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Master of Science in Engineering
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
The University of Michigan
These guidelines have been prepared to assist graduate students in following the proper procedures and satisfying all
degree requirements for the MSE Degrees administered by the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering.
Students with questions should seek the assistance of the appropriate program advisor or graduate secretary listed
Construction Engineering & Management C. Menassa
Environmental & Water Resources Engineering B. Ellis
Geotechnical Engineering R. Michalowski
Hydraulics A. Cotel
Infrastructure Systems J. Scruggs
Materials Engineering V. Li
Structural Engineering A. Jeffers
Transportation Systems N. Masoud
Admissions A. Speigle
Basic Requirements
The basic requirements for the MSE Degree are established by the Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies.
For additional information on MSE degree requirements, see the Rackham Graduate School's website for current
students at: The faculty of the Department of Civil and Environmental
Engineering has adopted certain additional requirements that are described in these guidelines.
Each MSE student must take personal responsibility for seeing that all requirements are met prior to the deadlines
specified by the Graduate School. If special decisions or actions are needed they should be initiated by the student
through consultation with the advisor and the chair of the Graduate Committee and must be approved by the
Department Chair.
Program Information
Degrees Offered
Masters of Science in Engineering - MSE programs leading to each of the following degrees are currently
administered by the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering:
MSE (Civil Engineering): A study program leading to this degree includes graduate work in one or more of the
following specialty areas: construction, environmental, geotechnical, hydraulics and hydrology, infrastructure
systems, materials, and structural engineering.
MSE (Construction Engineering and Management)
MSE (Environmental Engineering)
In addition, the Department offers the Masters of Engineering (Construction Engineering and Management) and
(Structural Engineering) as a graduate professional degree in engineering. This is described in a separate document.
The purpose of the specialized degrees (items 2 and 3 above) is to permit a higher level of specialization in the area
named than required for the general degree listed under item 1.
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Admission to the Graduate School is granted to those students who show promise and who provide sufficient
evidence that they can meet the scholastic requirements of study at an advanced level.
To be granted regular admission to the program leading to the MSE (Civil Engineering), an applicant would
normally hold a degree that represents the equivalent of the BSE in the University's undergraduate Civil and
Environmental Engineering program. However, students in other branches of engineering, physical science, or
related fields may have achieved the technical background needed to pursue advanced work in a special field of Civil
and Environmental Engineering. Regular admission to the MSE (Construction Engineering and Management)
program may be granted to graduates in any recognized branch of engineering. Admission to the MSE
(Environmental Engineering) program may be granted to graduates in any branch of engineering or science.
Either conditional admission or NCFD (Not Candidate for Degree) admission may be granted to students not
meeting the requirement above. Students should consult the Rackham Graduate School’s website at: for details concerning these types of admission
A student may be required to satisfy undergraduate course deficiencies without graduate credit. These conditions are
explained below for each of the MSE programs.
MSE (Civil Engineering)
A student who does not have an undergraduate degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering and who is admitted
to the MSE (Civil Engineering) program is expected to fulfill substantially all the two-year undergraduate core
program requirements in the College of Engineering Course Guide and Bulletin at: In addition, the student is also expected to demonstrate competence by
examination or election (without graduate credit) of certain basic undergraduate civil engineering program courses
or subjects. The courses will include at least three of the following four:
CEE 312 - Structural Engineering
CEE 345 - Geotechnical Engineering
CEE 351 - Civil Engineering Materials
CEE 421 - Hydrology and Flood Plain Hydraulics
These courses may not be used for credit toward the MSE (Civil Engineering). Additional prerequisites for some of
the areas of specialization are also required.
MSE (Construction Engineering and Management)
Applicants with undergraduate degrees in fields other than engineering may be granted admission to the MSE
(Construction Engineering and Management) program if they have taken a year of calculus and a year of physics and
if they have at least a B average in their mathematics and science courses. Before or after admission, these students
must complete the following courses, or their equivalent, without credit toward their MSE degree:
CEE 312 - Structural Engineering
CEE 351 - Civil Engineering Materials
CEE 345 - Geotechnical Engineering
CEE 431 - Construction Contracting
Most students who have an undergraduate degree in architecture will have taken the equivalent of CEE 312.
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MSE (Environmental Engineering)
A student graduating with the MSE (Environmental Engineering) degree is expected to have certain background
knowledge. Core requirements for the degree include those normally taken in the University of Michigan BSE
program in Civil Engineering with a concentration in Environmental Engineering, namely:
Math 216 - Differential Equations
Chem 210 - Structure and Reactivity
CEE 325 - Fluid Mechanics
CEE 465 - Environmental Process Dynamics and Engineering
It is necessary to satisfy any deficiencies in the core requirements prior to the completion of MSE degree. Not all of
these courses may be elected for graduate credit. Refer to the separate guidelines for the Environmental Engineering
program for complete details.
General Requirements and Policies
Credit Hours and Normal Progress:
A minimum of 30 credit hours of acceptable graduate work (graduate credit) must be completed for the MSE
degrees. Twelve hours of credit per term is the usual full-time graduate load. The usual load for a half term is six
hours. It is recommended that a student distribute courses over at least two and one-half terms.
