word games.
ocabulary can be reinforced by using a variety of game formats. Focus may
be placed upon word building, spelling, meaning, sound/symbol correspon-
dences, and words inferred from sentence context.
T T. e full communicative potential of these games can be
real ized through good spirited team competition. Working in pairs or in small
groups, students try to be the rst to correctly complete a task.
ese games can be used at the end of a lesson or before introducing new
material as a “change of pace” activity. Teachers should allow sucient time for
class discussion after the game has been completed.
Letter Power
Add a letter
A. From each word below, make two new words by adding a letter (1) at the end; (2) at the
B. Form new words as in A (above). In addition, form a third word by adding a letter at the beginning
and the end of the word.
Change the rst letter.
Make one word into another by changing the rst letter.
E: Change a possessive pronoun to not sweet. A: your, sour.
1. Change a past tense of BE to an adverb of place.
2. Change an adjective meaning not high to an adverb meaning at the present time.
3. Change a period of time to a term of aection.
4. Change was seated to have a meal.
5. Change a part of the head to international strife.
6. Change a respectful title to atmosphere.
7. Change to learn thoroughly to not as slow.
8. Change very warm to a negative adverb.
9. Change a motor vehicle to not near.
10. Change a mans title to a female relative.
A T-party.
Put T before a word to form a new word.
: Add a T to a rearm and get a thing of little value. A: rie, trie.
1. Add T to at this place, and get at that place.
2. Add T to a covering for the head, and get a demonstrative adjective.
3. Add T to rip, and get a journey.
4. Add T to a possessive pronoun, and get a demonstrative adjective.
5. Add T to a part of the head, and get to pull apart.
6. Add T to of great age, and get narrated.
7. Add T to a mistake, and get great fear.
8. Add T to the entire amount, and get of great height.
9. Add T to a shower from the sky, and get to teach.
10. Add T to a kind of vase, and get to rotate.
Change a letter.
Each picture illustrates a common word. Change one letter of each word to produce the
name of an animal.
Change the last letter.
Make one word into another by changing the last letter.
E: Change a color to a welcome. A: green, greet
1. Change a monarch to an adjective describing a good quality.
2. Change a negative to the present time.
3. Change a female horse to a stain or blemish.
4. Change alarm or worry to a notable achievement.
5. Change a reading process to a short dramatic act.
6. Change a person who lacks good judgment to something to eat.
7. Change a unit of weight to a color.
8. Change a part of a plant to a hole or a crack.
9. Change the top or summit of a mountain to a fruit.
10. Change a woman servant to what is delivered by the postal service.
Hidden Words.
Animals in hiding.
Find the animals hiding in the following sentences.
E Close the door at once! (rat).
1. at will be a real help.
2. She came late every day.
3. He came to America today.
4. Eric owes me ten cents.
5. We made errors in each one.
6. Do good workers succeed?
7. If I shout, he’ll hear me.
8. If Roger comes, we’ll begin.
9. We will go at two o’clock.
10. Is it the sixth or seventh?
11. In April I only came once.
12. I’ll sing; you hum on key.
13. I made a Xerox copy of it.
14. She clothes naked babies.
15. At last, I, Gerald, had won.
16. Was Pilar mad, ill, or glad?
17. at man ate eleven cookies.
18. Your comb is on the table.
19. Were sending only one book.
20. He regrets having said that.
21. If Al concentrates, he’ll win.
22. When I withdrew, Al rushed in.
23. He called Mikko a lazy boy.
24. It’s only a kilometer away.
Fair Finds.
elow is a scrambled list of animals and foods commonly found
at state and county fairs. Unscramble each word, placing one
letter in each blank. To help you, some letters have been placed
in the correct positions.
1. ipg _ _ _
2. wco _ _ _
3. cukd _ _ _ _
4. atog _ _ _ _
5. keac _ a _ _
6. nocr c _ _ _
7. srohe _ _ _ _ _
8. tapoot _ _ t _ _ _
9. teutlec _ _ _ _ u _ _
10. arctpito _ _ _ i _ _ _
11. umppikn _ _ m _ _ _ _
12. uahqss _ q _ _ _
13. plaep ipe _ p _ _ _ _ i _
14. recyrh ipe _ _ _ r _ _ _ _ e
15. conott dncay _ _ t _ _ _ c _ _ _ _
16. mewatlrone w _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n
Animal Crazy Quilt.
Step 1. Unscramble the names of the animals. Then place each of the
letters, in order, in the “quiltbox below. Place one letter in each box
working across from left to right. To get you started, the first animal
name has been completed.
Step 2. Place the circled letters, in order, into the spaces below to
learn the name of the fastest animal in the world. The first letter,
from the word
has been placed for you.
Which animal is the fastest in the world?
This bird can fly at over 200 miles per hour, making it the fastest
animal in the world:
P E ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ E F ___ ___ ___ ___ N
Hidden colors.
Find the name of a color hidden in each sentence: (e rst one has been done as a sample.).
1. Some parts of the face are the eye, eyebrow, nose, and mouth.
2. I’m not really dumb; lack of sleep made me forget the answers.
3. If I tell you what she said, will you agree never to tell anyone?
4. In the box we found a pencil, a pin, keys, and a few coins.
5. Are three zeros enough to write the number one thousand?
6. e wheelbarrow hit eleven rocks as it rolled down the hill.
7. When the nurse gives you the injection, just yell “Ow” if it hurts.
8. Eisa and Otto ran gently down the path to the river.
9. Before arriving at Kuala Lumpur, please ll out these forms.
10. I play nearly all the stringed instruments: violin, cello, bass viol, etc.
11. When I opened the window, shining rays of sunlight ooded the room.
12. We’ll go in Jims car. Let’s leave at six o’clock.
A numbers game: seen and heard.
I. Each of the sentences below contains a hidden number. It may be wholly within a word or may
go across two or more words. In each case the spelling is exactly the same as the written form of the
number, although the pronunciation may be dierent.
E: If I’ve said something to hurt you, I’m sorry, (ve).
A. Listen carefully to the dialogue on the tape recording.
B. It would be better to learn the language thoroughly.
C. When the plane took o, I very much wanted to cry.
D. We thought that was the best year of our lives.
E. Now their team is even with ours.
F. “Honesty is the best policy” is a well-known maxim.
G. e papers I xeroxed didnt turn out very well.
H. e words were spoken in each of the languages native to those present.
I. Paul is going to leave today; Robert went yesterday.
J. You replaced the thous and thees of English several centuries ago.
K. I hope that our eorts to rectify the error will comfort you a little.
L. Her remarks about the silent way made Caleb ill; I on the other hand, thought the points were
well taken.
M. Wish I could have been present at this event you are telling us about.
II. e numbers hidden in the following sentences may be heard but not seen. at is, the sound or
pronunciation of the number is present, but not the spelling.
E: We found Janet well versed on the subject, (twelve).
A. John is now working as a tutor of English.
B. He answered before I could even nish the question.
C. Mary ate the whole pizza all by herself!
D. We all breathed a sigh of relief when our team nally won the game.
E. Even I know better than that!
F. Turn the radio o if teenagers come into the house.
G. We both respect your judgment very much.
H. Robert ended his speech on a strong note.
I. e zookeeper moved the sick seals to a dierent cage.
J. e baker added leaven and some water to the bread dough.
Word Building.
e following activities build upon a common base of letters to create new words.
e “ANT” family.
What kind of an ant works with gures? An accountANT. Get it? Now what kind of an ant:
1. Lives in the jungle?
2. Is far away?
3. Is extraordinarily large?
4. Works for a master?
5. Is good-natured?
6. Is unchanging?
7. Is luxurious?
8. Is one who takes part?
9. Is a very small child?
10. Is sleeping?
11. Is very bright?
12. Is empty?
13. Is immediate?
14. Is plentiful?
15. Has moved to a dierent country?
16. Is meaningful?
17. Is something that grows?
18. Has inuence over others?
19. Is unsure and indecisive?
20. Lives in a certain place?
An artful puzzle.
Each answer to the clues below ends in the letters -art. How many can you get?
1. A portion of the whole.
2. A navigator’s map.
3. To make a beginning.
4. Clever; intelligent.
5. Seat of the emotions; part of the body.
6. To leave; go away.
7. A two-wheeled horse drawn vehicle.
8. To pass on information; communicate knowledge.
9. A fruit-lled pastry.
10. To frustrate; oppose and defeat a plan.
11. One who boasts.
12. e sum of two pints.
Four letters in common.
e answer to each of the denitions below is a ve-letter word. Each of these words ends in the
same four letters, but has a dierent rst letter. What are they?
1. Power.
2. Vision.
3. Opposite of loose.
4. Not dark.
5. Opposite of wrong.
6. Not day.
7. Contend, struggle.
8. e number of this clue.
Do you know these cities?
(Adapted from H.A. Dayananda, Sri Lanka, Forum, April, 1986).
Use the denitions to identify the words ending in city. e rst letter of each word is given as an
additional clue.
plainness; lacking anything fancy.
generates power.
boldness; rudeness.
deception; lying behavior.
an insucient amount.
ability to hold or contain.
A rubber band has this quality.
bliss; happiness.
persistence; quality of holding on to ones views.
group membership dened by ones national, cultural,
religious or linguistic background.
being centered upon oneself.
a complementary relationship often regarding trade and law.
involvement in a crime.
being devoted to home and family life.
information to attract attention.
combative nature; ghting attitude.
Simple arithmetic: ? + 1 = X
Add one or more letters before the word one to get the word dened.
1. ? + one = something that holds ice cream
2. ? + one = part of a skeleton
3. ? + one = no longer here
4. ? + one = accomplished; nished
5. ? + one = without anyone else present
6. ? + one = a musical sound
7. ? + one = a rock
8. ? + one = a geographical region or area
9. ? + one = an identical copy
10. ? + one = a chair for a king or queen
11. ? + one = a windstorm; tornado
12. ? + one = an instrument for talking to someone far away.
13. ? + one = nobody
14. ? + one = not any
15. ? + one = two
A perfect ten puzzle.
e word ten can be found in all the answers except one (and that has already been provided for you).
Each of the words dened begins at the corresponding number of the diagram; it may end at or after the
following number. at is, each of the words overlaps with one or more letters of the following word.
1. n. something contained; the substance or matter of a written work or an object; adj. satised.
2. part of a plant that curls around any nearby support.
3. be attentive; try to hear.
4. not fully worked out or developed; done as a trial; hesitant, uncertain.
5. to make longer; stretch forth; enlarge.
6. a relaxation of strained relations or tensions as between nations (an English word borrowed
from French).
7. a game for two or four players who use rackets to hit a ball back and forth across a net on a level court.
