General Engineering Academic Requirements
College of Engineering
College of Engineering
College of Engineering
College of Engineering
College of Engineering
College of Engineering
College of Engineering
College of Engineering
College of Engineering
College of Engineering
College of Engineering
College of Engineering
2022-2023 Academic Calendar
Note: Dates subject to change without notice.
2022-2023 Campus Holidays Observed
Veterans Day: ......................... November 11, 2022
Thanksgiving: ......................... November 24-25, 2022
Christmas: .............................. December 23-26, 2022
New Year: .............................. December 30, 2022 - January 2, 2023
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day: .. January 16, 2023
Presidents’ Day: ..................... February 20, 2023
Cesar Chavez Holiday: ........... March 31, 2023
Memorial Day: ....................... May 29, 2023
Juneteenth: ............................ TBD
Independence Day: ................ July 4, 2023
Labor Day: ............................. September 4, 2023
Fall 2022 Winter 2023 Spring 2023
Quarter begins September 18, 2022 January 9, 2023 April 3, 2023
New Student Convocation September 19, 2022
Pre–instruction Activities September 19-21, 2022 January 9, 2023 April 3, 2023
First day of instruction September 22, 2022 January 9, 2023 April 3, 2023
Last day of instruction December 2, 2022 March 17, 2023 June 9, 2023
Final examinations December 3-9, 2022 March 18-24, 2023 June 10-16, 2023
Quarter ends December 9, 2022 March 24, 2023 June 16, 2023
Commencement June 17-18, 2023
The University of California, in accordance with applicable Federal and State law
and University pol icy, does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national
origin, religion, sex, gender identity, pregnancy
, disability, age, medical condi-
tion (cancer related), ancestry, marital status, citizenship, sexual orientation, or
status as a Vietnam-era veteran or special disabled veteran. The University also
prohibits sexual harassment. This nondiscrimination policy covers admission,
access, and treat ment in University programs and activities.
Inquiries regarding the University’s student-related nondiscrimination policies
may be directed to the Director of Equal Opportunity at (805) 893-3089.
Pregnancy includes pregnancy, childbirth, and medical conditions related to
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Produced by the College of Engineering, Ofce of Undergraduate Studies
Glenn Beltz, Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies
Andrew Masuda, Director of Marketing
This publication is available at:
All announcements herein are subject to revision without notice.
College of Engineering • University of California • Santa Barbara
Volume 13, Summer 2022
College of Engineering
Ofce of Undergraduate Studies
Harold Frank Hall, room 1006
University of California
Santa Barbara, CA 93106-5130
Phone: (805) 893-2809
Fax (805) 893-8124
Requirements and policies in the GEAR are subject to
change each academic year.
General Engineering Academic Requirements
elcome to the College of Engineering at UC Santa Barbara. There
are many reasons we are one of the top engineering schools in
the nation. We bring together an amazing faculty, the members
of which are highly acclaimed in the scientic communities in which they
work. UCSB professors are, in fact, among the most cited by their colleagues
worldwide, a testament to the quality and creativity of their research. A high
percentage of the faculty has been elected to the prestigious National Acad-
emy of Sciences and National Academy of Engineering. We have six Nobel
Prize winners on this campus, ve of whom are faculty in engineering and the
sciences. We’re also home to an amazing group of smart, accomplished, high-
energy students. These more than 1,600 undergraduates, pursuing a variety
of interests, contribute greatly to the quality of the learning environment as
well as to the overall richness of campus life.
We have crafted courses that balance theory and applied science so our stu-
dents are well prepared for successful careers in academia and in industry.
Students especially interested in engineering and industry can take advantage
of courses offered in Technology Management. Through coursework and “real
world” experiences, the program gives our students insight into the world of technology from a business perspective.
We want our students to understand what transforms a good technical idea into a good business idea. We want to
give them a head start at attaining leadership positions in the technology business sector.
With a thriving interdisciplinary environment, our campus culture fosters creativity and discovery. A truly interdisciplin-
ary culture allows all sorts of ideas to cross-fertilize and makes it easy for faculty to work effectively between disci-
plines to tackle big questions. Visiting scholars tell us they don’t often see the kind of openness among departments
and ease of collaboration that they nd here.
As part of the prestigious and well-established University of California system, we have the resources as well as the
breadth and depth of talent to pursue new elds of scientic inquiry. We also bring an entrepreneurial attitude to our
research, focusing on applications as much as discovery.
Our leading programs in areas as diverse as biotechnology, communications, computer security, materials, nanotech-
nology, networking, and photonic devices attest to the success of this approach.
At the core of this activity are our students, our central purpose. We encourage you to pursue every opportunity, both
inside and outside the classroom, to enhance your education. We have a talented and wise faculty and staff, equipped
with extensive knowledge and diverse experience, to help you make decisions about courses and other activities as
you pursue your degree. We look forward to having you in our classes, laboratories, and ofces as you discover where
your interests lead you.
Message from the Associate Dean
Glenn Beltz
Associate Dean for
Undergraduate Studies
Glenn Beltz, Associate Dean
Photo by Emily Swindle
Table of Contents
Message from the Associate Dean ........................................2
College Overview
Honors Programs ...................................................................5
Education Abroad Program ...................................................5
Student Organizations ...........................................................5
Change of Major and Change of College .............................5
Degree Requirements ............................................................5
Minimal Progress Requirements and College Policy .............6
Five-Year B.S./M.S. Programs ................................................7
Advanced Placement Credit ............................................ 8
A Level Examination Credit ............................................. 9
International Baccalaureate Credit ................................ 10
General University Requirements ................................. 11
UC Entry Level Writing Requirement ...................................11
American History and Institutions Requirement ..................11
College General Education Requirements .................... 11
General Subject Area Requirements ...................................11
Special Subject Area Requirements .....................................12
Checklist of General Education Requirements ...................13
Major Requirements (2022-2023)
Chemical Engineering .........................................................14
Computer Engineering ........................................................16
Computer Science ...............................................................18
Electrical Engineering ..........................................................20
Mechanical Engineering ......................................................22
Additional Resources .........................................................24
Academic Year Calendar.................................Inside Front Cover
College Policy on Academic Conduct ........................24
College of Engineerin
he College of Engineering at UCSB
is noted for its excellence in teach-
ing, research, and service to the
community. The college has an enroll-
ment of approximately 1,600 undergradu-
ate students and 750 graduate students
with a full-time, permanent faculty of 129.
This results in an excellent student to
faculty ratio and a strong sense of com-
munity in the college.
Our modern laboratory facilities are
available to undergraduate as well as
graduate students. UCSB has an unusually
high proportion of undergraduates who
are actively involved in faculty-directed
research and independent study projects.
The college offers the bachelor of sci-
ence degree in ve disciplines: chemical
engineering, computer engineering, com-
puter science, electrical engineering, and
mechanical engineering. The undergradu-
ate programs in chemical, computer,
electrical, and mechanical engineering
are accredited by the Engineering Ac-
creditation Commission of ABET, http://
The curriculum for the bachelor of sci-
ence degree is designed to be completed
in four years. Completion of the four-year
program provides students with the back-
ground to begin professional careers or
to enter graduate programs in engineer-
ing or computer science, or professional
schools of business, medicine, or law. Our
curricula are specically planned to retain
both of these options and to assure that
our graduates are equally well prepared
to enter industry and graduate study.
The college and the university offer a
wide variety of career counseling and job
placement services.
The Ofce of Undergraduate Studies in
Harold Frank Hall, Room 1006, provides
academic advising for all undergradu-
ates in the college. Faculty and academic
advisors for the individual majors are also
provided by the respective departments.
This publication contains detailed infor-
mation about the various programs and
schedules and is published yearly. It is
available on the web at: https://engineer-
Mission Statement
The mission of the College of Engi-
neering is to provide its students a rm
grounding in scientic and mathematical
fundamentals; experience in analysis,
synthesis, and design of engineering sys-
tems; and exposure to current engineer-
ing practice and cutting edge engineer-
ing research and technology. A spirit of
entrepreneurship in education, scholarly
activity and participation in engineer-
ing practice infuses UCSB’s College of
College of Engineering
Honors Program
The Honors Program in the College of
Engineering is designed to enrich the
educational opportunities of its best
students. Students in the Honors Pro-
gram will be encouraged to participate in
early experiences in scholarship through
special seminars and, in later years, as
members of research teams.
Participation in the Honors Program
offers housing in Scholar’s Halls located
in several university-owned residence hall
to eligible rst-year students, as well as
graduate student library privileges to all
students in the program. Special lectures
and tours may be offered throughout the
academic year.
