Course offerings & prerequisites are subject to change updated 6/24/2020
Course Title Units Qtr(s) Offered Prerequisites & Enrollment Restrictions .
MAT 21A* Calculus D 4 F W S 2 yrs high school algebra, plane trig, plane & analysis. Geometry & placement by exam
MAT 21B* Calculus D 4 F W S MAT 21A w/ C- or better
MAT 21C* Calculus D 4 F W S MAT 21B w/ C- or better
MAT 21D* Vector Analysis D 4 F W S MAT 21C w/ C- or better
MAT 22A* Linear Algebra 3 F W S MAT 21C w/ C- or better, Matlab (or MAT 22AL concurrently)
MAT 22B* Differential Equations 3 F W S MAT 22A w/ C- or better
PHY 9A* Classical Physics L/D 5 F S MAT 21B
PHY 9B* Classical Physics L/D 5 F W PHY 9A, MAT 21C; MAT 21D (MBTC)
PHY 9C Classical Physics L/D 5 W S PHY 9B, MAT 21D; MAT 22A (MBTC)
CHE 2A* General Chemistry L/D 5 F W Placement by exam
CHE 2B* General Chemistry L/D 5 W S CHE 2A w/ C- or better
ENG 35* Statics D 4 F W S MAT 21D (MBTC), PHY 9A all with C- or better; Pass 1 Engineering only
ECI 3 (SS) Civil Infrastructure and Society L 4 F MAT 21A (MBTC) [First-yr./Soph course - or replace with 4 units of ECI Elective]
ECI 16 Spatial Data Analysis L 2 W Restricted to Civil and Bio Sys Eng majors
PHYSICAL and BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES requirement: select 1 of the following courses (5 units required)
BIS 2A Intro to Biology D 5 F W S
GEL 50-50L Physical Geology & Lab 3/2 F W S High school phys & chem; reduced unit credit if GEL 1 completed
PROGRAMMING requirement: select 1 of the following courses (4 units required)
ENG 6* Engineering Problem Solving (Matlab) D 4 F W S MAT 21A with C- or better; MAT 21B with C- or better (MBTC)
ECS 32A* Programming & Prob Solving (Python) D 4 F W S No credit if took ECS 10, ECS 30 or higher
COMMUNICATION requirement: select 1 of the following courses (4 units required)
ENG 3 (SS) Intro to Engineering Design L 4 F W S Completion of Entry Level Writing Requirement
CMN 1 (AH, SS & OL/WE) Intro to Public Speaking D 4 F W S
CMN 3 (SS & WE) Interpersonal Commun. Competence D 4 F W S CMN 3Y or 3V will not satisfy communication requirement
LOWER DIVISION ENGLISH COMPOSITION requirement: select 1 of the following courses (4 units required) (may not simultaneously fulfill GE topical breadth)
UWP 1, 1V, or 1Y Expository Writing D 4 F W S Compl. of Entry Level Writing Req. (pass with C- or better)
ENL 3 (English) Introduction to Literature D 4 F W S Compl. of Entry Level Writing Req. (pass with C- or better)
COM 1 (Comp Lit) Bks of West. Cul:Ancient World D 4 F W S Compl. of Entry Level Writing Req. (pass with C- or better)
COM 2 Bks of West. Cul:Mid Ages-Enlight D 4 F W S Compl. of Entry Level Writing Req. (pass with C- or better)
COM 3 Bks of West. Cul:Modern Crisis D 4 F W S Compl. of Entry Level Writing Req. (pass with C- or better)
COM 4 Bks of the Contemporary World D 4 F W S Compl. of Entry Level Writing Req. (pass with C- or better)
NAS 5 (Native Amer Std) Intro to Native American Literature D 4 F W S Compl. of Entry Level Writing Req. (pass with C- or better)
GENERAL EDUCATION (GE) requirement: ~8-25 additional units for Civil Engineering majors
GE requirements, worksheets, & popular options can be found at: GE may be taken anytime. Complete by graduation.
