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Understanding by Design: Complete Collection Understanding by Design
Maer Maers
Natalie Pierce
Trinity University
Jamie Boelens
Trinity University
Catherine Bracke
Trinity University
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Repository Citation
Pierce, Natalie; Boelens, Jamie; and Bracke7, Catherine, "Ma7er Ma7ers" (2011). Understanding by Design: Complete Collection. 158.
Unit Cover Page
Unit Title: Matter Matters
Grade Level: 2
Subject/Topic Area(s): Science
Designed By: Natalie Pierce, Jamie Boelens, and Catherine Brackett
Time Frame: 15 days
School District: Alamo Heights ISD
School: Woodridge Elementary
School Address and Phone: 100 Woodridge San Antonio, Texas 78209 (210.826.8021)
Brief Summary of Unit (Including curricular context and unit goals):
Students will understand that:
1. All matter can be classified by its observable, physical properties.
2. Matter can be measured and changed by energy (ex: heat, light, sound).
3. When materials are put together, they can do things that they cannot do by
Students will know:
1. The difference among a solid, liquid, and a gas
2. The concepts of heating, cooling, cutting, melting, folding, and sanding.
3. Energy is power- the ability to do work or make changes.
Matter and Energy
Stage 1 Desired Results
2.1 A: (1) Scientific investigation and
reasoning. The student conducts
classroom and outdoor investigations
following home and school safety
procedures. The student is expected to:
(A) identify and demonstrate safe
practices as described in the Texas Safety
Standards during classroom and outdoor
investigations, including wearing safety
goggles, washing hands, and using
materials appropriately;
2.2 A, C, D, E, F: (2) Scientific investigation
and reasoning. The student develops
abilities necessary to do scientific inquiry
in classroom and outdoor investigations.
The student is expected to: (A) ask
questions about organisms, objects, and
events during observations and
investigations; (C) collect data from
observations using simple equipment such
as hand lenses, primary balances,
thermometers, and non-standard
measurement tools; (D) record and
organize data using pictures, numbers,
and words; (E) communicate observations
and justify explanations using student-
generated data from simple descriptive
investigations; and (F) compare results of
scientists know about the world.
2.4 A, B: (4) Scientific investigation and
reasoning. The student uses age-
appropriate tools and models to
investigate the natural world. The student
is expected to: (A) collect, record, and
compare information using tools,
including computers, hand lenses, rulers,
primary balances, plastic beakers,
magnets, collecting nets, notebooks, and
safety goggles; timing devices, including
clocks and stopwatches; weather
instruments such as thermometers, wind
vanes, and rain gauges; and materials to
support observations of habitats of
organisms such as terrariums and
aquariums; and (B) measure and compare
organisms and objects using non-standard
units that approximate metric units.
2.5 A-D: (5) Matter and energy. The
student knows that matter has physical
properties and those properties
determine how it is described, classified,
changed, and used. The student is
expected to: (A) classify matter by
physical properties, including shape,
relative mass, relative temperature,
texture, flexibility, and whether material is
a solid or liquid; (B) compare changes in
materials caused by heating and cooling;
(C) demonstrate that things can be done
to materials to change their physical
properties such as cutting, folding,
sanding, and melting; and (D) combine
materials that when put together can do
things that they cannot do by themselves
such as building a tower or a bridge and
justify the selection of those materials
based on their physical properties.
Students will independently use their learning to…
Identify states of matter, physical properties, changes in matter, uses for
matter, and how matter works together in a system.
Essential Questions
Students will keep considering….
1. Why does classifying matter help us
learn about the world around us?
2. How do changes in matter affect
our everyday life?
3. Why is energy important?
4. How do materials work together?
Students will be able to…
1. Classify matter into solid, liquid,
and gas using physical properties
such as shape, mass, temperature,
texture, and flexibility.
2. Identify changes in matter.
3. Exercise safety precautions when
handling materials.
