PROFORMA-AGREE BOILERPLATE_2021-11-02 (incl prevailing wage)
AGREEMENT made this day of , 202_, pursuant to the provisions of the
Delaware River Basin Compact, by and between the DELAWARE RIVER BASIN
COMMISSION (“Commission”), acting by and through its Executive Director, and
(“Contractor”) herein sometimes referred to jointly as "the Parties."
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the promises and undertakings hereinafter set
1. Employment of Contractor. The Commission hereby agrees to engage the Contractor,
and the Contractor hereby agrees to perform the services hereinafter set forth in accordance with
the following terms.
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2. Scope of Services.
(a) The Contractor will conduct the work outlined in the Commission’s Request for
Proposal (“RFP”) (incorporated herein as Attachment 1), in a manner deemed by the
Commission to be satisfactory and proper, and in accordance with procedures outlined in the
Contractor’s Proposal dated ____________ (incorporated herein as Attachment 2). In cases
where the Contractor believes that modifications to the work as outlined in the Commission’s
RFP or in the Contractor’s Scope of Services are necessary to improve the final product, such
modifications will be approved by the Commission staff prior to implementation, in accordance
with Section 13, below.
3. Deliverables to be Furnished by Contractor to Commission. In addition to the
deliverables specified in the Contractor’s Scope of Services, the Contractor must submit:
4. Use of Recycled Paper. The Contractor must use recycled paper for all reports prepared
as part of this Agreement.
5. Supervision. Supervision of this Agreement for the Commission will be under the
direction of _____________________.
6. Personnel.
(a) The Contractor represents that it has employed or will employ, at its own expense, all
personnel required in performing the services under this Agreement. Such personnel will be
employees of the Contractor and will not be considered employees of or have any contractual
relationship with the Commission.
(b) All of the services required hereunder will be performed by the Contractor or under
its supervision and all personnel engaged in the work will be fully qualified to perform the tasks
assigned and, to the extent necessary, will be authorized or licensed under State and local law to
perform such services.
(c) In accordance with Section 15.1(i) of the Delaware River Basin Compact and Section
23 of this Agreement, all laborers and mechanics employed by Contractor or any subcontractor in
connection with this Agreement must be paid wages at rates not less than those prevailing in the
PROFORMA-AGREE BOILERPLATE_2021-11-02 (incl prevailing
area for the type of work to be performed as determined by the United States Secretary of Labor,
and all such workers must receive compensation at a rate of not less than one and one-half times
their basic rate of pay for all hours worked in any work week in excess of eight hours in any work
day or forty hours in any work week.
(d) None of the work or services covered by this Agreement will be subcontracted unless
prior written approval of the Commission has been obtained.
7. Representation Before Sponsoring Agencies. The Contractor agrees that it will not appear
before or represent any party before any of the following agencies for the purpose of providing or
interpreting information obtained or produced as a result of performing services under this
Agreement without the written consent of that agency: Delaware River Basin Commission, New
Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, Delaware Division of Natural Resources and
Environmental Control, New York Department of Environmental Conservation, Pennsylvania
Department of Environmental Protection, United States Environmental Protection Agency and
United States Army Corps of Engineers.
8. Time of Performance. The Contractor will commence work under this Agreement as soon
as practicable after the execution of the Agreement. The Agreement will be undertaken in such
manner as to assure its expeditious completion, but in any event all of the services will be
completed no later than ____________, unless a different date is agreed upon in advance and in
writing by the Parties.
9. Compensation. The total payable to the Contractor by the Commission for the services
required under this Agreement will not exceed $_________, unless agreed to by the parties. This
sum will be funded through __________________________.
(a) The Commission will pay the Contractor upon proof of satisfactory progress for each
of the components listed in the Contractor’s Scope of Services and the Contractor’s Schedule of
Hourly Rate. Payment will be made within 30 days following submission of an invoice. The
invoice will be in such form as may be required by the Commission and approved by the Executive
Director. Billing will be based each month on the work completed. Ten percent of each payment
will be withheld pending completion and acceptance by the Commission of all final work products.
11. Termination of Agreement for Cause.
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(a) In addition to any other rights established by law, the Commission will have the right
to terminate this Agreement if the Contractor fails to fulfill in a timely and proper manner its
obligations under this Agreement or violates any of the provisions of this Agreement. The
Commission will exercise this right to terminate by giving written notice of termination to the
Contractor, specifying the effective date of termination. The Contractor will cease to perform any
work or services for the Commission under this Agreement as of the specified date of termination.