8. to make or become less hard; to weaken or make pliant.
9. adj. tightly stretched or strained; n. a verb form that expresses distinctions of time.
10. a grammatically self-contained speech unit consisting of a word or syntactically related group of words
usually containing a subject and a predicate.
11. far-reaching; covering a large area.
12. to reveal truths to; to free from ignorance; to inform.
13. the language taught by readers of this text.
14. hurry; move swiftly; be quick.
15. a person who pays rent for the use of land, a house, etc.
16. one of a pair of jointed sense organs on the head of an insect, crab, lobster, etc.; a feeler.
17. to be present at; to accompany; to listen, pay heed to; to wait on, give care to
Words Within Words.
How many English words can you make by combining the letters in the word TEACHER?
Rules: Letters may be combined in any order, but a letter may be used only as many times as it occurs
in the word TEACHER. Proper names and abbreviations are not permitted.
How many words can you make from the word MAINE, the northeasternmost state in the United States.
1. Nickname for Mother.
2. principal; chief.
3. belonging to me.
4. male person.
5. cruel; average; signify.
6. grown-up boys.
7. hair on a horses or lions neck.
8. myself (as object).
9. a form of to be.
10. indenite article.
11. purpose; objective.
12. preposition.
13. myself (as subject).
14. contraction for I am.
15. what you are called.
Words Within Words.
How many words can you make from the letters in the
phrases below?
Do not use letters more often than they appear in the phrases. Each
word you nd must be at least two letters long. See if you can nd at
least 20 words for each of the phrases.
I. Classroom teacher.
Example: heart.
II. English students.
Example: slide.
III. Language homework.
Example: moon.
How many words can you make out of the word TOOLS?
Can you nd:
a preposition.
a word meaning “also.
a word meaning “implement.
the capital of Norway.
British slang for “lavatory.
goods taken away unlawfully.
a poetic word meaning “look.
a plot of ground.
very much.
a word meaning “that cannot be found”.
a song sung by one person.
chimney dirt.
a drunk.
a name for the sun.
a small narrow opening.
something to sit on
Can you knock down, one at a time, each of the bowling pins in the row above, so that the remaining
letters always spell an English word? : Begin by taking out the second “T. at will leave the word
starling, which is the name of a bird. (e remaining words are easier and more familiar.).
The object of this game is to make each word shorter by taking away one letter at a time (keeping the
remaining letters in their original order) to form a new word. Do this as many times as you can, each time
forming a new word as a letter is deleted.
10. BOARD.
Word Magic.
Westward ho!
Change one word into another in steps by changing one letter at each step to make a new word.
E: Change EAT to HOT in 2 steps: EAT — HAT — HOT.
1. Change ROPE to RIDE
in 2 steps:
_ _ _ _
2. Change ROPE to MULE
in 3 steps:
_ _ _ _
_ _ _ _
3. Change ROPE to LIFE
in 4 steps:
_ _ _ _
_ _ _ _
_ _ _ _
4. Change FLOUR to BREAD
in 6 steps:
_ _ _ _
_ _ _ _
_ _ _ _
_ _ _ _
_ _ _ _
5. Go from EAST to WEST
in 3 steps:
_ _ _ _
_ _ _ _
6. Change MEAT to STEW
in 6 steps:
_ _ _ _
_ _ _ _
_ _ _ _
_ _ _ _
_ _ _ _
7. Put FOOT into SHOE
in 3 steps:
_ _ _ _
_ _ _ _
Using the clues provided, go from the rst word to the last word by adding a letter at each step to
form the intervening words.
From nothing to a precious metal in 3 steps:
1. Nothing.
2. Move; progress.
3. Deity.
4. Precious metal.
From one to a bridge in 3 steps:
1. One (article).
2. One (article).
3. Cooking utensil.
4. Bridge.
From myself to a span in 5 steps:
1. Myself.
2. I would (contraction).
3. To free or do away with (something undesirable).
4. To sit on and be carried along.
5. A woman just married or about to be married.
An alternate route:
1. Myself.
2. Prex meaning two.
3. Command or ask.
4. Stay, continue; wait; reside.
5. A woman just married or about to be married.
6. Span.
______ ______
______ ______ ______
______ ______ ______ ______
______ ______
______ ______ ______
______ ______ ______ ______
______ ______
______ ______ ______
______ ______ ______ ______
___ ______ ______ ______ ______
______ ______
______ ______ ______
______ ______ ______ ______
______ ______ ______ ______ ______
______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______
Bird watch.
By changing one letter at a time, change BIRD to LARK and BIRD to DOVE (denitions are provided
for each transitional word).
Double Puzzle Challenge.
A pale pachyderm puzzle.
Fill in the spaces to make words that t the denitions. e circled letters from top to bottom will spell
out a two-word idiom that means rare and expensive possessions that are burdensome to maintain.
1. Somewhat hot.
2. Partial darkness produced by a shelter from the sun.
3. Tracks that trains go on.
4. Give ear to; pay attention.
5. A piece of furniture consisting of a smooth at surface
resting on four legs.
6. A fast train that does not stop at intermediate points.
7. Near.
8. Large woody plants that provide shade.
9. Not complicated; easy.
10. Something, no matter what; whatever thing.
11. High parts of the earths surface.
12. A stopping place on a railroad line; depot.
13. A discussion in which there is disagreement.
14. Structures with walls and a roof.
A four footed puzzle.
If you correctly ll in the blanks with each of the four-letter words dened below, the initial letters
(left-hand vertical column) will spell the name of an animal, and the nal letters (right-hand vertical
column) will spell an adjective that describes that animal.
Middle riddle.
Identify each of the pictures below. In the space beneath each picture write the middle letter of each
word. For example, the rst picture is an apple and the middle letter is P. When nished, the Middle
Riddle will reveal an important thing that you can do to help the environment.
A national symbol.
Fill in the spaces to make words that t the denitions. e circled letters from top to bottom will
spell out the name of one of the national symbols of the United States of America.
Sound/Symbol Surprises.
1. Considering the pronunciation of laugh, women, and nation, how would you pronounce.
2. Considering the pronunciation of omas (or thyme), weigh, school, glamour, and handsome (or
handkerchief), what English word might be spelled.
3. Considering the pronunciation of said, pneumonia, of, action, belle, dough, and shepherd, what
English word might be spelled.
e poem below is full of sound/symbol surprises in English.
I take it you already know.
Of tough and bough and cough and dough?
Some falter, (but I think not you).
On hiccough, thorough, tough and through.
Well done! And now you wish, perhaps,
To learn of less familiar traps?
Beware of heard, a dreadful word,
at looks like beard and sounds like bird.
And dead; Its said like bed not bead
For goodness sake, dont call it deed!
Watch out for meat and great and threat
ey rhyme with suite and straight and debt.
A moth is not the moth in mother.
Nor both in bother, broth in brother;
And here is not a match for there,
Nor dear and fear for bear and pear
And then theres dose and rose and lose;
Just look these up, with goose and choose.
Now, cork and work; and card and ward;
And font and front; and word and sword;
And do and go; and thwart and cart
Come, come, I’ve hardly made a start!
A dreadful language? Sakes alive!
I’d mastered it when I was ve!
s-f words.
ere was a time when the English “s” was written like an f,” as shown in the above excerpt from
e Federalist, a series of newspaper essays published between the years 1787 and 1788 to urge
ratication of the U.S. Constitution. If the words dened below were written in that 18th century
style, you might confuse the two words in each pair. What are they?
E: Moral fault—Part of a sh = SinFin.
1. A star—A good time.
2. Identical—Reputation, renown.
3. Noise—Discovered.
4. Half a dozen—Repair.
5. Rest on a chair—Be appropriate, suitable.
6. Vision—Contend, struggle.
7. What a plant grows from—Nourish.
8. Was on a chair—Not thin.
9. Oer a product for money—Past tense of fall.
10. Make a boat go in the wind—Be unsuccessful.
11. Something to sit on—An exploit or deed.
12. Cleverly deceitful—Soar on wings.
Slight ight s/f game.
In colonial America, one form of the letter s used in writing and printing was a “long s”: f, which
looked very much like the letter f. If the long s were used in writing the words dened in the left-
hand column (all of which begin with s), each of those words would look like a word dened in the
right-hand column, (all of which begin with f ). How many of the s-fminimal pairs” can you match
up together?
E: 1 - k (slight—ight).
1. Small in amount; not important.
2. A number.
An important part of a wind-driven boat.
4. A noise; healthy.
5. Vision.
6. Identical; alike.
7. To take a seat.
8. Took a seat; was seated.
9. e hot, bright star around which the
earth revolves.
e part of a plant that can be sown
to grow into a new plant;
kernel origin.
10. Tricky; able to fool others.
11. Tried to nd; looked for.
a. To nourish; give food to.
b. Big; thick; eshy; full of oil.
c. To repair.
d. To move through the air by using wings,
or in an airplane.
e. To be the right size; to be suitable.
f. To not succeed.
g. Did battle with.
h. Amusement; lively play or joking; a happy
i. Discovered.
j. Great reputation; the condition of being
well known.
k. e act of ying.
l. Battle
Fauna sauna s/f game.
Here is a more advanced version of the s/f game.
E: Clue—A steam bath for animals. A: Fauna sauna.
1. A foolish horse.
2. An unhappy trend.
3. A black legend.
4. A light-headed holy person.
5. A light-shoe tosser.
6. A tricky winged insect.
7. Quick-moving icy rain.
8. Opposite of the lost chord.
9. A knighted evergreen tree.
10. A thin strip of wood without humps.
11. A trickier aviator.
12. Not a fast stream.
Graphic English.
Mind over matter.
Using the position and arrangement of the letters and words in each box nd the English word or
phrase the picture represents.
Using the position and arrangement of the letters and word in each box, nd the English word or
phrase the picture represents. e rst one has been done as an example.
three-letter words.
For each definition, give two three-letter words that
begin with the same letter.
For example:
something that holds a vegetable—pea pod.
1. a teeter totter.
2. walk quietly.
3. an insect that bites at night.
4. the most popular of something.
5. an amateur foreign correspondent.
6. sultry weather.
7. later on.
8. end of the day.
Just for fun!
Match each riddle to its answer and identify the “play”
on words.
__1. What flowers are always right under your nose?
__2. What do ghouls like at the amusement park?
__3. What is used to build houses in Alaska?
__4. What do you call a pileup of giraffes?
__5. What kind of witch turns on lights?
__6. How does Dracula behave during a crisis?
__7. What happened to the fish that jumped on the
__8. How can you divide the ocean?
a. Ghoul, calm and collected.
b. A giraffic jam.
c. With a sea-saw.
d. Tulips.
e. A lights witch.
f. The roller-ghoster.
g. It got a weigh.
h. Igloo
Did Dinosaurs have armor?
