IB 10-600
February 2014
Meet the Veteran Health
Identication Card
Newly Designed - More Secure
Frequently Asked Questions - Employee Edition
Why is VA issuing new identication cards to Veterans?
The Department of Veterans Aairs (VA) is implementing a newly redesigned, more secure Veteran
Health Identication Card (VHIC) to replace the Veteran Identication Card (VIC), which was
introduced in 2004.
In 2010, VA initiated a redesign to remove the Social Security number (SSN) from the barcode
and magnetic stripe on the VIC to improve the protection of Veterans private information and
conform with the Social Security number reduction and security mandates throughout the Federal
Government. VA is implementing the new VHIC, which incorporates the redesign.
The new cards are distinguished by additional security features that protect the Veterans personal
information and have a dierent look and feel. In addition to being more secure, the card has
been transformed into a health identication card. Similar to a typical health insurance card, the
VHIC displays the Veterans Member ID, a new, unique identier, as well as a Plan ID that reects the
Veterans enrollment in VA health care.
In February 2014, the card will be oered to newly enrolled Veterans and enrolled Veterans who have
not previously been issued a VIC and request an identication card. Then, in early April, VA will begin
automatically issuing the more secure VHIC to each VIC cardholder. After the new VHIC is received,
VA recommends Veterans dispose of their VIC as they would a credit card, and cut up or shred the card
once it is replaced.
While a VHIC is not required to receive VA health care, VA wants all enrolled Veterans to have a card
that protects their personal information.
When will the VHIC be implemented?
In February 2014, VA will begin the production of the VHIC. Initially, the card will be oered to newly
enrolled Veterans and enrollees who have not received a VIC. Then, in early April, VA will begin a
replacement card issuance eort. By July 2014, each VIC cardholder will be automatically mailed a
VHIC, assuring enrolled Veterans have identication that is safe, authentic, secure, and accurate.
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What is the main information on the barcode and magnetic stripe?
The SSN will no longer be available on the card.
The barcode contains:
VHIC Card Number
• Electronic Data Interchange Personal Identier from Department of Defense (DoD EDIPI)
The magnetic stripe contains:
VA cardholders Name
VHIC card number
VA Internal Control Number from Master Veteran Index (MVI ICN)
• Electronic Data Interchange Personal Identier from the Department of Defense (DoD EDIPI)
What happens if a VHIC does not have a Member ID?
There is a small population of Veterans that do not currently have a Member ID and will have a blank
value on the Member ID section of the VHIC. Veterans can speak with an enrollment coordinator to
replace the card when a Member ID is established.
How can I use the Member ID in VA applications?
In any prompt where you are selecting a patient, you should be able enter the Member ID. The usual
display will appear.
Who will receive the VHIC cards?
New VHIC cards will only be sent to those veterans who have been processed with the VHIC System.
The VHIC Systems documentation process provides a high degree of person identication that can be
leveraged across VA.
Will the veterans service-connected status be put on the new card design?
Yes, the Veterans service-connected status will be displayed on the new card, along with his or her branch
of service and whether her or she is the receipient of the Purple Heart or Medal of Honor.
Why are cards being held from mailing to Veterans?
The VHIC was piloted at three facilities from early July to end of August, 2013. As the project moved into
national deployment, there were some applications (mostly Class 3, not nationally supported) that were
still depending on SSN-based searches. Given that the card no longer holds the SSN, those applications
were no longer able to use the card swipe or barcode readers. Sites would have had to manually type
information for Veterans with the new cards, causing frustration for both Veterans and medical center
stas. The decision to stop issuing new cards was made Sept. 16, 2013.
The main applications aected were identied and changes to them began immediately. Many
applications will be able to work with the new VHIC card in February 2014.
Although card production was stopped, VA medical center stas have been able to continue requesting
cards for issuance. As of the February, more than 130,000 VHICs were on hold pending release for
VHIC cards wll be mailed to any valid mailing address, including PO boxes. See VHA Directive 2009, Data
Entry Requirements for Administrative Data. (http://vaww1.va.gov/vhapublications/ViewPublication.
