Akah Ndang William
Ultimate Companion Limited
Bachelor’s Thesis
Business Management
December 2010
CORE Metadata, citation and similar papers at core.ac.uk
Date of the bachelor's thesis
7 December 2010
Akah Ndang William
Degree programme and option
Business Management
Name of the bachelor's thesis
Employee Motivation and Performance
The subject matter of this research; employee motivation and performance seeks to look at how
best employees can be motivated in order to achieve high performance within a company or
organization. Managers and entrepreneurs must ensure that companies or organizations have a
competent personnel that is capable to handle this task. This takes us to the problem question of
this research “why is not a sufficient motivation for high performance?” This therefore estab-
lishes the fact that money is for high performance but there is need to look at other aspects of
motivation which is not necessarily money.
Four theories were taken into consideration to give an explanation to the question raised in the
problem formulation. These theories include: Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, Herzberg two factor
theory, John Adair fifty-fifty theory and Vroom’s expectancy theory. Furthermore, the perform-
ance management process as a tool to measure employee performance and company perform-
ance. This research equally looked at the various reward systems which could be used by a com-
pany. In addition to the above, culture and organizational culture and it influence on employee
behaviour within a company was also examined.
An empirical study was done at Ultimate Companion Limited which represents the case study of
this research work. Interviews and questionnaires were conducted to sample employee and
management view on motivation and how it can increase performance at the company. Finally, a
comparison of findings with theories, a discussion which raises critical issues on motiva-
tion/performance and conclusion constitute the last part of the research.
Subject headings, (keywords)
Motivation, Performance, Intrinsic, Extrinsic, Incentive, Tangible and Intangible, Reward
72p. + app. 5p
Remarks, notes on appendices
Marja-Liisa Kakkonen
Employer of the bachelor's thesis
Ultimate Companion Limited Douala-Cameroon
1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................... 1
2 NATURE OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT ........................................... 4
2.1. Role of human resource management ................................................................. 4
2.2 Theories on Work Motivation .............................................................................. 6
2.2.1 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs ..................................................................... 7
2.2.2 Herzberg’s two factor theory....................................................................... 9
2.2.3 Fifty-Fifty Theory ...................................................................................... 10
2.2.4 Vroom’s Expectancy Theory .................................................................... 10
2.3 Performance management .................................................................................. 12
2.3.1 Performance Parameters ........................................................................... 12
2.4 Reward System for Employees .......................................................................... 16
2.4.1 Purpose of Reward .................................................................................... 17
2.4.2 Financial Reward ...................................................................................... 18
2.4.3 Nonfinancial Reward ................................................................................ 20
3 CULTURE IN HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT ........................................ 21
3.1 The Concept of Culture ...................................................................................... 22
3.2 Understanding Cultural Dimensions .................................................................. 24
3.2.1 Geert Hofstede Dimensions ...................................................................... 24
3.2.2 Trompenaars Dimensions ......................................................................... 27
3.2.3 Hall’s Cultural Dimensions ....................................................................... 28
3.3 Managing Cultural Differences .......................................................................... 29
4 RESEARCH PROCESS ............................................................................................ 31
4.1 Target Organization (Ultimate companion limited) ........................................... 31
4.2 Choice of Method ............................................................................................... 33
4.3 Research Methods and Procedure ...................................................................... 34
5 FINDINGS OF THE STUDIES ................................................................................ 38
5.1 Findings from Interviews ................................................................................... 38
5.1.1 Background Information ........................................................................... 38
5.1.2 Work Motivation ....................................................................................... 39
5.1.3 Rewards ..................................................................................................... 42
5.2 Findings from Survey ......................................................................................... 45
5.2.1 Background Information of the employees ............................................... 45
5.2.2 Employee’s Work Motivation ................................................................... 49
5.2.3 Employee’s Rewards ................................................................................. 53
6 DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS ..................................................................... 57
6.1 Comparison of the main Findings with Previous Studies .................................. 57
6.2 Reliability and Validity of the Study .................................................................. 60
6.3 Analyses ............................................................................................................. 60
6.3 Development and further studies ....................................................................... 64
6.5 Conclusions ........................................................................................................ 64
7 CONCLUDING REMARKS .................................................................................... 65
BIBLIOGRAPHY......................................................................................................... 67
Figure 1 Abraham Maslow's ........................................................................................... 8
Figure 2 Frequency distribution against employee’s gender ........................................ 45
Figure 3 Frequency distribution against age of employees .......................................... 46
Figure 4 Frequency distribution against work experience of employees ..................... 47
Figure 5 Frequency distribution against positions of employees ................................. 48
Figure 6 Frequency distribution against contract terms of employees ......................... 48
Figure 7 Frequency distribution against employee's work environment ...................... 50
Table 1 summary of interviews .................................................................................... 44
Table 2 Employee's satisfaction ................................................................................... 53
Table 3 survey summary on employee rewards and work motivations ........................ 56
Managers within companies or organizations are primarily responsible to ensure the
tasks or job is done through employees in the right way. To achieve this, these manag-
ers must ensure that they have a competent personnel department for the recruitment
of the best employees that are capable to do the job. For the company to optimize em-
ployee’s performance there is need for the employees to be sufficiently motivated.
Therefore, motivation in theory and practice becomes a difficult subject touching on
several disciplines. Although a lot of scholarly research has been written on motiva-
tion, this subject is not clearly understood and more often than not poorly practiced.
On this score, to best understand how motivation can impact on employee´s perform-
ance one must understand human nature. In as much as motivation impacts on em-
ployee performance, there is need to blend the appropriate motivational tools with
effective management and leadership to achieve this goal.
Not withstanding the fact that motivation is very important to determine employee’s
ability so do other factors such as the resources given to an employee to do his or her
job. Therefore, successful work performance can arise from a variety of motives. For
instance, two people doing similar jobs may both be successful for different reasons,
one salesperson may be motivated by the commission earned on sales, while the other
may be more concerned about meeting sales targets. This creates a nuance in the sub-
ject matter because motivation to enhance performance varies from person to person
and from company to company. These are the challenges managers are confronted
with in designing appropriate motivation tools that will be able to meet with the ex-
pected performance within the company. This therefore arouses more critical academic
thinking within the subject area. In this light a lot of academic literatures from scholars
and practicing managers have ensured to resolve this intriguing academic domain on
how motivation can enhance performance.
Relevance of studies
Contemporary research and observations show that well motivated employees are
more productive and creative towards achieving company or organizational goals. On
the other hand less motivated employees are less performant and tend to divert from
attaining organizational goals. Motivation as incentive systems are fundamental to
developing capacities and to translating developed capacities into better performance
Purpose and Objectives
This study will help Ultimate Companion Limited to realize more appropriate ways of
motivating its workforce to induce high performance, as well as forming policies or
decision schemes to motivate employees in order to have increased performance
within the company. Company’s profit, growth and high performance are the main
goals for Ultimate Companion limited which could achieve through appropriate moti-
vation. Therefore employee motivation will be a condition necessary to achieve these
goals. This work will equally assist in facilitating further studies by other researchers
who are interested to know much on the link between motivation and performance.
Furthermore, it will also assist practicing managers at Ultimate Companion Limited as
well as students to obtain a broader knowledge on motivation at work. This research
intends to break new grounds on the link between motivation and performance within
Ultimate companion and how this knowledge can be useful within other companies or
The main objective of this research is to analyze how well some motivation can help
enhance employee performance and to know the factors which actually trigger high
performance at Ultimate companion Ltd. Also, to understand the different ways in
which Ultimate Companion can motivate its workers. Furthermore, to establish the
various aspects that could be further developed and improved in order to increase em-
ployee’s performance. In understanding that the dream of most managers today is to
have a greater market share when they are in business, better performance within their
company would be very necessary to achieve this goal.
Research question
The diversity of today work force presents managers with problems of substantial
magnitude. Huge differences among employees in every organization and work group
means that there is no one best way to deal with them. An approach that motivates
some employee to perform well misses the mark with other employees. This therefore,
posses a major challenge to today’s managers. As such it triggers the problem question
why is money not a sufficient motivator for performance in a company?
This report has seven chapters. The first chapter is the introduction which familiarizes
the reader with the research topic. This chapter also pinpoints the purpose and objec-
tives of the study. It presents how the development of the study area is and the relev-
ance of the study. Theoretical framework consist of two chapters: chapter two
Presents’ four theories on motivation as well as the role of human resource managers,
performance management and reward systems and chapter three presents culture in
human resource management: which includes the concept of culture, understanding of
cultural dimensions and managing cultural difference. Chapter four describes the tar-
get organization, choice of method, research methods and procedure. And Chapter five
introduces the findings from interviews and findings from survey. Furthermore, chap-
ter six presents a comparison between the findings and existing theories, discussion of
the results, the reliability and validity of the study. Finally, chapter seven presents’
challenges face in the writing process.
Within current dispensation organizations are now realizing that their accomplish-
ments are dependent on their capabilities to create a centre of attention, develop and
hold on to talented employees. The future of the organization’s capabilities to create a
centre of attention, develop, and hold on to a talented work force will be a significant
factor in developing a high-performance organization. Therefore, it is interesting to
know that the essential elements of any organizational success in the days, weeks,
months and years to come is a strategy where every employee is treated as a valuable
resource. The key to sustained survival and organizational success lies not only in the
rational, quantitative approaches, but more to the commitment of employee’s in-
volvement and motivation to work. (Sims 2007, 4) Human resource management as a
consequence is more fundamental today for the success of any organization than ever
before. The query that arises at this point is what measures should organization take to
power the human resource output? Workers must no longer be considered as liabili-
ties, rather as a vital resource which needs to be attributed greater attention and con-
stantly developed. As organizations are becoming more cognizant of the potentials of
new technologies, they must also realize the vital role that personnel play in managing
the technology. (Pattanayak 2005, 13)
2.1. Role of human resource management
The main objective of HRM is to recruit employees, which are done essentially
through; interviewing, screening and selecting the most qualified candidates for the
organization. This is a far more complex activity than in previous times when HRM
staff could rely on recommendations from current employees (Sims 2007, 9) Organi-
zation must decide who to select and who to reject amongst the many applicants for a
job opening. Therefore, organizations use their HRM departments to select and recruit
individuals who are likely to succeed on the job and this should be non-discriminatory
(Thornton & Rupp 2006, 10). The HRM management carries out training programs,
as well as creating management programs, and contracting with outside training organ-
izations. (Pell 2001, 8) The HRM is also responsible to develop visions and missions,
determining goals, short and long term plans as well as preparing tactics to implement
the plans in order to achieve the overall goals of the company. (Milligan et al. 1996, 5)
Furthermore, the HRM also directs and guide the workers or individuals within the
organization. This requires the HRM to have variety of skills which ensures that em-
ployees complete assigned task within the required time. (Milligan et al. 1996, 6) In
most organizations supervisors make available a performance appraisal on an annual
basis to assess the job proficiency of employees. Consequently HRM is involved in
instigating changes as well as acting as a steady force in situations where change
would be damaging. The human resources function can help the organization develop
the potential to weather the changes that will keep on to be part of organizational land-
scape. (Armstrong 2006, 55) HRM makes adequate provisions for compensation
packages that is wages and salaries for the workers and employees serving the organi-
zation. It includes job evaluation, wages and salary survey, determination of wage rate,
determination of mode wage payment, incentive payment plans, and bonuses. (Kubr &
International Labor Office 2002, 390 - 391) Employees are generally rewarded on the
basis of the value of the job, their personal contributions and their performance. Al-
though making available rewards based on the level of performance can augment em-
ployee’s motivation to perform; many rewards are more generally given on the basis
of the value of the job the employee is doing. However, rewards based exclusively on
employee’s personal contributions as a result for being a member of the organization
is rapidly increasing. The appraiser for performance is not all that easy in order for the
organization to compensate their employees. Therefore, the company must ensure the
effective use of human resource tools to achieve these goals. Appraiser for perfor-
mance must be done not only to get employees to join the organization, to participate
and to perform but also to determine possible training and development needs. (Krish-
namurthi 2006, 9 - 10)
Giving an employee a new and higher level of responsibility is a major decision for the
company and for other personnel who will be under his or her supervision. Most com-
panies currently use the human resource management department to identify em-
ployees’ potentials for success in managerial positions in what is called advanced
management potential assessment programs. Accordingly, promoting as well as layoff
is not all that easy within an organizational setting. When a company wants to reduce
its workforce for economic reasons or because of changes in its structure, it is faced
with the difficulties to decide who to retain and who to relieve from the company. For
such strategic reasons most companies use the human resource management depart-
ment to simulate their job requirements. (Thornton and Rupp 2006, 12)
2.2 Theories on Work Motivation
Contrary to Maslow’s views, the short answer appears to be the fact that for the major-
ity of people, money is clearly significant and a motivator at work. But to what extent
is money a significant motivator and how important depends upon their individual
circumstances and the other happiness they derive from work. The bottom line is defi-
nitely the extent to which money motivates people to work to the top of their abilities.
