manufacture of diverse textile articles: textile wicks, incandescent gas mantles and
tubular gas mantle fabric, hosepiping, transmission or conveyor belts or belting
(whether or not reinforced with metal or other material), bolting cloth, straining cloth
manufacture of automotive trimmings
manufacture of pressure sensitive cloth-tape
manufacture of artists’ canvas boards and tracing cloth
manufacture of shoe-lace, of textiles
manufacture of powder puffs and mitts
This class excludes:
manufacture of needle-loom felt floor coverings, see 1393
manufacture of textile wadding and articles of wadding: sanitary towels, tampons etc., see
manufacture of transmission or conveyor belts of textile fabric, yarn or cord impregnated,
coated, covered or laminated with rubber, where rubber is the chief constituent, see 2219
manufacture of plates or sheets of cellular rubber or plastic combined with textiles for rein-
forcing purposes only, see 2219, 2220
manufacture of cloth of woven metal wire, see 2599
14 Manufacture of wearing apparel
This division includes all tailoring (ready-to-wear or made-to-measure), in all materials
(e.g. leather, fabric, knitted and crocheted fabrics etc.), of all items of clothing (e.g. out-
erwear, underwear for men, women or children; work, city or casual clothing etc.) and
accessories. There is no distinction made between clothing for adults and clothing for
children, or between modern and traditional clothing. Division 14 also includes the fur
industry (fur skins and wearing apparel).
141 Manufacture of wearing apparel, except fur apparel
See class 1410.
1410 Manufacture of wearing apparel, except fur apparel
This class includes the manufacture of wearing apparel. The material used may be of any
kind (see below for exceptions) and may be coated, impregnated or rubberized.
This class includes:
manufacture of wearing apparel made of leather or composition leather, including
leather industrial work accessories such as welder’s leather aprons
manufacture of work wear
manufacture of other outerwear made of woven, knitted or crocheted fabric, non-
wovens etc. for men, women and children:
coats, suits, ensembles, jackets, trousers, skirts etc.
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4100
manufacture of underwear and nightwear made of woven, knitted or crocheted fabric,
lace etc. for men, women and children:
shirts, T-shirts, underpants, briefs, pyjamas, nightdresses, dressing gowns, blouses,
slips, brassieres, corsets etc.
manufacture of babies’ garments, tracksuits, ski suits, swimwear etc.
manufacture of hats and caps
manufacture of other clothing accessories: gloves, belts, shawls, ties, cravats, hairnets
This class also includes:
custom tailoring
manufacture of headgear of fur skins
manufacture of footwear of textile material without applied soles
manufacture of parts of the products listed
This class excludes:
manufacture of wearing apparel of fur skins (except headgear), see 1420
manufacture of footwear, see 1520
manufacture of wearing apparel of rubber or plastics not assembled by stitching but merely
sealed together, see 2219, 2220
manufacture of leather sports gloves and sports headgear, see 3230
manufacture of safety headgear (except sports headgear), see 3290
manufacture of fire-resistant and protective safety clothing, see 3290
repair of wearing apparel, see 9529
142 Manufacture of articles of fur
See class 1420.
1420 Manufacture of articles of fur
This class includes:
manufacture of articles made of fur skins:
fur wearing apparel and clothing accessories
assemblies of fur skins such as dropped” fur skins, plates, mats, strips etc.
diverse articles of fur skins: rugs, unstuffed pouffes, industrial polishing cloths
This class excludes:
production of raw fur skins, see groups 014 and 017
production of raw hides and skins, see 1010
manufacture of imitation furs (long-hair cloth obtained by weaving or knitting), see 1312,
manufacture of fur hats, see 1410
manufacture of apparel trimmed with fur, see 1410
dressing and dyeing of fur, see 1511
manufacture of boots or shoes containing fur parts, see 1520
143 Manufacture of knitted and crocheted apparel
See class 1430.
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 101
1430 Manufacture of knitted and crocheted apparel
This class includes:
manufacture of knitted or crocheted wearing apparel and other made-up articles
directly into shape: pullovers, cardigans, jerseys, waistcoats and similar articles
manufacture of hosiery, including socks, tights and pantyhose
This class excludes:
manufacture of knitted and crocheted fabrics, see 1391
15 Manufacture of leather and related products
This division includes dressing and dyeing of fur and the transformation of hides into
leather by tanning or curing and fabricating the leather into products for final consump-
tion. It also includes the manufacture of similar products from other materials (imitation
leathers or leather substitutes), such as rubber footwear, textile luggage etc. The products
made from leather substitutes are included here, since they are made in ways similar to
those in which leather products are made (e.g. luggage) and are often produced in the
same unit.
151 Tanning and dressing of leather; manufacture of luggage, handbags, saddlery
and harness; dressing and dyeing of fur
This group includes the manufacture of leather and fur and products thereof.
1511 Tanning and dressing of leather; dressing and dyeing of fur
This class includes:
tanning, dyeing and dressing of hides and skins
manufacture of chamois dressed, parchment dressed, patent or metallized leathers
manufacture of composition leather
scraping, shearing, plucking, currying, tanning, bleaching and dyeing of fur skins and
hides with the hair on
This class excludes:
production of hides and skins as part of ranching, see group 014
production of hides and skins as part of slaughtering, see 1010
manufacture of leather apparel, see 1410
manufacture of imitation leather not based on natural leather, see 2219, 2220
1512 Manufacture of luggage, handbags and the like, saddlery and harness
This class includes:
manufacture of luggage, handbags and the like, of leather, composition leather or any
other material, such as plastic sheeting, textile materials, vulcanized fibre or paper-
board, where the same technology is used as for leather
manufacture of saddlery and harness
manufacture of non-metallic watch bands (e.g. fabric, leather, plastic)
manufacture of diverse articles of leather or composition leather: driving belts, pack-
ings etc.
manufacture of shoe-lace, of leather
manufacture of horse whips and riding crops
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4102
This class excludes:
manufacture of leather wearing apparel, see 1410
manufacture of leather gloves and hats, see 1410
manufacture of footwear, see 1520
manufacture of saddles for bicycles, see 3092
manufacture of precious metal watch bands, see 3211
manufacture of non-precious metal watch bands, see 3212
manufacture of linemens safety belts and other belts for occupational use, see 3290
152 Manufacture of footwear
See class 1520.
1520 Manufacture of footwear
This class includes:
manufacture of footwear for all purposes, of any material, by any process, including
moulding (see below for exceptions)
manufacture of leather parts of footwear: manufacture of uppers and parts of uppers,
outer and inner soles, heels etc.
manufacture of gaiters, leggings and similar articles
This class excludes:
manufacture of footwear of textile material without applied soles, see 1410
manufacture of wooden shoe parts (e.g. heels and lasts), see 1629
manufacture of rubber boot and shoe heels and soles and other rubber footwear parts,
see 2219
manufacture of plastic footwear parts, see 2220
manufacture of ski-boots, see 3230
manufacture of orthopedic shoes, see 3250
16 Manufacture of wood and of products of wood and cork, except furniture;
manufacture of articles of straw and plaiting materials
This division includes the manufacture of wood products, such as lumber, plywood,
veneers, wood containers, wood flooring, wood trusses, and prefabricated wood build-
ings. The production processes include sawing, planing, shaping, laminating, and assem-
bling of wood products starting from logs that are cut into bolts, or lumber that may then
be cut further, or shaped by lathes or other shaping tools. The lumber or other trans-
formed wood shapes may also be subsequently planed or smoothed, and assembled into
finished products, such as wood containers.
With the exception of sawmilling, this division is subdivided mainly based on the specific
products manufactured.
This division does not include the manufacture of furniture (3100), or the installation of
wooden fittings and the like (4330).
161 Sawmilling and planing of wood
See class 1610.
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 103
1610 Sawmilling and planing of wood
This class includes:
sawing, planing and machining of wood
slicing, peeling or chipping logs
manufacture of wooden railway sleepers
manufacture of unassembled wooden flooring
manufacture of wood wool, wood flour, chips, particles
This class also includes:
drying of wood
impregnation or chemical treatment of wood with preservatives or other materials
This class excludes:
logging and production of wood in the rough, see 0220
manufacture of veneer sheets thin enough for use in plywood, boards and panels, see
manufacture of shingles and shakes, beadings and mouldings, see 1622
162 Manufacture of products of wood, cork, straw and plaiting materials
This group includes the manufacture of products of wood, cork, straw or plaiting materi-
als, including basic shapes as well as assembled products.
1621 Manufacture of veneer sheets and wood-based panels
This class includes:
manufacture of veneer sheets thin enough to be used for veneering, making plywood
or other purposes:
smoothed, dyed, coated, impregnated, reinforced (with paper or fabric backing)
made in the form of motifs
manufacture of plywood, veneer panels and similar laminated wood boards and
manufacture of particle board and fibreboard
manufacture of densified wood
manufacture of glue laminated wood, laminated veneer wood
1622 Manufacture of builders’ carpentry and joinery
This class includes:
manufacture of wooden goods intended to be used primarily in the construction
beams, rafters, roof struts
glue-laminated or metal connected prefabricated wooden roof trusses
doors, windows, shutters and their frames, whether or not containing metal fittings,
such as hinges, locks etc.
stairs, railings
wooden beadings and mouldings, shingles and shakes
parquet floor blocks, strips etc., assembled into panels
manufacture of prefabricated buildings, or elements thereof, predominantly of wood
manufacture of mobile homes
manufacture of wood partitions (except free standing)
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4104
This class excludes:
manufacture of unassembled wooden flooring, see 1610
manufacture of kitchen cabinets, bookcases, wardrobes etc., see 3100
manufacture of wood partitions, free standing, see 3100
1623 Manufacture of wooden containers
This class includes:
manufacture of packing cases, boxes, crates, drums and similar packings of wood
manufacture of pallets, box pallets and other load boards of wood
manufacture of barrels, vats, tubs and other coopers’ products of wood
manufacture of wooden cable-drums
This class excludes:
manufacture of luggage, see 1512
manufacture of cases of plaiting material, see 1629
1629 Manufacture of other products of wood; manufacture of articles of cork, straw
and plaiting materials
This class includes:
manufacture of various wood products:
wooden handles and bodies for tools, brooms, brushes
wooden boot or shoe parts (e.g. heels)
wooden boot or shoe lasts and trees
wooden clothes hangers
wooden mirror and picture frames
wooden frames for artists’ canvases
household utensils and kitchenware of wood
wooden statuettes and ornaments, wood marquetry, inlaid wood
wooden cases for jewellery, cutlery and similar articles
wooden spools, cops, bobbins, sewing thread reels and similar articles of turned
wooden handles for umbrellas, canes and similar
wooden blocks for the manufacture of smoking pipes
other articles of wood
natural cork processing, manufacture of agglomerated cork
manufacture of articles of natural or agglomerated cork, including floor coverings
manufacture of plaits and products of plaiting materials: mats, matting, screens, cases
manufacture of basket-ware and wickerwork
manufacture of fire logs, made of pressed wood or substitute materials like coffee or
soybean grounds
This class excludes:
manufacture of mats or matting of textile materials, see 1392
manufacture of luggage, see 1512
manufacture of wooden footwear, see 1520
manufacture of matches, see 2029
manufacture of clock cases, see 2652
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 105
manufacture of wooden spools and bobbins that are part of textile machinery, see 2826
manufacture of furniture, see 3100
manufacture of wooden toys, see 3240
manufacture of cork life preservers, see 3290
manufacture of brushes and brooms, see 3290
manufacture of caskets, see 3290
17 Manufacture of paper and paper products
This division includes the manufacture of pulp, paper and converted paper products. The
manufacture of these products is grouped together because they constitute a series of
vertically connected processes. More than one activity is often carried out in a single unit.
There are essentially three activities: The manufacture of pulp involves separating the
cellulose fibers from other impurities in wood or used paper. The manufacture of paper
involves matting these fibers into a sheet. Converted paper products are made from
paper and other materials by various cutting and shaping techniques, including coating
and laminating activities. The paper articles may be printed (e.g. wallpaper, gift wrap etc.),
as long as the printing of information is not the main purpose.
The production of pulp, paper and paperboard in bulk is included in class 1701, while the
remaining classes include the production of further-processed paper and paper prod-
170 Manufacture of paper and paper products
See division 17.
1701 Manufacture of pulp, paper and paperboard
This class includes:
manufacture of bleached, semi-bleached or unbleached paper pulp by mechanical,
chemical (dissolving or non-dissolving) or semi-chemical processes
manufacture of cotton-linters pulp
removal of ink and manufacture of pulp from waste paper
manufacture of paper and paperboard intended for further industrial processing
This class also includes:
further processing of paper and paperboard:
coating, covering and impregnating of paper and paperboard
manufacture of crêped or crinkled paper
manufacture of laminates and foils, if laminated with paper or paperboard
manufacture of handmade paper
manufacture of newsprint and other printing or writing paper
manufacture of cellulose wadding and webs of cellulose fibres
manufacture of carbon paper or stencil paper in rolls or large sheets
This class excludes:
manufacture of corrugated paper and paperboard, see 1702
manufacture of further-processed articles of paper, paperboard or pulp, see 1709
manufacture of coated or impregnated paper, where the coating or impregnant is the main
ingredient, see class in which the manufacture of the coating or impregnant is classified
manufacture of abrasive paper, see 2399
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4106
1702 Manufacture of corrugated paper and paperboard and of containers of paper
and paperboard
This class includes:
manufacture of corrugated paper and paperboard
manufacture of containers of corrugated paper or paperboard
manufacture of folding paperboard containers
manufacture of containers of solid board
manufacture of other containers of paper and paperboard
manufacture of sacks and bags of paper
manufacture of office box files and similar articles
This class excludes:
manufacture of envelopes, see 1709
manufacture of moulded or pressed articles of paper pulp (e.g. boxes for packing eggs,
moulded pulp paper plates), see 1709
1709 Manufacture of other articles of paper and paperboard
This class includes:
manufacture of household and personal hygiene paper and cellulose wadding prod-
cleansing tissues
handkerchiefs, towels, serviettes
toilet paper
sanitary towels and tampons, napkins and napkin liners for babies
cups, dishes and trays
manufacture of textile wadding and articles of wadding: sanitary towels, tampons etc.
manufacture of printing and writing paper ready for use
manufacture of computer printout paper ready for use
manufacture of self-copy paper ready for use
manufacture of duplicator stencils and carbon paper ready for use
manufacture of gummed or adhesive paper ready for use
manufacture of envelopes and letter-cards
manufacture of registers, accounting books, binders, albums and similar educational
and commercial stationery
manufacture of boxes, pouches, wallets and writing compendiums containing an
assortment of paper stationery
manufacture of wallpaper and similar wall coverings, including vinyl-coated and tex-
tile wallpaper
manufacture of labels
manufacture of filter paper and paperboard
manufacture of paper and paperboard bobbins, spools, cops etc.
manufacture of egg trays and other moulded pulp packaging products etc.
manufacture of paper novelties
This class excludes:
manufacture of paper or paperboard in bulk, see 1701
printing on paper products, see 1811
manufacture of playing cards, see 3240
manufacture of games and toys of paper or paperboard, see 3240
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 107
18 Printing and reproduction of recorded media
This division includes printing of products, such as newspapers, books, periodicals, busi-
ness forms, greeting cards, and other materials, and associated support activities, such as
bookbinding, plate-making services, and data imaging. The support activities included
here are an integral part of the printing industry, and a product (a printing plate, a bound
book, or a computer disk or file) that is an integral part of the printing industry is almost
always provided by these operations.
Processes used in printing include a variety of methods for transferring an image from a
plate, screen, or computer file to a medium, such as paper, plastics, metal, textile articles,
or wood. The most prominent of these methods entails the transfer of the image from
a plate or screen to the medium through lithographic, gravure, screen or flexographic
printing. Often a computer file is used to directly ‘’drive’ the printing mechanism to
create the image or electrostatic and other types of equipment (digital or non-impact
Though printing and publishing can be carried out by the same unit (a newspaper, for
example), it is less and less the case that these distinct activities are carried out in the
same physical location.
This division also includes the reproduction of recorded media, such as compact discs,
video recordings, software on discs or tapes, records etc.
This division excludes publishing activities (see section J).
181 Printing and service activities related to printing
This group includes printing of products, such as newspapers, books, periodicals, busi-
ness forms, greeting cards, and other materials, and associated support activities, such
as bookbinding, plate-making services, and data imaging. Printing can be done using
various techniques and on different materials.
1811 Printing
This class includes:
printing of newspapers, magazines and other periodicals, books and brochures, music
and music manuscripts, maps, atlases, posters, advertising catalogues, prospectuses
and other printed advertising, postage stamps, taxation stamps, documents of title,
cheques and other security papers, diaries, calendars, business forms and other com-
mercial printed matter, personal stationery and other printed matter by letterpress,
offset, photogravure, flexographic and other printing presses, duplication machines,
computer printers, embossers etc., including quick printing
printing directly onto textiles, plastic, glass, metal, wood and ceramics (except silk-
screen printing on textiles and wearing apparel)
The material printed is typically copyrighted.
This class also includes:
printing on labels or tags (lithographic, gravure printing, flexographic printing, other)
This class excludes:
silk-screen printing on textiles and wearing apparel, see 1313
manufacture of paper articles, such as binders, see 1709
publishing of printed matter, see group 581
photocopying of documents, see 8219
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4108
1812 Service activities related to printing
This class includes:
binding of printed sheets, e.g. into books, brochures, magazines, catalogues etc., by
folding, assembling, stitching, glueing, collating, basting, adhesive binding, trimming,
gold stamping
composition, typesetting, phototypesetting, pre-press data input including scanning
and optical character recognition, electronic make-up
plate-making services including imagesetting and plate-setting (for the printing proc-
esses letterpress and offset)
engraving or etching of cylinders for gravure
plate processes direct to plate (also photopolymer plates)
preparation of plates and dies for relief stamping or printing
production of proofs
artistic work including preparation of litho stones and prepared woodblocks
production of reprographic products
design of printing products e.g. sketches, layouts, dummies etc.
other graphic activities such as die-sinking or die-stamping, Braille copying, punching
and drilling, embossing, varnishing and laminating, collating and insetting, creasing
182 Reproduction of recorded media
See class 1820.
1820 Reproduction of recorded media
This class includes:
reproduction from master copies of gramophone records, compact discs and tapes
with music or other sound recordings
reproduction from master copies of records, compact discs and tapes with motion pic-
tures and other video recordings
reproduction from master copies of software and data on discs and tapes
This class excludes:
reproduction of printed matter, see 1811
publishing of software, see 5820
production and distribution of motion pictures, video tapes and movies on DVD or similar
media, see 5911, 5912, 5913
reproduction of motion picture film for theatrical distribution, see 5912
production of master copies for records or audio material, see 5920
19 Manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products
This division includes the transformation of crude petroleum and coal into usable prod-
ucts. The dominant process is petroleum refining, which involves the separation of crude
petroleum into component products through such techniques as cracking and distilla-
tion. This division also includes the manufacture for own account of characteristic prod-
ucts (e.g. coke, butane, propane, petrol, kerosene, fuel oil etc.) as well as processing
services (e.g. custom refining).
This division includes the manufacture of gases such as ethane, propane and butane as
products of petroleum refineries.
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 109
Not included is the manufacture of such gases in other units (2011), manufacture of
industrial gases (2011), extraction of natural gas (methane, ethane, butane or propane)
(0600), and manufacture of fuel gas, other than petroleum gases (e.g. coal gas, water gas,
producer gas, gasworks gas) (35420).
The manufacture of petrochemicals from refined petroleum is classified in division 20.
191 Manufacture of coke oven products
See class 1910.
1910 Manufacture of coke oven products
This class includes:
operation of coke ovens
production of coke and semi-coke
production of pitch and pitch coke
production of coke oven gas
production of crude coal and lignite tars
agglomeration of coke
192 Manufacture of refined petroleum products
See class 1920.
1920 Manufacture of refined petroleum products
This class includes the manufacture of liquid or gaseous fuels or other products from
crude petroleum, bituminous minerals or their fractionation products. Petroleum refin-
ing involves one or more of the following activities: fractionation, straight distillation of
crude oil, and cracking.
This class includes:
production of motor fuel: gasoline, kerosene etc.
production of fuel: light, medium and heavy fuel oil, refinery gases such as ethane,
propane, butane etc.
manufacture of oil-based lubricating oils or greases, including from waste oil
manufacture of products for the petrochemical industry and for the manufacture of
road coverings
manufacture of various products: white spirit, Vaseline, paraffin wax, petroleum jelly
manufacture of hard-coal and lignite fuel briquettes
manufacture of petroleum briquettes
blending of biofuels, i.e. blending of alcohols with petroleum (e.g. gasohol)
20 Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products
This division includes the transformation of organic and inorganic raw materials by a
chemical process and the formation of products. It distinguishes the production of basic
chemicals that constitute the first industry group from the production of intermediate
and end products produced by further processing of basic chemicals that make up the
remaining industry classes.
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4110
201 Manufacture of basic chemicals, fertilizers and nitrogen compounds, plastics
and synthetic rubber in primary forms
This group includes the manufacture of basic chemical products, fertilizers and associ-
ated nitrogen compounds, as well as plastics and synthetic rubber in primary forms.
2011 Manufacture of basic chemicals
This class includes the manufacture of chemicals using basic processes, such as thermal
cracking and distillation. The output of these processes are usually separate chemical ele-
ments or separate chemically defined compounds.
This class includes:
manufacture of liquefied or compressed inorganic industrial or medical gases:
elemental gases
liquid or compressed air
refrigerant gases
mixed industrial gases
inert gases such as carbon dioxide
isolating gases
manufacture of dyes and pigments from any source in basic form or as concentrate
manufacture of chemical elements
manufacture of inorganic acids except nitric acid
manufacture of alkalis, lyes and other inorganic bases except ammonia
manufacture of other inorganic compounds
manufacture of basic organic chemicals:
acyclic hydrocarbons, saturated and unsaturated
cyclic hydrocarbons, saturated and unsaturated
acyclic and cyclic alcohols
mono- and polycarboxylic acids, including acetic acid
other oxygen-function compounds, including aldehydes, ketones, quinones and
dual or poly oxygen-function compounds
synthetic glycerol
nitrogen-function organic compounds, including amines
fermentation of sugarcane, corn or similar to produce alcohol and esters
other organic compounds, including wood distillation products (e.g. charcoal) etc.
manufacture of distilled water
manufacture of synthetic aromatic products
roasting of iron pyrites
This class also includes:
manufacture of products of a kind used as fluorescent brightening agents or as lumi-
enrichment of uranium and thorium ores and production of fuel elements for nuclear
This class excludes:
extraction of methane, ethane, butane or propane, see 0620
manufacture of fuel gases such as ethane, butane or propane in a petroleum refinery,
see 1920
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 111
manufacture of nitrogenous fertilizers and nitrogen compounds, see 2012
manufacture of ammonia, see 2012
manufacture of ammonium chloride, see 2012
manufacture of nitrites and nitrates of potassium, see 2012
manufacture of ammonium carbonates, see 2012
manufacture of plastics in primary forms, see 2013
manufacture of synthetic rubber in primary forms, see 2013
manufacture of prepared dyes and pigments, see 2022
manufacture of crude glycerol, see 2023
manufacture of natural essential oils, see 2029
manufacture of aromatic distilled waters, see 2029
manufacture of salicylic and O-acetylsalicylic acids, see 2100
2012 Manufacture of fertilizers and nitrogen compounds
This class includes:
manufacture of fertilizers:
straight or complex nitrogenous, phosphatic or potassic fertilizers
urea, crude natural phosphates and crude natural potassium salts
manufacture of associated nitrogen products:
nitric and sulphonitric acids, ammonia, ammonium chloride, ammonium carbonate,
nitrites and nitrates of potassium
This class also includes:
manufacture of potting soil with peat as main constituent
manufacture of potting soil mixtures of natural soil, sand, clays and minerals
This class excludes:
mining of guano, see 0891
manufacture of agrochemical products, such as pesticides, see 2021
operation of compost dumps, see 3821
2013 Manufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary forms
This class includes the manufacture of resins, plastics materials and non-vulcanizable
thermoplastic elastomers, the mixing and blending of resins on a custom basis, as well as
the manufacture of non-customized synthetic resins.
This class includes:
manufacture of plastics in primary forms:
polymers, including those of ethylene, propylene, styrene, vinyl chloride, vinyl ace-
tate and acrylics
phenolic and epoxide resins and polyurethanes
alkyd and polyester resins and polyethers
ion-exchangers based on polymers
manufacture of synthetic rubber in primary forms:
synthetic rubber
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4112
manufacture of mixtures of synthetic rubber and natural rubber or rubber-like gums
(e.g. balata)
This class also includes:
manufacture of cellulose and its chemical derivatives
This class excludes:
manufacture of artificial and synthetic fibres, filaments and yarn, see 2030
shredding of plastic products, see 3830
202 Manufacture of other chemical products
This group includes the manufacture of chemical products other than basic chemicals and
man-made fibres. This includes the manufacture of a variety of goods such as pesticides,
paints and inks, soap, cleaning preparations, perfumes and toilet preparations, explosives
and pyrotechnic products, chemical preparations for photographic uses (including film
and sensitized paper), gelatins, composite diagnostic preparations etc.
2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical products
This class includes:
manufacture of insecticides, rodenticides, fungicides, herbicides
manufacture of anti-sprouting products, plant growth regulators
manufacture of disinfectants (for agricultural and other use)
manufacture of other agrochemical products n.e.c.
This class excludes:
manufacture of fertilizers and nitrogen compounds, see 2012
2022 Manufacture of paints, varnishes and similar coatings, printing ink and mastics
This class includes:
manufacture of paints and varnishes, enamels or lacquers
manufacture of prepared pigments and dyes, opacifiers and colours
manufacture of vitrifiable enamels and glazes and engobes and similar preparations
manufacture of mastics
manufacture of caulking compounds and similar non-refractory filling or surfacing
manufacture of organic composite solvents and thinners
manufacture of prepared paint or varnish removers
manufacture of printing ink
This class excludes:
manufacture of dyestuffs and pigments, see 2011
manufacture of writing and drawing ink, see 2029
2023 Manufacture of soap and detergents, cleaning and polishing preparations,
perfumes and toilet preparations
This class includes:
manufacture of organic surface-active agents
manufacture of soap
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 113
manufacture of paper, wadding, felt etc. coated or covered with soap or detergent
manufacture of crude glycerol
manufacture of surface-active preparations:
washing powders in solid or liquid form and detergents
dish-washing preparations
textile softeners
manufacture of cleaning and polishing products:
preparations for perfuming or deodorizing rooms
artificial waxes and prepared waxes
polishes and creams for leather
polishes and creams for wood
polishes for coachwork, glass and metal
scouring pastes and powders, including paper, wadding etc. coated or covered with
manufacture of perfumes and toilet preparations:
perfumes and toilet water
beauty and make-up preparations
sunburn prevention and suntan preparations
manicure and pedicure preparations
shampoos, hair lacquers, waving and straightening preparations
dentifrices and preparations for oral hygiene, including denture fixative prepara-
shaving preparations, including pre-shave and aftershave preparations
deodorants and bath salts
This class excludes:
manufacture of separate, chemically defined compounds, see 2011
manufacture of glycerol, synthesized from petroleum products, see 2011
extraction and refining of natural essential oils, see 2029
2029 Manufacture of other chemical products n.e.c.
This class includes:
manufacture of propellant powders
manufacture of explosives and pyrotechnic products, including percussion caps, deto-
nators, signalling flares etc.
manufacture of gelatine and its derivatives, glues and prepared adhesives, including
rubber-based glues and adhesives
manufacture of extracts of natural aromatic products
manufacture of resinoids
manufacture of aromatic distilled waters
manufacture of mixtures of odoriferous products for the manufacture of perfumes or
manufacture of photographic plates, films, sensitized paper and other sensitized unex-
posed materials
manufacture of chemical preparations for photographic uses
manufacture of various chemical products:
peptones, peptone derivatives, other protein substances and their derivatives n.e.c.
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4114
essential oils
chemically modified oils and fats
materials used in the finishing of textiles and leather
powders and pastes used in soldering, brazing or welding
substances used to pickle metal
prepared additives for cements
activated carbon, lubricating oil additives, prepared rubber accelerators, catalysts
and other chemical products for industrial use
anti-knock preparations, antifreeze preparations
composite diagnostic or laboratory reagents
This class also includes:
manufacture of writing and drawing ink
manufacture of matches
This class excludes:
manufacture of chemically defined products in bulk, see 2011
manufacture of distilled water, see 2011
manufacture of synthetic aromatic products, see 2011
manufacture of printing ink, see 2022
manufacture of perfumes and toilet preparations, see 2023
manufacture of asphalt-based adhesives, see 2399
203 Manufacture of man-made fibres
See class 2030.
2030 Manufacture of man-made fibres
This class includes:
manufacture of synthetic or artificial filament tow
manufacture of synthetic or artificial staple fibres, not carded, combed or otherwise
processed for spinning
manufacture of synthetic or artificial filament yarn, including high-tenacity yarn
manufacture of synthetic or artificial monofilament or strip
This class excludes:
spinning of synthetic or artificial fibres, see 1311
manufacture of yarns made of man-made staple, see 1311
21 Manufacture of basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical prepara-
This division includes the manufacture of basic pharmaceutical products and pharma-
ceutical preparations. This includes also the manufacture of medicinal chemical and
botanical products.
210 Manufacture of pharmaceuticals, medicinal chemical and botanical products
See class 2100.
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 115
2100 Manufacture of pharmaceuticals, medicinal chemical and botanical products
This class includes:
manufacture of medicinal active substances to be used for their pharmacological
properties in the manufacture of medicaments: antibiotics, basic vitamins, salicylic and
O-acetylsalicylic acids etc.
processing of blood
manufacture of medicaments:
antisera and other blood fractions
diverse medicaments, including homeopathic preparations
manufacture of chemical contraceptive products for external use and hormonal con-
traceptive medicaments
manufacture of medical diagnostic preparations, including pregnancy tests
manufacture of radioactive in-vivo diagnostic substances
manufacture of biotech pharmaceuticals
This class also includes:
manufacture of chemically pure sugars
processing of glands and manufacture of extracts of glands etc.
manufacture of medical impregnated wadding, gauze, bandages, dressings etc.
preparation of botanical products (grinding, grading, milling) for pharmaceutical use
This class excludes:
manufacture of herb infusions (mint, vervain, chamomile etc.), see 1079
manufacture of dental fillings and dental cement, see 3250
manufacture of bone reconstruction cements, see 3250
wholesale of pharmaceuticals, see 4649
retail sale of pharmaceuticals, see 4772
research and development for pharmaceuticals and biotech pharmaceuticals, see 7210
packaging of pharmaceuticals, see 8292
22 Manufacture of rubber and plastics products
This division includes the manufacture of rubber and plastics products.
This division is characterized by the raw materials used in the manufacturing process.
However, this does not imply that the manufacture of all products made of these materi-
als is classified here.
221 Manufacture of rubber products
This group includes the manufacture of rubber products.
2211 Manufacture of rubber tyres and tubes; retreading and rebuilding of rubber
This class includes:
manufacture of rubber tyres for vehicles, equipment, mobile machinery, aircraft, toy,
furniture and other uses:
pneumatic tyres
solid or cushion tyres
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4116
manufacture of inner tubes for tyres
manufacture of interchangeable tyre treads, tyre flaps, camelback strips for retread-
ing tyres etc.
tyre rebuilding and retreading
This class excludes:
manufacture of tube repair materials, see 2219
tyre and tube repair, fitting or replacement, see 4520
2219 Manufacture of other rubber products
This class includes:
manufacture of other products of natural or synthetic rubber, unvulcanized, vulcan-
ized or hardened:
rubber plates, sheets, strip, rods, profile shapes
tubes, pipes and hoses
rubber conveyor or transmission belts or belting
rubber hygienic articles: sheath contraceptives, teats, hot water bottles etc.
rubber articles of apparel (if only sealed together, not sewn)
rubber thread and rope
rubberized yarn and fabrics
rubber rings, fittings and seals
rubber roller coverings
inflatable rubber mattresses
inflatable balloons
manufacture of rubber brushes
manufacture of hard rubber pipe stems
manufacture of hard rubber combs, hair pins, hair rollers, and similar
This class also includes:
manufacture of rubber repair materials
manufacture of textile fabric impregnated, coated, covered or laminated with rubber,
where rubber is the chief constituent
manufacture of rubber waterbed mattresses
manufacture of rubber bathing caps and aprons
manufacture of rubber wet suits and diving suits
manufacture of rubber sex articles
This class excludes:
manufacture of tyre cord fabrics, see 1399
manufacture of apparel of elastic fabrics, see 1410
manufacture of rubber footwear, see 1520
manufacture of glues and adhesives based on rubber, see 2029
manufacture of “camelback” strips, see 2211
manufacture of inflatable rafts and boats, see 3011, 3012
manufacture of mattresses of uncovered cellular rubber, see 3100
manufacture of rubber sports requisites, except apparel, see 3230
manufacture of rubber games and toys (including children’s wading pools, inflatable chil-
dren rubber boats, inflatable rubber animals, balls and the like), see 3240
reclaiming of rubber, see 3830
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 117
222 Manufacture of plastics products
See class 2220.
2220 Manufacture of plastics products
This class includes the processing of new or spent (i.e. recycled) plastics resins into inter-
mediate or final products, using such processes as compression molding, extrusion
molding, injection molding, blow molding and casting. For most of these, the production
process is such that a wide variety of products can be made.
This class includes:
manufacture of semi-manufactures of plastic products:
plastic plates, sheets, blocks, film, foil, strip etc. (whether self-adhesive or not)
manufacture of finished plastic products:
plastic tubes, pipes and hoses; hose and pipe fittings
manufacture of plastic articles for the packing of goods:
plastic bags, sacks, containers, boxes, cases, carboys, bottles etc.
manufacture of builders’ plastics ware:
plastic doors, windows, frames, shutters, blinds, skirting boards
tanks, reservoirs
plastic floor, wall or ceiling coverings in rolls or in the form of tiles etc.
plastic sanitary ware, such as:
plastic baths, shower baths, washbasins, lavatory pans, flushing cisterns etc. à
manufacture of plastic tableware, kitchenware and toilet articles
cellophane film or sheet
manufacture of resilient floor coverings, such as vinyl, linoleum etc.
manufacture of artificial stone (e.g. cultured marble)
manufacture of plastic signs (non-electrical)
manufacture of diverse plastic products:
plastic headgear, insulating fittings, parts of lighting fittings, office or school sup-
plies, articles of apparel (if only sealed together, not sewn), fittings for furniture,
statuettes, transmission and conveyer belts, self-adhesive tapes of plastic, plastic
wall paper, plastic shoe lasts, plastic cigar and cigarette holders, combs, plastics hair
curlers, plastics novelties, etc.
This class excludes:
manufacture of plastic luggage, see 1512
manufacture of plastic footwear, see 1520
manufacture of plastics in primary forms, see 2013
manufacture of articles of synthetic or natural rubber, see group 221
manufacture of plastic non current-carrying wiring devices (e.g. junction boxes, face
plates), see 2733
manufacture of plastic furniture, see 3100
manufacture of mattresses of uncovered cellular plastic, see 3100
manufacture of plastic sports requisites, see 3230
manufacture of plastic games and toys, see 3240
manufacture of plastic medical and dental appliances, see 3250
manufacture of plastic ophthalmic goods, see 3250
manufacture of plastics hard hats and other personal safety equipment of plastics, see
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4118
23 Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products
This division includes manufacturing activities related to a single substance of mineral
origin. This division includes the manufacture of glass and glass products (e.g. flat glass,
hollow glass, fibres, technical glassware etc.), ceramic products, tiles and baked clay prod-
ucts, and cement and plaster, from raw materials to finished articles. The manufacture of
shaped and finished stone and other mineral products is also included in this division.
231 Manufacture of glass and glass products
See class 2310.
2310 Manufacture of glass and glass products
This class includes the manufacture of glass in all forms, made by any process and the
manufacture of articles of glass.
This class includes:
manufacture of flat glass, including wired, coloured or tinted flat glass
manufacture of toughened or laminated flat glass
manufacture of glass in rods or tubes
manufacture of glass paving blocks
manufacture of glass mirrors
manufacture of multiple-walled insulating units of glass
manufacture of bottles and other containers of glass or crystal
manufacture of drinking glasses and other domestic glass or crystal articles
manufacture of glass fibres, including glass wool and non-woven products thereof
manufacture of laboratory, hygienic or pharmaceutical glassware
manufacture of clock or watch glasses, optical glass and optical elements not optically
manufacture of glassware used in imitation jewellery
manufacture of glass insulators and glass insulating fittings
manufacture of glass envelopes for lamps
manufacture of glass figurines
This class excludes:
manufacture of woven fabrics of glass yarn, see 1312
manufacture of optical elements optically worked, see 2670
manufacture of fiber optic cable for data transmission or live transmission of images,
see 2731
manufacture of glass toys, see 3240
manufacture of syringes and other medical laboratory equipment, see 3250
239 Manufacture of non-metallic mineral products n.e.c.
This group includes the manufacture of intermediate and final products from mined or
quarried non-metallic minerals, such as sand, gravel, stone or clay.
2391 Manufacture of refractory products
This class includes:
manufacture of refractory mortars, concretes etc.
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 119
manufacture of refractory ceramic goods:
heat-insulating ceramic goods of siliceous fossil meals
refractory bricks, blocks and tiles etc.
retorts, crucibles, muffles, nozzles, tubes, pipes etc.
This class also includes:
manufacture of refractory articles containing magnesite, dolomite or chromite
2392 Manufacture of clay building materials
This class includes:
manufacture of non-refractory ceramic hearth or wall tiles, mosaic cubes etc.
manufacture of non-refractory ceramic flags and paving
manufacture of structural non-refractory clay building materials:
manufacture of ceramic bricks, roofing tiles, chimney pots, pipes, conduits etc.
manufacture of flooring blocks in baked clay
manufacture of ceramic sanitary fixtures
This class excludes:
manufacture of artificial stone (e.g. cultured marble), see 2220
manufacture of refractory ceramic products, see 2391
2393 Manufacture of other porcelain and ceramic products
This class includes:
manufacture of ceramic tableware and other domestic or toilet articles
manufacture of statuettes and other ornamental ceramic articles
manufacture of electrical insulators and insulating fittings of ceramics
manufacture of ceramic and ferrite magnets
manufacture of ceramic laboratory, chemical and industrial products
manufacture of ceramic pots, jars and similar articles of a kind used for conveyance or
packing of goods
manufacture of ceramic furniture
manufacture of ceramic products n.e.c.
This class excludes:
manufacture of artificial stone (e.g. cultured marble), see 2220
manufacture of refractory ceramic goods, see 2391
manufacture of ceramic building materials, see 2392
manufacture of ceramic sanitary fixtures, see 2392
manufacture of permanent metallic magnets, see 2599
manufacture of imitation jewellery, see 3212
manufacture of ceramic toys, see 3240
manufacture of artificial teeth, see 3250
2394 Manufacture of cement, lime and plaster
This class includes:
manufacture of clinkers and hydraulic cements, including Portland, aluminous cement,
slag cement and superphosphate cements
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4120
manufacture of quicklime, slaked lime and hydraulic lime
manufacture of plasters of calcined gypsum or calcined sulphate
manufacture of calcined dolomite
This class excludes:
manufacture of refractory mortars, concrete etc., see 2391
manufacture of articles of cement, see 2395
manufacture of articles of plaster, see 2395
manufacture of ready-mixed and dry-mix concrete and mortars, see 2395
manufacture of cements used in dentistry, see 3250
2395 Manufacture of articles of concrete, cement and plaster
This class includes:
manufacture of precast concrete, cement or artificial stone articles for use in construc-
tiles, flagstones, bricks, boards, sheets, panels, pipes, posts etc.
manufacture of prefabricated structural components for buildings or civil engineering
of cement, concrete or artificial stone
manufacture of plaster articles for use in construction:
boards, sheets, panels etc.
manufacture of building materials of vegetable substances (wood wool, straw, reeds,
rushes) agglomerated with cement, plaster or other mineral binder
manufacture of articles of asbestos-cement or cellulose fibre-cement or the like:
corrugated sheets, other sheets, panels, tiles, tubes, pipes, reservoirs, troughs, basins,
sinks, jars, furniture, window frames etc.
manufacture of other articles of concrete, plaster, cement or artificial stone:
statuary, furniture, bas- and haut-reliefs, vases, flowerpots etc.
manufacture of powdered mortars
manufacture of ready-mix and dry-mix concrete and mortars
This class excludes:
manufacture of refractory cements and mortars, see 2391
2396 Cutting, shaping and finishing of stone
This class includes:
cutting, shaping and finishing of stone for use in construction, in cemeteries, on roads,
as roofing etc.
manufacture of stone furniture
This class excludes:
production of rough cut stone, i.e. quarrying activities, see 0810
production of millstones, abrasive stones and similar products, see 2399
activities of sculptors, see 9000
2399 Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products n.e.c.
