Cal Poly Pomona Foundation, Inc. 2021-2022
Foundation Housing Services (FHS) operates a 328-unit student housing facility referred to as University
Village or the “Property”. Licensees shall abide by the rules and regulations in this University Village
License Agreement (referred to as “License Agreement”) and the Community Standards, which are
intended to promote the safety, comfort, and welfare of all Licensees as well as promote the spirit of
cooperation that must exist for individual needs in a housing facility. Licensee’s acceptance of, and
agreement to abide by the provisions of this License Agreement is acknowledged by Licensee’s signature
on the License Agreement Affidavit or affixed electronically to Licensee’s online application.
The following definitions apply to FHS policies:
A. Licensee: A Cal Poly Pomona student or student classified as being from a recognized consortium
school and who has an approved housing License Agreement with FHS for a Fee Period and is
assigned to a bed space in a housing unit within University Village. Licensees are responsible for
following policies anywhere on the entire Property at all times.
B. Guest: Guests are any individual/s not assigned to a housing unit which they are visiting. Guests
must be with a Licensee assigned to the housing unit being visited at all times when they are on the
Property. Licensee is a guest when visiting another Licensee in a housing unit to which Licensee is
not assigned. Licensee will still be held to the License Agreement wherever Licensee are on the
C. Occupancy: Licensee has checked in with staff member and received key(s) to the University
D. University Village: University Village is the 328-unit student housing facility operated by FHS
under the Master Operating Agreement, Amendments and Supplemental Operating Agreements
between the Trustees of the California State University by their duly qualified and acting
Chancellor on behalf of the California State Polytechnic University, Pomona and the Cal Poly
Pomona Foundation, Inc.
E. License Fee Period: License fee period means a period for which a license is granted and may
extend for an academic year, semester, or other period or session.
F. License Fee: License Fee means the amount required of a Licensee for the right to occupy an
assigned bed space in an assigned housing unit within the University Village during a License Fee
G. Facility Fee: Facility Fee is the non-refundable administrative fee required for each license
H. Service Fee: Service Fee is the non-refundable fee to cover added costs incurred in collecting and
processing a License Fee by installments.
I. Reservation: Reservation means a confirmation of a reserved space upon receipt of the designated
advance payment of fees and signed license agreement for a housing unit within University Village.
A. FHS shall endeavor to maintain a professional staff to work with students to develop a community
within University Village to enhance students educational experience at the University. FHS shall
establish guidelines to facilitate Licensee input into the governance of University Village. A
primary goal of FHS is to operate University Village in such a manner as to enhance the social,
educational, developmental, and recreational opportunities available to Licensee.
B. Licensee agrees to recognize the importance of maintaining University Village as an environment
which is conducive for fellow students to study, live, eat, and sleep. While in University Village,
Licensee agrees not to disrupt this educational environment.
Licensee is required to abide by all University policies regarding student conduct and applicable federal,
state and local laws including, but not limited to those included in the Cal Poly Pomona University Catalog
and Handbook.
Consistent with federal and state guidelines, the Foundation Housing Services/University Village does not
discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, age, ethnicity, religion, national origin, sexual orientation,
disability, marital status, or veterans' status in its housing, programs, or employment.
Priority for housing will be given to Cal Poly Pomona students. FHS reserves the right to house
others on a space available basis. All requests for housing assignment changes from one bed space to
another must be made at the request of the Licensee via email to the Housing Coordinator. Licensees who
switch bed spaces/housing units without an approved transfer from the Housing Coordinator will incur a
$50.00 penalty, plus a daily rate for occupying two bed spaces and will be required to move back to their
original space. FHS reserves the right to change any bed space/housing unit assignment in the interest of
disabled student needs, housing shortages, summer consolidations, health issues, discipline, student
conduct and general welfare of the Licensees or at the administrative necessity of the Cal Poly Pomona
Meal plans are required for all Licensees for the 2022-2023 term. Non-use of the Meal Plan and non-
payment of the Meal Plan does not constitute a cancellation of the Meal Plan. Meal plans are not
transferrable and they do not expire. They will remain on Licensee meal accounts each semester that the
Licensee resides within the University Village. FHS does not have the ability to waive Meal Plans.