Minimum Requirements for College of Engineering Change of Major or Double Major**: Please consult with an advisor if you want to change majors
1. Registered student & completed at least 1 quarter at UCD (12 units)
2. Have fewer than 135 cumulative units (excluding AP units)
3. Be in good academic standing and meet minimum progress
4. Receive a letter grade for all courses that satisfy engineering degree requirements
5. a) Complete at least the following five courses: MAT 21A, B, C, PHY 9A, and CHE 2A, and b) have a GPA of 2.00 or better in all completed MAT, PHY, BIS, and CHE courses required for
your intended major, and receive a C- or better in each of these courses
6. Have no grade lower than a C- in any completed engineering course required for
your intended major(s) taken at UC Davis
7. Have a 2.00 UC GPA in completed engineering courses
8. Have completed all transfer admission coursework and GPA requirements (3.2 GPA from previous institution(s) for coursework below). See
requirements-college-engineering for details. For students who have not completed all transfer admission requirements at their previous institution, they must earn a 2.0 GPA or higher in these
remaining courses at UC Davis, and receive a C- or better in each of these 15 courses: MAT 21A, B, C, D; MAT 22A, B; CHE 2A, B; PHY 9A, B, C; ENG 35; Select 1: ENG 6, ECS 30, 32A;
Select 1: ENG 3, CMN 1, 3; Select 1: UWP 1, 1V, 1Y, ENL 3, COM 1, 2, 3, 4, NAS 5.
**Requirements subject to change. See for current requirements.
MINIMUM 2.00 UC GPA and MINIMUM 2.00 ENGINEERING GPA required to receive degree certification.
First-Year Seminar offerings:
First Year (0-44.9 units) Example Schedule Sophomore (45-89.9 units)
Fall Winter Spring Fall Winter Spring
MAT 21A 4 MAT 21B 4 MAT 21C 4 MAT 21D 4 MAT 22A (22A Lab)3(1) MAT 22B 3
English Elective 4 CHE 2A 5 PHY 9A 5 PHY 9B 5 PHY 9C 5 CMN 1 or 3 or ENG 3 4
ECI 3 4 GE Elective 4 CHE 2B 5 GE Elective 4 GE Elective 4 ENG 35 4
GE Elective 4 13 14 ENG 6 or ECS 32A 4 ECI 16 2 Phy/Bio Elective 5
16 17 14(15) 16
(MBTC) =Course may be taken concurrently L=Course has a Lab D=Course has a Discussion
GENERAL EDUCATION: AH= Arts & Humanities SS=Social Science OL=Oral Skills WE= Additional Writing Experience
* = C- or better grade in this course is a prerequisite for most engineering coursework (both lower and upper division). It is always an instructor’s option to drop students without the posted
prerequisites for their course. Engineering instructors will exercise this option frequently.
Course offerings & prerequisites are subject to change updated 6/24/2020
Course Title Units Qtr(s) Offered Prerequisites & Enrollment Restrictions Notes
FLUID MECHANICS: select 1 of the following courses (4 units required)
ECI 100* Fluid Mechanics for Civil/Env Eng. L 4 F W ENG 35, MAT 22B, PHY 9B all with C- or better; Pass 1 ECIV/EENV only
ENG 103* Fluid Mechanics D 4 F W S ENG 35, MAT 22B, PHY 9B all with C- or better; Open to eng. only
ENG 104* Mechanics of Materials 4 F W S ENG 35, MAT 22B both with C- or better Do not take 104L concurrently
ENG 104L Mechanics of Materials Lab 1 W S ENG 104 Cannot take lab concurrently with ENG 104
ENG 106 (SS & SL) Engineering Economics 4 W Upper division standing in Engineering
ECI 114 (QL) Probabilistic Sys. Analy. for Civ. Engrs. 4 F W MAT 21C w/ C- or better; Pass 1 ECIV/EENV only
DYNAMICS or THERMODYNAMICS requirement: select 1 of the following two courses (4 units required)
ENG 102 (VL) Dynamics D 4 F W S ENG 35, MAT 22B both with C- or better; Open to eng. only
ENG 105 (VL) Thermodynamics D 4 F W S MAT 22B, PHY 9B all with C- or better; Open to eng. only
Civil & Environmental Engineering (ECI) Breadth and Depth Requirement 8 courses total
Select 1 breadth course from 4 of the 5 areas (15-17 units), and 2 depth courses from 2 of the 4 areas selected for breadth (16 units).