This class includes:
manufacture of millstones, sharpening or polishing stones and natural or artificial
abrasive products, including abrasive products on a soft base (e.g. sandpaper)
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 121
manufacture of friction material and unmounted articles thereof with a base of mineral
substances or of cellulose
manufacture of mineral insulating materials:
slag wool, rock wool and similar mineral wools; exfoliated vermiculite, expanded
clays and similar heat-insulating, sound-insulating or sound-absorbing materials
manufacture of articles of diverse mineral substances:
worked mica and articles of mica, of peat, of graphite (other than electrical articles)
manufacture of articles of asphalt or similar material, e.g. asphalt-based adhesives, coal
tar pitch etc.
carbon and graphite fibers and products (except electrodes and electrical applica-
This class excludes:
manufacture of glass wool and non-woven glass wool products, see 2310
manufacture of carbon or graphite gaskets, see 2819
24 Manufacture of basic metals
This division includes the activities of smelting and/or refining ferrous and non-ferrous
metals from ore, pig or scrap, using electrometallurgic and other process metallurgic
techniques. This division also includes the manufacture of metal alloys and super-alloys
by introducing other chemical elements to pure metals. The output of smelting and refin-
ing, usually in ingot form, is used in rolling, drawing and extruding operations to make
products such as plate, sheet, strip, bars, rods, wire, tubes, pipes and hollow profiles, and
in molten form to make castings and other basic metal products.
241 Manufacture of basic iron and steel
See class 2410.
2410 Manufacture of basic iron and steel
This class includes operations of conversion by reduction of iron ore in blast furnaces
and oxygen converters or of ferrous waste and scrap in electric arc furnaces or by direct
reduction of iron ore without fusion to obtain crude steel which is smelted and refined in
a ladle furnace and then poured and solidified in a continuous caster in order to produce
semi-finished flat or long products, which are used, after reheating, in rolling, drawing
and extruding operations to manufacture finished products such as plate, sheet, strip,
bars, rods, wire, tubes, pipes and hollow profiles.
This class includes:
operation of blast furnaces, steel converters, rolling and finishing mills
production of pig iron and spiegeleisen in pigs, blocks or other primary forms
production of ferro-alloys
production of ferrous products by direct reduction of iron and other spongy ferrous
production of iron of exceptional purity by electrolysis or other chemical processes
production of granular iron and iron powder
production of steel in ingots or other primary forms
remelting of scrap ingots of iron or steel
production of semi-finished products of steel
manufacture of hot-rolled and cold-rolled flat-rolled products of steel
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4122
manufacture of hot-rolled bars and rods of steel
manufacture of hot-rolled open sections of steel
manufacture of steel bars and solid sections of steel by cold drawing, grinding or turn-
manufacture of open sections by progressive cold forming on a roll mill or folding on a
press of flat-rolled products of steel
manufacture of wire of steel by cold drawing or stretching
manufacture of sheet piling of steel and welded open sections of steel
manufacture of railway track materials (unassembled rails) of steel
manufacture of seamless tubes, pipes and hollow profiles of steel, by hot rolling, hot
extrusion or hot drawing, or by cold drawing or cold rolling
manufacture of welded tubes and pipes of steel, by cold or hot forming and welding,
delivered as welded or further processed by cold drawing or cold rolling or manufac-
tured by hot forming, welding and reducing
manufacture of tube fittings of steel, such as:
flat flanges and flanges with forged collars
butt-welded fittings
threaded fittings
socket-welded fittings
This class excludes:
manufacture of tubes, pipes and hollow profiles and of tube or pipe fittings of cast-iron,
see 2431
manufacture of seamless tubes and pipes of steel by centrifugal casting, see 2431
manufacture of tube or pipe fittings of cast-steel, see 2431
242 Manufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metals
See class 2420.
2420 Manufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metals
This class includes:
production of basic precious metals:
production and refining of unwrought or wrought precious metals: gold, silver, plati-
num etc. from ore and scrap
production of precious metal alloys
production of precious metal semi-products
production of silver rolled onto base metals
production of gold rolled onto base metals or silver
production of platinum and platinum group metals rolled onto gold, silver or base
production of aluminium from alumina
production of aluminium from electrolytic refining of aluminium waste and scrap
production of aluminium alloys
semi-manufacturing of aluminium
production of lead, zinc and tin from ores
production of lead, zinc and tin from electrolytic refining of lead, zinc and tin waste
and scrap
production of lead, zinc and tin alloys
semi-manufacturing of lead, zinc and tin
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 123
production of copper from ores
production of copper from electrolytic refining of copper waste and scrap
production of copper alloys
manufacture of fuse wire or strip
semi-manufacturing of copper
production of chrome, manganese, nickel etc. from ores or oxides
production of chrome, manganese, nickel etc. from electrolytic and aluminothermic
refining of chrome, manganese, nickel etc., waste and scrap
production of alloys of chrome, manganese, nickel etc.
semi-manufacturing of chrome, manganese, nickel etc.
production of mattes of nickel
production of uranium metal from pitchblende or other ores
smelting and refining of uranium
This class also includes:
manufacture of wire of these metals by drawing
production of aluminium oxide (alumina)
production of aluminium wrapping foil
manufacture of aluminium (tin) foil laminates made from aluminum (tin) foil as pri-
mary component
manufacture of precious metal foil laminates
This class excludes:
casting of non-ferrous metals, see 2432
manufacture of precious metal jewellery, see 3211
243 Casting of metals
This group includes the manufacture of semi-finished products and various castings by
a casting process.
This group excludes:
manufacture of finished cast products such as:
boilers and radiators, see 2512
cast household items, see 2599
2431 Casting of iron and steel
This class includes the casting of iron and steel, i.e. the activities of iron and steel foun-
This class includes:
casting of semi-finished iron products
casting of grey iron castings
casting of spheroidal graphite iron castings
casting of malleable cast-iron products
casting of semi-finished steel products
casting of steel castings
manufacture of tubes, pipes and hollow profiles and of tube or pipe fittings of cast-
manufacture of seamless tubes and pipes of steel by centrifugal casting
manufacture of tube or pipe fittings of cast-steel
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4124
2432 Casting of non-ferrous metals
This class includes:
casting of semi-finished products of aluminium, magnesium, titanium, zinc etc.
casting of light metal castings
casting of heavy metal castings
casting of precious metal castings
die-casting of non-ferrous metal castings
25 Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment
This division includes the manufacture of “pure” metal products (such as parts, contain-
ers and structures), usually with a static, immovable function, as opposed to the follow-
ing divisions 26-30, which cover the manufacture of combinations or assemblies of such
metal products (sometimes with other materials) into more complex units that, unless
they are purely electrical, electronic or optical, work with moving parts.
The manufacture of weapons and ammunition is also included in this division.
This division excludes specialized repair and maintenance activities (see group 331) and
the specialized installation of manufactured goods produced in this division in buildings,
such as central heating boilers (see 4322).
251 Manufacture of structural metal products, tanks, reservoirs and steam genera-
This group includes the manufacture of structural metal products (such as metal frame-
works or parts for construction), as well as metal container-type objects (such as reser-
voirs, tanks, central heating boilers) and steam generators.
2511 Manufacture of structural metal products
This class includes:
manufacture of metal frameworks or skeletons for construction and parts thereof (tow-
ers, masts, trusses, bridges etc.)
manufacture of industrial frameworks in metal (frameworks for blast furnaces, lifting
and handling equipment etc.)
manufacture of prefabricated buildings mainly of metal:
site huts, modular exhibition elements etc.
manufacture of metal doors, windows and their frames, shutters and gates
metal room partitions for floor attachment
This class excludes:
manufacture of parts for marine or power boilers, see 2513
manufacture of assembled railway track fixtures, see 2599
manufacture of sections of ships, see 3011
2512 Manufacture of tanks, reservoirs and containers of metal
This class includes:
manufacture of reservoirs, tanks and similar containers of metal, of types normally
installed as fixtures for storage or manufacturing use
manufacture of metal containers for compressed or liquefied gas
manufacture of central heating boilers and radiators
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 125
This class excludes:
manufacture of metal casks, drums, cans, pails, boxes etc. of a kind normally used for car-
rying and packing of goods, see 2599
manufacture of transport containers, see 2920
manufacture of tanks (armored military vehicles), see 3040
2513 Manufacture of steam generators, except central heating hot water boilers
This class includes:
manufacture of steam or other vapour generators
manufacture of auxiliary plant for use with steam generators:
condensers, economizers, superheaters, steam collectors and accumulators
manufacture of nuclear reactors, except isotope separators
manufacture of parts for marine or power boilers
This class excludes:
manufacture of central heating hot-water boilers and radiators, see 2512
manufacture of boiler-turbine sets, see 2811
manufacture of isotope separators, see 2829
252 Manufacture of weapons and ammunition
See class 2520.
2520 Manufacture of weapons and ammunition
This class includes:
manufacture of heavy weapons (artillery, mobile guns, rocket launchers, torpedo
tubes, heavy machine guns)
manufacture of small arms (revolvers, shotguns, light machine guns)
manufacture of air or gas guns and pistols
manufacture of war ammunition
This class also includes:
manufacture of hunting, sporting or protective firearms and ammunition
manufacture of explosive devices such as bombs, mines and torpedoes
This class excludes:
manufacture of percussion caps, detonators or signalling flares, see 2029
manufacture of cutlasses, swords, bayonets etc., see 2593
manufacture of armoured vehicles for the transport of banknotes or valuables, see 2910
manufacture of space vehicles, see 3030
manufacture of tanks and other fighting vehicles, see 3040
259 Manufacture of other fabricated metal products; metalworking service activities
This group includes general activities for the treatment of metal, such as forging or press-
ing, plating, coating, engraving, boring, polishing, welding etc., which are typically carried
out on a fee or contract basis. This group also includes the manufacture of a variety of
metal products, such as cutlery; metal hand tools and general hardware; cans and buckets;
nails, bolts and nuts; metal household articles; metal fixtures; ships propellers and anchors;
assembled railway track fixtures etc. for a variety of household and industrial uses.
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4126
2591 Forging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal; powder metallurgy
This class includes:
forging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal
powder metallurgy: production of metal objects directly from metal powders by heat
treatment (sintering) or under pressure
This class excludes:
production of metal powder, see 2410, 2420
2592 Treatment and coating of metals; machining
This class includes:
plating, anodizing etc. of metals
heat treatment of metals
deburring, sandblasting, tumbling, cleaning of metals
colouring and engraving of metals
non-metallic coating of metals:
plasticizing, enamelling, lacquering etc.
hardening, buffing of metals
boring, turning, milling, eroding, planing, lapping, broaching, levelling, sawing, grind-
ing, sharpening, polishing, welding, splicing etc. of metalwork pieces
cutting of and writing on metals by means of laser beams
This class excludes:
activities of farriers, see 0162
rolling precious metals onto base metals or other metals, see 2420
2593 Manufacture of cutlery, hand tools and general hardware
This class includes:
manufacture of domestic cutlery such as knives, forks, spoons etc.
manufacture of other articles of cutlery:
cleavers and choppers
razors and razor blades
scissors and hair clippers
manufacture of knives and cutting blades for machines or for mechanical appliances
manufacture of hand tools such as pliers, screwdrivers etc.
manufacture of non-power-driven agricultural hand tools
manufacture of saws and saw blades, including circular saw blades and chainsaw
manufacture of interchangeable tools for hand tools, whether or not power-operated,
or for machine tools: drills, punches, milling cutters etc.
manufacture of press tools
manufacture of blacksmiths’ tools: forges, anvils etc.
manufacture of moulding boxes and moulds (except ingot moulds)
manufacture of vices, clamps
manufacture of padlocks, locks, keys, hinges and the like, hardware for buildings, fur-
niture, vehicles etc.
manufacture of cutlasses, swords, bayonets etc.
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 127
This class excludes:
manufacture of hollowware (pots, kettles etc.), dinnerware (bowls, platters etc.) or flatware
(plates, saucers etc.), see 2599
manufacture of power-driven hand tools, see 2818
manufacture of ingot moulds, see 2823
manufacture of cutlery of precious metal, see 3211
2599 Manufacture of other fabricated metal products n.e.c.
This class includes:
manufacture of pails, cans, drums, buckets, boxes
manufacture of tins and cans for food products, collapsible tubes and boxes
manufacture of metallic closures
manufacture of metal cable, plaited bands and similar articles
manufacture of uninsulated metal cable or insulated cable not capable of being used
as a conductor of electricity
manufacture of articles made of wire: barbed wire, wire fencing, grill, netting, cloth
manufacture of nails and pins
manufacture of rivets, washers and similar non-threaded products
manufacture of screw machine products
manufacture of bolts, screws, nuts and similar threaded products
manufacture of springs (except watch springs):
leaf springs, helical springs, torsion bar springs
leaves for springs
manufacture of chain, except power transmission chain
manufacture of metal household articles:
flatware: plates, saucers etc.
hollowware: pots, kettles etc.
dinnerware: bowls, platters etc.
saucepans, frying pans and other non-electrical utensils for use at the table or in the
small hand-operated kitchen appliances and accessories
metal scouring pads
manufacture of baths, sinks, washbasins and similar articles
manufacture of metal goods for office use, except furniture
manufacture of safes, strongboxes, armoured doors etc.
manufacture of various metal articles:
ship propellers and blades thereof
assembled railway track fixtures
clasps, buckles, hooks
manufacture of foil bags
manufacture of permanent metallic magnets
manufacture of metal vacuum jugs and bottles
manufacture of metal signs (non-electrical)
manufacture of metal badges and metal military insignia
manufacture of metal hair curlers, metal umbrella handles and frames, combs
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4128
This class excludes:
manufacture of ceramic and ferrite magnets, see 2393
manufacture of tanks and reservoirs, see 2512
manufacture of swords, bayonets, see 2593
manufacture of clock or watch springs, see 2652
manufacture of wire and cable for electricity transmission, see 2732
manufacture of power transmission chain, see 2814
manufacture of shopping carts, see 3099
manufacture of metal furniture, see 3100
manufacture of sports goods, see 3230
manufacture of games and toys, see 3240
26 Manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products
This division includes the manufacture of computers, computer peripherals, communica-
tions equipment, and similar electronic products, as well as the manufacture of compo-
nents for such products. Production processes of this division are characterized by the
design and use of integrated circuits and the application of highly specialized miniaturi-
zation technologies.
The division also contains the manufacture of consumer electronics, measuring, testing,
navigating, and control equipment, irradiation, electromedical and electrotherapeutic
equipment, optical instruments and equipment, and the manufacture of magnetic and
optical media.
261 Manufacture of electronic components and boards
See class 2610.
2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boards
This class includes the manufacture of semiconductors and other components for elec-
tronic applications.
This class includes:
manufacture of capacitors, electronic
manufacture of resistors, electronic
manufacture of microprocessors
manufacture of bare printed circuit boards
manufacture of electron tubes
manufacture of electronic connectors
manufacture of integrated circuits (analog, digital or hybrid)
manufacture of diodes, transistors and related discrete devices
manufacture of inductors (e.g. chokes, coils, transformers), electronic component
manufacture of electronic crystals and crystal assemblies
manufacture of solenoids, switches and transducers for electronic applications
manufacture of dice or wafers, semiconductor, finished or semi-finished
manufacture of interface cards (e.g. sound, video, controllers, network, modems)
manufacture of display components (plasma, polymer, LCD)
manufacture of light emitting diodes (LED)
loading of components onto printed circuit boards
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 129
This class also includes:
manufacture of printer cables, monitor cables, USB cables, connectors etc.
This class excludes:
printing of smart cards, see 1811
manufacture of modems (carrier equipment), see 2630
manufacture of computer and television displays, see 2620, 2640
manufacture of X-ray tubes and similar irradiation devices, see 2660
manufacture of optical equipment and instruments, see 2670
manufacture of similar devices for electrical applications, see division 27
manufacture of lighting ballasts, see 2710
manufacture of electrical relays, see 2710
manufacture of electrical wiring devices, see 2733
manufacture of complete equipment is classified elsewhere based on complete equipment
262 Manufacture of computers and peripheral equipment
See class 2620.
2620 Manufacture of computers and peripheral equipment
This class includes the manufacture and/or assembly of electronic computers, such as
mainframes, desktop computers, laptops and computer servers; and computer periph-
eral equipment, such as storage devices and input/output devices (printers, monitors,
keyboards). Computers can be analog, digital, or hybrid. Digital computers, the most
common type, are devices that do all of the following: (1) store the processing program or
programs and the data immediately necessary for the execution of the program, (2) can
be freely programmed in accordance with the requirements of the user, (3) perform arith-
metical computations specified by the user and (4) execute, without human intervention,
a processing program that requires the computer to modify its execution by logical deci-
sion during the processing run. Analog computers are capable of simulating mathemati-
cal models and comprise at least analog control and programming elements.
This class includes:
manufacture of desktop computers
manufacture of laptop computers
manufacture of main frame computers
manufacture of hand-held computers (e.g. PDA)
manufacture of magnetic disk drives, flash drives and other storage devices
manufacture of optical (e.g. CD-RW, CD-ROM, DVD-ROM, DVD-RW) disk drives
manufacture of printers
manufacture of monitors
manufacture of keyboards
manufacture of all types of mice, joysticks, and trackball accessories
manufacture of dedicated computer terminals
manufacture of computer servers
manufacture of scanners, including bar code scanners
manufacture of smart card readers
manufacture of virtual reality helmets
manufacture of computer projectors (video beamers)
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4130
This class also includes:
manufacture of computer terminals, like automatic teller machines (ATM’s), point-of-
sale (POS) terminals, not mechanically operated
manufacture of multi-function office equipment, such as fax-scanner-copier combina-
This class excludes:
reproduction of recorded media (computer media, sound, video, etc.), see 1820
manufacture of electronic components and electronic assemblies used in computers and
peripherals, see 2610
manufacture of internal/external computer modems, see 2610
manufacture of interface cards, modules and assemblies, see 2610
manufacture of modems, carrier equipment, see 2630
manufacture of digital communication switches, data communications equipment (e.g.
bridges, routers, gateways), see 2630
manufacture of consumer electronic devices, such as CD players and DVD players,
see 2640
manufacture of television monitors and displays, see 2640
manufacture of video game consoles, see 2640
manufacture of blank optical and magnetic media for use with computers or other devices,
see 2680
263 Manufacture of communication equipment
See class 2630.
2630 Manufacture of communication equipment
This class includes the manufacture of telephone and data communications equipment
used to move signals electronically over wires or through the air such as radio and televi-
sion broadcast and wireless communications equipment.
This class includes:
manufacture of central office switching equipment
manufacture of cordless telephones
manufacture of private branch exchange (PBX) equipment
manufacture of telephone and facsimile equipment, including telephone answering
manufacture of data communications equipment, such as bridges, routers, and gate-
manufacture of transmitting and receiving antenna
manufacture of cable television equipment
manufacture of pagers
manufacture of cellular phones
manufacture of mobile communication equipment
manufacture of radio and television studio and broadcasting equipment, including
television cameras
manufacture of modems, carrier equipment
manufacture of burglar and fire alarm systems, sending signals to a control station
manufacture of radio and television transmitters
manufacture of infrared devices (e.g. remote controls)
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 131
This class excludes:
manufacture of computers and computer peripheral equipment, see 2620
manufacture of consumer audio and video equipment, see 2640
manufacture of electronic components and subassemblies used in communications equip-
ment, see 2610
manufacture of internal/external computer modems (PC-type), see 2610
manufacture of electronic scoreboards, see 2790
manufacture of traffic lights, see 2790
264 Manufacture of consumer electronics
See class 2640.
2640 Manufacture of consumer electronics
This class includes the manufacture of electronic audio and video equipment for home
entertainment, motor vehicle, public address systems and musical instrument amplifica-
This class includes:
manufacture of video cassette recorders and duplicating equipment
manufacture of televisions
manufacture of television monitors and displays
manufacture of audio recording and duplicating systems
manufacture of stereo equipment
manufacture of radio receivers
manufacture of speaker systems
manufacture of household-type video cameras
manufacture of jukeboxes
manufacture of amplifiers for musical instruments and public address systems
manufacture of microphones
manufacture of CD and DVD players
manufacture of karaoke machines
manufacture of headphones (e.g. radio, stereo, computer)
manufacture of video game consoles
This class excludes:
reproduction of recorded media (computer media, sound, video, etc.), see 1820
manufacture of computer peripheral devices and computer monitors, see 2620
manufacture of telephone answering machines, see 2630
manufacture of paging equipment, see 2630
manufacture of remote control devices (radio and infrared), see 2630
manufacture of broadcast studio equipment such as reproduction equipment, transmit-
ting and receiving antennas, commercial video cameras, see 2630
manufacture of electronic games with fixed (non-replaceable) software, see 3240
265 Manufacture of measuring, testing, navigating and control equipment; watches
and clocks
This group includes the manufacture of measuring, testing, navigating and control equip-
ment for various industrial and non-industrial purposes, including time-based measuring
devices such as watches and clocks and related devices.
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4132
2651 Manufacture of measuring, testing, navigating and control equipment
This class includes the manufacture of search, detection, navigation, guidance, aero-
nautical and nautical systems and instruments; automatic controls and regulators for
applications, such as heating, air-conditioning, refrigeration and appliances; instruments
and devices for measuring, displaying, indicating, recording, transmitting and control-
ling industrial process variables, such as temperature, humidity, pressure, vacuum, com-
bustion, flow, level, viscosity, density, acidity, concentration and rotation; totalizing (i.e.
registering) fluid meters and counting devices; instruments for measuring and testing
the characteristics of electricity and electrical signals; instruments and instrumentation
systems for laboratory analysis of the chemical or physical composition or concentration
of samples of solid, fluid, gaseous or composite material and other measuring and testing
instruments and parts thereof.
The manufacture of non-electric measuring, testing, navigating and control equipment
(except simple mechanical tools) is included here.
This class includes:
manufacture of aircraft engine instruments
manufacture of automotive emissions testing equipment
manufacture of meteorological instruments
manufacture of physical properties testing and inspection equipment
manufacture of polygraph machines
manufacture of instruments for measuring and testing electricity and electrical signals
(including for telecommunications)
manufacture of radiation detection and monitoring instruments
manufacture of electron and proton microscopes
manufacture of surveying instruments
manufacture of thermometers liquid-in-glass and bimetal types (except medical)
manufacture of humidistats
manufacture of hydronic limit controls
manufacture of flame and burner control
manufacture of spectrometers
manufacture of pneumatic gauges
manufacture of consumption meters (e.g. water, gas)
manufacture of flow meters and counting devices
manufacture of tally counters
manufacture of mine detectors, pulse (signal) generators; metal detectors
manufacture of search, detection, navigation, aeronautical and nautical equipment,
including sonobuoys
manufacture of radar equipment
manufacture of GPS devices
manufacture of environmental controls and automatic controls for appliances
manufacture of measuring and recording equipment (e.g. flight recorders)
manufacture of motion detectors
manufacture of laboratory analytical instruments (e.g. blood analysis equipment)
manufacture of laboratory scales, balances, incubators, and miscellaneous laboratory
apparatus for measuring, testing, etc.
This class excludes:
manufacture of telephone answering machines, see 2630
manufacture of irradiation equipment, see 2660
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 133
manufacture of optical measuring and checking devices and instruments (e.g. fire control
equipment, photographic light meters, range finders), see 2670
manufacture of optical positioning equipment, see 2670
manufacture of dictating machines, see 2817
manufacture of levels, tape measures and similar hand tools, machinists’ precision tools,
see 2819
manufacture of medical thermometers, see 3250
installation of industrial process control equipment, see 3320
2652 Manufacture of watches and clocks
This class includes the manufacture of watches, clocks and timing mechanisms and parts
This class includes:
manufacture of watches and clocks of all kinds, including instrument panel clocks
manufacture of watch and clock cases, including cases of precious metals
manufacture of time-recording equipment and equipment for measuring, recording
and otherwise displaying intervals of time with a watch or clock movement or with
synchronous motor, such as:
parking meters
time clocks
time/date stamps
process timers
manufacture of time switches and other releases with a watch or clock movement or
with synchronous motor:
time locks
manufacture of components for clocks and watches:
movements of all kinds for watches and clocks
springs, jewels, dials, hands, plates, bridges and other parts
This class excludes:
manufacture of non-metal watch bands (textile, leather, plastic), see 1512
manufacture of watch bands of precious metal, see 3211
manufacture of watch bands of non-precious metal, see 3212
266 Manufacture of irradiation, electromedical and electrotherapeutic equipment
See class 2660.
2660 Manufacture of irradiation, electromedical and electrotherapeutic equipment
This class includes:
manufacture of irradiation apparatus and tubes (e.g. industrial, medical diagnostic,
medical therapeutic, research, scientific):
beta-, gamma, X-ray or other radiation equipment
manufacture of CT scanners
manufacture of PET scanners
manufacture of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) equipment
manufacture of medical ultrasound equipment
manufacture of electrocardiographs
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4134
manufacture of electromedical endoscopic equipment
manufacture of medical laser equipment
manufacture of pacemakers
manufacture of hearing aids
This class also includes:
manufacture of food and milk irradiation equipment
This class excludes:
manufacture of laboratory analytical instruments (e.g. blood analysis equipment), see
manufacture of tanning beds, see 2790
267 Manufacture of optical instruments and photographic equipment
See class 2670.
2670 Manufacture of optical instruments and photographic equipment
This class includes the manufacture of optical instruments and lenses, such as binocu-
lars, microscopes (except electron, proton), telescopes, prisms and lenses (except oph-
thalmic); the coating or polishing of lenses (except ophthalmic); the mounting of lenses
(except ophthalmic) and the manufacture of photographic equipment such as cameras
and light meters.
This class includes:
manufacture of lenses and prisms
manufacture of optical microscopes, binoculars and telescopes
manufacture of optical mirrors
manufacture of optical magnifying instruments
manufacture of optical machinist’s precision tools
manufacture of optical comparators
manufacture of optical gun sighting equipment
manufacture of optical positioning equipment
manufacture of optical measuring and checking devices and instruments (e.g. fire con-
trol equipment, photographic light meters, range finders)
manufacture of film cameras and digital cameras
manufacture of motion picture and slide projectors
manufacture of overhead transparency projectors
manufacture of laser assemblies
This class also includes:
coating, polishing and mounting of lenses
This class excludes:
manufacture of computer projectors, see 2620
manufacture of commercial TV and video cameras, see 2630
manufacture of household-type video cameras, see 2640
manufacture of electron and proton microscopes, see 2651
manufacture of complete equipment using laser components, see manufacturing class by
type of machinery (e.g. medical laser equipment, see 2660)
manufacture of photocopy machinery, see 2817
manufacture of ophthalmic goods, see 3250
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 135
268 Manufacture of magnetic and optical media
See class 2680.
2680 Manufacture of magnetic and optical media
This class includes the manufacture of magnetic and optical recording media.
This class includes:
manufacture of blank magnetic audio and video tapes
manufacture of blank magnetic audio and video cassettes
manufacture of blank diskettes
manufacture of blank optical discs
manufacture of hard drive media
This class excludes:
reproduction of recorded media (computer media, sound, video, etc.), see 1820
27 Manufacture of electrical equipment
This division includes the manufacture of products that generate, distribute and use elec-
trical power. Also included is the manufacture of electrical lighting, signalling equipment
and electric household appliances.
This division excludes the manufacture of electronic products (see division 26).
271 Manufacture of electric motors, generators, transformers and electricity distri-
bution and control apparatus
See class 2710.
2710 Manufacture of electric motors, generators, transformers and electricity distri-
bution and control apparatus
This class includes the manufacture of power, distribution and specialty transformers;
electric motors, generators and motor generator sets; switchgear and switchboard appa-
ratus; relays and industrial controls. The electrical equipment manufactured in this class
is for distribution level voltages.
This class includes:
manufacture of distribution transformers, electric
manufacture of arc-welding transformers
manufacture of fluorescent ballasts (i.e. transformers)
manufacture of substation transformers for electric power distribution
manufacture of transmission and distribution voltage regulators
manufacture of electric motors (except internal combustion engine starting motors)
manufacture of power generators (except battery charging alternators for internal
combustion engines)
manufacture of motor generator sets (except turbine generator set units)
manufacture of prime mover generator sets
rewinding of armatures on a factory basis
manufacture of power circuit breakers
manufacture of surge suppressors (for distribution level voltage)
manufacture of control panels for electric power distribution
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4136
manufacture of electrical relays
manufacture of duct for electrical switchboard apparatus
manufacture of electric fuses
manufacture of power switching equipment
manufacture of electric power switches (except pushbutton, snap, solenoid, tumbler)
This class excludes:
manufacture of electronic component-type transformers and switches, see 2610
manufacture of environmental controls and industrial process control instruments,
see 2651
manufacture of switches for electrical circuits, such as pushbutton and snap switches,
see 2733
manufacture of electric welding and soldering equipment, see 2790
manufacture of solid state inverters, rectifiers and converters, see 2790
manufacture of turbine-generator sets, see 2811
manufacture of starting motors and generators for internal combustion engines, see 2930
272 Manufacture of batteries and accumulators
See class 2720.
2720 Manufacture of batteries and accumulators
This class includes the manufacture of non-rechargeable and rechargeable batteries.
This class includes:
manufacture of primary cells and primary batteries
cells containing manganese dioxide, mercuric dioxide, silver oxide etc.
manufacture of electric accumulators, including parts thereof:
separators, containers, covers
manufacture of lead acid batteries
manufacture of NiCad batteries
manufacture of NiMH batteries
manufacture of lithium batteries
manufacture of dry cell batteries
manufacture of wet cell batteries
273 Manufacture of wiring and wiring devices
This group includes the manufacture of current-carrying wiring devices and non current-
carrying wiring devices for wiring electrical circuits regardless of material. This group also
includes the insulating of wire and the manufacture of fiber optic cables.
2731 Manufacture of fibre optic cables
This class includes:
manufacture of fiber optic cable for data transmission or live transmission of images
This class excludes:
manufacture of glass fibres or strand, see 2310
manufacture of optical cable sets or assemblies with connectors or other attachments, see
depending on application, e.g. 2610
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 137
2732 Manufacture of other electronic and electric wires and cables
This class includes:
manufacture of insulated wire and cable, made of steel, copper, aluminium
This class excludes:
manufacture (drawing) of wire, see 2410, 2420
manufacture of computer cables, printer cables, USB cables and similar cable sets or assem-
blies, see 2610
manufacture of extension cords, see 2790
manufacture of cable sets, wiring harnesses and similar cable sets or assemblies for auto-
motive applications, see 2930
2733 Manufacture of wiring devices
This class includes the manufacture of current-carrying and non current-carrying wiring
devices for electrical circuits regardless of material.
This class includes:
manufacture of bus bars, electrical conductors (except switchgear-type)
manufacture of GFCI (ground fault circuit interrupters)
manufacture of lamp holders
manufacture of lightning arrestors and coils
manufacture of switches for electrical wiring (e.g. pressure, pushbutton, snap, tumbler
manufacture of electrical outlets and sockets
manufacture of boxes for electrical wiring (e.g. junction, outlet, switch boxes)
manufacture of electrical conduit and fitting
manufacture of transmission pole and line hardware
manufacture of plastic non current-carrying wiring devices including plastic junction
boxes, face plates, and similar, plastic pole line fittings
This class excludes:
manufacture of ceramic insulators, see 2393
manufacture of electronic component-type connectors, sockets and switches, see 2610
274 Manufacture of electric lighting equipment
See class 2740.
2740 Manufacture of electric lighting equipment
This class includes the manufacture of electric light bulbs and tubes and parts and com-
ponents thereof (except glass blanks for electric light bulbs), electric lighting fixtures and
lighting fixture components (except current-carrying wiring devices).
This class includes:
manufacture of discharge, incandescent, fluorescent, ultra-violet, infra-red etc. lamps,
fixtures and bulbs
manufacture of ceiling lighting fixtures
manufacture of chandeliers
manufacture of table lamps (i.e. lighting fixture)
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4138
manufacture of Christmas tree lighting sets
manufacture of electric fireplace logs
manufacture of flashlights
manufacture of electric insect lamps
manufacture of lanterns (e.g. carbide, electric, gas, gasoline, kerosene)
manufacture of spotlights
manufacture of street lighting fixtures (except traffic signals)
manufacture of lighting equipment for transportation equipment (e.g. for motor vehi-
cles, aircraft, boats)
This class also includes:
manufacture of non-electrical lighting equipment
This class excludes:
manufacture of glassware and glass parts for lighting fixtures, see 2310
manufacture of current-carrying wiring devices for lighting fixtures, see 2733
manufacture of ceiling fans or bath fans with integrated lighting fixtures, see 2750
manufacture of electrical signalling equipment such as traffic lights and pedestrian signal-
ling equipment, see 2790
275 Manufacture of domestic appliances
See class 2750.
2750 Manufacture of domestic appliances
This class includes the manufacture of small electric appliances and electric housewares,
household-type fans, household-type vacuum cleaners, electric household-type floor
care machines, household-type cooking appliances, household-type laundry equipment,
household-type refrigerators, upright and chest freezers and other electrical and non-
electrical household appliances, such as dishwashers, water heaters and garbage dis-
posal units. This class includes the manufacture of appliances with electric, gas or other
fuel sources.
This class includes:
manufacture of domestic electric appliances:
washing and drying machines
vacuum cleaners
floor polishers
waste disposers
grinders, blenders, juice squeezers
tin openers
electric shavers, electric toothbrushes and other electric personal care device
knife sharpeners
ventilating or recycling hoods
manufacture of domestic electrothermic appliances:
electric water heaters
electric blankets
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 139
electric dryers, combs, brushes, curlers
electric smoothing irons
space heaters and household-type fans, portable
electric ovens
microwave ovens
cookers, hotplates
coffee or tea makers
fry pans, roasters, grills, hoods
electric heating resistors etc.
manufacture of domestic non-electric cooking and heating equipment:
non-electric space heaters, cooking ranges, grates, stoves, water heaters, cooking
appliances, plate warmers
This class excludes:
manufacture of commercial and industrial refrigerators and freezers, room air-condition-
ers, attic fans, permanent mount space heaters and commercial ventilation and exhaust
fans, commercial-type cooking equipment; commercial-type laundry, dry-cleaning and
pressing equipment; commercial, industrial and institutional vacuum cleaners, see divi-
sion 28
manufacture of household-type sewing machines, see 2826
installation of central vacuum cleaning systems, 4329
279 Manufacture of other electrical equipment
See class 2790.
2790 Manufacture of other electrical equipment
This class includes the manufacture of miscellaneous electrical equipment other than
motors, generators and transformers, batteries and accumulators, wires and wiring
devices, lighting equipment or domestic appliances.
This class includes:
manufacture of battery chargers, solid-state
manufacture of door opening and closing devices, electrical
manufacture of electric bells
manufacture of ultrasonic cleaning machines (except laboratory and dental)
manufacture of tanning beds
manufacture of solid state inverters, rectifying apparatus, fuel cells, regulated and
unregulated power supplies
manufacture of uninterruptible power supplies (UPS)
manufacture of surge suppressors (except for distribution level voltage)
manufacture of appliance cords, extension cords, and other electrical cord sets with
insulated wire and connectors
manufacture of carbon and graphite electrodes, contacts, and other electrical carbon
and graphite products
manufacture of particle accelerators
manufacture of electrical capacitors, resistors, condensers and similar components
manufacture of electromagnets
manufacture of sirens
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4140
manufacture of electronic scoreboards
manufacture of electrical signs
manufacture of electrical signalling equipment such as traffic lights and pedestrian
signalling equipment
manufacture of electrical insulators (except glass or porcelain)
manufacture of electrical welding and soldering equipment, including hand-held sol-
dering irons
This class excludes:
manufacture of non-electrical signs, see class according to material (plastic signs 2220,
metal signs 2599)
manufacture of porcelain electrical insulators, see 2393
manufacture of carbon and graphite fibers and products (except electrodes and electrical
applications), see 2399
manufacture of electronic component-type rectifiers, voltage regulating integrated cir-
cuits, power converting integrated circuits, electronic capacitors, electronic resistors and
similar devices, see 2610
manufacture of transformers, motors, generators, switchgear, relays and industrial con-
trols, see 2710
manufacture of batteries, see 2720
manufacture of communication and energy wire, current-carrying and non current-carry-
ing wiring devices, see 2733
manufacture of lighting equipment, see 2740
manufacture of household-type appliances, see 2750
manufacture of non-electrical welding and soldering equipment, see 2819
manufacture of motor vehicle electrical equipment, such as generators, alternators, spark
plugs, ignition wiring harnesses, power window and door systems, voltage regulators, see
manufacture of mechanical and electromechanical signalling, safety and traffic control
equipment for railways, tramways, inland waterways, roads, parking facilities, airfields, see
28 Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c.
This division includes the manufacture of machinery and equipment that act independ-
ently on materials either mechanically or thermally or perform operations on materials
(such as handling, spraying, weighing or packing), including their mechanical compo-
nents that produce and apply force, and any specially manufactured primary parts. This
includes the manufacture of fixed and mobile or hand-held devices, regardless of whether
they are designed for industrial, building and civil engineering, agricultural or home use.
The manufacture of special equipment for passenger or freight transport within demar-
cated premises also belongs within this division.
This division distinguishes between the manufacture of special-purpose machinery, i.e.
machinery for exclusive use in an ISIC industry or a small cluster of ISIC industries, and
general-purpose machinery, i.e. machinery that is being used in a wide range of ISIC
This division also includes the manufacture of other special-purpose machinery, not cov-
ered elsewhere in the classification, whether or not used in a manufacturing process, such
as fairground amusement equipment, automatic bowling alley equipment, etc.
This division excludes the manufacture of metal products for general use (division 25),
associated control devices, computer equipment, measurement and testing equipment,
electricity distribution and control apparatus (divisions 26 and 27) and general-purpose
motor vehicles (divisions 29 and 30).
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 141
281 Manufacture of general-purpose machinery
This group includes the manufacture of general-purpose machinery, i.e. machinery that
is being used in a wide range of ISIC industries. This can include the manufacture of com-
ponents used in the manufacture of a variety of other machinery or the manufacture of
machinery that support the operation of other businesses.
2811 Manufacture of engines and turbines, except aircraft, vehicle and cycle engines
This class includes:
manufacture of internal combustion piston engines, except motor vehicle, aircraft and
cycle propulsion engines:
marine engines
railway engines
manufacture of pistons, piston rings, carburetors and such for all internal combustion
engines, diesel engines etc.
manufacture of inlet and exhaust valves of internal combustion engines
manufacture of turbines and parts thereof:
steam turbines and other vapour turbines
hydraulic turbines, waterwheels and regulators thereof
wind turbines
gas turbines, except turbojets or turbo propellers for aircraft propulsion
manufacture of boiler-turbine sets
manufacture of turbine-generator sets
This class excludes:
manufacture of electric generators (except turbine generator sets), see 2710
manufacture of prime mover generator sets (except turbine generator sets), see 2710
manufacture of electrical equipment and components of internal combustion engines,
see 2790
manufacture of motor vehicle, aircraft or cycle propulsion engines, see 2910, 3030, 3091
manufacture of turbojets and turbo propellers, see 3030
2812 Manufacture of fluid power equipment
This class includes:
manufacture of hydraulic and pneumatic components (including hydraulic pumps,
hydraulic motors, hydraulic and pneumatic cylinders, hydraulic and pneumatic valves,
hydraulic and pneumatic hose and fittings)
manufacture of air preparation equipment for use in pneumatic systems
manufacture of fluid power systems
manufacture of hydraulic transmission equipment
This class excludes:
manufacture of compressors, see 2813
manufacture of pumps and valves for non-fluid power applications, see 2813
manufacture of mechanical transmission equipment, see 2814
2813 Manufacture of other pumps, compressors, taps and valves
This class includes:
manufacture of air or vacuum pumps, air or other gas compressors
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4142
manufacture of pumps for liquids whether or not fitted with a measuring device
manufacture of pumps designed for fitting to internal combustion engines: oil, water
and fuel pumps for motor vehicles etc.
This class also includes:
manufacture of industrial taps and valves, including regulating valves and intake taps
manufacture of sanitary taps and valves
manufacture of heating taps and valves
This class excludes:
manufacture of valves of unhardened vulcanized rubber, glass or of ceramic materials, see
2219, 2310 or 2393
manufacture of hydraulic transmission equipment, see 2812
manufacture of inlet and exhaust valves of internal combustion engines, see 2811
2814 Manufacture of bearings, gears, gearing and driving elements
This class includes:
manufacture of ball and roller bearings and parts thereof
manufacture of mechanical power transmission equipment:
transmission shafts and cranks: camshafts, crankshafts, cranks etc.
bearing housings and plain shaft bearings
manufacture of gears, gearing and gear boxes and other speed changers
manufacture of clutches and shaft couplings
manufacture of flywheels and pulleys
manufacture of articulated link chain
manufacture of power transmission chain
This class excludes:
manufacture of other chain, see 2599
manufacture of (electromagnetic) clutches, see 2930
manufacture of sub-assemblies of power transmission equipment identifiable as parts of
vehicles or aircraft, see divisions 29 and 30
2815 Manufacture of ovens, furnaces and furnace burners
This class includes:
manufacture of electrical and other industrial and laboratory furnaces and ovens,
including incinerators
manufacture of burners
manufacture of permanent mount electric space heaters, electric swimming pool
manufacture of permanent mount non-electric household heating equipment, such
as solar heating, steam heating, oil heat and similar furnaces and heating equipment
manufacture of electric household-type furnaces (electric forced air furnaces, heat
pumps, etc.), non-electric household forced air furnaces
This class also includes:
manufacture of mechanical stokers, grates, ash dischargers etc.