Even though pay may still compose people tick, there are now a number of other sig-
nificant influences on motivation. For a lot of people, the feeling of being recognized
and valued appears more important than money in motivating them to keep on in a
particular job. (Laurie 2007, 255)
Therefore, motivation has been an issue of concern in the past and has established it-
self as an integral part in current organizational settings. Motivation is quite complex
to comprehend thus placing awareness to the fact that several factors influence em-
ployees performance in a particular organization. Reason being that, what motivates
one worker will not definitely motivate the other employee within the same company.
McShane et al defines motivation as “...a factor that exist in an individual which has
the potential to affect the way, strength and eagerness of behaving towards work”.
(McShane & Von Glinow 2003, 132) The above definition of motivation has been
supported by Petri & Govern, “motivation is the thought that explains the propelling
force in an individual that explains differences in intensity of behavior”. (Petri & Go-
vern 2004, 16).
Motivated employees are willing to devote time to certain level of commitment for a
particular objective in an organization. Certain actions which include changing jobs
that employees perform, bringing down the levels of hierarchy and relegating many
employees in the motivation process are significant enough to damage the levels of
trust and commitment necessary for employees to perform above work requirements.
Moreover, employee needs are changing as younger generations of employees have
different expectations to their work than older workers. This is as a result of globaliza-
tion which has made workforce variations to the complex issue of motivation.
(McShane & Von Glinow 2003, 132) Many studies had been carried out on the issue
of motivation. The theories of motivation seek to justify why certain employees act or
do things in a certain way rather than others. For the purpose of this research I consi-
dered the following theories to be vital in this study: the Maslow’s hierarchy of needs,
Herzberg’s Motivationhygiene theory, Fifty-Fifty theory and Vroom’s Expectancy
2.2.1 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Different scholars have put forth different explanations on how motivation can be
achieved within a company or an organization. Prominent amongst them is Maslow
with the theory of “Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs”. Consequently, Maslow in 1943
reasoned that human beings have an internal need pushing them on towards self actu-
alization (fulfillment) and personal superiority. Maslow came up with the view that
there are five different levels of needs and once we happen to satisfy a need at one
stage or level of the hierarchy it has an influence on our behavior. At such level our
behavior tends to diminish, we now put forth a more powerful influence on our beha-
vior for the need at the next level up the hierarchy.
Firstly, individuals are motivated by Psychological needs: By Maslow this psycholog-
ical needs forms the basic need for survival and this may include food, warmth, cloth-
ing and shelter. When people are hungry, don’t have shelter or clothing, there are more
motivated to fulfill these need because these needs become the major influence on
their behavior. But on the other hand when people don’t have a deficiency in those
basic needs (psychological needs), their needs tend to move to the second level where
it is equally seen by Maslow as the higher order of needs. The second level is seen as
the security needs: Security tends to be the most essential need to people at this level.
This is expressed in safety in the employee’s health and family. The third level of
needs by Maslow was the social needs. When feeling secured and safe at work, em-
ployees will now place job relations as their focus that is trying to build up a good
friendship, love and intimacy. As we keep moving up the lader we will have self-
esteem needs: This fourth level of needs by Maslow presents the recognition to be
accepted and valued by others. The highest or last level of Maslow’s need is self-
actualization needs: Self actualization was to develop into more and more what one is
to become all that one is competent of becoming. (Srivastava 2005, 69) Figure 1 illu-
strates Maslow´s five hierarchy of needs
Figure 1 Abraham Maslow's
Critiques of Maslow’s theory
Wahba and Bridgewell in their extensive review of Maslow's theory found little evi-
dence for the ranking of needs which Maslow described or even the existence of a
definite hierarchy. Maslow’s theory has been criticized for this apparent rigidity. It is
questionable whether needs can always be ranked in a simple hierarchical form. Mas-
low himself questions the validity of a rigid ordering of needs, because individuals are
likely to have different priorities. (Needham 1999, 272)
2.2.2 Herzberg’s two factor theory
Herzberg had the notion that those factors which cause job satisfaction are the oppo-
site to those that causes job dissatisfaction. Herzberg survey was carried from a group
of accountants and engineers. Herzberg in his studies came up with the conclusion that
employees are influenced by two factors that are; the motivators and hygiene factors.
Motivators create job satisfactions which include achievement, recognition, autonomy
and other intrinsic aspects when there are fulfilled. On the other hand he came up the
hygiene factors which will enhance dissatisfaction when they are not fulfilled. Motiva-
tors are those factors which provide feeling of job satisfaction at work. These factors
influence the ways of work in a company; for example giving responsibility to carry an
enlarge task within an organization and providing the person with the necessary condi-
tions will lead to growth and advancement to higher level tasks. Motivators are those
factors which come from within an individual that is intrinsic. These factors could be
achievements, interest in the task, responsibility of enlarge task, growth and advance-
ment to higher level. Herzberg hygiene factors create a suitable work environment
though not increase in satisfaction. For instance low pay can cause job dissatisfaction
which will affect employees’ performance. Hygiene factors are essential to make sure
that the work environment does not develop into a disgruntle situation. Typical hy-
giene factors are salary, working condition, status, company policies and administra-
tion. (Saiyadain 2009, 158)
2.2.3 Fifty-Fifty Theory
The fifty-fifty theory was developed by John Adair as a motivational factor that could
influence company performance. From his perception fifty percent of motivation
comes from within a person and the remaining fifty percent comes from the environ-
ment, mainly from people around us. This rule is not used to declare the exact propor-
tions, but it tries to explain that, fifty per cent of our motivation comes from within us
and fifty per cent from an external influence, that is, from our environment, particular-
ly from the people around us. These observations are indicative rather than mathemat-
ical and they may differ from person to person. Within these important external factors
the nature and quality of the leadership present is essentially important. Hence the
tough link between leadership and motivation becomes vital to determine employee’s
motivation. The Fifty-Fifty rule does have the benefit of reminding leaders that they
have a key role to play for the success or failure in the motivation of employees at
work. Fortunately or unfortunately not all the cards are in their hands, for they are
dealing with people who are self motivating in various degree. These are the chal-
lenges that confront the HRM to galvanize employee motivation with the work envi-
ronment. (John 2007, 38-41).
2.2.4 Vroom’s Expectancy Theory
The concept of the expectancy theory was first develop by Victor Vroom and was pub-
lished in 1964.Victor Vroom offered an expectancy approach to the understanding of
motivation. As a result, motivation is a product of the anticipated value to a person in
an action. He perceived probability that the person’s goals would be accomplished as a
product of the anticipated value in an action. Thus the Vroom’ model is built around
the concepts of value, expectancy and force. The concept of force is on the whole
equivalent to motivation and may be shown to be the algebraic sum of the products of
valences and expectations Thus,
Motivation (force) = Valence x Expectancy
Valence is the strength of an individual’s preference for an outcome or goal. The
strength may be negative (fear demotion or transfer to less important job) or positive
(prospect for promotion). Expectancy is the probability that a particular action will
lead to a required outcome. If the employee has a particular goal, some behavior has to
be produced to accomplish that goal. The employee has to weigh the likelihood of
various behaviors that will accomplish the desired goals and select the most successful
behavior. Thus the employee’s motivation according to Vroom may be augmented by
changing the perception or by boosting the expectancy level through better communi-
cation and augmenting the actual reward that will result. Vroom’s theory clarifies the
relationship between the employee and the organizational goals and recognizes the
differences between employees in producing work motivation. Furthermore, this
theory is consistent with the idea that a manager’s job is to design an environment for
performance, necessarily taking into account the differences in various situations.
Thus Vroom’s theory is quite consistent with management by objectives. However,
this theory is difficult to research and is confronted with practical difficulties in its
application. (Bose 2004, 152 - 153).
Vroom tackles three beliefs and brings out with some clarity and applicability. Each of
the beliefs deals with what employees think will happen if they put out effort to per-
form. The first (B1) comprises of the relationship between effort and performance,
that is, (B1) is the employee’s belief about the probability that effort will lead to per-
formance. Another definition is that, B1 is the expectation that effort will lead to suc-
cess. (B1) can be seen as the employee’s belief about whether or not what is expected
can be done. The second (B2) comprises with the relationship between performance
and outcomes, that is, the employee’s belief about the probability that performance
will lead to outcomes. B2 can be stated in different ways, that is the employee’s belief
about the relationship between “what you do” and “what you get.” It is the belief about
outcomes following performance and the third (B3) looks at the relationship between
outcomes and satisfaction. The third belief (B3) is the employee’s belief about how
satisfying or gratifying the outcomes will be. It is the belief about how fulfilling or
worthwhile they will be. It is the belief about how much value the outcomes will have
in the future when they are received, rather than what their value is now. (Green 1992,
2 - 3)
2.3 Performance management
Having an efficient performance management process and tools is essential for em-
ployee motivation for high performance. Yet this is not an adequate condition for ef-
fective performance management. The most vital issue with any performance man-
agement system is how seriously it is taken and how devotedly it is used by managers
and employees. (Pulakos 2009, 103) Performance management is all about perfection,
synchronizing, upgrading to create value for and from customer with the result of eco-
nomic value creation to stockholders and owners. The extent of performance man-
agement is apparently very broad, which is why performance management must be
viewed within an enterprise as a tool to improve on employee motivation for high per-
formance. (Cokins 2009, 9) The effective management of performance requires a solid
understanding of the performance domain. That is, understanding the duty areas and
tasks that are part of the job description within a company or organization. Once you
have an adequate mastery of what the job requires, you have the basis for assessing
and improving performance. This is the foundation for assessing and improving per-
formance within a company. When this is lacking it results to a missing link in eva-
luating employee performance and the possibility of improving on the employee per-
formance within the company or organization. Furthermore, there is also the missing
link in assessing employee’s performance in relation to other colleagues within the
same job description. (Robert 2003, 7)
2.3.1 Performance Parameters
Comparing performance measurement system to an instrument panel on a dashboard
provides significant insights about the mix of financial and nonfinancial measures
needed in a management control system. A single measure cannot control a complex
system. (Anthony & Govindarajan. 2007, 462) Performance measurement could be
defined as “the regular measurement of the results (outcomes) and efficiency of ser-
vices or programs.” This entails the regular measurement of progress towards precise
outcome (it is a fundamental component of any effort at managing for results), a cus-
tomer oriented procedure that focuses on maximizing benefits and minimizing nega-
tive cost for customers of service and programs. When performance is not measured or
is measured inaccurately, those using the information will be misled and bad judg-
ments will be likely followed. Therefore, the old saying “garbage in garbage out” pro-
vides more credence. (Hatry 2006, 14-16) Performance measurement offers general
information that can be exploited for decision making purposes both for management
and for all levels of employees. In this aptitude, the performance measurement system
can become the instrument panel. This instrument panel is used for strategic maneu-
vering, day to day running of the organization and planning, implementing improve-
ments and changes. (Andersen & Fagerhaug 2002, 7 - 8)
Conventional measures of organizational performance were financial and accounting
based. Currently it has evolved into sophisticated systems which have several func-
tions. Firstly, the financial measures as tools were used to control the financial re-
sources of companies in order to support organizational objectives. Secondly, financial
performance measures acted as barometers to indicate achievements against major
organizational objectives. Thirdly, they also serve as motivators for future achieve-
ments. Furthermore, by providing a window of the past they were thought to be the
influencing factors for future successes. Not withstanding the merits of the financial
and accounting measures in assessing performance, the fact that they were cost based
and back ward looking provided little motivation. (Manzoni & Islam 2009, 8)
The insufficiencies of traditional finance based measure of performance prompted the
search for enhanced metrics to measure performance. Financial specialists adopted
measures such as; activity based cost, economic value added, the balance scorecard
that has been happily welcomed and has drawn so much interest in the world of com-
merce as the most cited work in 1998, 2000 and 2002 at the performance measure as-
sociation conference. (Manzoni & Islam 2009, 9) Economic profit, often referred to as
economic value added or EVA can be described as the after tax operating profit re-
maining after deducting a charge for the capital employed in the business. (Savarese
2001) EVA could also be defined as the profit that remains after deducting the cost of
capital invested to generate that profit. (Gey 2007, 15) Economic Value Added is a
specific form of economic profit that attempts to capture the true profit of an enter-
prise by removing some distortions from accounting profit. Economic value added is
net operating profit minus an appropriate charge for the opportunity cost of all capital
invested in the enterprise, that is; EVA= Net Operating Profit After Taxes (NOPAT)
(Capital Employed X Weighted Average Cost of Capital), EVA is considered to be a
good proxy for value creation and with a positive EVA, the firm is view as creating
value for shareholders; when negative, the firm is said to be destroying shareholder
values. (Spitzer 2007, 242 - 243).