Foundation Dining Services oversees the Meal Plan program.
There may be changes in the operational hours at dining venues or changes to comply with health and
safety measures. Any such changes do not constitute a termination of a Licensee’s Meal Plan, provided
that there is an appropriate mechanism (i.e., pickup/to-go services, delivery, etc.) available.
FHS assigns same gender roommates in as “compatible” a method as possible but without regard to race,
religion, age, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, or military status. FHS does not guarantee the
assignment of specific roommates or a specific housing unit.
FHS hereby grants Licensee permission to occupy one (1) assigned bed space in their assigned housing unit
within University Village as a Licensee for the term(s) as published, unless sooner terminated under the
provisions of this License Agreement. Specific assignment of a bed space shall be made by FHS, and FHS
reserves the right to change such an assignment at any time. Licensees are prohibited from subletting or
renting their assigned space to any other individual. FHS reserves the right to house others on a space
available basis. Licensees may request to continue their residency at the University Village for one
semester, while maintaining less than full-time student status. Requests should be emailed to the Housing
Coordinator. Summer Licensees are not required to be enrolled in classes.
It is the intent of FHS to house the maximum number of students per housing unit. Each housing unit
(except those modified for the physically challenged) is designed to house four (4) Licensees.
Each Licensee is issued a key to their housing unit and/or a mailbox key and/or a gate card. Each Licensee
is responsible for their key(s). Under no circumstances are key(s) or gate cards to be duplicated or loaned
to another individual. Key(s) and gate cards are for the issued Licensees access only. Using a key or gate
card to provide access for anyone other than the Licensee to whom the key or gate card was issued is
prohibited. A non-refundable charge will be assessed for any replacement key(s) and gate cards issued to
the Licensee during occupancy and/or key(s) lost or not returned upon Licensee’s check-out. In the event a
housing unit key is lost, stolen, or loaned out, a lock change will occur in the housing unit and the Licensee
will be charged $150.00 for housing unit keys, $25.00 for a mailbox keys and $25.00 for a gate card. If
Licensee leaves without properly returning their key(s), then the housing unit locks will be changed and the
Licensee will be charged for the housing unit/mailbox lock change.
Licensees are responsible for carrying their housing unit key at all times. If a Licensee should be locked out
of their housing unit, they can request assistance from the University Village staff. During regular business
hours this request should be made at the University Village Front Office. Outside of regular business hours
and on holidays and weekends, Licensee will need to contact the on-duty Resident Advisor for assistance.
During each semester, Licensee will be allowed three (3) FREE lockouts. On the fourth (4) lockout per
semester and any additional occurrence until the end of the semester, Licensee will be assessed a fee of
$25.00. Excessive lockouts will result in disciplinary action.
A laundry facility with washers and dryers is provided for the use of the Licensees ONLY. It is the
responsibility of the Licensee to abide by all rules posted in the laundry room. FHS accepts no responsibility
for lost or damaged articles. Licensees are prohibited from using laundry room trash containers for their
housing unit’s garbage.
A light cleaning of Licensees housing unit will take place on a monthly basis. Licensee will be notified of
the cleaning schedule via an e-mail sent to Licensees e-mail account. It is the Licensees responsibility to
make sure their bathroom, kitchen and living room areas are ready for the cleaning crew by following the
directions on their email notice. This is a required service however by written request submitted to the
University Village Front Office, the Licensees may opt out.
A. The US Postal Service will deliver mail once per day, except weekends and holidays.
B. FHS staff will sort and distribute mail and packages to Licensee’s mailboxes during the hours of
8:00am and 5:00pm, Monday through Friday. Mail Room hours are subject to change, and
notification will be provided to Licensees prior to any change.
