Chapter 18: Acute Kidney Injury in the Elderly
Mitchell H. Rosner
Division of Nephrology, University of Virginia Health System, Charlottesville, Virginia
Acute kidney injury (AKI), as defined by the precip-
itous decline in GFR, is frequently encountered in
the elderly. The effect of advancing age in decreas-
ing renal reserve and the associated comorbid con-
ditions of elderly patients increase the risk for the
development of AKI. Although studies describing
the incidence of AKI in this population are difficult
to compare because the definitions of AKI vary dra-
matically from study to study, it is clear that the
elderly are at the highest risk for the development of
AKI. Indeed, Feest et al.
showed that there is a
three- to eight-fold, progressive, age-dependent in-
crease in the frequency of development of commu-
nity-acquired AKI in patients older than 60 yr of
age. The mean age of patients with AKI has in-
creased by 5 to 15 yr over the past 25 yr.
eveld et al.
showed that the age-related yearly inci-
dence of AKI rose from 17 per million in adults
under age 50 yr to 949 per million in the 80 to 89 yr
age group. Although all causes of AKI are encoun-
tered in this age group, the frequency of prerenal
and postrenal etiologies is especially prevalent in
the elderly.
Furthermore, elderly patients are more
frequently subjected to invasive procedures and ex-
posure to multiple (and possibly nephrotoxic)
medications and to radiocontrast agents, all of
which increase the risk for AKI.
In the absence of a specific disease, the kidney un-
dergoes age-dependent structural and functional
alterations leading to a significant decrease in renal
mass, functioning nephron numbers, and baseline
kidney function.
Under normal conditions, these
changes can be functionally compensated for by ad-
aptations in renal hemodynamics to maintain a suf-
ficient GFR. However, in the setting of pathophys-
iologic challenges, the older kidney lacks sufficient
functional reserve and is more likely to develop
clinically relevant damage.
Although it has been
proposed that parenchymal loss in the aging kidney
directly confers a higher susceptibility to acute
damage, this is not supported by experimental data
in which the reduction in renal mass surprisingly
protected against ischemia/reperfusion injury in a
5/6 nephrectomy model.
Thus, cellular and molec-
ular alterations that occur with aging may be more
important than simply a loss in nephron numbers.
Lameire et al.
showed that, in combination with
dehydration, a disturbance in autoregulatory de-
fense mechanisms that would normally preserve
GFR and renal blood flow can, in the elderly kidney,
lead to ischemia and AKI. One hypothesis links
blunted nitric oxide (NO) production in the elderly
kidney to an increased risk for AKI.
For example,
studies in a rat model of gentamicin-induced AKI
show that an increased glomerular NO production
seems to protect renal function through its vasodi-
latory effects.
When old and young animals are
treated with equivalent doses of gentamicin, older
animals show more severe AKI that correlates with
a blunted stimulation in NO production.
Miura et
have also hypothesized that, in addition to al-
teration autoregulation, aging tubular cells may be
more vulnerable to ischemic damage because cellu-
lar antioxidant defenses decline with age as well as
the fact that tubular cells have alterations in metab-
olism that render them more susceptible to injury
(such as an accelerated rate of ATP depletion caused
by mitochondrial alterations).
In the elderly, AKI is often iatrogenic and multifac-
torial. Elderly patients show the same spectrum for
the causes of AKI as the general population. How-
Correspondence: Mitchell H. Rosner, Division of Nephrology,
University of Virginia Health System, Box 800133, Charlottesville,
VA 22908. Phone: 434-924-2187; Fax: 434-924-5848; E-mail:
Copyright 2009 by the American Society of Nephrology
American Society of Nephrology Geriatric Nephrology Curriculum
ever, specific differences in the incidences and presentation
make this group unique. For example, elderly patients are
more likely to have received multiple concurrent insults that
result in AKI.
Prerenal AKI
Prerenal AKI is the second most common cause of AKI in the
elderly, accounting for nearly one third of cases.
The main
cause of prerenal AKI is decreased perfusion to the kidney.
Although many of the causes of renal hypoperfusion can be
reversed with adequate fluid replacement, others progress to
acute tubular necrosis (ATN). Interestingly, the evolution to
ATN occurs more frequently in the elderly than in younger
Decreased perfusion to the kidney can develop from
decrease in cardiac output or effective circulating volume (sep-
sis, cirrhosis, nephrotic syndrome) or hypovolemia (gastroin-
testinal losses, bleeding, diuretic use, poor oral intake).