Activity based costing is a methodology for understanding the activities, processes,
services, and products of a business. The ABC highlights functional work areas that
managers with timely actions will most likely have the greatest impact on profits or
costs. Managers could attempt to reprise a product, which is raising prices for products
that make heavy demands for support resources and lower prices to more competitive
levels for the high volume products and services that have been subsidizing the lower
volume products. They can search for ways to reduce overall resources consumption
by decreasing the number of times activities are performed to achieve the same output
or reducing the resources consumed to produce and service the existing mix of prod-
ucts and customers. This will mean applying productivity and continuous improve-
ment programs to enhance quality, reduce setup time and improve factory layouts.
When functional work area managers recognize that they have reached the point at
which they can obtain the same output with either fewer staff members or fewer ma-
chines, they can simply reduce spending on those resources. (Forrest 1996, 306 - 311)
The Activity Based Costing allows the organization to determine the actual cost asso-
ciated with each product and service produced by the organization. Instead of using
broad arbitrary percentages to allocate costs, ABC seeks to make out the cause and
effect relationship between costs and activities in order to assign costs more objective-
ly. ABC can make out areas of excessively high overhead costs per unit for specific
products, services or customers. Identifying costs that do not add values focuses atten-
tion on these activities so that hard work can be directed at reducing specific cost driv-
ers rather than cutting costs across the board. As well identifying costs associated with
particular customers or customer segment, so that unprofitable customers can be
stopped from draining resources. (Spitzer 2007, 240 - 241).
However, the ABC is more costly to develop and maintain compared to traditional
costing system. For example, an ABC system with 25 cost pools applied to 100 differ-
ent products. The ABC in practice is used to develop the full cost of products. Full
cost includes allocation of costs that are fixed (depreciation and supervisory salaries),
the costs per unit generated by the ABC system does not measure the incremental
costs needed to produce items, incremental information is required for decision mak-
ing. (Khan & Jain 2009, 17)
Investment is an initial pay of something we value in swap for the expected benefit of
getting back more than we put in. The variation between what we put in and what we
got back is the return. Therefore, companies invest in order to have a return on their
investment. For financial assets return includes both the gain companies receive when
they finally sell them to someone else or they mature, as well as the income earned
between the purchase and sale. Return is a reward for giving up the use of the capital
in the interim that is ROI= (Gain from investment- Cost of investment). For most in-
vestments at the outset we cannot be sure of the value of the income and gains we will
receive. The spectrum of instruments we could invest in provides a varying degree of
return uncertainty. (Feibel 2003, 1) The most convincing approach to HRM evaluation
is to compare the cost of HRM programs with the benefits derived from them. In most
cases, the cost of HRM programs can be developed or monitored. Although confusion
sometimes exists concerning ways to allocate specific costs, overall program costs can
usually be pinpointed. (Phillips et al 2001, 8 - 11).
However, if there is underinvestment in ROI it can result in higher short-term gains
but long-term decline, since ROI ignores events beyond the current period. ROI can be
influenced by previous investments that have not been fully depreciated or amortized,
thereby obscuring the impact of current period actions. Furthermore, ROI is not a reli-
able estimate for the discounted cash flow rate of return, both at individual and com-
plete collections of company projects. (Carton & Hofer 2008, 89)
The balance scorecard is a set of various performance measures of a company. In ad-
dition to financial performance, a balance scorecard normally includes performance
measures for customer services, innovation and learning, and internal processes. Per-
formance measures for learning and innovation often rotate around a company’s re-
search and development efforts. For example, the number of new products developed
during a year and the time it takes to bring new products to the market are perfor-
mance measures for innovation. Performance measures for learning could comprise
the number of employee training sessions and the number of employees who are cross-
trained in several skills. Performance measures for customer service consist of the
number of customer complaints and the number of repeat customers. Customer sur-
veys can also be used to get together measures of customer satisfaction with the com-
pany as compared to competitors. The performance measures of internal processes
take account of the length of time it takes to manufacture a product. The amount of
scrap and waste is a measurement of efficiency of a company’s manufacturing
processes. The number of customer returns is a performance measure of both the man-
ufacturing and sales ordering processes. The financial measures include income from
operations, rate of return on investment and residual income. (Warren et al 2008, 332 -
2.4 Reward System for Employees
An employee reward system comprises of an organization’s incorporated policies,
processes and practices for rewarding its employees in harmony with their contribu-
tion, skills and competence, and their market worth. It emerges within the framework
of the organization’s reward philosophy, strategies and policies. The reward systems
of employees has arrangements in the form of processes, practices, structures and pro-
cedures which will provide and maintain appropriate types and levels of pay, benefits
and other forms of reward. The reward system consists of financial rewards (fixed and
variable pay) and employee benefits, which together comprise total compensation. The
system also incorporates non-financial rewards (recognition, praise, achievement, re-
sponsibility and personal growth) and in many cases, performance management
processes. (Armstrong 2002, 4)
An organization’s reward system is the way by which it encourages and discourages
certain characteristics of the employees. The most important machinery of the reward
system includes salaries, bonuses and privileges. The reward system as a means to
support innovation by employees is a fairly mechanical but nevertheless effective
management technique. Once the members of an organization understand that they
will be rewarded for such activities, they are more likely to work creatively. The initia-
tive to provide financial and non-financial rewards to people and groups who develop
innovative ideas is important for organizations. But it is equally vital to avoid punish-
ing creativity when it does not result in highly successful innovation. (Griffin 2006,
346) Reward systems are necessary because they give preference to service over self-
interest. It also means there need to be an equitable distribution of wealth. One test of
equity is how well to affirm the fact that the success of the institution is in the hands of
people at each level. An institution’s wealth and value, in the broadest sense, is then a
community creation. (Block 2005, 173)
2.4.1 Purpose of Reward
Reward system is very important in any organization as the process that is in com-
mand of human behavior within an organization. It helps to verify not only perfor-
mance in relation to current goals but also influences the possibility of people joining
and remaining in an organization. It also shapes the degree to which effort is directed
in the development of the organization future capabilities. If correctly designed or ad-
ministered, reward systems can lead to attractive behavior for a firm. On the other
hand, if incorrectly designed or administered, reward systems can lead to the steady
deterioration of an organization and why not its immediate demise. (Flamholtz 1996,
Every company is in competition with other companies in similar businesses or in oth-
er businesses for recruiting and retaining prolific employees. For instance, two profes-
sional sport organizations may seek good candidates for front-office jobs. Two fitness
clubs may require good accountants. The managers in these circumstances must keep
in mind that the potential candidates are employable in different kinds of organiza-
tions. An accountant may find lucrative jobs with a construction company, a law firm,
a hospital, or a university. Therefore, the managers must guarantee that its reward
structure is equivalent to the market rate. An effective reward system shall enable
competitiveness with those of the other firms seeking a particular kind of competency
and talent which is more striking to prospective candidates. According to Lawler
Company, managers can design reward systems to diminish absenteeism by linking
bonuses to levels of attendance. This strategy is particularly positive in compensation
for low job content and poor working conditions that cannot be improved. Further-
more, some of the jobs in facility management companies may be simple and routine
and therefore may lack motivational properties. The facility manager may attempt to
decrease such absenteeism by linking certain rewards to attendance. For example, the
manager may set a policy of giving a monetary bonus or extra days of paid leave for an
ideal or near-perfect attendance. Company’s effectiveness is augmented through em-
ployee performance that in turn can be facilitated by an effective reward system. Porter
and Lawler suggest that the linkage between performance and reward (that is intrinsic
and extrinsic rewards) is a strong factor influencing subsequent performance. (Chella-
durai 2006, 234)
2.4.2 Financial Reward
Many types of financial inducement exist. Some directly provide the employee with
cash. Bonuses based on performance against budget, quality or other standards may be
used as immediate financial incentives. Management rewards by bonuses have become
popular in some companies as a means of providing employees with an immediate
buster for completion of a project or activity. While the number of companies deliver-
ing cash awards has increased, only 7 percent actually use such rewards at present.
(Ulrich & Lake 1990, 157)
Most companies make use of financial compensation plan to motivate their em-
ployees. Sales contests are short term incentive programs that can be an effective mo-
tivational tool if they are cautiously and accurately designed. A sales contest should
have a precise purpose, such as to increase in sales in short term sales of slow moving
products or getting new customers. The design of the sales contest should take into
consideration the following points: each salesperson has an equal opportunity to win,
use sales quotas and select either open ended in which unlimited number of salesper-
sons can win. In addition to the above, closed ended contest could be use in which
there are limited number of salespersons winning the contest. Prizes should be attrac-
tive, each consisting of cash prizes. At least 10 percent of the budget should be spent
on sale contest, so there is an excitement in the company. Care should be taken in or-
der that employees do not use undesirable methods such as using pressure tactics to
attend their targets. In order to reduce the undesirable method is not to announce the
contest period in advance. (Havaldar & Cavale 2007, 18)
High level executives of most companies have separate compensation programs and
plans. These programs anticipated to reward these executives for their performance
and for the performance of the company. The senior executives collect their compen-
sation in two forms. One is a base salary as the case maybe with the staff member or
professional member of the company. The base salary is a definite amount that the
employees will be paid. Above the base salary, most executives also receive one or
more forms of incentive pay. The conventional manner of incentive pay for executives
is in the form of bonuses. The bonuses in turn are generally determined by the perfor-
mance of the company. Thus, at the end of the year, some fraction of a corporation
profits may be diverted into a bonus pool. Senior executives then receive a bonus ex-
pressed as a percentage of this bonus pool. The chief executive officer and president
are apparently likely to obtain a larger percentage bonus than a vice president. In addi-
tion to salary and bonuses, many executives receive other kinds of compensation as
well; this could be in the form of stocks. Stock option plan was established to furnish
senior managers the option to buy company stock in the future at a predetermined
fixed price. The idea was that if the managers contribute to a high level of the compa-
ny performance, then the company stock should increase in value. This implies that
executives will be able to purchase stock at a predetermined price, which theoretically
should be lower than the future market price. (Griffin 2006, 456 - 457).
2.4.3 Nonfinancial Reward
Organizations with positive ambitions could make available a framework within
which high levels of motivation could be accomplished through non financial reward
systems by the provision of opportunities for learning and development. But personal
management skills still have a key role to play in deploying their own motivating skills
to get individual within their organization to give their best performance by to making
good use of the motivational systems and processes provided by the company.
(Armstrong 2008, 221)
Recognition is appreciation of performance by the organization of an act done by the
team or team member. In common language, it is some time expressed as “I caught
you doing something right.” It is an approach of expressing gratitude for the special or
extra effort done by an employee within an organization. Recognition has two essen-
tial goals: to encourage the employees or team to repeat or continue the behavior and
to encourage others employees to do the same. Most team recognition plans fall into
celebrating organizational objectives habitually as an event, designed to acknowledge
the successful completion of important company goals. This is to create a greater
awareness or to remind people of the importance of the goals achieved within the
company. For instance, a division of large telecommunications company held an all
hands meeting at an off-site facility to celebrate the accomplishment of their goals.
(Parker 2003, 125) Recognition, either informal (oral) or formal (written remarks and
events), has been the most cost effective way to strengthen required actions for per-
formance within an organization. However, when recognition is acting in isolation of
compensation and equity rewards, it’s frequently loses much of its appeal. (Wilson
2003, 330)
Feedback in particular constructive criticisms is necessary for the expansion and de-
velopment of the employee. Negative reinforcement such as indicating mistakes and
threatening employees with job loss, causes employees to adjust their behavior just
enough to avoid punishment. It may get to produce a positive result at the job but it
won’t generate enthusiasm. Negative reinforcement produces responses like “That’s
not my job” or “I don’t know.” On the other hand, periodic positive performance re-
views generate extra or discretionary effort on the part of the employees. Positive
feedback motivates the employees to function as a team. Employees will produce res-
ponses like “I don’t know but I will find out” or “That’s not my job but I will find
someone who can help you.” Once a year discussions with employees will not produce
extraordinary endeavors. (Baum & Zablocki 1996, 135 - 136)
According to Herzberg, managers do not motivate employees by awarding employees
higher wages, more benefits or status symbols. Rather, employees are motivated by
their own inherent need to accomplish something at a challenging task. The manager’s
job then is not to motivate employees to get their tasks achieved; rather, the manager
should provide opportunities for people to achieve their task so that they will become
motivated. (Marchington & Wilkinson 2005, 368) Moving employees through a diver-
sity of jobs, departments or functions is particularly an excellent approach to expose
the employees to challenging task. This is very suitable to employees who have been
on a job for a long time and are no longer challenged by the job but rather who have a
strong need for activities or change. By open-handed the opportunity to change jobs,
the manager has definitely exposed the employees to new challenges and it will enable
the employees to put in their best in order to meet up to expectations. (Stone 2003, 40
- 41). This therefore creates an enabling environment for greater motivation and per-
formance within the organization.