The College of Engineering invites
approximately the top 10% of incoming
freshmen into the Honors Program based
on a comprehensive application review.
(Please note: eligibility criteria are subject
to change at any time.) Select transfer stu-
dents will be invited to join the Program
upon admission. Students who do not en-
ter the College of Engineering with hon-
ors at the time of admission to UCSB may
apply to join the program between rst
and second year after completing at least
36 letter-graded units with a cumulative
GPA of 3.5 or higher, or between second
and third year after completing at least 72
letter-graded units with a cumulative GPA
of 3.5 or higher. Students may not join
the Honors Program the summer between
their junior and senior curriculum year.
Continued participation in the Col-
lege Honors Program is dependent on
maintaining a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or
greater and active participation in both
the academic and community service
components of the Program.
To graduate as an Honors Program
Scholar, students must complete 6.0 total
Honors units during their junior and se-
nior years; comprised of coursework from
departmental 196, 197, 198, 199 courses,
graduate level courses (numbered 200-
299), or completing courses toward their
engineering major through the UC Educa-
tion Abroad Program with grades of B or
higher. Students must also complete a
total of 10 hours of community service for
each year they are program members and
maintain a 3.5 or higher cumulative GPA
at the end of each spring quarter.
Notes: Capstone participation/courses
do not apply to honors credit, nor do
graduate courses taken to satisfy re-
quirements for a graduate degree. Paid
research positions cannot apply.
Dean’s Honors
The College of Engineering gives public
recognition to its outstanding undergrad-
uate students by awarding Dean’s Honors
at the end of each regular academic
term to students who have earned a 3.75
grade-point average for the quarter and
have completed a program of 12 or more
letter-graded units. Grades of Not Passed
automatically disqualify students for
eligibility for Dean’s Honors.The award is
noted quarterly on the student’s perma-
nent transcript.
Graduating students of the College of
Engineering who have achieved distin-
guished scholarship while at the university
may qualify for Honors, High Honors, or
Highest Honors at graduation.
Tau Beta Pi
Tau Beta Pi is the nation’s oldest and
largest engineering honor society. Its
purpose is to honor academic achieve-
ment in engineering. Election to member-
ship is by invitation only. To be eligible
for consideration, students must be in the
top one-eighth of their junior class or the
top one-fth of the senior class. Gradu-
ate students and faculty also belong to
this honor society. In addition to regular
meetings on campus, the organization
participates in regional and national ac-
tivities and sponsors local events, such as
tutoring and leadership training, to serve
the campus and community.
Education Abroad
Program (EAP)
Students are encouraged to broaden
their academic experience by studying
abroad for a year, or part of a year, under
the auspices of the University of California
Education Abroad Program. See the EAP
web site for more information: www.eap.
Student Organizations
Student chapters of a number of engi-
neering professional organizations are
active on the UCSB campus. Students
interested in any of these organizations
may contact the Ofce of Undergraduate
Studies of the College of Engineering for
more information.
• American Indians in Science and Engineer-
ing Society
• American Institute of Chemical Engineers
• American Society of Mechanical
• Association for Computing Machinery
• Coders SB
• Data Science at UCSB
• Engineering Student Council
• Engineers Without Borders
• Entrepreneurs Association
• Institute of Electrical and Electronics
• Los Ingenieros (Mexican-American
Engineering Society/Society of Hispanic
Professional Engineers)
• Machine Shop Club
• National Society of Black Engineers
• Out in Science, Technology, Engineer-
ing, and Mathematics
• Phi Sigma Rho
• Photonics Society at UCSB
• Robotics Club
• SB Hacks
• Society for Advancement of Chicano and
Native Americans in Science
• Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers
• Society of Automotive Engineers
• Society of Women Engineers
• Theta Tau
• Women in Computer Science
• Women in Science and Engineering
• Women in Software and Hardware
Change of Major and
Change of College
Current UCSB students in a non-engi-
neering major, as well as students wishing
to change from one engineering major to
another, are welcome to apply after the
satisfactory completion of a pre-dened
set of coursework. However, due to the
current demand for engineering majors,
students are cautioned that it is a very
competitive process and not all applicants
will be able to change their majors due to
limited space availability. It is incumbent
upon students to continue to make prog-
ress in a backup major while pursuing a
new major in the College of Engineering,
and to periodically consult academic advi-
sors in both the desired major as well as
the backup major regarding the viability
of pursuing the change of major.
Students who enter UCSB as transfer
students will not be able to change to or
add an engineering major, if not initially
accepted into one. Students who be-
gan as freshmen who plan to enter an
engineering major or to change from
one engineering major to another will be
expected to complete at least 30 units at
UCSB before petitioning for a change of
major and usually must satisfy the prereq-
uisites of the prospective major.
The College of Engineering will not
accept students from the College of
Creative Studies or the College of Letters
and Science after they have completed
105 units, regardless of their expected
unit total at graduation. Students must be
at or below 105 units at the time required
change of major courses are completed.
Notwithstanding any of the major-
specic requirements described below,
we caution that the capacity of any given
program to accept new students changes,
sometimes substantially, from year to
Chemical Engineering. Admission to
the Chemical Engineering major is deter-
mined by a number of factors, including
each student’s academic performance
and trajectory, as well as current enroll-
ments in Chemical Engineering classes.
Freshman should apply during the spring
term of their freshman year, and may
reapply during their sophomore year.
Sophomores may only apply one time
during the spring term of their sopho-
more year. Applicants must have a 3.0
GPA or above, and satisfactorily complete
the following courses or their equivalents:
Math 3A, 3B, 4A; Chem 1A-1AL or 2A-
2AC, 1B-1BL or 2B-2BC, and 1C-1CL or
2C-2CC. Recommended courses include:
ENGR 3; Physics 1-2; ChE 5, 10, 110AB
(110AB may be taken concurrently at time
of application).
Computer Engineering. Students may
petition to enter the Computer Engineer-
ing major at any time both of the follow-
ing requirements are met:
1. An overall UCSB grade point average
of at least 3.0.
2. Satisfactory completion at UCSB, with
a grade point average of 3.0 or better,
of any ve classes, including at least
two Electrical & Computer Engineer-
ing (ECE) classes and two Computer
Science (CMPSC) classes, from the
following: Math 4B, ECE 10A/10AL,
10B/10BL, 10C/10CL (ECE 10A/10AL,
10B/10BL, 10C/10CL each count as
one course), ECE 15A, CMPSC 16, 24,
32, 40.
Acceptance into the major will be based
on UC grade point averages, applicable
courses completed, and space availability.
All students considering changing into
Computer Engineering are required to
meet with the ECE Academic Advisor dur-
ing their rst year.
Computer Science. The application
process is extremely competitive. A very
limited number of change of major ap-
plications to Computer Science will be
approved. Students may apply for con-
sideration to the Computer Science major
when the following requirements are
met. No exceptions are made for these
requirements and meeting these require-
ments does not guarantee admission to
the Computer Science major:
1. A cumulative overall grade point aver-
age of at least 3.0;
2. Satisfactory completion of Computer
Science 16, 24, and 40 with a cumula-
tive GPA of 3.2 or higher; First takes
3. Satisfactory completion of Math 3A, 3B,
4A, and 4B with a cumulative GPA of
3.0 or higher; First takes only.
Denied change of major applications will
not be reconsidered. More information
can be found at
cation/undergrad/admissions. No excep-
tions are made for these requirements.
Electrical Engineering. Students may
petition to enter the Electrical Engineer-
ing major once both of the following
requirements are met:
1. An overall UCSB grade point average of
at least 3.0.
2. Satisfactory completion at UCSB, with a
grade point average of 3.0 or better, of
at least ve classes, including at least two
mathematics classes, from the follow-
ing: Math 4B, Math 6A, Math 6B, ECE
10A/10AL, 10B/10BL, 10C/10CL (ECE
10A/10AL, 10B/10BL, 10C/10CL each
count as one course), ECE 15A. The calcu-
lation of the minimum GPA will be based
on all classes completed from this list at
the time of petitioning.
Acceptance into the major will be based
on UC grade point averages, applicable
courses completed, and space availability.
All students considering changing into
meet with the ECE Academic Advisor dur-
ing their rst year.
Mechanical Engineering. Admission by
change of major into Mechanical Engi-
neering is both limited and competitive.
Petitions are required once students have
been admitted through the change of
major process. Mechanical Engineering
requires a minimum of eight core courses
from the following list: Math 3A-B; Math
4A-B; Math 6A-B; Physics 1, 2, 3/3L;
ENGR 3; Chemistry 1A-1B; ME 10; ME 14,
15, 17 (three of the eight courses must
include PHYS 3/3L, ME 14, and ME 17).