Armored dinosaurs such as the thirty-fi ve-foot-long and ten-foot-wide ankylosaurus (an-
key-low-SORE-us), which means “fused lizard,” were like living tanks! Ankylosaurus had
a thick, strong skull, wide bony plates and studs along its back and sides, and pro tective
eyelids made of bone. And if those weren’t enough, ankylosaurus also had a re markable
tail. At the end of the tail were two large lobes of bone. If attacked, this dinosaur could
swing this deadly tail from side to side like a club. With such an incredible weapon,
ankylosaurus could easily knock down a predator or even break an enemy’s leg.
The scrambled letters on the right form words when added to the letters of ankylosaurus’s
name on the left. Can you solve the puzzle?
Hint: The words can all be found in the text above.
How many
times can you find the
word TREE? Only the letters
that spell TREE are in the puzzle.
Start with any T. Move to R, to E, and to
another E. You can move up and down,
backwards and forwards, diagonally
and at an angle. Do not skip or
jump over any letters.
T R E E S .
Find the name of a tree hidden in each sentence.
Sample: It’s sad to see a man grove l when he should really stand up for his rights.
1. Many people would rather use cash than credit cards.
2. The treasure map led us to the secret hiding place.
3. If the deal goes through, Tim will own his dream house.
4. There was a tiny top in Eddie’s Crackerjack box.
5. Down near Oyster Bay, berry bushes were in blossom.
6. I knew there would be echoes in the empty house.
7. I told Mimi mosaics are small tiles.
8. In Ohio, Akron is the center of rubber manufacturing.
9. The asp entered the cabin through a crack in the wall.
10. The new baseball cap pleased Andy.
11. Mr. Griff ignored his son’s tantrums.
12. Since Darwin’s time people have been intrigued by the theory of evolution.
T h e
G a m e
Test your knowledge of the
word Green.There are 12
expressions or phrases
containing the word
1. To be jealous.
2. Prickly climbing shrub.
3. Proverb regarding a resentment
4. Slang for U.S. money.
5. A vegetable vendor.
6. A gardening virtuoso.
7. Danish island.
8. Advocacy group.
9. New York City’s Bohemia.
10. City in North Carolina.
11. Revolutionary War General.
12. Someonene won the job, or a novice
Homophones (sound-alikes) are words that sound alike but are spelled differently with different meanings.
Read the questions below and ll in with the correct answer.
Is the top of the mountain a peek or a peak?
The correct is peak.
1. Does a dog have a tail or tale? __________
2. Which are surrounded by water, aisles or isles? ___________
3. If you were sad, would you shed tears or tiers? ____________
4. Would a telephone wring or ring? __________
5. I one or won a CD player in the contest. __________
6. That’s the best movie Cathy had ever scene or seen. _________
7. The meeting was so long, I was board or bored. _________
8. What’s your favorite breakfast serial or cereal? __________
9. The king’s rain or reign lasted 30 years. __________
10. I couldn’t bear or bare to sit through that play again. __________
11. Despite all of our yelling, he still couldn’t hear or here us. _________
12. The rose or rows is the only flower Paula liked. ________
13. Do windows have pains or panes? ___________
14. We missed or mist our train by 30 minutes. __________
Homographs (look-alikes) are words that are spelled alike, but differ in meaning
and sometimes pronunciation. Fill in the homograph that completes each riddle
Why is an English teacher like a judge?
Both give people sentences.
1. Why is the moon worth only a dollar?
Because it has four ____________.
2. Why do gardeners make good writers?
They are always digging up _________.
3. Why was the baker a cheap date?
He was always running out of ___________.
4. What did one battery tell the other battery?
“I get a ______________ out of you.
5. How is a coward like a leaky faucet?
They both ___________.
6. What did the mother chimney say to the baby chimney?
“You’re too young to _____________.
7. What house can you lift off the ground?
A _________________.
8. Why are oysters lazy?
They are always found in ___________.
9. How do you know when you’ve missed the train?
You can see its ________________.
10. How can you tell a dogwood tree?
By its ____________.
Scrambled cities
Below are names of cities in the United States that are scrambled.
Some of the names are capitals, and some are large cities. See if you
can unscramble them and then guess what state they are in.
Just for fun!
What do you get when you cross a galaxy with a toad?
Star warts.
First lion: “Every time I eat, I feel sick.”
Second lion: “I know. It’s hard to keep a good man down.”
Why did the golfer wear an extra pair of trousers?
In case he got a hole in one.
What did the picture say to the wall?
“I’ve got you covered.”
Why are pianos so noble?
Because they are either upright or grand.
To the future…
As we cross into the new millen-
nium, new words and phrases will
enter into our vocabulary. Below is
a list of words that took on new
meanings in the 1990s. Can you
guess their meanings? Do you think
any of these will survive into the
next century? See if you can
choose the right answer.
Note: Some of these meanings are
not in the standard dictionaries, so
check page 183 for the answers.
Multimedia n.— A. information
overload, B. combination of media,
C. new interpretation, D. TV news
Laptop n.— A. piece of furniture,
B. tray, C. portable computer,
D. small pet.
Megacity n.— city that is: A. large,
B. new, C. ancient, D. abandoned.
Real-time adj.— A. as rapidly as
needed,. B. local, C. unsynco-
pated, D. broadcast live.
Digital adj.— A. precise, B. clear.
C. hand-held, D. using numbers.
Alternative adj.— A. nontradi-
tional, B. mixed, C. suitable,
D. lively.
Internet n.— A. fabric, B. com-
puter network, C. satellite, D. spy
Spin doctor n.— A. opinion manip-
ulator, B. disc jockey, C. coach, D.
On-line adj.— A. financially
sound, B. prerelease, C. longitudi-
nal, D. connected.
Transnational adj.A. from coast
to coast, B. local switching,
C. beyond national boundaries,
D. inclusive.
Globalize v.— A. equalize,
B. anticipate, C. make worldwide,
D. initiate.
Information superhighway n.—
A. computerized traffic control,
B. new school programs, C. space
probes, D. computer communica-
tions infrastructure.
Fruit maze
Find as many names of fruits as you can.
Begin in any square and proceed letter to
letter in one continuous line in any direction,
horizontally, vertically, or diagonally until the
word is formed.
The Silent Bee
The bee in DEBT is silent because it owes the
owers a lot of pollen and it cannot pay.
The bee in DOUBT is silent because it is not
sure if it can y across the desert.
The bee in WOMB is silent because it does not
want to disturb the child in its blissful slumber.
The bee in TOMB is silent because it does not
want to wake the dead.
And the bee in PLUMBING is silent because it
is afraid it may drown in a pool of water.
Wenceslaus J. n. Komba
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Jumbled Vegetables
The letters to common vegetables are all jumbled.
Put the letters in the right order.
An oxymoron is a gure of speech in which two incongruous,
contradictory terms are combined, like the phrase “good
grief.” In fact, the word oxymoron is an oxymoron because its
two Greek roots are of opposite meaning — oxys “sharp” and
moron “foolish.
Here is a list of 10 oxymora. See how many you can
match to make the correct phrases.
old opposition
pretty unseen
civil news
small war
deafening secret
industrial vacation
sight fortune
working park
open ugly
loyal silence
animal pairs.
See if you can name the animal that goes before or after each word in the following pairs:
For example: dark and laugh go with horse (dark horse and horse laugh).
1. dark/laugh.
2. grease/business.
3. copy/nap. 4. hot/paddle.
5. paper/lily. 6. pack/race.
7. silver/trot. 8. literary/hearted.
9. lone/whistle. 10. bug/hug.
2 words.
Name two words that are
antonyms and that begin
with c and end with t.
Animated Animals.
In English the names for many animals can also be used as verbs. Match the animal verbs in Column A with
their corresponding correct denitions (with accompanying sample sentences) in Column B.
to badger.
2. to bear.
3. to buck.
4. to bug.
5. to cow.
6. to crane.
7. to dog.
8. to fawn over.
9. to horse around.
10. to lionize.
11. to monkey around.
12. to pig out.
13. to rat on.
14. to squirrel away.
15. to wolf down.
to frighten with threats, scare, or bully.
example: He would ______ his enemies.
b. to worry as if pursued by canines; to hunt or track like a hound.
example: They will ______ the opposition until they win.
c. to store up for future use.
example: We need to ______ away some money for a rainy day.
d. to support the weight of; to sustain; to tolerate; to put up with.
example: I could not ______ how she cried so much.
e. to act in a mischievous manner; to fool, trie, or tamper with.
example: I told you not to ______ around today. Be serious!
f. to engage in rough or boisterous play.
example: Her mother told her not to _______ around any more.
g. to bother; to annoy.
example: You’re a nuisance; please don’t ______ me anymore.
h. to eat greedily, to gorge oneself.
example: Whenever they eat, they _____ out: No manners at all!
i. to harass or annoy persistently.
example: He used to ________ the teacher to increase his score.
j. to report someone’s bad behavior, to tattle on someone.
example: She will sometimes _____ on her friends. Don’t trust her.
k. to stretch one’s neck for a better view.
example: She had to _______ her neck to see over the crowd.
l. to eat greedily, devour.
example: Have you ever seen the way he _______ down his food!
m. to move or react jerkily; to throw off as a horse might do to a rider.
example: They decided to ________ the trend and do it differently.
n. to treat as an object of great interest or importance.
example: We often ______ great heroes, speaking about their deeds.
o. to show affection; to court favor by a cringing or attering manner.
example: Women often _______ over small babies, talking soothingly.
[Notes: Do you know all these animals? (A) A badger is a small burrowing animal found in the northern hemisphere. (B) A buck is a
male deer and a fawn is a baby deer. (C) A crane is a bird with a very long neck. (D) A squirrel is a small, furry, tree-climbing rodent
with a bushy tail found throughout North America.] Animal Pairs and Animated Animals by George Wilcox, Washington, DC.
Conundrums are riddles whose answers often involve a pun or
an intricate or difficult problem.The following conundrums are
from the World Wide Web.You can see these and many more
puzzles at http://www.uselessknowledge.com
9 Letters.
What two words, formed from different arrangements
of the same nine letters, can be used to complete the
sentences below.
Palindrome Parents.
Mom and Dad kept presents for Billy and Bob in a.
special place and gave them out when the boys did
something noteworthy.
What did the parents call this place?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
The answer is a palindrome.
Palindromes are words, phrases, verses, or sentences which read the
same backwards or forwards.
Name That Animal.
The names of five animals are hidden in the sentence
below. Can you find them?
(The letters are in consecutive order.).