The concept of organizational culture, which for purpose of brevity is simply called
culture, is tough to define. This complexity to a certain extent stems from the wide and
diverse use of the term culture. Furthermore, the complexity to some extent is the out-
come of the fact that most culture is hidden from the eyes of beholder. It is therefore
like the proverbial iceberg of which only one tenth sticks out of the water. That is why
we can go by the logical biblical saying that “one knows the tree by its fruits” as a
suitable explanation to fit the metaphor, to say culture produces the everyday reality of
an organization. (Schabracq 2007, 7)
3.1 The Concept of Culture
Managerial behaviors to a large extent shape the culture of an organization and in turn
have influence upon the effectiveness of the organization. According to Schein, orga-
nizational culture refers to a system of shared meaning held by members that distin-
guishes the organization from other organizations. (Dwivedi 1995, 3 - 9) Combining
the definition of Schein and, O’Rielly and Chatman in their studies; organizational
culture is defined as a pattern of basic assumptions that a group has invented, discov-
ered or developed in learning to cope with its problems of external adaptation and in-
tegration. This is presented in a system of shared values defining what is important
and norms, defining appropriate attitudes and behaviors, which will guide individual
attitudes and behaviors. (Pfister 2009, 36)
According to Schein, the founders of the company have traditionally a major impact
on its early culture. Henry Ford at Ford Motor Company, Thomas Watson at IBM and
J Edgar Hoover at the FBI are examples of individuals and organizations, who are
closely linked. They have a vision of what their organization should be. Thus based on
their visions, customs, traditions, and general ways of doing things within the compa-
ny were largely shaped by them. Depending on the degree of successes that has been
achieved with those endeavors, a strong or weak culture is created. In a strong culture,
the company’s core values are both intensely held and widely shared within the organ-
ization. The more members accept the core values of the organization and the greater
their commitment to those values; the stronger the culture. The stronger the company
culture, the greater the influence on employee’s behavior because of the high degree of
sharedness of that particular culture within the company. In addition to that, strong
company culture can act as a substitute for formalization. (Dwivedi 1995, 18)
The cultural dimension is central in all aspects of organizational life. Even in those
organizations where cultural issues receive modest explicit attention, how people in a
company think, feel, value and act are guided by ideas, meanings and beliefs of a cul-
tural nature. Whether there is no distinctive corporate culture it does not reduce the
significance of culture. Senior organizational members are always in one way or
another managing culture by underscoring what is significant and what is less signifi-
cant and outlining how the corporate world should be understood. Culture is as impor-
tant and complex as it is hard to comprehend and use in a thoughtful way. Conscious-
ness and attention in culture vary between managers and companies. It is tempting to
emphasize the significance of corporate culture for performance, growth and success.
In the beginning of the 1980s some authors identified characteristics of excellent com-
panies in the USA such as Peter and Waterman, and the secret behind its success. At
the time of highly successful Japanese company the Ouchi, identified corporate culture
as significant in the company’s performance. This belief has been shaken by problems
of many of the companies portrayed by Peter and Waterman as excellent some years
after the publication of the book as well decreasing performance of the Japanese com-
panies during the recent years. (Alvesson 2002, 1)
A number of studies have shown a great relationship between culture and perfor-
mance. However, strong cultures that don’t support adaptation can hurt the organiza-
tion. A threat for many successful companies is that the culture becomes set and com-
panies fail to adapt as the environment revolutionize. And when companies are suc-
cessful, the values, ideas and practices that helped attain success become institutiona-
lized. As the environment changes these values may become detrimental to future per-
formance. (Daft 2009, 387) Looking at the conceptual facts to better understand the
challenges and complexity of organizational culture to performance, we can now take
into account the dimensions of culture.
3.2 Understanding Cultural Dimensions
There have been numerous theories and approaches developed to give explanations to
cultural differences and their impact in the workplace. The most significant work was
by Geert Hofstede that principally dealt with clustering countries on work related val-
ue dimensions. Between 1967 and 1973, Hofstede conducted perhaps the most com-
prehensive study of how values in the workplace are prejudiced by culture. His work
embodies the largest and most influential effort to group countries by cultural values.
His conclusions were based on a survey that asked over 116000 employees of a large
multinational corporation in more than seventy countries about their values and be-
liefs. (Johann 2008, 5)
3.2.1 Geert Hofstede Dimensions
Hofstede took an examining research approach to build up his cultural dimensions
framework. Using responses about employees’ personal goals and beliefs, Hofstede
and his colleagues carried out analyses in country differences and thereby identified
four cultural dimensions: power distance, uncertainty avoidance, individual-
ism/collectivism, and masculinity/femininity. Later during his research, he included
the fifth dimension; long-term/ short-term orientation. The dimensions of Hofstede are
seen in greater details below.
The cultural dimension of power distance refers to the relationship in power inequality
in a given culture. It is seen as a measure of interpersonal power and influence, which
mirrors the view of the less powerful member of a hierarchy. Power distance is self-
enforcing in the logic that employees in powerful positions make every effort to main-
tain or increase their power. On the other hand, employees with less power are moti-
vated to reduce this distance, especially if the power is already relatively small. Hofs-
tede argues that national culture establishes the degree to which power distance is ac-
cepted and supported by the social environment. Hofstede further states that culture
sets the level of power distance. To him, the tendency of the powerful in an organiza-
tion to maintain or increase the power distance; is countered by the tendency of the
less powerful to reduce the power distance. This in effect will lead to a natural equili-
brium within an organization. The norms for differential prestige, power and wealth in
high power distance cultures often are expressed by authoritarian values and support
for conformity. (Schumann 2009, 63 - 64). In companies with a low power distance,
the decentralized decision structure is less concentrated in an authority which projects
a flat organization pyramids. Furthermore, small proportion of supervisory personnel
with an ideal boss as a resourceful democrat and seeing his or her self as practical,
orderly and relying on support. In addition to that, managers rely on personal expe-
rience and on subordinates whereby the subordinates are expected to be consulted. On
the other hand in high power distance organization is highly centralized with a tall
organization pyramid, along with a large proportion of supervisory personnel. Fur-
thermore, managers rely on their formal rules and subordinates are expected to be told
on what to do. (Hofstede 2001, 107)
Uncertainty Avoidance mirrors the resistance to change and the attitude in taking risks
of individuals from diverse countries. As most projects are elements of change and
involve risks, the stakeholders analysis and management activities can certainly be
more complete and successful when the national differences are taken into account.
Individuals from countries with strong uncertainty avoidance index are more predis-
posed to avoid risks, thus taking pleasure to work with tight rules and control systems
which resist innovation. Team members are likely to take pleasure in task requiring
precision, punctuality and hard work. They feel more secured with detailed planning
and more shot-term feedback. Stakeholders from weaker uncertainty avoidance index
enjoy innovation, accept higher risk levels and are restful with open ended learning
situations. The team members tend to resist stress better and accept work packages
with lower levels of definition. Having a good combination of people from different
countries in the project team allows the organization of a brainstorming exercise to
identify how to win over the resistance and obtain buy-in from different types of
stakeholders. (Binder 2007, 27) The dimension of uncertainty avoidance articulates to
what amount a culture feels endangered in unpredictable and unclear situations. There-
fore, they try to avoid those situations through the establishment of rules, the intoler-
ance toward unmoral ideas and behaviors. This means in a land with a high degree of
uncertainty avoidance there are much more rules of conduct, written and unwritten
ones. As a result the laws are stricter with much emphasis on fulfilling task correctly.
(Ditzel 2007, 7)
Individualism/collectivism expresses the degree to which individuals are integrated
into groups. It is used to determine the extent to which a culture values individual
achievements rather than highlighting the interests of the group. Individualism implies
a loosely knit social structure where people care for themselves and immediate fami-
lies only. The individualism versus collectivism dimension laid emphases as important
work goals in which the individual is an energetic agent and independent of the organ-
ization, rather than those in which the individual is dependent on the organization.
Companies or persons with high individualism are inclined to value their personal
time, freedom, independence, personal goals and pleasure. They have high need for
achievement, and tend to consider that personal interests are more vital than group
interests. Collectivism tends to perceive people in a group rather than individual terms,
thus place the importance of group work. In addition to emphasizing group welfare,
collectivist value reciprocation of favors, a sense of belonging, and respect for tradi-
tion. (Tian 2004, 20 - 21). According to Hofstede individualistic societies emphasize
“I consciousness, autonomy, emotional independence, individual initiative, right to
privacy, autonomy, pleasure seeking. Collectivistic societies, on the other hand stress
“We” consciousness, collective identity, emotional dependence, group solidarity, shar-
ing and group decision. (Kim 1995, 4)
Masculinity/Femininity exposes the type of accomplishments valued by the culture. In
societies where masculinity wins through for example the UK, Germany, Japan, South
Africa and Italy, importance is being placed on money, material possession, and ambi-
tion, with clear distinction between male and females roles. A lot of importance could
be positioned on challenges and advancement and people are encouraged to be indi-
vidual decision makers. By contrast, where femininity wins through, (for example in
the Netherlands and Scandinavia) importance is being placed on cooperation, friendly
atmosphere, job security, caring, quality of life and the environment, with blurred lines
drawn between sex roles and greater sexual equality. Group judgment making is en-
couraged, and managers find it easy to pledge to the value of giving autonomy to sub-
ordinates. (Mckenna 2000, 492) Masculine environments also favor conflict and com-
petition in the work place. Cultures that places high values on sensitivity demonstrate
passive or feminine as well as negotiation and compromise. (Johnson & Turner 2003,
The Long-term/ Short-term orientation which was a study by Hofstede and Bond, a
fifth dimension was added to the preceding four cultural dimensions. This dimension
was identified by an assessment of Chinese students by Chinese connection in 1987. It
was initially called Confucian dynamism. Hofstede called it “long-term Vs short-term
orientation” because the value is not restricted to countries where Confucius teachings
have strongly influenced. It was anticipated to account for precise traits of many Asian
cultures that had not been enclosed by the first four dimensions. Long-term orientation
is the positive pole of Confucian Dynamism, which shows the tendency of being dy-
namic and future-oriented. While short-term is at the negative pole of Confucian dy-
namism, which shows the tendency of being static and oriented towards the past and
the present. People with a high level of Confucian Dynamism are more willing to save
money for future use. It stresses the value of persistence, thrift and sense of shame.
Many Asian countries are high in long term orientation for example china, Hong
Kong, Taiwan. USA, Sweden, Germany are low on long-term orientation scale. (Tian
2004, 24)
3.2.2 Trompenaars Dimensions
Culture is as well based on the time orientation in which sequential culture compels
people to do one activity at a time and to pursue plans and schedules strictly. People
from synchronic culture can do work in parallel, and follow schedules and agendas
loosely, with the main concern of the individual task being performed as a major rule.
The representation of the human time relationship is too complex. (Binder 2007, 33)
The way we reflect about time has a strong influence on how we organize our activi-
ties with others. Following Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner’s categorization, cul-
tures see time as either sequential (a series of passing events) or synchronic (where
past present and future are interrelated). Western cultures often have a sequential time
concept; we see the way from A to B as a straight line and therefore plan everything to
follow an efficient time schedule. This is stringent forward planning or time is mon-
eyattitude. However, in synchronic societies, the importance is on doing several ac-
tivities at the same time and it is still considered normal practice. For example, a man-
ager may be on the phone, having a conversation with someone else in the room and
be taking notes at the same time. In Brazil, it is perfectly acceptable to answer your
mobile phone in a business meeting. (Marx 2001, 55) Time can either be perceived as
monochronic or linear, or as polychronic or circular. In monochronic cultures people
do one thing after the other. On the other hand, in polychronic cultures things are done
simultaneously and interactions with other people are more important than holding on
to schedules. (Breitrnöder 2009, 23)
3.2.3 Hall’s Cultural Dimensions
Edward Hall’s first three dimensions focus on the interpersonal communication pat-
terns, specifically low and high-context culture. In low-context cultures, (for example
Germany, Scandinavia, and the United States) the context is made available to the
listener with little information relating to the intended message. As a result, the speak-
er must rely more on proving greater message precision, as well as other guarantees
such as written documents and information rich advertisement. Language precision is
critical while assumed understanding and body language frequently count very little.
By contrast, in high context cultures (Japan and China) the context in which the mes-
sage is expressed (that is, the social indications surrounding the message) is often
more important in communication. Hall’s second dimension in culture focuses on how
people observed their personal space. In some cultures, (including those of North
America, Northern Europe, and most of Asia) people tend to remain moderately far
apart when talking with each other, so as not to invade anyone’s personal space. In
other cultures, (such as those in Latin America and many Arab countries) people tend
to stand closer together when talking or doing business, frequently touching one
another. Hall differentiates between these two prototypes of behavior by denoting the
first as focusing on centers of power “this is my space” and the second as focusing on
centers of community “this is our space.” Finally Hall advanced that cultures can often
be differentiated by the manner in which employees use time in work-related activi-
ties. Some cultures (like Germany, Scandinavia, and United States) are definitely mo-
nochronic. This means that they tend to stress more on having schedules in their live,
concentration of effort on activity at a time and highly structured codes of behavior
built around promptness in meetings. By contrast, polychronic cultures tend to em-
phasize building and maintaining human relationships and social interactions over
establishing and maintaining arbitrary schedules and appointments. Such individuals
tend to engage in multiple activities simultaneously, with frequent interruptions.