Acceptance into the major is based on UC
grade point average, applicable courses
completed, and space availability. Starting
for freshmen fall 2021, ME will be allowing
CSU and CCC grades to be included in
the minimum six courses that are calcu-
lated for a prep GPA (these grades are not
calculated into your ofcial UCSB GPA).
These grades must be submitted ofcially
and be reected in GOLD. Students are
able to repeat courses as long as they fol-
low the university guidelines for repeating
courses. All students considering chang-
ing into Mechanical Engineering must no-
tify the ME Academic Advisor and report
all core course grades after each quarter
to update preparatory GPA calculation. It
is highly recommended to follow the ME
program as closely as possible to best
be prepared to switch into ME; all while
keeping a backup major in mind in the
likely chance the department is not able
to accommodate your request to change
into ME.
Degree Requirements
To be eligible for a bachelor of science
degree from the College of Engineering,
students must meet three sets of require-
ments: general university requirements,
college general education requirements,
and major degree requirements.
General University Requirements
All undergraduate students must satisfy
university academic residency, UC Entry
Level Writing Requirement, American His-
tory and Institutions, unit, and scholarship
requirements. These requirements are
described fully on page 11.
College General Education Require-
All students must satisfy the general
education requirements for the College
of Engineering. These requirements are
described on page 11.
Major Degree Requirements
Preparation for the major and major
requirements for each program must be
satised, including unit and GPA require-
ments. These appear in subsequent sec-
tions of this publication.
Advanced Placement Credit
Students who complete special ad-
vanced placement courses in high school
and who earn scores of 3, 4, or 5 on the
College Board Advanced Placement taken
before high school graduation will receive
2, 4, or 8 units of credit toward graduation
at UCSB for each such test completed
with the required scores, provided scores
are reported to the Ofce of Admissions.
The specic unit values assigned to each
test, course equivalents, and the appli-
cability of these credits to the General
Education requirements are presented in
the chart on page 8.
International Baccalaureate Credit
Students who earn scores of 5, 6, or 7 on In-
ternational Baccalaureate (IB) Higher Level (HL)
Examinations taken before high school gradua-
tion will receive 8 units of credit toward gradua-
tion at UCSB for each such test completed with
the required scores, provided ofcial scores
are submitted to the Ofce of Admissions.
Students who complete the IB diploma with a
score of 30 or above will receive 6 quarter units
in addition to the units earned for individual
Higher Level exams.
Minimal Progress
A student in the College of Engineering
may be placed on academic probation if
the total number of units passed at UCSB
is fewer than what is prescribed by the
prevailing academic Senate regulation
regarding Minimum Cumulative Progress.
At least three-fourths of the minimum
number of academic units passed must
include courses prescribed for the major.
The following courses may be counted
toward the unit minimums: courses
repeated to raise C-, D, or F grades;
courses passed by examination; courses
graded IP (In Progress); courses passed
during summer session at UCSB or at
another accredited college or university
and transferred to UCSB.
Students must obtain the approval of
the Associate Dean for Undergraduate
Studies to deviate from these require-
ments. Approval normally will be granted
only in cases of medical disability, severe
personal problems, or accidents.
Students enrolled in dual-degree
programs must submit their proposed
programs of study to the Associate Dean
for Undergraduate Studies in the College
of Engineering for approval. The indi-
vidual programs must contain comparable
standards of minimal academic progress.
215–Unit and Quarter Enrollment
The college expects students to gradu-
ate within 12 regular quarters for students
who are admitted as freshmen and 9
regular quarters for students admitted as
junior transfers and with no more than 215
units. College credit earned before high
school graduation does not count toward
the 215-unit maximum. This includes
credit for Advanced Placement and Inter-
national Baccalaureate examinations, and
also college or university credit earned
while still in high school.
Students who are admitted as freshmen
and remain continuously enrolled will
be assessed after 12 regular quarters at
UCSB, and transfer students admitted as
juniors will be assessed after 9 regular
quarters at UCSB. Summer session does
not count as a regular quarter in this
calculation but units earned in summer
session do apply toward the 215-unit
With the exception of summer sessions,
if students leave UCSB and earn a large
number of units at one or more other aca-
demic institutions while they are away, the
number of quarters allowed at UCSB will
be reduced in proportion to the number
of terms completed elsewhere.
College policy requires students to se-
cure specic approval to continue enroll-
ment beyond the quarter and unit limits
noted above. Students who think they
may exceed both the quarter limitations
and 215 units may submit a Proposed
Schedule for Graduation (Study Plan) for
consideration by the Associate Dean for
Undergraduate Studies, but they should
understand that approval is granted in
limited circumstances.
Note: The College of Engineering will not
accept students from the College of Creative
Studies or the College of Letters and Science
after they have completed 105 units, regard-
less of their expected unit total at graduation.
Five-Year B.S./M.S.
Degree Programs
Five-Year B.S. / M.S. in Computer
Science. A combined BS/MS Program in
Computer Science provides an opportu-
nity for outstanding undergraduates to
earn both degrees in ve years. Ad-
ditional information about this program
is available from the Computer Science
graduate advisor. Interested students
should make their interest known to the
department early in their junior year. Ad-
vising and application materials are also
available in the Department of Computer
Science ofce.
Five-Year B.S. in Computer Engineer-
ing / M.S. in Computer Science
The Computer Engineering Program
incorporates the design of computer
hardware and software to meet the
needs for various career applications.
Students are trained to work with systems
ranging from small integrated circuits to
worldwide communications networks,
from digital watches to supercomputers,
and from single-line programs to
operating systems. For more information
on the program, please consult the
Computer Engineering department.
Five-Year B.S. in Computer Engineer-
ing or Electrical Engineering / M.S. in
Electrical and Computer Engineering.
A combined BS/MS Program in Com-
puter Science provides an opportunity for
outstanding undergraduates to earn both
degrees in ve years. Additional informa-
tion about this program is available from
the Electrical and Computer Engineering
graduate advisor. Interested students
should make their interest known to the
department early in their junior year. Ad-
vising and application materials are also
available in the Department of Electrical
and Computer Engineering ofce.
Five-Year B.S. in Chemical Engineer-
ing, Electrical Engineering, or Mechani-
cal Engineering / M.S. in Materials
A combined B.S. Engineering/
M.S. Materials program provides
an opportunity for outstanding
undergraduates in Chemical, Electrical,
or Mechanical engineering to earn both
of these degrees in ve years. This
program enables students to develop
all of the requisite knowledge in their
core engineering disciplines and to
complement this with a solid background
in Materials. This combination provides
highly desirable training from an industrial
employment perspective and capitalizes
on the strengths of our internationally
renowned Materials department.
There is a ve-year option for students
who are pursuing a B.S. in Chemistry in
the College of Letters and Science to
complete an M.S. degree in Materials.
Interested students in their sophomore
year should contact the Staff Graduate
Advisor in the Materials Department for
additional information.
Five-Year B.S. / M.S. in Mechanical
Engineering. A combined B.S./M.S.
program in Mechanical Engineering
provides an opportunity for outstanding
undergraduates to earn both degrees in
ve years. Additional information about
this program is available from the Me-
chanical Engineering Undergrad Advising
ofce. Interested students should contact
the ofce fall quarter of their junior year.
In addition to fullling undergraduate
degree requirements, B.S./M.S. degree
candidates must meet Graduate Division
degree requirements, including university
requirements for academic residence and
units of coursework.
Certicate Program
The Technology Management
Department of Technology Management
Phelps Hall, Room 2219
(805) 893-2729
The Technology Management Certi-
cate program provides students a solid
foundation in business fundamentals and
entrepreneurship as it applies to new
technologies and technology-oriented
companies. This certicate serves as an
ofcial recognition that the student has a
solid grounding in fundamental busi-
ness strategies and models, opportunity
recognition and new venture creation and
The program also provides access to
many professionals familiar with the de-
mands of starting new businesses as well
as running existing companies through its
extra-curricular offerings.
College Board Advanced Placement Credit
Students who earn scores of 3, 4, or 5 on College Board Advanced Placement Examinations taken before high school graduation
will receive 2, 4, or 8 units of credit toward graduation at UCSB for each such test completed with the required scores, provided of-
cial scores are submitted to the Ofce of Admissions.