(b) In the event of a termination under subsection (a) hereof, the Contractor will be
entitled to just and equitable compensation only for such work as has been satisfactorily performed,
completed and actually delivered to the Commission prior to the date of termination, subject to the
further provisions of subsection (c) hereof, and in no event shall the amount be payable to the
Contractor exceed the amount that would be payable under Section 9 hereof. The Commission will
be entitled upon demand to immediate possession of any finished or unfinished work product that
is in the control of the Contractor at the date of termination. In the event of termination under this
subsection, the Contractor will receive compensation on the same basis and to the same extent as
provided herein for work already in the possession of the Commission, provided that the
Contractor may retain copies of original drawings and specifications for its internal business use.
(c) The Commission's election to terminate this Agreement under subsection (a) above
will not relieve the Contractor of its liability to the Commission under this Agreement for damages
sustained by the Commission as a result of the Contractor's failure to perform or breach of this
Agreement. The Commission, in addition to any other rights it may have, may deduct from any
amounts otherwise payable to the Contractor or may recover from the Contractor any costs or
expenses incurred to complete the work and services required of the Contractor under this
12. Termination of Agreement.
(a) The Commission will have the right to terminate this Agreement for any reason,
including, but not limited to, the fact that appropriations, grants or other funds necessary for the
financing of this Agreement are not made available to the Commission, but such termination will
not be effective until the Contractor is given at least fifteen days' written notice of the
Commission's decision to terminate the Agreement.
(b) In the event of a termination under subsection (a) hereof, the Contractor will be
entitled to be compensated for all work performed and completed as of the date of termination, but
PROFORMA-AGREE BOILERPLATE_2021-11-02 (incl prevailing
in no event for an amount greater than provided in Section 9 hereof. Any amounts that previously
had been withheld by the Commission for such work will be payable to the Contractor. In addition,
the Contractor will be entitled to be reimbursed for any actual out-of-pocket expenses incurred by
the Contractor prior to termination that are directly attributable to any uncompleted portions of
work or services covered by this Agreement. The Commission will be entitled upon demand to
immediate possession of any finished or unfinished work product that is in the control of the
Contractor at the date of termination, in which event the Contractor will receive compensation on
the same basis and to the same extent as provided herein for work already in the possession of the
Commission, provided that the Contractor may retain copies of original drawings and
specifications for its internal business use.
13. Changes. The Commission may, from time to time, request changes in the scope of the
services to be performed hereunder by the Contractor. Such changes, including any increase or
decrease in the amount of the Contractor's compensation, which are mutually agreed upon by and
between the Commission and the Contractor, will be incorporated in written amendments to this
14. Contractor’s Performance Standards. The Contractor bears full professional and technical
responsibility for performance of its services as provided herein in accordance with recognized
The Contractor will be responsible for the cost of correcting and modifying its services
which fail to meet the foregoing standards.
The Contractor will reimburse the Commission for all costs incurred by it to correct,
modify or redesign any product submitted by the Contractor that as a result of a negligent act, error
or omission on the part of the Contractor, its agents, servants or employees is found to be not in
accordance with the provisions of this Agreement.
15. Insurance Provided by the Contractor. The Contractor will provide, during the term of
this Agreement, insurance applicable to its operations as follows:
(a) Worker's Compensation with statutory limits, and Employer Liability Insurance with
a limit of $1,000,000 per accident to provide for payment to the Contractor's employees in
connection with the services covered by this Agreement and/or their dependents, of Worker's
Compensation benefits, including, when required, Occupational Disease benefits in accordance
PROFORMA-AGREE BOILERPLATE_2021-11-02 (incl prevailing
with applicable law. Applicable law shall include but shall not be limited to the U.S.
Longshoremen's and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act and the Jones Act.
(b) Comprehensive General Liability Insurance on standard bureau form excluding
professional liability but including Premises-Operations, Contractual Liability, Owner's and
Contractor's Protective Liability, and Completed Operations Insurance, with a combined single
limit of $1,000,000 per occurrence and annual aggregate, for bodily injury and/or personal injury,
including death and property damage.
(c) Comprehensive Automobile Public Liability Insurance (including owned,
non-owned, and hired automobiles) with a combined single limit for bodily injury, death and
property damage of $1,000,000 per accident. This policy also provides coverage for Automobile
Comprehensive, Fire and Theft insurance subject to a $100 deductible and Collision insurance
subject to a $500 deductible on owned commercial vehicles.
(d) The Contractor will maintain from the start of this Agreement until three (3) years
after completion of this Agreement, a project professional liability insurance policy with limits of
$1,000,000 for any one claim and in the aggregate for the project.