(Steers & Nardon 2009, 131- 133)
3.3 Managing Cultural Differences
Blending to a foreign culture is said to follow a U- curve consisting of three main
phases: an initial stage of excitement and optimism (the honeymoon), soon followed
by a period of irritability, frustration, and confusion (the morning after), and then a
gradual blending to the new environment (happily ever after). Although the certainty
of these stages has been challenged, these emotional experiences are not uncommon.
The strength of these reactions often depends upon the motivation and previous expec-
tations of the expatriates. Indeed the shock of returning to a new culture can be more
severe because it is less expected. Where the expatriates may have a sense of “déjà vu”
when going into similar culture. On the other hand when the expatriates is going to a
completely different culture he or she can feel as if he or she has never been there be-
fore; a sort of “jamais vu.” The returning manager is often treated like the prodigal son
than the conquering hero. But it must be kept in mind that what is considered funny in
one culture does not necessarily translate to another. With more and more managers
having international responsibilities, the new challenges, and skills needed differ from
those expected of expatriate managers. While there is much overlap between the de-
mands made of expatriate managers and of those managing nationally, contrasting the
two roles is instructive. That is, understanding interdependencies between different
parts of the company worldwide and a wider appreciation of the impact that a course
of actions in one area will have on another. This implies having a global mindset (hav-
ing cognitive structures and processes) of not only wanting things to be done but also
how things are being done this having maps and scripts that managers use to navigate
globally. (Schneider & Barsoux 2003, 188 - 199)
Managing cultural diversity in the workplace is not just the task of the administrative
manager, but of each and every person in the company to contribute to the successful
management of diversity in the workplace. Managers dealing with diverse individuals
must first orientate themselves towards the management of diversity. The manager can
contribute to an organization’s effort to manage diversity by striving for understand-
ing, empathy, tolerance and communication. Some managers can take the basic con-
cept of equal employment opportunity to an unnecessary extreme. They know that by
law they cannot discriminate against people on the basis of characteristics such as
gender and race. Thus, in following this mandate, they come to believe they must treat
everyone the same within the company regardless of race or gender. But this belief can
cause problems when it is translated into workplace behaviors among employees after
they have been hired. People are not the same, whereas they need to be treated equita-
bly and fairly. Thus managers must understand that differences among people do exist.
Any effort to treat everyone the same way within the company, without regard to their
fundamental human differences will only lead to problems. It is therefore important
for managers to understand that cultural forces cause people to behave in different
ways and that these differences should be accepted. Also, employees should try to
practice empathy at their respective work areas and employees should try to under-
stand the perspective of others. Empathy is the ability to put oneself in another’s place
and see things from that person’s point of view. Furthermore, cultural diversity may
magnify problems because people are afraid or unwilling to openly discuss issues that
relate to diversity. For communication to work, it must be two way. (Erasmus et al
2004, 441 - 442).
Research could be defined as “the systematic approach to obtaining and confirming
new and reliable knowledge.” (Ethridge 2004, 16) Research is a process that com-
mence with a problem and wraps up with the problem either resolve or addressed. A
research is not often conclusive; rather, it takes the structure of a spiral, as it tends to
introduce new problems or areas of exploration. Research inspires further research and
cannot be considered as a once-off, linear, or a static act. Speaking from a broad
framework, research consists of four interactive phases: the conceptual phase, also
called the thinking or planning phase, the standard element in this phase is the research
problem. The empirical phase, also called the doing phase, or is the research design
phase. Also, the interpretive phase or the phase where the research engages with the
meaning of the study and the last phase which is the communication phase or the
phase of writing the research report. (Brink & Van der Walt 2006, 50)
There are various kinds of research methods or techniques which can be opted for a
project. It is vital because the use of diverse techniques will convey different results.
The research thoughts usually have divers’ types which include: applied or practical
research and basic or fundamental research, descriptive, exploratory, etc. The basic or
fundamental to any research moves fort to acquire answers for personal interest and on
the base to acquire knowledge, applied research primarily concern real world problem
which focuses on finding the solutions for practical issue. (Van der velde et al 2004, 3
- 4) This thesis belongs to the applied type; it will try to find out answers to the prob-
lems related to the company, by searching for the necessary information.
4.1 Target Organization (Ultimate companion limited)
The target organization where the research on motivation to performance relationship
was carried is the Ultimate Companion (UC-Ltd). It was founded in august 2007; in
Buea with its registered head office. Ultimate Companion Ltd latter transferred its
registered head office from Buea to Douala (Bonaberi) the economic capital of Cam-
eroon. Ultimate companion has the slogan “PROSPERITY FOR ALL”.
Today Ultimate Companion-Ltd operates in 5 regions in Cameroon that is the Littoral
region, South-West region, and North-West region, Northern and Western region with
11 major departmental outlets. Each region is headed by a regional manager who is
responsible for the management of operations within his or her region. Based on its
structure, Ultimate Companion- Ltd has 3 procurement centres: the Northern re-
gion, the Western region and the North-West region.
Ultimate Companion-Ltd at this stage is involved in giving loans to small and medium
size business associations, where in the small and medium size businesses benefit
from very low interest rates as compared to conventional financial sectors. They also
deal in the marketing of produce and networking. Ultimate Companion-Ltd is a gen-
eral merchandising company that has the capacity to deal with general merchandise.
For now the company has decided to invest in agricultural products which mostly
come from the northern part of the country. These products are not easily accessible by
small scheme traders in the southern and western part of the country. Ultimate Com-
panion-Ltd has a well structure system with the chief executive officer, general man-
ager, deputy general manager, finance and accounting director, procurement and mar-
keting department, and the regional delegates. Today ultimate companion has over 25
employees under its payroll system. This research will be based on one of their major
centre that is the head office in Douala.
Ultimate Companion Limited has two divisions: the micro-finance division and the
produce marketing division. The micro-finance sector deals with small scheme busi-
ness men and women at local and national levels. These small scheme business men
and women organized themselves in groups of about 10-12 members to benefit from
loan facilities. Ultimate Companion Limited is currently working with approximately
30 groups of small scheme businessmen and women. With regards to the produce
marketing, they market agricultural produce from the north of Cameroon to those in
Douala as well as those in Yaoundé the economic and political capital respectively.
Also, Ultimate Companion Limited has a marketing strategy whereby they buy from
regions within the national territory where there are excesses and sell to those regions
where the produce are not available or where there are deficits. Currently the com-
pany is trying to build external business relationship with some other prominent agri-
cultural companies in Burma whereby they can import rice and fertilizers to supply to
their customers at affordable prices. The micro-finance and produce market has a cen-
tralized financial department; by implication in relations to financial assistance all
what is necessary must come from the head quarters.
4.2 Choice of Method
Many scholars have come with different methods to carry out research; nevertheless,
none of the methods seems superior over the other. However, it is based on the mes-
sage the researcher has to pass on in the research that will best determine the choice of
the research method. Research methods are divided into two main groups that are qua-
litative research method and quantitative research method. During this research, a qua-
litative research method will be used. Van Maanen defines this research method as
“the procedures for coming to terms with the meaning not the frequency of a pheno-
menon by studying it in its social context.” The qualitative methods was used because
it best answer’s the questions of “whythrough the analysis of unstructured informa-
tion. This type of method may include data collection from participant observation,
content analysis, conversation analysis, focus groups, and interviews. (Piekkari &
Welch 2004, 7) Though qualitative research method is to assist the researchers to
comprehend social and cultural contexts within which people live and what they say
and do, it is equally important to note that extracting meaning from the content is time
consuming and challenging. (Myers 2008, 5)
Furthermore, a quantitative approach is equally used because it is necessary to have
the absolute values of certain key issues during the research. Reason being that these
values can be examined in an unbiased manner. Quantitative research method is based
on the measurement of quantity or amount. It is applicable to phenomena that can be
expressed in terms of quantity. (Kumar 2008, 8) In this quantitative research, the main
objective measurements are taken through instrumentations rather than through human
judgment. Furthermore, phenomena are studied by separating the variables into parts,
exploring and analyzing selected variables, and establish the relationships among
them. (Taylor 2005, 235 236). Though quantitative research is mostly used in large
samples to carry out generalized conclusions, it will not be appropriate to roll out
quantitative research method completely during this research. Therefore, the research
shall be dominated with qualitative analysis. A triangulation idea will be more appro-
priate when demonstrating the understanding and bring out the solutions to the current
issues. The concluding remarks of the qualitative and quantitative findings could have
two approaches; inductive and deductive reasoning. Inductive approach of reasoning is
moving from a specific situation to a generalized situation. This may take the pattern
of having with the findings then researcher look for the link between his/her findings
and the theory. On the other hand, by deduction reason researchers start from a general
perspective and ends up with a specific reasoning. The researchers based their focus
from the theory and link it to their observation. (Bryman &Bell 2007, 11-12)
4.3 Research Methods and Procedure
This study utilizes both qualitative and quantitative research method. A questionnaire
and is buttressed by an interview conducted at Ultimate companion Ltd.
A structured questionnaire is used in this research as a tool to acquire information on
employee’s attitudes for what motivates those most to achieve better performance at
work. These questionnaires were made available to the employees and they had time
to answer the questions based on their views at the company. The questionnaire had
both opened and closed questions. Both the opened and closed questions were very
précised as much as possible so as to make the questionnaire more effective and effi-
cient. This survey was coordinated by the regional director of the company so as to
achieve its ultimate goal. The closed questions were short and direct to the point and it
wasn’t necessary for respondents to write much. The respondents were simply ex-
pected to mark an “X” where they feel it correspond with them most. The question-
naires was handed to the employees and the answered questions were returned at the
end of their responds in a suggestion box where by their identities were not disclosed
on the questionnaire. The closed questions where being graded on a scale of 1-5
which could be seen on appendix 1 with its clear meaning of the scaling. The ques-
tionnaire was divided into three main sections which are the background information,
work motivation and rewards. It was developed based on the theoretical work of the
thesis. These three main parts have multiple questions concerning the relationship be-
tween the employees’ and the target organization. The background questions gave us
some understanding on what kinds of respondent were. Common issues such as their
work experience within the company, their gender distribution, the different job posi-
tions as well as knowing their age structure.
The questionnaire was designed to better understand what motivates the employees at
Ultimate Companion most and questions on their promotions. Furthermore, the ques-
tionnaire examines how the company value their services, the working conditions, and
to understand how their employers motivates the employees at work. In addition to
that, the last section of the questionnaire was designed to understand the different re-
ward within the company and to give a better understanding on how the employees
feel or react in relation to the rewards system. Equally, questions on the essence of
incentive to the employees, the ways which employees would like to see their rewards
were also asked. An emphasis was made to the employees to channel their problems
through an e-mail contact whenever they have doubts over certain questions on the
questionnaire in order for them to have better understanding of the question and for
them to answer how they felt toward certain issues.
A total of 18 questionnaires were sent out, a total of 16 were return and 2 were not
return. The questions were sent to the employees through an e-mail care to the general
manager whereby he had to print the questions and hand to the employees. The res-
pondents had a time frame of approximately 30 minutes to respond to their questions.
A time frame was given to reduce the influence of other respondent over others. The
interview had seventeen questions responds from the interviewees were categorized
into three main groups. These main groups now have sub themes which make the un-
derstanding and reading of the report much easier. The questionnaire had a sum of
thirty-five questions (see appendix 1). The results from the questionnaires were classi-
fied into three main groups. These groups had sub themes as well.
In addition to the questionnaire more qualitative data was collected from a personal
interview with two representatives from Ultimate Companion Limited. The repre-
sentatives do understand the company’s policies and goals; these were the human re-
source manager and the general manager within the company. On October 4
at 15:00
Cameroon time and 17:00 Finnish time the interview was decided by the interviewees
after my proposal to take place. This interview was conducted at two different inter-
vals and it took a total of two hours fifteen minutes. The entire interview was not pro-
portionate due to their responsibilities and differences in opinion, the human resource
manager had a total of one hour thirty minutes during the session with him. The gener-
al manager had forty-five minutes of talking time during the interview process. The
idea behind the interview just as in the case of the questionnaire is to link the inter-
view with the theoretical frame work. These interviews were being conducted with the
aid of the fast and most popular media the internet “skype” calls. Notes were being
taken down when the interviewees were speaking; recording could have been another
alternative but due to the good sound quality I was able to get and write down the ne-
cessary facts. In addition to that during the course of the interview I kept a constant
reminder to the interviewees about the purpose of the interview in order to keep them
on focus.