Stage 2 Evidence
(for rubric)
(M or T)
and Work Ethic
Identify states
of matter
changes in
Identify parts
of activity
and Work Ethic
Describing your
Changing your
Usefulness of
new object
M, T
M, T
Performance Task(s)
Students will demonstrate meaning-making and transfer by…
1. Matter Matters (Assessment and Rubric Attached):
Tell students they have been hired by an education agency to explain to
other second graders how matter is all around them. (Create a poster,
booklet, children’s book, movie, song).
Identify an everyday activity (cooking spaghetti, playing soccer,
cleaning, building a house, crafts).
Identify a minimum five parts of that activity and label the
corresponding states of matter. (Cooking: spaghetti-solid, water-
liquid; Building: wood-solid, sweat-liquid)
Identify five changes in matter. (Cooking: spaghetti-texture
changerigid to flexible, water-evaporationliquid to gas;
Building: wood-hole in wood with nail, sweat-evaporation)
Take one of the parts away. Can this activity still take place? Can
this system still function? Why or why not? (Cooking: Water-No,
because the spaghetti needs water to be edible; Building: Wood-
Yes, because the builder could use bricks instead or No, because
the house needs wood to hold its shape.)
If needed, see teacher for writing prompt on TAKS Scopes.
(blowing soap bubbles, crushing cans).
2. Matter Invention (Assessment and Rubric Attached):
You’ve been hired to create a commercial where you take something old
and turn it into something new to advocate recycling. Explain to the
camera what’s the change that you made, how did you change the
function, how is the new thing useful.
Choose a normal, everyday object (juice box).
Describe its properties and how it is used. Make a diagram. Label
its parts and states of matter.
Change it in some way (cut juice box top off), so that it serves a
different, useful purpose (juice box becomes a planter, shovel).
Clarification: Stacking markers on top of each other to make a
sword would be a non-example because it is a pretend object, not
an actual sword. However, if you stacked markers on top of each
other to make a pointer, that would serve an actual, useful
Describe how you changed it. What is its new function? What
did you add or take away to allow it to function in a new, useful
Other Evidence (e.g., formative)
Matter Check-In (Pre, Mid, Post Assessment)
Exit Card
GoGurt Experiment
Measuring Mass Worksheet
Classifying Matter Stations
Matter Vocabulary Matching
Stage 3 Learning Plan
(A, M, T)
How will you check students’ prior knowledge, skill levels, and potential misconceptions?
Please give pre-assessment a week before you begin unit to familiarize yourself with
student ability.
Ask essential questions (see attached):
1. Why does classifying matter help us learn about the world around us?
2. How do changes in matter affect our everyday life?
3. Why is energy important?
4. How do materials work together?
A, M
Learning Activities
Day 1: Classifying Matter
Sorting Shoes
This activity will give students practice with sorting and
classifying objects by physical properties. Emphasize
that sorting will help us find similarities and differences
between objects to better help us understand our world.
Have students put all their shoes in the middle of the
floor and discuss as a group different ways to sort their
shoes. Possibilities include sorting by shape, size,
texture, bottom of shoe, color, laces, flexibility, and type.
Be sure to practice the sort as well.
Debrief and Discussion
Sorting is necessary because we need to have
organization. Briefly discuss why people need to sort.
Ask how they would sort their shoes in their own closet.
What about when you go to the grocery store? How do
you find bread, dessert, milk, vegetables? Do you think
scientists do the same thing? Do they sort too? What do
you think they sort? Over the next few weeks, we are
going to learn how scientists organize stuff. This will
help us make sense of our everyday lives better.
Progress Monitoring
(e.g., formative data)
A, M
Matter Card Sort
Divide students into groups of two or three. Give each
group a set of Matter Sorting Cards (find various pictures
to sort). Have students work together in groups to come
up with as many ways to sort the cards as possible.
When they have a sort completed, they will raise their
hands and explain it to you. Give a unifix cube to the
group for each completed sort. After 5-10 minutes,
collect everyone’s unifix cubes, gather the group on the
carpet, and count/discuss how many ways the entire
class sorted matter.
Exit Card
Ask the class: Why do you think we did this today?