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 143
This class excludes:
manufacture of household ovens, see 2750
manufacture of agricultural dryers, see 2825
manufacture of bakery ovens, see 2825
manufacture of dryers for wood, paper pulp, paper or paperboard, see 2829
manufacture of medical, surgical or laboratory sterilizers, see 3250
manufacture of (dental) laboratory furnaces, see 3250
2816 Manufacture of lifting and handling equipment
This class includes:
manufacture of hand-operated or power-driven lifting, handling, loading or unloading
pulley tackle and hoists, winches, capstans and jacks
derricks, cranes, mobile lifting frames, straddle carriers etc.
works trucks, whether or not fitted with lifting or handling equipment, whether or
not self-propelled, of the type used in factories (including hand trucks and wheelbar-
mechanical manipulators and industrial robots specifically designed for lifting, hand-
ling, loading or unloading
manufacture of conveyors, telfers (téléphériques) etc.
manufacture of lifts, escalators and moving walkways
manufacture of parts specialized for lifting and handling equipment
This class excludes:
manufacture of continuous-action elevators and conveyors for underground use, see
manufacture of mechanical shovels, excavators and shovel loaders, see 2824
manufacture of industrial robots for multiple uses, see 2829
manufacture of crane-lorries, floating cranes, railway cranes, see 2910, 3011, 3020
installation of lifts and elevators, see 4329
2817 Manufacture of office machinery and equipment (except computers and periph-
eral equipment)
This class includes:
manufacture of calculating machines
manufacture of adding machines, cash registers
manufacture of calculators, electronic or not
manufacture of postage meters, mail handling machines (envelope stuffing, sealing
and addressing machinery; opening, sorting, scanning), collating machinery
manufacture of typewriters
manufacture of stenography machines
manufacture of office-type binding equipment (i.e. plastic or tape binding)
manufacture of cheque writing machines
manufacture of coin counting and coin wrapping machinery
manufacture of pencil sharpeners
manufacture of staplers and staple removers
manufacture of voting machines
manufacture of tape dispensers
manufacture of hole punches
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4144
manufacture of cash registers, mechanically operated
manufacture of photocopy machines
manufacture of toner cartridges
manufacture of blackboards; white boards and marker boards
manufacture of dictating machines
This class excludes:
manufacture of computers and peripheral equipment, see 2620
2818 Manufacture of power-driven hand tools
This class includes:
manufacture of hand tools, with self-contained electric or non-electric motor or pneu-
matic drive, such as:
circular or reciprocating saws
drills and hammer drills
hand held power sanders
pneumatic nailers
pneumatic rivet guns
shears and nibblers
impact wrenches
powder actuated nailers
This class excludes:
manufacture of electrical hand-held soldering and welding equipment, see 2790
2819 Manufacture of other general-purpose machinery
This class includes:
manufacture of industrial refrigerating or freezing equipment, including assemblies of
major components
manufacture of air-conditioning machines, including for motor vehicles
manufacture of non-domestic fans
manufacture of weighing machinery (other than sensitive laboratory balances):
household and shop scales, platform scales, scales for continuous weighing, weigh-
bridges, weights etc.
manufacture of filtering or purifying machinery and apparatus for liquids
manufacture of equipment for projecting, dispersing or spraying liquids or powders:
spray guns, fire extinguishers, sandblasting machines, steam cleaning machines etc.
manufacture of packing and wrapping machinery:
filling, closing, sealing, capsuling or labeling machines etc.
manufacture of machinery for cleaning or drying bottles and for aerating beverages
manufacture of distilling or rectifying plant for petroleum refineries, chemical indus-
tries, beverage industries etc.
manufacture of heat exchangers
manufacture of machinery for liquefying air or gas
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 145
manufacture of gas generators
manufacture of calendering or other rolling machines and cylinders thereof (except
for metal and glass)
manufacture of centrifuges (except cream separators and clothes dryers)
manufacture of gaskets and similar joints made of a combination of materials or layers
of the same material
manufacture of automatic goods vending machines
manufacture of parts for general-purpose machinery
manufacture of attic ventilation fans (gable fans, roof ventilators, etc.)
manufacture of levels, tape measures and similar hand tools, machinists’ precision
tools (except optical)
manufacture of non-electrical welding and soldering equipment
This class excludes:
manufacture of sensitive (laboratory-type) balances, see 2651
manufacture of domestic refrigerating or freezing equipment, see 2750
manufacture of domestic fans, see 2750
manufacture of electrical welding and soldering equipment, see 2790
manufacture of agricultural spraying machinery, see 2821
manufacture of metal or glass rolling machinery and cylinders thereof, see 2823, 2829
manufacture of agricultural dryers, see 2825
manufacture of machinery for filtering or purifying food, see 2825
manufacture of cream separators, see 2825
manufacture of commercial clothes dryers, see 2826
manufacture of textile printing machinery, see 2826
282 Manufacture of special-purpose machinery
This group includes the manufacture of special-purpose machinery, i.e. machinery
for exclusive use in an ISIC industry or a small cluster of ISIC industries. While most of
these are used in other manufacturing processes, such as food manufacturing or tex-
tile manufacturing, this group also includes the manufacture of machinery specific for
other (non-manufacturing industries), such as aircraft launching gear or amusement park
2821 Manufacture of agricultural and forestry machinery
This class includes:
manufacture of tractors used in agriculture and forestry
manufacture of walking (pedestrian-controlled) tractors
manufacture of mowers, including lawnmowers
manufacture of agricultural self-loading or self-unloading trailers or semi-trailers
manufacture of agricultural machinery for soil preparation, planting or fertilizing:
ploughs, manure spreaders, seeders, harrows etc.
manufacture of harvesting or threshing machinery:
harvesters, threshers, sorters etc.
manufacture of milking machines
manufacture of spraying machinery for agricultural use
manufacture of diverse agricultural machinery:
poultry-keeping machinery, bee-keeping machinery, equipment for preparing fod-
der etc.
machines for cleaning, sorting or grading eggs, fruit etc.
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4146
This class excludes:
manufacture of non-power-driven agricultural hand tools, see 2593
manufacture of conveyors for farm use, see 2816
manufacture of power-driven hand tools, see 2818
manufacture of cream separators, see 2825
manufacture of machinery to clean, sort or grade seed, grain or dried leguminous vegeta-
bles, see 2825
manufacture of road tractors for semi-trailers, see 2910
manufacture of road trailers or semi-trailers, see 2920
2822 Manufacture of metal-forming machinery and machine tools
This class includes:
manufacture of machine tools for working metals and other materials (wood, bone,
stone, hard rubber, hard plastics, cold glass etc.), including those using a laser beam,
ultrasonic waves, plasma arc, magnetic pulse etc.
manufacture of machine tools for turning, drilling, milling, shaping, planing, boring,
grinding etc.
manufacture of stamping or pressing machine tools
manufacture of punch presses, hydraulic presses, hydraulic brakes, drop hammers,
forging machines etc.
manufacture of draw-benches, thread rollers or machines for working wires
manufacture of stationary machines for nailing, stapling, glueing or otherwise assem-
bling wood, cork, bone, hard rubber or plastics etc.
manufacture of stationary rotary or rotary percussion drills, filing machines, riveters,
sheet metal cutters etc.
manufacture of presses for the manufacture of particle board and the like
manufacture of electroplating machinery
This class also includes:
manufacture of parts and accessories for the machine tools listed above: work holders,
dividing heads and other special attachments for machine tools
This class excludes:
manufacture of interchangeable tools for hand tools or machine tools (drills, punches, dies,
taps, milling cutters, turning tools, saw blades, cutting knives etc.), see 2593
manufacture of electric hand held soldering irons and soldering guns, see 2790
manufacture of power-driven hand tools, see 2818
manufacture of machinery used in metal mills or foundries, see 2823
manufacture of machinery for mining and quarrying, see 2824
2823 Manufacture of machinery for metallurgy
This class includes:
manufacture of machines and equipment for handling hot metals:
converters, ingot moulds, ladles, casting machines
manufacture of metal-rolling mills and rolls for such mills
This class excludes:
manufacture of draw-benches, see 2822
manufacture of moulding boxes and moulds (except ingot moulds), see 2593
manufacture of machines for forming foundry moulds, see 2829
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 147
2824 Manufacture of machinery for mining, quarrying and construction
This class includes:
manufacture of continuous-action elevators and conveyors for underground use
manufacture of boring, cutting, sinking and tunnelling machinery (whether or not for
underground use)
manufacture of machinery for treating minerals by screening, sorting, separating,
washing, crushing etc.
manufacture of concrete and mortar mixers
manufacture of earth-moving machinery:
bulldozers, angle-dozers, graders, scrapers, levellers, mechanical shovels, shovel
loaders etc.
manufacture of pile drivers and pile extractors, mortar spreaders, bitumen spreaders,
concrete surfacing machinery etc.
manufacture of tracklaying tractors and tractors used in construction or mining
manufacture of bulldozer and angle-dozer blades
manufacture of off-road dumping trucks
This class excludes:
manufacture of lifting and handling equipment, see 2816
manufacture of other tractors, see 2821, 2910
manufacture of machine tools for working stone, including machines for splitting or clear-
ing stone, see 2822
manufacture of concrete-mixer lorries, see 2910
manufacture of mining locomotives and mining rail cars, see 3020
2825 Manufacture of machinery for food, beverage and tobacco processing
This class includes:
manufacture of agricultural dryers
manufacture of machinery for the dairy industry:
cream separators
milk processing machinery (e.g. homogenizers)
milk converting machinery (e.g. butter chums, butter workers and moulding
cheese-making machines (e.g. homogenizers, moulders, presses) etc.
manufacture of machinery for the grain milling industry:
machinery to clean, sort or grade seeds, grain or dried leguminous vegetables (win-
nowers, sieving belts, separators, grain brushing machines etc.)
machinery to produce flour and meal etc. (grinding mills, feeders, sifters, bran clean-
ers, blenders, rice hullers, pea splitters)
manufacture of presses, crushers etc. used to make wine, cider, fruit juices etc.
manufacture of machinery for the bakery industry or for making macaroni, spaghetti
or similar products:
bakery ovens, dough mixers, dough-dividers, moulders, slicers, cake depositing
machines etc.
manufacture of machines and equipment to process diverse foods:
machinery to make confectionery, cocoa or chocolate; to manufacture sugar; for
breweries; to process meat or poultry; to prepare fruit, nuts or vegetables; to prepare
fish, shellfish or other seafood
machinery for filtering and purifying
other machinery for the industrial preparation or manufacture of food or drink
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4148
manufacture of machinery for the extraction or preparation of animal or vegetable
fats or oils
manufacture of machinery for the preparation of tobacco and for the making of ciga-
rettes or cigars, or for pipe or chewing tobacco or snuff
manufacture of machinery for the preparation of food in hotels and restaurants
This class excludes:
manufacture of food and milk irradiation equipment, see 2660
manufacture of packing, wrapping and weighing machinery, see 2819
manufacture of cleaning, sorting or grading machinery for eggs, fruit or other crops (except
seeds, grains and dried leguminous vegetables), see 2821
2826 Manufacture of machinery for textile, apparel and leather production
This class includes:
manufacture of textile machinery:
machines for preparing, producing, extruding, drawing, texturing or cutting man-
made textile fibres, materials or yarns
machines for preparing textile fibres: cotton gins, bale breakers, garnetters, cotton
spreaders, wool scourers, wool carbonizers, combs, carders, roving frames etc.
spinning machines
machines for preparing textile yarns: reelers, warpers and related machines
weaving machines (looms), including hand looms
knitting machines
machines for making knotted net, tulle, lace, braid etc.
manufacture of auxiliary machines or equipment for textile machinery:
dobbies, jacquards, automatic stop motions, shuttle changing mechanisms, spindles
and spindle flyers etc.
manufacture of textile printing machinery
manufacture of machinery for fabric processing:
machinery for washing, bleaching, dyeing, dressing, finishing, coating or impregnat-
ing textile fabrics
manufacture of machines for reeling, unreeling, folding, cutting or pinking textile
manufacture of laundry machinery:
ironing machines, including fusing presses
commercial washing and drying machines
dry-cleaning machines
manufacture of sewing machines, sewing machine heads and sewing machine nee-
dles (whether or not for household use)
manufacture of machines for producing or finishing felt or non-wovens
manufacture of leather machines:
machinery for preparing, tanning or working hides, skins or leather
machinery for making or repairing footwear or other articles of hides, skins, leather
or fur skins
This class excludes:
manufacture of paper or paperboard cards for use on jacquard machines, see 1709
manufacture of domestic washing and drying machines, see 2750
manufacture of calendering machines, see 2819
manufacture of machines used in bookbinding, see 2829
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 149
2829 Manufacture of other special-purpose machinery
This class includes the manufacture of special-purpose machinery not elsewhere classi-
This class includes:
manufacture of machinery for making paper pulp
manufacture of paper and paperboard making machinery
manufacture of dryers for wood, paper pulp, paper or paperboard
manufacture of machinery producing articles of paper or paperboard
manufacture of machinery for working soft rubber or plastics or for the manufacture
of products of these materials:
extruders, moulders, pneumatic tyre making or retreading machines and other
machines for making a specific rubber or plastic product
manufacture of printing and bookbinding machines and machines for activities sup-
porting printing on a variety of materials
manufacture of machinery for producing tiles, bricks, shaped ceramic pastes, pipes,
graphite electrodes, blackboard chalk, foundry moulds etc.
manufacture of semi-conductor manufacturing machinery
manufacture of industrial robots performing multiple tasks for special purposes
manufacture of diverse special-purpose machinery and equipment:
machines to assemble electric or electronic lamps, tubes (valves) or bulbs
machines for production or hot-working of glass or glassware, glass fibre or yarn
machinery or apparatus for isotopic separation
manufacture of tire alignment and balancing equipment; balancing equipment (except
wheel balancing)
manufacture of central greasing systems
manufacture of aircraft launching gear, aircraft carrier catapults and related equip-
manufacture of automatic bowling alley equipment (e.g. pin-setters)
manufacture of roundabouts, swings, shooting galleries and other fairground amuse-
This class excludes:
manufacture of household appliances, see 2750
manufacture of photocopy machines etc., see 2817
manufacture of machinery or equipment to work hard rubber, hard plastics or cold glass,
see 2822
manufacture of ingot moulds, see 2823
manufacture of textile printing machinery, see 2826
29 Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers
This division includes the manufacture of motor vehicles for transporting passengers or
freight. The manufacture of various parts and accessories, as well as the manufacture of
trailers and semi-trailers, is included here.
The maintenance and repair of vehicles produced in this division are classified in 4520.
291 Manufacture of motor vehicles
See class 2910.
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4150
2910 Manufacture of motor vehicles
This class includes:
manufacture of passenger cars
manufacture of commercial vehicles:
vans, lorries, over-the-road tractors for semi-trailers etc.
manufacture of buses, trolley-buses and coaches
manufacture of motor vehicle engines
manufacture of chassis fitted with engines
manufacture of other motor vehicles:
snowmobiles, golf carts, amphibious vehicles
fire engines, street sweepers, travelling libraries, armoured cars etc.
concrete-mixer lorries
ATVs, go-carts and similar including race cars
This class also includes:
factory rebuilding of motor vehicle engines
This class excludes:
manufacture of lighting equipment for motor vehicles, see 2740
manufacture of pistons, piston rings and carburetors, see 2811
manufacture of agricultural tractors, see 2821
manufacture of tractors used in construction or mining, see 2824
manufacture of off-road dumping trucks, see 2824
manufacture of bodies for motor vehicles, see 2920
manufacture of electrical parts for motor vehicles, see 2930
manufacture of parts and accessories for motor vehicles, see 2930
manufacture of tanks and other military fighting vehicles, see 3040
maintenance, repair and alteration of motor vehicles, see 4520
292 Manufacture of bodies (coachwork) for motor vehicles; manufacture of trailers
and semi-trailers
See class 2920.
2920 Manufacture of bodies (coachwork) for motor vehicles; manufacture of trailers
and semi-trailers
This class includes:
manufacture of bodies, including cabs for motor vehicles
outfitting of all types of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers
manufacture of trailers and semi-trailers:
for transport of goods: tankers, removal trailers etc.
for transport of passengers: caravan trailers etc.
manufacture of containers for carriage by one or more modes of transport
This class excludes:
manufacture of trailers and semi-trailers specially designed for use in agriculture, see 2821
manufacture of parts and accessories of bodies for motor vehicles, see 2930
manufacture of vehicles drawn by animals, see 3099
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 151
293 Manufacture of parts and accessories for motor vehicles
See class 2930.
2930 Manufacture of parts and accessories for motor vehicles
This class includes:
manufacture of diverse parts and accessories for motor vehicles:
brakes, gearboxes, axles, road wheels, suspension shock absorbers, radiators, silenc-
ers, exhaust pipes, catalytic converters, clutches, steering wheels, steering columns
and steering boxes
manufacture of parts and accessories of bodies for motor vehicles:
safety belts, airbags, doors, bumpers
manufacture of car seats
manufacture of motor vehicle electrical equipment, such as generators, alternators,
spark plugs, ignition wiring harnesses, power window and door systems, assembly of
purchased gauges into instrument panels, voltage regulators, etc.
This class excludes:
manufacture of tyres, see 2211
manufacture of rubber hoses and belts and other rubber products, see 2219
manufacture of plastic hoses and belts and other plastic products, see 2220
manufacture of batteries for vehicles, see 2720
manufacture of lighting equipment for motor vehicles, see 2740
manufacture of pistons, piston rings and carburetors, see 2811
manufacture of pumps for motor vehicles and engines, see 2813
maintenance, repair and alteration of motor vehicles, see 4520
30 Manufacture of other transport equipment
This division includes the manufacture of transportation equipment such as ship building
and boat manufacturing, the manufacture of railroad rolling stock and locomotives, air
and spacecraft and the manufacture of parts thereof.
301 Building of ships and boats
This group includes the building of ships, boats and other floating structures for transpor-
tation and other commercial purposes, as well as for sports and recreational purposes.
3011 Building of ships and floating structures
This class includes the building of ships, except vessels for sports or recreation, and the
construction of floating structures.
This class includes:
building of commercial vessels:
passenger vessels, ferry boats, cargo ships, tankers, tugs etc.
building of warships
building of fishing boats and fish-processing factory vessels
This class also includes:
building of hovercraft (except recreation-type hovercraft)
construction of drilling platforms, floating or submersible
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4152
construction of floating structures:
floating docks, pontoons, coffer-dams, floating landing stages, buoys, floating tanks,
barges, lighters, floating cranes, non-recreational inflatable rafts etc.
manufacture of sections for ships and floating structures
This class excludes:
manufacture of parts of vessels, other than major hull assemblies:
manufacture of sails, see 1392
manufacture of ships’ propellers, see 2599
manufacture of iron or steel anchors, see 2599
manufacture of marine engines, see 2811
manufacture of navigational instruments, see 2651
manufacture of lighting equipment for ships, see 2740
manufacture of amphibious motor vehicles, see 2910
manufacture of inflatable boats or rafts for recreation, see 3012
specialized repair and maintenance of ships and floating structures, see 3315
ship-breaking, see 3830
interior installation of boats, see 4330
3012 Building of pleasure and sporting boats
This class includes:
manufacture of inflatable boats and rafts
building of sailboats with or without auxiliary motor
building of motor boats
building of recreation-type hovercraft
manufacture of personal watercraft
manufacture of other pleasure and sporting boats:
canoes, kayaks, rowing boats, skiffs
This class excludes:
manufacture of parts of pleasure and sporting boats:
manufacture of sails, see 1392
manufacture of iron or steel anchors, see 2599
manufacture of marine engines, see 2811
manufacture of sailboards and surfboards, see 3230
maintenance, repair or alteration of pleasure boats, see 3315
302 Manufacture of railway locomotives and rolling stock
See class 3020.
3020 Manufacture of railway locomotives and rolling stock
This class includes:
manufacture of electric, diesel, steam and other rail locomotives
manufacture of self-propelled railway or tramway coaches, vans and trucks, mainte-
nance or service vehicles
manufacture of railway or tramway rolling stock, not self-propelled:
passenger coaches, goods vans, tank wagons, self-discharging vans and wagons,
workshop vans, crane vans, tenders etc.
manufacture of specialized parts of railway or tramway locomotives or of rolling
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 153
bogies, axles and wheels, brakes and parts of brakes; hooks and coupling devices,
buffers and buffer parts; shock absorbers; wagon and locomotive frames; bodies;
corridor connections etc.
This class also includes:
manufacture of mechanical and electromechanical signalling, safety and traffic control
equipment for railways, tramways, inland waterways, roads, parking facilities, airfields
manufacture of mining locomotives and mining rail cars
This class excludes:
manufacture of unassembled rails, see 2410
manufacture of assembled railway track fixtures, see 2599
manufacture of electric motors, see 2710
manufacture of electrical signalling, safety or traffic-control equipment, see 2790
manufacture of engines and turbines, see 2811
303 Manufacture of air and spacecraft and related machinery
See class 3030.
3030 Manufacture of air and spacecraft and related machinery
This class includes:
manufacture of airplanes for the transport of goods or passengers, for use by the
defence forces, for sport or other purposes
manufacture of helicopters
manufacture of gliders, hang-gliders
manufacture of dirigibles and hot air balloons
manufacture of parts and accessories of the aircraft of this class:
major assemblies such as fuselages, wings, doors, control surfaces, landing gear, fuel
tanks, nacelles etc.
airscrews, helicopter rotors and propelled rotor blades
motors and engines of a kind typically found on aircraft
parts of turbojets and turboprops for aircraft
manufacture of ground flying trainers
manufacture of spacecraft and launch vehicles, satellites, planetary probes, orbital sta-
tions, shuttles
manufacture of intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM)
This class also includes:
overhaul and conversion of aircraft or aircraft engines
manufacture of aircraft seats
This class excludes:
manufacture of parachutes, see 1392
manufacture of military ordinance and ammunition, see 2520
manufacture of telecommunication equipment for satellites, see 2630
manufacture of aircraft instrumentation and aeronautical instruments, see 2651
manufacture of air navigation systems, see 2651
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4154
manufacture of lighting equipment for aircraft, see 2740
manufacture of ignition parts and other electrical parts for internal combustion engines,
see 2790
manufacture of pistons, piston rings and carburetors, see 2811
manufacture of aircraft launching gear, aircraft carrier catapults and related equipment,
see 2829
304 Manufacture of military fighting vehicles
See class 3040.
3040 Manufacture of military fighting vehicles
This class includes:
manufacture of tanks
manufacture of armored amphibious military vehicles
manufacture of other military fighting vehicles
This class excludes:
manufacture of weapons and ammunitions, see 2520
309 Manufacture of transport equipment n.e.c.
This group includes the manufacture of transport equipment other than motor vehicles
and rail, water, air or space transport equipment and military vehicles.
3091 Manufacture of motorcycles
This class includes:
manufacture of motorcycles, mopeds and cycles fitted with an auxiliary engine
manufacture of engines for motorcycles
manufacture of sidecars
manufacture of parts and accessories for motorcycles
This class excludes:
manufacture of bicycles, see 3092
manufacture of invalid carriages, see 3092
3092 Manufacture of bicycles and invalid carriages
This class includes:
manufacture of non-motorized bicycles and other cycles, including (delivery) tricycles,
tandems, childrens bicycles and tricycles
manufacture of parts and accessories of bicycles
manufacture of invalid carriages with or without motor
manufacture of parts and accessories of invalid carriages
manufacture of baby carriages
This class excludes:
manufacture of bicycles with auxiliary motor, see 3091
manufacture of wheeled toys designed to be ridden, including plastic bicycles and tricycles,
see 3240
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 155
3099 Manufacture of other transport equipment n.e.c.
This class includes:
manufacture of hand-propelled vehicles: luggage trucks, handcarts, sledges, shopping
carts etc.
manufacture of vehicles drawn by animals: sulkies, donkey-carts, hearses etc.
This class excludes:
works trucks, whether or not fitted with lifting or handling equipment, whether or not
self-propelled, of the type used in factories (including hand trucks and wheelbarrows),
see 2816
decorative restaurant carts, such as a desert cart, food wagons, see 3100
31 Manufacture of furniture
This division includes the manufacture of furniture and related products of any material
except stone, concrete and ceramic. The processes used in the manufacture of furniture
are standard methods of forming materials and assembling components, including cut-
ting, moulding and laminating. The design of the article, for both aesthetic and functional
qualities, is an important aspect of the production process.
Some of the processes used in furniture manufacturing are similar to processes that are
used in other segments of manufacturing. For example, cutting and assembly occurs in
the production of wood trusses that are classified in division 16 (Manufacture of wood
and wood products). However, the multiple processes distinguish wood furniture manu-
facturing from wood product manufacturing. Similarly, metal furniture manufacturing
uses techniques that are also employed in the manufacturing of roll-formed products
classified in division 25 (Manufacture of fabricated metal products). The molding process
for plastics furniture is similar to the molding of other plastics products. However, the
manufacture of plastics furniture tends to be a specialized activity.
310 Manufacture of furniture
See class 3100.
3100 Manufacture of furniture
This class includes the manufacture of furniture of any kind, any material (except stone,
concrete or ceramic) for any place and various purposes.
This class includes:
manufacture of chairs and seats for offices, workrooms, hotels, restaurants, public and
domestic premises
manufacture of chairs and seats for theatres, cinemas and the like
manufacture of sofas, sofa beds and sofa sets
manufacture of garden chairs and seats
manufacture of special furniture for shops: counters, display cases, shelves etc.
manufacture of furniture for churches, schools, restaurants
manufacture of office furniture
manufacture of kitchen furniture
manufacture of furniture for bedrooms, living rooms, gardens etc.
manufacture of cabinets for sewing machines, televisions etc.
manufacture of laboratory benches, stools and other laboratory seating, laboratory
furniture (e.g. cabinets and tables)
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4156
This class also includes:
finishing such as upholstery of chairs and seats
finishing of furniture such as spraying, painting, French polishing and upholstering
manufacture of mattress supports
manufacture of mattresses:
mattresses fitted with springs or stuffed or internally fitted with a supporting mate-
uncovered cellular rubber or plastic mattresses
decorative restaurant carts, such as dessert carts, food wagons
This class excludes:
manufacture of pillows, pouffes, cushions, quilts and eiderdowns, see 1392
manufacture of inflatable rubber mattresses, see 2219
manufacture of furniture of ceramics, concrete and stone, see 2393, 2395, 2396
manufacture of lighting fittings or lamps, see 2740
blackboards, see 2817
manufacture of car seats, railway seats, aircraft seats, see 2930, 3020, 3030
modular furniture attachment and installation, partition installation, laboratory equip-
ment furniture installation, see 4330
32 Other manufacturing
This division includes the manufacture of a variety of goods not covered in other parts of
the classification. Since this is a residual division, production processes, input materials
and use of the produced goods can vary widely and usual criteria for grouping classes
into divisions have not been applied here.
321 Manufacture of jewellery, bijouterie and related articles
This group includes the manufacture of jewellery and imitation jewellery articles.
3211 Manufacture of jewellery and related articles
This class includes:
production of worked pearls
production of precious and semi-precious stones in the worked state, including the
working of industrial quality stones and synthetic or reconstructed precious or semi-
precious stones
working of diamonds
manufacture of jewellery of precious metal or of base metals clad with precious metals,
or precious or semi-precious stones, or of combinations of precious metal and precious
or semi-precious stones or of other materials
manufacture of goldsmiths’ articles of precious metals or of base metals clad with pre-
cious metals:
dinnerware, flatware, hollowware, toilet articles, office or desk articles, articles for
religious use etc.
manufacture of technical or laboratory articles of precious metal (except instruments
and parts thereof): crucibles, spatulas, electroplating anodes etc.
manufacture of precious metal watch bands, wristbands, watch straps and cigarette
manufacture of coins, including coins for use as legal tender, whether or not of pre-
cious metal
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 157
This class also includes:
engraving of personal precious and non-precious metal products
This class excludes:
manufacture of non-metal watch bands (fabric, leather, plastic etc.), see 1512
manufacture of articles of base metal plated with precious metal (except imitation jewel-
lery), see division 25
manufacture of watchcases, see 2652
manufacture of (non-precious) metal watch bands, see 3212
manufacture of imitation jewellery, see 3212
3212 Manufacture of imitation jewellery and related articles
This class includes:
manufacture of costume or imitation jewellery:
rings, bracelets, necklaces, and similar articles of jewellery made from base metals
plated with precious metals
jewellery containing imitation stones such as imitation gems stones, imitation dia-
monds, and similar
manufacture of metal watch bands (except precious metal)
This class excludes:
manufacture of jewellery made from precious metals or clad with precious metals, see
manufacture of jewellery containing genuine gem stones, see 3211
manufacture of precious metal watch bands, see 3211
322 Manufacture of musical instruments
See class 3220.
3220 Manufacture of musical instruments
This class includes:
manufacture of stringed instruments
manufacture of keyboard stringed instruments, including automatic pianos
manufacture of keyboard pipe organs, including harmoniums and similar keyboard
instruments with free metal reeds
manufacture of accordions and similar instruments, including mouth organs
manufacture of wind instruments
manufacture of percussion musical instruments
manufacture of musical instruments, the sound of which is produced electronically
manufacture of musical boxes, fairground organs, calliopes etc.
manufacture of instrument parts and accessories:
metronomes, tuning forks, pitch pipes, cards, discs and rolls for automatic mechani-
cal instruments etc.
This class also includes:
manufacture of whistles, call horns and other mouth-blown sound signalling instru-
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4158
This class excludes:
reproduction of pre-recorded sound and video tapes and discs, see 1820
manufacture of microphones, amplifiers, loudspeakers, headphones and similar compo-
nents, see 2640
manufacture of record players, tape recorders and the like, see 2640
manufacture of toy musical instruments, see 3240
restoring of organs and other historic musical instruments, see 3319
publishing of pre-recorded sound and video tapes and discs, see 5920
piano tuning, see 9529
323 Manufacture of sports goods
See class 3230.
3230 Manufacture of sports goods
This class includes the manufacture of sporting and athletic goods (except apparel and
This class includes:
manufacture of articles and equipment for sports, outdoor and indoor games, of any
hard, soft and inflatable balls
rackets, bats and clubs
skis, bindings and poles
sailboards and surfboards
requisites for sport fishing, including landing nets
requisites for hunting, mountain climbing etc.
leather sports gloves and sports headgear
ice skates, roller skates etc.
bows and crossbows
gymnasium, fitness centre or athletic equipment
This class excludes:
manufacture of boat sails, see 1392
manufacture of sports apparel, see 1410
manufacture of saddlery and harness, see 1512
manufacture of whips and riding crops, see 1512
manufacture of sports footwear, see 1520
manufacture of sporting weapons and ammunition, see 2520
manufacture of metal weights as used for weightlifting, see 2599
manufacture of automatic bowling alley equipment (e.g. pin-setters), see 2829
manufacture of sports vehicles other than toboggans and the like, see divisions 29 and 30
manufacture of boats, see 3012
manufacture of billiard tables, see 3240
manufacture of ear and noise plugs (e.g. for swimming and noise protection), see 3290
324 Manufacture of games and toys
See class 3240.
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 159
3240 Manufacture of games and toys
This class includes the manufacture of dolls, toys and games (including electronic games),
scale models and childrens vehicles (except metal bicycles and tricycles).
This class includes:
manufacture of dolls and doll garments, parts and accessories
manufacture of action figures
manufacture of toy animals
manufacture of toy musical instruments
manufacture of playing cards
manufacture of board games and similar games
manufacture of electronic games: chess etc.
manufacture of reduced-size (“scale”) models and similar recreational models, electri-
cal trains, construction sets etc.
manufacture of coin-operated games, billiards, special tables for casino games, etc.
manufacture of articles for funfair, table or parlour games
manufacture of wheeled toys designed to be ridden, including plastic bicycles and
manufacture of puzzles and similar articles
This class excludes:
manufacture of video game consoles, see 2640
manufacture of bicycles, see 3092
writing and publishing of software for video game consoles, see 5820, 6201
325 Manufacture of medical and dental instruments and supplies
See class 3250.
3250 Manufacture of medical and dental instruments and supplies
This class includes the manufacture of laboratory apparatus, surgical and medical instru-
ments, surgical appliances and supplies, dental equipment and supplies, orthodontic
goods, dentures and orthodontic appliances. Included is the manufacture of medical,
dental and similar furniture, where the additional specific functions determine the pur-
pose of the product, such as dentist’s chairs with built-in hydraulic functions.
This class includes:
manufacture of surgical drapes and sterile string and tissue
manufacture of dental fillings and cements (except denture adhesives), dental wax and
other dental plaster preparations
manufacture of bone reconstruction cements
manufacture of dental laboratory furnaces
manufacture of laboratory ultrasonic cleaning machinery
manufacture of laboratory sterilizers
manufacture of laboratory type distilling apparatus, laboratory centrifuges
manufacture of medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture, such as:
operating tables
examination tables
hospital beds with mechanical fittings
dentists’ chairs
manufacture of bone plates and screws, syringes, needles, catheters, cannulae, etc.
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4160
manufacture of dental instruments (including dentists chairs incorporating dental
manufacture of artificial teeth, bridges, etc., made in dental labs
manufacture of orthopedic and prosthetic devices
manufacture of glass eyes
manufacture of medical thermometers
manufacture of ophthalmic goods, eyeglasses, sunglasses, lenses ground to prescrip-
tion, contact lenses, safety goggles
This class excludes:
manufacture of denture adhesives, see 2023
manufacture of medical impregnated wadding, dressings etc., see 2100
manufacture of electromedical and electrotherapeutic equipment, see 2660
manufacture of wheelchairs, see 3092
329 Other manufacturing n.e.c.
See class 3290.
3290 Other manufacturing n.e.c.
This class includes:
manufacture of protective safety equipment
manufacture of fire-resistant and protective safety clothing
manufacture of linemens safety belts and other belts for occupational use
manufacture of cork life preservers
manufacture of plastics hard hats and other personal safety equipment of plastics
(e.g. athletic helmets)
manufacture of fire-fighting protection suits
manufacture of metal safety headgear and other metal personal safety devices
manufacture of ear and noise plugs (e.g. for swimming and noise protection)
manufacture of gas masks
manufacture of brooms and brushes, including brushes constituting parts of machines,
hand-operated mechanical floor sweepers, mops and feather dusters, paint brushes,
paint pads and rollers, squeegees and other brushes, brooms, mops etc.
manufacture of shoe and clothes brushes
manufacture of pens and pencils of all kinds whether or not mechanical
manufacture of pencil leads
manufacture of date, sealing or numbering stamps, hand-operated devices for print-
ing, or embossing labels, hand printing sets, prepared typewriter ribbons and inked
manufacture of globes
manufacture of umbrellas, sun-umbrellas, walking sticks, seat-sticks
manufacture of buttons, press-fasteners, snap-fasteners, press-studs, slide fasteners
manufacture of cigarette lighters
manufacture of articles of personal use: smoking pipes, scent sprays, vacuum flasks
and other vacuum vessels for personal or household use, wigs, false beards, eyebrows
manufacture of miscellaneous articles: candles, tapers and the like; bouquets, wreaths
and floral baskets; artificial flowers, fruit and foliage; jokes and novelties; hand sieves
and hand riddles; tailors’ dummies; burial caskets etc.
taxidermy activities
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 161
This class excludes:
manufacture of lighter wicks, see 1399
manufacture of workwear and service apparel (e.g. laboratory coats, work overalls, uni-
forms), see 1410
manufacture of paper novelties, see 1709
manufacture of plastic novelties, see 2220
33 Repair and installation of machinery and equipment
This division includes the specialized repair of goods produced in the manufacturing sec-
tor with the aim to restore machinery, equipment and other products to working order.
The provision of general or routine maintenance (i.e. servicing) on such products to ensure
they work efficiently and to prevent breakdown and unnecessary repairs is included.
This division does only include specialized repair and maintenance activities. A substan-
tial amount of repair is also done by manufacturers of machinery, equipment and other
goods, in which case the classification of units engaged in these repair and manufactur-
ing activities is done according to the value-added principle which would often assign
these combined activities to the manufacture of the good. The same principle is applied
for combined trade and repair.
The rebuilding or remanufacturing of machinery and equipment is considered a manu-
facturing activity and included in other divisions of this section.
Repair and maintenance of goods that are utilized as capital goods as well as consumer
goods is typically classified as repair and maintenance of household goods (e.g. office and
household furniture repair, see 9524).
Also included in this division is the specialized installation of machinery. However, the
installation of equipment that forms an integral part of buildings or similar structures,
such as installation of electrical wiring, installation of escalators or installation of air-con-
ditioning systems, is classified as construction.
This division excludes the cleaning of industrial machinery (see class 8129) and the repair
and maintenance of computers, communications equipment and household goods (see
division 95).
331 Repair of fabricated metal products, machinery and equipment
This group includes the specialized repair of goods produced in the manufacturing sector
with the aim to restore these metal products, machinery, equipment and other products
to working order. The provision of general or routine maintenance (i.e. servicing) on such
products to ensure they work efficiently and to prevent breakdown and unnecessary
repairs is included.
This group excludes:
rebuilding or remanufacturing of machinery and equipment, see corresponding class in
divisions 25-31
cleaning of industrial machinery, see 8129
repair and maintenance of computers and communications equipment, see group 951
repair and maintenance of household goods, see group 952
3311 Repair of fabricated metal products
This class includes the repair and maintenance of fabricated metal products of divi-
sion 25.
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4162
This class includes:
repair of metal tanks, reservoirs and containers
repair and maintenance for pipes and pipelines
mobile welding repair
repair of steel shipping drums
repair and maintenance of steam or other vapour generators
repair and maintenance of auxiliary plant for use with steam generators:
condensers, economizers, superheaters, steam collectors and accumulators
repair and maintenance of nuclear reactors, except isotope separators
repair and maintenance of parts for marine or power boilers
platework repair of central heating boilers and radiators
repair and maintenance of fire arms and ordnance (including repair of sporting and
recreational guns)
This class excludes:
repair of central heating systems etc., see 4322
repair of mechanical locking devices, safes etc., see 8020
3312 Repair of machinery
This class includes the repair and maintenance of industrial machinery and equipment
like sharpening or installing commercial and industrial machinery blades and saws; the
provision of welding (e.g. automotive, general) repair services; the repair of agricultural
and other heavy and industrial machinery and equipment (e.g. forklifts and other mate-
rials handling equipment, machine tools, commercial refrigeration equipment, con-
struction equipment and mining machinery), comprising machinery and equipment of
division 28.
This class includes:
repair and maintenance of non-automotive engines, e.g. ship or rail engines
repair and maintenance of pumps and related equipment
repair and maintenance of fluid power equipment
repair of valves
repair of gearing and driving elements
repair and maintenance of industrial process furnaces
repair and maintenance of materials handling equipment
repair and maintenance of commercial refrigeration equipment and air purifying
repair and maintenance of commercial-type general-purpose machinery
repair of other power-driven hand-tools
repair and maintenance of metal cutting and metal forming machine tools and acces-
repair and maintenance of other machine tools
repair and maintenance of agricultural tractors
repair and maintenance of agricultural machinery and forestry and logging machinery
repair and maintenance of metallurgy machinery
repair and maintenance of mining, construction, and oil and gas field machinery
repair and maintenance of food, beverage, and tobacco processing machinery
repair and maintenance of textile apparel, and leather production machinery
repair and maintenance of papermaking machinery
repair and maintenance of other special-purpose machinery of division 28
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 163
repair and maintenance of weighing equipment
repair and maintenance of vending machines
repair and maintenance of cash registers
repair and maintenance of photocopy machines
repair of calculators, electronic or not
repair of typewriters
This class excludes:
installation, repair and maintenance of furnaces and other heating equipment, see 4322
installation, repair and maintenance of elevators and escalators, see 4329
3313 Repair of electronic and optical equipment
This class includes the repair and maintenance of goods produced in groups 265, 266 and
267, except those that are considered household goods.
This class includes:
repair and maintenance of the measuring, testing, navigating and control equipment
of group 265, such as:
aircraft engine instruments
automotive emissions testing equipment
meteorological instruments
physical, electrical and chemical properties testing and inspection equipment
surveying instruments
radiation detection and monitoring instruments
repair and maintenance of irradiation, electromedical and electrotherapeutic equip-
ment of class 2660, such as:
magnetic resonance imaging equipment
medical ultrasound equipment
hearing aids
electromedical endoscopic equipment
irradiation apparatus
repair and maintenance of optical instruments and equipment of class 2670, if the use
is mainly commercial, such as:
microscopes (except electron and proton microscopes)
prisms and lenses (except ophthalmic)
photographic equipment
This class excludes:
repair and maintenance of photocopy machines, see 3312
repair and maintenance of computers and peripheral equipment, see 9511
repair and maintenance of computer projectors, see 9511
repair and maintenance of communication equipment, see 9512
repair and maintenance of commercial TV and video cameras, see 9512
repair of household-type video cameras, see 9521
repair of watches and clocks, see 9529
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4164
3314 Repair of electrical equipment
This class includes the repair and maintenance of goods of division 27, except those in
class 2750 (domestic appliances).
This class includes:
repair and maintenance of power, distribution, and specialty transformers
repair and maintenance of electric motors, generators, and motor generator sets
repair and maintenance of switchgear and switchboard apparatus
repair and maintenance of relays and industrial controls
repair and maintenance of primary and storage batteries
repair and maintenance of electric lighting equipment
repair and maintenance of current-carrying wiring devices and non current-carrying
wiring devices for wiring electrical circuits
This class excludes:
repair and maintenance of computers and peripheral computer equipment, see 9511
repair and maintenance of telecommunications equipment, see 9512
repair and maintenance of consumer electronics, see 9521
repair of watches and clocks, see 9529
3315 Repair of transport equipment, except motor vehicles
This class includes the repair and maintenance of transport equipment of division 30,
except motorcycles and bicycles. However, the factory rebuilding or overhaul of ships,
locomotives, railroad cars and aircraft is classified in division 30.