Dehydration is a common occurrence in the elderly, affect-
ing nearly 1% of hospital admissions in the elderly.
Risk fac-
tors for dehydration include acute febrile illnesses, polyphar-
macy (diuretics, laxatives, drugs that decrease appetite or level
of consciousness), and being bedridden. These patients often
present in AKI with significant hypernatremia and, if un-
treated, the condition has a very high mortality rate.
It may be difficult to make the diagnosis of hypovolemic
AKI in the elderly because the clinical signs and symptoms of
dehydration (such as tachycardia, skin tenting) are unreliable.
Furthermore, the traditional urinary parameters for differen-
tiating prerenal from intrinsic renal failure may simply reflect
age-related disturbances in tubular handling of sodium and
water as well as drug effects (diuretics). Thus, a high degree of
suspicion for prerenal etiologies must be entertained, and a
cautious trial of fluid therapy may be warranted. Because of the
high incidence of urinary incontinence, a foley catheter should
be placed to closely monitor urine output.
Numerous intrarenal causes of AKI can affect the elderly, of
which ATN is the most common. An exhaustive description of
these causes is beyond the scope of this chapter; however, those
causes that are more specifically relevant to the elderly popu-
lation are discussed below.
Renovascular Diseases
This group of etiologies includes any cause of acute obstruc-
tion of the renal vasculature. Thus, cholesterol embolization
after intravascular procedures or surgery or rarely acute renal
artery thrombosis may lead to this syndrome of AKI. Elderly
patients, by virtue for their increased burden of atherosclerotic
vascular disease and increased need for invasive procedures,
are at heightened risk.
Hemodynamically Mediated AKI
Direct interference with the protective autoregulatory mecha-
nisms of renal blood flow and GFR may precipitate AKI. Drugs
commonly prescribed to the elderly and known to impair renal
autoregulation or to interfere with the vasodilatory capacity
include nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents (NSAIDs), an-
giotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEi). and angioten-
sin receptor antagonists (ARB).
Well-known risk factors for NSAID-induced AKI include
age 60 yr, atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, pre-existing
chronic kidney disease (CKD), and renal hypoperfusion states
(sodium depletion, diuretic use, cirrhosis, congestive heart
failure, hypotension, volume depletion).
In one study,
NSAIDs accounted for 15.3% of all cases of drug-induced AKI
but accounted for 25% of cases in those age 65 yr.
should be recognized that there is little evidence of NSAIDs
impairing renal function in otherwise healthy elderly individ-
In the elderly, the frequency of AKI secondary to ACEi has
been estimated to vary between 6 to 38%.
In part, this may be
to the greater incidence of significant renovascular disease in
the elderly (either bilateral renal artery stenosis, or unilateral
stenosis in a solitary functioning kidney).
Acute Tubular Necrosis
Acute tubular necrosis is the most frequent cause of AKI in the
elderly, with an incidence ranging from 25 to 87%.
The in-
sults that lead to this condition include nephrotoxins (amino-
glycosides, radiocontrast agents), pigment-induced (rhabdo-
myolysis), and ischemia (sepsis, surgery). In older patients
with ATN, several chronic premorbid conditions such as con-
gestive heart failure, hypertension, and diabetes predispose to
the development of severe tubular injury. Elderly patients
more frequently undergo significant cardiovascular surgery
(aortic aneurysm repair, bypass surgery) that is associated with
a high risk for ATN. Elderly patients are more susceptible to
serious infections and the development of sepsis and multisys-
tem organ failure. In this setting, the development of AKI re-
quiring dialysis has an attendant mortality of 80%.
Prevention of ATN requires careful attention to baseline
GFR. In the elderly, serum creatinine values may appear nor-
mal yet be associated with a significant decline in GFR. This
reliance on serum creatinine as a marker of renal function can
easily lead to inappropriate dosing of antibiotics and other
nephrotoxins. Thus, use of either the Cockroft-Gault or
Modification of Diet in Renal Disease (MDRD) equation to
estimate renal function is mandatory. When available, preven-
tative strategies such as intravenous hydration before radio-
contrast administration should be undertaken.