Generate answers. Have them go to their desks and
write their answer to this question on a 3x5” notecard to
turn-in for teacher.
Day 2: Three States of Matter Introduction
Chalktalk: Vocabulary Introduction
Divide the whiteboard into three sections and head the
three columns with the words Solid, Liquid, and Gas.
Allow students to have five minutes to SILENTLY
write/draw on the whiteboard their associations with
these three words. Tell students that Solids, Liquids, and
Gases are called MATTER. Matter is all around us.
What Makes Matter Matter
Briefly introduce the concept of atoms vs. molecules.
Hold up one unifix cube-this symbolizes an atom. Stack
another one or two unifix cubes on top-this symbolizes a
molecule. How molecules are arranged determines if
they are solids, liquids, or gases.
Solids, Liquids, and Gases Hand Motions
Have students hold their hands up in fists. Explain that
they will pretend their fists are molecules, tiny particles
that make up matter. However far apart or close
together their molecules are will determine if the matter
is a solid, a liquid, or a gas.
Solids: Have students hold fists closely and tightly
together. Explain that solids maintain their shape and
that the molecules are packed closely together. Hold up
a few types of solids (wood block, fabric, wire,
playdough). Unless you change the solid (fold fabric,
break apart the playdough), the solid will keep its shape.
Exit Card
A, M
Liquids: Have students turn fisted hands slowly one over
the other. Explain that liquids take the shape of their
container and that the molecules move slowly around
one another. Have a clear vase filled with water (and a
different shaped clear container on hand). Put in a few
drops of food coloring. Have students observe how the
food coloring is spreading throughout the liquid because
the molecules are slowly moving the food coloring
around. Ask students what shape the liquid is in the
vase. Then, pour the liquid into the second clear
container. Emphasize that liquids take the shape of
their container and now the shape of the liquid has
changed. On a flat, waterproof surface (such as a mini-
whiteboard or on a desk), pour some of the water out of
the container and have students observe how the water
spreads across the flat area because there is no
container to hold it.
Gas: Have students wildly shake fisted hands far apart
from each other. Explain that gases fill every part of
their container, the fill every nook and cranny, and the
molecules are very energetic. Have students stand on
one side of the classroom and you stand on the opposite
side. Spray an air freshener into the air. Have students
raise their hands when they begin to smell the scent.
Emphasize that the gas molecules are filling their
container (the room).
Solids, Liquids, and Gases Dance
Choose three people who are “good dancers” to stand
at the front of the room to do the solids, liquids, and
gases dance. You give them directions for which dance
to do.
Solids Dance: Stand still, like a statue, close together.
Liquids Dance: Stand farther apart and move slowly and
Gases Dance: Move quickly and sporadically. Dancing
with their coolest dance moves.
Solids, Liquids, and Gases Simon Says
Play “Simon Says”: “Be a solid,” etc.
Solids Dance: Still fisted hands or standing like a statue
Liquids Dance: Turn fisted hands slowly one over the
other or do a very slow, swaying dance
Gases Dance: Shake hands in fist fast or run in place
Day 3: Properties of Solids
A, M
Have students review hand motions for solids, liquids,
and gases.
Solids: Fists tightly together; solids hold a definite shape
Liquids: Fists move slowly around one another; liquids
take the shape of their container
Gases: Fists moving sporadically, far apart; gases fill
every nook and cranny
FOSS KIT Investigation 1: Part IIntroduce Solids
Familiarize students with physical characteristics
vocabulary on Properties of Solids worksheet. Give
groups of 2 students solids materials. Students will sort,
manipulate, observe properties of solids. Students will
fill out Properties of Solids worksheet with their partner.
If time, have students play “Guess My Sort” with solids
Day 4
Have students review hand motions for solids, liquids,
and gases.