This class includes:
repair and routine maintenance of ships
repair and maintenance of pleasure boats
repair and maintenance of locomotives and railroad cars (except factory rebuilding or
factory conversion)
repair and maintenance of aircraft (except factory conversion, factory overhaul, factory
repair and maintenance of aircraft engines
repair of animal drawn buggies and wagons
This class excludes:
factory rebuilding of ships, see 3010
factory rebuilding of locomotives and railroad cars, see 3020
factory rebuilding of aircraft, see 3030
repair of ship or rail engines, see 3312
ship scaling, dismantling, see 3830
repair and maintenance of motorcycles, see 4540
repair of bicycles and invalid carriages, see 9529
3319 Repair of other equipment
This class includes the repair and maintenance of equipment not covered in other groups
of this division.
This class includes:
repair of fishing nets, including mending
repair or ropes, riggings, canvas and tarps
repair of fertilizer and chemical storage bags
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 165
repair or reconditioning of wooden pallets, shipping drums or barrels, and similar items
repair of pinball machines and other coin-operated games
restoring of organs and other historical musical instruments
This class excludes:
repair of household and office type furniture, furniture restoration, see 9524
repair of bicycles and invalid carriages, see 9529
repair and alteration of clothing, see 9529
332 Installation of industrial machinery and equipment
See class 3320.
3320 Installation of industrial machinery and equipment
This class includes the specialized installation of machinery. However, the installation of
equipment that forms an integral part of buildings or similar structures, such as installa-
tion of escalators, electrical wiring, burglar alarm systems or air-conditioning systems, is
classified as construction.
This class includes:
installation of industrial machinery in industrial plant
installation of industrial process control equipment
installation of other industrial equipment, e.g.:
communications equipment
mainframe and similar computers
irradiation and electromedical equipment etc.
dismantling large-scale machinery and equipment
activities of millwrights
machine rigging
installation of bowling alley equipment
This class excludes:
installation of electrical wiring, burglar alarm systems, see 4321
installation of air-conditioning systems, see 4322
installation of elevators, escalators, automated doors, vacuum cleaning systems etc.,
see 4329
installation of doors, staircases, shop fittings, furniture etc., see 4330
installation (setting-up) of personal computers, see 6209
Section D
Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply
This section includes the activity of providing electric power, natural gas, steam, hot water and
the like through a permanent infrastructure (network) of lines, mains and pipes. The dimension of
the network is not decisive; also included are the distribution of electricity, gas, steam, hot water
and the like in industrial parks or residential buildings.
This section therefore includes the operation of electric and gas utilities, which generate, control
and distribute electric power or gas. Also included is the provision of steam and air-conditioning
This section excludes the operation of water and sewerage utilities, see 36, 37. This section also
excludes the (typically long-distance) transport of gas through pipelines.
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4166
35 Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply
See section D.
351 Electric power generation, transmission and distribution
See class 3510.
3510 Electric power generation, transmission and distribution
This class includes the generation of bulk electric power, transmission from generating
facilities to distribution centers and distribution to end users.
This class includes:
operation of generation facilities that produce electric energy, including thermal,
nuclear, hydroelectric, gas turbine, diesel and renewable
operation of transmission systems that convey the electricity from the generation facil-
ity to the distribution system
operation of distribution systems (i.e. consisting of lines, poles, meters, and wiring) that
convey electric power received from the generation facility or the transmission system
to the final consumer
sale of electricity to the user
activities of electric power brokers or agents that arrange the sale of electricity via
power distribution systems operated by others
operation of electricity and transmission capacity exchanges for electric power
This class excludes:
production of electricity through incineration of waste, see 3821
352 Manufacture of gas; distribution of gaseous fuels through mains
See class 3520.
3520 Manufacture of gas; distribution of gaseous fuels through mains
This class includes the manufacture of gas and the distribution of natural or synthetic gas
to the consumer through a system of mains. Gas marketers or brokers, which arrange the
sale of natural gas over distribution systems operated by others, are included.
The separate operation of gas pipelines, typically done over long distances, connecting
producers with distributors of gas, or between urban centers, is excluded from this class
and classified with other pipeline transport activities.
This class includes:
production of gas for the purpose of gas supply by carbonation of coal, from by-prod-
ucts of agriculture or from waste
manufacture of gaseous fuels with a specified calorific value, by purification, blending
and other processes from gases of various types including natural gas
transportation, distribution and supply of gaseous fuels of all kinds through a system
of mains
sale of gas to the user through mains
activities of gas brokers or agents that arrange the sale of gas over gas distribution
systems operated by others
commodity and transport capacity exchanges for gaseous fuels
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 167
This class excludes:
operation of coke ovens, see 1910
manufacture of refined petroleum products, see 1920
manufacture of industrial gases, see 2011
wholesale of gaseous fuels, see 4661
retail sale of bottled gas, see 4773
direct selling of fuel, see 4799
(long-distance) transportation of gases by pipelines, see 4930
353 Steam and air conditioning supply
See class 3530.
3530 Steam and air conditioning supply
This class includes:
production, collection and distribution of steam and hot water for heating, power and
other purposes
production and distribution of cooled air
production and distribution of chilled water for cooling purposes
production of ice, including ice for food and non-food (e.g. cooling) purposes
Section E
Water supply; sewerage, waste management and
remediation activities
This section includes activities related to the management (including collection, treatment and
disposal) of various forms of waste, such as solid or non-solid industrial or household waste, as
well as contaminated sites. The output of the waste or sewage treatment process can either be
disposed of or become an input into other production processes. Activities of water supply are
also grouped in this section, since they are often carried out in connection with, or by units also
engaged in, the treatment of sewage.
36 Water collection, treatment and supply
This division includes the collection, treatment and distribution of water for domestic
and industrial needs. Collection of water from various sources, as well as distribution by
various means is included.
360 Water collection, treatment and supply
See class 3600.
3600 Water collection, treatment and supply
This class includes water collection, treatment and distribution activities for domestic and
industrial needs. Collection of water from various sources, as well as distribution by vari-
ous means is included.
The operation of irrigation canals is also included; however the provision of irrigation
services through sprinklers, and similar agricultural support services, is not included.
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4168
This class includes:
collection of water from rivers, lakes, wells etc.
collection of rain water
purification of water for water supply purposes
treatment of water for industrial and other purposes
desalting of sea or ground water to produce water as the principal product of interest
distribution of water through mains, by trucks or other means
operation of irrigation canals
This class excludes:
operation of irrigation equipment for agricultural purposes, see 0161
treatment of wastewater in order to prevent pollution, see 3700
(long-distance) transport of water via pipelines, see 4930
37 Sewerage
This division includes the operation of sewer systems or sewage treatment facilities that
collect, treat, and dispose of sewage.
370 Sewerage
See class 3700.
3700 Sewerage
This class includes:
operation of sewer systems or sewer treatment facilities
collecting and transporting of human or industrial wastewater from one or several
users, as well as rain water by means of sewerage networks, collectors, tanks and other
means of transport (sewage vehicles etc.)
emptying and cleaning of cesspools and septic tanks, sinks and pits from sewage; serv-
icing of chemical toilets
treatment of wastewater (including human and industrial wastewater, water from
swimming pools etc.) by means of physical, chemical and biological processes like dilu-
tion, screening, filtering, sedimentation etc.
maintenance and cleaning of sewers and drains, including sewer rodding
38 Waste collection, treatment and disposal activities; materials recovery
This division includes the collection, treatment, and disposal of waste materials. This also
includes local hauling of waste materials and the operation of materials recovery facilities
(i.e. those that sort recoverable materials from a waste stream).
381 Waste collection
This group includes the collection of waste from households and businesses by means
of refuse bins, wheeled bins, containers, etc. It includes collection of non-hazardous and
hazardous waste e.g. waste from households, used batteries, used cooking oils and fats,
waste oil from ships and used oil from garages, as well as construction and demolition
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 169
3811 Collection of non-hazardous waste
This class includes:
collection of non-hazardous solid waste (i.e. garbage) within a local area, such as col-
lection of waste from households and businesses by means of refuse bins, wheeled
bins, containers etc may include mixed recoverable materials
collection of recyclable materials
collection of used cooking oils and fats
collection of refuse in litter-bins in public places
This class also includes:
collection of construction and demolition waste
collection and removal of debris such as brush and rubble
collection of waste output of textile mills
operation of waste transfer stations for non-hazardous waste
This class excludes:
collection of hazardous waste, see 3812
operation of landfills for the disposal of non-hazardous waste, see 3821
operation of facilities where commingled recoverable materials such as paper, plastics, etc.
are sorted into distinct categories, see 3830
3812 Collection of hazardous waste
This class includes the collection of solid and non-solid hazardous waste, i.e. explosive,
oxidizing, flammable, toxic, irritant, carcinogenic, corrosive, infectious and other sub-
stances and preparations harmful for human health and environment. It may also entail
identification, treatment, packaging and labeling of waste for the purposes of transport.
This class includes:
collection of hazardous waste, such as:
used oil from shipment or garages
bio-hazardous waste
used batteries
operation of waste transfer stations for hazardous waste
This class excludes:
remediation and clean up of contaminated buildings, mine sites, soil, ground water, e.g.
asbestos removal, see 3900
382 Waste treatment and disposal
This group includes the disposal and treatment prior to disposal of various forms of waste
by different means, such as waste treatment of organic waste with the aim of disposal;
treatment and disposal of toxic live or dead animals and other contaminated waste; treat-
ment and disposal of transition radioactive waste from hospitals, etc.; dumping of refuse
on land or in water; burial or ploughing-under of refuse; disposal of used goods such as
refrigerators to eliminate harmful waste; disposal of waste by incineration or combus-
Included is also the generation of electricity resulting from waste incineration processes.
This group excludes:
treatment and disposal of wastewater, see 3700
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4170
3821 Treatment and disposal of non-hazardous waste
This class includes the disposal, treatment prior to disposal and other treatment of solid
or non-solid non-hazardous waste.
This class includes:
operation of landfills for the disposal of non-hazardous waste
disposal of non-hazardous waste by combustion or incineration or other methods, with
or without the resulting production of electricity or steam, substitute fuels, biogas,
ashes or other by-products for further use etc.
treatment of organic waste for disposal
production of compost from organic waste
This class excludes:
incineration and combustion of hazardous waste, see 3822
operation of facilities where commingled recoverable materials such as paper, plastics,
used beverage cans and metals, are sorted into distinct categories, see 3830
decontamination, clean up of land, water; toxic material abatement, see 3900
3822 Treatment and disposal of hazardous waste
This class includes the disposal and treatment prior to disposal of solid or non-solid
hazardous waste, including waste that is explosive, oxidizing, flammable, toxic, irritant,
carcinogenic, corrosive or infectious and other substances and preparations harmful for
human health and environment.
This class includes:
operation of facilities for treatment of hazardous waste
treatment and disposal of toxic live or dead animals and other contaminated waste
incineration of hazardous waste
disposal of used goods such as refrigerators to eliminate harmful waste
treatment, disposal and storage of radioactive nuclear waste including:
treatment and disposal of transition radioactive waste, i.e. decaying within the
period of transport, from hospitals
encapsulation, preparation and other treatment of nuclear waste for storage
This class excludes:
incineration of non-hazardous waste, see 3821
decontamination, clean up of land, water; toxic material abatement, see 3900
reprocessing of nuclear fuels, see 2011
383 Materials recovery
See class 3830.
3830 Materials recovery
This class includes:
processing of metal and non-metal waste and scrap and other articles into secondary
raw materials, usually involving a mechanical or chemical transformation process
recovery of materials from waste streams in the form of:
separating and sorting recoverable materials from non-hazardous waste streams (i.e.
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 171
separating and sorting of commingled recoverable materials, such as paper, plastics,
used beverage cans and metals, into distinct categories
Examples of the mechanical or chemical transformation processes that are undertaken
mechanical crushing of metal waste such as used cars, washing machines, bikes etc.
with subsequent sorting and separation
dismantling of automobiles, computers, televisions and other equipment for materials
mechanical reduction of large iron pieces such as railway wagons
shredding of metal waste, end-of-life vehicles etc.
other methods of mechanical treatment as cutting, pressing to reduce the volume
reclaiming metals out of photographic waste, e.g. fixer solution or photographic films
and paper
reclaiming of rubber such as used tires to produce secondary raw material
sorting and pelleting of plastics to produce secondary raw material for tubes, flower
pots, pallets and the like
processing (cleaning, melting, grinding) of plastic or rubber waste to granulates
crushing, cleaning and sorting of glass
crushing, cleaning and sorting of other waste such as demolition waste to obtain sec-
ondary raw material
processing of used cooking oils and fats into secondary raw materials
processing of other food, beverage and tobacco waste and residual substances into
secondary raw materials
This class excludes:
manufacture of new final products from (whether or not self-produced) secondary metal
raw materials, such as spinning yarn from garnetted stock, making pulp from paper waste,
retreading tyres or production of metal from metal scrap, see corresponding classes in sec-
tion C (Manufacturing)
reprocessing of nuclear fuels, see 2011
remelting ferrous waste and scrap, see 2410
treatment and disposal of non-hazardous waste, see 3821
treatment of organic waste for disposal, see 3821
energy recovery from non-hazardous waste incineration processes, see 3821
disposal of used goods such as refrigerators to eliminate harmful waste, see 3822
treatment and disposal of transition radioactive waste from hospitals etc., see 3822
treatment and disposal of toxic, contaminated waste, see 3822
dismantling of automobiles, computers, televisions and other equipment to obtain and re-
sell usable parts, see section G
wholesale of recoverable materials, see 4669
39 Remediation activities and other waste management services
This division includes the provision of remediation services, i.e. the cleanup of contami-
nated buildings and sites, soil, surface or ground water.
390 Remediation activities and other waste management services
See class 3900.
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4172
3900 Remediation activities and other waste management services
This class includes:
decontamination of soils and groundwater at the place of pollution, either in situ or ex
situ, using e.g. mechanical, chemical or biological methods
decontamination of industrial plants or sites, including nuclear plants and sites
decontamination and cleaning up of surface water following accidental pollution, e.g.
through collection of pollutants or through application of chemicals
cleaning up of oil spills and other pollutions on land, in surface water, in ocean and
seas, including coastal areas
asbestos, lead paint, and other toxic material abatement
clearing of landmines and the like (including detonation)
other specialized pollution-control activities
This class excludes:
treatment and disposal of non-hazardous waste, see 3821
treatment and disposal of hazardous waste, see 3822
outdoor sweeping and watering of streets etc., see 8129
Section F
This section includes general construction and specialized construction activities for buildings
and civil engineering works. It includes new work, repair, additions and alterations, the erection of
prefabricated buildings or structures on the site and also construction of a temporary nature.
General construction is the construction of entire dwellings, office buildings, stores and other
public and utility buildings, farm buildings etc., or the construction of civil engineering works
such as motorways, streets, bridges, tunnels, railways, airfields, harbours and other water projects,
irrigation systems, sewerage systems, industrial facilities, pipelines and electric lines, sports facili-
ties etc.
This work can be carried out on own account or on a fee or contract basis. Portions of the work
and sometimes even the whole practical work can be subcontracted out. A unit that carries the
overall responsibility for a construction project is classified here.
Also included is the repair of buildings and engineering works.
This section includes the complete construction of buildings (division 41), the complete construc-
tion of civil engineering works (division 42), as well as specialized construction activities, if carried
out only as a part of the construction process (division 43).
The renting of construction equipment with operator is classified with the specific construction
activity carried out with this equipment.
This section also includes the development of building projects for buildings or civil engineer-
ing works by bringing together financial, technical and physical means to realize the construc-
tion projects for later sale. If these activities are carried out not for later sale of the construction
projects, but for their operation (e.g. renting of space in these buildings, manufacturing activities
in these plants), the unit would not be classified here, but according to its operational activity, i.e.
real estate, manufacturing etc.
41 Construction of buildings
This division includes general construction of buildings of all kinds. It includes new work,
repair, additions and alterations, the erection of pre-fabricated buildings or structures on
the site and also construction of temporary nature.
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 173
Included is the construction of entire dwellings, office buildings, stores and other public
and utility buildings, farm buildings, etc.
410 Construction of buildings
See class 4100.
4100 Construction of buildings
This class includes the construction of complete residential or non-residential buildings,
on own account for sale or on a fee or contract basis. Outsourcing parts or even the whole
construction process is possible. If only specialized parts of the construction process are
carried out, the activity is classified in division 43.
This class includes:
construction of all types of residential buildings:
single-family houses
multi-family buildings, including high-rise buildings
construction of all types of non-residential buildings:
buildings for industrial production, e.g. factories, workshops, assembly plants etc.
hospitals, schools, office buildings
hotels, stores, shopping malls, restaurants
airport buildings
indoor sports facilities
parking garages, including underground parking garages
religious buildings
assembly and erection of prefabricated constructions on the site
This class also includes:
remodeling or renovating existing residential structures
This class excludes:
erection of complete prefabricated constructions from self-manufactured parts not of con-
crete, see divisions 16 and 25
construction of industrial facilities, except buildings, see 4290
architectural and engineering activities, see 7110
project management activities related to construction, see 7110
42 Civil engineering
This division includes general construction for civil engineering objects. It includes new
work, repair, additions and alterations, the erection of pre-fabricated structures on the
site and also construction of temporary nature.
Included is the construction of heavy constructions such as motorways, streets, bridges,
tunnels, railways, airfields, harbours and other water projects, irrigation systems, sewer-
age systems, industrial facilities, pipelines and electric lines, outdoor sports facilities, etc.
This work can be carried out on own account or on a fee or contract basis. Portions of the
work and sometimes even the whole practical work can be subcontracted out.
421 Construction of roads and railways
See class 4210.
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4174
4210 Construction of roads and railways
This class includes:
construction of motorways, streets, roads, other vehicular and pedestrian ways
surface work on streets, roads, highways, bridges or tunnels:
asphalt paving of roads
road painting and other marking
installation of crash barriers, traffic signs and the like
construction of bridges, including those for elevated highways
construction of tunnels
construction of railways and subways
construction of airfield runways
This class excludes:
installation of street lighting and electrical signals, see 4321
architectural and engineering activities, see 7110
project management activities related to civil engineering works, see 7110
422 Construction of utility projects
See class 4220.
4220 Construction of utility projects
This class includes the construction of distribution lines and related buildings and struc-
tures that are integral part of these systems.
This class includes:
construction of civil engineering constructions for:
long-distance pipelines, communication and power lines
urban pipelines, urban communication and power lines; ancillary urban works
water main and line construction
irrigation systems (canals)
construction of:
sewer systems, including repair
sewage disposal plants
pumping stations
power plants
This class also includes:
water well drilling
This class excludes:
project management activities related to civil engineering works, see 7110
429 Construction of other civil engineering projects
See class 4290.
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 175
4290 Construction of other civil engineering projects
This class includes:
construction of industrial facilities, except buildings, such as:
chemical plants
construction of:
waterways, harbour and river works, pleasure ports (marinas), locks, etc.
dams and dykes
dredging of waterways
construction work, other than buildings, such as:
outdoor sports facilities
This class also includes:
land subdivision with land improvement (e.g. adding of roads, utility infrastructure
This class excludes:
project management activities related to civil engineering works, see 7110
43 Specialized construction activities
This division includes specialized construction activities (special trades), i.e. the construc-
tion of parts of buildings and civil engineering works without responsibility for the entire
project. These activities are usually specialized in one aspect common to different struc-
tures, requiring specialized skills or equipment, such as pile driving, foundation work, car-
cass work, concrete work, brick laying, stone setting, scaffolding, roof covering, etc. The
erection of steel structures is included, provided that the parts are not produced by the
same unit. Specialized construction activities are mostly carried out under subcontract,
but especially in repair construction it is done directly for the owner of the property.
Also included are building finishing and building completion activities.
Included is the installation of all kind of utilities that make the construction function as
such. These activities are usually performed at the site of the construction, although parts
of the job may be carried out in a special shop. Included are activities such as plumbing,
installation of heating and air-conditioning systems, antennas, alarm systems and other
electrical work, sprinkler systems, elevators and escalators, etc. Also included are insu-
lation work (water, heat, sound), sheet metal work, commercial refrigerating work, the
installation of illumination and signalling systems for roads, railways, airports, harbours,
etc. Also included is the repair of the same type as the above-mentioned activities.
Building completion activities encompass activities that contribute to the completion or
finishing of a construction such as glazing, plastering, painting, floor and wall tiling or
covering with other materials like parquet, carpets, wallpaper, etc., floor sanding, finish
carpentry, acoustical work, cleaning of the exterior, etc. Also included is the repair of the
same type as the above-mentioned activities.
The renting of construction equipment with operator is classified with the associated
construction activity.
431 Demolition and site preparation
This group includes activities of preparing a site for subsequent construction activities,
including the removal of previously existing structures.
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4176
4311 Demolition
This class includes:
demolition or wrecking of buildings and other structures
4312 Site preparation
This class includes the preparation of sites for subsequent construction activities.
This class includes:
clearing of building sites
earth moving: excavation, landfill, levelling and grading of construction sites, trench
digging, rock removal, blasting, etc.
drilling, boring and core sampling for construction, geophysical, geological or similar
This class also includes:
site preparation for mining:
overburden removal and other development and preparation of mineral properties
and sites, except oil and gas sites
building site drainage
drainage of agricultural or forestry land
This class excludes:
drilling of production oil or gas wells, see 0610, 0620
test drilling and test hole boring for mining operations (other than oil and gas extraction),
see 0990
decontamination of soil, see 3900
water well drilling, see 4220
shaft sinking, see 4390
oil and gas field exploration, geophysical, geological and seismic surveying, see 7110
432 Electrical, plumbing and other construction installation activities
This group includes installation activities that support the functioning of a building as
such, including installation of electrical systems, plumbing (water, gas and sewage sys-
tems), heat and air-conditioning systems, elevators etc.
4321 Electrical installation
This class includes the installation of electrical systems in all kinds of buildings and civil
engineering structures.
This class includes:
installation of:
electrical wiring and fittings
telecommunications wiring
computer network and cable television wiring, including fibre optic
satellite dishes
lighting systems
fire alarms
burglar alarm systems
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 177
street lighting and electrical signals
airport runway lighting
This class also includes:
connecting of electric appliances and household equipment, including baseboard
This class excludes:
construction of communications and power transmission lines, see 4220
monitoring or remote monitoring of electronic security alarm systems, such as burglar and
fire alarms, including their maintenance, see 8020
4322 Plumbing, heat and air-conditioning installation
This class includes the installation of plumbing, heating and air-conditioning systems,
including additions, alterations, maintenance and repair.
This class includes:
installation in buildings or other construction projects of:
heating systems (electric, gas and oil)
furnaces, cooling towers
non-electric solar energy collectors
plumbing and sanitary equipment
ventilation, refrigeration or air-conditioning equipment and ducts
gas fittings
steam piping
fire sprinkler systems
lawn sprinkler systems
duct work installation
This class excludes:
installation of electric baseboard heating, see 4321
4329 Other construction installation
This class includes the installation of equipment other than electrical, plumbing, heating
and air-conditioning systems or industrial machinery in buildings and civil engineering
structures, including maintenance and repair.
This class includes:
installation in buildings or other construction projects of:
elevators, escalators
automated and revolving doors
lightning conductors
vacuum cleaning systems
thermal, sound or vibration insulation
This class excludes:
installation of industrial machinery, see 3320
433 Building completion and finishing
See class 4330.
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4178
4330 Building completion and finishing
This class includes:
application in buildings or other construction projects of interior and exterior plaster
or stucco, including related lathing materials
installation of doors (except automated and revolving), windows, door and window
frames, of wood or other materials
installation of fitted kitchens, staircases, shop fittings and the like
installation of furniture
interior completion such as ceilings, wooden wall coverings, movable partitions, etc.
laying, tiling, hanging or fitting in buildings or other construction projects of:
ceramic, concrete or cut stone wall or floor tiles, ceramic stove fitting
parquet and other wooden floor coverings
carpets and linoleum floor coverings, including of rubber or plastic
terrazzo, marble, granite or slate floor or wall coverings
interior and exterior painting of buildings
painting of civil engineering structures
installation of glass, mirrors, etc.
cleaning of new buildings after construction
other building completion work n.e.c.
This class also includes:
interior installation of shops, mobile homes, boats etc.
This class excludes:
painting of roads, see 4210
installation of automated and revolving doors, see 4329
general interior cleaning of buildings and other structures, see 8121
specialized interior and exterior cleaning of buildings, see 8129
activities of interior decoration designers, see 7410
assembly of self-standing furniture, see 9524
439 Other specialized construction activities
See class 4390.
4390 Other specialized construction activities
This class includes:
construction activities specializing in one aspect common to different kind of struc-
tures, requiring specialized skill or equipment:
construction of foundations, including pile driving
damp proofing and water proofing works
de-humidification of buildings
shaft sinking
erection of non-self-manufactured steel elements
steel bending
bricklaying and stone setting
roof covering for residential buildings
scaffolds and work platform erecting and dismantling, excluding renting of scaffolds
and work platforms
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 179
erection of chimneys and industrial ovens
work with specialist access requirements necessitating climbing skills and the use of
related equipment, e.g. working at height on tall structures
subsurface work
construction of outdoor swimming pools
steam cleaning, sand blasting and similar activities for building exteriors
renting of cranes with operator
This class excludes:
renting of construction machinery and equipment without operator, see 7730
Section G
Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and
This section includes wholesale and retail sale (i.e. sale without transformation) of any type of
goods and the rendering of services incidental to the sale of these goods. Wholesaling and retail-
ing are the final steps in the distribution of goods. Goods bought and sold are also referred to as
Also included in this section are the repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles.
Sale without transformation is considered to include the usual operations (or manipulations)
associated with trade, for example sorting, grading and assembling of goods, mixing (blending)
of goods (for example sand), bottling (with or without preceding bottle cleaning), packing, break-
ing bulk and repacking for distribution in smaller lots, storage (whether or not frozen or chilled),
cleaning and drying of agricultural products, cutting out of wood fibreboards or metal sheets as
secondary activities.
Division 45 includes all activities related to the sale and repair of motor vehicles and motorcy-
cles, while divisions 46 and 47 include all other sale activities. The distinction between division 46
(wholesale) and division 47 (retail sale) is based on the predominant type of customer.
Wholesale is the resale (sale without transformation) of new and used goods to retailers, to indus-
trial, commercial, institutional or professional users, or to other wholesalers, or involves acting
as an agent or broker in buying goods for, or selling goods to, such persons or companies. The
principal types of businesses included are merchant wholesalers, i.e. wholesalers who take title
to the goods they sell, such as wholesale merchants or jobbers, industrial distributors, exporters,
importers, and cooperative buying associations, sales branches and sales offices (but not retail
stores) that are maintained by manufacturing or mining units apart from their plants or mines for
the purpose of marketing their products and that do not merely take orders to be filled by direct
shipments from the plants or mines. Also included are merchandise brokers, commission mer-
chants and agents and assemblers, buyers and cooperative associations engaged in the market-
ing of farm products. Wholesalers frequently physically assemble, sort and grade goods in large
lots, break bulk, repack and redistribute in smaller lots, for example pharmaceuticals; store, refrig-
erate, deliver and install goods, engage in sales promotion for their customers and label design.
Retailing is the resale (sale without transformation) of new and used goods mainly to the general
public for personal or household consumption or utilization, by shops, department stores, stalls,
mail-order houses, door-to-door sales persons, hawkers and peddlers, consumer cooperatives,
auction houses etc. Most retailers take title to the goods they sell, but some act as agents for a
principal and sell either on consignment or on a commission basis.
45 Wholesale and retail trade and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles
This division includes all activities (except manufacture and renting) related to motor
vehicles and motorcycles, including lorries and trucks, such as the wholesale and retail
sale of new and second-hand vehicles, the repair and maintenance of vehicles and the
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4180
wholesale and retail sale of parts and accessories for motor vehicles and motorcycles.
Also included are activities of commission agents involved in wholesale or retail sale of
This division also includes activities such as washing, polishing of vehicles etc.
This division does not include the retail sale of automotive fuel and lubricating or cooling
products or the renting of motor vehicles or motorcycles.
451 Sale of motor vehicles
See class 4510.
4510 Sale of motor vehicles
This class includes:
wholesale and retail sale of new and used vehicles:
passenger motor vehicles, including specialized passenger motor vehicles such as
ambulances and minibuses, etc.
lorries, trailers and semi-trailers
camping vehicles such as caravans and motor homes
This class also includes:
wholesale and retail sale of off-road motor vehicles (jeeps, etc.)
wholesale and retail sale by commission agents
car auctions
This class excludes:
wholesale and retail sale of parts and accessories for motor vehicles, see 4530
renting of motor vehicles with driver, see 4922
renting of trucks with driver, see 4923
renting of motor vehicles and trucks without driver, see 7710
452 Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles
See class 4520.
4520 Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles
This class includes:
maintenance and repair of motor vehicles:
mechanical repairs
electrical repairs
electronic injection systems repair
ordinary servicing
bodywork repair
repair of motor vehicle parts
washing, polishing, etc.
spraying and painting
repair of screens and windows
repair of motor vehicle seats
tyre and tube repair, fitting or replacement
anti-rust treatment
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 181
installation of parts and accessories not as part of the manufacturing process
This class excludes:
retreading and rebuilding of tyres, see 2211
453 Sale of motor vehicle parts and accessories
See class 4530.
4530 Sale of motor vehicle parts and accessories
This class includes:
wholesale and retail sale of all kinds of parts, components, supplies, tools and acces-
sories for motor vehicles, such as:
rubber tires and inner tubes for tires
spark plugs, batteries, lighting equipment and electrical parts
This class excludes:
retail sale of automotive fuel, see 4730
454 Sale, maintenance and repair of motorcycles and related parts and accessories
See class 4540.
4540 Sale, maintenance and repair of motorcycles and related parts and accessories
This class includes:
wholesale and retail sale of motorcycles, including mopeds
wholesale and retail sale of parts and accessories for motorcycles (including by com-
mission agents and mail order houses)
maintenance and repair of motorcycles
This class excludes:
wholesale of bicycles and related parts and accessories, see 4649
retail sale of bicycles and related parts and accessories, see 4763
renting of motorcycles, see 7730
repair and maintenance of bicycles, see 9529
46 Wholesale trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles
This division includes wholesale trade on own account or on a fee or contract basis (com-
mission trade) related to domestic wholesale trade as well as international wholesale
trade (import/export).
Wholesale is the resale (sale without transformation) of new and used goods to retail-
ers, business-to-business trade, such as to industrial, commercial, institutional or profes-
sional users, or resale to other wholesalers, or involves acting as an agent or broker in
buying goods for, or selling goods to, such persons or companies. The principal types
of businesses included are merchant wholesalers, i.e. wholesalers who take title to the
goods they sell, such as wholesale merchants or jobbers, industrial distributors, export-
ers, importers, and cooperative buying associations, sales branches and sales offices (but
not retail stores) that are maintained by manufacturing or mining units apart from their
plants or mines for the purpose of marketing their products and that do not merely take
orders to be filled by direct shipments from the plants or mines. Also included are mer-
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4182
chandise brokers, commission merchants and agents and assemblers, buyers and coop-
erative associations engaged in the marketing of farm products.
Wholesalers frequently physically assemble, sort and grade goods in large lots, break
bulk, repack and redistribute in smaller lots, for example pharmaceuticals; store, refriger-
ate, deliver and install goods, engage in sales promotion for their customers and label
This division excludes the wholesale of motor vehicles, caravans and motorcycles, as well
as motor vehicle accessories (see division 45), the renting and leasing of goods (see divi-
sion 77) and the packing of solid goods and bottling of liquid or gaseous goods, including
blending and filtering, for third parties (see class 8292).
461 Wholesale on a fee or contract basis
See class 4610.
4610 Wholesale on a fee or contract basis
This class includes:
activities of commission agents and all other wholesalers who trade on behalf and on
the account of others
activities of those involved in bringing sellers and buyers together or undertaking
commercial transactions on behalf of a principal, including on the internet
such agents involved in the sale of:
agricultural raw materials, live animals, textile raw materials and semi-finished
fuels, ores, metals and industrial chemicals, including fertilizers
food, beverages and tobacco
textiles, clothing, fur, footwear and leather goods
timber and building materials
machinery, including office machinery and computers, industrial equipment, ships
and aircraft
furniture, household goods and hardware
This class also includes:
activities of wholesale auctioneering houses
This class excludes:
wholesale trade in own name, see groups 462 to 469
activities of commission agents for motor vehicles, see 4510
auctions of motor vehicles, see 4510
retail sale by non-store commission agents, see 4799
activities of insurance agents, see 6622
activities of real estate agents, see 6820
462 Wholesale of agricultural raw materials and live animals
See class 4620.
4620 Wholesale of agricultural raw materials and live animals
This class includes:
wholesale of grains and seeds
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 183
wholesale of oleaginous fruits
wholesale of flowers and plants
wholesale of unmanufactured tobacco
wholesale of live animals
wholesale of hides and skins
wholesale of leather
wholesale of agricultural material, waste, residues and by-products used for animal
This class excludes:
wholesale of textile fibres, see 4669
463 Wholesale of food, beverages and tobacco
See class 4630.
4630 Wholesale of food, beverages and tobacco
This class includes:
wholesale of fruit and vegetables
wholesale of dairy products
wholesale of eggs and egg products
wholesale of edible oils and fats of animal or vegetable origin
wholesale of meat and meat products
wholesale of fishery products
wholesale of sugar, chocolate and sugar confectionery
wholesale of bakery products
wholesale of beverages
wholesale of coffee, tea, cocoa and spices
wholesale of tobacco products
This class also includes:
buying of wine in bulk and bottling without transformation
wholesale of feed for pet animals
This class excludes:
blending of wine or distilled spirits, see 1101, 1102
464 Wholesale of household goods
This group includes the wholesale of household goods, including textiles.
4641 Wholesale of textiles, clothing and footwear
This class includes:
wholesale of yarn
wholesale of fabrics
wholesale of household linen etc.
wholesale of haberdashery: needles, sewing thread etc.
wholesale of clothing, including sports clothes
wholesale of clothing accessories such as gloves, ties and braces
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4184
wholesale of footwear
wholesale of fur articles
wholesale of umbrellas
This class excludes:
wholesale of jewellery and leather goods, see 4649
wholesale of textile fibres, see 4669
4649 Wholesale of other household goods
This class includes:
wholesale of household furniture
wholesale of household appliances
wholesale of consumer electronics:
radio and TV equipment
CD and DVD players and recorders
stereo equipment
video game consoles
wholesale of lighting equipment
wholesale of cutlery
wholesale of china and glassware
wholesale of woodenware, wickerwork and corkware etc.
wholesale of pharmaceutical and medical goods
wholesale of perfumeries, cosmetics and soaps
wholesale of bicycles and their parts and accessories
wholesale of stationery, books, magazines and newspapers
wholesale of photographic and optical goods (e.g. sunglasses, binoculars, magnifying
wholesale of recorded audio and video tapes, CDs, DVDs
wholesale of leather goods and travel accessories
wholesale of watches, clocks and jewellery
wholesale of musical instruments, games and toys, sports goods
This class excludes:
wholesale of blank audio and video tapes, CDs, DVDs, see 4652
wholesale of radio and TV broadcasting equipment, see 4652
wholesale of office furniture, see 4659
465 Wholesale of machinery, equipment and supplies
This group includes the wholesale of computers, telecommunications equipment, spe-
cialized machinery for all kinds of industries and general-purpose machinery.
4651 Wholesale of computers, computer peripheral equipment and software
This class includes:
wholesale of computers and computer peripheral equipment
wholesale of software
This class excludes:
wholesale of electronic parts, see 4652
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 185
wholesale of office machinery and equipment, (except computers and peripheral equip-
ment), see 4659
wholesale of computer-controlled machinery, see 4659
4652 Wholesale of electronic and telecommunications equipment and parts
This class includes:
wholesale of electronic valves and tubes
wholesale of semiconductor devices
wholesale of microchips and integrated circuits
wholesale of printed circuits
wholesale of blank audio and video tapes and diskettes, magnetic and optical disks
(CDs, DVDs)
wholesale of telephone and communications equipment
This class excludes:
wholesale of recorded audio and video tapes, CDs, DVDs, see 4649
wholesale of consumer electronics, see 4649
wholesale of computers and computer peripheral equipment, see 4651
4653 Wholesale of agricultural machinery, equipment and supplies
This class includes:
wholesale of agricultural machinery and equipment:
ploughs, manure spreaders, seeders
milking machines
poultry-keeping machines, bee-keeping machines
tractors used in agriculture and forestry
This class also includes:
lawn mowers however operated
4659 Wholesale of other machinery and equipment
This class includes:
wholesale of office machinery and equipment, except computers and computer
peripheral equipment
wholesale of office furniture
wholesale of transport equipment except motor vehicles, motorcycles and bicycles
wholesale of production-line robots
wholesale of wires and switches and other installation equipment for industrial use
wholesale of other electrical material such as electrical motors, transformers
wholesale of machine tools of any type and for any material
wholesale of other machinery n.e.c. for use in industry, trade and navigation and other
This class also includes:
wholesale of computer-controlled machine tools
wholesale of computer-controlled machinery for the textile industry and of computer-
controlled sewing and knitting machines
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4186
wholesale of measuring instruments and equipment
This class excludes:
wholesale of motor vehicles, trailers and caravans, see 4510
wholesale of motor vehicle parts, see 4530
wholesale of motorcycles, see 4540
wholesale of bicycles, see 4649
wholesale of computers and peripheral equipment, see 4651
wholesale of electronic parts and telephone and communications equipment, see 4652
466 Other specialized wholesale
This group includes other specialized wholesale activities not classified in other groups
of this division. This includes the wholesale of intermediate products, except agricultural,
typically not for household use.
4661 Wholesale of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels and related products
This class includes:
wholesale of fuels, greases, lubricants, oils such as:
charcoal, coal, coke, fuel wood, naphtha
crude petroleum, crude oil, diesel fuel, gasoline, fuel oil, heating oil, kerosene
liquefied petroleum gases, butane and propane gas
lubricating oils and greases, refined petroleum products
4662 Wholesale of metals and metal ores
This class includes:
wholesale of ferrous and non-ferrous metal ores
wholesale of ferrous and non-ferrous metals in primary forms
wholesale of ferrous and non-ferrous semi-finished metal products n.e.c.
wholesale of gold and other precious metals
This class excludes:
wholesale of metal scrap, see 4669
4663 Wholesale of construction materials, hardware, plumbing and heating equip-
ment and supplies
This class includes:
wholesale of wood in the rough
wholesale of products of primary processing of wood
wholesale of paint and varnish
wholesale of construction materials:
sand, gravel
wholesale of wallpaper and floor coverings
wholesale of flat glass
wholesale of hardware and locks
wholesale of fittings and fixtures
wholesale of hot water heaters
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 187
wholesale of sanitary equipment:
baths, washbasins, toilets and other sanitary porcelain
wholesale of sanitary installation equipment:
tubes, pipes, fittings, taps, T-pieces, connections, rubber pipes etc.
wholesale of tools such as hammers, saws, screwdrivers and other hand tools
4669 Wholesale of waste and scrap and other products n.e.c.
This class includes:
wholesale of industrial chemicals:
aniline, printing ink, essential oils, industrial gases, chemical glues, colouring matter,
synthetic resin, methanol, paraffin, scents and flavourings, soda, industrial salt, acids
and sulphurs, starch derivates etc.
wholesale of fertilizers and agrochemical products
wholesale of plastic materials in primary forms
wholesale of rubber
wholesale of textile fibres etc.
wholesale of paper in bulk
wholesale of precious stones
wholesale of metal and non-metal waste and scrap and materials for recycling, includ-
ing collecting, sorting, separating, stripping of used goods such as cars in order to
obtain reusable parts, packing and repacking, storage and delivery, but without a real
transformation process. Additionally, the purchased and sold waste has a remaining
This class includes:
dismantling of automobiles, computers, televisions and other equipment to obtain
and re-sell usable parts
This class excludes:
collection of household and industrial waste, see group 381
treatment of waste, not for a further use in an industrial manufacturing process, but with
the aim of disposal, see group 382
processing of waste and scrap and other articles into secondary raw material when a real
transformation process is required (the resulting secondary raw material is fit for direct use
in an industrial manufacturing process, but is not a final product), see 3830
dismantling of automobiles, computers, televisions and other equipment for materials
recovery, see 3830
shredding of cars by means of a mechanical process, see 3830
ship-breaking, see 3830
retail sale of second-hand goods, see 4774
469 Non-specialized wholesale trade
See class 4690.
4690 Non-specialized wholesale trade
This class includes:
wholesale of a variety of goods without any particular specialization
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4188
47 Retail trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles
This division includes the resale (sale without transformation) of new and used goods
mainly to the general public for personal or household consumption or utilization, by
shops, department stores, stalls, mail-order houses, hawkers and peddlers, consumer
cooperatives etc.
