Office of Risk Management
U. T. System Real Estate Office Conference
February 9, 2018
Patrick M. Durbin, CHMM, Assistant Director of Risk Control
Michelle N. Bost, CHMM, Environmental Program Coordinator
Eric Agnew, CPCU, ARM, Risk & Insurance Analyst
What are the essential coverages in a UT Lease?
Business Personal Property
Workers Compensation / Employers Liability
Commercial General Liability
Business Auto Liability
What is the Purpose of Insurance in a UT Lease?
To both protect and put UT institutions in the best financial
position after a loss occurs.
Insurance provides a financial mechanism for a Tenant to
defend and compensate UT for loss or damage.
Insurance Carrier Requirements
Only Use A.M. Best A-:VIII rated Carriers
Must be financially stable
Insurance Companies must be authorized to do insurance
business in the State of Texas; or
Be an eligible surplus lines insurer operating in accordance
with the Texas Insurance Code.
Commercial Property Insurance
Questions to consider for tenant property insurance:
Is a portion of the building being leased or the entire building?
Property is a “First Party” insurance which compensates the
insured for property which has been damaged or destroyed.
Real Estate professionals are typically concerned with
buildings, leasehold improvements, fixtures and equipment
located in buildings.
Commercial Property Insurance (cont)
In most leases we require Business Personal Property (BPP)
This covers the portion of the leased property in the Tenant’s
care, custody and control, it does not cover the building “shell”
or structure;
The BPP includes: furniture and fixtures; improvements and
betterments, machinery and equipment; stock, i.e.
merchandise held in storage or for sale; all other personal
property owned by the Tenant and used in its business. The
Tenant’s “use interest” is covered.
Contract language for Business Personal Property:
Property insurance on a Causes of Loss-Special Form, at 100%
replacement cost, including improvements and betterments,
Tenants furniture, fixtures and equipment, written on the most
current edition of Insurance Services Office (ISO) form CP 10 30
Ordinance or law coverage endorsement;
Name Landlord as “additional insured as its interest may
Contain only standard printed exclusions;
Waiver of subrogation in favor of Landlord Parties;
Require a copy of the policy or certificate of insurance.
Liability Coverages
Liability Insurance is “third party” insurance that compensates
a party injured by the actions or omissions of an insured and
is based on tort principles.
Third Party Someone other than the insured and the insurer.
In liability insurance, the insurer provides defense against
claims or suits brought by third parties-hence the term “third-
party insurance”;
Workers Compensation
No-fault coverage that provides statutory benefits for
WC Policy provides an Exclusive Remedy;
Bars an injured employee from making a tort claim.
Workers Compensation Contract Language
Workers Compensation Insurance with statutory limits, and
Employers Liability Insurance with limits of not less than
Employers Liability Each Accident $1,000,000
Employers Liability Each Employee $1,000,000
Employers Liability Policy Limit $1,000,000
Must include statutory coverage for states in which employees are
engaging in work.
Workers Compensation Contract Language (cont)
Policy should always provide a waiver of subrogation from the
carrier (this is usually done on a blanket basis).
This bars the insurance carrier from subrogating against the
Subrogation The assignment to an insurer by terms of the
policy, after its payment of a loss, its right to recover the
amount of the loss from the one legally liable for it.
Workers Compensation Contract Language (cont)
No “alternative” forms of coverage will be permitted;
Alternative forms of workers compensation can be accepted;
This creates more work for the Landlord;
You must ask many questions when accepting alternatives;
Is the self-insurance funded or unfunded;
ORM typically recommends adding the Self-Insurance exhibit;
Alternative forms do not provide the protections of a workers
compensation insurance policy – “Exclusive Remedy.”
Commercial General Liability
Commercial General Liability policy provides coverage for
bodily injury, property damage, and personal injury claims,
damaging a third party;
In a lease this is typically in the form of premises liability;
Slip/Trip and fall exposures.