He is rich or seems to be, since he buys
from expensive catalogs and ogles
million-dollar homes for sale.
Shake On It.
Unscramble the 10 letters below to form a polite,
four-word greeting that sounds like a question but
rarely involves any curiosity on the part of the asker.
Word Play.
Homophones are words that are pronounced the same but differ in
meaning, origin, and sometimes spelling.
For each sentence below, write the correct homophones in the blank.
In each sentence below circle the incorrect word.Then write the
correct homophone on the line.
example: I was so tired from climbing those stares . ________
There are at least 50 English words with four or
more letters that can be made out of the word
DARJEELING. See how many you can write.The
first word is written for you. Good Luck!
The Forum staff thanks Emiliana Villata from Mendoza,
Argentina for submitting this word puzzle. She is an EFL
teacher who received her degree from Universidad
Nacional de Cuyo. She writes,“I have been reading and
using the Forum magazine to keep updated and informed
about what other teachers are doing around the world.
A Drink with Jam & Bread
dd one letter to the letter or letters on the row
above until you get to the longest word.Then sub-
tract one letter at a time until you complete the
puzzle. Fix a nice cup of tea for yourself while work-
ing on the puzzle. Now, have fun and see how fast
you can complete this word puzzle!
1. an indefinite article; 2. a preposition; 3. the world’s
most popular drink; 4. to rip; 5. our planet; 6. to make
something hot again; 7. the place where you see a
film; 8. a device to keep you warm; 9. the body organ
that pumps blood; 10. to dislike strongly; 11. a definite
article; 12. a masculine pronoun; 13. the most common
letter in the English language
02-0244 ETF 40/2.ibc57 5/19/05 9:00 AM Page 57
he 40th anniversary celebration of English Teaching Forum is well under-
way. At the international TESOL convention held in Salt Lake City, Utah
in April, the Office of English Language Programs and Alta Book Center
distributed 2,000 copies of the April issue to convention participants.
My colleagues at American embassies around the world have distrib-
uted many more copies of the magazine to regular readers and con-
ference participants at national and regional events in dozens of coun-
tries. Soon we will launch our revamped Forum Online Web pages.
I want to introduce Patricia Sullivan, whose article on language
teaching and the folk hero Nasreddin Hodja begins this issue of the
Forum. (She also wrote the anniversary section, A View of the Past, in
the January and April issues.) Dr. Sullivan is a new Regional English
Language Officer and the first to be based at the American embassy in
Kiev. Prior to joining the Department of State, Dr. Sullivan taught
English and conducted teacher training in China,Vietnam, Afghanistan,
and the United States, and directed a graduate TEFL program in Turkey.
All of us in the Office of English Language Programs, including the 13
RELOs serving at other American embassies, are pleased both to have
Patricia as a new colleague and to have a RELO working with educa-
tors in Ukraine, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, and Moldova.
There is one final item from the tea survey that I must show you. A
beautiful aerogramme from Sri Lanka arrived recently at the Forum
office.The staff agreed it was so beautiful that even though it arrived a
bit late, we had to include it (see below). Note the wonderful slogan:
“Ceylon tea. A healthy drink for the 21st century.
We hope you continue to enjoy our look back through the history
of English Teaching Forum. You can contribute to the future by sending
us submissions for upcoming issues.
© 1998 PhotoDisc, Inc. All rights reserved
he 40th anniversary celebration of English Teaching Forum is well under-
way. At the international TESOL convention held in Salt Lake City, Utah
in April, the Office of English Language Programs and Alta Book Center
distributed 2,000 copies of the April issue to convention participants.
My colleagues at American embassies around the world have distrib-
uted many more copies of the magazine to regular readers and con-
ference participants at national and regional events in dozens of coun-
tries. Soon we will launch our revamped Forum Online Web pages.
I want to introduce Patricia Sullivan, whose article on language
teaching and the folk hero Nasreddin Hodja begins this issue of the
Forum. (She also wrote the anniversary section, A View of the Past, in
the January and April issues.) Dr. Sullivan is a new Regional English
Language Officer and the first to be based at the American embassy in
Kiev. Prior to joining the Department of State, Dr. Sullivan taught
English and conducted teacher training in China,Vietnam, Afghanistan,
and the United States, and directed a graduate TEFL program in Turkey.
All of us in the Office of English Language Programs, including the 13
RELOs serving at other American embassies, are pleased both to have
Patricia as a new colleague and to have a RELO working with educa-
tors in Ukraine, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, and Moldova.
There is one final item from the tea survey that I must show you. A
beautiful aerogramme from Sri Lanka arrived recently at the Forum
office.The staff agreed it was so beautiful that even though it arrived a
bit late, we had to include it (see below). Note the wonderful slogan:
“Ceylon tea. A healthy drink for the 21st century.
We hope you continue to enjoy our look back through the history
of English Teaching Forum. You can contribute to the future by sending
us submissions for upcoming issues.
Eight stars of gold on a field of blue,
Alaska’s flag, may it mean to you;
The blue of the sea, the ev’ning sky,
The mountain lakes, the flow’rs nearby;
The gold of the early sourdough’s dreams,
The precious gold of the hills and streams;
The brilliant stars in the northern sky,
The “Bear, the “Dipper, and shining high,
The great North Star with its steady light,
O’er land and sea a beacon bright,
Alaska’s flag to Alaskans dear,
The simple flag of a last frontier.
A Native lad chose the Dipper’s stars
For Alaska’s flag that there be no bars
Among our cultures. Be it known
Through years the Natives’ past has grown
To share life’s treasures, hand in hand,
To keep Alaska our Great Land;
We love the northern, midnight sky,
The mountains, lakes, and streams nearby.
The great North Star with its steady light
Will guide all cultures, clear and bright,
With nature’s flag to Alaskans dear,
The simple flag of the last frontier.
Words by Marie Drake
Music by Elinor Dusenbery
This is the official state song of Alaska.
Where in the world is?
aulette would like to visit the capital of each of the coun-
tries whose flags are shown above.The flags are arranged
in columns from the top left in the same order as the sen-
tences below. Each sentence below contains the name of a
capital city. Can you identify each city and country?
Example: Well, I’m afraid I can’t do it.
P e r u
1. Here is the draft of your letter. If you mark it “ok” your
secretary will type it. __________
2. Those who were against the war saw to it that their
voices were heard. __________
3. To make underground water potable, scientists first
used ammonia, then sand later on. __________
4. Can karate movies on television really make children
more aggressive? __________
5. No slot machine is needed here. __________
6. The idiom “on a par” is used to mean “equal. ________
7. While visiting Africa, I rode on buses and trains instead
of driving a car there. __________
8. Housekeepers usually prefer washing to not doing any-
thing at all. __________
9. A cobra battle against a mongoose often ends with the
defeat of the former. __________
10. If you use this kind of herb on noodles, the result will
be fantastic. __________
11. Tram manufacturing is declining, as nobody needs this
kind of slow transportation. __________
12. If you have an infection in your colon, don’t eat fats or
any other rich food. __________
1 A country that is also
a continent
8 To fly or glide high in
the air
9 A U.S. soldier in World
War II
10 Westernmost island
of Alaska
12 Not warm
14 Thus; therefore
15 Fraction; the relationship of
two amounts
17 Object used to open
a lock
18 One who guides an
airplane or a boat
20 And so forth (abbr.)
21 A metal or a container
for food
23 Light brown
25 To possess; have
26 An animal that pulls sleds
in Alaska
27 Animals native to Australia
1 Largest state of the U.S.
2 Supersonic transport (abbr.)
3 An organized sightseeing trip
4 Ancient Egyptian god
5 Geographic area that includes
the North Pole
6 An Eskimo house
7 Help; assist
11 Forward part of the foot
13 Petroleum; a substance used
for lubricating
16 Suitable, appropriate, quick to
learn, or abbr. for apartment
19 Unit of weight equal to 2,000
pounds avoirdupois (U.S.) or
907.18 kilograms
20 Past participle suffix
21 Name of an airline
22 Place for a traveler to spend
the night
23 Also
24 In the past
25 All right
26 Doctor (abbr.)
Making use of a 
Each of the items below contains the word PEN. How many can you identify?
E: Another name for a prison. P E N i t e n t i a r y
1. e process by which fruit matures;
2. Land bordered on three sides by water.
3. Another word for cent.
4. A  ve-sided  gure.
5. A bird native to Antarctica.
6. Punishment or  ne.
7. A  ag or banner.
8. Retirement income.
9. Rely upon.
10. Expression of regret for ones misdeeds
11. A  xed allowance paid at regular intervals
12. A suspended jewel
13. Pass into; break through
14. Next to last
15. An apartment or o ce on top of a roof
Energy Jokes and Puns
Scrambled Energy Words
(by George Sholin of the California Energy Commission)
1. Why is wind energy so popular?
Because it has a lot of fans.
2. Did you hear about the foolish gardener?
He planted a light bulb and thought he would
get a power plant.
3. What would a barefooted man get if he steps
on an electric wire?
A pair of shocks.
4. What do you call a silly old man?
A fossil fool.
5. What do cars driven late at night burn for fuel?
Midnight oil.
Energy Idioms
All steamed up: to be angry or worried
Don’t get all steamed up and start an argument.
Try to stay calm.
Burn the candle at both ends: to work too hard
without enough rest
People who burn the candle at both ends often
have accidents because they are tired.
Burn the midnight oil: to work late into the night
Because she had a term paper due the next morn-
ing, Paulette was burning the midnight oil to finish
it on time.
Burn out: to lose one’s interest or desire, often due
to overuse
After the 1994 season, Michael Jordan was burned
out on basketball. He wanted to play baseball
Get wind of: to discover or find out
Once the workers got wind of the free drinks, there
was a line at the restaurant.
Hot air: meaningless or unimportant talk
The presenter promised his workshop would be
very informative and exciting, but I left early
because I thought he was full of hot air.
02-0246_54-IBC 11/6/02 3:20 PM Page 57
ight terms related to energy are written
below, but the order of the letters has
been scrambled. Unscramble the letters
and write the answer on the line below.
1. Plant matter or methane
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
2. Heat from the earth
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
3. Supplied as a public utility for lighting, heating, etc.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
4. “Non-renewable” fuels
L U S S I F L E F O S (2 words)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
5. Wood or sunlight
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
6. Source of paraffin, kerosene, fuel oil, gasoline, etc.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
7. Electricity from sunlight
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
8. Energy from the sun’s rays
P O R O W L R E S A (2 words)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Chicago Word Train
ill in the spaces with the letters of the 24 words defined by the clues below.
The words are linked like cars in a train; the last letter of one word is the first
letter of the next word.