The interview was in three main sections, the background, work motivation and re-
wards in a semi structured approach. Subsequently seventeen categories of questions
were developed on specific topics; these semi-structured questions were used as the
interview guide (see appendix 2). The interviews started by letting managers to give
brief background aspects about themselves, company, their duties and how they coor-
dinate their employees. The next stage of the interview was more of practical issues
within the company on work motivation. The questions were structured base on their
personal views on work motivation and as well as from managerial perspective which
read as follow “How do you assess your own motivation as a factor for high perfor-
mance? How do you assess employee motivation as a factor for high performance?
Finally the last phase of the interview was on reward; these questions were on how
their reward systems are and if there is need for improvement. The interview was sim-
ple and friendly with single and direct questions posse to different managers. By trying
to avoid double responds in a single question was a means to make the interview sim-
ple and precise.
Results of the questionnaires on the general background information about the respon-
dents was analyzed such as, age, full-time/part-time, gender, work experience and po-
sition. This was entered into the excel spread sheet software program which they were
processed to have their respective frequency on what they represent within the compa-
ny. The analysis of the research went on by examining the predisposition arising from
the open questions collected. Equally, some values were used to acknowledge certain
key issues which were mention in the open questions. The responds from the close
questions were equally process on excel to know the précised frequency and mean of
employees who exhibit a certain behavior within the company. Having the theoretical
work in place and from the understanding of the different motivational theories, two
different analytical approaches could be used; the inductive or the deductive approach.
The approach used in this research is based on working from the finding that is from
responds from the respondents to find a link with the theoretical work, and finally
coming out with a conclusion by reconciling the responds with the theories. By arrang-
ing the responds into groups and later into themes makes the work easier to identify
points and quotes, to give explanation to support or to contradict existing theories.
This chapter presents the findings of the study which comprise of the interviews and
surveys carried out with the respective company.
5.1 Findings from Interviews
The findings of the interview are presented according to the themes used in the struc-
ture: background information of the interviewees is introduced, work motivation and
rewards systems of employees
5.1.1 Background Information
The background information is structured in themes such as interviewees and respec-
tive duties. This section deals with the interviews conducted with the general manager
and the human resource manager of Ultimate companion limited
Interviewees and respective duties
The main interviewees at Ultimate Companion Limited are males: the human resource
manager and the general manager. Based on the interviews, the general manager han-
dle’s the logistics issues, the internal control of the company, putting in place market-
ing plan, as well as the running of the day to day activities of the company. The human
resource manager participates in the hiring and recruitment of competent workers,
advocate for a good working environment for the employees, evaluate and control the
performance of employees, sets objectives for the employees and assign positions.
Both managers have general meeting 3-4 times in a year with their employees. The
managers also schedule extra ordinary meetings with their employees if the need arises
during the year. The human resource manager has weekly and monthly meetings to
evaluate the weekly and monthly activities of the marketing and accounting units.
5.1.2 Work Motivation
Work motivation is structured in themes such as manager’s motivation, employee’s
motivation; communications, work attitude and changes develop. The interview ques-
tions are now based on personal and company opinions which will guide our focus on
the main problem question on why is money not a sufficient motivator in a compa-
Manager’s motivation
Based on the interviews both managers hold the view that if managers have high sala-
ry/well paid they would be high performance in whatever they are doing. Reason being
that the managers will offer full commitment in their respective duties and can pay for
other personal services which might need their attention though are not connected to
the company directly. With regards to the human resource manager his motivation
comes from company achievement. When there is company success he can dedicate
much of his time in order to achieve greater or more successes for the company.
Employee’s motivation
Based on the interviews the general manager talks of good salary for the employees as
well paid employees are more motivated and more disciplined. It is easier to control a
company with well paid employees than when they are not well paid. On the other
hand, the human resource manager sees employee motivation as based on their bonus-
es. The more employees have regular bonuses, the more their commitment. The hu-
man resource manager underpins the psychological state of the employee’s (what they
actually want) as a bolster to motivate them for better performance.
Both managers underscore the fact that Ultimate Company Limited has some motiva-
tional elements which the company implements for its employees. These tools for mo-
tivation are: having an internal promotion system for the employees, organizing
workshops for the employees, organizing contest for best worker of the year, having a
bonus system and having a well outline duty schedule for each and every employee
working with the company. From the above interviews on employees motivation with
the general manager and the human resource manager financial and other forms of
motivation are necessary to increase employee’s performance.
Communication with employees
The interviews on how often, essence and means of communication with employees is
so vital as the general manager and the human resource manager both communicate on
a daily bases with their employees. However, the general manager communicates with
certain employees only on weekly bases such as the chief of centers. Both managers
agreed that communicating with the employees is very vital. For the general manager
communication is vital because it will enable the managers to know the different chal-
lenges that employees do encounter. Communication will help the managers in their
technical planning as well as the development of new strategies. To the human re-
source manager it is a professional ethic to communicate with employees. He adheres
to the fact communicating with employees build a good working relationship where
both the manager and the employee can learn from each other. Both managers used the
advance technological devices as their main means of communication that is through
e-mail, phone, and online meetings with conference calls, as well as physical contacts
on a one on one conversation.
Worker’s attitude
Both managers pin point two distinctive areas which can influence the attitudes of
their employees. These were the positive aspects and the negative aspects which they
both have taken remarks of. The general and human resource managers both agreed on
the positive side that, good working conditions influenced the employees to extent
their duties after the normal working period. The human resource manager convin-
cingly acknowledge the fact that the speedy attendance by the head office in listening
to all complains put forth by the employees and prompt actions taken works positively
to shape employees attitude. None the less, the human resource managers made a neg-
ative remark on the base salaries of employees which he considers not satisfactory.
When employees efforts are not recognized it affects their attitude and out puts within
the company. On the part of the general manager time factor affects the attitudes of
some chief of center, there are under pressure to summit their reports within a very
short period.
Changes and responsibilities at work
Both managers agreed that they have been some changes at work such as in the effi-
ciency of the employees. As for the human resource manager there have been rise in
the rate at which employees demand for holidays. Both managers equally agreed that it
is the responsibility of the managers to motivate their employees at work. To the gen-
eral manager this motivation can be attend via bonuses whenever the employees meet
their targets. As for the human resource manager, managers can motivate the em-
ployees by talking to the employee and giving specific role for them to play within the
Decision making
Both managers were of the opinion that it is vital for employees to be involved in de-
cision-making within their company. This is because the employees are closer to the
clients and they can best give feedback about the reactions of clients to the services
rendered by the company. This could be achieved by employee’s attending and partic-
ipating in general meetings thereby contributing their own ideas on how to improve
customer’s relationship. This creates a situation were employees become an integral
part of the decision making process of the company.
5.1.3 Rewards
The idea of rewarding employees is not new in the business world that is why most
successful companies have different rewards system. They know that recognizing their
employees get results that range from increased productivity to high profits. Em-
ployees who feel important and appreciated by the company are more motivated.
These motivated employees are more performant on their job which contribute directly
to growth and productivity of the company. This is because they have the enthusiasm
to go extra mile for a company to contribute their intellectual capital and are willing to
stay longer on their job. This therefore makes reward an area of interest where themes
such as incentive systems and reward systems are of concern.
Incentive system
Based on the interviews both managers highlight the importance of their accrued sala-
ries being converted to stocks because this makes them to feel they are part of the
company. Both managers outline that there are distinctions made on the manner in
which incentives are given to their employees. The company has an internal promotion
system based on employee position and on the duration the employee has worked with
the company. Those employees who have worked with the company for a longer dura-
tion are taken into consideration first. They have understood the company’s policies
and goals. To both managers those employees who have worked with the company for
a longer period have a higher salary than the employees who are newly recruited.
Reward system
Both managers were of the view that salaries and bonuses are the major financial re-
ward systems which the company actually implement for it employees. The general
manager showcases the merits of end of year certificates awarded to workers with out-
standing performance within the company. This form of reward encourages other
workers to strive to reach similar goals as the will make every effort to meet similar
targets as the award holders. The human resource manager acclaim the verbal and
written appreciations rewarded to outstanding employees as instrumental to perfor-
mance within the company. Based on the interviews the human resource manager ac-
knowledges the publication of good performance is made available to all employees as
well as a time base nominations of the best employee. Both managers agreed that they
should be an improvement on the reward system of the company. The general manager
suggested that it was necessary for the company to introduce a good insurance health
policy for it employees. The human resource manager draws attention to the sugges-
tions that the company should implement a risk allowance as well as an out of station
allowance for its employees as part of their company policy. Table 1summarizes the
interview between the human resource manager and the general manager.
Table 1 summary of interview results
Key findings
Work Motivation
Manager's motivation
High salary/well paid
Company achievements
Employee's motivation
Good salary
Regular bonuses
psychological state of the employee
Motivational tools
internal promotion
workshops for the employees
contest for best worker
outline duty schedule
Communication with
Daily bases communication with em-
By e-mail, phone and conference calls
Worker's attitude
Positive aspects
Negative aspects
Changes and responsibili-
ties at work
Efficiency at work
Increased demand for holidays
Manager's duty to motivate employees
Decision making
Vital for employees to be involve in
decision making
Incentive systems
Accrued salaries converted to stocks for
Internal promotion system
Higher salaries for older workers than
newly recruit
Reward systems
Bonuses and salaries
End of year certificates
Verbal and written appreciations
Publication of good performance
5.2 Findings from Survey
The survey is structured into the background information of the employees, employees
work motivation and employees rewards. This is to draw an understanding between
work motivation and rewards from the employee’s perspective.
5.2.1 Background Information of the employees
The background information based on the survey at Ultimate companion limited
would be best illustrated with a frequency distribution table below. These frequency
tables will demonstrate aspects such as: genders, ages, work experience, positions and
contract terms.
The frequency distribution in figure 2 shows the gender relationship in the survey sev-
en of the respondents were females and nine were males. While two respondents were
reported missing.
Figure 2 Frequency distribution against employee’s gender
Figure 3 represents the age distribution of the respondents in the survey. The age range
on the frequency distribution table ranges from 22-41. Six respondents were of age
range 22-26. Three respondents were of the age range 27-31. Five of the respondents
of the age range 32-36. Two respondents were of the age range 37-41 and two em-
ployees were reported missing.
Figure 3 Frequency distribution against age of employees
Work experience
Figure 4 demonstrate the frequency distribution of the work experience of the em-
ployees in the survey. Two respondents have worked with the company for one year;
seven of the respondents have worked with the company for two years. Seven respon-
dents have worked with the company for the past three years. Two employees were
reported missing.
Figure 4 Frequency distribution against work experience of employees
Figure 5 illustrates the frequency distribution job positions of the employees in the
survey to the questionnaires conducted at Ultimate companion limited. Eight sales
persons responded to the questionnaires in the survey, one accountant, three chiefs of
sectors and one assistant personnel, one secretary, one commercial director and one
assistant facilitator did respond to the questionnaires. Two employees were reported
Figure 5 Frequency distribution against positions of employees
Contract terms
Figure 6 shows frequency distribution of contract terms based on the survey conducted
at Ultimate companion limited. Fifteen respondents are working as full time workers.
One respondent is a part time worker and two employees were reported missing.
Figure 6 Frequency distribution against contract terms of employees
5.2.2 Employee’s Work Motivation
From the findings of the survey employee’s work motivation include the following
themes; motivators, work environment, risk taking, needs fulfillment, manger’s sup-
port for employees and employee’s satisfactions.
Based on the survey one respondent relates greater motivation to appreciation at work
by her boss when she performs a particular task to the satisfaction of company man-
agement. On the other hand, four respondents attribute higher motivation when they
understand their colleagues at work and the development of good working relation-
ship. Three respondents were for the opinion that their motivation is as a result of the
working conditions within the company. Also, three respondents were motivated
based on the fact that they attend their targets at work the previous year. Two respon-
dents were motivated based on how they could share their creativity and ability at their
job area. One respondent feels highly motivated when he is working under pressure to
perform a particular task within the required time work. On the other hand one res-
pondent sees greater motivation based on how she understands the company’s policies
and goals. One respondent is motivated most when he is faced with different chal-
Work environment
From the figure below, thirteen respondents would wish to be free to make decisions
so they would have more responsibilities and three respondents were for the view that
they would like to work according by instructions from the hierarchy.
Figure 7 Frequency distribution against employee's work environment
Risk taking
From the survey six respondents strongly support the idea of taking risk in business
with the philosophy that business is a risk in it self and there isn’t a reason to fear tak-
ing risk. Five respondents think that it is not necessary taking risk and they don’t like
the idea of taking risk in business. Four respondents had a mixed feeling on taking
risk; they can take risk in business only on a conditional purpose, if the risk is insured,
if they are permitted and they have to plan first for the consequences before taking the
risk. One of the employees did not answer the question and no view was expressed on
Needs fulfillment
Based on the survey fourteen respondents felt their earning from the company enables
them to fulfill their basic needs. Two respondents don’t think their earning from the
company enable them to them to fulfill their basic need.