Solids: Fists tightly together; solids hold a definite shape
Liquids: Fists move slowly around one another; liquids
take the shape of their container
Gases: Fists moving sporadically, far apart; gases fill
every nook and cranny
FOSS KIT Investigation 2: Part IIProperties of Liquids
Students will observe liquids in bottles. Introduce
students to liquid properties vocabulary cards. Have
students complete in pairs Properties of Liquids
Day 5: Introducing Mass
Common Misconceptions about Mass
Kids often think that mass is the same as weight or
means how big or small something is. However, mass
never changes, unlike weight, unless matter is added or
removed. Mass is how much matter makes up an object.
Try not use the word “weight.”
Cereal Box Experiment to Demonstrate Mass
Gather students on the carpet. Have two cereal boxes
standing on the carpet. One is full of cereal and the
other is empty (do not tell the students this). Make a
ramp right next to the two cereal boxes using a book
and blocks. Ask students what they predict will happen
when you roll a ball down the ramp to hit the cereal
boxes (emphasize that they are the same size and
Properties of Solids
Properties of Liquids
A, M
shape). Roll the ball down the ramp to hit the empty
box and full box. Discuss why the empty box moved
more than the full box moved. Explain that the full
cereal box had more mass because there was more
matter in the full box. Mass is how much matter is in an
Measuring Mass Demonstration
Demonstrate how to measure mass using a balance
scale. Find the equilibrium point, place an object on one
side, and slowly drop in a nonstandard unit on the other
side (pattern blocks, unifix cubes, etc.). When the two
sides are equal, emphasize that both sides now have
equal mass. Write the mass of the object on the board
including the non-standard units (ex. 56 unifix cubes or
27 triangles)
Measuring Mass Practice
Explain Measuring Mass worksheet. Divide students
into groups of four. Set up four-six stations around the
room (depending on the number of students) where
students will measure the mass of an object with a non-
standards unit of measurement (one station would have
unifix cubes for measuring, while another might have
square tiles). Rotate students between these stations as
they practice measuring the mass of different objects.
Students will write the object, non-standard unit of
measurement, and the mass of their object on their
Day 6: Classifying Matter By Physical Properties
Students will be divided into four or five groups and
rotate through the Classifying Matter Stations and
complete worksheet (see attached). They should spend
approximately 7 minutes per station with 1 minute
transition time. There are four stations with a fifth one
added either for a supplemental activity or in the event
that Brainpop, Jr. is unavailable.
List and Description of Stations:
Measuring Mass Station: Teacher sets out several
objects and balance scales. Students will practice
measuring the mass of three of these objects and
recording their answers. Teacher may determine
beforehand what non-standard unit of measurement
students will use. It is suggested that the teacher finds
out the mass answers of the given objects beforehand to
be able to quickly check student accuracy.
Measuring Mass
Classifying Matter
Workstations Sheet
Sorting By Shape, Texture, Flexibility: Teacher will place
several solid objects for students to sort according to
shape, texture, flexibility, and any other categories
dealing with physical characteristics. It is suggested that
the teacher write out the words “Shape,” “Texture,” and
“Flexibility” on note cards to remind students to sort by
these categories. On their worksheet, they will choose
one of the ways they sorted the objects, circle that word
on the top of their station box, and then draw and label
their sort.
Sorting By Temperature: Teacher will place three
containers filled with water on the table: one filled with
ice water, one room temperature, and one with hot
water. Have students use thermometers to measure the
temperature of the different containers and record the
temperature on their worksheet. If time allows, have
students sort do a picture sort of things that are hot,
room temperature, and cold (several options are
available on the internet).
Brainpop, Jr. “Solids, Liquids, Gases” Video (4:13):
Students will gather around the computer and watch the
Brainpop, Jr. movie. Then, they will choose to take
either the easy or hard quiz, circle that choice on their
worksheet, and write their answers to the questions.
Matter Vocabulary Matching: Teacher will need to cut
the vocabulary words and their definitions apart (see
attached). Students will try to match the vocabulary
word with its definition.
Reflection Discussion
Gather students on the carpet and reflect on the
purpose of these stations. Ask about any insights or
discoveries they had. Reflect on why the hot water at
the temperature station is not as hot as it was in the
Day 7: GoGurt Experiment
GoGurt Experiment Overview
“GoGurt” Experiment (adapted from TAKScopes)
In this experiment, students will be exploring the
differences between solids and liquids. They will use
what they have learned about physical properties to
describe the differences and gain a better understanding
of solids and liquids.
