Graduate Graduation Application FAQs
Q: When is my graduation application due?
A: Graduate graduation applications are due to the Registrar’s Office by the
third Friday of the Fall semester if you plan to graduate in December, May, or
August of that academic year. Specific dates are listed on the Registrar’s
Q: How do I know what classes to list on my application?
A: Log in to DegreeWorks (located in Unify under PAWS, Student Services,
then Student Records) and review your worksheet. Identify which courses
you still need to complete and the number of overall and upper-level hours
you still need to take. Then draft a semester-by-semester plan that will allow
you to complete each requirement.
Q: Okay, I’ve filled out my application. What next?
A: Pay your $45 graduation fee online. Attach a copy of your receipt to your
graduation application.
Make and keep an appointment with your academic advisor to review your
application. Take your completed graduation application to your advising
appointment and turn it in to your advisor. (Do not take a blank application
to your advisor and expect him or her to fill it out for you.)
Q: How do I submit my application?
A: Either deliver it to the Registrar’s Office in Parks Hall 107 or mail it to
Campus Box 069, Milledgeville, Georgia 31061 by the published deadline.
Q: How will I know that the Registrar’s Office has received my application?
A: As soon as the Registrar’s Office receives your application, your graduation
application status in DegreeWorks will change to “Application Submitted.”
Until the Registrar’s Office is in receipt of your application, you have not
applied for graduation.
Q: How long will it take to review my application?
A: Generally, it takes the Registrar’s Office four weeks from the date we receive
your application until it is fully checked and returned.
Applications are checked in the order in which they are received. If you wait
until the due date to submit your application, it may take longer to receive
your copy in the mail.
Q: How will I know if my graduation application has been approved?
A. The Registrar will do an initial review of your application and note any
deficiencies. A copy of that report will be sent to your graduate coordinator
and to you at the address you provide on your application. Your copy will
either state that you need to complete your courses and remaining
requirements as planned, or that you have deficiencies that you need to
address immediately. Your graduation application status will also change on
DegreeWorks to reflect that your application has been reviewed.
Q: My graduation application status on DegreeWorks keeps changing. Is
that normal?
A: Yes. After your initial review, your graduation application will be coded in
one of two ways:
Plan Reviewed by Registrar. This means that your plan has been reviewed
and accepted. Complete the courses and requirements as listed on your
graduation application by the date indicated by the reviewer.
Changes or Petitions Needed. This means that you either need to change
your planned courses, obtain a substitution or petition, or address other
deficiencies in your graduation application. Please act on these deficiencies
immediately so they do not delay your graduation date.
Later, in the semester you will graduate, your status may be changed to
Approved Pending Final Grades if your only remaining requirements are
satisfactory completion of the courses in which you are enrolled. It may also
revert to any of the other statuses if you make changes that affect your
ability to complete degree requirements.
Q: What should I do if I change my class schedule after I turn in my
A: Review your DegreeWorks audit and make sure that your change did not
affect your ability to complete requirements or affect the total hours you
need for graduation. If the change did not affect your ability to complete
your requirements within your original timeframe, you do not need to do
However, if there is now an unfulfilled requirement or you are short hours
because of your change, you need to meet with your advisor, make a new
plan for graduation, and then bring us a revised graduation application
immediately that outlines your new plans for how and when you will
complete that requirement.
Please note that it is your responsibility – not your graduate coordinator’s –
to notify the Registrar’s Office of any changes that you make to your
graduation application.
Q: What if I’m using transfer credit to fulfill requirements?
A: Your graduate coordinator will need to approve the use of any transfer work
toward your degree requirements. This may be done on a transient form, a
revised program of study, a substitution form, or with an email from your
coordinator to the Registrar’s Office.
Q: What if I’m taking one of my last courses as a transient student?
A: Include the course and the college where you are taking the course on your
graduation application. Send us a copy of your schedule as soon as you
enroll in the course. We will send you additional information about how to
be sure that we receive your final grades in time to post your degree.
Q: What should I do if I want to update my graduation date?
A: Notify the Registrar’s Office by email immediately.
Q: What do I do if I change my name after I have turned in my graduation
A: When you update your records at the Registrar’s Office, ask to update your
graduation application at the same time. We will not automatically update
the name you requested on your diploma following a name change.
Contact Information
Registrar's Office
Georgia College
Parks Hall 107, Campus Box 069
Milledgeville, GA 31061
Office: 478-445-6286
Fax: 478-445-1914
Last Update: January 22, 2018