Students should be advised that college courses taken before or after attending UC may duplicate AP, IB and/or A Level examina-
tions. Additionally, exams may duplicate each other (for example, and AP or IB exam in the same subject area). If the student does
duplicate an exam with another exam of the same subject content, and/or an exam with a college course, we will award credit only
Advanced Placement Exam Units General Ed. UCSB Course Equivalent
with score of 3, 4, or 5 Awarded Course Credit (You may not enroll in these courses for credit at UCSB)
2D Art and Design 8 none none
3D Art and Design 8 none none
Art History 8 F: 1 course Art History 1
Biology 8 none EEMB 22, MCDB 20
Chemistry 8 none none
Chinese Language and Culture
With score of 3 8 none See department for level placement
Comparative Government and Politics 4 D: 1 course none
+Computer Science A (through S17) 2 or 8+ none none
With score of 3 8 none none
With score of 4 8 none Computer Science 8
With score of 5 8 none Computer Science 8
Computer Science Principles
(effective S17 and S18)
With score of 3 8 none none
With score of 4 or 5 8 none Computer Science 8
Computer Science Principles
(effective S19)
With score of 3 8 none none
With score of 4 or 5 8 none Computer Science 4
Drawing 8 none Art 18
Macroeconomics 4 D: 1 course none
Microeconomics 4 D: 1 course none
*English – Composition and Literature
or Language and Composition
With score of 3 8 Entry Level Writing Writing 1, 1E
With score of 4 8 A1 Writing 1, 1E, 2, 2E, 2LK
With score of 5 8 A1, A2 Writing 1, 1E, 2, 2E, 2LK, 50, 50E
Environmental Science 4 none Environmental Studies 2
European History 8 E: 1 course none
French Language and Culture
With score of 3 8 none French 1-3
With score of 4 8 none French 1-4
With score of 5 8 none French 1-5
German Language and Culture
With score of 3 8 none German 1-3
With score of 4 8 none German 1-4
With score of 5 8 none German 1-5
Human Geography 4 D: 1 course Geography 5
Italian Language and Culture
With score of 3 8 none Italian 1-3
With score of 4 8 none Italian 1-5
With score of 5 8 none Italian 1-6
Japanese Language & Culture
With score of 3 8 none See department for level placement
With score of 4 8 none
With score of 5 8 none
Latin 8 none Latin 1-3
*Calculus AB 4 none Mathematics 2A, 3A, 34A, or equivalent
(or AB subscore of BC exam)
*Calculus BC 8 none Mathematics 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B, 34A, 34B, or equivalent
Music Theory 8 F: 1 course Music 11
*Physics 1 (effective S’15) 8 none none
*Physics 2 (effective S’15) 8 none none
*Physics – B (last offered S’14) 8 none Physics 10
*Physics – C (Mechanics) 4 none Physics 6A and 6AL
*Physics – C (Electricity and Magnetism) 4 none Physics 6B and 6BL
Psychology 4 D: 1 course Psychology 1
Spanish Language and Culture
With score of 3 8 none Spanish 1-3
With score of 4 8 none Spanish 1-4
With score of 5 8 none Spanish 1-5
Spanish Literature and Culture
With score of 3 8 none Spanish 1-4
A Level Examination Credit
Students who earn grades of A, B, or C on UC-approved GCE and Hong Kong A Level examinations will receive 12 units of credit
toward graduation at UCSB for each exam, provided that ofcial grades are submitted to the Ofce of Admissions. Any general
education credit or UCSB course equivalents listed in the chart below will be awarded only for Cambridge International A Level
exams taken in 2013 or later, not for exams administered by any other agency. (Student may petition for GE or course credit for
Cambridge International exams taken prior to 2013 or for exams administered by other agencies.)
Students should be advised that college courses taken before or after attending UC may duplicate AP, IB and/or A Level
examinations. Additionally, exams may duplicate each other (for example, an AP or IB exam in the same subject area). If the student
does duplicate an exam with another exam of the same subject content, and/or an exam with a college course, we will award credit
only once.
A Level Exam With A Grade of A, B, or C Units Awarded General Ed. Credit UCSB Course Equivalent -
(You may not enroll in these courses for credit at UCSB)
Accounting 12 Economics 3A, 3B
Afrikaans 12
Arabic 12
Art and Design 12
Biology 12
Chemistry 12
Chinese 12
Classical Studies 12
Computer Science 12 Computer Science 8
Computing 12 Computer Science 16
Economics 12 Area D: 2 courses Economics 1, 2
English – Language 12
English – Literature 12
French 12
Geography 12
German 12
Hindi 12
History 12
Marathi 12
Marine Science 12
Mathematics 12 Mathematics 3A
Mathematics – Further 12 Mathematics 3A, 3B, 4A
Music 12
Physics 12 Physics 6A, 6AL, 6B, 6BL, 6C, 6CL
Portuguese 12
Psychology 12 Area D: 1 course Psychology 1, 3, 7
Putonghua 12
Sociology 12
Spanish 12
Tamil 12
Telugu 12
Urdu 12
Urdu – Pakistan only 12
With score of 4 8 none Spanish 1-5
With score of 5 8 none Spanish 1-6
Statistics 4 none Communication 87, PSTAT 5AA-ZZ, Psychology 5
United States Government and Politics 4 D: 1 course Political Science 12
United States History 8 D: 1 course none
World History: Modern 8 E: 1 course none
Advanced Placement Exam Units General Ed. UCSB Course Equivalent
with score of 3, 4, or 5 Awarded Course Credit
(You may not enroll in these courses for credit at UCSB)
* A maximum of 8 units EACH in art studio, English, Mathematics, and Physics is allowed.
+ 8 units effective Spring 2018. Computer Science A exam is 2 units through Spring 2017.
Note: Information on this chart is subject to change. For updates go to:
International Baccalaureate Higher Level Examinations
Students who earn scores of 5, 6, or 7 on International Baccalaureate (IB) Higher Level (HL) Examinations taken before high school
graduation will receive 8 units of credit toward graduation at UCSB for each such test completed with the required scores, provided
ofcial scores are submitted to the Ofce of Admissions. Students who complete the IB diploma with a score of 30 or above will
receive 6 quarter units in addition to the units earned for individual Higher Level exams. The university does not grant credit for Stan-
dard Level (SL) exams. The application of this credit to the General Education requirements and course equivalents for these exams are
listed below.
Students should be advised that college courses taken before or after attending UC may duplicate AP, IB and/or A Level examina-
tions. Additionally, exams may duplicate each other (for example, an AP or IB exam in the same subject area). If the student does du-
plicate an exam with another exam of the same subject content, and/or an exam with a college course, we will award credit only once.
Exam with score of 5, 6, Or 7 Units COE GE Credit UCSB Equivalent Course(s)
Biology 8 none EEMB 22, MCDB 20
Business Management 8 none none
Chemistry 8 none none
Computer Science 8 none Computer Science 8
Dance 8 none none
Economics 8 D: 2 courses Economics 1, 2
English A: Literature or
English A: Language And Literature
Score Of 5 8 Entry Level Writing Writing 1, 1E
Score Of 6 8 A1 Writing 1, 1E, 2, 2E, 2LK
Score Of 7 8 A1, A2, Writing 1, 1E, 2, 2E, 2LK, 50, 50E
English B 8 none none
Film 8 none none
Geography 8 D: 1 course none
Global Politics 8 D: 1 course none
History 8 E: 1 course^ none
History of Africa 8 D: 1 course+ none
History of the Americas 8 D: 1 course none
History of Asia And Oceania 8 D: 1 course none
History of Europe and the Middle East 8 D: 1 course^ none
Languages Other Than English 8 none See department for level placement
Mathematics% 8 none Mathematics 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B, 34A, 34B,
or equivalent
Mathematics, Further% 8 none none
Mathematics, Analysis & Approaches 8 none Mathematics 2A, 3A, 2B, 3B
Music 8 F: 1 course none
Philosophy 8 E: 1 course none
Physics 8 none Physics 10
Psychology 8 D: 1 course none
Social & Cultural Anthropology 8 D: 1 course Anthropology 2
Theater 8 F: 1 course none
Visual Arts 8 F: 1 course none
^ Course also satises the european traditions requirement
+ Course also satises the world cultures requirement
% Last Offered Fall 2020
General University
UC Entry Level Writing Requirement
All students entering the University of
California must demonstrate an ability
to write effectively by fullling the
Entry Level Writing requirement. The
requirement may be met in one of the
following ways prior to admission:
1. by achieving a score of 680 or higher
on the Writing section of the SAT
Reasoning Test;
2. by achieving a score of 30 or higher
on the ACT Combined English
Language Arts (ELA) test;
3. by achieving a score of 3 or higher
on the College Board Advanced
Placement Examination in English
Composition and Literature or English
Language and Composition;
4. by achieving a score of 5, 6, or
7 on the higher level English
A International Baccalaureate
5. by achieving a score of 6 or 7
on the standard level English
A1 International Baccalaureate
6. by passing the University of California
systemwide Analytical Writing
Placement Exam while in high school;
7. by earning a grade of C or higher
in a course accepted as equivalent
to Writing 2 worth 4 quarter or 3
semester units.