Preparation and Materials Needed
-24 hours before experiment, freeze a package of Gogurt
for class use. The Gogurt needs to be completely frozen
GoGurt Worksheet
for lesson.
-Gogurt (one for each group)
-Frozen Gogurt (one for each group)
-Clear cups (two per group)
-Thermometer (one per group)
-Balance (one per group)
-Spoons (two for each student)
Experiment Steps (see attached worksheet)
1) The teacher will give each group the unfrozen
GoGurt. Groups will squeeze GoGurt into one clear
cup and observe its physical properties. The
students will describe the size, shape, mass,
temperature, flexibility and texture of the GoGurt on
the worksheet provided. Then they will use the
spoon to taste the GoGurt (only once) and describe
its taste.
Some questions to consider:
-Did the GoGurt take the shape of the clear
container it was poured into?
-Is this GoGurt a solid or a liquid? Justify your
2) The teacher will give each group the frozen
GoGurt. Groups will squeeze GoGurt into the other
clear cup and observe its physical properties. The
students will describe the size, shape, mass,
temperature, flexibility and texture of GoGurt on the
worksheet provided. Then, they will use their other
spoon to taste the GoGurt (only once) and describe
its taste.
Some questions to consider:
-Was the taste different from the unfrozen GoGurt?
-Did the frozen GoGurt take the shape of the clear
container it was poured into?
-Is the frozen GoGurt a solid or a liquid? Justify your
*Special Note
Energy is a very important concept in this unit
because it is energy in which creates the changes in
matter. During this experiment, the frozen Gogurt
will eventually begin melting, therefore changing
back into a liquid. This would be a great time to
bring it to the students’ attention that energy (heat
energy) is causing the melting to happen. You can
A, M
also add that energy is power-the ability to make
things change.This will help prepare the students for
Day 8-Crayon Experiment.
Day 8: Energy Socratic Discussion and Crayon Experiment
Socratic Discussion
Gather the students on the carpet in a circle. Explain
that we are going to have a Socratic Dialogue today. This
means the teacher will pose a question and listen as the
students tell each other what they think the answer
could be. Some questions are very hard and do not have
a right answer. This is similar to having a conversation
around a dinner table. Everyone is entitled to their ideas
and respect is shown to each person.
Give the ground rules for a Socratic Dialogue:
1) Only 1 person at a time can speak
2) All answers and ideas are good
3) We share the talking time (no one can talk too much
or too little)
Start with a simple question until the students are
comfortable with the process. The conversation will take
a path of its own so feel free to travel with the class by
coming up with different questions.
Sample Questions:
What does it mean when a teacher says, “There is
too much energy in here?”
Why do your parents not give you sugar
(cookies/coke) late at night? Where did that energy
come from?
What is energy?
Do we need energy? Why?
Where does energy come from?
What does not have energy?
Do you need to be alive to have energy?
Mid Point Check In
Pass out the Matter Check In Page. The students have
already seen this page once. This will help the teacher
understand what they still need to learn.
Crayon Experiment (Heat=Solid to Liquid)
Preparation and Materials Needed
1 pie tin
1 hot plate
1 Popsicle stick
Matter Check-In
10 yellow crayons
10 blue crayons
Remind the class how scientist use physical properties.
Using their Science Journals, if applicable, have the
students draw and label their crayon. They also need to
list the physical properties. Then, show the students
how to take off the paper wrapper around the crayon.
Have an assistant pick up all the crayons and to place
them in the pie tin. Once they are gathered in the tin,
ask the students to draw what they see again. Help them
to notice that the crayons are mixed but can still be
taken apart. Each crayon is still the same color/shape.
What do they think will happen when you add heat (a
type of energy) to the pie tin? Turn on the hot plate.
Carefully stir the mixture, with the Popsicle stick, as it
melts. What do they see? Once the crayons have melted
and turned green, have the students draw what they see
and notice that the physical properties have changed.