Commercial General Liability Contract Language
The required Commercial General Liability policy will be
issued on a form that insures Tenant’s liability for bodily injury
(including death), property damage, personal and advertising
injury assumed under the terms of the Agreement.
Commercial General Liability with limits of not less
$1,000,000 per occurrence
$2,000,000 general aggregate
$2,000,000 product-completed operations aggregate limit
$1,000,000 personal and advertising injury limit
$300,000 damage to premises rented to you limit
$10,000 medical expense limit
Commercial General Liability
Most current edition of the ISO form CG 00 01;
Designated Location(s) General Aggregate Limit
Primary and non-contributory endorsement must be
Additional Insured and Waiver of Subrogation should be
Business Auto Liability
Occurrence Policy covering: All owned, non-owned or hired
With Limits of not less than $1,000,000 single limit of liability
per accident for bodily injury and property damage;
Business Auto policies do not carry aggregate limits;
Required coverage should be on an ISO CA 00 01 or
equivalent form.
TIP - If a separate Business Auto Liability policy is not available, coverage for hired and non-
owned auto liability may be endorsed onto the Commercial General Liability policy.
Umbrella Liability Insurance
Umbrella/Excess coverage provides additional limits in case
primary limits are exhausted;
Umbrella forms need to provide “coverage as broad as” the
primary coverages under (employer’s liability, commercial
general liability and business auto liability);
Excess policies need to provide coverage on a following form;
Coverage must “drop down” for exhausted aggregate limits
under commercial general liability insurance;
Limits will provide a duty to defend;
Umbrella Liability Insurance (Cont)
$4,000,000 should be required;
Should include additional insured status for Landlord.
What language do we use when we are the Tenant
Standard language;
Landlord acknowledges that Tenant is an agency of the State of Texas and has only such authority
to obtain insurance for third parties as is granted to Tenant by state law or as may be reasonably
implied by such law. Tenant shall have no obligation under this Lease to obtain policies of
insurance and shall have the right, in Tenant’s sole discretion, to determine whether Tenant will
maintain policies of insurance, operate programs of self-insurance, or utilize any other program of
risk-protection in connection with Tenant’s operations.
Landlord acknowledges that because Tenant is an agency of the State of Texas, liability for the
tortious conduct of the agents and employees of Tenant (other than the medical liability of medical
staff physicians) or for injuries caused by conditions of tangible state property is provided for solely
by the provisions of the Texas Tort Claims Act, Texas Civil Practice and Remedies Code, Chapter
101, as amended from time to time.
Workers compensation insurance coverage for employees of Tenant will be provided by Tenant as
mandated by the provisions of Texas Labor Code, Chapter 503, as amended from time to time.
Evidence of Insurance
o Acord Form 28 Evidence of Property Insurance for property coverages;
o Acord Form 25 Certificates of Liability Insurance for liability coverages;
o Evidence should be delivered to Landlord prior to commencing
operations at the Property and at least 30 days prior to the expiration of
current policies;
o Acord forms must:
o Show the Landlord Parties as Certificate holders (with Landlord’s
mailing address);
o Show Tenant as the “Named Insured;”
o Show the insurance companies providing each coverage and the
policy number and policy date for each coverage;
Evidence of Insurance (cont)
o Name the producer of the certificate (with correct address and
telephone number) and have the signature of the authorized
representative of the producer;
o State the amounts of all deductibles and self-insured retentions;
o Show the primary and non-contributory status and aggregate limit per
project where required;
o Be accompanied by copies of required additional insured and waiver of
subrogation endorsements;
o “Notice will be delivered in accordance with the policy provisions.”
Commercial Certificates
Other TIPS and Ideas about Insurance
Ask ORM to review the insurance requirements prior to
signing the lease;
Start with higher limits and negotiate down;
Additional insured and Waiver of subrogation should be
carried on a blanket basis as required by written contract;
There should not be any additional cost to include these
“Limits of not less than” is used to guarantee adequate
Smile, it’s over!!!