Students who have not met the UC Entry
Level Writing Requirement in one of the
ways listed above will be required to take
a placement exam.
Students who do not achieve an
appropriate score on the placement
exam to fulll the Entry Level Writing
Requirement must enroll in Writing 1, 1E,
or Linguistics 12 within their rst year at
Visit the Writing Program’s website
( for
placement exam information.
American History and Institutions
The American History and Institutions
requirement is based on the principle
that American students enrolled at an
American university should have some
knowledge of the history and government
of their country. You may meet this
requirement in any one of the following
1. by achieving a score of 3 or higher
on the College Board Advanced
Placement Examination in American
History or American Government and
Politics; or
2. by passing a non-credit examination
in American history or American
institutions, offered in the Department
of History during the rst week of
each quarter. Consult the department
for further information; or
3. by achieving a score of 650 or higher
on SAT II: Subject Test in American
History; or
4. by completing one four-unit course
from the following list of courses:
Anthropology 131, 176B
Art History 121A-B-C-E, 136H
Asian American Studies 1, 2
Black Studies 1, 6, 20, 103, 137E,
Chicano Studies 1A-B-C, 144, 168A-B,
174, 188C
Comparative Literature 133
Economics 113A-B, 119
English 133AA-ZZ, 134AA-ZZ, 137A-B,
Environmental Studies 173
Feminist Studies 155A, 159B-C
History 11A, 17A-B-C, 17AH-BH-CH,
105A, 142AL-S, 159B-C, 160A-
B, 161A-B, 164C, 164IA-IB, 165,
168A-B-C-D-N-M, 169AR-BR-CR,
172A-B, 173T, 175A-B, 176A-B, 177,
178A-B, 179A-B
Military Science 27
Political Science 12, 115, 127, 151, 152
153, 155, 157, 158, 162, 165, 180,
Religious Studies 7, 14, 151A-B, 152
Sociology 137E, 140, 144, 155A
Theater 180A-B
Courses used to fulll the American
History and Institutions requirement may
also be applied to General Education
or major requirements, or both where
appropriate. Equivalent courses taken at
other accredited colleges or universities,
in UC Extension, or in summer session
may be acceptable. Students who
transfer to UCSB from another campus
of the University of California where
the American History and Institutions
Requirement has been considered
satised will automatically fulll the
requirement at UCSB.
International students on a
nonimmigrant visa may petition for a
waiver of this requirement.
College of Engineering General
Education Requirements
The aims of the General Education
Program in the College of Engineering
are to provide a body of knowledge
of general intellectual value that will
give the student a broad cultural base
and to meet the objectives of the
engineering profession. An appreciation
and understanding of the humanities
and social sciences are important in
making engineers aware of their social
responsibilities and enabling them to
consider related factors in the decision-
making process.
Students in the College of Engineering
must complete the General Education
requirements in order to qualify for
graduation. Students are reminded that
other degree requirements exist and
that they are responsible for familiarizing
themselves with all bachelor’s degree
requirements. Please see the GOLD
system for General Education courses
offered during a particular quarter.
It should be noted that for College of
Engineering transfers who completed
IGETC (Intersegmental General Education
Transfer Curriculum), it may be used to
substitute for entire UCSB College of
Engineering General Education pattern
(IGETC does not satisfy the American
History and Institutions requirement).
Students who have questions about the
General Education requirements should
consult with the advisors in College of
Engineering Ofce of Undergraduate
A total of 8 courses is required to satisfy
the General Education requirements of
the College of Engineering. All students
must follow the pattern of distribution
shown below:
I. Area A: English Reading and
Two courses must be completed in
this area and taken for letter grades.
Writing 2 or 2E, and one course from
Writing 50, 50E, 105CD, 105CW,
105M, 105PD, 105PS, 105S, 105SW,
107B, 107EP, 107G, 107J, 107L, 107M,
107T, 107WC, 109ED, 109ES, 109HP,
or 109ST are required.
Chemical Engineering, Computer
Engineering, Electrical Engineering,
and Mechanical Engineering majors
are strongly encouraged to take
Writing 2E and 50E in their rst year
at UCSB. Computer Science majors
may take Writing 2E and 50E space
NOTE: Students must complete the UC
Entry Level Writing Requirement before
enrolling in courses that fulll the Area
A requirement of the General Education
program. Please refer to page 11 of this
publication or the UCSB General Catalog
for a list of ways to satisfy the UC Entry
Level Writing requirement.
II. Areas D, E, F, & G
At least 6 courses must be completed in
these areas.
1. Area D: Social Sciences. A
minimum of 2 courses must be
completed in Area D. Objective: To
apply perspectives, theories, and
methods of social science research
to understand what motivates,
inuences, and/or determines the
behaviors of individuals, groups,
and societies. Area D courses are
based upon systematic studies of
human behavior, which may include
observation, experimentation,
deductive reasoning, and
quantitative analysis.
1. Area E: Culture and Thought.
A minimum of 2 courses must be
completed in Area E. Objective: To
use specic methods and frameworks
to develop perspectives and abilities
that enable the study of culture and
thought within specic contexts,
and to recognize the role of human
agency in dening, maintaining, and
adapting cultures.
1. Area F: The Arts. A minimum of
1 course must be completed in
Area F. Objective: To develop an
appreciation of ne and performing
arts, popular arts, and visual culture
and to express relationships between
arts and historical or cultural
1. Area G: Literature. A minimum of 1
course must be completed in Area G.
Objective: To learn to analyze texts
using methods appropriate to literary
study and to situate analysis within
contexts where texts circulate.
The general provisions relating to General
Education requirements, as listed on page
12, must be followed when completing
courses in Areas D, E, F, and G.
In the process of fullling the General
Education General Subject Areas D
through G requirements, students must
complete the following Special Subject
Area requirements:
1. Writing Requirement. Objective:
To study and practice with writing,
reading, and critical analysis within
specic disciplines. Students will
demonstrate abilities by producing
written work totaling at least 1,800
words that is independent of or in
addition to written examinations.
Assessment of written work must be
a signicant consideration in total
assessment of student performance in
the course. At least four designated
General Education courses that meet
the following criteria: (1) the courses
require one to three papers totaling
at least 1,800 words, exclusive of
elements such as footnotes, equations,
tables of contents, or references; (2)
the required papers are independent
of or in addition to written
examinations; and (3) the paper(s)
is a signicant consideration in the
assessment of student performance in
the course. The writing requirement
may be met only with designated
UCSB courses approved by the
Academic Senate.
NOTES: ENGR 101 may be used as
a writing requirement class, even by
those students for whom ENGR 101 is
New transfer students should consult
with the College Undergraduate
Studies Ofce regarding this
2. Ethnicity Requirement. Objective: To
learn to identify and understand the
philosophical, intellectual, historical,
and/or cultural experiences of
historically oppressed and excluded
racial minorities in the United States.
At least one course in this area is
3. European Traditions or World
Cultures Requirement.
European Traditions Objective:
To learn to analyze early and/or
modern European cultures and their
signicance in world affairs.
World Cultures objective: To learn to
identify, understand, and appreciate
the history, thought, and practices of
one or more culutres outside of the
European Tradition.
At least one course from either of
these areas (European Traditions or
World Cultures) is required.
Other Regulations:
A course listed in more than one
general subject area can be applied to
only one of these areas. (Example: Art
History 6A cannot be applied to both
Areas E and F.) However, a course
can be applied towards a single
general subject area and any special
subject areas which that course fullls.
(Example: Asian American Studies
4 can be applied to the Writing and
Ethnicity requirements in addition to
the Area F requirement.)
Some courses taken to satisfy the
General Education requirements may
also be applied simultaneously to
the American History and Institutions
requirement. Such courses must be on
the list of approved General Education
courses and on the list of approved
American History and Institutions
Courses taken to fulll a General
Education requirement may be taken
on a P/NP basis, if the course is
offered with that grading option (refer
to GOLD for the grading option for a
particular course).
UC Entry Level Writing Requirement(Must be fullled within three quarters of admission.)
Passed Exam or Writing 1, 1E or Ling 12 or transferred appropriate course
American History and Institutions* (Refer to page 8 for the list of acceptable courses.)
One course or Advanced Placement or International waiver
*This course may also apply to the General Education requirements, if appropriate.
A course listed in more than one General Subject Area can be applied to only one area. Course total in Areas D, E, F, and G must
be at least 6.