Retail trade is classified first by type of sale outlet (retail trade in stores: groups 471 to 477;
retail trade not in stores: groups 478 and 479). Retail trade in stores includes the retail
sale of used goods (class 4774). For retail sale in stores, there exists a further distinction
between specialized retail sale (groups 472 to 477) and non-specialized retail sale (group
471). The above groups are further subdivided by the range of products sold. Sale not via
stores is subdivided according to the forms of trade, such as retail sale via stalls and mar-
kets (group 478) and other non-store retail sale, e.g. mail order, door-to-door, by vending
machines etc. (group 479).
The goods sold in this division are limited to goods usually referred to as consumer goods
or retail goods. Therefore goods not usually entering the retail trade, such as cereal grains,
ores, industrial machinery etc., are excluded. This division also includes units engaged
primarily in selling to the general public, from displayed goods, products such as personal
computers, stationery, paint or timber, although these sales may not be for personal or
household use. Some processing of goods may be involved, but only incidental to selling,
e.g. sorting or repackaging of goods, installation of a domestic appliance etc.
This division also includes the retail sale by commission agents and activities of retail
auctioning houses.
This division excludes:
sale of farmers’ products by farmers, see division 01
manufacture and sale of goods, which is generally classified as manufacturing in divi-
sions 10–32
sale of motor vehicles, motorcycles and their parts, see division 45
trade in cereal grains, ores, crude petroleum, industrial chemicals, iron and steel and
industrial machinery and equipment, see division 46
sale of food and drinks for consumption on the premises and sale of takeaway food,
see division 56
renting of personal and household goods to the general public, see group 772
471 Retail sale in non-specialized stores
This group includes the retail sale of a variety of product lines in the same unit (non-
specialized stores), such as supermarkets or department stores.
4711 Retail sale in non-specialized stores with food, beverages or tobacco predomi-
This class includes:
retail sale of a large variety of goods of which, however, food products, beverages or
tobacco should be predominant, such as:
retail sale activities of general stores that have, apart from their main sales of food
products, beverages or tobacco, several other types of goods such as wearing
apparel, furniture, appliances, hardware, cosmetics etc.
This class excludes:
retail sale of fuel in combination with food, beverages etc., with fuel sales dominating, see
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 189
4719 Other retail sale in non-specialized stores
This class includes:
retail sale of a large variety of goods of which food products, beverages or tobacco are
not predominant, such as:
retail sale activities of department stores carrying a general line of goods, including
wearing apparel, furniture, appliances, hardware, cosmetics, jewellery, toys, sports
goods etc.
472 Retail sale of food, beverages and tobacco in specialized stores
This group includes retail sale in stores specialized in selling food, beverage or tobacco
4721 Retail sale of food in specialized stores
This class includes:
retail sale of any the following types of goods:
fresh or preserved fruit and vegetables
dairy products and eggs
meat and meat products (including poultry)
fish, other seafood and products thereof
bakery products
sugar confectionery
other food products
This class excludes:
manufacturing of bakery products, i.e. baking on premises, see 1071
4722 Retail sale of beverages in specialized stores
This class includes:
retail sale of beverages (not for consumption on the premises):
alcoholic beverages
non-alcoholic beverages
4723 Retail sale of tobacco products in specialized stores
This class includes:
retail sale of tobacco
retail sale of tobacco products
473 Retail sale of automotive fuel in specialized stores
See class 4730.
4730 Retail sale of automotive fuel in specialized stores
This class includes:
retail sale of fuel for motor vehicles and motorcycles
This class also includes:
retail sale of lubricating products and cooling products for motor vehicles
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4190
This class excludes:
wholesale of fuels, see 4661
retail sale of fuel in combination with food, beverages etc., with food and beverage sales
dominating, see 4711
retail sale of liquefied petroleum gas for cooking or heating, see 4773
474 Retail sale of information and communications equipment in specialized stores
This group includes the retail sale of information and communications equipment, such
as computers and peripheral equipment, telecommunications equipment and consumer
electronics, by specialized stores.
4741 Retail sale of computers, peripheral units, software and telecommunications
equipment in specialized stores
This class includes:
retail sale of computers
retail sale of computer peripheral equipment
retail sale of video game consoles
retail sale of non-customized software, including video games
retail sale of telecommunication equipment
This class excludes:
retail sale of blank tapes and disks, see 4762
4742 Retail sale of audio and video equipment in specialized stores
This class includes:
retail sale of radio and television equipment
retail sale of stereo equipment
retail sale of CD and DVD players and recorders
475 Retail sale of other household equipment in specialized stores
This group includes the retail sale of household equipment, such as textiles, hardware,
carpets, electrical appliances or furniture, in specialized stores.
4751 Retail sale of textiles in specialized stores
This class includes:
retail sale of fabrics
retail sale of knitting yarn
retail sale of basic materials for rug, tapestry or embroidery making
retail sale of textiles
retail sale of haberdashery: needles, sewing thread etc.
This class excludes:
retail sale of clothing, see 4771
4752 Retail sale of hardware, paints and glass in specialized stores
This class includes:
retail sale of hardware
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 191
retail sale of paints, varnishes and lacquers
retail sale of flat glass
retail sale of other building material such as bricks, wood, sanitary equipment
retail sale of do-it-yourself material and equipment
This class also includes:
retail sale of lawnmowers, however operated
retail sale of saunas
4753 Retail sale of carpets, rugs, wall and floor coverings in specialized stores
This class includes:
retail sale of carpets and rugs
retail sale of curtains and net curtains
retail sale of wallpaper and floor coverings
This class excludes:
retail sale of cork floor tiles, see 4752
4759 Retail sale of electrical household appliances, furniture, lighting equipment and
other household articles in specialized stores
This class includes:
retail sale of household furniture
retail sale of articles for lighting
retail sale of household utensils and cutlery, crockery, glassware, china and pottery
retail sale of wooden, cork and wickerwork goods
retail sale of household appliances
retail sale of musical instruments and scores
retail sale of security systems, such as locking devices, safes, and vaults, without instal-
lation or maintenance services
retail sale of household articles and equipment n.e.c.
This class excludes:
retail sale of antiques, see 4774
476 Retail sale of cultural and recreation goods in specialized stores
This group includes the retail sale in specialized stores of cultural and recreation goods,
such as books, newspapers, music and video recordings, sporting equipment, games and
4761 Retail sale of books, newspapers and stationary in specialized stores
This class includes:
retail sale of books of all kinds
retail sale of newspapers and stationery
This class also includes:
retail sale of office supplies such as pens, pencils, paper etc.
This class excludes:
retail sale of second-hand or antique books, see 4774
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4192
4762 Retail sale of music and video recordings in specialized stores
This class includes:
retail sale of musical records, audio tapes, compact discs and cassettes
retail sale of video tapes and DVDs
This class also includes:
retail sale of blank tapes and discs
4763 Retail sale of sporting equipment in specialized stores
This class includes:
retail sale of sports goods, fishing gear, camping goods, boats and bicycles
4764 Retail sale of games and toys in specialized stores
This class includes:
retail sale of games and toys, made of all materials
This class excludes:
retail sale of video game consoles, see 4741
retail sale of non-customized software, including video games, see 4741
477 Retail sale of other goods in specialized stores
This group includes the sale in specialized stores carrying a particular line of products
not included in other parts of the classification, such as clothing, footwear and leather
articles, pharmaceutical and medical goods, watches, souvenirs, cleaning materials,
weapons, flowers and pets and others. Also included is the retail sale of used goods in
specialized stores.
4771 Retail sale of clothing, footwear and leather articles in specialized stores
This class includes:
retail sale of articles of clothing
retail sale of articles of fur
retail sale of clothing accessories such as gloves, ties, braces etc.
retail sale of umbrellas
retail sale of footwear
retail sale of leather goods
retail sale of travel accessories of leather and leather substitutes
This class excludes:
retail sale of textiles, see 4751
4772 Retail sale of pharmaceutical and medical goods, cosmetic and toilet articles in
specialized stores
This class includes:
retail sale of pharmaceuticals
retail sale of medical and orthopaedic goods
retail sale of perfumery and cosmetic articles
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 193
4773 Other retail sale of new goods in specialized stores
This class includes:
retail sale of photographic, optical and precision equipment
activities of opticians
retail sale of watches, clocks and jewellery
retail sale of flowers, plants, seeds, fertilizers, pet animals and pet food
retail sale of souvenirs, craftwork and religious articles
activities of commercial art galleries
retail sale of household fuel oil, bottled gas, coal and fuel wood
retail sale of cleaning materials
retail sale of weapons and ammunition
retail sale of stamps and coins
retail sale of non-food products n.e.c.
4774 Retail sale of second-hand goods
This class includes:
retail sale of second-hand books
retail sale of other second-hand goods
retail sale of antiques
activities of auctioning houses (retail)
This class excludes:
retail sale of second-hand motor vehicles, see 4510
activities of Internet auctions and other non-store auctions (retail), see 4791, 4799
activities of pawn shops, see 6492
478 Retail sale via stalls and markets
This group includes the retail sale of any kind of new or second hand product in a usually
movable stall either along a public road or at a fixed marketplace.
4781 Retail sale via stalls and markets of food, beverages and tobacco products
This class includes:
retail sale of food, beverages and tobacco products via stalls or markets
This class excludes:
retail sale of prepared food for immediate consumption (mobile food vendors), see 5610
4782 Retail sale via stalls and markets of textiles, clothing and footwear
This class includes:
retail sale of textiles, clothing and footwear via stalls or markets
4789 Retail sale via stalls and markets of other goods
This class includes:
retail sale of other goods via stalls or markets, such as:
carpets and rugs
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4194
games and toys
household appliances and consumer electronics
music and video recordings
479 Retail trade not in stores, stalls or markets
This group includes retail sale activities by mail order houses, over the Internet, through
door-to-door sales, vending machines etc.
4791 Retail sale via mail order houses or via Internet
This class includes retail sale activities via mail order houses or via Internet, i.e. retail sale
activities where the buyer makes his choice on the basis of advertisements, catalogues,
information provided on a website, models or any other means of advertising and places
his order by mail, phone or over the Internet (usually through special means provided by
a website). The products purchased can be either directly downloaded from the Internet
or physically delivered to the customer.
This class includes:
retail sale of any kind of product by mail order
retail sale of any kind of product over the Internet
This class also includes:
direct sale via television, radio and telephone
Internet retail auctions
4799 Other retail sale not in stores, stalls or markets
This class includes:
retail sale of any kind of product in any way that is not included in previous classes:
by direct sales or door-to-door sales persons
through vending machines etc.
direct selling of fuel (heating oil, fire wood etc.), delivered directly to the customers
activities of non-store auctions (retail)
retail sale by (non-store) commission agents
This class excludes:
delivery of products by stores, see groups 471–477
Section H
Transportation and storage
This section includes the provision of passenger or freight transport, whether scheduled or not,
by rail, pipeline, road, water or air and associated activities such as terminal and parking facilities,
cargo handling, storage etc. Included in this section is the renting of transport equipment with
driver or operator. Also included are postal and courier activities.
This section excludes maintenance and repair of motor vehicles and other transportation equip-
ment (see classes 4520 and 3315, respectively), the construction, maintenance and repair of
roads, railroads, harbours, airfields (see classes 4210 and 4290), as well as the renting of transport
equipment without driver or operator (see classes 7710 and 7730).
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 195
49 Land transport and transport via pipelines
This division includes the transport of passengers and freight via road and rail, as well as
freight transport via pipelines.
491 Transport via railways
This group includes rail transportation of passengers and/or freight using railroad rolling
stock on mainline networks, usually spread over an extensive geographic area. Freight rail
transport over short-line freight railroads is included here.
This group excludes:
urban and suburban passenger land transport, see 4921
related activities such as switching and shunting, see 5221
operation of railroad infrastructure, see 5221
4911 Passenger rail transport, interurban
This class includes:
passenger transport by inter-urban railways
operation of sleeping cars or dining cars as an integrated operation of railway compa-
This class excludes:
passenger transport by urban and suburban transit systems, see 4921
passenger terminal activities, see 5221
operation of sleeping cars or dining cars when operated by separate units, see 5590, 5610
4912 Freight rail transport
This class includes:
freight transport on mainline rail networks as well as short-line freight railroads
This class excludes:
storage and warehousing, see 5210
freight terminal activities, see 5221
cargo handling, see 5224
492 Other land transport
This group includes all land-based transport activities other than rail transport. However,
rail transport as part of urban or suburban transport systems is included here.
4921 Urban and suburban passenger land transport
This class includes:
land transport of passengers by urban or suburban transport systems. This may include
different modes of land transport, such as by motorbus, tramway, streetcar, trolley bus,
underground and elevated railways etc. The transport is carried out on scheduled
routes normally following a fixed time schedule, entailing the picking up and setting
down of passengers at normally fixed stops.
This class also includes:
town-to-airport or town-to-station lines
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4196
operation of funicular railways, aerial cableways etc. if part of urban or suburban transit
This class excludes:
passenger transport by inter-urban railways, see 4911
4922 Other passenger land transport
This class includes:
other passenger road transport:
scheduled long-distance bus services
charters, excursions and other occasional coach services
taxi operation
airport shuttles
operation of telfers (téléphériques), funiculars, ski and cable lifts if not part of urban or
suburban transit systems
This class also includes:
other renting of private cars with driver
operation of school buses and buses for transport of employees
passenger transport by man- or animal-drawn vehicles
This class excludes:
ambulance transport, see 8690
4923 Freight transport by road
This class includes:
all freight transport operations by road:
logging haulage
stock haulage
refrigerated haulage
heavy haulage
bulk haulage, including haulage in tanker trucks
haulage of automobiles
transport of waste and waste materials, without collection or disposal
This class also includes:
furniture removal
renting of trucks with driver
freight transport by man or animal-drawn vehicles
This class excludes:
log hauling within the forest, as part of logging operations, see 0240
distribution of water by trucks, see 3600
operation of terminal facilities for handling freight, see 5221
crating and packing services for transport, see 5229
post and courier activities, see 5310, 5320
waste transport as integrated part of waste collection activities, see 3811, 3812
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 197
493 Transport via pipeline
See class 4930.
4930 Transport via pipeline
This class includes:
transport of gases, liquids, water, slurry and other commodities via pipelines
This class also includes:
operation of pump stations
This class excludes:
distribution of natural or manufactured gas, water or steam, see 3520, 3530, 3600
transport of water, liquids etc. by trucks, see 4923
50 Water transport
This division includes the transport of passengers or freight over water, whether sched-
uled or not. Also included are the operation of towing or pushing boats, excursion, cruise
or sightseeing boats, ferries, water taxis etc. Although the location is an indicator for the
separation between sea and inland water transport, the deciding factor is the type of
vessel used. All transport on sea-going vessels is classified in group 501, while transport
using other vessels is classified in group 502.
This division excludes restaurant and bar activities on board ships (see class 5610, 5630),
if carried out by separate units.
501 Sea and coastal water transport
This group includes the transport of passengers or freight on vessels designed for oper-
ating on sea or coastal waters. Also included is the transport of passengers or freight on
great lakes etc. when similar types of vessels are used.
5011 Sea and coastal passenger water transport
This class includes:
transport of passengers over seas and coastal waters, whether scheduled or not:
operation of excursion, cruise or sightseeing boats
operation of ferries, water taxis etc.
This class also includes:
renting of pleasure boats with crew for sea and coastal water transport (e.g. for fishing
This class excludes:
restaurant and bar activities on board ships, when provided by separate units, see 5610,
operation of “floating casinos”, see 9200
5012 Sea and coastal freight water transport
This class includes:
transport of freight over seas and coastal waters, whether scheduled or not
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4198
transport by towing or pushing of barges, oil rigs etc.
This class excludes:
storage of freight, see 5210
harbour operation and other auxiliary activities such as docking, pilotage, lighterage, ves-
sel salvage, see 5222
cargo handling, see 5224
502 Inland water transport
This group includes the transport of passengers or freight on inland waters, involving ves-
sels that are not suitable for sea transport.
5021 Inland passenger water transport
This class includes:
transport of passenger via rivers, canals, lakes and other inland waterways, including
inside harbours and ports
This class also includes:
renting of pleasure boats with crew for inland water transport
5022 Inland freight water transport
This class includes:
transport of freight via rivers, canals, lakes and other inland waterways, including inside
harbours and ports
51 Air transport
This division includes the transport of passengers or freight by air or via space.
This division excludes the overhaul of aircraft or aircraft engines (see class 3315) and
support activities, such as the operation of airports, (see class 5223). This division also
excludes activities that make use of aircraft, but not for the purpose of transportation,
such as crop spraying (see class 0161), aerial advertising (see class 7310) or aerial photog-
raphy (see class 7420).
511 Passenger air transport
See class 5110.
5110 Passenger air transport
This class includes:
transport of passengers by air over regular routes and on regular schedules
charter flights for passengers
scenic and sightseeing flights
This class also includes:
renting of air-transport equipment with operator for the purpose of passenger trans-
general aviation activities, such as:
transport of passengers by aero clubs for instruction or pleasure
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 199
512 Freight air transport
See class 5120.
5120 Freight air transport
This class includes:
transport freight by air over regular routes and on regular schedules
non-scheduled transport of freight by air
launching of satellites and space vehicles
space transport
This class also includes:
renting of air-transport equipment with operator for the purpose of freight transporta-
52 Warehousing and support activities for transportation
This division includes warehousing and support activities for transportation, such as
operating of transport infrastructure (e.g. airports, harbours, tunnels, bridges, etc.), the
activities of transport agencies and cargo handling.
521 Warehousing and storage
See class 5210.
5210 Warehousing and storage
This class includes:
operation of storage and warehouse facilities for all kind of goods:
operation of grain silos, general merchandise warehouses, refrigerated warehouses,
storage tanks etc.
This class also includes:
storage of goods in foreign trade zones
blast freezing
This class excludes:
parking facilities for motor vehicles, see 5221
operation of self storage facilities, see 6810
renting of vacant space, see 6810
522 Support activities for transportation
This group includes activities supporting the transport of passengers or freight, such as
operation of parts of the transport infrastructure or activities related to handling freight
immediately before or after transport or between transport segments. The operation and
maintenance of all transport facilities is included.
5221 Service activities incidental to land transportation
This class includes:
activities related to land transport of passengers, animals or freight:
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4200
operation of terminal facilities such as railway stations, bus stations, stations for the
handling of goods
operation of railroad infrastructure
operation of roads, bridges, tunnels, car parks or garages, bicycle parkings
switching and shunting
towing and road side assistance
This class also includes:
liquefaction of gas for transportation purposes
This class excludes:
cargo handling, see 5224
5222 Service activities incidental to water transportation
This class includes:
activities related to water transport of passengers, animals or freight:
operation of terminal facilities such as harbours and piers
operation of waterway locks etc.
navigation, pilotage and berthing activities
lighterage, salvage activities
lighthouse activities
This class excludes:
cargo handling, see 5224
operation of marinas, see 9329
5223 Service activities incidental to air transportation
This class includes:
activities related to air transport of passengers, animals or freight:
operation of terminal facilities such as airway terminals etc.
airport and air-traffic-control activities
ground service activities on airfields etc.
This class also includes:
firefighting and fire-prevention services at airports
This class excludes:
cargo handling, see 5224
operation of flying schools, see 8530, 8549
5224 Cargo handling
This class includes:
loading and unloading of goods or passengers’ luggage irrespective of the mode of
transport used for transportation
loading and unloading of freight railway cars
This class excludes:
operation of terminal facilities, see 5221, 5222 and 5223
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 201
5229 Other transportation support activities
This class includes:
forwarding of freight
arranging or organizing of transport operations by rail, road, sea or air
organization of group and individual consignments (including pickup and delivery of
goods and grouping of consignments)
logistics activities, i.e. planning, designing and supporting operations of transporta-
tion, warehousing and distribution
issue and procurement of transport documents and waybills
activities of customs agents
activities of sea-freight forwarders and air-cargo agents
brokerage for ship and aircraft space
goods-handling operations, e.g. temporary crating for the sole purpose of protecting
the goods during transit, uncrating, sampling, weighing of goods
This class excludes:
courier activities, see 5320
provision of motor, marine, aviation and transport insurance, see 6512
activities of travel agencies, see 7911
activities of tour operators, see 7912
tourist assistance activities, see 7990
53 Postal and courier activities
This division includes postal and courier activities, such as pickup, transport and delivery
of letters and parcels under various arrangements. Local delivery and messenger services
are also included.
531 Postal activities
See class 5310.
5310 Postal activities
This class includes the activities of postal services operating under a universal service
obligation. The activities include use of the universal service infrastructure, including
retail locations, sorting and processing facilities, and carrier routes to pickup and deliver
the mail. The delivery can include letter-post, i.e. letters, postcards, printed papers (news-
paper, periodicals, advertising items, etc.), small packets, goods or documents. Also
included are other services necessary to support the universal service obligation.
This class includes:
pickup, sorting, transport and delivery (domestic or international) of letter-post and
(mail-type) parcels and packages by postal services operating under a universal service
obligation. One or more modes of transport may be involved and the activity may be
carried out with either self-owned (private) transport or via public transport.
collection of letter-mail and parcels from public letter-boxes or from post offices
distribution and delivery of mail and parcels
This class excludes:
postal giro, postal savings activities and money order activities, see 6419
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4202
532 Courier activities
See class 5320.
5320 Courier activities
This class includes courier activities not operating under a universal service obligation.
This class includes:
pickup, sorting, transport and delivery (domestic or international) of letter-post and
(mail-type) parcels and packages by firms not operating under a universal service obli-
gation. One or more modes of transport may be involved and the activity may be car-
ried out with either self-owned (private) transport or via public transport.
distribution and delivery of mail and parcels
This class also includes:
home delivery services
This class excludes:
transport of freight, see (according to mode of transport) 4912, 4923, 5012, 5022, 5120
Section I
Accommodation and food service activities
This section includes the provision of short-stay accommodation for visitors and other travellers
and the provision of complete meals and drinks fit for immediate consumption. The amount and
type of supplementary services provided within this section can vary widely.
This section excludes the provision of long-term accommodation as primary residences, which is
classified in Real estate activities (section L). Also excluded is the preparation of food or drinks that
are either not fit for immediate consumption or that are sold through independent distribution
channels, i.e. through wholesale or retail trade activities. The preparation of these foods is classi-
fied in Manufacturing (section C).
55 Accommodation
This division includes the provision of short-stay accommodation for visitors and other
travellers. Also included is the provision of longer-term accommodation for students,
workers and similar individuals. Some units may provide only accommodation while oth-
ers provide a combination of accommodation, meals and/or recreational facilities.
This division excludes activities related to the provision of long-term primary residences
in facilities such as apartments typically leased on a monthly or annual basis classified in
Real Estate (section L).
551 Short term accommodation activities
See class 5510.
5510 Short term accommodation activities
This class includes the provision of accommodation, typically on a daily or weekly basis,
principally for short stay by visitors. This includes the provision of furnished accommoda-
tion in guest rooms and suites or complete self-contained units with kitchens, with or
without daily or other regular housekeeping services, and may often include a range of
additional services such as food and beverage services, parking, laundry services, swim-
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 203
ming pools and exercise rooms, recreational facilities and conference and convention
This class includes the provision of short-term accommodation provided by:
resort hotels
suite / apartment hotels
motor hotels
bed and breakfast units
visitor flats and bungalows
time-share units
holiday homes
chalets, housekeeping cottages and cabins
youth hostels and mountain refuges
This class excludes:
provision of homes and furnished or unfurnished flats or apartments for more permanent
use, typically on a monthly or annual basis, see division 68
552 Camping grounds, recreational vehicle parks and trailer parks
See class 5520.
5520 Camping grounds, recreational vehicle parks and trailer parks
This class includes:
provision of accommodation in campgrounds, trailer parks, recreational camps and
fishing and hunting camps for short stay visitors
provision of space and facilities for recreational vehicles
This class also includes accommodation provided by:
protective shelters or plain bivouac facilities for placing tents and/or sleeping bags
559 Other accommodation
See class 5590.
5590 Other accommodation
This class includes the provision of temporary or longer-term accommodation in single
or shared rooms or dormitories for students, migrant (seasonal) workers and other indi-
This class includes accommodation provided by:
student residences
school dormitories
workers hostels
rooming and boarding houses
railway sleeping cars
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4204
56 Food and beverage service activities
This division includes food and beverage serving activities providing complete meals or
drinks fit for immediate consumption, whether in traditional restaurants, self-service or
take-away restaurants, whether as permanent or temporary stands with or without seat-
ing. Decisive is the fact that meals fit for immediate consumption are offered, not the kind
of facility providing them.
Excluded is the production of meals not fit for immediate consumption or not planned
to be consumed immediately or of prepared food which is not considered to be a meal
(see divisions 10: Manufacture of food products and 11: Manufacture of beverages). Also
excluded is the sale of not self-manufactured food that is not considered to be a meal or
of meals that are not fit for immediate consumption (see section G: Wholesale and retail
trade; ...).
561 Restaurants and mobile food service activities
See class 5610.
5610 Restaurants and mobile food service activities
This class includes the provision of food services to customers, whether they are served
while seated or serve themselves from a display of items, whether they eat the prepared
meals on the premises, take them out or have them delivered. This includes the prepara-
tion and serving of meals for immediate consumption from motorized vehicles or non-
motorized carts.
This class includes activities of:
fast-food restaurants
pizza delivery
take-out eating places
ice cream truck vendors
mobile food carts
food preparation in market stalls
This class also includes:
restaurant and bar activities connected to transportation, when carried out by sepa-
rate units
This class excludes:
concession operation of eating facilities, see 5629
562 Event catering and other food service activities
This group includes catering activities for individual events or for a specified period of
time and the operation of food concessions, such as at sports or similar facilities.
5621 Event catering
This class includes the provision of food services based on contractual arrangements with
the customer, at the location specified by the customer, for a specific event.
This class includes:
event catering
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 205
This class excludes:
manufacture of perishable food items for resale, see 1079
retail sale of perishable food items, see division 47
5629 Other food service activities
This class includes industrial catering, i.e. the provision of food services based on contrac-
tual arrangements with the customer, for a specific period of time.
Also included is the operation of food concessions at sports and similar facilities. The food
is often prepared in a central unit.
This class includes:
activities of food service contractors (e.g. for transportation companies)
operation of food concessions at sports and similar facilities
operation of canteens or cafeterias (e.g. for factories, offices, hospitals or schools) on a
concession basis
This class excludes:
manufacture of perishable food items for resale, see 1079
retail sale of perishable food items, see division 47
563 Beverage serving activities
See class 5630.
5630 Beverage serving activities
This class includes the preparation and serving of beverages for immediate consumption
on the premises.
This class includes activities of:
cocktail lounges
discotheques (with beverage serving predominant)
beer parlors and pubs
coffee shops
fruit juice bars
mobile beverage vendors
This class excludes:
reselling packaged/prepared beverages, see 4711, 4722, 4781, 4799
operation of discotheques and dance floors without beverage serving, see 9329
Section J
Information and communication
This section includes the production and distribution of information and cultural products, the
provision of the means to transmit or distribute these products, as well as data or communica-
tions, information technology activities and the processing of data and other information service
The main components of this section are publishing activities (division 58), including software
publishing, motion picture and sound recording activities (division 59), radio and TV broadcasting
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4206
and programming activities (division 60), telecommunications activities (division 61) and infor-
mation technology activities (division 62) and other information service activities (division 63).
Publishing includes the acquisition of copyrights to content (information products) and making
this content available to the general public by engaging in (or arranging for) the reproduction
and distribution of this content in various forms. All the feasible forms of publishing (in print, elec-
tronic or audio form, on the internet, as multimedia products such as CD-ROM reference books
etc.) are included in this section.
Activities related to production and distribution of TV programming span divisions 59, 60 and 61,
reflecting different stages in this process. Individual components, such as movies, television series
etc. are produced by activities in division 59, while the creation of a complete television channel
programme, from components produced in division 59 or other components (such as live news
programming) is included in division 60. Division 60 also includes the broadcasting of this pro-
gramme by the producer. The distribution of the complete television programme by third parties,
i.e. without any alteration of the content, is included in division 61. This distribution in division 61
can be done through broadcasting, satellite or cable systems.
58 Publishing activities
This division includes the publishing of books, brochures, leaflets, dictionaries, encyclo-
paedias, atlases, maps and charts; publishing of newspapers, journals and periodicals;
directory and mailing list and other publishing, as well as software publishing.
Publishing includes the acquisition of copyrights to content (information products) and
making this content available to the general public by engaging in (or arranging for) the
reproduction and distribution of this content in various forms. All the feasible forms of
publishing (in print, electronic or audio form, on the Internet, as multimedia products
such as CD-ROM reference books etc.), except publishing of motion pictures, are included
in this division.
This division excludes the publishing of motion pictures, video tapes and movies on DVD
or similar media (division 59) and the production of master copies for records or audio
material (division 59). Also excluded are printing (see 1811) and the mass reproduction of
recorded media (see 1820).
581 Publishing of books, periodicals and other publishing activities
This group includes activities of publishing books, newspapers, magazines and other
periodicals, directories and mailing lists, and other works such as photos, engravings,
postcards, timetables, forms, posters and reproductions of works of art. These works are
characterized by the intellectual creativity required in their development and are usually
protected by copyright.
5811 Book publishing
This class includes the activities of publishing books in print, electronic (CD, electronic
displays etc.) or audio form or on the Internet.
This class includes:
publishing of books, brochures, leaflets and similar publications, including publishing
of dictionaries and encyclopedias
publishing of atlases, maps and charts
publishing of audio books
publishing of encyclopedias etc. on CD-ROM
This class excludes:
production of globes, see 3290
publishing of advertising material, see 5819
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 207
publishing of music and sheet books, see 5920
activities of independent authors, see 9000
5812 Publishing of directories and mailing lists
This class includes the publishing of lists of facts/information (databases) that are pro-
tected in their form, but not in their content. These lists can be published in printed or
electronic form.
This class includes:
publishing of mailing lists
publishing of other directories and compilations, such as case law, pharmaceutical
compendia etc.
5813 Publishing of newspapers, journals and periodicals
This class includes:
publishing of newspapers, including advertising newspapers
publishing of periodicals and other journals, including publishing of radio and televi-
sion schedules
Publishing can be done in print or electronic form, including on the Internet.
5819 Other publishing activities
This class includes:
publishing (including on-line) of:
photos, engravings and postcards
greeting cards
posters, reproduction of works of art
advertising material
other printed matter
on-line publishing of statistics or other information
This class excludes:
retail sale of software, see 4741
publishing of advertising newspapers, see 5813
on-line provision of software (application hosting and application service provisioning),
see 6311
582 Software publishing
See class 5820.
5820 Software publishing
This class includes:
publishing of ready-made (non-customized) software:
operating systems
business and other applications
computer games for all platforms
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4208
This class excludes:
reproduction of software, see 1820
retail sale of non-customized software, see 4741
production of software not associated with publishing, see 6201
on-line provision of software (application hosting and application service provisioning),
see 6311
59 Motion picture, video and television programme production, sound recording
and music publishing activities
This division includes production of theatrical and non-theatrical motion pictures
whether on film, videotape or disc for direct projection in theatres or for broadcasting on
television; supporting activities such as film editing, cutting, dubbing etc.; distribution of
motion pictures and other film productions to other industries; as well as motion picture
or other film productions projection. Also included is the buying and selling of distribu-
tion rights for motion pictures or other film productions.
This division also includes the sound recording activities, i.e. production of original sound
master recordings, releasing, promoting and distributing them, publishing of music as
well as sound recording service activities in a studio or elsewhere.
591 Motion picture, video and television programme activities
This group includes production of theatrical and non-theatrical motion pictures whether
on film, videotape, DVD or other media, including digital distribution, for direct projec-
tion in theatres or for broadcasting on television; supporting activities such as film edit-
ing, cutting, dubbing etc.; distribution of motion pictures or other film productions (video
tapes, DVDs, etc) to other industries; as well as their projection. Buying and selling of
motion picture or any other film production distribution rights is also included.
5911 Motion picture, video and television programme production activities
This class includes:
production of motion pictures, videos, television programmes or television commer-
This class excludes:
film duplicating (except reproduction of motion picture film for theatrical distribution) as
well as reproduction of audio and video tapes, CDs or DVDs from master copies, see 1820
wholesale of recorded video tapes, CDs, DVDs, see 4649
retail trade of video tapes, CDs, DVDs, see 4762
post-production activities, see 5912
reproduction of motion picture film for theatrical distribution, see 5912
sound recording and recording of books on tape, see 5920
creating a complete television channel programme, see 6020
television broadcasting, see 6020
film processing other than for the motion picture industry, see 7420
activities of personal theatrical or artistic agents or agencies, see 7490
renting of video tapes, DVDs to the general public, see 7722
real-time (i.e. simultaneous) closed captioning of live television performances, meetings,
conferences, etc., see 8299
activities of own account actors, cartoonists, directors, stage designers and technical spe-
cialists, see 9000
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 209
5912 Motion picture, video and television programme post-production activities
This class includes:
post-production activities such as:
editing, titling, subtitling, credits
closed captioning
computer-produced graphics, animation and special effects
film/tape transfers
activities of motion picture film laboratories and activities of special laboratories for
animated films:
developing and processing motion picture film
reproduction of motion picture film for theatrical distribution
This class also includes:
activities of stock footage film libraries etc.
This class excludes:
film duplicating (except reproduction of motion picture film for theatrical distribution) as
well as reproduction of audio and video tapes, CDs or DVDs from master copies, see 1820
wholesale of recorded video tapes, CDs, DVDs, see 4649
retail trade of video tapes, CDs, DVDs, see 4762
film processing other than for the motion picture industry, see 7420
renting of video tapes, DVDs to the general public, see 7722
activities of own account actors, cartoonists, directors, stage designers and technical spe-
cialists, see 9000
5913 Motion picture, video and television programme distribution activities
This class includes:
distributing film, video tapes, DVDs and similar productions to motion picture thea-
tres, television networks and stations and exhibitors
This class also includes:
acquiring film, video tape and DVD distribution rights
This class excludes:
film duplicating (except reproduction of motion picture film for theatrical distribution) as
well as reproduction of audio and video tapes, CDs or DVDs from master copies, see 1820
reproduction of motion picture film for theatrical distribution, see 5912
5914 Motion picture projection activities
This class includes:
motion picture or videotape projection in cinemas, in the open air or in other projec-
tion facilities
activities of cine-clubs
592 Sound recording and music publishing activities
See class 5920.
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4210
5920 Sound recording and music publishing activities
This class includes:
production of original (sound) master recordings, such as tapes, CDs
sound recording service activities in a studio or elsewhere, including the production of
taped (i.e. non-live) radio programming, audio for film, television etc.
music publishing, i.e. activities of:
acquiring and registering copyrights for musical compositions
promoting, authorizing and using these compositions in recordings, radio, televi-
sion, motion pictures, live performances, print and other media
distributing sound recordings to wholesalers, retailers or directly to the public
Units engaged in these activities may own the copyright or act as administrator of the
music copyrights on behalf of the copyright owners.
This class also includes:
publishing of music and sheet books
This class excludes:
reproduction from master copies of music or other sound recordings, see 1820
wholesale of recorded audio tapes and disks, see 4649
60 Programming and broadcasting activities
This division includes the activities of creating content or acquiring the right to distribute
content and subsequently broadcasting that content, such as radio, television and data
programs of entertainment, news, talk, and the like. Also included is data broadcasting,
typically integrated with radio or TV broadcasting. The broadcasting can be performed
using different technologies, over-the-air, via satellite, via a cable network or via Internet.
This division also includes the production of programs that are typically narrowcast in
nature (limited format, such as news, sports, education or youth-oriented programming)
on a subscription or fee basis, to a third party, for subsequent broadcasting to the pub-
This division excludes the distribution of cable and other subscription programming (see
division 61).
601 Radio broadcasting
See class 6010.
6010 Radio broadcasting
This class includes:
broadcasting audio signals through radio broadcasting studios and facilities for the
transmission of aural programming to the public, to affiliates or to subscribers
This class also includes:
activities of radio networks, i.e. assembling and transmitting aural programming to the
affiliates or subscribers via over-the-air broadcasts, cable or satellite
radio broadcasting activities over the Internet (Internet radio stations)
data broadcasting integrated with radio broadcasting
This class excludes:
production of taped radio programming, see 5920
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 211
602 Television programming and broadcasting activities
See class 6020.
6020 Television programming and broadcasting activities
This class includes:
creation of a complete television channel programme, from purchased programme
components (e.g. movies, documentaries etc.), self produced programme components
(e.g. local news, live reports) or a combination thereof
This complete television programme can be either broadcast by the producing unit or
produced for transmission by third party distributors, such as cable companies or satellite
television providers.
The programming may be of a general or specialized nature (e.g. limited formats such as
news, sports, education or youth oriented programming), may be made freely available
to users or may be available only on a subscription basis.
This class also includes:
programming of video-on-demand channels
data broadcasting integrated with television broadcasting
This class excludes:
production of television programme elements (e.g. movies, documentaries, commercials),
see 5911
assembly of a package of channels and distribution of that package via cable or satellite to
viewers, see division 61
61 Telecommunications
This division includes the activities of providing telecommunications and related service
activities, i.e. transmitting voice, data, text, sound and video. The transmission facilities
that carry out these activities may be based on a single technology or a combination of
technologies. The commonality of activities classified in this division is the transmission
of content, without being involved in its creation. The breakdown in this division is based
on the type of infrastructure operated.
In the case of transmission of television signals this may include the bundling of complete
programming channels (produced in division 60) in to programme packages for distribu-
611 Wired telecommunications activities
See class 6110.
6110 Wired telecommunications activities
This class includes:
operating, maintaining or providing access to facilities for the transmission of voice,
data, text, sound and video using a wired telecommunications infrastructure, includ-
operating and maintaining switching and transmission facilities to provide point-to-
point communications via landlines, microwave or a combination of landlines and
satellite linkups
operating of cable distribution systems (e.g. for distribution of data and television
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4212
furnishing telegraph and other non-vocal communications using own facilities
The transmission facilities that carry out these activities, may be based on a single tech-
nology or a combination of technologies.
This class also includes:
purchasing access and network capacity from owners and operators of networks and
providing telecommunications services using this capacity to businesses and house-
provision of Internet access by the operator of the wired infrastructure
This class excludes:
telecommunications resellers, see 6190
612 Wireless telecommunications activities
See class 6120.
6120 Wireless telecommunications activities
This class includes:
operating, maintaining or providing access to facilities for the transmission of voice,
data, text, sound, and video using a wireless telecommunications infrastructure
maintaining and operating paging as well as cellular and other wireless telecommuni-
cations networks
The transmission facilities provide omni-directional transmission via airwaves and may be
based on a single technology or a combination of technologies.
This class also includes:
purchasing access and network capacity from owners and operators of networks and
providing wireless telecommunications services (except satellite) using this capacity to
businesses and households
provision of Internet access by the operator of the wireless infrastructure
This class excludes:
telecommunications resellers, see 6190
613 Satellite telecommunications activities
See class 6130.
6130 Satellite telecommunications activities
This class includes:
operating, maintaining or providing access to facilities for the transmission of voice,
data, text, sound and video using a satellite telecommunications infrastructure
delivery of visual, aural or textual programming received from cable networks, local
television stations or radio networks to consumers via direct-to-home satellite systems
(The units classified here do not generally originate programming material.)
This class also includes:
provision of Internet access by the operator of the satellite infrastructure
This class excludes:
telecommunications resellers, see 6190
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 213
619 Other telecommunications activities
See class 6190.
6190 Other telecommunications activities
This class includes:
provision of specialized telecommunications applications, such as satellite tracking,
communications telemetry, and radar station operations
operation of satellite terminal stations and associated facilities operationally con-
nected with one or more terrestrial communications systems and capable of transmit-
ting telecommunications to or receiving telecommunications from satellite systems
provision of Internet access over networks between the client and the ISP not owned
or controlled by the ISP, such as dial-up Internet access etc.
provision of telephone and Internet access in facilities open to the public
provision of telecommunications services over existing telecom connections:
VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) provision
telecommunications resellers (i.e. purchasing and reselling network capacity without
providing additional services)
This class excludes:
provision of Internet access by operators of telecommunications infrastructure, see 6110,
6120, 6130
62 Computer programming, consultancy and related activities
This division includes the following activities of providing expertise in the field of infor-
mation technologies: writing, modifying, testing and supporting software; planning and
designing computer systems that integrate computer hardware, software and commu-
nication technologies; on-site management and operation of clients’ computer systems
and/or data processing facilities; and other professional and technical computer-related
620 Computer programming, consultancy and related activities
See division 62.
6201 Computer programming activities
This class includes the writing, modifying, testing and supporting of software.
This class includes:
designing the structure and content of, and/or writing the computer code necessary
to create and implement:
systems software (including updates and patches)
software applications (including updates and patches)
web pages
customizing of software, i.e. modifying and configuring an existing application so that
it is functional within the clients’ information system environment
This class excludes:
publishing packaged software, see 5820
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4214
planning and designing computer systems that integrate computer hardware, soft-
ware and communication technologies, even though providing software might be an
integral part, see 6202
6202 Computer consultancy and computer facilities management activities
This class includes:
planning and designing of computer systems that integrate computer hardware, soft-
ware and communication technologies
The units classified in this class may provide the hardware and software components of
the system as part of their integrated services or these components may be provided by
third parties or vendors. The units classified in this class often install the system and train
and support the users of the system.