C. Licensee is required to check their mailbox in a timely manner. If FHS staff is unable to distribute
mail due to a full mailbox, the Licensee will be contacted via phone/email and given a date to check
their mailbox by. If the Licensee has not checked their mailbox by their deadline their mail will
then be returned to the post office.
D. Mail and packages will only be accepted for current Licensees that have a mailbox. Mailboxes are
available to Licensees at no cost.
All Licensees who possess a motor vehicle and wish to park in the FHS parking lot must register their
vehicles with their educational institutions’ parking offices and the FHS office. All motor vehicles parking
in the FHS parking area must display a valid student parking permit with a current University Village
parking sticker. Each Licensee will be issued only one gate card but may register one automobile (car or
truck) and one motorcycle in the University Village as long as each vehicle possess a student parking permit.
Each Licensee is responsible for their gate card. Under no circumstances are gate cards to be duplicated or
loaned to another individual. Gate cards are for the issued Licensee’s access only. Using a gate card to
provide access for anyone other than the Licensee to whom the gate card was issued is prohibited. All motor
vehicles, as defined in the California Vehicle Code, shall be operated with due regard for the safety of all
members of the housing community, including following all posted signs and speed limits.
Incoming and returning Licensees are reminded that they cannot install or use personal wired switches or
wireless routers, connected to the campus network, in their bedrooms or common areas.
FHS will arrange for water, trash disposal, Streaming Services, electric, and gas service for each housing
unit. Electric and gas usage is tracked monthly by housing unit. Any excessive use may result in Licensee
being charged accordingly for this usage. Excessive use is defined by utilizing historical utility data with
an allowance for reasonable market value adjustments.
A. The term “guests” constitutes as any individual/s not assigned to a housing unit which they are
visiting. Guests must be with a Licensee assigned to the housing unit being visited at all times.
Licensee is a guest when visiting another licensee in a housing unit to which Licensee is not
assigned. Licensee will still be held to the Community Standards wherever Licensee are on the
B. Licensee is responsible and accountable for the actions of Licensee’s guests while on the Property,
immediately adjacent areas, or at the Property-sponsored or supervised events. Licensee agree to
inform guests of all policies and procedures as set forth by the Community Standards.
C. Guests must not infringe upon the rights of other Licensees. The University Village reserves the
right to deny access to any guest whose conduct is deemed inappropriate.
D. Licensee must have approval of all roommates prior to the presence of a guest. Guests are limited
to a maximum of 12 overnight stays per semester. A daily housing rate per guest per night will be
charged to Licensees who violate this policy.
E. Underage guests are prohibited from the pool area at all times.
F. No more than eight (8) people (including Licensees and guests) are allowed in a housing unit
(including porches/patios) at any given time.
* This policy may differ for University Village staff professionals who are required to live on the
Any Licensee registered for consecutive Fee Periods is required to pay License Fees consistent with their
currently occupied space during the intersession period. Any Licensee checking out during such period will
forfeit their assigned space for the upcoming Fee Period and penalties and License Fees will be assessed as
per the cancellation policy described in this License Agreement. If Licensee will be occupying a different
space and/or a License Fee change is in effect for the upcoming Fee Period, the appropriate License Fees
will apply effective the day Licensee takes possession of the new space or the last day of the preceding Fee
Period, whichever is earlier.
The Licensee shall vacate the housing unit using procedures outlined by FHS which are provided thirty (30)
days before the end of each semester or upon termination of his or her license to use a housing unit,
whichever is sooner. Licensees must follow the guidelines in the Check-out/Transfer Procedures located in
the License Agreement. All personal property must be removed from the housing unit prior to the time that
key(s)/gate cards are returned. Failure to follow establish procedures shall result in removal of their personal
property, moving/storage charges and lock change fees, and may result in the imposition of additional
License Fees including $150 for late check-out and billing for continued occupancy. FHS does not accept
any liability for belongings left in Licensee’s housing unit and such items may be disposed of. Licensee has
the right to appeal charges to the Associate Director of Housing or their designee by submitting an appeal
by email to the Associate Directors within 30 days of receipt of charges. Any Licensee who does not vacate
the housing unit as required by this section shall be evicted in the manner provided by the laws of the State
of California and charged a daily rate through the length of stay and may be charged any other applicable
fees or charges.