1. noun. A structure or artistic object that sprays water. f o u n t a i n
2. noun. A daily publication of news. n __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
3. noun. Part of the track that a train runs on. __ __ __ __
4. noun. A body of water surrounded by land. __ __ __ __
5. verb. To consume food. __ __ __
6. noun. A tall building or structure. __ __ __ __ __
7. noun. A long, flowing body of water. __ __ __ __ __
8. noun. A cement or dirt path for vehicles. __ __ __ __
9. adjective. Moist. __ __ __ __
10. noun. Baked dough topped with tomato sauce and cheese. __ __ __ __ __
11. noun. Tank that holds water; home for fish. __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
12. noun. Institution that displays art to the public. __ __ __ __ __ __
13. noun. Sounds made by voices or instruments. __ __ __ __ __
14. verb. To trim or cut. __ __ __ __
15. noun. Wooden structure where ships dock. __ __ __ __
16. noun. Top covering of a house or building. __ __ __ __
17. noun. Nourishment consumed daily. __ __ __ __
18. verb. To move in rhythm with music. __ __ __ __ __
19. noun. Opposite direction of west. __ __ __ __
20. noun. A narrow path. __ __ __ __ __
21. noun. Circular route. __ __ __ __
22. noun. Authority or control. __ __ __ __ __
23. noun. Objects arranged in an orderly line. __ __ w
24. adjective. Blustery or breezy. w i n d y
Miami Word Cruise
iami, the city featured in this issue, is the largest cruise ship port in the
world. You can make many different words from the letters in cruise ship.
On a separate sheet of paper, list words made with these letters that fit the clues
2-letter words
1. pronoun: male person
2. interjection: greeting; hello
3. adverb: above, higher than; raised
3-letter words
4. noun: a small bowl-shaped container with a handle
5. noun: frozen water
6. noun: a baked food with a meat, fruit, or pudding filling and pastry
7. pronoun: female person
8. noun: formal title for a male person
4-letter words
9. verb: to heal
10. noun: a long narrative poem about heroic events
11. noun: an individual who receives the possessions of another individual
12. verb: to employ
13. noun: wooden structure where ships and boats dock
14. adjective: untouched
15. verb: to hurry
5-letter words
16. noun: a game for two players using black and white game pieces on a
board with black and white squares
17. verb: to flatten by force
18. noun: a topic for debate or discussion
19. noun: the cost of an item for sale
20. noun: a bag, pouch, or case used for carrying various items
21. adjective: great, excellent
22. noun: an individual who shows people to their seats
6-letter words
23. noun: emergency
24. verb: to die
25. noun: seasonings that add flavor to food
The Food Game.
Hidden in the sentences below are names of food items.
You cannot nd them by looking at the sentences, for they
are not there by spelling; they are there by pronunciation.
The food may be within a single word or may go across
word boundaries.
He begs to be excused from the rehearsal. (eggs).
1. “Sue, please go away,” he said.
2. She had a cough even today.
3. Don’t tell me mama laid the table so early.
4. He chased Robert off even after he paid his debt.
5. Happy’s room is so messy. I can’t nd a thing.
6. Keep that old sabre. Eddie will take it to the museum.
7. “Why don’t you spy still?” she wanted to know.
8. “Be an angel, leave it nished, will you?” he said.
9. “That bangle is of 24 carat gold,” he said.
10. “But Ernest is not coming on this trip,” she said.
11. Don’t bake condensed milk sweets.
12. “Tap Elmo on the shoulder and wake him up,” she said.
13. Please meet me tomorrow.
14. Kay came to meet me on Wednesday.
15. The donkey brays inside the shed.
16. He walked on the sand, which was so hot he burned
his feet.
17. Richie’s so good, he helps me daily.
18. Don’t buy that saw. Say Jess will get a new one.
19. He’s been staying here for six months now.
20. I hope he’ll be true to you.
Contributed by Gertrude de Livera, Sri Lanka.
G r a p h i c E n g l i s h .
Using the position and arrangement of the letters
and words in each box, nd the English word or
phrase the picture represents.
graphic language
Using the position and arrangement of the letters and words in each box, find
the English word or phrase the picture represents.
sounds like—
What homonyms correctly replace the italicized words in the sentences below?
1. I avenue baby sister.
2. He went duck hunting, but he didn’t see a burden sight.
3. How come you got insulate?
4. If I place a book on my head, it falsify move.
5. Mary and I are cistern brother.
6. Peruse a country in South America.
7. Suddenly there was a shot and he got a bulletin his leg.
8. On the daisies home, John helps with the cleaning.
Homophonic Pairs
Each of the following definitions refers to a pair of homonyms.
Can you identify them?
1. a reasonably-priced ticket
2. a spoiled chicken
3. a faded-yellow bucket
4. the time before Mother’s sister was born
5. the correct ceremonial observance
6. a nasty appearance
7. expert writers
8. an undecorated airplane
9. an unfriendly lodging place
10. place where money is hidden
11. a mare with laryngitis
12. men’s correspondence
w o r d p i e s
Add a letter to each pie to make a complete word. When each of the missing letters is put together, they form a word that
rep resents a major agricultural product of the United States and also describes the type of humor on this page. You’ll have to
fig ure out where the word begins, and if it is to be read forward or backward.
Riddles from the heartland
1. What do you call a carrot who insults a farmer?
2. What’s the safest way to pick an apple off the top of a forty-foot
3. What does a worm do in a corn field?
4. Why did the worm oversleep?
5. Why is a hen sitting on a fence like a penny?
For the dog lovers
There are 16 words, phrases, and expressions. Each one of
these should suggest to you another expression which contains
the word dog. The first one has been done for you. Good Luck!
1. Long time
dog’s age
2. Worn and shabby
3. Hardwood tree
4. Aerial skirmish
5. Established opinion
6. Elementary swim stroke
7. Marked by ruthless self-interest
8. Humorous tale involving
a talking animal
9. Tuckered out
10. Darned
11. G. I. identication
12. For a very low price
13. Hot sultry period of summer
14. Ball park refreshment
15. Brief sleep
16. Pound employee
Rarely do we see a cat discomted.
They seem to have no conscience, and
they never regret.
Maybe we secretly envy them.
Barbara Webster
Name Moons Average
Rotation Orbit Av. distance
from Sun
(million miles)
Mercury 0 -167 to 427 58.6 days 87.97 days 36.04 3,031
Venus 0 472 243.2 days 224.70 days 67.11 7,521
Earth 1 -51 to 48 23.9 hrs 365.26 days 92.99 7,926
Mars 2 -123 to -30 24.6 hrs 686.98 days 141.61 4,217
Jupiter 16 -117 9.8 hrs 11.86 years 483.66 88,734
Saturn 18 -180 10.7 hrs 29.46 years 886.72 74,566
Uranus 15 -221 17.2 hrs 84.01 years 1783.38 31,566
Neptune 3 -216 16.0 hrs 164.79 years 2794.38 30,758
Pluto 1 -230 6.3 days 247.69 years 3666.19 1,429
Using the chart above, answer the following questions:
1. Which planets have a longer day than year?
2. Which planet has the most moons?
3. Which is the hottest planet? Why isn’t the closest planet hotter (Look at insert)?
4. Which planet has the shortest day and the longest year?
5. Which planet has the closest length of a day to the Earth?
6. Which is the smallest planet?
7. If an Astronomical Unit is the distance from the Earth to the Sun, how many
astronomical units away is Pluto?
There are at least 84 words with two or more letters
that can be made out of the word ASTRONAUT.
See how many words you can make. To get you
started, we have done the first one for you.
There are at least 50 words with four or more letters that can be made out of the word FAVORITE.
See how many words you can make. To get you started we have done the first one for you.
I t s a b o u t t i m e
Below you will find expressions, phrases, or names. Each one of these should suggest to you another expression
which contains the word time. The first one has been done for you; can you guess the rest?
1. Without end
2. Very rapidly
3. A chronometer
4. Repeatedly
5. Broadway & 42nd Street, New York
6. Double pay
7. Backward in adopting things
8. How to begin a story
9. To be in jail
10. Referee’s expression
11. A wild spree
12. Aphorism about delay and the ocean
13. Jazz
14. To deceive a spouse or lover
More examples of graphic English
What word or phrase is suggested by each of the pictures?
contributed by Omar Dahnin, Saudi Arabia
Shapes and meanings
Here are some words that are arranged so that the shape of the word suggests the meaning. Can you
think of any others?
Word Shapes
Pyramids and diamonds
Each word in the pyramid is formed by adding a letter to the word above it, and rearranging the
letters if necessary. In the twin pyramids, the words opposite each other are formed from the same
letters. In the bottom half of the diamond, each word is formed by subtracting a letter from the word
above it (and rearranging the letters if necessary).
simple pyramid twin pyramids
1. Article
2. Near; by
3. Rested on a chair
4. Heavenly body
5. Paper or plastic tube for drinking
6. One who doesnt conserve
7. Pullover; article of clothing
1.1st person
2. 3rd person (thing)
3. Rest on a chair
4. Bonds; unites
5. Inatable coverings for wheels
6. Female relative
7. Fights or defends oneself against
1. Roman numerals for 1
2. Note of scale between la and do
3. Contraction of it is
4. Place; location
5. Attempts
6. Withstand; exert oneself against
7. Women having the same parents
1. Ninth letter of the alphabet
2. 3.1416
3. Pastry
4. Mature
5. Steeple
6. Religious ocial
7. Having long narrow bands of contrasting color
8. Spirit; ghost, fairy
9. Long, narrow piece of material
10. Journey
11. Hole in the ground
12. at thing
13. Myself
Word diamonds
Add or take away a letter to make the next word in each of the diamonds above. e answers
correspond to the clues below.
A short, sharp piece of
metal for fastening
A hurting or suffering
Liquid coloring substance
Liquid measure (1/2 quart)
Hole in the ground
That thing
1st person
Source of metal
That woman
That man
8th letter
1st letter
Indefinite article
Went fast
Water from the sky
Means of transportation
Make great efforts
Discolor in a lasting way
Man’s nickname
Light brown
Alternative to “a”
Indefinite article
2nd letter
Risk money on a result
Most good
Opposite of west
Indefinite article
Word triangle
e two letters that form the rst word dened below are repeated somewhere in each of the other
1. Exist
2. Insect that makes honey
3. 3-dimensional square
4. Swedish peace prize
5. Someone who cuts hair
6. Tenth month
7. Stole from
8. Serious; not drunk
9. Large hairy animal
10. Furniture for sleeping
11. British English (abbr.)
Word circles
Add the missing letter and get a word by starting at the right place and going around the circle.