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Will the Veterans who are in receipt of the old VIC need to come in to have their picture taken for the
new VHIC?
No. Veterans who have the old VIC will automatically have their new VHIC mailed to them. No action by
the medical centers is needed. Remember, we will not begin mailing the replacement VHICs until April.
We anticipate about three months to complete mailing of over 6 million VHICs to Veterans who currently
have the old VIC.
When will the updated VHIC directive be published?
The new VHIC Directive is currently under review. We expect it to be published soon. We will keep you
When will VHIC be received by Veterans?
VHIC production will begin again February 21, 2014. Veterans should begin receiving cards at the end of
February or early March 2014 (allowing for mailing).
Will the old cards continue to work?
Will this card be proof for the new Aordable Care Act?
No. The VHIC only will indicate that the Veteran was eligible and enrolled for VA health services at the
time the card was requested. A Veteran may no longer be eligible for VA health services or may have
cancelled his/her enrollment after receiving the VHIC.
Will the new VHIC work with the existing Vet Link System?
The Vet Link System is updating its software to be able to work with the new VHIC.
Will these cards be considered as valid ID cards to board an airplane, at a bank, etc.?
VHIC is a federally issued photo identication card; however, it is up to individual agencies and
corporations to determine if they will accept the VHIC as valid ID. Generally, it is accepted.
Does the old VIC satisfy the Other Federal or State Issued ID” documentation requirement?
Yes, per VHA Directive 2012-036.
Will non-VA medical care providers be able to use the Health Plan or Member Identication number
as a means of identication instead of the Veteran/Patient’s SSN to bill for billing?
No. Non-VA medical care providers should continue to use the Veteran/Patients SSN for billing.
Gaining Access to the VHIC Application:
What do I gain access to the VHIC System?
All facilities were asked to submit a VHIC roster in July, 2013, to ensure sta had access to the system.
Updates to rosters should be submitted by the VHIC supervisor to the VHA HEC VHIC Program Team at
VHICProgramT[email protected]. Granting access to the application typically takes 12 to 24 hours once the
roster is submitted. Access to the web-based VHIC application is controlled centrally by VAs Enterprise
Provisioning system. As of Nov. 29, 2013, there were 3,800 VHIC users.
I have access to the Provisioning Website but am not able to access the CSP and IP Privileged User
Login. What are my next steps?
Contact the National Service Desk by phone at 1-888-596-4357 or by e-mail message to
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How does a person log on to the portal using the PIV card?
The VHIC system is not dependent on PIV access. It uses the existing network User ID and password.
How can I elevate my user access?
Contact your VIC supervisor.
What do I do if I cannot nd my employee listed?
Contact the AcV Tier-2 Help Desk.
How can I distinguish between a user who is authorized to access VHIC and one who is not?
After successfully logging into the site, a user who has been provisioned to access VHIC will be routed
to the VHIC home screen (“Veteran Health Identication Card (VHIC)” will be displayed at the top of the
page). Depending on the user role, there will be one or two icons, one for Card Requests and/or one for
Reports. Users who have not been provisioned will be transferred to the VA home page instead.
Do supervisors who are already provisioned need to add themselves for VHIC clerk function as well,
or can they perform both supervisor and clerk functions?
The VHIC supervisory role includes all VHIC clerk functions.
I can access the CA site but I cannot provision a user. I submitted my role as VHIC Supervisor on the
spreadsheet. What do I do now?
Contact the National Service Desk to have the provisioning level changed.
I have sta who have received their provisioning e-mail message, but their access/password did not
work. Who should they contact?
If you are experiencing problems accessing or using the VHIC 4.0.1 application or the VHIC Provisioning
application, call the VA Help Desk by phone at 1-888-596-4357 or by e-mail message to vhaistnsdtusc@
va.gov for the following issues:
• Provisioning Access
• Cannot log into the Provisioning Application
VHIC 4.0.1 Application login issues
We submitted our spreadsheet with information regarding employees who have since left the
department. Do we need to update the spreadsheet and re-send it to the VIC team?