Allow the pie tin to cool over night.
Day 9: Complete Crayon Experiment
Crayon Experiment Review and Venn Diagram
Begin by having the class review the experiment from
the day before. Once again look at the pie tin and make
observations. Using a Venn Diagram, compare and
contrast the physical properties of the premelted
crayons, melted, and cooled crayons. What made them
change? What made the physical properties change?
Make sure they understand some physical properties are
changed through heat and loss of heat.
Crayon Experiment Continued
Remind the students that yesterday they each had a
crayon. Now they don’t. Is there a way to share the giant
blue crayon we made? Cut the giant crayon apart so that
each student gets a piece. How did we change this
physical property? Make sure they understand some
physical properties are changed by cutting or breaking.
Ask the students if the new crayon will always stay that
shape. If you use it will it remain the same shape?
*If you would like to continue this, you can also have
them sand the crayon or make texture drawings to
explore other ways the physical properties can change.
A, M
M, T
Properties of Matter Video
Watch “Properties of Matter, Part 2” through Discovery
Education (17:00). Discuss any insights.
Day 10: Making and Baking Playdough
Playdough-Materials Needed
½ cup of salt for every 2 kids
½ cup of water for every 2 kids
1 cup of flour for every 2 kids
food dye
4 by 4 square of wax paper
Making Playdough
Today the students are going to explore matter that
changes when it is heated. Mix the first three
ingredients together and add food dye as needed. Give a
portion to each student and have them write and draw
what they see and feel. Remind them to describe the
physical properties and label their picture. What state is
the matter in now? Can they fold it? Can they easily
change the shape? Then, have the students manipulate
the playdough into their favorite shape.
Baking Playdough
Explain that you are going to heat the playdough after
school. Based on what they know, why do they think will
happen? (The soft, solid playdough will turn into a hard,
solid). Look on the internet for baking directions. Ask
your school cafeteria for oven use.
Day 11: Making Pudding (Mixing Solids and Liquids)
Discussion on How Heat Changes Matter
Show the students the playdough creation they made
the day before. How did it change? Can we still easily
change the shape? Heat has changed the physical
properties of the matter.
Pudding Materials
4 boxes of instant pudding
containers to make the instant pudding
Making Pudding
With the students gathered, make the instant pudding.
Discuss how the solid pieces mixed with the liquid and
became a liquid. What do they think will happen when
M, T
the liquid is cooled? Place the pudding containers in the
Science Journals
While you are gone, have the students answer this
question in their Science Journal. Do all solids dissolve in
liquid? Why or why not. Once they have answered the
question, let them share their thoughts with the group.
Mixing Liquids and Solids Groups
Teacher will divide class into four groups. Each group
will need the following supplies:
1 box of jell-o/salt/or sugar
Fruit Loops
4 cups filled half-way with water
Group will mix each of the solids into a cup of water:
Jell-O, fruit loops, raisins, and sand. With their group,
have them make a hypothesis explaining if their solids
will dissolve with the liquids. Perform the experiments.
Gather the students to share their observations.
Systems Discussion and Pudding Eating
Go check on the pudding and serve it to the class. While
they snack, write the word System on the board. What is
a system? Systems are separate parts that come
together to perform a function they could not perform
separately. Give some examples.
Day 12: Paper Helicopters and Systems
(adapted from TAKSCOPES)
In this activity, students will be looking how things can
be done to materials to change their function and
physical properties. They will also come to understand
that a system is anything made up of parts and if part of
a system is missing, it does not function properly.
Paper Helicopters Materials
-note card folded down center (horizontally) and then
cut vertically at top half and folded to create
“propellers” (two per group)
-paperclips (two per group)
*You may also refer to this paper helicopter using the
FOSS KIT-Forces and Motion
Science Journal Entry
M, T
Paper Helicopters Activity
1) Make two paper helicopters.
2) Hold one of the paper helicopters above your head
and release it. What does it do? How does it move?