This class also includes:
provision of on-site management and operation of clients’ computer systems and/or
data processing facilities, as well as related support services
This class excludes:
separate sale of computer hardware or software, see 4651, 4741
separate installation of mainframe and similar computers, see 3320
separate installation (setting-up) of personal computers, see 6209
separate software installation, see 6209
6209 Other information technology and computer service activities
This class includes other information technology and computer related activities not else-
where classified, such as:
computer disaster recovery
installation (setting-up) of personal computers
software installation
This class excludes:
installation of mainframe and similar computers, see 3320
computer programming, see 6201
computer consultancy, see 6202
computer facilities management, see 6202
data processing and hosting, see 6311
63 Information service activities
This division includes the activities of web search portals, data processing and hosting
activities, as well as other activities that primarily supply information.
631 Data processing, hosting and related activities; web portals
This group includes the provision of infrastructure for hosting, data processing services
and related activities, as well as the provision of search facilities and other portals for the
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 215
6311 Data processing, hosting and related activities
This class includes:
provision of infrastructure for hosting, data processing services and related activities
specialized hosting activities such as:
Web hosting
streaming services
application hosting
application service provisioning
general time-share provision of mainframe facilities to clients
data processing activities:
complete processing of data supplied by clients
generation of specialized reports from data supplied by clients
provision of data entry services
6312 Web portals
This class includes:
operation of web sites that use a search engine to generate and maintain extensive
databases of Internet addresses and content in an easily searchable format
operation of other websites that act as portals to the Internet, such as media sites pro-
viding periodically updated content
639 Other information service activities
This group includes the activities of news agencies and all other remaining information
service activities.
This group excludes:
activities of libraries and archives, see 9101
6391 News agency activities
This class includes:
news syndicate and news agency activities furnishing news, pictures and features to
the media
This class excludes:
activities of independent photojournalists, see 7420
activities of independent journalists, see 9000
6399 Other information service activities n.e.c.
This class includes other information service activities not elsewhere classified, such as:
telephone based information services
information search services on a contract or fee basis
news clipping services, press clipping services, etc.
This class excludes:
activities of call centers, see 8220
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4216
Section K
Financial and insurance activities
This section includes financial service activities, including insurance, reinsurance and pension
funding activities and activities to support financial services.
This section also includes the activities of holding assets, such as activities of holding companies
and the activities of trusts, funds and similar financial entities.
64 Financial service activities, except insurance and pension funding
This division includes the activities of obtaining and redistributing funds other than for
the purpose of insurance or pension funding or compulsory social security.
Note: National institutional arrangements are likely to play a significant role in determin-
ing the classification within this division.
641 Monetary intermediation
This group includes the obtaining of funds in the form of transferable deposits, i.e. funds
that are fixed in money terms, obtained on a day-to-day basis and, apart from central
banking, obtained from non-financial sources.
6411 Central banking
This class includes:
issuing and managing the countrys currency
monitoring and control of the money supply
taking deposits that are used for clearance between financial institutions
supervising banking operations
holding the countrys international reserves
acting as banker to the government
The activities of central banks will vary for institutional reasons.
6419 Other monetary intermediation
This class includes the receiving of deposits and/or close substitutes for deposits and
extending of credit or lending funds. The granting of credit can take a variety of forms,
such as loans, mortgages, credit cards etc. These activities are generally carried out by
monetary institutions other than central banks, such as:
savings banks
credit unions
This class also includes:
postal giro and postal savings bank activities
credit granting for house purchase by specialized deposit-taking institutions
money order activities
This class excludes:
credit granting for house purchase by specialized non-depository institutions, see 6492
credit card transaction processing and settlement activities, see 6619
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 217
642 Activities of holding companies
See class 6420.
6420 Activities of holding companies
This class includes the activities of holding companies, i.e. units that hold the assets (own-
ing controlling-levels of equity) of a group of subsidiary corporations and whose principal
activity is owning the group. The holding companies in this class do not provide any other
service to the businesses in which the equity is held, i.e. they do not administer or man-
age other units.
This class excludes:
active management of companies and enterprises, strategic planning and decision mak-
ing of the company, see 7010
643 Trusts, funds and similar financial entities
See class 6430.
6430 Trusts, funds and similar financial entities
This class includes legal entities organized to pool securities or other financial assets, with-
out managing, on behalf of shareholders or beneficiaries. The portfolios are customized
to achieve specific investment characteristics, such as diversification, risk, rate of return
and price volatility. These entities earn interest, dividends and other property income, but
have little or no employment and no revenue from the sale of services.
This class includes:
open-end investment funds
closed-end investment funds
trusts, estates or agency accounts, administered on behalf of the beneficiaries under
the terms of a trust agreement, will or agency agreement
unit investment trust funds
This class excludes:
funds and trusts that earn revenue from the sale of goods or services, see ISIC class accord-
ing to their principal activity
activities of holding companies, see 6420
pension funding, see 6530
management of funds, see 6630
649 Other financial service activities, except insurance and pension funding activi-
This group includes financial service activities other than those conducted by monetary
This group excludes:
insurance and pension funding activities, see division 65
6491 Financial leasing
This class includes:
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4218
leasing where the term approximately covers the expected life of the asset and the
lessee acquires substantially all the benefits of its use and takes all the risks associated
with its ownership. The ownership of the asset may or may not eventually be trans-
ferred. Such leases cover all or virtually all costs including interest.
This class excludes:
operational leasing, see division 77, according to type of goods leased
6492 Other credit granting
This class includes:
financial service activities primarily concerned with making loans by institutions not
involved in monetary intermediation, where the granting of credit can take a variety
of forms, such as loans, mortgages, credit cards etc., providing the following types of
granting of consumer credit
international trade financing
provision of long-term finance to industry by industrial banks
money lending outside the banking system
credit granting for house purchase by specialized non-depository institutions
pawnshops and pawnbrokers
This class excludes:
credit granting for house purchase by specialized institutions that also take deposits, see
operational leasing, see division 77, according to type of goods leased
grant-giving activities by membership organizations, see 9499
6499 Other financial service activities, except insurance and pension funding activi-
ties, n.e.c.
This class includes:
other financial service activities primarily concerned with distributing funds other than
by making loans:
factoring activities
writing of swaps, options and other hedging arrangements
activities of viatical settlement companies
own-account investment activities, such as by venture capital companies, investment
clubs etc.
This class excludes:
financial leasing, see 6491
security dealing on behalf of others, see 6612
trade, leasing and renting of real estate property, see division 68
bill collection without debt buying up, see 8291
grant-giving activities by membership organizations, see 9499
65 Insurance, reinsurance and pension funding, except compulsory social security
This division includes the underwriting annuities and insurance policies and investing
premiums to build up a portfolio of financial assets to be used against future claims. Pro-
vision of direct insurance and reinsurance are included.
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 219
651 Insurance
This group includes life insurance and life reinsurance with or without a substantial sav-
ings element and other non-life insurance.
6511 Life insurance
This class includes:
underwriting annuities and life insurance policies, disability income insurance policies,
and accidental death and dismemberment insurance policies (with or without a sub-
stantial savings element).
6512 Non-life insurance
This class includes:
provision of insurance services other than life insurance:
accident and fire insurance
health insurance
travel insurance
property insurance
motor, marine, aviation and transport insurance
pecuniary loss and liability insurance
652 Reinsurance
See class 6520.
6520 Reinsurance
This class includes:
activities of assuming all or part of the risk associated with existing insurance policies
originally underwritten by other insurance carriers
653 Pension funding
See class 6530.
6530 Pension funding
This class includes legal entities (i.e. funds, plans and/or programmes) organized to pro-
vide retirement income benefits exclusively for the sponsors employees or members. This
includes pension plans with defined benefits, as well as individual plans where benefits
are simply defined through the member’s contribution.
This class includes:
employee benefit plans
pension funds and plans
retirement plans
This class excludes:
management of pension funds, see 6630
compulsory social security schemes, see 8430
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4220
66 Activities auxiliary to financial service and insurance activities
This division includes the provision of services involved in or closely related to financial
service activities, but not themselves providing financial services. The primary breakdown
of this division is according to the type of financial transaction or funding served.
661 Activities auxiliary to financial service activities, except insurance and pension
This group includes the furnishing of physical or electronic marketplaces for the purpose
of facilitating the buying and selling of stocks, stock options, bonds or commodity con-
6611 Administration of financial markets
This class includes:
operation and supervision of financial markets other than by public authorities, such
commodity contracts exchanges
futures commodity contracts exchanges
securities exchanges
stock exchanges
stock or commodity options exchanges
6612 Security and commodity contracts brokerage
This class includes:
dealing in financial markets on behalf of others (e.g. stock broking) and related activi-
securities brokerage
commodity contracts brokerage
activities of bureaux de change etc.
This class excludes:
dealing in markets on own account, see 6499
portfolio management, on a fee or contract basis, see 6630
6619 Other activities auxiliary to financial service activities
This class includes activities auxiliary to financial service activities not elsewhere classi-
fied, such as:
financial transaction processing and settlement activities, including for credit card
investment advisory services
activities of mortgage advisers and brokers
This class also includes:
trustee, fiduciary and custody services on a fee or contract basis
This class excludes:
activities of insurance agents and brokers, see 6622
management of funds, see 6630
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 221
662 Activities auxiliary to insurance and pension funding
This group includes acting as agent (i.e. broker) in selling annuities and insurance policies
or providing other employee benefits and insurance and pension related services such as
claims adjustment and third party administration.
6621 Risk and damage evaluation
This class includes the provision of administration services of insurance, such as assessing
and settling insurance claims.
This class includes:
assessing insurance claims
claims adjusting
risk assessing
risk and damage evaluation
average and loss adjusting
settling insurance claims
This class excludes:
appraisal of real estate, see 6820
appraisal for other purposes, see 7490
investigation activities, see 8030
6622 Activities of insurance agents and brokers
This class includes:
activities of insurance agents and brokers (insurance intermediaries) in selling, negoti-
ating or soliciting of annuities and insurance and reinsurance policies
6629 Other activities auxiliary to insurance and pension funding
This class includes:
activities involved in or closely related to insurance and pension funding (except claims
adjusting and activities of insurance agents):
salvage administration
actuarial services
This class excludes:
marine salvage activities, see 5222
663 Fund management activities
See class 6630.
6630 Fund management activities
This class includes portfolio and fund management activities on a fee or contract basis, for
individuals, businesses and others.
This class includes:
management of pension funds
management of mutual funds
management of other investment funds
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4222
Section L
Real estate activities
This section includes acting as lessors, agents and/or brokers in one or more of the following: sell-
ing or buying real estate, renting real estate, providing other real estate services such as apprais-
ing real estate or acting as real estate escrow agents. Activities in this section may be carried out
on own or leased property and may be done on a fee or contract basis. Also included is the build-
ing of structures, combined with maintaining ownership or leasing of such structures.
This section includes real estate property managers.
68 Real estate activities
See section L.
681 Real estate activities with own or leased property
See class 6810.
6810 Real estate activities with own or leased property
This class includes:
buying, selling, renting and operating of self-owned or leased real estate, such as:
apartment buildings and dwellings
non-residential buildings, including exhibition halls, self-storage facilities, malls and
shopping centers
provision of homes and furnished or unfurnished flats or apartments for more perma-
nent use, typically on a monthly or annual basis
This class also includes:
development of building projects for own operation, i.e. for renting of space in these
subdividing real estate into lots, without land improvement
operation of residential mobile home sites
This class excludes:
development of building projects for sale, see 4100
subdividing and improving of land, see 4290
operation of hotels, suite hotels and similar accommodation, see 5510
operation of campgrounds, trailer parks and similar accommodation, see 5520
operation of workers hostels, rooming houses and similar accommodation, see 5590
682 Real estate activities on a fee or contract basis
See class 6820.
6820 Real estate activities on a fee or contract basis
This class includes the provision of real estate activities on a fee or contract basis includ-
ing real estate related services.
This class includes:
activities of real estate agents and brokers
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 223
intermediation in buying, selling and renting of real estate on a fee or contract basis
management of real estate on a fee or contract basis
appraisal services for real estate
activities of real estate escrow agents
This class excludes:
legal activities, see 6910
facilities support services, see 8110
management of facilities, such as military bases, prisons and other facilities (except com-
puter facilities management), see 8110
Section M
Professional, scientific and technical activities
This section includes specialized professional, scientific and technical activities. These activities
require a high degree of training, and make specialized knowledge and skills available to users.
69 Legal and accounting activities
This division includes legal representation of one partys interest against another party,
whether or not before courts or other judicial bodies by, or under supervision of, persons
who are members of the bar, such as advice and representation in civil cases, advice and
representation in criminal actions, advice and representation in connection with labour
disputes. It also includes preparation of legal documents such as articles of incorporation,
partnership agreements or similar documents in connection with company formation,
patents and copyrights, preparation of deeds, wills, trusts, etc. as well as other activities
of notaries public, civil law notaries, bailiffs, arbitrators, examiners and referees. It also
includes accounting and bookkeeping services such as auditing of accounting records,
preparing financial statements and bookkeeping.
691 Legal activities
See class 6910.
6910 Legal activities
This class includes:
legal representation of one partys interest against another party, whether or not
before courts or other judicial bodies by, or under supervision of, persons who are
members of the bar:
advice and representation in civil cases
advice and representation in criminal cases
advice and representation in connection with labour disputes
general counselling and advising, preparation of legal documents:
articles of incorporation, partnership agreements or similar documents in connec-
tion with company formation
patents and copyrights
preparation of deeds, wills, trusts etc.
other activities of notaries public, civil law notaries, bailiffs, arbitrators, examiners and
This class excludes:
law court activities, see 8423
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4224
692 Accounting, bookkeeping and auditing activities; tax consultancy
See class 6920.
6920 Accounting, bookkeeping and auditing activities; tax consultancy
This class includes:
recording of commercial transactions from businesses or others
preparation or auditing of financial accounts
examination of accounts and certification of their accuracy
preparation of personal and business income tax returns
advisory activities and representation on behalf of clients before tax authorities
This class excludes:
data-processing and tabulation activities, see 6311
management consultancy activities, such as design of accounting systems, cost account-
ing programmes, budgetary control procedures, see 7020
bill collection, see 8291
70 Activities of head offices; management consultancy activities
This division includes the provision of advice and assistance to businesses and other
organizations on management issues, such as strategic and organizational planning;
financial planning and budgeting; marketing objectives and policies; human resource
policies, practices, and planning; production scheduling; and control planning. It also
includes the overseeing and managing of other units of the same company or enterprise,
i.e. the activities of head offices.
701 Activities of head offices
See class 7010.
7010 Activities of head offices
This class includes the overseeing and managing of other units of the company or enter-
prise; undertaking the strategic or organizational planning and decision making role of
the company or enterprise; exercising operational control and manage the day-to-day
operations of their related units.
This class includes activities of:
head offices
centralized administrative offices
corporate offices
district and regional offices
subsidiary management offices
This class excludes:
activities of holding companies, not engaged in managing, see 6420
702 Management consultancy activities
See class 7020.
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 225
7020 Management consultancy activities
This class includes the provision of advice, guidance and operational assistance to busi-
nesses and other organizations on management issues, such as strategic and organi-
zational planning; decision areas that are financial in nature; marketing objectives and
policies; human resource policies, practices and planning; production scheduling and
control planning.
This provision of business services may include advice, guidance or operational assist-
ance to businesses and the public service regarding:
public relations and communication
lobbying activities
design of accounting methods or procedures, cost accounting programmes, budget-
ary control procedures
advice and help to businesses and public services in planning, organization, efficiency
and control, management information etc.
This class excludes:
design of computer software for accounting systems, see 6201
legal advice and representation, see 6910
accounting, bookkeeping and auditing activities, tax consulting, see 6920
architectural, engineering and other technical advisory activities, see 7110, 7490
advertising activities, see 7310
market research and public opinion polling, see 7320
executive placement or search consulting services, see 7810
educational consulting activities, see 8550
71 Architectural and engineering activities; technical testing and analysis
This division includes the provision of architectural services, engineering services, draft-
ing services, building inspection services and surveying and mapping services. It also
includes the performance of physical, chemical, and other analytical testing services.
711 Architectural and engineering activities and related technical consultancy
See class 7110.
7110 Architectural and engineering activities and related technical consultancy
This class includes the provision of architectural services, engineering services, drafting
services, building inspection services and surveying and mapping services and the like.
This class includes:
architectural consulting activities:
building design and drafting
town and city planning and landscape architecture
engineering design (i.e. applying physical laws and principles of engineering in the
design of machines, materials, instruments, structures, processes and systems) and
consulting activities for:
machinery, industrial processes and industrial plant
projects involving civil engineering, hydraulic engineering, traffic engineering
water management projects
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4226
projects elaboration and realization relative to electrical and electronic engineering,
mining engineering, chemical engineering, mechanical, industrial and systems engi-
neering, safety engineering
project management activities related to construction
elaboration of projects using air conditioning, refrigeration, sanitary and pollution
control engineering, acoustical engineering etc.
geophysical, geologic and seismic surveying
geodetic surveying activities:
land and boundary surveying activities
hydrologic surveying activities
subsurface surveying activities
cartographic and spatial information activities
This class excludes:
test drilling in connection with mining operations, see 0910, 0990
development or publishing of associated software, see 5820, 6201
activities of computer consultants, see 6202, 6209
technical testing, see 7120
research and development activities related to engineering, see 7210
industrial design, see 7410
interior decorating, see 7410
aerial photography, see 7420
712 Technical testing and analysis
See class 7120.
7120 Technical testing and analysis
This class includes:
performance of physical, chemical and other analytical testing of all types of materials
and products (see below for exceptions):
acoustics and vibration testing
testing of composition and purity of minerals etc.
testing activities in the field of food hygiene, including veterinary testing and control
in relation to food production
testing of physical characteristics and performance of materials, such as strength,
thickness, durability, radioactivity etc.
qualification and reliability testing
performance testing of complete machinery: motors, automobiles, electronic equip-
ment etc.
radiographic testing of welds and joints
failure analysis
testing and measuring of environmental indicators: air and water pollution etc.
certification of products, including consumer goods, motor vehicles, aircraft, pressu-
rized containers, nuclear plants etc.
periodic road-safety testing of motor vehicles
testing with use of models or mock-ups (e.g. of aircraft, ships, dams etc.)
operation of police laboratories
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 227
This class excludes:
testing of animal specimens, see 7500
medical laboratory testing, see 8690
72 Scientific research and development
This division includes the activities of three types of research and development: 1) basic
research: experimental or theoretical work undertaken primarily to acquire new knowl-
edge of the underlying foundations of phenomena and observable facts, without par-
ticular application or use in view, 2) applied research: original investigation undertaken
in order to acquire new knowledge, directed primarily towards a specific practical aim
or objective and 3) experimental development: systematic work, drawing on existing
knowledge gained from research and/or practical experience, directed to producing new
materials, products and devices, to installing new processes, systems and services, and to
improving substantially those already produced or installed.
Research and experimental development activities in this division are subdivided into
two categories: natural sciences and engineering; social sciences and the humanities.
This division excludes market research (see class 7320).
721 Research and experimental development on natural sciences and engineering
See class 7210.
7210 Research and experimental development on natural sciences and engineering
This class includes:
research and experimental development on natural science and engineering:
research and development on natural sciences
research and development on engineering and technology
research and development on medical sciences
research and development on biotechnology
research and development on agricultural sciences
interdisciplinary research and development, predominantly on natural sciences and
722 Research and experimental development on social sciences and humanities
See class 7220.
7220 Research and experimental development on social sciences and humanities
This class includes:
research and development on social sciences
research and development on humanities
interdisciplinary research and development, predominantly on social sciences and
This class excludes:
market research, see 7320
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4228
73 Advertising and market research
This division includes the creation of advertising campaigns and placement of such
advertising in periodicals, newspapers, radio and television, or other media as well as the
design of display structures and sites.
731 Advertising
See class 7310.
7310 Advertising
This class includes the provision of a full range of advertising services (i.e. through in-
house capabilities or subcontracting), including advice, creative services, production of
advertising material, media planning and buying.
This class includes:
creation and realization of advertising campaigns:
creating and placing advertising in newspapers, periodicals, radio, television, the
Internet and other media
creating and placing of outdoor advertising, e.g. billboards, panels, bulletins and
frames, window dressing, showroom design, car and bus carding etc.
media representation, i.e. sale of time and space for various media soliciting adver-
aerial advertising
distribution or delivery of advertising material or samples
provision of advertising space on billboards etc.
creation of stands and other display structures and sites
conducting marketing campaigns and other advertising services aimed at attracting
and retaining customers:
promotion of products
point-of-sale marketing
direct mail advertising
marketing consulting
This class excludes:
publishing of advertising material, see 5819
production of commercial messages for radio, television and film, see 5911
public-relations activities, see 7020
market research, see 7320
graphic design activities, see 7410
advertising photography, see 7420
convention and trade show organizers, see 8230
mailing activities, see 8219
732 Market research and public opinion polling
See class 7320.
7320 Market research and public opinion polling
This class includes:
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 229
investigation into market potential, acceptance and familiarity of products and buy-
ing habits of consumers for the purpose of sales promotion and development of new
products, including statistical analyses of the results
investigation into collective opinions of the public about political, economic and social
issues and statistical analysis thereof
74 Other professional, scientific and technical activities
This division includes the provision of professional scientific and technical services (except
legal and accounting activities; architecture and engineering activities; technical testing
and analysis; management and management consultancy activities; research and devel-
opment and advertising activities).
741 Specialized design activities
See class 7410.
7410 Specialized design activities
This class includes:
fashion design related to textiles, wearing apparel, shoes, jewelry, furniture and other
interior decoration and other fashion goods as well as other personal or household
industrial design, i.e. creating and developing designs and specifications that optimize
the use, value and appearance of products, including the determination of the materi-
als, construction, mechanism, shape, colour and surface finishes of the product, taking
into consideration human characteristics and needs, safety, market appeal and effi-
ciency in production, distribution, use and maintenance
activities of graphic designers
activities of interior decorators
This class excludes:
design and programming of web pages, see 6201
architectural design, see 7110
engineering design, i.e. applying physical laws and principles of engineering in the design
of machines, materials, instruments, structures, processes and systems, see 7110
theatrical stage-set design, see 9000
742 Photographic activities
See class 7420.
7420 Photographic activities
This class includes:
commercial and consumer photograph production:
portrait photography for passports, schools, weddings etc.
photography for commercials, publishers, fashion, real estate or tourism purposes
aerial photography
videotaping of events: weddings, meetings etc.
film processing:
developing, printing and enlarging from client-taken negatives or cine-films
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4230
film developing and photo printing laboratories
one hour photo shops (not part of camera stores)
mounting of slides
copying and restoring or transparency retouching in connection with photographs
activities of photojournalists
This class also includes:
microfilming of documents
This class excludes:
processing motion picture film related to the motion picture and television industries,
see 5912
cartographic and spatial information activities, see 7110
749 Other professional, scientific and technical activities n.e.c.
See class 7490.
7490 Other professional, scientific and technical activities n.e.c.
This class includes a great variety of service activities generally delivered to commercial
clients. It includes those activities for which more advanced professional, scientific and
technical skill levels are required, but does not include ongoing, routine business func-
tions that are generally of short duration.
This class includes:
translation and interpretation activities
business brokerage activities, i.e. arranging for the purchase and sale of small and
medium-sized businesses, including professional practices, but not including real
estate brokerage
patent brokerage activities (arranging for the purchase and sale of patents)
appraisal activities other than for real estate and insurance (for antiques, jewellery,
bill auditing and freight rate information
activities of quantity surveyors
weather forecasting activities
security consulting
agronomy consulting
environmental consulting
other technical consulting
activities of consultants other than architecture, engineering and management con-
This class also includes:
activities carried on by agents and agencies on behalf of individuals usually involv-
ing the obtaining of engagements in motion picture, theatrical production or other
entertainment or sports attractions and the placement of books, plays, artworks, pho-
tographs etc., with publishers, producers etc.
This class excludes:
wholesale of used motor vehicles by auctioning, see 4510
online auction activities (retail), see 4791
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 231
activities of auctioning houses (retail), see 4799
activities of real estate brokers, see 6820
bookkeeping activities, see 6920
activities of management consultants, see 7020
activities of architecture and engineering consultants, see 7110
engineering design activities, see 7110
display of advertisement and other advertising design, see 7310
creation of stands and other display structures and sites, see 7310
industrial design activities, see 7410
activities of convention and trade show organizers, see 8230
activities of independent auctioneers, see 8299
administration of loyalty programmes, see 8299
consumer credit and debt counselling, see 8890
activities of authors of scientific and technical books, see 9000
activities of independent journalists, see 9000
75 Veterinary activities
This division includes the provision of animal health care and control activities for farm
animals or pet animals. These activities are carried out by qualified veterinarians in vet-
erinary hospitals as well as when visiting farms, kennels or homes, in own consulting and
surgery rooms or elsewhere. It also includes animal ambulance activities.
750 Veterinary activities
See class 7500.
7500 Veterinary activities
This class includes:
animal health care and control activities for farm animals
animal health care and control activities for pet animals
These activities are carried out by qualified veterinarians when working in veterinary hos-
pitals as well as when visiting farms, kennels or homes, in own consulting and surgery
rooms or elsewhere.
This class also includes:
activities of veterinary assistants or other auxiliary veterinary personnel
clinico-pathological and other diagnostic activities pertaining to animals
animal ambulance activities
This class excludes:
farm animal boarding activities without health care, see 0162
sheep shearing, see 0162
herd testing services, droving services, agistment services, poultry caponizing, see 0162
activities related to artificial insemination, see 0162
pet animal boarding activities without health care, see 9609
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4232
Section N
Administrative and support service activities
This section includes a variety of activities that support general business operations. These activi-
ties differ from those in section M, since their primary purpose is not the transfer of specialized
77 Rental and leasing activities
This division includes the renting and leasing of tangible and non-financial intangible
assets, including a wide array of tangible goods, such as automobiles, computers, con-
sumer goods and industrial machinery and equipment to customers in return for a peri-
odic rental or lease payment. It is subdivided into: (1) the renting of motor vehicles, (2) the
renting of recreational and sports equipment and personal and household equipment,
(3) the leasing of other machinery and equipment of the kind often used for business
operations, including other transport equipment and (4) the leasing of intellectual prop-
erty products and similar products.
Only the provision of operating leases is included in this division.
This division excludes financial leasing activities (see class 6491), renting of real estate
(see section L) and the renting of equipment with operator. The latter is classified accord-
ing to the activities carried out with this equipment, e.g. construction (section F) or trans-
portation (section H).
771 Renting and leasing of motor vehicles
See class 7710.
7710 Renting and leasing of motor vehicles
This class includes:
renting and operational leasing of the following types of vehicles:
passenger cars (without drivers)
trucks, utility trailers and recreational vehicles
This class excludes:
renting or leasing of vehicles or trucks with driver, see 4922, 4923
financial leasing, see 6491
772 Renting and leasing of personal and household goods
This group includes the renting of personal and household goods as well as renting of
recreational and sports equipment and video tapes. Activities generally include short-
term renting of goods although in some instances, the goods may be leased for longer
periods of time.
7721 Renting and leasing of recreational and sports goods
This class includes:
renting of recreational and sports equipment:
pleasure boats, canoes, sailboats,
beach chairs and umbrellas
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 233
other sports equipment
This class excludes:
renting of video tapes and disks, see 7722
renting of other personal and household goods n.e.c., see 7729
renting of leisure and pleasure equipment as an integral part of recreational facilities, see
7722 Renting of video tapes and disks
This class includes:
renting of video tapes, records, CDs, DVDs etc.
7729 Renting and leasing of other personal and household goods
This class includes:
renting of all kinds of household or personal goods, to households or industries (except
recreational and sports equipment):
textiles, wearing apparel and footwear
furniture, pottery and glass, kitchen and tableware, electrical appliances and house
jewellery, musical instruments, scenery and costumes
books, journals and magazines
machinery and equipment used by amateurs or as a hobby e.g. tools for home
flowers and plants
electronic equipment for household use
This class excludes:
renting of cars, trucks, trailers and recreational vehicles without driver, see 7710
renting of recreational and sports goods, see 7721
renting of video tapes and disks, see 7722
renting of motorcycles and caravans without driver, see 7730
renting of office furniture, see 7730
provision of linen, work uniforms and related items by laundries, see 9601
773 Renting and leasing of other machinery, equipment and tangible goods
See class 7730.
7730 Renting and leasing of other machinery, equipment and tangible goods
This class includes:
renting and operational leasing, without operator, of other machinery and equipment
that are generally used as capital goods by industries:
engines and turbines
machine tools
mining and oilfield equipment
professional radio, television and communication equipment
motion picture production equipment
measuring and controlling equipment
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4234
other scientific, commercial and industrial machinery
renting and operational leasing of land-transport equipment (other than motor vehi-
cles) without drivers:
motorcycles, caravans and campers etc.
railroad vehicles
renting and operational leasing of water-transport equipment without operator:
commercial boats and ships
renting and operational leasing of air transport equipment without operator:
hot-air balloons
renting and operational leasing of agricultural and forestry machinery and equipment
without operator:
renting of products produced by class 2821, such as agricultural tractors etc.
renting and operational leasing of construction and civil-engineering machinery and
equipment without operator:
crane lorries
scaffolds and work platforms, without erection and dismantling
renting and operational leasing of office machinery and equipment without operator:
computers and computer peripheral equipment
duplicating machines, typewriters and word-processing machines
accounting machinery and equipment: cash registers, electronic calculators etc.
office furniture
This class also includes:
renting of accommodation or office containers
renting of containers
renting of pallets
renting of animals (e.g. herds, race horses)
This class excludes:
renting of agricultural and forestry machinery or equipment with operator, see 0161, 0240
renting of construction and civil engineering machinery or equipment with operator, see
division 43
renting of water-transport equipment with operator, see division 50
renting of air-transport equipment with operator, see division 51
financial leasing, see 6491
renting of pleasure boats, see 7721
renting of bicycles, see 7721
774 Leasing of intellectual property and similar products, except copyrighted works
See class 7740.
7740 Leasing of intellectual property and similar products, except copyrighted works
This class includes the activities of allowing others to use intellectual property products
and similar products for which a royalty payment or licensing fee is paid to the owner of
the product (i.e. the asset holder). The leasing of these products can take various forms,
such as permission for reproduction, use in subsequent processes or products, operating
businesses under a franchise etc. The current owners may or may not have created these
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 235
This class includes:
leasing of intellectual property products (except copyrighted works, such as books or
receiving royalties or licensing fees for the use of:
patented entities
trademarks or service marks
brand names
mineral exploration and evaluation
franchise agreements
This class excludes:
acquisition of rights and publishing, see divisions 58 and 59
producing, reproducing and distributing copyrighted works (books, software, film), see
divisions 58 and 59
leasing of real estate, see group 681
leasing of tangible products (assets), see groups 771, 772, 773
renting of video tapes and disks, see 7722
renting of books, see 7729
78 Employment activities
This division includes activities of listing employment vacancies and referring or placing
applicants for employment, where the individuals referred or placed are not employees
of the employment agencies, supplying workers to clients’ businesses for limited peri-
ods of time to supplement the working force of the client, and the activities of providing
human resources and human resource management services for others on a contract or
fee basis. This division also includes executive search and placement activities and activi-
ties of theatrical casting agencies.
This division excludes the activities of agents for individual artists (see class 7490).
781 Activities of employment placement agencies
See class 7810.
7810 Activities of employment placement agencies
This class includes listing employment vacancies and referring or placing applicants for
employment, where the individuals referred or placed are not employees of the employ-
ment agencies.
This class includes:
personnel search, selection referral and placement activities, including executive
placement and search activities
activities of casting agencies and bureaus, such as theatrical casting agencies
activities of on-line employment placement agencies
This class excludes:
activities of personal theatrical or artistic agents or agencies, see 7490
782 Temporary employment agency activities
See class 7820.
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4236
7820 Temporary employment agency activities
This class includes:
supplying workers to clients’ businesses for limited periods of time to temporarily
replace or supplement the working force of the client, where the individuals provided
are employees of the temporary help service unit
Units classified here do not provide direct supervision of their employees at the clients’
work sites.
783 Other human resources provision
See class 7830.
7830 Other human resources provision
This class includes:
provision of human resources for client businesses
This provision of human resources is typically done on a long-term or permanent basis
and the units classified here may perform a wide range of human resource and personnel
management duties associated with this provision.
The units classified here represent the employer of record for the employees on matters
relating to payroll, taxes, and other fiscal and human resource issues, but they are not
responsible for direction and supervision of employees.
This class excludes:
provision of human resources functions together with supervision or running of the busi-
ness, see the class in the respective economic activity of that business
provision of human resources to temporarily replace or supplement the workforce of the
client, see 7820
79 Travel agency, tour operator, reservation service and related activities
This division includes the activity of selling travel, tour, transportation and accommoda-
tion services to the general public and commercial clients and the activity of arranging
and assembling tours that are sold through travel agencies or directly by agents such as
tour operators, as well as other travel-related services including reservation services. The
activities of tourist guides and tourism promotion activities are also included.
791 Travel agency and tour operator activities
This group includes the activities of agencies, primarily engaged in selling travel, tour,
transportation and accommodation services to the general public and commercial cli-
ents and the activity of arranging and assembling tours that are sold through travel agen-
cies or directly by agents such as tour operators.
7911 Travel agency activities
This class includes:
activities of agencies primarily engaged in selling travel, tour, transportation and
accommodation services to the general public and commercial clients
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 237
7912 Tour operator activities
This class includes:
arranging and assembling tours that are sold through travel agencies or directly by
tour operators. The tours may include any or all of the following:
visits to museums, historical or cultural sites, theatrical, musical or sporting events
799 Other reservation service and related activities
See class 7990.
7990 Other reservation service and related activities
This class includes:
provision of other travel-related reservation services:
reservations for transportation, hotels, restaurants, car rentals, entertainment and
sport etc.
provision of time-share exchange services
ticket sales activities for theatrical, sports and other amusement and entertainment
provision of visitor assistance services:
provision of travel information to visitors
activities of tourist guides
tourism promotion activities
This class excludes:
activities of travel agencies and tour operators, see 7911, 7912
organization and management of events such as meetings, conventions and conferences,
see 8230
80 Security and investigation activities
This division includes security-related services such as: investigation and detective serv-
ices; guard and patrol services; picking up and delivering money, receipts, or other valu-
able items with personnel and equipment to protect such properties while in transit;
operation of electronic security alarm systems, such as burglar and fire alarms, where the
activity focuses on remote monitoring these systems, but often involves also sale, installa-
tion and repair services. If the latter components are provided separate, they are excluded
from this division and classified in retail sale, construction etc.
801 Private security activities
See class 8010.
8010 Private security activities
This class includes the provision of one or more of the following: guard and patrol serv-
ices, picking up and delivering money, receipts or other valuable items with personnel
and equipment to protect such properties while in transit.
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4238
This class includes:
armored car services
bodyguard services
polygraph services
fingerprinting services
security guard services
This class excludes:
public order and safety activities, see 8423
802 Security systems service activities
See class 8020.
8020 Security systems service activities
This class includes:
monitoring or remote monitoring of electronic security alarm systems, such as burglar
and fire alarms, including their maintenance
installing, repairing, rebuilding, and adjusting mechanical or electronic locking devices,
safes and security vaults
The units carrying out these activities may also engage in selling such security systems,
mechanical or electronic locking devices, safes and security vaults.
This class excludes:
installation of security systems, such as burglar and fire alarms, without later monitoring,
see 4321
selling security systems, mechanical or electronic locking devices, safes and security vaults,
without monitoring, installation or maintenance services, see 4759
security consultants, see 7490
public order and safety activities, see 8423
providing key duplication services, see 9529
803 Investigation activities
See class 8030.
8030 Investigation activities
This class includes:
investigation and detective service activities
activities of all private investigators, independent of the type of client or purpose of
81 Services to buildings and landscape activities
This division includes the provision of a number of general support services, such as the
provision of a combination of support services within a client’s facilities, the interior and
exterior cleaning of buildings of all types, cleaning of industrial machinery, cleaning of
trains, buses, planes, etc., cleaning of the inside of road and sea tankers, disinfecting and
exterminating activities for buildings, ships, trains, etc., bottle cleaning, street sweeping,
snow and ice removal, provision of landscape care and maintenance services and provi-
sion of these services along with the design of landscape plans and/or the construction
(i.e. installation) of walkways, retaining walls, decks, fences, ponds, and similar structures.
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 239
811 Combined facilities support activities
See class 8110.
8110 Combined facilities support activities
This class includes:
provision of a combination of support services within a client’s facility, such as general
interior cleaning, maintenance, trash disposal, guard and security, mail routing, recep-
tion, laundry and related services to support operations within facilities
Units classified here provide operating staff to carry out these support activities, but are
not involved with or responsible for the core business or activities of the client.
This class excludes:
provision of only one of the support services (e.g. general interior cleaning services) or
addressing only a single function (e.g. heating), see the appropriate class according to the
service provided
provision of management and operating staff for the complete operation of a client’s estab-
lishment, such as a hotel, restaurant, mine, or hospital, see the class of the unit operated
provision of on site management and operation of a client’s computer systems and/or data
processing facilities, see 6202
operation of correctional facilities on a contract or fee basis, see 8423
812 Cleaning activities
This group includes the activities of general interior cleaning of all types of buildings,
exterior cleaning of buildings, specialized cleaning activities for buildings or other spe-
cialized cleaning activities, cleaning of industrial machinery, cleaning of the inside of road
and sea tankers, disinfecting and extermination activities for buildings and industrial
machinery, bottle cleaning, street sweeping, snow and ice removal.
This group excludes:
agricultural pest control, see 0161
cleaning of new buildings immediately after construction, 4330
steam-cleaning, sand blasting and similar activities for building exteriors, see 4390
carpet and rug shampooing, drapery and curtain cleaning, see 9601
8121 General cleaning of buildings
This class includes:
general (non-specialized) cleaning of all types of buildings, such as:
houses or apartments
general (non-specialized) cleaning of other business and professional premises and
multiunit residential buildings
These activities cover mostly interior cleaning although they may include the cleaning of
associated exterior areas such as windows or passageways.
This class excludes:
specialized interior cleaning activities, such as chimney cleaning, cleaning of fireplaces,
stoves, furnaces, incinerators, boilers, ventilation ducts, exhaust units, see 8129
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4240
8129 Other building and industrial cleaning activities
This class includes:
exterior cleaning of buildings of all types, including offices, factories, shops, institutions
and other business and professional premises and multiunit residential buildings
specialized cleaning activities for buildings such as window cleaning, chimney clean-
ing and cleaning of fireplaces, stoves, furnaces, incinerators, boilers, ventilation ducts
and exhaust units
swimming pool cleaning and maintenance services
cleaning of industrial machinery
bottle cleaning
cleaning of trains, buses, planes, etc.
cleaning of the inside of road and sea tankers
disinfecting and exterminating activities
street sweeping and snow and ice removal
other building and industrial cleaning activities, n.e.c.
This class excludes:
agriculture pest control, see 0161
cleaning of sewers and drains, see 3700
automobile cleaning, car wash, see 4520
813 Landscape care and maintenance service activities
See class 8130.
8130 Landscape care and maintenance service activities
This class includes:
planting, care and maintenance of:
parks and gardens for:
private and public housing à
public and semi-public buildings (schools, hospitals, administrative buildings, à
church buildings etc.)
municipal grounds (parks, green areas, cemeteries etc.) à
highway greenery (roads, train lines and tramlines, waterways, ports) à
industrial and commercial buildings à
greenery for:
buildings (roof gardens, façade greenery, indoor gardens) à
sports grounds (e.g. football fields, golf courses etc.), play grounds, lawns for sun- à
bathing and other recreational parks
stationary and flowing water (basins, alternating wet areas, ponds, swimming à
pools, ditches, watercourses, plant sewage systems)
plants for protection against noise, wind, erosion, visibility and dazzling
This class also includes:
maintenance of land in order to keep it in good ecological condition
This class excludes:
commercial production and planting for commercial production of plants, trees, see divi-
sions 01 and 02
tree nurseries (except forest tree nurseries), see 0130
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 241
maintenance of land to keep it in good condition for agricultural use, see 0161
construction activities for landscaping purposes, see section F
landscape design and architecture activities, see 7110
operation of botanical gardens, see 9103
82 Office administrative, office support and other business support activities
This division includes the provision of a range of day-to-day office administrative services,
as well as ongoing routine business support functions for others, on a contract or fee
This division also includes all support service activities typically provided to businesses
not elsewhere classified.
Units classified in this division do not provide operating staff to carry out the complete
operations of a business.
821 Office administrative and support activities
This group includes the provision of a range of day-to-day office administrative services,
such as financial planning, billing and record keeping, personnel and physical distribu-
tion and logistics for others on a contract or fee basis.
This group includes also support activities for others on a contract or fee basis, that are
ongoing routine business support functions that businesses and organizations tradition-
ally do for themselves.
Units classified in this group do not provide operating staff to carry out the complete
operations of a business. Units engaged in one particular aspect of these activities are
classified according to that particular activity.
8211 Combined office administrative service activities
This class includes:
provision of a combination of day-to-day office administrative services, such as recep-
tion, financial planning, billing and record keeping, personnel and physical distribu-
tion (mail services) and logistics for others on a contract or fee basis.
This class excludes:
provision of operating staff to carry out the complete operations of a business, see class
according to the business/activity performed
provision of only one particular aspect of these activities, see class according to that par-
ticular activity
8219 Photocopying, document preparation and other specialized office support
This class includes a variety of copying, document preparation and specialized office sup-
port activities. The document copying/printing activities included here cover only short-
run type printing activities.