Yes. Tell the VHIC team which employees to remove from access and who needs to be given access.
What are the minimum requirements for proong?
Veterans should provide one primary form of identication or two secondary forms of identication,
based on the following table. When inputting the type of identication used for proong, list the same
document twice if a primary form of identication is used, and each dierent document once if secondary
forms of identication are used.
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Primary Identication Secondary Identication
Present ONE form of Primary Identication If a Primary form of identication is not
available, present TWO forms of Secondary
State-issued Drivers License Certied Birth Certicate
State-issued ID Original Social Security Card
United States (U.S.) Passport DD214 or equivalent certicate issued by the
Department of Defense or War Department
VA Identication Card (VIC) or VHIC Marriage License (certied copy)
Military ID Card State Voter Registration Card
Temporary Resident Card Student ID Card
Resident Alien Card Native American Tribal Document
Permanent Resident Card Certicate of U.S. Citizenship (INS Form N-560 or
Other Federal or State-issued photo ID Certicate of Naturalization (INS Form N-550 or
Certicate issued by the U.S. Consular Oce
documenting the birth of a child on foreign soil to a
U.S. citizen (Form FS-545, Form DS-1350, Form DS-
240 or Form FS-240)
How do we proof Homeless Veterans or other Veterans who claim they cannot provide the identity
documents as requested by the VHA Directive 2012-036?
We are working with OIT to modify the system to incorporate the challenge questions described in the
directive. The challenge questions should ONLY be used “to authenticate a Veterans identity when no
acceptable Primary or Secondary Identication Documents are available …. We anticipate these changes
to be available in June 2014. In the meantime, we cannot provide new VHIC cards to this group.
Some military ID cards do not have an expiration date? What should we use instead?
Select the “N/A option, which is located to right of expiration date eld.
If a Veterans VHIC is lost and he or she requests another one, what happens?
The Veteran just needs to show valid identication to verify identity with VHIC personnel. Reproong will
not be necessary.
We still have issues with “Identify Proong Failed on some Veterans. What is wrong?
Contact the National Service Desk by phone at 1-888-596-4357 or by e-mail message to
Technical Requirements:
Do we need to have Windows 7 or will the VHIC application work with Windows XP?
The VHIC System is a web-based application. The main system requirements are internet access, Windows
7 operating system and a web camera. The website to access the VHIC System is https://vic.iam.va.gov/
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Has IT already been notied that it needs to change our system, or do we have to initiate this process?
You will need to notify your local IT to have their computers prepared.
Does this program require a dedicated computer or can we access this program from any computers?
A dedicated computer is not required.
Is the webcam considered IT equipment?
Ask your local IT department.
Where do I go to download the patches that are required for the new VHIC application?
The patches are not required for the VHIC card request program, but are for the swipe/scan devices at the
facility that uses VHIC. It enables those devices to read both the old VIC and the new VHIC.
For assistance in downloading patches, contact the National service Desk by phone at 888-596-4357 or by
e-mail message to [email protected].
Application Status Actions
Veterans Point of Service (Kiosks) System modications in Initial
Operating Capability (IOC; site
testing). Approval for IOC release
of VPS*1*2 and VetLink 5.3 received
on 12/04/13
Anticipate national release in
April 2014
HOWDY (Laboratory Kiosks) Pilot site testing underway (Atlanta,
Hampton, Pittsburgh, Kansas City,
IOC expected Feb 2014.
Anticipated national release in
Feb 2014.
Bar Code Medication
Administration (BCMA) Inpatient
VistA Patch PSB*3*70 IOC
completion in Nov 2013
BCMA Outpatient VistA Patch PSB*3*70 IOC
completion in Nov 2013
Bar Code Expansion (BCE) Planned development - No
production impact
Coordination with BCE
development team completed
BioPoint Patch PSO*7.0*434 approved for
IOC on Dec 2.
Anticipate national release in
TBD; BioPoint vendor software
being modied
ScriptPro Pilot site testing underway (Atlanta,
Hampton, Pittsburgh, Kansas City,
Anticipate national release in
Feb 2014; ScriptPro vendor
software being modied
CPRS GUI Working with Tuscon to make
changes to their routine
Date for testing TBD. (Class 3
HOMES application Access to read VHIC app Complete
VA Police Access to read VHIC app Complete
Where can I nd the training material for the new VHIC application?