3) Add the paper clip to the bottom so that it creates a
weighted axis. What happens when you release it now?
Did it function in the same way?
4) Now carefully use the scissors and cut off the
propellers of one of your paper helicopters. What does it
do? How does it move?
Paper Helicopter Discussion
Discuss what was learned by adding/removing parts of
your “Paper Helicopter” system. Make sure that the
students understand that a system does not function
properly and/or can function in a new way when
adding/removing parts to a system.
Click pen Activity
In this activity, once again you are addressing the fact
that when materials are combined they can do things
that they cannot do by themselves.
1) Have students/groups observe a click pen. Then they
will take it apart.
2) In their science journal/sheet of paper, have students
draw the parts of the click pen. Can they figure out what
each part does?
Discuss if this click pen would work if one of its parts
were missing.
Day 13: Matter in the World Around You
Matter in the World Around You
Divide the class into groups. Give each group a white
board to hold their thoughts. Ask the students how
many different ways they see matter changing in the
world around them. Have them brainstorm together and
document their thoughts on the whiteboard. Their
thoughts need to be labeled clearly. Each time they have
a completed thought, they can raise their hand for you
to evaluate their white board. If they successfully came
up with one, give them a unifix cube. The group with the
most cubes wins!
Whiteboard Idea
M, T
M, T
Matter Check-In (Post Assessment)
When they have finished this review, give them the
Matter Check-In sheet for the final time. This is their
chance to let you know exactly what they have learned
in this unit. Based on the class, the teacher can either
give a fresh Matter Check-In sheet or give them the
original sheet to make changes.
Performance Assessment
Introduce performance assessment by reading the
options and going over the rubric (U and S+). Explain to
the students that tomorrow they will start their projects
and they will have two days to complete them.
Day 14-15:Performance Assessments
Begin and complete performance assessments.
Suggested Homework Assignment
What’s In My Bag?
Send students home with a brown paper bag and a note
card. Instruct students to choose one object from home
and place it in the bag. On the notecard, have students
write three clues about the object’s physical properties.
The next day, students will go around the room and
hypothesize what is in their classmates’ bags. After 10
minutes, students will reveal the contents of the bag.
Suggested Supplemental Lessons
Guest Speaker
Invite an architect to talk to your class about using
materials/matter to change things or build things. They
can discuss how different types of liquids, solids, and
gases help them construct their models. They can
discuss how the different parts of matter work together
as a system.
Suggested Resources:
1. TAKScopes (Subscription needed)
2. Thinkfinity
4. Brainpop, Jr.
“Solids, Liquids, and Gases” (4:13)
“Changing States of Matter” (5:54)
5. KLRN/Discovery Education Videos for K-2:
“Properties of Matter, Part I” (20:00)
“Properties of Matter, Part II: Solids, Liquids, and Gases” (17:00)
“A First Look at Solids, Liquids, and Gases” (17:00)
Matter Check-In
Matter Check-In
Classifying Matter Sorting Stations
Matter Vocabulary Sorting Cards
Measuring Mass
GoGurt Experiment Sheet
Matter Matters Outline
Matter Invention Outline
Matter Matters Rubric
Matter Invention Rubric
Name: ________________
Matter Check In
1. Why does classifying matter help us learn about the world around us?
2. How do changes in matter affect our everyday life?
3. Why is energy important?
4. How do materials work together?
Classifying Matter
Measuring Mass
Unit of measurement________
Name of Object
Sorting by Shape, Texture & Flexibility
Shape Texture Flexibility
Circle one way you sorted the objects and draw it below. Be
sure to label your sort.
Measuring Temperature
Water Cups
Temperature in Fahrenheit
Ice Cold Water
Tap Water
Warmed Water
Brainpop, Jr. Video
Watch the Brainpop Jr. video on Solids, Liquids, and Gases.
Listen carefully and then take the quiz (EASY or HARD).
I took the EASY or HARD quiz.