This class includes:
document preparation
document editing or proofreading
typing, word processing, or desktop publishing
secretarial support services
transcription of documents, and other secretarial services
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4242
letter or resume writing
provision of mailbox rental and other mailing activities (except direct mail advertis-
other document copying services without also providing printing services, such as off-
set printing, quick printing, digital printing, prepress services
This class excludes:
printing of documents (offset printing, quick printing etc.), see 1811
direct mail advertising, see 7310
specialized stenotype services such as court reporting, see 8299
public stenography services, see 8299
822 Activities of call centres
See class 8220.
8220 Activities of call centres
This class includes:
activities of inbound call centres, answering calls from clients by using human opera-
tors, automatic call distribution, computer telephone integration, interactive voice
response systems or similar methods to receive orders, provide product information,
deal with customer requests for assistance or address customer complaints
activities of outbound call centers using similar methods to sell or market goods or
services to potential customers, undertake market research or public opinion polling
and similar activities for clients
823 Organization of conventions and trade shows
See class 8230.
8230 Organization of conventions and trade shows
This class includes:
organization, promotion and/or management of events, such as business and trade
shows, conventions, conferences and meetings, whether or not including the man-
agement and provision of the staff to operate the facilities in which these events take
829 Business support service activities n.e.c.
This group includes the activities of collection agencies, credit bureaus and all support
activities typically provided to businesses not elsewhere classified.
8291 Activities of collection agencies and credit bureaus
This class includes:
collection of payments for claims and remittance of payments collected to the clients,
such as bill or debt collection services
compiling of information, such as credit and employment histories on individuals and
credit histories on businesses and providing the information to financial institutions,
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 243
retailers and others who have a need to evaluate the creditworthiness of these persons
and businesses
8292 Packaging activities
This class includes:
packaging activities on a fee or contract basis, whether or not these involve an auto-
mated process:
bottling of liquids, including beverages and food
packaging of solids (blister packaging, foil-covered etc.)
security packaging of pharmaceutical preparations
labeling, stamping and imprinting
parcel-packing and gift-wrapping
This class excludes:
manufacture of soft drinks and production of mineral water, see 1104
packaging activities incidental to transport, see 5229
8299 Other business support service activities n.e.c.
This class includes:
providing verbatim reporting and stenotype recording of live legal proceedings and
transcribing subsequent recorded materials, such as:
court reporting or stenotype recording services
public stenography services
real-time (i.e. simultaneous) closed captioning of live television performances of meet-
ings, conferences
address bar coding services
bar code imprinting services
fundraising organization services on a contract or fee basis
mail presorting services
repossession services
parking meter coin collection services
activities of independent auctioneers
administration of loyalty programmes
other support activities typically provided to businesses not elsewhere classified
This class excludes:
provision of document transcription services, see 8219
providing film or tape captioning or subtitling services, see 5912
Section O
Public administration and defence; compulsory
social security
This section includes activities of a governmental nature, normally carried out by the public
administration. This includes the enactment and judicial interpretation of laws and their pursu-
ant regulation, as well as the administration of programmes based on them, legislative activities,
taxation, national defence, public order and safety, immigration services, foreign affairs and the
administration of government programmes. This section also includes compulsory social security
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4244
The legal or institutional status is not, in itself, the determining factor for an activity to belong in
this section, rather than the activity being of a nature specified in the previous paragraph. This
means that activities classified elsewhere in ISIC do not fall under this section, even if carried out
by public entities. For example, administration of the school system (i.e. regulations, checks, cur-
ricula) falls under this section, but teaching itself does not (see section P), and a prison or military
hospital is classified to health (see section Q). Similarly, some activities described in this section
may be carried out by non-government units.
84 Public administration and defence; compulsory social security
See section O.
841 Administration of the State and the economic and social policy of the commu-
This group includes general administration (e.g. executive, legislative, financial adminis-
tration etc. at all levels of government) and supervision in the field of social and economic
8411 General public administration activities
This class includes:
executive and legislative administration of central, regional and local bodies
administration and supervision of fiscal affairs:
operation of taxation schemes
duty/tax collection on goods and tax violation investigation
customs administration
budget implementation and management of public funds and public debt:
raising and receiving of moneys and control of their disbursement
administration of overall (civil) R&D policy and associated funds
administration and operation of overall economic and social planning and statistical
services at the various levels of government
This class excludes:
operation of government owned or occupied buildings, see 6810, 6820
administration of R&D policies intended to increase personal well-being and of associated
funds, see 8412
administration of R&D policies intended to improve economic performance and competi-
tiveness, see 8413
administration of defence-related R&D policies and of associated funds, see 8422
operation of government archives, see 9101
8412 Regulation of the activities of providing health care, education, cultural services
and other social services, excluding social security
This class includes:
public administration of programmes aimed to increase personal well-being:
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 245
social services
public administration of R&D policies and associated funds for these areas
This class also includes:
sponsoring of recreational and cultural activities
distribution of public grants to artists
administration of potable water supply programmes
administration of waste collection and disposal operations
administration of environmental protection programmes
administration of housing programmes
This class excludes:
sewage, refuse disposal and remediation activities, see divisions 37, 38, 39
compulsory social security activities, see 8430
education activities, see division 85
human health-related activities, see division 86
activities of libraries and archives (private, public or government operated), see 9101
operation of museums and other cultural institutions, see 9102
sporting or other recreational activities, see division 93
8413 Regulation of and contribution to more efficient operation of businesses
This class includes:
public administration and regulation, including subsidy allocation, for different eco-
nomic sectors:
land use
energy and mining resources
hotels and tourism
wholesale and retail trade
administration of R&D policies and associated funds to improve economic perform-
administration of general labour affairs
implementation of regional development policy measures, e.g. to reduce unemploy-
This class excludes:
research and experimental development activities, see division 72
842 Provision of services to the community as a whole
This group includes foreign affairs, defence and public order and safety activities.
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4246
8421 Foreign affairs
This class includes:
administration and operation of the ministry of foreign affairs and diplomatic and con-
sular missions stationed abroad or at offices of international organizations
administration, operation and support for information and cultural services intended
for distribution beyond national boundaries
aid to foreign countries, whether or not routed through international organizations
provision of military aid to foreign countries
management of foreign trade, international financial and foreign technical affairs
This class excludes:
international disaster or conflict refugee services, see 8890
8422 Defence activities
This class includes:
administration, supervision and operation of military defence affairs and land, sea, air
and space defence forces such as:
combat forces of army, navy and air force
engineering, transport, communications, intelligence, material, personnel and other
non-combat forces and commands
reserve and auxiliary forces of the defence establishment
military logistics (provision of equipment, structures, supplies etc.)
health activities for military personnel in the field
administration, operation and support of civil defence forces
support for the working out of contingency plans and the carrying out of exercises in
which civilian institutions and populations are involved
administration of defence-related R&D policies and related funds
This class excludes:
research and experimental development activities, see division 72
provision of military aid to foreign countries, see 8421
activities of military tribunals, see 8423
provision of supplies for domestic emergency use in case of peacetime disasters, see 8423
educational activities of military schools, colleges and academies, see 8530
activities of military hospitals, see 8610
8423 Public order and safety activities
This class includes:
administration and operation of regular and auxiliary police forces supported by pub-
lic authorities and of port, border, coastguards and other special police forces, includ-
ing traffic regulation, alien registration, maintenance of arrest records
firefighting and fire prevention:
administration and operation of regular and auxiliary fire brigades in fire prevention,
firefighting, rescue of persons and animals, assistance in civic disasters, floods, road
accidents etc.
administration and operation of administrative civil and criminal law courts, military
tribunals and the judicial system, including legal representation and advice on behalf
of the government or when provided by the government in cash or services
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 247
rendering of judgements and interpretations of the law
arbitration of civil actions
prison administration and provision of correctional services, including rehabilitation
services, regardless of whether their administration and operation is done by govern-
ment units or by private units on a contract or fee basis
provision of supplies for domestic emergency use in case of peacetime disasters
This class excludes:
forestry fire-protection and fire-fighting services, see 0240
oil and gas field fire fighting, see 0910
firefighting and fire-prevention services at airports provided by non-specialized units, see
advice and representation in civil, criminal and other cases, see 6910
operation of police laboratories, see 7120
administration and operation of military armed forces, see 8422
activities of prison schools, see division 85
activities of prison hospitals, see 8610
843 Compulsory social security activities
See class 8430.
8430 Compulsory social security activities
This class includes:
funding and administration of government-provided social security programmes:
sickness, work-accident and unemployment insurance
retirement pensions
programmes covering losses of income due to maternity, temporary disablement,
widowhood etc.
This class excludes:
non-compulsory social security, see 6530
provision of welfare services and social work (without accommodation), see 8810, 8890
Section P
This section includes education at any level or for any profession, oral or written as well as by
radio and television or other means of communication. It includes education by the different
institutions in the regular school system at its different levels as well as adult education, literacy
programmes etc. Also included are military schools and academies, prison schools etc. at their
respective levels. The section includes public as well as private education.
For each level of initial education, the classes include special education for physically or mentally
handicapped pupils.
The breakdown of the categories in this section is based on the level of education offered as
defined by the levels of ISCED 1997. The activities of educational institutions providing education
at ISCED levels 0 and 1 are classified in group 851, those at ISCED levels 2 and 3 in group 852 and
those at ISCED levels 4, 5 and 6 in group 853.
This section also includes instruction primarily concerned with sport and recreational activities
such as bridge or golf and education support activities.
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4248
85 Education
See section P.
851 Pre-primary and primary education
See class 8510.
8510 Pre-primary and primary education
This class includes the provision of instruction designed primarily to introduce very young
children to a school-type environment and instruction that gives students a sound basic
education in reading, writing and mathematics along with an elementary understanding
of other subjects such as history, geography, natural science, social science, art and music.
Such education is generally provided for children, however the provision of literacy pro-
grammes within or outside the school system, which are similar in content to programmes
in primary education but are intended for those considered too old to enter elementary
schools, is also included. Also included is the provision of programmes at a similar level,
suited to children with special needs education. Education can be provided in classrooms
or through radio, television broadcast, Internet, correspondence or at home.
This class includes:
pre-primary education
primary education
This class also includes:
special education for handicapped students at this level
provision of literacy programmes for adults
This class excludes:
adult education as defined in group 854
child day-care activities, see 8890
852 Secondary education
This group includes the provision of general secondary and technical and vocational sec-
ondary education.
8521 General secondary education
This class includes provision of the type of education that lays the foundation for lifelong
learning and human development and is capable of furthering education opportunities.
Such units provide programmes that are usually on a more subject-oriented pattern using
more specialized teachers, and more often employ several teachers conducting classes in
their field of specialization. Education can be provided in classrooms or through radio,
television broadcast, Internet, correspondence or at home.
Subject specialization at this level often begins to have some influence even on the edu-
cational experience of those pursuing a general programme. Such programmes are des-
ignated to qualify students either for technical and vocational education or for entrance
to higher education without any special subject prerequisite.
This class includes:
general school education in the first stage of the secondary level corresponding more
or less to the period of compulsory school attendance
general school education in the second stage of the secondary level giving, in princi-
ple, access to higher education
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 249
This class also includes:
special education for handicapped students at this level
This class excludes:
adult education as defined in group 854
8522 Technical and vocational secondary education
This class includes education typically emphasizing subject-matter specialization and
instruction in both theoretical background and practical skills generally associated with
present or prospective employment. The aim of a programme can vary from preparation
for a general field of employment to a very specific job. Instruction may be provided in
diverse settings, such as the units or client’s training facilities, educational institutions,
the workplace, or the home, and through correspondence, television, Internet, or other
This class includes:
technical and vocational education below the level of higher education as defined in
This class also includes:
instruction for tourist guides
instruction for chefs, hoteliers and restaurateurs
special education for handicapped students at this level
cosmetology and barber schools
computer repair training
driving schools for occupational drivers e.g. of trucks, buses, coaches
This class excludes:
technical and vocational education at post-secondary and university levels, see 8530
adult education as defined in group 854
performing art instruction for recreation, hobby and self-development purposes, see 8542
automobile driving schools not intended for occupational drivers, see 8549
job training forming part of social work activities without accommodation, see 8810,
853 Higher education
See class 8530.
8530 Higher education
This class includes the provision of post-secondary non-tertiary and tertiary education,
including granting of degrees at baccalaureate, graduate or post-graduate level. The
requirement for admission is at least a high school diploma or equivalent general aca-
demic training. Education can be provided in classrooms or through radio, television
broadcast, Internet or correspondence.
This class includes:
post-secondary non-tertiary education
first stage of tertiary education (not leading to an advanced research qualification)
second stage of tertiary education (leading to an advanced research qualification)
This class also includes:
performing arts schools providing higher education
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4250
This class excludes:
adult education as defined in group 854
854 Other education
This group includes general continuing education and continuing vocational education
and training for any profession. Instruction may be oral or written and may be provided in
classrooms or by radio, television, Internet, correspondence or other means of communi-
cation. This group also includes the provision of instruction in athletic activities to groups
or individuals, foreign language instruction, instruction in the arts, drama or music or
other instruction or specialized training, not comparable to the education in groups 851–
This group excludes:
provision of primary education, secondary education or higher education, see groups 851,
852, 853
8541 Sports and recreation education
This class includes the provision of instruction in athletic activities to groups or individu-
als, such as by camps and schools. Overnight and day sports instruction camps are also
included. This class does not include activities of academic schools, colleges and universi-
ties. Instruction may be provided in diverse settings, such as the units or client’s training
facilities, educational institutions or by other means. Instruction provided in this class is
formally organized.
This class includes:
sports instruction (baseball, basketball, cricket, football, etc)
camps, sports instruction
cheerleading instruction
gymnastics instruction
riding instruction, academies or schools
swimming instruction
professional sports instructors, teachers, coaches
martial arts instruction
card game instruction (such as bridge)
yoga instruction
This class excludes:
cultural education, see 8542
8542 Cultural education
This class includes provision of instruction in the arts, drama and music. Units giving
this type of instructions might be named “schools, “studios, “classes” etc. They provide
formally organized instruction, mainly for hobby, recreational or self-development pur-
poses, but such instruction does not lead to a professional diploma, baccalaureate or
graduate degree.
This class includes:
piano teachers and other music instruction
art instruction
dance instruction and dance studios
drama schools (except academic)
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 251
fine arts schools (except academic)
performing arts schools (except academic)
photography schools (except commercial)
8549 Other education n.e.c.
This class includes the provision of instruction and specialized training, generally for
adults, not comparable to the general education in groups 851–853. This class does not
include activities of academic schools, colleges, and universities. Instruction may be
provided in diverse settings, such as the unit’s or clients training facilities, educational
institutions, the workplace, or the home, and through correspondence, radio, television,
Internet, in classrooms or by other means. Such instruction does not lead to a high school
diploma, baccalaureate or graduate degree.
This class includes:
education that is not definable by level
academic tutoring services
college board preparation
learning centres offering remedial courses
professional examination review courses
language instruction and conversational skills instruction
speed reading instruction
religious instruction
This class also includes:
automobile driving schools
flying schools
lifeguard training
survival training
public speaking training
computer training
This class excludes:
adult literacy programmes see 8510
general secondary education, see 8521
driving schools for occupational drivers, see 8522
higher education, see 8530
cultural education, see 8542
855 Educational support activities
See class 8550.
8550 Educational support activities
This class includes:
provision of non-instructional services that support educational processes or systems:
educational consulting
educational guidance counseling services
educational testing evaluation services
educational testing services
organization of student exchange programs
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4252
This class excludes:
research and experimental development on social sciences and humanities, see 7220
Section Q
Human health and social work activities
This section includes the provision of health and social work activities. Activities include a wide
range of activities, starting from health care provided by trained medical professionals in hos-
pitals and other facilities, over residential care activities that still involve a degree of health care
activities to social work activities without any involvement of health care professionals.
86 Human health activities
This division includes activities of short- or long-term hospitals, general or specialty medi-
cal, surgical, psychiatric and substance abuse hospitals, sanatoria, preventoria, medical
nursing homes, asylums, mental hospital institutions, rehabilitation centres, leprosaria
and other human health institutions which have accommodation facilities and which
engage in providing diagnostic and medical treatment to inpatients with any of a wide
variety of medical conditions. It also includes medical consultation and treatment in the
field of general and specialized medicine by general practitioners and medical specialists
and surgeons. It includes dental practice activities of a general or specialized nature and
orthodontic activities. Additionally, this division includes activities for human health not
performed by hospitals or by practicing medical doctors but by paramedical practitioners
legally recognized to treat patients.
861 Hospital activities
See class 8610.
8610 Hospital activities
This class includes:
short- or long-term hospital activities, i.e. medical, diagnostic and treatment activities,
of general hospitals (e.g. community and regional hospitals, hospitals of non-profit
organizations, university hospitals, military-base and prison hospitals) and specialized
hospitals (e.g. mental health and substance abuse hospitals, hospitals for infectious
diseases, maternity hospitals, specialized sanatoriums)
The activities are chiefly directed to inpatients, are carried out under the direct supervi-
sion of medical doctors and include:
services of medical and paramedical staff
services of laboratory and technical facilities, including radiologic and anaesthesio-
logic services
emergency room services
provision of operating room services, pharmacy services, food and other hospital
services of family planning centres providing medical treatment such as sterilization
and termination of pregnancy, with accommodation
This class excludes:
laboratory testing and inspection of all types of materials and products, except medical,
see 7120
veterinary activities, see 7500
health activities for military personnel in the field, see 8422
dental practice activities of a general or specialized nature, e.g. dentistry, endodontic and
pediatric dentistry; oral pathology, orthodontic activities, see 8620
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 253
private consultants’ services to inpatients, see 8620
medical laboratory testing, see 8690
ambulance transport activities, see 8690
862 Medical and dental practice activities
See class 8620.
8620 Medical and dental practice activities
This class includes:
medical consultation and treatment in the field of general and specialized medicine by
general practitioners and medical specialists and surgeons
dental practice activities of a general or specialized nature, e.g. dentistry, endodontic
and pediatric dentistry; oral pathology
orthodontic activities
family planning centres providing medical treatment, such as sterilization and termi-
nation of pregnancy, without accommodation
These activities can be carried out in private practice, group practices and in hospital out-
patient clinics, and in clinics such as those attached to firms, schools, homes for the aged,
labour organizations and fraternal organizations, as well as in patients homes.
This class also includes:
dental activities in operating rooms
private consultants services to inpatients
This class excludes:
production of artificial teeth, denture and prosthetic appliances by dental laboratories, see
inpatient hospital activities, see 8610
paramedical activities such as those of midwives, nurses and physiotherapists, see 8690
869 Other human health activities
See class 8690.
8690 Other human health activities
This class includes:
activities for human health not performed by hospitals or by medical doctors or den-
activities of nurses, midwives, physiotherapists or other paramedical practitioners
in the field of optometry, hydrotherapy, medical massage, occupational therapy,
speech therapy, chiropody, homeopathy, chiropractice, acupuncture etc.
These activities may be carried out in health clinics such as those attached to firms,
schools, homes for the aged, labour organizations and fraternal organizations and in resi-
dential health facilities other than hospitals, as well as in own consulting rooms, patients’
homes or elsewhere. These activities do not involve medical treatment.
This class also includes:
activities of dental paramedical personnel such as dental therapists, school dental
nurses and dental hygienists, who may work remote from, but are periodically super-
vised by, the dentist
activities of medical laboratories such as:
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4254
X-ray laboratories and other diagnostic imaging centres
blood analysis laboratories
activities of blood banks, sperm banks, transplant organ banks etc.
ambulance transport of patients by any mode of transport including airplanes. These
services are often provided during a medical emergency.
This class excludes:
production of artificial teeth, denture and prosthetic appliances by dental laboratories, see
transfer of patients, with neither equipment for lifesaving nor medical personnel, see divi-
sions 49, 50, 51
non-medical laboratory testing, see 7120
testing activities in the field of food hygiene, see 7120
hospital activities, see 8610
medical and dental practice activities, see 8620
nursing care facilities, see 8710
87 Residential care activities
This division includes the provision of residential care combined with either nursing,
supervisory or other types of care as required by the residents. Facilities are a significant
part of the production process and the care provided is a mix of health and social services
with the health services being largely some level of nursing services.
871 Residential nursing care facilities
See class 8710.
8710 Residential nursing care facilities
This class includes:
activities of:
homes for the elderly with nursing care
convalescent homes
rest homes with nursing care
nursing care facilities
nursing homes
This class excludes:
in-home services provided by health care professionals, see division 86
activities of homes for the elderly without or with minimal nursing care, see 8730
social work activities with accommodation, such as orphanages, children’s boarding
homes and hostels, temporary homeless shelters, see 8790
872 Residential care activities for mental retardation, mental health and substance
See class 8720.
8720 Residential care activities for mental retardation, mental health and substance
This class includes the provision of residential care (but not licensed hospital care) to
people with mental retardation, mental illness, or substance abuse problems. Facilities
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 255
provide room, board, protective supervision and counselling and some health care. It also
includes provision of residential care and treatment for patients with mental health and
substance abuse illnesses.
This class includes:
activities of:
facilities for treatment of alcoholism and drug addiction
psychiatric convalescent homes
residential group homes for the emotionally disturbed
mental retardation facilities
mental health halfway houses
This class excludes:
social work activities with accommodation, such as temporary homeless shelters, see
873 Residential care activities for the elderly and disabled
See class 8730.
8730 Residential care activities for the elderly and disabled
This class includes the provision of residential and personal care services for the elderly
and disabled who are unable to fully care for themselves and/or who do not desire to
live independently. The care typically includes room, board, supervision, and assistance in
daily living, such as housekeeping services. In some instances these units provide skilled
nursing care for residents in separate on-site facilities.
This class includes:
activities of:
assisted-living facilities
continuing care retirement communities
homes for the elderly with minimal nursing care
rest homes without nursing care
This class excludes:
activities of homes for the elderly with nursing care, see 8710
social work activities with accommodation where medical treatment or accommodation
are not important elements, see 8790
879 Other residential care activities
See class 8790.
8790 Other residential care activities
This class includes the provision of residential and personal care services for persons,
except the elderly and disabled, who are unable to fully care for themselves or who do
not desire to live independently.
This class includes:
activities provided on a round-the-clock basis directed to provide social assistance to
children and special categories of persons with some limits on ability for self-care, but
where medical treatment or education are not important elements:
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4256
childrens boarding homes and hostels
temporary homeless shelters
institutions that take care of unmarried mothers and their children
The activities may be carried out by public or private organizations.
This class also includes:
activities of:
halfway group homes for persons with social or personal problems
halfway homes for delinquents and offenders
disciplinary camps
This class excludes:
funding and administration of compulsory social security programmes, see 8430
activities of nursing care facilities, see 8710
residential care activities for mental retardation, mental health and substance abuse, see
residential care activities for the elderly or disabled, see 8730
adoption activities, see 8890
short-term shelter activities for disaster victims, see 8890
88 Social work activities without accommodation
This division includes the provision of a variety of social assistance services directly to
clients. The activities in this division do not include accommodation services, except on
a temporary basis.
881 Social work activities without accommodation for the elderly and disabled
See class 8810.
8810 Social work activities without accommodation for the elderly and disabled
This class includes:
social, counselling, welfare, referral and similar services which are aimed at the eld-
erly and disabled in their homes or elsewhere and carried out by public or by private
organizations, national or local self-help organizations and by specialists providing
counselling services:
visiting of the elderly and disabled
day-care activities for the elderly or for handicapped adults
vocational rehabilitation and habilitation activities for disabled persons provided
that the education component is limited
This class excludes:
funding and administration of compulsory social security programmes, see 8430
activities similar to those described in this class, but including accommodation, see 8730
day-care activities for handicapped children, see 8890
889 Other social work activities without accommodation
See class 8890.
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 257
8890 Other social work activities without accommodation
This class includes:
social, counselling, welfare, refugee, referral and similar services which are delivered
to individuals and families in their homes or elsewhere and carried out by public or
by private organizations, disaster relief organizations and national or local self-help
organizations and by specialists providing counselling services:
welfare and guidance activities for children and adolescents
adoption activities, activities for the prevention of cruelty to children and others
household budget counselling, marriage and family guidance, credit and debt coun-
selling services
community and neighbourhood activities
activities for disaster victims, refugees, immigrants etc., including temporary or
extended shelter for them
vocational rehabilitation and habilitation activities for unemployed persons pro-
vided that the education component is limited
eligibility determination in connection with welfare aid, rent supplements or food
child day-care activities, including for handicapped children
day facilities for the homeless and other socially weak groups
charitable activities like fund-raising or other supporting activities aimed at social
This class excludes:
funding and administration of compulsory social security programmes, see 8430
activities similar to those described in this class, but including accommodation, see 8790
Section R
Arts, entertainment and recreation
This section includes a wide range of activities to meet varied cultural, entertainment and rec-
reational interests of the general public, including live performances, operation of museum sites,
gambling, sports and recreation activities.
90 Creative, arts and entertainment activities
See class 9000.
900 Creative, arts and entertainment activities
See class 9000.
9000 Creative, arts and entertainment activities
This class includes the operation of facilities and provision of services to meet the cultural
and entertainment interests of their customers. This includes the production and pro-
motion of, and participation in, live performances, events or exhibits intended for public
viewing; the provision of artistic, creative or technical skills for the production of artistic
products and live performances.
This class includes:
production of live theatrical presentations, concerts and opera or dance productions
and other stage productions:
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4258
activities of groups, circuses or companies, orchestras or bands
activities of individual artists such as authors, actors, directors, musicians, lecturers
or speakers, stage-set designers and builders etc.
operation of concert and theatre halls and other arts facilities
activities of sculptors, painters, cartoonists, engravers, etchers etc.
activities of individual writers, for all subjects including fictional writing, technical writ-
ing etc.
activities of independent journalists
restoring of works of art such as paintings etc.
This class also includes:
activities of producers or entrepreneurs of arts live events, with or without facilities
This class excludes:
restoring of stained glass windows, see 2310
manufacture of statues, other than artistic originals, see 2396
restoring of organs and other historical musical instruments, see 3319
restoring of historical sites and buildings, see 4100
motion picture and video production, see 5911, 5912
operation of cinemas, see 5914
activities of personal theatrical or artistic agents or agencies, see 7490
casting activities, see 7810
activities of ticket agencies, see 7990
operation of museums of all kinds, see 9102
sports and amusement and recreation activities, see division 93
restoring of furniture (except museum type restoration), see 9524
91 Libraries, archives, museums and other cultural activities
This division includes activities of libraries and archives; the operation of museums of
all kinds, botanical and zoological gardens; the operation of historical sites and nature
reserves activities. It also includes the preservation and exhibition of objects, sites and
natural wonders of historical, cultural or educational interest (e.g. world heritage sites,
This division excludes sports, amusement and recreation activities, such as the operation
of bathing beaches and recreation parks (see division 93).
910 Libraries, archives, museums and other cultural activities
See division 91.
9101 Library and archives activities
This class includes:
documentation and information activities of libraries of all kinds, reading, listening and
viewing rooms, public archives providing service to the general public or to a special
clientele, such as students, scientists, staff, members as well as operation of govern-
ment archives:
organization of a collection, whether specialized or not
cataloguing collections
lending and storage of books, maps, periodicals, films, records, tapes, works of art etc.
retrieval activities in order to comply with information requests etc.
stock photo libraries and services
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 259
9102 Museums activities and operation of historical sites and buildings
This class includes:
operation of museums of all kinds:
art museums, museums of jewellery, furniture, costumes, ceramics, silverware
natural history, science and technological museums, historical museums, including
military museums
other specialized museums
open-air museums
operation of historical sites and buildings
This class excludes:
renovation and restoration of historical sites and buildings, see section F
restoration of works of art and museum collection objects, see 9000
activities of libraries and archives, see 9101
9103 Botanical and zoological gardens and nature reserves activities
This class includes:
operation of botanical and zoological gardens, including childrens zoos
operation of nature reserves, including wildlife preservation, etc.
This class excludes:
landscape and gardening services, see 8130
operation of sport fishing and hunting preserves, see 9319
92 Gambling and betting activities
This division includes the operation of gambling facilities such as casinos, bingo halls and
video gaming terminals and the provision of gambling services, such as lotteries and off-
track betting.
920 Gambling and betting activities
See class 9200.
9200 Gambling and betting activities
This class includes:
bookmaking and other betting operations
off-track betting
operation of casinos, including “floating casinos”
sale of lottery tickets
operation (exploitation) of coin-operated gambling machines
operation of virtual gambling web sites
This class excludes:
operation (exploitation) of coin-operated games, see 9329
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4260
93 Sports activities and amusement and recreation activities
This division includes the provision of recreational, amusement and sports activities
(except museums activities, preservation of historical sites, botanical and zoological gar-
dens and nature reserves activities; and gambling and betting activities).
Excluded from this division are dramatic arts, music and other arts and entertainment
such as the production of live theatrical presentations, concerts and opera or dance pro-
ductions and other stage productions, see division 90.
931 Sports activities
This group includes the operation of sports facilities; activities of sports teams or clubs
primarily participating in live sports events before a paying audience; independent ath-
letes engaged in participating in live sporting or racing events before a paying audience;
owners of racing participants such as cars, dogs, horses, etc. primarily engaged in entering
them in racing events or other spectator sports events; sports trainers providing special-
ized services to support participants in sports events or competitions; operators of arenas
and stadiums; other activities of organizing, promoting or managing sports events, n.e.c.
9311 Operation of sports facilities
This class includes:
operation of facilities for indoor or outdoor sports events (open, closed or covered,
with or without spectator seating):
football, hockey, cricket, baseball, jai-alai stadiums
racetracks for auto, dog, horse races
swimming pools and stadiums
track and field stadiums
winter sports arenas and stadiums
ice-hockey arenas
boxing arenas
golf courses
bowling lanes
fitness centers
organization and operation of outdoor or indoor sports events for professionals or
amateurs by organizations with own facilities
This class includes managing and providing the staff to operate these facilities.
This class excludes:
renting of recreation and sports equipment, see 7721
operation of ski hills, see 9329
park and beach activities, see 9329
9312 Activities of sports clubs
This class includes the activities of sports clubs, which, whether professional, semi-pro-
fessional or amateur clubs, give their members the opportunity to engage in sporting
This class includes:
operation of sports clubs:
football clubs
bowling clubs
swimming clubs
golf clubs
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 261
boxing clubs
body-building clubs
winter sports clubs
chess clubs
track and field clubs
shooting clubs, etc.
This class excludes:
sports instruction by individual teachers, trainers, see 8541
operation of sports facilities, see 9311
organization and operation of outdoor or indoor sports events for professionals or ama-
teurs by sports clubs with their own facilities, see 9311
9319 Other sports activities
This class includes:
activities of producers or promoters of sports events, with or without facilities
activities of individual own-account sportsmen and athletes, referees, judges, time-
keepers etc.
activities of sports leagues and regulating bodies
activities related to promotion of sporting events
activities of racing stables, kennels and garages
operation of sport fishing and hunting preserves
activities of mountain guides
support activities for sport or recreational hunting and fishing
This class excludes:
breeding of racing horses, see 0142
renting of sports equipment, see 7721
activities of sport and game schools, see 8541
activities of sports instructors, teachers, coaches, see 8541
organization and operation of outdoor or indoor sports events for professionals or ama-
teurs by sports clubs with/without own facilities, see 9311, 9312
park and beach activities, see 9329
932 Other amusement and recreation activities
This group includes the activities of a wide range of units that operate facilities or provide
services to meet the varied recreational interests of their patrons, including the operation
of a variety of attractions, such as mechanical rides, water rides, games, shows, theme
exhibits and picnic grounds.
This group excludes:
sports activities, see group 931
dramatic arts, music and other arts and entertainment activities, see 9000
9321 Activities of amusement parks and theme parks
This class includes:
activities of amusement parks or theme parks, including the operation of a variety of
attractions, such as mechanical rides, water rides, games, shows, theme exhibits and
picnic grounds
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4262
9329 Other amusement and recreation activities n.e.c.
This class includes:
activities of recreation parks, beaches, including renting of facilities such as bath-
houses, lockers, chairs etc.
operation of recreational transport facilities, e.g. marinas
operation of ski hills
renting of leisure and pleasure equipment as an integral part of recreational facilities
operation of fairs and shows of a recreational nature
operation of discotheques and dance floors
operation (exploitation) of coin-operated games
other amusement and recreation activities (except amusement parks and theme parks)
not elsewhere classified
This class also includes:
activities of producers or entrepreneurs of live events other than arts or sports events,
with or without facilities
This class excludes:
fishing cruises, see 5011, 5021
provision of space and facilities for short stay by visitors in recreational parks and forests
and campgrounds, see 5520
beverage serving activities of discotheques, see 5630
trailer parks, campgrounds, recreational camps, hunting and fishing camps, campsites and
campgrounds, see 5520
separate renting of leisure and pleasure equipment, see 7721
operation (exploitation) of coin-operated gambling machines, see 9200
activities of amusement parks and theme parks, see 9321
Section S
Other service activities
This section (as a residual category) includes the activities of membership organizations, the
repair of computers and personal and household goods and a variety of personal service activi-
ties not covered elsewhere in the classification.
94 Activities of membership organizations
This division includes activities of organizations representing interests of special groups
or promoting ideas to the general public. These organizations usually have a constitu-
ency of members, but their activities may involve and benefit non-members as well. The
primary breakdown of this division is determined by the purpose that these organiza-
tions serve, namely interests of employers, self-employed individuals and the scientific
community (group 941), interests of employees (group 942) or promotion of religious,
political, cultural, educational or recreational ideas and activities (group 949).
941 Activities of business, employers and professional membership organizations
This group includes the activities of units that promote the interests of the members of
business and employers organizations. In the case of professional membership organiza-
tions, it also includes the activities of promoting the professional interests of members of
the profession.
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 263
9411 Activities of business and employers membership organizations
This class includes:
activities of organizations whose members’ interests centre on the development and
prosperity of enterprises in a particular line of business or trade, including farming,
or on the economic growth and climate of a particular geographical area or political
subdivision without regard for the line of business.
activities of federations of such associations
activities of chambers of commerce, guilds and similar organizations
dissemination of information, representation before government agencies, public rela-
tions and labour negotiations of business and employer organizations
This class excludes:
activities of trade unions, see 9420
9412 Activities of professional membership organizations
This class includes:
activities of organizations whose members’ interests centre chiefly on a particular sci-
entific discipline, professional practice or technical field, such as medical associations,
legal associations, accounting associations, engineering associations, architects asso-
ciations etc.
activities of associations of specialists engaged in cultural activities, such as associa-
tions of writers, painters, performers of various kinds, journalists etc.
dissemination of information, the establishment and supervision of standards of prac-
tice, representation before government agencies and public relations of professional
This class also includes:
activities of learned societies
This class excludes:
education provided by these organizations, see division 85
942 Activities of trade unions
See class 9420.
9420 Activities of trade unions
This class includes:
promoting of the interests of organized labor and union employees
This class also includes:
activities of associations whose members are employees interested chiefly in the rep-
resentation of their views concerning the salary and work situation, and in concerted
action through organization
activities of single plant unions, of unions composed of affiliated branches and of
labour organizations composed of affiliated unions on the basis of trade, region,
organizational structure or other criteria
This class excludes:
education provided by such organizations, see division 85
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4264
949 Activities of other membership organizations
This group includes the activities of units (except business and employers organizations,
professional organizations, trade unions) that promote the interests of their members.
9491 Activities of religious organizations
This class includes:
activities of religious organizations or individuals providing services directly to wor-
shippers in churches, mosques, temples, synagogues or other places
activities of organizations providing monastery and convent services
religious retreat activities
This class also includes:
religious funeral service activities
This class excludes:
education provided by such organizations, see division 85
health activities by such organizations, see division 86
social work activities by such organizations, see divisions 87 and 88
9492 Activities of political organizations
This class includes:
activities of political organizations and auxiliary organizations such as young people’s
auxiliaries associated with a political party. These organizations chiefly engage in influ-
encing decision-taking in public governing bodies by placing members of the party
or those sympathetic to the party in political office and involve the dissemination of
information, public relations, fund-raising etc.
9499 Activities of other membership organizations n.e.c.
This class includes:
activities of organizations not directly affiliated to a political party furthering a public
cause or issue by means of public education, political influence, fund-raising etc.:
citizens initiative or protest movements
environmental and ecological movements
organizations supporting community and educational facilities n.e.c.
organizations for the protection and betterment of special groups, e.g. ethnic and
minority groups
associations for patriotic purposes, including war veterans’ associations
consumer associations
automobile associations
associations for the purpose of social acquaintanceship such as rotary clubs, lodges
associations of youth, young persons associations, student associations, clubs and fra-
ternities etc.
associations for the pursuit of a cultural or recreational activity or hobby (other than
sports or games), e.g. poetry, literature and book clubs, historical clubs, gardening
clubs, film and photo clubs, music and art clubs, craft and collectors’ clubs, social clubs,
carnival clubs etc.
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 265
This class also includes:
grant giving activities by membership organizations or others
This class excludes:
activities of professional artistic groups or organizations, see 9000
activities of sports clubs, see 9312
activities of professional membership associations, see 9412
95 Repair of computers and personal and household goods
This division includes the repair and maintenance of computers peripheral equipment
such as desktops, laptops, computer terminals, storage devices and printers. It also
includes the repair of communications equipment such as fax machines, two-way radios
and consumer electronics such as radios and TVs, home and garden equipment such as
lawn-mowers and blowers, footwear and leather goods, furniture and home furnishings,
clothing and clothing accessories, sporting goods, musical instruments, hobby articles
and other personal and household goods.
Excluded from this division is the repair of medical and diagnostic imaging equipment,
measuring and surveying instruments, laboratory instruments, radar and sonar equip-
ment, see 3313.
951 Repair of computers and communication equipment
This group includes the repair and maintenance of computers and peripheral equipment
and communications equipment.
9511 Repair of computers and peripheral equipment
This class includes the repair of electronic equipment, such as computers and computing
machinery and peripheral equipment.
This class includes:
repair and maintenance of:
desktop computers
laptop computers
magnetic disk drives, flash drives and other storage devices
optical disk drives (CD-RW, CD-ROM, DVD-ROM, DVD-RW)
mice, joysticks and trackball accessories
internal and external computer modems
dedicated computer terminals
computer servers
scanners, including bar code scanners
smart card readers
virtual reality helmets
computer projectors
This class also includes:
repair and maintenance of:
computer terminals like automatic teller machines (ATM’s); point-of-sale (POS) termi-
nals, not mechanically operated
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4266
hand-held computers (PDAs)
This class excludes:
repair and maintenance of carrier equipment modems, see 9512
9512 Repair of communication equipment
This class includes:
repair and maintenance of communications equipment such as:
cordless telephones
cellular phones
carrier equipment modems
fax machines
communications transmission equipment (e.g. routers, bridges, modems)
two-way radios
commercial TV and video cameras
952 Repair of personal and household goods
This group includes the repair and servicing of personal and household goods.
9521 Repair of consumer electronics
This class includes:
repair and maintenance of consumer electronics:
television, radio receivers
video cassette recorders (VCR)
CD players
household-type video cameras
9522 Repair of household appliances and home and garden equipment
This class includes:
repair and servicing of household appliances
refrigerators, stoves, washing machines, clothes dryers, room air conditioners, etc.
repair and servicing of home and garden equipment
lawnmowers, edgers, snow- and leaf- blowers, trimmers, etc.
This class excludes:
repair of hand held power tools, see 3312
repair of central air conditioning systems, see 4322
9523 Repair of footwear and leather goods
This class includes:
repair and maintenance of footwear:
shoes, boots etc.
fitting of heels
repair and maintenance of leather goods:
luggage and the like
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 267
9524 Repair of furniture and home furnishings
This class includes:
reupholstering, refinishing, repairing and restoring of furniture and home furnishings
including office furniture
assembly of self-standing furniture
This class excludes:
installation of fitted kitchens, shop fittings and the like, see 4330
9529 Repair of other personal and household goods
This class includes:
repair of bicycles
repair and alteration of clothing
repair and alteration of jewellery
repair of watches, clocks and their parts such as watchcases and housings of all materi-
als; movements, chronometers, etc.
repair of sporting goods (except sporting guns)
repair of books
repair of musical instruments
repair of toys and similar articles
repair of other personal and household goods
This class excludes:
industrial engraving of metals, see 2592
repair of sporting and recreational guns, see 3311
repair of hand held power tools, see 3312
repair of time clocks, time/date stamps, time locks and similar time recording devices, see
96 Other personal service activities
This division includes all service activities not mentioned elsewhere in the classification.
Notably it includes types of services such as washing and (dry-)cleaning of textiles and fur
products, hairdressing and other beauty treatment, funeral and related activities.
960 Other personal service activities
See division 96.
9601 Washing and (dry-) cleaning of textile and fur products
This class includes:
laundering and dry-cleaning, pressing etc., of all kinds of clothing (including fur) and
textiles, provided by mechanical equipment, by hand or by self-service coin-operated
machines, whether for the general public or for industrial or commercial clients
laundry collection and delivery
carpet and rug shampooing and drapery and curtain cleaning, whether on clients’
premises or not
provision of linens, work uniforms and related items by laundries
diaper supply services
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4268
This class also includes:
repair and minor alteration of garments or other textile articles when done in connec-
tion with cleaning
This class excludes:
renting of clothing other than work uniforms, even if cleaning of these goods is an integral
part of the activity, see 7730
repair and alteration of clothing etc., as an independent activity, see 9529
9602 Hairdressing and other beauty treatment
This class includes:
hair washing, trimming and cutting, setting, dyeing, tinting, waving, straightening and
similar activities for men and women
shaving and beard trimming
facial massage, manicure and pedicure, make-up etc.
