Recitation 06
Abstract Classes/Methods and Interfaces
March 19
& 20
Abstract Classes (extends)
Interfaces (implements)
Problem Set 5
Abstract Classes: Content
Some data members, like any class
Some methods implemented (concrete)
Some methods declared, but
unimplemented (abstract)
We generally know what the method does
How the method performs may be different
for different objects
Abstract Classes: Coding
Abstract classes cannot be instantiated.
Instantiate (v.) – use the “new” keyword to create
a new Object (or instance of a class)
Some methods remain unimplemented.
Subclasses must implement all abstract
methods, or must also be abstract classes.
Why make a method abstract?
Provide some default behaviors in concrete
Programmer is FORCED to implement methods in
a subclass before any object can be instantiated.
abstract Keyword
public abstract class MyClass {
// data members
private int myDataMember;
public MyClass (int md){
// concrete methods havebodies or definitions
myDataMember = md;
public int getData(){
// concrete method
return myDataMember;
public abstract int calc(int factor);
// abstract methods omit the „body
ˆ ˆ
extends Keyword
public class AnotherClass extends MyClass{
public AnotherClass (int md){
// call constructor from “parent” or super class
// implement all abstract methods
public int calc(int factor){
return factor * factor;
Abstract Classes: Exercise 1 p.1
1) Write an abstract class Shape
Data members: numSides
Constructor: initialize numSides
Concrete method: get method for numSides
Abstract methods: getArea(), getPerimeter()
2) Write a concrete subclass Rectangle
Data members: width, height
3) Write a concrete subclass RtTriangle
Data members: width, height
4) In another class, write a main method to
define a Rectangle and a Triangle.
Solution: Shape
1 public abstract class Shape
2 {
3 private int numSides;
5 public Shape( int newSides)
6 {numSides = newSides;}
8 public int getNumSides()
9 {return numSides;}
11 public abstract double getArea();
12 public abstract double getPerimeter();
13 }
1) Write an abstract class Shape
Data members: numSides
Constructor: initialize numSides
Concrete method: get method for numSides
Abstract methods: getArea(), getPerimeter()
2) Write a concrete subclass Rectangle
Data members: width, height
3) Write a concrete subclass RtTriangle
Data members: width, height
4) In another class, write a main method to
define a Rectangle and a Triangle.
Abstract Classes: Exercise 1 p.2
Abstract Classes: Exercise p.3
1) Write an abstract class Shape
Data members: numSides
Constructor: initialize numSides
Concrete method: get method for numSides
Abstract methods: getArea(), getPerimeter()
2) Write a concrete subclass Rectangle
Data members: width, height
3) Write a concrete subclass RtTriangle
Data members: width, height
4) In another class, write a main method to
define a Rectangle and a Triangle.
Abstract Classes: Exercise p.4
1) Write an abstract class Shape
Data members: numSides
Constructor: initialize numSides
Concrete method: get method for numSides
Abstract methods: getArea(), getPerimeter()
2) Write a concrete subclass Rectangle
Data members: width, height
3) Write a concrete subclass RtTriangle
Data members: width, height
4) In another class, write a main method to
define a Rectangle and a Triangle.
Its like a checklist: Class that implements an
interface must implement/define all methods
declared in the interface.
A set of related method declarations.
All method declarations omit the body.
Constants may be defined.
Why use interfaces?
Define a set of behaviors
Allow multiple inheritance by implementing multiple
Abstract Classes vs. Interfaces
Abstract Classes have
Static and instance data
Concrete and/or abstract
Single inheritance
(via extends)
Interfaces have
Static final data members
All methods abstract
“Multiple Inheritance
(via implements)
No constructor
and Subclass Rectangle?
public abstract class Shape {
private int numSides;
public Shape(int numSides){
this.numSides =
public double getNumSides()
return numSides; }
public abstract double
public abstract double
public class Rectangle extends
Shape {
private double height, width;
public Rectangle(double w,
double h) {
this.height = h;
this.width = w;
public double getArea() {
return height * width;
public double getPerimeter() {
return 2 * (height + width);
Interface: Exercise 2 p.1
1) Write an interface Resizable
Has a method resize(double x) that
resizes a Shapes dimensions by factor x
2) Make Rectangle implement Resizable
3) Write a main method to:
- Define a Rectangle (width = 2, height = 3)
- Print the Rectangles area & perimeter
- Resize the Rectangle by factor of 2
- Re-print the Rectangles area & perimeter
Interface: Exercise 2 p.2
1) Write an interface Resizable
Has a method resize(double x) that
resizes a Shapes dimensions by factor x
2) Make Rectangle implement Resizable
3) Write a main method to:
- Define a Rectangle (width = 2, height = 3)
- Print the Rectangles area & perimeter
- Resize the Rectangle by factor of 2
- Re-print the Rectangles area & perimeter
Interface: Exercise 2 p.3
1) Write an interface Resizable
Has a method resize(double x) that
resizes a Shapes dimensions by factor x
2) Make Rectangle implement Resizable
3) Write a main method to:
- Define a Rectangle (width = 2, height = 3)
- Print the Rectangles area & perimeter
- Resize the Rectangle by factor of 2
- Re-print the Rectangles area & perimeter
instanceof Keyword
The instanceof operator compares an object to a
specified type.
You can use it to test if an object is:
- an instance of a class,
- an instance of a subclass,
- or an instance of a class that implements a
particular interface.
Source: http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/nutsandbolts/op2.html
public class Animal {
//body hidden
public class Cow extends Animal{
//body hidden
Here class Lion and Cow extends Animal
instanceof Example
public class Lion extends Animal{
//body hidden
public void roar(){//body hidden}
1 public static void main(String[] args) {
2 Animal[] zoo= new Animal[2];
4 zoo[0] = new Cow();
5 zoo[1] = new Lion();
7 for( int i =0; i<zoo.length; i++){
8 Animal a = zoo[i];
9 if( a instanceof Lion){ //test using instanceof keyword
10 System.out.println(Animal " + i + is a Lion);
11 Lion l = (Lion) a; //Cast the Object to a Lion
12 l.roar(); //Call a method in the Lion class
13 }
14 }
Prints: Animal 1 is a Lion
Polymorphism: Exercise
Write a main method
Create a Rectangle and a RtTriangle
Add them to an ArrayList of *Shapes*
Iterate through the Shapes in the ArrayList
If the Shape is Resizable, resize it by a factor of 0.5
Print out perimeter and area
Write a program to model MBTA vehicles
Three types of vehicles: Bus, Urban Rail,
and Commuter Rail
Three kinds of Right-of-Way: Dedicated,
Shared, and Mixed (Hybrid)
Problem Set 5
This homework tests your knowledge of inheritance. Your
solution must inherit as much as possible from the superclasses
and/or interfaces.
Be sure to use at least one of EACH of the following in your
solution: abstract class, interface, abstract method, final method.
Hint: The trick is to determine if the set of Route Types and
ROW Types should be Interfaces or Classes (Inheritance
- Which Types require “multiple inheritance”?
MIT OpenCourseWare
1.00 / 1.001 / 1.002 Introduction to Computers and Engineering Problem Solving
Spring 2012
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