Issuing eWarrants in Queensland Courts Page 1 of 4
PRO75C - Version: 1.0
Issuing eWarrants in Queensland Courts
1 Commencement
1.1 This procedure commenced 24 March 2021.
2 Purpose
2.1 This procedure outlines the processes required for registry staff within Queensland
Courts to create and manage electronic warrants (eWarrants).
3 Scope
3.1 This procedure applies to registry staff in Queensland Courts who are responsible for
generating, verifying, authorising, and sending warrants electronically to the
Queensland Police Service (QPS).
3.2 This procedure applies to warrants of apprehension only.
4 Definitions
Term Description
A registry staff member of CSQ with appropriate QWIC access
permission who can authorise eWarrants to be sent electronically to
the QPS. An approved verifier must not be the registry staff member
who created the warrant order, unless the courthouse is staffed by a
single registry staff member.
CSO Court Service Officer.
CSOs are responsible for assisting presiding officers and parties
prior to, during, and after court as required. They can also be
classified as registry staff members, however, not all registry staff
members are CSOs.
CSQ Court Services Queensland.
eWarrant A “computer warrant” within the meaning of Division 6A of the
Justices Act 1886. Also, referred to as anelectronic warrant”.
Presiding Officer A Judge, Magistrate, Judicial Registrar or other person empowered
and lawfully entitled to order the issue of a warrant.
Publish In this instance, publishing a warrant refers to the act of confirming
warrant details and releasing the information electronically to the
Queensland Police Service.
QPRIME Queensland Police Records and Information Management
QPRIME is QPS’ case management system.
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Term Description
QPS Queensland Police Service.
QWIC Queensland Wide Inter-linked Courts system.
The system used for the management of orders, including warrants
Registry staff
A CSQ registry staff member who has access permissions to enter
and modify records in QWIC.
Warrant In this instance, reference to warrants are defined as apprehension
warrants and unless the context suggests otherwise, includes an
police officer to apprehend the person named on the warrant.
Warrant order When a person has failed to appear for a scheduled court
appearance, the presiding officer may issue an order for a warrant.
5 Roles and Responsibilities
5.1 The presiding officer orders a warrant to be issued when a person has failed to appear
for a scheduled court appearance.
5.2 The Court Service Officer (CSO) enters the presiding officer endorsed warrant order
details into the Queensland Wide Inter-linked Courts (QWIC) to generate the warrant.
The CSO alerts the approved verifier that there is a warrant that requires approval and
5.3 The approved verifier reviews the warrant against the warrant order to ensure all
details are true and accurate and publishes the warrant.
5.4 Any registry staff member can action a warrant once returned from QPS.
6 Procedure
6.1 Court Service Officer enters details of warrant order in QWIC
6.1.1 When the presiding officer orders a warrant be issued, the CSO records the details of
the order in QWIC. These details will include the given name, date of birth, and
current known address of the person identified on the order and the relevant
legislation for the warrant.
6.1.2 The CSO then advises the approved verifier that the presiding officer has ordered a
warrant and it is currently awaiting approval.
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6.2 Approved verifier reviews and confirms details of warrant and sends the warrant
details to QPS
6.2.1 The approved verifier reviews the details of the warrant in QWIC against the warrant
order; if correct the approved verifier publishes the warrant.
6.2.2 If not correct the approved verifier advises the CSO of any discrepancies that require
amending. The CSO amends where required and returns it to the approved verifier.
6.2.3 Once the approved verifier publishes the warrant in QWIC, it is sent electronically to
QPS. QWIC automatically generates a message and sends it to QPS’ system
Queensland Records and Information Management Exchange (QPRIME).
6.3 Postponing an eWarrant
6.3.1 When the presiding officer orders the issuing of the warrant be postponed until a
certain date, the CSO enters the details of the warrant into QWIC but additionally
records the postponement date and reasons (if provided). QWIC will automatically
update the warrant status to show the warrant has been postponed. The warrant will
not be visible on QWIC until the postponement date.
6.3.2 On the scheduled postponement date, QWIC will display the warrant details, which
allows the approved verifier to publish the warrant.
6.4 Withdrawing or cancelling a warrant during period of postponement
6.4.1 If the presiding officer orders the withdrawal of a postponed warrant, the CSO
withdraws the warrant prior to the scheduled postponement date and promptly
updates the warrant status in QWIC to reflect that the warrant has been withdrawn
and cancelled.
6.5 QPRIME acknowledges or rejects warrant from QWIC
6.5.1 QPRIME returns an acknowledgement message to QWIC if the warrant has been
successfully received and processed by QPS.
6.5.2 QPRIME returns a rejection message to QWIC if the warrant has not been
successfully received and/or processed by QPS.
6.5.3 In both cases of an acknowledgement or rejection message, QWIC automatically
updates the status of the warrant and displays any additional information that has
been provided by QPS, such as the reason for rejection.
6.6 The registry staff member takes further action if warrant is rejected by QPRIME
6.6.1 The registry staff member can view the rejection message in QWIC. The registry staff
member checks the physical court file and corrects data entry errors (if any) and
either issues a replacement warrant, re-lists the matter before the court, or sends it
back to QPS.
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6.7 Recalling an eWarrant
6.7.1 If a person surrenders to the court prior to the warrant being executed by QPS, the
presiding officer may order the warrant to be recalled. The registry staff member will
record the order in QWIC, resulting in QWIC sending QPRIME a warrant recall
message. QPRIME will return an acknowledgement message. Upon receipt of the
message, QWIC will automatically update the warrant status.
6.7.2 If the registry staff member recalls a warrant due to a data entry error identified by
QPS, the registry staff member records the reasoning in QWIC, and upon QPRIME
returning an acknowledgement message, checks the physical court file and issues a
replacement warrant.
6.8 Execution of an eWarrant
6.8.1 On execution of a warrant QPS updates the details in QPRIME and information is
sent to QWIC. QWIC will automatically update the warrant status to show that the
warrant has been executed and displays the warrant execution details.
6.8.2 The registry staff member updates the next court date in QWIC for persons released
on police bail once they have received a copy of the QPS bail notice and a copy of
the QPS warrant report. The warrant report details the date the warrant was
executed, details of the person listed on the warrant and the offence details. Both are
provided as hard copies by QPS after executing the warrant.
6.8.3 If the person is held in custody to appear before the court, the registry staff member
is alerted by QPS by phone and updates the details on QWIC to list the matter to be
mentioned before the presiding officer on that day. QPS will provide a copy of all
substantive charges and a copy of the warrant report. Both are provided as hard
copies by QPS on the same day as the matter is mentioned in court.
6.8.4 When the matter has been heard in court and the file returned to the registry, the
registry staff member will enter the order of the court in QWIC, for example, bail or
remand in custody.
6.9 Manually producing an eWarrant
6.9.1 Paper-based warrants are only issued if the eWarrants function within QWIC is non-
operational. A paper warrant will comply with the requirements of section 69A of the
Justices Act 1886 and any other applicable legislative or regulatory requirements.