Acute Interstitial Nephritis
Elderly patients are at increased risk secondary to the large
number of medications that they may be taking. This may in-
clude herbal supplements and other over-the-counter medica-
tions. Given the complex comorbidities of elderly patients, it
2 Geriatric Nephrology Curriculum American Society of Nephrology
may be difficult to make the diagnosis of acute interstitial ne-
phritis (AIN) as the cause of AKI, and renal biopsy may be
Elderly patients have a higher incidence of p-anti-neutrophil
cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA) and anti-glomerular basement
membrane (GBM) associated with rapidly progressive glomer-
ulonephritis (RPGN).
Although the same principles apply to
treatment of older adults with RPGN as with younger individ-
uals, caution in the use of immunosuppressant medications
such as corticosteroids, cytotoxic drugs, and plasmapheresis is
warranted given a much higher risk of opportunistic infections
and complications. The relative risk of death is 5.3 times higher
in patients 60 yr compared with younger patients after ag-
gressive immunosuppression in the treatment of RPGN.
However, because of the potential for reversing AKI in some
forms of glomerulonephritis, one should not hesitate to per-
form a renal biopsy if indicated. The procedure does not carry
a higher risk in the elderly.
However, the presence of signifi-
cant glomerulosclerosis and arteriosclerosis in biopsy tissue
may render the interpretation of histologic findings more dif-
In two major series, the incidence of postrenal obstructive AKI
was 7.9 and 9% in patients over 65 and 70 yr, respectively.
The obstruction may be either intrinsic or extrinsic and can
occur at any level of the urinary tract. Among the causes of
lower urinary tract obstruction, the most common in males is
prostatic enlargement caused by benign prostatic hypertrophy
or carcinoma. The second most common cause in males is
urethral stricture disease often secondary to trauma. In fe-
males, the most common cause of postrenal failure is ureteral
obstruction caused by pelvic malignancy (invasive carcinoma
of the cervix). An uncommon cause of obstruction seen in the
elderly is caused by an inflammatory aortic aneurysm and can
be identified through proper imaging studies.
All elderly patients presenting with AKI require urethral
catheterization and ultrasonography to identify possible ob-
structive etiologies. False-negative ultrasonography is usually
only seen in those with very early obstruction or in those pa-
tients with significant retroperitoneal fibrosis that encases the
ureters and renal pelvis preventing dilation.
The laboratory evaluation of AKI in the elderly patient is no
different than for other patients. Attention to the history and
physical examination is critical in narrowing the differential
diagnosis to potential etiologies and to specific laboratory or
imaging tests. As stated above, given the high prevalence of
obstructive causes for AKI in this group, ultrasonography is
mandatory. Microscopic examination of the urine for cellular
elements, casts, and crystals is also mandatory and can lead to a
proper diagnosis in a rapid, efficient manner. The finding of
pigmented granular casts in the urine is indicative of tubular
damage and supports the diagnosis of ATN. The appearance of
red blood cell casts in the urine indicates active glomerular
damage (glomerulonephritis) and warrants consideration of
whether a renal biopsy should be performed. Urine electro-
lytes, urine eosinophils, and serologic testing for glomerulone-
phritis should be used when appropriate. There are no specific
caveats for the elderly patient in this regard.
In general, the treatment of AKI in the elderly follows the same
principles as for the general population. However, the decision
to initiate dialytic support in the very elderly with multiple
comorbidities and a very poor prognosis may be difficult. This
is especially true for those individuals with significant baseline
renal impairment where the likelihood of renal recovery may
be low. The decision to initiate dialysis in these patients re-
quires a coordinated discussion with family members, consult-
ing physicians and other care providers.
Given the morbidity and mortality associated with AKI, pre-
ventative strategies are clearly important. Tables 1 and 2 list
both general preventative strategies and exposure-specific
strategies that can be used in patients at risk for AKI.
Table 1. General approaches for the prevention of AKI
Avoidance of nephrotoxins
Recognition of potential nephrotoxic agents
Recognition of high risk patients and clinical settings
Avoidance of concomitant use of multiple nephrotoxins
Use of lowest dose and for shortest time possible
If applicable, monitoring of drug dose
Frequent monitoring of renal function
Maintain euvolemia
Minimization of nosocomial infection
Extracellular fluid expansion
(maintain good urine output, stable hemodynamics)
Avoid agents that impair renal blood flow autoregulation
(NSAIDS, ACE inhibitors, ARBs)
Pharmacologic interventions if applicable
Use of computer surveillance systems
Identify high risk patients and medications
Determine correct dose for GFR
American Society of Nephrology Geriatric Nephrology Curriculum 3
A recent systematic review and meta-analysis of recovery of
kidney function after AKI in the elderly has shown that recov-
ery after AKI is approximately 28% less likely to occur when
the patient is older than 65 yr.