General Subject Areas
1. Area A: English Reading and Composition
Writing 2 or 2E and Writing 50, 50E, 105CD, 105CW, 105M, 105PD, 105PS, 105S, 105SW, 107B, 107EP, 107G,
107J, 107L, 107M, 107T, 107WC, 109ED, 109ES, 109HP, or 109ST
2. Area D: Social Sciences (2 courses minimum)
3. Area E: Culture and Thought (2 courses minimum)
4. Area F: The Arts (1 course minimum)
5. Area G: Literature (1 course minimum)
Special Subject Areas
In the process of fullling the G.E. General Subject Area requirements, students must fulll the following Special Subject Area
requirements, as outlined on page 11. Only approved courses can be used to fulll these requirements.
a. Writing Requirement – (4 courses)
b. Ethnicity Requirement – (1 course)
c. European Traditions or World Cultures Requirement – (1 course) ________________
CH E 5 ......................................3
CH E 10 .....................................3
CHEM 1A, 1B, 1C or 2A, 2B, 2C ..................9
CHEM 1AL, 1BL, 1CL or 2AC, 2BC, 2CC ............6
CHEM 6AL-BL.................................6
CHEM 109A or AH, 109B or BH...................8
ENGR 3......................................3
MATH 3A-B, 4A or 4AI, 4B or 4BI, 6A or 6AI, 6B .....24
PHYS 1, 2, 3, 3L ..............................12
CH E 107 ....................................3
CH E 110A-B .................................6
CH E 118 ....................................1
CH E 120A-B-C...............................10
CH E 128 ....................................3
CH E 132A-B-C...............................10
CH E 140A-B .................................6
CH E 152A ...................................4
CH E 180A-B .................................6
CH E 184A-B .................................6
CHEM 113B-C ................................8
MATRL 101 or MATRL 100C *^ ...................3
*^ see note on next page
Technical Elective requirement...................15
Prior approval of the student’s technical electives must be
obtained from the undergraduate adviser.
At least 9 of the 15 units must be in the following departments
in the College of Engineering: CH E, ECE, MATRL, ME
Approved Technical Elective Requirement classes:
Three units maximum from CH E 196 and CH E 198 combined; only for students
with GPA of 3.0 or higher.
Technical electives taken:
UC Entry Level Writing Requirement: English Composition
Must be fullled within three quarters of matriculation
American History and Institutions – (one 4-unit course,
may be counted as G.E. if selected from approved list)
General Subject Areas
Area A: English Reading & Comprehension – (2 courses
A-1: A-2:
Area D: Social Science
(2 courses minimum)
Area E: Culture and Thought
(2 courses minimum)
Area F: The Arts Area G: Literature
(1 course minimum) (1 course minimum)
Special Subject Areas
Ethnicity (1 course):
European Traditions
or World Cultures (1 course):
Writing (4 courses required):
Free Electives taken:
CH E 102
CH E 121
CH E 124
CH E 125
CH E 126
CH E 141
CH E 146
CH E 152B
CH E 154
CH E 160
CH E 166
CH E 171
CH E 173
CH E 174
CH E 196
CH E 198
CHEM 123
CHEM 126
CHEM 145
CHEM 147
CHEM 150
ECE 130A,B,C
ECE 183
ENGR 101
ENGR 103
ENV S 105
MCDB 111
MCDB 133
MCDB 138
ME 110
ME 112
ME 128
ME 134
ME 169
ME 185
To satisfy major requirements, courses taken inside or outside
the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, must
be taken for a letter grade.
FALL units WINTER units SPRING units
CH E 5 3 CHEM 1B or 2B 3 CHEM 1C or 2C 3
CHEM 1A or 2A 3 CHEM 1BL or 2BC 2 CHEM 1CL or 2CC 2
CHEM 1AL or 2AC 2 MATH 3B 4 ENGR 3 3
MATH 3A 4 PHYS 1 4 MATH 4A or 4AI 4
WRIT 1E or 2E 4 WRIT 2E or 50E 4 PHYS 2 4
TOTAL 16 17 16
FALL units WINTER units SPRING units
CH E 10 3 CH E 107 3 CH E 110B 3
CHEM 109A or 109AH 4 CH E 110A 3 CH E 132A 4
MATH 4B or 4BI 4 CHEM 6AL 3 CHEM 6BL 3
PHYS 3 3 CHEM 109B or 109BH 4 MATH 6B 4
PHYS 3L 1 MATH 6A or 6AI 4 G.E. 4
TOTAL 15 17 18
FALL units WINTER units SPRING units
CH E 120A 4 CH E 120B 3 CH E 118 1
CH E 128 3 CH E 132C 3 CH E 120C 3
CH E 132B 3 CHEM 113B 4 CH E 140A 3
G.E. 4 MATRL 101*^ 3 CH E 180A 3
Technical Elective 3 CHEM 113C 4
Technical Elective 3
TOTAL 14 16 17
FALL units WINTER units SPRING units
CH E 140B 3 CH E 180B 3 CH E 184B 3
CH E 152A 4 CH E 184A 3 G.E. 8
G.E. 4 G.E. 4 Technical Elective 3
Technical Elective 3 Technical Elective 3
TOTAL 14 13 14
* If applying to the BS/MS Materials program, student must take:
Sophmore year- Phys 4 in Winter or Spring
Junior year- MATRL 100A in Fall, MATRL 100B in winter, MATRL 100C in Spring
^Students may only count one course toward the major. (MATRL 101 OR MATRL 100C)
This grid is intended to serve as a guide and should be adjusted for individual circumstances in consultation with academic advisors.
Course availability subject to change. Changes will be announced by the department.
CMPSC 16 .................................. 4
CMPSC 24 .................................. 4
CMPSC 32 .................................. 4
CMPSC 40 .................................. 5
ECE 1A- 1B ................................. 2
ECE 5 ...................................... 4
ECE 10A, 10AL, 10B, 10BL, 10C, 10CL ........... 15
ECE 15A ................................... 4
MATH 2A-B or 3A-B, 4A-B, 6A ................. 20
PHYS 1, 2, 3, 3L, 4, 4L ........................ 16
CMPSC 130A. ............................... 4
ECE 139 or PSTAT 120A ....................... 4
ECE 152A .................................. 5
ECE 154A .................................. 4
ENGR 101 .................................. 3
/ ECE 189
A-B-C ............8-12
Prerequisite to CMPSC 189A is CMPSC 156
Prerequisite to ECE 189A is ECE 153B
Computer Engineering electives selected
from the following list: .....................36-40
Prior approval of the student’s departmental electives must be obtained
from the student’s faculty adviser.
Must include at least 2 sequences. See ECE Department
student ofce for list of approved sequences.
Computer Engineering electives taken:
UC Entry Level Writing Requirement: English Composition
Must be fullled within three quarters of matriculation
American History and Institutions – (one 4-unit course,
may be counted as G.E. if selected from approved list)
General Subject Areas
Area A: English Reading & Comprehension – (2 courses
A-1: A-2:
Area D: Social Science
(2 courses minimum)
Area E: Culture and Thought
(2 courses minimum)
Area F: The Arts Area G: Literature
(1 course minimum) (1 course minimum)
Special Subject Areas
Ethnicity (1 course):
European Traditions
or World Cultures (1 course):
Writing (4 courses required):
Free Electives taken:
CMPSC 181/
ECE 181
ECE 122A-B
ECE 123
ECE 133
ECE 147A-B
ECE 149
ECE 150
ECE 153B
ECE 154B
ECE 157A-B
ECE 160
ECE 178
ECE 179D,
ECE 180
ECE 194AA-194ZZ
(except 194R)
To satisfy major requirements, courses taken inside or outside
the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, must
be taken for a letter grade.
This grid is intended to serve as a guide and should be adjusted for individual circumstances in consultation with academic advisors.
Course availability subject to change. Changes will be announced by the department.
FALL units WINTER units SPRING units
ECE 3 or CMPSC 8
4 CMPSC 16 4 CMPSC 24 4
ECE 5 4 ECE 1A 1 ECE 1B 1
WRIT 1E or 2E 4 PHYS 1 4 PHYS 2 4
WRIT 2E or 50E 4 WRIT 50E or G.E. 4
TOTAL 16 17 17
FALL units WINTER units SPRING units
CMPSC 32 or CMPSC 40 4/5 CMPSC 32 or CMPSC 40 4/5 ECE 10C 3
ECE 10A 3 ECE 10B 3 ECE 10CL 2
ECE 10AL 2 ECE10BL 2 ECE 139 or PSTAT 120A
MATH 4B 4 ECE 15A 4 ECE 152A 5
PHYS 3 3 PHYS 4 3 MATH 6A 4
TOTAL 17/18 17/18 18
FALL units WINTER units SPRING units
ECE 154A 4 CMPSC 130A 4 CMPEN Electives 8
CMPEN Electives 8 CMPEN Electives 8 G.E. 8
G.E. 4 G.E. 4
TOTAL 16 16 16
FALL units WINTER units SPRING units
ECE 189A
/ CMPSC 189A
4 ECE 189B/ CMPSC 189B 4 ECE 189C or CMPEN Elective 4
CMPEN Electives 8 ENGR 101
3 CMPEN Elective 4
4 CMPEN Elective 4 G.E. 4
G.E. 4
TOTAL 12 16 12
Students with no prior computer programming background should take either ECE 3 or CMPSC 8.