Training materials aligned with the VHIC Application and cards have been posted to http://vaww.vistau.
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Can I take the VHIC picture the same day the Veteran applies for VA health care?
No. The Veteran information will have to be entered into the enrollment system rst.
How do I login to the new VHIC application?
The URL for the VHIC site is https: //vic.iam.va.gov/VIC/faces/index.jsf. You will not be able to access it
until you and your employees have completed the provisioning actions.
What is available in the Reports option?
Available reports will vary depending on access level. Basic reports include Card Request Totals, Card
Status, Multiple Requests and Card History and Veteran Searches. For more information, see the User
Guide posted at http://vaww.vistau.med.va.gov/vistau/VHIC/.
How long does it take to process and mail the new cards once they’re ordered?
Card requests take seven to 10 days to process and be mailed to Veterans.
Is there a place to see what cards are on hold and why?
VHIC does not have a hold system. If a Veteran does not qualify for card at the time of application, the
card request process will not be completed.
Can the same picture be reused when a new card is ordered?
A new picture must be taken every time.
For integrated VISNs, will there be the ability to pull requests and reports based on the ve-digit site
indicator, or will reports be VISN-wide only?
Currently, reports can be pulled up by VISN-wide only. We are working with our IT development team to
allow more customizable reports, to include the ability to retrieve data by local facility.
Does each site need to submit a change request or is there a national request in place to have the
pictures available in Vista Imagining?
National requests are being worked for applications, such as Vista Imaging.
Does anyone have an updated VHIC CPM to include the new web-based provisioning system that they
can share?
The VHIC User Guide is available at the VHIC VistaU site http://vaww.vistau.med.va.gov/vistau/VHIC/.
I have tried to use the VHIC System but I receive the error “The Veteran cannot be proofed. I cannot
continue. What should I do?
These errors should have signicantly subsided as a x to a defect was implemented Dec. 10, 2013. If
you still see this error, send an encrypted e-mail message with the Veterans name, SSN and date of birth
to the VA IAM Help Desk at [email protected]v and Kevin McDonald at Kevin.McDonald3@
What to know if my site has customizations for CPRS to display the picture?
Some Class 3 modications (local modications not nationally supported) have been reported at some
sites regarding CPRS GUI when a photo is displayed when pulling a Veteran record. This modication uses
the photo from VistA Imaging. VistA Imaging no longer receives updates from the VHIC System as of Sept.
6, 2013.
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Given that this is a Class 3 modication, we cannot mandate changes to it. We continue to search for a
site (technical and business team) that would be willing to volunteer to make the local modication. The
National OIT, Product Support and Chief Business Oce are ready to support the site that volunteers to
The earliest the National CPRS product team can integrate the photo into the Class 1 National Product is
Issue resolution:
For issues with the new VHIC Application, such as requesting a card, taking pictures or running reports,
enter a remedy ticket.
Send an e-mail message to VHA HEC VHIC Program Team” if you experience issues with:
VHIC User National Roster needs to be updated for your facility
VHIC 4.0.1 Application log-in information
Who do I contact for other issues?
CBO continues to partner with Product Support and Product Development in revising the training
materials and communications and strengthening our Help Desk support.
We are working to provide more communication to the local IT/IRM teams so they can resolve local
questions regarding the VHIC System – system setup, camera setup, access to VHIC System and issue
Type of Issue Mail Group
VHIC Policy Laura Prietula ([email protected])
Inquiries from Congress, news/reporters, Veterans
and VSOs
Greg Eslinger ([email protected]v)
VHIC program updates
VHIC User Roster updates and triaging business
VHA HEC VHIC Program Team
General VHIC system errors, slow system, timeouts
or inability to log into the system
National Service Desk - Tuscaloosa
Veteran proong errors VA IAM Help Desk
Troubleshooting records [email protected] and Kevin McDonald
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