Whether these results are
caused by the effects of advanced age on the kidney itself or the
increased number of comorbidities (including baseline CKD)
in the elderly is not certain. Long-term recovery is also less
likely and it is believed that AKI in elderly more often results in
The lower likelihood of renal recovery in the elderly
may be due to the effects of aging to impair the capacity for
kidney repair.
The capacity for renal epithelial cell prolifera-
tion declines with aging as does the function of progenitor and
stem cells that are critical for tubular repair.
Several other individual studies have not been able to show
that age is specifically associated with impaired renal recov-
Thus, in the individual patient, it may not be clear if age
is an independent predictor of a poor prognosis and other
comorbid conditions may play a more important role in driv-
ing the risk for poor outcomes.
For numerous reasons, elderly patients are at higher risk for the
development of AKI, and certain causes of AKI are more com-
monly seen in this group. In fact, there are more often multiple
etiologies of AKI in this age group. Diagnostic approaches to
AKI should focus on the most likely etiologies. Because of mul-
tiple factors, the likelihood of complete renal recovery is im-
paired in this group.
Elderly patients are at higher risk for the development of AKI
Specific hemodynamic, metabolic, and molecular changes lead to in-
creased susceptibility to injury in the aged kidney
Certain causes of AKI are more common in the elderly: postrenal
obstructive disease, ischemic ATN, and hemodynamically mediated
Multiple etiologies are often operative in the development of AKI
Diagnostic and therapeutic issues in AKI are no different for the elderly
patient as for the general population
The outlook for renal recovery is likely impaired in the elderly patient
*Key References
1. Feest TJ, Round A, Hamad S: Incidence of severe acute renal failure in
adults: results of a community-based study. BMJ 306: 481– 483, 1993*
2. Turney JH, Marshall DH, Brownjohn AM, Ellis CM, Parsons FM: The
evolution of acute renal failure. QJM 74: 83–104, 1990
3. Groeneveld AB, Tran DD, van der Meulen J, Nauta JJ, Thijs LG: Acute
renal failure in the intensive care unit: predisposing, complicating
factors affecting outcome. Nephron 59: 602–610, 1991
4. Macı´as-Nu´n˜ ez JF, Lo´ pez-Novoa JM, Martı´nez-Maldonado M: Acute
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5. Choudhury DRD, Levi M: Effect of aging on renal function ad disease.
In: Brenner and Rector’s The Kidney, 7th Ed., edited by Brenner B,
Philadelphia, PA, Saunders, 2004, pp 2305–2315
6. Esposito C, Plati A, Mazzullo T, Fasoli G, De Mauri A, Grosjean F,
Mangione F, Castoldi F, Serpieri N, Cornacchia F, Dal Canton A: Renal
function and functional reserve in healthy elderly individuals. J Neph-
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7. Vercauteren SR, Ysebaert DK, De Greef KE, Eyskens EJ, De Broe ME:
Chronic reduction in renal mass in the rat attenuates ischemia/reper-
fusion injury and does not impair tubular regeneration. JAmSoc
Nephrol 10: 2551–2561, 1999*
8. Lameire N, Hoste E, Van Loo A, Dhondt A, Bernaert P, Vanholder R:
Pathophysiology, causes and prognosis of acute renal failure in the
elderly. Ren Fail 18: 333–346, 1996*
9. Reckelhoff JF, Manning RD: Role of endothelium-derived nitric oxide
in control of renal microvasculature in aging male rats. Am J Physiol
265(Suppl): R1123–R1129, 1993
10. Rivas-Caban˜ ero L, Rodriguez-Barbero A, Are´valo M, Lo´ pez-Novoa JM:
Effect of Ng-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester on gentamicin-induced
nephrotoxicity in rats. Nephron 71: 203–207, 1995
11. Miura K, Goldstein RS, Morgan DG, Pasino DA, Hewitt WR, Hook JB:
Age-related differences in susceptibility to renal ischemia in rats.
Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 87: 284 –296, 1987
12. Cheung CM, Ponnusamy A, Anderton JG: Management of acute renal
failure in the elderly patient: a clinician’s guide. Drugs Aging 25:
455–476, 2008
13. Lavizzo-Mourey R, Johnson J, Stolley P: Risk factors for dehydration
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14. Weinberg AD, Pals JK, Levesque PG, Beal LF, Cunningham TJ, Mi-
naker KL: Dehydration and death during febrile episodes in the nurs-
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15. Blackshear JL, Davidman M, Stillman MT: Identification of risk for renal
Table 2. Examples of specific renal protective strategies
Exposure Strategy
Radiocontrast agents Intravenous hydration (normal saline)
Intravenous sodium bicarbonate (?)
Vitamin C
Iso-osmolar contrast
Once-daily dosing
Monitoring of drug levels
Tumor lysis (uric acid) Allopurinol/rasburicase
Intravenous hydration/urine alkalinization
Ethylene glycol
Rhabdomyolysis Intravenous hydration/urine alkalinization
Methotrexate Intravenous hydration/urine alkalinization
Acyclovir Intravenous hydration
Calcineurin inhibitors Monitor drug levels calcium-channel
Amphotericin B Use of lipid formulation
4 Geriatric Nephrology Curriculum American Society of Nephrology
insufficiency from non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Arch Int Med
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17. Hollenberg NK: Medical therapy of renovascular hypertension: effi-
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19. Wardle EN: Acute renal failure and multiple organ failure. Nephrol
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20. Pfaffle AE, Moses JW, Chan R, Gleim GW, Zabetakis PM, Stugenki K,
Michelis M: Negative fluid balance and the occurrence of radiocon-
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21. Preston RA, Stemmer CL, Materson BJ, Perez-Stable E, Pardo V: Renal
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factors for long-term survival and renal function in 64 patients with
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4: 5–13, 1994
23. Rakowski TA, Winchester JF: Renal biopsy in the elderly patient. In:
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Field Rich, 1986, pp 37–39
24. Schmitt R, Coca S, Kanbay M, Tinetti ME, Cantley LG, Parikh CR: Recov-
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review and meta-analysis. Am J Kidney Dis 52: 262–271, 2008
25. Schmitt R, Cantley LG: The impact of aging on kidney repair. Am J
Physiol Renal Physiol 294: F1265–F1272, 2008
26. Lameire N, Nelde A, Hoeben H, Vanholder R: Acute renal failure in the
elderly. In: Nephrology and Geriatrics Integrated, edited by Oreopou-
los DG, Hazzard WR, Luke R, Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic, 2000, pp
American Society of Nephrology Geriatric Nephrology Curriculum 5
1. Which one of the following statements is true?
a. Serum creatinine in the elderly patient (age 65 yr) is an
accurate reflection of GFR and can be used to predict the
risk for acute kidney injury
b. Aggressive immunosuppression for elderly patients with
glomerulonephritis is associated with a five-fold higher
risk of death than in younger patients
c. Acute interstitial nephritis is less commonly seen in elderly
patients than in younger cohorts.
d. The likelihood of complete renal recovery after acute kid-
ney injury in the elderly is similar to that in the general
e. The diagnostic ability of granular, pigmented casts for
acute tubular necrosis is poor in the elderly patient
2. A 76-yr-old male presents to the emergency department with
complaints of lethargy and fatigue. Laboratory work reveals a
serum creatinine of 6.5 mg/dl, blood urea nitrogen of 104 mg/
dl, and serum electrolytes are within normal limits. Recent
history reveals that he just began furosemide 40 mg daily for
complaints of dyspnea on exertion. Prior laboratory work 1 wk
ago was notable for a serum creatinine of 1.9 mg/dl (baseline
value). Which one of the following steps is indicated in the
further evaluation of acute kidney injury in this patient?
a. Renal biopsy
b. Urine electrolytes and calculation of fractional excretion
of sodium
c. Urgent initiation of hemodialysis
d. Intravenous hydration with normal saline at a rate of 500
e. Placement of a foley catheter and urgent renal ultrasound
3. Which statement regarding recovery of renal function after
acute kidney injury in the elderly is correct?
a. The prognosis for renal recovery in the elderly is similar to
that of the general population
b. Renal function never recovers to baseline after an episode
of acute kidney injury in the elderly
c. The capacity for renal epithelial cell proliferation declines
with aging as does the function of progenitor and stem
cells that are critical for tubular repair
d. Elderly patients with acute kidney injury have a 60%
higher rate than the general population of requiring long-
term dialysis
6 Geriatric Nephrology Curriculum American Society of Nephrology