HR policy briefing
Industrial Action update
Reporting outside appointments
Revised policy concerning relationships between staff and students
Visitor guidance and agreements
Bullying and Harassment funder requirements
Harpur v Brazel update
Reward updates
General Updates
Communications / Poll
Industrial Action update
ASOS 20 April-30 Sept
“Working to contract; not undertaking any voluntary activities; not
covering for absent colleagues; removing uploaded materials
related to, and/or not sharing materials related to, lectures or
classes that will be or have been cancelled as a result of strike
action; not rescheduling lectures or classes cancelled due to strike
action; and undertaking a marking and assessment boycott.
Full details see UCU Industrial Action | HR Support (
Position statement Universitys position on UCU industrial action
| HR Support (
Reporting outside appointments
Academic and academic-related staff must complete form OA1
every time they want to take on an outside appointment or
consultancy Holding outside appointments | HR Support
If consultancy arranged via OUI, OUI will make sure form
If not arranged via OUI, please input details to PXD for annual
HE-BCI returns: scenariofactsheet-outsideappointmentspdf
Revised: Staff-student relationship policy
Policy concerning relationships between students and staff | HR Support (
Cascade of 1 March 2023
New emphasis
Prohibits staff from entering into an intimate relationship with a student for
whom they have any responsibility
Strongly discourages any other close personal relationship between a staff
member and student for whom they have any responsibility that transgresses the
boundaries of professional conduct
Any member of staff who is in, (or who has had) a relationship of this kind must
notify their Head of Department by 17 June at the latest.
HoD must undertake risk assessment of potential conflict of interest and put
mitigations in place (for guidance for HoDs see Annex 4 of the policy.)
Relates to all University staff, inc joint appointments, casual paid workers, visiting
academics and graduate students with teaching, pastoral or supervisory roles.
Please bring to the attention of your departments regularly.
Policy reviews
Thanks to our volunteer reviewers who
have been working through some policies.
Updates coming soon.
Revised guidance thanks to all those who have
shared their experience
Much more information on visitors in one place
Includes key points from the visitor agreement guidance
When to use a short form agreement/long form agreement
When to seek HRBP advice
Making it clear (for you to pass onto colleagues!) that there
is a lot of work to set up a visitor properly suggested
minimum term of one month
Revised template agreements.
Bullying and Harassment reminder of
funder requirements
Some funders (in partic WT, BHF, CRUK and NIH) have strict
requirements to be notified about B&H and/or sexual
harassment allegations
Where formal complaints received please always check
funding source asap
Discuss with HRBP and Head of RSO
If a report is to made to a funder record keeping is key
WT audit. Additional requirements later in the year
Preventing Harm | Staff Gateway (
PERS(19)03 Research funder policies and requirements on bullying and harassment
HR Audit
(self-assessment and data
Annual exercise:
Self-assessment checklist of operational requirements
Data collection survey on a range of HR issues
Paused for 2023
Reviewing to understand better how its working
In the meantime:
Staff survey
Survey related to Harpur V Brazel and holiday pay
NWW pulse survey being re-run in the summer
Any comments ka[email protected]
Part-week starter and leaver dates
PXD uses a Mon-Sun 7 day week and pro-rates against that
regardless of working pattern
For part-week workers if the start or end date is recorded as
first or last actual working day this can result in shortfall.
Eg Wed-Fri work pattern
Employee works their complete full week (Wed to Fri) and
therefore due full 60%FTE salary for week
But employment recorded as starting on Wednesday and
not Monday
PXD will pro-rate as if only part of the part-week
hours had been worked
See HR Systems pdf Record appointment start and end
Harpur v Brazel - update
consultation outcome
New consultation
launched on
reintroduction of rolled-
up pay
Uncertainty making
process changes
Updated contract
templates coming soon
- casuals, variable,
casual examiners, TTO
Key activities for now:
Where poss pay
accrued, untaken
holiday in lieu at the
Promptly close
down casual appts
contracts for min period
Seek advice on new
TTO and VH
Harpur Trust v Brazel
To update guidance we need to know more about how you are engaging part-year
Survey coming soon
One response per department
Looking for details of how you are
currently dealing with holiday pay for:
Casual teachers
Variable hours staff
Term-time only
Look out in the Cascade
HR Analytics
HESA Higher Education
Statistics Agency collects
data on students, staff,
The team are moving into
intense HESA data quality
checking phase
They may be contacting you
for information
Grateful for your assistance
HESA data entry background
| HR Systems (
Reward updates
Awards for Excellence Scheme
Annual gathered field review element of the Reward and
Recognition scheme for academic-related and support staff
Taking place in Trinity term - payments to be made from
August 2023
Review period - 12 months to date of scheme launch
Full scheme guidance inc criteria, nomination and payroll
forms available from webpage Reward and Recognition
Scheme | HR Support (
Grading triage
3 month grading triage now ended
Initial recommendations will be implemented in June
Vice Chancellor's review of pay and
Professor Irene Tracey, has commissioned a review of pay and conditions:
Purpose: to conduct a comprehensive analysis on the total reward and benefits
offer for all staff groups across the University
Objectives include:
Benchmarking pay
Considering full employer value proposition (inc benefits, learning and
development opportunities etc)
Looking at salary structures, progression and recognition
Considering ways to reduce % of staff on FTC
The first Steering Group meeting will be held on 19 June. Reporting findings to
See new webpage for future updates: Pay and Conditions Review | HR Support
General updates
Student ambassadors
Casual letter of engagement template available (from
Templates webpage)
Use for minimum period required but max 11 months
Where possible pay accrued, untaken holiday in lieu at end
(using 12.07% calculation)
Career break scheme updated
holiday accrued during break now paid but statutory only
pro-rata to 28 days
Teams channel now has around 200 members
New case studies being added including two teaching staff
HR self-service and personal details
Please remind staff (inc casuals) to keep
personal details up to date:
E&D data important to help us achieve our
Home address essential for pensions,
payroll and also if staff are AWOL
Important to remind upcoming leavers to check
their home address before they leave (P45 and
final payslip - NB P45s are NOT available in
HR Self-Service)
(known issue with email field)
Policy team communications
No longer using circulars and instead:
Cascade for updates to policy/process
Admin-personnel mailing list for comms direct to HR teams
Please ensure robust process for prompt cascading
within dept
Briefings and Newsletter now just HR policy issues
Broader HR issues coming in new HR-wide newsletter
Twice per term
To: administrators-personnel mailing list
Using click-through email format, like Bulletin
Covering news from all central HR teams
HR Conference
1. HR Policy Briefings
Do you continue to find these briefings useful, with the
operational focus?
2. Policy team Newsletter for HR colleagues
Would you prefer to receive this in another format?
3. Policy team Staff Updates doc
Do you still want this?
4. HR Conference
When is the best time to hold this?