Word chain
Make a word chain by writing in the links the letters of the 14 words dened by the clues. (Begin at
the top and move clockwise around the circle.) Each word overlaps with the next word; that is, the
nal two letters of each word are the rst two letters of the following word. (e number of letters in
each word is shown in parentheses after each clue.)
1. Reply (6)
2. Rub out (5)
3. Body of water (3)
4. Every (4)
5. Part of the face (4)
6. Within (6)
7. Not alive (4)
8. Totaled; got a sum (5)
9. Train; teach (7)
10. Rip (4)
11. Stop (6)
12. Cease (4)
13. Musical drama (5)
14. Went fast (3)
Coded Language
A code message
Can you “translate” this letter-code message into English words, making a four-line verse?
e empty cupboard
You may know the following nursery rhyme:
Old Mother Hubbard
Went to the cupboard
To get her poor dog a bone.
When she got there
e cupboard was bare
And so her poor dog had none.
But what we are not told is that when she opened the cupboard door, Mrs. Hubbard exclaimed:
Can you tell the meaning of what she said? (Hint: It is six words.)
Letter play
1. What two letters express the meaning “not dicult”?
2. What two letters mean the opposite of “full”?
3. What two letters spell a number?
4. What two letters spell a word meaning “some”?
5. What two letters mean a kind of short composition?
6. What two letters mean “very cold”?
7. What two letters mean the opposite of “causes” (noun)?
8. What letter and number mean “ahead of” or “in front of”?
9. What number and letter spell a popular outdoor game?
10. What number and letter mean “anticipate”?
Fun with states: synonyms
e word puzzle below depends on the abbreviations for state names. e abbreviations given here are
ones that are frequently used (there are others); they are given in alphabetical order of the states names:
Ala. Hawaii Mass. N.M. S.D.
Alas. Idaho Mich. N.Y. Tenn.
Ariz. Ill. Minn. N.C. Tex
Ark. Ind. Miss. N.D. Utah
Calif. Ia. Mo. Ohio Vt.
Colo. Kans. Mont. Okla. Va.
Conn. Ky. Nebr. Ore. Wash.
Del. La. Nev. Pa. W. Va.
Fla. Me. N.H. R.I. Wis.
Ga. Md. N.J. S.C.
Some of the abbreviations are English words. Find among the abbreviations synonyms for the
following words or phrases: then give the name of the state itself.
1. Shapeless body of matter; uncountable
2. To clean
3. e objective case of “I”.
4. Sick
5. Nickname for father
6. Title for an unmarried woman
7. A note of the scale
8. Exclamation of sorrow or regret
9. Noahs boat
10. Natural combination of minerals from which metals can be extracted.
Picture talk
e initial letters of the picture clues spell out seven English words. If you work them out correctly,
you will see the relationship of these words to the word given in the sample.
National park symbols
Coin Toss
Unscramble the set of letters next to each clue to find the answer. All answers
can be found in this issue’s feature article.
Example: These facilities are set up to test the purity of precious metals. SSYAA FCSFIOE
Answer: Assay Offices
1. The U.S. coin worth 25 cents is called a ___.
2. The U.S. ___ was the first federal building con-
structed under the U.S. Constitution.
3. Pennies are this color.
4. As a symbol of the United States, this bird appears
on all coins in use.
5. This president was the first to be pictured on a
U.S. coin.
6. Only ____ can authorize changing a coin’s design
more than once every 25 years.
7. This is the fourth step in creating coins.
8. Hoping to make a profit, some people collect
coins as an ___.
9. Both the dollar coin and the ___ ___ coin are
rarely used.
10. Children use coins in tabletop games such as
___ ___.
11. This Mint was established in 1937 to store silver
12. This law in 1792 created the first U.S. monetary
13. ___ ___ Banks maintain monetary reserves and
issue bank notes.
14. Special coins designed to honor a person, place,
or event are called ___.
15. ___ is the study or collecting of coins.
Weather Word Search
ind the weather words listed below. When you find a word in
the puzzle, circle it. Words can appear vertically, horizontally,
diagonally, or even backwards.
Foggy Sandals
Forecast Scarf
Wh ere s t he B ee f?
ll the words in the list below are hidden in this
grid of letters.The words are in straight lines that are
oriented diagonally, horizontally, or vertically. Some
words will share letters when they cross each other.
Also, the letters for some words may be in reverse
order, for example, ekahs is shake spelled backwards.
Circle the letters when you have found the word in
the grid of letters. Cross out the words below as a
reminder when you find them above. Have fun and
see how many words you can find!
s d r o w e h t d n i f
There are at least 90 words hidden in the squares below. We have included many of the most commonly
misspelled words, so be careful! Words go across, backwards, down and up, but not diagonally.
match up
Match the words with the definitions on the right. To get you started, we have done one for you.
1. Actor A. An educated person who isn’t feeling well.
2. Bore B. The standard number of lips assigned to each person.
3. Hospital C. What a man gets after his funeral.
4. Screens D. A place where people who are run down wind up.
5. Praise E. An invention for keeping iesfl in the house.
6. Illiterate F. A person who tries to be everything but himself.
7. Tulips G. A sick bird.
8. Illegal H. A person who has nothing to say and insists on saying it.
New York City Word Search
igure out the answer to each of the clues below. Then search for and circle
those answers in the grid. Words may be printed vertically, horizontally,
diagonally, or even backwards. All of the clues (and answers) come from the
feature article in this issue.
1. ____________ is another name for the Theatre District in midtown Manhattan.
2. In 1609, an English explorer sailed up this body of water now named after him. (2 words)
3. __________ ___________ is a neighborhood in New York City known as a place of avant-garde art and
progressive politics.
4. With the opening of the ________ _________ in 1825, New York became the premier American port on the
Atlantic coast.
5. The headquarters of the __________ ___________ is international territory owned by all member
6. The __________ ____ __________ was a gift from France to the United States, representing the friendship
formed between these two countries during the American Revolution.
7. This building is shaped like a spiral, wider at the top than the bottom. (2 words)
8. Each year millions of people visit this location to enjoy the lakes, play sports, visit the zoo, or see free plays
and concerts. (2 words)
9. It is said that if you have performed at _________ ________, you have reached the top of your musical
10. Until 1954, this was the tallest building in the world, and today it is the tallest building in New York City.
(3 words)
11. Opened in 1883, the ___________ ___________ joined Manhattan to Brooklyn and was considered one of
the greatest engineering feats of its time.
12. During the 1920s and 1930s, this neighborhood was home to many famous African-American writers and
musicians, such as Langston Hughes and Duke Ellington. (1 word)
New York City Word Search
Figure out the answer to each of the clues below. Then search for and circle
those answers in the grid. Words may be printed vertically, horizontally,
diagonally, or even backwards. All of the clues (and answers) come from the
feature article in this issue.
1. ____________ is another name for the Theatre District in midtown
2. In 1609, an English explorer sailed up this body of water now named after
him. (2 words)
3. __________ ___________ is a neighborhood in New York City known as a place
of avant-garde art and progressive politics.
4. With the opening of the ________ _________ in 1825, New York became the
premier American port on the Atlantic coast.
5. The headquarters of the __________ ___________ is international territory
owned by all member countries.
6. The __________ ____ __________ was a gift from France to the United
States, representing the friendship formed between these two countries during
Poetry Word Search
n this issues feature lesson plan, youll find several poetry terms.
See if you can find them, and others, in the word search below. The
terms may be printed vertically, horizontally, or diagonally.
Alliteration Assonance Ballad Couplet
Haiku Imagery Kenning Limerick
Metaphor Onomatopoeia Personification Rhyme
Simile Story Verse
Find the following words in the word search puzzle. When you find
a word, circle it. Words can appear vertically, horizontally, diagonally
or even backwards.
Find the following words in the word search puzzle. When you find a word, circle it. Words
can appear vertically, horizontally, diagonally, or even backwards.
Seattle Crossword Puzzle
sing the clues below, fill in the spaces of the crossword puzzle. The answer to
each clue starts in the box with the same number as the clue. If the clue is
under Across, write the letters from left to right. If the clue is under Down, write
the letters down the column. Place one letter in each box. The first response is
given. (Answers to the puzzle are on page 188.)
2. A hot, caffeinated beverage that people often
drink in the morning.
4. The ground shakes and pictures fall off of walls
when this event occurs.
7. Adjective describing damp, wet weather.
8. In Seattle you can take a ferry boat along the
many ways of the city.
9. Baseball, basketball, and soccer are types of .
10. A place where books are available for loan to the
14. A cone-shaped mountain that spews lava, debris,
and steam when it erupts.
15. Floating homes on lakes and rivers are known as
house .
16. A connected line of railroad cars.
1. Most recognized landmark in Seattle.
3. Type of market that sells locally grown fruits and
5. The oldest area of most cities is known as the
6. When you fly from one place to another you
travel in an .
11. A self-powered vehicle with two wheels, handle-
bars, and a set of pedals.
12. A collapsible device you use to stay dry when it
13. A dense growth of trees and underbrush is
known as a wood or a .
1 A country that is also
a continent
8 To fly or glide high in
the air
9 A U.S. soldier in World
War II
10 Westernmost island
of Alaska
12 Not warm
14 Thus; therefore
15 Fraction; the relationship of
two amounts
17 Object used to open
a lock
18 One who guides an
airplane or a boat
20 And so forth (abbr.)
21 A metal or a container
for food
23 Light brown
25 To possess; have
26 An animal that pulls sleds
in Alaska
27 Animals native to Australia
1 Largest state of the U.S.
2 Supersonic transport (abbr.)
3 An organized sightseeing trip
4 Ancient Egyptian god
5 Geographic area that includes
the North Pole
6 An Eskimo house
7 Help; assist
11 Forward part of the foot
13 Petroleum; a substance used
for lubricating
16 Suitable, appropriate, quick to
learn, or abbr. for apartment
19 Unit of weight equal to 2,000
pounds avoirdupois (U.S.) or
907.18 kilograms
20 Past participle suffix
21 Name of an airline
22 Place for a traveler to spend
the night
23 Also
24 In the past
25 All right
26 Doctor (abbr.)
A pla i n p uzzle
1. The big flat middle section of the U.S.
(2 words)
8. Also
9. Animal like a large mouse
10. Therefore
12. The place where a person lives
13. He drives the cattle
16. Was acquainted with
17. An exact copy of someone
18. All right
19. State where the cattle drives began
22. That man
24. Exclamation of surprise
25. Have fun
27. To be the best in a competition
29. Will _______, Cowboy philosopher
31. Extra Terrestrial
32. Ending of numbers between 12
and 20
34. Allow; permit
35. Animal that 13 across rides on
36. Los Angeles (abbreviation)
37. Plural of he/she/it
38. Act; perform; accomplish
1. Move
2. Preposition of place
3. Preposition of motion
4. They carried the mail from St. Joseph
to Sacramento (2 words)
5. A strong, hard metal used in making
tools and machines
6. A word by which you are known
7. A food like soup, but thicker
10. It is worn on your foot inside your
11. Wise bird
12. Alphabetic neighbors of IJ
14. The two together
15. A single unit, person, or thing
20. By oneself; not including anyone else
21. Droop; lose tightness
23. Opposite of 27 down
24. Above; covering (prep.)
26. Shout
27. The part of the U.S. where the
cowboys were
28. Neuter pronoun
30. Look at and understand the meaning
of printed material
32. Something a child plays with
33. Comparative suffix
35. Masculine pronoun
Two shipwrecked sailors managed to climb onto an
iceberg. “Oh, dear,” said the rst. “Do you
think we’ll survive?” “Of course we will,”
said the second. “Look, here comes
the Titanic.”