(b) = breadth course (d) = depth course (b/d) = breadth or depth course, cannot be used for both
(b) ECI 140A* Env. Analysis of Aqueous Sys. L 4 F CHE 2B w/ C- or better; ECI 40 (MBTC); Pass 1 open to env. engineering
(b/d) ECI 140B* Chem. Principles for Env. Eng. 4 F W CHE 2B w/ C- or better
(b) ECI 148A* Water Quality Management 4 not offered 20-21 CHE 2B w/ C- or better
(b/d) ECI 149* Air Pollution L/D 4 F MAT 21D & 22B; CHE 2B & ECI 100 or ENG 103 both w/ C- or better
(d) ECI 140C* Bio. Principles for Env. Eng. 4 W ECI 140B w/ C- or better; ECI 40
(d) ECI 140D* Water & Wastewater Treatment Sys. Design L 4 S ECI 140B, ECI 140C both w/ C- or better; ECI 40
(b)ECI 171*-171L Soil Mechanics & Lab 4/1 W S ECI 100 or ENG 103 (MBTC); ENG 104 w/ C- or better; 171L concurrently; ECIV/EENV only
(d) ECI 173 Foundation Design 4 S ECI 171
(d) ECI 175 Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering 4 F ECI 171 w/ C- or better
(d) ECI 179 Pavement Engineering L 4 W ENG 104 w/ C- or better -may only count for one depth area-
(b) ECI 130* Structural Analysis 4 W S ENG 104 w/ C- or better; MAT 22A; ECIV/EENV only
(d) ECI 131* Matrix Structural Analysis L 4 F ENG 104 w/ C- or better; ENG 6
(d) ECI 132* Struct. Design: Metallic Elem. 4 F ECI 130 C- or better
(d) ECI 135* Struct Design: Concrete Elem. L 4 W S ECI 130 C- or better; Restricted to ECIV majors
(d) ECI 136 Building Design L 4 not offered 20-21 ECI 130 C- or better or 131 C- or better; ECI 132 or 135 C- or better
(b/d) ECI 161 Transportation System Operations D 4 W S MAT 21C & PHY 9A both w/ C- or better
(b) ECI 163(SS) Energy/Env. Aspects of Trans. 4 F offered Fall 20 even years only
(b) ECI 165 (SS) Transportation Policy 3 not offered 20-21 offered Fall 19 odd years only
(d) ECI 153 Deterministic Optimization & Design L 4 S MAT 21C, 22A, programming course -may only count for depth OR math elec.-
(d) ECI 179 Pavement Engineering L 4 W ENG 104 w/ C- or better -may only count for one depth area-
(b)ECI 141*-141L Engineering Hydraulics & Lab 3/1 F S ECI 100 or ENG 103 w/ C- or better; Pass 1 ECIV/EENV only
(d) ECI 142 Engineering Hydrology 4 F ECI 141 (MBTC); engineering only
(d) ECI 144 Groundwater Systems Design 4 W ECI 141
(d) ECI 145 Hydraulic Structure Design L/D 4 not offered 20-21 ECI 141 w/ C- or better
(d) ECI 146 Water Resources Simulation D 4 S ECI 141 w/ C- or better
(d) ECI 155 (SS) Water Resources Engrg. Planning 4 S ENG 106 or ECN 1A; ECI 114
MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS requirement: select ONE of the following four courses (4 units required)
ECI 115 Computer Methods in Civil Eng L 4 F W ENG 6 or ECS 30 or ECS 32A w/ C- or better; MAT 22B C- or better
ECI 153 Deterministic Optimization & Design L 4 S MAT 21C, 22A, programming course -may only count for depth OR math elec.