Licensee shall be required to pay the License Fee and all related charges on the 1
of each month. It is the
Licensee’s responsibility to make timely payments. Invoices or bills are not sent to the Licensee. Unpaid
fees become delinquent if not paid by the 10
of each month, and a late fee of $25.00 will be assessed to
the Licensee’s account.
Licensees will pay FHS a one-hundred seventy-five dollar ($175) non-refundable Facility Fee for each
academic year fee period at the time their housing assignment is confirmed. The Facility Fee remains at the
rate stated, independent of the dates of check-in and check-out during the semesters. The Facility Fee is to
be used for restoration of normal wear and tear use of all indoor/outdoor facilities. Additional damage or
cleaning charges will be billed separately to Licensees accordingly.
Licensee shall be required to pay a non-refundable Service Fee to cover the added costs incurred in
collecting and processing a License Fee paid by installments.
Licensee will be responsible for paying for damage/cleaning to buildings on the Property or damages to the
housing units by an approved emotional support/service animal or unauthorized pet. Licensee will also be
responsible for paying for damaged or missing furniture, fixtures or equipment. When more than one
Licensee occupies a housing unit and responsibility for damages or loss in the housing unit cannot be
determined to have been caused by one Licensee, then the cost of damages or loss will be divided and
assessed equally among all Licensees of the housing unit. A “Room & Apartment Inventory Form” must
be submitted within 48 hours of taking occupancy of a housing unit to avoid being charged for damages or
loss which occurred prior to occupancy. If a “Room & Apartment Inventory Form is not submitted by
resident they may be liable for any damages to the unit when they check-out. Licensee has the right to
appeal charges to the Associate Director of Housing or their designee by submitting an appeal by email
within 30 days of receipt of charges.
It is the Licensee’s responsibility to make timely payments. Invoices or bills are not sent to the Licensee.
Unpaid fees become delinquent if not paid by the 10
of each month, and a late fee of $25.00 will be
assessed to the Licensee’s account. Licensees may request to pay License Fees late (without a late fee) by
emailing a late fee waiver request before the 10th day of the month to the Accounts Specialist. Licensee
may only make this request three (3) times during the Academic Year and one (1) time during the summer.
If a Licensee’s personal check is returned by the bank, FHS may require all future payments to be made by
cash, credit card, postal money order, or cashier’s check. All returned checks fees will be paid by Licensee
up to the maximum allowed by law. Until a returned check is replaced with cash, credit card, postal money
order, or cashier’s check, Licensee’s account will remain. If a License Fee is more than sixty (60) days,
FHS may revoke the License Agreement and/or pursue legal action against Licensee.
No attempted termination of this License Agreement or abandonment of the premises shall release Licensee
from the financial obligation due FHS from Licensee for the terms of this License. Licensee shall be
obligated to pay FHS all amounts due under the License Agreement until possession of the premises is
Any Licensee requesting to cancel a reservation less than thirty (30) days prior the beginning of the License
Fee Period shall complete and submit a Cancellation Form for Release from their housing contract with the
FHS office. Any Licensee requesting to vacate University Village prior to the expiration of the License Fee
Period shall complete and submit a Cancellation Form with the FHS office at least thirty (30) days prior to
the requested release date. The Cancellation Form is located under Important Forms and Documents on
the University Village website or at the FHS office. In all cases, except graduation or studying abroad,
Licensees must pay a cancellation fee in the amount of $475. Licensees who have completed their degrees
at Cal Poly Pomona, CPELI or have graduated from a non-Cal Poly University during the License Fee
Period may request to reside in their housing units one semester/term after graduation. Determination
whether to grant or deny a request to cancel a reservation less than thirty (30) days prior to the beginning
of the License Fee Period will be at the discretion of FHS. A request to waive the cancellation penalty will
need to be submitted to the Associate Director by email.