w a t e r p u z z l e
1 2
39 40
27 28
24 25
5 6
11 12
1. any form of water i.e. rain, snow
7. Abbr. for Pennsylvania
8. opposite of borrow
9. hotel or restaurant
11. drops of water from clouds
13. a large inland body of water
15. opposite of down
18. H
20. channels or pipes designed to
transport water
25. a small child
26. 2nd person plural
27. chemical symbol for “antimony”
29. to fasten ends or parts
30. slang for police ofcer
31. indicated alternative, conjunction
33. a spring or fountain
34. soft, white, urry ice crystals, adjective
36. to nish rst in a competition
37. past tense for “be”
39. a period of time, plural
41. edible sh from Latin thunnus
44. before, preposition
45. Abbr. Educational Testing Service
47. large natural stream of water, plural
48. prex for water, Greek
50. a rope used on a ship; a cord for shing
51. female of “he”
52. feline
54. an overowing of water onto land, plural
57. a spigot; sound of a gentle blow
58. indicates in contact with, preposition
60. chance of loss; danger
62. storage of water, noun
64. Abbr.
for rood; 1/4 acre of land
1. something that pollutes, plural
2. Abbr.
for Environmental Protection Agency
3. articial waterway
4. bucket, plural
5. a large container for water
6. supplying land with water via pipes, plural
10. Abbr.
for North America
12. opposite of yes
14. Abbr. Emergency room
16. a mesh fabric to catch sh, plural
17. to ponder; to meditate
19. towards, preposition
21. to suffocate in water
22. periodically repeated phenomenon
i.e. water
23. instrument to do work
24. to have supper
28. partially enclosed body of water, plural
32. to propel a boat with oars
34. a small body of saltwater
35. region draining into a river or lake
36. small falling sphere of rain
38. opposite of saltwater
40. to rescue from danger
42. Abbr. for northeast
43. in or near; abbr. for airtight
46. opposite of fresh water
47. to ow off, drain away
49. a body of saltwater covering 70%
of the earth’s surface
53. to move; to proceed
55. star constellation near Gemini
56. to trap or catch small animals
58. Abbr. for okay
59. Abbr. for Oregon; a mineral
61. Abbr. for Italy; nonhuman pronoun
63. Abbr. for south; thus
Crossword Puzzle
1. The virtual space of computer memory
and networks
7. A pronoun referring to animals and things
8. A suffix meaning relating to or characteri-
zed by
9. A floor covering
11. Open connections for communication
via the computer
13. Personal computer (abbr.)
14. A global network of linked computers
18. An explanation
19. A term of endearment; expensive
20. A Direction
23. United Services Organizations, (abbr.)
24. Attach or connect
26. What came before; not of today
28. Third person singular pronoun
29. A menu-based system for access on the
1. An electronic device that stores, retrieves
and processes data
2. A small amount; the smallest unit of
computer data
3. Extraterrestrial (abbr.)
4. Male offspring
5. A modal
6. Computers and TVs are devices
10. Alternating Current (abbr.)
11. A promise or declaration
12. God; one with power over others; a
British nobleman
15. A negative
16. Neither masculine or feminine
17. Freedom from worry; a condition of
comfort and complete release from
21. A male deer or type of party
22. Latin abbreviation used with dates to
mean approximately
24. File Transfer Protocol (abbr.)
25. Third person singular pronoun
27. Thus; consequently
Crossword Puzzle
1. A place where buyers and sellers
come together
2. an item or service produced or
5. a negative
6. work performed to benet others
8. Associated Press (abbr.)
9. Teaching Assistant (abbr.)
11. e General Agreement on Taris
and Trade (acronym)
13. people who buy stock expecting
prices to rise
15. bitter: opposite of sweet
16. planet earth
17. also
19. Substantive (abbr.)
20. a type of radio used by truck drivers
22. a conjunction
23. instruments for conveying the
human voice
24. United Parcel Service (abbr.)
25. subject pronoun
27. Corporate Executive Ocer (abbr.)
28. a written message conveyed by
30. a type of evergreen tree
32. the name of a letter
33. another term for market economy
(two words)
36. charges or expenses
37. to arouse public attention; promote
1. paper or metal accepted as payment
2. a sum of money that a product is
sold for
3. to trouble or upset
4. groups or categories
7. a person who organizes and runs a
10. sum total
11. merchandise; articles for sale
12. symbol for gold
13. supervisor
14. Less Developed Country (abbr.)
15. a parent's male child
17. taxes on traded goods
18. Gross National Product (abbr.)
21. All commercial activities
26. weary; worn-out
28. distant
29. to photocopy
31. in reference to
32. sux that indicates "the most"
34. personal computer (abbr.)
35. a form of be
1. Thinking about the past
9. Prefix meaning OUT OF,
10. Places
11. Leader of class
13. Connecting word
14. Looks
15. Not living
17. To a higher place
18. Hit
20. Abbreviation for ROUND
21. Not dry
22. First person pronoun
23. Newly made, young
25. Sleep, not work
26. Small animal with six
28. Preposition showing support
29. Do
31. Question word asking for
answer with BECAUSE
32. A common verb
33. Verb form of 15 across
34. Water from the sky
36. A thing of any kind
1. Somewhat
2. Finds the size
3. But, not including
4. Make holy
5. Thing on side of head
6. Abbreviation for RAILWAY
7. Form of the verb BE
8. Place where flowers grow
12. Pronoun for a man
13. Kind of tree
15. What a lady wears
16. This or that
19. Two times ten
22. Plural of MAN
24. With much money
25. Streets
27. At that time, later
29. Not here, gone
30. Something to drink
32. Not small
34. Abbreviation of RHODE
35. Article
Author unknown
Journalism Crossword
Using the clues below, ll in the spaces of the crossword puzzle. The answer to each clue starts
in the box with the same number as the clue. If the clue is under Across, write the letters from
left to right. If the clue is under Down, write the letters down the column. Place one letter in
each box. For two-word answers, write both words without a space between them. All answer
words and clues are taken from this issue’s feature article “Newspapers in America.
Answers to this puzzle are on page 189.
1. _____ pyramid is a style of writing in which
the most important information is in the first
2. _____ journalism is a style of writing that uses
large headlines, many illustrations, and simple
words to sell more newspapers.
3. The _____ to the Editor section of newspapers
features the opinions of readers.
7. Joseph _____ began a movement to raise the
professionalism of journalism.
8. A _____ writes the news.
1. To gather news by asking people questions.
4. An old law that allowed jailing anyone who
criticized the U.S. government in print.
(2 words)
5. The ______ Amendment guarantees freedom
of the press in the U.S. Constitution.
6. _____ weeklies focus on local news, opinion
pieces, and entertainment.
7. The term for low-cost newspapers sold in New
York in the 1800s. (2 words)
With the following clues, fill in the crossword puzzle with words that begin
with the letter “J.
2. Baby kangaroo
3. Fast airplane
4. Sharp rough edge
6. To eject
7. To pull quickly
8. Largest planet in the
solar system
10. You must go to work
to keep your ____
12. Cleans and maintains
a building
13. Horse
14. Peanut butter
and ____
1. Milk is kept in a ____
2. They make sure you
receive a fair trial
3. Under the age of 18
5. Unite with a group
6. Capital of Indonesia
7. Holds your car up
while you change
a tire
8. First month of the year
9. If you break the law,
you will go to ____
10. A member of a sports
team wears this
11. If it is cold, you wear
a ____
13. Island country
14. Independence Day in
the United States falls
in this month
Homonyms & Palindromes
Spelling bee
Fill in the blanks in each sentence with two or three words that have the same sound but dierent
spelling and dierent meanings. e number of blanks equals the number of letters in the missing word.
1. Our team _ _ _ _ _ _ game and lost three games.
2. ey agreed _ _ play _ _ _ more games next week, _ _ _.
3. e _ _ _ _ golfers watched _ _ _ the ball when they heard someone shout “_ _ _ _!”
4. e four of us were so hungry that we_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ hamburgers.
5. Each player _ _ _ _ _ the ball _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the hoop at least once.
6. As we approached the coast we could _ _ _ the _ _ _.
7. Anna had _ _ many things to _ _ _ on her new machine that she had no time to _ _ _ any seeds
in the garden.
8. At the airport the guide said, “Come this _ _ _ so they can _ _ _ _ _ your luggage.
9. We had to _ _ _ _ in line until they determined the _ _ _ _ _ _ of our bags.
10. We _ _ _ _ the boat to the dock so it wouldnt go out when the _ _ _ _ came in.
11. Unfortunately, we did _ _ _ put a very good _ _ _ _ in the rope, and it came unfastened.
12. e people on the safari _ _ _ _ _ that a _ _ _ _ of elephants was headed their way.
13. If you sit _ _ _ _ very quietly, you can _ _ _ _ the wind blowing through the trees.
14. e man in the _ _ _ coat _ _ _ _ the notice to me.
15. We _ _ _ _ on horseback through the tall grass until we came to the _ _ _ _ that led to the town.
16. Everything looked so familiar; it was as if we had _ _ _ _ that _ _ _ _ _ before.
17. We went to where they were selling boats, and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ boats had a sign on them
that said “_ _ _ _ _ _ _”
18. e students _ _ _ _ _ down in their notebooks the sentences that they had learned by _ _ _ _.
19. e wind _ _ _ _ the rain clouds away, leaving a clear _ _ _ _ sky.
20. e father said, “I will sit in the shade out of the hot _ _ _’ _ _ _ _ _ while my _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
the roof on the house."
Parts of the body
Each of the following clues refers to a part of the body (in some cases a homonym of a part of the body).