MAT 118A Partial Diff. Eqns:Elementary Methods 4 F MAT 21D, 22A, 22B (extensive problem solving)
Senior Design Experience (SDE) Requirement: (8 units required) courses must be taken consecutively & must be in final year of study
ECI 193A (WE) ECI Senior Design L 4 W (ECI 140D) or (ECI 171/ 171L) or (ECI 132 or ECI 135) or (ECI 161 or 163) or
(ECI 141/141L); one other ECI Depth course, all w/ C- or better; & graduating w/in 1 yr
ECI 193B (OL) ECI Senior Design L 4 S ECI 193A In Progress Grading for ECI 193A&B final grades posted in Spring
(MBTC) =Course may be taken concurrently L=Course has a Lab D=Course has a Discussion
GENERAL EDUCATION: SS=Social Science WE= Writing Experience VL= Visual Literacy QL=Quantitative Literacy SL= Scientific Literacy
OL= Oral Literacy
* = C- or better grade in this course is a prerequisite for some engineering coursework. It is always an instructor’s option to drop students without
the posted prerequisites for their course. Engineering instructors will exercise this option frequently.
Course offerings & prerequisites are subject to change updated 6/24/2020
CIVIL & ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING (ECI) ELECTIVE requirement: 16 units requiredor 20
units required if ECI 3 is not completed
ECI Electives are additional upper division, letter-graded ECI courses not already used towards satisfying other ECI
requirements. If both ENG 102 and 105 are completed, then four units will be considered towards the ECI electives.
May also include up to 6 units of the following:
ECI 198
Group Study (with Faculty) 1-5 F W S Upper division standing
ECI 199
Research (with Faculty) 1-5 F W S Upper division standing
A maximum of 4 upper division units outside of Civil & Environmental Engineering may be considered on a petition basis. Please consult with an undergraduate staff
Unit credit might be possible when working on a group project (ECI 198) or with a professor in the department on a research project (ECI 199). ECI 198 may be awarded to
students involved with competition teams or other group projects. Students are encouraged to ask professors about research possibilities available to undergraduates. An ECI
198/199 form must be completed (including the portion filled in and signed by the professor) and returned by the student to the advisor to receive a CRN#. The form is
available on our website:
ADDITIONAL ECI COURSES (can be used as ECI electives):
ECI 123(SS, ACGH & DD) Urban Systems & Sustainability 4 S Upper division standing; Pass 1 ECIV/EENV only
ECI 125 Building Energy Performance 4 not offered 20-21 Upper division standing in Engineering
ECI 137(SS & ACGH) Construction Prin. & Proj. Mgmt. L 4 F Upper division standing in Engineering; ENG 106 recommended
ECI 138 Earthquake Loads on Structures D 4 F ECI 130 C- or better or 131 C- or better
ECI 139 Advanced Structural Mechanics 4 not offered 20-21 ENG 104 w/ C- or better
UPPER DIVISION ENGLISH COMPOSITION requirement: satisfy by Exam (0 units) - or take ONE of the UWP courses listed below (4 units)
English Composition Exam (given 4
Saturday of each quarter no more than 2 chances to pass the exam low pass rate in recent offerings)
Exam details at:
UWP 101 Advanced Composition D 4 F W S One course: UWP 1, 1V, 1Y, ENL 3, COM 1, 2, 3, 4, NAS 5; Upper div. standing (pass with C- or better)
UWP 102E Writing in the Disciplines: Engineering D 4 F W S One course: UWP 1, 1V, 1Y, ENL 3, COM 1, 2, 3, 4, NAS 5; Upper div. standing (pass with C- or better)