Manager´s support for employees
Based on the survey, three respondents think their manager supports them by letting
them to take some decisions and at times some of their opinions are being imple-
mented into the company. Seven respondents held the view that manager’s support
comes from having work shops with employees; from the work shops they could have
duty guides. One respondent regards the documentation and published company’s
progress for the previous year by the manager as means encouragement. On the other
hand, one respondent considers assigning challenging task to him by the manager sup-
ports in the building of his creativity. In contrast of the previous respondents, three
respondents hold the view that the manager has no influence on their performance.
One of the employees did not respond to this question.
Employee satisfaction
Base on the responds of the employees which are represented on table 2 below it
shows employee’s satisfaction at Ultimate companion limited. Two respondents
strongly agree, nine respondents agree, three respondents have a fair view, one res-
pondent disagree and one respondent strongly disagree that the company has a faire
promotion opportunities. With regards to promotion based on performance, thirteen
employees strongly agree, three employees agree while no employee has a fair view
nor disagree or strongly disagree that promotion should be based on performance. Fur-
thermore, seven respondents strongly agree, four respondents agree, four respondents
have a fair view one respondent disagree and none strongly disagree that their job is
beneficial to their career. Two respondents strongly agree, six respondents agree, five
respondents have a fair view, three respondents disagree and none strongly disagree
that their boss utilized their ability to full capacity. In addition, three respondents
strongly agree, seven respondents agree, six respondents have a fair view and none
disagree nor strongly disagree it is enjoyable working.
Furthermore, two respondents strongly agree, nine respondents agree, three respon-
dents have a fair view, two respondents disagree and none strongly disagree that they
have the possibilities to be promoted. With regards to challenging tasks, four respon-
dents strongly agree, five respondents agree, four respondents have a fair view, one
respondent disagrees and one respondent strongly disagrees that they like challenging
task at work. In addition, nine respondents strongly agree, four respondents agree,
three respondents have a fair view and none disagree nor strongly disagree that they
are aware of the company’s goals. Looking at the work conditions, none strongly agree
nor agrees, seven respondents have fair view, six respondents disagree and three res-
pondents strongly disagree with the working conditions. Also, three respondents
strongly agree, five respondents agree, four respondents have a fair view, four respon-
dents disagree and none strongly disagree that the boss is good at communicating in-
formation. Relating to employee empowerment, two respondents strongly agree, seven
respondents agree, five respondents have a fair view, one respondent disagrees and
none strongly disagree on managers empowering employees.
Furthermore, four employees strongly agree, six respondents agree, five employees
have a fair view, one employee disagrees and none strongly disagree that they know
how their success is measured. In addition, five respondents strongly agree, four res-
pondents agreed seven respondents have a fair view and none disagree nor strongly
disagree that the company value their service. None of the respondent strongly agrees
two respondents agree, none have a fair view nor disagree and fourteen respondents
strongly disagree that bonuses should not be part of the company’s policy. Moreover,
five respondents strongly agree, eight respondents agree, two respondent have a faire
view, none disagree and one respondent strongly disagree that their boss recognized
their extra efforts they put in their job. Seven respondents strongly agree, seven res-
pondents agreed, one respondent have fair view, none disagree and one respondent
strongly disagree that rewards should be based on performance. Finally, none of the
respondent strongly agrees, four of the respondents agree, two of the respondents have
a fair view, six disagree and four respondents strongly disagree that they are happy
with their salary.
Table 2 Employee's satisfaction
Company has fair promotion oppor-
Promotion based on performance
My job is beneficial to my career
Boss utilized my ability
it's enjoyable working
Possibilities to be promoted
like challenging task
Aware of the company's goals
Satisfy with working condition
Boss good in communicating infor-
Managers empowering employees
I know how my success was meas-
Company value my service
Bonuses should not be part of the
company policy
Boss recognizes the extra effort I put
Rewards should be based on perfor-
Happy with salary
5.2.3 Employee’s Rewards
Employee rewards are very vital as a tool of motivation and it has a strong influence
on work performance in a company. Therefore the finding on employee’s reward with-
in the survey is categorized in themes such as; the essence of incentives, bonuses and
salaries, company celebrations, other rewards, tangible and intangible rewards.
Essence of incentives
Based on the survey nine employees acknowledge the fact that the essence of incen-
tives is to keep workers busy and to promote hard work within the company. While
two employees see incentives as to keep workers on focus, incentive is some sort of
reminder bell for employees to optimize performance and benefit from it. On the other
hand, one employee acknowledges that incentive is to create competition between
workers in order to get the best performance from them. Besides the above views, one
employee in the survey value incentive as a means to maintain good and highly qualify
workers in a company. Furthermore, one employee in the survey considers incentive as
stimulus which makes him to lost focus on his social activities thus paying more atten-
tion to the company rather to his personal life. One employee considers the essence of
incentives as to boost the professional morals of workers. Lastly, two employees in the
survey see incentives as a parameter to encourage the act of creativity from the work-
Bonuses and salaries
From the survey eleven employees believe their salary is more important to them than
bonuses as this is regular and certain. Also, five employees deem their bonuses are
more important than their salary because they can increase their earnings, and there
will be greater competition at work for them to benefit from these bonuses.
Company celebrations
Based on the survey, twelve employees responded that company celebration is impor-
tant when the company has achieved desired target objectives. This will be an indica-
tion to let employees be aware of the fact that they are on focus, sign of company ap-
preciation to the staff. It gives the opportunity for co-workers to interact most closely
to each other, and it boosts the moral of employees. Four employees acknowledge that
company celebrations are not necessary to them. The company should put their re-
sources on gainful company activities, and company celebrations don’t acknowledge
individual efforts.
Other rewards
From the survey, five employees felt promotion is the most important form of reward
if the wages are certain they would like to have position of responsibilities. One em-
ployee accepts profit sharing would be the most important reward system. Ten em-
ployees admit recognition would be the most important form motivation which could
be in the form nominating the most outstanding worker or awarding certificates to
outstand workers during the year. These awards would serve as a reminder for us to
always keep in mind what the company expects from their employees.
Tangible and intangible rewards
Tangible and intangible rewards are another form of reward which was considered
during the survey. In the survey, eleven employees prefer tangible rewards than having
intangible rewards. These employees had the notion that each time they have a look at
their tangible reward it motivates them to work harder. Also, they like to justify their
hard work with something more visible which calls their attention to the achievements
that yielded them this reward. One employee feels intangible rewards are better in or-
der to keep her motivated at work than tangible rewards. Four employees rates tangi-
ble and intangible rewards as being the same as their main purpose is to motivate the
employee. Table 3 summarizes the finding s from the survey.
Table 3, survey summary on employee rewards and work motivations
Employee's work moti-
Appreciation from the boss
Colleagues collaboration
Working conditions
Meeting target
Sharing creativity
Being under pressure
Work environment
Free to make decision
Receive instruction from hierarchy
Risk taking
It is good taking risk
They don't like the ideas of taking risk
Taking risk if insured
Need fulfillment
Earnings enable
Earnings don't enable
Manager's support for
Letting employees to take decision
Having duty guides
Assigning challenging task
Employee's satisfaction
Fairness in overall satisfaction
Employee's reward
Essence of incentive
Keep workers busy
Promote hard work
keep workers on focus
Create competition
To retain workers
Boost professional morals
Bonuses or salaries
Salary more regular
Bonuses increases competition
Company celebration
Creates employee awareness for devel-
Creates room for more interaction
Not necessary
Other rewards
Profit sharing
Tangible and intangible
Need something more visible
Intangible are better
Both are the same
This chapter intends to show the link between the findings and the theoretical work.
Furthermore, the discussion of the results will be included in this chapter. And finally
the assessment of the reliability and validity of this research work shall constitute the
last part of this chapter.
6.1 Comparison of the main Findings with Previous Studies
People have different needs and these different needs make them to behave in different
ways. Majority of the respondents agreed that when well paid their motivation to work
for better performance increases. As an employee the salaries will form the bond that
will keep them closer with the company. When this need is achieved it will trigger
another dimension of thinking to realize another achievement. This perception is in
accordance with Maslow´s hierarchy of needs which is termed the basic needs. (Sri-
vastava 2005, 69) In addition, looking at the findings we note that majority of the em-
ployees are based on a permanent contract. That notwithstanding, the employees have
the possibility to be promoted within the company. This has boosted the security men-
tality of the employees and has created a conducive work environment for the em-
ployees. The employees are now aware of the fact that they have a long contract with
the company and will definitely increase their motivation for higher performance. This
is to justify the next needs of Maslow´s hierarchy that is the safety needs. (Srivastava
2005, 69) From the findings the psychological state of the employee has a major in-
fluence on their motivation. Within this category are collaboration with other em-
ployees and frequent company meetings. These attributes creates a friendly working
environment which gives rise to higher motivation at work. By visualizing Maslow’s
hierarchy of needs, we realize these attributes will support the belonging needs. (Sri-
vastava 2005, 69) In addition, letting employees to partake in decision making for the
company and employees are free to make decisions for the interest of the company
will enable the employees to have an additional motivation. The utilization of the em-
ployee ability, free to make decision at their job area and valuing their services further
buttress the theoretical understanding of esteem needs put forth by Maslow. (Srivasta-
va 2005, 69) As the lower needs are fulfilled it gives the employees additional confi-
dence at their job environment. It therefore triggers the desire for the achievement of
company targets which is understood by Maslow theoretical assumption of what he
terms self actualization. This is the highest level need in the hierarchy of needs as put
forward by Maslow. (Srivastava 2005, 69)
Based on the findings and looking at the mental process of the employees, higher wag-
es for employees will spur their motivation for higher performance. When employees
are appreciated when they perform their task in the right manner it stimulates motiva-
tion for greater performance. Furthermore, employees who have served the company
for a long period are more motivated for they have in mind the renewed confidence in
management policy that they will be given consideration for internal promotion oppor-
tunities first by the company. Their long term commitment with the company will
yield them in future higher position this keeps them more motivated. These findings
are underscored by the main assumption in Victor Vroom expectancy theory which
states that motivation is a product of the anticipated value to a person in an action.
Here the anticipated values are the possibilities of higher salaries and promotion pos-
sibilities which the employee anticipates due to longevity of service. (Bose 2004, 152-
From the findings, some employees are motivated when they meet their target goals
while other employees are more motivated when they are working under pressure. Yet,
other employees were more motivated when they have challenging task. Furthermore,
some employees enjoy working in a company were they have job satisfaction. The
above findings are consistent with Frederick Herzberg two factor theories for motiva-
tion. Herzberg contends that employees are influenced by two factors: the motivators.
(Saiyadain 2009, 158) Moreover, some employees still considered a better pay will
arouse their motivation at work. On the other hand some employees considered com-
pany policies such as contest for best worker, end of year certificates for outstanding
employees, internal promotion system and the publication of good performance within
the company as aspects which trigger their motivation for high performance. Further-
more, most the respondent are motive when there are operating in a favorable working
condition which include: having daily communication with the boss to note their
progress, having a verbal and written appreciation from the boss will increase their
motivation for high performance. Therefore, these survey finding are underpinned by
the theoretical consideration of Frederick Herzberg hygiene factors. To Herzberg,
these hygiene factors will enhance employee dissatisfaction if not fulfilled. (Saiyadain
2009, 158)
The survey findings shows that majority of the respondents are more motivated when
they take part in general meetings and are given the opportunity to contribute their
opinion on the overall company policies. The findings equally illustrates that it is the
responsibility of the managers to motivate the employees which creates an enabling
ground for high performance within employees. This view has a direct correlation with
John Adair’s fifty-fifty theoretical reasoning on how employees can be motivated for
higher performance within a company. John Adair presupposes that fifty percent of
motivation comes from within a person and the remaining fifty percent comes from
the environment. To him, within these external factors; the nature and quality of lea-
dership within a company is very important . This therefore justifies the fifty-fifty
theory of John Adair. (John 2006, 38-41)
Employee’s motivation for better performance is so vital in order for the company to
attend its goals. The management of the company should understand the diversity that
exists within the company. To summarize this finding, employees at Ultimate compa-
nion limited have an overall fair job satisfaction. The employees are not satisfied with
their current salary situation at the company which illustrate that financial motivation
is important within a company. The finding equally shows that majority of the em-
ployees are motivated most to perform when they receive non-financial reward. Also,
majority of the employees show a great intrinsic value for higher performance. Finally,
the management at Ultimate companion limited should not stick to a single motiva-
tional strategy in order to achieve greater performance from the employees.
6.2 Reliability and Validity of the Study
Reliability is a statistical measure of how replicable the survey instrument data are and
the explanation of its accuracy. Reliability is present if the research has no random
errors. Unlike validity, it focuses on the consistency of the results. In addition, reliabil-
ity is a necessary but not sufficient condition of validity. (Lehmann 2009, 8) The relia-
bility of this research is very good based on the fact that during the survey two ques-
tions were not answered. This implies that the respondents actually understand the
questions. The data collection was not based on the management views only but the
employees equally presented their opinions. The response rate was significant which
gives more credibility to this research. Furthermore, the survey questions were directly
linked to the theoretical frame work of the research and it equally gives an adequate
answer to the problem question raised in this report.