FHS shall authorize refunds with provided documentation once the residents account has been closed out.
To obtain a refund of any fee paid to FHS, the Licensee must complete and submit to FHS a Cancellation
Form and an email and appeal to charges to the Associate Director of Housing. Refunds take approximately
four (4) to six (6) weeks from the date of check-out to reach the Licensee. Any refunds authorized per the
License Agreement shall be offset by the cost of restoring damaged or lost or destroyed property, normal
wear and tear excepted, and by the added cost of cleaning a bed space and/or housing unit that has not been
left in a reasonably clean condition.
A Licensee assigned a bed space in University Village later than the first day of the month shall be charged
a pro-rated fee for the balance of the first month’s License Fee. License Fees are pro-rated from the initial
date of the License Agreement rather than from the date of occupancy and are based on a 30-day calendar
month. No space will be held for occupancy for more than one week after move-in day.
Failure of Licensee to satisfy financial obligations of this License Agreement shall subject Licensee to one
or more of the following:
A. Late fee(s) charged.
B. Revocation of the License Agreement.
C. Legal action to collect unpaid obligations or to obtain possession of Licensee’s assigned bed space
and assigned housing unit within University Village.
D. Removal from University Village.
E. Placement of a University wide “hold” on all transcripts, diplomas, class registration and restriction
against the acceptance of personal checks for payment.
F. Notification of default to credit bureau organizations.
G. Not being allowed to renew License Agreement for any future License Fee Periods.
H. Payment of FHS’ reasonable attorney’s fees and other costs incurred in (A) the collection of
amounts due FHS from Licensee and/or (B) evicting Licensee.
I. By signing the License Agreement, Licensee consents to the release of information from student
records to non-Foundation third parties such as credit bureaus, credit gathering organizations, skip
tracers, billing agencies, collection agencies, legal counsel, parents, and employees, who may, in
the judgment of FHS, be necessary or helpful in the collection of delinquent obligations arising out
of the agreement.
J. By signing this License Agreement, Licensee gives permission to Cal Poly Pomona University and
Cal Poly Pomona Foundation, Inc. to use all reasonable means necessary to collect payments due.
Licensee agrees to pay the reasonable attorney’s fees and costs incurred by FHS as a result of Licensee’s
violation of any of the terms and conditions in this License Agreement.
A. FHS may revoke this License Agreement upon the occurrence of the following conditions:
1. In the event of any Licensee misconduct listed in the Cal Poly Pomona University policies
regarding student conduct, including without limitation University Village Community
Standards, Student Conduct Code, and applicable federal, state and local laws including, but
not limited to those listed in the Cal Poly Pomona University catalog and Handbook.
2. Failure of Licensee to maintain status as a full-time student at any accredited university,
college, and vocational/technical school. When a licensee does not maintain full time status,
they may request an administrative review of their eligibility.
3. The breach by Licensee or a guest, of any terms or conditions of this License Agreement,
including but not limited to failure to abide by FHS policies stated in this License Agreement,
or failure to pay fees.
4. Administrative discretion of FHS.
5. Failure of Licensee to promote a group living environment conducive to the enhancement of
the safety, comfort, and wellness of all Licensee’ and guests.
B. FHS shall provide Licensee not less than three (3) days’ notice in the event of an occurrence
described in subsections (1), (2), (3), and (5) and not less than fourteen (14) days’ written notice in
the event of subsection (4) except in cases of emergency.
