St Mary’s University, Waldegrave Road, Strawberry Hill, Twickenham, London TW1 4SX
Switchboard 020 8240 4000,
St Mary’s University, Twickenham. A company limited by guarantee and registered in England and Wales under number 5977277
Registered Office Waldegrave Road, Strawberry Hill, Twickenham, London TW1 4SX. Registered Charity Number 1120192
Private and Confidential
All Staff
30 January 2023
Dear Colleague
UCU has notified the University that it is calling on its members to take industrial action in support of
its dispute over the 2021-22 Pay Award. The notification of action follows a UCU ballot which closed
in November 2022.
UCU is calling on its members to take both strike action and action short of a strike (ASOS). The strike
action consists of the following dates:
As previously advised, UCU is also asking its members to take action short of a strike (ASOS), in the
following forms, and the University’s position remains unchanged in relation to this action.
Only working contracted hours and duties and not volunteering to do more
Not rescheduling classes and lectures cancelled due to strike action
Not covering for absent colleagues
Removing uploaded materials related to, and/or not sharing materials related to, lectures or
classes that will be or have been cancelled as a result of strike action
You will appreciate that we do not know which of our employees are members of UCU and therefore
it is necessary to write to all staff in preparation for the industrial action.
Strike action
We realise that most staff will not be called upon to take part in the strikes but in order that we can
plan properly and safely, we are asking you to advise us in advance if you intend to take part in the
action, completing the linked pro-forma as soon as possible or on the date you are taking strike
If you do not intend to take part in the strike action you do not need to complete this form.
The policy of St Mary’s University is to withhold a day’s pay (at a rate of 1/260
of salary) from staff for
each day of strike action in which they participate. If you confirm your participation or, in the absence
of confirmation, we subsequently have evidence that you did participate, your pay will be withheld
for each day you participated. Line managers will also be monitoring attendance on the strike days
and students will be asked to notify us if their lectures are cancelled. All withheld pay will be added to
I would also advise you to refer to the information on pension contributions (link) and pension benefits
in the event of participation in strike action. For example, absence due to industrial action cannot be
classed as reckonable service in the Teachers Pension Scheme and must be shown as days
If you do take part in the strike action, please note that pay deductions will be made one month in
arears. The withholding of pay is without prejudice to any other right or remedy of the University,
including any claim for damages for breach of contract.
National Resolution
Nationally, Universities & Colleges Employers Association (UCEA) continue to negotiate with Unions
for the sector as a whole to resolve the dispute. The 2023 pay round has been opened with a
commitment to implement a proportion of the award six months early as a direct response to current
cost of living concerns facing our staff. No HEI could offer a pay award that would get close to current
The offer made by UCEA means that all staff earning £50k or below will receive a minimum uplift of
5%. The lowest paid staff will receive up to 7%. This would be in addition to any incremental
progression due to individual members of staff, typically worth 3% in addition to the base pay uplift.
Developments in the negotiations will be communicated to staff in due course.
Many staff will not wish to participate in this action and I regret having to write to staff who do not
intend to take part. However, given the proposed strike action we need to make plans to mitigate any
impact on students and to ensure that we have fully communicated the St Mary’s University position
to all staff. We hope that you will understand why it is necessary.
St Mary’s University very much hopes that you will decide not to take part in the industrial action, and
that it will not be necessary to implement the above policy on pay in your case.
If you have any queries about this letter please contact your nominated Human Resources Business
Yours sincerely
Ruth Thompson
HR Director