PSTAT 120A is offered each quarter. ECE 139 is offered only in the spring quarter and is better suited for
future upper division electives for the Computer Engineering major.
ECE 153B is the prerequisite to ECE 189A.
CMPSC 156 is the prerequisite for CMPSC 189A.
ENGR 101 may be taken any quarter of the senior year.
Students must complete at least 12 units per quarter. Students must complete at least 191 units to graduate.
See an advisor for more information.
CMPSC 16 .................................. 4
CMPSC 24 . ................................. 4
CMPSC 32 .................................. 4
CMPSC 40 .................................. 5
CMPSC 64 .................................. 4
MATH 3A-B, 4A-B, 6A ........................ 20
PSTAT 120A ................................. 4
PHYS 1, 2, 3, 3L ............................. 12
CMPSC 111 or 140 ........................... 4
CMPSC 130A-B .............................. 8
CMPSC 138 ................................. 4
CMPSC 148 or 156 or 172 ...................... 4
CMPSC 154 ................................. 4
CMPSC 160 or 162 ........................... 4
CMPSC 170 ................................. 4
ENGR 101 .................................. 3
PSTAT 120B ................................. 4
Major Field Electives ......................... 32
Eight courses selected from the following list (at least 8
units must be CMPSC courses).
Prior approval of the student’s major eld electives must
be obtained from the faculty advisor.
CMPSC 171/ECE 151
ECE 130A-B-C
ECE 152A
ECE 153B
ECE 178
CMPSC 111 or 140 can be used as an elective if not taken as a major course.
CMPSC 148 or 156 or 172 can be used as an elective if not taken as a major
CMPSC 160 or 162 can be used as an elective if not taken as a major course.
Four units maximum from CMPSC 192 and 196 combined; only for students with
GPA of 3.0 or higher.
Only for students who have met the requirements. Please see department advisor
for more information.
Major Field Electives taken:
Science Electives (see Dept. for list) .............. 8
Science Electives taken:
UC Entry Level Writing Requirement: English Composition
Must be fullled within three quarters of matriculation
American History and Institutions – (one 4-unit course,
may be counted as G.E. if selected from approved list)
General Subject Areas
Area A: English Reading & Comprehension – (2 courses
A-1: A-2:
Area D: Social Science
(2 courses minimum)
Area E: Culture and Thought
(2 courses minimum)
Area F: The Arts Area G: Literature
(1 course minimum) (1 course minimum)
Special Subject Areas
Ethnicity (1 course):
European Traditions
or World Cultures (1 course):
Writing (4 courses required):
Free Electives taken:
To satisfy major requirements, courses taken inside or outside
the Department of Computer Science, must be taken for a letter
This grid is intended to serve as a guide and should be adjusted for individual circumstances in consultation with academic advisors.
Course availability subject to change. Changes will be announced by the department.
FALL units WINTER units SPRING units
G.E. Elective or CMPSC 8
4 CMPSC 16
4 CMPSC 24 4
WRIT 1, 2, or G.E. Elective 4/5 PHYS 1 4 PHYS 2 4
G.E. Elective 4 WRIT 1, 2, or G.E. Elective 4/5 Science or Free Elective 4
TOTAL 16/17 16/17 16
FALL units WINTER units SPRING units
CMPSC 32 4 CMPSC 64 4 CMPSC 138 4
CMPSC 40 5 MATH 4B 4 MATH 6A 4
PSTAT 120A 4 WRIT 50 4 G.E. 4
PHYS 3 3 CMPSC 130A 4 Science or Free Elective 4
TOTAL 17 16 16
FALL units WINTER units SPRING units
CMPSC 148 or 156 or 172 4 G.E. 4 CMPSC 154 4
CMPSC 130B 4 Field Elective 4 PSTAT 120B 4
4 Free Elective 4 Field or Free Elective 4
Science or Free Elective 4 G.E. 4 G.E. 4
TOTAL 16 16 16
FALL units WINTER units SPRING units
Field or Free Elective 4 CMPSC 170 4 Field or Free Elective 4
4 Field Elective 4 Field or Free Elective 4
Field or Free Elective 4 ENGR 101
3 G.E. or Free Elective 4
Field or Free Elective 4
TOTAL 12 15 12
Consult Computer Science academic advisor for placement information.
Or you may take CMPSC 162 to satisfy this requirement.
Or you may take CMPSC 140 in Winter Quarter to satisfy this requirement.
ENGR 101 may be taken any quarter of senior year.
CHEM 1A, 1AL or 2A, 2AC or ECE 6 ............5/4
CMPSC 9 or CMPSC 16 ....................... 4
ECE 3 ..................................... 4
ECE 5 ..................................... 4
ECE 10A, 10AL, 10B, 10BL, 10C, 10CL .......... 15
ECE 15A ................................... 4
MATH 2A-B or 3A-B, 4A-B, 6A-B ............... 24
PHYS 1, 2, 3, 3L, 4, 4L ....................... 16
PHYS 5, 5L or ECE 130B....................... 4
ECE 130A. ................................. 4
ECE 139 ................................... 4
ECE 134 ................................... 4
ECE 152A .................................. 4
ECE 153A or 153B* .......................... 4
ECE 188A-B-C .............................. 9
ENGR 101.................................. 3
Departmental electives selected from
the following list: ........................... 36
*If both ECE 153A and ECE 153B are taken, one may be used as a
departmental elective and the other will be used as a required course.
Approval of the student’s departmental electives must be obtained from
the student’s faculty adviser. The departmental electives must include an
approved depth sequence corresponding to the students’ chosen track,
or another depth sequence of at least 4 courses that is approved by the
students’ faculty advisor. See the ECE Department Student Ofce for the
list of courses in the different areas of specialization.
Approved Departmental Electives:
ECE 120A-B
ECE 122A-B
ECE 123
ECE 125
ECE 130C
ECE 132
ECE 133
ECE 135
ECE 137A-B
ECE 141A-B
ECE 142
ECE 144
ECE 145A-B-C
ECE 146A-B
ECE 147A-B-C
ECE 148
ECE 149
ECE 153A-B*
ECE 154A-B
ECE 157A-B
ECE 158
ECE 160
ECE 162A-B-C
ECE 178
ECE 179D, P
ECE 180
ECE 181
ECE 183
ECE 192 or 196 (4 units
combined max)
(excluding ECE 194R)
TMP 120, 122 (1 course
Departmental Electives taken:
UC Entry Level Writing Requirement: English Composition
Must be fullled within three quarters of matriculation
American History and Institutions – (one 4-unit course,
may be counted as G.E. if selected from approved list)
General Subject Areas
Area A: English Reading & Comprehension – (2 courses
A-1: A-2:
Area D: Social Science
(2 courses minimum)
Area E: Culture and Thought
(2 courses minimum)
Area F: The Arts Area G: Literature
(1 course minimum) (1 course minimum)
Special Subject Areas
Ethnicity (1 course):
European Traditions
or World Cultures (1 course):
Writing (4 courses required):
Free Electives taken:
To satisfy major requirements, courses taken inside or outside
the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, must
be taken for a letter grade.
FALL units WINTER units SPRING units
ECE 3 4 CMPSC 16 or CMPSC 9 4 ECE 6 or CHEM 1A/1AL
ECE 5 4 MATH 3B 4 MATH 4A 4
MATH 3A 4 PHYS 1 4 PHYS 2 4
WRIT 1E or 2E 4 WRIT 2E or 50E 4 WRIT 50E or G.E. 4
TOTAL 16 16 16/17
FALL units WINTER units SPRING units
ECE 10A 3 ECE 10B 3 ECE 10C 3
ECE 10AL 2 ECE 10BL 2 ECE 10CL 2
MATH 4B 4 ECE 130A 4 ECE 139 4
PHYS 3 3 MATH 6A 4 MATH 6B 4
PHYS 3L 1 PHYS 4 3 PHYS 5 & 5L or ECE 130B 4
GE 4 PHYS 4L 1
TOTAL 17 17 17
FALL units WINTER units SPRING units
ECE 15A 4 ECE 152A 5 ECE 153B or ECE Elective 4
ECE 134 4 ECE Elective 4 ECE Elective 4
ECE Elective 4 ECE Elective 4 ECE Elective 4
ECE Elective 4 G.E. 4 G.E. 4
TOTAL 16 17 16
FALL units WINTER units SPRING units
ECE 153A or ECE Elective 4 ECE 188B 3 ECE 188C 3
ECE 188A 3 ECE Elective 4 ECE Elective 4
G.E. 4 ENG 101
Free Elective
4 G.E. 4
TOTAL 15 15 14
Students interested in the BS/MS Materials Program are advised to take CHEM 1A/1AL.