(circle one)
Matter that keeps
its shape
Matter that can flow
and take the shape
of its container
Matter that spreads
out to fill an entire
What makes up all
The amount of
matter in something
To become different
To watch
How large or small
something is
How long an item is
To change from a
solid to a liquid
Physical Property
Things you can see or
measure on an item
Mix together
The pieces of a
The outline of an
How easily an object
can bend without
The measurement of
how hot or cold
something is
The feel, look and
thickness of a solid
or liquid
A higher
Power; the ability to
make change
Name: ____________________
Measuring Mass
Object: ________________
Mass: __________________
Unit of Mass: _____________
Object: ________________
Mass: __________________
Unit of Mass: _____________
Object: ________________
Mass: __________________
Unit of Mass: _____________
Object: ________________
Mass: __________________
Unit of Mass: _____________
GoGurt Experiment
Questions: What are the observable differences between solids and
Frozen GoGurt
Thinking about this experiment and comparing the two forms of
GoGurt, answer the following questions:
Is the
GoGurt a solid or a liquid? Justify your answer.
Is the
GoGurt a solid or a liquid? Justify your answer.
Matter Matters
In the box below, draw a picture of an everyday activity. Make
sure to label your picture.
Name of Activity____________________________________
Choose at least 5 of the parts from your picture and identify its
state of matter.
Name of Part
State of Matter
(solid, liquid or gas)
Write about the physical changes (cutting, folding, sanding,
melting) that take place during this activity.
Take one of the parts away from the activity. Can this activity
still take place? Can this activity still function? Explain your
Matter Invention
In the box below, draw a picture of an everyday object. Make sure
to label all of the parts.
Name of Object____________________________________
Describe the properties of this object and how it is used. Fill in as
many as possible.
Solid, liquid or gas
How is it used (purpose):
Change your object in some way so that it serves a different,
useful purpose. Draw your new “invention” below and be sure to
label the parts.
Describe how you changed your object. What is its new function?
What did you add or take or take away to allow it to function in a
new, useful way.
Name: ________________________
Matter Matters Rubric
States of
Changes in
Parts of
I did not work on
my project. It is
not finished.
I did not
matter or
did it
I did not
identify a
change in
I did not
parts of my
I do not
know what a
system is.
I used part of my
time to work but I
played often. My
project is sloppy.
I identified
1-4 states of
I identified
1-2 changes
in matter.
I identified
1-2 parts of
my activity.
I named one
part to take
out of my
I used most of my
time to work.
Sometimes I would
play. My project
looks nice.
I identified
5 states of
I identified
3-4 changes
in matter.
I identified
3-4 parts of
my activity
I named one
part of my
system to
take away
and quickly
the result.
I used most of my
time wisely. My
project looks like
second grade
I identified
5-9 states of
I identified
5 changes
in matter.
I identified
5 parts of
my activity.
I named 1
part of my
system to
take away
and fully
the results.
I used all of my
time wisely. My
project looks like
third grade work.
I identified
10 or more
states of
I identified
more than
5 changes
in matter.
I identified
more than
5 parts of
my activity.
I named and
parts. I fully
Matter Invention Rubric
Presentation and
Work Ethic
Describing Your
Changing Your
Usefulness of
New Object
I did not work on
my project. My
work is not
I chose an
I did not change
my object.
You cannot use
my new object.
I worked on my
project a little
bit. I played a
I chose an
object and drew
I changed my
object but I am
not sure what it
I can come up
with a job for
my object but it
doesn’t make
I worked on my
project for most
of the time but
it has some
I chose an
object and drew
it very clearly. I
used some labels
and description.
I have changed
my object. I
described and
drew my new
My object
needs other
parts to
complete its
I worked hard on
my project and it
looks like 2
grade work.
I chose an
object and drew
it very carefully.
I have labeled
and described
most parts.
My new object is
unique and
creative. I took
my time with my
drawing and
My new object
has a clear job
and can easily
serve its
I worked very
hard on my
project and it
looks like third
grade work.
The drawing of
my object is a
work of art. I
have labeled and
described every
My new object is
very unique and
creative. I have
clearly drawn
and described
my new object.
I have created
a new invention
and it performs
its job