(e) The Contractor will provide the Commission, upon execution of this Agreement, the
appropriate certificates of insurance, as outlined above, including the Commission as an additional
insured for the term of this Agreement.
16. The Contractor, or any subcontractor, agrees to indemnify the Commission pursuant to
item 17, herein.
17. Indemnification. The Contractor agrees to indemnify and save harmless the Commission
and its Commissioners, agents, servants and employees for and from all claims, demands, suits,
actions, recoveries, and judgments of every name and description, brought, recovered or extracted
against it, for, or on account of any injuries or damages received or sustained by any party or
parties by reason of any negligent act or omission of Contractor or of any agent or servant of
Contractor, in or incident to the performance of the services under this Agreement, or by or in
consequence of any negligence or carelessness in carrying out the same, including but not limited
to: those in connection with the death of or injury to the person, or damages to the property of
Contractor, or any of the agents, servants or employees of Contractor who must be engaged in or
about the work to be performed under this Agreement; or failure to pay any subcontractors or
PROFORMA-AGREE BOILERPLATE_2021-11-02 (incl prevailing
suppliers, any breach of this Contract, and any infringement or violation of any proprietary right
(including, but not limited to, patent, copyright, trademark, service mark and trade secret).
18. Non-discrimination. There shall be no discrimination against any employee who is
employed in the work covered by this Agreement, or against any applicant for such employment,
because of race, religion, color, sex or national origin. This provision shall include, but shall not
be limited to, the following: employment, promotion, demotion or transfer; recruitment or
recruitment advertising; layoff or termination; rates of pay or other forms of compensation; and
selection of training, including apprenticeship. The Contractor will insert a similar provision in all
subcontracts for services covered by this Agreement.
19. Assignability. The Contractor will not assign any interest in this Agreement, and will not
transfer any interest in this Agreement (whether by assignment or novation) without the prior
written consent of the Commission thereto; provided, however, that claims for money due or to
become due the Contractor from the Commission under this Agreement may be assigned to a bank,
trust company, or other financial institution without such approval. Notice of any such assignment
or transfer will be furnished promptly to the Commission.
20. Interest of Contractor. The Contractor covenants that it presently has no interest and must
not acquire any interest, direct or indirect, which would conflict in any manner or degree with the
performance of his services hereunder. The Contractor further covenants that in the performance
of this Agreement no person having such interest will be employed.
21. Release of Findings. Any draft reports, information, data, etc., given to or prepared or
assembled by the Contractor under this Agreement will not be made available to or used for any
individual or organization by the Contractor until it has been accepted in final form as determined
by the Commission. Written notification by the Commission to the Contractor or payment in full
for the services rendered under this Agreement will signify acceptance in final form.
22. Ownership and Copyright of Computer Programs and Study Reports, Etc. The computer
programs, data and other work products produced by the Contractor under this Agreement will be
the property of the Commission. No report, document or other data produced in whole or in part
with funds paid by the Commission in consideration of services rendered under this Agreement
will be copyrighted by the Contractor nor will any notice of copyright be registered by the
Contractor in connection with any report, document or other data developed by it for the Study.
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This section does not restrict the investigator’s right to publish in scientific journals or to present
papers at conferences and submit them for publication in conference proceedings.
23. Compliance with Compact and Other Laws. In the performance of this Agreement, the
Contractor will comply with all of the requirements of the Delaware River Basin Compact and,
without limitation thereto, the provisions of subsections 15.1(i) and 15.1(j) of Public Law 87-328,
75 Stat. 688, as well as all other applicable provisions of State and Federal laws.
24. Utilization of Small, Minority and Women’s Business Enterprises. The Commission is
required to ensure to the fullest extent possible that at least a “Fair Share” equal to 8% of Federal
funds (MBEs 3%, WBEs 5%) for prime contract or subcontracts for supplies, construction,
equipment or services is made available to organizations owned or controlled by socially and
economically disadvantaged individuals, women and historically black colleges and universities.
The Commission will require and the Contractor agrees to include in its bid documents the
negotiated “Fair Share” percentages and require all of its prime contractors to include in their bid
documents for subcontracts the negotiated “Fair Share” percentages.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Commission and the Contractor have executed this Agreement
as of the date first above written.
Pamela M. Bush, Esq., Secretary and Steven J. Tambini, P.E.
Assistant General Counsel Executive Director
Approved as to form and legal sufficiency for the
this this ____ day of , 202_ , by
Pamela M. Bush, Esq., Secretary and
Assistant General Counsel