6.3 Analyses
The subject matter of this research work motivation and employee performance is
central to managers/human resource department within organizations and companies.
This is because well motivated employees have greater performance and this is trans-
lated through greater productivity and the quality of services rendered. In essence,
greater productivity and the quality of services rendered by a company or organization
have a direct bearing on the profit margin of a company. What has aroused greater
thinking within the research world is how best employees can be motivated in order to
achieve greater performance. Therefore, scholars, researchers and entrepreneurs have
seen theories put forth in an attempt to explain how best employees can be motivated
in order to achieved greater performance. This takes us to the problem question in this
research topic why is money not a sufficient motivator for better performance in a
company or organization? In a bit to give an explanation to this question Ultimate
companion limited was used as a case study to illustrate how employee’s motivation
can impact on performance.
From an academic and practical stand point, motivation is a dynamic and challenging
concept. This is because what motivates one employee may not necessary be a motiva-
tor to another employee within the same company or organization (an intriguing is-
sue in the contemporary business world to managers and human resource department).
Yet to many, money is clearly a significant motivator at work. The extent to which
money is a significant motivator depends on individual circumstances and the happi-
ness employees may derive from money and its effect on performance. On another
breath it is a subjective evaluation, for it doesn’t tells us whether all about motivation
and performance is centered on money.
Maslow, Herzberg, John Adair, Vroom have presented theories in an attempt to ex-
plain on how motivation can best be achieved within a company or organization. To
Maslow, the answer is very simple and lies within his hierarchy of needs. He post-
ulated that there are five different levels of needs and once we happen to satisfy a need
at one stage or level of hierarchy it has an influence on our behavior. Therefore, our
behavior tends to diminish at that level of achievement and we now put a more power-
ful influence on our behavior for the need at the next level up the hierarchy. Maslow
was highly acclaimed in his explanation of what triggers motivation most. Yet, he lost
sight of the fact that human needs are not hierarchical and can not be generalized with-
in a society or company. Basic needs may differ from person to person, community to
community, region to region, and develop and less develop world. Furthermore, he did
not explain how these needs can be achieved that is whether financially or through
some intrinsic values within a person. Nevertheless, his contribution on what can trig-
ger motivation for performance is commendable as he identify the existence of human
needs and the desire to be motivated to satisfy these needs. Herzberg on his part used
the two factor theory to explain how motivation for greater performance can be
achieved. To him those factors which cause job satisfaction are the opposite of those
that cause job dissatisfaction - motivators and hygiene factors. The motivators are
those factors which provide the sentiments for job satisfaction (intrinsic) and they
come from within an individual. On the other hand there also the hygiene factors
which creates a suitable work environment (extrinsic). His explanation acknowledges
the fact that motivation is more dynamic in his classification of intrinsic an extrinsic
values. Money amongst other things is important to trigger motivation for high per-
formance. In other words money is insufficient in explaining what triggers motivation
for high performance. That not withstanding the two factor theory by Herzberg was
bias in it assessment for his survey was carried out within a group of accountants and
engineers. Companies or organizations are more diverse cutting across different dis-
ciplines and cultural background.
The fifty-fifty theory by John Adair illustrates how motivational factors could influ-
ence company performance. His theory was underpinned by the fact that fifty percent
of motivation comes from within a person and the other fifty percent from the envi-
ronment mainly from people around us. To him individuals are self motivated (moti-
vation from within or inner motivation) and externally motivated (the quality of lea-
dership). This explains the fact that in as much as financial motivation can come from
leadership the inner self motivation may not be influence by money thus creating a
situation where money a lone will not optimize employee motivation for better per-
formance. Finally, Vroom came up with the expectancy theory to the understanding of
motivation. To him motivation is a product of anticipated value to a person in an ac-
tion. According to him motivation is increased when the expectancy level for an action
is high. The practical application of this theory is difficult as expectancy varies from
person to person. However, from the theoretical perspective what is important is the
fact that money is a motivator and not the only motivator. For managers and human
resource department to optimize employee performance within a company or organi-
zation it is important to use the monetary incentives along side the other incentives
(both financial and non financial).
It does not only suffice to motivate employees but it is equally vey important to use the
performance management process to evaluate employee motivational level. This will
create an opportunity for management to review employee motivation in relation to
performance. Where performance is low, management need to put in place other strat-
egies for greater motivation that will enhance performance. Here the performance
management process is a gauge which evaluates how motivation influences perfor-
mance both at individual as well as on the overall company or organizational level.
Not withstanding the weaknesses inbuilt in the performance management process,
companies or organizations should not ignore it where it can be adequately used. It
guides management to evaluate the extent to which motivation impacts on perfor-
mance. This creates opportunities for management to review the motivation policies
where the results are not satisfactory or maintain the motivation policies where the
results are satisfactory. The outcome of performance management process will give
management a sound judgment of individual employee performance rating as well as
the overall company performance rate.
The performance management system creates an opportunity for the management and
the human resource department to structure it reward system for employees in the
most efficient manner. Here, the company reward system determines what motivate
employees best for greater performance and it application within the company. There-
fore, from both an academic and professional perspective, motivation for greater per-
formance is multidimensional that is why any reward system that motivate employees
for greater performance must also be multidimensional as well. The thrust of this ar-
gument stems from the fact that reward systems that can impact on performance are
both financial and non-financial. This takes us to the problem question why money is
not a sufficient motivator for greater performance? To give this problem question
greater clarity, culture in human resource management equally exerts an influence on
motivation for greater performance. For instance, an employee from an individualistic
culture will be less performant within collectivist cultural business or organizational
milieu. Furthermore, Trompenaar’s dimension equally highlights the impact of cul-
ture on performance. Sequential culture compels people to do one activity at a time
and follow schedule strictly to optimize performance while with synchronic culture
people can work in parallel and follow schedules and agendas loosely to optimize per-
The case study in this research work Ultimate Companion Limited Company has the
slogan “Prosperity for all” which signifies that the prosperity of the company is impor-
tant, so to is the prosperity of the employees which can be achieved through the moti-
vational instruments within the company. The company must analyze how well some
motivations can influence employee performance and identify those factors that can
trigger higher performance most. Questionnaires and interviews were conducted with
employees and management to get their views on what they consider motivator and
how it improves on their performance level. In essence their views could be summa-
ries into financial and non financial motivators as well as tangible and non tangible.
These includes: High salary, regular bonuses, the psychological state of the employee,
internal promotions, workshops, contest for best workers, duty schedule of task, work
attitude, change of responsibilities, decision making, incentive systems and reward
systems. These views are both theoretically founded and practically backed. What
remains unevaluated is the appropriate combination to come out with the most moti-
vating attributes for higher performance. As in the world of social sciences greater
dynamism is required and considerations must be taken to come out with an objective
standard. This is to avoid a situation where what motivates one employee may not
necessarily motivate the other.
6.3 Development and further studies
Based on the findings of this study, it seems Ultimate companion should not only as-
sumed that money is the ultimate motivator for high performance within their compa-
ny. In addition, Ultimate companion could use the idea profit centre. By profit centers
it implies that managers have to drive the sales revenue generating activities as well as
controlling costs driving activities. Furthermore, the company could implement indi-
vidual rewards. Further research can be taken in the area of “the role of unions in em-
ployee motivation”. Also, “the impact of leadership on employee motivation”
6.5 Conclusions
Employee motivation and performance is very central in the management of employee
within a company or organization. This is because it has a direct bearing on the com-
pany productivity or quality of services rendered. This intends has an impact on the
company profits and continued existence. As a consequence, management most con-
tinuously put in place a veritable motivational structure so as to achieve greater per-
formance. Due to the importance of motivation on employee performance within the
business, it has led to a lot of academic writings. This branch of social science has
posed a lot challenges to scholars, researchers and entrepreneurs.
Because of the complexity and dynamism of this academic discipline, researchers have
attempted to give a theoretical explanation on how best employees can be motivated
and how this can lead to higher performance. Although these theories have extensively
duel on how best employee motivation can lead to higher performance; we most lost
sight of the fact that theories cannot exhaustively explain human behavior and how
best employees can be motivated to achieve higher performance. This is because theo-
ries are ideological and sometimes abstract and may aim at satisfying the curiosity of
researchers. That is why theories must be purposefully used with a guided focus.
Therefore the application of theories in social science must be well guided and the
relevant parts of the theory applied to achieve the intended desire in motivation for
high performance by a company.
The interviews and questionnaire in this report creates a practical link between the
theoretical assumptions and the practical reality on how best employees can be moti-
vated for higher performance at Ultimate Companion Limited. This creates a realistic
behavior on employee’s attitude to motivation and performance within the case study
in question. The case study equally creates a link between the topic and the problem
question, that is, why is money an insufficient motivator for high performance. This is
a direct consequence of human behavior which certainly is affected by many factors.
The dynamism of human behavior creates a dynamic approach to answer the problem
question in this report. Therefore, money is a motivator but money alone will not ade-
quately or exhaustively solve the problems of motivation for employee high perfor-
mance in a company Ultimate Companion Limited.
This thesis was a design to understand employee’s motivation from the human re-
source management perspective. It would be unrealistic to say this project never had
challenges in the course of writing. This topic of study became an area of interest after
the completion of the course on human resource management. With the development
of interest when in this course when I did human resource management, I started to
collect relevant literature on this subject area interest. It wasn’t all that easy to have the
relevant theories that will be applicable to this research area. Since I gave myself
enough time from the moment I develop an interest in this area study, I went to the
library to read extensively on this subject area. With such extensive reading I was able
to have the relevant theories and material to begin this research.
The research process was easy initial phase. When the final write up phase began it
was more complex from what I had in mind. But with the assistance from the supervi-
sor, it was much easier to know what each stage of the writing entails. Having
progress plan is not enough to enable the writer to meet up with appropriate timing
with the thesis. Doing the right things alongside the progress planner will enable the
writer meet up with each date limit. However, the entire research was an interesting
processing with much concentration from the researcher and basically a coordinating
orientation from the supervisors.
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Appendix 1 Questionnaire
Motivation evaluation
I am a student of Mikkeli University of Applied Sciences and this questionnaire forms
part of my bachelor’s thesis. I am doing a survey on employee’s motivation to com-
pany performance at Ultimate Companion Ltd. You could answer the questionnaire by
completing the blank spaces with precise answers.
1. Gender
a) Female
b) Male
2. Age
3. a) Full time
b) Part time
4. Position
5. How long have you been working for the Ultimate Companion Ltd
6. What motivates you most at work?
7. What do you think about taking risk?
8. How does your job enable you to fulfil your basic needs?
9. How does your employer encourage you to work?
10. I prefer my job environment to be(Please select one)
a) Free to make decisions so I have more responsibilities
b) Hierarchy so I have to work according to instructions given
11. What do you think is the essence of incentive to you?
12. Do you think bonuses are more important than your salary why?
13. Are company achievement celebrations important to you why?
14. What other reward aspect beside wages do you think it is important for you?
15. Do you perceive tangible and intangible rewards equally? Why?
Could you answer the questionnaire by rating the following statements by ticking only
one appropriate box on the side of each question, where 1= strongly disagree, 2 = Dis-
agree, 3 = fair, 4 = Agree, 5 = strongly agree, which best corresponds with your opin-
What is your opinion for the following
My company provide fair promotion opportunities
Promotion should be based on performance
My job is beneficial to my career
My boss allows me to have my ability fully utilize
It’s enjoyable to go to work
I have the possibility to be promoted in my work
I like more challenging task at work
I am well aware of the company's comprehensive
I am satisfy with the working condition
My boss is good in communicating information
It is essential for managers empower employees
The company value my service
I am happy with my salary
I know how my success was measured
Bonuses should not be part of the company policy
My boss recognizes the extra effort I put at work
Rewards should be based on performance
If you have any questions related to the study, you can contact akahwil-
Thank you for your responds
Appendix 2 Interview questions
1. Can you brief me a bit about your organization?
2. What is your position within the company?
3. What duties do you carry out?
4. How often do you have general meetings with the employees?
5. How do you assess your own motivation as a factor for high performance?
6. How do you assess employee motivation as a factor for high performance?
7. How often do you communicate with employees?
8. Are there motivational tools? If yes, please list ……
9. Do you consider it important communicating to the staffs? How?
10. What factors affect the attitude of workers either positive or negative?
11. Have you realized any changes in employee performance in the past two years?
12. Would you encourage involve employees in decision-making? How?
13. Is it the responsibility for the manager to motivate the employees? How?
14. How is the incentive system for the managers’ structure at your company (bo-
15. What types of differences exist in the motivation of an employee who has been
for a long time with the company and those who have just arrived?
16. What type of reward system you have in the company?
a) Financial
b) Nonfinancial
17. Is there any need for improvement for the reward system?