UWP 102G Writing in the Disciplines: Environmental D 4 S One course: UWP 1, 1V, 1Y, ENL 3, COM 1, 2, 3, 4, NAS 5; Upper div. standing (pass with C- or better)
UWP 104A Writing in the Professions: Business D 4 F W S One course: UWP 1, 1V, 1Y, ENL 3, COM 1, 2, 3, 4, NAS 5; Upper div. standing (pass with C- or better)
UWP 104E Writing in the Professions: Science D 4 F W S One course: UWP 1, 1V, 1Y, ENL 3, COM 1, 2, 3, 4, NAS 5; Upper div. standing (pass with C- or better)
UWP 104T Writing in the Professions: Technical D 4 F W S One course: UWP 1, 1V, 1Y, ENL 3, COM 1, 2, 3, 4, NAS 5; Upper div. standing (pass with C- or better)
Junior (90-134.9 units) Example Schedule Senior (135 or more units)
Fall Winter Spring Fall Winter Spring
ENG 103/ECI 100 4 ECI Breadth 4 ECI Breadth 4 ECI Depth 4 ECI 193A 4 ECI 193B 4
ENG 104 4 ENG 104L 1 ECI Breadth 4 ECI Depth 4 ECI Depth 4 ECI Elective 4
ECI Breadth 4 ENG 106 3 GE Elective 4 ECI Elective 4 ECI Depth 4 ECI Elective 4
GE Elective 4 Math Anlys. Elect 4 Upper Div Comp 0-4 ENG 102 or 105 4 ECI Elective 4 12
16 ECI 114 4 12-16 16 16
GENERAL EDUCATION: SS=Social Science ACGH=American Cultures, Governance & History DD=Domestic Diversity
Close to Graduation? Two separate websites to visit one for degree certification/diploma and one to participate in a ceremony:
1. Graduation Online Application (apply qtr. before completing coursework):
2. Participate in Commencement (June or December ceremony):
MINIMUM 2.00 UC GPA and MINIMUM 2.00 ENGINEERING GPA required to receive degree certification.
Academic Advisor Contact Information & Useful Websites:
Civil & Environmental Engineering Program Advisor & Peer Advisor: [email protected], 2015 Ghausi Hall
College of Engineering Undergraduate Education Office, 1050 Kemper Hall Main phone number: 752-1979 Engineering Peer Advisors: 752-0553
Civil & Environmental Engineering:
OASIS Student Advising:
College of Engineering:
Advising Appointment System:
Office of the Registrar (Online Catalog & more):
Schedule Builder:
Class Search Tool:
Equivalent courses at Community Colleges:
Summer Sessions:
Internship & Career Center:
Undergrad Research Center:
FE Exam:
Study Abroad:
My Degree:
Academic Standing is determined by grade point average (GPA) from both the most recent quarter and the cumulative/UC GPA at the end of Fall, Winter and
Spring Quarter; as well as units completed toward Minimum Progress (MP) (must complete 12 units per quarter). Good Standing = GPA of 2.00 or above
(quarterly and cumulatively) and satisfaction of MP.
Academic Probation (AP) = GPA less than 2.00, but not less than 1.50, for the quarter, and/or GPA less than 2.00 for all courses taken within UC, and/or MP less
than 12 units per quarter.
Subject to Disqualification (SD) = GPA less than 1.50 for the quarter, and/or GPA less than 1.50 for all courses taken within UC, and/or MP less than 12 units per
Course Repeat Policy - Students may repeat one time for credit a course in which they received a D+, D, D-, F or NP. The second (i.e. repeat) grade replaces the
first grade in the GPA for a maximum of 16 units (courses must be repeated at UC Davis). After 16 units, both grades remain in the GPA. Both grades remain on
the transcript for all repeated coursework. Repeating the same course more than once requires approval via a Multiple Repeat Petition, available on OASIS.