This class excludes:
manufacture of wigs, see 3290
9603 Funeral and related activities
This class includes:
burial and incineration of human or animal corpses and related activities:
preparing the dead for burial or cremation and embalming and morticians’ services
providing burial or cremation services
rental of equipped space in funeral parlours
rental or sale of graves
maintenance of graves and mausoleums
This class excludes:
religious funeral service activities, see 9491
9609 Other personal service activities n.e.c.
This class includes:
activities of Turkish baths, sauna and steam baths, solariums, reducing and slendering
salons, massage salons etc.
astrological and spiritualists activities
social activities such as escort services, dating services, services of marriage bureaux
pet care services such as boarding, grooming, sitting and training pets
genealogical organizations
shoe shiners, porters, valet car parkers etc.
concession operation of coin-operated personal service machines (photo booths,
weighing machines, machines for checking blood pressure, coin-operated lockers
This class excludes:
veterinary activities, see 7500
activities of fitness centers, see 9311
Detailed structure and explanatory notes 269
Section T
Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated
goods- and services-producing activities of households
for own use
97 Activities of households as employers of domestic personnel
See class 9700.
970 Activities of households as employers of domestic personnel
See class 9700.
9700 Activities of households as employers of domestic personnel
This class includes:
activities of households as employers of domestic personnel such as maids, cooks,
waiters, valets, butlers, laundresses, gardeners, gatekeepers, stable-lads, chauffeurs,
caretakers, governesses, babysitters, tutors, secretaries etc.
It allows the domestic personnel employed to state the activity of their employer in cen-
suses or studies, even though the employer is an individual. The product produced by this
activity is consumed by the employing household.
This class excludes:
provision of services such as cooking, gardening etc. by independent service providers
(companies or individuals), see ISIC class according to type of service
98 Undifferentiated goods- and services-producing activities of private house-
holds for own use
This division includes the undifferentiated subsistence goods-producing and services-
producing activities of households.
Households should be classified here only if it is impossible to identify a primary activity
for the subsistence activities of the household. If the household engages in market activi-
ties, it should be classified according to the primary market activity carried out.
981 Undifferentiated goods-producing activities of private households for own use
See class 9810.
9810 Undifferentiated goods-producing activities of private households for own use
This class includes:
undifferentiated subsistence goods-producing activities of households, i.e., the activi-
ties of households that are engaged in a variety of activities that produce goods for
their own subsistence. These activities include hunting and gathering, farming, the
production of shelter and clothing and other goods produced by the household for
its own subsistence.
If households are also engaged in the production of marketed goods, they are classified
to the appropriate goods-producing industry of ISIC.
If households are principally engaged in a specific goods-producing subsistence activity,
they are classified to the appropriate goods-producing industry of ISIC.
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4270
982 Undifferentiated service-producing activities of private households for own use
See class 9820.
9820 Undifferentiated service-producing activities of private households for own use
This class includes:
undifferentiated subsistence services-producing activities of households, i.e. the activ-
ities of households that are engaged in a variety of activities that produce services for
their own subsistence. These activities include cooking, teaching, caring for household
members and other services produced by the household for its own subsistence.
If households are also engaged in the production of multiple goods for subsistence pur-
poses, they are classified to the undifferentiated goods-producing subsistence activities
of households.
Section U
Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies
See class 9900.
99 Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies
See class 9900.
990 Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies
See class 9900.
9900 Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies
This class includes:
activities of international organizations such as the United Nations and the specialized
agencies of the United Nations system, regional bodies etc., the International Monetary
Fund, the World Bank, the World Customs Organization, the Organisation for Economic
Co-operation and Development, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries,
the European Communities, the European Free Trade Association etc.
This class also includes:
activities of diplomatic and consular missions when being determined by the country
of their location rather than by the country they represent
Alternative aggregations
Alternative aggregations 273
199. Any statistical classication reects compromises between a number of
theoretical principles and practical considerations. us, not all needs for aggregated
data will be equally well served by simple aggregation through the various levels within
the existing structure of ISIC. To meet specialized needs for standardized aggregates
that are formed in more complex ways, ISIC, Rev.4 is supplemented by several alter-
native aggregations. Each alternative aggregation is intended to serve the needs of a
group of users who wish to present data that are classied according to ISIC in terms
of standard tabulation categories that are essentially user-dened and internationally
200. Depending on the application, the analysis of dierent phenomena
may require statistical data that cannot be fully described in terms of complete ISIC
classes. is may be due to the level of aggregation that had to be applied to ISIC as
an international standard or it may be due to the fact that the information sought
is based on a concept that is dierent from that in ISIC. In this case, it may still be
possible to give a denition in terms of an alternative aggregation using partial ISIC
classes, while the actual data conversion would need to be supplemented by addi-
tional information.
201. is part of the publication includes the following four alternative aggre-
gations that also demonstrate the dierent types of aggregations or extended struc-
tures that can be developed based on ISIC for specic purposes:
(a) e alternative aggregations for SNA data reporting represent an aggrega-
tion of the whole ISIC spectrum into a smaller number of categories that are suit-
able for analysis within the SNA framework. No additional concepts are introduced
or dened here. is aggregate is made up of complete ISIC classes, which allows for a
straightforward aggregation of data;
(b) e alternative aggregation for the information economy introduces new
concepts (ICT sector and content and media sector) and provides a denition of these
concepts in terms of complete ISIC classes;
(c) e alternative aggregation for data reporting on the informal sector rep-
resents an aggregation of activities into groupings that are more suitable for analysis
of the informal sector. While complete ISIC classes are shown in this aggregation, it
should be kept in mind that the concept of the informal sector implies that not all
units classied in a given class listed in the aggregation belong to the informal sec-
tor. In particular, it is clear that this aggregation does not represent a denition of the
informal sector;
(d) e alternative aggregation for data reporting on the non-prot institu-
tions sector groups together activities that are important for analysis of the non-prot
institutions sector. Similar to the previous aggregation, this does not represent a de-
nition of the non-prot institutions sector. e aggregation then provides additional
detail, beyond that available in ISIC, that may be of interest in analysing the non-prot
institutions sector. is can serve as guidance for data producers and data users that
are interested in more detailed data by providing a standardized approach.
202. Other alternative aggregations, using complete or partial ISIC classes,
have been dened in other existing frameworks. In principle, the list of annexes is
open-ended and the Statistical Commission may, in the future, request that additional
annexes be prepared and issued to respond to evolving user needs. Any such new
alternative aggregations will be made available on the Classications website of the
United Nations Statistics Division.
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4274
A. Two alternative aggregations for SNA data reporting
203. ISIC, Rev.4 provides a top-level of 21 sections and a second level of 88
divisions. National accountants have identied a need for an additional standard ISIC
aggregation above the section level of ISIC for summary data reporting by activity in
SNA. Such a high-level aggregation of 10 categories has been agreed within the updat-
ing process of the SNA. In addition, an intermediate-level aggregation of 38 categories
has been agreed that would be suitable for SNA data reporting from a wide range of
countries. e structure of these two SNA/ISIC aggregations, which are, respectively,
also denoted as A*10 and A*38, is set out below.
1. High-level SNA/ISIC aggregation
204. In developing any activity aggregation, various criteria are possible for
grouping activities. For instance, there is a need of international comparability among a
broad range of economies. ere also is a general interest in distinguishing the various
stages of production, from production of raw materials to processed goods, separately
from the services producing activities. In addition, there is interest in distinguishing
market production, non-market production and production for own nal use. Splitting
production into stages is followed in general terms but cannot be achieved completely
within the ISIC framework. As for non-market production, this involves dierent activ-
ities in dierent countries and over time, which makes an alternative aggregation of
ISIC activities for this purpose dicult to achieve. e high-level A*10 aggregation,
which is principally a grouping of ISIC, Rev.4 sections, is set out in table 4.1.
Table 4.1
High-level SNA/ISIC aggregation (A*10)
ISIC, Rev.4 sections Description
1 A Agriculture, forestry and fishing
2 B, C, D and E
Manufacturing, mining and quarrying and other industrial
2 a C Of which: manufacturing
3 F Construction
4 G, H and I
Wholesale and retail trade, transportation and storage,
accommodation and food service activities
5 J Information and communication
6 K Financial and insurance activities
7 L Real estate activities
8 M and N
Professional, scientific, technical, administrative and support
service activities
9 O, P, and Q
Public administration and defence, education, human health
and social work activities
10 R, S, T and U Other service activities
of which imputed rental services of owner-occupied dwellings.
205. For the purpose of productivity analysis, imputed rental services of
owner-occupied dwellings is oen excluded from statistics by economic activity.
Owner-occupied housing services fall, however, within the production boundary of
the SNA, and are therefore included in section L (Real estate activities) of the A*10 and
Alternative aggregations 275
A*38 aggregations. eir values have to be imputed since these services are not for sale
on the market. For this reason and because there is no corresponding labour input in
the accounts, many analysts prefer to exclude imputed rental services when deriving
productivity statistics.
206. Productivity analysts and others may wish to exclude non-market pro-
duction from their statistics and focus on the corporate sector, which varies from one
economy to another. It may also be possible to group those activities that are mostly, or
at least partly, non-market activities, such as public administration, education, health
and social welfare.
207. For the purpose of short-term economic analysis and the reporting of
quarterly national accounts, it may be desirable to group together, to the extent pos-
sible, activities that have a similar business cycle.
208. ere is a strong interest in the continuity of long time series for ana-
lytical purposes. With the previous version of ISIC (i.e., ISIC, Rev.3.1), a number of
standard aggregations of ISIC were used for national accounts data reporting in SNA
questionnaires. ISIC, Rev.4 includes some major changes from ISIC, Rev.3.1, with the
priority given to increased international comparability and relevance. e scope for
maintaining continuity is consequently limited but still exists in many parts of the
2. Intermediate-level SNA/ISIC aggregation
209. A standard intermediate-level aggregation of 38 ISIC categories for inter-
nationally comparable SNA data reporting, was agreed in the SNA updating proc-
ess. ese categories represent an aggregation level between the 21 ISIC sections and
the 88 ISIC divisions. e intermediate-level A*38 aggregation is set out in table 4.2,
showing its relationship to ISIC, Rev.4 divisions.
Table 4.2
Intermediate SNA/ISIC aggregation (A*38)
A*38 code Description ISIC, Rev.4 code
1 A Agriculture, forestry and fishing 01 to 03
2 B Mining and quarrying 05 to 09
3 CA Manufacture of food products, beverages and tobacco products 10 to 12
4 CB Manufacture of textiles, wearing apparel, leather and related products 13 to 15
5 CC Manufacture of wood and paper products; printing and reproduction of recorded media 16 to 18
6 CD Manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products 19
7 CE Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products 20
8 CF Manufacture of basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations 21
9 CG Manufacture of rubber and plastics products, and other non-metallic mineral products 22 + 23
10 CH Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products, except machinery and
24 + 25
11 CI Manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products 26
12 CJ Manufacture of electrical equipment 27
13 CK Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c. 28
14 CL Manufacture of transport equipment 29 + 30
15 CM Other manufacturing; repair and installation of machinery and equipment 31 to 33
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4276
A*38 code Description ISIC, Rev.4 code
16 D Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply 35
17 E Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation 36 to 39
18 F Construction 41 to 43
19 G Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles 45 to 47
20 H Transportation and storage 49 to 53
21 I Accommodation and food service activities 55 + 56
22 JA Publishing, audiovisual and broadcasting activities 58 to 60
23 JB Telecommunications 61
24 JC IT and other information services 62 + 63
25 K Financial and insurance activities 64 to 66
26 L Real estate activities
27 MA Legal, accounting, management, architecture, engineering, technical testing and
analysis activities
69 to 71
28 MB Scientific research and development 72
29 MC Other professional, scientific and technical activities 73 to 75
30 N Administrative and support service activities 77 to 82
31 O Public administration and defence; compulsory social security 84
32 P Education 85
33 QA Human health activities 86
34 QB Residential care and social work activities 87 + 88
35 R Arts, entertainment and recreation 90 to 93
36 S Other service activities 94 to 96
37 T
Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods- and services-producing
activities of households for own use
97 + 98
38 U
Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies 99
Of which imputed rental services of owner-occupied dwellings.
The services producing activities of households in division 98 are outside the SNA production boundary.
The activities of these institutions are not included in the activities reported by the countries in which they are located.
210. is aggregation takes into account the demand for preservation of conti-
nuity, albeit limited given the degree of change in ISIC, Rev.4.
211. is A*38 aggregation for SNA data reporting breaks out in some detail
what is in most relatively developed economies the largest ISIC, Rev.4 section, namely
section C (Manufacturing). It also breaks out further some of the service activities,
where they are seen as particularly important or dierent or of sucient policy inter-
est. ISIC, Rev.4 elaborates the classication of information- and communication-
related activities and service activities in general and the A*38 aggregation reects this
change in allocating 20 out of 38 categories for service activities. Nonetheless, it was
considered important to maintain a reasonable level of disaggregation in manufactur-
ing for three reasons:
(a) Data for manufacturing output, including volume data, remain more com-
parable internationally, more robust and more analytically usable than services output
(b) Data giving a good representation of primary and secondary industries will
have a wider relevance and comparability among countries at dierent levels of devel-
Alternative aggregations 277
(c) A reasonable number of time series can be preserved despite the rather
radical changes in ISIC, Rev.4.
212. e manufacturing section in ISIC, Rev.4 diers in its overall content
from that in ISIC, Rev.3.1. Publishing has been moved from manufacturing to sec-
tion J (Information and communication). Materials recovery / recycling has been
moved from manufacturing to the environment-related section E, specically to the
division entitled “Waste management and remediation activities. ese changes are
described in greater detail in part ve of the present publication.
213. e divisions that include the manufacture of pharmaceuticals, comput-
ers and electronic equipment, and electrical equipment were considered to have a high
policy interest from high-technology and information and communication technol-
ogy (ICT) perspectives and are separately identied in this intermediate aggregation.
214. Section J (Information and communication) has been split because of the
extremely high and continuing policy interest in this area worldwide. Telecommunica-
tions activities are, at the time of writing, one of the fastest growing activities in most
countries and are likely to be a focus of attention for many years to come. e bounda-
ries between telecommunications, broadcasting, Internet and IT services are likely to
remain in a state of ux for some time and new technological developments are likely
to continue; thus section J might become dicult to split in the future or might have to
be split dierently. e recommended split allows an approximate intermediate-level
ICT grouping as well as better identication of information content activities.
215. Real estate activities are isolated in section L, which as explained above
is potentially useful for productivity analysis, although the imputed rental services of
owner-occupied dwellings component should ideally be split out.
216. Finally, human health activities are split out because of their size and the
high policy interest in health activities, including a knowledge economy interest. Vet-
erinary activities have been separated from human health activities and moved to sec-
tion M (Professional, scientic and technical services).
B. Alternative aggregation for the information economy
217. In recent years, there has been a growing demand for data related to the
information economy, that is, information and communication technologies (ICT)
and so-called content”. While all activities related to the information economy have
been described by, or been part of, ISIC classes in a number of ISIC divisions, the
interpretation of classes belonging to the information economy and its boundaries
have been subject to discussion. e Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
Development (OECD) has taken a leading role in standardizing the denition of the
ICT and content sectors. Previously used denitions have been reviewed by the
Working Party on Indicators for the Information Society and new recommendations
have been developed using the extended detail available in ISIC, Rev.4.
e tables set
out below are consistent with the recommendations made by the Working Party.
1. ICT sector definition
218. e denition of this sector provides a statistical basis for the measure-
ment, in an internationally comparable way, of that part of economic activity that is
generated by the production of ICT goods and services.
See Information Economy –
Sector Definitions based on the
International Standard Industry
Classification (ISIC 4), OECD
document DSTI/ICCP/IIS(2006)2/
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4278
219. e following general principle (denition) is used to identify ICT eco-
nomic activities (industries):
e production (goods and services) of a candidate industry must prima-
rily be intended to fulll or enable the function of information processing and
communication by electronic means, including transmission and display”.
220. e activities (industries) in the ICT sector can be grouped into ICT
manufacturing industries, ICT trade industries and ICT services industries. e ISIC,
Rev.4 industries that comply with the above denition are provided in table 4.3.
Table 4.3
ICT sector
ICT manufacturing industries
2610 Manufacture of electronic components and boards
2620 Manufacture of computers and peripheral equipment
2630 Manufacture of communication equipment
2640 Manufacture of consumer electronics
2680 Manufacture of magnetic and optical media
ICT trade industries
4651 Wholesale of computers, computer peripheral equipment and software
4652 Wholesale of electronic and telecommunications equipment and parts
ICT services industries
5820 Software publishing
61 Telecommunications
6110 Wired telecommunications activities
6120 Wireless telecommunications activities
6130 Satellite telecommunications activities
6190 Other telecommunications activities
62 Computer programming, consultancy and related activities
6201 Computer programming activities
6202 Computer consultancy and computer facilities management activities
6209 Other information technology and computer service activities
631 Data processing, hosting and related activities; web portals
6311 Data processing, hosting and related activities
6312 Web portals
951 Repair of computers and communication equipment
9511 Repair of computers and peripheral equipment
9512 Repair of communication equipment
Alternative aggregations 279
2. Content and media sector definition
221. e following general principle (denition) is used for the identication
of activities in the content and media sector:
e production (goods and services) of a candidate industry must pri-
marily be intended to inform, educate and/or entertain humans through mass
communication media. ese industries are engaged in the production, pub-
lishing and/or the distribution of content (information, cultural and entertain-
ment products), where content corresponds to an organized message intended
for human beings.
222. e list of ISIC, Rev.4 industries that comply with this denition is pro-
vided in table 4.4.
Table 4.4
Content and media sector
581 Publishing of books, periodicals and other publishing activities
5811 Book publishing
5812 Publishing of directories and mailing lists
5813 Publishing of newspapers, journals and periodicals
5819 Other publishing activities
591 Motion picture, video and television programme activities
5911 Motion picture, video and television programme production activities
5912 Motion picture, video and television programme post-production activities
5913 Motion picture, video and television programme distribution activities
5914 Motion picture projection activities
592 Sound recording and music publishing activities
60 Programming and broadcasting activities
6010 Radio broadcasting
6020 Television programming and broadcasting activities
639 Other information service activities
6391 News agency activities
6399 Other information service activities n.e.c.
C. Alternative aggregation for data reporting on the
informal sector
223. e household enterprises in the informal sector encompass a wide range
of dierent activities. In order to describe the heterogeneity of the informal sector,
analyse the dierences between the various segments regarding their employment-
and income-generating potential, constraints and other characteristics, and devise
appropriate actions for them, policy makers and analysts need data that reveals the
structure and composition of the informal sector. While kind of economic activity is
not a criterion by which to dene the informal sector, it is an important variable by
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4280
which to describe its characteristics. It is thus used as one of the standard variables for
statistics on the informal sector. It is also oen used as a variable for the stratication
of the informal sector segment in drawing a representative sample.
224. Informal sector activities tend to be concentrated heavily in the following
sections or some part thereof: A (Agriculture, forestry and shing), C (Manufactur-
ing), F (Construction), G (Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and
motorcycles), H (Transportation and storage), I (Accommodation and food service
activities), and S (Other service activities). Because of this, it is suggested that, for sta-
tistics on the informal sector, an alternative highest level of aggregation be introduced,
with a smaller number of categories obtained by and large through the aggregation of
the existing ISIC, Rev.4 sections.
225. Within the informal sector, manufacturing, repair services and trade
are groups of activities that are numerically important. ese groups of activities are
undertaken in the informal sector of developing countries by dierent units, which
dier signicantly in terms of the characteristics of the persons engaged in them,
including gender. erefore, these groups of activities should not generally be grouped
together at any level when presenting statistics on production units of the informal
sector by economic activity. is aggregation presents these three activities separately.
In addition, Manufacturing has been shown separately as a sub-item of category II
due to its importance. Similarly, retail trade activities via stalls and markets, as well as
door-to-door and other direct forms of retail sale, are identied separately as a sub-
item of category IV due to their importance in the informal sector.
226. e repair and installation of machinery and equipment has been
grouped in category II with other manufacturing activities because units engaged in
these activities do not have the same logic of production of “repair and maintenance
that is included in ISIC division 95. e maintenance and repair of motor vehicles and
motorcycles has been identied in category V. To avoid the splitting of an ISIC class
code, the complete ISIC class 4540 (Sale, maintenance and repair of motorcycles and
related parts and accessories) has been assigned to this repair category, taking into
account the fact that for informal sector activities the sale activities of motorcycles will
be small compared to the repair activities.
227. Since the denition of the informal sector does not make reference to spe-
cic types of activities, in principle all activities classied in ISIC could be carried out
in the informal sector. In some cases, however, this is highly unlikely due to the nature
of the activity. For instance, public administration activities (section O) are not car-
ried out by informal sector units due to the nature of these activities. e same holds
for activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies (section U). For that reason,
sections O and U have been excluded from this alternative aggregation.
228. Units classied in ISIC section T (Activities of households as employers;
undierentiated goods- and services-producing activities of households for own use)
are outside of the scope of the informal sector since a production unit in the informal
sector must by denition produce at least some goods or services for sale or barter.
erefore, ISIC section T is not included in this alternative aggregation.
229. In general, an ISIC section has been included in this alternative aggrega-
tion if at least some of its components (divisions, groups or classes) cover informal sec-
tor activities. It is still possible that within such a section, divisions, groups or classes
exist that do not cover informal sector activities.
230. For instance, insurance activities (ISIC division 65) are in principle not
carried out by informal units. However, other activities in ISIC section K (Financial
and insurance activities) are sometimes carried out by informal sector units. Since this
Alternative aggregations 281
alternative aggregation is primarily based on the section level of ISIC, the complete
section K, including division 65, has been included in the aggregate. Similar argu-
ments apply for instance for class 6411 (Central banking), or group 942 (Activities of
trade unions).
231. At the highest aggregate level, the alternative aggregate of ISIC, Rev.4
proposed for the informal sector consists of 11 categories, designated by the Roman
numerals I to XI, as described in table 4.5.
Table 4.5
Alternative ISIC aggregation for analysis and reporting on informal-sector statistics
Category Title ISIC sections ISIC divisions ISIC groups ISIC classes
I Agriculture, forestry and fishing A 01–03 011–032 0111–0322
II Mining and quarrying, manufacturing,
electricity, gas and water supply,
waste management
B, C, D, E 05–39 051–390 0510–3900
II a of which: Manufacturing C 10–33 101–332 1010–3320
III Construction F 41–43 410–439 4100–4390
IV Wholesale and retail trade G
46, 47 451, 453, 461–479 4510, 4530, 4610–4799
IV a of which: Retail trade not in stores
478, 479
4781–4789, 4799
V Repair of motor vehicles and
motorcycles; repair of computers and
personal and household goods
95 452, 454, 951–952 4520, 4540, 9511–9529
VI Transportation and storage H 49–53 491–532 4911–5320
VII Accommodation and food service
I 55–56 551–563 5510–5630
VII a of which: Restaurants, mobile food
service activities and event catering
I * 56 * 561, 562 * 5610, 5621
VIII Professional, scientific and technical
activities; administrative and support
service activities; arts, entertainment
and recreation
M, N, R 69–82, 90–93 691–829, 900–932 6910–8299, 9000–9329
IX Education; human health and social
work activities
P, Q 85–88 851–889 8510–8890
X Other personal service activities S
96 960 9601–9609
XI Other activities J, K, L, S
58–68, 94 581–682, 941–949 5811–6820, 9411–9499
* Denotes a split of a section, division or group.
Not including retail trade via mail order houses or via Internet.
232. is alternative aggregation is intended only as a tool for a standardized
way of presenting data on informal sector activities. It does not intend to dene the
informal sector through ISIC.
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4282
D. Alternative aggregation for data reporting on the non-
profit institutions sector
233. e Handbook on Non-Prot Institutions in the System of National
is the product of a major initiative undertaken by the United Nations Statis-
tics Division in cooperation with the Johns Hopkins Center for Civil Society Studies, to
aid national statistics agencies in portraying nonprot institutions, philanthropy and
volunteering more explicitly in national economic statistics. e Handbook denes the
non-prot institutions sector as follows.
us, for the purpose of the satellite account on non-prot institutions,
we dene the non-prot sector as consisting of (a) organizations; that (b) are
not-for-prot and, by law or custom, do not distribute any surplus they may
generate to those who own or control them; (c) are institutionally separate from
government; (d) are self-governing; and (e) are non-compulsory.
234. Because non-prot institution status is determined by legal, structural and
operational characteristics rather than by production or revenue characteristics, the
NPI sector cannot be dened as an aggregate over a particular set of ISIC classes. Even
though non-prot institutions are concentrated in such service activities as education,
human health and social work, in principle non-prot institutions may be found any-
where in the ISIC structure. Furthermore, not all units in a particular ISIC class will
necessarily be non-prot institutions even though the majority may be.
235. To disaggregate the sector along activity lines, the Handbook recom-
mends a special classication, the International Classication of Non-Prot Organi-
zations (ICNPO), which has been and continues to be used in a number of statistical
programmes and analytical studies of the NPI sector. Most countries implementing
the Handbook have used ICNPO to report the results in their satellite accounts. In
addition, several other national statistical programmes also have employed ICNPO.
Examples include the Canada Survey of Giving, Volunteering and Participating,
National Survey of Nonprot and Voluntary Organizations,
and Italian censuses of
non-prot institutions
and social cooperatives,
all of which use ICNPO to classify
their data.
236. ICNPO was developed and incorporated into the Handbook because ISIC,
Rev.3 had too little detail on membership organizations, social work without accom-
modation and other areas in which non-prot institutions have been found to be
Although ISIC, Rev.4 represents a considerable improvement over ISIC, Rev.3
in the ease with which it can be mapped into ICNPO, the level of detail recommended
for two ISIC groups is still insucient to capture all the major dierences among the
types of non-prot institutions identied in previous research on this sector and to
avoid one-to-many relationships between ISIC classes and ICNPO subgroups. e
two groups are ISIC groups 889 (Other social work activities without accommoda-
tion) and 949 (Activities of other membership organizations).
237. e North American Industry Classication System (NAICS) provides
more detailed categories in these two areas. Tables 4.6 and 4.7 present NAICS-inspired
alternative structures for ISIC, Rev.4 groups 889 and 949, respectively; the proposed
new classes are shown in bold. Annexes D.1 and D.2 provide the language needed
for describing the additional subcategories of groups 889 and 949. Essentially, these
descriptions pick up the language for the various sub-classes that can be identied in
classes 8890 and 9499 in the present ISIC, Rev.4 structure and break them out as sepa-
rate classes that can be mapped to ICNPO on a one-to-one basis.
Statistical Papers, Series F, No. 91
(United Nations publication,
Sales No. E.03.XVII.9).
Ibid., para. 2.14.
Statistics Canada (2006). Caring
Canadians, Involved Canadians:
Highlights from the Canada
Survey of Giving, Volunteering and
Participating. Catalogue no.71-
Statistics Canada (2005).
Cornerstones of Community:
Highlights of the National Survey
of Nonprofit and Voluntary
Organizations. Catalogue no.
61-533-XIE. Revised edition.
Istat (2001). Istituzioni nonprofit in
Istat (2006). Le cooperative sociali
in Italia.
Statistical Papers, Series F, No. 91,
para. 3.10.
Alternative aggregations 283
Table 4.6
Alternative structure for ISIC, Rev.4 group 889 (Other social work activities without accommodation)
Section Division Group Class Description
Q Human health and social work activities
86 Human health activities
861 8610 Hospital activities
8620 Medical and dental practice activities
869 8690 Other human health activities
87 Residential care activities
871 8710 Residential nursing care facilities
872 8720 Residential care activities for mental retardation, mental health and substance abuse
873 8730 Residential care activities for the elderly and disabled
879 8790 Other residential care activities
88 Social work activities without accommodation
881 8810 Social work activities without accommodation for the elderly and disabled
889 Other social work activities without accommodation
8891 Child and youth service activities
8892 Other individual and family service activities
8893 Community food and housing service activities
8894 Temporary shelters
8895 Emergency and relief activities
8896 Vocational rehabilitation and habilitation activities
8897 Child day care service activities
8898 Charitable or other supporting activities aimed at social work
8899 Other social work activities without accommodation n.e.c.
Table 4.7
Alternative structure for ISIC, Rev.4 group 949 (Activities of other membership organizations)
Section Division Group Class Description
S Other service activities
94 Activities of business, employers and professional membership organizations
941 9411 Activities of business and employers membership organizations
9412 Activities of professional membership organizations
942 9420 Activities of trade unions
949 Activities of other membership organizations
9491 Activities of religious organizations
9492 Activities of political organizations
9493 Grantmaking and giving activities
9494 Activities of human rights organizations
9495 Activities of environmental, conservation and wildlife organizations
9496 Activities of other social advocacy organizations
9497 Activities of cultural or recreational associations (other than sports or games)
9498 Activities of other civic and social organizations
9499 Activities of other membership organizations n.e.c.
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4284
Annex D.1
Descriptions of alternative classes in ISIC, Rev.4 group 889
8891 Child and youth service activities
This class includes:
welfare and guidance activities for children and adolescents
adoption activities, activities for the prevention of cruelty to children and others
8892 Other individual and family service activities
This class includes:
household budget counselling, marriage and family guidance, credit and debt coun-
selling services
eligibility determination in connection with welfare aid, rent supplements or food
8893 Community food and housing service activities
This class includes:
activities related to the collection, preparation, and delivery of food for the needy, such
as food banks, soup kitchens, and meal delivery programs
activities relating to the provision of transitional housing for low-income individuals
and families
activities relating to the volunteer construction or repair of low-cost housing, in part-
nership with the homeowner who may assist in the work
8894 Temporary shelters
This class includes:
activities related to the provision of short-term emergency shelter for victims of domes-
tic violence, sexual assault, or child abuse
activities related to the provision of temporary residential shelter for homeless indi-
viduals or families, runaway youth, and patients and families caught in medical crises
8895 Emergency and relief activities
This class includes:
activities for disaster victims, refugees, immigrants etc., including temporary or
extended shelter for them
8896 Vocational rehabilitation and habilitation activities
This class includes:
vocational rehabilitation and habilitation activities for unemployed persons provided
that the education component is limited
8897 Child day care service activities
This class includes:
activities providing day care of infants or children
Alternative aggregations 285
8898 Charitable or other supporting activities aimed at social work
This class includes:
charitable activities like fund-raising or other supporting activities aimed at social
8899 Other social work activities without accommodation n.e.c.
This class includes:
other social, counselling, welfare, refugee, referral and similar services which are deliv-
ered to individuals and families in their homes or elsewhere and carried out by govern-
ment offices or by private organizations, disaster relief organizations and national or
local self-help organizations and by specialists providing counselling services:
community and neighbourhood activities other than food and housing activities
day facilities for the homeless and other socially weak groups
This class excludes:
funding and administration of compulsory social security programmes, see 8430
activities similar to those described in this class, but including accommodation, see 8790
child and youth service activities, see 8891
other individual and family service activities, see 8892
community food and housing service activities, see 8893
temporary shelters, see 8894
emergency and relief activities, see 8895
vocational rehabilitation and habilitation activities, see 8896
child day care service activities, see 8897
charitable or other supporting activities aimed at social work, see 8898
Annex D.2
Descriptions of alternative classes in ISIC, Rev.4 group 949
9493 Grantmaking and giving activities
This class includes:
grant giving activities by membership organizations or others
9494 Activities of human rights organizations
This class includes:
activities of organizations not directly affiliated to a political party furthering a public
cause or issue by means of public education, political influence, fund-raising etc., such
as ·citizens initiative or protest movements and organizations for the protection and
betterment of special groups, e.g. ethnic and minority groups
9495 Activities of environmental, conservation and wildlife organizations
This class includes:
activities of organizations not directly affiliated to a political party furthering a public
cause or issue by means of public education, political influence, fund-raising etc., such
as environmental and ecological movements
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4286
9496 Activities of other social advocacy organizations
This class includes:
activities of organizations not directly affiliated to a political party furthering a public
cause or issue by means of public education, political influence, fund-raising etc., such
as organizations supporting community and educational facilities n.e.c. and associa-
tions for patriotic purposes, including war veterans’ associations
This class excludes:
activities of human rights organizations, see 9494
activities of environmental, conservation and wildlife organizations, see 9495
9497 Activities of cultural and recreational associations (other than sports or games)
This class includes:
associations for the pursuit of a cultural or recreational activity or hobby (other than
sports or games), e.g. poetry, literature and book clubs, historical clubs, gardening
clubs, film and photo clubs, music and art clubs, craft and collectors’ clubs, social clubs,
carnival clubs etc.
This class excludes:
activities of sports clubs, see 9312
creative, arts and entertainment activities, see 9000
9498 Activities of other civic and social organizations
This class includes:
consumer associations
automobile associations
associations for the purpose of social acquaintanceship such as rotary clubs, lodges
associations of youth, young persons associations, student associations, clubs and fra-
ternities etc.
This class excludes:
activities of sports clubs, see 9312
cultural and recreational associations, see 9497
9499 Activities of other membership organizations n.e.c.
This class includes:
activities of membership organizations n.e.c.
This class excludes:
activities of sports clubs, see 9312
activities of professional associations, see 9412
grantmaking and giving activities, see 9493
activities of human rights organizations, see 9494
activities of environmental, conservation and wildlife organizations, see 9495
activities of other social advocacy organizations, see 9496
activities of cultural or recreational associations, see 9497
activities of other civic and social organizations, see 9498
Changes in ISIC, Rev.4
Changes in ISIC, Rev.4 289
I. Methodological changes
238. Although the structure of ISIC, Rev.4 is considerably dierent from its
predecessor, the methodological aspects underpinning the scope, development and
application of the classication remain largely unchanged. Some of the perceived
changes are actually clarications of the concepts or rules already used in previous
versions of ISIC.
239. e scope of ISIC has been slightly enlarged through the explicit inclusion
in section K (Finance and insurance activities) of classes 6420 (Activities of holding
companies) and 6430 (Trusts, funds and similar nancial entities), reecting the rec-
ognition of the activities of these units as productive activities within the system of
national accounts. It should be noted however, that for practical purposes, reecting
the need to classify such units in countries’ business registers, these units have already
been classied in the section covering nancial activities in previous versions of ISIC
even if they have not been explicitly recognized.
240. e criteria for delineating categories within ISIC remain the same,
although the weights with which these criteria have been applied have changed (for
more details, see part one, sect. II.B above).
241. In the rules for the application of the classication, only one explicit
change has been made. In the case of multiple activities, the use of value added as the
determining criterion is now universally applied to all cases; in other words, the excep-
tion for the treatment of vertically integrated activities has been eliminated.
242. Other general application rules, such as the use of the top-down-method
to determine the principal activity of a unit, remain unchanged.
243. It should be noted, however, that the application rules provided in ISIC,
Rev.4 are more explicit than those provided in previous versions of the classication in
two cases: the use of the top-down method for wholesale and retail sale activities, and
the rules for the treatment of outsourcing of activities. ISIC, Rev.4 aims to clarify the
rules in these two cases in more detail, while maintaining the original intent. Given the
lack of detail of these descriptions in previous versions of ISIC, however, it is possible
that some interpretations of these rules in the past may have been inconsistent with
the current text.
II. Structural changes
244. e fourth revision of ISIC has responded to a large number of requests
from countries that have ultimately changed the overall structure and detail of the
classication in very substantial ways. New concepts at the highest level of the classi-
cation have been introduced and new detail has been created to reect dierent forms
of production and newly emerging industries. At the same time, eorts have been
made to maintain the structure of the classication in all areas that do not explicitly
require change based on new concepts.
245. e detailed changes to ISIC, Rev.4 are too numerous to be listed here in
their entirety. e reason for most of these changes, however, can be roughly divided
into three categories: (a) the introduction of new concepts at higher levels (e.g., “infor-
mation and communication” or “waste management and remediation activities”);
(b) necessary changes to regroup activities that are residuals of the previous type of
changes; and (c) smaller adjustments and clarications of concepts at lower levels,
typically driven by eorts to enhance comparability.
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4290
246. e forthcoming Companion Guide to ISIC and CPC provides a more
detailed account and rationalization of these changes. Meanwhile, the most promi-
nent changes to ISIC are set out below.
247. e ISIC, Rev.3.1 sections for agriculture and shing have been combined
and the detail under this new ISIC, Rev.4 section A (Agriculture, forestry and shing)
has been substantially increased. is is a response to continuing requests for more
detail in this area, mostly due to the fact that agriculture is an important part of the
economic structure in many countries.
248. New divisions in manufacturing, representing important new industries,
have been created, such as divisions 21 (Manufacture of pharmaceuticals, medicinal
chemical and botanical products) and 26 (Manufacture of computer, electronic and
optical products). e scope of the latter diers from division 30 (Manufacture of
oce, accounting and computing machinery) in ISIC, Rev.3.1, making it a better tool
for statistics on high-technology products. Other new divisions, such as divisions 11
(Manufacture of beverages) and 31 (Manufacture of furniture), have resulted from
splitting existing divisions and thus elevating their components, which previously
existed at the group level, to the division level.
249. Most of the remaining divisions in section C (Manufacturing) remain
unchanged, except ISIC 3.1 divisions 22 (Publishing, printing and reproduction of
recorded media) and 37 (Recycling) many or all portions of which have been moved
to other sections in ISIC, Rev.4 (see also below).
250. e repair and installation of machinery and equipment, which was for-
merly classied under the manufacturing of the corresponding type of equipment,
is now separately identied in division 33 (Repair and installation of machinery and
equipment). All specialized repair activities are now separately classiable in ISIC,
although no high-level aggregate for “Repair” has been created.
251. A new section E (Water supply; sewerage, waste management and reme-
diation activities) has been created, which includes the sanitationactivities of ISIC,
Rev.3.1 division 90, the water collection and distribution activities of ISIC, Rev.3.1
division 41 and materials recovery activities, which largely correspond to ISIC, Rev.3.1
division 37. is section now groups activities of a common policy interest but is also
based on the actual organization of these activities in a large number of countries. e
detail of these activities has been substantially increased.
252. e concept of specialized construction activities(also known as spe-
cial trades”) has been introduced in ISIC, Rev.4, replacing the division structure of the
previous version, which was based largely on the stage of the construction process.
253. e repair of household goods has been removed from section G (Whole-
sale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles). However, the anomaly
of classifying trade and repair activities of motor vehicles and motorcycles in division
45 (corresponding to division 50 in ISIC, Rev.3.1) has been retained for comparability
and continuity reasons.
254. e detail in section I (Accommodation and food service activities) has
been increased to reect the dierent nature and specialization of activities carried
255. A new section J (Information and communication) has been created,
combining the activities of the production and distribution of information and cul-
tural products; the provision of the means to transmit or distribute these products,
data or communications; information technology activities; the processing of data and
other information service activities. e main components of this section are publish-
Changes in ISIC, Rev.4 291
ing activities (division 58), including soware publishing; motion picture and sound
recording activities (division 59); radio and TV broadcasting and programming activi-
ties (division 60); telecommunications activities (division 61); information technology
activities (division 62); and other information service activities (division 63). ese
activities had been included in ISIC, Rev.3.1 sections D (Manufacturing), I (Transport,
storage and communications), K (Real estate, renting and business activities) and O
(Other community, social and personal service activities), therefore strongly impact-
ing comparability with the previous ISIC version. However, this new treatment of
information and communication activities provides a more consistent approach that
is based on the character of the activities carried out.
256. In section K (Finance and insurance activities), two classes have been
introduced that go beyond the traditional scope of ISIC in covering economic pro-
duction; classes 6420 (Activities of holding companies) and 6430 (Trusts, funds and
similar nancial entities).
257. e ISIC, Rev.3.1 section entitled “Real estate, renting and business activi-
ties” has been split up into three sections in ISIC, Rev.4. Real estate is now represented
as a stand-alone section (section L) due to its size and importance in the System of
National Accounts. e remaining activities have been separated into a section M
(Professional, scientic and technical activities), covering activities that require a high
degree of training and make specialized knowledge and skills available to users; and
a section N (Administrative and support service activities), covering activities that
support general business operations and do not focus on the transfer of specialized
knowledge. Computer and related activities (ISIC, Rev.3.1 division 72) are no longer
included in this section. Computer repair activities have been grouped with repair of
household goods in section S, while soware publishing and IT activities have been
grouped in the new section J.
258. e scope of education (section P) has been changed to explicitly include
specialized sports, cultural and other education, and also to include specialized sup-
port services.
259. More detail has been created under section Q (Human health and social
work activities), resulting in the creation of three divisions instead of one, as in the
previous version of ISIC. In addition, the focus has been narrowed to include only
“human health” activities, providing a better tool for measuring this important part of
the economy. As a result, veterinary activities have been removed from this section and
placed as a division in section M (Professional, scientic and technical activities).
260. Substantial components of ISIC, Rev.3.1 section O (Other community,
social and personal service activities) have been moved to ISIC, Rev.4 sections E
(Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities) and J (Infor-
mation and communication), as described above. e remaining activities have been
regrouped into new sections R (Arts, entertainment and recreation) and S (Other serv-
ice activities). As a result, such activities as creative arts, library activities and gambling
activities have been raised to the division level. e repair of computers and personal
and household goods (ISIC, Rev. 3.1 classes 5260 and 7250) is now included in this
new section S.