C. Upon revocation of this License Agreement for any reason, Licensee shall pay a $475
revocation/cancellation fee in addition to any and all other amounts due under the License
In the event that a bed space and/or housing unit is destroyed or becomes unavailable as the result of
conditions not caused by Licensee and not reasonably foreseen at the time this License Agreement is made,
Licensee shall be entitled to a pro-rated refund of any fees applicable to periods after Licensee was required
to vacate. Such conditions include but are not limited to damage caused by flood, mudslide, fire, earthquake,
and other natural disasters and vandalism; civil disorder; compliance with state or federal laws; interruption
of basic services because of labor strife; a drop in the rate of cancellations not reasonably foreseen by FHS,
if such a drop results in the overbooking of available housing facilities. During the License Fee Period,
there may be construction on the Property. The effect of this construction may include, but is not limited
to: maintenance repairs, power outages, increase in noise level, water/utility shut off, increase in dirt/dust,
changes in parking areas, changes in walkways and changes in driving areas. FHS will inform Licensees of
any changes as necessary.
FHS has no insurance to cover the personal or property damage or injury of Licensee. Therefore, FHS
highly recommends that Licensee obtain renters insurance.
FHS has the right to enter the premises occupied by Licensee for the purpose of emergency, health, safety,
maintenance, management, monthly cleaning, enforcement of applicable rules and regulations, inspection
of premises, delivery of FHS information/newsletter, or for any lawful purpose. FHS shall exercise these
rights reasonably and with respect for Licensee’s privacy. Whenever practical, Licensee will be given
advance notice of maintenance projects/monthly cleaning requiring entry into Licensee’s housing unit that
were not specifically requested by the Licensee. Licensee shall be solely responsible for safeguarding their
The waiver of any breach of a term or condition of this License Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of
any subsequent breach or any other term or condition of this License Agreement.
FHS reserves the right to revise License Fees and any other charges upward or downward upon thirty (30)
days written notice. FHS also reserves the right to revise any policy, procedure, term, and/or condition of
this License Agreement upon thirty (30) days written notice. Any change in University policy will be
provided to Licensee in writing and will go into effect immediately.
It is the position of FHS that this License Agreement does not create taxable possessory interest in real
property. However, pursuant to Revenue and Taxation Code S107.6, Licensee is hereby notified that a
taxing authority may take a contrary view and may assess Licensee property taxes based on Licensee’s
interest in this License Agreement.
In compliance with the Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA), Cal Poly Pomona has established
policies and procedures for missing student notification. If a member of the University community has
reason to believe that a student who resides in on-campus housing is missing, they should immediately
notify the University Police Department at (909) 869-3070. A report should also be made to the Resident
Advisor, Area Coordinator and/or University Village staff. University Police will initiate an investigation
and where appropriate involve local law enforcement. University Police, in conjunction with University
Village staff, will activate established missing student procedures. It is important to note that a report of a
missing person may be made at any time; there is no required wait time or length of time since last contact.
In addition to providing an emergency contact, Licensees have the option to identify a confidential contact
person to be notified in the event the Licensee is reported to be missing.
A. A Licensee’s confidential contact information will be accessible only by authorized campus
officials and law enforcement officers in the furtherance of a missing person investigation.
B. Even if a Licensee elects not to register a contact person, University Police and local law
enforcement will be notified that the Licensee is missing.
C. If the Licensee is under 18 years of age and not emancipated, their parent or guardian will be
D. All official missing student reports will be referred immediately to University Police.
The University will follow specific procedures when a student who resides in an on-campus student housing
facility is determined to be missing. Although the HEOA requires that procedures be implemented for
students who have been missing for 24 hours, the following procedures are activated immediately or as
soon as circumstances warrant.
A A Licensee is reported missing to the University Police. If the report is made to a member of the
University Village staff (Resident Advisor, Area Coordinator, University Village offices), then
University Police is contacted immediately.
B. University Police will contact the local law enforcement agency to take the report and initiate a
joint investigation.
C. University Village staff will provide registered missing persons contact person information to
University Police.
D. Contacts are made for purposes of notification, and often as a part of the investigation (e.g. to
ensure the Licensee has not returned home, or traveled unexpectedly).
E. University Village staff will assist University Police with their investigation of the missing person.