--The Civil Engineering degree is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET,
Course offerings & prerequisites are subject to change updated 6/24/2020
Norm Abrahamson 3021 Ghausi Hall, 752-0896,
Michele Barbato 3149 Ghausi Hall, 754-6427, [email protected]
Heather Bischel 3109 Ghausi Hall, 752-6772, hbische[email protected]
John E. Bolander 3121 Ghausi Hall, 752-8226, [email protected]du
Fabian Bombardelli 3105 Ghausi Hall, 752-0949,
Ross W. Boulanger 3151 Ghausi Hall, 752-2947, rwboulang[email protected]
Colleen Bronner 3118 Ghausi Hall, 752-7523, (Department Vice Chair/UG Advisor)
Christopher Cappa 3135 Ghausi Hall, 752-8180, (Department Chair)
Y.H. Rob Chai 3133 Ghausi Hall, 752-2404,
Lijuan Dawn Cheng 3161 Ghausi Hall, 754-8030, [email protected]
Yannis F. Dafalias 3131 Ghausi Hall, 752-3423,
Jeannie L. Darby 3134 Ghausi Hall, 752-5670,
Jason T. DeJong 3101 Ghausi Hall, 754-8995, [email protected]
Yueyue Fan 3137 Ghausi Hall, 754-6408, yy[email protected]
Alex Forrest 3155 Ghausi Hall, 754-9428,
Susan Handy 2142 Wickson Hall, 752-5878,
Thomas Harter 125 Veihmeyer Hall, 752-2709, thharte[email protected]
John T. Harvey 3153 Ghausi Hall, 754-6409,
Jonathan Herman 3138 Ghausi Hall, 752-8870,
Miguel A. Jaller 3143 Ghausi Hall, 752-7062, [email protected] (Department Vice Chair/Graduate Advisor)
Boris Jeremić 3147 Ghausi Hall, 754-9248, jerem[email protected]
Amit Kanvinde 3021 Ghausi Hall, 752-2605, [email protected]
M. Levent Kavvas 3165 Ghausi Hall, 752-2518, mlk[email protected]
Alissa Kendall 3167 Ghausi Hall, 752-5722,
Maureen Kinyua 3127 Ghausi Hall, 752-7857, [email protected]
Michael J. Kleeman 3125 Ghausi Hall, 752-8386,
Sashi K. Kunnath 3019 Ghausi Hall, 754-6428, [email protected]
Frank J. Loge 3163 Ghausi Hall, 754-2297,
Jay R. Lund 3023 Ghausi Hall, 752-5671,
Brian Maroney 3021 Ghausi Hall,
Alejandro Martinez 3116 Ghausi hall, 752-5476, am[email protected]
Sabbie Miller 3157 Ghausi Hall, 754-6407, sabm[email protected]
Mark Modera 3120 Ghausi, 754-7671, mpm[email protected]
Veronica Morales 3136 Ghausi Hall, 752-4008, verm[email protected]
Joan Ogden 3116 Wickson Hall, 754-6888,
Holly Oldroyd 3129 Ghausi Hall, 752-8819,
Jasquelin Pena 3139 Ghausi Hall, 754-1915,
Mark M. Rashid 3123 Ghausi Hall, 752-7013, mm[email protected]
S. Geoffrey Schladow 3111 Ghausi Hall, 752-6932,
Samuel Sandoval Solis 135 Veihmeyer Hall, 750-9722, sam[email protected]
Daniel Sperling 1715 Tilia St., Room 1109, West Village, 752-7434, dsper[email protected]
Natarajan Sukumar 3159 Ghausi Hall, 754-6415, nsukum[email protected]
Anthony Wexler 2046 Bainer, 754-6558,
Thomas M. Young 3113 Ghausi Hall, 754-9399,
Bassam A. Younis 3107 Ghausi Hall, 754-6417,
H. Michael Zhang 3145 Ghausi Hall, 754-9203,
Katerina Ziotopoulou 3141 Ghausi Hall, 752-1707, kz[email protected]