ENGR 101 may be taken any quarter of the senior year.
Students must complete at least 12 units per quarter. Students must complete at least 189 units to graduate. See an
advisor for more information.
This grid is intended to serve as a guide and should be adjusted for individual circumstances in consultation with academic advisors.
Course availability subject to change. Changes will be announced by the department.
CHEM 123
ECE 147A,C
ENGR 101
ENGR 120 A-B
ENV S 105
ME 102
ME 110
ME 112
ME 124
ME 125 AA-ZZ
ME 128
ME 134
ME 146
ME 147
ME 154
ME 155B-C
ME 157
ME 158
ME 162
ME 166
ME 167
ME W167
ME 169
ME 179D-L-P
ME 185
ME 186A-B
ME 197
ME 199
TMP 120, 122
(max 1 course)
To satisfy major requirements, courses taken inside or outside
the Department of Mechanical Engineering, must be taken for
a letter grade.
CHEM 1A, 1AL, 1B, 1BL or 2A, 2AC, 2B, 2BC .......... 10
ENGR 3 ........................................................................ 3
MATH 3A-B, 4A-B, 6A-B ............................................ 24
ME 6 ............................................................................ 4
ME 10 .......................................................................... 4
ME 12S ........................................................................ 1
ME 14 .......................................................................... 4
ME 15 .......................................................................... 4
ME 16 .......................................................................... 4
ME 17 .......................................................................... 3
PHYS 1, 2, 3, 3L, 4, 4L ............................................... 16
Third Year
MATRL 101 or MATRL 100C ........................................ 3
ME 103 ........................................................................ 4
ME 104 ........................................................................ 4
ME 107 ........................................................................ 3
ME 108 ........................................................................ 3
ME 151A-B .................................................................. 8
ME 152A ...................................................................... 4
ME 153 ........................................................................ 3
1 Specialization Group* ............................................... 6
Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6
L1 ENGR 120A ME 163 ME 127 ME 141A ME 166 ME 152B
L2 ENGR 120B ME 155A ME 129 ME 141B ME 154 ME 151C
*Two courses required: Either a group, or 1 course from L1 and 1 course
from L2
Fourth Year
ME 154 or 157 or 167 .................................................. 3
ME 105 ........................................................................ 4
ME 156A-B .................................................................. 6
ME 189A-B-C ............................................................... 9
Engineering Electives .................................................. 9
Prior approval of the student’s departmental electives must be obtained
from the student’s faculty adviser. Note, the list of approved electives
may change from year to year and that not all courses are offered each
Approved Engineering Electives:
ME W167 online version of ME 167.
Four units maximum from ME 197 and ME 199 combined
UC Entry Level Writing Requirement: English Composition
Must be fullled within three quarters of matriculation
Satised by:
American History and Institutions – (one 4-unit course,
may be counted as G.E. if selected from approved list)
General Subject Areas
Area A: English Reading & Comprehension – (2 courses
A-1: A-2:
Area D: Social Science
(2 courses minimum)
Area E: Culture and Thought
(2 courses minimum)
Area F: The Arts Area G: Literature
(1 course minimum) (1 course minimum)
Special Subject Areas
Ethnicity (1 course):
European Traditions
or World Cultures (1 course):
Writing (4 courses required):
Free Electives taken:
FALL units WINTER units SPRING units
CHEM 1A or 2A 3 CHEM 1B or 2B 3 MATH 4A 4
CHEM 1AL or 2AC 2 CHEM 1BL or 2BC 2 ME 10 4
MATH 3A 4 MATH 3B 4 ENGR 3 3
ME 12S
1 PHYS 1 4 PHYS 2 4
WRIT 1E or 2E 4 WRIT 2E or 50E 4 WRIT 50E or G.E. 4
TOTAL 14 17 19
FALL units WINTER units SPRING units
ME 14 4 ME 6 4 ME 16 4
ME 17 3 ME 15 4 G.E. 8
PHYS 3 3 PHYS 4 3
TOTAL 15 16 16
FALL units WINTER units SPRING units
ME 103 4 MATRL 101
3 ME 104 4
ME 107 3 ME 108 3 ME 153 3
ME 151A 4 ME 151B 4 Specialization Course 3
ME 152A 4 Specialization Course 3 G.E. 4
TOTAL 15 13 14
FALL units WINTER units SPRING units
ME 154, ME 157, or ME 167
3 ME 156B 3 ME 189C 3
ME 105 4 ME 189B 3 Departmental Elective 3
ME 156A 3 Departmental Elective 3 G.E. or Free Electives 8
ME 189A 3 G.E. or Free Electives 4
Departmental Elective 3
TOTAL 16 13 14
ME 12S is offered every Fall, Winter, and Spring quarter. The ME 12S requirement must be nished before the start
of the third year.
If applying to the BS/MS Materials program, third year students must take the MATRL 100A in Fall, MATRL 100B in
Winter, and MATRL 100C in Spring.
Course availability may vary. If using ME 154, ME 157, or ME 167 to satisfy requirement, students may not count the
course as an Engineering Elective. If either of the other courses are also taken, those additional courses will count as
an engineering elective.
Students may only count one course toward the major. (MATRL 101 or MATRL 100C)
This grid is intended to serve as a guide and should be adjusted for individual circumstances in consultation with academic advisors.
Course availability subject to change. Changes will be announced by the department.
Additional Resources and Information
Gaucho On-Line Data (GOLD) – grades, class registration, progess checks—
UMAIL – campus email for ofcial notications
Schedule of Classes information – quarterly calendar and information—
General Catalog for UCSB – academic requirements for all campus majors—
Summer Sessions – Summer programs and course offerings—
Tutoring – course-specic tutoring and academic skills development—
Education Abroad Program – EAP options for engineering students—email: [email protected]
College Honors Program – program information and opportunities—email: [email protected]
Advising Staff
College Advisors: general education requirements, academic standing, nal degree clearance
Departmental Advisors: course selection, class enrollment, change of major, academic requirements
Phone Email Location
College Advising staff (805) 893-2809 Harold Frank Hall, Rm. 1006
Departmental Advisors:
Chemical Engineering 893-8671 Engr.II, Rm. 3357
Computer Engineering 893-8292 [email protected] Trailer 380, Rm. 101
Computer Science 893-4321 [email protected] Harold Frank Hall, Rm. 2104
Electrical Engineering 893-8292 [email protected] Trailer 380, Rm. 101
Mechanical Engineering 893-8198 Engr.II, Rm. 2355
Technology Management 893-2729 [email protected] Phelps 2219
Academic Integrity
The UCSB Student Conduct Code exists to support the highest standards of social and academic behavior and ensure and
environment conducive to student learning. It is expected that students attending the UCSB understand and subscribe to the
ideal of academic integrity, and are willing to bear individual responsibility for their work. Any submission that fullls an academic
requirement must represent a student’s original work. Any act of academic dishonesty will subject a person to University disciplinary
Student Conduct Code and Student Due Process:
code (B. Student Rights: Procedural Due Process).
Instructor Responsibilities and Procedures: (Section 10, Reg. 90)
Academic dishonesty includes cheating, plagiarism, unauthorized collaboration, furnishing false information, and misuse of course
materials. Denitions and misconduct are posted at
A specic note about student collaboration: Collaboration on homework assignments (i.e., problem sets), especially in light of
the recognized pedagogical benet of group study, is dictated by standards that can and do vary widely from course to course and
instructor to instructor. The use of old solution sets and published solution guides presents a similar situation. Because homework
assignments serve two functions – helping students learn the material and helping instructors evaluate academic performance – it
is usually not obvious how much collaboration or assistance from commonly-available solutions, if any, the instructor expects. It is
therefore imperative that students and instructors play an active role in communicating expectations about the nature and extent of
collaboration or assistance from materials that is permissible or encouraged.
College of Engineering
College of Engineering
College of Engineering
College of Engineering
College of Engineering
College of Engineering
College of Engineering
College of Engineering
College of Engineering
College of Engineering
College of Engineering
College of Engineering