1. A clock has one.
2. A clock has two.
3. Part of a comb
4. A valentine
5. A baby cow
6. A rabbit
7. Nautical “yes
8. Weapons
9. Part of a river
10. Understands
Alphabetic words
Answer each denition by a word that has the same sound as the name of a letter of the alphabet:
1. Exist (two possible answers)
2. Body of water
3. Indenite article
4. Beverage
5. Observe, look at
6. Part of the face
7. Have an obligation
8. Flying insect
9. Exclamation of surprise
10. Hint, or signal for action
11. Former (prex)
12. For what reason
13. Vegetable
14. Peg for holding a golf ball
15. River in England (two possible answers)
16. Billiard stick
17. Kind of blue bird
18. Female sheep
19. Command to a horse
In the following, the answer sounds like plural letters (e.g., dees, efs, aiches, zees, etc.)
20. Freedom from diculty of discomfort
21. Sensible; discerning; judicious
22. Employ
23. Playfully mock; make fun of
24. Grasp; take hold of
25. Extremities; outcomes; aims; goals
ree-letter name words:
1. Foe
2. Loveliness
Four-letter name word:
Title of honor for certain persons of high position
Five-letter name word:
Appropriateness to the conditions; doing for
advantage rather than for what is right; self-interest
A palindrome may be dened as a word, phrase,
sentence, verse, or (sometimes) number that
reads the same backwards as forwards. Some
examples of words that are palindromes are:
Probably the best-known sentence that is
a palindrome is MADAM, I’M ADAM—
presumably uttered upon introducing himself
to Eve (herself a palindrome!) in the garden of
Eden. Another one that has been around for
some time is Napoleons (ctitious) utterance
candidate for the trio of well-known palindromes
Many palindromes have a stilted unnatural
sound. For example: STEP ON NO PETS
and LIVE NOT ON EVIL. (Dont step on
any pets and Dont live on evil certainly do not
qualify as palindromes, but they would be at
least slightly more likely candidates for everyday
Palindrome sentences seem to thrive on
imperatives and negatives. Sometimes they
suggest a plausible context, as DRAW, O
COWARD!—if you think of the swashbuckling
days of swordplay. In other cases there is a certain
quaintness: TIS IVAN ON A VISIT. Or they
may be quite overwhelming in their bombast:
EVIL! and its more positive counterpart: DO
Occasionally a palindrome may be a question
(usually beginning with was and ending with
saw): WAS IT A RAT I SAW? and WAS IT
LOVERS REVOLT NOW? Some of the longer
palindromes show a persistent ingenuity as well
as imagination: DOC, NOTE I DISSENT;
I DIET ON COD. Which reminds us of the
plaintive cry of one who has overindulged at
By far the most popular palindromic personage
is Edna, who performs a variety of feats, usually
DINE. At last, a solo performance (though with
an implied companion): TOO FAR, EDNA,
e following two palindromes, taken together,
provide a family commentary: PA’S A SAP and
animals get into the act: A DOG; A PANIC IN
Occasionally one comes across a natural
palindrome, such as YREKA BAKERY—an
actual bakery, located at 322 W. Miner Street, in
the city of Yreka, California.
Reverse me
Related to the palindromes but more accessible to our knowledge and imagination, are pairs of words
whose spellings are the reverse of each other. Some such pairs are : pool—loop, era—are, spot—tops,
rail—liar, time—emit, pan—nap, reward—drawer, dog—god, tap—pat, keep—peek, gnat—tang,
dial—laid, sag—gas, rat—tar, span—naps, no—on, lap—pal, sleep—peels, snap—pans, live—evil,
step—pets (and many others). Such pairs of words provide the solutions to the following puzzles:
1. I’m the high point. Reverse me and I’m something to cook in.
2. I’m uncooked. Reverse me and I’m armed conict.
3. I’m a portion of the whole. Reverse me and I’m something to catch (ensnare)
something in.
4. I perceived with the eyes. Reverse me and I existed.
5. I’m a heavy weight. Reverse me and I’m a negative.
6. I’m a wild animal. Reverse me and I move like water.
7. I’m a number. Reverse me and I’m an open-meshed fabric used for catching sh.
8. I’m an obstruction used to hold back water. Reverse me and I’m crazy.
9. I was victorious. Reverse me and I’m the present time.
10. I dug minerals out of the ground. Reverse me and I’m a
coarse cloth that jeans are made of.
Word Find
Hidden states
Can you nd and circle in the grid the hidden state names listed below? ey read vertically,
horizontally, diagonally, and occasionally even overlapping and reversed. (Note that four of the states
are presented in abbreviated form.)
Created by Homer Wakerly, Colorado Springs, Colorado
Letter words in hiding
Find the letter words hidden in the grid, using the denitions below as clues. e letters forming the
letter-words can appear horizontally (left to right), vertically, or diagonally. e rst one has been
done for you.
1. ying saucer
2. request on an invitation
3. very quickly
4. somebody who gets special treatment
5. an advanced degree
6. a person who acts as a host for an entertainment program
7. a sandwich
8. identication card
9. extraordinary powers of perception
10. an electronic transmitter of images and sounds
11. an American airline company
12. a promise to pay
13. a person who presents a recorded music program on the radio
World capitals
Within the grid, nd the capitals of the countries listed below:
Created by Perry V. Zizzi, Palau
Irregular verbs
Write on the line following each verb the simple past tense form of that verb. en nd that word in
the puzzle below.
Created by Perry V. Zizzi, Palau
1. to begin __________
2. to choose _________
3. to do ____________
4. to eat ___________
5. to leave _________
6. to run____________
7. to lie ____________
8. to know __________
9. to teach __________
10. to say ___________
11. to steal __________
12. to think _________
13. to go ___________
14. to freeze _________
15. to y ____________
16. to feel ___________
17. to have __________
18. to hurt ___________
19. to get ___________
20. to hide __________
21. to let __________
22. to see _________
23. to wear ________
24. to tear _________
25. to sit __________
26. to drink ________
27. to swim ________
28. to break ________
29. to take _________
30. to sing _________
Word Adventures
Grand canyon
How many words can you make from the letters in the words GRAND CANYON? Clues are given
below, but if you prefer, you can proceed without clues. Starting at the top of the canyon, put one
word on each line. Try to reach the bottom of the canyon and then climb back to the top on the
other side.
2-letter words:
•public notice (abbr.)
•make, act
•depart, leave
•over; upon
3-letter words:
•curve, part of a circle
•ungentlemanly man
•able to
•kind of sh
•cute, coquettish
•weep; shout
•part of a week
•put on
•not wet
•go about without purpose
•kind of sh
•bright, happy
•constantly nd fault
•move the head
•correlative of neither
•rowing instrument
•old piece of cloth
•moved quickly
•beam of light
•legendary bird
•shing pole
4-letter words:
stiff paper
•string rope
•cereal grain
•rugged cli
•small boat
•wild party
•zesty, risque
•sounded a bell
•path; way
•red horse
•garden court
•wool thread
5-letter words
•irate; mad
•type of gas
•a sweet
•shrewd, wise
•trite, sentimental
•close friend
•sound of pain or grief
•keyboard instrument
•synthetic fabric
6-letter words:
•kind of goat, cat, or rabbit (fur)
•false statement or rumor
•yellow bird
•frankness, sincerity
•large gun
•coloring tool
•synthetic fabric
•mythical monster
1-letter words:
• article
• 1st person
2-letter words:
• 1st-person verb
• article
• word used with
compar atives
• in the location of
• opposite of out
• 3rd-person verb
• pronoun
• negative
• over
• therefore
• in the direction of
• you and me
3-letter words:
• purpose or goal
• island in a river
• insect
• tavern; travelers
• charged particle
• person
• material used as
a pad
• negative
• woman in a
religious order
• hard-shelled dry
• kind of grain
• opposite of in
• moral oense
• opposite of stand
• male child
• total
• source of earths
light and heat
• light brown
• metal; can
• 2,000 pounds
• large cask or vat
4-letter words:
• at another time
• tiny particle
• mother’s sister
• preposition
• principal, primary
• vertical pole on a
• fragrant herb;
where coins are
• ne rain or spray
• melancholy sound
• small body of water
around a castle
• greatest amount or
• has to
• substantive; name
• leave out
• remove by force or
legal action
• t; be appropriate;
set of clothes
• daze, astonish;
make senseless or
• edible sh
• single thing or
5-letter words:
• negatively charged
par ticle
• stone- or bricklayer
• slightly wet
• climb, go up
• holy person
• shiny fabric
• animal’s nose
• discolor, soil; color
• act of joining;
somet hing formed
by joining
• deprive of manly
qualities or courage
6-letter word:
• total number or
• spirit; animating
• apply oil;
• deepest within
• country
• darkening of the
skin the sun
Twice around the isle/aisle
A swimmer recently swam twice around Manhattan Island in 21 hours, 2 minutes and 46 seconds.
Working in pairs, how long will it take you to swim twice around Manhattan? Below are 36 pairs of
homonyms—words that sound the same but are spelled dierently and have dierent meanings. If
you get both members of a pair (spelled correctly), count 40 minutes of time; if you get only one,
count 50 minutes; if you get neither, count 50 minutes. If you can think of a third homonym (e.g.
I’ll in the above example) subtract 20 minutes.
1. First Lap:
a. carry—naked, unclothed
b. also—number
c. precious, costly—forest animal
d. in this place—perceive with the ear
e. thus—join cloth together with needle
and thread
f. perceived, understood—division of a play
g. went before, guided—heavy metal
h. looked at and understood printed
i. act of selling—piece of cloth on a boat to
catch the wind
j. heaviness—stay in place until something
k. be aware of, understand—not any
1. consumed—number
m. permitted—spoken, not silent
n. period of time—belonging to us
o. estimated, answered without being sure—
invited visitor
p. prevailed, was rst in a contest—number
q. was aware of, understood—fresh, of
recent origin
r. purchase—next to
2. Second Lap:
a. crushes or grinds with the teeth—select
b. alternatively—at piece of wood used to
row a boat
c. part of the foot—pull something with a
d. main, most important—rule or standard
of behavior
e. small hotel—preposition
f. pushed air out of the mouth—color
g. precipitation—rule, be in power
h. correct, proper—put words on paper
i. was carried on a horse—street, pathway
j. the mixture of gases that we breathe—one
who inherits
k. went higher—lines of things
1. one of the masculine gender—post, send
a letter
m. an opening in something—entire,
n. total of added numbers—a few, any
o. insect that makes honey—exist
p. oceans—grasp, take hold of
q. ock, group of animals—perceived,
listened to
r. place where string or rope is tied together—
Alphabet connect
I am the largest of the land mammals. I live in the forests and savannas of Africa, India, and
Southeast Asia.
Who am I? To answer the question connect the letters of the alphabet in order
(A,B,C…), rst the capital letters, then the small letters.