A cumulative grade point average of “B” (3.0) is required for all courses taken for graduate credit at the University
of Michigan. A grade below C- will not be counted towards the graduate credit requirement; however, it is
considered in the computation of the grade point average. In addition, a cumulative grade point average of "B" is
required for all courses taken for graduate credit at the University of Michigan in a student's area(s) of specialization.
Individual concentration areas in the Department may enforce more stringent grading requirements.
A thesis is not required.
Knowledge of a foreign language is not required.
Comprehensive Examination:
Normally, a comprehensive examination covering all course work is not required.
Residence Requirements:
The Graduate School residency requirements are easily satisfied by full-time students. Students pursuing the MSE
degree on a part-time basis should become familiar with special requirements. See Rackham Graduate School’s
website at:
Time Limit:
A student must complete all work within a period of five consecutive years after the first enrollment in the Graduate
Transfer Credit:
Rackham rules permit transfer of up to half the minimum number of credit hours required for the MSE Degree
from inter-university and intra-university sources combined.
Graduate Credit:
A maximum of six hours of graduate credit may be transferred from another institution. These must be
approved graduate level courses taken in residence with a grade of B or better from an organized graduate
school of an accredited institution approved by the Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies. Graduate
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extension courses will be considered only from The University of Michigan, Wayne State University, Michigan
State University, Western Michigan University, Central Michigan University, Eastern Michigan University,
Northern Michigan University and Oakland University. Credit will be transferred only upon written application
of the student to the Graduate School through the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. The
credit will be applied after the student has established an overall graduate grade point average of B or better in
resident work. Courses cannot be transferred for credit if already applied toward a degree or if taken more than
five years before beginning graduate study at The University of Michigan.
Pre-graduate Credit:
Pre-graduate course credit with a B grade or better earned by the student as an undergraduate at The University
of Michigan College of Engineering may be included in the student's graduate study program subject to the
following regulations: (1) credit was not used to meet the bachelor's degree requirement, either required courses
or required credit hours, (2) credit was earned no more than two years before formal admission to the Graduate
School and (3) credit was earned in courses approved for graduate credit by the Graduate School. The student
may request the transfer of such credits through the Rackham Graduate School’s website at:
Employment Load:
A graduate student who is employed in remunerative work is permitted to take course work up to the maximum
credit hours per term specified in the following table.
Maximum Credit Hours
Employment Enrolled
Full-time 6 term hours
Three-fourths 8 term hours
One-half 10 term hours
One-fourth 12 term hours
Program of Study
The goal of master's degrees offered through the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering is to prepare
engineers for advanced practice in their disciplines and for professional interaction with practitioners of related
It is believed that these goals can best be met by developing a specific program designed to meet the special needs of
each student. The student should study under as many of the faculty in the specialty as possible.
Program Content
In all cases the courses used in an MSE program must be approved by the advisor in the student's area of
Distribution (hours)
The Civil and Environmental Engineering and other course credit hour requirements in the various degree
programs are as follows:
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MSE (Civil Engineering):
At least 15 hours in Civil and Environmental Engineering courses. A student should expect to take at least eight
hours in the area of specialization but will not be permitted to apply more than 21 hours in one area of
specialization toward the graduate requirement.
MSE (Construction Engineering and Management):
At least 18 hours in courses emphasizing construction of which 12 hours must be in Civil and Environmental
Engineering courses.
MSE (Environmental Engineering):
Refer to the separate guidelines for the Environmental Engineering degree program for more details on course
Cognate Courses: The 30 hours of graduate work must include at least 4 credit hours of cognate courses
related to the field of specialization, but offered outside the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, to
increase the intellectual breadth of the graduate education. Courses cross-listed with the Civil and Environmental
Engineering Department may satisfy the cognate requirement provided that the course is in a subfield different from
the student’s own. Cognate courses must be passed with a B- or better. At least one course used to fulfill the cognate
requirement must be at minimum 2 credit hours and, at most, 1 credit hour of a seminar course offered by a different
department can be used toward meeting the cognate requirement. See Rackham Graduate School’s policy for more
information at:
CEE Department Math Requirement: The student must complete at least one course (minimum of 3 credit
hours) in mathematics or math intensive studies, probability, statistics, or mathematical programming, beyond the
minimum undergraduate requirements of the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department of The University of
Michigan. A course used to satisfy this math requirement also can be used toward the 4 credit hour cognate
requirement provided that it is taken outside the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department or is cross-listed
with another department and is outside the student’s subfield of study. Approved courses within the department (listed
below) can be used to satisfy the math requirement.
CEE 501 - Special Topics in CEE Infrastructure Systems Optimization
CEE 571 - Linear System Theory
CEE 572 - Dynamic Infrastructure Systems
CEE 573 - Data Analysis in CEE
A 400 level course that is listed in the Rackham Program of Study website at: may be elected for graduate credit when approved by the student's
advisor except for those 400 level courses that are required in the current undergraduate program of all Civil and
Environmental Engineering students. Of all the 400 level courses elected, no more than a total of 12 hours and no
more than 9 hours of 400 level Civil and Environmental Engineering courses will be accepted for graduate credit.
No more than six credit hours of directed study, seminar and research will be accepted for graduate credit.